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Weekly Report 14- 11/18 to 12/01
Research is a critical component in building knowledge and facilitating
learning. It can then be used to apply the information to other applications. In the
Independent Study and Mentorship program, the research conducted plays an
important role in helping choose career fields in the future. To understand the
various issues presented to environmental engineers and seismologists, this past
week, I researched for my Original Work. First, I began by creating an outline of key
information that needs to be covered in the Original Work educational article,
such as the cause and effects of induced seismicity; research presented by SMU,
UT Austin, and Stanford; earthquake basics; Colorado and SMU hypothesis
corroboration; and key information about water stabilization ponds. Afterward, I
compiled all the information into a document with sources and images to help
reference and describe the information presented. 

Next week, the plan is to finish any remaining research for Original Work
and begin synthesizing the information into an educational article that helps
corroborate SMU hypothesis and educate the audience about induced seismicity.
Similarly, I need to compose the sketch of the water stabilization pond to create
the final draft to publish. Lastly, I must contact more professionals to obtain
interviews about water engineering.

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