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Chapter 1

In the financial sector revolution is coming up with various finance companies
are taking hold to get stable into market. Due to many organizations in the
market there is tough competition among them. Every company was taking
great efforts to capture on line trading market .every organization putting their
best efforts to service in the market. Every company paying more attention to
the customer satisfaction. This project gives an idea about entire working
system of online share trading. How to find our best customer to expand the
business and maximize the overall business of the company.

“To study the on line share trading process in RELIANCE MONEY”.

The project title gives idea about entire working system; there loan procedure,
their strategies and promotional activities in the market. The activity in the
organization gives an idea about policies followed by the company to establish
its Name and value in the market. It also gives an idea about the policies
implemented by the company to provide convenience to the customer.


My research was conducted within the geographical area of Jabalpur. Where I

had to meet the customers of Reliance money and get their feedback on the
basis of which I can reach to the conclusion of the project for this I have
selected 50 customers as a sample size to find out their satisfaction level with
the services of the company.


Duration of study: - 2 Months

The period of project was 2 months. In which first 15 days I got training about
RELIANCE MONEY’s products and services. It provide information to me
what is on line share trading, its benefits, account opening charges in
RELIANCE MONEY, its procedure, required documents etc.
The rest of 45 days I have done market survey of customers of RELIANCE
MONEY to find their satisfaction with on line share trading with company and
their perceptions about company and its services.


There were various reasons for selecting the project

Which is the leading online share trading site under the RELIANCE

Some of the reasons are as follows-

• Rapid and continuous increase of the share market.
• Area of the online share trading is expanding day by day.
• There are greater scopes to develop career in the share marketing.
• It also creates awareness among the people about the concept of
the share trading.


The banking sector contributes to great extent of World of Indian commerce.

Various developments are taking place in e-commerce sector. In order to face
the global competition, the company has to constantly come out with
innovative ideas and products.
Now days the age of e-commerce that is every thing on the click of your
computer mouse. Like banking services, online trading, mutual fund etc. The
products have been introduced after surveying the
customer interest and requirement. For this purpose it is necessary to find out.

• Customer satisfaction with the product of RELIANCE MONEY.

• Market potential of the product.

Besides this company has also to know about its market position, competitors
position, their strategies and the ways to overcome the competitors.Therefore,
the importance of selected topic is not only beneficial to RELIANCE MONEY
Web trade but also market analysis and information about their customer


The study mainly aims at knowing the level of satisfaction for the services
offered by RELIANCE MONEY” in Jabalpur and problem associated with
offline share trading inJabalpur.For this a research study has been conducted
with help of questionnaire and interview survey. The questionnaire has been
designed in a manner which details the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
and reasons for satisfaction and dissatisfaction their experience with online and
offline share trading and reasons for switching from offline share trading to
online trading.

Following are the objectives of my research study:

• To understand the existing process of online and offline stock


• To assess the problems of offline stock trading.

• To analyze the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the
existing customers.

• To analyze the reasons for the dissatisfaction among customers in

respect of online
• trading services.

• To know the services required by the customers, so as to enhance

their level of satisfaction.

• To find out the strengths and weaknesses of Reliance money.

• To know the market position of Reliance money.

• To find out the scope and potential of on line share trading.

• To understand the customer satisfaction level regarding services

and product offered by Reliance money
• To find out the expectations of the customer with regards product
and services.

• To asses the level of satisfaction among the customer on the

parameters which of the overall satisfaction.

• To assess the brand image and brand loyalty of customer of

Reliance money.

• To understand how the organization provides the services to the

main tented relations with customers.

• To suggest improvements for resolving dissatisfaction among


“To study the customer satisfaction with online trading. What they feel while
they are working with RELIANCE Web TRADE ltd.”


Every research has its limitation. There are some limitations of this research
report, which needs to be explained in details for the reliability of report. These
limitations are:

• The provided time for conducting personal interview of customers

was not sufficient. It was found difficult to interviewing of customers
during their busy work schedule.

• The response from some employees was not sufficient.

Sometimes it was improper and inaccurate.

• This survey is done within a period of less than two months.

• In front of ATM’s asking the questionnaire to the customer , they

give the time is 3 to 5 minutes only.

• People are generally not aware of on line share trading.

• People don’t know much about Reliance money.

• At time of home appointment most of time is waste find out


• At the time asking questionnaire in branch there will be limitation

is time allotted.

• Most of the people do not find their self comfortable while on line

• It was found difficult to collect secondary data because

organization kept it as a confidential data.
Chapter 2


Few men in history have made as dramatic a contribution to their countries
economic fortunes as did the founder of Reliance Company, Sh. Dhirubhai H.
Ambani. Fewer still have left behind a legacy that is more enduring and

As with all great pioneers, there is more than one unique way of describing the
true genius of Dhirubhai:

The corporate visionary, the unmatched strategist, the proud patriot, the leader
of men, the architect of India’s capital markets, the champion of shareholder
interest. But the role Dhirubhai cherished most was perhaps that of India’s
greatest wealth creator. In one lifetime, he built, starting from the proverbial
scratch, India’s largest private sector enterprise. When Dhirubhai embarked
on his first business venture, he had a seed capital of barely US$ 300 (Around
Rs. 14,000). Over the next three and a half decades, he converted this fledgling
enterprise into a Rs 60,000 Crore colossus—an achievement which earned
Reliance a place on the global Fortune 500 list, the first ever Indian private
company to do so.
Dhirubhai is widely regarded as the father of India’s capital markets. In 1977,
when Reliance Textile Industries Limited first went public, the Indian stock
market was a place patronised by a small club of elite investors which dabbled
in a handful of stocks.

Undaunted, Dhirubhai managed to convince a large number of first-time retail

Investors to participate in the unfolding Reliance story and put their hard-
earned money in the Reliance Textile IPO, promising them, in exchange for
their trust, substantial return on their investments. It was to be the start of one
of great stories of mutual respect and reciprocal gain in the Indian markets.
Under Dhirubhai’s extraordinary vision and leadership, Reliance scripted one
of the greatest growth stories in corporate history anywhere in the world, and
went on to become India’s largest private sector enterprise.
Through out this amazing journey, Dhirubhai always kept the interests of t he
ordinary shareholder uppermost in mind, in the process making millionaires out
of many of the initial investors in the Reliance stock, and creating one of the
world’s largest.


ANIL DHIRUBHAI AMBANI GROUP is one of the largest and oldest
business houses in India. It is a Rs. 680 crores. Conglomerate with over 40
business units across the globe, employing 81000 people worldwide and wining
the trust of 7 lakhs investors in India, making it a truly Indian multinational
organization. For over 50 years now, the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group has
bees offering total customer solutions through its quality products and services,
reaching out to millions in India and globally as well. The group has leadership
position in the manufacture and marketing of Cement, Aluminums, and viscose
staple Fibre, Fertilizer, Copper, Carbon black and financial service. Leading
group companies include Grasim, Hindalco, Indian Rayon, Indo-Gulf
corporation, etc. There arer business establishments across 18 countries
including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Egypt, Canada, USA and
UK. Anchoredin a deeply help set of values the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani
Group’s avowed mission is to deliver value for its Shareholders, Customers,
Employes and society at large.rgest shareholder families


Reliance money is a part of Reliance Capital Ltd. of the Reliance – Anil

Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Reliance Capital is one of India’s leading private
sector financial services companies, and ranks among the top 3 private sector
financial services and banking companies, in terms of net worth. Reliance
Capital has interests in -
Asset Management and Mutual Funds,
Stock broking,
Life and General Insurance,
Proprietary Investments,
Private Equity and other activities in financial services.
Customers can also avail Loans , Credit Card ,
Money changing services.
Reliance Capital Limited (RCL) is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)
registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under section 45-IA of the
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Reliance Capital sees immense potential in
the rapidly growing financial services sector in

India and aims to become a dominant player in this industry and offer fully
integrated financial services. Reliance Life Insurance is another step forward
for Reliance Capital Limited to offer need based Life Insurance Solutions to
individuals and Corporate.

The largest broking house in India with over 2.5 millon customers & a wide
network of over 10,000 outlets & 20,000 touch points in 5,000 + locations .
Reliance Money endeavors to change the way investors transact in financial
market & avails financial services . The average daily volume on the stock
exchange is Rs.2,000 corers , representing approximately 3% of the total stock
exchange volume.


Name Designation

Anil Dhirubhai AmbaniChairman

Amitabh Jhunjhunwala Vice Chairman

Rajendra P Chitale Director

C P Jain Director

P N Ghatalia Director

V R Mohan Company Secretary & Manager



Reliance money has occupied the market share positively.

In the year 2004-05, it occupied 10%,
in 2005-06 it increases 16% ,
in 2006-07 in has increased to 20%,
and in 2008 it up to 40%.

Reliance Money brings to you a bouquet of financial services, which will help
you plan for your investments better. Reliance Money, the one-stop shop for all
your investment needs.


• Reliance Money is a comprehensive financial solutions provider

that enables customers to carry out investments in equities in a cost-
effective, secure and convenient manner.
• Equity investments have always been the best in all asset classes
over a long-term horizon.
• Allows you to also invest on-line on

• Infaltion eats up into your investments , invests in appropriate

mutual fund schemes to beat inflation.
• Relaince Money trading customers can also apply on-line on and choose from multiple Mutual Funds


• Gold has always been a traditional & safe inveastment option.

Reliance Money offers 995 fineness 24 carat, pure gold coins in 2,5,8 &
10 gms denomination in tamper proof packaging


• Reliance Money offers PMS starting with as low Rs 5 lacs. Our

team of professionals will actively manage your portfolio and strive to
provide you with better returns in the dynamic market conditions.


• Besides life cover and tax benefit, Life Insurance is also an

important investment tool which can be used for wealth creation,
provide for contingencies, asset building & retirement planning.
• Reliance Money offers you various life insurance plans to choose

• Reliance money offers appropriate general insurance protection
for your health, car, home, travel & business.

• Salaried
• Businessman
• Agriculturist.

1. Integrity

2. Excellence

3. Innovation

4. Meritocracy

5. Respect for the individual


Stock Exchange :- A common platform where buyers seller come

together to transact in stocks and shares . It may be a physical entity where
brokers trade on a physical trading floor via an “open outcry” system or virtual

Electronic Trading :- Electronic trading eliminate the need for physical

trading floors. Brokers can trade from their offices, using fully automated
screen –based processes. Their workstations are connected to a Stock
Exchange’s central computer via satellite using Very Small Aperture Terminus
(VSATs). The orders placed by brokers reach the Exchange’s central computer
and are matched electronically.
Stock Exchange in India :- The Stock Exchange ,Mumbai (BSE) and
the National Stock Exchange (NSE) are the country’s two leading Exchanges .
There are 20 other regional Exchanges, connected via the Inter-Connected
Stock Exchange (ICSE) . The BSE and NSE allow nationwide trading via their
VSAT systems.

Index :- an Index is a comprehensive measure of market trends , interested for

investor who are connected with general stock market price movements , An
index comprises stocks that have large liquidity and market capitalization .At
the NSE , the capitalization of NIFTY ( fifty selected stocks ) is taken as a base
capitalization , with the value set at 1000. Similarly, BSE Sensitive Index or
Sensex comprises 30 selected stocks. The Index value compares the day’s
market capitalization via-a-vis base capitalization and indicates how prices in
general have moved over a period of time.

Stock :- The word stock simply refers to a supply. You may have a stock of T-
shirts in your closet, or a stock of pencils in your desk. In the financial market,
stocks refer to a supply of a supply of money that a company money in he hope
that the company will make their money grow .
A market is a public place where thing are bought and sold .The term “stock
market” refers to the business of buying and selling stock. The stock market is
not a specific place, though some people use the term “Walll Street”- the main
street in New York city’s financial district- to refer to the U.S. stock market in

Why Company issue stock :- If a company wants to grow – maybe build more
factories, hire more people, or develop new products- it needs money .It could
get a lone from a bank . But then it would owe money. By issuing stock, a
company can raise money without going into debt. People who buy the stocks
are giving the company the money it needs to grow .
Not every company issue stock. A business owned by one person ( a
proprietorship ) or a few people ( a partnership) cannot issue stock. Oniy a
business corporation can issue stock. A corporation has a special legal rights
and rights and responsibilities as its own unique name .
Why people Buy it :-Owning stock in a company means owing part of that
company. Each part is know as a share. If a company has issued 100 shares of
stock, and yo bought one, you own 1% of that company. People who own stock
are called stockholder, or shareholders.
Stockholder hope the company will earn money as it grows. If a company earns
money, the stockholder share the profits. Over time, people usually earn more
from owning stock than from leaving money in the bank, buying bonds, or
making other investments.

Bear and Bulls :-Bears are cautious animals who don’t like to move too fast.
Bull are bold animals who might charge right ahead. An investor is said to be
“bearish” if he or she believes the stock market will go down. A “bearish”
investor will buy stock cautiously. A “bullish” investor believes the market will
go up. He or she will charge ahead and put more money into the market. An
investor can be bearish or bullish about a particular kind of stock.
Likewise, the term “bear market” describes a time when stock price have been
falling on the whole. A “bull market” is a period when stock price are generally


The project deals with an in-depth study to find out the benefit of online share
trading and problem associated with offline share trading. This study is based
on customer satisfaction of the usage of online trading.
The power of the Internet has transformed every thing. E-commerce has
redefined markets and industries and the way one does business .IT has added
to the capabilities of companies enabling them to set new standard in business.
The internet has not only revolutionized personal lives but has even
transformed the world of business to a great extend every company today
irrespective of whether it is a dotcom company or not has presence on the
The rapid increase in the growth of online trading can be attributed to many
factors like good service and idea at click of mouse. Anyone can trade from any
where in the world. With the advent of e-commerce, rapid growth of Internet
and online trading the frequency of transaction is increasing at rapid pace. This
is not only challenge for offline trading but also if online share trading portal
works effectively and efficiently they can become dangerous for survival of
offline share trading. Online share trading business is growing with the
assistance of new powerful technology like satellite communication mobile
telecommunication, digital signature, virtual private network, portable
Online trading is the trading securities done via the Internet. It is done via
Internet means that all the transactions are settled electronically. The standard
settlement time is T+2days, which means that any sale or purchase is settled
second day of the trade

The brokers and brokerage house are agents who take and fill orders to buy and
sell stocks and other securities for their customer. They charge commissions for
these services, and in some cases, they also offer you advice and make
recommendations.The online trading in India is developing at rapid speed.
There seems to be many reasons for development like continuous good
performance of share market, increasing computer awareness, or good facilities
and option available for online trading. The main advantage which is shown
clearly that before online trading the member had to go the share market for
trading which consumed a lot of time but after applying online trading all of the
members information and his share information is just far away one click and it
has made trading much simple, easy and attractive. Attractive in the sense that
before peoples scared for share trading because they did not feel secure
themselves but as we know that online trading is much secure

because all of the trading is done at your home PC. And every thing is available
at a click of mouse.


Online trading without its share of benefits wouldn’t have survived world wide
since its inception in 1995 in the US. Since its inception more than half the
retail trading is done online. But in India the online fever is yet to catch up. But
the following benefits definitely will change the scenario in the years to come.
• Increase trading capacity in the stock exchange:-Computers are
much more efficient than human beings. A transaction in an online
stock exchange takes hardly any time, while manual transition has their
own limitations. The inherent speed in an online transition boosts the
trading capacity of a stock exchange by increasing the volume of
trading as well as by eliminating unwarranted roadblocks.

• Eliminate unmatched trades and delayed reporting:-The record

of transactions is readily available in an online system. Moreover any
queries regarding the transaction can be answered quickly through use
of database software. Thus unmatched trades and other disparities can

• traced and eliminated. All the rules regarding the settlements are
very efficiently implemented on a software system and all defaulters
can be tracked with minimum wastage of time and reporting can be
speeded up.

• Speedy matching:-The massive computing power of the networks

makes it possible to receive, analyze and propose bids in short intervals
from all the terminals of the network. Thus delays, which are an
inherent part of manual transactions, are completely eliminated.

• Provide for on-line and off-line monitoring, control and

surveillance of market:-The transactions are completely monitored by
sophist iced systems and are well recorded and well documented. There
is no direct human interference. So the chance of fraud is zero.

• Set up various limits, rules and controls centrally:-The limits for

transaction are set up centrally with the help of features such as circuit
breakers on each of securities there is very little scope for wide
speculatio Suppose a scrip quoted at Rs.100 at the beginingof the
transactions, is bid, at Rs 122. Now the circuit breaker for this scrip is
set at 20% plus or minus the closing rate .As Rs 122 is greater than
120%of Rs automatically stop.
• Smooth market operations by retaining the flexibility of
conventional trading practices:-All the flexibility available in
conventional trading practice such as buying and selling any time,
placing and executing orders any time is all available in online trading,
with the additional help of technology is a catalyst in online trading.


A Depository (NSDL & CDSL) is an organization like a Central Bank where
the securities of a shareholder are held in the electronic form at the request of
the shareholder through the medium of a Depository Participant. If an investor
wants to utilize the services offered by a Depository, the investor has to open
an account with the Depository through a Depository Participant.
Depository Participant is Similar to the brokers who trade on your behalf in and
outside the Stock Exchange; a Depository Participant (DP) is your
representative (agent) in the depository system providing the link between the
Company and you through the Depository. Your Depository Participant will
maintain your securities account balances and intimate to you the status of your
holding from time to time. According to SEBI guidelines, Financial Institutions
like banks, custodians, stockbrokers etc. can become participants in the
depository. A DP is one with whom you need to open an account to deal in
electronic form. While the Depository can be compared to a Bank, DP is like a
branch of your bank with which you can have an account.
The Depository System functions are very much like the banking system. A
bank holds funds in accounts whereas a Depository holds securities in accounts
for its clients. A Bank transfers funds between accounts whereas a Depository
transfers securities between accounts. In both systems, the transfer of funds or
securities happens without the actual handling of funds or securities. Both the
Banks and the Depository are accountable for the safe keeping of funds and
securities respectively.
A customer who wants to trade online while selecting a portal has some query
in his or her mind and when he or she finds proper answer of this query he or
she selects that portal. These queries are:
It is important to weigh up the subscription and trading costs charged by an
online broker against benefits offered by the site. All online brokers display
their charges on their sites. Some make sure customer find the charges easily,
while with others customer will have to search a bit.
Safety is a major concern for any investor and that investor look for things like
a site with 128-bit encryption to ensure safety of transaction online., are few sites with 128-bit encryption with which
a customer get a secured Login id and password. Ideally online trading site
should be fully integrated. The greater the backward integration, the better it is
for the customer. Ideally broking account, demat account and bank account
should be linked electronically.
Rate refresh has to be real-time with no time lag. The speed and reliability
comes with huge investment in technology. HNI’s always prefer to have site
with real-time Rate refresh to check rates of online broking sites with BSE/
NSE terminal rates.So rate refreshment is important factor for investor how
trades regularly.

System has to be fast and reliable that doe’s just one job- executes customer
trades. The last thing customer need is a site that is heavily congested with the
users who are downloading heavy jpeg graphs or pulling the latest story where
market is moving. The site should be at one click where squaring off all
customers positions or canceling all his or her pending orders takes one click
and a confirmation of action.
For trading, all sites provide 4 to 5 times buy and sell limit against margin
money put in by customer. For delivery of shares, buying limit is equal to
margin money put in by customer. Couple of sites also provides margin
funding for buying of shares. This is important feature, which a customer looks
Site should allow users free trial period to familiarize customer with system
before customer decide to become trading member of the site and some training
session also help customer to be familiar with online share trading
The site should provide intraday chart tick-by-tick time and price data /
historical chart for technical analysis by investors of particular scrip. Lot of
people trade based on charting packages. This is also important for online
investor .Before customer can trade, customer needs to open an account and
register as a trader as with online broking site. This involves filling up trading
account form, Demat account form and for faster transfer of money- Internet
enabled bank account. As per SEBI rule, Photo id proof and current address
proof is a must for opening trading account. So an online share-trading portal
should make sure that its forms are easy to fill and documents, which are asked,
are as per its requirement only.


Reliance money has occupied the market share positively.

In the year 2004-05, it occupied 10%,
in 2005-06 it increases 16% ,
in 2006-07 in has increased to 20%,
and in 2008 it up to 40%.
Chapter 3


Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also
define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information
on a specific topic in fact research is of scientific investigation. The advanced
learner’s dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as “A
careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any
branch of knowledge”. Some people consider as a movement, a movement
from the known to the unknown. It is the actually a voyage of discovery. We all
possess the vital incitement of inquisitiveness for when the known confronts us
our inquisitiveness and we wonder makes us prove and attain and fuller
understanding of the unknown. This inquisitiveness is the mother of all
knowledge and the method which man employees for obtaining the knowledge
of whatever of unknown can be termed as research.

DEFINATION: - “Research concerns itself with obtain information through

empirical observation that can be used to systematically develop logically
related proposition so as to attempt to establish casual relationships among
Research does not necessitate hypotheses, and to that extent the phrase
‘investigation of hypothetical propositions’ is redundant. Formulation of
hypotheses may in itself be a topic of research. At times research focuses itself
on descriptive rather than on casual or experimental aspects. Research may
mean the first small charge occurring and at times faced upon us as individual
or as a society. Research as a process involves defining and redefining problem
hypothesis formulation, organizing and evaluating data, deriving deductions,
inferences and conclusions, after careful resting.









SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: ( Random sampling under probability.)

In probability sampling, sampling units are selected by chance. it is possible to

prespecify every potential sample of a given size that could be drawn from the
population ,as well as the probability of selecting each sample . Every potential
sample need not have the same probability of selection, but it is possible to
specify the probability of selecting any particular sample of a given size.

Random sampling is a probability sampling technique in which each element in

the population has a known and equal probability of selection. Every element is
selected independently of every other element and the sample is drawn by a
random procedure from a sampling frame.

• Determination of sample unit.

• Determination of sample technique.
• Determination of sample unit.
Population: 250
A population is the aggregate of all the elements the share some common set of
characteristics and that comprise the universe for the purpose of marketing
research problem.
In this research study, the population size for my research study is 250.
Sample Size: 50
Sample is a subgroup of the population selected for participation in the study.
Sample characteristics, called statistics are then used to make inferences about
the population parameters.
I have taken 50 customers out of 250 for gathering data report.


Chapter -4



In interview method I have gone directly to the customer at their office or

residence, to get the response of customers on my questionnaire.


This method is adopted for those customers, who do not have time for face-to-
face interview. So I have sent my questionnaire through email for getting the
response of customers for my questionnaire.



During this project the collected primary data is based on customer interview
and mail questionnaires. Marketing research is the collection and
interpretation of the facts that help the marketing manager to get product and
move them efficiently in to the hands of customer.
It may be defined as “The objective and systematic collection, recording,
analyzing and interpretation coupled with reporting of the information about
existing or potential markets, marketing strategies and the tactics and the
interaction between the markets, marketing methods and current or potential
product or services.

• During this project, secondary data is collected through

observation of
• Existing customer data.
• Documents and files of Reliance money.
• Current stock trading system at Reliance money.
• Magazines and journals.


Below mentioned project plan was followed to achieve the objectives of



Nature: -Quantitative.


50 persons.
Q.1 What is your age?
(i) 20-30 year (ii) 30-40 year
(iii) 40-50 year
(iv) 50-60 year (v) More than 60 year

Table no-1

S No. Age Frequency

1. 20-30 28
2. 30-40 20
3. 40-50 2
4. 50-60 0
5. More than 60 0

Chart no- 1
This section of report contain demographic information of all the samples of


The data for age from the population has been collected from four categories of
age that are:
1. 20 to 30 years
2. 30 to 40 years
3. 40 to 50 years
4. More than 60 years

56% of total population is belongs to age category of 20 to 30 years of age .

40% are from 30 to 40 years of age .4% are from 40 to 50 years of age and
more than 50 years no one is there in total sample population. Depending on
these results we can say that people from age of 20 to 30 and 30 to 40 years
people are more interested for online trading. These results are reliable.
Q.2 What is your occupation?
i. Business
ii. Service
iii. Others
If other then specify -------------------------------------------------

Table no –2

S No. Occupation Frequency

1. Business 10
2. Service 32
3. Other 8

Chart no- 2

The data for occupation has been collected from three different categories of
occupation, which are:
1. Business
2. Service
3. Other


20% of total population belongs to this category. Which means that 20% of
people who are trading online are businessmen?


64% of total population is from this category. This is highest contribution from
for the data collected for occupation.


The samples of others have been collected from population, which belongs to
other than business and service. 16% of total population belongs to this

Q.3 What do you feel about the service charges and brokerage?
(i) Very high (ii) High
(iii) Average (IV) Low

Table no – 3

S. No. Brokerage Frequency

1. Very High 7
2. High 26
3. Average 15
4. Low 2

Chart no- 3

This section of report contains the information of customers’ views about the
Brokerage and service charges. Out of total population 14% people said that
brokerage is very high, 52% said That it is high, 30%said that it is average and
4% people said that the Brokerage and other service charges are low.
Q.4 Which stock trading do you like most?
(i) Online (ii) Offline

Table no – 4

S. No. Stock Trading Frequency

1. Online 45

2. Offline 5

Chart no- 4
This section of report contains the information of customers’ preference
regarding stock trading terminal. 90 % of the customers have expressed their
preference regarding online trading services while only 1 % of the customer has
expressed their

preference regarding offline trading services. So we can say that most of the
customers prefer online trading as comparison to offline trading.
Q 5. What problems do you face in offline stock trading?
i. Lack of transparency
ii. Too much paper work
iii. Time consuming
iv. Lack of information
v. Lack of security
vi. Others

Table no – 5

S. No. Reason Frequency

1 Lack of transparency 3
2 To much paper work 2
3 Time consuming 8
4 Lack of information 2
5 Lack of security 4
6 Others 2
Total 17
Chart no- 5

Problem With Offline Stock Trading

Lack of transparency
To much paper work
Time consuming
Lack of information
Lack of security
Problem With Offline Stock Trading
Lack of transparency
To much paper work
Time consuming
Lack of information
Lack of security

Here I have taken only those customers who did offline trading [34%] and
while doing offline trading which type of problem they have faced. The
problems are:

• Lack of transparency
• To much paper work
• Time consuming
• Lack of information
• Lack of security
• Other
According to the result we can say that most of the customers, who were using
offline trading, faced such kind of problem like more consumption of time, lack
of security and too much paper work. Some other Problems were also there but
that were minor in comparison of above three problem.
Table No- 5
Problem associated with offline share trading Percentage (%)
Lack of transparency 5.1%

Too much of paper work 3.4%

Time taking 13.6%

Lack of information available 3.4%

Lack of security 6.8%

Other 3.4%

These results are showing the factors because of which offline share trading is
suffering and why customers do not prefer offline share trading.

Q.6 Please fill the appropriate column with asterisk (*) with respect to
degree of
Satisfaction you find in our service?

Table no – 6

S No. Excellent Good Average Worst

1. Call & trade facility
2. Mobile Alert
3. Daily online demo
4. Through Educator
5. Hand holding session
6. Daily market report/Site

Facilities Excellent Good Average Worst

Call & Trade Facility 7 26 14 3
Mobile Alert 10 10 18 12
Daily online demo 6 17 22 5
Through Educator 3 25 20 2
Hand holding session 4 22 20 4
Daily market report 4 17 21 8
Chart no.6
Here I have taken responses of customers regarding their satisfaction with the
facilities provided by Reliance money. Through this I have tried to analyze the
level of satisfaction with the different facilities provided by Reliance money..

Q.7 If you are satisfied with our services please give rating on the
scale of (1, 2, 3, 4,) with "4” as maximum satisfaction?

Table no – 7

S No. Reason
1. Time Saving
2. Easy to Use
3. Paperless
4. Any where Trading
5. Easy Brokerage Structure

Reason 1 2 3 4
Time Saving 14 13 23 0
Easy to Use 22 16 11 1
Paper Less 21 10 18 1
Any where trading 32 7 8 3
Easy Brokerage 5 5 21 19

Chart no- 7
This question has been asked in manner, which will show the reasons for
satisfaction of online share trading. This question has been asked to all the
respondents who are the customer of ICICI Web Trade Ltd. The respondents
were asked to select reasons for satisfaction of online share trading from given
five reasons that are:
• Time saving
• Easy to use
• Paperless
• Any where trading
• Easy brokerage

According to these results we can say that customers are mostly satisfied
because it has features like any where trading, easy to use services, information
available, and because its being time saving.

Q.8 What facilities do you think should be provided by us so as to improve

online trading services?
1. Multi Screen Facility
2. Expert Advise
3. Negotiation of Brokerage
4. Terminal to Customer
Table no – 8

S. No Facility Frequency
1 Multi Screen Facility 15
2 Expert Advise 18
3 Negotiation of Brokerage 9
4 Terminal to Customer 8

Chart no- 8
Here I have tried to find out that there are some facilities, which ICICI Web
Trade Ltd is not providing but our competitors are providing. Out of that
services, which service our customers want from us in accordance with their

Q.9 If you are not satisfied, Please mark the reason for your
i. Account opening charges
ii. Improper training
iii. Login problem / Site speed
iv. Documentation procedure
v. Other

Table no – 9

S. No Reasons Frequency
Account Opening
1 Charges 9
2 Improper Training 7
3 Login Problem 33
4 Documentation Procedure 13
5 Other 3

Chart no- 9
These results are showing that main reasons for dissatisfaction are login
problem, Documentation or account opening charges and improper training. .
So according to these result we can say that online share-trading portal needs to
take care of these factor for customer satisfaction. Most of the customers are
not satisfied to the problem specific to one portal only there are customers who
are satisfied with the services portal

.So its become necessary for online share trading portal have check to there
specific problems. That can be any of given above

Q.10 Would you like to trade any other security or investment through
Reliance money?
(i) Yes (ii) No
(iii) Can’t say
If yes, Please specify.....................................................

Table no – 10

Other investment or
S. No Frequency
1 Yes 5
2 No 37
3 Can't say 8
Chart no- 10

In this question I have tried to find out that how many of our customer wants to
get or trade some other investment or security from us. In case if they want to
get then they can give the answer as a yes other wise no. Out of total population
74% said no, 10% said yes and 16% said can’t say.

Chapter 5

During my project I found following advantage and disadvantage of On line

trading with Reliance Money.

• 3-in-1 account integrates your banking, broking and demat

accounts. All accounts are from reliance and very well integrated. This
feature makes reliance. I like the most interesting player in online
trading facility. There is absolutely no manual interfere require. This is
truly online trading environment.
• Unlike most of the online trading companies in India which
require transferring money to the broker's pool or towards deposits, at
reliance money you can manage your own demat and bank accounts
through reliance money .
• Investment online in IPOs, Mutual Funds, GOI Bonds, and Postal
Savings Schemes all from one website.
• Trading is available in both BSE and NSE.



• Getting access to Reliance money website during market session

can be frustrating.
• Reliance money brokerage is high and not negotiable.

Total 50 clients are observed out of that 41 satisfied with the A/C opening
charge is reasonable.

1. 43 clients are aware of organization attach with NSE & BSE.

2. 8 clients said that representatives are poor in professional because
they are not reaching on time; they not have given total knowledge
about Reliance money.
3. 28{55.33%} are satisfied with communication skills of
representative of Reliance money.
4. 24{49.51%} are satisfied with product knowledge of Reliance
5. 20{40.77%} are satisfied with assertive of representative of
Reliance money.
6. 31{63.10%} are satisfied with friendly of representative of
Reliance money.
7. 28{56.31%} are satisfied with speed of Brach, representative,
solving problem, speed of opening trading A/C.
8. 18{37.86%} are not satisfied with documentation and signatures
in form.
9. 19{40.77%} are satisfied with demo given by the representative.
10. 23{48.54%} are satisfied using cash product, and 39.80% are
satisfied with margin product.
11. As per the survey and finding it said that 27{55.31%} of clients
are satisfied with Reliance money.

Limited sample size of 50 online share trading portal users of

Reliance money.sThe result also shows that the customers prefer online
share trading as compare to offline trading. The results of survey shows that
55% of customers are satisfied with the services of online share trading
portals only 23% of customers are not satisfied and there are various reasons
for this dissatisfaction like speed of a specific online share trading portal and
high brokerage of RELIANCE MONEY

The investor who wants to trade online has some expectation from his portal
because he has to invest his money through that portal and depending on the
services provide by the portal an investor selects portal for online share trading.
Reliance money is a largest service providing online share trading portal with
good customer base .On the basis of findings of this research there are some
recommendations for Reliance money. These recommendations can be
introduced or improved in the services offered by Reliance money. The
recommendations are: -


Reliance money tries to make their account opening process easy. Their forms
and browsers should be customer friendly. So that it will be easy to understand
the process of account opening for their customer and better customer
assistance will be helpful for them.


Reliance money is offering some schemes that are attracting new customers
which show’s that customers can be attracted with the help of these schemes.
So there can more of such schemes like one of their competitors is offering free
account to those customers who are participating in a quiz competition and
wining it.



Reliance money can providing online information for investment needs to its
customers as per there requirement or as per there demand because timely
information is important for any investment .The information which is to be
provided should be as per the requirement and at affordable cost.
These are some recommendations, which will be helpful for Reliance
money .To make their customer more satisfied because Reliance money has
good reputation among the customers and they are the market leaders in online
share trading portal industry .It become necessary for them make their
customers satisfied so that they can always be a market leader.

• Time duration should be reduced of opening on line share trading
• Brokerage charges should be reduced as it is more than its
• The complete information should be provided to probable
• Advertising campaigns must be started to make people aware
about Reliance money
• Online clients should be allowed to place offline trades.
• Brokerage charges should be clear to the clients so that they need
not to be confused.

• Their should be appraisal programmed for those clients who are

more beneficial to the company.
• Company should provide periodically information about their
growth to its costumers.
• Periodically updation is required in package by adding more value
added feature.


The overall evaluation of a company’s strengths and weaknesses,
opportunities’, and threats is called SWOT analysis. It involves monitoring the
external and internal marketing environment.


1. RELIANCE is a strong brand name.

2. Reliance money provides quality product and services.

3. Reliance money has wide range of product and services to suite

all customer segments.

4. Reliance money is No. 1 in on line share trading.

5. Reliance money provides facility to trade in BSE and NSE both.


• People are very much aware of RELIANCE but not about

Reliance money .
• Sometime it create frustration while login Reliance .
• Time taking by company in opening the new accounts is not


1. Reliance money can increase their customer capacity by

providing additional value to its customers.
2. Reliance money can make people aware of company by
providing effective advertisement.

3. Reliance money can ease its procedure of opening new account as

it is very time consuming


1. There are so many competitors in the market which are offering

lower brokerage charges.

2. Government Policies can also affect the business of the company.



It was great Learning opportunity for me to do my internship with Reliance.

• This project which gave me the opportunity to understand

consumer behavior and various people in the corporate world. I
understood the working culture and hierarchy of the company.

• Planning for the next day and finding the right area and the
prospects allowed me to practically implement my theoretical

• I was able to enhance my soft skills to good effect. My confidence

to convince people has gone up. There is no hesitation to interact with
people anywhere anytime.
• My guide helped me to understand about the work culture, ethics
of the company, how to handle objections etc.

• I also attended the customer demonstration which gave me the

knowledge about how the prospect can be convinced, how their queries
are handled.

• I observed all the steps involved in selling insurance policies

along with that I learnt very small things in the organization which is
very necessary in any flat organization like photocopying, Faxing the

Marketing is a very crucial activity in every business

organization. Every product produced within an industry has to be marketed
other wise it will remain as unsold stock, which will be of no value. I have
realized this fact after completion of my summer training project. Despite of
various difficulties and limitations faced during my summer training project, I
have tried my level best to find out the most relevant information for the
organization to complete the assignment that was given to me. After
completion of my summer training project I have gained several experiences in
the field or sales marketing. I got the opportunity to meet various people, which
fluctuate in different situation and time.
Theoretical knowledge of a person remains dormant until it is
used and tested in the practical life. The training has given to me the chance to
apply my theoretical knowledge that I have acquired in my classroom to the
real business world. In spite of few limitations and hindrance in the summer
training project I found that the work was a challenge and fruitful. It gives
enough knowledge about the insurance market and the distribution process
undertaken by an organization. This summer training project has enhanced my
capability to manage business processes in my future career.



• Philip Kotler,2006 Marketing Management(12th edition),Delhi,

Pearson Prentice Hall
• Research Methodology (CR Kothari)

• www.


Q.1 What is your age?

(i) 20-30 year (ii) 30-40 year
(iii) 40-50 year
(iv) 50-60 year (v) More than 60 year

Q.2 What is your occupation?

i. Business
ii. Service
iii. Others
If other then specify -------------------------------------------------

Q.3 What do you feel about the service charges and brokerage?
(i) Very high (ii) High
(iii) Average (iv) Low

Q.4 Which stock trading do you like most?

(a) Online (b) Offline

Q 5 What problems do you face in offline stock trading?

i. Lack of transparency
ii. Too much paper work
iii. Time consuming
iv. Lack of information
v. Lack of security
vi. Others

Q.6 Please fill the appropriate column with asterisk (*) with respect to
degree of satisfaction you find in our service?

S No. Excellent Good Average Worst

1. Call & trade facility
2. Mobile Alert
3. Daily online demo
4. Through Educator
5. Hand holding session
6. Daily market report/Site

Q.7 If you are satisfied with our services please give rating on the
scale of (1, 2, 3, 4,) with "4” as maximum satisfaction.

S No. Reason
1. Time Saving
2. Easy to Use
3. Paperless
4. Any where Trading
5. Easy Brokerage Structure

Q.8 What facilities do you think should be provided by us so as to improve

online trading services?
a. Multi Screen Facility
b. Expert Advise
c. Negotiation of Brokerage
d. Terminal to Customer

Q.9 If you are not satisfied, Please mark the reason for your
i. Account opening charges
ii. Improper training
iii. Login problem / Site speed
iv. Documentation procedure
v. Other

Q.10 Would you like to trade any other security or investment through
Reliance money ?
(i)Yes (ii) No (iii)can’t say
If yes, Please specify......................................................


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