Write 5 Sentences Using Have or Has To

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Diego Fernando Cedillo Arévalo dcedilloa@est.ups.edu.ec

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Sede-Cuenca


1. Write 5 sentences using have or has to/ can/ could/ like /hate, one with each word


1) You have to go home.

2) We have to write them a letter.
3) You have to stay there all summer.
4) I have to work tonight.
5) We have to send the plans tomorrow.

 Has to

6) She has to take the children with her to Houston.

7) He has to lend us the money which we need.
8) She has to be back by noon.
9) She has to return later.
10) He has to feel better later.


11) She can take the children with her to Houston.

12) He can lend us the money which we need.
13) You can learn at least five new words every day.
14) They can help you with your work.
15) We can ask permission before doing it.


16) She could not take the children with her to Houston.
17) He could not lend us the money which we need.
18) You could not call her tomorrow.
19) They could not help you with your work.
20) It could not rain this evening.
Diego Fernando Cedillo Arévalo dcedilloa@est.ups.edu.ec
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Sede-Cuenca



21) I like the ice cream.

22) I like play soccer.
23) I like play whit my cat.
24) I like play whit my mom.
25) I am like read book.


26) I hate your taxi.

27) The people hates your style men.
28) if you hate Facebook don't use it.
29) I hate when my family calls me.
30) I love dance because is funny.

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