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Appl. Sci. Res.

27 October 1972


Institute T.N.O. for Paekaging Researeh*)

The shape of the shoulder of a forming, filling and closing mackine is calcu-
lated, based on geometrical colisiderations, first for a circular and subsequent-
ly for a rectangular (superelliptie) section. I t appears to be possible to formu-
lare a feasibie solution for a model represented by a flat triangular region in
the centre, which eonnects two truncated cones; for eaeh cone olle half of the
intersection of shoulder and cylinder acts as the directrix of the cone. The
solutions are formulated in terms which permit direct application in machine
constructioli. Verification of the theory witk the help of paper models and
with real shoulders on machilies shows a very good agreement between
theory and practice. III addition practical tests produce excellent results as

a,b semi-axes o~ superellipse
h height of shoulder
exponent of superellipse
p distance between guidance roll and centre of shoulder
q half widtla of film
radius of cylilider
(v, % z) polar coordillates
(u, v) coordinates on film
(x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates
(«o, yo, zo) coordinates of the apex of the cone
ot aligle between film and x-coordinate in central plane
tan fl «IP
section of skoulder plalie with cylinder (also: directrix of eones)
P radius of aligles of superellipse
2 E. MOT

Fig. 1. Forming, fillillg, and closing machille with shoulder.

aperture 1
l for filling

- filling tube

Fig. 2. Working principle of forming, filling, and closing machine

with shoulder.

§ 1. The problem
On a forming, filling and closing maehine for pouches, a flexible
film, destined for wrapping grainy materials is drawn from a web
and subsequently guided over and drawn through a "shoulder",
with the result that it is folded into the shape of a tube. (Fig. 1 and
2). After this forming proees the film moves in between two con-
centric cylinders.
The inner cylinder aets as a guidance as well as a filling tube. The
outer cylinder which acts as a guidance only is part of the shoulder-
shaped casting.
In technological practice, it appears to be difficult, to find the
proper shape of the shoulder, ensuring a correct undisturbed guid-
anee of the film. In this respect, the shape of the intersection of
shoulder and cylinder seems to be the most critical point.

§ 2. Analysis
It is known, that a film that is folded around a cylinder can be
"tueked up" and then adjusted in such a way that the shape of a
shoulder is formed.
Let us assume that during this forming proces

(a) the film remains isometrie with a plane. This implies that in the
plane of the film the strains are zero.
(b) the radius of the interseetion of shoulder and cylinder is small
in comparison with other dimensions of the shoulder (r, h, etc.),
but large with respect to the thickness of the packaging material.

In Fig. 3 the shoulder is shown sehematically.

AC is the line, where the film leaves the guidanee roller, M is the
upper point of s y m m e t r y of the three-dimensional eurve ~b(u). It
will be assumed that within the triangle ACM the film is flat, whereas
the curved surface AMS is a truneated cone.
The apex is defined (x0, y0, z0), the directrix is ~b(u).
A second truneated cone, formed b y the eurved surface CMS
completes the shoulder.
From Fig. 3 it follows that the three-dimensional curve that forms
the intersection between shoulder and cylinder is formulated b y
u u
x .... rcos--;y=rsin--;z-= ~ß(u). (1)
4 E. MOT

T =apex of c o n e
TT//Y - aXfs
T'in xoz-prane
Tb//z - ~xfs
DMI/X- ax(s Z Tix~# z~)
hAT'= e

~~i,~ I~~

Fig. 3. Scb,ematic representation of shoulder and cylinder.

The coordinates of the apex of the front cone are

Xo ---- e cos ~ -- r; Yo ~-- -- e tan fl; Zo = e sin ~ + h. (2)

where e represents the length of the line MT'.

The line T P lies on the cone. Its l e n g t h , / , is determined b y

/2 = (xo - x)~ + (y0 - y)2 + (zo - z)2, (3)

or, using (1) a n d (2), b y

/2= ecos~--r+rcos + --etanfi--rsin +

+ (e sin « + h -- $(u)) 2 (4)

Now the tube (lower part in Fig. 5.) is cut open along the line SS'
and subsequently b o t h patts (shoulder and tube) are flattened (see
Fig. 4).
Since T P is part of the cone, it will remain straight in Fig. 4 as well.
Its length can also be obtained from

/2 = (e t a n f l + u ) 2 + (h - - e - - ~ ( u ) ) 2 (5)

A i~c
= 'f'(u) "~

7"P = f [ / Z ~
P'/~'''"-~ f [h

u=77r u=o

Fig. 4. Unfoldedsituationof tke skoulder(rel. fig. 3).

F r o m (4) and (5), by eliminating/2, it is found t h a t

¢(u) = h - - (6)
e(1 + s i n ~) J
It can be seen from (6) t h a t the b o u n d a r y condition
~b(O) = h (7)
has already been satisfied.
The length of e will now be chosen so t h a t @(nr) = 0.
It appears t h a t

e - (8)
h(1 + sin ~) -- nr tan/~ -- 2r cos
F r o m the geometrical situation of the shoulder it follows t h a t only
solutions for whieh [x0l < r a r e admissible. Hence, it should be
required t h a t
0 < e < 2r/cos ~. (ga)
Computer calculations resulted in ample feasible solutions. Thus it
has been proved t h a t the shoulder problem can be solved analyti-

§ 3. Experimentalprocedure
F r o m (6) and (8), the shape of @(u) was calculated. This shape was
scratched into stift paper and subsequently the paper was folded as
6 E. MOT

Fig. 5. Modei of a shoulder. (r = 62 mm, h = 400 mm, a = 0 degrees,

p = 200 mm, q = I95 min).

a shoulder a r o u n d a circular cylindrical tube. Fig. 5 and 6 show the

Fig. 7 a n d 8 are real shoulders as t h e y are used in p a c k a g i n g ma-
These shoulders were m e a s u r e d in order to c o m p a r e t h e o r y a n d
practice. The results are presented in Fig. 9 a n d 10.
I t appears t h a t t h e o r y a n d practice are in v e r y good agreement.

§ 4. Rectangular shoulder
F o r certain purposes, machines are necessary to form the film as a
r e c t a n g u l a r w r a p with r o u n d e d angles. This is offen the case on
horizontal forming, filling a n d closing maehines. I n t h a t case,
r e c t a n g u l a r p r o d u c t s r a t h e r t h a n g r a i n y materials are wrapped. On

Fig. 6. Model of a shoulder (r = 62 mm, h = 400 mm, a = 60 degrees,

p = 100Lmm, q = 195 mm).

those machines, the inner tube is orten omitted. The p r o d u c t itself

supports the film.
F r o m a generalised version of the foregoing theory, this rec-
t a n g u l a r model of a shoulder can be calculated too. I n order to
achieve this, the circumference of the inner cylinder was represented
b y a superellipse [11.
I t s shape is decribed b y

I f a = b, n ~ 2, eq. (9) r e p r e s e n t s a eircle; if a ~ b, s ~ 2 it is an

ellipse. I f «~ > 2, s h a p e s l y i n g b e t w e e n a r e c t a n g l e a n d an ellipse are
I n Fig. 11, s o m e of t h e s e s h a p e s are s h o w n [2, 3] :
8 E. MOT

Fig. 7. S h o u l d e r no. 1 ( u s e d f o r p a c k a g i n g p u r p o s e s ) .

It can be seen t h a t for sufficiently large values of n, actually

rectangles with r o u n d e d angles are obtained.
S u b s t i t u t i o n of (1) into (9) yields a f o r m u l a t i o n of the superellipse
in polar coordinates.*

= + ; 7:/2 < 9 --< 7: (10)


r(9 ) = r ( - - q9) = r(~ + ~).

F r o m (10) it follows t h a t r(0) - a and r ( n / 2 ) = b.
(1) a n d (2) are n o w generalised into
x = --r(~) cos 9; Y -- r(9) sin 9; z = ~b(u(9 ), 9) (11)
x0=ecos~--a;yo--~--etanfl;z0=esin~+h (12)
* x n is for real • only defined for z > 0.

Fig. 8. Slaoulder no. 5 (used for packaging purposes).

t(u)lII! r = 3856(mm)
(mm) ~ = 106.97 (mm)
I ~= 83~0'
120~ P = 123.0 (mm)
q = 127.5 (mm)

t00~ __-~"~" ... -- measured

~x~ .... calculated
8o ~,,
~o ~,,
~o \
2O \
, , , , , X ,
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
U (mm)

Fig. 9. Measured and calculated shape of tl~e intersection betweeI1 shoulder

and cylinder (slaoulder no 1).
I0 E. M O T

~P(u)| r = 1793 (mm)


(mm) ' h = 98.67 (mm)

120 o£= 6 3 ° 5 5 '
p = 135,00 ( m m )
100 q- 60.00 (mm)
80 ..... calculated




0 20 40 60 80 100
U (mm) ,-
Fig. 10. Measured and calculated shape of the intersection between shoulder
and cylinder (shoulder no 5).

I 2a I

Fig. 11. A " f a m i l y " of superellipses, {x/a} n + {y/b}n = 1.

Using (11) and (12), eq. (3) becomes

/2 = (e cos a - - a + r(~v) cos 9) 2 q- (-- e tan fl -- r(~) sin ~)2 +
-~ {e sin ~ + h - - ¢(u(9), ~0)}2 (13)
F r o m (5) it follows that m o r e o v e r / 2 equals
/2 = (e ran/3 + u(~o))2 + {h - - e -- ¢(u(~), q0)}~. (14)

Elimination o f / 2 from (13) and (14) then yields

¢(~(9), 9)=
= h-- e tan/3 (u--r sin 9) + ea cos ~ - - r cos 9(e cos a--a) + ½(u 2 - a z - r 2)
41 +sin ~)
It is obvious t h a t from (15), eq. (6) is regained by substituting a = r
and 9 = u/r. If 9 = 0, (15) satisfies 9(0(0), 0) = h.
Next u(9) is determined. As (du) 2 = (dr) 2 + (r d@ 2, it follows
u(9) = S x/r2 + (dr/dg)~ dg,* (17)
where d r / d 9 is found b y differentiation of (10).
Analogous to (10), u(9 ) follows from

u(9) = Sx/r 2+ (dr/dg)2dg;0 <9_<~/2 (13a)

ùC-- T

u(9) = S x/r2@ ( d r / d g ) 2 d g + x / N + (dr/dg)2; = / 2 < 9 < = (1Sb)

=/2 =/2

u(~) = 2 5 x/r2 + (dr/d@ 2 dg. (18c)

Hence u(T:) is half the circumference of the cylinder.

Now e is determined in such a w a y t h a t ¢(u(=), =) = 0.
F r o m (15), substituting 9 = ~, r(=) = a, u = u(u) it is found t h a t
½u2(=) - - 2a2 2a
= ,O<e<--(19)
e h(1 -- sin ~) -- u(~) tan/3 -- 2a cos ~ cos

For given values of a, b, n, p, q, ~ and h, the shape of a shoulder for

rectangular, circular or ellipse-shaped inner tubes can now be
calculated. Fig. 12 shows a paper rnodel of such a shoulder, folded
from one sheet of paper in which the shape of the function ~ß(u) has
been carved.
For n >_ 20 the radius of the rectangle m a y be approximated b y
(a2 + b2).~-
P= 2abn (20)

* F o r i l u m e r i c a l calculatior~ of u(p) i1~ f a c t t h e s u b s t i t u t i m l (x/a)n = cos2 ~,

(y/b) n= sin 2 y was i n t r o d u c e d , (17) p r o d u c i n g ir~sufficier~tly a c c u r a t e results.
12 E. MOT

F i g . 12. M o d e l of a r e c t a n g u l a r s k o u l d e r (a = 39.5 m m , b = 80.1 m m ,

n = 20, p = 2 0 0 m m , ~ = 60 d e g r e e s , h = 400 m m ) .

For 10 < n < 20, p m a y be approximated b y replacillg the super-

ellipse b y a rectangle with circularly rounded edges, and equating
the length of their circumferences. It then follows that

a + b + S~/r 2 -k (dr/d~0)2 d 9
# = ~/2 (21)
2 -- ~ / 2

§ 5 Practical results
At present orte shoulder with a circular inner tube without "wings"
has been produced based upon the present method of calculation.
From experiments on packaging machines it appeared that these
wings probably play an important role in uniformising the stress

distribution in the film, hence in keeping the film isometric with a

flat plane.
For this reason, a new shoulder was made, now provided with
wings. This shoulder appeared to satisfy the technological require-
ments perfectly, and enabled a large variety of materials to run on it,
from thin cellophane up to heavy polythene-coated aluminiumfilm,
while eren rough material (polythene-coating with too little slip-
agent) produced reasonable results.

The author wishes to thank the firm of Hamac Hansella N.V. at
Weert, The Netherlands, for their assistance on behalf of the
experimental approaeh of the problem and Mr. J. Bos of TNO-
Iweco and Mr. A. Kooistra of IWIS-TNO for their important
contributions to the present calculations.
Reeeived 10 J a r m a r y I972


[1] 1V[.GARDNER, ScieI~tific American, 213 (1965) 222.

[2] G. L. SLOPSEMA, P. C. VEENSTRA and J. A. G. KAI.S, Generalised method of deter-
mining blank size in deep drawing. Society of Malmfacturing Engineers, Conference
1970, MF 70-186, 1970.
[3] G. L. SLOPSEMA, Deepdrawing of superelliptic products (In Dutch) Thesis, Eindhoven
University of Technology Laboratory for Production Engineering; report 0219,
September 1969.

*) The I n s t i t u t e for Packaging Research is incorporated within the Organization

for Industrial Research TNO.

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