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Weekly Report 13- 11/11 to 11/17

Effective presentation skills can help the presenter communicate his or
her point confidently and can promote motivation and participation in the
audience. The Independent and Study and Mentorship program highlights the
importance of presentation skills throughout the year. This past week, ISM
students had the opportunity to improve their presentation skills while presenting
their first semester research and ideas for Original Work. 

My presentation consisted of an introduction explaining my passion for

the sciences and why I pursued ISM. Next, the body of the presentation consisted
of three categories of environmental science that I researched and two interviews I
conducted in the past few weeks. The rest of the presentation consisted of my
mentorship and Original Work ideas. 

Based on the feedback from my peers from the first presentation, I was
able to reduce the amount of filler words and effectively introduce myself
(personality, background information, and ISM goals). Similarly, after the research
presentation, I must improve my volume and articulation. With practice and time, I
will be able to improve upon this presentation skill. Next week, the plan is to begin
research for the Original Work and contact more professionals to obtain
informational interviews in seismology and earthquake studies.

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