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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Course Descriptions

CSDS 121 Lec(3)

Discrete Structures 1
This course introduces the students to the mathematical foundations of Computer
Science. This covers key topics such as sets, logic, functions and relations. The
students will learn to analyze critically and logically and give solutions to mathematical
problems related to computer programming.
This is an introductory course in mathematics and covers key topics such as sets, logic,
functions and relations that are widely used in computer programming by thinking
logically and mathematically in solving problems.

CSOD 121 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Office Productivity and Desktop Publishing
This course aims to familiarize students with office applications like word processing,
spreadsheet, presentation, graphic design and desktop publishing. Students will have
hands-on experience in using these applications.
This course aims to familiarize students with Office software applications such as
manipulation of text and graphic, designing, editing for word processing, desktop
publishing and presentation, and using formulas and functions for spreadsheets.

CSDS 212 Lec(3)

Discrete Structures 2
This course covers advanced topics in Discrete Structures. The students will solve real-
world computing problems that require mapping to permutations, combinations, and
modular arithmetic. They will also compute event probabilities using Bayes’ Theorem of
a sample computing problem and solve equations involving recurrence and relate them
to recursive algorithms.
This course enables the students to solve real-world computing problems that require
mapping to permutations, combinations of a set, and modular arithmetic, compute the
event probabilities using counting and Bayes Theorem of a sample computing problem
and solve equations involving recurrence and relate them to recursive algorithms.

CSOO 211 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Object-Oriented Programming
This course enables students to design, implement, test, and debug programs using the
object-oriented programming approach. The students will be able to compare and
contrast procedural and functional programming using OOP concepts such as
abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
This course enables the students to compare and contrast procedural/functional
approach to object-oriented programming, design, implement, test and debug programs
using OOP concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

CSAC 221 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Algorithms and Complexity
This is an advanced course in algorithms where students will be taught to understand
the mathematics required to analyze complex algorithms used in programs; how these
algorithms affect the time and space efficiency of a program, and choose and apply the
most appropriate algorithm for a program. Topics discussed also include advanced
design and analysis techniques, advanced data structures, graph algorithms and
selected algorithmic topics in parallel computing, matrices, linear programming,
polynomials, and number-theoretic algorithms.
This course enables the students to use the big O notation formally to give asymptotic
upper bounds on time and space complexity of algorithms, choose and apply the most
appropriate algorithm design technique (divide and conquer, backtracking, greedy,
dynamic programming) for solving problems, and describe the behavior and running
time of various searching, sorting, and graph algorithms.

CSOS 221 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Operating Systems
This course provides an introduction to the concepts, theories and components that
serve as the bases for the design of classic and modern operating systems. This course
also covers algorithms for process management scheduling, storage allocation, page
replacement, disk scheduling, and deadlocks.
This course provides an introduction to the concepts, theories and components that
serve as the bases for the design of classical and modern operating systems. Topics
include process and memory management, process synchronization and deadlocks.

CSPL 321 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Programming Languages
This course introduces the students to different programming languages and paradigms
(may include: C++, Java, PHP, Javascript, ASP, Visual Basic, Moo, Lua, LISP, Prolog,
Python, Ruby, and Smalltalk) and deals with the design, implementation, analysis,
characterization and classification, different structures, and methods of computation and
execution of these languages. The students will be tasked to write sample programs
using the mentioned languages.
This course deals with the design, implementation, analysis, characterization and
classification of programming languages and the different structures and methods of
computation and execution of these languages. Topics include syntax and semantics,
scope and binding times, storage allocation, parameter-passing techniques, control
structures, run-time representation of program and data.

CSAT 311 Lec(3)

Automata Theory and Formal Languages
This course aims to guide students in designing finite state machines, regular
expressions, context-free grammar, push-down automata and Turing machines for
modeling a given language. Topics discussed include the mathematical and language
fundamentals of automata.
This course focuses on introduction to the fundamental ideas and models underlying
computing; finite automata, regular sets, regular languages and expressions, formal
grammars and languages, pushdown automata, context-free grammars, compiler
theory, decidability and complexity theory.

CSIA 311 Lec(3)

Information Assurance and Security
This course is intended to provide students an introduction to cyber and information
security issues in organizations and covers fundamental concepts necessary to
understand the threats to security and privacy and ways to defend against those
threats. Topics discussed include confidentiality, integrity, availability, security policies,
authentication, data privacy risks and laws, attack/defense methods, risk management,
threat and vulnerability assessment, and ethical issues.
This course intended to provide students an introduction to information assurance from
the perspective of web-based applications. The course covers fundamental concepts
necessary to understand the threats to security and privacy as well as various defenses
against those threats.

CSAO 311 Lec(3)

Architecture and Organization
This course is designed to give students ideas on how the computer hardware and
software components interact with each other and how they work to produce a specific
output. It introduces the students to the operations involving binary numbers, boolean
algebra logic circuits, K-map, and the Von Neumann architecture as bases of computer
organization. Included also are specialized topics in Assembly language programming.
This course deals with an overview of the architecture and organization of a computer. It
includes discussion of the Central Processing Unit, internal and external memory,
Input/output organization and peripherals. Assembly Language Programming is
integrated to familiarize students with Low Level Language.

CSDS 311 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Advanced Database Systems
This course introduces students to more advanced topics in databases such as data
warehousing and data mining that supports organizational decisions. In depth
information about system implementation techniques, data storage, query processing
and optimization, transaction processing concepts, concurrency control techniques,
database recovery techniques, database security and authorization, and advanced
database concepts are covered.
This course enables the students to examine the different techniques of warehousing
and mining data that will support organizational decisions, propose possibilities on how
to improve a specific algorithm.

CSSE 311 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Software Engineering 1
This course is an introduction to the software engineering process and is aimed to
familiarize students with the different phases of the software development life cycle from
planning through implementation and maintenance and making use of UML diagrams to
visualize the system. Students will also have an understanding on how to develop
softwares/systems according to client’s needs and budget and deliver it on time.
This course intended to provide students as introduction in important concepts such as
software processes and agile methods, and describe essential software development
activities from requirements specification through system evolution.

CSSE 322 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Software Engineering 2
This is an advanced course in Software Engineering and Software Management. Topics
discussed include software reuse, project management and planning, quality and
configuration management, and process improvement. Students will develop a system
following the phases of the software development lifecycle in the Software Engineering
1 course and apply the strategic management techniques in developing systems.
This course intended to provide students as introduction to range management topics
with a focus on technical management, or the more strategic management of enterprise
systems. Topics include risk management, project planning and estimation, quality
management, configuration management and system development.

CSMS 321 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Multimedia Systems
This course is intended to provide students an introduction to the principles and
technologies used in current multimedia systems. Topics discussed will include the
color theory, image design, photography, video production, and interactive
presentations. The students will make use of different softwares to give them a hands-
on experience in creating outputs in the topics discussed.
This course intended to provide students as introduction to principles and current
technologies of multimedia systems. The topics included in this course are color theory,
image design, photography, video production, and interactive presentations.

CSNC 321 Lab(3)Lec(2)

Networks Communications 1
This course is intended to provide students an introduction to the architecture and
components of computer communications networks; protocol concepts and standards;
OSI Reference Model; and network/protocol architecture examples: Internet, intranets,
and local area networks with main emphasis on local area networks.
This course intended to provide students as introduction to architecture and
components of computer communications networks; protocol concepts and standards;
OSI Reference Model, network/protocol architecture examples: Internet, intranets, and
local area networks with main emphasis on local area networks.

CSNC 412 Lab(3) Lec(2)

Networks Communications 2
This course gives the students hands-on experience in designing, configuring and
deploying switches utilizing VLANS, trunking and port aggregation; implementing
multiple networks and connecting them together; selecting routing and switching
equipments for a given network application; and implementing load balancing in routers
and switches.
Design, configure and deploy switches utilizing VLANS, trunking and port aggregation.
Implement multiple networks and connect them together, selecting routing and
switching equipment for a given network application. Implement load balancing in
routers and switches.

CSTW411 Lec(3)
Thesis Writing 1
This course will encourage students to formulate research objectives, scope and
limitations, and evaluation metrics for a chosen topic; collect and compare literatures
related to their topic; and propose an ethical and feasible software solution to the
identified research problem that employs new designs, tools, and methodologies, as
well as unique and useful enhancements, with demonstrating that a certain
theory/algorithm/design might work through exploratory and experimental research.
Formulate the research objectives, scope and limitations, and evaluation metric for a
chosen topic. Collect and compare related literature related to the topic. Propose an
ethical and feasible software solution to the identified research problem that employs
new designs, tools, and methodologies, as well as unique and useful enhancements,
with demonstrating that a certain theory/algorithm/design might work through
exploratory and experimental research.

CSTW 422 Lec(3)

Thesis Writing 2
Students taking this course will be tasked to collect pertinent data to support the
research objectives of the thesis; design the architecture and components of the
proposed software solution; and justify the proposed solution’s feasibility and
effectiveness to solve the computing problem.
Collect pertinent data to support research objectives of the thesis. Design the
architecture and components of the proposed software solution. Justify the proposed
solution’s feasibility and effectiveness to solve the computing problem.

CSHI411 Lab(3) Lec(2)

Human Computer Interaction
This course is intended to introduce the student to the basic concepts of human-
computer interaction in both software and hardware products. It delves into the major
cognitive and social phenomena surrounding human use of computers. The course will
stress the importance of good user interface design and the relationship of these
designs to effective human interaction with computers. As opposed to the majority of CS
courses which take a more system-centered perspective, this course emphasizes the
user experience.
Analyze different user populations with regard to their abilities and characteristics for
using both software and hardware products. Evaluate the design of existing user
interfaces based on the cognitive models of target user.

CSSP 421 Lec(3)

Social Issues and Professional Practice
Students taking this course will be exposed to the larger societal context of computing
to develop an understanding of the relevant social, ethical, legal and professional
issues. It will cover topics such as social context of computers and the internet, usage of
analytical tools to aid in decision making for ethical argumentation, professional ethics,
defining and recognizing intellectual property, and privacy and civil liberties.
Argue the pros and cons of the design and implementation of computing solutions in
education, industry, and government. Evaluate professional, ethical, and social issues
of computing decisions.

CSPR 500 Lab(3)

Internship/ OJT / Practicum
This is a course requirement for students taking up the BS Computer Science degree.
This enables the enrolled students to analyze, design, implement, test, maintain, and/or
document a software system as applied to a real-world problem, as part of a team in an
actual company environment, thereby also developing personal and interpersonal
working skills in the process.
Analyze, design, implement, test, maintain, and/or document a software system as
applied to a real-world problem, as part of a team in an actual company environment,
thereby also developing personal and interpersonal working skills in the process.


CSHI 411 Lab(3) Lec(2)

Parallel and Distributed Computing
This course will cover widely use parallel and distributed computing methods, including
threaded applications, GPU parallel programming, and datacenter-scale distributed
methods such as MapReduce and distributed graph algorithms. We’ll study the types of
algorithms which will work well with these techniques, and have the opportunity to
implement some of these algorithms. We’ll also look at the types of hardware
architectures which have been developed along with this computing method

CSEL 321 Lab(3) Lec(2)

Intelligent Systems
This course is intended to bring to the students the information necessary to understand
the design, operation and capabilities of intelligent systems. Students will be introduced
to the fundamental concepts of machine learning with neural and fuzzy components.

CSSF 211 Lab(3) Lec(2)

System Fundamentals
In this course, we will study assembly language programming and essential concepts of
computer organization and architecture. The focus of this course is on the computer
organization of a computer system, including the processor architecture and the
memory system.
CSGV 221 Lab(3) Lec(2)
Graphics and Visual Computing
The course aims at introducing the students to the various techniques used to model 2D
and 3D objects and environments and to present them to the user so that important
aspects can be easily visualized. This includes, but is certainly not limited to, realistic
rendering of 3D scenes and animation.

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Course Descriptions

ISFI 121 Lec(3)

Fundamentals of Information Systems
This is an introductory course exposing freshmen students to the fundamental concepts
of computer systems and the rapidly evolving role of information processing in today’s
business environment. The course will be composed of an overview of Information
Systems, the Technology implemented in these systems, Information Systems designed
specifically for business use, the development of these systems, and the effect of
Information Systems on society.
This course introduces the fundamentals of computer systems and the role of
information processing in today's business environment. An overview is presented of
information systems, systems development, operating systems and programming,
database management, networking and telecommunications, and the Internet.

ISOM 121 Lec(3)

Organization and Management Concepts
This course introduces the students to management theory and practice. Management
being the people who design the organization’s structure and determine how the
different aspects in this organizational structure interact. Students will be taught topics
including the basics of organization and management, principles of management
function, functional areas and topics of management.
This course introduces in management theory and practice Topics include:
fundamentals of management; making things happen; meeting the competition;
organizing people, projects, and processes; and, motivating and leading.

ISPI 211 Lec(3)

Professional Issues in Information Systems
This course addresses social, legal, financial, organizational and ethical issues in the
Information Technology industry. It will equip students with an understanding of the
context in which IT professionals will be expected to work. By the end of the course,
students should have an understanding of the professional codes of conduct and know
how apply them in the workplace.
Professional Issues in Information Systems addresses social, legal, financial,
organizational and ethical issues in the IT industry. Topics covered include:
professionalism and professional bodies, their codes of conduct and continuing
professional development (CPD).
ISNT 211 Lab(3) Lec(2)
IT Infrastructure and Network Technologies
This course provides Information Systems students with an introduction to infrastructure
and network technologies in a business environment,
The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to IT infrastructure issues for
students majoring in Information Systems. It covers topics related to both computer and
systems architecture and communication networks, with an overall focus on the
services and capabilities that IT infrastructure solutions enable in an organizational
context. It gives the students the knowledge and skills that they need for communicating
effectively with professionals whose special focus is on hardware and systems software
technology and for designing organizational processes and software solutions that
require in-depth understanding of the IT infrastructure capabilities and limitations.

FINA 412 Lec(3)

Financial Management
This is an introductory finance course designed to make students understand the basic
finance concepts. The course involves studies on decision-making utilizing financial
resources available to the firm from the perspective of the manager. The course
emphasizes the understanding of finance theory and working knowledge of the financial
environment in which the firm operates in order to develop appropriate financial

ISSA 221 Lab(3) Lec(2)

System Analysis and Design
This course covers the planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support and
security of systems in today’s dynamic, business-related world. Topics include planning
and selection of systems, determining system requirements, structuring these
requirements using process and conceptual data modeling, designing the appropriate
interface for the requirements, and managing the implementation, support and security
of these systems. UML diagrams will be used in visualizing the design of a system.
This course aims to provide analysis of system design environment, requirements
analysis, the development process, process and data flow descriptions, user and
interface designs, productivity tools, documentation and implementation. It will present
conceptual material about both traditional approaches to systems development such as
process oriented and data methodologies and currently evolving approaches and
system development methods.

ISEA 311 Lec(3)

Enterprise Architecture
This course explores the characteristics, selection, implementation and management of
enterprise architecture frameworks, focusing primarily on the evaluation and planning of
information systems from a top-down perspective. Major topics include enterprise
architecture, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, social media and networking, software as a
service, content management systems, cloud computing, and portals; each is studied in
terms of its characteristics and potential applications within an organization.
This Course presents the basic concepts and methodologies for the discipline known as
Enterprise Architecture within a framework, structure, and methodology. Per Gartner,
“Enterprise architecture is the process of translating business vision and strategy into
effective enterprise change by creating, communicating and improving the key
requirements, principles and models that describe the enterprise's future state and
enable its evolution. The scope of the enterprise architecture includes the people,
processes, information and technology of the enterprise, and their relationships to one
another and to the external environment. Enterprise architects compose holistic
solutions that address the business challenges of the enterprise and support the
governance needed to implement them”.

ISQM 311 Lec(3)

Quantitative Methods
This course provides an introduction to the use of quantitative methods in research.
Emphasis will be on achieving an understanding of quantitative methods and associated
statistical techniques considered so that you can think critically about suitable
procedures for research design, collection and analysis of data, and the usefulness of

ISWD 311 Lab(3) Lec(2)

Web Development
An introductory course teaching students the concepts of web design using Hypertext
Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets. Students will be taught how to plan and
design web pages using HTML and CSS and will be introduced to web development
tools. At the end of the course, students will be expected to produce a functional, multi-
page website.
This course introduces students to basic web design using HTML (Hypertext Markup
Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Throughout the course students are
introduced to planning and designing effective web pages; implementing web pages by
writing HTML and CSS code; enhancing web pages with the use of page layout
techniques, text formatting, graphics, images, and multimedia; and producing a
functional, multi-page website.

ISEM 311 Lec(3)

This course explores strategic marketing issues related to the use of e-commerce
solutions for business-to-business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) transactions.
Specific topics include the characteristics and behavior of the online consumer, the
characteristics of the business buyer, internet marketing strategies for B2B and B2C
channels, developing internet marketing plans for B2B and B2C channels, and the
management and control of marketing channels, marketing communication and pricing
in online contexts.

ISPM 321 Lec(3)

IS Project Management 1
This course is designed to prepare the students in managing a project by using tools
and applying techniques from the different areas of knowledge in project management.
Topics include project overview, integration, scope, time and cost management.

ISBP 311 Lec(3)

Business Process Management
This course is intended to introduce the student to the concepts, methods, and
techniques that support the design, improvement, management, configuration,
enactment, and analysis of business processes that deliver lean and customer focused
business processes.
This course is concerned with the concepts, methods, and techniques that support the
design, improvement, management, configuration, enactment, and analysis of business
processes that deliver lean and customer focused business processes.

ISBP 321 Lec(3)

Evaluation of Business Performance
This course aims to provide the student with the experience on how to assess
information systems using different tools in conducting system evaluation. Topics and
tools include Data warehousing, Key Performance Indicator/Key Result Area, business
intelligence, and quality matrix.
The course is intended to provide the student with the experience in assessing
information systems and the different tools to be used in conducting system evaluation.
It will discuss topics such as Data warehousing, KPI/KRA, business intelligence, and
quality matrix.

ISCP 321 Lec(3)

Capstone Project 1
A capstone project is an undertaking appropriate to a professional field. It should
significantly address an existing problem or need. This course focuses on business
processes and the implications of introducing a computing solution to a problem.

ISMD 321 Lab(3) Lec(2)

Mobile Development
This course introduces students to programming technologies, design and development
related to mobile applications. Topics include accessing device capabilities, industry
standards, operating systems, and programming for mobile applications using an OS
Software Development Kit (SDK).

ISDC 321 Lec(3)

Digital Design and Construction
This course is designed to give students ideas on how the computer hardware and
software components interact with each other and how they work to produce a specific
output. It introduces the students to the operations involving binary numbers, boolean
algebra logic circuits, K-map, and the Von Neumann architecture as bases of computer
organization. Included also are specialized topics in Assembly language programming.
This course discusses the fundamentals of digital circuits such as Boolean algebra,
maxterm and minterm, combinational logic circuits, and algebraic and graphical
simplifications of logic expression using methods like Tabulation, K-Map and Boolean

ISMA 411 Lec(3)

IS Strategy, Management and Acquisition
This course introduces students to the acquisition, development, and implementation of
plans and policies to achieve efficient and effective information systems; The student
investigates the issues and approaches in managing the IS function and how the IS
function supports and enables organizational capabilities and strategies.

ISPM411 Lec(3)
IS Project Management 2
This course is designed to prepare the students in managing a project by using tools
and applying techniques from the different areas of knowledge in project management.
Topics include project quality, human resource, and communications and risk

ISCP 412 Lec(3)

Capstone Project 2
This course challenges students to proceed to business process computing solution
based on the approved capstone project proposal. The project will demonstrate the
student’s ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate information, design and develop a

ISPR 500 Lab(3)

Internship/ OJT / Practicum
This is a course requirement for students taking up the BS Information Systems degree.
This enables the enrolled students to analyze, design, implement, test, maintain, and/or
document a software system as applied to a real-world problem, as part of a team in an
actual company environment, thereby also developing personal and interpersonal
working skills in the process.
Analyze, design, implement, test, maintain, and/or document a software system as
applied to a real-world problem, as part of a team in an actual company environment,
thereby also developing personal and interpersonal working skills in the process.


ISEL 311 Lab(3) Lec(2)

IT Security and Management
This course is intended for students who want to study and manage security in
computing. It includes topics such as information security management, threat analysis,
risk management, etc. to prevent and give solutions to threats and harm in an
organization or a system.

ISEL 322 Lab(3) Lec(2)

IS Innovations and New Technologies
This course aims to let students examine the role of technology and innovation for
stimulating business growth. This focuses on how technologies and industries emerge
and mature, and develops knowledge of the ways in which technological and
organizational innovations impact firms, industries and markets. Particular attention is
paid to how new and existing organizations can exploit technological and organizational
innovations to create and capture value

ISEL 413 Lab(3) Lec(2)

Customer Relationship Management
This course introduces the student to Customer Relationship Management - its
importance in delivering benefit and value to the relationship of a business and its
customer. It also covers the technologies and best practices used in achieving
marketing, sales, and service objectives in acquiring, retaining, and developing
customers to gain a competitive edge and maximize profit.
This course examines customer relationship management (CRM) and its application in
marketing, sales, and service. Effective CRM strategies help companies align business
process with customer centric strategies using people, technology, and knowledge.
Companies strive to use CRM to optimize the identification, acquisition, growth and
retention of desired customers to gain competitive advantage and maximize profit.

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