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1 AITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM (Sol.


FIITJEE JEE(Advanced)-2019


1. A, B, C, D 19. A, B, D 37. B, C

2. A, C 20. B, C, D 38. A, B

3. A, C, D 21. B, C, D 39. A, B

4. D 22. A, B, C, D 40. A, B

5. A, C, D 23. A, C 41. A, B

6. B, C, D 24. A, B 42. B, C

7. D 25. B 43. C

8. D 26. D 44. A

9. B 27. B 45. D

10. A 28. C 46. D

11. 00001.00 29. 00001.35 47. 00097.20

12. 00020.00 30. 00009.75 48. 00000.75

13. 00002.00 31. 00030.60 49. 00002.50

14. 00002.00 32. 00046.06 50. 00000.50

15. 00004.00 33. 00037.80 51. 00089.00

16. 00002.00 34. 00012.50 52. –00012.50

17. 00007.00 35. 00012.25 53. 00000.50

18. 00003.00 36. 00303.90 54. 00000.40

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
AITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM (Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/19 2

Physics PART – I


1. Immediately after 1st collision: v0 v0

Since the situation is symmetric, both will come to rest m m
x0 : maximum compression
1 1
2  mv 02  kx 20
 2 2
x0  v0
 K
Just before 2nd collision: v0 v0
 m m
 P  4mv 0 ()
v0 v0

2. Applying work energy theorem from initial to final state (i to f)

2Mgx  mgy = 0 f
 2Mx = mg …(i) 45
Keeping length of the string constant
 2y  0  y  x  a
y( 2  1)  x …(ii) x x
From (i) and (ii) f f
 2My(2 1) = my
 m = 2M(2 1)
In the final state instantaneous acceleration of m has to be g as there will be only one force
(That’s mg). and the acceleration of masses M are zero at the same moment .

mv 2
3. T  mg sin  sin  = …(i)
 g sin 
mg sin  cos    mg cos  = m …(ii) P
dt 
work energy theorem T f = mg cos 
(mg sin )  sin   (mg cos )  = mv 2 …(iii)
2 mg sin  sin 
From (i) and (iii) mg sin  cos
 T  mg sin  sin  = mg sin  sin  2(mg cos ) 
 T = mg (3 sin  sin   2   cos )
 0  3 sin  cos   2 cos 

4. Mv 0cos  + 0 = Mv + mv
v  v
e=1= 
v 0 cos 
v0 m
2Mv 0 cos 
v   5g M  
Also, x = R/2 and  = H

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3 AITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM (Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/19

3 10
Solving  x 
x  2.37 m

5. Fext = kx + mg ( x : extension at any t)


 W ext =  (kx  mg)dx , where kx0 = mg


Releasing, total work done = W ext + mg(h), where h : natural length

6. Underestimate the work done against friction, and compare it with the initial gravitational potential
energy of the eraser.
First of all, we investigate whether the rubber eraser will start moving at all. It will do so provided
that mg sin α>μmg cos α, i.e. μ< tan α = tan 45◦ = 1. This is clearly the case, since μ = 0.6. So,
the eraser will start moving. The trouble is that the determination of how the normal force acting
on the eraser varies with position is difficult. A calculation of the work done against friction can be
carried out, to any given degree of accuracy, only by using a computer. The trouble is that the
determination of how the normal force acting on the eraser varies with position is difficult.
However, it is certain that the frictional force is always larger than its initial value of μmg cos α =
μmg cos 45◦ This is because, after the initial release, the angle with the horizontal made by the
slope on which the eraser moves decreases, and, in addition, the track has to provide a
centripetal force for the moving eraser. The path to reach the lowest point of the track would be
one-eighth of a circle, with a length of Rπ/4. The work done against friction can now be
underestimated by taking the normal force as if it always had its initial value:
 mg  R
W f  Wund   0.333mgR
2 4
The gravitational potential energy difference between the initial position and the bottom of the
track is ΔEp = mgR(1 − cos α) = mgR(1 − cos 45◦) ≈ 0.293mgR.
It can be seen that |W f| >ΔEp, i.e. the work to be done against friction is clearly larger than what
can be provided by the gravitational potential energy. So, the rubber eraser cannot reach the very
lowest part of the track.

7-8. The pipes just below and just above the sheet which is moving will move the other pipes and the
other pipes will remain in the original place. If the sheet is moved by distance greater then 5 cm
the centre of gravity of the system would fall outside the base and the system will collapse.

b 3 2b A
9-10. cos 30    BO =
(BO) 2 3
Let P be particle clearly, O
3Ti cos  = mg
30 2b/3
mg mga B
Ti  sec   B 2b C
3 3(3a2  4b 2 )

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AITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM (Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/19 4


11. Imagine the apex of the cone being depressed by Δh, and the radius of its base consequently
increasing by Δr, i.e. the perimeter of the base circle increases by 2πΔr. Then the total work done
by external forces would be:
wh  F(2r) = 0
w h
 F
2  r
However, the changes in height and base circle radius are not independent, the connection
between them being determined by the fixed length of one of the straight edges of the sheet.
Using Pythagoras’s theorem:
2 2
 r  r    h   h    2  r 2  h2
from which we have
h 2r  r r
 
r 2h  h h
So the force in question has magnitude
w r
F =1
2 h

12. The weight of the chain is balanced by the vertical components of the reaction forces at the two
suspension points. The magnitude of each of these components must be F0 = ρLg/2, where  is
the mass of the chain per unit length, and L = 40 cm. If the chain made an angle of θ with the
vertical at a suspension point, the horizontal component of the chain’s tension would be F0tan θ.
Because, in practice, θ = 45◦, the horizontal component is the same as the vertical one; it is also
constant along the chain, since there are horizontal forces acting on the chain only at its ends.
At the chain’s lowest point, the tension is purely horizontal, and, as just shown, its magnitude is
F0. So, around the lowest point, consider a small piece of the chain that subtends an angle 2 at
the centre of the osculating circle, whose radius is the value r1 we seek. The length of the piece is
2r1 and it is pulled down by a gravitational force 2r1ρg. This force is balanced by the upward net
force of 2F0sin  due to the tension in the chain. In the limit of small angles, when sin  ≈ , the
equilibrium equation
2r1ρg = 2F0 sin 
leads to
F0 = ρgr1.
Since F0 = ρLg/2, we have the simple result that r1 = L/2 = 20 cm.

13. Method 1: Even though the normal force with the floor does no physical work on the person
(energy transfers occur internally from the muscles), one can write a mathematically correct
expression as though the contact force with the floor does change the person’s energy. Hence,
we can treat the center of mass motion as Wnet = ΔKcm. Here, we are treating it as though only
gravity and the floor act onthe person, and since the person is in contact with the floor until the
h  h 
center of mass is a position h/2 from the ground, then Ffloor   mg  0
4  2 
as the student starts and ends this motion at rest. Therefore, Ffloor = 2mg.
Method 2: Since the feet come off the floor at a position h/2 from the ground, then the person
accelerates upward from h/4 to h/2 with the same magnitude as the acceleration from h/2 to 3h/4
by symmetry. Therefore, the net force on the student going upward is the same in magnitude as
the student in free fall from h/2 to 3h/4. Hence, while in contact with the floor, using Newton’s
second law, Ffloor – mg = mg ➯ Ffloor = 2mg.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
5 AITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM (Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/19

14. xmin = d sin (5345) = 2 
5 2 v BA


15. Momentum conservation along m

x axis y
0 = mv2  Mv1 R m v2
Work energy theorem x
M v1 M
1 1
mgR = mv 22  Mv12
2 2
from (i) and (ii)
m2 2
 2mgR = mv 22  v2
2gRM m 2gRM
 v 2 and v 1 
Mm M Mm
Making FBD of particle with respect wedge at lowest point.
7mg m(v 1  v 2 )2 N = (7mg/2)
 mg 
2 R (v  v1 ) 2
M  2
Substituting the values, we get : 4 R

16. Let us call h the height above the ground at which the projectile explodes and v jy (j=1, 2, 3) the y-
component of the velocity at the moment of the explosion for the three fragments. I will label with
1 the fragment which lands after t seconds.
Since the landing time depends only on the y-component of the velocity at the moment of the
explosion, we have: v3y = v2y . We then need only the equations for fragments 1 and 2, stating
that at landing time the y-coordinate will be equal to 0:
gt 2
h  v 1y t  0
h  v 2y t  0
Since the masses of the three fragments are equal, and the y-component of the projectile
momentum at the moment of the explosion is equal to 0 (it explodes at the top of the trajectory),
the momentum conservation law reads:
v1y + v2y + v3y = 0.
The solution of the above equations is then:
v1y  gt
v 2 y  v 3 y  gt
The height above the ground at which the projectile explodes is then: h = 5gt2/4

17. Tension T = weigth of cat (since cat is at rest).

 Net downward force on rod = T + 4g
3g  4g
arod  = 7g/4 m/s2

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18. Let Ml be the mass of the left stick, and let Mr be the mass of the right Ff
stick. Then Ml/Mr = tan θ. Let N and Ff be the normal and friction N
forces between the sticks. Ff has a maximum value of µN. Balancing
the torques on the left stick (around the contact point with the ground)
gives N = (Mlg/2) sin θ. Balancing the torques on the right stick 
(around the contact point with the ground) gives Ff = (Mrg/2) cos θ.
The condition Ff ≤ µN is therefore
Mr cos   M1 sin   tan2  

where we have used Ml/Mr = tan θ.

Chemistry PART – II


19. 

PCl5  g 
 PCl3  g  Cl2  g 
4 x x x
Total moles at equilibrium = 4 + x + 2 = 6 + x
6.568  80
6x 
0.0821 800
6  x  8, x  2
2 2 2
PCl5   ,PCl3   .Cl2  
80 80 80
2 2

Kc  80 80  0.025
K P  K c  RT 
= 0.025 × 0.0821 × 800
= 1.642 atm

20. Bond angle of NH3 > Bond angle of NF3

21. B2O3  P2 O5 
 2BPO4

22. H
Cl C C H

Cl O
Chloral hydrate

23. 2KMnO4  5K 2C2 O4  8H2 SO4 

 2MnSO4  10CO2  6K 2 SO4  8H2 O

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24. Zn  OH2  2NaOH 

 Na 2 ZnO2  2H2O
Al  OH3  NaOH  NaAlO2  2H2O
 Soluble 

K sp
25.  Ag   3
PO34 

2.7  10 18
 3
= 3 × 10 – 6 M

K AgCl
26.  Cl   sp 
 Ag 
1.2  1010

3  10 6
 4  10 5

27. K p  PNH3  PH2S

0.36  PNH3  PH2S
PNH3  PH2S  0.6 atm
PNH3  PH2S  0.6  0.6  1.2 atm

28. (i) KP is constant at a given temperature.

(ii) Addition of inert gas at constant volume does not affect equilibrium.

1.8  1.8
29. K c  0.36, Qc  1
1.8  1.8

SO 2  g  NO2  g   SO3  g  NO  g 
1.8  x 1.8  x 1.8  x 1.8  x
1.8  x 
 Kc  2
1.8  x 
1.8  x  1.8  x
0.36  2
, 0.6 
1.8  x  1.8  x
 x  0.45
Number of mole of SO3 = 1.8 – 0.45 = 1.35

30. H3PO 4  NaOH  NaH2PO 4  H2 O

M.mole 2 4 0
0 2 2
NaH2PO4  NaOH  Na2HPO 4  H2 O
M.mole 2 2 0
0 0 2

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AITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM (Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/19 8

pK a2  pK a3
pH of Na2HPO4 =
7.2  12.3
= = 9.75

31. KE = 13.6 ×
 13.6   30.6 eV

2.303  A o
32. k log
t  A
2.303  6.93 0.1
t log
0.693 0.001
t = 46.06

Ea1 Ea 2
33. 
T1 T2
42 Ea
 2
500 450
Ea2  37.8 kJ
 x  37.80

 A o
34.  A   0.125  A o
0.125  A o
 % of A left   100  12.50
 A o

35. K 2Cr2 O7  4H2SO 4  3H2 C2O 4  6CO 2  7H2O  Cr2  SO4 3  K 2 SO 4
134.4 L of CO2 produced by K2Cr2O7 = 294 g
 5.6 L of CO2 produced by K2Cr2O7   5.6
= 12.25 g

1 2  1 1
36.  R  Z  2  2 
 1 2 
1 3
 
 R 4 
 4
1 1 1o
    911.7  A
R 3 3
  303.90 A

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9 AITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM (Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/19

Mathematics PART – III


37. ln  = lim [ln 1 + (ln 1 + ln 2) + (ln 1 + ln 2 + ln 3) + .....] –  ln n
n  n2

1 2 n n  n  1
nln   n  1 ln  .....  ln  lnn
n n n 2 n  1  2n 1 n n  1 r r
= lim 2
  lnn = lim lnn +  ln
n  n n  2n n r 1 n n
1 3
 
and ln  =  1  x  ln x dx   4

38. Let p = abc and q = [a] [b] [c]. So, q is an integer and p 
q  min{[a]bc, a[b]c, ab[c]} = 3  q  {1, 2, 3}
If q = 1  ab[c] < 4 but ab[c] = 5  no solution
If q = 3, as p  max{[a]bc, a[b]c, ab[c]} = 5 and p   no solution
 q = 2 and p = 30 . Since q is a product of 3 positive integer, we have 3 cases
2 120
If [a] = 2, then a  30   3  no solution
5 9
 30 30 30 
If [b] = 2, then solution is  , , 
 3 2 5 
 30 30 2 30 
If [c] = 2, then solution is  , , 
 3 4 5 

39. Let f(1) = a and f(1) = b, putting x = 1 in the given equation we get b = a2
Differentiating the equation and putting x = 1 gives 2ab + 8 = ab + 2ab  ab = 8
So, a = 2, b = 4

0 
sinnx sinnx
40. In   1  2x  sin x dx   dx
 0 1  2  sin x

  
sinnx sinnx sinnx
In   dx   dx =  dx [Putting –x for x in 1st integral]
0 1  2  sin x
0 1  2  sin x
sin x

sin  n  2  n  sinnx 
In 2  In   dn  2 cos n  1 x dx = 0 if n  N
sin x 0
 If n is even In = I0 = 0, and if n is odd In = I1 = 

41. Using LH-Rule twice, we get a = b = 2

42. lim
ln  2  x  1  1+ a+ b= 0
x 1 x 2  ax  b

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2ln  2  x 
Using LH-Rule, we have lim  1  a + 2 = 0  a = –2, b = 1
x 1  x  2  2x  a 

f  x
 1 
f t
dt 
 
f   x  1  x 2  f  x  2x

f  x
 f  x  
2x f  x 
 f x
2 2
1 x 2 2 2
1 x2
0 1 t
1  x  1 x

f  x 2x
 = 1  ln f(x) = x + ln(1 + x 2) + ln c  f(x) = cex(1 + x2)
f  x 1 x2

xf   g  x   g  x  g  f  x   f   x 
44. Given equation implies 
f  g x  g f  x 
d d


lng  f  x    x
  –2x
ln f  g  x    2x (as f(g(x)) = e ), 
 g(f(x)) = Ae x and g(f(0)) = 1  A = 1

45. Using integration by parts repeatedly


 ln x    ln x 2018  
2018 ln x 
2018 ln x 
 2017

 dx      2017x 2018 dx  dx
1 x 2018  2017x 2017  1
2017 1 x 2018

2018!  dx = 2018!
= ..... =  2018
 2017 2018 x
 2017 2019

2x332  x 998 4x1664 sin x 691
46. I  2 dx , (as is an odd function and rest of the integrand is even)
0 1  x666 1  x666
1 332
1  333
Put x  t 333  dx  t dt
332 998
1 332 1
2 2t 333  t 333 333 2 2  t2 2  
I  2
t dt =  2
dt =  1 
333 0 1 t 333 0 1  t 333  4 

1   f  x 2 
47.  f  x  f   x  dx =  2   0  f(0) = f(1)
 0
1   f  x  3 
  f  x  f   x  dx = 
 3 
  18  f(1) = 3 and f(0) = –3
 0

48. Lines with slope 2 and passing through (0, 0) and (1, 1) are y = 2x and y – 1 = 2(x – 1)

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11 AITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM (Sol.)-JEE(Advanced)/19

By the Mean Value theorem, no point of y-axis

form (x, f(x)) lies outside this parallelogram.
2x + y – 3 = 0
However, we can construct functions which
y = 2x
satisfy the given condition and are
y = –2x
arbitrarily close to the sides of the 3 3 2x – y – 1 = 0
parallelogram.  ,  (1, 1)
 4 2 x-axis
So, b – a = area of parallelogram = (0, 0)
 1 1
 , 
 4 2

1 1
2n 1 2n 1
1 Sn 1 S0
49. Let Sn  1 f  x  dx, then Sn  3 1 f  2x  dx  6  .....  6n
2n 2n

 n11 1

1 2 2n  2 1  S0
 f  x  dx  nlim
  f  x  dx   f  x  dx  .....   f  x   
 1 1 1  5
 1  S0 = 5
 2n 2n 1 2 

50. f(1– x) = 1 – f(x)  f k(1 – x) = 1 – fk(x)  k  N

1 1 1 1

 x  dx   1  f 2004 1  x   dx = 1   f 2004 1  x  dx  1   f 2004  x  dx (Put 1 – x for x)
0 0 0 0

p  7  1
51. If x1, x2, x3 and x4 are the root of p then   0 (as 7 is not a root of p(x))
p 7 7  xi
1 1 1 1 89
     0  x4 
7  1 7  3 7  5 7  x4 11

  1 1/3  1 1/3 1/3

 1  1
52. L = lim xp
x 
 x  11/3
  x  1

 2x1/3 = lim t  p    1    1  2    , (putting x  )
t 0  t
  t  t   t
1 5
p 2 p 
= lim t
1  t 
1/3 1/3
 1  t   1/n
 2 =  t 3 (using expansion for 1  x  )
5 2
 p ,L  
3 9

 
d tx d  1  1
53.  e f  x  dx   x etx f  x  dx   sin1  t   =
dt  
dt   2    1 
1  t  
 2

Putting t = 0,  x f  x  dx  2

54. The tangent at (x, f(x)) meets the y-axis at (0, f(x) –1)
 f(x) =  f(x) = ln x + c and f(1) = 0  c = 0

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