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The importance of this study is for us to understand the collected information on

the main reason of why students most especially teenagers bully each other by the use
of social media. It also shows the big picture of how great this cyberbullying thing affects
the attitude of the student and affect their whole emotional growth. At the same time we
are aiming to know how to stop this kind of harassment or lessen this plague in social
networking sites. The findings of this study will be serving as a good source of accurate
and useful information for them. This may benefit certain groups and the benefits they
may be able to gain are at follows:

Students. This group may use this study as an example to bear in their mind that
they are more fortunate than those who are involved in getting bullied even life is very
struggling because of the economic problems they are facing, yet they are still sent to
school to learn and gain more knowledge by their parents, thus challenging them and will
enable them to perform well in class and other extracurricular activities in school, study
harder to upgrade their knowledge and intelligence so that the struggles and difficulties
that the parents are experiencing in sending them to school to attain their goals will not
be in vain.

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