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English Departement 2







Linguistics is the science that makes language the object of its study.
Language is a tool used to convey information in communication both verbally
and not verbally. In general, the language used in the formal atmosphere will be
different when compared to the informal atmosphere and written language is often
different with spoken language. However, both formal and informal or spoken and
written languages have a very important component in them. This important
component is called "meaning". In the level of linguistics, the meaning is given
the term semantics.

Semantics is a science that can be said to be broad in scope. Not only

studying semantics but also studying the semantic relationship itself with other
fields of science. Pateda (2001: 11) argues that the problem of meaning is not only
a matter for experts engaged in the semantic field but also a study of experts
engaged in philosophy, logic and psychology. Therefore, as already mentioned,
the sciences related to semantic articles in them include linguistics, psychology,
logic, and philosophy. It is interesting if we understand why semantics have a
relationship with these sciences. It is on this basis that we from group one try to
find sources of how semantics relate to other disciplines. The discussion of the
relationship of semantic science with linguistics, psychology, logic, and
philosophy will be described one by one in the discussion section.


A. Relation Between Semantic and Psychology

Etymologically the word psychology comes from Ancient Greek namely
psyce and logos. Psyce means soul, spirit, or soul and logos which means
knowledge. Abdul Chaer (2003: 2) states that psychology means the science
of the soul or the science that makes the soul the object of study. Sometimes a
person uses language in different situations. When the soul is in a happy
atmosphere, the language produced will certainly be different from the
language produced when the soul is in an uneasy state.
It has been explained before that psychology is the science of the soul. In
communicating using sentences with other people, the sentences produced by
the writer or speaker depend on their mood or state of soul. Will be different
sentences produced by people who are happy with people who are sad and
also different sentences produced by people who are mentally disturbed by a
healthy person. As an example :
• Ucha is lazy to meet with Sri
• Iswani wants to jump from the third floor of the FKIP building
• The broom was seen flying last night
The first example, Ucha is lazy to meet Sri can be interpreted by a
psychologist by linking the meaning of this sentence to the mental state or
mood of the writer or speaker. The analysis carried out by a psychologist from
these sentences includes:
• Why is Ucha lazy to meet Sri?
• What bothers Ucha if she meets Sri?
• Who said this sentence? Uchakah or others?
The second example, Iswani wants to jump from the third floor of the FKIP
building. Analysis conducted by psychologists on the meaning of the sentence
• Why does Iswani want to jump from the third floor?

• What is the state of the soul?
• What disturbs his soul so he wants to do it?
The third example, the broom sentence seen flying last night was also
analyzed by a psychologist not much different from the two previous sentence
examples. The analysis includes:
• Who said this sentence?
• What is the state of the soul?
• What disturbs his mind?
• Was he hallucinating when uttering this sentence?
At least that's the analysis that will be carried out by a psychologist on the
meaning of the sentence uttered by someone. The meaning that is born
depends on the state of the soul of the person who is preaching. It is important
for psychologists to know the state of the soul in the meaning of a sentence
because the psychologist will study human reactions, mental symptoms, both
through verbal and nonverbal activities (Pateda: 16).

B. Relation Between Semantic and Philosophy

The next science is philosophy. According to the Great Indonesian

Dictionary (KBBI) electronic version 1.3 philosophy has the meaning of
knowledge and inquiry with reason about the nature of everything that exists,
its cause, origin, and law. Sentences written or spoken by someone will differ
in terms of analysis according to the meaning of the philosophers called
philosophers. Usually philosophers will question the meaning of a word to its
roots which in the sense of mention as cause and origin.
In philosophy, the language that produces sentences for communication is
questionable as to its naming. Philosophers are people who are capable of
questioning the truth to the basics. No wonder they have broad views and do
not want to be limited in their thinking about the truth of something. Watch
their analysis of the following sentence.
 Group one is presenting their paper.

 Our lecturers are overseas graduates
The first example sentences will be analyzed by philosophers,
 why are humans who gather more than one person called groups?
 why are all the first or first ones called one? not sati or sata?
 why is presenting or presenting something to the general public called a
 why is the term paper used? Not makalih, makeleh, or so on?
The example of the second sentence is not much different from the form
of analysis by philosophers as has been analyzed in the previous sentence. The
analysis includes:
 why is the word lecturer used for people who teach in college?
 why is our word used? why not use the word kama, kimi and so on?
The same analysis occurs in subsequent words that essentially question
the origin of the word and why it is used for meaning that shows like this, where it
is based, why it is, and a series of fundamental questions that are difficult for us to
explain. Questions that when asked to people who are not philosophers can only
answer with the phrase "because it has been like that for a long time". The
analyzes that aim our thinking as lay people of philosophy.



Language is a human communication tool that is inseparable from the

meaning or meaning in each of the words spoken. Semantics is one branch of
science that is studied in linguistic studies. In semantics we know what is called
the classification of meaning, the relation of meaning, the change of meaning, the
analysis of meaning, and the meaning of the use of language. Semantics is a
linguistic subdiscipline that discusses the meaning of the meaning of words and
the meaning of sentences.
Based on the explanation in the discussion section on semantic relations
with other sciences, we can conclude that this branch of linguistics called
semantics plays an important role in various scientific disciplines and even very
basic sciences. Because semantics is a study of meaning in a broad sense it
becomes very important in various disciplines so that it is of much use. Not only
is it useful for knowledge that discusses language, but it is also beneficial for
other fields of knowledge such as psychology, logic, philosophy, and even
political science.
After learning this semantic, hopefully we can apply it in other sciences as
already described.


Palmer, F.R. 1976. semantics. Cambridge: the university press.

DR. Manqur Abdul Galey, Ilmu Ad-Dilalah, Ushuluh wa Mabahitsu Fi At-Turats

Al- Araby, (Damaskus: Maktabah Al-Asad, 2001 Parera J.D, 2004, Teori

Linguistik. Jakarta : Erlangga



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