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Physical education

Physical education equipment in Calhan, Colorado

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Kids using a parachute during a PE lesson
Physical education, also known as Phys
Ed., PE and in some Commonwealth
countries as physical training or PT,[1] is
a class that pupils are required to take at
school. It is taken during primary and
secondary education and encourages
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psychomotor learning in a play or
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movement exploration setting to
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promote Block
health. [2]

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Whether the class produces positive
effects on students' health, behavior, and
academic performance depends upon
the kind of program that is taught.[3]
Physical Education programs vary all
over the world. However, there are
worldwide organizations that allow for a
better understanding on how much
exercise a child should be getting daily.
Popular games in PE include football,
netball, hockey, rounders, athletics and
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Trends {{anonblock}}: <!--- ACC Ignore --->

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This article
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verification. Learn more
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A picture of a gymnasium in Oxford, circa 1858/59.
Nineteenth-century trends in physical education
included climbing and fencing.

Young Portuguese children participating in a school


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Physical Reason
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trends have
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developed recently to incorporate a

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greater variety of activities besides the

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skills necessary
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to play typical team
sports such as football or basketball.
Introducing students to activities like
bowling, walking/hiking, or frisbee at an
early age can help them develop good
activity habits that will continue into

Some teachers have begun to

incorporate stress-reduction techniques
such as yoga, deep breathing and tai chi.
Tai chi, an ancient martial arts form
focused on slow meditative movements,
is a relaxation activity with many
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benefits. Reason
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have shown that it
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strength and
endurance, as well as cardiovascular
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endurance.OK It Details
also provides psychological
benefits such as improving general
mental health, concentration, awareness
and positive mood.[4] It can be taught to
any age student with little or no
equipment, making it ideal for mixed
ability and age classes. Tai chi can easily
be incorporated into a holistic learning
body and mind unit.[5]

Teaching non-traditional sports may also

provide motivation for students to
increase their activity, and can help them
learn about different cultures. For
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while learning about lacrosse in
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the Southwestern
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United States, students
might also learn about the Native
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American OK
of the Northeastern
United States and Eastern Canada, where
the sport originated. Teaching non-
traditional (or non-native) sports provides
an opportunity to integrate academic
concepts from other subjects as well,
which may now be required of many PE
teachers. Non-traditional sports add
benefits and challenges for those who
often get easily distracted, are
uncoordinated, or have less interest in
traditional sports, which helps to make
PE classes accessible to as wide a group
of children as possible.[6] Wikipedia
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PE is veryBlocked
to students' health
and overall well-being. The Centers for
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Disease Control
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and Prevention stated
that over the past three years obesity in
children (ages 2–5) and adolescents
(ages 12–19) has doubled because of
diet and lack of activity. Since the 1970s
the number of children who are obese
has tripled.[7]

SHAPE America's National Standards &

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Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical

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Education define
what a student should
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know and be able to do as result of an

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effective physical
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education program.[8]
Another trend is the incorporation of
health and nutrition into the physical
education curriculum. The Child Nutrition
and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004
required that all school districts with a
federally-funded school meal program
develop wellness policies that address
nutrition and physical activity.[9] While
teaching students sports and movement
skills, PE teachers are now incorporating
short health and nutrition lessons into
the curriculum. This is more prevalent at
the elementary school level, where
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students do not have a specific Health

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class. Recently most elementary schools


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have specific health classes for students
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as well as OKphysical
education class. Due
to the recent outbreaks of diseases such
as swine flu, school districts are making
it mandatory for students to learn about
practicing good hygiene along with other
health topics. Children have a primary
responsibility of attending school and
providing evidence that they are
achieving the content standards of their
given grade level. If children engage in
unhealthy behaviors like poor eating
habits, obtaining an insufficient amount
of sleep, or overindulging in screen time
or other sedentary behaviors, they are
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less likely to experience developmentally

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Today, many states require Physical
Education teachers to be certified to
teach Health courses. Many colleges and
universities offer both Physical Education
and Health as one certification. This
push towards health education is
beginning at the intermediate level,
including lessons on bullying, self-
esteem and stress and anger

Research has shown that there is a

positive correlation between brain
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development and
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exercising. [11]
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Incorporating local indigenous
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knowledge into physical education can
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lead to many meaningful experiences
and a way of learning about other
cultures. For example, by incorporating
traditional knowledge from varying
indigenous groups from across Canada,
students can be exposed to many
concepts such as holistic learning and
the medicine wheel. A unit could be
focused on connecting to a place or
feeling while outdoors, participating in
traditional games, or outdoor
environmental education. These types of
lesson can easily be integrated into other
parts of the curriculum and give
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Aboriginal students a chance to

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their culture in the local
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school community.[12]
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Studies have been done in how physical
education can help improve academic
achievement. In a 2007 article,
researchers found a profound gain in
English Arts standardized testing test
scores among students who had 56
hours of physical education in a year,
compared to those who had 28 hours of
physical education a year.[13]

In Brazil, the physical education

curriculum is designed to allow school
pupils a full range of modern
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opportunities, including sports. Martial

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arts classes, like wrestling in the United

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States, and Pencak Silat in France,

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Malaysia, teach children
self-defense and to feel good about
themselves. The physical education
curriculum is designed to allow students
to experience at least a minimum
exposure to the following categories of
activities: aquatics, conditioning
activities, gymnastics, individual/dual
sports, team sports, rhythms, and dance.

In these areas, a planned sequence of

learning experiences is designed to
support a progression of student
development. This allows kids through
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6th gradeReason
to be introduced to sports,
for the block
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fitness, and teamwork in order to be

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better prepared for the middle and high

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school age.
1975, the United States
House of Representatives voted to
require school physical education
classes include both genders.[14] Some
high school and some middle school PE
classes are single-sex.

Technology use in physical

New technology in education is playing a
big role in classes. One of the most
affordable and effective tools is a simple
video recorder. With this, students can
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see the mistakes

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they're making in things
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such as aBlocked
motion or swinging
form.[15] Studies
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this more effective

than having someone
try to explain what they are doing wrong,
and then trying to correct it.[15] Educators
may use technologies such as
pedometers and heart rate monitors to
make step and heart rate goals for

Other technologies that can be used in a

Physical Education setting include video
projectors, GPS and games and gaming
systems such as Kinect, Wii Fit and
Dance Dance Revolution. Projectors can
show students proper form or how to
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play certain games. GPS systems can be

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used to get students active in an outdoor

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setting, and active exergames can be

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used by teachers
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to show students a
good way to stay fit in and out of the
classroom setting.[17] Simulators are an
efficient way to help promote being
active in certain settings. Along with
video projectors, GPS and game systems
such as Kinect and Wii, simulators where
the participant is using goggles to be put
in a certain setting are beneficial. One
method commonly used in the elderly
that could benefit children would be a
horse-riding simulator. This simulator
allows the participant to be put into a
country setting where they are free to
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roam multiple fields. This simulator is

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scientifically proven to help balance as


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well as stability. Relaxing the brain allows
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for better cognitive

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function leads to
better test results in the classroom as

Another type of technology that is

commonly used in Physical Education is
the pedometer. This does not necessarily
track how far a person is going, but lets
them know the number of steps they are

Around the world

Overview …
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All counties analyze physical activity in a

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certain way. According to the World


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Health Organization it is suggested that
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young children
OK should be doing 60
minutes of exercise per day at least 3
times per week in order to maintain a
healthy body.[21]

Asia …

In Singapore, pupils from primary school

through junior colleges are required to
have two hours of PE every week, except
during examination periods. Pupils may
play games like football, badminton,
captain ball, and basketball during most
sessions.YouUnorthodox sports
have been blocked from editing Wikipediasuch as

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fencing, and skateboarding are
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occasionally played. In more prestigious

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secondary schools and in junior colleges,
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sports such as golf, tennis, shooting, and
squash are played

An Biennial compulsory fitness exam,

NAPFA, is conducted in every school to
assess pupils' physical fitness in
Singapore.[22] This includes a series of
fitness tests (pull-ups/inclined pull-ups
for girls, standing broad jump, sit-ups, sit-
and-reach and 1.6 km for primary [10- to
12-year-olds]/2.4 km for secondary and
junior college levels [13- to 18-year-olds]).
StudentsYouare graded by gold, silver, or
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bronze, orReason
as fail. NAPFA for pre-
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serves by
as an indicator for an
two months in the country's
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compulsory national service if they attain
bronze or fail.

In Malaysia, pupils from primary schools

to secondary schools are expected to do
two periods or one hour of PE throughout
the year except a week before
examinations. In most secondary
schools, games like badminton, sepak
takraw, football, netball, basketball and
tennis are available. Pupils may bring
their own sports equipment to the school
with the authorization of the teacher.
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In the Philippines,
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PE is mandatory for all
years, unless the school gives the option
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for a student to do the Leaving
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Certificate Vocational Programme
instead for fifth and sixth year. Some
schools have integrated martial arts
training into their physical education

Indonesian high school students playing the

traditional game "Benteng"

In Indonesia, students ranging from

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Reason forto high school have PE
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integrated with
Blocked by their curriculum.

Kindergarten through
Block will expire in grade 3 students
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have gymnastics. Starting from Grade 4,

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students are introduced to traditional
martial arts Pencak Silat and some team
games such as badminton, football,
futsal, rounders, and basketball. Starting
from junior high school, games such as
basketball, volleyball, cricket, tennis,
badminton, kho kho, and kabaddi are
played. Drills and physical training are

In Bhutan, the inclusion of Health and

Physical Education in the school
curriculum was formally endorsed during
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the 7th CAPSD Board Meeting in 1997. A

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series of Blocked
pilot by
tests were conducted in

primary schools from 1998 to 1999.

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Since the pilot

tests were very
successful, HPE was introduced as a
formal teaching subject in all the primary
schools from the year 2000.

In 2007, a set of revised curriculum

books, consisting of a curriculum
framework and eight activity books, were
developed for use from 2009 academic

Australia …

In Australia, physical education was first

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made an Reason
for the block part of the curriculum
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in government
Blocked by primary and secondary

schools in
will expire inThe policy was outlined
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in a Ministerial Statement to the Victorian

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Legislative Assembly by the Minister for
Educational Services, Norman Lacy MP
on 17 September.[28]Many of the schools
of Australia are moving to use the Praxis
Model of Physical Education. Shane Pill
of Flinders University in South Australia
defines the Praxis model as a teaching
method of Physical education that seeks
to create a curriculum that promotes
activities that teach the links between
thinking, feeling, and behavior, and how
positively affecting these aspects can
increase You
the quality of life for Students.
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Reason for the block

This model has been introduced with

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initiatives such as Healthy Active


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Australia Schools (HAAS) and Be Active-

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Let's Go. Rather

than focusing on the
traditional aspects of physical education,
such as teaching how to perform a
certain sport, this model focuses on a
broader understanding of what it means
to be educated in physical activity. The
large goal of this initiative is to create a
curriculum that makes an active
difference in the pupils "lived reality now"
so that students are making proactive
changes to their behavior to increase
overall health.[29]

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Europe Reason for the block …

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Some countries include martial arts training in
school as part of Physical Education class. These
Filipino children are doing karate.

In Portugal, pupils from primary school

can optionally join PE as an extra-
curricular activity. From middle school to
secondary school, pupils must
participate in PE classes for two hours
per week.You have been blocked from editing Wikipedia
Reason for the block
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hasbya government supported
requirement of a minimum of two hours
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of quality PE in primary and two periods
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(50 minutes each) in secondary S1 to S4.
Recent funding has ensured most local
authorities have employed PE lead
officers to support the requirement. In
fifth and sixth year, PE is voluntary in that
personalisation and choice must be

In England, pupils are expected to do two

hours of PE a week in year 7, 8 and 9 and
at least one in year 10 and 11.[30]

In Wales, pupils are expected to do two

hours of PE a week.[31]
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In Poland, pupils are expected to do at
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Blocked by
least three Scottywong
hours of PE a week during
primary and secondary education.[32]
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OK must
Details also organise at least
60 hours of physical education classes
at undergraduate courses.[33]

In Sweden, the time school students

spend in PE lessons per week varies
between municipalities but generally,
year 0 to 2 has 55 minutes of PE a week,
year 3 to 6 has 110 minutes a week and
year 7 to 9 has 220 minutes. In upper
secondary school, all national programs
have an obligatory course, Idrott och
hälsa 1, containing 100 points of PE,
which corresponds to 90–100 hours of
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PE duringReason
the course. (One point should
for the block
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be one hour, but due to holidays this isn't

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true.) TheBlock
will expire in
can spend these hours
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as they likeOK during

the three years
students attend. Most schools have
students take part in this course during
the first year and offer the follow-up
course, Idrott och hälsa 2, which also
contains 100 points.[34]

In Ireland, one is expected to do 2

classes worth of PE. (80 Minutes). This
also includes shower and changing
times, so on average 60–65 minutes

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Physical Education Class -Basketball
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North America …

Left: A U.S. high school girls' water polo team (with

their male coaches in background) posing with their
trophy. Right: A U.S. university girl practising a
difficult gymnastics manoeuvre.

In the United States, the goal of physical

education is to "develop physically
literate individuals who have the
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knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy

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a lifetimeBlocked
activity."[36] The 2012 Shape Of The
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Nation Report
by the National
Association for Sport and Physical
Education (part of SHAPE America) and
the American Heart Association found
that while nearly 75 percent of states
require physical education in elementary
through high school, over half of states
permit students to substitute other
activities for their required physical
education credit, or otherwise fail to
mandate a specific amount of
instructional time. According to the
report, only six states—Illinois, Hawaii,
Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York
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and Vermont—require physical education

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at every grade level, from K-12.[37] A


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majority of states in 2016 did not require

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a specific amount
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of instructional time
and more than half allow exemptions or
substitution. These loopholes can lead to
reduced effectiveness of the physical
education requirements.[38] In North
America, there are certain guidelines as
to how much exercise a child needs per
day to stay fit. The American Heart
Association recommends that kids and
teens (ages 6–17) get at least 60
minutes of moderate to vigorous
physical activity every day.[39]

Zero Hour is a before-school physical

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education class first implemented by

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Naperville Central
Blocked by
High School. In the
state of Illinois this program is known as
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Learning Readiness
OK Details
PE. (LRPE). It was
based on research indicating that
students who are physically fit are more
academically alert and experience
growth in brain cells or enhancement in
brain development. NCHS pairs a PE
class that incorporates cardiovascular
exercise, core strength training, cross
lateral movements, and literacy and math
strategies with literacy and math classes
that utilize movement to enhance
learning and improve achievement.[40]

In BritishYou
Columbia, Canada, the
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government has stated in the grade one

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curriculum that students must

Blocked by

participate in physical activity daily five

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times a week.
The teacher is also
responsible for planning Daily Physical
Activity (DPA), which is thirty minutes of
mild to moderate physical activity a day,
not including curriculum physical
education classes. The curriculum
requires students in grade one to be
knowledgeable about healthy living. For
example, they must be able to describe
benefits of regular exercise, identify
healthy choices that require them to be
more physically active, and describe the
importance of choosing healthy food.[41]
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Ontario, Canada has a similar procedure

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in place. Blocked
6, 2005 the Ontario
Ministry of Education (OME)
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a Daily Physical Activity
policy in elementary schools, grades 1–8.
It requires that all students in grades 1 to
8, including those with special needs, be
provided with opportunities to participate
in a minimum of twenty minutes of
sustained moderate to vigorous physical
activity each school day during
instructional time.[42] There are many
factors that contribute to the ease of
implementing and sustaining a quality
program, including the involvement of the
administration, parents, and community.
ultimately comes down to the
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Reason for the block

willingness of the physical education

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teacher(s) Scottywong
to do their best no matter the
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See also
Sports day
Lack of physical education

1. The Daily Telegraph, 25 July 2008:
"Physical training in schools should
be compulsory, says leading head"
Linked 2014-04-09
2. Anderson, D. (1989). The Discipline
thehave Profession.
been blocked from editingFoundations
Wikipedia of
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Canadian Physical Education,
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Scottywong and Sports Studies.

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Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown
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3. Wong, Alia (2019-01-29). "Gym Class
Is So Bad Kids Are Skipping School
to Avoid It" . The Atlantic. Retrieved
4. "Tai Chi for Mental Health | Psych
Central News" . Psych Central News.
24 May 2010.
5. Lu C. (2007)
6. Lind, Treva. “Nontraditional Activities
Benefit Kids Who Avoid Team
Sports.” You Are Being Redirected...,
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7. The Importance of Physical
Education. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1,
2016, from
8. "National PE Standards-Highly
Effective Physical Education" .
9. Pangrazi, Robert (2007) "Dynamic
Physical Education for Elementary
School Children" 15th ed.

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10. Castelli, Darla M., et al. “Vii. The
History of Physical Activity and
Academic Performance Research:
Informing the Future.” Monographs
of the Society for Research in Child
Development, vol. 79, no. 4, Dec.
2014, pp. 119–148. EBSCOhost,
Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter?" .
The New York Times. Retrieved
18 April 2013.
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12. Lowen, Gthe block

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13. Tremarche, Pamela V.; Robinson,
Ellyn M.; Graham, Louise B. (2007).
"Physical Education and Its Effect on
Elementary Testing Results".
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15. Wang, L., Myers, D., & Yanes, M.
(2010). Creating student-centered
learning experience through the
assistance of high-end technology in
physical education. Journal of
Instructional Psychology, 37(4),
16. Woods, M., Karp, G., Goc, H., &
Perlman, D. (2008). Physical
educators' usage. Physical Educator,
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17. Grimes, G. (2011, November 21).
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Interview by
Reason for the M Massey [Personal
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18. Kim, Seong-Gil; Lee, Jung-Ho
(January 2015). "The effects of
horse riding simulation exercise on
muscle activation and limits of
stability in the elderly". Archives of
Gerontology and Geriatrics. 60 (1):
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19. "Using pedometers to assess
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04-01. Retrieved 2015-08-13.
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20. "PEC: Pedometer
Blocked by Lesson Activities" .
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21. “Physical Activity and Young People.”
World Health Organization, World
Health Organization, 19 June 2015,
22. "Napfa: From fitness test to
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25. "Regional Commissions and
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Federation Philippines Mindanao
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29. Pill, Shane. "Physical education —
what's in a name? A Praxis model for
holistic learning in physical
education" . ACHPER Healthy
Lifestyles Journal. 54 (1): 5–10.
30. "National curriculum in England:
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study" . GOV.UK. Department for
Education. Retrieved 24 November
31. "PE Provision in Secondary Schools"
(PDF). Sports Council Wales.
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32. "Dz.U. 2002 nr 15 poz. 142.
Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji
Narodowej i Sportu z dnia 12 lutego
2002 r. w sprawie ramowych planów
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poszczególnych kierunków studiów i
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the original on 20 November 2010.
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34. "Physical Education and Health"
(PDF). Skolverket. Retrieved April 15,
35. “Primary School Curriculum .”
Curriculumonline, 1996,
36. "Shape America Home Page" . Retrieved
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37. "Majority of
Reason for the States Have Loopholes
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Class" . 2012-11-14.
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39. “How Can I Help My Child Be More
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40. Enhancing P.E. in Illinois,
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41. BC curriculum
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43. The Importance of Physical

External links
 "Educational Athletics"  .
Encyclopedia Americana. 1920.

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