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Blake Aviles

Akerman’s film, Je Tu Il Elle, was released in 1975 during a time of activist cinema. Je Formatted: Font: Italic
Tu Il Elle began opens with a young woman who sitsting in a black and white room that
was black and white. It begians mysterious with the woman facing away from the
camera. The French woman’s perspective became the focal point. She began speaking
about the different colors she painted the room. Frequently the light would turn to dark, Commented [MOU1]: Present tense and active voice!
which signaled the woman falling asleep. The wide framed camera displayed the tiny
room. Although the camera perspective was wide, there was not much action being
taken place. The woman would look into the eye of the camera to give it more of a
personal feel. Although her mouth never moved, her narration was heard consistently. Commented [MOU2]: What is your main argument?

The woman’s loneliness could be felt, with the loud streets, loud voices, footsteps,
children’s laughter, as she sat in silence. To keep herself occupied she moves the Commented [MOU3]: Is this about her lonliness?
furniture out of the room, and eats sugar every now and then. The constant light
beaming in may mean hope. She strips naked and covers herself with her clothes. One
day, the woman dresses herself again and leaves the little room with the door open,
resembling opportunity. She hitches a ride from a decent looking truck driver. The
camera angle is slimmer now and the lighting illuminates the man’s muscular arms and
broad neck. This constructed the viewer to feel attracted to him. The woman’s narration Commented [MOU4]: What is “This”?
disappeared the entire time the man was in the frame. She would follow him around and
just stare at him, even though he spoke of woman like they were pieces of meat. At one
point the truck driver and her ate at a diner together. Both sitting on the same side of the
table while watching an action-packed T.V. show. The sound affectseffects were guns
and yelling. This scene made the man and woman appear as though they were a
couple eating a T.V. dinner at home.

After spending time with the truck driver, the woman went to an old ‘friend’s’ home. She
requested food and water from her friend. The woman wanted to stay, but had to leave
early in the morning. The plot twist ended up being that the ‘friend’ ended up being an
ex-lover. They made love and the lighting in this part of the film was the brightest it had
ever been. This represented that the main character was no long stuck in a place in her
life, she was moving on to her next opportunity. Commented [MOU5]: I would try to thread this idea
around. What is your main argument/point to this blog
You have some good points and some good examples throughout the paper but I’m having a
hard time figuring out what the main argument of the piece is. What are you trying to say? In
addition, I would make sure you are focusing on staying in the present tense and use the active
voice when writing formally. It’s a much more concise and effective way to write in general.

GRADE: 89 Formatted: Font: Bold

Completion: 25
Clarity: 21
Grammar: 20
Evidence: 23

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