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Participation Trophies

Emily Price
● History of participation trophies

● How many rec centers give out participation trophies

● Effects on children

● How to stop giving out participation trophies

Rec centers

JL Sorenson Rec Center

Kearns Recreation Center

Dimple Dell
Recreation Center

Gene Fullmer Rec Center

Good Effects
● Self-esteem
● Important
● Job well done
Bad effects

● Does not teach anything

● No hard work

Only for winners

Participation Trophies Aren't New. (n.d.). Photograph.

“Trip to State Meet is Earned By Blue Devils,” The Missoulian, 1942

JL Sorenson Rec Center. “JL Sorenson Rec Center. 20119

Kearns Recreation Center, “Kearns Rec Center, 2019

Dimple Dale, “Dimple Day Rec Center, 2019

Gene Fullmer, “Gene Fullmer Recreation Center, 2019

Hulett, P. (n.d.). Participation Trophy . photograph.

Turner, C., & Turner, M. (n.d.). Should Kids Get A Trophy For Showing Up. photograph, Worldwide.
Freeman, A. (2013). Kids should learn that not everyone is a winner. photograph. Retrieved from

Mini Star Football Participation Trophy. (n.d.). photograph, Luton .

1St Place Trophy . (n.d.). photograph, Hartford.

1St, 2nd and 3rd Place Trophies. (n.d.). photograph. Retrieved from

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