Nanny - Household Manager Needed For 1-Year-Old Baby in Edina - Childcare

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1/15/2020 Nanny/Household Manager needed for 1-year-old baby in Edina - childcare

minneapolis > hennepin co > community > childcare

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Posted 2 days ago on: 2020-01-13 14:04

Contact Information:

Nanny/Household Manager needed for 1-year-old baby in Edina (Edina)

As I write this, the countertop installation team is here fixing a little alignment
issue they made with our dishwasher. I wish you had booked them and had QR Code Link to This Post
gotten the dishes done before they came so my husband and I could have spent
more time playing with our baby and going through a business training together.

We can’t wait to have you shine in what you do best and run our household so
we can do what we do best and be a loving family and run a successful business.

We are definitely the coolest family ever and we live in Edina. We had a family
friend temporarily in this position, and now we want you to keep our ship
running smoothly.

I run my own company and work from home, and my husband works for me, so
we are here literally all the time. We are hilarious, we tell fart jokes, and we both
talk on the phone pretty often for my business and do a lot of pep talks and picker-uppers. You have to be super
cool with that. Negative attitude-havers need not apply. If you describe yourself as optimistic, helpful, resourceful,
kind, feminist, fun—we are on the right track.

I am a former San Francisco fashion blogger, first page of Google, and I care a lot about what my house looks like
because home is The Most Important to me for a million reasons. So if you are the type that “just doesn’t notice”
that you left crumbs on the table, thank u next. If you are going to judge me because I like to wear the occasional
high fashion item, you’re on the wrong post.

If you are going to call my daughter a “princess” or make comments about how to “act like a lady,” BYE. This is 1/3
1/15/2020 Nanny/Household Manager needed for 1-year-old baby in Edina - childcare

not the job for you. If you are going to criticize her for being bossy, move on to a different post. If you are going to
lament her wardrobe for its lack of pink, you should find somewhere else to apply. We have an “All are Welcome
Here” sign in our yard. My daughter’s middle name is after a female presidential hopeful for 2020. She will never
be told to hug someone unless she wants to. We will never buy red baseball caps. Are you picking up what I’m
putting down? Fantastic!

I nannied all through high school and college and am still close with all my nanny families. So I have a lot of
opinions, backed by research, on how to optimize my daughter’s development, and I know what it’s like to be a
nanny. There is no shaming in our household. We do not cry it out. You can’t spoil a baby. We are not religious and
ask you leave that to your personal time. Are you up for being The Best Nanny Ever that my daughter is going to
remember always and forever and have adorable nicknames for you? My nanny kids called me RaRa. I still call
hand sanitizer “hand sanimatizer” thanks to L at age 2.5, and we say we’re “going to the other side to see a cat”
thanks to S at age 3.5. If you’re not looking for a lifetime relationship and view this as just a buck, not for you.

We are not fantastic cooks, but you are! Meal prep is fun for you and you’re excited to help take care of us. Also, I
have celiac disease, so you can’t bring gluten into the house. If you don’t know what gluten is and you’re not
resourceful enough to google it right now, this is not the job for you. I’m vegetarian. If you think that’s weird, we
are definitely not the right family for you.

This position is all about owning the role and going above and beyond. The whole family does this. Our baby just
hit 12 months and already says 13 words. We are 99% certain she just added another to the roster today; we will see
if she still uses it again tomorrow. WE ARE SO PROUD!!! My husband and I go above and beyond with my
business. You are the kind of person who rises to the challenge, gets the job done, and also helpfully points out how
it can go even smoother the next time. And you notice that those T-shirts are wearing out when you do laundry, so
you queue up an order for more…not because you were asked to, but because you are The Ship Runner.

Have you seen Sex and the City? I am looking for the Magda to my Miranda, minus the judgement. Basically, you
have to help run the show, and love doing it.

No smoking of any kind. I have asthma so it’s not cool to bring that around, plus I’d like you to live a full life, so
please quit, but still don’t apply. If you’re going to show up hungover, not for you. If you talk on the phone while
you’re driving and don’t use Bluetooth or if you text at ALL while driving, ever, stop it, because you’re operating
heavy machinery and you could kill yourself or someone else, but also, don’t even think of applying. I have never
gotten a ticket, I don’t speed, I signal my turns 100 feet ahead, I come to a complete stop. If that bugs you, move
on. If you’re going to do anything but that with my daughter in the vehicle, don’t apply, period.

If you think it’s cute to toss babies in the air, omg NOPE. If you have a temper; if your blood pressure goes up
when a baby cries; if you think it’s funny to joke about hurting babies, GTFO. If you are passive-
aggressive/Minnesota Nice and will dislike something, lie about it, and then hold it against us, go make a hot dish
in someone else’s oven. We’re straight shooters, but honesty without tact is cruelty.

If you want a job that you can post the heck out of my kid on social media, sorry dude, not for you. You’re going to
have to sign a non-disclosure for this position because I’m a Name in my vertical, and we are going to want to be
friends in real life anyway so we will be friends on social media.

We’re in this together. So sometimes, because I am addicted to my baby and only want to stare at her rostro
forevermore, I am going to be reticent to even hand her to you and in the beginning I will probably lurk over your
shoulder. You also need to be able to do things like research gardening services, place an order on Amazon, run to
Target or Jerry’s or Trader Joe’s, learn the way we Tetris our dishwasher. You have to love helping, and I love
celebrating people who help, so then we will do great together.

Can you swim? Great. Will you get down on the floor to do tummy time? Necessary. Is singing made-up songs
your cup of tea? Great, ours, too. Do you like dogs? Better, because we have two perfect little pups. 2/3
1/15/2020 Nanny/Household Manager needed for 1-year-old baby in Edina - childcare

I have visions of us driving to Lake Harriet together and power-walking the lake with my baby in her stroller. In the
summer, we’ll have picnics on the beach.

Taking care of her is top priority, but this job also needs you to happily do light housework,
washing/drying/folding/putting away laundry for humans of all sizes in the house, doing the handwashing
(bottles/pacis/snotsuckers), loading/unloading the dishwasher, running errands, etc. We have a weekly cleaning
crew so no need to scrub toilets, but you get the idea.

The hours are 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Rate is $20/hour. Actual hours needed will vary up or down,
so anything above 40 hours is paid at time-and-a-half. You should have multiple years of experience as a nanny,
especially with infants. If you want to bring homework to do while she’s napping and you’ve already checked the
household chores off the list, that’s totally fine. Or if you want to bring a book to read, great, or you can borrow one
of my 9 million books on mindset/business/philosophy.

Still here? You rock. Reply to this post with the subject: Firstname Lastname, your new rock star nanny.

In the email:

Attach your resume as a PDF.

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Why do you think you’re a fit for this position?
3. What is your favorite quote?
4. Are you certified in CPR and first aid?
5. Be honest: what kind of driver are you?

My favorite quote is from Dr. Seuss’ book, The King’s Stilts: “And when they played, they REALLY played. And
when they worked, they REALLY worked.”

Let’s have the grandest adventure together. 3/3

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