Quiz (Weathering and Erosion)

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This is the physical breakdown (disintegration) and chemical alteration (decomposition)

of rocks at or near Earth’s surface. (Weathering)
2. This process is solely influenced by gravity which causes transfer of rock and soil
downslope. (Mass Wasting)
3. A plant root fracture a boulder sized rock. What type of weathering is it? (Mechanical
4. One day, it the rain contained sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide on a place with
limestone as the prevalent rock there. What type of weathering would happen to the
rocks there? (Chemical Weathering)
5. These processes are a basic part of the rock cycle because they are responsible for
transforming solid rock into sediment also they happen on or near the earth’s surface.
(Exogenic Processes)
6. Water collects in the cracks of rocks and rock layers. If the temperature drops to the
freezing point, water freezes, expands, exerts pressure on the rocks, and can cause the
cracks to widen slightly. When the temperature increases, the ice melts in the cracks of
rocks and rock layers. What type of mechanical weathering is this? (Frost wedging)
7. This type of mechanical weathering takes place in response to the great reduction in
pressure that occurs when the overlying rock is eroded away. (Sheeting)

8. human activities also cause weathering of rocks. (TRUE)
9. Acid rains were not caused by human consumption of resources. (FALSE)
10. Erosion and mass wasting are distinct from each other since the latter does not require
a transporting medium. (TRUE)
11. Mechanical weathering is also called physical weathering (TRUE)
12. Among the common factors that trigger erosion are saturation of material with water,
oversteepening of slopes, removal of anchoring vegetation, and ground vibrations from
earthquakes. (FALSE)
13. Chemical weathering is merely adding something to change the chemical structure of a
rock. (FALSE)

14 – 17: Types of mechanical weathering
18-20. Give 3 agents of erosion

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