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Review Article

Cone-beam Computed Tomography for Detecting

Vertical Root Fractures in Endodontically Treated Teeth:
A Systematic Review
Edwin Chang, DDS, MSc, FRCD(C),* Ernest Lam, DMD, MSc, PhD, FRCD(C),*
Prakesh Shah, MD, DCH, MRCP, FRCP(C),†‡ and Amir Azarpazhooh, DDS, MSc, PhD, FRCD(C)‡§k

Introduction: A vertical root fracture (VRF), commonly
found in teeth with endodontic treatment, is challenging
to diagnose and has poor treatment outcomes. Cone-
A vertical root fracture (VRF) is defined as a longitudinally oriented fracture plane
that is confined to the tooth root. The prevalence of VRFs is not well-established, but
it is thought that they are more commonly found in teeth that have undergone endodon-
beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become an tic treatment (1). Clinical studies of endodontically treated teeth that were extracted
increasingly popular imaging modality in endodontics, with the presumption of VRF suggest a prevalence of 2%–5% (2–6), whereas studies
but image artifacts arising from root-filling materials that observed VRFs in extracted endodontically treated teeth report a prevalence of
may hinder VRF detection. The aim of this investigation between 11% and 20% (7, 8). Traditional methods used to diagnose VRFs include
was to conduct a systematic review to assess the diag- transillumination (9), projection radiography (10), bite testing (11), periodontal
nostic ability of CBCT for detecting VRFs in endodonti- probing (3), sinus tract detection (3), and direct visual examination (11). Unfortu-
cally treated teeth. Methods: A systematic review of nately, all of these methods have limited diagnostic reliability because most signs and
in vivo clinical diagnostic literature (initial search symptoms are nonspecific for VRF. Hence, distinguishing VRF from pulpal necrosis,
December 2014, updated August 2015) was conducted. failed root canal treatment, and/or periodontal disease is often challenging (12). Partic-
Assessment of methodological quality was performed ularly in relation to projection radiography, it has been shown that to visualize a VRF, the
by using the modified Quality Assessment of Diagnostic primary beam needs to be within 4 of the fracture plane (13). Moreover, the super-
Accuracy Studies tool. Results: Four studies with a total imposition of surrounding anatomic structures makes visualization of a VRF even more
of 130 patients were included. The reported ranges of difficult (14). Therefore, it is not surprising that a fracture plane is visualized in only
values were 40%–90% for VRF prevalence, 84% approximately one third of VRF cases on periapical radiographs (15). Once a diagnosis
(0.64–0.95) to 100% (0.83–1.00) for sensitivity, 64% is established, the prognosis of a tooth with VRF is poor; there are currently no reliable
(0.35–0.87) to 100% (0.03–1.00) for specificity, 71% methods of treating VRF, and the affected tooth is usually extracted (1). In this context, a
(0.51–0.87) to 100% (0.63–1.00) for positive predictive reliable diagnosis of VRF is of utmost importance to prevent unnecessary extraction of
value, and 50% (0.01–0.99) to 100% (0.84–1.00) for an otherwise treatable tooth.
negative predictive value. All 4 studies revealed multiple Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an imaging modality that uses a
items at high risk or unclear risk of bias. Conclusions: revolving cone-shaped x-ray source projected onto a reciprocating digital flat-panel
Because of the significant imprecision in the range of receptor. The acquired projectional ‘‘basis’’ images are then used to construct a
reported estimates and the biases observed in the three-dimensional volumetric data set that can then be used to reconstruct cross-
included studies, there is currently insufficient evidence sectional images in any plane (16). Compared with conventional multidetector
to suggest that CBCT is a reliable test in detecting CT, CBCT units are typically smaller and less expensive and offer higher-
VRFs in endodontically treated teeth. (J Endod resolution images with lower effective doses to the patient (17). Because of the
2016;42:177–185) limitations of conventional radiography, the application of high-resolution CBCT im-
aging in detecting VRFs has generated considerable interest. Although there are a
Key Words number of ex vivo studies that have attempted to assess the ability of CBCT in
Cone beam computed tomography, diagnosis, review detecting artificially induced VRFs in endodontically treated teeth (18–30), these
literature as topic, tooth fractures findings do not incorporate the associated periradicular changes in the osseous
structures adjacent to the fracture plane, which can often aid in the
interpretation of a VRF (31). In our experience, ruling out VRF in a previously
From the *Discipline of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, endodontically treated tooth is a common reason for CBCT imaging, yet it is one
Faculty of Dentistry, †Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of of the most difficult to interpret because of the presence of imaging artifacts that
Medicine, ‡Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evalua-
tion, Faculty of Medicine, §Discipline of Dental Public Health,
may obscure the putative fracture plane (32). Consequently, the ability of CBCT
Faculty of Dentistry, and kDiscipline of Endodontics, Faculty to detect VRFs in endodontically treated teeth is an important clinical question to
of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. address. The purpose of this systematic review was to investigate the diagnostic
Address requests for reprints to Dr Amir Azarpazhooh, Fac- ability of CBCT in detecting VRFs in endodontically treated teeth. The review format
ulty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Room 515-C, 124 Ed- and methodology strictly adhere to those recommended by the Cochrane Collabora-
ward Street, Toronto, PM M5G 1G6, Canada. E-mail address: tion for diagnostic tests of accuracy as well as users’ guide to studies of diagnosis
0099-2399/$ - see front matter (33–35).
Copyright ª 2016 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE — Volume 42, Number 2, February 2016 CBCT for Detecting VRFs 177
Review Article
Methods by using a piloted data collection form (Table 2). The modified Quality
Criteria for Considering Studies for This Review Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies checklist, as recommended
by the Cochrane Handbook for Diagnostic Tests of Accuracy (40), was
Types of Studies. Prospective or retrospective clinical diagnostic applied by the 2 review authors (E.C., A.A.) for the independent assess-
studies with a consecutive period of patient enrollment were considered ment of risk of bias in the included studies. Any disagreements at these
for inclusion. steps were resolved through discussion and consensus or by consulting
Participants. Studies reporting on human subjects with at least 1 the other review authors (E.L., P.S.). The software Meta-DiSc 1.4 (41)
endodontically treated permanent tooth suspected of having VRF on was used to calculate descriptive statistics of sensitivity, specificity, and
the basis of existing clinical signs and symptoms (ie, sensitivity to per- positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) and to plot data
cussion, pain on biting and release, and/or localized periradicular bone on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plane, which is a plot of
loss and deep probing depths) were included. To eliminate VRF cases sensitivity as a function of 1 – specificity.
with grossly distracted root fragments that do not pose a sufficient diag-
nostic dilemma (33–35), the fracture plane must not have been
visualized on periapical radiographs. Results
Index Test. The index test was CBCT imaging, regardless of the gen- Results of the Search
eration of development of the instrument, field-of-view size, voxel size, In total, we identified 2360 records through electronic database
and exposure parameters such as milliamperes, time, and kilovolt peak. searches. After screening for abstracts, 2337 records were removed.
Target Condition. The target condition was VRFs involving any per- We retrieved the full-text versions of the remaining 23 records and
manent endodontically treated tooth. Fractures that run approximately excluded 19 articles that did not meet our inclusion criteria
horizontal to the long axis of the tooth root were excluded. (Table 3). The remaining 4 records were analyzed in the review
(Fig. 1). These studies were clinically significantly heterogeneous, so
Reference Standards. The reference standard was direct obser- a priori decision was made to conduct only systematic review and
vation of the tooth root surface via orthograde retreatment, exploratory
not meta-analyses (50).
open-flap surgery, or visual inspection of extracted teeth without or with
the aid of stains. Studies with incomplete reference testing, whereby only
index test positive cases were subjected to reference testing, were Findings
excluded (33–35). The sample sizes of the 4 included studies ranged from 10 (39) to
49 (38). The patients were selected from a wide age range and varied
geographic locations, including the United States (36), Europe (37),
Search Methods for Identification of Studies
China (38), and Iran (39). The calculated prevalence of VRF (ie, prob-
We searched through a comprehensive list of electronic databases
ability of VRF before CBCT) ranged from 40% (38) to 90% (39). The
and indices as well as other resources to identify potentially relevant
index test consisted of CBCT machines of varying models and imaging
published or unpublished studies, with no language or publication re-
parameters, and the interpreters consisted of oral radiologists and/or
strictions (Table 1). The reference lists of relevant review articles and
endodontists. There was a large variation in the reported agreement
included studies were also hand-searched.
values among the interpreters; 2 of the studies did not report any
intra-rater or inter-rater scores (36, 39), 1 study reported a wide
Data Collection and Analysis range of intra-rater and inter-rater agreement scores ranging from
Two review authors (E.C., A.A.) independently reviewed and 51% to 100% and 25% to 79%, respectively (37), and 1 study reported
selected relevant studies from the search results and extracted data very good inter-rater agreement (94%) (38). The reference tests

TABLE 1. Summary Table of Search Strategy

Search strategy Time period
Electronic databases/indices
MEDLINE (via OVID) 1946 to November 2014
EMBASE (via OVID) 1980 to week 47 2014
AMED (via OVID) 1985 to November 2014
Ovid Healthstar (via OVID) 1966 to October 2014
Science Citation Index Expanded (via Web of Science) Inception to December 1, 2014
BIOSIS Citation Index (via Web of Science) Inception to December 1, 2014
BIOSIS Previews (via Web of Science) Inception to December 1, 2014
National Technology Information Service (via ProQuest) Inception to December 2, 2014
LILACS Inception to December 8, 2014
MEDION Inception to December 8, 2014
Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (via CNKI) Inception to December 8, 2014
Turning Research Into Practice (TRIP) Inception to December 8, 2014
Scopus Inception to December 8, 2014
Grey literature search
ProQuest Theses and Dissertations (via ProQuest) Inception to December 8, 2014
System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe (SIGLE) Inception to December 8, 2014
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (via Web of Science) Inception to December 8, 2014
COS Conference Papers Index (via ProQuest) Inception to December 8, 2014
Google Scholar (first 100 hits by using the search terms ‘‘cone beam’’ and ‘‘root fracture’’) December 8, 2014
Annual meeting proceedings of the American Association of Endodontists Inception to 2014
Annual meeting proceedings of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Inception to 2014
Annual meeting proceedings of the International Association of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology Inception to 2014
Annual meeting proceedings of the International Association of Dental Research Inception to 2014

178 Chang et al. JOE — Volume 42, Number 2, February 2016

TABLE 2. Summary of Characteristics of the Included Studies
JOE — Volume 42, Number 2, February 2016

Study Edlund et al, 2011 (36) Metska et al, 2012 (37) Wang et al, 2011 (38) Kajan et al, 2012 (39)
Patient characteristics
Endodontically treated 32 39 49 10
Patient demographics 29 adults (ages 20–70 y) 39 patients (unknown age range) 128 adults (68 men, 60 women, 10 adults (1 man, 9 women, ages
ages 22–82 y, median age, 45) 21–70 y)
Geographic location Florida Amsterdam, the Netherlands People’s Republic of China Rasht, Iran
VRF prevalence 75% 64% 40% 90%
Study characteristics
Study design Prospective cohort Prospective cohort Retrospective cohort Prospective cohort
Study setting Academic institution Academic institution Academic institution Academic institution
Inclusion criteria Signs and symptoms of VRF (pain on Signs and symptoms of VRF (pain on Signs and symptoms of VRF (pain Signs and symptoms of VRF (pain
percussion, localized bone loss percussion, deep isolated on mastication or percussion, on mastication or percussion,
and deep periodontal pocket) periodontal pocket, sinus tracts, halo periodontal pockets, sinus apical swelling, repetitive
or J-shaped radiolucency on tracts, inconsistent working fistulas, halo-like
periapical radiograph) length determination) radiolucency, apical or lateral
radiolucency, angular crestal
bone loss)
Exclusion criteria VRFs evident on periapical None declared Cases related to acute trauma VRFs evident on periapical
radiographs or those medically radiographs
unfit for endodontic surgery Cases with teeth for which
surgical intervention was not
Index test
CBCT model (voxel size) iCAT 3G (125 mm) 3D Accuitomo NewTom 3G (200 mm) 3D Accuitomo 3DX Accuitomo (125 mm) NewTom VG (150 mm)
(80 mm) (80 mm)
Imaging parameters 0.125 mm voxels 0.08 mm voxels 3.9–5.6 mA, 110 kV, 5 mA, 90 kV, 17.5 s, 5 mA, 80 kV, 0.125 mm 18–20 s, 5.5 mA, 110 kV, 0.15 mm
0.2 mm voxels 0.08 mm voxels voxels
Interpreter(s) 2 board-certified oral and 3 endodontists with CBCT 2 oral radiologists with >5 years 1 maxillofacial radiologist and 1
maxillofacial radiologists training of clinical experience with endodontist, each with
CBCT >10 years of professional work
Pre-study calibrations? Yes Yes Yes, using 10% of the cases. No
These cases were re-used in
the final study.
Blinding? Interpreters blinded to patient’s Interpreters blinded to patient’s signs Not specified Radiologist performed initial
signs and symptoms and symptoms blinded interpretation,
endodontist (aware of
patient’s symptoms) aided
radiologist in final consensus
CBCT for Detecting VRFs

Agreement Not specified Intraobserver: Kappa coefficient between the 2 N/A

NewTom 3G: 0.51–0.83 observers: 0.94

Review Article
3D Accuitomo 170: 0.81–1.00 Between observer A and
Interclass correlation coefficients consensus interpretation: 0.95
(first interpretation, second Between observer B and
interpretation): consensus interpretation: 0.95
NewTom 3G: 0.25, 0.26
3D Accuitomo 170: 0.79, 0.71
(Continued )
Review Article
consisted of surgical exploration, orthograde retreatment, and/or tooth
extraction (Table 2).
The sensitivity values varied from 84% (0.64–0.95) to 100%
Kajan et al, 2012 (39)

(0.83–1.00), and the specificity values varied from 64% (0.35–0.87)

to 100% (0.03–1.00) (Fig. 2). The PPV ranged from 71% (0.51–
0.87) to 100% (0.63–1.00), and NPV ranged from 50% (0.01–
Tooth extraction

0.99) to 100% (0.84–1.00) (Fig. 3). Particularly, the NPV of Kajan

et al (39) was equivocal. By plotting these values in the ROC plane,
it can be observed that the 4 included studies are loosely clustered
in the upper left-hand corner and above the reference line (Figs. 4).

Methodological Quality of Included Studies

The risk of bias assessment of the included studies, using QUADAS
checklist, is presented in Supplemental Table S1 (Supplemental Table
Surgical exploration or tooth
Wang et al, 2011 (38)

S1 is available online at Overall, the included

studies demonstrated a high risk of bias, with each study having 3 or
more items at high or unclear risk of bias (Table 4). The most common
items of concern were the following:
1. An unspecified period of time between index testing and refer-

ence testing: It is uncertain whether the delay between the tests may
have altered the outcome or detection of disease (36, 37, 39).
2. A differential verification bias: It is uncertain whether the index

test result may have influenced which reference test the patient

received, potentially leading to a bias in disease confirmation

Orthograde retreatment, endodontic

3. A lack of reporting of test transparency: It is uncertain whether

microsurgery, or tooth extraction

those performing the reference test were blinded to the index test
Metska et al, 2012 (37)

results (36–39) because having prior knowledge of the CBCT

interpretation may have altered the clinician’s ability to surgically
detect a VRF.
4. Lack of sufficient clinical data available to the interpreters: In-
terpreters in 2 studies (36, 37) were blinded to the patient’s signs
and symptoms and preexisting clinical records, which in practice
should be available to the reporting clinician (40).
Despite having the largest sample size (n = 49), the study by Wang
et al (38) demonstrated the highest risk of bias, with 3 items at high risk

of bias and 2 items with an unclear risk of bias. Furthermore, because


some patients who did not undergo surgical intervention were excluded
from this study, the disease prevalence may have been inflated. In addi-
tion, 10% of cases that were initially used for calibration in this study
Edlund et al, 2011 (36)

were later reused in the final analysis; this may have led to an overesti-
mation of diagnostic ability.
Surgical exploration

This systematic review explored the diagnostic ability of CBCT in de-
tecting VRFs in endodontically treated teeth. Four studies were considered
suitable for inclusion, yet they all demonstrated a high risk of bias. We
initially planned for a meta-analysis by using a multivariate hierarchical
summary ROC curve model as recommended by the Cochrane Collabora-

tion (51) to derive pooled estimates of diagnostic accuracy measures.

However, because of the small number of included studies and marked
clinical heterogeneity, a meta-analysis could not be performed.
We identified a significant imprecision in the reported ranges of
TABLE 2. (Continued )

diagnostic ability. This imprecision is a direct reflection of the limited

False negatives
True negatives
Reference test

False positives

True positives

sample sizes used in these clinical studies, the great variability in how
Reference test

Study results

the studies were conducted, the different CBCT models and imaging pa-
rameters used, the different types of reference testing used, and the
potentially different populations under study.
The results of this review should be interpreted with caution.
Because of the relatively subjective nature of radiologic interpretation,

180 Chang et al. JOE — Volume 42, Number 2, February 2016

Review Article
TABLE 3. Table of Excluded Studies and Reasons for Exclusion
Study Reason for exclusion
Chen et al, Chinese J Stomatol 2014;49:513–6 Collectively examined both endodontically treated and non-
endodontically treated teeth without separate analyses for each type.
Ding et al (42), 2012 Collectively examined both endodontically treated and non-
endodontically treated teeth without separate analyses for each type.
Du et al (43), 2010 Did not specify which teeth (if any) were endodontically treated.
Liu et al (44), 2013 Did not specify which teeth (if any) were endodontically treated.
Liu et al (45), 2010 Did not specify which teeth (if any) were endodontically treated.
Ning et al (46), 2011 Collectively examined both endodontically treated and non-
endodontically treated teeth without separate analyses for each type.
Qin et al (47), 2011 Did not specify which teeth (if any) were endodontically treated.
Xie et al, J Clin Stomatol 2013;29:27–30 Did not specify which teeth (if any) were endodontically treated. Also, only
cases tested positive by CBCT were subjected to reference testing.
Xue et al (48), 2011 Collectively examined both endodontically treated and non-
endodontically treated teeth without separate analyses for each type.
Yan et al (49), 2011 Collectively examined both endodontically treated and non-
endodontically treated teeth without separate analyses for each type.
Yin et al, Hebei Med 2014;20:95–7 Did not specify which teeth (if any) were endodontically treated.
Zhang et al, Chinese J Aesthetic Med 2013;22:22–4 Did not specify which teeth (if any) were endodontically treated. Also, only
cases tested positive by CBCT were subjected to reference testing.
Zhou et al, Stomatology 2013;33:810–2 Collectively examined both endodontically treated and non-
endodontically treated teeth without separate analyses for each type.
Youssefzadeh et al, Radiology 1999;210:545–9 The index test was multi-detector CT, not CBCT.
Chavda et al, J Endod 2014;40:1524–9 Observers were instructed to ignore changes in the periradicular osseous
structures and only examine the tooth roots.
Komatsu et al, Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2014; Observers only analyzed changes to the periradicular osseous structures,
43:20140256 without examining the tooth roots.
Bernardes et al (14), 2009 Used clinical signs and symptoms as a reference standard, which is not valid.
Bornstein et al, Dent Traumatol 2009;25:571–7 Did not confirm imaging findings with a reference standard; only compared
detection rate of projectional imaging versus CBCT. Also, analysis
included only horizontal root fractures.
Wang et al, Chin J Dent Res 2010;13:31–5 Only cases tested positive by CBCT were subjected to reference testing.
Zhu et al, J Oral Sci Res 2013;29:620–6 Only cases tested positive by CBCT were subjected to reference testing.

another source of variability is the possibility of positivity threshold ef-

fects that can directly affect the final sensitivity and specificity values
(51). For instance, a more conservative observer who interprets root
fractures as present only if they clearly see a distracted fracture plane
centered within a region of periradicular bone loss may produce higher
specificity and lower sensitivity values as compared with a less conser-
vative observer who records fracture presence despite seeing similarly
appearing imaging artifacts nearby. Because of the range of observers’
training (ie, oral radiologists versus endodontists) and experience, this
may be another significant source of variability. Furthermore, these
findings may not be reflective of other clinicians interpreting these im-
ages, including general practitioners. Because of the limited number of
included studies, an objective analysis of the magnitude of threshold ef-
fects cannot be performed. Moreover, the results presented from the
included studies were based on interpretations from oral radiologists
and/or endodontists with CBCT training. In fact, the reproducibility of
the 4 included studies is also questionable; there was dramatic variation
in the reported agreement scores, and 2 studies did not report any
agreement scores (36, 39).
As a result of multiple sources of bias, the validity of these findings
may also be questionable, with the largest sample size study having the
greatest bias (38). Also, the generalizability of these findings is unclear
because of the different CBCT systems and imaging parameters used be-
tween the different studies. Although there is no clinical evidence to sug-
gest any significant differences in diagnostic ability between these
variables, there is limited in vitro evidence that suggests that different
Figure 1. Study flow diagram showing the process of selection of records and voxel sizes (100 mm versus 300 mm) may result in differences in VRF
studies for the systematic review. The diagram represents the initial search in detection, particularly among inexperienced interpreters (52). Last,
December 2014. An updated search in August 2015 at the time of this manu- because the patient populations of the included studies spanned multi-
script’s submission did not reveal any additional studies relevant for inclusion. ple different geographic regions from around the world, it should be

JOE — Volume 42, Number 2, February 2016 CBCT for Detecting VRFs 181
Review Article

Figure 2. Summary plots showing the different ranges of reported sensitivity

and specificity values of studies that used CBCT for detecting VRFs in endodon-
tically treated teeth. CI, confidence interval.

cautioned that local differences in diet, chewing habits, and methods of

endodontic/restorative treatment may predispose certain populations
to a VRF (53–56).
Our findings are not in agreement with a 2013 meta-analysis (57)
that evaluated the diagnostic ability of CBCT in detecting any type of root
fracture (vertical and horizontal) in both endodontically and non-
endodontically treated teeth. They reported pooled estimates of sensi-
Figure 4. The ROC plot of studies that used CBCT for detecting VRFs in
tivity of 92% (0.89–0.94) and of specificity of 85% (0.75–0.92) and endodontically treated teeth. The graph displays the distribution of the true-
suggested that CBCT is a highly discriminative test, but its sensitivity positive rate (sensitivity) as a function of the false-positive rate (1 – specificity)
was decreased in the presence of endodontic treatment. It should be of the included studies. The dashed diagonal line represents the reference
appreciated that although meta-analysis can be a powerful and informa- line along which the diagnostic test becomes non-discriminative.
tive tool, its results may also be misleading if care is not taken to ensure
that the pooled information is reflective of the clinical question at hand (55, 62) unique to the Chinese. Because all 8 Chinese language studies
(58). First, the authors used a univariate model of weighted averaging, a included in the meta-analysis by Long et al (57) examined patients with
meta-analysis technique for which a necessary prerequisite is relatively non-endodontically treated teeth, the potential difference in reported
homogeneous studies with minimum between-study variation and root fracture prevalence between the Chinese language publications
threshold effects (41). Unfortunately, such an assumption is rarely (90%–100% reported in 8 studies [42–49]) and the English
true in diagnostic accuracy studies owing to the wide array of different language publications (40%–90% reported in the remaining 4
study designs, variations in index and reference testing, and different studies [36–39]) may have introduced further heterogeneity in the
positivity thresholds (50), as we have shown. More statistically rigorous meta-analysis that was unaccounted for. Taken together, although the
multivariate models that can accurately account for between-study het- pooled results were derived from 12 studies, these studies differed
erogeneity such as threshold effects (50, 59) were not used in the significantly in their patient spectra (Chinese patients versus non-
analysis, a fact that may have ultimately compromised the statistical Chinese patients), target conditions (horizontal versus vertical root
validity of their results. Second, the unusually high prevalence values fractures), and covariates that may significantly alter diagnostic ability
reported in the Chinese literature may be reflective of differences in (endodontically treated versus non-treated teeth). Therefore, the
study design and reporting practices, healthcare delivery systems and appropriateness and clinical significance of statistically pooling data
referral patterns, and cultures and practices inherent to the Chinese from such a heterogeneous set of studies are questionable.
population. Interestingly, there are a number of published case We are in agreement with 2 recent systematic reviews. Corbella
reports and case series that suggest that the Chinese may be at a et al (63) attempted to assess diagnostic ability of CBCT in VRF detection
particularly high risk of developing a VRF in non-endodontically treated in both endodontically treated and non-endodontically treated teeth by
teeth, a phenomenon not reported elsewhere (55, 56, 60–62). This separately analyzing both in vivo and ex vivo studies and concluded
is thought to be related to specific diets (56) and/or chewing patterns that because of a very limited number of studies and significant hetero-
geneity in study characteristics and reported outcomes, there is
currently no evidence to suggest that CBCT testing can provide any addi-
tional diagnostic benefit to VRF detection in teeth with endodontic treat-
ment. Rosen et al (64) examined the diagnostic efficacy hierarchy of
CBCT in endodontics and concluded that there is currently insufficient
evidence to support that CBCT usage is diagnostically efficacious, mean-
ing that its potential impact in improving patients’ outcomes and
reducing the cost-benefit ratio to society is questionable.
Within the past decade, CBCT has quickly evolved to become an
imaging modality that is increasingly used in the clinical practice of
dentistry (16). Particularly within the specialty of endodontics, signifi-
cant increases in CBCT usage have been reported on the basis of a
Figure 3. Summary plots showing the different ranges of reported PPVs and Web-based survey of active members of the American Association of
NPVs of studies that used CBCT for detecting VRFs in endodontically treated Endodontists in the United States and Canada; 34.2% of respondents
teeth. CI, confidence interval. said they used CBCT, with the diagnosis of pathosis and preoperative

182 Chang et al. JOE — Volume 42, Number 2, February 2016

Review Article
TABLE 4. Risk of Bias Assessment Summary Table
Modified Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies checklist
Edlund et al, Metska et al, Wang et al, Kajan et al,
2011 (36) 2012 (37) 2011 (38) 2012 (39)
Representative spectrum? Yes Yes No Yes
Acceptable reference standard? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Acceptable delay between tests? Unclear Unclear Yes Unclear
Partial verification avoided? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Differential verification avoided? Yes Unclear No No
Incorporation bias avoided? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Index test results blinded during reference testing? Unclear Unclear Unclear Unclear
Reference standard results blinded during index testing? Yes Yes No Yes
Relevant clinical information provided? No No Unclear Yes
Uninterpretable results reported? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Withdrawals explained? Yes Yes Yes Yes

assessment being cited as the most common reasons for imaging (65). Implications for Practice
Because of the increased uptake of CBCT, the possibility of indiscrimi- For a patient who has undergone CBCT testing, the most clin-
nant prescription and unjustified reliance on a test of unclear diagnostic ically relevant question is ‘‘what is the probability that the interpre-
ability is concerning. As with all other imaging modalities involving tation of presence or absence of VRF is correct (ie, PPV or NPV,
ionizing radiation, the principles of as low as reasonably achievable respectively)?’’ To answer this, the clinician must first understand
must be upheld when ordering CBCT images, because it is currently the relationship between disease prevalence (ie, pre-test probability)
accepted that any exposure to ionizing radiation could lead to poten- and the PPV (ie, post-test probability). When disease prevalence is
tially deleterious stochastic effects (66). high, PPV is also high. But in a population with low prevalence, the
Moreover, the financial burden to the patient and/or the health- PPV also decreases correspondingly. In fact, the lower the sensitivity
care system must also be considered. To our knowledge, a small and specificity of a test, the stronger the relationship between prev-
(<8-cm diameter) field-of-view CBCT scan in Ontario, Canada currently alence and predictive values (70). Therefore, disease prevalence in
costs at least $125 CAD, whereas the suggested fee for conventional a population must first be elucidated, and this value is highly depen-
periapical radiographs according to the Ontario Dental Association is dent on the clinical pathway the patient had undergone before
significantly less ($20 CAD) (67). Considering that CBCT is more costly testing. To maximize the chances of detecting a VRF by using
and potentially more harmful as compared with periapical radiography CBCT, the clinician’s best tools still consist of what is done before
(63), the decision to order a CBCT, as jointly outlined by the American the CBCT (ie, a thorough clinical examination and recognizing the
Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and the American Associ- signs and symptoms that are suggestive of a VRF). As such, the cur-
ation of Endodontists, must only be considered ‘‘if clinical examination rent literature must be interpreted with caution because they could
and 2D intraoral radiography are inconclusive in the detection of ver- possibly mislead practitioners toward a non–evidence-based uptake
tical root fracture’’ (68). Moreover, as per European guidelines out- of CBCT for purposes of VRF detection. To further illustrate the
lined by the SEDENTEXCT project, clinicians must keep in mind that complexity of diagnostic accuracy testing and its strong dependence
even if CBCT imaging is undertaken, ‘‘the weight of evidence suggests on disease prevalence, refer to the clinical scenario defined
that root fillings and posts [will] limit diagnostic accuracy’’ (69). in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Clinical scenarios. NPV, negative predictive value, the probability of a negative test result being truly negative; PPV, positive predictive value, the prob-
ability of a positive test result being truly positive; VRF, vertical root fracture. *Assuming that CBCT examination is performed and interpreted by an experienced
clinician. †Estimated from the Edlund et al study (41). ‡The most conservative estimates, that is, the lowest end of the reported ranges identified in our review.
sensitivityprevalence specificityð1prevalenceÞ
PPV ¼ sensitivityprevalence þ ð1specificityÞð1prevalenceÞ: NPV ¼ ð1sensitivityÞprevalence þ specificityð1prevalenceÞ: Reported in (1–8).
¶ #

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