LessonPlan Philosophy

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TEACHER Zarah Kay N. Jamolangue LEARNING AREA Philosophy

DATE & TIME January 22, 2019 QUARTER 3rd

The learner demonstrate various ways of doing philosophy
A. Content Standards

B. Performance The learner evaluates opinions

2.1 Distinguish from opinion from truth.
C. Learning 2.2 Analyze situations that show the difference between opinion and truth.
(Write the LC code for
each) PPT11/12-lc-2.1, PPt111/12-ld-2.2

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

Learning Objectives: Define the role of Philosophy in determining truth and knowledge;
Distinguish opinion from truth

Methods of Philosophizing
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Curriculum Guide PPT11/12-lc-2.1, PPt111/12-ld-2.2
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, Roberto D. Abella BSE,MAED,PhD,
2. Learner’s Materials
et.alp. 15-25

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
5. Other Learning File:///PHILOSOPHY/11-Intro-to-Philo-AS-v1.0.pdf
A. Reviewing
previous lesson 5 minutes
or presenting the Review the previous on the The discipline of Question, The discipline of
new lesson
Liberation and The discipline of Personhood?

Activity :
B. Establishing a Ask the students to identify the following statement is it’s a FACT true or BLUFF the
purpose for the statement is false.
lesson 1. The egg came first than chicken. Genetics-Science
2. The chances of coin landing on heads are the same chances of landing on tails.It’s
fifty fifty. Math
Ask :
1.Which of the following statements are obviously true?
2. Do you think it’s correct ? Why or why not?

Situation / Question Puzzles

1. The teacher will present 3 situations / questions.
2. In a group, the student will expect to show different ways in answering questions.
Situation #1
C. Presenting You are a graduating student then all of a sudden you got to know that you have
examples/instanc failed grades in your Earth Science. What will you do? How are you going to tell it to
es of the new
lesson your parent who came all the way to the province just to attend your graduation?

Situation #2
You supposed to enter the room, but all of a sudden you saw one of your classmate
is looking for something in the bag of his/her friend.What do you think she is
doing? What actions will you do?

D. Discussing new
concepts and Ask:
practicing new 1. What strategies or ways did you use to answer the question?
skills #1 2. Do you have a hard time to respond the situation? Yes/No? Why?

Discuss the following concepts :

a. Truth
E. Discussing new
concepts and b. Knowledge
practicing new
skills #2 c. Opinion

d. Claim

20 minutes
*Refer to Situation 1
Discuss the concept of Truth
1. Truth – lies at the heart of the inquiry. Truth is a fact. A fact is a
statement that can be proven true or false.
Say : Let the student say the following sentences with conviction.
I am alive.
F. Developing
mastery I have a body.
I can breathe.
Propositions – statements my have truth or may have not truth.
Statement as a short statements or sentences.
Knowledge – is the clear awareness and understanding of something.
Comprised with ideas and beliefs that we know to be the truth/reality.

2. Opinion
An opinion is an expression of a persons feelings that cannot be proven.
Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they are
meant to deliberately.
Claims – statement cannot be taken as true since it is simply not evident.
Requires further examination whether is true or false.

Now that you have understood role of philosophy determining the truth, knowledge,
G. Finding practical
applications of knowledge, and opinion.
concepts and Ask
skills in daily 1. In what situations do you apply determining truth, knowledge and opinion?

The learners will be grouped and will be tasked to come up with a gant chart understanding
of the discussion.

H. Making Apply the systematic doubt in analyzing the following statements. Describe how will you
generalizations determine the truth and opinions / claims in following.
and abstractions
about the lesson 1. ARTS Group
3. SOCIAL Group

5 – 7 minutes
Oral Test
Identify the following statements it is Truth or Opinion

1. Teachers should be allowed to smack children if they misbehave.

I. Evaluating
2. Governments must invest more in the environment.
3. Nine out often who completed the survey answered the questions
4. The quality of life has decreased in the last ten years.
5. Senior High School was designed to prepare students
a. d. dances

J. Additional
activities for
application or


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