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1. When deciding whether to start a new business, you Choosing your business name that is
should evaluate your capabilities, interest, knowledge, appropriate to your product or
skills, resources, and potentials prospective customer that is easy to
2. Be sure that there is a market for your new ideas read and remember. Use catchy name,
before getting on with your venture. if possible.
3. Remember that your experiences and know-how are
keys to starting and operating a successful business  Register it to Department of Trade and Industry
enterprise. (DTI) and Security Exchange Commission (SEC)
4. Be aware that starting a new enterprise from scratch You first need to register and secure the
takes time, a thorough market research, initial capital, a business name and secure the
god business plan, and most of all, a lot of patience. necessary locality where would it
5. Before starting a new venture, make a feasibility operate. To have a legal ownership.
study to determine whether you should pursue your
business enterprise.  Time and Money
6. Consider asking for other people’s views, especially Time and Money Creating social
those who know more about the venture you wish to network accounts, brochure, or print ads.
start, rather than simply being limited to your own
7. Attend trade shows and trade fairs to give yourself a SHOULD YOU USE?
broader picture of the business environment and learn 3 MAJOR TYPES OF LEGAL
from the experiences of others. I. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP
8. Consider the strong and weak points of your  Easiest structure because of relatively fewer
competitors. Improve upon their weaknesses and avoid formalities and restrictions.
trying to compete against your competitor’s strength.  You have the complete control of your business
9. Searching for a market gap or solving a problem for and also your profit and debt.
potential customers will produce sound venture ideas. II. PARTNERSHIP
10. Be a trend spotter. Look for emerging trends and  It has two people contributing money, share in
take advantage of your window of opportunity by the management of the business, and same goal.
getting into the marketplace ahead of your competitors. Why they tend to find a partner?
11. Put into writing your business plan. This will help • To raise money
you add more substance into your business idea and • Acquiring needle expertise.
develop your business strategy while studying the Positive side
industry and your competition  Companionship.
12. Operate your home-based business enterprise as if  Enhanced ability to raise money and recruit and
it were in a separate business location. Be professional motivate key people.
at all times. Negative side
13. Carefully study and evaluate potential retail  Losing control over the venture.
locations by studying the trading area, reviewing  Losing wealth.
customer demographics and traffic patterns, talking to  Being stock with the other owners.
other tenants, and contracting a competent commercial  Being accountable to others.
real estate company.  Who will give more money?
14. Always negotiate the terms and conditions of a  Who will sign the checks?
commercial lease for your business enterprise.  Who will the one will fire a staff?
15. Home employment schemes are one of the oldest Ways to find a Partner
types of classified advertising frauds. This could only 1. Person who compliments with your strengths and
mean that being transparent is very crucial in the weaknesses rather than with similar background.
business. Deal with all the requirements of the 2. Look for someone who specialize your weakest area.
government, from registering your enterprise to passing 3. Seek to someone you can trust, compatible, and can
all the dues to paying taxes. communicate with easily.
4. Evaluate if he exhibits the ability compromise. 3. Planning must be flexible. Resources, needs,
5. Considering the trial period before settling in a and economic condition change. Therefore, your plans,
partner on sharing business or venture. in order to remain effective and relevant, should be
III. CORPORATION adjusted to take into consideration to these changes.
 Exists separate from its founders since the 4. Planning must start with simple projects.
company is owned by stakeholders and run by a Simple businesses enterprises have a higher possibility
board of directors elected by stakeholders. of success. More importantly, these provide new
3 Primary Characteristic entrepreneurs with a good training ground on
1. A corporation limits a stakeholder's liability to their businesses operations. As you gain more resources and
amount of investment. management experiences, you could easily engage in
2. If shareholders are active in operating the business, bigger business projects.
they are considered as employees and must be paid a
reasonable wage subject to the prohibition of Labor 2.4.2. Organizing Your Business Enterprise
Code. In organizing your enterprise, there are several types of
3. A corporation must pay a tax on income as a separate business organizations that you could choose from;
legal entity. these legal structures are the sole proprietorship,
Additional... partnership, and cooperation.
 Corporation shields the shareholders from the What is organization?
claims of creditors and contractual relationship, An organization is composed of two are more persons
unless the shareholder sign personally instead who work together to achieve a common set of goals
of as officers of the corporation. and objectives.
What is organizing?
2.4. PLANNING, ORGANIZING AND MANAGING Organizing, on the other hand, is the process of
YOUR BUSINESS ENTERPRISE combining and coordinating resources and activities to
accomplish efficiently and effectively an organization’s
2.4.1. Planning Your Business Enterprise goals and objectives.
Planning simply means thinking ahead. In a business, it Every organization has a structure which indicates
means thinking ahead about objectives, strategies, positions and relationships.This are generally shown
finances, production, marketing, profit prospects, and through an organizational chart. This implies that the
growth possibilities. What is important however, is that form and expansion of your organizational structure will
your business plan remains realistic, as opposed just depend on the size of your business.
being a daydream.
Business Planning involves how to attain your goals and 2.4.3. Managing Your Business Enterprise
the ways to accomplish such goals. Setting a time frame All business organization has resources and goals to
is essential in achieving your goals. You also have to achieve. Resources require proper allocation and
remember that opening the business is not the end of efficient use to effectively achieve business goals. These
business planning. Ultimately, you have to plan on and many more are made possible by good
maintaining consumer satisfaction because this will management. Bear in mind that without effective and
translate into stability and growth from your business. efficient management, your organization cannot
Here are some basic principles in planning which can be survive.
applied particularly to microenterprises or small BASIC FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT:
businesses: 1. Establish the goals of the enterprise and
1. Planning must be realistic. It must be based develop plans to attain these goals. Common
on available resources--- human, financial, and physical. to all business organizations is the pursuit of
If these are deficient, then it would be impossible for profit. However, they may vary in terms of
you to successfully implement your project. Any plan strategies in achieving and maximizing profits.
not supported by adequate resources would likely to 2. Organize people and other resources to
fail. achieve goals. The enterprise’s resources and
2. Planning must be based on felt needs. Your activities must be a grouped in such a way as to
objective as an entrepreneur should fit the needs of the ensure efficiency and economy.
people in your community. You can identify such needs 3. Lead and motivate people toward the goals of
through careful observation, personal interviews, or the enterprise. As an entrepreneur, you must
through the conduct of a survey. be a good leader and an effective motivator.
You must be able to inspire your employees to ENTREPRENEUR - the principal actor. They decide in the
perform their best. proper combination of resources, such as the
4. Maintain sufficient control systems to ensure application of key or use of machinery.
that the enterprise is moving well towards its Producing a product or service which is new in the
goals. As an entrepreneur, you must evaluate market begins from an idea. This idea is then developed
and regulate business activities to ensure that into a product or service by the entrepreneur. This is
your enterprise achieve its goals. In case part of the entrepreneur's role as an innovator and
activities deviate from your standard, then you creator.
must immediately take corrective action. COST OF PRODUCTION - payment test for the use of the
factors of production.
AND MARKETING FOR YOUR BUSINESS For every product produced, there is a corresponding
ENTERPRISE cost incurred by the business enterprise.

2.5.1. Financial Management for Your Business
When production cost is high, the price of the goods
sold will also be high.
Financial capital or funds is essential resources to an
entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you need money to The higher the price of the goods produced, the
start your business. You also need money for the lower the demand for such product will be, since a
development and expansion of your business. Far more higher price means lower purchasing power. Ultimately,
important, however, is your ability to manage your a higher price will result to lower sales.
funds. When you have scarce financial resources, there
is a need to plan well and control your finances in order TO LOWER THE COST OF PRODUCTION
for your business to last long. Entrepreneurs must choose resources that are
Financial management therefore refers to the activities abundant because these are generally cheaper than
that are concerned with securing funding and securing resources that are scarce.
it wisely. The entrepreneur as financial manager must CHEAPER INPUTS=LOWER PRODUCTION COST.
determine the best ways to raise money and also the QUALITY CONTROL- Refers to the process of insuring
entrepreneur should be able to efficiently use money to that goods and services are produced in accordance
realize the goals of the enterprise. Good financial with their designs and specifications.
management requires planning. It generally starts with Quality has become the central point of their business.
the identification of the financial needs of the business. In this age of stiff competition, quality is often the name
Finance, in essence, is the art and science of managing of the game.
financial resources. In other words, it involves both
individual skills and methods of acquiring and using 2.5.3. MARKETING FOR YOUR BUSINESS
financial resources. To be an effective financial ENTERPRISE
manager, it is essential that you have a good knowledge MARKETING- refers to the set of activities directed at
of economics. Theories of economics like the law of facilitating and accomplishing exchange between sellers
diminishing marginal physical returns, theory of and consumers of goods and services.
production and cost, price theory, profit maximization, Marketing is a broader concept that includes the
and the law of supply and demand provide knowledge integration of various functions such as market
to financial analyses and decision-making. research, product development, advertising, customer
service, distribution, and selling.
2.5.2. PRODUCTION OF GOODS AND SERVICES Marketing is consumer oriented.
PRODUCTION - is simply the creation of good and It is always important for business enterprises to have a
services. marketing plan. This is an outline of action designed to
-process of converting economic achieve a specific set of goals.
resources into goods and services. A marketing plan must be compatible with marketing
-Goods and services are produced to resources and the external environment of the business
satisfy human needs and wants. enterprise.
APPENDIX : BATTLE I SHOULD WIN AS AN Strategic thinking attempts to establish WHAT your
ENTREPRENEUR business organization should look like while strategic
 Strategy planning focuses on HOW your business organization
 Environment will get there.
 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) E. Winning strategy
 Business Ethics o purpose your VISION with PASSION and
I. STRATEGY o the best strategy is to aim for a business
What is strategy? environment without competition. CHANGE
1. DIRECTION- where your business is trying to get to in THE RULES OF THE GAME ON YOUR FAVOR
the long run o if competition is inevitable , do not outwork it,
2. MARKET- place(s) where your business would Instead TILT the playing filed to your advantage
compete in o the essential DIFFERENCE between winners and
3. SCOPE - activities involved in the market(s) loser is their capability to think strategically, to
4 ADVANTAGES- area(s) where your business can implement those strategies, and to change the
perform better against competitors in the market(s) rules of the game in their favor.
5. RESOURCES - necessary skills, assets, finances, o DARE to think outside the box!
facilities, technical competence and connection, among o DARE to dream the unthinkable!
other, needed for your business to become competitive F. RED OCEAN VERSUS BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY
6. ENVIRONMENT - external factors that affect your Blue Ocean strategy - is a business strategy written by
business' ability to compete W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne in 2005. The book
7. STAKEHOLDERS -people who have power and illustrates the high growth and profit and organizations
expectations in and around your business. can generate by creating new demands in an
B. strategy at different levels of a business uncontested market space , or a "BLUE ocean" than by
 Operational strategy- is concerned with how competing head to head with other suppliers for known
each part of your business is organising to customers in an existing industry.
The metaphor or "red" or "blue" oceans describes the
deliver the corporate and business-unit level
"market universe". Red oceans - Refers to all the
strategic direction.
industries in existence today (the known market space).
 Business unit strategy - is concerned more with
Blue oceans, in contrast, are all the industries not in
how your business competes successfully in a
existence today ( the unknown market space)
particular market
 Corporate strategy - is concerned with the
overall purpose and scope of your business in
1. Mutual Philosophy and purpose of the group -
order to meet stakeholders' expectations.
Shared ideas bind people together into a cohesive
C. Strategic management
Three components:
Example. Team spirit, employees' identification
 Strategic analysis- is about looking at, analyzing
with the brand, believing in the company's vision-
and understanding the events happening
mission statement, mutual trust among staff, and
outside your business organization.
 Strategic choice - is about selecting the
2.Environment -The prevailing conditions determine
Appropriate business strategy for your business
the plans that you can. These conditions are too big and
general to be controlled by people. Thus, you need to
 Strategy implementation- is about translating
understand these factors and take them into account.
your selected or chosen business strategy /
Example. Economic Cycle, financial crisis,
strategies into organizational action.
recession, depression, bankruptcy.
3. Situation - This is similar to environment but on a
smaller scale. These are factors that you and your
Strategic thinking is:
competition can control, if you just know how to do so.
o Your VISION of what your company business
Example. How much products do you produce?
will look like in the future
How do you produce these? For whom do you produce
o very much like painting a picture.
these products?
o the picture that will guide the direction, nature
and focus on your business
4.Leadership - leadership allows you to craft good plans √ Strengths refer to the core competencies that give
because of your perception, foresight, emotional your business/company an advantage in terms of
intelligence, and objectivity. It allows you to implement meeting the needs of your target market (s).
your plan because you can manage your √ Weaknesses refer to limitations of your
troops/subordinates. business/company face. It is important to identify these
Example. Clear job descriptions, duties and so you can develop and implement an appropriate
responsibilities, division of work strategy.
5. Art - This is the skill and ability to implement your External Analysis
strategy. Preparation and coordination are essential √ An external analysis examines opportunities and
here. Ex. Versatility, determination, results-oriented threats that exist in the business environment.
mind set √ Both opportunities and threats exist independent of
the firm.
II.ENVIRONMENT √ Opportunities refer to favorable conditions in the
The environment of your business consists of the environment that could produce rewards for your
conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect business/company if acted upon. √ Threats refer to
your business' ability to achieve its goals or objectives. barriers that may prevent your business/company from
Your business exist in an environment that has both realizing its objectives.
internal and external components.
Internal Environment versus External III. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR)
Environment What is CSR?
• The internal environment exist within your business Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) talks about your
organization. business' responsibilities to the society where it is
• The external environment lies outside your business located or where it operates. CSR is also referred to as;
organization ✓ corporate or business responsibility
Elements of Internal and External Environments ✓ corporate or business citizenship
Five Elements ✓ community relations
1. Physical ✓ social responsibility
ex. plant facilities, natural environment, Why is CSR Important?
infrastructure "CSR is an important business strategy because,
2. Technological wherever possible, consumers want to buy products
ex. computers, robots, systems innovation from companies they trust; supplies want to form
3. Social business partnerships with companies they can rely on;
ex. family system, attitude of people, religion employees want to work for companies they respect;
4. Political and NGOs, increasingly, want to work together with
ex. form of government, military and defense companies seeking feasible solutions and innovations in
policies areas of common concern. Satisfying each of these
5. Economic stakeholder groups allows companies to maximize their
ex. money market, goods market, capital commitment to another important stakeholder group-
market their investors, who benefit most when the needs of
C. SWOT ANALYSIS these other stakeholder groups are being met. I
SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, honestly believe that the winning companies of this
Opportunities, and Threats century will be those who prove with their actions that
A SWOT analysis is a simple framework that you can they can be profitable and increase social value-
use to identify, describe, and analyze the strengths, companies that both do well and do good...
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your Increasingly, shareowners, customers, partners, and
company or business. employees are going to vote with their feet - rewarding
It can be applied either at the corporate level or the those companies that fuel social change through
business unit level. business. This is simply the new reality of business - one
Internal Analysis that we should and must embrace,"
√ An internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses
focuses on internal factors that give your business or Carly Fiorina
company certain advantages in meeting the needs of Chairman and Chief Executive
your target market(s). Hewlett Packard Company
IV. BUSINESS ETHICS ✓ Make sure there are adequate checks and balances
Business ethics (also known as corporate ethics)is a within your finance department.
form of applied or professional ethics that examines ✓ Have clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all
ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that staff members.
arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects ✓ Treat your staff in the same way you expect them to
of a business and is relevant to the conduct of treat their coworkers.
individuals and business organizations as a whole. DON'TS
Sample Business Ethics × Put undue pressure on the staff. They may bend
DO'S under pressure and turn toward unethical behavior to
✓ Have staff meetings on a regular basis. get the results you are demanding.
✓ Talk about desirable behaviors and give examples of × Have a culture of fear or silence.
unethical behaviors. × Allow anyone to "pass the buck" or deflect blame for
✓ Allow the staff to discuss among themselves things that are within their responsibility.
hypothetical situations in which they must make an × Neglect employees' suggestions, complaints, and
ethical choice. recommendations for the business.
✓ Have an open-door policy and seriously consider all × Criticize your employee in front of other workers
comments and complaints from the staff. every time they commit mistakes.
✓ Mentor your staff on accepting responsibility and not
deflecting blame.

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