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MATERIALS - METALS et nar Sytem ‘Sriging Se els Special Team sod apple US A: N HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ZINC COATED STEEL SHEET Dx210300 1, SCOPE 1.L This specification covers the requirements fox low carbon steel sheet subsequerly zine coated by the het Aipped process 41.2 The specification number shown inthe te is @ genetic mum fox hot dipped galvanized sce) Teble 1 shows the specification numbers to be weed on Grawings sod relets the specific substrate, coating weight and surface quality ‘The base metal specification referenced i the table defines the subsuat and its focmablity The cootng weight uss the leter designation G fortes zie. The coating mess foreach sids is designated by The tminimom value in g/t® The suace quality i defined aa (exposed) or U (ovesposed) 121 Drawing callout example: DX210801 (CRIU, 706/106, U) 2. REFERENCED STANDARDS ASTM A90 DxO0000S Dx201912 Dx2i0012 Dx210500 xzi0901, Dx210502 x210003 px210908 Dx2i0%5, Dx210806 Dx210507 Dx210908 Dx210909 Dx210910 DX210011 x210013 Dx650076 3. ENVIRONMENTAL/SAFETY REQUIREMENTS All material sopplied wo thi specification must comply with the requirements fisted in DX00COS 4, MATERIAL PROPERTIES 41 BASE METAL 0X210900) ‘Baso metal funishe! to this specication shall conform to the cequtements in DX210900 Low Carbon Steet Sheet 42 MATERIAL THICKNESS The drawing specified matesil thickness for hot dipped costings includes the stes! and the coating at the tcal thickness 43 COATING PROPERTIES ‘The coating procneed in continnoxs hot dipped galvanizing lines shall consist of pore zine and only a auinicaat alloy aye 431 Coating Mass (ASTM A9Q): The coating mass shall couform to the appcoptaterequiecoents presecibed ia Table 2 and tested pet ASTM AO If Ue initial tating produces a value other than the gpecifed ange chown ix ‘able 2, trop additional specimens shall be tesied The reext specimens shall be taken at least 25 mmm from the ‘edge ‘The average ofthe Une retest specimens must conform to the specified values in Table 2 432 Coiting Bend Test: Test specimens of coeted metal shall bo capable of being bent through 180° in any ection withoot flaking of the coating onthe outside ofthe bend only Making ofthe coating within 6 ram of the ‘ge ofthe bend test specimen shall not be eause for rejection Coating bend zest specimen shall be SO to 100 san ‘wide The specimens shall be cut not less thaa 50 xm for the el edges of the tea sheet 44 SURFACE REQUIREMENTS ‘Senn nay 8S TEESOLOUSS Ae enn JUNE 1999 ‘DxB10300, Page 1 of 4 Copyright by the DELPHI nteror Systems Ui Wee apr 25 08:19:47 2007 MATERIALS METALS 44.1 Surfece Texture (DX210012}: Surfers extue ofthe material funished shal meee those requirements for all exposed (&) sufi designations unless otherwise specified 442. Surface Defects; Material shall be fre ftom surtace defect unless oxberwise negotsted berween the supplier and parchaser 443 Suniace Treatorent (DX650076): All swe! fumnished to this specification shall be coated with an oil that i= ‘compatible with tho aubeeguoat paint aysten as described in DX650076. ho zine coating shall not ceceive aay ‘ype of chemical stmoent unless specified on the puree orlex 444 Sustae Paimabity (DX550076): Fox painted spplications the costed sutace shal bo capable of achieving high quality zine phosphate coaversion coating por DXG50076 and subsequent supetior paint adhesion performance properties | 45 WELDABLIEY ‘Foc welded applications, material fomshed to tis specification shall be weldable 2s agreed upon by the supplies snd purchaser 46 ADHESIVE BONDABILITY Fox bonded applications, the coated suiacs ofthe material funished shall be adhesively tondable ws agreed upon by the sngpier and purchaser 5, MATERIAL CONFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: ‘All material supplied to this specification mast comply with the reireraats sted in DXOOOOOS 6. METHOD OF MANUFACTURE Not applicable 7. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE All matecil supplied to this specification rst comply with he requirements sted in DXO0000S & PACKAGING Atl material supplied to this specification must comply with the requirements listed in DXOOQO05 9, MISCELLANEOUS 91 DESCRIPTION OF TERMS 911 Minimized Spangle: A tot dip galvanized finish produced by tating te galvanized shoet duing solidification of the zine to restrict normal spangle formation 9.42 Extn Smooth: A bot dip galvanized finish produced by skin passing the coeted stoel sheet to impart 8 higher degree of smoothness than is normal for as coated products 913 Spangle Free: A hot dip galvanized finish produced by eliminating all visual spangle panes Used for appearance applications 914 Spangle: A hot dip galvanized finish resulting from unresticted growl of zine erystals duing normal solidifcation “No provision is rade in tis specification for regular spangle slce it i not recommended for automotive epplictions 10, INSPECTION AND REJECTION L ‘All material supplied to tis specification must comply withthe requirements listed in DX000005 11. APPROVED SOURCES Not applicable 20 nay nD TER NELSOES Ne ALF ‘JUNE 1999 Bxz10300 Pago 2 0f4 CCopyighl by the DELP Ht Ineror Systems Wee ape 25 08:19:33 2001 42 REVISION RECORD MATERIALS - METALS. Rev, [Date Deseription ‘Approved By__[ Tite [Seat] 0 | 280637" Original issue ‘ean Klimoweid’ | Chairman, Beals signature on Spovialist Team | fle 0 | ISABSS | Oaginal we Davis Gant, | Delphi Materials | signature oa i Stestegic Pamaing | file ad {| Manager oe TABLE : Base Metal Specification Coating Weight & Surtice | __. Detphi-t Spee Number Number () Quality "DX210501 DRDO (CRIT 70G/706, _Dx210002, i soGN0G, U 'Bx210803 "700/100, DX210304 ‘x710902 (CRIB) Dx210805 ____pe210306 DX210307 DRDO (CRD Dx2N0308 = z Dx210309 Dx210310 Dx210906 (CRZE) Dx210311 ___pe210312 _ DROTUTS DXTI0505 (CRI Dx710814, L. DR203IS Dx210316 Dx210306 (CRE) px210817 DX210818, i DRHOIOT (CRTD 1DX210008 (CREE) 90G)906, ‘mana, Z : S0G/50G.Z. ‘DRTTOND CRIT 70G706, 0 LL ee 20606, U "7OG/10G,E DX210910 (CRSE) 9065906, E G08. Z ere OGIO. Z. DRO RID 7OGAOG, T ae 906906. DX2I0555 DRDOIZ RAD 70G106, Dxz10834, = se S0G806,U, DIATE DRAOOTS RI 7OGFI0G, T Dx210336, 206806, U JUNE 1900 Copyright by the DELPHI Interior Systorns Wed Apr 25 08:19-48 2001 oct faa tisOELPH TEOMELOOE NE AROMA ReENNd ‘Dx210300 Nis Base meal shown Wa roping ap al ect wens within Dat eeu Pages of 4 MATERIALS - METALS. TABLE 2 — (Coating Mass Pex Side ghar 1 ‘Single Spat Test Minima Maxima mc i200 ~ Tots] cit nner tne EOS HO AG an JUNE 1998 ‘Dx@10800 Page 4 of 4 Copyright by the DELPHI Interior systems Wed Apr 25 08:19:49 2001

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