2018 Crucible Study Guide No Key

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2018 Crucible Study Guide no key

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Four."

____ 1. At the opening of Act Four Ezekiel Cheever reveals that

a. Mr. Herrick is too often drunk
b. there is much confusion and disagreement in the town
c. Tituba and Sarah Good are about to be hanged
d. Reverend Parris wanders about because he has lost his mind
____ 2. What news does Reverend Parris give the court in Act Four?
a. The women accused of witchcraft are about to confess.
b. Mercy Lewis and Abigail Williams have stolen Parris’s money and disappeared.
c. Tituba and Sarah Good have cast a spell on Marshal Herrick.
d. None of the accused have conversed or associated with the Devil.
____ 3. Which two men urge Deputy Governor Danforth to postpone the witch trials because a rebellion in the town
seems possible?
a. Ezekiel Cheever and John Hale c. John Hale and Reverend Parris
b. John Proctor and John Hale d. Reverend Parris and Judge Hathorne
____ 4. What does John Hale urge Elizabeth Proctor to do?
a. persuade her husband to confess to witchcraft
b. admit that she lied about Abigail and John
c. promise to get the other women to confess
d. plead her own case because she is pregnant
____ 5. How does Giles Corey die?
a. He refuses to confess, and finally he is hanged as a witch.
b. He dies of a broken heart when he hears that his wife is dead.
c. He dies of guilt because he accused his wife of reading strange books.
d. He is not hanged, but instead is crushed with stones.
____ 6. John tells Elizabeth that he has not confessed to being a witch because
a. he says that he has confessed to too many lies
b. Danforth and Parris want to use him as an example
c. he does not want to confess a lie to contemptible people
d. he is afraid that Danforth will hang Elizabeth for spite
____ 7. Elizabeth blames herself
a. for Mary Warren’s lies c. for John’s reluctance to confess
b. for John’s affair with Abigail d. for John’s imprisonment
____ 8. Elizabeth tells John that she “kept a cold house.” Keeping “a cold house” means that she
a. never invited anyone to visit them
b. frequently let the fire go out
c. was not a loving or proper wife
d. refused to keep flowers or pretty things in the house
____ 9. What does John want from Elizabeth?
a. her approval for his confession to witchcraft
b. her assurance that she loves him
c. her promise to trust him
d. her own confession to witchcraft
____ 10. What is one thing that John cannot do?
a. get Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse to confess
b. sign his name to a lie
c. allow his lie to be made public
d. let Elizabeth lie for him
____ 11. In his confession John admits to
a. thinking evil thoughts about Parris
b. seeing Goody Osburn with the Devil
c. sending out his spirit on Abigail Williams
d. seeing the Devil

Extra Comprehension
The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Four."

____ 12. Which of these does not occur in Act Four?

a. The cows need milking.
b. The people argue over ownership of the cows.
c. The townspeople stop going to church.
d. Children wander from house to house.
____ 13. Which reason does Herrick give for drinking?
a. It keeps him warm. c. He is thirsty.
b. He is upset about the hangings. d. He is afraid he will be condemned.
____ 14. What are Giles Corey’s last words?
a. He asks for God’s mercy.
b. He forgives his accusers.
c. He calls for more weight.
d. He asks God to forgive the people of Salem.
____ 15. The Reverend Parris is worried about all of the following except
a. the trial’s causing a riot c. having no money
b. being killed d. being accused of witchcraft
____ 16. The final scene between Elizabeth and John shows their
a. despair c. reconciliation
b. corruption d. victory
____ 17. Elizabeth asks John to forgive her for
a. denying his confession
b. discharging Abigail Williams
c. being suspicious and keeping a “cold house”
d. failing to recognize his kindness as a father
____ 18. What does Hale’s description of the desolate countryside around Salem symbolize?
a. John Proctor’s fear of death
b. the spiritual decay of the community
c. Abigail’s lack of morality
d. Elizabeth Proctor’s grief at John’s death
____ 19. What does Hale do in Act Four?
a. He confesses his lack of education.
b. He goes to Andover to join the rioters.
c. He says that he himself should be arrested.
d. He begs the accused to save their lives.
____ 20. Proctor’s struggle is mainly with
a. his own conscience c. Elizabeth
b. Parris d. Danforth
____ 21. What does Abigail do during this act?
a. She flees Salem. c. She begs for Proctor’s life.
b. She confesses to lying. d. She refuses to testify.

Reading Skills and Strategies: Interpreting a Text

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Four."

____ 22. Danforth does not want to postpone the hangings because
a. he does not want the people convicted of witchcraft to confess
b. the townspeople are looking forward to the hangings
c. the townspeople have put pressure on him to hang those convicted of witchcraft
d. people will think Danforth doubts the validity of the trials
____ 23. When John goes to the gallows and Elizabeth says that her husband has his “goodness now,” she means that
a. he was always a good man in spite of his sins
b. she has forgiven him for his affair with Abigail
c. by tearing up his confession, he feels that he has regained his honor
d. he is an example to all others accused of witchcraft

Literary Elements: Motivation

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Four."

____ 24. Why does Elizabeth refuse to influence John’s decision whether to confess?
a. She feels he must face his own conscience and make his own decision.
b. She cannot feel guilty if he refuses to confess.
c. She cannot feel guilty if he does confess.
d. She feels that he cannot blame anyone but himself if he does not confess.
____ 25. Which of the following is a strong motivation for John to tear up his confession?
a. His fear of eternal damnation if he swears to a lie.
b. He wants to be courageous like Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey.
c. He believes that he has to pay for his sin of adultery with Abigail.
d. He believes that if he does not confess, he will save Elizabeth’s life.

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act One."

____ 26. The best definition of the word “crucible” as it applies to the play is
a. the hollow at the bottom of an ore furnace where molten lead collects
b. a container made of a substance that can resist great heat
c. a lamp burning before a cross
d. a severe test or trial
____ 27. In the Overture, Salem is described as all of the following except a
a. place inhabited by fanatics
b. few dark houses
c. prosperous village
d. location that ships out products of increasing value
____ 28. Before the action of the play begins, Betty Parris and her friends
a. have been chasing boys and flirting with them
b. have had affairs with some of the men in town
c. have been caught dancing in the woods
d. have been guilty of blasphemy and witchcraft themselves
____ 29. Which of the following statements best describes Tituba?
a. She leads the girls astray.
b. She is from Boston, and Reverend Parris distrusts her.
c. She commonly performs minor acts of witchcraft.
d. She is a slave from Barbados who is devoted to Betty.
____ 30. Who is Reverend Parris’s niece?
a. Susanna Walcott c. Mary Warren
b. Abigail Williams d. Mercy Lewis
____ 31. What does Abigail Williams believe about her dismissal from the Proctor’s service?
a. Elizabeth Proctor was hard to please.
b. Elizabeth Proctor drank and blamed Abigail for her drinking.
c. John Proctor did not fire her, but Elizabeth Proctor did.
d. John Proctor liked her and did not want her to work
____ 32. What is Ann Putnam’s greatest grief?
a. Her daughter Ruth is about to die.
b. Seven of her children died in infancy.
c. She is worried about Ruth’s bad behavior.
d. She knows her husband is unfaithful.
____ 33. Why is the Reverend John Hale summoned?
a. He is to settle the dispute between Parris and Parris’s parishioners.
b. The parishioners want him to come and preach instead of Parris.
c. He has legal training and will help with the disputes over property.
d. He is an expert on witchcraft and can help Salem.

Extra Comprehension
The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act One."

____ 34. Which of the following significant events occurs after the play begins?
a. A group of girls dances in the forest.
b. Giles sues Proctor for defamation of character.
c. Abigail accuses Goody Osburn of witchcraft.
d. Ruth Putnam acts strangely.
____ 35. The setting of the play is
a. Salem, Massachusetts, 1692 c. Boston, Massachusetts, 1692
b. Salem, Massachusetts, 1630 d. Beverly, Massachusetts, 1630
____ 36. What did Tituba do in the forest?
a. She danced with the girls
b. She accused four women of witchcraft.
c. She tried to conjure dead children.
d. She sang songs of Barbados.
____ 37. What does John Proctor predict will happen to Abigail before she is twenty?
a. She will be accused of witchcraft.
b. She will be put in the stocks.
c. She will be forced to leave Salem.
d. She will be put to work for the Putnams.
____ 38. Under duress, Tituba says all but which of the following?
a. The Devil wants Mr. Parris killed.
b. She gave Abigail chicken blood to drink.
c. She did not compact with the Devil.
d. Five women came with the Devil.
____ 39. In the Overture of Act One, Miller says that Salem was run as a
a. monarchy c. oligarchy
b. theocracy d. autocracy
____ 40. Which of the following best describes John Proctor?
a. intelligent and independent c. meek and shy
b. pious and religious d. jovial and light-hearted
____ 41. According to Miller, the reason the Massachusetts Colony survived was that the Puritans were
a. well-educated and ambitious c. motivated mainly by desire for profit
b. rugged individualists d. a tightly controlled, communal society
____ 42. The Salem witch trials were probably motivated by all of the these except
a. lust for neighbors’ land c. religious superstition
b. fear of Indian attacks d. jealousy and meanness
____ 43. At the beginning of the play when his daughter, Betty, falls ill, Reverend Parris appears to be most concerned
a. Betty’s health c. Mrs. Putnam’s opinions
b. Tituba’s honesty d. his own reputation

Reading Skills and Strategies: Interpreting a Text

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act One."

____ 44. Arthur Miller gives us valuable information about Abigail’s character when he says in a stage direction
that she
a. hates Reverend Parris
b. has a great capacity for lying
c. likes men too much
d. has too much influence over the other girls
____ 45. Betty is likely to be in a trancelike state because
a. she fears punishment for being caught dancing in the woods
b. she has been spoiled by her father and is trying to get his attention
c. she feels upset about losing her mother
d. she does not like Tituba and wants to get her in trouble
____ 46. A possible motivation for later accusations of witchcraft is suggested by all of the following except
a. John Proctor’s disapproval of Reverend Parris
b. Putnam’s land dispute with Giles Corey
c. Abigail’s interest in John Proctor
d. Hale’s statement that Betty is a witch

Literary Element: Motivation

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act One."

____ 47. When Abigail threatens Betty, Abigail is motivated by her

a. jealousy of Betty’s pampered life as the daughter of a minister
b. need for attention in the village because she is an orphan
c. fear of the villagers knowing everything they did in the woods
d. fear that Tituba will be accused of witchcraft
____ 48. Abigail accuses Goody Good and Goody Osburn of witchcraft because
a. she is angry with John Proctor for rejecting her
b. the accusations seem to be a way to cause Parris trouble
c. something evil happened to the girls in the forest
d. she can persuade Mrs. Putnam and not be punished
____ 49. Giles Corey says that his wife has been reading strange books because he
a. is angry and wants his wife to be punished
b. wants to see if Reverend Hale knows about witches
c. wants to ask about something he thinks is important
d. thinks his wife may be a witch

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Three."

____ 50. Deputy Governor Danforth

a. seems proud and does not like his authority challenged
b. is eager to hear Giles Corey’s defense of his wife
c. believes that the girls accusing the women of witchcraft are frauds
d. is an ignorant, humorless man who refuses to listen to evidence
____ 51. When John Proctor appears at the General Court with evidence that the accusations are frauds,
a. he is accused of being a witch by Judge Hathorne
b. Ezekiel Cheever says that John plows on Sundays
c. he is not allowed to see Elizabeth
d. Hale accepts his deposition
____ 52. What is the deal that Danforth tries to make with John Proctor?
a. The court will read his deposition if he acknowledges that he is a witch.
b. If he presents the deposition in open court, Danforth will hear it.
c. If he will drop charges, Danforth will not try Elizabeth for a year.
d. If John can get one hundred villagers to sign the deposition, Danforth will hear it.
____ 53. In Act Three the person who begins to have doubts about the rightness of the witch trials is
a. Ezekiel Cheever c. Thomas Putnam
b. Judge Hathorne d. Reverend John Hale
____ 54. Who is the richest man in the village who can afford to buy the land forfeited by George Jacobs if Jacobs
hangs as a witch?
a. Deputy Governor Danforth c. Thomas Putnam
b. Giles Corey d. Ezekiel Cheever
____ 55. What does Judge Hathorne ask Mary Warren to do in court that she cannot do?
a. pray c. send out her spirit
b. faint d. recite the Ten Commandments
____ 56. What does Abigail Williams do as soon as Danforth begins to question her?
a. She begins to cry and behave hysterically.
b. She says that Elizabeth Proctor sent her spirit out.
c. She says that they must all beware of the Devil.
d. She threatens Danforth.
____ 57. What secret does John Proctor reveal to prove the girls are lying?
a. He says that Abigail seeks vengeance.
b. He confesses that he does not like Reverend Parris or the church.
c. He says that Abigail told him that she was going to accuse Elizabeth.
d. He says that he promised to marry Abigail if anything happened to Elizabeth.
____ 58. What does John tell the court about his wife?
a. She is about to confess. c. She will not lie.
b. She will charge Abigail with murder. d. She is pregnant.
____ 59. How do the girls in the courtroom terrorize Mary Warren?
a. They give her a poppet that looks like her.
b. They repeat everything that she says.
c. They tell the court that she has cast a spell on John.
d. They say that they see the Devil talking to her.
____ 60. Who is taken to jail at the end of Act Three?
a. Martha Corey and John Proctor c. Giles Corey and John Proctor
b. Mary Warren and Martha Corey d. Elizabeth Proctor and Mary Warren

Extra Comprehension
The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Three."

____ 61. Deputy Governor Danforth initially dismisses Giles Corey because of his
a. age c. connections
b. wealth d. reputation
____ 62. Danforth suspects that Proctor views the court mainly with
a. respect c. uncertainty
b. fear d. contempt
____ 63. Why does Danforth dismiss Giles’ deposition?
a. Putnam denies what Giles reports.
b. The court does not believe Giles’ word.
c. Giles will not reveal the name of his source.
d. Giles’ deposition was not written by a lawyer.
____ 64. The climax of Act Three occurs when
a. Mary Warren renounces her deposition
b. Abigail says she is innocent
c. Danforth threatens John Proctor
d. John Proctor accuses Abigail
____ 65. At the end of Act Three, Hale is disgusted with
a. Mary Warren c. the court proceedings
b. Proctor d. his role in the problem
____ 66. Danforth has signed many death warrants, and so has
a. Parris c. Herrick
b. Hale d. Putnam
____ 67. Giles believes that Putnam’s motivation for accusing people of witchcraft is
a. revenge c. lust
b. fear d. greed
____ 68. What does Abigail succeed in doing in this act?
a. She regains Proctor's affection.
b. She convinces Hale that she is trustworthy.
c. She wins Mary Warren back to her side.
d. She proves that Proctor is a lecher.
____ 69. Why does Mary seem to change her mind about telling the truth?
a. She is scared of Abigail and the others.
b. She has seen a vision.
c. Proctor tells her all is lost.
d. Hale bullies her into capitulating.
____ 70. Abigail and the girls say they see
a. a five-legged dragon c. two monarch butterflies
b. a yellow bird d. a goat

Reading Skills and Strategies: Interpreting a Text

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Three."

____ 71. Parris’s concerns about the depositions presented suggest all of the following except that he
a. wants to see justice done
b. believes he can advance his career if the trial goes well
c. believes he can get rid of the people who oppose him
d. is worried about people finding out the truth
____ 72. Abigail triumphs for all of the following reasons except
a. Danforth believes her and not John c. Elizabeth lies to save her husband
b. Mary Warren rejoins the girls d. John denounces the trials

Literary Element: Motivation

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Three."

____ 73. Danforth does not want to find out that the girls’ accusations are false because he
a. will not be able to acquire the victims’ land
b. will be blamed for the deaths of innocent people
c. is afraid people will think him ignorant of the law
d. does not want his involvement with Abigail revealed
____ 74. Elizabeth’s motivation for lying about John’s affair with Abigail is that
a. she is embarrassed and does not want anyone to know
b. the villagers will think she has been a bad wife
c. she is afraid that John will be arrested as a witch
d. she loves John and wants to protect him

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Two."

____ 75. Mary Warren

a. accuses Elizabeth Proctor of being a witch
b. claims that she is an official of the court trying witches
c. lies to Reverend Hale
d. does not like either Elizabeth or John Proctor
____ 76. When he comes in from planting, what suggestion does John Proctor make to his wife concerning the house?
a. He wants her to make Mary Warren clean it.
b. He says that the house is dark and dreary.
c. He says because their family is larger, they need more room.
d. He suggests that she bring in some flowers.
____ 77. Elizabeth is afraid that her husband
a. thinks that she is a witch c. is drawn to Mary Warren
b. is still interested in Abigail Williams d. is too harsh with Abigail Williams
____ 78. The people who have been accused of being witches by the court may save themselves from hanging by
a. praying and saying the Lord’s Prayer
b. accusing other people of being witches
c. confessing to being witches
d. denying that they are witches and reciting Biblical passages
____ 79. What reason does John Proctor give Reverend Hale for his absence from church?
a. He does not think Reverend Parris is godly.
b. He needs the time to work his farm.
c. His children have been frequently ill.
d. God does not require constant church attendance.
____ 80. Hale comes to the Proctors’ house
a. to get John’s help to stop the witch trials
b. to find out why Elizabeth has not been at church
c. to ask the Proctors some questions
d. because he knows that the girls are all lying about seeing witches
____ 81. Which commandment does John forget when Hale asks him to recite the Ten Commandments?
a. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
b. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
c. Thou shalt not steal.
d. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
____ 82. What is Hale’s advice to the Proctors as he prepares to leave their house?
a. He tells both of them to stay away from Abigail Williams.
b. He tells them to go to church and baptize their youngest child.
c. He counsels them to stay away from Salem.
d. He urges Elizabeth to discharge Mary Warren from their service.
____ 83. What is unusual about the doll that Mary Warren makes for Elizabeth?
a. It has a needle stuck in its stomach.
b. It looks like Abigail.
c. Mary made it from corn shucks and shells.
d. It looks like Elizabeth.
____ 84. Ezekiel Cheever is
a. a judge in the court c. a deputy magistrate
b. the clerk of the court d. a doctor in the town
____ 85. As Elizabeth is led away to jail, what does John demand of Mary Warren?
a. that she stay away from the witch trials in the town
b. that she inform the court that Abigail is lying
c. that she take care of the Proctor children until Elizabeth returns
d. that she stop lying and accusing people of being witches

Extra Comprehension
The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Two."

____ 86. Which information does Elizabeth not report to John?

a. The court has accused fourteen people of witchcraft.
b. The court has condemned Sarah Osburn to be hanged.
c. The crowd parts for Abigail like the sea for the Israelites.
d. Mary Warren describes Abigail as though Abigail were a saint.
____ 87. Why does Proctor say he is reluctant to go to Salem and tell what Abigail said to him?
a. He thinks it will be difficult to prove Abigail is lying.
b. He does not want to side with Giles Corey.
c. He is afraid of losing his farm.
d. He is afraid Mary Warren will no longer work for them.
____ 88. During this act, Mary Warren has become
a. meeker c. bolder
b. honest d. independent
____ 89. Which is the strongest evidence against Goody Osburn?
a. She is pregnant.
b. She curses Mary Warren for turning her away.
c. She accuses the girls of lying.
d. She cannot say the Ten Commandments.
____ 90. Hale tests the Proctors by questioning them about all of the following except
a. their relationship c. their church attendance
b. the Ten Commandments d. their belief in witchcraft
____ 91. Who is the leader of the accusers in court?
a. Tituba c. John Proctor
b. The Deputy Governor d. Abigail Williams
____ 92. What does Proctor say when Hale questions him about not going to church?
a. He does not like the Reverend Parris.
b. He has necessary farm work to do.
c. His wife Elizabeth has been ill.
d. His conduct is not Mr. Hale’s business.
____ 93. Which becomes apparent during the course of Act Two?
a. Most people in Salem find the accusers uncreditable.
b. More and more women are being arrested for witchcraft.
c. Hale will realize the error of his way.
d. Elizabeth will be set free after the hearing.
____ 94. What does Elizabeth ask Proctor to do?
a. fire Mary Warren c. speak to Abigail for her sake
b. go to church more regularly d. grant her a divorce
____ 95. What is the most probable cause of the accusation of witchcraft?
a. a desire for vengeance and power
b. a real belief in sorcery
c. a desire to overthrow the government
d. a belief in the triumph of the rational mind

Reading Skills and Strategies: Interpreting a Text

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Two."

____ 96. One of the chief conflicts established in Act Two is between
a. John and Elizabeth Proctor c. John Proctor and John Hale
b. Elizabeth Proctor and Mary Warren d. John Proctor and Ezekiel Cheever
____ 97. Marshal Herrick is shamefaced when he appears at the Proctors’ house because he
a. is drunk
b. has accused Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey of witchcraft
c. comes to take away Elizabeth
d. comes to ask John for money

Literary Element: Motivation

The questions below refer to the selection "The Crucible, Act Two."

____ 98. Mary Warren’s motivation for joining the girls in their accusations of witchcraft is
a. her hatred of John and Elizabeth Proctor
b. that she has been mistreated by some of the women in the village
c. that she is a lonely girl who craves friends and attention
d. that she wants power over others
____ 99. Elizabeth says that Abigail accuses her of being a witch because Abigail
a. is bored and the witchcraft trials are fun for her
b. is still angry at Elizabeth because she made her work so hard
c. is afraid that she herself will be accused of being a witch
d. wants to get rid of Elizabeth so she can have John

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