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10257 22 USA

Date: 11/19/2010 ID: 9695989 Name: Jana
Age: 22 Gender: 2

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About The Big 5/45 Personality Profile


This report provides scores on five basic normal

personality traits and nine facets within each one.
The facets are described in the pages that follow.
These traits tend to be about 50% genetically based
and 50% environmentally shaped; you can change
your traits by deliberate effort. For example, if you
have a lower Friendliness score than you want (scale
#2) you can practice making friends, being more
joyful and radiant and being more comfortable with
people. Similarly, if you have a higher score on
Provocativeness (scale #6), you can practice being
less boastful, demanding, critical, etc. By the time
you are 30 years old, your personality will be fairly
set, so it is wise to make changes before that age if
you can.
It is helpful to learn to accept yourself and other
people as having a unique personality, such as
defined by the profile of score you get on this
report. People come in many different "types",
which is good, for your personality will suit you
better for some jobs and roles in society than
others. Every community of people needs a wide
variety of jobs and other roles necessary to make the
society function well. If we all were leaders and
none were followers, for example, we'd have "Too
many chiefs and not enough Indians", or everyone
wanting to direct but none willing to follow orders.
Imagine a baseball team with everyone wanting to
be the coach and none willing to be the players; they
couldn't play the game.
If your total score on this test is much higher than
110 or so and you answered most or all of the
questions with 1 or 5 responses in the direction you
think would make you "look good", your scores may
not be a reliable measure of who you really are.
Instead, they may reflect a perfect image of who you
would like to be. You might choose to retake the
test, marking fewer items 1 and 5 in the "right"
If your total score is very low, lower than 1, you may
have been in a very negative mood, seeing yourself
as having few strong points. You may consider
taking the test again when you are in a better mood.
Your scores on this test are comparing you to a
sample of 501 adults in a medium-sized city in the
United States. In this sample, scores did not vary
much from one gender to another. Research with
similar personality measures have shown only minor
differences between ethnic minorities.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor,

those with a master's degree earn 90 percent
more than those with a high school diploma.
Over your lifetime, this translates into significant

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Your Big 5/45 Personality Profile Trait

Percentile Levels: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

T-Score Levels: 14 26 35 42 50 57 64 73 85

Score Level: Low High

1. Gregariousness:
[T-Score: 18]
Higher scores indicate the
person is likely to be X
gregarious, outgoing,
talkative, and liking
conversations and parties.

2. Friendliness: [T-
Score: 3]
Higher scores indicate the
person is likely to be X
gregarious, outgoing,
talkative, and liking
conversations and parties.

3. Assertiveness: [T-
Score: 64]
Higher scores indicate the
person is likely to be busy, X
plan-directed, self-asserting
and tending to be motivated
to succeed.

4. Poise: [T-Score: 29]

Higher scores suggest
tendencies to feel comfortable
around people and in
unfamiliar places, loving life
and not easily embarrassed.

5. Leadership: [T-
Score: 18]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be outspoken, X
self-confident in speaking out
in social situations, taking
charge and making decisions.

6. Provocativeness:
[T-Score: 109]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be boastful, X
demanding, daring in
comments, criticism, and in
defying rules.

7. Self-Disclosure: X
[T-Score: 46]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be open about
self and others, enjoying a
sense of humor, laughing,
childlike, "wild" and "crazy".

8. Talkativeness: [T-
Score: 40]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to talk a lot, X
perhaps too much, too loudly,
and to seek too much

9. Sociability: [T-
Score: 13]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to need to be X
around other people to feel
comfortable, enjoying being
on the go, in crowds.

TOTAL: [T-Score: 31]
Higher scores indicate the
person is likely to be more X
extroverted socially, especially
as reflected in higher scores
on some or all of the nine
traits immediately above.


11. Understanding:
[T-Score: 9]
Higher scores indicate
tendencies to respect and X
sympathize with other
persons' feelings, interests
and viewpoints and being

12. Warmth: [T-Score:

Higher scores indicate
tendencies to make special X
efforts to help other people
feel welcome, comfortable and
attended to.

13. Morality: [T-Score:

Higher scores suggest
modesty, respect for rules and
authority and loyalty to and
respect for other people.

14. Pleasantness:
[T-Score: -17]
Higher scores suggest X
tendencies to be socially
pleasant, friendly, trusting and

15. Empathy: [T- X

Score: 93]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be especially
sensitive to feelings, both
ones' own and those of others,
and in self-improvement.

16. Cooperation: [T-

Score: 67]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be cooperative X
rather than competitive.
Modest and avoids conflict or
making fun of others.

17. Sympathy: [T-

Score: 46]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be especially X
sensitive to the misfortune of
others and to take an interest
in helping them.

18. Tenderness: [T-

Score: 60]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to care for
children, friends, as by
remembering birthdays.
Shows feelings, cries in
empathy, etc.

19. Nurturance: [T-

Score: 29]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to go out of one's
way to help and please others,
putting them before self.

TOTAL: [T-Score: 44]
Higher scores indicate overall
agreeableness, as reflected in X
higher scores on some or all of
the nine tests immediately


[T-Score: 67]
Higher scores reflect X
tendencies to plan ahead, do
one's work carefully, and
complete it on time.

22. Efficiency: [T-

Score: 57]
Higher scores reflect
tendencies to stick to plans, X
be exacting in ones' work,
being prompt, and finishing
tasks once begun.

23. Dutifulness: [T- X

Score: 53]
Higher scores reflect
tendencies to be neatly
dressed and groomed, well-
mannered, dutiful in following
directions and checking one's

24. Purposefulness:
[T-Score: 88]
Higher scores reflect X
tendencies to be prompt,
focused and prepared in
carrying out job duties.

25. Organization:
[T-Score: 49]
Higher scores reflect
tendencies to set high X
standards for self and others,
demand quality follow through
on commitments, make well-
considered decisions.

26. Cautiousness:
[T-Score: 89]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to attend to detail, X
demand quality performance
from oneself and others, and
complete tasks successfully.

27. Rationality: [T-

Score: 31]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be rational, X
logical, straight-forward and
believing in consequences for

28. Perfectionism:
[T-Score: 122]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to prefer planned X
activities and expect
perfection and attention to

29. Orderliness: [T-

Score: 90]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be rule-oriented, X
like schedules, routine work,
doing things 'by the book',
keeping tidy.

SS TOTAL: [T-Score:
Higher scores indicate overall X
conscientiousness, as reflected
in higher scores on some or all
of the nine tests immediately

31. Stability: [T-Score:
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be even- X
tempered, slow to anger or
get frustrated or moody,
seldom taking offense.

32. Happiness: [T-

Score: 51]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be positive in X
mood, adaptable, comfortable
with oneself and self-

33. Calmness: [T-

Score: 12]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to be accepting or
others as they are, rarely
annoyed or irritated.

34. Moderation: [T-

Score: 94]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to remain calm X
under pressure, and avoid
cravings, overindulgence and

35. Toughness: [T-

Score: 64]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to endure criticism X
and tense situations calmly,
keeping one's head and

36. Impulse
Control: [T-Score: 89]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to control one's X
emotions, not interrupt others,
maintain tact and restraint in
social situations.

[T-Score: 22]
Higher scores suggest X
tendencies to seldom be
influenced by one's emotions
or get emotional.

38. Cool-
Headedness: [T-
Score: -4]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to want things X
done 'my way', add up
perfectly to impress others.
Demands obedience,
confirmation of one's own
opinions, no contradictions.

39. Tranquility: [T- X

Score: 46]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to remain much
the same emotionally from
situation to situation, without
emotional highs or lows.

TOTAL: [T-Score: 44]
Higher scores indicate overall X
stability, as reflected in higher
scores on some or all of the
nine tests immediately above.

(These are personality
measures, not measures of
intellect per se)

41. Intellect: [T-

Score: 63]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to have a large X
vocabulary of difficult words,
and enjoy thinking and
understanding things.

42. Ingenuity: [T-

Score: 102]
Higher scores suggest a
confident 'idea person', who X
likes to come up with new
plans and solutions to

43. Reflection: [T-

Score: 77]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to enjoy and reflect
on books, movies, nature,
flowers, music, etc.

44. Competence: [T-

Score: 108]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to learn and
understand quickly, look at the
facts, think and meet
challenges with a spirit of

45. Quickness: [T-

Score: 82]
Higher scores suggest
aptitude for handling complex X
problems, understanding
things quickly, and liking to
learn and think.

46. Introspection:
[T-Score: 112]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to enjoy spending X
time alone, reflecting on and
contemplating things, doing
things at one's own pace.

47. Creativity: [T- X

Score: 74]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to enjoy solving
unique, complex problems,
challenging other points of
view, linking facts.

48. Imagination: [T-

Score: 81]
Higher scores suggest
tendencies to enjoy
imagination, fantasy, art,
variety and creative activities.

49. Depth: [T-Score:

Higher scores suggest
tendencies to think deeply, get X
lost in thought and trying to
understand the deeper
meaning of self and life.

TOTAL: [T-Score: 102]
Higher scores indicate overall
intellectuality, as reflected in X
higher scores on some or all of
the nine tests immediately

> View Your Big 5/45 Personality Profile

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> View Your 305 Job Extended CAPP

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Copyright 2003 William A. McConochie & FunEducation, Inc.

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