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20, Check your vocabulary, Do the crossword, ~ Elenérzze sz6knesét Fejese meg a kerest. rejevene! - 3 They ase 0.60 7 Se FF ‘oe ee 2. Bedridden 7 aor Bi someDoa Frequer hiness OF / — Il ADDITIONAL EXERCISES _ NAL EXERCES UNIT Word-search. Can you fn the words? There are 14 altogether Srokeres6, Megtallia a szavakat? -etreectink el Answers: 2. Fillin the sentences with apart of the body ~ Ira bea mondatokbaahisnyz6testrészeket! The doctor examined me from t Featay while Iwas skng some bread yesterday They hein i pen your and say’ — the doctor tld the pers when fehad a car acidet last month and is eft. ie stilin ster. Myson needs gasses. His are not so good. ter we wear a scarf around Ou the doctor to get some mene for he. sche, She could not hear wel ADDITONAL EXERCISES UNIT2. 4. Which boaly systems do the following belong to? Melyk szervrendszerher tartoznak? blood ves 4.2) dently the word from the description. - Tali ka sz ales alapi! wwe can change pice with them a int between the wer arm and the hand 1b) Now gh similar descriptions ofthe folowing organs and parts ofthe body. ~ Iron hasonls seomagyarizatokat! 5. Did you know? Decide If the following facts are true or false. Check the Internet or ask your teicher i necessary. ~Todta? Dents el, hogy lgazak vagy hamisakce az albbiMiksoké 1, vagy kéederzen a tandrétl! Ha saikséiges,hasznla a2 interne ce ofthe ung is ge a tems court Wie lowe half four taste bud ater the ae f 60. The hardest bone in the body the sha soe ofthe hes isnot equa our et ig ja it bigger tan he rho heal grows the fastest on our il ge — ] UNIT3, 6.8) Read the text, Otassa ola szveget! “There are Coundessstuties ond aces on she Insernee discussing the harmful effects OF Fase {20d ahd june F00d on our body. Ye, mons OF banburgers, cheeseburgers. hoe dos, French fries, snakes, sof rinks and apple pls ar sold al ver the word every de ‘unatcan she reagoné be bend eer popular? ‘Oe indisputable advantage OF these Foods is ehee ey are delicious. ASD, the sevice In Fase Food restaurans is lek you donot have e Queue ond fOr YOur meal s0 we Can say eat etn ina fase od reseuran scomweniene. They ar usualy sicuaad In Ce ener and bY he mon roads ‘Ai al having lunch ir our puried won is very aetracve For Bus eople. What do fase food andunk Food contin {i congrast ute tetra the nrecencs are noe o usu for she bor. Gch Food Conta eh eve oF foe, carbohidates, and very Uke amoune oF nutrients. Tey aso ack Fbres, amine ard mines 1 opponenes oF Fast 400d are Comvnced ehae ee most hamUl eFFECE OF eese meas isn heir seciceve ireaions “Among she elseases caused by the excessve Consumption of Junk Food are iNer damages cue “othe sabiers and ar ofa Fats eae are used in produc them and Carciovascularcseases Lubin ae eriggered by sper igh cholesterol content. “Ther high evo sugar and reserve Conene leads co Obes espetalynchiren other ee in Favour oF Fas Food restaurants 1) Answer the questions, -Valaszola meg akérdéseket! What are the advantages fast food restaurants! Whatingredionss does Wich of the eflec offast ood is the most harm! Vare Some of te eases fast food can cause CONTENTS / TARTALOM |. PARTS OF THE BODY (Idioms, tas, the man parts of 2, HUMAN ANATOMY (Boy syste, ora 3, WHAT DOES HEALTH MEAN? (Heath fond. smoking oho, asks) HEALTHCARE (A the fly doctor) {6 TO HOSPITAL (Departments, specials, seering). et EASES (Highblood pressure, stroke, dabe (CAREERS IN HEALTHCARE “The dental assistant B. MEDICINES (Groups of medicnes, abit, exercise) -TERNATIVE MEDICINE (Refesclogy acupuncture, herbs, romtherap) (Czrng forthe elderly, old peor’ homes ADDITIONAL EXERCISES (Ationa ex 2. GRAMMATICAL EXERCISES ABBREVIATIONS 4, VOCABULARY (Words, nstrucions, regular vets). |, PARTS OF THE BODY IDIOMS, TASKS, THE MAIN PARTS OF THE BODY | Which body parts do you know? Write the names ofthe body parts onthe lines zeker ismeri mar? rj a vestészek neve a vonalakra! Maly rosé beac Fretiead, cheek, Cin nek, Bod ibs. ar, Upper am, Wer arm, ws, ‘bu, shoulder Fgers, Nand, Pam be ela, Kee ankle oes 2, Putthe eters in the sight order —Tegye abettket helyesrorrendbe! aloe kK ey tnt .o @- & 3.3) Parts ofthe body in idiomatic expressions. Study the meaning ofthe English idioms. — ‘Atestrészekliémakban,Tanulmnyozza az angollljezésekjlencést HAND be an old hand ~be experienced fe see eye to eye with someone ~ agree with somes do someting with eyes dosed do something very easly LEG — ARM —FEE pall oe’ —to tek someone shake a leg —hurry cold feet — get very fighaned to do something you wanted FINGER keep your frgers crossed — wish that someting good should happer NECK panin the neck very annoying person cr thing b) Match the pais to find the meanings ofthe following expressions. — lessze6ss20 a pirokat hogy magus kavetkez6 lfejendsek jlentésée! Iyhave a green fing 2) see the det very we 2) ie someone ahand oyhelp 4) keep an eye on someting 6) be good at heaping plants Sy have eagle's ees ve sweets very much S)boallexs ) being very sad 8) havea 1) be able to remember el someting with ooking into the book ave a green singe uN, — | «Practise the Idioms. — Gyakoraia a kifeezéseket! Her garden is so beatiful, She has 2 2. He got bad resutsatthe exam, He has a The bus eaves in ve mites, Let #, Can have some more cakes Jeli. You kn | has <6) Match the words in A with the words in B,—Parostsa az A és B ostlopszava = - MRAB > Wecu 4. Read the text and fil in he gaps with the missing words. ~ Ovassa el a szvege, mai ira be ain szavaat! “The diferent pars of our body have aways ben nthe focut of simi interest In ancent times paople recto make gusses about the wc tu by haviog 2 dose look atthe persons fae, was the arto face reading The Chinese beloved that every 2 on trait ean revel certs characters features aie (thers vied to foretel the Kure by studying the Ines in the open book. 2 Thi arti ald oy The est thing ere ean be the Study ofthe shape ofthe han aed 5» There ar fur Ines ‘. the Weline thee. 3 the heart ne ane the head ne whieh indicate if the person wl Be 2 fog, and 7m He or wheter hei teligent oF. 2 von ned other quale, or exam ‘ alc, racial or trong vil By examining the eyeballs. doctors could detect certain nds of. # They found thatthe eyes were ne windows to the .. 0 .. 50 when they saw the eyes were yellowith the asocted with ver evinesses buggers cipamisery neat ed personaley preiabe facia utver tne su paen 5, Read the text and answer the questions. Hipnocrates the Fasher oF Meine ‘Wernave ier Few exace data abous se FoF HRpocrtes: He Was brobabi bor onthe Greek {fund oF Kos around 460 8. He may have mpertea his edleal eowiedge From is Facts, no aso ad ee same proresion His wot revoucorised eg shode dey Because ne dd noe bape leon asunosons but on trace opservacons OF she patients He carefull studie ee smptons accompanying te Hnesses nce mace roves on tet. He Seated ie the eas0n For the poor Funcioning OF the body was the spreporciona mee peg, iv she Dag. His sgifcare caver was he Importance OF the prevention oF aiseaes, tHe pue sves on stenting the immune seen ana appropiate nutrition Hewes convinced tha se moral rnces oF heating shou Fol morale and medica exhcs, _Eerfonesartng a mesic carer takes ne Hppoeratlc Ost. Wry was is way of heig revolutionary? Name te four humours! How does his ire arse in todey’s medicine? 6, Collect the new words, — Gyitse ossze az 6 savakat! etek COlvasa ela sxivage, és vlaszollonakérdésokre! Fee FOU Huon te Blood, the Yo bie. ee Dace ie and che 2. HUMAN ANATOMY _ >, BODILY SYSTEMS, ORGANS |. Collect words you know in connection with boll systems, an filin the dagram.~Gyijese 6s ste azokat a seavakat, amelyeket a szervrendszereke!kapesolaban mar ismer! Tase i az brie! bodity systems 2.2) Read the texts about the skeletal systems and mark the unknown expressions. Make alist of new words, - Okassa ola crontrendszerré 2615 szoveget, és jeje a smeretlenkljezdseket! Késalesen tate! rowing he sruceure oF the nua body a is organs is essere n every neath care carer. ‘Uienoue ene coardnatad functioning oF te body system Ie woulans exe. Human anatomy lea lgcnine ena ans to stucy bow these systems andthe aifferen organs work. “Tne seer stem The stelexa yee Cate vided neo an aceve and a pase pares bones reprsone the passive thie musciesreoesene ee acive par. “The human skeieson thar suepores ehe boar Consists oF 206 bones. A bone I soll bue vane and ‘exdle. 4 membrane calla periosteum Covers the Outer Surface OF the bones and SupPes the one csue with blood. Inside here ae ewo pes OF marrow; te el ad the Yeo marrow. ‘Bars oF ehe human skleon are: The sku, the spinal calunn, the vb Cage, the pedis, and ehe bones OF the tis. The skul is composed oF 22 bones. The ra cages Formed OF 2 pars OF rib nc the Seer. “Thepoine where wo bones cone eopecer are caledines. These are the showers. eheebous, ‘eure. ee hes te Rees ana ehe ankles. They alow reguaeed movements. “The muscies are attached co the bones by tendons. They are primary responsible For making movements. The Ekle muscles ae Voluntary muses Because we can Conta am, a OppoEeG ‘0 the muses OF he eros, which are Caled Ivoluneary, sey work wlehoue Our COMO. 06 eleralsysem his ciferene FuNCHONS. The mose evident Is Its prosection and support lon. The Va organe ae located in aay a tobe procecced rom natn. Second, els system ‘nate fe possbe For us to move. Final, te bones store Various tes OF substances (calcu. ro ‘ae Fcieate groweh ene ne nealg OF ee Body This he picture ofa skeloton, Translate the names ofits parts into English. ~ A esontviz képéndl ovashat magyar kilejzések mel ja och az angol megfelel6iked! weet seer a \ odo _ reek Als6 vgtagok esontal Feedoressott// 3. Which parts ofthe body di we think about? ~ Mey estrészre gondoluni? bul-upof vertebrae, spinal dss, and ligaments, “They ae responsible forthe mo 4. Find the odd word out. Maly a kakukktois' Hizza ali! »)petiosteum,yelow bone mara, blood vessel, gament 6) rb, breastbone, collarbone, tet rasa bone, carlage '5, Write the wards correctly ~ ia lea szavakat hlyesen! 63) Read the text about the circulatory system, ~ Olvassa ela sroveyet a kerngéstrendszerrit “The Circultorysjsem (alo kno as Carcovascuar seem) is responsible For Crewing and “ronsporeng blood through the blood veses toa he cals and sues in ee boa, “The central organ of the crcuiaory stem If the heare wich is the biagese muscien ee boar peng the Sie of about Ss. Tere are Four Chambers inside the hears, two ara and wo vereriles. "The ati are seperated From each other by Vales Vas open and Close once per hearebeae. “Tere are three nan types OF blood Vest, They are Cale arveries, capris and veins. Aer ary oxipenated blood From the heart. Capllaries are Very sili and chin blood vessew that transport blood Ver Cloke 10 the Celis OF she wssues. Vols ae Very lage bood vessels ehroush Ucn deowgenated blood Is recuned to the Here. The here mus Coneraces and rele. The contraction ahae i cale sol, che reaxation phase scaled castle, 2) Tre or fale? ~ ga vagy hamis? Oxygen blood flow through the vers Blood vessels frm a sytem inside he boy “The vave opers ino the artery ©) Work in pars! Take tums asking questions and answering them. Then changes roles. ~ Dol gozzanak pirokban! Az egikik tegyen fel hirom kérdést a keringésirendszorrel kapcsolatban mask pedigvilaszoion rl Ezutin eserjanck szerepet! os Sohn: How EI he near a Libres abou ee sie oF a re ‘on Was paresis composed oF? Liv: Fourmaln pares the righ and eee ara ana ven. ‘Donn: And where ae ce ver? Libs There beeen ene two sta. Bue do You Krow which ‘ood veses carr the cxygenaced bod in be boa? one: Yes, 4. They are ee acer. Liv Wa ise Funcsion oF Joti: ey carry he blood From nich ehe ces naveeaken ene owen. ME Un wnat do we cl ee einnes blood vessels ‘on The ae he capiares. 7.) Read the text — Olas ela sxoveget! Coronary iarction andthe frs* hear wanspiane {ie Huneary and al eround he word neers and circulatory cliorders are anon te eacng causes oF deaths [es po wonder af seressful ere Sokng ee increasing tonot consumecion and asl. unpeath cit are rik actor esuig ip ehe development oF ese diseases. (One oF ee nose Common hears probiens she Coronary infarclon aso KROL ear attacks Tris Caused by the inerruption oF the ood supay damaging 3 ared OF the heart muscie. The smptons are srocing pin in he Chest acting co the left UBper arm, nguse, Faincng “Toe extene oF se damage 5 the Deare muse may require ene transplant oF the hare. Corgan eransoiane mene that the malfuncelonng reo te. hear, Kdne, Wer. une repiaced, ‘venew oneis akin rome donors boar aeimplanted neo enevecipen'.A donor canbe a ving person dhease oF sng Kneys.r Iver orabraln-leed person, canspanc a Very Complex and ‘Complicaeed operator bu eC elves ac can sianifcani lengthen the pacer’ ie Professor Cvstian Barhar's ears stanslaneopeacionon sr December 967 n Cape Town was a milestone In he Fd OF orden erenspiane Alsioush che pate Wed For cn 18 rs wie ehe ew hear Ie Was» reat echleerens, Nowodareerangplane peenss Can ive fr ears weh hel ‘ur art pumes about eres OF blood ever? mioute, ne average rate OF heartbeats i672 per minute, ‘neuer of bene aboUE 100600» ty in ayear els about 8.000.000 cine. ‘Blood consists OF pasa, red and white blood Cais andplaceets. Red biood cts transport cyte, while white ood Cel protece ee boc From cseases. Plesiws lava Very important pare Indo croedng “There or four bale blood epee: A,B, AB and O- Everone has a parcicular blood te. ‘Joe common health problems in connection with circuason are: heare aetack, Coronary infarction, high or ow bloc pressure ‘Vlaszalion a Kérdésehe! ByAnawer the questions ne formation ofa coronary arto! What rik factors playa sieart role in What hppens during a heart attack smpeo ‘When is organ ranspant necesary? ) Workin pars and act ou the situations. — Alkosanak prokat, tszik ela sided! ‘our fiend sn pain, You suspect tis heart attack, Ask hinvher about the symptom ‘Your frend smokes too mach. Tel hiner how much Fk t means fr hier heart. List the heath 8.) Read the dialogue. ~ Olvasea ol a pirbernédet! Dons Inagne, one oF my Friends nada Car accdene and he had tobe sven blood transfusion Lin: Tin sor 0 bear that Is fea Complicated proceaurer ‘on 1 dort Know, bue says an everday routine Inthe pare was more sy vie won ‘one: Because people cde’ Know anyningaboue blood pes. was ony in 2699 ehae Lanaseiner dlecovered cham. After nis alcovery ony people wlth te sane blood group Could give anc get Lv And i hey nave te ype OF bid Your friend needed? Jenn Fortunate 8, ">> Lib here do ney store blood? ‘Jonn: In blood banks, ‘ohn 1 eral because he is much bester now 1) Answer the questions, -Valaszolon a kérdésekre! tur out rom the dalogue where the accident happened is Joon happy Invwhich comury id they discover Blood ype Where do they store blood! ©) On the basis ofthe text above, comment on the following cases in a few sentences, stv0galapian fogalmazza meg egy-ké® mondatban a mondandsje az slab ezstekben! Aten Telthe patent hathelshe has lost lt load so hele needs ood transfusion ~ Ask your fiend which blood ype hele hs el your Fiend with AB blood type who hese can gt blood fom pn your broherkstr what a blood bank 49.3) Read the text about the digestive system. ~ Olassa el az emészxSrendsrerél sabi sroveget! rapes tense caton of meson Dison bessin ee mou ee se ood aa aves cptae lv acs ercrewd ever Buran thecarue near serve aoe ac aun the crete Foe se mo ed eer te EPEB ID aa cing ad esches ‘se sont. Be pea never Fee staan ae ert ecrnco te ono mesin bere navies ore absrbed. Te led ems t ec aa punrear an ene roca Th lpr oF te gre wos te re wredtn cr aoe unter so roe ein i Dr of OH onmon iets of ee geste tam ae ue BEN pera CONENGON neon hepa, pancreas. i ) Number the route ofthe food through the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) ~ Semorza be a tpl cst az emésxtScsatornban! cesophaeus n cvty argeintestne )inwhitch part ofthe digertve ys (B) do these processes (A) take place? ~ Hol (8) téreénnek exe a folyamatok (A)? A 8 allowing stomach casing out feces sevlintstine 6) Translate the folowing sentences into English. Fordsa le ax aibbl mondatokatangora Nagyon fa gyommrom. Remer, nines gyomortekyem, Mica rfid inet Soc ember scenved gyomarsavtstengésben Has betegnek epetove van, citar al 10.2) Practice reading the text aloud. ~ Gyakorojaahangos olvasist! rhe orf6ns OF ee respiratory stem ae he nos, the ehoae, che lr DIC Bow he races oni! and ee ungs. Ths set response Fr suophing he body leh OA gen as we as teeing out Carbon code prociced whe beating From the body. ‘essracion as oF two phases: nslracion and expiration. During Inspraton we breathe the Tri, ad we bressne cout during the expiration ohase. The ar encers the body through tbe roses ie in ehe nose ce ari ered by small ars there, apd es emperacur is ware Ut. Then eis filtered al pases enroUsh the kmroae, the Yoice box, the windipe and Sat) Fe reaches che lungs. The windsine dives Ineo ewo branches- one leads the alr into che Fe, othe nto ehe ride tng. Broneni an bronchioles end in sal alr sacks, rown as ane Trou ches air scKs OnyEen gets Inco the bloodseream. Ae the same cine, carbon dioxide oes Inco hese sacks and passes ou OF te body when we breathe out. common seases OF he respator stem ar: uns cancer, bronchi 1) This isa drawing ofthe respiratory system, Translate the names ofits part int English AligzSrendszer raja. Fords lea részelt angola! pra aoe sess - ‘reok tstntyagoce 6) Put the passage of “Tegye helyessorrendbe aie through respiration inthe correct order 4) Use the English word for these pats ofthe respiratory system, ~ Hasan az anol fjenést latin szavakchelyett! vrachea lary expiatio inspiration abeol 11.2) Read he we about the rary system, ~ Obata aes serwendsar = sxvege! Toews “Te urinary stem consss OF the coo Keres the UrbrY Deer he unter and the urethra. The gether make > he uray war. Thee ogee are rsronsbe for Sern *, 16, True or false? ~ gaz vagy hams? @ “The other name ofthe forebrain is erebe! Muscles move due to the nervous system. “The ft herisphere ofthe brain s mere subjective. 17, Go online and find out more about the bran! ~ Keressen tovdbb informéciskat az agyrél az interneten! 18. Read Lys composition and make nates about in Hungarian. ~ Obasael Ly fogamazas és jeyzetaj ia tartalmst magyarul ety party It hes got Herta main parts: the forebrein, Hot midbroin and “phe spinal ceva. The hind brain is compost 0 19, Read he toxe and fil in che gaps withthe missing words. - Olvass ea szbveget, ald ij be shiny szavakat! sarng, ord, outer, dea, baBnce,Vbations sounds, bones The ear andthe sree of hearing The ear iethe organ of and sense o thas got three parts the mide ea Inthe course ofhearing the Irom the emironment reach the outer ear. These sounds make nthe eyelet the sal ofthe middle ea People who cannot hear are ced 20 ences. -Fordiea le az alabbi mondatokat! 20. Translate the son Bang ou most senstive organ, is abe to ently thousands of pleasant ard unpleasant sme However it's our most exhaustbe organ, 0 get use to the smels air one or to Aen we breathe, millon of abore molscdes enter the nasal avy though the nosis ere the olfactory receptor or membranes intheofactory cll send messages tothe brain which 21-5) Read the text about the sens of taste, - Ohasa ela lees sul szdveget! "The congue ana the sense oF waste We can eavee wien ee hee oF our tongue. There ar pene of taste buds On the tongue ae each ‘oF them bas tase receatore sha ae more sensiee co dfFerene favours. They alow us to ‘arte ‘ood, cise in ce sav, Inpulses fron the ease receneors are passed to Our brain sen the brain processes the message thus making Ie posible co percelve che taste oF the Food We can lsinguish ae Foowing Four eases: sweet, sour eer Se. ©) Make pairs and answer tothe following questions in turns. — Alkossanak prokat, 6s vlaszoja- nak flvaiva az alas kérdéslre a sxbveg aap! Wich organ can we taste th? Wats the faction ofthe taste bude! y ’ What tastes can we erent i What does lemon taste I tastes and the sense of astes, 6) On the basis ofthe above text andthe questions ak abou ‘A enti szoveg és a kérdések alapin beszlgescenek az zeke é az izakérathelésrél 12. The following sentences are about the skin and touching Find their endings. ~ Az alibbi mon: datok a bor] és a tapintsr6lslnak. Talla mega mondatokvégét! “Te sin is he outer Covering ‘coming from she environmen, 60 if Very If noe ony serves af the sense OF Dan ‘ouching burke proeaces s ertoreguatio of ehe body laces rece: omens, consgts oF about 2025 avers of dead cet. canbe ees “Tne oxter verv lnporeane funceion ‘tne entheia, the conneceve, the muscle ofthe sein = and ee nerves sues, The sn as euo les {be 01 snl an the scene sans. The ouer pare of ee endermis the smpeoms oF sin ngections. nerves ner ending ana air Fowcis. | “Tne dermis if» wocation oF lands and ehe dese cet tien are ee sweae sands, aecars. Here vou can blood vesses, te episermis ana ee cers 23, True or fale? — gaz vagy hamis? Ol and: protects the body fom environment Seat glanc prevents the hai and the skin from Meanin: protects the skin rom the sun Eiders lets us feel painpressure and othe so: proces sweat (Cook down the 12h.) Read the text. ~ Olvassa ol a szbvoget! sie 7 and te Sense of sine ‘We can see che ward aound us wit our eyes. Ue can sense de colours, baheness and dept, UUbcan see everthing in xhree cmensions. The eebal Cones OF the Foloulng pares: ne ris—Iecanvarsincoouy ¥ “ ae pupae can i recat ens ie ben ‘optic nerve — it sends the mes the bran, he bron shen negro eat i ino people wh are unable 0 see are called bin. 1) The picture shows an eye, Write the Englsh equivalents ofits parts onthe dotted lines. Akép gy szmet Sbriz a éezeinek angol megflet a pontozot voraakra! pei 25, Road the text about Louls Brae and the ‘nigh wring Use the, a, an, or nothing, ~ Olvassa ela sziveget Lous Balle-6l és az jezaat iis" Aholszikséges, haszndlja ahatrozott és a hatrozatlannével6ket, vagy ne tegyen névelée Baile systern is wed world-wide, But what do you know about is iverson? Louis Baile was bom heathy, but he lost his eyesight rage accident when he was 3 years old Soon he could play piano and orgin 50 scholarship Rayal ett fr Bld Cite Par, Desnite his handican he was nt suden and he was among best students is css. thou orignal idea of ight wring came fon ski cals Charles Barbier, Baile developed 1 1 atone akogethe sehutcis 2) You ae waking, | these Sdn a storm ) The rch i are walng | mn aspring ay srowbole without swearing gloves. | 26. Which of our organs can sense the following things? Maly szervéve érzékel a alibbikat? comple darkness; the sound oF eri Cola window pane; Hoe Chit Beppe: soe Pulver: sre cof fresn enon: brie suns; sme OF sora, se OF CoFFee Candy Dace shen oF an abulance: sme oF ci — 2 Imagine the following skuations. What can you sense? Flin the chart and collet words. Kép- _olje magit az lab szudcokbal Mi mindontérabke? Tole kia tublizatot! GyGtsén szavakat! seeing rearing | meting souching Sy 2B, Make pairs. Choose one of the topics below and ask each other questions. Check your dhowers ~Alkossanak pirokat, & kérdezz6k ogymast az alabb tems! Elanrizzok avila. saat! boy stems, eg, what re the ma The sense organs. eg, What sense organs 2913+. Mark the correct answer ~ [3+l-s toté! Karkiaza bea helyes vas! h organ belong we stem 2. Which val be connected to metabolism ira 1) digestion respiration 3. What yo ain parts ofthe skeletal ystems Jeleon andjpints skeleton and tendons 4 Name the huran limbs and anc leg parm ade head ane arn ) hehe 3 he ng 6 the wipe 6, Which blood ype dost ex yA b) ABR 7 Which ox ers the breathed afr cess where lcheys playa cent the a ®) respond 0 simu Jou many man part does the ADDITIONAL EXERCISES ————————— wn, UNIT (0. 12. GRAMMATICAL EXERCISES 26.2) Reade test. — Oats el a srveget! Gerona 9 stenchich Fock oad studs bord ot fom ee Gre Ee MESDMNOF was he fr outed Rat ine the 20th cena Gerencto is vert copes ae canbe vied ne branches ego cemon rt |. POSSESSIVE FORMS / BIRTOKOS SZERKEZET ix concentrate onthe cl sbectsoF age whe cal aspect oF od ae. 1 What isthe difference between the two strctures? Write 5 examples for bath Mi kinb Er cep ee nN as uw segue birtohosserkezet kox5t? Mindegyksrrkenstre ron 55 pl! 1s bacon aerene. Our case lees Lind emera more often. “apes OF as refers tose changes , n's Changed roles within the fl 2.) Make possessive sentences using the family tre below with words mearing family relations. Az alabbicslia segitsdgéve alkossonbirtokos szerkezetoket! Haszndla a rokon! kapcsoato kat oer seavakac! 1b) Answer the questions. Vslaszolon a kérdéseke! What gerontology What ar the two man branches of gerontology How do experts sey aging Bu Sane Beory Brenda . . Mays nd ® What are the geronoigst’ ties poe i @) Say site ©) lee " * J) ben fot J 9 satys and woz

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