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IT202 (AIS)







1. Answer the following question (1.5 pts

each) (30 points (hard copy)

a. Archiving a record is an alternative to Yes. But deleting means removing records or

deleting a record? What is the benefit information completely while archiving means
that can be derived from it? moving the record or information in a permanent
storage to free up a space in the system.

The benefit of archiving a record is it lets you

retrieve your record when the need of it arises.

b. Are large batch sizes preferable to small No. Small batch sizes are preferable than large
batch sizes when it comes to data batch sizes because small ones produce fewer
processing? Explain. queues, give faster cycle time, increase urgency,
and decrease risk through faster feedback.

c. Discuss the importance of accounting It is necessary in AIS because the use of

independence in accounting information accounting independence is required for the
systems. Use an example aside from reliability of information. And to ensure its
inventory control. integrity, decision makers in these functions
require that such vital information be supplied by
an independent source.

An example of this is the payroll process.

Payroll process organizes all the filing of employee
taxes and all the tasks of employee payment and
these include keeping tracks of hours, calculating
wages, withholding taxes and deductions, printing
and delivering checks and paying employment
taxes to the government.

d. Does banking system use real/ on-line Banking system uses both real time and batch
processing or both real time and batch processing. Real time is used when processing
processing. Provide a scenario. transactions without delay like when the
customers deposit money in the bank or
withdraws money from the bank, the record of
the customers reflect their current status or the
transactions they made. Batch processing is used
by the bank in terms of payroll system, there is no
need to keep track of how much an employee has
earned every minute of the day and doing this
every two weeks is likely sufficient.

e. Give at least on criteria that influence The criteria that influence selection of data
selection of data structure? What data structures include the insertion of record into a
structure is suited for that? file. This will need sequential structure so as the
records will automatically be inserted into the
right path.

f. How do backup procedures for files with In a direct access structure, each record is
a direct access structure differ from assigned in a unique disk location or address that
sequential files? is determined by its key value. Because only a
single valid location exists for each record,
updating the record must occur in a place of a
destructive update approach that leaves no
backup copy of the original master file and only
the current value is available to the user. If the
current master becomes damaged or corrupted,
no backup version exist from which to reconstruct
the file while sequential file update process
produces new physical masters file. The new file
contains all of the records from the original file,
including those that were updated by transactions
and those that were not updated. The original
master continues to exist. If the current master
file become lost, damaged, or corrupted by
erroneous data, a new file can be created from
the original master files and the corresponding
transaction files.

g. How do you consider Microsoft Office I think MS Office System is a backbone system
Systems? Is it a turnkey, backbone or because it consist the basic system structure in
vendor supported system? Explain your which to build. The primary processing logic is
answer. programmed, and the vendor then designs the
user interfaces to suit the client’s unique needs.
h. If a certain system in a business is
centralized does it mean that the whole Yes, the whole business is centralized if a certain
business is centralized. Explain your system is centralized because resources and data
answer. (You are encouraged to give of the company are shared by the management
practical business cases) and employees of the company.

i. If accountants are viewed as providers Accountants as end users must provide a clear
of information, then why are they picture of their needs to the professionals who
consulted as system users in the system design their systems. Example, the accountant
development process? Give a practical must specify accounting rules and techniques to
example to support your answer. be used, internal control requirements, and
special algorithms such as depreciation models.

j. In what scenario does real time

processing advantageous over batch Real time processing system process transactions
processing (Is it transactions that are individually at the moment the event occurs.
dependent with one another or Because records are not grouped into batches,
transactions that are independent with there are no time lags between occurrence and
one another?) Justify your answer. recording compared with batch processing

k. The REA model is based on the premise REA treats the accounting system as a virtual
that business data must not be representation of the actual business. In other
preformatted or artificially constrained words, it creates computer objects that directly
and must reflect the all relevant aspects represent real-world-business objects. For
of the underlying economic events.” example, in the sales process, one event would be
Explain it by giving a practical example "sales"—where goods are given up—and the
of REA model (which is of course not on other would be "cash receipt", where cash is
the book) received. These two events are linked; a cash
receipt occurs in exchange for a sale, and vice
versa. The duality relationship can be more
complex, e.g., in the manufacturing process, it
would often involve more than two events.

l. What are the 3 general problems The three general problem associated with data
associated with data redundancy and redundancy are Wasted Storage Space,More
give a practical example for each. difficult Database Updates, A Possibility of
Inconsistent data. Examples, Autonimous sysytem
developments activities distributed throughout
the firm can result in each user area reinventing
the wheel. Another example customer data exist
only once, but is shared by accounting, marketing,
and product services users.

m. What are the 4 levels of activity in the The four levels are Top management, middle
pyramid representing the hierarchy of management, operation management and
management? Give at least one person operation personnels. Example.,Operations
involved in the four levels of manager, this individual is the leader for the
organization (e.g. Chief Executive Officer operation and has overall responsibility for the
belongs to top management). Give financial success of the business. The operations
examples of vertical flow and horizontal manager handles external relations with lenders,
flow of information. community leaders and vendors.(horizontal)
Frequently, this individual also is in charge of
either production or marketing for the business.
This person will set in motion the vision, strategic
plan and goals for the business (vertical).

n. What are the three fundamental task of Three fundamental tasks of data management,
data management and give a practical storage, retrieval and deletion, storage, for
example for each task. assigning keys to a new records and stores them in
their proper location in the database. Retrieval is
the task of locating and extracting an existing
record from the database for processing. Deletion
is the task permanently removing obsolete or
redundant records from the database.

o. What is feedback? Give a practical Feedback is a form of output that is sent back to
example of it and how is it beneficial to the system as a source of data. For example, an
the system? inventory have fallen to, or below, their minimum
allowable levels. Internal feedback from the
information will initiate the inventory ordering
process to replenish the inventories. Similarly,
external feedback about level of uncollected
customer accounts can be used to adjust the
organization's credit-granting policy.

p. What is meant by cardinality in E-R Cardinality is the numeric mapping between

diagram? Provide an example based on entities instances. if we think of entities in the ER
a case record. diagram as files of records, cardinality is the
maximum number of records in one file that are
related to a single record in the other file and vice
versa. for example, each salesperson in the
organization is assigned one automobile. If instead
the organization's policy were to assign a single
automobile to one or more persons who share it,
this policy would be reflected by a 1:M
relationship. Similarly, the M:M relationship
between vendor and inventory implies that the
organization buys the same type of products from
one or more vendors. A company policy to buy
particular items from a single vendor would be
reflected by a 1:M cardinality.

q. What processing requires considerable It is real- time processing that is requires

computer networking? Is it real-time or considerable computer networking, because
batch processing? Explain. records are not grouped into batches, there are no
time lags between occurrence and recording.

r. Why is cost accounting also applicable in Cost accounting encompasses a body of concepts
service - oriented business such as and techniques that support the objectives of
hospitals? Explain both financial accounting and managerial
accounting. Activity - Based Costing can be applied
in service industries other than those described
here. It has become increasingly important for
companies whose markets are becoming more
competitive. Since ABC is really about cost
management, using it allows service companies to
reduce and control their costs in order to make
correct pricing and other decisions, and to
increase their profitability. It is likely to continue
to become more prevalent in the service industry
in the future.

s. Why is management report considered Management reporting is called discretionary

discretionary reporting? reporting because the organization can choose
what information to report and how to present it.

t. Why is transaction file called a

temporary file? Transaction file is called temporary file because it
used to change or update data in a master file.
2. Discuss Financial Accounting Cycle The financial accounting cycle refers to a series of
(hard copy 10 points) sequential steps or procedures performed to
accomplish accounting process. The steps in the
cycle and their aims are the following:

Step 1: Identification of Events to be Recorded.

Aim: To gather information about transactions or
events generally through the source documents.

Step 2: Transactions are Recorded in the Journal.

Aim: To record the economic impact of
transactions on the firm in a journal, which is form
that facilitates transfer to the accounts.

Step 3: Journal Entries are Posted to the Ledger.

Aim: To transfer the information from the journal
to the Ledger for classification.

Step 4: Preparation of a Trial Balance. Aim: To

provide a listing to verify the equality of debits
and credits in the ledger.

Step 5: Preparation of the worksheet including

Adjusting Entries. Aim: To aid in the preparation
of financial statements.

Step 6: Preparation of the Financial Statements.

Aim: To provide useful information to decision

Step 7: Adjusting Journal Entries. Aim: To record

the accruals. Expiration of deferrals, estimations
and other events from the worksheet.
Step 8: Closing Journal Entries are Journalized
and Posted. Aim: To close temporary accounts
and transfer profit to owner’s equity.

Step 9: Preparation of a Post-Closing Trial

Balance. Aim: To check the equality of debits and
credits after the closing entries.

Step 10: Reversing Journal Entries are Journalized

and Posted. Aim: To simplify the recording of
certain regular transactions in the next accounting

3. Think of a service business that is going

on (single proprietorship) then

a. Specify Name and nature of business (5 Business Name: Uy Law Office

points) (hardcopy)
Nature of Business: A Law firm established and
owned by Atty. Jan Uy for his legal practice of his
profession and expertise.

b. Beginning balance (last accounting

period) (10 points) (hardcopy)

c. At least 30 financial transactions During the Month of December 2019, Uy Law

Office had the following transactions.
(current accounting period) (hardcopy) (15

Dec. 1- Atty. Jan Uy invests P500,000 cash.

- Uy Law Office obtains a loan from Mars

Bank amounting to P100,000. The loan bears 6%
annual interest payable every December 1.

- Uy Law Office pays P10,000 for the

necessary permits and licenses for its operation.
- Uy Law Office pays P120,000 for the
annual rent of the office space.

Dec. 2- Uy Law office renders a legal advice to

Mercury Co. and billed for P135,000.

- Uy Law Office purchases supplies worth

P5,000, on cash basis.

Dec. 3- Acquired P70,000 worth of equipment;

paying 30% in cash, and a promissory note for the

Dec 8- Uy Law Office renders legal advice to Venus

Co. for P37, 500 on cash basis.

- UY Law Office purchases a laptop for

P36,000 cash. The laptop has an estimated useful
life of 3 years, with no residual value.

Dec. 10- Performed services for Client A for

P70,000 cash.

Dec. 11- Billed Client B for legal advice rendered,


Dec. 15- Mercury Co. pays Uy Law Office.

Dec. 17- Atty. Uy withdraws P25,000 from the law

office for his personal use.

Dec. 18- Purchased P30,000 worth of office

supplies on account.
Dec. 20- Cygnus Catering bills Uy Law Office for
P25,000 for services rendered for it’s holidays
luncheon for its clients and staffs.

Dec. 22- Received P75,000 cash from Client C for

services to be performed on January 5, 2020.

- Atty. Uy withdrew P25,000 cash from the

law office for personal use.

Dec. 22- Uy Law Office receives P35,000 cash in

advance from Jupiter Co. for services to be
rendered in 2020.

Dec. 23- Uy Law Office renders legal service to

Vega Co. for P55,000, on account.

- Collected 60% of the balance from Client

B’s December 11 transaction.

Dec. 27- Uy Law Office renders taxation advice to

a client. UY Law office bills the client for P20,000.

-Paid P80,000 of the notes payable.

Dec. 31- Uy Law office pays P15,000 for the salary

of its accounting and office staff.

- Uy Law Office also pays utilities of 8,000.

d. Journal Entry of transactions (soft copy

in Excel) (20 points)

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