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JANDAKOT CLASS D RADIO PROCEDURES ‘The radio procedures shown below are examples only and although they ae accurate inthe oréer af phasesto be used the aircraft cal sign runway direction and ATIS code wil vary ese me you FREQUENCIES TO USE: 120.0 “andakot ATS 128.30 Jandakot Ground [SC 118.10 Jandakot Tower (normal aivalsand departures) 119.0 “andakot Tower (reults ang Armadale departures) 135.35. Derth Cente 119.10 Serpentine Mtay Fld CAE RADIO PROCEDURES FOR NORMAL DEPARTURES ‘sen 0 ATS 2090 | AMIS wil give the following information: ~ AIS code (al, Bravo et) = nunways and frequencies © Otterinformation = Wind ietion and vlacty = Misty = lows base > Temperature + aN AT code “Ret sart wp taalcal | 12430 | Tandaket Ground, Cessna 152, TGX/AOW, southern ‘pron, request tal fordepartare vi Yargebup, received “ATI5 code’, Dual 'GX/AOW,txihol point Sierra. 06 Lef/Delt 24 Rig, time 24 ‘Taxi hold point irr 05 Let/Deta 24 Right, IGX/AOH “halve pai TI8I0 | Jondakot Tower, IGX/AOH, Ready 06 Left/24 Right, for Yangebup. I@X/AOH, cleared for Take-off Tower may'ssve ‘leored for Takeo GX/A0H instructions GX/AOH, hot poston Hola position 1gx/a0H 16X/AOH, ne up Line up, 1Gx/A0H ‘Cancelation oftake oF [T1810 | 16x ald positon, cancel tateot doarance clearance Hold postion, 1GX/AOH Perth Cente sas Serpencine/MurrayField | 129.10 _ | once departed Class D airspace monitor ares frequencies RADIO PROCEDURES FOR NORMAL ARRIVALS Inbound: Uslen amis | 12090 | Obtain ATS [AtSieSouthinbound cai! | 118.10 | Jondakot Tower, Cessna 152, IGX/AOH, Sx South, ome ‘thousand fv hundre, received °ATI cade’, inbound {GX/AOH, lander Tower, maintain 1500 1500, 16x/A08 ‘Overhead Forrestle Lake IGX/AOM, Forrestéae take sexyaon “Great entynsrvetions | H18I0 | IGX/AOK, join ea /eate Gowri 06 LeR/24 Rg, ‘umber two, low Cessna early base, cared vsusl approach. leored visual approcch 06 Left/24 Right, IGX/AOK or Traffic sighted cleared visual approoch 06 Left/24 Right soxyson Down 16X/A0M, Downwind Landing clearance 1OXAOH, dlearedt land lear to Land X/AOH. Wiowerinaracs you ogo 1OXROH, g around sound 6x/A0H, going around “AferTanding taicaie | 12430” | Jandokot Ground, IGX/AOH, at "aniway”, request txt Jor Souther Apron {GX/AOH, ae Soutrern Apron ‘Taxi Southern Apron, IGX/AOH. ‘Rablo PRoceDuRES FoR ciRcUITs ‘Obtain startlenrance for | 12430 Tandkat Ground, Cessna 152 GX/AOH, request tort ‘learance for cuits 1oXAOH, sar approved Start eporoved,1GX/AOH Tsien to ATS 2090 ‘isl ge thew foaToR ‘AIS cade (Alpha ravo etc), Runways and Frequencies © Other information Swine section and veacky = Visblty * Glu base © Temperature = ani ATIS code Aersartwp,txeal [T2830 Take Ground, Cessna 152, TXTAOH, outers ‘opron, request ton for ccs, ecelved “ATS code”, ual @X/AOH, tax and hold short 06 Let gh, te 34 Tax and hold short 06 teft/28 Right, IGX/AOH When cessing runways: | T2430 1GX/AOH,Slera/Charlie, request Cros 5 Left Fight 6X/A0d at Sera/Char,c1oss 6 Lf 24 Right, ta holding point 08 righ/28 eft (ross 06 Left/24 Right, taxi holding pont 06 Right/ 24 Left IGX/AOH ‘aholdng pol 70 Toke off clearance: 19.40 Tower may ise oe Jandakot Tower, KGX/AOH, realy 06 Wight Uf for cereus 19VAOH deored fortakeot eared for tao IGX/AOH 15/80 ol postion old postion, 1GX/A0H 161/60, neo Lin up, IGX/AOH Bowing aad “Touch and go clesrance Tower may issue advisories TGX/AOH, downwind, touch and go {6X/A0H, leated touch and go ‘Cleared touch ond go, 16X/A0H JGX/AOH, number 2, flow the Cessna mid downwind texynon Ting Clearance cro} 1GX/AOH, Downwind Fall Sop 6x/A0H, cleared to ona Cleared to Land, 16X/AOH When cosine rnways and | 12830 taxi cat ‘Jandokot Ground, [GX/AOH, at “aniwoy, request cross 5 left/28 right, forthe southern apron {6X/AOH, andakot Ground, cross 06 let/24 ight, tx southern apron ros 06 left/2 ght, tax southern apron, 1GX/AOH Inbound forcreutefrom — | 12090 traning area Inboundealforcicuts: | 11830 ‘Overhead Forrestal Lake: Upon frequency change: | 129.40 ‘Obtain ATS Jandokot Tower, Cessna 152, IGX/AOH, Six South, One ‘Tousond Five Hundred, Received “AIS code, Inbound for Greats 16X/A0M, endakot Tower, maitan 1500, 41500, 16x/A0H1 16X/AOH, Forestdole Lake IGX/AOM, Cesred visual approach, oi late downwind, 28 ef contact tower, 13940 ‘eared visual approach join lte downwind 24 Left, 119.40, GX/A08 Jondakt Tower IGX/AOH, joining late downwind, 24 wept 16X/401, follow he twin ote base iox/aon Standard cll format ‘You may ntice that your radio calls tend to follow 2 standaré format, Thisis wort memaring. Asfollows: {wo you are talking to}, Jandakot Tower what you ae] eg, Cessna 152 who you are] eg, indo Golf Ray [where you are}, Sx South 1500 [what you wieh todo] eg. Inbound alsgns: IGK: India Golf X-ay [AOH: Alpha Oscar Hotel

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