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Kelas : XII TITL I

A. Conditional Sentence
Conditional Sentence merupakan salah satu bentuk complex
sentence (kalimat majemuk) yang dibentuk dari sebuah subordinate clause
yang diawali dengan subordinate conjunction if yang berupa condition
(syarat) dan main clause yang juga berupa result atau consequence (hasil).
Kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence) ini merupakan juga
sebuah kalimat untuk dapat mengandaikan suatu hal yang belum terjadi,
tidak terjadi, atau sudah terjadi.

1. If Simple Present Tense + Simple Future Tense

S + to be(Is, Am, Are) + O S + Shall/Will + O

Example: I am beautiful Example: I will go to school

S + Verb 1 + O

Example: I am a student

1. If I am beautiful, I will be an actress

2. If I am study English well, I will pass examination

2. If Simple Past Tense + Past Future Tense

S + to be(Was, Were) + O S + Would/Should + Verb 1

Example: I was beautiful Example: I would go to school

S + Verb 2 + O

Example: I studied English

1. If I were beautiful, I would be an actress

2. If I am studied English well, I would pass examination

3. If Past Perfect Tense + Past Future Perfect Tense

S + Had + Verb 3 + O S + Would/Should + Have + Verb 3 + O

Example: I had studied English I would have gone to school .

1. If I had been beautiful, I would have be an actress

2. If I had studied English well, I would have pass examination

B. Due to, Because of, Thanks To
Rumus Urutan Penggunaan BECAUSE OF, DUE TO, THANKS to
1. Signal word/phrase + Cause, + Effect
2. Effect + Signal word/phrase + Cause
Perhatikan contoh berikut
1. Due to John’s laziness, he did not pass the English test.
Signal phrase: Due to
Cause: John’s laziness
Effect: He did not pass the test
2. He failed the test because of his bad study habits.
Signal phrase: Because of
Cause: His bad study habits
Effect: He failed the test
3. As a result of the rain, we canceled the picnic.
Signal phrase: As a result of
Cause: The rain
Effect: We canceled the picnic
4. David could not attend owing to his illness.
Signal phrase: Owing to
Cause: David’s illness
Effect: David could not attend
5. He was fired as a consequence of tardiness (being late)
Signal phrase: As a consequence of
Cause: Tardiness
Effect: He was fired
6. Thanks to the untiring support of my wife, I’ve gotten back on my feet
Signal phrase: Thanks to
Cause: the untiring support of my wife
Effect: I’ve gotten back on my feet
C. Expressing Necessity and Obligation
Some expressions commonly used to express obligations are as follows:
 I must try it again
 Do you have to go now? yes, I do
 I have to keep it
 You have to come on time

But if you think it is not a necessary think, you can say:

 You don't have to go now
 He doesn't have to do it
 You don't need to go to school because it's a holiday
 It is not necessary for us to go now

A. Necessity
Necessity adalah kata benda atau noun dalam bahasa Inggris yang jika
diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti “kebutuhan”atau “keperluan”.

Contoh penggunaan kata necessity dalam kalimat adalah:

1. Without a car, living close to work is a necessity.
2. All we took with us on our hiking trip were the bare necessities.
3. Food, clothes, and other basic necessities are located on that table.
4. When his father collapsed, an ambulance became a necessity.

Sementara contoh dalam konteks kalimat scientific bisa disimak pada

kalimat-kalimat berikut ini:

1. Reports of maulings, allergic reactions, faked medical necessity forms and

other abuses have poisoned the environment for responsible travelers who
legitimately need service animals. (Washington Post, 16 Mei 2018)
2. Traci Plaisance, on the other hand, had a tool chest full of skills, lessons
learned out of necessity post-Katrina. (, 15 Mei 2018)
3. Be prepared for bushwhacking, road walking, scrambling, and various
networks of unsigned forest roads through grizzly country – this makes
navigation tools, bear spray, and mountaineering skills necessities
(Outside Online, 14 Mei 2018)
4. On top of that, women in 36 states in the US also pay a tax on tampons
and pads, even though the products are necessities, and non-essential
basics like lip balm aren’t taxed. (Glamour, 7 Mei 2018)
5. On purely instrumental terms, guitarist Adam Moezinia did much of the
heavy lifting here, a necessity in light of Cole’s stripped-down pianis.
(, 11 Mei 2018)
B. Obligation
a. Positive Obligations
1. S + must + verb
Example : I must save my money

2. S + have/has to+ verb

Example: -You have to come on time
- He has to meet the manager at 7 a.m

3. S+ need to + verb
Example : - I need to visit the landslide victims
- He needs to look at the map.
b. Negative Obligation
1. S + must not + verb
Example : You must not smoke here

c. No Obligation
1. S+don't have+ verb
Example: You don't have to go to school because it's a holiday.

2. S+ don't need to +verb

Example : You don't need to do it.

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