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I woke in the morning feeling nervous and excited at the same time for it is my first day

in immersion. This will be a good experience for me to learn and prepare myself for a

professional work in the future

As I go to Perpetual Help Medical Center, where I have been assigned to spend 80

hours of my work immersion. I saw my schoolmates Adrian Cruz, Reynaldo Toledo, Pia

Calugay who were also assigned in PHDMC. We started searching for the H.R

Department, Perpetual was so big we got lost searching for the H.R department. We got

there 15 minutes late, but as soon as we arrived a girl brought us upstairs in the training

room where the orientation for the new employees was being held. The orientation took

8 hours and 5 different speakers to finish. They have oriented us in everything we have

to know about the hospital. And before we end, they gave us a wrap up test for them to

know if we’re qualified to work for them. And that sums up my first day in immersion.
Day 2

I was assigned to work in the H.R department with my classmate Kenneth. I’ve arrived

in the office early, just before 9 o’clock. Kenneth wasn’t there yet. So I have to enter

alone in the H.R department. I had to admit it, I was nervous. But there’s no else there I

can depend on but myself. So I had to have the courage for myself and take this as a

challenge. I started to build up confidence for myself and entered the office with a smile

on my face, greeting everyone else a “Good morning”. They greeted me with a smile

and welcome me for my first day at work/immersion. They offered me a chair so I could

take a sit while waiting… After a while a girl came up to me and told me that she will

give me a quick tour in the hospital for me to know where the other departments are.

After the tour we go back in the H.R department. She told me that I will start off working

for the recruitment team of the H.R department. Miss Kath from the recruitment team

gave me a tons of paper for me to fix and sort. These papers are called M.R’s or Man

Power recruitment. I have to sort the 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 M.R’s by months and

days. It took me 6 hours and I still haven’t finished the task. Guess I’ll be back here

tomorrow doing the same work

Day 3

.This is now my 3rd day in immersion, I’m still feeling a little sleepy and tired from

yesterday’s work. I can’t help but to feel anxious every time I’m about to enter the front

door of the office, “I’ll get used to this kind of thing” I told myself. When I was waiting, I

was asked by ma’am Kath to shred papers from the shredder. She gave me a tons of

paper that are needed anymore for me to shred. It took me 2 hours to shred all those

papers and I was amazed that it took 3 full garbage bag. After that, I was asked to cut

name tags for the newly hired employee of the hospital.

Day 4

After 2 days of being in the recruitment team, we were now assigned to work under the

compensation and benefits. Ms.Florie head of compensation and benefits, escorted us

into her office and discussed to us all the things that we need to know about

compensation and benefits. With that information given I learned that there are so many

branches of H.R. Ms.Florie also explained to us the statutory reports and benefits of an

employee, how SSS, PHIC, HDMF/Pag-ibig and BIR works, and the salaries and

benefits an employee receives. I feel comfortable around Ms.Flor because she is very

warm-hearted and approachable even though she is busy with work. She still willingly

gave us her time to discuss everything we need to know about compensation and

benefits. I remember on the first day of work Ms.Florie gave me an ensaymada wrapped

in a plastic at first I was shy to accept it, then I thought it would be impolite for me not to

accept it. Before she gave us tasks to do, she explained to us how very confidential the

files that are under the compensation and benefits. She gave us files of E.R’s for us to

file and sort. It was nice working around with Ms.Flor, she tells us stories and gladly

answers all our questions about the things we don’t understand. Hours have passed by

and we didn’t noticed the time. It was already time for us to go.
Day 5

As I entered the office, I head straight to my spot and take a sit while waiting for my

classmate Kenneth. As soon as he arrived, we started to sort and file again the E.R

Documents for Ms.Florie. After that I was asked to photocopy some papers and

certificates by Ms.Yna. The H.R department will be having an emergency meeting by 11

o’clock, every one of them will attend the meeting which leaves me and Kenneth alone

in the office. They have allowed us to answer phone calls for them while they were out

in the meeting. While I was photocopying some papers, and Kenneth is filing some

E.R’s. we heard a phone a rang from across the room. We looked at each other not

knowing what to do or how to answer the phone, lucky us; ma’am Nica was still there

finishing some works before heading out in the meeting. She answered the phone for

us; but the next phone that will ring are assured for us to answer. So me and Kenneth

make a deal that we will answer the phone calls alternately. This has been the most

challenging day for me so far. Since I’m not that good at communicating with others. All

I can say is that this day has taught me a lot and made me realize a lot of things for

Day 6

A new week, a new day, and also a lot of new learnings from the H.R department. It’s

good to start off this week with a positive attitude and mindset. Since this week is my

last week with them, I want to make every hours count.

We were assigned to work with Sir Felix today, but mam Mitch from the Payroll and time

keeping, ask if we could work for her today because she is running out of time and there

are a lot of work to do. Sir Felix agreed and ma’am Mitch guide us into her desk to

explain to us how the payroll runs and what the things we needed to know are. She told

us to time check the D.T.R’s of the employee. This job requires us to be attentive and

focus because there are a lot of numbers you’ll see from the D.T.R’s and a single error

could harm the salary of an employee, and I don’t want anything like that to happen.
Day 7

I arrived late in the office this morning, still feeling a little dizzy from yesterday’s work. I

go to ma’am Mitch to offer her some help. I could tell from the way she looked how

stress she is right now; with all that D.T.R from all the employee of the company, and a

limited time to finish her work. I could tell she really needed our help.

She taught me how to encode payroll components. I got to work carefully on this one

because the salaries of all the employees are at stake, although facing a computer

screen at such a long time can be painful in the eyes. I still manage to survive the day.
Day 8

I’m finally getting used to this. I was not only working for one particular part of the H.R

department. I was all around helping and escorting them with their works. This day after

I encode some payroll components for ma’am Mitch I switched places with Kenneth, He

enjoys encoding a lot; I don’t… Maybe because I just don’t want to sit around all day

facing the computer.

Sir Jasper called me, he ask me to come with him to enroute some documents from the

H.R department to the other departments of the hospital. He showed me where the

shortcuts are so I could easily go if I were to be told to enroute some documents for the

H.R department. After that we head back to the H.R office, Then Ma’am Nica ask me if I

can go now by my own, because she was about to hand me again some documents to

be taken from the medical directors office. I find my way through there and let the

documents be received, so I head back to the office. And a mission accomplished.

Day 9

The life of an H.R is tough, but as I look into their faces I can see how committed they

are to their work. They have this saying; an employee of Perpetual Help is “committed

to life.” I just can’t help but to be inspired by them. I’m lucky that I was given the

opportunity to work with these amazing people here in the H.R department.
Before going to work today I realized something, I think finally understood what

immersion is all about. It’s not only to help and prepare me in my future work. But it
made me realize what I really wanted to do. I don’t want to work spending my days

facing a computer or sitting around all day doing some paper works. I want more, I want

something special, I want a work that allows me to move my body, my heart and my


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