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Draft Pembagian Soal Kelas 7, 8, 9

Pilihan Ganda 17, Essay 3

Draft Soal Kelas 7

I. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, c, or d.

1. Shiva meets Lia, her old friend, on her way walking to her office. Shiva greets her.

Shiva : You are Lia, aren’t you? Hi …

Lia : Hi, Shiva. Oh I am just fine. How about yourself?
Shiva : I am fine, too. I am working for that office now.
Lia : Really? How lucky you are!

a. Where do you live now?

b. How have you been?
c. Do you remember me?
d. Do I look great?

2. Mr. Handoyo is eager to know about Anton’s condition. He is not cheerful as usual.
Mr. Handoyo : Anton, what is the matter with you? You do not look well this
Anton : You are right, Sir. … I think I get cold.
Mr. Handoyo : You’d better take a rest at home, then.

a. I am okay
b. I am just fine
c. I do not feel too well this morning
d. I do not feel bad


I see .... on the table.

a. a apple
b. an apple
c. the apple
d. some apples

4. A : What do we have in the refrigerator?

B : We have ..... melon, ..... orange and .... carrots.
a. a - an - some
b. an - a - some
c. some - an - a
d. some - a - an

5. David : Do you like playing football?

Michael : .......
David : Why?
Michael : Because it is fun.
a. Yes, I like it
b. Yes, I do
c. No, I hate it
d. No, I like


What does the notice mean?

a. We should get in the room.
b. The room is only for the staff.
c. We can meet a director in this room.
d. The staff cannot get in.

Text for no. 7 - 8

Ali : Hi, Eka.
Eka : Hi, Ali. How are you?
Ali : I am fine. Thanks. Who is she?
Eka : She is Dewi, my classmate.
Dewi : Hi, Ali. I am Dewi. How do you do?
Ali : Hi, Dewi. How do you do?
Eka : By the way, this is Anto. He is Dewi's brother.
Anto : Hello, Ali. Nice to meet you.
Ali : NIce to meet you too, Anto

7. Dewi is ....
a. Eka's sister
b. Ekas's classmate
c. Ali's sister
d. Anto's friend

8. Are Ali and Eka classmate?

a. Yes, they are
b. Yes, we are
c. Yes, they are not
d. No, we are not

9. My mother and I .... going to supermarket.

.... wants to buy some food and other things.
a. am - We
b. are - She
c. is - We
d. is - I

10. Mr. Parmin is my neighbor.

..... is a postman. His job is deliver letters to our house.
a. She
b. He
c. I
d. They

11. X : Excuse me. Do you know Mr.Smith's house is?

Y : ....
a. Oh, I see. Thank you
b. Which one?
c. Of course. It is in front of fruit stall
d. You are welcome

12. Rio : Can I borrow your pencil?

Soni : Of course, here it is.
Rio : Thank you very much
Soni : ....
a. Oh no
b. I am sorry to hear that
c. That's ok
d. See you

13. The following expressions are commonly used to greet someone, except …
a. How’s life?
b. How are you doing?
c. What are you doing?
d. How are things with you?
14. What time is it?
a. It is seven o’clock
b. It is eight o’clock
c. It is nine o’clock
d. It is ten o’clock

15. What time is it?

a. It is half past seven
b. It is half past eight
c. It is half past nine
d. It is half past ten

16. What time is it?

a. It is a quarter past seven
b. It is a quarter past eight
c. It is a quarter past nine
d. It is a quarter past ten

17. How do you say 02.45 a.m ?

a. It is a quarter to three in the morning
b. It is a quarter to two in the morning
c. It is a quarter past three in the evening
d. It is a quarter past two in the afternoon

II. Fill in the blanks with the answer provided!

1. Text 1
Desta : Hi, Vincent.
Vincent : 1) ..., Desta
Desta : 2) ... ?
Vincent : I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
Desta : I’m fine too, thank you. By the way, I have to say 3) ... because I forget to
bring your english book.
Vincent : It’s okay. You can bring it tomorrow.
Desta : Thank you very much, Vince.
Vincent : 4) ...
Desta : I think I have to go now. See you tomorrow.
Vincent : 5) ...

a. How are you today? See you later You’re welcome

d. Sorry Hello Good morning

2. Text 2
Hi, my name is Sherryl Sheinafia.
I am a (1) ... of SMP N 8 Batang.
I live in Kecepak, Batang.
I live with my parents.
My father is Mr. Anugrah. He is a (2) .... He works in a ricefield to plant paddy.
My mother is Mrs. Kinanti. (3) ... is a housewife.
(4) ... is my hobby. I like doing it in Gajah Mada swimming pool.
While my favorite food is (5) ...
Nice to meet you.

a. Farmer She Swimming

d. Student He Fried chicken

3. Arrange these words into a meaningful sentence!

a. has – Mr. Raharjo – a – bicycle – new
b. uncle – is – his – old – fifty - years

Draft Soal Kelas 8

I. Choose the right answer!

The following dialog is for questions 1-2

Erlin : “I can’t use my bicycle. Brother, do you think you can refit the chain please?
Edwin : “Yes, I think so. I have done it before.
Erlin : “Thanks so much.”
Edwin : “No problem.”

1. Who is Erlin?
a. Edwin’s cousin
b. Edwin’s sister
c. Edwin’s aunt
d. Edwin’s friend

2. What is Erlin’s problem?

a. Her bicycle’s chain has loosened.
b. She asks Edwin to give her a ride.
c. She cannot repair Edwin’s bicycle.
d. She would like to use Edwin’s bicycle.

3. Keep silent, please!

The instruction means . . .
a. talk here
b. don’t talk
c. please talk
d. stop here
4. Dani often comes late to school. His teacher tells him, “. . . .”
a. Don’t be late
b. Don’t go to school
c. Please come late
d. Don’t come back here

The text is for questions number 5 and 6

5. Who is the card for?
a. Henky
b. Aira’s friend
c. Aira
d. Aira’s sister

6. Henky send the card to….

a. congratulate Aira on her birthday.
b. invite Aira to his birthday party.
c. congratulate Aira on her success.
d. announce Aira’s birthday party.

Text for number 7-10

Student Organization of MTs Khoiru Ummah

To: All class captains

Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held:

Day / Date : Saturday, December 12th 2017
Time : After school
Place : OSIS room
We will discuss the scout camping at the end of December 2017.
Your attendance will highly appreciated.

OSIS Chairman OSIS Secretary

7. When will the OSIS meeting be held?

a. Afternoon
b. At noon
c. Morning
d. Evening

8. Where was the meeting be held?

a. OSIS hall
b. Scout camping
c. OSIS room
d. MTs Khoiru Ummah

9.The monthly meeting is to ….

a. attend at OSIS room
b. request a monthly meeting
c. discuss the scout camping
d. appreciate the scout camping

10. “Your attendance will highly appreciated”. The underlined word refers to ….
a. OSIS of MTs Khoiru Ummah
b. OSIS chairman
c. all class captains
d. OSIS secretary

Text for number 11-13

Dear Aunt Rosa,

Congratulations on the opening of your florist’s! Finally, your dream has come true.
May it bring happiness to your life and I wish you success!

Love you always,


11. Why does Rahma write the card?

a. to announce a new shop
b. to compliment her aunt
c. to congratulate her aunt
d. to advertise a new shop.

12. What is the card receiver’s dream?

a. to own a florist
b. to work in a florist
c. to have a flower garden.
d. to grow many kinds of flowers.

13. “May it bring happiness to your life..!”

The word ‘it’ refers to ….
a. the dream
b. the opening
c. Bintang’s life
d. the florist

Text for number 14-17

Dear Yanuar,
Through the card, I’d like to tell you how much you mean to me. You are a (27)…in my life. You
are truly a person who stands by (28) … and helps me when I need help. I wish I could (29) …
the favor, but I don’t know how. Please accept my deepest and (30) … gratitude.

14. a. bless b. blessed
c. blesses d. blessing

15. a. my side b. my
c. myself d. mine

16. a. returns b. return

c. returned d. is returned

17. a. sincerest b. sincere

c. sincerely d. more sincere

1. Complete the following text using the words in the box!

eyes, beauty, carrot, ears, pet

The rabbit is a domestic animal. It has two long……………….(a) and two beautiful
…………………..(b) to see. It eats leaves, vegetables, especially…………………(c), because of
the…………………..(d) many people keep them as pets. You can buy them at
the…………………(e) shop. It’s fun, it’s action is very interesting.

2. Complete the following dialogue!

Laura : Can I go to the cinema with my friends, mom?
Mother: ………………………..But don’t come home late.

3. Rearrange the jumbled words into a correct sentence!

a. went – I – house – holiday – to – my – grandparents’ – last
b. should – Anton– book – bring – English - his – everyday
Draft Soal Kelas 9

I. Choose either a ,b, c, or d for the correct answer.

Read Text 1 to answer questions 1 and 2.
To Jasmine, our beloved classmate
Representing students of class 9F, we would like to congratulate you on your success to be
the best student of SMP Tunas Bangsa this year.
You deserve to get such a title due to your best learning achievements:
 The highest scores of National Examination.
 The best student in Semarang city level.
 The winner of gold medal in National Science Olympiad.
We and form teacher, Mrs. Kusuma, are proud of you so much.
Captain of class 9F,

1. The text is written ... on her success.

a. to congratulate Jasmine
b. to show students’ awareness
c. to express one’s attention inform Ikhsan’s achievement

2. Based on the text we can conclude that ….

a. Mrs. Kusuma is the principal of SMP Tunas Bangsa
b. Jasmine and Ikhsan are having National Examination
c. Jasmine has already finished her study at SMP Tunas Bangsa
d. Ikhsan congratulates Jasmine as she becomes a champion of International Science

Read Text 2 to answer questions 3 to 5.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Congratulation on your wedding
We all wish you a very happy marriage ever after.
Be a sweet everlasting couple.
Students of Seven A-D
3. To whom is the card written to?
a. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
b. Wedding
c. Students of 7 A-D of SMP 4 YK
d. Wishing card

4. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To make a Wedding card
b. To invite Mr. and Mrs Andrew
c. To congratulate on Mr. and Mrs. Andrew’s marriage
d. To send a wishing card

5. What is the relationship between the writer and the receiver?

a. Parents – Children
b. Teacher – Students
c. Doctor – Patients
d. Headmaster – teachers

Arrange the following words into a correct sentences for number 6 and 7
6. High school- my friend – is wearing – the boy – who – a red cap – from – is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 2-7-1-8-6-5-4-3
b. 5-3-2-7-1-4-6-8
c. 1-2-7-5-4-6-8-3
d. 4-5-3-6-8-2-7-1

7. The table - came – on – the student – when – was – the teacher – sitting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 4-8-3-1-5-7-6-2
b. 4-6-8-3-1-5-7-2
c. 5-6-4-8-3-1-7-2
d. 5-6-7-8-3-1-4-2
Rearrange the following sentences to write a procedure text for number 8
How to reserve books through the website.

1. Next, Click Reserve to hold the material for you

2. Then,Search for the books that you want to reserve using the Web OPAC


4. Type in your correct Binusian ID number

5. Third, Insert your Password in the log in section

6. Finally, Click Cancel Reservation for cancelation by logging in to the library in the
Binusian ID number and password

7. A confirmation message will appear showing the details of your reservation including the
time of its availability.

8. The correct order is....

a. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 6
b. 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 6
c. 3 – 1 – 2 - 4 – 5 – 7 – 6
d. 4 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 7 – 6

To : Miyadah
Congratulations, you have bought a bigger house, which you’ve
always dreamt about. I hope you will feel more comfortable.
Don’t forget to invite me to your house –warming party.

9. Why did Miyadah buy a bigger house?

a. She wanted to invite all herfriends c. She always wanted to have a bigger house
b. She wants to feel more relaxed d. She dreamt to invite his friends to party

10. “I hope you will feel more comfortable “.

The underlined word can be replaced by….
a. think b. say c. wish d. spend

Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph!

1. This is how to cook rice using a magic com
2. Second, pour water into the magic com
3. Then, wait it for few minutes
4. Then, four the washed rice in it
5. Next, push the “cook” button in magic com
6. First, take the washed rice
7. Finally pick the rip rice up, and it is ready to eat

11. a. 1-6-2-4-5-3-7 b. 1-6-2-4-7-3-5 c. 4-6-2-1-5-3-7 d. 4-6-2-3-5-1-7

Arrange these jumble word to make a good sentence

12. Mother – cooking – I – on – rendang – want – help – Sunday – to - happily
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a. 3- 6- 9 -7-1-2-5-10-4-8 c. 1-6-9-7-3-2-10-5-4- 8
b. 3-6-9-7-3-2-10-7-4-8 d. 1-6-9-10-7-5-2- 3 – 4- 8

13. Is- attend- -in- University- to- going-lndonesia- He- the- of-meeting
Arrange the words above into the correct
a. He is attend meeting to going of the University in Indonesia.
b. He attend is going to meeting in the University of Indonesia.
c. He is going to attend of meeting in University the Indonesia.
d. He is going to attend meeting in the University of Indonesia.

14. Mount Merbabu is 11,000 feet high.

Mount Semeru is 8,000 feet high.
The comparison of those sentences is ….
a. Mount Merbabu is higher than Mount Semeru.
b. Mount Semeru is higher than Mount Merbabu.
c. Mount Merbabu is as high as Mount Semeru.
d. Mount Merbabu is the highest in the world.

15. The needed of food makes people … a way to get healthy food.
The best word to complete the sentence above
a. choose
b. think
c. buy
d. cook

16. Indah: What do you plan to do next Sunday?

Rangga: Nothing. What about you?
Indah: I… to the Book Store. Can you join me?
Rangga: Sure.
a. go
b. am going to go
c. gone
d. have gone

17. A: “Yogyakarta is a nice city to live.”

B: “I agree with you”.
This underlined sentence is used to express... .
a. suggestion
b. disagreement
c. agreement
d. objection

II. Essay
Dietary Supplement
600 mg 100 Soft gels
Supplement Facts
Serving size : 1 soft gel
Amount per 1 soft gel % Daily Value*
Vitamin D 200 IU 50
Calcium (from milk) 600 mg 60
Zinc 15 mg *
*Daily value has not been established
Other ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water
Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one soft gel for adults
Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 18
Walnut, CA 91789
Made in U.S.A.

1. a) What is the label tell us about ?

b) When would it be best to consume the product?
c) How many soft gels does someone take every day?
d) What is the function of the label above?

2. Complete these sentences!

stove – pan – let – make – carelessly –carefully

First, melt the butter in the (a) … over medium heat. Then, crack open the eggs into the pan and
(b) … fry until the yolk begin to harden at the edges (indicated by a lightening in the yolk color).
Using the spatula, flip the eggs (c) … and allow cooking ten seconds for over-easy, or up to one
minute for over – hard. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

3. Rearrange the jumbled words into a good sentence!

a. will – opened – Monday – and – be - each - afternoon –shop – the Uniform
b. has – She – this – run – well – school

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