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Acta Oncologica, 2009; 48: 192200


A beam-matching concept for medical linear accelerators


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Copenhagen University Hospital, Department of Oncology (R), Division of Radiophysics (51AA), Herlev, Denmark

The flexibility in radiotherapy can be improved if a patient can be moved between any one of the department’s medical
linear accelerators without the need to change anything in the patient’s treatment plan. For this to be possible, the
dosimetric characteristics of the various accelerators must be the same, or nearly the same i.e. the accelerators must be
During a period of nine months, eight Varian iX accelerators with 6 and 15 MV photon beams and 618 MeV electron
beams (only four of the eight) were installed at our clinic. All accelerators fulfilled the vendor-defined ‘‘fine beam-match’’
criteria, and a more extensive set of measurements was carried out during commissioning. The measured absorbed dose
data for each accelerator were compared with the first accelerator, chosen as reference, and the TPS calculations.
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Two of the eight accelerators showed a larger discrepancy for the 15 MV beam not revealed by the vendor-defined
acceptance criteria, whereas the other six accelerators were satisfactorily matched. The beam-matching acceptance criteria
defined by the vendor are not strict enough to guarantee optimal beam-match. Deviations related to dose calculations and to
beam-matched accelerators may add up. The safest and most practical way to ensure that all accelerators are within clinical
acceptable accuracy is to include TPS calculations in the evaluation. Further, comparisons between measurements and
calculations should be done in absolute dose terms.

The success of curative intended radiation therapy 6.3% (1 SD) [6]. Wambersie [7] and Mijnheer et al.
largely depends on the ability to deliver the pre- [8] recommend a total uncertainty limit of 3.5%
scribed dose to the patient within a narrow toler- (1 SD) for the dose prescription point although 5%
ance. A 5% difference in the delivered dose may (1SD) is considered more appropriate for other
result in changes in the order of 1020% in tumor points in the planning target volume [7]. Often cited
control probability and 2030% in normal tissue is the ICRU 24 [2]95% accuracy requirement that
complication probability [1]. Thus, there is a need can be interpreted as an action level [6] or as 1.5 SD
for accurate treatment planning and delivery. This [9,10]. These recommendations on uncertainty
imposes narrow tolerance limits on all links in the limits and estimations of what can be achieved
treatment chain from planning to delivery, including demonstrate that there is not much room for
imaging and structure delineation, absorbed dose inaccurate dose calculations. Efforts must be made
measurements and calculations, treatment machine to reduce the uncertainty of every link in the
performance, and patient setup. Several publications treatment chain from planning to delivery.
present recommendations for such tolerance levels Treatment flexibility and efficiency of a radio-
[e.g. 25]. Ahnesjö et al. [6] estimates that with the therapy department are very important, and can be
present techniques the uncertainty of the dose greatly improved if several linear accelerators (linacs)
delivered to the patient is 3.9% (1 SD) excluding can be considered dosimetrically identical and
uncertainty related to dose calculation. Thus, if the patients can be treated using any linac without the
uncertainty in dose calculation is between 1.0 and need to adjust the treatment plans. In order to make
5.0% (1 SD) the total uncertainty in the dose this possible, the dosimetric characteristics of the
delivered to the patient will be between 4.0 and various accelerators must be the same, or nearly the

Correspondence: David Sjöström, Copenhagen University Hospital, Herlev, Department of Oncology (R), Division of Radiophysics (51AA), Herlev Ringvej
75, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark. Tel: 45 44 88 31 62. Fax: 45 44 88 31 10. E-mail:

(Received 20 May 2008; accepted 4 June 2008)

ISSN 0284-186X print/ISSN 1651-226X online # 2009 Informa UK Ltd. (Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis AS)
DOI: 10.1080/02841860802258794
Beam matching concept 193

same i.e. the accelerators must be beam-matched. vendor-defined ‘‘fine beam-matching’’ option
Beam-match results for Varian accelerators have [11,14]. The beam-matching criteria are based on
previously been presented e.g. [11,12]. In addition depth ionization curves as well as inline and crossline
to beam-matched accelerators only one set of data profiles measured in the vendor-defined prescribed
representing all the accelerators needs to be imple- geometry. During the CAP of the accelerators, all
mented in the treatment planning system (TPS). the vendor-defined criteria were fulfilled. Even if the
Due to the strict requirements on accuracy in measurements were within the vendor-defined cri-
radiotherapy, the following two questions arises: Is it teria adjustments were made to improve the match
possible to beam-match several medical accelerators between each accelerator and the first accelerator,
to such a degree that they can be acceptably chosen as a reference during the CAP. Primarily
represented by only one set of data in the TPS? If adjustments were made to make both the photon
so, how should this be undertaken? The aim of this and electron profiles as symmetrical as possible, but
study is to address these two questions using the for some of the photon and electron beams it was
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commissioning data obtained from eight newly

necessary to tune the energy in order to improve the
installed accelerators.
match of the depth dose curves. Following the CAP
more extensive commissioning measurements were
Material and methods undertaken (Tables I, II) in view of the fact that; (i)
During a period of about nine months, eight Varian the vendor-defined criteria does not consider full
2300 iX (Varian Medical Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, profiles or depth dose curves to evaluate the quality
CA, USA) linacs were installed at our clinic. The of beam-matching but instead only some points on
linacs have two photon beams of nominal energies the curves, (ii) all vendor-specified measurements
6 and 15 MV and four of the eight linacs have for both electrons and photons are done with an
electron beams with nominal energies 6, 9, 12, 15, ionization chamber and there is no or incorrect
and 18 MeV. The beam-matching procedure is ionization chamber offset, (iii) the vendor-defined
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described in detail in the vendor Customer Accep- criteria are limited to only a few parameters for a
tance Procedure (CAP) manual [13] and the vendor limited set of beam geometries, (iv) the beam-
accelerator specifications [14] and also by Hrbacek matching criteria do not include output factors and
et al. [11]. The accelerators were purchased with the therefore a risk of good agreement solely due to

Table I. Measurements carried out for photons.


Measurements Equipment FSD [cm] Depth [cm] Field size [cm2]

Absolute dosimetry Farmer chamber NE2571***, electrometer 100 10 10

NE2570/1***, 41023 water fantom**
TPR2010 CC13 ionization chamber*, Blue phantom*, 100  10
OmniPro Accept v.6.5A*
Output factors (OF) open Waterproof farmer chamber 30006**, Unidos 90 10 5, 8, 10, 15, 20,
fields in water electrometer**, Blue phantom* 30, 40
Depth dose open fields CC13 ion chamber*, Blue phantom* OmniPro 90  5, 8, 10, 15, 20,
Accept v.6.5A* 30, 40
Inline and crossline Photon diode PFD-36*, Blue phantom*, and 90 10 10, 40
profiles open fields OmniPro Accept v.6.5A*
2D distribution open Seven29**, water-equivalent RW3 slab 100 5, 10, 15 5, 10, 15, 20
fields phantom**, Verisoft**
2D distribution EDW30 Seven29**, water-equivalent RW3 slab 100 5, 10, 15 5, 10, 15, 20
phantom**, Verisoft**
2D distribution EDW45 Seven29**, water-equivalent RW3 slab 100 5, 10, 15 5, 10, 15, 20
phantom**, Verisoft**
2D distribution EDW60 Seven29**, water-equivalent RW3 slab 100 5, 10, 15 5, 10, 15, 20
phantom**, Verisoft**
Head scatter factors Farmer chamber FC65-P* with brass buildup cap, 98,55/98.17 for Brass****: 0.25/0.63 2-10(step 1), 13,
(HSc) Unidos electrometer**, in air measurements 6/15 MV **** for 6/15 MV 15-40(step 5)

*IBA Dosimetry, AB, Uppsala, Sweden.

**PTW, Freiburg, Germany.
***Nuclear Enterprises, Beenham, Reading, England.
****Effective point of measurement at the isocenter, brass buildup cap different for 6 and 15 MV.
194 D. Sjöström et al.
Table II. Measurements carried out for electrons.


Measurements Equipment FSD [cm] Depth [cm] Applicator [cm2]

Absolute dosimetry Roos ionization chamber TW34001**, 100 Zref 10

Unidos electrometer**, 41023 water
Output factors Electron diode EFD-36*, Blue phantom* 100 Zref 6, 10, 15, 20, 25
Depth dose Electron diode EFD-36*, Blue phantom*, 100  6, 10, 15, 20, 25
OmniPro Accept v.6.5A*
Inline and crossline profiles Electron diode EFD-36*, Blue phantom*, 100 zref 6, 10, 15, 20, 25
OmniPro Accept v.6.5A*

*IBA Dosimetry, AB, Uppsala, Sweden.

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**PTW, Freiburg, Germany.

normalization may exist, (v) only open static fields output factors at zref and the depth dose curves the
are included in the CAP. output at dose maximum (dmax) can be calculated.
To ensure that the beam-matching was clinically Other parameters such as the 85% depth (R85) and
acceptable for photons the commissioning measure- the 50% depth (R50) can also be extracted from the
ments were compared with the TPS, Eclipse depth dose curves.
8.0 (Varian Medical Systems), pencil beam algo- Isodose plots for IMRT were taken directly from
rithm (PBC) calculations. Furthermore, all data Verisoft version 3.1 (PTW, Freiburg, Germany) as
were compared in absolute terms, i.e. depth dose screen dumps. All other figures were created in
curves and profiles for both open and wedged beams Matlab R2006a. TPS calculations were exported as
were not relatively normalized to the same value at a
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DICOM and imported in Matlab using functional-

specific point but to the output factors for each ities in the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox and
individual accelerator. The 2D array measurements Emiliano Spezis DICOMRT toolbox [16]. 2D
were normalized by defining a calibration factor for array measurements were saved as bitmap files in
each depth for the open 10 10 cm2 field size that Verisoft and depth dose and profile measurements
gave the same value as the reference conditions i.e. were converted to and saved as ASCII files in
measurements in water. In that way, any possible
OmniPro Accept (IBA Dosimetry, AB, Uppsala,
differences in attenuation between the solid water
Sweden) and imported into Matlab.
and the water were eliminated. Three of the linacs
were prepared and used for IMRT treatments and as
a further test of the beam-matching the same IMRT
plans were delivered with these accelerators, mea-
sured with the 2D array and compared with TPS Photons
All results are output factor normalized using the
The input data for the TPS were obtained from
calibration geometry for each specific beam energy.
the first accelerator, and in the TPS only one set of
Hence, the normalization retains all absolute dose
data is used to represent all accelerators. The
properties and avoids any ambiguities related to
commissioning of the TPS will not be described in
detail in this paper. normalization. The calibration geometry used is a
All electron beam treatment plans utilized at our 10 10 cm2 field, FSD 100 cm at depth 10 cm for
clinic today are calculated manually using the output both the 6 and 15 MV beam. The TPR20,10 and the
factors and depth dose curves and without sophis- percentage depth dose at 10 cm depth (PDD10) vary
ticated calculation algorithms such as TPS calcula- slightly between the accelerators for the calibration
tions. Hence, the commissioning measurements geometry. For both the 6 and 15 MV beam the mean
were not compared with TPS calculations but values BPDD10 and BTPR20,10 of all eight
instead with the average of the measured values for accelerators are used for absolute dose calibration.
all four accelerators. The reference depth (zref) used The mean values were also used as reference for the
for absolute calibration and output factor measure- output factor normalization. For the 6 MV beam the
ments is defined in IAEA TRS 398 [15] and the mean values and intervals ([min;max]) are:
same zref was used for all linacs. The reference depth BPDD1066.3%, [66.2;66.4]% and BTPR2010
for 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 MeV are 13.9, 21.2, 29.8, 0.669, [0.666; 0.670]. For the 15 MV beam the
37.4 and 45.0 mm, respectively. On the basis of the corresponding numbers are BPDD10 76.5%,
Beam matching concept 195

(BOF 16). Accelerators 7 and 8 are the most

recently installed and not yet taken into clinical use.
Larger discrepancies for these two accelerators are
found for the 15 MV beam ranging from 7 1.2%
to 0.9% relative to BOF 16 for field size 5 5
cm2 and 30 30 cm2, respectively (Figure 1). The
discrepancies in OF between these two accelerators
and the rest reflect a difference in head scatter
(Figure 1). Further investigations into the cause and
possible solution to the problem remains and will be
undertaken in the near future. Based on a pre-
liminary analysis of the data for accelerator 7 and 8,
however, we expect the results presented bellow to
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apply also to these two accelerators except where

explicit noted.
Figure 1. Head scatter factors (HSc) and output factors in water
The relative depth dose data for the various
(OF) versus field size for 15 MV photon beams. accelerators are within 1%, when the measured
output factors for the different accelerators are
[76.3;76.7]% and BTPR2010  0.762, [0.760; ignored. Larger systematic deviations are noticed in
0.763]. the comparison between the measured and calcu-
For accelerators no. 1 to 6, the measured output lated depth dose data, owing to the differences in
factors (OF) are within 0.2% of the mean calculated and measured OF (Figure 2). The largest
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Figure 2. The deviations between measured and TPS calculated depth dose data for each individual accelerator for the 5 5 and 4040
cm2 field size for the 6 MV and 15 MV open beams. The solid (thin) lines represent accelerator 16 and the dotted (thick) lines represent
accelerator 78.
196 D. Sjöström et al.
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Figure 3. Comparison between measured and calculated dose profiles at 10 cm depth for 6 and 15 MV open field. The lines correspond to
the result of a g2%,2mm evaluation between the measured and calculated dose profiles for each accelerator. The solid (thin) lines represent
accelerator 16 and the dotted (thick) lines represent accelerator 78.
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deviation found is for 15 MV 55 cm2 field size for the g2%,2mm for all accelerators for 15 15 cm2 nor a
accelerator 7 and 8, where the measured output g3%,2mm for the 20 20 cm2 field size. Only data
factor are around 2% lower than the calculated points that are off-axis fail. Along the major axes
(Figure 2). For field sizes larger than 10 10 cm2, data agree well with the results of measurements in
the measured output factors increase for accelerators water. A comparison between the 2D measurements
7 and 8 relative to the other accelerators, resulting in and calculated 2D dose distribution for the 15 MV
slightly better agreement with the TPS calculations open beams reveal a better result since all the
for these accelerators. Except for 15 MV 5 5 cm2 accelerators pass g3%,2mm and only a few points for
field size, all points in the output factor normalized two accelerators for the 20x20 cm2 field size fail
depth dose data beyond the depth of dmax are within g2%,2mm for all depths.
92% compared with the TPS calculations. The The penumbra (20%  80%) for the eight accel-
percentage deviations are larger at shallower depths. erators were determined from the measured profiles
However, all data points for all field sizes and depths for the 10 10 cm2 field size. For the 6 MV beams the
for all accelerators for both the 6 and 15 MV beams values are 4.490.4 mm for the upper jaws and 3.89
pass a 2%/2 mm gamma evaluation criteria, i.e. 0.2 mm for the lower jaws. For 15 MV the corre-
g2%,2mm 51. sponding values are 5.390.3 mm and 4.990.3 mm.
In most cases, the result of a gamma evaluation For wedged beams, the deviations among the
between measured and calculated profiles for open accelerators are larger than for open beams. The
beams along the major axes (gun-target and AB: measured data are generally within 23% for both
perpendicular to and crossing the central axis) pass the 6 MV and the 15 MV beams (Figure 4B, D). For
the g2%,2mm. However, close to the field edges for the 608 enhanced dynamic wedge (EDW60), 6 MV
larger field sizes only some of the accelerators pass beams, 15 15 and 20 20 cm2 field sizes, most of
the criteria (Figure 3). The comparison of relative the accelerators fail g3%,3mm in both the low and the
dose profile measurements from one accelerator with high dose region (Figure 4A) when compared to the
another, normalized to 100% at the central axis TPS calculations. Agreement is better for smaller
show that the profiles generally are within 1% except wedge angles and smaller field sizes. For 15 MV, all
for larger field sizes close to the field edges were the the accelerators pass g3%,3mm for 15 15 cm2 field
largest deviation between two accelerators generally size or smaller but fail in the low dose region for the
are around 1.5% for both the 6 and 15 MV beams. 20 20 cm2 field size (Figure 4C).
Comparing the measured and calculated 2D dose The comparison of a measured and a calculated
distribution for open beams the 6 MV does not fulfill dynamic IMRT field for three accelerators is
Beam matching concept 197
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Figure 4. Comparison between measured and calculated 2D absorbed dose distributions for the EDW60 beams at 10 cm depth for the 6
MV and 15 MV beams. Each square (I) in A and C corresponds to one of the 729 ionization chambers in the 2D array. The numbers
within the squares correspond to the number of accelerators that fails the g3%,3mm for that specific chamber. The dotted line indicates the
field size. The percentage deviations between the measured and calculated dose distributions along the arrows in A and C, i.e. in the wedge
direction at the center of the beam, are presented in B and D, respectively.

presented in Figure 5. Both the profile (Figure 5B) Electrons

and the 2D dose distribution (Figure 5A) demon-
strate that measurements and the calculation agree The largest deviation (MR85, MR50) is 0.7 mm for all
well and that the accelerators are well matched. electron energies and applicators when comparing
The g3%,3mm fail at exactly the same point in the the depth of the 85% (R85) and the depth of the 50%
high dose region for the three accelerators. Two dose (R50) with the mean value (Table III). Also the
additional points fail for accelerator 1 as compared output factors at dmax are in good agreement. The
to accelerator 2 and 3 in the lower dose area largest deviation of OF between any two accelerators
(Figure 5A). However, the dose in this area is about 1% and compared to the mean OF the largest
corresponds to about 5% of the maximum and deviation (MOF) is 0.6% (Table III). In addition, the
the measurements are therefore very sensitive. profiles agree within a clinically acceptable level.
198 D. Sjöström et al.

Table III. The maximum deviation (MR50, MR85, and MOF) between the individual values for R50, R85 and output factors (OF) for all accelerators compared to the mean value of the four







































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Applicator size [cmcm]
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Figure 5. Comparison between measured and calculated 2D dose

distributions for an 15 MV IMRT field for three different
accelerators measured at 5.5 cm depth and SSD94.5 cm. The BR50 









squares (I) in A corresponds to ionization chambers in the 2D

array that fails g3%,3mm. Solid and dashed lines in A corresponds
to the measured and calculated data, respectively. The calculated
and the measured dose profiles along arrows in A, perpendicular
MOF [%]





to the MLC, are presented in B.

Better agreement is generally found for smaller
applicators (Figure 6). The largest deviation between











profiles for any of two accelerators is less than 2%, and

the agreement is generally within 1% for applicators
smaller than 20 20 cm2.











accelerators (BR50, BR85 , and BOF).

We conclude that all photon and electron beams,







except the 15 MV photon beam from accelerators







no. 7 and 8, can be represented by one set of data.

For 15 MV it might be necessary to implement an

additional set of data in the TPS to represent the two











6 6

deviant accelerators. To ensure a satisfactory beam-

match the dose prediction (e.g. TPS calculations)
must be adopted in the beam-matching procedure.

Further, comparisons between measurements and











calculations should be done in absolute dose terms.

The beam-matching performed during the CAP
far from ensures that the linacs are matched to a

clinically acceptable degree. The discrepancy in




measured OF for accelerators no. 7 and 8 compared


Beam matching concept 199

than for open beams. The EDW delivery is more

complicated than open beam delivery and the EDW
beam profiles are more likely to be influenced by
variations in beam spectrum and jaw calibration
than open beams. Thus, slight difference in jaw
calibration may cause some of the differences seen
between the linacs for EDW delivery. However, any
difference in jaw calibration between the accelerators
used in this study reflects what one can expect in
clinical practice since all jaws were well calibrated.
All electron beams utilized at our clinic today are
calculated manually. In practice, the profiles are not
used directly for selecting an applicator or insert
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although the necessary margins needed to achieve

full coverage laterally are considered. The measure-
ments for electrons reveals deviations smaller than
Figure 6. 12 MeV electron beam inline profiles from four linacs. 1% in OF and 1 mm in depth compared to the
Profiles are at zref for the 66, 1010, 1515, 2020, and mean values of all accelerators. If more sophisti-
2525 cm2 applicators. The profiles were first normalized to cated treatment planning calculations are used to
100% at the central axis (CAX) then multiplied by the output predict the dose, e.g. the Eclipse Electron Monte
factors. The curves are separated by shifting the 66, 1010,
1515, 2020, and 2525 cm2 applicator and the difference at
Carlo calculation algorithm, the matching of elec-
the CAX for one applicator corresponds to the difference in tron profiles with TPS calculations might be a
output factors between the different linacs. matter of concern.
One approach to ensure a satisfactory beam-
to the other accelerators is one example proving this. match could be to use one set of beam data from
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These two accelerators passed all tests in the CAP one linear accelerator as a reference. The other
and showed results similar to all other accelerators. linac(s) should then be matched to this data set as
This illustrates that even if all relative comparisons, closely as possible and within certain tolerance
e.g. during the acceptance procedure, indicate a levels. However, it is equally important that the
high-quality beam-match the result might turn TPS calculated dose closely resembles the delivered
out to be unacceptable when compared in absolute dose from all accelerators. When one accelerator is
dose terms. Since the discrepancies in OF between used as a reference there is a risk that another
accelerator no.7 and 8 and the other six are evident accelerator will be considered well matched while it
only for 15 MV our hypothesis is that this is due to a does not fulfill the requirements in terms of accuracy
difference in the flattening filter. when compared with the TPS. For instance, if the
A systematic deviation between TPS calculations TPS predicts a slightly higher dose than delivered
and measurements is caused by a difference in the by the reference linac and the other linac delivers a
measured and calculated OF (Figure 2). However, dose slightly lower than the reference linac, the two
this was expected. The OF was measured for FSD  uncertainties add up. Therefore we advocate for the
90 cm, at 10 cm depth. If isocentric OF is used as approach to include the TPS calculations in the
input to Eclipse the deviation between the calculated beam-matching procedure as presented in this work.
and measured dose for the calibration geometry In future QA procedures, we recommend using
(FSD 100, 10 cm depth) will be around 0.5%. the TPS as reference. If the QA procedures reveal
According to personal communication with the deviations that are too large to be ignored the
vendor, zero deviation for the calibration geometry procedure is to adjust the accelerator to fit the
can only be achieved if Eclipse OF are defined at dmax TPS instead of vice versa. Obviously, also compar-
for FSD 100 cm. Several possibilities exist to over- isons between the different accelerators can be
come the discrepancy. The OF can be found at dmax included in the QA procedures but either much
by direct measurements or calculations. The OF can narrower tolerance levels must be applied or a direct
be manually adjusted in the TPS until the match is comparison with the TPS is needed in order to
improved. Alternatively, the calibration of the accel- ensure that the deviations between calculated and
erators can be changed to minimize the difference. delivered dose stay within acceptable limits.
Since we will implement the Eclipse AAA calculation
algorithm in the near future we expect to do neither. Declaration of interest: The authors report no
Larger differences among the linacs for the conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
measured profiles were observed for EDW60 beams sible for the content and writing of the paper.
200 D. Sjöström et al.

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