The Final Act of Treachery by Our Political Elite

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Councillor Séamus Morris,

Co. Tipperary.

Mobile: (087)2859125.


Mayor Of Nenagh.

The final act of treachery by our sovereign Government.

Yesterday the Irish Government handed over what was left of our Sovereignty to
Europe and turned us into subjects of the European Union. This wasn’t an act that was
planned in one day but it was started in 2003 when the Irish Government decided to
hand over our economic independence by joining the Euro. Sinn Fein were the only
political party that pleaded against this at the time but Fianna Fail Fine Gael and
Labour walked us into the doomsday scenario that we now face. There will be those
that tell us that we did well in Europe but I will guarantee that the hundreds of
billions that we now owe to European Bondholders( foreign banks total exposure to
Ireland is 524.4 BILLION EUROS) far out weighs the financial gain from Europe. We will
be told that we had no choice but the fact is that Ireland had the European caught by
the you know what’s and we had a real chance of getting a once in a lifetime deal
from the Europeans to help them save the European project. We ended up with a loan
at 5.8% imposed on us by Europe and we were also made clear out our pension
reserves which were supposed to guarantee our future generations in their old age
( not to be drawn down until 2025) and of course the real cost of yesterday was what
was left of our sovereignty.
All of this bye the way is not for the benefit of the health services, crumbling public
services devastated businesses or financially stricken families but it is all done to
ensure that the bondholders are not burned by our corrupted banking system. This is
being forced on us by the European Political Elite so keen to rescue a Project that has
failed. This European Project that was rammed down our throats in Nice 1 and Nice 2
Lisbon 1 and Lisbon 2 where our own political elite Fainna Fail Fine Gael Labour and
the Lowryites refused to listen to the people, forcing us to hand over more power to
Europe by ignoring the will of the Irish People in the initial votes. It is interesting to
see that three of the countries that have rowed in to help us out recently were
Denmark Sweden and the Uk who kept their financial independence by staying out of
the Euro.
What can we do about this first of all I feel that what happened yesterday is
constituently illegal and I will be investigating that with a view to challenging the
decision but you can certainly do something about it soon by getting rid of the political
elite that have served us so badly in those European polls. When we have cast the
political elite from office we then have to bar any of the Architects of this disaster
from ever holding public office again and investigate their crimes against the people
of Ireland and if they are proven guilty they should lose their fat pensions and live on
the state pension like everyone else. Yours sincerely Cllr. Séamie Morris 29/11/10

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