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Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Question Brazil | Year II | Issue No. 98 | Goiania, from 26 to 30 November 2010 | Editorial Director: Reinaldo Cruz | $ 2.00

The demoted, Goias can Cabral calls for

conquer America calm in Rio
T he PM’s public rela- z e d
tions Col. Lima Cas- over a ton-
tro told a news conference ne of toxic. The
on Wednesday (24), that Colonel said that
during these four days of the symbol of the Se-
Foto: André Isac

violence in Rio de Janeiro curity Bureau is very

were recorded 23 deaths, strong and confirmed
170 arrested and 43 vehi- that operations will conti-
cles torched. Two police- nue this morning.
men were wounded in the In operation in Vila Cru-
operation that happens in zeiro, two people
Vila Cruzeiro, were killed and
in Penha. nine wounded.
Because of the The victims
attacks, the were residents of
military police the Vila Cruzeiro
with 17,500 slum and Chatu-
police are on ba no connection
standby. with drug traffi-
Lima Cas- cking. Duque de
tro also said Page 4 Caxias and Ma-
that staying in the hills of dureira, shops were being
BOPE needs to be plan- closed. Agents are in the
ned. “We can not do any neighborhoods to ensure
action without planning the safety of shopkeepers.
transloucada” he said. On
Wednesday, BOPE is
the German Complex
The Goiás is in the final of the country and came here at Hill Chatuba.
Copa Sudamericana! The with the merits. Thanks for The opponent has to make Officers sei- Source: Rio Ag News
emerald team pulled an the courage and the stru- the first duel in Goiânia,
upset in the race before the ggle of each. It is not easy and later, the Argentines
historic Palms, silenced
the Pacaembu packed with
to leave the situation we
were to achieve that feat.
will receive Esmeraldi-
no in the return game in The College
Visconde de Maua
over 40,000 fans in atten- Proof that God does not Avellaneda, Buenos Aires
dance and won the game abandon those who work - metropolitan area. The
in heroic fashion by 2 to said the goalkeeper Harlei s said players have no pre-

performs Shows
1. Carlos Alberto Ernan- the site of Goiás ference, but if you could
do and shook the net for In the next stage, Palmei- choose, would avoid the
Palmeiras in the Cerrado. ras Cerrado face Indepen- Argentine team, which is

Cultural 2010
Luan noted for the hosts. diente (Argentina). The better than the Ecuado-
- Now, Goiás Brazil in Sou- games will be played on rians LDU.
th America! We represent days 1 and 8 December.
Page 11 Page 5

Cup Radio 730 /

AESPL enters the
last stretch Olga Maria debut at QB
Foto: Site da CBF

Cell Pag 23

North Korea attacks South

trunk spee- Korea and creates a tense
ds healing of atmosphere in the East
severe burn Pag 15
Henrique Meirelles
The evolution of medicine in the service of life
will leave the Cen-
Page 03
Page 22 tral Bank
Pag 06
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Another gaffe Alcides Rodrigues
by Sarah Pa- G overnor Alcides Rodrigues
(PP) received the press at the
The pepista said there is no difficul-
Imagem de Arquivo

Emerald Palace for a news confe-

ty in making the transition to the
rence following the results of the
governor-elect. “If the desire of the
host, Glenn Beck. But immediate- victorious candidate, when appro-
Recognized the victory of the tou-
ly drew criticism from liberal blo- priate we will initiate discussions re-
can with 200 thousand votes ahead
ggers, who cited the statement as garding this transmission,” he said.
and said it does not fit any kind of
an example of ignorance in foreign According to him, this is normal,
challenge to the will of the majority.
policy, 2008 Republican candidate considering that the next represen-
“In the first round fight for Van-
for vice president United States. tative needs to have “a sense of what
derlan candidate, in the second, the
The lack of Republican is so great you’ll find, for now start working.”
eight parties have decided to walk

S arah Palin has faced criticism that the American people that they Asked about the future, Alcides Ro-
with Iris Rezende”, he said, pon-
from around the world after de- feel disappointed with Obama for drigues said that the future “belon-
dering: “We worked hard but did
claring that the U.S. must be with relief you elected him. gs to God.” “I was not worried about
not achieve victory.” Alcides says
“our allies the North Koreans.” Bad with him, worse without it. it, so it is not disputed that elective
that the will of the majority must
The gaffe of Palin, made during a In 2012 she is a candidate. office,” he said.
be respected and for the good of
radio interview on Wednesday, was The ECA was already eliminated the
Goiás, Goiás and all he must hope
quickly corrected by the show’s Marconi.
that Marconi “make a good gover-

Campaign Promises do PSDB change speech

T he PSDB won another
clash in the Legislative As-
sembly of Goiás after the election
to bring the spec sheet on the im-
pact of the state.
The initiative had two profits for
avoid a vote on the bill, but suc-
cumbed to the insistence of the
servants who filled the galleries of
of 10 of the 17 Representatives
and the Senate has the entire ben-
of Marconi Perillo (PSDB) in Oc- ch. Besides having helped elect
Marconi and the wear brought the House.
tober. Demosthenes Torres (DEM) and
more to the struggling govern- Marconi’s first victory in the As-
The bench got membership of the Lúcia Vânia (PSDB), the 3rd mem-
ment of the PP. sembly was an indication of light-
PSDB (Who knew) PMDB’s bill ber of the bench is just his deputy,
The first gain was letting it wear ning “ally” Kennedy Trinity for the
to overturn the governor’s Alcides Cyro Miranda (PSDB).
political stayed with the server for post of adviser to the Court, thus
Rodrigues (PP) which benefit ca- Already in the House of Goiania,
the current government of Alcides. ending the chances of Alcides keep
reer plans of servers. the group Marconi has a slight
The other was to save part of the the post in 2011.
Members of this after stating that disadvantage compared to larger
budget would be committed to the Besides Marconi Perillo victory for
the PSDB party never vote against bench of the PMDB and huge po-
payroll to invest in social programs the government of Goias, the PSDB
public servants. wer base of Iris that the current
promised during the campaign, have earned him a consistent base
The 2998 bill had been approved in Mayor Paul Garcia inherited.
like the Citizens Income, Stock Ex- of support in the Assembly.
the first vote and Marconi Perillo However, the election of Marconi
change and Future University. The electoral success toucan was
party was most committed to ap- already destabilizes the mathema-
Many servicemen chose Marco- such that Marconi’s allies have
proving it. tics of the House and the group
ni Perillo, hoping that it would be been working specifically to secure
This week, however, the leader of toucan that is opposed to the
better for the life and wage them. the chairmanships of the Legislati-
the PSDB, Mr Daniel Gould, said mayor is already planning the pre-
The PSDB has already achieved in ve Goiás.
the bill was unconstitutional not sidency.
other sessions, drain the floor to In Congress, has the full support

G radually, the rivers of the Amazon

Basin are starting to recover and
the water level is again navigable.
of the rivers with collection of data from about
20,000 observation posts throughout Brazil.
A part of the map shows that from June to Sep-
The marking is done by a ruler. It is
tember, the drought was severe throughout the
the same as in October 24, recorded its
western Amazon region. But in recent weeks,
worst drought since 1902 when measu-
the rains fell again area.
rements began.
In Brasilia, the National Water Agency

(G1, with information from the Global Rural)
(ANA) continuously monitors the level

Questão Brasil
Director of Editorial and Con-
tent: Reinaldo da Silva Cruz
Adalberto José Lourenço Fº
Olga Maria da Silva Cruz
Printed circulation:
Goiania, Belo Horizonte,
Brasilia and Environs
Reinaldo da Silva Cruz Question Brazil - Odlanier Zurc Digital Version:
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News & Sports Gazette -
Direct mail to 20,000
CNPJ: 10.561.789/0001-03 Layout:
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Brazil Issues Network Television - via flip Sites
Question Brazil -
Tel: +55 (62) 3281-1069 / 84315284 Agency Goiânia - Signed articles do not reflect the opinion of the newspaper 2
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Question Health
The dengue
mosquito is
able to win the
Stem cell speeds healing of severe burn
T he mesenchymal stem cell,
which is a precursor of bone
marrow accelerates wound hea-
treated animals showed improve-
ment as the other effects of severe
burn. “The severity of burn com-
senchymal cells may have aided in
their original balance, with more
CD4 and CD8 T less. “
ling generated by severe burns, as monly cause systemic effects such Treatment
demonstrated by research at the as hypermetabolism and systemic The mesenchymal stem cells used

Y ou always take all the pre-

ventive care, but your nei-
ghbor and do the same?
Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão
Preto (FMRP), USP. The study
inflammatory response syndrome
(SIRS), which is an exaggerated
thereby made from bone marrow
of mice, which were cultivated in
used stem cells in mice that had inflammation. In a second step, the laboratory. They are placed
Cities go chaos: hospitals cro- third degree burns on approxi- the major burn develops systemic in culture plates made of plastic.
wded with patients infected by mately 40% body surface area immunosuppression, which redu- When cultured in a special cultu-
dengue. burned. In the test, there were ces the patient’s immune response, re medium, after a few days and
On TV, you only see reports of rats that received the cells and did leaving it subject to severe infec- some procedures, only mesenchy-
new cases and even deaths. not receive, and both had suffered tions, “says Carolina. The biologist mal cells adhere to plastic culture
There are some simple steps burns. While in the second group explained that the mesenchymal plates. Then apply with a syringe
we publish, however needed animals had a percentage of 80% cells may be able to suppress the the stem cells, mesenchymal cells
to combat dengue. Today we healing, 60 days after the burn, the immune response at first exagge- around the burned areas.
bring more information. first group had almost 100% of the rated, helping to control the SIRS Mesenchymal cells were obtained
How does the dengue mosqui- area scarred by fire during that pe- In addition, the study noted that from bone marrow of mice. * The
to? riod. the seventh day after burning the image shows the cells studied
The Aedes aegypti mosquito Stem cells also decrease other treated mice maintained the ba- The research was part of the dis-
measures less than an inch, effects caused by severe burns lance of immune cells. According sertation by FMRP Carolina, un-
looks harmless, coffee color or “The effect is due to use of me- der Professor Julius Voltarelli.
black and white stripes on the senchymal stem cells, which are The biologist notes that his stu-
body and legs. According to responsible for generating me- dy was the first to test the me-
some surveys, the female Ae- sodermal lineage tissues such senchymal cells in experimental
des flies up to a thousand feet as bone, cartilage, muscle and burns. On the application in hu-
away from their eggs, much dermis,” says biologist Caliari mans, she said, “The experimen-
greater capacity than previou- Carolina Oliveira, author of the tal model is not perfect, but it is
sly believed. He is responsible research. the best tool we have to mimic
for transmitting dengue and She says that it is not known what happens to human beings.”
yellow fever. exactly how the cell works in the A biologist wants to continue his
What are the symptoms of body in order to expedite hea- study for his doctorate by FMRP.
dengue? ling. One hypothesis is related “The idea now is to use mesen-
There are two forms of dengue: to the effect that causes the cell. chymal cells in human beings,
the classic and hemorrhagic. Carolina found that the treated to Carolina, maintaining the ba- which can be obtained from the
Once infected by the virus, it animals showed a higher amount lance between CD4 and CD8 T umbilical vein and adipose tissue.”
takes 2-7 days for the infected of granulation tissue (tissue that cells, both lymphocytes is impor-
person developing the disease. is formed when the provisional is tant for a good prognosis of bur- First Image (Cover) Mark Santos.
The four dengue viruses have injured) and blood vessels in the ned patients. “After severe burns, * Second image was transferred by
a very similar clinical picture. area burned after treatment, whi- the number of CD8 T lymphocytes Caliari Carolina Oliveira for the
The classical form of dengue ch can aid in healing. can increase considerably, which News Agency of USP.
is characterized by an abrupt Apart from faster healing, the is not good for the patient. Me- Source News Agency USP
onset of fever, malaise, heada-
che, pain behind the eyes or
eye irritation, joint pain and
muscle aches and back. Addi-
tionally, you can see a red skin
accompanied by swollen lym-
ph nodes. The symptoms last
about a week. Can show other
symptoms such as nausea, vo-
miting and skin lesions. Cold Blood Center Domingo Velasco Pedro Ludovico
90 days for wo-
men of this period is

of Goiás.
symptoms like runny or stuffy Also according Misael de Olivei- 120 days.
nose never appear. Therefore, ra, there will be built the new he- Demand for blood typing
the presence of these symp- adquarters of the Blood Center of in Goiania, according to the
toms, rule out the diagnosis of
To learn more about the disea-
T he Blood Center of Goiás ce-
lebrated on Thursday, (25),
the National Day Blood Donor. Is
Goiás, information was confirmed
by Dr. Celio’s Blood Center, but
with reservations, since the new
Blood Center, is relative. Com-
monly believed that the blood
‘Negative’ is the most popular, but,
se and how to avoid it, visit the celebrated way of saying, because project will depend on budget for example, last month was grea-
Portal for Health, Ministry of there is much to celebrate there. allocations for the new headquar- ter demand for blood ‘Positive’.
Health To remember the date, the Blood ters is completed. Reportedly, when lack blood do-
Day 08 will be a major mobili- Center reminds donors of the The technical board of the agency, nors who are able to donate must
zation to fight Dengue! need to make regular donations reports that are registered in the be reported, but it still is not done.
and save lives. unit more than 10 000 donors. But Each bag of blood is valid for 30
Read According to Mr Misael de Oli- what this number is less than half days after this date they are collec-
veira (Folder campaign) the Sta- of regular donors. The interval ted by surveillance. Are collected
Question Brazil te of Goiás regained possession between a donation and another 500 ml of blood with each dona-
(62)3281-1069 of the property in 1008 with is different for men and women. tion, and inventories are at critical
street Rua Senador Men should donate blood every levels. 3
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Rio de Janeiro cornered by criminal,

react and chaos in the city’s total
Reinaldo Cruz Barros Costa, Del Castilho, Esta- shington Luis. They robbed the On Monday, armed bandits again
cio, Flamengo, Irajá, Lake, Oran- owners of vehicles and torched attacked motorists near the Ave-
ge, Pavuna Penha, Flag Square, their cars, not just a car was bur- nue Brazil, Irajá, northern area.
Recreio, Long River, Santa Cruz ned. The criminals stole and burned

T he attacks and the constant

insecurity have completely
changed the routine of residents
and Vicente Carvalho.
Still Fecomércio data, trade in Rio
de Janeiro has spent about $ 866
While evaded the place, the ban-
dits attacked a car from the Air
Force Command (Comaer) had
more vehicles, a passenger van
that ran from the Centre Belford
Roxo, a Monza and a Uno.
and tourists in Rio de Janeiro. million in 2009 with safety, about mechanical problems and was Criminals armed with assault ri-
Schools, shops and clinics are clo- 2.7% of revenues in the sector walking at reduced speed. fles fired on a booth on the street
sed, workers, unable to follow up throughout the past year. The gang hurled a grenade at the PM Monsignor Felix, opposite the
your routine and samba schools Organized crime car that was conducted by Air For- cemetery Irajá. The MP believes
had their crowded trials suspended The attacks began on Sunday af- ce Sgt Renato Fernandes da Silva, the incident was caused by the
indefinitely. same thugs who burned cars in the
On the streets, what you see is a Daisy Clover.
scared population, with fear writ- At night more attacks, this time the
ten all over their faces. Panic in criminals set fire to two vehicles
the cities of the metropolitan area, in the Presidente Dutra highway,
Foto: Rogério Santana/ Agência Rio

bandits made shots in the direction meaning the Capital, at the time of
of the Teatro Raul Cortez, in the Pavuna. In the north, another ca-
Square Pacifier, and a superma- bin Military Police (MP) was shot
rket. Screaming, the criminals sent near the shopping Nova América,
to close the stores and threatened in Del Castilho.
to haul. There was confusion and On Tuesday, both men were shot
hurry, and trade quickly closed. dead in a Honda Civic on the hi-
People feel hostage to crime in the ghway Washington Luis, near km
city of Rio de Janeiro. 122. The PM says no link between
The police have done everything this case and the attacks.
to handle the situation if the recent The governor of Rio de Janeiro,
lack of a Captain Nascimento mo- Sergio Cabral, the escalation of
vie Tropa de Elite. violence attributed to state action
It is driven, very little is done to to combat crime in the slums. “Wi-
solve the problem, not a lack of thout doubt this has to do with our
commitment, but the organiza- policy of public safety,” he said,
tion of criminals who seem to be referring to the deployment of po-
everywhere in town. lice units peacemaker (UPP).
Has pursued the criminals, make Also on Tuesday, the dome of the
approaches and even prisons, but Military Police said the operation
there is no respite and people can “Close Quarters”, which is plan-
not leave their homes. ning to put all men on the streets
Traders keep their establishments to reinforce the patrol.
closed, administrative offices of The PM said it will reduce police
businesses are being released. At clearances gradually until the next
midday, armed traffickers send year, and promising to hire more
traders to neighborhoods such than seven thousand police offi-
as Meier, Madureira, Cascadura, cers. To combat crime, the corpo-
Irajá Vista Alegre and close the ration will still use the Shock Bat-
doors. Even the traditional samba talion and 140 motorcycles.
school Salgueiro, Vila Isabel, and The city is under siege is Wonder-
Portela, not being able to rehearse. ful, the worried face of those who
The shooting has made the trains live here.
merits of Belford Roxo moved at The news that traffickers rule the
irregular intervals, hurting those José Mariano Beltrame, Secretary of Public Security of Rio de commotion from inside the chain
who need to use the service. Janeiro ensures that the actions against crime will continue is somewhat puzzling that shocks
Trade and tourism account for los- everyone dealing with the matter.
ses Bandidos as Marcinho VP and
The Federation of Trade in Goo- who managed to escape without Elias Maluco are accused of or-
ds, Services and Tourism of Rio injury. dering the criminal actions, even
(RJ-Fecomércio) estimates that On Sunday, there was trawled the being stuck in a maximum securi-
if the trade of the towns hit by Via Dutra, where an armed gang ty prison in Catanduvas Parana.
attacks by criminals in the city blocked sections of track to São We are entering the final stages of
until the evening of Wednesday, Paulo, at the time of Pavuna, and preparation for the World Cup and
stayed closed, the loss for the in- stole two cars, a Kia Cerato and a all that is happening in Rio has a
dustry would be approximately $ prism. negative impact abroad, but we are
39 million. In the lawsuit, one of the victims happy with the results announced.
This value represents 11% of dai- was shot in the head and taken in Yes we are winning.
ly trade turnover in Rio de Janeiro. ternoon (21), when heavily armed critical condition for the Getulio
The Fecomércio included in this men boarded three vehicles on the Vargas Hospital until the time of Source: River of News Agency
calculation regions Cavalcante Red Line, near the highway Wa- writing, his condition was lawful. 4
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Lyrics & Pens

Enem 2010 T he National Institute of Edu-
cational Studies and Rese-
who, for whatever reason, have
not replaced the proofs with
point after the race.
The safety standards of the edict
arch announced that the new printing problems. Have been of Enem are the same for this
evidence of Humanities and identified so far, 2,817 students, race, that is, students must pre-
Sciences, for students who have less than 0.1% of the total. sent themselves to an hour in ad-
been harmed by printing errors INEP also said that students will vance on the spot, carrying the
in the tests carried out in yellow be notified by the usual means registration card and a photo ID.
Nov. 6, will be held December 15 (email, sms and phone). They
to 13 hours GMT. will also receive a subscription
Also report that follows this confirmation card to where they
analysis of 116,626 records from should look. students receive a
the local competition, with the certificate of attendance to jus- Sig Communications INEP /
Haddad announces dates for the Enem aim of identifying those students tify the absence of the working MEC

Cultural Show 2010

T his show takes place in the
College Area Self and with the
collaboration of all teachers and
by the proposed innovative edu-
cational and student projects like
this reader and the Cultural Show.
school officials who have worked With such initiatives, the College
all year to design, develop, organi- aims Visconde de Maua rescue
ze and present to the community stories and appreciate the culture
of the College Cultural Exhibition of the students through the know-
2010 Visconde de Maua. ledge of their own traditions, ma-
The artwork and theater perfor- nifested here in a spontaneous and
mances will reveal to the public didactic.
not only talent but also the part- With the massive participation of
nership developed over the years students, teachers, staff and com-
among students, teachers, profes- munity work will appear this Fri-
sors and students of Higher Edu- day (26/11) from 17h.
cation Unifan - Faculty Alfredo The Coégio Visconde de Maua is
Nasser and UNIP - Paulista Uni- on the corner with Rua Rua 1007
versity, who will share experien- 1016 Sector Pedro Ludovico Goi-
ces in different areas. ânia.
The Thought of Cultural Exhibi-
tion 2010 is to broaden the stu-
dents of the College of Visconde
de Maua the field of creative expe- Julius Caesar is part of the group that participates in the Cultural Show 2010
riences, knowledge and creativity
put in contact with the knowled- their projects and its vast repertoi- creative side of students. Note
ge, whether of adults or children re. It is very important to the success
studying there, providing the op- The idea is to have the talents ex- and continuity of the event that Redaction
portunity for the their talent and ploited to the maximum in their students and the community re-
potential are highlighted, as well creativity, which can still be lauded alize that interaction is required
as enhancing the teaching practice by the jury of Cultural Exhibition between the artists and their au-
applied in the State College Vis- 2010. dience. Reinaldo Cruz
conde de Maua. According to the director of the It is a day of activities open to the
The Cultural Exhibition 2010 is a State College Visconde de Maua, visitation of the community who O ur
exudes history
forward to actions of
this nature, since many of us, as ci-
chance that the students have to Claudia Ribeiro, the success of the can appreciate the work and ad-
tizens, they often do not know. The
explore ideas and movements that Cultural Exhibition 2010 is due mire the creativity of students. Colegio Visconde de Maua is to be
sound like challenges for them, to the commitment of teachers There will be booths with works congratulated for helping through
they can say what their percep- and professionals who work at conducted, an exhibition of crafts this Cultural Exhibition 2010 and
tions and questions, while they en- the school. The supervision of her and theater, which will put talents other motivational activities, to
joy the meet and learn something own, her colleague, Nancy Paul, to the test of popular taste. reveal a little of this memory as
new. Vice Director Francisco do Nasci- With all staff of the College Vis- important in the construction and
The activities leading up to shows mento, Secretary Elaine and Pro- conde de Maua, involved in the development of education in Goiás
in different shifts are coordinated fessor Eluany Isabel de Oliveira is drafting, preparation and coordi- It’ll be a free and open to encou-
by Professor Marilda Meirelles, Ja- also responsible for More Educa- nation of the Exhibition, we are rage the development aspects of
net Alcantara and Elza of Carmo tion program. convinced will be a success. teaching and improve the skills
essential to teaching and lear-
that coordinate, encourage and if The Cultural Exhibition aims to Visconde de Maua The College is a
ning of various subjects.
necessary to help students develop spread the culture and discover the school that has been differentiated
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Politicized | Year Two | Issue No. 98 | Goiania, from 26 to 30 November 2010 | Editorial Director: Reinaldo Cruz | $ 2.00

“New” economic
T he government’s economic
team Dilma Rouseff alrea-
dy chosen. The challenge now is
wage should stay the same £ 540.
Government’s plans are depen-
dent on the Congress.
to cut spending and avoid new “It’s not easy to restrain spending.
spending cost and wage increases. The ideal is to spend, but we have
This is the guidance given to those a responsibility to only spend
who were invited to the economic what it raises, and we’ll be careful
team of the future government. not to pass up projects that incre-
All members have the current go- ase the costs that affect the public
vernment. The three names were accounts, “said Senator Romero
announced yesterday officially Juca (PMDB-PR ), the leader of
confirmed. the government.
In an exclusive interview with The team that takes the economy head the Central Bank and Minis- already accepted the invitation of
Globo TV, the finance minister, from January 1 was presented. The ter of Finance spoke several times president-elect.
Guido Mantega, said that spen- three have worked in government. on the autonomy of the bank. In “She made me an invitation to join
ding less is the challenge the new The finance minister will stay in practice this means not giving in the government, but a general in-
government. “In addition to cut- office. As Chairman of the Central to political pressures when the vitation, because she told me she
ting spending that already exist, Bank has indicated Tombini Ale- central bank has, for example, to has more of an option and the-
we still have to prevent new spen- xander, now director of the bank’s decide on interest rates to keep in- refore would not set it now,” said
ding to be made,” said the minis- standards. And the future Minis- flation under control. Minister Paulo Bernardo.
ter. ter of Planning, Miriam Belchior, “I had long and good conversa- In a statement, the president-
Do not even press. In the fight is coordinator of the Growth Ac- tions with the president Rousseff. -elect, Rousseff, has determined
against new spending, the finan- celeration Program (CAP). In the She told me that in this regime that further economic team to
ce minister announced that it same vein as finance minister, she there is half autonomy. It is full continue the regime of inflation
intends to wage increase for fe- talked about cutting spending. operational autonomy, “noted targeting, floating exchange rate
deral employees next year. Guido “We will review all major items of Alexander Tombini. policy and fiscal responsibility, to
Mantega also plans to readjust not expenditure so that we can ma- Another name is confirmed by the fight poverty.
beyond the budget of Social Se- ximize its use. You can do more Minister Paulo Bernardo. He will
curity for retirees, not match po- with less “guaranteed the future leave the Ministry of Planning to
lice salaries to the military throu- minister. take another position, probably at
ghout the country. The minimum Alexandre Tombini, chosen to the Presidential Palace. Bernardo Source: Agência Brazil

nese President Bharrat Jagdeo.

The Lula government will “All he (Governor Sergio Cabral)
need, which is within the law and
act together with Sérgio Ca- we can do, we do. Because it is
bral not humanly explicable that 99%
of good people, hard workers,
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva pledged Friday (26) to are abused by people who live
support police operations in Rio de Janeiro in combating on the fringe, “said President
drug trafficking. Lula made the statement in Georgetown, Lula.
Guyana, where he is to receive an award from the Guya- Source: Agência Brazil

Elaine Patricia Cruz by Raul Cutait, Paul Hoff, Paulo Saturday (20), he left the hospital.
Foto: Divulgação

Reporter Agency Brazil Roberto Kalil Filho and Galvão Alencar makes cancer treatment
Ayroza. According to a medical ten years ago and has undergone
São Paulo - Vice President Jose bulletin issued this afternoon (28), 16 surgeries.
Alencar is hospitalized because its board of health is stable.
of an intestinal subocclusion the In less than a week, this is the se-
Syrian-Lebanese Hospital in Sao cond time Alencar returns to the
José Alencar: Health Paulo. The same problem had alre- Syrian-Lebanese. The vice presi-
care ady taken the vice president to the dent, who spent 24 days in hospi-
family and the country hospital on October 25. tal, had been discharged last Thur-
Alencar arrived in the Syrian- sday (18). The next day, he was
-Lebanese Night (23) and is being again hospitalized because of an
attended by medical staff trained anemia to a blood transfusion. On
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Question Senate
Defined the details of ownership
U ncertainty about the wea-
ther in January led to the
organizing committee of the
Command, met today at the
Library Luiz Viana Filho, the
Senate, to address the details
and vice president to be
held the first Saturday of
presidential inauguration to of the solemnity of transition of - Ideally, the test is performed
consider alternatives to the ce- the Federal Government that on a weekend to find that con-
remony which begins at 14:30 should last between an hour ditions close to those days of
on September 1, time confir- and a half and two hours. Is the the event, said Guaracy Julia-
med on Friday (26). In case of 6th presidential inauguration na Rebelo, Director of Public
rain, Rousseff enter the Palace since the end of dictatorship. Relations of the Senate.
of Congress for the Headgear, To make that happen on sche- Roussef thatt goes into the
which is covered. If the rainfall dule, the organizers have been history of Brazil as the first wo-
is low, it will be the next presi- working since July on the mi- man elected President of the
dent will choose to climb the nutiae that make up the cere- Republic.
marble ramp from Congress af- mony. Like his predecessor, Luiz Ina-
ter the presidential path in the In order to avoid pitfalls, the cio Lula da Silva, she assu-
Rolls Royce or by entering the scripts defined in the meetings mes amid suspicions, but has
Esplanade Headgear. will also be put into practice. everything to topple.
The committee, comprising re- The organizing committee is
presentatives of the Senate, planning to carry out a rehear-
the House, the Foreign Minis- sal of the ceremony about se-
try, the transition office of the ven or ten days before the ce-
The Chair Roussef Government and the Military remony held by the president Source: Agency Senado

The Tribune of the King
Available on the Web and Printed

Senate workshop on promoting so-
cial networks and web journalism
T he rapporteurs of the bud-
get sector has already be-
gun work on an examination
JBC. The next step is to vote
in the Plenary of the Congress,
which provides the general ra- The news release and the rela- nalists Manuel Fernandes, a for-
of the parliamentary amend- pporteur for December 22. tionship with the society in times mer columnist section Hypertext
ments and will submit its fin- On the next Tuesday (30), Gin of internet and social networks - See and current director of con-
this is the thread of the workshop sulting Bites, which works on pro-
dings until December 3. The Argello should meet with the that promotes the Senate on Thur- jects of Editora Abril and Globo
expectation of the general president of CMO, Mr Walde- sday (25) and Friday (26) with the Organizations, among other com-
rapporteur of the Budget, Se- mir Moka (PMDB / MS) and participation of specialists. The panies, and Gustavo Pereira, pas-
nator Argello Gin (PTB-DF), is Rep. Bruno Araujo (PSDB- workshops are targeted to em- sing through the portal UOL and
that these industry reports are -SP), rapporteur of the bud- ployees of the Special Secretariat currently consultant Bites. The
of Communication of the Senate. discussion is mediated by Clau-
voted on 7 and 8 December get revenues. The purpose of On Thursday, the theme is the use dia Tavares, coordinator of Social
the Joint Committee on Plans, this meeting is to discuss the of social networks like Twitter, Fa- Media in the Senate.
Public Budgets and Auditing re-estimation of revenue, key cebook and Orkut. On Friday, we The Agency is already in the Se-
(CMO). figures close to the Budget will address the web journalism, nate Twitter and Facebook.
With the sectoral reports ap- ie the production and dissemina-
tion of news online. Experts also
proved, Gin Argello shall pre- talk about blogs and about the in-
pare the report-general of dexing of content.
Budget, also to vote on the Source: Agency Senado Participate in the workshop, jour- Source: Agency Senado

Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

MEPs advocate a political decision on the continuity of irregular work
In a hearing on works that had recommended the stoppage by TCU, members of the Budget Committee said Congress must as-
sume responsibility for setting conclusion to avoid further losses to the public.
The decision whether to continue nical meetings and public
the work with evidence of irregu- hearings can be concluded
larities must be political and Con- the report in a transparent
gress must assume the burden of manner to support the de-
that choice. The position was de- cision. “I hope to resolve
fended by legislators at a public all doubts, eliminating all
hearing on Thursday at the Joint the issues so that we can
Budget Committee. The president then create conditions so
of the college, Mr Waldemir Moka that the works are carried
(PMDB-MS) said that the obliga- out carefully with public
tion of the Court of Audit (TCU) is money.”
to monitor and display problems, Conclusions
as it has done, “the commission After the presentations on
must have the courage to decide the steps taken to remedy
that a work that is 90% done needs deficiencies identified by
to be done. “ the TCU in the works, la-
The meeting was convened to dis- wmakers praised the me-
cuss the status of 10 of the 32 works asures taken, especially by
that have been recommended by DNIT to avoid losses to
the strike and TCU is the first of a the public (see table on 10
series of three meetings will be con- works).
ducted. In the first round, appeared The director general of
before representatives of the Natio- DNIT, Luiz Antônio Pagot,
nal Department of Infrastructure explained that the eight
and Transportation (DNIT) and works and services with eviden- According to the secretary general cisions.
Valec Engineering, Construction ce of serious irregularities, three of the TCU, Paulo Roberto Mar- “This was done on two of 13 con-
and Railroads - a public company had terminated contract (BR-487/ tins, among the ten works addres- tracts that are underway. The cons-
under the Ministry of Transporta- PR, and BR-265/MG BR-116/CE) sed the first public hearing - under truction company Andrade Gu-
tion, which administers the pro- and a had terminated the contract, the responsibility of DNIT and tierrez made his defense and also
gram Brazilian railway. which will be renegotiated (BR- Valec - only those of the North- gave their explanations Valec. The
In the evaluation of Moka, the 010/TO). Since the works were -South, under the responsibility of Court of Audit has placed an inte-
committee will have the courage released by the ruling BR-101/ES Valec, still present risk of injury to rim restraint and Justice ruled that
to decide to continue if the Evalua- TCU 3.011/10 of 10/11/10. the public treasury, with no satis- this did not Valec retention, “said
tion Committee of the Information In the case of other works (BR- factory answer as to the measures Neves.
Works with Signs of Serious Irre- 317/AM, and BR-060/GO BR-050/ taken. However, according to the secreta-
gularities (IOC) to present their MG), according to Pagot the DNIT Martin praised the work of DNIT ry general of the TCU, the securi-
conclusions in a report in a trans- will propose the renegotiation of to remedy the problems presented. ties can now be performed because
parent manner. Mr Humberto contracts to companies with re- He said that if the problematic con- there is no judicial decision against,
Souto (PPS-MG) stressed that the tention values in order to meet tracts have been renegotiated effec- although Valec claims otherwise.
release or not work has a political demands. “In my assessment, the tively, there is no reason that TCU The evidence of serious irregulari-
character, and continuity of these BR-317, Acre, has fewer problems. make new reservations. ty has been excluded in the case of
should transfer responsibility to BR-050 is only a matter of rene- The president of Valec, José Fran- East-West Railway, due to the per-
the Congress. gotiation. Remaining four groups cisco das Neves, said the recom- formance of Valec.
For the coordinator of the IOC, of the BR-060, we’ll have to study mendations of the TCU are being
Mr Leonardo Monteiro (PT-MG), hard because even the TCU makes embraced by state enterprise. In
both the valuation methodology some specific recommendations the case of the North-South, who
used by the TCU and the imple- for being a work not yet started were mentioned problems with
mentation of the federal govern- and a value of $ 1.2 billion into overpricing, Snow said it was with-
ment have evolved considerably, nine lots, “he said. holding payments, but this practice
and its assessment from the tech- North-South Railway has been hampered by judicial de- Source: Agency Board

Courses for speed digital networks and finan-

cing goods and services required
educational opportunities for in-
mates, although the National Edu- especially their lack of resources

detainees for courses. The proposal amen-

ds the law establishing the Fust
cation Plan (Law 10.172/01) have
specific goal of implementing pro-
that enable the provision of instru-
ments and control structure over
(9.998/00). grams for youth and adults in pri- the access of incarcerated youth

Currently, the resources of this fund sons and care for young offenders. and adults to virtual resources for
s under consideration in the
can be applied to, among other go- This, points out, has repercussions education,” he argues, noting that
House Bill 6828/10, Mr Holland
als, installing high-speed networks on the entire recovery process of about 70% prison population of
Ariosto (PSB-EC), which allows
for the exchange of signals and de- the prisoners. He cites research by over 400 000 people, did not finish
the application of the Fund for
ployment of teleconferencing ser- the National Council for Criminal elementary school, and another
Universal Telecommunications
vices between schools and libraries; Policy indicating that in some sta- 10% are illiterate, according to data
Services (Fust) to offer distance le-
complement the goals established tes, 70% of former inmates return from the National Rapporteur on
arning courses for the population
in the General Plan for Universal to committing crimes, while in Eu- the Human Right to Education.
prison, in the form of youth and
Access to care for low income com- rope and the USA the average rate
adults. The funds will be used
munities, and serve remote areas of recurrence is 16%.
in the implementation and
and borders of strategic interest. “The educational goals have not Source: Agency Board
maintenance of high
Ariosto Holland notes there are few prospered under the prison system,
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Legislative Assembly
Major Ali vows to fight for Matters that provides emergency phones at
better wages in PM ATMs is able to vote on a nd

E nhancing the military police,

combat violence and increase
citizen security. These are the pri-
to work day and night for best sa-
laries in the category,” he stresses,
mary flags that will be defended by noting that was the only victor
the Legislative Assembly elected with links to public safety.
official Major Araujo (PTB), cur- Remember that eight candidates
rent president of the Association were recorded related to the mili-
of Military Police Officers and Fire tary police and three linked to the
Department of Goiás civil police. In 2006, Major Ali was
Elected with 33,092 votes, said a candidate for state representati-
Major Ali was aware of his duties ve and obtained 7,800 votes by the
as representative of the corpora- HDC. In 2008, he became the first
tion, which now adds 22 thousand substitute in the Municipality of
people, including active and inac- Goiânia.
tive. “I want to be the spokesman
of the claims of class and promise

Project 2998
Plenary rejects bill that would modify several of the Govern-
Bill authored by Mr Pereira Mar-
lúcio (PTB) that determines the
installation of emergency telepho-
minimize the major problems cau-
sed to customers when they tran-
ment career plans of State servants nes in all the ATMs outside bank sact out of their banks.
branches on the staff ’s prior regu- “Often, on weekends, customers
The Legislature has rejected Before the final vote, on Wed- lar meeting scheduled for Tuesday, show up in shopping malls and
in the second and final vote, nesday, 24, leader of the Govern- 30. other locations provided the equi-
the bill 2998, authored by Go- ment in the Assembly, Mr Ernesto The proposed No. 1.204/10 shall pment and when using ATMs, they
vernorate, which modifies the Roller (PP), asked the lawmakers be assessed first by the Plenary are surprised by these machines or
Laws 15.704/2006, 15.668/2006, present voted for the proposal. Assembly. If approved, the matter crashes even with the retention
16.272/2008, 16.544/2009, Members Rubem Mauro (PT) and requires the emergency telephones of their cards. With this project,
16.914/2010, 17.090/2010, Misael Oliveira (PDT) stressed are connected directly to the banks guests can register at least the situ-
17.091/2010 and 17.093/2010, that their tops would vote in favor services 24 hours without the need ation, “Perez stressed Marlúcio.
Career Plans governing the State of the Government’s proposal. for dialing and attendant exclusi-
Server. Of the 30 lawmakers pre- PMDB leader in the House, Rep. ve of that institution to record the
sent in the plenary on the after- Paulo Cezar Martins said that the call.
noon of Wednesday, 24, 18 voted official position of the bench was According to the justification of source: ALEGO
against the matter. the rejection of the project. Rep. parliament, the proposal seeks to
The project dealt with the laws Daniel Gould also requested vo-
pertaining to the careers of the ting against the proposal. Spe-
Organizing Committee of Municipalities
Military Police and the Fire Briga- aking at the Small Hours, said that attended a meeting on the 2010 Census
de, the Department of Education, Members should not approve the
the state Department of Transit
and Analyst Prison.
project, since it is unconstitutio-
nal for a project, according to the T he Organizing Committee of
Municipalities of the Legisla-
tive Assembly, which includes the
with specificity the data of Goias
and the city of Goiania, as well as
advances in data collection with
Before the final vote, Rep. Daniel Prosecutor of the Assembly. “The-
Goulart (PSDB) had the opinion refore, the project will be resub- Commission Census State together the use of equipment PDAs (Per-
of the Prosecutor of the Legislati- mitted next year, since respecting with the Brazilian Institute of Ge- sonal Digital Assistant).
ve Assembly, which states catego- the constitutional limits,” he said. ography and Statistics (IBGE), at- Head of Unit in Goiás State IBGE,
rically not be possible to ensure In brief remarks at the Small tended the morning of Friday, 26, Daniel de Oliveira Ribeiro recalled
that the project is legal and cons- Hours, Rep. Daniel Messac at Hotel Nobile Suites Sun Square, that on November 4 IBGE publi-
titutional in its entirety. The con- (PSDB) also criticized the attempt the 5th Meeting Census Commis- shed in the Official Gazette data
gressman requested the transcript by the government Alcides Rodri- sion of the State of Goiás (CCE). from the 2010 Census. “The re-
of the opinion in the Proceedings gues (PP) to approve the project, The server and the Legislative sident population in each of the
of the House and also gathered to since it is unconstitutional for a Analyst, Katianne de Sousa Almei- 5,563 Brazilian municipalities, the
document the process. project, according to the Prose- da attended the event as a repre- Census 2010 census of 185,712,713
Daniel Gould argued that the pro- cutor of the Assembly. “We want, sentative of the Commission and people in Brazil,” he said.
ject is illegal because it was pro- above all, the Constitution, becau- the House. The results of the Census 2010 col-
cessed in the election period, the se we can not vote for something During the meeting they discus- lection can be accessed through
electoral law that prohibits pro- that is then dropped, it only fur- sed issues such as the adjournment the website: www.censo2010.ibge.
vide financial benefit to servers. ther hinder the staff of the Traffic of the State Census Commission
Moreover, the deputy stressed that Department and other agencies,” on Population Census 2010 and
the proposal from the Governor- he concluded. presentation of results by the col-
ship hurts the Budget Guidelines After the vote, and rejection of lection of Census 2010. Moreover,
Law (LDO) and does not certify the matter, Rep. Daniel Gould some indicators were presented in
the financial impact. said that the Bench of the PSDB the 2010 Census managerial state
is available to the servers to fix the
flaws in the design and present a
Vote new proposal.
Read in plenary on 14 September
during the election period, the
project had been approved by the
Joint Committee and in plenary
on the first ballot on Nov. 3. Source: Claims
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Town Hall

I n the second and final vote, the

House passed at the session of
24 days, the draft Law of Council-
talling metal
barriers that prevent
the passage of strollers or
man Rusembergue Barbosa (PRB) stroller with children on esca-
(PHOTO), one of them, proposes lators. The mats should install
prevention campaigns and treat- metal locks that fit perfectly into
ment for people with chemical de- the stands. And on the stairs and
pendency, and the other requires ramps, handrails installed on each
the installation of chemical toilets section to provide greater stability
at events and fairs of Goiania. The and reliability to users.
projects will now be forwarded to “The project aims to provide gre-
Mayor Paul Garcia to sanction or ater protection and security to
veto. users of stairs, escalators, con-
It was also approved in the first veyors and chutes in the existing
round project that addresses the residential condominiums, com-
security of users of stairs, escala- mercial delivery service,” says Al-
tors, ramps and existing condos derman.
in the residential, commercial,
service delivery and other similar
Rest with administrators, trus-
tees and guardians of resi- (Source: Marianne Cardoso Car-
dential buildings, ins- rijo / Portal Camaragyn))



M atters whi-
ch prohibits
the charging of fee in public
equality, that equals be treated
equally and unequals are treated
unequally in the extent of their
tenders when they are perfor- inequality, justifies the council-
med for completing registra- man. “Not all owners are finan-
tion reservation, an initiative of cially able to invest a few tens
Virmond Cruvinel (PSDC), was of dollars on an event where the
adopted in plenary on the first chances of approval are small,” he
ballot. adds.
The rate, however, the candidate Virmond stresses that the goal is
will be charged at the time it is to make way for the achievement
called upon to assume the post, it of a career and economic impro-
said. Also the amount of the char- vements for people in financial
ge may not exceed one percent of need and who see in public em-
basic pay prescribed for the post. ployment a form of social ascen-
Another topic that provides for sion.
cancellation of the contract, the
fee is returned by bank deposit to
the candidate. (Keziah Alcantara / Portal
“The tax exemption is based on CâmaraGyn))
the constitutional principle of In Second and final vote, the Hou-
se passed 24 days, the draft law style of ” Vapt Vupt “existing in the
of Councilman Alfredo Bamboo State of Goiás, will be the effecti-
(PR), which authorizes the Chief veness of alternative measures that
Executive to implement Municipal enable significant improvements
Service Points Hall-PAM. in traffic flow of vehicles and per-
The bill establishes the measures sons using daily road system in the
of administrative policies regar- municipality of Goiânia, “said the
ding the responsibility of the mu- parliamentarian.
nicipality to meet the immediate The effectiveness of public services
needs of corporate interest, within in the stations of bus lines will ena-
each (Terminal) or in its vicinity in ble the government to decentra-
Goiania. lize its steel and conquentemente
Meeting the demands of corporate spraying of social demands.

More power to
interests in the style of the floating
population “Vapt Vupt” in every
season of lines of bus traffic in the
the executive city of Goiania, is in settlement of a
relevant nature of social character. (Marianne Carrijo Cardoso / Gyn
“With the establishment of Muni- Board Portal)
cipal Service Points (MAP), in the
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Foto: Gazeta Press

Year II | Issue No 98 | Editorial Director: Reinaldo Cruz
Goiânia, 29 to 30 November 2010 $ 2.00
The Adversary is skilled, dangerous and favorite
The Goias is Brazil in South American Cup, to the delirium of Rafael Moura

Not even the most opti-

mistic of Esmeraldino belie-
ved he could be so
S ome thought it would be a
boring game, drowsy, mono-
tonous and that Palmeiras easily
da, played like the leader of the
competition without chutões and
even despair, as if knew that the
won the match. The Palms was goal would come at any time.
Independent LDU overcomes and goes to the South American final against Goias a night of little inspiration, too And the second time the con-
wrong, and that was enough to cern has resided precisely in the
The Independent will be the op- the corner. be outweighed by the desperate fact that Palm does not fit the
ponent of Goiás in the decision of Greatest champion of Libertado- and already relegated to second backlash. Kleber and Marcos As-
the Copa Sudamericana. The Ar- res Cup history, with seven titles, division, Goiás suncao figures were deleted that
gentine team won 2-1 by LDU, late Independiente tries to end a drou- The Sao Paulo Palmeiras had won did not have good chances to ex-
on Thursday in Avellaneda, Grea- ght of titles. The last time I lifted a the first game in Goiânia and had tend the lead until the 36th mi-
ter Buenos Aires. trophy was in 2002 when he won everything to be South American nute sealed the fate of Hernando
The partioda was broadcast by the Argentine championship. His Cup finalist. The feast prepared Palmeiras.
Radio 730 and the commentators last international victory came in ratings of the team winning the Goal was scored, perhaps unlike-
have no doubt that the Argentine 1995, the Supercopa Libertadores, game even started. ly to green in the minds of some
team is dangerous and very fast. Flamengo in front. The rally’s goal was a beautiful and the game dragged on and
Thus, Independiente reversed the The first game of the decision of example of a counter-attack well, Goiás was only breathed when
advantage was that the Ecuado- the South American will be played with a perfect launch and an even Heber Roberto Lopes whistled
rian winners of the first clash last next Wednesday at the Estadio better conclusion. Luan, Palmei- the end of the game.
week in Quito by 3-2. The Argen- Serra Dourada. The following ras 1x0. The Goiás what was once relega-
tines advanced to the final because week will be back in Avellaneda. Everybody’s ready to go to the se- ted to the second division of the
they scored more goals away from The Goiás fetch the first interna- cond half when the Goiás found Brazilian championship, is now
home. tional title in its history. a last minute goal. Tinga against, a finalist for the second most im-
Pushed by the crowd that packed A title that says if the international after Carlos Alberto header, 1-1. portant tournament of the Ame-
the stadium in Avellaneda, Inde- passage may come before the na- The party was pretty crowded ricas.
pendiente opened the scoring af- tional title dream. at Pacaembu, but Scolari’s team The players, before discredited,
ter 26 minutes of play. After corner The Goiás should not be conside- messed up a lot and Verdão Cer- become Brazil in South American
kick, the Argentine attack made red the favorite against any of the rado was quiet in the field. Cup and win it with a resounding
head-line passes and the ball fell in opponents should be very pelo0 It was a second time that followed international prominence.
the area almost on top of the line contrary is shown as the largest ze- the Paulines and wrong with the Goiás Congratulations!
to push the bar only goal. bra of South America at this time. nerves under the skin, the team
The LDU, champions of South This is not as bad as it sounds, be- who had been demoted Goiano
America, equalized in injury time cause as it was before the Palms, on Sunday in full Serra Doura-
of the first stage. Willow received the Cerrado Green becomes sni-
boats near the area and kicked per, which indeed it is the same as for a definitive answer.
hard, in the left corner. it has nothing to lose and they win “Do not go into the field today for
The second and decisive goal came can be counted as total profit . the group’s decision, there was a
soon principals of the 35 seconds stoppage of the athletes did not
into the second half. The steering strike. The President asked that
wheel Urrutia, ex-Fluminense, aguardássemos the end of the me-
missed pass near the area of LDU eting, but took the time delay of
Fredes and came face to face with the training. They even released
the goalkeeper Ceballos to play in the players’ exit “said the goalke-
eper Juninho, in an interview to
Radio Transamerica.
Without pay next year, things are not
Around 18:30, the players left the
going to anything good sides
and motiva- of the Parana
village Capanema without a club’s
position on the situation. It is esti- and a dream return to elite beco-
tion, team does
not train and
G uaranteed on the pitch in the
Series B 2011, things are not
going to anything good sides of
mated that the delay in salaries for
three months to reach some athle-
mes something far into the crowd
parana, current players and mana-
tes already in debt and approxima- gement. It is difficult to think that
do not know if the Parana outside. Because the tely $ 1.5 million. this still happens in football that
board did not define when they go
you play
Although confirmed in Serie B, says professional and yields ever
to paying salaries, the players do 2011, the team will already sto- higher figures.
Guaranteed in Serie B not go to training and are waiting ring up problems for next season
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Dragon still in great

With ten embezzle-
who is in need of help. So, I hope ment, the team is confirmed
the fans understand this moment for Sunday’s match.

jeopardy of falling
atleticano ours, not to weigh with Carpegiani collects problems
this defeat, because we do not have and admits he will give oppor-
time for that. I hope they unders- tunity for the young cast.
tand that we are fighting from the
beginning and the end would not
be easy. So we need to rely on their The coach Paulo Cesar Car-
strength, from 15 to 20 thousand pegiani has a series of embe-
fans for us to win the Sao Paulo, zzlement for the game against
“said the goalkeeper. Atlético-GO, next Sunday at the
Even losing confrontation with Serra Dourada. To be more pre-
the Avai in the last round, Atléti- cise, ten players will not be avai-
co-GO can get rid of relegation al- lable to the commander-Pauline.
ready mathematically Sunday. For Moreover, even with so many
this, the team needs to win the Sao absences, the team has already
Paulo and hope that the Vitória- confirmed Carpegiani.
-BA lost to Internacional in Por- Seen in this Friday morning at
to Alegre. Because of this climate the Barra Funda CT, the coach
of indecision, goalkeeper Marcio pitched the team as follows: Ro-
said that now is the time to join gério Ceni, Jean, Bruno Uvin,
Renato Silva and Carleto, Char-

T he cast of Atlético-GO focuses be sold at a price of $ 10 for blea- forces.

“Oscillate at very competitive but lie, Casey, Cleber Santana and
on the decision of this Sunday chers and the industry $ 20 for the Luke, and Luke Marlos Gaucho .
against Sao Paulo at 17h (EST) at chairs. Besides, who is in uniform at this time, we had errors, indi-
vidual mistakes, but now it’s time In training on Friday, the 12
Serra Dourada Stadium, which pay half price. shirt left the field early with leg
mathematically can leave the team Because of this attitude of the bo- to forget everything we need to
join forces. I’m sure that with their pain. Since Alex Silva, Miran-
free of the risk of relegation to Se- ard, goalkeeper Marcio appealed da, Rodrigo Souto, Dagoberto,
rie B. Aware of the importance the to supporters and asked them to strength, let’s get a big win and
who knows, with this victory alre- Fernandao and Ricardo Olivei-
board of directors has made pro- surpass the mark of 20 000 people, ra were on Reff. Richarlyson,
motion of Goiás in the ticket price to push the team on the pitch and ady consecrate our stay in Serie A,
“believed the archer. Ilsinho Xandão and are on the
to see a full house. help win the victory against Sao team suspended and will not
Despite still not disclose when the Paulo. face the team Goias.
tickets will be sold, the board has “Not the campaign, you call it. It
already announced that they will is an application for incentives,

Phew! Tigger Guaranteed


A fter weeks of intense training

and pressure the team colo-
red place on Saturday (27/11), a
Thyago Fernandes is a good
player who has not recovered
from the contraction in the right
dramatic departure in every way,
it seemed that fate would play
thigh, and went to the game. Win to justify high salaries and profes-
Roni already trained with mates
The board has been mobilized by
after work all week in intensive sional dignity or need something else?
medical department and his ex-
the Directors present, the press Every profession has to be guided that spot in the curriculum, or
perience was crucial.
widely reported that the match by ethics, right? that the decline was not achieved
Villa scored the first Ederson, but
could be a real war. In football a lot in that speech is by the grace of fans turned out in
yielded a draw after penalty for
The Sao Caetano is by nature a such an ethic, but no one knows good number at Serra Dourada
the Bluebird.
hard time, there has never been how the means or what it actually and pushed the team to victory.
The news of Christmas they re-
easy games against Paulista team, is. None.
alized that America defeated the
and this was only “game.” The co- The glamorized world of football Unfortunately, the motivation of
Brasiliense, then everything was
ach Ademir Fonseca accounted could well pay a first line player the athletes not by the name of
quiet and dominated, despite the
for embezzlement and five early in reasonable times and even gre- professionalism or even less by
draw Tigger would not be demo-
in the game would lose the sixth, at for the athletes who work in passionate fans.
injured. top teams. The ethics governing the world of
The game went warm, almost sle-
ABC’s team kept the speech that The Sao Caetano had no claims football goes by the simple alias
epy, Goiano the team attacked,
was here to play for themselves in the Campeonato Brasileiro Se- “MONEY,” a lot of money. He
but he was wrong too, offering the
and not for others, since there rie B, but his players could find spoke openly that they would re-
counter-attacks on the opponent
were rumors that the ex Brasi- the motivation to come to Goia- ceive R $ 200,000.00
who also did not demonstrate any
liense Senator Luiz Estevao bank nia complicate the life of the local The Gods of the ball were on the
such competence to decide.
a fat worm for the team. team. red side, thankfully, because if the
If not solved here, Brasiliense
Technical challenge for the twen- This “motivation” is named for village comes to that decision de-
decided there home, turning the
ty athletes convened: Goalies handbag white or black, depen- pending on someone, he would
game. The information had not
Max and Weverton; defenders ding on who is offering. All of have the motivation of their ath-
a moment to be passed on to
Cris, Eder Lima, Leandrão and the football world try to deny its letes to another place.
players who do not know were
Thiago Carvalho, Ivan the side, existence, but recognize that the And then babau!
in the danger zone for exactly 40
Carlos Alberto Fernandes and practice exists. Today can not afford any more
seconds. Max Sparrow made the
Thyago; flywheels Adilson, Wen- Know why the team did not fall players under contract with the
2nd goal and declared victory in
del, Jr., John Lennon, midfielders for Vila Nova Series C? club, because football is like that,
Tiger’s 2-1 Serra Dourada.
Eberson and Jorginho, Roni and Maybe you’re wondering, the tra- almost a prostitution. Even just
In 2011 Town and Goiás in Serie
strikers, Bruno Lopes, Allan, gedy did not happen because the your passion.
Max Sparrow and Gil. players did not want to have 4
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Governor DF says Fifa headquarters would not confirm

the opening of the Cup and that Brasilia is in contention

Company of Brasilia] suspended government. “Any expense that a statement issued on 25 on vio-
Agency Brazil the transfer and this is a concern, effect can be waste of public re- lence in Rio
but as we still have a month until sources, which is unacceptable at Teixeira confirmed the confidence

B rasília - Federal District gover-

nor, Roger Rosso said today
(25) that the capital is still in con-
the end of December, I’m sending
government resources for non-
-stop work any minute,” the gover-
a time when the city went through
so much trouble, especially in he-
in the Government and the recog-
nition of the effort in the state of
Rio de Janeiro to reduce violence.
althcare,” added the congressman.
tention to host the opening World nor explained. During the two-day seminar will It manifested itself as chairman
Cup soccer in 2014. “Yesterday I For Congressman Rodrigo Rol- discuss planning activities for of the Organizing Committee of
received a letter of response from lemberg (PSB-DF), the decision the World Cup. Representatives 2014 World Cup.
the secretary general of FIFA [Fe- on how funds for the World Cup of countries that have hosted the The leader also renewed confiden-
deration Internationale de Foot- should be applied is the respon- event will also share experiences. ce in the power of planning, pre-
ball Association] and he [Jerome sibility of the governor-elect, Ag- vention and combating violence
Valcke] clearly places not yet deci- nelo Queiroz (PT). “I understand headed by Governor Sérgio Cabral
Ricardo Teixeira says that
ded where he will be the opening that those who must set the allo- and Secretary of Public Security,
of the World Cup,” he said during cation of resources in this area of Rio will climate of tranqui- José Mariano Beltrame.
the 1st International Seminar the stadium construction resour- lity in the World Cup The president of CBF said the com-
World Cup - World Cup in Brasi- ces, which is a work of slow imple- pany is responding to incidents of
lia. “Fifa does not confirm the ope- mentation, the governor is elected Rio de Janeiro - The president of crime, a show that the security po-
ning World Cup in Sao Paulo and to the legitimacy of hundreds of the Brazilian Football Confedera- licy has the support of public opi-
Brasilia, is in the game,” he added. thousands of votes they obtained tion (CBF), Ricardo Teixeira, as- nion and also the media.
Rosso said the government will in the recent election,” defended . sured that Rio de Janeiro will have
not let the work of the National Rollemberg also criticized the in- the atmosphere of normality nee-
Stadium Mané Garrincha suffer vestments made without defining ded for the Confederations Cup in
delays. “The Terracap [Realty the management model of the next 2013 and the 2014 World Cup, in

Top of the F IFA and FIFPro, a kind of

union of professional footbal-
lers, announced Thursday (25) the
-ESP), Michel Bastos (Lyon-FRA),
Lucio and Maicon (Inter Milan-
-ITA), Marcelo (Real Madrid-ESP)
votes of players around the world,
will select a team with a goalkeeper,

four defenders, three midfielders
list of 55 candidates to the selection and Thiago Silva.
and three attackers, who will repre-
of the year. Among the top Now with more features
sent the team’s best players of the
players who can be elected appear offensive midfielder
year. The revelation of the winners
the best of 2010, nine Brazi- Kaka (Real Madrid-ESP) and
takes place in Zurich, Switzerland
After the fiasco of the lians are all highlights of Eu- striker Ronaldinho (Milan-
on January 10, when he also knows
ropean teams. Most are sup- -ITA).
World Cup, Brazilians porters, unlike the Brazilian Spain beat Brazil in relation
the best player of the year.
and Argentines follow The main highlights list are confir-
tendency to reveal offensive published, with ten players
med by international Lionel Messi,
prestige in Europe. stars in the industry. participated, mainly due to
Barcelona’s Argentine and Cristia-
Among the goalies, the represen- the title of the World Cup in Sou-
Ronaldino one wants tative green-yellow is the holder th Africa, previously unknown to
no Ronaldo, Real Madrid’s Portu-
to Africa was still the guese. They were the champions
of the selection in the World Cup Europeans. Argentina has eight
of the individual prize for the best
hottest. Júlio César (Inter-ITA). On defen- nominees.
year in 2009 and 2008, respectively.
se appear Dani Alves (Barcelona- The election, made with 50 000 2
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Sertões International Rally 2011

will have new subcategory for bikes
S ertões 2011 will have a new sub-
category for bikes
Goal is to bring together parti-
the race the bikes, especially the
older generation of riders, who
helped write the story and elevate
45 years.
Almost two months after the suc-
cess which marked the 18 th Ser-
ran pilots can not walk at the pace
of the younger riders,” said Luiz
Otávio Paternostro.
cipants of the first editions of the the competition to an international tões, attended by foreign teams and “The initiative Dunas Race was
competition who have gone 45 ye- status. “Our drivers again fantastic. For us, that we are unable
ars but still maintain the passion goal is to pro- and had inter- to walk on the edge, the challenge
for speed vide a com- national re- is to finish the Rally. The creation
The Sertões, the largest Brazilian petitive envi- percussions, of this new category will encourage
adventure on wheels, announced ronment for especially us to fight for a title. I believe until
the creation of the Over 45, a new these pilots, in Europe, the number of practitioners will in-
subcategory for bikes intended for even with the Dunas Race crease. We will have extra motiva-
practitioners with over 45 years, passing ye- works to fur- tion, “Joey said Vilella.
which will come into force in 2011, ars have not ther improve
when will the 19th edition of the lost the spirit the competi-
competition. As has happened this of adventu- tiveness - so-
season, the race has already confir- re Sertões,” mething wi-
med the start in Goiânia (GO) and said Sabrina dely praised
the arrival in Fortaleza (CE). Proença, responsible for the se- in 2010. ReUnion Press
The goal of Dunas Race, organizer cretariat of evidence. In 2010, the Traditional Competitors praised Rodolpho Siqueira / Andrew Ste-
of the Rally, is to bring together a motorcycle category featured 70 the creation of this new category. “I pan / Cleber Bernuci / Maria Do-
larger number of participants in contestants, including 15 aged over think this great division. The vete- mingues

Brazil will play Mexico at the Pan American Taekwondo

Andre Bilia and brothers belonging to the Permanent Select embark with the rest of the Bra-
Brazilian trio also part of the Bra- zilian Taekwondo, on December
Marc and Marcel Wences-
zilian Armed Forces squad, which 4. Even in Mexican territory, they
lau represent Brazil at the maintain a rigorous training routi-
further increases the duty of these
Pan American Taekwondo young people bring good results to ne in absolute concentration until
Championships to be held the country “These are people who the time of their encounters. The
from 8 to 12 dezembro rely on our potential and, if we as- keys of the fights will come one
sume this duty we can not disap- day before the tournament began
“said Bilia.
B razilian taekwondo athletes,
Andre Bilia, Márcio Wences-
lao Wenceslao and Marcel, bear
point. Therefore, we have devoted in lottery system.
“For us, the Pan American Ta-
ekwondo Championships is so im-
These events are presented by the
Pan American Taekwondo, orga-
nized by the Mexican Federation
the responsibility to represent Bra- portant, we are 100% focused on
of Taekwondo and sanctioned by
zil at the Pan American Taekwon- the World Taekwondo Federation.
do Championships, scheduled to
take place from 8 to 12 December
in the city of Monterrey, capital of
New Lion located north of Mexi-
co. “The event will bring together too much hard training, aiming at
some 20 countries, represented improving our technique and spe-
by their top competitors. Being ed, “he said Marcio, who recently the dispute. The fact represent Bra-
zil is already a huge responsibility, Fonte: Liberdade de Ideias
among these athletes, shows won the World Military Games
but also pursue our international Isis Moretti - Sonia Good
the result of all our efforts, held in Canada.
and this is gratifying,” Márcio (who will fight in the ca- importance and deserved a place
said Marcel. tegory up to 58 kg), Marcel (up to that brings us up to the Olympics.
In addition to 62 kg) and Bilia (up to 80 kg), will And this is the dream of any athlete,

Super League Volleyball

Montes Claros (MG) and SE-
SI-SP maintained their unbeaten
the central Alberto, also from the
BMG / Montes Claros.
SESI-SP already secured his fourth
record in Men’s Volleyball 10/11 victory in four games. The opposi-
Premiership on Saturday night te was the leading scorer Wallace
(27/11). Playing in the away match, of the match with 14 points, and
SESI-SP won the Soya / Blumenau also voted best player on the court,
/ Mart Plus by 3-0 (25/14, 25/17 receiving the trophy.
and 25/13) at 1:12 a.m.. Montes In blocking, a team from scored
Claros, with the support of the 12 points, highlighting the poin-
fans, the team defeated the miner ter twice world champion, Murilo,
Sao Caetano / Tamayo (SP) by 3-0 and central Vini, who scored four
(25/23, 25/19 and 25/23), after 1:26 times each in this plea. In turn, the
a.m.. This was the sixth victory in Soya / Blumenau / Plus Mart blo-
six games, the BMG / Montes Cla- cked the opponent’s offense on five
ros. The two scorers in the game occasions.
were the team led by Talmo Olivei- The following exciting league and
ra: the opposite Leandrão Manius the level of the Brazilian volleyball,
and the pointer, which scored 12 which is the best in the world.
times each. The VivaVôlei Trophy
for best player was delivered to Source: CBV The team of BMG / Montes Claros wins again
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Questão Brasil | Year II | Issue nº98 | Goiania, 26 to November 30, 2010 | Editorial Director: Reinaldo Cruz | $ 2.00

Tension in the Yellow Sea

T he Ministry of De-
fence of South Korea
said on Tuesday that the firing
the Korean peninsula, said Foreign
Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We must
immediately end all attacks. There
and express our concern. The si-
tuation has yet to be confirmed,
“Hong said, answering a question
shooting by surprise at
14h34 local (3:34 a.m. EST) on
the island of Yeonpyeong, in the
of bullets made by North Korea is a colossal danger to be avoided. about the vault artillery attack by border area of the Yellow Sea.
and has left at least two dead was a The tension is rising in the region, North Korea. Immediately afterward, the Ge-
clear violation of the armistice be- “Lavrov told reporters during a vi- China is the only significant ally neral Staff South Korea sent a te-
tween the two countries, and that sit to Belarus. of North Korea. The economic aid lephone message to North Korea
the North Korean government had China expressed concern at the and diplomatic support Chinese through a special line to ask the
planned intentional attacks. reports about the North Korean are important to the iso- neighbor to cease firing, that there
North Korea accused Tuesday lated communist coun- were repeated again until now.
(23) South Korea had fired first, try, whose leader, Kim The army of South Korea is in a
the agency official North Korean Jong-il visited China state of high alert and has mobi-
KCNA. twice this year to streng- lized fighter jets F-15 and F-16
The artillery fired from North then bilateral relations. in the region. The president, Lee
Korea on Tuesday (23) dozens of The South Korean YTN Myung-bak urged restraint to pre-
projectiles against a South Korean television said at least vent a dangerous escalation of vio-
island on one of the heaviest bom- 200 shots were fired lence.
bing of the South since the Kore- Yeonpyeong, which lies The South Korean president said
an War (1950-1953). At least two on the western coast of that one must be given a firm res-
soldiers were killed and 15 woun- the peninsula divided ponse to the attack on the island
ded, some seriously, according to among the two Koreas. of Yeonpyeong, situated just 120
the Ministry of Defence of South Most of the bullets hit a km from the capital, Seoul. Sin-
Korea. South Korean forces fought attack at a South Korean island on military base in South Korea. ce being elected president, about
back and sent a fighter jet to the Tuesday, the latest incident in an “The houses and mountains are on three years, Lee has been taking a
area. escalation of tensions on the pe- fire and people are being removed. hard line policy against the North.
The White House strongly conde- ninsula that borders the Chinese You can not see straight because of The two Koreas are still technically
mned the attack and demanded an territory. the clouds of smoke, “said one wi- at war since the conflict ended 50
end to actions. “The United Sta- A spokesman for the Ministry of tness on the island YTN TV. “Pe- years of not signing a peace agree-
tes strongly condemned an attack Foreign Affairs of China, Hong Lei ople are scared. As we speak, the ment, but only with an armistice.
by artillery vault by North Korea said at a news conference that both shooting continues. “ Earlier this year, the tension on the
against an island in South Korea sides of the peninsula should “do The authorities have asked the Korean peninsula rose sharply af-
and to ask North Korea to stop more to contribute to peace” and 1,700 islanders who evacuate the ter the South Korean government
its belligerent actions,” the White that it is imperative to return to area, while television footage sho- has accused the North of having
House said in a statement. talks involving six countries, with wed high columns of smoke and torpedoed one of its naval vessels,
Russia sees a “huge danger” in goal to end the nuclear program of burning houses. killing 46 sailors.
the escalating violence on North Korea. “We heard the news The North Koreans have started Source: UOL

Obama also expects China’s position

Korean War in 1953. The attack, State Department, PJ Crowley. since the Korean War of 1950-
vault on Tuesday against a South “We hope that China is clear, as we 1953.
Korean island in the Yellow Sea are, in this situation,” he said. He South Korea announced Wednes-
near the disputed sea border be- said U.S. diplomats have delivered day that the first steps to punish
tween the Koreas, left four South the message to Chinese officials. North Korea for the artillery at-
Koreans dead, two of whom were Officially, China has expressed on tack carried out by Pyongyang
civilians. Wednesday (24) his “sorrow and on Tuesday. Seoul cut off huma-
As the only major ally and trading regret” about the four South Kore- nitarian aid and stopped the tra-
partner of the isolated North Ko- ans killed in an exchange of fire the ffic to the neighbor, they announ-

W ashington - U.S. President,

Barack Obama, pressing
China Wednesday (24) that con-
rean regime, China has a crucial
role in reducing tensions and has a
duty to tell Pyongyang that delibe-
day before, and urged both parties
to show “calm and restraint”. In a
statement the Foreign Ministry,
ced a joint military training with
the United States, the Wall Street
Journal. (AE)
tains its ally North Korea and also rate acts “designed solely to infla- China continued to avoid taking a
make the communist regime in me tensions in the region” are not clear advantage. The Chinese go-
Pyongyang to stop its provocative acceptable, The State Department vernment has asked the North and
actions against South Korea, after said the U.S. government. the South to resume dialogue and
an attack artillery, which the U.S. “China is crucial in bringing Nor- offered to work with both govern-
said was an act of “premeditated” th Korea into a different direc- ments to resolve one of the worst
breach of the truce that ended the tion,” said a spokesman for the crises in the Korean peninsula Reinaldo Cruz with agencies
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

War currency
Economists argue competitive on the world sce-
that government cut ne, Brazil has “no alternative”
is not to lower the real interest
spending to cope with rate for the same level of more
war currency developed nations. In his view,
the President-elect Rousseff,
Marli Moreira should adopt a more sound fis-
Reporter Agency Brazil cal policy for the central bank
has “muscles to reduce the in-
Sao Paulo - Brazil should follow terest.” He expects Dilma make
its own methodology to disen- a more balanced and less inter-
tangle the negative effects of war ference from unions and social tably high, while acknowledging a 2008.
exchange. This was the position movements. central bank acting to reduce this “The activity level is still very low,”
taken by Brazilian economists, Commenting on statements made rate in recent years. said the professor, noting that this
meeting at the Federation of Trade today by Finance Minister Guido According to Rabello, the new go- strategy has been employed as a
of São Paulo (Fecomercio-SP) to Mantega, that no further measu- vernment needs to prepare Brazil way to protect domestic produc-
examine the consequences of the res would be adopted exchange to meet new international turbu- tion against imports.
last meeting of the G20 (group of control, Delfim Netto said that the lence, and for that, chimes with In defense of the fall in real in-
major economies, including emer- minister is awaiting the results of those who argue the need to cut terest rate, Lacerda said the cur-
ging markets) and advertising the actions already taken. According public spending and taxes. rent level stimulates the inflow of
U.S. government to flood the eco- to the economist, were measures With the same reasoning, the eco- short-term capital, which enters
nomy with $ 600 billion more. that could be adopted with the ins- nomist Antonio Correa de La- the country “to take advantage of
In the debate, opinions converged truments available to government. cerda, a professor at the Catholic the differential between the ex-
on the thesis that Brazil needs a Also present at the meeting, eco- University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), change rate and interest and to
fiscal tightening to push down in- nomist Paulo Rabello de Castro said the war exchange “became an make quick profits. The capital of
terest rates and avoid the influx of argued that the currency war “can instrument of expansion of com- interest to Brazil is the long term,
speculative capital. not be solved only by controlling petitiveness.” He explained that both through funding and direct
Antonio Delfim Netto, an eco- the amount of dollars entering the countries are using it to offset the investment that comes to leverage
nomist and former finance mi- market.” For him, the interest rate disadvantages in a world still in the growth of Brazilian economy.
nister, believes that to stay in the country remains unaccep- recession due to financial crisis of “

Merkel likes the idea of free trade area

between the EU-Russia
G erman Chancellor Angela
Merkel reacted well, but
with reservations, the proposal of
Kazakhstan, which have relations
trade with Moscow. It is, accor-
ding to Merkel, a problematic is-
exploit the strategic partnership
between Europe and Russia, no-
ting also that Russia and Germany
gotiations with Russia on the
whole European Union, not just
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir sue because both Belarus and Ka- are no longer adversaries, have be- We facilitate the procedures,
Putin for creating a free trade area zakhstan are very far from being come partners, following the de- everything is an obstacle to the
between the EU and Russia (from able to enter the World Trade Or- cisions of the Council Germanic- economy, should be eliminated,
Lisbon to Vladivostok) ganization. -Russian week evening in Lisbon, said Putin. In response to a ques-
It is a future project, although it After meeting at the Federal Chan- on the sidelines of the Conference tion about a possible association
still must overcome many obsta- cellery, Putin of the Atlantic of the ruble to the euro, Merkel
cles, said the head of the German admitted that Alliance. said that at present, the Russian
government in Berlin after a mee- the creation of a Russia aims to currency has no connection to
ting with his Russian counterpart. free trade zone enter the WTO the course of their currency, but
One theme is the integration of is a complex since 1993, but the economic and monetary com-
Russia into the World Trade Or- project that re- talks so far have mitments go hand in hand, and in
ganization (WTO), which is still quires time and always led to a time it would be interesting think
being negotiated, said the chan- must be prepa- stalemate. about the short term
cellor, considering, however, legi- red with care, Merkel and Pu-
timate proposal from Putin. but insisted that the earlier you tin also discussed the issue of abo-
However, to do this project, we start the debate, the better. lition of visas between Russia and
must consider not only the speech Putin also said that Russia, the the European Union, promising,
of negotiations between Moscow only major world economy that is in this matter, gradually ease the
and the WTO, but also the need not yet part of the WTO, will join formalities, especially with regard
to obtain the same level of inte- this organization in 2011. to visas for businessmen.
gration in other countries, Merkel Merkel called the Russian adhe- The German chancellor noted,
said, pointing to Belarus and rence an essential step “to better however, that this is a line of ne-
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

FIFA believes in the ability of Brazil

T he Federation Internatio-
nale de Football Associa-
tion (FIFA) believes that Brazil
training to combat terrorism
and little has been done about
the guerilla tactics, which is what
has the capacity to organize and happens in Rio de Janeiro at the
ensure safety in the World 2014, a moment.
time when Rio de Janeiro is affec- Besides receiving the 2014 World
ted by a wave of violence. Cup, Brazil will host the Olym-
FIFA believes strongly in the capa- pics, two years later. Just in Rio de
city of the Brazilian authorities to Janeiro, the eye of the hurricane.
adopt measures (safety) is neces- A wave of violence has plagued
sary, said a source from the entity the beautiful city at various points,
that governs world football. with the involvement of drug tra-
The organization states that the ffickers, has already caused many
Brazilian authorities are working casualties, forcing a large-scale
closely with several international police intervention and even the
agencies, as well as Interpol, the use of weapons of war.
security device conceção World
Cup 2014.
Furthermore, a Brazilian delega- before and during the 2010 World The problem of Rio and Brazil are
tion has closely followed the work Cup in order to deepen the know- the bad guys inside, the authorities
of the South African authorities ledge of the process, he said. have invested time and money on

Conference European Union - Africa

M ore than a third of Euro-
peans consider the fight
against poverty as the main chal-
Special Eurobarometer EU Africa
Working for a closer partnership
looks at how Europeans perceive
greater importance to democracy
and good governance in coopera-
tion between the EU and Africa,
partnership,” it said.
The European Commission is pro-
lenge of relations the European the relations between the two con- “he says. moting these alternatives growing
Union (EU)-Africa, a Eurobaro- tinents. Contrary to what one might ima- in relation to assessments of a tra-
meter survey reveals. 34% of Europeans to Africa will gine a Europe seemingly more ra- ditional political communication
A special survey on relations be- become the most important part- dical, Europeans do not consider in its relations on the consolida-
tween the EU and Africa, publi- ner for Europe in the next decade, migration as an area of fundamen- tion of Africa - EU, published on
shed before the EU-Africa Confe- while 42% consider that the rela- tal importance, despite the relati- November 10.
rence to be held on 29 and 30 in tionship will remain the same. vely high coverage by the media Communication “EU-Africa coo-
Libya, shows that European citi- Results vary significantly betwe- on issues of illegal immigration, peration calls for giving priority to
zens broadly agree with the focus en EU countries: Sweden, Austria, particularly in Southern Europe. “ an environment conducive to in-
on cooperation between the two Luxembourg, Germany, Slovenia Although respondents in Spain vestment, trade and job creation.”
partners. and Portugal most of the respon- (11%) and Malta (18%) have assig- These issues will be explored du-
For Europeans, the main challen- dents felt that the importance of ned more importance to the issue, ring the third. EU-Africa Con-
ges of cooperation are combating Africa as a partner would increase. migration continue, on average, to ference on the transversal theme
poverty (38%), peace and security The lack of information, the sta- be considered less important than “Investment, Economic Growth
(34%) and human rights (33%), tement said, remains a challenge poverty and human rights. and Job Creation.”
the EU said in a statement on throughout Europe, since almost The natural beauty (28%) and wil- According to the European Com-
Thursday, (25) . 15% of the public has not formed dlife (24%) of the continent are, in mission, Confereência will aim to
The concerns expressed by Euro- an opinion on EU Africa. the opinion of one percent of res- lead to cooperation between the
peans coincided with the main ob- Since the EU-Africa Conference pondents, the positive images of two continents to a new platform
jective of EU development policy 2007, the tone of the relationship the continent. and more ambitious and promo-
to eradicate poverty, as set out in changed from a single donor reci- Arts, outdoor markets, techno- te growth and jobs in both conti-
the Lisbon Treaty and reflletido pient type approach to a true par- logical innovations and achieve- nents, to benefit the people of Eu-
in the recent Commission Green tnership in which problems are ments in sport are other positive rope and Africa.
Paper entitled “The EU’s develop- solved together, reflecting the inte- themes associated with Africa by The meeting focuses on the objec-
ment policy for growth and inclu- rests of both parties, reads the text 41% of respondents. “These tra- tive of pooling efforts to increase
sive sustainable development. “ of the European Commission . ditional images of Africa, one in investment, economic growth and
European responsible for the “Tri- “They can be observed different ten Europeans cited the positive job creation.
poli Conference will provide an trends in the EU 15 and EU 12. In images of the continent-related The EU-Africa Conference will
excellent opportunity to discuss the latter there was a tendency to technology and economics, which take place next week, 29 and 30 in
ways to enhance our cooperation mention poverty and hunger first, refers to progress in the key areas Tripoli in Libya for Gaddafi
on this point.” while in the EU 15 was assigned that concentrate the EU-Africa 3
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Pope has raised five million euros with their books

V atican City - Pope Benedict XVI has gai-

ned about five million euros (6.6 million)
in royalties to his books, since he was elected in
2005, said on Friday the Vatican.
A portion of the money, 2.4 million euros, will
be used to finance research on theological edu-
cation, through a foundation of the Vatican,
called Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI.
The remaining money will be donated to cha-
The book “Light of the world”, containing a
series of interviews in which the Pope speaks
clearly on issues such as sexuality, the scandals
of abuse of minors by priests, has just been pu-
blished and recorded record sales.
Benedict XVI has also shown a modern pontiff
with youtube channel and lately even talking of
using condoms.
The United Nations welcomed the flexibility
that the Pope has given the church’s affairs.

Air France Airbus responsible for the tragedy of

Flight 447, says newspaper
A ccording to French newspa-
per Libération, Air France
will transfer legal responsibili-
claims that the pro-
bes, which were covered
with ice as the aircraft flew
ty for the tragedy of flight 447 over the Atlantic Ocean and fai-
in 2009 to Airbus, because of an led, had already had problems in
alleged defect in the plane. The other 15 times in the ten month
publishing company released a period.
report in September handed the The defense company said the vic-
judge investigating the crash of tims’ families have made attacks
the aircraft. “inequity”, accusing them of not
Air France Airbus accused of ne- acting to solve the problem of the
glecting the warnings of the pro- probes.
blems that had been reported Time passes and the solutions do
relating to the probes “Pitot”, not appear, only the blame game.
responsible for measuring the Families who lost loved ones
speed. The company mourn!

Casseta e Planeta goes down in December

T he official website tuíters and some of the
members speak of “collective rentals”, but
the Globe Communications Center today an-
intellectualized nonsense inspired by his prede-
cessor, Pirate TV, which the members of Planet
Casseta and writers had been before debuting
nounced that the program Casseta & Planeta his own attraction . Gradually, the structure
Urgente, aired on Tuesday nights, will leave the was moving to a more popular tone, anchored
air in final after December. Stopping the pro- in characters that satirized types of Brazilian
gram after 18 years on TV does not mean the society and programs of their own spoofs of the
dissolution of the group of comedians in Rio. Globe.
The troupe formed by Claudio Manoel, Reinal- The group has existed since the mid-1980s when
do, Hubert Marcelo Madureira, Beto Silva, Hé- two groups of comedians merged print publi-
lio de la Peña (left to right in photo above. Cre- cations that kept: Casseta People’s Daily Planet.
dit: Publicising) and Maria Paula will remain Before going to the TV, the cassettes were res-
united and will be dedicated to planning a new ponsible for a popular magazine. The group had
attraction in new format for possible debut in to face in 2006 death of its most popular mem-
2011. ber, Bussunda in full World Cup in Germany.
The statement said the decision to stop Casseta The Brazilian TV specializes in producing con-
& Planeta Urgente is the group itself, and did tent without celebrities, but this is not the case
not come from TV Globo. The program was at of boys Casseta who practiced a simple and cap-
the Globe since 1992. In its early years, the for- tivating mood. Yes will be missed.
mula of the program was a comedy that combi-
ned political satire, humor and backbiting and
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Portugal and Spain has ne-

‘D-Day will be like when a
ver been as high risk
serious security plan’
says José Padilha T h e
rkets continue to bet
victs, who called the Greek destina-
tion. This is despite the rulers of the
two Iberian countries try to outwit
their chips on the idea that
or discard this option.
Portugal and Spain follow the
The market seems to be aligning in
same fate as Greece and Ireland.
the same direction of economists
The cost paid by investors to pro-
and consultants according to data
tect themselves, through ‘credit-
from CMA, the ‘Credit-Default
-default swaps’ (CDS) of any default
Swaps’ debt over five years by 498
in payment of debts from Portugal
points for cotaram Portuguese titles
and the neighbor reached historic
and 322 points for Spanish debt. In
levels and leading investment hou-
the Portuguese case, the value in-
ses to point the appeal to the Eu-
dicates that investors are paying
ropean Financial Stability and the
498,000 euros a year to hold ten
only way out for both Portugal, and
Filmmaker José Padilha Rio, from million of debt in five years.
used as vehicles to discuss what to Spain.
“Tropa de Elite”, said on Friday It is the 1st World crumbling.
are the key factors that genera- In the past week came the chief eco-
(26) program discussed in Studio
te the pattern of urban violence nomist of Citigroup and Deutsche
I, Globo News, the expulsion of
that Rio is facing today. In the Bank, quoted by Spanish media, re-
traffickers in Vila Cruzeiro by po-
first movie tries to show how sta- ferring to the two countries as con-
lice on Thursday does not mean
te institutions produce violence:
the end of the problem public se-
curity in Rio de Janeiro. In addi-
tion to actions against trafficking,
a former street kid who saw their
colleagues being killed by military
Coast of Pernambuco
police in Candelaria is placed in
the director claimed the police
correctional institutions and leave
reform and the Brazilian prison
them more violent than it entered.
In the second, examines how the
“The images we saw yesterday ex-
police institution itself generates
posed the size of the problem that
we have ahead. But do not think
“If you pick the movies, you’ll un-
it was the D-Day D-Day is when
derstand what’s happening now,”
you have a security plan seriously,”
said Padilla, after watching a news
said Padilla. “It will be expensive,
report in which, besides its long,
the Olympics and World Cup will
others were cited such films as
force to solve, but has a danger:
“News of a private war,” a docu-
we think that is just a war against
mentary by João Moreira Salles,
trafficking, which is not true. The
and “City of God” by Fernando
police are not reformed. The re-
form is costly , delay and can not

In response to a viewer who sent
be done only by the state govern- of airline tickets vary between 690
e-mail stating that the program
ment. We need a national security euros and 1,290 euros.
“Troop” was made with the inten-
plan, “he argued, demanding res- etween the mon- ‘In addition to Recife and Por-
tion of creating an identification
ponsibilities of former President ths from December to to de Galinhas, the Italians have
between the public and the police,
Fernando Henrique Cardoso, the February, Pernambuco been established as more foreign
Padilla disagreed.
current, Lula, and the governor of receive nine charter flights tourists who frequent the island
“There is popular support, an ico-
Rio, Sergio Cabral. from Italy, operated by Air of Fernando de Noronha. The
nization of a particular character,
At various times, Padilla said that Italy and shared with the sta- sale of Pernambuco in the Italian
who is Captain Nascimento, who
the creation of the UPPS policy, te of Bahia. It is expected that market is much easier than in the
is a policeman ‘honest’ [his], whi-
Peacekeeping Units Police encou- about 1,300 passengers to come Spanish market, for example, it is
ch is imperishable, that resists the
raged by the state government of to Brazil through the operation, a place where we have a history
process of the institution, but be-
Rio with the intention of fighting generating a financial turnover of of `disclosure, Luciana Carvalho
comes violent and abdicates res-
crime in the hills, alone will not around R $ 8 million, with spen- said, noting that the state receives
pect for human rights, torture and
solve the problems of urban vio- ding on lodging, meals, sight- charter flights from Italy every
kill. The support for him I think
lence in Rio seeing and shopping. year since 2005 .
is the state of cosias reaction to
“The design of the UPP will always ‘During participation in the GTT, Calculating an average daily
the misery of living in a slum and
generate this type of event. This a major international tourism spend around $ 300 and also an
be domindao by traffickers. But
project has to be considered very fairs in Italy, our staff presented average stay of 10 days - becau-
do not think we should see how
seriously. Is it correct, obliges the to operators during the flight se the packages may be purcha-
good that Rio have a Special Ope-
state to take armed trafficking of that was already arranged for a sed for the period of one week
rations Battalion as BOPE, this is
poor communities, but the state Savior economic feasibility study or 15 days, the vice president of
not good. “
is putting in place the traffickers for Pernambuco were included in Empetur believes that at least $ 4
He added later, citing a phrase
who? Police . And what ensures the route. There was immediate million, from $ 8 million overall,
used in the trailer for “Troop 2:”
that this effort will not replace the interest and now we can celebrate should be moved only in Pernam-
The BOPE was transformed into a
area of trafficking for dominan- over this operation ‘, says Luciana buco by the flights.
war machine in real life. And I’m
ce of the militias? “asked Padilla, Carvalho, vice president of the The confirmation of the operation
not proud of that. “
echoing the theme of ” Tropa de Tourism Company of Pernambu- of Air Italy, joins the announce-
Elite 2 “. “The UPP is half-plane, co (Empetur). ment of the Condor charter flight
are the return of the occupied are- The landings will take place on to Frankfurt, Germany, from
as, but we must restructure the 23 and December 30, on 6, 13, May 2011 and the beginning
process that generated it.” 20 and 27 January, and on days of operations daespanhola
Padilla cited his two most famous 1, 23 and 24 February. Tickets Iberia from Madrid / For-
films, the documentary “Bus 174” are being sold independently and taleza, Recife, from
and the first “Elite Squad”, which tour packages closed. The prices February .
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Hello Marconi Perillo | Year Two | Issue No. 148 | Goiania, 22 to November 30, 2010 | Editorial Director: Reinaldo Cruz | $ 2.00

Open Letter To His it, and has no other large place to related to health, citizenship, cul- and pleasure.
practice and develop sports skills in ture, community and youth leader- When living in groups with people
Excellency the Go- our region. ship, contributing to social inclu- who have a common goal, the child
Remember that one goal is to reach sion of children and adolescents, as tends to socialize and to absorb
vernor-elect of the the sport’s development of an indi- individuals sharing decisions which the good things that community.
State of Goiás Mar- vidual, extracting from it’s full po-
tential, while it teaches you values
affect their lives, their families and
the community in which they be-
Practicing the sport, you learn the
greatest lesson of life, winning and
coni Ferreira Perillo that will accompany you for life. The long. losing. Plus, you learn to think and
development of the four pillars of Sport can be our greatest ally in the live together.
Júnior education has a very strong connec- fight against drugs, if not the best by All this within an environment of
tion with the sport. peaceful means and that has proven fun, but with responsibility.

T he undersigned, Brazilian, resi-

dent and domiciled in the state
of Goias, requesting V. Excellency,
Knowing, Doing, Being and Living
for the formation of character and
skills necessary to full citizenship,
to be far more effective than harsh
punishments. Through the exercise,
children and young people are at-
The educational potential of sport
and socialization is much bigger
than you think.
steps to reform and preservation of in search of inclusion and social tracted to living in a group marked So Governor Marconi Perillo, we
the Sports Square, located at Rua transformation. by solidarity. The need to comply can assure you of the importance
1015 s / No, in the neighborhood The sport developed in the formal with the limits established rules of of the Square Sports Sector Pedro
Sector Peter Ludwig, for it to work and informal systems have the same competition and coexistence end up Ludovico in our lives and will also
again as well and benefiting the value for the individual develop- making it a learning process essen- for future generations not only the
community, or both for sports edu- ment, adapting rules, structure, spa- tial to human development. neighborhood, but throughout the
cation , participation, and income, ce, materials and motor gestures ac- The practice of exercising and every Southern Region of the Capital.
and for the leisure of children and cording to the social and personal, day to overcome his own limitations With the reform and maintenan-
their families. not hyper and is selective, has no as the sole purpose of raising one ce of the Plaza de Pedro Ludovico
Please be advised that the street nee- end in himself, developing skills and more step, it is north of an athlete. Sports Industry, Sports Square Sec-
ds a special attention because its in- competence beyond the learning of The balance is a life-centered, heal- tor Employees and the completion
frastructure is badly damaged and techniques and gestures engines, thy, and certainly, farther from the of the Centre of Excellence (Ancient
needs a complete overhaul in order targeting the development of an in- underworld of drugs and crime. Olympic Stadium), have no doubt
to meet the needs of people who use dividual, involving learning content It’s a lifestyle marked by discipline that the purse can be used in other

Espaço para todos os tipos de atividades fisícas, ampla aréa que pode proporcionar lazer e dirversão para a família toda
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

must pay attention to the need to in Goiás

expand, build and animate squares, All these events reported here, lead
streets and public places of enter- us to a discussion of the concept
tainment. Actions such as these that structure, regarding the participa-
had their beginnings in the era of tory sport and physical activities
“new time”. designed, where the more difficult
Without getting into the issue of it is to access the ideal place for this
abandonment that were submitted practice, because that Sports Squa-
to the ballpark over the past four ye- res per hour are running out, is the
ars, we want to stress the point that Oasis in the desert.
we will live from now on, spreading The sport can not only be thought
the ideals and benefits of sport com- of as compensatory means to relieve
bined with leisure. the tensions of work, however, the
Perhaps many do not pay attention sport at all levels has to be thought
there will be a revolution in every of as a solution of Health, Educa-
sector in our country over the next tion and Security.
eight years. With the mega-event Investments in the leisure of his
that comes around, we will have two Government, through the concepts
works and projects, hospitals not to point. Citizenship also won through distinct choices and decisive. presented here, lead us to a state of
treat addicts. dreams, utopia and projects for the The first choice is for good, create well being and quality of life, for he
Works like the Center for Drug future. mechanisms, formulate policies and who practices physical activity, bet-
Recovery (CREDEQ) are of para- The sport is the fastest way for young making existing structures work for ter lives and better health.
mount importance, since the devas- people to become citizens with the Goias State to become the best in Education is the very transforma-
tating evil has been installed within force of a kick in a field, not always quality of life of the Federation. Le- tion of the sport, for all you have
our society, consuming the tranqui- pitch, a pitch or a court, usually wi- veraging their strengths, thus redu- said here. The student must be en-
lity and terrorizing families without thout a table, earning the identity cing their way on issues. couraged to participate in activities
distinction of class, race or creed. that will make them superstars fe- The second choice is bad, which can and sports competitions, but also
With the reform and charged by a better per-
maintenance of public formance in other sub-
spaces, its government jects.
will have vigorous phy- The segment itself in
sical structure to tackle the area of public safety
the problem at the root will realize significant
of most evil and ruth- advances in the unders-
less villain of the new tanding of sport and lei-
century. sure, for sport-health re-
CITIZENSHIP lationship is highlighted
Citizenship is not recei- and leisure promotes
ved by telephone, as a joint activities along
television program or a with the family.
Web link. Citizenship is The influence of sport
acquired. And it can be and recreation with fa-
conquered, even stron- mily, alienate our chil-
ger, through culture, dren from bad com-
education, leisure and pany, which is already a
sport. gain for the community
For all this we have pre- because the youth will
sented makes sense, we practice their sport or
must do all this struc- enjoy your leisure whi-
ture to work vigorous. le taking a picture of
No use having a brand someone in the family
new car, bright, if he with him.
does not have a pulse With more dialogue be-
motor in the essence of tween parents and chil-
his greatness. dren, surely will be no
And what better way room for an unoccupied
than the sport? arless or not, but with the certainty solve the problems existing at stra- or dealer entice children and ado-
It is in a field or court where they that they will be transformed into tospheric levels, because Brazil will lescents, and end up leading to cri-
face teams that come out the main better human beings to integrate a host people from all corners of the me and drugs.
principles of a democratic society more just and fraternal society. planet and if our youth can not be That said we just have to point out
that respects, indeed, citizens. Leisure is associated with social prepared to absorb the bad things that the structure already exists,
The couple that runs behind the ball welfare and quality of life, bro- that will surely come with the FIFA Governor, there’s only run.
and dribbles prejudices, works with ad concepts in a globalized world. World, Olympic and series of events So that everything goes better than
items essential to conduct your trai- The need for spaces that enable and that will happen on home soil this the order, we suggest that you conti-
ning: leadership, community spirit promote recreation, leads people decade. nue with this Governor and partici-
to claim beyond the Another factor occurs through the patory will closely monitor what is
soccer field or court actions of legislatures, which must being done in Sector Pedro Ludo-
games for their tea- incorporate the discourse of sport, vico, even without the proper con-
ms, multifunctional, not only because of international ditions, but with a lot of willpower,
open spaces where events, no, you have to work out ide- Valdivino Bezerra de Moura, the
one practice and not as that may be short-term solution current Governor and his staff have
limit their move- to problems like the spread of crack tried hard to ensure warriors and
ments. and crime in our state in addition to promoted the sport at the site.
The importance of promoting the participation and ci- People are admired by the commu-
leisure and sport tizenship. nity, who made possible with what
makes the private sec- We live in the information age and was offered, but managed with dig-
tor to invest more in have the chance to promote a revolu- nity at least have a job.
environments such as tion in the category Administration, In the certainty of being met, we
theme parks or con- putting the sport and recreation as send this document sheets numbe-
and equal forces. dominiums with private club. tools for aid to combat ailments that red and signed by the residents, and
Helped, of course, the coaches, The social demand has to be a war- may arise by chance in health, edu- two copies to be filed in his office.
referees and coaches who are res- ning to the public sector, especially cation and security. We are collecting signatures and
ponsible for providing them with a ahead of events in the country rea- The Sport is part of the solution will deliver to you in time to exami-
sense of justice in this little social lize the magnitude of a World Cup process, which coupled with public ne the application
structure that becomes a huge par- and Olympics. policies and effective implementa-
ty when there is a goal, basket or a Marconi Perillo The Government tion planned can make a difference Goiânia, 23 November 2010
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Tribune King | Year Two | Issue No. 98 | Goiania, 22 to November 30, 2010 | Editorial Director: Reinaldo Cruz | $ 2.00

The views of columnists Brasili Question

5.00 and is not difficult
to have reported stories of
children who knock on pa-
rents to steal their valuables
and exchange it for a few gra-
ms of narcotics. It’s unfortu-
Blog Zurc

Reinaldo Cruz
A nd speaking of nostalgia, as the
lyrics of a famous song by the
MPB, I have really missed the time
Question Brazil Football Goiás was from hell when football was more romantic. I do
to heaven this week. not mean the days of Pele, but until the

W e are following appal- The Goiás who were rele- mid-1990s, it seemed that the country
led at what’s happening gated on Sunday after more appeared a “Genius” in every corner of
in Rio de Janeiro and even than a shameful defeat to this huge and beautiful Brazil.
putting aside our own issues Santos 4x1, went to Sao Pau- It’s coming to an end, a Brazilian cham-
to focus on a problem that is lo and Palmeiras won 2-1 and pionship in which possible have an Ar-
apparently only in Rio was turning to wave a first in gentine as the best in show. Dario Con-
It is not difficult to conclude South American World Cup ca is the most quoted and if not it could
that what is happening the- final. be Montijo Cruise or D’Alessandro of
re is a problem for National, This achievement could pass the International that would give the
on the escalation of drugs is unnoticed, if not for the fact same food for thought.
something that affects all of that athletes come to the At the time of Pele had Argentinos ex-
Brazil, even the inner cities club’s history in two separate ceptional as Alfredo Di Stefano, More-
are already reporting cases of proceedings. na and Oscar Más.
toxicity. As the worst team in the last Who had to prove popular in Brazil, as
If we do not have public po- 10 years Goiás and while they Delgado Ramos Doval or in another
licies to contain the spread may have their names recor- era not less homesick.
of narcotics, we have to get ded as the best of all time. What I mean is that the world had aces,
used to scenes like those Is not that amazing football? not only in Argentina, but at that time
presented in Rio de Janeiro The Vila Nova escaped from the stars were always Tupiniquins best.
throughout the country sticking in the last game and For each Beckembauer arisen in Ger-
The fact that drug users have it’s a holiday. His situation was many, we produced 10 Gersons here. If
been to decriminalize was a very different from Esmeraldi- a Cruyff was born in Holland, Brazilian
mistake of law can still be re- no therefore had a week like soccer was Zicos Stargazer with 20
paired. that, but everything worked and so on. Today our sport Breton’re so
The traffickers are killing the out OK. Atletico is the subject poor and untalented, giving pity.
light of day because of $ of next week.

I t is time for a decision on the

Square Sports Industry in Sou-
thern Pedro Ludovico Goiânia.
consolidated, a new rivalry in
Sector Pedro Ludovico, x Marmo
Independent House.
Marconi Perillo on the day of fi-
The championship continues This was the second cham- I applaud the teams that have par-
with close races and back at this pionship for the team of Fer- ticipated in the competition, whi-
momment have a favorite, which nando sends Marmo House me- ch this year is 11 years and is in its
is the team of Juventus and Fabio dallions and their home sooner. 25th edition.
Borges Diones. The final is scheduled to take pla- Copa Radio 730 / AESPL is a re-
Teams in the tournament tra- ce in mid-December, probably 19 ality in the region south of the
dition has fallen out during the days. capital needs and support private
time this season a major that is We are finalizing the details to initiative and public policies that
not presented well Marmo was enable authorities to attend and will give incetivar and conditions
the House of our friends John and honor the sport’s traditional place of all attend.
Valdivino Bezerra de Moura Amarildo in the Square Sports SPL.
“Vino Sports” Born in last season and this was It would be an honor to receive
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

Project wants to Is required to place their chil-

dren in public school. The con-
of our country.
The project will, if the pressure of
compel politicians sequences would be the best. public opinion.
When politicians are forced www.Senado.Gov.Br/sf/atividade/
elected to enroll to put their children in public materia/detalhes.Asp?Lei480
their children in schools, the quality of educa-
tion in the country will impro-
Bill No. 480, 2007 You have the
obligation of elected officials and
ve. dependents enrolling children in
public schools. And everyone knows the im- public schools. Congratulations to

A very good idea of Senator

Cristovam Buarque.
He introduced a bill proposing that
plications of public education
we have in Brazil.
If you agree with the idea of
Senator Cristovam Buarque and
good luck with their peers.
Sensational idea!
every elected official (city council- Senator, post this message.
man, mayor, congressman, etc..) It can really change the reality

Obama appeals to the Admi-

nistrative WikiLeaks Olga Maria
T he Department of State U.S.
sent a letter to the founder of
WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, sta-
of these documents is illegal, so if
you ask that it not be implemen-
ting that the contents of the do- In recent days, the White House
cuments that you want to publish has been expressed in Public, and
the site and threaten U.S. relations even admitted that the U.S. rela-
with its allies. tions with Russia, France, Israel
This approach reflects the con- and Turkey, among others, may
cerns U.S., which led to numerous be affected by the publication of
diplomatic contacts with foreign secret documents.
embassies in order to warn allies
that could be embarrassing state-
ments in the documents.
The letter says that the disclosure Source: THE BALL

Social Networks: Opportunities and Challenges

The Mothers of Rio de Janeiro
S ocial networks:
and challenges was
consultant. Kno-
wledge manage-
T he whole of Brazil is follo-
wing what is happening
scared in the state of Rio de
who are dying or not.
The idea that orders for
everything that happens in
the title of the lec- ment plays a fun- Janeiro, thugs against police, town, comes from dealers
ture the American damental role in public disorder and damage who are already in prison,
researcher Verna the development to property, whether public or makes us feel that is advan-
Allee’s headquar- of society and private. cing prendelos.
ters in IPEA No- public and priva- But that I am a mother, I put One such Marcinho VP, trafi-
vember 9, 2010. te organizations, the place of so many mothers cande 30, is jailed to 11 years
Verna Alle is a expanding tech- of families who inhabit the and has not lost his ability to
consultancy recog- nological innova- hills and the slums of Rio command and who is ordering
nized worldwide tion and compe- Many of these women workers the shares in Rio de Janeiro.
for his work with titiveness. are struggling to provide edu- I think of the mothers, who
value networks, In the section of cation and decent life for their in many cases those who do
knowledge mana- questions after offspring. With low wages not lose their children to toxic,
gement, commu- the presentation they can not afford to sustain may have to see him being ar-
nities of practice of an official Em- the needs and luxuries that rested or killed by men BOPE.
and new business models, brapa raised the issue of intellec- the young pines and ends up As I write these lines I hear ra-
This lecture was sponsored by bra- tual property and the difficulty of losing control and authority dio that a real war operation is
siliende section of the Brazilian his assignment in social networks, over their offspring. done in the complex of slums
Society of Knowledge Manage- noting that the company where he The images we see on TV in German. Besides getting
ment (SBGC) in order to promote works this complicates the sharing when they hold a drug dea- concerned about the situa-
sustainability actions based enter- of knowledge. ler, is ragged men, someti- tion, I can only pray that in-
prise knowledge management and mes toothless, but this is not nocents are not targeted and
methodology of social networks Source: Wikipedia, the free news source the image that sells the traffic not confused with miscreants
mapeamente presented by the to our children. Easy money, dangerous since an operation
clothes and fashion famous of this magnitude can only le-
Ideas and proposals were in Networks brand, cars, motorcycles and
other things that elude the
ave a trail of destruction and
During the campaign, in both young people who want gla- I hope things calm down in
prove education.
rounds, the youth was expressed mor. the beautiful city and that the
Liberal ideas on specific topics
widely through various media and Addiction, violence and mar- Rio back to his routine as
such as abortion oo, told point.
showed an active voice in time to ginalization is what comes soon as possible.
Continuity of the Lula government
vote. But young people now who next, when it does not lead to That’s what I want.
is expected that most of them.
think that, in fact, elections are de- death.
Twitter and Facebook have ne-
cided? Following the events through
tworks that receive it more reviews
They believe that the participation the TV stations, I see a real
from voters in Brazil, but the Nets
of Lula is the leading candidate to show of horrors in the search
came to stay.
power. Many even think that Dil- for the audience, imagine the
ma not ready, but expect it to im- Source: Wikipedia, the free news source number of innocent people
Goiânia, from 26 to 30 November 2010

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