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American Newspapers January 1, 1920
Front page news from 164 different newspapers from across the United
States, published on January 1, 1920. Regional news from Alaska to
Florida. Provides a view of the news of the day that newspaper editor
put at the forefront on January 1, 1920
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MLMobK AaovJllAlE-- u
nnrcc rocATCQT
rftt.JJ u"-"'- 1 - IN THE WORLD
ffccta; 1.

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.. u, NoL
vol. xxxvii abilene; Kansas, Thursday morning, January

M U 7
OrLl tLi lJi


FOREIGN TIDE Not Ready For the Final Form in a Will Fight High Prices By Low Housewives Have Hard Time In
Statement Will He
Firnt of Year.
Due Aft-;-

Week. Buying.
That State. TO A TRIAL
In milking out his income-ta- x re-- t

If (Asaorlattd PbhI
Washington. Iec. 30. Labor. Chicago. Dec. 30. Illinois wo .if
The I nlvcisity of Missouri college
the litune
ii-- the taxpayer Is required to
agriculture. Ihiuiigh slu.M- - both gross and net Income.
rate making anil regional consolida
men opened a campaign today on
with 400,000 pledged to
PLAN IS READY economics workers of the extension ' i 1'1'SS Income Includes practically The Supreme Tribunal Decision.
tion of the 1111. high prices M'l'vicc, surveyed lil.'i faun homes in
Immigration Crowds Dock at Cummins provisions
railroad bills, the three a program of economy in purchas-
every dollar I lie taxpayer received Escaped.
New York. several counties this fall. The hones 'luring the nr 1010. In arriving
wives will survey the
principal points of difference be- ing. House
were lint chosen beranse of unuxUiil at net income, upon which (he tux
tween House and Senate conferees, retail grocery stores for evidence of Inductrial Tribunal to Settle the couililiniis prevailing In hem. They
a first step In their
U assessed, he Is allowed certain de- HAVE ALL THE EVIDENCE
"V Aorr i PART
lfafM a RESERVISTS will not be readied before
Senator Cummins said
next week 'profiteering
lie car service sections of the bills
and fight.
as Disputes. were selected as typical hollies. On ductions, which will be explained
these farms, which averaged
miles from town. Hie usual Hues of tion.
hi'ir, plus the amount of his exemp-
CUT DOWN ON MEAT. Government Expect to Present
today with con TO FINE AND IMPRISON (If the
.. P.i were considered
Literacy Test But ferees agreed on government super-
work were followed. Incomes below $5,000 are exempt
number of farms visited 407 were oc- from surtax. The single man with
a Strong Case to the Grand
Generally They Are Able to vision of car distribution to ship- - Englishmen Eat But 33 Per Cent The homes no Jury Will Not Give
cupied by their owners. dependents and an Income for Out Name.
Do It 300,000 Expected Less Than Before War.
pers. Three Judges to Pass on Dis- averaged live rooms. null of t'J.000 will 111 v a tax of
Next Year.
(Aaaorlated Prraa) putes and Settle Controversies (if the (I4.i homes only twenty- - $40 Instead of $00 as for 1018. and
IN. Food and Necessities seven were lighted by gas and twen a married man with an Income of
HIRAM NOW OETS Ixdiilon, lec. i;iigiisnmeii , (AianUIrl l'ri
(Anaoolalril Trrax)
New York. Deo. 30. The present
Anti-Leagu- e Candidate
Out For used to lie considered
meat eaters In the world. Now, de
the greatest Regulated.
hiin live
by electricity; the rest de $2,500. and no dependents except
pended on kerosene
were healed
More Ills wife will pay
by $:to.
$20 Instnid of
gat hcrcd by the
!. HO. Hvldenee-
of Jus-
clares the Society of Meat Import tice relative to the alleged leaks of
heavy immigration wlileh taxed tbe stoves. Of these homes. 4(lt had no
facilities of Kills Island and delayed ers, the average Englishman eats r.eiard The surtax rate Is 1 per cent on the decision of the Supreme court
is (Associated Treaa) ti.irtv.ihive iien-cu- less meat than Topeka, Dec. 30. The industrial Indoor water supply. In Ksn of them the net Income In excess of $5,000 will be submitted to the Federal
unloading steamships at this port

Pierre. S. D.. Dec. 30.Senator

and presages no he diil before the war. Unless ho court bill was made public today In the women had to curry the water. and not over $11,000, and increases (irand Jury here lu January, the de
mlv temporary Hiram Johnson, of California, filed can be Induced to eat more of It. tlie final form in which it Is expeet-th- which means that In seventy-sl- i by steps of 1 per cent for each partment of Justice announced. The
e $2,-00-

ereat Influx of foreigners that will with the secretary of state the an father or the chil
country will Im faced with such'ed to lie presented at the specuil a ses-- homes, erhaps. of net Income up to and in government's case Is practically
affect the labor market of the Unit- nouncement of his candidacy for had'slou Kansas legislature next dren carried the bucket. Only sixty- cluding 48 per cent on net Income in
of meat as It has never of the complete, officials said. The nature
ed States la the opinion of immigra- lie Kenublloan nomination for pres glut two had running water in the hous,, excess of $08,000 and not over
tion authorities. It is estimated before. pioniiay. of the evldeBce obtained is not dis
ident. William C. l'roctor. bead of It applies to Industries rapitallK- -
although l.'t.T had sinks with drain.
$100,000. From this point the rates closed except that officials predict-
that next yVar's immigration ills organization, took charge of his
for $100,000 or more and em- - Of the visited. '107 farm homes were run as follows: Fifty-tw- o
per cent ed it. will be conclusive.
through New York will be only 300,. campaign. at least 100 men. It creates with out of door closets. over and
000 compared with r
pre-wa- figure . 'ploying provided on net Income $100,000
coin- - live with chemical closets, fourteen not over $150,000. 50 per cent on
from 800.000 to a million annually New Ones Entered In Hall of Fame's court of Industrial relations "SHOOT 'EM OR SHIP 'EM"
Few of the thousands of passen
Established in America. .Vosed of three judges which mm run with indoor closet and septic tank. net Income over $150,000 and not That was the remedy Farmer
hKiwer to adopt rules for the provis- - ami the rest of them. 22ft had none over $200,000. (10 per cent on net Sandles, of Sandusky, Ohio, proposed
gers arriving daily from abroad are (Aaaealatrd Prraa) 'ion of food and necessities for the at all. A bathtub served witli run Income over $200,000 anil not over
coming to this country unless they (Aaaoclated Preaa) for our preachers of anarchy, snoot
Washington Dec. 30 Major (Sen 30. poplar welfare of the people, ning hot and cold water was found $.100,000. 01 per cent on net In- 'Km or Ship 'Km, that's the ouly
have been here before or unless rela ral Thomas H. Barry retired, for Waashington. Dec. A
homes. not over
tives are already here. rrobably mer commander of the central de
tree at Spartanburg, S. C the ton It will investigate controversies In thirty-seve-
and labor and make homes

were not screened.

Twenty-on- come over $.100,000 and
er cent on net income
way to handle 'em" said Farmer
of which was shot off (biting the between capital $500,000. (14
Sundles, and webn he said It all of
fifty per cent of the recent arrivals partment of the east, died at Walter Other .figures follow: Number of over $500,000 and not over $1,000.- -
are resevrlsts, mostly Italians, who Fourth of July celebration in lS3:i.' settlement. The violator may be the 1,500 delegates to the Farmer'
Held hospital early today after an the Hall of fined not to exceed $!00 or Imprts-Fam- holm's having linoleum on kitchen 000, and (15 cent on net Inconn
Wt the United States to fight for lias been entered in e
National Congress at Hagerntowa
illness of three weeks of uraemlc are being oned not more than one year. floor. .174; kitchen cabinet. .W; over $1,000,000.
their native land. The character of for trees which Joined in a mighty shout of approval
compiled by the American Forestry bread mixer. 34; tireless cooker, It.'); The following Illustration will and In an outburst of voelferouH
Ijie present Influx is considered by (Jen. Barry was aged 04 and re- i . t . . T.. T . ... ft enma
.mi lit! rur? On&lT dinner, 78; wheel tray, 17; dumb show the averaite taxpayer whose
'.resentative Slegei. memoer i ANSOCiaiwii. mi" -
adilqc 1 11c;-'-t i cheers.
tired from the army last October rue nominal . 1011 01 . a . 1. - . ....r WHITE WVi CITY LIST waiter (.1 cellai, 13; kcroiciie "love, net Income was more' than $5,000 "Shoot 'Km or Ship 'Km!" They

a House Immigration committee nit- n-i-

... U organised and trained the Klgh ;(S1 ; screened in kitchen porch, 2,"i; how to compute his tax:
. . . i. in which the Indians and white settlers want direct action, these I. W. W.,
niglier iuhii rvri
efS Division at Camp Grant
If electric signs continue to be put gasoline Iron, 27; electric Iron, 13; A single man had a net Incomi

jt.mmg to this country the first time came to an agreement regarding William SC. Foster and Trotskj an-
ami served as commander in the that has carpet sweeper, 167; hand vacuum for 101JI of $11,000. First he de-
iron ore to be used in making ket- up wllli the regularity

ust pass a literary test. Less than Cuban pacification and in the de- fi ; sew-
archist, and there they have It. Oood,
marked the past two months Abi- cleaner, 100; power cleaner, ducts his personal exemption of $1.
per cent are rejected for Miter tles. lieartv. American direct action. It
partment of the Philippines. lene soon will be as brilliantly liglit- ing - machine. 4 10. 000, leaving a balance of $5,000. On has tbe true Amerieun

c. in Dornver Monev. !n,i us New
Charles Dobson has filed sult'm.w electric signs have been placed worrv along
York's white way. Five Perhaps the city housewife could the first
without these conven mal rate of 4 per cent, $100.
$4,000 he pays at uie nor-
ring, this Handlers prescription for
anarchy preachers. It smells of the
BAR DOCKET - hences. But how would she like to the remaining $1,000 he pays at. the
against J. E. Jackson for the collet "by the Union Klectiic company and soil. There Is the true vigor or
work at 4 In the normal rate of 8 per cent, $80. to
Off The Press With 116 Cases Listed
Harvesters In iq9 Received 255 tion of $500, the amount of a prom- - five more will be here in a short ainrt her dav's American farmbred horse sense about
Per Cent More Than in 19IJ. note given by Jackson and time. The present signs have been morning? On the farms visited. addition lie pays a surtax of $10, 1 it, suggestive of the bracing tonic ot
For Term January 5. isory
which the plaintiff declares over - 'taken ft 's store, women started the day per cent on (he amount of his net that New Kngland air on which sa
is by Northers
lnerease ef 253 per cent 1n the
An due. 'Shearer's Shoe store, Davis Shoe jit that hour In summer and flfty- income between $5,000 and $(1,000.
much of our stulwart Americanism
'1 bar docket for the January harvest wage paid in Kansas in 1919 Sterl store and F.l- - olr In winter: 280 hears n flt111
5 His total tax is $250, as compared has been nourished. No splitting of
store, Clothing
in winter
term Yit court, commencing Monday, over the prewar wage paid in 1913 wick Auto Repair shop. .summer and ninety-on- e
with for M18. Hreumentatlve hairs. No
fine-spu- n

Jan. 5,is off the press and contains is shown by a report issued today by .148 began nt 0 in summer anil 2i0 A married man with two depen over a plain ease. There
a list of 116 cases to be disposed of. liu winter; twenty began lit 7 In the
Edward C. Paxton, field agent for Eighty Acres Brought $8000 dents had a net Income for 1010 for is no room for anarchists here. Still
Ik. these 103 are civil cases, 10 are the United States bureau of crop es Expect to Have Company Mounted In
In Month. The SO acre tract, of land in Itine- .summer and MS at that hour
$7,500. From tnhls lie deducts his
ls is there room for preachers of
criminal and 3 are naturalization timates in Kansas. 'winter. In tbe summer t lie day's
cases. This term has about the av- Col. J. P. Hennessey, inspector and hart township which was purchased personal exemption of $2,000, plus anarchy. They have got to be got
Harvest laborers received, on the .work on the farm ended at 7 p. in $200 for each dependent. On rne rid of. How are you going to do It?
instructor of the National Guard, 'at the sheriff's sale at the court house f,,r Kiivnntv-llnv-
erage number of cases and follows average, $5.42 per day and board in with 'si'd for $SO00, the appraised value e women, at 8 for first $4,000 of the balance of $5,-10- 0
Fanner Sandles answers ttie ques
the busiest session of court in the was here in consultation Capv.
1019 as compared with $4.14 in 101S 0 for 207 and at 10 for sixty- -
F. H. Grigg. The horses Jor the 'of the property, to Albert and Alex, 358. at he pays, at the normal rate of 4 tion. He suggests two ways, both
history of Dickinson county, held and $2.14 in 1913. The report con- will be here In a month he 'oison. A lot in Abilene which also one. The others worn even one,.
per cent. $100. On the remaining effeclve and both swift and direct.
last September. tinues : 'went at the sale sold fur its apprais- The day ends a little earlier In win $1,100 he will pay. at the normal If vonr nnarchv bawler Is entitled to
ays. He was much pleased with
"While farm wages for ordinary the progress of the company. ed value of $30. ter; 274 quit at 7, 150 tit
and fourteen
at S, rate of 8 per cent, $88. On tbe the privileges of American citizen
labor other than harvest work, have e
ninety-on- quit at
it of his Income between $.).- - ship with the attendant responsibilit
not been as high, they do show even quit, at 10 p. 111. 000 and $0,000 lie pays n surtax of ies. Shoot him. If he is an alien,
Ail Reports Must be Made Out by increase. Such
a more noticalile The farm wife gets an average of 1 per cent, or $10. On the amount Ship him. And there you are. Neat
The Fifteenth of March. wages have risen from an average of one hour a day recreation, although of his Income between $0,000 and and expeditions and everybody sat
$l..r3 in 1913 to $2.74 In 1918 and Jt Is not evident, from the survey just $7,500 he pays a surtax of 2 per isfied except the anarchist, and he
After the Christmas holidays me $3.71 in 1919. Including board. when the hour comes. About one cut. The total, normal and surtax, doesn't count. Of course, except un-
I taxpayers of the country are notified These estimates probably do not hundred and thirty of the farm Is $288 as compared with $412 for der a martial law status, there might
that Uncle Sam is waiting for the reflect the actual increase in cost of wives had no free time during the 1018. lie some obstacles In the way of ap-
money from the income taxes, and farm labor as it enters into cost of day for rest or recreation. Maybe Husband and wife whose combin plying the firing squad remedy. But-
the reports must be made out and production since 1913. due to the YOUR FINANCIAL NEEDS tills explains why women's clubs ed net Income for 10111 equalled or that difficulty the anarchists them-
turned in to the federal office before fact that numbers of hours of labor flourish in the city and are almost exceeded $2,000 must file a return, selves may readily remove. A re
the fifteenth day of March. have been disregarded. It is safe to for NEXT YEAR unknown outside the corporate limits. either separate or Joint as desired. duction of anarchy preaching to an
For two or three years now the say that the average farm hand In In spite of nil these disconcerting A widow, a woman living apart archy practice would quickly do the
agents have been busy instructing 1913 worked two hours ier day long
er than in 1919. The length of the
and NEXT YEAR figures, the farm wife Is a happy from her husband, or a maid must trick. That at once would open the
the public on the reports and every woman. More than hair, or .ffiti, or file a return if her net income equal way to a removal of the legal tech
one is expected to compile their re- work dav did not become involved
in farm labor until long after it had
and NEXT YEAR the farms had automobiles, which ed or exceeded $1,000. A minor nicalities. The American people
port and get it in before the time afforded them means to get away whose Income for 1010 was $1,000 would be indulgent. They have
been a strike issue in the Industrial from home once in a while to help or more must make a return. If the about reached the point where they
heir neighbors who were busy. minor's Income was less than $1,- - are not going to voice cavils over a
WAS BURNED TO DEATH 000, it must be Included In the re lear case of anarchist extermination
HOSPITAL WORK STARTING You cannot forecast with certainty what your TROUBLE OVER THE NOTES turn of the parent. provided the law and the facts are
Former Enterprise Woman Lighted WITHA GOOD SUPPORT. financial requirements will be at any future with the exterminators. And as far
Fire With Kerosene. time, BUT Several Big Lawsuits May Occur MADE HAPPY CHRISTMAS Shipping 'Km," that can go on right
The Hospital committee of the Soon Over Notes Given. lonir. There has been by far too
Mrs. O. Oleson, formerly of Knter-prls- Business Men's Association proposes You can foresee that the right kind of bank- much haggling and dillydallying in
Many Assisted in Making Wounded
lighted a fire in her cook stove to form a stock company to build and ing connections will assure you of being able Junction City I'nlon: It is report- Boys Happy. the application of this wholesome
at Topeka with a tliree gallon can ex-of operate a small modern hospital in to meet those financial requirements as they ed that several lawsuits may soon he Sixtv-fou- r soldier patients in the anarchy remedy. Bound them ut
kerosene. There was a terrific Abilene. This county should have a arise. filed In the courts here. Camp hospital at Fort IUlcy were and "Ship 'Km" as fast as they can
plosion and she was fatally
burned, large modern hospital, but until such The Abilene National Bank for nearly a The suits are over the payment of ntertalned Christmas afternoon by b corraled, Harper's Weekly.
almost beyond recognition. The proposition can be put over a small
third of a century has been building a service promissory notes given by Oeary singers and readers from Junction
was taken to a local under-
hospital will help to meet the immed WIFE CHARGES CRUELTY.
to care properly for the financial needs of the county people for oil stocks and City and Manhattan. A program
taking estabulshment and after- iate needs of the community. The lands bought outside this county, and was rendered In the large mess hall
wards sent to Westmoreland, her proposition Is to raise enough money people of Abilene and Dickinson County the Investors will claim that their for all patients who could leave their Divorce Proceedings Brought by
former home for burial. She was to secure a site and build a On a proven record we otter you certainity of Eva Romberger Against Husband
Investments were misrepresented and beds, after which the wards were
30 years old. hospital, modern in every way, that satisfaction
they will fight the payment of the 'visited and entertainments given for
Mrs. Oleson leaves two sisters in ill later be absorbed in the larger notes. those who were unable to come out. Suit for divorce has been filed by
Enterprise. Mrs. IL E. Chileott and plan. In less Jhan two hours Tues- NOW NEXT YEAR Over In Kiley county during the Christ mas carols were sting, recita va Kouiberger against her hus
Miss Selma Oleson. Mr. Oleson and day the business men of Abilene sub past two years a lot of oil stock has tions given, and a girl's quartette band. James V. Kombevger on the
daughter are in Enterprise. scribed more than $3000.00 and only and the YEARS AFTER been sold and the salesmen were from Manhattan made a decided charge of extreme cruelty and gross
small per rentage of them were keen to take notes. The notes were hit by singing a number of humor-
cUx-t- . She states in the pennon
"TOMMY" NOW IS COOK. seen. If the commuiee conimucs m ABILENE NATIONAL at once sold to other parties, and ous parodies. Invitations to attend tht since their marriage in 1804 he
meet with such a generous response while a majority of them have pail the entertainment were not confined has refused to provide even neces-
Men Cook in Many the hospital will become a reality at BANK the notes others are going to court to the patients, and as a result, many ..r. ploihine for her and tneir ionr
children, the youngest of whom
. . . , i
tsrmsn non"- very early date.
Resource Over One Million Dollar and try to gret out of making pay- of the officers, nurses and corps men anege
ioudon, Dec. 30. Many house- ment. were In attendance. aged 8 years. She also
has severely beaten her ana aous-

holds have not solved the

domestic Frank Ieemaster, who used to
shuffle lieenery at the Seelye, is now
It is said one prominent Riley
demobilized men her.
question and yet county farmer, if he Is forced to pay Rt. Dr. C. W. Maggart will
are seeking posts as domestic
vants and their employers
on without
secretary of the Nation Stage Hands
Union with offices In New York.
He is drawing a handsome salary
if all the notes he gave, will be forced conduct a special preparatory
to give up his farm and all he has vice at the Lutheran church Wed
ser frRomberger asks permanent
alimony and tea custody
nor child.
of the mi

know how they ever got made in fifty years sf hard work. oesday night.
them." and enjoying the Job.

ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAJL. Dally by CarrUT or Mall, 8.V a Month

VOL. CLX1V. No, 1. Ten Page Albuquerque, iNew Mexico, inursaay, January i, isu. .

3 Ten Paget Single CopK. SO

Belgian Poet and Playwright Here To

TUMULTY GOES TO CAPITOL; AGITATORS TO BE Lecture on Immortality of the Soul




Republicans and Democrats Find Article Ten Great Stumbling Attorney General Says That Greatest Football Game in
Block to Ratification; Efforts to Smooth Out Differences
Are Being Made With Some Hope of Success; President
mm Any Movement to Overthrow
the Government Will Meet
With Aggressive Warfare. ? q-
History, So Far As Popular
Interest Goes, Will Take
Place at Pasadena Today.
Is Taking Interest in Negotiations Now Under'Way. OF U.S. FOREIGN oSj
"N bot,h Callf- - l)ec-
Ea8t 31-
Washington. Dec. SI. Anv move- - -

(By Morning Journal Special Wire) ment, however cloaked or ilissemlil-- d, versTf for the. unofficial
'e,y footDait

'Washington. Dec. 31. Geuing down that the democratic senate leader in designed to undermine the govern- ehampio1nlo of America will be the
to cases in their discussion of n peace quired about Mr. Wilson's latitude TRAD IE REPORTED ment, will be met with "unflinching,

New Year's dav card offered gridiron
treaty compromise, republican and
toward a compromise.
The meeting tonight of the foreign
democratic senators found today that relations committee democrats was
Article X continued a stumbling block understood to have taken steps to re-
in the wav of an agreement. duce to a definite form democratic Our Balance for 1919 Will Be
persistent, aggressive watfure," At-
torney General Palmer announced to-
night in staling the polK-- it the
of Justice for the forthcom-
ing year. He added that nt, (rj.'irier
" --
If .. ; followers at .Tournament park here
tomorrow, when Harvard's huskies,
champions ot eastern fields, line ud
to do battle with the Unlve.sltv of
Senate leaders of both parties again proposals for redrafting the republi- About Four Billion Dollars; would be shown Bolshevists or 'others Oregon team. Pacific conference title
were active in the negotiations umi can reservations. The subject was con- of their ilk whom he described lis
in the light of the information holder.
the succession of conferences indi- sidered during- the dav by Senators 1920, However, Is Viewed "chiefly criminals, mlstaKcn Idealists,
Western rooters have seen eastern
cated that the situation might tuke obtained Hitchcock and Pomerene. and with a
social bigots and unfortunates nuffr-in- g
more definite form. It was said thai view With Much Concern. from various forms of hyperes-
y v . c A- -
r teams in action here before but never
of framing a program behind thesia." Mr. Palmer disclosed that ; i Harvard nor either of the other two
although no agreement was in sight, the admlnistrationfore could
the Billing process had cleared many which the government has been tracing! mo- members of the hig football triumvU
collateral points and .had centered at- unite.
It was the first attempt of the dem-
tives, methods and mannerisms of the 4
' v l lj
rate. Harvard. Yale. Princeton. It
tention on a few .reservations, notably ocratic Washington. Dec. 31 (by the Asso- element which has been charged with will be a second appearance for Ore-ico- n,

committee members to get to-

ciated Alexander per cent of the unrest in however, in the role of western
the one relating to Article X. Those of the Press).- Secretary
seventy-fiv- e
on such a program.
It was the reservation on this point gether
nn i.aiiicu y wie luiciu iciauuiia the
who were present declined to discuss
meeting, but said gome progress day summed
department of commerce to-
up the commercial out-
this country, Representatives of the
department of lusilce working with
secret agents of the allied powers V Hi- -
V vv
- v defender.
When the Tournament of Roses as-
sociation put football on a big league

V .if
committee, which President Wilson had
characterized as meaning a rejection
of the treaty. Determined 10 get some ervation
been made.
Besides Article X the majority res-
look for 1920 as follows:
"The closing year witnessed a fab-
regarding voting power inr ulous growth of American foreign
have gone into the Kussian Bolshevist
territories to obtain definite informa-
tion of the plans of those responsible
- 1
v'' basis in 1916 bv inaugurating the an-
nual New Year's contest between east
and west. Brown university played an
modification democratic senators have the ' ; " s:
presented several suggestions, but all dismission.
so far have been regarded on the re-
league of nations featured today commerce. Our trade balance for
1919 will be approximately four bil-
Some senators took the position that lions. A great fleet of merchant shins
for introducing to the. world the dic-
tatorship of the proletariat.
- V r t - -
the east's representative. Washing-
ton State college was the western se-
lection. Honors went to the latter
publican side as Wing too far. The the reservation would Can- new Industries, new sources of supply "We have found," Mr. Palmer sai.l,
republicans, in turn, have suggested ada and Australia fromdisqualify "that the 'Red.' movement does not on a 0 score.
votin on anv and increased knowledge of our own Again on January 1. 1917. the west
changes which the democrats regard question. Among the
republicans, resources are some of the assets gain- n.eun an attitude of protest against
triumphed when Oregon whipped
as modifications of language only. however, there was a feeline- that if ed from our war experience. Before alleged defects in our present political
Three Oonl'ereiiers Hold. and economic organizmious of society. Pennsylvania by the same score, 14
Article X qualifications could, be the war we were engaged for the most to 0.
Three conferences attracted partic- smoothed out the issue over voting part In the development of our own it does not represent the radirallsm With the United States at war, the
ular attention among the many which easily could he disposed of. business, with little serious thought of progress. It represents a specific ISIS New Year's game lost its
were held toduv. Senator Dodge of power al inter-section-

Much the same opinion semed to of extension of our activities into doctrine, namely, the introduction of character. Football teams
Massachusetts, the republican leader, be held on suggested .c hanges in re- world markets and we were too indif- dictatorship by force and violence. It were not encouraged to travel across
went over compromise suggestions and in the preamble ferent as regards our positions of In- is not a movement of liberty loving
the continent, when nil railway trains
with Senator Pomerene of Ohio, a gard to Shantuje- that the o;her powers - feriority onasthe high seas. Today we persons, but distinctly a criminal umi were needed for soldiers. Hence tt
democratic member of the foreign re requirement senates action at"r- are awake never before. The oride dishonest scheme. was that the two western opponents.
lations committee must accept the of days is revived and we "Lenlne, himself. It is proved, mad' Camp Lewis soldiers and Mare Island

Later. Secretary Tumulty wen to:mallVP1- -

look to see our flag at the masthead the statement that 'among every hun- marines, were matched. The marines
the capitol, and, speaking for the of an American merchant ship in dred Bolshevists there is one real Bol- M. anil Mine. Maurice Muctcrlliick. won. 19 to 6.
president, discussed the situation with every Important seaport of the world, criminals und January 1. 1919, found the watlon
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, acting CHINESE ARE FORCED TO carrying American goods wherever,
shevist, thirty-nin- e
sixty fools,' and in Russia's experi-
Maurice Maeterlinck, the. noted Belgian poet and playwright, accompanied
at peace but still under arms. The
leader of the democrats. Tonight Mr. by Mrne. Maeterlinck, is in this for a three months' lecture tour.
Jlitchcock called into consultation all CLOSE CANANEA STORES markets may be found.
"Abnormal conditions we hope are ment, we find, the dictatorship of the He timed his arrival so as to he country
in New York for the world at big universities had no teams and
democratic members of the committee passing. The tremendous increase In proletariat after two years of waste-
ful consumption of accumulated the Metropolitan opera house of the operatic version ot bis premiere
play, "The
service elevens filled
The Great Lakes training
in town. tv Monnma journal special lbabbrI wirbi the exports of the war period, made stocks, still are promising the peas- Ulue Bird." Concerning his plans, M. Maeterlinck said: "I am here for station squad came out from Chicago
Details of none of these meeting Douglas. Ariz.. Dec. 31. The mu- w largely of military supplies and ants peace, bread and land. The dic- three months und will lecture on the immortality of the soul. My theme and gave the Mare Island marines,
were reavealed. but it was understood nicipality of Cananea, supported by trie still greater exports of the mouths deals with what you might call the beginnings year's winnere, a
that specific reservation changes werej following the war. in which foodstuffs tatorship of the proletariat has de of fresh signs of the soul's previous 20-to-

discussed and that in each case Article Adolfo de l:v Hjjerta. governor
of generated into a military dlctatprshlp Immortality and personality after ifeuth." beating.
made good its threat that no definitely. figured largely, may not continue in- or a supNidizeci and cm nipt portion ol Of tomorrow's contestants Harvard
X figured prominently. These tremendous figures the proletariat." has the cleanest record. The Crimson
As a committee member who work- more Chinese should conduct busi- have brought satisfaction to all but ,
team went through the 1919 season
ed for unreserved ratification and ness houses there according to ar- rave grave concern to those who look Acquaintance with the doctrine of without a defeat. Only two teams
later voted for acceptance of the re- rivals hers late today. The Chinese forward to 1920. The exchange in the "Reds," Mr. I'uljner said, was the scored against them. Princeton and
publican reservation program, Senator had hoped that the threat of the fed- Europe is a grave problem and so un- most forcible methods of ending their
activities in thlH country.
MEXICAN EDITOR S ,18 Yale. The game with Princeton end
l'omerene is understood to have given comfortable for foreign buyers as to He urgd ed in a tie. that with Yole in
Senator Lodge a comparative estimate eral government to send troops to
en- the American peoyle, in the Interests
necessitate in some eaes government a victory for Harvard. The
of compromise sentiment among the force the order that the Chinese restrictions on buying. If we would of law and order, peace an. I happiness other games of the season resulted as
democrats and to have outlined how should receive the same treatment as continue our foreign trade at its pres- and the maintenance of national follows: Harvard 65. Bates 0; Har-
far he thought the administration sen- anv other foreigners would be ef- Km! ent high level there mHst be a freer solidarity, to study the full' meaning

of lbe 'Red' idea and to counteract

SAYS WILSON IS BELIEF EXPRESSED vard 47. University of Virginia 0: Har-
ators would, be willing to go in regard fectual. This hope was lost on fuller exchange of commodities vard 20, Sorlngfleld 0: Harvard Ff.
to Article X.
Call Kxnlnined. Christmas day when riotous scenes and a large extension of credit to
buyers. So let us find a con-
it through the teaching of American-Is-
In the press, the church, tli"
Brown 0: Harvard 17. Boston oollef.e.
Tumulty's took place on the streets, it was stated, 0: Harvard 23. Tufts 0. -

Secretary Tumultv said his call

Senator Hitchcock, was to obtain, at individual Chinese.
on small groups of Mexicans assaulting dition
President Wilson's request, the latent lestials were beaten severely.
in which buying and selling will
Home of the Ce- be of profit to both sides. On that
Many basis we may build a commercial
school and Juhor organizations."
suffered one defeat. 'th
Wnshinrlnn KtntA
ending 7 to 0 in favor of the latter.
information about the situation. He of the merchunts sold their staple structure on a firm foundation. Scores ot the four other games plaved
said he did not tuke to the Iscapitol any goods at current wholesale prices to "It Is too much to expect that nor- were: Oregon 23, MuMnomah 0: Orj-- .
new scheme, though it assumed business rivals or other nationalities, mal
while a few shipped their stocks, to so impatient should come within the
conditions for which we all are GOMPERS P EDGES IRV MORNINd
DouuUtft-- .
Ariz.. Dec. 31, Asserting
IRV MORNIHO JOURNAL RMCIAL llllll Will gon 26. University of Idaho 6: Oregon
24. tlnlversltv of Washington IS: Or.
Los Angeles, Calif.. Dec. . 31.

other parts of .Sunora to he sold there. lm'rtPn .months since the signing- or tlit Pre.jSclc-i- Wilson i ctniu'iv tor txitert if .itimon..', Miu Hon t, con Agiiculi'iUat ixiiUXti
AS eunv as iULSU-- y ii.tterr.oon not a i
store its
Vik(iw, is ilia
situation not
w.mder i "hat
more unsettled for the Mexican situation as finished presentation of it. late

single Chinese had doors today in the trial of Harry Now, al-
HAYS HAS ISSUED open, it was said. The people of Can- - Kxisting conditions are not unlike LABOR WILL DO II exisls. Kxcelsior, a Mexico City
leged murderer of his fiancee, Freda
inea were said to bo enthusiastic and those
to predict that llie movement would problems are of greater proportions
following other wars, only the newspaper. In its issue of December Lesser. 'Adjournment was taken to TURKISH
22, eilllorlallv charges' him with stir- Friday morning.
more complex.
spread to other parts of ijenuru und and Our domestic
ring up sentiment against Mexico. F.ight witnesses were called during'
to the republic of Mexico as a whole. situation is not free from difficulty.
The editorial says In part: the day, of whom ihe most import-
CALL FOR G O. P. No federal troops had remched Can-
anea up to this morning.
Let us hope that in
there will be less social unrest, that
the year 1920 ITS PART 11119211 "We have profound a'umiixitlon for ant was Miss Kdna Clancy, half sister
production will increase and living the North American republic, for its of ,
who testified she believed an
Nogales, Ariz., Dew 31. A detachr costs oe gradually reduced and that
innocent net of hers was indirectly tho
powerful energy for Its love of work ciiiise of Miss Leaser's death. In ad-

Ml ment of Mexican federal cavalry under by Intelligent and un- tY HORNINS JOURNAL SPECIAL LIAHID WIRI1 and liberlv, for the enthusiasm It ex- dition Miss Clancy, as did other wit-
selfish regard for the public welfare
CONVENTION cap.ain J. C. Halcirio was dispatched
today from Nogales, Sonora,
nea, with orders to protect the Chi-
nese merchants of the latter city from
any ucpoi-uuio-
to Cana- our

by local authorities, 82 PERSONS LYNCHED

national prosperity may Washington, Dee. 31 fbv the Asso-
ciated Press). Samuel
of Iihor, in a New Year statement,
Pledged America' workers to do their
president, of the American Federation
hibits foi progress and civilization,
but these virtures are little shown,
unfortunately, in its comportment to-
ward Mexico. And in this occasion It
has been Mr. Wilson who has inspired
nesses of Ihe day. testified lliut New
was mentally unsound.
Miss Clancy told the Jury she hnd
Introduced New to Miss lesser while
George R. Cratg, chairman of tire until instructions are received, from full share in working- out the coun-
- these sentiments. The president of the three were working for a business
house. When she learned severul
republican state committee, yesterday Mexico Cfiy regarding the constitu- IN AMERICA IN 1919, try's problems of 1920. Mr. Crim- tho United States, contrary to his months later they were engaged to be Constantinople. Dec. 31. People of
received from National Chairman Will tionality of the .Sonora labor law. pers said; famous doctrine of no intervention,
H. Hays the official call for the Emlliano Tamez. Mexican consul TUSKEGEE ANNOUNCES lias intervened in Mevico every time married, the witness said, she urged Constantinople call the sultan,
national convention, which will New be "America's workers stand In New not to marry, as he wo not a Mehmedi VI, "a nice, harmless old
held at St. Louis next June.
here, said this morning that Governor
Adolfo De La Huerta had given orders T MORNIN JOURNAL HCIHL LlASIO WlKI)
the new year as in the pat,ready to do he has seen a chance to eain. All his
orations and bis democratic romances fit man, mentally or physically, to be man." Mehmed VI is the last enemy
Mexico will have six delegates at th protection of Chinese residents
their duty us American citizens. We do not lemove one atom from the a husband and father.
basis of representation is for Tuskegee, Ala., Dec. 31. Eighty-tw- o have always placed our obligations as New Ignored hen rennest, Miss emperor left, the mag whose temporal
large. The pending instructions from the na-
persons were in the citizens above nil else. As citizens we force of his acts. Enough things have po.viessioiis are wt stuke in the making
four delegates at large from each tional capital. Chinese merchants at United States In 1919. lynched been recorded under the fiction of Clancy stated, so she urged Miss les-
state, two additional delegates at large Nogales. Sonora, expressed the opin- eighteen over 1918, the an Increase or of
are true to the American ideal of watchful waiting' so that at this time ser o break the engagement, but to of peace.
for each representative at largecon-in ion today that the situation would be records and research of department Tuskegee un-
equal opportunity for all.
"In the past we have found It It is certain there is a halting effort do so tactfully, deferring the wedding The Padishah, or "Father of All
congressv one delegate from each straightened out amicably. iversity announced Seventy tinder wav in this debilitated spirit time to time, and lo use care nol the Sovereigns of the Earth," is short,
gressional district, and one additional The grocery. , dry goods and meat victims were negroes and and seven tonight. necessary to fight for that ideal for an Anieriftin mandatory'" to hurt New's feelings. grey haired, rattier stoopshouldered,
delegate for each congressional dis n retail business of the state except the were whites. One negro woman was against agencies that sought to estab- The editorial then recites the lacV. II is tlje theory of the defense that darkeyed. with short while moustache
trict In whK'.n the vote ior any rriniu-llea- municipal markets, are virtually con. in the list. lish special privilege. Those lights of respect shown bv the United Stuf ,s Miss fjesser broke the engagement set under the characteristic beaked
elector In the presidential elec- trolled by the Chinese. have not been in defense of class ad- toward the Carranza government m t'liinedlatelv and that New, enraged, nose of the Turk. Bereft of good
tion in 1916, or for the republican
Seventy-seve- n of the lynchlngs oc- vantages, but to assure to ihot his fiancee. Miss Clancy said counsellors, worried by the actions of
Troops to protect the Chinese resi wage-earne- Mexico.
nominee for congress in the 1919 con- dents have been seni to Magdalena, curred
In the south and five in the the rights and opportunities that
north and west. Georgia" with
her conversation with Miss Lesser oc- Moustapha, Keinal pasha, leader of
gressional election was not less than where feeling against the Orientals is twenty-on- "
led in the number of
all should possess. Our struggles may 17 ALLEGED ADVOCATES curred only a few hours bef6re the the nationalists, Mehmed is in a Quan-
dary as
said to be more bitter than in any have brought discomfort to others, but lalter's death. to how to save his people and
''The number of delegates alloted to other part of the state. Military units lynchlngs. Mississippi and Arkansas they prevented a greater evil deteri- OF CRIMINAL ANARCHY George Gallagher, county Jailer, his throne. At that no doesn't worry
states anfl territories other than New have also been ordered to Uuavmas were) second with twelve each. The oration of the virtility of a part of said he thought New was "Insane at too much, thanks to the prevadtng
Mexico follow: '. and Hermosillo. other states stood as follows: Ala- the nation, . -
ARRAIGNED AT BUFFALO times." oriental spirit of fatalism.
Alabama 14: Arizona. : Arkansas, bama and Louisiana, seven each; ' "The great struggle of labor In the II. L. Anderson, of Venice, a nearby the Turkish Sunday,
a crowd Friday,
Florida, five; Texas, North Car- Kvery
13: California, 26! Colorado 12: Con- The controversvover the Chinese four; past has been to assure to workers in beach resort, testified that New at- of Mussulman pilgrims und
necticut, 14; Delaware, 6: Florida, In-8; merchants of Cananea, Sonora. arose and olina; three; .West Virginia, Colorado their industrial relations the rights of
tempted to borrow $100 from him to foreigners gathers to see him go to
some time ago from their alleged vio Missouri, two each; South Care Buffalo. N. Y Dec. 31. Dr. Anna
Georgia, 17: Iduho, 8: Illinois 20:58'Ken- - lina, Tennessee, Nebraska, Washing-
free citizens. We have fought to give rieinstcin, wife of Boris Keinstein for- defray the expenses of marriage, to prayer. The ceremony takes place
diana, 30: Iowa, 28; Kansas, lation of the Sonora law which re- the ideal of America dominating In- Miss Lesser and he lent him $10 for outside the palace gates of Y:ldiz, on
tucky. 2 Louisiana, 12: Maine. 312; ouires that 80 oer cent of the work ton and Kansas, one each. fluence in shops und factories. Our merly u leader of socialists here and Ihis supposed pnlrpose a -- few hours the hills of i'era, just above the Bos-phor-

16; Massachusetts. a; men in any business establishment militant struggles has won general ror two years reported high in the before New's flujiece was killed. Thts There gre the sultan's of-
Maryland, be of Mexican citizenship. The DUDLEY FIELD MAL0NE councils of Lenine and Trotzky in
Michigan, 30; Minnesota, Z4! Missis-8: shull Chinese were ordered to close their recognition for our demands. But our nussia, was arrested here today on
witness said New was insane in his ficials offices and also his harem in a
sippi 12; Missouri 86:6: Montana, work is not all militant. We are In a charges of criminal anarchy, she was opinion. ' flower garden, part of an immense
Nebraska, 16: Nevada, New Hamp- places of business immediately several IS REFUSED MEMBERSHIP position to contribute to the improve- park.
shire, New Jersey, 28: New York, months ago, but were later given an
8- -
ment of production, processes and or- arraigned In police court with sixteen The sultan wearing a fez comes In-
H8- -
Pennsylvania. 76: Rhode Island, extension of time which expired to- IN AMERICAN LEGION ganization.
men held ou similar charges, All SEVERAL PLAYERS ARE to view riding slowly in an open phae-
10: North Carolina. 22: North Dakota, night at midnight. entered pleas of not tulltv nnrt will
"The Immediate problem of the have hearings on Friday with twenty- - RELEASED BY YANKEES and followed ton, preceded by a single horseman
10 Ohio. 48; Oklahoma, 20: Oregon, It is said that the claim that Chi- V MONIN JOURNAL IRICIAL LIAIID WIRIJ world is to develop a production or- on foot by a dozen or
10 South Carolina. 11: south Dakota. nese can work for less pay than Mex- New YJork.- Pec. 31. Dudley Field
ganization that will benefit directly
iive oincru arraigned Tuesday.
The I.usk legislative committee in- more of his suite dressed

Tennessee. 20: Texas. 23: Utah, icans has aroused considerable hos- IRV MORNINtt JOURNAL RRCCIAL LKASID WIRff
in black coats and trousers in the Eu-
10-- '
tility toward the Orientals, who are Malone, former collector of the port those who are the real producers and vestigating radicalism completed its New York, Dec. 31. The New York ropean style.
8- -
Vermont, 8: Virginia IB- Washing- accused of threatening to lower the of New York, was notified today that will also serve the needs of starving local hearings and to meet American League club today announc-
ton 14: West. Virginia. 16:2: Wisconsin District of standards of that In the his application for membership in the nations. When assured of Just deal- at I'tica tomorrow. adjourned ed the release of the following plny-er-
The sultan- - bows right and left, in.
6: Alaska, living prevail ings, America's workers are able to response to the acclamations, lookn

riiiffirS" Hawaii 2: Phillippines. state of Sonora. A fewindays ago Gov. Croton had been
post of the American Legion
Charles H. Duell, in freeing production from
Most of the testimony was from po- Pitchers Cliff Merkle, Luther toward the terrace wherea are ranged
Porto Rico, 2. Total. 984. ernof De La Huerta, a statement rejected,
the preventing grasp ofv speculators
lice officers and agents of the commit Nelson ami Paul Carpenter, to the To the foreigners, and, bows pleasantly to
will (, Mending the action, of the state and Jr., chairma- of the Westchester
tee and related to the papers and doc- ledo club of the American association
The delegates from New Mexico convention. municipal authorities in closing Chi- county executive committee of the and influences that manipulate indus- uments seized in a- raid on communist them. The distance to the mosque in
he named at a try to enrich a few who gain unfair Pitcher. A. C. Vance, to the Sacramen- - passed, then at the door of the mosque
Craig said yesterday that a nese business houses in Cananea. legion,, announced that bis committee headquarters. From these Charles !. to club of the Pacific Coast league, he steps out; from the interior to
JLtna- nf the state committee would charging that certain Mongolians had had unanimously upheld the decision advantage, thus preventing produc- 'ewton, attorney general, soup-b- to t
and Outfielder Kverett Hankton, to heard a chant of a male chorus, and
and set a. visitedof the United States with the ob of the post on the ground that Mr. tion, for the ruin of all. show connections between various the Dallas club of the Texas league. he disappears.
be called, in the near future select thf ject precipitating armed interven- Malone's relations with radical agita- "This is a big lob, but it Is essential Directly the general
date for the convention and tors did not measure up to the legion's revolutionary v organizations In this Of these players only Nelson and Car- Mussulman public Is permitted to
tion in Mexico. for development In the country and the Russian soviet.
place for holding it standard of Americanism. .
It is essential to that
years to come. America
penter were with New York In 1918. enter at another door of the mosque,
to take pluce in the prayers which
to Guard Rood. Profiteers Heavily Fined. Mr. Malone has acted as Ideal which is equal oppor-
London, Dec. 31. In the past counsel for L. C. A. recently K, Martens, self-styl-
tunity for all. America's workers wiM
continue for a half hour. Meanwhile
Paris. Deo. 31 (Havas). An offe-men- t month there have been 871 prosecu- the foreign visitors disperse; their cu.
to entrust the guarding Czecho tions in England on charges of profi- public, and has been a speaker at
railway -to the in food supplies. Convictions several meet.ngs called
ambassador for the soviet" re-
to protest
do their full share in working out all
our country's problems. MANY UPHEAVALS OCCURRED riosity In the successor of the propnet
satisfied. f
if- 'Vt Irkutsk, teering "Hail to the new year. 1920! May

slovak forces
the allied commissioners
ns were obtained in 861 cases and fines against the loltit legislative investiga- it brine freedom, glory and happiness DURING THE YEAR 1919 AS, A
government, ac- aggregating $20,000 have been im- tion of seditious activities in this to all our people." AMERICAN ORGANIZATION
cording to a dispatch from Irkutsk posed. :.. state.


Would Retain Council of
Dec. 81. Sec0r"y
lrens ELIHU ROOT SLATED TO 'London. Dec. 31 (by the Associa-
Washington,, ted Pres6). Premier Lloyd George, BY MORNINR JOURNAL RPCCIAL LRARtD WIRSl
Raker today esked the house
in his New Year's '' message to Great Although the war ended more than and some of hef territory In lurope. Paris, Dec. 31. The American or-
committee to include $150.-(10- 0
in the deficiency hill to continue
the council of national defense until
"We bid farewell to the fateful year
a year ago. It was impossible for the
world to adjust itself during 1919 to
conditions wrought by the mighty up-
including German Poland and Alsace-Lorrain-
Economically Bhe las lost
her most important coal nilien, and
ganizations in Paris will "be reduced
following the establishment of a stato
matters pending , before the body are which witnesses me signing oi peace, heaval ot nearly five years of: hos- of peace, it was announced today. Ou- -

disposed of, .(. .. ; j WORLD'S SUPREME COURT, warrant fori "e.

of victory and a
that Is alike ha tokenWhether the new tilities, in which nearly all nations
were directly involved. Those not par-
her shipping has been so crippled that
u win require many years to restore Iv one military attache will remain at
the embassy. The American troops
' f ! r t year shall bd rich with promiseour-or
laden with dei .air depends upon, ticipating directly in the hostilities
her flag to the seas in a
make actual competitionwywith the
that will left on the continent will
tributed among the zones ot occupa-
dis- te
(By Mornlrux Journal Special Leased Wire) were effected economically and commerce of Greut Britain. America
selves. We hitve reached the essen- time tion. It Is not as yet known m
THE WEATHER Washington. Dec. 31. (Bv the Asso
ciated Press.) Klihu Root, former
reputation from a few of the entente
nations and the United States have
when a concentrated effort Is
tial to the rebuilding of the world,
Isolation from the world dis-
turbance was not possible.
or France.
Alao Bolshevism is crowing American circles whether the United
States will take part in the. elabora-
secretary of state, will be called upon been selected, but it is probably that "if w nuarrel amongst ourselves The greatest upheaval was In the in Germany, and it- is quite tion of the treaty with Turkey.
Russian empire, which for centuries that Noske may noa be able to nre- -
to assist in launching the great inter- we impair our strength and retard our had been subjected to Ihe most grind- Immediately after ratifications Of
Denver, Colo., Dee. SI. New national supreme court provided for additions will be made, perhaps, even
prot ress. But by united, action, based serve the present government for the treaty of Versailles have, been ex-
ico: Thursday and Friday, fair; colder under the league of nations. great jurists from late enemy states, on common honesty and inspired, bv a ing despotism. More than ninety per muiB nitxu yva.r ui- iwo more. la
south portion Thursday.- Of the instrumentalities which are rprovlded their governments adhere to cent of the czar s suhlects could not changed the German government
Arisinna- Thursday and probably

Friday, fair; somewhat colder Thurs

to be set In motion almost immediate-
ly upon the proclamation of the peace,
the league. The purpose is to name
such members of tie committee solely
spirit ot general guuu win,
will add to the glory achieved in bat-
tle, in the accomolisment of the great
read, and the wildest theories of dem-
agogues oasily took root In a field so
fertilized with ignorance and super-
fieiinans Will Work 11 mil
Put the German labor unions have
voted to work twelve hours, whereas
pledged to deliver .without deltiy as A0
tons of floating docks,
nnrt of ihn pm nensa t Ion for the sink

day. a permanent international court of upon the basis of reputation as Inter- task of restorine the prosperity and me organized laoor oi the rest of the war vessels In,
justice isas regarded by the supreme national lawyers anj judges, which of our people." stition. world Is clamorinyfr for a five- - or ing of the German
iir u,for nKPflltT.
council o would make it possible to include
The theories of Lenine and Trotzky six-ho-
Scapa Flow .. - .,
racking Importance. day and wages. In the
that, of a soviet government in con- sourse of time higher
the - twenty-fou- r ane Jit
Conditions Consequently, thnt body through its T
names, regard- n n Waiiwi'i ClntltM. (lerman industry and Military Men Visit Jnarea. ;
hours ended at 6 p. m. vesterday. re-
secretariat in London already has less of the political Importance of New York. Dec. 31. The cost of tradiction to our citizens' govern- conon.y will tew strongly against the
corded bv the university; their nations. ment appears to be winning, and it Juarez, Mexico. , Dec. 31. Colonel
... 55 gone as far as possible towards crea- women's clothes mav be reduced con- is not Impossible thnt we shall set sck of industry and economy in Am- staff of
Francis W. Glovej-- chief ofcominnnu-e-
Highest -temperature 25 tion of the court. Mr. Root has been favorably con- siderably because there Iswill be
an entirely new experiment recognizee" erica and Ore; Britain. General Robert L. Howze, r
lowest Information has come that the sidered in .the selection of these man- siderably less of them. the predic- Next to Itssia the greatest' cat as- -
Rnncrn 27 as agers in , f ull recognition of the fact Fifth avenue by the democracies of the world be of the Kl Paso military district, and
MeMn 38 plans have been so far perfected tions of a fashionable who fore very long. - rorihe fro ij the war came to the Captain Carroll M. Counts, head or
m. . .ft ... . 71 to permit of the extension to certain that the United States has not ap- male milliner and dressmaker , ,
iroud Au Hungarian empire. It the military intelligence department
j The German
VlumMltv It
International jurists of invitations to proved the treaty. The reanon was frnm Purl today are correct. government- Is now f
. . ,,. . . . .. . .
on--i tas p.on nieces, carved Into a num- -
Humidity at $ p.. .m. - 41
form a managerial committee to plan to be found in the unremitting ef-
The latest modes France is sending to republic In form. Iri theory milltax at Kl Paso, today paid s visit of cour-
Precipitation .. . . .'. , ,0,.. . None
. .
forts of Mr. Hoot to bring an interna- A,. T'titiod states, he said, are "no Ism has' been crushed, and' the Abdi- ler of s 11 ftnd
mostly disorganized tesy to General J Gonzalo Escobar,
details of the court anddef!n its

Maximum wind velocity.--

is cated kaiser in a refugee in Holland enubllc The Hapsbunr dynasty is commander ot the Juarei military dlt
tional court Into existence, beginning stockings, extremely hprt klrts. no
Direction of wlndi.. .Variable scope.
baracter of day ...V. ...Partly cloudy Al ft beginning only men of wU wheu he vu
la Roosevelt'i cabinet. sleeve! tad fandalB, - .,... Germany baa lust all ot her coloultt (C unuea ou Paso Two) trtcU

«K>J*U00 JO

> \ 15SBa5^^HBBS5H5HHS5MRHS55!H^Bej For this section.Partly cloudy }

J colder tonight; Jomnrrow fair,'

^ Oldest Daily Newspaper in the cclder
United States and Best Advertis-j
ing Medium In Northern Virginia
'Mrs. Charles Jenkins, of New-
Presentations M«dc to L. E.MJhler and fCBROfifPHESS 3(1 here following the departure of the
War Camp Community Service. A
post of the American Legion umk.the
Women's American- Legion were ».=-
ON THE STAND land, near Heathsville, was found in
the yard at her home Tuesday, dead
from burns. It is thought she had,
W. IT. Bontz
About fifty members of the Reliance
Steam Fire Engine Company -last
night attended a New Year's' ban¬
! MADE ME 1919 tablished.
Many drives' were ^successfully pat |
over in this city during 1010, includ-1
in«>- Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus,)
attempted to start a fire in the quet- given by that company

the company's house in North Pat¬ Salvation Army, Syrians-Armenian-Re¬ Mrs. R. H. Havener is the guest of
Admits He Got $50 "For Ex¬ kitchen stove with kerosene, that her Season Ends on March 22nd,
rick street.
Alexandria Had a Prosper¬ lief, Campaign for Children's Home Mr. and Mrs. Poreviil Smythe. at their
clothing had caught fiare from the ous Year in Every if Virginia, Jewish Relief, Red Cros§. home in Falls Church.
penses" Before Dry In- blaze and that she had rushed out¬
With Lyceum Meeting- \V. H. Bontz, for the past thirty-
and three churches, the Baptist, Epis¬
Dreadnoughts or.e consecutive years engineer* for Line
spector's Trial side for assistance'. Her two chil¬ :hat company, who resigned- last night copalians and Methodists al.^o had Mi<s Isabel Cochran, of Charlottes¬
drives. '
dren were too small to ^give an ac¬ to accept a position with the Citizens ville, is the guest of her aunt, Miss
count of the accident, and Mr. .Jen¬ National Bank was presented with a Alexandria also had a home coming Cora L. Cochran, at her home 722
SAW OFFICERS DRINK kins was away from home at the ALL GAMES AT ARMQRY purse of gold by the company as a
FIVE SHIPS COMPLETED for the soldiers known a? the W.* ivimr street.
time. 9 token of their appreciation for his .lome Home Week held June 8-1J
For every 12 and one-third mar- long and faithful services- A speech which was a big, success. \V. A. Moore, jr., and Gilbert J. Cox,
in the State ,in U)19, there Good Basketball in Store For Xofal of presentation was made by L. E. Z.'aval Torpedo Station Costing $1,300,- This city is rapidly becoming a con¬ Jr., left today for New York to at¬
.Colleague of Man Accused of Kill- ridges according to the Fans.All Teams Strong.Will Play Uh'er, president of the company. 00(1 Erected.Housing Corporation vention city, several state organiza¬ tend the annual meeting of the agents
ins:, However, Denies Imbibing first vitaldivorce,
was one
statistics issued by the in Armory Hall. Organized.1920 Prospects tions having met here during the! rf the Northwestern Mutual Life In¬
Captured Whisky. President L. E. UMer also was re¬
State yesterday. Alexandria county membered by the company, a hand¬ vear among them boinp- the Virginia
surance Company. -¦
furnished the largest proportion, 182 some electric lamp being tendered .
State Federation of Labor. Travelers'
1..A further! divorces being granted against 292 The official schedule of the rAlex- him by ths company and a speech of »'All previous years for general Protective Association. Macabee<. Howard W Smith, special commis¬
Manassas, Va. .Jan.
weddings. Basketball League,
prosperity broken 11)10by Daughters of the American Revolu¬ sioner, has sold to John J. Creenan
attempt to break down Joe Wiiliams, A bear weighing close to- -iOO follows,City
andria which j presentation, was made bv Kenneth W. were in
tion. A chatuaqua also was held her? ami others house and lot 904 Prince
shows twenty four-games in J Ogden, fire* chief. N" "

. Alexandria. Business has boomed<be¬

chauffeur for W. C. Hall, prohibition pounds was shot by a named stor^ for local followers of the in-; During the evening short address-!
hunter^ the most n July and plans are now under way
^tret't. A deed of transfer has just
inspector, on trial for the second tiirte j Hupman in the mountains near Mon¬ loor game, and from present indi-! es were made by Chief Ogden, Fire. yond theexpectations of
for the establishment of a non-euip- ;>een
sanguine and has gone forward placed on record.
charged with the murder of Lawrence j had. lived a number of years in beai-
terey, Highland county. The
that cations, |
some real contests will be President Uhler, V/ice Presidents .T. steadily. The activity and progress
ment Y. M. C. A.
Hudson, suspected bootlegger, last section and staged. >id Doughs and Claude W. Fletcher, .made has been of a solid kind anri Agency of the city is work-
A leap jear dance will be given in
March, was made yesterday morning, j had^ beeifi shot at re¬ Tomorrow night's league contest Captain j
James- McGowan, Thomas places Alexandria in the list of live. :ng hard to help. Alexandria <*row
.iiT* auditorium of the Elks Home to-
F. S. Tavenner, counsel for the j peatedly. between the Lyceum and the Dread-1 Chauncey ami others. .:ustling wide awake cities of the state
The Chamber of Commerce, the cii' nor row
night by the vounjr ladies to
prosecution, after a short grilling oldLittle Aganta Patricia, the 5 year lought clubs has been postponed to council and the business, men in jr.-»¦> ;he men who formerly compos-
daughter *.of George F. and Mrs' The prosperity here during the~pasl young
.?ral are al! in one accord on. th>- ¦il the .Junior
secured the admission from Williams died at the resi¬ MarchThe 22nd, but the Lyceums wili year has not been confined to any Assembly.
that he had received $50 for "ex¬ dence of her Mahoney olay Peck Stars from Washing¬ proposition and bigger things are
parents, Park View, ton. Next Monday night, the Lyceum particular class of business, but on looked for during the coining year.
penses"' before this trial. Williams de¬ near Portsmouth, as. result of burns he other hand has been general. The slogan
1)]-. T." Marshall Jones desires to
for 1020 \vi!l be a "brg- .hank the members of the fire
clared he received a $50 check from sustained from fire works on Fri- vnd the Virginias meet in what prom- Wholesale and retail dealers reported depart¬
W. G. Dunford. bo a battle royal. rer. hefter and busier Alexandr a."
dav. The accident, which resulted "ses-to in unprecedented volume of business, ment for >the prompt and efficient
"Was that not for something other I in her death, /
occurred as the. little The 5th Engineer team from Camp *nd wage earners report better pay FRANK nanner in which they handled the fire

than expenses?" Mr. Tavenner asked. tot was going down the steps of Humphreys did not show any real ind employment in every endeavor. UN--WILSON WEDDINfJ it his office,.yesterday afternoon.
The witness denied^it. her home with lighted fireworks in ¦strength Monday night, star due t "> the There has* been no idleness on th<
Wiith Hall, W. G. Dunleavy, H. F. her hand. 'In some manner she fact that several \
of the players j

Welcome Accorded '
:art or Alexandrians. Everyone capn-' A wedding of interest to a numbe-t The steamship Edwin A. .\\orse,
Sweet and J. H. Sullivan are jointly tumbled and fell, igniting her cloth- were on furlough, and the fact that Me both men. women and children. .:»f Alexandrians was that of Miss dated to saii today from the wharf
aharged with the murder of Hudson. .ing. She was badly burned about the men hatf no chance to practice. Birth of New !iave worked during the past year aiiii Carol Van Antwerp Wilson and Joseph, if Virginia Shipbuilding Corporation
They have elected sepafate trials. All the arm, slioulder and face and prob¬ This will be remedied, -however, in Year the result is apparent. Practically, Harris Franklin, which took p'aco a: A'rll not leave until 7 o'clock tomor¬
appeared today for the defense. Sweet ably inhaled some of the flames. .he near future, as Lieut. Iloass, all of her citizens are far more IL.'iO a. m. yesterday in Trinity Epis¬ row morning and the vessel will go
sold of the approach and trapping of Robert Royer, colored, nvlw lives ¦Uhlctie Officer of the 5th Engineers prosperous than they were during the The copal Church. Upper Marlboro. Mdr o Norfolk to take on a cargo of coal
he suspected bootleggers. He said Sul¬ three miles /rom Lynchburg, got up ilans to have his men work out every past year. Hut comparatively few ate bride isA. the daughter of the "or the Italian .irovernment.

livan, on March 26, went up the road Christmas morning at -J o'clock tc lay. The Bridge Builders can be WATCH SERVICES HELD .ases of actual poverty have been re- Joseph Wilson, at one t.'nu |
.'rom Tumbling Run bridge and waited start a fire so that his three child¬ counted upon to have a strong team, norted and those that were was due in Democratic State Senator from l'rincc Miss Genevieve Goods, daughter of
or the car, which was seen sweeping ren might start their Christmas rhe Dreadnoughts will also be strong i large measure to the fact that the Georges county. Maryland, and i VI r. and Mrs. Benjamin Goods and
ihe road with a "bootlegger's spot- pleasure. Santa Claus had arrived while the Virginias demonstrated Crowd of Merrymakers Not as Great persons were aped nr incapacitated. granddaughter of Mrs. Caroline Var .Jr. Geororc W. Mooney were married
iffht" to locate possibly dry officers. for the trio and everything was Monday night that their club is fast. as in Former Years.Parties and One of the big things aecomplisho \ntwerp Clagett, with whom she ha1 ..t 8.30 o'clock last night at the Del
Tall and his machine were at the! ready. After getting the stove The Lyceums
introduction to Entertainments Tonight.
3 luring the yfar was the Completion of made her home. iay Methodist Church, Eev. \V. W.
?Bulge, he said. He said he signalled ! Sitarted Roye?, /discovered that.N the 'ocnl .fans. All games. wi-H |>e playe.' v _

t.'-.ti- Uiiv.'fl 'States Naval Tonpedc

-Mi.^.-Jer.rette Yair'.-; Cochran,of chrb "MpniH, pastor of that church, offic;.
fail with a flashlight and the officer's upper part of the house was ablaze. it the Armory Hall, and will start! Station here on the river front at :. :ity, a cousin of the bride, was mail' atinjr. Afterward Mr. and Mrs.
ar moved out to block the road. H? He had time only to get his family it 8 o'clock-' New Year's is being observ¬ quietly ¦.ost of $1,300,000. This plant v.-il' ¦if honor, and other attendarts w'er .looncy left for a northern trip.
aid the firing started after Shackel- out of the hous" In their bed cloth¬ The schedule follows: ed in this city. Poetically all busi¬ rive employment after it is in full Mrs. E. Brooke Lee, matron of honor
'ord had fired the 'first shot. Hall ing when the house, all of its furn¬ December" 29, Virginia,A. C. vs. 5th | ness was suspended by the noon hour. Miss May Inglehart. Miss Graci
lad jumped to the running board of ishings. the children's Christmas Engineers: January 2, Lyceum, vs. Many receptions and parties are plan¬
operation from 000 to 1,">00 highly Roberts,
skilled mechanics. Jt occupies SOO.fW Mrs. ITarold Sasscer and
The regular monthly meeting of
\lexandna Post 24 American Legiofev'
Shackelford's car. He said, and dis&p- presents and even the money he drew Dreadnoughts, (postponed); J« nmryj
ned for the evening1. A number
square feet of floor spare. Mrs. Joseph A"ddison. Dr. F'dmur: '¦/ill be he-id in the Chamber of Gom-
>eared in the forward section. Tfrink- the day before were burned. The j, Virginia vs. Lyceum; January 9.j persons kept open house during th^ For the accommodation of the me Franklin, of Washington, was h: nerce tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. It
ng him killed, Sweet said he opened man owned his t-.ome, but had" no in¬ "»th Engineers vs. Dreadnoughts;! day, although the number was 1c.4f
.hanics who will be employed at thiV brother's besr. man, and the u-her s requested that every member of
!ire on the driver. surance. January 12, Lyceum vs 5th Engineer?;! :han in previous years. The Mas'tet ilant the Alexandria Real Estate an<: were Messers. Murdaugh. McCar:lli?!i his post He present at this meeting.
The shooting, he said, continued Elliott E. Nash, son of James Tanuary 1G, Virginia vs. iM'esd-j Mason's Club, King and Washington rnvestmenl Corporatinn has hern cr Fames Ellison and Edmund E'lisn:; Hiero will be the annual election of
f s

mtil the machine of the alleged boot- Nash, of Fredericksburg, was killed noughts; January 19. 5th Engineers, streets, Kept open house, and the rani zed and this corporation propose® .ousins of the grocm. >fficer.s as well as other important
eggers ran into an embankment. in an automobile accident in Spots- .s. Virginia A. C.; January 23. Ly- Loyal Order of^Moose will give :¦ to erect a large number of modern Mr: Sherman B. Fowler, organist y ujsiness that should be attended to.
>weet defied taking a drink from the lylvania county Monday night when .eum vs. Dreadnoughts; January 2G. New Year's entertainment tonight1 a* oouses which are to be sold t
.it. Paul's Church.''this city, of whi<rl
captured whisky. He declared he had the car he was driving ran into a Virginia A. C. vs. Lyceum; January 7 o'clock at-the ofcera house for the Mr. Franklin was a member wiuie Some would l>e practical joker last
lever touched it in his life. mule team belonging to J. D. ^0, Dreadnoughts vs. 5th Engineers; members and their _children and mployees of this plant. This it is ljv-
The defense called W< G. Dunleavy,' Lewis, of Margo, Spotsylvaina coun¬
lieved, will relieve the preserrt hous; ifiai^h. here, played the wsdd.'rr ¦ight afit-vr midnight aimed in three
February 2. 5th Engineers vs. Ly¬ friends. shortage now existing here. The cor¬ 'alse alarms of five and the police and
a prohibition inspector jointly in¬ ty. The driver of the team was un¬
of the mules were
ceum; February fi. Virginia A- C. v? j The usual nridnight .celebration c poration already has collected forty Following the ceremony a we.ldin "ire department is endeavoring to diis-
serted with Hall for the killing of injured, but two Dreadnoughts; February 9, 5tn En¬ the New Year occurred last night. ner cent of the installments for the breakfast was served at the ho-ne <
.over the identity of the person or
Hudson; to prove that the officers did killed. gineers vs. Virginia A. C.; February Five minutes before the -passing of ""uiul from thp subscribers. I.Dter th;; he bride's brother-in-law and ti'fsons guilty. The fir?t alarm was
[lot drink any of the whisky con¬ 13, Lyceum vs. Dre'andoughtsp Feb¬ rhu old year the fire engine bells tol'- .orporation may be in a position to Mr. and Mrs. E. Brooke Lee. at S-' nrr.ed in at 12.12. the second at 12.25
tained in the car they held up. TO CONTEST BERGER'S SEAT ruary 1G, Virginia A. C. vs. Lyceum; ?d its requiem. On the stroke cf ;er Spring, Maryland. uid the third at 1.08. The same party
?Vect many more houses.
A 10-year-old boy, George William,
Will Bring His February^ 20. Dreadnoughts vs. 5th twelve all of the bells and whistle.' With the Naval Torpedo Statior Mr. arid Mrs. Sherman Bruce For >r parties endeavored to later turn *in
foods, testified Tuesday that he saw H. H. Biydcnstab Fight in the House
Engineers; February 2", 5th Engi¬ of t-he city let loose and a large nuni <oon in fuH swing and with the Vir¬ \*r,.of this city
were anionir the gues? » fourth alarm.
fcbe prohibition officers take drinks neers vs. Lyceum; February 27. Viv-L ber of merrymakers were on tlv
From a bottle they pjjssed to one an¬ ¦Milwaukee. Wis., Jan. 1..H. H. Tinia A. C. vs. Dreadnoughts; March -treots with horns and bells and parti ginia Shipbuilding Corporation giving :.t the wedding and reception.
Bodenstab. Fusion candidate for ¦nvploymert to about 2.500 men Alex¬ The St.'ite Corporation Commission
other the morning after the killing. !, 5th Engineers vs. Virginia A. C.: .ipated in the revelry which continued andria has two big institutions to say WILSON'S CONDITION las granted acharter to the Virginia
The officers were then removing the Congress in the Fifth district spe¬ March 5, Dreadnoughts vs. L\v?um; for half «m hour. Red fire was car x \

election, will contest the right nothimr of the smaller manufactur¬ Lvpid Transit company, incorporated,
whisky from the' machine to an of¬ cial his seat. March 8, Lyceum vs. Virginia A. ried by many of the promenaders
ing industries and the hundreds o' Many Significant Observations Made Vlexandria. Va. Maximum, $100,000:
ficial car. The^defense presented Dun¬ of Victor Berger tothetake March 12. oth Engineers vs. Dread¬ Many of the faithful attended watch in Washington minimum, ?.">,000. Patrick H. Lawson,
Announcement of contest was '.ailroad employees living here.
leavy in an effort to disprove this made yesterday after notice 'had noughts; March 15. 'Lyceuni vs 5th night services at1 the different church That Alexandria will advance dor¬
The Washington correspondent of Jr.. president; William M. Carman,
testimony. On cross-examination the been served on Mr. Berger in Chic¬ Engineers; March 19. Dreadnoughts es and witnessed the births of th: mer the voar is the opfn.'on of bankers
th^; Philadelphia Inquirer sends the secretary: Charles W. Harris, Do-,
witness said he occasionally lock a
ago last nijrht.
vf}. Virginia A. C.; March 22, Ly?eum New Year in prayer. The crowds o: merchants and other*. ¦following to that paper: Wilton Aiteheson. James M. Dicker-
drink. *
s Dreadnoughts. "he streets in point of number wet- "Over three months have elapse James F. Thompson and Boyd
The jbasis of the contest is that far less than in any previous-year. During the past year the real es since President Wilson canceled tlr on.
"I'm not a teetotaler," he ?aid in Mr. Haislip. ail of Alexandria, Va. To
Berger is disqualified from A number of Alexandrians attend¬ rate sales have
been unparallelled last of his swing around th'i
answer to a question from ,Mr. Taven¬
holding the office and that votes cast BANDITS GET $115,000
ed New Year celebrations at Wash¬ Many valuable pieces of business 'circledays and returned to Wash inert or /perate automobiles and trucks for the
ner. James H. Sullivan, another pro¬ for -him were void. .¦ansportntion of freight and passen¬
hibition inspeptoi-, also a member cfj Mr. Bodenstab stated that his Omaha, Neb., Jan. 1..Four un- j ington hotels. ; property changed hands, and hundred* because of illness and today there* ir
the party that held up Hudson and ! contest will be brought in the House masked robbers shortly before noon if dwelling houses in every part of almost as little known about h" gers.
Shackelford, said he <$id not have a of Representatives. vesterday entered the Farmers and PALMER'S STATEMENT the city. The majority of the pur¬ real condition or the exact natur BLINDNESS INCURABLE
chasers were persons who will re- .if his ailment as when hi- first rt
distinct recollection of what happen-' "The first basis of the proceeding Merchants' National Bank, of Benson i
:;r!e in the houses. Alexandria, there¬ tired hchin I the viil of seer.'*tar
led during the shooting. He testified is that a person who is notoriously n suburb of Omaha, lined six em- Attorney General Hot on Trail of
fore. is lapidly becoming a c.ity <it that envelope the Whit.. House. "Blindness, caused hv drinking
ihe did not shoot. ; ployes and five customers of the bank "Reds".Will Not Tolerate vool alcohol is incurable" says an cf-
disqualified and ineligible cannot be 'lorne owners and this fs evidenced by ''The question as to the Presi
i voted for, and that votes cast for airainst the wall and robbed the vault Spread of Their Doctrines ;he large number of citizens who have lent's condition will not down ir 'ieial of the New York Association Sor
such a person are of no effect, and of $115,000. most' of which was nego¬ With a request that the people of he Blind, adding.
COLD TEA St A QUART that it results in effect in a nega¬ tiable papers and Liberty Bonds. the United States on New Year Day just paid their capitation taxes. the Washington, and once more .the- ru "In my eight years of experience
tion rather than an election," said They made their escape in an auto¬ resolve to study, understand and ap¬ number being 2,250. mors which were for the moment
''Red' Ships launched by the Virginia checked result of the interviev with the association I have known
Ihester Man Thought He Was Buy¬ Mr. Bodenstab. mobile. preciate the so-called move¬
during the granted to the
as a
<f but one case where the .victim of
ing Good Whisky ''The second basis that any per¬ ment, .Attorney General Palmer last Shipbuilding Corporation seeking ir.
^senators vood alcohol poisoning1 recovered
numbered five, all of which ves¬ formation on the Mexican situntior
Chester, Pa., Jan. 1..(Forty-nine son found jruilty of a felony loses his NOTICE.IM PORTA NT niprht issued a statement making if year
are now in service. They follow: are again reviving. The Presiden' :is .4 ight. In that case the patient
ottles of cold tea at four dollars each right to vot3, and that* in this state plain that the Department of Justicr sels Gunston Hall, February 27; Betsy f»3 old Sunday and hi* vas placed under treatment only a
irere sold to a Chester man who any person who has been deprived This -certified check is payable any would not tolerate the spread of Len- was years on
w hours after drinking the stuff,
this day and date: in this country. Bell*. May 24; Vanada. .Tune 21; Chan- health was-never robust. "It i
bought he was getting high-grad? of his right to vote also loses his time after in'e-Trotsky doctrines afterward named H. F. Morse. that there i'- 'lis case, however, was peculiar in
irhisky Tuesday, according to the po- 1 right to hold office." Alexandria, Ya., Jan. 1. 1 Terming Bolshevism. Soviet ism. cook, manifest, however,
August 9; Edwin A.'Morse. October, much the matter with Mr nany ways and cannot bo considered
ice, who decline to give the name of To the Second National Bank: Syndicalism and sabotage distinctly more
physicians have re n the ordinary category.''
he victim, who is helping them in KILLS TO CLEAR NAME Pay to the order of all my friends criminal and dishonest movement? 2o. councilman during the year ap- Wilson tothatthehispublic. There is nothing new in the effest.
heir hunt for the swindler, who is ind patrons Three.Hundred and Sixty- which bear new names for old theoric? City pcrted >f wood alcohol upon the eyesight, he
for school and "It is anotable fact that the Pre?
aid to have landed other viatims here. Mrs, Kate Uhl Held for Death of six Days (36G days) and Three Hun¬ of violence and criminality, the At¬ pronriated $100,000 and a handsome ider.t has yet been evcij permit¬ .tated, occasional ease> having been
Edwar Pownall dred and Sixty-Six Nights (36fi torney General declared that th< improvement furrds
school building for colored boys and ted to go for a ride in_an automo¬ .ecorded for many years past. The
JUDGE BARNEY DEAD Cumberland, Md., Jan. 1..-Mrs. nisrhts) of happiness and prosperity forthcoming year -would see- an un¬
Kate Uhl, aged 25 years, wife of Mar.- and charge to my account. flinching and aggressive campaign girls is now under construction. bile. which was formerly one of his inly thing astonishing about the ef¬
sum of $17,000 appropriat¬ favorite forms of relaxation." *

fect at tlvs time, he said, was the tre-

a.srainst the promulgation of these ed The
Milwaukee. Jan. 1..iSamucl S. Bar- vin Uhl amT'thp mother of three J. C. Tutt Candy Market of .nendous increase in the number of
ley, 53, former congressman and re- small children, was held this evening 1000 Kins: Street .deas. He said lhat the sympathizers to complete the motorization = ,

:ently judge of the Court of Claims without bail by a coroner's jury £or 1-lp in this country, are chiefly criminals, the city fire department. I WANTED )er-ons blinded.
it Washington, died yesterday at his the killing of Edgar Bryan Pownali. . mistaken idealists social bierots and The Alexandria Water company, a
Customers that appreciate goo- NOTICE
many unfortunate men and women private corporation, completed
wm? in this city. Judge Barney, had aged 23. of Romney, W. Va., at the NOTICE ^
duriug the service and up to date supplies. Wv ir.-
>een in declining health for more than' U'hl apartments here yesterday morn¬ Architects and engineering firms; suffering with "varying form? of filtration plant year.
The roller skating -rink" at: tFi^r JCr-
i year. He raitired from bis. judicial ing, when in d,esp^ration following his will be opon fo.r engagement Januarj hyperesthesia.-" | The city established a modern \ spect your tires arid'"batteries-free eJ
josifcion in Washington last March on : health department in charge of charge. We have the best Free- Air' ir morv" has' reopened with new-prices!
alleged attentions, she plunged a long 1, 1920. Heating, ventilation and pow¬ T. '£. .

the It's filtered.' GentTernen 37c; Ladies' -27rr. including

account of ill health. Mr..Barney serv- thin-bladed butcher knife up to the er plants. W.. L. Tieer,. Mechanical Norfolk salt 'water Oysters and Dr. L. E. Foulks and during year town.
JESTER'S Skates; Basketball Monday and Fri¬
i Jacob Brill. a free clinic was established.
»d four terms, in Congress prior to h-\lt into his breast, just o\er the engineer. 1025 Florida Ave., N. E.. Hampton Bar clams
A community service was establish- 1-lc King and Patrick Sts j day nights. .'
, 1-2 p.
:he time of his going on the bench. heart. He died, within a half Jiour.

i Washington, D. G. l-3p
r "HE
Vol. xli. no.




EGO 1, 1020


American Red Cross Preparing for
CENSUS 10 BE Brick Work on New Theatre is Now Mr- - William Hartley, Gratiot I'i.
ULUUiiU fli llll 1
Disaster Relief. Under Way and Will He Hushed. ' eer, lias Passed Away.

SALE MONDAY American Red Cross Forces for dis- -

Immediate preparation of all ' j

The foundation walls of the new
$00,000 theatre, which is being con- - OFFERED ALMA Ave.
.Mrs. William Hartley of 317 Grant
died Monday morning at her "Oil! OF ALMA"
structed in this city, have become well home after a prolonged sickness
astr relief, so that the agencies will - which for .some months hns confined
be equipped to handle any emergency set, and the first of the week, the
which may arise, will be undertaken work of constructing the wajls of the j her to her bed. In lur death Gratiot v , Earned for Community
Two Tons of Strip llaron Will in connection with the peace time pro- - Government Seeking Statistics theatre was started and is now being 1920 Will Re Riff Year for county loses on e of its few remain- - . . .
- .,
if Proper Cooperative ing and much respected pioneers. as ijioeriy iakm uewam iu
Re Offered to Alma People gram of the Red Cross. in Regard to Population and rushed rapidly. Re Launched.
This work was held up for some Mrs. Hartley's maiden name was
at Sale First of Week. The national organization has Country's Wealth. j
Spirit is Shown. Jane She was born in Scot-
sued a manual of disaster relief pre days due to a shortage of materials, Kdgar.
which are now, however, arriving land in 1849 and came with her par-
paration, and all divisions and local ents to London, Canada, when four
will be requested to prepare ALMA rapidly allowing the work to be 9 IS THE DATE SET
HELD BY OFFICIALS OF. CITY chapters the lines laid down in the IS VERT INTERESTED pushed, so that the greater part of MUCH BUILDING IS NEEDED years old. From there the family
along moved to Gratiot county in 1802,
manual. . the lost time may be gained back.
In the past Red Cross preparations Now that the foundations have been where Mrs. Hartley has since resided. .Miss
Hundreds of Homes Should He Jane Edgar was married to William Esther Rhodes of this City is
Foodstuffs, Clothing. be Sold have peen held up until the disaster Expected that Census Will Show completed, it is expected that the
j d

to Sponsor Government Ship at

at Store Which Will lie Held actually arrives, but statistics show City One of Most Rapidly Crow- -
i work can proceed at aar more rapid if City"isto
All that Year Offers.
Healize Hartley in 1870. She early joined the
Emerson Presbyterian church.
Its Launching.
in Fire Station. that some disaster visits the country-- , ing in State. rate, unless further delays are met Mr.
on au average of once a month, and with in the securing of materials. Hartley died in 1907 and Mrs. Hartley

Those in charge of the building oper-Th- o moved with two daughters, then liv Alma's Fourth Liberty loan ship,
to le ready to meet these disasters of Alma," is to be christened
The second of the sales of army as they occur, the Ked Cross chapters fourteenth decennial census of ations hone that this can be avoided, 1920 is here, with its new re.solu ing at home, and son, J. A. Hartley, "City
goods to be conducted by the City of have been asked to prepare There the United States will be under way as the owners are highly desirous of itions, with Alma people hoping for to Alma in 11)12. Six children of Mrs on Friday, January!, HiJO, at Bris-
success and the tol, Pa., according to word which has
lied on January 2, 1920, and it is expected having the new structure completed Hartley are left to mourn their loss,

Alma will be started Monday morn- are 15,000 communities wher prosperity during been received here, and Miss Esther
at 9:00 o'clock, at which time a Cross activities are carried on, and that it will be completed over the en- - iust as quickly as possible. New Year; with expectations of fur- - in addition to two sisters, four
large quantity of goods will be of- these communities will have at their tire county within the next fifteen ther growth for the community, brothers and twelve grandchildren, Rhodvs, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs.
fered to Alma residents, at prices disposal knowledge of the resources days, although a much longer period which will exceed anything that Alma The children are J. A. Hartley, Janie C. (J. Rhodes of this city, will sponsor
as it leaves the ways and
which the officials of the city believe for the care of ill and injured, emer- will be needed to compile all of the PROMINENT
ALMA has ever enjoyed in a single year. Hartley and William K. Hartley of the ship to the water.
will effect some large savings for gency feeding, temporary shelter and data that is secured. Prospects on the first day of the this citv. Mrs. F. S. Cleirir of St. takes
VMIMfi I MW Ulf finPR ''4,r ore" that these hopes for Alma Louts, Mrs. P. L. McAdams of Ithaca Tin naming of the ship, "City of
local people. The sale will be held clothing facilities, health and pre This will be the first time that wo- -
IUUI1U LT1UI Alma," is an honor that has been
in the lire station. vention of disorder men will figure very largely in the HLUULUimay be realized but much will de- - and Mrs. A. It. Smith of Detroit.
to the commuity as a result
Chief among the good? to be of- - of the census, old-h- . c. hav- - pend upon the people of Alma them The funeral of Mrs. Hartley was given
Each division will undertake a sur- taking - 1.
of its having led the entire state on
fered for sale will be two tons of vey oi iedorai ana nauonai guaru k yni, ... im. nu ; ii selves. Ihey,I and they alone have held from the home at one o'clock on the Fourth
rtrip bacon, which will be sold for f.n.,inment. Rod Cross suoolies avail- - true in Alma, where men are getting I,NS ,uun iipnnpH llpnmp thpiTu power of bringing about a realiz Wednesday afternoon. Rev. W. L. when 80.8 Liberty Ixjan campaign,
Rride of Detroiter at of these per cent of the population
twenty cents per pound. The bacon able, trained workers and other types good wages, wages demanded by the Pretty atiwn hopes. Gelston of the Presbyterian' church
of Alma subscribed to Liberty bonds
will be sold only in strips. of resources necessary when disaster present high costs, and hence not a Christmas Wedding. Opportunity is even now holding officiating. The remains were taken of that issue. The reward for the
Two hundred pairs of blankets have j comes. J male resident of this city took the forth her hand to this city, and if to Hueckenridsre for burial.
efforts of the campaign were to have
been obtained by the city for the examination when census enumerat- - jAlma does not blindly step aside, or i

At a beautiful informal home wed- - hesitate in meeting been given to four communities, the
coming sale, nearly all of which are ors were called for. As a result only j
it, wonderful two leading cities of those with a
new. The new blankets will be sold REV. J. W. PRIEST women will work on the census in ding Christmas Eve at the home of changes are certain to result during COLLEGIATE SEASON
for $5.00 each. Alma. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Bennett on the next twelve months. population of over 10,000 and the two
Alma hat needs that must be met leading communites of the class under
Two cases of shoes, two hundred
PASTORATE They are Miss Mildred Cash, who Woodworth avenue, their daughter, TO OPEN NEXT WEEK 10,000 populaton. Alma, the leader
RESIGNED will have charge of the first and Miss lluth, was united in marriage if the hopes for the New Year are to
pair of army shoes ami five hundred of the "less than 10,000" class, also
towels comprise some of the other second ward; Miss-Jenni- e
Miller, who with Mr. Fred L. Moffat, a son of be realized.
led the enitre state on percentage,
goods which will be offered for sale. will have charge of the third ward; Mr and Mrs. Peter Moffat of Detroit. Most important of all the needs
Detroit an. Flit, leaders
The city was unable to secure as liaotist Minister relatives and intimate that confront that city during the College Basketball Team Will of the outdoing
Will Leave and Mrs. Edith Swigart, who will
Only twenty
larger city class. East Lan-
large an assortment of can goods as friends of the couple were present at coming year is the need for houses,
was desired, being unable to secure
After Eight Years of Service have charge of the fourth ward.
A proclamation issued by President the ceremony, which was performed that there will be plenty of room for
Meet Mt. PJeasant and sing, with 01 per cent of its popu-
peas and corn in the present allot-
for New Field at Sturgis. Woodrow Wilson in regard to the cen- - by the Rev. J. Frank Jackson, rector those who are now seeking residences (rand Rapids Fives. lation subscribing in the smaller city
was next to Alma, so the reeord
ment of goods. The canned goods to
be offered for sale consist of 2,400
sus states that the sole purpose of
the census is to secure
Johns Episcopal church. The here and those who are certain to be
home was very dec looking for homes the
of this city, nearly twenty per cent
Rev. Joseph W. Priest of the Bap- general sta- - preituy during coming Thi Alniu CoIIpo- liuskptlmll rmiii letter than its nearest competitor in
cans of baked beans, 1.200 cans of
tist church has resigned his pastorate tistical information regarding the orated in Christmas colors for the i J i V 7,Ulsuu! ,Tt will open its schedule of collegiate the race for high honors, was note
tomatoes, 480 tans of corn beef, 90 u
cans of pepper and 'J6 cans of cinna- iannoun ement

cf, population and resources of the wedding. large Christmas tree, in ..i......
" the replies are required the. living room, with its decorations ed to provide places for the work- - battleSf one of which wilI be gtajfe(1
individuals only to permit the reflecting back the light of the many ing men who w.ll le seeking Alma as n the ,ocal courtf while the other Cratiot
ux i iiumn ,u ue neeu- - games th,3 coming week with two worthy.
,n tht. Kourth Libert (.ampiuif?n
Those who attend the sale will not
be allowed to flock into the room
as they did at the last sale. Priest,
Only a few will be admitted at a
Rev Priest to
It was learned yesWrday that Mrs. for the protection
who is a member of the school
4u;. j;Bri.t w;n
time, as the officials; do not desire to a member of the board within a very census bureau is prohibited under Lieu ua ulluwiaiu
compilation of such general statistics, "nail,
of the rights and covered it furnied an ideal setting
oi me persons lurnisning V
colored electric

.r 'T
information every employe of the Miss Dorothea Sage" of Kalamazoo mauer mai ine city is now laying , Rapids js scheduled for


Sewer and watermam extensions
will b(? piaycj ftt jrt. peasant
The game to be played here, which $40.1,000. This amount was equal to
badly needed, and this is a;will be with Junior College of Grand nearly three hundred ner cent of the
Saturday quota of the city
fOUnty subscribed $1,026,550
of which the city of Alma subscribed

plans for, and within a short time it evening, Jan. 2. The Furniture City Under the rules laid down for the
have a crowd on their necks . for
short as a result of the accept- heavy penalty from disclosing any ljxke of Ntroit as best n
is exi-xex-
tnai oias win
oe asked coijeKians are reported to have a honors tho small cities were to have
fom . hours as' was the case at the ance of time, which may come to his Tht bride was dressed in a flesh
th call to Sturgis by Rev. 'colored georgette gown, trimmed with L sfwer work. speedy bunch of court men and are a tank named after the city, but the
preceding sale. knowledge. - There is also a big need in Alma to make CoacM Wool's ag- - armistice called a halt in the makim?
It Is said that Rev. J. W. Priest is A paragraph in the proclamation Parl h4- - se 'r a corsage bou-cal-
for new business blocks, and indica-;th- e expected battle. - of tanks, and the smaller communities
WEEK OF PRAYER attention to the fact that it is uet of roses an1 ww?t I3'-th- e
tions are that some of these will be;KreKation step some if it is to annex were
to take up his new work In Sturgis the given the honor of naming a
duty of every person to answer!' following ceremony a dainty built in the cityx during the coming. The opening game of the college Lship.
t'nion Service of Churches To Be on Sunday, February J, and he ex-He- ld
luncheon was served in the
all on the census adding
Xt Week. pects to move to that city with his which questions
apply to him and the family
nn room of the Hennett home 3?rropptx-t- .
nw romt . schedule will be with the Mt. Pleasant
to a de- - Xormals on Friday Following the awarding of the lead
All the citizens of Alma are earn- -
esUy invited to attend the services Alma Baptist church eight years ago
family before
XXS10 which h
b.v him or his family and
nd the farm , Mrs Moffat
is a graduate
cnooi anq naiamaxoo
of the mand for more workmen n the city week. The normalites. are
ii.uustrie wunin me have the strongest team in their his- - for the ship, and at a meeting held
to Alma the Liberty Ixan Committee
selected the name," "City of Alna,"
arrangeo vy tne Aima reoerauon last October, coming to this city from!1""':
churches in' observance of the week FenUn where he had been for i subJct to Penalty.
irson using re i vo o so is
There has boen muoh speculation fsteem by a large circle of friends ations, and will need a number of theirtoplot speed
- '
r. '".V""
clty ?1L r hfe and ls hcl(l m hlh Wheel company s about to start oper - at
i ieu montns. ine .Northern tory, and unless the Almaites travel still later, Miss Esther Rhodes was
defeat promises to be selected as the person o sponsor the
of prayer, January 4 to 11. number of vears Diirinir the time in th fi
the of nere- Mr- - Clonal is a manual irain- -
These services commence with that h haa bn
Union meeting next Sunday evening gamea & wiue circie of friend in me ' ,"cA r. , tlrw ers, ana 11 is expected UrA
in Alma he has rtearding . V. .
growth I . Alma during . in it to.nrV)AT

"v.. in Tlol H.v 1

uknn! Ta. tion, will
mon SOmo Of whom, without ques- will be nlnv.'d on the Vftrmal
bring additional families to and this promises to give the Normals sel Ls named after a city, and still
nrt It i l,l.rm, ,v...mmu

at 7 p. in. in the Presbyterian church community. Mrs. Priest has also eciisus wnicn siarxs vomor- - . t nnA a n.'crKtv rarAA
... v.0f
Alma, provided suitable homes are an edge on the Maroon and Cream, more seldom that a city as small as
t which Rey. Matt. CunTey will jboen closely associated with the pttb row, win soon give tne ngures as r Mr. utifi Mrs. NfofTatt will ho at procurable. .Jhe Republic Motor even should the two fives be evenly Alma acquires such an honor, and it
ftwV. On Mondav.' Tacsdav iLnd i:IIU ilUlTIIIir i - lliriliurr v
VI VllV compared .. with those of ten vears aco. I Truck Company Inc. is planning on UWed.
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. they eon- - local sehool board for several vears.
Ut-r- il
i .
.a was a community of only
i.t.n, ."7 nom a.
. r-
. - 1
a.i nnn
vv n r ,
uewiCK extending the scope of its busiess
by What the line-u- p
was onlv
will be for the by all Alma people to the Fourth
the splendid support given
iinue in trvo rresDytenan cnurcn. cm while it has not been stated peoph us capacity to a great ex. opening game is very uncertain, at Liberty Loan campaign that made the
Among those who attended th increasing

Friday and Saturday they niteiy by Mrs. Priest it is expected Among the question which will be tent during the coming months, and the forward stations at least. At pres- - achievement
were Mr. and Mrs. Peter vnis is cenain u create a demand nt. with AnnHersnn possible for the commun- -
vUl be held in the Methodist church, that sho hand ner resignation to asked by the census enumerators of tedding t.ill

linriu ....""I

f" '
Jiwnwrs oi vne uh msi cnurc-- ue- - T'll'iU uEn . ionowing.
! Mr. Jamea Lake of Detroit, . i,i2'fJ,T workmen.
ith nlentv of residence for " ' wnrW . - rtj
from the center job, it is almost a a monument to the patriotic spirit of
. v........ ..v . . . vv u.
ii, v .vn "'K .. II. C II1.UU..
..., if.
color or race: age at last birth ,rs- rvnui -j
Thre never was a time when mm..i.. of show inc their a ' ' ;;1&,X; day whether sinH. mrrw.,i :.i

Ohio. Mrs.
Gioson of Tippecanoe ,
nppecanoe oru Alma 0111
7 TTl."
TTj. 7.
A !.., . , ...mi
...e ,u,uuc oas lu.goueu now wen
so neecw to iook to ikki lor help
and guidance as in these days of Te- - $200.00 on Christmas.
iv. priest presented him with owed or divorced;
birthplace of per- - cjly ()hio Iiss Dorothea Sage of j ng the coming year, and it thus be the floor.
handle the work from the center n Alma arose to the needs of the

conatrucxion ana untold opponunny. At the present time, it is under

son enumerated and birthplaces of vanazoo, cnaries 1

1 rve whole nation is asked to make stood, that no one has been decided
"".-- and Pspenty during the up for the M. I. A. A. title, and Mills Rhodes, and their daughter. Mis


much of the privilege of prayer at unon for the pastorate here, and it I. """J T u loreign t T
coming year depends upon Alma neo- - guard on the 1017 quintet, which tied Esther, who will snonsor the hin T
just this time. In view of the great U probable that it will be some few
task placed upon the churches of weews oeiore any ticainiic decision s- -
Alma to win for Christ the constant-
ly increasing population" coming to Rev. Priest. whether

o i


E in Thioh and Mrs. A .

L ,

ihHnwh-- ..f thi
. 13 roc k , a n 1 M rs.' S a r- - t r
been constructed
,It'm ine l''
. .
wnen a
. 'I0
lar noi.i oown
championship, will probably A. Itobin.son, who directcnl the Vic
me guard positions.
here each year, the forward positions and there is no that some other Alma people will
tory toan campaign will be present
is probable
our city the earnest souls of Alma write; whether able to speak English; RESIGNS POSITION
Alma needs an awakening to the telling what Coach Wood will decide also be present.
will Ik; anxious to in the wnetner home is owned or rented, and Professor Hosmer Leaves Alma Col-i- f needs of
TAKEN CARE OF owned whether home is free of in- - the community, time to du, alter looking his men over for
nation wide program. It is sug- UKV for Chicago Position, is better for such an awakening as the first three days of the coming NEW GROCERY
gested to Christians throughout the Alma' Poor Were Given A Merrv cumbrance or is mortgaged. the beginning of a new year, when week. r. Smith and G. Richards arc
Persons of foreign birth will be U, hCH: k"own ih first of the
city that they each follow the rule Christmas this Year. available from last year's court ag- St. Louis Resident Will Open New

asL." .1 week that iTofessor AUert h. Hos- - twelve long months lie ahead for
of attending at least two of the serv- mer of t,H department of music of in IHL'0. gregation, but they are being pushed Grocery Here Friday.
ices during the week choosing those The various organizations of this ditional points:
saw to it this year that Christ - Year of immigration to the United A,ma college has resigned his posi- - hard by Hoyne, Howe and Marks, and C. L. Short, former proprietor of
that best suit thtir convenience. It city mas time was time of - States: whether naturflliyp.1 ami if tloTl- - effective at once, and that he ENTERTAIN EMPLOYES it is more than possible that any one a
is further urged that all social out all Alma and those who were un - a joy through- : of these men may be picked to start. new grocery in St. .Louis, will open a
;so the year of mother has '
a position as director Republic Gives Wholesome grocery in Alma on Friday,
gatherings which conflict with these iortunate to De in such a naturalization; Employes
services be postponed as far as pos- position as tongue or native language. music ai .ioo.iy insiuuie in i nicago. Amusement At Lunch Hour. DERATE HERE January 2, in the Redman block or.
sible. to have nothing to look forward to at Census enumerators also will call; Prfsor Hosmer has been con - South Gratiot avenue.
the Yuletide, were laden down 'with at every farm in this to nettedi
'ma college for almost Feeling that happy em- - He has secured the store room,
The topics for the week are those bas-kit-s community
of goodies, with presents for secure the "information necessary to two 'ears an(' a na'f a,1(' urinr this ployes do more and better work, the Alma High School Debaters Will formerly used by the Gratiot Motor

.selected by the Federal council of the time tlu ilepartment of music has en- - Republic welfare department has hit Meet Mt. Pleasant Team Friday. Sales Co., and this has been remo-
churches of Christ in America. The kiddies, and clothing, where it till out the ouestion onfuin..i i,
was hejieved that it was needed. schedule. j'veit a fine growth. upon a means ot entertaining and deled and is now equipped for a first
general theme is "An Awukened agricultural The Alma high school debating
The acts of the various Each farmer will be asked ques - Professor Hosmer expects to leave amusing the employes during the class grocery, such as Mr. Short ex-
Church." The topics for each day churchessplendid team will debate the Mt. Pleasant
of Alma, of the Salvation tions concerning the acreage and Alma the first of th( Wt ok for Chi - noon hour. pects to conduct.
Army, the Masons and other Alma value of his farm; whether he owns ca to tllke UP nis ,u'w work at This applies of course, only to high school team in the Alma high Mr. Short has announced that he
Sunday. January 4 "The church
lodge, and of the various organiza rents or nartlv ovens mul nnrti,. Tnt.' Moody Institute. those who eat their lunch at the fact- - school auditorium Friday evening, will conduct a cash and
carry groc-
awakened by her opportunities." Isa. J), at 8:00 o'clock. The sub-
tions at tne plants or the, icepubiic the land he farms; the value of the u is understood, that while the or.v, or live so near to the plant that January ery, as he believes that it will e
25:1; Rev. ::'.; Esther John for the debate will be the same
4:14; Motor I ruck Company Inc., dispelled buildings, machinery and imolements ollege authorities are considering they find it easy to return in time to ject that is being used in the state possible for him to aid in the savings
4:.5, :G; Mark ::4, 'i7; Acts 16:9, the sorrow that was facing many an belonging to his farm the nuantitv 'several recommendations for the enjoy the entertainments that he hopes to give his patrons.
1 A
Alma fami,y because of the inability of all crops raised on his farm Vlcant position, no selection of a Three times each week, Monday,
' contest, of which this is a
Mond iv ' l inu .rv during The is That UNION WATCHNIGIIT
awakene 1x1 dnatlonit0membrane Pr,V"Ie a lSuiUUt Yuletide rt" th and many other ques- - successor to rroressor Hosmer has ' eunesoay and rriday, the employes part. subject "Resolved, SERVICE
in the way of mov- - the United States should adopt a
Matt ,,,,5
. .1.--- 0. (
( .
(;.trT!M e for the, youngsters, anda'tions which cover all
Jas. (Hnner that woul(, ,,rinff smi,es 0f
operations. ......
possiMe farm ,,Pi'n ma(,- .

a treat
clean, wholesome com- - system
of Universal Military Train- held at the
Union watchnight
church for the
and joy to be pinched and . (lllIT1;;.,..
OlflTl AlCl ',,); n..vii. .m me- outer .1.- -- ing for all male citizens between the Christian people of Alma. Rev. Jos-
"The church pleasure
A ..1 I U-
MUMMuifi.v accurate ana com- . "-- "

Tuesday, January wan face of many a kiddie. plete census vitally concerns the wel Ihy etus J. Adams son of Edwin (lays an )rchestra entertains those ages of 18 and 25." eph' Priest acted as chairman and the
awakened by a vi.ion of the world's J. and Osta r. Adams, was born whn The Alma team will take the af-
need." Matt. J5::il-4ri- .

!M7 in Alma were stretched across the

of the more fortunate fare of this community .mi;at. cr,wi m.,oi '
firmative side txf the forensic program included the following: song
person living in it TheRni.rrery
Rev, .July 2. 1873 in Arcada township, and; ques- service led by Prof. Hosmer of the
P. 107; Ps. 2:1; John ;:li-'Jl- .

pop- - Ilweml.P 21. l9VJ in the samcl tion,' and the visitors will take the college; social hour
gap to grasp those of the more unfor- ulation for he next ten will be MANY SAFl's during which
Wednesdoy, January 7 "The
tunate brethren, to bring to them re- determined y the census of 1920. years h)WIlshi nnJ ju;t h road negative. The Alma team will be those
church awakened by the call for

frofti Knm commencing in September and composed of Velmer John present were served refresh-
newed hope of success after failure lie ready with your answers when; ., .. .. , endint? with I)rmlMr- -l 1) Hi.
Lyons, ments by ladies from the
John 17; Phil. 1:21; Eph. had seemingly been their lot; to en- t. . .c,r... . . I .1
Holmes, and Elliott Crooks. Mt
sermon by Prof.
; Matt. 2v.
courage them in facing the future i:ZL2"Ll"L "wuw-
in marriage with Charlotte M.
man, well known Alma auctioneer. pleasant will ror.r.nt.t . vn. ing . congregations;!

who with his daughter survive. held 76 sales, nnn" nnrh iluv vni. irokenshi re of the commun
Thursday, January. S "The church with a confidence that must win out FREIGHT OFFICE "VI - " i' ' linm Holoomh. I.lnv.l Rnh Phil rul ion service conductedcollege;
" by Dr. Jackson
awakened by a revival of family re- over the difficulties that must, be met ,s H1 oy nis aged par- - ing nunciays oi course. .ir. Iieiman Jins and Joseph Grim,
The Ann Arbor freight office wilt.ue has long been known as one of the of the Episcopal church and finally a
ligion." Gen. l:IT-lf- ; Eph. :4; and borne down: to brinir to them at arum b. nnonml for I

lm;n.. " 'its. a sister, Mrs. Ray Wheaton, of most j

The judges for the contest have
this (not yet been selected, but "arc to be period for reconstruction
Prl-u,- .
successful auctioneers in and de-
Drut. 4:!, 10; n.JH-21- . Christmas timtf a more thorouirh 4 Januarv 2. 1920 with J Tt Kimiiw A,mu anl a nost ot friends. cision led by Rev. Cook of the United
"The thurch his entire life he has lived section of the state, and each year of schools
Friday, January .
knowledge of the Master, and his las agent. The opening of the freiirht I)l,ring
has seen the demand for his services superintendents
within a Rrethern church.
awakened by the call for workers." Kpfrit has actuated others to con'S as one of the
prelimi- - !n or mar thls ""' nnrt was Wf1e,.y radius of fifty miles of Alma. Roth
Matt. ::r,-:j- Rom. kind acts. the county. His grow greater, until at the present Mt. Pleasant and Alma submit a list OPEN GROCERY HERE
Eph. 4:11-1.- J;
naries of the turning of tfcn r.nilrni,L Known through
6; Matt. 28:18, 20. "It is more blessed to give than to Imck i orivoi. .health began to fail about a year time he is finding it a difficult mat-0- f sperintendents to the other, and The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea
ter to handle all of the sales that he, each will have the privilege of cut
Saturday, January 10 "The receive," has become a more common As a result of the of ago, and at that time h moved from is to imiKiiv. iie nas nan a ting off the names of several. The in all company, which operates chain store
church awakened by the rediscovery matter of knowledge in Alma, among the freight depot the American Rail- Alma to his farm. of the country has opened
of the reality and power of prayer." those who scattered their good deeds way Express office has been moved
Matt. 11:22-24- : : Acts 4 : 33: and brouirht Christmas hsnniness to back to its old quarters on Gratiot home
The funeral was held from the fine succes at the sale this year, near- judees will be chosen from tho
on Tueday, December 23, con- ly all of them going better than had
maining, and will not be known be-
r. a new grocery in this city, having se-
This Is partially due fore the first of the comig week, it cured the room in the Arcada Hotel
5:5-1- 3 :31--
Ps. 2:8; Isa. 62:6, 7; 59:16. thee unfortunate, stricken Alma avenue, from the Ann Arbor freight ducted by Rev. M. W. Duffey, at been expected. block, formerly occupied by the Ar-
homes. has leen a source of satis- depot. which time a large number of sor- probably to the fact that the fine is expected.
J. 1). Sullivan's automobile was faction, ,It this work of mercy and kind- It is the intention of Mr. FitzmiWr-- rowing friends were present to pay weather has permitted good crowds The Alma team has bwn working been completely remodeled to
cada Cash Grocery. The room ha
put It in

badly damaged Monday afternoon, ness, which w as so well done in Alma, to move his family to Alma as their last respects to him. His at the sales, giving Mr. Helman a hard for the debate, even during the for a
fchen it was struck by an engine at and has just - f larger audience to work on in his Christmas vacation week, and feels cery, and it has now been opened gro-
shape modern, first-clas- s

a joy and pleasure to soon as a suitaMe residence can te

the Ann Arbor crossing on Wood-wort- h those whoproven and

took part in this wondrous secured. funeral. telling game. certain that it will be able to give is catering to the wants of the public.
avenue. The automobile was work.
being driven by his son, who escaped Advertise your wants In The Rec- - "23 H Hours Leave" Idlfhour, "23 H Hours Ieave" Idlehour, the Mt. Pleasant representatives a
V. adv. adv. run for the honors of the evening. Best ic cream. DeLuxe. 77-tf-- c

injury DeLuxe csndirs are the best. 77-t- f ord. , Sunday, Sunday.
Tie News Carries l!ie Full Leased Wire Service of The Attociaid Press '


'I I

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ItlXtl.l TKI IS Mill IIKM
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I IT (Ml Dot TMKNT Dl lll.Mi lMT Hrrok
j.T '. .



Itetall Trait Kliow C.nnl Art hit) Xi.llnonl IVintrnliiin sc.

7.1 of unilx-- r
OiTured In smi iIIh of llotll I'arthw Hold Cou
W holr!.-- -. and Jobber. frlAccepting
of Aiim'i-Ii'h'- Ivlay in (eorgii fels With Wl.iie ferencew la Krfort to Agree
1nable to Supply Covenant as .MKslsii and Koiitli I Candliu On a (settlement
Demand. it Standi Have I J U li lUaie
AwMrlattd fnm. If AMra-Lltn-
lrn. l( Innrhlll Hnw Hr AMnrlatrrf lnw "
WASHINGTON. Dec. St.-C- cn KT. I.Ol IS. Dec. III. An exm
Inutlon of Hi" covenant of the leagu.i
Tl SKKtiKK, Ala.. Iter,
Department of
The wahiiinuton. rc.
in their
oral anxloty prevull throughout and research dlsruss.on or a pearo treaty compro
American business concrnins the of nation
(he Lodge reservation, it ha not
thn. a iiimllfloil In of Tusker-n- university today lsu"d
mire today, republli-A- and lc
continued advance In prices and a It annual report of lynrhing Hi si natoi found that article tea
readjustment appears Imminent, thr bren delayed, as many I91. The report any there werr till presenlnd the bluest s.Hmbllng
federal reserve board reported to tllOUgllt, but WBH Ml ll V been AllH'l- - 111 2 lynching in l!U. Of which. 77 Hot k in the way of an tgracmenL
night In It review of liecemlier icunlzcd. I ir. James I.. Trion. of the were iu the aouth and 5 in the north The succession of conferences waa
biumcs conditloni. Throuih thr MHHMtchuwtlM inMtltution of technol- and west. Tlilr was 18 more than tht ivgardRd generally as Indicating that
board's statement the informer ogy told the delegate to the Amerl-."a- n numlMr listed Iu 1IX. Of those ihe situation soon might take more)
waa strongly Riven that a reduction Association for the Advance- lynched 75 wero negroes. Including definite foim. On all sides it vraa
In prlcet It due because of a recog-lilte- ment of hero today. one woman and seven white persons. stated the shifting proeona bad clear
curtailment of buying potter, "I'nder these rirc umiitunce It Is Nineteen, or less than ot one-fourt- h
ed away many collateral polnta and
coupled with a lack of unanimity of i question," continued Dr. Trlon. those put to death, were chargo'i had (entered attention on a few
opinion aa to what the future hold "whether, from the point of view with attacking or attempting to at notably the one relating
Production Kail ilia Off of thosn hn prefer the covenant li tack women. Heven of the victim! lo article ten. It waa the reservation
While reail trade shows great ac- the historic American plan offered by were burned to death and nine wer ontlil.i point as framed by the forelga
tivity and wholesaler and manu- the American Institute of interna- put to deuih and their bodlos wero relations committee at the laat ses-
facturer were represented a Icing tional law. burned. sion whl.'h President Wilson cbar.0
unable to supply the .iemand. the "Hut if the rovtnaut is lost the While of Murder terlaed a meaning a rejection of tha
greal growth In business wa movement fur world peicn will uot All the white men lynched "ere treaty.
ahown to have been in term of do-
llar and not In unit tf production
High wagei for labor further
stop, It ia too gnat a movement to
die as the result of such failure. It
will I e lev I wil with vigor in de? sea-
accused of murder. The offense
charged .gainst the negroes were:
Murder, 13; atompted atark 10: at-
Three f 'onferenrfa
Tbre conferences attracted
Attention among in many
par-ticu- iar )
the situation. r,r.."r;in to son and new plan for reconslr.o-- t tack 9; ahbeiiing riots. 4; shooting which were noli today regarding Urn
the board'n view. Practically everv Ion of more moderatd officers of the Isw 4; Insulting u triaty. henator Lodae of Massacbu
federal reserve district repofitd character will be proponed. wntnsn 4; killing offWvr of the law wtts, tno republlcau leader, vent
trial "skilled labor wa working "Of course, we may he rrititls'l 4; alle.t-- Inrendlsry talk 2; wrltlnj
over com prom lie suggestions witli
only tufficlent day to Keep going" hy Kuroie for hntltatlr.g to adopt Improper letters X; charge not re- - Henavor pomnrene of Ohio, a demo
mulling In consequent falling off iK-fo- ractuully rejecting what ap- I ported ; shooting a woman I; rob
rrat member ot the forin relation
In production. peared lo bo our own idea, a league bery 1; murder sentence changed to cvuiruiiuo.
Credit Shortened of nation to serure peate; but It life Imprisonment 1: shooting night-watchma-

In face of heavy demand Tumulty Krcs WUson

rat-tlo- u
must be remembered that tke form 1: shooting and wounding Later boLteUrj Tumulty went to
manufacturers wero dcscrlu-e- d which this Idea wa given In the a man 1; alleged complicity in kill-

a disinclined, to commit ing officers of the law, 1: killing the capitol and speaking tor th
eelvwe ftrwn xtTtx-o-. Credit have prpoofed International constitution president, d tinned the situation
been horteued and uncertainty as
wnTiiot tlie Idea of ainnQ 'AmrricaTl mn In elf-defense land-
with Souator llilchcock of Nebraska; "
people and ent fur beyond our tra- lord In dispute over crop settlement
to change which may come within acting loader of the democrats. To
the next three month I forestall- ditional relationship with the rest of PAY DIVIDENDS 1; no charge made I; for beln.t ac
quitted of shooting an officer of the
night Mr. Hitchcock called Into oa
ing the expansion In trade natur- the world, much farther than we air
prepared to go at this particular
FO ROAD TOSOLVE NEW Isw 1: remarks abut Chlcogo taco-rl- ot
sulfation all of the democratic mem
ally to be expected a the nation bers of the committee who art in
time but perhar i.o farther than e 1; for keeping company with a
get back mors nearly to It peace
shall be ready t go at a InJer time. IN WHISKEY white woman 1; for nelng found un-
town. Details ot none of these meet '
ings wero revealed, but It waa under
time activity. The hlvh rest or liv-
ing wm referred to as an "unque
tlonable menace."
Ileal fetal llluh
The board noted Ihnt real estate
"I'rofi ssor J. Warnn Htiilth of the
weather bureau. Washington, I). ('..
closed the program of the American
Meteorological aoclety with a lecture
In which he stated that cultivation
1 E
HyAaorwl4 tm.
der bed 1: for making boastful re-
marks 1; for alleged misleading o.
J mobs searching for another
cause appeal was taken from t n
I; be
years sentence for attempting llfo of
atood that each naervatlon change
were discussed and that article wa
figured prominently.
IViMtililr (Ixaiiae Suggested
value In hundred of rnpimunllle CHICAGO. Ier. 31. The Hold A a committee member who '
another I; for discuiaing a lyncbiiu
se mto have retched the peak f- does not Increase rainfall and that
although there are over
Shernuin coniany is preparing to t"e-cla-re MtMIM. MIMIT.KH, KTATr
1. worktd for unreserved ratification
lat least the rise hs been rbeckeil HIHIISS a dividend In whlsley MhAT, NI'IM'tlltT M.RItfiKM
According to Mule and Inter voted for rccepunco ot the
With- - the stopprg In the rise o' periods the average rainfall

thn tist r years has been almost

tiiti:s or
I'KMM.vti m i.i.s
to siockholder.

Kugene Hyfield. n
I.ynrhltigH by state wero listed h' republican .reservation program Sen
real estate value. building opera- follow: ator Pomerene la understood to hav
tion are expected to he stimulated Identical with that of the previous of the manager, announced today. given Houalor Lodge a comparaliv
Grain ahlptnent were unusually 2."i yenrs. Alabama 7; Arkansas 12: Colora-
WAKIIINf'.TOX. Imv. 3- 1- NO The i'ominy Is said to have about WAX 'IINGTO.V. IHV, 51. Sam- do X: Florida r.; ticorgla 21; Lout est I m to of compromise aonUment
low during the month, partly be- decision of he financial provision 2nn stockholder, and abou,t two car uel Uompers. president of the among the democrat and to hava
cause of the fuel mortage nnd the Una 7; Mississippi 12; .Missouri .

eonsequent reduction of ware-

ef the Cuntmin and
bills wa reported by the rh railrond load of whiskey.
American Kederatinn of Labor. In
a new year's statement, pledged
Nebraska I; North Carolina 3; Sou Hi
Carolina 12; Tennesson ; Toxa 4,
gone icio details In outlining how
tsr be though tho administration
house accommodation. Country DEPOSITS nd h.tuse ronferes today befori America-
worker lo do their full Washington 1; West Virginia 20. senator would be willing to go In re
elevator are full of grain. until Pridny. Although SOTECT "CHINESE share In workwr out the country'
lurrnl Continue
Labor unrest, tae review suv
bowed acme abatement during the REVEA L BILLION
the ennforeea discussed a provision
for fixing of minimum rail nnd
water ratea by the interstate com-
ill pioltlem In 120.
Mr. fiotnner said:
workers sta'id rrady In the new
gard to article ten.
President Want Information
Secretary Tumulty said the pur
pone of bis call on Kenutor Hitchcock
montb, b'
duction of the
l rre-'tl- pro-
merce commission, he qnption w,i
lcf rprn. The house bill would
e; r a I III the to do their f'l'l was to obtain, at President Wilson'
TRHPH ItlSHKIl TO MKJirAS dniv alwnVH es mcr!ran rliUchv We shout
wa not by any mean fully re tlve the rommlsslon autluirity to fi hive plaeed our obligations reiue4 the latest information
atored. TOMX Wllr.KK MMM1IAMS the senate situation Ho raid he did
"From roanv sections." the h.tari
asserted. "It la reported tiiat the
chief difficulty doe not lie In v
DOLLAR KCOEASE minimum as well a nmxJmnm
rates for a In nl partly by water
hile llu' senate hill given the rutii-iiils-
A III! ATTACKKIK rs ri'l?en ahoie a'l ele. A
we ar true to the American
nieil of equal npporl unit) for all

DURING IMS uot tsko to the rspitol an new com

promise) scheme. The meeting tonight
of the foreign relations committee
tematlc strike, but In the Inilispn i no minimum rale filing
"In Ihe pas' we have fuut d l democrats was understood to havej
lo fight for thnt tdeil
BINT taken steps lo reduce to a definite
Itinn of worker to Increiso pro- Am. Dir. 31.
duction and keep steadily nt work
i oMTi:ou,n:t
ii-- ' iiIM'ltl.CI
uiifcM'VH The conferee accepted thn senste
prnvui'on giving authority to re
ol Mexlesn cavslry
und-- r
feif--t rrin'-le-
l.ih'l'h special privih-R-
that )iiiglit tt es-

form democratic proposal tor re-

lKNTr:il (i.l. outre railroads to make phvsUal "P""" 'nn nispair,,- -
fuh(. hVr n(1, W( ( f

,,..,,, drafting ihe republican reservation.

or wharves of today from Nogaies, Minora, in i r,,, The subject was ronldered la thl
connection nt dm-- nnii- but In avnre -

light of the Information obtained 4

(ir lH
water carrier- - f ronditcing to Ihe ni.niM. witn onier io proie.i um erner (he relils and free- - l'ma
PLENTIFUL H; Aalnl I'nva. public interest. ( hifcsc inerchsnts nf (he hitter city ,,, hM, , ,ii10i, ..,. hr
KAN ANTONIO, Jsn. I Tex, durln the day by Hcnstnm
WASillXGTOX. ln-c- . Ih-- An Iron any deportation by local rneRi.. 1UHy nn,, brought rock nd Pomerene and with
Incriase of
ailnl- - U!inl instruction are re- - ,,.,., I(, hut ih-- v i.r, l20. One dead and one wounded to framing. a program behind whleu
III lirill finiI rilin "lately one billion dollar In the from Mexico City regi rding vrnt,.,, a r renter evil di lerloMli n was the toll In thn noisiest ushur-in- g
the aditilnlwtration force could
IF! fir II K r
III IILII Ul LLnlaU f-- v
1 1
'resources of national bank for Im t:iiiA i:
tho constitutionality of Ihe tonor nf tn. vlrllilv of a part of Ihe
of the new year Kan Alitor! i unite.

""""m"' Tm Hon. has expeilenced In year tip to m
jtroller I'AKIS, Dc!. ni. Prlsre Khilhno Tameg. Mexican ronsul( The great struggle of labor In hr o'clock thl morning. Albert T.
I On the date id the last call. Nov- - Kegent Alexander of Serb'a. -
here, s.iid this morning that C. ivern- rP,t to ensure to workers in their
KKW YRH'H KVK 'KI.F.Itll ATKD approximated
lemtier I", national hank renourccs wlib wa repotted In a Herlln or Adolfn dc la lluerta had Riven ndliiliiHl relatiena the rights rf Tlpp. 23 year dd son cl Chariot POLK TO QUIT
2I.5o.non.ono. or dispatch to have been killed crder for the protect inn of Chinese fr--- rlllrrn. We bhve fought i Tips, a hardware was
IX r'AHHIOV t il AUAtTlvlS. 'nearly one billion d tllars more than by an explosion. Is Iu Hurts and riwldcnt pendiiig Instruetions fioiu ,,v. tP f Ani.,ric domlna'- - hot and killd whl'e riding 'n an
TIC Or' ritKWAIt HAV8. before reported. The Increase well. The whole storv of his tiie national captlol. in influence In sh ips and factor- - aiitonioliilo with members of Ills
deposits and total assets, the in
deatht therefore is without M". family. Anither motor rrr. cany-in- CABINET SOON
New Year'
um-crtiN- o.

eve was

comptroller said, waa scattered
i.. l(le"r tliroMlioMt the country. The
,nrr)lll , rMnlrc,., of ,hp

,rv bHnK r natfonal bank

.,. out-wit- h
E LIFTED Inn-tu-
NKW VOKK. lw. 31. J I. Mor-- r
a number of negroes, who were
shooing wa dlreetly behind
Tips car. but the vehicle disap-
peared before the occupant could

'lne and liquor flowing freely side the reserve elites, since June ABE MARTIN m and company announced tonight IXHKIt MKCKKTARV WILL RK
the formation of the foreign be detained. Shortly before 1
.m ik. ..f.. - wi r..t.u. 30. wa nesrly $8n.noo.o"n.
The com-ini-r.--

o'rliH-- a soldier wa shot and In- Tl llX TO PHIVATK 1.1KB

resource, of in enrHiratlon of America, to e en-gr- CIIAXUfcti L1KKLY

ranta im inioie.,. ,.,.-r- e,.
,h mt.i: hTiiti ok i.ivioit In International trade. jured by a civilian during sn alter
nrrN.d (n IhM (x
i:AliY Olt MIIHMIAT r UOM ration In front nf a pool hall.. A
were brought to the cafe by the pii r:tith alone f 1.1 or 34
Iron and resuurant proprietor per cent, while in North Carolina yl
V. Sugar Crop. fthe n who l relieved to bve done
shooting I beln- - held tor ti h ,
were- careful lo ekplnln that
- no the Increase was more than $51.-liqu-
S JI'AV IVrto Rico. Dec. 31 by the police. WASHINGTON. Dec. SI.
were being wold. Table re Oi'fl.onQ or is per cent. The flrM shipment of stigir from t no authorised sutemcal on
rvatlon rnge inim live io uiu-c- the new crop wa made today to New

the subject la obtainable, It Is under-

nounceu im -
liiKphv of I'lrewoik
and explo- - iiulu uuiiii ouDRn
ii ciiPin roinr
rniui 4?"5 jri m . lucetoday
of lot. nt
cnfti-rdai- new
! a ijuefc
Orleans The consignment approxi-
huge mated Limn tons. stood that a one Incident to a con
slderablo of the state
ioa of fire crarker peculiar to the- cheer ready ! nverflo ini sur- department In Ihe near future, which
extreme south during the winter hoi-
( rounding ilry territory at l: 'l a. WtAITitK will Involve change tn the oersounel
Iday. exceeded pre-wa- r d.y. .
ulAUMS U ) Mn yKVf , to. in. tomorrow Shipment of Ikiu.h Temperature by hour at Amsrill i AILsl-AC- OK AIITICI.IM WII.I --

" fretti pr.nlnre to another will e

111 ot the highest grade, Frank l Polk.
Dl t'K liitT
HUt MOHK TMA ail .TH be then ii the domln!oi .ir
yeaterday :

the DM KIHI'S. of state, will vol under-eecrets- ry

WIUj IlK IMUIsiMI TKI m i ; noon 4' 2
untsrlly return to private life to re
time t.guliillMiis truffle expire with

tJ iivi: vrMKii m it.
l I I 1 I
In pge
of the old yeiir.
m .
::i I p. in . . !
: p. m. ....! sume the practice or law.
t I I.KII CATION t,l.,llHIm X
yueliec Is the only
"here Honor iiny te sd, nu ait. I
m 4S 3 p. m. :. r -- ileil r- -.
The cost
Peaee Table D legate
NKW YOHK. Dw. 31. Kood NKW YOHK. Dec 31. Mr. Polk ha Just returned to

m p. tn. ,...4J
of women' clothe may be reduced
HAI.T1.MOHE. Mr. Jan. 1. adiainlj-trato-
William announced
r it itihshitaiiis were doing their
i9 p. m. 34 heci!c there will be considerably Am-rl- from Kurope. where b sue -. ca dealer who retuil sugar cf today to leiletc the iliouK'.it In in
iw Year's dnv inen.-d
new t'ulian rrop for more than :
Ih- -1

Munltoba and the p. m : leK of them If the iredirtlon of a ceedd iwitlary Laning as the Bea-
commission at th
a i Its H more with i.i

Ing of four young women and

boy bv a group oi mU.stear--
!io.i- -

rents a pflend would be prosecuted
by hi sot f ice. Those slltnc sugir
time clKlr r: aa soon
Airfle trrln ;u'ee be-- n
ItlKest yesterday in

Highest vent i rday. 6

ll..OWel fahionatle firth avenue mslp mil- -

of the Amertean
peace conference and !oed the eon
liner snA drea msker. who arriv- nectlon of thl government with Uie
'm:-- , of the old crrp must adhere lo the for .hh!k of giilloiH of I' ed from Parts today are correct. supreme council except lnofar aa It
ed soldier rarin.
I i.;ore atreet !i a t .: retail rate of II out a pound !!. i -
i p,
' iipwaid. inosllv up- -
Humidity Dele
'The late i iv.n e send-
jing to th l l r'U.te. hu suit. X''-- theirs ,n presosce of A .r"v !

. m .. .hortlv
No ' of lh
' k
ed by the government. Dealer
selling sugar at 20 rents will be
Th' kiilv lioie yon get et.oiijih C w I.
fat lay rturlni u hen m men !e, IO.
ii- arii (null :o ury '" a m. M. ' p m bassador Wsllace in theUtua ot an)
cV.crver and reporter.
T anneair.1 to be danger- - compelled to show bills of sale lo clerk Jtt dn't know ta' game watt ftf lr,r pro;nco are ry terapcisture ..37 SI No stuil tigs.
polk'a ro
7 OS.
T." .
elabllh that the sugar I ln real-
llv . . k.h ..ii. r, I nnl IK. n 1.1
- on Ike Mfe. who started with rxm-ete-
nothlir an t th front. Is tiou bv uuetH-c-
. "n t prevent Inunda- -
but meahtlo tn?
Wet temperature .
Humidity -- t .l
4 Ktre'niJ- - ahort skirt.
No 'ie4e.
The date ot
iirenent has ajt yet fixed aad ka
VI r. W.llutui explained. I parole. fi.od 1 en t Foreesst. Thursaay lair. ; Sandalrla
iiuay bo aevcral sionth distant.
hnmcjon a

L.-- rv- -
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n'fiyi tprvw&'yfy?
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f v k * *^,»{ '
v*?-*, v"*
t *
*',v /.s
-' & ?
ÍÍ '>*

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\t: i
^7 I^V^A


pi--A y t
aHMOBSBeato étaskaÉi ItefiWlíaséa Mi
VOL XI. ÉVFOLYAM (NO.) L. SZÁM. Published Each Thursday. minden csütörtökön. YOUNGSTOWN, 0., 1920 JANUÁR 2.
UXAXJJi 1 1 <^osaaBsxsstsaatíssstsmeisuBmBaaasmmmtm0mm
NÉMETORSZÁGBAN Munkaviszonyok ag éy e]<e)en.

A kfilkefcskedelmi fiivátal je­ ineiin«í i gyárak tgetí kilát&Mk

lenti, hogy egy Havre-ből érke^ j y./v Villamos acélgyár fog épülni «
D zett sürgöny szerint Németország
1020 januárjáig hosszabbította
meg azon rendeletet; mely szerint
i V .. : ^ J ; rj'v : "-»• 4
j Ax Uj év kpííd.eté & Mahoning | te!|es erővel dolgozik, mig.9 Niléü #
' , u •"'* ,

;és Shcnango völgy hatalmas gyá-j Firebrick Co. alig képes a gyárá-
B külföldi értékpapírok kivitele raitJ csaknem teljes 1 üzemben
' ta kat a kemencék javításához szök-
tilos. •,•••- ilálta. < A gyárak, amelyek három »<V'H tíjrlAvrt íllátBÍ,,
^ ••• • •'" \ • • *M V '. hétig teljesen zárva voltak a V J OYÁR , - .i' í t '--4 Aí', ,
A szibériai hadifoglyoknak srlrájk miatt és aztán is csak las­
sankint fokozták az üzemet, any-
The Electric Alloy Stéel Cnfli-
party név alatt uj társaság
nyjra tele, vannak rendelésekkel,
Ujabb adakozások. Rendkívül knlt, amely még a tavaszszal rrvá«-
hogy uj ordereket képtelenek el-
sürgős a segítség. t'él millió dollár költségen hataU
vfogadni. Különöseid áll en n le-
• A Szibériában sinvlödő hadifog imez (sheet and plate) és a cső. Warren között.. A .vállalat alapi-
mas gyárat fog építeni Girard és i
?A Szent István Egylet gyermeko&ztálya zsúfolt terem Inr- ... Hi/.T ;•„ " 1 ' l^jok számára ismét megindul a I (pipe and tube) árukra, tó1 a Youngstown Sheet and.Tuho
g/i'ijtés. Olyan szomorú hírek ér­ A kiadott hivíüaloí?* jelenjék
*$10tt adta elő a "Megkerült Gyermek" cimü remek dara-
kirítt adta elő a "Megkerült Gyermek" cimü remek dara- * lSZtUjlIO KOZgyUiei ÚJÍTÁSA keznek, amelyek nemcsak szüksé ;szerint az év eíejen 20 blcst fur-
Company vezető emberei, köztük
t általános.—Főt. Várlaky James Campbell és fia, Louis J.
A Szent György magyar görög* gnssé, de kötelességünkké teszik, naco dolgozik á Mahoning völ­
névsora, Campbell. A. E. Adams, a Dollár
-s:; ^ lemrentéltó beszéde. 7r ^ ír z#\
kathalikus egyház [tisztviselőket hogv minél gyorsabban adakoz- gyében, mig a Shenango völgyi
B>;nk elnöke és mások. A gyárte-*
választott c .'v« > \ kohók <;saknem kicétcl nélkül
*1$. lei építése már?februárban meg--
-|^A youngístowpl magyar kösön- Istvánt, Rubóciky Istvánt, Pintér jiizemben vannak. A közel jövőben kezdődik. .
A Szent -György magjrtir'íförög^ <~>A Ywungstowáfen sgékeíft ífe";'°kaál fogta felkérünk min­ ;im-g két kohó fog megindulni. M
amely előtt nem uj á szin- Józsefet, Takács Tstvánt, Hankó katholikus egyház áx elmúlt va­ ik számú Verbovjly fiók, a mely- (^01ikit, a Ifi eddig még nem adott, Az uj gyár legfinomabb szít-
Brier Ilill Steel Oo. Grace nevű
Jfe - Jjáz és amely megszokta néha Mihályt, Benis v|jíargitot, Tóth sárnap tartotta meg szokásos évi nek 27í> tagj« v^, élénk érdeklő­ hogy adakozzon a következő he száma célt fog készíteni és pedig
ÍJégyszer is hónapjában aT^new Juliskát, Miglée illést, Ha.jdu Jó- tisztújító'közgyűlését, a tagok dés közepette ^fittrtotta meg szo­ lyekeiu Amerikai Magyar Ilirlap. kohójának javítását elvégezték villanyos kemencékkel. Vanadium,
jjrcrki színészek előadását szem­ 'zsefeí és az igen bájos angyalká­ élénk részvéte mellett, és a kohó már a jövő,héten üzem­
kásos évi közgyűlését. ÍÍ20 West Federal street. Mihók nickel acél, kromc nickel acél,
elni, nagy meglepetésben ré- kat: Kiss Atinuskát, Binó Annus­ Sándor, 3.'M) West. Fedoral st.. be kezd. Ugyancsak üzembe ve­
A bizalom ismét a régi emi>é Az .,uj tiszt^Isfl||fe névsora a kö­ kreme vanadium acél f^g készül­
iizesalt karácsony első napjának kát, .Kviz Margítkát, Horváth rekot ültette a tiszti székbe. El- vetkező: \ \ Youngstown-, O. Ress József, Wil­ szik a közel jövőben a Carnegie ni az uj telepen, melyhez hason­
tstéjéh. Akkor került ugyanis Ilonkát, Kubócáky Juliskát és nöá: Vaskó Ferenc, pénztárnok: . Elnök De|)ro$z^ András, alá­ son avenue. á» Lukovszky Pál, Steel Co. niíesi kohóját is. ló még nincs ezen a vidéken. Az
azinre a Kossuth kör nagyterűé­ Riozu Jolánkát, aki remekül el* Bajusz János, jegyző: Druga alá­ nok Turner Jó^ef, titkár íloffer Adams st., East Yonngstovfn.. A Brown Bonnell telepe a Re­ uj gyár két óriási villamos kohót,
ben "A Megkerült Gyermek" ci- mondott imájával az clőadá« ..vé^ nos, trusteok: Druga Mihály, András (716Vj John st., akihoz Lapunk szerkesztőségében és public Iro nand Steel Companynak egy 16 incses és egy 10 incses millt
tnü pásztorjáték, amelyet, a Szent gt'n; megragadta a közönséget. Warren, O., Miglécz Mihály és ™ egyletet érdeklő levelek kül- ^í;hók Sándornál a mult h£t fo- teljes erővel dolgozik, ugyancsak fog épiteni mindjárt kezdetben.
István egylet nyáron alakult if­ Á. karácsonyfa ünnepély gvíf- Lonárd András, kollektorok: Kri-. dendók), pénEtáínok Kaluczki Ivamán többen adakoztak, a mely te;jes az üzem a lasningvillei te­ K blooming millt egy 500 tonnás
júsági osztályának tagjai idtak nvíjfrü kardalai, ttz apgyalok gló- ezu János és Zováth Sándor a János, ellenőr fiodzás János, jegv- összegeket a Nagybizottság leg­ lepen is. Annyira sürgős n mun­ villamos kalapács fogja helyctte-
w #13. ri i éneke, melyet a kis Szalma Brier Iliiíen, Vaskó János és 7s4-/»« Trare. Hármas bizott- közelebbi január hó 11-évi meg­ ka, hogy a gyárak csak egy napi'siteni. A gyár az eddigi tervek
Nagy volt a meglepetés és talán Ozkár igen ügyesen kidért hege­ fi András a South Side-ou, Lonárd Menyhért Jó#ios, Balogh Ba- tartandó gyűlésén fogjuk bejelen­ kr.rácsonyi pihenőt adtak inunká szerint 500 embernek fög ehénie
Jjoég nagyobb az öröm és -ízt kö- dűjén és Migléez András felkö- András és Kondás András Hasel- lizs és Lengyel Péter. Betegláto- teni és azután a lapokban hivata­ saiknak és uj év napját sem vet munkát adni. •
Tyető dicséret. A gyermekek, a szöntője méltó befejezésül szolgál tonban, Lengyel Péter és Matyi ellenőr. 6 titkár. Beteglá- losan nyugtázni. Az inség, nyo­ ték tekintetbe, hanem doigoznak j Az alapítók jelentése szerint
tjeiknek legtöbbje amerikai sziile- tak a nagyszerűen sikerült estély János a Steeltonban Stefkó József togatók a Steelt^mban: Borsodi mor és betegség /olyan nagy a éjjel-nappal munkaszünet nélkül. | telep rohamosan fog nőni és a mos
^ésti, jpompásan„ gördülékenyen, nek. .':V \ és Hallók Sándor*Níles, O.-ban; Ján<>s ^ Hajdú Pál. a Brier Hil- szibériai fogolytáborokban, hogy A szénhiány még valamennyire j tanra tervezett épületek és felsze-
Ininden hiba nélkül adták elő az A ^tSWnWtbtó,D Mih -, v v o.-bm. len: Géresi Sáfi^árf a South Side- a" amerikai Veres Kereszt arra akadályozza a 100 percentes üze- relések csak a kezdetet jelentik.

{ »t jelenetből álló érdekes mesé­ kifo^st«U? volt ^

li darabot. A dinietek pompá­
nak voltak# A jelmezek pedig István egyház p <.ba„oSa/14tUat,5i4pVuk. 2c . án,^..0^
q ; : Egyh4zfi: S a U Forene y . . on: Németh Doka Sándor szólított fel bennünket, hogy a met, de a gyárosok remélik, hogy a Finom acél iránt igen nagy a ke­
i t t . Varlnky HUtt, » 9«tj A kÖKgyiiK, elliat4roz i a . toKv és Gregosits Józott, Lansingvillen: pénzt kábel utján továbbítsuk. helyzet nemsokára megjavul és reslet, mert automobilok, truckok,
Takács János. iá/ Albert Streeten F«7 * körülmény csak azt igazol­ akkor még erősebben megy majd mozdonyok és vágó szerszámQk a
It^fncsak korhfiek, de jó anyagból oromme! „cmlflt, a S,„18kM kneml,iusago1 c* vidékén: NáÉ|iJ<v.sef, llnselton ja. hogy a baj óriási és minden a munka. A sztrájkról már alig lo?finoniíibb acélt kívánják. Az
' e^^f^zbtoTi is treri a toor>i ripir 4ri£s; -
pompás játékát. A plébá nem dol
wrva. \ ' íx • 4-^ "® ^ 0n í egyházakat és egyleteket, hogy vfes Ferenc/ ífeást TrtUngstoww- rate köíelesfrége adaköwíi. "
8 nagv á it1 \
szép beszedet intézett a jelenvol- i Itt emiitjük meg a/t is., hogy geznak, mert eddig nem vették n. m acél iránt. "
A közönig is kitett migáét^. . , , „ ! ezen a napon ne tartsanak sem- bhu: Tamás András. Zászlóvivők :
, . . ,
^g spba sem láttunk annyi eifc- taknoz, , , amelyben, * ' miután örömé- mifele ^ i * ' 4 Az
mulatsagot. * egyház i ^ a Nagy Dezső és Farkas Péter. Aj- Feldman D. Henrik 200 dollárt vissza őket a gyárakba, de való­ — ...— jUv'ar
nek keresetlen szavakkal kifeje- • küldött kábel utján Dr. Leichtag színű, hogy a gyárak, tekintettel ELLOPTÁK A VISZKIJÉT
jövő vasárnapi gyűlésen fog be- tóőr: Pivárnvik Mihályné. Thus-
rt, no meg gyermeket egy má- ^
jryar előadáson sem, mint mult *ést adott, hangsúlyozta annak a j sz£rao]ni pénztári állapotáról, a teek: Pisák János, Nagy József Emil zászlós rokonának Atehinsk- a munkáshiányra, szakítani fog­ Zollner Donald ,a kinek
. évütörlőjiön a Kossuth Körben. ^yiikségesst get, hogy a sziilök j melj-et persze «ai készséggoi le­ és Mátyási József. Nagybízottsá- b?.. Mihók Sándor pedig 1£5 dol­ nak a bosszúállás politikájával street 912. szám alatt van á Mám,
V ^^VmcRak Youngstown és Jíasf sr.lyt 1,, •
fektessenek jrverirtekeik l • *í í.'T-i •, •
,, , , 7 .gunk hirul1 adni olvasomkn iK. . ?•: tagok*. Ttirner József, Grego- lárt utalt at kábel révén a Kras- »?s az uj évben mindenki dolgozni kellemetlen felfedezésre jútott
me. ' ^líroting'Rtown, hanem Sharon, Far- valJasos..nevelésere es ais ifjúság- j -*• . sits Jóape^ iajdu P4l,»Kagy Jó- nojarskban levő Géza kapitány fog Youngstownban. A városból hétfőn reggel. Az előző éjszaka
-Í hoz fordulva, kérte őkét, hogv zsel. ^ ^ 'W V 7 • • íiescsének. "• eltávozottak pótlása. okoz most
'Jrell, ^harpsville és Niles is kép- ÖSSZEÜTKÖZÉS
t ^i^elve vonluk.^ A közönség peui hosase feledjék el, hogy ereikben
^ - .• . v
Arról is sisivese mrt^rtrféke- gondot a gyárvezetőségeknek. De ugyanis ismeretlen tettesek jártak
pincéjében én 800 dollár értékű
évak a katholikusok soraiból ke- magj'ar vér csörgedez. N<=> szé- t Zantky Vilmos girardi ,lal os BÁZAB8ÁOI ÉVPOBDÜLŐ zünk, hogy Márk Lajos (309 Smith a tartós és jó munkaviszonyok bi-
- rült ki, hanem voltak sokan rp- gyeljék és ne tagadjáíc magyar a minap délután Youngstöwn! a st ) 3 dollárt adott a magyar gyer­ zonyara bornak uj embereket '•'^bolták. Mivel a. be- i'J
rís!,ki é,
r,- vv ^frrmátusok is. Senki sem bánta származásukat és azt a hazát, a igyekezett az autóján. , Mikor a Brogli Ignácék tíz évw cs&Utdi mekek részére, a mely összeget V,mngstownba éS a helyzet a tél Í « ak "y*» r*f.
sz4m to

e: l melyben szüleik nevelkedtek soha brier hilli vasúti híd mellett ha-' - •. ünnepe. Mihók Sándornéliiz juttattuk, vége felé, de legkésőbb- t.v, r , j f f e r t e lo
P ,4k
|tpcg, j^ogy. eljött, mert az előadás sí a

mint a ki ezt a gyűjtést vezeti. .teljesen kielégM lesz ' tomobhjat i», hogy legyen mm. a U , ,
Jr»í)yira megérte a pénzt, amely se vessék meg.. Főt. Várlaky ki­ ladt el a gépével, összeütközött a 1
A "Zféílpléö. megyei
íbőí ugyancsak jócskán jutott « jelentette, hogy a mai világban Youngstown Bread Company gép
• IKfrofyfai- A vasárak order könyvei ^
okvetlenül szükségünk van a ke­ kocsijával. Az automobilban ülő vára való Brogli Ignác a minap it vannak. Ahm i a rendelés I ^ ^ 8
^ < -V5>
pénztárba, hogy azok, akik nem BOCKPÁNY OÁ,BOB GYÁSZA. v v ,, i u" r * ! jeJenteJtie esetetrendőjfs^^- ^^
resztény szellemre oz életben. El­ Valyó Imre, a ki az Albert street ünnepelte meg nejével Háda Hó­ kegy hona pókba fog tartani, nug „a; *1 -r 4-. /-v r, ^
oltak ott, de másoktól hallot-
nával ; történt házasságának ti*
ák a nagy sikert, most követelik. itélte a felekezeti villcnigásokat, | 321 és fél számú házban lakik, va­ Á youngstowni magyarság bi­ mind elkészül. 'Az olajkutfurd-
ogy a darab újból szinre kerül- ^ ! j plpntv ^ hogy keresztények lamint Kiefer József, a kinek Í| éves fordulóját, az Oakwood fitree- zonyára mély részvéttel és meg­ sok Texasban ;és Louisi;ináb^n|

i .Vv^;íjön. 'Lehetséges — Bast i n 5 n ' 'legyenek katholiku- 2915 West FederaL Streeten van ti vendégszerető házában.
Teri^é^zesesen íigen sokan jíe-
illetődéssel veszi azt a szomorú rengeteg, Ynugsfcownban kész

-Ymingstownban szinré is fogják | ^ rp

^°^mátusok, ta'rtsanak a lakása, az összetopott ablak üve- • 4- j*. 1» T»!1« 1 A. £- ^ ^ hirt, amely tudatja, hogy Bog- csövet igényelnek; ugyancsak ige Ugy erkölesileg, nrfpt any^i> i*
össze es ^gitség a k^r^et a Jia-
A ma A

!hozni. goktől vágási sebeket szeuvedtek; ^akik elhalmozták jó- dány Gábor édes apja 82 éves ko­ n?gy a kereslet lemez iránt, ame­ lag kitűnően sikerült 11 Koss&tk
. . Hogy kit' iliét meg a die^ápet t
•.ínibóji/ r(.: J
J Az állapotuk nem * a,d okot aggo­ kivanatokjcal a nepszeru hazas- rában a (Heves megyéi ípásztón lyekre az automobil iparnak van kör Szilveszter estéje,;4 amelyen
.JFIát azt nehéz7'megmondani. A dalomra és már tuí vann#íí\mi»- párt, mi^ a kitűnő hangulatban le elhunyt. nagy szüksége. A gyárak jó üze­ mintegy 500 főnyi közönség a leg­
icepszAHLAi^te' folyt ^.est ély yidám részérő) Jaku- me természetesenfmagával vonja
yérmekeket, akik remekül beta- ^r den komolyább veszélyejt ^ . A megboldogult öreg nr egyi­ , . a jobb hangulatban mulatott reg* ,
bey Jái^off ^rendoskodott, a ki még banyák és tégíagjárak üzemének | gélig. Az estélyről jövő-számún^ I
; inultak és megját szották szerepei­ ke volt az egész környék legnép­
BCegkc^dődiött Youngstownban A FA-ALKOHOL ALDOZÁTAl'^ seprŐ 'ke^léséhez is értett. szerűbb és legiemertebb emberei­ fokozását is. Így ,a Youngstown! ban részletesen fogunk beszámol-
nket vagy Molnár Lajost, aki gá- ' , , ~ , ' 1 ' Broglijié " pompás $ vacsoráját
% környékén, valamiirt arszá4- nek, a kit mindenki csak szeretni közelében fekvő két mészbánya '
inradságót nem ismerve, angyali Az elmúlt vasárnap ket erhhcr nem ^ ,,^ ül dK aérte . 8 nagy
»erte a népszámlálás. A kor-
ürelemmel betanította a darabot. került a kórházba. Mindkettő «z vendégöf^g, a mely csak ú k«*ö és becsülni tudott. Érthető tehát,

nány awal a kérelemmel fordul hogy temetése szokatlanul nagy
5bben méltó segítő társai voltak úgynevezett fa-alkohol áldozata. erti órálrQa^ búcsúzkodott. rjiiiiiJfttiiuiyiiiiiiM
* orssig minden lakójához la- "v4"' részvét közepette folyt le. Ebből
Balaskó György és Horváth Ist- Az egyik Hayeritsch Imre, a má:,
jtink és " az egyletei^ valamint
sík pedig a Marion ave.-n la'a»
az őszinte részvétből részt kér Szende Béla Színtársulata
magának Bogdány Gábor számos
•H.legtöbb jelmezt maga yaMa. H é btetosokat, akiknek jora vu Harry Golden. Az utóbbi hamn*
jó barátja és ismerőse, de jófor­
A wereplők közta * pálma Míg-1 amden h&a belépni munk4jnk- rosan jobban léit, ' Havcritseh, \ Fájl ^íyér, Mass., állámból jött
lécz Andrást illeti meg. A tehet- i >an, avval támogassák, hogy a ! azonban még ma sem érzi jól mai- i3é nemrégiben a 19 év^ Davir mán az egész youngstowni ma 3-án, Szombaton
íjséges high school növendék nagy örvényben előirt kérdésekre gát és az órovosknak "bél Mosást Parent, s mint ő mondja, azért, gyarság is, mert Bokrány Gábort , %
este 8 órai kezdettel tartja 5

szerűen játszotta Ismael koldus ntos vfclasrokat adnak. Minden kellett aikalmazniok,; faog^ me^f r hogy; egy kis pénzhez jusson, s mindenki szereti és becsüli, igy
mentsék az életnek, r' min karácsonyi ajándékot lehet tehát a szomorúság nehéz óráiban Bemutató Előadását a Kossath-Körlei!
szerepét. Kitűnő volt a kis ifj. számláló biztos igazolványnyal
^i^fií'rváth István, aki Pista pász- ventii. i s v e l e e g y ü t t é r e z , v * í
ha valaki gyanúsan viseíke- f?«í.»re fkerül -Fali Iieo .3 felvonásos- <^i*et]t|é^ '
^torfiu szerepében nemcsak jól ját- #, Wrjék w ígazolvaiiyt es*ha KAOYBIZOTT8ÁOI OTfllÉS . David azonban, nem a zsoltárosr
^?ott, hanem jól is énekelt. Ugyan Biol, u?jr adjik it ai Uletít a
, • > - — y Dávidok közé való volt, mert ha­ MM P*KE, S£M PÖtóíŐ
Tudatjuk a Xagy bizottság tag-
sak kivált Horváth Mária, aki r^dőri^p»»k. mis check-kel köszöntött be a
¥" i«HtV ügy azokat, akik* a ninlt évi
' SJziiz Mária szerepében váH be, First National Bankhoz, a melyet ^Ismét beesaptak egy bevándor­
választás alapján tartoznak hoz­
todzás rTánös Vendkivül ífgyes y* ott be {fkprt váltani. A bank-pénz lót, akinek a- nevét nem sikerült :7|iűry Ilona felléptévefc
^LVABÓItq^Og zá, -'mint pedig azokat, a kiket,
jWárkus pásztor volt , a Barkó fi­ tárnok hamarosan felfedezte, hogy megtudni. Ebbeö az esetben nem
a„ legutóbbi közgyülésekeri vá­ is fontos, mert a rendőrség elfog­ Á darabbati, szerepelnek még: Kassay Rózsi, őarn|j$?j
vérek is kitűnően játszották sze­ mikor mindenkinek baldög nj lasztottak meg, hogy a Nagybizott á cnéek han^r m Davi4o> -ft hii- ta azt, aki, becsapta a tudatlan
repüket. Kviz Kálmán a címsze­ étfc kiviujdnk, 4>ocíÍánatpt» aka- ság január hó 11-én,1 azaz vasár­ vösre tétette. . • ; . ^ " Mariska, Ken^ssey József né, Th^ury lía, K<Nidor:'' Mat^í^
•^rr embert. A bűnös Oriskovics Má­ ka, KeneSsey József, Heltaí' Miklós, Nagy Lajos.
repben beváltotta ^a hozzá fűzött r% kiScrni azért ,lít)igy jcawjcso- nap est6 rehdkivüí fontos gyűlést,
AZ i^KiDMaiai tyás homesteadi, Pa., lakos, aki Alad^; l^jikfccs Jené, Tóth dstvén és Sándor
reményeket. Igen jól játszott ny^ számunk a xíagy papirljL^ány
.tart. EJzen a gyűlésen tártjnky - *•" % vctnixtixxxt ide jött Youngstownba, A sorsú Karnagy: KA*ítz Istfán. - . . .'
Vask$ János is. mi^t bizony nem jelenhetett meg meg a ti^ztujitást, valamint elifc- h 'Vrf. • ' ' ' összehoztia az idegennel, akinek
A többi szerepekben egyformán '• HEtiYARAK: í' " ^
^' "
formán ol-f1 terjedelemben, mint az el-' tűzzük a felgyüleoajiett sürgős teí-
egilleti a dieaérft Szabó Mi- mií$ évekteen. Mai, ujéví , eteá- j mégzetii ügyeket.
az angol néirter- papirosba csomagolt pénzt adott,
* melés öégy hét alatt, szeptember az ő megszámolt jó pénze helyett. n^adóval együtt $1.30, $J.0O |s
Krok Mwgitot, Hiiídtt olvasóink tfób olvasni Minden egyes *f ttátybítótsági 2?^%Mv^rélag, a fta^i hét órai Mikor az idegen kinyitotta a pa- Bogdány Gábornál, 2®4
it, ítj Czene Qáb aki val t^álni ' K^i^űc el» tag megjelenését elvárva, jnara* és 336 West Federal
j»ro«tf abban bizony a pénznek m » .ili* ' -i' •• ». J'^2
volt ni l»0gy egy ' kat<ésonyi- /dunk testvéri szeretettel: nmm-
nyoma sem volt. 'Még bolseviki

voli^Bfíá^W*, ais pártfogását kéri
iariás lépap, Ho: ririyet a mtilt héten' akar- Habodá^z GKmté^, elnSk. hét'íllt^ nyolc órai |Hi bankó sem volt benne. Csak öreg
^•1 k Bo^^ás jápofit^ erre-a hétre maradtij&í Neményi IQklóai titkái-. ujságszeletek. ^^ ^
.%• S\ ,1 -i .Ír-íís, ?r r 'h^< 1
,*í -PK 'a f- •.•fí/t ,?• t \^
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i t
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• .

Pií V.v J&t,' "i."

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s\\ *~áíkK-
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J.I cX


ill AR'T.OrJA


M alone Denied '

SOBER WITCH Root Will Aid in Launching TO DO-FUL-
DADTICC" CCC ' International Supreme Court N.Y. Legion Post HITCH II
increase of. approxi-
mately one billion dollars in the NSW YORK, Dec. 31. Dudley
resources of national banks for the
I Field Malone, former collector of
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31, (By The
supreme court provided under the league of nations.
. Elihu Root, former secretary
of state, will be called upon to assist in launching the great international
Of the Instrumentalities which are to be set In motion almost immediately
upon the proclamation of peace, a. permanent international court of justice

Kill year was reported tonight by Comp-
troller Williams.
On the last call, November 14,
national bank resources represented
$55,200,000,000. The- increases-

deposits and total assets, the comp-

troller said, were scattered widely.
the Port of New York, was noti-
fied today that his application for
membership in the Croton post of
the American Legion had been re-
jected. . Charles H. Duell, jr.,
chairman of the West Chester
All Ohtre Difficulties Easi-

Customary Hilarity Absent is regarded by the supreme council as of ranking importance.

that body, through its secretariat in London, already has gone as far as possible
Throughout Nation Vice towards creation of the court.
Consequently, AVERS GMPR$ The increase in resources of banks
outside the reserve cities since June
30 was nearly $800,000,000, The
county executive committee of the
legion, announced, that his com-
mittee had unanimously upheld the
decision of the post on the ground
ly Ironed Out Is Belief Of
Information has come that the plans have been so far perfected as to resources of "country banks" in that Mr. Malone's relations with Conferees Wilson Sends
President Addresses New permit 'of the extension of certain international jurists of invitations to form Pledges Support Of Labor
Texas increased in the past six
months alone $134,000,000 or 34 per
radical agitators did not measure
Year's Greeting To Na- a managerial committee to plan details of the court and define its scope. cent.
up to legion's standard of Ameri-
canism. N
Tumulty To Confer With
As a beginning, only men of wide reputation from a few of the entente
Cabinet Members nations and the United States have been selected, but it Is probable that In Solving Country's In- Mr. Malone has recently acted as
counsel for L. C. A. K. Martens,
Hitchcock 'Democrats
Also Send Messages additions will be made, perhaps even great jurists from late enemy states, dustrial Problems In Next self-style-
d ambassador for the
soviet republic, and has been a
Draft Plan
provided their governments adhere to the league. The purpose is to name
such members of the committee solely upon the basis of reputation as inter- 12 Months speaker at several meetings called
Republican A. P. Leafed Wtre national lawyers and judges, which would make it possible
names, regardless of the political importance of their nations.
to include some PRESENT YEAR T to protest against the joint legis-
lative investigation of seditious
activities in this state.
Republican A. P. Leased Wire
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. Getting
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. Washing- Latin-Americ- an
Republican A. P. Ceased WireJ down to cases in their discussion of a
ton welcomed the new year tonight "Mr.R.oot has been favorably considered in the selection of the managers WASHINGTON, Dec 31. Samuel peace treaty compromise, republican
without any public or semi-publ- in full recogntion of the fact that the United States has not approved the Gompers president of the American
and democratic senators found today
functions, but with the usual church treaty. The reason was to be found in the unremitting efforts of Mr. Root Federation of Labor, in a New Year
and home watch parties and street to bring an international court into existence, beginning when he was in statement, pledged America's workers BE BUSY ONE FOR MDBS LYNCH 82 that article ten continued a stumbling
block in the way of an agreement.
celebrations. cabinet. to do their fall share in working out Senate leaders of both parties again
Dinner dances at hotels apparently Roosevelt's the country's problems of 1920. Mr. were active in tho negotiations and
were more popular than ever. Xa-tiou- al
Gompers said: the succession of conferences Indicated
prohibition had no new effect "America's workers stand ready in
for this was the third new year cele-
bration since the ban was placed on
English Lot in CHINESE STORES the new year, as in the past, to do
their duty as American obligations citizens. We
that the situation might take more
definite form. It was said that al-
though no agrement was in sight, the
liquor in the District of Columbia.
Some members of hotel parties
'"brought their own" and diplomatic
New Year Rests have'
placed our
all else. As cltiaens
as sifting process had cleared many col-
lateral points and had centered atten-
we are true to the American ideal of Republican A. P. Leased Wire tion on a few reservations, notably the
row continued its immunity from pro-
hibition restrictions. With Englishmen IT equal opportunity for all.
"In the past we have found it nec-
movement, however, cloaked or dis-
Any Republican A. P. Leased Wire
TUSKEGEE, Ala., Dec. 31. Eighty-tw- o
persons were lynched in the
one relating to article ten.
Democrats Seek Modification
Because of President Wilson's con-
dition, there was no formal watch
party at the White House and New
Asserts Premier essary to fieht for that ideal against?
agencies that sought to establish spe-
privileges. These fights have not
sembled, designed to undermine the
government, will be met with "un-
flinching, persistent, aggressive war-
United States in 1919, an Increase of 18
over 191S, the department ot records
It was the reservation on this point,
as framed by the foreign relations
Year's day will be observed quietly cial .

and research of Tuskegee university committee, which President Wilson

V there. Official functions tomorrow will been in defence of class advantages.' fare," Attorney General Palmer an-
nounced tonight in stating the policy announced tonight. Seventy-fiv- e vic- characterized as meaning a rejection
include u. luncheon for the diplomatic
Republican A. P. Leased Wire -

FORCED TO CLOSE but to assure to wage earners the.' tims were negroes and seven were of the treaty. Determined to get sorao
LONDON, Dec. 31. Premier rights and opportunities that all should of the department of justice for the
corps by the Secretary of State and
Mrs. Lansing, a reception by the Sec-
retary of the Navy and Mrs. Daniels,
to Great
in his New
our struggles may they
discomfort to others but
ne forthcoming year. He added that no
quarter would be shown bolshevists
whites. One negro woman was in
the list.
modification, democratic senators have
presented several suggestions but all so
far have been regarded on the repub-
"We bid farewell to the fateful prevented a greater evil deterioration or others- of their ilk - whom ' he de- Seventy-seve- n of the lynchings oc-
lican side as going too far. The re-
and a joint reception by the Secretary DOUGLAS. Arizona, Dec. 31. Tho of the virility of a part of the nation. scribed as "chiefly criminals, mistaken curred in the south and five in the
i of War and Mrs. Baker, and the Assist-
ant Secretary of War and Mrs. Crowell. tory and
year which witnesses the signing of
peace, that is alike a token of vic- municipality of Cananea, supported by Labor Struggle Not In Vain idealists, social bigots and unfortunates-su-
ffering from various-form- of
north andwest. Georgia, with 21, led
in the number of lynchings. Mississip-
publicans, in turn, have suggested
changes which the democrats regard
a warrant for hope.

Send New Year's Messages Adolfa de la Huerta, governor of "The great struggle of labor in the
"So-nor- a.
hyperesthesia.'' pi and Arkansas were second with 12 as modifications of language only- -
New Year's messages to the nation Whether the new year shall be rich . made good its threat that no in past has been to assure to workers each. The other states stood as fol- Three conferences attracted particu-
were issued tonight by with promise or laden with despair
Vice-preside- nt
more Chinese should conduct business of their industrial relations the right Mr. Palmer" disclosed' that the
ernment, has been - tracing nwtives, each;
lows: Alabama and Louisiana, seven lar attention among the many which
Marshall and some members of the depends upon ourselves. We have free citizens. We have fought to Florida, five; Texas, four; North were held today. Senator Lodge ot
cabinet. Mr. Marshall said: reached the time when a concert- - houses there, according to arrivals give the ideal of America dominating methods and mannerisms of the ele-
"Men. are agonizing over the passion trated effort is essential to the - re-, here late today. The Chinese had influence struggle in shops and factories. Our ment, .which has been charged, with Carolina, three; AVesttwoVirginia, Colo- Massachusetts, the republican leader,
building of the world. militant has won general rec- 73 per cent of t he unrest in this rado and Missourn,, each; South went over compromise suggestions with
and prejudice, both real and seeming hoped that the threat of the federal try. Representatives of the depart- Carolina, Tennessee, Nebraska, Wash- Senator Pomerene of Ohio, a demo-
injustice and inequality, and the black- "If we quarrel amongst ourselves ognition for our demand. But owr
ness of despair would settle over our we impair our strength and retard government to send troops to enforce work is not all militant. We are In a ment of justice,- working' with secret ington and Kansas, one each. cratic member of the foreign relations
the order that the Chinese should re- position to contribute to the improve- agents of .the. allied powers, have gone committee.
'I land were it not that faith, hopo and
knowledge of the wisdom of our in-
our progress". But by united action
harity still abide faith that a deeper based on common honesty and in- - .. ceive the same treatment as any other ment of production, processes and or-
spired by a spirit of general good ganization.
into the Russian bolshevist territories
to obtain definite information of the
New York Very Damp
NEW YORK. Dec. 31. The New
Tumulty Meets Hitchcock
Later, . Secretary Tumulty went to
stitutions were imparted to evety son will, the nation will add to the hope-wa- foreigners would be effectual. This "The immediate problem of the
. plans of those responosible for intro- Year received a widely varied welcome the capitol. and. speaking for th
and daughter of the republic, hope that glory' achieved in battle in the c- lost on Christmas day, when world fs to develop a production or-
-- s ducing to the world the dictatorship in New York tonight. In the big hotels president, disenssed the situation with
more and more all men will return complishment in the great task of ; riotous scenes took place on the ganization that will benefit directly . of the proletariat. . "
of the" White Light district, the new- Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, act-
are real producers and comer was welcomed by possessors! of
was stated, small groups of will alo serve the who ing leader of tho democrats. Tonight

from the contemplation of their rights restoring the prosperity and well streets, those Reda Have Specific Doctrine
to a consideration of their duties, and being of our people."
it the needs of starving "Wo found," Mr. Palmer said, private stock with all the exuberance Mr. Hitchcock called into consultation
charity for all who are not vicious, but o Mexicans assaulting individual Chi- nations. When assured of just deal- - "that the 'red movement does not of, days when prohibition was a re- all democratic members of the com-
who, through stress of circumstances, nese. Some of the celestials were j ings, America's workers are able to mean' an attitude of protest against former's dream. mittee In town.
have become embittered. beaten severely. Many of the mer- cooperate In treeing production from

grasp of speculators
alleged defects in our present politi- "The exuberance of the stockless -
Details of none of these meetines
"God of our fathers, take from us, if Accuse Wilson ofchants sold their staple goods at cur- the preventing I

influence that manipulates Indus- -

cal and economic organizations of so citizens were, however, decidedly re- were revealed, but it was understood
Thou wilt, material prosperity and na- rent wholesale pricen to business riv-u- ls jland ciety. . It does not represent the radi strained. The cu&tomarv crowds -
that specific reservation changes wort-discusse-

tional glory, but give us indi-iduall- y

of other nationalities, while a few try to enrich a few who gain unfair calism of progress It represents Jthronged the roadway but the cow hells and that in each ca?e ar-
and collectively for all the years to shipped- their stocks to other parts of ; a dvarfitage. thus preventing production,
specific doctrine namely, the intro unu ourns were mucn muauiaitu. ticle ten figure dprominently.
tome, faith, hope and charity." Opinion Arousing
'Sonora to le fold there. As early as for the ruin big
"This is a
or ail.
job, but it is essential
duction of dictatorship by force and
violence. It is not a movement of lib- of At
Trinity church, where thousands As a committee member who worker!
Secretary Lane said: Tuesday afternoon not a single Chinese in the erty loving persons, but distinctly a to New Yorkers were wont to Assemble for unreserved ratifications and latr
"I wish that 1920 may be a Lincoln store had its doors open, it was said. years to come. It development
for well grounded
Is essential to that listen to the famous chimes, only voted for acceptance ot the republican
year, a. Lincoln year in which oar peo-
ple will learn to look at things through Against Carranza
The people of Cananea were said to be id?al which is 'America equal oppor-
enthusiastic and, predicted the move- tunity for all. America's workers will
and dishonest
- --
"Lenlne.himself, it is proved, made a small gathering collected. reservation program. Senator rom-ere- n
is understood to have given Sen-
Lincoln's eyes those kind, wise, stead- ment would priad to other parts of the statement that 'among every hun- The brilliantly lighted dining rooms ator Lodge a comparative estimate of
fast, honest eyes In which there was" Sonora and. ,t$. the ''republic of Mexico our country's full share In working out an do-the- ir
dred bolshevists there is one real bol- of Xew York's most famous hostelries compromise sentiment amonr th dem-
neither malice nor envy, but a great Republican A. P. Leased Wire as a whole.'' """ problems. "
shevist, 39 criminals and QO fools,' offered scenes in striking contrast to ocrats and to have outlined how far
sympathy in a noble common sense. No federal troops iutd reached Cana- "Hail to the' new year, 1920 May it and Russia's experment, we find, the the listless crowds 'on the streets. he thought the administration sena-
V DOUGLAS, Ariz., Dec. 81. Assert-
Why can't we make this 192:0 a Lin- ing that President "Wilson is-- ehieTly nea 'up to this morning. -
bring freedom, glory, and .happiness to
our people."
dictatorship of the proletariat after From early in the evening automobiles tors would be willing to po In regard
coln year?" responsible for th Mexican situation
:' o
two of wasteful consumption of unloaded precious cargoes of wines and to article ten.
as it exists, Kxeelsior. a Mexico Federal Troops to Cananea
; "'.
accumulated stocks,- - still are promising liquors. . These were consignments Secretary Tumulty said his cnll on
in Its issue of December the peasants peace, bread 'and land. from the private supplies of the guests
genemTSctiow 22 editorially charges him with
stirring up the sentiment against under Captain
NOGAL.ES, Ariz.. Dec. 31. A
of Mexican federal cavalry,
.1. C. SaJcido. was dis-
ON WITNESS MM. The dictatorship of the proletariat has who had reserved tables weeks pre-
degenerated into a military dictator- viously to the celebration. Prices at
ship of a subsidized and corrupt por- these nlaces for 1919 a farewell meal
Senator Hitchcock was to cbtain. ;it
President Wilson's request, the Li-
test information about the siri;tiu?-!-
He said he did not take to the capitol
patched today from Xogales, Sonora, tion of the proletariat." j ranged from J7.50 a plate to f 23 and any new scheme, though it i asumed
The eritorial says in part: to Cananea, with orders to protect ; Acquaintance
with the doctrine of upwards.
"We have profound admiration for Chinese merchants of the latter city the "reds Mr. Palmer said, was the But between the champaign drinkers that the democratic senate lender in-
!N PRICES IMMINENT the North American republic for its from any deportation by
powerful energy, for its love of work ties until instructions local
authori- STAND, SAYS HE IS most forcible methods of ending their quired about Mr. Wilson's attitude to-
ward a compromise.
it ex from Mexico City regarding the con- are receiver activities in this country He uraed'w lura "le : a. iima.
ws Barley- Draft Democratic Proposals
and liberty, for the enthusiasm tho American neonlo. in tho, class who !

hibits for progress and civilization, but stitutionality of the Sonora labor law. of law and order, peace and happiness
also included John -
The meeting- tonight of the foreign
these virtues are little shown, unfor- relations committee democrats was un-
SAYS FEDERAL BOARD tunately, in its comportment toward Kmiliano Tamez, Mexican consul "FRAME
here, said this morning that Governor
VICTIM UP" darity. to -- study the ,lull meaning of i awere citizens who had managed to save
bottle or two. rvery restaurant in
derstood to have taken steps to re-

Mexico. And in this occasion it has Adolfo

la Huerta had given orders ths "rori" u.o j . duce to a definite form democratic
been Mr. Wilson, who has inspired for the deprotection of Chinese mer through the teaching of Americanism Xew York was crowded with family, proposals for redrafting the repub-
these sentiments. The president of the chants pending instructions from, the in the press, the church, the school parties who surrounded tables on lican reservations. The subject
United States, contrary to his famous Republican A. P. Leased WireJ and labor organizations. which black bottles were discreetly considered In the light of the informa-
WASHINGTON, Dec. '31. Genera doctrine of no intervention, has Inter- national capital. Chinese merchants at clothed in white paper bags. tion obtained during the day by Sen-
anxiety prevails throughout American vened In Mexico every time - he has Nogales. Sonora, expressed the opinion NEW YORK, Dec. 31 Captain Earl The Commercial Outlook o ators Hitchcock and Pomerene and
business concerning the continued ad- seen a chance to gain.romances All his orations today that the situation would be W. Detzer, being tred by courtalleged mar-tri- al
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. Secretary DIVIDE HIGHWAYS DISTRICT with a view to framing a program be
vance in prices and a readjustment ap- and his democratic do not straightened out amicably. on Governor's Island for Alexander of the department of com- hind which the administration rorc?
pears imminent. the federal reserve remove one atom from the force of Theg rocery, dry goods and meat re- brutal treatment ofmilitary
- prisoners while merce today summed up the commer- DENVER. Colo.. Dec. 31. Federal
could unite.
board reported tonight in Its review his acts. Enough things have been tail business of tne state, except the Le Mans, France, today in police
he commanded the at cial outlook for 1920 as follows: highways District No. 3 has been di- .It was the first attempt of the demo-
of December business conditions. The recorded under the fictionof "watchful municipal market?, are virtually con- his own "The closing year witnessed a fabu- vided, according tothe office of federal members to get
cratic committee program. -.

inference was strongly- given that a waiting' so thata athalting

- this time It Is cer- trolled by the Chinese. defense testified he was the victim lous growth of American foreign com- highways, Colorado and Wyoming re- gether on such a Thoe who
reduction in prices Is due because of a way tain there is effort under Taroops to protect the Chinese resi- of a "frame up-.- " merce. Our trade balance for 1919 will maining in the old district, while New were present declined to discuss the
recognized curtailment of buying power in this debilitated r spirit for an dents have beeh sent to - Magdalena, Lieutenant L. V. Mahan his sub- be approximately four billions. A Mexico and Arizona constitute district meeting, but said some progress ha d
coupled with a lack of unanimity of American mandatory." reclte the lack where feeling against the orientals is ordinate, was jealous of him, the cap- great fleet of merchant ships, neV in- No. 13, with headquarters at e,
been made.
opinion as to what the future holds. The editorial then said to be more bitter than in any tain taid. Mahan was a former po- dustries, new sources of supply and and E. S. Wheeler in charge, Besides article ten, the majority
While retail trade shows great ac- of respect shown by the United States other part of the state. liceman and apparently did not like Increased knowledge of our own re- it was announced today. The personnel reservation regarding voting power in
toward the Carranza government in units have also been ordered toMilitary having Detzer, a former newspaper sources are some ot the assets gained of the Denver office will remain as the league of nations figured In ttia
tivity and wholesalers and manufac- Mexico. Guay-ma- s
man, for his superior in military police
turers represented as unable to supply o and HermoslHo. natters, the captain asesrted. from our war experience. Before the at present. day's discussion. Some administration
the demand, the great growth in busi- Mahan and 70 members of Detzer' war we were engaared, for the most
ness was shown to have been in terms TRAIN SERVICE TO MEXICO CITY Is Controversy of Long Standing i company later were transferred for part, in the development of our own
of dollars and not in units of produc- The controversy ever the Chinese "inefficiency and mistreatment of business, with little serious thought of
tion. High wages further complicated JUARKZ, Mexico, Dec, 31. Through
service between Juarez and Mex- merchants
of Cananea, Sonora, arose prisoners," Detzer said. extension of our activties into world
the situation, according to the board's train City will be established, beginning some time ago from their alleged vio- Private C. H. JUacey, who testified markets and we were too indifferent as
view. Practically every federal reserve ico regards our position of inferiority on
lation of the "Sonora law which re- against the captain, male the follow-
Arizona Republican's

tomorrow, according to an official an-

quires that 80 per cent of the workmen ing statement to him, Detzer declared: the high seas. Today we "are awake
district reported that "skilled labor
was working only sufficient days to nouncement here tonight. in any business establishment shall be "Captain Detzer, we are going ,to as never before. The pride of ante- .
keep Roinsr." resulting in a consequent! of Mexican citizenship. The Chines-- nut you over. We have got the right bellum days is revived and we look to
fallincr off in production. j VISIT MEXICAN OFFICER were ordered to cloe their places of backing, and we are going to put you see our flag at the masthead of a
In face of heavy demands, cautions JUARKZ. Mexico. Dec. 31 Col. business immediately several months with 'Ilardboiled Smith' and the rest." American merchant ship in every im-
manufacturers were described as dis- Gen. Francis W. Glover, chief of staff of
ago, but were later given an extension Lacey had been arrested by D. C. I. portant seaport of the world, carry- ' ANNUAL BARGAIN
inclined to commit themselves far in Robert 1 Howze. oC
time, which expired tonight at mid- officers nine times, Detzer said, but ing American goods wherever markets
military district, and Capt. of
advance. Credits have been shortened the El Paso night. through some influences was released may be found.
Carroll M. Counts,
and uncertainty as to the next three intelligence department at . El Paso,head of the mtlltary after serving a few days of a three - Abnormal Conditions Passing
.Offer Close
months in forest ailing the expansion
It is said that the claim that Chinese months
sentence. "Abnormal condition, we hope, are
paid a visit of courtesy to Gen. can work for less pay than Mexicans
in trade nuturnlly to bp expected as today Escobar, commander of the has aroused considerable hostility The "Ilardboiled" Smith case was passing. The tremendous increase in
nation settled towards its peace J. Gonzalo
I ,.th toward the orientals, who are accused going on in Paris while his military the exports of the war period, made -

activity. The high cost of living was Juarez military district. o of threatening to lower the standards at police company was being investigated up largely of military supplies and the
referred .. to as an
"unquestionable' living that prevail in the state of Le Mans, and the "prisoners in all still greater exports of the months fol-
menace. nniuil I Aft TO BE WITHDRAWN. of Y
Sonora. A few days ago Governor de the guard houses thrived on it," ac- lowing the war, in which foodstuffs fig-
o SAN ANTONIO. Texas. Dec. 3L It la Huerta, in a statement defending cording to Detzer. ured largely, may not continue indefi- SATURDAY EVENING
SERBIAN PRINCE SAFE IN PARIS is unofficially stated at the foreign the action of the state and municipal The captain entered a categorical nitely. These tremendous figures
PARIS, Dec. 31. Prince Regent office in Mexico City, according to closing
ad-ric- es
denial of charges alleging brutality have brought satisfaction to all but
Alexander of Serbia, who was reported reaching here tonight, .that authorities in
houses in Cananea, charged that cer-
Chinese business and conduct unbecoming an officer. grave concern to those who look for- - j
In a Berlin dispatch to have been Ygnaclo Bonillas. ambassador to the tain Mongolians had visited the United He specifically denied the accusations
killed by an explosion, is In Paris and United States, will be withdrawn from States with the object of precipitating by Murray Phillips who testified that
ward to 1920. The exchange in Eu-
rope "is a grave problem and so un- Office open all day Pay today and
well. The story of his death, there- Washington January 20. Albert Pani armed intervention in Mexico. Detzer had received half of 5,100 comfortable for foreign buyers as to
fore, is without foundation. Is suggested as Bonillas successor. francs he said were stolen from him necessitate in some cases srovernment
by Sergeant Madden of Detzer's com-
pany. The captain asserted he never restrictions on buying. If we would avoid the rush
saw Phillips until the latter appeared continue our foreign trade at its pres
ent high level there must be a freer
SUGilR RELIEF to testify against him.
Detzer admitted that h ha4 ordered and fuller exchange of commodities and
Where Are You Going To a Private Wright to be given
"water cure" which he described as
having the man's head held under a
a large extention of credit to Euro -
pean buyers. So let us find a condi-
tion in which buying and sejhng will
be of profit to both sides. On that
i Subscription
Daily and
Eat Your New Year's LAW he IW
pump. He denied emphatically that
had 'ever ordered a man to eat a
lighted cigarette.
basis we may build a commercial struc-
ture on a firm foundation.
"It Is too much to expect that nor-
Sunday for
mal conditions, .for which we all are
Dinner? Republican A. P. Leased Wire
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. President
so Impatient should some within the
14 'months since the signing of the
armistice. The wonder is that the SAVE 30
Wilson, it was said at the White House WASHINGTON, Dec. resig-
31.-Th- e
situation is not more unsettled. Ex-
have a meal like
WHY not tonight, plans to approve the McNary nation of Gerritt Fort as assistant di-
rector of ' traffic for the railroad admin- isting conditions are not unlike those
I 1 I
used to cook-Y- es,
good home cooked food
and lots of it, so let The Re-
sugar relief bill before midnight. thus
insuring continuation of federal con-
trol of sugar through 1920.
istration was announced tonight. Mr.
Fort leaves his post, which he has
following other wars, only . the prob-
lems are of greates proportions and
more "complex. Our domestic situa-
Daily and SundaySeven
publican Business Directory
be your guide and it will tell
Dining Room Decision of the president to sign the
measure, which was passed December
20, followed a conference today in
filled since the government assumed
control of the railroads, to become vice
president in charge of traffic of the
tion is not free from difficulty. Let us
hope that in the year 1920 there will
be less social unrest, that production
Days a WeekEvery Morning
you where you can find such a Boston and Maine railroad. He for-
place. ANNEX DINING ROOM Philadelphia between Secretary of will increase and living costs be grad- The Republican Is the only newspaper in Arizona publishing
515 North Central Ave., meals served Agriculture Houston and the sugar merly was passenger traffic manager ually reduced and that b, ylntelligent
You will find The Republi- for the Union Pacific. seven days in the week 52 issues more than any other paper
family style. equalization board. On the secretary's unselfish regard for the in the state.
can's Business Directory, can

return to Washington late in the day. pubMc welfare our national prosperity
put you In touch with any Secretary Tumulty discussed the af- RAISIN GROWERS" may continue."
business that you may be in fair with him and then conveyed the HAVE BUMPER YEAR o
You are entitled to the best. Mail that $6.50
I market for in a minutes results to the president. FRESNO, Calif., Dec. 31. The raisin to The Republican today
notice. The board, in' a report submitted crop this year will net growers about
recently to the president, recom-de- d BALTIMORE. Md.. January 1. New
that it be permitted to dissolve, $33,000,000, which is about double, what Year's day ;Opned in Baltimore with
The Republican's Business Directory can be stating the law of supply and demand it has been any previous year. President the shooting of four young women and
would, relieve the situation quicker William Griffin of the California As- a boy by a group of intoxicated sol- Offer Good Once Each Year Only
of help to you for the coming year. than federal control could. Under tho
statute the board automatically would
sociated Raisin company, announced
here today. For the- - first time in its
diers racing along Baltimore street in
an automobile; shortly after 1 o'clock
have passed out of existence tonight history the growers have sold the en- this morning. None of the wounds ap-
at midnight. tire crop before January. peared to b dangerous. '

r-pir- >1 innxi- 'm i "i-^Win i wr -| j—n -i


,'r »
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A Family Newspaper i Official Paper Pine County

Dare to do Our Duty
Let us have faith that right
makes might, and in that faith tf'/?/#.
a Job Printing
We are. equipped to do your
let us to the end dare to do oar job printing at the right prices.
duty as we understand it." Call and see samples. Our type
Abraham Lincoln. is of the latest design and the
m printing is up-to-date.


NEWS AMONG in that city. It is said that Mr.

and Mrs. Hansen every year make COLORED LIGHT AID TO TECHNICAL TRADE phlets," said Major Frith, "mav
communicate with this office,
substantial donations to charit­
SCANDINAVIANS able institutions. stating the number needed. It
will be necessary to check care­ A large numbtr of friends
Is A Delegate. fully in order to prevent dupli­ spent a pleasant evening Monday
Interesting Item« From Far Rev. O. H. Sletten, of Minnea­ cation, as the number of pam­ with the Fenger family, the oc­
and Near About People polis, went to New York last phlets received for Minnesota casion heing Dr. and Mrs. P. N.
From the North. week as the delegate of the Nor­ are no more than enough." Fengers 25th wedding annivers­
wegian Lutheran Free Church to Ex-service men throughout the ary.
The Swedish cruiser," Flytria, the convention of the National state may write to the nearest Friends commenced gathering
Capt. Gunnar Unger. has arrived Lutheran Council. Mr. Sletten recruiting office, making applica­ at the hospitable Dr. Fenger
in New York, where it was greet­ also will visit Washington on his tion for a booklet, whereupon a home early in the evening but it
ed by representatives of the six­ trip. ctfyy will be mailed him. No was not long before the house
ty thousand Swedes living in the postage is necessary. Stations was filled to overflowing and
T\ S. Imports Halted. standing room was at a premium.
metropolis. An elaborate pro- maintained by the army in the
pram of entertainments is being , The Swedish government com­ state include: 5th & Jackson Sts., However thoughtful friends had
arranged in honor of the officers mission investigating the econo­ St. Paul, Minn.; Winona, Minn.; planned for this emergency and
and crew. mic situation of Sweden, recom­ about 0:30 o'clock an invitation
Mankato. Minn.; Duluth, Minn.;
mends that the government in­ came for everyone to journey to
Poet on Trip. Superior. >Wis.; International
stitute control of Swedish im­ the basement of the church. The
Hans Hartvig Seedorf, a Dan­ ports which have come especially Falls. Minn.; Crookston, Minn.;
Bemidji, Minn,; Virginia, Minn. invitation was accepted and a
ish poet who has attracted quite from America in huge quantities
most pleasant evening was spent.
unusual attention during the last with the result that Sweden's
HEAR EAST RELIEF However before leaving the
year or two, has arrived in this trade balance has been upset, and
Fenger home two songs, written)
country for a brief visit. After the dollar has advanced from 3.10 Ifrinneapolis, Minn., Dee. 31. by relatives in Denmark for this
spending some davs in Washing­ to 4.80. According to a Stock­ Intensive research is being con­ occasion, were sung by all. The
ton, D. C., and Yellowstone Park, holm dispatch last Sunday, it is ducted by American scientists to songs were well written and in­
Mr. Seedorf will continue his believed that the government ascertain an effective method of cluded extracts from the family
journey to Japan. will soon restrict imports and removing tatoo murks from the history up to the time of the
Fimder Returns. put maximum prices on domestic A lltfht of linincnitp value to the technical trade whs demonatriited before human countenance without Fenger family leaving their na­
Ludvig Funder, in charge of goods. Such steps will be a seri­ tin- So«*! • 'T v ef FIE. IRITMTX !N KIIKIIMUI recoil ti;' l»y it* Invi.tor. !„. i\ Murtin. leaving a disfiguring scar.
The light from an electric bulb is reflected from a multicolored screen com- - This movement is being led tive country. *
the state dairying experimental ous obstacle in the way of Ame­ (>•.». wt' blue, and fcivlutf lh«t uxttd vtUu* ut UttyUgkl t*u The basement of the church
station at Christiania, Norway, rican trade. fabrics. through a sense of chivalry by
was nicely decorated and alf; ; i
who has been visiting this coun­ Gundestatp Dead. such eminent scientists as Dr. were seated at tables, refresh^
try for several months, will re­ George H. Washburn of Harward, ments being served. Many shorty ir-A
Knud Gundestrup, a well following to say regarding a week, Jan. 2, the American Le-
turn to his home some time this known wholesale seed merchant who served with the United talks were given among them be*
meeting which was recently irion Post basket ball team of States Army medical corps as
month. Last week Mr. Funder in Chicago, died last week, aged Hinckley will play the Lejrion specialist, in restoring ing also one by Dr. Fenger which :
held there: facial was much enjoyed. The Doctoitf
spent several days in Minneapo­ 52 years. He was a native of
lis studying the dairying methods Denmark, had been in the United "The school meeting Friday team of Sandstone at the Sand­ featues of soldiers, distorted by
stone Opera House. A danco will wounds. And it also is for the is usually right to the point and -
of Minnesota under the guidance States for a little more than night was well attended and the follow the game. his remarks nearly always con- v
of Hans T. Sondergaard. proposed new school building purpose of preventing a natural tain a touch of good humor. fcj
twenty years and had taken ac­ was discussed at some.length. It
Child Stowaways Arrive. feminine racial beauty during Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson^
tive part in Danish-American ac­ is to be about 60 by 90 two story Thieve# at Pine City Again the present generation.
John Benson, who is 13, and tivities. (Jet Little. of Moline, III., who are vtsitin<$/ sj
brick and stone structure, steam Armenian women and girls, here at the home of the former's^;,
his sister. Bertha, two years old­ Pre-Weddinsr Trip. heated, electric lighted and to be who were stolen during the war
er, but who gallantly admits that Miss Signe Petersen, a daugh­ larsre enough to accommodate Thieves whose main object was by the Turks, Kurds and Tartar«, parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Petem; v&l
John is the head of the household ter of Professor, F. Petersen in about 200 pupils. A gymnasium money looted the safe at the were tattoed on their cheeks and sen, aided considerable in making^'
have arrived in New York from Christiania, Norway, has just in the basement to be used also Madden Confectionery Sunday foreheads in an attempt by their the program a success in a musif
Gothenburg, Sweden, by the completed a trip to Valparaiso, for community gatherings cap­ night and got away with $45 in brutal captors to add ft distinc­ cal way. Mr. Petersen together* \
France and Canada line freighter Chile, where she went to marry able of seating 400 people. silver and between 400 and 500 tive facial adornment. with H. Petersen played several
Shortsville, listed as stowaways. her fiance. Vice Consul Alexander pennies. The safe door had not violin duets, the piano accom^
"The building: is estimated to But the Armenian women do pan i ment being played by Mrs^ i
It appears that John and Bertha Lundh. The wedding dinner was been locked but the inner drawer not consider the tattoo in the
cost $65,000.
have been born of Swedish pa­ given in Buenos Aires and is de­ containing the silver was pro­ same light, according to Dr. Wil­ Robert Petersen. b.
rents in Worcester, Mass., and scribed as one of the important "About the 6nly criticism
tected by the usual small lock fred Post of Princeton, N. J., who No effort on the part of anyi]
heard is that it will be too small
that their mother, upon the social events of the season. ? which was damaged to some ex­ has returned from Asia Minor one was done to invite anybody
death of their father, took the and also that a full basement tent by the key used by the where he served with the Near to this celebration, as it wa#
Landlwrg Asphyxiated. should be made instead of only
children to Sweden, where she thieves. The pennies were in a East Relief. Rather, it is con­ known that this was the desir*
a portion for the gymnasium. We
succumbed to disease some time August Landberg, a carpenter cigar box on a shelf near the safe sidered by the women an indel­ of the Fengers and only thosd*
ago. So the children decided to who had recently arrived in New cannot see how the added cost of and all but about 35 of these ible stain of shame. who wished to personally call oi# \
go as stowawavs—and they were York from Malmø, Sweden, was a full basement would exceed were taken. Nothing else about this estimable family were pre«
"In an effort to eradicate this sent. .About 60 people were pns$
the heroes of the entire trip! found dead in his room last $1,000 above part basement, and the store was tampered with and få-"
it would then be a finished build­ burning cross of shame," Dr.
To Have I'. S. Radio.
week; a leaky gas fixture was as far as can be ascertained the Post said, "the women and girls sent. Several songs were sun#;, /»n *
blamed. Mr. Landberg who was ing so far as it goes. It certainly money is all that is missing. by the entire assemblage and #
A Copenhagen dispatch an­ 30 years old, was unmarried. would cost less at the start than of Armenia, stolen from their very enjoyable evening was th*
nounces that the Danish govern­ There was no indication that in a few years later and the The doors and windows were! h omes anr j | a ter escaped or res­
ment has sanctioned the expendi­ death had been intended. all closed and locked and it is cued, have applied caustics and result.
building would be more substan­ supposed that a skeleton key Dr. and Mrs. Fenger's flv#
ture of the sum required for the tial and complete. irritants. Some have burned children were all home for th*
erection of a long distance radio "Dan*k Samvirk«." which would manipulate the lock their faces to a char with mineral
"Any way the community will on the front door was used. silver wedding. They are: Gun*'
station, the object being to es­ A new organization has been acids, and all who have experi­ nar, Ejvind, Agnete, Ingrid an<|:
have a first class school buildintr
tablish direct wireless communi­ created in Denmark under the to be proud of, and an opportuni­ Nothing has been learned as mented with these drastic means rr%
yet which would lead to the ap­ Bodil. The Fenger family has re*
name of "Dansk Samvirke" for
cation with the United States. ty to have an eccellent school." prehension of the sruilty persons. of effacing the stains from their sided in Askov about six or seven
Vigeby is Robbed. the purpose of promoting good once comely faces have disfigured
fellowship among Danes in Den­ Pine County Pioneer, Dec. 26. themselves for life with grue­ years, coming here from Cedar*
Last Friday night J. R. Vigeby, SANDSTONE HIGH DEFEATS Falls, Iowa. The American joinjk
a Norwegian-born banker of Max- mark and in foreign countries. ALL MM MEMORIAL PAMPHLETS FOR
some scars and splotches." with their many friends jn ex|
basse, N. D„ was robbed in Min­ It is the plan of the executive SERVICE MEN
There are three approved tending congratulations and
neapolis of $175. Hé claims that committee to publish a monthly A fast basket ball gam* was
methods by which the tattooes continued happy future«
magazine at Copenhagen, begin­ Pfnns have been completed bv might be removed. Electrosis,
while walking down Sixth ^treet played at the Opera House at Major R. E. Frith, Army Recruit­ one of the methods, is attended
he bumped into two men at the ning some time this month.
Sandstone Saturday night be­ ing Officer at 311 Nicollet Ave­ with the danger, however, of de­ TIOXAL H -S
comer of Sixth avenue south who Mme, Lund Leave*. tween the high school team and nue, for distribution to veterans stroying so much of the tissue Vf
told him to "stick 'em up." When . Mme. Signe Lund, the Norwe­ the alumni of that place the The Soldiers Bonus law . hat
of the World War who served in that a scar will be left, Dr. Post been held constitutional by^ tlw|
he whirled suddenly and threw gian singer and composer who former winning by a score of 23
France, of more than 20,000 me­ said. The other two methods in­ Supreme Court of Minnesota in a It 1
one of the men aside, the other recently was appointed a mem­ to 16. Referee—Balridge.
morial pamphlets prepared by volve the use of an irritant decision rendered recently. Thii
confronted him with a gun. The ber of the faculty of the normal Gheringhelli brothers, Postma, the French Government for this which is tattooed into the area will enable the Bonus Board to
men thjen searched him, taking school at Mayville, N. D., has Jarvela, Gunn and Gilliver con­
purpose. of the skin which had already proceed with the sale of State
the cash, but missing $800 in been asked to resign on the stituted the high while Long,
Liberty bonds. "This booklet/* said Major!been tattooed. A course of in- Certificates of Indebtedness to H}f
ground that she is suspected of Lyons, Maloney, Koivenemi, Frith today, "is t<* be given to j flamation follows and a crust raise funds for paying the bo­
Comraits Suicide. having affiliated with move­ Pearson and Jarvela made up the
all living members of the Ameri- j forms, which, in time, leaves the nuses allowed returned soldier*
ments which plan the release of alumni team. The latter five
Ella Petterson, the 16-year old can Expeditionary forces. It is j skin free from the original tat- under the law passed by the last
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char­ Kate O Hare who was sent to the; were all on the high school team an expression of the gratitude j tooing. legislature.
federal penitentiary at Atlanta j two years ago.
les Petterson, ^Swedish people of the French government for j Great interest in the outcome There was appropriated $20.* a i
who live at 156 Sterling PI.. some time ago having been con-1 Sandstone High is scheduled to the part played in the war by; of the research is being mani- 000,000 for this purpose but it
victed of sedition. Mme. Lund nlay the St. Cloud Normal at St.
Brooklyn, committed suicide the American forces. The pam- > fested in medical circles owing appears that this will not be suf­
| is said to have left for Gary, In- Cloud on Friday, Jan. 9, and
Christmas Eve. She accused her­ ! diana. phlet recounts briefly the record , to the fact that the Armenian ficient and that seven or eight
self in a note which' she left, of Sandstone will play a return of the American army, from Cha-. girls and women are considered million more will be needed. Un­
having told a lie and rather than game with Hinckley at Sand­ teau Thierry to Sedan." ; the most beautiful, the most in- less the legislature is called in>:>
face that temptation *>r»ce more iCX0VE*?O\ TO HAVE LAJME stone on Friday, Jan. 16. This Every exservice man with i tell i gent and industrious of all extra session to provide the ad-1
she preferred death. Ella killed | NEW SCHOOL is expected to be a whirlwind af­ service in the American Expedi- the peoples of what once formed ditional sum the Bonus Board ^
herself by shooting. fair as Sandstone was defeated at tionary forces in France to his \ the Ottoman Empire. may decide to pay part of the
j The public school building i Hinckley recently and they are credit will be given a booklet: And the Near East Relief espe- bonus at this time and wait for li*
Ciive H»ntls4»n9p Present*
i which recently burned at Clover- 'anxious to return the compli- upon application to any army re- cially is concerned with the out- i the next legislature which meets s t3
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hansen in , ton will be replaced by a large i ment, and further they say it cruiting station in the state of come of the laboratory experi- [ in a year from now. to provide «'ii
Chicago have given the amount substantial and up to date build- i will be done. The latter is <fhe Minnesota. •men*", a^cordinc to N. Martin-j the balance. It is expected that
pf $2.000 to the Danish Home for i ing. The Union Enterprise ! of the scheduled district games. American Legion poøts who * nvi, state campaign director for i bonus payments will begin about*
Aged and the Danish orphanage ; (Ck>verton) of Dec, 25, has thej On „Friday evening of this desire ir distribute these fcftm-1 Minnesota. February flnH, 'A '
^twie**!:* i,

V» rf "

For Eszirei, Tiie City Bee,-ULtifial



The Home Service Scclion, of Joseph H. Preator and Miss

nnuu vie wed . ABE YOU READY?
The census enumerator will call
All Sale dale Uf Roy Jones, Auc­ SATURDAY, January
tioneer or Jones i Jensen can be the Audubon County Chapter A. Frances Hensley of Burlington, On Sunday, December 28th, at
on you within the rext few days.
made at, Kearney Drug Store, Ext­ R. C. receives the most important were urtited in marriage yesterday the Lutheran parsonage occured the
Among the questions that you will
"Fighting Destiny,
ra, Iowa, Ala/ dates for A. \\. announcement to Service men and at the M. E. parsonage, Rev. R. M. marriage of Miss Katherina By Harry MoornyJ
Harvey, Clerk/'who will clerk sales be asked to answer a're those below.
Home Service Sections since the Jones officiating. The bride is the gchwarting to Mr. Clarence Pro- "Submarines and Sm
anv\vlK're.--a<^ '' Much time will be^ived if you will
signing of the Armistice. It is ad­ accomplished daughter of C. F. haska. After the ceremony a sump-
think them over and have the an­ Show starts at 7 o'cl
;lou -
vance information regarding "Sweet Hensley of the- Burlington State tuous dinner was served by. the
swers ready. Admission. 10c and' 2- •
Bill" as agreed to by the U. S. Sen­ Bank and the groom is the son of bride's mother, only the immediate
ate and the House of Representa­ Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Preator of the relatives were in attendance. In Questions Asked Of All
1^. T. B4Uey wjll give one of his the evening a happy crowd gath­ 1. Age at last birthday.
tives. A few of the provisions of Burlington country Both of the
* lectures in the High
these amendments to the War Risk pour.g people are popular in the ered for the customary serenade 2. Each person ten years of age TUESDAY, January|
ditorium, January 8th. and all were treated liberally by and over will be asked whether he "Men Who Turn Wh^
Insurance Act are as follows: Grey bull river territory and have
Compensation payments are ad­ many friends who will join the Re- the hahpy groom is able to read or wTite. Warner'a Special v -
justed on basis of $80.00 per month pulican in wishing them much joy. The youug people have grown to I. Each person will be asked his "Betsy and The BoysU
womanhood and manhood in this birthplace as well as the birthplace
sHAving rented the Danish Broth- for total temporary disalv' ty for --Republican, Burlington, Wyo. This is a. ixhw Robeson 0ol\|
mfcn without dependents^/ ,ith ad­ community and are respected by of father and mother. ''
jjod building for a meat, marker. Mrs. Preator was formerly an production. Don't it.
ditional amounts for /.pendents, Exira girl and while here stayed at all who know them. The bride is a 4. If foreign born the date of
• now prepared to serve the
and $100 for total permanent dis­ daughter of Mrs. Anna Schwarting coming to the United States will be • Show starts at 7:30 o'clock
c si'ith all kinds of meats, the home of her uncle, Geo. B. Gill.
ability. These increases are retro­ She was very popular among , the and the groom a son of Mr. and askfed. and, if naturalized, the date • Admission 10c and 20c
i " ^ ' " i i d coffee*, will also
active to April 6tl?, 1917. ^ young people, all of whom extend Mrs. Albert F. Prohaska of becoming a citizen; also mother
take t^fclevs for fresh fish, and oys­
Compensation provisions are also fhey will remain with the bride's tongue or native language.
ters. ' Ed P. Bailey, congratulations. ,Uy - •
made retroactive to April 6, 1917. mother until spring when ttiey will 5. Each head of a family will THURSDAY, January 8
Phone No. 73.
Those inducted by the Local g to housekeeping on the George be asked whether his home is owned "Miss George Washingtoi
Public sale of livestock and farm
Draft Boaul, but not accepted at
camp and enrolled for active ser Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dryden have
McCall farm east of town.
That they may bs happy and
prosperous is the wish of their many
by him or rented. If owned, whe­
ther the home is mortgaged or free
of debt.
- By Marguritf! Clarke
4 "Harts and Flowers" i-

vice are included within the.benefits sold their 160 acrc farm, north of Comedy ^ ,*
Hcplements, t. t 1. P. Hallock place Exira, to Charles Anderson and friends. 6. Each person will be asked his
of the Act. y Show starts at 7:30 o'cldc|
in old town of Oakfield b mile east Insurance lump sum payments will give possession March 1st. occupation and whether he is an
Admission 10c and^Oc 1
Of Brayton, Tuesday, January 20J are provided in converted insurance Mr. and Mrs. Dryden have not employer or employee or is working
and class of beneficiaries enlarged decided yet where they will locate, •*p-' on his own account.
P. M. Christensen
JOURHAL USI to include uncles, aunts, nephews,
nieces, brother-in-law and sister-in-
.and their friends are hoping they
will remain here.
The following officers have been
elected for the Yeoman Lodge for
The answers to the above ques­
tions give valuable and vital in or-
We are in rect ipt of a card from mation to the Government con­
law of insured. the ensuing year: '
the Historical Society of Iowa re­
questing us to send them a copy of
the Journal of the issue of Novem­
Payments owing to person who
dies are made payable to his Exe
Service men, you have the choice
E J. W. Alsup, Foreman.
R. A. Lantz, M. of C. , '
cerning the health, welfare, and
progress of the persons under its
eutor or Administrator. Idah Peden, Correspondent.
ber 6th. Has any on<e of our read­ of six permanent forms "of Govern­ Questions Asked of Farmers
The bill also includes other pro- O. A. High, M.*>f A.
ers a ciipy of that date? If so, ment Insurance to concert your - A Fateful
visions about which the Home Dick Simpkins, Chaplain. 1. Each occupant of a farm will
t please bring it in. This is to your Yearly Renewable Term Insurance
Service Section will be notified at Roy Dryden, Overseer. be asked how many years, if any, Another presidential
torcst as well as ours. Perhaps it into. You have five years after IP
an early date. Fred Bechtold, Watchman. he worked on a farm for wages; to have arrived.
not generally known that in Des the termination of the war, to con­ Dave Workman, Sentinel. t bow many years, if any, he was a It has brought a 1 f
oines they have a complete record vert your insurance, provided you Kirk Knox, Guard, V-, - - 'tenant; and how many years, if and crucial problems
>f south Audubon County as given continue the payment of premiums. Maude Miller, Lady Rowena any, he farmed as an owner. - j to solve. In perhaps onV
the . Audubon County Journal Tom H. Godwin, dealer and con­ These premi'ims increase slightly as Evalyn Hamlin, Lady Rebecca. 2. Whether he (a) owns, credential campaign befor
lince it, was first estab ished away tractor,jhas opened his shop again. thy insured' gets older. *rhe follow­ (b) rents, or (c) partly owns and ( issues had io vital a, 1/
E>aek in the seventies. The issue Tom was in business here when the ing forms of policies, a*> the six Dartly rents his farm, or whether. our-national destiny. '
lulNovumbci' 6, 15)19 id Uie Gr=t.
jopy missed and we are anxious to
e the vacancy • filled. Please
call was made for service in the
war. He closed out and answered
the call, enlisting in the navy where
permanent forms, and wul be issued
by the Bureau to persons making ANnOAL MEETING
The Danish Lutheran Church of
(d) he operates the farm for others! It is a matter not
as a manager or superintendent 1 choosing and taking :
the conversion: 4^^ 1 3. How many acres in his farm; ^among the world family
liook through your old Journals and he served until discharged at the Ordinary Life, Twenty-Payment. Exira, will hold their annual meet­ Number of improved acres? Is um- j but of adopting a define
jif you find a copv of that date signing of the armistice. We . wel­ Life, Thirty-payment Life, Twenty- ing at the church, Tuesday, Janu­ ber of unimproved acres and lium-! a n d making ready for t|.v
bring it in. come him back and feel sure he will
receive a liberal patronage and
year Endowment, Thirty-year En­ ary 6th at 1:00 P. M.
dowment and Endowment matur­
ber of acres of woodland? J
economic depression whic
4. Total value of farm? Total j certain now to follow this
meet with success. ing at age 62. These policies are

Last Sunday, the Country Club

Mk issued in sums ranging from $^0(10

to $10,000 in mutiples of $5.Q0 % -^
Gerald Hensley has purchased ah
value of buildings? Value of im- tive war, just as such a i'
plements and machinery on farm? jh a s followed every other grtl
5. Whether farm is mortgaged?: ' n the history of civilized n.'
ave Mrs. J. T. Essington a sur­ sm,
Application blanks for eonveiMon If so, theahiount of mortgage? jOneoLthe clearest lessons o!
prise party at the home of her son, A family reunion was held at the (dectrie shoe finishing machine and
may be had at the Home Service G. Expenses for feed, fertilizer P a s t is that in all human a
jWm., where she is spending her de­ Watterson home when Mrs. Gene is now prepared to give his work
office in the Harper Building, or and labor in the year 1919? ~ | action is followed by reacfcAm, ir|
fining years. The members of the Pratt and children of Wilcox, Can­ the finish of the most fastidious
write to Mae McLaughlin, Secre­ 7. Several questions concerning | tion by deflation, extravagancy
party went in a bob sled and each ada, Mrs. Rachel Hendricks and high class shops. With the present
tary Home Service Section, Audu- high prices of shoes we should get artificial drainage of his farm. suffering and want. It is iJ
ane gave Mrs. Essington a handker- children* of Atkinson, Nebraska, I- -t
oon, Iowa. \ ^ r S. Number of cows, horses, possible that the foregoing
jhief in commemoration of her Mrs. Grace Westphalen and son of •v? all the wear possible from them and
A m m n A M i r m n i i v Gerald will keep them presentable sheep, ebickens, and other domestic foreshadow the great political
lightieth birthday, which occurred
hat day and in honor of which the
Atlantic and Mrs. Minerva Graham
and daughter of Audubon came to E to the last. Our people should pat­ animals on the farm January 1,
1920? > „
the next eight or ten years.
I Two sensible resolution-® on^
surprise was given. Needless to say spend the Christmas holidays at The Charter has arrived for the ronize him libei ally. f~ "i
ill enjoyed t he occasion. Mrs. Es- the parental home. Mrs. Watter- 9. Quantity and acreage of all part of voters seenr Xo be in ore 1
locai post of American Legion,
lington will long rememberthe kind- soi1*s two remaining daughters ex­ crops grown on the farm m 1919, Que is that thej' take the long viel
which is organized under the name CARD OF THANKS including fruits and vegetables? |the far-sighted vision, of the
aeSs of her neighbors and the plea­ pected to be present but owing' to of the Ballou Post No. 332, Exira,
We di'siix' to thank our friends 10. Quantity of milk and butter questions that are certain to arisij
sure she experienced at this celebra- unavoidable circumstances failed Iowa. Said name being so chosen
and neighbors fer their assistance sold oft the farm during the year, ^' s true we can not* always forese^
sianof her eightieth milestompp to arrive. The thankfulness and in honor of Arthur E. Ballou, who
and kindness during the illness and 1919? - j how present forces are going tcs,
joy of the hotnefolks "at the return was the only one of our boys losing
after the death of our beloved wife 11. Acreage of timber land on work themselves out in the distant*
of the absent ones at these family his h\"e as a result of direct injury,
and mother. We also wish to ex­ farm and value of forest products. futuro; but this year we must try
reunions keep the hearts warm and on the firing line.
press our gratitude to those who so Correct answers to the above as never before. * $
FriendSihere were pained Sunday cement the ties which bind them There is a great deal of enthusi­
generously contributed the beauti­ questions are of the utmost impor­ The other resolution is: to ap- [[
fio l<y >irn of the death of Mrs. Anton together. ~ . 1 > asm as there is everywhere ivhore-
ful flowers. •• tance. The United States Depart­ proach and study the issues now» "
imonseD, which occurred early that ever a Post has been organized, and'
Henry C. Petersen and children ment of Agriculture assisted the arising with an open mind, free|
[morning at the home of her daugh­ the aim of the members that
ter, Mrs. Willie Wiges, wW, resides each and every Service marl in this Census Bureau in preparing the from the least trace of partisan ran-!
1 ft** 4 questions on the agriculture sche­ cor or political prejudice. -/Appar-^
sast of ^.Hamlin.
Anna JVIarie Simonsen was born A community be enrolled as a mem­
ber. , dule aiu] appeals to farmers every­ ently it is to he the year of the in-||
Denmark in the year 1843. She .. The meeting at the Christian The members of the Federated where to keep farm records for dependent voter, the man whof
tame to this country with her fam­ Church is surpassing all expecta- Church will meet at the Federated census purposes. • thinks for himself and puts rigl'^.
ily fifteen years ago and has been Church, Wednesday evening, Janu­ GEORC.E NELSEN, and justice first in his thin^ '
' resident of Exira (luring the en- tions in interest and results. The About twenty of'our businessmen ary 7th at 7:30, to transact the fi­ - ' Enumerator and since the decision• is*ti" v -
' re time until about ii year ago, church has been packed to the started out in bob-sleds, Monday the happiness of future gener;,
nal business of the churches that
llowing the death of her husband, doors all during the week and lar­ morning to open up the road, east have federated and also attend to we can not do better than td

q went to make her home with ger crowds are expected during the
ier daughter, Mrs. Wiges.
> Her last sickness was of short
remainder of the week.
The Chorushas grown from night
town to North Branch. The shov­
els and graders were put into use
the business of the Federated
church. All members are request-
Dr. Oldaker has added an Xray
IKE ourselves up with hitn. Noivv
we do much worse than to put.r- - .
* ;

duration, having been stricken with and when they reached the old e"3 to be present. By the Board.'' tisan politics first during the - ;, '

i.attack of heart trouble Friday to night and the people of Exira machine to his dentistry equipment

F Tremmel place" were met by a num­ tweUe months. 1 " '

riming. are at last'entering into the spirit ber of gentlemen from the North which adds much to the efficiency
She leaves to mourn her loss one of song. of his work. Ho; has taken Xray
«on, Sam Simonsen of Central City, Branchjvicinity, who were shoveling
The Children's Chorus made a pictures of the teeth of several of
Jciwa; and three .daughters, Mrs. great hit Tuesday evening and they their way westward. The road has II
our citizens and is prepared to rem­
mniLU uiii i iii)
, Caris Jensen of Anita, Mrs. Mar- are to have full charge Thursday been impassable since our bad snow The annual ineetintr of The Brayton Grandpa Voss celebrated h.V
I'gitet F. Jensen of Harlan and Mrs. night. storm several weeks ago. Lumber Company will he held in the edy their defects. We predict the
tieth birthday last Sunday. X,
iWjllie Wiges of Hamlin. Evangelist Wikoff is now getting Hraylon-JIall, Brayton, Iowa, Thurs­ machine will pay for itself many
The funeral services were held into his real appealing sermons and yfrs. Mlturice Jensen came l'l'oin of his most intimatj; friends!
LV ln MuiutSyesterday, to pack th#ir
day January 8th at one o'clock P. M. times over. ,
iTbesday afternoon at the Danish twenty-three have been added thus for the purpose ol' electing utlU'ers for relatives were, invite w " •
; jl-Itheran Church, conducted by far to the church while more are household goods pre punitory tomov­
ing to Des Ml'iiH'S, where they
the ensuing year and to transact such Miss.Hattitf Baiert? is visit­ Voss home in honor o
illilv. Rasmussen. Interment was expected from night to night. Bap­ other business, which may legally
|iii; le in the Exira cemetery. .bought a flue new home. ing la this city with ht-v a mil Refreshments wore se
tismal services are being held every come before it.
"he Journal extends sympathy evening.. The meeting will George Vossi lias completed a tine -, t / Yours Trul.\ Mrs. W. O. Soott and hus­ ry effort was made t
,he bereaved re'atives. continue over Sunday at least. , s new kitchen cabinet for John Martc-s. band. . gentleman pleasur
V , O. l'\ 1UI2, Secretary. ;;
occasion one long

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Tourists From the North Now En*

SEE SANTA CLAUS De Vera Files Action In the Comities of the CALLED
BY DEATH Kenney Amongst
Special Trains Carry Tourists to
Circuit Court at Milwaukee State the Baraboo Candidate
joying Themselves in the Land

the Coast

Troop to the AL Ringing Theatre Woman Lost Limbs and Two Has the Lead—Columbia Man One of the Leading Methodist Earlier Than Usual
of Flowers Says Correspondent
Where Children’s Ido. Climbed •

Sons Second Preachers of this Conference Writes Mike Maher

FREE CONCERTS ARE Down the Chimney Dies at Eau Claire on Birthday
serving a Miss Leila Johnson leads in prim-
Judson E. Montgomery,
sentence in the state
ary election being held by the Mil- W. D. Stanley of Baraboo has re- DRYEST MAN IN COUNTRY
waukee Journal to determine who are ceived a copy of the Eau Claire Lead-
Soon after the exercises at the Al. penetentiary on a charge of second ARRIVES FROM ARIZONA
to enjoy the tour to Europe next sum- er which tells of the death of Rev.
Ringling theatre on Wednesday after- degree murder, is named defendant in
mer. Michael Benson, Dec. 24, 1919, a, for-
Have Formed noon, a small hoy was met on the a suit for $50,000 damages instituted
Wisconsin Tourists street, his face radiant with memor- in circuit court at Milwaukee by De
At the last report the standings mer pastor at Baraboo. The item in
were: part says.
With Semi-Monthly Meetings ies Claus.
of music, pictures, gifts, and Santa Vera Kenney, one of the victims of
Just as he approached the the “death car’ that plowed its way
Elizabeth Quinnell, Bayfield 452 • The death of the Rev. Michael Two Lawyers Have Fight In Court
M C. Palmer, Columbia 2,899 Benson, D. D., marks the passing of
—Boat Excursions listener he was heard to remark: through a group of persons at Thir- Fanny Warner, Then Beg the Judge to Have a

Columbia 85 a man of unusual character in this
teenth and Wells-sts on Mar. 19, 1919. 1,865 community, a man who has lived a
Nora S. Carey, Dodge
Sarah E. Montgomery, mother of the Heart—Suspends Sentence

By John Lodwick M—y! but that was a good Marie Gaynor, Fond du Lac 203 complete life, and who was sustain-
convicted man, formerly a resident Stephen, Jackson 92 ed to the end by the simple but
Christmas. Harold
of Baraboo, is named as co-defend- Moore, Jefferson 2,568
winter sea- Catherine strong faith in which he walked all
With the opening of the ant because she is owner of the auto- Gertude McGuire, Marathon. 80 (the days of his life. He died at

son at St. Petersburg, scores of Wis- mobile. It is alleged that Mr. Mont- Myrtle Kieffer, Oconto Two hundred thousand will visit the
consin and other tourists are flock- The members of the local lodge of gomery used 163 about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon southland this winter is the forecast.
goodfellowts. 'Their the car by her permis- Schmidt, Ozaukee, 902
Elks were the Margaret and it was the 88th anniversary of

ing into the “Sunshine City," includ-. She lives at 1129 Cedar street. The first train of tourists has arrived.
wives were there and teachers, too, sion. Thomas Sanders, Racine 699
ing a large number from Baraboo. his birth, for he was born on Dec. Travel set in fully a month earlier
received proper The complaint alleges that Mr. Mont- Jean Edith West, Racine

are! to see the children 735 24, 1831, in the township of Dar- than other years.
Among the more recent arrivals

gomery, while intoxicated, “negligently The chamber of

thriving city,! attention. Long before the time for A J. Schmidt, Racine 496 lington
Ontario. commerce will work out a plan with
numbered 19 from that the boys and girls and carelessly” drove the automobile Essie Brooks, Sauk 703
while reservations have been made the curtain to rise at more than 35 miles an hour. Mrs. Leila Johnson, Sauk About his bedside were all his private families to take in roomers
came trooping along by Jtwos and 3,151
with hotels and apartments for 36 Kenney cites the bodily injuries sus- immediate relatives, his widow, his for the winter months in order to
threes as honored guests of the lodge Margaret M. Ryan, Taylor 942 son, Rev. J. M. Benson of La Crosse

others who are expecting to reach theatre they tained by her and the consequent am- Gaskell, Walworth
house the mass of peoule who will
15. members. Into the Lilian 454 and daughters, Mrs. I. V. Wiltrout come here. There
here on or before January With two putation of both her legs. are thousands
of through sleeper piled and many of the seats were Margaret Cosgrove, Waukesha. 99 of Chippewa Falls; Mrs. L. H. Grif- this year who have money enough for
the establishment Her two small sons were killed by
deep, over a thousand children turn- Bessie MacKenzie, Shawano- 758 fin of Salina,
service daily out of Chicago and dir- ing expectant faces towards the the machine. The party was about to
There are seventeen candidates in of Beatrice, Nebraska.
and' Mrs. G. W. Speigle the first time to come to the land they

ect to St. Petersburg on the “Dixie board an east-bound street car when have so long wanted to visit. There
screen when the first picture came on. the automobile drove through Milwaukee, Joseph Murphy lead-

Flyer” and “Seminole Limited,” most the ing with 5,495 votes. For several days Dr. Benson had is plenty of work and good wages in
This was a school scene, full of the been fast failing, but often had the east and that is responsible for
of the Wisconsin tourists will come, group. After a sensational trial in
route instead of change- the activities such as the beys and municipal court, The purpose of the present primary rallied in a wonderful way. Only the western trip. If it is true, as the
here over that When it came Mr. Montgomery was election, in which every public school
girls sometimes see.

ing at Cincinnatti as they did a year at times was his mind clouded by papers state, about the scarity of
to a finish it developed thal it was found guilty by a jury of second de- teacher in the state is eligible as a weakness, and almost to the end houses it is going to be hard to find a
ago. gree murder.
a Briggs picture- -Briggs the Reeds* candidate, is to elect two teachers he manifested great interest in per- place to live in after January 1.
Baraboo tourists registered at the to I
When it came f from each county to run in the final sons and things. The day before his
Board of Trade recently are Mr. and burg cartoonist. asked a man on Ninth and Olive street
the last, “When a feller needs a election in which one from each con- death, with cheerful voice he said to what was a living room and kitchen
Mrs. F. A. Nehs, Mary A. Andrews,
was a general applause. gressional district will be elected to his son-in-law Dr. Wiltrout: “My
Martha J. Mariott,, Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Mould, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Setter-
_gr n, Miss Alice Settergren, Mr. and lect
was lively music by a se-
orchestra ad the way along, an
feature of the occasion,
SUGAR SEIZED make The Journal tour of the Eu- time is surely here; my new home
ropean battlefields and countries most is not far off. This world has been
active in the war.
renting for and he said $26 a month,
but if you go farther out the rent is
cheaper. I see a sign on a few houses
—no vacant rooms.
Mrs. Frank Herfort and son Law added awful good to me. I go satisfied.” This year is the

that word had just been received On Monday he had requested a fam- first time I ever saw the sign. A
rence Horfort, Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Just at this juncture G E. Morey ily worship, his> son reading and pray- great many are buying homes as they
E. Getchell, Charles E. Gettchell, Jr.,
came upon the stage and annuonced | ing. In the Lord’s prayer Dr. Benson are getting tired of moving but there
Jeane Le Febure Getchell, Mr. and
D. A. Lewis and Miss Leora Lewis.
Many new attractions have been ar-
ranged for the entertainment of* visit- 'hurrying
word had just been received
Claus was at North Freedom and was

this way -at fast as-he could- - Fiank O’Comior, United sta
MRS. WILLIAMS joined speaking the words with dis-
life was closed.
In such a way his earthly
is no danger of having to sleep on the
street as a man and woman can put
on overalls and mother hubbards and
he was coming he said Mr.
\\ bile go dishwashing. $2 a day and
ors to the “Shunshine City” this sea- He was a descendant of a well board.
son, i' of er would kindiv show another Marsha], Takes Action on House known Canadian family. Shortly after Tombstones Instead of Bocze
including free band concerts vu-.d up again,
I h it. i* ilie music

his birth his father, Janies Benson, A man named Anderson went, into
given twice daily by the Royal Scott- hold Necessity

As the picture ended Mr. Morey moved to the township of Whitby an auction room where they w-ire sell-
ish Highlanders, who have been re- more and
came upon the stage once

engaged for another season. The i where the son grew up. He flight ing unclaimed trunks. He saw little
about to announce something whisps of excelsior sticking out from
Returns For a Short school for

two years. In 1853 he was


According to a notice sent to this Missionary

‘“Kilties” will open their engagement
when there was a loud noise of bells under the lid, he thought the

here January 11 and will continue to converted at a revival meeting. trunk

the middle of April.
and a vociferous “Whoa.” office for publication by Frank 0‘- Visit and Parents Will Accom- He united with the Canadian Meth- was full of wine and booze, so the

Then you could have heard a feath- Conner United States marshal for; odist church, studied for the min- trunk was auctioned off to him for
With the erection of three large
er fall. 1 pany Her on Return istry arid in 1855 began preaching. $75. When he opened the trunk he
new hotels and many new apartments the Western District of Wisconsin,
The curtain rose exposing two gor- found a tombstone instead of booze.
I j

and cottages, St. Petersburg is pre- He was married on Sept 16, 1859, to
geous trees filled with and tinsel, three hundred and eighty-six thousand Miss Sybil Pray Hamilton,of Port Bur- Ventura county has a small school
pared to entertain 60,000 tourists this Soon nine hundred and forty-four pounds
a great fireplace in between. Mrs. Maude Newell Williams ar- well, Canada, and eight children district with six pupils. William Rin-
season as compared to 40,000 for a there was a foot dangling above the of granulated sugar, more or less, are rived from Barranquilia, Colombia,
year ago. were born to them, four now sur- walder is the teacher and speaks 17
andirons, then another, then two long being held, the United States of Amer- S. A., on Christmas eve and is a guest viving. languages. He was in government ser-
Wisconsin tourists have formed a In 1864 he was a charter
legs clthed in red, followed by lively ica being the lebellant and the sugar at the home of her parents, Mr. and senator of Albert university, Cana- vice during the war, is 60 years old,
society here in which meetings will
looking Santa Claus, white whiskers the respondent. All persons claiming Mrs. W. H. Newell, corner Thirteenth da. has but two more years to teach and
be held semi-monthly At the last
pack complete. In the dim light or having anything to and East streets. Mrs. Williams

and the property, Dr. Benson came to Wisconsin in be pensioned off.

meeting of the organization in the waiting for say why it should not be condemned came to New York in connection with
he filled the stockings 1876 joined the West Wisconsin con- Miss Elsie Devillien made her
Board of Trade auditorium, Dec. 18,
planned picnic him and then called for some good, forefited, should appear in the United her work, expecting to return in about ference, and served Methodist churches sensational leap from an airplane 3,-
it was to hold a at the
little boy to make a speech. Others States court at Madison on Jan. 3, four days. She found it impossible to at Mineral Point, 000 feet in the air and landed safely.
“‘Jungles,” a park closing resembling Madison and Hud-
followed the first, one youth being so 1920, to claim the property obtain a sailing' for two weeks or son. She next will attempt to change from
an impassible jungle of the South

He became presiding elder of

excited he ran down the center aisle A total of 1,200 barrels or almost more and decided to come to Wiscon- the St. Croix district. Later he held one airplane to another 3,000 feet in
American tropics.
and with little assistance climbed half a million pounds have been sin for a fortnight. She expects to pastorates at Baraboo, Monroe, and the air.
Boat excursions to Passe-a-Grille
over the piano onto the stage. seized by the state, distributed as sail from New Orleans on January 5, Lake Street church, Divorced and married again in 15
island, the Manutee country and to Eau Claire, and
At the conclusion of the speech mak- follows: her parents accompanying her. They became presiding elder of the Eau minutes is the speed record of Geo.
Bradentown and Tampa have been ing
the children, row after row, filed barrels will visit Panama on the way and re- Clairie District. Then followed pas- H. Scheibe. All steps had been taken
arranged and will be held in January
past Santa Claus in the wing and out M. Leach & Sons, Beloit, 97 turn early in the spring after a short torates at Chippewa Falls, when he got his final decree and he
Many other good times have been Barron
of the structure, each wreathed in Nestles Food Cos., Reedsburg, jstay at Barranquilia. Mr. and Mrs. and the First M. E. took Miss Dinsmore across from the
planned by the Wisconsin tourists. church of this
smiles and clutching a gift. 1,000 barrels and 1,000 ponuds Newell went to Wyoming with the city. Under his supervision courthouse and married again. Riches
Ideal weather conditions have ex- the pre-
The committee in charge include in sacks. expectation of remaining for the win- sent
edifice was built. Few Methodist bring discord into the family home.
isted here since the advent of cold Adolph Andro, ker and came to Baraboo to greet their preachers have been better known in
E. T. Ross, Attorney J. Nestle’s Food Cos. Menomonie, A figure not unlike old man Jiggs,
weather back north with an average

A. Malone, F., E. Morey and George 107 barrels. daughter, then decided to escape the the United States or in who preferred the company of Dinty
temperature of 83 degrees since Oct. Canada than
Isenberg M. F. Foley furnished the Profiteers are being hunted in Mil- cold by going to the land where frost this good Moore and his gang than the company
28, when last it rained. man. He was a delegate
trees. waukee. The sugar holders are not is not known. Mr. and Mrs. Newell in Canada to four general of Count Gazink, is Victor A. Ross
F. A. Nehs, one of the more recent conferences.
There has seldom been such a the only ones who are being drawn returned from Wyoming a few days In 1872 he bach, whose wealthy wife is sueing
arrivals from Baraboo, said the tem- ago.
was fraternal delegate to
in Baraboo and all of the into the situation.
perature there when he left was near Christmas the general conference of the Metho for divorce. Mrs. Rossbach is the
children are happy for it—so are the In order to combat the H. C. of L. The others members of the South dist church of sister of silent Smith, a millionare,
zero and many were suffering from America in Brooklyn,
good, generous,joy-giving Elks. in Milwaukee the public authorities American family, Rev. C. S. Wiliams N. Y. He was a delegate who died a few years ago and left
extreme cold due to the lack of coal. to confer-
Mr. Nehs said that tourists here don’t :A¦ V
will sell graham flour at $3.80 a half and two children, are at Barrenquilla. ences at Philadelphia in 1884. Mrs. Rossbach a fortune. Before the
barrel and white flour, made from Soon after Mrs. Williams returns they

worry about the coal situation as that For fifty-nine years he is said to brother died Rossbach worked on
mineral is practically unknown as a
COMING INTO ITS OWN soft red winter wheat, will retail at will go to Bucaramanga to take up have never missed answering
the roll
the railroad,, bad a modest income
commodity to home owners in this History moves in cycles. So the $6 for the same quantity. There are the work they left two or more years call of the first days of each of his and enjoyed life without putting on
section of America where the sun corn cob pipe. It’s coming back to 98 pounds to the half barrel. They have been at Barranquilia
conferences. airs. Then came the horn of plenty.
popularity. One finds it on the street Advices from Madison state that the past year filling the place of an- He was an active member of the He left the railroad and they moved
shines every day.
backed by the market law and the other missionary who was on his reg- Masonic order. from Illinois to Los Angeles and be-
The National horse shoe tournament in the workshop, behind the polished
Lever food control act, authoritiers ular leave, following a period of five gan to cut didos and feel their oats.
for the United States championship doors of the bank directors’ rooms. The funeral was held today, con-
The reason? Just because, perhaps. plan to find out the causes of the years in the service. ducted by Bishop Charles Mrs. Rossbach said her husband lack
will be held here a week of February Bayard
23 when crack “Barnyard Golfers,” Increasing—inflated prices of cigars exorbitant prices charged for other Mitchell, D. D., L. L. D., of St, Paul, ed polish, that he would tip his hat ov-
necessities of life. er one ear, put his feet on the table,
from practically every state in the \Some charge—have driven thousands
assisted by Rev. J. W. Irish, D. D.
of cigar smokers back to the pipe Evidence of profiteering in pofa- district superintendent. and whistle and smoke, a source of
union will compete. A national roque And The arrange-

toes already is in the hands of Mr. great annoyance to her.

tournament will also be held. Roque pipe smokers know that there is
is a game played similar to croquet. so sweet is the Missouri neerschaimi. Nordman. He has been informed that
Fishing is good and many large ilt, for decades, has been the fisher-
potatoes which last fall were bought
Horth, the pastor
in charge

There was also a Masonic service.

at Eau
Rev. E. E.
She said he
was on friendly terms with the street
sweeper and all the bartenders and
mam’s standby, and the hunter’s, and for $1.25 a bushel now are being held
catches are being reported daily.
the outdoorman’s in general.
briar, the neerschaum, and pipes of
by the original purchaser for $2.25.
“That is an exorbitant profit,” de-

ing time in the

She also said Ross-
bach friends would have a high faint-
garage and drink
various clays and wood3- have their clared Mr. Nordman. “If we secure LA CROSSE MORE BEAUTIFUL booze. He said he never stayed only
following. But any of these devotees sufficient evidence- in such cases, it Mrs.
LEMONS GROW are glad, once in awhile to pick ur will be turned over to federal author-
one of Mark Twain’s favorite bowls, ities.” has been
Frank Bulgrien, Portage, who
ill for the la3t seven weeks
Burns, is the first
of La Crosse
a couple of hours in the garage—when
it got too hot for him in the house.
you go there when your
A corps of certified public account- suffering with a blood-poisoned hand county to donate land to the county
IN PORTAGE load her up to the top, and pull for
the shore. The corn cob pipe is chear ants sent to Milwaukee by the de- had one of her fingers amputated under the rural planning law. Mr.
in price, but is worth a potentate’s partment of justice will set out to in- ago.
at the Portage hospital a few days Fletcher has given the county a
wife had company and beg of you to
e in the house and entertain like
the head of a family should?" asked
vestigate reports that butter, storage beautiful grove which may be used the attorney for the wife.,
pocket when it comes for
Lemons are being grown in Por- solid com- eggs, cheese and even as a picnic ground during the sum-
fort. Watch the com cob pipes go flour are being “Me the head of that family? I
tage. held in large quantities for specula- mer months.
by.—N. E. A. should say not. All she would do is
John A. Graham is exhibiting a tive purposes in various parts of the YOUNG MEN FIND IT B say dinner is all ready.

Portage grown lemon which tips the

swales at seven ounces. It was raised
state. WHITEWATER MASONS BURN He admitted drinking a little but
WROTE RELIGIOUS OBJECTIONS Book of retail sellers will be ex- EXPENSIVE TO DRINK not any more than the wife.
on a tree at his home in the above amined, and? 5, the records of wholesal- MORTGAGE ON TEMPLE The lawyer asked how many drinks
city There are several others grow-
ing on the same tree.
TOMBSTONE; DEAD ers and jobbers, to ferret out the prof- he took a day. He said he never
Martin Jenners, 87, who caused a iteer. Grand Secretary W. Perry, Mil- knew a man that could tell the number
At Janesville it cost T. Schieve
sensation in Indiana a few years ago waukee, and F. S. Hyer .president of of drinks he had.
and Nomran Hull, young men who the normal
when he erected a monument for him- I school spoke at banquet “Well how many could you take
were fined, s3l apiece. They paid a
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moertzke and self in a local cemetery on which was of the Masonic lodge at Whitewater without being drunk?" I never bad
M. H. Mould has gone to Evanston stranger sl2 for a quart of whiskey
daughters, Ruth and Lucile, of White- .inscribed his objection to all religion, where he will spend in honor of the burning of the mort-
the Yuletide with and latter were arrested for intoxica-
water are guests at the home of Mr. was found asphyxiated in his room at his daughter, Mrs. Patrick, gage on the temple erected fourteen
and fam- tion. (continued on last page)
and Mrs. J. F. Kartack. Indianapolis .
ily. years ago.

ARTICLES OF given to corporations by common LEGAL NOTICE. convenience oí large suDscnners

law, to sue and be sued, to borrow RED GROSS OFFICIAL, and the proceeds of their sale will be
INCORPORATION. money and secure the payment In the' District Court of :h ? 70. used for the same purpose as the
of the same by notes, mortgages, - Judicial District in an i lot APPROVES SEAL SALE Christmas Seal funds the financing
of the 1920 effort to reduce the num-
Methodists Save
State of New Mexico, Certifi- bond or deeds of trust upon its Valencia County, Sute oi ber of deaths from tuberculosis ia the
cate of Comparison. real or personal property;
rent, lease, purchase, hold, sell
New Mexico. Or. Livingston Farrand, Chair-
United States. i st year the disease
claimed 150,M0 lives. The health Belgian and
United Sutes of America, ) man of the Central Committee, bonds can be obtained from state and
State of New Mexico. )88 and convey such real and personal Mídanlo Sanchez,
It is hereby certified that the property as may be necessary yV American Red Cross, Expresses 'oai
tulicrcn'ofls associations.
Serbian Orpharj
annexed is a full true and com- and proper for the accomplish- Plaintiff, Hope That Public Will Give
ment for the and VS.
plete transcript of the objects pur- Generous Support. Southern Church Suya Hemes Is)
" Certificate of Incorporation poses of said corporation. N. C. Hawkins, "'; ssts an Belsrafe Stan a4
of v rts flerfclM Refugee
, , .
The Ne is Company, Inc. .
in It'sn4,
No. 10226 The authorized capital stock of
with the endorsements thereon, the corporation with which the More Than 650,000,000 Seals Mutt Ba NashvHle, Tern. The
Commission of the Methodist
as same ap.iaars on file of record corporation begins business
is You Te hereby notified that a Disposed of to Insure the Success of
FiftyThousand Dollars the Educational and
Nation-Wid- e pal Chnrch. South, wtH sp assMs n
in the office of the State Corpora-
divided into
five hundred (500)
suit hs
beta commenced snd Preventive Campaign of the Nation-
91.7 Per Cent, of All Funds Rais- earing for tb children st
Serbia, and other striekw
tion Commission."', now pen sga;nst you in 'the al Tuberculosis Association In 1920. ed in Any State Remain There
- Europe, aecordtn to a
In tet timony whereof, the shares of the- par value of one District Court of the 7th Judi. to Carry Out the Local meat made or Dr. W. B.
State Corporation Commission of hundred dollars ($100) each.
'the ' State of Now Mexico' has
eflüRHií :

ed by its c::tru.feu
"T-if5-i- t '( :; bp

Uio sea!
q'o-n- .
The names and postoffices ad of
dressee of the incorporators and
cial District of the State I Ne,
in and br tne Count? f
Dr. Livingston Farrand, exec-
utive head of the American
Red Cross, has given his un-
qualified endorsement of the
the obje t and gen- 1919 Red Cross Christmas Seal sale, NATIONAL FUND IS SMALL
which Is now under way and which
Programs. -

director-genera- l.

sa4 a Church Cata atiestes)

ret anted from Burst.
this tarsos s lsrsjs
fscBons hoys' sekool, hsv I
Mrehsied st Ueolev Mbvrt eJ

'$f 8üldí cofíT.ission to be affixed the number of slurcs oi capital eral nature of. which is to re will extend for ten daya under the seis. Severs! hasdrs4 esrVtrM
at the Gi of Santa Fe on this stock subscribed for by each, the cover a judgment against you ia auspices of the Notional Tuberculosis National Tuberculosis Asseelatlen and to eeommodstsd la this svUfttag, uCv
Sth day of ivjyembeK 4. D. 1919. Association and Its 1,000 allied organ- American Red Cross 8 hare Re- Um llethedlsto vtti smusm easts
aggregate of which shall be the the sum of Four Hundred Twen- izations, A fund at more than ,
maining 8.3 Per Cent apsasitllltr tor tkem Ml tMr fetus
; (Seal) Hugh H. Williams, amount with which the corpora ty Six an 07 100 dollars, on which will be used In the 1020 ed-
1 Another anto Um testal 4
Chairman.' ucational and preventive campaign, Bstkrmd. Servl. end hem the m4s
tion shall commence business are no;e and f ed and cash furnish will be raised through the sale of the "For the Health of Thle Com-
.test: -
as follows; ioals. munity." Such ta the logan f4 orshsns ef ta 8otam Us srtQ
ed you; to have an attachment b cIvsb metical at teat ios sal esrsi
A. L. Morrison, Clerk, appearing on the flap of enve-
William E, N'evis, ilueinater, Acquainted as he Is with all ques- lopes on which the Red Cross (sr. A staff of weeae gUyskls
certificate of incorpq-'- - N. M., 80 shares, $8,000. issued and levie i upon the fol- - tions of general health community Im- Christmas Seal Is printed. The Issue secsred from Scotland, will he) tl
ratio&of the nevis provement and relief because
M. H. Nevisf Bluewater, N. low'hg described p rsonal pron- - nature. of his work and oflice. Dr. Far of such envelopes la order to save the
of the charge of this heme. ;
Still another orphanage ho
, !
Company, inc. .00 riy
i , -
rand's endorsement is based upon nn letters sent affixing
trouble of gummed seals to
out In quantity by large takes ever st ravens as, BsglM.
We, inricr N. if.," expert knowledge of
e;.dx and State" of New tional Tuberculosis Association has ac- corporations
what the Na
and business houses has This horns already eentstns mors; Utsa
to form a corporation for the 10 shares. 1,CC been Inaugurated this year as part of s hundred Serbian ehlUrea, orskssisg
i'otii,! lü.üüü M complished and will accomplish iq the
refugee who were taken from
purpose hereinafter stated, un- xico, to-w- it:

future. His letter ta Pr. Charles J.

the machinery of distribution set tn
motion by the National Tuberculosis. koine during the Aastvtsa ssvs
der and pursuant
ions nf tliP Twcntv-Thir- d
to the provis-
ChaD- -
vii, Three cows,
The time for which this corpo- bull, one yearling bull calf, on'V lows:
three heifers, ri
Hatfield, Managing Director of the
tional Tuberculosis Association, fol-
Association and Its 1,000 State and lo-
cal organizations In disposing of more "On
Plight of Children
can scarely Isssgte '
ter of the. second session of the ration shall exist shall be fifty yearling haiffe, one calf, ;! rc; than 650,000,000 Rod Cross Christmas
"I have been greatly interested In Seals during the ten day sale which plight of the Belgian and Ser Mas
legislature of the State of New (510 .years. the plans that the Notional Tuberculo- dren,'' declared Dr. Bessehsss. "T
Jeds, one clock, s'x ch 'K, twt, sis Association began on December 1. wine of Northern Frsaee ksv
Is makinc for the sale
'jjffixico, as anier.ded by- Gfyapter - VIII. rock'ng chairs, one small table oi Christmas Seals during the coming the fact that whether the letter Is
The significance of the slogan lies In flooded or filled with eonsr h
Jig of the iM-Sessj-
oji Lw and ,
, holiday season. The success1 of that mailed In Los Angeles or Boston, In Oermsns, sad thousands f
names of the members of will literally met to dastsi tfess
Chapter 300 of the 1919 Session theTheBoard of Directors for the trunk, titeen ja' s cf fruit, ere out of the farrenchlng plans of the true. ''This community" literally
Chicago or In Galveston tt still holds
do hereby certify as fo-
t Law3, ' f first three (3) months after incor- wagon and one saddle,- and Association In Its fight against tuber- means the place where the seal Is "I have seen them Uvisc s tte ti
llow!:; :
tp culosis In this country.

bought and used. To be exact, 01.T

tronche nd s left sy tfe sss

- -
i. poration are as follows: have said property sold and rhei ,7hf, Amt,can Peole' K.commou- per cent of the funds, raised is devoted war., with UtU to Ml
William E. Nevis, M. H. Nevis nations of Europe, are be- to local activities in gathered from the tesseM-sr- . ,

nrouse(1 to tn critical impor- - the state. Of the remalnln ReHef et tio- - wttt b- - eeiuaitfelt
ine name oi uie corporation is and S. A. Miller. -
proceds appreu to ha pavR-- ' rom,ng j 8.S per as wiirfcsrWewr'- -
üui. oi uie pcobleiu of vHutity and cent" a portion goes to the Red Cross.'
In" witness" whereof, the un oí said judgment ' :,
conservation of health as the neces- sad susplle swt. Ths ertsV her
..... .v - - dersigned have hereunto set their You are fuaher notified thru: sary factor In (be WILSON ENDORSES STAMP 8ALB. Brnssels. Tyres, St Qoeatia
II, dier Bfltgrede snd other
world after the devastation and de-
hands and seals this 19th day of an attachment has been issued: struction War. Th Centansry CemmJsslM SI
,', The registered office of the November, 1919. caused, by the Of all President Wishes "The
Very Best 8uo-wa-

ing for two young phyeloUs.

located at Blae-wate- r, and leviei upon the aboye de tjte preventable diseases, tuberculosis for the 1919 Red Cross Xmas
corporation's William E. Nevis takes perhaps the first place In Impor- Seal Campaign. narses. a dose wmm social sjgffla
Valencia County, New scribed, property, and that un- - tance. For that reason I view with ers, and a number of iiisimsajliiitl
M. E. Nevjs, and directors to rotafore ato mÉ3
liexjpo, and tyMltiam. & Nevis is ess, you appear and make de- - keenest sympathy and approval the President Wilson, In s tetter
S, A, Miller, splendid work which the National Tu- to Dr. Charles J. Hat- staff. These will be eo sjsaassf
designed as the. statutory agent ense to said suit on or before berculosis Association is conducting, once.
State of New Mexico, field, Managing Director of
therein and in charge thereof, County of Bernalillo.
and upon whom process against
the 31st day of January, 1920, and
I trust that the response of the
American people In the Christmas Seal
the National Tuberculosis
Association, expresses keen Interest in
The Church has
for this- - pnrvos. tt hi a tact at I
a tVf n,mj$-
On this 19th day of November,
the corporation may he served. 1919, before me personally ap
judgment will
be rendered Campaign will
sal. Sincerely yours,
be generous and univer-
the work of the associatlou and wishes
success to the 1919 Red Cross Christ-
tSS.MS.M4l fund which wa Ming
th reeaat Caatsnarr tMft.
against you in said cause by (Signed) LIVINGSTON FARRAND, mas Seal sale. More thn 050,000,000
III. V J.,peared William E. Nevis and N.
II. ;Nevis, to me known to be the default, and said property sold "Chairman, Central Committee, Amer- seals mti?i he. sold during the ten day
The objects for which the cor-
persons described in and who to satisfy judgment.
ican Red Cross." )r4ve which began on December 1, to
assure a one hundred per cent appli- Christians Invado
poration is established aré: executed the foregoing instru Barnes and Livingston, of cation of the Association's 1920 educa-
buy and sell, dual and en HEALTH BONDS POPULAR.
The Holy Lmd
- To

tional and preventive campaign. The
ment and acknowledged that they N W Mexico, are the at-
gage generally, in the wholesale exec ted the same as their free Belén, The demand for the Health President's letter follows:
"Allow me to express again my deep
and retail, merchandise business, torneys for plaintiff. Bonds which the National Tu-
Interest in the work of the National
of act and deed. berculosis Association Issued
and to act as the agent any. Witness my hand this 4th Southern Methodist Seng rtrat
(Seal) W. A. Keleher, this year for the first time are Tuberculosis Association. I am very
individual or individuals, natural day of December, A. D. 1910. meeting with a ready sale. The bonds much Interested to learn of the effort?
ere to Paleen ne for B4M
or Notary Public. of the Association to raise the sum , Lite re to re OletrlSatiea.
or artificlaVin buying, selling are In graduated denominations, he of six and million dollars that
My commission expires Dec. 4, (Seal) Diego Aragón, smallest for 5. Jo Uie past
one-ha- lf

dealing far them in general mer- being

some of the large business houses and the stite budgets may be financed for (Special Corrspoaga
1921. County Clerk and Ex-Offic-

chandise; "to engage generally in

other targe contributors found It diffi the coming year, and write to with the Nashville.' , Tenn. Th '
of New Mexico,
the business of mining, burning, State of Valencia. Clerk of the District Court cult to use up the number of Red very best success of the effort" Episcopal Chnrch. South, as ta
County Seals their subscriptions called tlaútlon of being th first ChrtettgSa
producing, shipping, buying and On this 21st day of November, By W. D. Newoomh, Deputy Cross tor. The bonds have been Issued for dsnomlnatloa t send workers t
selling, lime arid lime .products; 1919, before me personally ap tin sine th free regime lasas.
to tuy and sell hay. grain, alfalfa under the occupancy ef ileaeral'
peared S. A. Miller, of Bluewater, lenhy.
and other commodities and pro- New
Mexico, to me known to be The Centenary Butwpeaa
ducts; to acquire by purchase, the person described in and who ef th Chnrch, headed by Sit hop J
lease or otherwise, lime kilns, executed the above and Atkins and Dr. W. B. Beaneksmp.
foregoing already dispatched five- - not portear
lime claims and other mining instrument and th Holy Land. Ths will b tollow
properties and to mine and de that he executed the same as his by five more la the neit few '
wk. '

yelop the properties so acquired; free act and deed. THRIFTOGRAMS Thee workers will establish s t
to build all necessary buildings; tloa. bat will follow th early afotfca
(Seal) W. O. Chapman, dlst oastom of Itinerating ovr gh
warehouses' and other facilities to Nobody .ever got rich tomor- eeuntry distributing Bible, tracks sjaff
the of the Notary Public, row. Begin saving today. Christian literatnr.
accomplish purpose
t0 in the My commission expires Jan Savings crank up the pros-
corporation; engage 1923.
business of raising, selling and Endorsed
perity engine,
AH the wealth In the world
preparing for market, produce, No. 10226. Is what has been saved by
Tuberculosis Kills 150,000 AMERICANS vrr
poultry and eggs; to buy and sell
Cor. Rec'd. Vol. 6, page 604, some one. PUBUC NOTICE.
all kinds of tools and implements, Certificate of Incorporation Savings beget more when And yet, Tuberculosis is PrevenUbld tná
including harvesters, binders, Of they are Invested; War Savings Curable. State of New Mexico, County of
reapers, mowers, rakes and head- The Nevis Company, Inc. Stamps are the finest Invest-
ers; to carrv on the busmen of ment in the world;. Thrif: The National Tuberculosis Assoclatlen U csa Valencia.- - --

Fi'f d jn offiea of State Corpo. a sale of Red. Cross Christmas Seals, beg in- In the matter of the Estate of
dealrig )vc-íi..;k-
us. rftiioa uommiBsiun
f -- J? XT 1
Stamps are first aid to invest- ducting Daniel Garcia, deceased.
oi incw iue.s.
sheep, and tiut. of den!: in ico. Nov;25.'lll9, 9:30 . ments. ning December 1, Notice is hereby (riven by the
cattle Bud bhecp giloraliy and in ' A. L. Morrison, Clerk. Money saved Is roney earn The proceeds of this sale will be used to combat undersigned administratorsof the
all branches of such respective Compared Mil to EMA. ed. Buy War Savings Stamps. Humanity's most deadly enemy The White Plafus estate of Daniel Garcia, deceased,
trades or businesses; to pur- Sharing In the Government in every community in the United States. hat we, Garcia and
"citizenship, You1 do Juan Garcia, were on the 21st day
chase, acquire, hold and deal in ANNUAL good
.that by Investing In War Sav- Approximately 92 per cent of the money raised of December, A. D. 1919, duly ap
and in any manner dispose of or The annual meeting of the ings Stamps. In youi st.:a will be spent there. pointed administrators of the es-
ell on commission, or otherwise, shareholders of the First Na-
Wise buying makes wajej
tate of Daniel Gareia, by the Pro-
hay, grain, wheat and bread tional Bank of Balen
This Campaign to save AMERICAN lives will , bate Court of Valencia County,
count more. Saving Is the
Btuffs, and all other goods, wares, held in the offices of nhe Bank succeed if you do your part. and all persons having claims
quickest road to opportunity. against said estate or against said
merchandise and commodities of
on January 13, 1920, at 4 p. m:, Get in touch with your state or local Tubercu-
a similar kind.
Spend wisely, save sanely,
losis Association.
decedent are hereby required ti
present the name foi- settlement t&
for the purpose ,of electing di- -; safely. Buy War Savings
' as the undersigned, and all tbo?e ow-
IV. rectors and such
before the
Buy Red Croas Christmas Seals, or Health.
ing accounts to said estate eonse
The corporation shall, in addi map properly and pay the tame within ths time
hereinbefore ...
Don't wait for the Seals to eome to you. required by law.
tionto the powers meeting. , .

enumerated, have and possess all

L. C. Becker," Georea F. de Garcia ami
Secretary, Juan Garcia, administrators.
rights, powers and privileges &3toülce; N. Mex,
Arizona:FridayThursday and
'V; Average price for copper for
probably fair; aome-wh- at
week ending Dec. 24, Engi.
colder Thursday. neer and Mining Journal
quotation 18.44.
Full Leased Wire Report of The Associated Press


- -- . . . . .

t . i ' i
nI I
n ni
mm mm
- -
1 fl m m
i m

ND QUARTER TO Marshall Discerns ARTICLE TEN IS Higher Prices Mean Mexican Paper PAST YEAR SEES
Security in Old National Panic, Says Wilson
WASHINGTON, Dc. 31. New NEW YORK, Dec. 31. The en-
DOUGLAS Dec. 31, Excelsior,
Year's messages to the nation were tire industrial structure of the a Mexico City newspaper, in its is-
BOLSHEVIK FOES issued tonight by Vice President
Marshall and some members of the
TO COMPROMISE tion wilt topple if prices continue
CONTROL sue of December 22, editorially,
to advance, J. H. Tregoe, secre-
cabinet. Mr. Marshall said: tary of the National Association "We have profound admiration
"Men are agonizing over the of Credit Men, said tonight in a for the North American republic,
BY WASHINbTON passion and prejudice, both real
and seeming injustice and Inequal-
ity and the blackness of despair
ON PEACE PACT statement to members of that or-
THE YEAH 1920 for its powerful energy, for its love
of work and liberty, for the en-
thusiasm it exhibits for progress
When prices shall have advanc-
would settle over our land were it ed i"beyond a certain peak," he and civilization, but these virtues
not that faith, hope and charity are little shown, unfortunately, in
Palmer Announces Aggres- still . abide faith that a deeper President Sends Tumulty to explained, the salaried class will
quit buying and production will
Voices Approval of McNary its comportment toward Mexico.
Balance in Favor of United
sive Campaign Against knowledge of the wisdom of our Give White House View fall off. Bill Passed by Senate And in this occasion it has been States for 1919 Is Four
institutions were imparted to ev- Mr. Wilson who has inspired these
Radical Agitators ery son and daughter of the re- to Democrats "Economies must be exercised,
extravagant buying must be crush,
and House sentiments. The president of the Billions
public, hope that more and more ed, waste must be reduced," Mr. United States, contrary to his fa-
RED MOVEMENT IS all men will return from the con- VOTING POWER OF Tregoe warned, "so that the coat BOARD REQUESTED mous doctrine of no intervention, FUTURE IS FRAUGHT
templation of their rights to a con- has intervened in Mexico every
PURELY CRIMINAL sideration of their duties, and LEAGUE A FACTOR of production may represent nee
essary items alone and the strain TO BE DISSOLVED time he has seen a chance to gain. WITH UNCERTAINTY
charity for all who are not vicious, on production be brought within All his orations and his demo-
Lenine Admits Criminals and but who, through stress of circum- Senators See Way to Get Past the limits of comfortable living Action in Present Shortage cratic romances do not remove one Secretary of Commerce Says
stance, have become embittered. atom from .the force of his acts.
Fools Are in Majority in "God of our fathers, take from Deadlock on Shantung and its prime necessities." Results From Conference Enough thing: have been uncov- Credit of Europe Must Be
His Following us, if Thou wilt, material pros- Proposal of Experts ered under the fiction of "watchful Restored
perity and national glory, but give .waiting" so that at this time it is
us, individually and collectively, WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. Getting certain there is a halting effort un-
WASHINGTON, Pec. 31. Any for all the years to come, faith, WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 President der way in this debilitated spirit WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 Secre-
down to cases in their discussion of a
movement, however cloaked or hope and charity." peace treaty compromise, Republican SAYS LODGE HAS Wilson, it was said at the White
House tonight, plans to approve the
for an American mandatory." tary Alexander of the department of
commerce today summed up the com-
dissembled, designed 1 to under- - and Democratic senators found today McNary sugar relief bill before mid- mercial outlook for 1920 as follows:
mine trve government, will be that Article 10 continued a stumbling night, thus insuring continuation of

block in the way of an agreement. "The closing year witnessed a
met with "unflinching, persistent, federal control of sugar through 192U. fabulous growth of American foreign
Senate leaders of both parties
aggressive warfare," Attorney ,
N FARMS again were active in the negotiations.
Decision of the president to sign
the measure, which was passed De- WASHINGTON HAS commerce. A great fleet of merchant
General palmer announced to- It was said that although no agree- cember 20, followed a conference to- ships, new industries, new sources of
night in stating the policy of the ment was in sight, the shifting pro- day in Philadelphia between Secre- supply and increased knowledee of
cess had cleared many collateral our own resources are some of the
I department of justice for the
YIELD VAST points and had centered attention on LEAGUE tary of Agriculture Houston and thfe
sugar equalization board. On the sec- assets gained from our war experi-
t forthcoming. He added that no a few reservations, notably the one retary's return to Washington late in QUIET ENDING ence. Before the war we were en-
quarter would be shown Bolshe- relating to Article 10. the day. Secretary Tumulty discussed gaged for the most part, in the devel-
vists or others of their ilk, whom Ih was the reservation on this point opment of our business, with little
Scientist Declares United the affair with him and then con-vey-
seriou:'. thought of extension of our
he described as "chiefly crimin-al-
mistaken idealists, social
T as framed by the foreign relations
committee, which President Wilson States Will Do Her Duty
the results to the president.
The board in a report submitted OF YEAR activities into world markets and we
characterized as meaning a rejection recently to the president recommend- were too indifferent a? regards our
bigots 'and unfortunates suffen. of the treaty. Determined to get in Any Case ed that it be .permitted to dissolve, position of inferiority on the high
ing from various farms of some modification, Democratic sen- seas. Today we are awake as never

hyperesthesia." J
Value of Products of Land ators have presented several sugges- ST. LOUIS, Dec. 31. An examina- statins the law of supply and de-
mand would relieve the sugar situa- President's Illness Bars Usual before. The pride of ante-bellu-

Mr Palmer discibsea that the for Past Year Estimated tions, but all so far have been re- tion of the covenant of the league of tion quicker than federal control Celebrations at White
days is revived and we look to see
our f lag at the masthfad of an Amer-
garded on the Republican side as go- nations shows that, as qualified by could. Under the statute the board
been" tracing motives, at $61,758,000 ing too far. The Republicans, in turn, automatically would have passed out House ican merchant shio in evry import-
methods and mannerisms of the ele- have suggested changes which the the league reservations, it has simply ant seaport of the world, earning
ment which has been charged, with PHOENIX, Ariz.. Dec. 31. Arizona been Americanized. Dr. James L. of existence tonight at midnight.
Democrats regard as modifications of WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. Washing- American goods wherever markets
75 per cent of the unrest in this coun- farmers have produced during 1919 language only. Tryon, of the Massachusetts Institute may be found.
try. Representatives of the depart- ton welcomed the New Year tonight
ment of justice working with Becret
one of the most valuable harvests in
the history of the state, cotton alone
Senatori Lodge went over compro-
mise suggestion with Senator Pome-ren- e
of Technology told the American As- GOTHAM BRINGS without any public or semi-publi- c Conditions Better
"Abnormal conditions, we hoje,
agents of the allied powers have gone sociation for the Advancement of functions, but with the usual church
into the Kussian Boisnevisi ierri-- (
showing a gain of 113,000,000 , over
1918, according to the government
of Ohio, a Democratic member of
the foreign relations committee.
Science here t63ay.
"Under these circumstances, it is
ITS OWN WINES and home watch parties and street
are passing. The tremendous in-
crease in the exports of the war peri-
tories to obtain definite information!
of the plans of those responsible tor-
- crop report issued . today by h. M.
Harrison, Arizona field agent of the
Later Secretary Tumulty went to the
capitol, and speaking for the presi-
a question," said Dr. Tryon, whether,
"from the point of view of those who
TO GREET 1920 Dinner dances at hotels apparently
were more popular than ever. Na-
od, nvule (id la reel v of military sup-
plies and the still ereater exports of
introducing to the world the dictator- bureau of crop estimates. dent, discussed the situation with Sen- the months following the war. in
ship of the proletariat. prefer the covenant to the historic tional prohibition had no effect for
ator Hitchock, acting leader of the which foodstuffs fieured larfHy. may
Is Dishonest Scheme The report places the .value of all
crops, except livestock, for 1919, at Democrats. Tonight Mr. Hitchock
American plan offered by the Amer- Great White Way Is Ablaze this was the third New Year celebra-
not continue indefinitelv. These us

"We have found." Mr. Palmer said. ican Institute of International Law tion since the ban was placed on
"that the 'red' movement does not $61,758,000, a gain of 'about $20,000,-00- 0 called into consultation all Demo- or to any other plan, there has not and Famous Hostelries liquor in the District of Columbia. figures have brought satis-
cratic members of the committee in faction to all but gave grave concern
mean an attitude of .protest against over 1918.' Cotton leads in value
been a first class mistake made in Are Thronged Some members of hotel parties'
to those who look forward to 1920.
alleged defects in our present politi- with a total of $2G,832,000. Alfalfa is opposing ttie Lodge resolutions and "brought their own" and diplomatic
second with a value of $13,520,000. Details of none of these meetings one that it may take years to correct. row continued its immunity from pro- The exchange in Europe is a grave
cal and economic organizations of so- - NEW YORK, Dec. 31. The New problem and so uncomfortable for
ciety. It does not represent the radl- i
Totals for other crops were listed were revealed, but it was understood "We cannot remain in isolation. Year received a widely varied wel- hibition restrictions.
that .specific reservation changes We could not separate ourselves from foreign buyers as to necessitate in
callsm of progress. It represents a! in the report as follows:
were discussed and that in each case come in New York tonight. In the Because of President Wilson's con- BOine cases government restrictions
specific doctrine, namely, the Intro-- j Wheat. $2,709,000; corn, $2,574,000; the rest of the world if we would. big hotels of the White Light district dition, there was no formal watch on buying. If we would continue our
duction of dictatorship by force and grain sorghums, $2,538,000; barley, Article 10 figures prominently. We shall do our duty in any case. the newcomer was welcomed by pos- party at the White House and New foreign trade at its present high level
violence. It is not a movement of $1,542,000; potatoes. ' $882,000; beans, And let no country think that because sessors of private stock with all the Year's day will be observed quietly
we hesitate over the covenant we there must be a freer and fuller ex-
liberty loving persons, but distinctly
a criminal and dishonest scheme.
$612,000; oats, $533,000. .
Reports by counties on value of BEAT CHINESE shall refrain from intervention m the
interest of our country and the wel-
exhuberance of days when prohibition
was a reformer's dream.
there. Official functions tomorrow
will include a luncheon for the dipl-mati- c
change of commodities and a large
Continued on page 3
"Lenine, himself, it is proved, made corps by the Secretary of State
(Continued on Page mree;
farm crops include:
County Crops 1918 Crops 1919
MERCHANTS IN fare of the world if the same or simi- Th exhuberance of the stockless cit-
izens were however, decidedly re-
and Mrs. Lansing, a reception by the
7 '
Cochise . $ 1,166.420 $ 1,789,375 .MEXICAN TOWN lar set of circumstances, the unjusti-
fied invasion of Belgium and France, strained. The customary crowds
Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Dan- -
ies, and a joint reception by the Sec- DETZER TELLS
should again occur. Put we want the
right to attend to our own affairs and
thronged the roadway but the cow-
bells and horns were much modulated.
retary of War and Mrs. Baker and the
Assistant Secretary of War and Mrs.
DOWN COUNSEL Greenlee 324,160 612,800 Carranza Promise to Protect are willing to concede the same priv- At Trnlty church where thousands Crowell.

Oriental Merchants Proves
Scrap of Paper
ileges to other nations." of New Yorkers were wont to assem
ble to listen to the famous chimes
only a small gathering collected."
. - Santa Ciuz
..:. 270.500
Place Arizona in The brilliantly lighted dining rooms CHICAGO CHIEF Officer Says Men Who Made
Dudley Field Gets
Malone of New York's famous hostelries of- Charges of Cruelty Were
Rebuff From Organization January 1, 1919, was given as
Dec. 31. The munici-
Total value of livestock in the state pality of Cananea, supported by Adolfo
$79,-928,00- 0.
a New Division of fered scenes in striking contrast to
the listless crowds on the streets. in Conspiracy
de la Huerta, governor of Sonora,
of Veterans made good its thVeat that no more Highways District From early in the evening automo- TILTS THE LID

Chinese Bhould conduct business biles unloaded previous cargoes of NEW YORK. Dec. 31. Capt. Karl
NEW YORK, Dec. Dudley
31. houses there, according to arrivals DENVER, Dec. 31. Federal high- wines and liquors. These were con W. Detzer. beingtried by court mar-
tial on Governor's Island for alleged

here late today. The Chinese had signments from the private supplies i
Field Malone, former collector of the ways district No. 3 haB been divided,
of the guests who had reserved ta- brutal treatment of prisoners while he
port of New York, was notified today hoped that the threat of, the federal according to the office of federal Garrity Makes Concession in .

government to send troops to enforce highways, Colorado and Wyoming bles weeks previously to the celebra- commanded the military police at Le-man- s,

that his application for membership the order that the Chinese should re- tion. Pricfs at these places for Favor of "Hip Liquor" France, today in his own de-
in the Croton post of the American remaining in the old district, while
Legion had been rejected. Charles ceive the same treatment as any other New Mexico and Arizona constitute 1919's farewell 'meal ranged from New Year's Eve fense testified he was the victim of
II. Duell, Jr., chairman of the West-
FOR PRESIDENT foreigners would be effectual. This district 13, with headquarters at Al- $7.50 a plate to $25 and upwards. a "frame up."
Lieut. I D. Mahan, his subordinate,
hope was lost on Christmas day when buquerque, E. S. Wheeler in charge, But between the champagne drink- Chicago's
chester county executive committee riotous scenes took place on the ers, in the hotels and the subdued
CHICAGO, Dec. 31.
was Jealous of him, the captain said.
of the legion, announced that his com- it was announced today, , greeting to 1920 was not without
streets, small groups of Mexicans as- celebrators on the sidewalks there cheer. An eleventh hour or- Mahan was a former policeman.
mittee had unanimously upheld the General-Accept-
Endorsement saulting individual Chinese. Some of was a third class who also included Mahan and 70 members of Detzer's
decision of the post on the, ground
HOLD WOMAN SUSPECT, s der by Chief of Police Garrity favor-
the Celestials were beaten severely. John Barleycorn in their greeting to company later were transferred for
that Mr. Malone's relations with rad- of Republicans' of South Many of the merchants sold their MOUNT CLEMENS. Mich.. Dec. Si. .

1920. These were citizens who hud

able to "hip liquor" gave Chicagoans "inefficiency and mistreatment of
ical agitators did not measure up to A statement again directing the at- a final Tew Year's fling. prisoners," Detzer said.
the Legion's standard of American-
Dakota staple goods at current wholesale tention of the authorities toward Mrs. managed to save a bottle or two. Ev- The lid was not entirely off, but it Made Open Threat
prices to business rivals of other na- Ruth Prevost Brown, widow of J. ery restaurant in New York was was invlined at such an angle that
PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 31. Neither tionalities. Stanley - Brown, who was shot to crowded with family parties-wh- sur- the celebrating public did not care. Private C. II. Lacey, who testified
Mr. Malone has recently acted as

President Wilson nor Gov. Lynn J. As early as Tuesday afternoon not rounded tables on which black bot- - against the captain, made the follow-
counsel for L. C. A. K. Martens, self death a week ago, was made to the Chief Garrity ordered that no ar- .
ing statement to him. Detzer de-
styled ambassador from the Soviet Frazier, endorsed for president by the a single Chinese store had its doors prosecutor and sheriff today by Mrs. ties were discreetly clothed in white rests should be made for carrying clared.
republic, and has been a speaker at Democratic and league open, it was said. Cecil Vester, who was brought here paper bags. "hip" liquor. Policemen assigned to "Captain Detzer, we are going to put
Non-Partisa- n

conventions, respectively, on Decem- No federal troops had reached Ca- this morning under a warrant charg- cafes were- instructed to take the
several meetings called to protest
you over. We have got the right
against the joint legislative investiga- ber 2, had filed his formal acceptance nanea up to this morning. ing murder. names of law violators.
tion of seditious activities in thla with the secretary of state late to-
Nogales Sends Troops
San Francisco Goes Reservations at the hotels and
backing, and we are going to put you
with 'Hard Boiled Smith and the

LEGION MEETS Wet for One Night

state. NOGALES, Ariz., Dec. 31. A de- restaurants were all taken early t. rest."
The outstanding development today LAcey had been arrested Try D. C. I.
was the receipt of the formal accept- tachment of Mexican federal cavalry, Suburban clubs and private
officers nine times, Detzer said, but
New Orleans Holds ance of MaJ. Oen. Leonard Wood, who under J. C. Salcido, was dispatched to- Year 0J1 Of NOW Parttes drank as they pleased or as through influence was released after
received the majority indorsement of day from Nogales, Sonora, to Cananea. TONIGHT AT 8 their supplies dictated. serving a few days of a three months
Old Time Revel on the Republican state convention. with orders to protect the Chinese
Wood's name will go on the ballot as merchants of the latter city from de- SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 31.-- San 0n,3r smal1 nun'lbers witnessed the sentence.
The "Hard Boiled" Smith case was
i arrival of the New Year in the
Eve of New Year the party choice. portation by local authorities.
The grocery, dry goods, and meat The regular m o n t h ly Francisco left off restricted rationing J

of its liquor supply long enough to saloons, owing to the wood alcohol
going on in Farls while his military
police company was being investi-
CONVICT PETTY GAMBLERS retail business of the state, except the meeting of L. A. Engle, Jr., make a particularly festive New scare. gated at Lemans. and the "prisoners
NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 31. New municipal markets, are virtually con- Post of the American Leg- Year's eve tonight, and the stocks in all the guard houses thrived on it."
Year's eve was celebrated here with PHOENIX. Ariz., Dec; 31 Pleading trolled by the Chinese. Troops to that since the first of last July have PRESCOTT COURIER SOLD. according to Detzer.
wines and liquors flowing freely In guilty to a charge of gaming,' five per- protect the Chinese residents have ion will be held tonight at been doled out In exact mathematical
PRESCOTT. ArtE.. Dec. 31. An- The captain entered a categorical
virtually all of the fashionable cafes sons operating: games at a carnival been sent to Magdalena, Guaymas and 8 o'clock in Maze Hall. All proportions knew no such strictures! denial of charges alleging brutality
and. restaurants. The intoxicants, HermosUlo. while 1920 was being welcomed. nouncement was made tonight of the
at the state fair grounds were today members of the legion are and conduct unbecoming an officer.
however, were brought to the cafes by In sharp contrast watch night serv-'sal- e of the Prescott Courier, one of Detzer admitted that he had ordered
the patrons and were labeled with the sentenced In Judge Stanford's branch SERBIAN REGENT ALIVE. urged to be present as im- Ices were being held in many the oldest weekly papers in ArUona,

a Private Wright to be given the "wa-

owner's name. of the superior court to one month's PARTS. Dec. 31.Pr'nce Rerent !H,hM ?nd,ot'6r o worship by ter cure," which he described as hav.
The display of fireworks, a custom imprisonment, but sentence was sus- Alexander of Serbia who was renotr-e- d portant business is to come "i?
a midnight mass at H- w-
A. Rogers to A. H. Favour and
ing the man's head held under a pump
of the south in celebrating Christmas Comtek, members of a law
and New Year's, exceeded pended, fcjewpies were prize's in the in a Berlin dispatch to have been before the meeting. St. Patrick's CafioUe church down- - -

town mingled with the din of revelry j firm here- - 7118 Purpose is to issue
to sober him up. He denied em.
y pr-dr-
killed by an explosion, is in Paris phatically that he had ever ordered a
days. game. and well. on the streets about. jtue Courier as an afternoon daily. man to eat & lighted cifisreue.


^ 0 f A g ita to rs Cause Union Men to Stop Negotia- At a meeting of the men interested Tbs-Fèurteerith Decennial Census Richardsontown, Columbia Street, Northwest Bogalusa.
in the Bogalusa airplane company, of the United States is on!
tions for a Union Shop Agreement;—Agitators Are which waa held at the Elks’ Club Under the immediate direction of and Pleasant Hill Will Each Get Four-room Building
Sunday afterndon, it was decided to Jess Johnson, supervisor of the 6th With an Auditorium—New Buildings Will Coft
Told to “Move On” at Pascagoula* and Tltey Have put the plane into winter quarters census district of Louisiana, census
until the company could be incorpor­ enumerators! will call at every dwell­ $108,000 Complete With Fixtures.
Hoped. t ated. On Monday it was taken to ing house in this community, begin­
the Rester garage, where it will re­ ning January 2, 1220, to secure the Four sections of Bogalusa are to weeks ago. The schools are two
w hew strong agitators will go to state their reasons, one of them main for a few weeks. information neçesaary to fill put the
see work start within the next two rooms smaller than the original p la n
■ . rfrtn enough rope has again said he agreed as to Franck, bat did The company will employ Aviator questions contained in the printed
Joim at Pascagoula, Mias., not think the two lesser lights should Priest and by the middle of Febru­ census schedules. or three weeks, on a school building, which were submitted to bidders
C. H . .Franck, an organizer of be included. ary it is expected that contracts will Questions covering the following contracts having been awarded • to several weeks ago, but the size o f
the schools had to be reduced to keep
* federation of Labor, has been * “Whereas, the International Ship­ be made with nearby cities for exhi­ points will be asked of every person H. W. Bond and brother of New Or- within the budget appropriated fo r
for several months. The trou- building Company, which has been bitions. Mr. Priest is said to be one in the United States: learns at a meeting of the Parish the work. VFTJflc on the buildings is
'. ' at Pascagoula also show about in operation here for over two ears, of the best pilots in the business and Sex. Schopl Board, held Tuesday after­ expected to be well under way by
!TauBe results that have occurred employing 2500 men or more, and he is confident that the local com­ Color or race. noon. The fötal price for the build­ the end of January.
jL-Utw—that workmen were have invested many millions of dol­
pany will prove a great success. Age at last birthday. ings will be $108,000, which includes
out of employment, mis- lars, with a weekly payroll of $75,- Whether single, married, Widowed The auditoriums of the schools
the electrical and plumbing fixtures. will afford each section of the city
ents made and trouble result- OOO or more, paying thç highest N. O. G. N. TO MAKE or divorced. The location of tîîe schools in the a meeting place for entertainments
io that the cause of the ufiion wages to its employes and providing IMPORTANT CHANGE Birthplace of person enumerated various sections of the city was de­ and meetings of various kinds, some-
JJ «yen up for the time being. in every way to the limit of its abil­ and birthplace of father and mother, cided upon at a meeting held several I thing the city has badly needed.
Here are just a few extracts from ity for their comfort and well being, Reports have been current in Bo­ giving names of both country and
the P a sc a g o u la Chronicle, telling of Lave L: he past, and are now, ha­ galusa for the past few days that at province, if foreign born.
{f activities of Franck and others: rassed and tantalized by constantly an early date the passenger trains Occupation, specifying trade or CHRISTMAS PLAY DR. AMACKER BACK;
fa* New Orleans and Mobile’pa- recurring strikes and walkouts, which’have been laying over at Co­ profession, also industry in which em­ WAS BIG SUCCESS OPEN OFFIC^MONDAY
t W e d n e sd a y morning carried an
gyeatly to the company’s loss of time lumbia will make Bogalusa their di­ ployed.
jjjggciated Press dispatch from and capital, as well as to the loss to vision. Such a move was attempted Whether attending school. Christmas has come and gone and . Dr. Charles F. Amacker, Bogs-
Washington, stating that C. H. fcHte city and its good name, and on the part of the business men and Whether able to read. with its going the Girl Reserves’
lusa’s popular and well known den­
PiaBclc, an organization for the “Whereas, we believe that these citizens many months ago. It will Whether able to write. Christmas party and progrant has
tist, who had a miraculous escape
American Federation of Labor in strikes And walk-öuts §nd the con­ permit the trainmen of the N. O. G. Whether able to speak English. passed into history. Nearly 100 lit­
from death several weeks ago when
this city, h ad appealeâ to President stant annoyance of the fcompany on N., who have homes in Bogalusa to Whether home is owned or rented, tle tots from the highways and by­
he was struck by a N. O. G. N. pas­
Wilwn in behalf of the workmen at the flimsiest excuse conceivable are spend their nights at home and will and if owned whether home is free ways were guests at the party, each
senger train and his automobile com­
plant of the International Ship- lthe Result of Mr. C. H. Franck and a also prove to the advantage of Bo­ of encumbrance or is mortgaged. receiving a ÇîîTanâ a wee sock of
pletely demolished, has ./returned to
building Company, where he repre7 handfull of his closely allied friends, galusa in several ways, providing the Persons of foreign birth will be candy from Santa, whose wondrous Bogalusa from Poplarville, where he
wnted that 2,500 employes had been imbued with the idea of rule or^ruin change is made. asked questions concerning these ad­ “sack” had been generously filled by has been spending some time with hi*
out. policy, commonly called Bolsheyism, The report could not be confirmed ditional points: the Warnicks and the heads of the
ioctea « u v. *In
• * the
—— telegram
- — ■=»--------- to
— the
— j , parents. He is looking well and
president, Franck charged that the j an“ .. nor was it denied, owing to the fact Year of immigration to the United Bogalusa Stores Company. The
states he is feeling fine, but has
corporation was controlled mainly | “Whereas, we believe the present that W. S. Hanley, superintendent of States. dolls, Of course, were dressed by the
occasional pain in his back.
by Italian interests and that they had strike, or walk-out, or by whatever transportation, is out of the city. Whether naturalized, and if so the Girl Reserves, and such toys as need­
Dr. Amacker plans to open his of­
failed to fulfill written contracts. name it might be called, and" the fail­ year of naturalization. ed “fixing” weré attended to by some
fice next Monday, January 5th.
News of Franck’s action spread ure of a settlement of same is due SANDERS TO SPEAK IN Mother tongue or native language. of the soldiers stationed here, assist-
rapidly and caused much indignation. to the said Franck, and his lieuten­ E rery Farm Visited by the willing youngsters.
ORLEANS SATURDAY Everybody helped and was glad,— COL. SHIPTON THANKS
Besentment against him was further ants, who believe that constant tur­ Census enumerators will also call
augmented by the fact generally moil and unrest is necessary for their Congressman and Mrs. J. Y. San­ at every farm in this community to and the Girl Reserves were gladdest ELKS FORCOURTESIES
known that matters connected tvith preservation in office, and . ders arrived in Bogalusa Sunday secure the information necessary to of all.
“Whereas, the Morning Register evening, to remain for the week, vis­ The program at the Y. W. C. A. Fort Morgan, AlaJ, Dec. 26, 1919.
tbc recent strike of the machinists, fill out the questions contained on
Tuesday night consisting of beauti­ Mr. C. L. Black, Secretary Bogalusa
which caused the closing down of the carries a Washington dispatch in ; iting their many friends. Mr. San­ the agriculture schedule.
Lodge, Elks’ Club, Bogalusa, La.:
plant, had practically been settled by which Franck appeals to President j ders has been touring the state in Each farmer will be asked ques­ ful religious tableaux telling the
story of the Birth of Christ, and a Dear Mr. Black—The officers and
representatives of the various na­ Wilson to correct an alleged griev­ behalf of the candidacy of John M. tions concerning the acreage and
men under my command recently at
ance against the 2500 laborers who value of his farm; whether he owns, playlet, “Making a Santa Claus,” was
tional and inter: - tional unions and are now suTîering from what we be­ Parker for governor and reports that a decided success. Each dnd every Bogalusa enjoyed very much the hos­
the company officials, and that the lieve is the direct of the said Franck’s in every section of the state Mr. rents or partly owns and partly rents
girl, from the largest to the tinest pitality of your charming home so
yard was to reopen at an early date. vindictive, malicious conduct and Parker is a strong favorite and pre­ the landJie farms; the value of the
buildings, machinery and implements ones, was highly praised for her liberally and courteously extended* to
Franck’« calling for government in­ propaganda, said appeal winding up dicts that his election is certain. . work by a delighted audience. them. We wish tt) thank you very
tervention put an immediate end to with a veiled effort to prejudice the On Saturday night Governor San­ belonging to his farm; the quantity
The beauty of the tableaux was much for your kindness and wish yon
these negotiations. ders will make an actress a t the #f All crops raised on his farm during
government and the public mind the year 1919; and many other ques­ further enhanced by the used of col­ personally, your club as an organiza­
The publication of the Franck against whät he terms “Italian in­ Athenaeum |n New Orleans, which ored lights furnished by the Great tion, and $our deHçKtfuï city
> telegramto Washington drew a large promises to *be one of the greatest tions which cover all possible farm
terests,” not metioning the fact that operations. Southern Lumber Company. health, happiness and prosperity 'for
number of citizen’s to the mayor’s their payrolls are settled with good events of the present campaign. A 1920 and many succeeding years.
office, where it was decided to call number of Bogalusa folks will hear An absolutely accurate and com­
Yours truly, • *
a public mass meeting to discuss and
American dollars, and that as a him make the address. plets census vitally concerns the wel­ QUIET CHRISTMAS:
whole, the yard is operated by good NEW YEAR TOMORROW J. A. SHIPTON,
Uh such action as f |k situation de­ fare of this community and of every Colonel, C. A. Ç., Commanding.'
American citizens, and ERNEST LEVERT MARRIED person living in it. The official pop­
manded. A committefffWas appoint­
“Whereas, we believe the great Ernest Levert, employed at the ulation for the next .ten years will be Christmas passed very quietly in
ed to eonfer with the shipyard offi­ bulk of the laborers employed in the Bogalusa and it is expected that New LAFTMAN RESIGNS;
cials and the representatives of the Foret Garage, and a nephew of Louis determined by the census of 1920.
aeveral labor unions, in order to ob­
shipyard here are satisfied, not Ally and Paul Levert of the Bogalusa Be ready with your answers when Year’s Day will be just as quiet. It GOING TO MO^S POINT
with their employers in the success Steam Laundry, was married to a the census man calls at your house. was enjoyed by almost every citizen,
tain first-hand information relative however, for it does not require R. H. Laftman for the past several
of their work, but the community at Miss Williams on Christmas day. The 4 --------- o---------
to the entire situation. This com­ noise to make a Merry Christmas. months general superintendent of the
large, if not hindered by the constant happy couple have been busy receiv­ WATCH-NIGHT PARTY
mittee visited the International of­ A large number of family dinners Bogalusa Paper Company, and who
nagging and spying of a few worth­ ing the congratulations of their many
fice* at 10 o’clock in the morning,
less, self-assumed public sponsors, friends. FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE with invited guests were given ; many previously held the same position»
conferring with Mr. Piaggio, Mr. spent the day outside of the city, has again resigned, his resignation
who have never done an honest day’s
Seavoni, Mr. Sahsoni and Mr. John- VACANT HOUSE BURNS A novel watch-night service has and few were the “hidden bottles” taking effect last'Tuesday. He will
work in their life, and who live on
aoa. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon A vacant house in Richardsdntown been planned for the First Methodist that some depended upon to »make go to Moss Point, Mias., where ho
their wits and ' the fruits of honest
an augmented committee met with labor of others. was completely destroyed by fire Church, during which there will be the day a merry one. Business was previously managed the .paper mitt,
the national and international repre- “Now, therefore, be it resolved by about 10 o’clock Saturday night. “an îïour of dreams,” an hour of so­ practically suspended in‘all lines. at that place:
aentatives of the various unions in the citizens and bona fide residents How the fire originated could not be cial entertainment, an hour of liter­ Tomorrow;, New Years’ Day, will Mr. Laftman’s successor has
ti>e Chamber of Commerce rooms. of Pasca'goula, in mass meeting as­ learned. The building was almost ary entertainment and an hour of be observed in Bogalusa with indica­ been announced, but General Man­
The itatements of the shipyard peo­ sembled: burned when the department arrived. spiritual profit. The program has tions for an unusually quiet one. ager Cullen will look after the plant
ple and the labor representatives “First—That the Constitution of been filled with fine numbers and until the new superintendent is so-
were in absolute accord on every the United States guarantees every labor committee and the company every detail has been arranged to REV. MITCHELL WAS selected.
Print. Both were positive that the citizen certain rights and privileges but for his efforts and underhand ‘take care of a large crowd. The re­ MARRIED TUESDAY
trouble would all have been settled in the pursuit of happirjes, and no propaganda. freshments are planned on a scale TO DISCUSS PLANS
hot for Franck. man or set of men hive a right to “Eighth—That his reported appeal to accommodate hundreds. A marriage that attracted some . FOR NEW CHURCH
The mass meeting assembled at abridge these privileges and rights. to President Wilson about the pres­ The affair will begin promptly at considerable attention is reported
City Park at 3 o’clock, the crowd be- “Second—That the city of Pasca­ ent strike or walk-out is an insult 8 o’clock. The first number on the from near Isabel, La., where Rev. After a period of rest covering
variously estimated at from one goula is “no mean city” within the to the employes of the International program will be that of Dreams, dur­ erend Horatio Mitchell ad Miss Lydia several months, work will be re­
three thousand persons. Only the limits of the United States. Shipbuilding Company, and that his ing which some of the leaders in the Talley were married last Tuesday sumed the first of next week on the
br.ef time given for advertising the “Third—That every patriotic cit­ efforts to prejudice the company by church and social work of Bogalusa evening. plans and organization for the new
meeting prevented every male in­ izen of Pascagoula is ,deeply inter­ the alleged reference to its manage­ will dream. The second hour, which Rev. Mitchell was for some time church building, to be erected by the
habitant of the town from being i ested in its development, expansion, ment as .being “Italian interests,” is will begin at 9:30, will consist of all pastor of the Second Baptist Church Methodists in Bogalusa. All work onu
present. Eighty to ninety per cent commercially, morally and otherwise, too contemptible to be noticed. the refreshments needed for the in Richardsontown. He is how a the plans was suspended some, time
of the crowd was shipworkers. May- and no other kind of citizeri is wel­ “Ninth—That C. H. Franck, es­ evening. The third hour, whic# will student in the Baptist College at ago on account of industrial cpndi- „
Lewis called the meeting to or- come here. pecially, and H. E. Kassen, and begin at 10:15, will consist of hu­ PineviHje, La. tions, but those in, charge believe th a t
^ *ud stated the purpose. He “Fourth—That we invite to Pasca­ Knapp, secondly, is persona non morous and sentimental music and The bride is a native of Washing- Bogalusa will be in such a conditions’
**thmgly denounced the work of goula capital and labor and guaran­ grata to the citizenship of Pasca­ recitations. The second social hour ton parish and well and favorably by ^e^im e PUn^ can bejom plete^
•litntors, who are depriving honest tee them every consideration and goula, to the management of the will last from 11:30 to 11:45, after known in her community. to go forward with the work. The
*»hmen of the opportunity to earn protection, demanding in return only shipyard, and we- believe, to a very which the congregation will assem­ new building planned is to be erect­
* livelihood, the industries of the their co-operation ad good will. large majority of the shipyard work­ ble in the auditorium for the closing GOING TO FARM ed on Avenue B at the south end o f
învüege of carrying on their busi- of the old and the beginning of the B. L. Wheat, who lias been con­ the tpidge. t w*
“Fifth—That we appreciate the ers, and the citizens of Pascagoula,
**** successfully and the city and its com ifj'and location of the Interna­ feeling that theÿ are a detriment to New Year. nected yith the drug department of . ----------- ». - ------
the Bogalusa Stores Company for the ELKS ARE GRATEFUL
*®'**^g of all opportunity to grow tional Shipbuilding Company at Pas­ the city’s interest, request them to
PLENTY OF BOOZE past year, has purchased a farm In our acknowledgement of cour­
prosper. He stated that Paaca- cagoula; the manner in which its af­ seek an abiding place elsewhere.
welcomed, with open arms, the fairs have been conducted, and here “Tenth—That we appeal to all un­ In these days of a big shortage of seven miles east of Bogalusa and will tesies extended us for our Christmas
T®** laborer and legitimate capital, now reaffirm our unqualified confi­ ion organizations with which the “licker,” the police made a big haul take possession of it next week. baskets we were unfortunate enough
had, in season and out, shown dence in its management and hereby above named parties may be con­ on Sunday night, when they arrested From, prescription pharmacist he to leave out tm > names.
friendship to organized labor and pledge them our support and co-op­ nected to eliminate his authority, be­ a negro woman who was operating ’turns fanner and predicts that he The potatoes were famish by Gov­
»veatment of capital which made eration. lieving that their membership is a a “tiger.” Several quarts of wine, will like the change. ernor J. Y. Sanders and the bread
gin, whisky and beer was taken. The by Bertonnjere's bakery. We are
employment of labor possible. In “Sixth—That we believe that one detrimentToTfntöbSsm, the commun­
, «denunciation of trouble-makers C. H. Franck, and a few kindred spir­ ity at large, capital and honest la­ prisoner, as well as the stock, is be­ NEW MERCHANT MARRIES indeed grateful to those gentlemen
Bot atallmealy-mouthed,call- its, are responsible for the recurring bor. ing guarded by Jailer Pierce, who Thomas f t Hanley and Mrs. Mat- for their splendid donations.
. * spade. His remarks were strikes, walk-outs, and petty annoy­ “Eleventh—That finally Pasca­ states that he never realized that he tie Lawrence of Hattiesburg, Mies«, THE ELKS.
?*W*ntly interrupted with applause. ances at the International Shipbuild­ goula stands for law and order, is be­ had so many friends in Bogalusa, all were married at the Methodist par­
of whom are willing to assist him in sonage Tuesday evening, December RECTOR?' COMPLETED
»I hdie mayor’s remarks, oth- ing Company, and that their conduct hind honest labor, and producing The new rectory that is being
•tre ihvited to come forward is the direct result of the 2500 labor­ capital, but is unalterably opposed protecting the property. 23, by the pastor, Rev. A. J. Gear-
»press themselves. Mr. Benk- ing men now being out of employ­ to mischief-makers, the Bolshevik ------------o------------ heard. Mr. Hanley has but recently erected for the Catholic Church la
L» Reverend intone responded ment, and for the approximate three and all their propaganda teaches as H. *B. Holden and three children, joined the ranks çf Bogâiusa merch­ now complete, and Rev. Father
well known citizens of Baton Rouge, ants and the new couple begin Mauer will take possession of it th e ’
endorsed all that had been said. months of lost time during the past being a contradiction to our Consti­
are spending the holidays with Mr. practical strangers here. first of riext wçek. The rectory is &
following resolutions were year by the said shipyard. tution and the ideals of our Demo­ %. i beautiful
and Mrs. W. A. Holden, Avenue H. 0
o- • five-room bungaV>w auu
ucautuui iivcivuiu and inun
read and adopted with but “Seventh—That we believe the cratic government, and all such are M£. snd Mrs. J. B. Lindsley spent j appearance is modern in every p#c-
* * • dissenting votes in all the vast present walk-out or .strike wouid hereby notified not to seek an asy­ They will return to Baton Rouge
Sunday. Moaday urHew Orleans. I tieular.
The dissenters being invited have been promptly settled by the lum in Pascagoula.”

" "

ft i riii ur a np TRAILS POISON






Headquarters in Brooklyn Addison County stcr. Prof. A. S. Harrlman, Judge John
Weeks and Dr. Isaac Stearns. Allen
Garage Flagg, who has been ill for a week Is
fc 1
uuuc' or ciciniruujic
. . T. 1 I"i
r unc 1 1 ?

One of the Big Men Selected Republican and Democratic Sen Improving. Mrs. Frank A. narrows of Any
MIDDLEBURY Vergonnos Is in town to visit her mother, Movement Designed to Un-
tions at National Capital to Give Advice in Launching ators Alike Find it Chief Ob Chnrlcs .1. tlullock, son of the lato .lames Mrs. Mary I3ruya Monday, market day, dermine Government He Says
Watch Parly Omitted at Now York, Dpc. 31. UnltPtl Stntps International Tribunal Under staclc in Way of Compromise and Lorlnda Bullock, died at his homo eggs brought from GO to 70 cents, dairy
on Water street at 7:45 Friday eve- buttor 00 to 65 cents and creamery but- Will Be Met With Unflinching
White House Marshal Power iinnounreil League of Nations
Hit, hnllpvpd hn hnd dlsr.nvnrpd thn Over Treaty ning, aftor a lingering illness, as the re- ter 75 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. and Persistent Warfare
wood alcohol "whiskey" manufnetur-- ' sult of u shock suffered live, years ago. He Peck, who have been In town for a week
Intr headquarters of .Inlin Inmnncltl, ' nns born In Oranvllle, N. V April III, to visit at tho homo of Mrs. Peck's
undertaker and Samuel WA With nlc fnther, he ran a grist mill mother, Mrs. Henry W, Hrewstor on
MESSAGE BY MARSHALL Mrooklyn Brooklyn druggist, hold licrc in PRELIMINARIES COMPLETE PROGRESS MADE, HOWEVER In Poultney for several years, afterwards Washington street, have SCORES BOLSHEVISTS
going to Rutland to work as a carpenter York. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Oorham
returned to New
connection with tho distribution of
poison liquor throughout New England. In Stoddard's Manufactuilng company of Now York city nre In town to visit his
I Iiii4ri lru Ideticp to Tho plac" was n Brooklyn gnrnge, lip One Itrnnnn for ."election of Hoot In Lodge mill I'nnirreiie Until Conference plant. Hp then took up printing and In parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. .1. Oorham.
paid. lOTi came to the Register company as Kfd llotenient, He Asnerts In Not Onr
filkc 1 x, Individually mill Cnllectit c--1 Found In IIIm Kormnr Unremitting DrinnrrntM Reduce to Definite Form Mrs. Charles Westnll, Jr., and
Chomlcals used In thf manufacture of pressman, which position he held when children, who have been living with of l.llierty-I.otln- e Person Hut In III,
In VII tlip Vcnr.s lo Come, Fnltli liquor and perfumes, several empty Effort to Ilrlnr nn International Propositi for Itedrnftlnir Republican taken III. He Is survived by his wife and her .brother-in-la-
llrspn iitlonn Kngpnc Haker, In tlnetly n Crimlnnl nnd niMhonest
Hope mul Chnrlty barrels which "had contained wood al- Court Into Existence four daughters, Mrs. Thomas Oney of Sudbury
cohol and some liurilcd sugar werp Mlddlehury, Iris Hullock of Mlddlehtiry, turned to town. A largo crowd was pres fr
sevprnl months, have re Srhpiiip for n Itlctntni-alit-
seized by the federal authorities, the .j. u. .uymr ol aiprour, .u..--. .lU Tpfi(Iav nt tnc tmvn ,, ,at tnp
announcement said. Persons on tho Washington, Dec. 31. Getting down to
L. A. Stoher of Boston; one son. Ttoy of f(rMt clvpn ,)y thp M,,(PWlry Po!,t
Washington, Dpc 31. Washington premises were taken to United States Washington, Dec. 31. fRy tho Asso- nullum): and several grandchildren. He of thodanco
without any District Attorney Ross' offices for ex ciated Press). Rllhtt Hoot, former secre- cases In their discussion of a. pease treaty
tho new year Amcrlcnn I.cglon and the young Washington, Dec. 31. Any movement,
was a Mnson and u Knight Templar people had more than tho usual fine however cloaked or dissembled, designed
public or function!), but With amination.
j,eml-puhl- tary of state, will be called upon to give compromise, republican and democratic member of tho Odd Fellows.
Among other things found In the gn- - his assistance and advice In the launch- - senators found that article ten Morgnn's orchestra furnished to
The annual meptlng of the Addison time. undermine the government will be met
y ex- -
tli" Ue.ial church and h parties

n. d strrel celebration, rage were a threo-qua- bottle labeled, mg of the great International Supremo still presented tho biggest stumbling
ve I.xchange ceucni
music The amount of with 'unflinching, persistent, aggressive

" County ;armeis , ,

I.. ,1... ...... nf

rt ;

limner ilanoi;, at the hotel apparently " ' ..Ten. ,..,...

....iw, bnnU8 pad ,)y thn Vormont MnrUn con, warfare," Attorney-Gener-
Palmer an-
'mcrtlcateft alcotiol poison, for external -- ouri provirlert under the Leacuo of was held Orange hall Saturday '
morning nt 10:30 o'clock. The meeting was pany to thowasmen
wen more popular than ever. The ad- use only, Salceby s drug store ; another .Nations. In their employ hero nounced In stating the policy of
during tho day lu this week nhout four per cent' the department
which are to tics again wore ucth
vent of national prohibition had no licit imihih inueneu "tiavoring tor Keotcn Ji me insirumcntailtlen called to order by the president. The re- the of of Justice for the. forth-
effret for this was the third new year whiskey;" several bottles of oil of .lunl- - he set In motion almost immediately upon thL' compromise- negotiations, ami the gen- sue- -
port of the manager showed up to date previous. men's average wages for the year coming year In regard to radicalism.
celebration since the ban was placed on ppr berries, essence of caramel and do- - the proclamation of the peace, tho Inter- - CCH 011 of conferences was regarded - Mr. anil Mrs. Albert I. Dock-er- y The attorney-gener- added succinctly
$lin,C90.3S of business had been done with
thn pale of liquor lu the District of Co- Matured alcohol. The raiders were told national court of Justice is regarded by
lin lbla Some membeis of hotel parties that iiipii had been working In the ga- the Supreme Council as of ranking Impor- - so0" mll?l" ,,,k" ,m)ro dtl,llte ,form-
"s "'"'"'"k l"u
n'""" a prospect of a ili),fv worth being done after have returned to Wilmington, Dol., that no quarter would bn shown Bol-
a month's stay In Mlddlehury nnd shevists or others of their Ilk whom he
' -

all sides it was sa'd that although no ui'iuie .i.iiiiiiiry i, fmviim in mm rraso ii .
other places In tho described ns "chiefly criminals, mistaken
" irought theii own " and diplomatic rage every night recently from 10 p. in. inn v.j.. :
$03,000 over 1918. The exchange has handled !
row continuedo enjoy Its immunity from to two a. in., mixing and bottling tho its secretariat In London already ha agreement was yat In sight, tho sifting 00 cars of grain, three cars of feed State. The Misses Hazel and Kthel Idealists, social bigots and unfortunate
many co- suffering
piohibltiou restrictions. "v.hlskfy" wlilch was distributed from gone as far as posslblu In advance of process had cleared away molasses .three cars of cement, 57,f"lO Babcock havo returned to Leominster, ithesla," from various forms of hyperes- -
Hecausc of President Wilson's condi- the place. Hie actual declaration of peace towards llateral points and had centered utten-- 1 worth of grass seed and S00 bushels of Mass.. nfter four weeks In town. Mr.
Mr. Palmer
tion there was no formal watcn party at J.nte y
another raid was made on the creation of the court. lion on a very few reservations. seed corn, and has disposed of 11 carloads nnd Mrs. James Ellsworth and sister, ment hnd beendisclosed that the govern
engaged In tracing down
th" White Houfco and Now Years day a Brooklyn saloon owned by Max Har- - Information now has come to hand It was tho reservation on article ten of hay and oho car of wheat. Following Miss FldelllaIn Kllsworth of Manchester, motives, methods
will bo observed quietly theic. Official rls and fifteen gallons of liquors of that the plans have ben so fnr t...r- - las framed by the foreign relations com- - tho reading of the report, the meeting N. H., are town for several weeks. and mannerisms of
however, will In- - oils kinds were seized. Harris was fected iik to permit of the extension to ' mltteo at the last session which Pres entered Into a general discussion. At the Mlers Lazowltz, tho young boh of Mr. the element which has been charged
and Mrs. Harry Laznwitz of North with tho direct cause of 75 per cent of the
a luncheon for the diplomatic rested and held to await tho action of certain Jurists of International reputation Iden Wilson characterized as meaning afternoon session, Mr. Churchill, the
corps by tho secretary of State and Mrs. the federal grand Jury. I of Invitations to form a managerial com-a- - rejection of tlie treaty. Determined to agent, gave a short talk on farm Pleabant street, Is seriously ill at their unrest In this country. Representatives
Lansing at their home, a reception by the mltteo to plan the details of the permn- - secure some modifications democratic
bureau This was followed home. Sheriff George S. Farr has of tho department of Justlco working
eecrctary of the navy and Mrs. panic's JQT A DRUNK ARRESTED nent couu of International Justlco and 'senators have presented a number of by a business meeting and the following appointed Albert L. Miller of Hancock with secret agents of the. allied powers
have gone Into the Russian Bolshevist
ond a reception y tne secretary or war IN RUTLAND IN DECEMBER to defino the scope of Its activities. suggestions but all of them so far have officers were elected: Directors, P.. O. a deputy sheriff.
trnd Mrs. Baker and tho assistant sec In the beginning at least only men of been regarded on the republican sido Wales, W. H. .lackmnn, W. G. Larrabee Ray Pratt, who lives In the east part terrltoiles to obtain definite Information
retary of war and Mrs. Crowell nt the wide reputation from a few of the en- - as going too far. Tho republicans, In and Frank B. Nelson. The directors then"' t,ho town nm as arrested two of tho plaps of those responsible' for In-
Rutland, Dec. 31. Unless New Year's tente nations and the "K 01 George i. troducing to tho world the dictatorship
nshlstnnt secretary's homo. eve breaks tho record, December will go United Stntcs have turn, have suggested changes which elected: President, B. O. Wales; vice- -
New Year's messages to the nation were Into history as the first month In the ex- been selected, but it Is probable that the democrats regard as modifications president, W. H. Jaekman; secretary. Chaffee on a' charge of assault upon Alvln of the proletariat.
by Mar- additions will be made to the list even of langungc only. treasurer, R. A. Elliot. II. M. Wells of2row"' was n Addison county coiyt "Wo have found," Mr. Palmer said,
perience of tho Rutland police force morning, pleading not guilty. A "thnt the. 'Red' movement docs not mean
ti' all and somo members of tho cabinet. when there has not been an arrest for to the point of admission of great Jurists Three conferences attracted partlc-fro- m Claromont, N. H., spoke on the methods
was bWn an attitude of protest ngalnst alleged de-
Mr Marshall said: Intoxication.
"Men are agonizing over the passion been made in two months,
Only one such arrest has
late enemy states, provided their ulnr attention among the many which
there had the league'. The purpose
have adhered meantime to wore" held Senator Lodge of
of organization, stating that the farmers JU,T ?aB
should to do away with thcw,,lrh lok un V tlme f
curcdvan' the c
th court al,d fects In our present political and econom-
Mid prejudice, both nt leal and teeming
a single case in November. Thore melnber.S Of tbn Pnnimlltnn nnl li'ltt. such Massachusetts,
Is to name republican leader, went middleman's profit. Ho wa followed by r,em'"etl a, vcrd'ct f"1" aml Ju,1c ic organization of society. It does not
Injustice and inequality, and the black- wero 133
ness of despair would settle over our the year arrests
for all offenses during cren,.., ,
1919. the charge preferred
land wero It not that faith, hope and being drunkenness. Fifty of theso wore
tharlty still abide faith that a deeper made before August 1.
In 51 upon the basis of reputntion
as great
,,, .n.v.nnm
n a., ton

member of the foreign relations

lawyers and Judges, which mitttee. Later Secretary Tumulty went
c nm. '., .i
F. u Ai.wt ,ntHn. At..,.,,
the Eastern States Farmers' Exchange of
of Springfield, Mass., who spoke on the
Industrial and agricultural league In
f'A. W. Dickens fined him 40 and costs represent the radicalism of progress. It
"e '"ranged to pay.-- A quiet and represents a specific doctrine, namely,
the Introduction of dictatorships by forco
and violence. It Is not a movement of libert-

knowledge of the wisdom of our Institu- would make It possible to Include tiomo to the capltol and, speaking for the ' '
comparison with the Eastern States Farm (Continued on pnge 2) y-loving persons, but distinctly a
tions will be Imparted to every son and Lat IllPrlnn n lintnoe .ncnplnc
III-- A e Trrtal rl nrt f rlloiiDnml . )i n dUiHak .i.tli Bureau. During the meeting 90 shares of i criminal nnd dishonest scheme.
Saugliter of the republic, hope that more political Importance of their nations. Senntor Hitchcock of Nebraska, the
t stock were sold and pledged. It is ex- "Lrnine himself It Is asserted made the
nd more all men will turn from the Mr. Root's name has been favorably acting lcadtfr of the democrats. pected to have at least l.OfH) members statement that 'Among every hundred
jontemplation of their rights to a con-
sideration of their duties, and charity for
NEW YEAR'S WORD In the selection of these man- - night Mr. Hitchcock called Into
In full recognition of the fact that ' sulfation all of the democratic mom- -
con-age- rs
throughout tho county before the end of
the year, Mr. and Mrs. Roy F.
NEW EXTENDS Bolshevists there Is one real Bolshevist,
39 criminals and 01 fools." And In Russia's

ill who are not vicious, but, who, through tho unite! States has not vet finally nn- - hers of the commltttec who are In Robblns and daughter, Marjorlo, have experiment we find, tho dictatorship of
Hi ess of circumstance, have become em- proved the peace treaty. The reason town. Details of none of these meet- gone to Rutland to visit Mrs, Margaret I the proletariat, after two years of waste-
bittered. was to be found in tho unremitting ef ings wore revealed but It was under- Gllmore. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanford and ful consumption of accumulated stocks,
"God of our fathers, take from us. If FROM GOIPERS
forts of the former secretary of State to stood that In all of them specific res-
bring such a tribunal as tho Internation- ervation changes wero discussed, and
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Sanford have re- A WEFWELCOME still are promising the peasants peace,
bread and land. Tho dictatorship of tho
Thou wilt, material prosperity and na- turned to Glens Falls, N. Y after a visit
tional glory, but give us Individually and al court into existence, beginning when that In each case article ten figured of several weeks In this section. Michael proletariat has degenerated Into a mili-
Sollectlvely for all the years to come, he was premier of President IloosevelfH prominently. i
J. Cronln of Montpcller, a former t, resl-dep-
tary dictatorship of a subsidized and
faith, hope and charity." cabinet. Through tho American Society As a committee mftmbers who worked who has been Jn town for several corrupt portion of tho proletariat.'"
Secretary Lane said: Pledges America's Workers to of International Law ho has urged the for unreserved ratlflc- ion and later voted -
days, has gone to Orwell for a visit with 1920 Greeted With All Exuber- Acquaintance with doctrines of the
"I wish that 120 may be a Uncoln year, project and It is stated that In the' nogo- -' for acceptance of the epubllcan reserva-tlat'on- s P. H. Sullivan. The Misses Grace and "Reds" Mr. Palmer said, was the most
; I.l.icoln y - 'r. -- fh Mr 7I0 v!" Do Their Share Toward Solv- In London accompanying the ul- - i,,('n Program, Wvnatoi 'omereno is y
Marlon Meranvillu havo gone to Walllng-fo.-- d ance of the Days When "Dry" In forcible method1 of ending their activities

learn to look at things through Lincoln's futllo attempt to organize an istood to haVo given Sentunr Lodge a to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Meran-vlll- e.
this country. He urged the American
syes those kind, wise, steadfast, honest ing Country's Problems prlzo court, former Secre- - paratIve estimate of compromise sentl-tar- y The Misses Carrie Klmberloy and Laws Were a Jest people, In the Interests of law and order
!yes in which there was neither malice Root very nearly succeeded in trans- - ment among the democrats, and to have Jennie Nash, who have been visiting pcacand happiness and the maintenance
3or envy but a great sympathy in a noble forming that limited tribunal Into a real .fwie.into details In outlining how far he friends In town for a month, have re- of national solidarity to "study the fu(l
tommon sense." court for the adjudication of nearly all tllouBht administration senators would turned to Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Jasper meaning of the 'Red' Idea and to counter-
Washington, Dec. 31. (By tho Asso-
Issues between nations that might threat- - g0 ln rcBnrd to article ten. New York, Dec. 31. The New Year act It through the teaching of American-Is- m

ciated Press.) Sampel Gompers, president Brooks and sister, Miss Alberta Spencer
GENERAL WOOD FILES of the American Federation of Labor,
en to Involve them ln war. At the meeting of the foreign
of Lynn, Mass., aro In town, on a visit received a widely varied welcome In In the press, the church, the school
Tho great difficulty in finding a satis- - .relations committee democrats are yunder-factor-
to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Bulger ' New York In the big hotels and labor organizations."
CANDIDATE'S PAPERS In a New Year statement, pledged Amer-
plan for such a court always has "H00'1 t0 have takcn M,ens t0 'educo to a have returned to Barre after a visit of of tho White :
Light district the new-
ica's workers to do their full share in been tho adjustment (lfilltllte fo democratic proposals for many weeks In town. Mrs. Kate Moore comer was welcomed by tho private-stockholdin-

AeeeplM Kmlurncnu'nt for Presidency working out the country's problems of of tho claims of the I

Mr.' Gompers nations to equal representation drflftln(? th republican reservations. Tho Is 111 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George classes with all tho ex- DISAPPROVES 66,000 TOLL
Chaffee Mr. and Mrs. K. R. B. Flint of auberance of days when prohibition was
of Smith Dakota G. (I. I. Committee 153). sold: with H, rr,.,i nw,.r .subject was considered In tlio light of
America's workers stand ready In and memhershln
Pierre, S D Dec. .11. Major General the"The It was Mr. Root wlm flnniiv nrn. the Information obtained during the day reformer's dream and a jest. Approval for El-p- c
The exuberance of the private-stockle- Clement
Northfleld. who have been visiting at the I)eclliu--
new year as In the past to do their posed
Leonard Wood y filed a formal duty as American citizens. We what It was believed would bo a " senators iiucncocK anct homo of Mrs. Flint's parents, Mr. nnd was

ndlliinto Eliminate Wnterford

mnouncement of his candidacy foi the full placed 'our obligations as nrotppt notsolution of the problem, had tho wholo Mrs. E. H. Thomas, have gone to citizens
cidedly restrained.
however de-
republican presidential nomination always havo ViAnn nlinnrlnnarl TVin-n- hind which tho administration forces
Mass., for a further visit be- crowds thronged The customary and Littleton Toll Uridine
with the South Dakota secretary of citizens above all else. As citizens wo the persons who are making the plans coula unlte' fore their return to their home. George n,tihnHa onrl l.nnBBroadway hut tho
State. The formal announcement from ore true to the Amerlcnn ideal of equal
for the meeting of the managers, which l'npr.,11 r v. . i " ' """ ""-- " lucwuu.f Montpeller, Jan. 1. Governor Clement
opportunity for all. NOT HANKERING Now Year's nK'lts threatened tho ear stated this afternoon that he had de-
CJeneral Wood accepting the endorse- Is to take place In tho near future InlCOOLIDGE for treatment agalm-M- iss Genevieve, ,,rllrns of overvone
"In the past we have found It necessary London, wlthln hearing clined to approve the State paying $0,000
ment of the republican state conven-
tion of December 2, came on the last
flay that candidates for presidential en-
to fight for that Ideal against
that sought to establish special privi- could
agencies have felt assured
count upon the activity assistance
that they
of Mr. Root, even In the absence of final WlllidrnUK IIIh Name um Candidate nt
"""". " leacner in ureenueiu, .Mass.. is ,
in town to visit her mother, Mrs. John
. ,
.!,.. toward the elimination of the toll bridge
and there was little of the riotous between Waterford and Littleton, N. H.,
dorsement may file their acceptances. lege. Those fights have not been In de- horse play that previous years had on the grounds that It Is only a four-to-
action by his government upon the peace South Dakota Primary Election Miss Addle E. Kellogg of Mlddlehury, known. n
Wood, Senator Hiram Johnson of fense of class advantages, but to assure treaty. bridge
In down town New York, a favorite Stato shouldthat
wage nnd sister. Miss Hattle Kellogg, and and he did not feel that the
California, Governor Lowden of Illi- to earners the rights and oppor- Boston, Dec. 31. Letters In which Gov- assume the responsibility lu
father, S. H. Kollogg of Cream Hill, playground of the revellers In years gone
nois and Senator Miles Tolndexter of tunities that all should possess. Our ernor Coolldgo withdraws his name ns a Shoreham, have leased a placo In Bran- by, the crowds, on the cur accident should occur in trafile over
Washington, are avowed candidates struggles may have brought discomfort RUTLAND'S 1919 FIRE candidate for the republican nomination streets as tho the bridge ln excess of four tons, which
greater don and will make their home there to- witching hour approached
for ,arty endorsement at the March to others, but they prevented a LOSS UNDER $25,000 ns at the March primary gether for the coming year, Miss Jennie meager nnd npefhetlc. Even were both the Stnte's engineer has stated is the
primary. evil deterioration of the virility of n part elections In South Dakota wero made pub- at Trinity capacity of tho bridge.
'The democratic state convention of the nation. Rutland, Dec. Tho fire loss In Rut- lic at the State House Hawthorno will nlso make her home with Church, where thousands of New
them. Mrs. Alice Nash has returned from wero wont to assemble to listen Yorkers
Tho first
However, the State engineer and tho
President Wilson for n third "Tho great struggle of labor In the land for 1919 was less than $25,000. The de- letter was sent to Secretary of State to the similar officer from New Hampshire are
past has been to assure the workers in partment Leicester, where she has been spending famous chimes welcome the New Year,
term, "if he decides to become a candl-flate- ." was called out CO times but ln Burkhard of South Dakota on December 10 days ivlth friends, to concur to ascertain whether it la pos-
No communication has been their industrial relations the rights of only four Instances were the firemen com 10 nfter Governor Coolldgo had been no- - Walter Hamner of only a small gathering collected. sible to strengthen tho bridge so that it
New Haven will carry on the largo Phelps
from the President. Jnmes W. free citizens. We havo fought to give pelled to use any considerable quantity tided that the renubllcan State convention The brilliantly lit and gorgeously dec- would carry a heavier load. This Is the
N. Swett farm in thnt town, recently the orated dining rooms of Now York's fnm-ou- s
Gerard of Now York, former American the ideal of America dominating In- of water. About "5 per cent of the loss in South Dakota has proimsed his name William P. Nash farm, during the com- bridge which men from that portion of
Ambassador to Germany, filed his pe- fluence in shops nnd factories. Our was in the Qulnn building blaze ln tho for It said ln part: ing season. A Christmas vesper service ing contrast to offered
hostclries scenes In strik- tho State held a conference with the
tition nB an Independent candidate for militant struggle has won general business district In February. Not since "It was entirely unexpected by me that was held In the auditorium of tho Con- streets outside. From early the listless crowds on the Governor about Tuesday morning.
the democratic endorsement. recognition for our demands. But our Juno 1 has there been a fire of con- my name should hnvo been presented to ln the eve-
work Is not all militant. Wo are In a sequence. your convention. gregational Church at four o'clock Sun- ning automobiles and
It Is not, how- vehicles of all de- CHARGED
HOT AIR BALLOON ENDS position to contribute to the improve- ever, my desire to appear as a candl-dat- o
day afternoon under tho auspices of the scriptions unloaded precious enrgoes of WITHHAVING
ment of production processes and or- PLUMS FOR FORD EMPLOYES Bible school and a special program was wines and liquors, guaranteed to INTOXICATING LIQUOR
LONG TRIP AT RUTLAND ganization. for the office of of presented entitled "Christ, the Nation's contain wood alcohol, at the doors not
of the
"Tho immediate problem of the ItsDetroit, Dec, 31.planAnwhereby elaboration of the United States. I shall not, therefore, King." There was u large attendance. hotels. These were consignments from Montpeller, Dec. 31. State's Attorney
Left Lunnlnpr, Mtcli. Dec. 2S Landing nt world is to develop a production or- profit-sharin-
all em- - make the declaration which your laws
Tho vesper offering Is to bo used for the the private supplies of the guests who E. R. Davis Is prosecuting Tony Guerra
ganization that will benefit directly ployes will be enabled to purchase cer- - require from a candidate. This in no Armenian relief fund through tho agency had reserved tables weel.s previously for of Waterbury on the chaige of illegal
nutlnml Knt riny tmcntes of Investment in tho com- - way detracts from my deep appreciation
Rutland, Deo. 31. If figures can bo be-- 4 those who are the real producers and pan, guaranteed to return 6 per cent ot tho honor that has beep given me or of the American board. Emerson Ross, the celebration. Prices In these places for keeping of Intoxicating liquor. Judge
oved, a hot air balloon sent out by gov- - will also servo the needs of starving a year and a distribution of bonuses from my pleasure at bavin such an cx- - who has been for a wceK at tho home of 119's forewell meal ranged from $7.50 E. M Harvey presided in a session of
rnment olllcials who are experimenting nations. When assured of Just dealings, that will total between J8, 000,000 and presslon of confidence from the people his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul G. Ross, a plate to $23 and upwards. Montpeller city court being held in Water-bur-
with air currents, traveled from Lansing, operate America's workers are able to co- In Poultney, has returned and gone to But between the champagne drinkers In Hoar & Fay, attorneys for tho
In freeing production from the
$1,0,000,000 was announced by of South Dakota."

subdued question nnmely that aunder the rocon

Mich,, to this city, an nlr line distance of the Ford Motor company. Ticondoroga, N. Y., for a week. Thomas the fashionable hotels and the have raised very Interesting
preventing grasp of speculator The second letter, written yesterday to
tivor 1,000 miles In less than ID hours. and Approximately 90,000 omolovcs of Secretary Burkhard In confirmation of a Bowers nnd John Carlson, who have been celebrators on ttte sidewalks there was
It has Just become known that Influences that manipulate Industry tho Ford Motor company and other In- - telegram tqthe same effect, said thnt staying In town for a month, have re- n third class of welcomers who nlso decision, of the United States Supreme
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. to enrich a few who gain unfair ad- terests of Henry Ford and hlB son, Governor Coolldge wished to withdraw his turned to Rlchford. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Jo- Included John Barleycorn In their greet- Court that the State's attorney Is
Ryan of Woodstock avenue, this city, vantage thus preventing production It is announced will bo eligible to name from the. ballot. " The letter con- seph Lnrromeo nnd three children have ing to 1920. These represented the large prosecuting without authority and that
saw a balloon, about the diameter of a for the ruin big of all, participate. In a statement accompany- cluded: t returned to Toronto, Ont., after a three number of citizens who hnd managed to the only person who can at the present
is a
wash tub, drop In a field near his home for"This grounded
Job, but It is essential ing
development details of the new policy, It Is an "As heretofore explained, I am deeply weeks' stay with relatives. The Ice In save a bottle or two of the forbidden time prosecute Is tho United Statos dis-
few days ago and on Investigating years to come. It Is
well In the nounced that steps great different places on the creek Is from 10 liquor when John's doom was decreed trict attorney and that until January 1
essential to that constitute "onlythe two outlined appreciative of the very honor that

to 13 Inches thick and the Ice dealers here- and who offered them ho cannot delegate that power to any
tDund attached to It a card giving the Ideal
name of tho department to which the which Is America equal op- other plans for aenlarging beginning," and that my fellow Americans have extended to
your by abouts will soon begin cutting, although of tho days that were. Every restaurant State officer.
in memory
The couj-- t overruled the
portunity for all. America's workers and Increasing tho Incomo me In Rtate their action, but I motion of the respondent to which excep-
belonged. There was a warning will do the purchasing power do not wish to have my nnme appear on there Is no sleighing for Ice delivering. In New York was crowded with family tions
that a penalty of f3i) was piescilbed for all 'our country's problems. full share In working out
of the dollar of our employes aro un- - your ballot as a candidate for this of- - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mlssler of Trov, parties! who surrounded tables on which have been taken. The case will go
tli'Mtiuctlon of tho tag and a lequest was dpr consideration." flCo " N. Y are In town for a stay of a month i.inck bottles were discreetly clothed In to Supreme Court.
"Hall to the New Year 1920! May It .....
made that the name and address of tho bring freedom, glory, and happiness w.
inlin mi ..nn a , fH naner uairs.
have returned to Ogdensbuig, "N. Y nf-


sender together with the namo of tho to all our people." In the restaurants and hotels the wel
place where the balloon landed and the ter several weeks in town, The Misses coming process continued with consider- CHECKER CHAMPIONSHIP
time H came to earth be furnished. Julia Illanchard and Cissy Adler havo re- able gaiety for the better part of tho
The card showed that the balloon left PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD turned to Poughkeepsle, N. Y,, after un night, but the citizens who had neither .Montpeller. Dec. 31. The annual tour-
Lansing December "8 at 3: 15 p. m. It landed COMPLETES CONFERENCE extended visit here with friends. Um)ii black bottles In paper bags nor any other nament of the Vermont Checker club was
In Rutland December 29 at 9:15 a. m. The examination, a considerable number of kind of bottles, dlsnpieared from oft the completed when David Stephens
the hydrants In this vllluge were found Ktrpptu virv .qtinrtlv ...... .... .....
balloon evidently did not travel in a direct Montpollcr, Dec. 31. The Public Serv-
route as it oamo to Rutland from the ice Commission has concluded Its con- The Subscription Price to be frozen and Street Cpmmlssloner
had his gang
' -
nft,., tlitu (if Hurrrt- won tin. ,h.'iiiitil(,tiwhli.
tnircd by the- bells of n thousand steeples 1" game.', not losing a single ono and
of men nt woik thnt 1920 hnd really arrived.
.......u.. l...
UJ tnL.l..,,
southeast. ference relative to orders it will make drawing nine. It Is the first time, accord-
In a short time. Tnp conference was held Monday on the task of getting them ing to the secretary, W, C. Hoag, that
ALL WOOD ALCOHOL POISONOUS at the Montpoller House in Montpcller. thawed out. Miss Ruth Benedict has re- WAS NOT the championship has boin won with the
of the turned nfter a week's visit in Bennington CAPABLE OF not losing a game. Mr. Stephens
Now York, Dec. 31. All wood alco It Is expected that lu a few days several
and North Adams, Mass. Mr. airft Mrs. MAKING SALE, SONS SAY winner won 47 points, while W. H. Messer of
hoi Is poisonous and it does not possess orders will be Issued In different matters
a single property by which anyone that have been bofore the commission. Robert Richardson and daughter, Elsie, Barre was second with a total of 40 points.
St. Albans, Dec. 31. A civil suit of
except a chemist can distinguish It The bill which the city of Montpoller
from ordinary "grain" alcohol.
warning was Issued
This has been waiting to receive puyment from
by Dr. the State upon, was paid

Hold Hunt, professor of Phurmacology Stato uudllor held up the bill until he
Weekly Free Press of Montreal, nro in town to remain over
Now Year's with relatives. Dr. Raymond unusual Interest which has been enter- checker board wns awarded to The
C, Goss started by train for Greenfield, ed In Franklin county court return-
Mass., .Monday In charge of a race horse, able at the March term Is that of Ellis by L. J. Egglenton
It has
hold for a year
Rutland, who did

nt the Harvard medical school, in a could receive a statement from the which was Injured during the county fair W. Foster, a former assistant Judge not piny In the tournament.
here last August and has been heie un- of the court, as guardian for John C,
htatemont explaining tho dangers of chairman of the board, relative to the ex- Reagan vs. N. J. Horrlck and F. A.
the poison prepared at the request of penses Incurred In the construction of a der care over since. Tho funeral of WOMAN CLAIMS $3,000 DAMAGES
the American chemical socloty. The certain piece of road in which tho city'
is now Charles J. Bullock was held at his late Barber. Tho defendants recently purchased Rrnttleboro, Dec. 31. Mrs. Ella J.
only "afo course to pursue" slnco the did the work under an ugicemeiit with home on Water street Mondny morning tho Rengon drug of Wilmington

nt 10 o'clock, ho Rev. Roy E. Whlttlmoro nnd tho plaintiff store on Lako streot Md In Wind-ha-

halo of genuine alcoholla beverages is the Public Service Commission. alleges that at the county court a suit for damages ot
of the Memorial Baptist Church offici- time of the salo Mr. Iteaguu
Illegal, ho added, Is to refrain from
drinking "anything purporting to be GROOM GOV. MORROW
such a beverage."
FOR VICE-PRESIDENC- Y $1.50 per year j; ating. There was a large attendance of poor
resentation from the Masonic nnd Odd vbfd. It Is claimed that $500 wns paid them, Injuring I
Follows societies. Theio wub a large dis- for the property and that soon
null nnd
In $3,000 against Verne L. Adams
health nnd not mentally respons- town. She alleges that Adams seized her f
relatives and friends, with a good rep ible and therefore, the sale Is by tho left hand and wrist nnd twisted'

nfter It so that her earning capacity Is per-

he muscles and nerves
of that

Now York, Dec. 31. Weddings In play of cut flowers. Tho remains wns sold to Alfred Constantino for manently reduced also that ho struck and'
n leaders In Kentucky arc grooming Gov-

An Increase of Less Than One Cent a Week taken on the noon train to Poultney for $2,G00. Shortly nfter tho sale, Judge
during 1919 also showed an ernor Edwin P. Morrow as a wounded her with his tints. Adams was'
although tho difference was not Interment, accompanied by Mrs. C. J. Fostor on application of Mr, Rcngan's nrrested by
so marked. There was Issued 29,995
candidate, according to announce- Bullock, Mrs, L, A. Stnber, Mr. and Mrs, sons, George nnd Robort Reagan, was and ball was Sheriff Frank L. Wellman
ment horn Oscar Taylor, Miss Iris Bullock, Roy appointed guardian for tholr father. Wilmington becoming furnished, L. A. Brown of
lo wed as compurcd with 35,1lfl last Governor Moirow was elected In surety for Adams,
year. Tho record was established In 1917 Bullock, Frank Bullock and Robert Elmer Johnson Is counsel for Judge
by u majority of approximately Reed. Tho boarera wore Frank J, Hub- Foster and ChaiicB D. Watson for tho
When 41,903 wero issued. 40,000. You mny nnd domestic holp if nnr
bard, Robert Eautou, William, II, Brew- - defendants. available-throu- gh the classified.

Oregon: Tonight and Friday At rare (or Quarter Ending
' December St, Ul
fair; moderate easterly

Minimum today, 50. 54 5 8
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Maximum yesterday, 58. Associated Press Full Leased Wire


UNITED STATES Ratification of

Treaty Without H'
Change Favored
imsui Cherrians Send
Victory Messa ge
'To Oregon Team

TRADE 0U1L00 li Ballots Reveal EQUALIZATION

A total of 329 ballots have been re
Knowing that the most "completely

happy, New Tear" that could come to

the Oregon football players at Pasa- -

IN 1920 BRIGHT ceived on the question of ratifying the BILLS SIGNED jdena would be victory.- - King Bins; c.
peace treaty by The Capital ' Journal
since it began to print the ballot These
show a total vote of 318 favorable to
Secretary Of Commerce Says ratification in some form to U against I resident Atiixes biaiature i
B. Clancey, of the Salem Cherrians,
jThursday- morning wired the follow- -
lng message from the organization to
iCoach "Shy" Huntington:
in i - aaium
1 .. i i
. .
reel sure a
completeIy happy New Year ta yu an
ratification. i r means just' one thins- w
Growth, Prosperity and Progress Is Noted In
I -

Return Of Normal Con- - By far the larger number of voters Just Before Midnight Says wishing It for you. Go to it, boys, for
TP .amitauuu wunoui any amend- -
tiitions lo Create Business ime.nt or,re8ervation' a majority 0tm Tumulty; Purchase of Cub-
Oregon and the west!"

Greater Than That Of 1919. Iwodge reservations, 88 favoring

u...s i
reasonable compromise.
ivj. uniy o iavor the
an an Product Left Open. TICKET SCALPERS
Eyery Line of Endeavor; Payrolls Tripledi
(Associated Press Leased Wire)
The total votes stand:
Fortification by compromise, 88; for
Lodge reservations. 5: for ratification

(Associated Press Leased Wire)

Savings Deposits Doubled as Result of New
Washington, Jan. 1. (By the amendement or reBervatfnn Washington, Jan. 1. President TAKE ADVANTAGE
and Elnlarged Industries
Asso-lwitho- ut

( i;.ted Press.) Secretary Alexander, 225; against ratification in any Torm Wilson has signed the McNary bill
of the department of comlmerce, has 11. continuing the United States sugar
Hummed up the commercial outlookl The same proportion obtains in oth-- equalization board through 1920. it
.r 1920 as follows: er sections of Oregon, wherever the was announced today at the whitef Of SEAT SCARCITY
"The closing year witnessed a have printed the ballot, house that his signature had been at-
Father Time, in closing up h'is books for the year 1919, must certainly be astonish-
Ions growth of American foreign com- - showing that public sentiment In Ore- - tached before midnight last night. ed at the entrees to be found there concerning Salem, Oregon. That heralded conser-
merce. uur iraae Daiance for 1919 will un w overwneimlngly in favor of rati Secretary Tumulty in making the
le approximately four billions. A great Nation of the treaty and league of na announcement, issued this statement: (Associated Press Leased Wire) vative "Sleepy Hollowof the Willamette Valley.has manifested (indisputable evidence
fleet of merchant ships, new indus-jtlon- s-
"The president has signed tha su- Pasadena, Cat., Jan. 1. (Early 01 growin, prosperity ana progress aunng ine past year, ana me epiinet sieepy can
tries, new sources of supply and In- - gar control bill. The bill confers dis- - Harvard-Oregon- .) Picking the win- -
H .1 . . . , . . longer be properly applied to the Capital City of the State of Oregon.
! 1

ireusea unowieuge or our own re- .IJrBB,UB"1

of purchasing sugar from Cuba. '
ner in advance of the game was a
. Vastly increased population; imnra. i
sources, are some of the assets gained

from our war experience. Before the TWO TAX LEVIES i,M0UbtfUlWhfhltWlII!?P.r,,f "! " the" Harvard-Orego- n gridiron cedented bufiness I all lines: tripled
war we were engaged for the most
part in the development of our own
business, with little serious thought of as the purchase and distribution
exercise the power conferred so far """ " "1T"
of,"0 8
- and an
cast verBUS west cIassic- estate deals: these things all indicate

undreamed of volume of real

--- v
Marion County Enters
sugar are concerned"
New Year Leading State
extension of our activities into world out tl,he wi"nT beoro, th,that Salem is on plane of progress
markets, and we were indifferent as NEEDED TO MEET Some of the Cuban sugar has
3ust M fa8C'"at-- , which will place this city on the map
regards our position Inferiority on the ready been purchased and there islbattle apparen"yn

more would-b- e
no central control over sugar in 60.?0K0 the Ieadlng frult production and
In Highway Development
high seas. Today we are awake as Cu-lin-

never before. The pride of
days is revived and we look to see ourl


ho tv,
toot J
therefore be impossible for the
auu .
i l 1vfc!ii:tLL""
iiijk i t
aop e.
a -
,, 01 . sranu

' , , fruit shipping center of the world,

Savings Are Doubled. '
flag at the masthead of an American now to step in and purchase The concensus of opinion among
ship in every Important seaport of the the sugar without increasing the price L Baers for both teams morally and bankers and business men of Salem is
world, carrying American goods when- - to the consumer. The bill, however, .flnancloJ. .were p entiful Some saw that the year now passing has been Facing a gigantic road building pro- - First work of the county's road-gra- m,

Pvfkl Tnarlrata ,vini v.

iu...v i, i.,.
j ne Marion county court
nnntini... th
found this power may be used to assist in
iiin. in the marked shift in
om warm to co1' certain augury of history of
the weather without doubt the best year in the calling for the expenditure of a makers will be grading and preparing1
the city One bankiifc itemlhalf million dollars, the laying of.the six miles south of Salem for con

pausing. The tremendous increase in

It. ti , . . -
"Abnormal conditions, we hone, are1 "I"., naV a!.al W1U1 a three Phase controlling the profiteering among

l"8 annUal ,evy came distributors. Mnoh Pnhan i,.r ,""""

.l TcamS Ut Early.
is of general and special Interest, and firm 18 to 20 miles jThard surface tractors wno win Jay the Hard
that is the fact that saving's deposits the grading and graveling, 'ace. The road between , Woodburn

the exports of the war period made', r


tor consideration i.
coming-i-be-u- now and the indications .t

assertlon that the

v" uountereu who have doubied in number during the of anroxtmatelv 60 miles of roads, the n Newberg will be graded and grav- -
lemon-yelloW,pa- st
365 dayS) indicating that the during the nevt season, the coun- -
largely of military- suonHeaanrt , tht .unt)r commissioners. w- Judge are that prices have reached their Players are iuat aa mucn accuatomed creased number of industries
emnloyment of probably 400 a

erection of two new bridges, all with ty plans. In all, approximately


-- till greater exports

"unt and - ' dency and that there will be a ten, haw . CO
of the for prices to fall in the next i10,,00?1 wfather as the easterners and meant a great deal t0 iaborers ana in the next 12 months, Marion coun miles of roads in the county will be
lowing the war, in which foodstuffs'?.
jiKureu largely, may not continue in- - '. "ItLl
i.t . " .u. " m1, " Proo.ems.
t0 Par ,the ori?In'
carry, .it in two lev few weeks. win ucuem s uiucn uy loaay of the various enterprise ty enters the new year leading the
tate in highway development
graded and macadamized during the)
year, exclusive of the hard surface
definitely.- These tremendous fio...1".' a intra Both teams were up and around
now established In the city. I


; :i?urauu" 18 lne legality of the extra
have brought Baiiamcuun tif
;m l
to ail, DUUIbvv
,The Tniy buaget ds adopted by BUSINESS PIERS their 7 fighting
" ,'T" )" uu
clothes in readiness
has resided here for more than a half procuring rock and gravel, the road plated
'century is thoroughly convinced that making department of the county will
Aside from the county's contem-
paving work during the year
Htion in Eurone ha hln "'il' "l6.00"'? late h" on
forthe referee s whistle at 2:30 oclock'Salem has passed most of the "worw'undertake a
this afternoon All possible to be done bends ln the roaj. and
this the state will lay 19 miles of hard
surface In the county. This is con-

problem and is so uncomfortable- nti'fnv """""uaj :
iitgiii, piUVlUtJS
, IOr IWO in the way of preparation has beenrOM ,,
that the clty.s'yeari the immensity of which is known fined to those portions of the Pacific
rveB- me regular
4h, ftm v. t
u "
in wme
- 1920 Item highway north and Bouth of Salem
,ses government " restriction on ch includes the full ft nor ront
xiiesa lur me oig Diow on.
"T..1."1 "uu" .without halt Two New Paving Plants. that have Veen
buy.excess over the 1919 levy and is 81 -- Unemployment Scarce. Two new paving plants will be add- - At tho presentcontracted.
r?H. lWt, WU d con,lnu8 eign 2C0.000. The extra Pasteboard profiteers, alias ticket Perhapa one of tllfii most enoOurJgi ed to the hard surface making road making sched-
JfJ?l" equip- -
ule in the county, pursuant to the re-
- - -
u nilivi CAi I1M IIL'H nr OVTPQ AVnanil "
This special lev? takes"
. ,3
scalpers, were up and around early lng
too, although 'neir activities were ent status so factors concerning Salem s uies-,me- already
far as general prosper- - ville and ons at Mount Angel making year,
on hand one at Aums- - quirements of
the bonding act of last
' DEEPEST CONCERN r""""" ". ae" ltv t. thr o(.t dstlv'I--
d one-tnir-
of the roads
iV. 'fM". In the
r jT ? f.''"?-"
Is concerned la found In navina- Dlants turains- i.V
.credit to European buvers. 8.. t
and lm.f C5lt,lon of Wnfft tnbuns!
Whlch iii
legislation Causes Increase
a "
aPnrn0fO kSS swatc fngr1"' C"?
f? ?0T

part8!The macadamized road work 1. paid for

sides. un that basis we may built
"""'I t .ii.i
fjiiauimeiiis wnicn maae
a additional expenditure necessary are: Washington,
the government tax Prevailing prices
last night were $12.50 for $3.50 tickets
C!L,iUdBe ?a?e
nhoonroHnn a .A
ln, to,u?h
' "ie,n
J ........ j .i
" ' V
Afipnrrltnc . nrAoont ..... nlana fynm 'argeiy
. . ,
Dy special levies In various road
structure on a firm found- Jan. 1 American busi mm i lur me t6 variety. All or 1I1 VmiKilllUll v !
' .
' ' . . . 1 9 UlBlHr .
H .flnff hn B 1 .,
Approval of a measure Increasing finds that there is less actual 20 miles of hard surface will be
ation. tne school purpose appropriation to holds, ness feels anxious over what the future these today were believed to have been
unem-ij- o
market road program as provided by
Progress Satisfactory. the federal reserve board au- - sold, however, and $20, $25 or even ployment in Salem than at any time in Principal ,ald ln the county next year, on the 'the bond issue.
ui,oiu wnicn. is i25,470.0
"It is too much to expect normnl Vmh of that nthD.i. provided un uum:eu ui iu uecemoer review, v in ex- -

ior tne cnolcest seats were de- - dally convincing, coming during the history of the city.' This is espe- - highways. Contracts for thel Much Done In 1819
coiulitions, for which we all are so the 6 per cent jtinued advance in prices, reduction in Vended this morning by some. the PaJlnS of six miles next season from a review of the highway work dona
lm-d- er
limitation. north toward Salem and
patient, should come within v, iJ
TTnrioi- - hih 4..1.1. production and high cost of living are "My- men are rlKht Dhvsicallv and - winter months when
fected by weather conditions,
much work Is four!
'ino m,Ies on the PadAc highway north of of the enterprise of a progressive corn- -
during-191- 9
ln the county is Indicative
i.M.iUhs since the signing of
the armls-l- a requirement of $30,207 is made, ireKAa,'d.ed as a comm
majority ot tne requests-comi- ng
into - munity. since road work began July
ice. 1 he wonder is that the
situation 'which is $12,801.20 in excess of the A'thouEh the retail trade showed vard Just before: the game. "If we fail

not more unsettled. Let us hope $17,468.80 allowed by the 6 per cent great activity and wholesalers and to win there can be no alibi. There Is the recorder s orrice are by transients Bn '
,1 'k ,. tnQt perlod up t0 SePtem
that in the year 1920 there will be less;"iitatlon. manufacturers are piled with orders.'muoh at stake and ewrv man oa the and not Benerally from regular resi- - tra"5; faJ 't,?nl ? ninJ
Z .When lncle"ent weather pre- -
social unrest, that production will ln- -l growth in business, the report said.lteam Is eager to do his best.- - ;lentijf the city. '"'"f "'".f " yend fUther Wa" acUv,t'. miles of

A $10,000 armory was w en
creases and living costs be gradually for.SUverton for which no authorized
reduced and that by intelligent by the legislature.
fund was
was in terms of dollars and not in pro. "Oregon has its chance and fs un-- J All rea! estate ng offices ,report ln- -
High priced labor refuse (U afraid- .- were Coach Huntington's ceased busine88,-a!no- these
Ybatimv Til. JS.
'ald by the colratJr-ductlo-
WM ,ald between tno Va"

ration and unselfish regard for thJ Marion county is requred to make work regularly-- , and demands short words. "We are Dhvsicallv fit and John H. Scott, Walter McLaren, Laf-""- at highway and Liberty, and two
public welfare our national prosperity up deficits Amounting to $352 in two hours wltn consequent falling off . In, ready to give all we nave to win. Weller & Lafler. F. L. Wood, W. H. Gra-- j ana six-tent-
miles bevond. Th.
New Bridge to Rise. v... j
ii . . . m ninnnp r
- .
was laid

May continue." school districts, which further in- - .Praucon- - Known Harvard's strength but are noMDennrst, Perrine & Masters ahC ffipnyj A b d m , 'on "th. rY

creases the total deficit.

to developments worried. We will fight to a finish and were even too busy to make a staJS-- j he tiam river a Whit
ed ,?
dastan'rfiUr.oerthr0a.d 4b,eglnn,n

- --

months retarding do the best we can. If we lose it will ment ... harnot'nenitetif rv ,"' 8,aU'
Second Levy
in brief, the 1919 ieg'islature
provsions ior expenaitures demanded
J" i,7 . " ' . . "
t a better team."
cioseiyf resembling the eenuine Marion notel, reports unprecedented
. Ho. Os Are nrny.
...a..o.Bt:j ui ie
240 feet lomr.
Another new meel This brln. : fh. ' V.
V by public requirements without giv- i.,1V. -
k i.iuiincu itm "1 1 .
io commit tnem-.cKe- ts
,m t. w..,,- -' .1
h,-i,- i
ing authority to include these hems selves far into the future. article had been printed In Los" An- - business, more than 24.820 quests hav-'n- r.
mum siiuweu some aoate- - eeies ana mat attempts would be made '"g oeen entertained at that hostelry the Turner-Aumsvil-
V ,,:V"
road. Tiiis'Tch have been laid by the county
co"nty to of
In the various county budgets. The ment during
HOW 6 per cent tax llmitaton as a consti- the month but the Idle- - to sell them kept many prospective during the year. The Marion hotel has wlrs measures to
100 feet. Extennlv ro.'anH in ? the state.
the bridge This g?eat
tutional amendment further compli- ness of workmen was considereu ujbuyers from taking chances with the 8Pent $4000 in Improvements and has
cates the situation by making illegal Bremer prooiem man systematic scalpers.
across the Wlllam-- 1
re lnSluded ,n 192? '' ventuar opening ot &'n Communities, wV that means the
roiai.iioucu iitaiij ill liu 0.11UIIZ9, ' aillUIlK PrOfrrAm. - ,(hA
any Item in addition to the 6 percent rikes. I
The lineup: the"" WgBage e tapping of the resources . ?h
'o"er,-o- new'coun
A embrvonlc COwhnv nnma TJ.. ... excess permitted. By making tho ine housing congestion was expect- - Harvard. Oregon. ,vi uauri ailU 1U nPW miPla mnllnn. PrUQln. t. . . fL nits
who Is believed to have induced Fred- - special levy covering the total excess-ie- d reIleved bv Increase in Con Desmond L.B ..... Howard Showing that his hotel of 100 rooms Uls of 22 trucks 12 1Z "Z rTI B" centers In the west at
ine ward, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. es the county court hopes to "get by" struction. Sedgwick
x"J . . ln."....
1a. Ward,
Fourth and Shipping streets, 'without treading on anyone's corns: Woods
E. Leslle;had went through the year at a full and nine heavy road roll.
Williams capacity" rate, X G. Bligh stated Urge catemlllar BTrtino.
... .. '.iv. ronl Pervislon of
vv"am C. Culver.
to leave Salem with him Wednesday I 11 is understood that the county Havemeyer ... C K. Leslie Monday that the truest total of 29.398 used in fhe" ,.u uuring tne "! ' ",B pa,t rour years, has dl
flight, was being sought by police court's order authorizing these levies
Thursday. Portland police were asuc-w-09 niade Immediately and that
Bartlett the hotel list
. ..
Aiautx aemonstratea mat Baiem is getting on im
z .
. . . '

Two hundred will be enEaeed fiinn,n e nwoe (.;i.(a hlnhwav worlr in the county.
. ..
UL'nina flfm find len,,- -
ed to watch for the pair, and wires cou,lty off'cials in whose care these Steels . RE Anderannl Amusement and .how. lo Inl.i011""5 tn8 Season In pavine worb'i - -
. .
were despatched to Hood River, wherj'funds are Paced niay then proceed Murray (C) Q Steers cated, full houses and Increased busi-(alon- e' and eas"y 2" wore will be a. road i
mi nierance 01 tno
It Is befleved Brown has relatives and to mnke the necessary disbursements, A. Horween UH...V. Jacobberger ness. Mr. Bligh. who is recognised asjork in various parts of the cout.Jjud w "L the county court
probably will go. (As to the legality of the entire matter, Casep ....R.H... Brandenburg, the pioneer showman of Oregon, grading and macadami,in hit, M- Bx,Bhy-
. x. ' - - and Commlsslon- -
Young Ward, who has been working !tne cou,,ty court makesio claim that
drew his pay, amounting to about 147 tlle Proceains" 18 legal, but has author-Wednesd- I
n. norween
Officials Geo'.
M. Varaell
Vlolr.,. th'ot .hn
'oil nlikn,..u K
il " a, Hunt anA r ti
evening, and because of 'Iv?d Max Gehlhar to Invite litigation Rome, Jan. 1 P6pe Benedict re- - ft' ?' lSeyJ umpUr'-- E- - Plowdeii oughly shattered during the past year, Canada To
his friendliness with Brown Is believed frm any taxpayer who desires to test cently received a .ad. esraan; Henry Butter- - Percy A. Kupper, of the Oregon thea- -
1 Snoend Total Of even Ininred When Texas
have been persuaded by him ,rttne case In the supreme court. letter from the In- - 'i.-.- i1 field Judge. ter, has the same observation to make
Kv home, the pair traveling In "u,hori"n8 the various budget ternational committee
at Geneva urging him to use
of the Red
concerning the show game during the $10,000,000 For Yank Autos Trains Collide Early Today
"".items the county commissioners have Cross

Ward's money. all his influence to hasten tue re- Sorenson Need Not Serve year 1919.
A description of . h,,d to th vlwpo'nt that every reg- -
patriation of 200,000 prisoners still According to John W. Todd, super Winnipeg. Man., Jan. 1. The de-
police. Brown U saTd t o be ou M Ulr' fun? ii eVUled to. .f.u11. allow- - ln Siberia who are suffering the grav-
up per umuauon, Jail Sentence, Court Says intendent of city schools, the element- - mand for automobiles ln the nrvin.ul Fort Worth, Texas, Jan. 1. Seven
"i w"l pern" wer
J'oars old Th a.. n io cent ary high u seat that American factories reported injured this
mtiffn on Big est privations. and schools of Salem have,"
tfe K.40 northbound train WetSesdjy Not pertaining Noted e
an Increase in attendance of at least, 08 unable to meet the demand for mornln8 when a Texas ft Pacific
nifcht. it is thought. especially to the thorities concerned to cooperate for ' Uec--
' t Nels P. 20per cent 920 cars according to local dealers to- - freight train and a passenger trahs
present levies, but of general Interest repatriation H
to taxpayers Is the amount of the
of the prisoners.
The Japanese emperor and govern- "
, rAJ. - .
-- - timberman.' w . T.,ni..n.. ... U VUU11UCUU --

a"a Kl Ire tonight by the' The following table, giving compara-si- x pend $10,000,000 for automobiles dnr-o- f here.
djy. It Is estimated that Canada will collided at Aledo. eighteen miles
Germany s Armed Forces county's state tax for 1920, which Is ment have been approached by Jhe judges of the state circuit court tlve figures from Salem
banks g ng tne year.
IJiS4.iH8.20 as compared with the pope oq the subject. en banc following tho plea of Ing the periods.
Close To Millioa Men Item 'im
of $128,128.60. For 1920 attorneys that to enforce a sen- - putable proof of Salem's sound, flnan-ten-
S form indis-m- s
The only damage to roads In Uma-
.the regular state tax allowing a t of six months imprisonment lm- - clal growth! . - esbfcia tilla county by the recent floods Nantes, France, Jan. 1. Barracks
London. Jan. 1 Germany's armed
'per cent . Increase over last year Is Reds Take Town On Southern posed by the municipal court, follow-- 1 Bank deposits Tell the Story, washing out of culverts and 71 containing large stocks of American
forces are estimated by the British war $U4.2! 98. There are also the ing Sorenson s conviction on a charge! 1918 1919 feet of paving near Saxe station. The army munitions were destroyed by
of $41,521.02 under the Russian Front, Report Says of having driven an automobile whim Ladd A Bush..$4.S2,J8 $4,939,199.11 damage is
office to total close to a million men. ' am0unts Piercs market road bill to intoxicated,
estimated at $1000. fire here last night.
would seriously Jeopardise .C. 8. National 1.(11.788 2,1 S3. 902.77
divldeJ ,nto ,h regular wlth Uke amount from the state, all London. Jan. 1. The capture ot his health. Capital Nat l.. 9S7.717 1.1J4.167.J7
a.myof 400,000. the land forces of the ducatonal aid act for soldier
navy 12.000: the armed
BUbulary 40,000 to 60.000; the tempo- -
rary volunteers or regular army re- -

o Th
a not
two it.m last sian
under th
Tekaterlnoslav, on the southern Rus-
front nd
f hlr miles northeast of Yekaterinoslav. Is
Novomoskovsk, fifteen
Bank of Com. 403,741
Wiff Walton, cashier of the Ladd 4.1
bank says: "No cause to be any-- !
iimitntnn uni
iuv.vvu io ;ui',uuu; civic guards correlation with federal measures. announced In a bolshevik official
ARMISTICE SIGXED thing but optimistic concerning Ra-- i
300.000 to 400.000. statement issued today. ' lem's future.- - The city progress during
Dorpat Wednesday. Dec 4c the past year speaks for Itself."
(Continued on page four) The reds also are fighting fiercely
SI (By the Associated Press 4c I David W. Eyre, of the;
fascinating, stories of furred
for possession of Tcherkassy, on the nt

Weather Idea! For Title

Gonzales To Outline His I
Dnieper. 95 miles southeast ot Kiev.
They have occupied Marinsk. east of
An armistice was signed to 4c United States National bank: 'The;
day by representatives of 41 year 1919 has marked great progress'
and feathered friends for :,
Game Between Hi Schools Tomsk, on the Siberian front the and the soviet govern in this institution and for Salem In! boys and girls
Platform For Presidency sattement adds. men of Russia. The armistice 4 general. For Salem and the Willam- -
will be In force seven days. ette valley, the new year holds prom- -
Kverett. Wash.. Jan. 1 Clear westh-- 1
er, with a tinge of frost, provided Ideal, Ran Antonio, Texas, Jan. I. The EDITOR XOW MAYOR ise for wonderful development" every evening exclusively in The Capital Journal
conditions for today's football game platform upon which General Pablo
4t t Growtb Is Healthy. The first installment will appear next Thursday
j Joseph H. Alberts, president. Capital;
between. Kverett hleh school and Scott nannies will seek election as president Ogden. Utah. Jan. 1. Frank Fran- - ACTRESS KILLED ; National bank, points to the steady!
hiKh school of Toledo. Ohio, for the 0f Mextco will be announced by Gen- - cis. editor of the Ogden Standard, .growth of Salem aa the best proof of
high school championship, era! Oonsalea In a speech he will make day "
cleaning out his editorial
fires were kept burning today at the Iris theater In Mexico desk preparatory to taking his post- hugh of New York, an actress, was I 8. B. Elliott cashier of the Salem'
Philadelphia, Jan. 1. Vanita d, conservative
progress. I

al ound athletie) field last night to pro- - City before a meeting held under the tion as mayor of Ogden. a position to killed ln an automobile accdent ln Bank of Commerce, lays stress usjjn1
teot it against the heavy frost that Pre- - Usplcea of' the Gonbalistaa dubs of which he was elected last November. this city early today. Miss Fitshugb the- - fact that the development of the!
vild and apparently the field will be Mexic0
dry and fast. The Scott te
".rive from Seattle until shortly before
will not cT3la'
raehio het
J!, ad- - rarrU
lrom the Standard.

J- -
- tormerty of the was

become editor of and

catapulted over th windshield Wilamette vallev and the eomannnrf- -
fell nxtv feet tram fi hrtitn.
alias Fttxhugh was 24 years old. ' (Cos tin usd oa pagt fosr)
"jL nf

the game, scheduled to begin at noon. Mexico Citjr.

6-- D


FOR SMITH COUNTY MADE SHRINERS Mrs. Ruthie Smith, wife of Milford
Smith, living about five miles north John Ragland, son of Jim Ragland,
The following citizens have been of Pleasant Shade, committed suicide j colored, was found dead in a scope of
At a meeting of Al Mena Temple, on the afternoon of Dec. 22 by slash woods along the Rome and Dixon Sheriff of DeKalb Countywcaptured The Chestnut Mound National Farm
designated as Census Enumerators held in Nashville last Friday after- 70 gallons of booze near Gordonsville Loan Association of Chestnut Mound,
for the various, districts of Smith noon and nigtyt, there was a class of ing her throat almost from ear to Springs road, in Beasley's Bend, last Tenn. will meet in its annual meet-
ear with a razor. She had previously M6nday afternoon by an aged negro, . recently. The booze holders were chas- ing at Chestnut Mound on Jan. 13,
County: something like 180 candidates induced snown sngnt signs of beiner mentallv t
ija(j to the wood3 for the ed from Smithville to near Gordons- 1920 at 9 a. ra. for the .purpose of
i: 1st dist Mrs. Bessie M. Cox, Car- into the mysteries of the Shrine. The unbalanced and it is thought this led purpose ofgone cutting wood; At the time ville by the sheriff. Their car broke electing offieers for the ensuing year
thage. Masons from Smith County who to her taking her own life. From re- the boy was discovered his was and for the purpose of transacting any
2nd and 23rd dists James B. Hack-et- t, walked the paths of the hot sands marks made to her husband and one still warm and all indicationsbody near Gordonsville at which place they
Rt. 1, Carthage. were Lee Duke, T. A. Squires, Harry of her neighbors it is evident that that he had been dead only a few min- -' pointed were captured and carried back to other business that may come before

3rd and 6th dists pJames H. Key, D. Baird and Fred Myers, of Car- Smithville. .. us. Anyone who- is interejted ia in-
she had contemplated taking the fatal utes. The aged negro who discovered vited to be present and let the Sec-- ;
Monoville. thage; and Benjamin Vaden, Jr., of step for some time. On the day be- the body reported the affair to citi-
4th and 21st dists Willie A. Lee, Elmwood. fore the sad occurrence her husband zens in the community immediately. Real Estate Transfers. retary explain the, workings of the
Federal Land Bank.
Among the Smith County Nobles had taken his razor to a neighbor's A jury of inquest was summoned' J. P. MCDONALD,
5th dist Frank Hudson, Defeated. present to see the work well done were home to get a shave.- - After retiring and it was the verdict of those in Secretary-Treasure- r.
7th and 19th dists Bart Nixon, Dr. B.. J. High and B. J. Vaden, Sr., of that night the wife made inquiry of charge of the investigation that the The following real estate transfers
Sykes. Elmwood; Julian Fisher, Roy Samson, her husband as to what he had done boy's death resulted from wounds re- have recently been recorded in the of-
8th and 10th dists Lee Crowell,
Chestnut Mound.
J. N. Fisher, Roy Ligon and Sam with the razor. He told her that it ceived by a shotgun. In the examina- fice of County Clerk J. E. High: Marriage Licenses.
Pickering, of Carthage; and John H. was still in his pocket,- but attached tion, :which was held before Esq. G.
- 15th dist J. S. Robinson to S. P.
9th and 22nd dists John W. Bel-la- r, Timberlake, of Gordonsvjlle. no importance to her question at that W. Allen at .Dixon Springs, the evi- Carver lot, $100; N. S. Ashley to Jno.
Stonewall. .
time. Mrs. Smith had also remarked dence pointed to Bee Thackston, the C. Ashley, 150 acres, $2,250; F. W. licenses Following is the list of marriage
issued Clerk Ed
11th, 16th and 20th dists Leon S. ARMISTEAD WADE to one of her neighbors that the com- 17 year old son of John Thackston, tee' Huddleston to G. M. Allison, 2 acres. High recently: by 'County. ,
Cardwell, Elmwood. ) ing Christmas would bring no Joy to being responsible for the negro boy's $895; G. M. Allison to L G. 4.
Ford, 2j Arville Woodard to Clara Belt Mar-

12th and 13th dists Stanton Hun- Ker children. acres, sao; jonn rt. AimDenaice to tin. S. O. Bush to. Lela Cowan.' An-
ter, Rt. 2, Carthage. Miss Maymie Stella Wade and Mr. death. Thackston waived preliminary
On Monday afternoon she took her examination and upon failure to make Alvin Reed, lot, $2,750; D. O. Hailey drew B. Anderson to Ada ,B; Arm-
15th dist William R. Gwaltney,A
Watt Lee Armistead were quietly husband's razor from the mantel, un- the $15,000 bond asked by .Esq. Allen!,' to J. E. Wilson, lot, $4,000, . I istead, Finis Nixon to Jessie Jones.
Sykes. ... married Sunday afternoon, Dee. 28, seen by any one except one of her the young man was taken in charge 9th djst J. N. Fisher to. Earnest Vester Huf fines ' to Nallie Carver.
17th and 18th dists Jesse Cantrell, in the presence of only a few friends little children, stepping into the yard and J. B- - Driver, 6$ ..acres,-- . $4,500V
Brush Creek., u, and relatives. Immediately after the behind her home she struck her throat by
Sheriff Gann-an- placed in jail atd
Jesse Malone to Millie Nollner. Hil-
14thrdist J. B.Hubbfard to C. W. ton Holliday to Laura Bell Mofield-Joh-
Active service will be required to wedding Mr. and Mrs. Armistead left Carthage.
twice with the result that death fol- , Evidence

at the Hubbard, 25 acres; $2,20 Q,; T. K. Woo to Pearl Duke. Char-

begin Jan. 2, 1920, completing within for Nashville. They will return to lowed in a few moments. She was brought out the facts thatexaminatipn the colored ten to C. W. and B. M. Hubbard, 50 lie E. C.jCardwell Patterson to Lucy Kemp. Frank .
30 days. Stonewall within - a short while and found in a dying condition soon after boy had been to Nashville to spend the acres, $4,745.25; D. E. Seay to Thos. Cheatham ; Russell to Annie Thomp-
The men and women appointed to will reside in the Fate Young resi- by a grown daughter. Christmas and upon return- Lancaster, 107 4 acres, $6,000. 3--
son. C. W. Hubbard to Beulah Gibbs.
serve as enumerators of the Four- dence purchased- by Mr. Armistead
The sad affair was a shock to the ing met up holidays
with the Thackston at 16th dist J. C. Gann et John Charlie Pope to Stella Nunley. John
teenth Decennial Census are charged some months ago. He has the house entire community, in which the de- Rome. The two boys crossed theboy river Shoemake, 135 acres, $7,325. . Colter to Nancy Bell "Jenkins. Ver-
by law with the collection of all facts nicely furnished and ready for the ceased was held in the highest esteem. at Rome and went on .out the road 23rd dist L. A. Russell to A. R. non Winfree to Maggie Harper. Cur-
necessary to fill . out properly the bride. The bride is the daughter of She is survived by her husband and through the bend. While in Rome Brooks, 100 acres, $5,00; A. R. Brooks ry Smith to Hannah Woodard. Watt
printed census schedules which each Mr. and Mrs. Bransford Wade and is seven children, the youngest being a Thackston purchased shells for a shot- to T. L. Craighead, 100 acres, $9,750. Lee Armistead to Mamie Stella Wade.
enumerator will carry when making one of the community's most beauti- four-mont- hs old - baby. ,She was 36 gun, the description f which corres- 8th dist S. A. Petty to Sam ' Apple; Albert W- - Manning to Lela Bell
the house-to-hou-
canvas of the ter- ful and accomplised young ladies. The years of age and the daughter of Wil- pond with the empty shells found close 3 acres, $2,500. Goodall. "Charlie to Gra-
ritory assigned to him. Each enumera- groom is a prominent farmer and is liam Jones, who took his own life in to the body of the negro'. In making 22nd dist Fred Armistead to Watt de Glover. " RobertFitzpatrick Bruce Douglas to
tor must visit personally each house counted as one of our most excellent Nashville several years ago. his statements, however, it is said that Armistead, 56 2 acres, $4,00. 1--
. Mrs. Willie 'Mai Black. Earl Sircy
in his district and make his inquiries young men. Their many friends wish Interment took place at the Willis Thackston crossed himself up in re- -- 17th dist Walter Manning et al to Mary McCormick. Taylor White to
f the head of the house or some other that God's richest blessings may be Cothron burial grounds on Tuesday, gard to the purchase, of the shells in to Ed Preston. 71 acres, $4,00. Sarah Overstreet. Thomas J. Hale
member of the family who is compe- bestowed upon them and that they with funeral services conducted by Rome, he claiming that he purchased 4th dist Mrs. Mattie Winkler to to Pearl Taylor. Robert B. Wilker-so- n
tent to answer the census questions. may have health, happiness and suc- the Rev. C. B. Massey. Mrs.. Smith color while the merchant at Rome L. B. Ray, lot, $2,000. to Ova Rowland. Oscar Lee Rob-
The Act of Congress providing for cess throughout their lives. was a devoted member of the Ebe-nez- onesaye
he purchased the same color as 5th dist--A- . Thompson to L. B. inson to Ella McDonald. West Can-
the Census gives each enumerator the Baptist church. found by the dead body. At the time Smith, 65 acres, $4,000; W. J. Hailey non to Virginia Moss. Fred E. Russell ;
right to enter every dwelling in his Downing-Steven- s.
the negro boy's body was found his to L R. Jones, 30 acres, $3,700. to Virginia Porter. Dock McClana-ha- n
district for the purpose of obtaining S. F. WARD FALLS shoes were off and his money and 2nd dist D. A. Duke heirs to Hen- to Fronie Mathews. Lillard
the information required. Enumera- overcoat , were missing. The boy was

ry Kemp, lot, $lfi0; E. P..,Ahderson Thompson to Ada Young.

tors will carry with them at all times Mrs. Lucy Stevens of New Middle-to- n AND BREAKS RIBS known to have at least 20 cents in and Mittie Anderson to Lum; Ander-
their identification card3 and also has announced the engagement son, 2 interest in 81 2 acres,
H. M. and Lucile Hale to C. A. Three Big Savings For The
his sockets at the time he crossed
1-- 1-- $1,-50- 0;

their written commissions from the and approaching marriage of her the river and was wearing an overcoat.
Government which they1 will show daughter, Willie, to Mr. Bob Downing s. F. Ward sustained twd broken"! No motive, however,' has been es Anderson, 2 interest in 81 -2 acres,
Thrifty Housewife
1-- 1--

whenever requested to do so. They are of Murfreesboro. The wedding will rib-- and one - fractured rib when he tablished- why Thackston should take
s . $1,600. .
instructed to be always jcourteous and

take place Jan. 7th. fell from the second story of a small the life of the negro boy, and Thack- 6th dist C. L. Kittrell to G. W.
considerate, but in those, rare in- residence he was erecting on his farm ston stoutly ' proclaims his innocence Hiett, 7 2 acres, V1.650; J. H. Hiett
few homes indeed do not feel
stances where information necessary LARGE TOBACCO CROP near Carthage. He was brought to of the crime. Both the white boy and to C. C. Sloan, 27 2 acres, $2,500. theVery 1--

need of economy of conserva-- -'

to fill out the questions is denied the home of L. B. Flippen, where he colored boy live in Beasley's Bend 13th dist J. B. Wilson to Kelly J. tion. The necessity of making every
them, they are empowered by law to has since remained, and his friends community, Thackston living with his Wilson et al, 160 acres, $2,500. penny count touches the purse of
insist on correct answer. There are Ice Carr Russell, son of R. H. Rus- will be glad to learn that he is recov- father on the premises . of Comer every housewife.
legal penalties for refusing to answer
the census questions or willfully giv-
sell, formerly of Smith County but
now residing near Tullahoma, during ering nicely. His son, R. D. Ward of Hailey. - R. M. WRIGHT HAS HERD practically It is doubtful if there is any single
Gallatin, and his daughter, Miss The wound took effect in the negro
Re-bek- ah
article employed as a food or in prep-
ing answers that are false. the year of 1919 raised 1,115 pounds Ward, who holds a position in boy's head and his hat was powder-burne- d.
OF BLACK CATTLE aration wisdom of food that demands more
Each enumerator is prohibited by of tobacco on three-fourt- of an acre
the Bureau of Standards at Wash- than Baking Powder.
law from publishing or communicating of ground. Ice Carr was attending , buying
any information obtained through the school and lost only three days out of ington, D. C, have spent much time Baking Powder is the very basis of
R. M. Wright of Carthage R. 2 is baking.- Upon its quality depends, the '
census regarding any individual or
his affairs. This obligation to secrecy
likewise applies to all persons connect-
school in cultivating the crop. This
tobacco sold in the barn for $250, and
was then carried to the Middle Tenn-
in Carthage with their father. Miss
Ward returned to Washington For Sale.
J have for. sale a number cf
V Berk-shife"pi- gs,
among Smith county's breeders of the success and economy of the bakings
black Aberdeen Angus cattle. For themselves.
some time. Mr. Wright hasJEeen col- Calumet Baking Powder enables
ed with the Census,' After the sched-
ules are all filled out they are sealed
essee Loose Leaf Tobacco Warehouse 'Mr.' and Mrs.' N. C. Smith and little subject to registration. If --
lecting and raising a herd, of .this type the housewife to make three worth-whi- le
Company's floor at Tullahoma where
, ,

up and sent to Washington where the it brought $290. daughter, Frances, have moved to Car- interested, see or call of cattle and now has on hand eleven savings. She saves .when she" --

information is tabulated by means of thage from Nashville and at present HEROD PORTER, head of the leading blood lines of the buys it it is moderate in price. She
It will be of interest to many in are living with Mrs. Smith's parents, 1--
1 4t. Riddleton, Tenn. Aberdeen Angus, including the "The saves when she uses it you use only
machinery, names being entirely dis-
carded. No person, therefore, need
fear that his personal affairs will be
disclosed or that the information gi-
ven will be used to harm him in any
this section to know that Henry W.
Cardwell is vice president and general
and Albert High is secretary--
of the Middle Tenness-
ee Loose Leaf Company referred to
Mr. and Mrs. James Baugh. Mr. Smith
has secured the agency fcr the Delco
Light products and will engage in sell-
ing their popular lighting and
works systems. Already Mr. Smith
You are hereby forbidden to hunt
V r Queen Mothers", "Favorites", "K. half as much Calumet as is required
Prides" and others. Mr. Wright's of most other powders. She saves
herd Bull was bought. from E. L. materials it is used with Calumet
Hampton of Nashville and he is a never permits bake-da- y
prize winner at the Mr. State Fair.
failure. Any
woman can use Calumet fdr any bak-
way. above. These splendid young men have has made a number of sales in the or trap on my premises. It is posi- From his herd. Wright has ing requiring leavening with absolute
It is expected that the work of lots of friends who are interested in county and, with the satisfactory ser- tively against the law, and this is made a number of sales at good certainty of best results delicious, .

enumerating urban districts will be their success. vice he gives, he expects to do a large a warning to you. prices, and he feels that he has the tasty bakings that are absolutely j

completed in two weeks and of rural

districts in one month, except where
severe weather makes it necessary to
postpone activities.
Important .Notice to the Public
Corn For Sale.
I have about 500 barrels of corn at
my barn in the 11th District of Smith
v business throughout he county. Mr.
Smith is experienced in this line, hav- -, i.i 2t Dd.
mg been with the company at Nash-- 1 J
ville for the past year.
Rt. 2, Carthage, Tenn.
twst beef type cattle to be had in the wholesome.
Black Angus.
Misses Valley, Hortense and
Calumet stands for greatest econo-m- y
in cost in use and in results.
It is one of the most valuable aids

McClellan have returned from at the command of the housewife in.


The Fourteenth Decennial Census, County which I am going to sell at To The Rome Home Telephone Co: a visit to relatives at Portland. reduction of living cost.
to which President Wilson has called the crib within the next two weeks. 1 am
truly thankful for the watch j I wni on Saturday, Jan. 3, sell to For Sale.
the attention of the nation in his proc- Will sll at regular price corn is rraceiei presented to me Dy tne Kome j the highest bidder one Chevrolet car, NOTICE
lamation, made public today, is to be bringing in country. If you want to Home Telephone Company. No one j which has been driven 2000 miles. To
' the biggest, best and most complete buy corn bring your wagons to my could have appreciated it more than I. j be sold in front of Court House in I have for sale one Aberdeen Angrus
census of the United States ever taken farm and get it. John Fite Blair will Thankfully, bull, Ames Plantation Kinsman No. You are prohibited from hunting or- -
if the plans of the Census Bureau do weigh up the corn for you. ODA LOUISE BOZE:j Carthage. t pd -1
A. S. BROOKS. 242447. He is 3 years old, a pood trapping on my premises, and warned
not go awry. CHAS. C. GORE, breeder and gentle. Any kind of a that
Director of the census Sam L. Ro- if the law is violated you may
1 2t. Livingston, Tenn. fence will hold him. Will sell cheap expect the consequences.
gers has announced that everything if taken at once. Respectfully,
is in readiness to begin the canvassing Baxter Key, who for the past few R. M. WRIGHT J. B. HUBBARD,
campaign that during the month of weeks has been the valued employee R. 2, Carthage V"f 41 pd. Rt. 1, Brush Creek, Tenrt 1--

January 1920 will cover every man- of C. S. Baker & Co., left this morn- 1 2t pd. Tenn

sion, every cottage and every hut in ing for Knoxville, where he will take
the country. An army of more than a course in commercial law at the A Soldier'S Life in France. MULE FOUND
87,000 enumerators, under the direc- University of Tennessee. Baxter wa3
tion of 372 census supervisors, will be among the Smith county boys who Mule came to my nlace that does
engaged in making the count. Every was badiy wounded while fighting Tam sitting here tbinlcir of the not belong to me. Owner may get
person in the land will be enumerated
and the names, ages, birthplaces and
overseas, and this course is given him I will be
at the expense of the government. It indicated for the
the following places on the day and date th?ngs I left behird, and I hate to said mule by describing and paying
occupations of all of Uncle Sam's will probably take two years to com- purpose of collecting: taxes for the vear put cn raper what is running expenses of feeding, advertisine. etc.
nieces and nephews will be set down my ind. We have dnpr a million S. D. YOUNG,
plete this course.. Baxter is one of 1919; J A I trenches and cleared ten miles of 1 4t pd Buffalo Valley, Tenn. 1--

and forwarded to Washington. Smith county's finest young men, and PLEASANT T ground and a meaner place this side
SHADE, Tuesday, Jan. 13th i

Many other questions concerning it is fr?ely predicted that at the end

home tenure, citizenship, marital "sta- of his schooling, he will come out with DIFFICULT, Wednesday, Jan. 14th SiTSNSi oncoSati, listen MILCH COWS FOR SALE.
tus, literacy, sex, color and race are high honors and a finished commer- DONOHO, while I tell, when we die we are! x
contained, in the population schedule cial lawyer. His brother. Jesse Key, Thursdav, Jan.
15th Douna lor neaven ior we nave none miicnhave for sale a number of good
cews. If interested, call or see
which the enumerators will fill out ;s filling the position made, vacant by JJiu UATUJJ, Jan.
16th our bit in
from the answers given them.
Farm Question Important
Baxter's departure. SO. CARTHAGE, 'Friday,
Tuesday, Jan. 20th
. We have built a
hundred kitchens for the cooks to tf.
Carthage, Tenn

stew our Deans; we nave stoca a nun- -
Farmers also will be asked the ques- Ed Lawhorne is off the oil wagon NEW MIDDLETON, Wednesday, Jan. 21st drcd
tions contained in the agricultural
schedule relating to their farms. These
temporarily on account of a bruise GKAMT,
sustained Monday morning when a
Thursday, Jan. 22nd hundred
and peeled ten ril-
- --
iinSJr. taiSd
mes"-ki- ts


questions cover farm' tenure, build- mule, mashed him against the walls of ROME, ,
Friday, 23rd lion soiids. We have rolled a million

products, values of farm lands,the stable. When examined, the phy- 'ROCK and washed a million duds.
ings, implements and improvements, sician found two of Mr. Lawhorne's CITY, Saturday, Jan. 24th Hankets
The member of parades we have stood We beg to call your attention to the
ribs broken and two fractured. While CHESTNUT MOUND,

field crops, garden products, farm ex- :

Tuesday, Jan. 27th we

penses, live stock, farm drainage and
he has suffered a great deal, Mr. Law- in heaven for we haw constantly increasing cost of labor
irrigation in fact, all phases horne has not been confined to his MAGGART,
of the Jan. 28th don willourparade
bit in . We have killed and materials, and the consequent in- -
farming industry Ford will be count- bed and Claude
is able to stir about. His ULUtfB KFK1NGS, Thursday, Jan. 29th a million rattlesnakes that hid behind crease in the value of buildings, ma-o- ur
Even the family
ed, as, in fact, will ell automobiles
brother, Lawhorne, is on the
wagon in Ed's stead. .STONEWALL, . Friday, Jan. 30th cots and picked a million sarH- -
fleas from ont our army socks. We chinery, and would
merchandise and household '

and troctors on farms. Questions as ELMWOOD Saturdav, Jan. 31st have marched a hundred million miles effefs recommend that t

to telephones and electrie lights, gas NOTARY PUBLIC. (GORDONSVILLE, made a million camps and pulled yu
Monday, Feb. 2nd aandhundred
look over your insurance with this
and tractors on farms. Questions un-as from out our view, and advise us how much
LANCASTER, Tuesday. Feb. 3rd
s neee-thorn- addi-arm- y
A- -
I fall

the group of inquiries which pants. But 'when our work on insurance you require,
der the general heading of farm facil- If you wish to qualify as a Notary HICKMAN, Feb. 4th earth is done, our friends on' earth As you know, the cost to construct
ities. The purpose of the government Public have your Magistrate place Wednesday, our friends will tell how we died and a building today is from 35 per cent

collecting information of this charact- your name in nomination next Mon SYKES,
er being to show the modern improve-
Thursday, Feb. 5th went to heaven, for we did our bit; to 100 per cent more than it was five
ments installed on the farms in the It pd.
day. A

J. E. HIGH, Clerk. BRUSH CREEK, Friday, Feb. 6th in . But when final tans are years ago, and even taking into
and we lay aside life's cares, sideration depreciation,
con-sound- ed

MONOVILLE, Feb. 10th the replace-an- d

last decade. .
Information Confidential
Tuesday, we do our last parading up heav- - ment value, which is the adjustment I

and RIDDLETON, Feb. 11th .en's golden stairs, and the angels bid basis in case of fire, is greater than
The Census Bureau desires to em- cards. This is done by machineryMore-
that the information names are discarded entirely.
phasize the fact census DIXON SPRINGS, . .Wednesday,
- Thursday,
us welcome and the harps, begin to cost of the building
Feb. 12ihl play and we give up all our cigarettes, Machinery, merchandise a few years ago.
and house-fo- r j

gathered in the is for general over, every person connected with the Tell that the tax man is on the in heaven we will stay, it is then hold effects
statistical purposes only and that such taking of census is prohibited informa-
by Fedr your neighbor coming you will hear St. Peter tell us loudly proportion.
have also increased in like
information can not be used as a basis eral law from divulging any day and date mentioned he will appreciate it.
tion given them by the performance i
with a yell: take a front seat in heav- - We would be very glad to call on j

for taxation. Nor can, such information Very truly yours, en, you. soldiers, for all the slackers you and give you all the information
be used to harm any person in .ny of their duties. !
C. H..MATHEWS, Trustee. 1 !you desire in connection .with your
way. This is pointed out in the Presi- , The Bureau of the Census has
Written by a soldier of the 316th insurance. We write all kinds (except
dent's proclamation.
As m matter of fact the identity of
ways had the willing
the public in the past and confidently
P. S. PENALTY AND INTEREST will be collected
looks' forward to that same spirit of on alt unpaid taxes,, beginning Monday, March 1st.- - Ad-- i
Diviion 'arm property ef Fire and Tornado
Insurance, including automobiles and ItTA-J-
persons is lost as soon as the filled-o- -- make all kinds of bonds. Call on either

schedules are received at Washington. for the Census of 1929. vise your, neighbor to pay before, then and avoid that Earl Pickennar visited hia sister, phone.
. For
upon reaching: there the informa- DOW; E. SLAGLE, ' Mrs. John til ef Lebanon, dxaring ' MYERS &
tion is transferred from the sheets to Supervisor of Census. 'tra cost.'' C' the bo)idays. .' ';

Carthage, Tenn.

¦ ¦
The Catoctin - m- ¦ ¦ --

established By Mm. Meed, 1870.. A Family Newspaper—lnlependent in Politics- Devoted to Literature. Local and General Mews. forms SI.OO in Advance.
mßt& • *¦,¦¦.


wtwt Write? lommVlrofe
tQj Old Year, thy life is well-nigh spent, L3
K 3 Thy feet are tottering and slow,
kx Thy hoary head with age is bent, -

The time is here for thee to go; 3K
For 4 Months! gK
3K Already in the frozen snow 5k
Jut to introduce you to lh~ won- | 5k x A lonely grave is made for thee; -

I derful New McCa’i’.
four montK r
we olicr you
*ub‘cription f~r
5k The winds arc chanting dirges low, tv?
| a
cr;nr; Jivirj yen 4 I 3 rur.A< 1 cf
i5 i cw? Upon the land and on the sea. O
i the b.-t today.
** Old Year, thoti wert a friend to some*— 3K
Great story yrrii. r-. I.’o HirolJ
! r laoGrath, Lo¦_' 1 J r. ’1 Vance,
rr OMMY-TROT," christened 3K To some thou wert of worth untold, 5k
I JeV.nor H. For o', .kVnnette Lee, i Thomas Trotwood Blimey, 5k Thy days were blessings, every one,
Rath Comfort Iviilchell, Mai/ • I sprawled on the table a<
5k More precious far than shining gold;
j lleaton Vorse, etc. Advice c 1 I his father's elbow. He was Kk But unto others, thou a fo6
j Loin' heeniagy, cooking, rerdl> 4-* 1 engaged in printing some
K 3 Did *5

*1 work, chi. J-care, pnrder.injr. Inc'- prove thyself—an enemy,

I d: : rn tho fr.m-m McCail 1 ail.ior if thing which he 'carried
about with him. “It’s ar k*

Relentless as the chains of woe— gx

i/j \i As ruthless as the maddened sea. cKj
\o\ y awful hard Job, ain’t It,
tHt' daddy? But I guess gentle

mans has to do it anyway, don’t we?’' 5k Some will rejoice to know thee dead,
“What’s that, Sir Thomas?” asked 5< Others will mourn thee as a friend; M
his father, glancing up from his hook
“Why, the New Year res-o-lutlon
tQ? Some will look back on thee with dread,
. Others their praises to thee lend:
thing,” answered Tommy as he labo- gx I neither offer praise nor blame,
CEO. . STOCKSDALE riously put on some finishing touches.
“I’retty big word, that. What about
Old Year, for what you brought to me,
For unto me both joy and pain
“Yep, but then I don’t say It much. Your active hands gave lavishly. 5k
It’s sort of like a bet. You bet you do
or you bet you don’t. An’ I’m going to S? Thy solemn death-hour draws a-nigh—-
Dealer In bet I do.” And Tommy closed his book gx And hark! I hear thy funeral knell g*
I on a little fat finger and climbed on Slow pealing through the darkened sky—-
-5k Farewell, Old Year—farewell, farewell! s^>
Hardware, Groceries, his father’s knee.
“And what is It you’re betting you’ll
do, Busterklns?" smiled his father, II HAIL TO THE NEW ||
Cement, Plaster, rumpling up the boy’s brown curls.
The child was unusually serious; he 5k Hail! hail! to thee, O virgin year!
Not yet a day’s length on thy throne,—
looked Intently at his father. “I’m
<3 Thou with the merry eyes and clear
Wall Finish, going to see about getting a lady for
Our home, daddy. I’m so tired being
And joyous voice of dulcet tone:
Hail! hail! to thee, thou strong of limb; 5k
wlvout one. I—l want a muvver, dad-
Galvanised Iron and dy—a muvver Is so handy.” And try
ns he might to make his declaration
Our praise is thine, O youthful king,
For thou art pure of woe and sin,
very matter of fact, Tommy-Trot’s 5k Thy young hands yet but blessings bring.
Felt Roofings, chin quivered and he hid bis face on
bis father’s shoulder. The monarch who is laid away *3
Mr. Blrney laid aside his pipe and
Q Within the catacomb of years KK
Feed, Seeds, Phosphate, > finite. But each succeeding year is a
for a full long minute said nothing.
“So that’s your New Year’s resolution
Was harsh and ruthless in his day—
Seemed less to love our joys than tears;
* new opportunity. It offers the perfec-
® 9 ) tion of completeness, and by even a
We look for blessings manifold, 5k
Wire Fencing,and Gates. ® In turning over a ®) partial comprehension of Its
•. we may move toward fulfillment of the
$ Little old last year's &
New Year, from thy pure sinless hand,
We trust thy heart will ne’er grow cold
Toward us—and our Native Land. gx
k) new leaf, be sure £ measure of our lives.
) “I am not afraid,” said Thoreau,
resolution is as
to lay a I,ooo* C|) good as any, and (|) 5k 'Bring healing to the hearts now sore 5k
Prompt Attention Given (*)
® pound weight on
“that I shall exaggerate the value and
significance of life, hut that I shall not ® probably willwear ® From wrunds the cruel Old Year made; 5k

be up to the occasion which it is. I
The veil of peacefulness draw o’er

AJ Orders. it, so it won't fly )

* shall be sorry to remember that I was
there, but noticed nothing remarkable
fully as long as a g The woes at each heart-threshold laid;
We cannot love a tyrant king I
back. (*)) —not so much as a prince In disguise; $> new one. Cf) •

Our hearts refuse to loyal be

[ lived in the golden age a hired man; 50 w To one who takes delight to fling <7K

Olympus even, and fell asleep

after dinner, and did not hear the con-
Upon our hearts keen misery 1 5k
ESTABLISHED 1874 versation of the gods.” brightness. April will spread her
Be kind to us—that we may say,
YEARS MERELY ONE who loves only artificiality,
who does not note the excellence
feast of flowers. June will display her
;reen perfection of beauty. August
will offer the ripening grains; October
. When comes the time for thee to go;
“O darling year, we grieve to-day,
Because we all have loved thee so!”

LIFE’S CHAPTERS f of the world he has been set to rule, die laden orchards. The year will

proves himself ur\ worthy of his herit- lake no heed of the crime that has —Good Housekeeping.
age. and is punished by bitter unrest. >een done by man or of the vengeance
His life lacks the boon of contentment .bat inarched inexorably.
which Includes all boons. There are,
Offer Opportunity for Each of mental scope

or course, the few whose died In the trenches of Gal-

Us to Write Therein a Is too narrow for self-measurement.
They do not even know that they are
POETS lipoli and France, watching God’s Engaged in Printing Something.
is It, old man, to get us a lady for our
Record Better Than uinrise or the wispy clouds In the
discontented and may enjoy life as the line. British gentlemen caked with home?” He somehow could not say nlshand co ner; oeftly sne
vjsiWMOArv the Preceding. ox enjoys life. They are fortunate. he mud of Flanders wrote detailed re- the word mother lightly, though it had
1 out
smoothed his pillow, asking quick
-ana u you will get me a glass
of hot milk I will be very grateful.”
The unfortunate man is the one who orts of their observations of mlgra- been five long years since Tommy’s questions as to doctor’s orders and “I’m ashamed not to have thought
MAR3LE&GRANITE WORKS coming year Ilea spread has, even dimly, an understanding ory birds and of the effect of drum- showing the bewildered father how to

mother died. “It would be nice. of that myself,” he told her remorse-
1 I

like tbe white plain the world is good and beautiful and ire on bird life. French students and you found any one, spoken to any one follow them, all the time talking In fully as he hurried to obey. When he
sweeps from the roadside to that he is reap the richness icholnrs, bearded and dirty, made yet?" soothing, comforting little sentences
411 Work Executed With Tools returned she tried to dispatch him to

the distant forest where the * that is rightly hm. Sireful notes of the flora of the “I’d like to have the lady wlv the to the child. “We’re good pals, aren’t get himself something to eat.
Driven By Compressed Air. gray squirrels ere making tracks ip the The coining year is Indeed a great iieuse and the Somme. shiny eyes that takes me to school we. Tommy? And we're going to have “I’d rather not,” he assured her; "I

Catting Decidedly Better Than Tho**- ‘lght snow. On this white sheet a lit- nystery, full of possibilities. Who- These men visited Olympus and did mornings,” admitted Tommy. “I asked some awfully good times together, do not think I could eat. I only want
Used by Hand. tle record may be written; not a full ever has not watched and studied the mt fall asleep while the gods con- her once was she a muvver, and she aren’t we? And will you make a bar- to make you understand how much I

We gently remind our friends and life story, but merely a brief chapter •ersed. Neither did they permit the Saldino, just only a little boy’s aunt. gain with me? When my little Peter- appreclate_what you have done for me
ir two, like the chapters of squirrel •oar of man’s fury to drown out the I spect she’s so busy being a aunt that klns was sick he did Just what I want-
p'trouts that we have the and Tommy-Trot. We’ll be your de-
life that may be read by one who to- llvlne voices. she wouldn’t have any time to T)e a ed him to do. Will you do that, dar- voted slaves from now on and Tom-
Largest Stock of Granite Monuments day ventures into the white forest. So It must be a good year that Is muvver," and the child sighed deject- ling? If you will you may call me my’s father will run him a close race,
and Head Stones in FredericK C unty It is a great mystery that lies ahead, marry of us are watt- (head. There can be no bad years. j edly. “I wLstat you’d ask her daddy. Aunt Grace, just as he does. Will you, Miss Woodburn.”

i treasure bouse of endless possibili- ing forth® opportunities The years are measured by God and ; Won’t you?” dearest?” “It was mighty fortunate that I re-
that we are selling at as low '<¦ ties. The span of a man’s life is ofthocomlng yearl With ..lot by the evil that men do. “Why, I don’t know’JVllss Woodhurn, “Rawer call you muvver," whis- membered that Ihad promised to stop
as any reliable dealer in the 3 •<1 ¦short; shorter in absolute measure- j old man.” The father smiled a little pered the child hoarsely.
for him,” she said quietly. “But Ithink
how many of us Is It th®

on l iberal Terms. You will far * ment than the span of a year. For Joy That All Can Have.
ruefully as he remembered that he had The color flooded Miss Woodhurn’s now that you had better get your din-
each year, when October fades Into onuttered hop® that tomorrow, j thought to strike up an-acqualntance face, but with a little life hanging In
and courteous treatment. The Joy of living Is_Jest found in ner at once and then I will run home

November, has wrought completeness. next weeh, next month, th® next
he real success of life. Take away through the child, but Miss Woodbum the balance there was no time to hesi- for mine when you return.” Her tone
OUR REFERENCE:—Tho=e th whom

No human life can bring completeness. year may be as today In Its prty- had coldly repulsed him, though she tate. “AH right, little man, It’s a bar-
tleges and opportunities, onlyfar
mccess and there’s po joy In life to brooked no argument, although Mr.
we have been dealing for the past 37 yean It cannot bring completeness of knowl- had long been a fast friend of Tom-
me alive to opportunities and respon- Birney much preferred to look at the

dge or completeness of happiness or more abundant. my’s, stopping for him to slip his hand
Abilities. No live man Is satisfied with picture of her holding his sleeping
Peter N. Hammaker completeness of good works. The best
nan can do, in his poor, limited way,
We are told.that the first day ere existence, for he wants to con-
of the New Year Is anapproprlat®
Into hers as she hurried to her school-
room, which was In the same building
child than to eat.
s to glean as much wisdom and win
rlbute something to the world’s prog Shortly aftgy Miss Woodburn had
time to form good resolutions. •ess, the world’s good. And It is In such ns the kindergarten. “Ithink we have her dinner Mr. Birney, In distress, tele
as much happiness and do as much pretty good times together, after all.
But the Now Year Is tomorrow. lontrlbutlon that real joy is found, the phoned that Tommy had awakened
good as the number of his days per- Shall daddy be the bear tonight?"
and there Is a better time for intisfaction that comes from full reall- and was crying hysterically for her
mits. When the human October fades

THE it may thus be rich and peaceful and

such a tasK, and that time is to- lation thpt one has done what he “I’m moat afraid I’m sick, daddy,"
murmured the boy; “I spect I’d better
Would she come and stay a little while
day. For “now ta the accepted jpnld In the year given him. So this U and get him to take one, more dose ol •

without the scars of stormy days or journal wishes every read- go to bed.”.'' Hastily putting on hei
time.” —Buhop H. C. PotUv he Joy this medicine?

MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. the blight of wasted days and without

ir may have the coming yenr#and will Mr. Blrney gathered Tommy-Trot up wraps, Miss Woodburn started for the
undue regret that what should have solicitously qnd prepared him for bed.
lave If they fully appreciate that the Blrneys’, taklfig with her an old nurse
beep seen apt l known anjj done has not “I wisht your lap fitted me better,
lew year Is theirs, to make It truly a who she knew would stay with Tommy
been seen and known and* done. I daddy. I’m going to get the New Year for the night.
tappy new year.
COUNTY passing years may begin today; it is lady’s lap to fit like Benny Jones’ “You pwomlsed mel” he walled.
If but a
completeness never too late. Whoever has long drawer’s does,” complained the child,
Ay EAR’S *

Day Means Much to All. **You shan’t go back to Peter; I’ll


twelvemonth. Our human incom- wntched and loved the years .will drowsily. fwash him!”
New Years suggest intimate persona)

*Oiflce ld North Market Street pleteness covers many twelvemonths. know that to his knowledge, however The next morning Miss Grace Wood-
riews of self. The annual crop of good Abashed, but smiling, Miss Wood-

How fortunate that each dawning year ripe, much will be added. He will ad- burn slackened her pace, expecting
vanco a step nearer to the goal of con resolutions shows how near most burn soothed the child, who clung to
Frederick, 3fd. means a new opportunity to live and Tommy to come running as usual, then
are to becoming radically bet- her till she assured him over and over

learn, Again and again we may take fentment. and In so advancing will in- people ;er. The day also bring a sense of the
she retraced her steps, walking slowly again that she would return in the

1 up the thread and advance toward the crease bis human usefulness, bis help- past the bouse. The door swung open morning, and Mrs. Brown would stay
•nexhaustlble resources of life. It ii

goal of apprehension, We may study fulness, and Mr. Blrney, coatless, an apron
Oommenced Business 1844. ’.he door Into a wonderful future, new till she came back. When Tommy-Trot

God’s works and year by year come

tied about his neck, frantically ex-

Inventions, new discoveries, new was finally quieted for the night, Mr.
A Home Company for nearer to an appreciation of them. We fS"VHE year dawns on an earth red I plained that Tommy-Trot was very
ichlevemehts, of social justice and priv- “Rawer Call You Muvver." Birney insisted on taking Miss Wood-
can never fully appreciate them, for X with blood, an earth torn with ilege and joy for the masses of men.
sick with the croup, that the doctor burn home, and it seems that most of
Home Insurers. -our minds are finite, and they are In- strife. It will be for most of the peo- was trying to get a nurse, but he gain and you’ll take the bad medicine
the time was spent in telling her about

ple of the earth a year of sorrow and feared tlie child would die before they just as If it were good.”
SURPLUS •40,000.00 his family and his prospects, as though
could get help, as the woman who kept Patiently she worked, sending the
of sacrifice. But for all this it will
i- I grateful father flying on errands, or he felt it
necessary that-she should be

not be a bad year. Not half of civil- their cottage was away.

thoroughly acquainted with his biog-
telephoning the doctor to ask for fuller

NO INCREASE IN RATE || ized mankind hut nil mankind that has ® leave it to %
Fortunately Miss Woodhurn had

If you No man has any concep- raphy, Next day he

made the ac-

taken a first-aid course; also, in her directions.

The new resold

not forgotten the meaning of civlllsa- quaintance of her father and repeated

tion has been unselfishly, heroically

l|J the schoolboy §¦ strenuous business of being an aunt, tlon of a woman’s resourcefulness tIU the story and much more about him-
he sees her trying to save the life of self and Tommy-Trot. And as Tommy

(*) tion willbe simply


® engaged in the needful work of rid- she had helped to take little Nephew
(£) New Year's day Peter through a very severe attack of some one dangerously 111, Mr. Thomas

Fur Rita* and Information apply to ding the world of a noxious parasitic the way to the Wood-
Blrney watched, fascinated, the move- soon learned

S the same old re* growth, the poisonous fungus of mlll- $ croup. She knew that every minute

§ is what comes be- burns’ also the neighbors are wonder-


was precious. She began drawing off ments of this highly Competent young

tarlsm. For those who gave them- courtship Is the most

Peter H. Hammaker, w solve broken with 0 }} ;|j fore he has
ing whose
Woman who seethed never to give him ardent, Mr. Blrney’s or Tommy-Trot's.

selves to this essential work It will be her gloves and unfastening her wraps
to go

as she hastened after Mr. Blrney. She a thought except to order him about. 1*
a good year. For all who are suffer-

R isident Director and Agent, it such frequency. &v f

Ing that the years to come may be $> back school. tog telephoned her assistant to take her
place till further orders, then reached
Noon came—the afternoon was alnffrtl But
spent before the o tflld was’ Bleepin';*
certain It is that Miss Grace
.Voodburn is to bo the New Year lad' -

happier and healthier the year will be In the Birney home.

out her hand for the apron. Lovingly calmly in Iter amts, the crisis passed.
Thurmont, Mi ’
fp good year.
February will bring Its crystal 1 fihi? bent over Tommy-Trot, who held “We’ve won I” *1 e announced to the
.Copyright, 1919. by McClure' Newapapw

¦'m* —•

j Audit of County Books.
Rut L. Osborne, comptroller general,
I Is asking the general
assembly for an
appropriation of $15,000 with which of
) engage a stafT of auditors capable
making a complete audit annually of
the books of every county officer, mag-
si usr
Miner meeting
Inrate, clerk and judge of probate, and
amendment to the present legislation
g lor such procedure. The amount has
47,531,850.04 REALIZED BY STATI been recommended by the budget

BAPTISTS IN THEIR RECENT and the general assembly will

the aporopriatlon and
commission.Hn&ik^4fe<9a ARRANGEMENT OF
GREAT DRIVE. likely make
the necessary law, as the
is so justifible, both for the

protection of county officers and


WO FIFTHS OVERSUBSCRIBE! the interest of the people, whose
money Is thus handled through long
period of years without any adequate \

>ll Association! Excepting

Pickens, Sauldam and York Fairly
checking up.
Emphasizing that the county
and treasurers are a component auditors
Fight on Pea^flpMrty
Country, Which AHBtrmed
"The Folly of Amdj:^^
ii Vice Admiral and Captain of
Agree with Admiral Sims and
Deoline Honors Proffered Them.
Battleship No Reasons Given by Representatives
of Railway Employes Why They
Not to Talk with Hinei* Decided
d«"»h Their Allotted Quota. part of the state government. Mr. \
points out that approximately /
Washington..While the joint
Practically complete figures in th e
>0 per cent of tihe revenue coming
Into the state treasury is collected by
London. .
Premier Iioj^
speaking at Llanystymwaf,1 Wales, de
Washington..Secretary Daniels
ordered the navy department's board
conference .committee
discussing points of difference between

the county officers. The state officials

Baptist drive in South Carolina to r
$5,500,000 show that the churches c
the state contributed
enter the charge and the county ofPIr
cers corecL
$7,531,850.04, county officers handled $18,782,245.95,
o "During 1919 these
fended the voting arrangements ot th
league of nations. He g&id that Aus
'calia lost as many men as-the Unltei
of awards reconvened Monday,
5, to revise the recent
as to naval awards, which
the Cummins and Esch railroad
bills here in an effort to
conciliate minor and
oversubscription of $2,031,850.0<I which States in the war and had as mucl have been the source of a controverfy pave the way to consideration of the
an includes about $3,500,000 for the right to vote as the United States brought to a head a few days ago by
All the associations passed their allot state," Mr. Osborne says. "Does It all-important anti-strike provisions of
ments with the exception of Yorl not seem rather lax. to 6av the least, This vote, however, he added, wouh declination of Admiral Sims to accept the Cummins measure, high railroad
Sauldam, Colleton and Pickens. Leac^ that there Is no law requiring an ap8 who, it has been announced by th<
Chester T. Minkler of Newport, R. I. not be used on any question arising
the distinguished service medal while union officials were gathering to attend
between Great Britian and the Uniteid
Lieut. Col. Franklin D'ORer, a yarn the awards remained as at present.'^
era are hoping that: these four ma y
propriation permitting a thorough au8 navy department, is the inventor o'
«yet attain their goals, but say this i dit of the accounts of these officers the depth bomb, which was used sc
not likely, as nearly all the churche annually?"
States. i_ £
He recounted the fight itt the UnJ[.
merchant of Philadelphia, who served Secretary Daniels had received no
on the general staff of the A. E. F., Information that Vice Admiral Hilery'
was elected first national commander P. Jones and Captain Raymond D.
a conference called by Samuel
to formulate a definite policy to
ho nnronoH wifh
tn thu Inhnr

have been heard from.

effectively against the U-boats. Mink ted States on the treaty, which h e of the senate bill. The chiefs
ler not only invented the depth boml} f t>e American Leaion at the conven- had declined to accept the
The denomination leaders are mai>- but was also responsible for the mint
termed the "folly of
, Amerioji
tlon in Minneapolis. |Has'brouck
naval decorations recently awarded
of the four great railroad brotherhoods
ping out one of the strongest reliqiou s Asked to Study Highway Bill. used by the navy in the North sea upon party warfare when trying to set and ten affiliated organizations were
them, thereby following the example called to meet to construct the
j and troubles ensi

fnr 1950 that anv
attempted in South Carolina.
ha 8
church Governor Cooper. In a letter

the next meeting of the general boarc'» county delegations to meet and study
-January 6, several important change9 the highway bill recently mailed on*
to the
A * various state senators, has asked the
He turned over
the government without
both his inventions t< tie the difficulties war." 5
cost. ing from the great j


Philadelphia..Captain Raymond D.
workers' platform with regard to
the anti-strike provisions. '
Representatives of the railroad
will likely be announced. by him. that the members of the
assembly might arrive at some generalWOULD CAUSE COMPLICATION! ]
Irish Contributions to the Imperial
Hasbrouck, commander of the
Minnesota, confirmed the report battleship affiliated with the American
of Labor, whe had to
that he had declined to accept the
Many Boys Reaohed. basis for improved highway
Over 3,100 young men and hoys in 2 tion when they arrive in Columbia.
legisla* Congresi
Paris..Marshal Foch has' inform© ^
the Republican committee ,iof Finif
Services Are Estimated to Reach
18,000,000 Pounds Annually. navy cross awarded him by the navy
department. He said he "thoroughly
confer with Director General Hines
relative to wage increases, decided at
South Carolina communities have a
ready been reached by the "Keep Fit To Revise Hotel Schedule.
Because of Inaction by the
President Wilson Has Changed the
terre that he will decline th^offer of a.
candidacy to the senate, Which wa 8 London..Premier Lloyd-George
concurred" in the views of Rear
the last moment not to see the
Admiral general. No reason for the director
campaign, now being conducted in th e
The hotels of the
state as a part of the work of th * a resolution adopted by the special
state health department Or. C. I j
state are asked in Date of Transfer to March 1. ^recently
offered him, according to th the government's proposals for ouilined
Sims contained in his recent
to Secretary of the Navy Daniels
Ireland in a long statement in the that no special award should be given
letter was given or did the anion
officials indicate
for a conference. «
would ask
legislative committee of the T. P. A. Washington..President Wilson is Ir
Akin of the United States publi c and by representatives of the U. T. C.
health service in charge of venereij to abolish the plan still in vogue with sued proclamations returning the raili- THE CALL IS OUT
FOR NINE houss of commons. Speaking with ito officers whose German
attacked by
ships were
great deliberation an:! emphasis he though no special blame should be
successfully ..........


control in the state has charge of th
campaign with James H. Grmuel, stata charging
many ofx the hotels of the state of roads and express companies
a flat rate per day including vate control March 1.
to prl[. BEST IN AMERICi\
call for (bdnine bes
declared: f to commanding officers for attached AND ESCAPE WITH $7,000l
boys' work secretary of the Youn meajs and room, and to substitute Failure of Congress to enact reme ;New York..A
Men's Christian association as fiel g airmen in the
therefor a flat rate for rooms and dial legislation was given as the rea resent this country in internationj United to rej
"Great Britain cannot accept
atlon. The people wno think Britain separy
their failure. Toledo, O..Seven men
People's Bank at Ottawa Lake. Mich.,
held np the
can be forced into ifr have not read SEVEN GERMAN SHIPS TO BE

director. serve table d'hote meals, aud escaped with $7,000 in cash and
son for extending by two months th<a aer-plane contests next yekr by th6

This campaign has already reachea .... ,

the story of the last Ave years." RETURNED TO GREAT BRITAIN liberty bonds after shooting Harman
time originally announced for relin Aero Club of America,
some 21 counties in the state and Mi r. -
Loud cheers greeted this
declaration.Washington..On Rothfuss, the cashier.

Grauel said that the campaign had Cotton Cheap at $1.00.
3>een received enthusiastically so far "A painstaking Investigation
next week oijh* active campaign, be 0?' r<"!aM?
the purpose 8~°TS U
quishing government control of rail
by the road properties. In His message rc PRESIDENT
auguring continued success in th a American Cotton association through Congress last May President Wilsor
.Eu »? aid that the roads would, he tiirnez
or securing all possible back at the" end of the year.
J WILSOJ^^^W whelo of
The premier said it wjls
proposed to

seven former German ships used' to

Yx > fir J

Tgiiyrtng January o, to be carried on fii for *


situation Washington..President Wilson wa s parliaments, one in the,north, and one bring back American troops turned * »
the northern and eastern counties lastt- information on the exchange for cot- "No agreement having yet beei1 63 years of age oh 28. Decem^r
ya the south. Every opportunity would over to Great Britain.
Boston..Bacteriologists, geologists,
and the European demand raw
oaleontologists. anthropologists and
lug throughout January tt>. ton conveys the absolute certainty of rsached by Congress," Secretary Tu Rear Admiral Grayson sa|d the be given Ireland to establish unity it
multy said in announcing the' procla idents *

progress continues and he she desired it, and a council would be

is 1 a psychologists convened here In annual t
a world demand for 17,000,000 bales of
Senior Honor Society. statement is- mation, "it becomes necessary in th<3 good spirits. established at the outset, selected by A LIEUTENANT IS BURNED meetings.
Permission has been granted for th © American cotton," says a
formation at the University of South sued by J. Skottowe Wannamaker, pilblic interest to allow a reasonabli3
to elapse between the issuing o I
the two legislatures, to form a con^
necting link between the two parts of
More than 1.000 scientists attended
and nearly 200 speakers were
Carolina of a senior honor society, th « president of the American
of which will be picked a sociation.
Cotton time
the proclamation and the date of it!s ADMIRAL KOLCHAK COMMANDEI
as,8 taking effect. The Presiden t ALL-RUSSIAN ARMY RESIGNS
the country. .
Columbia, S. C..Lieutenant Charles announced.
come? actually
the five members of the senior clas a
showing the best average in sehola;r-
"From whence can this cotton
Enormous contracts, some at far
is advised that the railroad and ex
press compannies are not organized t<3
Vladivostok. Admiral .
The premier said that the Irish
tribution to the imperial services was
Poates, commanding the remount
at Camp Jackson, was burned to
estimated at 18.000,000 pounds sterling death when the officers' quarters, in
ship, general leadership and characteir. lower prices, both for long and short make It possible for them to recelv 0 commanding the All-Russian goverr annually. A ointj exchequer board which he was sleeping, was destroyed
The idea of the men behind the 01r- staple cotton must be filled. Cotton is and manage their properties if actual mental forces opposing the bolshevifc j would settle the rate of contribution by fire Christmas morning.
dirt cheap today at $1 per pound, basis in Siberia, has retired from activ a
ganization of the society is that it wi 11
promote interest in scholarship,
acting as in the same relation
per s<;, middling,
to th e
ly turned over to them on Decembe;r! command
because of ill-health amj for the future and the question of
appointed General Semenoff t able capacity. PRESIDENT RESERVES tax0
# Paris..Extradition of former
William of Germany, will be
demanded from Holland as soon as
leading students as the football an ^ Discussion on Trachoma. ROCKEFELLER AGAIN DONATES
succeed as commander in chief, a< ON BOARD OF EQUALIZATION the treaty of peace becomes effective
to a message received here. STAY OF EXECUTION GRANTED
others letters acts to the athlete. Surgeon John McMullen, medical ANOTHER HUNDRED MILLIONS cording TO TWELVE ALABAMA NEGROES
-rcording to a decision reached by the
officer In charge of trachoma stations EXPORTERS ARE REQUIRED TO
Washington..President Wilson is British^and French governments, says
Governor's Christmas Clemeney. in Kentucky and Tennessee for the New York..John D. Rockefellei withholding action on the McNary the Echo de Paris.
Governor Cooper has extends United States public health senrice, gave to mankind a Christmas presen FURNISH $12,600,000 BONE Little Rock, Ark..Governor Brough bill extending the life of the sugar
j equalization board until the board files AN OFFICER OF THE GUARD
clemency to 18 prisoners. In all case s
with headquarters In Louisville, Ky., of $100.000.000.half to the genera r' Philadelphia..A bond of $12,500,00 0
-clemency was recommended by th 0 II will meet with the executive commit- education board to raise the salariei' will
state board of pardons, and in moi f tee of the South Carolina state board of college professors and half to the! 000 barrels
be required of the exporters of 30
of whiskey, bound her j
has granted stays of execution of
days to the twelve Phillips county
negroes, under sentence of death^or
thirty a memorandum concerning the meas!
ure. It was said at the white house

instances the appeals were Joined 1 n
of health, when the matter of trachoma Rockefeller Foundation to aid in iti* from Louisville. Ky., before their cai
by the trial judges and solicitors. Si:x in and around Newberry will come up work of combatting disease througt1 goes can be shipped, according to cut(
prisoners had their sentences conl~ for discussion. improvement of medical education 'torn house officials. The bond will b e
. participating in the insurrection in
Phillips county last October.
that the baord had requested the
Dublin..Lieutenant Boast, the
of the guard who met death in
shooting affray near the vioe regal
muted to briefer terms and 12 wer 6 DETROIT STREET RAILWAYS
paroled during good behavior. Income Tax Blanks.
public health administrations anc demanded, it was said, to prevent th *
scientific research. It is estimatec return of the liquor to the UniteiA
Blanks for income tax returns for that Mr. Rockefeller's public gifts no*r States in any form.
killed by a bullet from his
own patrol party,' it was found by the
large Insurance Profits. 1919 are expected dally at the office approximate $450,000,000.
In 1918 In South Carolina there wer e of the collector of Internal revenu*.
110.000,000 more paid into all classe The form, No. 1048, will be distributed
The cargo will be shipped to Pranct'
Indianapolis..Martin Genners, 87,
who created a sensation in Indiana a
few years ago when he erected a
Detroit..The Detroit United
withdrew a request that
permitted to make
it be
of one
jury at the inquest into the
death. lieutenant's
of Insurance companies for premium to the taxpayers for use in filing their LICENSE TO EXPORT ARMS
than there were paid out hy these con
income tax returns for the past year.
panles for losses Incurred during tha t As soon as the forms arrive they will
TO MEXICO ARE WITHDRAWN monument for himself in a local
on which was Inscribed his
Boston./.An increase of 82.2 pe jection to all religion, was found
cent for transfers stating that,
of improvement in conditions
its operation, it now finds
year, according to the annual repoi be mailed out from the office,
of W. A. MeSwain, state insuranc e
WeohJno-tAn cv ^notinn

The returns are to be made on or January 1 of all licenses issued by the

cent in the cost of living for Amerl phyxiated in his room.
can wageearners between July, 1914I.
as' self able to operate profitably on
flat five-cent fare.
London..What is said to be the
world's largest Bible now is being
commissioner. before March 15, 1920. They can not be trade board prior to last Septembei and November. 1919 is shown in a CLEMENCEAU GOVERNMENT IS 'certaintythat clemenceau written by hand by leading men and
nut iin+tl the close of 1919 it 30 for the exportation of arms or mu statement issued by the national iri- GIVEN VOTE OF CONFIDENCE.
May Disturb Cotton Sales. nitions of war to Mexico was announc will be next french ruler women of the United Kingdom. Among
J. Skottowe Mannamaker, preslder

was stated at the office of the
ed by the state department.
dustrial conference board based upoia
its recent investigations. Paris..The chamber of deputies has
'hose who are participating in the
of the American Cotton associatlor
end R. M. Mixson. president of th »!
South Carolina Cotton associatiori. Distilling Outfits Seized. were
voted confidence in the government,
458 to 71.
The vote, which carried approval 01
Paris..President Raymond
will be elected on
January 17. according to the inference
work are King George, Queen Mary,
the Prince of Wales and the cabinet
have returned from a trip throug b
states In the cotton belt.
They spent day in Dallas In coi I-
Four distilling outfits

during the past week by officers
in Calhoun and Orangeburg Toppka, Kan..For the first time iri .
Premier Cleinenceau's program, was
Daytona, Fla. James Levy, a taken after the chamber had listened
generally drawn by the Parisian press
from Premier flemenceau's
in the chamber that his cab-netstatementj
The book will contain the complete
text of the authored version from
Genesis to Revelations, and there Is
ference with the Texas directors of th e
American Cotton association. M r. stills to the total.
cousties. each county contributing two the history of the state the farm pro
One white man and ducts and live stock raised this ^eair
wealthy automobile dealer and his pjI* t» his declaration on the
lot named Goodrich, en route in a tion of the allies to crush bolshevlsm, determina' wruld definitely resign on that date.
It is also deduced from the rentier's
space in it for 12,000 handwritten
It will be five feet two contributions.
TVannamnker addressed a special
In? of the Texas Bankers' associatlo
mee t-
were arrested, two being exceed $1,000,000,000 in value.
operating distilleries and annual report on farm production, is
sued by J. C. Mohler, secretary of the;
ing boat from New York to Miami' his confidence in the
were rescued off the Florida coas American pacts, his prediction or a
near here when motor trouble and aii |solution of the Fiume problem and his
Anglo-Francot declarat:on that he will he a candidate
for the presidency which means that
inches high and three feet six inches
wide. Twelve large goatskins were re'
being charged with he will be elected virtually without
called to consider among other lmpo1r- the otherconcealing
tant mattes
value of cotton.
the stabilization of th ing and
the tax had not been paid.
whiskey removo
on which state board of agriculture, shows the»
aggregate value to be $1.0S5.000.000.
exhausted gas supply forced them t o understanding with Premier Lloyd
alight on the water. ^ George of Great Britain. opposition
quired for the binding, which is done
in red levant Morocco leather.

Report on Forest Fires. Must Move Your Whiskey. expected to go on strike THEY ARE NOT COMMITTED
TVa'h'ngtoti .A new call has bee n
vo'-nnteers.nn* for milltar v or any other kind of club who have Wash^e'on..Ninetv-clght per cent Chicago..Represontaihes of coal
Issued for Seattle, Wash..The I. W. W.. no Washington..Replying to a message
accustomed to keep a store of El Paso..Charges of sedition wil j
duty, hut for the important ta^k of n». been
porting forest fires In the ofSouther n liquor for their convenience and the be filed against William O. Jenkins
sat'sfled with causing havoc in th< B from the Massachusetts senate
northwpstern states are determined t ing its "concern" over the reported express0 of the 125.000 union railway
voted in November to strike with
roerator? in the biruuiiiious fields met
here to discuss the attitude to *e
states. The forest service the
parfment of agriculture, comp:les i- before
comfort of their guests in the
club». consul agent of the United States at
houses will have to move their stock Puebla, Mex-, following the alleged de
January 15 or they are likely to livery by him of arms and ammuni
extend their sphere of evil influenc e intention of the navy department to
to Alaska, according to Governo r discontinue certain work at the
other trades in the event congress
the rummhs railroad bill with
its anti-strike provision.
toward the
enactedadopted adjust
Wilson to
appointed by
of the
wages of miners
ports regarding forest fires throuel o lose them.
out the country which are invaluabl The only assvlum that tlon to the bandits who ahd captur Thomas Riggs, who is a guest of thi ton navy yard with a resultant
city. Governor Riggs stated that h charge of many employes. Secretary disei In mak'ng this announcement. Wil- after settlement of tbe recent
to the conservation movement, and 1 s
In need of additional cooperators i ruary 1 is private
will be left
for intoxicants after
dwelling, but
pd him, according to The Excelsior ol
Mexico City.
has positive evidence that conclusivf'- nanifils infnrmrrl that bodv that lack
ly shows that the I. W. W. have plarl* of funds had necessitated reduction of
liam H. Johnston. president or tno
Association of Machinists
The operators assert theyhave not
the South, in order that it may hav qH der the law they cannot be
3 ft or Tannarv 15 transport_
Therefore it be-
According to a dispatch from Ex
celsior's correspondent, the examina ned and are planning a general strik e all navy yard forces \nd that it may be said the vote was taken W.-re the
Interst'iif commerce comrnit'ee senatecommitted themselves as to
any decision the

complete Information V»regarding th club members who want to tion of the Indians was conducted witli in Alaska with a view to paralyzin E i.eccssary to order still further reducj or
commission may reach.
c '« <
r, worriAn on, d hooves out the Cummins measure.
Trequencv ui mrs m mis utiuu »..

save their store to take it home. "considerable solemnity." industry there. turns.
the extent of their damage.
Sixty-flve per cent of the flres ot of Miss Mary C. McKenna, president
the South Carolina Graduate Nurses
curring in South Carolina originate ii n association, has received a letter from Trenton, N. J..Another legal attaclc New York. .
Seventy-one person 8 Cicago..A pearl necklace which Mpxico City..HUario Medina,office, in Paris..Informal notice of the first
the homes of the people and more thain have died during the past 48 hours an d.sold for $275,000, numbers of other charge of the Mexican foreign meeting of the council of the league
of Nursing Edu-
half of these flres are due to cond j. the National League make all possl-! jn prohibition
was launched hen j
scores of others are suffering frorn gifts costing from $50,000 to $100,000, declared in
answer to a question that of nations will probably be given a
tions which may be regulated in th f,
home, said W. A. McSwaln, state ir [.
her tp when Eilhu Root for Christein Feigena
to secure financial aid for pau. filed a bill of complaint In the paralysis
ing wood
and blindness,
to drinl
and many rings
jewelry purchased
;ho two
for ass*"it
ca'lo-s arrested at
upon a Mexican
day or two after the exchange of
of the treaty of Versailles.
Ambassador Wallace cabled the state
surance commissioner, in his report t 0
the legislature.
Careful and systematic inspection o >f
the nursing schools in the state so United States court asking for an in
all the
hours can be Inaugurated in junction restraining United Statei1
hospitals. District Attorney Bodine and Charlei1
ing to reports from
cities and Chicago.
seven easter n $5,000, according to Chicago jewelers,
have gone to make this Christmas a
The toll of polsoaoirfllQuor is th e| record revenue producer.
c't!zen were, so fa»- as the foreign
knewv st<11 h"M th»re imder law.
rf C" Mexican common
nrorisio^s in Washington to this
after the morning's meeting at effect
Many of the large associations for Duffy, collector of Internal revenue ' the supreme council.
premises, with prompt correction c,f nurses
unsafe conditions that may be foun d shorter are favoring this chanrs for from enfrcing the prohibition law
The bill declare* that both the Vol
highest in New England, where 6 ® "Persons are buying who never
deaths are recorded. Two women a bought before,' said one proprietor.
Swnr Ved<-s
bed --'---J ?b« Maxatlan
the foreign
author!"»« It is still an open question whether
to exist will result in
much property to the citizens
state according to the report.
the saving
of th
c if
hours and to this end a
state is
for the bet«
hospitals of itead act and the 18th amendment ani

I Springfield, Mass., are la tfhls llst^ 111

iChicopee Falls. Mass., and one I "and people who formerly bought $5
tuff links are now Duylng diamonds." the e-
o<*r»<culars regarding
the formal call for tne meeting shall
be Issued by President Wilson.
VOL. 8
Record. NO 41

Miss Oma Hancock after visit-


• s
v❖ LECTURE COURSE j So The People of Cheyenne
Wells May Know ing several days with friends in
Cheyenne Wells, left Sunday

♦$♦ A YEAR OF WHAT? SATURDAY EVENING JAN. 3. 1920 t morning to spend the New Yea'
Did you ever stop to think that with her parents at Washington,
♦!♦ with all of its pos-
t Dr. Elliot A* Boyle, on | you have a field and the most
y» Another year is before
us, V
“The Advantages of a Handicap.” >
promising, and the best chances

C. V. Rambo and wife spent

*** sibiltties for good or ill, success or failure. £ in the world of bringing Chey-

♦j* As we cross the border of 1920 how many of |> . Moving Picture show at 7:30 Lecture at 8:30 -i enne Wells on the map, as an Oil Xmas with Mr. and Mrs.
you have all the ind ca- and in the afternoon
they all took
us are giving even a passing thought to the char- One price of admission to both entertainments - center;
-* « » ■-* ♦ ♦ • —• * « ♦ t ♦ « * ♦— i tions that an oil company wants;
a spin in Mrs. Lowe's new auto-
*$* acter of the course we are to pursue in the next BUT did youever stop to think mobile a Xmas
present from her
twelve months? i the only way to put Cheyenne. husband.
♦ ♦ The government is prohibiting Christmas Program at Sunny Wells on the map as an oil cent r
The commanderwho goes into battle in pursu y so many things now-a- days one
wonders when it will place a ban Side School House and that is to drill and not talk I would like to lease a good
ance of a definite plan of action has every oppor y on matrimony. That, however, about it. farm south or east of Cheyenne
*$* tunity for success, but he who plunges in at ran- might be a means of stimulating A Christmas entertainment was Wells or north of Towner with
the marriage market, since hu- given at the Sunny Side school The Cheyenne Wells Oil Com- school[privileges. Address L. A.
JL dom courts disaster and defeat. i
Y j man nature is prone to wapt that house Christmas eve, which will pany is here to assist you getting Easter, Arapahoe Colorado.
It is so in every sphere of life. which is prohibited. support, such as money, now if
be remembered by all who were the outside people from your Care of I. F. Kiyitt.
If we would enrich the world by our individ present, in the years to come. state are willing to take a chance
ual presence we must have a definite plan in A Wanted—A Rope The pupils are few in number, what will Mr. and Mrs. Wm Owen, and
you do for your own
but showed skilful and community. daughter Opal, left Sunday morn
«£♦ view, and that plan must be adhered to in the «$* When the 249 reds were depor- the spirit of good training
ted a few days ago they lived up doing his or her part will. Each one Wray, Colo, ing for their new home at Golden
*♦* face of all obstacles. V well. The came in with sev- Colorado. The Record family
to their representations as they enty-five thousand dollars toward
Accumulation of wealth is not the noblest singing of Christmas carols was wish them an abundantof pros-
were taken aboard ship under
a remarkable feature of the even a well, Boyero and a good many perity in their new home.
A aim in life. With prosperity we must have guard.
ing, sweet childish voices sound other small towns in Colorado.
y honor and integrity, peace and contentment, or y They raved and cursed the gov ed out the Christmas glee while Now stop and think what a 100 FOR SALE
*♦* the gold we amass becomes but dross which V eminent, and vehemently declar- their eyes sparkled and faces barrel well will bring Cheyenne Three second hand Dodge
Y drags us down to the mire of degredation. ***
ed that they would return and were radient with delight. Mr. Wells. There is not a Commer- Brothers Cars. All in first class
wreak vengeance upon every ard Mrs, Bray, of lowa, were cial association in the United
A Honor and integrity go hand in hand, and y agency that stands for law and present, and Mr. Bray addressed States could raise enough money
condition and prices right to sell
♦♦♦ peace and contentment are their twin children. V quick.
order and decency. the school and was cheered back towards advertising their commu W, T. Hoilenbdugh
All are within the reach of every man and A And they will return--be sure repeatedly. His speeches were nity, and spend thousands of dol-

Cheyenne Wells Colorado,

A every woman who has the moral courage to be- ♦$* of that. excellent. Another feature of lars, and yet not bring results as
the evening was a reading “The what a 100 barrel well could do
gin the new year with a determinationto do that *•*
The Mexican border alone of- First Word has been received here
Christmas” given by the for Cheyenne Wells or any other that Tom Dodds, a former resi-
Y which is right and just, regardless of what friend fers every opportunity for again
teacher. Mrs. McClaskey which place, adv
or foe may think or say. invading this country, even if dent of Arapahoe, had died sud-
g* '

they were successfully barred

was much enjoyed by all. The denly on Dec. 27th in California.
It is easier to do right’ than wrong. In the one «|» from our regular ports. It may
decorations and tree were a beau
tit'ul sight, and but not least, was
H. TARWATER Y. His many friends here sympa-
our conscience is clear and is a potent aid to us *♦* be considered a settled fact that Shoots Missouri Editor thize with his grief stricken wife
“Santa” whp gave the children a

Y in the pursuance of an objoct. In the other we will afford them every

nice talk and helped distribute
and relatives.
facility to ihie end.
*5* labor constantly in the shavow of fear, suspicous £ the presents. Santa was in the Gallatin, Mo., Dec. 24—As a
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Huey are the
of mankind, and with a mind warped and dis- ♦$» There are two effective means usual jolly mood. Whenjthe even- result, it is believed, of an enmi-
proud parents of an 8 pound baby
A torted by the dread of exposure. «£• of curbing a Red—iron bars or a ing was spent the neighbors as- ty between the two men starting
girl which arrived at their home
For each of us it will be a year replete with
4^4 coffin. sembled to their homes, wishing last summer when the Democrat Tuesday, December 30th. 1919.
Y £
Gentleness and humanity only each other "A Merry Christmas” is
alleged to have published a
Say Roy feels big enough now to
Y something—but what will that something be. J>+ fan the fires of hatred. and feeling that they has spent statement to the effect that H. Y reach the electric wires without
A an evening iftortfr vVhil6r'J Taiwutcrwas seenxm the streets ciimWngtfiepSBSr

V of Gallatin in an intoxicated con-

‘>a^t^t^t**t'M '»**** ***»**t'M '»****** *******2’*'***** ***«******' M>' *♦*
< V'<' > <
December 19, 1919
dition, Wesley L. Robertson, edi-
Democrat, and The editorand iarniiy also Oma
We were shocked to the deptli Mr. J. W. Shy, Commissioner, tor of the Gallatin Hancock, M. C. Korrell and fami
Board of County Commissioners, prominent in Davisfatallydoiinty poli-

| Dr. A.J.Kaufmann j to read in the Press Dispatch re-

terrible tragedy in
cently of the Cheyenne county Colorado.
tics, was shot and wound- ly and G. H. Ambrosier and
ed in the office of his newspaper family of near Brandon

Strictly Ethical Institution
H. Y. Tarwater'p
office in Mo.
The fact is that he shot to death
the man with whom he quarreled
f is to be deeply deplored. We
My Dear Mr. Shy:
late Tuesday afternoon by H. Y. Xmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Your letter of the 15th instant Tarwater, city light commission- Ambrosier and family in the
duly received, in which you in- er. Robertson died at his home northeast part of the county.
quire as to outlook
the to secure
J, L.

three hours after the shooting.

would neither palliate, nor ag- your county some mementos of W. S. Hill, of LaPorte, Colo,
I MajOr Surgery of All Kinds t itate his crime, not knowing hut the war in the way of captured was a social visitor at this office
I No contagous, or tuberlocus patients admitted. For rates $ that there might be extermating Tarwater was a former rrsident
German war material, in accord- of Cheyenne Wells where for a Saturday. He and family came
♦ and information apply to Miss Anita Strong, Supt. ♦ circumstance, whether or not ance with the provisions of the to spend the holidays with his
number of years he was manager
did it in self defense, it will bill I introduced for that purpose of the Cheyenne County Tele- parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hill.
♦ Phone 5 Cheyenne Wells, Colorado X he
throw a shadow over his life and In this connection, Mr. Shy. very Will thinks our town has made
t £
as well as all his family concern-
phone company. He had more or
many of these bills have been in- less trouble some wonde.full improvements
while at the Wells
ed. We would prefer waiting troduced and are still pending and while the political pot was

in the last five years.

till the facts of the killing are all before the Committee on military
boiling and he too, Tarwater
' |VW VWWVWWWVWTWWTV VWTTTTVVTVWWWVVWTVWV in before passing judgement up- affairs. From the number of Divine Services in the School -

started the Eastern Colorado budding of Cheyenne Wells next

bills introduced the committee
E ►
on him. Some of his implacable
enemies will be ready to devour has felt it would be impossible
Times and lambasted all his ene- Sunday, January 4th, at
mies with all force. Later he
10 45 a.
From now on Services will
i him and consign him at once to
for the war department to com- sold the paper which is now the m
► Will handle at all times be held here regularly every third

hades. That is not a mob spirit ply with with all requests that Cheyenne Record. He was well
and aught not to be indulged, have been filed, and therefore Sunday Morning.
t► Lumber, Lime, Cement, Posts & Builders i known in this community.— Lin- t
4 wait for calm Judgement to do they have felt it might be neces- coln county Democrat.
l Materials its perfect work tempered with
sary for a general bill to be intro New Year’s Services at Wild
j mercy. Tarwater was not alto-
duced providing that the War de- Horse on Thursday Jan. 1. at 11;
[ Your patronage cordially solicited j gather bad. There was a rem- partment turn over to the Gov- Mrs. L. M. Gudgel, Mrs, W. L a. m. Regular Services at Wild
nant of good in him. There are ernors of the several states a pro DeMunbrun and Mrs. S. M. Wil- Horse on Sunday Jan, 11th. and
! W. A. Weir =
two valuable things in this county rato share of this captured war liams will entertain the Ladies thereafter every third Sunday.
his credit. He .established our
to material, to be apportioned to Aid at the M. E. Church, January The public is cordially invited to
system and also a each state according to the num- 7th. 1920. attend these Services.
Democratic paper. These abide ber of men employed from the B, Skov, Pastor.
The popular program ffor 1920 Many people have adopted the Now that he has
brought irre- several states. The governors There will be a picture show at
would then distributesame to the We are still open for business
is to eat, drink, be merry, and excellent habit «*f settling up all parable sorrow upon himself the Princess Theater Friday-
and are paying the highest mar-
pay the bill. billa the first of the year. We’ll and others in his hometown., let several counties of the state in night January 2. Name of pic-
the same proportionateratio. ket prices for milk, cream and
be right here waiting for ours. charity throw a void over his ture to he announced later. Price
a fresh egg man? short comings, while a citizen eggs. For the benefit of the con-
Got young If this course is pursued, gen- 15 and 25ct.
suming public, we have on sale,
Take it to one of the big cities It is easy to become famous here. VWhen passion rules, oh eral notice would go to the coun-
and trade it for a new suit of these days. Just stick “Prof.” how rare” The hours that fall to a'I dairy products, including
try and it would be necessary for C. W. Vilbrant was called home
before your name, hitch a few virtues share. If w e allow our sweet milk and sweet cream, and
clot'-es. each county to take up with the the latter part of last week by
capital letters onto the tail of it, prejudice to bring in a verdict of also eggs. Come and get ac-
governor the question, in an en- wirp. on account of his brother
and then break into print with condemnation upon this unfortu- quainted with the new manager.
What will 1920 bring to us of deavor io secure its pro rata share getting seriously injured by a Cheyenne Wells Dairy'Mfg &
any old sort of a d. f. statement. nate man. We would be incom- of the amount received by the freight train
this town? Exactly what we Storage Co.
reach out and gather in—no more You’ll succeed and will have plen petent jurors where a mans life state.
ty of followers. was trembling in the delicate 40 ' C. W. Vilbrandt.
no less. Let’s begin now. scales of justice.
Although it may result in ac- Letters addressed to the fol- Manager
R. T. Cline of Brandon, arrived tion here by the committee on lowing remain unclaimed in the
We are sorry truly sorry that the bills as they have been intro- Cheye' tie Wells Postoffice Dec.
The people want to smash old in Cheyenne Wells Wednesday ROLL OF HONOR
this misfortune has overtaken duced, in which event I will push 31: M E. Medlock. Oscar L Van-
High Costy and High Cost wants morning on his way home from
Tarwater and also that of his The following parties have re
to bust the people, and in the Louisiana, where he had been to un-1
as vigorously as possible those I horn. Miss A. Williams, Mrs.
newed their subscriptions to the
mixup H. C. seems lolbe getting close up a big land deal. fortunate victim. I have introduced.

Holsen. Mrs. Ilelfman, Dildine

1here is to much socd in the worst of us Chas. B. Timberlake. Garag-a Co. Geo. M. Anderson, Record since our last issue.
about all of the gravy.
And so much bad in the best of us.
That it we 1 behooves snjr of us
Wm Haves. W, H. Kleinke and B. A Hatcher Apr. 1 20
Subscribe for the Record. To crndcm unheard the rest of us. W. Dainerell.
Subscribe for the Record Geo. Horam Aug. 20 20,

One dollar per year

J. A. J. Read the Record during 1920 Vivian Sadler Postmaster.
mm. rr rTY rffA AT ri

John P. Cudney Also Disposes General Opinion is That It Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Burnett Throughout Connecticut From Have Choice of Course in World Found Great Difficulty
of Hi3 Lcundry Was Very Honored by Friends January Fourth to Several Different in Returning From War to
Euclness Good Monday Eleventh Branches Peace Conditions
The Canfield Inn will be closed W ""have deviated from our usual On Monday. December 29th, Mr In accordance with an established Sometime By DONALD F. BIQQS.
the National War
again this week unless parties who custom of writing on trade conditions and Mrs. P. B. Burnett of Falls Vil custom, the week of January 4 11, Work Councilagoset aside a sum of After nearly Ave years of frightfM
have been looking at the property this year and in its place we have lage quietly observed their golden iS20 has been set aside by the money to be used for educational warfare, in which all of the great pow-
with the view of buying or leasing it secured statements from a number wedding anniversary at the home of churches of America as a Week of purposes men un ers and many of the smaller natloaa
1st. of our advertisers. We feel that in their daughter, Mrs. Edith B. Ward Frayer. At the annual meeting of der the direction among ex-servi- ce

open it directly after January run- of special commit- had been Involved, th world found U
John P. Cudney who has been this way the people and the mer- - Mr. and Mrs. Burnett were married in the Council of the Connecticut Fed- tees to be difficult to, return to anything like nor-
on chants can more fully realize the New Haven in 1869 and came to .balls eration of Churches, of which Dr. Men's Christian appointed by local Young
ning the hotel expects to close itdoes Associations. About mal conditions during the year 191SL
January 1st, though his lease true condition of business locally. Village in 1873, where Mr. Burnett William North Rice of Middletown is half of this amount was to be used While the armistice which was sign
not expire for several months. Christmas trade was up to our ex- - was employed by the old Housatomc president, held in Hartford, Nov. for in Y. M. C. A. la the closing weeks of 1918 brougM
17th, 1919, the Federation voted to otherScholarships schools. As farand

The hotel, which is one of the best pectation and was very satisfactory. Railroad company. approved as a cessation of hostilities between V
to be found in this size town any- The Service Pharmacy. After residing in Falls Village for cooperate with the Inter-churc- h Litchfield these scholar- two groups of nations that had bee
Christmas rush lasted about three a number of years, Mr. and Mrs World Movement in urging upon the County goes,
where in the state, has changed ships will be mostly in Correspon- engaged In the great struggle, It AW
hands several times since Frank days. The amount of mail handled Burnett removed to Bridgeport where fastors and churches of Connecticut dence Schools. not bring pence to all the peoples In-
Baker, an acknowledged hotel man, was not as large as usual as we he was employed by the same com the need existing at this time for a Inasmuch as the amount available volved. Technically the world sail
gave it up about two years ago. Some usually have about six days of stren- - pany. This poistion he retained until united call to prayer of the Christian for this purpose is limited, the State was at war throughout practically all
claim the lack of success is due to uous work. Postage sales were not about three years ago when he re forces of America. Y. M. C. A. officers voted at their of the year Just closed as the peac
prohibition while others say lack of as large as usual. E. L. Roberts, tired on a pension and came back, to I The topics suggested by the treaty which was framed In Paris
P. M. Falls Village to reside with his daugh- - meeting in Hartford on Dec. 5th
World Movement and the that
good management. Mr. Cudney says We found business before Christ- - ter. Federal Council of the Churches of half it be our policy into grant only
after months of negotiation could n"t
one should own a coal mine to heat , he made fully effective until ratified
it economically in the winter, or mas much larger than was expected. In honor of this most notable occa Christ in America are: General Top- thus scholarships it
by the grout powers and formally pro-
making possible to help double
' , words to that effect. Christmas specialties sold exceeding- - sion in their lives, their ic: An Awakened Church. Sunday, the number of men.
well-round- ed

mulgated by the peace conference.

However, be the cause what it may ly good. Canaan Mercantile Co. many friends presented them with a Jan. 4, The Church, Awakened by L'o;vz2s in vaiious branches of th. Failure of the United States senate t
there are still many people who be- - We believe that the people are purse containing $50 m gold. Many her Opportunities; Monday, Jan. 5, ratify the treaty, because of opposltlo
" richer than ever before and that they called to offer their felicitations and The Church, Awakened by National Electrical following subjects are 1. available;
lieve that this desirable property Courses; 2. Mechanical to the covenant of the League of Na-
could be operated the year round as believe the best is the cheaDest. the hope for many more years of Tuesday, Jan. 6, and Drawing Courses; 3. Steam tions, which was made n part of tb

a first-cla- ss hotel and that it would Fuller Hardware Co. marital happiness The Church, Awakened by a Vision
Courses; 4. Civil and structural En- peace treaty, prevented the formal
be a naviner rjrooosition. Its location The Christmas business was far Mr. Burnett has reached the age of- the World's Need; Wednesday, gineering Courses; 5. Commerce declaration of peace until more than

and equipment are all that one could beyond my expectations and was ex 7G while Mrs. Burnett has passed Jan. 7, The Church, Awakened by the Courses; 0. Pure and applied Mathe-maii- c a year after the armistico was signed.
desire. never better at this store. J. A the CC'.h milestone in her life. r.v Call for Thurs Co-operati-

7. Mis;el!a;:coo Internal disorders and territorial

Bianchi Jan. 8, The Church, Awakened Courses;
Mr. Cudney Sella Laundry day, Courses. disputes arising from the establish-
Mr. Cudney has also disposed of Business was good and much bet KZAVILY FINED byia Revival of Family Religion; A committee tlv ment of many new nations kept a
his laundry which he operated up to ter than usual at this time of year Friday, Jan. 9, The Church, Awaken throe associations of representing
the ha? large part of Europe In turmoil. Such
of VenJscn ed by the Call for Workers; Sunday, been appointed and those County

1 the lime he entared the hotel busi Weather conditions helped us consid Tr.ns-ortat:o- n.

interested u complete remaking of the map ol

ness.' F. P. Demurest of Chatham, erabiy. Benton & Wright. :o Stats- Jan. 11, The Church. Awakened by
shouli apply Tor further information Europe as resulted from the great war
N. Y., has purchase:! the machinery Holiday buying showed the real He iscovery of the Reality and Pow to some members of this committee naturally could not be accomplished
and plant nd it is expected wm bo Christmas giving spirit. Trade' in JJS i.i: first to be tried in er f Prayer. at onc3. Applications will be acted without friction. The great empire of
ein operation soon. Mr. Cudney will lines was very satisfactory. G.L. tr.v.i i'T l.3 transportation of "he great denominations plan a upon m order of receipt and scholar- had fallen to pieces
Austria-Ilimsrar- y

move to his farm and engage in Parsons & Son. "'?iTve:r!be:i into the "wcis heard be concerted effort in evangelism cul on the of with the' defeat of the central powers
I have had a good business during fore Justice Krour ships
or. oT.i uray minating at the Easter season. Thi.s committee until the approval
granted thi.s
y agriculture. available funds and out of the wreckage new state
the yea,r and a satisfactory Christ riternocn. Th was Roy plan is to take the form cf personal are exhausted. arose. These new nations Austria,
mas trade. F. R. Collin. who s hot a larg3 buck in efforts on the part cx lay members in The members
TOBACCO REPORT of this committee Hungary, Poland and the Czech nni
Treasurer Canaan Savings Bank ..tiasnacnu . nirir the hunting th-- churches to win to the Christian rre as follows: John
- j

Jugoslav states could not establish

says business the pact year y.t.g sat ;n ard ; th state n an.i to nr. mbership in the Halliwell, Tor-iingio- n,

For New England by U. S. Depart- isfactory. Deposits have increased I. F. Mansfield, Winsted. tl.fir new boundaries without frlctioa
:.r r h'i.vhcr large .of people Mason
Turner, Torrington, John among themselves and with their .
ment of Agriculture notwithstanding money withdrawals .ho ov.e allegiance to these churches,
to meet the high cost of living and Pettibcne, New Milford, Eugene 'neighbors. The new government f
icy '?.; vr riv?r.. the minimum but, for some rer.:;cn or other, are Van Why, Winsted, Chas. P. W. Cun- Germany, which had been transformed
According to the New England the forwarding of money to friends tine- cf ?25 and costs, making a tcal not counted within their member
ningham, Torringtcn Y. M. C. A., Into a republic, was striving to main

Crop Report, issued by the Bureau of in foreign countries. of $45.06. ship. W. F. Tyler, Torrington, 30 Water tain Itself against the attacks of radi
Crop Estimates of the U. S. Depart- The A. & P. Manager says: The arrest was made bv Count v i':actically all of the great religi- - Street, W. II. Bowden, Winsted Y. M. eal elements. Russia was torn by
ment of Agriculture, more than 95 Was Xmas trade good? Well, I'll Game Warden Hornbeck, who has c.
denominations m this country C. A. civil strife, with half a dozen groups
per cent of the 1919 crop of shade say it was. My feet ache yet from been watchinsr for such cases for fighting for the mastery. At tlmf
grown tobacco in Connecticut has running round this place. Never several weeks. All hunters should ihrz special tasks assigned to th;m in world peace seemed still far off, but m
been sold at prices averaging arouna knew such a rush before. Great. familiarize themselves with the game aaec.uate programs and after-the-w-Pilgrim Church Notes
the conditions became
. $1.10 and ranging as high as $1.35. year passed
laws as there are many of which fe-- have gone before their constituen-eisr.vit- h
more settled and It seemed
More than 75 per cent of the Broad Friday The Preparatory Service that with the formal promulgation probable
SCOVILLE LEWIS CASE people seem to. know. requests for large sums of ,of.
Leaf crop has been sold, averaging mor.oy and also for thousands cf re anticipating the Communion Service the peace treaty the chaos Into which
30 cents with some sales at 60 cents. cruits for the work of the Christian on the coming Sunday will be held i.: Europe had born thrown would pas
half sold at Supreme Court Finds Error in "CITIZEN" HAS FIRE
Connecticut Havana is
Norfolk ministry for the work of missions at the Vestry at. 7:30. In the United States conditions were
from 20 cents to 40 cents. Action home and abroad. Next Sunday Morning Preaching
The commercial apple crop of Con- Plant Put Out of Commission Conspicuous Service with observance of the Lord3 not so unsettled as In the nation that
Fiiday Evening among these movements are the had been longer engaged In the war.
necticut is estimated at 119,000 bar- Of the twenty-seve- n decisions
Centenary Movement of the Metho Supper at 10:30. but
rels as against 108,000 barrels last handed down bv the. Conneetirnf sn' Sunday School following the morn- here, ns In Europe, the transltloa
nreme court, one was from T.itrhfielrl The Plant of the Winsted Citizen dist Episcopal Churche?, North and from a war to a peace bash was not
? year. Northern New England reports ing service.
to the extent of over South, the New Era Movement of th3
greatly increased yields of apples. county. In the case of Herbert Cecil lvas damaSei Presbyterian Churches of North The Brotherhood Class will discus easy. New Industrial problem nu5
Lewis against George C. Scoville of 'uuu uy Iire lcn DroKe out in tne
America, the New World Movement the tbpic "Our Idea of Jesus" Does been created. The high cost of living
Norfolk, error i fminri. iiimon ic mailing room at about 6:30 o'clock our idea need correcting? Does our caused labor to make Insistent and re-
Installation of Officers set aside and a new trial nrHpr in Friday evening. The Citizen build of th? Northern 3aptist Convention, idea make us wish to follow him? peated demands for higher wages und
an opinion written by Judge Edwin ns has a brick front but in the rear the Nation Wide Campaign of the Rev. A. Karl Skinner will lead. Chris resulted In numerous strikes among
At the regular meeting of Canaan B. Gager. was frame construction. The Episcopal Church and the Congrega tian Endeavor Service at 6:45. all classes Of workers. Radical lex-
t Lodge,
No. 50, I. O. O. F. on Monday Act on was brought to recover the sPreac rapidly, sweeping through tional World Movement. ers took advantage of the unrest that
evening, Jan. 5, the officers for the purchase price of books sold and de- - tne Press room to tIle composing and A great deal of preliminary work Monday The Young Woman's existed to recruit their forces nnl
Guild will meet with Miss Regina
ensuing, year will be installed by livered, brought by an appeal from Job PnntinS rooms. The composition has been dene by the leaders in Adams. they became so active that the con-
District Deputy Grand Master, Syl- the iudcrment nf a instep nf h rollers of the press were melted, the preparation for this task, which stituted authorities of the nation
vester B. Marshall and suite of off- linotype machines were damaged by promises to be the greatest under- hood Wednesday The Pilgrim Brother- finally found It
to the court, nf cnmmnn
necessary to take de-
After the meeting, refresh- in Litchfield county and tried to the hre.and water and much of the type taking of American Protestantism. with will hold its Annual Meeting, termined steps to suppress disloyal

reports and election of officer.;
ments will be served. court before .Tndp-- .Tnmes P equipment ana accessories ol the In order thatthedue emphasis may bo in the church parlors at 8:00 P. M. propaganda.
ruff of Litchfield and upon conclusion P;inting sho.P were destroyed. One placed upon essentials, it has been
deemed wise to lay great stress upon Thursday, Jan. 8 The Annual The Making of Peace.
M. E. Church Notes of the plaintiff's case, the court Ji u,e iarKe uems was ine destruction Meeting of the Church will be held.
granted the defendant's motion for a Ui 5.uoul r0HS 01 newsprint paper. ihe spiritual resources in concerte 1
The first steps toward the organi-
ine aamaSe to the rf'ayer by the churches. Following Supper will be served promptly at zation of the peace congress wera
Prayer meeting was held last judgment of non-su- and from this
it building aggre the special periods of conferencs 6:00 roll-ca- followed by the business session
f evening ("Wednesday) at 7:30.
The Cottage' Prayer Meeting was
held with Mrs. F. N. Caldwell on
Tuesday afternoon.
l ikT

was ' taken.

Navy Magazine, but the court
is no
evidence as to the
" efnro rKHnininm

' a,

viumi uumuny
damage was

and training, which have been held and

the country,
to bring all of the forces of its con
now seeks

effort to be present.
at 7:00. It is earnestly
hoped every member will make an preine
January 12 when the u
council, members of which
Wilson and Secretary
United States, and the
The Woman's Home Missionary dentitv nf Lewis with
ava tho mDo.a,inn
vAv UlUUAlllVi
stccc ot
that store premiers and foreign ministers of
stituency together in the first great N ew ear s lance Great Britain, France and Italy, to-
Society met with Mrs. A. T. Roraback

objective of the United

Miss Haven Married Movement, gether with Marshal Foch and mili-
vesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, CHORAL SOCIETY
Prayer. j Come girls, now's your chance tary of the several
vliss Grace Roraback and Miss Helen
Carlton talked of the work of The First Announcement has been made of For we're to have "A Leap Year powers,representatives began actual consideration of
Meeting Will B Held the Dance,"
Woman's Home Missionary Society. marriage Tuesday at South Riv CHRISTMAS EXERCISES the terms of peace to be Imposed upon
January 6th er, N. of Miss On New Year's Night at the old the central powers. The. pence con-- ,
The Ladies Aid Society will meet J., Theo Gould Haven,
Town Hall.
of Itself, without delegates from
jn Friday afternoon with Mrs. E. L.
First meeting nf th w
will be held at Town Hall Tuesdav "aven
VX. IVr.wi

01 n
and Mrs. T. W.
reat Harrington, f ormer- -
Held at the Methodist Ch urcl A Good
Last Week Time assured to all.
the defeated powers or Russia, met In
y of taIls Vll:age to Charles Cham- - What about the music? the ministry of foreign affairs at
Titular rrvic?5 next Sunday. cning, Jan. 6th. Gounod's Re- - V.. mi Well now say Paris on January IS. President Wil-
ler.iption will be the first work tak uers Armstrong, ine ceremony was
Morning preaching at 10:30. The Christmas festivities at the
Seofield's the great jazz band son proposed Premier Clemciiceau for
Sunday School 11:15. en up this season. performed by Rev. James E. Shaw of Methodist church began with a party Famed
South River, assisted by Rev. T. W. for the little ones, Tuesday after- Will be here on thruout the whole land permanent chairman of the confer
Epworth League at 0:30 p. m. The Society will welcome new that night, ence and the delegates elected him by
Leader, Mr. K. H. Gcutt. Tonic, members, and names of those who de- Haven, father of the bride. noon, December 23. At which time iAnd
furnish music t
"Coming" to Know God." (Morning sire to join should be handed to the the dining room was filled with the everyone's unanimous vote. It was determined nt
References Psa. Death of Lester C. Hunt younger members of the school and delight. the beginning that only the five grnl
Watch). 46-1-
Secretary, Mr. Joseph L. Parsons, not

the United States,

John 17-- Psa. 119-9-
3, 7. Hater than Monday, Jan. 5th. Copies their friends. A merry time was had belligerent powers,
ot music may now be obtained from Mrs. M. A. Brown of Lenox has re in expectation of the coming of Miss Buckbee, Enumerator Great Britain, France. Italy and Japan,
Evening Worship 7 :30 p. m. should take all
Junior League Monday afternoon the Secretary. ceived word of the death in Montpel-ie- r, Santa Claus and the children were part in meetings of the
.t 3:30. O., of her brother, Lester C. Hunt not disappointed, for he brought Mildred Buckbee has received her conference and cominlsslon to be np
The Kensington Club will meet Mr. Hunt was formerly a resident of gifts for all the members of the appointment as census enumerator pointed; that o(her belligerent and as-
on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 6th, with Ecoro Falls Village and was employed on school and for those on the Cradle for this town. As the schedules call sociated powers should partlelp-it- o

'Ira. C. B. Shaw. A JU'H'A'.'.:

the old Housatonic railroad. He was roll as well. Ice cream and cake for quite full details regarding farm only in meetings at which questions
ti!!) a membed ot the Masonic order. He were served by the older girls. and dairy products, it would help to concerning them were to be discussed.
;iH is survived by a son, Chauncey, and The Friday evening after Christ get more accurate returns and save As the representatives of the imiiiv
Murphy vs. Norfolk shr.uh.-Mirnii- s

two daughters, Rutheda A. Hunt and mas at 7:30, brought the usual pub-- j time if the farmers would go over belligerent nations entered upon th
three t;'K:;!i task of bringing peace to the world
The case of William Murphy' of line, one pair Mrs. James Towne. Mr. Hunt and lie service of the school, this time the their year's work and get as accurate
V.- !
S.I. Mrs. Towne
visited in Lenox last program being given over to the estimates as possible of their various Europe was in turmoil. Poland was
orringtohi, administrator, against one pair TYnch. .:.; reconstituted
' e town

singing of Christmas carols, excep- crops before the enumerator's visit. her boundaries being and the fixing ot
of Norfolk, is on the docket guese. Tin Iivrr -rs
ino gave rise to many con-
r consideration at the January term difficulty in srWcrJin. it in tionally well rendered by the older troversies between the Poles
'' the supreme court which opens telligible to (!)( ;i Thiers Enter Sheffield Home scholars, both in chorus and in class and sur-
the oth- Permanent Colors. rounding peoples. The question of
jxt week in Hartford. The case was ers. The newspaper people express singing. The little people had their whether a League of Nations should
The summer residence owned by part of the program all to themselves, Ancient Egyptians had a marvelous
.ought as the result of a fatal auto-lobi- great satisfaction with the n.M-Jt-
le es- ,
Mrs. J. R. 'McDonald of Brooklyn, furnishing all the recitations, as well knowledge of colors, and they under- be created as a means of preventing
accident in Norfolk. It was pecially as they pay for only one line. N. stood fully what colors would last. In future wars was one of the first to b
.ken to the supreme court on plain-ff- 's Y., located near Sheffield, has as songs suited to them.
appeal from the superior court.
been robbed of about $1,000 worth Christmas trees furnished by Mr. the Egyptian papyri the ground col- taken up by the peace conference. Oa
Permanent Colors. of furniture. Deep automobile INeal's class of boys, and brilliantly ors are as good as ever they were. declared January 25 the conference formally
Ancient Egyptians had a marvelous tracks were discovered to the lighted were a feature of the decora- The Egyptians worked their outlines In favor of the establishment
of leading of a
Mrs. Jacob Schamerhorn knowledge colors, and they under- house and . mud was tracked about tions on both occasions. In lampblack, used clay for their League of Nations, and a corn-missio- n,

stood fully what colors would last. In the rooms. Windows at the rear of whites, ferruginous earths for their of which President Wllsoar
Mrs. Jacob Schamerhorn died at the Egyptian papyri the ground col- the house were forced open. An en- reds, ochres for their yellows, and for was chairman, was appointed to pre-
ors are as as Dance a Big Success
er home on West Main St. Christ-la- s cood ever thev were. trance to the bedrooms was gained green they used perhaps green jasper pare a definite plan. The League ot
Ttn T7,...- . , I
Eve. Schamerhorn was 88 !": The Christmas Party and Dance or mixed blue carbonate or copper Nations commission held Its first meet-
Mrs. -

piuiiis wuiiitu ineir outlines by breaking in the doors. Many ar-

:ars old, and one of the oldest resi- - In lampblack, used clay for their ticles of furniture and bedding ing on February 3 and on February 14
nts of Canaan. She leaves besides whites, ferruginous earths for their taken, including the dining room given
were by the Canaan Hose Co. on with ochre. All these colors are President Wilson read and explained
Christmas night was a great success,
r husband,
, one son Frederick, who reds, ochres for their yellows, and for suite. socially and financially. Santa Claus
to the peace conference a draft of the
ivr resides in Wisconsin. The fu- - green they used perhaps green jasper Clfts for a Inrcro constitution for the League of Nation.
ral was held from her late real or mixed blue carbonate or copper C. A. Lindell has purchased
brought Knf Homer F. Yale has resigned his The plan provided for an executlre
the even then ran short., thouo-l- nrmno-o- position at the Canaan i .
on Saturday afternoon, burial with ochre. AH these colors are per A. A. Hubbard residence on Granite ' ments were High council to be composed of represent- -
jnce manent speedily made to avoid but will remain in town for the tives of nine nation and for aa 'lutex- -
Liower cemetery. Avenue. disappointment. preseru- - (Continued on page 2)
^wiF^r fK&r* <v*'&r ^v*" , •'^ i. "V <«*•
~X"; i '•
* <rw
'* i f , it

rajE*®- 'r
** -Av*' <*»



% S^MWii*K-f I.V. A. Organize Langdon Girl Visits Rome.

Since Christmas the M L. Sullivan
family have received holiday greet*
Christmas Week
1920 ings from their eldest daughter, Miss
Helen J. Sullivan who is overseas in
France with the war worker unit of
Class Initiation
the KnightB of Columbus. Miss
Starts Ball Rolling at Public Sullivan is enjoving a first vacation

r? | Meeting, in Langdon on
Tuesday Afternoon
and for three weeks has been sight
seeing through Italy. The trip has
included Rome, where with a party
Bishop Shanley Council Held
Reunion and Confer De­

non! On Tuesday evening the first

local steps w$re taken for the shap­
ing of things in the political
of Americans she was accorded an
audience with Pope Benedict XV,
also attending a pontifical high
mass. The- scenery at Naples and a
gree of Knighthood

The reunion and class initiation of"

Bishop Shanley council of th8 Knights
capmaign of 1920 by the leaders of visit to Monte Carlo were also points of Columbus order—-a Christmas
the Independent Voters Association, of interest seen and to be long re­ week event in Langdon, in which,
which since forming an organization membered. Her return to this ceremonies and ritualistic degree
two years ago has twice gone to the country and her Langdon home is

to Ifek space polls and debated the league with a

vote that hasileft Cavalier county
one of the spate's bulwarks for a
hardly looked for until late in the
sprfng or possibly along in the sum­
work followed the hour of low mass-
at St. Alphonsus church last Sunday
forenoon—was of great importance
both with losal knights and those :
Bafe and stable form of government.
here from the nearby councils at

year The county organization of the

IfidependentVotera Association makes
announcement! in another column of
a public meet&i^ to be held here in
Senator Porter Gives Views
Tomorrow night, the second day of
the New Y^ear, Calvin . people have a
Grand Forks and other neighboring
It iB less than a year ago since
public meeting when Senator W. H. Bishop Shanley council was given ite
Lahgdon next! Tuesday afternoon at charter and first established in Feb-
•I 1'.; theAuditorium for the perfecting and Porter gives an outline of what was
done at the special legislative sea. uary 1919. It is the junior council
reorganization'of the local association in North Dakota but wtih a member*
in readiness fcr a state convention to sion. The talk is one in -which Doc
is to give his constituents a straight­ ship roll of over 300 knights haB a
be held a few weeks later when a rank among other councils within the
complete fusion state ticket will be forward honest-to-goodness detail of
what was done by our law makers at dnminain of this state that give it a
selected and a concentrated effort prestige.
made to complete the partial triumph the "extraordinary" session. You
may be sure both the good and the Upwards of fifty candidates had
of the election of two vears ago. conferred upon them the rank of
In the past few weeks units or bad will have to stand up and be
Wishing You a Happy and clubs of workers of the Independent
Voters Association have been organ­
counted before he's ttyrougb. Knighthood when the work of the
third degree was completed by the
Grand Forks team on Sunday after­
ized in nearly all of the outlying New Year's Day in 1889
Prosperous New Year towns over the county In fact all
towns in the county adjacent to rail­
It is worth repeating as having
been stated by one Langdon's old
noon. ^Candidates in the class in ad­
dition to quite a representative
showing from here in Langdon, also
roads now have their local working timer: "It was the mildest Christmas included Wales. Mt.Carmel, Olga,
organization to which will be added Day that we have seen in years." Dresden and Easby.
township units as soon as the weather Yes, and the way that it has been- At the banquet which was served
and road conditions render it possi&le keeping it up since, the boys are •in the evening a number of toasts

Home Implement Co. This work ^as been done under the
direction of Mr. W. T. Wasson, an
organizer of the Independent voters
state association.
planning to have a baseball game
to-day, in celebration of New Year's
Day—just the same as they did here
on January 1st, 1889 There are still
were responded to both by out of
town visitors and members of the
Bishop Fhanlev council.
County Agents for The /. H. C. Auto Truck Mr. Wasson has taken activ^ part photographs of this event to be found Basket Ball Game Tomorrow
from the start in the campaign in Langdon to substantiate this hap. An opening eves* with the basket
Langdon Loma Dresden Wales is of the I V. A. and at a meeting of
the leaders heltl Tuesday evening in
pening of thirty years ago. balll fans of Langdon and vicinity
will be the game which the local
J the rooms of the Commercial club
outlined plans for the public meeting
called for Tuesday afternoon of next
Santa Clau& Visited Langdon quint of the high school will play
Langdon young folks did not let here tomorrow night with Michigan.
the Santa Claus proposition go alto­ The visitors come for a return game
week at two o'clock. Both republi

New Year's Day

gether by default, if the Xmas sea- for the one that Langdon lost on its
Now at Los .Indios, Texas
Henry Rafflenbeul, who"early in
LANGDON'S 1920 CENSUS cans v and deiDcc ats have reasons to Jbe
hopeful that the victory of 1920 will
sonwas rather quiet in its-^cbsTerv- aw,ay from hotvji trip just before
ance here. The children of St. Alph- the holidays.
December left for Southern Texas GOMES AT A BAD TIME be so complete that after the voters on3us church had their gifts ani a

A Langdon Bride .fi}

after having a sale of his farm prop­
erty near Dresden writes the Demo­
crat from Los Indios, Texas, that he taking conies about a year too early
are counted there will be no cause to
It would appear that the census say "Let's Finish the Job in 1922."
is well pleased with his land invest­ to include a whole lot of the growth Will Spend Winter in Florida
nice time in theKnights of Columbus
Hall on Tuesday night . On Wednes­
Big Delegation from Wales
The Wales contingent of Knights
day evening both the Methodist and of Columbus here to participate in
• ment of some eighty acres there. The and development that Langdon is des­ Episcopal children had a time suit­ the Christmas week reunion included
Arthur Sparling and wife are leav­ able to this big annual event with Jos. J. Fischer, Jos. Klein. Frank J.
! Sparling-Wells Nuptials Quiet weather since arriving has been cool, tined to see during the season of ing today the first day of the new
both young and old. Fischer, Frank Messner and George
>me Event This Fore­ but no frost, and at the time he 1920. The year that opens with to­ year for a trip extending through the
wrote, on Dec. 17th, it was raining. day is going to be one of such a balance of tha winter, in the south. Borho. They brought with them
noon at Ten Both himself and the family feel visible growth, both along the lines They expect to spend the greater A Guest from Central India eight candidates for the class of ini­
sure that they will like it in the Rio of building and population, that it part of the time they are gone in Dr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness tiation and advancement to the full
Grande Valley. They are within a will easily stand out foremost in any Florida. The wedding of have as their guest at the manse rank of Knighthood. The candidates.
their this week Miss Herdnian, a friend Henry Eikenbrock, Tom Eikenbrock,
A New Year's wedding in Lang­ short distance of the new home at year of Langdon's progress and de­ daughter. Miss Hester, to Mr. Roy
don, in which much local interest Los Indios, of their old neighbor, velopment since the lown started* M. Wells, an event of this forenoon and old acquaintance from Ontario, John Hutton, John Platz, Jr., Albert
'centers, was the nuptial event this Henry Hahn. of Dresden, and family. over three decades ago. It is to ' be preceded the going away of Mr. and who of late years has been engaged Borho, John Boeal, Henry Eikenbrock
forenoon at the Sparling home, when in work as a missionary in India and Jr., Ben Borho and William Fischer.
regretted, as we say, that Langdon Mrs,. Sparling, while the cuuple
Miss Hester, tha only daughter of Finds Harbinger of Early Spring will not be able to take advantage of will at once go to housekeeping in at present is enjoying a vacation visit Wales certainly had a fine delegation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sparling be- among her Canadian and American here for the K. of C. reunion and all
Robt. Allison brought in what may the splendid showing which this the Sparling home, oc?up>ing same
canvi-the bride of Mr. Roy M. Wells. friends. At the services of the Pres- appeared to thoroughly enjoy every
be taken as a harbinger of a mild means in the statistics for the Census until tha completion of tneir bnnga
:)The marriage ceremony, -a quiet hvterian church here on Sunday Miss minute cf their stay.
winter and early spring Monday. It of 1920, but just the same there is low on Seventh street early next
alfair performed at the home at ten Herdman will address the congrega­
was a spring of blossoming "pussy" much which the city authorities and summer. GIRLS—NOTICE!
o'clock, was conducted by Rev. Dr. tions upon her work in India.
willow that he had discovered in bud such civic organizations as our com­ All members of the Girls' Club are
]Harkness, only the immediate fapiil- surrounded everywhere with a blanket mercial club can do to further and aid
|ies and a few friends being present,
Brings His Bride to Munich Heavy impure tlocd makes a requested to be present at a special
of snpw nearly a foot deep on the in seeing that the count of Langdon's Harold S. Snyder, who with the muddy, pimply complexion, head­ meeting in the club room at the
fno invitations being issued. mail route between Langdon and population is as complete as possible. first of the New Year succeeds Editor
t The wedding took place in the aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin Auditorium on Friday evening, J an-
Walhalla. Spring is a long way off, It is to be borne in mind that a cen­ Norris H. Nelson in charge of the blood makes you weak, pale and sick­ uary 2nd, 1920 at 7:30 p. m.
living room of the home, the bride yet all signs pointing to its eventual sus of Langdon taken in January is Munich Herald, was married Christ­ ly. For pure blood, sound digestion Important meeting—Bring your
i being met at the Btairway by her arrival are hailed with a welcoming sure to give an unsatifactory show­ mas day at Des Moines la., to Miss
father and escorted to the altar where use Burdock Blood Bitters. $1.25 dues—Please be prompt.
glad hand. ing as to what is Langdon's popula­ Lydia Helene Weissinger. The ro­ ner bottle at all stores Eva Souch, President.
j the groom awaited her. Before the tion if the greatest care is not taken mance preceding the happy ev«nt is
ceremony Miss Alma Bleakley gava Greetings from Gull Lake, Sask to include those who are away this understood as having ripened from an
| a beautiful rendition of "I Love You
Truly" to the piano accompaniment Many who for years numbered winter season. It is in such matters acquaintance formed while Mr.
of Miss Jessie Milne. This was fol­ among the Democrat's long list of as these that Miss O'Reillv, the Snyder was at Camp Dodge, he hav­
lowed by "In the Garden of My Canadian readers have been heard enumerator, should be given every ing seen twenty two months service
from with substantial holiday greet­ available assistance so that Langdon with the 352nd Infantry of the 88th
•Heart" after the wedding vows tad
ings during the week. Our big may make the most creditable show­ Division.
been taken. The bride was most
becomingly attired in a navy blue friend "Bill" Illerbrun, who for ing possible. It is not desired that 4802
years past has made his home in the other than the actual facts be forth­ National Y. W. C. A. Delegate
tricoUette tailored frock. Immediately
Gull Lake region of Saskatchewan coming in the census taken either of Miss Genevieve Johns too, the only
follo^ng the wadding a four-course
weddi'ng breakfast waB served at sends word that "all's well here no the city or county. But let everyone daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
snow—A Merry Christmas and Happy feel a personal interest in having Johnston brought ber home stay dur­
which covers were laid for a party of
New Year to yourself and the family. censusi statistics from Cavalier county ing the holidays to a close Mondav. Langdon, North Dakota
nine. The groom since returning as well as Langdon city make the Before the re-onening of the Univer­
from service with the colors in the IN MEMORIAM. best showing of facts and figures sity of Minnesota, after the New
aeroplane corps, bas been associated
Dickson.—In loving memory of our that is possible. Year, Miss Johnston goes to Des
jrith the Sparling garage in which : late wife and mother, Mrs. W. J. MoineR la. where there is a national
fie has held responsible positions for
Dickson, who departed from this Appreciation from End-Town joint convention of the Y. W. C. A.
eight years, and since the retirement
qf Mar. Sparling has taken over the
life on March 1st, 1917. : '*• The following notation was at­ and Y. M. C. A. being held. She is Capital and Surplus, $75,000.00
(business partnersh ip recently .formed Another year has passed and gone. tached to a remittance'to the Courier one of the delegates of the U. of M.
with Mr. Stanley Schneider;. The Since one we loved so well Democrat from one 9f its subscribers at this big gathering.
popularity of the bride in echool, Was taken from her home on earth at Hannah, in sending us two dollars C.B. McMillan. President L.L. Gardner, Cashier,
M. P. Clark left yesterday return­
With Jesus Christ to dwell for another year's renewal: "Your J. H. Bain, Vice-Pres't. . J,L. Schwartz, Asst.Cashier
aocial and church circles, all of'Which ing to White Garth, Minn, after
she has been, actively engaged in Only gone awhile before us. valuable paper has stood for what it
spending most of the holidays here
particularly during the patriotic We shall meet her bye and bye, thought was best for tbe county, state
arranging for the remofal of him­
demands for service during war time If we are prepared to enter and nation Your paper is not and
self and family here early in the
That bright mansion in the sky. I hope never will be controlled: by ir­
add to the local importance of todays sp:ing to locate on a half section of
happy event. Mr. and Mrs Wells —Husband and Children* responsible agitation of socialistic land in Manilla township which he
Hannah, N. D., Dec. 25tb, 1919. tendencies"—which of course means purchased within the past General banking carried on consistent with sound
ijrfll occupy the Sparling home this few
Townley and his kept press gang. and established banking practice. Interest paid
winter while Mr. and Mrs Sparling months. Mr. Clark will bring a
John W. Scott of the county audi­ According to our veteran reader of
are in the south, they move inn complete farm equipment with him. on time deposits. Money to loan on approved
tor's office represented the tax de­ the Courier-Democrat at Hannah,
later to a home in course of con­ He has farmed in Minnesota for year
partment at a meeting held Saturday there are still many in this county security. Special attention given the require­
struction on Seventh St. A host of and with his family will add to the
at Grand Forks for the purpose of and scattered over the state who
friends ixtend hearty congratualtions number of good and useful citizens ments of the community we serve.
adopting a system for the handling of have not as yet bent their knees to
and wish them a life of joy and in the immediate vicinity of Langdon.
the twenty. Ave per cent rebate that Baal.
will have to be made on state taxes We hold your eyes and our profes*
Get y(t>ur tablets, pencils and other under tbe recent legislative enact­ The Democrat is headquarter! for sion above selllth interests. A. 0.
school supplied at the Democrat. ment. school tablets, pencil, pens, etc. Wold Company.


at' iX.i
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X t'A
i$tf "" '$"f"T-V- i """" "

v . a " w t ' f P m

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COTJMT Xj liJvAvLrflJL .. , T
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7. ... ..
rarararararararaeEieeEnerairae ibiiiii!m Tins ccnsotl, ttlcy nro stilt Hying ' Hie

1 1 v ,.: MORGENTHAU PLEADS jllfo of ri&iitids, able to. 'continue to

151 ;
keep nllvo only1 by virtue of American
E FOR HELPING HAND Tlieso homeless people "filthy- -
At Your Serviqe-
infl-dels- ,f
- to tho Turkr-verogood-en-

t6 exert their, jpoor .might In our be-

Obert Tribune: C. U. Butlur and, .fiye children, Dorothy, Todd, Frankle, IN THE NEAR EAST half while tho war was still, in ,'tlie
W. C. Hoikcs were visitors Lois and Vivian, of Salix, la.; Mr. ami .balance. Massacres of. n half century
In Sioux City Monday. Mrs. J. Jones and flvo children, Frank, ' -
it S" ;lmd not so broken .their spirit that
o Mary, Grace,, Ralph and Kenneth, of ' t.. . ;
Former Ambassador to Turkey tl)cy dnrcd pot fight for right and for
Ponca Advocate: Mrs. C. Jacob-so- n Riverside, la.; Mr. and Mrs. James democracy when Justice was the issue.
is enjoying a visit from her moth- Collier, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Squires Says America Should Not Let Wo ncqcptedvtholr aid then. Surely,
er, Mrs. Ross, of Sioux City. and her grandson. Wo shall ' not pass them by without
We want your account, We have the. Armenian Allles"Starve. compassion bow.
Wayne Herald: Miss Elda Briden Emerson Enterprise: Miss Zita facilities and the spiritMo serve you well. The day has passed when any self
baugh, a nurse who has been hereon Clark, of Jackson, was an Emerson '
by HENRY MORQENTHAU, respecting ninn dares permit absorp- -
professional duties, returned to her visitor Monday... .Mr. and Mrs. Bill
I m.. . tlon h his own. personal affairs to fy

home in Dakota City Friday. Hartnett; of. Hubbard, visited last The personal attontipn, we give toVac- - Former Ambassador to Turkey and' consideration of his neljhbAVa
week with Mrs. Julia Kerwin and Leader In Near East Relief. wjcll being., No honorable man can,
counts is as broadlyi,holpfulj, as wo 'can i

R. J. Huie othor friends... .Miss Clara Blume.

Osmond Republican: It. thoy wcro good enough to light knowingly nllbw his neighbor to hun-
and family and Miss Blanche Chris schools, who teaches in the South Sioux Gity make it. and dlo for us when wo needed their ger or to gq unclothed. , The Christian Vi
topherson went to Crofton Friday tion at is spending Christmas vaca- help so sorely, thoy nro good enough peoples of tho Near East are cr
morning, where they will spend the and daughter home.... Mrs. George Harris now to shnro soino meager llttlo neighbors. Tho money needed to re-
Christmas vacation. Marie, will spend Wo cordially fnvitefour cusj.ome.Vs' and. crumbs from our plenty, when they lievo them can bo spared wltlwat
Christmas with Mr, If arris' mother in
Honver. . . .John Church was compell- other friends to visit us.;to make this' bank hnvo nothing, when hundreds of thou causing any. man, woman or child tai
Allen News: Mrs. Mary Morgan ed to take a layoff as he waa suffer- your, bank and to" take Eulladvar(tage of' all OU.1VIO Ul lll'ill, 1IIU IIUUIUICBS, IIUUIUU, tho United States to Buffer.
returned to her home in Dakota coun- ing from an attack of pleurisy Mon- " r .. foddless nnd thrcntenod with extermi- Mutt Not Rett on Put.
ty Monday morning aftera shprt vis- day morning and wasunablo to get our services in everyway possible. nation hv their enemies nnd our own. In other years of our own free will
it at the home of her mother, Mr;
Jane Morgan, and brothers, Ed. and out....
Mrs. Mary Harris, of Homer, Not fur from n million. Christians wo .sent missionaries to Turkey. Ow
who has been visiting for the past havo lu'cu niurdorcd'by their Turkish schools and cdlleges and hospital
Phil. three weeks at the home of her son SAW., opprebsoiu riungry, terror stricken havo played a wonderful' role In h- -
George, was an over Sunday guest at Farm Loans. , liiNiif'hitce. hundreds of thousands of refugees ;manizlng thadark spot, in the world.
Hartington Herald: Mrs. V. H. the Chas. Rockwell home....F. M. now look to tho United States for suc
Markley went to Sioux City laj; Draper and his daughter-in-la- and w
uuc meas, our eaucaqonu reeowrcea,
cor. our material 'equipment, have beea
Wednesday to attend the funeral ol two children spent a couple of days Have Trust In America.
her cousin, Mrs. M. M.. Beacons... in Emerson at the Jeff Taylor homd leaven In thb Near East. Becaoee we
MissHazel Johnson, who is employed the first of the week, returning to ' Wo cannot refuse. Next to tlicll havo dono welkin times past wetan
in the Last Chance cafe, went '. Sioux City Wednesday morning. . . .
i. , faith in God Is their trust In tho ills tills great opportunity, for, the preawat r
Hubbard Saturday for a visit with Col. Rasdal and John Critz were ovcX
friends. from Homer last Saturday and both
GOODWIN SMTE BANK Interested good will nud'gonoroslty of , Tho, Armenlanshave-beentreat-
perhaps ho people' In history bare Weea
gentlemen made this office a pleas- - treated boqauso they are the aplriraal
Siou.c City Journal, 28: Mr. and ant visit. Col. Rasdal informs us that Brothers of western races.
.Mrs. Jacob Learner had as guests for he has a large booking of sales for " iWIll Amorrc8riielp 'them? Ther
"Christmas dlnneV Thursday Mr. and thLs season. Mr. Critz recently dis- - 1 GOODWIN, 'NEBRASKA '
can be but ono, answer. .Their keces-- ' 1
Mrs. George Learner of South Sioux posed of his farm near Homer and a
City; Miss Marian Sheldon of Hay.m- - general farm sale last week cleaned
sis, Neb.; Miss Esther Learner of him up, so that he and Mrs. Critz
I '1 ''
sltyis dire; but our power Is great
Wo are wcaltliy. We are a member eN
the family of nations. Our brotbem

Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip will take a well deserved vacation. call us. "Food, clotlics, money,
Gregory. While here Mr. Critz mode several .Pi .
o purchases at the Merchandise sti wanted. It ever Bnaer)te4;
.yr - Buffering called for succor the'pUgat '
Wnlthill Citizen: Will Estill was and while on theway home he lost 'tr'lfof. laws un,dor which the judiciary qt the. Armenians he4e
at Homer nnd Sioux City iundnyand the package, whicvh contained a
Monday.... Mrs. Win Beeken went to mackinaw coat and several other ubmi biuuiib muh iiuimiu such cuacs liow. A few' months morea&d it may

,and the people generally are willing Be relief will be (too late for thoee
South Sioux City Monday evening to articles. , .
rto concede them. It is to be hoped
visit her people.... Mrs. W. 11. Ma- - (that the dennrtnflinn will ho n rnnrl myriads whom only we cai amye. WeN
son and daughter Lena, were Rosalie ,
(Written for The Herald by ReCobject lesson to dangerous agitators?
BhoU ndt .fall them. '
lf visitors Sunday with Ralph Mnson'. Farmer To Gather At Lincoln v. iv. uunu. both here and to thoso abroad who CiiIvcn Profitable For Boys and (lirls CH
and family.
Pender Times: Mr. and Mrs. Dave urgamzeu
mers will meet in umcoin .......
The following organizations offar-
curing n

think of coming hero. Wo foil to
has been my idea for a lting see the difference between oiir ct.
to liken Emma Goldman andcla! svstnm :,;:.
. Webster county. Boys and Girls Cult
Club members recently held a show
Beacom were over from Wnitmn fruauiaa war. to
. inclusive:
, iNenrasKa
w ... i
i - ntT runninL'
The. mother of the former Board of Agriculture, weDrasKa as- or a fe8terPtttr sore: fhev- hnvo bcon f- -..
rniiLH Xaii if l i"
iiiuii lu ii ...iii.lj
uun iliiu r'
," hlnir?.
i niiiviriiin i crorrinfr
"- ;-
t i,ri unnu
rrsn ."".i"
"Y, ,""""
":" and. sale. Twonty-llv- headof short-
horns veroj sold' if or1 an average of

!. :..y.
Managers, Nebraska $330.40 each arid fiye here'fords for .

soclatlon of. Fair'"

!, A't'Ji.
. - -- --

dftd last week at Sioux Citv. She 4 7 -- 1

an average 'of $370 each'; One lr!
.jWi Z "';7u Z Corn Improvers' Associktion,
.. i .
Nebra.- - '"-- ?"
Vir"11 uo,uman, rest of 5P?
Mo. ineir initunaus uocirines ionKr hiii,.W are gone, and there .ought, to bo sold a caf ifor) $1,100 V
T" county..r "-- UlUllUUt VOIUVIIbO
Mr. Beacom has tho f ntt--

"bL- ! Bi..4.
A'iknUnn ""V, r'somBiofvus can, rem i' & ..Aymrr WH'v'.adme more.."..":(. "Keel Shina" ifinil if. wiav dred idollArslAJpiriies
Several hun- - v


f r... -
mpathy of his inanyiender MBflh"W.-JAHEff!K!-
., -
tion, Nebraska ...Swine"
,havB been ejected. ". This ii surely:
aee'.wnerai 'rr?

renan8ttuerJ?F?'-i,- '
t-- ..,i;--j""- -.
Wrmeh ' ,HWf J m
A. C. Shallenberger' judgingthe ahowJ'
fir r

v w
Mrs. HI. A.. soclation, Nebraska

iltillV. WC'IU UlllUllim VIBIIOI'J

i nnnninTinn
Sl. IS! i""iV.t"8:. "I S:,.y!lXn?.r.,i,-,!.- a .,.....-..- , S
Honey 'producers
ri Winnln vf nr n Knn r rir
T ? ..
. erf ui( i r rttrtir liir
" -

,j havtfbeeii done v
the vZZMt
T.r , not very much, wrought up over
n u niii ini


ago, '
were Homo Demonstration Notes "
Miss Florence Atwood
The juniors purchased the shorthornu
six months ago for an average
$150 each and the horefords for $20U
each. In addition to tho experience
nnnwlntr tViia wnol Mr r.intnn win meni iwsociunon, iNeorasKa dlulo them and what thew were trvintr to Home
and knowledge acquired, the boys
Florists" Society, Nebraska Farm Demonstration Agent
leave Wednesday to join Mrs. Linton
the girls for Xmas day at the enu Association, Nebraska Home
of Mrs. Linton's parents it nomics Association, Nebraska State their soap-bo-
do, But as the continual dropping

weareth away the hardest' rock, bo :.., .: Copyrlsht by Underwood & Underwood.
and girls ma4o a good sum of money
both in prfits and in prizes..
oratory and their pa- x
Little Sioux, Iowa. Mr. Linton will Horticultural Society, Nebraska n Ab-the-

pers have fianlly accomplished some- Tho Tlirice-a-Woek- " Edition

take a couple of davs to" visit erdeen-Angu- s Breeders' Association, and d it '"Snow-decke- d holly-decke-
the American people. They look to us
thing which has awakened the peo- of tho New York Worlu
his parents ut Good Thunder, Minn., Nebraska Galloway Breeders' Associa-an- ple to the danger of the situation. To comes, d
as tho human agency to cztrlcato
will return, to Lyons Wednesday, tlon- The Nebraska State Poultry
- richest and poorest homes. them from tho frightful situation la IN 1920 nnd 1921
December til. Association, the Nebraska Corn Im- - They are foreigners though they havo Twelve jeweled months all set with which they havo been left an a, conse-
o . jprbvers' Association and the Nebras- - become American citizens, and they days v ;
quence of tho war. Practically n Dally at the Price of. i
krt State Florists' Society will have are agitators of the worst sort. Of priceless opportunities.
Sioux City Tribune, 27: Mr. Vand
There were but a few of their kind A silver moon, a golden sun, If wo should fall to uld them, starva- Weekly. No other Newspaper in the ,
Mrs. M'. J. Suttonhave been enter- - tneir annual shows during the week. twenty-fiv- e world gives so much at sa.Iow a ,prlee.
tainlng at a Christmas family house Speakers of national note will ad are nearly years ag6, and now thera With, diamond stars when day is done,
150 papers and over Over. all a sapphire sky
tion and tho winter's cold would go far
to completing tho' work douo by tho Tho present Presidential campalgh
party this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sut dress an assemblage of all attending 100,000 followers: is tho most important in our history.
ton have 7 children and 25 grandchil- the various meetings Wednesday af- Where pearly clouds go floating by." unspeakable Turk. Tho Thrlce-a-Wce-
World which is
Of these, five children ternoon, January 21. J. R. Howard, J- not so much that they did. a I hn,vo not seen with my own eyes
k --

dren living. talking, but, it was what thoy Meats may bo as successfully can tho greatest example of tabloid jour-
nnd 18 grandchildren visited them of Clemons, la., president of tho tho misery In which tho Armenians nalism in America will give you n
this year. The guests included: Mr, 'American Farm Bureau Federation talked.. 'It was not so much that they ned as fruits or vegetables' by caro now exist. I havo been spared that. tho news of it. It will keep you ip
tried- to influence the trend of our ful work. -
These, will keep indofl.
nnd Mrs. H. L. Langstaff ond four and president of the Iowa State Farm government, ,but that they were try-
But the reports 'which havo been thoroughly informed as a daily at'
children, Myron, Donald, Archie and Bureau, will address the meeting of ing to destroy it altogether. nitoly and will he as fresh moat who brought In by agenta of tho Near East fivo or six times the price. Besides,
Clara,' of Bronson, la.; Mr. and Mrs. the Nebraska Farm Bureau Associa- one has a right to agitate a change Any opened. It is necessary that the Relief ond by representatives of the
meal thp news from Europe for a long time'
D. J. Sutton and four children, Jean, tion on January 23. bo perfectly fresh. No. amount ol Peaco Conference paint a picture of
of. policy, but the country has set to come will bo of overwhelming In-
sterilizatino mako putrefied meat
Abbie, Melvin and Gerald, of Ticonic, its foot on the idea that a man has wholesome. will wretchedness Inconcelvablo to those terest, and we are deeply and Vitally
a right to destroy, not "th,e govern- oughly sterilized jars
fa.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Court and
The Herald, $1.50 per year Tho .should be thor who havo not a first hand impression concerned in it. The Thrice-aiWee-

ment," but government in general, warer until they are toldft

and in boiling of tho savagery of tho Mussulman. World will, furnish ypu an, accurate
and this is' what they advocated. Wo is ausoiutely necessary to filled.
allow a man tho right to, freedom of rubbers of the best quality, uso new
be JtJ Exiled From Homes.
Since tho beginning of tho war tin.
, and comprehensive report of
every-thingth- at
'i v..'.IIm
speech, but, we specify by our senti- 1 Tho Thrice-a-We- World's, regular V
Turkish' Armenians havo been largely! subscription priceis only $1.00 peril
ments if not by the constitution, WASHING WOOLENS. refugees- from their homes, A simple "ll
year, and this ptrys for 150 papers.

that it must be the ispeech of free " Strong soap should never bo used agricultural people, thoy havo been
dom, and that froodom is not anar- in washing woolens, nor Wo offor this unequalled newspaper;
chy. Wo submit that Lenlne is a bo applied directly to should soi.p exiles from their farms, deprived of and Tho Horald, together for one
greater tyrant than Czar Nicholas. It should be used in tho garment. all opportunity to support themselves. year for $2.23.
And why should the countrv con. water solution. The Ycar'by year (heir sufferings havo In- Tho regular subscription, jirlco of
fine its elforts only to tho foreignqr ShOUld used in washing tho flannels creased, '''aw, a year after lighting tho two papers is $2.60.
wno is a uantrerous airitator? M, - - nnh lir. tknn
mm, IUMJ l..l, Will 111,
it lor at a luke warm temperature, so'j
r itinMlr
? "'"' '"--
n m nu.1
"J"." firwM'"'
"0" nu anu. water havo a less detrimental
"V uuil.'ei- loose action on wool thim nt any other

uriURo any man's rlcrhts to cause, sudden changps In temperature
say what he pleases so long as he causes shrinkage. U A IMACJOOF SAFETY.
ttoes not injure the name or happi- The garment
Because of utility, the
ness of another, bijt ho must ho re-
should not bo rubbed, if possiblo to m
Ford 1'ton Truck with worm drive has sponsible for what ho saysu and when
bo avoided, but should be washed by
drawing through the hand and wash-int- f u
made itself an absolute business necessity.
he is a menace to the social organi-
zation for peaco and order and Indus-
up and down. Rinse frco of
soap in waters of tho same tomporo-tur- e
nm To ferret out hiding places is the. burglar's
It's so dependable in service wherever try, there ought to bo a way to mako and wring through n loosoly sot lniHiiiDHH--an- d ho knowB hisbtisindss all
placed, flexible and sure in control and
him stop further damage. wringer. Dry in a warm placo but u too well,
low cost of operation and maintenance and
The trend of our government is to
become stronger. It used to bo tho
idea, "tho less government the bet-
not near a fire as heat will cause
snV,nkaEe. When drying shape by
possessing that vanadium steel strength, it pulling and stretching. If fianheis The wise man stores valued possessions in
tor," but wo have come to the timo are to bo presai.'d they should m
has become the want in every lino of busi- when tho government takes a hand first hi this institution's safe deposit vault and
ness, from retail merchant to manufactur- in tho settling of disputes, Jrf an in-
allowed to dry and thon should he
covered with a slightly dampened n goes happily along in the knowledge that
er, from engineer to contractor, from cor-
vestigator and adjuster of difFicut
ties of various Borts; it takes over
piece of cheese cloth and Ironed with
a moderately hot Iron. Blankets are
u they are secure.
poration to farmer. Let us tell you details the coal and says who shall havo it in tho same way.
to burn, rogulates shipping, prices oi
and give ydu a demonstration. some commodities at times, tells a IS Are your valuables protected?
corporation what business they moy Tuberculosis In Live Stock
Truck chassis $550 f.o.b. Detroit. engage in, and a lot of other things. "Tuberculosis In T.lvn Sfnnti- IWnn. -
U ?
And, we are beginning to look moro tlon, Control and Eradication," is tho gj JS per cent paid on Time Deposits.
and more to the government for n name of United States Department '
SMALL & ROGERS THE FORD MEN even against 'old II. C. of L.

of Agriculture Bulletin 1009, which m

So wo can see how serious it Is be- may ho obtained by writing-th- Col m '

homer Motor co.

coming when a man will seek to tear CB,? f Agriculture, Lincoln. This
down tho whole social system or evon ED

A y
a part of It, If a man has the
toot line no ho lilr--i litm tn fl.,. lnniUi
'and has It fixed or out. but whnn
bullotln Is especially timely and val
uablo just now on acdount of the Ne-
braska law elfectlvo January 1 whlcii
requires dairy cows to ho tested for
nm Jackson State Bank
' i

there is a. disturber of the peace tuberculosis. The bulletin discuss- ' Jackson, Nobrnska hf;
and qulot In ttye country we havo to es tho prevulonco pf the disease, how EH
suffer It, The sailing of tho "Red A8 8PrcnJi causes, how to detect
Ship" is a step in the right direction. It, the tuberculin test, mothods of
Attorney General Palnjer has asked eradication; etc. BlOaiaIltBlJEIStStaOHCaBaMiiBllBBB
i T1.

wf' itrr-t- aiO-a- . s. w si X
*. . .mi- MHHUSß •' :s " ,;^.
|l -^1
Published and distributed under permit (No. 783), authorized by the Act ef Oct. 6,1917, on file at the Postoffice of St Good, Minn._ i, „4e,„, tle Pre,Menti &, P..^g General
F < -
" J5?
v| ooooooooooooooooeooa 1 f'fW, _

•'Ms 7M

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EZvfUhhfcOl'/^ I ;
V:: ..' ' '' - '' ' * *M

46. Zahrgang. \ ^t. (Lloud, Minnesota, Donnerstag, den 1. Zanuar 1920* er 8i , ;4 ^

Zweites gegen den Ui?e- Uiele Opfer durch . mils'c Uorgeben Dew je |
kämpf Ii
König gerichtetes Attentat von „(Ubiskey" Staai>redM&
Die Anterbrückungspolttik III Irland entflammt sich An das Publikum ergeht die Warnung vor söge- Präsident Wilson führt gegen Italien eine Sprache,
SU ^achetaten seitens der ZreZZ. Zn Dublin wird ein nanntem Whiskey, der giftigen Vrennspiritus ent- wie man sie früher nicht einmal gegen ein kleines Newark, I. I., 27. Dez. — Sobald' 'M
abermaliger Angriff auf das Jagdschloß des Vizekö hält. Aeber hundert Personen sielen derartigem Ge- Fürstentum anzuwenden wagte, sagt ein italienischer der neuerwählteGouverneur Edwards
söin Amt antritt, wird der Prohibit AZ
nigs unternommen. Gin Offizier und einer der An tränk bereits zum Opfer. Zm Osten wurden Verhaf- Senator. Schildert die herrschende patriotische Lei- tionszusatz zur Bundesverfassung im^2
greifer gefallen. Vier Verdächtige in Haft. tungen vorgenommen. Mordanklage wird erhoben. denschaft der Italiener in Fiume und Valmation. Biundesobergericht aufs neue ange-^
griffen werden. Herr Edwards er^: -
klärte, er werde dem Generalstaatsan-'
Dublin, 29. Dez. — Bei einer dort aufbewahrte Gewehre davon. 12 Städte belichten über Todesfälle Weihnachten 4. Coroner Hoffman Rom, 30. Dez. — Senator Pulle' und Dalmation ausgegebene Pa- Walt sofort die Weisung erteilen, das
Schießerei im Phoenix Park wurden In Killarney wurde am Weihnachts durch Genuß von Höllengemisch. teilte bei dieser Gelegenheit mit, daß erklärte im Senat in einer Rede über Piergeld eingelöst wird, waren zwei Verfahren einzuleiten, und wahrend,
om frühen Morgen in kurzer Entfer­ abend ein Konstabler durch einen New Jork, 28. Dez. — Unvoll- viele Personen durch den Genuß sol­ die adriatische Frage, Präsident Wil­ seiner Bedingungen für die Aufgabe die Entscheidung in der Schwebe ist; :
nung vom Jagdschloß des Vizekönigs Schuß verwundet, als er mit ande ständige Berichte aus den folgenden chen »Whiskeys" dauernd erblinden. son habe in seilten Botschaften an Ita­ der Stadt. wird von der Legislatur ein Gesetz
Ferner verlangt der Jnfurgenten­ angenommen
ein Offizier der Schloßwache und „ein rat Polizisten Versuchte, eine Keilerei Städten zeigen ein sehr trauriges 'Gegen zwei Männer, welche Holzalko­ lien einen so arroganten Ton ange­ werden, das den Ver-'
Mitglied einer Bande von Eindring- zwischen Zivilisten und englischen Bild über die Folgen der Einführung hol verkauft haben, wurde Anklage schlagen, wie man es sich im letzten führer das Recht, in Fiume oder ir­ kauf von Bier und Wein im Starte;
lingen" getötet. Von manchen Sei- Soldaten zu unterdrücken. der Kriegsprohibition und der Lei- auf Mord erhoben. Zwei Mond Jahrhundert nicht einem kleinen Für­ gend einem anderen Teile Dalmati­ New Krsey gestattet. -
ten wurde die Ansicht zum Ausdruck Vor der Bahnstation in Dongar denschastlichkeit einer gewissen Sorte schein-Brennereien wurden im Vorort stentum gegenüber erlaubt haben wür- ens ohne Beschränkung. und Paß- Der erwählte Senator Simpson
gebracht, daß es sich um einen gegen van wurden, wie gemeldet wird, 20,. Menschen, die wütend berauschenden Homewood von Sbeuerbeamten be­ de. Der Senator, der, obgleich schon zwang wohnen zu dürfen- Ermächti von Hudson County hat eine diesbe­
das Jagdschloß gerichteten, vorberei- 000 Runden Munition gestohlen, das Getränken nachspüren. zügliche Vorlage bereits ausgearbei^
schlagnahmt. Zwei Männer wurden ein alter Mann, der letzten Krieg als gung zur Bestimmung der Zeit und
teten Angriff handelte. anscheinend für das Militär bestimmt Seit dem 1. Juli verzeichneten die verhaftet; ihre Identität konnte zu­ Bersagliereoffizier mitgemacht hat, 'Einzelheiten der Abreise der Truppen tet, ehe sie aber in der Legislatur
Me man glaubt, bestand die war. eingeveiK wird, wird sie erst von
folgenden Städte durch den Genuß nächst nicht festgestellt werden. sagte, Italien müsse notwendigerweise von Fiume und offizielle Anerken- einem der bedeutendsten Kenner des k
Bande von Eindringlingen aus acht von Fusel seitens der Stadtbewohner In Cleveland, £)., lagen am Fiume und den Boloco - Distrikt, so-|nung der von ihm feinen Legionären
Versassungsrechtes geprüft und be-
Mann. Vier Verhaftungen wurden folgende Verluste: Samstag neun neue Opfer des Holz wie den ihm im Londoner Vertrag verliehenen Medaille.
vorgenommen. Endlose Verhandlungen. New Jork — 52 Tote, 100 Er­ alkohols im Hospital schwerkrank da­ zugesagten Teil Dalmatiens haben. Auswandernngsvertrag.
gutachtet werden.
Berlin, 28. Dez. — Das Kabi Herr Edwards zitiert die Rechte
London, 29. Dezember. — Der Ex­ blindete. nieder; die Zahl der Erkrankten be- Der Jnfurgentenführer Gabriele d'- Rom, 29. Dez. — Dr. L. Martina der Verfassung der Ver. Staaten, •
change Telegraph Co. wird aus Dub- nett hat gestern die neueste Note der Chicopee, Mass., 36 Tote und 6 trögt damit in dieser Woche 24. Im Annunzio habe Fiume gerettet. de Sonza Danta§,e der neue brasilia­ welche besagt: „Die Rechte, welche K
lin berichtet, daß Leutnant Boast der Entente, in welcher die Unterzeich­ lebensgefährlich Erkrankte. Laufe dieser Woche sind 3 Personen D'Anmmzio's Lob. nische Gesandte in Italien, wird in die Verfassung den Ver. Staaten. ^5^ -
Offizier war, der bei dem heute früh nung des Protokolls des Friedensver- Cleveland — 14 Tote, 16 Erkrankte. am Genuß solchen „Whiskeys" gestor- Von diesem Augenblick an sei Bälde mit der italienischen Regierung nicht zuerkennt und den Staaten ~f- |
auf das vizekönigliche Jagdschloß im trges gefordert wird, besprochen, Hartford. Conn. — 13 Tote, 9 le­ ben; seit Anfang des Monats 14. . Fiume eine französisch-serbische (?— die Regulierung der italienischen Ein­ nicht verbietet, sind diesen, refpeftive '
Phoenix Park unternommenen An­ heißt, die Note werde als weiterer bensgefährlich Erkrankte. Todesfälle in Kanada. italienische - serbische) Mochtfrage ge­ wanderung in Brasilien u. den Schutz dem Volke, vorbehalten." Er erklärt, -
griff getötet wurde. Der Angreifer, Beweis dafür angesehen, daß der Gro­ Holyoke, Mass., — 6 Tote, 10 le­ Winnipeg, Man., 28. Dez. — Im worden. ' Die Italiener erkannten der Einwanderer in bezug auf Arbeit er werde alle in feiner Macht stehen- ^ ^
der fiel und dessen von Kugeln form- ße Rat ein politisches Spiel treibe. bensgefährlich Erkrankte. kanadischen Nordwesten sind zahlrei­ die Gefahr des Verlustes der Stadt und Lohn abschließen, doch wurden die den gesetzlichen Mittel anwenden, um " •£&%•
lich durchlöcherten Körper man später Regierungsbeamte weisen auf Wider­ Newark, N. I. — 5 Tote. che Personen am GMtß von Holzal- und grübelten über Maßnahmen zu Unterhandlungen über den Vertrag New Jerseys Rechte in dieser Ange- f-'
in der Nähe des Schlosses fand, trug sprüche in der Note hin, in devenEin- Chicago, 4 Tote, 6 Erkrankte. kohol gestorben, wie} in Winnepeg, ihrer Befreiung. Das war mit loka­ vorläufig bis nach der endgültigen legenheit zu wahren. %
eine alte zerrissene Uniform eines Ge- leitung auf das Fehlen der Ratifizie­ Springfield, Mass. — 3 Tote, 5 Man., bekanntgegeben wurde. Das len Milizen und Freiwilligentrup- "Erledigung der Fiume - Frage ver- Noch eine Klage. ' /
meinen der britischen Armee. rung seitens der Ver. Staaten auf­ lebensgefährlich erkrankte. ' Unwesen der Mondscheinbrenner, schoben.
merksam gemacht wird, und in der Syracuse, N. Z). — 2 Tote. . pen unmöglich. d'Annunzio ver­ Trenton, N. I., 27. Dez. — Elihu ""'.v ^
Aus dem Bericht des Korrespon- es weiter heißt, daß möglicherweise Schmuggler usw. nimmt überhand. stand das einzig* richtige Mittel zu Will pumpen. Root, der Hauptanwalt der Christian »' ;,i
denten der Exchange Telegraph scheint die 93er. Staaten ganz aus der Liste Emporium, Pa. — 2 Tote. Verhaftung von Verdächtigen in New wählen — er bediente sich der regu­ Premier Nitti wird von London Feigenspan Brewing Company, hot'"';/f;|
hervorzugehen, daß die Füsilade in der Signaturmächte ausscheiden mö­ Richmond, V>a. — 1 Toter. IoM lären Truppen. : ' nach Paris zurückkehren, um der im Bundesdistriktsgericht eine Klage
der Nähe des vizeköniglichen Schlos- gen. Die Berliner Regierung hält den Sioux City. Iowa — 2 Tote. New York, 30. Dez. — Sechs Ver­ Wie rührend! nächste Woche dort beginnenden Si­ gegen den Bundesdistriktsanwalt Bö­
ses nur einige Minuten lang dauer- Hinweis auf diese Zustände für über- New Jork, 28. Dez. — In vielen dächtige wurden bjt den Behörden in tzung der alliierten Premiers und dme und den Binnensteuereinnehnttt
Senator Pulle fuhr fort, in Ita­
te. Geschossen wurde aus der Rich- flüssig, da sie schon angedeutet habe, Städten des Ostens,. in welchen zu New Jork in Suhtzrhsit -gebracht, die lien und noch weniger im. Auslände ÄuslanhsminWr./beizuwohney^. wie DuM anhängig gemacht. In der Kla^
tung der Hauptstraße aus einer Ent> daß sie us der Nichtbeteiligung Ame­ Weihnachten gegen fünfzig Personen letzte Woche New Aork, New Jersey u. hätten die Leute den in Fiume und der ,'Corriere d'Jtölia" halbamtlich geschrift wird sowohl das Volstecch-
fernung von nahezu einer Viertel- rikas keine Zugeständnisse für Deutsch­ am Genuß von Brennspiritus gestor- andere Staaten mit einer Art „Whis­ Dalmatien herrschenden Patriotis­ meldet. Er wird mit dem britischen Gesetz wie das 18. Amendement sür
Meile. ben sind, haben sich die Gesundheits- Premier die Italien am meisten am verfassungswidrig erklärt. Sie er*
land ableite, da das Kabinett genau Behörden und die Polizei entscholssen, key" zu überschwemmen versuchten, der
wegen seines giftigen Inhaltes viele mus verstehen können, der einen dra­ Herzen liegenden Probleme, und be- klärt, der Kongreß habe nicht daS
Im ersten Morgengrauen. wisse, daß die Unterzeichnung des energisch gegen den Handel mit sol- matischen, ja sogar einen tragischen
Lieber den Angriff wird noch be- Vertrages durch drei Mächte ihn in chem „Whiskey" vorzugehen. Soweit Todesfälle und Erblindungen zur Charakter angenommen habe. Er sonders eine Anleihe besprechen, und Recht ein solches Amendement anzu­
richtet: Folge hatte. Man nimmt aber damit erinnere nur an den Fall des Grafen hofft, daß Italien von England die nehmen, dasselbe sei eine Verletzung
Kraft setze. Die Regierung ist ent- festgestellt werden konnte, sind in at­
Heute am frühen Morgen wurden schlössen, von der Entente genau zu lantischen Staaten zu Weihnachten nicht an, alle Schuldigen in Haft zu Nino de Fanfoena von Tran, der gleiche finanzielle Behandlung zuteil des 10. Amendements betreffs der
werde wie Frankreich.
in der Nachbarschaft des vizekönigli­ erfahren, wie viel Schiffstonnenge­ mindestens 41 Personen am Genuß haben und es werden eine Anzahl nach dem Fehlschlage seiner Diktatur Staatenrechte und sei überhaupt fem
chen Jagdschlosses Schüsse gehört. In halt diese für die versenkten Kriegs­ solchen Whiskeys gestorben, und die weiterer Verhaftungen erwartet. Be­ über die Stadt n gebrochenem Her­ Amendement zur Verfassung, sondern
diesem Teile des Phoenix Park — schiffe fordere. Daher dürfte die deut­ Behörden find überzeugt, daß noch sonders spürt man jenen Gesellen zen gestorben sei, und an die ergrei­ Das Sin Feiner Problem. „nichts als Gesetzgebung." Sie er-
zwischen dem Schloß und den Wirt- sche Antwort ein zweites Protokoll in viele mehr erkrankt sind, ohne daß nach, die noch von dem töetlichen Ge­ fende Szene, als d'Annunzio, zu ei­ London, 28. Dez. —Der Dubliner klärt das Amendement überhaupt für „
schaftsgebäuden — dauerte die Schie­ Bezug uf diesen Punkt vorschlagen. Bericht erstattet wurde. Das Publi­ tränk an Hand haben. ner Volksmenge in Fiume sprechend, Korrespondent des '-Evening Stan­ null und nichtig, da es nicht durch
ßerei mit kurzen Unterbrechungen Das Kabinett ist der Ansicht, daß kum wird dringend vor ÄÜen Geträn­ In der Zwischenzeit vermehrte sich die Flagge entfaltete, die er während dard" meldet in einer Depesche, es eine gemeinsame Resolution von ek
nahezu eine Stunde. Es „gab offen- Deutschland berechtigt ist, nur dann ken gewarnt, die heutzutage als Whis­ die Zahl der Todesopfer in der des ganzen Krieges getragen, wobei sei in Dublin keinGeheimnis, daß das ner Zweidrittelmehrheit der Kon­
bar keinen direkten Angriff aus das! der Forderung der Entente nach Un­ key" verkauft werden. Viele Personen Stadt Stadt New Dorf um weitere die Männer ehrerbietig mit unbedeck­ irische Sinn Fein Problem von den greßmitglieder angenommen wurde;
Schloß selbst." Die Schloßbewohner terzeichnung des Hauptprotokolls sind infolge des Genusses von Whis- vier. Je ein Todessall wurde von tem Haupte im Regen standen, wäh- Behörden für eine gefährliche Krank­ und die Handlungsweise des Kongres-
dachten zuerst, daß die Schießerei nachzugeben, wenn in dem endgülti­ key völlig erblindet. Newark, Elizabeth. Passaic, N. I., rend die Frauen mit dem Rufe: „Es heit erachtet werde, gegen die rück­ ses sei eine Verletzung des Artikels 5
„eine Art Feiertagsvergnügen be- gen Friedensvertrag ein genaues Pro­ gemeldet. In den Straßen New Dorfs der Konstitution. "
In New Jork wurden im Laufe des ist geweihtes Wasser!" auf ihre Knie sichtslos drastiche Mittel angewendet
deute." tokoll über die Schiffstonnen aufge­ Samstag Verhaftungen erwartet in fand man zwei bewußtsole Männer fielen. werden müssen, und entschlossen sind, Das Volstead - Gesetz sei berfaf»*
Patrouille wurde ausgeschickt. nommen werde. und'zwei bewußtloseFrauen, die durch
Verbindung tritt den Todesfällen in den Genuß von jenem Gifte lebens­ Wilson's Telegramm. entsprechend zu handeln. Vizekanzler sungswidrig, weil es Privateigentu
ohne Entschädigung konfisziert u
Da jedoch das Geknalle nicht aufhör- Ungerechtfertigte Beschuldigung. Chicopee FattS und Holyoke, Mass., gefährlich erkrankt find. Auch in Pas­ Der Senator verlas Präsident Wil- Lord French habe bereits Maßregeln willkürlich Getränke alt berauschen
te. wurde eine Patrouille, bestehend Man erwartet die Fachleutekom­ und Hartford. Conn.; in Chicopee saic fand man zwei bewußtlose Män­ sons angebliches Telegramm an den vorbereitet, um im Lande wieder klassifiziert, die in Wirkli
aus einem Offizier und zwei Mann, mission der Alliierten, welche in den allein sind 36 Personen, soweit be- ner auf der Straße und leistete ihnen Premier Nitti, welches lautete: „normale" Zustände herbeizuführen r „ n „ t f n .,>
zur Durchsuchung des Parks ausge- Häfe nder Nord- und Ostsee den Um­ fruit am/Gnuß solchen Whiskeys ge- erste Hilfe. „Jede andere als die von mir stets und dazu gehöre auch die Berhaswng^ ****?; f"1®
schickt. Sie fand nichts ungewöhnli­ fang der Hafeneinrichtungen Deutschl­ storben.Jn Hartford befinden sich vier vNrÄme Losung der Fwmefvage jeZM einzelnen ^n'Feiners im Lan-
v. ches, bis sie in die Nähe der Hau#- ands genau feststellen soll. Es wird Personen in Hast unter Anklage auf
straße kam, von der aus sie scharf Be­ für völlig unbegründet erklärt, daß Mori): Die Polizei behauptet, daß die

Vertrag tritt ohne A«Mi-

. •
würde m Marfem Widerspruch stehen de. In AnbeinM der großen Ausdeh­

mtt der Leitung der auswärtigen nung und Ä der Mn Fein He-
/ schossen wurde. Dabei erhielt Leut­
nant Boast einen Herzschuß.
Nur Uniformteile.
neuerdings ein großer Teil davon vier Männer 12 Faß „Whiskey" in
heimlich bei Seite geschafft worden der Bronx um $12,000 gekauft und
sei, und es wird darauf hingewiesen, dann in Lastauws nach Hartford ge Berlin,
ka in Araft. ^
28. Tez. — Die Aickwort
Angelegenheiten, die ich stets die Ehre wegung sei dies eine gigantische Auf­ Washington, 28. Tez. — X'.e
hatte zu befürworten. Da ich be­ gabe, deren S#Dterigfeit die Behör­ ben deutschen Dam vier,
stimmt glaube, daß Ihre Zweifel be­ den durchaus nicht verkennen, was sie zum Truppen transport verwendet D
, Einer der Angreifer wurde gleich­ daß Kurt von Lersner, Leiter der bracht haben, wo Wasser zugesetzt wur- der Alliierten auf die letzte deutsche aber nicht von ihremEntschluß abbrin­
Note betreffs des Vertragsprotokolls treffs der Aufnahme einer Lösung gen kann, dieselbe ohne Berücksichti wurden, werden auf Befehl des Prä-Z^
falls getötet. Er war ein Zivilist und deutschen Friedenskommission, von jbe. Dann wurde das „Getränk" in an- des Fiume-Problems durch das ita­
ungefähr vierzig Jahre alt. Nach ei­ Montag bis Mittwoch nachmittag tum deren Städten verkauft. Beamte des schnitt wurde veröffentlicht. Im ersten Ab­ lienische Volk, die von der abweicht, gung irgend welcher politischer Ein­ sidenten in Großbritannien ausgelie-1
drückt die Antwort Befriedi­ fert, wie die Schiffahrtsbehörde be­
nigen Berichten trug er Teile einer aller Verbindung mit der hidj Justizdepartement wollen festgestellt gung darüber aus, daß die deutsche welche von einer imperialistischen flüsse und Wirkungen tit oder außer­ kannt machte. Es sind dies die Schisse,
Soldatenuniform. Waffen wurden Regierung abgeschnitten war,' haben, daß der „Whiskey" in New Regierung die Ansicht der Alliierten Minderheit befürwortet ward, wirk- halb Irlands zu- bewältigen.
die nach dem Waffenstillstand den
weder an der Leiche noch in ihrer daß Pariser Auswärtige Amt ihm Jork hergestellt wurde. lich grundlos sind. Das italienische Lord French sei der Üeberzeugung, Vereinigten Staaten zur Heimschaf- ^ ,
f Närfe gefunden. Auch die Identität keinen Ersatz angeboten habe. -
des Erschossenen konnte noch nicht fest­
gestellt werden, da alle Merkmale, die
teilt, daß der Vertrag in Kraft tritt,
Die Behörden versuchten festzustel­ ob die Ver. Staaten denselben ratifi­ Volk hat keine ernstlichen Interessen daß die vom Premier erläuterte iri­ fitng der Truppen zur Verfügung go- v.
len, ob Holzalkohol Metylalkohol" zieren oder nicht und nimmt davon an der Fiume-Frage."
von ^Farben- u. ähnlichen Geschäften Notiz, daß Deutschland die Ausfüh­ Treue zu den Alliierten.
sche „Home Rule Bill" alle Elemente
für eine dauernde „Beruhigung" Ir­ stellt wurden und nach einer Anord­
JY>zu einer Identifizierung hätten füh- Die Ktreiklage in für Trinkzwecke weiterverkauft wird. rung der Vertragsbestimmungen nicht lands umfaßt und er vertraue trotz nung des interalliierten Flottenrates.
„Italien muß den Alliierten treu feiner entmutigenden Erfahrungen an Großbritannien gemäß den Was- I
" ren können, sorgfältig entfernt wor­ nien. ^ Dr. Charles Nortis, Chef des Ge- von der Beteiligung Amerikas an der­ bleiben, aber die Regierung muß
auf den gesunden Verstand und den fenstillsbandsbedingungen auszuhändi- '
den waren. Etwa eine halbe Meile Madri, 28. Dezember. — fundheitsamtes in New Jork, gab selben abhängig macht. verhindern, daß dieses Land, nach all guten Willen seiner Landsleute, den gen sind. Der „Imperator" ist be­
om Jagdschloß entfernt, fand man Streiflage hier Hat sich verschlimmert. am Samstag bekannt, daß Mf grund
Die Alliierten bestehen auf der den Opfern, die es gebracht hat, Erfolg der Ausführung der Bestim­ reits ausgeliefert worden. Die mü ­
^Blutlachen. 30,0000 Maurer sind infolge derAus- amtlicher Statistiken vom I.November Unterzeichnung des Protokolls, das rücksichtslos behandelt wird," sagte mungen dieser „Bill" abzuwarten. deren Schiffe sind „Graf Waldersee^, ,
E Nach der Schießerei entkamen die sperrung außer Arbeite Ein Streik bis zum 20. Dezember in New Jork Senator Bettoni, als die Senatsver- „Zeppelin", „Pretoria", „Cap Fün­
Eindringlinge in der Dunkelheit. Die der Arbeiter in den Gas-, Straft- u. 27 Personen am Genuß von Holzalko­ Schadenersatz für die Versenkung der
deutschen Kriegsschiffe verlangt, er­ Handlungen heute wieder aufgenom­ ftem", „Mobile", „Prinz Friedrich
vier Verhafteten wurden nicht zurzeit Wasserwerken wurde heute angekün­ hol gestorben und andere erkrankt klären sich aber bereit, die verlangte men wurden. Italien sei es müde,
.der Schießerei auf dem Schauplatz des digt, die Behörden ft^d jedoch darauf find. Interessant ist der Vergleich, Tonnenzahl zu ermäßigen, wenn enttäuscht zu werden, besonders mit
Nfc^l für Wien. Wilhelm" und „Kaiserin Wgusta.
New Aork, 28. Dez. — Die Wheat Victoria." • .
»Angriffs festgenommen, sondern etwa vorbereitet den Betrieb zu überneh­ daß in Mithattet im Jahre 1918 Deutschland beweist, baß1 dadurch bezug auf die Adria, die es, wie er
l zwei Stunden später, während sie den men. Der Streik wird aus Sympa- nur 5 Todesfälle durch Holzalkohol seine Lebensinteresfen gefährdet wer­ hoffe, beherrschen werde. „Die Iba-
Park zu verlassen suchten. Sie stell­ thie mit den ausständigen Straßen- und in Brooklyn in 18 Monaten vor den.
ten jede Teilnahme an dem Angriff bahn- und Telophon-Angestellten er­ dem 1. Juli dieses Jahres nur 4 To­
Export Co., welche alle Getreidean- Die Auslieferung der Schifte war
käufe für die Alliierten besorgt, hat verschoben worden, weil die Schiff- •
liener verschließen ihre Aspirationen von der United Gram Corporation fahrtsbehörde die von Mneritaneen
in ihren Herzen, bis der Tag kommt, Mehl im Werte von einer Million geeigneten, früher unter deutsche? s
in Abrede, und, wie berichtet wird, klärt. Die StqdheMchngesellschaft desfälle gemeldet wurden. an dem die Gerechtigkeit trium­ Dollars für die hungernde Bevöl- Flagge fahrenden Oeltankdampfe?
vermochte man auch an ihnen kein Be- kann nur unter hem Schutz von mit Berichte des Coroners in Detroit Französische |>räsidet^eti- phiert," fügte er hinzu, und besprach kerung von Wien gekaust. beanspruchte, lledet diese Frage O
lastungsmaterial zu entdecken. Gewehren bewaffneten Polizisten den ergeben, daß dort vier Todesfälle auf wähl. """ : dann eingehend die Auswanderungs­ bisher keine Entscheidung ergangen. ;
U Auf Konstabler geschossen.
Das „Sunday Evening Tele- halten.
dritten Teil des Verkehrs aufrecht er­ den Genuß von Holzalkohol zurückge­ Paris, 30. Dezember. — Präsi­ frage.
^ ^ - führt worden sind; unter der Rubrik dent Pomcares Nachfolger wird trat ySmuroy» wieder in grame. Weihnachtsfest Mm Aai- Für die Aushändigung de? oben er­
wähnten Schiffe oo Oklchbritamlie»
^.Meldet eine Anzahl weiterer In Barcelona sind Getreidemühlen „verschiedene Todesursachen" werden 17. Januar erwählt und wie Premier Gabriele d'Annunzio kündigte fee. ' wird keine weitere Erklärung vm in?
Dez. — Der frü­ t l/fcf. lifi jaluii-iüdbin ili
ten aus Irland. In Valley geschlossen um) m den Lagerhäusern jedoch zweifellos noch mehr Falle zu Clemenceau in der Kammer erklärte, an, daß er jedem Versuch, ihn aus
Mofey. County Donegal, wurde der befindet sich/ nur em für drei Tage finden sein, die auf dieselbe Ursache wird das Kabinett an diesem Tage te* Fiume zu vertreiben, Widerstünd here deutsche Kronprinz traf biet eilt, daß ffe «mf Ansrdmmg ws flifh
Versuch gemacht, einen Konstabler genügender/Mehlvorrat. Auch dort zurückzuführen find. signieren. Da Clemenceau Präsident­ entgegensetzen werde. Zu diesem um das Weihnachtsfest bei fernen El­ denten erfolgt. Die Mckkk de? Sun*«
niederzuknallen, whärend derselbe mit drohen die/ AugesteLten in den Was­ In Toledo, O., sind seit Beginn schaftskandidat ist, so ist er bereits so Entschlüsse sei er gekommen, weil die tern zu verleben. Zu der Weihnachts- ard Ott So. aehSrigm
seiner Fmmlie in einem Bettzimmer ser-, Gas. iimfr Kraftanlagen mit dem der Prohibition 4 Personen am Ge­ gut wie gewählt mid man interessiert von der Regierung gebotenen Äa- tafel im großen Vaake bt$ Sd^öjpfes befinden sich SiKirch of AMtz M- :-
war. Es wurde niemand verletzt, Ausstand./ nuß von Holzalkohol gestorben. sich daher nur fur die Frage, wer fein rantien ungenügend feien, am sein find die Mitglieder der Familie von «er pr»?flyer ^»rwiniTiwf. ^
aber angeblich schlug die Kugel in ein Heute pus Almaden, 65 Meilen In Chicago, III. find, wie amtli­ Nachfolger als Premier feilt wird. Verlassen der Stadt zu rechtfertigen. Bentinck, der hoWndische Minister des
Bett, in dem ein Kind schlief, ein. nördlich Htmi Cordova, eingetroffene che Statistiken geigen,- seit dem 1. Der Gouverneur von Elsaß-Lothrm^ Daß die ihm bei seinem Kreuzzuge Auswärtigen I. Kan, der Bürgermei- ""b iltllll
iveim eine- ipuiiv tlilflil ferf
ppi emem

l Ein Menschenhaufe stürmte bei Vic- Depesche/« «netten, daß 8,000 Berg- Juli 35 Personen am Genuß von gen Alexander Millerant scheint die zugelaufenen Truppen nicht bestraft ster von Wieringen und verschiede« yfvnpMßlUw wiflflH
toria Bridge ein Farmhaus und trug letife ben Ttreik gingen. HolzalkoholMgestorben, davon zu meisten Aussichten zu haden.x^^ ^ werden und das von ihnen in Fiume Nottchilitäten des Ortes geladen. /fkatn *1# Vwt «M.
W V * H h
PW tw

" r V- ,
« m

- * -
* £

This paper
b the Audit
ol copies printed of yesterday's
Daily Kdltlon
la a innmopr anl ao,Mtl
lturvau of Circulations.



1 h

twice the
lation In Hendleton
Or.conlaa l Baal.
nfW.papar and aa
to the adv.rtla.a
nd Umatilla
of any other a.wapap.r.


lv- -

guarantred paid circu-


eoua-t- y

VOL. 31

M '
fr- - '"
Aiiln owiicth who have received
llt'cnac plules for i'.rj't ahoiild dis-
play the'nt now, or aa aoort aa they
RULE CRUMBLES are received. Traffic Officer Wil- NEW ERA BRIGHT PROMISE
liam Kyday said today. Thoae
whom- - plate have not arrived must
retain the 111!' platen until the 1920
onea aro received. In no case
ahould a car be operated without
Ginger Ale and Malted Milks Provide 1920 Cheer, Crowds are
Kolchak's Forces either the old or new plates, he Orderly and Watph Parties Plentiful; Year at Hand Holds
Are Driven From Irkutsk and aaya.
Ten days' giare has been allowed Forth Assurance of Peace Time Progress and "Better
Attempt to Wrest City From I ho motor vehicle ownera in whleh Things."
Trotsky is Futile. to Ket a license from the secretary g Hundreds of Pendletonlana aaw, tha
of atate. After that time anyone lold year out and the new year In luat
showing 1919 llcenae plate will In- night to the accompalnment of dance
DENIKIN IS READY TO haled before the Justice ourt. In CROWDS FLOCK EARLY music, the.tootlnic of horns and the)
Tnion county no grace ia being
din of tin-pa- n rattle. There waa
SEEK SAFETY ON SEA given, according to I.yday. nolao and laughter aa the crowda
TO PASADENA FIELD danced old Father Time on hia war.
but the noise and laughter were
ik Leader Report-
ed on Verge of Abandoning W. S. C. IS BEH1NG Ginger ale, cock cola, malted milka
. ., . and fancy sundaes provided the New
Military Headquarters; Army
Split, Allied and Gone. WITH LEMON-YELLO-
5 l)C by TlT- Vai - frCn Year cheer for the many reveler, mh
tills afternoon and will lie bulletined of the new -year. Everone waa or.u -
nnan .he hirth
..- -.i


' Iv and the. haiMdness waa genuine, not

BY BD. U KICKS' KetM of ilie game 1ll also be given inspired.
(t'nlted ri1 Stuff Correspondent. ) Watch Partiow plentiful
liONDO.V. Jan. 1. Military opposl-tio- n WASlllNtlToX J4TATK COULEOV Dames in many parts of the city,
to HuknIu'm soviet government la PASADENA, CaXi Jan. 1. East and watch parties and group gathering
crumbling 00 'ill fronts, according to Pullman, Jan. 1. The Tnlveralty of west are to meet on the football grid- marked the evening-- Many attended
dispatches today. Kolchak Wclfootera are the favorites iron here thia afternoon. by the Elks in
forces havo been driven from over Harvard In the big nterHectbmal f
' Harvard, representing the eaat. trlea the annual ball given n hall, the dance In
lrkutak according; to dispatches from Kame today (at Paaudena, from the concluaions with the I'niveraity of Or- Liberty and Moose hails drew a large
the Siberian fmnt. Desperate fight- i ttlng in Pullman whieh favora Khy egon, picked as the thoroughbred of patronage. Jolly's Inn waa packed to
ing continues neur the city with HuniingtotrH crew with hardly an ex- the western football flocks. the doors with young people out for an
fan cn apparently making a ception. Ijift night and early today While Harvard on signing up to evening of merriment and dancing.
futile effort to retake Irkutsk from odda of 10 td were being offered by
play the game, specified she was not Occasional shouts of New Year Joy
War Minister Trotsky forces. the moneyed gentry who are anxioua coming west as the eastern champion, rent the early morning air and there
nrnlktn'H forces in the south con- - to aiv OrQfl win from the crirnaon. it la agreed that it will take a hardy- were those, tia told, who felt happy
Only one wager at even ndU waa tak-- ;
tlnuo to retreat with the victorious en today, and aeveral hundred dollara soul to keep the winner of this after- - aa of old. There were no disorder
reds driving the poorly equipped noon s contest from claiming the na - reported, however, and thl morning;
forces towards t he Sea of
Axov and Odessa. It ia indicated that
Dent kin has virtually ceaaed to le an
are waiting for anyone who wishes t
take a chance on the Canibrldce
plcyer at mlda.
re v
iv ti..:, collsiate title. the city awoke to a peaceful quiet.
Iregon is considered the best team with blue sunny skies portentous of a
at the prosperous year.
in the west although one defeat
Important factor in the military sltna-tlo- Therefta no doubt that Oregon will hands of Washington State by a 7 to In the calm of the morning after,
With hia army apllt, allied have the backing of
her record Pendleton today looked to ita
sup-po- whole-aoulc- d

every trlmaon and gray atndent and 0 score stands against

withdrawn and hia munitiona Ijttter, however, she defeated ms prospects.- There were the hundred
the antMmlshevik leader ia eapeclally the membera of thla year a
Cougar eleven. If Harvard falla to which had showed the way the of Individual resolutiona and pkrnan
'ioi t. .1 readv to abandon headqmir- - Washington Statera. also, doaena of municipal resolution.
ters at Taganrog, seek safety on ft 'snatch the olive wreath of vletory faced the coming year
from the Kugcne lads aome long- Today game is the annual eaat- - The city today
whip hi p.
Wst classic held in eennection with
(, out nign utmost optlmlam, for IfltfO hold
haired, acholaatic profa who claim ii
Harvard a their alma mater will be the Pasadena Tournament of Roses.
PORTLAND EXPECTING due for moiie Jeering by their claw-- ; Early this mornm
heading towards Pasadena,
throngs began Year For Irgres
rooni protegea.
HERBERT HOOVER JAN. W vs uf ni. Oregon victory will be Tournament- - Park, where the game The year past was the transition
ihearlde-- here with aa much jov aa PRESIDENT WILSON lis to be played has a seating capacity year from war to pace. year It waa th
victory, CENSUS TAKING DUE of 25,000. reconstruction year. The at hand
PORTLAND, Jnn. 1. Herliert Hoo- WOOld a crlmaon and Rray SPENDS QUIET DAY for Pendleton, ia the return to peace-
ver, 1'nlted State food administrator, Stale college students and fana rea- time progresa. The building activity
will te one f ih- principal speaker lize that the Oregon team fa upholding WASHINQTOX, Jan. Pres- planned, the healthy crops now in the
at the Jackaop day banquet to t,e held the honor of the weat agalnat the feflM
TO STARI ON FRIDAY ; ident Wilson planned to spend a
COST WILL BOOST THREE STRIKES MAKE UP ground, the thriving herds and flncka.
by t he democrat a of t reK'i at the filmed of eastern aggregationa and

quiet New Year's day. all give Pendleton a rosy future.

Hen no n hotel. January R. awaftimr With anxiety the news of White House officials disclos- For the many blessings of 1819 ns

the vindication f the west the

Thia waa the announcement yester-
day of Kit on Watkina. president of gridiron. BUT NO ONE IS SURE : ed yeaterday that the president 1920 RETAIL PRICE rejoiced last night. Their
overtaxed himself on his birth- cheer was not alone confined to thia
the Jaekaon club, who aaid Mr. Hoov- day Sunday when he celebrated spirit of thanksgiving, however. Their
er waa e x peeled In I'ort land on that by having members of his family joy was largely that of optimism for
date ami had been Invited to addreaa DANISH PRESS POINTS present. Consequently It Ls con- - Farmers, Meeting Loss, Sell DUBUX, Jan. 1. Irish labor start- the better things to come In 1920.
the meeting. TO PROHIBITION DANGER Inquiry Fails to Reveal Who aide re1 inadvlsible that He will
Tefinlte announcement aa to hold a watch party in hia sick
Out and Crop Acreage Dimin- ed l$t0 T.'ith the announcement of
Has Charge Here and Enu-
whether Mr. Hoover will accept the
Invitation of Oregon democracy la ex-
merators Are Not Provided
room tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Sayre.
ishes; Organized Move Start- three impending strikes.were Twelve
thousand saloon workers
LONDON. Harrod's, the huge
sched- don department store, is bfutdlng a
pected early in the week, bui In view who came to the White House ed to Realize Fair Profit. uled to quit Thursday, also the entire branch at Uverpool at a cost of
of the fact that he haa arranged t COPENRAQBN, Jnn. 1. The With City Map for the president's birthday, are fire brigade. Grocers assistants an- - The firm has a branch at
come north from Oalifornia through Ikinlali preKK today featured Ameri- remaining over New Year s day. Cotton in the hundreds of shapes nounced they will strike soon, Buenos Aires.
Portland and Seattle the firat of next can dispatch- relating to the "wood Five persona appointed to take the ised by every American household
week leada Mr. Watklna to lielieve alcohol whiskey" polaonlng there. census in Pendleton are due to com- will doubtless cost more in 1920, ac-
that appearance at th Jackson The press generally saw in the dis-o- f
mence their work tomorrow. Iniulry cording to a bulletin received yester-
da'y banquet la aaaured. pulchea the danger prohibition. today failed to reveal whether they are
prepared to begin. No one, so 'Tar as
can be learned. Is in charge here and
GOVERNOR CALLS FISH day by Hoy Buchanan, department
manager at Alexanders. The cost of
producing the 1919 cotton crop aver-- I
ccnlUaJon seems to be the rule.
Neither C. K. Cranston, secretary
of the Pendleton oi'ommercial Asso
aged 44 cents a pound over the south.
AND GAME COMMITTEE as estimated by the Texas department
of agriculture.
ciation, nor S. A. Newberry, deputy iT Until late years, cotton crops have
commissioner, claim. any authority
over the census tHkers. Mr. Cranatot
has dealt with Supervisor W. A. Ter
SAL.BM. Jan, 1. Members of the been department's
fisheries and name committees of the show. the
produced ut a loss to the farmer.
survey is said
The case quite often has been
ra 11 concerning the census prepara- senate and house of the suite legisla- that the producer, without a fair re-
tions, but Is not In authority. Mr. ture nj-- requested to attend a confer- turn for his crop, has cither turned
ence at fh capital Monday, Jan- NEW YORK. Jan. 1. Plain work to normal production this country will
gain tlaiy. Three more are now in the Jnll said he had not sworn In hia land to other uses or sold out, the
Man's craving for uary r. for tne discussion of fisn and result oftentimes being a diminish- - mil fair play. That is the substance jbe the dumping ground for forelrn
during 1919 resulted in :t7 of the Itfl ,Wa( Ina etuninittment to the penit the enumerators and did not know if problems. In letters being for- Igoods."
Seven who r ceii ! sentences anyone here had done so. Kanie ing in the number of acres in crop. f America's New Year resolution.
arrests made by Sheriff Til Taybr and ar warded by Governor Olcott. The effect of a fair price return to I
Hankers, mayors, labor leaders and Marsden G. Scott, president of the
One Of the five enumerators report- -

his deplles. Larceny under whieh I'l'cn conviction hav- been paroled. The meeting will also be open to farmer, as is neing sougm i uifl 'other prominent citiiens, asked by the International
the unlawful appropria- Crimes of .17 arieties- are listed ed t Mr. Cranston yesterday that she conscientiously Typographical Union,
head com any other persons in-
agricultural departments of the sever-
tion of property from another la again, the prisoners for 1910. Des- had not been provided with bei map a definite and amicable so- states, is to bring more jl'nited Press for an expression of I Indianapolis, Ind. "I resolve to fill,
pite thla large num'ier of crimes, thf of the city, showing her distrit t. al-s- terested In al southern itheir new determination for 1920. leach unforgiving minute of the new
abode, aci 'umted for mere than one in lution of the controversies thai have farmers onto the soil to produce cot- unanimously agree that as n panacea year with sixty seconds' worth of dia- -
every five taken prisoners, in 1 i19 r umber of murde cases is but t o. though instructions told her
On prisoner, t'harl-- Samuels, a yoeth should have one. She also made com- - marked the administration of fish and ton. for industrial and political ills, we all tance run."
there were 136 arrests made. plaln regarding the pay. According game affairs in the past, the governor MM.0OO Hales Carried Over.
Whiskey and Ita allies, which, In thin 'hn killed Omar Mingr-- near bTco- -o l pe carry over from the 191S crop
must get to work. Service As Panacea.
day tmlude a variety toe numerous water, pleaded guilty and was senUnc-Int- to her In tr
pretatlOw. she tielieves she has let It be known. To rid the country of undesirables: I
m 'catalog, got II persons
clutches of the law. Fourteen of those
the ed to H
Imprison)..' nt last April. The
er murder an o t:t Is Wallac- - W,
will be paid 4 cents for each name list- -
etl. in which case, she says she cannot
The personnel of the committees af- is iriven in reports as 8,800,009,iiii,',
fected hv tha call Is as follows: on September 1. 1019. One
fisht for ratification . of ..woman's tuf.. Minn. "My resolve Is
NorMad bales of this amount is timers and 3.- - irase; increase production, ana w Kether- -
- that - will do -'
arrested were classed as boot lender::. Wilder, als.tol Free water, who was
belofe the recent urand Jury d
niaKe enough to pay for her meals.
The enumerators have leen assign- -
Senate fishing imluslri.
Gill. Itandtey, Ira S. Smith. Thomas.; 000,000 bales of damaged, low grade were anionp the Xe
stand back of the league of nations,
'Wt their troubles and d,f- -
lorKeuneir uuuiio ana
While nine were held for selliim intoxi- cotton. The actual carry over of Yea r reso u -
und by hard work and apirit
cants to Indiana or having Honor pit wiih having killed Itert W. II. Mr-- i ed their districts. Mr. Cranston says, Moser. 1'anks.
small. This lions mentionea.
the Indtun reservation. Neece, returned service mai. last but he Is not informed as to their Semite Game. Gill. Furrol!. Nickel-se- spinning cotton la declared of Vmnrif.i tiriisnxrniiM
limits. There seems to have been no condition, together with the dimin- OmM 1 ndiir-aMtw- .
Nine Stcail Auto summer. The grand Jury was oblige Porter, miner.
i.,isi,.,rj..s lliurhes. ished crop of 1919, acute makes the spin- - tu happv
Auto stealing was as p ipular as to hold over Wilder'a case until Jan- - gathering of enumerators for instruc- - Word
shortage of Following are the 19i proBrams.' Senator William S. Kciiyon of
BalhMth, Cross, Bldler, Roman. Thrift- - nina-
mills face an
peddling liquor to Indians, if the nmr Mary I. when it reconvenes arJ hop tions and Indications are that each spinning cotton.
Mayor George L. Baker. IVirtland. Iowa "He it resolved by the Ameri- -
instruc- (.rlggs.
to bear other witnesses in the cas- -. Present market quotations reflect l0rt'"n "I would resolve
is a criterion. The him been sent a set of form House Mch alland. that all loy- can people that they will save ii.r
I.Mr of arrests
tions, left to work out his OWIt salva- the shortam the DdUara ny New aI loven ifinAmerica,
s in this her ureat- - money, work harder and stick ttgntef
rountv jail boused nine auto thiev-- u CiaminiciK Takes 2t tion and Instructed to start tomorr-
Hughes,, Moore.
durinn 1119, and, in the York (iwotiitiona have been aroun.l 40 crisis history, shall stand to Americanism in l$fo than ever be-
convictions were pinaww. . .cgvmtctt logglvenrTtfsl IhpbN ow'. st. wettesl spree of Its entire career C1.n(.s pound, but premiums of f rom pei ner ana rut our ountrv of unde fore."
cast were to visit
There are three now in meno of the Iftfl persons arrested. 'J JvTr. Terrnll has promised
'prohibition not withstand ins ti 0 cents are necessary in order sirables."
1 J. H. Pueiioher. broker, Milwaukee, Niiltencc to im si. om turned over ti the government au- - Pendleton Friday of ftUrda to listen The New Veai lit. rally float in on t0 make any purchases, the bulletin F. H. Ooff. president of the Cle ve Wis. "I have promised, myself t
tlarv for the offense and will n be thorities for prosecution. Thirty-fou- r
the city s plea for additional in ocean of Ivooze. and the old year states. With this condition, the small land Trust Co., Cleveland. Ohto- - work and aava more his year than
taken to Salem to sta rt serving their other were arrested upon request n enumerntors. He will alao be rri 1,0,1 w;ls drowned in the same flood. Pima- - ioutput of quality cotton in the year's "it us relepate to private life those ever before.
sentences. i:i...i ominiies. cui's or states no j
upon t traUthtan om the dlfneuitu Urally all pal i ons of caf restaur- - Croi and the decline in the total pio- - who seek to make deserters and slack
ants and hotels. hroUabl his or her auction, hijsher costs for cotton poods rs of us as a nation. We must stand Mumes. Iowa. "1 resolve to keep !e
Governor W. I Harding.
turned over to their officers or rote"
two-yea- r
Vot all the cases handled by the of th 'numrrators. tho
aheii'f during the year we rimlnal. ed. The recapitulation ..f arrests, witn I own v freshments. They i ,eie carried seem Inevitable. back of the league of nations,'
names are on Hie hioiier ipecnarges preienei mu.. In pOOkata, t cli tip hajrs. suit cases. To remedv this contlition. an orpra- -
OM smile on for another year.'
Ten whose Larceny. 37; army csert. is YouiutoM IToatf fnl Mu.ll Not pHexk."
rre ...
u- -
i.t t,.f
7. .V
and either sent
umbrellas am in some Instances, nlzed movement is under way to bring I
... - . . 8 defrauding Irawn on nhlldrai sleds, mot e farmers into KrttwinK cotton in Frank W. Woiencraft 4. youngest Juttttis Warded. Internal reverum
to th It. :so It il nere oi were (Iicck, im
i n
vaminatlon. There flvf innkeeper, etnheyzlenient, 4 dc At midnight the popping corks and the south on the thousands of acres mayor in the unt rv. Pallas Tex collee'tor. Siin Francisco, Cullf '(
i. uon
........rir und one he' e for wllnesi. fraudinit rallnJid idmtnis- - link of glasses was temporarily nf virgin land. They believe that h "1 want to help makt lhillas the bestjshall not drink an) more Intoxicating
v hose names were nls Ured. tratlon. I; $atob&f, 2: auto fteallns. OF TERRIFIC HEADACHE wiled In a bedlam of whistles. Kiving the farmers a fair torofit so place in America to life and work liquors.
yea.r rt, 4; robbery f a poet s mis, siiants and tottting ol not lis. that the new la tut can be put in euili- - where labor ill reoeeive a th ing
One man broke jnll during the ; non-sn-
.lust at daybreak a lone reveler vltj0n. the output can ! increased to wage and capital a fair return.'
James fVhermrhorn. publisher of
who was not recaptured by the sheriff office, child stcalini;. 4; wife deser-tttu- i, the Detroit Times. Detroit, aflch
rh. tr- Ij assjiult and battery, tottered down the street turning off bales annuall.
r hU deputies. This man waslater
5a,oiM,(MM Mayor Itichard J. Kiusella. Hart - "lel us bin.) up the wounds and wlpo
ies Conner, who was taken
In I; delimtuetd. ; contributing to NT.W YORK. .hn. 1. This is the lhoadwnx whistling. The Cam'ls are .
ford, Conn. "I resolve to do my best away the tears f ar and forbid fur- -
Kan Franelsco after havlnn robbed t
the the dellnip'cncy of a minor. -- aWta- city with a headache. There are more I'oniing." it was prophetic. to make Connecticut and t he t'nlted t her barbarity ch - f

jtank ol HWaaa. He is n uv In he slaverv, 3: adultry'j; rape. I attempt- ardent prohibitionists in New York FORD EMPLUYtS IU UU I
States grant full suffrage to women it faith of all high purposed power.
; hootleHimr,
I enit ntmry hi bmivot ed rape. sodomy. H; today than ever bet ore in iti history. GRAND OPERA TO STRIKE IN $8,000,000 IN BONUSES hone our governor calls a special of Christendom leagued together la a
Five women served time In ih whiskey on the reservation, rt moon- - The population turned over en mass
....... .v (nil duritiu the rear tall d shining, l Insane. 10; for noor farm, on its bed of regret, clutched its col- FOR UNION RECOGNITION 1KTIH'IT. Jan. 1. A prpcsed session" or ine legislature tor tnia federation a gainst force.
of eight million dollars In Pw S M.
i et ir of the M r
eacapeii from other than local jiii.

other wns arrested but up. released ; lective aching bead, rolled tongue PARIS. .Ian The ent ire ier- - Charles S Caldwell, president , New Y'rk. "At
Ij arson. 4. alien enemy, 4; fcamWinK run- flv around that familiar Colora- - sonuel he Pari grand opera pro- - bonuses to its employes by the Ford ofiChants' Ao-iatlon-

on ball without bain locked Motor t'onvtiny for services during the Corn Kxehunae bank. PhtladeU the threshold of the new prob- -
II (;s. pHmmi WtfWM conn- - prHtitut Ion. ; criminal lynoHSal' do Maduro Terrific flavor and fre- latmed a general strike, effect ive 'to-
Ism. 2 : barberims WtthOOl a license. quently swore "never again." for New day, unless the government agrees to will be officially announced to- - phia. Penn 'tasl us solve new prob- - lems and new danyers confront ua
Kleven men who were In the (inspects, 5: murder, 2; held as wit York Is slowly and painfully - most (rest directly with employes of the dav. AH employes in ser tee for three lems in th Id way hv aattlny back which can he met successfully only by
tv Jail here were convicted, sentenced painfully recovering from the wild- - 'Mbs included. to work in Until we yet back (f aim Judgment und determination. '

und committal to the state penlten-

neas,l. M nl la union.


iAiAiA...A.A.A.A.A.A.A. A. A. A. A . A . A. A. A . A , A. A. A. A. A a. a..a..
IN THE UNITED STATES Noticia es por esta dada por los
STOLE SAVINGS DISTRICT COURT, FOR abajo firmados administradt t ts
ireen Bay, Wis. In (lie state
a pnsty-f:;ce- hollow-cheeke-
d TRIED HARD TO THE DISTRICT OF NEW delEstadode Daniel Garcia, fh.n-d- o.

HIDON MOUNTAIN lad of eighteen paces back and

forth In his cell. He is ashamed to OFJJFETIME MEXICO, que Georga F. de Gaic;.s y
Juan Garcia, fueron el dia 21 ce
TO ESCAPE DRAFT look his countrymen in the face be-
cause he is a deserter from the Unit-
SAVE PLAYMATE Diciembre, A. D. 1919, debida-
ed States navy. His name is AdoijH
Thieves Make Complete Cleanup Bankrupts petition for discharge
In the matter of Celia Bibo,
mente nombrados administrado-
Gerds, alius Daniel II. Tolman. in Office of Aged New res del estado de Daniel Garría,
Slacker Endured Serii-Starvati-
lie is tlio boy who tricked the au- Youngster's Heroic Effort to Aid No. 307.
thorities fit the Oont Lakes Naval York Sexton. por la Corte de Pruebas ,'A
Rather Than Endure Perils of Companion in Flames
Training station into believing he was To the Honorable Colin Neblett, Condado de Valencia, y tods as
Army Service. the missing heir to the ? 1,000,000 es- Unavailing.
tate of the late Daniel H. Tolman of GOT Judge of the district court of the person'as que tengan reclamos
UP FIRE ESCAPE United States, for the district of contra dicho estado o contra di-
St Johnsbury, Vt Arrested as a rUilmltlpliia.
The whereabouts of this youth, who cho finado, son por esta tequcii-do- s
slacker a ye.-- ago at his home here,

after he hid for several days in the had played tug with military and po Bold Robbery, Which Leaves Old Celia Bibo, of Bibo in the Co- de presentar las mismas para
mountainous regions about the city, lice official, throughout the United Gentleman Practically Penniless,
placed in the service at Camp Devens States for seven months, did not be-
Committed With Police Officer Old Story of the Fatal Attraction of unty of Valencia, and State of su arreglo por los abajo firmaclt-s- ,
through the selective draft operation, come known until a short time ago. New
Then it was his tongue that told his Less Than a Block Away. Fire to the Childish Mind Is Mexico, in said district, re y aquellos que deban cuentas a
only to desert from there after two dicho estado vengan y paguen na
weeks, and since that time living a whereabouts to the world. Repeated Victim Dies spectfuüy represents that on the
New York. When Thomas Brown,
hermit's life on Victory mountain, Is Confides In Cellmates. the ased sexton at St. Agnes' chapel of
In Delirium. 17th day of January, 1919, last mismas dentro del tiempo requeri-
the history of Elmer H. Cox, who has "Yep, I'm the bird you read about he was duly adjudged ban- do por ley.
given himself up to the authorities and in the papers," he bad told his cell-
Trinity parish, at No. 121 West Ninety-f- Chicago. Despite the prompt at- psst,
Is now In a hospital under observation mates. "I almost had them believing
irst street, entered his office he dis- tempts of two boys to save her, krupt under, the Acts of Congress Georga F de Garcia y
covered that $7,000 in ca'shand Liberty Wealthie Juan Garcia, administrodore
as to his sanity. that I was the missing heir to an es- Lunde, girl, relating to bartkrupcy; that lit
bonds, representing his savings of who played with a match, lies dead.
Cox says h'j ate bark, berries, leaves, tate of $4,000,000 left by a loan shark more than fifty years, had been stolen has duly surrendered all his Dirección: Bosque, N. Méx.
nuts and anything that he could get in Philadelphia named Tolman. But The accident occurred Sunday. pro
from the safe. About seven o'clock Wealthie, who is perty and rights of property, and
his binds on. He slept In high trees, keep it quiet." Brown has been sexton of St. Airnes
Rut bis mates couldn't lot the slm the daughter of a railroad bookkeeper has fully complied with ail the
rest. The guard heard it. From the
j chapel since it was built, 2" years ago. living at 13--
7 Norwood street, eanit
years previously he had been a In'ro the house. requirements of said acts and ol In
lad he forced a confession. Then au- sexton at old Trinity. ' "It's time for you to go to bed," the orders of the Court touching the Probate Court oí Valen-
thorities at the reformatory communi-
cated with the tlreat Lakes Xaval Office Found in Cbjios. she was told, but Wealthie wanted a his bankruptcy. cia County, State tf .New
Training station. Xaval and civil in- Tapers were strewn about, books up- few minutes more of play. There Wherefore he prays that hf Mexico.
telligence otlicers wore sent to the In- set, t he TMife door open and the office was a great experiment which she
In a state of confusion, Mr. Brown must try before she could sleep an may be decreed by the court tc In the matter of the
Then the identity was es-
said, when he discovered his loss. A experiment with a match, which she have a full discharge from all estate of
: No. ......
Prisoner's Story. e
ladder hangs from, theex-tou'- s Is thought to have taken from a neigh- debts
oilice, which is on the second bor's apartment. provable against his estate
He told the officers the following
floor, and it is Mr. that Found Writhing on Grass.
under said bankrupt acts, except Juan Cordova y San-- :
story : chez, deceased :
'M admit that I made a botch
the burglars used this'to reach his In about ten minutes Miss Lasette such debts as are 'excepted by
of It at the finish, but you'll have to office. They forced the window and 'Calmelnt, a guest of Wealthie's moth- law from such discharge.
give me credit for fooling them for a ransacked the office at leisure,
er, heard screams coming from the Dated this 15th day of Decern Notice is hereby given lhat
while. Of the loot, $.",.ri00 was In Liberty direction of the alley. She rushed to

"The whole thing started in Milwau- bonds, which were unregistered and the rear door, but by that time the
ber. A. D. 1919. Suelma C. de Cordova, Admini-
kee. I didy't have a dime in my pocket, are therefore transferable. The re- sounds came from the front of the Celia Bibo, Bankrupt. stratrix of the estate of Juan Co-
and my clothes' were almost in rags. maining $1,500 was in bills. Besides, bouse. Hurrying to the sidewalk, she
My poor old mother, who lives at 1458 there were stickpins, cuff links and ound little Wealthie writhing on the
rdova y Sanchez, deceased, has
Spring street, was just about living, other articles of jewelry, which Were burned. filed her final reportas adminis-
severely Two boys
and even, though I tried hard, I taken. Many of these, Mr. Brown

couldn't help her ulong. said, he treasured for their sentimen-

ere bending over her. ORDER OF NOTICE tratrix of said estate, together
Miles Devine, fourteen-year-ol- d son with her petition praying for her
Norwood THEREON.
"One day a fellow stopped me on tal value. Of John J. Devine, 12-1- 8

In the United States District discharge; and the Hon. Probate

the street and told me I resembled the "That's all there was for them to
street, was playing ball with James
missing heir to a fortune. He said the take," said Mr. Brown. "But they
heir's' mime" 'was" TblmanVWe talked Ú made certain that theytvould not overl-
Htzgeruld, 1252 Norwood street, who Court for
Is two years his junior. the district of New Judge of Valencia County. New
over, schemed and planned and before ook anything. They went through Mexico, has set the 5th day of
and overturned everything. ' "Suddenly," said Miles, "I heard Mexico.
screams, and she came running out In 1he matter of Celia Eibo NO January, 1920 at the hour of i0
the end of the week I hud made my de- -
Mr. Brown sleeps in the parish A. M., at the courtroom of said
between; the houses. She was all 307.
house, but so far away that, as he aflre.
says, "they could have burned the of- court in the village of L03 Lunas
FOR HEALTH AND HAPPiNESS " 'I'm burning, she called. 'Fut mo
fice and I wouldn't have known, it."
out I Put me out!' District of New Mexico s. New Mexico, as the day, time
Patrolman Bloik Away. "James was the nearest to her and On this 27th day of December, and place for hearing objections
for fer somebody Would capture him AMERICAN RED CROSS Apparently the burglars made their she ran toward him. He tripped her, A.D
while he was sleeping, and walked in escape the same way as they came in, 1919, on reading the peti- if any there be, to said report
and we both rolled her on the gras
bis bare feet so as not to leave any
although a policeman was on post less to smother the flame. I beat out tion fcr discharge of Celia Bibo, and petitionl
than a block away. some of it with my hands. Then a bankrupt, it is ordered by the Therefore, any person or per-
From the first Cot took a great dis- "There is little chance of recovering man came along and carried her Into
like to the war and had queer Ideas' the money or the bonds," said Mr. court, that a hearing be had up- sons wishing to object are here-
the house." ' notified to file their objections
concerning the army and the draft. Brown, sadly. "When the - police on the same on the 2nd day of by
His number was called for examina- In Delirium at End. with the County Clerk of Valen-
A. D. 1920, before Ge-
tion by the draft board and he did not Miles said that he had learned how February. cia County, New Mexico, on or
appear, nor could heje found. Sev- to handle such cases by reading the orge C. Taylor, a Referee in ban- before' the date set for said hear-
eral days later he was ' seen in the Boy Scout Manual, although he is not kruptcy of said court, at Albuqu- ing. '
town and an officer trailed him to' a a member of that organization. in said district.' at 10 I.'IEUO An AGON.
rudely constructed shelter on Victory Wealthie's death occurred late Mon- erque, County Clerk
mountain overlooking a swamp ne'er day .night at the Lakeview hospital.
o'clock in th forenoon; and that
By Teles Mirabal, Deputy.
the city, and be was arrested. He On the operating table she told her n tice thereof be published in the
passed the physical examination and father how she had taken a match Belén N4WS a
was sent with several other rookieg from a neighbor's home and lit a piece newspaper printed '
to Camp Devens early In June, 1018, of paper with it. in said district, and that all kno- ESTADO DE NUEVO MEXICO.
and was accepted and placed in the HTI health and a ITJI But there were few momeuts of wn creditors and other persons CONDADO DE VALENCIA.
En la Corte de Distrito.
Infantry. About two weeks after he sane consciousness. Mostly she talked in interest
may appear at the
arrived there he was reported as miss-
said time and place and show ca- Rosarita Sena de Sandoval,
ing at roll call and, as time, drew on Y ANO USE RED CROSS Aetoia, '.
and nothing was heard of his where- use, if any they have, why the
abouts, he was listed as a deserter and vs.
the government1: offered a reward of
CHPJSEAS SEALS prayer of said petitioner should Abel
not be granted. iS'andoval,
$100 for him dead or alive. Demandado.
And it is further ordered by
No. 2234 .
the court, that the referee shall
Noticia ce Pleito.
send by mail to all known credit-
A Abel Sandoval:
ors, copies of said petition and
this order, addressed to them at Usted es por esta notificado que
their places of residence, as st- ahora esta pendiente en la corte
ated. arriba nombrada un pleito nume-
Colin Neblett rado y titulado como arriba, don-
U.S. District Judge. de Rosarita Sena de Sandoval,
1 w m
Attest: procura por su queja un absoluto
Office Was in a State of Confusion. A true copy.
Situada en la casa de Didier.
. divorcio de Vd. bajo el píe de
called they took a lot of fingerprints, Wyly Parsons abandono, y ademas esta Vd. no-
threw things arou&l a bit and caused Clerk. tificado que a no ser que Vd. en-
Estoy listo para llenar or
a little more confusion than before.
Then they told me they hoped I would George C. Taylor. ."" tre o cause ser entrada su apa-
eet the mouey back. But there's no Referee in Bankruptcy. riencia en dicha causa en o antes
denes de pan, cakes y pasteles chance of it, I guess.
"Yes, that was absolutely all I had.
del dia 12 de Enero, 1520, un de

' Solícito sus ordenes por And here I am, au old man now,"

creto pro eonfesso se tomara con-
tra suya y el alivio pedido sera
El nombre de los abogados de .
In delirium of her playmates on the
correo. Philadelphia Youngsters Draw Guns
When BluecoaU Catch Them in street. Sometimes she sang. Once In Est;,do de Nuevo Mexico, Conda- la actora son Rodey y Rodeyy
the voice of a girl over twice her age tÍ! de Valencia.

su estafeta y dirección es Albu-

Attempted Robbery.

Háganos una visita.

,she chlded the doctor ior. hurting her. En la MateriadelEstado deDaniel querque, New Mexico.
Philadelphia, Cries of "Help I Garcia, Finado. (Sello) Diego Aragón
Help I" coming from six husky throats
BENITO TORRES. brought scores of people to one of the
busiest sections of Camden In tlia
Secretario de la Corte de Distrito-.-
Por W, D. Newcomb. Diputada

early morning who beheld two ld

boys In the act of holding r.p

tnjwarts. of the law it


.sWOTt ..

Mí ! " FV '


Published and distributed under Permit No. Í18 author-rrV- II Publitihed and distributed under Permit No. 610 author-le- d
ed by the Act of October 8, 1917, on file at the Pcurt
iJf Zí). OP
Oíílc at Santa í'e, N. M. By order of the President,
A. a BUKLESON, Postmaster General.
SANTA FE, NUEVO MEXICO, JÜEVES ENERO 1, 1520 by the Act of October , 1917, on file at the Post
Office at Sania Fe, N. M. By order of the President,
A. 8. pUKKESON, Postmaster General.
$1.00 AL ANO

v - r i riM rs rt

ES- Esí Ataiiae! Posáfel Habitará TmcS
Exito Esa Barcdoka Pero' no Ea Miwa York
: mm d Efa- -
SOI PTHTfinhn- m n nnn
Q tlilUUII LL I lIGrUi
.V í't
H ' El Gob. Larrazolo en su Los revolucionarios bus-
proclama pide la can consolidación con
Fatalmente envenenados por "Whiskey" en yarios
de los estados del oriente; en la ciudad de Chi-
. orden .'
," fuerzas rebeldes cago murieron 35, y probablemente mueran
muchos mas en otras ciudades como resultado
APELACION A LOS SÜOBJECfoES de la bebida que escogieron durante la
A la medianoche del Miércoles (31) El Paso, Tex.; Die. 29. Los revolu
e quitará, la ley marcial en el distri- cionarios Mexicanos están proyectan- SE ESTA LLEVANDO A CABO UNA PELEA
to minero de Gallup, por una proclama do un plan para unir los mandos mili-
firmada el Mártes por el Gobernador tares con objecto de establecer un ENCONTRA DE LA MORTÍFERA BEBIDA
Larrazolo, y las últimas tropas de ca- - gobierno de facto, según los informes
, bttllerfa de loe Estados Unidos que detallados que han llegado aquí. Chicopee, Mass., Die. 27. La lista te exiEtan muchos casos que no han
quedan en el distrito se dispdirán. Los aliados de Pancho Villa dicen de las personas que han muerto enve- sido descubiertos deBde una costa a
j . f Por un corto tiempo solamente, que- que se ha convenido por todos los re nenadas con dicor hasta hoy al medio la otra. Un aviso generad ha sido ex-
dara un grupo pequeño de tropas co- volucionarios en la costa oriental do día, en esta ciudad, en Ho'.yoke y
mo de treinta hombres, bajo el mando México y por los rebeldes de la parte pedido aquí por las agencias que co-
del Capitán Leonard F. Matlack. meridional de poner a Villa como jefe Springfield amontan a 86 con muchas operan en la pelea, informando al pue-
más que se esperan. De este numero blo del peligro que existe en beber
La proclama del Gobernador en la militar. se cuentan 27 hombres y tina mujer de ei licor que se vende por las canti-
cual hace una apelación elocuente a Se dice que los revolucionarios, pro
APR AN ALVAftEZ la ciudad de Chicopee, eeis en Mol yo- r nas en la actualidad.
los extrangeros Que hay ev este pal yectan poner su plan en acción en la PRISONERS, LOOT vnct TOOLS &T$iT RAMON
ke y dos en Springfield. De los quince Hoy se espera que 6e harán arrestos
de que obeerven la ley del estado es
como sigue:
costa oriental primeramente y su oh
jecto principal actualmente es posesio
HEP (OR incrvi A) v KODEK&UGZ wren rKuii
casos que se han mandado al Hospi en conneción con las muertes que han
ocurrido en Chicopee Kails, y Holyoke,
narse de los distritos petrolíferos Me- tal Mercy en Springfield, Con la ex
"Por cuanto que por razón de la xicanos donde piensan establecer su En un atentado para robarse joyas ' el valor de $4,000 do las prendas Codl- - mano derecha fué mandado l cepción de uno todos han muerto, y se Mass., y en Hartford, Conn., las tres
. existencia de condiciones extraordina- vaJor de tlOO.OOO, que hablan sido ciadas, y luego procuraron escaparse tal, pero recuperó suficiente para po- - dice plazas que las ha causado más daño
ria! y abnormales en ciertas partes gobierno de facto. que el que queda murlra en unas la bebida venenosa en forma de licor.
El General Manuel Palaez, que tiene compradas para presentes de Navidad, bajándose por un lado del hotel; pero der Ir ala estación de policía y Idea cuantas horas. Él Mariscal actuante,
i el condado de McKinley, en el esta- dos ladrones entraron el cuarto de la policía los vio y disparo un carga i tincar a los malhechores. El robo y E. T. Caroon, de la policía de esta ciu Cuatro hombres han sido arergtados en
do de Nuevo México, que ponían en posesión de una parte del distrito no Hartford, acusados de asesinato. La
a ha convenido todavía a la propuesta Aloysius Broderick, un millonario, due- - de fuego. Cuando bajaron a tercer el atentado para escaparse es el más dad, expresó la creencia que de la lis
peligro sérlamente ía pal pública de los otros revolucionarios pero se fío de poio9 de pétroleo de Dallas, piso se entraron por una ventana, y j sensacional que ha sucedido por mu- - ta de muertos en policía alega que estos compraron do-
y la preservación de la ley y la or- dice que ha expresado que tiene volun Texas .cuya cuarto esta en el quinto en seguida se bajaron por un elovador. chos años. Los dos individuos dieron cincuenta antes deChicopee, llegarla a le barriles del fsufdo en Nueva York
den en aquellas partea de dicho con- eu 'Cuando se encontraron frente sus que ge hallaran to por la suma de Í12.0OO, los que lleva-
tad para considerarla. -
piso del hotel "Knickerbocker" la bajaron nombre como Adrian Alvarez, de dos los casos.
dado, y que las dichas condiciones ciudad de Nueva York, y de una ma- - a frente con cuatro oficiales, v Drocu- - treinta y un año de edad, v Reinnindo ron a Hartford, donde 'le añadieron
extraordinarias y abnormales, antena-ba- José Suarez muerto por un enemigo nera brutal golpearon al Sr. Broderick raron escaparse echándoles tabaco en Rodriguez, de 22 afios, ambos de Alexander Perry, propietario del Ho agua. Después fué vendido en otras
gravemente la clausura de las tel, de donde la policía cree que mu ciudades también, según dice la poli-
personal. . hasta que lo dejaron inconsciente, y los ojos a los oficiales, r fin ios dos España. El policía Charle chas de las víctimas obtuvieron ileor,
minas en ios distritos mencionado) El Paso, Tex., Dio. 29. José Suarez, después amarraron y taparon la boca hombres fueron arrestados y llevados Frayler fué el que agarró a los ladro- se entregó hoy a la policía. El y su cía.
y por ese medio impedir la producción conocido con el sobre nombre de "El a su esposa. No hallaron los mu.uuuia la estación de policía. El sr. Bro-c- n nes y los arrestó. hermano Charles, y Wm. Baker, su El Procurador de Distrito Martin,
usual y necesaria de carbón en el es- Corporal", jefe rebelde que operaba Joyas; pero El encontraron como derick, a quien estos hirieron en la del condado de Bronx comenzó un es-
tado; y para el propósito de mantener entre Jimenez y Parral, Chihuahua, cantinero fueron procesado acusán
doles de asesinato. Todos ellos se en crutinio en bUBca de loe hombres que
la ley y la orden, para lft protección fué muerto recientemente un ene- se que han vendido licor hecho
de la vida y la propiedad, y para sse- - migo personal suyo, según por la noticias tregaron sin culpa y fueron afianzados de alega alcohol de resina, y que han sido
guarar la producción de cacoon que es pultados debajo de seis pulgadas ác en la suma de 10,0O0 cada uno. Tam-
recibidas aquí arena cuando él los halló. Parte de bién so les acuna de vender licor responsables por la muerte de mris
absolutamente indispensable par, el
bienestar y la comodidad del pueblo de su
Se dice que Suarez salió en busca AVIADORES E la carne de sus cuerpos había sido SE GANA LA EX-TÉN- SÍON do veinte personas en la ciudad. El
determinado a matarlo comida por los animales campesinos. Sr. Martin ha puesto todos su nego
del esado: proclamó - que existía la donde enemigo quiera que lo encontrará. Cuan- También dice Richards qiie en la se-
6EIS MUERTOS EN CHICAGO cios a un lado para atender a esto.
ley marcial en dicho condado y que do se encontraron el enemigo de Sua- Chicago, Dio. 27. En 48 horas han
pultura áspera donde estaban los ca- resultado cois muertes por beber al- TRECE MUERTES MAS
continuarla asi hasta, nuevas oruenes rez disparó primero con la consecuen-
par el ecntiro del estado; .jr.
"Por cuanto que ahora ya existen como estaba el
cia de la. muerte de et6. Asi herido FUERON líl-I- S dáveres se encontró una barra de hie-
rro de dos pies de Jurga. Waterhouse POR UNA cohol de resina, y el beobo que mas1
de una docena de personas están ec han rauiirto hasta las doce hoy, de lo
Hartford, Bic 27.- - Trece oersonas

Ida condiciones normales en dicho con- tiros a jefe rebelde dio cuatro tenía el cráneo quebrado, y la ropa condición critica en sus canas o en que parece ser envenenamiento con al-
su enemigo hiriéndole seria ol cuorpo de Connelly mostraba que 'os hospitales, como resultado de be- cohol de reBlna. La lista inrorma i
dado, y no aparece que acontecerán, mente. Un tio de Suarez que pasaba
sí algunos, disturbios serios, que la por el lugar los halló, y cuando ente
obedencienda a la ley y la preserva llegó a Jiménez dió Informe de le
ción de la orden esta ya asegurados, acontecido.
y con tado confianza y fe en lavive lealtad
MIOS había sido puñaleado.
Richards relató avisos que alega
fueron hechos por el capitán Mexicii-n-
dul barco en que viajó por el gul-f-
de California, en contra del infor-
ber esa droga, las autoridades han ex- esta mafmna era de diez personas.
cedido avisos exponiendo el peligro de
jeber esa clase de licor y han empe- Joseph y Nathan Salsberg están bajo
lado todos aus esfuerzos para evitar
il mal.
Jacob Bronerwine, Frank Hose, Saul
arresto en conneción con la muerte.
Loa primeros dos nombrados arriba
y sano juicio del pueblo que Las víctimas de navidad fueron en eran dueños de cantinas y de estim o
dicho condado. YO.). A. LARRAZO- me de Idescubrimlento da, los cuer- Los Retornos Muestran
LO, GOHEILVADOR DEL, ESTADO piifi EUROPA Oficiales Americanos en pos. tu mayoría personas que bebieron de eüos ae niega que loa que han
St Louis, Mo., Die. 29. Hay poslbl Mexice Asesinados Richards contó da las cartas que es- hecho en sus casal, mientras muerto obtuvieron licor para el día
LE NUEVO MEXICO, declaro ahora- Ildad
que desde y después de la media no- mayor para el mundo, y ciertamente
de un peligro potenclalmente tos, dejaron a sus familias, y de lar una Mayoría de mas ol día de navidad. de Navidad. '
che del 31 de Diciembre, A. D. de 191, para Vilmente - marcas en las alas dul aeroplano, las de 500 Votos "Lo que se debe hacer es usar una MAS ENVENENAMIENTOS
la paz en la pro Indicaban que allí habían ....estado i jiompa para el estómago de una vez" Newark, N. J.. Die. 27 envenena-
la ley marcial cesará de existir en longadón de pelea y nial entendímien que
dicho condado, y las autoridades civi- to entre México
t r Jtí u. t ; .1.... n iijo el Dr. itobertüon, "y on mucho miento de alcohol de resina causó la
los Estados Unidos,
les asumirán y ejercerán manejo com- que el que puede yhaber en la demora de GOLPEADOS, S PUNA-LEADO- beber agua de su radiador, perdiéndo
todo el tiempo, fuerza y esperanza de '
iUkCLAKA LA rUívJMA ni eso tiene efecto." Ixih
del envenenamiento son nn dad. Tres personas ban sido arresta
muerte de do personas en esta ciu-
pleto de sus respectivas oficinas y Ju- la ratificación del tratado de paz de LOS HALLO alvaroe. DE BOLETA VALIDA ;rande exaltamiento, so afectan los das en conneción con at riuertes,
risdicciones. Versailles, dijo John Darrett, direc L03 DE PART AMENTOS DEL
Al quitar la ley marcial en dicho tor y dtn dolores en el estómago.
de la Unión a la a
El Paso, Dlc. 26. Los tenientes Ce PERSHING ESTARA EN EL.- - PA8C '
Ia dudada de Santa Fe tomará el Su muchos casos cauta ceguera, y si AYUDAN
condado, siento que es mi deber no so- Asoclacción Americana del progrese ló .Ib es fuerte reoulta U muurte. Die. 27. Todos los departa,
lamente al pueblo del estado en gene- lo lus ciencias que entuba aquí reunido il Connelly y Frederick Watorhouse, DEPUES DE UN VIAJE DE lugar que le pertenece entre las ciuda
ivladorcs americanos, quienes perüle-o- INSPECCION des del estado en el censo nocional El Coronario Hoffmann dijo, que en montos del gobierno coopervran er
ral; sino también muy particualiiiente
al pueblo y los ciudadanos del condado boy. sus vidas después do haber sido que se comenzará a enumerar el di Chicago han ocurrido 27 muertes, por la Inmensa enieencia psra hallar t
El Sr. Darrett dijo que. en ccnceptc auna de beber alcohol de resina. lo culpables" dijo Thomas J. Boyaron,
do McKinley, ea el estado de Nuevo le muchas persona, la situación Me- 'orzados s descender en la liaja Call-orni-
Washington, Die. 21. El viaje dp; 2 dol próximo mes de Enero, como f:cal de distrito de lo Ruados Uni-lo-
México, de llamar su atención a la xicana, la que describió romo "relacio México, fueron asesinado, sa por el Generul Persning út sultado de ia elección que re tuvo el TRES HOMBRES PARALIZADOS
necesidad absoluta do preservar la ;ún el testimonio de Joe Allen , las postas militare en el oeste y Í3 '2K del actual. La proposición de ex- Nuev York, Ulo. 27. "I diputado al comentar subro e! Informe de
pai nes temporariamente desdichadas en iílch-irds-

y la orden, y de dar una devoción leal los Etados Unidos" era quien ha testificado ame la sub linea divlaorla Mexicana seri concluí tender los linderos de la ciudad basta "elector da Hunts Interna Ooerge L. tía ciud.'d de Connecticut, qua Bproii- -
a las leyes de nuestro querido estado. latre cuestión ynula
México Miles declaró que sus agento osih:iL uiuuuiu'-in- e
conro.,u csH7tií)iirp. muer-
del Senado que investiga lo do a mediados de Febrero. El pro- las lineas de la merced vlefa do finita

Al apelar así al pueblo del condado ente, que concierne Importante dol pre isuntos Mexicanos. Fratna oficial de la ultima partí de su ' Ps se ganó, trajendnln a la ciudad industriosamente empellados en d' tes por belier alcohol de resina.
a loa asuntos ex "Parece n?te ,,t deberla de r un
qua ne hizo publico aquí hoy. ev projimadsmente fl.G'Kt.ñüO de prople-com- uibrlr a los manufactureros y
vemle-lorc- j
pura que mantengan la ley y la or- - terlort que ouurronían a lo Extador Klchards, que es ciudadano Auiert de licor llealiuenie. esao aieti'lldo por la autrrldadeii do
den, no me dirijo tanto al ciudadano Unidos. ano, descubrió lo cuerpos el 21 d Hlguo: dad tasable y tod la populación que
Americano, cuya leal devoción a su Partírl de Chicago el 4 do Enero, exlate entre lo lindero viejo y (aii Dlju qua do de su trente boy, ha starto; pero el gobierno federal hari
ileptieinbre próximo pasado, en la ri- uljn tintado un hostilial para ver a lo:3 u pana en procurar an arresto dn
patria la conozco a fondo, y la de la PERSHINQ FAVORECE ALGUNA bera de la Hav de Los Anfielei, i ha-lil- estará en Kansas City el 10, en Iwn linea llnmltrofe do la merced,
re hombre que, auieiue ruVnb!. e Impedir la di.itrlliurinn
gran mayoría de nuestros ciudadano FORMA DE DISCIPLINA MILI- tirioaa apeado da un pequeño vapor ver el H. en Pait Lax CU, l 1; j La mayor? por la ane'ón
trgia i.ia iHiado pnralitadn desdo la Urde y manufactura, da eaa venmu tuerta!,
porqu ellos precian en mucho el va- n Portland, tí 18; en Seattle el i:: 0 retornos f más de 600 votoa.
lor y eícelienda Incomparable da nues-
TAR UNIVERSAL )lelcano, ayudar suplir al abaato
a d
Hacramento el 23, y San Francisco el ; W Mayor E. P. Davle a quien m te Natidad com rullado a habense alcohol do renin, que se h vendido
trua l bureo. En conformidad con
(l- -
.icbldo tu. a pli ta da 11. nr. t.l licor en lonr da licor." declaró et Hr. Bayi.
tro gobierno, y ciertamente realizan Lincoln, Nb., Die. 30. Abxuna fo- ni testimonio, dlca qu l fué arre! 2 da 13iero. B informó que I legalidad da la ele- - "u
que nada bueno puede rcíulutr de la nts da Dtirnnte u viaja visitará el Geueraí .ridn tabla cliwuiido. declaró que eotiHTado en Jlanhatm, y o es ton.
militar d'-l;ulii- a lo por la autoridades Meiltnnaa en
desobediencia de las liye stablecl-da-
como uno de loa rwiuuiui do nn jtJi
lanta Roulla 11KÓ sill el 2A I'ersín otro punt., ber: ( he- - en cuanto a lo qua i4 podía compri-- a para hnc- -r arrrutns.
dl j a ; tta
apelaron s hace ciudadanía fué defendida por I Un paxürular y directamente s lo aerml Pershing en un dlscurao qua )o
la Hopileinbre. por acíiion da habr )nn. Kn-r-

el amana da Penlcl. regando a P

17, Odgen. I
1; I 21
der el raii!ba eatab dentro da loa
limite da la ley. y que no xidl
Tamliien declinó Mil" quo U poit-i- PERRHtNa f$ (tfClfítOO EN LA
da 1 estación Aletalider le dieron UMVE13IOAO DE NEBRASKA
ntoriusdo I laacucrlinluntn da loi t
extrsnjíero que 'eidn eo dicho nuticíó anta ui ' Lincoln Kotory Club ' Francisco en la tarda del mismo 41 siseado an corte con tito aliruno. Da- buy uta toiolla para qua hiciera un
condi 1o, deo
llamarle ls BttMicion tOT- - i", al jefe dul vallar Amarlcano
i!i4 taba en al puerto de

lle Pao Fraudar Bsrttf par la i6 j rlaró qna ta forma da boletas qua ar !(! da que a haliin o'ilei
una rantina d " aill r rea
N'eb.. Dlc. ;7. Hoy fué
John J I'rhiiit n
sJ hechj que Mt:n eUo rw. blondo Hüiil.i Hocana vn aoa tl'miH). .tic"!e, d mde MtarA ri ti da Enero. as laa urna ri. tnran er iesa! Jo da
i tod l riUiCí'!6n r iiies'.rs ley
Et General dijo oua uuo
da díwípllna mil, tor para ío JAtd
iU lo liil-ro- n una celda da el
:r en Pn ir.fto. r rntreiar a l s j y n cunto a ta qnc qua no os fi
uil i,j aulforl-- o
cur la I
dl.o el rniliirt n te, y sfrvIA úm ronsanrtan-'- a
.Vctrjka d.mda
qu bajo ouewtro cr.b rno lliwral.
aorecnlrla ti mtr por la' Iri ircnto n. da un din. Antes tía x- - Ani"le l Z'K de iíl Ir4 a Fh"n-- ,
rontrahaa boleta encentra de la at ar Bisleti da
itn ea
eilo satán pro retando los benefi- tltartonea a Tu' i a l"ula 8ltfntft n uno da i t.r.c'Btwi diH .ir y coa so; oi'i.o d cüi-M- i Bi4tr4i!iA, ea
cio i Is rirss rTorofMnsn. qus Si- a dMirrollarra til nmtiJe y Ir lia
Amrl-unwi- li nirvlrt p irt la ceids, du e qua la quitaron
IU tarda laaudcó
el J,
!n Knm. y m '! I'aiW. el prt-

Mida khfl une jiiiiAfe .H--'.a rrnti I I 4 Sii'a lo o no mi

tda ropa. "
rn cjwa pf.tialrinla v'iUt,.r l un K!.iítet!l a an diacutx
todos los paeWo bu 4et.rtt ja que 4-- t

n can-cil.- er
ta pa! ofri-- c ficlarí rao da i'ia na lii"!! f' n'l:oí'la i al la FVI'rro rqrni partí' ' lnvaatirarKVn, f habla
ii tinue-- . , J,
al II i.r y ' te la a an w-.- i el
üo,''f.- liii1u!rtow y qua r- -, tan I t.i:.) t itij n d :ru4 Mayor Itin K Ja , la 1J l aao. 4v laja vxttrt nm 4 ln ram na Ji da tarritia) tUtlfirBe (
i r

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t fin y s -
ti It t í t S 1 t
Mexican bank notes, state bills, 9i58$34.50; pesos, i
"'i $1.02: Mexican
r, H til
50e; aaaniales, 29c: bai
H. Quotation. S1.31: cMfS,
i El Paso and nest Texas, fair: New Mexvo. a :,
temperature unchanged; Arizona, fair, little change .a
a;n, lower; livestocks, hither;

NEWS BY ASSOCIijfeD PRESS. single copy, five ce-n- ts EL PASO. TEXAS. THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 1. 1920. delivered anywhere. : mo.nth 14




I)etachment Of Cavalry Sent From Nogales To Protect II p
Jlerchants From Ousting Order Of Sonora Officials; I H llEfllr IP ENVOYS ACCEPT PACT
Open Secret Chief Execu- nT
A lUf A
Hi Bomb Hurlers and Agita- Measure Continues Equal-iaziio- n
tive Will NolEder for
IDispute Started Bv Law Demanding Employment Ui Ui IlIlflllL flu
ux majoniy 01 liatins in business staDiistiments. tors to Receioe No Board Through
k Government Troops At Irkutsk Revolt, Seise Railroad
Reelection. !A PRIETA, Son Mex Jan. 1. jhave been ordered to Onajmas ni NEVER BEFORE Mercy. Year 1920. And Establish Revolutionary Headquarters; New
awmDera oi tae Laineae colony . HermoauJo.
AGGRESSIVE WAR BILL CONTINUES Movement Said to Be Headed by Zemstvo; Govern-
iyir the officials to earrr out The contnmrsT orer the Chinese S6C V Alexander SlimS UD
ment Speeds Soldiers to Protect Stores of Bullion.
IS EMBARRASSING UmS Jfcne to deport them from the merchant of Cknaea, Sonora, arose CommarCW.1 OlltlfVOV V(r AGAINST "REDS' LICENSE POWER
nORPAT, Ej&rua, aba (By tkt Associated Press.) Aa vaustice
Democrats Await Word io 3mtheir
vho are Meiican ettUeBS hare ; hUion of the Soaoca law, which re- - The New Year.
Adopt Firm Policy of Un Secretary Tumulty Issues a was sigaed We&efwaj by rcpretvCBtelwea ef Esdiopia ami rfce soviet
coanti7Ben in the fight quires tkat 80 percent of the work- Washington. D. C, Jan. 1. (By the gereBSeat ef Rut. TIw armistice wit be ia ferce sev days.
Start 1920 Campaign me reported deponattpn. men in aay business establishment Associated Press.) Secretary Alex- flinching Persistence io Statement on Cuban Telutertnoaiav CajMorr. over
Bona lrom Lananea, Moeteouia shall be of Mexican citizenship. The ander, of the department of com- bridge- - the only communication
Booms. Xaeozari, this state, are to the Chinese were ordered to close their merce, summed up the cosamerchU Quell Unrest. Sugar Situation. London. Eng.. Jan. 1. The capture this, was broken several days as
southern Gen. Semenoff. commander In ch.e'
2 of Tekaterinoslar, the
that, aXboogk quiet prevails io places of tasiness immediately several outlook for 191 in part as follows: on
"The closing year witnessed a fab- Russian front nd Novomoskovsk. IS of the all Russia a force is dup? --

purpose of protecting tar of c ft

By DAVID 1AWREKCC sections, the Chinese hare taken months ago, bat were later given an EW YORK, Jan. 1. The year 1930 WASHINGTON, U. C, Jan. armored trains' to Irkutsk
is ins

i;ashivgton, d. c, ju. i. pm steps to supplying taemstlres extension of time which expired last ulous, growth of American foreign !N will be an "open season'' for bol- - has signed the miles northeast of Tekaterinoslav -

:dnt Wilson U being urged to commerce. Our trade balance for j

continuing the United States announced in a Bolshevik official and silver bullion betnj cuui i
viafsr to resist any attempt on the night at midnight. shevist and anarchists and kindred bill from Omsk.
rublcly that he will not be aSf the Mexicans to deport them It is said that the claim that Chi 1919 will be approximately four Ml radicals who are ia this country with sugar canalisation board through 1920. statement issued today. J High rimwimhnrr Marooaetl.
"Iidat1 for reelection, but Jest lions. A great fleet of merchant loony as ue vim The Rons also are firhtlnc fierceiy Janhnose reports indicate hiph
or oaiiscate their property. nese can ork far has pay than Mexi
new sources of the idea
of overthrowing the govern it waa announce!
n he will do so is something
h he aJoce can decide. He hu
KeJeo Sends Troops. cans has aroused considerable hostility supply and industries,
ships, new
Increased knowledge of meat. In a statement published to house that his signature had been at for possession of Tcberkassy. 9. miles
southeast of Kiev. They have occu- tary
nussjoner Kalo, with the Omh
mission under CoL Fuku-Ja- " , f
Ssales. Ari- a- Jan. 1. A detachment toward the Orieatals. who are ac-- our own resources are some of the day, attorney general Palmer an- tached belore midnight last night. maroonod at the Irkutsk railroad ?
- d at no decision as yet.
of Ssican federal cavalry under Capt. cused of threatening to lower the assets gained from our war experi- noonced that the policy of the depart- Secretary Tumulty issued this state- pied Martin sk. east of Tomsk, on tne tion Which Irkutsk Japanese nvi "
jD".iation locally of a story to the ment: Siberian front, the statement adds. y and consular milita-- forc" are
J. C Salcido was dispatched yesterday standards of lrring that prevail in the ence. Before the war we were ment of justice in dealing with the Siberian Troop Revolt. guarding. With a company ( -f
t that ! Wilson would make troa ogales, Sonora, to Canaaea, state of Sonora. A few days ago, velopment for the most part in the de- "red" menace during the coming year "The president has signed ths Vladivostok, Siberia. Jan. 1. (By with machine, guns on t- - re-
a pronouncen ent at the Jackson of our own business with sugar control hfH The bill confers the Associated Press.) Stent hun- side of the river, they are rot -
with orders to protect the Chinese Gav. de la Hnerta, ia a statement de- little serious thought of extension of will be one of "unflmehing, persistent
'.T.ner of the Democrats on Jan-- 8 menatats of the latter citr from aay fending the action of the state and onr activities into world markets daKtecioB aa the pnasitnt ia the dred .government troops at Irkutsk to be freed within a vtr1-- a.'.
drew no direct denial at the and we were too indifferent as re- and aggressive warfare,' against this matter ef purchasrsf sugar from revolted on the night of December IS. least.
deranatwn by local autborrbeS, il authorities in dosing Chi- - gards our position of inferiority on class of offenders. Cabs. It is deubtfal whether it took possession of the railroad stationa. Japanese troop are b f t;
house except that officials instanetions are received from Mexisa Inarines houses in Cananea, the high sea a Today we are awake He quarter wffl be shews, he revolutionary
and established movement, patched to Mysowaj-a- , the rrot
pavf the imprest ion that if such never before. The pride of ante- win be practicable or wise far the The which Is ern station on the American rfua-:- "i
moun'jemor.t were made it would Gty regarding the constitutionality afleaaifsd that- certain Mongolians had as bellum days Is revived and we look declared, aad every movement presidem to exercise the power reported to be headed by Zixnstvo and sector of the railway. These d'lt.
the fiwora labor law. visited the United States with the to see onr flag at the masthead of aimed at the government, so mat- conferred so far as the purchase social revolutionary leaders, ls spreadi- menfa are be-n- sent with the -
be at the Jackson day dinner. merchant ship In every
Tamez. Mexican consul object ol precipitating armed inter-- 1 an AmericanMaport ng; through the city, which is re- protecting tbe Japanese nM-- oi' At
ere sundry remarks made, too, Eaiiano
im;rUIlt or the world, car- - ter haw it a rjea.ed, wiB be dealt aad distribution of safar are con- ported fully controled by Irkutsk.
:t improvement in the president's here, said that Got. Adolfo de la in Juxico. I rylna; American goods wherever
kets may be found.
mar- - with sternly. cerned." forces. American consul genera! H ir- -
s" to the general effect means that Hneaa had given orders for the pro- TSeed Freer aennnge.
The attorney general declared that Some of the Cuban sugar has already The revolt started In ths 33rd Rus- ported on the morning of e'el - -,
"jrow TTilson was by no tects of Chinese residents pending CANANEA, SON, CARRIES OUT "Abnormal conditions we hope are sat ail of the department traced di been purchased and there is no central sian stationed on the left that all was cuiet. He ha
bank of the Angara river. A pontoon ported since.
le to xnakv the race for a third instactkms from the national capital. ITS THREAT AGAINST CHINESE passing. The tremendous Increase la rectly to this element 75 percent of the control over sugar in Cuba as there
China merchants at Xoesles, Sonora. exports of the war period, made was but year, and it might therefore
he cared to do so. Do us la. Arm. Jan. 1. The muni of military supplies and the unrest ia the country. Aequaiatanres
I Biftee 1o Talk.
howtvfr, la un questionably
a reflex of a certain sentiment
hs heldsa m executive qnar- -
exprased the opinion today that the! cipality
srbniiMi would be straightened oatlfolfo
f Canaaea. aupportsd by still greater exports of the months with the doctrines of the "reds," Mr.
aovernor oi following the war. in which food- Palmar said, was the most forcible
naia na" its threat that no stuffs f'gured largely, may not con-
mere nil ass should conduct busi- tinue Indefinitely. These tremendous saetaod of ending their activities, and
Tk gioueiv, dry goods and meat ness houses there, according to ar- figures have brought satisfaction to he aqced the Aiacritaa people in the
be impossible for the government now
to step in and purchase the sugar
without increasing the price to the
t " tne eiien tna; it uuwi w retal business of the state, except rivals cere Ths flrlnese had hoped all. but gave grave concern to those ef lav aad order, peace and The bill, however, continues the
'or the president to make any that the threat of tba federal gov- who look forward to 1930.
the annieipsi markets, virtually are ernment to send troops to enforce the change in Europe Is a grave problem
The ex-
and tae iiisiiffansiiie of na- - licensing power also, and this power Tells of "Thraat" to Pat. SSI S?S,Fne
of a "frameuD."
about matter of a third contakd by the Chinese. order that the Chinese should re- buyers as
asms treatment as any
and so uncomfortable
to necessitate
some seiidarity, to atady the fall may be ased to assist in coutroiing the
profiteering among distributors. Much
Him in Class With 'Hard victim
Lieut. I D. Ha ha ii, his subri
i v.f.duse
of the disintegration of Trans to protect the Chinese resi ceive the af the radical idea and to boiled Smith.' was jealous of htm. the rapta n
'iHuence which might follow., other foreigners, would be etfeetaaL cases government
dent! have been sent to Magdslens Thia hope was last en Christmas buying.
restrictions on
If we would continue onr Cuban sugar is coming in mow sad the Hahan waa a former poHcernar
high Asaerkaaiai it
the treau and league of na-- - through the teaching of
when feeling against the Orientals day when riotous scenes took place level there
foreign trade at its present
in the pre, the ehurra.
indications are that prices have reached New Tors. Jan. 1. Capt. Karl W. apparently did not like havi..,
is disposed of. by the senate.
Detzer. being tried br eoartmartial sor. a former
wss stated, small must be freer and fuller their peak and that there will be a newspaperman, f
- nstance, if la reckoned wise for
is saM to be mare bitter than in any I on the streets. It exchange of commodities and a large the scaaei aad labor ejvejitatiOBa. in military ;cl:ce
ilnn to maintain silence about T state. Military units 1 groups of uexicana assaulting
part ef the extension of credit to Euronesw buy- The beishevist awwesneat does not
tendency for prices to fall in the next for alleged 'brotal treatment of pris captain asserted.
fjture no matter how clamoring much the dividual Chinese. ers. So let us find a condition la few weeks. oners, whils he commansled ths milf- - Hahan aad 70 members of
- --
'is aspirants may be
- which bur Inn ass asHine- - will be of the irMha
af later wore transferred i
- a
r rom Mr. Wilson that would bo the
." uiuiiL doib anaanai . un inir iJaK aWanKaataaaai asKjasMgasaH
r:1-- n dki w t 1W"w?
rtvwmrMTVPrWiimmctisi vuf
. i and mfatreatnteg
Vn'Jul booms, on the other
of the Democratic aspirants ToDethrone Juarez Mayor, Close All
is distroetlr a rriasinl aad dishoDeat
To Merry Imbibers
against the
y. who
captain, mad- - t; 'ff t

r? presidency are going ahead
of any statement from the
U. S. CAN SHIP ANYTHING FROM scheme iastsad of a stoTaaeat of lib
MATCHES TO GUNS TO GERMANY erty loviag Of Gay Broadway lowing statement to lux, Dci.-- r
"Capt Detzer, we are o:rr
p house.
Ta fact. It
accepted asag
m so widely accepted
toe Deaeerats
SMoonsAnd Give Scribe $l6g)00Job waahington. C of the peace
change of ratifications
D. Jan.
treaty will have no immediate effect
1. Ex-
NORTH FRANCE FACTORIES i AsBellsRingOutPassingOfOld Year yon over. TVe have got thj
backing, and e are going t r'.t
tkat Mr. Wlieest wiu ran twt By O. W. TOrXG upon American trade with Germany, knxni ra
adc ruui in ADro attau
ji Liuiiiun
TORK. N". Y, Jan. 1. Celebra- - aoe. beainnins with the wearers of
with - 'Hardboiled;
Smith an 1
n third tern that the ealy thing tCTSECIDAD ROMERO, mayor of My introduction te aim was rather it was said in official circles. IN" the Annunslata collar, who rank Lacey had hern arree-tf.- i
tfcat is awaited with tense tnter--nt cngea witn UIIc. France Jan. 1. Production tlon of the coming of the ne i !

Is what Mr. Wilson may eiwxe

" r.. -ni - .1- thrll rounds Richard ItarwJtiar Davis All restrictions on trade with Ger has been resumed In abont one-ha- lf year continued until dawn in hotels cabinet, his cousins. The members of the t. officers nine time?. TVt2. -
seconsasy or January. story. It wss IS oessek at nignt. many except on imports of dyes and the senators, deputies and hut throusrh wm influen-- m
io nay a boat the type of aa who coal tar products and exports of the factories of northern France. and restaurants along the "great other officials followed. The dlplo-mst- ic leased after servmsr a
ihwald be the Mansard of I sapped the edge of my chair a according to the clack Which graces wheat, were removed by the war corps will be received by the a three months Fntnte
i far Dmeratle party In the next little tighter when J. V. Caixbajal. the editorial room of The Herald. The where the outbreak of ths war par white way." the revelers taking adT
telephone rang sharply ad the night
latelyaf Chihuahua City, and now of editor aroused himself to
trade board J u It 14. and so far as the
United States is concerned, anything alyzed industry and where battles vantage of what they .considered the king and queen Friday evening.
The most notable event of the day CLEAKWG SITE OF DOUG. AS
is cnnfidentlr expected that Mr. answer the
'soi will blaxe the way he with a the harder town opposite El Paso, calL This was the message that from matches to six inch sans saay i
be shipped to that country.
vased for toar rears. Of this number,
however, about IX percent have been
last opportunity to celebrate ha the was the addreaa of Camilla Bar re
hilarious manner traditional to New the French ambassador, dor g a re-
atPTnt cf principles which calmly Informed me of the coming came across the wire: to the French colony, at
fundamental in this day change --
Villa fa fifteen miles trent to trade, ?x,ehmnT 5" aohstacls at WOr only a month. Figures ex- - York. Folic, and other observers ception which he said he had never praetic-- - Douglas. Ariz, Jan. 1. Bur- - 'c
fl ace
Juarez. Send n reporter ..ieklr rise in am!ncd ud correspondent of said the crowds which jammed upper hundreds of pounds of T. N. T., bj"
LbmitmiiIbi; Sltaatlaa. "An who will be the marorT I the value of marks through stabilixa- - , DT
- vf
other hand it is very likely venturat I 1. tse amp- more oppniR tlon of conditions in Germany and the Associated Press show in this ra Broadway were equal in size and i acy.
Ue hoped he would never com ng unexploded atrial bombs tni
tip president will not take con-any easterns noojr. the production of goods for export spirit to those of former years. mit (auch a sin, he declared- - tonators) deep in the earth. nerrV- -
"I wBl be the roavor of Juarez, gost on this jaiegsd gion 30,0O plants employini
himself in the nomination Mc--..- --. 1 wss the as tne oniy mainon by which com- workers were rased by gnnfTi loot- - While unnumbered thousands pa- wash!Ngton"obseryes of flight A. 3th aero sriAd-- i
Th fact that William G. and I will get tne position without "news best." which, aceordhsste the
would make The Herald the
merce can be restored to normal. ed or badly disorganized new Wednesday practically cmp:--
his o n son inlaw, is being a dropef bloodshead. And you will informer, paper raded the thoroughfares with all year
forward as a candidate by
j d v Wilapn Ewmocrats Ls one be my secretary at JIO.000 gold a hours.
greatest In the land wreata 14
I obtained a taxi, tashud sorts of noise makers, other thou- without
Washington. D- - C Jan. 1.
celebration clearing the
New fire of Monday when ae of the dej'mc'.
month, and on Monday I will give across UBMU. and sands who. with foreaightedneaa had appr---
and the fact that the you thaw monttia saJarv in advance." pulled up in front inof fast
the river
PREDICTDEATHS Tear's day was quietly observed here mately $ltt.0o0 damage wa
rpsidert himstlf does not be Here
Democratic party should be dic-ae- d
said CambaJaL In Juarei
the drasr atvre
with a screeching of easer-genc- y
PAG FIG ST purchased stocks ot wines aad
before July 1. were making today. In official circles, there was
Cr-Th- e

to on the subject of nomina-i- s

qaite another.
I "acanted" rather
blow ns severe one.
meekly, for the brakes.
Smiling and bowing, sen or Car-baj- al
j .u wv mien m
restaurants. although
Meeh ef tar liquid refreshment
the usual round, of social functions
at the
work was rendered hazardous 1
white house there the fact that the explosives wh:
waa no formal celebration because of bad passed riirough
Bat there seems no ajoestfAa
J. V. Jaratjsjal ls an odd character. came out of the store, intro- vraa seat ia advance fcy track aad the Zire w"r
that Mr. warn will be foand
nmorntme the chofee of the en- -
v ent Ion and eren aldiac m the
He anmed In Jusres several weeks
aao was bt. family, and Is a oros- - ducedtohimself
pectlvanawspmper publisher. He
spoke aaaarkably good English, is distant dwelling,
and ordered the chaa-fe-
drive to his home, two blocks
We pulled up st a small
FnOUC s CELLAR Hsuiuhe after reservations f.r tary
the Bight had been made.
heavy profit through 'corkage"
the illness of the president. Secre-
of state Lansing; and Mrs. lean- going off. were
ing were the hosts at a luncheon for James atontagne. in charge of thsr
the diplomatic corps and reception
defective- - Orj
asapalsm. Far fresa belsff out and good land! It andeeoUsg charges" was reaped. were held by secretary of the navy
tail, sustained the loss of bjrS

M polities, 'lr. WUmi an ac- eaucaWBsasibly to s nrgher degree adobe Shivers ran up and down Crowds on the streeta. whila not and Mrs. Daniels, secretary of war nana wnen a aeiecu e
aajfey Americana, and quo tea waa dark. and Officials examining. exploded I
tive (actor to be reekoaed with Shakensare. like the young novensx my spine I staggered backward, - Throughout Na Private "Wet" Stocks Are lacaing in exuberance, were more and Mrs. Baker and assistant secre-Fe- Woethington. aged 7, waa bii'-jura-
the aext cam palm and praetl uses Pnaich expressions to attract when the door opened and a ani- orderly than in former years. j tary of war and Mrs. CrowelL Tuesday when a detect-- --
aayoac of the candidate
vi ho are being boomed wooM not
attenrJaa. fContlnned on page 3. column 1.) tion Expect Casualties Drawn Upon to Enliven arresxs were maae. Messages to the nation were is- had picked op as a sou v i
The celebration was not confined sued last night by vice president pioded as he struck it nub a '
ebiect to Mr. Wllsona help If he From Wood Alcohol. New Year's. to places of merriment. The chimes Marshall and several members of the
oal4 get K.
far at? the third term is con--
ned it is an open secret that Mr.
El Paso New Year Revelers Greet Chicago. I1L, Jan. 2, Authorities San Francisco, Calif, Jan. 1. The
throughout the country today grave "dry- - law bat slightly dampened the
of hundreds of churches rang out aa cabinet in all of which was expressed TEXAS XATIOSAI. GC IRD
of old at midnight, whila thousands a note ot optimism for the coming
of whistles shrieked aa accompani- year.
!n nver intended to ran for re-- Entry Of 1920 With Riotous Night ly awaited repot u from New Terr's enthuaiasra with which the west wel- ment. Many Thousands attended TTaehington. D. C. Jan.
Johnston, cavalry.
'fT.on. eve revels for confirmation or refu comed the new year. In California, watch night meetings in the IalTTLK IMSI'LVV OF HILARITY Gordon relieved as inspector instructor cf
There are enough individuals. churches A chorus of I8SS voices IX BTW THAU'S.
guard to report to '
' ynd and political Texas national
known positively of his in- -
r.tmn for a lone; time. Indeed, It Is
Of Imbibing And Carnival Frolic tation of their predictions that the
avo of deaths from wood alcohol
poisoning which took a toll of ap
those who had private stocks en-
countered no insurmountable diffi-
culties in finding places of ihcer and
sang at Madison Square garden while
a pageant naa presented.
Theaters w ere crowded beyond ca-
London. Kne- - Jan. 1 The New
Tear was ushered in with little dts- -' Arthur
of hilaiit. All the fashionable
director of military intelligence r--
G. Fisher, field artilltrv
fart that when Mr. Wilson was In COME vere sober, many were not. was frightful and for once the noise pacity, notwithstanding the fact that ' hotels in London wore crowded for Heved of dutv with the l"th
he was so much upset by the tg tna V Dots and pans was drowned proximately K5 Iiea during the merriment wherein to conf ume them. rates. Port Ciark and de' ailed ia infep

spread opponents In the J but sH were shouting and hapiy hv" th dinera. Chriatsnas holidays would ie eieaec. and in the other far wei-ter- 5tates
moat of the larger houses had
doubled the price ef admission,
dinner at premium
A center of .gaiety was Albert hall, instructor of Texas national j
Liquor placed an important part in as estimated that the box office re-it where the Chelsea Arts club
mted States to the effect that he when ths cafes poured their stream gave s Second Lieut. James W Gfn.'. .
as planning the league of nations of revelsrs into the streets at mid- the celebration of many Aa the Bsr today there was slight er- - the advent of the jew year unen- fancy dress ball and held high revels. fan try. honorably discharged i
livened by cheer of tht malt, i inous ceipts totaled 1)00.000. roof Around the steps of St. Paul's cathe- Harry I Jones. Capt. John .1
as to preside over it or that be
in ted to use it as a vehicle for aa
night to greet the Xew Tear. Auto- crowds were breaking up in the small
hours, many a lurching and swaying
lita nee nat ceiebrators of he arrUaJ
or spirituous varieties wss no novelty. gardens charged (11 a seatTwo for their dral there was a great gathering of field artillery, baa been order- -'
mobiles ere thicker on the streets of the sew yoar had not profited by midnight shows.
' rd term that he planned to Issue figure testified to the alleged Joy he iijiswlnlfre rained of the effects of San Francisco met the issue bravely Caledonian clan, who greeted the the &2nd field artillery. Fort b
at that time renouncing all than they have been Pi nee Armistice had obtained. , Xew Tear in the pro war Scottish First Lieut. Ralph H. Boice
"d term ambitions and declaring nigbt m 1918, and speed was no con-sid- e Dash Tli ro itch Streets. drtsntlar out-law- liquor. The more and staged, on the whole, what was CHICAGO GREETS NEW YEAR fashion with song and libations. orably discharged. Fort Blis
s intention to return to private ratios. Pedestrians were forced to keep 1 Isilitlc officials .Kiinted out. how- regarded as a creditable repetition of WITH HIP POCKET BOTTLES
fe at the end of his present term to the sidewalks, owing to wild ever, that it probably would require her traditional celebration. Those
Korea Bod Kifeet
litical advisers on this side of the
'.antic feared it would have a bad
The old tradition of England, that
only a great noise could frighten away
evil spirits at the opening of a year,
abandon and hlah SDOCd With which
certain motorists dashed through par-
business section. Two cars in
the a full day for the serious cons-quenc-
generally o become appsr-ei- .t
who had private stocks repaired to
places of entertainment, "parked"
Chicago. 111.. Jan. 1
oung new year, nursed laM
night on hip pocket bottles, showed
Robert L. Dorbandt Out For Sheriff
on the treatv fight if Mr. WII- -
nadc su-'- a statement as they
,eed it ww necessary to keep the
was reajected U ednesday night.
Every rnaa, woman and etiild who was
ticular mads traeldangerous.
street somewhat
on San Antonio
cars swung tatohe street in front ot
New Ha ran.
Thirty fire Arrested.
Conn.. Jan. t.
their containers with the management
and thereafter drew on these anppltes
no signs of beinn as dry as congress
and the supreme court bad forecast
Cafes became cafeterias last night
Prospects Of 'Compromise 'Disappear
rocraiic party solidly behind the able was armed with some sort of the Paso del Sbrte. and by previous men were under arrest as long as the Inclination and the and serve yourself service IERE will not be any compromise "Hundreds tf people hae ask
atv and als to dangle before the
,,"f 'jnln-an- the possibility that the
noise maker. In the cafes the din arrangement a race was on. Openlnv
gas throttle the drivers dashed
Thirty-fi- e
in Connecticut day as a result ol
an investigation by officials into tht
supplies held out.
Those who did not. or who did not
ently proved adequate to produce all
in politics so far
the traditional Joys of the new vear I'orbandt is concerned-H-
Robert L. to run and have promised me --
support at the primaries next J
ident himself might dppeal to the through other traffic, narrowly of fatal I tl s u&ed by drink-
care to imbibe, thronged the streets welcome. e
oDle in IS 26 if the league were Jamaica Ginger Sets An misinsr other cars and forcing many ing poison whisky. The death to'i The Illinois search and seizure lavr started the new year by making am not going to try to revolut..
sde a party issue. m turn r.ff the street The race com- - waa 17. in holiday mood. which prohibits movement of liquor formal and official announcement tMngSi hut when I am elected T
That Mr. Wilson has long intended Entire Jersey Town A pop ;
rileted. the drivers then used approxi- - even across the street, went by (he hs
retire at the end of his present . mately the same speea :n returning
'j along the course and drove back and Ke street bridge Thursday morning to Doaras. Hip pocket flasks were fah nf his candidacy for the office of have It so decent reople will
m is unquest ionably tine. But TIXELANP N. J.. Jan. 1. Grocer get the valuable slip of paper which ions oie. out tnirstier ones trans-- 1 sheriff, on Thursiav morning. isfted."
does make known bis in ten-
will, on the other hand, use V Max achreibcr started some- forth until the street was all but
'clear. is the "open sesame" tu the immigra- Germany Has
Nearly Dorted their selesrt nnrit mtns-ir-
i r. "I am in the race to the finish. Mr. Dorbandt '.as lived m EI r
occasion not merely to start off a thing has the other day when he .'
So far ae known, there were no tion inspector. basketsT in M he In announcing his candidacy. fex the pat 20 years and - b

'esidectial race as would be the case purchased from a Philadelphia serious accidenta from reckless car The customs house w , taking a
acation. and so were
One Million Armed and
Police threats of enforcement rfi never placed politics and n. r
' he made a statement to the Jackson concern a carton of Jamaica gin- driving, although the owner of a new who the drastic search law failed of exe- taada to do so. but that he
,av dinner but to forward the cause ger. Max. not knowing of aay Chevrolet took the two leftcemetery wheels Issued the n bite stipe
the office of the inspector
stated Forces Now Iniacl cution. Chief Garrity. who had an- to administer the affairs of the
f liberalism which he holds is para-"i-
in an age that Is full of the
law to prevent the sale af Jamaica
ginger, immediately placed the
off his car at Evergreen
some time after roidniarht when he Thursday that s crowd of revelers
Bug.. Jan. 1 Germany's nounced the law would be enforced
made the rounds at midnight and in
Headlines In iff a office inHethe mtertt
I whole people. has been ;n i.i" -
were constantly streaming to the
MTia of resction that always f"l-- -
f 1??0. The El
carton of ginger on sale. Fol-
lowing the sale of the first bottle
l nit tne curnins
curve, in attempting iuicato get
i mniw
out of the bridge, only to find "nothing doing." forces are estimated oy a famous downtown hotel delivered a Today's Theaters estate business here, bad :'
Icitv and down the valley. aoise atone aiu year
not marK tne the Btltisb war office to total speech to tbe revelers
UIJO-- l
;a comfortable I'ortune and aa
Hraid. it was rssaarkahle how customers passing of the old and the dawn close to a million men. These are "I am glad to see everybody Is hshed himself as a c:tiz-- n'
Far into the niftht- - or rather rnorn- - ?
multiplied. Somehow everybody ui tne new. juemoers Of tne Ameri-a- n divided Into the regular army such a good time." he said. "East-war- Ho." u illiam Kuasell to the community.
WILSON FAILS TO FILE HIS who likes ginger knew of that ing. merrv makers danced in i afs! legion, who gathered St the cham- tOO. 000. the land .or. es or 'he rg On the streets the merry revelers H Wr Hl Mr. Dorbandt had ei.perii
first bottle. Schreiber was haled and the sun ai rlslna ere the revel-- were as numerous as ever in the ' Maytime." drama, with music peace officer before coming
ACCEPTANCE AS CANDIDATE rv subsided At the Sheldon many ber of commerce to watch the year's ular navy. 12.SOS; the armed con-
up before tne majeatv of ths law iof the revelers remained all nieht, passing obsered it by renewing their stabulary. vMAO to 50.000; the early evening, but a driving enow-stor- Kl I ( raso, wnen ne sorvt'u as aru.
Pierre. S. T .Tan. 1. Neither pres- and held in ibM ball for the grand I
taking up a special collection at three pledge to God and oouatry. temporary volunteers, or regular and rapidly falling mereury "'When the Clouds Koll By, his brother. Chris Dorbandt.
ent Vilson nr.r . Lynn J Fra- - Jury. Ht explained that he did inclock for the waitresses and the Need of Had Bld. army reserves, ISO, 000 to 2OAtH0; soon drove the majority to cover. Douglas Fairbanks. sheriff at Burnet. Texas.
not know he was breaking the i musicians . Rev. F. M. Johnsow. Jr, secretary civic guards. 300.000 to 40.00. C.Kt:4 IN Another brother. Dr Jeff IW .i
r ndorftrd for prts.ilce' by the prohibitiea laiv The ginger waa One srroup or mernmahm iuii--and of the legion, vx ho led In repeating ITALY OBSFRVES NEW YEAR Sina cf the Mothers." Anita a practicinir of Lamr--
ocratic and Nu Partisan league sold in aaall bottles for ten and in a false alarm from Overland the pledge at the hour of midnight Stewart. Texas, has leen mayor of tiat
fifteen cents, bottle being Orecon streets, asd the entire central delivered an address to WITH USUAL FORMALITIES j Rl WIO notnr brother Tr Toit
r.- actions, if.;.(' Mel' on Deceni- - men, urging them to answer tin coun-
had liled s formal acceptance
plainly narked u: percent alcohoL
Some of Max's patrons declared
station responded, to apparent
of Beveral parties who sat li1 try's rail for leadership. Red blood, OO--
ee-- e Oee T.oie. Italy. Jan. 1. New Year's
da whs celebrated in Italy with al-- I
"John Petticoats.'' William 3.
bantlt. i.r-,tt- -
tonum at
- i

lib tlie secret; -- v of state late to- - ihat tliej took the ginger f5oo' Show rto it he said, is i.eeded as much now as O The nroved eireulaifon of 4 most the name ceremony as Christ- - I MHIE Poru'.tit
n"-- .
candidate "
made that i
hid ronplled
with water, others preferred it
straight, saying that it only
air-i- 'r " the v clamored
Vo Jnares Passes.
during the i ar
Several rones were sung, led by a
quartet con?iM!i,r of lira F M John- e tPnao
The El ro
Herald U nearly
trice that of any otber E3
mas, there bet n.r a general exchanp
ot prtjents, n ith dinners and other
"Desert Gu'd
Wtl.M T-
K K. Lincoln ' ti-'- .

i intei
'! ot.n
n- -
" now out
jine to his t a
made h repui.u

" h th. Richanl? ' .rir 'dw before "burned a little and felt warm for New Tear celehranta who eipered paper. social affairs J HAU comedy bill las a fearless officer and is one o'
namee on. son, irH ilr. t.t urge baJand. George Tbe king received the highest dig- ( fRead Amusement Ads on Fage &.)
dnlKht could have a few mtautes." to rmblhe across in Juarei. received a -
(beatstate. known former pea- e
March primary ballot. set back when thev visited the flanta CeHaned on page 3. eotemn 4.1 nltaries of state at the qu trine! pal- -

?re Are Plenty Of Good Things To Tie Onto For The New Year; Start No
Ti total AifcStoto

Al Sir.

“PiblkW aad lúlribtM tt-íot Parmit Xa. ata

asthorised by U« Ket ot O*tobar «, I*l7, filad tt
iba poat Offiea ot Tacaos, Arizona, By arda* mt
tba fraaidaat». A. 8. Bnrlaaoa, P. General”



Carece que el Coucilio Alia-; oí án una gran celebración el' Silesia del Norte, donde ha-
Para Carianea

do ha concedido ciertas venta- día 6 del mes en curso, en brá próximamente un plebisci-
jas a los Alemanes en lo rela- Quay de Orsay un hermoso si- to para decidir si la pobla-
vota en
tivo a entregas de tonelajes tio de Francia que se preparó ción de esa comarca

de antemano para el caso. pró o en contra de seguir sien- Esperamos que nuestros lec-
marítimos y que con esa con-' La internacionalización del ;do territorio Según noticias recibidas en zas llevan un tren explorador.

alemán, dicho tores sabrán apreciar el es-

cesión ya quedan fuera de dis- estrecho de Dardanelos, y de, Concilio Abado resolvió que fuerzo que hemos hecho para esta ciudad hoy por la maña- La cuestión, como en otro

cusión a la vez otras peque Constantinopia, ha sido acor- varios prominentes Comisio- na, ayer salió de Nogales, párrafo se dice, ha tomado ca-

presentarles el primer número con
ñas obligaciones que se impo- dada bajo las bases que pro- nados tomarán cartas en el a- ,de “El Tucsonense” en 1920, ¡ dirección al mineral de Cana- racteres muy graves, dado que
un poco mejorado y esperamos, i nea, Sonora, un tren condu- ni el municipio, ni el Estado

nían a Alemania, razón por la puso el Primer Ministro In-' sunto de arreglar el que Ale-
igualmente que si seguimos 1 ciendo soldados de infantería y quieren obedecer las órdenes
que esta nación ha aceptada glés Lloyd George. mania retire esas tropas para
terminantemente firmar el i Habiéndose enterado el Con-1
no imponerse a la voluntad ex- . contando con la valiosa ayuda I I varias ametralladoras, con
de Carranza.

Protocolo, y con ese motivo l.;s cilio Aliado de que hay como ! pontánea de los habitantes de del púbbco, como hasta hoy, Ayer, ya tarde, Aguirre Ber-
Vencedores y Vencidos ten 80,000 soldados alemanes en ! Silesia. nuestra publicación mejorará instrucciones de hacer respe- langa puso a Adolfo de la

notablemente, durante el curso tar la orden dada por el Ejecu- Huerta un mensaje conmina-
tivo de la República,
i del año que ha principiado a a la no expulsión de losrelativa
i ORDEN DEL DIA torio para que este último


| correr.
La Comandancia Militar de j Hasta la fecha no hemos da-
chinos. compla y haga cumplir las dis-
Desde el Día de Navidad, la posiciones “legales” de la Fe-
la Plaza de México ha publica- do un paso para atrás en nues- mayor parte de los obreros del deración, las que se apotan, se-
do, en una de sus últimas “Or- I tra labor periodística y espera- mineral no trabajan por que gún el Ministro de Goberna-
MAS DE 15,000 HOMBRES den del Día” lo siguiente: ; mos seguir con igual prespec-' se encuentran más o menos ción, en los Tratados de Amis-

el “general” Pablo González | gura.

“Se acepta la renuncia que tiva de avance, lenta, pero se- comprometidos en las diferen- tad y de Comercio que existen
tes manifestaciones anti-chi- entre México y la República de

Perfectamente detallada es grandes zonas de Tamaulipas, hace de la Jefatura de la Cam- nistas que tanto de día como China y los que no pueden ser
la información que el Times Puebla, y Oaxaca., La región paña del Sur y se le concede DOS GRANDES DESEOS de noche se han estado llevan- violados sin perjuicio de mu-
de Los Angeles publica antier de Tuxpán, Estado de Vera- licencia para separarse del ser- I ' ! do a cabo en contra de las dis- chos interése».
Deseo, para mis buenos lee- i posiciones de Carranza y alen-
relativa a la gran fuerza conl cruz la controla absolutamen- vicio activo, hasta nueva or- tores que durante Todo el día de ayer los chi-

den, quedando, dicho Jefe, en tenido la paciencia el año hanj tados por las autoridades mu- nos de Cananea, y muchos o-
i j

que cuenta el General Peláez de leerme,!

Los propietarios de pozos el Cuerpo de Depósito.” nicipales sostenidas estas últi-
en alrededores de la Comarca americanos están unánimes en un cúmulo de felicidades en mas por el Gobernador del Es- tros de Sonora, estuvieron
i j j

“Para al “gene- traspasando a extranjeros ra-


ral” Francisco Murguía, en la 1920,

Petrolífera. En ese detalle se! declarar que con gusto han y
tado Adolfo de la Huerta. dicados por allá, sus propie-
asienta que el número de sus contribuido a las cuotas que campaña de la Región Petrole- Deseo que la barbarie ofi- Los anti-chinistas han re- dades, las que valen muchos
huestes es de 15,000 perfecta- : Peláez les ha impuesto porque cial desaparezca en todas las suelto que los chinos
ra, se ha nombrado al de igual esferas salgan millones de pesos; hay que ha-
mente armadas y disciplina- él es el que ha dado garantías de mi patria, a fin de 1 del mineral para

grado, F. Urquizo, quien sal- antes del día cer notar que se ha pedido la
drá inmediatamente a hacerse que el año de 1920 sea para ! primero del año (hoy) y como confiscación de los bienes de

das, y de que, en un Manifies- ¡ y que de él no tienen quejas,


to reciente el citado General ; Dice México menos desgraciado que ;

i I

Mensualmente hemos!
* ‘

cargo de su puesto, separán lo fué se temía que anoche se sucita- los citados chinos y que se pe-
Peláez suena la voz de alarma gastado para Peláez $100,000.- dose de la Secretaría de Gue- el de 1919. rán escándalos más violentos día también el derecho para
de que ha sonado la hora de 1 00, pero tenemos gusto en de- rra, para lo cual se le ha con- Cor. Tomás O. Belada. de los que ha habido, el Co- el pueblo, de denunciar dichos

arrojar de la zona petrolífera I cir que nuestra inversión ha cedido el permiso respectivo.” ACUERDO DELOS" mandante Militar, Juan José bienes, habiéndose hecho, con
a los enemigos. En esa pro- j sido soberbia, pues el si cum-

GRÁLS. CARRACISTAS Ríos, envió ayer, con vía li- tal motivo, algunos trabajos
clama se hace especial men- pie con lo que ofrece, dá ga- CONSIGNADOS AL TRI-

Una veintena de “genera-; bre, un tren de ferrocarril for- preparatorios, por algunos
ción de la proyectada captura! rantías siempre, y no solo per- BUNAL DEL ESTADO

les” amigos de Carranza se mado por seis góndolas y tres “vivios”, para quedarse con
del Puerto de Tampico y la' mite que se trabaje agusto

El Sr. Severiano Parra y los

reunieron el día de Navidad ¡ carros en los que va tropa y las propiedades que se pudie-

ocupación permanente del mis- donde controla sino que no ediles que con él formaron el.

¡ de la ciudad de México, bajo la artillería lijerá, siendo fácil ran confiscar; pero los chinos
| '!

mo. conocemos casos de bandole- Ayuntamiento que acaba de

Presidente de su Primer Jefe, i que el propio Ríos salga en au- les ganaron en sus embrollos y

Los Jefes qué militan a las rismo en dicha jurisdicción” ser dado de baja en Guaymas
¡ !

y tomaron él siguiente intere- ¡ tomóvil para el mismo lugar, pusieron sus propiedades en
órdenes del General Peláez I “Se insiste que los movi- por orden de Adolfo de la 1
acuerdo el que al. diciéndose que no lo hizo en el manos de otros extranjeros,

controlan, según la informa-! miéntos de Villa revelan la Huerta, acaban de ser consig- santísimo práctica
ponerse en resolverá ! tren por temer a una voladu- mediante contratos legales en
I jI

ción antes dicha, el territorio tendencia de este de encami- nados al Tribunal Superior del

ra, no obstante de que las fuer- toda forma.

adyacente a Potrero del Llano narse con sus efectivos de com Estado por rebeldía, usurpa- la difícil situación por que
donde están los pozos más ri- bate hacia la ruta o camino ción de facultades, amenazas y atraviesa la república.
Que para el día primera de

cos del mundo, asi como en donde espera unirse a Peléz. plegio. HACENDISTA PRESIDENTE WILSON

Los acusados se encuentran julio, todos se comprometen a

poner en Paz y en Calma al
REPARTIENDO TIERRAS ¡ “Cuando tenga necesidad libres bajo protesta. Blas Urrea, el llamado Luis —* —

país, a fin de que se puedan ve- Cabrera, acaba de hacer


de salir algún pagador o raya-

LA UNION DE SASTRES rificar las elecciones presiden- jraciones a la prensa decía-1 Un telegrama de Pierrc,
carrancis-' South Dakota, informa ayer

La Legislatura del Estado, dor de la Compañía, esta dará

Durante la semana actual cíales.

de Sonora ha expedido una ¡ a aviso a las autoridades sede-1 !ta acerca de que ni siquiera! que ni el Presidente Wilson ni
Ley por medio de la cual se, rales, quienes proporcionarán quedó registrada en el Conci- Ahora falta que la pacifica-1 conoce a Mr. W. Bueckley, el

el Gobernador Frazier pro-

lio Central de Artesanos de la ción sea al revés volteada: que que dijo que Cabrera había puestos para nominación Pre-

dispone el reparto de tierras, una escolta suficientemente

localidad, la Unión de Sastres, ellos, los carrancistas, son a manifestado que la única ma- 1 sidencial respectivamente por


entre los yaquis. fuerte para custodiar al paga-

Planchadores y Limpiadores quienes se obhgue a estar en! ñera de pacificar a México era los Partidos Demócrata y Non

Natural es suponer que ni se dor y al dinero, y en caso de


departirán tierras ni los ya- : que estas dos últimas prendas de Ropa de Tucson, los que calma, ya sea por Peláez, por arrojando del País a todos los' Partisian se registraron como
han ya designado sus Oficia- Villao por todos juntos.

quis “agarrarán” las tierras; llegaren a quedar en poder de americanos. está legáfenente prevenido.

les o Mesa Directiva para él para su sanción y este le pone


que se les quieran dar, pues es los rebeldes, el gobierno de Luis Cabrera está como el ¡;En consecuencia no se toma-
bien sabido que lo que ellos Carranza se obliga a pagar ín-! año entrante. su veto; vuelve al Congreso y amigo del cuento, aquel que al i rán en consideración dichas

quieren son “sus” tierras de tegro el valor de lo “robado”. a cobrar una ¡ nominaciones.
la Región del Río Yaqui y no Las Compañías han contes-
DE PODER* A PODER en estos momentos se piensa presentársele
pasar por sobre el veto presi- deuda y no teniendo ni dinero

otra cosa. Se dice en la misma tado que no aceptan tal propo- Los señores del carrancis- ni vergüenza, dijo: “Ni si- ¡ PRETENDE CARRANZA

mo, que lo mismo sirven pava QUE LA RESPETE EL

ley que los yaquis que no quie- sición, por que prefieren que Cabrera dijo que sólo se ha- quiera te conozco, mosca ama-J

ran aceptar tal reparto queda- los pagadores hagan sus via- un cocido que para un frega- ría efectiva la ley, siempre rilla” PRESIDENTE WILSON?
rán fuera de la ley y se les ca- jes sin que nadie lo sepa, por do, han dejado aun lado la que se impusiera a las empre-
zará como a bestias feroces. que así hay menos peligro. cuestión de Jenkins para ocu-
sas una contribución munici-
matazoiTmiñisterial | Excelsior, diario de la Cin-

parse de otra que dicen ellos


La Ley aún no ha sido pues- No les salió bien la honrada Ii brutas. 60%
pal del de las entradas dad de México, según un men-

ta en vigor por falta de repar a lós federales. ser de carácter netamente na-1 ’
| Se ha sabido en Londres, saje de anoche a un diario lo-
tidores. cional. En Agua Prieta, a pesar del que el tren en donde huían los cal, atribuye al Presidente
Alberto Pañi Sustituirá Se trata de las Corridas de Veto siguen fabricando una ministros del Gobierno Ruso Wilson las dificultades de Es-
UNA GARANTIA IDEAL al Embajador Bonillas Torros: grandes debates en las gran Anti-bolsheviki encabezado tados Unidos con México y ha-
plaza de toros. A algo se
—* —

—* —

Cámaras, con más interés que han de atener esos señores. por el Almirante Kelchack, ce alusión “a la falta de res-
Las “autoridades” carran- Se hace mención en círculos si se estuviera discutiendo la descarriló cerca de Omask, Si- peto” exhibida por Estados
cistas de Tampico se han acer- semioficiales diplomáticos de Se dice que en Nogales ha-
suerte de la Patria; proyectos; brá también otra gran plaza y beria, habiendo muerto todo el Unidos hacia el Gobierno de
cado a las distintas Compa- la probable renuncia del Em- y largos discursos y al fin sale ! que los empresarios están re- pasaje que estaba formado de Carranza” lo que equivale a

ñías petroleras allí radicadas bajador Bonillas y de que el una Ley que autoriza las tañí sueltos a dar el altos oficiales del gobierno. | que Carranza pretenda
60% que les se le
y les han hecho el siguiente Ingeniero Alberto Pañi le sus- Se que el descarrila-1
i j !

deseadas Corridas. cree respete sin que él tenga tal

ofrecimiento: tituirá en su puesto. piden, que al fin todo saldrá
Ua Ley pasa al Ejecutivo de las entradas. miento fué intencional. obligación hacia nadie.
^ **

36th Year: Number 38 Linton, North Dakota, Thursday, Jan. 1, 1920. $2.00 per year, in Advance


Three Month Perfect Attendance Governor Frazier this morning A HAPPV AND PROSPEROUS
Certificates were issued to the follow­ threw down the gauntlet lo insurgent The best bill passed at the recant
ing pupils the past week: .Bertha members of his administration when session, to our thinking, was Senate
Rypkema, and Minnie Rypkema, Un­ he notified the members of the state Bill No. 30, providing dairy cows for
ion; Fred Smith, Highland; Gustav auditing board, meeting in regular farmers in the drought stricken areas
Lula and Ida Hirvela, Eva Pekkola, session, that the old beard was
Eddie Nyberg and Mary Seeman, Wil­ through; that tfce act of the recent
NEW YEAR of the state. Five cows will be f'ir-
nislvjcl each worthy applicant provided
son; Gussie Tracy, Glanavon; Lydia.. special session removing State Audi­ lie agrees to plant five acres of corn
Eva, Theodor, and Bertha Schneible, tor Kositzky from the board end sub­ for each cow—25 acres in all. What
Eva and Sebastian Jangula, Anna, stituting for him Commissioner of will this mean ? Why it means
Theresia and Matt Noel and Eegina Insurance Olsness had become effect­ steady income all the year around; it
Schumacher, Emmonsburg; Ethelyn ive December 21, and that all other TO ALL means the growing of cultivated crops
Green, Winchester; Otto Rieker, El­ acts of the recent extraordinary as­ which destroy weeds and conserve
mer, Oscar, Paulina and Albina (2) sembly became effective on the same moisture; it means the growing of
Ehrmann, Wells; and Samuel Brooks, date. The governor also advised At­ hay; it means rotation; it means real
Sand Creek. torney General Langer, who is a mem­ farming—it means success. The state
John O'Donald and Florence Gil­ ber of the board, that no bills resent­ IS THE EARNEST WISH OF or county is running no risk, for by
bert received third grade certificates ed by the state licensing department, the time payment is due, the flock
this week. which the legislature in special ses­ will have trebled.
Highland No. 3, Chas. Buck teacher, sion removed from the attorno- gen­ Parties having hullless barley or
had a Christmas tree and' program eral's office, would be recognized by wilt resistant flax for sale, please
Christmas nigbt. the auditing board from December
21 on.
THE RECORD O Wckttrn N«W0 p«r Union notify this office, as we have numerous
calls for same. Also speltz.
Teachers, like other people, live
365 days in the year, as the Worces­ Ther wasa hot interchange of com­ What is the market outlook ? From
ter Teachers 'Association notes. pliments between the state auditor, In a little alcove in the capltol at present indications, the price of cattle
In figuring on living income, there­ the attorney general and the secre- 4 BANDITS SAVE POKER PLAY­ Washington sits Joel Grayson. All will continue fair. The demand for
fore, it should be noted that the teach­ ! tary of state, insurgent leaorusrs, and the surplus documents of the house beef cattle has been very good, this
ERS AGONY OF GAME brought out the lact tout Sims was are in this alcove, and the members
er, who receives $750 a year—higher the governor. Governor Frazier at p little previous in "vfusing some­ probably being due to this particular
than the "average"—is receiving just first objected to the old board's meet­ Centerville, S. D., Dec. 27,—Eleven thing that had L«>ver I.eeD offically keep "hard after" Mr. Grayson, who season when considerable beef is con­
ing at all, insisting that it had gone knows exactly where to find each and
$206 a day. men sat about a table in the home\of offered him. Trio list cl award.), Mr. every paper required. Having served sumed. Not so with the hog market.
This is not a living wage for teach­ out of business Tecember 21, but the a Centerville resident. The host sat Daniels. said, had nevnr heen closed the government for 45 years, It can \'o pork is being exported and can,
ers, ditch' diggers, or naybody else, old members of the board stood their at the head of the table, with a large and is still open >r artlitu.ris or alter­ be understood tlwt Mr. Grayson knows not be until the rate of exchange has
and if the American democracy really ground and proceeded to function. box at his elbow. In it were poker ations. * Until th» list h«9 been com­ his business. been adjusted. With the heavy run
pleted, it will no', be ofiicially ap.
means what it says, when it speaks Commissioner Olsness, one of the new chips—and money.
proved and up ti date no letter1? of
of hogs anticipated, there can be little
eloquently about the service of teach­ members of the board, is not in the The telephone rang. hope for a rise in live hog prices for
ers, it will pay a great deal more city, and State Treasurer Olson is in
than it is now paying for teaching the hospital and could not be present
notification have !*een sent out to any
"Hello," said a voice when the host of the persons nco have been luted
answered, "I understand your wife's for decoration.
WILSON NAMES BOARD some time to come.
A word to those who have placed
service. Otherwise it will not have at this morning's meeting. spending Christmas with her folks. Ii develops that Admiral Sims sent their orders for Kubanka wheat seed
The opposition 'has not intimated Game on tonight? franked copies 01 his 'crier to mt-ny Appoints Commissions To Settle and also to those who intend to. A
any teachers.—School Life, issued by
United States Bureau of Education. wat steps it will take to prevent Gov­ "There sure is," answered the host. naval officers in iVashioglcn. His ac­ 'armer near Eastby, Cavalier county,
tion became known flrb'. through tnem Coal Controversy.
School boards will keep the salaries ernor Frazier from enforcing the acts "Come right over." :s holding 2,000 bushels for us at $2.25
and later Mr. Da-jiels 15c ve out thi let­
of teachers down, yet they ask the of the special session under the term3 "I'll be there," answered the caller. ter without comment. but two samples sent us are not satis­
county superintendent to get them of House Bill 60. giving all laws im­ New Player Calls. i Admiral Sim3; >cng Icncwn as the Mine Owners Deny They Gave Their factory. It's Kubanka alright, a
teachers and if he cannot force some­ mediate effect, but it is expected "I didn't ask who it was," the host stcrmy petrel of lhe n-.vy since his Asteent To Government's Strike 'arge bright colored wheat, but we
one to accept the salary they offer that mandamus proceedings will be told those gathered about the tablie, sensational "las* dro- of hood" Settlement. lon't like the barley, wild oats, and
he is condemned because the schools instituted in the supreme court. • "but we'll welcome a little new blood, speech in the Gi.'ld hall at London, dirt. We have corresponded with
in the game. Whose'deal is it? I when he drew tbe a*.K»t t;on of the other agents and learned that they
are not running. Is this fair? Have foreign officers ct Berlin, I.ondon and Washington.—Coincident with Pres­
school patrons any right to expect- a Five minutes later someone entered Washington, has figure 1 in other navy ident Wilson's appointment of the have the same trouble.' We intend,
the house. The host reached into sensations. therefore, to make a concerted effort
county superintendent to keep their
schools running if they will not pay
as well as in other places? Many
CHANGED OWNERS the box and started counting out chips
for the newcomer. As he was count­ 15.2 CENTS ASKED FOR SUGAR the soft coal strike, the executive com­
commission of three to carry out the
government's plan for settlement of at our annual conference in Fargo
next week to have this wheat cleaned
rural teachers are getting up to $125 Warranty Deeds ing the door opened. mittee of the Bitumlnoiis Coal Opera­ before shipping. About the second
a' month in other places. They would "Oh, don't bother about the chips, I Wholesale Prlcj Dem»>rc*ed for 1919 tors' association issued a statement week in January, we shall let you
can't stay," said voice. flatly denying that the operators had know the results.
he fools to. come hers for $75 or $80 Klara Hipfner to, Vinzens Maier, Cubar. Crop.
agreed to or been consulted in regard
and the sooner patrons and schoolr lot 1 and s hf of lot 2, block 32, Hun- Players Saved Agony. New York.—A wh.-'c&ile price of The winter short course for farmers
to the settlement terms.
boards realize this, the sooner all the tar's First Addition. $1 and other The players looked up; In the door 15.2 cents a pound, le-n z por cent for The operators' denial was aimed spe­ starts at the A. C.- Jan. 6th. This is
schools will bie running. - valuable consideration. stood a man, a mask covering the low­ cash, was announced here by B H. cifically at a statement contained in open to all regardless of age or pre­
Howell, Son & Oo., as tb.e first quota­
J. C. Kurtz and Otillia A. Kurtz er half of his face and two automatic tion for granulated suga. refined from Mr. Wilson's identical letter to the vious training. Its for hte busy farm­
pistols leveled in their direction. three commissioners he has selected, er or housewife who wishes to spend
the new crops 01 raw O'iban sugar.
OUR EXCHANGE TABLE and Earl P. Kurtz and Olga Kurtz
and Paul Kurtz, to Christian Wacker,
all that part of ne qr of 32-135-76
Just hand me what I'd win if I This contrasts with a price of 9 cents Henry V. Robinson, Pasadena, Calif.,
played with you and save yourself a pound, less'2 per cen-; for ease, for representing the public; John P.
White, representing the miners, and
a month or six weeks at a practical
school. Enroll in any course you
the agony, of Hosing." granulated from the Jil Cuban crop, wish or be free to take in any of the
HAZELTON REPUBLICAN- lying and being on the south side of Rembrandt Peale of Pennsylvania, rep­
Three other men, also masked, lin­ and was said to icdicaro a retail price resenting the operators, that the oper­ demonstrations oft* classes you are
the railiroad track,*, being ninety-four
ed the players up against the wall, of between 17 asl 18 cants a pojaQ. ators. as well as miners had generally interested in. If you can get away,
Hazelton is this week entertaining and 68|100 acres. $2,367.00. took all the money in the game and "agreed to" the government's pro­
Henry Timmcke and Mathilda we are sure you will be satisfied.
her young folks who are either away what jewelry the men wore, and left. UKRANIANS SEND PROTEST posal. It was met immediately by a
teaching school or to finish their edu­ Timmcke to S. F. Morse, lot 1, block The loot totaled more than $1,000. statement from Attorney General Pal­ PROMINENT N. D. WOMAN
cation. Ajnong tohse who came home 7, Larvick.' $1, etc. Do Not Want To Be Under Polish mer declaring it would be "an amaz­
S. F. Morse and Ethel Grace Morse Mandatory Powers. ing repudiation of their own state­ KILLED
; to spend too holidays with parents
to Mrs. Marie De Witt, lot 1, block 7, Washington.—Protest against the ments" if the operators now failed to
'and friends are:
Bernard Andrus, attending the St. Larvick. $2500.00.
John's college at Collegeville, Minn. James E. McMullen and Elnora
SIMS REFUSES action of the Supreme council at Paris accept the settlement plan.
in granting to Poland mandatory In his letter to Mr. Robinson the
powers for 25 years over the territory President, revewed the coal ntrike sit­
Mother of Mrs. A. M. Christianson
Dies in Auto Accident.
Miss Leone Malloy, teaching school L. McMuKen to Ben Matthews, lots
at Hazen, N. D. 8 and 9, block 4, Roop's First Addi­
Miss Helen^iHubbard, teaching at tion to Hazelton. $2,000.
SERVICEMEDAL of Eastern Galicia, 65 per cent of uation and the various fruitless efforts
whose population claim to be Ukran- made to arrive at a settlement before
ians is made by Julian Batchinsky, his own plan was proposed and adopt­
Bismarck, N. D., Dec. 27.—Mrs. G.
R. Baldwin, mother of Mrs. Christian-
son, of Bismarck, wife of Chief Jus­
Washburn, N. D. Joseph Bolinger and wife to Jacob diplomatic representative of the ed by the miners. Mr. Wilson said tice A. M. Christianson, of the North
Sheriff T. B. Meinhover was up Miller, lot 12, block 8, Milwaukee Ukranian people's republic in a mem­ he had been informed that the opera­
Admiral Stirs Up Row Over orandum addressed to Secretary Lan­ tors "hare generally agreed to the Dakota Supreme court, and for years
from Linton Tuesday on official busi- Land Company's First Addition to sing. plan and told the commissioners that a prominent resident of Minot, died
nes. Linton. $1 and other valuable con- Awards Of Decorations To
it in their judgment, after a full exam­ at San Diego, Calif., on Christmas
F. J. Rotien shipped out a car load sideration. Navy Officers. night, as the result of a Christmas
of hogs to the St. Paul market Tues­
PERSHING VISITS OLD HOME ination of the facts," a readjustment
of the price of coal shall be found nec­ automobile accident.
day. MONTANA COMPENSATION COST Six Piece Band Play* -"Johnnie*< In essary, "he would clothe them with A telegram was received by Mrs.
Joseph Rush came down from Ry­ LESS, HELENA OFFICER the powers now vested in tbe Fuel ad­
der, N. D., where he has been em­
ployed in the depot, last week to spend'
Laclede, Mot— *en. J jaa J. Penning ministration *0 carry out that judg­
has come back to hta own country
Christianson on Christmas morning
announcing that Mrs. Baldwin had
been seriously injured, and Friday
some tin$£mrith home folks. folks.
Helena, Mont., Dec. 27.—Cost of morning the advice was followed with
Borrt, Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 23, administering workingmen's compen­ Says "Stormy Pwl" Is a Little Pre­ "Johnnie's In Town,' I^tclede's six 500,000 GRAIN CARS NEEDED
piece brass band--tuned up for the oc­ a message stating that death had oc­
to Mr.'and Mrs. H. O. Batzer, a seven sation in Montana is over one-third vious In DeoOrtng Something casion—stuck nn when the spacial Lack of Transportation Facilities to curred.
and a half pound son. cheaper than in North Dakota, ac­ That Has Not B4m> OITIclai- . carrying General Pershing and his Move Crop. No details were given of the acci­
G. P. Buck, of Butler, South Dakota, cording to figures furnished by the ly Offered hMw Vet party from S>t. ixtuh slowed up in Chicago.—Five hundred thousand dent other than that Mrs. Baldwin,
is here to spend the holidays with his workingmen's'. compensation bureau front of the little red tt'iticn he>e. railway cars are needed immediately who for the last ten years had made
son, EMis Buck, of Hazelton, and with of North Dakota, submitted to A. E. Washingtn.—Rwnblir&g of dlaset's- to move the corn crop to market, a her winter home with' her son, Tom
his brother, Charles Buck, of the Spriggs, chairman of the Montana faction within the otivj at the way Sinn Feiners Blamed. committee of the Chicago board of
R. Baldwin, at Pasadena, had driven
Hcrsehead valley. Secretary Danl«la has p.-rangea the Dublin.—Unknown persons tonight trade, appointed to investigate the
accident boanl, in a request for an Christmas day to San Diego, where
Senator . Ward informs us that he exchange pf rtesic manual rates. awards of decorations, for war serv­ forced their way into the juilding of situation, reported. the accident occurred. Much of the
ice came to the surface when ft be­ the Daily Independent and smmshed Because of lack of transportation fa­
failed to get his waste basket either last ten years Mrs. Baldwin had spent
The North Dakota bureau^ recently came known that Adm>al Sims, farm­ all the machines of the newspaper cilities country elevators are over­
at the regular session last winter or created, will operate under a greater er commander of American nsval with crowbars. The raidors are said flowing, banks are seriously hampered with her daughter here.
the special session a week or twa ago, expense than the Montana board, for forces In European wtit-rs, had de­ to have been Sinn because of funds tied up in the crop,
and believes he should go to another, the law creating it provides for three clined to accect his rnstfngui«Led and living costs remain high because MAJOR BELDEN ILL
session and see if he couldn't acquire commissioners at a salary, while this Service medal, while the awards re­ Would Halt Must:' tin Chaos of the lack of grain, the committee de­
the share of the state property that state the members are other state main as at present Washington.—.Ir.ited action b/ the clares. .
We have the next to the biggest Word has been received that Major
is usually the habit with legislators. afficials, with the chairman and secre­ As the 8time time th» r;w whicj up Allied and ansau-ated lowers in re­ Belden, formerly of Shields, N. D.,
to this time ha* been a smouldering financing XustrU is the only w-^y of corn crop in history, and the finest in
tary drawing salaries for the work. one, gave todicabcti of snowins up in saving that co'ii>'»y from titter etiaos point of quality, but the supply in the
but who has been spsnding the winter
POLLOCK PROGRESS— The basic manual rates of the two Congress. Chairman Ps«e of the Sen­ ind economic -veck-tte Fran-c L. distributing centers is so small as to at Long Beach, Cal., is very low and
states per $100 payroll are as follows: ate Naval committee- arked for a re­ Polk, under secra.ary of state and cause alarm, said John J. Stream. his recovery is very doubtful.—-Bis­
Selden Tracy came down from Brad- the first figures those of North Da­ port on the awarding ef the deeora- head of the Amtrica.: i>pace delega­ marck Tribune.
tions which Seoretary Daniels Unas- tion at Paris, saia oa hi? retu.-r to Radicals Fill Western Jails.
dock Monday to spend Christmas with kota as furnished by the compensa­ •.Vsshington. Th» ch reason for Washington.—jfiils in 9 number of
p home folks. m'Hed to him. Meanwh'.le Rapre««n
tion bureay and the second of Mon­ Truly Admirable.
tative Lufktn, at Massao.huseits, a Miftvia'a i!esi.e;--ite .-•'U.ation, Mr. Western cities ure filt-il with unde­
Mrs. W. L. Brune, of Salem, S. D., tana submitted by A. E. Spriggs, member of the Hooae Naval cexmlt- • o . l c . s a i d , i s t h i ' t i e i r r e r l o s o i c > m sirable aliens ana rauioair who will Mrs. Mncpherson has just received
a telegram from Birmingham. "What
is spending the holidays at the home chairman of the state accident board: tes announced tnat he would ask the i«?oe connect!!!.? Vi«nui* with ihe be sent to Ellis Island Tor deportation,
of her sister, Mrs. G. W. Ryckman, Mining, $4.95, $1.75; general store, .est of the worit* hav- !weii cut or Chairman Johnson of the House Im­ an admirable invention the telegram
Hcuse to call for a similar report
north of Pollock. Coming as the QUmas to pubUihed mralyzed. migration committee said on his re­ Is I" she exclaimed, "when you consider
60 cents, 38 cents; flour mills, $2.75, that tills message has come a distance
charges that Se"vo»ary Daniels hai re­ turn from New York. Mr. Johnson
v A baby girl was obrn to Mr. and 95 cents^ draying, ordinary, $4.05,
Mrs. Walter Hintz at the Wolverton $2.25; draying, heavy, $4.45, $2.25; ar) anged the wL'Je Mst of awaids, Bead the Record—order it now—$2.00 said his commivtee p'-anned to con­ of 120 miles and the gum on the en­
raising some officers o;£her d-ovne- tinue Its hearings at Efebiern poris af­ velope Isn't dry yet."
Hospital in Linton on Christmas garage, $1.61, 65 cents; carpentry, ter the holidays. 0 • 1
ttnn than recommended, and "blue ' Eafly-D^y Road Makers.
morning, Walter returned from Lin­ $4.35, $1.63; carpentry, inside, $2.16, pencilling" othaza puolKiatlon o! Ad-
ton, this morning and reports mother $1.63; masonry, $5.22, $2.25; building The Romans were the great road- Export Finance Bill Signed. Subscribe for tbe Record—|2-00 .
rn'ial Sims' acfui created a s«usa- — -0
and baby as getting along nicely. construction, $2.50, $2.25; electric makers of olden times, and the British Washington,—President Wilson has
tioc and added a new chapter m the
Walter has a right to be proud of such light and power plfants, high power, are their successors. Sir William Rob­ signed the Edge bill, authorizing the Bagged.
long contest in frh;ch come navi' of­
a present, and we extend congratula­ $7.96, $1.63; telephony and telegraph ficers have complained 01 the. Secre­ ertson, chief of the imperial general creation of corporations for the pur­ Into the bottom of a new traveling
tary's administration aio others with staff of England, astomshed a company pose of financing American export bag Is folded a water-tight union suit
tions. companies, $5.55, $1.63; electric light of diners by remarking that the British trade. The measure was passed Just so that a person can use the affair as a
• o and power plants, low power, $7.96, equal vigor hav? ''.efenato him.
On the other hand SiMttary D^nieb In France used 50,000 tons of stone in before the Christmas recess of Con­ life preserver, the bag being buoyant
•Read the Record—order it now—$2.00 $1.63. • five weeks in Toad building. gress... enough to hold him up In water. ,
n >'<•«*
4 *•v '< :
i - • t> T"V • ,v>
1 \ AJ , * A1
' >
t ,
*• t* : ,•* ,\r.
Vol. 17, No. 23. ISLAND POND, VERMONT. THURSDAY, Jstniary 1 1950 EstnbliVtied 1873 Five Certs a Copy

Y .M. C A. Notes Attention of those who Town Locals

mmmm pleads
A Hapt-- Year.
Served In the Army Clare Libby of Ayers Cliff, is
The attention of all who served spending the holidays at Ed. Dick
FOR HELPING HAND Begin, the New Year right, join sons.
with the Army or Navy in late

m the Y M C A you may not need i

war is called to the recent rulings Mr and Mrs Elmer Harmon of

IN the or any 01 its privilege but you
will be helping to make a home and as to War Risk Insurance. Any ccFrRiCS.-f- - of Edmondson, Alberta, were recent
home comfort for the man away policy which has lapsed by reason of guests of Mrs S M Harmon.
Former Ambassador to Turkey from home. failure to pay the premiums may be
Says Ame-ic- a Sho'ild Not Let Hersotial sing last Sunday was reinstated on or before December POTTED WINTER LOST-La-

bunch of keys.
st Saturday a small
Finder please leave
very much enjoyed by all present. 31st by the payment of premiums
Arcrtengn Allias Starve.
at this office.
"r two month?, the month the
Next Sunday 4 to 5 p. tn. a special
service of song conducted by Claude r;!icy lapsed and the month of MOUSE BLOOMING Miss Mary Haley of Portmouth,
By 'ML'NRY N O r? 0 ' S Foster, Mrs Rawson accompanists
and the signing of a N. H., is spending the holidays
certificate that the health of the ap- SELL AT VERY with her sister, Mrs Charlie Roby's.
Former nb.usaoor to i urke; and
A all who eujoy good singing are cor-
Near East Relief. dially invited, a family song service.
plicant is as good as when discharg- REASONABLE PRICES Frank Lewey spent Xmas with re-
ed, or when the policy lapsed. ce

If t' pv were vo! emi'idi to njrht On Wednesday evening Jan. 7, men are urged to keep np latives in Whitelield, and Littleton,
liiii! (iic lur i:s .v!:(;i we needed their
J '; so "(;..
t iis are c enough 1
a meeting for the organization of a their insurance. Foms for reinsta.
tement can be secured from the
Hyacinths, Calm Lilios, Narcissus, N. H.
young i,,ens Club for service tor ough the an Oisca Perry is soriously ill at his:
new to kohio meaner little
nuabs from n;r plenty when 'they others, will be held. This open to
local branch of the Red Cross- -
Tulips, Crocus, etc. Blooming heme on Lake street.
have not! when hundreds of thou- any yonng man , disering to be of
E W Gibhc.n, i in your homes all
nrc Jioiaelos.
spr'ng months. These bulbs aTe already potted and rooted I wish to thank the Car men of"
sands of f'M-- un-:n- d,
service to this Community and
foodies. t:iii thicutcned with oxter with top growth started when you get them and are guaranteed, Island Pond for the nice Chair and
the other fellows are united. HAVE NEW SENSE to blossom satisfactorily in any ordinary living room.
intinn h.v s
;.iil our own. They Electric table lamp which was left at
Not f r i'i'oiii a million Ch'istiami
: i.
are carefully packed one pot to a carton so that they can be rny home. And may it always bum
Imvi! been 'Uii'iilcvciJ by ihoir Yurkish
Congregational Church America Probably Has Tacght Mu:n safely carried home during coldest of weather. bright for them.
'Hungry, ; error ; lick; to French Womtn of the Hiii-e- t
litradiv'is o;' thousands of ivfusrco.-r.o- w
Xmac Program Social Position. ' These packaages make splend'd gifts to send to your C J Lofebvre.
l:),)k ti :tho ('nited SIn'.es for
The foil owing is the program friends, whether sick or well. They are not expensive and
'or. They were handing out pots and ; they caTry with them a feeling of comfort and good cheer all
of the Congregational Sunday puns
Have Trur: in America.
Wo .cannot refuse. Next to thoii
to the returned refugees at
Sunday School Christmas Con Keiins that day.

out of proportion to their cost.
Call at our Btore and see the display and take an assort-
Roomers Wanted
faith in (Jod W their trust in tiie 'lis cert given Christmas Eve. : It was really a very gay occasion, i i
ment of packages home with you.
interfiled good will. and ei.erosity ol Song-He- ar the Message.Chorus says Blanche Brace In World Outlook. '
Responsive Reading, Supt. and The pots and pans made it so, in Mrs. Blanche Mckee,
spite of the ghosts of dead homes j
School (mere hollow shells of ruined houses) i Derby Street, island Pent), Vt.
Prayer, Pasttoi all around the shattered building '
Song, The Call of the Bells,
where the distribution was being
tuaiie, the broken cathedral over yon-- ,
John W. Thurston "Mrs Alba Annis, Mr and Mrs.
Burleigh Annis and Mr and Mrs
Chorus! der. the miles or desolation every- THE REXALL STORE
Exercise-oNo- w a Merry Xmas! where. Sometimes the refugee women Island Pond, Vermont. Wilburt Bulter left last Monday
- All, Alice Cargill, Lilla Ren-e- ll, hugged the cheap uienalls to them and for Lancaster, N. H., to attend
K ; '--
Doris Humphrey crooned over them as if they had been
Card of Thanks the funeral ofjMrs George A lien f

children; sometimes tfiey wanted to

Recitation- - A Little Wish, j

'jay a few centimes "rent" for them, Mrs F C Lynch nnd son, Franklin
Grace Weatherstont '
Modem r.icincos.
so that they .tuiflit fel 4Jie things were of Lyndonville, Vt., were guest
Recitation In these dnjs
their own. These were not just pots nncl lnstcnt wlrelcs comnnmicw.thinr a
of !he radio compass Mrs F, E Blake wihes to assure
Welcome, Ku IT Withn w i
last Friday of Captain ' an.i LLs
Song Winds
The Were 9o?t!y i nd pans, but the promise of comfort her friends that their thought- -
sen Is in Title danger of losing H E Randal!.
:.nd se'-uri-again, the nucleus for ship at Ifti'ness for her shorten the days
Blowing, Chorus way. sc.y" I'up'd. i' Mechanic 'innga-- I
new homes that should rise from lh- - its Ijrhlgo that she is away from, home and Miss Amy H Edmonds left iast
RecitaLitm The Best D;;y of All, r'iic. T the 1H'isvilie j

rums. wishes to tliank them all. Friday for Portland. Me., where she
Mildred Currier iic'.t IH bearings !
u a heavy fv o'.T i

A countess with smudged ii'.igers, j

!!! cons; of Nrw Jersey, civ! was will stop over to visit her cousin
Recitation -I- Iurr?.h, Robert Povvel! and half a dozen other French wom itt.i.hlc t.i find Ambrose cliiiim ;nti
Ilecitotion Love Mkes the Christ en of prcstijre, stood hchlrtd the conn- - ' A'.'W York j
We with to thank the neighbor .
Miss Portia Dlo on her way to
The operut.-- i.lh d
li:'.i-l.-r- r

ter nnd handed out lie utensils. All B ston.

Che navy yu'd, iinsf .i'hin five minutes and friends who in any way assisted
mao Cheer, Dorothy Douglas
at once a middle-;!;:ed- . homely mere : ''Y"ur true Hfiar-- j
Solo What was the Sor-g?- ,
il!'o;jcd her pan with a clatter.
received the , us during .,ur recent bereavement. Wendell Thuiber has mov-- d his
:t;g at . p. .a. from 4:-l"-
Thomas Foley

Lilla Rtnell "Mini DicuT" she gasped, "is she a ndreil-- i en, Sniisly
family from the Sioan cof-ag- to
two-li- .'1
n e

Recitation, This THiie, countess? Anfl T fought w' Iier f vhr.Ty seven. Mantoloking fifteen. Tl)c, Mr and Mrs Arthur Letartt . th? tenement over Francis Johnson.
Marcella Waterman '1 biirger pot.' And working so hard
what does it .swan?"
him tourist asking !he best route to Hugh A Cameron and family
Recitation Little Bells, Ronald lev,.;) could hope fur no more doliiifi?
What it utwnt was that Jrrance in n j
spent Christmas at Norton, the guest
Kfeg t ion than that- -
.''umod Iwn nvv.' words from America ' of Mrs Cameron sister I'Mrs J W
Exercise A. Ii. C. 1'h.ila Weather service.
liuring l lie al w;ii'--soci-
Carpenter. v.
stone, Blanche Andrews, Mildred
Copyright fry il.'ndorwwod & Underwood.
Currier ,
Song The Song the Bells,

s TA
the American people. T.hey look to us Chorus DEFERRED
as the human agency to extricate
them from the frightful situation In
which they have been left as .a conse-
quence of the war.
If wo should fall to nid them, starva-
Recitation Down
Roderick Wilson
Recitation What
Daphne Renell
to Grandpa's

the lad Bells.

H J Hudson has gone to New
York for the winter.
Wm llinton is very ill.
tion and ili? wintfti-'- cold would to far
to coniiilctinj; tiue work done by t!.c

Recitation Foe Love of Him, Lena M. B. PARENT Several friends of W G Stoddard

i)!!S)ial;nble Turk. Wyman
met e: his hom- - Wednesday Dec.
I have not Been with my own eyes Song Kriss Kiingle, Primary 17 to ie!p him to celebrate his
the misery in which the Armenians Children
now exist. I have heen Kpared that. (f j
birthday, his wife presented him
iBut the reports which have been
Recitation Message of the stars
j with a gold watch and chain,
brought In by afients of the Near Kaat Marjorie Wilson were served including
belief and by representatives of the Recitation If Dolly Dear Rosanna
Z'ence Conference paint a picture of ueai. iiui :rt nutty cai?o and a
King pleasant evening passed wiui mu.sic
wretchedness Inconceivable to those
who have not a first hand Impression Recitation -- The Real Meaning of and gabies.
ot die savagery of the Mussulman. Christmas, Marian Cargill
Exiled From Hornet. Song The Song of the Magi, Chorus Ernett Hudson and two friends
Since the beginning of the war the Exercise The three Speeches. j from Now York were recent guests
Turkish Armenians have been la- - iS. Daphne Renell, Altha Renell, of friends in town.
refugees from their home. A simple
agricultural people, they hare been Helen Johnson Mrs Harry Wilder has gone to.
exiles from their farms, deprived of Recitation The Christmas Child I j Albany.
All opportunity to support themselves. Alexander Telford
Vear by year their Bufferings have In-
j Charles McNamaca is moving to-- I

Song The Message the Starlight Wostmore for the winter where he
creased. Now, a year u'fter fighting Told. Chorus

htm war
has ceased, they are still living the Recitation Dolly's Clv.rstmas, has u lumber job.
life of nomads, able to continue to
keep alive only by virtue of American
Helen Johnson s
Recitation Sing a Song of Santa
frt j

Norris of Springfield is visit
ing in totvn.
These homeless people "filthy Infi- Claus, Willie Weatherstone
dels" to the Turkwere good enough Recitation Christmas Bells, Bulah
till ($nr I
to exert their poor might in our be-
half while the war was still in the
Ellis i d
coauiouivl. Made of Mandrake.

nti:in, Burdock, (inningnl aud other


Song Ring, Bells Ring, Chorus effective loots and Kcr coii itipation.
bnlance. Massacres of a half century bi!i')'";pcss, indisresuion. rhcunr.n'ism, female
had not bo broken their spirit that Offering complaints, muLirin, kidney troubles. Purifies
hlrorV topfs system, keeps you wall. 8(1 tablets.
they dared not fight for right und for Song Sing a Song For Santa Claus, Jceii3. Monty buck if not satisfied. Sold by
democracy when justice was the issue. .turenis only. Send for free sample and book.
Primary Children K. t:. TOTTEN. Pioneer Lnnoratory, &2f
We accepted their aid then. Surely Eleventh Street, Washington, D. C.
The Sunday School wishes to
we shall not pass them by without
compassion now. thank all those who contributed to
the offering for the Armeman Relief
The day has passed when any self
respecting man dares permit absorp-
tion In his own personal affairs to ex-
Fund, The amount of the offering
was $21.00.
for New Year's "They should be in every traveling;
man's grip," writes Geo. Jenner, 416 La-
bor St., San Antonio, Tex., ot Foley Cat-
clude consideration of his neighbor' hartic Tablets. "They are hte best laxa-
well being. tive I have taken and I cheerfully rec-
No honorable man can
knowingly allow his neighbor to hun- cms Kl'eai OEipor:.::i;!tjiuiJ ttie present. Week ommend them to anyone sutTerinp with,
constipation or biliousness" They cleans
ger or to go unclothed. The Christian The Armenians t.v hen treated bj bowels, 'Sweeten stomach, benefit liver.
peoples of the Near East are our perhaps no people in history have been For Sa'e by John W Thurston adr
neighbors. The money needed to re- treated because they ure the spiritual
lieve them can be spared without brothers of western races.
(musing any man, woman or child In Will America help them? There
tLo United States to sulTer. can be but one answer. Their neces-
Must Not Rest on Past. sity Is d'i'c. but our power Is great.
We are wealthy. We ar a member of QUICKLY RELIEVED
In other years of our own free will
we sent missionaries to Turkey. Our
the family of nations. Our erot! ers
cell us. Fooi, M;-i:s- , money, are im-
schools and colleges nnd hospitals mediately wanted. J.f eor unmerited U'ar TSfW 'TT.
have played a wonderful role in Miffcrlng called fi.r succor the plight
that dark spot ,, the world. nf tl e An.ieiiiacs slio.ild lie heeded
Our Ideas, our ediiciitiotial resources, MONEY BACK FTH,-YF.- f
OliV mulct iitl
el i.;.i!!i,nt, ll'ive been
ill the Near i'vist. I'.ecaus-- we
iiv.-- A f w mo; (': more fiid it ;: h.v
i be '
00 I:; I'.:1 i
' v,c c. .',.'1 .!. y
u dutiii ull 1. - t. .

.T.rl'rwlplPlwlw."olw-ff',?w'.Tll"PJ-rTr- l,
.... 4 l.V:&
..t. M i..V'. n


Mewl KitablUhadlMI Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico, Thursday, January 1, 1920 Volume XVI No. 11
B.rald lUbUihad IM9

general public, the Commission get togethe and make as large a

A GOOD MEETING THE GOVERNOR ON should so inform the merchant, and cash fund as possible, and buy the
ARE TAXES induce him to bring his prices down necessary articles for consumption
to a reasonable profit. at wholesale prices in Chicago, and
Notwithstanding the bad roads, The commission should inform him have them shipped to them at a
about seventy-fiv- e business men and
PRICES that the making of such unfair and
unreasonable profits, would render
considerably less cost than they can
buy them at home. This course,
The Officers and Directors
citizens met at the Pastime last
Monday night pursuant to the call him liable to prosecution and pun would, of course, be ruinous to the
ishment under the Federal Food local merchant, and it is not desired
C. M. Milboum, chairman of the
for the annual election of the Ex-
ecutive Committee of the Chamber
Circular letter of instructions to
9, 1919. Control Act, of August 10, 1917, that it should be adopted, except as of the Eslancia Savings Bank
Board of County Commissioners, and of Commerce. and the subsequent amendments a measure of laet resort.
Dixie C. Howell, County Assessor, the members of the State Fair Price thereto. And should the merchant The several measures for relief
After some lively music by Commission, and to subordinate
attended the meeting held recently
in Santa Fe to consider matters of
Messrs. Maxwell and Shaw, the
chairman called the meeting to or-
commissions established by them.
still insist on maintaining such high,
unreasonable prices, he should be
herein suggested, are not intended
to exclude any other lawful meth-
desire to express their appre-ciato- n
taxation and expenditures.. Gentlemen: immediately reported, both to the ods, which in the opinion of the
der and made some pointed remarks The object and purpose of the or
Rates are so high that something about the need for better roads and Governor and to the United States Fair Price Committees, would be
should be done.
One important action was a re-
streets. The secretary reported the
ganization of the State Fair Price
Commission, and subordinate com
District Attorney. calculated to bring about the de-
sired results; but they are at liber-
Fourth: After ascertaining the
to their many custom-
financial standing as follows: ma, is to secure a reduction in
commendation that the legislature Total pledges for the eight ty to adopt such other legal meas-
cost to the merchant of all neces-
pass a law giving assessors authority the prce of all the necessaries and saries and commodities, ures as they may deem proper.
and the
to visit property owners and assess
property "on the spot." It is thought
Total collections up to Dec.
$2,103.60 commodities of life, so that in the
sale thereof to the consumer the
Sixth: The chairman of the lo-
price at which the merchant is sell- ers of the business entrusted
27th 1,279.00 cal committees in the various coun-
ing, a list of such articles, showing
that this would put lots of property merchant selling such articles be ties, shall report monthly to the
the total cost to the merchant, and
Unpaid pledges 824.60
on the tax roll that now escapes. permitted to make a fair and legiti
Among other things C. M.
Bal. in treasury
mate profit, as distinguished from
member of the State Fair Price
the selling price thereof by him,
Committee in their respective coun-
should be published in the local to them during the pasl year,
of this county, Chas. S. Toler an unfair and unlawful profiteering. ties, upon the progress that they
newspapers for the general informa
Banquet and teachers' In the effort to. accomplish this
of Roosevelt and W. G. Black of have made, and the success, or lack
tion of the people, and if there be
San Juan, who were appointed to
consider the matter, recommended
Paid stenographer -
result, the following manner of pro-
cedure by you is hereby suggested:
no newspaper published of success, that they have met with.
in the lo
The member of the State Fair Price
and to wish for YOU in
Stationery and office sup- cality, public meetings should be
the formation of county taxpayers' First: In each city, town or set Committee in each county, in turn,
held and there inform the people of
plies 15.20
tlement, in each one of the coun-
associations, and suggested the fol-
lowing by-la- for such associations,
Traveling expense
- A9-0-
ties in the state, where stores are
these facts. shall report monthly to the Govern-
or, showing in like manner what
In many places the federal gov-
920, the Biggest, Brightest

which sufficiently explain the ob- conducted for the sale of goods, progress and what success, or the
ernment is now selling all neces-
Telephone 13.10
jects : wares ana merchandise to tne gen lack thereof, along these lines, has
saries and commodities to the gen-
The name of this organization
R, W. Judd, pumping well
eral public, there should be a Fair
Price Committee, the chairman of
eral public practically at cost, which been made in his county.
The line of conduct indicated in
and Besl of all the years that
R. E. Burrus, well casing 19.00 which said committee shall be ap- is far below what retailers are, as
shall be "The Taxpayers' League of a rule, charging the consumer. If this circular letter was adopted and
Other well supplies 18.00
Torrance County." pointed by the member of the State, no other means avail to secure a approved at a meeting held at San-
Moving engine and build-
Fair Price Commission, in said coun-
reduction of prices to a reasonably ta Fe, New Mexico, at my request,
have gone before.
Any person, firm, association or ty, and the local chairman, in turn, fair profit to the dealer, the com- on the third day of the present
ing house 150.00
shall appoint members of his local mission should state to the mer- month of December, at which said
corporation, owning property and
Estancia Savings Bank for committee. In selecting the mem- chants that an application will be meeting there were present several ran
paying taxes in Torrance county is
typewriter 75.00
bers that are to compose these com- made by them to the federal gov- district attorneys in the state, the
elligible to membership. But no
Total disbursements to Dec. mittees, care should be taken to ap- ernment for the establishment of a Attorney General of the State, and
county or state official shall be eli-
27 1,157.79
gible to hold office in the league. point persons, both men and wo- government depot or store, where the special assistant to the United
Inquiries received, 583. men, who are supposed to have a
III. PURPOSE States Attorney General, and it is
States represented, 23, of which fair idea or knowledge, in a gener- these goods shall be sold to the con- KNAB A BANK
The purpose of the organization If such a step becomes sincerely hoped that for the public
Kansas and Oklahoma each fur- al way of the values of such com- sumers.
shall be: necessary in the opinion of the com- welfare, the Fair Price Commissions
nished 19 per cent, Missouri 16 per modities and necessaries, and who mission,
1. To study the taxation system thev should so notify me will take interest in their work, so
cent, Texas 10 per cent, Colorado 8
will take pains in their work, and
of New Mexico and the administra-
per cent, Montana 5 per cent.. and I will make application to the that some measure of relief may be That offers their experience and strength for years past,
tion thereof in Torrance county and who, in the opinion of the chair- government for people of the state
Prof Wills made an interesting man, are best calculated, in the
for the establishment secured the and establish your banking relations with us a bank
its political plac- - at large. I am,
talk on the Possibilities and Oppor- neighborhood of his jurisdiction, to of a government store in such that can and will take care of conservative and progres-
2. To aid, encourage and pro- It is presumed that local deal Very respectfully yours,
mote the observance of economy in
tunities of Estancia. bring about the required results. A. LARRAZOLO, sive customers. Come to us, and if you are from Mis-
Attorney F. H. Ayers followed ers will not drive the people to such O.
the transactions of public business Second: The members of the
action, which if carried out would Governor of New Mexico. souri, come in and we will show you.
with a strong appeal to come alive.
in the county. commssion snouia, ana it is nereDy mean bankruptcy to them.
A number of others made short made their duty, to visit the sever-
3. To assist and cooperate with Fifth: Public meetings should be A THOROUGHGOING THIEF
public officials of the county in tax
al stores and other places of busi held in every community, at which Win,
The election followed resulting in ness Winkel of Duran was in Es
matters. where the necessaries and com-
the following Executive Committee modities of life are sold to the gen- the cost of living should be fully tancia several days during the past H. B. Jones, Pres. ED. DICKEY, Cashier
4. To unite in securing a proper discussed. One line of conduct that week, and tells a very interesting
being elected for the ensuing year.
...u u.. m.. w j Wasson Carl
ty ana a iuu collection oi .axe, xor sherW00(Ji wnHe Elgjn and IraLud. spective managers thereof informa desired results would be, to advise ture.
public, and secure from the re-
would necessarily bring about the story of robbery, pursuit and cap

the public revenue tion touching the actual cost to

To begin at the beginning, several rested him. MEN
people at such meetings that
5. To do all things necessary
them, including overhead charges the high ago young giving the Most of Mr. Winkel's property ex All men are requested
Practically all present pledged to and expenses, they should not buy at such weeks a man
and proper to carry these purposes of all such goo is, except name of Roy Armic came to the cept the money was recovered, the to send their names, postoffice ad-
pay as much or more per month for prices anything whatever,
into effect. wares and merchandise as tney sen cost of the chase dress, serial number, and date of
the ensuing year as in the past. If to the consumer, and in order to sunh articles as are absolutely m- - ranch of Mr. Winkel near Duran in loss aside from the
1T niToo
dispensible. In the line of clothing, company with another young man, being about $50. draft or enlistment and discharge to
j every man ni luis vitiuti, win yaj more accurately ascertain the cost
The annual boys and and asked for work. He needed As soon as the young man who the Home Service Secretary at Es--
novi nnarii will hn nnm instance, men, women,
to the merchant of such articles, for should be advised to wear help and gave them work.
Ihia niM
shall be fixed by the Executive . .. . .
fume to winners Willi ....i. armic' irui lam-ia- : ii. n ., m it is desired to
, XT

Committee, but shaH be limited to the commission should demand that After a short time Armic disap- wind of the arrest he decamped and have a record of all Torrance coun-ha- s
you think of. Be a Booster. Do their old clothes, and their old shoes,
one-ha- lf of one per cent of the they be shown the invoices of such they are possibly serv- peared, and with him a horse, sad- not been seen since. ty boys.
your part. as long as
amount of taxes paid by the mem- goods, wares and merchandise; then replacing dle and bridle, chaps and spurs, a Armic was taken before Justice
Listen for a big meeting in the icablc, in preference to
ber for the preceding year, but the near future, when we hope every- they should ascertain the - price at them at an exorbitant price. If fur overcoat, a $40 tailor made suit Lobb at Willard, where he entered j Strayed or Stolen,
which the merchant sells such goods, From my place 3 miles northwest
minimum fee shall be $1.00. body will respond, and let's present this line of conduct is observed, and of clothes, two Winchester rifles, a plea of guilty and was sent to
OFFICERS AND GOVERNING wares and merchandise to the gen- of the grand of Estancia, 5 colts, 1 to 3 years
merchants see that their goods re- with 104 rounds of ammunition, $32 iait to await the action
a solid front for the uplift and de
BODIES eral public, and from such informa- main on shelves, they will be in money, some jewelry and small jury, bail bejng fixed at $2,000. old 2 blacks, 2 bays, 1 sorrel.
velopment of this great valley. the
The officers shall be a President, One who was there. tion they will be enabled to tell Winkel's check book Liberal reward for recovery. J. M.
forced to the conclusion that it is articles, Leo
a Secretary and whether the merchant is making a Johnston.
best for them to sell the goods at and bank deposit slips and discharge
Treasurer and an Executive Com- fair or an unfair profit. If the
RED CROSS reasonable profit, rather than to from the U. S. military service. We are not wise enough or foolish Regutered Hogt.
mittee of five members. The Presi- merchant refuses to show his in- them rot on the shelves. Mr. Winkel took up the search
The regular monthly meeting of let enough to attempt to advise the farm-
dent shall be chairman of voices, that, in itself, is a good in-
after thirteen days located his I have for sale Big Bone Poland
the Torrance County Chapter of the Another course, which in the and ers whether it is best to hold or sell China bred gilts. Also a few males
the Executive Committee. The Ex- dication that he is making an un- ot intelligent ..L men wumu IJ man in the Broncho neighborhood,
American Red Cross will be held opinion without any attempt at and pigs.
ecutive Committee shall be elected Monday, January 5th, 1920, at 3 fair profit, and that fact should
be as his beans, anil Best blood in country.
answer a good purpose, would be where he was passing himself advising, we merely wish to inform Write me your wants. H. L. An-
by the General Council but not P. M., at Judge Wasson's office in widely published, so that the this: If the retail merchants, who Leo Winkel.
necessarily from members of the Estancia. in general may know it. Mr. Winkel was materially aided
our customers and friends that we will drews, Mountainair, N. M.
' make an unreasonable profit, can- advance them sufficient money on
Council. Their duties shall be such Third: If it appears that the
not be induced to lower their prices locating and holding his man un
profit made by the merchants is their beans when properly stored and FARM LOANS
as usually pertain to these offices. Strayed or Stolen. then the heads of families should til the sheriff's arrival by John H. Insured to take care of any pressing
unreasonably high and unfair to the If you want a long time farm loan
They shall be elected to serve for roan, com Royal and D. R. Linville,
Two filleys, 1 bay, 1
obligation that they may have. If see me. I represent one of the old-
two years or until their successors ing no marks or After making sure that he had his we can be of any aid in this matter
qualified. Vouchers est loan companies operating in the
are elected and brands. Suitable reward for recov man rounded up Mr. Winkel notified call or write ns. Farmers and Stoek- - west. Neal Jenson.
for expenditures shall be drawn on-l- v
ery. Mrs. Bessie Moore, or notify Sheriff Baca, who went out and ar- niens HanK, estancia.

upon authorization of the Ex O. C. Loveless. STANDING ORDER TO THE EDITOR OF "NEWS

ecutive Committee. Such vouchers I HERALD"
hnll bear the signatures of the
Committee. Increase this space to keep pace with our growth.
President and Secretary. 666 J. N. BURTON, Cashier.

Happy New Year!

The Executive Committee of the
There shall also be elected a gen
members, nn association may employ a Director,
eral council, of
district, who shall who shall be , an expert in govern
. ,;ti,
T,, th - Executive Committee- ment economics and who may be
IIICCV ..- 1 - uy oui;n1.
of the President or aiscnargea at any ume
EvixMit vc Committee, wnicn saia i - all our friends
,.,. l rnnncil shall be advisory' to duties shall be:
WISHING a happy
When making New Year's Resolutions be sure
' To cause all notices to
uie t.v.. fofivo rnmmittee. The -
.. ,
nf the ireneral counc 1 so servea on tne omcers iim urcmuu.

and prosperous New Year,

herein provid.
fmm each school district of the association as

to make those whereby you will be benefitted.

l It
Minn l. .
i nhnirmnn of anv lofftl com- - - Ud.
i . - e Bhaii . ....... .i, pumici-
supervise, an
ti., i
mittees in the districts represented
by them, respectively, which may ty issued or used by the and assuring you of our aid
good one would be-- to come and in look around.
be formed to worn in conjunction uun, aim, iui iuu
wit'i this League and shall repre- - employ such assistance
irai and mediums
for the coming season in ev-
another good
followed by-- you will
t the business of the association of publicity as may upon be necessary. QThis be will one-t- hat

ery legitimate line of banking,

He shall be present and act
in the districts where they reside.
secretary of all meetings of the come again.
Powers of Executive Committee, as
snail Executive Committee.
Thn Executive Committee
have power:
These articles and
VI. and thanking you for the gen
may IThen before you know it get the habit,
you will if you do
(a) To call special meetings of
council or oi the as- - he renealed or amended and
whpn deemed necessary or by-la- may oe aaopteu v
erous patronage that has made
. not happen be to one of our regular customers.
J...K1. ular meeting of.. the association, or
this bank the leading banking CUSTOMERS-Reso- lve to make this store
UVIWU, I .. 1J
nn, nf nnrt remove at an V- other meeting uiereu . tnucu

i.M oil agents and employe of for that purpose, and by the af- -
during the Entire Year.
all times
uic .cow ntinn. ' Drescnoe
i ii
ineir J.. - ei
urinative ut institution of the county, we
i. n mainrilv,.r il till - at
your headquarters
fiv .heir compensation, and re- - members present, persunmijr !

miira from them security for faith- sented in eases of associations, are a Prosperous
Yours for 920, 1

firms and corporations.
ful service.
tú) To conduct, manage and
control the affairs and business of
Annual meetings of this orgamza- - Yours truly,
i I,.

Estancia Lumber Co.

. . . i 1 i ii U.U 4hi- annnntl
the League, and to mane ruies ana tion snau oe imu
reeulations ihemfor. not lnconsist-- 1 Monday in " i

Ktvrial meetines shall he neia at

ent with these
All vacancies in any office, the call of the Executive Committee.
by resignation, Meetings of the Executive Commit
We are proving all the name implies.
whether caused
held at the will of the
moval or otherwise, shall be filled tee shall be
by appointment by the Executive President.
IHP[' "is*' §9 ■ Hr SB B B B B B B jy m H B B B B B B fi
Fair and much colder
night; Friday fair

and colder.

u vi.aM* GAZETTE


• IN X
11 ;;



to the increased

Last Dance Of Regiment For; Desperate Situation Of Remnant of paper and all
Secretary Lane Reported Head
1919 Has Novel Features Of Armenians Of Fidelity Co., Baltimore



other materials and ex-
penses incident to the pub-
lication of a neycspapi r the
Birth Of IC2O Heralded With

Held Annual monium Reigns Victim Of Accidental
f Executive
t The annual \’ew Year’s Five ball! The desperate situation of the compelled to raw its price Secretary Franklin K Lane, of thO|
Department of the Interior, will suc- In Woods Near Eastpof
',;fW Year's Hay Reception At given by the regiment of midshipmen remnant of the Armenians which has to 2 cents per copy, -C cent-,

A TEARFUL WELCOME ceed former Governor Edwin Warfield Sank Rapidly
ve Mansion This Morn- ■■
of the Naval Academy, marked the; survived Turkish cruelties is de- per mouth, an 1 o j.o;> per as president of the Fidelity and l>e-1
During Night

Holiday Was chief social event in connection w ith , scribed in a cablegram sent to Near
year, in advance, t become posit Company of Maryland, located in Bullet Lodged Near Brain,
iß( —Spirit Of the passing of the old. and the advent East Relief Headquarters by C. E Ail nr.apr I ado a fond adieu to Baltimore. Mr. Warfield resigned
effective on an 1 after ia:i- oid 1915*

Hastening Death
Rampant of the New Year. Vickrey, executive secretary of that at ago
despite the fact about a month because of ill
The ball was held in Dahlgren Hall, organization, who has just conclud- uarv 1. ibe actual that it had been a year of many trials j health

and tribulations, and the H C 1,, had Van Lear Black or Gen \V Bladen BODY SENT TO FORMER
OR expense t suing the pa-
sfvkral MEMBERS
anil was attended by hundreds of ed a tour of Western Asia. His cal le made it a year long to !e roiveml or -I IjOwndes will succeed Mr Warfield as
per is considerably more HOME AFTER SERVICES

STAFF ALSO THERE ril es and I president of the Fidelity Trust Com-
girls from Baltimore. Washington.! gram auys: ed, rot to men: ion coal
New York and Philadelphia, many of “Have just returned from interior than double what it was K' llera! upheaval in jovial conditions pany the two corporations to be -eg-
whom have been spending the week of Caucasus where million refugees live years ago. even w here. regated

a custom that lias Tiio hearty v.ebcme given to the Mr Lane was ranked as the ablest .Lapsing into unconsciousness la'e in
y w
here enjoying the Informal dances that ; and other Armenians have reached
, v*• r.l period of many years New 1920. was a r.oisy one member of President Wilson’s cabinet the night, Midshipman Carroll J<r
ulways are u big feature of the Yule-a
xetate of destitution that l-eggers all

1 L HUB 13

. .v i(i ( Kxecutvies of the. tide holidays at the ntval institution, j description. Most of able bodied men
Hells elan 'ed, vhivtics 1 lew and the since its organization in 1913. He is Keokuk, low a, victim of an acrid* n ,
r Harrington was, this sirea "Big Jim." screeched its loud-: no stranger in Baltimore. His last shooting in a wodland at East >0

... (; ,wrr
Tim dancing, which began at 9 have already perished fighting for Al-
„ , , at a reception to the est. longest screech. Pistols were! public appearance there was two years, near Annapolis, on Tuesday faterno. •

o’clock and continued until shortly af- lied cause. Remnant chiefly women

, ..riicTs of the military

lire ! .i. random, long ! efore and long! ago when he was a guest of the Press
died at 5:30 oclock this morning at th.
ter the midnight hour, was marked by! land children are surrounded by bos
the .State. ••tier midnight, and paodemonittm; Club at a patriotic celebration on the

. ( ,f
the usual impressive ceremony as the tile Turks, Kurds and Tartars, and

-,j..,, included members of
i reigned. It was a lrllarions greeting j roof garden of the Hotel Emerson. On Naval Hospital, where he hud been a
midnight hour arrived. A couple of face almost certain extermination thb

;..-.,ry ft of the Governor.
s*a given 1920. Even though the flowing; that occasion he made a speech, which patient since the unfortunate occur;
minutes before a musician of the or- winter unless help on largo scale

, r ~r ;>,• Old Guard and also 1 owl was thought to be conspicuously j not only won the applause of the audi-


chestra of t hie Naval Academy band comes from America.

of the Maryland State These peo-,1 absent, there was a scent of some-; ('nee. but w hich also attracted wide at-
cri Funeral services over the rt in.
blared the signal from a cornet, which universally recognized in normal

, • ; organization of which lias thing in the air that told a drop or \ tention. Because of his birth in Can-
caused all lights to be dimmed, as times as the most thrifty industrious were held at the Naval Ae.t

in the hands of Col. CUn- Love, two must I e leu somewhore for ada he is ineligible to be President of
.Miss Harriet daughter of Col. jand prosperous people of Western Chapel at 3 o’clock this afternoo.

j i
, . ’ a former Adjutant-Gen-j
}t:KK sound ody in these parts. the Fnited States. But for this con-
the .state
and Mrs. J. M. Love. of the Army, ac- Asia have now been for four years
companied by Midshipman Morton exiled or fugitive from their ances- Frederick County I/lan Elected
The streets were alive with people. stitut tonal obstacle his boom for the ter which the
body was escorieu :
railway station to be ship, i '■<

making merry and homeward 1 omul Democratic nomination next year tc local
reception took placo at 11

Hutchinson, of the first class, acting' tral homes. Their last vestige of nr nis late home in Keokuk for 1 • •■>!

.n. ami was followed by a buffet

chairman of the hop committee.! gotiable property has been sa< rifiecj
President Of Maryland State from church or dance hall. At an succeed Mr. Wilson would overtop 3 11
Hie father of the unfortunate 11

. c, w hich was served in the early hour this morning the rain le- others. Prior to entering the Presi-
Teachers’ Association For The

mounted a dlas and tapped “8 bells,”! for food and protection. Repatriation rived here this morning, and


. rom The reception was the nautical gan and until nearly 8 o’clock there dent’s cabinet. Mr. Lane was chairman
r, although the Governor hour,
stroke of the midnight this year utterly impossible. Turns) Coming Year Endorses Suf- was a continuous downpour, wash- of the Interstate Commerce Commis-
company the body home. i>- .
1 a*h
and simultaneously a musician still hold their homes. Attempt?! le- ing away some of J.hc remnants of sion. having been a member of that of
young Joy, surrounded . -•

cd in receiving Ills military '.sounded

3 s esi

hy Mrs Harrington, Adjutant-

‘‘taps. ’ Immediately after-
the dancers joined their re-j
turn means death. Thousands o
frage For Women
■ dirty snow and slush that have hid- j body since 1909. He was born at Char-
cuinstances, has cast a gloom 1'

wards have I a sin- regiment of midshipmen and • r * \

flt :,i Henry M. Warfield, Col women and children ut *——
den the sidewalks and streets for a, lottetown. Prince Edward Island. Can
• spective partners and glided along the gle Ac...; a.-
Ho has pa ssed his connected with the Naval


ii.u'f. H Gaither. Miss Nettle Mace, j garment to cover their nakedness, week or more. ! .da, July 15, 1864.
OPPOSES AFFILIATION As told in yesterday’s issue ■>. ih*

floor to the strains of “Home, Sweet and to protect them front the
Librarian. and Misses Ellen
bitter-1 That the New Year entere
1 ‘/vet" j fifty-fifth birthday.
Capital Midshipman Joy with two

1 :j. m .in(l Dorothy Ziegler of Pitts- ly cold winter on the high plateaus, is no indication that the condition! llappy New 1 ear
The guests were received by Mrs. pinions and classmates, li. B V ;
-1 who are house guests of the around Mount Ararat. Empty Hour will prevail, and to indicate as much,
T. Clu- /ant and M. G. Thompson, w ere .

Cluverlus, wife of Capt. Wat
H.irrngtoiis for over the New Year’s verius, Commandant of Midshipmen, sacks fearing names of well-known t At its closing session yesterday of the sun soon came out and dried tp
ing an afternoon of liberty, carr ,
l i

h ' American firms are improvised as tilings considerably. The weather! with them two revolvers they wutr in
assisted by Midshipman Paul E. Pihl, clothing for children. Rags are used the three days’ convention of the
A large polnsettla formed the cen- forecast is ‘‘fair and colder."

of Connecticut, the midshipman com- Maryland State Teachers' Assoc'a- lo the woodland to engage in v ’ .

. c of the table decorations, and as shoes. All flour and food staples This new year will have the a.ldi
other greens the
mander of the regiment, and also a
now comes through Near East Re- Ition. which convened on Monday in •practice. Midshipman Thoiup - h.- •.

!:iu Rowers and of

;tonal day which leap year gives it.
tired a shot at a target and turn 1

member of the hop committee. lief but total supply in prospect will
the Western High School. Baltimore,

V,;.. dc season, potted, or hung about and there will le 3G6 days and Feb-
Happy N#w Yea • —--

the Association elected G. Lloyd Pal- his comrades to comment upon u, >t
• a .ills of the several rooms, were last only few weeks at most. Hun- ruary will have 29 days. It is aiso

NEW CAPITAL RATES mer. superintendent of the Frederick nhe same time attempting to .-■!:>> 1

: he icen hero and there. The Gov- dreds of tons of cast-off clothing distinguished as a "woman’s year"; Everyone interested in the growing;
EFFECTIVE TODAY from America could Le used imme- County Schools, president for the It may le that 1920 will discover some of tobacco is urged to attend a meet-
(safety catch on the revolver. *-11 -

coming year. . Ily the weapon was discharged, and • •

(Continued On Page Three) diately. Thirty thousand tons of way of 1 ringing do vn the high cost ing of the Anne Arundel Branch of the'
foodstuffs iu addition to present sup-
The retiring president, David E I Maryland Tobacco Growers’ Associa-
bullet entered the base of the 11 f

since Its establish- 'j Weglein, principal of the Western of living, of settling industrial prob- Midshipman Joy. He was hurra d ;■>
STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING For the first time ply must be provided or this winter lems. so that labor and capital, like tion at Claggett’s Hall, Tracey's Land-! the Naval Hospital. While his t


I ment In 1884, thirty-six years ago, the will t ring the greatest 'harvest of High School, was elected first vice ;he lion and the lamb, may lie down ing, on Saturday, January 3, 1920, at

J Evening Capital increases its price for president; Miss Lena C. Van Biller. tion was regarded as serious from

‘ ;:.•<

from famine that has yet 1 een together, and without the lamb being 2:30 p. rn.

The Annual Meeting of the Stock- jthe paper loday and beginning with its death :of State Normal School, second vice- start, It was not thought tha' it v. mid
known by this martyr nation." inside the lion, and possibly, jus. j The meeting is called for the elec-
• Mers of The Annapolis Hanking
issue today wil sell for two cents, in- president; Hugh W. Cadell. superin- prove fatal. It was later found, 1 uw-
Give money, give clothing. Send

possibly, some method inav come out, tion of officers and delegates of the
ever, that the bullet had lodged c in**
k Trust Company will bo held at Its i'stead of one *ent*a copy. of Cecil County schools, sec- jtendent

'it immediately to E. W. Tglehart, retary; Dr. of 1930 that will make Congress ac- association for the ensuing year. It is!

B*nklng* Rooms. JANUARY 8, 1920, at This advance in price is due to the; Treasurer, Near East L. Berryman, principal of base of the brain, which further >ro* <•

Relief, I’. O tually do something toward settling highly important that all growers plicated hi
3 o'rlark noon. 'increased cost of material, paper, ink, Box 185, Annapolis. Junior High School >jo. 78, treasurer, condition. Last tug '■•••
the problems that confront the conn- ishould be present and see that the began to s.nk rapidly and expi • !

Y HOWARD THOMPSON, JR., metal, etc., ahd especially to the in- | jam! Superintendent E. F. Webb, of

right men are elected these respon-j

try. to
ii Treasurer. creased cost of labor. —: j Allegany County, new member of the early this morning, bb above slat 1

All in all. 1920 promises to he a sible places, as on the officers and j


j executive committee.
association voted against
.unionization or affiliation with the
greater and a Letter year than was delegates depend the life and success |
1919. Business prospects were never of the association. Anyone neglecting:
Notice of Closing!

t etter. according to all accounts. : to come is doing the association an

NEW—Resolution---YEAR (American Federation of Labor or any
j other non-professional organizational Things are
;he closing session in the morning than they have been
becoming better adjusted
since the war in
My Store will be closed Mom


ii an account with the Capital City Building Loan broke and this- udjust- NOTICE January sth, 1920, aftei ii
< h < &
Highest Cash Prices iat Western High School. Superin- Kurope out.

continue until
G datum. School Street. City. Open for business Satur- j j tendent M. S. Ft Unger, of Carroll ment is expected to Business meeting of Mothers’ M. on account of Stocktaking.
Paid for

things are on a stable basis —not the

| County, introduced the the resolu-

. January 3rd, to !) I*. M. '

jtion as chairman of the committee on ! a sis or prewar times, tut a basis t ircle, January ‘2, 1920, at Y. \Y. THE PRIDE STORE,

I resolutions. It was declared that "it hat will permit an approach at least C. A. headquarters at 7.30. Full
Muskrat Hides Fid ward Jewell, Proprietor.

A DOLLAR A WEEK AMOUNTS Men will be- attendance requested.

'does not serve the teachers' interest ,o normal conditions.

doing without the 170 Main Street

In three years to $168.14 ; best to organize as a 1 ranch of tin come accustomed to j‘2 Y^ir^Pres.
:j 3.
In five years to . cup that cheers and also inebriates,

297.55 j American Federation of Lai or or and as a nation. America will be so-
In !ui years to *
679.66 other non-professional orga n1 z t -

i erer than it ever has 1 een. The

It the thirteenth year, the semi-annual dividends are larger lions.”
prosperity that has come to the na- START THE NEW YEAR WITH A
i deposited during that period. Salary Schedule Indorsed tion, it is expected, wiil continue

‘ amount

BEST PRICES for Minks, Red The matter of salary increase was through the year and grow greater
L 'ANS o\ LIBERAL TERMS TO HOMESEEKERS. on, and the minimum salary writ each passing day.
Fox, Racoons, Opossums, Beef acted schedule, as previously announced Happy New Year——
PRANK STRO.MEYER. BERNARD J. WIEGARD, Hides, Horse Hides, Stc. 1920 Ton Delivery Truck—Has Sheldon Worm Drive
was recommended. This recommen- THE CARDINAL SENDS
President. Secy. & Treas. j dation involves an increase of $600.- Can You Beat It!
See Ale lie
jore Selling 000 in the pay of Maryland pul lie NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE ji'
school teachers, and an appropriation
White Star Garage

——■ ■ ~ " " i Auto Repairing

Annapolis Iron and Metal Co. of $150,000 for a teachers’ training

"it is my sincere wish that all of Batteries Recharged KHKNOII V


program. Dr. Henry S. West, prin-


our people will be blessed with hap-

jt j D. Klawansky cipal of Maryland Stale Normal
piness this New Year. ||


i jS School and chairman of the comm t- , "But happiness depends, in a great

j CITY DOCK tee on legislation, in’uoduved thi?
measure, upon ourselves. We must
< f


j recommem'iition. which was called live

good, virtuous lives if we desire

CHRISTMAS HI9 Notice! "the most reasonable schedule which the real joy of living. Only by faith-
(Continued On Page Three)
fully of serving all of God’s laws can
we expect the graces necessary to, A Prosperous and
Taking load to Baltimore in lji Happy Now Year
our spiritual and temporal wel-be-;

Happy New Tear

ith the Yuletide conies the lug. We are all amenable to His di-■


ton truck daily, I will be glad to vine laws and we must conform to,
pleasure of extending to our bring return load at a reasonable- them in order to fce worthy of His
'many friends and fellow citi- 1 enediciions. In all of our vicissi-;
price. Phone ISO3-F7.

tudes—in all our joys and sorrows—-

zens the
To All of Our Patrons

X GERS. Y.a must lobk to Him for grace



guidance. We our own ef-

E w o O I) forts. weave a crown of future happi-
CHESTNUT. PINE AND OAK Hat few churches in and about An-
ness for ourselves.
Greetings oj ALSO KINDLING

Direct fn.m farm napolis were dark last night, as most "By doing our duty to Him and
P. T. K. HOW AT I'HONE 1524-F-* if them greeted the New Year with our
fellow-man our happiness is.
In- A Bank that is strong enough
The Season ull-tf
Watch Night services. The Old Year deed, assured us.”
and liberal enough

to care
NOTICE—TRAPPERS was rung out and the New Year rung
;n at nearly every church in town, and l!
Happy N>w Year

all times
its patrons at

May the holidays make happy

Will pay you Tie services were solemn and impres- ALBERT RICHARDS 1
the closing of 1019 and usher $3.00 Each sive.
In a few instances the Watch Night
, A telegram
was received here this
in a joyous New Year, brim- services began at 9 o’clock with ESTABLISHED IN 1805
HIDES j and a social hour and then a prayer r
morning by Judge and Mrs. Moss,
A. Richards, an-
ful of opportunity for service,
delivered at store. ✓'
service between 11 o’clock and mid- from Mrs. Altert
night. Short addreses were delivered,
nouncing the death of her husband, ji
for happiness and for success. Tampa, Fla.,
Gross Assets Over $2,700,000.00

MR. APPLESTINE giving brief reviews of the work of theg cause*.! by pneumonia at
the win-
last year and phoph°cies of the future where they were spending
63 West St. Annapolis. Md Mr. Richard’s failing
ij Most of the services began at 10:30 orr ter. owing to
Savings Accounts
Also good prices for all furs. 4 Per Cent Interest
1 he Annapolis Banking !jS Agent for Glen Rock Tanneries.
11 o'clock, lasting until after midnight, health.
end consisting of songs and prayer*s The Richards are well known here

& Trust Company i" ”“ ===: ;

and the pastors.
by where they have many friends. Their

; ;
Thanksgiving services were held ina sou. the late LieuL-Comdr. Clarence
the Catholic church at 7:30 and 8S Richards, was a graduate of the Na-
o’clock, wi*h a sermon and solemnni va! Academy, and married a
benediction. There were masses in allII Mrs. Edward D. Johnson, of this
sister of
The Farmers National Bank
136 Main Street
the churches today, which is also thte The remains of Mr. Richards will Of Annapolis, Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, , Feast of the Circumcision, and attend- l_ i e taken to Wellington, Kan., his old


—.- i * aace on this day is obligatory. • home, for interment

Fe tri
I .1 'il* Mi l
•f i »
, 901. XI 5, IDAHO, Ï Â Y ; j A NÙARY 1,1920

- ............... V


B erlin , J a n . 1.—T h e y c a m e to B e rlin
B a ltim o re , M d., J a n . 1.—P o u r g irls

« K T THE AT FORPRESDENT a n d a b o y w e re w o u n d e d b y b u lle ts

e a rly to d a y su p p o sed ly fire d b y a
g ro u p o f In to x ic a te d s o ld ie rs fro m a n
to h e lp " w in th e w a r" — p r e tty , blond®
fra u le in s to w hom th e c o u n tr y tow n
m e a n t only d ru d g e ry . T h e " fa th e rla n d "
In Its tim e of need, a n d th e n , too, it
w ould be sp le n d id to eee w h a t th e big


vautom oblle. .T h e v i c tim s ,a r e :
M IS S L IL L IA N B R A TM A N , 17, b u l­
le t w o u n d In th e r ig h t leg.
M IS S F A N N IE R O S E N T H A L . I I ,
b u lle t w o u n d in th e le f t leg.
BY PRESIDENT c ity o f B e rlin w a s like a n d to g e t w a r ­
tim e w ag es. /
N ow . th e y a re going b ack to th o l i t ­
tle to w n o r to th e f a r m —fo rc e d o u t of
th e c ity b y th e h a n d of th e law . T hey
M IS S E L S IE S M O K L E R , 11, b u lle t s a y i t is a h a rd law ; th e g o v e rn m e n t
w o u n d in th e r ig h t leg. s a y s It Is h u m a n e sin c e It m a k e s w iv Some Legislatures Pass Reso Secretary to President's
Dr. Grayson Forbids President [ Five Republicans, Two Demo- Through Action of Executive, f e r t h e people w ho h a v e been n u t in
M IS S F R E D A N O O N BU R G , 17, b u l­
Eating Dinner W ith W ife and crats Officially Recognized le t w o u n d in le ft a rm . Announced Today, Life Sugar gfield g r a y fig h tin g , o r p e rh a p s la n ­
u is h in g in fo re ig n p riso n cam ps.
lutions Reading “ Alcoholic With Democratic
Daughters-Desirous of Get­ as Candidates for Nomina­ w o und.
JO SE PH CROCKER, 1(, sc a lp
Equalization Board Extended B u t t h e w om en fo is, now e n a m o u re d
o f c ity life a n d d re a d in g th e g rin d of
Liquors” and Others “ Intox­ Yesterday Viewed With
tio n -N a m e s Filed. T h e fo u r g irls w e re on th e ir w a y Over the Year 1920. Ufa in th e sm a ll to w n o r in th e c o u n ­ icating Liquors.” Much Interest
ting Outdoors. h o m e fro m a m a s q u e ra d e p a r ty w h en tr y —o r p e rh a p s ev en w o rse fa c in g a
a la rg e to u rin g c a r w ith tw o m en , s a id w in te r of u n e m p lo y m en t—a re re b e l­
to b e d re sse d in u n ifo rm , s ta n d in g on lious. T h e ir reb e llio n does th e m no J e rs e y C ity, N. J., J a n . 1.—T h e d is ­ W a sh in g to n , J a n . 1.— President Wit*
W a sh in g to n , J a n . t .— P re s id e n t W il­ P ie rre , S. D„ J a n . l.|~ F iv e K epub- W a sh in g to n . J a n . 1.—P r e s id e n t WII good, how ever.
(he r u n n in g b o ard , d a rte d p a s t. T h e tin c tio n b e tw e e n "a lcoholic liq u o rs”
s o n « p e n t a q u ie t N ew Y e a r's d ay . H e lic a n s an d tw o D e m o c ra ts a re offi­ tw o fig u re s on th e ru n n in g b o a rd so n h a s sig n e d th e M c N a ry b ill e x te n d ­ T h e polios a u th o r itie s a re c a llin g ä n d "In to x ic a tin g liq u o rs," m ay fig u re son h a s r e - e n te r s d th e pence treaty
e x p e c te d to com e d ow n to d in n e r, b u t c ially in th e ra c e fo r th e p resid en cy of d re w rev o lv e rs a n g b e g a n to f ir e In th e in g fo r o n e y e a r th e life o f th e s u g a r th e m In d a ily now. T h e y m u s t show n„ _ i , , . . „ , . ‘ fight, in th e opinion of well-lnfernsed
D r. Q ra y so n k e p t him on a d iet, r e ­ th e U nited S la te s . th e ir o ffic ia l m o b iliz a tio n c a rd s. If th ey ! r e X à t î o n o f H ecrem y of S ta te ^ n - s e n a to rs to w hom S e n a to r Hltoheock
m e m b e rin g th e ill e ffe c ts fo llo w in g tlie T h e ir n a m e s h a v e been filed w ith d ire c tio n o f th e y o u n g w om en. A. D, e q u a liz a tio n b o a rd , it w a s a n n o u n c e d w e re In B e rlin be fo re th e m o b iliz a tio n I g f n ^ p r o c l a m a t i o n ^ r a tiflc a tlo , of
H ta n sb u rg , p a s sin g In h is au to m o b ile , a t th e W h ite H o u se to d ay . told to d ay d e ta ils of his talk w ith J.
p r e s id e n t's c e le b ra tio n of h is b ifth d a y , th e s e c re ta ry of s ta t e of S o u th D akota g av e ch a se , b u t w a s so o n o u td is ta n c e d .
and will a p p e a r in th e follow ing o rd er A t th e sa m e tim e a s ta te m e n t w a s seK*es?^resldéntee
sj.e lv e s r e s idIe n ts ^nrnI|
of heC°cl^v^e r B u t ^ f ' ^ p rl^ i^ V u m w îm e n ^ m en t,^ac c o rd ! i?g 1*P.* T u———
m u lty
•»•«,, —th e president's secretary.
D ec. 28.
on th e p r im a rv b a llo t in M arch: issu e d a t th e W h ite H o u se s a y in g t h a t «I tn e city » . „B u tÆ» If to fl, s ta te m e n t t,,. b j rid w ai d 1. r r.dw .irus, • lotp- vahi Ardnv
• T h e tw o o u ts ta n d in g N ew Y e a r’s
it Is d o u b tfu l w h e th e r It w ill b e p r a c ­ S T . m ^ r J u o r t h e T m a T l r t a r o - er w ho w a s e lected g o v e rn o r o f N ew J e r- i

ARRESTS W U *»> 1 T u m u lty „sa„ ,id

R E P U B L IC A N S . 1
re s o lu tio n s w ith th e W h ite H o u se w e re : se y on ™ a “w e t" p latfo rm . h e c s lle d e n H itch c o c k
P r e s id e n t W ilso n : T o ta k e a n a u to ­ M iles P o in d e x te r, in d iv id u a l petition. tic a b le fo r th e p re s id e n t to u s e th e
L eo n ard W ood, co n v e n tio n m a jo rity p o w er c o n fe rre d so f a r a s th e p u rc h a s e P re lim in a ry in v e s tig a tio n in W a sh - lo n e t in fo rm a tio n for the proelaont.

m o b ile sp in a s soon a s possible. in g to n is sa id to h a v e disc lo sed t h a t ! S e n a to rs c a n n o t understand why WU-
D r. G ra y so n : T o p r e v e n t it a s long p roposal. a n d d is tr ib u tio n o f s u g a r a r e c o n ­
P r a n k O. L ow den, m in o rity c o n v e n ­ c e rn e d . T h is w o u ld still leav e In o p ­ som e of the r a tify in g s ta te lé g is la tu re s : 1,0,1 w u n ts in fo rm a tio n ooncorwng a

a s possible. pa sse d re s o lu tio n s re a d in g "alc o h o lic i jn a ttc r of w hich h e s a id he b a d washed '
W ilson h a d h is ifllnd s e t on th is e x ­ tio n p ro p o sal. e ra tio n th e p o w e r to c o n tro l p rices, liquors," w hile th e re s o lu tio n of o th e r s ] 1H hands, u n less he intends to take lt.r
H iram S. Jo h n so n , in d iv id u a l p e ti­ w hich, a c c o rd in g to th e s ta te m e n t i s ­
c u rs io n e v e r s in c e h e b e g a n to w alk road “in to x ic a tin g liquors." i f t h i s , UP again,

a g a in . tion. su ed by S e c re ta ry T u m u lty , h a v e
A bide C. W h is tle r, in d iv id u a l p e ti­ re a c h e d th e ir p eak. is o fficially verified, E d w a rd s is e x - T he p re s id e n t's in te r e s t In dsvolop-
It w a s s la te d t h a t M rs. W illiam G. p ected to p o in t o u t to L a n s in g t h a t th e m onts In th e s e n a te is dus, it Was
M oAdoo w o uld n o t v is it th e p resid e n t tio n T h e s ta te m e n t s a id :

DEM O CR A TS. s ta te s did n o t Uct upo n th e sam e re s o - I learned, to re c e n t events in London, fl
to d a y , a lth o u g h i t w a s ex p e c te d sh e J a m e s G erard , m in o rity co n v en tio n " T h e p re s id e n t h a s sig n e d th e s u g a r lu tio n a n d t h a t ra tific a tio n of th e ! w h e re the u tm o st In te r e s t is being
w ould, u p to la s t n ig h t. p ro p o sal. c o n tro l hill. T h e b ill c o n fe rs d is c r e ­ I a m e n d m e n t is c o n seq u e n tly Invalid. I m a n ifeste d ov e r th e p ro p o sa l to
M r. a n d M rs. S a y re, re m a in e d a t the
W h ite H o u se.
J a m e s O. M onroe, in d iv id u a l petitio n .
N o d e c la ra tio n of a c c e p ta n c e o r r e ­
T h e p re s id e n t is g o in g o v e r th e c u s ­ jec tio n w a s filed fo r P re sid e n t W ilson,
to m a ry s h e a f of N ow Y e a r g re e tin g who receiv ed th e m a jo rity en d o rse m e n t
c a rd s s e n t him b y m o n arc h s, p r e s i­ of th e D e m o c ra tic , s ta te c o n v en tio n . Authorities Intimate
tio n u p q p th e p re s id e n t in th e m a t t e r
of p u rc h a s in g s u g a r fro m C
; d o u b tfu l w h e th e r it w ill be p ra c tic a b le
\ or w ise fo r th e p re s id e n t to e x e rc ise
A C tiO n i th e p o w er c o n fe rre d so f a r a s th e p u r ­
u b a. I t
■T h av e b een Inform ed t h a t th e e r - I th e A m erican vo tin g s tr e n g th in th e j
r o rs in th is c a se a re su ffic ie n tly g la r ­ lea g u e or n a tio n s e q u a l to t h a t o f th e
ing to w a r r a n t q u e s tio n in g th e p ro ­ B ritis h em pire.
p rie ty o f iss u in g th e p ro cla m a tio n ,” L loyd George, w ho r e c e n tly m a d e k
E d w a rd s said. “T he s e c re ta ry of s ta te sp eech chum ptoulng th e r ig h t o f C a n ­
d e n ts a n d p ro m in e n t citize n s. N o th in g w a s filed fo r G o v ern o r L y n n c h a se a n d d istr ib u tio n of s u g a r a re can p ro cla im only fac ts. If d lsc re p - a d a a n d A u stra lia lo s e p a r a te v ê te s in
.1, F r a s ie r of N o rth D ak o ta, w ho r e ­ Within Forty-eight Hours c o n cern ed . Som e o f (lie C u b a n s u g a r Bureau Labor Statistics R e p o r t th;e sthe ta te of N ew J e rs e y th e league Is und e rsto o d to h a v e com -
raUflpatlons be m u n ic a to d ills view to th is g o v e rn m e n t

WILL ENFORCE ceived th e N o n - P a r tis a n c o n v en tio n h a s a lre a d y been p u rc h a s e d a n d th e re

e n d o rse m e n t. That Will Do Much to Solve is no c e n tr a l c o n tro l o v e r s u g a r in Shows Higher Prices Paid res u b m itte d . u t th e sa m e tim e p o in tin g o u t t h a t th e
L u cy P a g e . C hicago, w ho m ad e p u b ­ C u b a a s th e r e w a s la s t y e a r a n d it re s e r v a tio n on this s u b je c t pro p o sed
Detroit Mystery.

lic h e r in te n tio n to file, w as too laie m ig h t th e re fo re be im p o ssib le fo r th e for Food Than Jan. 1, 1919 by S e n a to r L enrnot a n d m ad e peri* o f
w ith h e r decision, lier p e titio n s had g o v e rn m e n t now to s te p in a n d p u r ­ th e L odge re s e rv a tio n s w ould c a u se

LAWS EQUALLY n o t b een rec o rd e d a t m id n ig h t—th e

c lo sin g h o u r. T h e W h istle r p e titio n
w a r a h o ax , a c c o rd in g to Abbie
c h a se th e s u g a r w ith o u t in c re a s in g th e
M ount C lem ens, M ich., J a n . 1.— p rice to th e c o n su m e r. T h e bill, h o w ­
W ith in th e n ex t 48 h o u rs, a r r e s ts will ever. c o n tin u e s th e lic e n s in g lm w er
— Some Staples Down. tro u b le . It d isfra n c h ise s tb s colonies,
Lloyd G eorge is said to h a v e in fo rm e d '
th is g o v e rn m e n t, a d d in g t h a t G l

W isler. C hicago, w h o say h is n a m e be m a(|e w h ich will do m u ch to solve a lso a n d th is p o w e r m a y be u sed to W a sh in g to n , J a n . 1.—N ew Y ear's day B rita in feels c o n stra in e d to op p o se I
w as m issp elled by jo k ers. J. O. M on- i be puzzling q u e s tio n of "W ho k ille d I a s s is t in c o n tro llin g p ro fite e rin g u m o n g a c tio n w hich would d e n y tb s ,

IN ALL STATES roe w as once an em ploye in th e score J. S ta n le y B ro w n ? " a u th o r itie s i n t i m a - [ d is trib u to rs . M uch C u b a n s u g a r Is fo u n d th e A m e ric a n people p a y in g a n
ta r v of s ta te 's office in Illinois. ted to d ay . ' 'c o m in g in notv a n d th e In d ic a tio n s a re a v e ra g e o f six p e r c e n t m ore fo r n e c ­
J u s t a ’ w eek a g o th e body of th e ec- ! t h a t p ric e s h a v e re a c h e d th e ir p eak e s s a ry foods, a s c o m p a re d w ith J a n . t,
g o v e rn in g B rita n n ic n a tio n s i
to look a f te r tlielr o w n li
th e league. T h e L e n ro o t

c e n trie y o u n g c lu b m an w a s fo u n d In a n d t h a t th e re w ill b e a .te n d e n c y f o r 1919, a c c o rd in g to fig u r e s u t th e b u ­ now t h re a te n s to becom e

Constitutional Prohibition Act

SOVIET ARMES h is e a r slu m p e d o v e r th e s te e rin g p ric e s to fa ll in th e n e x t few w eek s.”
w heel, h is h e a d p ierced b y fo u r b u lle t
U n le ss th e p re s id e n t h a d a p p ro v e d re a u o f la b o r s ta tis tic s to d ay . P ric e s
th e M c N a ry bjil, th e s u g a r e q u a liz a tio n of so m e s ta p le s h a v e gone d o w n , th e se
D u rin g th e w eek o f In v estig a tio n , one b o a rd w o u ld h a v e p a s se d .o u t o f e x is t- r e p o rts show ed, w h ile p ric e s of o th e rs
th e tr e a ty fight, n
th e o b sta c le to ai
say t h a t D em ocrat!
.»Me p ré p o s a i on
.point« in d isp u te ,
p e rso n has, b een a rre s te d a n d c h a rg e d
A fter Jan. 17 Will Be Made h a v e in c re a s e d —b u t a v e ra g e h a s p ro m is e su g g e
d e n fin ely w ftli 'tlté Slaving — B é a tric e b e e n u p w a rd d u r in g th e la s t y ear. T h a t
th é g o v e rn m e n t is m a k in g a little p r o ­ New Year Literally Floats in m it .th e y
V e ster. w h o la te y o s te rd a y e n te re d * m e a s u re b e fo re m id n ig h t, is mOceiilk
Most Effective Says Com­ p le a of n o t g u ilty . g ress in its tig h t to to w e r liv in g c o s ts
H e r e x a m in a tio n w a s s e t fo r S a t ­ Is In d ic a te d by th e fa c t t h a t sin c e A u g ­
on Ocean of Booze— Cele­ m a n d f a r to p d»ue
missioner Daniel Roper. u rd a y . T h ro u g h o u t th e q u iz sh e' w a s

u st. th e m o n th th e p re s id e n t d ire c te d brants “ Bring Their Own”

c alm an d collected . H e r k n o w led g e o f EXCAVATORS FIN D A tto rn e y G e n e ra l P a rtn e r to In v e s ti­
legal p ro ce d u re a s to n is h e d c o u rt o f­ g a te a n d to u s e a ll m e a n s to b rin g
W a sh in g to n , J a n . 1.— C o n s titu tio n a l ficials. A lth o u g h n o t re p re s e n te d by- and Wild Time Had.
p ro h ib itio n w ill be e n fo rc e d s tric tly co u n sel sh e d e m a n d e d an E x am in atio n
A 7-POUND TOOTH p ric e s b a c k to n o rm a l, th e re h a s been
a n d e q u a lly in a ll s ta te s , D an iel C . a d ro p in th e c o s t of som e food.
a n d e n te re d h e r p le a w ith o u t v io la - R o u n d s te a k , for in sta n c e , h a s d ro p ­

R o p er, co m m issio n e r o f in te r n a l r e v e ­ 1tio n o f leg al tech n ic. N ew Y ork, Ja n , - T h is is city
n u e to d a y declured. I .aeon. 111.. J a n . l.- - W h e n C a d m u s ped sin c e A u g u st fro m 39V4 c e n ts to w ith a h ead ach e.
In a s ta te m e n t b a c k in g th e m o v e ­ Bolsheviks Rout General Dene- T h e re w a s a n u n d e rc u r r e n t o f o p ln - sow ed h is d ra g o n te e th a few th o u sa n d 37.9 c e n ts p e r pound. B acon is dow n T h e re w ere m ore a rd e n t p ro h ib itio n ­
. . . . _ , . -, ion h e re th a t th e p e rso n s w ho h a v e
m e n t fo r a "law a n d o rd er" S u n d a y in k i n S A r m y ----- R e p o r t e d A l s o kn o w led g e o f th e c rim e a r e s till a t 11b -
y e a rs ag o , a few o f th e m fell o n s to n y m o re t h a n tw o c e n ts to 55.8 c e n ts a ists In N ew Y ork to d ay t h a n e v e r b e­
a ll c h u rc h e s on J a n . 18. th e c o m m is ­ g ro u n d a ro u n d th is c ity . F o r th e o th e r pound. F lo u r dro p p ed a sm all f r a c ­ fore in its h isto ry .
e iste r, e x c a v a tin g In tio n o f a c en t, a s did su g a r. P o ta to e s
s io n e r issued a w a rn in g lo a ll s ta le s
w h ic h a re th re a te n in g to ig n o re th e
d r y law s.
'T c a n n o t believe,” R o p e r said , " ih a t
a n y s ta te o r o th e r p o litic a l division
tO H SVC B r o k e n O f f N e g o t i s -
,. w- , r
tlOnS W i t h t s t h o m a n s .
• „
A c o m m itte e o f c itize n s, h ead ed b y da a yg raFvrealn kb a nBka,u m
a p ro m in e n t c le rg y m a n , to d a y d e m a n d -
I fil iale.
' T h e c le rg y m a n , th e Rev. M r. Dodge.
d o n lo o 'll, th
fo u n d a 1 2 -inch m a s ­ w e re d o w n m o re th a n a c e n t a pound.
The pop u latio n
A g a in s t, th e re h a s been a n in cre a se of masHee on a bed of re g re t, c lu tc h e d its
led m o re a c tio n " o n th e p a r t o f o f- w ith in th re e y e a rs . seco n d d isco v ered th re e c e n ts in eggs, close to tw o c e n ts c ollective a c h in g head, rolled Its to n g u e
tu rn e d ov e r en

g in g e rly a ro u n d t h e t f a m ilia r C o lo r­
T h e to o th w e ig h s se v en p o u n d s a n d in b u tte r , find o n e -fifth of a c e n t in a d o M aduro fla v o r a n d fe rv e n tly sw ore
w ill co n scio u sly b rin g d isc re d it upon L o n d o n . J a n . t.—M ilita ry o p p o sitio n ' d ec la re d th re e p e rso n s w ho h a v e th e ir g e o lo g ists o f th e U n iv e rs ity of Illin o is, s n ilk p e r q u s r t.
i ts e lf by _ fa ilu re to re s p_ o n d p_ ro m p. tly. . „ R u s s ia 's S o v iet g o v e rn m e n t is lib e rty sh o u ld be a rre s te d . H e d e clin ed w h e re it w ill be s e n t fo r th e m u seu m , H e re a re th e fig u re s on liv in g co sts " N e v e r a g a in .”
to i ts full legal a n d m o ra l res p o n s lb ili- i c ru m b lin g on a ll f ro n ts a c c o rd in g to lo s a y to w hom he refe rre d , h a v e p ro n o u n ce d it in a good s ta t e of o f J a n u a r y . 1919, A u g u st, 1919, a n d th e
p re s e rv a tio n . la te s t a v a ila b le :
F o r N ew York w a s slow ly a n d p uln- Leaders of Shopmen
fully—m ost p a in fu lly —re c o v e rin g from
tie s s f in itia tiv e a n d c o o p e ra tio n in j d isp a tc h e s h e re today-. A d m ira l K ul- .No w o rd h ad been received e a rly to -
th e e n fo rc e m e n t o f th e n a tio n a l p ro h i- | clin k 's a ll-R u s s ia n fo rc e s h a v e been day fro m L a n s in g a s to th e a ttitu d e G e o lo g ists s a y th e m a sto d o n to w hich J a il. A ug. L a t ­ th e w ildest am i w e tte sl jq ir p e in its
1919. 1919. est. e n tire c a re e r, "p ro h ib itio n ” n o tw ith ­
Daily Conference» With Ad­
b itio n a c t." d riv e n fro m I rk u ts k a c c o rd in g to dis- the g o v e rn o r will ta k e on th e re q u e s t th e se te e th belo n g ed w a s p ro b ab ly c a r ­
R hode Isla n d a n d N e w J e rs e y a r e | p a tc h e s fio m th e S ib e ria n fro n t. D es- fo r a sp e cia l p ro se c u to r T h is req u o st ried s o u th o u t of th e fro z e n n o rth by .39 .395 .39 sta n d in g . ministration Officials on
th e tw o s ta t e s t h a t h a v e d ecid ed to p e ra te fig h tin g c o n tin u e s n e a r th e city , m ad e by p ro m in e n t M ount th e g r e a t g la c ie r th u t on ce co v ered th e .33 .577 .55« T h e new y e a r lite ra lly flo a ted in on
th e d isp a tc h e s sa id , w ith th e a n ti- c itiz e n s w a s b ased on d iffe re n c e s of M ississip p i b a sin , and fin a lly waj» E g g s p e r dozen .81 .00 .63 a n o cean of booxe a n d th e old ye a r Wage Agreements.
f ig h t th e c o n s titu tio n a l a m c n ^ 'o s n t. b u ried in th e Ice a t gome u p h e a v a l o f B u tte r p e r po u n d .. .72 .«4 .«37 w a s d row ned in th e sa m e flood. The
“I c a n h a v e no d iff e re n t s ta n d a r d B o lsh ev ik fo rc e s a p p a re n tly m a k in g a o p in io n r e s u ltin g in fric tio n b e tw e e n th e e a r th 's c ru s t. , C h eese p e r p ound . .42 .43 .43 big hotels, r e s ta u r a n ts a n d c a b a re ts
w ith r e g a r d to p ro h ib itio n t h a n a n y fu tile e ffo rt to re ta k e I rk u ts k fro m th e c ity a n d c o u n ty o fficials, M ilk p e r q u a r t ........ .13 .155 .157 tu rn e d a w a y th o u sa n d s of p e rso n s who W a sh in g to n . J a n . 1.— Tho ra ilw a y
o t h e r law a n d I s h a ll co m p el s tr ic t fo rc e s o f W a r M in iste r T ro ts k y . ____ _ - I t 'V - 'i - -
B re a d p e r p o u n d . . . .10 .101 .101 hud ne g le c te d to m a k e re s e rv a tio n s .shop m en h a v e ta k e n th o lea d in in ­
o b s e rv a n c e o f tills law ,” R o p e r said. In th e s o u th th e fo rc e s o f G en eral THREE STRIKES GREET .0« .074 .073 d a y s o r w eeka in a d v a n c e, a t from 110 sis tin g th a t be fo re t h e lineo go b a c k
F lo u r p e r po u n d . ..
" W h e th e r p ro h ib itio n is a w ise n a ­ D c n e k in c o n tin u e d t h e ir r e tr e a t, w ith j P o ta to e s p e r p o u n d .03 .05 .043 to $80 a re s e rv a tio n . to p riv a te o w n e rs h ip M a rc h 1, w ag e
tio n a l p o licy is n o lo n g er a q u e stio n th e v ic to rio u s red s d r iv in g th e poorly j 1920 IN LONDON W E A T H E R B u g a r p e r p ound . . .10« .111 .115
f o r d e b a te a m o n g good c itize n s. I t is e q u ip p e d a n tl-B o lsh o v ik fo rc e s to w a rd s P ra c tic a lly e v e ry one b ro u g h t h is or a g re e m e n ts now in e x is te n c e s h a ll be
C oflee p e r p o u n d . . .32 .478 .48 h e r ow n re fre sh m e n ts . T h e y w ere c a r ­ in te rp re te d so t h a t t h e y w ill b e beyond
p a r t o f th e c o n s titu tio n a n d . a ll law - th e s e a of A zov a n d O dessa. | , -B ritis li la b o r to d a y T e a p e r p ound ......... .«7 .707 .707 rie d In po c k e ts, tra v e lin g bags, s u it d a n g e r of b e in g m isu n d e rs to o d an d ,
a b id in g c itiz e n s w ill d e m a n d Its o b ­ has*ceàùsed ^ o Ä F o re c a s t fo r B oise e n d V ic in ity —
se rv a n c e .” ' Ä Ä ^ 1^ ^ O w lth . n —
F A IR T O N IG H T A N D FR ID A Y . cases, old u m b re lla s a n d In one or tw o p e rh a p s to sse d a s id e by the now r é ­
F o r Id ah o — T o n ig h t a n d F rid a y , fair. CONVENIENT. In sta n c e s, d ra w n on c h ild re n 's sleds. g lais.
N ew Y ork, J a n . I.—P e rso n s c a u g h t Bom s of tlie c a fe s fu lfilled a d v a n c e L e a d e rs o f th e s h o p m en a r o having
T h e ir s tr ik e H ig h e s t te m p e ra tu r e y e s te rd a y .........3E In s u b w a y o r e le v a te d Jam s in th e f u ­ n o tices by g iv in g a w a y bo ttles of w ine d a ily c o n fe re n c e s w ith ra ilw a y admin­

m u n itio n s e x h a u ste d , th e a n tl-B o l- ] s c h ed u le d to w alk o u t.
L o w est te m p e ra tu r e th is m o rn in g ..1 8
sh e v lk lea d e r w a s re p o rte d p re p a re d ^ r k , t0ofb anCa^ f re HrV ' brIg a d e M ean te m p e ra tu r e y e s te rd a y .............2* t u r e m ay phone hom e a n d e x p la in a n d w lllsk e y to “old frlende. ' In m an y istr a tio n offic ia ls. T h e shop m tn
to a b a n d o n h is h e a d q u a rte rs a t T a - 8 t „ * o r a " . n , Drl* “ UP T h e su n r is e s to m o rro w a t 7:20 a. th e ir d e la y . T he c o m p a n y is in sta llin g p lac e s it seem ed t h a t tlie deg re e of h a v e fo rm ed a c o m m itte e on inter­
in. a n d s e ts a t 4:19 p. m . g ro u p s o f ph o n es on e a c h p latfo rm . one’s f rie n d s h ip w a s d e te rm in e d by th e p r e ta tio n s a n d ru le s, com posed o f shop
f„a X % e a o f 8Ae.oy*a fe ty a ' . . o u n ^ r t h e y w hl s trik e " soSit™ siz e o f o n e ’s hill. At m id n ig h t th e c ra f t he a d s, to w o rk a t high speed Mt.

GEORGE ISSUES M ean tim e a d is p a tc h fro m W e l s h i e - j

f o rs to d a y q u o ted u d v ices fro m .D orna t
t h a t p eace n e g o tg itio n a b e tw e e n E s - ||
th o n la n s a n d th e B o lsh ev ik ! h a d been
b ro k en off.
po p p in g o f c o rk s a n d clinking of g l a s s ­ c o nclude
e s w as te m p o ra rily drow ned in a bed- lines a r e h a n d e d back.
l il a m o f w h istle s, guns, s h o u ts a n d to o t-
\ ln g of h o rn s.
Y e sterd a y
i n te r p re ta tio n s before

s e v era l phases o f
a g re e m e n t w ere d isc u sse d w ith Rail
J u s t a t d a y b re a k h lone rev e lle r to t­ D ire c to r H in e s a t a sp e c ia l oon fWoOCS

MESSAGETODAY T h e B olshevik!, h e a rte n e d b y tlie

m ilita ry s itu a tio n , w e re sa id to have
accu sed t h e E s th o n ia n s o f “ra is in g too
Z ^ E
te re d d ow n th e s tr e e t tu rn in g off to c o n sid e r w ag e sc h ed u le s advocated
B roadw ay, w h istlin g th e "C am ’ells a re by th e sh o p m en.
com ing." I t w as prop h etic.
A fte r ta lk in g w ith H in e s te r a a ]

m a n y d iffic u ltie s " t h e y th re a te n e d to T h e d is ta n t ru m b lin g o f h e a v y tru c k a
sen d a g r e a t a rm y a g a in s t th e E sth o n - on th e cobble s to n e s of th e r iv e r fro n t a n d h a lf, th e sh o p m e n
m a tte r of w age In c re a s e s
fC o n tin u e d on P a g o T w o.) fC ontinu^rt on ti'*«** ni co n sid e re d c t la te r m e s ttn — .
In Annual Statement to British
People Declares Concen­ GALLI-CURCI DIVORCE
tra te d E ffort Necessary to SUIT OPENS MONDAY * '''2 A m e ric a n B usiness M en B uy
Rebuild the World. G hlcago, J a n . 1.—In te n s e scene», o u t­
G e rm a n In te re sts S a y
d o in g th o se m im ic a ff a ir s o f h e r b e ­
loved o p e ra s ta g s w ill be d escrib ed
Jjomion. Jan. 1.— “W h e th e r th e new j B erlin. J a n . 1 —A m e ric a n b u s in e s s ! p u t u p a big b ra n c h
h e re M onday b y A m e lita G a lll-C u rcl I m en. u n d e r th e cto ak of N o rw e g ia n a n d >J a n u a r y .” This s to r y h a s
m r s h a ll be r ic h w ith p ro m ise, o r in h e r s u it fo r d iv o rc e fro m L u ig i G ai- j e th e r S c a n d in a v ia n c a p ita l, a re re p o rt- i upon by b a n k c le rk s r
laden with d e s p a ir, d e p e n d s u p o n o u r- 11- C u r d , h e r a tto r n e y s p ro m ised to d ay . : rd to be b u y in g g e n e ro u s In te r e s ts in ! w ith a lm o s t tra g ic
aelves,” P r e m ie r 14oyd G eo rg e d e c la re d T h e fam o u s s o p ra n o , w ho ch arg ed G e rm a n co n cern s. : rea liz e d t h a t th e y would be-
today In h is N ew Y e a r 's m e ssa g e to tn rid e llty In filin g h e r p e titio n fo r d l- I G e rm a n y is w illin g to m o rtg a g e i A m erican d o lla rs, a n d t h a t 1
th e British people. vorce, fin ish ed h e r s in g in g e n g a g e m e n t ! m an y o f h e r p la n ts a n d o th e r h o ld in g s : luted in to m a rk s , w ould
"We hare reached a time.” th e p re - h e re la s t n ig h t. S h e will r e s t u n til ! to o b ta in c a p ita l, a n d re a liz in g t h e 1 p a iu tlv e w e a lth fo r th em ,
■tfe r declared, "w h e n c o n c e n tra te d e f ­ M onday a n d h o p e s to h a v e h e r fam ily ! p re s s in g need of m any a c o ncern. A m er- tlie f a c t t h a t b a n k em pk
fort is T srrg * !-1 to rebuild th e w orld. a ff a irs a d ju s te d b e fo re s ta r tin g th e M eans a r e s iltl to be m ak in g c o n s id e r- : on s ta r v a tio n w a g e s
If wo quarrel am ongst oui-se lv e s we a n n u a l w in te r e n g a g e m e n ts in New ! a b le In v e stm e n ts. I In cre a se s in c e p r e - w a r
impntr our Strength and r e t a r d o u r York. ! T h e very n a tu re of th e Ira tia a c llo n in sta n c e, th e s to r y W__
Mme. G aJlI-C u rct n am ed M elissa J m a k e s it d ifficult lu d e te rm in e e x a c tly j A m erican b a n k h a d e n g a g e d 1
^ L J o y ? George »landed f o r "u n ite d B row n a n d o th e rs , in clu d in g a colored v iliat in te re s ts a rc Involved, h u t g e n - : from tits D e u ts c h e h a n k at r
action based on a common p u rp o se c h a m b e r m a id In T u lsa , Okla.. In do- 1 e ra lly well inform ed c o m m e rc ia l a u - I A m e ric a n a h e r# a re
Inspired by a spirit o f general good p o sitio n s s u p p o rtin g lier ch a rg e a ■ Ih o rltle a d e c la re th a t (h ere la m em - a n I sieged f o r I n fo m ta tlo a a s to, tt
throughout tho nation." a g a in s t h e r h u s b a n d . S h e a lso a l- , A m erican d o lla r In v este d In big O e r - ; p e rt o f o b ta in in g positions t e i
This, b e said, -w ill add te tho g lo rv lowed h e r h u s b s n d d ep en d ed upon h e r; m e n b u sin e ss " u n d e r c o v e r” a t th is b ran c h .
achieved by our sons In battle" e n d e a rn in g s f o r th e g r a tific a tio n of his tim e.
will “aid In the g n a t task of r e s to r- ex p e n siv e ta s te s . H ow ever, b a n k in g m en 1
Borne of Hie el » ris s o f w h e t A m e ri­ a p ected th e s itu a tio n h e re i
tm t p r y p w tty . tntf w ell-being to our D e p o sitio n s b y th e h u sb a n d , on file!
c a n s a r e doing In s business, w a y 1« s ta r ti n g o p e ra tio n s
h e ro to d a y , s u p p o rtin g a cro ss-b ill,
______ named H o m e r S a m u els, th e sin g e r's G e rm a n y a re m a n ife s tly f a n ta s tic .
W d farewell
te n to » fateful y e a r K verv few d a y s th s p re ss t a r r i e s -re­ S u c h in v e stm e n t a a s 1
w hich
h ic h h
kMas witoes
WM* cod th e signing of a a c c o m p a n ist. T h e f ir s t s ig n e d b y Tunits
■w p o rts th a t th is or th a t A m e ric a n c o r­ a r e s o g u a r a n t e e d .
p o ske«
-v - tr*—
h a t. I.s lik e a to k----
e gf v ic to ry Krieger, Chetsoa P a r k , PJne HUI. N. Y., p o ra tio n baa bought o u t - a b ig o r c o n ­ c a n s o a rc e ly ' (ose,
a a d a tim e f o r h o p e ," t b e j •entier sa id . related that he had seen a d is p u te b e ­ tro llin g In te re st in so m e s te e l p la n t or
tween Samuels and L u ig i Galll-Curcl .'m in e . T hen a few d a y s la te r, it d e ­ I* '
a t the OalU-Curci h o m e. It was f a l­ U. t , g q b the ways, ond Mrs. Archibald MeNsil, Jr*» velops th a t th e c o n c e rn h a s m a d e go
lowed by the departure o f Samuels and •* «
to I J r., B rid g ep o rt, Conn , c h ris te n e d *c h a n g e s In its - a p i t a l boldine«.
ths singer. Depositions of servants In Am trlca'i. O ne sto ry , ex tp e w o jy p e rs is te n t, h a s
ths N e w T o r k h o n s of tho Oalll-Curcl. ■ - H . recsntlj . b een th a t "*« A m e ftf k n , Nbn '
»aid they th o Æ k tth # two “got along ««hm srin« • ttÄ T S Ä S .
th o u g h t lund i» H rrttht*
w ell h rid se p

11 sc œ
M is

Vi j


The Evening* Journal

Fair, colder tonight: Friday,
ir, much colder: fresh west
id nurlhurst winds, possl-
Yesterday 20,166
\bly moderately strong on the




r l I Birth of 1920 Joyously Welcomed at Citywide
FROM BRIDGE Midnight Celebration —Pandemonium
: » l u
Armed Guards Con­

I k
Victim Drops 75 Feet From
B. & O. Span Over the
Breaks Loose at Midnight Hour, Festivities
Continuing Until Wee Hours—Hotel and Government Succeeds in
I Forcing Down Costs of
REPUBLICANS KAISER »ONT tinue Search of Sur­
rounding Country­

mTnwu rritm'
Theatre Parties Mark Celebration
WlImiogtontaD, bid a fond adieu to memories will be Indelibly
the °id >ear in<i **vp an even nwc upon ,i»p mind« and h««*» °f u,e na- SUGAR IS UP TO
Only Few Commodities
»ONT WEAKEN EE TRIED FOR side for Condemned
Negro. May H ave^i
Gone in Direction n
Baltimore. Author­u
1 ~ n„nr»T/inTni -, -v bllarlous greeting to the advent of the lion's population.
WAV RYpif[\IvfVltI Y I I All new year, whose probabilities and pos- The dawn of the new year w-as the
ff ZlO IVUEillOlf liLil L-Lirtl/ glbilltiet aPe yet in the making. To occasion for much rejoicing and mer-
I many, the of 1919 means the end
Considerable mystery surrounds the of a prosperous and joyful 12 months,
rymaking throughout the city. U will
also be Ihe occasion for the making of
LElllO A rUUilU
WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 (United Press.1
ONTHETREATÏ »AR CRIMES ities in Maze of Con­
I v identity of the man who either jumped, while to others it mean« the beginning new resolutions and the turning over _f(ew Year’s day found the American . . . , , i .... . —— , ,.
fell or was hurled 75 feet to h's death of a new era and increased aspirations, of new leaves In the book of fame and people paying an average of six per lUSlSt OU IzCnroOt I rOt6CtIOIt, A11168 W 111 KCCJIICSt EiXtTSdl-
from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad The country at large and Wilmington progress that will be expected to act , ent. more for necessary foods, as com-
as the rule and guide of future lives, j pared with January 1, 1919. according !
Will Fom­ (ion. But Holland Will DESCRIPTION IS
bridge over the Brandywine late last in particular saw the passing of the n iu vw
night The man wore underwmr of old year, and the joyous ringing of and particularly during the 366 days [to figures at the Bureau of Labor Sla-j promise on Article 10 Refuse SENT BROADCASI
the finest texture, and curried two fine the new, and while there was the of 1920. >t being leap year, list 1rs today. Prices of some staples
linen handkerchiefs, one blue in color usual pandemonium of whistles, horns, Although Wllmingtonlans have al-1 have gone down, these government rc- Although fatigued alter thefr chase
I- and the other red. So clean wore his cat-calls, and other noise-making de­ wt*yg been deeply cognisant of the New I ports showed, while prices of oth' rs I)DL'Ç|ItL''\,T M \V
h«nds, portions of his face and his vices, the crowd which pervaded the
body that It Is doubted If he had been city as the midnight hour approached,
Year’s celebration, that whloh marked have Increased- but the "average has I liClMlMMA 1 ITIAl
the ushering In of the gnat event at I been upward during the last year. i |j|a rxirpi'n ijn l frrp I’f/’ll'r
MATTER WILL THEN through the upper part of New Castle
county and adjoining counties in Penn-
working either on the railroad or in was in more of a reminiscent humor
any shop or mill.
midnight, was more general and even: That the government Is making a lit-1 Urj-Lil 1 Til I LALL F Hill £
more pronounced than for several1 tie progress In its tight to lower living!
BE ALLOWED TO DROP sylvania all of yesterday for Lemuel
Price. Negro murderer of Patrolman
than that which had taken part In sim­ vears. The war during the four years 1 costs. 1s indicated by the fact that since |
The man’s faoe and head was badly ilar celebration« in past years. There Zeldey, who escaped from the work-
crushed and both arms and his left leg was no doubting the fact that the of its duration had a deterring effect | August, the month the President di­ WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. (United WASHINGTON. Jan. I Tinted, Press). , . house last Monday evening, the posses
were fractured by the fall. Every ef­ old year wrought many changes and on the Christmas a.'.d New Year ardor reeled Attorney-General Palmer to in-1 pn^s.)—pe»ident Wilson hw re-entcr- p.r at Britain will welcome refusal by Ula, „,P rmlntr>s|de yesterday .
fort was made this morning by Deputy shaped many lives, but it was good of the^people, but with the war ended vestigate and to use all means to bring, ed the peace fight In the opinion of Holland to deliver the former kaiser n-snnicd Ihrlp quest today. While tho
I Coroner Nichols to find someone who to a majority of the people and its Continued on Page Twelve. prices hack to as near normal as possi­ for trial, it was indicated In official polier und Stale Detective Met oy
might identify the body, which is at ble, there has been a drop in the cost | w«ll Informed Senator» to whom
„ . no fitdrnff in a report from Concord-
the morgue, but the search had been ■ of some food. Senator Hitchcock today told details Punishment of the former Kaiser and ,m, >rsirrday to Ihe effect that a
I Round steak, for Instance, has dropped j0f hi9 wlth j p Tumulty, the other German criminals Is worrying Negro answering the description of

unavailing up to 1 o'clock this after­
The victim was about 25 years old, 5 '
feet 9 Inches In height, and wefghed I
about 170 pounds. Ue wore a blue serge ■
ENFORCE DRV LAW CRIME DECREASE from 39 1-2 cents to 37 9-10 cents per j
pound. Bacon is down more than two | President s secretary late yesterday.
cents to 55 6-10 cents a pound. Flour |
tlreart Britain, it was said. As a matter Price had been seen (here, it was ad-
Tumulty said he called on H'tcheock of form, however, the British and ,nitled that the present location of that
French governor nts were expected to Negro hud haflleJ the authorities so
dropped a small fraction of a cent’ as ! to get Information for the President. request Holland for Wilhelm’s extradi- far.
suit and cap of mixed colors. His shoes ;
were black, No. 8 in size. There was !
nothing on the clothing to indicate |
where it had been manufactured, nor 1
anything in his pockets which would I
IN ILL STATES HITS REVENUE I did sugar. Potatoes were down more Senators cannot understand why Wll- 11Ion Holland, it was said, will refuse
than a cent a pound- Against this there ! son wants information concerning g on

eggs, close to two cents In butter, and ed his hand« unless he intends to take mailer will be dropped.
one-fifth of a cent in milk, per quart. it up again.
ilesident Judge Herbert L. Bier and J.
ground of constitutional W"- frank Bali, secretary of the hoard of I
has been an Increase of three cents In:imhtter of which he said he had wash­ visions covering the ease and then the (misters of Ihr workhouse, were «
'ton at that institution today. They
Ihe request for extradition will not i went through the prison with Chief

Here are the figures on living costs The President’s Interest In develop­
he based upon a genuine desire on Ihe Warden Cross who evplainrd ihr course
Continued on Page Twelve Roper Won’t Permit Jersey Reduced Income From Fines Continued on Page Twelve ments in the Senate is due. It was
part of British officials to bring the taken by Price In his getaway. It was
learned, to reoemt events In London
and Rhode Island to Ig- in Municipal Court Wor­ former Kaiser to trial according (o au- staled lhat the IruslePsT would not meet

where the utmost concern Is now being ithorlzed Informallon but is considered
nore Prohibition ries Councilmen

V. W. C. A. LEASES j manifest d over the proposal to ufike a necessary’ formality (o “save the face"u j today.
the American voting strength In the As a result of (he fr .Bless searches
! league of nations, equal to that of the of polillrlans who promised to see lhat niade during the past forty-right hour*
! British empire. Wilhelm was punshed for his crimes. tlie authorities are In a ma/e of eon-’ fl

DISSOLVE FIRM JAN. 18 TO BE “LAW slrmalion. not knowing where next id II


j WASHINGTON. Jan. 1. (United
Members of City Council, and of the
HOTEL NOBIS j Lloyd George, who recently made a
: speech champ'onlng the" right of Ganada
i and Australia to sejtarale votes In the Mr
and Mrs. Joseph A Haley, of No.
turn. Rumors of the reported raptor«.
j league, is understood to have com­ 2615 West Eighteenth street are dis- numerous, too, as they were yesterday,
municated his views to this govern- playing an unusual pe tty Christmas
the Negro murderer today were as

lUiile Stale, rounty und city officials


Will Liquidate Their Invest-! Press)-Constitutional prohibition will «nance committee especially are not a _ # « I ment about the same time, pointing nut tree, which has attracted many visitors were exerting every effort to rapture
during the holidays. The scenic effect ihe Negro by organizing searehing par-
i . rv i . rv • he enforced «trietlv and enuallv In *11 little anxious over the outlook for Cafeteria, Club Koom and (hat the reservation on this subject
proposed by Senator Leoroot and mad. of particular note There is a garden ties, Sergeant Benson of Ihe detective
ment Banking Business commissioner of *•«» "hieh to run the munici-
\ By Mutual Consent interna, revenue doored today forth- Offices to Be Located part of the Lodge reservations would and lak<> al
cause trouble It dlsf ymrhlses Ule and an atlrsctl
ond of lhe >*rl
bungalow wlth a eim. ars hearing photographs and a
^ sendmg out

In a Stat^monl backing tho m« n» as to the pr0spects. neverlhe- at New Site« I Invd Geonre I«said tn have Pr,,ttT background at the other en I tleseri|.H..n of Ihe Negro and the an- ejM
fnr a 'law and order undaî In Jegs remarjis dr>pped at meetings informed this govemmmt,adding that The entire tree and yard Is ft ted with | nojrne^em «» the offering 115°° re
, < The Young Women’s ChristianA^GrealBr'LdnfcIs constrained to ^ "SpcarlnVe. W‘e " iCC"' << have bin pr.n.M and Ä
TO DEVOTE TIME TO churrhoB on January 18. Inn
sion^r issued a warning to slates which
of Council In committee of the whole
several weeks have tended to
PERSONAL AFFAIRS rim thre'atenirrg to ignore the dry laws. sPow that the city will need every cent elation has acquired, by lease, ihe en- p/>sp
tire Hotel Nobis building. No. 802 Mar-,^ A'ght^To^afler the"“ o’SbT
m.nsure vv urn would deny ____________________
YEAR’S EVE AT Y. M. ... A.
v, far, one being sent to every city

/ ‘I cannot believe.'' Roper said, “that 0f jnc()me It possibly can get together
any state or other political division will jf n js [0 COme out anywhere near even
and Company, brokers, with offices by failure to respond promptly to Its on June 30.
fronting on Tenth street tn the duPont : full legal and moral responsibilities of
kel street. The lease has been signed
The Investment banking Arm of Scott consciously bring discredit upon itself when the fiscal year comes to an end and the association will take posses-
in Die league.

slon tomorrow. In this building will ens to bezwme the enix of the trqa’y at 9 o’clork and continued until an |
The latest Intimation of the condi- be located the office, clubrooms and, fight, displacing Article in as Ihe ob early hour this morning. Al mlrtnlaht. f " anj
A pleasant time wa* spent bist night
The Î,enroot rearr\*«tIon now threat- jthe Y. M. H A Hall fianring started . ..
™ "'** 1*?
Frank Mahnn^v u Î
, . . patrolm( n
M.rtanw '
^ *

Building, has decided to wind up Its intlallve ond cooperation in (he enforce- Hons came last night a*, the session of cafeteria of the Y W C V These va- Continued on Pa^c Twelve. (those present entered wllh a will in a, M ?ndmle , .l,cDaD. *,
business. Henry P. Scott and Harlan G men! of the national prohibition act.’ rfous* department have been located, at! ------------------- ---which was eonttnued unt.i the I
Council In committee, when the pro­
Scott, brothers, who comprise the pres-. , . . . ... posal to reduce the lax on doirs was re-, different places In this city, but now AVIA IMlTFRn I New A ear Was several minutes ol«L A ! arresl(y‘ Lem Price at No 9 Decat u. ]
ent Arm, have been in business together i Hhode Island and . J. •
Prior to that limeH. P. 1 the two states that have decided to vlved. Councllmal McManus, who pro- ajj Will be housed together The new illjlIIVr.vj,} /ilAlf 11.AUU' : number of the dancers had brought street following the shooting at tho J
1 since 1893.
sented a petition to Council some weeks location will be retained and used until i ! various kinds of noise producing appa­ Price home. No. 818 East Sixtji street, 3
Scott wasIn Investment enterprises 1 tight Ihe constitutional amendment,
indlvldaully. “I can have no different standard ago, signed by a large number of dog (b)- prnp0scd new Y. W. C A. building, TAKE TOMALTO’S $23 ratus to use for the occasion. on November 13 Detective Mahoney ]
was instructed to proceed al once to i
Speaking of the d’dslon to close up i with regard to prohibition than any owners, asking that the tax be cut. in- jn King street. Is ready for occupancy.
Elkton, Md., and investigate a rumu-
the business. Harlan G. Scott said to- other law and 1 shall therefore Insist slsted on consideration of the subject. Although the association will take BONUS AS NEAV YEAR’S GIFT.
Several of the other Councilmen do- possession of the Hotel Nobis at once. Anthony Tomslto. No ÎOi Titnal! r.lpplneotl and Company and Ken- from there yesterday lhat Price had
<la,y: i uporf strict observance of this law, * Ro- murred, and Anally, Presld nt Lyon (|1Py wm not occupy It until extensive street, was held up and rohhed of 823 nir(1A Company yesterdiydistributed been found at a po’nl near that place,
“Henry P. Scott and myself have de- j per added said he could not see how the city alterations are made to the properly. at 2 o’rlork this morning while walk- bonuses among theiremployes as a if lhat clue proved worthless he was to
elded to dissolve our partnership by ; “Whether prohibition Is a wise na- could consider reducing the tax on any- —-------------------- ------- Ing in Tatrall street between Second ^S'ew Year’s gift
mutual agreement. During the war we lional policy is no longer a question for th^g proreed to Oxford and other points
Present and make both end. y/v UlkT fARINFTS an,‘ Tl"r,t M,T,R by 8 Nr*™8 9>*l‘ At the Kennard .lore the bonus was near there and to return by way cf
engaged in many enterprises ofa pa- debate among good citizens. It Is part meet. At this Mr. Mearns sad the do* IU IIIAlul lADillElO rifled his pockets while a negro wllh ^.*1 „„ VMrs of srrv,PP nnd ranir,.,| Kennet Square. Thego officers made u
triotio and civic nature and each of us 0f the constitution, and all law abid­ lax had bc»n ad»Pt«d .l® ^COR PHOMAGR \ : her hf,,d hlm 'TP' Anthon>r reported the, fro,n »2 to »8U It amounted In all to record run to the Maryland town amt
Continued on Page Twelve ing citizens will demand its observance.”___ money for the city and not because of I rUtl 1 nUiiv/xII\.'\I fliJ robbery to file police saying that Wicj about 11000. from there «ot Into communication will. )
.any feeling against dogs. _________ Negress while going through his pock- . Sergeant of Detectives Green They had
.T°wk w 11 .ufcW8u aiTItuà ... , . . , .. » eU adressed her companion as “Slim " The Safe. Senslhr,. Drink. CI.OVER nothing definite to report, however, and
NEW JERSEY MAY ATTACK ,sald Mr. Mearns, the o!ty of AtJan‘a’ Workmen employed at the Jackson, A[ ,0 0-elCN.k th!s morn'ng Patrol- DAIRY QUALITY MILK—Adv.
has something ,lke 530 things which gn(1 sharp p]ant 0f the .American Gar . man M-'Ollllon arrested nille Williams,I Continued on Page Twelve
DRY LAW ON TECHNICALITY j Continued on page I we ve. and K0undry Company were pleased ! alias Slim on suspicion of being the Ï
XTrxTrrn fir inn r'/AI I/O
1 today when It became known that the : man wanted for the robbery. Williams
I company had contracted with the Co- "he> was the first man to be picked RUSSIAN REDS TRIUMPH:
JERSEY CITY, N. J. Jan. 1, (United “I have beet) Informed that the errors ___ up by Ihe police this year denied any
Press.)—The distinction between “alco­ In this ease are sufllc.ently glaring to SLEEP ON GUNS lumbla Oraphophone Company to con- kn#w!wtw of the Mae
Struct 20,000 cahlncls for prafonolas williams was ordered held while an
holic liquors’’ and “Intoxicating liquors’’ warrant questioning the propriety of
may Agure In an attempt to obtain re­ issuing the proclamation,” Edwards and to assemble these machines In Wil- investigation Is made .....
Resident« of the Ninth ward. w*o m,„gton ------------------------------- i L0?înW- Jan' 1 ,Vn'M ^ress.)-MH- ^ .
vocation of Secretary Lansing procla­
said today. The secretary of slate can , have been more or less terrorized of Tho contract will provide PI ,\7F I\ fHÎMNFV OF !Ury r,ppO8ll,0n ,0 nuRR,“'s *nvh’' ^his he'douarte^ .Tw« £7 \
mation of raMAoat'on of the prohibi­ proclaim only facta. If discrepancies I )atc by the numerous robbegles there, employm-nt for Ihe next three months, 1.1 iJlI.TLlCl Ur cm ment I« crumbling on all fronts, ae- ^^"2* d 1
tion amendment, according to a state­
ment by Edward 1. Edwards, who was exist the State ofNew Jersey will In- are armingthemselves
the nallffeatlons b.
ortaking the
S^ttSTÄ t,0n
u„.contract colling for theconstrue-
* <Uy' I
Ä 1
JR fH 'o-dlng to disc-itches here today.
' Me'intim« « I snatch(-1
elected Governor of New Jersey on a slat that
“wet” platform. ted.” when they retire. It Is thought that ■■ ■ « m r_vi» sum KINGS. bave bP,>n dr,ven from Irkutsk, aoeord- negotiations between Estonians and i
Preliminary Investigation In Wash­ the many robberies have been the w ork . The cost of wo D?sp,tr ,h'“ ^ ,flSt la#,t '>v'’nln>t lnff 10 dtepBtch“ fr°m siberla" the Bolshevik! had bera broken off The J
ington Is said to have disclosed that
some of the ratifying Slat« legislatures
passed resolutions reading “alcoholic
POLICE AMBULANCE of youths who either live In the ward
or are familiar with conditions there. hlv
mlv he reduced conoid was N w >'*ar* EvP and ,hp ,trPe,s frf,nt . , ,hp B'',»h<’Vlkl heartened by the favo-ablo
con«" r were thronged with merrymakers, they ! Desperate fl^ttng continues ncBr t^ m’lUory s'tuation were «a’d to have
None of the robberies are blamed on p[ab,y b A «m 1« the „red I ot 1 on s of ,ookrd w;,h dlRdaln R,"’h « trifling, city, the dispatches said, with H«««- amifrd the F.slhon’ans of raising too
liquors” while the resolutions of others
read “Intoxicating liquors.” If this Is
BUSY LAST MONTH the laxity of the police, although resl- abl> j* .b_"«„thp?î,ùf ^pnPP .n,.lp hinz as a Are which usuallyallrarls
dents of the ward feel that the present Vf».Td-è-maker who ar-T“ed fnlm ,nrB’' l'rowds' Thr b,*le wa* ,n 0,8 îuUle f'ff#ort to
Bolshevik fo-ecs *PP"rPn,,y. rJ8k‘"^h many difficulties They th-cste'-d to 'é
nfl a »r'‘a‘ 8rm>- "«'"'t Bethonls. Ihe jj
officially veriff-d Edwards Is expected The policeambnlanee In December depictedforce will not allowthem to p",-"r^corrt-ct The latest rnodTs îri'mney at St. Joseph’s B. C. Church forcesof '''ÄJm'TtR,^Trot k . dispatch sa'd, and the Rslhonl&n dele- 1
to point out to Lansing that the Stales
did not aet upon the same resolution -3?s----- -
and that rallAoatlon of the amendment runs for November. The runs wer»
p”"“p-yä„. nï*_ _ _ _ _ 4
Is consequently Invalid. divided a# follows: during
Tho ambulance Night, 55;
the day. 115. rHÄlliri? UULn
month THEM
(i|YkJ\ » Iitz!»1

At the Evening Journal Office.
8 00 A. M........42 12.00 P. M.. ..48
covered 756 miles.
The police patrols during the month
carried 167 persons, making 286 runs.
Charles Tnpkls and James Ginns re-
furtied yesterday from a western trip In
ni > ii,iwn
•T- I< Reploftie,
i«— «■»”»—»■...
'he prov- <>« b«'«W’ ont by•**>*
president of the \ mn-
ft.t"re developmer.ta. M ,m .m
' e . nf O.l. -sa »hont ovi miles
n w-lrclcs«
'• — •»
f|ic- h Brtl'sh
c nnineofficial olreies.
îo swing to tt was
r'7"’ «* i
«ad, that
view art fl
10.00 A. M........ 43


r, ro|- /TÏÏUA i Ä KrirÄ
vlslî This mother. Mrs. Mary L. Tore- »ringing the defendant and his wife to
the interests of the Goldwyn Pictures -I-irn
j-oralion o' AnicrUa. has ,n- ' ,0%v ' reported Indu- «••me sort of understanding with Hu»- ■
.........................7 22 A. M,lmanl £ N*0 «03 NorthFranklin street, a reconoillation. Deputy Judge Unger, P-lmos D - vvare countv Pa Vann- • kovisk. about 55 m'îes north of ilka- Important developments may • en; fr. ,, JÊ
Sun rises .
Sun sets .. .........................iM p- M over the holidays. He returnedfrom > Municipal Court this morning con- , . ’ ; nf r,f.eprateh «aid ')f „„bstan- M
I imos Corporation a. c will
IU y, «wuc
• a. wn the conference h- w -n In
James .- ...r, ‘ ■
C- nn'Gra
Mouth of rhrisliaim. ; overseas last October He is now tmued until January 31 the rase of GREETINGS! dium .. XI» P. ard Lltvlnoff *
High water .. *'N* 112
Low water ... ..2.00 K M 2.40 P. M. j
p m located n Washington,
:_____ ____
Willis Sgarklln charged with non-sup-
; port J. Frank Ball, coufi$«l for Spark* To nil a Happy New Year
'»’Thnlde« "l s«ft ’flnanee ?he mir
stockholders at 145. to finance the pur-
tiated means the broken'sections of While th’s conference, according to Ht» ^9
^ln^eaa^!;(l are fallh)g baok rapid-1 only offldal statement, given out «-
YOUNG PEOPLE DANCE. i lin. stated lhat outside Interference has In Nineteen Twenty« The'Primes Co. is a producer of van- ly toward the sea of Azov ( primary tyff^ct the exchanye of prit-
LOST AND FOUND. The young people of St. Andrew's J been the cause of the couple s dissen- lliallli and cheer with {oyoua adjum, molybdenum, tungsten, and Denikin It waa imKeated. virtually ha«! oners the.e was a f» «
I EFT ON P., n & W. TRAIN. -'T Church cave a dance In the parish i tion.
l.|gPSÄri!;Är^rS>''U»e last night. Many members of th- , l*a>s a plenty. •I her' alloys, boxing valuable deposits
•f these Piemen’s In Colorado, and a
ceased to b" an Important factor In the,Tort that ' 1,“* - *
military situation. His army spill Al- sort of a p aca agreement " ■
turned to Evening Journal Office, janl-3». i younger set and their friends were pres- 1 Certified Milk for Infants—Clover —Charles R. Palmer.
very large reAning plant at Primes. bed support withdrawn and his muni- possibly already have been dlaouaMO^- /,
Continued From Pago Ten. eut. Refreshments were served. Dairy Co.—Adv.

x I

\ ; (
ti w, f i '
.f . zr ' ;
fwlfiMi I'M"!
iTIi i'i n

tut" inslHH'"1"' T ? v "'fW'"
I 'I il J V - s

ilium ' J h- t'.fi 1 . .
wmi til t )f

public vvavAty
t I A-
l '
Washington, Jan. i. Partly cloudy
'fotlay; fair tomorrow.
& 4) 10 111 112
803T 41 (42
( 2 13 4 15 II I
kfcv 4:

VOL. VI. NO. 93 Entered ai Ifalter nt the Fotoffle. at rhllaJelphla. Pa. Fubllalied Dally Except Sunday, Subaerlptlon Price IHi fear by Mali. tSttitti rmiri ntnxTmct.
Under th Aot ot Marph 8. 1878. - , PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1920 Copyright. 1020, by Public ledger Company. L

' A MUMMER PRINCEKIN Two Children Die in Fire m:miiJ I --


- .fiKWHfc'' Ifl

Nofmal Temperature Lurka Behind

ir ' tFams- -' a 4M

Believed Work of Thieves

IIS BID 1920
Early Mask of Rain
It is a perfectly normal first day of OVER BRIDGE
the year, so far ns tho weather is con-
cerned, according to the weatherman.
Tho temperature today is very nearly
Father of One Injured Rescuing Girls, and

DELAYED WELC0W1E the same, as the average-- for the same

day last year, and the general weather
TO INSTANT DEATH Ladderman Overcome by Smofte in Blaze
condition is much the-sam- Which Destroys N. 33d St Home
Rain and Noon Start Cause The ,rain, which "for a time, Majority Choice for Cour)cH,
threatened the success of the Mummer
Miss Venita Fitzhugh Thrown eighteen years old, was away .at the
Two children were suffocated and
Sririnkagoof Number3 in1 paende, ceased at 8:fi5 and it is im- From Automobile at 30th burned to death, the father of one was home ot a relative. Presidency Would Rid City-- ,

'Mummers' Parade probable that, it will fall again today. Injured and a 'fireman, was overcome Aw aliened by Llttlo Girls of Chronic Inactivity' - V
and Walnut Streets

cash;prizes bring out

However,, thesun 'peered through the
louds that, had masked tho earlier ap-
pearance. ''The thermometer registered
by smoke in a fire that destroyed the
home of Max Chipin, 2027 North Thir
street, at 2:45 o'clock this
"ic, tn Tied heforc midnixht.
Chipin said this morning. "My wife
and r u'rA nrmiKPd bv bonhia. my
daughter, ,ahd bj Sarah Schlin, who



M. V


8 o'clock and is not tt1-- DRIVER,-T- r
7 degrees, morning. came into our room to tell us the race
all kinds of costumes eciea w 'go raucn mgncr ociorc unsuv
The prediction for' the next twenty-ou- r
Sophia Chipin, nine years old.
whistles were blowing and the bells
Were ringing.

hoiifs is, partly cloddy and colder Sarah Sclillu, eleven years old, 2143
onlght, and fair but much colder "After a while they went back to bed. chool
Prohibition Provides Timely If there is any precipitation Victim Had Returned Recently
N. Franklin street, a cousin of the other I had to get up with my Hall Says He Will Romaintjll arlety
tomorrow it will bo snow.
child. child about 1 o'clock, but I noticed

' Topic for Floats in Best From Entertaining American The injured : nothing wrong tlien. Race Until Vote Is Taken ' issem- -
Max Chipin, forty years old ; cuts was after 2 o'clock when my
Turnout of All and bruises of head and bo'dy. "It on Monday
'ood of
GIRL KILLED; BOY INJURED Soldiers in England William Etley, laddermanrTruclcNo. wife i aroused me. , She had smelled
IS; overcome by smoke, but revived, smoke. I ranup to th? stairs. Smoke floats
was pouring the stairway. I heard t tue
Detailed Information Two Automobile Drivers Arrested Miss Venita Fitzhugh, twenty-fou- r HUrt Rescuing Children the crackle of flames. I know I got
greatly excited. I ran downstairs with movement for Philadelphia."
"Let's put the punch In theifflrwrfrd.,
!&M?! "- -
Following Accidents In Qermantowh years 'od: a beautiful and talented Chipin s
injured while rescuing
the baby and laid her on the step next ?am J.
young actress just returned from six two other children, a girl two years
'"on Neiv Year's Parade A girl was killed, and a boy was
when' tbey were struck, by auto .months spent In England entertaining old and A girl four years old. Etley door. With
"My wife had nwakened our two choice of the Moore majorjty for preid
this slogan Richard Weglefn, assist
American soldier's, was killed at 4 was overcome as he tried to reach the
nomics in Germantown yesterdays o'clock this morning when she was children, who were trnpped aud suffo- children in the miodle room,. 1 car- dpnf. nf lye new ftnnnrYLnf fcwnv.n-n- igUSFa
Starting point Broad and Porter
Isie Morrcy, hve years old, of
153 .Germantown avenue, was struck
flung from an automobile from Walnut
street bridge to the tracks of the Penn
cated in the second-stor- y rear room.
Chipin later said he believed thieves
ried the younger one out. Some neigh-
bor sent in an alarm. I started back ucutuu tuuuj uinb :i
nw j.i...j
!,. iv nnuiu rj i,w3 tli ttia f
of is
, 'Time of start Noon. is she was crossing Germantown ave- sylvania Railroad. bad entered the bouse after the family for Sophia nnd Sarah, but the stair- policy to "rid Philadelphia chronic
Route--Nort- on Broad street,
h nue at Duval street and was Instantly The machine In which she was a pas- had retired and were frightened away way was aflame. inactivity in the matter of public im-
around east sldo City Hall, to Glr-ar- d 'tilled. The automobile was being driven
by William Breeze, of 2120 North Ncw-'tlr- k
senger skidded sharplv on the down- when members of the family got out of Firemen Raise Ladder
' When firemen arrived thjy raised a
provement?." '
avenue;-eas- t onQlrard avenue grade at Thirtieth and Walnut streets, bed to hear the bells and whistles wel-comi-
Councilman elect Wegleiu, who 'wjjl --

to Second. street. Tho body was taken to when the 'driver, William A. Clader. a the advent of the new year. He ladder. Etley, a ladderman, climbed be ,clected president at the organization
the Germantown Hospital, and Breeze nubile accountant with offices In tho said he thought the intruders started through a window and' started for the of the new Council next Mondav. said
'.The parade will split up into sec- -' surrendered to the police. He will have
tions, many clubs- - going to compete Land Title Building, tried to turn out the blaze through the careless use of rear room where he was. told the chil- he would with Mayor-elecf- c
i hearing today. to avoid a trolley car. matches. dren were. He fell, overcome, as he Moore in the latter s plans to make
for various prizes, offered., by various Dominic Dicallo, an eight-year-o- ld
Before ho could right the machine it The house, a y brick and
groped through 'the smoke. Two other Philadelphia great, the "best amopg
business men's associations. newsboy, was' struck by an automobile had gone up on the curb and crashed stone structure, w as being partly ren firemen 'reached the rear room and car- American cities."
Prizes offered by city $15,000. , v , Ledger Photo Service at Germantown and Chelten avenues into the heavy iron guard rail of the ovated by Mr. Chipin, who is a build- ried the burned and suffocated children Charles B. Hall, backed by the Varefs
Number of men inline 6000. James Martin, an eight-year-ol- d parader. lit tho ranks of the Lobster last night. He sustained general in- bridce. bendinc it with the force of the ing contractor. He was adding a porch to the street. Both were dead when leaders for president, announces va 1.
New Year Association juries and is iu a critical condition at blow, and hurling the girl out of the and sun parlor to it. taken to the Women s Homeopathic he is still in the field as a candidate for;
the Germantown Hospital. Alfred Volk, machine and over the side of the There were three rooms on the sec- Hospital. president
Six delayed more
thousandummers, G210 Hazel avenue, driver of the auto- bridge. ond floor. Sophia Chipin and "her EtlcJ- was found lying near a bed by
'!Are you going to remain in 'theO .

than three hours this morning by the mobile, surrendered to the Germantown She was picked up dead, with skull eleven year-old
cousin, a visitor, were Martin Lamon, a Truck No. 18 ladder-ma- held?" air. wall was asked, "in ta n.

rain that threatened ruin to thousands

of dollars worth of costumes, got away
shortly before noon in the annual New
HA .1 PE1CK NURSE BACK ON job police. fractured and tcrrlblv injured, bv
Clader, Edward J. McGpnigle, of 0013
Chestnut street, nnd Patrolman Sisk,
sleeping in the rear room. The middle
room was occupied by a boy twelve
years old and a girl four years 'old.
The unconscious fireman was of the fact that the majority has agreed!
carried to the street, where Tie later upon Mr. Weglefn?"
was revived. u.nat mak-c- s
no auterence, -

TWO CELEBRAT0RS BURNED yho saw the accident from a passing Mr. Hall. "I will be a candidate

Year's-parade- .
' Mr. and Mrs. Chipin slept In the Chipin said his;loss would reach $10,-00- 0. 'untiE-th- e

Fifteen thousand had been expected trolley car. front rodm with their ld Virtually all the furniture and vote is taken next .Monday.-- ', J
to march. H. Bart McHugh. impres- N FLORIDA B ROKEN NOS E The girl's body was rushed to the daughter Grace. Another daughter, clothing were destroyed. Mr. Hall's' announcement was ma
ario of the parade andv representative Man and Nephew Seriously, Injured University Hospital, but life was ex known t6 Mr. Weglpip. ,df
of city Councils, announced shortly be- When Ftrlng Cannon tinct.
Clader, driver of the machine, lives
"That 'iff his nrivlleire':" said Mr ifT'I)

fore the starting hour that the number Two men were seriously burned about at 0104 Christian 3treet, with his
Wcglein. "It
minority places a Candidate in
is often done-tt- kit
had dwindled to 0000 because of the the face, eyes and neck at 12 :30 o'clock I the-flcM-

inclement weather this morning and the Magazine Article Written by Him Attack by Jewelry Store Thieves this morning, when they were firing
mother, Mrs. Mary Clader. Miss Fitz- Mr. HalL's candidacy will not affect'tbo
postponement of the parade until noon. hugh, an old friend of the family, had situation unfavorably. I see no reason
Leads to Retreat of Kennett an old cannon In celebratioU of New
Some of the mummers, aggrieved, re-
Fails to Keep Girl Year's Day.
come to visit at the Clader home upon
her return recently from abroad, where SHIP RUNS ashore; held by ebbing tide why it should interfere with plans for
fused to march. The victims were Bartlett Arm-bruste- cr the Harmonious action or. eouncUmwo
The gay ranks of flashing saHn and Square Ornithologist From years old, and his tor six months she had appeared before with thf incoming administration .'.
CHATHAM, Mass,, Jan. 1. The steamer "Wlllpolo ran Into
forty-fiv- e
embroidered brocade, set off by the audiences of Amcrjcan soldiers. nt
.grotesque humor of the comic clubs,
nephew, Bartlett Armbruster, Jr..
twenty years old, both of Thirty-sixt- h "Venita was just back from Lon- gaud on tbe eustern side of Sliovelful Shoal off Monomoy Point Wants Improvements Pushed m . .
and enlivened with the music of many MISSING FOR SIX YEARS "SOME and Morris streets. Tbey are in the
don," said Mrs. Clader this morning. Mr. Wczleln said that he wa r.r1lJ tr .

bands, marched at a lively pace up FIGHT," SHE SAYS Polyclinic Hospital. "She was staying for a while with me, early today and was held fast on an ebbing tide. The cutter tlcularly Interested In the pushihgtpT 1 i
Broad street, showing no sign of the and last night my son and Mr. al
Acushnet hastened to her assistance. The Bea was smooth. The public improvements. In this connec-i- . i '
The two nlen ..were- - usingv an old took her downtown to see the tion he suggested that a survey shoulrtj?
fatigue of the long wait. The mystery of the disappearance A broken nose and a- - black eye did cannon which belonged to the Sons of New Year in." steamer formerly was the Yaphonk, a vessel of 3283 tons. be made of the status of .public im'r,
The start was at Porter street. The six years ago of Charles J. Pcnnock, not keep pretty Miss Ruth Kugler, a Veterans. In tho act- of charging it Tho party of three remained down- provements, as they now, exist,, on .paper'
route led up Broad street to Gjrard 'rained nurse, from going out on "a some sparks from a red likht which town all evening, dining at a cafe near or otherwise, with the object of deter
avenue, then east to Second street. justice of the peace, tax collector, they were burning fell into Ujo. powder
case" today. in 'an open can beside the cannon, and Broad and Chestnut streets. They left mining the best aud quickest mcansoft
Son Puts Life Into Pageant
banker of Kennett Square, and a noted
, Yesterday Miss Kugler was in the for 'homo in Mr. Clader's car.- -
It bringing- - all plans, for public improve- -' M
it flashed up. in their faces.
The coming of the sun, which burst
ornithologist, has been cleared.
It was said today at the home of
ewelry store of Sydney Welssman,
1503 Susquehanna street, when bandits
was but a few minutes later that the
accident occurred. HOUSE ROBBED OF $25,000 Iff JEWELS
ment to.fruftion.
He specifically referred to fhe,pri I iJ
through skies not long
his cousin, Dr. Richard J, Phillips, of jntcrcd the place, beat Weissman and A Clader was uninjured, being protected nosed 'Art flnHon. tin. PnKHn T.lli.n'i
affe'r the, parade had been officially Miss Kugler nnd srole jewelry worth MERRYMAKERS AT FIRE by the steering- - wheel. the Convention Hall and the hrghjriaJM
..pctPPar Pu.t new ''e 'nto e raura- - 123 South Thirty-nint- h street, that McGonigal, DETROIT, Mich,, Jan, 1. Jewelry valued, at nioro than
Mr. Pennoek had been found in Florida, ipiono. however, was thrown so violently transit system. Street imnrovMfeawrjra&i
UlCiOi nUUi,u 4 a, k'J W1UKW ,hm,v wuv -
where he has ben living the life of a The bandits, of whom there were four Crowd gathers at Early Morning against the car by the impact that, bin ,?2B,Ot0waa stolen, from the home of, Griffith "O. Bills, in the are also an the program. Sy',, f --

,had been empty in the


hours- this .morning. hermit. His retreat was discovered by

his friends in aU unusual way, after
one a woman escaped in a .touring-- '" naze In ..,
.'J. lwr-B'..V.-
nose.vas broken-an- d
knocked-ou- t.
He was' treated at the
'fashion&bleIntiiaua --Village- section, last alight, according,-t- a "will o ",My policy ,ald Alt
be to work for a progressive PhU-T-

It was the first, New Year's Day

parade in two years; last year's ccle- - they of ever finding him,, Miss Kugler, rooms at 213C North Smokecoming up through tho grating University Hospital. report to the police today. The jewelry, stolen during" the adelphla. To put improvements, wbjtik'

Mr. Pennoek recently wrote an ar1 Thirteenth street? Yesterday being her in front bf 1217 Market strett from the Clader was placed under arrest after absence pf thd family at a new year's 'Vatch party included a have been too long' delayed, under way
bratiou having been split, Into sectional tide about birds for a magazine. This day off, she went to the Weissman store cellar of (the United Hat Co. attracted the accident and had a hearing this at the earliest possible moment. 1 will '
celebrations, and the lapse of time started the search anew, and at last uuve u the attention of New Year's merry- morning before Magistrate Harris at necTilace valued at $20,000. work in harmony with the Alayor, who1 J
while she was consalting the it
i waren engraved, was
doubled the brilliancy of the pageant, he was found in Florida. jeweler makers at 1 :4o o'clock this morning. the Thirty-secon- d street and Woodland wants to see the city great, who wafatff,"
despite the. reduced number of matchers. mat idc qanuits entered. Sue was bat- When firemen arrived, they were avenue station. He was held without the city nationally advertised and who
Clubs and costumers view: with each The ornithologist disappeared on tered in the face with the butt of a hampered by the great crowd that had bail to await the action of the coroner. wants people to come here and see what
other as never before to' make the May 15. 1013, after delivering an gathered and by the fact that the. .door
at the Academv of Natural Sci- revolver. McGonigal was released on his own we have got, iu art, industry, j;om.- -' t i'f
parade today a spectacular success, and ences. Mrs. Pennoek came with him Miss Kugler pluckily summoned aid of the store was locked. They were recognizance to appear us a witness at luetic, uuuuli; uuu JU u?a UUU liicUB
tha result came entirely up to ex- by telephone. Then sue revived Weiss- forced to tear up the grating to get the inquest. of promoting the public welfare. ci '
pectations. to Philadelphia from Kennett Square, at the flames.
but returned to their homo after a shop- man. "As a start, we should make
The fire was extinguished before any Had Plajed Important Holes
Never were the fancy costumes so
IMRKINWn voy of plans for public imnrovementa. 1
After receiving treatment from Dr.
brilliant. Virtually all the costumes
were brand new, and months had been
epenrm creating tuem tor todays tew
ping trip.
Mr. Pcnnock remained to deliver his
lecture. After leaving the hall he went
John A. Boger, 2213 North Broad serious damagepassing
street, sho returned to her room and, lieved that a
was done, it is be-
reveler dropped
a lighted cigarette butt through tho
.Miss Fitzhugh was born in St. Louis.
Her grandfather was the late Colonel PAMinFHINRi The Pnblii! Library at present consists?
of a hole in the Parkwoy.
to Broad Street Stnrion to take a train. without relating the incident, went to grating. This started a fire, it is sup- iltzhugh, a cousin of Fitzhugh Lee. "The Art Gallery is still more or less
hours of fun and frolic. There were 2140 Park avenue for her dinner. She was educated in a convent, but took a mound of earth and rocks. The prd- -
costumes in each of tho four fancy That was the last .seen of him. Miss Garrity, who conducts posed, which spread to the woodwork in to the stage shortly after leaving the posed site for the Convention Hall. on
Late that night a porter at the sta- the the cellar.
clubs which had cost as much as $3000
' r Ki.,1 nml Vinrl WrtlilT.fl tll nnflonf tion picked up his handbag in a wait-in- e boarding house, said :
"When Miss Kugler came into the
Her attractive personality and re-
IN AUTOACCIDENTS the Parkway, is the poorest that.-pos- -
sibly could be selected. The ,

h efforts
lot-isJ- r'
of dressmakers and seamstresses room.
dinlpg room tho other boarders started markable voice won her almost instant regular, there is no room for parkinjf. -
and the skill of hand embroiderers, for -- A nation-wid- e search for the missing HONOR LATE DR. 0SLER
two to three months. to tease her about the plaster that was recognitions Miss Fitzhugh broke in us nnd jn every way it is undesirable.''
from scientist was begun, but it met with on her nose and about her black eye. an understudy in "The Enchantress,"
Nor were the comic clubs behind comnlete failure. No person was found a Victor Herbert production. She was The Rev. Charles L. Hunter Re- One Machine Hits Graveyard vention hall is in Falrmount Park where
She is such a pretty little thing, with Ritual of King Edward Vll's Funeral
their more ornately dressed fellows in
the expensiveness and cleverness of
their turnouts. The comic feature of
who had seen Mr.
May 15.
Pennoek after
Examination of his accounts showed
ber gray eyes, dark hair and ross. Followed In Baltimore Ceremonial
cheeks, and she's always laughing at
introduced by Mme. Victor Maurel, wife
of the baritone, who lecognized her fuses to Recommend Politi- i,,t
vva.ii on mceiown uane
. .... .
i roi-le- y
beauty. V"" -- -
Under v."?"""-
this new administra- "'".
the parade, always popular in the Baltimore, Jan. 1. (By A. P.) artistry, nnd was instrumental in plac- tion, people will come to Philadelphia
New Year's pageantry, was better
this year than ever.
an-Du- al
they were in perfect order. His home
ife was placid. There was little upon,
which to build theories as to why lie
"I wasn't there, but I think y
Impressive services in honor of the late
said to her, 'Who've jou been St. Paul's William Osier will be held in Old
Protestant Episcopal Church
ing ber. Late In the run of "The
Enchantress," Miss Fitzhugh was
to Miss Kity Gordon, assum-
cal Prisoners' Freedom Hits Second Car more thnn ever before, we will batjft''
more nnd greater conventions and'we
must have an adequate 'aud pleasing site'
' ll
Floils Hit Foibles fightin' with?' And then she said here this afternoon at the same hour
vanished. ing the titular role on occasion.
The floats especially excelled. Every It was known that when Mr. Pcnnock
romething like tills: 'Well, it was some that, the
fight all right. funeral services for
I'm glad I got out mous physician will be held atthe
fa Later she nppeared iu Lew Field's APPEAL IS MADE BY WOMAN NONE SERIOUSLY HURT for a convention hall.
foible and folly of the day was "hit came here to lecture be had between Christ production "All Aboard," aud again Time to Realize Possibilities 1
off'- -' by one club or another. Such alive.' But sho refused to tell the de- Uliurch Cathedral, Uxronl, England. was a notable asset. When she was "Now is the time for us to realise
nnd S100 with him. This caused tails, saying they were all in the news- The Rev. Charles L. Hunter. r215 Thirteen persons were slightly hurt our wonderful possibilities. Asfiti
insrtiTK as nrohibltion and the hish the police to make an investigation on papers. A notable gathering of members of nineteen she applied for a minor part
cost of living were burlesqued with tell- the medical profession and other friends in "Tho Sunshine Girl," under Alfred Ridge avenue, pastor of the Wissa-hiekn- today in automobile accidents iu this nov our plans are vague and our,
wprki)" r,
ing effect from every conceivable fuuny the supposition that he was attacked "I thought 6urelv she. oucht to t?n and admirers of Sjr William will attend. Haymau, He tried out her voice iu his Baptist Church, has declined to city. arc at a standstill. We must puttltfc
jinele. nnd robbpd. As days passed, this theory home to bed and rest after a fight like The preach a sermou on "Granting Amnesty Seven occupantK of a passenger auto- punch into it. We have got to kpqck
was discarded. Rev. Dr. Arthur B. Kinsolving, office and was so impressed that he
Th lone wait for tho head of the that, but, no,, she wouldn't listen, I rector of St. Paul's, and the Rev. Dr. employed her aud cast her for an im- to Political Prisoners." mobile received cuts and minor injuries factionalism out of business nnd' (Ju!t(,
Then his son, Richard M. Pennoek,

barade to appear marching up Broad sure do admire her pluck." H. Almon Abbott, rector of Grace and portant part in his production, "The An appeal for such a sermon. Doc- when the car skidded on wet pave- which gets us no

Btreet was well rewarded. In the early of Kennett Square, advanced the theory St. Peter's Church, will officiate, and Marriage Market." tor Hunter sas, was made to him by ment nt Nicetown lane nnd Clearfield where. The people want progress, 'uot
hours, when a steady rain fell nnd cold that the ornithologist was suffering from the ceremony will be conducted accord Miss Fitzhugh was reputed to bear Mrs. Walter Cope. 200 East Johnson street early this morning nnd crashed the sight ot politicians scrapping while
winds it extremely uncomfortable aphasia-"- Tho son said that twenty years JUG OF RUM 141 YEARS OLD ing to a ritual similar to that used at a remarkable faoiul resemblance to street, Germantown. into the wall of the graveyard of St. the welfare .of their city goes by de-
to be out of doors, it looked for a before the scientist had suffered an at- the funsral of the late King Edward Blllic Burke, actress and film star. After refusing the appeal Doctor James tho Less Church. fault." A
wbHe as if there would be few specta- tack o! aphasia and expressed belief that Hunter announces he will preach Sun-dn- v
The party, which had been celebrat-
VII. Durlug the last few years she had night on "Mercy and Justice." ing the birth of the New Year, were ably Mr. Weglein said that he will probi. '
tors. The police were pn patrol along Mr. Pennoek had suffered another k.
And Wlstar Institute's Treasured appeared iu prominent roles in cquallj announce the membership of the ,i
the route, and the ropes had been
Btretched'to hold back the crowds but "At that time." the son said, "ho
Tipple Won't Flow Until 1992 famed productious, and had won un- "The sermon will be entirely different," all taken to St. Like's, Hospital.
he sab, "from the appeal which has They are:
committees of the new CpunSll within m
Want a drink of Hubby Spanked Her, Says Bride qualified approvnl. Last year she weut a day or so.1 "I am now.'1, he explain-
tho 'crowds were nowhere seen. had an attack of aphasia which lasted Tben stuff'' ld

.Mllford, Del., Jan. . Charged with abroad.

for its object the freeing of Eugene V. Joseph Levy, 1122 East Palmer ed, "ascertaining the likes and ' dis-
Then came the sun. and with the Bun several days, He was about recovering iu,st itwu"AlL T??.f ,d"!P Debs and other public enemies." street, driver; likes of the members in this respect,
the vanguard of a mighty host of spec- nro,I?d'heW'i8tar ute, Uiii- - administering a spunklug to his joung Mrs. Cope said this morning that she George Koss, 124S East Columbia so that the committees will bo
from inflammatory rheumatism. While versity Pennsylvania, and wife, Clarence Meredith, who lives uear
tators, who soon had taken every point In Philadelphia doing some shopping his of uncork the MISTAKEN FOR BANDIT was not the onlv signer of the letter avenue ; tently mauned with sympathetic coun-kfl- "
"little brown jug." The jug, and the Milford, was about to board a train for sent to Doctor Hunter.
of vantage along Broad street and
Girard avenue.. By hundreds and thou- -
imperfect good humor for the day's big
Y show to begin.
mind became a blank, Jamaica rum
"The first recollections he had was ears old. The contents have been
when he observed that he was in a Pull-
man car several miles out of Phila- of managers of the institute, who tip-

Ho was la the dressing room ped jt in 1S02, when the building was
contains are now 141
"tasted" by the members of tho board
parts unknown when ho wns appre-
hended by state officers, and thus ended Man, Tired Waiting for Trolley,
the romance of a sixteeu-jear-ol- d
The penalty for
ware is very severe.
in Dela-
Halls Auto and Is Arrested
Beware e Owl Line devotees If
"the members of the amnesty commit-
tee, many of whom are prominent
Cope' explained, is a local body.
Mr. and Mrs. William Oeters, 3520 cilmen."
She aid it bore the signatures of .North Thirteenth street:
Lillian Oeters. same nddresR;
The committee, Mrs. Twenty firpt street:
Kaiser, 2100 North
None of tho places which the ne fj
Council will fill was taken up at'"th'
caucus, which was held iu Hhe offlcj
of Councilman-elec- t James A. Deve)iAy
' k
X or the mummers tue wait was even the P. R. T. doesn't come along quick Louis Stonpy, 3001 Walnut street.
more distressing than for tho specta- suffering an attack of uausea. dedicated. It has bc6n sealed since enough to suit jou, don't hail any It is understood that an appeal for Four women and two men were expressed the desire to said
Muyor- - elect Mooro Is to ha
tors, for practically all of those who "He asked the conductor where he land will not be reopened until the cen a sermon on politirnl amnesty similar thrown out of an automobile nnd have Cllnq,
was and what day it was. Ho learned tenary ccieornuon. Mayor-elec- t Moore's passing automobile promiscuously and to that sent to Doctor Hunter was slightly hurt at .1 :,10 o'clock when Rogers Woodruff, William T. Colbe
had turned out to march were wait- The jug of Jamaica was left at a ask for a lift. A bullet from the driver their anil diaries eeld named cl
ing and ready in South Broad-stre-et that two days had elapsed since he bad forwarded to all clergymen by the "Am- machine collided with a trollev .

before 8 o'.clock this morning.

The splendid cloaks of toe .captains,
Costing., thousands of dollars, were not
been in the stores on Market street.
"There was absolutely no recollec British oncersCaspar
tion of what had hoppentd. He was tho hands of anatomy
.....,,.;, ,i tn nnw'uinn
farmhouse in Pennsylvania by some

in 1778. It came into
Wistar, who was
at the Univer- - "Greetlugs
New Year's Greeting or a night
to Philadelphia!
in jail ar just two of the
things you may expect.
Herbert G. Rankin, thirtj eight
years old, Twenty-sevent- street and
nesty Committee," Nineteenth nnd Eitzwnter streets. All l;ouncil,
The force of the collision threw the
were taken to the Polyclinic Hospital. slate will and
at service commissioners by the
it is expected that
be elected. V
brought out into tho rain. The cos- outi...u . -find in- hi - ,.-;.-- . -n nnn,. nrofcssor
n.nn.rl.iilii icncicic UMU-J Indiana avenue, got the latter and nar-
BROWN WITNESS RECALLED motor against the curb. All the occu- 5
which ho had purchased in Camden Mlj Ul iCUUPJtIWHIM, 4UVW-.IU- Greetings to our millions of citizens, pants but the driver were throw--
tumers who (had made them- - were at was acquired Dy ueuerai isuac j rowly escaped the first. Rankin was out.
the staling point, ready to put the final llo could not recall having been In New it Wistar, who endowed the proscut Wls
old and new! We are at the
returning home after a New Year's Eve No arrests were made. The machine was V0LL ON REYISI0N BOARD
touches on their handiwork, oud they Jersey." threshold of a new administration Miss Gladys Summit to Testify a hired one. The
tar Institute with tho sum of 51,000,-00- celebration and became weary of wait- machine was not .
saw to it that the costly cloaks were In some way, Mr. Pcnnock found his which we shall call, and hope to sus- ing for a trolley car at the corner of About Roommate Saturday badly damaged.
kept under shelter until the raiu --
way to an isolated place iu tins pine tain, a people's administration, Germantown and Allegheny avenues, bo Mount Clemens Mich., Jan. 1. (By The Injured arc Miss Borthn Norris Governor Appoints Philadelphia L
ceased. Wrests of Floridu, where ho has 'spent "Upou it is placed the burden of he hailed a passing automobile. The A. P.) A summons was issued thirty--
-- pnrs
old. 1841 Woodstock bor Leader to Succeed WHonA0
The captains were all there, how- six years studying bird life. NEW YEAR'S DRUNKS FEW stvering old political ties that have driver thought he was being held up for the. return here of Miss Gladys street: Miss Nellie Napper, twpntv-si- x John A. Voll. G03T Oxford a'rcerlE
ever, completely dressed ,savo for their He lived the life of a hermit, hav- outlived their usefulness and of tak- and screamed. Sumnil1-- of Battle Creek, whose story years old. 1011 Fitzwater street ; 'Mrs a labor Jpadcr, has been appojuted.r
cloaks, and ,tho subordinate marchers ing no companious. Recently he re-
ing ou a new form of government Patrolman Dougherty heard the dis- implicating her roommate, Mrs. Cecil Lucille A'an Kirk, twenty-tw- o vears Governor Sproul to the vacancy pa V
were there in costume'too. They found sumed his writing about birds and this Not One
Says "Happy New Year, turbance, rushed to the scone and ar- Vester, caused a warrant to bcs issued old, 2122 Carpenter street; Miss Nan-ni- f constitutional
which some regard as experimental,
jeans old caused by the declination ofcmmissluie
Covington, twenty-thre- e revision
shelter under awnings and in dwellings 'ed Doctor Phillips to his retreat. Ef- Judge," In South Phlla. rested Rankin. The prisoner had a for the latter, charging complicity in SecreU
and stores near the start until the but which many hall with enthusi- hearing this morning before Magistrate the murder of J. Stanley Brown. 23Q4 Catharine street: M. L Lew Is
forts will be made to induce him to Last night's "drouth" was noticeable
as an improvement of Labor William B. Wilson. '
storm clouds disappeared. Then they to his home in Kennett Square. this morning in the absence of "drunks" asm over the Wrigley. As nobody appeared against Miss Summit is being recalled as n thirty years old, 1011 Fitzwnter street! Mr. Voll is national president
heariug oM
Rallied forth on Broad street and kept
themselves warm and the crowd amused
whim ho dlsanneared Mr. Pennoek in dowtjtowu station houses. A can-
was one of tho most promiucnt citizens vass of the entire southern section of
past. .
"Wo shall assume this new task warning.
him ho was 'released with a word of witness at tho to be given Mrs.
Vester on Saturday, the accused woman jcuib uiu, iinsin
T T,B,
.v, """'"
iwenty-tnc- -
Olassblowers' Association of the Uiil
States and Canada and was tartar
by weird dance steps and contortions. in Kennett Square, He owned much the city showed that thero was not one with a clear conscience, with the fied"The driver would have been justi- having been arraigned late yesterday president of the Ohio Slate FederVi
real estate and was connected with u "jag" waiting to say "Happy New In pulling u gun ou jou," soin-ment-
and entering a plea if not guilty.
Silver Crown Club Load-- . Line hnnk at Lunorto. Pa.
hope and expectation tljat good will tho magistrate. Llojd Prevost, cousin of the slain ROOT FOR WORLD COURT ot t.abor. He has been actjte n l
The honor of leadlne thn nnrndn writ YearnJudgc." come of it and with a confidence in man' widow, who has several times movements and is an iudenendent 1 1
fo tha Silver Crown, famous as a win
His friends see new proof of his The' Pennsylvania Hospital reported the people who, notwithstanding the beeu questioned by the authorities, was Name Considered politics. During the war be served
hnslness nblllty In the fact that, with one case of alcoholism, but it was not GREETING FROM PRINCE custody this morning Favorably Because a member of the executive commiUo I
ner or nrst prize for many years. The clouded mind and less than 100, ho of the deadly "wood" variety. The limitations of human life and char- taken into as a
four big fancy clubs in line were the acter, are vastly more good than material witness. No charge has been of His Efforts to Establish It ot tue I'liiiaueiphia Council of NV
made a new start in mo, wituout g
patlnt wulked In, said he wanted to be
made against him. tlonul Defense aud was appointed' )t'J
iiver urown, tno Lobster, tho Charles any sort of help. put in shape, and after treatment evil. We shall strive for harmony John H. Potter, Eecort to Edward, Washington, Jan. 1. (By A. P.)
President Wilson ns u member of 1m
Vlein and fhA rSnlrlnn ftllnr,,. r.mi walked out again, iwjhii Root, secretary of ntnte. Federal
of purpose iu public work, for tho Gets Christmas Message From Him e one-tim-
Council of Natioual PefenMiiF't
flubs were interspersed here and there development of our resources and for will be called on to give his assistance
"pmc tne monotony of beauty and STUDENT8 TO CELEBRATE
John H. Totter, of 228 South Broad Start iYeto Year Right and advice in the launching of the great w
glVe thft nrnnoi nt, nt ,nt.l. ,A un Students of Girard College will cele- the betterment of tho conditions sur- street, who was ouc of the escorts to International supreme court provided by
trade. brate tho Incoming of the new year of William BaUid. forty-fou- r years old, rounding us, the Prince of Wals durlug his visit to by Writing It Right the league of nations. Envoy's Wife Killed In Efevtf
.0 beautiful rntfumon nt ..) .,-- . in their usual manner in the college 620 East ThompSou street, was "The fiejd Is wide and the oppor- this country, did not get a New Year's Mr. Root's name has been consid- Wasliliigtou, Jan. 1. Mrs. XL tfm,
by the costly outfits chapel this morning at 10. Samuel watching his neighbor across tho way, tunity great. Let us enter upon the greeting from Edward, as Bill' Nye, ered favorably In the selectiou of these Uval Dodge, wife of the America
Liw ??irt-0"-- e

r.t ., nt Rosenbaum, member of the bar, will 81mon Jundelewlcb, twenty-tw- o years Washineton, D. 0.. did. Incomplete returns received from manarers. in full recognition of the fact
MMiaT. lam Nhlnlrfa work with the assurance thtt the
Ktv.flca X. JJUDt .'wore a cloak
.1 .l
.."" deliver the address. Scripture lesson old, 033 East Thompson Incoming
and prayer will be conducted by the a pistol to welcome the
street, shoot
year. people are behind us and that there
Mr. Potter, who is now in Baltimore,
received a Christmas greeting instead.
and check signers in that the United Btates has not
various "parts of the city today indi- provea ine peace treaty. The ret
no- -
Croats and Slovens, was
nere yesterdtr in an ui.elrUt.tat wM
allied is tUHHD ri--
and thirty
feet wide.
. I
zr 1"a
,riy-iw- o page boys, ".resident ot the college, anu mo William is now in the St. Mary s Hos-

of the board of directors of the pital with a bullet wound in the big toe
are none who would obstruct us In
tho efforts we may put forth for the
It read:
"John II. Potter, 228 South Broad
cate that Q0 per cent of them
Jauuary 1, 1010, in (he date line.
,,ouna Jn m unremitting Rient llOUSa,
efforts' to Btbring such
through the elevator Khaft nt m o
WMI irlln tn ll.- -
t? B, ,(
the Immense will of his left Simon ivlll be glyen a tribunal as the vatnr If... TV,.3 ..V"t,' VIVAS' "
' woui ove Uera ImpoWbl Htv
te "tow Year 'gfttlu. qtudenfla bearing hMfot
qirard una.lfout- -
general welfare." street. Philadelphia, Pa.;
uunsimos grectwe. Start 1020 right by writing 1020. internatlesal rourf, i. ,...- - .. andrcashttd bead Jmt through iu .

a,' pxtend ,

clonl6 wltenJie wb premier of p

MMJrfcWl. iiitmt
"UJ- - .'Cei Pita uvr'jna wv 0
Y rA-i-- 3
JKwvVs Babbit, SBSyr
i --
i,H" "V
Fair, rolder tonight and tomorrow.
I.ouest temperature tonight about 20
Temperature for twenty-two hours
up to noon today: Highest. 44. at 3:45
p.m. yesterday; lowest, 31, at 4 a.m.
Full report on page 22.

New York Stock Market Closed Today Yesterday's Net Circulation, 85,054



VIKWA. Tuesday, December 30 (by

the Associated Press). -Dispatches
rt'ived here from Sofia state that Bul-
Karia has been declared under martial
law because of widespread riots grow¬
ing out <>f the high cost of living:.

OF NEWYEAR DAY Mr. Costello Will Appeal to
National Committee
Final Fixing of Pay Scale for Next Week. No Real Cause for Apprehen¬
Equalization Board Contin The democratic national committee.
ued; Mr. Wilson May Not Workers Soon to when it meets hero next week will
be urged to approve national repre¬
sion Over Outlook for De¬
Use Buying Power. Begin. sentation for the District of Columbia.
John K. Costello. democratic national velopments of 1920.
President Wilson signal
Druggist Accused.
th« Reclassification wheels turned mer-
committeeman for the District, said
rily today. Commissioners Hamlin. "1 intended to take tip the matter
McXary sugar control hill, it was an
nounced at the White House toda> His Clerk Arrested for (Cooper and Keating wishing each
other "Happy New Year" over piles of
with members of the committee.' said
Mr. Costello. "1 believe that suffrage
hut a statement given out by Seen
t;n > Tumulty said it was doubtful
¦whether the President would exer¬ Manslaughter. ¦class specifications, which they gave.
up their holiday to examine at the
should be extended to the people of
the District of Columbia and that MANY WEIRD CAMPAIGNS
cise his power to purchase <*uhan headquarters of the joint congres-. they should be permitted to vote for
s jgar. as provided in the measure. It
MKMI'HIS. Tenn.. Jaiiuary 1 (by tli? sional commission on reclassification !'resident and Vice ['resident and
Associated Press)..Theodore Pin- of salaries in the Pistrict. have representation in Congress.
was announced the President attach-
«d his signature to the measur.- he-
st"in. proprif tor of a drug store, and
Irvin .1. Bodenheimer, his clerk, have
While most of the 110.000 govern-!
ment employes of the National Capital
Something like $lO.nn0.0n0, in taxes is "Nothing New Under Sun' Ap¬
being raised from the residents of the
fore last midnight.
The hill continues in power the
1 eon arrested here, the former
charged with murder and the latter
enjoyed a holiday, the reclassification
commissioners were hard at work
District annually and they have no
voice whatever in the expenditure of
plies to Nation's Politics.Party
s-igar equalization hoard, which other- with manslaughter in connection with making final decisions on the class Platforms Recalled.
a- i^»- would have e« ased to function at
this money or in their own govern¬
the death Monday of Mrs. K. I. Handle, i specifications outlining the jobs of! ment.
m dnight. whose symptoms, according to police, BY V. O. MF.SSKXiKH.
Statement From W hite House. indicated alcoholic poisoning. < 'oittinlMlonrr* ;iif *^0 Sifii>."*
Plank In Platform Wanted. Timid souls who apprehend dire re-
Pinstein was released under $10,000 "Probably the democratic national
The statement in reference to the
hill piven out at the White House to- bond and Bodenheimer was freed un¬ Kven the "h o r < a'
had to sign tne
took prisi-led i convention if more properly the body | suits in 1920 from the 1919 outbreak
der $2,000 bond. to pass upon the proposal for suffrage of radii-alism should take heart of
ciav follows: over by the can the (tinrd at for the District. An effort will t>e
The President has signed the sugar .
Connrrtirnt Arrest* Total 35. the 6th street ¦¦»*:» c^ in order to grace from recollection of the failure
eontrol hill. This 1»i 11 confers dis¬ NEW HAVEN, Conn., January 1.. pet into "buildinv IV in wins s of made to have a plank providing for of similar occurrences in the past.
cretion on the President in the mat- which the commission has i;s head-! the vote here inserted in the demo¬
t- r of purchasing; sugar from Cuba.
Thirty-five men were under arrest in cratic platform. "There is nothing new under the sun"
Connecticut today as a resu't of the in¬ quarters. "1 believe that the sentiment among in politics as well as otherw ise, and the
J is doubtful whether it will he prac- vestigation of federal, state and city Commissioner Hamlin finally round¬ members of Congress toward suffrage
t rahle or wise for the President to officials into the wave of fatalities ed the commission ut> in thr hearing prophet's words still hold good. In
« xereise the power conferred so far and illness caused by drinking poison room, which has become familiar to
for the District has changed, and that point of fact, some of the radical doc-
as the purchase and distribution of whisky. Thirteen were arrested ves- scores of federal employes during the many men now favor it who in the trines announced now are conserva-
sugar are concerned. Some of the terday. course of the thirty t-earings before past were opposed to giving the citi¬ tive comparrd with the platforms of
«*uhan sugar has already been pur¬ zens of the District the vote. This parties of the past, which went to the
Fire early today wrecked the res¬ the commission, whic'i nded yester- impression I have gathered from
chased. and there is no central con¬ taurant known as Sabatini's. where day afternoon. and
voters in presidential election®", to be
trol over sugar in ('uha as there was the proprietor, the manager and a While the reclassification commis¬ talking to various senators rep¬ rejected with scorn.
last year, and it might therefore he bartender have been arrested in con¬ sion sat behind closed doors poring resentatives." Even sovietism and Jhe Plumb plan
impossible for the government now to nection with the investigation. Sev¬ over their class specifications the Prlmnry and Election I.,aw«. have been recommended heretofore
step in and purchase the sugar without eral explosions occurred during the chronicler of these events stood out- Along with suffrage in the District and for years the abolition of the Sen¬
increasing the price to the consumer. fire.
The hill. however, continues the
licensing power also, and this power
profiteering among distributers. Much
Woman HI: Man ATreated.
may he used to assist in controlling! MIAMI. Fla., January 1..lx-o Solo¬
mon of Jacksonville was taken into
Cuban sugar is coming in now. and! custody by the police todav and held
side the door and wondered what the
New Year had brought the reclassi-
float ion commissior
\<-»v Year Rrinps
The New Year '

of Hearing*.
,, first of all.
ANDERSON. S. C.. January 1
ADVENT OF 1320 would come a satisfactory law gov¬
erning voting at primaries and in
elections, with penalties for violation
attached. Mr. Costello said. The dem¬
ocrats. he added, plan to so ahead, as
usual, with their plans for a primary
ate and the electoral college have
been suggested, while the control of
all industries by the workers therein
has been a party platform.
(¦¦.f to Be Hopeful.
the indications are that prices have pending the outcome of the serious
reached their peak, and that there illness of a young woman companion,
v. i 1! he a tendency for prices to fall who was removed to a hospital todav
ithe next few weeks."
Signed \fter Conference.
from a fashionable hotel I^mm The
police asserted their beliel OTat she
The President signed the McXary was suffering from wood alcohol poi¬
the close of the
commission, and 1
presented by vari'
ployes of the
rS before tin
of the briefs
groups of eni-
government. It brings
an end of the request for higher sal¬
aries, and speeches in which the va¬
URGEDTOHELP GET Eighty-four years old. mother of
eighteen children, all of whom
reached maturity and twelve of
whom survive her. Mrs. Harriet
MARKED DY OPEN for the selection of delegates to the
democratic national convention. The
primaries will be held some time in the
"We will do our best with the pri¬
Any one who in the closing hours
of 1919 had time for retrospection
and observing the fizzling out and
failure of radical propaganda might
well start 1920 with considerable
th&t the nation will, somehow or hope oth-


Vaughn Vermilion of Donalds. Ab¬ maries. though. of course, therp is no er. struggle through this presidential
hill after a conference with Secretary] soning. rious groups told the commission law punishing any one for improper
Await Sew >ear Iteports. what splendid work each group does beville county, dropped dead campaign without being captured by
of Agriculture Houston, late yester- Christmas day. according to news voting here. Wc will have a registra¬ either dreamer® or bolshevists.
day, following a meeting of of the Secre¬ CHICAGO. January 1..Authorities for the government. tion of the voters."
tary with the members the sugar' throughout the country today gravely The New Year brought the comple¬ just received here. Weird and eerie were some of the
tion of the division of the 110.000 em¬ Although she and her husband Jarkaon Day Arrangement*. doctrines advocated and seriously pro¬
equalization hoard in Philadelphia; awaited reports from New Year eve
ployes into something likein 1.700 were comparatively illiterate, they Mr. Costello is the chairman of the posed to the American electorate even
i arlier in the flay. revels for confirmation or refutation classes, and the completion, final managed t,o educate all their chil¬ committee on arrangements for the within the time of some of us
The hoard, in a report recently sub- of their predictions that the wave of fellows, (ioing back no fartheryoung
mitted to the President, recommended] deaths from wood alcohol poisoning,
ihat it be permitted to dissolve, and which took a toll of
shape of about 50 per cent of the
"class specifications." It is over the
that the com¬
Campaign Will Be Launched dren. one son being a college pro¬
fessor and another a minister. Many Social Functions in Of¬ Jackson day banquet, which is to be
given the night of January 8. He said
that the arrangements had been prac¬ national people's convention at
1892, just look at the platform of the
rumor was circulated to the effect 125 lives remaining specifications labor.
thai its members would resign if the! days. would during the Christmas holi¬
be repeated.
mission members' today at Committee Meeting To¬ ficial Circles.Wheels of tically completed for the banquet.
This year the banquet is to be held
Omaha which nominated James B.
Weaver of Iowa for President and
AicXary hill became a law. Munt Fix Salaries Very Soon. under the auspices of the national James G. Field of Virginia for Vice
Early today there was a slight evi¬
Differences Are Settled. dence that celebrators of the arrival
The hoard held that under the law of the new year had not profited by
Actual fixing of salaries for the
110,000 local federal employes must morrow Night. Government Stilled. committee, instead of under the aus¬
pices of the local democracy alone.
President. The men. who met in that
convention certainly were overpow¬
of supply and demand the sugar sit-} knowledge gained of the effects of be begun within several days, if the Welcome, 1920. ered with gloom. They were the orig¬
uation would be relieved more quickly drinking outlawed liquor. commission is to make its report to Every public spirited organization in Having: given the Niew Year a quiet inal "viewers with alarm."
It was the District will l>e invited, and expect¬
than if federal control were con- pointed out. however, that it probably
tinued. The story that the members would require a full day for the seri¬
of the board had threatened to resign ous consequences generally to become
was denied at the White House.
It is understood that Secretary
Determined. Fight on Evil.
Congress by January 12. it was in¬
dicated today.
The situation the reclassification
commission finds itself in is a crit¬
ical one. owing to the uncertainty
which prevails as to w hether or not
ed, to join the drive to make theof city
.school system one of the models
nation. This Invitation will be issued
just as soon as the campaign is formally
launched by the organization of the
but hearty welcome last midnight,
the National Capital today celebrated
the day with open house and a gen¬
eral exchange of greetings. The
wheels of government were practical¬
MSMLI Listen to their groans: "We meet In
the midst of a nation brought to the
verge of moral, political and material
ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot
box, the legislatures, the Congress, and
touches even the ermine of the bench-
Houston, in his meeting with the j Fully ^wakened to
hoard members yesterday, ironed out consuming the poisonous
all their differences with the adminis¬ city, state and federal
tration and that they will continue to New York to San Francisco
serve under th,e new law.
officer? from
directing their efforts toward
eliminating sale* of the liquid. Several
states' attorneys announced their in¬
the Senate will grant the extension of
time of commission work to March 12.
as the House already has agreed to.
It is felt by some that the work
should plow ahead as if there were no
possibility of an as
It was regarded
likely today that
citizens' school betterment committee
at a meeting in the District building^
tomorrow night.
"It is the purpose of th* organisations
which have started the movement to
enlist the aid of every one who <ba« ao
interest jn the efficiency^ of our schools
Agreement Between Allies
and All-Russians Has
ly stilled, and thousands of persons
spent the day at home, or visiting
with friends.
In official circles there was the
usual social functions, although at
Lfae-White House there was no formal
celebration because of the illness of
IS BEFORESENAIE The people are demoralized; most of
the states have been compelled to iso¬
late the voters at the polling places
to prevent universal intimidation or
bribery. The newspapers are
subsidized or silenced, businesslargely
trated, our homes covered with mort¬
and the education of our children.. MM Been Beached. the President. Secretary of State
tention to ask for death penalties for
venders of the poison if murder in¬ Senator A. A. Jones of New Mexico,
chairman of the reclassification com¬ Roy C. Claflin. chairman of the Board
of Trade school committee today. "We
Lansing and Mrs. Lansing were the
hosts at a breakfast for the diplo¬
Mr. Knox Disagrees With gages, labor impoverished and the
lands concentrating in the hands of
the capitalists . . . imported
dictments were obtained. mission, will call a meeting of the DOHPAT, Wednesday. Decern ber
In New York, San Francisco, full commission within a few days to
have a big problem to solve. All the 31. (by the Axaoelated Pre**).All
matic corps, and receptions were held
Leader Lodge, Who Con¬ perized labor beats down wagespau¬ of
Chicago, Memphis. Te-nn.; New Haven. aid that can be enfisted will be needed. armistice iriu sinned today by rep¬ by the Secretary of the Niavy and Mrs. urban workmen, a hireling standing
Conn., and a number of other cities decide upon the wage policy and to Small politics, petty Jealousies and in¬ resentatives of Esthonia and the
Daniels, the Secretary of W^r and Army unrecognized by our laws is e»-
delve deeply into the whole question dividual selfishness must be submerged Mrs. Baker and Assistant
alleged sellers of the poisonous liquor
are under arrest. of wages, and finally actually set the for the good of the community. We soviet government of Russia. The
armlstlee will be in force seven
War and Mrs. Crowell. Secretary
tends It Is Not. tablished to shoot them down."
And That Wai In 1892.
Whisky substitutes intended for salary scales for all the 110.000 em¬ have a big idea which will be developed days.
The Association of Oldest Inhabit¬
New Year celebrators at San Fran¬ ployes of the federal government and to the utmost. Before the work is ants met at 11 o'clock at the Union The contention of the republican Whew! that was only 1892. How
the District government who come completed it is going to resolve itself engine house, when (Veorge W. Evans leader. Senator bodge, that the treaty did we ever live through it? The
cisco contained crude oil, embalming PARIS, December 31 (Havas)..An of peace with Germany is no longer
Seoul Chief of Police Claims That fluid, oil of peppermint and oil of within the jurisdiction of the com¬ into a triumphal processior^ Every live
intrust the
gave his annual
guarding of C. A. held open cron£>logy.
The Y. M.
before the Senate, owing to the par¬
party which adopted this preamble
carmine, chemical analysis revealed mission. wire in the community is going to join agreement the«
Transsiberian raifway to the
hot'/se at the central
liamentary situation following the
to its platform went on to demand <
Christian Missionaries and Edward H. Booth, a clerk in the that parade. There will be no reserved Czechoslovak forces has been reach¬ headquarters. 173'6 <p street northwest,
refusal of' the Senate to ratify at the
that the amount of circulatipg medi-
seats on the band wagon.first come, ed by the allied commissioners at and the Y. W. C. l\. is holding open

ARMSTRlGFUND adjutant general's office, yesterday um be speedily increased to not less

reclassification com¬ house this afternoon from 4 to 6 last session, appears to have been than $50 per capita; that the money
Prince Support Movement. presenteda to thefor reclassification of
first served." Irkutsk and the all-Russian govern'- o'clock at lost sight of since the holidays. Re¬
ment. according to a dispatch from northwest. headquarters, I of the country should be kept in the
mission plan Many Approval* Received. 1333 F street
TIOXOU'U:. T. H., December 23 (Cor¬ his own. He asked that the civil serv¬ publican senators today expressed the hands of the people: that the govern--
respondence of the Associated Press) ice classifications as to grades of sal¬ Since the movement was started by Irkutsk today. opinion that there would be no diffi¬ ment should own railways, telegraphs
Roland Robbins and Charles I. Cor^y Will Ho/d Reception. culty about that matter, if a series of land telephones, and
A widespread revolt against the Jap¬ aries remain as they are now. with of the Rotary Club. Dr. Arthur Ram¬
Allied Troops Outnumbered.
The Women's City Club is to hold a reservations can be agreed upon sat¬ things. a lot of other
anese is imminent in Korea, accord- the salaries for each grade increased VLADIVOSTOK, Saturday, December
ing; to the Tokio correspondent of
he Honolulu Commercial Advertiser.
JThe Japanese chief of police of Seoul
lias declared he has documentary evi¬
dence to prove Christian missionaries
are supporting preparations for the
uprising, which has the warm ap¬
NOW MOT 80 per cent. Mr. Booth recommended
tha£ all promotions
service be made in the order of se¬ the
niority of service, as adopted
Army and Navy, he said.
sey of the Chamber of Commerce. Jesse 27 (by the Associated
in the classified C. Suter and William B. Westlake
by the K. Oyster
for a court of inquiry, and asked that in
all the work of an office be consider¬ L.
Citizens" Federation. Capt.
and Air.
He asked of Trade, at a little unofficial
Claflin of the
Mr. Claflin's office. 1903 14th street,
erty and
meeting railroad to Vladivostok
last Saturday night, wht Supt. Ernest control
schools de¬
over mining
an American guard along the the

reception and dance from 4 to 6
Press)..Only ¦o'clock
this afternoon at its new club-
in .Jackison place. Members of
City Club and other organizations
are keeping! have been invited.
of the railways in the Suchani toDaughters
this afternoon
<yf Veterans, U. S. A., are
hold a reception from 1 to 4 o'clock
isfactory to the republicans and the In the same year the socialist labor
democrats. .

Whatever the opinion of Senator convention

bodge. apparently Senator Knox of(i policies
Senator bodge that the treaty is no
longer before the Senate. It was States.
and went
advocated many of the
of the people's convention
Pennsylvania does not agree with' the abolition of the They demanded
presidency, vice
presidency and Senate of the United
An executive
pointed that on December members were to be elected board, whose
Thurston of the public at Grajid Army Hall.
proval of the Korean Prince V'i Kang.
now held practically a prisoner bv Theater Patrons and Em¬ ed as of equal value and importance scribed
to the government, "since it all has have received conditions, these spokesmen trict "Partisan" forces in the Suchan dis- under the auspices
now outnumber allied troops,
hundreds of tokens of Twelve hundred Americans of the 31st Spencer Mussey Tent, No. 1. The L,e-
of Mrs. Ellen 13 Senator Knox introduced a resolu¬
tion providing for the ratification of .anv time removed by the House of
and at
the Japanese, the dispatch adds. to be handled in some form or other the treaty of Versailles in so far only Representatives, should control. The
approval from professional and busi¬ Infantry are guarding the lines of gion of Loyal Women is receiving
All news regarding Korean unrest is
subject to strict censorship, the Tokio ployes Contribute Liberally by every employe ofservice
The accountancy
the office."
of the gov¬ ness peopje and teachers.
The activity is now described as "the communication
from 3 to 6 o'clock this afternoon
between Vladivostok the New Ebbitt Hotel. The Kansas
as it provides for the
status of peace between creation^ of a states and municipalities to adopt
the X'nited corresponding changes in form of
advices assert, but enough is said to ernment closed the hearings before Tind the mines, the source of coal City Club is holding States and Germany. government.
be leaking througl, to make it plain
the Koreans are preparing for a great
to Relief of Family. most important movemert v\ ,ade in
the commission yesterday afternoon. behalf of the District schools." From supply. In view of the probability of 2 to 6 o'clock at 1104
Requests for salary increases were the allied guards of the in¬ nue.
open house from
Vermont ave¬ Democrat!) Objected. Government Still l^lve*. '

has been said to the men who attacks,


uprising in the near future. made by Charles Napier, representing what ternational railroads are considering The
Moreover, Senator Knox sought Well, when the people went to the
the accountants of the Federal Trade have begun to crystallize the school Columbia
of further protecting the Su¬ managers is to held a ballboard Hospital of consideration for the resolution, and polls* James B. Weaver, who com¬
Prayer* for Movrmrnt. Contributions to Armstrong Commission, and Alexander Wylie of betterment idea into a clear-cut cam¬ means chan railways for the purpose of in¬ at the New Willard Hotel for tomjght it was prevented only by an objection bined the national peoples' platform
Part of the al.V gred proof of the' Fund. the Interstate Commerce Commission. paign, there will be no lack of cordial
suring a coal supply to the all-Itus- benefit of the hospital. Various com¬ the on the democratic side of the cham¬ With the farmers' alliance platform.
missionaries' hand in the movement support from all local interests. sians at Vladivostok and vicinity. ber. It seems clear that if part of received only 1.041.021 votes out of
exhibited by *ie -chief of police of i'ontributions received by The Morale Strengthened. munity service clubs will hold gath¬ the treatv is before the Senate for the twelve million cast, whil® the
Kolehak's Appeal.
e?ul. is an appeal issued from the
printing press ot one mission urg-
Star to the fund for the relief of
Mis. J. E. Armstrong and fam¬ DENIKINE'S SPECTACULAR A strengthening of the morale of VLADIVOSTOK, Tuesday, .December erings.
the whole teaching corps was evident. 23
and there will be an enter¬
tainment at the central Y. St. C. A.,
ratification, in the opinion of Mr. socialist labor candidate polled 21.-
Knox, the entire treaty must still be 164 votes. Grover Cleveland was
ing regular prayers for. the success ily: the Associated Press)..Ad-'i beginning at 7:30 o'clock tonight.
riiy Kolehak there, as contended by the President elected and the government at Wash-
of the Korean national movement
Irince Kang. fifth son of the
Patrons Cosmos Thea¬
$896.19 STROKE HIS OWN UNDOING Mr. Claflin declared today, immediate¬ miral
ly following publication in the news¬ sued the on December 17 is-] Take \>w Tear Eve Calmly.
following appeal to allied The National Capital,
and administration senators.
foreign relations committee later re¬
The ingtonstill lived.
The first appearance of so\ leti^ni
late emperor, reported in the recent ter. Sunday night.... papers of a statement that the "big representatives: u»ed to the as a political party policy occurred
80.00 four" civic organizations would take "Czechs are stopping all trains in lack of intoxicants, took New Year ported out the Knox resolution, but
l okio dispatches to have been -kid¬
naped by Korean revolutionists and
I'osmos Theater
i'atrons Palace Smoking
20.00 Cavalry Movement Menaces Lines teachers up at once a finish fight to get for the Siberia
the vital needs they them¬ wrttt the exception of those eve calmly last night, ar»d, although
in a different form, declaring peace
between the United States and Ger¬
i in the platform of the «°e|a1i«t-}a.bor j
partv of 1896, which declared thar
Inter rescued" by Japanese police,, detachment escorts. To¬ the streets were comfor'.ably crowd¬ the true theory of economics is that.
was a voluntary "victim
Theater. 9th street... 29.00 of Bolsheviki, Who Retaliate, selves have been almost struggling dftder Czech locomotive was seized and Oie ed down town, did not 'stay up quite
many and making it imperative that
the machinery of production must

of a pre-

Management Palace for. day my

long as possibly in previous years. Germany must carry out the pro¬
lended kidnaping plan, according to Smoking Theater 11.00 Forcing His Retreat. Mr. Thurston told the "big four" chief officer of my escort arrested. as
visions of the Versailles treaty so far likewise belong «o the people >n com¬
the Commercial Advertiser's corre It K. Sibley

Such actiort is being repeated all Residential Washington greeted the as they relate to the United States. mon." The platform demanded that
10.00 LONDON. December 31..One of the spokesmen it was true the efficiency coming of the New Xear with cheers
spondent. By this means, it is said M. V. B

1.00 along the line from Marinsk. The holiday was generally observed the I'nited States should possess all
he sought to elude the Japanese most spectacular strokes of Gen. of the teaching force had been low¬ "Czechs have practically stopped all and the ringing of bells, and the cus¬ means of public transportation and
guards who had him under surveillance. W. S. Hoge & Bro 25.00 Denikine, the anti-bolshevik leader in ered because of their interest in the
army. The evacuation tomary paradings of; parties "around
today by senators who have been communication, "the employes to op¬
A. E. K 2.00 south Russia, during his great at¬ tirement fight for a living salary, for a just re¬ of supplies to the and sick and families of the block." working on a compromise for the erate the same co-operativejy under
\ irtunity a I'rlaunrr. Gerson Nordlinger 10.00 system, for adequate school wounded watch party at the treaty. It is expected, however, that
Since his recapture, the dispatch K. J. Fitzgerald

1.00 tempted advance toward Moscaw indi¬ housing, and because a large Tiumber officers is also being delayed, sub¬ The customary between tonight and Monday, the day control of the federal government and
Frank R. Jelleff 25.00 rectly resulted in his undoing, ac¬ of the teachers were disturbed and jecting these to certain death. The White House was 'dispensed with last the Senate reconvenes, strenuous ef¬ The to elect their own superior
virhiaHv a prisoner in''ason-beenof held,
Mrtuaily the K E. M 1.00 cording to a British officer, who has nervous over projected plans of reor¬ supreme ruler- and commander-in- night because of .the President's ill¬
just returned to London from Deni- ganization. federal surveys and so chief of the Russian armies has been ness. forts will be made to reach a com¬ samemunicipalities were to folio* th
course with all industries re¬
old Korean palaces. Employes New Nation¬ Hotels proved popular last night, promise basis.
kine's front; subjected to threats and insults. quiring municipal franchises. The
',n.a" aPP'la'which purports to have
been Issued by Prince Vi Kang to,
al Theater
Sam Weill
When advancing, according to this forth.
officer. Gen. Denikine sent Gen. Jlarn- Teacher* Tell of Aid.
A delegation of teachers yesterday Irand
"In the name of the Russian army and merry parties crowded the hos-
commander-in-chief and supreme telries u'ntil a, late hour. Dinner
Tumulty Call* on Hitchcock. United States Senate and all "PPef
The President's secretary, Mr. Tumul¬ legislative chambers should be abol¬
OUntr>men slak'mp'|t is 'iayety Theater 236.43 outoff through the straggling bolshe¬ ruler I protest before the govern¬ dances proved rery popular. ty called upon Senator Hitchcock at the ished and the veto power of the ex¬
made Collected at last night's vik lines with about 3.000 cavalry. called on Mr. Claflin and said: Watch parties were held in the
A number of rebellious traitor* performance at the "The action of the four leading ments them of the great powers and re¬ Capitol late yesterday afternoon, and ecutive. national. ate or municipal,
The unit constituted a menace to the
civic organizations of the District in quest to exercise their influ- churches. discussed the treaty situation with the also destroyed. The candidates who
fath,r arid being
' 'is> on determined
to b<_ avengedi' of my fathers death.'
National Theater .... 197.44 bolshevik rear by raids and quick and
effective thrusts. The bolsheviki were taking up the cause of school better¬ ence." Dr. Valda Girsa, representative in
democratic leader and others for nearly ran on this platform received 33...1..
two hours. Both Mr. Tumulty and Sen¬ votes out of a total of nearlj
Total $1,600.06 quick to realize the importance of ment and of adequate pay and a pen¬
sion system for teachers has put the who Siberia of the Prague government, Rome and Paris in Closer Bonds. ator Hitchcock were reticent about 14,000.000.
. 'ontributions received at the such strategy and mobilized every entfre organization back on explained arrived at Irkutsk December 19. PARIS. December 31 (Havas)..King their conservation. The former said Co-Ordination of Element*.
office of Maj. Pullman, superin¬ available horse, numbering, accord- its feet.teaching Now that the caude is cham¬ to the interallied command Victor Enri/nanuel of Italy and Pres¬ that the purpose of his visit was to The greatest co-ordination of radi-
PRESBYTERIANS PLAN tendent o." police, to the fund
for the relief of Mrs. Arm¬ effectives got behind
40,000. All these
ing to some estimates Denikine's
which was not difficult, owing to the ers
lines, pioned by powerful forces, the teach¬ that the railroad transportation de¬
can devote all their energies to bacle existing between Irkutsk and grams of New Year's greeting.
ident Poir/care today exchanged tele¬
obtain, at the President's request, the cal liberal, reform and anti-conserva-
latest information about the Senate sit¬ live elements which over occurred in
SI,500,000 UNIVERSITY strong and family:
present methods of Russian almost
The bolsheviki operated
warfare. professional work, sustained in the
at' knowledge that their needs and the
Novintk necessitated
array PoinCiWe's message forecast ujoser
per- ties of friendship between the two
uation. He declared that he did not take this country was witnessed in th«
to the Capitol any new compromise campaign of 1S96. Under the leadei-
MKJII'HIS. Tenn., January I..Es¬ needs of the school system will be (Continued on Second Page.) nations. scheme though it is assumed that Sen¬ ship of William J. Bryan of Nebraska
Marcus La Mar 3.11 w"ill behind Denikine and he was ably looked after. The old esprit de ator Hitchcock took the opportunity to the greater number of these liberjn
* -on.Mm
of a Presbyterian L'niver-
al U '"s' ,,f '^'Proximately
forced constantly to fall back, with
the bolshevik cavalry threatening or1 corps
weakened by various influences
in the last two years will be restored
ask the President's attitude toward and radical votes were attached to
compromise. i one ticket.
."''".'"Mated by the at places cutting his lines of commu¬ in the teaching forces to full vigor."
Southern I,!*resbyterian <'hurch, con- Grand total $2,643.67
Classified Advertising

nication. PrcMidcnt V ncomproml»lng. There were the votes of the re0ulai

Mr. Claflin said the delegation in¬ Before going to see Mr. Hitchcock, convention party,
democratic of the peoples' party
^s ibscripl upon
UK" "J the raising by local
ion of a fund of $r,oo 0<>0 -is New Year day finds the fund for
Consequently, according to the of- cluded both union and non-union in¬
fleer, Denikine's retirementto was ne¬ structors. "It certainly is heartening Secretary Tumulty was with the Presi¬ convention. and of the silver part
part otthe cost of the proposed in¬ cessitated by his efforts protect Mr. Bryan received a o-
stitution according to an announce¬
ment toda> by a committee of Pres¬
byterian ministers and laymen named
to confer with Memphis business and
tin relief of Mrs. J. H. Armstrong,
»idow of Detective Armstrong, who
was killed while attempting
John McHenry, a youthful ban-
to ar¬
himself rather than because officer
pressure on his front.Denikine
of the opinion
yet beaten, owing
to the
of great to us to feel the
that already we have
is. strengthened the teachers.
portance ol' restoring their
and optimism cannot
school system by

The im¬
254c a. Word dent for some time. It appears that tal vote of 6.533.080,
the President sent 110 word of encour¬ ley
agement to his followers in regard to a afterwas
compromise. Though the democratic era of th^
senators now realize there is no hope
and Mr. McKm-
given 7.107,304. The counti>.
election, entered upon au
prosperity, which continued for
civic organizations. rest
troops. i years and gave the lie to all the
This announcement was made after
a «*onf»»renee with directors of the
dit. well over the two-thousand-dol¬
lar mark. Ijitest contributions re-
it was decided at a luncheon given Minimum, 12 Words, 30c of ratification of the treaty without sub¬ gloomy
stantial concessions on the part of the predictions of 1892.
Of course, if one desired to go fu>
at the Willard Hotel yesterday by Mr. administration, it seems that the Presi¬ ther
Memphis ohambi-r «»f commerce, who
gave assurance that movement would
ceievd at The Star office and at po-
1 ice headquarters show a grand total
MALONE'S APPLICATION Robbins. that the meeting at the Dis¬
trict building tomorrow night shall go
Under the
the Star
following popular
classifications left
or any of the Star Branch Offices
dent has not yet progressed so far.
The talk of compromise, growing be
back into history, tracing the.
trail of the radical element, it coul't
found in 1876. At that time radi¬
he launched shortly to secure the
needed amount. of Si'.643.67.
'if this aggregate amount $1,600.06
IS REJECTED BY LEGION no further than to effect a permanent
organization.the citizens' school bet¬
listed onthe classified pages: stronger each day during the last calism
week, mav have had something to do was directed to the n,°n
The proposed university would ab¬ has been received by The Star and NEW YORK, January 1..Dudley terment committee.out of the joint with'the President's action in sending! question largely when the Kreenbac
sorb th» Southwestern Presbyterian Field Malone, former collector of the school committees, totaling 100 members nartv demanded the repeal of th. pe .

I "niversitv. now located at Clarks-

* 1 " 13.61 by the police department.
Among the latest contributions are port of New York, has been notified of the "big four" bodies. Details of Wanted Help Country Board .Mr. Tumulty to the Capitol yesterday- cUs
prior to a meeting of the democratic bv the resumption act ofand the
ville. Tenn. it was stated, and would
have the support of Presbyterian
S.'H from the employes of the Na- that his application for membership in'i the school improvement campaign, in¬ Wanted Situations Business Opportuni- members of the foreign relations com¬ note government for
a Lnited ?ta
all V'1
the Croton Post of the American Le¬ cluding publicity and expenditures, will mittee last Jiight at Senator Hitch¬
synods in Tennessee. .Mississippi. Ala¬
tional Theater. Collections at the
jCawty Theater added *236.43. Dur- gion had been rejected.the Charles H. left td the executive committee, com: l\ooms, Etc. ties cock's house. It will be remembered states tender. notes at par and made a full
bama and Louisiana. ing the performance at the National Duell. jr.. chairman of Westches¬ be
posed of the president of each organi¬ Lost and F'cwund Poultry. Pets and that just before a caucus of the demo¬ legal The next demand
the sHve' fo.
Theater last night $197 was collected. ter county executive committee of the zation and the chairman of each of the
Automobiles Live Stock cratic senators on the treaty at the monetary revolution which began with Bland oi
Two subscriptions received by The legion, announced that histhecommittee four school committees. Thenceforth last session the President wrote a movement,
had unanimously upheld decision the For Sale Mjsc. W anted Misc. letter to the democrats in very clear Missouri and was taken over bj w
Southern Pacific's New President. Star, totaling $100. were from the
Cosmos Theater: one, of $80, repre- of the post on the ground that Mr.
project will be rapidly developed. terms urging them to oppose the Sen¬ liam J. Bryan.
XKW YORK, January William s. nted collections taken up at the Malone's radical views and relations ate reservations contained in the Became U» .' '-***¦
Sproule was elected president of the
Southern Pacific Railroad Company at
Sunday performances, the other. $20, with radical agitators did not measure Thomas Hume, Lumberman, Dies.
tip to the legion's standard of Ameri¬
/ Closing Hours: « Dodge resolution of ratification. Many of the planks in thetimethe platforms
a meeting of the hoard of directors here
being the subscription of the man¬ canism. MUSKEGON, Mich.. January I.. Branch Offices, 9 A.M. While Seem Ile»er»a«lon« Adopted. of those days, which at » r
agement of the theater. Patrons and lumber¬ Henry White, republican member of law widely flouted, have «mce become the
yesterday to succeed Julius Kruttschnitt, Mr. Malone has recently acted as Thomas Hume, millionaire
who will continue as chairman of the
management of the Palace Theater
also contributed $40 to the fund yes¬ counsel for L. C. A. K. Martens, self- man. and associated in business for \ Main Office, 11 A.M. the peace commission, who returned of the land. Extension of inter
from Paris recently, saw Senator state commerce control, the gradua jkt

hoard of directors. Mr. Sproule resign¬ terday. many years with Charles D. Hackley.
styled ambassador for the soviet re¬ Muskegon election of senatois n i'
ed as president to enter government "Steve" Armstrong, who is not re¬ public, and has been a speaker at sev-
philanthropist, died at his
protest home here today of pneumonia. Five
'Telepjfione orders not received unless a regular Hitchcock also. He is understood to income tax.
have told Senator Hitchcock that a popular vote and, to the surprise c
service during the war and Mr.
Kruttschnitt was then elected to take
lated to the slain detective, but who
has been active in increasing the
e al radical meetings to
against the actions of the joint leg¬ of his six children were at his bedside monthly charge account has previously been opened great deal of misinformation has been many, prohibition, long time <-onsi> I.
given out regarding the attitude of ered a. joke as a national propositioinl
his place. Paul Shoup resigned as a fund for the relief of his widow arid islative committee which has been in¬ when death came. The. other. George at the oflice. the allied nations^ toward the Senate The eight-hour law and protection
vestigating seditious activities in this Hume of Fresno, Calif., is en route
director to give a plate jn the board to
Mr Sproule.
children, has arranged to talk to pu-
ona of various theaters. i*ero. '
(Continued "on Second Page.) | ^Continued oil Second Page.j 4
{ ¦

rWulx With Bktmfy
'?* *

Blslag Twapwatt


of the malt, vinuous or spirituous manity finds Itself after tho tenrlflo
Somebody Must j:
HUSKY NEW YEAR variety VH no novel y.
San Francisco mob tho Issue bravely
and staged an.the wbpte What wai re­
tarded as creditablerepetition of bar
¥ Be Getting Some (S*
% Vodka in Russia
strain of five years of war."
He doubted that ai0y000.*0« Amer­
icans would "peace themselves, their
homes, their families, and their re­
ligious faith in the keeping and their
(rational celebration.. •
... . mmwmim fi .> •
Celobrstion Dry In it. Louis.
- property under the domination
small group of Lenlnes and Trotskys.-
•St, Loui0. Jflii 1.—St. . brill*' . XeW
YWt ev& wfleJ.niilom ' was said to
. London,
• , Jan. 1,—A soviet
*i£i. Wireless
'?.• Sf
have Win the-'^ryc-T'' in»)ts history. mi > ago received from • ^ow- loiiuy
While dining ronton In 1 and cSUtos ,, , _ fl'i^J ed New Year's grm-auaw to* ti**> House Will Speedily Klok Seels11st
Pocket Flasks Furnish were crowded,' -wtost di u>t-. rwriiK Rcciirrcnc6 of Death W&V© world. The m< 191V President* Approves Bill When He Applies. Business Men of Nation
Stimulants For Infant- oontenled themselves wuu wifr, '
however, 4>rou«bt ttn '-r own liquor and on New Year's Not
as. a year of tut".
<ibe seviot,
Continuing Equaliza­
Washington, Jan. 1.—The house will
make quick work of excluding Victor Gravely Concerned Re*
were ohnifod "riofkMre." -Thoie waa "In Ib20 we shall obtain Vvictorious Berger, sooialUt representative-elect
?•! 1920. only a little noise, andvtttt few Ine­ Apparent. * cr.d of civil war. Siberia, the Ukratue, »* tion Board. from Wisconsin, from its membership ir&rdinr Future. *
x briated persons w»«t sseo. thu Don region, and the Cattoasus da- when he appears with bis second cer­ 4I
aire soviet. There also Witt Jtfe soviet tiorate of election to the present con­ I
DRY LAWS IGNORED AWARE OF DANGERS' at Berlin, Washington, Piwi* <Mid Lon­
don. Soviet authority will bevupnune
DOES NOT PLAN TO Leaders are determined that Berger LABOR CURTAILING
Mott Show* Results of Student Vol­ shall not be allowed to draw pay and
thruout the world." " GO IN »0 MARKET allowances while his case drags along, . FACTORY OUTPUT
Dee MoJwtia. Jan. l.—Approximate­ as was done following his appearance r*"-1 *s4v
ly 75 per cent of -th« rtreh 'missionar­ ilvf-try, and where battles <raced, for last May vlth his first certificate. By A .
Boas*" Flow* Without Restraint In ies of North' Atneriw; > id the same WIH Require Fir 11 Day e* Time' (to four years. Of this number however, Secretary Tumulty Announoes Wilson tho time the house finally excluded tntidd Advanoe In Prlooa, Lower
per cent of the unmarried women mis­ him Beu-ger had drawn more than ffi.OOO
: Many Chisago Restaurants, Rsvslsra
sionaries In t"b<5 last thirty-three Determine to What Extant Orlnkers | aibout lli pti' oeut liuvy Will Exerolse Purchasing and Dis­ In salary, clerk hire, mileage and ste /reduction and High Cost of Livings '•{
ur.i/ a inunth.
- Providing Their Own Wat Gooda— years, haw been furnished by the Have Profited Fre«rt Chrintmas' tribution Powers Conferred Upon tionery allowance, altho he had ne* i%> Three Qreat Causes of Unoertaintyt
student volunteer movement for for­ CHICACO PRICE GRW3AD8. been allowed to serve a day.
I; "* Tran*ported in Suit Csses, Golf Bag* Poisoning From Wood Alcohol- Him—Government Can Buy 8ugar Berger Is expected to present ^ - Bay Federal Reserve Beard In Re­
eign miss-lone, the executive commit­
-1 and Trunke—Quiet New Year's Day In Open Market Without Increasing self to be sworn In wlun conr Is view of Buelneae Condition* Unreal
in Wsshington. #• C** '
tee reported at the convention here to­
day. The report wa« read by Jolm
Government to Ask Death Penalty First of Complaint Cards Riled 'P.
For Sellers of Deadly Concoction*. Housewivee' l-ight on H. Cy L. Price to Consumer. reconvened next Monday.
offers his credentials, Iteu*
7 t he
iatlve Slightly A b a t e d . "
R. Mott. chairman of 'he nxecutivo Chicago, Jan. 1.—Complaint cards
i Dalllnger. republican, of/ vjBaChu-
'Chicago, Jan. 1.—Chicago's husky
board, at the morning session. It
went Into detail of the movement since
accusing scores of retailers of profi­
Chicago, Jan. 1.—Authorities thru­ teering reached the offices''''of the Washington, Jan. 1.—President Wil­
eetts, chairman of the $ commit­
tee whloh handled the casi^wfore will Washington, Jan. l.~-Ametioon bust. - ^
WI "
It was organised .. thirty-three years Women's Work Committee yesterday. * i i «V»J'
young new year, nursed laat night on sgo. \I . out the country today gravely awaited District Attorney Clyne assigned Rob­ son has' signed the McNary 'bill con­ objeot. A resolution slmflnr to that nsss fsels anxious over what the fu­
hip pocket bottles, showed no signs of A pproximately 1,000 , Institutions, reports from new year's eve revels ert A. Mllroy to Investigate the tinuing the United States sugar equal­ which previously excluded the Mil­
waukee socialist then will be offered ture holds, the feedral reserve board-'
being aa dry aa congress and the su­ which have an enrollment of SOO.OOO for confirmation or refutation of their charges. ization board thru 1920. It was an­ announced In its review of December1
students, are represented In the organ­ with a motion fOT Its Immediate con­
preme court had forecast. predictions that the wave of death The compalnts were the first to nounced today at the White House sideration. business conditions. The oonUnued \ • f
isation , today. It records show that
' Cafes became cafeterias laat night ^40 of the students it enrolled as vol­ from wood alcohol poisoning, which be made under the new system and that his q^gnature had been attached Unless there is developed some par­ advance in price*, the reduction lnfry.
revealed to Mrs. Joseph T. Bo wen,
took a toll of approximately 123 lives chairman liamentary technicality which pre­
and serve-yourself service apparent­ unteers have gone to mission fields, of the committee, that Chi- j before midnight last night. production, and tho high cost of living * „' > \
and of that n<imber 2.202 went since during the Christmas holidays, would cludes a vote without reference to
ly proved adequate to produce all the cago housewives were in earnest in | Secretary Tumulty, in making the committee the resolution iloubtles* will are regarded as a commercial menace, ' ' *' \
the oonventlon six years ago in Kan­ be repeated. " • their determination to run down prpfl- 'announcement. Issued this statement! be adopted by as great a majority aa Altho the retail trade showed great
traditional joys of the naw year wcl- sas City. ' Early today tliere was slight evi­ teers. All the complaints were made j ^ Went has ,igaed the ,ugar was given the orlgnal exclusion meas­ activity und wholesalers and manufuc- 'pt!
come. v.- '••• -.-J- Last year, In North America, 47.-
dence that ceiebrators of the arrival by housewives. . ure. Representative Volght. of Wis­ turcrs are piled with orders, the growtn • " V&
jgp' Illinois searoh and selsure laws, 6M students were studying missionary
ot the new year had not profited by
When the idea was formulated Mr* 'control *>11L The bill confers dlscre- consin, was -the only member to vote In business, ths report says, was la /
which prohibit movement of liquor subjects in t,000 classes. The gifts Bowen assured the hougewtyes ^tbeli^ j tlon on the president In the matter of In favor of Bersrer. while Sll other
of universities, colleges, and educa­ knowledge gained ot Lhu effect of the complaints would be treytts# aa'.':>'t3e®J- ' purchasing sugar from Cuba. It Is terms of dollars and not In production.:!
even acroea the street, want by the tional institutions to the missionary members opposed him. High-priced labor refuse* to work rag-.*
boards. (Hip pocket -flasks wore fash­ drinking of outlawed liquor. The njiore fldentlai, and for this rawfrn names j doubtful whether it will be practicable An Interesting feature of the case ularly and demands short hours, with'
movement now amount to about $300,- pessimistic officials poluted out, how­ of complainants cannot be published. ' or for the president to exercise Is that the second exclusion of Ber­
ionable, but thirstier onea transported 000 a year, the Teport says. a consequent falling oft in produotioii. :
ever, that It probably would require a Names of the dealers complained of the power conferred so fas as the pur- ger. following the announcement by Uncertainty as to the development of v
their select private stocks to down­ 'Figures on jfa? attendance at the full day for the serious consequences wlll be given out, however, Mr. Clyne ohase and distribution of sugar are
town eating places in ault cases, bas­ Governor Phillip, of Wisconsin, that he the next three months la retarding ex­
various - conventions show that the generally to become apparent. said, as soon as charges against them concerned." will not call another election, will leave pansion In trade, the report added, as*
kets, golf bags, and In one case even first, In 1891,-had a registration of Chicopee, Mass., and the Connecti­ are verified.
a trunk was used. Some of the Cuban sugar already the Fifth Wisconsin district without cautious manufacturers are said to ba t
610. The Dea Moines convention has cut valley, with .fifty deaths, today Mrs. Bo«wen Issued a New" Year's has been purchased and there la no representation In the house. Such a Inclined not to commit themselves far'
Police threat of enforcement of the 8,000 persons present as delegates. stlH led all localities that suffered resolution last night with the" request central control over sugar In Cuba, as
drastic search law failed of execution. condition Is unprecedented In the Into the future. .
Seotional meetings were held this from the Christmas flood of fake that It be adopted by every house­ there wns last year, and it might United States. Labor unrest showed some abate­
Qlnm-faeed detectives, assigned to afternoon, the delegates attending whisky. In Chicago thirty-two deaths wife In the city. It follows:
watch the down-town cafes, stood idly ^ therefore be possible for the govern­ ment during the month, but tho idle*
meetings devoted to various countries. attributable to wood alcohol poisoning "Resolved, That I shall start the new ment now to step In and purchase the NEW MENTALLY DEFICIENT. ness of workmen was considered *"
by, and with envious eyes watched the A conferenoe of foreign delegates also had occurred since Dec. 1, aocordlng year with a carefully planned budget, |sugar
contraband liquor disappear. Chief without increasing the price to greater problem than systematic
was on the prograov ^ % to Peter M. Hoffman, Cook County knowing how much I can afford to Youth on Trisl as Slayer Haa Mind of strikes. The housing congestion was
Garrity, who earlier in the day had an­ coroner. the consumer. • The bill, however, con­
nounced the law would be enforced, spend for each item of family and per­ tinues the licensing power and this Child of 10. expected to be relieved by tho Increased
U. S. TO FINANCE CUROPE. To Ask Death Penalty. * sonal expense; that 1 agree with my­ power may be used to assist in con­ Los Angeles, Jan. 1.—Miss Edna in construction, which, the report pre-,
made the rounds at midnight and. In Fully awakened to the danger * of self to keep the budget thruout the trolling Clancy, half sister of Harry S. New, to­
a famous down-town hotel, delivered a Lord Grey. Wins Pledge of Wilson Ad­ consuming the poisonous beverage, the profiteering among dis­ dieted, would be stimulated by a dee
short speech to the revelers. year. tributers. Much Cuban sugar is com­ day took the stand at the trial of the crease in materials prices.
ministration for Help* city, state and federal officers from "That I shall purchase nothing at ing In now <and tho indications are latter for the murder of Miss Freda
"I am glad to aee everybody having Washington. Jan. 1.—America is go­ New York to <8an Francisco today excessive prices, but shall oontent my­ that prices have reached their peak Lesser, and testified that the day before
such a good time," he said. Gompers Calls For More Production.
ing to. be mortgaged for balf a cen­ Were directing their efforts toward self with a substitute whenever pos­ and that there will be a tendency for Miss Leaser was shot she advised her Washington, Jan. 1.—Samuel Gom«
On the gtrasta -the merry revelers tury and' perhaps longer to help out eliminating sales of the liquid. Several sible* or eliminate this article entirely. not to marry New, bccause. In the pers, president of the American
- were as nwSMctras as «rer in the England and all tgte pest of the world. state attorney* announced their inten­ That I shall not discard wearing ap­ prices to fall within the next few opinion of the witness, he was Of ar­ Federation of Labor, in a New Year
early evening. Armed with horns,, This becimo wpwitwUght when, tion to ask for death penalties for parel in usable condition because of a weeks. rested mental development. statement pledged America's workers
whistles; gay eafra, and confetti, they from authentic sMnph the Berald vendors of the poison if murder in­ change In style or a personal Whim. The testimony of Mire Clancy was to their fuli shars In Working out tha
prepared to greet the new year, but a and Examiner was qJM# to learn the dictments were obtained. TO DEPORT 2,000 RED& In support of the position taken by the
"That I shall use but not waste, country's problems In luao. .Mr,
driving snow storm and rapidly fall­ real mifsion h«re 'c&rVlgcount Orey. In New Tork, San Francisco. Chl- spend but not squander. hat I will Attorney General Palmer Analyzes defense that the shooting was caused. Gompers sold: > >
ing mercrury- apon drove the majority the British amt^asad^r. now in New oago, Memphis, Tenn., New Haven, lend my moral and acttve/support to
• to' oorer.^ ^ ^ ; * .'1; v..V -;'J Tm fc rosnjr to Conn* and * number of other cities, stand by other womejefsfarif"concerted
Earl Gray has not. flailed 4a his lailegeid SMlenr of 'the poisonous liquor movement to set standards of careful,
Real Aims of Bolshevists.
Washington, Jan. 1.—Following dis­
If New did it. by, the refusal of Miss
Lesser to marry'nim. Two confessions
"America's Avorkers stand ready lzy <
the New Year, as In the past, to da
of the shooting, both signed by New, their full duty as American citizens.
4>uist Nfcw Vaaiff InWasMnsto*.. mtasioa Were- under arTest. Whisky substi­ conservative, but comfortable lh-ln*." closure that tho department of Jus- have been admitted In evidence. Bach We have' already placed our obllg*-.
r Washington, Jka' L—New ?*&»
tutes, Intended for New Year's cele- tfeer'is rounding up approximately 2,-
have i» Mrs* Bowen said if the houseV / ' >9 moire bolsjievists ln various parts confession' hold the statement that tions as citlseas above all else. Aa *
. ^.jjja^fe*$W»Cwd heps itisa Lesser had refused to many and ciUsens we are true to the Arncric^-o
Itt official ClraUa towr* ,w*» tix i <w"*4"a Kthe-^eAnt&rJr•; -for ^iepcAatl on- -to
prioes womld drop. '. T tltat fie bad "ifcert Tier because «£~th«* id'jar or opportunity Tor alJ. - *
r«n of social HmOlWf&tftho at HWSity *miWS&iikiiFoit bt carmine, cheml Europe, Attorney General Palmer fast refusal. Tha state made efforts, in
Designs for a window Card and ofte night urged the American people to "In the past we have found it nee*
White. (House there was no formal 6niy iii^ t^teiiitr cal anidyses revealed. for the windshields of automobiles take a New Year's resolution "to stu­ the course of its ease, to establish that esfary, to fight for that Ideal against
celebration because Of the lllhess of The real mitotan wtui accord­ are being submitted to Mrs. Bowen. dy, understand, and appreciate the Miss Lesser was ready to marry New, uecm-les that sought to establish s<pe->
the president. Secretary of State ing to those in a position to know: Thirty-five Arrests in Connecticut. It Is the plan to distribute the cards and that tho shooting was In fact due cial privilege. Those fights have not
Lansing and Mrs. Lansing were the 'His object Was to secure the pledge New Haven, Jan. 1.—Thirty-five to all citizens who will pledge them­ so-called 'Red* movement." to his desire to evade marriage. been in defense of class advantages,
hosts at a luncheon for the diplomatic of the Wilson administration for the men were under arrest in Connecticut selves to economize. The attorney general In his state­ When Miss Clancy first took the but to assure to wage earners the
corps, and receptions were held by support W a glgantlo International today, as a result of investigations of ment says his department has been stand she told of her childhood with rights and opportunities that all
Mrs. Estelle Ward, editor of the
Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Dan­ loan, |1S,000,000,000. He has succeed­ federal, state and city officials into the Bulletin, a • publication of the Chi­ actively pursuing the Reds. This New, who, sho said, was eight years should possess. Our struggles may
iels and Secretary of War and Mrs. ed In obtaining that pledge. wave of fatalities and illness caused cago Women's Club, submitted a aotivity resulted In a deportation of her senior; then she gave evidence of have brought discomfort to others, but
249 Reds on the "soviet ark" last
Baker and Assistant Secretary of War The plan if understood to be that by drinking poisoned whisky. The death number of slogans. Among them week and 2,000 foreign agitators, the his mental condition on which she they prevented a greater evil—deter^ r
and Mrs. Crowell. this huge loan will be handled thru toll In the state was seventeen. was department sayB, will bo arrested
based the expressed opinion that ho ioratloii of the virility of a part of tha
The new year received a noisy wel­ the federal reserve hank system. The "You wouldn't buy a hat over the within the next two months. had the mind of a child of 10 years. nation.
come last night from crowds on the loan is meant to take up all of the old CABINET EFFORTS FARCICAL. phone. Why buy potatoes?" Miss Clancy said that because ot "The great struggle of labor in tha
street, but there was no public or outstanding loans to Great Britain, "This department, as far as exist­ this conviction she saw ,Miss Lesser past1, has been to
V V usaure
III V to workers In
All the slogans will be printed on - . , J1 . —• Mvvil WW VI AvI O 1A4
formal celebration other than the France, Italy, Belgium and other al­ Campaign Against High Cost of Living posters and distributed to dealers as ing law3 allow, intends during the July 8 last, and told her that «ho j their industrial relations the rights of
church and home watch parties and lies in the great war, with unpaid in­ . Gets Nowhere. forthcoming year to keep up a per­ not believe Now was fitted for mar- , ree cltlzens Wo hlive fought t0 K , va
well as consumers. sistent, aggressive warfare against any riage, and urged Miss lesser to break
balls. The customary watch party at terest to date. Washington, Jan. 1.—A continued tho ideal of America dominating influ­
the White House was dispensed with rise In prices Is reported by the fed­ movement, no matter how cloaked or off her engagement She said she ence in shops and factories. Our mili­
because of President Wilson's condi­ eral reserve board In a review of b'usl- FRANK PIXLEY DEAD. either the promulgation of these Ideas never saw Miss Lesser after the con­ tant struggle has won general recogni­
tion. n<<sa and financial conditions thru­ or the excitation of sympathy for versation.
Messages to the nation were issued
WITNESS ROUNDUP out the country, made public today. Was Librettist of Many Comic Operas those who spread them," said Mr.
tion for our demands. But our work
Li not all militant. Wo are In a posi­
by Vice President Marshall and several IN BROWN CASE No evidence Is seen that the admin­ and Former Newspaper Editor. Palmer. tion to contribute to the Improvement r-tm
members of the cabinet, in all of which istration's war on the high cost of liv­ San Diego, Cal., Jan. I.—Frank Pix- "This red movement -will not be ILLINOIS G. O. P. of production processes und organisa­
was expressed a note of optimism for ing has met with any success. ley, librettist of many comic operas, In­ permitted to go far enough in this tion.
the coming year. Labor is receiving unprecedented cluding "The Prince of Pilsen" and the country tb disturb oyr peace and well- OFFICERS DISAGREE "The Immediate problem of the
Chum of Mrs. Veeter and Relatives of wages and producing less than ever, "Burgomaster," died here last night. being, or create any widespread dis­
Mrs. Brown Held —Mrs. Vester* world is to develop a production or­
Hilarity in Mew York. according to the board, and money, Is He had been ill only a short time. trust of the people's government It ganization that will benefit those who
New York, Jan. 1.—Celebration of Alibi ss Yet Unshaken—Lloyd Pro­ being spent lavishly, particularly upon Mr. Plxey was a former Chicago wfll fall away before the light of pop­ Down State Republicans Succeed in
newspaper man. He was with . the aro the real producers and will also
thw ctdvent of the new year continued vost Agsin Tsken Into Custody—No luxuries, with tendencies toward econ­ ular knowledge and appreciation of its Getting Caucus for Constitutional serve the needs of starving nations.
until dawn in the hotels and restau­ omy generally wanting. :(, Times-Herald In 11!96, when his first aims and purposes." Convention — Plan Causes Breach
New Developments. play, "The Carpetbagger," was pro­ When assured of ju«t dealings, Amer­
rants along the "great -white way," the ''Great activity In retail trade, strong According to Mr. Palmer the devo­ ica's workers are able to co-operato
Between Chairman Frank L. 8mith
revelers taking advantage of what Mount Clemen, Mich., Jan. 1.—A demand for goods, and, consequently, duced. A little later a Chicago stock tees of bolshevlsm In tho United in freeing production from the pre­
they considered the laat opportunity to summons Was Issued today for the re­ large volume of buying orders at company aeked him to write a musi­ States "are composed chiefly of crim­ and Secretary J. L. Johnson. venting grasp of speculators and Influ­
celebrate In the hilarious manner tra­ turn here of Miss Oladys. Summit, of manufacturing plants, high and rising cal comedy for summer production. inals, mistaken Idealists, social bigots, Chicago, Jan. 1.—Efforts of down ences that manipulate Industry to en­
ditional to New York. Police and oth­ prices thruout the country and fuUjem-r The result was "The Burgomaster," the and many unfortunate men and wo­ rich a few who gain unfair advantage.
er observers* said the crowds which Battle Creek, whose s(ory to authori­ ployment of labor at unprecedented success of which surprised every one, men, suffering with varying forms of state republicans to organize the con­
"ThlK is a big Job, but it Is essential
jammed upper Broadway from mldr ties Implicating^ hfr roommate, Mrs. wages, except In those oases/ where" the author being probably the most hyperesthesia. They are enemies of stitutional convention along partisan for well grounded development in the
•night until nearly morning were equal. Cecil Vester, cAQsed a warrant to be employment has been rendered un­ surprised. Long before this Mr. Plx- the government, of the church, and of lines last night ended In a breach be­ years to come. It is essential to that
In size arid spirit to those of former issued for the letter, charging com­ steady or Insecure as the result of ley had written a musical comedy the home, and advocate principles
tween Chulrman Frank L. Smith and ideul which is America—equal oppor­
.ears. plicity in the murder ot J. Stanley strikes or labor disturbances, are the which had not fared well In the man­ which mean the abolition of all three tunity for all. American workers will
While Unnumbered thousands parad- Brown. Miss' fuinAltt Is being re­ principal factors reported by federal agers' offices. Now tho managers of those safeguards of civilization." Secretary Justus L. Johnson. do their full share In working out all
the thoroughfares with all sorts of called, ft atopouneed; as a witness reserve agents ftefn their seterai dis­ wanted a production from his pen. and The red movement does not mean an Johnson, in violation of peremptory our country's problems."
nolse-makera, "other thousands who, at the hearing tf^jo given Mfcs. Ves­ tricts." says the board. Mr. Pixley du? up from his trunk the attitude of protest against alleged de­
spurned "King Dodo." Its first run orders from Smith, Issued a call last
with foreslghtednese, purchased stocks ter Saturday. ~TSo acousod woman "General anxiety oonoernlng the fects in our present political and eco­
of wines and liquors before July 1, were was arraglnsd yestefttay ind entered a continued advanoe in prices is exhib­ was 243 nights to orowfled houses.
making merry in hotels and restau­ plea of not guUtjf,'.' Mr. Pixley was a graduate of
ited, while unfavorable foreign ex­ Ohio State University. Later he stud­ attorney general. the
nomic organisation of society, said the night for a caucus of republican con­
vention delegates to be held at Spring­
Christian Missionarise Support Rebels,
4$.tas•!. ife'lt\
rants. Officers said Ben Borensen, a sol­ change rates are regarded as likely to "It does not represent tho radicalism field Monday. He acted after Lee Says Seoul Chief of Polrioe.
Much of the liquid refreshments dier at Camp C^sto?, also might be re­ bring about a reduction in ffpqrts ied law two years and then studied of progress/' he continued. "It rep­ Mlghell, of Aurora, had presented a Honolulu, T. H., Jan. 1.—A wide­
were sent in advance In trucks and quested to testify ai-. the bearing. which may necessitate some readjust­ medicine two yeans. H<* tausrht Eng­ petition signed by forty-eight of the
limousines after reservations for the Sorensou. MSje. ,Ve*ter «leo^re<l, could ment of domestic Industry, lish for a time at Buchtel College, Ak­ resents a specifio doctrine, namely, tho
Introduction of dictatorships tho world eighty-five republican delegates, ask­spread revolt against the Japanese Is * ft I
night ,had been made. A heavy profit support the allbf^hi^iad seVup, claim* ron. O.. and later purchased the Akron Imminent In Korea, according to the
From soms districts It is noted that over by force and violence. It Is not ing for the caucus. Toklo correspondent of the Honolulu
thru corkage and eoolln? charges was ing ghe was l^9«Qle Qniiik Deo. 2*. business growth is far more notice­ Times. He came to Chicago and for a movement of liberty loving persons, Chairman Smith and Chicago dele­ Commercial Advertiser. The Japanese
reaped. the night. Brown was shot to death. able In terms of dollars than |n upits a time was managing editor of tho Chi­ gates have opposed the caucus plan,
but a distinctly criminal and dishonest chief of police of Seoul doclares he
Crowds on the street* while not Lloyd J'revost. oouslft' pi the slain of production, while theirs are some in cago Mall before going to the Times- movemont. and Insisted that the convention has documentary evidence to prove
laoklng In exuberance, were more or­ man's widow, -who . ha?' ^eyeral times whloh very high prioes are already Herald. should be organized along non-par­
"Lenlne himself made the statement Christian missionaries aro supporting
derly than In former years. Two thou­ been questions^ bf t|ie authoritlqi, was beginning to produce a curtailment of at the third soviet conference, 'Among tisan linc3. To that end thoy had
sand polloe officers who lined Broad­ taken lntp' custodf' this; morning. No buying power. This appears to *>* The Weather. preparation# for the upri«lrut, which
Iowa—Fair tonight and Friday; 100 so-oalled bolsheviks there Is one proposed a rule that the president of has the warm approval of the Korean
way from Thirty-third street to Col­ charge hajf rnad« agalhst him, but real bolshevik, thirty-nine criminals, tho convention must receive a two-
umbus Circle said they had little to do he will be questioned kgaiti ss a re­ mpre largely true In the country and slowly rising temperature.
ontlylng districts than In'the citl**, and sixty fools.' It advocates the de­ third vote.
Prince Y1 Kang, now held practically
Bangs of temperature at Marshall- a prisoner by the Japanese.
and few arrests wars made. sult of further InfofxHftlon obtained, "Inorease in the cost of living Is re­
The celebration was not confined to particularly'that .glWn by' Mrs. Vester. ferred
places of merriment. The chimes of
towm Wednesday, 28 above and 4 be­ struction of all ownership in property,
to as an unquestionable Oven- low; Tuesday, 32 and 19; Deo.. 31, 1919, the' destruction of all religion and be­
Secretary Johnson, explaining the
caucus call, said he had no choice but
All newa regarding Korean unrest is
subject to strict censorship, the Toklo
to issue It when tho petition in proper
• ** iv
hundreds 61 churohes rang out as of aoe, and In some districts it Is report­ 22 and 4. At 7 this morning, seroj lief in God. It Is a movement organ­ advices assert, but enough Is leaking
Sir 'Htoraeo Reettnfl Up, ised against democracy and in favor of form was presented to him,
old and at midnight thousands -of whis­ Battle Cre^. Mfiph., J<n> 1.—Sir ed that retailers themselves reoognife yesterday. 2S above. Tiaoe of anow the power of the few built by force. Mr. Smith, in a statement Issued
thru to make It plain the Koreans are
tles shrieked an accompaniment. Horace Plunkett^ irtsh "home rule ad- this fact. The 'work and save' pro-, Wednesday. Bolshevism, syndicalism, the soviet hero, said Johnson bad assumed un­
preparing for a great uprising.
Many thousands attended watoh-night vwoate, arrived hete this morning to gram is reported by some to be con­ due authority, and that the stato ex­
Part of the alleged proof of the mis­
meetings in the ohurches. A chorus spend a few dl|i|ri^.M K#t" |n a local sidered hackneyed or obsolete." Seven Hurt In Texas Wreok. government, sabotage, eto., are only sionaries' hand iu the movement, ex­
ecutive committee would meet this
of 1.800 voices sang at Madison 6quaro sanatorium^ Sir HOTaoei /trill return to "The housing situation is so QrJtlC*! . Fort Worth, Tex., Jan. 1.—Seven new names for old theories of violence week to dlscusa the situation.
hibited by the chief pf police of Seoul,
Theaters were crowded beyond capa­ New Yorit next week to resume his that greatly increased building opera­ persons were rctported Injured this and criminality." Is an appeal Issued from the printing
city, notwithstanding the fact that work In tho^)CTi|ited>.S^te«) la behalf tions are oxpeoted. morning when a Texas A Paclflo While bolshevists In this country are press of one mission urging regular
most of the'larger houses had dot/bled- of. home rule for3reH&4. i &-\>,
the price of admission. It was esti­ MM 'sy . • "in Chicago building permits amount­ freight train and a passenger train fomenting strikes, Mr. Palmer pointed
ing to- $90,000,000 have been Issued, but collided at Aledo, eighteen miles west out, Lenlne and Trotsky forbid strikes
Legion Refuses to Admit Malone. prayers for tho success of the Korean
New York, Jan. 1.—Dudley Field national movement. h 1

mated that the hose office receipts to­ Kerwood'e Ciww Langed. It. Is estimated that It will take from of here. A relief train Is now bringing and suppress labor unions. With the Malone, former friend of President
taled $84)0,000. , Two roof gardens NeW Tdrk, tola. 1 -<fl
^wenty ve four to ten years to overoome the the injured to Fort Worth.
charged, fU t Mat for their midnight members of the orei^'df the Am*rioan housing deficiency in that city,
aovlet constitution suspended and the
"dictatorship of the proletariat" re­
Wilson and former collector of tho
port of New York, has been denied
Millionaire Lumbermen Dead.'.
Muskegon, Mich., Jan. 1.—Thomas
ihm stlSP; * ship Kerwood, wbkib wan sunk by a "In regard to increasing real estate Bolshevlkl Capture Towns. placed by ^"military dictatorship of membership in the Croton-on-tho- Hume, millionaire lumberman and as­
mine off TtorioIielinifc'HotiiMftd, Zfeo. 1, speculation, the federal reserve agjrat Xxmiion, Jan. 1.—The capture, of a subsidised *pd oorrupt portion of tho Hudson Post of tho American Legion. sociated In business for many years
'Partial Droth In West. arrived hiM totex on no tmasport at Chloago notes an enoouraglng (H< Tekaterlnoslav, on the southern Rus­ proletariat" the Bolshevist experiment
San Francisco, Jan. 1.—The "dry" Edellyn- The Simrorid was ' bound tore in that the rtse In land prists fya* sian front, and Novomoskovsk, fifteen in Russia, h« said, had been tho an­
Mr. Malono was a Junior lieutenant in with Charles H. Haohley, Muskegon
tho naval reserves. philanthropist, died at his home hero 4•vl?
law but slightly dampened the en- from New. ;York; it Hamburg when received a decided oheok, while In some miles northeast of Tekaterlnoslav, Is tithesis ef democracy. A member of the post, in explain­ this morning ot pneumonia.
thnslasm with which the west welcom­ cities prless have declined M per aenL announced in a bolshevik official state­ ••Having lived at tho expense of the ing the decision today, said) t
ed the new yea*, in California those : a#, compared with a tew months aftO* ment Issued today. Russian people for two years," ho "It was brought out in the discus­ Esthonlan-Sovlet Armistice. i*Xi
who had private stocks enoountered Amerioan Stoek Oiiinafed In frsnoe. adds, "those Speculators In human sion that Mr, Malone hu made publlo [By Associated Press.]
no Insurmountable difficulties In find­ Nantes, aJn. X,—yait sheds, housin# iMVrenoh HMUms WoHi' . Acoordlug to an eminent scientist lives and other people's earnings are addresses at several of the radical Dor pat, Dec. !1.—An armistice was
ing plaoet of oheer and merriment Amerloaa stocks ^ 1H. Anno Island, 1411s, Jta. 1.—Production hjur VMn wome$ can talk more with less fatigue trying to move to new fields, to the meetings at Madison Square Garden sighed today by representatives of
whmtA to oonsuxne them, and In the near the «t»to: NllfOftd gtaMon. war* resumed in about one-half of tbt than pen, beoause their throats are east and to the west, hoping to take and elsewhore, and that he is oounsei Esthonla and the soviet government
«0M Jr western states the advent destroyed ^.«m tMr faotorlsa ot northern Wanoe, »%yn smaJMr and they tan their lunga and advantage ot tho eoonomlo distress
the oaftwili ec the war pnnOyMd^H. veoal sherd* less. aqd oonfturlon Of mlpd in whloh hu­
for Ludwlg Martens, envoy,
Russian soviet government
ei t&e
of Russia, The armistice .will bo tft
01 flfco atW-fMp WMftUveaed by
~ % kZM,,
^b ' ..
V /> ~ vv\ -

: 4 v "
' « v

v *

I ^T

T( V
J v .


I NEARLY COMPLETE ! >ioM of Interchurch Conference.

After a three day session devoted to FRANKLIN D'OLIER
iscussions of the co-operative spirit

CAMPAIGN RETURNS i f the interchurch world movemont.

he conference of interdenominational

»aders was brought to a cloe-» here
rith an address by Charles Rowland,
rominent Presbyterian, on "The
Church Transformed From a Field
7,581,860.04 REALIZED BY STATE cj,ato a Force."
At the afternoon discussion
time was given to the method of considrable

4TWO|FIFTHS.' rganizing all the counties,

srhatandisoftochurches. Dr. H. N.communlles


; Orr.
the two Carolinas, explained
. OVERSUBSCRIBED ;hurches. be done by the varions
Besides the state
All Associations Excepting Colleton,

::hat will have much

a nd
there was
lend their support to the churches,
Pickens, 8auldam and York Fairly Elach church will continue to govern Vice Admiral and Captain of Batth Because of Inaction by the Congress FRecounts Fight on Peace Treaty In
Passed Their Allotted Quota. " self as heretofore, but under the ship Agree with Admiral Sims and President Wilson Has Changed the
movement will lend its
toward a common goal in the
inuence Decline Honors Proffered Them. Date of Transfer to March 1.
This Country, Which He Termed
"The Folly of America."
m. taivubwi; wuiyiclD llgurlfB in me ommunlty. A church council consist- Washington..Secretary Daniels ha Washington..President Wilson
Baptist drive in South Carolina (or
^5,500.000 show that the churches of
the state contributed $7,531,850.04. or
^iK of the pastor, one layman and one
*'oman. will sit in the
county council
* nd aid In mapping out the plans for
ordered the navy department's boar*
ot awards reconvened Monday, Janii proclamations returning the rail-
roads and express companies to
Premier Lloyd George
at Llanystymway, Wales,
the voting arrangements o< the deended
tie work in the county. "Let me iaiy 5, to revise the recent recomser vate control March 1. h aague of nations, lie said that
en oversubscription of $2,031,850.04.
All the associations passed their allot- gain stress that the interchurch
^'orld movement wants no union of
dations as to naval awards, whicl
have been the source of a controvers;
Failure of Congress to enact
legislation was given as the remedial£itates lostin the many men
as as Ausruiia
the United
ncnts with the exception of York, brought to a head a few days ago b; and had
war as much
r hurches, but a co-operative spirit son for extending by two months the r ight to vote
©auldani; Colleton and Pickens. Lead- mong all the churches for the
declination of Admiral Sims to accep 1 time originally announced for relln-
as the
United States.
adancement 1Ills vote, however, he added, would

ers are hoping that these four may Chester T. Minkler of Newport, R. I.,
yet attain their goals, but say this is y of Christianity," Dr. Orr Lieut. Col. Franklin D'Oller, a yar n |the distinguished service medal whil 6
who, It has been announced by the qulshing government control of rail- ti iot be used on any question
g aid, in explaining the organization merchant of Philadelphia, who serve d
the awards remained as at present. road properties. In his message co arising
bletweeu Great Britiun aud the United
not likely, as nearly all the churches Secretary Daniels had received n< navy department, Is the Inventor of
i have been heard from. > be perfected. on the general sViff of the A. E. F
Information that Vice Admiral Hiler the depth bomb, which was used so Congress last May President Wilson SItates.
The denomination leaders are mapJ
ping out one of the strongest religious

P rogress In Road Building.

was elected first national command! !r
rf the A merican Legion at the conve v P. Jones and Captain Raymond t
Hasbrouck had declined to accept th
^'effectively against the U-boats.
not only Invented the depth bomb Minkler
said that the roads would be turned
back at the end of the year. t
He recounted the fight in the
States on the treaty, which he Unied
programs for 1920 that any church has
ever attempted in South Carolina. At
XTp to the present time, the state
tlon in Minneapolis.
naval decorations recently awarde1
them, thereby following the exampl e
|j but was also responsible for the mine
used by the nayy in the North sea.
"No agreement having yet been
reached by Congress," Secretary Tu-
t ernied the "fniiv i\f Amopin. CUkUUU^
. w»

uipon party warfare when trying to


^ ighway commission has approved


muliy said in announcing the procla-

the next meeting of the general board,
January 6, several important changes t,stalling approximately $2.500.000.
for 94 road building projectsreuests
Tfl P.RFtTF Ml PtRI ISMFHT a fkf AHmlrul .Qlma He turned over both his inventions to
the government without cost. ination, "it becomes necessary in tho
i the difficulties and troubles
ii from the great war." ensung
"will likely be announced. v
- _ ....... . I1W Ulbllllllklll public interest to allow a reasonable
'hich when added to the counties' Philadelphia..Captain Raymond T time to elapse between the issuing of


s hare of the expense, will make Hasbrouck, commander of the battle the proclamation and the date of its ^ OCH INFORMS COMMITTEE HE
Many Boys Reached. p $G.000.000 available for aproximatelv
Irish Contributions to the Imperii»1 ship Minnesota, confirmed the
repor actually taking effect. The President WILL NOT RUN FOR SENATE
Over 3,100 young men and hoys In 24 f,^deral aid projects,
South Carolina communities have al- tt nnual report according to the
of the state highway
Services Are Estimated to Reach
18,000,000 Pounds Annually.
that he had declined to accept th
navy awarded him by the nav;y
e| is advised that the railroad and
compannies are not exprers
Settlement Proposition Accepted by make it possible for themorganised
cross to
ready been reached by the "Keep Fit" 0 ommlssion. which report is now Paris..Marshal Foch has Informed
department. He said he "thorough!
campaign, now being conducted in the n made up. In several
state as a part of the work of the Siays the'report, the counties instances, belg concurred" in the views of Rear A<[.
London..Premier Lloyd-George ou l* miral
Miners Characterized as "Loaded
to receive t he Republican committee of
and manage their properties if actual- t that he will decline the offer of a Finiserre '

state health department. Dr. C. B. nlore than 50 per cent of the cost. put up Sims contained in his recent Ie1
lined the government's proposals ft>r ter to Secretary of the Navy Daniel s t-j
Dice for the American Public." ly turned over to them on December c andldacy
31." r to llie senate, which was
Akin of the United States public Ireland in a long statement in thie that no special award should be give!n
ecently offered him, according to the
Washington..Entering into tlie »latin.
health service in charge of venereal
control In the state has charge of the vk/anta Ralae In Salary. house of commons. Speaking wit ^ to officers whose ships were success troversy raging about the govern-. ROCKEFELLER AGAIN DONATESconi-
campaign with James H. Grauel. state Calling attention to the large great deliberation and emphasis fc fully attacked by German submarines ijment's proposal for settlement of the ANOTHER HUNDRED MILLIONS. 1"HE CALL IS OUT FOR NINE
though no special blame should be a1t- coal strike. Senator Frei;ng*iuysen,
boys' work secretary of the Young a mount of work annually entailed upon
Men'* Christian association as field 11le office and the responsibility to be
declared: tached to commanding officers fo
"Great Britain cannot accept sepa r- their failure.
publican, New Jersey, chairman of the New York..John D. Rockefeller
senate committee investigating the gave to mankind a Christmas present
coal situation, in a formal statement, of 3100.000,000.half to the general a.irmen York..A
ssumed by the incumbent, Samuel atlon. The people wno think Britai n call for the nine beat
has already reached ^ I. Wolfe, attorney general, in his can be forced into It have not rea d In the United States to rep-
to the general assembly,
an Increase in the salary for
recomlends the story of the last five years." SEVEN GERMAN SHIPS TO BE
declared that in the government's education board to raise the'salaries r esent this
gotiations "there must have been some of college professors and half to the a erf plane contests country In international

Loud cheers greeted this declari 1- sort of a secret deal made in addition Rockefeller Foundation to aid in its /Lero next year by th©
tie attorney general to not less than tion. to the signed statement."
Club of America.
5,000 a year. At present the at^tor- work of combatting disease through
The premier said It was proposed t Washington..On recommendatioia Explaining that he spoke for improvement of medical education,
next week of the active.cainpalgn, be- n ey general is paid $2,500 per annum,
ginning January 5, to be carried on in a nd he is the 'lowest paid attorney
establish self-government over th e
whole of Ireland and to create tw
of the Btate department, Presiden self only and not for other
Wilson has ordered the remaininiB of his committee. Senator
members public health administrations and RESIDENT WILSON IC NOW
scientific research. It is estimated SIXTY-THREE YEARS OF AGE
the northern and eastorn counties last- B eneral, with one exception claims Mr.
ing throughout Jtnuary 16. Polfe, in the United States. parliaments, one In the north, and on 0
in the south. Every opportunity woul d
seven former German ships used t sen reviewed the
bring back American troops testimony Frelinghuy0
adduced that Mr. Rockefeller's public gifts now

Senior Honor Society. T


Commission Concludes Work.

be given Ireland to establish unity
aha H«aivo/1 I*
to Great Britain. turneover
d by the committee hearings to date approximate $450,000,000.
and added that out of the settlement
Washington..President Wilson wna
3 years of age on December 28.
Rear Admiral Grayson snid the
. . M ' *
tuuacil would Cie
of the strike "in any event the public LICENSE
Permission has 'been gmnted for the
formation at the University of South
The South Carolina tax commission
h as completed its report of work done
uvonvu ib,

the two
auu a
established at the outset, selected b y A LIEUTENANT IS BURNED may look for an increase in the price
TO MEXICO ARE WITHDRAWN. ood progress continues and he is In presdents
Carolina of a senior honor society, the
legislatures, to form a coii- TO DEATH AT CAMP JACKSOf^ of coal or another strike." g spirits.
d uring 1919. In its annual report to necting link between the two parts <>f The New Jersey senator
members of which will be picked as
the five members of the senior class
tlle legislature. It refers to the
of assessed value of inrnase the country. characterized
Washlngton.-'-Revocation effective
Columbia. S. C..Lieutenant Charle 3 forth the settlement proposition as put January 1 of all licenses issued by the 'IDMIRAL KOLCHAK COMMANDER
showing the best average in scholar-
ship, general leadership and character,
01 on merchants' stock for 1919 as
The premier said that the Irish coi
trlbution to the imperial services wa18 Poates, commanding the remount stf1 by Attorney General Palmer and trade board prior to la»t September
tion at Camp Jackson, was burned t accepted by the miners "as a loaded 30 for the exportation of arms or
"Hie idea of the men behind the or-
c ^mpared with the figures for 1918.
It also refers to the letter being sent
estimated at 18.000,000 pounds sterlin K
A ointj exchequer boar d death when the officers' quarters, li»i dice for the American public." of war to Mexico was Vladivostok. munitions
Admiral Kolchak.
announced .

ganizatlon of the society is that it will which he was sleeping, was destroyerrl by the state department. c ommanding the All-Russian
promote interest In scholarship, per se, tlle
01ut to all county auditors
asking for would settle the rate of contributlo Q
names and addresses of some 1,- for the future and the
question of ta:i- by fire Christmas morning. PLOT TO KIDNAP BELA KUN n forces opposing the bolshevik!
!la Siberia, has retired from active
acting In the same relation to the
as 0'[10 industries whose taxes will b* able capacity. IS FRUSTRATED BY POLICE. NEW PRODUCTION RECORD SET
leading students as the football and e< dualized in 1920. PRESIDENT RESERVES ACTION DY THE FARMERS OF KANSAS. ® ommand because of ill-health and
others letters acts to the athlete. n na n rvnnln to/1
The commission goes on record In STAY OF ON BOARD OF EQU A LIZ AT I Of^ Vienna..A plot to kidnap Bela Kun, kirmCIIULI IU urun II

EXECUTION GRANTED Topeka, Kan..For the first time in 3 ucceed as commander In chief,
Governor's Ohristmss Clemency.
Governor Cooper has extended
It s report favoring an inheritance
ttix and an occupational or license tax.
the former communist dictator of
Washington..President Wilson ii garianand hand himhas over to the HunB Hungary,
the history of the state the farm pro-
ducts and live stock raised this year
c to a message received here. acording
T hese two taxes, the commission authorities,
vn-mnnoy 10
ia prisoners,
recommended toy the
state board of pardons, and in most
in till cases piDints out, would increase the revenue
olt the state considerably.
Little Rock, Ark..Governor Broug h
has granted stays of execution of thi r-
ty days to the twelve Phillips count y
withholding action on the McNar
bill extending the life of the suga eJ, by the Austrian police.
equalization board until the board file8 FORMER
exceed $1,000,000,000 in value. The iXPORTERS ARE REQUIRED TO
annual report on farm production,
by J. C. Mohler, secretary of the
FURNISH $12,500,000 BOND.
a memorandum concerning the meat MINISTER TO CUBA
Instances the appeals were joined In
p Ian Series of Meetings.
negroes, under sentence of death Jf.c>r ure. It was said at the white hous e HAS ARRIVED AT NEW YORK. state board of agriculture, shows the * Philadelphia..A bond of $12,500,000
rill be required of the exporters of
by the trial judges and solicitors. Six
priaoners had their sentence.s Leaders of the interchurch world participating in the insurrection i n
Phillips county last October. that the baord had request©'! the dty
New York..William
aggregate value to be $1,085,000,000.
0 barrels of whiskey, hound here 30.00
to briefer tenma and 12 were commuted lovement which closed a most
suc»ssful lay. E. Gonzales,
American minister to Cuba, retiring
DISABILITY COMPENSATION f rom Louisville. Ky., before their
paroled during good behavior. c< conference, plan to invite
/ery minister in £outh Carolina to a MAN WHO OBJECTED TO ALL DETROIT STREET RAILWAY8 here from Havana on the steam arrived
_ ,
L w u 4 ^
can be shipped, according to

house £
officials. The bond will be cusom
sries of meetings here in February RELIGION IS FOUND DEAI3 WILL NOT INCREASE RATE! ship Esperanza. He will spend a few
Large Insurance Profits. ^ >r the benefit of Christianity. Dr. E.
weeks in this country preparatory to Washington..The Sweet bill. In- ^ emanded. It was said, to prevent thei
In 1918 In South Carolina there vere creasing the compensation of disabled eturn of the liquor to the United
$10,000,000 more paid into all classes ^ Orr, director of the two Carolinas. Indianapolis..Martin Genners, 8' , Detroit..The Detroit United Rai leaving for his new post as Americaa former service men and enlarging the Hates In any form.

ambassador to Peru,
of Insurance companies for premiums lid that practically every other class
^' men in the state had been called
who created a sensation in Indiana
few years ago when he erected
ways withdrew a request that It b e
permitted to make a charge of on ° REPUBLIC OF
classes of beneficiaries under the war The cargo will be shipped to France.
V than there were paid out hy these com- (( >gether at one time or another, but cent for transfers stating that, b( SALVADOR ASKS risk insurance act, was signed by the
panies for losses incurred during that monument for himself in a local cer FOR TEXT MONROE DOCTRINE. President. .IVING COST LEAPS 82.2
^a had never heard of a meotlng of etery on which was Inscribed his o b cause of Improvement In conditions a!
year, according to the annual report Employees of the compensation and PER CENT IN FIVE YEARS.
n) 1 the ministers in the state. iectinn fr> all r-,,1 * fecting its operation, it now finds 11 claims divisions of the war risk
of W. A. MoSwaln, Btaite insurance
.- ~
. . .
v<iniuu, mas iUUUU a d
self able to operate profitably on a San Salvador, Republic of Salvador.
commissioner. phyxiated in his room. .The secretary of foreign relations bureau have been working Boston^.An Increase of 82.2 per
flat five-cent fare.
of Salvador has requested the state voluntarily several hours over time c ent in the cost of living for
May Disturb Cotton Sates.
lr ivestigating Trachoma.
C L. Kibler. Columbia; E. R. CLEMENCEAU GOVERNMENT 18 department at Washington to issue an daily for more than a week. wage-earners between July, 1914, Amerian
J. Skottowe Mnnnamaker. president 9f Sumter, and J. W. Jervey, Wil>n, GIVEN VOTE OF CONFIDENCI
Greenille,Paris..The chamber of deputieS hs E CERTAINTY THAT CLEMENCEAU authentic
WILL BE NEXT FRENCH RULEI^ Monroe statement concerning the'
doctrine, exactly as the state FRENCH TEXTILE MILLS ARE
a nd November, 1919 is shown
tatement issued by the national
in a
of the American Cotton association. vi will go to Newberry to make an
sind R. M. "Mixscn. president of the ,n vestigation into the trachoma IJ department understands it in the presk" RAPIDLY GETTING IJM SHAPE.
conference board based upon inustrial
South Cnrollna Cotton association. in that county, according to an
have returned from a trip through aIinouncement made by Dr. James A.
situaon voted confidence
458 to 71.
in the governmen t Paris..President Raymond Polt ent
care's successor will be elected o:n historic moment,
Lille. Prance..Fifty thousand
ts recent investlgaiions. ,

persons 7 '

.A. A.. a. A\
in nit? txniuu
v -14 U
A *
41 ayne, state health officer.
The vote, which carried approval < January 17. according to the inferenc e CASH PRIZES ARE PAID TO are at work in the French tex.- *1ICH FLYER AND PIL07
Premier Clemenceau's program, wilft generally drawn by the Parisian pres 8 13 TRANS-CONTINENTAL tile mills which only a few months ago SAVED OFF FLORIDA COA8T.
"They snent a day In Dallas In FLIERS
with the Texas directors of the conference
53,659.22 in Fertilizer Taxes.
taken after the chamber had listene,(j
t> his declaration on the determin;a.
from Premier Clemenceau's statrh
ment in the chamber that his cablne 1
were razed or looted by the Germans
New York..Cash prizes totalling of their wonderfully delicate Daytona, Fla. James Levy, a

American CoMon assoc'ntlon. Mr. Fertilizer taxes for the year will be tion of the allies to crush bolsheviscn would definitely resign on that date' 36,150 were *realthy automobile dealer and hlg

VufjJ Wannnmaker addressed a special meet- a|^proximately J10.O00 in excess of last

inr.of the Texas Bankers' association v<?ar's figures, despite the efforts to
his confidence in the Anglo-Frano
American pacts, his prediction or a
It is also deduced from the premier' s awarded by the American
Flying Club to the 13 leading contest8 andWithin a year, government officials * named
declaration that he will be a candidnt ants manufacturers agree, production
Goodrich, en route in a
boat from New York to Miami,
fc called to consider amoor other imnor- r iduce cotton acreage ar the use of in the recent
tent the fstnblliration of the ]e 8s fertiliser. The total amount
solution of the Fiume problem and h is
understanding with Premier Lloy j
for the presidency which means tha
he will be elected virtually withou 1 nental air race.
army trans-conti1
of textiles will reach half of the pre- vircre rescued off the Florida coast
war total, and within two years, these niear here when motor trouble and ah
fofcotton. up to nooi* was $253,659.22. colcted George of Great Britain. opposition
Ten ft the prize winners flew
ican built DelIaviland-4 biplunes. Amer|
men forecast, the 1914 output will be ® xhausted gas gupply forced them to
»nt C*use of Fires. 31
surpassed. a light on the water.
v-ftve per cent of the Area MEXICAN BANDITS RELEASE
An appeal to the school teachers of
In South Carolina originate In ttile state to support the American
m« of the peonle nod more than o<ntton association hns been
f these fires nre dne to oondl- R M. Mlxson. president of the South
made by to a Washington..Replying
from the Massachusetts senate messai
Washngton..Ninety-eight per cen 11 Washington..Frederick the Hug£, / Jfay
wh'rh may h« reenlated in the!^irolina Cotton association, who hae ing its "concern" over the reporte expres s.
of the 12.1.00ft union railway machlri- American ranch
is*s voted in November to strike wltlh hy bandits in the manager captured
raid on
El Paso..Charges of sedition will
be filed against William G. Jenkins,
Seattle, Wash..The I. W. W., not
atisOf'd with causing havoc in the

said W. A. V^Swnln. state in- a<Idressed a personal letter to

every intention of the navy department Ito other trndes in the event congress en quiz Mexico, and recentlater liberated, was Muzi- consul agent of the United States at plorfdwestern states are determined to
>e commissioner, in his report to te acher in the
Puebla, Mex., following the alleged de- errfx^nd
state, discontinue certain work at the Bo s. noted the Cummins railroad bill wltlh released under an their sphere of evil Influence
lllame for the fact that the teachers ton navy yard with a resultant di 8. agreement to pay Alaska, v

>fnl and systematic Inspection of of the state are underpaid Is placed charge of many employes, Secretar
its anti-strike provision. $1,500 ransom within
In making this announcement. Wil cording to informationtwelve days, livery by hlrn of arms and ammunl> homos Riggs, who is a to A Governor according
les, w'th proinnt correction of bj 1 Mr. Mixson on the poor price which Daniels informed that body that lac k
conditions thnt may he found ccdton has brought in the South foi of funds had necessitated reduction <
liam H. Johnston, president of the Tr1-1 state department. Thereaching the
ternational Association of Machinist s announced that instructionsdepartment
ac1-1 tlon to the bandits who a"hd captuiV.c Ity. Governor Rlggs guest of this
ed him, according to The Excelsior ot h as positive -stated that ho
evidence that conclusive-
st will result In the saving of thle last 50 years. With a better price all navy yard forces and that it had been Mexico City,
1lo said the vote was taken b°f,»re the seni- sent to the According to a dispatch from l-*x r shows
that the I. W. W. have
property to the citizens of the fo>r cotton. Mr. Mixson says, there will r.ecessury to order still furthermay
redu<c. ate Interstau commerce coinmit'ee rf>- insist that embassy
In Mexico City to
celsior*s correspondent, the and are planning a general strike planed
according: to the report. b« s better paid teachers. Lions. ported out the Cummins measure. steps to capture the ban*
dits be taken. exarclnation
of the Indians was conducted with 11 Alaska with a view to paralyzing
Rpf*|ts ^Previous Conditions. B,ink Plans Worked Out. DCODI c nr
_wr bh vr vniu/MiU
"considerable solemnity/^ 11 idu9try there.
The special committee appointed to ARRESTED AND BAILED ON A ROOT TO BROBE TO ROOT OF

Judrment," ways
"the situation today
Wm contract cotton in New Tork
as re-

ap out the plana and details of the
tarter of the South Carolina Bank,
Cicago..A pearl necklace whlc
Mexico Otty..Htlario Medina, !i1 I
Chattanooga, Tenn..D. Henry

<in)ol cotton tn the south is very

A conditions last season When
rust and Export corporation is now
A\ work say a the South Carolina
t0 association. The stock of the coi>Cotn
sold (or 9276.000, numbers of oth<»r charge of the Mexican foreign office
gifts costing from $50,000 to 9100,00*j, declared In answer to a question tha die, once candidate for attorney gen*
and many rings and other pieces <>f '.he two American sailors arrested a eral of Alabama, was arrested at An*
Rld^! Trenton, J..Anothfif legal
launched was
New York.
attack Seventy-one person*
^ ave died during the past 48 hours
g(cores of others are

Ji^ly contracts sell at 800 points p(nation will be apportioned among jewelry purchased for from $3,000 1a Mazatlan for assault upon a Mexlcain niston, Ala., and released on $10,000
whep'Ellhu fuot for Christein Feigens- p aralysis and blindness,suffering from
That happened in March tj, e various counties of the state at $5,000, according to Chicago jewelerb, citizen were, so far as the foreign ©1>. bond on an indictment charging con* paj, filed s oiljl of ^omplalnt in the, j, wood alcohol "whiskey," due to
rifcr; -butwe aaw the futures
tn- New Tortt rise to a basis
ati early date and placed on sale.
"The organisation of the Bxnk.
hare gone to make this Christmas a flee knew, still held there under
reoord revenue producer. preh splracy and misuse of malls.
Uhited Sftes court asking for an
to reports from
restraining United States clIties and Chicago. seven eastern
visions of the Mexican common law The indictments
MM" market in the south t,rust and Export corporation Is "Persons are buying who nev< r Senor Medina said the foreign olt. ed illegal cotton are basecyp^alleg* District Attorney Bodlne and Charles The toll of poisonous liquor Is the
WflBranminir. We predict that
**** will happen In July af
c« Similar corporations are
|n formed in other state* of the
beg bought before,' said one proprletor, flee had asked the Mazatlan authorll. the close of the Icemor'.ee Cotton Mills,
"and people who formerly bought |16 ties for further particulars
dealaf^btfccaused DufTy collector of internal revenue,
from enfrcing the prohibition law. h ighest
in New England, where 60

cotn regardlnig bt Monroe, at C., and temporary IV bill declare# that both the Vol are recorded. Two women at
belt cuff links are now nuylng diamonds,» the care. Falrley and Bona. suepensio^ ' hlcopee Falls.
act and the 18th amendment are toad Mass., and one at
prlngflsld, Mass., are In this list.
i -

K+.S A
In constitutional.
Tygodnik społeczno-narodowy dla Kobiet Polskich w Ameryce. Hasłem Kobiety w Związku Polek —
Fubllnhed md dlstrlbmod under permłi No. 187 »mbofU»d >t m». «f Octobw • 18i7 mn ula łi t>«
l"# p„,.Af«.
Po»^0f"°* .
»' 0*i3a«.»
Illinois. B, order cf th. P«aldMxt.
A. 3. Kuil-on. PtH-


Uczciwość, brzmienie tak pię- popędem zachowawczych instyn dopiero wówczas się ujawnią,
kne, oznacza cześć czyli szacu-
nek i uznanie 2a dobre i szla-
któw, tępiąc siv wzajemnie bez
żłdnego poczucia odpowiedzial-
gdy z podziemi więziennych i in- Sztuka Podo-
nych miejsc zatracenia, wypu-
chetne czyny. A
gamy się
tę ozęść ubie-

ponieważ dla
ności. szczeni zostaną owi męczennicy bania Się.
U człowieka obdarzonego świa o postaci
wyniszczonej, o wzro-
każdej szanującej się jednostki, i ku zapadłym i dadzą świadectwo Może się ona Mahą zdawać,
domością dobrego złego, zwła-
jest to najmilsza nagroda za do. przeżytych mąk* za sprawo wol- lecz sztuka podobania si<£* jest je
szcza przy zamanifestowaniu
konaną pracę. ności. dna z ważniejszych, którą z tym
własnej woli w wyborze czynów,
Uczciwość jest przymiotem
wytwarza się poczucie odpowie- Są też inne
przewinienia, kno- Nowym Rokiem, zwłaszcza po
duszy opartym na miłości bliź- dzialności, które jest zarazem wania
potajemne pod zasłoną ukończonej wojnie i powrocie
niego; kto bowiem spełnia to je- objawem budzącego się sumie- godziwych poczynań i przedsię- naszych bohaterów rozstrząsać
dno wielkie nam przystoi w naszem kobie-
przykazanie, wyko- nia. biorstw, wyświadczonych do-
nywa je wszystkie. brodziejstw, a które w rzeczywi" cem piśmie. Naturalnie jest to
Z postępem czasu duch ludzki
Z najgłębszych tajników serc
sio rozwinął, myśl jego spotęż-
stości są na usługach złotego przyjętym pewnikiem, nad któ-
ludzkich, wydobywał się przez cielca. rym dyskutować nie potrzebuje-
niala tak, różnice pomiędzy
całe szeregi wieków głos wielki Czy przedsiębiorstwa są wska my, że sztuka ta (o której gło-
kulturalnym a dzikim człowie- ćno się nio mówi) zajmuje naj-

a potężny zwany sumieniem. Kaniem iiiacząj,itpa>ddzo'lżvsxkł'

kiem, stają się coraz to widocz-
Już w samem zaraniu dziejów oparte na podwalinie uczciwych więcej umysły kobiece.
niejsze. Rozwój ten jednak po w i
ludzkich, po bratobójczej zbro- nien być normalny, to jest opie- zabiegów, mających dobro ogó- Mężczyzna bowiem jest tak
dni Kaina, głos ten odezwał się rać się na zasadzie miłości bli-
łu na celu, nie wyzysk j podstęp przeświadczony o swej sile j pe-
w przewrotnem jego sercu, stra a może wynikającą ztąd
ruinę. wnej wyższości, którą go matka
źniego; na nie j jedynie zbudowa natura obdarzyła, wieńcząc go
sznem, nieznanem mu dotąd u- Na każdem polu ludzkich przed-
nr być może prawdziwa i nieza-
czuciem, rozbudziło siv w nim su sięwzięć, uczciwoś ć jest najle- kwiatem młodości przez nieokre
chwiana uczciwość, wówczas
mienie, lęk i Kain zaczął się u- pszym szermierzzem powod/e- ślony przeciąg czasu, że okres w
stosunki społeczne układają sio
krywać przed obecnością Pana. n a itrwałości, lecz na polu pra- którym podoi>ać się może, (we-
według wzoru nauki chrześc.
Jest to poczucie dobrego i złego, cy narodowej, najmniejsze zbo- dług własnego przynajmniej
i owej praktycznej zasady "nie
wpojone głęboko w sercu czło- czenie z fundamentalnej zasady mniemania), jest znacznie dłuż-
rób drugiemu co tobie nie mi-
wieka, stworzonego na obraz i uczciwości, może naród przypra- szy od tego, w któfym wdzięki
podobieństwo Boga. wić o klęskę, z której nie łatwo kobiece górują.
wabią i
Przy wstecznych kierunkach, się podźwignąć. Mówiąc o sztuce podobania
Poczucie to "sumienie" nie je-
przewadze pożądliwości zmysło- Nie możemy zię tu zastawiać nę, nie mamy na myśli upięk-
dną zmarszczkę wyryło na udrę- wych, częstokroć wskutek dege-
nieświadomością, niedoświadcze szenia zewnętrznej powierzcho-
czonem czole 1* nie raz już dopro-
neracyi organizmu fizycznego, lub brakiem wności naszej, a chociaż i to jest
wadziło do ostatecznej rozpaczy niem, przewidywa-
i szaleństwa.
powstają zdrożne tendsncye, za- nia. bardzo ważnem, lecz zależy od
poznanie duchowej natury czło- mody, a po części od osobistych
Pośród mętnych fal ludzkich
Człowiek podziale historyi
w wieka, popęd do złego, chciwość, ale tej głębokiej
pożądliwości, starajmy się
nawyknień. o
naturalnej jest królem stworze- zachłanność i cały szereg- zbro-
wyjść z tej topieli nikczemnych subtelniejszej sztuce, mającej
nia, z którem łączą go pewne ce dni i walk śmiertelnych, któ- daleko ważniejsze zadania do
zamysłów, ze sumieniem nie ska
chy fizycznego ustroju w świe- rych wiek obecny (wysokiej cy- spełnienia, tej sztuce, która
cie ducha jaskrawe i nie do opi- łanem, z uczciwością niesplamio
wilizacyi) był najstraszniejszą serdeczne rany goi, a rozkocha,
jania ną, a miłość Ojczyzny, która
dają się wy- widownią; sumienie zaś ludzko-
jest zarazem
ne j skołatane serca prowadzi na
czuwać różnice. ści zagłuszone, pogrążoe w odrę- miłością bliźniego
w n a j obs z e rn i ej sz e m tego słowa ślubny kobierzec.
twieniu spało snem kamiennym.
Zmysł zwierzęcia, zwany in- znaczeniu, utrzyma nas na dro- Przyznajmy sobie w całej pro
stynktem, służy mu tylko do u- Czy potoki krwi przelanej, stru- stocie. że fakt ten należy uwa-
dze obowiązku, uczciwości i u-
u1 rzymania mienie łez i jęki tortur moral-
jego fizycznego jes- chroni na* od potępiającego wy. żać, jako kulminacyjny punkt
testwa, a jakkolwiek ma ono pe. nych i fizycznych nie zawołają
roku i wyrzulów sumienia. szczęścia. Czy szczęście dają
v, ich stopień inteligencyi, jak j;:k dawniej krew Abla, o pum-
tryumfy sztuki i oklask publicz-
towidomy w budowie kunszto- t:tę do nieba. ności? Czy zdobycze nauki lub
wiićj £n:a/<!, wielkich mrowisk, Tak, wołają już. mimo panują doniosłego znaczenia wynalazki,
w tworzeniu zasobów pożywie- cego zamętu i wrzącego niepo- może ascety m religijny, który
nia przez pracowite pszczoły, koju, sądy Boże i ludzkie piętnu Woshington, I). C. Departa- dusz*/ unosi w przestworza nie-
tak, iż zwykliśmy mówić, odno- ją winowajców, aby ich pocią- ment wojny zawiadamia, że obe doścignionych uczuć, b?z wzglę-
śnie do obfitoścj ziemi, jako ki a gnąć do odpowiedzialności i za- cnie ye Frantyi znajduje się 1 ">(> du na potrzeby ciała, a może pra
ju miodem płynącym; to jednak służonej kary. Ale jak różne są rcnnych Amerykańskich żołnie- Ca filantropijna, poświęcenie łx>-
mimo tych zdumiewających zja- charaktery ludzkie i towarzyszą rzy a 568 żołnierzy znajduje się haterów lub nowe idee śmiałych
wisk w świecie przyrody, zauwa ce okoliczności, tak też i stopieG w Niemczech. W dniu 21-jfo li- reformatorów spraw spełecz-
żymy, że
każdy oddzielny pat. winy i zasłużonej kary. stopada r. i), we wszystkich szpi nych. Tak, niezaprzeczenie —

zwierząt, na tym samym sto- Jedne są jawne, zbrodnie wy- talach w Stanach Zjednoczo- wszystkie te niepospolite afery
pniu rozwoju mózgowo umy-
pisane krwią na zgliszczach i nych znajdowało się 17,210 ran- twórczej działalności ludzkiej
słowego pozostaje, idzie ono za świeżo usypanych mogiłach, in- nych żołnierzy przynoszą nam zadowolenie, roz-

17 II, a
VOLUME 2 Rutledge, Tennessee, Thursday', Jan. 1, 1920. NUMBER 11


... : I' III ili I
For the past two years a tobacco warehouse
has been proposed for Morristown, but during
the past few weeks business men have been seri- H .' A
ously sonsidering the proposition and it became
popular talk in the coufity among the farmers
if '. v'"i l?Lt'- - -
i and tobacco growers. .u- ,
Last week a few progressive men began to
formulate plans for, the organization to build a
A'Uii'v ... i
warehouse, to promote tfie growing of tobacco in
Hamblen and adjoining counties and securing the
services of an expert field man to be placed in
charge of the promotion of growing and secur
ing. the seed tor the tanners at once.
. Morristown is situated in the center of the
tobacco growing section of East Tennessee and
North Carolina, as shipments are made in car
load lots from points between Newport, Tennes-
see, and Asheville, N. C, and go thru Morristown 14 tlLJ. ' it-Zs-
to the different warehouses located in Greene-vill- e
It is reported that there is considerable and unusual movements and Johnson City, and to points in Virginia
of troops and troop trains throughout Mexico. Upper photo shows
Natives Washing wheat at Hama, Syria. Jn
Federal artillery of the Carranza Army being loaded on' flat cars
and eKntucky, and, shipments are made from the the background is the famous water-whe- of el

at railroad yards at Mexico City. Lower photo: Carranza troops lower ccunties in East Tennessee to the above Hama, the largest in the world. The wheel is
leaving Mexico City for a northern station on the tops of box cars. markets. Therefore, Morristown is the logical used foV drawing water for irrigation purposes
Insert snows President Venustiano Carranza of Mexico.
place for a tobacco market for East Tennessee. and also for supplying the town.
RESIGNS OFFICE BEANSTATION We know that the tolacco market at Greene-vill- e,
Tennessee, has put more money into Greene Current Events for the Children and Grown- -
After eleven years of faithful
service to the government as re-
Charley Burton, colored, shot
to death William Epperson, white, county than all their other crops combined, and Ups, Too!
feree in bankruptcy or the north- t or rear the Burton home in farmers and merchants ate in excellent condition

ern division of the Eastern Dis-
trict of Tennessee, which is com-
Poor Valley, near Bean Station,
on the afternoon of Christmas day
financially and their banks are overflowing with THE STRIKERS WHO DIDN'T "How many of these strikers
deposit money. ;' ''-;-

there?" asked Jack.

posed of fourteen counties, W. J. Burton claims that Epperson and j'.r-',i- r
. FIGHT are
Donaldson Saturday morning I "Before answer that, Jack,
pay?- - -
Jim Collins, another white man,
his intention of, esign-in- g ?it'Pwi-Jo!iwa'i:--tinjtief!-
yas- -
from the office. His announce he shot Epperson in self defense.
wttU"AJWARiiyioasE boy I ever saw," said Jack as he

who are on strike the rail

met his uncie coming uP the wait road men also threaten to strike.
mnt was made public upon re-
He used a shot gun, firing only We will answer by asking, "Has Hamblen n these two classes there are
ceipt of a letter by Federal Judge one shot which took effect in his And what is Fred stingy
E. T. Sanford, from Mr. Donald- victim's head and neck. County ever failed when the citizens co-operat- ed
about," replied Uncle Ted. about 1,000,000 men. The point is
son in which he asked to be re- Burton surrendered to heriff
lieved from the ofice and stated S. R. Satterfield on the night fol- together for the enterprise for the development "Well, you see, we've been play-
Indian because we can have
that these million men during the
war were protected by the govern-fhe-
of her resources or for the betterment ot any ing

ignation will take effect on Jan. 1. lowing the killing and was taken
smoke fires from the leaves for from going to fight and re-
With the announcement of Mr.' to Knoxville and placed in jail. economic condition?" We answer, .
"NO! And signals. I was to gather all the
ceived the best pay they had ever
Donaldson's resignation it became Sheriff Satterfield and deputies
leaves for my fire and Fred was been' given. In contrast to that the
hi known that John M. Thornburgh; Collett and Morgan arrested Jim never will fail with her present citizenship." to get some matches to light it other millions of men were at the
will be appointed by Judge Collins Friday on a warrant sworn
an-fo- rd
Now if this new business organized in is Mor with because mother put ours front in France fighting, risking
i I

to succeed Mr. Donaldson. out by Burton, .charging; felon- - ristown" is will benefit eveyjF fanner and businessitwiwy r couldn't find them. their 'atm mh! rmlpnt f30 a
Mr. Thornburgh wilK assume his ous assault with- attepmt to som-m- -
When I ready I told Fred to month. Our Congref? is deter-
charge of the offise on January murder in the first degree.

man in the county and adjoining and counties all wag

mined that the selfish interest of
bring the matches and he said he
1, th same date his resignation Collins was placed in jail at Rut-ledg- e.
should be interested m the promotion hi the wouldn't bring the matches until this one million shall not come be-
as his resignation as United
building of. a warehouse in Morristown by sub
I gave him enough leaves for his fore the interest of th other 43
States Commissioner is effective. Both Collins and Burton were smoke fire. So won't you let me million. The records of these men
serving stock in the Warehouse Co-- which tuna
before W. B. Talley and Sam H. have a match, Uncle Ted?" who are now fighting for higher
Roach Monday, But the trials
BABY BEEF CLUBS continued until Saturday, Jan.3. will be used in the erection of a modern perma- "Fred haas sort of gone on a pay which leaders in Congress
have been investigating, show
i strike hasn't he, Jack?" answered
The Collins case will be called at nent building asa a sales and storage warehouse. his Uncle with a big broad smile. that they are the very ones who
At 'our recent Fat Cattle Show, 9 a. m. and that of Burton at 1 "Now I'll tell you, Jack the wind received the highest pay during
the calves exhibeted by the Haw- p. m. MAKE YOUR PLANS is blowing so hard that I'm afraid the war and fought at home. Even
kins county boys and girls Baby Epperson was about 35 years it is a bit dangerous for little boys though th government said their
Beef Club werre a revelation to
of age, a farmer, married and
leaves a wife and six children.
Tfvou are considering raising tobacco this to be playing with fire. Suppose work here during the war was
of our prominent and you get your sister and we will important, there were other class-
year, you will have a local market to sell to,
many ft
and feeders in Middle Tepnss-e- e Cojlins is a young man, single
go in the house and sit in the front es just as important but who are
The Calves that had been cared and was workng on the farm of vou can feel assured your interest will be looked of the big fireplace while I tell loya Inow and are working and
for by these young farmers and Mr. Epperson. to me producing. The farmers who pro-
after when you bring or send your

Burton is a fanner and is about

you a story. How's that?"
farmerettes of Hawkins county "That'll be fine," said Jack as duce our food are the best ex-
under the direction of County 53 years old Mnrristown Market as the new company, as he pulled Uncle Ted by the sleeve ample of this.
Agent M. V. Koger took second
money, and attracted more atten-
soon as organized will securre the services of the in a hurry to get in the house. "General Crowder, who had

best man possible who will b? placed in the field- After the rio were seated by charge of the work of selecting
tion "than any other part of the HELTONVILLE the men for military duty during
the fire, which was crackling
show. fn Qccist thfi crower in starting and fin- and sputtering, Uncle Ted said: the war hag records which show
We hope that t'ne worth exam-
ishing his crop for market next fall. "Last week I told you kiddies Ives the number of coal mine operate
ple of Hawkins County will be Missess Essie and Sallie Jones, and railroad men. There were
followed by a great. many countf Blanche Richard and Mayme something about the strikes that 700,012 coal mine
next year. The condition of these Roberts spent Sunday with Mrs. are going on in our county and operatives of all
Lenoir City where she will visit how germany may get ahead of us ages and 380,000 engineers, fire-
calves clearly showed that every Spoons in Hamblen County. HAMMER her sister, Mrs. John Brabson. men and brakemen, and conduc-
boy and girl who had a calf on Eck Stanley and Mary Evans if we don't all work together and
Misses- Trula and Bula Perry tors. This makes a total of one
feed took personal interest in were married here Sunday. produce just as much as we pos- million who are to
of Red House were the guests of sibly can. Now I am going to tell stop all industry byattemptingwhile
making that calf just as good as Mr. and Mrs. Will Massengill Mrs. R. P. Brabson visited her
possible,, and it further showed spent Christmas with Frances :

son, Joe Brabson, at Joppa Satur- their aunt, Mrs. D. W.' McCarty, you something about the men who we have in contrast to that 12

that County Agent Koger is do- Helton. day. during the holidays are striking, who during the war men in all kinds of work.
ing come fine work up there in Mrs. Tom Foster and family Mrs. D. W. McCarthy and son, John Brabson and family of Le didn't have to go and fight be- Then there is another class the"
North East Tennessee. spent the week-en- d with Sir. and Ralph, motored to Rer House on noir City were the week-en- d visit- cause the government felt their men who work in the steel mills.
Hawkins County, we congratu- Mrs. J. W. Daniel Wednesday. work was almost as important as These men have been
ors of relatives and friends in our striking as
late you on the timber you have Mr J T. Schultz, who is connect- J. D. Long returned on Friday fighting, lou see, children, the I told you last week. The men in,
in your boys and girls, also on ed with the Wrought Iron Range from a two weeks' visit with rel- village. coal miners have quit work and this work are
the good judgment you Rhowed company in Virginia spent the atives at Lenoir City. Prof. Boyd E. Ritter, principal the country may have to go with A great numbermostly foreigners.
in sekcting your county agent. of these did not
week-en- d with his sister. J H. Hammer who has a position of Central Point Academy, spent out coal i na short time if they have to go to war because
in selecting you county agent. Esther Roberts of C.N.C., spent at Maryville spent the holidays don't go back to work If we don't were aliens. That is they
the holidays with friends at were
Nashville Livestock Bulletin. the holdays with her parents, Mr. with his family here. have coal we cannot run our citizens of other countries. Some they
and Mrs. Will Roberts. Mrs. T. A. Foster and children trains, and if we can't run our of them ha dtheir first papers
spent Christmas with relatives The bggest soiial event in ham-
STOCKHOLDERS MEET ' Miss Amanda Hazelwood of friends at Heltonville. mer during the holidays was a
trains we can't ship food. So it which would have later made them
Texas is spending thfe holidays is a very serious matter. President citizens of the United States. A
with her father, Mr. Joe Helton. surprise party given Miss Mamie
Herbert Beech, who if' attending Wilson has told the miners that rule was made that the aliens
! i
The stockholders of the Citizens Mrs. J. W. Brooks visited he.r business college at Knoxville Ledgerwood on Christmas eve. their act is unlawful and our big who had taken out their first pa-
Bank and Trust Co. are hereby parents at Limestone Sunday was with homefolks here a part ofAbout thirty of the younger set, Senate has said the same. It has pers were liable to be called for
called to meet at their banking Mr. Robert Helton of Morris-
this week. each with a present for the young been necessary to bring about service in the United States
house in Rutledge, Tennessee, on town spnt Christmas with his pa almost military law in the various so a lot of them withdrew their pa- -
Mrs. John Brooks ot Helton- lady, gathered at her home where
Tuesday, January 13, 1920, at 10 coal regions. That is, the govern- pers so as to be sure that they
a. m., for the purpose of transact rents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Helton
they were Royally entertained.
ville was the guest of her parents ment is keeping soldiers at these wouldnot have to go. The nthey
Master Ervin Atkins is spend "
The treat of apples and music
i. ing such business as may proper- Mr. and Mrs. Geo W.' Seals, Sun-
' places to see that the property of could go right on working and
ly come before them. ing the holidays with homefolks which Mr. Ledgerwood gave the
day. the people and thir lives are pro earning their high wages and at
C B. Cabbage, Cashier. in Knoxvlle. Miss Eulah Long 1ft Sunday for party will long be remembered. tected from any acts cf violence, j ' Continued on Last Page


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3' W W.J'•*"'- "iW t.' 'i'. •••';' -'1*^ ft
Ne# Year's Day
Jr- >r^ '
"T Edition
'lS'\NdirrH .OAKC^Ii NEWSPAPER' •" '1^'A'S

•; |ybL.'i5, Np. i» SISlSSSJiiiS"'; * PRICE PIVE CENTS.

^jgggggBBBBBggS-gggljggg^^ i||, fnnM,l g •mm£
• II II.1 ii ;•.". I -V! ffi,frv..,tift.i igpw-* ffi-ri^rf# Tppityrp V VTiB*
mess '±>-j
"SfiSSMmmm'i Wishes For 1920
'$*%%• , . " • " "•
* Coblenz. Tuesday, 30.—Lower
parts of this city are flooded by the
rising waters of the Rhine; the river the highest stage' known'in
a,,!;;' ' J-V. i^i-' ':- - 4 ? f ; ' ' ; ''. . V ^ v - the past fqrty, vears. 4 A number of
. .Be Grand, Forks" l^erald^ishes it&. patrons apdj Mends not only a happy "and prosperous army units jiave'been moved to high­
• ,.^V£1? Wi.'**
. •, ' l$Ni'fA*

New Year, but also a Ne^'YMT^fu^bf sei^iCe>.to, th^ciky, state and nation. er ground but the loss of American
All Persons Interested in property is small, units along the Was Introduced at Special
Securing Good Govern-
TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS -1 j$uririg thisi^omirig.^ to met, and solved, and if they are to [river banks, being warned in time to
move their supplies. The city is tem­ Session Congressman^$
be cbrrettly. sotyed ^ejhjr•.' :P41"*- [rhe Herald-takes this occasion to repeat porarily'without gas and water while
k- mknt For North Dakota.; New York—-Prizes aggregating %2,- its pledge of loyally aiid sjfirvic^.'to thfe^ciause'.of the higljest good to the. community, and the nation cellars ..of ' hotels and homes along
the Rhine boulevard, including the
avey. . >< « .v ••'v
000,000 will be divided' among .com­
Urged to Become Mem- peting aviators.' The big event will at large, urgek'ey<ry;v«i^enj^ in the effort to bring to bear on the present prob­ mansion occupied by General Allen
are flooded. . . > ; ^
be the aerial derby Vround the
| bers of Association; Two World, July 4 to January* 1, 1421, with lems of the ration and patriotic thought and action. Barge traffic on the Rhine was sus­
pended several days ago, about 100
Washington, Jan. %.—^Among . the
bills introduced at the extra session •
; Pays Session Likely. M {i a prize of $1,000,000. ' ... •: ,
: x .\^For the support .wfiich The.^HeraW'-W^ received vom the public during 1919, it extends its coal barges being delayed here and
•at Mayence. Reports state the Mo-
ot congress, and which remains' to be :.
New Tofk—John- Heydler, Nation­ disposed of at the present, sessiqn, - is
al league president, siiggested to Ban thanks. ^ Its efforts:^iintfg.'li9®0..Will{ b'^. to'c^|inue to deserve, and. receive the same, support. ^ ®elle river is also rising but little
damage has resulted so • far. The
what is, known as the anti-sedition
Johnson, American league president, • .• .-'.y- - X-.'.' t • ' .; bill, - introduced. by Congressman ,
•^ A state-wide annual meeting of the that the annual national commission Rhine continues - to rise at Mayence, Davey, which provides-as follows:
^ Independent Voters* association has meeting sche4uled for Monday be according to reports, heavy rainfalls
continuing in that section. ' • Sedition.
been called to be convened at Grand
51?rliS» N. D„ at 10:00 a., m. on
postponed because he could not be in
'Cincinnati at that time. - MANY PEOPLE EN. Whoever, with the intent' to levy .
iwar against the United States, or to ,
Thursday, February 6, , 1920^ It is
expected that the meeting will exttfnjl New York—The
its sessions sover at least two. daya. cans released seven players, four of New York Ameri­
I WEN HOUSE HALF OFFRENCH j cause the change,' overthrow, or de-
j struction of the government or ot any i
! of the laws or authority thereof, or

Among matters that'will come "before. whom were with the club in 1918, to
the meeting for its careful consWera-' minor league clubs.
tion are the following:
The Program:
(1) 'Which of the laws passed'at orLondon—*lW
'• New Year's day hon-s
A:-large, number of peop fe are en­
joying,; the annual New Y< Sir's open
M'NARY BILL PLANTSWORKING to cause the overthrow! or destruction <
of all forms'1 of law or organized gov- ^
ernment, or to oppose, prevent, hinder li
1 the .recent special session should be king
J. referended and when, and which laws' dletonfor
list contained many awards by. the,
1 should' be repealed or amended by, Albert Stanley, once a resident of Dqj
war services. Viscount Mid-
raised to an earldom; Sir
FOR ALL REDS ..lfcus^ at. the...Commercial c iib moms

being held, froni 10 a. m. t • 2 R. m. Sugar Equalization Board
T^ie Aub parlors have be n thrown Will be Continued
i f »i or delay the execution of Any law of i
the United States, or the free per- I
formance by the United States govern- i
30,000 Factories Put Out of ment or any one of its oncers, agents \
f means of initiation by. petition • and troit, to a baronetec, as was Sir JJet- i iop«» jto the people who a p attend- or employes of its or his public duty, ;
' popular vote.
Attorney General Commission During commits,' or attempts or threatens-: ib I
' rand' Dawson',
(2) Which of the laws enacted and Frederick Guest, treasurer* of the the king's physician. Pallhet W tKe affair and the poo ; and bil­ (. . Through 1920. commit, any act of force against any «» I'
r constitutional amendments previous--
Declares No . Quarter ^ for. players an<"
liard tables are in use. C rd tables
have been pl^ced in the din ig rooms the War. person or any property. or any act of
., ly adopted that now make Townley- king's household, and the tnree Car terrorism, hate, revenge .or injury
) ism possible should be repealed and nadian representatives at the peace against the person or property ot any
1 : how,* which should be amended and conference were made privy council- Will be Shown.' . W ihg-served. : - Happy . New Year" greetings fea­
Waslilngton, Jan. 1.—Presi­ officer, agent, or employe, of the
1 • how. « . lora • •!•:.: - __ ,;V / • ' dent Wilson has signed the Mc- Lille, Jan. 1.—Production has. been United States> Shall be deemed guilty
ture, the occasion with tit guests Jfary Mil continuing the United
resumed in about one-half the fac­ of sedition, Sand, upon conviction
| (3) What new laws and constitu- shifting from .one room to i another.
! t'onal amendments are needed. Washington—Comptroller of Cur­ States sugar equalisation board
tories of northern France, where the thereof shall be punished by. a fine
Washington, Jan.'l.—The year 1920 Many
•... . are., enjoying
- _ the real Ing room through 1920. It . was announced
(4) WTiat should be1 .done with ref- rency Williams' announeed an unpre­ outbreak of the war paralyzed indus- not exceeding $10,000, or by imprison-
,1 • ence to • the constitutional amend- cedented .increase . of approximately will be an "open season" for Bolshe* « »Pen«»»r a hour or twt [enjoying
1 ments .pending for popular vote at- ,->ne irees!n d0UarS ta natvn^
; i the next general election:' , , • •
, ! (5) Campaign methods and flnatiC-1
V who
in this
• •
the idea
: ld

e ®5pninOfOT «Tshort tim! ^greet

their friends and extend t >eir ac-
today at the White House that
before midnight last, night.
try and where battles raged for four i ment for a period not exceeding
his signature had been attached
•ySar^' .„ thls number, however,; twenty years, or by both such fine and
apout 13 per cent have been at work, imprisonment. 1In the discretion of i \L
only a month. Figures examined to- j the court.
Secretary Tumulty, in making ' •
1 l»ls- ' ' New York—Dudlejf Field Malone, , of overthrowing the ' government*
•• 'i. niialtitonno
Iii'Wwalhtahce. the announcement Issued thisday by_ the correspondent of the As- I Sec. 2. Promoting Sedition.—Who-
' —~ II AV A H MM A a#« VTam* * -w < . a • a ' m A aA
1 (6) What to do with former collector of the port of' New a statement published today Attorney ^ criinTT FU iavq statement: sociated Press, who is Visiting the | ever makes, displays, writes, prints, or
i candidates for all public offices, York, WAS excluded from member­ General Pjilmer announced tljat the 3v«"« * LWUlO war zone under a special dispensation j circulates, or knowingly aids or abets
, "The -president has signed tiie
Mate, legislative and county.
(7) The election of Ave state ex­ of radical views.
ecutive committeemen to' take tne
ships in the American Legian

policy of the department of Justice"
in dealing with the "red" ea" Menac#
of the government, showed that in J the making,
sugar control MIL The bill con­ displaying,
this region 30,000 plants employing ! printing, or circulatiilg'of any sign!
fers discretion on the president
in the matter of purchasing 800,000 workers were razed by gun- word, speech, picture, design, argu-

place of five whose terms of office ex­ Tueskegee. Ala.—Eighty-two per­ during the coming year will be one • Iiouisvllle, Ky., Jan. 1—CI ristopher flre, looted or badly disorganized.
sugar from Cuba. It Is doubtful I ment, or teaching which advises, ad-
sons wer£ v lynched in the United
pire atuthis annual meeting. of ."unflinching, persistent; knd 'ag­ (Gr. Schott, local physician, who . is Officials consider the work done j vocates, teaches or justifies any act of
whether it will be practicable or
"This meeting will be composed of States during 1319. Seventy-five were gressive .warfare," against- aeaiiist- tbis this -»«-- • charged with murder of M is Eliza- during the last year as very creditable } sedition as hereinbefore defined, or
.wise for the president to exercise
I numbers at large and delegates rep- negroes. * (. °«e; as the period ' between November 11, i any act which tends to incite sedition
the .power conferred so far as the
j ,-efcenting local units of th<B Independ- of offenders. No quarter will be'^ be .Wfrd
purchase and distribution of when the armistice was signed, and j as hereinbefore defined, or organises
* Voters' association in the same -* Pierre, S. D.—President .Wilson shown, he declared, and every move- ,
l sl t 8 00 qugar arc eonocrncd. the first of March, was occupied by | or assists, or joins in the organisation
. ;
, jepse that all fraternal or business failed to file notification of , his' ac­ ment aimed a% the government, n6; V \ ^ I -® the authorises in getting ready for of, ok- becomes or remains a member
i ~ organizations .have general meetings ceptance of the democratic endorse­ matter how
with sternly. "
i in which- only those take part who as- ment for a third term and his name , The attorney general" declared- that i ua,p^_M
it is cloaked^
• "
be dealt.'
j Investigation J>y a grand jur ^ on Jan-
'ST operations. It was necessary to begin of, or affiliated withi any society or
at the bottom, and build- railways', organization, whether the same <be
J - sociate themselves, with such organi­ will not be on the primary list.
zations in the regular * way provided
Preliminary tflal yesterdi r in po- FORCES TOTAL houses and storage plants for food formally organized ."or not. which has
and supplies and to build roads cap­ for its object, In whole or in part, the
IT™ )j _ fqji in «Ach case. The meeting will
probably* be thrown open to the pub- CELEBRATIONIS
' I lip at some sessions, when it is likely ances.with the. doctrines of ; "reds)>,'H -
ALMOST MILLION able of bearing motor vehicles before advising, advocating, teaching, or
actual work on rehabilitating the justifying of any act of sedition ,*s
th^t speakers of' national reputation
NEW YORJt OCCUPIES Mr. Palmer, said, was the moiSt f0^1,41, FOR DRUG KG.
country could commence. As this hereinbefore defined, or the inciting-
work progressed the program was of sedition as hereinbefore defined,
ble method of . ending thelr activities' laondon, Jail.' 1.—Germany's armed
' will .be present and deliver addresses
,on subjects in which voters of the
THE ENTIRE NIGHT a«d he urged the American people' Wis., . Jan.' 1.- A. S. forces enlarged.
are ' estimated by the British shall be deemed guilty of promoting
|r.X:. ; »tate are interested. in the interest of law
ia ifie luivroob ui im* Him vruci , and order. peace Andrews,
.- T. a prominent
— - , .
1 , -- ^ de: ^ and It was necessary, in addition, to aid sedition, and, upon conviction thereof^
waf office, to total close to a million
• /. ' ~~ '. and happiness, and the maintenance long, ume resident of Supejor, was men. Thebe are .divided into the reg- all the sufferers in the war zone at shall be punished by a fine of not ex­
*;i |%e following inyitation to the vot­ New.York, Jan. 1.—Celebration of national solidarity to study the full ' !.rre8?e<L,^?5?y b? . s', lMar®^al ular army of 400,000, the land forces once instead of concentrating all ef­ ceeding $10,000, or by imprisonment
ers of the state, is Issued by the I. V. the advent of the New Year contln-: of meaning of the radical idea and 'to: Frank p'Connor^charged wi h selling of the 12,000; the armed forts in one district. This plan of of not exceeding ten years, or by both iti
\ J ,• Ipvitalion to Come In.
\ ued Until dawn in the hotels And res­ counteract it through the' teaching.' Narcotic dru^i to addicts, pr. An- constabulary, 40,000 to I>0,000; the "spreading xthe butter thin," as one such fine and imprisonment, in the
taurants along the "great white way," of Americanism in"the press,'-; the' ®'a?,8 Waf .recentlj' convicte Lin fed- temporary volunteers or regular army
All people who now realise that the revelers taking advantage of .what church, the school and labor ^organ,- official expressed' It, was necessary as discretion of the court.
, er^Lco"rt here and sentenc a to the reserves, 150,000 to 200,000; . civic all were equally in need. Energetic Sec.. 3. Aliens to Be Deported;— -13
J :: cm statp is in ^danger, and who b'e- they considered the last-opportunity ization. penRe^fiaxy Ssnd to pay a h kvy fine, guards 300,000 to 400,000. manufacturers, however, frequently Any alien who shall be convicted un- ••SI
1 ,, lilye with that one to celebrate in the hilarious manner . The. sentence was remitted n prom-: Were able to obtain results, by. co­ der any of the provisions of this act' Mil
^ 1 met. with one
.hpjut ; polIticiU:^ ®^"
i traditional to New York. Police and
r?'i .other 'obse.rvers'sai4 the crowds which AUTHORITIES AWAIT ise of. irbod behavior, and ii view of
Hhis. reoord. . I
MUCH LIQUOR. IS POISOK. ordinating their efforts with those of shall, at the'expiration'of his sen-.
the government; their energy being tence, be taken into custody under the
> • or„
ntly invited to,, fall in[
1i><IS|>end«ht 'VotoW -H
are i jammed upper, BroMway .from ;mid
night >until nearly morning, were
*»qual In site -4nd spirit lb those of
REPORTS OF DEAT fc,^Paul -Heyt'ets, a former sa! on man, 'per.
' fklscfr« cha ted•' with- sAb^^ange
Jrf-I'ttife"'-'. war-ttoie p >hibitibn'
Buhl,' Minn., Jan. 1.—More than 30
an asset which' enabled- them to ob­ warrant of the secretary of labor and
cent iof 'the 'liquor" on the Mes-
tain advantages in the shipment of deported in the manner provided by 'J-Si
iipw is "rank poison." ac­ the immigration laws of the United -
thus/help t6 wirk fp: cording tyfkchi'nery iand r^w materials.
to a federal agent. who is
.fornter yearn ijlttefl^ investigating conditions,'on 'the SSa*ea^«h and ' .pagd' aBen"
'l»sc£«£ cluwi out ahd;deC. . r -^here has been a .notable increase shall Q>rever thereafter be debarred
m hS : €njt«i unjieMfrabt«r!!^ieuH of^ii^m^rSI^SS^^ui^Sl^^ C^takfe,/-%ah.
•tect- and promote ,^he welfare o£
> state. and
nnri itte!ldenUl$ furnish XOTesighteanBss' naa purchased awaited
rurnian stocks Of wines- and liquors, before
throughoiit tKe -cou5»ti^ toddy giray^ljr,
reports fronHNew Y^at's eye
hlitt,'-Jan.. 1.—The suppression in out of the way
ra^i'ge, preparatory, he said, to' a con-
certe'4; drive on bootleggers.
lit the reBumjftioir of plants, especial- from again entering the United States
ly' those turning out textiles, during or any twrito^y or possession, thereof.
threat quantities of the "liquor" is
the last few weeks, but' it is estimated
from ether, then stored Sec. 4. Denaturalization and' Sub­
it will take three ,years for the ma­ sequent Deportation.—The conviction


""ISE, with " its Waterloo' in July - 1, we'rt making mieirry in the r® v®'® 'or 0 ir retutaiimi ctf' the 'freeman's Journal, l iiich was mining locations, he
jority of the principal trades such as under any of the provisions of this
i'-i)-/ I N'lHh ^Dakotal .We urge the thou- hotels and restaurants. °i i :5 predictions that the "W^av$.-ordered ' suspended for publ shlng ah said. . . glassmaking, wood working and sug­ act of any naturalized citizen shall be
sa||ds, in this state ^rho are critlcisinr Much of the liquid refreshment was of deaths from wood alcohol' poison* article adjudged to be contri fyvto DO- 4s A pian who went insane this week
ar refining to resume production on. deemed sufficient tb authorize the
J -.1-. = farmers and others v .for supporting sent in advance by truck and limous­ ing, which took a toll O^pprptf riftte. Hce discipllni, has lasted n t&xC d thought to have become so from
a normal scale. Large mechanical cancellation of his or her certUteate
ilie Nonpartisan league movement* to ine. .after for the night ly 125 lives[during the GhristmauB' hpl-a..fortnight. This is ihi i .'longest .V.?kin,8 whiskey niade in his own plants such' as the locomotive works of naturalization in the manner pro­
1 shoW their own faith in organizing had been -reservations made. .'A heavy, "profit idays, would, be. repeated.
1 . . period . any . nwspaper has t ten ... pen­ still near Sturgeon Lake.
at " and the coal mines vided by section 15 of the naturalisa­
uai^itlctfl effort. Members of the through "corkage"' and "cooling" Early today there was slight evi­ alized, even. during the war about Lens will be under a handicap tion act of June 29, 1906. It shall be
Nonpartisan leagues1 who are now in ,^™gis wm reaned dence that celebrators of 'the arrival - Inctdirlps at Dublin castle jive fail TEXAS COWS PURCHASED. for a-longer time and it is believed the duty of the United States attorney
rloubt sluiiit
about Whinh
*whioh nv way to aon. . "S, ® , ..*M reapeq.
(q . vote can .Elort. Worth . Tex.,' Jan. 1.—More
.inot be expected ts. dome agd and build an ! lackingCrowds, on the streets, while not of the new,year had not proffted by ed to elicit ^Information as |o when ten years must elapse before full in the district where said naturalised
organisation for anti-Toiwleyites or „ in exuberance, were more or­ knowledge gained of this effects' of .the'hewspaper Js likely'to bp allowed than one hundred Texas cows have speed ahead will be possible. citizen is held in custody or resides
Two tJriiiking outlawed liquid.- ''J *Th6 more to. resume publication. Just >been purchased by the United Machinery And equipment weigh­ to institute and conduct such ppt-
for the gathering and disseminating derly thousand
than in former years.
police ofijeers who, lined pessimistic officials pointed' out,. how­ States' government and will be ship­
ing about 250,000 tons have been re- ceedings immediately upon the entry ' Oil
if inforpiatlon in opposition to Broadway from thirty-third street to ever, that it probably Wottld reqfctee MIIiMOJfAIRK MAK ped to' the Philippines to be cross­
turne'd from Germany and the French of final judgment of conviction. Upon
-TcTOleyJsftt <it is the duty of those of GolilmbuS said they had little a full day for the - seriotfcr . cot^eVi DEAD. i bred witfc«the native Indian or hump
.government has advanced to indus­ the cancellation of the certificate of-
ua whO now realize that there is to do and Circle, few arrests were made. quences geAefally to becozrfe appar* '.Muskegon, Mich., Jan. 1.- ^Thomas tf&ck cattle of the islands. The pur­ trial firms credits totalling approxi­ naturalization the alien shall become
more bad^than good in Townleyism to eht. Hume, .millionaire lumborn an and chase was-made by Dr. A_ S. Shealy, mately 3,000,000,000 francs. This sum subject to the provisions of section 3
join our
juiii elfQtts to
uur cnyrio convince inose
iucunvinue those wno
who to rfww'ofn~ Chicopee, Mass., and the Connecti­ associated in business for m by years purchasing, agent for'the Philippines, will be applied against damages esti­ of this act
ore in doubt that m. a.™ in Places of merriment. The cnimes
ot hundreds of churches rang out as cut valley with 50 death's /today still with; Charlies H. Hackley. lluskegon, who said the island cattle were' poor mated in the chamber of deputies to Sec. 5. The department of justice
ul?^gain in l92o "f a?l of us who °i old at midnight, while thousands led. all localities that suffered from philanthropist, died at his h >pie here beef producers. By crossing the In­
the Christmaa flood of fakfe whtskey. this- morning of pneumoni; L Five dian breed with the hardy Texas
amaiAit to 50,000,000 francs. A large shall furnish the secretary of labor
nSw^posed1^to^Tpwnleyism ^ill number of property owners, how­ such data as will enable him at the
In. Chicago . 32 deaths, attributable to of his six children were at h i bedside stock, he said it - was believed the ever, have not yet filed claims while proper time to effect the deportation
r ife ' together and pull together for. one !r®JLw » attended Wood alcohol poisoning, had occurred' iwhen death- came. The othc r, George home supply of beef could be increas­
. j my,, purpose. watch night .meetings -in the churches. others have not decided whether to of those made subject thereto by the
A chorus of 1,800 voices sang at Mad­ since Decentber 1, according :to'Peter Hume, of Fresno, Cat., is [en route ed in the islands, thus decreasing, the resume operations. They include aged provisions of this act.
ison £kiuare Garden while a pageant M. Hoffman, .Cook county, coroner. here. heavy Importation of meat. owners or fathers" whose sons were
»> l^ San Francisco Puts was presented. ' - " - ' killed in the war.
Ten Japs Will Enter < -I ;
Theaters were crowded beyond ca­
lip -®• ''"On-Big Celebration most pacity notwithstanding' the fact that
of . the larger houses had dou­ Now Young Man—Get Busy And Crc ck These Nuts! NEW YEAR'S DAY Derby Around World
t By MORRIS •fe;.'-?
' Ban Franicisco, Jan. 1,—The ,fdry" bled the price of admission. It was QUIETLY OBSERVED
: law but slightly dampened the en­ estimated, that- the box office receipts Tokio, Dec. 4.—-Ten Japane^ avia- • $
thusiasm with which the wiest wel- totalled $300,000. • Two roof gardens AT THE CAPITAL tors are expected to participate in V
: corned the New Tear in California, shows. charred 111 a seat'for their midnight the first aerial derby around the i
thoso who had private stocks encoun­ * world which begins next July. ^
Washington, Jan. 1.—New Tear's The American commission of ar-
tered .no .Insurmountable difficulties
in finding places oif cheer and merri­ SERUM FORMULATED day was being quietly observed here
today. In official circles there was
rangements which has just conclud­
ed its visit, has met the most enthus- : ;
ment wherein to consume them, and
, in the other far western states the THAT MAY ERADICATE the usual found of social functions,
although ax the -White House there
iastic and cordial reception among
the Japanese who show a keen infer- -
.] advent of the new year unenlivened'
j by the cheer of the malt, vinous or
if spirituous- varieties was novelty.
THE YELLOW FEVER was no formal celebration because of
the illness of the president. Secre­
tary of State Lansing and Mrs. Lan­
est in the great world flying -trip.
The commission, composed of Com­
San- Francisco staged what was re­ modore -luouis D.- B«'nmnnt Major
sing were the hosts at a luncheon for Chas. J. Glidden and Benjamin Hill-
garded as a creditable repetition of - St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 1.—-Science lias the diplomatic corps and receptions man, has been received by virtuallv
.fhef traditional celebration. Those not discovered a preventative of epi­ v<. were held by Secretary of the Navy every member of the. cabinet
IwUo. ha'd private* stocks repaired to demic diseases, but a serum is being and Mrk Daniels, SecretaYy of War The war department and the'im­
places of entertainment, "parked'' formulated, that may eradicate yellow land Mrs. Baker, and Assistant Secre- perial aviation association have prom­
; their containers with the manage­ fever, acoording to delegates attend­ tary of" War and Mrs. Crowell. ised every assistance in arranging for
ment and thereafter drew on thete ing the convention ofthe American The new year, received a noisy wel­ the flight The visitors witaiessed
j uunpliea as long as the inclination Association for the Advancement " of come last night from crowds on the some brilliant flying by Japanese
|and the" supplies held out Those -who Sclencfe, in * session here. Delegates streets but there, wef-e no public or aviators.
i| did not,.or .who did not care to im- /warned against influenza, spinal men­ formal celebrations 'other than the E. W. Frazar, an American real- '*
i bibe, fhronged the streets in holiday ingitis *nd infantile paralysis. These church and home-watch parties and dent, who is interested in aviation ;
l.moodS' V . •' diseases have not been wlp«d> oat, but balls. The customary watch party has been- appointed representative of %
are having "recess," delegates as­ at the. Whfte House was dispensed the commission in japan. <
serted. '
Holds Dr. Simon Flexner of the Roeke-
with because of President Wilson's
Condltfon. Messages to the nation
The commission has left for China
and will visit Bouthern Asiatic conn- '
feller institute
Its Costomaiy Parade And president of the association, ex­ for medical research, • • • were. issued by Vice President Mar­ tries, later crossing overland to Eu- s
' -ste.1"- shall and , several members of the rope to mark out the route .of the r
plained that scientists were progress­ cabinet, in all of which was expressed derby airmen. At a farewell dinner .
Philadelphia, Jan. 1.—The Mum- ing. in ttvelr fight on cancel-. He said a note of -optimism for the coming given the commission, the keynote "
men* parade, the big feature of Phil- rosfiurch "gradually was get- f year.
' fitdwWa'* celebration, was held oh tlng teto s position of 'strategic su- was Japanese-American co-operation.
Bro$& street today after a lapse of a1 periortty*' In Its attack on this maladyt
l.f-J year-do# to the Wai^ »nd was wit^
im AMERICAN BUSINESS Moyicr com to cKURnti
Louisville, Ky.. Jan. l.—Prosperity
• ' neslpi# b* hundreds of thousands of 10S TEAR CMCd> FAIUfEgft.
, .Hilo_, I«land of Hawaii, T. H.,<Dee.
P ®'*antrjmtir contested for prizes 3*—N. I?. Kiaaina, fulL blodded
•-ft:?/i' ANXIOUS OVER WHAT which has
attended the Ml» racing !
In Kentucky- is indicated by

the Kentucky Jockey club's distribu­

amoantlnc to 115,000 awarded by the Hawaiian who is approaching his tion of $10,000 to charities in Louis­
elty/as1 part of Philadelphia's official "3rd birthday, U makinThte living, ^ ^ ville. Lexington and Covington- and
despite hls_ years, by tining the art!. , r:.:
Washington, Jan. 1.—American the declaration of aeveh- per cent en :
II;! Hiding the parade were the fancy - Kiaaina h« eight acres of land at business feels anxious, over what the : thi preferred and five per cent«n the
^reajL-'tfaw" Year's clubs wltn their .Haahea where he raise* sugar- cane future holds, the federal reserve common stocks of the orranlzatlon "
; ro«w>ers srrayed in regal j-ifihenL rand ta«o. This tall j^atrlarchal-Hawai- board announced In .its review of De- ,Fiye thousand dollars also wm ctven
TmN» alio a division of comle lsn. whom bbrn April 21. 1^17, ftlll Vsember business conditions, s The Sp the Department of ^Acrianftare
WfeeluM: -This;. division Included floats' }«« while his bearinc continued advance in prices, the re-: University of Kentuciev, 'to amneite
whtaki..^nwjiisly depleted past and duction in production and the high its work in hoAe breeding. , The
S ^|cvnni|:'^9t« and others that gave saa?8i«?Siffknversatlon- cost of living are regarded as a com- Jockey djib Controls tae tracks at
•%:.J-hui*iww' versions of state and na- alist 'in' his .native tongu mercial menace. Louisville, Covington anll LtxiiitbM. j.
occurrenoes. rln the days of the bli . monarchy, Although the retail trade showed . • -*
Klaaln'a was ene of itS' cl flt retainers great activity and WhoIesa'er< and t ; •KMEISDB VO Bfi JMiDi.'' v
•Jid .during Quegn r " tnu'sr: life -•is • manufacturers are piled with Orders Portlands Ore,.' Jan. 1.—The PoM-
he was onei of her pi advisors, the growth in business, the report land committee h ehillrge ol thi' w-
From hU office he gatiii "the nick- sald, was-in terms of dollars and not rangements for the Hirtne. (MMttlte
Dp* 4>f kiaaina,' which
«*nor," which has. stuck him ever
DURING 4iMtTEAR •t#be, displaeing hls own; niime^of short hours %lth the consequent tall- '
ZlMblHpl;' " iar off In production. <-
(0*0. lli *M»-i-M»d'' fumer "'.was : naittad Unbertalnty as to the develoiunents' ««M Utat
• OrfU Brit- f hkd no children .-and both of t^ie neit three months Is retarding ;Ma to
•ioCf merehant ves- have hpen dead many yearw. expansMa' la trade,"the report added;]male '
««*i A
Amerioa^mariiS ot selres far intii tk
kr ahowl) pf ths-oltjr-lian, aiwwwiiifr a bell wtoieb unrest
>on more coal/; the .other
Mtt'cramBied the fwrnads • «idi
tjOW** Mm
H* ;«MWd (0»f ' alt?'

|&.V*jS& iSMt H.1*1ifo, te&MtrU

• ( . . v v -<wrw
Ue. t 'i



\ S. Reserve Board Predicts Price Drop
rake This Lincoln Year, Lansing Urges FBIÜÜL

3 jßeto gear draper

Explosion Fake;
Prince Regent of
Serbia Is in Paris High Commissioner From Tokio and Omsk Mili­
F Suggested by the Interchurch World Movement of North
America. Paris, Dec. 31.—Prince Re­
gent Alexander of Serbia, who
tary Mission Marooned in Railroad Station by
Uprising of Fifty-Third Kolchak Regiment; 25
Almighty God, Father of all mankind, at the end of a was reported in a Berlin de­
year in which malice has so often thwarted love, we join the spatch to have been killed Americans in Disturbed City.
prayers of all Thy children around the world for peace, the with 26 others by an explos­
Labor Dallying With Un- 5 elevation of justice and of brotherhood. J New Year Welcomed at ion, in Belgrade, is in Paris Vladivostok, Dac. 31.—(By the Associated Press)—Eight
precedented Opportun- g earth Thou Creator, possessor of all things, who didst make the • Washington by Kindly and well. The whole story of ! hundred government troops at Irkutsk revolted on the night of
for the races of men and didst set bounds for their
ities for Prosperity 5 habitation, forgive us our greed as we repent of our sin, 5 Mesages to Nation by his death, therefore, is with­ 'December 23, took possession of the railway station and estab­
out foundation. lished revolutionary headquarters. The movement, which is re-
Blamed for Anxiety. S and restore to all hearts the recognition of the transcend­ 5: Vice President, Too. I ported to be headed by zemstvo and social revolutionary leaders,
ent right of human life to live. is spreading through the city, which is reported, fully controlled
— 5 Open our eyes, we beseech Thee, to the dignity of labor, by the anti-government forces.
Housing Situation Also J the sacredness of human service, and the Privilegs of pro­ Dinner Dances Popular; Trains Rush to Guard Gold.
duction. that nation may join nation and man may join man Daniels to Entertain
Critical in West; Car • justly in honest work to replenish a devastated earth. The revolt started in the Fifty-third Russian regiment,
Shortage Ties Grain|
Real Estate at Peak.
; S Quicken the sympathy of hearts made dull by reports and

S sights of suffering, incomprehensible and needless.
g Call us again that we may bow before the eternal laws

a of creation, putting aside malice, envy, covetousness and
Diplomatic Corps; Liq­
uor Ban is Not Felt. TUMULTY TO GET stationed on ths left bank of the Angara river. A pontoon bridge,
the only communication over this, was'broken several days ago.
General Semenoff, commander-in-chief of the All-Russian
i forces, is despatching armored trains to Irkutsk for the purpose
Washington. Deo. SI.—General anxiety j S
prevails throughout American business j •
concerning the continued advance in ; g
prices, and a readjustment appears im- ; •

brutalitv, to enter into the peace of the sons of the Most
S High.
Hasten by Thy gracious providence and by the consecrat-
• ed efforts of Thy children the coming of Thy world wide
Washington. Dec. 31.—Washington ;
welcomed the New Year, tonight, with- ,
out any public or semi-public functions,
but with the usual church and home
watch parties and street celebrations.
Dinner dances at the hotels were r * _n i j
d j
of protecting cars of gold and silver bullion being evacuated from
j Omsk.
Jap Mission Marooned*
Japanese reports indicate High Commissioner Kalo, with the
minent, the federal reserve board re- • i popular. The advent of national prohibi- Deadlock and
ports in its review. All through the S _ kingdom where justice, mercy and love shall rule the hearts 1 tion had no new effect, for this was
Proposed Omsk military mission under Colonel Fukuda, is marooned at the
board's statement the inference was p
Compromise Subject consular Irkutsk railroad station, which the Irkutsk Japanese mission and
strongly given that a reduction in price-; 5 g and hands of men.
j the third New Year celebration sincp j
is due because of a recognized curtail- • • Create in us, O Lord, clean hearts, and renew right spirits j the ban was placed on the sale of liquor ,
'in the District of Columbia. Some mem- j
military forces are guarding. With the company of in­
ment of buying power, coupled with a •
• for the coming year. ; hers of hotel parties "brought their of Three Parleys. fantry with machine guns on the other side of the river, they are
lack of unanimity of opinion as to what g own" and diplomatic row continued to not expected to be freed within a week at least.
the future holds. iSg This we ask in the spirit of Jesus Christ, our only Hope. j enjoy its immunity from prohibition re-
While retail trade shows great activity . • Washington, Dee. 31,—(letting down I Japanese troops are being despatched to Mysawaya, the most
and wholesalers and manufacturers are 2 Amen!
! strictions.
Daniels to Entertain. to rases in their discussion of appeals western station on the American-guarded sector of the railwaj,
pfc. represented as being unable to supply Because of President Wilson's con­ for a compromise, republican and demo- \ with the view of protecting the Japanese missions at Irkutsk,
the demand, the great growth in busi- I m i m i H dition, there was no formal watch party
neu« is shown to hove been in terms of at the White House. Official functions cratic senators found that article ten American Consul Silent SillCe.
dollars and not in units of production.
High wages for labor further *omplicate
the situation, according to the board's
82 LYNCHED LAST YEAR; tomorrow, however, wi'î nie!
luncheon for tbe jsaue c .p »V
o still presented the biggest stumbling j
in tlie way of an American Consul General Harris reported on the morning of
view. Virtually every federal reserve
district reports that "skilled labor is
working only sufficient days to keep
SEVEN WHITE; ONE WOMAN atteiKied' by the secretary "p war'and ! aeS'eTn wmpromL'^nïgoSons^nd ; December 23 that all was quiet. He has not reported since.
Mrs Baker and the assistant Secretary 1 o n a l 1 »"I« 1 * 't was said that, althoueh
of War and Mrs. Crowell, at the secre- i »<> agreetment was yet in sight, the
The last American train carrying consular officials has left
H. C. L. Undoubted Menace. FIVE NORTH AND WEST tary's home. sifting process had centered attention Taiga,
New Year's messages to the nation on a very few reservations, notably that American Red Cross workers, including six women are in Irkutsk.
which now is occupied by anti-Kolchaks. Twenty-five
In the face of heavy demands, cauti­ i were issued by Vice President Marshall dealing with article ten.
ous manufacturers are described as dis Tuskegee. Ala.. Dec. 31.-—Eighty-two riots, shooting officers of the law, kill- i and some members of the cabinet, The reservation on this poini which
inclined to commit themselves far in persons were lynched in the Fnited ing officers of the law otherwise, and j Messages to Nation. was framed by the foreign relations com­
advance. Credits have been shortened. States during the year, an increase of IS insulting women, and three because of I Secretary Lansing, in his message to mittee at the last sesion President Wil­
The high cost, of living is referred to as over 1018. the department of records of "remarks about the Chicago riots, j ( h o n a t i o n ; p i,, a ded for making 1920 a son characterized as amounting to a re­
an "unquestionable menace." and research of Tuskegee announced Seventy-seven ot the lynching» occur- i V ( > a r s u ,,j, n s i t h c H O U | tl f Abraham Lin- jection of the treaty.
The board noted that real estate through its aunual report. Seventy-five red in the South and five in the North • ' c 0 ] n with its colossal sympathy would Three Conferences in Day.
values in hundreds of communities seem lynched, were negroes and seven were and West. Georgia, with 21. led the . have made it. He proposed:
to have reached the peak, or at. least whites. One negro woman was included list of states in the number of lynchings wish that 1020 mav lie a Lincoln .. Determined , to secure some , modifica-. ,
the rise has been checked. With the in the list. and Mississippi and Arkansas were sec- i vear—a Lincoln year in which our people ! n ,imber nf siiVêestinn« 8 hnf"«»' rP f se .?
a " "f
stoppage in the rise of renl estate Seven persons were burned to death ond with 12 The other states stood as will learn to look at things through Lin- ;
v a l u e s , b u i l d i n g o p e r a t i o n s a r e e x p e c t e d j and nine were killed and their bodies follows- ! coin's eves—those kind. wise, steadfast. f.° «ai have been regarded on the repub-
to be stimulated. afterward burned. Nineteen of those Alabama and Louisiana. 7 each: Flor ; honest eyes—in which there was neither! j' a " f " r ;Republicans,

Housing Crisis m West. lynched were accused of assault or at­ ida. Ö; Texas, 4; North Carolina..." West ; malice nor envy, but a great sympathy j "•> <">"• have suggested changes which
Virginia and Colorado and Missouri. 2 and a noble common sense. W hy can t ! the democrats regard as modifications of
The housing situation is said to have tempted assault.
reached a critical stage in the territory , Thirteen were charged with murder— each; South Carolina < arolma.
Tennessee Ne- i we make this 1920 a Lincoln year?
| M r . M a r s h a ll said:
language only.
Three conferences attracted particular
west of the Mississippi river. Belief is ' all of the whites having been charged braska, Washington. ' "Blackness of despair would settle i attention. Senator Lodge. Massachu-
expressed that the combination of an- ; with this crime—four each for abetting each. I over out land were, it not for the faith, i se _., the republican leader, went over
ticipated greater returns on investments hope pnrf charity which still abide——faitli compromise suggestions with Senator
with a probable drop in site values would that a deeper knowledge of the wisdom Pomercnc. Ohio, a democratic member of Palmer Has Scheme for Street Crowds on Great
bring new construction ami thus relieve j
Grain Tied up for Cars.
of our institutions will be imparted to jj,e foreign relations committee.
every son and daughter of the republic, Secretajy Tumulty went to the c a p i t a l J Action by Division White Way Listless in
Grain shipments were unusually low I
during the month, partly because of the
Mm.9 Äm« a *m.a w « a. »
rights to a consideration of titeir (Juties, v v„„ .»
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and charity for all
»«#•;««• i i „e i
„ 1 1 who are not vicious, ! N e b r a s k a , a c t i n g l e a d e r o f t h e d e m o -
Into Five Classes.
Greeting 1920.
fuel shortage and the consequent rednc- i
fion of warehouse accommodation. |
Country elevators are full of
grain. '
hut who. through
have become embittered.
stress of circumstances crats. Tonight Mr. Hitchcock called into',
I consultation all the democratic members 1
of the committee who are in town.
Washington. Dec. 31.—Measures pro­ New York. Dec. 31.—The New Year
Lviding for the ultimate return of Ger- received n widely varied welcome irr
federal reserve agents said, there has Washington. ')fc 31.—Substantial j defeating increased cost of operation; Make It Lincoln Year. New York, tonight. In the big hotels of
Tumulty After Information. m n n Rr){ j Austrian property in the United
been, "the utmost difficulty in obtain- r e (] U P tion in railroad earnings for i during the strike, said the director "God of our fathers., take from us. if the white light district, the newcomer
ing cars." On the Pacific coast, farm- >»ovei n b«;r and December is forecast of I general, but strike conditions developed thou wilt, prosperity and national glory, Secretary Tumulty said the purpose of i States will be submitted to congress by was welcomed by the private stockhold­
e>-s are holding spring seed wheat in an- j)j r r ,, t o r <ionoral Hines. ! new and intricate problems. but give us __ individually _ and collectively his call on Senator Hitchcock was by ! the department, of justice immediately ing glasses -srith all the exuberance of
tjcipation of having to re-seed. i In a resume of conditions resulting' Extra shipments of eoal to avoid for îïll the years to come, faith, hope President Wilson's request, to obtain the j upon ratification of the peace treaty, days when prohibition was still a
Winter feeding of livestock beean ; f r o m t | 1( , f . o a j s j r ibe. Mr. Hines as-j famines, extra terminal charges for and charitv." latest information about the senate sit- • Attorney General Palmer announces. reformers' dream and a jost.
nation. He declared he did not take ! , T h /;
much earlier than was expected and j «e«> r ted that losses to the public from the ; handling the added burden und a heavy The exuberance of the private stock-
conditions as to the live stock industry i étonna ire of mine labor would total mil-«) reduction in reverue resulting from the 4 Women and Boy Shot to the capital any new compromise i; for division of alien property into five less citizens was, however, decidedly
scheme classes to conserve its entirety for what-
generally are regarded as satisfactory. | jj o n H „f ,j 0 |] a r s . | cessation of new coal shipments is com-I i »- • ever use the reparations commission restrained. The customary crowd*
Labor Less Remiss. j q^e railroads employed every pre- j bined to cut the net operating returns,; by Drunken Soldiers V™""' . e r
The meeting of the foreign relations ( lptermine
committee democrats was understood to ; ^he proposed divisions would take and horns were much modulated in tone
thronged Broadway, but the cowbells
Labor unrest, the review said, show- ! cautionary means at their command in j it was explained.
ed abatement during the month, but the t in New Year Joy Ride have taken steps to reduce to a definite , o h a r ? e ^ t h ( , p r o p e r t y a s follows:
form democratic proposals for rc-oraft- 1 < 'n m m
and there was little of the riotous horse­
in 1 investments, when such play that previous years had known.
greatly reduced production of th • s ing the republican reservations. The f orm
proceeding month was not by any means Baltimore, Jan. I.—New Year's •Oing interest in American i In downtown New York; the crowds
day opened in Baltimore with the subject was considered in the light of ; ^ori p r i v a t e i n v e s t m e n t s , i n - j on the streets as the watching hour ap­
fully restored. ; the information obtained during the day j rlui
"From many sections." the board as­ shooting of four young women and property owned by proached were both meager and
j by Senators Hitchcock and Pomercne ; (J jof the United States, apathetic. Even at Trinity church, where
serted, "it is reported that the chief a boy by a group of Intoxicated sol­
difficulty does not lie it\ systematic diers. racing along Baltimore streets ] and with a view to framing a program rere among those in- thousands of New Yorkers were want to
strikes, "but in the indisposition of I behind which the administration forces >f Americans who since assemble to listen to the famous chimes
in an automobile shortly after I rman subjects or have
workers to increase production and keep o'clock this morning. • could unite. welcome thp New Year, »inly a small
steadily at work." Voting Power Another Obstacle. with German activities; j gathering collected.
None of the wounds appeared to German-Americans who The brilliantly lighted and gorgeously
be dangerous. It was the first attempt of the del iny during the war. decorated dining rooms of New York's
France to Purchase $1,000,000 Bonus
cratic committee members to get toi
er on such a program.
famous hostelries offered
DROPS COAL EMBARGO striking contrast to the listless crowds
scenes in

Building in Berlin Distributed Among

Reside article ten, the majority
ration regarding voting power
B. C.. Dec. 31.—Fuel control on the streets outside. From early ii>
la instituted during, the 1'. S. the evening, automobiles and vehicles of
as Treaty Quarters ! league of nations figured p strike ceased this midnight. All all descriptions unloaded precious
Sales Agents Force in the day's discussion. Soi
istration leaders took the p
fions on the export of coal from cargoes of wines and liquors, at the
Paris, Dec. 31.—A measure authoriz­ la are removed. doors of the hotels. These were
j the reservation would comp]
ing purchase of a building in Herlin to
house the staffs engaged in supervising
Says She Prompted MissAccused Woman Again New York, Dec. 31.—A New
Year's bonus of $1,000,000 was dis­ { qualify such dominions as Cana" RGING BERLIN H. C. L. STRIKE. guests who had reserved tables
hignments from the private supplies
Australia from voting on aj^
execution of the peace treaty has been
adopted by the chamber of deputies. As
Lesser to Break O f f Turns Attention to tributed by the
ville company among its sales
H. W. John Man-
j Among the republicans,
Pans. Dec. 31.—Independent socialist ] previously.
circles in Berlin are carrying on an agi- Prices in these places for 1919's fat
the first installment, the sum of one
million francs was appropriated. Engagement. Brown's Widow. forces. One thousand men will
average $1,000 each.
was a feeling that if
I ification could
t Ottal- ; tation in favor of a general strike as a well meal ranged from $7.00 a plate
the is- ! protest against a new increase in the $2."> upwards.
! sue over vot could be j cost of foodstuffs, says the Frankfort But between the champagne drinke
1 disposed of. Gazette.
Uncle Sam Will Sell Los Angeles, Dec. 31.—Except or ex­ Mount demons, Dec. 31.—A state­
pert testimony, the defense finished its ment again directing the attention of the
Physician in Murder in the fashinoable hotels am! the
dued celebrators on the sidewalks thé|
Unused Real Estate case today, in the trial of Harry New, authorities toward Mrs. Ilutli Prévost ' Is Out on $8000 Bail was a third class of welcomers who

been asked by Secretary Glass to author­ day morning.

alleged murder of his sweetheart, Freda
Washington. Dec. 31.—Congress has Lesser. Adjournment was taken t<> Fri
Hrown, widow of J. Stanley Brown, who
was shot to deat'.i here a week ago. was Lousisville, Dec. 31.—Dr. Christopher i
G. Schont, charged with murder of Miss j
W IN PRIZES eluded John Barleycorn In their greets
to 1920. These represented the lae
j number of citizens who had managed
i save a bottle or two of the forbidden

ize sale to the hiighest bidder of aban­ Eight witnesses testified during rhe 11a de to Prosecutor Lynn Johnson and
Elizabeth Ford Griffith, his office as­ [ liquor when John's doom was d«vroed
doned government buildings and grounds day. The most important was Miss Edna Sheriff William Caldwell by Mrs. Cecil sistant on December 24. at his prelimi-i
including lots at Sitka. Alaska, taken ; Clancey, half-sister of New, who testified K. Vester, who came here this morning I and who offered them tonight in memory
over from the Russian government; old j that an innocent act of hers was iudi- under a warrant, charging the murder of!
a s re'eased from jail on $8,; i of the days gone »ye. F very restaurant
customs houses at Wrangell, Alaska, and' rectly
toms house site at Astoria, Ore.
—""" the cause of -* ** :
Miss— Ivesser'f'
* death. Grown.
Kennebunkport, Maine, and the old cus­ Miss Clancey, in common with other Stanley Prévost, claimed constitutional i t ' r a l , ( l J , l r y-
Mrs. Brown and her

witnesses of the day, also testified that immunity from testifying at the coro INTER-CHURCH MOVEMENT
cousin, j lading investigation by
AERIAL COMPETITIONS j in New York was crowded with family
I parties who surrounded tables on which
black bottles >vere discreetly clothed in
! white paper bags.
New was mentaly unsound. ner's inquest CONFERENCE TO BE H EL] 'ork, Dec. 31.—Prizes aggregat-1 al Aerial race across the United States
Sproule Resumes Miss Clancey told the jury ' had After a lengthy examination. Sheriff
introduced New to Miss Lesser. When Caldwell reiterated his belief that Mrs.
than $2,000,000 will be divided, for $100,000.
Helena. Dec. 31.—Announcemi Other American events include an I Chicago. Dee. 31.—Chicago's greeting
So. Pac. Presidency she learned, several months lat : (hey Vest °i,
were engaged to be married, the w U ucbh mou, but stated she would
I' 1 tLp alt hy
r; , , /r ng - maVirtönighrthät ^
1 be held tem- j j^briiary will see ministers ani
vators in
.... „„ . . „
competitions being ar-
J lnternationa , b;llluoll trophv conteat; to the >e«r Year was not entirely with-
said, she urged New not to msrr . as poranly, owing to her apparent intimate ' throughout the world in 11120. trans-l'aeific flight, for which |50,000 ! alcoholic beverages. An elerentk-
(if m d e M O l n i n a tions of the
New York, Dec. 31.—Wiliatn Sproule the direction of the International! has been offered by Thomas II. Ince; a .lour r ''i' rl '' T, \., "i rvilfJλ
was elected president of the Southern he was not mentally or physicialiy i't to knowledge of Brown a affairs. ; f n i t h i n ' Montana gathered ' *
ion. according _ to an- \ flight from New York to Paris or Vic- uns one final Vew „ qu 8 *
Pacific Kailroad company at a meeting be a husband and father. Mrs. \ ester stated she was with , H g r p a t conference of the nautic Federation
toria. for which $75.000 has been of New Vear's^lhi*
Year's fliug
New ignored her request. Miss ( lat>- Brown when bis will was drawn up last I World movement ncement here. American competitors Chief Garrity's order made it

of the board of directors here to succeed be selected by the Aero Club of .fered; an inter-collegiate aviation con- that no arrests should be made for
Julius Kruttschnitt, who will continue as cey stated, so she urged Miss Lesser to Thanksgiving day. Brown told her later. ' Not. less than .100 dele aerica. est.; international marine flying mutest ; I rying "hip liquor".
chairman of the board of directors. break the engagement. she declared, that he planned to add a pec#>d to be here.
Mr. Sproule resigned as president to It is the theory of the defense tbfit codical providing that, if lie died sudden­ The big event is the aeriaü race awl the Glidden touring contest. Reservations at the leading hoi
ly. payment should be withheld from his 1 EXPOSITION OFF Tl 'around the world, which must be com­ Foreign events includc an internatioii and restaurants were all taken ear 1 ;
enter government service during the war Miss Lesser broke the engagement itn
Änd Mr. Kruttschnitt was then elected to mediately and New, enraged. sh |Ot lier. wife until circumstances of his death, Washington, Dec. 3 pleted between July 4, 1920. and Jaun- al contest in France, an internatioi .il night.
take his place. Paul Shonp resigned rs Miss Clancey said her conversation were cleared up. from April *%?jPctob«p ; uary 1, 1921. and for which $1,000,000 marine flying contest in Italy and \he Duly small numbers witnessi
« director rfo give a place on the board Miss Lesser occurred only a few hOM»rp J The slain man lived in constant fear Exposition in priztj will be offered. The principal Cuban aerial contest, to be neld in Ha­ arrVal of the new year iu the
to Mr. Sproule. before the latter'« death. 'i of ail attempt on his life by poisoning, ; In Buenos Auierj jc>fa competition is the Internation- vana, February 1 to MnvcU L j on-u.g to the re.< eut wood alcoh

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jvjcw Municipal Building Chief AdditionTo City, Pi

ft 1
11 in aiStia&zi
More than $300,000 Already Pledged and Cam-paig- n

hiii Other Structures Are to Be Erected Will Continue Until All Prospects Are
Brief Review of Past Year and Outline "By
ti Associated Pr
.jam 1. pr-so-
ident WiL
By the ivsscdnted
t .
. -
' : ..... ... 1
i.- InMeans Great Tiling for College and
lias :?h.vj;r:l tin
New Year, nursed last nhrtrt cn M r"N bill eon- - ycun
for New Y ear tfiiuiiij?tho United Stairs s tsocket ))ol ties showed no sijrns
Hickory College Opens Tomorrow
izalion beard through 192' It was of beinc: as dry as congress and the
announced today "at. t '! life hduae supreme court had forecast.
Tlio xstcrap:c that his skvaatuiv had. 'seen iciiea '3ies becams cafeterias last night !:

presents today a cut! plant will be for the

-- j

before last rhidnryhi. and 'serve yourself service proved

j Announcement was made today
and municipal nulls near (iranito ViVh, which are
plans for which have been operated by the
S c c r e t a y T u ra u 1 y i i n a k In: the an adequate to produce all the traditional
1 1 1
a p 5 ff that the Lenoir College endowment

campaign had crossed the top. A

lli" city council, ami the plant, which not only furnish the nounccmcnt said: joys of the new year welcome. Illinois

y' F Ils
vTho prcsilcnt has dpnorl th su- - search and seizure laws went by the Vs M tctal of $305,000, counting rj." edges in
cf which i.; exiieited to pewer to run these mills hut pull the ! 1 f ' U atheicrmer drive, has been raised, but
The deserip- fftir control biii." T!c biii confers boards. Hip poehet flasks ?re &
La I Er.- -.
'.irlv- spriiur. - -
spindles of the Ivey MiM in West (uscreticn on tho preiddcnL in work will go cn until a tctal of
!!!! biiildinj;' appears else- - Hickory and the A. A. Khuford Mill n'opukir ones but many people trans $350,000 has been obtained.
II i'.'kuf.V
it to that it
finest New Ycai's
"nd ( 'o: (!a;ve

Mast lliel.ory. These three

('ompany in
maUii' cf purcha:-:sn$-
sivar fi;on ported their drinks down town in suit
,1 is v.n ;i;;e it will be ::ases, gas bags and even in one case rI This is good New Year's news for
the friends of the college. It means
c siructures are to ;v upward
power.; develop about 3,000 norse
' " '' day, and one of them has
pi'aclical or wise to
conferrcu n juni , by, the bill.
i OOWCi i trunk was used.
Police threats of drastic enforcement
ii;-- o L:


km I
5 9 T2
that it will no longer have to eke
cut a precarious existence, but that
the year and huito-s- 01 enc has at- - 'of the search and seizure law were out
never saw nricntcr pros- -
nii'n s
been recently compIcLcd and started
In nititiin.f
, , yw:n K'u;.var
purcuasea ana tnerc l ro executed. v
j j

teachers may be paid living salaries,

the buldings and grounds kept in

i" V

,", thore tatiiuv .Hickory at tho All thf"l.f,ns;p.i nwm l tl... r ,,nv c" 11 ni1 1
control (jvc Cuban sv as! good repair at all times and the
ii r

;.; linn'. The otdy tiutn;' stand-!.- .' Mill Company in the Ivey 'village in t,l( le w;,y !ast year and may now be STEEL CORPORATION 11 course of study enlarged and improv-
ween have had electric' lights
tins community and West Hickory !;ossi!' tho .H'overnmont to step TO S'KD.UE MUCH COAL is ed so that Lenoir College will make a
will be the failure seweratrei installed and water and ,n alul Prcnase iPe su-- ar without an greater appeal to the young men and
elements to cooperate. Men who to be placed in every svslems are julv'ance in price, me- bnl 'is a'so von-- i By the Associated Press women cf this section of the state.
money into enterprises
this vbar. These im- - home during tinuc's tl;e iiiicensing power and this to be Announcement that the campaign
e the uppoit of those who! V oe used, m con!;rohri S prof- -
Pittsburg, Dec. 81. Not Rewards aggregating $800 will be had succeeded was made following a

.ii'i provumnts will make Ivey one of the )0VV:r caught napping if its coal supply offered for the capture of
ill (Ik n auu From sides must
best mill vibages in the st;ite. itcermg am one: uistr is again cut off by. disturbances in Kohlcr meeting of the full board. Some
i A' irit f accommodation, of Property Sells Well.
( Much Cuban sugar is coming in now Ilolsclaw wlio on Monday shot and good work is still being done in
and there may be a tendency instantly Killed aonn Lrauriei at a
'and for Hickory and about 20 Lutheran
ko-- .1)' Since a great deal of valuable real
goodwill w:-hi- i
.,........4.;.. a 'i-.'r-.-

dealing ifestate lias changed hands during the

the community prices to fall soon. construction at Clan-ton- near here, a , store at Terrell, jwountam Creek town-!4ai- g; churches are yet to report. When
ofer $200, the these turn in their subscriptions, the
'! M
forward. past year, it is ex m eted that several
vcar left Hickory withoi:1:
new warehouses and business and of-
t no hopi; von Mit FULMKR ecm nlcUd is to lu."d 400,000 tons of concrete basin which wlien sll
ltate ?200J1cov,n
Mr- Gabriel s -
ily campaigners will be able to write
;c troul'des stopped
fice buildings will be erected. The Mr. J. S. Jones rect v'ed a ' elee:raii! icoak $400. ;rinis" and feci like accepting the
e:i at so many other
owncis in some
placedcases planned to have iron: iaiimore iius aiieruooa xrom will be do red a reserve sup Sheriff. Isenhower, who is in Hick- gratitude of the college and its
i'nitiil .States. There was
comitruction tailed last year, but Mr, Clan nee Yount '
mm ply of the operation if the iirifji-min'?- friends.
the uncertainty of conditions held
by-pr- o-
ory today collecting taxes, gave furth- More desirable than this magni-
nLe here and managers and that Cne condition of Mr. Ji. A, Fid duct- cose pia-
worKcu aior.g logevner in
them back. Those unfavorable con- -
ditiotts no longer obtain, it is thouglit,
Koreign agitators, for
i i i
mer. viio is in a Hospital mere, re- - ;'i.,i
mains serious. J)r. Martin entei.
hut it was said

ntar, tiiongh net as large

were to be established at
I 1
er details of the homicide which has
shocked the whole county. It seems ficent sum is close cooperation be-
tween Hickory and the college and all
; j
that on Sunday night Miss Margie friends of the institution will strive
!hc part, gave tins section1. a,
.. and
........ Hickory people may look for-- , no hope for vccfiVfrv. mo tru v

important steel
Lock man, who lives', at Terrell, wrote
iinn, ;iiMi as a resuu.11 it
nr.: wnwie w.mi i
iu an era ..
1 1

salt md!s and furnaces.

- --
to bring this about. That is all
Kohler Holseiaw a letter in which she that is needed now to make dreams of
t. i..:,.iaiiiy pn spcrgd. Wages growth. i

informed him that his attentions to

,'!"( 'I Im re as elsewhere and th''; her would not be accepted any longer, greatness and service come true.
.. 1

mil iiiin uev.ii,-....-

i j
wCiiii; v, ui a
and that he received this letter Mon-
day morning about 9 o'clock while hs
Il'iilding operations
iiMiiv. of course.
last year were
The most im-pi- o HICKORY'S BEST NEW YEAR'S PRESENT was out hunting with his brother.
After reading the letter, Holseiaw ILII PROPERTY
addition to the manufacturing;
l nl
I';,; iii'cs of the city was the erection stopped hunting, went to the house
and changed his hunting clothes for
Klliott cf a magnii'iccnt
BK 6080
,J. I).
i the Hickory Overall Com-- 1

y d 0 his army suit, got on a horse and SUM

pany, which is now moving into the j it A
I rode to the store.
ies as 4.o the presence of
lie made inquir-
i "v honm. A modern dormitor'yi
v. ii: erected soon for the young; there and stood on the porch until Ga- -
KriJlaiti-.- - Tlinti
Miployed there and every con-- 1 it Ilia
w. iw Toff Ail. n "e
: i ( , v.iv. '." I . . - , Tr-H-

v. nkner will be pi(.vided for theni.j Gabriel raised Ins head after cranking j.
iy was completea yesterday by Mr.
inc saie oi ine p. ivnimii prup-h- is
Yi;iti,'r:ii.' Henderson e.Npects to have Ford, Holseiaw fired a pistol shot Vf. V. OUlliyUtli XUI itAl UCU. r.
i he new plant in operation in a week ,'rf ..n,l ,lu,.n dm n m-.-

er tuo. the machinery being install-- ! fnii i., r. v.r..i;,,fi .u,.t i.i.ii ; executor. I he bricK store, which was I

il now, nn ,r,.vr?w..,i r.,n, ;,.c,4 Durciiased. by JVlrKiftm xatz ot Mor- - :

T. e; ZpHnn hroueht
( I

Another New .Mill ..,,11.. ffirjfiii

S111 tni
J ' JMr' ' v 1 -


- "
and G2 lots, GO of them on the
'Hi- ricticn of the new roller mill , $14,000
rooe LinccInton road, sold from S30 to $120
Ilo.scmw then remounted,
l ,v
Cloiunger was the prinei-- 1
Me-isrs- .
home, kissed ms metner and rode to a Each lot was 25 by 200
p;d new enterprise for Hickory dur-- J tne river where he ielt the horse and feet pioce
ing the past year. It followed and most bidders purchased four.
Joscl.v the building of the Horseford
entered tne cmy ooat on tins sxue oi
"he river and made off. The officers '
Milling Company water power plant;
hy the Messrs. Pitts, and has taken
I' had to go 12 miles before they could j
cue of a great need. The Hickory;
I'.o'hr Mill was established in re-- , f 4 f !
cross and the murderer had got more
than twro hours' start of his pursuers,

Bloodhounds were obtained from Char- - !

lo a demand
tl1;". "t'ganiation.
seen by the

h; !iih( r of Commerce and urged by

Second Overall Plant

c 's IVY- - '



It H si ,11

"H '
Jii ' L

Ictte and tracked Holseiaw to Come- -
lius, there losing, the trail.
believed that he either caught an au-- 1
tomcbile or re-cross- ed
the river.
It is,'


mm post
The rclum of Mr. John W. Harfs-livli- l
with a new overall plant, the
has not been seen since Monday;
4y IT if
r mo mine-- .
Local members of tho American Le- -
!!::ind Overall If
another important addition
the nast year and this business,
Comjiany, yas Sheriff Isenhower obtained two pic- -i arc expecting a real good time
lures of Holseiaw from Miss Lockman tonight, the occasion being their first
and one of these was sent to an en-- 1 smoker and meeting since
get-togeth- er
Verted over the Chew-Col- a works,
h;i- - ideal
It too is
1- -

f :. s
S .5! Vs.
graver for making cuts. The voung the Hickory post was formed several

quarters. doing; ' '.i.:f?.4v';!Ar man has a fine appearance and was months ago. The membership now
Auditorium New S'-'ioo- l 5
"I ' 1 wearing his army uniform when he runs more tnan iuu and is growing-
every day. Members and other form-

Tlw building of an auditorium toi left home Monday. !

ih" nt ii sclK.'Ol and me ereeiion oi TtTnlruMfi w fnrmrhr 1ivrrl in Tpvnt; PV SOT" lee service men are invited to
hair additional class rooms lo ac-- t and the gun he shot John Gabriel with the smoker, which will be held in the
modulo the growing needs of this
i was given him by Mr. Gabriel's hail of the Knights, ot 1'ytnias ana
brother for whom the young man which will last from 8 until 10 o'clock.
rapidly expanding section of Uickoiy
A good nrogram is being arranged.
is under
way and will be ready for worked.
the next school year.
With the plans already drawn and accepted, work on Hickory's now municipal building and auditorium will v
Miinv New Homes
residence star in the early spring. The beginning of the work only the prep a rat i ion of the architect's plans for --

Although not many
huildings were put up inside the incor- the oui imr. tiie a.wardmer ot contract and me uai mg eiown or tiie oui J v. r
Ovt.liVll i nI
Ci tt
!'1 r.
i ij ttTiwVi
H Lll tilv noTT;
il tV (
! 1
'. J. v- -
r- - Ti .1
.'. I t." 0 J
poration, more than a score have and splendid building will replace.
cene up just outside the city limits. The municipal building will front 77 feet on Fourteenth street. and extend back on Trade avenue 145 The fe-.?t-

Ihiiiding, in spito of high prices a.nd building will set back seven feet from "lie sidewalk and will have a alley at the rear and north side, 14-fo-


on making it accessible from all sides. The main entrance of course will be Fourteenth street. EDUCATION
'.cai;ity of material and kibor, has
hen steady. Only in the business The building will contain oflices for all departments of the city, including lire station, dormitories for the
net t ion lu s there been a lapse. The firemen, police station, several office rooms for o dicers, mayor's office, city manager's ofaee, small court room, jail
nt'mh'.r of new residences inside the and other departments, and, more to. the point, an auditorium that will seat 1,200 persons.
f'ily are not many, as stated, but A rest room for ladies will be an im portant feature.
Most of them are usually good ones. This building has been long needed in Hickory and Mayor Elliott made it one of his planks last spring. It By the Associated Press.
Members of the Mr. J. T. Ram'seur who is listing Anderson, S. C, Jan. 1. Eighty-four-vea- rs
"ti! others are being built. will be under way, it is hoped, before the municipal election, and in any event it is now assured. real estate under the new law, is in old mother of 18 children.
What. Of 1920 city administration who will be given credit for starting the building are Mayor J. I). Elliott and Aldermen F. P. Hickory these days placing values on all of whom reached maturity and 12
What will lfrJO bring? That is n Abernethy, J. L. Cilley, Eubert Lycrly and Geo. b. Watson and City Manager John W. Lallew local property He says he finds a H.T TT ' 1 . A.

wl , ,
in- - Kecord aiso iceis inat
,i u.7 anui o nner iorwani-iomt--
ii zens l mye a puit
.,..4 m
un Ar ,,Li
...m ..a, ,,un uuuut 1 i- .4.- -
i 1
WliIlI bUIViVJ "tl, 11 l?j Uttiiitu Ol
hue fion everybody is asking. It will ii
senera, inclination to comply with the Vane-h- Vermilion of Donalds, Abbe- - i n

just what
'"'i'lg, among' other things, that tnere win oe enougn joy lor an. inaL is wnai, tne city eauieis uu.ik. recent act of the general assembly villa county, drepp dead Christmas j

the poo'ee of Hickory demand. Hy

and there is no doubt that Catawba day, according to news just received j

operation and enterprise,

Wood plants, th' Tlecord is permitted;
t" announce, will b?
d these arc
" to permi- -
n- -t

'r '

S' nv

j IF
1 1

In I
t niriflf
HG fas D
vrflD Qiioisroo
tmmi 111 i W a a VS
Zaas W
rm ei oi amc 'iifiorior
a maa SnaBoa'. i S aw 3 S a a s
county property will be placed, on the
books at practically full value.
Property-owner- s

the work here is conmleted.

here. Although she
were both comparatively

fessor and another minister.

her husband
are being taken they manageel to educate all their
and ail will be seen dren, one son being a college

pro-befo- re

wi come fluring th
io'-se- - c
Thfi; will lie rn'v-.- . l r
" cf 1. u-.- ".

than during the rust thrne e?'vs.j

Contractors and others realiz: that j

materials will remain high and la- - j

hor scarce, but there h'bc--n a sob- -

ring down of all classes and the'
Jirospects are that everybody will MY OWN WORK
!dart the New Year wich a desire to;
Produce. All investors want is good
T i! i 1
ya J This is m work; my blessing, not my doom;

work for their money. Wages is not j

a question. Results are what count. Let me do my work from day to day
In field or forest, at the desk or loom;
New Office Uuilding By the Associated Press. In roaring market-plac- e or tranquil room;
iUieiHI.V lliivu uccii iiuinn v.
an office and telephone building on By the Associated Press By the Associated Press Washington, Jan. 1 Th year Let me but find it in my heart to say,
1920 will be "an open season lor
Hie- A. A. Shufcrd office site and Washington, Jan. 1. New Year's Washington, Jan. 1. American bus- - Vi--
ciiri oli c f c? ono irli i c; 1
n ll ri Vnlvol When vagrant wishes beckon me astray,
work will begin as soon as the weath- -
...f. 1.1.. ooserveu acre louay. mess iwis.
day was quieeiy
I J 4?.1-- .
1 1
,r .l,t.4. 41,
whl J.--
iin-xiu- UUI5U.IWW,
radicals who are in this
CtllCif-VlllOO- -

"This is my work; my blessing, not my doom;

i us

r breaks. The building will be ',',0 In official circles there was the usual future, holds the federal reserve tne ea 0f overthrowing the Of all who live, I am the only one by whom
hy 100 feet, will have a pressed brick round of social functions and at the board announced in its review of De-- ! government. The work can best be done in the right way."
front and all modern conveniences. In a statement published
Mr. A. A. Shuford, Jr., who will have white house there was, no formal cember business conditions. The con- - today;
celebration because of the illness of tinned advance in prices, the reduct- - Attorney Genera Palmer announced Then shall I see it not too great, nor small,
it erected will use the first ' floor the 0lcl f of
for his offices, and the second will be the president Secretary and Mrs. . , To suit my spirit and to prove my powers;
at 'n pi0(lUvtl0n1 and the h- -h pr- i- j

dealmg with the reds dur-- , Then shall I cheerful greet the laboring hours,
used by the Hickory Electric Com- Lansing were the hosts a reception!1?"
for the diplomatic corps and recept- - show a menace, the statement says.
f !
mg the

coming year will be one cf I cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall
pany for a telenhone exchange. "constant and aggressive warfare" At eventide, to play and love and rest, ,
(tlier Improvements ions were held by Secretary and Although the manufacturers and of

At Granite Falls a warehouse with Mrs. Daniels, Secretary and Mrs. Ba- - wholesalers are piled with orders, the against this class offenders. j Because I know for me my work is best.
ker and other officials. growth in business it was said, was quarter wid be snown, he de- - Henry Van Dyke.
square, feet of floor space
will be erected by the Granite FtOla The New Year was received by in dollars and not in production. High clared, and every movement aimed j

and the crowds last night but there was no priced labor refuses to work regular-- 1 at the government, no matter how it
Manufacturing company, cloaked, will be elealth with stern-ing- s
Carolina and North-Wester- n will celebration other than home gather- - ly, the review says, and continues to j

build a spur track to the warehouse. and dances. j lay
off instead of work regulaidy. j y-
Taking of Idaho County Census Postponed to Jan. 12


the members who will assemble here

Report of Rich Gold Stride
in Elk City District Lacks
EXTRA SESSION OF for a great cause to absorb their own
expenses. If it is right that a session
should be called, then it is right that
the state pay the ordinary expenses of

EON MASS MEETING Verification; May Be Myth STATE LEGISLATURE the members. Under the statutes it
would be possible for the legislators to
draw mileage at the rate of 20 cents
per mile in addition to their per diem
allowance. I shall ask the body, how­
Report of a rich gold strike in the
Elk City district, printed in a Lew­
iston paper recently, lacks verification.
discovery, yet it is said that the ledge
on which the development has been
done has been traced for quite a dis­
CALLED TO RATIFY ever, t0 confine its appropriation for
expenses to the actual amount ex­
pended by each member and I am cer­
tain that they will gladly acquiesce.
FUR DEAD OF WAR The correspondent of the Idaho County
Free Press at Elk City, after careful
investigation, is unable to verify the
The story, as printed in the Lewis­
tance and every prospect hole sunk
on it has uncovered
were very promising.
The scene of the new discovery
was made famous a few years ago by
values which
“The formal call for the session
than the ratification of the suffrage
stipulates that no legislation other
amendment may be taken up. The
ton paper, follows: a well known authoress when she legislature is restricted by the consti­
Public Gathering Is to Be As a sequel to the “Lost Mine’’ spent an entire summer there getting Governor Summons Solons to tution from having any power to leg­ Work in Towns to Be Comple­
story, which was published recently, original matter for a novel under the islate on any subject other than that
Held in Odd Fellows’ Hall comes the authentic report from Elk title of ‘ ‘ The Man from the Bitter Boise February 11 to Ap­ specified in the proclamation. ted in Two Weeks and in
Here Evening of January 7 City and Dixie of one of the most won­ Roots.’’ prove U. S. Amendment mature “This action is taken after most Country within Four Weeks
derful strikes of gold ore ever encoun­ As a result of the discovery of the deliberation. While post war
tered in that country. It is about lost mine, to which has been added problems are always confusing, yet
half way between Elk City and the this latest location activity in the in­ nothing could be more confusing than
Various Plans of Erecting place where the lost mine was discov­ terior country has been very much Lawmakers of Idaho to Gather to open up the legislative deliberations All Questions Asked Are to
Structure in Memory of stimulated and there is every reason to an hundred and one things which
ered by «Jensen brothers and was lo­ for But One Day —No Other pressure would be brought to bear to Be Answered Correctly Un­
cated early this fall. The discovery for believing that when the new road
Heroes Will Be Discussed has been kept quiet while the fortu­ up the South (Pork is an accomplish­ Matters Will Be Taken Up present to it. Idaho has a minimum der Penalty of the Law
ed iact, affording the proper trans­ of difficulties to surmount, for which
nate discoverer got in touch with out­ all thankful, and I maintain
side mining interests to have a thor­ portation to the Elk City Dixie coun­ wa are
With completion of the program ough test made and determine just try, the mining industry of the that the next regular session of the
for a public meeting which will be interior country will again be an asset Extra session of the Idaho legisla­ legislature will bo held in time to Taking of the census in Idaho
held in the Odd Fellows’ hall in what he had. This has now been done ture was on Monday called by Govern­ meet its problems. county probably will not begin
and recently one of the best known of vast importance to all Idaho.
Orangeville the evening of January 7, or Davis t0 meet in Boise February 11, before February 12, owing to dif­
plans are rapidly taking shape for mining engineers of the northwest has to ratify the amendment to the U. S. ficulty in procuring enumerators,
made a trip to the inside country, MRS. AMANDA GORDON, constitution granting full suffrage to especially for the mountain dis-
the building in Orangeville of a mem­
orial to Idaho county’s soldier and
sailor dead who gave up their lives in
made a thorough survey of the sur­
face indications, and pronounces the
strike an exceedingly promising one.
The governor’s call stipulates that
BANQUET AND DANCE tricts, J. B. Benedict in charge
of the census in north Idaho, with
the war against Germany. Mrs. Amanda S. Gordon, a pioneer the extra session is only for the pur­ offices in Lewiston, has just
J. J. Pulse, chairman of the county ON BREAKS OF SALMON of Idaho county, died Friday in the pose 0f ratifying the amendment, and announced.
memorial committee, who has called This rich deposit was uncovered on home of her son, Charles B. Gordon, no other legislation may be taken up.
the meeting, announces that opportuni­ the breaks of the Salmon river be­ near Nezperce. Mrs. Gordon in recent In order that the woman suffrage am­ Enumeration for the fourteenth de­
ty will be given the public at this tween two small streams called Five years had made her home with her son endment to the constitution may be cennial census of the United States
gathering to enter into a frank dis­ Mile and Lemhi, a district over which She was aged almost 72 years. will commence on January 2, and will
come effective before the presidential1 ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE HELD bo completed in towns within two
cussion of proposed plans for the thousands of hunters have roamed Born in Missouri on April 9, 1848, election next fall, it is necessary that
memorial, and the form it shall take. in the past in quest of the Rocky Mrs. Gordon removed to the west when three-fourths of the states ratify the EVENING OF JANUARY 7 IN weeks, while four weeks is permitted
No money will be collected at the mountain big horn sheep, the loca­ young. On July 22, 1862, she was mar" amendment. .Although ODD FELLOWS’ HALL for enumeration work in rural dis­
Idaho has tricts.
meeting, nor will subscriptions be re­ tion being one to which these animals ried to A. H. Gordon, at Benton, Ore. long granted suffrage to women, it
ceived. Members of the memorial seemed very much attracted, The In 1876 she came with her husband to no doubt is felt that Idaho MUST COLLECT FACTS
committee from all parts of Idaho action of the elements has corroded Idaho county. Mr. Gordon died in should be one of the first thirty-
county are expected to be present. the surrounding formation, leaving 1887. Members of Orangeville post No. 'Men and women appointed to serve
six states t0 ratify the amendment to
PROGRAM OF EVENING the ledge in plain sight, but Surviving her are four sons, L. L. the organic law of the United States. 37, American legion, are planning a as enumerators are charged by law
it was a kind of ore somewhat dif­ Gordon, of Riggins; O. O. Gordon, Lu- social event for the evening of Janu- wltl* the collection of all facts
Chairman Pulse has arranged the ferent from that which usually car­ cile, C. B. Gordon, Nezperce, and Sida INFLUENCED BY SUFFRAGISTS? ary 7, when a dance and banquet will necessary to fill out properly the
folowing program which will com­ ried values in the Elk City-Dixie dis­ be ,,iven by veterans of the world war. printed census schedules which each
Gordon, Asotin, Wn. Governor Davis a week ago was quo"
mence at 8 o’clock sharp: tricts. No (particular! attention had; Funeral services were held Sunday ted as not enthusiastic over the extra Tlie affair will bo held in the Odd Fel- enumerator will carry when making
Muse—Cowboy band. been paid to i' until v$ij£,,£cccnt dis­ lows’ hall, and only members of the a house-to-house canvass of |t|ie
Reading^ j“ln Flanders 'fields,’’— coverer took a ebance sample and afternoon from the home of the sou, session plan, but it is presumed here American legion, their ladies, and territory assigned to him. Each enu-
B. Gordon. Interment was in the that club women and other suffragists
Miss Genevieve Edmundson. had it assayed. The results were so cemetety ad-; in south Idaho brought so much pres- invited guest are to attend. merator must visit personally each
Song—Chorus. gratifying! hat he located the ground, , . V. .it . . „..a house m his district and make his
Opening remarks—Chairman J. J. started development and as a result . ............. ‘— sure to bear upon the governor, that he Invitations to the e\cn «ire issi inquiries of the head or some other
Pulse. HEAVY CHRISTÎW Itfhcidqd cailingofan extra session was | this week by the °®‘l P , member of the family who is compe-
apparently has- opened up a property Amencan legion men a ,° onwoot , tent to answer the census questions.
Song—Mrs. M. R. Hattabaugh. which will limité a mine such as the MAIL HERE IN YEARS Wi-Asfig. It .°s° expectêJ T,le “<■' of ‘•»“Kress providing for
Remarks—Mayor W. L. Campbell. interior country has not • yet seen
Remarks—W. W. Brown. possibly with the exception of the -»i—« ä» in
•— ** 1 f the census gives each enumerator the
Song—Chorus. t”**.. -right to enter every dwelling in his
promise of lost mines. O range Mlle posfttffWk- was the heav- flqth D. Joues, WhiteuirJ; and neighboring posts. -tb* An Æ AiS of obtaining
Remarks—John Funke, Cottonwood; The location was made by A. C. lest in years, according to a dfStemeat breeder, Cottonwood also was sent
E. M. Griffith, Orangeville. uuk the information required. Eiuuuora
Carpenter, who had been working bv A. Peterson, acting postmaster. „ . - eirl« in Or:
Song—Miss Lallah (Fulton. for the mining outfit which some Tons of Christmas parcels passed *,1C governor s rrrmouncenient of the . rl,r<f1itl.frr il j.i tors will carry with them at all tiinety
Remarks—John P. Eimers. years ago acquired the Joe Eakin through the local postoffice, both in- forthcoming session is herewith -give* . Following adjd^BWtnt Ihêiie., identification cards and ala$
Song—Chorus. placers, some six miles distant, at a coming and outgoing. ]n addition to *n so.\ . * .. their wrätibn commission from tjb»-
Address—Rev. Fr. Phelan. price of $14,000 for the then unde­ parcels consigned to patron*» of the “With tlie proud record of having I|,lsslon m 1 £ government Which they will sh.'fc
Song—Chorus. of the Odd Fellows’a air whenever requested to do so. Thdy
veloped property. Since then this Orangeville office, and parcels posted allowed full suffrage to women for ditorium
entertainment in are inst ructcT fft be-always courteous
Address—Rev. H. S. Randall.
placer ground has been developed by patrons here to friends, the entire twenty-three years, almost since the that evening, trie
Song, ‘ ‘ America ’ ’—Audiencse. quite extensively. The new discovery Salmon river mail is handled through birth of the state, it seems peculiarly ball ™om..,,V 11 w" ' q’.qn and considerate, but in thbätr -rwo
COUNTY’S HEROIC DEAD as the crow flies across the Salmon Orangeville. The Christmas siege lasf fitting that Idaho should play a promi « P1®””®'1’ U jLiL m take cases where information necessary
ed for fifteen days, said Mr. Peter- „ent part in finally granting to woman J» 11M, when the guests will take to fill out the questions is denied
Following is a list of Idaho coun­ river canyon is only about tern miles son. The heaviest outgoing mail in her rights in the shaping of national their places at q them, they are empowered by law to
ty’s honored dead in the great war: from a very large dolomite dyke in
insist on correct answers. There are
Hugo Funk, Cottonwood; H. J. the Dixie district which has had a one day was fifty sacks, while the in- affairs. legal penalties for refusing to answer
Hesterman, Orange ville ; Ray (Moses, great deal of attention paid to it in coming record was seventy sacks in a HELD TO ACTUAL EXPENSES
Orangeville; Frank Burlinghoff, White" the past and which carries value single day. ROBERT H. CONE AND the cenus questions or wilfully giv­
“I have had under consideration for ing answers that are false.
bird; Grover Johnson, Orangeville; ranging from a few dollars up to MISS HOLCOMBE WED
many weeks the calling of a special
Edward Steinbach, Orangeville; Wil- several hundred.
There is a well-defined mother lode
PTARMIGAN, ARCTIC session of the legislature, and I have
Ham A. Shields, Orangeville; Francis
Chamberlin, Riggns; Forest Taylor, extending in a southeasterly direction BIRD, FOUND HERE now decided definitely that this call Each enumerator is prohibited by
should go out for Wednesday, Febru- law from publishing or communicat­
Kooskia; Lelaud Toll, Kooskia; Axel from the Mountain House, about half Miss Levancia M. Holcombs and ing any information obtained through
Hayes, Kamiah; William I. Droogs, way betwee Stites and Elk Citv, Ptarmigan an arctic bird, which is arv 11, 1920. It has been intensely
Robert H. Cone wese married Christ­ the census regarding any individual
McPherson, through Dixie, clear across the 100 white in winter and changes its color gratifying to me to find that a big
Mount Idaho; John majority of the members of the Fif­ mas day in the home of Mr. Cone ’s or hia affairs. This obligaton to se­
Orangeville; Frank Vaughan, Orange­ miles intervening until the copper de­ to gray or brown in summer has been parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. crecy likewise applies to all persons
ville; Lt. John A. Long, Orangeville; posits at Big creek are reached, It seen in Idaho county during the last teenth session have even been wliling Cone, in Orangeville. The ceremony connected with the census. After the
Walter Covington, Whitebird; Clark is along this known mineral belt that few weeks, Don C. Fisher, deputy to come here at their own personal ex­ was performed by W. N. Knox, minis­ schedules are filled ou they are
game warden, reports. Several of the pense for the purpose of ratifying the
D. Jessup, Cottonwood; Julius Holt- the new strike has been made. The
Gibson, vein is between well defined walls birds were observed in the vicinity of suffrage amendment. It shows a ter. Mr. Cone is a well-known young sealed up and sent to Wauhington,
haus, Cottonwood; Fred
Spring Camp; Ivan Brockman, Orange­ and there is a pay streak carrying Tolo lake, and also in the Clearwater which unanimity and breadth of purpose stockman residing on a ranch near where the information is tabulated by
values well up jin the hundreds of country. The bird is said to be rare­ is a distinct compliment to the Whitebird. He and his bride have re­ means of machinery, names being
ville, Orangeville; Ralph Brockman, personnel of the legislature. However turned to the ranch, where they will discarded entirely. No person, there­
Orangeville; Clarence O. Watson, dollars, besides a large amount of vein ly found as far south as Idaho. it is not fundamentally correct to ask make their home. fore, need fear that his personal af­
Boles; Omer K. Ewing, Stiles; Carl matter carrying values which it is fairs will be disclosed or that the in­
English, Kooskia; Ernest Dellaven, said will pay handsomely to mine. ILO-VOLLMER WINS IN formation given will be used to harm
BASKETBALL CONTEST him in any way.
Dozens of the mountan It is expected that the work of enu­
DISTRICT COURT MEETS doughs’’ have made pilgrimages to llo-Vollmer town basketball team merating urban districts will be com­
Adjourned session of the September the new strike and they are so im­ won from the Orangeville town team pleted in two weeks and of rural dis­
term of district court for Idaho coun­ pressed with it that they are staking in a hotly-contested game played in tricts in one month, except where se­
ty was held by Judge Seales in out claims and starting a systematic the high school gymnasium here last
Orangeville Monday, when disposition development of the district. While Saturday night. The tune was 30 to
was made of matters of minor import" up to the present time no other phe­
20. Grangeville high school boys have
Appreciation vere weather makes it necessary to
postpone activities.
In addition to the census of popu
ance. The term then was adjourned nomenally rich ore deposits have been scheduled a game with Asotin high lation, the enumerators will secure
sine die. opened up t0 supplement the original school on the local floor the evening an agriculture census and it is prob­
of New Year’s day. able later a census of manufacturing,
mining and other industrial activi­


Pearl C. Phillips, through her attor­
ties will be taken. The information
secured in the population census is
most complete, each person visited
being required to furnish the follow­
ing data:
ney, on Monday filed in the district WHAT YOU MUST TELL
court suit for divorce from her hus­ O the friends and patrons of the
House number or farm where resid­
band, Homer O. Phillips, alleging cruel
and inhuman treatment. Mrs. Phillips Idaho County Free Press who, ing.
Head of family.
alleges that, during the month of Aug­ by their liberal support of this Relation to head of family.
ust, 1919, her husband drove her from
Veterans of the Nezperce Indian “I am much discouraged at the their home at Greer, and they have
newspaper during the year just clos­ Is home owned or rented !
If owned, free or mortgaged!
war of 1877 in Idaho county, whose attitude of the interior department,’ not since lived together. ed, have made possible an extraordi­ Sex.
official records of service are unavail­ said Representative French, in com- nary growth in the newspaper’s Color or race.
able, have little chance of obtaining menting on the adverse report of the HERBERT SPENCER AND Age at last birthday.
relief in the form of pensions from the secretary. “These soldiers saw the business, far outdistancing any pre­ Single, married, widowed or divor-
national government, judging by dis­ same service as did their comrades who
MISS JOHNSON MARRIED vious year, the publisher of the ced.
patches from Washington. were members of the samei companies Idaho County Frçe Press humbly Year of immigration if not native-
and served with them, It was not the Miss Phoebe L. Johnson, daughter born citizen.
The secretary of the interior has fault of the soldier that the records of Harrison Johnson, of Whitebird.
submitted an adverse report on the were not kept, but the fault of the of­ and Herbert B. Spencer, of Troy, were
expresses gratitude and appreciation, Naturalized or alien!
bill introduced in congress by Repre­ ficers in charge, and I regard it as married Tuesday evening in the home and takes this opportunity of wish­ tion.
Tf naturalized, year of naturaliza-
sentative Burton L. French, of Idaho, outrageous that this little
in behalf of veteran of Indian wars, men who helped
band of of W. N. Knox, in this city. The ing everyone a Have you attended school any time
to save the west ceremony was performed by Mr. Knox. since Sept. 1, 1919!
as to whose service no -record evi­ should now be denied the same consid­ The newly-married couple will reside Are you able to read!
dence in available in the war depart-, eration that their other fellows are at Troy.
Are you able to write!
nient at Washington, or in the arch­ receiving whose records of service are
ives of the states where the service on file in the department in Washing­
was rendered. ton, or in state archives.
THOMAS C. HAZELBAKER Prosperous Where were you born!
What, is your mother tongue!
Place of birth of father.
Repreenative French, in his bill, “I am going to continue my efforts MARRIES MISS WILSON Mother tongue of father.
asked that evidence of service in the further, but I must confess I am Place of birth of mother.
form of affidavits of comrades or tremendously disappointed that the
veteran’s service in the Indian wars bill should bo adverse, I had gone
Miss Bertha Emeline Wilson and
others who personally knew of the interior department ’s report on my Thomas C. Hazelbaker, both of Grange*
ville, were married Tuesday by Pro­
New Year Mother tongue of mother.
Are you able to speak English!
Trade, profession or particular kind
might be accepted in lien of the of- over the matter fully with the interior bate Judge Campbell in his office in of work done, such as spinner, sales­
ficial muster roll, in authorization of j department officers and the pension the courthouse. The newly-married man, laborer etc.
payment by the government of pen- officers and was hopeful ^fhat the re- couple will reside on a farm in the
Fairview section. Continued on last page
siong of the veterans. * port would be favorable.

;: ler copy
KXXII. NO. 202. Puhllahed at Indianapolis,
ind„ Dally Except Sunday.
irouiawa sai® WRuC
Entersd as Second
Postofflce, Indianapolis.
Class Matter, July 26, li4. at
Ind„ under act March 3, 1£79. INDIANAPOLIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1920. Subscription Rates,
By Carrier, Week,
Elsewbere , 12c B y
Indianapolis, 10c;
Mail.60c Per Mont’




mmmm n
IOD ALCOHOL Additional to Charge
Company’s An-
to Add ries
Jan. memo-
of prlncea are proverbially but
not invariably short. On his desk
today, among New Year’s cards, vet-
sl2ofioo Little of Boisterous Merry- Six During Fusillade of
B Cause Blindness if nual Revenue.
eran state department escort for visit-
BOnly in Small Quan-
ing royalty and who
watched over the 9fety of the prince
making of Former Years Bullets in Downtown Sec-
Bks, Say Officials. Increased water rates oecame effective of Wales during his recent visit to in Evidence. tion of City.
an the United States, found this mes-
In Indianapolis to ay as a result of
order of the public service commission

fe SELLERS JAILED granting the petition of the Indianapolis "Bill Nye, Department of State, BOOTLEGGERS HARD HIT t
Water Company for higher rates. The Washington, D. C.
average Increase to flat rate consumers “Happy New Year to you. Indianapolis brought in the year BALTIMORE, Md„ Jan. I.—ln the


sale' of wood alcohol con-

will be 13 cents p month. It is estimated
(Signed) “EDWARD F.”
1920 quietly. wildest orgy cf New Year's shootings
I as substitutes for liquor is that the increased rates will net the com-
Aside from tue shriek of whistles,
In the annals of the Baltimore police
■enteri, many cases of blind- pany from $120,000 to $130,000 additional depa-tmeat, six persons, four girls and
The order changes firing of pistols and cries of persons
Belv revenue a year. two young men, were shot, one of them

will result, Charles D.
executive secretary oX the
industrial aid for the blind.
twenty out of the 130 specific rates of
the company.
The following table shows the change
WOMEN SHRIEK, attending dances and watch parties
there was little of revelry.
-'AtMf' lmmm
Rjk —H
' Iff B Bn
IBaflßgfimg H
I '
seriously, at an early hour today.
The shooting occurred at Baltimore
and Howard streets, in the. very center
In rates:
GLASS FLIES, AT The second dry New Year’s eve was of the downtown hotel and theatrical
~01-v fc

B*. FLAT RATRS very much dryer than *he flrt. Some
"€'MHB* >
11 \ik_
district, and the shots were fired, it la
Hthc greatest dangers io sight Present New
rate per rate per
of the members of the midnight crews of ’ M jnprwgii Rf alleged, by men in the uniforms c? sol-
he said. “When taken
WATCH PARTY former years loitered around hotel lob- diers, from a high-powered automobile
Jjm 111| IHH
annum, annum.
quantities It is almost oer-
such Bath private family $2.75 $3.25 bies in hope that something familiar
might show up.
Wl . B | which, following the shooting, sped west
Many A few minutes after

blindness. Dwelling, 1 or 2 rooms.. 2.30 2.5 on Baltimore street, soon outdistancing

record.” Dwelling of 3 rooms 3.25 3.5<> midnight most of the •’gang” started Its pursuers. More than a dozen shots
the r’nngers of drinking Dwelling of 4 rooms 4.00 Host to New Year Welcomers soberly home. are said to have been fired.
Dwelling of 5 rooms 4.5<'

,; |§§ >1 or beverages in which Dwelling of 6 rooms .N) Admits to Police ‘Somebody The quietness of this New Year’s eve
500 can be explained in several ways. Most
7 alcohol to public atteniion For each additional room. .75 .JO Something.’ AMONG CROWDS.
by the board, which
HOSE USE. Started Indiana people who formerly welcomed
the now year in a bibulous way were out The injured persons were returning to
unction with the state Per Per their homes from a New Year's eve party
in the matter. of liquor and were not willing !o run the
ago there were three men
season, season. PRINCIPALS IN FIGHT risk of drinking something which might
when they were fired upon. Hundreds
For a lot 20 feet or under.s3.Bo $4.00 of persons were in the vicinity at the
Tnd.. by drinking Each additional foot over turn out to lte wood alcohol.
20 feet 07 .10 Persons living in the Burton apart- There Is an honest fear that a flask time of the shooting and, terror-stricken,
!. Mr. Chadwick said. No fled in all directions.
come to his attention re- METER SERVICE. handed out In some alley by a stranger
ments, 821 North Pennsylvania might contain an everlasting sleeping The police were given a good descrip-
there 1s an epidemic of Per Per
alcohol concoctions a cor 1.000 1.000 street, heard the old year pass out powder. tion of the automobile and are semiring
the city and its environs iif* an effort to
dumberto ofresult,
cases of blindness
he said. .16 .18 First 7.500 gallons, monthly..
gal. gal.
amid the din of flying glassware, Whisky was priced at S2O a quart anl
the demand at that figure was said to apprehend the assailants.
■rding .155 .17 Nest 15,000 gallons, monthly. overturning furniture and shrieking
be disappointing to those who are still
.15 .16 Next 22,500 gallons, monthly. FOUR OF INJURED
45.00*) gallons, monthly. .12 .15 Next women. taking hanoes.
irding the sale of wood 410.000 gallons, monthly .07 .OS Next FEWER DRINKS
The police arrived in time to Interecpt The injured included Miss Lillian
stringent. It must he Next 500,000 gallons, monthly .06 .07 THAN EVER.
two women and two men who were in Brataman, 17; Miss Elsie Smokier, IS;
J !f sold by a druggist 'or Over 1,000.000 gallons, monthly .055 .06 It's one safe bet that never in the his-
the street near the building and who, the tory of Indianapolis nave there been Miss Fannie Rosenthal, 19, and- Joseph
Tt is a violation of WATER CLOSETS. police say, admitted havir.g bben in the Brocker, 16, all of whom were sent to
fflit; a substitute for liquor. Per Per fewrr intoxicated people than this New-
annum, annum. apartment of Mrs. Helen McKlnsey Ht Year's eve Resides rhe high priee of the Mercy hospital.
iHßHice Jerry Kinney has is Private water closet $3.00 $3.50 the Burton. One of the women said whisky, which was said to prevail last The other two persons wounded re
to policemen to make Public water she was Mrs. McKlnsey. and explained to night h. a few distant spots, the report ceived a treatment near the scene of the
f|l|M t\rc\ic’it the rale of wood Additional water closet, the police that she ha 1 giver a watch circulated early that many federal agents shooting and were sent to their homes In
alcohol drinks. private 2.00 2.50
party at which there wa shout a dor^n and detectives were on the job. automobiles.
c P lfiem, of deaths in Water closet In boarding '‘

x drinking of house 5.00 6.00 persons. If a roan had any private stock he
from (he The order of the commission asks that When Sergts. Sandroann and Jones and kept It at home.
authorities in A few “hip pocket
maintenance of the water system be
undertaken to restrict brought up to normal and that the com-
Society for the
Detective Stewart entered the building buffets” were noticed about but these
they found two of the windows In the were quickly emptied and New Year's TURK FUTURE
pany file a report of Its earnings for front door out. As Sergt. Sandman lifted quickly came and went.
gHigMi"!ness has informed th" Feb. 1, 1921, in order that the commission
h of t tat State that
and the city may keep informed as to its
taken to contro! the needs and the efTeot of the increase.
his heavy foot into the hallway it struck
a small object.
A few Juveniles were able to get a
It was the heel of a "snort” or two of something and they KEPT SECRET
1 a leoh' the society woman's fancy slipper. Immediately set' out to advertise the
The commission points out that the in- ELECTRIC LIGHTS fact. Three lads started down South Allies Haue Made Decision,
crease was not opposed. TORN DOWN. Illinois street arm In arm, one rather
sadly under the weathe-. hut apparently but Refuse to Make
It was dark in Mrs. MoKinsey's apart- tickled over the fact. They received the
Known Details.
.^Bl 0 o’"' ’"'- 1 *• ,ii ’ NEW HAS QUIET ment and the electric lights refused to best laughs when they knocked over n
respond to the pressing of a switch but- couple of sign boards. One lad with
ton. The lights and the telephone had flushed cheeks said, “I wish they would LONDON, JaD. I. The future of Tur-

r ie,‘.r
of a ~*♦
DAY IN PRISON been put out of commission, the
say, and the entire place bore evidence
arrest me.”
The younger made merry dancing and
of what they claim was a free-for all bat- eating at some of the downtown hotels.
key has been fixed by Great Britain and
France, but the details are as yet an
official secret. Conflicting unofficiil re-
’ ~ r' ‘ ‘

Mother and Half Sister Spend tle. The floor was strewn with glass and The biggest crowd was at the Olaypool ports U-ere in circulation today regarding
■ '' ■

• the furniture was in disorder. hotel, where the management started out the fate of Constantinople and'.the future
New Year With Prisoner at An empty champagne bottle, still bear- early, suppressing anything that looked seat of government. \
ing the fragrance of wine, was found, like a flask. According to one report the s\itan will


' f S

Sb - Murder Trial. the police sav. They say there was a OFFICERS WATCH be allowed to remain in Const-Vitlnople
H whisky bottle almost empty on a table. HOTEL CROWDS. Optimistic, youthful 1920 arriving In Indianapolis, with his Laggage of Prosperity, pulls back the and the city will remain the seatVM the
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Jan. I.—Harry McKlnsey admitted that there had been Uniform policemen were In the lobby Mohammedan religion, but political con-
curtains of the new year.
B S. New, Jr., whose trial for the murder a fight In the apartment as the climax of the hotel and private and city detec. trol over the Bosphorus and ihe Darda-
nelles will be vested In an international
P of Freda Lesser is nearing Its close, of the watch party, according to the
lice. A certain "Mr. Shwyer started the
po- fives mixed freely with the crowds.
Younger people were noticeable in the commission.
The alleged decision to allow the sul-


spent New Year’s day as he arent
Christmas day—in his cell In the county
trouble,” they were told. crowds, but there was little of tho bols
The persons halted In the street near terous roistering of former years.
the battle scene gave their names as A few rather elderly men got enjoy-
WILL PROTECT Greatest Parole Record tan to remain In Constantinople, not as
ruler of Turkey but as head of the Mo-

So far as known, New made no New
Year resolutions and there was not the
Mr. and Mrs Frank Martin, rural free ment out of patting on red and white
delivery 29, box 90, and Walter Zoller. paper clown caps and blowing tin horns.
WAR GUILTY Trails Goodrich into
hammedan faith, and thus the spiritual

leader of some 100,000,000 moalem sub-
jects, most of whom sre in the British
Hh semblance of holiday festivity in his 1454 Laurel street. The police say that The Washington hotel had a good
empire, was said to have been largely
cell as there was last week when he was Mrs. McKlnsey had evidently been struck crowd In the downstairs grill. The Germany Seeks to Avoid De-
■ showered with gifts and spent the day in the face, as her nose had been bleed- Severin was a deserted place, having an influenced by the belief that removal of
n with his mother, Mrs. Lillie M. Burger, ing. Mr. Martin, the police say. had a nouneed there would bo no special livery of Arch-Huns to James P. Goodrich, the “pardoning governor of Indiana," exercised turmoil.
tho caliphate would involve India In
'-it ,m
and half sister. Miss Edna Clancy.
Both Mrs. Burger and Miss Clancy
■cratch on his face. Zoller’s
missing, j
bat was amusement
provided for the evening.
drivers report that the night Allied Justice. executive clemency in behalf of more convicts in the year 1919 than did Tho Turks’ fangs are removed, how-
called early and spent the day with was quiet and that everybody seemed to Govs. Marshall and Ralston in the entire eight years of their combined ever, through amputation of their politi-
> jt- H New. He received a few cards from
DESCRIPTION OF CARS. be able to get home by themselves. BERLIN, Jan 1. Germany will make terms. cal influence from a world standpoint,
and by freeing all the roceffl which here-
friends and ate a home-cooked meal In front of the building a Bulck au- At the Columbia club there was a New every effort to limit the ‘••nrrender ot
1 -IIiPgBBMB hi R brought by his mother. His attorneys Year's eve supper and dancing in the her war guilty, it was learned today. His record for tne year 1919 was al-, tofore have been subject to Turkish mls
tomobile was standing, while across the

The government., (beneath the surface, most as great as for the two years pre-
would not permit him to be seen. street was a Nash. Martin told Sergt. hall room. A atlarge crowd attended the freed from the penal Institutions of In-
H When the trial Is resumed tomorrow fiandmann that Mrs. McKlnsey would dinner dance the Independent Ath- la making desperate attempts to have viously, aud the combined total of his diana on nothing more thar the tel- Great Britain has already set up tfcb
the allies modify as far as possible the interferences with the courts of the state ephoned request of Goodrich that they king of the Hedja to dominate Arabia
the alienists who examined New for the lock up the apartment and would accom-
letic club.
and the Syrian Hinterland while coastak
' iiiS^MWßßlßßßMl^yhafge. defense still will be on the stand. As The Academy of Music entertained question of delivery and trial of wnr in dealing with criminals in the first lie released and there is no record to
pany him and his wife to their home
each Is asked ,a hypothetical question criminals, according to Information here. three years of his term is approximately which the public has access that shows Syria and a bit beyond goes to France.
In his car, the Bulck. They left the many of Its members at a supper which
ten times more than that of any governor the number of such instances. Armenia, both as to frontiers and gov-
several thousand words long, their testi- scene, supposedly for rural route No. 29,
(Continued on Page Two.) Herr Von Slmson, German representa-
mony is expected to drag. they later heard tive in Paris, has presented the German Indiana ever had before him.
In the office of the secretary of ptate
ernment, is the unerseked nut. With
but the police claim
It was rumored today that Mrs. Alice arguments to the peace conference.
The extent to which Goodrich has the United States unwilling to accept
from the machine at the Consolidated there Is an indexed record book showing a mandate, the European powers are In
The surrender of Field Marshal Von released convicts in the state of In-
Lesser, mother of the murdered girl,
will likely attend the trial again before
Its close. She expressed a desire to be
garage. 928 North Pennsylvania street.
The same officers were sent there on DATA TO SHOW Hindenburg and Gen. Ludendorff, It was diana can
pointed out, would be sure to raise such
only be conjectured. There is the executive's actions that have been a quandary,
r>o public record that ,‘ontalns all the placed on record by Gov. Goodrich. It further into liabilities.
for they hesitate to rush
A mandate for
a report that a man bad knocked down shows that clemency was extended to
a storm from their following that the instances of his favors to convicted crim-
ft land barren of natural
present when Miss Clancy testified, but resources and
one of the garage employes. They met

o:| ;- r y
*■ her health did not permit. William Gay, a negro employed at. the.
garage. Gay said the Bulck car had been
government would be In grave danger.
The government also fears, it was
inals. Hundreds of convicta have beer. (Continued on Page Nine.)
natural wealth has few takers.

brought to the garage and a few min- Statistician of Labor Body to said, to enforce order to quell demonstra-
utes later the Nash car had driven up.
The police recognized the description of Present Facts to President’s
tions It feels certain any extensive de-
livery would Incur.
SHOCKS WOMEN Von Rlmson, it was understood, had ad-
9 ■> \

Move Started to Prevent Chi-

the.two automobiles as tho°e they had
seen earlier in front of the Burton
apartments. They haa made a note of
Wage Commission. vanced all these arguments clinching It
with a statement that dealing with the
■.;! ' 1 the license numbers Carefully compiled statistics which will government toward peace is certainly

i J
cago Prison Staging Grim Gay said that a man who was In the go before the coal commission named by more Important than leading to trial Retailers Allowed 2 Cents a Hand When New Treasurer Five Republicans, Two Demo*
T-:-t tv. Nash automobile had struck him with- President Wilson will show that prices any of the former German leaders.
iaLc .vaster ty Exhibition. out provocation. Gay was told to swear of staple food and other necessary ar- Pound, Wholesalers 75 AssumesDuties, crats File Petitions in
|lgig§|| he called on nit.ctirvk out a warrant for the man who had ticles In small coal mining towns are Cents Fer Hundred. South Dakota.
;y aßion for the president,
understand why * |- b>n '.ncerninef a women

“hanging party"
Jan. 1.--Cbteago

announced by
are preparing today to prevent a
struck him. Both machines had dis- higher than In the great cities of the
appeared when the police arrived. country, Percy Tetlow, statistician for
the United Mine Workers of America,
TROTZKY SLAIN, New marginsof profit for wholesaler
Ralph Lemcke moved into the county
treasurer’s office today. PIERRE, 8. D„ Jan. I.—Five re-
The occasion was one of ceremony and
• fait hr had As-.ifi > f ]
wHi'' v, "'d' s
Deputy Sheriff Harry C. Laubenhelmer as
a “lesson" for 200 prisoners at the county
declared today.
In many isolated towns the only store
is the company store, he says. When
SAYS REPORT and retail dealers In sugar arc in effect
today. rejoicing, for Mr. Lemcke succeeds Ed-
ward G. Sourliier, who is not looked
publicans and two democrats are of-
ficially in the race for the presidency of
Jail. Stanley Wyckoff, fair price commis- the United States. Their names have
sentenced to be Raffalo Durrage, butter sold for 80 cents a pound In Chi- Rumor Circulates in Finnish sioner, today sent letters to all county upon by certain of the republicans as
.//t- '"laB
we l-or.d hanged tomorrow for the murder of
Onofrio Garhano and his wife, Mary, Is STRIKE AREA cago It was 99 cents In many mining
towns, he asserts.
Officials at headquarters of the Un'ted
Capital—Baltic States
fair price commissioners authorizing
them to Increase the profit per pound to
being politically just as he should be.
Mr. Lemcke also had defeated Henry
been filed with the secretary of state of
South Dakota and will appear In the
following order on the primary balleta
nak ' to be the "horrible example” In Lauben- Mine workers of America here feel cer Negotiations Off. three-fourths of a cent for wholesalers
Cochrane, Mr. Sourbier’s chief deputy, In March:
halmer’e unique lesson. Indiana Harbor and Neighbor- tain thßt the convention which meets in and 2 cents for retailers. Republicans—Miles
According to Laubenhelmer’s an- Margins of profit heretofore have been In the last primary. Consequently a Poindexter, indi-
British empire. 0., Jan. 5, will ratify the ac- vidual petition; Leonard Wood, conven-
nounced plans, more than 200 prisoners ing Cities No Longer Under Columbus, tion taken In Indianapolis in ending the
BERLIN, Jan. I.—An unconfirmed ru- .65 of a cent a pound for wholesalers and victory wat celebrated when the new
treasurer took office. tion majority proposal; Frank O. Low-
held on various charges are to witness mor that Leon Trotzky, colleague of cents for retailers.
Martial Law. eoal strike. A victory celebration would not be Just den, minority convention proposal; Hiram
w owns 36,
the execution of Durrage. "I know from
experience that anyone who has wit-
Nloholal Lenlne In the bolshevik govern- The embargo on shipment of sugar by
ment, has been murdered, Is In circula- eastern refiners to points west of Pitts- right without music. Hence, three gen- Johnson, individual petition, and Abbie
-yMae Wil! lh
nessed a hanging never will deliberately
kill.” said Laubenhelmer. “The prisoners end
Martial law has been declared at an
In Indiana Harbor, East Chicago
The Inquisitive
tion at Helslngsfors, according to a re- burg, Pa., was lifted today. This may
port from that cliy today. mean that shipments of granulated sugar
tlemen of dusky hue appeared to pro-
vide the music. One played an elaborate
series of drums, one a cornet, and the
C. Whistler, individual petition.
Democrats—James Gerard, minority
convention proposal, and James O. Mon-
. 1 Vo a will be kept, in cells but will be placed and In the Industrial war zone within Peace negotiations between the soviety will reach Indianapolis soon.
roe, individual petition.
so they may view the execution. I’ll a radius of five miles, by a proclamation government and the Baltic states at Dor- third a piano. In fact, it was what is

sufferit Reporter

trn _

w was de- pat. arc said to have been broken off. generally termed a “jazz" orchestra. No declaration of acceptance or rejec-
folio \: it
IJ® 4ji:p.rantee every one will be sick of
■1 of Gov. Goodrich. Martial

i.jt, crime after seeing Durrage hanged.” ; ..
clared in this district early In Ortobei Rebellion his broken out among the Wealthy Michigan They made the halls of the court house
ring, much to the edification of the
tion was filed for President Wilson, who
received the majority endorsement of the
Miss Mary MacDowell 'of the Uni- shortly after the state troops took over Every Day He Asks Five of Petrogrnd, bolshevik troops at Narva, 100 miles west
;'s>‘N9 l r ' '■' eltc.'dl 1
Lumber-Man Dies democratic state convention. Nothing

according to another report brethren assembled, and they .-anoyance


versity settlement, who is taking the

KK death. Alt are cn^j lead the district daring the steel strike. State
Persons, Picked at Ran- Helsingfors. of persons in circuit court, n trial was filed for Gov. Lynn J. Frailer of
in preventing the “lesson” being troops were withdrawn Nov. 1, but mar- from Bolshevik artillery Is
was being conducted. North Dakota, who received the non-
reported to he violently shelling the city M
driven home in this manner, today de- tial law continued with militia officers
dom, a Question
MUSKEGON, Mich., Jan. I.—Thomas
Assembled for the celebratiWn was the partisan convention Indorsement.
Idea “shocking.” "I am sur- with shrapnel.
clared- the
to Give In charge. .
Hume, multimillionaire lumberman, died
usual crowd that gathers atCund a po-
pnfaed such a thing couldb be con- The proclamation has no effect on the here of pneumonia early today. Hume litical headquarters. In fact, the office
Lazy Husband Act Physician Held
if sidered,” she said.
ddies Uarh
“It would have a
very immoral effect upon any criminal’s
Gary district, where federal troops ar*
In charge but where martial law has TODAY’S QUESTION.
What’s the best resolve the United
First Arrest Cause
returned to this city from Florida to
spend Christmas with his family. He
Is a sort of political headquarters, Mr.
Lemcke being city chairman. The crowd
Bkidddes who did not
mind and Is wholly unnecessary." never been declared.
States could make for the new year?
was stricken with pneumonia shortly
after arriving. He was 71 years of age.
was the usual outfit who appear In the
list of “messengers” in reports of cam-
y in Murder Case
'"*’'*"* JB
of the many Christ
||| Indianapoils In Ohio street between Illinois and Fred Haboll, 46, of 1024 Belief ontalne During his life he gave upwards of paign expenses. Most of them came from LOUIBVTLLB, Jan. I,—Dr. Christopher

Abbie Wisler’s Male and

will be street, was the first person arrested In $30,000,000 to charitable Institutions.
BB'.-tlfeers of Pennsylvania streets. the neighborhood of the “avenoo.” Schott, 42, was bound over to a grand
America THE ANSWERS. Indianapolis in the year 1920. He was Jury here late yesterday in connection
,MBf Hie orcai;! -a- Bert S. Gadd, 2130 I’rftspect street, and with the death by shooting of Elizabeth
706 North arrested at 3:20 o’clock this morning on
HBj^aonight. 1. Mary Neil, Stenographer,
Meridian Street—Resolved, that we start a warrant charging him with being a Mrs. Emogene S. Hare William D. Allison, 1655 Park avenue, Ford Griffin, 17, his offtet cttefuLaa..-
jB k
mm n.AK.
rm : >
mb; y n<• i
He’s Gunning for Joker "doing things for America and let the rest lazy husbord.

tle while.
The affidavit was sworn
of the world take care of Itself for a lit- to by his wife. Patrolmen Coleman and
Kennedy made the arrest.
°f Noblesville Dies became members of the board of school
commissioners, taking the places of Her-
bert Foltz, 1847 North Delaware street,
Pail of SB,OOO for the physielav/gmjease
was furnished. ;
V 1'
2. G. O. Frenkel, Printer, College Ave- The second arrest of the year occurred Special to The Times. and Theodore Stempfel, 1564 Park
Fireman Injured

nue—For everybody to settle down and ten minutes later when Liege Ratcliff, SO, NOBLESVILLE, Ind., Jan. I.—Mrs. avenue, whose terms expired yesterday.
. of • ,i" Now Year ) 1.—She’s a man or rather, he’s not a woman.
do seme real work this year. of 1025 Blaine avenue, was taken at Emogene Stevenson Hare, 60, wife of The new commissioners will serve two.
h in other words Abbie C. Wisler, alleged candidate for the republican 8. N. E. Easton, Automobile Mechanic, Massachusetts avenue and Pennsylvania Elbert M. Hare, one of NoblesvUle’s
West Indianapolis—To cut the high cost street on a charge of drunkeneee. The leading business men, died at her home
George Williams stepped Into the
in SIOO,OOO Blaze
•residential nomination In the South Dakota primaries, is a husky male
of living. arrest wao made by Patrolmen Barm- In this city late yesterday following an newly creeted office of exeeutiye secre- CHICAGO, Jan. L—A SIOO,OOO fire early
OTHER, unpretentious section of Chicago. Incidentally, he is gun-
joker who notified the secretary of state in South Dakota that
4. Peter D. Kraft, Merchant, Detroit, fuher and Ball. After midnight and up ML 'lk- of two years. The husband and
Mich.—To ratify the peace treaty. until 8 o'clock tills morning no women three sens, Frank, Wllllard and Albert,
tary of the board of pnbllc safety. He today threatened an entire block in the
leaves the office of clerk to the board warehouse district. John Felkner, a fire-
to run for president. 5. George T. Vinson, Soldier, Ft. Har- had been arrested. J survive „The deceased was prominent vacant. The board will fill the vacancy man, was seriously injured by falling
r ami continued rison—Clean up Mexico- 1 In church \and charitable work. later. glass.
didn’t cron spell —l
day, with lowest

Gilbert H. Hendren, one of the demo-
igrees, ! Wisler bitter opponents in that battle of per-
sl,ooo Bonus Each First Woman Judge Maki Your Own, cratic members of the state industrial
petrating the hoax which has been clut-
ojn Job ir j^rtgland
board, retired to take up business affairs. Crawfordsville
n tering up the Wisler mall box with Given 1,000 Salesmen Lpse Your Home He was one of tht members appointed
M|Sought Here*
1 a^H a
following the the leglslad
run official documents from South Dakota for V Jan. STALi BRIDGE, En I.—The mc n re
the last few days. NEW YORK, Jan. I.—A New Year’s first woman magistral -o preside In a ST. PAUI Minn., Jan. 1.—“Make your
; rises tomorrow,
ran for “We’re plain Jewish people,” said bonus of $1,000,000 was distributed today police colurt in EngU n ook her seat own and loi pointed. % -’’Vi-*
the republican ticket Abble's mamma, “and we don’t like such by the H. W. Johna-Manvtlle Company on the b<|fe:b here tocAJ- The mayoress, warning off, agairfct home Loo k. ;
, highest tcmltera- in district a couple foolish business. Abbie does not want among Its sales force. One thousand men Mrs. AdsMftummere, VHS sworn in and brewers. Lai oJ^jrop- begun his
to be president.” will average SI,OOO each. / heard caw. e ertry wly-rs i h
The lowa County Democrat
Nortel SocirtJDEMOCRAT.
Entered at tbe Post Office, Mineral Point, Wis.,
as second class matter.
Subscription price, SI.BO per year in advance of Peace and Plenty, is the greeting of The Democrat this January Ist, 1920
Published every Thursday by
George Crawford and Robert M. Crawford

Ruth Hildreth. SUDDENLY

ROBERT M. CRAWFORD. EDITOR Ruth Ethel, little daughter of Mr and

Mrs George Hildreth, was born in Wil- R. J. Penballegon "dropped dead of
THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1920. low Springs, January 30, 1916, and died apoplexy soon after coming down town
IjW at the St. Joseph’s Hospital in Dodge- and opening up*his office this Wednes-
ville December 27, 1919, at the age of day morning.
TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH FARM HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE 3 years, 10 months and 27 days. His office is on the second floor of the
She leaves to mourn their loss her Telegraphic Chronicle of State Qnndry & Gray Cos. building; and two
Rev. Frederic G. Williams, Rector Last Friday morning Dec. 26, at about parents, four sisters and two brothers, Happenings. girls passing his door, which stood
Second Sunday after Christmas. 8 o’clock the home of Herbert Vivian beside many relatives and friends. ajar, saw him lying on the floor and
Holy Communion 10:30 a m. on the Linden road was completely de- Funeral services were held Monday immediately ran down stairs and gave
Church School 12 m. molished by Hie. The conflagration morning, December 29, at 11 o’clock, MAN KILLED IN AUTO CRASH the alarm in the store. Drs. Gratiot
Evening Prayer, 7:30 p. m. was caused by a defective chimney. conducted by Rev. J. Birrell. and Brown were called; but found life
The neighbors were all warned who was made in Graceland cemetery. extinct.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH went immediately to help extinguish CARD OF THANKS. Theodore Thomas of Milwaukee Mr Penballegon *wT as about 64 years
The People’s Church. the flames but with no avail. It was Mr and Mrs George Hildreth wish to Struck by Another Machine While old, and he was a worthy son of Miner-
almost a complete loss as there .was thank their neighbors and friends for Cranking His Car on the al Point. His sudden death is indeed a
Rev. John Birrell, Pastor. very little insurance. the kindness shown during the illness Janesville Road. great shock to his family and to the
Services for week beginning Sunday, and death of their little daughter Ruth. community.
January 4. 1920. Milwaukee, Dec. 30.—Theodore
9:30 a. m. Class meeting CHANGES TO DAIRY FARMING. Leßoy Thrasher. Thomas, for more than thirty-five
10:30 a. m. Public worship. Subject
for sermon, “The Angels of God.” With a large and well equipped mod
The community was shocked on Fri- years a Milwaukee saloonkeeper, was
day afternoon to hear of the death of instantly killed in an automobile acci-
dent on the Janesville road when the
11:45 a. m. Sunday School. The ern dairy barn and a herd of choice Roy Thrasher, who only a week before
Thomas machine was struck from the
Church Studying. If you have no ocher Guernsey cows, W. S. Ross and son had seemed in his usual health and rear by a Miss Jeannette Whalen, Milwaukee.
car said to have been
Sunday School, come with us. Roland have gone in milk production. spirits. by Leonard Clemens, 184 Logan ave- C. W. and Mr and Mrs Ira Reynolds,
Junior League, 2:00 p. m. Garnet They enlarged and improved their large Deceased was born in the town of nue. Thomas, according to the report Chicago.
Wearing, Superintendent. barn st Fairview. They have a good Linden March 16th, 1886 and died at his of the sheriff’s force, was cranking his Terrence and Mr and Mrs Thomas
Epworth League, f1:45 p. m. store of winter feed and acres and acres borne in Mineral Point, Friday, Decem- machine, a small delivery truck, which Doyle, Racine.
President, Mrs C. G. Hubenthal of land to grow good succulent grasses ber 2s, 1919 age 33 years, 9 months and had stalled on what is known as Kel- Miss Anna Kinn, Milwaukee.
Leader, Mrs .John Birrell when the spring opens. 11 days. On August 29th, 1917 he was ly’s hill, just west of the Hawley road, Walter Horn, Nashotah.
Topic, “Coming to Know God.” happily marned to Mrs Ida Mae‘Healy, when the collision took place. He sus- Misses McSwain and Baird, Kenosha.
daughter of Mr and Mrs Reuben Ells tained a fracture of the skull and in- Mr and Mrs Clarence Wackman,
7:30 p, m. Public worship. Subject The Hippie Concert. ;T:**

worth and to this union was born one ternal injuries. Immediately after con- Mishawaka, Ind.
for sermon, “Go Forward.” The fourth number of the lyceum
son, Andrew Leßoy, now eleven months ducting their investigation, and the
Thursday, Jan. 8. Prayer Meeting. course—“The Hippie Concert Com- Mr and Mrs Edward Stratman,
ijf; UJ i questioning of occupants of the other
Topic, “God our Sun.” pany” gave an unusually novel and en-
old, who with the sorrowing wife and Dodgeville.
machine, the sheriff’s force took one
Come to the services of the Church. tertaining concert on the evening of little Kenneth and Wilna Healy survive Miss Evelyn Sears, Joliet, 111.
member of the party, who gave his
We can help you and you can help us. him. He also leaves to mourn his moth- Miss Walburga McMurrough, Chicago
Dec. 26. Every member of the company name as R. J. Hobert, into custody,
Coming Events: Annual meeting of er, Mrs Andrew Thrasher, one sister. L. R. Penhallegon, Milwaukee.
was fully up to expectations and Mr VIRGINIA GOODWIN Miss Evelyn Thrasher of Madison and
charging him with disorderly conduct.
Richard Brewer, Madison.
the Brotherhood, Monday, January sth. Mr. Thomas was well known, not only

Earl Hippie was indeed a wizard on the

Election of officers. Refreshments, Xylophone. Mineral Point is fortunate at the Municipal Theatre next two brothers, Lee of Milwaukee and in Milwaukee, but throughout the George Spensley, Chicago.

Annual meeting of the Sunday School in having an organization which fur- week, commencing' January 5 Wilbur of this city. state. He was a director of the Bay Charles Morgan, Chicago.
Board, first Wednesday in January. In the year 1913 he was elected city Boom Wild Rice and Fur farm at Lar- Harry Frieden, Davenport, lowa.
nishes such high class entertainments
marshall which office he faithfully son, a private hunting grounds of an Thomas Christ, Hartford.
as those furnished by the Brotherhood
organization composed of many Mil-
FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH of the Congregational church have
proven to be.
NORTH BROS. ATTRACTIONS served for four years after which he
was employed by the C. M. & St. P., waukeeans, including Gov. E. L, Phil-
Edward and Anthony Thoma, Evans-
ton, John Thoma, Washington, D. C.,
ipp. Mr. Thomas has been a devotee
The last number “The Dunbar Quar- railroad as a brakeman up to the time Frank Leuahan, Chicago.
A. H. Schoenfeld, Pastor. Show Folks Spend New Years at of hunting and other outdoor sports
tette is highly recommended where ever
he was taken sick. Mr and Mrs Nels Holm, Milwaukee,
SUNDAY SERVICES. Mineral Point, Jolly Crowd. for many years. He was sixty-five
Deceased was a man whoso sterling Mr and Mrs Reuben Fine and family,
The church with a glad welcome for it has been given. years old and is survived by his wid-
qualities endeared him to a large num- ow, two daughters, Mrs. Josephine Mr and Mrs Jack Coulthard and family,
everybody. The management of one of Wiscon ber of friends whose esteem was marked Shullsburg.
Hammerstein and Mrs. Frank Golllon,
Services for Sunday, January 4, 1920. Banquet by Boys of Trinity Church. sin’s prettiest play houses, announces by their presence during his sickness and one son, Theodore Thomas, Jr. John Pittz, St. Francis.
9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Classes Monday night the boys of Trinity through these columns the booking, di- and the many beautiful floral offerings. Miss Kathryn Thrasher, Milwaukee.
The funeral will be held on Wednes-
for all ages and efficient teachers for all Church gave a banquet in honor of rect from Chicago, of the North He was a member of the I. O. O. F. day. Mrs J. P. Weier and daughter, Ridge-
classes. Walter Horn, who is at home for the Brothers Attraction, who will open a Lodge whose members attended the way.
10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. Ser- Christmas holidays. There were twenty week’s engagement here next Monday funeral in a body and conducted the Philipp Disagrees With Berger. Misses Eetelle and Cecilia Lieder,
mon and Holy Communion. Sermon in all, some of them old chums, some offering for your approval a very select Milwaukee, Dec. 30. —Gov. E. L.
services at the grave, Chicago.
topic, The Untraveled Way. Let every Church School pupils, and some recent Repertoire of plays, including vaude- Philipp stated that he did not believe John McCormick, Chicago.
member and friend plan to commence acquaintances. Among those present ville between the acts. The manage- We take this means of thanking our
the law required the calling of an- Miss Gertrude Crase, Milwaukee.
the New Year with the Christ through were George Bliss and Alfred Ludden ment also wishes to say that only mer- neighbors and friends for the many other special election in the Fifth con-
J. W. Horn, Madison
the elements of the sacred sacrament. who are studying at Madison, and John ited attractions will be booked the bal- gressional district in case that Victor
kindnesses shown during the illness and Mr aud Mrs Robert S. Crawford and
7:30 p. m. Evening Devotions. Ser- Ross, at Western Military Academy. ance of the season and not a great L. Berger, congressman-elect, was
death of our beloved husband and son, again denied a seat in the national son Robert Ross, Madison, and Willard
mon Subject, The Immortal Contest, or The others were George Horn, Irvin many of these are available.
Roy Thrasher; also for the many beau- house of representatives. In a speech G. Crawford, Coleraine, Minnesota.
Striving for the Best Things in 1920. White, WilliamiLamerton, Howard B. The above mentioned company only tiful floral offerings. Howard Hanscom, Beloit.
3:30 p. m. {Tuesday) The Junior Jacka. Howard Jd. Jacka, Harvey Har- at St. Louis Berger declared it was
recently completed a thirty weeks’ en- Mrs Roy Thrasher mandatory on the governor to call a Dr. and Mrs J. P. Parmley and son
Society meeting in the chapel. ris, Robert Smith, Tommy Hartley, gagement at Lincoln, Nebraska, and Mrs Andrew Thrasher and special election within a certain time John, Madison.
7:30p. m. (Wednesday) Christian En- Wm. Hartley, Dab Davis, Joseph Ar- the plays presented here next week Family.
after the seat has been declared va- Miss Florence Ross, U. of W.
deavor. thur, LeVon Dunn, Westley Martin, were the hits of the season in William cant. “If the house of representatives Mr and Mrs Thomas Brennan and
7:30 p. m. (Thursday) Prayer, praise Walter Horn, The Rev. Mr. Williams.
and bible study.
Jennings Bryan’s town. They are a
There were after dinner speeches company of National Reputation, and
UNITED IN MARRIAGE refuses to seat me again, Governor
Philipp will have to call another elec-
daughter Regina, Janesville, Miss Agnes
Burghardt, Janesville, Miss Ciara Burg-
Events to come. The Every-Member by some of the boys, some of them very play Dubuque and other large towns Frontz-Sargent. tion,” Berger declared. “I’ll read the hardt, Beloit and Charles Burghardt,
Canvass for the year 1020 will be made touching tributes to the young man following their engagement here. The Avery pleasant marriage was solem- law to him,” he promised his hearers. Kenosha.
on Sunday afternoon, January 11. Get whose visit they were celebrating. Dub cast is a very capable one and should nized at the residence of the officiating After the special election on Decem-
George Knight, Beloit.
ready. Watch for the date of the big Davis made a very able toastmaster, please
without saying, especially when minister, Rev. A. H. Schoenfeld, in this ber 19 Governor Philipp announced
that no more elections would be called Mr and Mrs Reuben Gnbble, Mil-
annual Get-Together Banquet and the and conducted the program with de- the prices
of admission are within pop- city on Tuesday morning, Dec. 30, 1919, in the Fifth district until next fall, waukee.
reading of church reports iu next week’s lightful ease, but much wit. Mr Horn ular range of everyone. when Carrie E., youngest daughter of when members of the next congress Charles Healy, Chicago.
announcements. made a short response to the addresses The entire company is at present here Mr and Mrs Jacob Frontz of Kendall, will be chosen. “I do not think the law Nelson Wedlock and daughter Wini-
Weekly Thought: Are you in a rut of welcome, and the words of good fel- in the city rehearsing anew play which became the wife of Ralph B. Sargent,
is such as to require the calling of fred, Junction City.
■or are yon following a route? There is lowship that came to him, and surprised will
be presented during the engage- son of Mr and Mrs Charles Sargent, another special election within a cer- Mr and Mrs J. B. Wallis, Perry, la.
a real distinction. There is only one some of those present, by showing that ment. This play was only recently se- also of Kendall. The bridal pair was tain time in case Berger is again re- Mrs Stansmore Vivian, Perry, lowa.
difference between a Rut and a Grave—- the ministry was not all sacrifice, and cured from New York at a very high attended by Miss Zela M. Buss and fused permission to sit in congress. As Miss Emma Lindsey, Milwaukee.
ithe grave is deeper. Which of these loss, but glory and power. He told royalty, and since the facilities for re- Phillip J. Frontz. I understand it, that matter is entire- William Gribble, Warren.
paths will yon travel in 1920? some very touching experiences of one hearsing After the marriage ceremony the ly optional with the governor,” Mr.
in Cnicago are very limited, Miss Margaret O’Ferrell, Minneapolis
of his friends. Rev. Mr Cole, how a wedding party returned to the home of Philipp said. He stated that he would
they came here ahead of schedule time Mr and Mrs F. E. Rogers and daugh-
Services in St. Matpy’s Church. great sporting worldly powerful man consult the statute covering special
for this purpose. They are not anew the bride’s parents, where a choice din- ter, Fort Dodge. lowa.
St. Mary’s church was in festive at- was converted by the prayers of a little company by any means, elections immediately on his, return to
but an organ- ner was served. Mr and Mrs Sargent George Masten. Darlington.
Madison and would be able to give a
tire Christmas day 1919. Beautiful nat- child. ization of ten years continued success. left on the Wednesday morning train James|Mann, Janesville.
definite decision on the matter this
ural flowers adorned the altar, which Monday night the company will pre- for a trip to Rockford, Chicago, and week. Mr and Mrs Ross Bishop and family,
were illuminated with many electric The Trinity Church Christmas Eve sent “Hell on Earth.” Probably the other points, and upon their return they
Service. Cobb.
lights and tapers. One of the attractive title will suggest to you everything but will start home-making on the Kehough Search for Missing Girl. Mr and Mrs Charles Bach, Dubuque.
features was the beautiful crib repre- The Children’s Service in the Trinity
the truth. Be it known that this pro- farm in Willow Springs. That happi- Eau Claire, Dec. 80, —Eau Claire Clinton James, Chicago.
senting the scene in Bethlehem at the Church and Parish House on Chistmas duction
is a modern, very up-to-date, ness and prosperity be their portion and authorities are still Mrs Lavinia James and daughter
birth of the infant Jesus. More than Eve was largely attended and was very seeking Viola Anderson, nine-year-old
and very muen American play, per- through life is the wish of their friends. Leone, Minneapolis.
four hundred people received holy com- interesting and inspiring. The prayers taining to a vital question of the present daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward An- William Engels, Milwaukee and Mr
munion in the half past six o’clock high and carol singing in the Church were day Capital vs. Golden Wedding Anniversary. derson, this city, who disappeared
Labor. Facinating, and Mrs Alois Remfrey and sou, Dar-
mass celebrated by Father Nicholas followed by Christmas Carols and reci- Timely, with comedy galore, truly un- Fifty years ago Dec. 25, Mr William from home last Monday. She lias been
Weyer with sermon by Father Stephen tations in the Parish House and the dis- derstandable; one of the traced to Minneapolis, where the
truest love and Arthur and Miss Emma Lancaster of Mr and Mrs Frank Dunn and son,
Klopfer of St. Francis tribution of gifts to the children. The
romance plays ever written. Diamond Grove were united in mar-
brakemen on the passenger on w hichr Rewey.
The organist, Miss Gertrude Weiden- occasion was indeed a joyous one. At it has been learned she rode saw her
Seats reserved and on sale now at the riage at ten o’clock in the morning at get off. At that point all trace of her Mr and Mrs Joseph Engels and son,
feller, the large choir and soloists with the close the Rector and choir went out Prideaux & Bliss Drug
Store. the bride’s home, in the presence of one has been lost. No reason is known for Kenosha.
violin accompaniment by John Gray, and sang carols through the town. hundred and fifty guests, Rev. D. W. Gordon Shepard, Eau Claire.
her leaving home.
Jr., rendered the mass, by Eduwardo
Marzo. in a very credit!ble manner. Christmas Program at M. E. Church. NOTICE BY HEALTH OFFICER Clough officiating. The happy event Spencer Huxtable, Rockford, and
was celebrated Christmas, 1919, with a Doctor Married at La Crosse. Russell Huxtable, Janesville.
There was a very large attendance at The Christmas tree and program at bounteous six o’clock dinner at their La Crosse, Dec. 30.—Miss Mildred Mrs Ada Rupp. Cobb, and Miss Anita
On account of several cases of Small
all services and the Christmas offerings the M. E. Church was a great success home on High Street. Miss Annie Gard- Waters, pretty La Crosse society girl, Rupp, Dodgeville.
Pox appearing in our city, all children
were very generous. in every way. The largest audience in ner and Mr Garnet Wearing served. surprised her many friends by getting Miss Ava Richardson, Spring Green.
years was present and enjoyed a most must present a certificate of successful The home was decorated with natural married on Christmas day. Dr. John Miss Zita Fischer, Dupuque, Miss
Christmas at St. Paul’s Church. excellent program. All of the children vaccination before entering school. flowers. Mr and Mrs Arthur received Fay, former captain of the Marquette Kathryn and Joseph Fischer Prairie du
H. D. Ludden, Health Officer. university football eleven in Milwau-
The services at St. Paul's were very and young people were given their numerous gifts in' gold. Out of town Chien.
largely attended at the different masses presents and treats. And for this alto- guests were Mr and Mrs J. J. Downey kee, is her husband. None of the
Miss Alma Mongoid, Dubuque.
and especially at the 10:15. The church gether happy Christmas occasion we FARMERS AND CITIZENS BANK and son of Chicago, Misses Lillian and many friends of the couple learned
about the wedding until after the cere- Miss Irene Mitchell, Beloit.
was crowded. give our thanks to all who helped, fi- Kathryn Alyward of Whitewater and Herman Hack, Beloit.
mony had been performed. -

The splendid choir under the direction nancially and otherwise, but especially Stockholders’ Meeting Frank Arthur of Shullsburg. Mr and Frank Engels, Kenosha.
of Miss Maud Keyes rendered V. Ham- to the committee on program. The annual meeting of the Stockhold- Mrs Arthur are highly esteemed resi- Church Given $l,OOO.
erl’s Christmas mass in a manner that ers of the Farmers & Citizens Bank will dents of our city and have the good Manitowoc, Dec. 30.—The Sacred Mineral Point-Oodgeville ’Bus Line,
added much to the solemnity of the ser-
THE IOWA COUNTY BANK. be held at its office in the city of Min- wishes of many friends.
eral Point on Tuesday, January 13, 1920
Heart Catholic church of this city has
1 am rnnning a daily stage between
vices. Messrs Andrew John received a New Year’s present of $l,-
Annual Meeting.
000 from St. Elizabeth’s guild, the Mineral Point and Dodgeville, and I
Tboma and Miss
Burke accompan- at 1 o’clock p. m.
Phillip Hewett, Pres.
COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING money having been presented to the solicit the patronage of the public. See
ied on violin The Stockholders of the lowa County
pastor, Rev. Father Luby. The guild schedule elsewhere in this paper.
The church was beautifully decorated Bank. Mineral Point, Wisconsin, will The Annual meeting of the Mineral N. H. Linden.
Card of Thanks. earned the money at its annual fair.
by the ladies of the Altar Society. And hold their annual meeting Monday eve- Point Commercial Club and election of
the Christmas crib was prepared for the ning at six o’clock, Jan. 12, 1920, at its Mr and Mrs Herbert Q, Vivian wish officers will be held Monday evening, Very True.
first Mine at St. Paul’s. banking office. to extend thanks to the neighbors and January 5, 1920, at 8 o,clock. Every Salmon Prolific. That a man may be “down” and not
The pastor Fr. O’Reilly spoke on The J.nW. Hutchison, friends who were so kind to them in member is requested to be present. A salmon has been known to pro- out is also true of the match player fa|
Solemnity of the day. President., their recent loss by fire. Phil. L. Gorgen, Sec. duce 10.000 noo eggs. golf.—Boston Transcript
mtm I 11 IJJ

P. P. AKE, Publisher. OUR GOD, OUR COUNTRYsAND TRUTH. TERMS ti-5- 0 In Advance.


- -
1, 1920., NUMBEJRl. '
' t '
i i H ;

, r to Push Memorial Plank'' are getting away with right now. Reynolds County should secure her "Fiction Concerning Sargosst Sea.
There are thousands or grafting pro- servloe a month before the next elec- The Sargossa sea In the north At-
Columbia, Mo., Deoeraber 29. As moters who are taking a little soft tion and send her Into every school lantic is "an area through which no
soon aa various other drives are oat
of the way md a secretary can be ob-
tained who can devote hla entire time
to the work, the campaign for a
memorial a the University of Mis-

souri to tie men and women who

soap, in the form of sure profits,
wrapping it in a pretty stock certifi
cate with pictures of mines or oil wells
In the corners, and selling it, not for
two dollars,' but for hundreds and
district in the cbunty. Her visit to
each district in the county would add
many votes to the Democratio ma-
jority In our county.
ocean currents pUss. It is compara-
tively still water, forming a sort of
edds into which seaweed tends to
drift, , Writers of fiction have held
that the dead ships of the ages have
found resting places in this eddy and
feaTV-':- .

thousands. of
served fro m the .University in the When the package is unwrapped the Washington, D. O. Seizure of haw. peopled them with the spirits" fict-
lost mariners. The idea Is pure
world war will be pushed forward. It promise is valueless, the oil wells several shipments of butter which
ion!." Sargossq sea may be navi-
ia planned to enlist the aid of the 6,000 won't flow, the mines won't produce, contained too much water or salt, gatedr.The without experiencing any diff-
graduates of the University and the and the banana plantations won't and too little fats, is expected by the iculty with seaweed and without seeing
20,000 formur students who did not bear.
' ' ' " Department of Agriculture to dis a derelict ifMiailiiiitr'
reoelve degrees.

courage this form of fraud and to j

, "Soapy" Smith took a chance in the
Plans mv s been', drawn for a; $500,000 protect not only the consumer but
crowds. It an indignant purchaser Cicada a Dainty Feeder.
farmers and other producers and
tower and tulldlog, which would be wanted to beat him up "Soapy" took
the center i f University activities and dealers. The Department holds that .' The real locust is an indiscriminate'
him on. But the only chance the
would oonti n, probably on tablets of this adulteration is not only an im enter, grain fields, cornfields, meadows, ? '' 5 A to be done wkiek the
vut amount of work no femthu dtlmyed
stock grafter takes is from the postal
bronze, the names of those in whose position on consumers especially with pastures, weed patches everything v
.KVH.W'-Jr- Fktod. md
afmrlai nesSMiuy veiytnd
tbe null b task
Urm capital
authorities and writer's cramp.J falls before him. The periodlcardcada
honor the b tllding was constructed. You have the same prospects of the cost of living at the present high is dainty almost beyond It was due to the war. and U prepare the rail- -
level, but is also demoralizing to the long believed that in the belief. V': t K ir?t ' motion inevitably
The first task la to complete a suit- winning from the taen who try and adult stage tt
butter industr- y- m 7 Vi'rtefc8t-- tbsosaatir. WALXER D. HINES,
able mailing list of all the graduates Induce you to trade Liberty Bonds and
took no nourishment at all. But the
and former students. When this is War Saving Stamps for wild cat "seventeen-yea- r locust" does eat while,
ui'ide up, tliis committees In charge of
the work foil that the hardest part of
stocks that the street crowd had to get Cheerful Words in the adult age, its diet being confine
to the Juices of plants, sucked out V
the task will be done.
' Present phns call for a central tow- -
"Soapy's" twenty dollar bill. Most of
the promoters would not know an oil ;For Many an Ironton

Household. very . small ; quantities and wlthoitt

causing injury. .
more --
well or a mine if they met one In the
To have the aches and prins of a
tv 41 feet sqiare and 125 feet high, to
be put up at a prominent place on the
University Clunpus at a cost about d
street. ' ...r ",
But they know how to frame prom-
v. bad back removed to be entirely free
from annoying, dangerous urinary
disorders, is enough to make.any kid-
all kinds,
at this
- .i
Job-Wor- k, Produce more- -
ises, rosy ones. That is what you buy
9100,000, On eaoh side of this would ney sufferer grateful. The following
be built a wtbgr, one for the student
when you invest with them, a prom-
iseand usually one that has no
advice ot one wno nas suireruu win The NEW IRONTON HOTEL
prove helpful to hundred of Ironton
Safoe more- -

aotivities of ben, one for the student chance to be realized. readers '
activities of Women. Geo. E. Heatherly, retired farmer, liufr : we continue increasing our can't

Fredericktown, Mo , says: "Doan's , ' . PROPRIETRESS.

The propo led campaign la meeting Fredericktown Banks Buy Madison Conn-t- y

been ot benefit to
with favor W om the graduates whose Road Bonds. Kidney Pills have
me ann lam glad to recommend them. Main Street, South of the Court Bouse. production unless we continue increasing :
opinions ha 76 been sought. Ideas They gave me relief from backache
differ, but a! insist that some sort of
(Fredericktown Democrat-News.-

The Security Bank of Frederick-tow- n and a Doan's severe stiffness through my our railroad facilities. J

memorial be put op. Some want it back. also regulated my kid- With all Furnishings new and first-cla- ss

and Bank of Madison County neys. I received such good results and Table (Service excelled by farms, mines and factories cannot
purely ornamental, while the majority jointly bought the road bonds of from Doan's Kidnuy Pills that I shall none, ehe confidently solicits a share
domand that it be useful as well. beyond capacity the
Madison county, the sale being made keep them on hand to use as a pre- of the publio patronage. Special
'increase their output
In starting1 this work, the University to them Friday' of last week by the ventative." "
Price, 6oc at all dealers. Don't sim-
:'-- tention given to Transients.
.railroads haul products. of the to their
of Missouri it in line with a nation county 'court. Bonds to the extent ply ask for a kidney remedy get RATH 3.50 PER DAT.

wide practice. Practically all of the. of only $277,000 will be issued, as it is Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
colleges and emi vorsitles of the country believed that taxes sufficient to make Mr. Heatherly bad. n
''r Railroads are now near peak the of their
are .arranging to erect memorials. Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo,N. Y. Adv.
Mostof,U)edi are goiDg to put up
up the difference between this and .i.t..i ..w M
capacity. . j . (arrying I

$325,000 will have been paid in before -

Weather Reports
buildings; a fnw.wlll, erect arches; at
least one .will Bet aside a memorial
hall in an olid building. Texas and
all the amount voted is needed. That
decision will save the tax payers the Meteorological Report of Coopera- lM
expenses incident to marketing the tive Observer at Ironton.Iron County, TWOMTOM tJTt-
fr -
, railroad expansion more en-
gines more cars, more tracks, more ter-
PrinoetOM,. in addition to other plans, Mo., ror the week ending Monday,
will endow mijmorlal.scholarshlps.
additional bonds.
December 22, 1919: Hours 9 a. m. to 4 m. p. minals can be increase in rthere little
A number of representatives of the
bond houses of J5tr Louis were pres- O Temp'tnre 5?
production. f '
Missouri Meerschaums. Office.. ..6o
ent to meet with the county court and 2,
t Kesidence.....i.,. '
..12 '.
Jefferson City, Mo., Dec. ,31. A submit their bids on Thursday. Alto-
gether seven sale" bids were received.
Days ot Week. B V I
Estimates Given on Examination
V ours is going But this country of to
unique industry which originated In
Missouri, and one in which the State Kauffman, Smith and Emert offered & a r keep on railroads . , right gpwingand the ,

$98.00 with interest on the money at

excels all oth ar States, is the manu-
6 per cent until after the first with- Tuesday 16 61 20
WM. K. EDGAR. WE, K, EDGAR, JI must grow it. with
facturing of ''Missouri meerschaum"
pipes from apparently worthless oorn-cob- drawal and then 3 2 per cent on Wednesday....
1-- -- 17 41 29


daily balances; Q. H. Walker & Co. Thursday..

18 67 23 EDGAR & EDGAR command in markets To the investment
In 1918 six factories, devoted to this
enterprise, loiated, two in Washing-
and Witaker, Smith & Moore made Saturday
the same bid which was $97.25, cash, Sunday
....19 30 21
15 Attorneys flow
at new capital
Law, expand railroad the of to
ton, Franklin pounty, and one each in the county to do whatever, liked Monday - 22 44 18 facilities so increase production and
Owensville, oisoonade county; Boon-vlll- e, with the money; The Mortgage Trust Note. The precipitation includes
Co. and Mississippi Trust Co. also rain, hail, sleet and melted snow, and
there be pubhc confidence in must the
Cooper county; Union, Franklin
county and BowHngQreen.Pikeooun-ty- , made the same bid which was $97.75, is recorded in Inches
Ten inches or snow equal one inoh of
and hundredths. future power railroads. earning of
4 per cent on daily balances; the bid rain.
Piactice in all the Conrfs of the Stale.
according to advance information "T" indicates trace of precip'ta-tio- n.

from the "Mlwouri Eed Book, 1919," of the local banks was $96 60, 4 1-- 2
Arcadia College Observer. business can grow only as Tbe nation's
the annual Stal industrial report of dally balances. DR. J. fast as railroads grow. the
After going carefully over the bids, Ammonia.
the Bureau or Labor Statistics, turned Ammonia is found in minute quan-
out corncob aril wooden pipes to the the court decided to reject all the Stale Deputy Veterinarian
value of $058,3) 8. bids. An opportunity was then given tity in air, and is a natural product
of the decay of animal substanres. It
jf -
The six factciries In 1918 represent- the buyers to submit new bids the is procured artificially by the destruc-
ed an aggrc galled Investment of 6315,-11- 0, following day. fhey got into com tive distillation of nitrogen organic
munication with their houses but. matters,' such us tones, hair, horns and HOGS VACCINATED.
To 425 employes, consisting of
SIS men and yuths and 110 wetnen claimed they could not give any more hoofs, and is largely obtained as a by- Local and Long Distance Phones.
nd glils, therd was paid $260,674 in than their original bid. In the mean- product in the manufacture of illumi- Oalla Attended All Hours. '
salaries and wages. For materials time, however, the local banks got nating gas from coal. , j
Thou desiring information concerning the railroad tit- -
and supplios, III eluding several hun- together and offered $97.50 and 4 2 1--
Interstate Inspections Made ation may obtain literature hy writing to the Atiocia- -
dred carloads of corncobs, there was per cent on daily balances, which dur- Denaturing Alcohol. Hon of Railway Exeeutieet, 61 Broadway, New York.
ing three years, estimated as the time PIEDMONT AND DES ARC, MO.
disbursed 8150,875. These same six by the addition
required to build the road, would net thereto of andenatured
Alcohol Is
factories in 19111 paid out $127,044 for element which renders it
counVy $200 more than any other
taxes, insurance, rent, interest and
for other miscel laneous purposes
the unfit to drink nnd which may not be
offer. Contract was thereupon made removed from the spirit by aiyr process
These six "J' 'Issourl Meerschaum" with the banks to take the bonds. short of destruction. The term arose
pipe factories it .1918, turned out 27,- - We have beard some complaint that as a convenient designation of alcohol
91,840 oompleto corncob pipes 683,- - the bonds did not bring par . As a whose nature had been altered, and its
08 wooden plpba; 268,000 extra reed matter of fact, several of the buyers standing was made official hy legisla-
stated publicly that they would give tion in congress. Indiana Lady Describes Conditioa,
stems and 54,57'. pipe-cleaner- s.

par and a premium of a thousand ft lti

bin to vtrm r
"MIsiourl me trschaums" are being Which She Says Was Doe To
smoked and keenly enjoyed by mem" dollars, but of course no interest on The World's Diamonds.
the unused money. The purchase by v Diamonds of the weight of 28 5 Constipation and Tells of !
bers of the American Army of Occu- 2--

pation In the vtwy land which was the the local banks on that basis actually tons, of a value of $1,000,000,000, have Relief Obtained From '
original home off the real artlolo, the means that premium of several thous- been taken from the earth from ths Black-Drangh-

genuine meerscljiaum ("aoa-foam- ") and dollars was paid. It actually fig- earliest time to the present day. These 0
Germany. To further spread the
glory of Missouri In that obotreperous
ures out 2000 more than the next best figures, however, only concern the
offer. " stones beforo cutting, which reduce
Scottsburg, Ind. Mrs. Annie Johnson, December is the last month in
country aud glLe more world-wid- e Most people believe the bonds sold theiii. weight by half, but multiplies of this place, writes: "I well remember
exceptionally well. They brought a their value by five.
I suffered for a long time with constipa- whfdh to pay your Taxes before I
prominence to jithls unique .industry tion, which would get me down. I took Cost is added. Please take notice and attend to the 0
aoh cornoob pijlie bears a label car- better price than the Bollingercounty
rying the legendL "A genuine Missou- bonds and better than any other issue First New England White Child.
doctors' medicines and any number of matter at once.
of which we havd heard.
purgatives. They would leave me In a
ri meerschaum klpe, made in Mlssou- - November 20 Is the anniversary of worse condition
;rl, U. S. A."' J: the birth of Peregrine White, the first and my stomach so upset , I
than I was before taking, B. P- - Collector Iron County. Mtv Bmharn, of J
A Wayne County lady sent out by English child born in New England. . . know
The "Soaplr Smith" Plan. the Republican State Committee, ad- He was born aboard the Mayflower Id once 1 suffered . . . from constipation, I
dressed about a dozen voters at the Plymouth harbor, After his father's was so ill we had to have the doctor, Just
Before an earnpst gent with an irri- oourt bouse Saturday night. Most all death his mother married Gov. Ed- so nervous and feverish. The doctor
table and active ;et bumped him off of her time was tak'en up in abusing ward Wlnslow, the first marrlcge io said I would have to quit medicines, my
on the beach at Hone, Alaska, "Soapy the Wilson administration and Demo- New England. stomach was so bad ' , ...
Smith,' wss the lest known grafter in crats, generally. So far as we have My husband was reading and found S i iil UTMinrp tty rur
the United Stats, lie had many a
trick up Lis aleeva, but the one wbiob
been able to learn there was but one
Republican present, and the affair
$100 Reward, $100
something about Thedford's
and brought me a package lo
The readers of this paper' win' be try. 1 used it regularly at first until! be-
ht Black-Draug-

DiorLuwiurr niLL g
was what might be termed a "frost" pleased to learn that there is at least gan to feel better, then I used just a dose

gave him his naiiae and his start was
wrapping up a p !eoe of soap with a
twenty dollar bill and selling it to the
one dreaded disease that science has
in every particular. She did ,not at- been able to cure In all its stages and occasionally.
that Is catarrh.
tempt to explain why the Republicans influenced by constitutional conditions Catarrh being greatly and am
I was cured of this
sure the
con-stiati- on
Underta! J rs Embalmersi
unwary for two dollars.
When the pa; ikage was opened,
in congress had blocked all of the requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Important legislation during the last Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
If your stomach Is out of order, you
wili suffer from such disagreeable symp- IVIO. BbMARCK,
toms as headache, biliousness, indiges-

nhere was no tw nty dollar bill and congress. She did not
ven the soap would not lather.
session of
even make a "stab"at explaining why the
of the System thereby destroying
foundation of the disease, giving the
patient strength by building up the con-
tion, etc., and unless something is done,
serious trouble may result. DROMRT and Efficient Service, p
Supy" could talk bird off a
Iron. 1 He had th flngers'pf a Missis-- d
the Republicans had not passed some stitution
legislation In behalf of our soldier faith
and assisting nature In doing its
work. The proprietors have so much found a valuable
In the curative powers of Jlnll's troubles.
Thedford's ht has been
remedy for these

Modern Motor Hearse.

It is purely vegetable, and
inhippl river cai sharp and could
mi a would fight llhe a wild cat.
boys, as that party boasted several Catarrh Medicine that they offer One
Hundred Pollars for any case that it falls acts in a prompt and natural way, help- iwil
months ago they wonld do. If this to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Parties desiring use of Motor-Hears- e
ing to regulate the liver and to cleanse ?3ran gements by applying to FUTCKR 4 BARGER, Iroutoa, Mo.
can make ar- - e J
Hut whftt "Soap.v" pulled was s pink lady's time is not already contracted Ohio. Address P, J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. the bowels of impurities. t
Sold by all Druggist, Tio.
Ua compared to What Lis successors the Democratic County Committee of Advertisement. .
Try EB-1-3
Black-Draug- ht.

nJ58ClEir! CIKUCI SIM ffif- -i s--i-



CENSUS ENUMERATORS FOR State Highway Will Be Sur Farmers Urged To Attend News From Over Jackson Interesting News Reported BIG FIGHT TAKES PLACE

JACKSON COUNTY. veycd As Soon As En- The Short Course in Agri- County As Reported By By Our Hoslhc Staff IN YUBY DAM, XMAS.

gineers Are Available. culture At U. of T. Correspondents.

Work Begins Jan. 2 Must Reporters. Chief of Police and Marshall
Killed Mayor Owens
Answer All Questions. 1 he reason lor uie delay in The Short Course in Agricul- MEAGSV1LLE. GAINESBORO R. 1.
surveying the State Highway ture given by the University of Seriously Wounded.
through Jackson county is ex Tennessee Knoxville, will begin As haven't seen any news 111

opoKe naunng ana

The following have been de- plained in the following letter: January 2 and end February 13. from this place for quite a while seems to be the order of moving Yuby Dam, U. S. A.
I will write a few items. the day
signated as Census enumerators It is free to all Tennesseans. in this community.
for the various civil districts of Nashville, Tenn. While a considerable number Health of this community is Special to Sentinel:
Jackson County. December 17, 1919. R M Maxwell-i-
very poorly at This place was slightly jarred
of young farmers Itave attended very good.
Mr. B. L. Quarles, this writing:.
1 Dist. James C. Reeves, the Short 'Course in the past An apron party was given at early Xmas morning by the sud-
Gainesboro, Tenn. . Embertons Henry Mavberry spent Christ- den advent of a squad of gun-
Dear Sir:
years, many more are urged to Wesley Tuesday
attend. Dr. Tait Butler, editor night. Comer Whitaker and mas with relatives at Cookeville. men and desperadoes from Blue
2 Dist. Alonza McCavvley,
I have been asked by some of of the George Hix has moved to the Cut Ruin, who tanked up on
Gainesboro R-- Progressive Farmer, says, Willie Warren Eads were award-
the citizens of Jackson county "There are few farmers who ed the prizes for hemming their Warren farm in Gaw Branch. wood-alcoh- ol
and boot-le- g liquor
3 Dist. Blanche Darwin,
why the Highway Commission would not find it a
good invest- aprons best. Dow Loftis, who recently re- and pounced down upon our
Gainesboro R-- l.
had not up to this time, given ment to attend one of these Fred and Frank Hall have re- turned from the west, has pur- town, it seemed for no other
4 Dist. John B. Kennedy, them an engineer to
survey and short courses. Nv) farmer is too turned from Nashville, where chased the f' ock of goods owned purpose than to intimidate and
4Vhitleyville(-R- .2
r Dist.
locattrToadsin thecounty. 6TI to go toTKTs sort oF practical ihey-lm-
becrrnttending school. bylrTT" BuTrisT"and "will " take terrify our citizens.
J. Herman Harris, The reason briefly stated is school. The average man is apt Miss Maggie Bybee left for possession Jan. 1st. They fired the lower end of
Granville. this. They have not at this to think there is nothing of rventucKy rriaay, wnere sne Mrs Newt Warren visit d Mrs town as they came in, and then
(i Dist. Mattie 0. Maxwell, time, nor have they had, a man practical value he can "get from will attend school. Ormel Hix Saturday. entered upon a general killing.'
Hilham. available. The entire force has one of these short courses at an The Misses Murphy's have The town marshal and chief of
W J Burris gave a pound sup
7 Dist. Byrd D. Wheeler, been busily engaged in the coun agricultural college which will be been visiting their sister, Mrs
per last Tuesday night, which police were killed outright, and '
Bloominton R-- l.
ties that took action prior to of real value in dollars'and cents Martha Lawson on Roaring riv- - dozen others fatally wounded,
was attended by a large crowd.
8 Dist. David Hall, Gaines- Jackson county. The Commis- but he is mistaken. Those who er. that didn't live more than a min
All enjoyed themselves very
boro R-- 2. sion has at different times en- have never attended .such a Mrs Sissie Loftis received a ute. Bare-Foote- d
Owens, the
much. ,

9 Dist. Walter B. Overton, deavored to recruit their engin- school are not good judges of its fine silver set from California mayor, was beaten into apricot
Christmas. Mrs Henry Mayberry spent
Cookeville R-- 8. eering force by holding special value. The best judges are jelly and otherwise maltreated.
We are to Roe Saturday with Oliver Hix and
10 Dist. Howard S, Hutcheson examinations for additional men, those who have taKen such a glad report Little Jimmy Slim, his assistant,
but withyut avail, so far. The short course, and thev almost Richardson and wife have moved family. had a "bilcd shirt" stamped off
5 Cookeville R-- I. Willie Anderson has moved to of him, and a score of others '
Chairman of the Commission and universally agree that the invest in this section.
11 Dist. Theo Hogg, Gaines- Albert Gawand wife will leave is farm at Burristown. have failed to answer the roll
the Governor, as well, have both ment is a good one. Helpful
boro R--
assured me that an efficient man instructions will be given on for Texas soon. We wish them
Mrs Mary Young spent Sun call since the fight.
12 Dist. John Wesley Challin, will be
sent at the earliest mom- soils, crops, fertilizers, injurious success. day with her daughter, Mrs Of course in the general mix--
Gainasboro R-- 3.
ent possible. Joe Murphy and sisters are Chas, Chaffin.
insects, and crop diseases. In up several of the Blue-Cut-Ru- in

13 Dist. Martin L. Lynn. For the information and bene- animal husbandry breeds of live- visiting their uncle, Will Murphy Miss Emma Burris is visiting gang bit the dust and about a
Gainesboro R--l. fit of the public in the county, stock ond judging, feeds and of Hilham. her brother, Willie Burris this third of the gang was cut off
14 Dist. Alexander F. Dixon, you
may have this printed jn the feeding, growing forage crops, of A pound supper was given at week. from the others and crowded
! L
Pi Defeated R--
local paper, if you think best. and diseases of livestock will be O Scantland's Thursday night. Christmas passed off very over on the northern tin of the
studied. attention will Jim Eads will move Farm and forced to
n . . 15 Dist. David Hall. Gaines- Very truly and cordially, Special
also be given to dairying, includ- in a few days.
quiet in this section.
Sink-Hol- e

Mrs Lassie Warren visited jump into No. 9 to

Sink-Hol- e
boro R-- 2.
Your friend
ing breeds of dairy cattle, forage A singing school begins at keep from being shot.
Active service will h required H. L. Baugh. George Hix Sunday.
and silage crops milk and milk this place Sunday. Fverybody This is not the first time that -
ttf begin Jan. 2, 1920. Comply- and invited to'come. AndyRhoten, of Free State,
testing, dairy machinery has moved to to the A M Mc- - gang has broken in upon us and
ing with 80 days. butter-makin-
Tkjre will also Winton Whitaker filled his re- Coin farm. tried to depopulate our town.
New Officers Elected for 1920. be a course in horticulture, in- gular appointment at Major We usually divide the fun with
The men and women appoint- Oliver Hix made a business
ed to serve as enumerators of cluding a studv of trucK and Flynn's'Sunday. them, but we are getting tired
fruit and their cultivation I wonder if Graves Swan, rip to Putnam county last Mon
the Fourteenth Decennial Cen- At the regular monthly meet- csops, of the game. The people of
and Marion Murphy and Herman day.
sus are charged by the law with ing of the Gainesboro Chapter management. Grafting,! this town are getting very sore
No. 86. R. A. M.f the following pruning, sprayingr-disease- etc., Kindell of Crlifornia ever thinks toward the hoodlums of Blue
the collection of all necessary s,

officers were elected for the vear will also be taught. anything about Sugar Creek? Cut Ruin. They arc becoming
facts to fill out properly the I will close by wishing every-

printed census schedules which 1920, "In short, the value of such a r iust a little too naughty to suit
body a Happy New Year. Miss Vallie Roddy has return us. A little too
each enumerator will carry when B. L. Quarles, H. P. course is, it seems to us, so ap- gay.,
ed to Berea. Ky., after spending Bare-Fo- is now in a com-a- -
making the house-to-hou-
se can- E. L. Dudney, King. parent that it is strange that her

NEW HURRICANE. he holidays with parents, tose condition, not expected to

vas of the territory assigned to T, L. Gist, Scribe. 2000 farmers do not go to it
R T Roddy and wife.
him. Each enumerator must every year. Never before in the T M Cason rally, and 1 have been appointed
i . W. Sadler, C. H. has been on the J R Burris and wife were the
mayor pro-ter- I am going to
visit personally each house in history of the world was it so

Frank Gailbreath, P. S. sick list, but is better at present. dinner guests of Mrs Andy John make a desperate effort to nut a
his district and make his in- necessary to have accurate and
J. L McCawley, Treasurer. Mr Waddle and family, of son and family, Thursday. different face on affairs. We
quiries of the head or some other definite knowledge of any busi-
Cecil of Harriman. is
member of the family who is Henry P. Loftis, Secretary. ness to get the most out of it, Butler's Landing, have moved Davis, have waded around in the blood
he guest of his
competent to answer the census C. E. Reeves, R. A. C. and this is becoming more par- to the Henry Hall place. grandparents, of our citizens long enough.
Mr and Mrs Marshal Hall have N H Whitaker and wife. Several of our citizens wish to
questions. F. L. Tardy, M. 3. V. ticularly true of farming as the Fowler Lynn has returned retaliate
been visiting relatives at this and want me to lead
The Act of Congress providing Clay Reeves, M. 2. V. years g9 by. from a prospecting trip to the them
place. over and let them shoot
for the Census gives each L. B, M. 1. V.
"But the best part of a short
Cason, of Livingston, west.
Anderson, Grady rhe livers and lights out of every
enumerator the right to enter course in agriculture to the aver- A M Holland, wife and daugh
J. B. Wilson, Sentinel spent a few days during the holi- cuss in Blue Cut Ruin. I rxpect "
every dwelling in his dis-
age young fanner is that he ter, Vivia, of Gainesboro, spent
trict for the purpose of Regular Convocation First learns something of what there days with home folks. I will yield to the popular clamor
Willie Warn and Vanus Eads the hollidays with A II Johnson and
obtaining the information re- Friday in each month. is to be known about his business go with them. I dr not
left for Kentucky Saturday. The and family. think I can hold them down, as
quired. Enumerators will carry and he also usually gets a desire
rest of the family will leave for Mr and Mrs M t; Hulhnes are the
with them at all times their to know more about farming and the guests of his sister, Mrs O G drunk greater portion of them are
U. S. GOVERNMENT WARNS FAR- thier new home in a few days. and have blood in their
identification cards and also MERS ABGUT DISEASE
learns how he can do this by his
is Whitaker this week.
Abbye Sparkman visiting eyes. I will not go all the way
their written commissions from CAUSED BY RATS. own efforts. He simply gets the
her sister at Hurricane. Misses Ruby and Retta Burris to
Blue Cut Ruin with them, a. :
the Government which they will desire to know as much about
Mrs Jessie Cason is visiting ane Kose wmtaicer were tne
They carry Bubonic plague, fatal to my official duty as mayor de--
show whenever requested to do human beings. They carry foot and his business and make as great her Mrs Bvbee on Sugar guests of Rose Johnson, Sunday.
mother, uiauu uiai i siay nose in uie
so. They are instructed to be moutb diseases which in fatal to a'ock. success of it as anyone else, and creel:. A M Holland and wife spent
always courteous and considerate, They kill chickens, eat grain, cause do the wonder is that anyone should city.
C W Davis, of Gore. Ga. Friday with J R Burns and
but in those rare instances where struction of property. I f
you have have less ambition than this in The city is in turmoil. "TIm
rats BAT SNAP will kill thtm. Cre- spent the hollidays with his sis family.
information necessary to fill out mates his life work." Misses Sallie and Nannie Van- - fire is spreading in "the lower
rats after killing them leaven ter, Mrs Dave Hall. end of the city and the powder--
"the questiens is them, r.o smell- - Comes in cBkes,
ready for Several people took Christmas hooser and Josie Roddy have
they are empowered by law to u?e. Three sizes, ar, c, l w. works are in danger. If they
dinner with Mrs Walker. gone to Berea, Ky., where they
insist on correct answers. There Sold and guaranteed by M. 1. Bailey blow up there will be a rain of
Son. & Anderson Tannehill Elects Olcers.
Mrs W C Terry, of Gainesboro, will attend school. bricks around a radius of 40 or
are legal penalties for refusing & Quarles McCawley, Lodge
and Bonnye Jean Gaiibreath, of Misses Rose and Dawson Whit 50
& Haile, Gainesboro. miles, so I will warn the peo
to answer the census questions Granville, spent Saturday with aker and Cecil Davis spent Sat- ple of Lower Bill Town. High
or willfully giving answers that Tannehill Lodge No. 133. Mrs
Jasper Walker. urday night with Erma and land. Gamesbero and (loose Horn
are false. F. &, A. M. has elected the fol- - Mrs Eula Coe entertained with Georgia Whitaker. to take to their dugouts until I
Each enumerator is prohibited fore, need fear that his personal lowing officers for the year 1920. a Dona Vanhooser was the guest give further orders.
affairs will be disclosed or that party Saturday night P. S. Just as I go to press. I
by law from publishing or com- the information kiven will be F. L Tardy, W. M.
Mrs Lizzie Van
hear that Bare-Fo- ot has revived
municating any information ob- 'used to harm him in
any way.
C. C. Fowler, S. W.
E. L Dudney, J, W.
- RATS. THE FARMER'S hooser, Thursday night and taken some nourishment

tained through the census re- ' BEST FRIENDRAT-SNA- P. Mrs Charlie Maxwell is the He drank a
his It is expected the work of J. L McCawley, quart of whale soup
garding any individual or Treasurer These ate the worda of James Bax-
guest of C G Whitaker and wife. and ate 4 pounds of hedge-ho- g.

. affairs This obligation to secre-c- y enumerating urban districts will Henrv P. Loftis, Secretary. ter, N. J.; Everainc5I tried RAT Dorothy and Doris Burris and the doctor said,if no corn-plicatio- as

SNAP I have alwajt kept, it in the

a. likewise applies to all persons be completed in two weeks and H. M. Haile, Chaplin.
houao. Never fails. Used about 13.00 spent Friday night with their
arose he would sur-
with "the census. iof rural distnets in one month. P. J. Anderson, S. D. Johnson. vive.
connected worth of
a year and figure aunt Mrs Andy
After the schedules are all filled except where severo weather J. B. Anderson, J. D. About 40 in this placi have
, it saves me $300 in chicks, ejres. and Mary Burris was the guest of
out they are sealed up and sent makes it necessary to postpone J. a Reeves, Tyler. feed.
is eorvenient, just Josie and Vallie Roddy
Friday and
died from drinking wood alcuhol
to Washington where the infor- activities. B. C. Butler, Sr. Steward. break us cake, no mixing with other - many others have been
Three night.- stricken blind by this new bev-
Dow E. Slagle. Frank Gailbreatn. Jr. Steward. food.'. sizes, 25c, 5)c, $t.00.
mation is tabulated by means of Sold and guaranteed by 11. P. Bailey erage. Just as hell expand and
machinery, names being discard- Supervisos of Census, 4th. Regular meeting day, third Start the New Year right by develops I'll give you the results.
& Son, Quarte & McCawley, Anderion
ed entirely. No person, there- - Dist. Tennessee. Friday in each month. & Haile, Gainetboro. subscribing for the Sentinel. The Civilised Slicker Snake.
«M % ■ —-
fe»A&. •
s -'. à

|- :4
i i*jr>,-
4 (r -0 .

---- — 0
M * I


O- -O
A w 'y N «i w *-, (
X» [jf* f
t f> t. h «-* I nthCHSt s of the* SutllerH of tu« Month Side Tract.
9. NO. *'l
JEROME, IDAHO, Thursday, jam ahv i. unto. *2.00 PEH YEAH. 9 '
Ln HOAD IM»M»N w on.» i*lu;si;m i Wll.H (,.\.M|
A r«‘|>rf.M.iit,ii iv, «pi­ ll.. blah"

mads bond «-lection ■ limit* Hi e«ler»'

lilt, con"1 ' assoit;. Urn, «vis in
|i (By E. Richard Shipp.)
Saturday last throuKboui J«- town Smurd y. au.t s„ok, The del. t The Commanding Oflic r. old and | in order that every facility may
wit«' 1156 volt)» I" tile J,,. 1initiation a.- to Ali‘*th<*r company. It is rather the result of!
m county l’" "»me c lub at it... club r
■«.on. 1 , behalf wrinkled aim gray, worn and weary he rendered the stockholders in the
betnV. for flu* Iksualice of « t shall t».* rny.iH my own experience
988 of I Ilf organization in helping put from his year-long cainpign, con- j North Side C“nat Company, Ltd., on
11 worthy mo.-l mi portant
niatl.-r the North Side on its feet. 1 have
jllO.OV" I.on.Is. mul 168 again; l tnov einem all,l it is .|iiit.- Th«' I .a ml and Water c jdemned to die at midnight, sits silent I the North Side project, to be present
d,j . li.'ing almost six vote« >' nimble I mad.- this proposition to both co in- and alone in his quarters writing the j at the stockholders' meeting at Je-
I her.* III !.. ■ lirai.ili of ' organlzi-d oinpuny s.iy
»»10« ,,1B o|d Stale Contr,
the bonds - every one against here In, es "re pm form- panics as to what ) believe would
hjei". Is to '•d and hav. ■ lendereil tic ; coming of the tiring squad. rome, January 6. 1920, 1«) a. m.. a
PD'Vent th,- be for lb., best good of both, and
' of Vi rlous system to am His fast dimming eyes behold the special train h.v been an nged for
s|.«-cm« ot '•be State
Assuming tins l‘ be so asking «bat it 1». favorably considèr­
vole Ml H"‘ various polling " ll'i animals, and t„ sexton tolling at the grave that will by the Directors of s .id C mpany lor
It«1 fhiol ' tin Mini in- work accepted u w ; j I there- e<1 a,,d adopted by both. If it is adopt-
» a» as1**1 lows : I, «•«•ding of tb,. j soon be his. that date, with schedule us follows:
■•"'ii' Dy private in "imn iirnilnale th. t m th>-r i g hi of ed lhe" 1 stand ready la remain
For Against ilivlduuls His dull ears hear the faint roll of Leave Bliss at 6:30 a. m.
'be Land and Water
285 80 Comp; to a,no,|8 .'on and help «-arry it out ! muffled drums. Leave Tuttle at 6; 48 a. m
gth Jerum make my « hange ,'•r improve,. :,(
. 273 ami render to you both the best:
Kth Jerorn«' 28 • HIM Hi HEAl He dreams of the past. Leave Wendell at 7:10 a. m.
MEMRERmir* I ilu‘ , nr to inipiove . *bat is in me. Should you feel that !
iiis city < 1 .n«T'.;’,.s* Dreams of the day when he raised Leave Appleton at 7:22 a. m.
l" fier supply From then on the tl ts rlot what you want, I recognize i
125 his standard and took command ot Arrive at Jerome at 7:25 a. m.
ilton Don't torget in renew your whole future of th«- 'ana! will b< that >,JU bave a perfect right to re­
bud Vic* 3 l 17 in* in the world. I The train will then proceed to H:z-
In •rshlp in tig Kaj m $1 «,,., up t«; 11« stockholders. ject thi. contract. All I ask is that He was welcomed by ringing bell' lelton, arriving there at 8:35 a. m..
198 1I
«•ai tfnti i.inuai ■ «. to January ] i 11"' Land and Wu ter Campai v will you fully and thoughtfully consider
blowing whistles, playing bands, the and will return to Jerome on the fol-
Uion SW« 24 17
Si •or,n ‘‘Uiiltl.-s ab. bave „ | Imv. the right thereafte r to have the It and act as you believe will b-
joyful shouts of the people. lowing schedule;
m m b larger im-mbersliip c«.un demie what ainouni of addl- for your own best interest and lh::t
988 i •; k limn Then all was joy and happiness. Leavc Hazelton at 8:5«) r.. m.
Total , I tiimai lands « of th<- community In which you live.
year .« «I many a..... men, 1 an l served, it ; ii v Flags flying, banners waving, lie Leave Eden at 9:01 a. m.
Ttù oewsp ip« ; consider It «■X ■ • i- at- :
lug slgi . ,1 U| l.l'Cs IllaKe I'.J I and hwi <lw :i?.d s .i h Mhiîtional What does th«- contract mean to !
marched into his quarters with his I-atave Perrine at 9:15 a. m.
iBflf 1m h' in- iin- count) ii«. i
, boD«if car:!«- I «I this time
m to pu) ' ' building roads ul:
b•antit ' \» i»f 1 n8bt> : i.- sold, it will b< done.
;1 unir: « t hu« b«-n pm; ■ l. however,
staff of three hundred and sixty-five
I' «-Mies tin- Jaikson Lake storage picked men.
Leave Falls City at 9:28 a. m.
Leave Barrymore at 9:34 a. in.
s| 1 4 1 s>*i » I i: \lim I i»rj\ I •'■h'.'h I believe l1 be t and th«- other provisions of the Fed- Arrive at Jerome at 9:50 m. m
muth m They are gone.
tr ibe stilt«- ml ill over lb«- full j'!;-- advantage ol « \ :
I State»« » helle r we bnilil : Ii) our
'»'• r ■••"«• rabbit w I .. kill. ; and I
wa ter us«
ish !.. |,|,.e b. i.r «■ you 111)
f ; Decree, and makes certain the
delivery of one acre foot of this stor- !
One by one the wars have claimed
Tlie return trip will be made after
the Stockholders’ Meeting, about
1*1,or nui I "«' think th. vnt. : I ed water to your headgate. so far as!
t w o drives tin- la '• ■ *tw:,n ill» r»*fr»r He iS left friendless—the fast dy- 5:30 p. m., or a little later, the train
Lloted I heir is.loin In deciding I« «••■k Tie ;. ■ i(
M) atlf in ion v., the second and third segregations are j jng solitary survivor of that brave returning first to Hazelton and then
L*ion»- roads in Jerome county "■ l"'»pl' .«' Hu flmt drue 111 Ii; I •d to I lie .........
I ’ 1 ;«« «M 1 ■ !. iii- iiistrni, northv ' a m- ' «'« ; by a-,, on of In concerned, and to certain lands on band. to Bliss.
J-Toim . Friday In i-iiite-r 2«; situation left on ifi. Non). Si«!«- be the First Segregation. The guards come to lake him to Each stockholder should secure a
fURRAXi I >1 11« I l\ «»It receipt at the time he purchases his
-r J'...... rabbits •■I. killed Tue '•■ a-« of tin- Federal In-iree As you To those lands which have not the place of his burial.
Vn-lolltn'O Mill EMI N I
.1, h.-, .-mbt r •*. north ol lin- A, ^ re. . tl.,- -nil was br.iuyi.i by >■' right . ami to all if a larger As they lead him away he hears ticket, either from the station agent
r* wat« r u: rs on the? Sworn! and an "lint is desired, it permits them ringing bells, blowing whistles, play or from the conductor on the rain
Tit* orguttl/. tion of the N«« Toll,«. I>I l**i« »n o\ i-r tab'll--
Third rfegri-gations. aft'-rwinls «er- t-« u'-iuir- «uch rights and have the ing bands, and the joyful shouts cl as it is the plan of the Directors of
«-r.- kllb-d Th:.- hundri
n U« Ji­ if Ftuh has not arouse I <ok part in tin- drl) • lain First S -gr« g: tion water users use nf tin canal system through the people. the Company to make such arrang ■-
ll« ire of er y smoker in th«- stci«- ' unn- in interveners; the decree which to receive the water. With the last look of his giaz ments that each stockholder will only
«»" n«pe«qj!- w er«' ■■ut en; tin
h vu predb t.-d by many, Is I lie ing eyes Tie sees the new Command­ need to pay one fare for the round
xi-Heiiielit Farn Bureau r.-tntiers provided for lhe -»mplctio;. ol tin It settles on each segregation the
ftatement mad«- b) Fred I, w 1!« trip. Adjustment will be made at
lit the « ont mim It le« repr. s« i,t« «l ■ til •• «'.ale «ontr. il- and lid not Id. h r<- the natural flow of wafer ing Officer, Hags flying, banners wav­
mt. president ..f tlm league r«-« « ot Jerome upon presentation of the re­
T l. t «ulnlw 1. In- um! «■m; in ,n\ a;.;, -ii., i ng. any in- shall !■«■ delivered and the amount ing. surrounded by his staff, take
|i H* decTar- s tin t some of tit- in- I possesssion of the quarters ho has ceipt. during the course of the day.
N*\t Frida) J uut u -. 2 a itrlv« dividual settler's contra« t. neither did in ev.-ry case it is the farmer'­
(modi «>f th- i«-toba« « tliuvel.ien« just left. Every stockholder is urged to be
Will to- held I : ■ H r Fllfl's p la, > - three it undertake to define ll: t the set- headgate.
ten »re among he heavy smoker . The guards wrap his shdl-toip- present as a number of very import­
tin) oin- b.i'.f mil«-:- north the Ap- tier'« ontra'ts, in tact, were It did To the farmers on the First Seg
ant questions will be up lor consid­
,'ay thwt the ! niouut of water th- legation this is of special value li­ and tattered standard
ul .■»>« th.,- th:- ppari-r.t Inronsls- about hi-
p: i Tl..- following W.-ln.-
K(1 (» a r- -':'« «»f a U«a(hl: g W bn h wasted form. eration and determination at this
Jan i.iry ***ttl*r was entitl'd to rt*ceivi* nr lhe' your place of delivery lias been oth
d another «inswill He is lowered into his last restini 1
Bin» us» r> of tobacco have fn tin i b**“'■ "b«rc it u a - lu delivered cruise fixed by ilie Foster decree, as meeting
held m ar tin- \r .nil.«« i. . I place and the watcherc catch
libit ifl»*r «t otitained a mauler r
I wer«* not covered by tho decree It the Milner dam. It means much to
1 a m Lunch ami .off.-, .«ill !.. glimpse of the faded insignia—191 :■ SCHOOLS FACE NEW YEAH
o»«r them dal d«« r. «■ th«' Jai kson .-u rag« va lei you to have the natural flow deliver
-.T'eit 1.) the Farm M r.- The frozen earth swallows him uj
Accord:.«g '«> Mr Bennett tin- S.i" to tlie '■hoi- pr .-«t but lid not give ej •(, your headgates and tills fact WITH SPIRIT OF ENTHI S1AS.M
bers K' • ry. : - I« In' It-'! and mo t as the new Commanding Officer rum
UL Icag - re« -Ives ri quest« for *t tl-- : tu! I vi«l ua 1 water u«-r any greater alone should commend the contract
' • t ) on«- ; - ion ng his standard to the top of the flag The New Year opens with promise
tr* pre»^Tiptiun lor overcoming , right in it than his contract provid- tn you. 1 know of no other way
\ rabbit dri'- » staff
toktero habit almost «tali' « d for the schools of Jerome county.
lie Grand VI« «il«*rb * ■ ii Tii .i - whereby you can change these con-
It floats out to the breeze above Districts from three counties have
points to fur <11 -«tnu* t st G«- «rg E'< ry thing «onsi -rc«i. bout all dit tons. You cannot change the
.«' January 8th m the shouting multitude and its gob been united into a single educational
tenir users «f tobacco nicking per I li.iv- b« -it able to tigur- out of thi Court’s decree ex« ept by mutual con-
1- « Bur« au of • • «listri. t embroidered insignia- 1920^—bursts system. with successful result.-.
tonal .ppll- tion for the prescrlp . r— I» it limited for thi* tim« «ent By this contract the Land and
I-r' • «11! d S Ich« » all«! « upon their view. There are 1035 boys and 995 girls
tion at tin- dose «if nn •t being the amount ot land for "Ii!«!. Water Company agrbes that out of
on the census list of this county, with
»•Red by the oHirers an.l nu-mln-: «anal sto« k . ould be -old to 17". mi" (he water It might otherwise sell, « it \sii in un CITY HAS HAD HE.AI.THY forty-eight members in the leaching
Of the league He neys the 1« : gin sharti, and provbl-d that as to any enough shall be «et apart to make -/
kM nulved pathetic Ictt.-rs f. <•:
CI.IMW <>K’ Hot DINT PICTITU Im-reasi- it woulii h:.v<- in be settled this delivery to you; the Canal Com-
force. .
Health Crusade work and the
cm who have used tobacco for forty ti r it; pany agrees to make the delivery and City Marshall Clark Stanton hr
One of tb«- ui «ist :.mazing air .«■ r teaching of thrift have been added
f«se> is «bleb they confoaa their tn not oth-r"Ue bv agi 1 upon but fflH State consents to it. Without
«tom* tn tflo history of aviation form« recently made a survey of the city to the course ot study this year.
ability to overcome the hr,hit with« -n u ; «ontra-tu-l nehts as t h-j this the Land and Water Company
tlie i«in;it!.iii;i t * l)n;a\ ■ ! .« M«‘" !-■■ relative to the number of new houses These subjects are being handled by
lid slid tell «f tlie misery It ha then stood i would be under no obligation to al­
tnr. The (trim Game -tarnt g which have been built during the the regular teachers, exc.-pt in Je­
fltuc-d th«>m Th«* questions "hi«h most concern io" the additional water to lie so
Mon din), th** tn«««* famous handcuff year 1919. and etimates that then rome, whete the city nurse has
The b«Tl«-f that th<* adult -moke; any farmer operating b) irrigation used. This will make a much less houses of
king Rialto theatre
which 1» at tin have been forty-six new ■charge of the Health Crusade.
cunot b<- helped, prêt ai ni In ». are amount of a.lidtional storage, which
four room” and over built within the
■’rid.«' and Sat unlay of thi* w* « k Two of our schools have been un-
»«»Rers. and that the no-tob 1 II.>" mu h vrtcr can 1 hav-7 you might otherwise feel disposed to
year, and ten two room houses, b«1-
\ ..Ming to tl •lor) llouilini. in fortunate in having an outbreak of
movement should b«- dlrecleil < nil* 2 Where «ill it be delivered’ buy and thus save you considerable
sldes numerous additions that hr.v*
.«n alrplam- I» | «ir-ulng a murder«-;. How substantial i« tlu> canal? contagious disease, but have been
lowrrd preventing ib<- u«<- <>f toin* money been built to other houses, Mr Stntt-
who :« trytig in iiuoiin-r able to stamp it out immediately by
»mong th«> young. Is char « l<-ri7«-d a 1 What "ill it -osf This place of delivery is of special
ton also counts six new brick busi­
« . .«. him- M a lolght of ". fe«*t enforcing strict quarantine.
Tb- r-nialmng «in «Hons relate t« va]uc IO |he farmers on the Second
i flllurc to properly un«l«-r 'a «1 th« ness houses, twelve miles of side- Many schools show a large increase
lloudlnl is supp«— «1 « ’« K Ibb1 al«*" *' -Ii,. use of the ;.t«r on the farm Segregation. The question of water ♦
situation walks, eleven blocks of p: vitvg. Hi- Jerome has three
« tie Hot mai-hine b-t liim-H «town . i I •« ; r;i !• b- that th. t b<- no doubt |0sse!; an(| .«ho must «land them is over last year
It ;- thinks the population lu:« im ».«s*. overflow and one basement school
tl«„ the « oi-kplt b ed« th«- nnird.'rcr
TWO JEROME E \ MIEIES : ml throttle him mi an« ot t lies« q ;■ »lions apfj,(t 501t during tin* year, ami that
thus settled. On th.» Second and the rooms, with another men,her added
H W E S tl» «TlltlsTM \ «' mall11 "f • rop- Tin- naliiial pi -lion is m«" Third Segregations the question of thp ritJ. now iuls OVer 2.000 inhabi-
llh the to the high school faculty. Hazelton.
Nil eut «-I1 Ho" ma) til- settl'-r know that where stored water is to be deliver­
■ - I
■ "«« machin-« idivHnp .««. Hi- I - i .ul Wat« ; i' has efJ untle|. ,|,p state contract Is very
tants. Eden Russell Lane and Appleton
L» Verm- the seven year - "bi son .11 conservative est-
>r These are have each had to engr.g ■ an extra
o( E M lb nett, and En.T th' fl'«' ,tlo r ami -i third, c perf-i ; •v«*ral Slat«- -«in­ vitai. and all of them except the teacher, and the Hazelton high schon;
a ho «I mates.
fMrs old son of Delbert f'r* thi" Wiiial and 1 - b ■ •' *'• I •' inn ts" Tlie contracts say the delivery shall estimate of the population are b; ■d
in'il Hon- has a largely increased number ol
th» two hoy« "ho we-e severely bu ' hundnd > rds bjecl of 11' propos d new |)p ma(jp at Wilson iaike and Je-
,„.«.• his hold
Th.- upon actual observation and an- m” pupils.
ed by an explosto-i of black powd- • dlnl a- just ah 1 10 « «mlrai l is two-fobl route reservoir Thal means that th«-
tu-’ guessed r.t. As to the census, we District 23 has two now schoo’
lit a tent n-nr the lie plant t« I );«• rop«- Th. n« To ail-"*' r these «-'«■rai : loss in transit from those places to not have to " lit very long to se' j houses, with new equipment,
First am!
1,0 lowed plant in"’ questions and im.k. safe .ml definite vour farms must be borne by you.
d»>- before Fhrlslnu . nr<- no" I« «th -f «« 1 ml lift'd ■ what kind of a bunch the enumerat- school "ill open there on Januar;
, ti- and tln lr pr.-pidlor«
dêtd und placed to rest hen -ath th* tl’.«' tippet . «t • g ■ • "at ' ' :g ' The Federal Decree does not change ors hand us.
■ « h«-'« i 5th.
•od The Bennett boy «lied from th«' to. k-.l Th«' «Iromo-d lik- T«1 i'fovid ■ :■ 'h.- '11 '• ( 1,1«. it simply vests the title in the
1th 11 ■ • U d II i growth and dev-lopment nf the North | Canal Company, of the Jackson Greenwood school ««as lust to re
Injurie« he received the sain,- d«' Ivlng me« m- e cow TESTING ASSOCIATION
the tope .1 ml ’I" port a generous donation from the
he received them, late In th«' «o n »till ilangllng on Side storag«-. for the benefit of the entire
pupils to the Roosevelt Memoria
rk111 g f ni" ■ o'" ill fully proje« 1 and all lands, whether now-
Ing. ami the f'rothers hoy «lied th* • A « I i,x lalor« To th« -M- m th. : b Farm Bureau members are now «0 fund. while Dixon. Russell Lan
Death ii«'-
next day. which "ns Christmas Tin 1ontrnl 1 h«-i. tn ■him-« pro'Id« 1,11 all this will 11 he ; or hereafter taken, would have the licit ing members for the Jerome Cov and Falls City closely followed.
hundred not only for you hut rigid to participate in it to the ex­
tomii-r w s taken to Hurle« f««r bur . ine.l « -rtain Hu’ - t<‘ «trahie . «Ultra« Testing association. A tester will t" Russell Lane lias recently install«-,
ill, both b’g’ I ■'
j.u; up tin- money, tent that the Court might decree ln j employed jointly between Twin Fall-'
i»l and the latter tn Shoshone .1 fron il„. ground lor I nos- "In a system of electric lights in its fit;
one of tin airnii-n h H is a misiak* to think there a waer duty suit. counties, and will visit
It Is ne«;iiless to »ry that the heart [ir-ll-rs gone. (and Jerome school building. Falls City has erect
.„oled mi lulling iI"" t tin« i;;;"slion If the 1 know that a good many are un- j each n)ember one day each month ed a flag staff on the school ground
broken parent» have unbour.«l«'il sytm a miracle. su» r 1»1* two
-i gild«- and. though tin other « r ash stnu tion foini'M"' v ;,s , 1 - paid der the impression that the entire reighing and testing tlie milk tor th. and the Stars and Stripes are inv
Path) in their bereavement, rnd ’hi
111- 1 on; 'A
•o rk ««1: '■ " was Jackson Lake storage belongs to the ! two milkings of that day. The < osl flying above its public school.
•*»»"11 nf Yuletlde, which is usn.ill) ,,,) . on Ini«’ a field. 'I.......... in « ash for tht* uiipied 170,000 acres, buf this is not so and
every boil' juries mlslnliu-d " ere -light hr < ompleD 'l " might h- to each member will be $3 per cow With the spirit of enthusiastic n
» prlnd of hnppincMs to here it 'nn jt Is to make sure an acre fool on tier year and membership will b<
Mrtalnly tails short of being -m b to «ligtil tin- job. I"" operation steadily growing.
did tit
K\«>\\ I I DGEMI N I b- P"M Dy re. son of I ho sure« farm that 1 have made this ' fixP() at ten cows to each individual
the»- two stricken famlll«- IN \<
your hope and belief that 1920 vill ushe
, „i-rpri». it then lia» ' Vl ry | rertaln In this contract This enables the association to paj
the finer season of accompUsUinen
,,., „„ ,.. .. the W "rk w. ll i,n'' The place of delivery on the Third (1;p (ps(pi $-5 pcr month and to pay in a
WANT A ITI TY-KTETN HREAH n the ,-wf8M Ml'1»! (than any thra hr. s already bee
We . re inil-blc«! : ,1. e-m i:T plan :« ’igl" 1 "‘ segregation is of special importance Members "Til furnls!' j achieved, t ho schools of
or ini*’"" i 101 supplier.. J erom
North •' , Sew« a\vare tliat in tin- pas’ H ,om' as their right ts for a second foot I |)0|)r(, ttnd porsc feed.
The Mountain Slates Telephon«' A tier« ■’it;’g* j county w ish everybody a H ppy N»*'-
;o Hi- eff* 1 that „ 1, not taken this view and , ppr i,,lndred acres The farmers down |
Telegraph company has InslHut«' I el 1 In pan:- Year
of the Pl' . 11I , Mia an
- generally brok- Th*'l there should he anxious to get all; ECO lx WHO'S HERE MRS. JUNE E. KEARNEY.
Proceeiliiign in the I’nlted 8lal'-s court .eiiii';
county iffl—
, John m ui 'ii: I a'"' m; plan ,of this on their land. County Superintendent
to place public utilities In this »tat« loue a al­
worki-d ««ui "HI' blea. | So )he questions of the amount of (
democrats W-ll. Arrival« at th« North Side Inn for
on lhe same valuation l«*vel 11» olli-r . « it 111 1 I
,1 th-ir • r the (1 , •-{•: ration of tb water and where it will he delivered )l)p wpek :
tin»»»» of property ha • Nil uni»»- ON neutrai. groi ni»
tltelr horns. ; , trieil to make ii p« rti'« il) l> arp sottled by the new contract and j q d Fox, Eos Angeles;
,d the rings G A
It is common knnw b-.lge that mo«' Slip 1 !,.-.'«■
,1 their habit - g enerslly. "r .,il pi.rli.- at th- »aim tine ■ ake no Brt,„ter than the present outsland- ■ c|nrk i,audcr. Wyo. ; H W Morri
This newspaper is neutral regar.'
property Is taxed only about forty «rvi •cngnl'cd :l an le
(««,s« ■ he should I»’ r defini'■ 'll iho»«' ,M'W t tnn rights ran he created until the ^ Bo,ge; M ti Kennedy. Boise; : ,nR ,hp
nc" contract oft'etv.i tl'»- sc
P*r cent or les» of Its actual value , -ri m
th- • 111»jo* in dtmb' system will do this ly j) Childs. Boise: A. W H"'i'. I tiers, and willing to let th- in tores
Th* Public nllllttes power com pan tlniiil) on : «. hi-h \ - 11 i« si«i<’ ; As to the next question of t'10 j Chicago: Theo. Schwcetzer. Bingham. | ponies thresh out its ;. riu an
t «vill all "ant the
les, telchone companies. etc r SI'IIOOl. M N' 11 ' ■ ' '' substantial rhnracter of the canals-- | lîtah; j u Gibbons. Troy. Kansas gettie the matter to their « ; a sate
,;« « i'lo|""l 1 it-
Imp«! on (heir full, or l on per «eut f; i "> I» ' 1 |hp host answer to this is a reference | .1 W Davison. Salt Lake City Accordingly wo I «ve th:
doing your i" n faction
v»ltiatlnn, lie ,.;«•. I would add tile kind ol use they have been, week omitted several Ron s . oatnin
A V Strata „jit........ 'I I Jit' Such ilev.-lopmeni to
Whether the utilities "111 be MI» «I the "«-allh <" l' r0”' a,ul put to. For ten years tlie canals have |
(»XPi'ill 1' •' . .mi ' NOTICE. correspondence i tiers fo
I on the Health 1 grimily 1 ed in our
•fed to the basis of other prop'"' an.l Ih-r. h) ■ ss«-n bppn op(.n,ted both summer and "in
publication. We believe tha. if liter
Bn renn '•’ l-ail II" Gooiling outille».
°r whether other property will ha'« the Farm (« (iliinning ., i«y making m»re i : \able i To subject work of this kiml Having been informed that the ini- are any communications for publica
,1 NiiirliI«"' prnj" ' a vmtr lax«'» ter
to come up to the constitutional real , |,<i«l Inni-lt a for better to winter operation is the most s,‘‘I prcS8jol, given by letter sent out iV.tli t,on on the matter, they Mould b
tin- 1"" -, ......... :"r;’"X Ii « ill n-ak.'
faluallon, or whether any «liane tak«1 u|> roads and mark-i; 1 li-n-by vere test there is. Nothing but >1»«',the pr0p0sed contract that saiil con- written and submitted by regular!
Far i-i !l«iri,an pi «’)1'1 Maicrials >•' [ *" •"
»■111 be made, remains l<> be se«-n , . .m ni un it > improving s* i.,1 . „millions, j yery best work "oul.l stand up u"'1 ,ra,.t is endorsed by the »ettlor mem- chosen representatives of :he set
In either event. It would mak«‘ M« 11F" the , gretillJ xx «>rt I« y Ob- « (|er ,|)p freezing t«-si A» t" canal ) hers of Canal Board, as such a men.-.t|er8 or the company.
............ Soll«, tu.Ill 1 • „(II bej All those who are most
•tnall dllTerenre In absolute lax re raiig'-meals " , ,,nd , th«- «•leinetils which af- « capacity. you are tally pdotccted 1 #r j wlgh jt understood that 1 do ------------------------------
nulls, which would he adjust«1«! in «•is-H.l solltethiag 1,0 ..M t*"«' "" vvi" ,,0r"' ancnl value to 1111 Increased sales calling tor more ^ dp3tro to be considered as cn- Miss Ann Richey returned Monda)
mmlc In prnvl<b’
the levies. during capacity than the system now has, can dors,ng u lu iu present shape. l). I from Nampa, where she spent Christ-
th«1 chllil"" e •h «h» your lam'
««III also b" Tbl» contract is not a
proposit bin
Oliver. mas with her parents.
«vent her This I""J 1-cl - illstrl. t (Continued on last page.)
On Decent her 2«.*th u innrrl. g" II- tlie Land and Water
at the Russell Lam .oiulag fru»1
eens«. was |88Ued to Sidney II 0rn> taken up
wusl of Eden
den and Winifred 11 Elliott.
We guarantee LA PRENSA has
a larger circulation than suay other
Afexican newspaper in the United


1913. Nm. 1786.
AO VL DIRECTOR, Ignacio E. Lozano. San Antonio, Texas, Jueves lo. de Enero de 1920. en



Rico coleccionador de hoyos tuenia cun tuu

que ha pagado $100,000 por

Confiesa que sugirió la idea iznn titulado *Venus y Adonis' ! : 3
Carranza para
la cuestión
de dar la fianza para que electoral
La ms sincera y cordial de las Felicitaciones

quedara libre el Cónsul enva

Se considera un triunfo del
gobierno la elección de la
Permanente, y la pri-
!'<! y ••nuil h jicrc l..\ PliESSA.
El consulado mexicanc dicho puerto niega haber tenido
en il.—El Congreso clausuró hoy su se-
han sido citados 'ur.Jo periodo de sesiones y no velve-
ingerencia en :che asiiTtit.—No r a reunirse sino basta que hayan
los seores Martnez Carrillo y López Figueroa> pasa ..o' !a» elecciones presidenciales
el me:; de ju-
juo se efectuarn en
nio próxir.ic, siendo ese congreso
Tties <r»<- -'.i- ha en compaa del seor Nieto, a
pera /..4
entonces, me presentó. Nada
a sus lectores, agentes, anunciantes y amigos, ine resulte electo en las dichas
Xl'EVA YORK. IXcwmbre tores put* que también sern para
me dijeron respecto del asunto y sv
F.{ licenciado Rafael Martnez Carri-
despidieron de mi sin haber externa- desendoles diputados, senadores y magistrados.
lio (io<^ar'i hoy que las circunstan- El nuevo congreso deber reunrsA
do opinión al.sruna de mi idea y aun
cian detalladas en el despacho de da primero de septiembre, esto
Was- naton relativo a la platica
sos- de mi deseo de que parientes r.iios
el Ao Nuevo les sea próspero y feliz. ?1
»s. mes y medio después
de verifica-
seores López proporcionasen
la fianza requerida que funcionarios
tenida p-r »-l y los das las elecciones para
a la libe:- para que Mr. Jenkim obtuviera su
y Nieto respecto En vista de io cual, no te- federales.
exac- libertad.
tari de Mr. .I^nkin, no eran Como resultado de a elección de la
él se j lecrafié a mis parientes.

ra*.. or lo menos en lo que a xler^xy j-iuruingTor^ Comisión Permanente del Congrpso
Admitió, sin embargo. ha-
Después, lo nico que volv a saber I to«£o
que habr de funcionpr durate

refer a de! asunto de Jenkins, fué que es-

>>e^* hablado ccn Li>pez Figueroa v| el tiempo que las Cmaras estén en
te aconte consular americano haba
Xieto acerca asunto, habiendo

eueaado en libertad bajo fiarsa. otor j EL CAONERO receso, el gobierno conridera asegu-
otorgara rado el control sobre las elecciones,
puesto si: dése» de que
un ciudadano a-1
la fianra requerida para obtener
la grada por americano BRAVO VA A pues la mayora de los
miembros de
Hansen." pellic'ado
america- isa comisión son gobiernistas. Los
.berta: ie agente censuiar Rafael Nieto no se encuentra en
» :ar.ifestado que perso- Nueva York, pues hace ms de doce SVD AMERICA esfuerzos, pues, que hicieron los ele-
dominar en
familia, podran, en caso das que salió para Londres, donde | mentos obregonistas paro.
gas de
la Comisión Permanente de manera
de que le solicitara prestarse a debe encontrarse para la fecha. Ttlrira'na Etpecial para LA F'RKXS.l.
de aseguTar l.j elc;?ión n sv favor»
©torear h: referida fianza. CIUDAD DE MEXICO. Diciembre !
resultaron ineficaces, pues tanto enÉ»'
"Xo soy un partidario de Carran- NO HAN SIDO CITADOS A 30.—El gobierno ha resuelto que v?- i
al- ia Cmara Baja como en el SenadóR
zsi ni tengo ni he tenido simpara
é-una rara su régimen,
declaro el se

Los 7V>jjrc -i KtprcUi j*ira T.A PRENSA.

TROPASPARA Es alarmante el ESTANLIBRES ya a SudAmcrica el caonero.nació- j
nal "Bravo" llevando a un grupo i!e | la
mayora la ganaron gobiercis- f|
quieres recurrieron a iversos V
or licenciado Martnez Carrillo. estudiantes de la escuela naval de { 4
carrancista < me han despojado
•ni» pr piedades. pe>*r este
'te NUEVA YORK. Dir. 31.—Hasta
dao que las ultimas horas del da. ni el se- PROTEGER 4 numero de los LOS MARINOS Veracruz. con un mensaje de simpa-
ta que el gobierno enviar a las re-
En los circulo- oficiales se
que dijo a

tanto or licenciado Rafael Martnez Ca- t?l gobierno estar en condiciones de

me han causado no lo siento
comió ei dao
México, cuya
cada da. Pero como amo a México y
a rillo ni e! seor Emiiiano Lóper. Fi-

rueroa haban recibido aviso alrunoj

de comparecer el sub-comité del i
LOS CHINOS que mueren ARRESTADOS \ pblicas de Sud América, j muy espe-
cialmente a los gobiernos de Chile,
Argentina y Uruguay.
instalar el próximo congreso con pig-
mentos pertenecientes, en su mayo-
ra. al propio gobierno y que no per-

leseaba salvar a mi pas de Una se- senado pa~a

cuo infirmen acerca del i
de que ha- .DE SONORA a causa ENMAZATLAN De acuerdo con las informaciones
publicadas por los periódicos locales,
mitir que ios obregonistas llejruen a
tener el control de la situación j;<>-
v a dificultad con los Estados Uni- informe publicado ayer, ol "Bravo" saldr en los primeros
la situación criti- ban ambos sugerido la forma en que ltica.
•i"S. consideré que
ca se remediara si Mr.
Jenkin» le- podia quedar en libertad Mr. Jen- i
das de Enero de Veracruz. y atra-
vesar el canal de Panam, parajr al

Y fué en kirs.
grase obtener su libertad. ESTUVIERON EN LA Pacfico y visitar Colombia, Ecuador, ;
tonces oue dije a mi amigo
o: seor El asente consular de! jrobierr.o de j CINCO CARROS DE Per y Chile, siguiendo < espués has- j
tena varios pa- Carranza en Nueva York
ha negado ;
No son otra cosa los que CARCEL DE ESE PTO. rrlritra .no /'.y'. .I pare f..\ FKKXSA.
López F unérea que
rientes en la ciudad de Puebla que que tenpa
fundamento el informe pu- SOLDADOS CON ESE FIN :a el estrecho de Magallanes para se- i WASHINGTON. Diciembre 31—El

la fianza de mil b'.icado ayer, respecto de que la ofi-

venden vinos fuertes que guir por el Atlntico hasta Buenos Departamento del Teroso estableció
podran proporcionar el Dpto. de Estcdo Aires y visitar luego Montevideo, hoy un nuevo crédito a favor de Ita-
eses demandada p«r las autaridades,
cina consular del propio jrobiemo; Asume graves aspectos le envenenadores sin Niega puntos ambos donde permanecer va- lia, por valor de cuatrocientos dieci-
le haya tenido que ver con la circula- el cónsul no haya
si se me pedia que lo hiciera y los conciencia que rios d;as. séis mil ciento catorce dotares.
ción de :a noticia de que e! presiden- j animosidad contra
ped al seor López Figueroa *u opi- preocupdose por ( on mot vo del nuevo crédito abier-
nión fle->ia telegrafiar a Puebla te Wilson y ei secretario Lansinc tu- asiticos en dicho
con tal propósito.
vieron incenrencia directa en la liber
Las fiestas de Navidad del Seor, libertarlos LO QUE INFORMA EL to Italia se ha anunciado que !a su-

El seor López Figuei*ea se halln- tad de Jenkins bajo fianza. mineral de Son. han tenido en este ao, en los
Tia total fie los empréstitos hechos a
Unido.-, exeriorizaciones ?se pas por los Estados Unidos, es
Estados i TeUgratna Especia* paro ..1 PRKXSA.
r'sj>*rial j>nra ..\ PRESS A. A LA CANCILLERIA ie mil seiscientos veintin millonea ir frica?. WASHINGTON. D. C.. Dic. 31.—
"ie dólares
VOCALES. ARIZ., Diciembre :T. Ha habido quien, resistiéndose a El Cónsul fie los Estaos Unidos en
ALVRADO gasto el DINERO *1

en seco, rebe-
—Un tren He cinco carros ocupados pa^ar la Noche Buena
j Mazatln. Sinaloa. ha telegrafiado al
lndose contra la prohibición de vino Departamento de Estado quo las au
Avisa que se disolvió el VILLA ENTRARA
por iropas de infantera y caballe- PA.NCHO DE

EN LA PROPAGANDA ROJA Xocrales con rumbo •

en ocasión que siempre se ha
celebra- Comité Local para las NUEVO EN CAMPAA
ra pasaron por toridades locales de aquella ciudad, le
a Cananea, procedentes <ie Ortiz. cuari do con la copa en la mano, y los hu- han prometido que quedarn en lber
del champagne—si lio es posi-
tel general del jefe de las opera- { mos Itad incondicional Herry Lconard y
investigaciones del NUEVA YOKK, Diciembre 31.-—
ble—o del whiskev democrtico, sir- en el Estado de Sonora. Senado americano Telegramas recibidos de la frontera
del Senado Harry .Martin, los dos marinos ame-
Declaración de un comerciante ante el Comité El tren militar fué agegado alj viendo de fondo
a los sueos de ia
se encuentran arrestados
ricanos que hoy, informan que Francisco Villa
de los Estados Unidos que hace investigacio-
tren c'e pasajeros que salió esta ma-j vida mejor para el ao nuevo, ha agu-
en busca de una fórmu
el dia doce del presen:? mes Tdcuranu Especial para LA PKEXSA.
desde LAREDO. Texas. Diciembre 31.—
no est, como dijeron los informes
oficiales trasmitidos de El Paso, a
aa de Nogales para Cananea y se-| zado el magn acusados de haber ba.iadc a tierra con
ciones en asuntos de 'léxico gn las noticias telegrficas recib- j !a mgica que pueda
sustituir al sen-
sus y de .'.aber golpeado a un
La piensa de la ciudad de México, punto de caer prisionero de las fuer-
del viejo alambi- llegada hoy a la frontera refiere que carraneistas. ni anda huyendo
esta noche, las tropas, bajo e! cillo procedimiento
das ! gendarme.
1 i PR£XSA. el cónsul del gobierno de México en Je ellas.
comandante del coronel Salcido. han que. El mismo despacho trasmitido ;1
WASHINGTON* Diciembre 31.—Mi- j Y éi!o ha tenido como resultado, el San Antonio, informó a la Secretara
comerciante en produt-!
SE REANUDARANacampado en el mineral, cerca de los
de los chinos, los que as alegras de la navidad se ha-
de E>tado
afi; mado
algunos de Relaciones Exteriores que el comi-'
Las nuevas informaciones
:ue. contrariamente a lo manifestad»
gue Smi'h. establecimientos a ; no es cierto
ante Mr. j trocado en duelo en muchos ho- t ocal nombrado en San Antonio por las noticias dadas a la publi-
tos de jarcia, declaro hoy
Francis Ke^r:"al, Sinodal del Sub
que van a proteger por instrucciones yan
recibidas del "obieroo federal. gares americanos.
i periódicos americanas, que los dos
marinos prisioneros estuviesen aban-!
para que se encargara de llevar a ca- cidad por los agentes carrancistü?.

m ~c *if- Senado mus -nvestija

a si- Oportunamente dimos cuenta de bo la investigación de la situación Villa se halla en las montaas ce
tuación mexicana.
CON INGLATERRALos comerciantes chinos de Cana-j
r.ea hab'an recibido órdenes «Je las i
que. en distintos lugares de la Union,
donados a su propia suerte, pues qu?
tanto el cónsul como el vice-cónsul a-
mexicana en ese lugar, renunció en Paloma."., Coahuila. (.Tiranizando una
el uso de bebidas alcohólicas, fabri- masa, manifestando los componentes expedición hacia la zona lagunera,
Manifestó que ia< condiciones que autoridades municipales del lugar, pa j mcricancs han hecho todo lo que ha
PUKSS.\. ! cadas ocultamente o a domicilio, para la de ese comité que 'no queran tener ionde espera repetir la hazaa rea-;
reirn tn Yucatn «ue produce Tc+tgrawti Especial pera l..\ ra cerrar sus establecimientos el da estado de su parte para obtener
o beberas en la Xoche
libertad de les prisioneros y para a- participación ninguna
en las maqui- lizaia en Mzquiz, y aun se dice en
el henequén y otras fibra* para
CIUDAD ü EMEXICO. Diciembre nrimero de enero y salir de la pob.'a-i expenderlas naciones que se estaban
Buena, haban producido la muerte fraguando :ales informaciones que el prepósi-
industria de cordeles, son realmente
31.—Cndido Aguiiar declaró anoche ción, y como pidieran garantas y pro de casi un centenar de personas. yudarios durante su cautiverio. contra México." :o de Villa es dar un golpe de re-
alarmantes, como resultado de a los periódicos que antes ue do-;
me- tección, esta les va a ser proporcio- \
Antes de ésto, nuestros servicies in- Y agregan que el cónsul informó sultados mucho ms efectivos que loa
medidas adoptadas por
ros mexicanos, tanto del
los funciona-
Espado co-
ses se habrn reanudado las relacio-
nada por las tropas que han sido
formativos nos han trado noticias fre
enviadas a Cananea por del! cuentes, de sucesos
EMItIr BILLETES que en vista de lo anterior, ti seca- obtenidos en Mzquiz, por lo que se
semejantes, an dor Fail se vió obligado a nombrar
tro de gobierno federal. V agrego j nes diplomticas con la Gran
gobierno del centro. EL BANCO NACIONAL presume que se propone atacar To-
cuando de menor amplitud: un hom- un nuevo comité que lleve a cabo las rreón.
se haga pa- a.
que a meno* de que ale?
creada j
y que inmediatamente después se Salcidc. llevó a órdenes de
bre que se envenena con un vino he- DE LA C. DE MEXICO
averiguaciones correspondientes.
ra aliviar la situación especial darn los pasos necesarios para lo- proteger de una manera debida a los: cho
cose- por el mismo: otro que invita a WASHINGTON DESMIENTE QUE
en Yucatn, los agricultores y comerciantes chinos y sus propieda-
! grar la reanudación,
e:: un vaste sus amiges a tomar una copa de un Obtuvo permiso limitado de
cheros americanos ;-e vern, a ia vuel- des contra cualquiera acción que quie
whiskev de su fabricación personal, CIO DIRECTO DF TRENES
ta de pocos aos, sin la jarcia nece- campo, del intercambio comercial. ran tomar las autoridades locales, y la Secretara
que a la postre se conviene en tósi-
saria para el amarre y empaque de esa protección les deber ser propor-
sro que es arranca la vida entre crue- para emitir billetes Una circular recibida en el Consu-
las cosecha.-. cionada durante todo el tiempo que Telegrama Especial par LA PRESS A.
sión absoluta de los negocios en Yu- les padecimientos: violaciones peque- ado Mexicano de San Antonio, pro-
Dijo el testigo que los agricultores duren las negociaciones que se dic
"lev seca",
corto de valor
EL ^ASO. Texas, i'iicicmbre •}i.— i cedente de la Embajada en Washing-
catn. el henequén valia a razón de as o grandes a la que se
americanos han pascado ta cantidad stn celebrndose para modificar Segn :;n aviso tel -gifico qj'? se re-
tres cuartos la li- han pagado nada menos que con ia vi- Diciembre on. dice q' es falso que el Gral. Ange-
de ciento ccce y medio millones de i -iete centavos y el Tratado entre México y China. CIUDAD D E.MEXICO. cibió !iov en la vecina población me-
de precio bra. y de ese precio subió al de die- XXX
da. 31.—Se acepta como vlido el rumor xicana de Ciudad Jurez, el servicio les haya sido amparado por Is Hu-
pesos óio por el aur.» j * orno el asunto es de innegable im- Prema Coite de Justicia de México,
habido en el henequen del ao de mil ciseis y tres octavos hace dos aos y Nogales,' Ariz.. Dic. 31.—La cues- que ha circulado en los centros co-
directo de trenes entre dicha ciudad
a diecinueve y cuarto el ao pasado. tión china en el* mineral de Cananea
portancia, quisimos obtener acerca de merciales de la ciudad, sobre que a expresando que en relación a lo» ,

novecientos dieciseis al ao actual, ello. suma, de dates pudieran dar y la de México se abrir maana a
-umores circulados, de que el Gene-
exceso que han tenido que erogar de- Que en los ltimos meses ce! presen- ha tomado proporciones que no se
Secretara Je Hacienda autorizar ai la? siete de la maana.
a nuestros lectores til e interesante ai Angeles haba siuo ejecutado en
vigor te ao el precio del henequén bajó esperaban. El presidente municipal información a tal respecto, y acudi- Banco Nacional de México, para que
ddo a as medidas puestas en
a quince centavos y cuarto, pero que de aquel lugar ha manifestado que haga una emisión limitada oe bille- a ciudad de Chihuahua a pesar de
por Saivadcr Alvarado. cuando era mos a personas a quienes supusimos,
ARRIBO LA PRINCESA abe" sido dictada una orden de sus-
esa baja fué ocasionada por la sobre- para el da primero de enero de 1920 tes de a uno, dos, cinco y diez pesos,
el gobernador y comandante militar en atención a sus estudios y a su pro- BRAGAXZA lensión er. su sentencia por la Su-
de la pennsula yucateea y e regula- producción acumulada y por las difi- r.o debe haber en ese mineral un solo a efecto de solucionar de esta mane-
cesión. enteradas ampliamente de ello, irema Corte de Justicia, que esa Em-
dor de todos ios negocios y de todas cultades financieras tenidas por la chino y su idea est secundada por ra la crisis monetaria que es ya muy Teiegramc Etptcial pira. LA PREXSA.
Comisión Reguiadora croada bajo "i lo que de su boca supimos, es lo NUEVA YORK. Dic. 31.—Proce- bajada ha sido oficialmente inform-
las industrias. ms de mil habitantes de aquella po- grave.
que en estas lineas aparece. el dente de Europa arribó' a Nueva is de que no tiene fundamento al-
En apoyo de su manifestación ce ba^es especiales por Alvarado. blación. Se dice que para que pueda
Banco Nacional hacer tal cosa, se es- York la esposa del prncipe Miguel la citada versión, ms an,
oue :as disposiciones dictadas por El comerciarte Smith declaró tener Como las comisiones especiales que Intoxicaciones lenta». I eono
1 •uando la
Alvarado costaron a los agricultores noticias de que el dinero tomado por han entrevistado al gobernador del —No est todo lo grave, se nos di- tablecer un capital adicional, que de Braganza. quien sostiene sus dere- Suprema Corte estaba en
•eceso al tiempo de recibirse la soli-
y cosecheros americanos un gasto Alvarado del Estado de Yucatn, ha Estado no pudieran obtener nada fa- jo, en lo que acab2 de suceder, en tratar de asegurar en Londres el ex- chos al trono de Portugal.
Rafael I.a princesa esposa del joven Mi- ' citud de amparo, sobre 1a ra! actuó,
extraordinario de ciento doce y me- ( estado siendo empleado por el referi- vorable n la colonia china y los tra- ese centenar de personas muerto en Subsecretario de Hacienda?
jero eir. cenceder la
d'-i rty.tone» pesos, Smith óecaró
do jefe carrancista en sostenimien- bajos del Cónsiil chino se estr^lla- los das de ia Navidad por haber apu- Nieto, quien ha ido a aquella capital guel
ie Braganza es una americana suspensión d*» 5a
comisionado para reorganizar la agen df -acimiento; y viene a los Estados
: 'entencia, por no ser de sus atribi*
que en el ae de mil novecientos dte- to -i» 1» propasando comunista o boh-
•vci». man : <
Alvarado ton;v pese-' hev:k> ?asa a la 5a. coi. ca.) nase. a la sa. col. 5a.) ca Financiera de Mcxico. i Urfos a, ver su familia. 1 iones, segn la Constitución »efraa|
I V I j
xp- -j

VOLUME 11 ' , , '

11 Y 11 11

lr' ROM
1920 'NUMBER 48

... . . ... . ,;. , .r. ...

m Tertely Told Town Tales ;WSn.'Rowley'f Blanche, Neb. if
The Overland 4, the 'Quality vas;;heie this w,ek. He has
bought the: J J: Ilinson farm to
Annual Ozark Car, A demonstration will con:
oonvinca you that it's the great- which he cxpeb.l9Vinove ia the
est iipht car ever; built. Com- spring.: Vvv'i'..-v;;
pletely equipped. AH roads are . LOST CaihRcj pia jibout .l
TRUCK & TRACTOR good roads; for the Overland 4.
See ooe for Overland supplies.
50 'cent piece. lender please
leave at Mirror. btlica,-o- ;Mrs v.:

Ward B. Hitchcock, pealor.i-ad- . Geo. B .Freeman aid receive re

W. W. Grimes still buys pro- ward adv.. V
duce adv. FOR SALE -- Nancy . . Hall
Mrs. C.L. Wilson is visiting in S weet PotatQesrrUiu kind worth
California. eating $2 a bushel delivered in
EllJ. Norcross has returned, Manslield- Edwin F. Stantoji,
rz d

BryanjAfo. 'm v:V. , - ;

from Joplin. - adv. .

y t
J. E. Koch of Cedar Gap was
here Tuesday. v
hns returned
t'r,ip.- He was II IS.
in six states in one day West
Dr.R.M. Rogers was in Spring Virginia,
Kentucky, Ohio, Indi
:g 2XS
ana, Illinois and Missouri. ?5
5 Days January 6-1-
C.L Turner was" in Spring
field Tuesday. ' Take a dose of Herbine when

..'..- t i."" ,
- -
you ard bilious or colistipated, or aft
itev.T.RPrall of Seymour was your stomach is out:f order, fllt
here yesterday. T.T7 V""' " J J '
is.a marvel of pront(.ness in cor
A concentrated Exhibition and demonstra-- ,
tion of C
S. R. Barnettof.Norwood was
here yesterday. , '

P. E Hill of Macomb was here.

recting these conditfons.
adv.. ;'?''
Sold by, Fuson Drug Co- .- IN US

V , '. --
'.,.-'.v- ;.
during the week.
P. A. .Cole hns bought b'O acres
The M. E. Aid Society met
Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs.
Theatre Only' January
Truck' and Tractor Power ofT. H. Marshall. w. m. uivan. Tliere was a T W O SHOlVS 7:30 and 0:0 p. m.
large. number present and an
Mrs. R.L. Handy has been vis
Hint? in Oklahoma enjoyable afternoon'. spent. The
( Mack Neiinetrw Haper Five - Part Plioto
hostess 'served delicious refresh
The Two Great Savers Mrs. Joseph Davis has return
ed from Seymour
O; P. Ludlow of Bryant was
ine uon jviarciie Bnop can
inkee Doodle In 99

.of the Farming Industry here during the we-l- t. now supply your nof.'ds in the
Marinello . line if toilet good.
In Conjunction With Sennett's Original
Mrs, J, E. Urazeal has return Have a new line of' Knit
ed from Sprintjlield,
Here will be shown for the first time Ribbons, Rind
E. B. Uensley of Kansas City Hag lops and
other novelties at
has bekn visiting 'here-- . -
in Springfield, a combined display of
Albert Ayera of Toronto, Kan
th Ron Marche Shop. adv. Appearing in Person
iSiS, Weekly, Men-Wome-

various Tractors and many freight and is visiting relatives hero.- ' UMtCK-JACOB- y
Prices 25c & 50c ENTEBFSISES
Advertise. Start Candy factory . PRESENT '- ..... UHlCK-JACO-

business trucks adapted to all classes Miss Elma Marshall has re at home, small room, any where. I
turned from Springfield We tell how and furnish every
of hauling. '. It will be an intense Always a square diu.1 at the thintr. SPECIALTY CANDY- -
Mansfield Produce Co', -- adv. MAK'IXii HOUSE.." South 18th. Remember
and demonstration of mo-
far-reachi- ng

Rev. W, Hr Anderson and wife St.. I'hiiadelolna. adv.

-- ;: tKe Date -- ;
tive power for the farm and mercan-- : hof Sheldon have been visitin-- If yon wan', to bid-ro- money
here. on your farm, write us. 7 per
tile transportation. Buy your sorghum ami pick
ling barrels Troiii Reynolds'' S'
No com
iib';ve UuV.v: No exain.i--
her's fies. Interest payable an-
Campbell. adv. AC?K StNNtTT'S lATeT AND

Jan. 3rd

There will be no Charge nually. Mo iey ready when title

Jesse Nichols has returned1 is approved.. Prompt inspect AND
FUNNIEST 5W5T Ci.:: ..

from Sikcston.and Mr. Sowers- - Hon.

for Admission to the Show by from the West.
W. W. Grimes wants all kinds
NON, Moti'iiU'i!) (iv.ive, Mo. -- adv
It makes no difference to Mack
of produce and naVs the Ion Setniett where they come from
Mans&id. Missouri.
The First Ozark Tractor market prices adv or they have been doing. If
Always highest market prices they aiv heaulil'iil enough and
And They Were Wed
The beautiful country home o"
for all kinds of produce Mans shapely enough lie mikes bath-
field Produce Co. adv. ing girls of them.' In the list of
FOR SALE CHEAP -- Dodge young women on the payroll of
Albert Latimer and wife was the
scene of a very pretty wedding
Tq teach how to successfully Roadster, good as new. M. J Ids studio in Ijos Angeles are
Hodge, Mansfield, Mo adv. girls from every section of the
Sunday, Dec. 28, at high noon,
when their youngest daughter, Clearing' Sale
and profitably operate tractors J. W. James and jwif-- j iTave re United States and, alnvist, from
Ruby C, was united in marriage
to Berlin F. Coday. The solemn
On Men's, Ladies' and Children's Under- - f
in the Ozark Country a real turned to Manififlcl and will every walk of lile, from society
probably locate here atraiii. buds to check room girls. In words, which united these two wear and other Winter Goods
TRACTOK SCHOOL under FOR SALE Good 1913 mod. I
the group of girls chosen to go young lives, were said by Rev.
R. Ritzinger, pastor of the
Men's $1.50 Caps $1 Men's $4.50 & $5 Pants $3.50
on tour "Yankee Doodle, in I Piece Seamless Sheeting worth 85c for 69c per yard
tlie instruction of Mr. Ross Dodge touring cur See M. J.
Hodge, Manslield, Mo. adv..
Mansfield Baptist church, in the
Ginghams from 20c to 28c per yard
presence of the family and a few
Tillman-a- u experienced trac- A. M. and II. A. Haswell ship friends, At the conclusion of
Piece of Table Linen worth $1 for 75c per yard ,
tor specialist-wi- ll be conduc- ped a registered Jersey hull to
Bolivar Tuesday,, receiving $ir0.
the marriage ceremony the usual
congratulations were extended
Bolt of Feather Ticking to close out at 43c per yard
Lot of Men's Moleskin Pants worth $4 for $3 "

ted for 20 days immediately' A. C. Barton secretary of tin- - and the bride and groom led the Men's $1.75 Coat Sweaters to close out at $1.25
Wright Caunty Mutual Frre In- way to the dining room, where 'a
following the ,show on the surance Co., of Mt. Grove Was bountiful luncheon
Bolt Canton Flannel worth 30c to close out at 25c
And lots of other goods to close out at cut prices
same floor, with the aitual here Tuesday, was served, which for delicacy,
variety and abundance, was Come and get your share of these Bargains
Buy your fertilizer from J. W.
machines for intensive dem- - Kennedy, Middle West Giain worthy the hospitable hostess We Have a Few Blankets to Close Out
who prepared it. Both of these '
; ohstration. It will present an Grower brand, the kind that
gets results adv.- young people are residents of

O. S. Coday and wife and Mes- - this county-an- have many d

dames J, D. and W. G. Reynolds friends here. The groom is the

sou of Thomas Coday aud wife
Unrivaled Opportunity to Obtain and Blanche Anderson were in
Mt. Grove Tuesday. and is'a young man of bright
promiie, full of business energy
Tractor Knowledge Mrs. M. E. West has returned
from her weekend visit with
and honest purpose. He has ItSHMtttOMIMH
chosen for Ins bride a most
Horace Paul and wife at M ini
moth Springs, Ark. Rorlirt."' and wlio will he seen at chhrming atad accomplished R. A. Alcorn Hdwe. Co.
The Serious Farm Labor For biliousness and that bad
the Nugget jpit ntre for an en- young womau.oue who will make
gagement of one night, Jan. 8, him an ideal life companion. For It may cost a few cents more to buy the
taste in the mouth take a Divan's
will lie found a fair representa- the present they will make their
Problem Liver Pill at night it will dp the
work. Fuson Drug Co. adv.
tion of this diversity of employ- home in Springfield. We wish best but the best is always the cheapest v .

ment and social status. Two of for them a long and happy life. '.X---
How it may be solved, will be the object FOR SALE-- (J good Jersey
Cows, 3 with Calf by sile. Also
giiis-oin- irom families of Disstonand Diamond Edge Cross ft t

wealth and the weekly salary

of these weeks of intensive information good J horse wagon, Karl Tripp, they receive means little to chem You Need-O-ZO-NO- L
Cut Saws, Kelly's Knot Ghopper
Phone HO, Mansth-ld- , Mo. -- adv.
Reynolds S! Campbell lave
One calls New York City her
home and the otlrT was horn
and Western Clipper Axes, Chase 2

For full details of this Great just received a lot of new-Coo-

and spent most of her few years Every Month in the Year J Robes and Horse Blankets, Woods
Stoves, which they are selliu'if at in Chicago, though both now
Show and Tractor School the old price while they I ist. -- nd have homes in Los Angeles. Of In Summer for sunburn, , wind-burn- Evertz and Heinz Stoves and
Joe II Dennis and N. .1. Cr.iig the others two were horn in Cul hay fever and insect bites Ranges, Colt, Smith & Wesson, 2
write to were in Hartville this week ut ifornia, one in Texas, ono in
tending s special session of the Maine, one in Colorado, two 111J
In Winter, for chnps. colds,
croup, pneumonia, influenza, Remington, Winchester and Ste-- 1
county court, ou road business Canada and one in Minnesota. sore throat and toiisilitis. .All
vens Fire Arm's, Winchester and
Ozark Tractor School
To drive out worms that are Three have never been employed
eating away the strength nnd vi- except in the Kennett studios

tallty of your child,, use White's 'and the others, prior to their en
the year, for burns, scalds, cuts,
bi'uises.eatarvh in the head, ner- Remington Shells and Cartridges j imv
vous headache, eczema, after
Cream Vermifuge. It exiielslmieeinent hv Mr. Sennett. were shaving troubles and all inflamed No Trouble to Show Our Goods
Convention Hall, Springfield; Mo. the worms without injury to the tenographors, clerks, beach em or irritated conditions of the skin
child. Price 35c. Sold by Fus-ou- . ployes-an- one was un elevator
or mucous membrane. 25 and R. A. Alcorn Hardware Company i
adv. operator, -- adv. SO ceuta at all drug stores. adv


- V,. "I
s 1

Y r

ME Society

ft J J. il A JLjf .sL r

K Terxas-SLS- O

Vol. 39.
a. "STear
nn t KU.. tliouri. I hursday, January 1, 1920. No. 36.
ia br
yiat .1aut and tree at church.
1 .
Southeast News. it from them to content themselves Mr. John Imrie Shows Great I remove other kind of roofing of a LATER '
with a few rags and papers for Ability as Song Leader j mora substantial character, by mov-- 1 Miss Cora Sides, who has beorn(Thursday night Rev. Zene Yount
According to a Poplar Bluff spat-ia- l building log or tea ing off the sheeting or sick the last two months, is able bit leached a very interesting sermon
themselves a home, they Last Sunday niuht the Baptist
to the Globe-Democra- t,
the Jan-
uary term of the Butler county cir-
must have something better. LJ1SI ! Hnm-- t Marble Mill whs narked rafters to which the said roofing is be up again. st an appreciative audience. Rev.
Wednesday nignt a couple or these to its limit. The revival meetings attached.' Misses Blanche Robins and MaM pf'ount is a very able sDeaker and all
cuit court has 104 cases on the little animals got into Mr. Herron's 3rd. Providing for the election of Myrick visited friends at Marble-Hil- were glad to hear him.
docket and 52 just half of them are proving a great success and a t

cash register and got the structural great blessing to the community. one trustee from each township in Saturday night. Rev. Jesse McCann. who spent
are divorce actions. material for a nist according to the county to serve for-- a term of Mrs. Blanche Wright and brother, last wpek here with friends, was
The song service led by Mr. Imrie
Dunklin county is to vote on a their liking, a ten dollar bill and oue year or until his successor in of Lyman Chronister, and Morris Bloom called to Bessville m preach the fu- -
is a great attraction with Mrs. Imrie
proposition to bond the county in four one spots. The bills were dis- fice shall be elected and qualified motored to Lutesvillrt Monday. neral of Mr. Wilson's child.
at the piano The senior choir is
the sum of $1,200,000 to construct figured some, but not enough to ruin doing fine .Trustees for tbe ensuing year were Roy Bess went to St. Louis Mon-- j Miss Chiurnof Piedmont is visit--
w.rk. The audience
hard surface roads. their baying qualities. There was Sunday 1114 tt had a special in a elected as follows: E H. Bess. Sco- day, return! ig Tuesday. ing Mrs Fred Wall. She is a neigh- -
Cape Girardeau county voted down one silver half dollar in the register duet Ming hy the Mines Robin, pus township; Geo. Smith, Union; Edward Howard went to St Louis bur of our former pastor. Rev. T. L,

the proposition to bond the county which was scratched and Mr. Herroti which wiis very well rendered. The
Jncob L Wallis. Crooked Creek; Sunday in search of employment. Bess. She reports Rev Bess and
for a million dollars for the con- thinks the mice intended to use song was e .utied "Grace Eunigh Herman Elfrink, Liberty; Adam Charley Bess, our principal teach- - family getting along nicely, and are
struction of good roads. this for a name plate on their new For Me," written bv Prof. Excell, Snze, Fillmore; W L: Lutes, Lorance. er. spent Saturday night with home well liked by ibe omple there. ;

home. There leing no representative pres- folks near Besville. Our pastor. R'v Suton. writes ua
Senator William Hunter, a prom- who sang for Sam Jones in dnys
Isom Like, who spent his early gone by. Tne Booster l ent from Whitewater and Wayne John Wrigtit went 10 Grisham he will not be able to move until
inent and honored southeast townships the trustees elected were Spur where he wi!l work for Win.,' spring, as he is not getting well very
In Stod- of the lvys mi l nirls of the
died at his home at Benton life on a farm, near Leora, authorized to some suitable Hale.
dard county, and left there about town, is growing to oe great al appoint fast.
December 23. in his seventy-secon- d persons to serve as trustees in said The Christmas tree and entertain Rev. Hendrix writes us from Stur-
eighty years ago and went to Texas traction Mr Imrie sings a sedal
year. townships for ihe ensuing year. The ment at the schoolhouse was quite geon that they are all well and get- -
and Mexico, and Mexico to Colo- solo at each feri e and it certainly
The Poplar Bluff Republican is rado, returned to Stoddard county a is worth going many miles to lit ar following trustee were later a success. ting along fine, although the people
carrying a big lot of legal ads under short time ago and expects to make nun. ne C, H. Pope, Wayne town- Dave Shiverdeck of Buchanan have lieeii pounding them since
I sinus wnnui h
the head of "Sheriffs Sale." A num- his home there with an only sister, ' book which in ike it mors ioipres- - ship, and D. R. Sample, Whitewater visited Henry Buehler Saturday Thanksgiving.
ber of them are under executions in and will begin life over at the tender si ve. township. night

which the Butler Iron company is age of lol years. He lost his wife a ' W. L Utes. President. Arthur Winters butchered hogs Lone iroT
The Hurling" i r s hHlu!e l to Health is very good except colds.
defendant. R. A. DEWrrr, Secretary. Monday.
number of years ago, but has sever- run over next Sunday. January 4. We are having stine uh-- weather.
Miss Opal Matthews of Grassy is
The safe of the Miliar, Ulen & al children and grandchildren. He Rev. Snzr of Curutd-mvilU- -, Mo. w Missouri Meekly Industrial visiting her Mrs Frank Hansen and son. Floyd,
Carter hardware store at Dexter made the trip back all alone with- preaching very able sermons and brother. W. W. Mat-
Review thews, here.
visited her parents Friday.
was recently robbed of in out any trouble and, aocording to the public should tin", missthts great Tbe balance in the state treasury Miss Alpha, daughter of Mr. and
Alfred Gott and Jack Graham
government bonds, together with the Bloomficld Vindicator, is strong opportunity of sootf and iermim. December 1 was $3,106,831. Mrs 0s,"ar Welch- - who ha8
went to Lutesville Monday on busi- -
deeds and other valuable papers, all and vigorous and does not appear Rev. Sttzer, with Mr. and Sirs Imrie, Joolin gets a auto supply nesa j sick, is reported oetter.
the progeny of the manager of the to t more than in hi sixties and lend tde chapel exercisr every liou"e. The builder started in busi- - Mr and Mrs. L. F. Crawford and
Mrs. Mary Gilliland and daughter, I

business, Wm. Ringer. bids fair to live n in. tuber of yea s morning at the College an iuvita-tio- u m-- three and a half years ago with s
family. Mrs. Frank Hansen and fam-
Miss Bessie, are visiting her sister,
The Wayne County Journal is
longer. He hadn't visited his od from i'rof. Heiilrc. Rev. B. cash $14.50. The rmmmny operates ily. Harry 0. Edwards and Lucy
. Mrs. J. A. Berry.
home in forty-tw-
eirs. M. Sliaikli tti-- the jvistor, i very two stores there. Duley were guests of Mrs. L C Ed- -
now being Issued with the Piedmont Several of our teonle Attemb-t- l
Banner from the Banner office, Kftrmintfton
One ol the
stride-- mine accidents
and is
hoping that
i i the meetings

many mhiIs
Land worth
will ownership in Johnson county in a
$250,877 changed
the drama and supper given bv the ws Miss
a"d Noan Madlin Thursday.
Eulah Pierce visited at tlie
which leaves Greenville with but Knights of Pylhias.'al the Old FeU
has in the history of the Lead Belt oc- be iinven-- d. week. ho",e of bwlbn 0mrie
one paprr. George Stivers, who Uws hall in Lutesville Monday night
"MAKE CHRIST KING' is the Oklahoma capitalist will erect a
been connected with the Journal and curred at Flit River last Friday and report annjoyable time.
81 fape
irf ,,Mtu Christmas week.
slogan. cannery at Monetie.
Banner some time, is in charge of morning a'out h ilf pat 9 o'clock Mrs. Alma Howard and two chil' !J'HS lhrt Hansen and HarrV
when Claud Paldi:i, of Fiat River, Kit n strike ol zinc awl lead ore rds visited at E F. Craw
the publication still.
I mnton Kr distal.
aged 29 jehrs, ud Cuss Crd of r ha bfen discovered at Webb City
drenof Gurdon. Ark, arrival here ?
Saturday torspend a cmipleof weeks i Thursday until Sunday,
about 25 year, were A fjim at Ijm Summit sold for of Nw,y Landing
The big engines that are to rk ji ;
witn h. r mother. Mm S. M. Peak. McCuin.
the long passenger trains over the
hills without help have been receiv-- 1
hove ling
"' ''"
... I...... i... r .ii .
uiMltrftnm! at
,$$)0 an acre and
with $75,000 pure bred Hereford
will be nocked
l J.DecH8ndsister.ll8eulah.
who are teaehinu at CharTee. andl"' 7C"a",
--vVSUe4J h Jrnw.!Mr
frorn Thursday
Mrs. T..
has been No 6 of S- Lmii Smelting and cattle. Su", '
i but it is said there din- -
MU Nell Deck.twhn is teaching at ,.
Apple worth $20,000 were ship-
cultyin getting engineers to take Refining WV.ks of th National Lead ped from one farm at Linnens this
B lodged, visiteti their parents, Mr
v iyue iiunstutier ot liranite City.
company Tiie t worn, n were stand-Ui- III . v isited relatives near here last
them out The idea seems to be'
and Mrs. J. M Deck, near town,
the monsters are too heavy and
hwn ' ' f
M sa-n-

Ore nssaing 814 per cent lead

last Week.
week, returning home Tuesday.
Harry O. Edwards and Roy Han-
ponderous for many of the culverts
filli h"n "'- -
f . Milburn and Arthur Winters
and bridges along the Iron Mountain
or 10 inches in thickness fell from
feet nnd about 8 and 2 to 4 ouiu'es silver to the ton
has been discovered in the southern
butchrrd hogs fur Henry Myrick sen went to Lutesville Tuesday.
Frank Hansen went to Clarkton
E?.P.ra,nu - ....... 5"i rued ly.
thereof the mine, crushing them , p "it ion of Stone county.
Luther Felker of Dunklin county
recently, where he intends to work
Jl ieM linn n ii i"imin At Fulton four prize

beneath its weight. There was no d a while.
democrats are willing to make the one with them when the accident and Miss Veda Burns of this place
winning mules sold for $2.11)0. Mrs. Frank Hansen and family
race for congress in the Fourteenth occurred, but Allert Hurt, who w. s were married at the bride's home
j There are 22W.250 lautomnbiles in visiteti at E F. Crawford's Saturday
district next year. The latest prob- working alxnit 1 00 near town Christmas eve. We wish
fet diMat.t. M t ie state. 5010 increase over last and Sunday.
able candidate is Harry L Alex- - '
them a long and prosperous bt'e.
henrd the crash and saw the mintrs' y.-nr- The dance at Mr. Hartle's Thurs-
'" - ' Mmp go out and callwl to the shift
A happy New Year to The Press
day night was well attended.

Others mentioned are Boh W aid of flioss, . (leu Allen and its many rentiers Ditto.
James Bollinger went to Marble
Caruthersville. former State Senator .
"in. Glenn. Both uniortti- - (Arrtsl too for Unt Iiuue.)
uate men were dead, however, whn Hill Tuesday.
Thomas R. R. Lly of hennett; Rep--. -

I Health is reasonably good. Maruand Reader.

c, these and other employees reached
resent itivc F. M. Norman of them, their Ixidie lemg ternh y
Hulert and Paul (Hsig. who have Mr. and Mrs. Julius Williams of round School
dard county and V. II. Meredith of mangled and were bruised almost came Blodgett. who visited relatives here Health is not very good.
j been womn;atkr lat Kiver.
Poplar Bluff. . down Ninuuy to spt-n- the holidays last week, have gone to Maytield to The Christmas tree and program
; iH'vond recognition . . . Mr.
tiie Kicej with their ixirents. Mr. and Mrs. H visit home folks. at Pound school was well attended
George Begley. known as Craig leaves a wife nnd two suiidl C. C. Welker and Chas. I lawn of and all report a nice time.
' P. Ossig.
KimS of Missouri the last few years, children, aged two years and six

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