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Brynlee Funk ​ ​brynleelfunk@gmail.


Education Experience:
● Copper Hills High School
○ Expected graduation date June 2020
● GPA: 3.985
● Advanced Placement Courses:
○ Human Geography (completed)
○ Calculus (completed)
○ US History (completed)
○ Statistics (current)
● Honors Math (2014-present)
● Current Courses:
○ Art 1010
○ Humanities 1100
○ English 1010
● American Sign Language
○ Completed Level One and Two
○ Currently in Level Three
Work Experience:
● Jordan District sweeper (Jan 2018-Jan 2020)
● Sell handmade quotes
Volunteer Experience:
● Tutoring for American Sign Language Levels 1, 2, 3
○ Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for 30 minutes
● Diaper Drive
● Gathering food for a neighborhood food drive
● Member of NHS for two years
● Able to hold a simple conversation in ASL
● Hard working and values schooling
● Reliable and always completes things when due
● Honor Roll (2014-present)
● Career and Technical Education Award (Ninth Grade)
○ Chosen as one of two people out of the whole Ninth Grade for the award
● National Junior Honor Society (Eighth and Ninth Grade)
● National Honor Society (Present)
○ Invited to join and required to have a 3.7 Grade Point Average
● American Sign Language Club Art Officer (Junior Year)
● American Sign Language Club President and World Language officer (Present)

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