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Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+


1.1 Arithmetic Progression

i. Terms in AP
Tn = a + (n - 1)d

ii. Sum of the first n terms in an AP

n n
Sn = (2a + (n - 1)d ) or Sn = (a + l )
2 2

1.2 Geometric Progression

i. Terms in GP
Tn = ar n - 1

ii. Sum of the first n terms in a GP

a(1 - r n )
Sn = r<1 or
1- r
a(r n - 1)
Sn = r>1
r -1

iii. Sum to Infinity

S� =
1- r

iv. Expressing the recurring decimal in the form

of a geometric series

1.3 To determine the n th term of any progression

Tn = Sn - Sn - 1

1. The sum of the first and second terms of an arithmetic progression is 10 and the sum of the third
and fourth terms is 26. Find the seventh term.

2. The sum of the first 3 terms of an arithmetic progression is equal to the fifth term, and the sum
of the fifth and sixth terms is 40.Find the sum of the first 8 terms.

3. The number of terms of an arithmetic progression is 20. Given the first term is 2, and the sum
of the last 5 terms is 265. Find the seventh term.

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4. The fifth term of an arithmetic progression is 16, and the sum of the first 4 terms is equal to

the eleventh term. Calculate the sum of the first 5 terms.

5. The first term of an arithmetic progression is 3 and the last term is 41. Given the sum of the
total number of the terms is 440.Find the common difference and the number of terms.

6. The sum of the first 3 terms of an arithmetic progression is equal to the sixth term, and the
eighth term is 56.Find the sum of the first 6 terms.

7. The sum of the total number of terms of an arithmetic progression is 880.

Given the third term is 14, and the sum of the third and fourth terms is two
times the sum of the first and second terms.
(i) the first term and the common difference,
(ii) the number of terms.

8. Given that 2, 5, 8, …….. are terms of an arithmetic progression.

(i) which term with the value of 62.
(ii) the value of n if the sum of the first n terms is 610.

9. The ratio of the ninth term to the second term of an arithmetic progression
is 5 : 1. The sum of the first 4 terms is 36.
(i) the first term and the common difference,
(ii) the value of n if the sum of the first n terms is 55

10. Given that 40, 38, 36, …….. are terms of an arithmetic progression.
(i) which term with the value of – 2 .
(ii) the value of n if the sum of the first n terms is 420.

1 1 1
11. Given that 1, , , , …… are terms of a geometric progression.
2 4 8
(i) the common ratio,
(ii) the sum of the progression when n approaches infinity

1 1
12. Given that 3, 1, , , …… are terms of a geometric progression.
3 9
(i) the common ratio,
(ii) the sum of the progression when r n ≈ 0

13. The sum of the first 2 terms of a geometric progression is and
the sum of the next two terms is .
(i) the first term and common ratio,
(ii) the sum of the progression when r n ≈ 0

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

14. The sum of the first 3 terms of a geometric progression is and the sum of the first 6 terms is
. Find,
(i) the first term and common ratio,
(ii) the sum to infinity

15. The first term of a geometric progression exceeds the second term by , and the fourth term
exceeds the fifth term by . Find the sum to infinity.

16. The sum of the second and third terms of a geometric progression is , and the third term
exceeds the fifth term by . Find,
(i) the first term and common ratio,
(ii) the sum to infinity

17. Express the recurring decimal as a fraction in its simplest form in the

(a) 0.353535 …… (b) 0.271271 ……

(c) 0.444444 …… (d) 0.555555 ……
(e) 1.222222 …… (f) 1.313131 ……
(g) 2.151151 …… (h) 0.777777 ……
(i) 0.212121 …… (j) 0.147147 ……

18. For each of the following, find the value of p where p is not a fraction.

1 1
(a) = 0.444444 …… (b) = 0.313131 ……
p p
1 1
(c) = 0.171171 …… (d) = 1.222222 ……
p p
1 1
(e) = 2.515151 …… (f) = 0.561561 ……
p p

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+


YEAR 2003 The first three terms of an arithmetic progression are k -3, k + 3, 2k + 2.

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

(NO 7) Find
(a) the value of k,
(b) the sum of the first 9 terms of the progression

( 3 marks)

YEAR 2003 In a geometric progression, the first term is 64 and the fourth term is 27.
(NO 8) Calculate
a) the common ratio,
b) the sum to infinity of the geometric progression.

( 4 marks )

YEAR 2004 4
Given a geometric progression y, 2 , , p .... Express p in terms
( NO 9) y
of y .

( 2 marks)

YEAR 2004 Given an arithmetic progression -7, -3, 1, …, state three consecutive terms
( NO 10) in this progression which sum up to 75.

( 3 marks )

The volume of water in a tank is 450 litres on the first day. Subsequently, 10
YEAR 2004 litres of water is added to the tank everyday. Calculate the volume, in litres, of
( NO 11) water in the tank at the end of the 7th day

( 2 marks )

YEAR 2004 Express the recurring decimal 0.969696… as a fraction in its simplest form.
( NO 12)

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

( 4 marks )
The first three terms of a sequence are 2, x , 8.
YEAR 2005 Find the positive value of x so that the sequence is
( NO 10) a) an arithmetic progression,
b) a geometric progression

( 2 marks )

The first three terms of an arithmetic progression are 5, 9, 13.

YEAR 2005 a) the common difference of the progression,
( NO 11) b) the sum of the first 20 terms after the 3rd term.

( 4 marks )

YEAR 2005 The sum of the first n terms of the geometric progression 8, 24, 72,… is
( NO 12) 8744.
a) the common ratio of the progression,
b) the value of n.

( 4 marks )

The 9th term of an arithmetic progression is 4 + 5p and the sum of the first
YEAR 2006 four terms of the progression is 7p – 10, where p is a constant. Given that
( NO 9) the common difference of the progression is 5, find the value of p.

( 3 marks )

YEAR 2006 The third term of a geometric progression is 16. The sum of the third term
( NO 10) and the fourth term is 8.Find

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

a) the first term and the common ratio of the progression,

b) the sum to infinity of the progression.

( 4 marks)

a) Determine whether the following sequence is an arithmetic progression or

YEAR 2007 a
( NO 9) geometric progression.

16x, 8x, 4x …
b) Give a reason for the answer in (a).

( 2 marks )

YEAR 2007 Three consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression are 5 – x, 8, 2x.

( NO 10) Find the common difference of the progression.

( 3 marks )

The first three terms of a geometric progression are 27, 18, 12.
YEAR 2007 Find the sum to infinity of the geometric progression.
( NO 11)

(3 marks )

YEAR 2008 It is given that the first four terms of a geometric progression are 3, – 6, 12
( NO 9) and x.

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

Find the value

( 2 marks )

YEAR 2008 The first three terms of an arithmetic progression are 46, 43 and 40.
( NO 10) The nth term of this progression is negative.
Find the least value of n.

( 3 marks )

YEAR 2008 In a geometric progression, the first term is 4 and the common ratio is r.
( NO 11) Given that the sum to infinity of this progression is 16, find the value of r.

( 2 marks )

YEAR 2009 10 20
( NO 9) Given the geometric progression - 5 , ,- ,..... find the sum to
3 9
infinity of teh progression.
( 3 marks )

YEAR 2009 Diagram 10 shows three square cards

(NO 10)

Diagram 10

The perimeters of the cards form an arithmetics progression. The terms of the
progression are in ascending order.

a) Write down the first three terms of the progression.

b) Find the common difference of the progression

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

( 2 marks )

YEAR 2009 The first three terms of geometric progression are x , 6 , 12 Find
(NO 11) a) the value of x
b) the sum from the fourth term to the ninth term
(4 marks)

YEAR 2010 The sum of the first n gterms of an arithmetic progression is given by
(NO 9) n
S n =  3n  1  . Find
a) the sum of the first 5 terms
b) the 5 th term
( 4 marks )

YEAR 2010 It is given that 1 , x 2 , x 4 , x 6 ,..... is a prgression and its sum to infinity is
( NO 10 ) 3.
Find ,
a) the common ratio in terms of x
b) the positive value of x
( 3 marks )

YEAR 2010 The first three terms of an arithmetic progression are 3h , k , h  2.

(NO 11) a) Express k in terms of x
b) the positive value of x
(3 marks)


Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

Diagram 2 shows the arrangement of the first three of an infinite series of

YEAR 2004 similar
triangles.The first triangle has a base of x cm and a height of y cm. The
of the base and height of each subsequent triangle are half of the measurements
of its
previous one.

y cm

x cm

Diagram 2

(a) Show that the areas of the triangles form a geometric progression and state
the common ratio.

[3 marks]
(b) Given that x = 80 cm and y = 40 cm,
(i) determine which triangle has an area of 6 cm2,
(ii) find the sum to infinity of the areas, in cm 2, of the triangles.

[5 marks]

YEAR 2005 Diagram 1 shows part of an arrangement of bricks of equal size.

6 cm

Diagram 1

The number of bricks in the lowest row is 100. For each of the other rows, the
number of bricks is 2 cm less than in the row below. The height of each brick
is 6 cm. Ali builds a wall by arranging bricks in this way. The number of bricks
in the highest row is 4. Calculate
(a) the height, in cm, of the wall,
[3 marks]
(b) the total price of the bricks used if the price of one brick is 40 sen.
[3 marks]

YEAR 2006 Two companies, Delta and Omega, start to sell cars at the same time.
a) Delta sells k cars in the first month and its sales increase constantly by m
cars every subsequent month. It sells 240 cars in the 8 th month and the

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

total sales for the first 10 months are 1900 cars.Find the value of k and of
[5 marks]
b) Omega sells 80 cars in the first month and its sales increase constantly
by 22 cars every subsequent month.If both companies sell the same
number of cars in the nth month, find the values of n.

[2 marks]

YEAR 2007

Diagram 2 shows the side elevation of part of stairs built of cement blocks.

925 cm
955 cm
985 cm 15 cm

Diagram 2

The thickness of each block is 15 cm.The length of the first block is 985 cm.
The length of each subsequent block is 30 cm less than the preceding block as
shown in diagram 2.
(a) If the height of the stairs to be built is 3 m, calculate
(i) the length of the top most block,
(ii) the total length of the blocks.

[5 marks]

(b) Calculate the maximum height of the stairs.


YEAR 2008 Muthu started working for a company in 1 January 2002 with an initial annual
salary of RM 18 000. Every January, the company increased his salary by 5
% of the previous year’s salary. Calculate
(a) his annual salary, to the nearest RM, for the year 2007,

[3 marks]

(b) the minimum value of n such that his annual salary in the n th year will
exceed RM 36 000,
[2 marks]

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+

(c) the total salary, to the nearest RM , paid to him by the company, for
the years 2002 to 2007.

[2 marks]

YEAR 2009 Amir drops a ball from a height of H cm above the floor. After the first
bounce , the ball reaches a height of H1 cm , where H1 = 0.8 H.After the
second bounce , the ball reaches a height of H 2 = 0.8 H 1 . The ball continues
bouncing in this way until it stops. Given that H = 200 Find
a) The number of bounces when the maximum height of the ball from the
floor is less than 50 cm for the first time.
[ 4 marks ]

b) The rotal distance in cm travelled by the ball until it stops.

[ 2 marks ]

YEAR 2010 Diagram 3 shows the arrangement of cylinders having the same radius, 3 cm.
The height of the first cylinder is 4 cm and the height of each subsequent
cylinder increases by 2 cm. [ Volume of cylinder = r 2 h ]


a) Calculate the volume in cm3 of the 17th cylinder , in terms of 

[ 3 marks]

b) Given the total volume of the first n cylinders is 1620  cm 3 , find the
value of n
[ 3 marks ]

Modul Saya Cuba Saya Lulus A+


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