HTML Perl 2008-09

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Understanding & Interlinking of HTML,

Perl, MySQL & Apache Web Server.

Shankar @ ISE
Introduction HTML

 What is an HTML File?

– HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
– An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags
– The markup tags tell Web browser how to display the page
– An HTML file must have an .htm or .html file extension
– An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

First Simple Example (mypage.html)

<title>Title of page</title>
<body> This is my first homepage.
<b>This text is bold</b>
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
HTML Elements are HTML Tags

 HTML tags are used to mark HTML elements

 HTML tags are surrounded by the two characters < and >
 The surrounding characters are called angle brackets
 HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>
 The first tag in a pair is the start tag,
the second tag is the end tag
 The text between the start and end tags is the element content
 HTML tags are not case sensitive,
<b> means the same as <B>
 HTML Element Example: <b>This text is bold</b>
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
HTML Basics
 HTML Tag  Body Tag

<html> … </html> <html>

<title>My First HTML Document</title>
 Title Tag </head>
<title>My First HTML Document</title> text, images, and links

 Head Tag  Headers

<head> Six levels of header h1 to h6.

<title>My First HTML Document</title>
</head> <h1> This is header 1 tag </h1>

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

HTML Basics Cont…
 Paragraphs  <p> tag placed at the end.

<p> causes a line break & adds a trailing blank line

<br> causes a line break with no trailing blank line

 Preformatted Text
<pre>this is
an example of a preformatted text tag</pre>

 <b> boldface </b> tag

 <i> italic </i> tag

 <center> This is a centered sentence </center> tag

 horizontal rule tag <hr>

<!-----This comment will not appear in the browser----->
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
HTML Basics Cont…


 Unnumbered lists

<li> list item 1
<li> list item 2
<li> list item 3

 Numbered lists

<li> list item 1
<li> list item 2
<li> list item 3
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
HTML Tables

<table summary=“” border=“” width=“” cellpadding=“” cellspacing=“”>

<th>1990</th> <th>2000</th> <th>type</th> </tr>
<tr> <td>5.31</td> <td>4.2</td> <td>percent increase</td></tr>
<td>$30,333</td> <td>$46,576</td> <td>hardwaresoftware</td>

td  table data
tr  table row
th  table header

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

HTML Forms
 HTML Form is constructed using form element & containing other components such as:

 buttons: used to submit the form or execute script code.

– eg: <button onclick="">Push Me</button>

 textfields and password fields: single line inputs

– eg: <input type="text" size="20" value="YOUR NAME"/>
– eg: <input type="password" size="20"/>

 check boxes and radio buttons: allow the user to say yes/no to a choice, or one
of several choices.
– eg: <input type="checkbox" checked/> Would you like monthly newsletter?

 radio buttons: can be used to give an exclusive choice among several possible
– eg: <input type="radio" name="gender1" checked/> Male
<input type="radio" name="gender2" /> Female
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
HTML Forms Cont…
 selection lists: these give a choice through a popup or scroll list
– eg: <select> <option value="1">dog</option>
<option value="2">cat</option>
<option value="3">cow</option> </select>

 textareas: multi-line inputs

– eg: <textarearows="5" cols="20"></textarea>

 Button as hyperlink
– eg: <button onclick="location=''">Go to Google</button>

 Image as hyperlink
– eg: <imgsrc="yahoo_out.gif" onclick="location=''"
onmouseover="src='yahoo_over.gif'" onmouseout="src='yahoo_out.gif'" />

 Linking to other documents

– eg: <a href="">Welcome to Google</a>
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
HTML Example
<TITLE> Welcome to Google </TITLE>
<h1> Welcome to Google </h1>
Welcome to the home page of Google
So how will we do this. Well we do the following
<li><A HREF=“googlep.html">Burn</A> more
<li>Best search engine <A
Application</A> layer.
<li>Birth of google<A
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Exercise on HTML

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

PERL (Practical Extraction & Reporting Language)

 Perl is by far the most widely used language for CGI programming. It contains
many powerful features, and is very easy for the novice programmer to learn.

 The advantages of Perl include:

– It is highly portable and readily available.

– It contains extremely powerful string manipulation operators.

– It contains very simple and concise constructs.

– It makes calling shell commands very easy.

– There are numerous extensions built on top of Perl for specialized functions;
for example, there is oraperl (or the DBI Extensions), which contains functions for
interfacing with the Oracle database.

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Perl Cont…
 # perl –v (installation version)
 # (execution)
Eg: print( "hello" );
print " world\n";
print "hello", " again", "\n";
print " hello " . " one " . " more " . " time " , "\n";

$foo # a scalar
@foo # a list
%foo # a hash
Eg: $n = 42; $name = “shan"; $color = 'red'; print $name + $color;
$real_result= $boolean_result? 1 : 0;
@scores = (32, 45, 16, 5);
%favorite = (shan=> 'red', sam=> 'blue');
$scores[2] # an element of @scores
$favorite{shan} # a value in %favorite
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Perl Cont…
 scalar values
$days # the simple scalar value "days"
$days[28] # the 29th element of array @days
$days{'Feb'} # the 'Feb' value from hash %days

 entire hashes
%days # (key1, val1, key2, val2 ...)

 entire arrays or array slices

@days # ($days[0], $days[1],... $days[n])
@days[3,4,5] # same as @days[3..5]
@days{'a','c'} # same as ($days{'a'},$days{'c'})

 list values @abc= ("cat", "dog", $def);

 hash values
$abc{'December'} = 12;
$month = $abc{'December'};
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Perl Example

# A simple addition program
print "Please enter first number:\n";
$number1 = <STDIN>;
chomp $number1;
print "Please enter second number:\n";
$number2 = <STDIN>;
chomp $number2;
$sum = $number1 + $number2;
print "The sum is $sum.\n";
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Perl (Operators)
print "truth value of (2 == 2) = ", (2 == 2), "\n"; ;
print "truth value of (1 == 2) OR ( 1==1) = ", (1 == 2 or 1==1), "\n";

 The ? Operator
eg: $val= 5; print ( $val== 5 ? "valequals 5\n" : "valdoesn't equal 5\n" );

 File operators:
-f filename # tests if file exists
-d , -x, -w
Eg: #
print "Enter file/directory name:\n";
$filename = <STDIN>;
chomp $filename;
print "$filename ", -f $filename ? "IS a file\n" : "is NOT a file\n";

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Perl (Operators) Cont…
 control flow:
if (EXPR) BLOCK [ converse of if is unless ]
if (EXPR) BLOCK elsif (EXPR) BLOCK ... else BLOCK
while (EXPR) BLOCK
while (EXPR) BLOCK continue BLOCK
foreach VAR (LIST) BLOCK
loop control via next, last, and redo

eg: if ($model <= 3000) { $os= 'mpe' };

foreach $number ( @array ) { $number **= 2; }

 Assignment operators:
$a += 2; is equivalent to $a = $a + 2;
**= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /=
|= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x=
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Perl (Operators) Cont…
 numeric comparisons:
< > <= >= == != <=>
<=> returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the left argument is numerically less
than, equal to, or greater than the right argument

 string comparsions:
lt gt le ge eq ne cmp
cmp returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the left argument is stringwise less
than, equal to, or greater than the right argument

 Bitwise operators: shift left: << , shift right: >>, AND: &, OR: |, XOR: ^, negation: ~

 Command Line Arguments:

Eg: #
$first_arg= shift @ARGV;
$second_arg= shift @ARGV;
print " $first_arg x $second_arg= ", $first_arg * $second_arg, "\n“;
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Perl (Subroutines)
Eg: #
sub max {
my $max = shift(@_);
foreach$foo(@_) {
$max = $fooif $max < $foo; }
return $max;
$bestday= max($mon,$tue,$wed,$thu,$fri);

 parameters passed via @_array

@_[0] = parm1, @_[1] = parm2, etc
@_ is an alias (i.e. call by reference)

 private variables declared with my

 the value of the last expression is the functional return value

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Perl (Some Functions)
 scalar(@array)  length of an array

 Index count: $#
Eg: @nums=(…);
print $#nums;

 slice of an array  splice

splice (array, offset, length, list)
Eg: @words = ('The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped');
@spliced = splice(@words, 1, 2, 'happy', 'red');
print "spliced words = @spliced\n"; # quick brown

 push(@array, x, y)


20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Perl (Some Functions) Cont…



Eg: #
$alphabet = "ABCDEF";
@words = split(//, $alphabet); # @words = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F')

Eg: #
@words = ('The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped');
print join("+", @words), "\n“; # The+quick+brown+fox+jumped
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Perl (Hashes)
# create a lookup table of Ciphertext
# keyed by Cipher ID
( "BACR01A01" => "AC005555",
"BACR48E02" => "AC005577",
"BACR24K17" => "AC005101", );
# get all the keys in the hash (hash is keyed by Cipher ID)
@cipher = keys %accession_hash;
print “Cipher IDs: @cipher\n";
# prints BACR01A01 BACR48E02 BACR24K17
# get all the values in the hash (hash is a lookup for accessions)
@accs= values %accession_hash;
print “Ciphertexts: @accs\n";
# prints AC005555 AC005577 AC005101
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Perl (Files)
open (HANDLE, "/file/path") -open for reading
open (HANDLE, "< /file/path") -open for reading
open (HANDLE, "> /file/path") -open for writing
open (HANDLE, ">> /file/path") -open for appending
open (HANDLE, "| shell command") -open pipe for writing
open (HANDLE, "shell command |") -open pipe for reading
open (F, $data_file) || die ("Could not open file!");

 Arguments are passed into functions through special array @_

 Last element of the array $#_

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Exercise on PERL

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

CGI Web Server

 A computer program that allows web servers to forward requests for

processing to other programs, which then return their results to the web server.

Serving up Static Data

Serving up Dynamic Data
20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
GET and POST Method
– Query length can be unlimited (unlike in GET)
– Is used to send a chunk of data to the server to be processed
– You can send entire files using post
– Your form data is attached to the end of the POST request (as opposed to the
– Not as quick and easy as using GET, but more versatile (provided that you are
writing the CGI directly)

– Your entire form submission can be encapsulated in one URL
– You can access the CGI program with a query without using a form
– Fully includes it in the URL:
– Is how your browser downloads most files
– Don't use GET if you want to log each request
– Is used to get a file or other resource

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

GET & POST Examples:

<FORM NAME="myform" ACTION=“http://localhost/cgi-bin/prog.cgi" METHOD="GET">
First Name: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="fname" SIZE="20“><BR>
Last Name: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="lname" SIZE="20"><BR>

 POST: Replace the METHOD=“POST”

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Form Interaction With CGI

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Example for GET
print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";
$query_string= $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
($field_name, $command) = split (/=/, $query_string);

 #Html program
<HEAD><TITLE>Simple Form!</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY> <H1>Simple Form!</H1> <HR>
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/" METHOD="GET">
Command: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="command" SIZE=40>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Form!">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Form">
</FORM> <HR> </BODY> </HTML>

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Apache Web Server
 Apache is primarily used to serve static and dynamic content on the WWW.
# yum install httpd
/etc/httpd/ (config files)
/etc/init.d/httpd (startup config file)
/var/www/ (root files)
 Configuration (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) [ Optional -> Only if programs don’t work ]
ServerName (localhost:80) Uncomment
<CGI Directory> …. Options None(ExecCGI) … </D>
AddHander cgi-script .cgi( .pl ) Uncomment
 Starting, Stoping& Restarting Apache (w.r.t root)
# service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
# service httpd restart or /etc/init.d/httpd restart
#service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
 Checking for exisiting httpd server
# rpm –q httpd

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Apache & HTML

 Check for test page:


 All html files need to be saved in

/var/www/html directory (for Fedora Core)
/srv/www/htdocs directory (for SuSe)

Eg: # hello.html
<html> “Hello World” </html>


20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Apache & Perl
 All perl files need to be saved in
/var/www/cgi-bin directory (for Fedora Core)
/srv/www/cgi-bin directory (for SuSe)

Eg: or hello.cgi

print “Content-type: text/html\n\n”;
print “Hello World\n”;

 Execution permission
# chmod +x hello.cgi

 Command prompt execution

# perl hello.cgi

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE
Html: To display UNIX output
<title>Command Execution</title>
<body bgcolor=\"red\">
<form action="http://localhost/cgi-bin/" method="GET">
<h1>Command Execution:</h1><hr>
Enter the Command: <input type="text" name="cmd" ><br>
Submit: <input type="submit "value="submit">

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

Perl Code: To display UNIX output

print"Result of the Command:","\n\n";
$query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
($field_name,$command) = split(/=/,$query_string);
print `$command`;

20 August 2008 shankar@ISE

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