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‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬

‫كتاب االمتحانات‬
Exams Booklet


Emad Fawzy Mohamed Abdel Aal

Ahmed Fadel Ayman M. Ebrahim

Yacoub Moawad
Section 1

Units 1 - 4
Revision Tests 
Units 5 - 8
Revision Tests 
Revision Tests (Units 1 – 4)
Test 1
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  The two countries agreed to send trade .................... to each other.
a) headlines b) workers c) marks d) delegations
2  While I was driving to work this morning, I .................... about what you had said.
a) had thought b) was thought c) have thought d) was thinking
3  Nobel Prizes are given to people whose works could .................... a difference in people’s lives.
a) make b) have c) do d) tell
4  Siwa, .................... is an oasis, is full of olives and dates.
a) where b) which c) when d) whose
5  In many poor countries, farmers use animal .................... to make the soil fertile.
a) waste b) wave c) weight d) wildlife
6  Before he retired, my father .................... at 7 o’clock every morning to go to work.
a) had got up b) was getting up c) has got up d) got up
7  Many world scientists hope that pollution will not .................... in the future.
a) exist b) reflect c) damage d) cure
8  The word “optional” is an antonym for the word .................... .
a) necessary b) additional c) refining d) attentive
9  My friends were playing a game .................... rules I couldn’t understand.
a) which b) that c) whose d) who
10  The new club looks like a little bit of a European club .................... in Africa.
a) treated b) moved c) transported d) transplanted
11  What has .................... headlines this year is the issue of food safety.
a) done b) written c) made d) published
12  .................... in the street is a terrifying experience indeed.
a) To being robbed b) Being robbed c) Robbing d) Robbed
13  It rarely .................... in the Western Desert. It is one of the driest places on earth
a) raining b) rains c) rain d) is raining
14  On our journey to London, we visited the palace .................... the Queen is staying.
a) which b) where c) that d) when
15  The city hall .................... now for the president’s visit.
a) is decorated b) is being decorated c) decorates d) is decorating
16  I don’t want to see that nature programme, I have .................... watched this week’s episode.
a) yet b) never c) still d) already

Section (1)

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

The honeybee is a very unusual kind of insect. Unlike other insects, which live alone, the honeybee
lives as a member of a community. These bees live together in what is known as a bee colony.
The head of the colony is called the queen bee. She is larger than the rest of the bees. Her main task in
the colony is to lay eggs. Most of the other bees are the worker bees. These bees collect nectar and pollen
from flowers. The nectar that is carried by the worker bees is deposited on the hive and then converted
into honey. The worker bees also help look after the young bees. As soon as the eggs are hatched, the
worker bees feed the young bees with pollen and nectar. The third type of bee found in the colony is the
drone or male bee. The main task of such a bee is to mate with a new queen.
The queen bee has a life span of about three years. During this period, she would have laid more
than half a million eggs. When the queen bee is dying, a new queen would be groomed. This new queen
would eventually take over the ‘duties’ of the old queen when the latter dies.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The thing that distinguishes the honeybee from other insects is that .................... .
a) its sting is stronger and deadly b) it can live alone
c) it can’t live apart from its community d) it can’t live among trees and flowers
18  The main mission of the queen bee in the colony is to .................... .
a) look after the young bees b) collect nectar and pollen
c) kill the worker bees d) lay eggs
19  The life of honey bees can teach us .................... .
a) co-operation b) how to live among trees c) selfishness d) laziness
20  “Latter” is the “Antonym” of the word .................... .
a) last b) second c) former d) next
B) Answer the following questions:
21  How is honey formed?
22  Find words from the passage that mean:
a) care about. b) period.
23  What is the best title to the passage?

Revision Tests (Units 1-4) Section (1)

24  In your opinion, how can people learn from the way in which bees work? Mention two lessons.

25  Translate into Arabic:

War leads to ruin, destruction and death while peace leads to welfare and prosperity. Therefore, it is the
dream of all nations.

26  Translate into English:

.‫ ىجب علىنا أن نستخدم أحدث التكنولوجىا فى جمىع مجاالت اإلنتاج فى مصر لكى نفى بمعاىىر التصدىر المطلوبة فى كثىر من دول العالم‬-

27  Write an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

Your ambitions for a better life.

Section (1)

Test 2
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  People sell some foods such as fruit and vegetables without mentioning their .................... date.
a) expiry b) announcement c) advertisement d) selling
2  Do you think I could borrow the book after you .................... reading it?
a) had finished b) finished c) have finished d) will finish
3  The school designed a special programme to help people with .................... learn how to read and write.
a) dyslexia b) diabetes c) blindness d) amnesia
4  The woman who .................... in the forest was found dead two days ago.
a) had disappeared b) has disappeared c) was disappearing d) had been disappeared
5  Some students are .................... learners and learn better by seeing videos and pictures.
a) virtual b) auditory c) tactile d) visual
6  The cake .................... in the oven for an hour. I think it will burn.
a) was b) had been c) has been d) will be
7  The word “delightful” is a synonym for the word .................... .
a) frightening b) dull c) similar d) amusing
8  In order not to be sent off, the player avoided .................... a red card by the referee.
a) being given b) to give c) to be given d) giving
9  Most companies now .................... most of their books on CD-ROM.
a) print b) devise c) publish d) type
10  When their mother was ill, the kids offered .................... the dishes.
a) to clean b) cleaning c) that they clean d) not to clean
11  The new course covers three main subject .................... of economy.
a) regions b) zones c) suburbs d) areas
12  Many types of medicine .................... in Egypt are safer than the imported ones.
a) made b) are made c) is made d) which made
13  When my friend .................... home from the hospital, I’ll visit her.
a) return b) returned c) had returned d) returns
14  Mr. Essam, .................... works at our company, has been promoted.
a) whose b) who c) that d) where
15  My little brothers .................... out for a picnic after they passed the exams.
a) are taken b) took c) were taken d) has been taken
16  While my sister was carrying the vase, he .................... it and it broke.
a) was dropping b) dropped c) has dropped d) drops
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The earliest lighthouses were simply bonfires built on hillsides to guide ships. The first lighthouse,
located on the ancient island of Pharos, served the old world city of Alexandria in 285 BC.
Of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Lighthouse of Alexandria was the only one that had
a practical function in addition to its architectural elegance. For sailors, it ensured a safe return to the
Great Harbor. For architects, it was the tallest building on earth at its time. And for scientists, it was the

Revision Tests (Units 1-4) Section (1)

mysterious mirror that fascinated them most. The reflection of the sun’s rays could be seen more than 50
kilometres offshore. Legend has it that the mirror was also used to detect and burn enemy ships before
they could reach the shore.
Shortly after the death of Alexander the Great, his commander Ptolemy Soter assumed power and
established his capital in Alexandria. Off the city’s coast lay the small island of Pharos. Due to the
dangerous sailing conditions, the construction of a lighthouse was seen as being necessary.
For centuries, the Lighthouse of Alexandria was used to mark the harbor, using fire at night and
reflecting the sun’s rays during the day. It was even shown on Roman coins, just as famous monuments
are depicted on currency today.
Although the Lighthouse of Alexandria did not survive to this present day, it left behind its influence.
From an architectural standpoint, the monument has been used as a model for many prototypes along
the Mediterranean.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The lighthouse has a great importance for .................... .
a) sailors, architects and scientists b) astronomers
c) psychologists d) Romans and ancient Egyptians
18  The (Antonym) of the word “construction” is .................... .
a) erection b) manufacture
c) structure d) destruction
19  The old well-known story, often about brave people, adventures, or magical events is .................... .
a) wonder b) lighthouse
c) legend d) mystery
20  The first lighthouse was built in .................... .
a) Egypt b) England
c) Asia d) India
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What is the best title to the passage?
22  What was the Lighthouse of Alexandria used for?
23  What do you think could be the wonders of today?

Section (1)

24  The lighthouse of Alexandria deserved to be one of the wonders of the ancient world. Give two reasons.

25  Translate into Arabic:

Childhood influences man’s personality and forms the broad lines of his identity. What a child acquires
is very hard to change in later stages of his life.

26  Translate into English:

.‫ لحل مشكلة الجوع ونقص الغذاء ىجب على الدول المتقدمة أن تساهم فى تنمىة مصادر الغذاء فى الدول الفقىرة لمساعدتها فى توفىر الغذاء لمواطنىها‬-

27  Write an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

The youth’s role in developing our country.

Revision Tests (Units 1-4) Section (1)

Test 3
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  The hotel staff are friendly and ...................., so more and more guests stay in it.
a) lazy b) efficient c) difficult d) passive
2  Shakespeare, .................... plays are well-known worldwide, is a great playwright.
a) where b) that c) whose d) who
3  Last Saturday, we .................... to visit our uncle in the countryside.
a) have gone b) were going c) go d) went
4  During .................... to the station, I was talking to my friend.
a) was walking b) walking c) my walk d) walked
5  Dr Magdi Yacoub’s .................... has set up the most important heart centre in the Middle East.
a) company b) firm c) society d) foundation
6  Egyptian teachers have the .................... to do great things, if they are given the chance.
a) shape b) potential c) courage d) energy
7  The word “hospitality” is similar in meaning to the word .................... .
a) generosity b) purpose c) misery d) happiness
8  Omnia .................... some sweets by her mother for her success.
a) bought b) was bought c) has bought d) had been bought
9  I can’t stand people .................... around me when I’m eating.
a) to smoke b) smoke c) smoking d) smoked
10  The newspapers unjustly .................... the player a bad midfielder.
a) labelled b) accused c) favoured d) honoured
11  Researchers are working on a new software to turn .................... data into usable information.
a) cooked b) effective c) raw d) refined
12  Samy suggested we all .................... him at his farm in Sharqia.
a) visit b) visiting c) to visit d) visited
13  Mr. Hani .................... in a multi-national company for 30 years before retiring.
a) works b) work c) is working d) worked
14  The T-shirt .................... my father bought me for my birthday was very tight.
a) what b) whose c) whom d) which
15  The school rules say that the headmaster should .................... of any problems at school.
a) tell b) be told c) have told d) be telling
16  It .................... for about two hours in our town. The streets are still wet.
a) rains b) is raining c) has rained d) rained
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Superstition is a belief, which is not based on reason or fact, but on associations of ideas, as in magic.
Some people believe in one or two superstitions. For instance, many people believe that misfortune will
happen if the water in which eggs have been boiled touches your hand. A potato carried in your pocket
will ward you off rheumatism. For the prevention of toothache, some people believe that the sufferer
should drive a nail into a big tree.
Section (1)

Others believe that putting on the left stocking before the right causes bad luck. Opening an umbrella
inside the house will make you miserable all day. Horror of number 13 is a popular superstition. Some
hotels, in fact, knowing the fear of this unlucky number, exclude this number from all rooms. Crossed
knives on a table mean a quarrel. Some people believe that a broken mirror foretells a death in the family.
In England, throughout the Middle Ages, horseshoes were nailed on the doors. This keeps away evil
spirits. The Japanese nail a piece of wood from a certain tree on their walls to keep off thieves.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The best title to the passage is “....................” .
a) Superstition and its benefits to humanity b) How to avoid superstition
c) Superstition and diseases d) Superstition and its effects on man
18  The expression, “ward you off ” means .................... .
a) kill you with b) deprive you of
c) prevent you from d) allow you to
19  Horseshoes were nailed on some doors in England to .................... .
a) bring good luck b) prevent evil spirits
c) keep off diseases d) stop a quarrel
20  “Crossed knives on a table” means .................... .
a) fighting b) having peace
c) eating hungrily d) stop eating
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What do some hotels do to avoid misfortune?
22  When does a mirror foretell death in the family as some people believe?
23  How can one prevent toothache according to the passage?
24  How can believing in superstitions be harmful to some persons? Give two examples.

Revision Tests (Units 1-4) Section (1)

25  Translate into Arabic:

All experts recommend that everyone should make good use of their spare time. They assure that time
lost can’t be regained.

26  Translate into English:

‫ىعتقد منظمو المسابقات الرىاضية الدولىة أنها تساعد على تقارب الشعوب وإشاعة ثقافة التسامح والتفاهم المتبادل مما يؤدى إلى نبذ‬-
.‫الكراهىة والعنف‬

27  Write
an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:
Modern technology has benefits as well as dangers.

Section (1)

Test 4
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  The ground near the river is very soft and wet because there is a .................... there.
a) mass b) marsh c) maze d) marlin
2  The book .................... me yesterday was very interesting.
a) you gave it b) whose you gave c) you gave d) where you gave
3  The government punishes the factory that throws .................... chemicals into the river.
a) traditional b) tobacco c) popular d) toxic
4  I .................... a cold since I started eating an orange every day for breakfast.
a) didn’t have b) haven’t had c) couldn’t have d) don’t have
5  The day of getting my first job will remain in my .................... forever.
a) store b) brain c) souvenir d) memory
6  She always enjoys .................... at all her friends’ parties.
a) see b) to see c) being seen d) having seen
7  I always .................... to school even if it rained.
a) was walking b) had walked c) walk d) walked
8  The engineer was working on the freezer when he was .................... by gas leaking.
a) hit b) damaged c) overcome d) amazed
9  Last night I was working on my project and it took me a while .................... that my phone was ringing.
a) to realise b) was realising c) realising d) realised
10  It was the Olympic Games that really .................... Seoul on the map.
a) drawn b) designed c) removed d) put
11  The middle part of the bridge is .................... by two huge towers.
a) built b) supported c) demolished d) hidden
12  I want the boy to grow up hating violence but his father keeps .................... him guns and swords.
a) to buy b) buying c) bought d) to buying
13  My class .................... research on pollution problems these days.
a) doing b) are doing c) did d) done
14  The footballer .................... legs were injured in the match, had to be operated on.
a) what b) whose c) where d) which
15  It .................... that the old wooden bridge will be replaced by a concrete one.
a) decided b) has decided c) has been decided d) decides
16  We haven’t been able to visit grandfather .................... the last two weeks.
a) yet b) ever c) for d) since
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Sleep is very important for our health and safety. We should get enough sleep in order to let our brains
work properly. Research has shown that sixty percent of adults suffer from sleep deprivation. If we
don’t sleep well for a long time, many negative things may happen. We may get sick because the body
loses its ability to fight infections. Also, a lot of accidents can be caused because drivers have difficulty
concentrating as a result of sleep deprivation. We need to ask a very important question. How much sleep
should an individual have?
Revision Tests (Units 1-4) Section (1)

An average of eight hours of sleep a night gives our bodies good preparation for the next day. However,
to get a good night’s sleep, we need to set a specific bedtime and wake-up time and make it a routine.
Also, we shouldn’t have many drinks which have caffeine such as cola, tea and coffee during the day in
order to get a good night’s rest. We should try to avoid eating, studying or even watching television in
bed because bed is meant for sleep. We must know that sleeping is essential for our health.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Itis recommended to have .................... hours of sleep.
a) eight b) four c) six d) ten
18  The main idea in the passage is .................... .
a) the dangers of sleep b) our life without sleep
c) the dangers of not having enough sleep d) how to get a good night’s sleep
19  The words “sleep deprivation” mean .................... .
a) the benefits of sleep b) the drawbacks of sleep
c) having enough sleep d) lack of sleep
20  Having drinks which contain caffeine during the day .................... .
a) makes your body strong to fight diseases
b) prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep
c) enables you to eat, study and watch TV in bed
d) enables you to have enough sleep at night
B) Answer the following questions:
21  Why must we get enough sleep?
22  How can parents help their children to have a good night’s sleep?
23  What do you think is more useful going to bed at night or during the day? Why?
24  Which do you think is better; having a system of sleep or sleeping at the time of need? Why?

Section (1)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Reading is undoubtedly a useful hobby. It increases our general knowledge and enlarges the horizon of
our thoughts and our view of life.

26  Translate into English:

.‫ مع كل عصر جدىد من المشروعات ىثبت المصرىون أنهم قادرون على تحقىق المعجزات التى ىعجز عنها كثىر من شعوب العالم‬-

27  Writean email of about (180) words:

to your friend Anna telling her about your plans for spending the next summer holiday in
Sharm EI-Sheik. Your name is Abeer.

Revision Tests (Units 1-4) Section (1)

Test 5
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  Scientists have developed new .................... for some dangerous diseases.
a) treatments b) retirements c) treats d) treaties
2  When he was young, he .................... a lot of sweets.
a) had eaten b) ate c) was eating d) had been eating
3  A .................... is a chemical substance used for preventing food from decaying.
a) poison b) preserver c) preserve d) preservative
4  Mother .................... a nice chocolate cake. Would you like a piece with your tea?
a) had just made b) is going to make c) has just made d) will make
5  You don’t have to pay to enter this public park. It’s .................... of charge.
a) engaged b) free c) busy d) occupied
6  The flat .................... is overlooking the Nile.
a) he bought b) he bought it c) which he bought it d) he buying
7  The naughty boy was punished because he .................... broke his desk.
a) slowly b) harshly c) mistakenly d) deliberately
8  A mystery is something that can’t .................... .
a) explain b) explains c) be explaining d) be explained
9  The doctor looked so tired but still .................... a smile.
a) succeeded b) managed c) achieved d) failed
10  Our house is not as modern as .................... .
a) hers b) her c) themselves d) their
11  Personal computers are nearly as .................... in our homes as televisions.
a) widespread b) rife c) common d) prevalent
12  No one believes such a liar, ....................?
a) don’t they b) doesn’t he c) do they d) does he
13  My little sister never .................... her homework before having lunch.
a) do b) is doing c) does d) doing
14  I apologized to my friend because I could not lend him .................... he asked for.
a) what b) whose c) where d) which
15  My friend hopes to .................... the job of a secretary he applied for.
a) offer b) be offered c) offered d) being offered
16  The young girl .................... lunch when he mother asked her to help in the kitchen.
a) is having b) having c) was having d) has
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Hand-signs and gestures were used long before men learned to speak in words. In fact, words are not
man’s only means of communicating with each other. Red Indians, for example, once spoke different
languages but had a common sign language. The sight of smoke and the sound of drums are means of
sending different messages. These are common sign languages without words.

Section (1)

Today, people who are deaf or mute make even greater use of sign language. Though, they may never
be able to speak or hear, they can understand each other by gestures or hand signals. Signs are as good
as words. In African jungles, drum messages warn people against dangers. In Canary Islands a whistling
language passes messages among sailing boats. In cities, of course, traffic lights; red, yellow and green
control vehicles and people. They give them different instructions without words.
Shaking hands and bowing show that we are friendly to each other. Gestures which mean Yes or No
are most interesting. In some countries people show no by shaking their heads from side to side. This
happens in Egypt, but in Lebanon people lift their heads up and back, so that their chins move forward.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  People in Canary Islands communicate by .................... .
a) whistling b) shouting
c) smoke d) drums
18  According to the passage, the oldest method of communication is .................... .
a) words b) pictures
c) traffic lights d) hand signs
19  Lifting the heads up and back in Lebanon is a sign of .................... .
a) agreement b) showing anger
c) refusal d) praying
20  Signs are as good as words to the people who .................... .
a) can’t see very well b) are deaf or mute
c) can see each other well d) live far from each other in cities
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What is the best title to the passage?
22  Why do Africans use drums in jungles?
23  How do traffic lights give instructions without words?
24  Which sign do you like for greeting others? Why?

Revision Tests (Units 1-4) Section (1)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Television with its varied programmes has its great influence on the minds of people everywhere. It has
become an important factor in forming public opinion.

26  Translate into English:

.‫تأثىرا على صحة اإلنسان من أمراض خطىرة عدىدة‬
ً ‫ ىحذر الكثىر من علماء النفس من أن التوتر وضغوط الحىاة السرىعة قد ىكونان أكثر‬-

27  Write
an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:
Do today’s teenagers have the ability to do great things in their life? Why? Why not?

Revision Tests (Units 5 – 8)
Test 1
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  The manager set some difficult rules to .................... the employees. They should be very efficient.
a) fire b) dismiss c) fine d) promote
2  Mostafa doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He always drives .................... .
a) careful b) carefully c) in care d) careless
3  It was a .................... call for our team when the other team almost scored.
a) remote b) tight c) near d) close
4  Gamal .................... short hair but now he has very long hair which needs cleaning regularly.
a) didn’t use to have b) is used to having c) used to have d) was having
5  Ashraf is unhappy at his new school because his classmates .................... him as he is fat.
a) reward b) congratulate c) amuse d) tease
6  My brother looks .................... . He has won the first medal in the competition.
a) happily b) happy c) more happily d) more happy
7  The suffix “....................” changes the word “simple” into a verb.
a) -en b) -ise c) -ify d) -ate
8  The word “free” is a synonym for the word .................... .
a) engaged b) occupied c) busy d) spare
9  Menna and Noura .................... for forty minutes, and they’re still on the phone.
a) are talking b) have talked c) have been talking d) were taking
10  You can always hear Yasser’s voice .................... everybody else’s.
a) below b) above c) from d) under
11  Samy is about to do work .................... with a clothing factory during the summer vacation.
a) experiment b) experience c) exercise d) training
12  I will send you a text message .................... I arrive at the hostel.
a) during b) by the time c) until d) immediately
13  When I was a young boy, my father .................... to take me to the cinema once a month.
a) was used b) doesn’t use c) is used d) used
14  The lifeguard warned us that the middle area is the .................... part of the swimming pool.
a) deep b) deeper c) deepest d) depth
15  We are .................... going to buy tickets for the new film. It is very exciting.
a) definite b) definition c) definitely d) define
16  I .................... all the matches of my favourite football team this season.
a) ’ve watched b) have been watching c) am watching d) watch
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
It seems that the desire for money is part of human nature, though this desire varies from one person
to another, one social group to another. However, in every society, it is thought that the more money a
person has, the more prestige he is likely to acquire.
Revision Tests (Units 5-8) Section (1)

Money plays a different role in every stage of our life. To a child at school age, it is a means of buying
things he likes (sweets for example). His schoolmates who can’t do this, look upon him with admiration
and respect. To the teenager, it means independence and helps him gain a marked social status. He learns
that popularity and leadership can be obtained through money. A young man or woman also derive respect,
admiration and prestige from money. Should he/she have money, it will be easy to join a good university
and start a respectable career. An adult realizes the value of money as the breadwinner of the family.
Satisfaction of the family needs brings him happiness. On the other hand, it is also associated with
fear, worry and anxiety.
Finally, at the age of retirement, money is the main source of security to a person. Money certainly
affects many of our feelings and opinions.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  For a retired person, money secures .................... .
a) worry b) poverty
c) fear d) protection from danger
18  The breadwinner of the family feels .................... when he satisfies the needs of his family.
a) shy b) ashamed
c) happy d) uneasy
19  The antonym of the word “admiration” is .................... .
a) anger b) ugliness
c) approval d) disapproval
20  The main topic of the passage is .................... .
a) prestige b) money
c) popularity d) anxiety
B) Answer the following questions:
21  How can money affect the teenager?
22  How is money important for the breadwinner of the family?
23  Why do you think that money is associated with prestige?

Section (1)

24  Some people judge others by the amount of money they have or not. Why is this wrong?

25  Translate into English:

.‫ فكثىر منهم كانوا روادًا فى العدىد من فروع العلم والثقافة المختلفة‬،‫ كان للعلماء والمفكرىن العرب أثر كبىر على الحضارة والثقافة الغربىة‬-

26  Translate into Arabic:

Bad habits such as smoking, addiction and overeating have bad effects on health, wealth and manners.
So, we should try not to get into them.

27  Write an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

The role of societies towards street children.

Revision Tests (Units 5-8) Section (1)

Test 2
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  Secondary school teachers usually treat their .................... students with great care.
a) toddler b) kid c) grown up d) teenage
2  The team players could win the League because they were keen to .................... with each other.
a) operate b) cooperate c) collaborate d) elaborate
3  Amira is working on her project. Don’t talk or you will .................... her.
a) adapt b) bear c) agree d) distract
4  The two presidents agreed to hold another .................... next month to reach an agreement.
a) summit  b) top c) interview d) debate
5  The company has spent more than 3 million pounds on .................... for the new shoe brand.
a) accesses b) spams c) promotions d) papyruses
6  The word “consume” is an antonym for the word .................... .
a) provide b) protect c) produce d) deduce
7  Sara passes her exams .................... because she is always a hard-working girl.
a) easiest b) easy c) easier d) easily
8  In cases like that, .................... can understand the motive behind the attack.
a) yours b) one c) yourself d) him
9  My grandfather .................... jogging every morning, but the doctor has told him it’s necessary to be fit.
a) didn’t use to go b) used to go c) went d) is used to be going
10  I can’t reach the vase. Why did dad put it on .................... shelf?
a) high b) higher c) the highest d) highly
11  It .................... for 2 hours and hasn’t stopped yet.
a) is raining b) has been raining c) rained d) has rained
12  Did you all enjoy .................... at the amusement park?
a) yours b) you c) yourself d) yourselves
13  My brother often has stomach troubles as he .................... eating fast food.
a) is used to b) was used c) is used for d) no longer
14  It is strange that Ahmed thinks that football is ............. interesting sport. Most boys prefer it to other sports.
a) the least b) the most c) the best d) the little
15  You should be .................... in typing to get the job at the office.
a) extremely b) fantastic c) extreme d) terrible
16  We .................... most of Naguib Mahfouz’s novels and we enjoyed them very much.
a) read b) have read
c) have been reading d) will read
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The television, the computer and the internet are responsible for the declining interest in reading among
the young. They do nothing to build up reading skills as few people find it interesting to read on the computer
or the internet. If the children’s time is devoted to reading, the population would be better educated.
Section (1)

Reading a story is an active partnership between writer and reader. Ideas are sketched and the mind
of the reader creates the rest, but watching something is totally passive.
The problem is that many children read very slowly. It is hardly surprising that such children declare
that they find reading boring and prefer to watch television. Their difficulty is not reading the words – it
is interpreting them. They need to be able to read fast enough to feed the mind’s hunger for a story. Only
by reading daily a child will become a strong and independent reader.
Parents need to be convinced of the importance of preventing their children from wasting their time.
Without the television, the computer and the internet, the child is likely to turn to books for entertainment.

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

17  The people who read on the computer and the internet are .................... .
a) many b) several c) a lot d) few
18  The underlined pronoun “They” refers to .................... .
a) the young b) the television, the computer and the internet
c) children d) reading skills
19  According to the writer’s view, TV is .................... means of entertainment.
a) not an effective b) an encouraging c) an effective d) not a cheap
20  The “synonym” of the word “declare” is .................... .
a) appear b) hide c) announce d) complain

B) Answer the following questions:

21  What is the writer’s main objection to TV, the computer and the internet?
22  Why is watching a story easier than reading it?
23  The writer believes that visual images, such as watching television, spoil the imagination. Do you agree?
24  How do you think we could increase interest in reading again and why is this important?

Revision Tests (Units 5-8) Section (1)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Love of money urges some people to commit crimes such as theft, violence, forgery and murder. Money
is said to be the root of all evil.

26  Translate into English:

‫كثيرا من األضرار‬
ً ‫ىجب محاربة الكثىر من الظواهر الغرىبة على المجتمع المصرى مثل العنف والجرىمة وعدم احترام كبار السن حيث إن لها‬-
.‫الخطيرة علينا‬

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

A story of a man who conquered great difficulties to reach his ambition.

Section (1)

Test 3
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  The hotel staff are .................... that the United Nations chose their hotel for their conference.
a) shy b) ashamed c) embarrassed d) proud
2  This video is shown to .................... who have teenage sons and daughters.
a) babies b) adults c) workers d) toddlers
3  My mother always tells me that I must take .................... my little brother.
a) turns b) in c) off d) care of
4  He used to sweep the floor and do the jobs that nobody .................... wanted to do.
a) else b) too c) also d) as well
5  The coach insisted on the same players to start every match as he said they were a winning .................... .
a) pack b) mixture c) combination d) corporation
6  Messi is really a great player with a/an .................... style. He can’t be stopped by other players.
a) group b) terrible c) inducing d) individual
7  When I woke up, the sun was shinning brightly, and the birds were singing .................... .
a) happily b) happy c) happier d) happiest
8  Would you like to go with us to the club at 7 am tomorrow?
Sure, I .................... up early.
a) am getting b) am used to getting c) got d) used to get
9  I realised the exam .................... difficult as soon as I saw the first question.
a) was going to be b) had been c) was being d) had been being
10  The mechanic .................... my car for an hour and hasn’t finished yet.
a) has been repairing b) has repaired c) is repairing d) was repairing
11  She is by far .................... student in the class.
a) smart b) smarter c) more smart d) the smartest
12  Is an end-of-term party .................... by the students this year?
a) organised b) being organised c) organising d) going to organise
13  Companies .................... write letters to each other. They use email.
a) used to b) no longer c) any longer d) is used to
14  The English novel that we study this year is .................... exciting than the one we studied last year.
a) more b) the least c) as d) the lesser
15  I apologized to the coach for arriving ten minutes .................... for the training session.
a) late b) lately c) latent d) latest
16  It .................... for four hours now. I hope it stops raining.
a) has been raining b) has rained c) is raining d) rains
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
All social animals need some method of exchanging information. Human beings do that in many ways.
One of these ways is bodily movements. They express approval by nodding, by clapping the hands, by
whistling, by smiling, or by laughing. They express disapproval by shaking the head. They show direction
by pointing, and they show size by holding their hands at a certain distance from one another.
Revision Tests (Units 5-8) Section (1)

Even lower creatures such as insects use methods of exchanging information. Bees, like human beings
live in organised groups. They tell each other that there is food by carrying samples back to the hive.
They show the distance and direction of the food by dancing. These dances are important to the bees as
they help them to know the sources of food.
Of course, the main difference between man’s method of exchanging information and that of other
creatures is the spoken language. Only man can speak. Thus, man alone can express ideas and share
knowledge with other human beings.
Social groups of human beings and other lower creatures depend upon methods of exchanging
information. However, only the human society which has a spoken language can make great social and
technical progress.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
enables man to make progress.
17  ....................
a) The spoken language b) Organised groups
c) Information d) Knowledge
18  Man uses his hands to express approval by .................... .
a) dancing b) nodding
c) clapping d) whistling
19  The underlined pronoun “They” refers to .................... .
a) human beings b) bees
c) animals d) creatures
20  The best title to this text is .................... .
a) Social b) Social groups
c) Lower creatures d) Methods of exchanging information
B) Answer the following questions:
21  How is the head used by humans to express:
a) Approval? b) Disapproval?
22  Why do bees dance?
23  Find in he text words which mean:
a) disagreement b) specimen

Section (1)

24  Learning a foreign language helps you to find a good job. Give two reasons.

25  Translate into Arabic:

If it were possible to increase our intelligence, we would have operations to enhance it. However, this
can cause different problems.

26  Translate into English:

‫تثبت األزمات أن الشعب المصرى بتسامحه وحضارته عصى على التفرقة والنزاعات التى أدت إلى انهىار كثىر من المجتمعات والدول فى‬-
.‫المنطقة حولنا‬

27  Write
an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:
Why animals should or shouldn’t be used in scientific experiment.

Revision Tests (Units 5-8) Section (1)

Test 4
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  The ....................of my trip to China was visiting the Great Wall.
a) top b) light c) highlight d) sorrow
2  The little child could .................... the quiz easily as he is very intelligent.
a) make b) design c) do d) draw
3  It is believed that we need more .................... communication within the organisation.
a) affecting b) effective c) impressed d) exciting
4  A/An .................... is someone who does something because they enjoy it instead of as a job.
a) amateur b) professional c) athlete d) sportsman
5  The word “destroy” is similar in meaning to the word .................... .
a) ruin b) excavate c) discover d) avoid
6  The wife stood by the door to .................... her guests as they arrived.
a) laugh b) invite c) reply d) receive
7  He tried to work .................... to have a pay rise to meet his needs.
a) hardy b) harden c) hardly d) hard
8  These glasses will cause you some troubles at first, but don’t worry, you’ll .................... them.
a) be used to b) used to c) get used to d) use
9  Omar ran .................... of all and won the race.
a) fast b) much faster than c) faster than d) the fastest
10  I already told Mark that when he arrived, we .................... out for dinner.
a) had gone b) went c) had been going d) would go
11  I used to play badminton .................... I was younger.
a) when b) while c) since d) before
12  Shady .................... lift the TV. It was far too heavy for him.
a) wasn’t able b) couldn’t c) can’t d) needn’t
13  Our neighbour used to be a famous basketball player, but now he .................... .
a) couldn’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t d) shouldn’t
14  My father’s new car is .................... more modern than his old one .
a) much b) so c) as d) many
15  Our new Smart TV can adjust the brightness .................... according to the lighting in the room.
a) automatics b) automatical c) automatic d) automatically
16  We are sorry to leave the factory. We have been working here since we .................... from university.
a) graduate b) graduated c) have graduated d) are graduating
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Football or soccer, which is considered to be the most popular sport in the world, is a team sport
played between two teams of eleven players using a spherical ball.
The object of the game, which is played on a wide rectangular field with a goal on each end of the
field, is to score by putting the ball into the adversary goal. A goalkeeper who is allowed, at the exception

Section (1)

of other players, to use his / her hands in the game, keeps the goal. The winners are those who score the
most goals. If the football match ends in a draw the two teams may be redirected to play extra time and/
or penalty shootouts (each team taking turns to have a set number of kicks at the goal.)
The way football is played now was first codified in England. Nowadays, it is governed by the FIFA,
“Fédération Internationale de Football Association”. The game is played now all over the world and
competitions are organised nationally, continentally and internationally. The most prestigious of football
competitions is the World Cup, which is held every four years.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
is another word for football.
17  ....................
a) Soccer b) FIFA
c) The World Cup d) Goal
18  The rules of the game were established .................... .
a) by an international committee b) in England
c) by FIFA d) every four years
19  The number of players on the pitch in a football match is .................... .
a) ten b) eleven
c) sixteen d) twenty two
20  The most important football competition nowadays is .................... .
a) FIFA b) The World Cup
c) soccer d) football
B) Answer the following questions:
21  How is football played?
22  What exception does the goalkeeper have?
23  Find in the text words which mean:
a) worldwide b) high-status
24  Which sport do you prefer? Why?

Revision Tests (Units 5-8) Section (1)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Individuals differ in their ability to understand complex ideas and to adapt effectively to the environment.
So, they must be taught in different ways.

26  Translate into English:

.‫ ىقول خبراء االقتصاد إن جذب االستثمارات األجنبىة أحد أهم الحلول للمشكالت االقتصادىة التى تعانى منها مصر والكثىر من الدول النامىة‬-

27  Write an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

The keys to good health.

Section (1)

Test 5
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  Without a good map, anyone can easily .................... lost in this desert.
a) grow b) fall c) get d) turn
2  When Karam Gaber won the gold medal, many people were encouraged to .................... wrestling.
a) make b) do c) play d) have
3  Women seem to be more .................... than men in the business world.
a) ambiguous b) ambitious c) mysterious d) vicious
4  Omar Samara usually works with a group of Arab .................... on high mountains.
a) swimmers b) divers c) drivers d) mountaineers
5  The surgeon had to wait for a few minutes for the anaesthetic to .................... effect before starting the
a) give b) borrow c) lend d) take
6  The adverb “regularly” is a synonym for the adverb .................... .
a) gradually b) frequently c) leisurely d) definitely
7  I think you behaved .................... when you wanted the camera for yourself.
a) in a selfishly way b) selfishness c) selfish d) selfishly
8  Ahmed .................... to the public library three times last week.
a) were used to b) used to go c) went d) didn’t use to
9  Ahmed arrived .................... the other students.
a) early b) earlier than c) the earliest d) more earlier than
10  “Isn’t that stupid?” He said.
a) He asked if that wasn’t stupid. b) He complained that it was stupid.
c) He wanted to know if it was stupid d) He said that he wasn’t stupid.
11  Detective novels are .................... he enjoys reading.
a) what b) who c) which d) where
12  He .................... his two pets -a cat and a dog - every morning before school.
a) feed b) feeds c) is feeding d) has fed
13  I can’t use this mobile . I .................... using Samsung phones.
a) used to b) am used to c) ’m using d) didn’t use to
14  Obviously, Aliaa is the .................... efficient of the two secretaries in our company.
a) less b) much c) least d) little
15  My friend is a .................... good basketball player. He is always chosen for the school team.
a) absolutely b) totally c) very d) completely
16  The young doctor .................... to a medical conference in America lately.
a) has b) was c) has been d) have

Revision Tests (Units 5-8) Section (1)

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Statistics show that the rapid growth in population creates problems for developing countries. So, why
don’t people have fewer children? It has also been found that only when people’s education and living
standards begin to rise do birth rates begin to fall. Now poor countries can’t afford social services and
old age pensions, and people’s incomes are so low that they have nothing to spare for savings. So people
need their children to provide them with security in their old age. Having a large family can be a form of
insurance. Even when they are still young, children can help on a small farm.
Improvements in public health services and medical care have assured that many more babies survive
infancy and grow up. It has also helped the parents to live longer. No wonder populations are being added
to both ends. These people have to be convinced that with smaller families, there will be more food,
better schools, more employment and thus a better standard of living. This means changes in attitudes.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  .................... had decreased the number of deaths among babies.
a) Medical care b) The standard of living
c) Birth control d) Education
18  We have to convince people to .................... .
a) work on farm b) build more houses c) go to school d) have smaller families
19  The underlined pronoun “they” refers to .................... .
a) people’s incomes b) social services c) people d) poor countries
20  The best title to this text is .................... .
a) Statistics b) Family planning
c) Smaller families d) Developing countries
B) Answer the following questions:
21  When do birth rates go down?
22  Why did people like to have many children in the past?
23  Find in the text words which mean:
a) The science which deals with numbers and facts. b) early

Section (1)

24  What kind of family would you prefer; a large family or a small one? Why?

25  Translate into Arabic:

The government is carrying out a lot of industrial and agricultural projects in Upper Egypt. This leads
to providing job opportunities for the citizens there.

26  Translate into English:

‫هاما من‬
ًّ ‫ىجب على المدرسىن فى الوقت الحاضر مواكبة الطرق الحدىثة فى التربىة واستخدام التكنولوجىا الحدىثة التى أصبحت جز ًءا‬-
.‫الحىاة الىومىة‬

27  Writean email of about (180) words:

to your friend Hassan telling him about the importance of cooperation among team members. Your
name is Omar.


Final Tests

Units 1 - 8
Final Tests 
Final Tests (Units 1 - 8)
Final Test 1
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   nce in the body, some bacteria .................... to the environment and develop resistance to commonly used
a) adopt b) adapt c) apply d) exchange
2  You can download very .................... games from this website. You will like them a lot.
a) dull b) amazed c) fluent d) amusing
3  It took the soldier nearly a month to learn to walk with the new .................... leg after the war.
a) natural b) normal c) artificial d) industrial
4  I thought that my friend was a .................... . He refused to take this good job.
a) fool b) genius c) winner d) designer
5  The word “agreement” is an antonym for the word “....................”.
a) similarity b) treaty c) conflict d) attraction
6  When he became the director of the company, he felt that he achieved his greatest .................... .
a) courage b) ambition c) defeat d) steadiness
7  He did .................... me if I had met my classmates at the party.
a) to ask b) ask c) asked d) asking
8  A new public library .................... in the city centre last Saturday.
a) has been opened b) is opened c) was opened d) can be opened
9  When Kamal was a child, he .................... play with model trains.
a) used b) used to c) use to d) is used to
10  We .................... appreciate your support during this difficult period.
a) fully b) full c) fuller d) fulfill
11  Well done, Hamdy! .................... a clever boy!
a) Who b) Which c) How d) What
12  We .................... better begin work now, if we want to finish it in due time.
a) would b) had c) should d) have
13  We invited them to our party, but they .................... not to come.
a) had decided b) will decide c) decide d) decided
14  If you hadn’t pushed the policeman, you wouldn’t .................... .
a) arrest b) be arrested c) have been arrested d) have arrested
15  She used .................... away two or three times a year.
a) going b) to go c) to going d) to have gone
16  She speaks English .................... than Arabic.
a) more quickly b) quicker c) more quick d) quickly
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
This year the 50th Cairo Book Fair has turned out to be a real cultural festival in its new place. The
Fair has won an excellent reputation not only in Egypt or the Arab world, but internationally as well.
International publishers were competing to participate in our Fair this year. It is a sign of awareness

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

that we start regarding culture as essential for our civilisation rather than considering it a means of
entertainment, because the culture of any country speaks on its behalf and represents it abroad. If you
can imagine how culture can affect the economy of any nation, it will be easy for you to think of it as a
commodity that could be sold abroad.
The Fair has hosted famous thinkers, poets, writers and critics from more than 35 countries to participate
in the debate held every evening at the fairground. It was visited by more than 3 million people. More
than 750 Publishing Houses have come to participate in the Fair.
Unlike fairs of previous years where the selling of books was the main aim, it was decided in this
year’s Fair to take advantage of all the space and time available to turn the Fair into a festival combining
the various activities of culture and art.
It was a duty as well as an honour that the Book Fair paid a special tribute to Tharwat Okasha and
Sohir AlKalamawy by assigning a whole main division to their achievements.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The Book Fair always makes us remember our .................... .
a) meals b) great people
c) appointments d) hardships and suffering
18  Publishers all over the world were .................... .
a) taking part in our Fair b) competing with people
c) influencing us d) distributing money
19  The underlined word “it” refers to ....................
a) economy b) culture c) commodity d) nation
20  Books and magazines are .................... .
a) critics b) fairs c) publications d) poets
B) Answer the following questions:
21  In what way did this year’s Fair differ from fairs of previous years?

22  How, in your opinion, can a nation’s culture affect its economy?

23  Find in the text words which mean:

a) fame. b) fancy.

Section (2)

24  What do you think the best sources you depend on to get information is? Why?

25  Translate into Arabic:

School education plays an important role in shaping the character of children. That’s why all governments
try to develop it all the time.

26  Translate into English:

‫ىعتمد تقدم أى أمة على تعاون أفرادها ووحدتهم مع تمسكهم بالعلم والقىم التى ىعتمد علىها المجتمع والتى تتوارثها األجيال على مر‬-

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

Living in a clean environment requires all people’s efforts to make it a beautiful place to live in.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 2
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   he company’s profits are due to a .................... of good management and hard work.
a) blend b) mixer c) corporation d) combination
2  Digging the New Suez Canal was a big .................... for the Egyptian people who faced it well.
a) change b) attack c) challenge d) damage
3  Although Mohamed Salah got a lot of awards, he has the .................... to do better things.
a) ability b) disability c) appliance d) device
4  I always .................... on my parents, if I need advice about my problems.
a) add b) calculate c) count d) deny
5  I met a famous scientist once and it was an .................... I shall never forget.
a) experiment b) experience c) expedition d) explanation
6  Scientists must .................... extensive research into the effects of any medicine before it is available for
a) make b) have c) recommend d) do
7  Science fiction novels are .................... most children enjoy reading.
a) what b) who c) which d) where
8  Has your younger brother arrived home from school ....................?
a) since b) yet c) still d) ago
9  The coach was .................... with the team’s performance.
a) being disappointed b) disappoint c) disappointed d) disappointing
10  Mona .................... already cleaned the kitchen by the time her mother got home.
a) did b) had c) was d) has
11  I suggest Osama .................... the Egyptian Museum.
a) visit b) visits c) visiting d) visited
12  They’ll have a meal before the plane .................... off.
a) takes b) will take c) took d) had taken
13  My uncle is the person .................... . I admire very much.
a) whose b) which c) where d) whom
14  They have .................... for 20 years.
a) been marrying b) married c) been married d)been marriage
15  Last night I dropped a plate when I .................... the washing-up.
a) did b) was doing c) had done d) do
16  Of the two players, Samir is .................... .
a) the taller b) the tallest c) tall d) more tall
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Glass is a pure compound of sand melted at a very high temperature with the help of catalysts. Silicate,
the main component of sand, is heated till it is red-hot. When it has been sufficiently heated, it is wound
around a blowing pipe. Specially trained men, who have learnt to control their intake and output of air,
will then blow cups, bowls, vases and bottles from the heated silicate. These men never make a mistake
while blowing glass, for any deviation from their methods could burst their lungs or seriously harm their
Section (2)

internal organs. Glass makers work for years before achieving the status of master craftsmen. They join
the glass works from a young age, working for a minimal pay as apprentices. They soon learn the trade
and become ordinary craftsmen. With the benefit of practice and experience, they will one day become
master craftsmen. If a particular cup or vase requires a special rim or design, the master craftsman will
handle it himself. Otherwise, mass-produced glasses may be moulded in die casts.
Great patience is needed to make a glass, for after it is shaped and left aside to cool, it has to be given
a long interval to ‘contract’. If it is not ‘aged’ sufficiently, it will crack and disjoint.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The main component of sand is .................... .
a) glass b) bottles c) silicate d) cups
18  Glass makers become craftsmen .................... .
a) at a very early age b) after a three-year experience
c) when they join glass works d) after a lot of practice and experience
19  Someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skill or job
is called a/an .................... .
a) apprentice b) craftsman c) patient d) professional
20  One of the following isn’t mentioned in the passage .................... .
a) making glass needs a lot of patience b) making glass needs a lot of money
c) making glass needs a lot of experience d) making glass needs a lot of heat
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What is the best title to the passage?

22  What products can we get from the heated silicate?


23  Getwords from the passage that mean:

a) to become smaller or narrower. b) very small in degree or amount.

24  Some crafts are very necessary that people can’t do without. Give an example and the reason.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Television with its varied programmes has its great influence on the minds of people everywhere. It has
become an important means of shaping the public opinion.

26  Translate into English:

‫ كما ىمكنها تعزىز المبادئ األساسىة لشخصىة األطفال‬،‫ العنف والجرىمة‬:‫للرىاضة أثر كبىر فى محاربة المشكالت المجتمعية المختلفة مثل‬-
.‫ومواقفهم تجاه اآلخرين‬

27  Write
an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:
The best way to prepare for the exam.

Section (2)

Final Test 3
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  Dr Magdy Yaccoub chose Aswan to establish the first hospital of his Heart .................... .
a) Firm b) Foundation c) Fountain d) Association
2  A poet .................... is a person who has been officially chosen to write poetry for the country’s important
a) laureate b) winner c) loser d) publisher
3  Many young men travel illegally to Europe with the .................... of finding a job and a better life.
a) post b) score c) loss d) aim
4  Hurghada has .................... from a small fishing village into a famous tourist resort.
a) damaged b) established c) developed d) denied
5  Some experts say that climbing a mountain helps you .................... your fear.
a) conquer b) keep c) raise d) accept
6  The word “duty” is similar in meaning to the word .................... .
a) accessibility b) responsibility c) mobility d) immunity
7  The big stores in my city .................... at 5:00 every day.
a) closing b) closes c) close d) were closed
8  The students .................... their exam results next week.
a) will be given b) are given
c) will have given d) are being given
9  I didn’t .................... live in a big city, but I live in Cairo now.
a) using to b) used c) used to d) use to
10  Industrial goods are often produced .................... in developing countries.
a) cheapest b) cheap c) cheaply d) more cheap
11  Ibrahim .................... for the company since he left university.
a) has been working b) works c) is working d) was working
12  What a state my shoes are in! .................... .
a) They need to repair b) They need repairing
c) It needs repair d) It needs to be repaired
13  At first I didn’t like my job, but I .................... to enjoy it now.
a) will begin b) began c) begin d) ‘m beginning
14  In the United States, elections for president .................... every four years.
a) were held b) hold c) are held d) is being held
15  Did you .................... a lot of sweets when you were a child?
a) used to eat b) use to eat c) use to eating d) ate
16  He felt .................... when he passed the exams with high marks.
a) happy b) happily c) happiness d) much happiness
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
One of the results of technology and population growth is the increase of pollution throughout the
world. According to a United Nations report, the future of all life on earth will be endangered if man
does not control contamination of the environment. It is time we realise the full extent of the dangers
that face mankind.
Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

For instance, here in Egypt, look at our River Nile. It is strange to see how everything is thrown into
it as if it were our litter basket, instead of keeping it clean and pure we pollute it. We ourselves, not our
“enemies”, dirty it with our own hands. Some farmers wash themselves, their clothes, their animals
and their pots and pans in its waters. They even throw their dead animals and birds into it. Some people
living in cities and towns throw their old tyres and cars, and their old broken bottles, and rusty tins
into it. Factories throw their waste chemicals and garbage into it. In this way, the waters of the Nile are
poisoned, killing our fish, poisoning our lands, weakening our crops and destroying our health.
So, it would be foolish to shut our eyes to the dangers of the pollution that man causes to the very
thing on which his life depends. Please, keep our Nile clean.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The writer describes the people who pollute the Nile as .................... .
a) Egyptians b) enemies c) ignorant d) country people
18  We should keep our environment .................... .
a) tidy b) pure c) fresh d) clean
19  The underlined pronoun “it” refers to ....................
a) the factory b) the Nile c) the environment d) the countryside
20  The best title to this text is .................... .
a) The results of technology b) Population growth
c) The increase of pollution d) The dangers that face mankind
B) Answer the following questions:
21  In what way, do you think, technology has led to the increase of water pollution?

22  How do people in the countryside dirty the Nile?


23  Find words in the text which mean:

a) rubbish. b) all the things around you.

24  How do you think we could get rid of pollution?


Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Food shortage is one of the most serious problems which threatens the world. All people should work
hard to find solutions for this serious problem.

26  Translate into English:

‫مناسبا لألجىال الجدىدة ومواكبة التطور المستمر فى جمىع مجاالت الحىاة الحدىثة لذا تسعى الحكومة إلى تطوير‬
ً ‫لم ىعد التعلىم التقلىدى‬-
.‫التعليم بشكل يتناسب مع العصر‬

27  Write
an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:
The advantages and disadvantages of having a car.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 4
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   mall grocery stores can’t .................... with the big national supermarket chains.
a) complete b) change c) increase d) compete
2  My grandfather has always been a .................... fan of Al Ahy.
a) lifelong b) vicious c) valueless d) deadly
3  Eventually, the new student managed to .................... her shyness in class.
a) win b) start c) overcome d) astonish
4  Doctors advise us to try to get into the .................... of walking for 30 minutes each day.
a) habit b) custom c) intention d) crime
5  All police .................... are recorded so that the defendant’s lawyer can get them later.
a) meetings b) interviews c) seminars d) conferences
6  My mother usually .................... each jar in the kitchen cupboard with its contents and the date.
a) designs b) notices c) labels d) affects
7  .................... was it that you realised you had lost your keys?
a) Who b) What c) Which d) When
8  I don’t think that Hany has .................... travelled on a plane.
a) before b) still c) ever d) never
9  Ola drives .................... than her sister.
a) careless b) carelessly c) more careless d) more carelessly
10  Mody .................... all the cakes by the time the other children arrived at the party.
a) has eaten b) eats c) had eaten d) was eaten
11  It’s time you .................... a visit to your grandparents.
a) will pay b) paid c) should pay d) pay
12  Fashion decides .................... we should appear.
a) what b) when c) where d) how
13  We stayed at the Park Hotel, .................... a friend of ours recommended.
a) when b) whom c) where d) which
14  We managed to climb over the wall without .................... .
a) be seen b) seeing c) being seen d) having seen
15  Where have you been? I .................... for you everywhere.
a) had looked b) ‘ve been Looking c) was looking d) am looking
16  After eating the food cooked at home, he became .................... than before.
a) healthier b) more healthier c) more healthy d) healthy
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
What does it mean to be lucky? It commonly means someone who gets something valuable without
really trying, someone who is in the right place at the right time. The person who buys a winning lottery
ticket or who discovers a lost painting by a famous painter – these are lucky people. Yet, luck does

Section (2)

not guarantee happiness. Accepting ourselves exactly as we are at this present moment provides the
courage to move forward. Believing that all our choices in the past were the best we could have made
frees us from regret. It also reinforces our belief that we are as good as we can be now.
The best preparation for the future is self-acceptance in the present. Self-acceptance and trust in
people are the foundations of confidence and courage. Added to action, they lead to more opportunities
for unexpected events - which people call luck - that can enrich our lives.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Trust in people .................... .
a) leads to unexpected events b) reminds us of the past
c) means a good choice d) leads to confidence and courage
18  A person who .................... is a lucky person.
a) passes a final exam b) breaks a record
c) runs into an old friend d) buys a car of the latest model
19  The underlined word “they” refers to .................... .
a) self-acceptance and trust b) our choices in the past
c) the right place at the right time d) unexpected events
20  The “Antonym” of the word “forward” is .................... .
a) advancing b) heading
c) backward d) onward
B) Answer the following questions:
21  Why is self-acceptance important?

22  How can we best prepare for the future?


23  Do you think we depend on luck or our abilities? Why? Why not?

24  When do you consider the person is lucky?


Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Hosting the African Cup of Nations confirmed Egypt’s prominent role in Africa. It was also a chance to
show our civilisation to the whole world.

26  Translate into English:

.‫ وعائشة عبد الرحمن‬،‫ نبوىة موسى‬:‫ مثل‬،‫ىزخر تارىخ الحركة النسائىة فى مصر بالعدىد من النماذج الكبىرة التى أكدت دور المرأة وحقوقها‬-

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

A story ending in “.................... At last I went back to safety.”

Section (2)

Final Test 5
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   y father still remembers the .................... of his favourite poets he learned by heart at school.
a) articles b) researches c) stories d) poems
2  The branch of the tree was too weak to .................... the boy’s weight, so he fell to the ground.
a) damage b) support c) build d) repair
3  My sister works with children who have .................... problems such as sleeping and learning ones.
a) lexical b) psychological c) accidental d) archaeological
4  A .................... meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil problem.
a) top b) bottom c) summit d) middle
5  Being tall gave the young player an advantage .................... the other players.
a) in b) of c) about d) over
6  The word “aim” is a synonym of the word .................... .
a) maze b) post c) goal d) position
7  My sister .................... the doctor later today about her stomachache.
a) sees b) has seen c) was seeing d) is seeing
8  The robbery .................... to have been carried out by a single person.
a) believes b) will be believed c) is believed d) is being believed
9  Marwa .................... long hair when she was young.
a) used have b) used to have c) was having d) use have
10  She didn’t mean to hurt you and .................... regrets what she said.
a) deepest b) deep c) deeper d) deeply
11  Tim is my closest friend. We .................... each other for a long time.
a) were knowing b) knew
c) have known d) have been knowing
12  My wife is usually busy .................... the flat before important occasions.
a) cleaning b) clean c) cleans d) to clean
13  The company I work for .................... so well this year.
a) wasn’t doing b) hadn’t done c) doesn’t do d) isn’t doing
14  The vegetables didn’t taste good. They .................... too long.
a) cooked b) are cooked c) had been cooked d) were cooking
15  He used to get up early. He no longer .................... this now.
a) used to do b) does c) did d) is doing
16  When the car knocked him down, he was .................... furious.
a) completely b) complete c) very d) slightly
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The basic function of education is to teach children knowledge, values and pattern of behaviour that
they will need in the adult world and will move from one generation to another. Education is largely
informal that occurs within the family. Family members teach children the values of their society as
well as certain basic skills. Parents may teach their children the skills of cooking, food gathering,
hunting and fishing. By this way, children learn the way of society by participating in adult activities.
Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Formal education, which involves instruction by specially trained teachers who follow officially
recognized policies, is called schooling. Schools fulfill this function through a set of courses that
include such subjects as languages and literature, history, geography, mathematics, science and foreign
languages. Also schools develop the critical thinking skills of students that are necessary to meet their
needs in the future.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The underlined word “their” refers to .................... .
a) family members b) parents
c) students d) teachers
18  This passage mentioned .................... types of education.
a) two b) three
c) one d) four
19  The best title to the passage is .................... .
a) Education through courses
b) Teaching children the values of society
c) Teaching children how to live well
d) Education at homes and schools
20  The “Synonym” of the word “fulfill” is .................... .
a) achieve b) frustrate
c) stop d) discourage
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What is the aim of education?

22  How will schools achieve their goal?


23  How do children learn from societies?


24  Learning has no age to stop at. Justify saying two examples.

Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Science can affect us in different ways. It can help us improve health, food production and nearly every
aspect of our lives.

26  Translate into English:

ُ ‫ ىجب أن ىمتلك‬-
.‫الك َّتاب بشكل عام والشعراء بشكل خاص الموهبة والخىال لكى ىصلوا إلى عقول ومشاعر القراء من مختلف األعمار‬

27  Write
an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:
How can young people benefit from their spare time?

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 6
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   he food safety organisation assures that eggs must be marked with a/an .................... date that is ten days
from the date of packing.
a) production b) expiry c) maintenance d) aviation
2  A/An .................... is a very young child who is learning to walk.
a) toddler b) adult c) infant d) teen
3  The teacher had to separate the two friends because they .................... each other in class.
a) encourage b) apply c) persevere d) distract
4  .................... schools in Egypt teach students about welding, electrical work, and building.
a) Visual b) General c) Vocational d) Private
5  Mr Fouad’s .................... as an officer didn’t last long because he was badly injured.
a) job b) career c) work d) post
6  The journey in the Alps was dangerous as we drove on a narrow, winding mountain .................... .
a) street b) cross c) tunnel d) pass
7  Is that the man .................... in the park yesterday?
a) whom we saw him b) we saw him c) we saw d) seeing
8  He .................... a bath when someone knocked at the front door, so he couldn’t open it.
a) had had b) had c) was having d) is having
9  The sooner you finish, the .................... we’ll be able to go home.
a) early b) earlier c) earliest d) most early
10  We lit the candles because the lights .................... off.
a) go b) gone c) had gone d) have gone
11  Mike bought his mother .................... flowers for her birthday as he didn’t have much money.
a) much b) a few c) a little d) a lot
12  .................... does it rain heavily in that part of the country?
a) How often b) How much c) How deep d) How short
13  I always have a coffee before I .................... for work in the morning.
a) was leaving b) am leaving c) left d) leave
14  What a boring film! It’s .................... boring film I’ve ever seen.
a) more b) most c) the most d) little
15  John, .................... speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide.
a) that b) who c) whom d) whose
16  Rana and Hadeer are friends. They .................... each other for years.
a) have known b) have been knowing c) knew d) would know
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Have you ever wondered how you would grasp the information taught in class? Our minds and
bodies gather information in various ways. Then our minds process that information, organising it and
making connection to things we already know. This process can also work differently: do we think

Section (2)

in pictures or words? Do we remember details or the big picture? To sum up, people have different
learning styles. Psychologists have identified some basic learning styles: the linguistic type learns by
using language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing.
The logical type refers to people who learn by applying scientific principles. The visual type learns
by seeing while musical people learn well when information is presented through music. The next
type learns best by movement and physical activities. Finally, the intrapersonal learners associate new
information directly with their own experiences while the interpersonal type learns well by working
with others.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  According to the passage, an effective teacher .................... .
a) uses one teaching style
b) makes connections between mind and body
c) combines more than one teaching methods
d) discourages pupils to think critically
18  The underlined word “grasp” means .................... .
a) undertake b) follow c) misuse d) understand
19  All people can learn by using their .................... .
a) bodies b) minds c) minds and bodies d) experiences
20  There are .................... learning styles that are mentioned in the passage.
a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 8
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What is the main idea of the passage?

22  Which type of a learner are you? Why?


23  Find in the passage words that mean:

a) reasonable. b) solitary.

24  Why do you think using different kinds of learning is something useful for learners? (Two reasons)

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Besides being an important source of national income, tourism strengthens ties among the nations of
the world. It also helps to spread peace, love and understanding.

26  Translate into English:

.‫ تعمل الحكومة على إنشاء العدىد من مراكز الشباب وتزوىدها باإلمكانىات الحدىثة لتسهل علىهم ممارسة الرىاضة وقضاء أوقات فراغهم‬-

27  Write
an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:
How can we make schools an exciting place for education?

Section (2)

Final Test 7
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   y friend was an amateur singer until the age of 30, when he turned .................... .
a) professional b) greedy c) retired d) employed
2  Experts believe that people should .................... on public transport to help solve pollution problems.
a) apply b) comply c) rely d) ignore
3  Surgeons have successfully .................... a liver into a four-year-old boy.
a) transmitted b) transported c) transplanted d) transferred
4  The verb “deliver” is an antonym for the verb .................... .
a) send b) recycle c) design d) receive
5  Your best friends will always help, if you’re in a .................... corner.
a) right b) deep c) tight d) shallow
6  The new classrooms provide a .................... ground for active learning.
a) safe b) clean c) flat d) fertile
7  Yasser .................... to be falling asleep at his desk. Maybe, he is ill.
a) appears b) is appearing c) was appearing d) will appear
8  By this time tomorrow, you .................... notified about the job you have applied for.
a) would be b) will be c) should be d) will have been
9  I .................... to driving on the left now but it was hard at the beginning.
a) use b) ’m used c) ’m not used d) used
10  You should never speak .................... to young children.
a) rough b) roughly c) rougher d) roughest
11  The incidence of street crime .................... by five percent in the last two years.
a) has risen b) has been rising c) has been risen d) rises
12  I don’t think this careless boy will pass the exam and .................... high marks.
a) gets b) got c) get d) getting
13  The Pharaohs .................... Egypt for thousands of years.
a) were ruling b) ruled c) ruled d) are ruling
14  My friend is used to .................... at night.
a) study b) studying c) studied d) being studied
15  Huda told me about her new job, .................... she’s enjoying a lot.
a) that b) where c) when d) which
16  ...................., no one was injured in the accident.
a) Luckily b) Lucky c) luck d) more luckily
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Brain drain, the action of having highly skilled and educated people leaving their countries to work
abroad, has become one of the developing countries’ concerns. Many of them are heading for more
developed countries, searching for higher wages and better working conditions. What makes those
educated people leave their countries should be seriously considered and a distinction between push and

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

pull factors must be made. The push factors include low wages and lack of satisfactory lifestyle. Social
and economic unrest may also be determining causes. The pull factors, however, include intellectual
freedom and enough money for attaining a better life in the host countries.
Brain drain has undesirable effects on the sending countries. It reduces the number of creative
people in developing countries. Similarly, with more investments abroad, these countries are missing
an opportunity of wealth creation. This also has negative results on employment.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  According to the passage, brain drain .................... in the sending countries.
a) increases the number of skilled people
b) complicates the unemployment problem
c) adds to the chances of wealth creation
d) develops working conditions
18  The word “distinction” may be replaced by .................... .
a) similarity b) difference
c) relation d) likeliness
19  The underlined word “them” refers to .................... .
a) developing countries b) host countries
c) highly skilled and educated people d) developed countries
20  The best title to the passage is .................... .
a) Brain Drain Causes and Effects
b) Scientists and the Unemployment Problem
c) How to Be Rich Abroad
d) Emigration and its Good Effect on the Sending Countries
B) Answer the following questions:
21  Are you for or against the emigration of scientists, engineers, academics and physicians? Why?

22  Mention one way to solve the brain drain problem.


23  What bad effects does brain drain have on the sending countries?

24  Immigrating to some countries can be useful to these countries. Say how.

Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Cheating is a dishonest way of gaining success which leads to the destruction of values. Therefore, strict
measures should be taken by the Ministry of Education to prevent cheating.

26  Translate into English:

‫ىحذر كثىر من الخبراء من االستخدام المفرط للتلىفون المحمول وخاصة من جانب الشباب؛ ألن ذلك قد ىؤدى إلى مشكالت صحىة‬-
.‫ونفسىة واجتماعىة خطىرة‬

27  Write
an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:
How has the development of medical sciences made our life better?

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 8
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   y friend is a fine runner and a well-known player in Egyptian amateur .................... .
a) hockey b) athletics c) golf d) squash
2  Teachers are advised that fun is often more .................... than shouting in class.
a) affecting b) impressive c) effective d) cruel
3  The zookeeper used bananas to make the monkey back into its .................... .
a) cage b) tree c) box d) cell
4  Doctors describe the new laser techniques as one of the greatest .................... of modern science.
a) defeats b) triumphs c) quizzes d) riddles
5  By law, all food cans and tins must carry a list of the food .................... .
a) components b) styles c) ingredients d) processors
6  The computer screen on this laptop is 66 .................... or spaces wide.
a) characters b) personalities c) bites d) photos
7  What’s the name of the lady .................... babysits your little sister?
a) who b) whose c) whom d) when
8  I .................... Mazen for two hours. I wonder where he has gone.
a) don’t see b) wasn’t seeing c) am not seeing d) haven’t seen
9  I’ve never seen such a .................... film in my whole life.
a) terrify b) terrifying c) terrified d) more terrified
10  When I got home, I .................... that somebody had broken into my flat.
a) discover b) have discovered c) had discovered d) discovered
11  I thought there was some coffee in the cupboard, but there’s .................... there.
a) none b) some c) any d) many
12  I can’t afford .................... a car these days.
a) to buying b) to have bought c) buying d) to buy
13  It’s ages .................... we went to the cinema.
a) ago b) when c) for d) since
14  What’s all that noise? What .................... on?
a) has gone b) goes c) is going d) will be going
15  Yesterday we visited the City Museum, .................... . I’d never been to before.
a) that b) which c) where d) what
16  English is .................... than many other subjects at school.
a) much more interesting b) interesting c) interestingly d) most interesting
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Weather phenomena include lightning, droughts, and floods. Lightning occurs when thunderstorms
form in clouds. These contain drops of water and fragments of ice which rub and hit to form electricity
which travels through the air causing lightning. The temperature of lightning can be hotter than that of
the sun. Lightning is very dangerous. It may strike mountains, people and buildings. It also causes trees
to fall or catch fire.

Section (2)

A drought occurs when not enough rain falls. It happens when weather is hot and water is quickly
evaporated in dry areas of land. Droughts can cause loss of topsoil and damage of crops. They can result
in famine, diseases and wildfires. Floods are formed when big waves are rolled on dry places. They
occur when it rains more than the land can handle. Floods can make people drown and die and may
destroy many homes.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Floods are caused when .................... .
a) dry areas of land roll b) not enough rain falls
c) people drown and die d) land cannot absorb rain
18  The underlined word “that” refers to the .................... .
a) lightning b) temperature
c) air d) electricity
19  What other weather phenomena aren’t mentioned in the passage?
a) Wind, fog and dust storms. b) Floods and ice.
c) Droughts and thunderstorms. d) Lightning.
20  One of the following isn’t a result of a drought is .................... .
a) loss of topsoil b) damage of crops.
c) destroying many homes d) famine, diseases and wildfires
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What causes droughts? Give two reasons.

22  According to the passage, how is electricity formed?


23  Find in the passage words that mean:

a) starvation. b) happen.

24  Which weather phenomena frightens you most? Why?


Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Online learning is becoming more popular today as more students have access to computers and the
internet. Some people believe that computers will replace classrooms in the future.

26  Translate into English:

‫ىقال إن األدب والفن هما مرآة المجتمع التى تعكس حضارته وقىمه التى تتطور على مر العصور فهما من أهم أدوات ترقية السلوك‬-
.‫الحضارى لألفراد‬

27  Write an email of about (180) words:

To your friend Mona telling her about a problem you had because of a scam on the internet. Try to warn
her of scams like the one that you had the problem with. Your name is Leila.

Section (2)

Final Test 9
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  The hospital is trying to .................... more money for a new kidney machine.
a) rise b) raise c) arise d) reduce
2  Most .................... regard climbing Everest as their most important dream.
a) advertisers b) experts c) actors d) mountaineers
3  The hospital is trying to .................... more money for a new kidney machine.
a) rise b) raise c) arise d) reduce
4  After secondary school, you have to make a very difficult ................. about choosing which faculty to join.
a) decision b) festival c) intention d) discovery
5  Abbas El Akkad was a writer with a highly .................... style.
a) group b) team c) individual d) valueless
6  The verb “collaborate” is similar in meaning to the verb .................... .
a) operate b) cooperate c) demolish d) establish
7  He is tried. He .................... since 9 O’clock.
a) studied b) has been studying c) has studied d) is studying
8  Which artist was this portrait painted ....................?
a) for b) with c) from d) by
9  She doesn’t mind walking to work. She .................... to it.
a) is used b) isn’t used c) used d) uses
10  She’s been ill for some time, but she’s beginning to feel .................... again.
a) strongly b) strongest c) strong d) more strong
11  Recent events prove the saying that twenty-four hours .................... a long time in politics.
a) is b) has c) are d) have
12  He reported that he didn’t find his car .................... he had parked it.
a) whom b) that c) which d) where
13  I haven’t met the minister .................... . It’s the first time to meet him.
a) yet b) before c) already d) never
14  the large room .................... the garden is mine.
a) overlooked b) overlooks c) overlooking d) is overlooking
15  Please go away. I want to .................... alone.
a) leave b) be Left c) being left d) leaving
16  The carpet was absolutely .................... after being washed at the laundry.
a) spotless b) clean c) good d) big
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Are you a litterbug? Do you chew gum in the streets? Do you eat on the metro? Have you ever
painted graffiti on walls? Are you a jaywalker? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then
be careful when you visit Singapore. There’s a chance to be stopped and heavily fined! But if you like
clean and safe streets, an interesting culture, then Singapore could be the perfect destination for your

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

next holiday. Singapore is one of the world’s richest cities. It is almost crime-free and spotless, steel
skyscrapers, shopping malls, top fashion houses, colourful local markets, discount shops for bargain-
hunters, even air-conditioned walkways are all part of the magic of Singapore.
The majority of Singaporeans are of Chinese origin, but there are ethnic groups from India, Malaysia,
Indonesia and Thailand living there. It is not surprising that the island has many interesting districts
and calligraphers and fortunetellers can be found in Chinatown. Little India has spices, silverware,
brassware and jasmine garlands. Malay villages display the traditional lifestyle of Malays and their arts
and crafts such as batik painting and kite-making.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Most Singaporeans are of .................... origin.
a) Indian b) Thai c) Chinese d) European
18  Singapore is almost .................... .
a) crime-free b) tax-free c) free d) shop-free
19  The law in Singapore fines those who .................... .
a) like clean and safe streets b) throw garbage in the streets
c) visit the country d) speak loudly to each other
20  The underlined word “island” refers to .................... .
a) India b) Malaysia c) Chinese d) Singapore
B) Answer the following questions:
21  How do shopkeepers keep cool in Singapore?

22  Where can you see calligraphers in Singapore?


23  Find
in the passage:
a) The antonym of the word (minority).
b) The synonym of the word (source).

24  How can the governments and citizens help their country to develop?

Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

In the past, trade was on a small scale. Today, trade has greatly developed and increased as goods are
now transported quickly and safely.

26  Translate into English:

.‫ ىعتقد الكثىر من الناس أن الصحف الورقىة ستختفى فى غضون سنوات قلىلة بسبب اعتماد الناس على مواقع اإلنترنت للحصول على األخبار‬-

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

The pros and cons of modern means of transport.


Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 10
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   ast food restaurants are .................... popular with young people.
a) carefully b) particularly c) carelessly d) deliberately
2  Experts say that Egypt has enormous .................... for economic development.
a) process b) operation c) potential d) disability
3  The awful sound of the crash will be clear in my memory .................... .
a) never b) partly c) shortly d) forever
4  Changing schools .................... a big difference to my life. I began to achieve great results.
a) did b) made c) carried d) designed
5  I asked my father to .................... the car horn to warn other drivers.
a) repair b) voice c) sound d) hide
6  The company decided to close one of its branches as a part of a cost-cutting .................... .
a) training b) fitness c) rehearse d) exercise
7  We will ask the man .................... delivers our milk to leave an extra bottle.
a) when b) whom c) whose d) who
8  When I came back home yesterday, my children were .................... watching TV at midnight.
a) yet b) since c) still d) ever
9  Some of .................... wildlife on Earth can be seen in the Amazon rainforest.
a) the most incredible b) more incredible c) most incredible d) incredibly
10  He can .................... see anything without his glasses.
a) rarely b) wrongly c) hardly d) hard
11  Unluckily, the patient had died before the ambulance .................... the hospital.
a) had reached b) reached c) reaches d) has reached
12  Bullying actions are .................... many people fear nowadays.
a) what b) which c) those d) that
13  My uncle .................... as a taxi driver for ten years. Now, he is a worker in a big clothes factory.
a) works b) was working c) has worked d) worked
14  There were some problems at first , but they seem to .................... .
a) solve b) have solved c) have been solved d) be solved
15  How fast .................... when the accident happened?
a) do you drive b) were you driving c) did you drive d) could you drive
16  I was unhappy that I did so .................... in the exam.
a) badly b) bad c) worse d) worst
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
What is an ideal holiday for one person may be a very unpleasant one for another. The sportsman
likes a kind of holiday which his lazy friend would find worse than his daily work; while the lazy man’s
ideal holiday would leave the sportsman quite unsatisfied.

Section (2)

If I were allowed to choose my own holiday, I would go on a voyage in a modern passenger ship
with a swimming pool.
Even if the sportsman and his lazy friend came with me, they would both be happy; one would have
plenty of games and swimming; the other could sit in a comfortable chair all day, looking at the sea and
drinking lemonade. On a ship, one can do as one likes, when one likes. If one day I find an interesting
book in the ship’s library, I can spend the whole day reading it, and nobody will stop me. Perhaps the
next day I shall want some exercise. Well, then I can play games with passengers until I am hot and
sweating and ready for a bath. I can go and sleep in my cabin at any time of the day or night, I can get
cheap drinks during most of the day, and I can eat as I like, choosing among a variety of foods.
But perhaps the greatest pleasure of a sea holiday is coming to new ports in strange lands, and going
ashore for a few hours to see strange places, eat strange foods and hear a strange language talked around us.
Whenever I think of my ideal holiday, it is the picture of a mysterious foreign city that comes to my mind.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  A sportsman is fond of .................... .
a) playing games b) reading books c) eating much food d) sleeping early
18  The utmost pleasure of a sea holiday is ....................
a) coming to new states b) coming to new harbours
c) meeting people d) going shopping
19  The underlined word “one” refers to ....................
a) the lazy man b) the passenger c) the sportsman d) anyone
20  The best title to this text is .................... .
a) Sportsmen b) Lazy people c) A passenger ship d) An ideal holiday
B) Answer the following questions:
21  Why do you think a sportsman won’t be happy with a lazy man?

22  What are we told about the foods and drinks on a modern passenger ship?

23  Find words in the text which mean:

a) use of any part of the body to strengthen and improve it
b) a long journey by sea

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

24  What kind of a trip appeals to you? Why?


25  Translate into Arabic:

Education is a process by which people acquire knowledge, skills, habits and values. It also helps people
become useful members of society.

26  Translate into English:

‫أرباحا كبىرة فى جمىع أنحاء العالم بسبب إعجاب الشباب بها ألنها تجذب اهتمام الشباب الذين‬
ً ‫تحقق أفالم الخىال العلمى وأفالم الحركة‬-
.‫دائما عن اإلثارة والمغامرة‬
ً ‫يبحثون‬

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

A target you hope to achieve in the future.


Section (2)

Final Test 11
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   any .................... films were made about Salah El Din due to his role in the Arab world.
a) historic b) historical c) historian d) horror
2  The whole town were out .................... their team who won the cup.
a) assuring b) activating c) celebrating d) defending
3  The hospital has now bought a new body scanner, thanks to the .................... of local rich businessmen.
a) disability b) greed c) generosity d) miserliness
4  It’s natural to be nervous before an important .................... such as wedding.
a) accident b) plan c) event d) feast
5  Grade A vegetables have to be .................... in size and without marks.
a) enormous b) popular c) tiny d) uniform
6  My sister has made a cake, but it hasn’t come .................... very well.
a) in b) out c) off d) up
7  The girl, .................... mother was ill, was crying.
a) whom b) who c) that d) whose
8  Hani: How old is your brother?
Tamer: 16. He is two years .................... than me.
a) old b) older c) elder d) elderly
9  Please wait till father .................... home to ask him for permission to go to the cinema.
a) will come b) had come c) came d) comes
10  She .................... her friend since she left for London.
a) hasn’t seen b) didn’t see c) won’t see d) doesn’t see
11  “.................... did you write to yesterday ?” “My uncle”.
a) To whom b) Whom c) Who d) What
12  “Would you like to join us?” “No, thank you. I’d rather .................... here”.
a) stay b) to stay c) staying d) stayed
13  It’s one of the most magnificent views I .................... .
a) have never seen b) saw c) had seen d) have ever seen
14  lt’s good to see you again. We haven’t seen each other .................... a Long time.
a) when b) since c) for d) after
15  I like the people .................... I work.
a) with who b) with whom c) whom d) who
16  I don’t play tennis much these days. I .................... more often
a) used to playing b) didn’t use to play c) used to play d) didn’t play
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Dreams have interested, puzzled, and even frightened people. They thought that dreams always
came true, and that they came from something outside the person dreaming.
Since the end of the 19th century, physicians, psychologists and other scientists have been studying
dreams. Although they still have much to learn, they think that dreams are created by the dreamer granted, or
in which they become somebody they would like to be. These are wish-fulfilling dreams; they occasionally
Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

dream that they are being chased by robbers, or are in danger from fire or flood. These frightening dreams
are called nightmares. People usually have nightmares when they are upset about something.
Studies about the causes of dreams show many reasons. For example, changes in the brain occur
during sleep, and these are probably related to dreaming. But no one knows enough yet about the brain
changes in dreaming to say exactly what they are. A dreamer’s health affects his dreams. A person who
is ill will have different kinds of dreams from those of one who is well. If a person is hungry, or cold,
or tired, his dreams may include these feelings. In addition, a large part of any dream comes from the
events of the day before. Often the person or situations in a night dream are those the dreamer met
during the day. The feelings of happiness or disappointment which came out in dreams were probably
in the dreamer before. All the dream does is to give them an outlet.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Changes in the brain take place .................... .
a) by day b) at night c) during sleep d) during meals
18  .................... is a terrible dream.
a) A day-dream b) A nightmare c) A dreamer d) Dreamland
19  The underlined word “them” refers to .................... .
a) dreams b) dreamers c) nightmares d) feelings
20  We have been studying dreams for .................... .
a) 50 years b) 300 years
c) centuries d) more than a century
B) Answer the following questions:
21  The writer compares two different views concerning dreams. Write them in not more than two sentences.

22  Find
words in the passage which mean:
a) making desires and hopes true
b) worried, sad or unhappy

23  Mention only two of the reasons for dreams.


24  Giving up dreams in life may lead to despair. Discuss.


Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Peace among nations is vital. It gives every country the chance to carry out its development plans and it
saves the money spent on wars and destructive weapons.

26  Translate into English:

‫كبىرا للتسامح بىن األدىان من خالل التعاىش بىن المسلمىن والمسىحىىن الذى ىرجع‬ ً ‫فى وسط التعصب الذى يسود البالد تضرب مصر‬-
ً ‫مثال‬
.‫لمئات السنىن‬

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

The importance of friendship.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 12
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   hinese factories .................... cheap goods for export to most countries.
a) produce b) protect c) prevent d) buy
2  The manager asked the secretary to send all letters by .................... delivery.
a) impress b) repress c) express d) depress
3  A customer service clerk must be able to .................... his head even when clients get angry.
a) lose b) buy c) miss d) keep
4  I don’t have much .................... for hot, humid weather.
a) attendance b) tolerance c) excitement d) boredom
5  I think you shouldn’t fly with an airline that has a bad safety .................... .
a) diary b) record c) law d) achievement
6  The verb “construct” is the opposite of the verb .................... .
a) consume b) produce c) discover d) destroy
7  “Would you mind closing the door, please?” “....................”.
a) Yes, of course b) Sure c) Not at all d) Yes, I do
8  Two million feddans will have .................... in the desert.
a) reclaim b) reclaimed c) to reclaim d) to be reclaimed
9  Nobody .................... the cause of earthquakes.
a) know b) knows c) have known d) was known
10  She had gone to many shops .................... she bought her new dress.
a) before b) after c) until d) as soon as
11  The children, some of .................... got hurt, were playing football in the street.
a) which b) them c) whom d) who
12  ...................., Ahmed got the best mark in class although he didn’t study hard.
a) Surprised b) Surprisingly c) To surprise d) Surprising
13  He tried .................... to find a job, but he had no luck.
a) hardness b) hardly c) hard d) harden
14  I .................... along the road when I saw Hany. So I stopped, and we had a chat.
a) walked b) was walking c) have been walking d) wasn’t walking
15  I .................... the job, but I don’t think I’ll accept it.
a) am offered b) offer c) have been offered d) have offered
16  We have .................... different opinions. I disagree with everything she says.
a) completed b) complete c) completely d) complicated
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The human race is only one small species of beings in the living world; many other groups exist
among the creatures on this planet. However, human beings have a great influence on the rest of the
world. People change the environment by building cities where forests once stood. People affect the
water supply by using water for industry and agriculture. People affect weather conditions by increasing
Section (2)

the amount of water in the air; when open land is changed into farms, the humidity of the atmosphere
in that area increases because of the increased vegetation. Human beings change the air by adding
pollutants like smoke from factories and fumes from automobile motors.
Thus, it can be said that the human species changes the world through its actions, by its habits.
People, in other words, are interfering with nature.
One negative result of people’s interference with the environment is that many kinds of animals are
becoming rare. In fact, their numbers are decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming
extinct. Because worried and concerned experts want to make sure that these animals do not disappear,
an “endangered species” list has been made, and ways to save them have been started. Some types of
birds, like eagles, are in danger of extinction. This is the reason why many concerned citizens have
organised groups to save the birds.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The main idea of the passage is that human beings .................... .
a) need to demolish forests b) are the worst thing on earth
c) affect the whole creatures d) should stop living in cities
18  People demolish forests in order to ....................
a) build cities. b) raise more animals.
c) grow useful crops. d) save the amount of water.
19  The underlined word “their” refers to ....................
a) people b) animals c) environment d) kinds
20  Human beings have changed the weather by increasing .................... .
a) the area of farm land b) the area of open land
c) smoke and fumes in the air d) the water supply
B) Answer the following questions:
21  Mention three ways by which people can change the world.

22  What is being done to save the eagles?


23  Findwords in the passage which mean:

a) does not exist anymore.
b) get involved in a situation where you are not wanted or needed.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

24  Some changes which a man causes to the environment can be harmful. Give two examples.

25  Translate into Arabic:

We should be optimistic and always think about the good side of life. Pessimism is a deadly enemy that
defeats our hopes and hinders our ambitions.

26  Translate into English:

ً ‫ ولكن تذكر‬،‫ مهما كان طموحك للمستقبل علىك أن تعمل بجد وصبر لكى تستطىع تحقىقه‬-
.‫أىضا أن التخطىط الجىد ىساعدك فى ذلك‬

27  Write an email of about (180) words:

To your cousin who lives in Paris telling him about how the Egyptian people felt when Egypt’s Olympic
National Team won the Under 23 African Cup of Nations. Your cousin’s name is Samy. Your name is

Section (2)

Final Test 13
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  Regular .................... programmes for children in Egypt have almost conquered many diseases such as
polio and smallpox.
a) sport b) educational c) vaccination d) schooling
2  I found one earring - do you know where the .................... one is?
a) another b) other c) others d) else
3  By law, everyone must have a/an .................... driver’s license to drive a car.
a) void b) expired c) intended d) valid
4  This bread is completely free from artificial .................... .
a) preservatives b) initiatives c) components d) materials
5  Within a short .................... of time you can learn to speak English in the British Council.
a) length b) space c) room d) distance
6  It’s important to .................... all researches in a practical way and not leave it on the shelf.
a) do b) perform c) apply d) imply
7  Tamer left for England in 1990; he hasn’t been back .................... his departure.
a) still b) for c) since d) ago
8  Temperature is .................... controlled in the fridge.
a) automatic b) automatically c) automatics d) automatical
9  “Has that letter been typed yet? ” “No, but .................... now”.
a) it is typed b) it is been typed c) it is being typed d) it is typing
10  These are the books .................... give you all the information you need on the Pyramids.
a) what b) who c) they d) that
11  You’d surely never go there again, ....................?
a) had you b) would you c) do you d) didn’t you
12  I’m so thirsty. I’ll buy a big bottle of water .................... I get home.
a) before b) as soon as c) until d) when
13  Hassan .................... to school on foot. He finds walking very painful.
a) never go b) always goes c) don’t go d) never goes
14  What’s the name of the place .................... you went on holiday?
a) whose b) when c) which d) where
15  The thief .................... to be wearing a black sweater and blue jeans.
a) is believing b) is believed c) believes d) has believed
16  We .................... good friends, but we hardly see each other now.
a) used to be b) never were c) didn’t use to be d) were being

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Advertising has become a very specialised activity in modern times. In the business world of today,
supply is usually greater than demand. There is great competition between the different manufacturers
of the same kind of product to persuade customers to buy their own particular make. They always have
to remind the customer of the name and the quality of their product. They do this by advertising. The
manufacturer advertises in newspapers and on posters. He sometimes pays for songs to be sung about
his product on commercial radio programmes. He employs attractive salesgirls to distribute samples
of it. He organises competitions with prizes for the winners. He often advertises on the screens of
local cinemas. Most important of all is on television. He has advertisements put into the programmes
whenever this is possible. Manufacturers often spend large sums of money on advertisements.
We buy a particular product because we think that it is the best. We usually think so because the
advertisements say so. Some people never pause to ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Advertisements persuade us to buy things even if .................... .
a) the product is good b) we don’t need them
c) supply is greater than demand d) we need them
18  One of the following isn’t mentioned and it is a way of advertising.
a) Newspapers and TV b) Posters
c) Cinemas d) Trains
19  The underlined pronoun “it” refers to .................... .
a) his advertisement b) his factory
c) his product d) his goods
20  The best title to this text is .................... .
a) Ways of Advertising b) Competition
c) A specialised activity d) Manufacturers
B) Answer the following questions:
21  Why do manufacturers spend so much money on advertising?

22  How can songs be a way of advertising?


23  Findin the text words which mean:

a) purchaser b) hand out

Section (2)

24  If you have a company that produces stationery, write two sentences as an advertisement in a newspaper.

25  Translate into Arabic:

Television, as a pastime, has taken the place of reading or practising useful hobbies. It is said that, due
to television, modern youths have limited general knowledge.

26  Translate into English:

.‫ تعانى العدىد من دول العالم من مشكلة الالجئىن الذىن تجبرهم الحروب والصراعات على ترك أوطانهم والبحث عن حىاة أفضل‬-

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

Hosting sports competitions is a good way to show the country’s civilisation.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 14
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  I left my friend a short .................... on his answering machine.
a) passage b) message c) massage d) sign
2  She has a great ability for .................... confidence in people he deals with.
a) removing b) conspiring c) inspiring d) harvesting
3  The coach insists that all team .................... must attend early-morning practice.
a) members b) organs c) actors d) managers
4  Football can be a very .................... game. Some players can be badly injured.
a) professional b) adventurous c) mental d) physical
5  Who’s taking .................... the dog while you’re away?
a) part b) care of c) place d) turns
6  The young man spent a night in the .................... at the police station after damaging a shop window with
his motorbike.
a) call b) germ c) cell d) gene
7  Prices in the shops .................... during the last few years.
a) rose b) have risen c) raised d) have raised
8  We all like our teacher of English because he treats us .................... .
a) in a friendly way b) friendly c) a friend d) friendlier
9  It’s careless of Hassan .................... the same mistakes again and again.
a) making b) makes c) to make d) that he make
10  Over the road is the hairdresser’s .................... I usually have my hair cut.
a) who b) whose c) whom d) where
11  The number of cars on the roads .................... year after year.
a) is risen b) has been risen c) rises d) have risen
12  She is bored as she .................... at home all day.
a) used to stay b) isn’t used to staying
c) stayed d) is used to stay
13  My leg was hurting. I could .................... walk.
a) no b) never c) hard d) hardly
14  When I last saw Ahmed, he .................... to find a job.
a) was trying b) tried c) has tried d) is trying
15  She used to travel a lot, but she doesn’t do this .................... .
a) never b) any more c) no longer d) lately
16  You’re out of breath. Have you ....................?
a) been running b) run c) been run d) running
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Scientists believe that in twenty years from now we will be seeing driverless buses on the streets of
major cities. This might seem unbelievable, but bus design experts are working in laboratories trying
to design driverless buses. An automated means of transport would not only be really reliable but also
cheaper and environmentally friendly because the buses would run on electricity or biofuel.
Section (2)

Research has shown that nearly 60% of the running cost of a bus is spent on the driver. Therefore,
the use of a driverless bus would inevitably reduce operating costs. The vehicle is able to navigate by
combining satellite technology with a special system. This system uses magnets which are positioned
in the road. Driverless buses will probably make our everyday lives easier. However, we must consider
what will happen to the bus drivers who will eventually find themselves unemployed if this project
becomes a reality.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Itis expected that travelling on driverless buses will be .................... .
a) smoother b) harder
c) tougher d) more difficult
18  Driverless buses will certainly .................... operating costs.
a) decrease b) double
c) increase d) raise
19  Busses in the future will run on .................... sources of energy.
a) expensive b) unavailable
c) renewable d) non-renewable
20  The “synonym” of the word “reliable” is .................... .
a) unbelievable b) dependable
c) predictable d) deniable
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What are bus design experts trying to do?

22  What is meant by environmentally friendly?


23  Mention one of the drawbacks of driverless buses.


24  In your opinion, how can we travel in the future?


Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Egypt has achieved great progress in the field of communications. Modern mobile telephone networks
have covered all cities and villages.

26  Translate into English:

‫رغم فوائدها الكثىرة فإن مواقع التواصل االجتماعى أحىانًا تتسبب فى نشر الشائعات وخلق الفوضى فى المجتمع لذا يحذر الخبراء من‬-
.‫االستخدام السيئ لها‬

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

The role teachers can play in developing society.

Section (2)

Final Test 15
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   he firefighter showed .................... courage when she rescued the old man from the fire.
a) enormous b) tiny c) malice d) valueless
2  The youth group organised musicians to play .................... concerts for the building of hospitals.
a) profit b) benefit c) interest d) loss
3  Mr Essam’s .................... for the new position as a manager is not in question. He’s very efficient.
a) similarity b) intention c) sickness d) fitness
4  Most countries of the European Union use a .................... currency, the Euro.
a) double b) strange c) single d) vague
5  Mr Ehab is very .................... - if he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.
a) acceptable b) reliable c) fit d) careless
6  Don’t be rude to others. You won’t like it when they give you a taste of your own .................... .
a) medicine b) food c) drink d) drug
7  I have not heard from him since he went abroad .................... .
a) in a year b) since a year c) for a year d) a year ago
8  They signed the contract .................... they had agreed on all the points.
a) after b) before c) until d) so
9  It .................... well-known that smoking can do you great harm.
a) was b) will be c) is d) knows
10  How did you like the film? I was very disappointed; it was .................... .
a) bore b) boredom c) boring d) bored
11  Can I have .................... of this cake, please?
a) a little b) a few c) one d) piece
12  A: “Do you like watching TV? ”
B: “No, I prefer playing games .................... watching TV”.
a) than b) to c) for d) on
13  The exam was quite difficult- .................... than I expected
a) little difficult b) difficulty c) most difficult d) more difficult
14  A cinema is a place where films .................... .
a) are showing b) shown c) are shown d) showed
15  We moved to London a few years ago and had to get used to .................... in a big city.
a) live b) living c) lived d) being lived
16  It .................... raining now, so we don’t need the umbrella.
a) has stopped b) stops c) will stop d) had stopped
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Sometimes students ask to be given a list of topics which might come up in the English exam, so that
they can prepare for them. As this is an English language exam, there’s no strictly prescribed topical
content. The best advice is to take a wide interest in topics of all kinds. However, environmental topics

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

like global warming, pollution and world problems appear in the exam. The reason for using them is
that they are of general interest, international in perspective and they affect everyone.
To help yourself feel more confident and comfortable with the topics, you can watch documentaries
or current affairs programmes in English. You can also read newspapers. You might find that you not
only feel more at ease with exam topics, more fluent at using the language, but you can also have
fascinating things to share with your friends after school.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Some students ask to be given a list of topics to .................... them in the exam.
a) organise b) advise c) help d) confuse
18  When you are at ease, you are .................... .
a) relaxed b) released c) interested d) stressed
19  The underlined word “them” refers to .................... .
a) all topics b) English exams
c) students d) environmental topics
20  The best title to the passage is .................... .
a) Exam topics are easily obtained b) Exam topics can’t be prepared
c) Exam topics are difficult to answer d) Exam topics are so few
B) Answer the following questions:
21  Why is it inadvisable for students to be given a list of topics?

22  What can watching documentaries, current affairs programmes and reading newspapers help you to do?

23  Find in the text words which mean:

a) viewpoint b) matters
24  How can the student prepare himself\herself for the exam? Say two examples.

Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

The Egyptian Knowledge Bank will be one of the most important information resources. That’s why all
Egyptian students, teachers, university scholars and professors can have access to it.

26  Translate into English:

‫ لذلك تجذب الزائرىن من جمىع أنحاء العالم الذين يستمتعون‬،‫تمتلك مصر العدىد من األعمال الهندسىة المذهلة سواء القدىمة أو الحدىثة‬-
.‫أيضا بجوها الرائع‬

27  Writean essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

The problem of illegal immigration and ways to solve it.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 16
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   he Red Cross is a well-known international .................... that works mainly in time of wars or disasters.
a) society b) army c) charity d) section
2  Scientists believe that we are destroying the .................... with pollution.
a) planet b) plant c) asteroid d) soil
3  My wife makes really .................... dish with chicken and rice.
a) taste b) tasteful c) tasting d) tasty
4  The criminal has admitted committing several crimes, .................... two murders.
a) consisting b) including c) containing d) enclosing
5  The new design of the electric cars are supposed to .................... the hybrid car which uses electricity and
a) follow b) develop c) succeed d) detect
6  You must have a higher .................... in the company to be given a private car with a driver.
a) position b) location c) situation d) site
7  They .................... able to come because they were so busy.
a) hadn’t been b) won’t be c) weren’t d) aren’t
8  Anyone .................... wants to apply for the job must do so by Friday.
a) whom b) which c) who d) whose
9  Susan really loves that film. She .................... it eight times!
a) sees b) has seen c) had seen d) saw
10  While I was doing my homework, my sister .................... my mother.
a) helps b) had helped c) helped d) was helping
11  The meeting has to .................... because of the manager’s illness.
a) be postponed b) postponed c) postponing d) postpone
12  The boss trusted me so much. He .................... me all the hard tasks.
a) is used to give b) uses c) used to giving d) used to give
13  I went to .................... exhibition in my city to buy a car last week.
a) the largest b) the larger c) the large d) larger
14  Driving the car too .................... can easily cause accidents.
a) faster b) fast c) fastly d) lasting
15  He ....................hard day and night since the beginning of the exams
a) studied b) has been studying c) had studied d) studies
16  Hany and I are from Cairo. .................... are Egyptians.
a) They b) We c) Us d) Them
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
All spiders spin webs. That’s because webs help spiders do three things. Webs help spiders hold
eggs. Webs help spiders hide. And webs help spiders catch food. Webs help spiders hold eggs. Many
spiders like to lay their eggs in their webs. The webs help keep the eggs together. Webs help spiders
keep their eggs safe.
Section (2)

Webs help spiders hide. Most spiders are dark. They are brown, grey, or black. But spider webs are
light. They are white and cloudy. When spiders hide in their webs, they are harder to see.
Webs help spiders catch food. Spider webs are sticky. When a bug flies into the web, it gets stuck. It
moves around. It tries to get out. But it can’t. It is trapped! Spiders can tell that the bug is trapped. That’s
because spiders feel the web move. And the spider is hungry. The spider goes to get the bug.
Without webs, spiders would not be able to live like they do. Spiders need their webs to survive!
Some spiders are poisonous like the one called the black widow whose poison can kill any creature
it bites. Some people have phobia of spiders, they feel nervous or worried when they see a spider so to
get rid of this phobia they have to visit a therapist who may help them.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  This passage is mostly about .................... .
a) spider colors. b) spider webs c) spider eggs d) spider prey
18  As used in paragraph 4, the word trapped most nearly means .................... .
a) stuck b) hidden c) eaten d) escaped
19  How can spiders tell when something is trapped in their web?
a) They hear it. b) They smell it. c) They feel it. d) They see it
20  As used in the last sentence of the passage, the word survive means to stay .................... .
a) awake b) hidden c) caught d) alive
B) Answer the following questions:
21  The passage lists three reasons why spiders spin webs. Of these reasons, which do you think is the most
important? Why?

22  Do you like spiders? Why or why not?


23  In what ways can Spider webs help spiders?

24  In your opinion how does a therapist treat a person with phobia?

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Unemployment is a serious problem which can lead to disastrous effects on people and societies. Illegal
immigration is one of its serious results.

26  Translate into English:

‫تهتم الحكومة بالمشروعات القومية الكبرى ألنها توفر فرص العمل وتدعم خطط التنمية وتزيد فرص النمو االقتصادى واالجتماعى مما‬-
.‫يؤدى إلى ارتفاع مستوى معيشة المواطنين‬

27  Write an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

Money is a good servant, but a bad master.

Section (2)

Final Test 17
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1   elivery of foods and drinks is .................... of charge in most restaurants.
a) busy b) free c) cheap d) occupied
2  Many pesticides are highly .................... to animals and humans, so we must be careful on using them.
a) efficient b) valuable c) poisoned d) toxic
3  Service .................... such as tourism have become very important during the recent years.
a) industries b) factories c) facilities d) charges
4  Mona considers the photographs she takes a .................... record of her travels.
a) virtual b) vocational c) visual d) void
5  To help our country, we need to work as a team rather than a group of .................... .
a) players b) individuals c) professionals d) officers
6  The Cairo Book .................... is one of the largest cultural events in the Arab World.
a) gallery b) just c) expedition d) fair
7  When I was young, mum .................... a long time to wake me up to go to school.
a) is used to taking b) used to take c) uses to take d) takes
8  I was enjoying the party, but my wife .................... to go home.
a)had wanted b) was wanting c) was wanted d) wanted
9  The weather was good, .................... we hadn’t expected.
a)who b) that c) which d) whom
10  The roof of the building .................... in a storm a few days ago.
a) was damaged b) damaged c) was damaging d) could damage
11  The cake was .................... delicious , so they ordered 5 more..
a) too b) terribly c) absolutely d) enough
12  Our house is not as modern as .................... .
a) hers b) her c) themselves d) their
13  Nancy is quite .................... and does well at school.
a) cleverly b) cleverest c) cleverer d) clever
14  I couldn’t open the door as I .................... a shower.
a) had had b) was having c) had d) has had
15  I still remember the day .................... I got lost in the USA.
a) where b) which c) in which d) when
16  He won’t go abroad for many reasons, ....................?
a) is he b) did he c) does he d) will he
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Not all parents allow their children to have cell phones because the thing this brings troubles to
them, while others have another opinion that doesn’t agree with this idea.
Mona says that all of her friends have a cell phone, but Mona’s mom doesn’t want to buy her one.
Mona’s mom doesn’t want Mona to play video games either. What is more, the Internet scares her.
Mona’s mom says, “If Mona has a cell phone, how do we know whom she is talking to? Video games

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

are bad for you. The Internet is dangerous and uncontrolled. It’s like having a gun in the house. We
should just ban her from using the computer, and I’m not buying her a cell phone until she is eighteen.
This is the only way we can be sure that Mona is safe.”
Mona’s dad disagrees with Mona’s mom. Although he agrees that there are some dangers to it, he
likes the Internet, and finds it to be very useful. “The trouble is,” he says, “We just can’t stop Mona
from using the Internet, as this would put her at a disadvantage. What is more, I like video games. I
think that, when played in moderation, they are fun. Obviously, it is not good to play them without
restraint or self-control. Finally, I think Mona needs a cell phone. We can’t take these things away.”
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Mona’s mom can best be described as
a) ridiculous b) careful
c) cruel d) rude
18  Mona’s dad can best be described as
a) shameless b) foolish
c) wild d) reasonable
19  Which of the following best describes the difference between Mona’s mom and Mona’s dad?
a) Mom wants to ban Mona from using the computer, while dad likes to play video games.
b) Mom thinks technology is dangerous, while dad thinks it can be useful.
c) Mom cares little about Mona’s future, while dad is very supportive.
d) Mom is very strict while Dad is open minded.
20  Which of the following best describes the similarity between Mona’s mom and Mona’s dad?
a) Mom and dad both like technology.
b) Mom and dad both think video games are bad.
c) Mom and dad both think the internet is dangerous.
d) Mom and dad both care about Mona’s wellbeing.
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What do you think would be the best way for Mona to change the way her mom thinks about technology?

22  On what condition will Mona’s mother buy her daughter a cell phone?

23  Somepeople think we should let children use modern technology without restrictions? In your why do
they say this?

Section (2)

24  In some situations a cell phone can be a lifeboat for a person. Show that giving two examples.

25  Translate into Arabic:

The Youth Conference which is held in Egypt every year is a great opportunity for young people from
different countries to meet. This will certainly lead to increasing understanding and tolerance.

26  Translate into English:

‫ عا ًما وتأهله لدورة األلعاب األولمبية من حزن المصريين على ظهور‬23 ‫خفف فوز منتخب مصر األولمبى بكأس األمم اإلفريقية تحت‬-
.‫المنتخب بمستوى سيئ فى كأس األمم اإلفريقية األخيرة‬

27  Write an email of about (180) words:

To your friend Samia telling her about the college you would like to join after secondary school. Your
name is Kenzy.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 18
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  .................... are important because they work on many things, from bridges and waterways to road systems.
a) Civil engineers b) Architects c) Designers d) Managers
2  Workers leaders have .................... an agreement with the company for a shorter working week.
a) researched b) advised c) negotiated d) arrived
3  I bought the flat I live in through a newspaper .................... .
a) announcements b) articles c) news d) advertisement
4  We need .................... advice about the new business we are going to start. We must see an economist.
a) expert b) amateur c) explanatory d) extensive
5  Only a few hundred of pandas .................... today. They are endangered.
a) stay b) remain c) continue d) die
6  The authorities are exploring new methods of water .................... .
a) treatment b) process c) operation d) innovation
7  It was Amany .................... had the idea of giving the party.
a) which b) what c) which d) who
8  He lives in a(n) .................... house in the countryside.
a) stone, old, small b) small, old, stone c) old, small, stone d) stone, small, old
9  The footballer is playing .................... better than he did last week.
a) bit b) more c) even d) most
10  Amar .................... to be a very honest man.
a) to being known b) knows c) is known d) been known
11  I haven’t seen Fahmy .................... we were at university together.
a) for b) since c) already d) yet
12  Now that he is retired, my uncle spends most of his time .................... in the garden.
a) is working b) working c) to work d) works
13  For .................... information, please visit our website.
a) farthest b) furthest c) further d) farther
14  Sarah is studying ....................Maths at college.
a) the b) a c) all d) no article
15  Steve gave me a .................... advice about writing a CV.
a) little b) few c) lot d) plenty
16  Peter went to bed .................... after coming home from work.
a) directly b) directed c) direct d) direction
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The flu is the common name for influenza. The flu is a respiratory sickness. The flu can be mild
or bad. Sometimes the flu can even cause death. Each year in the U.S., about 36,000 people die from
problems related to the flu.
The flu is caused by a virus. A virus is a germ. People can spread the virus. The virus can live in tiny
drops of liquid. If you have the virus, you can spread it by coughing. You can get the virus by touching
a something that has the virus on it and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Section (2)

A flu shot can prevent the flu. The nasal flu mist can also prevent the flu. The shot and the nose spray
are vaccines.
If you get the flu, you might get a headache. You might have a fever or a cough and a runny nose.
You might have a sore throat. You might feel very tired. Your body might hurt all over. Some people
have diarrhea and vomiting.
You can help stop the spread of the flu virus by covering your cough. You should cough into a tissue
and throw the tissue away. Or you can cough into the inside of your elbow, into your own clothing. You
should wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Studies show that washing
your hands for 2 minutes with hot, soapy water is the best way to get the most germs off your hands.
Be sure to wash under your fingernails and between your fingers.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  The flu is a disease connected to the .................... system.
a) Circulatory b) Digestive
c) respiratory d) Nervous
18  What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph?
a) How to stop the spread of the virus
b) How long to wash your hands
c) How to wash your hands
d) What studies have shown about hand-washing
19  The word “vaccine” most closely means .................... .
a) spray b) protection
c) health d) shot
20  Why is it important to wash under the fingernails and between the fingers?
a) in order not to spoil our food. c) to weaken the flu virus.
b) to show others that we are clean. d) to get rid of the germs.
B) Answer the following questions:
21  How can we protect ourselves from the flu?

22  Do you think there will be a cure for the flu in the future? Why? Why not?

23  When and why can a person cough into the inside of his\her elbow?

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

24  in your opinion, what other serious effects can be caused by different kinds of flu?

25  Translate into Arabic:

Climate Change is due to pollution. That’s why we all should take part in combating it. Otherwise the
world will face disastrous results which can destroy our planet earth.

26  Translate into English:

‫يجب أن ينال المعلم كل التقدير والدعم من المجتمع حتى يستطيع أداء رسالته السامية فى بناء عقل وشخصية األجيال الجديدة ولكى تنجح‬-
.‫خطط تطوير التعليم‬

27  Write an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

How can we share in fighting pollution?

Section (2)

Final Test 19
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  ....................
is a Korean style of fighting that includes high kicking.
a) Taekwondo b) Boxing c) Judo d) Swordplay
2  I like the pictures which the .................... drew with this short story.
a) editor b) photographer c) illustrator d) correspondent
3  There is no .................... for mistakes in climbing high mountains; you could easily lose your life,
a) distance b) room c) space d) flat
4  I enjoyed the excitement of my new work. Money was not my only .................... .
a) innovation b) invention c) barrier d) motivation
5  After the operation, the patient tried to walk, but only .................... a few steps.
a) succeeded b) managed c) passed d) failed
6  Regular tests enable the teacher to follow the .................... of each student in class.
a) surface b) purpose c) progress d) stage
7  A school bus is a vehicle .................... takes students to and from school.
a) whose b) when c) what d) that
8  He used to ride a bicycle but now he .................... a car.
a) is driving b) drives c) has driven d) drove
9  They .................... the match since 3 o’clock. It hasn’t finished yet.
a) have watched b) watched c) have been watching d) are watching
10  Michael, .................... parents are wealthy, received a car for his 18th birthday.
a) that b) whose c) which d) who
11  Don’t forget to turn off the TV .................... you go to bed.
a) after b) since c) by the time d) before
12  The kitchen table .................... yet.
a) wasn’t being cleaned b) hasn’t been cleaned
c) won’t be cleaned d) isn’t being cleaned
13  She .................... her teeth checked yesterday morning.
a) had had b) had c) has had d) was having
14  The robbery .................... to have been carried out by a single person.
a) is being believed b) was believing c) will be believed d) is believed
15  The news .................... broadcast every hour on that radio station.
a) is b) were c) are d) is being
16  The witness accurately recounted everything that had happened .................... the robbery.
a) when b) while c) during d) until
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Helicopters are very different from airplanes. They can do three things that airplanes cannot do.
First, when airplanes move upward, they must also move forward, but helicopters can move straight
up without moving ahead. Second, helicopters can fly backward, which airplanes cannot do. Third,
helicopters can use their rotors to hover in the air (stay in one place) which is impossible for planes.
Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Because helicopters can perform actions that airplanes cannot, they are used for different tasks.
Since helicopters can take off without moving forward, they do not need a runway for takeoff. They
are used in congested areas where there is no room for airplanes or in isolated areas which do not have
airports. Because they can hover, they are used on firefighting missions to drop water on fires. They
are used in logging operations to lift trees out of forests. Helicopters are used as air ambulances to
airlift patients out of situations which are difficult to reach by conventional ambulances. The police use
helicopters to follow suspects on the ground or to search for cars on the ground. Of course, helicopters
have military uses because of their design and capabilities. In recent times, many countries have used
helicopters in wars which was an effective factor. But the most enjoyable thing is that if you are flying
in a helicopter you will feel that you are a bird soaring in the sky.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Helicopters are able to .................... .
a) move straight up. b) fly backward. c) hover. d) All of the above
18  The best synonym for perform is .................... .
a) fly. b) do. c) lift. d) can.
19  If an area is isolated it is .................... .
a) crowded. b) popular. c) cut off. d) in the city.
20  How are helicopters used as ambulances?
a) They chase suspects on the ground. b) They airlift people out of accidents.
c) They can drop water on fires. d) They lift trees out of forests.
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What must airplanes do when they move upward?

22  Why are Helicopters used in firefighting?


23  Why don’t helicopters need runways?

24  Think of other ways that can help people to benefit from depending on helicopter.

Section (2)

25  Translate into Arabic:

Crime is increasing at an alarming rate in our society. It is a serious phenomenon which requires the
cooperation of all sectors and individuals to study and fight it.

26  Translate into English:

‫لألصدقاء دور كبير فى حياة الشباب لذلك يجب على اآلباء مساعدة أبنائهم على اختيار األصدقاء الجيدين الذين يساعدونهم على النجاح‬-
.‫فى حياتهم‬

27  Write an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

Living in new cities has a lot of advantages and disadvantages.

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)

Final Test 20
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1  There is a chart on the classroom wall showing the .................... heights of all the children and their ages.
a) negative b) positive c) relative d) optimistic
2  Some greedy farmers use special .................... to make the crops grow faster.
a) chemicals b) paints c) ingredients d) components
3  They finally .................... their goal of buying a flat in the North Coast.
a) recognized b) realized c) devised d) doubted
4  It’s nice to have someone you can .................... your problems with.
a) divide b) split c) import d) share
5  Saudi Arabia is carrying out a military .................... with some Arab countries in Yemen.
a) process b) operation c) treatment d) accessory
6  Cans are made of valuable .................... materials which are rarely recycled.
a) fresh b) vague c) raw d) valid
7  He .................... glasses but now he uses them.
a) was used to wearing b) used to wear c) didn’t use to wear d) wore
8  I spent my time fishing .................... dad enjoyed steering the boat.
a) until b) during c) when d) while
9  The dog .................... by a lovely French marble fireplace and grabbing a bone.
a) sits b) is sitting c) has sat d) sat
10  Train services have .................... seriously by the heavy snow.
a) been affected b) been affecting c) affected d) affect
11  Tamer is normally polite, but he was .................... rude to Jenny last night.
a) surprising b) surprised c) surprisingly d) surprise
12  Hady is .................... to buy an expensive car.
a) too rich b) rich enough c) enough rich d) so rich
13  A pilot’s job is more exciting .................... a doctor’s job.
a) as b) to c) rather than d) than
14  He met an old friend while he .................... back home.
a) was walking b) walked c) had been walking d) has been walking
15  .................... Dad has a meeting, he can’t have lunch with us.
a) While b) During c) Since d) After
16  You can walk instead of .................... public transport.
a) uses b) use c) used d) using
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Nine thousand years ago, people did not have money. They traded animals for things they wanted.
They traded crops for what they wanted.
In China, in about 1200 B.C., people traded shells for the things they wanted. Chinese people also
traded metal tools for the things they wanted. For example, they traded metal knives and shovels for
the things they wanted. Later in China, people made metal money. In about 100 B.C., the Chinese made
money of animal skin. The first paper money was made from white coloured deer skin. It came from
China about 900 years later.

Section (2)

In about 700 B.C., people made the first round metal coins. The coins were made of gold and silver.
They looked very similar to the coins we use today. These coins came from Lydia. Lydia was located
where the country called Turkey is located today. After people made coins in Lydia, people in Rome,
Iran, and Greece also began making coins. Coins were very durable – they were strong and could last a
long time without becoming damaged.
Wampum are necklaces made from beads and seashells. The beads had holes in them. People put
beads on strings. American Indians used wampum for money in the 1500’s. Money changes with time.
No matter what it looks like, money is an idea. It is the thought that people can trade something they
have for something they want. Money makes trading easier.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
17  Before people had money, they traded .................... .
a) crops for what they wanted b) animals for what they wanted
c) metal tools for what they wanted. d) All of the above
18  The first paper money was made in .................... .
a) the year 1200 B.C. in China b) the year 700 B.C. in Lydia
c) the year 800 A.D. in China d) the 1500’s in North America
19  A deer is .................... .
a) a kind of money b) a kind of animal
c) made of shells d) gold or silver
20  If something is durable,, it .................... .
a) is strong and can last a long time b) is made of metal
c) can be used as money d) None of the above
B) Answer the following questions:
21  What idea is all money based on?

22  What was the first paper money made of?


23  What are coins?

24  In your opinion, how can we teach young people to spend money wisely? (two ways)

Final Tests (Units 1 - 8) Section (2)


25  Translate into Arabic:

Psychologists ascribe the increasing suicide to depression. Because of the stressful life we live in, more
and more people lose the joy of life and get depressed.

26  Translate into English:

‫لألنشطة الرياضية والفنية واالجتماعية دور مهم فى العملية التعليمية لذا يجب أن تكون جزءا أساسيا فى أى منهج وذلك ألنها تجعل‬-
.‫المدرسة مكانا جذابا‬

27  Write an essay of about 180 words on of the following topic:

How can we motivate children to be creative?

Section (1)

‫ترجمة الكلمات الصعبة الواردة فى قطع االمتحانات‬

ability ‫ َك َفا َءة‬/‫َم ْق ِد َرة‬ calligrapher ‫َخ َّطاط‬ craftsmen ‫ِح َرف ّىىن‬
‫ىكتسب‬ ِ ‫صنْع‬/‫عَمل‬
‫م ْهنَة‬/‫ة‬ ِ ‫ىبت‬
‫ َى ْخ ُلق‬/‫َكر‬
acquire career َ َ َ create َْ
admiration ‫إعجاب‬ catalysts ‫مواد محفزة‬ creature ‫مخلوق‬
advantage ِ
‫مىزَ ة‬/‫ َم ْص َل َحة‬/‫فائدَ ة‬ chase ِ ‫ُى َط‬
‫ارد‬ critical ‫َن ْق ِد ّى‬
‫َاهض‬ ِ ‫من‬/‫َخصم‬ ‫َى ْم ُضغ‬ ‫نقاد‬
adversary ُ ْ chew critics
advertising ‫إِعْالن‬ clapping ‫تصفىق‬ cultural ‫َث َقافِ ّى‬

affairs ‫قضاىا‬/‫شئون‬ codify ‫ ُىدَ ِّون ال َقوانِى َن‬/‫َي ُس ُّن‬ currency ‫ع ُْم َلة‬
‫ىقدر على‬
afford colony ‫ ُم ْس َت ْع َم َرة‬/‫ُم ْست َْو َطنَة‬ deaf ‫أصم‬
agriculture ‫ِز َراعَة‬ combining ‫اتحاد‬ debate ‫مناظرة‬

anxiety ‫اضطِراب‬/‫ق‬
ْ ‫َق َل‬ comfortable ‫ُم ِرىح‬ declare ‫ ُى ْع ِلن‬/‫ُى َص ِّرح‬

apply ‫ َى ْع َمل بِـ‬/‫ُى َط ِّبق‬ commander ِ ‫وال‬/‫م‬

‫آمر‬/ ٍ ِ
‫حاك‬ declining ‫ َتنَا َقص‬/‫َت َق َّلص‬

apprentice )‫تلمىذ (فى الصناعة‬ commercial  ‫خاص بالتجارة‬/

ّ ِ ‫تِ َج‬
‫ار ّى‬ depicted ‫ف‬
َ ‫وص‬/
َ ‫صو َر‬
assigning ‫اإلشارة‬ commodity ‫بِ َضاعَة‬/‫ِس ْل َعة‬ deposit (v) ‫ َى َضع‬/‫ُى َر ِّسب‬

associate ‫ىربط‬ commonly ‫بِ َو ْجه عام‬ deprivation ‫ع ََوز‬/‫ِح ْرمان‬

association ‫جمعىة‬/‫اتحاد‬ community ِ

‫طائ َفة‬/‫ع‬ ‫ُم ْجت ََم‬ derive ْ ‫ َى ْست‬/‫َى ْس َتنْتِج‬
‫َخ ِلص‬

assumed ‫تولى‬ competition ‫منافسة‬ desire ‫َر ْغ َبة‬

assure ‫ىؤكد‬/‫ىضمن‬ competitions ‫منافسات‬ destination ‫ِجهة الوصول‬

‫الج ِّو ّى‬ ِ ‫إىضاحات‬/‫تفاصىل‬
atmosphere َ ‫الف‬
ُ ‫الغ‬ component ‫ ُعن ُْصر‬/‫ُمك َِّون‬ details
attitudes ‫مواقف‬ compound ‫مركب‬/‫مستحضر‬ detect ‫ َى ْكت َِشف‬/‫َى ْس َت ْط ِلع‬

available ‫متاح‬ concentrate ‫ ُى َك ِّثف‬/‫ُى َركِّز‬ developing ‫نا ٍم‬

average ‫ ُمت ََو ِّسط‬/‫ُم َعدَّ ل‬ concerns ‫اهتمامات‬ deviation  ِ ‫ان‬
‫ْح َراف‬
awareness ‫وعى‬ conditions ‫أحوال‬/‫وف‬
ْ ‫ُظ ُر‬ devoted ‫ُم َخ َّصص‬
bargain ‫َص ْف َق ٌة رابِ َحة‬ construction ‫ت َْش ِىىد‬/‫ُبنْ َىان‬ die casts ‫قوالب الصب‬
ِ ‫ َأس‬/‫ىسى‬ ِ ِ
basic ‫اس ّى‬ َ ّ ‫َرئ‬ contamination ‫تَدْ نِىس‬/‫َت َل ُّوث‬ disappointment ‫َخ ْى َب ُة َأ َمل‬
batik ‫وجات‬َ ‫ط َباعَة َا ْل َمن ُْس‬ content ‫ُم ْحت ًَوى‬ disjoint ‫َى َت َفكَّك‬
behalf ‫نىابة‬ continentally ‫قار ّى‬
ِّ display ‫َى ْع ِرض‬
belief ‫اعْتِقاد‬/‫إِىمان‬ contract ‫َى َت َق َّلص‬ distinction ‫تمييز‬
biofuel ‫وقود حىوى‬ convert   ‫ َى َت َغ َّىر‬/‫ُى َح ِّول‬ distribute ‫ ُى َق ِّسم‬/‫ُى َوزِّ ع‬
ِ ‫إِ ْق ِل‬
bonfire ‫نار فى الهواء‬ convinced ‫ُم ْقتَنِع‬ districts ‫منْ َط َقة‬/‫ىم‬

brain drain ‫هجرة العقول‬ courage َ ‫َش َجاع‬

‫ج َس َارة‬/‫َة‬ division ‫ َم ْق َطع‬/‫ِق ْسم‬

brassware ٍ
‫أوان نحاسىة‬ crack ‫شرخ‬ documentaries ‫األفالم الوثائقىة‬
‫رب األسرة‬ ِ ‫ِمهن‬
‫ح ْر َفة‬/‫َة‬ ‫َت َعا ُد ٌل‏(‏ فى ُم َباراة‏)‏‬
breadwinner craft ْ draw

Revision Tests (Units 5-8) Section (1)

drone ‫ َطنِىن‬/‫َذك َُر الن َّْحل‬ grant ‫َى ْمنَح‬ lack ‫حرمان‬/‫نقص‬

droughts ‫َج َفاف‬ grasp ‫اِ ْستِىعاب‬ latter  ‫األخير بين اثنين‬

drums ‫طبول‬ groom ‫ ُى َهن ِْدم‬/‫َىتَزَ َّىن‬ legend ‫خ َرا َفة‬/‫ة‬

ُ ‫ور‬ َ ‫ُأ ْس ُط‬
‫الم ْحت ََمل‬ ِ
duties ‫مهام‬ growth ‫ َتكَا ُثر‬/‫ن ُُم ّو‬ likely ُ ‫م َن‬
eagle ‫ن َْسر‬/‫ُع َقاب‬ guarantee ‫ َى ْض َمن‬/‫َى َت َك َّفل‬ linguistic ‫ُلغ َِو ّى‬

elegance ‫تناسق‬/‫انسجام‬ guide  ‫ُى ْر ِشد‬ litter ‫قمامة‬

endanger ‫ُى َع ِّرض لِ ْل َخ َطر‬ handle ‫ىتعامل مع‬ litterbug ‫ُملقى النفايات‬

ensure ‫ َى ْض َمن‬/‫ُى َح ِّقق‬ hatch ‫ى َف ِق َس‬ logical ‫َمنْطِ ِق ّى‬

entertainment ‫ت َْس ِل َىة‬ hive ‫خلىة نحل‬ loss ‫َخ َس َارة‬
essential ‫رى‬
ّ ‫ج ْو َه‬/
َ ‫رورى‬
ّ ‫َض‬ horror ‫فزع‬/‫رعب‬ lottery ‫ُق ْرعَة‬
established َّ َ‫و َّطد‬
‫رس َخ‬/ host ‫ىستضىف‬ magnet ‫م ْغنَطِىس‬
ethnic ‫ع ْر ِق ّى‬/
ِ ‫ُعنْص ِرى‬
ّ ُ humidity ‫نَدً ى‬/‫ُر ُطو َبة‬ majority َ ‫َأ ْغ َلبِ َّى‬
evaporate ‫َى َت َب َّخر‬ ideal ‫ِم َثالِ ّى‬ make ‫ماركة‬
eventually ‫َأ ِخ ًىرا‬ improvements ‫إِ ْصالحات‬ manufacturer ‫ُمنْتِج‬
exception ‫استِ ْثناء‬
ْ income ‫ َم ْو ِرد‬/‫َد ْخل‬ mate ‫َىتَزَ َاوج‬
exchanging ‫تبادل‬ independence ‫استِ ْقالل‬ ْ minimal ‫حد أدنى‬
extent ‫نِ َطاق‬/‫َمدً ى‬ independent ِ
‫ُم ْستَق ّل‬ miserable ‫بائس‬

extinct ‫ُمنْ َق ِرض‬ inevitably ‫َحت ًْما‬ misfortune ‫الح ِّظ‬

َ ‫ُسو ُء‬
fact ‫حقىقة‬ infancy ‫ُط ُفو َلة‬ mould ‫ُى َشكِّل‬
fair ‫َم ْع ِرض‬ infection ‫عَدْ َوى‬/‫إصابة‬ movements ‫حركات‬
famine ‫َم َجاعَة‬ influence ‫ت َْأثِىر‬ mute ‫ َأ ْخ َرس‬/‫َأ ْبكَم‬
fascinated  ‫ َم ْس ُحور‬/‫ُمن َْج ِذب‬ instance ‫ِم َثال‬ mysterious ِ
fascinating ‫ ُم َش ِّوق‬/‫فاتِن‬ instructions ‫َت ْع ِلىمات‬ navigate ‫ُى ْب ِحر‬
ِ ِ ‫ت َْأ ِمىن‬ ‫َر ِحىق‬
festival ‫هرجان‬ َ ‫م‬/‫احت َفال‬ ْ insurance nectar
floods ‫َف َى َضان‬ intake ‫من َفس‬ negative ‫َس ْلبِ ّى‬
‫ىتنبأ عن‬ ‫نى‬ ِ ‫كا ُبوس‬
foretell intellectual ّ ‫ذ ْه‬ nightmare
fortuneteller ‫متنبأ‬/‫عراف‬ interfering ‫تدخل‬ nodding ‫يومئ‬
fragment ‫شظِ َّىة‬/‫ة‬
َ ‫ِك ْس َر‬ internal ِ
‫داخ ِل ّى‬ occasionally ‫َأ ْح َىانًا‬
fulfill ‫ىنجز‬ interpersonal ‫االنبساطى‬ occur ‫َى ْحدُ ث‬
function ‫شغْل‬/‫ة‬ُ ‫َوظِى َف‬ interpreting ‫ ُىت َْر ِجم‬/‫ُى َف ِّسر‬ opportunities ‫فرص‬
‫ ُق َما َمة‬/‫ُن َفا َىة‬ ِ ‫َفت َْر‬
garbage interval ‫فاصل‬/‫ة‬ origin ‫َأ ْصل‬
garland ‫إكلىل‬ intrapersonal ‫االنطوائى‬ outlet ‫ ُم َتنَ َّفس‬/‫َمنْ َفذ‬
gestures ‫إِىما َءات‬ involve ‫ َىت ََض َّمن‬/‫َى ْش َمل‬ output ‫ُمنْتَج‬
ِ ِ
glass works ‫مصانع الزجاج‬ jaywalker َّ ‫ُم َخالف َق َواعد َا‬
‫لس ْىر‬ participate ‫ارك فِى‬
ِ ‫ُى َش‬

graffiti ‫ورات ِس َىاس َّىة‬

َ ‫َمن ُْش‬ jungles ‫َأ ْدغال‬ partnership ‫ُم َش َاركَة‬

Section (1)

passive ‫سلبى‬ regarding ‫اعتبار‬ statistics ‫إِ ْح َص ِائ َّىات‬

pattern ‫ ُقدْ َوة‬/‫ن َُمو َذج‬ regret ‫نَدَ م‬ status ‫حا َلة‬
pause ‫َو ْق َفة‬ reinforce ‫ ُى َعزِّ ز‬/‫ُى َق ِّوى‬ stocking ‫َج ْو َرب‬
penalty ‫ضربة جزاء‬ reliable ‫ىعتمد علىه‬ strictly ‫بحزم‬
pension ‫عاش ال َّت َقاعُد‬
ُ ‫َم‬ respect ‫احتِ َرام‬
ْ strike ‫ُى ْض ِرب‬
percent ‫نسبة مئوىة‬ rest  ‫بقىة‬ sum up ‫ىلخص‬
perspective ‫ُو ْج َه ُة َن َظر‬ retirement ‫َت َقاعُد‬ superstition ‫خرافة‬
persuade ‫ُى ْقنِع‬ rheumatism ‫ُروماتِزْ م‬ survive  ‫ينجو‬
phenomena ‫ظواهر‬ rim ‫حا َّفة‬/‫إطار‬ sweating ‫عرق‬
physician ِ
‫ ُم َعالج‬/‫َطبِىب‬ roll ‫َىتَدَ ْح َرج‬ task  ‫ُم ِه َّمة‬
plenty ‫ َك ْث َرة‬/‫َو ْف َرة‬ rub ‫َى ُح ّك‬ thunderstorm ‫عاص َف ٌة َرع ِْد َّىة‬
pollen ‫حبوب ال ّلقاح‬
ُ rusty ‫َص ِدئ‬ thus ‫هكذا‬
pollutants ‫ملوثة‬
ِّ ‫مواد‬ safety ‫َأ َمان‬ tin ‫ ُع ْل َبة‬/‫َصفىحة‬
popularity ُ ‫َش ْعبِ َّى‬
‫ش ْهرة‬/‫ة‬ satisfaction ‫ِر َضاء‬ together  ‫ َم ًعا‬/‫َس ِو ًّىا‬
population ‫ُسكَّان‬ satisfactory ٍ
‫مرض‬ topic ‫َم ْو ُضوع‬
practical  ‫ع ََم ِل ّى‬ security ‫َأ ْمن‬ topsoil ِ
‫الت ُّْر َبة ا ْل َف ْوق َّىة‬
preparation ‫َح ِضىر‬
ْ ‫ت‬/‫إِعْداد‬ self-acceptance ‫الرضا النفسى‬ tribute ‫ َتك ِْرىم‬/‫َثنَاء‬
prescribed ‫َم ْو ُصوف‬ shaking ‫السالم بالىد‬ tyres ‫إطارات السىارة‬
prestige ‫نفوذ‬/‫مقام‬ shootouts ‫ركالت‬ unemployed ‫عاطِل‬
prevention ‫ِو َقا َىة‬ signals ‫إشارات‬ unlike  ‫على العكس‬
principles ‫ادئ‬ ِ ‫مب‬
ََ silverware ‫أوان فِض َّىة‬
unrest ‫اضطِراب‬ ْ
process ‫عملىة‬ sketch ‫ُى َخ ِّطط‬ upset ‫ ُى ْق ِلق‬/‫ُىزْ ِعج‬
‫لى‬ ِ ‫ناطحات السحاب‬ ‫َق ِّىم‬
prototypes ّ ‫طراز َّأو‬ skyscrapers valuable
‫ناشر‬ ِ ‫ك َُر ُة ال َقدَ م‬ ‫ىمة‬ ِ
publisher soccer value َ ‫ق‬
ِ ‫اجتِم‬
‫اع ّى‬
pull ‫يسحب‬ social َ ْ variety ‫َتن َُّوع‬
pure ِ ٍ
‫نَق ّى‬/‫صاف‬ sources ‫مصادر‬ vary ‫يتنوع‬
push ‫َد ْفع‬ span  ‫ َفترة‬/‫ُمدة‬ vegetation ُ
‫خضرة‬/‫ات‬ ‫َن َب‬
puzzled ‫متحير‬ spare ‫احتىاطى‬
ّ visual ِ
‫َم ْرئ ّى‬
quarrel ‫قتال‬/‫شجار‬ species ‫نَوع‬/‫فصىلة‬ wages ‫أجور‬
rapidly ‫بِ ُس ْرعَة‬ spherical ‫ك َُر ِو ّى‬ weaken ‫َى ْض ُعف‬
rare ِ
‫نادر‬ spotless ‫ناصع‬ whistling ‫َص ِفىر‬
rectangular ‫ُم ْستَطِ ُىل‬ stage ‫مرحلة‬ wildfires ِ ‫ح ِر ٌىق‬
‫هائل‬ َ
redirect ‫ىعىد التوجىه‬ standard ‫مستوى‬ within ِ
‫داخ ًل‬
reflection  ‫ان ِْعكاس‬ standpoint ‫ِو ْج َه ُة َن َظر‬ wonders ‫عجائب‬

2019 / 15954 :‫رقم اإليداع‬

146 ‫ترخيص وزارة التربية والتعليم رقم‬

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