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182~ 183 AND 184, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, w.e.

z r.

THE Proprietors trust that the present the sixth in its present form-
may be found equal in accuracy to the previous ones.

It comprises a general account of the three Counties, with the

Hundreds and Poor Law Unions, and the Places in all three alphabetically
arranged, with the Inhabitants, both Private Residents and those engaged
in Commerce and Trade.

Under each Parish, the Division of the County (as formed under
the provisions of the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885 "), the Hundred,
Union and County Court District, the Diocese, Archdeaconry and Rural
Deanery, are given, as also the College and University of every Beneficed
Clergyman as far as they can be ascertained, and the names of the Parish
Clerks and lists of the Farm Bailiffs of Gentlemen farming their own land
have been added.

The County Councils, formed under the" Local Government Act, 1888,"
are included, with the names and addresses of the members; likewise changes
under the provisions of the" Local Government Act, 1894."

The Maps of the three Counties have been specially prepared for this

The Proprietors have again to return their thanks to those Clergymen,

Magistrates' Clerks, Registrars and other Gentlemen who may have assisted
their Agents when collecting the information for the present Edition.

*** The Letters S.O. and R.8.0. at the end of Addresses in various parts. of the book are abbreviations
adopted by H.M. Post Office to represent Sub-Office and Railway Sub-Office; and if these initials, with
the name of the County,! are added to the addresses of letters in lieu of the usual name of Post Town, the
delivery of such letters will be accelerated.

182, 188 & 18ft HIGH HOLBORN,
LoNDON, w.e.
NOfJember. 1902.

Abberton...... 17 Battles Bridge, see Ret- Bollington, see Oakley... 309 Burghstead, see Great
Abbess Roothing, see teudon 325 Booses Green, see Colne Bnrstead 76
Roothings 339 Baythorne End, see Bird- Engaine 152 Burghstead, see Little
Abridg-e, ~ee Lambourne 264 brook '" 43 Boreham 44 Burstead 76
Ailsa Street, see Stansted Beacon Cliff. see Harwich 216 Borley '" 45 Rurnham-on-Crouch...... 74
Mountfitchet 393 Beacon Hill, see Great Borley Green, see Borley 45 Burnt Mill, see Netteswell 304
Albion Hill, see Epping 172 Totham 420 Botany Gardens,see West Burstead-Great. 76
Aldborough Hatch , 17 Beacon Hill, see Harwich 216 • Thurrock 413 Burstead-Little 76
Aldham 17 Beacon Hill, see St. Osyth 352 Bovinger, see Bobbing- Burton End, see Stansted
Almshouse Plain, see Bearden, see Berden...... 38 worth...... 44 Mountifitchet ........•... 393
Epping 172 Beauchamp Roothing,see Bowers, see Bowers Gif- Bury (The), see Saffron
Alphamstone 17 Roothings............... 340 ford............ 45 Walden................... 344
Alresford...... 18 Beauchamp St. PauL.... 35 Bowers Gifford 45 Bury Wood, see Epping.. 172
Altborne 18 Beaumont-with-Moze 34 Boxted 45 Bury Woods, see Cbing-
AmberdonEnd.seeDebden 159 Beazley End,seeWethers- Boyton Cross, see Roxwell 342 ford IQI
Ambresbury Banks, see field 448 Boyton End, see Thaxted 407 Bush End, see Hatfield... 224
Epping 172 Becontree Heath, see Brackstead, see Great Bustard Green, see Lind-
Ardleigh 0 19
•• 0. •••••• ••• Dagenham 0 I S6
Braxted .. , 56 sell 0 274
Ardleigh Crown, see Ard- Beehive, see Barking Side 33 Bradfield 46 Butchers Green, see Stan-
le1gh... 19 Belchamp Otten...... 35 Bradwell - juxta - Cogges- way All Saints 395
Ardleigh Green, see Belchamp St. Paul... 35 hall 47 Butts Green, see Horn-
Hornchurch 234 Belchamp WaIter 36 Bradwell-juxta-Mare...... 47 church 235
Arkesden 19 Benfield, see Stansted Bradwell - on - Sea, see Butts Green, see Sandon 356
Ash Green, see Epping 172 Mountfitchet 393 Bradwell-juxta-Mare... 47 Buttsbury 77
Ashdon 20 Benfleet-North... 36 Braintree 48 Bycknacre, see Danbury 158
Asheldham, or Asheldon ~I Benfleet--South............ 37 Brakes, see Birch 42 Bycknacre, see Woodham
Ashen 21 Bentfield End (or Ben- Bran End, see Stebbing.. 307 Ferrers 469
Ashingdon 21 field), see Stansted Braxted-Great 56 Cambridge Park,seeWan-
Astelyns, see High Ongar 312 Mountfitchet 393 Braxted-Little 57 stead 435
Audley End, see Saffron Bentley, see South Weald 445 Brentwood 57 Canewdon 77
Walden '" 345 Bentley-Great ..•... 37 Brewer's End,see Takeley 403 CanewdonHill,seeCanew-
Aveley 22 Bentley-Little 38 Brick End, see Broxtead 69 don :.. 77
Aytbrop Roothing, see Berden...... ...... 38 Bridgemarsh Island, see Canfield-Great .. 78
Roothings 340 Berechurch,seeColchester 126 Althorne 18 Canfield-Little 78
Baddow-Great............ 23 Bergholt-West............ 39 Brightlingsea 64 Canhall,see Great Clacton rr6
Baddow-Little 24 Berners Roothing, see Broad Street Green, see Cann Hall, see Wanstead 435
Badnocks, see Asheldham 21 Roothings 340 Heybridge 230 Canning Town........ 78
Baker Street, see Orsett 313 Berwick '-Berners, see Broadley Common, see Canon's Green, see Fy-
Baldwin's Hill,seeLough- Roothings 340 Roydon 342 field 187
ton 276 Bilden End, see Chrishall 105 Broads Green, see Great Canvey Island ,. 78
Balkerne Hill,seeColcbstr 122 Billericay............ 40 Waltham.... 429 Canvey Island, see South
Ballard's Gore, see Great Bilsden,seeBobbingworth 44 Brockells, see Radwinter 320 Benfleet 37
or Much Stambridge 391 Birch ..• 41 Bromley-Great 67 Castle Hedingham 79
Bllingdon, or Balliugton 24 Birch-Great & Little, Bromley-Little 68 Castle Hill, see Saffron
Ball's Green, see Great see Birch.................. 41 Brook Street, see South Walden 344
Bromley 68 Birchanger 42 Weald 445 Catmere End, see Little-
Bamber (or Bambrows Birdbrook 42 Broom Hill, see Epping.. 172 bury 275
Green), see Takeley 403 Birdsgreen, see Beau- Broomfield 68 Cbadwell, see Birdbrook 43
Bannister Green, see Fel- cbamp Roothing 340 Broomhills, see Rochford 327 Cbadwell Heath 80
stead 180 Birkbeck Estate,seeBark- Broxtead .. 69 Cbadwell St. Mary 81
Bardfield-Great 25 ing Side 33 Brundon, see Ballingdon 24 Chadwell Street 82
Bardfield-Little 26 Black Bushes, see Epping 172 Bubbles Old & New, see Chal Street, see Runwell 343
Bardfield End Green, see Blackbusb Plain, see Ep- Southminster 387 Chalk End, see Good
Thaxted 407 ping '" 172 Buckburst Hill 69 Easter 167
Bardfield Saling,seeLittle Blackheath, see Fingring- Building End, see Chris- Chalk end, see Roxwell.. 342
Saling 354 hoe........................ 182 hall..................... 1°5 Chapel Field, see Rayne 324
Barking 26 Blackmore 43 Bulford, see Cressing 155 Chapel Green, see Little-
Barking Side 33 Blackmore End, see Bull-Fen, see Bulphan ..• 73 bury 275
. Barling 34 Wcthersfield 448 Bulmer 72 Chappel 82
Barnston 34 Black Notley 306 Bulmer Tye, see Bulmer 72 Chatham Green,seeGreat
Bartlow Hamlet, see Ash- Blackwall, see Roxwell 342 Bulphan 73 Waltham 42Q
don 20 Blackwater,see Bradwell- Bumpstead - ad - Turrim, Chatley, see Great or
Bartlow Hills, see Ashdon 20 juxta-Coggeshall... 47 see Steeple Bumstead.. 398 Much Leighs 273
Barwick Berners, see BlackweirHill,see Epping 172 Bung Row, see Great Chaureth, see Broxtead 69
Roothings 340 Blasford Hills, see Little Braxted 56 Chelmsford............. 83
Basildon, see Laindon 262 Waltham '" 430 Buntings Green,see Colne Cherry Green, see Brox-
Basin, see Heybridge '" 230 Block HouseWick, see St. Engaine 152 tead 69
Bassett, see North Weald 443 Osyth 353 Bures, see Bowers Glfford 45 Chesterford-Great 96
Battelsdon, see Laindon 262 Blunt's Walls, see Great Bures Hamlet 73 ChesterJord-Little 96
Battle Bridge, see Raw- Burstead '" '" 76 Bures Mount, see Mount Chickuall - Little, see
reth 323 Bobbingworth 44 Bures 301 Chignall Smealey ,. 98
BattleDitches,see Saffron Rocking, see Braintree '" 49 Burgess Well,see Chelms- Chickney 97
Walden 345 Bocking End, see Brain- ford 83 Chignal 9fl
tree ,....................... 48 Chigual St. Jame!! 98



Chignal Smealey •••.••••. 98 Cnnobelin's Gold Mines, Esse, see Ashen ..• ..•.•...• 21 Great Ilford ..•.••..••.•.•• 238
Chigwell .••.••..•.••.......•. 98 see Chadwell St. Mary Estre, see Good Easter 167 Great Leighs 273
Chigwell Row.....•......... 100 82, & Little Thurrock 412 Eve's Corner,seeDanbnry 158 Great Maplestead 294
Childerditch ..•... .....•.•• 100 Currier's Green, see Fah'mead Bottom, see Great Monkwood, see Ep-
Chingford .•• 100 Willingale Doe 453 Epping 172 ping... ..• .....• 172
Chingford Green, see Cntler's Grn. see Thaxted 407 Fairsted or Fairstead 177 Great Norton, see Stam-
Chingford 100 Dagenham 156 Fambridge-North 178 bourne 390
Chingford Hatch, see Dagworth, see Pebmarsh 317 Fambridge-South 178 Great Oakley 307
Chingford .•• 101 Dairy Green, see Thaxted 407 Fange, see Vange 423 Great Parndon 314
Chingford Marsh, see Danbnry 158 Farnbridge, see Good GreatPorters,see Barking 28
Chingford 101 Daneholes, see Chadwell Easter 167 Great Potton Island, see
Chingford Mount, see St. Mary 82, & Little Farnham or Fernham .. , 178 Great Wakering 424
Chingford 101 Thurrock 412 Farsley, see Terling 405 Great Saling 354
Chippinl! Hill, see Wit- Dawes Heath, see Thun- Faulkbourn 179 Great Sampford or San-
ham 454 dersley...... 4I2 Feering I79 ford 354
Chipping Ongar 310 Debden 158 Felstead or Felstead Holy Great Stambridge 390
Chishall-Great & Little 104 DebdenGreen, seeDebden 159 Cross 179 Great Tey 405
Chishill, see Gt. Chishall 104 DebdenGrn.seeLoughton 276 Fifield or Fifehide, see Great Totham 420
Chrishall or Christhall 104 Debden Slade, see Epping 172 J<'ytield 187 Great, Wakering............ 423
Chrisball Grange, see Dedham 159 Finchingfield 181 Great Waltham 429
Chrishall 105 Dengie or Dengey 161 Fingringhoe 182 Great Warley 442
CburehEnd,see Clavering IIg Dengie Flats, see Asheld- Fobbing 182 Great Wenden, see Wen-
Cindery Islands, see ham 21 Ford End or Forth End.. 183 dens Ambo 447
Brightlingsea 65 Dewes Green, see Berden 39 Ford Street, see Aldham 17 Great Wig-borough ,. 45 2
Clacton-Great : II6 Doddinghurst 161 Fordham 183 Great Yeldham 473
. Clacton-Little 1I7 Donyland-East 161 Fordham Heath, see Green-South, see Great
Clacton-on-Sea 105 Donyland-West, see Col- Fordham 183 Burstead 76
Clanver End, see Wen- chester 126 Ford's End,see Clavering II8 Green-South, see Fing-
dens Ambo 447 Dove House Meadow, see Forest Gate 183 ringhoe 182
Clap Dog Green,see Brad- Great Bardfield 25 Foulness Island. or Foul- Green Ride, see Epping.. 172
well-juxta-Coggeshall 47 Dovercourt, see Harwich 217 ness 184 Green-Upper & Lower,
Clapgate, see Little Clae- Dovercourt - Upper & Foxearth or Foxheard 184 see Langley 266
ton u8 Lower, see Harwich .,. 217 Frame Green, see AI- Green-Upper & Lower,
Clatterfoot End, see Fy- Downham 162 phamstone 18 see Wimbish 453
field 187 Duek End, see Stebbing.. 397 Frating 184 Greenbury, see Writtle 47 2
Clavering 1I8 Duddenhoe End, see Frierning, see Fryerning 186 Greenstead,seeColchester 127
Claybury, see Woodford Elmdon 170 Frinton-on-Sea 185 Greenstead Green, see
. Bridge 459 Dulsmead Hollow, see Fryerning 186 Elsenham 17 1
Claypit Hill, see Epping 172 Epping ,. 172 Fuller Street, see Fairsted 177 Greenstead Green, see
Cliff Town, see Southend 362 Dunmow............... 163 Fyfield 187 HalsLead 199
Coalhouse Fort, see East Dunmow-Little 166 Galley Wood, see Stock 400 Greensted-juxta-Ongar .. 195
Tilbury 414 Dunton orDuntonWaylett 166 Galleywood Common 188 Grove Hill, see Woodford 459
Cobmarsh [sland, see Durrington, see Sheering 357 GallowsGreen,seeAldham 17 Hackwell, see Hawkwell 227
Mersea 298 Duton Hill, see Gt.Easton 168 Gapps, see High Ongar.. 312 Hacton, see Upminster 422
Cocklarks, see Purleigh 319 Earls Colne.................. ISO Garrett-High,see Brain- Hadleigh 196
Coggeshall II9 Earl's Path, see Epping.. 172 tree 49 Hadstock 196
Coggeshall-Little, see Earlsbnry, see Farnham 178 Gauntsend, seeElsenham 171 HainaultForest, see Rom-
Coggeshall II9 East Bridge, see Colches- Gaybowers, see Danbnry 158 ford & Epping 172, 330
Colchester 122 ter 122 George Lane, see Wood- Hallingbury-Great 197
Cold Norton ..•.••.......•• 149 East Donyland 161 ford 458 Hallingbury-Little 197
Cole Hill Mead, see Great East End, see Paglesham 314 Gestingthorpe 188 Hallingbury Morley, see
or Much Leighs 273 East End Green, see Gibcrack, see Danbury 158 Great Hallingbury 197
Collier Row, see Romford 330 Brightlingsea 65 Giblands, see GreatHenny 230 Halstead or Halsted 198
Colne-Great, see Earls East Ham 204 Gipcracks-Great &Little Ham-East 204
Colne ISO East Hanningfield 2II see Danbury J58 Ham-West 2II
Colne-Wakes 152 East Hill, see Colchester 123 Goldhanger 189 HangboySlade,seeEpping 172
Come-White 152 East Horndon 236 Golding Wells, see Mash- Hanningfield-East 2U
Colne Engaine 151 East Lee (or Ley), see bury 296 Hanningfield-South 212.
Colne-Ie-Blanc, see White Laindon 263 Goldings Hill, seeLough- Hanningfield-West 212
Colne 152 East Mersea, see Mersea 297 ton........................ 276 Hardy's Green, see Birch 42
Colne Monachorum, see East 'rhurrock, see Little Good Easter or Estre ... 167 Hare Green, see Great
Earls Colne... IS0 Thurrock 412 Gore Pit, see Kelvedon... 260 Bromley 67
Colneford Hill, see Earls East Tilbury 414 Gosfield 189 Hare Street, see Romford 330
Colne ISO Easter-Good 16] Grange Hill, see Chigwell 98 Harford Stock, see Stock 400
Connaught Water, !;lee Easter-High 16] Grapnells,seePaglesham. 314 Harlow '212
Chingford 101 Easterford, see Kelvedon 259 Gravel (The),see Cogges- Harlow Common, see
Cooks' Green, see Little Easthorpe 168 hall II9 Harlow 213
Clacton II8 Eastness, see Gt. Clacton II6 Grays,seeGraysThurrock 190 Harold Wood, see Horn-
COoksmill Green, see Easton-Great & Little... 168 Grays Thnrrock '" 190 church 234
Highwood ..• 231 Eastwood... 169 Great Baddow '" 23 Harold's Wood, see Rom-
Coopersale .: 153 Edingford Bridge, see Great Bardfield 25 ford 330
Copford 153 Shelley 357 Great Bentley............... 37 Hartford End, see Fel-
Copperas Bay, see Ramsey 322 Edney Green, see High- Great Birch, see Birch 41 stead 180
Corbets Tye, see Upmin- wood 232 Great Braxted 56 Harveys, see Pleshey 319
Ster ,. 422 Eight Ash Green, see Great Bromley 67 Harwich 2I5
Cornish Hall End 154 Copford 154 Great Burstead 76 Hastingwood, see North
Cornsland, see Shenfield. 358 Elmdon 170 Great Canfield 78 Weald (Bassett) 444
Corringham 154 Elmdon Lee, see Elmdon 170 Great Chesterford......... 96 Hatfield or Hatfield
Countess Cross, see WhIte Elmstead.................. 170 Great Chishall 104 Peverel.. 225
Colne 153 Elmstead Market, see Great Claeton II6 Hatfield or Hatfield Regis 224
Cowicks, see Sheering .. ,. 357 Elmstead 170 Great Colne, see Earls Hatfield Broad Oak, see
Coxtie Green, see South EIsenham 171 Colne '" ISO Hatfield 224
Weald 445 England Island -New, Great Easton 168 Hatfield Heath, see Hat-
Crabtree Wood, see Chig- see Little Wakering 424 GreatGipcracks, see Dall- field 224
well 98 Epping 171 bury 158 Havengore Island 226
Cranham 155 Epping Forest, see Epping I]2 Great Hallingbury 197 Haverhill 226
Creeksea 155 EppingGreen,seeEpping- Great Hennyor Heany 229 Havering-Atte-Bower 226
Cressing 155 Upland 177 Great Holland 232 Havering Well, see Horn-
Cricksea, see Canewdon.. 77 Epping Thicks, see Ep- Great Horkesley............ 233 church........ 235
Cricksea, see Creeksea 155 ping 172 Great Hyde, see Little Hawk Woods, see Ching-
Crockleford, see Ardleigh 19 Epping Upland 176 Bardfield 26 ford 101

Hawkspye Green, see Hurst Green, see Bright- Little Bardfield , 26 Lower Southend, see
Little Bardfield 26 lingsea 65 Little Bentle)· '" 38 Southend 362
.Hawkwell, Hawkswell or Hutton 238 Little Birch, see Birch 41 Lower Warley, see Great
Hawkewell .....•......... 227 Hyde-Great, see Little Little Braxted 57 Warley 442
Haydon, see Heydon 230 Bardfield 26 Little Bromley 68 LowerYeldham,seeGreat
Hazel End, see Farnham 178 Hythe, see Colchester ,. 122 Little Burstead 76 Yeldham 473
Hazeleigh 227 Hythe Bridge, see Col- Little Canfield 78 Lubber Hedges,see Steb-
Heath(The),seeSt. Oswyth 352 chester 122 Little Chesterford 97 bing 397
Heath (The), see Weeley 446 Ilford-Great 238 Little Chicknall,see Chig- LudgatePlain, see Epping 172
Heath-Little, see Chad- Ilford-Little 287 nal Smealey .,. 98 MagdalenGreen,seeGreat
well Street... 82 Ingatestone...... 257 Little Chishall '" 104 Clacton 116
Heath-Old, see Colches- Ingrave 259 Little Clacton I17 Magdalen Laver ,. 268
ter 125 Inworth..... 259 Little Coggeshall, see Maldoll .. 279
Heath Park, see Romford 330 Jack's Hill, see Epping... 172 Coggeshall II9 MallowsGreen, see Manu:'
HeckfordBridge,see Birch 42 Jasper's Green, see Shal- Little Dunmow 166 den 294
Retions Bumpstead 228 ford........................ 356 Little Easton 168 Manningtree.... .•......•... 286
Hemnall Street, see Jay Wick, see Great Little Gipcracks, see Manor Park ......•......... 287
Theydon Garnon .. 409 Clacton... ..•.... 116 DanbuFY 158 Manuden OF Manewden.. 293
Hempstead ..........•....... 228 Jay's Mead, see Romford 330 Little Hallingbury ....•. 197 Maplestead-Great .....• 294
Henham or Henham-on- Kedington 259 Little Heath, see Chad- Maplestead-Little ......• 295
the-Hill 229 Kedington Hamlet, see well Street 82 Maplin Sands, see Foul-
Henham-Little,see Hen- Stnrmer 402 Little Henham, see Hen- ness Island 184
ham 229 Kelvedon... 259 ham .,. 229 Marden Ash, see High
Henny-Great & Little 229 Kelvedon Hatch 261 Little Henny 229 Ongar ....................• 312
Herkstead Green, see King's Hatfield, see Hat- Little Ho;Iand .. , '" 233 Margaret Roothing, see
Cornish Hall End . 154 field. 224 Little Horkesley 234 Roothings 340
Hermon Hill, see Wan- King's Hill, see Rochford 327 Little Ilford 287 Margaretting .......•......• 295
stead 435 King's Oak, see Epping.. 172 Little Laver 268 Market End, see Cogges-
Heron Gate, see East Kirby or Kirby-Ie-Soken 261 Little Leighs 274 hall II9
Horndon 237 Kh-by Cross, see Kirby 262 Li'tle London, see Berden 39 Market Hill, see Halstead 198
Heybridge Basin, see Kirby-Upper & Lower, Little London, see Cor- Marks Gate, see Dagen-
Maldon... 280 see Kirby 26I nish Hall End....... I54 ham 0......... I56
Heybridge 230 Lady's Marsb, see Barking 26 Little Maplestead ........• 295 Marks Hall,sce Roothings 341
Heydon '" 230 Lacton, see Latton 267 Little Monkwood, see Marks Tey ..•............... 406
High Beech.. o o .................... 23 I Laindon o.. 262 Epping.................................... I72 Markshall 296
High Beech Hill, see High Laindon Hills ,. 263 Little Oakley 308 Marsh Isle, see Mersea... 297
Beech 231 Lalford, see Lawford 268 Little Pottan Island, see Marvel Green, see WH-
High Easter 167 Lalling, see Latchingdon 266 Little Wakering 424 lingale Doe 453
High Garrett, see Brain- Lamarsh 263 Little Parndon 316 Mashbury 296
tree 49 Lambourne... 264 Little Saling 354 Matching 296
n ••••

High Laver ,. 267 Lambourne End, see Little Sampford............ 355 Matching Green,see High
High Ongar 312 Lambourne 264 Little Stambridge 391 Lavev ..•.................. 267
High Roothing, see Landguard Fort, see Little Tey 405 Matching Green, see
Roothings 340 Harwich 216 Little Thurrock 412 Matching 296
Highwood 231 Landguard Point, see Little Totham 421 Matching 'rye, see Match-
Hill Green, see C]avel'ing II8 Harwich 216 Little Wakering 424 ing 296
Hockley or Hockleigh.. 232 Langdon or LangdonHills 263 LittleWalden, see Saffron Mayland 297
Holders Green, see Lind- Lanford 265 Walden 345 Maze (The), see Saffron
sell 274 Langenhoe 26 4 Little Waltham 430 Walden ••..•......... 345
Holland-Great 232 Langham 265 Little WarIey 443 Mersea 297
Holland Haven, see Great Langley 266 Little Wenden, see Wen- Mersea-East & West,see
Holland..... 232 Latchingdon....... 266 dens Ambo 447 Mersea .. ....• .•. 297
Holland-Little 233 Latton .. 267 Little Wigborough 452 Messing.... 298
Holmes, see Kirby 262 Laver-High 267 Little Woodham,. see Middle Mead, see Little
Holyfield, see Waltham Laver-Little 268 Woodham Mortimer 470 Baddow 24
Abbey 426 Lawford 268 Little Yeldham 473 Middleton . .....•....••..•..• 299
Honeylane Plain, see Lawting,see Latchingdon 266 Littlebury 275 Mile End, see Colchester 127
Epping 172 Layer Breton 269 Littlebury, see Stanford Mill Bay, see Harwich 216
Honeypot Lane, see Little Layer Cross, see Layer- Rivers 392 Mill End, see Thaxted 4 06
Clacton 1I8 de-la-Hay 269 Littlebury Green, see Mill End Green, see
Hoo Croft, see Romford.. 330 Layer-de-Ia-Hay 269 Littlebury ..............•. 275 Great Easton 168
Hook End, see Blackmore 43 Layer Marney 270 Littley Green, see Ford Mill Green, see Ingate-
Hope Point, see West Leaden Roothing, see End 183 stone 258
Tilbury 414 Roothings 340 Loddart's Hill, see Haze- Mill Street, see Barlow..• 213
Hopes Green, see South Leaden Wash, see The Jeigh 227 Miller's Green, see Willin-
Benfleet....... 37 Roothings 340 London-Little, see Ber- gale Doe 452
Horham, see Thaxted.•... 407 Lee Chapel, see Laindon 263 den...... 39 Milton, see Southend . 363
Horkesley-Great 233 Lee-East, see Laindon.. 263 London-Little, see Cor- Mistley.....• ... ...•....•...... 299
Horkesley-Little 234 Lee-West, see Langdon 263 nish Hall End 154 Mole Hill Green, see
Hornchurch ., ,. 234 Lee Wick, see St. Osyth. 353 Long Green, see Cressing 156 Takeley .•..........•.... ,. 403
Hornchurch-South 235 Leebury. see Elmdon..... 170 Long Green, see Marks Monk Street, see Thaxted 407
Horndon-East 236 Leigh 270 Tey 406 Monkwood - Great &
Horndon-West 238 LeighChopel,seeLangdon 263 Long Hills, see Epping 172 Little, see Epping .•.•.• 172
Horndon-on-the-HilL 237 Leighs-Great or Much.. 273 Long Running,seeEpping 172 Moreton 300
Horseman Side, see Leighs-Little 274 Long Stomps,seeCbelms- Morrell Roothing, see
Navestock 303 Lessenden, see Colchester 127 ford 88 Roothings 341
Horse's Heath, see Orsett 313 Level's Green, see l1'arn- Lords Bushes, see Buck- Mossfoot Green, see
Horsey, see Kirby 262 ham 178 hurst Hill 69 & Epping 172 Barking Side 33
Horsley Cross,see MistIey 299 Lexden, see Colchester 127 Loughton 276 Moulsham, see Chelms-
Househam, see Matching 296 Ley-East, see Laindon 263 Loughton Camp, see ford 85
Howe or Hoe Green, see Leyton 274 Epping 172 Mount Bures 301
Purleigh 3 19 Leytonstone 274 Low Street, see West Mount Pleasant, see
Howe Green, see Sandon 356 Lindsell 274 Tilbury 414 Epping 172
Howe Street, see Great Linford, see Mucking 302 Lower Dovcrcourt, see Mountnessing 301
Waltham 429 LinktailGreen,seePleshey 319 Harwich 217 Moze or Mose, see Beau-
Howlett End,seeWimbish 453 LionPoint,see Gt. Clacton 116 Lower Green,seeLangley 266 mont-with-Moze. 35
Hull Bridge, see Hockley 232 LionWalk, see Colchester 122 Lower Green, see Wim- Much Leighs 273
Hungry Downs, see Pur- Lippitt's Hill, see High bish 453 Much Stambridge, see
leigh .....•..•....•.......... 319 Beech 231 Lower Kirby, see Kirby .. 261 Great Stambridge 390
Hunnock's Lane, see Liston ,.........•......••. 275 Lower Park,seeLoughton 276 Much Waltham, see
Birdbrook ..•..• 43 Little Baddow ..•..•...•.• 24- Great Waltham .•••••.•• 429



Mucking 302 Orsett 313 Ramsey 322 Sheering 357
Mucking Creek, see Fob- Orsett, see Stock 400 Ramsey Isle, see Steeple 397 Sheering Hall, see Shal-
bing 182 Osey, see Great Totham. 420 RanksGreen, see Fairsted 177 ford 356
Mucking Ford, see Muck- Ostend, see Burnham 74 Rawreth or Raureth 322 Shelley 357
ing 302 Ounsley Green, see Rayleigh.. 323 Shelley Hill, see Epping 172
Mulberry Green, see Barnston 34 Rayne or Raine '" 324 Shellow Bo wells 357
Harlow 213 Ovesham, see Mat.ching.. 296 Ret.tendon 325 Shenfield 358
Mundon 302 Ovington 315 Rettendon Common 327 Shenfield Common, see
Myland, see Colchester 127 Oxen End, see Little Richmonds Green, see Shenfield 358
Nasing, see Nazeing 303 Bardfield 26 Thaxted 407 Shoebury-North 358
Navestock 303 Oxney Green, see Writtle 472 Rickling 326 Shoebury-South 359
Navestock Heath, see Paglesham or Paklesham 313 Rickling Green, see Rick- Shoeburyness, see South
Navestock......... 303 Panfield 314 ling........ 326 Shoebury , 359
Navestock Side, see Park, see Mistley '" 299 Ridgwell 326 Shopland 360
Navestock 303 Park-Upper & Lower, Ridgwell Norton, see Shrub End,see Colchester 127
Naze (The), see Walton- see Loughton 276 Stambourne 390 Sible Hedingham 361
on-the-Naze 431 Parkeston & Parkeston Ringwood, see Canewdon 77 Sibley's Green, see
Naze Park, see Walton- Quay, see Harwich '" 216 Rippleside, see Barking... 28 Thaxted 407
on-the-Naze 431 Parndon-Great ., 315 RivenhalL. 327 Silver End, see Rivenhall 327
Nazeing... 303 Parndon-Little '" 316 Rivenhall End, see Riven~ Silvertown 362
Nazeing Common, see Parsloes, see Barking..... 28 halL........ ..• 327 Skipper'sIsland,see Kirby 262
Nazeing 303 Parson's Heath, see Col- Rochford '" 327 Slamondsey or Slamsey,
Netteswell or Nettleswell 304 chester 125 RodmgCreek, see Barking 27 see Black Notley 307
Netteswell Common, see Parswick, see Pattiswick 316 Rodings (The), see Roo~ Smith'sGreen,see Debden 159
Netteswell 304 Paslow Common, see things 339 Smith's Green, see Take-
N etteswell Cross, see High Ongar 312 Rokeley,seeWillingaleDoe 452 ley 403
Netteswell 304 Passingford Bridge, see Rolling Ground, see Har~ Snaresbrook, see Wan-
Nevendon or Newendon.. 304 Stapleford 'fawner ., 396 wich 216 stead 435
New Bubbles, see South- Paternoster Heath, see Romeland, see Waltham Snoreham, see Latching-
minster 387 Tolleshunt Knights 419 Abbey 425 don .., 266
New England Island, see Pateswick, see Pattiswick 316 Romford 329 South Benfieet 37
Little Wakering 424 Pattiswick 316 Romford Common, see South Fambridge 178
Newman's End, see Pattock Green, see Great Romford 330 South Green, see Great
Matching 29 6 Tey 405 RomfordRural, see Rom- Burstead 76
Newney Green, see Pebmarsn 316 ford 330 South Green, see Fing-
Writtle 47 2 Peldon 317 Roothings (The) 339 ringhoe 182
New Sampfurd 355 Peltington, see Peldon... 317 RopheyGrn.see Ford End 183 South Hanningfield 212
Newtown, see Harwich 216 Penny Green,see Panfield 315 RopheyGreen,see flashey 319 South Hill, see Manning-
New Wanstead, see Wan- Pennyfeathers Green, see Rose Green, see Chappel 83 tree 286
stead 435 Fyfield 187 Rotten End, see Wethers- South Hornchurch 235
Newport 305 Pentlow 3I7 field 448 South Ockendon 309
Nine Ashes, see High Penny Green,see Panfield 314 Round Bush, see Birch... 42 South Park, see Great
Ongar 312 Perry Green, see Brad- Round Bush, see Purleigh 319 Ilford 239
Noak Hill. 306 well-juxta-Coggeshall.. 47 RoundThicket,seeEpping 172 South Shoebury 359
Nobles Green, see Eas't- Perton End, see Debden.. 159 Row Green, see Black South Weald 445
wood... 169 Pewett Island, see Lan- Notley ., 307 South Woodford, see
North Benfieet 36 genhoe 265 Rowhedge, see East Woodford 458
North Bridge, see Col- Pewett Island, see Kirby 262 Donyland...... 162 Southchurch '" 363
chester , 127 Pilgrim's Heath, see Roxwell 341 Southchurch Wick, see
North End, see Ford End 183 South Weald 445 Roydon 342 Southchurch 363
North End, see Little Pitsea , 318 Roydon Hamlet, see Roy- Southend-on-Sea.... 362
Yeldham 473 Plaistow 318 don 343 Southend - Lower, see
North End, see Little- Playing Stalls, see Stan- Rudduck'sHill,seeAshdon 20 Southend 362
bury 275 way 395 Runsell, see Danbury 158 Southminster 3 87
North Fambridge 178 Pledgden, see Henham 229 Runwell 343 Southsea,seeSouthchurch 3 6 3
North Hill,see Colchester 12 3 Pledgden Green, see Rush Green, see Romford 33I Spains End, see Cornish
North Ockendon 309 Henham 229 Rushley Island, see Great Hall End 154
North Shoebury............ 358 Pleshey 3I 8 Wakering 424 Springfield................... 3 88
North Weald (Bassett) ... 443 Pleshey Bury,see Pleshey 319 Sabines Green, see Nave- Springwell, see Little
North Weald Gullett, see Pond Street, see Wenden stock 303 Chestedord............... 97
North Weald (Bassett) 444 Lofts 447 Saffron Walden 343 Squirrells Heath, see
North Wood, see Bel- Pontisbright, see Chappel 82 St. John's Green, see Romford 331
champ WaIter............ 36 Porters-Great,see Bark- . Colchester 124 Starnbourne 390
North Woolwich 470 ing 28 St. Lawrence Newland 352 Stambourne Green, see
Norton Mandeville 306 Potter Street, see Harlow 213 St. Oswyth Heath, see Stambourne 390
Notley-Black............... 306 Potton Island - Great, Oswy~h 352 Stambridge - Great (or
Notley-White 307 see Great Wakering 424 St. Oswyth 352 Much) 390
Oakley 308 Potton Island-Little, see St. Pris' Well, see Rad- Stambridge-Little 391
Oakley-Great 307 Little Wakering 424 winter 320 Stanford-le-Hope 391
Oakley Green, see Oak- Potts Green, see Marks Salcott or Salcot Wig- Stanford Rivers 392
ley 309 Tey........................ 406 borough.......... 353 Stangate or Stanegate,
Oakley-Little 308 Primrose Hill, see Brent- Salcott Creek, see Mersea 298 see Steeple 397
Ockendon-North&South 309 wood 59 Salcott Virley, see Virley 4 2 3 Stansted Mountfitchet ..• 392
Ockendon Rokely, see Prittlewell, see Southend 363 Baling-Great 354 Stanway 395
Sonth Ockendon 309 Purfleet, see West Thur- Saling-Little 354 Stanway All Saints, see
Ockendon of the Seven rock 4I3 SalwayBill, seeWoodford 459 Stanway 395
Fountains, see North Purleigh 319 Sampford-Little or New 355 Stapleford Abbots 395
Ockendon 309 Quashey Corner, see Sampford or Sanford- Stapleford Tawney 396
Oddwell, see Gesting- Messing 298 Great or Old 354 Staples Hill, or Epping 172
thorpe 188 Quendon 319 Sandon or Sandown 355 Starling's Green, see
Old Bubbles, see South- Quinton Hill,seeWaltharn Sandpit Plain, see Epping Clavering 218
minster 387 Abbey 425 172, & Ilford-Great 239 Stebbing 396
Old Heath,see Colchester 125 Radley Green, see High- Seward's End, see Saffron Stebbing Green, see
Old Sampford or Sanford 354 wood 231, & Willingale Walden 345 Stebbing 397
Olmstead Green, see Doe 452 Sewardstone, see Wal- Steeple or Steeple-cum-
Helions Bumstead 228 Radwinter.......... 320 tham Abbey 42 5 Stangate 397
Ongar & Castra, see Rainham 321 Shalford , 356 Steeple Bumpstead 398
Chipping Ongar 310 Rainsford End, see Shalford Green, see Shal- SteventonEnd,seeAshdon 20
Ongar-High 312 Chelmsford 87 ford 356 Sticklings Green, see
Orplands, see Bmdwell- Ramsden Bdlhouse , 321 Sheepcote Green, see Clavering II8
juxta-Mare 47 Ramsden Crays 322 Clavering 118 Stifford 399

Stisted or Stistead..•.•.•.. 399 Tolleshunt Knights 419 Waltham-Little •••...... 430 Whitehouse Plain, sec
Stock ..•••....•...........•..• 400 Tolleshunt Major (or Walthamstow 430 Epping 172
Stocking Green, see Rad- Magna) ......•....••...••• 419 WaIton Creek, see Wal- Wicken Ronant or Wic-
winter .,•. , 320 Toot Hill, see Stanford ton-on-the-Naze 43 I ken Bonhunt ....••....•. 449
Stondon, or StondonMas- Rivers ..•..•..••••..•....•• 392 Walton-le-Soken, see Wal- Wickford or Wicfort...... 449
sey, or De Marcy 401 Toppesfield ..•............... 419 ton-on-the-Naze ..•..... 430 Wickham Bishops ..•....•. 450
Stones Green, see Great Torrell's Hall, see Willin- Walton Naze Park, see Wickham St. PauL 451
Oakley ......•.......•...• 308 gale Doe ........•..•.....• 452 Walton-on-the-Naze 431 Widdington 451
Stourwood, see Ramsey.. 3 22 Totham-Great ....•...... 420 Walton-on-the-Naze 430 Widford 451
Stow Maries •.............• 401 Totham-Little 421 Wanstead 435 Wigborough-Gt. & Lt 452
Stratford 401 Trapp's Hill, see Lough- Wanstead - New, see WigbroWick,seeSt.Osyth 353
Strawberry Hill, see ton 277 Wanstead ., 435 Willingale Doe, or Wil-
Epping 172 TumblerGreen,seeStisted 400 Wanstead Flats, see 'Wan- lingehall d'Eau 452
Street, see Takeley 403 Twinsted, or 'rwinshead. 421 stead 435 Willingale Spain ..•.•.•..•. 453
Street- Upper,see Kirby 262 Tve (The), see Margaret- Wanstead Park, see Wan- Wimbish 453
Strethall ..•.....•..•.•..•...• 401 •ting 295 stead ...........•.......... 435 Wimbish Green,see WOO-
Strode or Stroude, see Tye Common, see Great Warley Abbess, see Great bish ...........•..•..•..•.•• 453
Mersea..............•.••... 297 Burstead ..•.....•......... 76 Warley 442 Windmill Hill,see Epping 164
Sturmer or Stourmere 402 Tye Green, see Elsenham 171 Warley -Great or West 442 'Vitham ...................•• 454
Surrex, see Feering 179 Tye Green, see Nettes- Warley-Lower, seeGreat Witney, see Fyfield 187
Sutton .......••..............• 402 well , .....•.....• 304 Warley 442 Witney Green, see Fyfield 187
Takeley ..•..•...........•...• 402 Tyler's Green, see North Warley-Little ............• 443 Wivenhoe ............•..•... 457
Tendring..•.•..•..•.........• 403 Weald (Bassett) ........• 444 Warren, see Epping ..... , 172 Wivenhoe Cross, see
Terling 404 Ugley ..........•......•.....• 308 Warren Hill, see Epping 172 Wivenhoe ..•..•...•.....•• 457
Termitts, see Terling 405 Ulting ...................•.... 421 Waterside, see Bradwell- Wix 459
Tey Cross, see Great Tey 405 Undercliff Walk, see juxta-Mare 47 Wix Cross, see Wix .....• 458
Tey-Great 405 Harwich 217 Watsoe, see Birdbrook 43 Wix Green, see Wix 458
Tey-Little.................• 405 Uphall Farm, see Manor Weald-North (Bassett) 443 Wokendon, see North &
Thames Haven, see Park 287 Weald GuIlett, see North South Ockendon 309
Corringham 154 Upminster 422 Weald (Bassett) 444 Woodford 458
Thaxted 406 Upminster Common, see Weald-South 445 Woodford - South, see
Theydon Bois or ThoJ'- Upminster 422 Weeley 446 Woodford '" 458
don Bois ....•............. 408 Upper Dovercourt, see Wenden-Great & Little, Woodford Bridge, see
Theydon Garnon or Ger- Harwich 217 see Wendens Ambo 447 Woodford ., ,....•...•. 459
non ..•.••.................. 406 UpperGreen, see Langley 266 Wendens Ambo 447 'Voodford Green, see
Theydon Green, see UpperGreen,seeWimbish 453 Wendon Lofts,or Wenden 447 Woodford 458
Theydon Bois ,. 408 Upper Kirby, see Kirby.• 261 Wenniugton 447 WoodfordWells,seeWood-
Theydon Mount 410 UpperPark,see LoughtOll 276 Wesley End, see Stam- ford 459
Thorncroft, see Gt.Henny 230 Upper Street, see Kirby.. 262 bourne 390 Woodham Ferrers, or
Thornwood, see North Upper Yeldham,seeLittle. West Bergholt 39 Woodham Ferris 469
Weald (Bassett) 444 Yeldham 473 Westcliffe - on - Sea, see Woodham Mortimer, or
Thornwood Common, see Upshire or Upstra, see Southend 363 Little Woodham 470
North Weald (Bassett) 444 Waltham Abbey 426 West Donyland, see Col- Woodham WaIter ........• 470
Thorpe, see Easthorpe 168 Upton & Upton Park 423 chester 126 Woodredon, see Roydon.. 342
Thorpe-Ie-Soken ........•• 410 Vange .. , 423 West Ham ..• ..• 2II W oodridden Hill, see
Thorrington or Thoring- Vineyards,seeGt.Baddow 23 West Hanningfield 212 Epping 172
ton 411 Virley 423 West Horndon 238 Woodside Green, see
Thunderly, see Wimbish 453 Wake Valley, see Epping 172 West Knock Sand, see Great Hallingbury .... 197
Thundersley 412 Wakering-Great 423 Southchurch 363 WoolnerGreen,seeStisted 400
Thurrock - Little (or Wakering-Little 424 West Lee, see Langdon 263 Woolwich-North 470
East) 412 Wakes Colne ....•.......... 152 West Mersea, see Mersea 297 Wormingford .............• 470
Thurrock-'West .......•.. II2 Walbury, see Great Hal· West Rocks, see Walton- Wrabness 47:£
Tilbury-East & West .,. 414 lingbury 197 on-the-Naze 431 Writtle 471
Tilbury Docks, see West Walden-Little, see Saf- West Thurrock 412 WrittleGreen,see Writtle 47:£
Tilbury 415 fron Walden .••.......... 345 West Tilbury 414 Wyatt's Green, see Black-
Tilbury-juxta-Clare 4 1 4 Wallasea, see Canewdon 77 West Warley, see Great more 43
Tilbury Fort, see West Wallasea Island, see Pag- Warley ..................• 442 Wykeford or Wygeford,
Tilbury , ., P4 lesham 3 1 4, & Little Wethersfield ..•............. 448 see Wickford 449
Tillingham ..•............... 416 Wakering .....•...•...... 424 White Colne 152 Yardley Farm, see Thax-
Tilty 4 16 Walls Green, see Willin- White Notley 307 ted ....••••................. 407.
'l'indon End, see Great gale Doe 452 White Roothing, see Roo- Yeldham - Great. or
.Sampford .........•...... 355 Waltham Abbey, or Wal- things 340 Lower 473
TIptree Heath 4 17 tham Holy Cross 423 Whitehall Plain, see Ep- Yeldham-Lit. or Upper 473
Tollesbury , 4 17 Waltham - Great or pl'ng 17 2 York HI'11 sec Loughton 276
TOlleshunt D'Arcy 418
Much 4 9,
•.• ,

With Reference to the Places under which they will be found in this Volume.

Abbot's hall, Humphrey Richard George Marriott esq. Bromley lodge, Albt. E. Bowen esq. see Great Bromley 67
J.P. see Shalford o. a. 356 Broomfield lodge, Henry Collings Wells esq. D.L" J.P.,
Achnacone, Orlando George Harman esq. see Lexden . 127 see Broomfield 68
Abyns, !,'rederic E. Loyd esq. see Stapleford Abbots . 39 6 Buckland, Robert Hamilton Williams esq. J.P. see East
Alresford hall, Mrs. Hawkins, see Alresford . 18
Alton park, John Smith esq. J.P. see Great Clacton . II6
Apton hall, George E. Hawkins esq. see Canewdon . 77
Ardleigh park, Mrs. Scriven, see Ardleigh .. 19
Ashford lodge, Mrs. Taylor, see Halstead . 199
Astles (The), Rochfort Astle Sperlingesq. see Castle
Hedingham . 79
Attwoods George Briscoe esq. see Halstead .. 199
Auberies, Lieut.-Col. WaIter St. George Burke J.P. see
Bulmer 72
Audley End, Lady Braybrooke, see Saffron Walden 345
Baddow court, Henry William Smithers esq. see Great.
Baddow .
Baddow hall, Mrs. Gilmore, see Great Baddow ..
Baddow lodge, Reginald Watneyesq. see Great Baddow Colne house, Frederick John Marsden esq. J.P. see
Barrington hall, George Alan Lowndes esq. M.A., D.L., Earls Colne . IS°
J.P. see Hatfield . 224 Colne park, John James Dumville Botterell esg. see
Baythorn park, King Viall esq. see Birdbrook . 43 Colne Engaine 152
Bedfords, Henry Jessop Stone esg. J.P. see Havering- Colne Place, WaIter Edward Grimston esg. J.P. see
Atte-Bower " . 227 Earls Colne ' 150
Beech Hill park, Arthur Janion Edwards esq. D.L., J.P. Colneford house, Joseph Wren esg. see Earls Colne ISO
see Waltham Abbey . Comargues, Henry Attlee esq. see Thorpe-le·Soken 4IO
Belchamp hall, :Mrs. Raymond, see Belchamp Waiter.•• Coombe lodge, Edward Murray Ind esq. D.L., J.P., see
Belfairs lodge, Mrs. Miller, see Leigh . Cranham r 55
Belhus, Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard bart. M.A., D. L., Coopersale hall, Edward Hitchings Flux esq. see They-
J.P. see Aveley . 22 don Garnon 409
Belmont,; Lieut.-Col. Edmund Garrett J.P. see Chig- Coopersale house, Mrs. Eyre, see Coopersale 153
well . 98 Copford hall, Thomas Casson esq. see Copford 153
Berechurch hall, Thomas Hetherington esq. see Bere- Copped hall, Ernest James Wythes esg. J.P. see Epping
church, Colchester I26 Upland 177
Beredeils, Robt. Thompson Stoneham esg. see Cranham 155 Coptfold hall, Mrs. Jupp, see Margaretting 295
Berewyk hall, Harris Hills esg. J.P. see White Colne ... 153 Cut Hedge, George Courtauld esq. J.P. see Gosfield 189
Berwick Place, Capt. William Johnson Howard Towns- Dagnam park, Sir Thomas Lewis Hughes Neave bart.
end J.P. see Hatfield Peverel.. 226 J. P. see Noak hill 306
Beslyns house, Mrs. Adshead, see Great Bardfield 25 Dalethorpe, James Dyer Tremlett esq. M.A., J.P. see
Bevingdon house, William Charles Parmenter esq. see Dedham . 159
Belchamp Otten .. 35 Danbury Palace, Hugh Edward Hoare esq. Danbury ... 15 8
Bexfields, Dendy Watney esq. see Galleywood Common 188 D'Arcy house, John Henry Salter esq. J.F. see Tolles-
Birch hail, Rt. Hon. James Round F.C., M.A., M.F., hunt D' Arcy ~...... 418
D.L.. , J.P. see Birch 42 Debden hall, John Ashton Fielden esq. see Debden 159
Birchwood, Edward C. Gibbons esq. see Dedham 159 Docklands, Lt.-col. George W. Wood J. P. see Ingatestone 258
Birchwood, Mrs. Hichens, see Birch 42 Down hall, Capt. Horllce W. Calverley, see Hatfield ... 224
Bishops hall, Lieut.-Col. Amelius RiChard Mark Lock- Dudbrook, Douglas Crossman esg. B.A. see Navestock 303
wood l\I.P., J.P. see Lambourne 264 Duvals (The),Edmund Wright Brooks esg. J. P. see Grays 190
Blackmore house, Capt. Wellesley George Piggott, see Dynes hall, Charles Brogden Sperling esq. D.L., J.P. see
Blackmore . 44 Great Maplestead 294
Blake hall, Chas. Wm. Fielding esq. see Bobbingworth. 44 Easton lodge, Earl & Countess of Warwick, see Little
Blythwood house, Sir James Blyth bart. J.P. see Stan- Easton 169
sted Monntfitchet ~ . 393 Eastwood Bury, Allen Stallibrass esCj. see Eastwood .., 169
Backing hall, Charles J. Bolton esq. see Braintree .. 49 Elm grove, Edmund Birch Gibson esq. J.P. see Saffron
Bocking Place, Mrs. Sydney Courtauld, see Braintree . 49 "\i\ralden 348
Boleyns, Lieut.-Col. Samuel Geo. SavillJ.F. see Bocking 55 Elms (The), Edgar Jones esq. J.P. see Great Burstead... 76
Boreham house, Lieut.-Col. John Lionel Tufnell-Tyrell Elsenham hall, Sir ~ alter Gilbey bart. J. P. see Elsenham I71
D. L., J. P. see Boreham . 44 Eweland hall, Owen Parry esq. see Margaretting 295
Bovingdon hall, John English Tabor esq. J.l'. see Bocking 55 Faulkbourn hall, Christopher William Parker esq. D.L.,
Bower house, John W. Docwra esg. see Havering-Atte- l.P.. see F'aulkbourn ' 179
Bower 227 Feel'ing Bury Manor house, Edward Catchpool esq. see
Boxted lodge, Lieut.-Col. Augustine Hugh Lefroy J.P. F' eerlng
. " ." . 179
see Boxted . 46 Felix hall, Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry P. Ewart bart. K.C.B.,
Boyles court, Joseph Francis Lescher esq. D.L., J.P. see K.C.V.O. see Kelvedon . 260
South Weald 445 Fisher's, William Tanner Farncombe-Tanner esg. J.P.
Braxted park, Charles Henry Copley Du Cane esq. D.L., see Wakes Colne 152
J.P. see Great Braxted 57 Forest hall, Harold McCorquodale esq. see High Ongar 312
Brick house (The), Miss Pollitt, see Wicken Bonant 449 Foxearth hall, Archibald Vaughan, Campbell Lambert
Brightlingsea hall, John Bateman esq. D.L., J.P. see esq. see Foxearth 184
Brightlingsea 65 Frettons, John Timbrell Pierce esq. F.R.G.S., D.L., J.P.
Brizes park, Charles Duncan Royds esq. J.P. see Kelve- see Danbury 158
don Hatch 261 1

Friday Hill, Frederick Granville Sinclair esq. D.L., ;r.p. Lexden Manor house, BaLett W. Colvin esq. see Lexden 127
See Chingford 101' LiIystone hall, William Dunn esq. see Stock •......•...... 400
Gatwick, Edward Thomas Mashiter esq. ;r.p. see Great Liston hall, Charles Benjamin Graham esq. see Liston 275
Burstead 76 Little Bardfield hall, Richd. Creed esq. see Lit.Bardfield 26
Gaynes park, Henry Joslin esq. D.L., J.P. see Upminster 422 Liyton hall, Charles Benjamin Graham esq. see Liston 275
Gaynes park, William Swaine Chisenbale-Marsh esq. Loughton hall, Rev. John Whitaker Maitland M.A. see
J . P.. see Theydon Garnon 409 Loughton 277
Gillwell park, Mrs. Gibbs, see Sewardstone 426 Lower park, James Hewitt esq. see Dedham .............• 1.59
Gladwyns, Horace Broke esq. ~['A., J.P. see Hatfield ...• 225 Lynders Wood, Major Gerald Barker, see Black Notley 307
Goldings (The), Evelyn Heseltine esq. see Great Warley 442 Lyons hall, Joseph Herbert Tritton esq. F.R.G.S., F.S.S.
Goldsmiths, AId. Sir J oseph Cockfield Dimsdale bart. see Great Leigbs................................................. 273
M.P., 1. P. see Laindon Hills 263 Manuden house, Rev. Joseph Bernard Forster M.A. see
Gosfield hall, Mrs. Lowe, see Gostield........................ 189 ~Ianuden ..............................•............... 294
Gosfield Place, Rev. Basil James Harold Beridge M.A. Maplestead hall, Charles Edward Brewster esq. J.P. see
see Gosfield 189 Little ~Iaples'tead 295
Grays hall, Thomas Alfred Capron esq. see Grays 190 Mark hall, Newman Gilbey esq. J.P. see Latton..•...•... 267
Great BromIey hall, Robert Richards Greenslade esq. Marks hall, Thomas Phillips Price esq.J.p.see Markshall 296
see Great Bromley 67 Marshalls Mrs. C. P. Matthews, see Romford , 330
Great Claydons, Capt. Horatio Fraser Kemble R.N., J.P. Mascalls, John Henry Horton esq. J.P. see South Weald 445
see East Hanningfield 2II Middleton hall, Richard Thornton Thornton esq. 1I1.A.
Great Gearies, Robert Lodge esq. see Barking Side... 33 see Shenfield ..•.. _ 358
Great Langtons, Varco Williams esq. see Hornchurch..• 234 Mill Green park, Sheffield H. M. Neave esq. see
Great Nehlles, Louis Sinclair esq. M.P. see Hornchurch 234 Jngatestone 258
Greenstead hall, Robt. AlIen esq. see Greenstead Green 199 Milltield, Charles William Matthews esq. J.P. see South
Greensted hall, Howell John J ames Price esq. B.A., D.L., Weald ...•..•....................•....•...•..• 445
J.P. see Greensted, Ongar S.O 195 Mistley hall, William Walton esq. see Mistley......•.....• 299
Grey Towers, Lieut.-Col. Henry Holmes D.L., J.P. see Mistley lodge, Edward Kensit Norman esq. D.L., J.P.
Hornchurch ..• ..• ..• .•. 234 see Mistley............................................... 299
Grove (The), Capt. Jasper Nicholls Harrison ;r.p. see Mistley place, Rev. Canon Charles Frederick Norman
Great Saling 354 M. A., J. P. see Mistley. ... ... ... . . . ... .. . .. . ..... .. . . ... ... ... ..• 299
Grove(The),PercyEdward Laurence esq. J.P. seeWitham 454 Moat (The), Frederick T. Treebyesq. see Pebmarsh...• 317
HaIIingbury Place, Lieut. -Col. George Bramston Archer- Monken HadIey, Francis Henry Crittall esq. see Bock~
Houblon J.P. see Great Hallingbury 197 ing (Braintree)................................................... 49
Bampden house, James Williams Cook esq. ;r.p. see Monkhams hall, Lt.-Col. Richard Beale Colvin C.B.,
Brentwood... 58 D.L., ;r.p. see Waltham Abbey 427
Hargrave park, Gilbert Alder esq. see Stansted Mount- Monks lodge, Thomas :Frederick Miller esq. J.P. see
fitchet 393 Great Maplestead 294
Hassobury, RobertCunliffe Gosling esq.·;r.p.see Farnham 178 Moor hall, John Balfour esq. see Harlow 213
Hatfield Place, WiIIiam Michael Tufnell esq. D. L., J.P. Mount Echo, Henry James Barnes esq. see Cbingford.. 1.01
see Hatfield Peverel... 226 Mount Maskall, Captain John Desborough Pearson
HatfieId prior~', Mrs. Hanbury, see Hatfield Peverel.. 226 W alford-GosnaIl, see Boreham 45
Havering park, Mrs. McIntosh,see Havering-atte-Bower 227 Moyns park, The Hon. Mrs. St. John Ives, see Steeple
Hawkwood, Sidney Cooper esq. see Chingford 101 Bumpstead 398
Hedingham Castle, James Henry Alexander Majendie Nazeing park, Hon. Mrs. A. Ker, see Nazeing............• 303
M.P., D.L., J. P. see Castle Hedingham..................... 79 New hall, Mrs. Impey-Lovibond, see Ardleigh ........•... 19
Hempstead hall, Henry Horn Almack esq. J.P. see Oaklands, Lt.-Col. Percy Adams, see Halstead.•..•...•... 199
Hempstead 229 Oaklands, Sir Charles Bird Locock bart.see Black N otley 307
Heron Court, Peter George Laurie esq. see East Horndon 237 Old house, Mrs. Penrose, see Dedham................. .•••.• 159
Highlands, WiIliam Deason esq. see Dedham 159 Orford house, Robert Woodhouse esq. see Oakley 308
Hill hall, Duke de Moro, see Theydon Mount 410 Orsett hall, Major Fras. Hy. Douglas Charlton WhIt-
HilI house, Dedham pal'k, flatfeild James Back esq. see more J.P. see Orsett 313
Dedham.................................. 159 Orsett house, William Thomas Reginald Houldsworth,
Hill house, Richard EdwaFd Rann esq. M.A., J.P. see esq. see Orsett 3I 3
Messing................................................................ 298 Over hall, Mrs. C. A. Gates, see Gestingthorpe 188
Hill Place, Sir Edward Payson Wills x.e.B., ;r.p. see Park house, Henry Tweed Brunwin esq. see BradweIl-
U pminster 'O.... • •• • • • •• • ••• ••••• 422 juxta-Coggeshall... 47
Holfield grange, Mrs. Reginald Duke Hill, see Coggeshall 119 Park place, :Mrs. Sayer, see North Weald Bassett ..•..... 444
Homestead (The),David Price-Howell esq. see Radwinter 320 Parndon hall, Loftus Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq.
Hope house, Robert Johnson esq. see Little Burstead '" 76 see Little Parndon............................................... 3 r 6
Hoppey hall, Arthur E. Williams esq. see Upminster •.. 422 Peacocks WaIter P. Tyser esq. see Margaretting 295
Horham hall, Launcelot Cranmer-Byng esq. see Thaxted 407 Piercy's, Frank Parish esq. jun. see Greenstead Green,
Horkesley park, Commander Edward Barrington Purvis Halstead. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .• ..• . .. ... .•• .•. . .• .. . .•• ..• .••..•.. . .... ..• 199
Kelso R.N., D.L., J.P. see Great Horkesley ........•..•.•. 253 Pontlands, James Thomasin Foster esq. LL.M., J.P. see
Hornchurch lodge, Mrs. Fenner, see Hornchurch 234 Great Baddow ..• ..•. .•. .•...... ...•. .•. 23
Houghtons, Prior William-Prior-Johnson esq. see Great Priests, Mrs. Haynes, see Romford .....•....................• 330
Baddow 23 Priory (Colne), Augustus Maunsell Bradhurst esq. see
Howe (The), Mrs. Homer, see Halstead..........••..•..••.• 199 Earl's Colne ..•...... 150
Button hall, Mrs. Digby Neave, see Button ...........•... 238 Pyrgo park, Lady O'Hagan, see Havering-atte-Bower..• 227
Hutton park, George Harry Baxter esq. see Hutton..... 238 Queenborough, Mrs Parris & Miss Rolfe, see Braintree 52
Hyde (The), Haden Corser esq. M.A., J.P. see Ingatestone 257 Quendon court, Major Robert Biscoe J.P. see Quendon 320
Hylands, Arthur Pryor esq. D.L., ;r.p. see Widford ..•... 451 Quendon hall, Lt.-Col. Alfred Molynenx Cranmer-Byng
J acques hall,CommanderJamesKnowlesR. N.seeBradfield 46 see Quendon..........................................
D. L.; J. P. 320
Kelvedon hall, John AIgernon Jones esq. see Kelvedon Ramsden hall, Thomas WaIter Bacon esq., J.P. see
Hatch 261 Ramsden Cra.ys .. ..•.••..........•............•... .••.••....•..•• 322
Killegrews, :Mrs. Arthur Capel-Cure, see Widford.....•... 452 Rochetts, Mrs Cuope, see South Weald 445
Kmg's Ford, Horace George Egerton-Green esq. D.L., Rochford lawn, Jas. Tabor esq. J.P. see Rochford........• 328
J.P. see Stanway All Saints 395 Rolls Park, Arthur WilIiam Lobb, esq. see ChigweH...... 98
King's Moor house, Joseph Todhunter esq. J.P. see Roydon lodge, George C. Heckwith esq. see Roydon 342
lireat Parndon 315 Runwell hall, Thomas Kemble esq. J.P. see Runwell 343
Langford grove, Hon. Mrs. Byron, see Langford .......•• 265 Ryes (The), Col. Nathaniel Barnardiston D.L., J.P. &
Langham hall, William Nocton esq. J.P. see Langham.. 265 Lady Florence, see Little Henny .•• ..• .•. ..• 230
Langleys, Col. William Nevill Tufnell D.L., ;r.p. see St. Leonards, Ralph Fred.eric Bury esq., ;r.p. see Nazeing 303
Great Waltham 429 St. Leonards, Robert Miller esq. see Fryerning 187
Lawford hall, Mrs. Augnstus H. Mounsey, see Lawford 269 St. Osyth's priory, Sir John Henry Johnson J.P., F.S.A.
Lawford house, S. Godfrey Bird esq. see Lawford ..•...• 269 see St. Osyth................................ 35.3
Lawford place, William Henry Bowles esq. J.P. see Saling Old Hall (The), Mrs. Fowke, see Great SaIing 354
La wford ,........................... 269 Sewardstone lodge, Henry F. Buxton esq. J.P. see
Lawn(The),Lt.-Gen.Edwd.Howard-VyseJ.p.seeWitham 454 Sewardstone 42 6
Leigh hall, Robert Henry Cooper esq. see Leigh 270 Sheering hall, Clayton Louis Glyn esq. M.A., J.P. see
Lexden park, Rt. Hon. Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Sheering ...................•..•............. ..............•...... 357
Grant Duff P.C., G.e.s.I., F.R.S., D.L., J.P. see Lexden 1.27 Shelley hall, Malcolm William Galloway esq. see ShelIey 357
• •

Shenfield place, Edward Courage esq. see Shenfield.•..•. 358 Tilbury hall, Robert Edward Vaizey esq. B.A., J. P. see
Shortgrove, James Bailey esq. M.P., J.P. see Newport.•. 305 rriIbury-juxta-Clare 414
Skreens, WaIter M. de Zoete esq. see Roxwell 342 Tiptree hall, Wilham Fowler esq. see Tiptree Heath 417
Sloe house, Edmund Deacon esq. M.F.R. see Halstead 199 Tower,LayerMarney, James Courthorpe Peache esq. see
Sneating hall, Mrs. Salmon, see Kirby 261 Layer ~:IarneY a.................................................................. 270
. Spains hall, Mrs. Brocket, see Willingale Spain 453 Towers (Heybridge) Edmund Ernest Bental! esq. see
Spains hall, Archibald Weyland Ruggles-Brise esq. Heybridge........................................... 230
D.L., J.P. see Finchingfield I8x Towers(The),Thos. WestropeGayton esq.seeSewardsEnd 345
Spaynes hall, Mrs. Charles Martin Wade, see Gt'eat Trueloves, Mrs. Carr, see Ingatestone 257
Yeldham .0 0..0 0..0......................... 473 Upminster hall, Capt. George Swinton, see Upminster 422
Spencer grange, Lewis John Wayesq. M.A., D.L., J.P. Wakes hall, Charles Page Wood esq. D.L., J.P. see
see Great Yeldha,m .. o ••••• o .0 ••••• 0 •• 0 473
•• 0 Wakes Colne........•.................................... 152
a • • • o. • • • •

Stanstead hall, Charles Wing Gray esq. J.P. see Green- Wallsgrove house, Harold H. J. Baring esq. see High
stead green, Halstead 0 199 Beech ••• 231
Stansted hall, William Fuller-Maitland esq. D.L., J.P. Warley Place, Miss Willmott, see Great WarIey ..•..•..• 442
see Stansted Mountfichet 393 Wadies park, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton bart. G.C.M.G.
Stansted house, Sir Thomas J ackson bart. see Stansted M.A., D.L., J.P. see Waltham Abbey 425
Mountfichet 393 Weald hall, Christopher John Hume Tower esq. D.L.,
Stisted hall, James N. Paxman esq..1.P. see Stisted 400 J .. P .. see South Weald eA>......................................................... 445
Stockwell hall, Hon. J ohnHy. Savile, see Little Burstead 76 Weald Side house, William Herbert Evans esq. see
Stondon Place, Tyndale White esq..1.P. see Stondon ... 401 South Weald....................................................................................................... 445
Stonylands, Lieut.-Col. Richard Spurgeon Green J.P. Weeley Manor house, John Weeley esq. see Weeley...... 446
see Dedham 160 Westwood house, William Macandrew esq. J.P. see
Stour house, Mrs. Dunnett, see Dedham ,. 159 Little HorkesleJ'" 234
Stour lodge, WaIter Buchanan Nichols esq. J.P. see Wethersfield Manor house, Mrs. Marsh, see Wethersfield 448
Bradfield . .... . ... .. ...... . 46 White hall,Edwd. Arth. Wedd esq. J.P. seeGt. Wakering 424
Stubbers, Russell Champion Branfill esq. J.P. see North Whitbreads, Mrs. Tawke, see Hockley 232
Ockendon 309 Witham lodge, Adm. Sir William Garnham Luard
Suttons, Sir Charles Cunliffe Smith bart. D.L., J. P. see K.C.B., D.L., J.P. see Witham 454
Stapleford Tawney 396 Wivenhoe hall, .Alex. K. Barlow esq. see Wivenhoe 457
Tendring hall, WaIter Horatio May Esq. see Tendring 403 'Wood hall, Charles Beadle esq. LP. see Arkesden......... 20
Terling Place, Lord Rayleigh LL.D., D.e.L., F.R.S., D.L., Woodham Mortimer Place, The Misses Oxley Parker,
J.P. see Terling ..............................................•. 405 see Woodham Mortimer 470
Theydon Priory,Rev. Charles George Beaumont Hotham Woodhill, Major Frederic Came Rasch M.P., D.L" J.P.
111. A. Bee Theydon Garnon ,...................... 409 see Sandon 356
Thoby priory, Lt.-Col. Arthur Chandos Arkwright J.P. Woodredon, Thomas Fowell Victor Buxton esq. LP. see
see Monntnessing 301 Waltham Abbey .••.................•..•.....•..•.••.•..••.••..• 425
Thorndon hall, Lord Petre, see West Horndon............ 238 Woolston hall, Mrs. Lobb, see Chigwell..................... 98
Thorpe grange, Mrs. Watson, see Thorpe-Ie-Soken 410 Wormingford grange,Edward Francis Boggis-Rolfe esq.
Thorpe hall, Alfred Symes esq. see Thorpe-Ie-Soken 410 see W ormingford 47I
Tilhury court, Lt.-Col. Frederick Dawson J.P. see Writtle priory, Wilson Pease esq. see Writtle 472
Tilbury-ju:x:ta-Clare 414 Wynter's grange, Charles Fredk. Gibbs esq. see Harlow 213
Abdy family, Stapleford Abbots Bigod, Roger, earl of :NOO'folk, Black L.i~tle Holland, Lalling, Milton,
Aldersey family, B6'l'den Notley Shore.ham, Southminster, StanSlted
Alibone, Sir Richard, kt. Dagenham Bingham, lady Sarah, Lawford Mountfitchet, Stangate, Walton-on-
Alleyne family, Hatfield Peverel, Haze- Blackmore, Sir Richard, kt. Boxted the-Naze, Wendens Ambo, Wicken
leigh, Stanford-le-Hope,Lit. Waltham Blunt's Walls, Great Burstead Bonant, Wickham Bishops, Wid-
Amberdon Hall, Debden Boadicea, queen, Epping, Messing diington
Ambreys or .Ambresbury, Epping Boleyn, Anne, queen, Greenstreet, East Churchill,Rev. Oharles, poet & satdrist,
Ancient Houses :-Aveley, Barking, Horndon, Rochford Raip...ham
Beaumont, Berden, Birch, Castle Bonner, Edmund, bishop, Oopford., Oinque Ports, members of,in Essex:-
Hedingham, Chingford, Ohrishall, Dun:mow, Feering Rowhedge, Brightlingsea, Wivenhoe,
Little Coggeshall, Lexden, Debden, Boothby family, Ohingford Ooalhouse Fort, East Tilbury
Dedham, Little Easton, Eastwood, Borough English, custom of, Woodford Cocfuam Hall, Wethersfield
Faulkbourn, Feering, Fingringhoe, Botany gaJrdens, Purfleet Oollins, Samuel, M.D. physician to the
Gosfield, Greenstreet, East Ham, Bourbon princes, Wan stead Czar, BTaintJree
Harlow, Hatfield-Regis, Hornchurch, Bourohier, Bartholomew, srd baron Colte family, Roydon, Walbham Abbey
West Horndon, fugatestone, Layer Bourchier, & wives, Halstead Oompton, Henry, bishop, Pleshey
Marney, Leyton, Lindse11, Manu- Bourclhier, Henry, 1St earl of Ess,ex, Comyns', Sir John, kt. judge, Writtle
den, Panfield, Rayne, Rickling, Roy- & wife, Little Easton, Maldon Connaught, Water, Ohingford
don, St. Osyth, Shelley, Stmrmere, BourClhier, Sir Robert, kt. judge Ha!-" Counos" or "Convennos Insula,"
Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Tilbury-juxta- stead ' Canvey Island
Olare, Upminster, Wakes Colne, Bowyer, Thomas martyr Dunmow Cooke, Sir Anthon'Y, kt. RomIord
South Weald, Wendon Lofts, Bowyer, William: printer: Leyton " Corn~all" re.formatory ship, Pur:lioot
Wethersfield, Wicken-Bonant, Wi- Bramston, Sir John, kt. chief justice, COl"Se11IS fa~ily, Colchester, Layer
venhoe. Roxwell Marney, WIvenhoe
Andrew, Sir William, bart. Downham Bristowe family, Little Baddow Orabtree Wood,. Ohigmwwell
Andrewes, Lancelot, bishop, Horndon- British remains :-Braintree, Ohadwell Oracherode fa~y, Toppesfield
ou-the-Hill St. Mary, North Ockendon, Saffron Oressener famIly, Earls Coloo
Anne of Cleves, queen, Brentwood Walden • Cromwell, T1b.o~as, bar\ln, .Brentwood
Arch6'l', Sir John, kt. judge, & family, Bromesho Bury, Hatfield-Regis Cron;well failllly, Clnppmg Ongar,
Theydon Garnon Brown., Sir Richard, kt. & bart. C Felsteoo. . Lord
Arderne, Sir Peter, kt. judge, & Debden rpQmwe11, OIFIvelr & RIchard,
family, Latton Browne, Sir An1Jhony, kt. judge, Brent- rotectors, e stead
"Ascenduna," Ashd'on wood, South Weald Crosby, S11: John, kt. They~on Garnon
Ashurst, Sir William, kt. & family, Buckingham, George (Villiers), duke Curwen, S11' Henry, kt. LIttle
Castle Hedingham of, Newport ford .
Audley, Sir Henry, kt. Berechul'oh Buckhurst Hill, Epping Cutts, ~1l', John, kt.. 'J'Ihaxted
Audley, Sir Thomas, K.G. 1St baron Bullock, Sir Edrward, kt. & that family, Cunobelm,~ Gold Mmes, Chadwell St.
Audley of Walden' Colchester Saf- Faulkbourn Mary, LIttle Thurrock
froll Walden' ' " Burchirugas," Barking Dacre, barons (see Barrett-Lennard)
Ayloff, Sir Wm. bart. Great Braxted "CreS'aromagus," Ohelmsford Dan.eholes, the, Chadwell St. Mary,
Bacon, Nathaniel, Boxted Calvert family, Berden LIttle Thurrock.. .
Baize, manufacture of, Dunmow "Oamalod'llnum," Colchester Dan~t, Gerard! prIvy counCIllor, Tilty
Balkerne Hill, Oolchester " CambOO'itum," Great Ohesterford DanIsh remams, Canewdon, South
Barclay, .A1ex. D.D. writer, Great Oammocke family, Stow Maries D'AShoebfury'l b D'A Mald
Baddow Oannon family, Rettendion rcy amI y, arons rcy, on
Barfleur, vis'Count, Ugley "Canoeruium," Ohelmsford St., Tolleshunt D'.Arcy
Barlee family, Olavering Canute or Knut, king, Ashdon, Ash- Dean famI.Iy, St. Osyth. .
BalTett-Lennard, Thomas, 17 th baron ingdon, Hockl~y Deane, S11' John, kt. & WIfe, & SII'
Dacre & wife, Aveley Capel, Sir W.l1ham, kt. & Capel Drue Dea~e, kt. Great Maplestead
Barrington Hall, Old, Hatfield-Regis family, Rayne Debank family, B~a~well .
Baruow Hills, Asihdon Oarew family, Romford De Beaumont, .WIlllam, 2nd VISCOunt
Bastwick, John, M.D. reformer, Oarey, ven. archdeacon, Boreham Beaumo~t, WIv~nhoe
Writtle Caroline,queen of GeorgeIV. Southend De BeauvOlr fa~mly, Downham
Bateman, Elizabeth, viscountess, Gt. Castell, Edmund, D.D. lexicographer, De Belhus family, Aveley
Yeldham Hali:field Peverel De Bohun, Eleanor, Blll'king
Batten, Sir William, Walthamstow Castles :-Birch, Great Canfield, Castle De Bohun Humphrey, eerl of Here-
Battles :-Ashingdon, Canewdon, Ep- Heding-ham, Chadwell St. Mary, ford, Pleshey
ping, Messing, Ugley Colchester, Hadleigh, Ohipping On- DH Bruce or Brews family, Hatfield-
"Battleditches," Saffron Walden gaT, Pleshey, Rayleigh, Saffron Wal- Regis
Baynard's Manor house, Rayne den, Stebbmg De Burgh, Hubert, earl of Kent, Had-
Bayning, Paul, viscount, Little Bentley Centenardans, Orsett, Wendens .Amibo leigh, Terling
Beachcroft, Sir Robert,kt. lord mayor, Clharles 1. Broomfield De Oorbeuil, William, Archbishop of
Leyton Charlotte, princess of Wales, Sou1:Jhend Canterbury, St. Osyth
Beacon Hill, Harwich, Great Totham, "Chekenil:tall," Chignal De Orei family, Ramsden Crays
Wickham Bishops Chevers Hall, High Ongar De Cuttes family, Arkesden
Beaumont, ViSCOUIlt, Wivenhoe Ohild,Sir Josialh.,lbart. & Riohard, bart.. De Gifford, Sir John, Bowers Gifford
Jjedell, William, bishop of Kilmore, ellorl Tylney, Wanstead De Knevynton, RaIph, Aveley
Black Notley Ohishall, John, bishop of London, De la Pole, Sir John,kt. &; wife,ChishalI
Beeleigh Abbey, Maldon Ohishall De Langley family, Rickling
Bell, Dutch, Lexden Chiswick Hall, Ohrishall Delavall, countess, Great Braxted
Belvidere t-oW6'l', South Weald Churches & Ohapels, ruined or de- Denny, Sir Edward, kt. & wife, Wal·
Bendish, Sir Henry, bart. & Bendish stroyed! :-Moze, Birch, Bollington, tham Abbey
family, Steeple Bumpstead Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Brentwood, De Mandeville, Geoffrey, earl of Essex,
Benson family, Clavering Chingford, Little Caggeshall, Fair- Black Notlev,Pleshey,SaffronWa!den
Beriffe family, BrightlingSf'a s1kled, Feering, Harlow,Little Henny, De Messinl!', Sir William. kt. Messing

Derham, Wm. D.D.• F.R.S. Upminster Fytche family, Gt. & Little Canfield Hulse family, Little Ilford
De Die, Eudo, "dapifer" to William Gardiner lumIly, Tollesbury Humfrey family, Rettendon
n. Colchester, Lindsell Gascoigne, Geo. poet, Walthamstow Humfreys, Sir Orlando, Barking
De Rochford family, Berden George, Sir Robert, kt. Garter Hunter William, lllartyr, Brentwood
De Skerwkyng, Roger, bishop of Nor- Gernon family, Birch, Little Leighs, Hute family, Ardleigh
wich, Terling Wivenhoe Hyklott family, Althome
De Staunton, Anfrid, Alresiord Gilbert, William, M.D. electrician, Ingelric, Saxon nobleman, Maldon
D'Engaine family, Upminster Colchester Inigo Janes, architect, Stapleford
De Vere, Alberic or Aubrey, earl of Gloucester, Eleanor, duchess of, Abbots
Guisnes, Earls Colne Barking Isabella of York, countess of Essex,
De Vere, Sir Horatio, kt. baron Vere Golding Benjamin, M.D. philanthro- Little Easton
of Tilbury, Castle Hedinghalll pist, St. O s y t h " Ithancester," Bradwell-juxta-Mare
De Veres, earls ofAxford, Castle Goring, Charles, 2nd earl of Nor- Jane, queen of Henry IV. Havering-
Hedingham, Earls Colne, Hatfield- wich, Leyton atte-Bower
Regis, 8tansted Mountfitchet, Wi- Grange Hill, Chigwell "Jericho,') Blacklllore
venhoe Green, Sir Edwd. kt. Lit. Sampford Jordan or Cam river, Blackmore
D'Ewes family, Upminster Greenbury, Writtle Joycelyn, Sir Thos. kt. Willingdale
De Walden family, Rickling Gull, Sir William, bart. M.D. Thorpe- Doe
De Wantone, Sir John, kt. & wife, le-Soken Kemp family, FinchingEeld, Pentlow
Wimbish Grimstone, Sir Harbottle, kt. & Kent, earl of (see De Burgh)
De Wochendon family, Brentwood Grimstone family, Bradfield, Peb- Kersteman family, Canewdon
Doodle Oak, Hatfield-Hegis lllarsh Kidder, Richard, D.D. bishop of Bath
Doreward, Sir William, kt. & falllily, Guillim, John, pursuivant of arlllS, & Wells, Rayne
Bocking Walthamstow Kingsmill, Sir George, kt. judge, &
"Dudeho," Doddinghurst Guisnes or Ghisnes, earl of (see De Kingsmill family, Easthorpe
Due Cane or Du Quesne family, Vere) IKinsman family, Horndon-on-the-Hill
Great Baxted Gunfieet Sands, Clacton-on-Sea Kirby Hall, Castle Hedingham
Dun, Sir Charles, kt. Theydon Garnon Gunpowder Plot, Barking Knatchbull, Sir Norton, kt. Berden
"Durolitum," Leyton Gurney Samuel, philanthropist, West Knight, Sir Henry, kt. East Tilbury
Dutch invasion, East Tilbury Ham Knights Hospitallers of St. John;
Earthquake, Wivenhoe Gwynne, Eleanor (Nell), Newport Cressing, Lit. Maplestead, Purfieet
East family, baronets, Witham Haddock, Admiral Sir Richard, & Knights Templars. Cressing
Eas-Gbury House, Barking Haddock family, Leigh Knowle Sands, Maldon
Eastwood Lodge, Eastwood Hainault Forest, Barking, Epping, Knox, Eleazer, son of reformer, Great
Edith, queen. Langdon Lambourne Clacton
Edmund Ironside, Ashdon, Ashing- Hall, Joseph, D.D. bishop, Waltham Kortwright, Sir O. E. K. kt. Fry-
don, Hockley Abbey erning
Edward the Confessor, Havering-atte- Hall Place, Earls Colne Kyngestone, Lady Mary, Leyton
Bower, Langdon Hankford, Sir Richard, kt. Ingrave La Hogue, battle of, Ugley
"Effecestre," Bradwell-juxta-Mare Harlakenden, Richard, & family, Earls Landguard Point, Harwich
Elizabeth, Queen, Loughton, Thaxted, Oolne Lathom family, Stifford, Upminster
Tilhury Fo-rt Harold 11. king, Waltham Abbey Laud, William, D.D. archbishop of
Elwes, John, miser, Theydon Bois Harsnett, Samuel, archbishop of Canterbury, Manningtree, West
Episcopal residences: - Danbury, York, Chigwell, Colchester Tilbury
Feering, Lambourne, Telling, Harvey, Sir Eliab, K.C.B. admiral, Laud, Rev. Erasmus, persecution of.
Wickham Bishops, Woodham Fer- Helllpstread Little Tey
reI'S Harvey, William, M.D. & Harvey I" Lawless Court," the, Rochford
Esdaile. Sir Jallles, kt. Upminster family, Hempstead Leaden Wash, The Roothings
"Esse," Ashen Hawkins, Sir Richard, Leyton Le Despenser, Henry, bishop of Nor-
"Essenduna," Ashdon Hawkwood, Sir John, kt. lllilitary wich, Lambourne
Essex, earls of (see Bourchier & de adventurer, Sible Hedingham Leigh family, Chingford
Mandeville) Heila, Dominic, of Flanders, & wife, I Lennox, duke of (see Stewart)
Everard, Sir Anthony, kt. & wife, Castle Hedingham "Leppe " & " Lasse," custom of,
Great Waltham Henry VII. Castle Hedingham Writtle
Everard, Sir Richard, kt. & Everard Henry VIII. Blackmore, Terling "Lessenden," Lexden
family, Great Waltham Herbert. J. R., R.A. Maldon Lethieullier falllily, Barking
Exeter, duke of (see Hollond) Hereford, earl of (see De Bohun) Lichfield, earl of (see Stewart)
"Exmouth," training ship, Grays Heron, Sir J ahn, kt. Little liford Lidgould family, Little Bentley
Thurrock Hervey, Rev. Lord C. A., D.D. Great Lindsell, - bishop, Witham
Fairfax, Sir Thomas, kt. 3rd baron; Chesterford . Lisle, Sir George, kt. Colchester
Colchester Hervey, Sir George, kt. & Hervey Littleton family, North Ockendon
Fairlop Oak, Barking family, Romford Livingstone, David, M.D. explorer,
Fairwell, Col. dep. governor tower of Hervey, Sir Nicholas, kt. ambassador Chipping Ongar
London, Stambourne to Holland, Romford ILocke, In. philosopher, High Laver
Falkland, Sarah, viscountess; Wid- Hicks family, knights & baronets,' Louis XVIII. king of France, Gosfield
ford, Woodham Ferrers & Wood- Leyton Lucas, Sir Charles, kt. Colchester
ham Mortimer High Constables of England, Pleshey Luther family, Kelvedon Hatch,
Feake, Sallluel, governor of Bengal, Rig-ham family, Stapleford Abbots, Stapleford Tawney
Henhalll . Tolleshunt Magna Majendie family, Castle Hedingham,
Felton famIly. Pentlow Righbed, Thos. martyr, Horndon- Dunmow
Fetherston family, Stanford-le-Hope on-the-Hill Maltravers, baron (see Fitzalan)
Fitzalan, Henry, baron Maltravers, Holford, Sir Daniel, kt. & wife, West Mandeville, Sir John, kt. Elmstead
Gosfield Thurrock Mandeville, Geoffrey (see De Man-
Fitzlewis family, West Horndon, In- Holland, Philemon, M.D. translator, deville)
grave Chelmsford Maplin Sand, South Shoebury
Fitzralph family, Pebmarsh Holland, John, Duke of Exeter, In- Marneys, barons Marney; Layer
Fitzwalter, WaIter, 5th baron; Hen- grave, Pleshey Marney
ham Honywood family, Markshall, Great Martyrs, Protestant; Colchester,
Fitzwalter family, Little Baddow, Totham, Wakes Colne Ho-rndon-on-the-Hill
Great & Little Dunmow, Shenfield Hood, Thomas, poet, Wanstead Mary 1. queen of England, Sth. Weald
Fitzwilliam family.. Elmstead, They- Hostage, the, or Chantry House, Sible Mashams, barons Mashams; High
don Garnon Hedingham Laver, Manningtree
Flemings, colony of, Braintree Howard of WaIden, Thomas (lord)," Massinges" & "Methings," Messing
Flitch of bacon, gift of, Little Dunmw son of, Great Chesterford Maurice, bishop of London; Chelms-
Floods &, storms, Dagenham, Danbury Roward, Thomas. 1st earl of Suffolk, ford, COlchester
Foote Sir Thos. kt. & bart. West Ham K.G. Saffron Walden Maynard, Henry, 3rd viscount May-
Fortescue family, Faulkbourn Howard de Walden family, barons, & nard, & wife, Little Easton
Foster, Sir C. H. bart. Theydon earls of Suffolk, SaffrCln Walde» "Maypole Inn" of "Barnaby RUdge,"
Garnon Human skin on church door. Had- Chigwell
Fry, Elizabeth, philanthropist,· West stock Meade, Thomas, judge, E!=don
Ham Mede, Jsph. B.D. ihoologmn, BerdeD
Me-chi, J. J. agriculturist, Tiptree ,. Portflete," Purfleet I StrangE', Sir John, kt. judge, Leyton
H e a t h P o y n t z family, North Ockendon "Strode," the, Mersea
Medicinal Spring, Hockley Prested Hall, Feering Strutt, Sir Denner, bart. & Strutt
"Meilanda," Mayland Purchas, Samuel, B.D. compiler of I family, Little Warley
Merry, Sir Thomas, kt. & wife, Wal- travels, Thaxted Strype, John, M.A. historian, Leyton,
thamstow Pyrton, Sir William, kt.Little Bentley, I Theyd<lll Bois
Mesopotamia Island, Springfield Little Braxted Stukeley, William, M.D., F.R.S. anti.
Middleton, Sir Thomas, kt. & wife, Quarles, Francis, poet, Romford quary, East Ham
Stansted Mountfitchet Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Ohingford Suetoonius Paulinus, Roman general,
Mildmay, Sir Hy. kt. Little Baddow Ratcliffes, earls of Sussex, Boreham
Mildmay, Sir WaIter, kt. & Mildmay Ray, John, F.R.S. Black Notley
I Epping
,Suffolk, earls of (see Roward)
family, Chelmsford Raymond family, Belchamp WaIter " Sunnedon," Coggeshall
Mineral springs, Ohigwell, West Til- Raymond, Sir Thomas, kt. Downham, Sulyard family, Runwell
bury RunwelI Sworder, Rev. W. author,OldSampforl.l
Monastic & ecclesiastical remains:- Rebow, Sir Isaac, kt. & family, i Sylvester, Sir J. kt. Ohingford
Barking, Berden, Birchanger, Black- Colchester ! Symonds,Edwd.M.A. theologian,Rayne
more, Great Burstead, Byknacre, Rich, Richard, 1st baron Rich, Fel-' Symonds, Capt. Richard, royalist,
Castle Hedingham,Little Coggeshall, stead, Hadleigh I Black NoHey
Colchester, Earls' Colne, Cressing, Rich, Robert, 1st earl of Warwick,! Symonds family, Great Yeldham
Little Dunmow, Hatfield-Peverel, Felstead, Rochford I Talfourd, Sir T. N. kt. judge,Che1ms-
Hatfield-Regis, Little Horkesley, Rich family, Felstead, Little Leighs, ford, Thundersley
Hornchurch, Latton, Little Leighs, Gosfield, Wrabness (& see Ryche) Tallakarne family, Ashen, Helion
Maldon, Mountnessing, Mucking, Richmond, duke of (see Stewart) Bumpstead
Newport, Pan.field, Great Parndon, Riddlesdan family, Clavering I Tasker, countess, Shenfield
Saffron Walden, Prittlewell, St. Rigby, Rt. Hon. R. & fa~ly, :Mistiley I Taylor, Jane, authoress, Chipping
Osyth, Stansted Monntfitchet, Roberts family, Little Braxted Ongar
Steeple, Stratford, West Tilbury, Rochester, John (Wilmot), earl of, iTaylor, Sir Robert, kt. Woodford
Tilty, Tiptree, WaItham Abbey, Wix Newport Tenures, singular :-Moreton. Roch-
Monox, Sir George, kt. lord mayor, Rochford fmnily, Berden ford, Shenfield
Walthamstow Rochford, earl of (see Nassau) Thistley Hall, Debden
Montagu, Lady Rachel, Felst.ead Roe, Sir Thomas, kt. M.P. traveller & Thoby Priory, Mountnessing
Montague, Sir Charles, Barking diplomatist, Leyton Thremhale Priory, Stansted Mount-
Monteagle, baron (see Parker) RoU or Rolfe family, Gosfield fitchet
Moore, John Hamilton, hydrographer, Rood House, Ooggeshall "Tidwalton," Heybridge
Ohingford. . Roman remains :-Ashdon, Braking, T~lney, S~r J~es, Rochford . .
Morant, PhIlip, M.A., F.S.A. county Birch' Bil'dbrook Braintree, Great Tmdal, SIr NIcholas C. kt. chIef JUs-
historian, Ohignal, Colchester Burst~ad Canewdon, Little Canfield, tice, Chelmsford
Mortimer family, earls of March; Chelmsfdrd, Great Ohesterford, Gt. Trees, remarkable :-Barking, Hat-
Thaxted Clacton, Coggeshall Colchester,Dun- field-Regis, Great Yeldham
" Myland," Mile End mow Epping, Grays Thurrock Gt. Trinity House, masters of the, Leigh
" Mucinga,". ~ucking Halli~gbury, Leigh, Leyt.on, Little- Tryon, ~ir Samuel,kt. & bart..Halstead
Nassau, WIllIam Henry, 4th earl of bury, Mersea, Messing, North Ock- Tudor,. Edmund, earl of RIchmond,
Rochford, K.G. & WIfe, St. Osyth enc1on, Chipping Ongar, Pleshey, Barking
Neave family, South Weald Rayleigh, Rivenhall, The Roothings, Tudor,Jasper,earl of Pembroke,Barkng
Ne~er Hall, Roydon Prittlewell, Tolleshunt Knights, Wal- "Tum~lesto~n," Pleshey
Ne~ll, L~dy Mary, Mald?n bury, Wanstead, Witham Tumuli :-Blrdbrook, Mou~t Bures,
Ne~, SIr Robert, ~t. WItham Royal residences :-Blackmore, Bore- SoutJ;1 Ocke~don, ~rell:t WIgborough
NeVllle, Edmund, tItular earl of West- ham Gosfield Haverino--atte-Bower Turketil, DanIsh chIeftarn, Hockley
m?rland, ~ family, East Ham Terling, Wanstead, South Weald 'Turpin, Richard, highwayman, Hemp-
Neville famIly, barons Braybrooke; Ruggles family, Finchingfield stead .
Saffron Walden Russell, Edward, admiral, Ugley Twedye or Tweedy family, Little
New Hall, Boreham Rvche Sir Richard kt. & wife, Lit·tle Sampford, Stock
Newton, Thomas, D.D. bishop of Leighs ' Tylney family, Wanstead
Brist?l, Shelley Sackville family, Mount Bures Tyrrel.1, Sir Henry, kt. & Tyrrell
Nore LIght, South Shoebury St. Olere family, Danbury family; Ashdon, Downham, East
Norfolk, earl of (see Bigod) St. CIeres manor house, St. Osyth Horndon, Ingatestone, Tolleshunt
Norwich, earl of (see Goring) St. Edmund, king of the East Angles, Magna, Willingale Doe
Nugent, Robert, earl & baron Nugent Greensted Umfreville family, Langham
& viscount Clare, Gosfield Sandys, Edward, archbishop of York, Uphill, Jacob, standard bearer to
Obeilisk, meridional & others, Ohing- wife of & family, Woodham Ferrers English monarcp.s, Dagenham
ford, Old Sampford,Waltham Abbey Saxon Shore, Counts of the, Mersea Upton Park, West Ham
Oglethorpe, major-gen.James Edward, Sayer family, Colchester . Urswyli:, Sir Thomas, kt. Dagenham
colonist, Cranham Scott family,Berden,Stapleford Tawney Vernon family, :Maldon .
Orford, Edward, earl of, admiral,Ugley Scratton family, Staruord-Ie-Hope Vallel11tm, Sir James, kt. Walthamstow
Osmond, Thomas,martyr,Manningtree" Shaftesbury," industrial training Victoria&Albert Docks, Oanning Town
"Othona," Bradwell-juxta-Mare ship, Grays Thurrock Volunteer t,roops, Dunmow
Ouseley, John, divine & antiquary, Shingay, baron, Ugley Wade, Sir William, kt. ambassador,
Parufie:ld Skreene, Wm. serjeant-at-law, Roxwell Manuden
Owen, John, D.D. Puritan divine, Smijth or Smytli, Sir Thomas, kt. Walbury Camp, Hallingbury
Coggeshall Saffron Walden, Theydon Mount Waldegrave, Sir Edward, kt. & wife,
Oyster beds :-Brightlingsea, Burn- Smith-Burges, Sir In. bart. Havering Borley
ham, Colchester, Mersea, Tollesbury Smyth, Sir George Henry, bart. Bere- Waldegrave, Philip, Kelvedon Hatch
"Paille" or "RepelI," Saffron Walden church lValdeg-rave,Edward, & family,Lawford
Parker, William, baron Monteagle; Soame, Sir Stephen, kt. & Soame Waldegrave, James; 1St earl, & James.
Barking family, Heydon 2nd earl, Navestock
Paslow Hall, High Ongar Soana, Sir John, kt. Colne Engaine Walc1egrave,. Sir Wm.Theydon Garnon
Pateshull family, Tolleshunt Knights "Sokens," the, Walton-on-the-Naze Waldegrave family, earls Waldegrave;
Peck family, Little Sampford Southcote, John, judge, Witham Borley, Lawford, Navestock, They-
Piers, William., bishop, Walthamstow Springham family, Little Baddow don Garnon
Pelly, Sir John Henry, bart. Plaistow Stangate Priory, Steeple Walden, Roger, bishop,Saffron Walden
Peun, Wm, Puritan colonist, Chigwell Stanley, Sir Edwa.rd, K.B. &; wife, Walsingham, James,Little Chesterford
Petre, barons, & Petre family, In- Waltbamstow Waltham family, Little Waltham
gatestone, Stanford Rivers, Writtle Stewart, Charles, duke of Lennox & Walton, Brian, D.D. bishop of Chester,
Pewett Island, Langenhoe Richmond, &; earl of March & Lich- Sandon
Pilborough, John,judge, Great Totham field, Woodford Walton, Hon. Sir George, admirai.
Pilgrims' Hatch, Brentwood "Stibinga," Stebbings Little Burstead
Pinchon, Sir Edward, kt. &; Pinchon Stonehouse family, Debden Warwick, earl of (see Rich)
family. Writtle Stonnard family, Loughton, Stapleford Watsoe Camp, Hirdbrook .
Plantagenet, Thoma.s, of Woodstock, Abbots Weleigh Hall, Fairstead
Duke of Gloucester, Barking,Pleshey Stopford, viscountess, Littlebury Wentworth, Sir John, kt. Gosfield
Pope. Sir Charles, hart. Walthamstew Stour House. Dedham Wentworth, Sir Roger, kt. Gosfield

Western family, Rivenhall Wiseman, Sir William, kt. & family; Wright, Sir Nathan, bart. &; Sir Ben-
Weston family, Roxwell Great & Little Canfield, Rivenhall, jamin, bart. Cranham
Wharton, Thomas, secretary to Queen Stisted, Willingale Doe, Gt.Waltham Wright family, Kelvedon Hatch
Henrietta Maria, Thorpe-le-Soken Wiseman Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Wyatt family,Lit. Canfie1d,Tillingham
"Whispering Court," the, Rochford D.D. cardinal archbishop, Leyton Wydelin, Lady, Fairstead
Whitaker, Sir Edward,admiral, Leigh Witherings, Thos. postmaster-general, Wynnyffe, Thomas, bishop of Lincoln
William the Conqueror, Barking Hornchurch &; family, Lambouxne
Williamson,Dorothy,centenarian,Orsett Withers family, Arkesden Younge Patrick, librarian to Charles 1.
Winstanley, Henry,' architect, Little-" Wokindon," Ockendon Broomfield
bury "Woodredon," Roydon Younge family, Roxwell


ANDREWS E. W., Auctioneer & valuer........ .....• 48 ELLIS J. & CO. LTD., Motor wagon manufactrs. 72
ASHFORD C. H., Auctioneer, house & estate agent 50 EMMERSON & HARRIS, :Boarding establishmnt. 29A
ASLETT W. J., School.................................... 19 ESSEX COUNTY CHRONICLE, Newspaper.... ,. 22
ATTERTON J., Engineer................................. 73 ESSEX & COUNTY STANDARD, Newspaper... 35
BADDOW BREWERY CO. LTD...... 24 ESSEX TELEGRAPH, Newspaper.......... 36
BARRETT W., Iron & brass founder... 46 ESSEX WEEKLY NEWS, Newspaper......... . .•. 24
BASKETT H. F., Auctioneer, valuer & estate agent 40 EVANS H. & SON, Shoe blacking, harness &
BEARD E. S., Auctioneer, valuer & estate agent... 40 saddle composition manufacturers... ... •.. ...... .•. .•. 18
:BEARD & SON, Furnishing ironmongers............ 37 EWEN & TOMLINSON, Timber, slate & builders'
:BEARD THE MISSES, SchooL........ ..• 29 merchants " I ••• II 46
:BENNETT W. C., Coal merchant...................... 56 FEATHERBY H. G., Consulting well engineer... 20
BENTALL E. H. & CO., Agricultural implement FENN & CO., Estate agents, surveyors &

manufacturers... 52 auctIoneers , f........ 40
BICKLEY J., Architectural modeller, plasterer & FLECKNOE T., Ladies' tailor . 56
contractor , .. 18/
GENTRY M., :Brick & tile manufacturers .. 44
BINYON H. H., Auctioneer, valuer & estate agent 62 GIGNEY J., Saddler & harness maker, ironmonger
:BOGGIS A. K., Auctioneer, valuer & estate agent 40 & upholsterer I •••••••• II ••• • •• I ••••••
BRADRIDGE A., Miller, maltster, coal & seed mer 22 GILDERS E. J., House agent, coal & brick mer . 3°
BRADSHAW R., Cartage contractor, coal, coke, GILDERSON R. JUN., Carriage builder . 51
wood & sand merchant . 44 GILL W., Photographer , , 4°
:BRAZIER R. & SONS, Decorators, plumbers & GOFFIN MISS, School.. . 21
glaziers . 20 GOODEY T. A., Builder. contractor & undertaker 42
BRIDGMAN & SON, Auctioneers, surveyors, GOODMAN MRS., Boarding establishment . 3°
valuers, land & estate agents . 50 GOWERS J., :Builder, decorator & undertaker...... 25
:BROWN H., Builder, road & sewer contractor . 62 GRIBBLE MRS., Boarding establishment 32
BRUTON :BROS., Undertakers & funeral furnishers 67 GRIFFIN H. L., Removal contractor & house
BRYAN CORCORAN LTD., Engineers & mill- furnisher .... ,.. I ••••••• I •••• ," •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " 36
wrights ~ . 18 GROFFIER MADAME, SchooL....... ....•• 21
:BUMSTED D. & CO., Salt merchants . 17 GROOM, DANIELS & CO., Timber, slate &
BURRIDGE E. R, Tailor . 65 cement merchants , ,. 39
CHAPMAN H., Goldsmith, watchmaker & optician 23 GUEST & CHRIMES, Brassfounders 71
CHOAT & SON, Builders, decorators & undertakers 24 HADEN-CRAWFORD F., :Boarding sl'hool......... 60
CLACTON-ON-SEA GRAPHIC, Newspaper . 33 HARBROW W., Iron building & roofing manufr... 19
CLARKE H., Furniture remover .. 43 HARMAN J. H., Auctioneer, surveyor & estate agt. 31
CLARKSON & WILSON, Photographers .. 40 HARRADENCE R. W., Silk. mercer, laceman
COLLIER W. H., Brick, tile & pipe manmactr . 54 ! & hosier. I ••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••• '" ••••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 68
CORNEY G. W., :Baker & confectioner . 65 HARRISON GIBSON & CO., House furnishers &
CRANSTON ENGINEERING WORKS LTD.•..... 44 removal contractors " .,. '" . 51
DACE J. & SON, Music sellers, piano & organ HARVEY H., Hotel... 43
DAR:BISHIRE W. A., Quarry owner . Private asylum... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 43
DARVILL J. S., Pia.noforte importer & dealer •.• 55 HAYLLAR J., Dispensing, photographic &
DAY W. J., Hotel & restaurant............ 29 • oftCch emlst
SCIentl . " . 5°
DINNEFORD & CO., Magnesia manufacturers.. 18 HAYNES THE MISSES, School... .•• 26
DOBSON THE MISSES, School........... 34 HAYWARD G., Weighing machine manufacturer. 46
DOTTRIDGE BROS. LTD., Undertakers, manu- HAYWOOD J. S., Surgical a.ppliance manufactr.. 69
facturers & warehousemen . 15 HERTFORDSHIRE & :BEDFORDSHIRE
N EWS, Newspaper . 33 HERTFORDSHIRE EXPRESS, Newspaper ...• 49
manufacturers 17 GA.ZETTE, Newspaper .•............................... 44
ELLIS & EVERARD LTD., Coal, slate & timber HERTFORDSHIRE MERCURY, Newspaper...... 47
merchants.................. 49

BILLIARD G. B. & SON, Auctioneers, surveyors ROBERTS, ADLARD & CO., Slate & tile mers... 17
& estate agents....•...................................... ,. 25 ROBINSON T. W., House, land & estate agent.... 33
HINDHEAD BEACON HOTEL '" . 69 RODD & MARTIN, Surveyors, auctioneers &
HINGLEY W. & J. R, Hotel . 55 estate agents '" . 23
HOARE J. T., Surgeon dentist '" 45 ROMFORD EXPRESS, Newspaper 57
HO BBS MISS, School .. 4 8 ROUT J. E., Carriage builder 45
HODG ES A., Monumental & general mason . 3 2 RUSSELL MISS, SchooL.... 20
HOLSWORTH R, Rope line & twine manufacturer 70 SADD J. & SONS LTD., Timber merchants & saw
HUMBERT & FLINT, Auctioneers, land agents & mill proprietors . 53
surveyors •. : ....••...........•............... \............. 65 SALTER G., Builder, decorator & plumbcn· . 43
ILFORD EXIRESS, Newspaper............... 57 SEDGWIOK, SON & WEA.LL, Land agents,
INFANT ORP'IAN ASYLUM '" 15 surveyors & a. uctioneers .. . 68
INTERNATIO TAL FUR STORE, Art furriers .. lnside SELL & HARRY THE MISSES, SchooL . 61
Front Cover SEXTON & G RIMWA DE, Auctioneers, valuers &
JEFFS W., Ca'llan & contractor, coal & coke mer 66 estate agents 4I
JOHNSON Mn~ STEEL, SchooL........... .. 20 SHAW A., Organist & music teacher . 47
JONES E. M., School '" . 56 SLY, DIBBLE & 00., TarpaalIn, tent, marquee
KELLY'S DIRECTORIES LTD., Printers & & flag manufacturers . 12
publishers & printers & publishers of the Post SMITH MISS F. M., School. . 31
Office London, County & Trades Directories &c. SONS OF THE OLERGY CORPORATION . 16
Facing Front Cover & pages 14 & 73 SOOLE S. N. & SON, Builders & decorators .
KEMP J . , Hotel... 59 SOUTHEND ECHO, Newspaper .
KEMP J. N., Wine & spirit merchant '" .., 42 SOUTHEND STANDARD, Newspaper .
KENT, BLAXILL & CO., Oil, calor, lead & STANFORD C. M., Auctioneer, valuer & estate
glass merchants . 41 I agent·........................................ 41
LASHAM J. W., Pharmaceutical chemist .. 5i LTD. ..• .••... ..• ..• ..• .,9
LAY & WHEELER, Importers of wine & spirit... 3 8 STOLLERY MRS., School...... 27
LEADENHALL PRESS LTD., Stickpha!lt paste TABRUM & JONES, Grocers 37
manufacturers.......... •............. ... ... .•.... ... I I & 50 TAYLOR F., Auctioneer, valuer & estate agent 25
LEWELLEN F. W. & 00., Ironmongers & house TEARLE W., Monumental mason & sculptor 67
furnishers . 3 2 THORN G., Coal & coke merchant... ..•..• 67
LUCAS W. & S. LTD., Ale & porter brewers & THORNHILL J., School... 57
bottlers...... . •••......... 49 TROTMAN C. H., Baby carriage manufacturer.... 19
McKINLAY R G., School... 59 TURNER T. LTD., Manufacturers & merchants... 64
McMULLEN H. & SON, Coach builders .Facing UTTON L. & L., Brick manufacturers... ..... ....... 54
commenoement of Hertfordshire UXBRIDGE GAZETTE, Newspaper................... 60
MALDON IRON WORKS CO. LTD., Agricultural WALLER REV. H. P., SchooL . 21

implement manufacturers . 54 WARNE W. & CO. LTD., India rubber manufrs.. ·16
MANN T. & A. J., Timber merchants . 4 2 WATFORD OBSERVER, Newspaper .. 64
MANN W., Dispensing chemist.. . 33 WATTS L. .T. LTD., Masons & sculptors . 39
MARTIN J. W., Architect, auctioneer & house agt 3 2 WELLS R, Hotel & livery stable proprietor . 43
MAUD & TURNER, Engineers' tool manufactrs ... 72 WELLS & PERRY, Timber & coal merchants . 25
MIDDLESEX & BUCKINGHAMSHIRE AD- WENT J. , Undertaker...........•........••............... 41
VERTISER, Newspaper ......... 60 WHITE BROS., Coach builders, wheelwrights &
MOON W., Transfer agent & valuer 73 smiths .o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
MOY·T. LTD., Coal, coke. lime & cement merchts 38 WHITE F. G., Cartage contractor, coal & coke mer. 55
NICHOLL & CO., Timber & slate merchants 38 WHITE R. & SONS LTD., Mineral water mfrs. 66
PALMER MISS, School... 56 WILLCOX W. H. & CO. LTD., Engineers' ~tores
PARSONS H., Mineral water manufacturer... ..• 54 & mill furnishers...... ..• 13
PASCALL G. W. & CO. Wine & spirit merchnts 25 WILLIAMS & CO., Furnishing ironmongers .•• 39
PAUL MISS H., School................................. 21 WILLIAMS J., Window blind manufacturer......... 19
PEN-YR-ORSEDD SLATE QUARRY CO. LTD. 72 WILSON A. S., School... .••..•. .. ..• ....•. .•• ..•. .... ... 28
POOL S. H., School 68 WILSON W. S. Electrical engineer....................
.o • • • • • • .o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
POTTER H., Sawing, planing & moulding mills.•• 23 WINCH BROS., Foreign stamp collectors..... ...... 41
PRATT J. A., Brick, cement, lime & slate merehnt 63 WRAY & FULLER, Marble, cement & builders'
PROSPECT HOUSE (RAYLEIGH), SchooL..... 55 merchants....•..•••..........•...•.....•...••..•..•..••...••• 24
PRYER A.. Draper . 21 YOUNG F., Hotel......... .. 41
REED C. W. D., Machine joinery works . 63 YOUNGER H., Cabinet maker & upholsterer...... 57
• •



., - . .
Auctioneers: -
LONDON & COUNTY BANK •••....., . I H. F. :BASKETT ••................ ..• ..• 4°
LONDON & PROVINCIAL BANK .. 2 E. S. EEARD .•..•................ '" . . 4°
H. H. BINYON.....•.......................... ~ .. 'e • • 62

A. H. BOGGIS , I •• 40
COUNTY FIRE . 3 FENN &- CO "•••. ~ "' ..
EAGLE . 4°
3 E. J. GILDERS....•.................•............. ,..
J. H. HARMAN..•.••.•.........•.................. ~ ... 31
.MENT CO. LTD. . .. 4 G. B. HILLIARD &. SON '" ..•....." 25
CIETY . 4 J. W. MARTIN ..• ..•. .......• .•.... 32
LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE . 5 T. W. ROBINSON a................. 33

NORWICH UNION FIRE .. 7 C. M. STANFORD ~ ...........•.•• 41
PHffiNIX FIRE . 8 F. TA.YLOR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25
ROYAL EXCHANGE , , .. Auditor :-"-
SUN ....•. ....•....... ..• ....•. .•. ..• 10 F. TAYLOR ...... .......•.... ..... .•............. ..... 25
WESTMINSTER & GENERAL LIFE OFFICE 9 Baby carriage manufacturer:-
YORKSHIRE .•. .•• •.. .•. .•. I I C. B. TROTMAN '" 19

Baker : -
G. W. CORNEY .......•..•. .•. 65
Accountant : -
Bedding manufacturer:-
F. TAYLOR ..•.....•...•.•....•......................
2S H. L. GRIFFIN... ... ... ..•... ... .•• ..• ... ..... .••.• 36
A.gricultural engineers:- . Blacking manufacturers : - -
WILLIAMS & CO.....••........ ,.............•..••
39 H. EVANS & SON ..••....•......................•• 18
..Agricultural implement makers : -
Boarding establishments;-
Ale & stout bottlers : - MRS. GOODMAN .•.•......•. ~....................... 30
W. & S. LUCAS LTD ~............... 49 - MRS. GRIBBLE .•... . . ••• 32
G. W. PASCALL & CO............................ 25
Bmssfounders ; -
..Architect : - W. BARRETT ".. •.. .•• ... ••• 46
J. W. MARTIN ' ". G UES'l.' & CHRIMES .. 71
Artesian well engineer:- MAL DON IRON WORKS LTD............ .••.•• 54
H. G. FEATHERBY •.•..•.•.._ . 20 Brewers:-
.Artificial manure merchants : - BADDOW BREWERY CO. LTD. ... ...•• 24
. LTD. •. ••• .•• 49 W. & 8. LUCA8 LTD. •.••.•.••.•. .••.••..• 49
Asbestos goods manufacturers:- Brick manufacturers:-
W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LTD.................. 13 w. H. COLLIER .••... ...... ..... ... .•. ... ••• •.•... ..• 54
A.sylum:- EASTWOOD & CO. LTD.•••....••...,........... 17
A.sylum-Priva.tC) : - J. A. PRAT'r '-io... ••• ••••••.••••• 63
FOR UTTON L. & L... .•• .. .•. S4
UDIES . ,. 43 :Brick merchant:-
..Athletic goods warehouse :~ E. J.. GILDERS............
.•. .•• ... ....••... ... ... ..• 30
F. W. LEWELLEN & CO. • . 32 Brick & tile manufacturers: -
Auctioneers : - NICHOLL & CO•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••,. .•• ••• 38

E. W. ANDREWS . 48 Brush merchants : -
c. H. ASHFORD ••••••.••••••...••..•....•.......... 50 KENT, BLAXILL & CO. • _ 41

Builders : - Coke merchants : -
H. BROWN . 62 W. C. BENNETT ~ ..•............ ,..••••
CHOAT & SON '" ..•..•.....• 24 G. THORN .••................•.........................
T. A. GOODEY.......••.............................. 4 2 Concrete manufacturer : -
J. GOWERS .................................................................................... 25 J. BICKLEY . 18
H. POTTER ................................................... '" .. 23
Confectioner : -

S. N. SOOLE & SON .....•.................•......

. 43
G. W. CORNEY . .
Builders' merchants:- Contractors : -
EWIN & THOMLINSON ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .. J. BICKLEY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18
Builders' material merchants:- R. BRADSHAW ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 44
ELLIS & EVERARD L'rD '" '" . H. BROWN . 62
GROOM, DANIELS & CO . H. CLARKE ........................................... 43
T. TURNER LTD. .. .. .. ...... .. .... .... .. . .... .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .... .. ........ 64 T. A. GOODEY ........•..•....•......•.......••....•• 4 2
J. GOWERS ........................................... 25
Cabinet makers : -
H. L. GRIF FIN .o' . 36
W. JEFFS ...... . . . . ... . .. . 66
H. POTT ER . 23
H. YOUNGER . 57 J. WE NT . 41
Carriage builders : - F. G. WHITE . 55
R. GILDERSON JUN•••••••••••••.••.••.•••••••.•••••
Copper & zinc merchants:-
H. McMULLIN & SON •••.••.....•..•.•...•... Fa-cing
Oommencement of Hertfordshire
BEARD & SON ..•.••.•...•.•......................... 37
J. E. ROUT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 45 Cordial makers : -
G. W. PASCALL & CO . 2.5
Cart, van & waggon cover manufacturer : -
R. HOLS WORTH .••. •.... ..• ••• ... ... ••• ... ... .....• 70 Corn grinding mill manufacturers:-
E. H. BENTALL CO. ..............................
Caterer : -
w. J. DAy 29. Corn merchants :--
A. BRAD RIDGE .'O 'O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22
Cattle food manufacturer : -
A. BRADRIDGE .......... . '.' ... ... ... ~ 22 ..
W. G. CORNEY .••..............•.........•.•.....••• 65
Cement & lime merchant:- C~stume manufacturer:-

J. A. PRATT •.•...•••.....•.••..•...........•......... T. FLECKNOE 'O 'O .

Cement merchants : - Crane manufacturers : -

GROOM, DANIEL & CO. .. . , . J. ATTERTON • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 73
WRAY & FULLER . Decorators : -
Chaff cutter manufacturers : - BRAZIER R. & SONS . 20

J. GOWERS ..•......................................•. 25
G. SALTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 43
Chandelier manufacturers:-
S. N. SOOL.E & SON . 73
Chemists:- Dentist:-
J. W. LASHAM....•...•....•............•...........• 57 1 J. T. HOARE ............................................. 45
W. MANN ................................................. 33 Drain pipe manufacturer:-
Cigar merchant:- W. H. COLLIER . 54
J. N. KEMP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 59 Drain pipe merchants : -
Coach builders:- GROOM, DA~IELS & CO ..•.............• 'O • • • • • •
H. McMULLEN & SON Facing Draper : -
Oommencement of Hertfordshire A. PRyER . ............................... 21
J. E. ROUT ............................................. 45 Druggist : -
WHITE BROS. . . 42 J. HAYLLAR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Coal & coke merchants : -
W. C. BENNETT .... ......... .. ... . . ....... ... ... 56 ..
Elastic stocking manufacturers : -
J. S. HAYWARD .•..••...................••.........
W. WARNE & CO. LTD. . .
G. W. CORNEY . 65 Electrical'engineer : -
W. S. WILSON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
E. J. GILDERS . 3°
W. JEFFS ............................................... 66 Electrical light fitters : -
T. MOY, L1'D . 38 WILLIAMS & CO . 39
G. THORN ..........•....................•...........•• 67 Embalmer:-
WELLS & PERRy . 25 J. WENT .............................. ·0·· .
F. G. WHITE •• •• ••• •• • ••• • • • • •• • • • • • • •••• •• • ••••••• 55 Engineers : -
Coffin makers : - J. ATTERTON ••........••...................••.....• 73
BRUTON BROS . W. BARRETT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 46
Coffin furniture manufacturers:- BRYAN CORCORAN LTD. • •••••••••••••••••••• 18

Engineers' tool manufacturers:- Hotels: -
MAUD & TURNER '" 72 KEMP J t · ••• t ••••• ••• ••• ••••••• ••• •• •• •••••••••••• 59
W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LTD..••... '" . 13 . H. WELLS o ••••• o ••••••••.•••••• o _••• 43
Estate agents : - F. yOUNG . 41
E. W. ANDREWS '" '.0 •••••••••• " .0. ••• ••• ... ••• 48 House decorators : -
C. H. ASHFORD ' , .'. 5° R. BRAZIER & SONS... .. 20
H. H. BINYON . 62 CROAT & SON ,.................... .•. .•.... 24
A. K. HOGGIS 0' . [10

FENN & CO _._ .. '0I House furnishers : -

0 •••••••••• 0 .

J. H. BARMAN..•......................•............. H. L. GRIFFIN....................................... 36
RonD & MARTIN ." " '" ., ...•..... 0
SEXTON & GRIMWADE .. 4 F. W. LEWELLEN & CO...... .•• ..• 32
C. M. STANFORD .••....•............ 4 WILLfAMS & CO. 39
0' •••••••••••• 1
Fire extinguishing apparatus manufacturers:- House, land & estate agents : -
H. F. BASKETT••oo 'O • • • • •

Flag manufacturers : -
E. S. BEARD - . 4°
SLY, DIBBLE & CO....•••............... '" . 12
Foreign stamp dealers : - J. W. MARTIN . 32
Funeral carriage builders:- SEDGEWICK, SON & WEALL . 68
Funeral carriage proprietors : -
'O • • 'O 'O •••

Too W. ROBINSON•••••••••••••••••••.••••• 'O ••••• o .... 33

BRUTON BROS... ..• 67
India rubber manufacturers : -
Furriers : -
W. W ARNE & CO. LTD .. 16
Cover India rubber goods manufacturers:-
Garden requisite dealers : - W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LTD . 13
ELLIS & EVERARD LTD. ...... 'O . .49 Iron building manufacturer : -

Gas burner manufacturers :_ W. HARBROW ..•... 19

GUEST & CHRIMES .• •.••. ....••.• .••. ..... ..• .•• 71 Ironfounders:-
Gas & water enl;!ineers:- W. BARR..I:£TT .. 'O... ••• •••••• ..••••• 46

R. BRAZIER & SONS ..• 20

l\IALDON IRON WORKS CO. LTD............ 54

Gas engmeers : - Ironmongers: -

BEARD & SON :'"...... 37
BEARD & SON ·· oo·.. 37
Gas fitters : -
Iron roofing manufacturer:-
WILLIAMS & co. ... o o ••• 39 w. HARBROW..... "......................... ....••... 19
Glass merchants : -
Jeweller : -
KENT, BLAXILL & CO.... ...... ..• .•• .••.•• ...... 41
H. CHAPMAN oo... ••• ••• 23
Glaziers : -
Joinery manufacturers:-
w. HARBROW..................... 19
Goldsmith : - c. W. D. REID . 63
H. CHAPMAN ..•.. 23 Kit bag manufacturers;-
Grocers : - SL Y, DIBBLE & CO , ,. 12
TABRUM & JONES •••••• oooo. •••••• ••• ••• ... .•• .... 37 Lace merchant:- •
Habit maker:- R. W. RARRADENCE .•• ..• 68
T. FLECKNOE . 56 Ladies' outfitter : -
Harness composition manufacturers:- R. W. HARRADENCE ..•...• 68
H. EVANS & SON •......•..•.•..•..•...•.•......... 18 ! Ladies' tailors:-
E. B. EURRIDG-E .••.•......................... ,... 65
Harness maker:-
J. GIGNEY....•.•.••••••...•.....••....... 0 ••••••••••••
68 T. FLECKNOE . 56
I Lamp manufacturers : -
~orse clothing manufacturers:- I
70 i GUEST & CHRIMES........•..•. ,. .•. 7I
12 I Land, house & estate agent:-
SLY, DIBBLE CO. '" ......•..•.....................
I See House, land & estate agents
Hosiers '. -
R. W. HARRADENCE ....•....................... 68 •Lathe manufacturers:-

A. PRYER •.....•.....••........•........•....... ... ..... 21 MA UD & TURNER......... ..•. .. .•• ... ... ....•.... 72
Hotels:- , Laundries : -
H. HARVEY . 43 J CO. LTD. 59
w. & J. H. HINGLEY . 55 Lead merchant : -
Lift & hoist manufacturers : - Newspapers : -
LIMITED... ••. ..•••... ..•.. 44 SOUTHEND ECHO '" '" . 58
Lime & cement merchants ; - SOUTHEND STANDARD . 58
T. MOY LTD....••.......................... 1.1 ••••••
Linoleum manufacturers:- Oil & colour merchants:-
R. HOLSWORTH ,... t •••••••••• '" ••• ••• ••• ••• •••••• 70 KENT, BLAXILL & CO........................... 41
Livery stable proprietor:- Oil refiners:-
H. WELLS I • • • • • • • • I" ••• ••• 43 W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LTD............ ...... 13
Magnesia manufacturers : - Opticians ; -
DINNEFORD & CO. 18 H. CHAPMAN ....•• '" ••• .••. ..•..• 23
Maltsters : - Outfitters : -
A. BRADRIDG E .. t I' •••
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •• 22 A. PRYER... ..• ..• .•• ..•..... 21
Marble merchants:- Perambulator manufacturer ;-
WRAY & FULLER .•.......................•... t • I. 24 C. H. TROTMAN .••... .••.• ....•..•• ••... 19
Marquee manufacturers ; - Photographers : -
Masons:- W. GILL.. ..... ..... ..... ... ...•... 40
A. HODGES..•... '" ..••.•.••.....•.............• e...... 32 Pianoforte importer : -
L. J. WATTS LTD. •••.. .....••... .•••.• ... .... ... ... 39 J. S. DARVILL. ....••...... 55
Metal perforators:- Pianoforte tuner & dealer:-
BRYAN CORCORAN LTD................. 18 J . S. DARVILL '" SS
Mill furnishers : - Pianoforte warehouse : -
W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LTD.................. 13 J. DACE & SON ,. .•• .••.... •••..• 25
Miller : - Pipe merchant : -
A. BRADRIDGE....••......•••........ ,.•..... .... ..• 22 J. A. PRATT ..• •••.•• .•• .•. .•• .•• .•• ....•. .•• •.. 63
Millwrights : - Planing & moulding mill proprietor:-
BRYAN CORCORAN LTD... 18 H. PO"fl'ER .•....... .•. .•• .••... 23
Mineral water mauufacturers:- Plasterer:-
H. PARSONS......... .....• ....•.. 54 J. BICKLEY............................................ 18
R. WHITE & SONS LTD......................... 66
Plaster merchants :-
Monumental masons ;- NIOHOLL & CO... ... .•. ... ... ..• ...•.....• ••• ..•• ... 38
DOTTRIDGE BROTHERS LTD................. 15
Plough manufacturers : -
A. HODGES ...........•........•.•..... 32
E. H. BENTALL & CO....... 52
W. TEARLE....... .................................•• 67
Plumbers : -
WRAY & FULLER.................................. 24
Moulding manufacturer;-
CROAT & SON......... 24
C. W. D. REID... ....•...................... 63
SALTER G.•...••...................•.••....•. '" ." 43
Motor car manufacturers : - CRANSTONE ENGINEERING WORKS LTD 44
:T. ELLIS & CO. LTD........................ ...... 72 Printers : -
Mowing machine manufacturers:- KELLY'S DIRECTORIES LTD., Printers
E. H. BENTALL & CO............ ....... ......... 52 & publishers & printers & publishers of the
Music sellers : - Post Office London, County & Trades
J. DACE & SON•••••••••..•..•.•.......•••...•.... ,.. 25 Directories &c Facing Front Cover
Music teacher:- & pages 14 & 73
A. SHAW ...................• ,. . 47 Pump manufacturers : -
Newspapers : - W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LTD.................. 13
CLACTON-ON-SEA GRAPHIC . 33 Quarry owners : -
NEWS '" ..•... .•...•. 33 PEN-YR-ORSEDD SLATE QUARRY CO.
ESSEX COUNTY CHRONICLE _ . 22 LIMITED.... ..•....... ........•. ..• 72
EdSEX COUNTY STANDARD.................. 35 Removal contractors:-
ESSEX TELEGRAPH.............................. 36 H. GIBSON & CO................ .••........• Si
ESSEX WEEKLY NEWS............... .... ...... 24
W. J. DAy............................................. 29
HERTFORDSHIRE & HEMEL HEMP- Rope, line & twine manufacturers : -
STEAD GAZETTE 44 R. HOLSWORTH •.••. '" •.•. .... ..• ..... ....• .•. •••... 70

HERTFORDSHIRE MERCURY . 47 Sack manufacturers:-

ILFO BD EXPRESS...•...••.... '11'" •••••••••••••••• 57 SLY, DIBBLE & CO. 12
MIDDLESEX & BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Saddle paste manufacturers : -
ADVERTISER•.•.•.•......•••••..•.•. ,.... ..•.... ..• 60 H. EVANS & SON ....••... '" .....,... ... ... ... ..• 18
Sadler : - Society : -
J. GIGNEy.............. ......••. 68 SONS OF THE CLERGY CORPORATION. 16
Salt manufacturers:- Spirit merchants : -
D. BUMSTED & CO. 17 LAY & WHEELER , u..................... 38
Sand merchant:- Steam packing manufacturers:-
R. BRADSHAW 44 W. W ARNE & CO. LTD O' .O' • • O' O' • • • • • • • O' 16
Sanitary engineers : -
Steam ploughing machine manufacturers : -
EASTWOOD & CO. LTD. . '" .

Saw mill proprietors : -
17 J. ELLIS & CO. LTD.............................. 72

Steam sawing proprietor : -

T. & A. J. MANN O'. 42
c. W. D. RIED H. POTTER " ".O' " O' 23
O' • • O' • • O' • • O' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
SADD J. & SONS LTD . 53 Stickphast paste manufacturers:-
WELLS & PERRY .... O' . . . . . . . . O' . . . . . . . . O' • • O' . . . . O' . . . . . . . !.. O' ..
Sawing & planing mill proprietors;- Surgical instrument manufacturers : -
WELLS & PERRy lO.. 25 J.. S. HAyWARD lO. 69
Scale manufacturer:-
46 Surveyors
• : -
E. W. ANDREWS lOlO. 48
Schools : - H. F.. HASKETT lO "lO lOlO lO.40
W. J. ASLETT lO. 19 E. S. BEARD . 4°
lO lO lO ..

FENN & 00 . 4°
MISS GO FFIN lO. ..• 2 I J. H. HARMAN . 31
E. M. JONES......... 56 •
. Tailor : -
J. KING . 48
E. B. BURRIDGE...... 65
R. G. McKINLAY . 59 ,

MISS PALMER . 56 'l'ank manufacturers : -

s. H. POOLE . 68 Tarpaulin manufacturers :-.
PROSPECT HOUSE (RAyLEIGH)...••......, 55 R. HOLSWORTH . ..... ... ... ... ..... .... ... ... ... ... 70
MISS R USSELL .....•......................... ••... 20 SL'l·, DIBBLE & CO . 12
MISS F. M. SMITH......... 31 12
MRS. STOLLERY '" ......•

J. prH0 RNHILL .
J. ELUS & CO. LTD. 72
A. S. WILSON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tile manufacturers;-
w. H. COLLIER ... ... ..... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 54
Sculptors : - M. GENTRY . 44
Timber merchants:-
L. J. WATTS LTD. .•.... 39
ELLIS & EVERARD LTD........... ..• 49
EWEN & THOMLINSON.......................... 46
Shippers & contractors : - T. & A. J. MANN.................................... 42
ROBERTS, ADLARD & CO.... 17 GROOM, DANIELS & CO...... ..• ..• 39
Shop front builders;- NICHOLL & CO. .... ... ... ... ... ... 38
s. N. SOOLE & SON 73 SADD J. & SONS LTD....... ..• 53
T. TURNER LTD.... ... ... ... ... 64
Silk merchant : -
WELLS & PERRY... ..•..•.••... 25
R. W. HARRADENCE .....• .•. 68
Slate & cement merchants ; - Tobacco pouch manufacturers:-
GROOM, DANIELS & CO........................ 39 W. WARNE & CO. LTD......... •••.... ....... ..• 16
Traction en~ine proprietors : -
Slate merchants: -
J. ELLIS & CO. LTD.............................. 72
w. A. DARBISHIRE !"........ 72
E WEN & THOMLINSON ..• 46 Transfer agent:- •
NICHOLL & CO. ..•... ..• 38 'V. MOON 73
PEN-YR-ORSEDD SLATE QUARRY CO. LD 72 Truss manufacturer : -
J.A.PRATT " 63 J. S. HAYWARD... 69
Slate & tile manufacturers:- Undertakers : -
ROBERTS, ADLARD & CO.......... ... .. ...... 17 BRUTON EROS... 67
Smiths:- T. A. GOODEY........................................ 42
WHITE BROS..... 42 J. GO WERS ..... . ...... ... ... .... ... ... ..• ... ... ... .. . :2 5


Undertakers : - Watchmaker : -
H.. POTTER O' ••• ••• ••• 23 H. CHAPMAN ...... ...... ..... . .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 23
J. WENT ....... 1 •••• ~.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • ••••• 4I Water closet manufacturers : -
H. YOUNGER 57 GUEST & CHRIMES •••.... , . 71
Undertakers' manufacturer~ & warehousemen:- Water meter manufacturers : -
Upholsterers : - Waterproof goods manufacturers : -
J. GIGNEY.. ..• ..• 68 W. WARNE & CO. LTD... .•.. 16
H. L. GRIFFIN.............................. .•. .•• 36 Waterproofed cover manufacturers : -
H. YOUNGER ... ..•.........................•.•••... 57

Valuers : -
4 Weighing machine manufacturer : -
H. F. BASKETr.r . G. HAYWARD ....•....••.. ..••.••...... ... ... ... ... 46

E. S. BEARD . 40 Well en~ineer:-
H. H. BINYON . 62 I H. G. FEATHERBY ..• 20
A. K. BOGGIS "' t •
4° Wheelwrights:-
G. B. HILLIARD & SON . 25 Window blind manufacturer:-
HUMBERT & FLINT ............................••
65 I J. WILLIAMS .••.•• •.....•..........•.....• 19
J. W. MARTIN.....•..........•••••.••.•.•........... 32 ' . . . h
w. MOON .
" i Wine & SpIrIt merc ants:-
7:> '
1'. W. ROBINSON .........................•.......... I BADDOW BREWERY CO. LTD............... 24
33,,'! J. N. KEMP 42
RonD & MARTIN ................•................ 2
.) i LAY & WHEELER... .•.... 38
c. M. STANFORD .............................•... 41 I

G. W. PASCALL & CO .•.... .•. 25

F. TAYLOR..................................•.......... 25
Yenetian blind manufacturer : - I, Wire weavers:-
J. WILLl.A..MS ••..••.........••....... o. • • • • • • • • • • o. •••
19! BRYANCORCORANLTD....•••...............•. I&
Waggonette proprietor : - 'Vood working machinery manufacturers : -
H. CLARKE . . 43 I MAUD & TURNER .•.... ..• 72

• •

ESSEX is one of the metropolitan shires and takes its miles past Ongar to llford, where it becomes navigable,
name from the commonwealth of the East Saxons (one and, passing Barking, joins the Thames: the Bourne
of the English hordes which settled in South Britain), brook, 12 miles long, falls into the Thames' at Dagenham:
and of which Middlesex, London and Hertfordshire after- the Ingerbourne rises in South Weald and falls into the
wards formed part. After the Euskardians and Celts Thames near Rainham: the Marditch, 1'2 miles long,
had been driven out, Essex. was held by the Belgic tribe forms a creek at Purfleet: the Grouch, 25 miles long,
of the Trinobantes until the Roman inroad. Of the waters south-east Essex and is navigable from Hull Bridge
Romans it was a great seat and here was their city of to the North Sea; Burnham is its port: the Bromhill is a
Camulodunum. The Welch, again becoming masters, creek, 10 mileS! long, and navigable for 7 mil6S' to near
were driven out by the East Saxons. The chief clans Rochford: the river Chelmer, 46 miles long, rising in the
concerned in the settlement were the Tilling, Halling, north-wes-t near Debden, and flowing south, passes Dun-
Denning, Thurring, Benning, .Billing, Homing, Manning, mow and Chelmsford, where it is made navigable, thence
Totting, Bucking and Dunning, being the same as those east to Maldon (its port), receiving the Ter, 13 miles long,
engaged in the settlement of East Anglia. In 823 it came the Wid and Cann, 14 miles long, and the Sandon Brook,
under the sway of the West Saxons under Egbert, though 10 miles long; near Maldon it joins the Blackwater, which
more than once given up to the Danes. has for its feeder the Podsbrook: the Coloe, 35 miles long,
- The county is of an irregular shape, being in its rises on the northern border near Birdbrook, becomes
greatest length, from north-east to south-west, 63 miles, navigable at Oolchester, and receiving the R(}man river,
and from north to south 48 miles. By the "Oonfirma- flows into the North Sea: the Holland creek falls into the
tion .Act (No. 14), 1895," the paris'hes of Heydon, Great North Sea at Little Holland: the Stour is about 50 miles.
Ohishall and Little Chishall and parts of those of Haver- long, becomes navigable at 8udbury and passes the ports
hill and Kedington were transferred, the first three to of Manningtree and Harwich to the North Sea: in the
Cambridgeshire and the two last to Suffolk. The area north-west the Cam and Slade brooks pass into Cam-
of the county is 987,028 acres, being the eleventb English bridgeshire. .
shire for size. In 18B! its population was 576,434; and in The railways in this county are controlled by the Great
:1:891 was 784,258; males, 389,949; females, 394,3°9; Eastern railway, and oonsist of twu main lines and
the number of inhabited houses in 189:1: was :1:46,047; numerous branches. The principal line from London to
uninhalbited, 9,6g8; being built, 1,354. In 1901 the Cambridge runs along the western side of this county
population was 1,085,576, and the number of inhabited and the eastern of Hertfords-hire, from Tottenham to
houses, 201,059, On the east and south-east the county Bishop Sto'l'tford, and then cuts across- the north-west
is bounded by the North .Sea; on the south by the angle of Essex to Chesterford and thence to Cambridge:
T~ames, which flows between it and Kent; on the west the branches from this line are one from Broxbourna to
bl the Lee agaiI1lSt Mi3dles-ex and 'by the Stort against Ware and Hertford, from which again a branch leaving
Hertfordshire; on the north bY' Cambridge and on the St. Margarets goes to Buntingford, these two branohes
north-east by the Stour, separating it from Suffolk. On being actually in Hertfordshire; one from Bishop Stort-
the east the shore is broken by the deep friths and creeks ford going due east through Dunmow to Braintree, and
of the Stour, Colne, Blackwater, Orouch and Thame~ and then south-east until it joins the Ipswich line at Witham,
by the inlets round Horsey, Mersea. and Havengore and a third branch lea.ves .Audley End and runs through
islands. Saffron Walden to the Haverhill and Sudbury line. The
other main line, that to Ipswich, Norwich &c. enters the
Time of High W.llter on the Full and Change of the Moon county at Stratford, where two short branch lines go
at the following places on the coast of Essex : - north to Ohingfordand Chipping Ongar, through Wood-
ford (from which a branch line is now ~1go2) being
High RISE.* . constructed to IlfO'l'd), and one south to North Woolwich;
Water from thence ~ a ferry to Woolwich .in Kent. The main •
Full & line passes through RoIDIford, Ingatestone, Chelmsford,
Change. . Springs.!Neaps. Witham and a lij;tle north of Colchester, and leaves the
h. m. feet. county at Manningtree; the branches from it are one
Harwich Harbour . .. o 6 from Shenfield to Billericay, Wickford (where a branch
Il! 91 runs off to Maldon, with another leaving it at Woodham
Orwell River, Pinmill . o 20 12 ,
Ferris for Burnham and Southminster), Rayleigh, Boch~
Orwell River, Downham Reach.
Orwell .River, Ipswich
. o 35
27 :1:2
ford and Southend: another bI'8nch leaves Witham for
Maldon, where it joins the branch from Wi.ckford. The
Stour River, Wrabness . o 29 12
next branch is, from Marks Tay northward to Sudbury,
Stour River, Mistley Quay.; .. o 48 III where it turns wes1Jward and runs along the northern
Stour River, Cattawade Bridge. :I: 8 4i . border of the county as far as Linton, having a short
The Naze A . o 6 :l:2! :1:0
branch from Bartlow to Saffron Walden and .Audley End;
Colne River, Colne Point . noon 14- :1:0
from St. Botolph on the Ipswich main line a branch
Colne River, Wivenhoe .. o 10 :1:5 10
runs to Walton-on-the-Na~e;having branches from Wiven-
Blackwater River, Scales Point. noon !4~ 10
hoe to Brightlingsea and from Thorpe to Clacton-on-Sea,
Blackwater River, Heybridge .. o 20 12 8
Chelmer River, Maldon o· 32 10 6 . and from Manningtree a branch runs to Parkstone Quay
Gunfleet Sand, N.E. End XI 40 12 8 and Harwich. The London, Tilbury and Southend rail-
way, which starts from Fenchurch street, passes through
Crouch River, Foulness........... 0 5 14~ la! the southern part of the county from Plaistow via Barking,
Crouch River, Hull Bridge 0 25 16 11
Horndon, Pitsea, N(}rth Benfleet, Southend to Shoebury-
Maplin Light.............. .... 0 5 14! loi , nes-s, the old loop line of the ,same railway leaving the line

*By the rise of the tide is meant its vertical rise above the at Barking, running alongside the river by Ti1burr. and
rejoining the new line via Stanford-Ie-Hope (WIth a
. mean low water level of spring tides.
. branch to Thames Haven), while another branch runs
The Thames flows through London to the North Sea, from Romford to Grays and Tilbury by Ohadrwell Heath
having several quays, but no great haven on the Essex and Ockendon, and the Midland connects with these
shore, and the limits of the port of London extend to railways by a line from St. Pancras vi~ Tottenham and
Havengore creek in this county. The Lee, and its head, Forest Gate to Barking, and rung, trains in connection
the Stort, are navigable, passing through .Bishop Stort- with the London, Tilbury and ,Southend line from St.
ford, Harlow and Waltham .Abbey; the Boding rises in Pancras to Southend. The Colne Valley railway runs
Easton Park, near Dunmow, and flows south for about 36 from Ohappel, on the Great Eastern Sudbury branch, via.

Castle Hedingham and Yeldham to Haverhill. 'rhe Dis- ! Berners Roothing, Broxted, Chickney, Good Easter,
trict railway has opened a branch line in June, 1902, from Great Canfield, Great Dunmow, Great Eastolll, High
Whitechapel to East Ham. Easter, High Roothing, Leaden Roothing, Lindsell, Little
The county has much rich meadow ground on the Canfield, Little Dunmow, Little Easton, Margaret Rooth-
shores of the brooks and marsh lands, .on the f~ths and ing, Mashbury, Plashey, Shellow Bowells, Thaxted, Tilty,
creeks: on the shore are many marsh Islands, like tho,se White Roothing with the hamlet of Morrell Roothing,
of Holland; of these Canvey, Foulness, Wallasea, Mersea, Willingale Doe lind Willingale Spain.
Horsea, Ha:vengore and Pot~on are th~ greatest: much of Hundred of Freshwell :-Ashdon, Bardfield, Saling,
the shore IS, sheltered ,ag~nst the tIdes and storms ,by Great Bardfield, Great Sampford, Helion Bumpstead,
dykes and sea walls. The lllland parts are somewhat hilly Hempstead Little Bardfield Little Sampford and Rad-
an~ well timbered: the highest hills. of the London clay, winter. ' ,
which do not exceed 300 !eet, are HIgh Beech" near Wal- Hundred of Harlow:-Great Hallingbury, Great Parn-
th~m A.bber, Danbury, Tlptree Heath, near Wltham, and don Harlow Hatfield Broad Oak or Hatfield Regis
Lallldon Hills, near
' h Brentwood.
Ch lm f d . th ' t . L '
atton, L'Itt I'e H a11'mgb ury, Litt . Ie Parndon, M ' '
E ssex, 0 f w h IC ' e s or IS e aSSIze own, IS ". 11 R d ( f) d' Sh '
. Iu d ed Wl'thin th e S outh - E as t ern C'lrCUl,
mc 't an d f orms .l.,etteswe,
H d d foyH'on kf part
d 0
AI an
h eermg.
A sh en, Bali'mg-
' d ' d'
one cour t 0 f Quart er S eSSlOns an IS IVl e In 0 1 'd d ' t 8 un re 0 mc Oor : - p amstone,
petty sessional divisions. Part of Becontree hundred don-cum-Brundon, ~elchamp Otte~, Belchamp St., Paul,
viz. Barking, East Ham, West Ham, Little Ilford, Low !3elchamp WaIter, BIrdbrook~ Bockmg. Borley, B~amt:ee,
Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead, St. Mary Woodford ~ulmer, Bures, Cast~e Hedmgham, Felste~d,. Fmchmg-
and Chingford is within the bounds of the Central field, Foxearth, Gestmgthorp?, Gosfield, Great Henny,
Criminal Oourt, and with Dagenham, Chadwell Heath, Great Maplestead,. Great .Sahng-, Great. Yeldham, Hal-
Waltham Abbey, Loughton and ChigweIl, under the st,ead, Lamarsh, Lis~on, LIttle H~nny, Little Maplestead,
jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police. The County LIttle Yeldham, Middleto:,-, OVlllgton, Panfi~ld, Peb-
Courts (which are in Circuits 35 and 38) are held at l?arsh, Pe~tlow, Rayne, RIdg~ell, Shalford, SIble Hed-
Saffron Walden, Braintree, Brentwood, Chelmsford, Oll. m~ham, ::ltambourne" Stebblllg', Steeple B~pstead,
chester Dunmow Grays Thurrock Halstead Harwich Stlsted, Sturmere, TIlbury, Toppesfield, TWlllstead,
Maldou', Romford: South~nd and Waltham Abbey. 'Wethersfield and Wickham St. Paul's. , , ..
The shire is ecclesiastically within the diocese of St. .Hundred of Lex~~n,: -Aldham (Wltham diVISIO~),
Albans and divided into two archdeaconries: Colchester Birch (Colchester dIVISIOn), Boxted, Chapel or Pontls-
sub-divided into the rural deaneries of Ardleigh and b~i~~t (Witham division), Copford, Dedham (Colchester
Harwich, Braintree, Coggeshall, Colchester, Dedham, dr~lsIOn), Earls. Colne, ~~s~ Donylan~, East~orpe, ~~­
Hal:stead, Hatfield Peverel, Hedingham, Mersea, N ew- g:'l'me Colne (Wltham dIVIsIOn),. ~eerm~ (WItham clIVI-
port, Saffron Walden, St. Osyth, Sampford, Witham SIO~), For~h~~ (Colchester dlVlslOn), Great Cogg~shall
and Yeldham' and Essex sub-divided into the rural (WItham dIVISIOn), Great Horkesley, Great Tey (WItham
deaneries of B~rkinO' North South and West Barstable division), Inworth (Witham division), Langham (Col-
Canewdoo., Chafford: Chel~sford, Chigwell: Danbury: I c~ester divisi?,n), Litt~e. ~orkesley (Colcheste~ divisi~n),
Dengie, Dunmow, Harlow, Ingatestone, Lambourne, Mal- I ~lttle Tey (\\ Ithal~ dIvlsI~n),. Marks T~y (Wltham dIVl-
dont Ongar, Orsett, Rochford and Roding: Ballingdon, sIGn), :!\IaI'kshal~ (1Yltham dlV~SIO:'-), Mess~ng, Mou~t .B.ures
a suburb of Sudbury in Suffolk is in the diocese of (Colchester dIVISIOn), PatbswlCk (Wltham dIVISIOn),
Ely. There are no cathedrals or great endowments. S~a?-~ay (Colchester division), Wakes <?~l~e (With~m
The county contains 4 16 civil parishes. The Municipal dIVISIOn), .West n,e~g~olt (Colch~ster dIVIsIon),. Wlllte
boroughs are :~Chelmsford, population :in: 1901, 12,5,80; I Colne (Wltha~..dIvISlOn), Wormmgford and Wlvenhoe
CoLchester, population, 38,351; Harwich, population, (Colchester dIVIslOn).
10,0119; Maldon, population, 5,564; Saffron Walden, HU~dred of c;>ngar: -Abbo~s Roothing, .Beauchamp
population, 5,'896; Southend-on-Sea, 28,1857; West Ham Roothmg, ~obbmgworth, ChIl)'well, ChIppmg Ongar,
(COWlty Borough), 206,30 8. Fyfield or FIfBhead, Greenstead, ~gh Laver, High Ongar,
Other towns are: Barking, 21,547; Romford, 13,656; Kelvedon Hatch, Lambourne, LIttle Laver, Loug-hton,
Woodford, 13,806; Braintree, 5,33°; Halstead, 6,072; Magdalen Laver, Moret.on, Navestock. North 'Yeald
Brentwood, 4,932, and Witham, 3,484- Bassett, Norton MandeVIlle, Shelley, Stamford RIvers,
. . . Stapleford Abbots, Stapleford Tawney. Stondon Massey,
T~e county forms mnetee~ hundreds: the .folloWlllg .1S Theydon Bois, Theydon Garnon and Theydon Mount.
a list of the hundreds, With the places lllcluded III Hundred of Rochford :-Ashingdon, Barling, Canewdon,
each:- Eastwood, Foulness, Great Stambridge, Great Waker-
Hundred of Barstable :-Bassildon, Bowers Gi:lIord, ing-, Hadleigh, Hawkwell, Hockley, Leigh, Little Stam-
Bulphan, Chadwell St. Mary, Corringham, Doddinghul'st, bridge, Little Wakering, North Shoebury, Paglesham,
Downham, Dunton, East Horndon, East Tilbury, Fob- I Prittlewell, Ra-wreth, Rayleigh, Rochford, Shopland,
bing, Grea.t Burstead, Horndon-on-the-Rill. Ruttan, I Southchurch, South Fambridge, South Shoebury, Sutton
Ingrave, Laindon, Langdon or Laindon Hills, Little and Thunderllley (part of),
Burstead, Little Thurrock, Mucking, Nevendon, North I Hundred of Tendrin~ :-Alresford. Ardleigh, Beau-
Benfleet, Orsea, Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden mont-curn-Moze, Bradfield, Brig-htlingsea, Elmstead,
Crays, Shenfield, South Benfleet, Stanford-le-Hope, Frating, Frinton, Great Bentley, Great Bromley, Great
Thundersley (part of), Vange, West Horndon, West I Clacton. Great Holland, Great Oakley, Kirby-le-Soken,
Tilbury and Wickford Lawford. Little Bentley, Little Bromley, Little Clacton,
Hundred of Becontree :-Barking, Dagenham, East Little Holland, Little Oakley, Manning-tree, Mistley,
Ham, Little llford, Low Leyton, Walthamstow, Wan- Ramsey, St. Osyth-Chich, Tendringo, Thorpe-le-Soken,
stead, West Ham and 'Voodford. Thorrington, Walton-Ie-Soken or Walton-on-the-Naze,
Hundred of Chafford :-Aveley, Brentwood, Childer- Weeley, Wix and Wrabness.
ditch, Cranham, Grays Thurrock, Great Warley, Little I Hundred of Thurstable :-Goldhangel', Great Totham,
Warley, North Ockendon, Rainham, South Ockendon, Heybridg-e, Lang-ford, Little Totham. Tollesbury. Tolles-
South Weald, Stifford, Upminster, Wennington and West hunt D'Arcy, Tolleshunt Knig-hts, Tolieshunt Major or
Thurrock. Becking-ham and Wiekham Bishops.
Hundred of Chelmsford :-Blackmore, Boreham, Hundred of Uttlesford :-Arkesden, Birchang-er, Chris-
Broomfield, Buttsbury, Chelmsford, Chignall St. James, hall, Debden, Elmdon, Elsenham, Great Chesterford,
Chignall Smealey, Danbury, East Hanningfield, Fryern- 'Great Chishall, Henham (part of), Heydon, Little Ches-
ing, Great Baddow, Great Leighs (part of), Great Wal- i terford, Little Chishall, Littlebury, Newport, Quendon,
thaIll, Ingatestone, Little Baddow, Little Leighs, Little I Rickling, Stansted Mountfitchbt (part of), Strethall,
Waltham, Margaretting, Mountnessing, Rettendon, Rox- Takeley, Wendon Lofts, Wendons Ambo, Wicken Bonant,
well, RunwAll, Sandon, South Hannin/!field, Spring£eld, Widdingoton and Wimbish.
Stock, West Hanningfield, Widford, Waodham Ferrers Hundred of Waltham :-Chingford, Epping, Nazeing,
-and Writtle. Roydon (part of), and Waltham Abbey or WaItham Holy
Hundred of Clavering :-Berden, Clavering, Farnham, Croes.
Henham (part of), Langley, Manuden, Stansted Mount- Hundred of 1Vinstree :-Abberton, East Mersea, Fing-
fitchet (part of), Ugley. ringhoe, Great Wig-borough, Langenhoe, Layer Breton,
Hundred of Dengie :-Althorne, Asheldham, Bradwell, Layer-de-la-Hay, Layer Mamey, Little Wigborough,
Burnham, Cold Norton, Creeksea, Dengie, Hazeleigh, Peldon, Saleott, Virley and West Mersea.
Latching-don, Mayland, Mundon, North Fambridge, Pur- Hundred of Witham :-Black Notley, Bradwell-next-
leigh, St. Lawrence Newland, Southminster, Steeple, Coggeshall, Cressing, Fair8ted,· FaulkbouFn, Great
'Stow Maries, Tillingham, Woodham Mortimer and Wood- Braxted, Great Leighs (part of), Hatfield Peverel. Kelve-
ham Waiter. non, Little Braxted, Littll? Cogog-eshall, Rivenhall, Terling,
Hundred of Dunmow:-J.ythorp Roothing, Barnston, Ulting, White Notley and Witham.

The Registration Districts are:- Dunmow-Little Margaret Roothing (or Rod-
Easton-Great ing)
Ea.'iton-Little Stebbing
No. Name. Area. Pop. In Ig0I.
Felstead Takeley
- ------·-------1------:---,---
Hatfield Broad Oak, or Hat-
field Regis
%86 :£8,7 86
West. Ham 5 80,3 06 . High Easter
E pplng _ . White Roothing (or Roding),
187 4 8,II7 3°,459 High Roothmg (or Roding) with the Hamlet of Morrel
1:88 Ongar 47,23 6 10,044 .
I Lcaden Roothing (or Roding) Root.hing (or Roding)
1:89 Romford
47,652 95,45 8 .
Orsett .. Lindsell
:l:go 4 1 , 28 9 33,721
JIgl Billericay .......•••......
49,85:£ 22,436 EpPING UNION.
Ig2 Chelmsford ............•
86,157 36 ,297
ilg3 Rochford .••.......•.•...
63,13 1 5:£,II3 !Buckhurst Hill Nazein tY

;Y94 Maldon89,887 23,:£12 . I ChigweU Neteswell

figS Tendring
84,°76 45,04 8 . Chingford North Weald Bassett
1196 Colchester
II,333 .
3 8 ,35:£ Epping Parndon-Great
::£97 Lexden7 1 ,°49 2:£,13 2.. j Epping Upland Parndon-Little
198 Halstead
39,359 :£6,248 . Harlow Roydon
:£99 Hraintree
68, 28 5 26,89° . ! Latton Sheering
200 Dunmow73,5°3 I5,7°5 . I Loughton Theydon Boia
20I Saffron Walden
64,5°5 :£6,132.. i Magdalen Laver Theydou Garnon
The following list of the unions shows the places included I HALSTEAD UNION.
in each : - I Castle Hedingham Ridgewell
BILLERICAY UNION. I Colne Engaine Sible Hedingham
I Earls Colne Stambourne
Basildon (Chapelry) Laindon I Gosfield Tilbury juxta Clare
Benfieet-North Lee Chapel Halstead-Rural Toppesfield
Bowers Gifford (Hamlet) Mountnessing Halstead-LJrban White Colne
Brentwood Nevendon Maplestead-Great Yeldham-Great
Burstead-Great Pitsea Maplestead-Little Yeldham-Little
Burstead-Little Ramsden Bellhouse Pebmarsh
Childerditch Ramsden Crays
Downham Shenfield LEXDEN & WINSTREE UNION.
Dunton Varge I Abberton Layer-de-Ia-Hay
Horndon-East 'Weald-South Aldham Layer Marney
Horndon-West Wickford I Bergholt-West Marks Tey
Huttou Worley-Little I Birch Mersea-East
Ingrave Boxted Mersea-West
Chappel Messing
i Copford Mount Bures
.Black Notley Markshall Dedham Peldon
Bocking Panfield Donyland-East Salcott
Bradwell next Coggeshall Pattiswieke Easthorpe St;auway
Braintree Rayne Fingringhoe Tey-Great
Coggeshall-Great Rivenhall FordhamI • Tey-Little •
·Ooggeshall-Little Saling-Great ! Horkesley-Great Virley
·Oressing Shalford I Horkesley-Little Wakes Colne
Fairstead Stisted Inworth Wigborough-Great .
·Faulkbourn Terling I Langenhoe Wigborough-Little
Feering Wethersfield i Langham . Wivenhoe
· Finchingfield White N oUey I Layer Breton Wormingford
· Hatfield Peverell Witham
· Baddow-Great Leighs-Little Asheldam Purleigh
Raddow-Little Margaretting Bradwell-near-the-Sea St. Lawrence Newland
Boreham Mashbury I Braxted-Great Southminster
· Broomfield Pleshey Braxted-Little Steeple
Buttsbury Rettendou Burnham Stow Maries
Ohelmsford Roxwell • Cold Norton Tillingham
·Ohignal St. James & Smealey RunweU Creeksea Tollesbury
Danbury Sandon Dengie Tolleshunt D'Arcy
Fryerning Springfield Fambridge-North TolIeshunt Knights
-Good Easter Stock Goldhanger Tolleshllllt Major, or Reeking-
Hanningfield-East Waltham-Great Hazeleigh ham
Hanning-field-South Waltham-Little Heybridge Tothalll-Great
Hanningtield-West Widford Langford Totham-Little
· Ingatestone W oodham Ferris Latchingdon Ulting
-Leighs-Great Writtle Maldon (All Saints) Wiekham Bishops
Maldon (St. Mary) Woodham Mortimer
COLCHESTER UNION. Maldon (St. Peter) \Voodham WaIter
Comprising the parish of Colchester, divided into the Mayland
'wards of:-
Berechurch St. James
Chapel Street & Shrub End St. Leonard Abbots Roothing Moreton
· Corn Exchange (Middleboro') St. Mary-at-the-Walls Beauchamp Roothing Navestock
Lexden St. Mary Magdalen Berners Roothing N orton Mandeville
Parsons Heath (KendallRoad) St. Michael (Mile End) Blackmore Ongar-High
•Priory Street (Old Heath) St. Paul (Stanwell Street) Bobbingworth Shelley
Chipping Ongar Shellow Bowels
Doddinghurst Stanford Rivers
Fyfield, or Fifehead Stapleford Abbots
· Aythorpe Roothing(orRoding) Broxted Greenstead Stapleford Tawney
Bardfield-Great Cantield-Great Kelvedon Hatch Stondon Massey
·Bardfield-Little Cantield-Little , Lambourne Theydon Mount
Bardfield Saling Chiekney I Laver-HitYh Willinga!e Doe
.:Barnston Dunmow-Great I uver-Little Willingale Spain

ORSETT UNION. oyster owing to the peculiar character of the water,

Aveley OClkendon-North ~he geological nature of the river beds, which by their
Bulphan Ockendon-South sheltered position maintain an equable temperature at
Chadwell St. Mary Orsett the most critical time in the spawning or spatting
Corringham Stanford-le-Hope season. Th~ chief object of cultivators is to protect

Fobbing Stifford and preserve the spat from its numerous enemies
Grays Thurrock Thurrock-Little throughout the infantine and delicately sus,ceptib1e
Horndon-on-the-Hill Thurrock-West,withPurfleet stages; millions of these little molluS'C's here produced
Laindon Hills Tilbury-East are sold lIit the age of from one to two years, to be
Mucking Tilbury-West laid down and mature and fatten for market; by whic'h
time they are four to fiv·e y,ear,s old! ~ the far-famed Royal
ROCHFORD UNION. Wbitlst-able Native is here bred, as also the famous
Ashingdon Prittlewell OS/tend oy·ster of the Oontinent, so that destruction here
Barling Rawreth means ruin in these and other places: that the area of
Benfleet-South Rayleigh breeding grounds cannot be artificially extended has
Canewdon Rochford been proved by the futile effort of many companies
Canvey Island Shoebury-North fOirmed for that purpose; and it is a well-known fact
Eastwood Shoebury-South that sewage is both poisonous and destructive' to oysters,
Fambridge-South Shopland especially in their early stages. The ports of the county
Foulness Southchurch are Manningtree, Harwich, Brightlingsea, Oolchester,
Hadleigh Stambridge-Great Salcott, Maldon, Bradwell, Burnham, "\Vake1ring, S'outlh-
Havengore Stllmbridge-Little end, Leigh, Grays, Purfieet and Barking. The Royal
Hawkwell Sutton Victoria and Albert Docks are in Plaistow Level; there
Hockley Thundersley' are also very large docks at Tilbury, opened in 1886,
I..eigh W akering-Great all connected with London by rail. Steamers run from
Paglesham Wakering-Little London to Harwich and communicate with PurfIeet,
Grays, Tilbury, Southend, Walton, and Clacton: South-
end and Tilbury are steamboat stations; the boats
Barking Noakhill only run between London, SoutJhend, "\Valton and Clacton
Cranham Rainham during the summer months. From Southend, boats, also
Dagenham Romford run to Boulogne, Ostend, Margate, Ramsgat·e and Yar-
Havering-atte-Bower Upminster mouth. Steamers go up the Orwell from Harwich to
Hornchurch Warley-Great Ipswich. Harwich, Southend, Walton and Clacton are
Ilford Wennington bathing places. .At Waltham .Abbey there are Govern-
ment powder works, and at PurfIeet powder stores;
SAFFRON 'VALDEN UNION. Warley is a military station and a depot for rec:-uits; at
Arkesden Newport Tilbury is a garrison; at Colchester is a large camp for
Ashdon Quendon infantry and cavalry, .and at Shoeburyness an extensive
Bartlow Hamlet Radwinter ground for testing Government a:otillery of the largest
Chesterford-Great Rickling calibre.
Chesterford-Little Saffron Walden The Eastern Oounties Asylum, for the care and
Chrishall Sampford-Great training of idiots and imbeciles belonging to Es,sex,
Clavering Sampford-Little Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire, occupies Essex
Debden Streethall Hall, close to the North Railway station, Qolchester.
Elmdon Wendon Ambo and is a building in the Italian style, with an ornamen-
Hadstock ,"Vendon Lofts tal tower, standing in spacious g-rounds well laid out;
Hempstead Wicken Bonhunt it was originally erected in the year 11840 as a large
Langley Widdington hotel, but proving unsuccessful was occupied as a
Littlebury Wimbish branch of the Earlswood Asylum for Idiots, and ulti-
mately devoted, in 1859, ifJo its present use: the patients
are admittJed by the vot·es of subscribers at half-yearly
elections, a limited number for llie, and the bulk for
Alresford Holland-Little terms of five years: patients from all parts of filie
Ardleigh Kirkby-Ie-Soken kingdom being also admi.tted by payment: it has now
Beaumont-cum-Moze Lawford (1902) upward,s of 250 patients, and is fitted up with
Bentley-Great Manningtree ; everything nece,ssary for the purposes of a training
Bentley-Little Mistley , school and home for persons of feeble mind, including
Bradfield Oakley-Great gymnastic apparatus, workshops and schools. The
Brightlingsea Oakley-Little Marquess of Bristol, chairman; Sir Joshua Bowley bart.
Bromley-Great Ramsey vice-chairman; Horace G. Egerton-Green esq. treasurer;
Bromley-Little St. Osyth Sir Frederic Bateman ~I.D., IL.D. and T. Clifford All-
Clacton-Great Tendring butt M.D., F.R.S., F.R.C.P .Lond. consulting physicians;
Clacton-Little Thorpc-Ic-Soken Robert Francis ISymmons and E. A. Hunt M.R.O.S.Eng.,
Dovercourt Thorrington L.R.C.P.Edin. consulting surgeons; S. J ohnson Taylor
Elmstead Walton-le-Soken, or Walton- M.B., C.M. ,consulting ophthalmic surgeon; Hugh L.
Frating on-the-Naze Tracy L.D.S.Glas. dentist; Hugh Bixby Luard M.B.
Frinton Weeley Cantab., F.R.O.S.Eng. resident medical attendant; Jo·hn
Harwich (St. Nicholas) Wix J. C. Turner, Tesident superintendent and secretary;
Holland-Great Wrabness Arthur Turner, assistant secretary; Mrs. Turner,matron.
The County Lunatic Asylum, standing on an emin-
ence, about three-quarters of a mile from the Brentwood
Cann Hall Walthamstow station, is a building in the Elizabethan style, opened
Ham-East "\'\"anstead in 1853; in 1864 three additional blocks were erected,
Ham-West Wood ford for 75 more patients; in 1871 another block for 250
Leyton-Low female patients; and in 1888 a further extension was
made for 450 male patients. The whole is now (1894)
The Essex men are mostly employed in husbandry capable of receiving 1,650: the wards are spacious and
and stock feeding, and only a few in manufa.ctures of airy, and some ilommand an extensive and beautiful
silk &c. at Braintree and Hals,tead; there i,s a silk mill prospeG"t: the building is approlliched from the WarIey
at Chelmsford. The minerals worked are chalk for lime, road by a carriage drive, and the groundls by whicb
346,2II tons, value £17,419, having been raised in 1900, it is surrounded are upwards of 130 acres, including the
and clay for bricks; the other minerals raised were Brentwood Hall estate, purchased in 1873, and comprise Ho
1°7,4°6 tons, valued at £3,6155; the chert and flint, farm, kitchen gardens and pleasure grounds; the farm and
6,757 tons'; salt is' made from the sea. Seeds are grown garden are cultivated by the patients. Visiting days ar~
in various parts. The trade of the towns on the shore is any week day, but not more frequently than once a fort-
in the oyster and other fisheries and in shipping corn, night: George Amsden M.B., 0.1'1. medical superinten-
coals and timber. The Colne oyster fishery is of great dent and John Turner M.B., C.M. senior; George Nathan
value and importance; it furnishes the finest natives, Oscroft Slater M.B .• O.M. second; Miss Adela de Staiger
and belongs to Colchester: in the rivers Crouch, Roach M.B. third, assistant medical officers; Rev. Henry
and Blackwater the native oyster is indigenous, and the Stephens M.A. chaplain; 'Villiam Michael Tufnell,
spat or brood is successfully caught and preserved; these treasurer and treasurer to benevolent fnnd: William
grounds seem to be the natural home of the native Rerbert Roscoe, clerk to the asylum; Joseph Tomlinson,
dispenser and clerk to the medical superintendent; E. S. :No. 8.-South Eastern or Tilbury division oomprises
White, store keeper; W. Brown, clerk of works and engi- the sessional divisions of Dengie, Orsett and Roch-
neer. There are branches of the asylum at Harold Wood foriL and the parishes of Rainham and Wennington.
and Walthamstow, and another at Brunswick house, By the above-mentioned Act the representation of the
Mistley, Manningtree, Joseph Singer Jameson B.A., M.D. bOl·oughs of Harwich and Maldon were merged in
medical attendant; Mrs. Miller, matron. that of the county, and the representation of Col-
The Essex and Colchester General Hospital, standing chester reduced to one =ember and the borough of
on tJhe Lexden road, t() the westward of the town of 'West Ham formed to return two members in two
Colchester, was built in 1820 and enlarged in 1839, and diviSlions.
again enlarged in 1879-80, and further extended and en-
larged, .at a cost of £6,000, in celebration of the Diamond ~fE~IBERS OF P ARLll.MENT.
Jubilee, in 1897, of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. It Eastern or Maldon division, Hon. Oharles Hedley Strutt
is a handsome white brick building, with a tower con- B.A., J.P. Blunt's hall, Witham; & 90 Onslow gar-
taining a clock, and has beds for 100 patients, and is dens S "Y & Carlton club SW, London
supported by subscriptions, donations, collections and
bequests': during the year 1901 there were 67'8 in-patients Mid or Chelmsford division, M:1jor Frederic Carne Rasch
and 2,180 out-patients. A separate building has been D.L., J.P. Woodhill, Danbury, Chelmsford; & Wind-
erected as a Nurses' Home. A new feature is the chil- ham & Naval &; Military clubs, London SW
dren's ward, for which Lady Pearson gave a donation of North Eastern or Harwich division, Right Hon. James
£500. Lord Rayleigh, president; Horace G. Egerton- Ronnd P.C., M.A., D.L., J.P. Birch hall, Colchester;
Green and, Charles R. Gurney Hoare, treasurers; Edward & 31 De Vere gardens, Kensington W & Carlton club,
L. Fenn M.D.Edin., M.R.C.P.Lond. physician; Roben SW London
Francis Symmons' M.R.O.S.Eng. Henry Laver M.R.C.S. Northern or Saffron IValden division, Joseph .A.lbMi; Pease
Eng., F.S.A., F.L.S. Edwin Worts L.RC.P.Lond., esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. Nuntho~e hall, Nunthorpe consulting surgeons; Edgar Atlee Hunt RoS.O. Yorks; 8 Hertford street, Mayfair W & Brooks'
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P .Edin., B. N. Nichol'son M.B., club SW & Turf club W, London
C.M.Edin. & J. J. Macgregor M.D.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. South Eastern division, Lieut.-Col. Edward TUJfnell, The
surgeons;' A. Gradock Fry M.A., M.B. & B.C.Cantab., Grove, Wimbledon Park S W & 46 Eaton square SW;
M.R.C.S.Eng. & Philip G. Laver M.R.C.S.Eng., L.RC.P. &; Carlton & JunioT United Service clubs SW & St.
Lond. assistant ,surgeons; Edwin Austin Dixon, dentist; James' club W, London
Herbert M. Berncastle M.R.C:S.Eng., L.RC.P.Lond.
house surgeon; Rev. William White La iBarte M.A. chap- South Western. or "Yalthamstow division, David John
lain; Major C. L. Becher (retired), secretary, office, 35 Morgan esq. J.P. Cecil house, Bentley, South Weald,
Crouch street; Miss E. Davies, matron. . Brentwood; & Carlton club S W & City of LondQn club
His Majesty's Prison, Springfield hill, Chelmsford, E C, London
erected in 1828 at a coSlt of £57,289, and enlarged in Southern or Romford division, Louis Sinclair esg. Great
1849 and 1871, now contains 36I cells; Oapt. Herbert Nelmes, near Romford; & 7 Netherhall gardens, Hamp-
Latimer Conor, governor; Rev. John Watson Blakemore, stead NW, London
chaplain; Rev. Joseph F. Padbury, Catholic chaplain; Western Qr Epping division, Col. Amelius' Riohard
Henry William Newton L.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Mark LockwOQdi J.P. Bishop's hall, Romford; 5 Audley
medical officer. square ,V & Carlton &; Arthur's clubs SW; & Bache-
The 'Dhames Reformatory School Slhip "Cornwall" lors' club W, London
:is off Purfleet: it was cer'tified :May 2nd, 1859, and
contains about 250 boys, who' are taug-ht seamanship 1\11LIT.A.RY.
and various trades; Rear-Adm. Arthur Morrell, supt. The head quarters of the Eastern District Command,
under Major-Gen. Sir William Forbes Gatacre K.O.B.,
D.S.O. (which includes all troops in this county), are
REPRESENTATION OF ESSEX. at Colchester, for full partiCUlars of which see page 1129
At Little Warley is the Depot of the 44th Regimental Dis-
Essex formerly returned six nlembers in three divisions, trict (The Essex Regiment), which consists of the 1st
but under the provislions of the "Redistribution of Battalion (44th Foot), 2nd Battalion (56th FQ()t), the
Soots Act, 1885," it now returns eight members in 3rd Battalion (Essex (RUles) Militia), 4th Battalion
eight divisions. (West Essex Militia) and the 1st Vol. Battalion, head
quarters, Brentwood, 2nd V.B. Colchester, 3rd V.B.
No. I.-Soutih Western or Walthamstow division oom- "Vest Ham & 4th V.B. Leyton; Col. Thomas Stock,
prises the parishes of Low Leyton, 'Walthamstow and commanding Regimental District; the head quarter,s
Woodford. of the Militif\i are at Little Warley, for particulars of
No. 2.--Southern or Romford division comprises ilie which see page 443
188s,sional diviSlion of Beoontree (except so muoo as I L"1PEmIAL YEOMANRY.
1'9 comprised in division No. I) and the liberty of
I Essex, head quarters, 17 Sir Isaac's walk, Colchester;
Havering-atrta-Bower. . Lt.-ilil. Richard Beale Colvin O.B. commanding; Hon.
No. 3.-Western or Epping division comprises the ses- Lieut.-Col. D. J. Gaisford, major, second in command;
sQonal divisions of Dunmow (except the parish of adjutant; W. Brown, quarter-
Thaxted), Epping, Harlow and Ongar. I
master; Surg-Lieut. J. J. Macgregor M.D. medical
officer; Vet.-Lieut. G. D. Norman M.R.C.V.S. veteri-
No. 4.-Northern or Saffron Walden division comprise.s nary officer; Right Rev. the Bishop of Colchester D.D.
the seSiSional divisions of Freshwell, North Hinckford, hon. chaplain
South Hinckford (Halsrtead bench) (except so mudh Squadrons: A, Major H. J. Lermitte, commal'lding, 17
81S is comprised in division No. 6) and Walden, the Sir Isaac's> walk, Colchester &; Warwick Castle Hotel,
municipal borongh of Saffron Walden, the Essex Olooton-on-Sea; B, Major E. Deacon, commanding;
portion of the municipal borough of Sudbury and the Capt. H. L. M. Tritton, second in coramand, 47 New
parish of Thaxted. street, Halstead; 0, Major L. Pelly, commanding,
Epping; D, Major H. D. C. Whitmore, commanding;
No. 5.-North Eastern or Harwich division comprises Lieut. F. Hilder, second in oommand, 2I Honiton :road,
tlhe sessional divisions of Lexdelll and Winstre~ Southend; &, Orsett
(except so much as is comprised in division No. 6)
and Tendring and the municipal boroughs of Colchester
and Harw!ich. 1st Essex Royal Garrison Art.illery (comprising (1:2 garri.
son companies; Brigade Staff-Edm.und Garrett V.D.
No. 6.-Eastern or Maldon division comprises the ses- It.-col. commandant; A. Bianchi V.D. lieut.-col.second
sional divisions of South Hinckford (Braintree bench) in command; Hon. Lieut.-Col. G. A. Bacon V.D. &
and Witham, the municipal borough of Maldon, J. P. White, majors; adjutant;
the parishes of Earls Colne and Halstead in the South Hon. Capt. J. A. Dowsett V.D. quartermaster; Surg.-
Hinckford sessional division (Halstead bench) and the Capt. G. A. Troup M. B. medical officer; Veterinary-
parishes of .A.ldham, East Thorpe, Great Tey, Little Lieut. M. H. Comerford, veterinary office:-; Rev.
Tey, Marks Tey and Pontisbright in Lexden and Canon R. T. Whittington M.A. & Rev. T. O. Reay
Winstree sessional division. M.A. acting chaplains; head qnarters, Artillery house,
'The Green, Stratford E
No. 7.-Mlid or Chelmsford division comprises the ses- Garrison Companies: No. I, Capt. & Hon. Major T. C.
.SIional diviSlions of Brentwood (except the parishes of Maw V.D., Artillery house, The Green, Stratford E;
Rainham and Wennington) and Chelmsford. No. 2, Major J. C. White; Surg-Capt. C. Forsyth M.B.
medical officer; Rev. R. T. Whittington, acting chap~ H. N. A. Taylor M.D. & Surg.-Lieut. D. :M:owllt M.D.
lain, Southend; No. 3, Capt. H. E. Ingle; Rev. R. 'r. medical officers; Rev. R. A. Pelly, acting chaplain.
Whittington, acting chaplain, 7 Quarry hill, Grays; Head quarters, The Cedars, 9I Portway, West Ham E
No. 4, 'Capt. F. W. Leaver; No. 5, Capt. S. E. AlIen; Oumpanies: A, Gapu. W. F. Dick; B, Capt. M. F. M. S.
No. 6, J. G. Hedgeland; No. 7, Capt. C. Lloyd, Strat- Kittoe; C, Capt. H. OliveI'; E, Capt. W. G. Hayward;
ford E; No. 8, Capt. C. E. Gastellan, Drill hall, Vic- F, Capt. A. E. Bloomfield; G, Capt. F. B. Watkins;
toria Toad, Romford; . No. 9, Oapt. F. J. Tolhurst, H, Capt. E. J. K. Savage; I, Capt. W. S. McDonald;
Southend; No. IO, S. G. Hall; No. II, Capt. K, Capt. R. F. Wall; L, Capt. E. Gray; M, Capt. J.
W. S. Duff, Stratford E; No. I2, ·O:Ipt. P. Knopp, L. Lewis &; N, Capt. G. F. H. McDonald, The Cedars,
Leigh 9I POTtway, West Ham E; D, Capt. F. M. Hornsiby,
Ist Suffolk & Harwich Royal Garrison Artillery, 6 Church E
street, Harwich; Staff-Lieut.-Col. &; Hon. Col. A. J. 4th Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment; Staff-Lieut._
H. Ward, commanding; A. O. Churchman, major, Col. & Hon. Col. J. W. Beningfield V.D. commanding;
second in comm~md; Oapt. P. Phillips R.M.A. ad- G. T. B. Cob-bett & J. G. Crosby, majors; Capt. H.
jutant; J. H. Wrate, quartermaster W. W. 1Vood, adjutant; Hon. Major O. T. Bowra V.D.
Companies: No. I, Capt. P. G. Nalborough & No. 2, quartermaster; Bl'ig.-Surg.-Lieut.-Col. H. T. Oballis
Capt. J. C. R. Pattrick; Surg.-'Oapt. T. E. Stuart, M.D. medical officer; Rev. S. Smyth &; Rev. J. S.
medical officer; Rev. H. L. Norden, acting chaplain, Barrass, act,ing chaplains; head quarters, Leyton N E
6 Ohurch street, Harwich. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 &; 7, Ipswich Companies: A, Capt. W. A. Mackie, 208 Mare street,
Hackney NE; B, J. H. Jones, I9 Cedars road,
INFANTRY BRIGADES. Stratford E; tl, Capt. & Hon. Maj. H. E. Fraser, Drew
Essex Brigade. road, Silvertown E; D, Oapt. & Hon. Maj. W. Denton
V.D.; E, Capt. J. C. E. Gillham; IF, Capt. M. Olding
Oomprised of the Ist, 2nd, srd & 4th Volunteer Battalions, & G, Oapt. & Hon. Maj. Marchbank V.D. 20'8 MaTe
Essex Regiment. stre6t, Hackney NE; H, Drew
Head quarters, Warley. road, Silvertown E; I, Leyton
NE; K, Capt. T. J. Boulter, Drew Toad, Silvertown E
Commanding Brigade, Col. J. F. Hornby (ret. pay) &; L, Leyton N E
Brigade-Major, Lieut.-Col. John Grant Anderson (
Supply & Transport Officer, Hon. Col. C. G. Brown, I Harwich Brigade.
4th Vol. Batt. Essex Reg I Comprised of the Ist, 2nd & 3rd Volunteer Batts.Suffolk
Senior Medical Officer, Brig.-Surg.-Lieut.-Col. H. T. Regiment & Ist Vol. Batt. Northamptonshire Regiment;
Challis M.D. ~md Vol. Batt. Essex Reg head quarters, Easton Par)!:, Wickham Market, Suffolk
Ist Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment; Staff-Lieut.- Commanding .Brigade, Col. F. A. Lucas V.D
Col. & Hon. ·001. R. H. Lyon V.D. commandant;Lieut.- Aide_de.Camp, Capt. R. O. Kerrison, Suff. Imp. Yeo
001. H. D. Trotter, second in command; O. H. F. Brigad-e Major, Major C. G. Adye
Christie & E. 8avill, majors; Hon. Major E. N. Oubitt Supply & Transport Officer, Hon. Major E. W. Robin-
V.D. instructor of musketry; Oapt. J. M. Traill, ad- son V.D. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Suffolk Regiment
jutant; quartermaster; Surg.- Senior Medical Officer, Brigade-Surg.-Lieut._Ool. G. S.
Capt. A. R. H. Oakley, medical officer; head quarte-rs, Elliston V.D. ISt Volunteer Battalion, Suffolk Regt
Drill hall, Ongar Toad, Brentwood. Companies-A, 3rd (Cambridgeshire) Volunteer Battalion, Suffolk Regi.
Capt. A. R. Bryant & B, Oapt. & Hon. Major F. H. ment (I Oompany), Oapt. M. C. H. Nockolds, Armoury,
Thirlwall V.D.; Armoury &; Drill Hall, 'Market place, Museum street, Saffron Walden
Romford; C, Capt. &; Hon. Major A. R. Meggy; Surg.-
Lieut. J. Aitken ~'[.B. medical officer; Rev. H. E. Fj.IRS & MARKETS. •
Molony M.A. acting chaplain, Drill Hall, High road;
Armoury, Roding street, Ilford; D, Capt. W. C. Shep- Ardleigli, September 29
herd; Rev. Ganon H. E. Henson M.A. acting chaplain, Great Bardfield, June 22, for horses, cattle & toys
II Queen's'rd.Barking; E,Lieut. J.W.Tyler; Surg.-Capt. Blackmore, August 2I
St. O. B. Shadwell, medical officer, Church Hill road, Braintree, May 8 & 9 &; October 2, 3 & 4, the latter for
Walthamstow NE; P, Capt. & Hon. Major E. N. cattle & liops; Market for corn & cattle on wednesday
Oubitt, Drill hall, Ongar road, Brentwood; G, Capt. Brentwood, October 15
J. E. Windus, Drill hall, Ongar & St. John's road, Brightlingsea, on St. Swiebin's day, or the thurs. before
Epping; H, Oapt. H. n. Slade, Hornchurch; K, Capt. Canewdon, J un-e 24
A. E. S. Carlis; Surg.-Capt.St. O. B. 'Shadwell, medi- Ohelmsford, Market day, friday
oal officer, Church Hill road, Walthamstow NE; L, Great Chesterford, first friday in July
Oapt. A. Butler-Harris, Forest road, LoughtonJ S. O. ; ChigweIl, September 30
M, Oapt. O. H. Taylor; Surg.-Lieut. J. Aitken M.B. Coggeshall, 'Yhlt-tuesday
medical officer; Rev. H. E. Molony ~LA. acting chap- Colchester, October 20, for cattle &c.; Market day, for
lain, Drill Hall, High road; Armomy, Boding street, corn & oattle, saturday
Ilford; Oycle 00., Capt. W. E. D. Simpson, Forest Dunmow, Market day, tuesday, for corn &; cattle;
road, Loughton S.O cattle sale held fortnightly on alternate market days
Cadet Oorps: No. I, O. W. Olark, capt. Ongar; No. 2, Epping, November 13 &; 14 (Holland fair), for cattle &
D. S. M. Tu,ssell, hon. capt. Forest school, Waltham- horses; Market aay, friday .
stow; No. 3, P. J3. Simpson, capt. Grammar school, Halstead, catNe market every tuesday
OhigweIl Harlow, J'lovember 28 & 29 for pleasure, horses, cattle &c
2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment; 'Staff-Lieut.- Harwicli, Market days, tuesday & friday
Col. &; Hon. Col. W. Howard V.D. commanding; Hon. Ingau;stone, December I & 2, for cattle
Lieut.-Ool. G. H. Colemitn (second in command) I La~chIDgaon, £une.2 . •
& Hon. L,ieut.-CoI. P. Adams V.D. majors; Capt. O. G. I MaIdon, first thursday In May & Sept. I3 & 14 for cattle
Godfrey F:ms~ett D.S.O. adjut:mt; Surg.-Lieut. J. E. Mam~den, Easter mond:;y, for pleasure
Molson M.B, medical officer; Rev. C. C. Naters M.A. West?J-lf; ~rst tuesday In July
acting chaplain; head quartPrs, Stanwell st. Colchester Rurle~gIi' ~~tI5 da f h & ttl
. , , ay eIg , .uIID y-mon y, or orses ca e
Compames: A, Oapt. F. W .. Chancellor & B, Capt. F. 1'V. Rocbford, Market aay every thursday for the sale of
Taylor; J:wad quarters, Ma~ket Toad, Ohelmsford; C COTO, sheep, cattle, pigs & horses
&; D, Oapt. A. Denton, DrIll h~ll, Stanwell street, Romford, cattle & COTO market, every wednesday
Colchester; E, Capt. F. A. VaJzey, Corn Exchan~e, Saffron Walden, a larg-e horse fair on saturday before
Halstead; F, Capt. J. M. W~lch, qorn Exchar:ge, BTaID- Mid-Lent sunday, & first saturday in November, chiefly
tree; G, Capt: J. ,C. Laune, DrIll .Hall, HIgh street, for cattle; corn market, wednesday
':Maldon; H, LIeut. Douglas S .. SmIth; head' quarters I Southminster, marKet for stock every tuesday
& Armoury, 47 Beach 0a.d ; pnlI Hall, Osborne hotel, Stanway, April 23
Olacton-on-Sea & Depot, Manne hotel, Walton-on.the_ Terling-, Whit-monday
Naze; I, Capt. E. I~gold. ~tanwell street, Colchester; Great Tey, Tr~nity-monday &; tuesday, for pleasure
K, Capt. J. B. HawkIDs, Wlvenhoe Thaxted, mondav oefore Whit-monday, for pleasure &;
Cadet OoI-pS, J. W. D. ThOI-P, hon. capt. Felstead Am!Ust 10, for cattle
3rd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment; Staff-Lt.-CoI. Tiptree '" Heath! July 25
& Hon. Col. W. H. D. Aston Lewis V.D. comm'ludant; I Tolleshnnt D'Arcy, June IT, for plea.surn
Lieut._Ool. J. B. Ward, second in command; W. Hop- I WaItham Abbey, May 14 &; 25 &; September 26; Market
kins V.D. major; Capt. O. V. Isacke, adjutant; Hon. day, tuesday, for cattle, sheep & pigs
Major J. J3. DumbelI V.D. quartermaster; Surg.-Lieut. ' Wivenl:ioe, Sepfember 4


Local Government Act, 1888, 51 & 52 Vie. c. 41.

Under the above Act, Essex, except a certain borough, for The coroners for the county are elected by the County
which see below (a), after the 1st April, 1889, for the pur- Council, and any new clerk of the peace appointed by such
poses of the Act, became an Administrative county (sec. joint committee, and may be removed by them (sec. 83-2).
46), governed by a County Council, consisting of chairman, IThe clerk of the peace for the county is also clerk of
aldermen and councillors elected in manner prescribed by the County Council (sec. 83-1).
the Act (sec. 2). The administrative business of the county (which would,
if this Act had not been passed, have been transacted by the
The chairman, by virtue of his office, is a justice of the
justices) is transacted by the County Council.
peace for the county, without qualification (sec. 46).
(a) The following large borough is for the purposes of
The police for the county are under the control of a this Act an Administrative County in itself, a County
standing joint committee of the Quarter Sessions and the I Borough (sec. 3I), of which the municipal borough has
County Council, appointed as therein mentioned (sec. 9). I the power of a County Council (sec. 3I), West Ham.

Chairman-Andrew Johnston D.L., J.P. Wood ford Green.

Vice-Chairman-William Wa1lis Glenny J.P. Barking.
Meet at Chelmsford.


Retire in March 1904. Retire in March 1907.

Reginald William Christy, Roxwell Edmund John Beal J.P. Claremont, Victoria road, South-
Joseph Thomas East J.P. Fernside, Woodford rd.Snaresbrook end-on-Sea
Edward Arthur Fitch, Brick house, Maldon Edward North Buxton D.L., J.P. Knighton house, Buck-
Rev. Edward Francis Gcpp J.P. Vicarage, High Easter, hurst Hill
Chelmsford Robert Hasler, Little Dunmow
Henry Joslin D.L., J.P. Gaynes park, Upminster, Romford Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard bart. D. L., J .p. 7 Lewes cres-
Thomas Kemble J.P. Runwell hall, Wickford S.O cent, Brighton
Col Arnelius Richard Mark Lockwood M.P., J.P. Bishop's Lawrence Marriage, Fingrith hall, Blackmore, Ingatestone
hall, Romford David John Morgan ~I.P., J.P. Cecilho. Bentley,South Weald
George Alan Lowndes r.f.A., D.L., J.P. Barrington hall, Hat-/ Christopher George Musgrave, 23 Martin's lane, Cannon
field Broad Oak street, London E C
Charles Portway J.P. Halstead I Major Frederic Came Rasch lIf.P., D.L., J.P. WoodhilI,
Champion Branfill Russell J.P. Stubbers, North Ockendon, 1 Danbury, Chelmsford

Romford Right non. James Round p.c., M.P., M.A., D.L., J.P. Birch
JosepiJ. Smith J.P. Woolpits, Great Saling, Braintree hall, Colchester
:Frederick Smoothy, Bradford house, Bocking, Braintree Vero William TayIoI' J.P. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Hon. Charles Hedler Strutt M.P., B.A., J.P. Blunts hall, WaIter Basden \\ hittingham J.P. Claremont, Frintou-on-Sea
Electoral Division. Names & Addresses. Electoral Division. Names & Addresses.
Baddow , Capt. Horatio Fraser Kemble R.N. Colchester-
Great Claydons, East Hanningfield, North ""ard William Gurney Benham, 15 Lexden
Chelmsford road, Colchester
Barking- South 'Ward James Wicks, 2 Lexden I'd. Colchester
North George J ackson, Ivy cottage, J ames East Ward Wilson Marriage J.P. Dilbridge hall,
street, Harking Colchester
South Hugh Berbert Mason J.P. I7 & 19 East West "'ard CIaudeEgertonEgerton-Green D.L.,J.P.
street, Barking Eas t Hill house, East hill, Colchester
BeJchamp ,. Thomas Purkis Brand, Brook hall, Dagenharn William Varco Williarns J.p.Langtons,
Foxearth, Long Melford R.8.0. Hornchurch
(Suffolk) Dedham William Nocton J.P. Langham hall,
Billericay William Clement Wells, Billericay, Colchester
Brentwood Dunmow John Barnabas Frankham, Little Can-
Bocking Frederick West J.P. Redclyffe, Bock- field, Dunmow
ing, Braintree East Ham-
Braintree.... GeoI'ge Thomas Thorpe Bartram, 35 Mauor Park HarryOsborn'32 Carlyle rd. Manor PkE
Bank street, Braintree Beckton &. North James Palmer, 22 Clarence road,
Brentwood John Henry Rorton J.P. Mascalls, Woolwich Wood Green N
South 'Weald, Brentwood Central (East) .. , John Rrooks, 227 High street north,
Brightlingsea John Bateman J.P. The Hall, Bright- East Ham E
lingsea, Colchester Central (West) '" William Henry Savage, Montfichet,
Bumpstead Thomas Purkis Brand, Brook hall, }<'OX- Red Post lane, East Ham E
earth, LongMelford R.S.O. (Suffolk) Plashet (East) ... John Lawrence, 605 Romford road,
Chelmsford Henry Collings 'VeIls D.L., J.P. The Forest Gate
Lodge, Broomtield, Chelmsford Plashet (West) ... William Langman, Hanover house,
Chestcrford Alan Sidney Wentworth Stanley,Great High road, Woodford Wells
Chesterford S.O Epping William Swaine Chisenhale Marslr
Chigwell AlfI'edSavill,39NewBroad st. London EC J.P. Gaynes park, Theydon Garnon
Coggeshall Joseph Smith, jun. Pattiswick hall, Grays

H. E. Brooks, Stifford lodge, near
Braintree Gra;rs

Electoral Division. Names & Addresses. Electoral Division. Names & Addresses.
Halstead . Harris Hills, Berwyk hall. White Colne Saffron Walden ...... Edmund Birch Gibson J.P. Elm grove,
Harlow Frederic Chaplin Edwards, Faircroft, Saffron Walden
Harlow Shoebury•
. J. H. Burrows,CJiff Town rd.Southend
Harwich _ . William Grcom, 40 Church st. Harwich Southend-on-Sea-
B:edingham .. rhomas Goodchild, Great Yedham, East Bernard Wilshire Tolhurst, Southend-
Halstead on-Sea
Heybridge .. Oliver Daniel Belsham J.P. Heybridge, West Edward Herbert Draper, Southend-
Maldon on-Sea
Hornchurch . Thomas Gardner, Dury Falls, Horn- Southminster Ernest John Smith J.P. The Caidge,
church, Romford Southminster R.S.O
IIford- Springfield Charles Ernest Ridley, The Elms,
CentraL William Peter Griggs J.P. The Drive, Chelmsford
Cranbrook park, Ilford Stanstead W. Fuller - Maitland J.P. Stansted
Hainault Robert Stroud, Barley ball, Little hall, Stansted Mountfitchet
Heath, Chadwell Heath Stanway . William Golden Fairhead, Brick ho.
South John Wheeldon Benton, Sidmouth Peldon, Colchester
house, South Park avenue, Ilford Thaxted Geo. Lee, Mill end, Thaxted,Dunmow
Leyton~ Tilbury Alexander William Kerly, The Gables,
Leyton Edward James Davis, I92 Vicarage Horndon-on-the-Hill
. road, Leyton N E Tollesbury Ernest Alfred Fairhead, Hill house,
Cann Hall James Benjamin Slade, 2 Borthwick Wickham Bishops
road, Stratford E Waltham Abbey...... Thomas Fowell Victor Buxton J.P.
Central William George Shadrake, 184 High Woodredon, Waltham Abbey 8.0
road, Leyton Walthamstow-
Forest Edward Reuben Alexander, IO Wall- High Street East... Adolphus Attwell, Elm lodge, Forest
wood road, Levtonstone

NE road, Walthamstow
Grove Green ...... William Atkins, The Lillies, Vernon High Street West.. Charles Lord, 28 Grosvenor rise east,
road, Leytonstone N E Walthamstow NE
Harrow Green...... Willie Rowland Waller, 29 Poppleton Hoe Street North... William Shurmur, Loughrigg, The
road, Wallwood pk.Leytonstone NE Drive, Walthamstow
Lea Bridge Richard Ward J.P. Hyde, High road, Hoe Street South.. EdwardGood,28sHoe st.Walthamstow
Leyton St. James Street Alfred Thomas Collier, 69 Stamford
Wanstead Slip...... William WaIter Green, Evelyn villa, North hill, London N
Bermon Hill, Wanstead NE St. James Street Henry Ferguson Inman Hallows, 43
Leytonstone Mark Chapman J.P. 680 High road, South Prospect hill, Walthamstaw N E
Leytonstone N E Wood Street ...... John Henry Wildash, 18 Prospect hill,
Maldon Albert Prime Clear, 70 High street, Walthamstow
Maldon North Richard Edward Radbourne, The
Mistley Charles Norman Brooks, The Malt- Bury, Harlow
ings, Mistley, Manningtree Walton Col. Richard Percival Davis J.P. New
Ongar George Raby, Fyfield hall, Ongar 8.0 House Farm, Walton-on-the-Naze
Orsett William Skinner Eve, Manor farm, Wanstead George Chew, Oakhurst, Cambridge
North Ockendon park, Wanstead NE
Radwinter Edward Taylor J.P. The Close, 2 High Witham Philip Hutley, Powers hall, Witham
street Saffron Walden Wivenhoe John Bawtree Hawkins, Ballast Quay
Rochford Samuel Sidney Baker, Bullwood ho. house, Wivenhoe, Colchester
Rayleigh S.O Woodford John Reynolds Roberts, Salway house,
Romford . Arthur Porter, Normanhurst, Main Woodford
road, Romford Writtle Henry Marriage J.P. Ayletts, Broom-
field, Chelmsford


Name. Rlectoral Division. Name. Electoral Division.

Alexander Edward Reuben Leyton,Forest Division Good Edward Walthamstow, Hoe
Atkins William Leyton,Grove Grn.Div Street SouthDivision
Attwell Adolphus Walthamstow, High Goodchild Thomas Hedingham
Street East Division Green William WaIter Leyton, Wanstead Slip
Baker Samuel Sidney.. Rochford Division
Bartram George Thomas Thorpe , Braintree Griggs William Peter J.P. . Ilford, Central
Bateman John J.P Brightlingsea Groom William Har,,·ich
Belsham Oliver Daniel J.P Heybridge Hallows Henry Ferguson Inman Walthamstow, St.
Benham William Gurney Colchester,NorthWard James StreetSth. Div
Benton John Wheeldon ; Ilford, South Hawkins John Bawtree Wivenhoe
Brand Thomas Purkis BeLhamp&Bumpstead Hills Harris ...... . .. .. Halstead
Brooks Charles Norman Mistley Hortan John Henry J.P Brentwood
Brooks Herbert Edmund Grays Hutley Philip Witham
Brooks John , East Ham Central Diy Jackson George Barking, North
Burrows John Henry Shoebury Kemble Capt. Horatio Fraser R.N ••• Raddow
Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor J.P Waltham Abbey Kerly Alexander William Tilbury
Cbapman Mark J.P Leytonstone Langman WilIiam East Ham, Plashet
Chew George Wanstead West Division
Chisenhale-MarshWilliamSwaineJ. P. Epping Lawrence John........................... East Ham, Plashet
Clear Albert Prime.. Maldon East Division
Collier Alfred Thomas Walthamstow, St. Lee George " " . . Thaxted
J amesStreetNth. Div Lord Charles Walthamstow. High
Davis Edward James Leyton Street West Division
Davis Col. Richard Percival J.P Walton Marriage Henry J.P Writtle
Draper Edward Herbert West Southend-an-Sea Marriage Wilson J.P Colchester, East Ward
Edwards Frederic Chaplin Harlow Mason Hugh Herbert J.P Barking, South
Egerton-Green Claude Egerton D.L., Nocton William Dedham
J.P Colchester, West Ward Osborn Harry............... . E.tst Ham, :Manor
Eve William Skinner Orsett Park Division
Fairhead Ernest Alfred Tollesbury Palmer James East Ham, Beckton &
Fairhead William Golden Stanway NorthWoolwch. Div
Frankham John Barnabas Dunmow Porter Arthur Romford
FUller-Maitland William J.P Stanstead Raby George............................... Ongar
Gardner Thomas J.P Hornchurch Radbourne Richard Edward North Walthamstow
Gibson Edmund Birch J.P Saffron 'Walden Ridley Charles Ernest Springfield
Name. Electoral Division. Name. Electoral Division.
Roberts J obn Reynolds ...............•.• Woodford Ta)"lor Edward J.P . Radwinter
Savage William Henry .•............• East Ham, Central Tolhurst Bernard Wilshire.•......•.. Southend-on-Sea, East
West Division WaIler Willie Rowland . Leyton,HarrowGn. Div
Savill Alfred................... ....•....... Chigwell Ward Richard J.P . Leyton, Lea Brdg. Div
Shadrake William George Central Leyton Wells Henry Collings D. L., J. P . Chelmsford
Shnrmur William , Walthamstow, Hoe Wells William Clement . Billericay
Street NorthDivision West Frederick J. P .•••.•.••..•.•. " .. Bocking
.8lade James Benjamin , '" Leyton, Cann Hall Di" Wicks James . Colchester,SouthWard
Smith Ernest John J.P Southminster W ildash John Henry....•................ Walthamstow, Wood
.smith Joseph, jnn Coggeshall Street Division
Stanley Alan Sidney Wentworth .....• Chesterford Williams William Varco J.P . Dagenham
.Stroud Robert Ilford Hainault
County offices, Chelmsford.


.-clerk to the County Council, Henry Gibson, Ongar & Shire Kelvedon .............. , Henry 'V. Farrow, Parsonage
ball, Chelmsford frm. Messing, K elvedonR.S. 0
'Deputy (& Acting) Clerk, Herbert W. Gibson, Shire ball, Tendring W. Shead, jnn. Denwa lodge,
Chelmsford New Town, Colchester
-County Treasurer, Rt. W oodbouse, 87 Duke st. Chelmsford Rochford ................•.••.... J ames Findlay, Rayleigh 8.0
.Public Analyst, Thomas Alexander Pooley, 192A, Palmerston Brentwood District Arthur Gower, Hornchurch
buildings, Old Broad street, London E 0 Epping District..............•.• George Rhodes, 1 Gladstone
..Analyst nnder Fertilizers & Feeding Stuffs Acts, Bernard terrace, Epping
Dyer D.Sc., F.O.S., F.I.C. 17 Gt. Tower st. London E 0 Ilford...... W. Whiteley, 43 Park road,
-'County Accountant, Frank Roward Owers, 78 Dnke street, Green lanes, Ilford
Chelmsford Southend Alexander Lowe, N ethercote
Secretary to the Technical Education Committee, J. H. villa, ~ orth st. Prittlewell
Nicholas, 78 Duke street, Chelmsford
-County Architect, F. Whitmore, Duke street, Chelmsford
'Coroners, Eastern Division, John Harrison L.R.C.P. Edin. List of Inspectors of Weights & Measures (who are also
23 Bank street, Braintree; deputy, William Bindon Inspectors under the Sale of Food & Drugs Acts).
Blood, Witham ; Southern & Western Division, Charles District. Inspector.
Edgar Lewis, New road, Brentwood; deputy, John Lewis Metropolitan. Daniel Gillies Mackirdy, 41 Forest Drive
Quennell, New road, Brentwood; Sokens District, Charles east, Leytonstone F;
Edward White, 57 North hill, Colchester; deputy, Henry Brentwood .... George Allen, Brentwood
Geoffrey Elwes, All Saints, High street, Colchester; Chelmsford... Raglan Somerset, Chelmsford
Writtle & Roxwell, Charles Edgar Lewis, Brentwood; Colchester .... Herbt. G. Ackers, County Police stn. Colchstr
Metropolitan "District, Alexander Ambrose LL. B., M. D., Dengie ........• Sergt. Harry Laver, Witham
.B.Cb., D.P.H. The Croft, Loughton; deputy, Charles Maldon........." "
Henry Wise M.D., L.R.C.P. Lond. I I Orford road, Dunmow....... Robert Wormack, Epping
Walthamstow N E Freshwell.•....
Main Roads & Bridges. Epping . " "
'Chief Surveyor, Percy J. Sheldon, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E N. Hinckford. " "
Deputy-Surveyor, James William Neave S. Hinckford.. " "
County offices, Chelmsford Ongar P. "
Gallager, Ongar "
Rochford .•...• William Simmonds, Southend-on-Sea
District Surveyors. Tendring ••••.. John T. Bridge, Great Bentley
-Chelmsford District....•..•••. William Brown, Great Leighs Walden...•••.•. William T. J. Howlett, Saffron Walden
Saffron Walden District....•• Charles E. Harris, Benfield Witham Harry Laver, Witham
End, Stanstead R.S.O Harwich ..••..• Herbt. G. Ackers, Connty Police stn.Colchstr
HIalstead District.•.......•..... Tom Foord Morgan, 161 King's Grays George Jordan, Grays
road, Halstead Romford George Allen, Police station, Brentwood



EARL OF WARWICK, Easton lodge, Dunmow.
CHAIRMEN OF QUARTER SESSIONS, Andrew Johnston esq. D.L. Forest lodge, Woodford Green &.. Hon. Charles'
HedIey Strutt M.P. Blunts' hall, Witham.
DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF QUARTER SESSIONS, Edward North Buxton esq. D.L. Knighton house,
Buckhurst Hill S. O.

Marked thus * are also Deputy Lieutenants.

Abdy Sir William NevilIe bart. 23 Ryder st. St. James', Chester Harry esq.Fairfield, Birchanger, Stanstead R.S.O·
London SW Chew George esq. Oakhurst, Cambridge pk. Wanstead NE.
AlIen Robert esq. Greenstead hall, Halstead Chisenhale-~\1ars.h William Swaine esq. Gaynes park,
Arkwright Lieut .....Col. Arthur Chandos, Thoby priory, near Epping
Mountnessing, Brentwood l."bristie Charles Henry Fehler esq. The Wilderness,
Arkwright Wi1fred Lionet T. esq. Thoby priory, Mount- Ongar S.O
nessing, Brentwood . Christy David esq. Patching hail, Chelmsford
Arrow William esq. Langtons, South Weald, Brentwood Clapham Wi1liam Blackborne esq. High street, Dunmow
Bacon Thomas WaIter esq. Ramsden hall,Billericay R.S.O Cocking Allan Thomas esq.TheGrove,Stanford-le-HopeS.().·
Bailey James esq. M.P. Short grove, Newport .s.0.; & Colley Philip Wellesley esq. B.A. 3'1 Montagu square,_
I Prince's ga,te, London SW London W
Baker George esq. F.R.G.S. Marryatt's lodge, Forest, *Colvin Lt.•Col. Richard Beale C.B. hall,
Snare'sbrook NE Waltham Abbey
Barnardiston Colonel Nathaniel, The Ryes. Little Henny, Gompton Henry esg. Eastcott house, Kingston Hill, :Nor-
Sudbury biton, Surrey
Bateman John esq. The Hall, Brightlingsea. Colchester Compton John Charles esq. Broomhi11, Chigwell, Chig-.
Beal Edmund John esq. The Elms, Aldborongh rd.Ilford well Road S.O
Bell Joseph esg. Dorset house, Saffron Walden I Cook James Williams esg. Hampden house, WarIey
Belsham Oliver Daniel esq. Heybridge road, Brentwood
Bentall Edmund Ernest esq. The Towers, Maldon Coombe Robert Gorton esg. L.R.C.P.Edin. West house,
Biggs James esq. Westbury lodge, Brentwood . Southminster R.S.O
Biscoe Major Robert, Quendon court, Newport S.O Corser Haden esq. M.A. Tbe Hyde, Ingatestone R.S.O
Bland Thomas EIsey esg. The Friary, Maldon : Courtauld George esg. Cut Hedge, Ralstead
Blencowe Henry Prescott George esq. New Oxford & Cam- ,Conrtauld Samuel Augustine esq. Little Bradfords,
bridge club, London S W ' Bocking, Braintree
Blyth Sir James bart. Blythwood, Stanst,ed, Bishop's *Cranmer-Byng Lient.-Col. Alfred Molyneux, Quendon.
Stortford; & 33 Portland place, London W hall, Newport S.O
Bowles William Henry esq. Lawford place, Manningtree Croxon Abraham Bowerman esg. The Limes, Burnham--
*Bramston Lieut.-Col. Thomas Rarvey, 20 Old Burlington on-Crouch R.S,O
street, London W Cruickshank Col.Fletcher Hayes Grant, Springfield Lyons,
Branfill Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson, BiIlericay, Brentwd Chelmsford
Brett Oapt. Edward, Watch house, Wakes Colne, Earls Cure Rev. Lawrence George Capel RA. Rectory, Abbess.·
Colne R.S.O Roding. Ongar
Brewster Charles Edward esg. Maplestead hall, Halstpad Curwen Spedding esq. Bywell, 1Voodlord road, South
Brightwell John Rumbelow esq.IS Royal terrace,Southend Woodford
Broke Horace esg. M.A. Gladwyns, Harlow Davis Col. Richard Percival F.Z.S. New House farm,.
Bromwich Rev. Crowder Tom, The Vicarage, Gesting- Walt{)n-on-the-Naze R.S.O
t,horpe, Halstead Dawson Lieut.-Col. Frederick, Tilbury court, Halstead
Brooks Edmund Wright esq. The Duvals, Grays Deeping George Davidson esq. Oaklands, St. Helen's park,.

Bull Rev. Felix Edward Pepys M.A. Rectory, Pentlow,near Hastings

Sudbury, Suffolk Dimsdale Sir J oseph Cocldleld bart. M.P. Goldsmiths,
Burke Lieut.-Col. WaIter St. George, 'rhe Anberies, Langdon Hills; &, 3 Lancaster st. Hyde pk. London W
Sudbury, Suffolk *Disney Col. Edgar John, Norton cot.lngatestone R.S.O
Burke UIick John esg. RA. White's club, London SW Dowsett Thomas esq. Rayne villa, Victoria av. Southend
Bury Ralph FredeTic esq. St. Leonards, Nazeing, Wal- Drew Rd. Phillips esq. Church ha. I North st.Plaistow E
tham Cross *Du Cane Charles Henry Copley esq. Braxted pk.Witham,
*Bllxton Sir Thomas FowelI bart. G.C.M.G., V.D., M.A. East Joseph Thomas esg. Fernsip.e, Holly Bush hill,
Warlies park, Waltham Abbey; & 2 Princes gate, Snares brook NE
London SW *Edwards Arthur Janion esg. Beech Hill park, Waltham.
*Buxton Edward North esg. (deputy chairman of qnarter Abbey ,
sessions), Knighton house, Buckhurst Hill S.O *Egerton-Green Claude Egerton esq. M.A. East Hill
Buxton Gerald esq. Birch hall, Theydon Bois, Epping house, Colchester
Buxton Thos.FowelI Victor esq.Woodredon,WalthamAbbey *Egerton-Green Horace Gcorge esq. King's Ford, Stan-
Byng Harold Edmund esq. Bohunt, Wicken Bonant, way All Saints, Oolchester
Bishop Stortford Eyre Walpole Edwin esq. The Folly, High Garrett,
Cardinall Durrant Edward, 18 Cornwall road, Brighton Braintree .
Carter Frederic esq. Marden Ash, Ongar S.O FlIIrncombe-Tanner William T. esg. Fishers, Wakes Oolne,
Carter Henry John esq. 8 Inverness terrace, London W Earls Colne R.S.O
CarteT Henry William esq. Asbmead, Redhill, Surrey Foakes Edward Thomas esq. Westbury house, Dunmow
Oecil Lord Eustace Brownlow Henry Gascoigne-, Lytchett Fortescue Kathaniel esq.2 The Drive, Walthamstow NE.
Heath house, Poole, Dorset; & III Eaton sq.London S W Foster J ames Thomasin esq. LL. M. Pontlands, Great
Cbampion-de-Crespigny Sir Oaude bart. Champion Baddow, Chelmsford
lodge, Heybridge, Maldon Fuller-Maitland Robert esq. Ravens, Stanstead, Bishops
Chancellor Lieut.-Col. Frederic V.D., F.R.I.B.A. 2 High Stortfo.rd; & 131 Sloane street, London SW
street, Chelmsford Fuller-Maitland Wm. esg. Stansted hall,Bishop StorUordl
Chapman Mark esq. Llanarth, Bushwood, Leytonstone NE *Gardner Lt.-Col. Alan Colstoun
Gardner Thomas esq. Hornchurch, Romfon! *Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett- bart. M.A. Relhus,..
Garrett Lieut·.-Col. Jt.:dmund, Behnont, Chlgwell 8.0 Aveley, PurHeet 8.0.; &; 7 Lewes crescent, Brighton.
*Gellatly Peter esq. White house, Lo-ughton 8.0 Lennard Richard Fieues Barrett- esq. M.A. 8pellow hall,.
Gepp Rev. Edward Francis M.A. Vicarage, High Easter, Ongar S.O
Chelmsford I *Lennard Thomas Barrett- esq. Horsford manor, Norwich
Gibb William Edward esq I Lescher Edlllund Oharles esq. Stonyhylls, ·Coombe Green,.
Gibson Edmuud. Birch esq. Ellll grove, Saffron Walden Great Warley, Brentwood
Gilbey 8ir WaIter bart. Elsenham hall, Bishops Stortford *Lescher Jsph.f' crt. South Weald, Brentwd
Gilbey Hy. Walter esq. EIsenham hall, Bishops Stortford Lister Arthur esq. Sycam()re house, 8']I High road,
Gil'bey Newman esq. Mark hall, Harlow Leytonstone NE
Glermy Williarn Wailis esq. Cecil house, East st. Ba.rking I Lockwood Col. Amelius Richard Mark M.P. Bishop's hall,.
Glyn Clayton Louis esq. M.A. Sheering hall, Harlow : Romford; & 5 Audley square, London SW
Gold Archibald G. esq. Croft house, Stanstead R.8.0 i Lowndes Major Alan Herbert Wellington, Barrington hall,.
*Gold Charles esq. The Limes, Stanstead R.S.O Harlow
Goldsmith Edward John esg. Hillcrest, Grays *Lowndes George Alan esq. M.A. Barrington hall, Hat-
Goodman Charles esq. "Yall end, East Ham E .field, Harlow
*Gosling Robert CunlifIe esg. Hassobury, Farnham, I Luard Rev. Bixby Garnham M.A. Birch rectory, CoI1:hestr
Bishops Stortford; & 28 Portland place, London W : *Luard Adml.Sir Wm.Garnham K.C.B.Witham lo.Witbm
Gray Charles Wing esq. Stanstead hall, Greenstead Green, I Lyall Roger Campbell esg. Hastingwood house, Harlow
Halstead Macandrew William esq. Westwood house, Little Horkes-
Green Frederick ,esq. Hainault lodge, Chigwell Road S.O ley, Colchester
Green Lieut.-Col. Richard 8purgeon, 8t.onylands, Ded-! *Majendie James Henry .Alex. esq. M.P. Hedingham..
ham, Colchester I castle, Halstead
Grig-gs William Peter esq. 7 The Drive, Cranbrook park, I *Makins 001. William Thomas M.A. I Lowther gardens,
Ilford Princes gate, London S 1V
Grimston WaIt. Edwd. esq. Colne Place, Earls Colne R.S.O I Malcolm Lawrence esq. ReforIn club, London 8 W
GrimwoodoTefferyGrimwood esq. Windham club,LondnSW ' Mallinson 1Villiam esg. The Limes, 208 8hernall street,.
Grove T'hOIna.s Newcomen Archibald esq. Berry Down Walthamst{)w NE
court, Overton, Whitehurch R.S.O. Hants . Marriage Henry esq. Ayletts, Broomfield, Chelmsford
*Gurdon_Rebow Hector John esq. B.A Marriage Wilson esq. Dilbridge hall, Colchester
Hardcastle Henry esq. M.A. 38 Eaton sq. London SW I Marriott Cyril Humphrey White esq. Abbot's hall, 8hal~
Harr~son Arth. Lister esq .. Elrnhurst.. South Woodf~rd .NE i for?, Braintree .
HarrIson Capt. Jasper NIColls, Saling grove, Bramtree i Marnott Humphrey RIchard George esq. Abbot's hall,
Ha.rvey Moore Alfred esq. Ivy cottage" Leigh 8.0 I Shalford, Braintree
Hasted Rev. Hy. B.A. Nomon cottage,Bury St. Edmunds . Ma,rsden F~edk. John esq. Colne house, Ea~l's Colne R.8.o-
Helme Rd. esq.22 Prince's gate,Kensington rd.LondnSW Maryon-Wllson R~v. George M.A. VICarage, Great
*Henniker Sir Brydcr6s Powell bart. Carlton club, Canfield, Dunmow
London 8 W '" I Mashiter Edward Thomas esq. Gatwick, Billericay
Heriz-8mith Joseph Charles Thomas esq. M.A. Slade plc i Mason Hugh Herbert esq. Abbey lodge, Barking
Bideford, Devon Matthews Chas. Wm. esq. Millfield, Bentley, Brentwood'
Hetherington Thomas esq. Berechurch hall, nr.Colchester Melles Joseph William esq. M.A. 28 Charles st. Berkeley
Hill Reginald Duke esg. Holfield grange, Coggeshall .square, London W .
Hills Harris esq. Berewyk hall, White Colne, Earls MIller Thomas FrederIck esq. Monks lodge, Great Maple-
Colne R'.S.O stead, Halstead
Hoare Chas. Richard Gurney esq. Lexden ho. Colchester Morgan D~vid John esg. M.P. Ceeil house, Bentley, near'
Hollebone Henry esq. Gidea hall, Romford Brentwood
*Holmes Lieut.-Col. Henry, Grey Towers, Hornchurch, Morton .Alfred George Edwin esq. Clarendon house,
Romford New London road, Chelmsford
Hope George Palmer esg. Havering grange, Romford Mo,ss John esq. Threselfords, Kelvedon
Hornor Lems esq. The Howe, Halstead Motion Andrew Richd. esq. Upton ho. near Banbury, OXOIl'o
Horton John Henry esg. Mascalls, Brentwood N~wal1 Joh.n .Lightfoot esq. Reform club, London SW
Houblon Lieut.-Col. Geor~ Bralllskm Archer-, Halling- NlChols Williarn Buchanan esq. Stour lodge, Bradfield,
bury Place. Bishops Stortford Manningtree
*Howard Eliot esq. Ardmore, Buckhurst Hill 8.0 Nicholson Maj .-Gen. Stuart James C.B., R.A. The Wayre,
Howard-Vyse Lieut.-Gen. Edward, The Lawn, Witham Harlow
Hunt Reuben esq. Tillwicks, Earls Colne R.8.0 Noeton William esq. Langham hall, Colchester; & IZ
Hurnard Samuel Fennell esq. Hill ho. Lexden, Colchester Grea.t Marlborough street, London W
Hutchinson Christopher Clarke esq. 8 Cleve road, West Norman Rev. Canon Charles Frederick M.A. Mistley
Hampstead, London 1" W Place, Manningtree
*Ind Edward Murray esq. M.A. Coombe lodge, Great 'I *Norman Edwd. Kensit esq. Mistley lodge, Manningtree·
Warley, Brentwood Norris-Elye Lewin Charles Cholmeley Ralston esq. 'M.A.
*Ind Capt. James Algernon, White hall, Oolchester I Manor house, Utterby, neRr Louth, Lincs
*Jackson James esg. M.A. 42 Campden Rouse court, Page Rev. Arnold Henry M.A. Rectory, Tendring,
Kensington, London W Colchester
Jeune Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Henry K.C.B., P.C. 79 Harley Palmer Archdale Villiers esq. 10 Atherstone terrace,
street, London W Gloucester road, South Kensington S W
Johnson Sir John Henry F.8.A. Priory, St. Osyth, 001- Palmer George esq. Hill house, Upminster, Romford
chester; 0& 5 Whitehall gardens, London 8 W Palmer Ralph Chal'lton esq. B.A
*Johnston Andrew esq. (chairman of quarter sessions), Parker Chas. Alfd. esq. Durwards hall, Rivenhall, Witham
Forest lodge, Woodford Green *Parker Christr. Wm. esq. M.A. Faulkbourne hall',Withm.
Johnston Reginald Eden esq. Terlings, Harlow Parker Edward Richard esq
Jones Edgar esq. The Elms, Great Burstead, Brentwood Parnell John esq. The Grange, Waltham Abbey
Jone~ Hy. Edwd. esg. C.E. Ma.rden .Ash ho. Ongar S.O Patchett William esq. K.C., RA.. Bury lodge, Epping
*Joslin Henry esg. Gaynes park, Upminster, Romford Paxman James N. esq. C.E. Stisted hall, Braintree
Joyce Robert George esq. Clareville, Caterham Valley Pally Leonard esq
8.0. Sur:ey . . . Petre Hon. Frederick Chas. Edmund, Bay cot. Brentwood
Judd FranCls 8avlle Rarry esq.RA.RIcldmg, Newport S.O Phelips Charles James esq. Mead lodge, Hunsdon. Ware
Jump James esq' Phillips Edward England esq. Sydney house, Sydney gar_
*Kelso Corn. Edward Barrington Punis R.N. Horkesley dens, Bathrvick, Bath
park, Colchester Pickersgill-CunlifIe Harry esq. Chesterford pk. Saffron
Kemble Capt. Roratio Fraser R.N. Great Claydons, East Walden
Ranningfield, Chelmsford *Pierce John Timbrell esq. F.R.G.S. Frettons, Danbury,
Kemble Thomas esq. Runwell hall, Wickford S.O Chelmsford
Kemsley Waiter John esg. Ivy lodge, Woodford Green Pigott Capt. Wellesley George, Blackmore house, Black-
Kirby John Robert esq. R. Cinque Ports Yacht Club,Dover more, near Brentwood
Larnpelt Rev. William Edward Lionel M.A. Vicarage, Portway Charles esq. The Graft, Halstead
Great Rardfield. Braintree Pouloor Thomas James esq. Assembly house, Forest place,.
Laurence Pere}" Edwal'd esq. The Grove, Witham Whip's Cros~ road, Leytonstone NE
Lefroy Lt.-Col. Augustine Hugh, The Lodge, Boxted, *Powell Nathl. esq. The Luctons, Buckhurst Hill 8.0
Colchester *Price Howel John James esq. RA. Greensted hall,.
Leigh Rev. Charles Brian B.A. I Ougar S.O
Price Ralph George esq. 26 Hyde Park gdns. London W
Price Thomas Phillips esq. Mark's hall, Kelvedon *Tower Ohristopher In. Hume esq. Weald hall, Brentwood
'*Pryor Arthur esq. Hylands, Chelmsford Townsend Major George Philip, I9 Kingsnorth gardens,
Rankin Hugh esq. South street, Rochford S.O Folkestone, Kent
!Rann Richard Edward esq. M.A. Hill house, Messing, Tremlett Jannes DyeT esq. M. .!.. Dalethorpe, Dedham,
Kelvedon R.S.O Colchester
Raphael Herbert Henry esq. Rose court,Havering,Romfrd *Tufnell-Tyrell Lieut.-Ool. John Lionel, Boreham house,
*Rasoh Major Frederic Came M.P. Woodhill, Danbury, Chelmsford; & 30 Eaton square, London S W
Ohelmsford *Tufnell Col. William Nevill', Langleys, Great Waltham,
'*RayleighLord LL.D.,D.C.L.,F.R.S. Terling Place,Witham Ohelmsford
Reynolds Robert Barclay esq. The Firs, Englefield Green *Tufnell William Michael esq. Ratfield Place, Witham
S.O. Surrey 'furnbull William Abbott esq. Oaklands, Hildenborough,
Richard,s Rev. William Henry M.A. Westridge house, Tunbridge, Kent
Nettlestone, Ryde, Isle of Wight Usborne Thomas esq. The House, Writtle, Chelmsford
Ridley Charles Ernest esq. The Elms, Ohelmsford Vaizey Robert Edward esq. RA. Tilbury hall, Halstead
R'obinson Thomas GeoTge esq. Brancepeth house, White- Vander-Meulen Vice-Admiral Frederick Samuel, Stansted
hall road, Woodiord road, Bishop Stortford
Rogers John Thomas esq. Mangepp, Burnham_on-Grouch Walford Alfred Saunders esq. I7 Warwick sq. London SW
R.S.O WaIler William Ohapman esq.M.A. York hl.Loughtn.S.O
*Round Right Hon. James P.C., M.P., M.A. Birch hall, Ward Alexander esq. Lockers, Billericay, Brentwood
Colchester; & 3I De Vere gardens, London S W Ward Richard esq. The Hyde, Orawleys road, Leyton NE
Royds Charles Duncan esq. Brizes park, Brentwood Warwick Earl of (lord lieutena,nt), Easton lodge, Dun-
*Ruggles-Brise Archibald Weyland esq. Spains hall, mow; & Berwick house, Stable yard, St. James' palace,
Finchingfield, Braintroo London SW
Russell Champion Branfill esq. Stubbers, North Ocken- Way Herbert William Lewis esq. Spencer grange, Great
don, Romford Yeldham, Halstead
Salter John Henry esq. D'Arcy house, Tolleshunt *Way Lewis John esq. M.A. Spencer Grange, Great
D'Arcy, Kelvedon Yeldham, Halstead
Savill Philip esq. Woodlands, Chigwell Row Wedd Edward Arthur esq. Whitehall, Great Wakering,
Savill Lieut.-Col. Samuel Geo. Holeyns, Bocking, Braintree Southend
"*Savill-Onley Charles Alfred Onl:ey esq. The Priory, Ash *Wells Henry Collings esq. Broom.field lodge, Chelmsford
Priors, Bishop's Lydeard R.S.O. Somerset West Frederick esq. Redclyffe, Bradford street. Bocking,
Seabrooke Oharles esq. The Echoes, (}rays Braintroo
Sinclair Frederick Granville esq.M.A. Friday hl.Chingford White Tyndale esq. Stondon Plaoe, Brentwood
Slimon William Henry M.D. Angle view, Clacton-on-Sea Whitmore Major Francis Henry Douglas Charlton, Orsett
*Smith Sir Cnarles Cunliffe bart. Suttons, near Romford hall, Oriiett
Smith Ernest John esq. The Caidge, Southminster R.S.O Whitmore Capt. Thomas Charles Douglas, Orsett hall,
Smith John esq. Alton park, Great CIa,cton R.S.O Orsett S.O.: & 2 Lownde's square, London SW
Smith John esq. The Limes, Burnham-on-Orouch S.O Whitting'ham WaIt. Ba"sden esq.Claremont. Frinton-on-Sea
Smith William esq. West bank, Epping Williams Blair Hunter Lee esq. Buckland. East Tilbury,
Solly Thomas Herbert esq. Mundon hall. Maldon Tilbury R.S.O
*Sperling Charles Brogden esq. Dynes hall, Halstead Williams Robert Hamiltorn esq. Buckland, East Tilbury,
Sperling Charles Frederick Denne esq. M.A. Dynes Tilbury S.O
hall, Halstead Williams William Varco esq.Langtons,Hornchurch,Romfrd
Sperling Henry R. esq. How Hat,ch, South Weald,Brentwd *Wise William Llovd esq. F.R.G.S. '59 Alexandra road,
Spicer Albert esq. ID Lancaster gate, Hyde pk. London W Southend & I42 Inverness terrace, London W
Squier Samuel Westwood esq. The Rookery, near Stan- *Wood Charles Page esg. Wakes hall, Wakes Come.
ford-le-tHope S.O Earls ColM R.S.O .
Start Oharles William esq *Wood Gen. Sir Henry Evelyn V.O., G.O.M.G., G.O.B.
Stephens Oecil Whitwelllodge, Carlisle rd.Eastbrne 23 Devonshire place, Portland! place, London W
Stone Henry Jessop esq. Bedfords, Havering-atte-Bower, Wood Lieut.-Col George Wilding, Docklands, Ingate-
Romford stone R.S.O
Strutt Hon. Charles Hedley M.P.. RA. Blunt's hall. Woodhonse Robert esg. Longmead, WrittIe, Chelmsford
Witham; & 90 Onslow gardens, London S W Wright AUred esg. The Lodge, Romford
Stul'georn Alfred esq. Riby, Grays • Wright Edward Carrington esq
Tabor James esq. The Lawn, Rochford S.O Wyth~s Ernest James esq. Copped hall, Epping
Tabor John English esq. Bovingdon hall, Bocking,
Braintree The Mayors of Chelmsford, Harwich, Maldon, Sa.ffron
Tabrum Burnett esq.Norsev manor, Billericay,Brentwood Walden & Southend-on-Sea, & the Chairmen of the
'Taylor Edward esq. The Olose, High st. Saffron Walden Urban & Rural District Councils in the county are ex-
"Taylor Vero William esq. Oastle Hedingham, Halstead officio magistI1ate,s
Todhunter Joseph esq. King's Moor house, Great Parn- Olerk of the Peace, Henry Gibson, Shire ball. Chelmsford
don, Harlow Deputy, Herbert W. Gibson, Shire hall, CheImsf01'd


Hil'ls Arnolds Frank esq. Monkhams, Woodford Green Stuart Sir Simeon Henry Lechmere bart. 7 Victoria sq.
'Howard David esq. Devon house, Buckhurst Hill S.O London SW John esg. 43 Dover street, London W


Chief Constable, Capt. Edwd. Maclean Showers, Springfield court, Chelmsford; Deputy Chief Constable, Raglan Somerset
The force consists of a chief constable, deputy chief constable, 14 superintendents, 13 inspectors, 52 sergeants &
321 constables.


Superintendent, George Allen, Brentwood Superintendent, George Jordan, Grays
St,ations. *Billericay, Great WaTley, Hutton, Ingrave, Stations.~veley, *Chadwell, Fobbing, Horndon-on-tb~­
Laindon, Mountnessing, Ramsden Bellhouse, Pitsea, Hill, Orsett, Ockendon South, *Rainham, StiffOfCl,
South Weald, W ickford *Stanford-le-Hope, Thurrock Grays, Thurrock Little,
Thurrock West, Tilbury West
Superintendent, Raglan Somerset, D.C.C. Springfield, Superintendent, GeoTge W. Terry, Braintree
Stations. Belchamp Saint Paul, *Belchamp Walter,
Stations.-Baddow Great, Baddow Little, Boreham, Bocking, Bulmer, Bures Hamlet, Black Notley, Earls
Broomfield, *Chelmsford, *Danbury, Hanningfield West, Colne, Felstead, Foxearth, Gosfield, Great Ye1dham,
*Ingatestone, Leighs Great, Margaretting, Rettendon, Halstead, *Hedingham 08Jstle, *:Hedingham Sible, Peb-
Roxwell, Stock, *Great Waltham, Woodham Ferris, marsh, Rayne, Ridgwell, Saling GTeat, *St~eple Bump.
Writtle, Good Easter, *\Vidford stead, Stist.ed, Sturmer, Toppes.field, Wethersfield,Wick-
ham St.. Pauls
Superintendent, Herbert George Ackers, Colchester ROCHFORD DIVISION.
Stations.-Ardleigh, Aldham, Bergholt West, Birch, Box- Superintendent, William Simmonds, Southend-on-Sea
ted, Bradfield, *Brig'hHingsea, Bromley Great, Chappel, Stations.-Barling, Benfieet South, Canewdon, Oanvey
Dedham, Donyland, Dovercourt, Elmstead, Fordham, Island, Eastwood, Foulness Island, Hadleigh, Ho~kle:r.
Harwich, Horkesley Great, *Langham, Layer-de-Ia-Bay, *Leigh, Paglesham, Prittlewell, *Rayleigh, *Rochford,
*Manningtree, Parkeston, Peldon, Ramsay, *Stanway, *South Shoebury, Southchurch, Southend, Wakering
Tendring, T'ey Mark, *'Wivenhoe, Weeley, West Mersea, Great
DENGIE DIVISION. Superintendent, William Creasy, Romford
Superintendent, Noah G. Gibbons, Southminster Sta,tions.-Collier Row, *Havering, *Hornchurch, Up-
Stations. Althorne, Bradwell, *Burnham, *Latchingdon, minster
*Maldon, Purleigh, Steeple, Stow Maries, Tillingham, THORPE DIVISION.
Woodham Walter Superintendent, Frederick W • .Tones, Thorpe-Ie-Soken
Stations.-*Olacton-on-Sea, Clacton Great, Clacton Little,
DUNMOW DIVISION. *Bentley Great, Oakley Great, St. Osyth, Frinton-on-
Superintenden,t, William Barnard, Great Dunmow Sea, Tendring, Kirby, Weeley, *Walton-on-Naze
Stations. *Bardfield Great, Broxted, Easter Bigh,Easton WALDEN DIVISION.
Great, Finchingfield, High Roothing, Belions Bump-
stead, Hempstead, Margaret Roothing, Sampford Great, Superintendent, Charles E. Pryke, Saffron Walden
Stebbing, 'l'akeley, *Thaxted Stations,.-Ashdon, Chesterford Great, ,Clavering, Deb-
den, Elmden, Farnham. Hadstock, Henham, Langley,
EPPING DIVISION. Littlebury, Manuden, Newport, Radwinter, Rickling,
Superintendent, Robert Womack, Epping *Stansted Mountfitchet
Stations.-Blackmore, *Chipping Ongar, High OngaT, WITHAM DIVISION.
*Fyfield, Hallingbury Great, *Harlow, *Hatfield Broad-
oak, Kelvedon Hatch, *Lambourne, Matching, Moreton, Superintendent, Charles W. Harrington, Witham
Navestock, Nazing, Netteswell, North Weald Basset, Stations.-*Coggeshall Great, Cressing, Goldha.nger, Hat-
Parndon Grea,t, Roydon, Sheering, Stanrford Rivers, field Peverel, Heybridge, Inworth, Ke1vedon, Riven-
Starpleford Abbott, Theydon Bois, Theydon Garnon, hall, Terling, Tollesbury, *Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Totham
Willingdale Doe GTeat, Wickham Bishops
Harked thus * are Sergeants' Stations.

The following divisions embrace Essex places:-
.T Division, Bethnal Green, Superintendent, John Pryke Sectional Stations.-Barking, Chadwell Heath, Dagenham,
Sub-Divisional Stations._Wanstead & Woodford Wells :North \Voolwich, Purfieet Powder Magazine
Sectional Stations.-Barking Side, Leyton, Leytonstne, N Division, Islington, Superintendent, John McFadden
Loughton, Olaybury Hill, Woodford Bridge Sub-Divisional Stations.-Waltham Abbey (Royal Gun
K Division, Bow, Superintendent, Creswell Wells Powder Factory) &I Walthamstow
Sub-Divisional Stations. Forest Gate, Ilford, West Ham, Sectional Stations.-Chingford &I Waltham Abbey
• •
·The following Table shows the acreage under each kind of crop, and the number of horses, cattle, sheep and pIgS ID
the County of Essex, as taken from the Agricultural Returns, T901 : -

Corn and cereals , . 29 6 ,5 25 Horses used solely for agriculture and brood
Roots, artificial grasses, cabbage, kohl-rabbi mares ................................................ 30 , 604 I
and rape . 95,602 I Unbroken horses, 1 year and above ............ 6,108
Clover and grasses O' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
102,735 Ditto, under I year ................ e •••••••••••••••• 2,573
Permanent pasture . 269,94° I
Cows in milk or calf ...................................... 34,575
Bare fallow . 3 2,93° ,I Other cattle, 2 years and above .................. 18,574
Small fruit . 1,9 83 d Ditto, 1 year and above ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16,593
Orchards . 2,501 . I Ditto, under I year ............................................. 16,355
Woods and pla.ntations . 30 ,860 I Ewes kept for breeding ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 103,120
I I Sheep, I year old and above ••••••••••••••••••••• 53,343
,I Ditto, under I year .f' _•• f" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f ...... 108,633
I Sows kept for breeding ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10,277
Other pi~s •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• 57,547
- -

Essex contained in %901, inhabited houses " .

<Ji1ril ]?3r1sl1es •••••••••• ~ ••••.•••••••••••.••.•••••••••••.••••••••••• .•••••.•••.•••••••••••••.••••••••••••••
In 1874, owners of land below I acre... 14,833
Owners of land of 1 acre and upwards 7,472
Rateable value £4,9 15,539
O' • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mountain and Heath land used for grazing, acres . 49,993

'f otal acreage of the county '.. 979,5 85

-- ------

'TIrE rocks of Essex: have attracted a fair amount of atten- below. A microscopical examination of chalk reveals the
-tion from geological observers. The Government Geological fact that it,l~ almost entirely composed of minute shells of
,Survey has published coloured maps of the southern half of foraminifera; a low class of animals which are, even now,
the county, prepared by Messrs. Whitaker, Dalton, Penning, forming a deposit very similar to chalk on the bed of the
· and others, and the examination of the northern portion is North Atlantic Ocean. The chalk dips to.the south-east and
·also, we believe, completed, although the maps are not yet undoubtedly underlies·the whole of Essex, rising again to the
.quite- ready for issue: on these maps the various layers or surface on the south of the Thames to form the hills known
.strata of rock are laid down with the utmost accuracy, and as the North Downs. One little patch, however, crops out
;indicated by means of various colours. in the south of the county between Purfieet and Grays
The geology of the southern portion bordering on the Thurrock; here it is largely worked for the manufacture of
'Thames and Lea has been described by Mr. W. Whitaker in "whiting," and the flint nodules are employed in making
Ibis" Geology of the London Basin," and the same author porcelain. Numerous fossils, as sea-urchins of the genera
has also published a description of the strata in the north- Ananehytes, J1ficraster-, and Galel'ites, shells, as Tel'ebratula
· eastern corner of the county, round HarWIch and the Naze. earnea, Inoeerarnus. &c., and in fact all the ordinary fossils
_Numerous papers by Professor Owen, Messrs. Brown, of the Upper Chalk, are fairly plentiful. At Grays the chalk
: Mitchell, Clarke, Charlcsworth, Searles, V. Wood, Harmer, has been proved by boring to be about 660 feet thick, and at
Penniug, Prestwich, &c., have appeared in the Journal of Harwich 888 f e e t . ' • I

-the Geological Society aud the "Geological Magazine." 'fHE TERTIARY PERIOD: -The chalk was probably deposited
The deposits at Grays and Ilford are favourite hunting, at the bottom of a rather deep ocean, and was hardened,
·grounds of the members of the Geologists' Association, and I elevated to form dry land, eroded, and again depres!'ed, before
.have frequently been described in their Proceedings. the next bed of rock was deposited upon its surface.
Geolo,qical Fonn",tions in Essea:.-The county affords a fair Evidently, then, there must have been a great interval of
,diversity of rocks. The strata rest one upon the other with· time between the two, and proofs of this interval are further
:a general inclination or dip to the south-east: a consequence furnished by the fact that the fossils found in the beds we are
.of this is that the lowest (and therefore oldest) beds crop up now going to describe are of an entirely different nature to
:and occupy the surface in the north-west of the county, those of the chalk, showing that a complete change in the
and here accordingly we find the white chalk or upper cre- life existing in thIS region of the earth had taken place.
taceous strata. Resting upon the chalk, but formed at a Here then geolog"lsts draw one of their great boundary lines,
-much later period, is the lowest Tertiary stratum, known placing the chalk, WIth certain beds beneath it, in a group
·as the Woolwich and Reading beds, above which comes the denominated the Secondary; beds lower still (coal, slatf', &c.)
London clay, and lastlythcsandy Bagsbot beds. Subsequent are known as PrImary, but the newer, higher str~"a are
.comparatively recent deposits of boulder-clay, sand, brick- denominated Tertiary, or third in order of the stratified
,·earth, gravel, &c., repose irregularly npon the eroded edges rocks. •
.of the true rock-masses enumerated above. The lowest Tertiary strata are known as the EOCENE
THE CRETACEOUS FORlIIATION.-Commencing, then, with FORMATION, and are subdivided into-
-the beds of chalk which we have already stated to 'be the .(1.) The Thanet Sands.-Resting on the mass of chalk near

lowest and oldest of the strata which form the county of Grays we find 20 or 30 feet of fine light-coloured sands, in
Essex, we find in the north-west of the county hilly and un· which few or no fossils occur; they rest on a layer of green-
.dulating ground, which presents, though in a less marked coated flints known to the workmen as the" Bullhead Bed."
manner, the characteristic features of the downs of the south Mr. Whitaker has lately shown that the Thanet sands also
-.of England. This chalk district extends trom the north and occur at Ballingdon, a suburb of Sudbury, where they are 15
west boundaries of the county as far south as a line drawn feet thick, and from this point they may extend along the
·through Bish(lp's Stortford, Castle Hedingham, and Sud- edge of the chalk to Bishop's Stortford.
bury ·it is on.y along the boundar~ line of Cambridgeshlre, (2.) The Woolwieh and Reading Beds.-These are mottled
· however, that the chalk hills make any feature in the land- clays and sands, also seen at Sudbury, above the· Thanet
• :scape, or that we find the white earthy limestone know!! as sands; thence they run by Shalford and Easton Park to the
·chalk actually forming the surface. The Royston downs south of Stortford, where they are well exposed in several
rise to a height of 400 feet, and from this point to Linton brickyards. In South Essex they run from Wennington by
and Haverhill the average neight is between 300 and 400 Orsett to Stanford. Their thickness is about 40 feet. f •
•feet. The top of the Rivey, a hill just outside the county (3.) The Blackheath (01' Oldhaven) beds also occur -near
near Linton. is 325 feet above the river Cam and 365 above Orsett; they are composed of well-rolled flint pebbles em-
· the sea-level. The Lower Chalk is exposed along the bedded in sand, and are only a few feet thick. Mr. Bristow
western slope of this low escarpment and along the valleys remarks:" At Hassenbrooke, east of Orsett, the farmer has
.of the little streams that run· northwards into the Cam. some very productive strawberry beds, and the fruit, well
The Uppel' Ohalk is distinguishe::l by the presence of numer- known for its good quality, fetches a high price. I was told
«lUS layers ef flints, which are absent or rare in the beds that the produce of 12 acres fetches £100 a week in Covent;
Garden Market, a price much above what the neighbouring clay resting on the Red Crag, which may possibly belong to
growers can get. The explanation of this difference in quality these beds.
is, I believe, that the sandy pebble-bed upon which these PLEISTOCENE FORMATION.-l'he J)rift or 6lacial Beds.-
strawberries are grown makes a soil especially favourable Beds of Upper Pliocene age found in Norfolk and Suffolli
for their cultivation, and that good gardening has little to do give plain indications that a colder climate was then begin.
with the matter. ning to prevail. The Mediterranean shells disappear and
(4.) The London Olay.-This is the chief Essex formation. are replaced by Arctic forms: still later we enter on a perIOd
When we descend the gentle eastern slope of the chalk, we of severe cold, when icebergs detached from glaciers, which
see before us a second escarpment, rising in low hills to then covered all the north of England and the whole of
heights of between 200 and 300 feet above the sea.. The Scandinavia, came sailing southwards laden with rocks de-
lowest portion of the northern slope is composed of the tached from the land over which they rubbed, or the glaciers
ROOding beds, but on the top and stretching thence right themselves may have pushed southwards as far as Essex and
away to the mouth of the Thames and the North Sea, we Middlesex. The Lower Boulder clay then formed in Nor-
find beds of stiff brownish and bluish clays in which layers folk, &c., does not occur in Essex: here the first glacial
of septaria occur: the Jatter are rounded masses of impure deposits are pebbly gravels and sands - the Mid-glacial
carbonate of lime, usually traversed by cracks, which are Beds. These may mark a temporary diminution in the cold,
filled up with crystals of the same material. In°the soutbr together with a subsidence of the land: they are overlaill
east of Essex the London clay is 480 feet thick, but it thins and overlapped by the Upper or Chalky Boulder clay, which
'out considerably as we follow it westwards. Near Harwich reaches southwards to the northern edge of the Thame"l
the London clay was formerly worked for the septaria which Valley. Thus it is spread as a surface covering over all the
were used in the manufacture of cement. Here, too, it con. stratified rocks of Essex, except along the bottoms of the
tains numerou.s small nodules of iron pyrites, which are still river valleys, where it has been washed away, ex:posing the
collected on the beach near Walton, for the manufm.>ture of Mid-glacial gravels beneath. It is a stiff, clayey mass of a
copperas, t() the amount of about 150 tons yearly. - At brownish hue, full of chalk-pebbles, flints and pieces of rock,
many places in Essex: the London clay is worked for the containing, too, numerous fossils br>ought from afar; it often
manufacture of bricks, and sections may be seen near Brent- forms a stumbling block to the young geologist, who fails to
wood Railway Station, Galleywood, Ingatestone, Maldon, &c. distinguish it from the stratified rocks which it conceals~
.~ There is a spring at Hockley, the water of which, like much Post-Glacial Beds.-The valleys were probably' filled up
of that from the London clay, contains sulphate of magnesia during the Glacial period, and have since been re-excavated
(Epsom salts). ;' An endeavour was made some years ago to by the river~ which now occupy them. Most of the material
c.onstruct a "spa" with "pump rooms," and a WOlnan.was so removed· has been swept out to the sea; but here and
employed to dispense the waters whose strong healthy ap- there along the river's course we find beds of fine loam or
pearance visitors were led to believe was the result of their brick-earth. and' again beds of gravel or sand, at varying
medicinal effects. In spite, however, of such a strong cor- heights, wWch have been deposited by the streams at differ-
roboration of the efficacy of the Hockley waters, the public ent periods. The brick-earths at Stratford, Ilford, Grays,
refused to be cured, and the speculation proved a failure; all, Copford, &c., have yielded numerous remains of fresh-water
"that now remains of the spa being the buildings whiul are mollusca, mainly such as still inhabit the adjoining dis-
.still known as " Hockley Spa." Teazles grow well on the trict. At Grays, however,
London clay, and also the elm, oak, and ash. .' a shell known as, Oyrena
: (5.) The Ba.qshot Beds.-These sandy unfosslliferous strata jluminalis occurs•. which is
()nly occur as outlying patches in the southern half of'the now only known· in the
county: they contain pebble-beds, formed of well-rolled Nile; at Copford six:ty-nine
flints only, and are about 25 feet thick: their position is in- species of'shells have been
variably on the high ground and hill-tops, and springs issue found, three of: which (of
from their junction with the London clay below. Th~y the genus Helia:) no longer
occur at High Beech, on the hill of Havering-atte-Bower, and inhabit England;' from
there is a rather large mass which stretches southwards from peat-beds' exposed in the
Shenfield by Brentwood to Warley Common: they furm the old brick-yard at Lexden,
upper layers of the Brentwood brickfields, are also exposed remains of beetles, mostly
in the railway cutting there, and the pebble-beds have· been of non-British genera, have
extensively dug on WarIey Common: other patches occur been obtained. Bones and
near Frierning, Stock, Galleywood Common and Rayleigh: teeth of the mammoth, of
they also form the upper part of Langdon Hill, which rises a rhinoceros, hippopota-
to a height of 388 feet, and can be seen from long distances: mus, and other extinct spe-
Now the five divisions of the Tertiary Epoch which we cies also occur in these
have described, viz., the (I) Thanet, (2) Reading, (3) Black': brick-earths. A very fine
heath, (4) London Clay, and (5) Bagshotbeds, are considered collection of the teeth,
by geologists to form the lowest division of "the Eocene bones, &c., of these extinct
formation. After the deposition of the Bagshot beds; the mammals, made at llford
area seems to have been elevated so as to become dry laRd; by Sir Antomo Brady, has
at all events, there are no traces in Essex: of strata of Upper lately been presented by
Eocene age, nor of the succeeding Miocene period, which we him to the British Mu-
find well r~presented in the Isle of Wight and on the seum.
Continent.·. . . . . Extensive . deposits' of
PLIOCENE""FoRMATION.-In the Eocime beds only a very ,sand and mud occur all
few of the fossil shells (about 3~ per cent.) are identical along "the Essex coast, from
with species now living: in the Pliocene strata, on the con- to Harwich.
trary, we find in the lowest beds that one-half of the fossil At Clacton stumps of trees
shells belong to living species, while in the upper portion forming a submerged forest
nine-tenths are precisely similar to existing forms. These are to be seen at low water,
Pliocene beds only occur in the eastern counties, where they which indicates a subsi-
have received the name of "crag,'" from the Celtic word dence of the coast-line: The
creggan, a shell, in allusion to the fact that the beds' are slope of the land as it passes
almost made up of a mass of comminuted shells. under the sea is a· very
The Red Orag.-The Lower, White, or CoraIline Crag o ".". gentle one, and indeed the
does not occur in Essex, so that the Red Crag rests upon Grea.t Fllllt plCk or chIsel, fonnd at deepest part of the North
Easton, near· -Dunmow, .
the London clay; it only occurs in the north-east corner, Essex; length 61 inches. The lower Sea bet~een Essex and
where it is well ex:posed to the fine cliff sections at Walton figure shows the cross section. Holland IS only 180 feet.
Naze. Here we see it to be a coarse, reddish brown and so that a very slight elevation would suffice to render
grey salld, full of shells, and showing much false bedding. England again, as it has several times been since the depOSit
Harwich cliff had also once a capping of Red Crag, but this of the Eocene beds, a part of the continent. of Europe
has been removed by the encroachment of the sea. Of sheIl- A well-sinking for water at Clacton-on-Sea in 1878 passed
fish, 148 species have been obtained from Walton, of which through Post-Glacial Sands, 18 feet; Lonaon Clay, 194 feet;
75 are Mediterranean species. showing probably a rather Reading Beds, 56 feet; entermg the chalk at a depth of 270
warmer climate than at present. feet; the same rock was found to lIe 210 feet below the
Ooprolite Bed.-At the base of the Red Crag we find a Castle Brewery, Colchester.
layer of phosphatic nodules, whose valuable fertilising J)oes Coal exist beneath Essex ?-It has been pointed ont
properties were first pointed out by the late Professor Hens- by Messrs. Prestwich, Godwin-Austen, and others, that the
low: this bed is worked at Wrabness. Little Oakley, &co, coal-beds of Belgium pass westwards to near CalaIS, trend-
and about 5,000 tons _altogether of these 'coprolites have iog in a direction which, If continueg. would bring them
been raised in !Essex. underneath the south of England to the Somerset and
Ohille.sford Beds.-At theNaze we see 6 or 7 feet of sandy Bristol coal-fields, which are supposed t~) b3 a continuatlOll
ofthem, as the are much alike in quality, num- a smaIi .club, 9i !nches long, was found in a gravel pit,
ber, and thickness. Now a well-boring c,t Harwich struck with a Roman cinerary urn. A remarkably large flint'
dark slaty rocks which w.e know to lie beneath the ceal, at chip or flake was found in digging the foundations of a
a depth of 1,026 feet, and these rocks had a rather high house on Windmill Hill, Saffron Walden. Mr. John Evq:Iis
inclination towards the south. Borings at Kentish Town remarks concerning this specimen: "One face is somewhau
(I,II4 feet), and Meux's Brewery in London (1,000 feet), flatter than the other, but both faces are dexterously and
show on that side also old rocks of Devoniau age. Now symmetrically chippedover.their whole surface. The small
between these, and consequflntly underneath Essex, it is flakes have been taken off so skilfully and at such regular
possible that a coal basin occurs, hidden deep down under intervals that, so far as workmanship is coneerned, this
about 1,500 feet of chalk and Eocene strata. This is a most instrument approaches in character the elegant Danish
important question for the landowners of Essex, and it is blades. The form seems well adapted for a lance head,
highly desirable that a boring should be made at some suit- but on examination the edges appear to be slightly chipped
able point to test the question. and worn away, as if by scraping some hard material.
PREHISTORIC MAN.-Several examples have been found in It would appear then more probably to have been used in
Essex of the flint and stone implements used by the early the hand." At Great Easton, near Dunmow, a flint pick or
inhabitants of this country, when as yet metals were un- chisel has been found, and a perforated axe-head,'made of
known. )A chipped flint celt or axe, 9 inches long and 3i greenstone, near Colchester. Such were the tools and
broad, was found at Blunt's Hill, near Witham: another weapons used by our predecessors in this country up to
specimen, ground at the edge and 6~ inches long, occurred perhaps 5,000 or 6,000. years ago, when the use of metals
at Stifford, near Grays Thurrock: the same spot also was discovered. Doubtless many more specimens would
yielded a perforated stone hammer, circular in outline and. be found if gra,rel pits and other excavations were watched
3 inches in diameter. At Audley End, a stone pestle like .by intelligent observers.-W. J .. H.
ABBERTON is a parish on the Layer brook, near its a Wesleyan chapel. Abberton House is. a mansion of
c(J\lllfluence with the Roman river, and on the Merses brick, surrounded by pleasure grounds, but at present
road, about 5 miles south from Colchester, 3! south- (1902) unoccupied. Mrs. Hetherington, who is lady of
west from Wivenhoe station on the Great Eastern rail- the manor and Dr. Edmund Thomas Hale are the princi-
way and 55 from London; it is in the North Eastern pal landowners. The soil is loam; subsoil, loam. The.
division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. The
'iVinstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester area is 1,068 acres; rateable value, £1,°30; the popula-
county court district, rural deanery of Mersea, arch- tion in 1901 was 199.
-deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .A1bans. The Parish Clerk, William Baker.
church of St. Andrew is a small building of stone in
tne Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south
Post Office.-Henry Harrison, sub-postmasiter. Letters
porch, and a western tower of brick containing I bell: through Colchester arrive at 4.20 a.m. &12.10 p.m. ;
the church was restored in 1884, when the gallery and dispatched at 12 noon & 8 p.m. Postal orders are
pews were removed and the latter replaced by open seats:issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order
there are 80 sittings. The register dates from about theoffice is at Rowhedge, & telegraph office at Peldon, 3
yea.r 1559. The living is a. rectory, net yearly value £IS8,
miles distant
School (mixed), for 50 children; average attendance,
with residence, in the g-ift of the Lord Chancellor, and
iheld since 1901 by the Rev. Charles Werninck. Here is 3,5; Miss Elizabeth Thompson, mistress
PRIVATE RESmF.N'i'S. . c O M M E R C I A L . , Theobald John, boot & shoe maker
Hale Edmund Thomas L.R.C,P.Edin. Clary "Vm. cattle dealer, Malton house Thomson Franeis, farmer, Pantile frm
Harrison Hy. coach builder, Post office I Van Ryneveld Miss, farmer
Abberton Glebe
Werninck Rev. Charles, Rectory
tVestoby Chas. F. Abberton cottage
Humphrey Frederick, harness maker White John Alfred, grocer
Ludbrooke Henry, builder Wright William, beer retailer
ALD:BOROUGH HATCH is a consolidated chapelry, value £63, with glebe (£30) and residence, in the gift of
fOrIDPd Jan. 13, 1863, out of the eccleSIastical districts of the Crown, and held since 1902 'by the Rev. Philip Isidore
EaI'king Side and IIford, in the parish of Barking, 2 miles Lach-Szyrma M.A. of Keble College, Oxford. The
lIorth from the Ilford station, 9 from London and joining principal landowners are the Crown and C. E. Broome
Hainault Forest: it comprises a large traot of land, with esq. The area is 1,680 acres; the population in 1'891 was
scattered farmhouses, in the Southern division of the 513.
county. Becoutree petty sessional division, Romford Sexton & grave digger, William Freshwater.
.llnio~ and county court district, rural deanery of Pillar Letter Box in the village, cleared at 9 a.m. 3
South Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. p.m. &; 8 p.m. Barking Side, cleared at 4 p.m. is for
.A1:bans. The church of St. Peter is a small structure of the accommodation of this place. The nearest money
Kentish rag, in the Early English style, consisting of order office is at Barking- Side, & telegraph office Seven
chancel, nave, north porch, and a. turret on the eaS'tern King!>, Ilford, I mile distant
gable of the nave containing 1 bell: there are 220 sit- National School (mixed), for J60 children; average at-
tings. The register dates from the year 1863. The tendance, 131; Harry Harriss, master; M'iss Beatrice
living was declared a vicarage Aug. 31, 1866; net yearly Smit·h, c. teacher
Church Charles, Abury house : Sargood William, Aldborough house English James', market gardener
Horwood William, Double house I COMMERCIAL. Fountain John, farmer
Lacb-S7.yrma Rev.Philip Isidore M.A. Brown Robert George, farmer, Great Lake Isaac, farmer
(vicar), Vicarage Newbury's Perkins Joseph, farmer
Packman James, Great Newbury's Cole Emily (Miss), beer retailer & Smith Thomas Henry, blacksmith
Fainter Charles, AIdborough hall market gardener Torrence George, Hainault farm

ALD.HAM is a village and pari:ih, including Ford £77 yearly, and include pensions to the inhabitants of
Street, I mile north from the Marks Tey station of the four almshouses, erected and endowed by the Rev. Charles
Great Eastern railway, si west-by-north from Colchester, Bannatyne, formerly rector, together with Crape'.s charity
aud 5 east-north-east flom Coggeshall, in the Eastern and Love's gift. A fair was formerly held on Easter Tues-
division of the couniy, hundred oI Lexden (Witham divi- day, but is now discontinued. Sir Thomas Charles Gallis
sion), petty sessional division a"nd union of I,exden and Western bart. is lord of the manor and principal land~
Winstree, Colchester county court district, and in the owner. The soil is a light loam. The chief crops are
rural deanery of Dedham, archdeacolll"y of Colchester and wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 1,859 acres of
diocese of St. .A1bans. The church of St. Margaret and land and 6 of water; rateable value, £2,7°1; -the popula-
St. Catherine is a building of flint with stone dressings, tion in 1901 was 406, including the hamlet of Ford St·reet,
in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, situated which is on the road from Colchester to Halstead, near
nearly in the centre of the parish, a mile from the site of where it crosses the Colne.
tae old one, was erected and consecrated in 1855, all the Sexton, William Mole.
material of th~ old c~urch being used in the construction Post & M. O. O. & S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
of the ~ew: It conSIsts of chancel, nave of three bays, Ford Street.-Arthur "Villiam Borrett, sub-pos-tmaster.
south aIsle: sout!I porch, .a~d a western tower of the 14 th Letters are received through Colchester, arrive at 8.5
century, WIth spITe contammg 2 bells.; ~he wooden south a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. The nearest telegraph
porch. re~(jved from the old <:h~rch, IS m a go?d state of office is at Marks Tey, 3 miles distant
preservatIOn: there are 250 slttmgs. The register dates
from the year 1559. The living is a rectory, net yearly Wall Letter Box at the Church cleared at 6.1$ p.m. week
'Value £19°, with 21 acres of glebe, and residence, in the days only'
;gift of Sir 'Charles B. St. John Mildmay bart. and held National School (mixed), built in 1829 & enlarged ill
since 1891 by the Rev. Winslow Sutherland Stayner M.A. r872 for 72 children; average attendance, 46; Miss
of Christ's College, Cambridge. The charities amount to Warren" mistress
Green J smes Mercer & Sons, millers
& farmers. Ford street
Arthy Miss illackwell James, general dealer, Gal- Hudson Thomas, farmer, Hoe farm
Cant John, Malting house low;; ~e~n King .A1bert, baker, London road
Green J ames Charles Barritt '''alter, farmer, Aldham hall Meadows Thomas, Queen's Head P.H

Green Mrs. Ford Street Borrett Arthur Wm. grocer &; draper Partridge Arthur Edward, grocer &c
Kingsbury John Henry, Ford Street & sub-postmaster, Furd Street Pudney Wm. Joseph, harness maker.
Pudney William Burchell 'Vm. farmer, Checkley's frm Ford Street
Stayner Rev. Winslow Sutherland Chiles Cyrus, blacksmith, Ford Street Quinney William, farmer
M.A. Rectory Cottis Robert, cooper, Ford Street Steadman William, - Coopers' Arms
Stebbing Chas. James, Bourchiers hall Evans Hezekiah, thatcher & beer retlr P.H. Ford Street
Thmpson Charles Hardy, The Limes, Goodey Henry, farmer, Edinborough Stebbin~ Charles James, farmer.
London road Goodey J ererniah S_ farmer, Church Bourchiers hall
Wass James House farm Welham Stripling, farmer, Hill farm
ALPHAMSTONE is a. parish !"tear the navigable river of the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty
StoUT and on the borders of Suffolk, 3 miles north-west sessional division (Halstead bench), Sudbury union and
from Bures station on the SUdbury branch of the Great county court district, and in the rural deanery of Hed-
Eastern railway,S south from Sudbury, 5 north-east from ing-ham, llrchdeaconry of ChIchester and diocese of St.
HaJJtead, and SI from London, in the Northern dil'"ision Albans. The church (name unknown) is an edifice of

flint and .stoue covered with plaster, chiefly in the Early Under the provisions, of the "Divided Parishes Act,
English style, consistin,:r of chancel, naVA of three hays. 1882," the Rectory of Lamarsh was transferred from
south aisle, lady chapel, north and south porches and a Lamarsh to Alphamstone, and by Local -Government
ISmall western turret of wood containing 3 bens: in the Board Order 16,461, dated Ma,rch 25, 1885, Moss Farm
chancel is' a plscina and a lepers' window: the font is of was also added.
very early date: there are sittings for 400 persons. The FRAME GREEN is half a mile south-east.
register of baptisms and /burials dates from the year
17°5; marriages, 17°7, and is in good condition: there Sexton, Berechiah Underwood.
is also a "Town Book," dating from 1616. The living is Letters tbrough Colcbester. via Bures, arrive at 7.30 a.m
a rectory, net yearly value £243, with 30 acres of glebe, Wall Letter Box, Rectory cleared, week days at 7.45 a.m.
and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and & 6'40 p.m.; sunday, 10.35 a.m. The nearest money
held since 1870 by the Rev. William Earee, of St. Bees. order & telegraph office is at Bures St. Mary, Suffolk,
The charities amount to £13 13s. yearly. Sir Thomas distant 3 miles
L. H. Neave bart. of Dargnam Park, who is lord of the
manor, Charles William Start esq. of Ipswich, and John A School Board of 5 members was formed June 22, 1875 ;
Henry Podd are the principal landowners. The soil is Henry C. Canbam, of Sudbury, clerk to the Board;
clay, loam. and gravelly; subsoil, various. The chief Thomas Wells, Board school attendance officer
crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 1,708 Board School (mixed), built, with residence for mistress,
acres; rateable value, £930; the population in 1901 was in 1876, for 52 children; average attendance, 32; Mrs.
1'84, Ame~a Mary Wells, mistress

Buttle Mrs Wells Thomas James, School house Jackson, -, farmer, AnseIls
Dalby Henry E. New llOuse Pettitt Joseph, Windmill P.H
Earee Rev. William. (rector), Rectory COMMERCIAL. Podd John Henry, farmer & land-
Rickatson Robert Octavius, Montagues Amos 'Sam!. beer ret. & wheelwright owner, Clees hall
SchreiberRev. Alfred Douglas (rector Buttle Reuben, farmer, Sycamores fm Stuck John, farmer, Coppins farm
of Lamarsh), Rectory Buttle WaIter, market gardener Stuck Jspb. Scott, fnnr. Cobbs farm
Stebbings Misses, Ivy cottage Coe Abraham, farmer, Lower Goulds

ALRESFORD is an ancient village and a parisb on faction for the poor is the sum of lZS. Sd. a Jear, left by
high table land, on the road from Colchester to St. Edmund Porter in the year r558. A.lresford Hall stands
Osyth, and bounded on the west by the Colne and on the in a commanding position, surl"Ounded by fine woods,.
south by a creek running up from the river Colne, fordable about half a mile from the church, and is the seat of Mrs.
at low water, with 8 station on the Colchester and Tend- Hawkins, lessee of the two ancient manors (If Alresford
ring Hundred !branch of the Great Eastern railway, is 6 and Cockayne, into which the lands were divided as early
miles south-east from Colchester and 59 from London, in as the year 12II. Tbe principal landowners are Mrs.
the North Eastern division of the county, union, petty Beckett, Caius College, Cambridge, the trustees of the
sessional division and hundred (If Tendring, Colchester late George and William Higginbotham esqrs. and Mrs.
county court district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, arch- Hawkins. The soil is a light sandy loam on a gravelly
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans. The subsoil. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The
church of St. Peter is a well proportioned building of area is r,433 acres of land, chiefly arable, 3 of water, 14
stone, erected by Anfrid or Anfrey de Staunton, about of tidal water and 81 of foreshore; rateable value, £1,812;
the year 13°O, as did appear by his epitaph in Norman- the population in 1901 was 249.
French in the chancel: it consists of chancel, nave of two Post Office.-Oharles William Bacon. .sub-postmaster.
bays, south aisle, north porch and a low western belfry Letters arrive from Colchester at 4.30 a.m. & 2.36
with shingled spire containing one bell: the east window p.m.; dispatched at 8 p.m. Postal orders are issued
and those in the south aisle are stained, and were the here, but not paid. The nearest mon~y order office is
gift of the late W. W. Hawkins esq.: the remaining at Thorrington, & telegraph office at Wivenhoe, 3 miles
windows and the organ were presented by Mrs. Hawkins distant
at the l'estoration of the interior in 1856: ·the church will Parochial School (mixed), erected in 18'46 & given to th&
seat 1'65 persons. The registe,r dates from the year 1742. parish in 1896 by Mrs. Hawkins; average attendance,
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £220, with 30 50; Mrs. Bush, mistress
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Hulme's tirus- Railway Station, George Balm, station master
tees, and held since 1877 by the Rev. WiIliam 'Charles Carriers pass through to Colchester from Brightlingsea
Bache M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford. The only bene- daily
Bache Rev.William Chas. M.A.Rectory Bacon Charles William, grocer & Higgillbotham MarshallErnes t,farmer,
Hawkins Mrs. Alresford hall draper, Post office Church farm
Ray Mrs. Oresslands Barton Matthew Henry (exors. of), Porter Wm. (Mrs.), farmer, ~iarsh fm
Woodham. Mrs. Verandah cottage farmers, Lodge farm Vesse Joseph, farmer, Cockayne's farm
COMMERCIAL. Cowan Peter S., M.R.C.V.S.veterinary Ward .Albert, farmer, Brook farm
Abbott Edward, harness maker surgeon, High Elms Ward Samuel, farmer, Lower farm
Alexander Chas. frmr. Fenman's farm Chisnall Edwin, farmer, Heath farm Warner William, Pointer P.H
Carter Abraham, farmer . Grimwood William, blacksmith Wells William, baker
ALTHORNE is a village and parish, bounded on the Cambridge. Here is a. Primitive Methodist chapel,
south by the river Crouch, and adjoining the road from and a mis,sion room. There are no manorial rights. The
Maldon to Southminster and Burnham, with a station principal landowners are the Governors of St. Bartholo-
about half a mile south of the village, on the Southminster mew's Hospital, Samuel Barrow esq. the Rev. Edward
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 8 miles south-east James Warmington M.A. rector of Dengie, and the Wilson
from Maldon by road and 4 north-west from Burnham, family. The soil is strong clayey loam; subsoil, clay.
in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hun- The chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is 2,237
dred and petty sessional division, Maldon union and county acres of land, 5 of water, 15 I of tidal water and 78 of
court dis,trict, rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of fore,shme; rateable value, £2,087; the population in 1901.
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. was 333.
Andrew, which stands on an eminence, is a building of BRIDGEMARSH ISLAND, on the river Crouch, is
flint and stone, in the Late Perpendicular ,style, temp. partly in this parish, the remaining portion being in the
Henry "n. and consists of chancel, nave,south porch parish of Latchingdon.
and an embattled western tower of flint and stone con-
taining :2 bells: in the church is an ancient and remarkable Post Office.-Willie Partridge,sub-postmaster. Letters
carved font; and there are brasses to William Hyklott, of arrive through Maldon by mail cart at 6. ID a.m. & 2.35
Althorne, at whose oost the walls ()f the church were; dispatched at 8,45 a..m. & 7 p.m. Postal orders
built, ob. 16 September, 15°8; to Margaret Hyklott, ob. are issued here, but not paid. Latchingdon is the
27 August, 1502, and to John Wilson and John Hill: nearest money order & telegraph office, 3 miles distant
there is also an ancient inscription on the exterior over This place is included in the United School Board District
the west door: in 188'4 the church was repaired at a cost of Mayland & .Althorne, formed March 6, 1875. The
of about £1,800, and has 200 sittings. '1'he register of children of this parish attend the Board School at Mar-
marriages dates from 1734; baptisms and burials, 1735. land
The living is a vicarage, annexed to the rectory of Creek- Railway Station, Thomas Smith, station master
sea, net yearly value £I80, with residence and 30 acres Carriers passing through A.lthorne : -
of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1862 by the Rev. .Blowers & Hazelton, Tillingham, Southminster, Latch-
Henry Mawson :Milligan B.A. of St. Catherine's College, ingdon to Chelmsford, tU&s. & fri
Auger John, Chestnuts Oalderbank Jsph. farmer, Clifford's fro Monk John, coal merchant
IIonsoD Mrs. Austril house Oochrane George, farmer, Stokes hall Morris James, farmer, Hill farm
Drake Henry G Drake Henry G. Karok down manufac- Nicholas Harry E. builder & con-
Franklin Charles, Hill side turer, Althome mills tractor; estimates free, Station rd
Jones Richard F. Winterdale Fisher Thomas, farmer, Andrew's &; Norris George, farmer, The Limes
• Milligan Rev. Henry Mawson B.A. Hall farms Partridge Willie, grocer & draper,
(vicar), Vicarage Goldsmith Arthur, draper Post office
Morris James Hammond Hy. W. Black Lion P.H Pike Jacob, carpenter
Soanes George, Homestead Hanis Harriett (Mrs.), Three Horse Pipe Saml. frmr. Mansion House frm
Taylor Edward E. Hillcrest Shoes P.R Quick Thomas P. builder •
COMMERCIAL. Jefferies Bros. farmers,Althorne lodge Stone Frederick, nurseryman
Badham James, farmer, Button hill Kettle Samuel, blacksmith Sutton bailiff toS.Barrow esq
ARDLEIGH, menti{)ned in "Domesday Survey," is Noct-on esq. John Fenn, Samuel Robert Blyth, and Edward
a parish on the road from Colchester to Manning- Catchpool esqrs. the Rev. Richard Cox-Hales M.A. of 27
tree, with a station on the main line of the Great Cambridge road, Brighton, William Herbert Dunnett esg.
Eastern railway, 5 miles north-east from Colchester. si of Stour House, Dedham, Charrington Nicholl esg. and
south-west from. Manningtree and 55~ from L<Jndon, in the Rt. Hon. J. Round M.P. of Birch Hall. The soil is
the North Eastern division of the county, Manningtree generally light gravel; subsoil, mild sandy bottom. The
petty -sessional division, Tendring hundred and union. chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 5,057
Colchester county court district. rural deanery of acres of land and 5 of water; ratea.ble value, £12,586;
Ardleigh, archdeaconry of Colchester and St. Albans the population in 1891 was 1,538 in the civil and 1,322 in
diocese. The church of St. Mary the Virgin. a fine the ecclesiastical parish. and 1,424 in the civil in 1901.
structure of flint and freestone, consists of chancel.
nave, aisles. south porch and a fine embattled western CROCKLEFORD. a part of Ardleigh. 2! miles south-
to-wer containing a clock and 8 bells; the 6th bell, west. has a small Mission church, originally built for
cast about 1450, by Brazien, of Norwich. bearing this a school; services are held on sunday,s at 3 p.m. There
inscription, "Sum Rosa Pnlsata Mundi Maria Vocata:" is also a Primitive Methodist chapel.
over the porch is this inscription: Orate: p' animabus ARDLEIGH CROWN is a part (Jf Ardleigh lying to.
Johis Hue: at ye Wade et .Alicie: uxoris ejus, Johis the west, and is 3! miles from. Colchester, on a smalL
Hute: Willi: HMe:" in 18 83 the church was rebuilt brook falling into the Colne and on the road from Col-
and the tower and south· porch restored, at a cost, in- chester to Langham.
eluding fittings and decoration, of £4,600, and in 18 92 0 & 0 0 Ex D li
th b II h d b 11 dd d th Post, M. . T. .• T. M. .• press every, Parcel,
e e s were re ung an 2 new e s a e : ere are Post, S. B.&; Annuity & Insuranee Office. James
330 sittings. The register dates from the year 1555· Waller, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive by mail.
The living is a discharged vicarage. net yearly value cart from Colchester at 7 a.m. & by train at H.I5 &
£239 with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of 4.30; dispatched at 12 & 3.35 p.m. by train, & 7.45
the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1902 by the Rev.
Reginald Hall Grubbe B.A.of Trinity College, Cambridge. p.m. by mail cart. Letters for Crockleford Heath come·-
through Elmstead
Heie is a Wesleyan chapel. T'he cemetery here. formed in Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, James Mayer; .
1860, is one acre in extent, and under the control of the attendance fridays, 12.3 0 tOt 1 p.m.
Parish Council. The endowed charities amount tG
£5 2 6s. yearly. Ragmarsh farm was devised by William National School (mixed), built in 18 75, for 250 children;
Littlebury in 1571, the rent for teaching poor boys of this average attendance. 200; Thomas Rous, master; Mrs.._
Rous, mistress
parish at Dedham Grammar 'school. A fair is held on the Railway Station, Arthnr Cockett. station master
29th of September. New Hall is the residence of Mrs.
Impey-Lovibond, and Ardleigh Park, standing in its own Carriers to:-
grounds of about 100 acres, is the residence of Mrs. Dedham-Page, to the Railway Station, daily, ar--
Scriven. William Nocton esq. of Langham Hall and riving at 9 a.m. &; leaving at ID.30 a.m
Messrs. Newman and Harper a,re lords of the manor. The Colchester-Bantick, man. thurs. &; sat. leaving at
principal landowners are Earl Cowper K.G., P.C., William 1.30 p.m
Fenn George Green Chamberlain Joseph, farm bailiff to Reeble Robert. Crown P.H. &; farmer
Fenn John, Ardleigh hall William H. Dnnnett esq. God's Latta Matthew R.farmer, Redbury fm
Griffiths Miss . House farm Lugar James Marshall. farmer, Mar-
Grubbe Rev. Reginald Hall B.A. Clover Wm. miller (steam & water) tell's hall
(vicar), Vicarage Colchester Brewing Co. Lim.maltsters May Edwin. farmer. Fenn farm
Impey-Lovibond Mrs. New hall Cottee Frederick William, farmer Moy Th{)mas Limited, coal merchants, _
Kirby John. Holly <;ourt Dennis Waiter, farmer, Moze hall Ardleigh station
Nicholl Charringbm. Bovills hall Denny Thomas, beer retailer Munson Robert, farmer, Plain's farm.
Scriven Mrs. Ardleigh park Dorlin Charles William, agricultural Norfolk Geor~e, farmer &; butcher
Stevens William James, Monica house implement engineer, Crockleford Page Alfred, farmer, Lodge farm.
Williamson Rev. Herbert Jas. (curate) Downes John, Fox & Hounds P.H. & Parker Thomas, beer retailer
COMMEBCIAL. carpenter Pentney Cllarles, builder
Abbott Edward, nurseryman, seeds- Downing Richard W. baker Pepper Henry Lane, King's Head P.R .
man & florist Everett Hy. farmer, Sand Pitt farm Pitchell Oharles, boot maker
Abbott Joseph, saddler . Farthing Miss, dress maker Pryke Golden, frmr. Colliers Wood fill
Abbott WaIter, butcher Fenn & Co. auctioneers, estate agents Richardson Robt. farmer. BOOley hall-
Austin William Rogers, farmer. Wad- & surveyors, Ardleigh hall; &; at Robinson Cephas Arth. Railway tavrn
house farm Colchester Seaborn Firmin, frmr. Fountain frm
BakeD." Ghas.Rt. fmr.Hungerdowne fm Fenn Mrs. grocer Simson Geo. vet. surgn. Denton villa"
Elomfield Wm. frmr. Brick Hall farm Foster John beerretlr. Ipswich road Smith Fredk. In. farmr. Whaley farm·
Blyth Samuel Robert, farmer & land- Francis George, wheelwright Smith John George, blacksmith
owner, Ardleigh wick Frost George A. farmer, Slough & Smith Thomas, farmer. Park farm.
Boggis Charles, Red Lion P.H Cherry Tree farms Southgate George, farmer
Bromley & Willis, millers (steam) Giding Herbert, farmer, Bounds farm WaIler Frederick (Mrs.), grocer &,
Buss Ebenezer W. boot & shoe maker Green T. M. farmer, Blomfield's farm wheelwright. Ardleigh heath
Catchpool Edward. farmer. Gate Hempson George Frederick. farmer. WaIler James, builder, Post office
House farm Good hall Woodward Alfd. frmr. Holly Hill frm!
Cemetery (Edwin Wornack, Calches- Joslin George Driver, farm bailiff to Wyncoll Mark, Wheatsheaf P.R. &.
tel'. clerk) Edward Catchpool esq. Gate house shopkeeper, Bromley road
ARXESDEN is a ·village and parish on a winter brook Margaret, situated on rising ground, is a large building
falling into the Cam, 3~ miles south-west from Audley of flint with stone dressings, in the Early English and
End and 3! west from Newport stations on the main line Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three-
of the Great Eastern railway. 5 south-west from Saffron bays, with clerestory. aisles, south porch and an em-
Walden and 38 from London, in the Northern division of battled western tower with turret containing 6 bells: in
the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty the chancel. under a double arch, is a recumbent effigy
sessional division, union and county court district, and in I of a priest vested, temp. Henry vn.; and in the 80uth
the rural deanery of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of aisle is a l]rass effigy in armour of Richard Fox esg. c.
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. I 1439. affording a good example of the additions gradually
made to defensive armour; 'four shields of arms and country: the original mansion (part ot which remains)
the inscription are missing; here also is a very fine tomb was built in the reign of Henry VIII. and was rooated;
of the Outtes family, 1592: in the tower are exceedingly the building wa,s modernized many years ago, but, re-
fine busts. by Roubihac, to members of the Withers tains some fine carved work in oak over a fireplace; at a
family, 1692, and the west window exhibits the arms of I door near this, looking into the green court of the older
Walden abbey, to which, in 1364, this church was portions, one Day, a noted Nonconformist minister, wai
attached, and those of the Earls of .Arundel: the north aisle arrested by soldiers and taken to Cambridge gaol: the
was built in the reign of Henry VII. by Thomas .Alder- "Preachers' Oak," in Westmead, once a wood, was cui
ton, stock fishmonger. of London, who also founded a down by Richard Birch-WoIfe esq. and used in rebuilding
chantry here: the font consists of a large square basin the chancel of the church; part of the old moat remains
of Barnack stone, supported on four Early English and is now a fishpond, in which are strong springs. Chas.
arches: the church was rebuilt in 1855 and 1856, at a Beadle esq. is lord of the manor and the principal land·
cost, exclusive of the chancel, of £2,394. of which up- owner. The soil is heavy, with a portion of a lighter
wards of £1.000 was contributed by the late R. Birch- nature; ,subsoil. clay and chalk. The crops are on the
Wolfe esq. lay impropriator. who also rebuilt the chancel four-course system. The area is 2,180 acres; rateable
at an additional cost of £600: there are 2S0 sittings. value, £2,073; the population in 1891 was 34 1.
The register dates from the year 1690. The living is a Sexton, William Sell.
discharged vicarage, net yea.rly value £53. with resi- Post Oflice.-Miss Ann Burgess,sub-postmistress. Letters
dence, in the gift of Charles Beadle esq. and held since through Newport S.O. arrive at 6.55 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. ;
1869 by the Rev. Herbert Matthew Fearn R.A. of dipatched at 7 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. week days only. Postal
Corpus Chris-ti College, Cambridge. There are small Orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
Congregational and Wesleyan chapels. .A. charity of money order & telegraph office is at Clavering, 2 miles
£4 4s. was left to the poor of the parish by the late Mrs. distant
. Sophia Birch-Wolfe. Wood Hall, the residence of Charles National School (mixed), for 100 children; average at-
Beadle esq. J.P. is about one mile south-west of the viI- tendance, 45; Miss Elizabeth Judd, mistress
lage, pleasantly ,situated in well-wooded grounds of 100 Carriers to Saffron Walden.-Stephen Flack, from Claver·
acres, commanding extensive views of the surrounding iug, every sat
Beadle Charles J.P. Wood hall Cannon Betsy (Mrs.), .Axe & Com- Parish William James, bootmaker
Fearn Rev. Herbert Matthew R.A. pass P.H Patmore Ernest, frmr. Gt. Becketts
Vicarage Ellis John, farm bailiff to Mr. Henry Percy Charles Henry, Green Man P.H
COMMERCIAL. Clark, Hobs aerie Pilgrim Alfred, blacl{smith
Bailey Alber!; William, farmer, Clod- I<lack George, farmer, Forster's Pluck John, farmer, Bull's green
more hill Flack Timothy, frmr. Little Becketf,s Sell 'Villiam, sexton
Bailey WaIter, shopkeeper Hammond William, farm bailiff to Whitman Joseph & William, farmers,
Bailey Wilfred, farmer, Deanes farm Charles Beadle esg. Home farm Parsonage farm
Bunting Bros. farmers,NewIands ends Jeffl'ey .Tane (Miss), grocer Wright Samuel, stockman to Charles
Cowell William, thatcher Parish Mrs. Charlotte, dressmaker Beadle esq. J.P. Chard well
ASHDON (in Domesday "Ascenduna," and "Essen- daughter of the late Rev. William Hammond, of Ashdon
duna," "Assenduna" and" .Asshedon" in documents of Hall, is lady of a second manor, and the rector is lord of
the 13th and 14th centuries) is a scattered parish and' the Rectory manor; F. Fisher esq. is the principal land-
village near the borders of Cambridgeshire, 2 miles south! owner. The soil is mixed clay, loam und chalk; sub-
from Bartlow station on the Great Eastern railway, and soil, various. The crops are wheat, oats, beans and
4 miles north-east from Saffron Walden, in the Northern barley. The area is 4,152 acres; rateable value, £3.764;
division of the county, Freshwell hundred, Saffron Walden the population in 1901 was 628.
petty sessional division, union and county court district,
rural deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester IJARTLOW HAMLET, including part of the village of
and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of .All Saints is Ashdon and Steventon End, called in Domesday
an ancient building of rubble and stone in mixed styles, "Stavintuna," is a hamlet in this countv, but in Linton
ranging from the nth to the 15 th century, and consists union and adjoins Great Bartlow (Cambridgeshire), to
of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, a chapel on the which parish the inhabitants pay tithe and rates. At
south side known as the "Maynard chapel," north and Bal'tlow in Cambridgeshire is a station on the Great
south porches and an embattled western tower contain- Eastern railway, So miles from London. Here are four
ing 6 bells, one of which is of Pre-Reformation date: on celebrated barrows, known as the BartIow Hills. and
the north side of the chancel is a fine altar-tomb, over forming part of the boundary separating this county
which are the arms of Richard Tyrrell, ob. 'IS66, and on from Cambridgeshire: they were opened in 18 32 and
the .south side are sedilia. and a piscina: the stairs for- 18 35, and were found te contain interesting remains and
merly leading to the rood 10ft still remain in the south pier works of art of Roman workmanship: most of the relics
of the chancel arch: a round-headed stoup, belonging to subsequently perished in a fire, but drawings and casts
an earlier church, may be seen near the south doorway, are preserved in the museum at Saffron Walden. A
and part of the square basin of the font of the nth cen- stone trough in the garden at Ashdon rectory is said to
bUY, with fluted carving, is still preserved; the funt now have been brought from the Hills (see .Archreologia, vols.
in use is octagonal, and two or three centuries later: a xxv, xxix). The area is 842 acres.
carved oak pulpit was erected in 1882 in memory of the RUDDUCK'S HILL is I! miles south-east.
Rev. J. F. Walker, a former rector, by his widow: the Parish Clerk, Samuel Green.
arcades of the nave are of clunch on basements of squared Post,:M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
Barnack stone: the interior of the church underwent Post, S. n. & .Annuity &; Insurance Office.--James
partial restoration during the years 1883-9, and the I'urkis, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Saffron
flooring and seating have been renewed: the roofs 'were Walden at 7.40 a.m. week ·days & 7.35 a.m. sundays;
restored in 189S: there are 370 sittings. 'The register dispatched at 10 a.m. & 6.IS p.m. week days & 9.30
dates from the year I'S513. The· living is a rectory, net a. m. sundays
yearly value £550, with 129 acres of glebe and residence, Wall Letter Box, National School, cleared at 10.10 a.m.
in the gift of Cuius Oollege, Cambridge, and held since & 6.25 p.m. week days only &; 9.40 a.m. sundays
1890 by the Rev. Daniel Beales Redfa.rn Banham M.A. and County Police Station, James Henry Durrant, constable
formerly fellow of that .college. There is a Baptist chapel Schools.
here with a schoolroom attached. The churchyard was
closed by Order in Council in .Aug. 11879. A cemetery of A School Board of 5 members was formed Octuber 12th.
three rood.s, adjoining the churchyard, was formed in ['877 18i8; Harold F. J. Banham, Royston, clerk to the
a t a cost of £360, a portion is consecrated, and the whole board; William Bragg, attendance officer
i" under the control of the Parish Council. The parochial Board SCfrool (mixed), erected in 1878, for 165 children;
charities, amounting to about £20, are under the manage- average attendance, l40; Fr~derick Th?mas Wyatt,
ment of trustees appointed under a scheme sanctioned by ma.~ter; 1\;£rs. F. W.yatt, ~llst~es·s; MIS~ Reynol~s,
the Charity Commissioners, and .are distributed yearly. asslsta?t mIstress; MISS EmIly SImmonds, lilf.ants' mIst
The Buys' home is for twelve boys, who are supported : T1~e NatIOnal School was restored &; enlarged ID 18 77 &;
hy the Church of England Central Society for Waifs and I IS no,,: used for the Church Sunday school & other
Strays; matron, Miss Whitehead. F. Fisher esq. is lord I parochial purposes
of the Newnham Hall manor. Mrs. Harriett Smith, I Ca~rier to Saffron "'-aIden. James Martin, sat
PnIVATE RESIDENTS. Barrick wmium, Clare cottage Hagger Thomas J. Ricketts farm.
Andrews Daniel, Spring gate Burrows Thomas Law Miss, Sky villa
n mham Rev. Daniel BeaIes Redfarn Clark Mrs Schllrr Geo. Jas. Hy.•<\shdon hall
M.A. (rector), Rectory Duchesne Mrs. The Oays Smitb Uev. Henry Thomas (Baptist)
COMMERCIAL, Hagger Joseph, farmer, Great Bow- Moss Arthur, butcher &:; Fox inn
Archer Levi, saddler &; harness
makel sers farm Nunn Benjamin, farmer
Boys' Home (Rev. Daniel B. R. Ban- Hagger Thos. J. farmer, Rickett's frm Pallett Ernest, farmer, Ivy Tod
ham, hon. sec.; Miss Whitehead, Harris William, thatcher Purkis Jas. grcr. & drpr. Post office
matron) Hutchings Wm. farmer, New Ho. farm Rowell Arthur, farmer, Puddlewart
Brooks Alfd. Wm. Rose & Crown P.H Ketteridge Charlotte (Mrs.), beer ret Smith Benj. farmer, Sandon farm
Bragg William, miller, &; assistant Ketteridge York, bricklayer Smith George, farmer, Ashdon street
overseer & school attendance officer Kettridge Joseph, farmer Smith Harold W. frmr. Newnham hall
&; clerk to Parish Council King Oswald M. White Horse P.H Smith Harry, shoe maker
Cooper Charles, wheelwt &; blacksmith Macqueen Jas. farmer, N{ortimer's fm Smith Jacob, farmer, Chapel farm
Downham Richard, farmer, Midsum- Macqueen Jumcs, jun. farmer, New Smith Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Ash-
mer hill San dons farm don hill
Durrant James Hy. police constable Marsh Benjamin, beer retailer Smith William, blacksmith
Eason Richd. Chas. grocer &; draper :Marsh James, shopkeeper Tillbrook Jas. farmer, Spriggs farm
Fitch George, baker &; beer retailer Martin James & Sons, bakers Tillbrook Wm. farmer, Goldstones
Frost Thos. frmr. Midsummer Hill fm Matthews Robert, shoe maker Wisbey George, farmer, Little Bow-
Green Samuel, parish clerk Metcalf Esau, farmer, Lit. Mortimer sers farm
Hagger Alfred, farmer, Overall Miller Louisa (Miss), dress maker
ASHELDHAM (or Asheldon) is a parish and village St. Albans, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Joseph Cornah
2 miles north-east from Southminster station on the RA. of Trinity Colleg;e, Dublin. Aylett's charity of a,bout
Southend section of the Great Eastern railway, I I miles £1 3S. od .. yearly, derived from lands, is distributed to
south-east from Maldon, 5 north-east from Burnham and the poor in money. The principal landowners are Lord
50 from London hy road, in the South-Eastern division Petre, who is lord of the manor, and the Governors of St.
of the comIty, Dengie hundred and petty sessional Bartholomew's Hospital, London. The soil is loam and
division, Maldon union and county court district, rural gravel; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans,
deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of peas, barley, oats, turnips and mangold-wurtzel. The
St. Albans. The parish is watered by a small brook, area is 1,309 acres, including roads and waste; rateable
which falls into the North Sea at Dengie Flats, and the value, £948; the population: in 1901 'Was 172.
sea and tidal waters are within 4 miles on the north, By Local Government Board Ord'3r 22,354, dated March
east and so~th. The. churc~ ~f St. Lawrence, e.rected 24, 188 9, Court Farm was transferred from this parish t<>
about 1450, IS an anCIent buildmg of stone and flint, III Dengil
the Decorated style, with walls of great thickness, and . " .
consists of chancel and nave, south porch and an em- Post Office.-Mlss Mar~ Tldman, sub-l;lOstm1stress. Let-
battled tower at the western end containing one bell: ters through Southmmster S.O. aITlve at 6,3° mm. &
the chancel retains piscina and sedilia: the east window 12.3 0 p.m.; box cleared at 10.25 a.m. &; .5.55 p.m.;
contains or..e stained light in memory of two daughters sundays at 12.3 0 p.m. Postal orders are Issued here,
of the Rev. H. P. Dawes, the late vicar 1859-93, and in bU~ n?t cashed. T.he nearest .mone.r order &; telegraph
a window in the north aisle is a stained liO'ht b
to the ofhce IS at Southmmster, 2 miles dIstant
MaIden family: the church was wholly restored in 1866: A School Board of 5 members was formed 23 Feb. 1875
there are sittings for 150 persons. The register of bap- & holds its meetings at the vicarage once a month; the
tisms and marriages dates frem 1721; burials, 1722. vica,r is clerk to the board &; chairman; the members.of
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £230, with 46 the ,board are the attendance officers. The dllldren of
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of th:s parish attend the schools at Dengie & Southminster
Cornah Rev. Joseph RA. Vicarage Carter Harry, farmer, Hushes Francis John, farmer .
Attenborough Edwin John, farmer & Cowbol'uugh Wm. 'rhos. frmr.'Vaslies Hurst Bros. farmers, Asheldham hall
brick maker, New hall Dennis In. Witham, farmer, Badnocks Robinson Edward, farmer
Bearman J ames, farmer
ASHEN (or Esse) is a parish on the borders of Suffolk, tisms dates from 1560; marriages and burial's from
from which it is separated by the Stour, and is I mile 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £217,
south-east from Stoke station on the Great Eastern rail- with 23 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
way, 2! south-west from Clare, 10 miles north from Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1895 by the Rev. Edwd.
Halstead and 6 east from Haverhill, in the Korthern Hugh Deane RA. of Keble College, Oxford. Archbishop
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- Parker once held this living. Ashen House, an old moated
ford petty sessional division, Risbridge union, Haverhill building, the property of C. B. Sperling ,esq. and Ashen
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Yeld- Hall, are farmhouses near the village. Lord Loch D.S.O.
'ham, archdeaconry of COlchester and diocese of St. of Stoke by Clare, Suffolk, who is lord of the Ulanor,
Albans. The church, assigned of late to St. Augustine, Charles Brogden Sperling esq. D.L., J.P. of Dynes Hall,
its ancient dedication being unknown, is an edifice chiefly Great Maplestead and King Viall esq. of Baythorne Park,
of rubble in the Early English style, consisting of are the principal landowners. The soil is loam and clay;
chancel, nave, vestry, south porch and an embattled subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
western tower containing 3 bells: the chancel has been beans and barley. The area is 1,493 acres of land and 7
entirely rebuilt and fitted with stalls, and four stained of water; rateable value, £1,223; the population in 1901
windows have been inserted: there are monuments to was 221.
Stephen Piper esq. J.P., D.L. ob. 16 Feb. 1721 ; to Letters from Clare R.S.O. (Suffolk) are delivered by
Dorothy Byatt, widow of the Rev. William Byatt, rector foot post ab 7.3 0 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. The nearest money
of Holton, Suffolk, ob. 24 Sept. 175 2 ; and her grand- order & telegraph office is at Stoke, 1 mile distant
daughter, Philadelphia Piper, ob. 17 May, 1753; and to Wall Letter Box, RectQry gate, cleared at 7. 10 a.m. &
Luey, WIfe of Capt. John Tallakarne, ob. 3 Dec. 1710, and 6 .15 p.m.; sun d ays, 7.45 a.m
inscriptions giving some account of other alliances
of that family; there is also a memorial to the Rev. A School Board of 5 members was formed Feb. 3, 18 75;
Charles Stuart M.A. vicar of Bumpstead ad tu,rrim, d. chairman &; hon. clerk, Rev. Edward H. Deane B.A
16 Dec. r803, and to his wife Sarah, d. 12 Oct. 1771: Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 46 children;
there are sittings for 120 persons. The register of bap- average attendance, 28; Mrs. Caroline Lapthorn, mist
Deane Rev. Edwd. Hugh B.A.Rectory Barnett Alfred, farm bajliff to the Ford Fredk. beer retlr. & carpenter
COMMERCIAL. exors. of the late Henry Payne esq Golding John, farmer, Street farm.
Barber Cornelius Charles, beer retailer Clarke Robert, farmer Goodchild George, farmer
&; coal dealer Cooper Frederick, farmer, Ashen hall Goodchild "Wm. farmer, Clarett hall
Bean Wm. shopkpr. hawker &; oil dlr & Highfield hall, Tilbury Goodwin Robert, farmer, Ashen house
ASHINGDON is 8 parish, 2 miles north from Roch-
-western tower, built in 1016, and containing I bell:
ford station, on the Southend branch of the Great Eastern there is a low side window, an aumbry and two piscina
railway, 6 north from Southend, and 39 from London, niches: the church was repewed in 1885, and affords 60
• in the South-eastern division of the county, Rochford sittings. The register of burials dates from 1546; bap-
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Southend tisms, 1566; marriages, 1568. The living is a. rectory,
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Roch- with South Fambridge annexed, joint net yearly value.
ford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. £330, with 25 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
, The church of St. Andrew is a small but ancient edifice John Bourne esq. of Whitby, Yorks, and held ,since '1900 by
(of and brick, ~th t~aces of Norma~ and Early
English, but now chIefly In the PerpendIcular style,
I the ~ev. John Imrie :M.A.. o~ Christ's College, Ca~bridge.
Ashmgdon was the scene, In 1016, of a battle In whlch
and consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a I Canute the Great defeated Edmund Iron-side: the .church
was founded in commemoration of this event; an en- is the nearest money order & telegraph office, 2 miles
trenchment stilI remains. The principal landowner is distant .
Beaufoi Moore esq. of Ashingdon. The soil is stiff clay; A School Board of 5 members was formed Jan. la, 1895,
subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, 'ba,rley, pota- for Ashingdon & South Fambridge United District,John
toes, peas and beans. The area is 1,166 acres of land, Fawcett Wood, Southend-on-Sea, clerk to the board
16 of tidal wa,ter and 14 of foreshore; rateable value Board SchOOl (mixed), built in 1860, for the parishes of
£836; the population in 19oI was 165. South Fambridge & Ashingdon, & enlarged in 190r,
Wall Letter Box cleared at 9.30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Letters holding 80 children; average attendance, 70; Miss
arrivre from Rochford S.O. at 7 a.m. & 4 p.m. which Sarah Rolfe, mistress
Burgess John Hill, Dolly lodge Powell Thos. John, Ferndale cottage Jolly John, farmer, Moon's farm
Hawkins Richard, 'l'he Nest COMMERCIAL. Mann WaIter Henry, blacksmi~h
Hoile Mrs. Hill side Brooke Thomas, teacher of music Millett WilIiam, farmer, Hill farm
Hollick Frederick 1Villiam Bryne 'l'homas, farmer, Bray's farm Moore Beaufoi, farmer & landowner
Imrie Rev. John M.A. (rector) Court Matthew William, grocer Muers George, grape grower
Mapleson WaIter, Ashingdon lodge Crawford Hugh, farmer, Smith's farm Smith James, shopkeeper
Moore Beaufoi Hart Geo. farmer, Ashingdon hall Van Stephen FredericIr, builder
Poulton Alfred, Oak lodge Hocking Ernest, builder Wells William Clark, builder
A VELEY is a parish, sea:ted on the Mardyke brook, George Brown, parish churchwarden, who was also the
and the rl'oad from Barking to Orsett, 2 miles north-east donor of the stained east window: the alta.r frontal' is a
from Purfieet station on the London, Tilbury and South- painting on wood panels by C. Holroyd esq. curator of
end railway, 4 miles north-west, from Grays, 7 south from the Tate Gallery: the churclJ. affords 300 sittings. The
Bomford, and I6~ from London, in the South-eastern register dates from the year 1563, and is in good pre-
'division of the (".aunty, Orsett union and petty sessional servation, but there is a blank from 1618 to 1720. The
-division, Grays county court district, Ohafford hundred, living is a, discharged vicara,ge, net yearly value
rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and £225, including 14 acres of glebe and residence,
,diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Michael is a in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held sinco
building of flint and stone in the Norman and Early r895 by the Rev. Walter Edmund Spencer M.A. of New
English styles, consisting of spa~i{)us chancel, with north College, Oxford. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are
,chapel, clerestoried nave, aisles, no,rth porch and an em- the impropriators of the great tithes. The CXmgrcga-
battled western tower of stone.. surmounted by a modern tional chapel here was erected in r877, and there is an
,dwarf timber spire: according to Morant, the church had Institute in which meetings and public entertainments
formerly a lofty spire, blown down in a great storm in are held. The South Essex 'Water Works Company
Nov. 1703: there are 5 bells, respectively dated 1712, 1712, have two reservoirs "here, with a capacity of one million
I400, 1618 and 1692: the chancel is separated from the gallons, the pumping station at Grays supplies the
nave by a 15th century oak screen in good preservation, reservoirs. The almshouses, originally erected in 1639,
consisting of ten open compartments with a square- by James, 1st E'arl of Kewburgh, were rebuilt by Lord
headed entrance: the west window retains a little Dacre in 1745. The endowed charities a,re £2 I2S.
old glass with the aIms of Chichester impaling Barrett yearly, in bread, left by Thomas Clear in 1639, arising
Lennard: on the south side of the chancel is a trefoil- from land and £100 in Consols, left by J. R. Wood in
headed piscina" with a small square basin set on one side 1847, the interest of which is annually distributed to
.of the niche, which seems originally to have ibe'en divided poor widows. Belhus, the seat of Sir Thomas
by a shaft: the reredos includes a small painting on Barrett-Lennard bart. D.L., J.P. who is lord of
panel in a, gilt frame, representing the "Crucifixion," the manor and principal landowner, is a, large
and said to have b€en presented to the church by the and stately edifice in a semi-castellated domestic style,
llaroness Dacre; a chair, with the Dacre crestJ and built in ther reign of Henry YIII.; it is surrounded by
badge, brought f~m Belhus, and probably the gift a park about 3 miles ~n circumference, adorned. with. fine
of the same lady, IS also placed here: the south aisle laId oaks and other tImber, and affords extenSIve VIews
'has also a piscina, and in the wall of the chancel chapel over the Tha.mes into ~ent: th~ mansion contains an
is' a well-defined little niche: the font is a Norman work unbrroken senes of family portraIts, from Henry VIII.
-of Purbeck marble, and the pulpit, which dates from up to the present time, and a remarkable geneal~gy,
1621, has a massive carved sounding board: a new made by order of Sampson Lennard esq. of Chevenmg,
lectern" of carved oak of great age, pr,ocured from Kent,. and ~igh sheriff of that county in 1590-I, on his
Winchester Cathedral, was presented in 1888 by the marrIage WIth ~[argaret Ba.r~ness D~cre, 18 feet b.y.6,
women 'Of Aveley: the north doorway retains a holy on v~llum! fO~IDlng an exqUlsltespeclmen of the. wntmg
water stoup: there is a iSmall Flemish brass to Ralph and illummatIon of the 16th c~ntury: other chIef la~d­
de Knevynton, ob. 1370, with his effigy in armour owners . a~e St. Th0t;las's Ho.spltal and the Pelly famIlr.
beneath a canopy; another in the north chapel to Eliza- The sml m general IS of a ~Ight sandy nature; sub~oil,
beth, eldest daughter of Edward Bacon esq. ob. 15 83, gravel and chalk. The chIef crops are wheat, barley
and to Helen (Littel), his wife: there are other effigies and and other ~egetables for the Londo?- market.
and two shields of the Barrett family 1520, and some There IS also a quan~Ity of marsh land bordermg on the
mutilated inscriptions to the same, 1584: a slab of black Thames: The area IS 2,954 acres of land, 13 of water,
marble incloses the ancient brass of Isolda de Belhus 91 of tIdal water and 23 of foreshore; ;rateable value,
and her children, with four armorial shields' another £6,5°5; the population in 1901 was 1,061.
venerable tomb, temp. Edw. I. is supposed t~ be that Deputy Parish Clerk & Sexton, Mrs. .Ann Pepper.
of Nicholas de Belhus: there are modern memorials to Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
Thomas, 17th Baron Dacre, d. r2 Jan. 1786, and Anna Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mrs. Mary
Maria (Pratt), his wife, d. 1806 and Dacre Barrett Jackson, sub-postmistress. Letters through Purfle~t
Lenuard, 1730: the chancel was th~roughly restored and S.O. by foot messenger are delivered at 8 a.m. .& 2.30
reseated in 1885 by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, p.m.; dispatched at la a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; sunday de-
a new organ was opened May 2nd, 1886, at a cost of livery 8 a.m.; dispatche'd IQ a.m. The telegraph office
£200, 'and in 1888 was enlarged at the cost of Mr. Trist- is open on sundays from 8 to 10 a.m
ram Tempest: the interior of the church was carefully Wall Letter Box, Mill road, cleared at 10.5 a.m. & 7.15
rest{)red in 1888 at a cost of nearly £900, when the p.m.; sundays, 1O.S a.m
flooring was relaid, the nave and aisles reseated, the National School (mixed), built in 1844 & enlarged in
tower arch opened by the removal of the western gallery, 1870, for 240 children; average attendance, 133; William
and a massive timber ceiling erected above the west J. Sully, master
window; the whole work being carried out under the An Infants' School was added in 1886, at a cost of £300,
supervision of Mr. Ewan Christian, architect, of London: by a voluntary rate, for 80 children; average attend-
in 1893 a carved oaIr reredos was presented by Mr. ance, 67; Mis's Lizzie J. Carter, infants' mistress
Brown Mrs. Hill view Bacon Thomas, beer retailer Cox & Palmar, grocers & drapers
Dunlop James M.A.., M.B., C.M. Allen, boot & shoe maker Dodd George Underton, Crown &
Buchanan house Blows John, cowkeepet· Anchor P.ll
Lennard Sir Thomas Barrett- bart. Blows William, butcher Dunlop & Catterall, physicians & sur.
M.A., D.L., J.P. Belhus Bridge WilliullI, wheel \V !'ight geons; & at Rainham
Martin Mrs. Shawfield Brown Edward, baker & corn dealer Dunlop James M.A., M.B.Glas.,
Spencer Rev. Walter Edmund M.A. Brown George, farmer C.M. physician & surgeon, & medi-
Vicarage Bunyard Frederick, butcher caI officer & public vaccinator for
Spurrier Mrs Cant Michael John, police constable the Aveley district of Orsett union.
COMMERCIAL. Clark Jacob, fishmonger Buchanan house
Aveley Institute (Miss Martin, sec) Collins .Alfred, blacksmith Elliott John, wheelwright
Fryer Walter, harness maker KeIley Thomas, grocer & insurance agt Thorogood Robert, market gardener
Goddard Frederick, beer retailer Knight Isaac, mal'ket gardener Tompldns John, farmer, Aveley hall
Grainger Elizabeth (Mrll.), Lennul'd Patten William John, Old Ship inn Tylel' James, market gardener
Arms P.R Pavitt & 'Sons, builders Tyler Saml. dairyman & pork butcher
IIalyeyRobert, shopkeeper Pavitt George, plumber & painter Woodthorpe Katherine ~ary Grey
Hadge Edward, sllOpkeeper Roast George (Mrs.), shopkeeper (Miss), farmer, Fanns
J ohllson Frederick George, baker Smith Geo. & Hy. farmers, llrett's flll Woollings J as.farmer,Kennington frm
KeIley 'William, tailor, news agent & Stock James William, wheelwright &
insurance agent blacksmith

GREAT BADDOW is a parish and large village, The parish is situated on high ground, is considered to be
.pleasantly seated on the road to Rochford and Hadleigh, very healthy and contains many handsome residences.
the river Cbelmer forming a portion of the northern Baddow Court is the residence of Henry William Smithers
boundary of the parish; it is 2 miles south-east from esg.; Baddow Lodge o·f Reginald Watney esq.; Baddow
Chelmsford station, in th", :Mid division of the county, Hail of Mrs. Gilmore; Houghtons of Prior 1Villiam-Prior-
Chelmsford petty sessional division, hundred, union and Juhnson and Pontlands of James Thomasin Foster esq.
.county court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, arch- LL. M., J.P. The soil is light and gravelly; subsoil,
-deac:Jnry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The village gravel. The crups are wheat, barley and oats. The
.is lighted with gas, supplied since April, 1880, by the area is 3,39a acres of land and 12 of water; rateable
Chelmsford Gas Light and Coke Company. The church value, £10,3°9, including the GaIleywood district; the
-of St. l\-Iary is an edifice of brick and rubble, the older population in 1901 was 2,308 in the civil and '1,852 j.n.
part of which belongs to the ,Decorated period, the the e·cc~esiastical parish.
derestory and additions to the aisles being of the early Parish Clerk, Frederick Cottee.
pa.rt of the 16th century; it consists of chancel, clere- .
storied, aisles, south porch and an embattled I Post, :M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Dehvery, Parcel
western tower with spire, containing a clock and 8 bells: I Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mlss Olara.
there is a monument of marble and alabaster in the I Stannard, postmistres,g. Letters arrive by mail cart
.chancel to ¥rs. A~y and Mrs.. Margaret Gwyn, 1753:
the east wmdow IS a memorIal to the late Mr. W.
I through Chel~sford & are delivered at. 7 a.m. & 12 noon
& 7 p.m.; dIspatched at 9.50 a.m. &:, 3·35, & 7·55
Packer and his family: there are 400 sittings. The p.m. On sund.ays the office is open from 7 to ID a.~.
register dates from the year 1543. The living is a vicar- & letters are dIspatched at 7.45 p.m. Telegraph bUS,I-
.age, net yearly value £231, with 2 acres of glebe and ness on sundays from 8 to Ioa.m .
residence, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1887 by Letter Box, Baddow road, cleared at 8. IS 1& 9.55 a.m. &
the Rev. Alfred Noel Colley M.A. of Christ Church, Ox- 12·5 & 1.45, 4·55, 6.50,8 & 10·50 p.m.; sundays, 18 p.~
ford. G. B. A. Houblon esg. J.P. of Hallingbury House, 'Wall Letter Box at the Vineyards, cleared, week days,
Ilishop Stortford, is the impropriator of the great tithes, 10 a.m. 4 & 8.5 p.m.; sunday,s, 7.55 p.m
which amount to £540' Alexander Barclay D.D. of Oriel Wall Letter Box, 'j;,posite Beehive P.B. clea'red at 8.15
(joIlege, Oxford, one of the most eminent writers of the h.m. 12 noon & 1.45, 4, 5, 6,45, 7.50 & 10.45 p.m.;
[6th century, waS vicar of this parish, to which he was sundays, 8 p.m
instituted February 7th, 1546. The Parish Church room, Schools:-
;a buiI~iug of iron, e.rected' in 1900, is in Bad~ow road. Jeffery's Endowed, founded in 173 I by Jasper Jeffery,
There IS a Congregabonal cha.pel,
. h and hthe hPeculIar
" people 0f L OD d on & en d owe d WI'th a farm ca11ed "pvnnin .. - gs" ,
llave also a place of worshIp ere.. l' e c antIes h amount .
In ur
H es
t H . ,..
annluane Id .
pans h a t presen t ( 1902 ) cl ose d
tlt £7 0 per annum. 'Ihe extenSIve brewery ere of the f I k f f d'" ,
Baddow Brewery Co. Limited was built in 1868. In the N°r ac 1 Ob .¥tn. & 8 bo' & . Iso' class rooms e
'Village is a granite fountain, erected in I887, and sur- awna '. U1 ID I 77, ~s gn n-
mounted by a lamp: there is also a library and reading larged ID I89~' for 4 00 .children; average attendance,
.. . . 92 boys 70 alrls & 62 mfants' Ernest Albert AmQSlS
rooms for the use of the mhabltants contammg about 200 t : M''''' Aa S cl 'i'tre . Miss Edith
volumes. George Bramston Archer-Houblon esq. J.P. is lna.s er" . ISS, ,?nes yes, m s ss,
'lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Arthur Klllght, 111lants nustress
Charles Houson-Parker esq. James Tabor esq. J.P. of the Carrier.------George Collins, to & from 'Ohelmsford, twice
Lawn, Rochford, and James Thomasin Foster esq. J.P. daily & 'bus four times -daily to Chelmsford ·station

PRIVATE T-ESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. ; Downing Robert, saddler .

*Eaves James Lawrence, beer retailer,
Algal' Richd. James, Baddow I'oad (Marked thus * should be addressed canine doctor &; bonesetter
Alger ~Irs. Skinners Baddow road, Chelmsford, omitting *Erubleton Frederick WaIter, clerk,
Boghurst-Fisher Henry, Pitt place Great Baddow). Baddow road
Dristowe Ernest Mason, Baddow ho Aldred 1Villiam, furniture dealer Fcwell James, ca,ttle dealer
Clark Geo. 4 Albert viIs. Baddow Toad AlIen Daniel, market gardener Finch Charles Richard, assistant over-
Colley Rev. Alfd. Noel M.A.. Vicarage Amey '\Valter, White Horse commer~ seer, collector.of poor rates &; regis-
Orabb Miss, Baddow place cial inn trar for births & deaths, Great Bad-
Creagh Pierce, Great Masca11s *.1.ndrews :Frederick, insurance agent, dow sub.district, Chelmsford union
Dewhirst J ames, Baddow Toad Baddow road Finch Edward, butcher &; farmer
Duffield James, I Manor place Baddow Brewery Co. Limited (The), *Grave Chus. apartments, Baddow I,d
Foster James Thomasill LL.M., J.P. brewers & wine & spirit merchants Great Baddow Library & Reading
Pontlands (Reginald Watney, managing direc~ Rooms (E. H. Finch, sec)
Oibbs D. CecH, Vineyards tor), Brewery *Grout William, Bee Hive P.H. Dad.
tGilmore Mrs. Baddow hall *Bailey Daniel Murphy, householder, dow road
-Grave Misses, Chelmer cottage Baddow road . Hardy .Martha (Mrs.),gingerbrd.baker
<Gunner Mrs. Westeria cottage Baker Herbert, bUllder, see Cracknell Hills Arthur, boot maker
Hart WaIter, Percival house & Baker ' *Hills Thomas, boot & shoe maker,
Hicks Herbert, Branwoods *Bardwell Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, Baddow road
Jackson Abrabam, Baddow park Baddow road *Hockley Henry Lewis, -beer retailer,
•Tackson Solomon, 3 Albert villas, Bad- *Barker Danl. shopkeeper, Baddow I'd . Baddow road .
dow road *Bird John, shopkeeper, Baddow road *Holberton Nicholas WilIiam, house-
Lake Mrs *Brinton George, boot ma. Baddow I'd holder, Baddow road
Lyster Arthur E. The Yews *Brookhouse Roland, householder, *Humphreys Charles Thomas, bird &
:Machar J ames, Jeffries h011se Meadow view, Baddow road animal stuffer, Baddow road
Morell Misses, Baddow road Burlong Alfred, shopkeeper *Jackson & Son, engineers, Baddow I'd
J?aterson 1Villiam M. The Grove Bush John, smith *Jackson In. grocers' mgr. lladdow I'd
'Pertwee Miss, 2 Albert villas Carter H. & Sons, corn merchants *Jackson Rt. gravel mer.' Beehive I'd
SeweIl George, The Cedars & dairymen, provision inerchants, Jackson Solomon & Herbert, whlwghts
Bmee Thomas John, The Limes bakers, confectioners & refreshment *Jennings William Henry, insurance
:Smithers Henry Wm. Baddow court rooms agent, Baddow road
.Snelling Charles Burgess, Danes Collins Geo. omnibus propr. &; carrier Josling Thos. Chas. baker & corn dho
Sutton Mrs. Rothmans CordeIl 1Villiam, cowkeeper Liddiard James, grocer & draper
'Taylor John Vincent, I Albert villas Cornell John, farmer Linn Alfred Mark, bricklayer, Dad-
Veley Arthur Curtis, 2 Manor place Cottee Septimus, baker, Baddow I'd dow road . .
Watney Reginald, Baddow lodge *Cracknell & Baker, builders &; COIl- Linn Ge'orge, bricklayer
William-Prior.Jobn.son Prior, Hough- tractors, Beehive Toad Linn Joseph, builder .
tons Downey John (Mrs.), butcher Lord John, market gardener
Lyster Arthur Edward M.R.C.S.Eng., Reed Harriet (Mrs.), shoplteeper Spooner William, :Blue Lion P.H
L.S.A.Lond. physician & surgeon, *Richmond Mary Ann Mrs.), shop- -ll bteele John Wood, bricklayer, Bad-
medical officer & public vaccinator, keeper, Baddow road dow road
No. 4 district, IChelmsford union, Ruffell Thos. Reeve, plumber & glazr *Steele Thomas Edward, cycle &
The Yews *Suunders Frederick, dairyman & perambulator I'epairer, Baddow ru
*Manll Emma (Mrs.), householder, greengrocer, BBddow road Stock Reuben, farm bailiff to J.
Baddow road Shorten ThomasJobn,King's Head P.B 'l'homasin Foster esq. PontIands fm
Moore Wm. Ernest, lamp oil dealer Smith John Overt, Bell P.H *Thorogood Ernest Joseph, grocer~
Ockenden Charles, coal dealer Spalding Henry, farmer, Meadgate Baddow road
Pennack Thomas, carpenter farm, Baddow road Turnage Louisa (Miss), ladies' school
Poole Alfred, farmer Sparrow Lewis John, blacksmith Wade William Charles, hair dresS€"l
Potter Henry,sand & gravel merchant, Sparrow Martin Thomas, vet. surgeon *lVicks John LeiglJ, photograph.or..
Beehive pits Spooner Mark Albert, engineer & steam Baddow road
Ratcliffe Charles'S. farmer, Little plough proprietor "\Yilliam-Prior-Johnson Prior, farmCO!'..
ISir Hughes Stannard Charles, grocer & china Great Sir Hughes
Reddington James, beer retailer dealer, Post office Wheaton Wm. H. farmer, Baddow Pk
LITTLE BADDOW is 8 parish and scattered village, the xxth of Janvarie 16II." The church has 150 sittings.
near the confluence of the river Chelmer and Sandon The register dates' from the year 1562. The living is a
brook, principally on a hill commanding an extensive rectory, net yearly value, £399, with 13 acre,s of glebe,
view over the whole valley of the Chelmer, 6 miles east and residence, in the gift of Lord Rayleigh, and held
from Ohelmsford station and 33 from London, in the since 1882 by the Rev. Frederick Thomas Tayler. Ther&'
Mid division of the county, hundred, petty sessional is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1707, with 180 siit-
division, union and county court district of Chelmsford tings, and a residence for tbe minister. The princlpa)
and in the rural deanery of Ohelmsford, arcbdeaconry of landowners are Henry Fitzwalter Plumptre esq. of Good-
Essex and diocese of St. AIbans. The church of St. ne8tone Park, Dover, Kent; Lord Rayleigh, who is lord
Mary the Virgin is a building of Roman materials and of the manor; John Charles Spencer-Phillips, of Becken-
rubble in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, ham, Kent,; and John Wilfrid Pledger esq. The suit
nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled western is light gra,vel, producing excellent crops of all descrip-
tower containing 4 bells: in the south wall of the south tion8 of grain. 'T'he area, with the hamlet of Mrddle
aisle are two tombs with recumbent female figure~ Mead, is 2,735 acres of land and 21 of water; rateable
carved in wood,with hounds at their feet, under Decorated value, £2,97°; the population in 1901 was 510.
canopies of the time of Edward Ill. and supposed to be Middle Mead hamlet is in Dengie hundred, containing
the two wives of Sir Hugh de Baden: in the chancel is 410 acres.
s. stately marble monument to Sir Henry :Mildmay, of Parish Clerk, William Lindsell.
Graces, who resided in this parish, was knighted on the ~,
b a.ttl ·3 fi eId, 25 th May, I 605, d '
th I ' h
e rIS wars, an
d Post, 1VI. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. Miss Eliza-
died 9 th October, 1639, aged 61; he is represented as bcth Agnes Sorrell, sub-postmistress. Letters through
clad in armour, reclining under a canopy, with a sword Chelmsford are delivered at ,8 a.m. & 2 p.m.; box
by his side and a truncheon in his hand, and at the foot cleared at 2.10 & 6,3 0 On sundays there is n'oo
of the monument are two female figures kneeling, one
an elderly lady with scarf and hood, the other a maiden, post
ricWy dressed: there is also an ancient tablet to the Pillar Letter Boxes, near Congregational chapel, cleared
_memory of two members of the Fitzwalter family: a at 5.40 p.m.; near Generals chase, cleared at 6 p.m. ;.
b rass f ound In · th'IS c h urc h a t th e t'Ime 0 f th e I
as t '
repall'S Gibbs fa.rm, 9 a.m. & '3 p,ro
-bears the following inscription :-" Here lyeth the corpses National School (mixed), for 126 children; average at-
Ilf Mercymight Springham, one of the davghters of tendance, 60; WilIiam Thomas, master
Richard Springham Gent: whoe was wyfe to Richard Carriers to Chelmsford.--James Mulley, tues. &; fri.;.
Bristowe Esqvier xxvith years, and lyved in this world G eorge Everard, d,aily (weds. excepted), Teturning.
Fyve and Fiftie yea).es, Departinge Her Mortall Lyfe same days; Mrs. Edward Clarke, frl. only
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Witherby Rev. Robert Hale, The' Mulley James, farmer & carrier, Bene-
Boldero Philip Bungalow Vue cottage
Burgess Rev. James (Congregational) COMMEROIAL. Pled~er John Wilfrid, farmer &; land-
Chaplain Mrs. Old Bassetts Ager George Isaac, carpenter owner, Hammonds
, Coubrough John, Coleraines lloreham William, pleasure gardens Rankin John, farm bailiff to Lord.
Hope Bateman, The Tolts Campion Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Rayleigh, Holly bridge
Hopwood Samuel, Sunny mead Post office Raven William, farmer, Cuckoos
Kirwen Miss Clark Edward, farmer, Gibbs' Shipman Charles, wheelwright
Nicholson Hy. Jas. Duke's orchard Collins George, farm bailiff to P. &; Smi,th Herbert, baker, & Rodney P.IL
- Olifent Jacli, Little Baddow hall P. W. Wood, Phillows Middle Mead
. Peacocke Capt.Frank Werge,Ohough's Coubrough John, farmer, Coleraines Smoothy Chas. farmer, Old Riffhams.
nest Dowsett Tboma!! Charles, shopl,eeper SFeakman Joseph John, &; AIbet't
Pledger John Wilfrid, Hammonds Enefer George, farmer, C~oggers Edward, farmers, New lodge
Pyne Mrs. Kendrick, Old house Everett James, agriCUltural engineer 1Villsher Stephen, farmer, Pulcherines;
Pyne Miss, Gibbs' Fleet Charles, General's Arms P.H Yell Maria Louisa (Mrs.), farmer.
Simpson Frederick James, Ashcroft Joslin William, beer retailer Great Graces (postal address, Dan-
Tayler Rev. Frederick Thos. (rector) King Wm.coal mer.Little Baddow mill bury)
BALLINGDON (or Ballington) is a suburb of the town brick making are extensively carried on. The principal
of Sudbury, in Suffolk, from which it is separated by landowners are William Nocton esq. of Langham Hall'~
the river Stour, and with Brundon forms a parish; who is lord of the manor of Brundon, and Charles Brog-
it ilt on the road from Halstead to SUdbury, I mile den Sperling esg. D.L., J.P. of Dynes Hall, Great Maple-.
south from Sudbury ,station, on the Stour Valley stead, lord of that of Ballingdon. The area of the united
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 8 north-east from districts or parish is 838 acres of land and 12 of water;
Halstead and 56 from London, in the Northern divi- rateable value £2,440; the population in 1901 was 683
sion of the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury petty Town Sub-Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance
sessional division, Sudbury union and county court Office, Ballingdon.-Napoleon Aprile, sub-postmaster.
district. The river is here crossed by a wooden bridge. Letters through Sudbury, Suffolk, arrive at 8 & 11
Ballingdon with Brundon forms a rectory annexed to the a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched at 8, 9.45 &; 11.20 a.m·.;
vicarage of All Saints, Sudbury. The church of Bal- 2.45, 4.25 & 7.15 p.m.; sunday, 7.45 p.m. SudbuTy.
lingdon has long been in ruins. Here is a mission hall, l: mile distant, is the nearest telegraph office
built in 1876-7, and used by the Plymouth Brethren. The children of this parish attend the schools at Sud-
Here are chalk pits and two breweries, and .malting and bury, Suffolk
• _ PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dunn Frederick Edwin, Ballingdon hall brick & tile makers, lime burners
AIlen Ellistou. The Grove Laver Rev. Sidney R. Trinity Manse &; coal merchants
. '.AlIen _Percy Elliston Segers John Aprile Joseph, general dealer & com-
Andrews Mr8 Smith William mission agent
Bane Mrs. West End house Wood William James Aprile Napoleon, jeweller, Post office:
()oote Oharles COMMERCIAL. Bacon lsaac, insurance agent
Dix:on Laker AIlen Robert A. &; Sons, maltsters, Bacon "\Villiam, rent collector ,
• .
Beer Charles, brewer Green Mary Ann (Miss), private schl Mauldon A. M. & Son, White Horse
Beer Harry, beer retailer Goat Edith (~lrs.), dress maker inn, & brewers &; wine &; spirit mer-
Berry .Alfred, baker Good Thomas, miller (steam & water), chants &; maltsters
Boggis William, farm bailiff to Wm. Brnndon mill Nice .Ambrose Newman, butcher
Nocton esq. Brnndon hall Griggs Albert William, saddler Parsonson Frederick, basket maker
Brown George, horse clipper Rartley Alfred, general dealer Prentice J ames, painter
Brown 'Villiam, fruiterer & greengrcr Joslin Wm. pointer &; house decorator Rashbrooke Jonathan C. baker
Bryant Robert, King's Head P.R Kerridge David, manager of brick wks Ratcliff Harry, shoe maker
Byham Henry, pork butcher King .Alfred Charles, beer retailer Rowland Samuel, hair dresser
Copsey Alfred, skin dealer &; wool mer Lefiey Charles, boot maker Spring Emma (Miss), straw bonnet ma
Everett William, boot maker Lefiey Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper Theobald Josiah, Railwav •
Gibbons Edward Chas. brick & tile ma Lefley Robrt, grengrocer Turkentine Arthur, blacksmith
Giblin Harry, teacher of music IMayes Maggie (Miss), dress maker
GREAT BARDFIELD is a small town and parish, barley, clover and beans. The area is 3,655 acres· of
~)ll the southern. bank of the river Blackwater, near land and I I of water; rateable value £3,5°8; the popn-
Its source, 8 mIles north-east from Dnnmow and lation in 1901 was 806.
9 north-:west from Braintree stations on the Dunmow By Local Government Board Order 22,326, Mareh 24,.
and Bramtree branch and 9 east-by-north from Elsen- l889 two parts of Little Bardfidd parish were added to
ham station on the main line of the Great Eastern rail- Gre;t Bardfield.
way, and 5 east from Thaxted, in the Northern division Parish Clerk, Daniel Davey.
of the county, Freshwell hundred and petty sessional .
division, Dunmow union and county court district, and Post, M. O. &; T. 0., '!. M. 0., Express DelIvery, Par?eI
in the rural deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry of Post, S. 13. &; AnnUIty &; Insurance ~ffice.-Freder~ck
Oolchester and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of Tanner, sub-postmaster. Letters ar:Ive from Bralll-
St. Mary is an ancient building of stone in the Norman tree at 6.4 0 a.m. &; l":·3 0 p.m.; dIspatched at 2.20
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave &; 5.4 0 p.m.; sunday dIspatch 5.4 0 p.m
of four bays, aisles, a fine south porch and an embattled COUKTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE FRESHWELL
western tower with spire, containing 5 bells and a DIVISION.
clock: the chancel and nave are divided by a fine stone
screen: there are piscinre in the north and south ais:es: Lampet Rev. William Edward Lionel M.A. Yicarage..
William Bendlowes, serjeant-at-law, who held this church Great Bardfield, Braintree, chairman
and the advowson of the living, obtained a licence in Harrison Capt. Jasper Nicholls, Saling grove, Braintree
l556 to convert the vicarage into a rectory, and having Marriott Oyri! Humphrey White esq. Abbot's hall, ShaJ-
leased out the goreat tithes for 500 years at 20 marks ford, Braintree
yearly, settled on the rector and his successors the Ruggles-Brise Archibald Wayland e·sq. D.L. Spains hall,
yearly srIm of £6 l3S. 4d. being one moiety of the 20 Finchingfield, Braintree
.marks; the other moiety he employed in founding a Clerk to the Magistrates, Herbert Cunnington, Brain-
chantry in the church, dedicated to the Holy rl'rinity; tree
he died 19 November, l584, and with his wife Elizabeth Petty Sessions are held at Great Bardfield Town haIl,
was buried under the south window of the chancel, montWy, on Mondays. The places in the division are
where are their figures in brass with a Latin inscription: Great & Little Bardfield, Fincbingfield, Hempstead,
there are several memorial windows in the church to Helions Bumpstead, Little Saling &; Great &; Little
members of the Lampet family, which has furnished Sampford
two vicarS' to this parish. The church has 250 sittings. PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
The register dates from the year 1662. The living is a
vicarage, net yearly value, £143, with Tesidence, in the Fire Engine Stat,ion, Daniel Hitching, captain
gift of the trustees of the late Rev. 13. E. Lampet, and Town Hall Company, Henry Smith, secretary
held Isince l867 by the Rev. William Edward Lionel Police Station, Frederick Stock, inspector
Lampet. M.A. of Emmanuel College, 'Cambridge, rural PUBLIC OFFICERS.
dean of Samprford, surrogate, and J.P. Essex. The
Primitive ~Iethodist chapel here walS erected in 11862, and Assistant Overseer &; Clerk to Parish Council, Silvanus
has 250 sittings: there is also a Friends' meeting house. Ohnpman .
The Town Hall was opened in December, l85o, at a, cos't Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Bardfield District,.
of £l,100; the hall will hold 5 00 persons. A fair for Dunmow Union, &; Medical Officer of Health, Dunmow
horse·s, cattle and tOYS is held on the 22nd June. A mar- Rural District Council, Edmund Ernest Goodbody RA.,
ket was formerly held here. In Brook stre·et is a foun- M.D. Brook house
tain, supplied w"ith water from a spring in Dove House A School Board of S members was formed 8 November,
Meadow. Great Lodge, about a mile .south-east, and 1872; Stephen Gifford, Dnnmow, clerk to the board;
now occupied as a farmhouse, has a small park, in which Daniel Davey, attendance officer
the Brain or Pod'sbrook rivulet rises. The vicar is lord Board School (mixed), erected in 1873, for 180 cbil-
of the manor. The trustees of Guy's Hospital are the dren; average attendance, 4 6 boys, 56 girls &; 52 in-
owners of the great· tithes and principal landowners.; fants; , m.aster; Miss E.
Frederick Smoothy esq. of Braintree, and Mrs. Adshead, Osborn, infants' mistress
of Beslyns House, are also landowne<;rs. The soil is Carriers to Braintree.-Edwin Clapson, daily; George
mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, Wakeling, mono wed. &; fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barker Clara Letitia (Miss), farmer, Essex Provident \Society (Robert Fo~
Adsbead Mrs. Beslyns house Littles. . collector)
Bradridge Thomas, Park gate Bone PhilIp, butc~er l~ire Engine Station (Daniel Hitching~
CoweIl Peter Hill place Bowtle James, brIcklayer captain)
Goodbody Edmund Ernest B.A., M.D. Bradridge Thomas, corn merchant &; Fox Thomas, tailor
Brook house farmer, Park gate Freeman John, shopkeeper
Lampet Rev. William Edward Lionel Bright.Benj. farm~r,. Waltham cross Goldstone Waiter, saddler
M.A., J.P. (vicar, rural dean & Brunwm Alfred .WIllIs, farmer Goodbody Edmund Ernest RA., M.D.,
surrogate), Vicarage Broyd John, brIcklayer 13. Oh. &; RA.O.Dub. surgeon, IG
Newman Mrs. North place Carder John, builder &; plasterer medical officer &; public vaccinator,
Pritchard Rev. Edward Cook Bard- Chap man Ed\Nard Will lam, en- Bardfield district, Dunmow union, &;
field hall ' g i l l e e r &; smith; engines &; agri- medical officer of health to the DUJl-
Sail dIe Miss 'l.'own house cultural machines repaired &c mow Rural District Council, Brook
Smith Edw;rd, Northampton house Chapman Silvanus, ~ssistant ~verseer house
Smith Mrs. Great lodge & clerk to the ParIsh CouncIl, Gar- H~wkes Herbt. beer ret. & blacksmith
Smith Misses Ethel house
Whitmell Ch~rles
deners farm
IHltchcock J oseph, shoe maker
Chinn George Seine, grocer &; draper Holland Sidney Ben, Bell Inn P.B. &;
Clapson Edwin, White Hart P.H. &; plumber &; painter
COMMERCIAL. carrier Hope Coffee &; Reading Rooms (WaIter
Adams F. T. cycle agent County Police Station (Fredk. Stock, 1Yilliams, proprietor)
Adams John, butcher inspector) Ives John, Vine commercial hotel
Adshead }<'lorence Amy (Mrs.), farmer, Crossman William, plumber, painter King Fredk. Augustus. farmer, Fann's
Beslyns &; glazier; &; at Finchingfiel~ Letch Thomas Augustus, baker &; corn
Bardfield Mineral Water &; Fuel Co. Davey Daniel, watch maker, school at- &; coal merchant, Rill house
Lim. mineral water makers (W~alter te:gdance officer &; parish clerk Mortlock Chas, Luke, farmer, Litches
"~illiams, manager) . . Dodds T. &; Son,. general dealers Mumford Thomas Elisha. shoe maker .
Newman Wm.Smith,frmr.Bluegate hall Robinson William, wheelwright Thake Mary (Miss), dress maker
Parkin Frederick, farm bailiff to Guy's Sewell George, shoe maker Thorn Francis Samuel, baker
Hospital, Little lodge Smith 'l'hos. Dixon, frmr. Claypit hall Thorn George, beer retailer
Piper Charles, market gardener Smith Thos. S. miller (water &i wind) Thurgood William, saddler
Piper Charles (Mrs.), shopkeeper Sparrow George, draper & ironmonger Town Hall (Henry Smith, secretary)
Piper Charles Henry, general dealer Snekling John, tailor Turner Henry (Mrs.), dress maker
Porter Joseph & Son, coach builders Swan William, job master, Hill place Wal'dAlbert, beer retailer
Porter Minnie (Miss), dress maker Tanner Joseph William & Sons, grocers, Ward Louisa (Miss), dress maker
Poulter James, farmer, Halfway house drapers & ironmongers, Post office Whitmell Charles, farmer, Place
Prance J oseph, baker & confectioner
LITTLE BARDFIELD is a parish and viilage, on bridge. Here are five almshouses for old and destitute
the south bank of the river Blackwater, 10 miles east- womBn and a Kational school, founded by Mrs. Sarah
by-north from Elsenham station on the main line, and Bernard, l':"ovember 12, 1774; the united income amounts
10 north-west from Braintree and 8 north-east from Dun- to about £60 yearly. Little Bardfield Hall is the residence
mow stations on the Dunmow and Braintree branch of of Richard Oreed esq. who is lord of the manor; Mrs.
the Great Eastern railway, and 3 east from Thaxted, Payne, of Moor Hall, Messrs. John Harrison Raven,
in the Northern division of the county, Freshwell hundred M. N. Rhodes, and Major Marsham are the principal
and petty sessional division, Dunmow union and county landowners. The soil is mixed; sub&oil', rprincipally
court district, and in the rural deanery of Sampford, clay. The chief crop.s are wheat, barley, oats and beans.
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .A.1bans. The area is 1,806 acres; rateable value, £1,349; the
The church of St. Katherine is a small and very ancient population in 1901 was 283.
building of flint, of presumed Saxon date, consisting of HA.WKSPYE GREEN, I mile north from the church,
chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western Great Hyde, I mile north-west, and Oxen End, a mile
tower containing 2 bells: the windows were inserted and a half south-east, are hamlets {)f this- parish.
during the Decorated period; the organ chamber has By Local Government Board Order 122,326, March 124,
been added by the present rector, and contains a fine 1889, two detached parts of this parish were added to
organ of the 17th ceRtury 'by Harris: the south porch Great Bardfield.
was repaired in 1894, at the expense of Richard Creed Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Dorken.
esq. and a figure of St. Katherine placed over the entrance: Wall Letter Box cleared at 5 p.m. week days & sundays.
there is a rood cross with emblems of the Evangelists Letters received through Braintree arrive at 8 p.m.
and the Agnus Dei: the chancel hag. a good east window from Great Bardfield, which is the nearest money ord~r
.and a reredos of alabaster: the church has 150 sittings. & telegraph office, one mile distant
The register dates from the year 1539. The living is::l National School (mixed), founded in 1774 by Mrs. Sarah
Tectory, ne·t yearly yalue £275, with 68 acres of glebe Bemard & endowed as above stated, for 18 children;
and residence, in the gift of and held since 1864 by the was enlarged in 1871, and will hold 94 children;
Rev. Richard Henry White M.A. of Jesus College, Cam- average attendance, 42; Miss Flora M. Davey, mistress
Creed Richard, Little Bardfield hall Andrews A.lfred, farm bailiff to Major King Charles, farmer, Copps farm
Overall Mrs Marsbam, Little Bardfield Hall & ~\'Iihill John, Snread Eag-Ie P.H. &; bakr
Payne Mrs. Moor hall Markswood farms Mizen Jonas. farmer, Dixon's farm
'l'ownsend John Angell Mark, farm bailiff to Mrs. Raven In. Harrison, frmr. Hyde's frm
White Rev. Richard Henry M.A. (rec- Payne, Moor hall Rhodes M. Northorp, farmer &; land-
tor), Rectory Betts Joseph, miller (wind) &J assist- owner
Adams Thomas, farm bailiff to F. A. ant overseer SadIer G. A. E. farmer, Wainsfords
King esq. Grove farm


:BA..RKIXG is a town and parish and railway station, on The Oouncil also obtained an Order in 1899 from the
the road from London to Southend, 7 miles from White- Board of Trade for the construction and working of tram-
chapel church, 2 south from Ilford and 6 south- ways in the district.
west from Romford, in the Southern division of Barking is called in the Domesday Survey "Burchingas."
the county, Becontree hundred and petty sessional divi- Of the place little or nothing is knofm until the founda-
sion, Romford union and county court district, and in I tion of the Benedictine abbey, about the year 670, by St.
the rural deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex Bnd Erkenwald, Bishop of London (675-8S). in the reigns of
diocese of St. .A1bans. The parish is separated from Sighere and Sebba (663-693), lrings of the East Saxons:
Dagenham by the river Rom, having the Thames on the the founder being grandson of Uffa, the first Saxon king
south, and from East and West Ham and Little llford . of the East Angles (575-82), and the first bishop who sat
by the river Roding, which is navigable for barges from in the see of London after the erection of St. Paul's by
the Thames to Great mord. The parish was separated ; King Ethelbert: this abbey was dedicated to the Virgin,
from Ilford 29 Sept. 1888, by Act of Parliament, and is and is said to have been the first religious house estab-
now a distinct civil parish of itself: in March, 1890, lished for women in the kingdom. The original charter
boundary posts were erected by the parish at a cost of of endowment by Hodelied, father of King Sebba, is
.bout £70, to mark the boundary between Barking and among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum; but
East Ham, Ilford and Dagenham. The parish is under the names of the estates or lordships are so changed that
the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police. The town was it is utterly impossible t() trace them. William the Con-

formerly governed by a Local Board, created by Local I queror confirmed the original grants, as did also all the
Government Board Order, Oct. 14, 1882, and district en- succeeding monarchs down to Henry VII. The first
tended 1885, to include the whole of the parish; the latter I abbess was Ethelburga, sister of the founder; and it is 8
is now,under the provisions of the "~cal Government .Act, : fact worthy of note as showing the importance of the
1894" (56 & 57 Vict. c. 73), controlled by an Urban Dis- . parish in past ages that most. of the abbesses were of
trict Oouncil of 12 members. The town was sewered in high rank, and some of them of the blood royal; one
[885, at a cost of £18,000; the outfall is on land at being Oswyth, daughter of Ethelfrith, King of Northum-

Laby's Marsh, where are precipitating tanks of concrete, bria (593-617), and another Ethelburga, wife of Ina, king
.each holding 300,000 gallons, the effluent passing into the of the West Saxons (668-728). Maud, or Matilda, daugh-
Thames. The gas and water supply is in the hands of ter of Malcolm Ill. King of Scotland, and wife of Henry 1.

local companies. The London, Tilbury and Southend at one time. swayed the destinies of the monastery, as
Railway Company have a station here, and in June, 1888, did also another Maud, daughter and heir of Eustace,
~ompleted and opened for traffic their direct line from this Count of Boulogne, and wife of King Stephen; in suc-
(llace to Southend. 1cession to whom Henry H. appointed Mary, sister of
The Urban Council under a Provisional Order made Thomas-a.-Becket, as abbess: during these periods several
-an installation of the electric light in 1.898, at a total kings are related to have dwelt within the abbey walls,
oast, up to 1902, of £26,790, and now undel'tal.e both and William the Conqueror is said to have taken up his
the public lighting of the district as well a$ furni,shing abode here during the building of his fortress in London.
1ilUpplies to private consumers. .An Order for a light I In 1376 a great inundation broke down the banks of the
railway, between Barking and Beckton, was obtained in Thames at .Dagenham, the repairs of which greatly im-
189'8; the cost of the und~rt.aking will be about. £42,000. poverished the nuns; Eleanor (de Bohun), widow of
Thomas Plantagenet (of Woodstock), Duke of Gloucester, residence, in the gift of All Souls College, Oxford, and
retired hither on the death of her husband in 1397, and held since 1895 by the Rev. Percr Montague Wathen M.A.
here she died, 3rd October, 1399; here also Edmund and of University College, Oxford.'
Jasper Tudor, sons of Catherine of Valois, daughter of St. Paul's, Ripple road, is a chapel of ease to the parish
Charles VI. of France and wife of Sir Owen Tudor, were church. Park Hall Mission Church is in Axe street.
educated: the abbesses were appointed by the king till The Catholic church, built in 1'869, and dedicated to
1200 and held baronial rank. by virtue of their landed SS. Mary and Ethelburga, affords 300 sittings; the Con-
possessions. The abbey was surrendered to Henry VIII. gregational chapel, first founded in 1662, will seat 550
on the 14th November, 1539, at which time its revenues persons; the Wesleyan chapel, built in 1869, has 500
amounted to £1,084 yearly, an annual pension of 200 sittings; the Baptist chapel, in Linton road, built in
marks (£133 6s. Iod.) being granted to Dorothy Barley, 1850, affords sittings for 700 persons; and there is
the last abbess. The site of the monastery with its another in North street, seating 70 persons. The Chris-
demesne lands was leased by the king to Sir Thomas tian Brethren meet in Park hall, Axe street. The Friends'
Dennye and not long afterwards granted by Edward VI. meeting house is in the North street. The North .Africa
to Edward Fynes, Lord Clinton, who immediately trans- Nonconformist Mission has offices here a,t 29 and 3 I
ferred it to Sir Richard Sackville; subsequently it was Linton road; its object is to evangelise Morocco, Algeria,
again vested in the Crown, and was granted by James I. Tunis, Tripoli, Egypt &c. and the mission has now
to Augustine Steward, who died seised of this property in (19 02 ) IOO missionaries in these countries: the income
1628: in 1747 it was purchased by Joseph Keeling, and for 19 01 , ·raised by voluntary 'subscriptions, was a little
is now held by Sir Edward Hulse bart. D.L., J.P. of over £9,000; Mr. E. H. Glermy, hon. sec.
Breamore House, Salisbury: there is scarcely a vestige A Cemetery, 12 acres in extent, with mortuary chapel,
now remaining of the once magnificent abbey, nor have was formed here in 1886, at a cost of £6,000, and was
:any of the main buildings been standing for centuries. enlarged in 1901 by the addition of 5 acres, ,at a cost
l\Ir L th· lli h I d f th b t· of £r,9 00 ; since March, 18 97, it has been under the.
• . e Ieu er, w en or 0 e manor, y excava mg control of the Urban District Council. In the Friends'
.cm the site, was enabled to make out the ground plan of
the abbey, or of some considerable portion of it: in 18 76 Cemete'ry Mr.s. Elizabeth Fry, the eminent philanthropist,
h L d Ch I d h k I f who died at Ramsgate, 12 Oct.. 18 45, is interred.
the foundations of t e a ye ape an t e s e etons 0 The charities include the following :-1. In the year
two abbesses, buried in front of the altar, were dis-
covered in the grounds belonging to the National Schools, I818 James Hayes left £4,000 (3 per cent. Reduced .An-
a part of the site which does not appear to have been nuities). 2, Mrs. .Ann NepLon left an estate to the
examined by Mr. Lethieullier: at the entrance to the Poulterers' Company of London, subject to a yearly rent-
churchyard is an ancient gateway tower of two stories, charge of £40 , to be distributed by the master and.
with an embattled parapet and an octagonal turret at one wardens of that company in 5 s . gifts to 160 poor persons
~mgle, rising above the parapet; the upper stage formed yearly in :May. 3· Sir Thomas Fanshawe gave for the
the chapel of the Holy Rood; this tower, although erected benefit of the poor of the parish of Barking the Market
in the Decorated period long su1J.sequentIy to the founda- House and tolls, with seven cottages, the latter now
tion of the monastery,. is sufficiently interesting, from the producing £20 yearly. 4· Sir ThomaSi Campbell's legacy
fact that within its walls the curfew bell is, said to have of £:roo, expended in the purchase of land in Eastbury
tolled at eight o'clock; it is by some called the fire-bell Marsh, realizes £24 yearly. 5· Cotlands' charity con-
gate, and this may be so, for the curfew bell was as well sists of about 5 acres of ancient copyhold poor's land,
a note of alarm a.s an indication of the hour of rest; held of the manor of Barking, and producing £25 yearly,
during six months of the year one of the bells in the but a portion of this land was sold in 18g6 to the Urban
Council to form the New Recreation Ground. 6.
church t,ower is st.m tolled nightly at eight and in the Jona1l'han and Thomas Oollett left certain lands, known
morning at five o'clock, merely as perpetuating an £
ancienb custom: another gabeway, leading into the pre- as "Kings' Bridge Marsh," since sold for 1,500 and
cincts of the abbey, was pulled down in 1'88r. vested in the 21 per Cents. : an annual dividend of £4 8 9s .
The church of St. Margaret is a structure of Kentish arising herefrom is distributed by the ch!lrchwardens
rag chiefly of Perpendicular date, with some Norman and in bread every Sunday morning among the deserving
Early English features, and consists of chancel, nave, poor. 7· Fowkes' charity enables the authorities of
south aisle, two north aisles running parallel to each other Barking and Ilford to send two boys, sons of parishioners,
for the whole length of the building, north porch and a to Christ's Hospital, West Horsham. 8. In I614 John
lofty embattled western tower containing a clock and 8 Wilde left to the poor of Barking a house in East street,
fine-toned bells: it was originally appropriated to the containing four rooms, occupied rent free by poor people
placed in them by the parish officers; but this property
monastery, and previously to I3 28 there had been two becoming very dilapidated was sold to :Mr. William Lake
vicarages in the church of Barking, distinguished as St. for £225 and two new almshouses were built adjoining
MargareVs-on-the-North and St. Margaret"s-on-the-South, the seven almshouses in East street, making in the
but abo?t this period they were united, altho~gh it w~s I whole nine alms houses of four rooms each, rent free, con-
not untll I39 8 that they were .legally consohdated: m taining about 21 inmates. 9. There are eight other
153 6 ~n agreement was entered mto between the abbess charities, arising either from rents of land or investments,
and VIcar of ~hat. date for th~ .paymen~ by the f?rmer of and producine on the aggregate about £3 0 yearly,
£10 ):"early I?- heu of prOVISIOns WhIch ~he VIcar cu~- variously distributed in money, bread and coals.
tomanly receIv~d from. the. conv~nt for hImself an~ hIS The Town Hall, in the Broadway, formerly the market
servant, and thIS sum IS StI~ paId to the p;esent VIcar.: house, has an overhanging upper storey, and a portion
among the fine monuments In the church IS one. to S~r of the wooden arcade below still remains
Charles :Montague, of Cranbrook, Kent,. representmg hIS The D Company of the 1st Volunteer Battalion, Essex
deat~ on the field of battle; and there IS a mural .tablet Regiment, have their headquarters at :rr Queen's road.
to SIr Orlando Humfreys bart. d. 14 June, I717: In the The offices of the Urban Council in East street erected
chllucel are ?rasse~ wi~h e~gies to Thomas Broke, oh. for the late 'Local Board, at a co~t of £I2,73 8, 'contains
I493, and AlIce, hIS WIfe, wI~h a son and; to the public free lending and reference library, the former
.John T~dcas~ell, gent. and ElIzabeth (Mey), hIS WIfe, ob. comprising about 8,000 volumes and the latter 1,200:
1596 , WIth mne sons and seven daughters, and one of a ; here also are the fire brigade station and public mor-
priest, in acad~mic dress, with chalic<;, the inscription! tuary.
gon.e, .c. :£480: ~n the nave and s?uth aIsle are brass 1.U- Public Baths were ereded in 11899 by the Urban
scnptlOns to Ehz~,?eth Hobart, wld~w, ob. 1590 ; ChrIs- Council at an estimated cost of £8,250.
topher Merell, CltIz.en .and goldsmIth, of Lo~d;Jll, ob. I The Public Recreation Ground, formed and laid out at
159 8, ret. 60, and ~IS s~st~r Anne Yardley, a WIdow, ob. I a cost of £22,000, was opened in April, 18 9 8.
I579, and another InSCrIptIOn to seven sons, c. 1530: the The Victoria Gardens laid out in commemoration of
chancel retains several .aumbries: there are sittings for the Diamond Jubilee 01 her late Majesty, Queen Vic-
930 persons. Th.e r~gIsters date from the year 1558. toria, at a cost of £600, were opened in May, 1897.
The rectory, wh.Ich III I541 had .been leased to Mary The market is held on Saturday, and the fair, formerly
BIackenhall, conSIsted of all such tithes as had not been held on October 23rd, has been abolished. There are
previously leased; it subsequently fell into the hands of rope yards, India rubber works, and an aerated water
the Crown, by, whom it was sold in I550 (together with manufactory, and at the mouth of the Roding Creek,
the advowson of the vicarage) to Robert Thomas and on the Thames, are gunpowder magazines and chemical
Andrew Salter; the greater portion of it afterwards manure works.
passed to the trustees of the will of William Pownsett, The Beckton works of the Gas Light and Coke Co. are
of Loxford (steward to the last abbess), who being partly situated in this district, and employ some thousands
desirous of bestowing his subst.ance on charitable objects, of hands.
gave the rectory and advowson to the Warden and The North London Main Drainage Sewer passes through
Fellows of All Souls· College, Oxford. The living' is a. the marsh lands on the banks of the Il"iver Boding, and
viearage, net yearly value £313, with 6 acres of glebe and the reservoir, or main outfall, is constructed on lands in

Earking parish, on the west side of the mouth of Earking The manor of Earking, which is paramount all over t1l.e
Creek, and covers an area of nearly 10 acres, to which hundred, remained in the Crown till James I. sold it to
an dddition of from 6 to 7 acres of reservoir space was Sir Thomas Fanshawe kt. of J enkins; since then it has
made in 1887-9, when engine houses and settling tanks been in the families of Humphrey and Gore; it was pur-
were built at a cost of about £5°0,000: the reservoir, chased of the latter by Smart Lethieullier esq. and is
formed of brick, with a stone flooring, and resting on now the property of Sir Edward Hulse bart. a descendan'
foundations of concrete, 20 feet deep, is divided into four of Mary, the last heiress of the Lethieullier family.
compartments, and wiU hold 39,000,000 gallons of sewage, The principal landowners are the Marquess of Salis-
the whole of which is here precipitated by chemical bury K:G., P.C. and Sir Edward Henry Hulse bart. of
means; the effluent is discharged into the river, and the Breamore House, Salisbury.
residue or sludge, after further treatment, is pumped
into steamers and carried away to sea. The parish contains 3,80g acres of land, 5 of water, :219
Eastbury House, about I mile from Barking, is an of tidal water and 87 of foreshore; rateable value,
ancient and very spacious gabled mansion of brick in the £Ql,153' The population ,of the entire parish in 1891
Domestic Tudor style; the buildings surround three was 14,301. The population of Barking ward and town
sides of a quadrangle, and include an octagonal tower in I8g'1 was 14,30'1 and in Ig01, 21,547,
rising above the roofs, and a tall stack of curiously-
decorated chimneys; the mullioned windows are retained RIPPLESIDE consists of a number of scattered farms,
but the interior has been modernised; this house is extending from I to 3 miles east from Earking, near thtt
connected by tradition with the Gunpowder Plot, some bank of the Thames. The population is included with
accounts designating it as a meeting place of the con- Barking. T(} the north-west are Great Porters and
spirators and others as the residence of Lord Monteagle; Parsloes. Parsloes Grounds are now used by the Essex
it is now used as a farm house; the estate on which it Amateur Trotting As'sociation.
stands belongs to the Sterry family.


Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel VOLUN'l'EiE.RS,
Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 32 East st. 1st Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (D Company)·
-.Alfred J. Holliday, postmaster. Letters dispatched head quarters, I I Queen's road; Capt. W.C. Shepherd;
at Ioa.m. & 12'40, 5·IO & 9·45 p.m. & on sundaJs WaIter Smith, sergeant-instructor; Rev. H. H. Hen-
at 9.45 p.m.; delIvered at 7 &; 8,45 a.m. & 3 &; 7· 15 son M.A. acting chaplain
p.m. Money order office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Post office savings bank open daily, ,same hours as PUBLIC OFFICERS.
money order office; for telegrams till 9 p.m Asst. Overseer, AlIen 'Wand, Town hall & 27 Church road
Parcel Post deliveries 8.45 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; dispatches, Certifying Factory Surgeons, Charles Francis Fenton
12.30 &; 9.45 p.m L.R.C.P.Lond. 26 Linton Toad & Hemy Bowen Perkins
Town Sll'b-Post &; M. O. 0., S. E. &; Annuity & Insurance L.R.C.P.Lond. Park house, Longbridge road & 2~
Office, 120 East street.-Alf. Kirkman, sub-postmaster. Broadway
Dispatches at 8, 9.15 & II.45 a,.m.; 2.4°, 4.3°, 6 & Medical Officers &; Public Vaccinators, Romford Union,
9 p.m.; 9. IS p.m. sundays No. 4 District, Henry Bowen Perkins L.R.C.P.Lond.
Wall Letter Box, Barking Creek, cleared at 8.30 a.m. Park house. Longbridge road & 23 Broadway; No. 9
&; 4.30 p.m. week days District, Frank Edward Gibbens L.R.C.P.Lond. I()
Cambridge road
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. ' Registrar of Births, Deaths &; Marriages, Earking Sub-
Council chambers, Public offices, East street. District, Romford Union, William Pink, 24 Longbridge
Toad; deputy, Sidney James Pink, 24 Longbridge road
Meeting day, the fourth tuesday in every month at Relieving &; Vaccination Officer, No. I District, Romford
7 p.m. Union, Henry Richard Saunders, 14 Wakering road
Members. Tax Collector &; Assessor, Charles Brown, 76 East street
Chairman, John ,Newell Reeson. Vestry Clerk, Samuel Glenny, I09 East street
Vice-Chairman, Henry Berry. PLACES OJ<~ WORSHIP, with times of services.
Retire in April Retire in A nril St. Margaret's Church, Rev. Percy Montague 'Vathen
Wil1liam Gibbard 1903 Thomas Smith... 1904 M.A. vicar; Revs. Harry de Vitre Watson M.A. Henry
Wm. Kenaz Marnott 1903 Henry Berry 1905 Edward Emmet RA. Arthur Napier Morgan B.A. &,
Dennis Sullivan 1903 Latimer Crow 1905 Cyril St. George Poole M.A. curates; 8 & I I a.m. &.
John Wilson 1903 Hambleton Athol Ham- 2·45 & 6.3 0 p.m.; daily, 7.30 a.m. &; 5.30 p.m
. Frederick Galley......... 19°4 iltan..... .. .. . .. ... ... .. . 19°5 St. Paul's Church,Ripple road, chapel of ease, served
Charles Goodman 1904 Albert Edward Martin. 1905 by Rev. H. de V. Watson M.A. & Rev. A. N. Morgan
James Newell Reeson 1904 I RA.; same times of services
Park Hall Mission Church, Axe st. Rev. Sam!. Levermore
Offi'cials. School Church, CTeeksmoutb; 8 a.m. (1st sunday in each
Clerk, Edwin Hutchinson Lister, Public offices, East st month) &; 6.30 p.m.; fridays, 8 p.m
Treasurer, Robert Woodhams, London & South Western SS. Mary &; Ethelburga Catholic, Linton road, Rev.
Bank, Fenchurch street, London E C Alfred William Clements, priest; 8, 9.30 & I I a.m. &.
Medical Officer of Health, Charles Francis Fenton L.R.C.P. 3 &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m.; daily mass 8 a.m. &
Lond. 26 Linron Toad holy days 7 & 9 a.m
Surveyor &; Consulting Surveyor, Charles Ford Daw- Baptist Tabernacle, Linton road, Rev. Hugh Trueman-;
son F.R.I.E.A. 70 East st'l'eet I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. sundays; mono & wed. 7.30 p.m
Electrical Engineer, Arthur H. Seabrook, Public offices, Baptist Meeting Room, North street; I I a.m. &; 6 p.m.;
East street tues. 7 p.m
Accountant, William Dennison, Public offices, East street Erethren, Axe street, I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m
Consulting Electrical Engineer, W. C. E. Hawtayne, Congregational, Broadway, Rev. Thomas Davies; I I a.m.
Public Offices, East street & 6.301 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Sanitary Inspector &; Inspector of Petroleum, Harry Wood, Primitive Methodist, Linton road (West Ham Branch
Public offices, East street Circuit), Rev. 'I'. H. Bickerton; 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ;
Collector, Alfred H. London, Park avenue tues. 7.30 p.m
Wesleyan, East street, Rev. Charles Marriott Greenway;
1 I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Friends' Meeting House, North street; I I a.m. & 6.30
Almshouses, East st,reet p.m.; mondays, 7.30 p.m
Cemetery, Rippleside, Edwin H. Lister, clerk; Thomas Peculiar People, Queen's road; 10.301 a.m. &, 2.30 &; 6.30
Booton, supt p.m.; tuesdays &; thursdays, 7.30 p.m
Council Fire Brigade, engine station, East street, J. J. Mission Room, Barking Creek
Quash, captain & 13 men
Metropolitan Police 8tation, North street, .tohn Eeer, SCHOOLS.
inspector, 5 sergeants &; 32 constables Technical Instruction Committee, Public Library (HenTY
Public Library, East street, Josiah T. Edwards, sec.; Berry, chairman; J. T. Edwards, secretary)
George Jackson; libranan A School Board of 7 members was formed October g,
Town Hall, Broadway, Samuel Glenny, clerk; John Bar. 1889, &; meets at the Board offices on the 3rd wed. iD

bel', hall keeper the month at 8 p.m.; J. T. Edwards, 24 East streltt~
clerk; WaIter R. Smithyes, Glenny road &, Thomas residences, in 1872, at a cost of' £4,000, &, enlarged in .
Barton, Glenny road, attendance officers 1889 at an expense of £1,200, for 390 boys & 390 girls;
Board School, Gascoigne road, erected in 1890 at a cost average attendance, 3201 boys & 245 girls; Robert Gar-
of £15,000, & enlarged in 1901 at a further cost of stang, master; Miss Elizabeth Thompson, mistress
£6,000, for 532 boys, 532 girls &, 660 infants; average I National Infants' School, Back lane, erected in 1896, for
attendance, 512 boys, 515 girls & 609 infants; Aluert 350 children; average attendanee, 288; Miss A. Per-
Boulton, master; Miss Margaret, J. Coles. mistress; kins, infants' mistress
Miss Mary McCaig, infants' mistress Catholic (mixed), Linton road, built in 18-89 & enlarged in
Iloard School, North s,treet, erected in 1896, for 545 boys,' 1902, for 340 children; average attendance, 249; Mrs.
545 girls & 620 infants; average attendance 4II boys, Katherine Flynn, mistress; infants', for 140 children;
320 girls & 323 infants; William Nield, master; Miss average attendance, IIO; Miss Elizabeth Byrne, mist
Sarah A. Witcomb, mistress; Miss Mary Taylor, in- Wesleyan (mixed), East street, for 286 children; average
fants' mistress attendance, 170; infants' accommodation, 70; average
Board School (Castle) (mixed), Rippleside, built in 1896, attendance, 60; Arthur G. Witcomb, master; Mrs.
for 300 boys, girls & infants; average attendance, 100; Lucy Harvey, infants' mistress
",Vilham Haslam, master; Miss Maria Marlow, mis- Ragged (sunday), White's court, 'Broadway
tress; Miss A. Rees, infants' mistress I Railway Station, East st.; Wm. Chalk, station master
Eoard (mixed), Greeksmouth, built in 1902, at a cost of Carriers to London.-Charles Leftley, from 22 Nelson st.
£3.736, for 120 boys,girls & infants; John Benson,mast every morning, returning same evening; Carter, Pater•
.National (boys & girls), Back lane, built, with teachers' son & Co. & Pickford &; Co. twice daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Greenway Rev. Charles Marriott (Wes- ~iatthews In. Wm. 86 Longbridge I'd
leyan), 74 Longbridge road ,Mills James, 66 Longbridge road
,Berry Henry, 38 Linton road Hambleton Atholl, 29 Tanner street Nleld William, 30 Park avenue
Bodman George, 76 Longbridge road Harris Edward, 201 North street Norris George, 42 L~nton road
BouIton Albert Edwd. 28 Park avenue Hatch William, 68 Longbridge road OliveI' Jsph. Fredk. 26 Park avenue
130wey Miss, Lydbrook, Cambridge I'd Herden Mrs. 23 Longbridge road Partington Thos. Henry, 48 Linton I'd
Brown Joseph, 8Q Longbridge road Hewett Robt. Muirhead, 100 North st Perkins Henry Bowen L.R.C.P,Lond.
Burrows Everenden, 30 Linton road Himer Francz, 21 Longhridge road Park house, Longbridge road
Chatting William, 22 Cambridge road Hollington William, 27 Longbr~dge: I'd Poole Rev. 'Cyril St. George RA. (cu-
Clements Rev. Alfred Wm. (Catholic), Rome Geo, Andrew, 49 Longhridge I'd rate), Clergy house
41 Linton road Rowgego 'WaIter, 50 Park avenue Preston 'Stanley Richard, 27 Linton I'd
Coates Henry, 18 Camhridge road Jackson Daniel Thomas, r06 Ripple I'd Quash John Thomas, 9 Linton road
Coggins Waiter W. 43 Longbridge rd Jackson Gearge, Ivy cot. James street Richardson In, Saml. 54 Park avenue
Cox Patrick, 52 Linton road King John, 38 Longbridge road Robertson John, 45 Longbridge road
Davey Frank, 65 Westbury road King Philip, 25 Church road Scott William, 22 Linton road
Davey George William, Barking creek Kirk \Villiam, 70 Longbridge road Sheffield James, 107 Axe street
Davies Rev. Thomas (Congregational), Kirkman Henry, 84 Longbridge road SneIl WaIter Thomas, 41 East street
The Manse, Glenny road Knowles Henry Walter, 199 North st Soul Mrs. 29 Church road
Davies Edward .A. I Tanner street Lake Mrs. 30 Longbridge road Spiro Francis, 17 Longbridge road
Dawson C. J. Wykeham ho.Queen's I'd Lamb :Mrs. 72 Longbridge road Stitt John, 35 Longbridge road
Edwards Jas. Thos. 34 Longbridgoe I'd Levermore Rev. Samuel (Park Hall Trueman Rev. Hugh (Baptist), 47
Fenton Charles Francis L.R.C.P.Lond. Mission Church), 7'8 Longbridge I'd Cambridge road
26 Linton road Llgertwood John M,D. 23 Broadway TUl'nbam Geo. Knight, 22 Park aven
Fowell R:cha.rd, 46 Oambridge road L'srer Ed:win H. 41 Longhridge road Waltham Edward Hawkins, 31 Long-
Galley Frederick, 207 Ripple road Louth Joseph, 23 Tanner street bridge road
Gibbard William, 48 Cambridge road McOappin James, 44 Linton road Wathen Rev. Perey Montague M.A.
Gibbens Fk. Edwd. IQ Cambridge I'd McDonald John M.A" M.B. II2 Gas. The Vicarage, Ripple road
Glenny Thomas W. 68 East street coigne road WeIler In. Alfred, 102 Longbridge I'd
Glenny William Wallis J.P. Cecil Marriott ""Villiam Kenaz, Manor house, White Miss, 2{ Park avenue
house, East street Long-bridge road Willett Robert, 33 East street
Gould John Thos. 20 Cambridge road Mason Rugh Her'bt.J.P,2'I & 23 East st Wilson J. Elizabeth viI. Sparshott I'd
Green Peter, 21 Westbury road :Mathieson Joim, 8 Longbridge road Young Thomas, 90 Longbridge road
CO:llMERCIAL. Barking, East Ham & llford .Advertiser (Essex Weekly
Early closing day, Thursday, 2 p.m. News Series Limited, Chelmsford, proprietors; pub-
.Adams William E. fruiterer, 87 Cooke street lished every sat.), 57 Broadway
.Aiken Robert, insurance agent, 130 Ripple road Barleyman Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, West bank
Albio.'1 Samuel. blacksmith, 76 East street Barnard Henry, bird fancier, 7 Back lane
.Albon Frederick, refreshment rooms, 8 Axe street Barnard Robert, Illue Anchor P.H. 52 Heath street
Aldridge Flora (Mrs.), laundry, 231 Boundary road Barnett Edwin Wm. cycle maker, 35 Wakering road
Allingham Alfred Woollett, Ship P.H. 32 Heath street Bamett William, clerk, 36 Longbridge road
.Almond WilIiam, shopkeeper, 138 Gascoigne road Barton Charles PhilIip, clothier, 65 East street
.Anderson George, shopkeeper, I Monteagle avenue Barton Thomas, school attendance officer, 43 Glenny rd
Andersou Henry, grocer, II4 Gascoigne road Bates Alfred Ernest, Queen's Head F.H. 16 Broadway
Anstey Ruth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, II Tanner sfJreet Bayfield Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 120 Linton road
Argoent Susannah (Mrs.) ,beer retailer, 108 North skeet Beacock Henry William, beer retailer, 82 Ripple Toad
.Ash John, boot maker, 38 Heath street Bean Alfred James, shopkeeper, 102 Gascoigne road
'Badsey J ane Salvin (Mrs,), tchr of music, 42 Wakering I'd Beaumont Thomas (Mrs.), butcher, I4 Noo-th street
Bailey Alfred, dairy, West bank Beddow Jesse, oilman, 33 North street
Baker Bros. provision dealers, 84 Ripple road BelIamy Lewis, house decorator, 63 Wakering road
RakeI' Gear!!e Thomas, hair dresser, 27 Axe street Bennett Harry, shopkeeper, 91 St. Ann's road
Baldry ""Villiam, news agent, 16 Ohurch road ! Bennett John, fried fish dealer, 74 North street
Baldwin Richard Hy. hair dresser, 122 Gascoigne road Bentley Edwd. J. insurance agent, 36 Wakering road
Bannister George, corn dealer, 20 Gascoigne Toad Bentley Henry T. J. shopkeeper, 36 Heath street
Barber Henry, umbrella maker, 14 Gascoigne road Bere Charles Edrnund, greengrocer, !IS East street
'Barking Almshouses, East street . Berry George John, beer retailer, Gascoigne road
Barking Fire Brigade Station (John J. Quash, captain), Berrv John, beer retailer, 109 North street
East street ' Bethell William, laundry, 1'3 Gascoigne Toad
Barking Gas Works (Rt. Wm. Reidie, mgr,), Hart st Bishop Walter Henry, George P.H. Broadway
Barking Guano Works (Daniel de Pass & Co. proprie- Bissell Thomas James, ilfonmonger, 6 North street
tors), Barking creek Bisset Alexander, hardware dealer, 94 East street
Barking Public Library (George Jackson, librarian; I Black J ane (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, 6 Axe street
Josiah T. Edwards, sec.), East street Bodman George, solicitor, 76 Longbridge road
Barking Town Urban District Council (Edwin H. Lister, BonaI' Helen (Miss), confectioner, I I East street
clerk), East street Bones Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 175 North street
Barking Town Urban District Council Recreation Ground, Bones 1Viiliam, house decorator, 19 Wakering Toad
Longbridge road Boswell David, french polisher, IS North street
Barking & East Ham Provident Dispe.nsary (Perkins & Bosworlh Gearge, Red Lion P.R. 66 North street
McDonald. surgeons), Broadway Bowen Samuel, provision dealer, 79 Wakering road


Bower Fred, fishmonger, 58 Fisher street Dendy & Mathieson, ironfounders & mechanical engi-
Bowles Alfred, plasterer, 40 Linton road neers, London Scottish foundry, London :l'oad
Bowyer Spencer, butcher, 3 East street Denman George, eating house. 34 Heath street
B1"llcci Eugene, confectioner, 37 Heath street Dennis William, greengrocer. I'8 Coverdale road
Bragg Frederick, beer retailer, West bank Dennison William, accountant to the Urban District.
Brigden Hen~y, carman, 62 Kennedy road Council. Public offices, East street
British Anti-Fouling Composition & Paint Co. Lim. (The), DevesonCharles,corn merchant)I4 Broadway &; lI8 East st
paint manufacturers, Barking creek Dockerill Rohert, hair dresser, 44 Broadway
Britten Albert, wardrobe dealer, 41 North street Dodd William George, shopkeeper, 101 Morley road
Broom Alfred, commercial traveller, III Glenny ;road Donaldson James, engineer, Fisher street
• Brown Charles, house agent & collector & assessor of Dormer Arthur, chimney sweep. 30 Back lane
King's taxes, 76 East street Dowsett Charles. fishmonger, 14 & 16 Heath street
Brown John, boot repairer, 50 Bamford road Draine Samuel William, shopkeeper. 28 Coverrlale road
Brown Peter, boot repairer, 103 Gascoigne road Duffield Isabel, Mal'ia & Edith Florence (Misses), bekers,
Brown Robt, George, farmer, Manor & Longbridge farms 17 Broadway
Brown Samuel, plumber & gas fitter, 71 North street Duncombe George, shopkeeper, 145 Ripple road
Brown Thomas, collector of poor rates, 17 Linton road Dyer James, commercial traveller, 43 Cambridge road
Brown William, tobacconist, 63 East street Dyster Charles, baker. 59 Broadway
Brydon Geo. Wm. travelling draper, 33 Longbridge road East London Waiter Works Co. (J,ames Hambley, jun.
Bull Frederick W. plumber, 7 North street engineer), London road
Bunyan John A. manager of the London & Provincial Edwards Alfred, news agent. 40 Heath stret>t
Bank, 19 Broadway Edwards Josiah T. clerk to the school board, 24 East st
Burgess William, boot maker. 92 East' street Ehrler Goorge. butcher. 24 Heath street
Burn Alfred Edwin. clothier. 5 Heath street Elcock Isaac, fishmonger. 80 Axe street
Burnell William James. fishmonger 162. & butcher 16.... Elforde & Co. photographers, 28 Gascoigne road
(Ripple road Ellis J ames E. hair dresser, 5 East street
Durrell George, fishmonger, 31 Heath street Ellis Thomas Bennett. laundry. 7 Longbridge roan
Burrows Robert, boot maker, 51 East street Ellis Williarn Baxter, building inspector to the District
Butcher Charles, wardrobe dealer, 30 No·rth street Council, 22 Longbridge street
Butler William, shopkeeper. I Movers lane Ellmore Joseph. fruiterer, 53 East street
Byford John & Son, lime, cement &c. mers. London road EImore Frederick Edward, greengrocer. 130 RiIJple rd
Cackett Frederick, shopkeeper, 12 St. Mary's road Emberson Ann (Mrs.), refreshment rC''lms. 147 HippIe rlT
Carter Alfred, marsh bailiff. Essex sewers. 18 Long- Emerson Fredk. Edwd. Spotted Dog P.H. Longbridge rd
bridge road Essex Repment (1st) Volunteer Battalion (D Company)
Carter John. butcher, 176 Ripple road -(Capt. W. O. Shepherd; Rev. H. B. Henson M_~4..
Carter Joseph, shopkeeper, 147 North street acting chaplain; Waiter Smith, sergeant-instructor);
Carwell Robert, shopkeeper, 53 St. Margaret's road head quarters, I I Queen's road
Cason Walter, provision dealer. 42 Fisher street Essex (The) Times & The Stratford Expreilil (Wilson &
Castle James, fishmonger, 52 Gascoigne road Whitworth Limited, proprietors & publishers; published
Chalk William, station master, East street every wed. & sat.), 10 & 12 Broadway
Chalmers Flora (Mrs.), confectioner, 10 Axe street Eustace George Arthur, provision dealer,I2 Gascoigne rd
Chapman Oharles, beer retailer, 59 North street Evans Henry John. certified bailiff. 64 Tanner street
Chisnell William, carman & coal merchant, 49 Axe street, Evans John. shopkeeper, 137 Ripple road
& Railway steltion, East street Everitt William, insurance agent, 42 Tanner street
Churchill Frederick Geo. fishmonger. 9 Longbridge I'd Fairbrass Harry, greengrocer, 145 North street
CIark Charles, timber merchant, London road Fallowfield Thomas. shopkeeper. 72 St. Ann's road
Chrk Charles, tailor, 41 Broadway Fathers Edwnll'd. shopkeeper, 108 East street
CIark Ethel(Miss),teacher of music,Roden viI. London I'd Fehrenbach Severin, jun. watch maker, 63 No~th street
Clark John, grocer, I North street Fenton Oharles Francis L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.O.S.Eng.
CIark Matthew, marine engineer, 201 Ripple road physician & surgeon. certifying factory surgeon &
CIark Samuel, boot maker, 52 North street medical officer of health to the Barking Urban District
O1ark William,, Barking creek Council, 26 Linton road
O1ark William George. dining rooms. 67 North street Fergusson Henry, boot maker, I I Broadway
oOlarke Fred, stationer, 57 Broadway & Il7 East street Firman Jeanette (Mrs.). dress maker, 26 London read
Claxton Charles, tailor, 49 East street Firman John. corn miller (wind). London road
Cohen Alexander Paul, gasfitter. 84 East street Foresters' FriendlySociety(Wm.Ward.sec. ).Longbridge rd
Colbourn Samuel, greengrocer,54 Gascoigne road Forge Clara (Miss), stationer. 27 Broadway
Collins Thos. Knight. basket maker, 3 & 4 Crook's court; Foster Roberl; Ballantyne,'Ilssistant supt.Prudentio.l Assur-
East street & 20 St. Margaret's road ance Co. Oak villa. Queen's road
Conlan Fanny (Mrs.), beer retailer, 67 Linton road Freeman Catherine Mary (Mrs.), butcher,22 Gascoigne I'd
Cook Henry & Sons, butchers. 55 Broadway Freronan George, beer retailer, 13 Back lane
Cook Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, I~O Fisher street Freeman Luther, marine store dealer, 3 Church road
Coo!{ Frederick, house decorator, 130 FIsher street Friesh Rachmel; tobacconist, 49 Broadway
Oo-operative Society (In.KimbeI', mgr.),8.IO & 12North st Frodsham Owen, shopkeeper, 30 St. Paul~s !road
Cooper Samuel Lim.chemists. Il3 East street & 11 Axe st Frost John King. Crooked Billet P.H. Barking Creek
Cooper James. joiner & undertaker. 88a, Axlll street Fuller WaIter S. iron & brass founder, Phoonix foundry,
Cooper Mary (Miss), fancy drape-r, &8 Axe street Hart street
Corder Frederick John, greengrocer. I'I6 Gascoigne road Gadsby Thomas, eating house, 4 Coverdale road
Cotton 8arah (Mrs.), butcher, 21 Axe street Garbett Ja:Q es O. builder, James street
Cotton WaIter, hair dresser, 38 North street Garland John William, shopkeeper, 72 East street
Craig John, grocer, 2 Movers lane Gas Economising & ImprOVed Light Syndicate Limited
Crew John, bricklayer, 53 Axe street (The). Barking creek
Orouch William. grocer, 5 Longbridge road Gay William, market gardener, Grea.tfield, Ripple road
Crow Thomas & Sons. manuf8lCtu~s of creosote, tar, George WaIter E. hair dresser. go East street
pitch, marine engine i& cylinder oils &c. Hart's lane Gibbard Esther (Miss). shopkeeper. 69 Linton Toad
Cursons William. confectioner, 16 Longbridge road Gibbens Frenk Edward L.R.C.P.Land. surgeon & medicaT
Cutmore John, beer retailer, 22 Heath street officer & public vaccinator. :Ko. 9 District, Romford
Daldy & Co. coal depot, East street union, 10 Cambridge road
Davey Bros. clothiers, 2-1 Heath street Giovannoni Battista, confectioner, 22 Broadway
Davey William, tar & chemical works, Barking Creek Glenny Alex. Geo. Duncan, insur. agt. 109 East street
Davies Anna Elizabeth (Miss). milliner, 57 East street Glenny Samuel, auctioneer, house" land, & insunlUce
Davis Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 16 North street agent & vestry clerk, 109 East street
Davis George. undertaker. Linton road Glenny Thomas W. brewer. 18 Linton Toad
Davis Thomas Wm. oil & calor man. 8 St. Paul's road Glover Thomas, beer retailer. 55 Axe street
Dawson Charles Ford F.R.I.B.A. architect & surveyor & Godwin James. shopkeeper. 37 Axe street
consulting surveyor to the Barking Town Urban Dis- Goodey Daniel, bricklayer, 90 North street
trict -Council, 70 East street Goodey James R. builder, 31 Church Il'oad
Dell George, provision dealer. I I Gascoigne road Goodhew William & Son, painters & oilmen, II4 East st
Dear Harry George, butcher, 127 Fisher street Goodman Oharles, farmer, Fairoross farm, Longbrid~ I'd
Dearof Frederick, butcher, 92 North street Gosling Alfred J. 'boot maker, u6 & 121 East street
Decker Henry, baker. I40 Ge<scoigne TOad Gower WaIter Frederick, confectioner; 43 Linton road

Gi-ahanl John H. Bull P.B. 2 North street Leftley Charles., carrier. 22 N eIson Iltreet
Gray John, missionary, 94 Longbridge road Lftley John. baker. 44 AI; 149 North street
Gregory k Co. glass &; -china &; furniture dealers, 43, 45 Lester Edward, window blind maker; 152 Kennedy road
&; 47 Axe s t r e e t · . ~evene J oseph, hosier. 29 Axe street
Griffiths William, fancy repository, u Longbridge road ~ewis JaIDes G. &; Co. lead lights &; sash glazieriJ, 13
Grimstead Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, 47 North street Longridge road ,
Guyatt Robert, warehouseman. 46 Linton road Lewis James Oliver, Railway hotel, East street
Hall Thomas, boot repairer, 79 Wakering road J.inard William .Tohn, manager, -40 Longbridge road
Hall William, greengrocer, 29 Bamford road Lister Edwin H. clerk Barking Towll Urban Distri~t
Hardy William Smith, tobacconist, 23 Axe street Council, East street .
Harlow Mary (Mrs.), shopkeep0l', S2 Axe street poader Benjamin Thomas. beer retailer, London road
H8il'ris Edward. blacksmith, 41 Broadway London Furnishing Co. (The), 7 Axe s-treet
Harrillon. David, corn. dealer, a6 Broadway London &; Provincial Bank Limited (branch). (John A..
Hart Joseph, butcher &; grazier. 15 Broadway &; 16 Bunyan, manage:r:), 19 Broadway j dra.w OD head office,
Wakering rood • 7 Bank buildings. Lothbury; London E C
Harvey :Albert Edward. boot maker, 36 &; 40 East street London &; South Western Bank Limited (branch) {W...
Harvey Henry John, boot maker, 4 Gasooigne road T. SneIl,.. manager), 41 East street~ draw lm head
Harvey iRobert, shopkeeper, 28 Heath street . office.. 170 Fenchurch street, London E 0
Hawkins John, tinman, 10 Cobham road London Alfred Henry. rate· collector to Urban District
Hawkridge Edward T. shopkeeper,. 2 Howard 'l"Osd Council, Park avenue
Hawtayne W. C. E. consulting electrical engineer to the Love John. tailor. I East street·
Urban District Council, Public offices, East street Lowdell Alfred John, greengrocer, 39 North street
Helmuth George, hair dresser, 74 East street Lowe James W. tobacconist, 45 Broadway
Hewett k Sons Limited, wharfingers &; coal merchants, Luck George, shopkeeper. 133 North street
Battery wharf Luxford Samuel, carman, 73 North street .
Hill Robert, fancy draper, I Fisher st. &; 15 Gascoigne I'd McCall Robert Scott, travelling draper,. 28 Longbridge I'd
Hobbs Horace Christopher, boot maker. 27 Monteagle av McGoll John, gas engineer.. 205 Ripple Toad
Hobbs John, dining rooms. 3 Longbridge Toad , McDonald ..John M.A., M.B. &; a.M.GIas. physician &;
Hockley Emeline M. (Mrs.), house furnisher H . clothier su~geon, II2 Gas~oi~ne road &; 23 Broadway
13. &; general draper &; milliner 15 &; 17, Heath street McMlllan George Wllliam,. clerk, 3 Cambridge road
Hockley Emeline Mary (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 29 Broadway Marshall Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 85 North street
Holland Thomas, Barking Cross P.ll. 6 Fisher street Marshall Robert, dyer &; cleaner, 19 East street
Hollick Edith (Mrs.). dress maker, 203 Ripple road Martin Albert Edward, Westbury .Arms htl. 174 Ripple I'd
Home &; Colonia,l Lim. tea rill's. o&c. 5 I &; 53 Eroadway Martin R. Banks. a.rchitect &; surveyor. I05 East atreet
Home George Andrew, cam. trav. 49 Longbridge road Mason Hugh Hel"bert, surgeon, 21 & 23 East street
Hopkins George, shoe maker, 6 St. Mary's.road Masters Thomas, reporter, 64 Linton road
Harder Alfred &; Henry, printers, 6 St. Paul's Toad Mathi'eson John. ironfounder &; mechanical engineer, see
Howe Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker. 153 North street • Dendy &; Mathieson .
Howe James, fishmonger, 151 Norlh street . M:atlthews Frank Willie, shopkeeper, 56 Bamford road
Howe William, sack &; bag manufooturer. Town quay Mays Ethel Mercy (Mrs.), beer ret. 6x &; 63 Broadw."y
Howgego Walter. baker, I4 Church road! . Meakins Martha (Mrs.), shopkpr. I Park tel'. Fisher st
Hudgell &; Co. boot makers 10, tobacconists 12 &; butchers Melsom George Christopher, news agent, 15 Axe <lltreet
IZa &; 23, Heath street Melvin James, decorator, 10 London road .
Hume Arthur W. organist of St. Margaret's church, 7 Middleton Mary Jane (Mrs.), grocer &; cartage-contractor.
Cambridge road Barking -Greek r '
_ Hume David, shopkeeper, 69 Cooke street Miller Richard, dining rooms, 193 ,Fisher -street-
Huma Sam, beer retailer, 59 Fisher street Mills Chas. Henry, estate AI; insurance agent, 95 East &t
Humphreys :Mark, clothier, '3 Heath street Mills J. E. printer. 41 Axe street ...
Hunt Emma (Mrs.), fried fish dealer, 46 Broadway Milton William, shopkeeper, London ;road
Hard T-bomas, grocer, 178 Ripple Toad . MitcnelI Jllmes, farmer, Movers farm, Movers lane
HUrl'ell Frederick Josepb, shopkeeper, 66 Wakering road Moir Janet (Miss), dress maker, 2 Cooke street .
Hurry Wm.Alfred -k James Robert, undertakerlt, I) Axe st Mulenkamp Janette (Mrs.), watch ma.& jwllr.z5Broadway
Hussey Fredk. Hy. Hag 0& banner ma. 32 Longbridge rd Monk Arthur, greengrocer, 78 .Axe street.
Jackson Dnl. Thos. builders' mer. &; <:ontrctr. 81 .Axe st· Moses Moore Alfred H. clQthier, 55 East st'I'eet
Jackson Danl. Thos. house &; estate sgt. 104 Ripple rd Myers, boot repairer, "fa Coverdale ..toad'
Jackson George, baker, 19 Heath street Moss Thos. W'm. travelling drpr. Cyril lodge, Glenny I'd
Jackson Mary (Miss), stay maker, Ivy cot. lames strl Mothersole William, dJ:Rpe:l.", 7 &; 9 Heath Btreeb"
Jackson Morris, tailor. 86 East street . Moultrie Eliza (Miss). draper, 18 Tanner street
.Tacabs GeorgeJohn, news agent. '80 Nol.'thstreet Moultrie John. grocer, SI Broadway &; subTpost; office. '17
J arvis Robert, ,hair dresser, 29 St. Paul's road , Tanner street . .
J eeves William, fruiterer, 230 Eoundary road Munday James, greengrocer.. 46 Heath street.,·
.Telley Wm. domestic machinery dealer, 93 East sftreet Mu~phy Patrick De~is Jsph.. -tobacconist, II9 East street
Jenkins James Arthur, china &; glass dealer, '18 East st NatIOnal Telephone Co. LIIDl:ted (eJllchang~ &; local.()ffice) ,
5 Cambridge road ' . •
Jennings Kate (Mrs.), ltress maker, 55 Glenny road
Johnson .Alfred, saddler. 35 Broadway . NeiIl. Davi~ N. &; Son, drapers &; hosiers, 91 East street
Johnson James,bake1', 26 East street Nesbltt Ehza (MrB.), fancy draper, 26 Gascoigne road
Johnson Philip. tailor, 31 Queen's road . New Sharlston Collieries Co. Lim." (The), colliery owners,
Johnstone Robert, lampblack manufacturer, 51 Tanner st coal merchants, wharfingers &; carmen, :8harlston Wharf;
Jones .Alfred, shopkeeper, 164 Fisber street Fisber street .
Jordan WaIter, dining rooms, 36 Broadway Newman James, builder, 79 Axe street
J oynes Frank, taxidermist, 43 North street Newton Elizabeth (Mrs.). dining rooms, 4 East street- ...
Kavanagh John Limited, boot maktl!l'S, 24 Broadway Nichols Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, US Fisher streei
Keily James, shopkeeper, lZ Hardwicke street Nicholson Edward George. shopkeeper, 83 .Acr-e street
Kelby James, oil &; color man, II3 Gascoigne road Noad James, shopkeeper, 96 East street
Kennedy Henry, laundry, 188 East B1iree1;. Noble Charles. plasterer. 101 Glenn,.. road
Kerr JaniesPicken,commercial traveller,26 Longbridge I'd Norman Mary Ann (Mrs.). laundry, 45 North street
Kerrey Thomas, beer retailer, 22 E8tit street North Africa Mission (Edward H. Glenny. hon. sec.). 29
King Edward, shopkeeper, 71 St. Fan!'s road &; 311 Linton road , .
King Wm. Geo. draper I, &; clothier &; hosier 3.Broadway Olive John, dining rooms, I Heath street .
Kingsford Samuel, rag merchant, 19 Eack lane Oliver Roberli Arthur P. Rose· &; Crown P.H. 36 Fisher st.
Kirkman WiIliam &; Alfred, dairy 0& post office 120, &; Osmant Henry John, pawnbrokers' salesml.Ul, 7 East iltreet
greengrocers 123, East street Page, Calnan &; Co. Lim. wharfingers, timber, cement,
Kirkman .Alfred, cowkeeper, S6 King's road lime & brick merchants, Town Quay Steam wharf.
Kitson WaIter John. Britannia P.R. Church road St. Margaret'll wharf &; Morgan's quay
Lake WiIliam, householder. 39 Monteagle avenue Palmer Joseph, fishmonger, 74 Wakering road
Lawes Chemical Co.. Limited. .sheep dip &; disinfectant Pardey.Tames William. confectioner. 6 East street
manufacturers, Barking creek Page Thomas, boot maker, 134 Wakering road
Lawes C!J.emil?al Manure Co. Limited (T. Elborongh. Parish Frederick James, corn dealerl 42 St. Paul's road
managmg director; J _ Morgan, sec.), :Barking Creek Park Hall, .Axe street
Laws John. wardrobe dealer. 35 Axe street . Parker Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 50 Tanner street
Lee Joseph. greengrocer, :I2 East .atren -, . . . Parker Frederick E~nestf draper. 30 East stree~
Parker Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 20 St. Ann's road Shelitoe Emma (Miss)', fancy reposit"ory, 6 Heath street
Parrish Harry Eldridge, baker, 100 Morley road S1J.ephard Fred, ilhopkeeper, 2 St. Mary's road
Parrish Henry E. balwr, 4 North st. & 3:> King's road Sherwood Charles, shopkeeper, 136 Wakering road
Patmore Alfred, baker, 25 Axe street Sherwood Eliza (Mrs.), fancy draper, 139 Ripple ruad
PatmoI"e .Alfred, butcher, 104 Roward road Shipton Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 69 Glenny road
Patmore Alfred J. baker, 75 Glenny road Shooter Lewis, boot & shoe maker, 67 Axe street
Patmore WaIter, greengrocer, 54 North street Silcox Josiah Francis, j?rocer, 94 North street
Patmore ·Waltel' J. wardrobe dealer, 100 East street Sills Jabez, beer reUr. 81, & glass & china dlr. 83, New st
Payne William, butcher, 60 North street Simmonds James, schoolmaster, 9 Cambridge road
Peake Augustus, clerk, 11 Cambridge road Simmons Edward George, coffee rooms, 37 Broadway
Pearson Edward, butcher, 3C) Broadway Singer Manufacturing Co. (Thomas Henry Marshall,agt.),
Pelling Thos. grocer & agt. for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine sewing machine manufacturers, 13 London road
&; spirit mers.g, & oil & color merchant 21, Broadway Smith Arthur William & Co. mechanical engineers &
Pelling Thomas, grocer. 27 Heath street millwrights, London road
Pepper William Richard, confectioner, 35 North street Smith Jonas & Co. timber mers. Roding yard, West bank
PeppcrcClrn George .Toshua, fishmonger, 9 East street Smith Albert James, cycle maker, 172 Ripple road
Perkins Henry- Bowen L.iR.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Smith John, builder, 56 Longbridge road
physician & surgeon, medical officer, public vaccinator Smith Matthew, shopkeeper, 27 St. Paul's road
No. 4 distri~t,· Romford union & certifying factory Smith Richard, shoe maker, 6 Back lane
surgeon, Parkhouse, Longbridge road & 23 Broadway Smith WaIter, sergt.-instructor, D Co. 1st Vol. Batt.
Perry Elizabe'th (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 42 Heath street Essex Regiment, II Queen's road
Perry George, confectioner, 2 Gascoigne road Smithyes WaIter Robert, school attendance officer, The
Perry George, shopkeeper, 44 Heath street Hollies, Glenny road
Philo Joseph, fishmonger, 8 East street SneIl W. T. manager of the London & South Western
Pilberg J oseph, glazier, I I East street Bank, 41 East street
Pink John T. ironmonger, 43 Broadway Snook Alfred, provision dealer, 2 & 4 Axe street
.Pink Sidney James, deputy registrar of birth;;, deaths & Soul Charles Frede.rick, baker, 62 Ripple road
nlarriages, Barking sub-district, Romford union, 24 Southcott Albert, confectioner, !I8 Gascoigne roatI
Longbridge road . South Essex Water Works, \Yater tower, Queen's road
Pink William, registrar of births, deaths & marriages, Spashett Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, I7 St. Paul's road
Barking town sub-district, Romford union, IIO Long- Spellman Edward, fishmonger, 39 Axe street
bridg-e road Staddon Daisy (Miss), shopkeeper, 2 King's road
Pool Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3'4 King's road Stanley Edward, dining rooms, 2Q Axe street
:Porter Albert, shopkeeper, 61 :St. Margaret's road Stevens Henry ,Robert, shopkeeper, 62 St. Mary's road
Porter Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper. & post office, 158 &; 160 Stevenson Thos. cycle agent &; manufr. 57 North street
Ripple road Stokes Francis, tobacconist, 6 St. Paul's road
Porter John, bird fancier, 14 Back lane Stopher Rosina (Miss), oil & color stores, 20 Heath street
Poulter Daniel, shopkeeper, 2 Harpour road Stratford (The) Co. operative & Industrial Society Lim.
::Powell Arthur Edward, fried fish dealer, 64 Queen's road (Edwin Shaw, manager), 8, 10 & 12 North street
l'owell HeDTy Richd. Thos. wheelwright, 17 Coverdalf.'l I'd Stratford Thomas, apartments, 50 Heath street
Prechtel Gustave, hair dresser, go Heath street Sutton Samuel, butcher, 22 Bamford road
Preston ,Stanley Richard, solicitor & commissioner for Tate James D. greengrocer, 40 North street
oaths, 27 Linton road Taylor· David, shopkeeper, 2 Coverdale Toad
Price Benjamin, confectioner, 76 North street Taylor Francis, carman & contractor, 89 East street
Priday John, marine store dealer, 18 Back lane Taylor Hy. Speed,carman & contractor,Park ho. Hart st
Prince Charles George, confectioner, 8 Heath street Taylor James, saddler, 31 North street
Pulley Frank, confectioner, 24 Hascoigne street Tebby James, shopkeeper, 96 Glenny road
Pyle Robert, fruiterer, 8 Broadway Technical Instruction Oommittee (J. T. Edwards, sec.),
Randall Ada (Mrs.), milliner, ,65 Axe street· Public library
RandaU Annie (Mrs.), fancy draper, 104 East street Thomas Charles, shopkeeper, :i3 Axe street
RandaH Annie D. (Mrs.), fancy draper, 143 Gascoigne I'd Thomas James, hair dresser, 102 East street
Randall Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 43 Queen's road Thompson John, tobacconist, 166 Ripple road
Randells & 00. malt roasters, Fisher street Throssell Henry, baker, 107 North street
Rann Benjamin, butcher, 6a, Broadway Town Hall (Samuel Glenny, clerk; John Barber, hall
Rayment Henry, shopkeeper, Ripple road keeper), Broadway
Rayment Joseph, china dealer, 25 Heath street Townley John F. b01lt maker, 135 Korth street
Rayner George Renry, boot maker, 30 Gascoigne road Traxon William John, .shopkeeper, II9 North street
Rayner William, boot maker, 10 East street Tribe & Co. brick mers: &c. Bangor wharf, Fisher street
Redman James, fishmonger, 152 Howard road Triplett Arthur Fredk. chimney sweeper, 25 Back lane
Reed James, marine store dealer, 12 Back lane Truman Henry, greengrocer 17, & fishmonger 19, Axe st
Reed Samuel T. saddle!', 16 East street Truman John, beer retailer, 30 Broadway
Ridley T. D. & Sons, millers; office, Town quay Truman Kate (Miss), fruiterer & greengrocer, 28Broadway
Ridley Charles' Henry, chemist, 5 Broadway Trussell William, baker, 20 Tanner street
Biley Kate (Miss), shopkeeper, 59 Axe street Tucker Olara (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 16 Romford street
-:&obinson ,Sarah Ann (Miss). shopkeeper, 30 London road Turner Harry, butcher, 28 East street
Ro11e Benjamin, laundry, 28 St. Paul's road Twin Wm. Thos. timber mer. Boundary wharf, Fisher st
Round James, baker, 29 Heath street Twyford Robert James, solicitor, 6r East street
Royce Rabert, brush maker & shopkeeper, 105 North st Universal Supply Stores, grocers &c. 168 Gascoigne road
Rudd Hemy, plumber, 16 London road Van Henry, refreshment rooms, 48' Heath street
tRulton Henry, beer retailer, 48 Queen's road Veasey Thomas, confectioner, 84 Axe street
-Russell Albert, cycle maker, 98 East street Venable William, fruiterer, 83 Victoria road
Russell William, tobacconist, 46 North street Victoria Gardens, Queen's road
-Rust Harry, insurance agent, 313 St. John's road Vincent Percy Alfred, provision dealer, 20 Broadway
Byan George F. grainer, 65 Glenny road Vincett Beatrice (Mrs.), dress maker,_ 103 East street
Saddington George, grocer, Iq .Axe street iViney Leonard, clerk, Penshurst, Cambridge road
Sadler Roert, shopkeeper, 6 Grove place, East street Wade George, coffee rooms, 33 Heath street
Bales Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, 32 Tanner street Wade William Foster, beer retailer, 6 Broadway
Sambridge Samuel, slater, .17 Wakering road Waite James, shopkeeper, 42 East street
Sansom WaIter, confectioner, 34 Broadway vVaite WiIliam, carman, 29 Fisher street
Saunders Alfred, fishmonger, 65 Fisher street Wakeling Peter, hair dresser, 73 Axe street
Saunders Henry Richard, vaccination & relieving officer, Walesby William H. cab proprietor, 99 East street
No. I district, Romford union, 14 Wakering road lValker John, beer retailer, II7 Victoria road
:Schrier Charlotte (Mrs.), rope maker, Grove pI. East st ,"Valker Thomas Henry, hair dresser, 13 Axe street
Seabrook Arthur E. electrical engineer to the Urban Wall Art,hur, dining rooms, 6 Gascoigne road
District Council, Public offices, East street WaIters Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 85 Victoria road
Seabrook Elizabeth Charlotte (Mrs.), Fishing Smack Walthamstow (The) Express (Wilson & Whitworth Lim.
P.H. Fisher street props. &, publishers; pub. every fri.), 10 & 12 Broadway
Secker Eva (Miss), confectioner, 34 East street Wand Allen, assistant overseer, Town hall & 27 Church rd
Seviour James Matthew, shopkeeper, 99 Howard street Ward George, boot repairer, 120 Gascoigne road
Sharpe Herbert, hair dresser, 168 Ripple road Warne William & Co. Lim. india rubber goods manufac-
Sheffield James, pawnbroker, 22 Axe street turers, India rubber mills, Fisher street

Watts Arthnr, shopkeeper, 15 Cooke street Wilson & Whitworth Limited, printers &; stationers, 10 &;
Webb George, watch maker, 106 East street 12 Broadway
Webb WiJiam, fried fish dealer, 58 Bamford road Wiseman 'Villiam, shopkeeper, 42 North street
Wellby Thomas, oil &; color merchant, 12 Axe street Witcomb Arthur G. schoolmaster, Keighley, Glenny road
1-Vells Thomas l~dward, beer retailer, 75 Axe street "-ithers Guy, house agent, 43 North street
West Newyear, basket maker, London road \Vood Harry, sanitary inspector &; inspector of petroleum,
Weston \Villiam, greengrocer, 80 vVakering road District Council offices, East street
Wetherell Edward, refreshment rooms, 110 East street Wood Thomas, dairy, 115 Gascoigne road
White Rt.& Sons Lim.mineral water manufrs.St.Paul's I'd Woods Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Cambridge road
lVhite Deorah (Mrs.), confectioner, 59 East street Worby Fredk. tobccnst. &; confectioner, I Longbridge rd
Whitehouse Thos. general &; fancy draper, 4 Heath st Worricker Joseph, picture frame maker, 38 East street
'Viginton Henry, shopkeeper, 4 Morley road Wray George, curn & coal merchant, 2 Heath street
Wilkinson Alice (Mrs.), milliner, I4 East street Wright Edward George, confectioner, 23 Fisher street
Willett Robert. clothier 2. hosjer & glover 4. & linen draper YaI.:.op James, furniture broker, Church path
7. Broadway Yeoman Alfred, provision dealer, 77 Axe street
Willett Robert. pawnbroker 22, 24 & 26, &; house fur- Young George Phillip, boot repairer, 170 Ripple road
nisher 32, 32a It 34 North street Young Hannah (~Irs.), baker, 1'4 Longbridge road
VnUsher Harris, fried fish dealer, I Cobham road Young Thos. auctnr. house &; estate agent, 2 Broadway
Willsmore Robert, shopkeeper, 7 Church road Young William, oil & colaI' man, 18 Gascoigne road
Wilson &; Son, BoletI'S. &; commsnrs. for oaths, 95 East st Youngman David, insurance agent, 57 Wakcring road
(Marked thus * receive their letters Essex Amateur Trotting Club (The) Stephens Alfred, foreman to Mr. Walt.
through Chadwell Heath.) Filmer Adam, shopkeeper Mills, Lodge Farm cottages
COMMERCIAL. Gatward William, shopkeeper Strutt George, sluice keeper to Chal1..
Bambridge Edwd. &; Sons, wbeelwghts Gunnery James, Choate's lane Borrett esq
Barking C~metl!lry (Thomas Bouton, Kirk William, Mogg's farm Strutt John, sea waIler
superintendent) *May T. Great Porters 'l'omley George, monumental mason
Bartlett Jas. cattle dlr. &; beer retlr Mills Thomas, farmer, Lodge farm lJpney Isolation Hospital (E. R. Lister.
Bibby Herbert John. wheelwright Perry William, shopkeeper clerk)
Cooper William, shopkeeper Pool Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer Venables Samuel Alban, blacksmith
*Coppen Thomas L. farmer, 1Vhale- Poole ' ~rdnr. Upney fm vVackett Victor, farmer, Maybells farm.
bone farm Saunder3 Albert. Ship & Shovel P.ll

BARKING SIDE is a. large and scattered village and I sole cost of a lady, is a structure of brick with stone..
ecclesiastical parish. formed April 9, 1841. out of the facings, and has a tower containing 6 bells, ,and affords
ecclesiastical parish of Great UfOI'd, Ut the civil parish of I,200 sittings: the house matrons are for the most part
Barking, and is on the borders of Hainault Forest, with a ladies willing to devote themselves to voluntary charit-
station on the Ilford &; 'Voodford branch line of the Great alble work. Great Ge,aries is the residence of Robert
Eastern railway, 4 north from Barking station on the Lodge esq. The principal landowners are the Crown•.
London, Tilbury and Southend railway. 5 west from Rom- Earl Cowley, Lieut.-Col. W. J. Rous, of Worstead, Nor-.
ford, and 10 from London, in the Southend division of the foik, John Henry Monins esq. of Ringwould, Dover, and
county, Becontree petty sessional division, Romford the trustees of the late Franc~s Whitbourne esq. SiI.'.
county court district, jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Edward Henry Hulse bart. of Breamore House. Wilts, is
Court, and in the Eastern Metropolitan postal district, lord of the manor. The area is 2,578 acres; the popu-
rural deanery of South Barking, archdeaconry of Essex lation in 189! was 3,468, chiefly employed in agriculture,
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of the Holy but is now estimated to be about 6,500.
Trinity, erected in 1840, is an edifice of brick in the Parish Clerk Robert George Walter
Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, vestry, organ '
chamber. north porch and a small tower at the north- Post, ~I. O. &:, T. 0., T. M. 0 .• Expres's Delivery, Parcel
west angle, surmounted by a turret, and containing I Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-near the
bell: there are about 500 sittings, most of which are Old Chequers P.H. George Henry Ingram, sUb-post-
free. The regis,ter dates from the year 1B'-!0. The living master. Letters arrive through Ilford at 8,30 a.m.
is a vicarage, net yearly value £175, including 20 acres 3.30 &;; 8 p.m.; dispatched ·at ,8.30 a.m. &; 3.30 &; 8
of glebe, with :residence, in the gift of the vicar of p.m .
Great Ilford, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Wladislaw Post Office, Birkbeck road.-Ezra Gardiner, sub.
Somerville Lach-Szyrma M.A. of Brasenose College, Ox- postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.45 a.m. .& 4 It.
ford. The mission chu!ch of St. Laurence, at "The 9 p.m. The nearest mODey order .& telegraph office is.
Horns," is an iron building, and will seat about roo at the offioe (near the Old Chequers. P.H.)
persons. There is. a Free Methodist chapel near the Metropolitan Police Station, John Knight, sergeant in'
Police Station, and a Gospel Mission Hall on the charge & 18 constables
Birkbeck estate. The Village Home for Orphan
and Destitute Girls is an institution in connection Schools.
with Dr. Barnardo's homes, at Stepney, London E; National (boys, girls & infants). built in 1842. & enlarged'
the children, now numbering about 900, reside in at difIerent timeos up to 1879; it will now hold 40Q~
48 separate houses, each holding from 16 to 25 girIs, children; average att,endance, 225 boys &;; girls &; Bo.
under the charge of a responsible matron. In the laundry infants; Arthur Denham, master; Mrs. Sarah Denham._
washing for more than a thousand persons is rapidly mistress
tffected by the aid of steam power; and in this depart. Beehive, Church of England (mixed), for 120 children;
ment girls are also trained as laundry.maids and ironers : average att·endance, roo; Ernest Jago. master; Mrs~
attached is a ,school for about 600 girls, and a separate Lucy Jago, mistre,siS
school for infants: the chapel, erected in 1'894, at the Horns Boa-I'd (infants), Miss Agnes Eastman, mistress
COMMERCIAL. Coe George, fruiterer, Beehive
Avis Samuel, blacksmith Dance George, bricklayer
Chapman Charles, Rose villas Bailey Elizabeth (~1iss), beer retailer Dayten William, butcher & shonkpr
Eades Mrs. The Laurels Balls George, Red House P.R Deveson James, Old Chequers P.H
Gadsden Howard, Grant's hill Banyard Frank, beer retailer, Green Dexter Thomas, wheelwright
Godfrey John WiIliam, Village Home gate, Horns lane Dr. Barnardo's Homes for Orphan,
Ratton Llewellyn, Hatton's corner Barnard Alfred R. shopkeeper Neglected .& Destitute Girls (Dr.
lng-ram. ~rrs. Lionel, Mossford green Bell James, farmer, Beehive faI'Dl Thomas James Barnardo, director;
.Tolmson Mrs. North End house llere 1Yilliam, shopkeeper John William Godfrey, governor);
Lach-Szyrma Rev. Wladislaw Somer- Bird George, jobber, Mossford green ofth:e, 18 to 26 Stepney causeway,
ville M.A. (incumbent of Holy Bird Robert, jobber, High street L~ndon E
Trinity), The Vicarage Bowen Cornelius. baker Evans Spencer, firewood dealer
Lodge Robert,. Great Gearies Brook Jas. general dlr. Birkbeck road Flower Robert, hearthrug maker,
Mathews Henry Brown George, farmer, Gaysham hall Birkbeck estate
Shepherd William, The Limes Buck Benj. florist. llirkbeck estate Fountain .Tn. jobber, llirkbef'k potate
Taylor John William, Minden villa Durch Arthur, dairyman Gardiner Ezra, grocer, Post office,Birk.
Willey John, Fulwood cottage Chalmers David. farmer, Forest farm beck Estate
Chrk 1Ym.(~frs.),BeehiveP.H.Beehive Gardiner John, shopkeeper


Gatt George, farmer, Fence piece Kimmens John, florist, Perryman's Scott Alfd. ·Wm. butcher, Horn's road
Gowen Frederick, builder, Victoria rd Farm road Shepherd William, land steward to
Gowen lVilliam Richard, bricklayer, Lamb James, farmer, Clay hall Mrs. lngleby, The Limes
Victoria road Lee Alfred, jobber, Mussford green Skennerton Jas. Old Maypole P.H
Hamlin Geo. builder, Birkbeck Estate Lee William,farmer, Bunting Springall Arthur, grocer, Victoria rd
Harrison lIenry, florist, Netley road Leeson Fdk. butcher, Birkbeck Estate Stringer Chas. farmer, Middlefield ho
Harrison James, florist, Abbey Toad Lucas Charles, shopkpr. Tanner's la Stringer Thomas, market gardener
Hart James, shopkeeper, Horn's road Lucas George, shopkeeper Tomlin Daniel, contractor, Netley road
Hawkings In.frmr.Claybury Lodge fm Malpas Thomas, farmer, Beehive Wall George John, blacksmith
Heard William, blacksmith, Beehive Meggatt George, shopkeeper WaIter Hobert George, builder
Hirkman George (Mrs.), undertaker Mighell Cobbett, farmer, Fern hall Waters Thos. Horn's P.H. Horn's rd
Hull George, butcher, Horseshoes :Millett Edward, farm bailiff to Clay- Watts Francis, brush veneer cutter,
Ingram George Henry, grocer & pro- bury Asylum Birkbeck road
'vision dealer & agent for W. & A. Oliver William, shopkeeper Wenn Joseph, shopkpr. Horn's lane
Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit mer- Palmer Wm. shopkeeper, Horseshoes Williams. Jas.carpentr.BirkbeckEstate
'chants, Post office PhiIlips John, poultry farmer, New Wright Alfred, jobber, Mossford green
Ingram James, farmer, Hedgeman's North road Wright John, whitesmith, Horseshoes
farm & St. Swithins Roberts Richard, market gardener, Wyatt James, florist, Netley cottage
.Jansen John, florist, Birkbeck road Horn's road Young Arthur, jobber, Birkbeck road
Jefkins Albert, dairyman Rowley John, fishmonger Young George, farmer
'Keens Arthur, blacksmith, Birkbeck
BARLING is a parish, 3 miles north from Shoebury- Aubert Gace M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
.ness terminal station of the London, Tilbury and South- James Tabor esq. of The Lawn, Rochford, is lord of the
,end railway, 5 east-south-east from Rochford, 5 north- i manor of Mucking Hall. The Dean and Chapter of St.
•east from Southend, and 47 from London, in the South Paul's are lords of the manor of Barling Hall, and the
Eastern division of the county. Rochford hundred, union pr.Jlcipallandowners. The soil is light upland and heavy
· . and petty sessional division, Southend county court dis- marsh land; subsoil, clay, gravel and blue gaIt. The
trict, rural deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, potatoes, beans, peas
and diocese of St. Albans: this is an ancient village and and clover. The area is 1,290 acres of land, 2 of water,
was given by King Edward the Confessor to St. Paul's 67 of tidal water and 92 of foreshore; rateable value,
'Cathedral, to -yvhi?h th~ living .still belongs:. it lies on a £2,063; the population in 1901 wa·s 327.
. -creek commumcatmg -YVlth the Roche, OppOSIte to Potto~ Post Office.-George Snow, sub-postmaster. Letters
· and the other ~arshy Islands at the mouth of th~ Roc~e, from Shoeburyness S.O. arrive at 7.35 a.m. & 2.10
on. t~e north IS l;t quay. The <:hurch of All S~t~ IS a p.m.; dispatched at 10 a.m. & 3. 15 p.m.; sundays,
buildmg of stone m th~ PerpendIcular style, conSlstmg of 8 a.m.; dispatched 10 a.m. Postal orders are issued
· chancel, nave, north alsle, a. small vestry, added about here, but not paid. The nearest money order & tele-
1882, south porch and a ma~slve emb~ttled wester~ f.?wer, graph office is at Great WakerinO' 3 miles distant
surmounted by a small shingled spIre and contamlllg 2 ""
bells, both of the last century: the east window is I Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8·5 a.m. & 2.40 p.m.; sunday,
stained: there are 275 sittings. The register of bap- 8·5 a.m
tisms dates from 1555; marriages and burials from 1695. Board School (mixed), under Wakerin'g United District
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £191, with School Board, erected in 1877, for 200 children, en-
~7 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Ohapter of larged in 1894; average attendance, 13'8; Henry AI-
St. Paul's, and held since 1863 by the Rev. Frederic bert Davies, master
· ,Gace Rev. Fredc.Aubert M.A.(vicar) Cross Henry, farmer Purkis William, farm bailiff to Arthur
Read Henry George, Barling house Deeks Edward, farmer, Roach farm Bentall esq. Barling Hall farm
COM~IERCIAL. Holmstead William, farmer Rayner Thos. farmer, Button's farm
Allerton Emily (Mrs.), frmr. Jail frm Johnson James, mal'ket gardener Sutton Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper
· ...B rown John, farmer, Sutton farm Manning Fredk. Herbert,miller (wind) Ward William, blacksmith
Cates "Villiam, farmer, Bolt's farm Murrell George, market gardener Weeks ,"Villiam & Henry, brick makers
.BARNSTON, mentioned in Domesday Survey, is' a 1 Bucksford, Great Chart, Kent, is lord of the manor and
parish, on the river Chelmer and the road from Dunmow pI'incipal landowner. The soil varies considerably; sub-
to Chelmsford, 2 miles south-east from Dunmow station, soil, loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barlE'V.
on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree section The area is 1,35+ acres; rateable value, £g82; the
· of the Great Eastern railway, 10 north from Chelmsford, population in 1901 was, 170 in the civil and 145 in the
and 38! from London, in the Western division of the ecclesiastical parish.
··.county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division, union C1 • •

and county court district, rural deanery of Dunmow, OUN;:;LOW GREEN IS half a mde south.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The By Local Government Board Order 22,3 26 , March 24,
-church (dedication unknown) is a building of flint, con- 188 9, Onslow Green and Aptonfield Farm "ere traus-
sisting of chancel, nave, Norman south doorway, and ~erred from Great Dunmow to Barnston, and some houses
· a western turret containing 2 bells: in the chancel is a ID the Chelms!ord road transferred from the latter to
double piscina and a memorial window, placed there at the fo.rmer parIsh. .
the expense of Miss Toke, of Dover, to the Rev. William Pal'lsh Clerk, Thomas Ohipperfield.
Take, her father, rector, 18°7-27, -and another to the Post Office.-Mrs. Eliza Pigram, sub-postmistress. Let-
Livermore family: there are 130 sittings. The register ters thro~gh Dunmo~, arriye at 7 a.~. & 5 p.m. the
dates from the year 1539. The living is a rectory, net early arrIval only bemg delivered; dl~patched at 7·45
yea!'ly value £260, with residence, in the gift of Col. a..m. & 5.25 p.m. Postal orders are Issued here, but
John L Toke, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Robert ~ot paid. The near~st m.oney order & telegraph office
:Henry Davies, of St. Aidans. Charities, left in :1654 IS at Dunmow, 3 miles dIstant
by Daniel Baynard, and in 1657 by William Colard gent. Wall Letter Box, at Broadgroves, cleared at 8 a.m. & 5·30
together with land held by the trustees of ScoWs charity, p.m.; sundays, 5.3 p.m
produce £13 yearly, which is distributed in money. Parish SchooL (infants), for 50 children; average at-
The'Livermore charity, amounting to £2 12S. yearly, tendance, 43; Miss Charlotte S. Solly, mistress
is distributed in coal. Col. John Leslie Toke V.D. of Coaches & Carriers, see Dunmow
Davies Rev. Robert Henry, Rectory 'Emson William, fal'm bailiff to Chas.. Pigram Eliza (Mrs.), post office
Fry Henry, Barnston lodge Webb esq I Sweeting Charles, farmer, Mocken
Jfhorne John Gunn, Rose villa Fuller William, beer retailer I Herds farm & Wells Tye
Barker Frederick, assistant overseer, Hasler William, blacksmith I
Turner A. & H. farmers, shire horse
Dunmaw district, Albans ,Lewin Thos. beer retailer &; shopkpr &; poultry breeders, The Hall

BEAUMONT-with-MOZE is a village and parish, 2 large creek of the sea and has a wharf. The parishes of
miles north from Thorpe station on the Tendring Hun- Beaumont and Maze were united by Act of Parliament in
dred branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 west-north- 1678: the church of Maze (St. Mary) , being dilapidated,
west from Walton-on-the-Naze, 9! south-west from Har- wa.s taken down and the materials utilized in restoring
wich; and 8! south-east from Manningtree, in the North- the church at Beaumont: its site was in a hollow near
eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred petty the present Old Maze Hall, but no vestiges of it now
sessional division and union, Harwich county court dis- remain. The church of St. Leonard, pleasantly seated
trict, rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Col- on a hill, is nn edifice of rubble stone, consisting of
chelilter and diocese of St. Albans: it is a.t the head of a <iliancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, louth porch, and
a. western bellcote of stone containing bells: there is a
2 in ,a field "ich retains that name about a quarter of a
small Norman window filled with stained glass in the mile south of the present manor house, or "New Hall":
north side of the chancel. but the principal portions of this latter is: a fine specimen of Domestic architecture,
the edifice are Early English: the east window and a and was probably erected bet ween the years 1512 and
smaller one on the llOuth side of the chancel are examples 1551: it is now occupied as a· farmhouse. The soil is
of Decorated work: the east window and eight others are loamy and clay; and the subsoil principally clay. The
stained: the south porch is of ancient oak: the church chief crops are wheat, barley, clover and beans. Much
has 80 sittings. The Moze register of baptisms dates of what was once a large tIact of marsh land is now
from 1548; burials, 1556, and marriages, 1559; the Beau- under cultivation. The area of the united parishes is
mont registers of baptisms and burials date from 1564, 3,°36 acres of land, 22 of water, 65 of tidal water and 13+
and marriages, 1567. The living is a rectory, net yearly of foreshore; rateable value, £2,975; the population in
value £474, with residence and 46 acres of glebe, in the 1901 was 785.
gift of the Rev. George Frazer Mathews M.A. of Man- MOZE (or Mose) is about a mile and a half north-east.
cetter Yicarage, Atherstone, Warw. and held since 1867 Parish Clerk, Henry Secrett.
by the Rev. John Cooper M.A. lute fellow and sub-warden Post Office.-Henry Secrett, sub-postmaster. Letters
of Wadham College, Oxford. Here is a vVesleyan chapel arrive from Colchester at 7.40 a.m.; dispatched, 5.30
with 120 sittings. The Governors of <Guy's Hospital, p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m. Postal orders are issued here,
London, who are lords of the manor, Thoma1s Carter esq. but not paid. The nearest money order & telegraph
and the Corporation of Harwich are the chief landowners. offices are at Great Oakley & Thorpe-le-Soken, both
The ancient manor of Moze dates from the time of Ed- about 3 miles distant
ward the Confessor, when it belonged to Levesin, a Parochial School (mixed), for 82 children; average at-
Saxon: it was eventually merged into the neighbouring tendance, 52; John Skingley, master
possessions of the Earls of Oxford, and has remained
with the successive owners of Beaumont np to the pre- Carriers to:-
,sent time: salt works exi,sted here at the time of the Colchester Arthur Parker, tues. thurs. & sat
:Norman survey. Traces of the ". Old Hal'!" still exist Harwich-Thomas Wass. daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Mills Horace, farmer, Old house
Andrews Mrs. Red house lliggs Geurge Jonathan, farmer, New Ruffles Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Biggs Geo. Jonathan, New Moze hall Moze hall Ruffles Maurice, china & earthenwr.dlr
Carter Thomas, The Oaks Biggs Horace Lambert, assistant over- Secrett Henry, parish clerk & sub-
Cooper Rev. John M.A. The Rectory seer, New Moze hall postmaster .
Joy Frederick Thos. Old Moze hall Carter Thomas, farmer, cattle dealer Sorrell Mark Leonard, farmer
Mills Horace, Old house & landowner, The Oaks Stanford Arthur Henry, corn merchnt
Salmon Miss, White house Joy Fredk. Thos. farmr. Old Moze hall & farmer, Beaumont hall
Skingley John Leggett John Lott, baker Wass Thomas, carrier
Stanford Arthur Hy. Beaumont hall Marrington Geo. carpntr. & Swan inn
BELCHAMP OTTEN is a parish, 4 miles sonth- of W. C. Parmenter esq. and held ,since 1899 by the
east from Clare station on the Stour Valley branch of Rev. Harry Piper Parmenter B.A. of Oorpus Christi Col-
the Great Eastern railway, 8~ north-east from Hal- lege, Oambridge. Here is a Baptist chapel. The poor
stead, and 6 west from Sudbury, in the Northern have about £4 Jearly. William Oharles Parmenter: esq.
division of the county, hundred of Hinckford North, of Bevingdon house, who is lord of the manor, and Miss
Hinckford petty sessional division, union and county Clara Hills, of Efiingham, Surrey, are the principal land-
court district of Sudbury, rural deanery' of Yeldham, owners. The ,soil is clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. chief crops are wheat, ,beans and barley. The area is
The church of St. Ethelbert and All Saints is a small 1,736 acres; rateable value, £974; the population in
building of flint stone and plaster, in the Early English 1901 was 22I.
and Korman styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south Parish Clerk, John Maxim.
porch and a small tower at the west end containing 3 Letters received from Clare R.S.O (Suffolk) & delivered
bells: there is a stained window in the chancel, erected by foo,t post at 8 a.m. The nearest money order &
by the Rev. Edward Goodall Dawson, rector, 1864-99, telegraph office is at Clare, 4 miles distant. Wall Let-
in memory of his parents: the church affords· 200 sit- ter Box cleared at 4.30 p.m
tings. The registers of baptisms, burials and marriages National School (mixed), for 70 children; average at-
date from 1578. The living is a rectory, net yearly value tendance, 30; Mrs. Anna Maria Colby, mistress
£233, with residence and 1~ acres of glebe, in the gift Carrier to Sudbury.-Daniel Amos, tues. &; thurs
Dawson Rev. Edward Gooaall Cutmore Ephrm. In. Windmill P.H Pearsons Herbert Dennis, farmer,
T.J..K.O.L Goody Joshua, grocer &; draper Coles farm
Parmenter Rev. Harry Piper RA. Hills Ernest C. farmer, Belchamp hall Pearsons James, farmer
Rectory Nichols Robt. In. farmer, Fowes frtrm Pearsons John, beer retailer
Parmenter Wm. Chas. Bevingdon ho Offord John Edey, farm bailiff to Rev. Pearsons William, Green Man P.H
Cornell Charles, miller (wind) Robert Andrews' trustees
BELCHAMP (or Beauchamp) ST. PAUL (socalied the arms of Buckingham and Golding, from which it
because it was given by King Athelstan, in 930, to the would seem that the monument of Mrs. Elizabeth Gold-
Cathedral of St. Paul), is a village and parish, 3! miles ing was a raised tomb, and that these lozenges' are the
south-east from Clare station on the Sudbury and remains of two side panels; the rop stone had probably
Haverhill branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 north- the inscription given above with the figure of a lady
west from Sudbury, and I I north from Halstead, in now lost, three shields and two groups of children,
the :Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, the issue of her two marriages; the other raised tomb
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbury union was probably to William Golding esq. whose figure
and county court district and in the rural deanery of with those of bis one son and three daughters' remains
Yeldham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. on this slab: the church was thoroughly restored
Albans. The church of St. Andrew is a building of and reseated in the year 1873, and has 300 sittings. The
stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, register dates from the year 1538. The living :i.s a vicar-
nave of three bays. north aisle, south porch and an em~ age, net yearly value £1 180, with 65 acres of glebe and
battled western tower containing 5 bells: in the chancel residence, in t,he gift, by an Order in Council, June 23rd,
is a very fine brass, which on close examination appears 1870, of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held since
to consist of the remains of two brasses arranged on 1902 by the Rev. John Bishop Marsh M.A. of St. John's-
one stone. the inscription runs :-" Here lieth the Bodie College, Cambridge. There are charities amounting to
of Elizabeth. one of ye daughters and co-heiress of £65 annually, of which £20 was left in 1854 by the Rev.
Edward Belt late of Cornard esq. first married to John Edward Pemberton, of this parish, to be dist.ributed
Buchenham esq. by whom she had Edward yet living yearly in fuel and clothing; £20 left in 18'40 by the
and Dorothy deceased, and after married to Wm. Golding, Rev. .Jeremy Pemberton, rector of Foxearth, to be dis-
by whom she had Edward and Elizabeth deceased and tributed at the discretion of the vicar and £15 for the
Margery and Mary yet living, obiit. xx. Maii 1591:;" day school and £10 for the Sunday school left
although the inscription is to a lady, the effigy is that jointly by the Rev. Edward Pemberton and the Rev.
of a gentleman and the figures of the children on the Jeremy Pemberton for the benefit of these schools;
slab do not agree with the number given in the in- and 28. or. 37p. land and a "brick school" on The
scription: at the back of the sedilia are two lozenge Green for a night school, now used as a reading room.
shsEed stones wWch con~ b~ss shields charged with In 18,87 a sum of money bringing in about £6 yearly
was left by Mrs. Smith, of Cavendi'sh, to be equally BELCHAMP RURAL DISTRICT
divided between 4 old men an-d 4 old women. The Meets at the Board Room in the Union Workhouse. Sud.
Charity Commissioners are lords of the manor. The ,bury, Suffolk. on the 1st thursday in the month; 11
principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, that day is a Board day. then on the following thursday
the trustee,s of the late Daniel Gurteen esg. J.P. of at 12 noon
Ha"erhill, Suffolk, David H. Perry-Mitchell esq. Robert Chairman, Lt.-Col. W. St. George Burke, The Auberies,
Smith, Charles Ray, Miss Dorothy Eagle and George Sudbnry, ~uffolk
Chickall esq. The soil is clay, loam and gravel; subsoil,. Clerk. Henry Crabb Canham. 68 Friars street, Sudbuny.
clay and loam. The chie,f crops are wheat, beans, oats Suffolk
and barley. The area is 2,548 acres of land ,and 6 of Treasurer, Algernon Beckford Bevan, Bank house, Market
water; rateable value £1,'562; the population in 1901 hill, Sudbury, Suffolk
was 525. Medical Officer of Health, John Sinclair Holden M.D. 51
Friars street, Sudbury, Suffolk
Pa1"ish Clerk, John ""Yiffen. Sanitary Inspector, Frank Higginson, Long Melio.rd-,
Fost Office.-Mrs. Ursula Brown, postmistress. Letters
arrive by foot post from Clare R. S. O. (Suffolk)) at School (mixed & infants), erected in 1842, for 100 boys
7.30 a.m. & 12.15 p.m.; dispatched, ID. ID a.m. &; 5 & girls & 40 infants; average attendance, 102; Miss
p.m. Postal orders issued here, but not paid. 'Dhe M. F. Halfacre, mistress
nearest money order & telegraph office is at Clare Carriers to Sudbury.---George .chambers, Daniel Amos.
R. S. O. 4 miles distant & George Chinnery, thurs
Eagle William Henry, Paul's hall Crisp James, miller (wind) Mann Henry, shopkeeper
Marsh Rev. John Bishop M.A. The Deal William, carpenter Martin Edwaru, blacksmith
Vicarage Denson Frederick, beer retailer Martin "\Villiam, shoe maker
COM."\IERCIAL. Eag:e Thomas Alfred, farmer, 'Wood- Offord George, farmer, Lovelands'
Basham Charles Henry. farm bailiff to barns farm Ray Charles, farmer
W. B. Gurteen esg Eagle 'WaIter, farmer, Down's Care & Smith Robert. farmer & landowner~
Bland Elias, shoe maker Hickford hill Lovelands
Butcher George. Half Moon P.R Eagle Wm. Hy. farmer, Paul's hall Tarbun Lewis. shopkeeper
Chambers George, carrier Goody Isaiah. grocer &; artist Twitchett George, bricklayer
.Chickall George, farmer, Shearing pI Jackson Albert. beer retailer Ward Brothers, wheelwrights
Chinnery George, beer retailer Jarvis Octavius, farmer, Newhall frm Wiffen John, shoe maker
BELCHAMP W ALTER is a parish, on a brook fall- The living is a vicarage, annexed to that of Bulmer~
ing into the Stour, 5 miles west from Sudbury station, joint net yea.rly value £310, with 2 acres of -glebe, ia
and 4 from Long Melford Junction, on the StoUT Valley the gift of Mrs. Raymond, and held since 11899 by the
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 8 Rev. Arthur Pidgeon Pannell RA. of St. John's College,
north-east from Halstead, in the Northern division Oxford, who resides at Bulmer. Belchamp Hall, tb&
of the county, Rinckford hundred, North Hinck- seat of Mrs. Ravmond, •
is a substantial mansion of brick.
ford petty sessional division, Sudbury union and county of the time of Queen Anne, standing in pleasure grounds
court district and in the rural deanery of Hedingham. and a pa,rk of 20 acres, overlooking the valley to the-
arcltdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The parish of Bulmer. In the grounds is an avenue of Scotch
church of St.Mary the Virgin is a building of stone,chiefly firs. The trustees of the late Samuel John St. Clere
in the Early English, Decorated and Perpendicular styles Raymond esq. (d. 1900) are lords of the manor and
(with .the exception of the north wall of the chancel, which principal landowners. The soil is loam and clay; sub-
is Norman) and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and soil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans
an embattled western tower containing a clock and 8 and barley. The area is 2,190 acres; rateable value-
bells: the font is Norman and there are several stained £1,608; the population in 1901 was 41,8.
windows: in the chancel is a monument of white and
grey marble to various members of the Raymond family. NORTH WOOD (formerly extra-parochial) is a parish
including John Raymond esq. purchaser of the estate, in the union of Sudbury, having five houses, rateablll'
buried here 27 June, 1635; and his wife, 6 December, value, £&1; and a population in 1901 of 9·
1652; OliveI' Raymond esq. M.P. for Essex in the Long Sexton, Joseph Theobald.
Parliament. buried 25 March, 1679 and St. Clere Ray-
monu esq. buried 25 October. 1690 ; there is also, be- Post Office.-Mrs. Mary Grace Wicks, sub-postmistress_
neath a finely carved canopy of the Decorated pl.'riod Letters received from Sudbury, arrive at 8. ID a.m. &;
above, the tomb of one of the de Veres, Earls of Ox- 1.5 0 p.m.; dispatched at 12.10 &; 4·45 p.m. The
ford: a reredos in mosaic work has been erected at the nearest money order offica is at Ballingdon & telegraph
expense of the Rev. J. M. St. Clere Raymond M.lA. office at Sudbury, 5 miles distant
rector of Belchamp Waiter, 1859-02, by whom also the National School (mixed), built in 1872 for 123 children.;.
church was restored in 1860, ut a cost of £1,4°0: there average attendanc~, 77; Miss Kat1hari;ne Adamson.
are 276 sit,tings. The register date5 from the ;rear 1559. mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carder Harry Joseph, miller (steam Pannell Joseph, wheelwright
Prigg John, farmer, Crows, Large~
FlYlln Rev. Robert Francis A.K.C.L. G ~.wat~) f F' h f Larriotts & Rookery farms
(curate), The Vicarage 0 I~g m. 3;rmer, IS e!8 arm
Raymond Mrs. Belchamp hall Hawkms Fredenck, blacksmIth. Simpson "\Villiam, farmer, architect
Yates Brown MontaO'ue Eyston hall Hustler John Edgar. frmr. WaIts frm & surveyor, St. Mary hall
'" , Lawrence John (exors. of), farmers, Smyth Henry, farmer, New Barns
COMMERCIAL. Nouthey's farm Stunt Charles Morris, farmer & assi"st-
Addison George, farm bailiff to Mr. Martin Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer ant overseer
George Chickall, Hopkins farm Pearsons James, Eight Bells P.R. 'l'"'ichett Peter, shopkeeper
Brand Jsph. Edmd. frmr. Clarke's frm brewer. farmer & maltster
NORTH BENFLEET is a parish, 3 miles north-east since 1878 by the Rev. David Jones Davies M.A. lat~
from the Pitsea station on the London, Tilbury and fellow of that college and rural dean of Rochford and
Southend railway and 3 south from Wickford Junction J.P. The principal Landowners are the Ecclesiastical
on the Southend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 33 Commissioners, who are lords of the manor, and Williall1
from London, and 8 ·south-east from Billericay, in Nocton esq. J.P. of Langham Hall, Colchester. Thl>.
the Mid division of the county, Barstable hundred, Brent- soil is heavy; subsoil, a strong loam. The chief cropa
wood petty sessional division, Southend county court are wheat and beans. The area is 1,599 acres; rateablll
district, Billericay union, and in the rural deanery of value, [1,4°5; the population in 1901 was 180.
Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Sexton, James AlIen.
Albans. The church of .All Saints is a small and ancient Post Office.-Mrs. Mercy Webb, sub-postmistress. Let-
fabric of stone and flint in the Early English style, COD- ters from Pitsea S.O. arrive at 9.'15 a.m.; dispatched,
sisting of chancel, nave. north porch and a western at 10.15 a.m. & 4.20 p.m. daily. Postal orders are issued
wooden turret, containing 2 bells: the chancel was re- here, but not paid. The nearest money order oilice-
built and the church reseated in the year 1871, and it is at Bowers Gifford, I! miles distant & telegraph
now afford'S 100 sittings. The register of baptisms and office is at Pit'sea, 2t miles distant
burials dates from 1647; marriages, 1648. The living National School (mixed), built in 1862, for 55 children,
is a rectory, net, yearly value £350, with Tesidence, in & enlarged in r896; average attendance, 48;. John
the gift of . Emmanuel
. . ,
College. Cambridge, and held Alfred Carter. master
Davies Rev. David Jones ~LA., J.P. Gregory J. &; Son, house decorators Saward & Glasscock, farmers
(rector & rural dean), Rectory Ockendon Alfred, blacksmith Webb Mercy (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Benson James, Harrow P.H Scraggs David, farmer, corn, coal Post office
l)or.oaan W~aIll, farIller & timber merchant, Smith's farIll Wilson ·Wm. farmer, Fanton Hall fm

SOUTH BENFLEET is a village and parish on by the Rev. Charles Francis BiX. There is a lresleyan
Hadleigh Ray, which flows between it and Canvey Island, chapel here. The trustees of the late J. W. Perry Wat-
with a station on the London, Tilbury and Southend lington esg. are lords of the manor, and W. A. Brown

7 miles west from Southend, 8 south-west •
esg. C. A. Nicholson esq. ~I.A. and R. Varty esq. are
'from Rochford and 35 from London, and IS the principal landowners. The soil is clayey loam; sub-
in the South Eastern division of the county, Barstable soil, clay; producing wheat and general crops. The
dmndred, Roc~ford union and petty sessional division, area is 1,947 acres of land, I of water, 2 of tidal water
Southend county court district, and in the rural deanery and 39 of foreshore; rat,eable value, £4,8'71; the popu-
·of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. lation in 1901 was 1,013.
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is' a large Sexton, Isaiah Brown.
edifice of stone chiefly in the Perpendicular style, but
with some Norman remains, inc:uding the west doorway, CANVEY ISLAND is partly in this parish.
.and consists of chancel, nave of three bays with cleres- HOPES GREEN is half a mile north.
.tory, aisle·s, south porch and a western tower with low
shingled spire, containing a peal of 5 bells: the tenor Post,:M. O. & T. 0., T. :M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
weighs nearly zo cwt. and was cast in 1636; the treble Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office (Sub-Office.
is dated 1664; the .aisle's retain piscinae, and the rood Letters should have S.O. E,ssex added).-Mrs. Em.ily

In 1897 at a cost of £2Z0; the church has lately (1902)

been restored, £100 having been spent on the interior
stairs remain in the north aisle; a new organ was e·rected Lawrence, postmistress. Letters from Southend ar-
l'ive at 7 a.m. l;; from London at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched
to Southend, 4.40 p.m. & London, 2.30 & 8 p.m
'Df the belfry and £200 for a new lea:den and wooden Pillar Letter Box at Hopes Green cleared at 10.15 a.m. &;
roof, and the work is still going on: the porch is a 7.15 p.m.; sunda}'s, 10 a.m
beautiful spe·cimen of carved oak, dating back to 1450: A Sohool Board of 5 members was formed Feb. 15,
there are 350 sittings" The :registe.r dates from the year 1895; R. Langton, SDuthend-on-Sea, clerk to the board
1573· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £180, Board School (mixed), built in 1870, for 1'80 children;
with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the average attendance, ISO; Robert Hall, master
Venn and Chapter of Westminster, end held since 1895 Railway Station, Fred Knight, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Vaux Frederick, Granville Gilbert Fanny (Mrs.), draper

.A.blett WilIiam H Watson Richard, White house Green John Abraham, machine owner
Attwell Theodore, Shirley Watts Edward Holden S. & Son, grocers & butche!'s
:Barns Frank Steward, Suttons West John Land George, Anchor inn
Bates Thomas Wood Frederick, OakIands Lawrence Emily (Mrs.), baker, Post
Box Rev. Charles Francis, Vicarage office
lll'owne Joseph Augustus COMMEROIAL.
Mead John, wheelwright
Coatsworth John, The Hut Attwell Theodore, butcher Pepper Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Elliott Samuel Bacon William, Plamton, boot maker Pierce William, beer retailer
Howard Harry Beckley Benjamin, dairyman Roe 'l'homas, boat builder
Harding Mrs Benfieet Brick Works Limited Seal William, farmer, Hadleigh Cross
Malyon Francis Brand Charles, grocer, Central stores Serle Fredk. builder, London road
Mtitchell Richard Geo. Dunbar villas Brown "ViIliam Augustus, farmer StockweIl & Son, brick makers
Palmer :Mrs. Cross farm. Butcher Ha.rriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper Talbot Abraham, farmer
Pease William, 2 Glen villas I Chapman John, police constable Tuffield Albert Edward,grocer &; agent
Raven ThoIllas, Moss bank Clark Henry, blacksmith for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine &
Randle Edward, Hig-hlands Crow 1ViIliam Lawrence, Hoy P.H spirit merchants
~pencer Mrs. Highfield Ellard 1Villiam Jas. teacher of music 1Veller Archibald, nurseryman

'Skinner Frederick, Dur:ey grange Farr Eli7.a (Mrs.), shopkeeper West George, lij!hterman, Sompsue
StTbbards Frederick, Avenue house Francis Robert, farmer 1Vood Edwd. & Co. corn & coal mers.
Varty Robert, Jarvis hall Gray George 1Villiam, greengrocer forage factors & barge owners

GREAT :BENTLEY is a parioh and village pleasantly built in' 1887, with 8Q sittings. A fair was formerly held
seated round a green of upwards of 42 acres and having here on July 15th. A lamb sale is held in the middle
a station on the Tendrtng Hundred branch of the Great of July. '1'he green is used as golf links, and affords a
Eastern railway, 8 miles south-east from Colchester, 7 course of nine holes. Miss Francis is lady of the manor,
north-west from CIacton-on-Sea, 5 west from Thorpe-Ie- and William Necton esq. of Langham Hall; Caim:College,
Soken, 5 north from Brightlingsea and 61 from London. Cambridge, Albert Peter Barker and Thomas Downing
by road, in the North Eastern division of the county, Brooks esqrs. and Messrs. 1Vards, ,Carter and Rohertsol1
bundred, petty sessional division and union of Tendring, are the chief landowners. The soil is stone a,."u clay.
county court district of Colchester, rural deanery of St. with some light land, and produces good wheat, barley
Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. oats and roots. The area is 3,234 acres; rnteable value
Albans. The church of St. Mary is a building of red £"',016; and in 1901 the population was 1,156.
sandstone mixed wit.h iron ore, and was originally Nor- Parish Clerk, George Cowell. .
man, but is now partly in the Decorated style, and con- Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parael
sists of chancel and nave, north porch of wood and Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Ernesl
an embattled tower at the west end containing 6 bells,
2 additional bells having been hung in 1'898: the chancel
James Poulton, sub-postmaster. Letters through Col-
retains two niches at the east end, and on the chester arrive at 4.43 a.m. 12 noon & 5.15 p.m.: dis-
south side is a priests' doorway, now blocked up on patched at 9.20 a.m. I p.m. & 7.30 p.m. Wall Letter
the inside, but visible on the exterior: in the porch are Box, Railway station, cleared at 9.30 a.m. 12.50 p.m..
the remains of a stoup: a part of the old staircase to the & 7.15 p.m. Wall Letter Box, Angers green, cleared
t'ood loft is still in existence, and on the south side of at 8.30 a.m. & 7 p.m
the nave is a v~ry fine specimen of a NOI'man arch in a Cvuntv PolicB Station, Sergeant John Thomas Bridge,
good state of preservatiDn: five of the windows are also inspector of weights & measures & under the Food &
Norman, three Eady English and two Perpendicular: DruO's Act
the church was restored in 1874 at a cost of over £800: . '" Schools.
a new organ was provided and a ringing chamber con- A. School Board of 5 members was formed 2 April, 1872:
structed in 1897 at a cost of £2IZ: there are 300 C. D. Keigwin, Snrub End, Colchester, clerk to the
sittings. The register dates from the year 1558, but board; WaIter C. Bareham, Little Clacton, attendance
the entries were mixed until I6zo, when the marriages officer
were separated, the burials not being separately kept Board (mixed), built in 1806, for 200 children; average
until 1652. The living is a discharged vicarage, net attendance, zoo; Joseph Edward Richardson, master
yearly value £2185, with residence and 1I acres of glebe, Railway Station, Arthur Heifer, station master
in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since Carriers to C{)lchester.-Henry WaIter James, man. wed.
1902 by t·he Rev. Frank Willcox M.A. of St. John's Col- fri. & sat. returning .same days; Mrs. Harriet Coles
lege, Cambridge. The Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1843, & WilIiam Warner, from St. Osyth, man. wed. thurs.
has 350 sittings.. and there is another at Anger's green, & sat. returning same days
FRIVATE RESIDENTS. Blaxall Robert, shoe maker Lord Henry, butcher
Addinsell Mrs. The Cottage Bridge John Thomas, sergeant 01 Lowe 1Yilliam, hawker
Atthill Robert Chapman, '1'he Laurels police &; inspector of weights S;, Modern Brick Co. Lim. (vValter JoLn
Barker .Albert Peter, The Hall measures &; under the "Food &; Coles, managing director)
Barker Percy, Brook house Drugs Act " ~ewman George, hay & straw dealer,
Brooks Anthony, Morella house Brooks Anthony, farmer & cattle dlr. The Hollies, & farmer, Moorlands fro
Brooks Thomas Downin~,The Sturrick HecIdord farm Oxborrow Horace 'Vm. cycle agent
Cooper Misses, Moorlands Brooks Thomas Downing, farmer, Oxborrow William, blacks:nith
Creasy Alfred, St. Mary's Sturrick farm Poulton Ernest James, grocer. draper,
Mackenzie Mrs. Prospect cottage OIark Frank &; Philip, builders milliner, hosier, clothier, il'Oll-
Nevard William John, Myrtle cottage Cook Henry James, Plough inn monger, stationer, furnitl1l'e, china,
Richardson Joseph Edward Cooper Wm. Percy frmr. South Heath glass &; boots &c. Post omco
Sorrell Frederick, Crabtree Oawell Geo. bricklayer & parish clerk Poultan Mountford Blowers, farmer,
Thompson Rev. William (Wesleyan), Cudmore George, baker Parsonage farm
West lodge Dowman James, carpenter Richardson Joseph Edward sc1l001-
Went Arthur Solomon, Uiverside (let- Eley J oseph, shopkeeper master, assistant overseer &; clerk
ters through St. Osyth) Girling William, cycle :lgent to the parish council
Willcox Rev. Frank M.A. (vicar), The Goodwin George, shopkeeper Robinson Richard, farmer
V'icarage Gosling vYalter John, carpenter &: Sargeant WaIter, blacksmith
Wright William, Sunnyside wheelwright Simmonds Charles, coal merchant
Hardingham John, wheelwright Sizer John Henry, miller (steam),.
COMlIEROIAL. Hefter .Arthur, station master The Green
Ainger Alfred, shopkpr. Anger's green Herbert George, hay & straw dealer Slowgrove Thomas, Victory P.R. &.
Ainger William, baker James Henry Wlllter, beer retailer & bricklayer
Atthill Robert Chapman L.R.C.P. carrier Smith Sargeant Joseph, baker
& L.M.Edin., L.F.P. & S. &; L.M. Jones Maurice, Red Lion r.H Sorrell Mary (Miss), dress maker
Glas. surgeon, &; medical officer for King Thomas, blacksmith Syrett Samuel, beer retailer &. shop-
No. 6 district &; public vaccinator Kirkwood Leston,farmer,Cottage farm keeper, Anger's Green
5th (part of), 6th, 7th &; 8.'1, dis- London Brick Co. (Arthur Solomon Watcham William, thatcher
tricts of the Tendring union, The ""ent, manager); red facings &; Wadley Frederick Charles, cabinet
Laurels wirecut bricks a speciality (letters maker &; shopkeeper
A~'lward Jas. cattle dlr. The Poplars through St. Osyth) 1Yright WaIter, grocer &. ful'll. dlr
Barker .Albert Peter, farmer & land- Lord 1Yalter GoIding, farmer, Cop- 1Yright .Alfred, farmer & butcher~
owner, The Hall per's farm Plough farm
LITTLE BENTLEY is a parish, 3 miles north-by- I!edilia; in the south aisle wall is the rood loft staircase:
east from Bentley Green station on the Great Eastern the church was restored in 1868, and has 200 sittings.
branch railway from Colchester to 1'Valton and Clacton, 8 The register dates from the year 1558. The livin~ is a
east from Colchester, and 5 south-south-east from Mann- rectory, net yearly value £447, with resitlence, and 60
ingtree, in the North Eastern division of the county, acres of glebe, in the gift of Emmanuel College, Cam-
petty sessional division, hundred and union of Tendring, bridge, and held since 1885 by the Rev. Joseph Dixie
county court district of Colchester, rural deanery of Ard- Churchill M.A. and formerly fellow of that college. T~e­
leigh, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. rectmy house is a good residence, standing- in park-like
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin grounds. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Lord de Lisle-
is an ancient edifice of brick and stone in the and Dudley is lord of the manor and chief landowner.
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, north The soil is loamy and fertile, and produces good crops
aisle, lady chapel, south porch and an embattled of barley, wheat, oats and beans. The area is 2,094
western tower with pinnacles containing 5 bells: acres; rateable value, £1,791; the population in 1901
in the lady chapel is a brass with effigies to Sir was 291.
William Pyrton kt. "Captain of Guisnes in Picardy," ob. Parish Clerk James Balls
July I, 1490, and Catherine, his widow, ob. 15°1; under- ' . ' .
neath, in a vault, are interred the remains of Paul, Post Office.--;-Mrs. ElIzabeth Hazell, sub-post::I1lstress.
second and last Viscount Bayning, who resided in the Letters arnve from Colchester at. 7 a.m.; dIspatched'
parish and was lord of the manor in 1638 : in the chancel at. 6,40 p.m. Postal orders are ISSUed here. but n~t
are tablets to the Lidgould family, a member of which paId; The nearest money o~der & telegraph office lll-
was rector of tliis parish in 1741: there are five partially at Great Bentley, 3 miles. dIstant
stained windows in the chancel, three in the Lady chapel National Schools (mixed), for 60 children; average at~
8nd six others: the chancel retains its piscina and ten dance, 30; Miss Thompson, mistress
Ob.urehill Rev. JQseph Dixie M.A. Clark John, farmer & assistant over- Mann .Arthur Stanley, farmer, Little-
Rectory seer, Church House farm Bentlev hall •
Ra~'ner Charles John, The Firs Clark Joseph, farmer, Clipt hedge Maskell "Jacob, jun. farmer, Grove !Jl>
Cutting Emma (Miss), shopkeeper lVlaskell Jacob, sen. farmer, "'"an'en's
COMlIEllCIAL. Cutting Snsannah (Mrs.), beer retailCl' Newstead -, farm bailiff to Brooks &.
Arthy James, baker & shopkeep,')r Girling Thomas, farmer, Pains farm Sons, Red house
Bowell George, shoe maker Hazell Elizh. (Mrs.), Post office Partridge Robert, farmer
Bradbrook James, farmer, The Oaks Hazell Wilby, wheelwright Rycraft Jacob. beer retailer
Carter George J. farmer, Dairy house Knowler Alfred, farmer Suggate Austin, blacksmith
:BERDEN (or Bearden) is a village and parish on the 31; above are arms of Thompson and Aldersey, am}
borders of Hertfordshire, 6 miles south-west from New- below the figures of nine sons and four daughters; here
port station on the main line of the Great Eastern rail- also is a slab with inscription to Dame Mary Scott~
way, 35 from London, and 7 north-west from Bishops daughter of John Aldersey, of Berden Hall, and succes-
Stortford, in the Northern division of the county, Claver- sively wife of Thomas Westrowe, alderman of London, of
ing hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, Sir Norton Knatchbull, of Hatch, in Kent, kt. and of Sir
Bishops Stortford union and county court distriot, and Edward Scott, of Scott's Hall in Kent, kt.; she died ill'
in the rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of 001- 1678, aged 89: in the north transept is an altar tomb,
chester and diocese of St. Albans. The church' of St. with the figures in brass of a man between his two wives·
Nicholas, standing on slightly elcvated ground, is an and an inscription to William Turnor and Margaret andl
ancient structure of flint with stone dressings, mostly Margery his wives: he died 10 Nov. 1473: two shields-
in the Perpendicular style, and consisting of chancel, above and some figures below, probably of children, have-
nave, transepts, south porch and a western tower faced been removed, but there remain two scrolls severallv
with pebbles and containing 4 bells: the chancel is a mag- inscribed" 0 bone Jhu esto michi ihs" and "miserere
nificent specimen of very Early English 'Workmanship, mei Deus:" the church was completely restored in 1868,
some of the windows dating from the 13th century: on at a cost of about £2,000, and has 200 sittings. 'the-
the south wall of the chancel is a tablet inscribed to register dates from the year 1715. The living is a vicar-
Thomas Aldersaie esq. of Bunbury, in Cheshire, age, net yearly value £182, with 3 acres of glebe and
citizen and merchant of London, a member of residence, in the gift of the Governors of Christ's
the Haberdashers' Company and founder of the Hospital, and held since 1899 by the Rev. Herbert Kyn-
Free school at Bunbury, ob. 4 February, 1598, rot. 79: aston Hudson M.A. of Wadham College, Oxford. Here
within the communion rail are brass effigies of Thoma~ is a Wesleyan chapel, seating about 60. Charities
Thompson of Birden, gent. and .Ann his wife, with an amounting to £13 are distributed yearly. Here
inscription to the latter, ob. on St. James' day, 16°7, rot. was a small hospital or priory of St. John

the Evangelist, for canons of the order of St. held bv the service of one knight's fee: after the dissolu-
Augustine, probably founded by the Rochfords at tion, Henry VIII. granted it, in 1538, to Lord Chancellor
the beginning of Henry IlL's reign, and colonised Audley, from whom it descended with the Walden estates
from the convent of La Charite de Dieu snr to Thomas, Lord Howard, 1St baron Howard de Walden,
Loire: the patronage of this house was given in 1343 to and Earl of Suffolk, who had married, as his first wife
the abbey of Walden and the prior obtained licence ill Margaret, daughter and heir of the Lord Chancellor, and
1266 to hold a fair here; its revenues, at the Dissolution, secondly, Katha1ine, eldest daughter and co-heir of Sir
were returned at £31 Ss. Id. when it was granted to Henry Knevet, who in 1597 sold it to Thomas Sutton esq.
Henry Parker and was afterwards held by Thomas and from whom it was conveyed to the family of Calvert, of
Margery Avery and by Sir Thomas Ramsey, who in 1583 Furneaux Pelham, descending from William Calvert esq.
conveyed it to the Mayor and Commonalty of London, as to Felix Calvert esq. of Pelham Hall, who died in 1655,
Governors of Christ's Hospital. Joseph Mede B.D. of and then to Nicholson Calvert esq. of Hunsdon, in Hert-
Christ's College, Cambridge, an eminent theologian, was fordshire, and his successors, who, in 1860, sold it to the
born here in 1586: in the farm yard of the priory is an Governors of Christ's Hospital, who now hold the lordship
ancient well worked by a large wheel, the person wishing of the manor and are the chief landowners; the other
to obtain water gets inside the wheel, and by walking, owner is Robert Cunliffe Gosling esq. J.P. of Hassobury.
causes it to revolve. Berden Hall, the ancient manor The soil is mixed, principally heavy; subsoil, clay with
house, is now a farmhouse; this house, with the manor, some chalk and gravel. The crops are chiefly on the
were holden at the beginning of the reign of Henry Il. by four-course shift. The area is :1,796 acres; rateable
John de Rochford, under Henry de Essex, of the honour value, £1,252; the population in 1891 was 336.
of Rayleigh: in 12 47 Sir Guy de Rochford had this pos- LITTLE LONDON is 8 hamlet, half a mile south-east;
session, who, dying in 12 73, was succeeded by his nephew. Dewes Green, half a mile north-west.
John de Rochford, son of his sister Maud; Robert, his Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Coyston.
son, who married Isolda. daughter of William Fitz Warine,
also held Rochford and Berden; and on his decease, in Post Office. Stephen Sibley, sub-postmaster. Letters
7337. he left Sir Thomas Rochford, his son, his heir: in through Stansted R.S.O. arrive at 8.30 a.m. & are
1340, on the failure of heirs male in the Rochford family, dispatched at 5·45 p.m.; on sunday there is no delivery
King Edward the Third granted Rochford and Berden to or dispatch. Postal orders are issued here, but not
William de Bohun, ISt Earl of Northampton; and paid. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
William de Bohun, after the decease of Christina, wife of at Clavering. 2 miles distant
Robert de Rochford, gave the manor of Berden to the National School (mixed), built in 1857, for 80 children;
abbey of Walden, which in 1388 the abbot of that time I average attendance, SI; Miss Marion Bonnett, mistress.

PRIVATE IlESIDENTS. Chapple Isaac, chimney sweeper, Seabrook Arthur, farmer

Hudson Rev. Herbert Kynaston M.A. Dowes Green Seabrook WaIter, farmer, Priory
(vicar), Vicarage Coyston James, farm bailiff to Mr. Sheppard James, Raven P.H
Phillips Lewis, Berden hall Arthur Seabrook, & parish clerk & Sibley Stephen & Son, wheelwrights b;-.
Seabrook Arthur sexton, Rooks' farm, Little London blacksmiths
Seabrook Mrs. The Cottage Martin EH, farmer Stone Wm. stockman to Mr. Walter'
Se~·.brook 'Walter, 'The Priory King Reuben, farmer, Brick house Seabrook, Dewes green
Parham, steward to Lewis Tant George, carrier
COMMERCIAL. Phillips esq. Berden hall Tinsworth J osiah, beer retailer
Burls Martin, grocer Phillips Lewis, farmer, Berden hall

WEST :BERGHOLT is a parish and village, near the Edward Buckley Cook esg. is lord of the manor of
river Colne, 3 miles west-north-west from Colchester, in Nether or Crooks Hall, and John Horace iRound esq.
the North Eastern division of the county, Lexden and M.A.., F.S.A. of IS Brunswick terrace, Brighton, is lord
Winstree hundred, petty sessional division and union, of the manor of Bergholt Hall. The principal landowners
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Ded- are John Horace Round, Edward Smith, Mrs. Fairhead's
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. trustees, William Page, Charle,s Jones &; Edward Buckley
Albans. The church of St. Mary is a building of stone Cook esg. The soil is mixed, principally loam; subsoil,
in the Norman and Decorated styles, consisting of chan- loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans
cel. nave of five bays, south aisle, south porch and a and roots. The area .is 2,27'8 acres of land and 9 or
small wooden turret containing 2 bells; in 1877 the water; rateable value, £3,785; the population in 1901
church was reseated and an organ erected by subscrip- was 1,°5°.
tion: the arcading is supported on plain but massive Parish Clerk, James Kidby.
Norman pillars: there are 350 sittings. The register Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel!
dates from the year 1598. 'The living is a rectory, net Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office (Railway
yearly value £250, with 35 acres of glebe and residence, Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Essex added).
in the gift of Mrs. H. Vawser, and held since 1897 by -Ge-orge William Claydon, sub-postmaster. Letters-
the Rev. Alban Jenkins Havard B.A. of Cambridge Uni- delivered at 6.30 a.m. & I p.m.; despatched at 10.20-
versity. The Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1,878, a.m. & 9.22 p.m.
was enlarged in 189'5, and will now seat 400 persons.
A sum of £13 17s. lOd. derived from Love's charity, is Schools : -
distributed in olankets, coals and bread. The common Church School (mixed), built in 1858, for 236 children;.
was in 1865 allotted to owners of property in the parish: average attendance, 2°5; Arthur James Knowler, mast
179 lots being assigned to private persons, 2 acres for a Carriers to ColchesteT.-George Moss, mono thurs. fri.
new church, 4 acres for recreation ground for the in- & sat.; Sach (from Wormingfurd), daily except tues. ;
habitants and 5 acres of garden ground for the poor. Shead (from Bures), tues. thurs. & sat

Argent .John Thompson, Horspits Barrow Geo. hay &; straw dlr. & frmr Leggett John Thomas, baker
Argent Misses, Newbridge mills Brown 'l'homas, hay cutter Macandrew Isaac Forsyth, farmer,
Daniell Thomas Brett, Heath house Bull Ernest, baker & beer retailer Scarletts farm
Daniell Thomas Lorkin, The Armoury Byfield '\Villiam, horse slaughterer Mason Thomas, farmer
Francis Hezekiah Sadler, Hill house Cant William, beer retailer ]\fumford .Allan, farmer, 1Yest Berg-
Guiver :Miss, Donard lodge Clayden William, baker holt lodge
Havard Rev. .A.lban Jenkins B.A.Rctry Claydon George William, grocer & Moss George, carter & carrier
Heath Arth. Raymond, Brewery ha draper, Post 'Office Partridge Benjamin, farmer & ma-
Lee John, Bravo villa Daniell & Sons Breweries Limited, chine owner, Coney Bays farm
Macandrew Isaac F. Scarletts farm brewers, maltsters & wine & spirit Partridge Edgar Arnold, wheelwright
Miller John Henry merchants; & Colchester Phillips Arthur John, butcher
Mumford .Allan, West Bergbolt lodge Garling 'Walter, baker Raven Samson Philip, boot maker
Orpen Osmond George. Hill side Green William. ISMc, farmer, The Hall Raven Solomon 1Yilliam, butcher
Taylor Edwin George, Trafalgar house Hempsted George, beer retailer Rouse George, blacksmith
T!lylor Rowland, The Chestnuts Hyarn Thomas, grocer & draper Wade Henry, farmer, Rose cottage

Mrs. Shrubland house Jackson William, White Hart P.H Walker Charls3, farmer
COMMEROllL. Jobnson Alfd. nurseryman, The Limes 'West Bergholt Brick, Tile & Pipe
Allen Josiah AlIen, farmer, Cook's hall Kidby James, boot maker Works (W. Bolinghroke, manager)
Argent J. T. & Son, millers (steam & Lambert Hy. farmI'. High Tree frm Wright George (exors. of), farmers
:water) & farmers, Newbridge mills

:BILLERICA Y is a, small town and head of a same year a stained east window was erected as a
T:.nion, on an eminence at the junction of the road from memorial to Wi:liam Carter esq. and his wife, by their
London to Rochford and Southend, with that from children: there are 400sittings. The register dates
Chelmsford to the ferry over the Thames at Tilbury, from the year 1844; all earlier entries referring to this
6 miles east from Brentwood, 9 south from Chelmsford place will be found in the registers of Great Burstead.
and 23 from Whitechapel church, and was formed into The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £320, in the
a separate ecclesiastical parish 14 Sep. 1844, but for gift ·of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1877 by
civil purposes is within the parish of Great Burstead. the Rev. Edward George Darby B.A. of St. John's Col-
It is in the Mid division of the county, Barstable lege, Cambridge, chaplain of Billericuy union, and rural
hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division and cDunty dean of Ingatestone. There are Baptist and Congrega-
court district, and in the rural deanery of Ingatestone, tional chapels; attached to thl3 latter is a small burial
arch deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The ground. There is a charity of £500, invested
Great Eastern Railway Company has a station at the in the 2! per Cents. left by James Mabbs in 1733 for
lower end of the town on their branch line from Shenfield, the education of poor children. At a recent date Miss
opened Jan. I, 1889, which proceeds via Wickford to Mead, of Billericay, left the sum of £500 for educational
~ialdon, Burnham and Southminster, and also through purposes. Both these gifts are administered by the
Rayleigh and Rochford to 'Southend. 'fhe town is lighted trustees of the Congregational chapel. Lord Petre, wh(l
wit'h gas. The church of St. Mary Magdalene is a plain is lord of the manor, and Mrs. Spitty, of Billericay, are
rectangnlar edifice of brick, consisting of nave and the chief landowners. The area of the ecclesiastical
a western tower, the only part of the old church parish is 1,079 acres; rateable value, included with Bur-
now remaining, and containing one bell and an stead; population in 1901 was 1,319, including 9 officers
illuminated clock, provided in 1897 at a cost of £120: and 189 inmates in the union.
the tower was· thoroughly restored in 1880, and in the


.P ost, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Deliverv, Parcel BILLERIOAY UNIO~.
Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, R.S.O.- Board day, alternate tuesdays, at the Board room at
John King, sub-postmaster. Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; IQ.30 a.m
M.O. &; telegraph business, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sunday, The union contains the following parishes viz :-Bassil-
,8 to IQ a.m. (Railway Sub-Office.-Letters should don, Bowers Gifford, Brentwood, Childerditch, Down-
have R.S.O. Essex added). Letters delivered at 7 &; ha::n, Dunton, East Horndon, Great Burstead, Hutton,
II·45 &; -6,45 p.m.; dispatched at 9·5 a.m. 3·35 &; 7,20 Ingrave, Laindon, Lee Chapel, Little Burstead, Little
p.m. Parcels dispatched 9 a.m. &; 7.20 p.m.; sundays; \Varley, I\[ountnessing, Nevendon, North Benfleet,
delivered 7 a.m.; dispatched 7.20 p.m. 'Wall Letter Pitsea, Ramsden Bellbouse, Ramsden Crays, Shenfield,
Box cleared 8.50 a.m. & 3.20 & 6.55 p.m.; sundays, South Weald, Vange, West Horndon &; Wickford. The
12 noon. Wall Letter Box, near Tye Common, cleared p.)pulation of th'3 union in !901 was 22,436; area,
at ].30 p.m 49,851 acres; rateable value in 1902, £135,612
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. David J ones
OOU~1'Y MAGISTIR.iTES FOR THE -ffiLLERIC.iY Da'des RA. North Benfleet, Pitsea S.O
SUB-DIVISION OF BRENTWOOD. Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, Charles
Edgar Lewis, Brentwood
. Arkwright Lieut.-Col. Arthur Chandos, Thoby priory, Treasurer, William Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford
Brentwood Collectors to the Guardians, Frederick J ames Smith,
Bacon Thomas 'Waiter esq. Ramsden hall, Ramsden Billericay & Edward William Oottee, Brentwood
Crays, Billericay R.S.O Relieving Officers, Eastern district, Frederick James
Blencowe Major Henry PrescoU George, New Oxford & Smith, Billericay; Western district, Edwin William
Cambridge club, 68 Pall mall, London S W Cottee, Brentwood
Branfill Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson, Burghstead lodge, Vaccination Officer, Charles Edgar Lewis, Brentwood
Billericay R.S.O Medical Officers &:, Public Vacc;:inators, Brentwood district,
Jones Edgar esg. The Elms, Great Burstead, Brentwood Alb'lrt 'Villi am Boyd-Wallis M.R.O.S.Eng., Melville
Mashiter Edward Thomas esg. Gatwick, Great Burstead, lodW', Drentwo'ld; Great Burstead &; Mountnessing
Brentwood distriets, John Charles Creswell L.R.C,P, & L.M.Edin.
Tabrum Burnett esq. Norsey manor, Billericay R.S.O Rilkricay; Wickford district, John Mr.rshall M.R.C.S.
Ward Alexander esg. Lockers, Billericay R.S.O Eng. 1Vickford
The Chai'rman, fol' the time being, of the Billericay RUlI'al Superintendent Registrar, Chas. Edg9.1" Lewis,Brentwood
District Council is an ex-officio magistrate Deputy Superintendent Registrar, In..Tefferies, Billericay
Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles E. Lewis, Brentwood Registrar of Marriages, John Aylett, Billericay; deputy,
Assistant Clerk, John J efferies, Billericay R. S. 0 Edwin J. Houghton, Billericay
Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall the second 8- Registrars of Births & Deaths, Eastern sub-district,
fourih monday in every month at I I a.m. The places Frederick J ames Smith, Billericay j deputy, John
in the petty sessional division are Ba~si]don, Bowers King; Western sub-district, Edward William Cottee,
Gifford. Downham, Dunton, Great Burstead, Laindon, Brentwood; deputy, Mrs. Alice M. Cottee, Brentwood
Lee Chapel, Little Burstead, Kevendon, North The Workhouse, a building of brick in the Elizabethan
Benfl~et, Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden Crays, style, was built in 1840 & will hold 252 inmates;
Vange, Wickford a new infirmary, casual wards &; boilE'r house werE'
added in 13g'l; Rev. Edward George Darby RA. chap-
BILLERICAY RURAL DISTtRICT COUXOIL. lain; Frederick Carter M.D. medical officer; \Valter
Meets at the ·Workhouse, alternate tuesdays, IO.30 a.m. Needham, master; Mrs. Elizh. Needham, matron
Chairman, Rev. David Jones Davies RA. North Ben- The children attend the Board School
fleet, Pitsea S.O
Clerk, Charles Edgar Lewis, Brentwood School Attendance Committee.
Treasurer, ,"Villiam Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford
Medical Officer of Health, Fredk. Carter JH.D. Billericay Meets at the rinion 10 a.m. on every alternaJe tuesdaJ·.
Sanitary Inspectors, Sam!. J. Shelley, Brentwood, Western Clerk, Charles Edgar Lewis, BrentwJod
District; R. Jasper W. LayJand, Billericay, Eastern Attendance Officers, Frederick J ames Smith, Billericay
District &; Samuel J. 'Shelley, Brentwood
SlIrveyor, R. Jasper W. Layland, Billericay R. S. 0
PUBLIC ESTABUSHMENTS. Endowed Grammar, with an income arising from a farm
County Police Station, Ephraim Smith, sergeant in at LaindoIl & some invested money. being a bequest
charge & one constable left in 1684 by the Rev. Samuel Bayley, rector of Ben-
Town Hall, T. E. Wormald, manager; David Savill, kpr f1ppf;; there Ull'e 20 boys, of whom 13 are educated free j
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Frederick Bassom, captain William Matthew'!, master
Board, under the Great Burstead School Board, erected in
PUBLIC OFFICERS. ] ll78, for 400 children; average attendance, IIO boys,
Coroner for South Essex, Cllarles Edgar Lewis, Brent- go girl'! & 89 infants; Randal Porter, master; Mrs.
wood; deputy, W. B. Blood, Witham Clara Bushby, mistress; Miss Eleanor Cole, infants'
Collector of Poor's Rates, Assistant Over~eer & Clerk to mistress
the Parish Council, Thomas Eastwood Wormald Railway Station, Henry Hambleton, station master
King's Tax Collector, Joseph Cottis, Orsett road, Grays Carrier to Chelmsford.-Harry Heard, tues. &; fri
PRIVATE BESJDENTS. Billericay Horticultural Society (F. J. Land Company (Frederic Ramuz;
Amos l\irs Smith, sec) manager), Station estate & Shipmans
~\nsell Wm. H. G. Tanfield park Billericay To""n Hall Co. Lim.i estate; & at 67 & 68 Cheapside, Lon-
Boughtwood Mrs hall to let for entertainments &c. don E C
Branfill Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson (A. Thorne, sec.; T. E. Wormald, ILarritt Rt. M. cycle agt. & tubaccnst
J.P. Burghstead lodge manager; D. Savill, keeper) Lewis & Quennell, solicitors
Brett Edward, Burghstead house Billericay Volunteer Fire Brigade :'Vracpherson .Tohn, artist, Highfield
Bull Mrs. Bleak house (FredericK: Bassom, captain) ~'[eeson William Meorrifield, corn &
Carter Frederick M.D Boughtwood Annie E. (Miss), girls' flour factor
Cole Philip school :.\Ieeson William T. coal merchant
Creswell John Charles Boughtwood Fredk. Thomas, butcher :Ml)Ore & Co. drapers & grocers
Dare Walter Charles, Oak house Brown Arth. wheelwright & machinist -:\{orris Edward James, boot maker
Darby Rev. Edward George RA. (vicar Bull George, agent for G. E. R Morris Joseph Edward, gToc~r & wine
& rural dean) Bull William, Railway inn P.H & spirit merchant .
Emerson John Frederick Burrows 1'VaIt. chimney swpr. Back la l\Iumford James, corn dealer
Goodchild ·Wellington Butcher William Francis, Red ~assau John, clothier &i boot dealer
'Green Harry Woodruffe, Devonshire ho Lion hotel, commercial & posting :Kix John Beard, chemist & stationer
Harrod I<~redk. Hill cottage, Stock I'd house; luncheons, dinners & teas; Oddy 1-Villiam Luckin, castrator,
Heard George apartments; horse & trap on llil'e; & coffee tavern
Heathcote Henry Joseph good stabling Olley Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Hilliard Francis P. T Gampen George, pork butcher Payne Edward Burgess, butcher
Horsman Thomas O'Ham Carter Frederick M.D.Durh., L.R.C.P. Potter Waiter Fdk. artist, Highfields
Hoysted Rev. James Douglas RA. Land., l\LR.C.S.Eng. surgeon, &; Punt William, White Hart P.R
(rector of Ramsden CnlYs) medical officer of health to the Quilter Samuel, farmer
Hutchinson Capt. John lVilliam P Rural District Council & medical Ramsey Fl'ederick A. hair dresser
Jacobs Henriques officer to workhouse Hamsey George, watch &; clock maker
Jefferies John, Bank house Cole Philip, farmer Ramsey Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker
Lain Edward Frederick Hy. The Croft Cole Thomas, threshing machine Reading Room & Library (H. W.
La~ Charles, Belle view proprietor Pritt esq. hon. sec)
I,aws Gilbert U. Elm lodge, Stock I'd Cook Edwin, Sun P.H Saltwell Waiter, boot maker
Lloyd Mrs Cottee Robert, hair dresser Savill David, furniture dealer
Lncas William Cottis 1Y. J. & Sons, bakers & confl's Scott Elizabeth (Mrs.), news agent &
McCnre Benjamin William, Hill house Creswell John Charles L.R.C.P.& L.~L tobacconist
Macpherson John, Highfields Edin., I\I.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.Lond. Scott William, general smith
Matthews lYilliam, The Sheridays surgeon & medical officer for Great Seaborn William, sheep dresser
;\{o1)re Mrs Burstead & Rutton & public vac- Seagers Alfred, shoplieeper
Moore Waiter Richard, Hillside cinator for Great Burstead & Mount- Sewell Joseph, hay dealer
Nutting Mrs nessing districts Sewell Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Parker Robert, Gardenhurst Cullum Thomas, shopkeeper Smith Fredk. H. & Horace, butchers
Potter Waiter Frederick, Highfields Curtis Rose Anna (Miss), Bull P.B Smith Jane Mansell & Martha(.Misse s ),
Pritt Harry WaIter, The Firs Daldy & Co. coal merchants girls' school
Rae George, Farrview Eales Kitty (Mrs.), apartments Smith Frederick James, registrar of
Richardson Charles, Bay cottage Eales Thomas, saddler births &; deaths for the Eastern
Salter The Misses, South villa Eke J oseph, insu'rance agent sub-district of 'Vickford, collector
Sides Mrs Endowed Grammar School (William to the guardians & school attend-
Smith Miss Matthews, master) anCe & relieving officer Eastern dis-
Smith Thomas, Norsey lodge Essex Provident Soc. (In. Aylet!, col) trict, Fairview villa, Highland gro
Smith lVilliam, Highland villa Gentry Fred, boot & shoe maker Smith Wm. Edwd. baker & confectnr
Spitty Mr;:: Gentry George, builder Speller John, shopkE'{'per
Swallow Mrs. The Cottage Gray Frances & Sarah (Misses), mil- Springett Henry, farmer & greengrocr
Tabrum Burnett J.P. Norsey manor liners Stammers Mari Anne (Mrs.), shopkpr
TThorogood William Gull Edward George, gardener to W. Stowers Samuel W. Crown P.H
Vi"ard Alexander J.P. Lockers C. Wells esq Thompson James, shopkeeper
·Wells William Clement Hambleton Henry, station master, Thompson John, coal dealer, fur.
1Yhitford Thomas, Red Hatch Railway statiun niture remover & warehouseman &
l<Vormald Thomas E Harring-ton Samuel, ironmonger gE'neral carting contractor
COMMERCIA.L. Heard Harry, carrier Thorne Arthur, solicitor, see Woodard,
(Early closing day, Thursday). Heard Samuel John, carpenter Hood & Thorne
A.lderslad~ Alfred Thomas, Coach & Hope May Cunningham (Mrs.), sta- Totman 'Walter, shopkeeper
Horses r.H tioner & miIline;r Tunbridge Gerald, grocer & draper
Ansell William H. G. architect, sur- Horse Shoes inn; good accommodation Tyler Jonathan, farmer
veyor & builder, land, estate & in- for cyclists & parties;· moderate Tylor Edward, baker & corn dealer
8urance agent & organist, Town cllarges (Henry Burnell, proprietor) Tyrrell Annie E. (Mrs.), draper
Hall chambers Houghton Caleb, draper & grocer Wade Frederick, shopkeeper
Aylett John, registrar of marriages Houghton Edwin J. deputy registrar Watts Clara (Mrs.), certificated nurse
for Billericay union of marriages Watts Minnie (Miss), dress maker
Barclay &. Co. Lim. (branch), bankers JefIeries Harry John, solicitor \Vaylett John lVilliam, wheelwright,
{John Jefferies, manager); draw Jefferies John, manager of Barclay & carpenter, coach bldr. & undertaker
on head office, 54 Lombard street, CQ.'s branch bank, deputy supt. Weston Thomas, The Chequers P.R
London E C !registrar, assistant clerk to the Wheal John, boot &; shoe maker
Barfield Arthur, wood carver magistrates,clerk to conservators of Wood Charles, confectioner
Bar:field Mrs. Sarah, tea rooms Laindon Common, clerk to Great Woodard, Hood &; Thorne, solicitors;
Bassom Geo. Jsph. plumber &; glazier Burstead School Board & insurance &, at Southend-on-Sea
Billericay Cricket Club (T. Johns,sec) agent, Bank house Woollard Jasper, dairyman
Dillericay & District Permanent Build- King John, postmaster &; deputy regis- \Vormald Thomas Eastwood, assistant
ing Society (A'rthur Thorne, sec) r trar of births & deaths, Post office overseer & clerk to Parish Council &
Eillericay Gas Co. (E. F. H. Lain, sec) . Ludbrook Cbas. hay dlr. Crescent ha collector of poor's rates
:BIRCH is a pleasant village and parish about 3 miles and nave with aisles, the north aisle consisting of four
south-east from Marks Tey station on the Great Eastern and the south of five bays, and at the west end of the
railway, 6 south-west from Colchester, 9 south-east from north aisle a tower with spire rising to a height of IrO
O:>ggeshall and 52 from London, in the :Korth-eastern feet, and containing one bell, and in 1897 a clock was
di,ision of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and added at a cost of oyer £100, to commemorate the
\Vinstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester Diamond Jubilee of her late Majesty, Queen Victoria:
cQunty court district, rural deanery of Coggeshall, arch- there are 300 sittings. The chur.::h of Little Birch, which
deaconry of Colchester and St. Albans diocese; it was in is in ruins, stands in the park neaT the Hall. The
existence long before the reign of King Edward the Con- register dates from the year 1500. The living is a rec-
fessor, and formerly consisted of the parishes of Great and tory, net yearly value £450, with :cesidence and 72 acres
Little Birch, now consolidated. The church of St. Peter, of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of St. JJbans, who
in Great Birch, is a building of faced flint in a. modern has two turns, and the Rt. Hon. James Round M.P.
Pointed style and was erected in 1850 by the late Charles who has one turn, and held since 1895 by the Rev. Rixby
Gray Round esq. of Birch Hall; it consists of chancel Garnham Luard M.A. of Peterhouse, Cambridge, and

J.P. Essex. 'rhe rectory house was built by Mr. Round By Local Government Board Order 22,363, March 24,
in 1/859-60. A village club with reading room 'Was erected 1889, detached parts of Copford, known as Bral,es, Round
and opened in 1890 8Jt a cost of £140. To the south-east Bush &c. were transferred to this parish, and Canfields
of the church is a mound encompassed by a trench and Farm from Easthorpe.
said to be the remains of a castle of the Gernons; others,
however, affirm these to be nothing more than a con- Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
tinuation of the stupendous Roman works on Lexden Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Miss Char-
Heath. Birch RaIl, the residence of the Rt. Hon. James lotte Annie Preston, sub-postmistress. Letters through
Round P.C., M.A., M.P., D.L., J.P. is a modern edifice, Colchester arrive at 7 a.m. & 1. IQ p. m.; dispatched at
erected by the late Charles Gray Round M.P. on a site IO.5 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
adjacen·t to the old hall, which had been rebuilt by his Pillar Box, Hardy's Green, cleared at '6. IS p.Ul.; no col-
ancestor. James Round esg. in 1727-8; it' stands in lection OIl sunday; Wall Box, Heckford bridge, cleared
beautiful grounds watered by a rivulet ·which here ex· at 6.50 p.m.; no collection on sunday
pands into a small lake containing J8 acres; the ruins Wall Letter Boxes, near the School, cleared 9. IS a.m. &;
of the ancient church of LiUle Birch are in the parI.. 6 p.m. & Birch street, cleared at 9.5 a.m. &; 6 p.m
Bircbrwood is the residence of Mrs. Hichens. The Rt.
Hon. James Round M.P. is lord of the manor. The soil National School (mixed), for 260 children; average at-
is light; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, tendance, 170; Arthur Beard Chandler, master; Mrs.
beans and barley. '£he area is 3,401 acres of land and Chandler, mistress
] 2 of water; :rateable value, £3,I03; the population in Carriers to Colchester.-Walter Burmby, Edmund Prior
1901 was 759. & Isaac Whyatt, mono wed. & sat
Cooke F r:ancis Henry L.R. C.P .Lond Chandler Arthur Beard, schoolmaster, Hutton James, shopkeeper
Hichens Mrs. Birchwood organist" assistant overseer & clerk Martin Frank, farmer, Luke's farm
Luard -Rev. Bixby Garnham M.A., to the Parish Council Nice John, shopkpr. Beckford Bridge
J.P. Rectory Club & Reading Room (A. B. Chandler, Norfolk Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer,
Round Douglass, Eirch cottage sec) Brakes farm.
Round Rt. Hon. James P.C., M.P., Cooke Francis Henry M.R.C.S.Eng., Norman Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer,
M.A., D.L.• J.P. Birch hall; & 31 L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon &; medical Garlands
De Vere gardens, Kensington W &; ofiice·r & public vaccinator, 5th & Partridge George, bricklayer
Carlton club S W, London 6th district of Lexden & Winstree Prinr Edmund, carrie:
Wllson Mrs Union Rogers John, seed grower & farmer,
COMMERCIAL. Coppin Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Little Luke's
Baxter Stafford, farmer, Boarded barn Darien James, farmer,Upper Hill farm I Sach John, farmer &; shopkeeper
Blom.t3.eld Frederick William, farmer, Dunning Robert, farmer, Heath farm Saunders Alfred B. grocer &; draper
Beckingham hall; & at Copford Fairhead Golden (Mrs.), farmer, Smith B. farmer, Winter floods
Bloomfield Robert, boot &; shoe makr Birch holt Smith Daniel, commission agent &;
Brown Frank, blacksmith, Heckford Gale Sam!. farmer, Round Bush farm farmer, Birch cottage
Bridge Goody Marv Ann (Mrs.), Angel inn, Smith WilIiam, steward to Rt. Hon.
Ohurch Arthur,farmel', HeIlen's frm Heckford "Bridge James Round M.P. Hall farm
Church Wm. frmr. Shemming's farm Rutton Frederick, carpenter Tiffin Edmund, butcher
BIRCXANGER is a parish on the borders of Herts, A hospital for a. master and two chaplains was founded
near the junction of the roads from Bishop's Stortford to here by Richard, son of Serlo de ~~port, in the reign
Dunmow and Saffron Walden, I! miles from Stanstead of King John, and was dedicated to St. Mary and St.
station on the Great Eastern railway, 2 east-north-east Leonard, being under the peculiar jurisdiction of the
from Bishop's Stortford. in the Northern division of the dean of St. Martin's, in London: in 26 Henry VIII. its
county, hundred of Uttlesford, Bishops Stortford union reVAnues were stated at £31 13s. lId. in gross, and
and county court district, Walden petty sessional division, after its suppression it was granted to Sir Martin Bower.
rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconryof Colchester and W. Fuller-Maitland esq. of Stansted Hall, who is lord
diocese of St. Albans. A small stream runs through of the manor, Sir James BIyth bart. of ,Stansted, Mrs.
the parish. The church of St. Mary is a small building Johnson and Col. G. B. Archer-Houblon, of Hallingbury
of flint with stone dressings in the Norman and Early Place, are the principal landowners. The soil is clay
English styles, and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle and loam; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat and
and a stone bell turret containing one bell: the north barley. The area is 1,064 acres; rateable value, £6,009;
aisle was added in 1898, from designs by Sir Arthur the population in 1901 was 753.
Blomfield and Sons, at li cost of about £75°: the church Parish Clerk, Frederick Levey.
contains a handsome oak reredos, with painted panel, Post Office. James Smith. SUb-postmaster. Do:!: cleared
erected in 1901 by the family of Mr. C. Gold, in memory 7.30 a.m. & 7 & 9.40 p.m. Letters through Bishop's
of a brother and sister: there are 180 sittings. The re- Stortford, arrive at 7.45 &; II.30 a.m. Postal orders
gister dates from the year 1688. The living is a rectory, are issued here, but not paid. Stansted Moun'tfitchet
net yearly value £2IO, with 33 acres of glebe and resi- is the nearest money order &; telegraph office, I! miles
dence, in the gift of New College, OXford, and held distant
since 1692 by the Rev. William Herbert Cam M.A. for. National School (mixed), for 120 children; average at-
merly scholar of that college, and rural dean of Newport. ten dance, 88; Robert Henry Simmonds, Ulaster
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pinder WaIter, The' Gables Reed James, carter
(Marked thus t receive their letters tPuItenev Miss, Sion house Robinson Daniel, jun. brick maker •
through iStansted R.S.O.). Stubbs Miss, Broom cottage Rochford Edmund, market gardener
Brown Mrs Hermitage Vaughan Renry Louis, The Cottage Smith Annio (Mrs.), SUb-postmistress
Cam Rev. William Herbert M.A. Teagle Henry, farmer, Start hill
(rector & rural dean), Rectory COMMERCIAL. Wi;kins John, tailor, Stoney common
tChester Harry J.P. J;'airfield Bailey Alfred, farmer, Forest hall Willl,er WilIiam, manager to Mr. E.
1'Chester Mrs. Harry, Pines hill Emerson James, beer retailer Hochford
tGold Charles D.L., J.P. The Limes; Freeman Henry, Old Bell P.ll Wood Peter, farmer, Birchanger hall
Easter Elchies,Morayshire,N.B.; & Gibson Elias, beer retailer Working Men's Club (Charles Gold
Devonshire club S W, London Heard Sarn!. grocer &c. Stoney corn D.L., J.P. president; Edward John
tGripper George Bell, Brooklands Knowles' A. farmer, Duckend Sizeland, caretaker)
Harrison Thomas, Birchanger place Levey Frederick, carpenter
BIRDBROOK is a parish and pleasant village on the in the tower are inscriptions to Martha Blewitt, of Bay-
south bank of the Stour and near the Colne, having a thorn End, in this parish, buried 7th May, 1681, and the
station 1 mile north of the village on the Colne Valley wife of nine husbands, of whom the last survived her;
railway, IO~ miles north-west from Halstead, 4 south-east and to Robert Rogan, of this parish, the husband of
from Haverhill, and 59 by rail from London, in the seven wives, the last of whom he married 1 Jan. 1739:
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, the church was restored in 1881-9 at 8 cost of £2,000,
North Hinckford petty sessional division. Risbridge union, under the direction of Mr. Frederic Chancellor: there
HaverhilI county court district and in the rural deanery are 200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1633,
of Yeldham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese ef and there is a complete list of rectors llrom 1364. The
St. AIbans. The church, lately assigned to St. Augus- living is a rrectory, net yearly value £380, with 50
tine, is an ancient building, consisting of chancel, nave. acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Clare College,
south porcli and a western tower of wood, with spire, and Cambridg-e, and held since 1876 by the Rev. John Sedg-
containing 3 bells: the chancel is in the Early English style: wick D.D. late fellow and vice-president of Magdalen
College, Oxford. Near the church are some barrows: stead, per mail cart, at 6,45 ·a.m. &; I p.m. (callers
on the east side of Hunnock's Lane Roman remains have only) & from Haverhill (Suffolk) at fj p.m. (callers
been discovered, and at Watsoe is a camp. The Church only); dispatched at, .6'45 a.m. &; 5 p.m. Posw}
Sunday school has residence attached, and is under the orders are issued here, but, not paid. The nearest
. sU1H;r!ntend~nce of tJ;1e rector. Baythorn Park, the seat I money order office is at Stambourne
of Kmg VIall esq..IS ~pproaehed by a fine avenue of Post &; Parcel Office, Baythorn End.-William Turner.
trees over half a mile m length; attach.ed are grounds receiver. Letters arrive from Halstead, per mail cart.
of 4 0 acres: The trustees of the late Damel Gurteen esq. at 6.20 a.m. & at 5.40 p.m. to callel'S only; dispatched
of Haverhlll (d. I.8~4)' are ;ords o~f th~ manor; Lor_d 5.4 0 via Halsiead & 6.20 via Haverhill. LettBrs arrive
I:?ch ~:S. O. of Stok~ Colleoe, StQke-h} -Clare, Suffolk, from HaverhiIl at 5.40 p.m. (delivered to callers only).
Kmg Vlall esq. who IS lord of the manor of ~~ythorn Postal orders are i'Ssued here, but not paid. The
End, and t,he Hon. Mrs. St. J o~:m . Ives, of Moy ns Park, Ilearest money order office is Stoke-by-Clare, r~ miles
St~ep~e Bu:npstead, ar~ the prmcIpal landowners. T.he distant &; tele,araph office at Birdbrook, 3 miles dis-
soli IS mIxed; subsoil, clay and graveJ. Th.e M,Ief tant tl

crops ~re I w~eat, ~arhley fnd ~eans. The area IS ?,0~7 Wall Letter Box, New England, cleared 6.25 a.m. &;
acres, mc uiling team et o. Baythorn End, whIch IS 5 2~ pm. sun 5 2~ P ID
about 2 miles north-east from the church and I?t south . .:>.. , ...:>.
from Stoke station, in Suffolk, on the Great Eastern A School Board of 5 me~bers was formed 8 Jan. I872;
l'ailway; rateable value £2,013 r5 s .; ihe population in J. Beasl~y, of Haverhlll,. clerk. to the boa.rd .
I9 01 was 449 School (mIxed), erected, WIth IDlstre'ss's house, m 1,873,
. for 70 children; average attendance, 60; Mi~s Lum-
By Local Government Board Order 16,608, dated March mis, mistress
25, 1885, Herkstead Hall, Herkstead Green and Messents Railway Station S. Scillitoe station master
were transferred from this parish to Steeple Bumpstead. ' C.'
Sexton, Daniel Brown. Haverhill-Samuel Hardy,ar!rI~::;.Stambourne, mono wed.
Post & T. 0., Expre'ss Delivery, Parcel Post Office.- &; sat
Daniel Brown, sub-'postmaster. LettetrSt 51"0.m Ha1.- Steeple Bumstead--Charles Ralling, daily
BIRDBR 0 OK. Hood Thomas, land agen~ to the Hon. BAYTHORN END.
Sedgwick .R ev. John D.D. (rector), Mrs. ,SL. John Ives, WhIte House fm
Rectory Moy Thomas Lim. coal merchants, Bourn Mrs
Sedgwick Rev. John Harfield Halifax depot, Railway station Clarke Mrs. Burleigh house
:Mostyn J'.I.A. (curate), Rectory Payne Henry (Mrs.), farmer, Moat fm Viall King, Baythorn park
Sherwood Richd. Hy. Birdbrook hall Percival J oseph, farmer Fitch Bros. miller (steam & water).
COMMERCIAT.. Ralling Charles, shopkeeper &; baker Baythorn mill
Blacklock Harriet (Mrs.), Plough Hallings Robert Stammers, farmer, Saville Mary Ann (Miss), Swan P.R
P.H. & brewer Cb.dwell Turner William, blacksmith, Post oil
Brown Daniel, shoe maker, Post office Sedgwick Rev. John Harfield Halifax Unwin George Ernest, farmer &, corn
l?rench "WaIter, Colne Valley Arms Mostyn M.A. Trinity ColI.Camb.pri- merchant, Baythorn hall
P.H. & builder vate tutor, Rectory
BLACKMORE is a parish 4i miles north-west from founded by Adam and Jordan de Sandford in the time of
Ingatestone station on t,he main lin~ of the Great Eastern Henry n. for .Augustine canons, the revenues of which
railway, 4 east from Ongar, 8 south-west from Chelms- at the DiSSOlution were valued at £85 9S. 7d. yearly; it
ford, and 2; from London, in the Western division of the was granted by Henry VIII. to Cardinal W olsey and
county, Chelmsford hundred, Ongar petty sessional applied by him in aid of his foundations at Ipswich and
division and union, Brentwood county court Oxford; on his attainder it was transferred to Waltham
district, rural deanery of Ingatestone, archdeaconry Abbey, and after its suppression was granted to Robed
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The ehurch Smith. Henry VIII. had a country house here, call~d
of St. Lawrence, formerly attached to the Augus- "Jericho" by his courtiers. who used the phrase, "He
tinian priory founded here in the reign of Henry n. is has gone to Jericho," to express that the King had l'e-
nn ancient building, consisting of cliancel. nave of four tired to this place for his pleasure; a house in the parish
bays, aisles, north porch and a western tower of timber, still goes by this name and the Cam rivulet, which flows
three stages in height, with a basement of rubble, and a through t,he village, is called" Jordan." Adolphus
shingled spire containing 5 bells, three dating from George Maskell esq. of Chelmsford, is lord of the manOT.
1647 and the others from 1648 and 1752: it was originally The principal landowners are Thomas Read Hull, and
a Norman structure, but underwent extensive alterations Roland Pratt esqrs.and Capt. 1Vellesley George
in the 13th and further changes in the 14th and J5th Pigott J.P. The trustees of John V. Longbourne esq.
centuries and is now mostly of the Early English period are owners of the great tithes. The soil is mixed; sub-
and probably built on the foundations of the Norman soil, clayey. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
. edifice, portions of which are also incorporated in the '1.'he area is 2,584 acres; rateable value, £3,180; the
walls; the west front, a pleasing composition, and one population in r901 was 601.
bay of the Norman church at the west end, belong to the
12th century; the west front ha·s a circular-headed door- HOOK E~D and WYATT'S GREE~ are small hamlets
way, above which, on a line, are two windows of a like abJut a mile and a half south, over parts of which Capt.
form and over these, in the gable, a circle: the whole of W. G. Pigott has manorial rights.
this front, constructed of squared masonry, is a 1jne County Police Station, George Hart, constable, Rose co~
specimen of Norman workmanship; the re~aining bay Post, M. O. &; T. -0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery.
of the Norman nave has slender columns WIth graceful
capitals, upon which the Early English wo~k is. curiously
I Parcel Post S. B. &; Annuity i&; Insurance Office'
open 7 a.m.' to ·8 p.m.; tel. 8 a'm' to 8 p.m.; su;'
engrafted; at the ea~t .end of the south aIsle .IS a sm~ll
chantry chapel, contarmng 8 fine altar-tomb wlth.effiftles
I 8 to' 10 a.m. John Henry Arthy, sub-postmaster.
Letters from Ingatestone RS.O. arrive at 7.45 a.m.
to Thomas Smyth ~sq. ob. 1594, and Margaret, hI~ wIfe; &, 12.10 p.m.; dispatched at 12. ID & 6.5 0 ,p.m.;
on t~e nave floor IS a slab of Purbe?k marble, WIth t~e sundays, arrive 08,40 a.m.; dispatched 9.25 a.m
matrICes of a fine br~ss cross a.nd shIelds.: the church IS A SchOOl Board of 5 members was formed 8 July. 18 75;
now (19?z) undergomg: extenSIve alteratIOns: there are Thomas Lucking, clerk to the board; Ernest Day
180 sIttmgs. The regl·ster dates from the year 1602. Th Ongar tte d offi er
Th e 1lVrng . -' t I al £ . th omas, ,a n ance c
IS a vlcarage, ne· year y v ue 10 7, m e B d S h I ( . d & . f t) t d' '8 t
gI'ft 0 f J 0 h n V . L ongb ourne esq. an d h eId'
smce I 888 b y o a r t Cf 00£ vSt:.~ mIxe
f In1 an's,
'ld ere{l e In rtt 77,d a a
th R WaIt L t P t ' e Th A K C L Th cos 0 5 .:>, or r20 ell ren; average a en ance,
. e ,;v· . t ~r th on beuilt . .8 sso~. th' i t
IAS ha1 aPBt IS tCt ape d ere , d ~thl £41 yea.A e f~'
no; Willia.m Whitmore, master; Mrs. M. D. Whit-
more, mistress; Miss },!. R Walker, infants' mis-
s ey arre, an en d owe WI 5 8 a year. mr
is held on .August 21St. The endowed charities, left in tress
1580 by George Challice; in r601 by Henry Wailer; in Carriers to:-
1728 by Thomas Almond and by various other benefac- Chelmsford.-WilIiam Argent, on fri. & James .Amos.
tors, produce £48 yearly, ()f which £1 12S. is £01' tues. fri. & sat
ecclesiastical purposes, and the rest for the poor. Here Romford WilIiam .Argent, wed
was anciently 8 priory dedicated to St. Lawrence and London-Oharles Johnson, thuI's. returning fridayg
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. . Crowe George, Sycamore honse Howland WilIiam Henry, Elmbank
(Marked thus * are in Brentwood Fletcher Rev. Henry Alais (Baptist) Hull Thomas Read. Jericho
Postal Delivery.) Gandy Christopher Wm. Orchard viI Rumphreys Mrs. The Poplars
Barrett Ashley Wilmot, Jessops Gurr Henry, Camfield
Kllightbridge Henry James Ginger, Debenbam Harold, farmer,Brickkilll fm Pagram Laura O. (Mrs.), draper
Woodbines Farmer Henry, hay cutter Pagram Phillip, carpenter & undertkr
Marriage Lawrence, Fingrith hall *French Harry, farmer, Hook's end Payne George, boot repairer
Miller William, Mount Pleasant Galley John, farmer Pratt Sidney, farmer. Hay Green frm
Petrie Rev.WaIt. Layton Th.A.K.C.L.*Harrington John, foreman to Capt. *Roe Richard William Ely L.R.C.P.
(vicar) Pigott, New Fa,rm ho. Wyatt.s green & S. & L.M.I. surgeon, & medical
*Pigott Oapt. Wellesley George J.P.Harvey Frederick Ernest, head gar- officer & public vaccinator, 2nd dis.
Blackmore house dener to T. R. Hall esq trict, Ongar union
*Pitcher Mrs. Red cot. Hook's end J ohnson Charles, carrier *Roast J. gardener to Capt. Pigott,
*Roe Richard ·Wm. Ely, Auberries Kemp Herbert, Prince Albert P.H Hook's end
Rowling Robert, Twites Lucking Thomas, Leather Bottle inn, Hllggles Roger, butcher
"Yhite George William, Westbank & clerk to school board *Staines Gt)(). farmer, Ray Place farm,
COMMEROIAL. Marriage Lawrence, frmr. Fingrith hI Swallows Cro~s
Arthy John Hy. grocer, Post office Martin Charles, proprietor of steam Thomas Henry, hay dealer
Brown George, farmer thr&shing machines Tucker Wm. In. frmr. Copyhold farm
Buglar Robert, shopkeeper Martin John Thomas, grocer & draper *Wauthier Arthur Ernest, farmer,
Burgess James, baker Mihill Mary S. (Mrs.), butcher Wyatt's green
Chap man Herbert, grocer Montague Andrew, The Bull P.H Wilson WaIter, baker & grocer
Chapman Stephen,blcksmth. & farrier Osborne Geo. farmer, Red R<lse farm Woolterton Henry, hay dealer


BOBBINGWORTH, or Bovinger, is a parish, 2 miles plied in providing clothing for .the aged poor of the
north-west from Ongar terminal station on a branch of parish. Blal{8 Hall, an elegant mansion situated in
tire Great Eastern railway, 4' north-east from Epping grounds of 90 acres, is the property of Major George E.
and IO north-by-west from Brentwood, in the western Capel Cure, lord of the manor and principal,
division of the county, hundred, petty sessional division but is now occupied by Charles William Fielding esq.
and union of Ongar, Brentwoodi county court district, The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and wheat, barley and beaIls. The area is 1,639 acres;
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Germains is a rateable value £1,952; the population in 1891 was 313.
small building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting BILSDEN is I mile south.
of chancel, nave, west porch and an embsttled western
,tower of brick containing 6 bells: the chancel was re- Parish Clerk, Mathew Binder.
stored in 1840 at the cost of the present rector, who also Post Oili'ce.-Miss Ellen H. Brock, sub-postmistres's.
gave the bells, dated 1840: there are monuments to the Letters through Onga,r S.O. arrive at 7· IS -& II.50
Capel Cure family and to the families of Chapman, a.m.; dispatched, I & 5.50 p.m. week dars; arrive
1627; Bourne, 1663; and Cowper, 1674: the church 7.15 a.m.; dispatched, II.50 a.m. sundays. Postal
affords 100 sittings. The register ()~ burials dates from orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
1558, baptisms and marriages from 1559. The living is money order & telegraph office is at Ongar, distant
a rectory, net yearly value £270. with residence and 35 3 miles
,aeres of glebe, in the gift of Major George Edward Wall Letter Box, near school, cleared at I. IS &: 6.5
Capel Cnre, and held since 11899 by the Rev. Webster p.m. week days & 11.4-5 a.m. on sundays
William Whistler M.A. of Emanuel College, Cambridge, School (mixed), with house for mistress, for 50 children;
who resides in Marden Ash, High Ongar. The interest average attendance, 37; supported in part by Major G .
.of about £500, lMt by Robert Bourne in 1660, is ap- E. Capel Cure; Miss Agnes Banks, mistress
Fielding Oharles William, Blake hall Binder John, farmer, Robbings farm Buck Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Hunter Archibald Binder Matthew, shoe maker Gemmill John, farmer
OliveI' Rev. William Macjanlay M.A. Brock William, miller (wind) & baker Holm John, farmer, 'Water end
Rectory Brown George, farmer, Sayer's farm Millbank In. Hy. farmer, Hall farm

BOREHAM: is a parish on the road from CIielmsford New Hall, in this parish, to the north-west, a royal resi-
to Colchester, contiguous to the navigable river Chel- dence in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. was granted
mer, 3! miles north-east from the Chelmsford station in the reign of Elizabeth to Sir Thomas Ratcliffe K.G.
and 33 miles from London, in the Mid division of the 3rd Earl of Sussex. and afterwards passed into the pos-
county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty sessional session of George ViI:iers, Duke of Buckingham;
division and county court district, rural deanery of on the attainder of whose son it became the property
Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. of the Lord Protector, OliveI' CromweIl and was ex-
Albans. The church of St. Andrew is a building of changed by him for Hampton Court; at the restoration
flint and stone in Mixed styles, consisting of chancel, it was purchased by George Monk, Duke of Albemarle
nave, aisles, south porch and a central embattJejl Norman K.G., it is now a Catholic convent and school, with an
tower with pinnacles, and containing a clock and 6 bells: attached chapel, dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre of Our
the clock, which strikes the quarters as well as the Lord. There are two manors; R. T. E. P. Haselfoot
hour, was placed in the tower in 1884: the Sussex esq. is lord of the manor of O~d Hall and the trustees
chapel, in which are monuments of the Radcliffes, Barons of the late James Parker esq. are the lords of the manor
and Viscounts Fitzwalter, Earls of Sussex, a title ex- of East Beaulieu. The principal landowners are Lieut.-
tinct on the death of Edward, 6th ear~, in 1641, has 001. J. L. Tufnell-Tyrell D.L., R. T. E. P. Haselfoot
been rebuilt. On the north side of the church is, a esq. and Captain John Desborough Pearson lralford-
vault of the Tyrel1 family. restored in 1895 by William Gosnall, of :Mount Maskall. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
TufneIl esq. of Hatfield p]:ace: there are 4'60 sittings: gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans.
in the churchyard is a mausoleum in the Classic style b~rley, oats, and turnips. The area is 3.781 acres of
belonging t,o the Waltham family and a cross of Sicilian land and 20 of water; rateable value, £9,568; the
marble eight feet in height, erected by the parishioners population in 1901, including those in New Hall Con-
to the Ven. iGaspard le Marchant -Carey M.A. vicar vent, was 820.
here 1874-85, hon. canon of St. Albans and archdeacon Parish Clerk, James Young-.
of Essex, who died March 17, 1885. The register dates
from the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
value £290, with 1'8 acres of glebe, and residence, in the Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. Frederiek
gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1,&85 William Sorrell, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
by the Rev. Denys Nelson Yonge RA. of ChrisV,s Col- through Chelmsford at 6,45 a.m. & 12.5 p.m.; sun-
lege, Cambridge. Here is a Congregational chapel. days, 8.10 a.m.; dispatched at 1.10 & 7.15 p.m.; on
Two of the almshouses in the parish of Stock are ap- sundays at 9.40 a.m
propriated to the poor of tbis parish. BULer's charity Wall Letter Box at the Cock P.R.; cleared at 12.45 &
is an endowment of £100 yearly, for educational pur- 6.55 p.m.; sunday, 9 a.m.; Church Wall, at 12.50 &
poses, left in 17IJ by Edward Butler, of Little Baddow, 6.45 p.m.; sunday, 9.30 a.m
to provide such clothes, books and education for the Schools.
poor children of Little Baddow and Boreham as the National (mixed), built about 1840, for IZO children;
trustees of the charity shall decide. Boreham House, average attendance, 82; Joseph Roberts Knight,master
on the east of the road, is the residence of Lieut.-Col. Church (formerly Butler's Charity), built in 1853, for
John Lionel Tufnell-Tyrell D.L.• J.P.: the mansion is 45 children, is now closed
approached by two avenues of trees, and there is a fine
lake and a park of IOO acres, containing a herd of deer. Carrier to Chelmsford-H. C. PhiIlips, friday only
I'RIVATE RESIDENTS. Convent of the Holy Sepulchre (~Hss Payne Thomas, farm bailiff to W. M.
Bruce Ralph Willett, Boreham lodge Julia Butler, lady superior), New Tufnell esq. Brick house
Butler Miss Julia (lady superior of hall Pennick Edgar Tracey, blacksmith &
the Convent of the Holy Sepulchre Cousins George, farmer &:, landowner, beer retailer
at New Hall) Stocks farm Pertwee Albert, farm agent to R. T.
Dixon John, Manor house Crow Leonard, wheelwright E. P. Haselfoot esq
Hare George William, The Bower Davey Kate &:, Jane (Misses), farmers, Phillips Hy. Chas. carrier & coal dlr
Haslewood Miss, Boreham place Chantry farm Pjggott Ernest, farmer & dairyman.
Heery Rev. Edward (Catholic) Eales Thomas, Red Lion P.H Boreham hall
JefIers Richard, Buckshorns French Sam & Philip, frmrs. Bull's ldg Pollard John, farmer
Ketley Robert, Generals Gadd George, steward for New Hall Roslings Joseph Hefford, farmer, Cul.
Purvis Gilbert, ,Old hall convent verts farm
Snell Herbert W. Brent hall Harris George Robert, blacksmith Seabrook .Tohn (Mrs.), butcher &
Tufnell Edward Murray, Porters Ketley John, farmer & cattle dealer, farmer, The Chestnuts
Tufnell-Tyrell Lieut.-Col. John Lionel 'Wallace's farm Snell Herbert Wigram,frmr.Brent hall
D.L., .T.P. Boreham house Knight Daniel, carpenter Sorrell Fredk. Wm. baker, Post office
Verres ,Rev. Joseph D.D. (Catholic), Knight Joseph Roberts, schoolmaster South Harvey ·Wm. .Tas. coach builder
New hall & assistant overseer Taverner Isaac Jones, builder &;
Walford-Gosnall Captain John Des- Lewin James Pearce, land steward to undertaker
borough Pearson, Mount Maskall Lieut.-Col. J. L. TUfnell-T)Tell, Thrif't Williarn Ruddock, corn,
Yonge Rev. Denys Nelson RA. Vicarge Generals; & 243 Bethnal Green rd. seed & oilcake merchant & miller
COMMERCIAL. London E (water), &; Railway arches, Duke s.t.
Banfather Fanny (Miss), farmer Lucking Charles, boot & shoe maker Chelmsford & Hatfield Peverel mill,
Brown James, brick ,& tile maker Lucking Mary .Ann (~ss), grocer Witham
Ohurch William, beer retailer Nice William Henry, Cock P.H Worskett William, grocer
:BORLEY is a parish, on the river Stour, which sepa- Rev. Henry Foyster Bull M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford.
rates it from Suffolk, I! miles south-west from Long The trustees of the late Lord Carlingford K.P., P.C. (d.
Melford station on the Sudbury and Haverhill branch 1898), who are lords of the manor, and .Tames S. Gar-
of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles north-west from diner esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is
Sudbury and I I north-east from Halstead, in the North- loam and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
ern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North crops are wheat" beans and barley. The area is 790 acres
Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbury union, of land and 5 of water; assessable value, £749; the
Grays county court district, the rural deanery of Heding- population in 1901 was 146.
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St.
.Albans. The church (dedication unknown) is So small BORLEY GREEN is half So mile south-west.
building of stone in the Early Eng:ish style, consisting Parish Clerk, Wil1iam Reeve.
of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western
tower, containing 2 bells, and contains many tombs of Post Office, Borley Green. John Finch, sub-postmaster.
the WaldegTave family, including a monument 14 feet Letters through Sudbnry, arrive at 8 a.m. &; 11.50
in height, with a cornice supported by six pillars of a.m.; dispatched I3t '8 a.m. & 5 .40 p.m. Postal
the Corinthian order, beneath which lie full-length orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
figures of Sir Edward Waldegrave, who was knighted money order office & telegraph office are at Sudbury,
in 1553, at the coronation of Queen Mary, and died 3 miles distant
I Sept. 1561 and Lady Frances (Nevil) his wife, who died
in 1599; with a marginal inscription in Latin and a A School Board for the United District of Borley &;
record of other alliances of this family; in the chancel Liston was formed March 3 1, 1,876 , returning 5 mem-
is a brass to John Durham, of Norfolk, ob. 1601. There bers jointly; George Matthew Gostling, Liston, clerk
are 180 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from to the board & attendance officer
1652; burials, 1656; marriages, 1709. The living is Board School (mixed), for 66 children; average attend-
a rectory, net yearly value £152, with 10 acres of glebe ance, 53; there is a residence for the mistress, built
and residence, in the gift of and held since 1892 by the in 1878; Miss Fanny Ann Thompson, mistress
Bull Rev. Henry Foyster M.A. Rectory Felton James, rat catcher Payne Robert T. B. farmer .& miller
Warner Robert G. Borley place Gardiner James Spalding, landowner (steam & water), Borley Hall farm
&; farmer, Borley lodge Scrivner Frank, beer retailer
BOWERS GIFFORD (or Bowers, or Bures) is a r and residence, in the gift of F. M. '&i A. Williams esqrs.
small parish and village, bounded on the south by the and held since 1901 by the Rev. Arthur Harrison B.A.
creek which separates Canvey Island from the main- of Christ's Oollege, Oambridge. The Oongregational
land and gives communication with the Thames: it is chapel here was built in 1885. The manor is attached
I! miles east-by-north from Pitsea station on the London, to the rectory. Mrs. Spitty, of Billericay, James Hey-
Tilbury and Southend railway, 14 miles south-east from gate esq and Sir Vuncan A. D. Campbell bart. F.S.A.
Brentwood, 10 west from Southend and 32 from London, Scot., F.R.G.S. of 16 Ridgeway place, Wimbledon, Sur-
in the Mid division of the county, Barstable hundred, rey, are the principal landowners. The soil is heavy;
Billericay union, Brentwood petty sessional division, subsoil, clay. The area is 2,3'99 acres of land and Sf,
Southend county court district, and in the rural deanery water; rateable value £2,0g6; the population in 1901
of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. was 230.
Albans. Long previously to the Domesday Survey this Parish Clerl" Boosey.
parish belonged to Westminster Abbey. The church of Post, M. O. 0., S. R& Annuity & Insurance Office.-
St. Margaret is a building of .stone in the Perpendicular Ernest Martin Reddington, .sub-postmaster. Letters-
style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch and a arrive from Pits,ea S.O. at 8 a.m.; dispatched at
western tower with spire containing 2 bells: the chancel, 10.55 a.m. & 6.55 p.m.; office open on sund.ay froIIIl
which has been restored, has a stained east window: there 8 to IQ a.m. for sale of stamps; box cleared at 6,55
is a mutilated brass of Sir John de Gifford, ob. 1348, the p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Pitsea, I mile-
head of the effigy and inscription being lost: the church
affords 100 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from
1559; marriages and burials, 1558. The living is a
I distant
National School (mixed), built in 1846 & enlarged in
1892, for 81 children; average attendance, 70; Mrs..
rectory, net yearly value £4°0, with 36 acres of glebe Mary Ann Cue, mistress
Harrison Rev. Arthur B.A. (rector), Owen Pryce, farmer, Bowers hall Thorington Arthur, farmer, Chalvedon
Rectory Pigott Albert William, farmer, Blue Hall farm
King Ernest C House farm Thorington Herbt. frmr. Saddlers frm
COMMERCIAL. ReddingtonErnest Martin, grocer, Upson Geo. Thos. farmer & blacksmith
Girling lVilliam, Gun inn Post office
:BOXTED is a parish, bounded on the north by the The church of St. Peter, a brick and stone building in the-
navigable rh"er Stour, which separates it from Suffolk, Norman style, consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south
4 miles north from Colchester station and 7 west from porch and an embattled western tower, containing 2 bells:
Manaingtree, in the North Eastern division of the county, in the church is a fine marble monument to Sir Richard
Lexden and Winstree hundred, union and petty Blackmore M.D. of Padua, physician in ordinary to Wm.
sessional division, Colchester county court district, rural Ill. by whom he was knighted in 1697; he was also
deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester and physician to Queen Anne, and was the author of numer-
diocese of St. Albans. A brook runs through the parish. OUi works, medical, theologic~l and poetical; of the

latter, the" Creation" has been several times reprinted; is now occupied by Mr. Alan Stanford, farmer. Rivers
he died Oct. 9th, I729; the monument has long Latin Hall, the oldest house in the parish, is now occupied by
inscriptions in verse to Sir Richard and his wife, Mary: Mr. William George Scragg, farmer. Richard Henry Wood
there are other tablets to the Rev. Mr. Oook, a former esq. F.S.A. of Belmont, Sidmouth, who is lord of the
vicar, and to ~athaniel Bacon, dated 1600: the church manor of Rivers Hall, the trustees of the late Henry
has 250 sittings. The register dates from the y'ear Hobbs, William Page, Charles Strutt and Joseph Blom-
1559. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £158, field esq!'s. Miss Sarah Lawson and William Nocton esq.
with 27 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift of of Langham Hall, are the principal landowners. The
the Bishop of St. Albans, and held' since 1882 by the soil is mixed; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat,
Rev. William Longmore Watts, A.K.C.Lond. Here is barley, oat.s-, beans, turnips and' mangold wurtzel. The
a Wesleyan chapel. There are almshouses for two poor area is 3,177 acres of land and I I of; rateable
persons. A sum of £13, arising from a share of the value, £3,156; the population in 190I was 680.
charity left in I56'1- by Thomas Love, of Little Horke,sley Parish Clerk, George Banham.
(for particulars of which see that place), is distributed Post, M. O. & T. O.,T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
yearly in coals and money. Another charity, consist- Post, S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Telegra,ph Office.-
ing of the rent of a field in the parish, together with J osiah Biggs, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through
a contribution from Love's gift, is distributed at Christ- Colchester at 7.40 a,m.; dispatched at I·S0 & 6,35
mas to the poor widows of the parish in sums of Ss. p.m
The Lodge, Boxted, the seat of Lieut.-Col. August'ine National School (mixed), built in 1837, & enlarged in
Hugh Lefroy J.P. is a mansion of white brick, in grounds 1894 for 107 children; average attendance, 84; Mrs.
()f about 20 acres. Boxted House is the' residence of Westwood, mistress
Perey Crossman esg. Boxted Hall, an ancient mansion, Carrier to Colchester, Munson, man. wed. fri. &; sat
PRIVA.TE RESIDEKTS. attendance officer for the 1st dist. Minter Edward, farmer, Plum's farm
Clementson Arthur E. Clives of Lexden & \Vinstree union Munson Charles, carrier
Crossman Percy, Boxted house Banham William, blacksmith Munson James, beer retailer
Lefroy Lieut.-Ool. Augustine Hugh Biggs Josiah, baker, Post office Page George, farmer & landowner
J.P. Boxted lodge Bird WaIter, Cross inn & butcher Page WaIter, butcher
Parson :Mrs. The Cottage Blayden Oharles A,farmer, Hill Sayer Alfred, farmer, Boxted priory
Veasey Miss, Boted villa Cole Charles, baker Sayer Alfred, jun. farmer, Brick
Watts Rev. Wm. Longmore A.K.C.L. Dennis Charles. carpenter Scragg Wm. Geo. frmr. Rivers hall
The Vicarage Edwards H. & E. market ga,rdeners Sparks William, beer retailer
Wylde George Gervis, Cheshunts Everett James, farmer Stanford Alan, farmer, Boxted hall
Cm,BIERCUL. Gardner Edwd. frmr. The Plain farm Strutt Charles, farmer & landowner
Abbott John, harness maker Hales William Robert, beer retailer Sweetlove Rt. farmer, Ba,rnetts farm
Men Louis Robert, relieving officer, Isaac Edwin J. farmer Turner WaIt. frmr. Red House farm
registrar of births & deaths for the Leach Hobert, beer retailer Welham John, coach builder
sub-district of Fordham & school Malyn Robert, school White John, Fox inn
ERADFIELD is a village and parish, on the south the Rev. Charles Frederick Norman M.A. of St. Catha-
bank of the navigable river Stour, and on the high road rine's College, Cambridge, hon. canon of St. Alban's,
from Colchester to Harwich, with a station on the Man- rural dean of Ardleigh and Harwich, surrogate and J.P.
ningtree and Harwich branch of the Great Eastern rail- who resides at Mistley. Here are Wesleyan and Primi-
way, 3 miles east-south-east from Manningtree, 9 west tive :Methodist chapels. Jacgues Hall', the property of
from Harwich and 62! from London, in the North George Simpson Hardy esq. is a picturesque building,
Eastern division of the county, petty sessional division, restored in the Jacobean style; it is beautifully situated
hundred and union of Tendring, county court district of and commands fine views of the river Stour, and is
Harwich, rural deanery of. Ardleigh, archdeaconry of now the residence of Commander James Know-les R.N.
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Stour Lodge is the residence of Walter Buchanan
Lawrence, restored in 1840, is a cruciform structure of ~ichols esg. J.P. George Simpson Hardy esq. the
brick, partly Perpendicular, with portions of an earlier trustees of the late Rev. Thomas Partridge ~unn M.A.
date. and consists of chancel, nave, transepts, vestry, the trustees of the late Thomas Glover Kensit esq. who
north porch and a tower containing one bell: the large are lords of the manor, and the rector are the principal
organ, erected in 1876 was presented in memory of Rev. landowners. The soil is mixed, upon a subsoil of clay.
R. Hayne D.D. a former rector, and there are tablets The chief crdps are wheat, barley and oats. The parish
to the Nunn, Umfreville and Thompson families and to contains 2,152 acres of land, 2 of water, 4'9 of tidal water
Sir Harbottle Grimstone kt. Master of the Rolls from and 502 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,956; the
1660 to 1667, who was born at Bradfield Hall about popUlation in 19a1 was 7'30.
1594, and died :iI Dec. I683, or according to Luttrell, Parish Sexton, George Hunebell.
!2 Jan. 1685, and was buried at St. Michael's Church, Post &; M. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance
St..Albans, Herts.: there are. also. several other ~e- Office. Mrs. Mary Kerridge, sub-postmistress.
morIals to the prunstone family: m the chancel IS a Letters arrive from Manningtree ab 7 a.m. &
tablet to Captam. Carter.: the .chancel was thoroughly 12.45 p.m.; dispatched at I2.30 & 7. IS p.m.; sundays,
restored and provIde~ WIth chOIr stalls at the expense 9.40 a.ill. Telegraph office at Mistley, 2 miles distant
of the late Rev. LeIghton George Hayne Mus. Doc. Pillar Letter Box, Bradfield Heath, cleared at I2.45 &;
(Oxon.), rector of Mistley and Bradfield 187I-83, who 6.3 0 p.m.; 8,45 a.m. sundays
also erected a vestry on the south-east SIde of the Pillar Letter Box, Station, cleared at 12.15 & 7.25 p.m. ;
chancel, at a cost of about £1,000, and to whom the sundays 9.45 a.m
~tained east. window, ere~ted by friends and parishioners, N t· n 1 School (mixed) built in 185 I for 75 children·
IS a memoI'lal. The regIster dates from the year 1695. a 10 a d · ' 'h' d '
Th e livmg·· t lid t d ·th th t & clas,s room a ded III 18:84 for 32 c 11 ren; average
IS a rec ory, conso a e Wl e rec ory d M' S h A W'ld m' t
of Mistley, joint net, yearly value £494, with 47 acres of ~tten ance,. 97; ISS ara nn 1 , ~s ress
glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 188 3 by Railway StatIOn. Arthur Edward Bull, station master
Barlow Miss The CottaO'e Green Edmund Octavius, steam flour Patten George, farmer, Street farm
Knowles C~mmander '" James R.N. mills Pattrick Horace, miller (wind), Tower
Jacques hall Green In. Hellen, frmr. Bradfield hall mill
Littlehales Rev. Charles Gough M.A. Hast George, beer retailer Payne William, market gardener &;
(curate) Hempson Geo. farmer, Bradfield lodge cattle dealer
Newman Alan Perry M.D.Dub. White Hotson George, shoe maker Powell Albert, Prudential agent
house Kerridge Charles, farmer & dealer Prentice James, shopkeeper
Nichols WaIter Buchanan J.P.Stour 10 Kerridge :Mary Ann (Mrs.), Post office Puxley Abraham Cutting, builder
Kerridge Maurice, farmer & wheel- Reason William, farm bailiff to W.
COMMERCIAL. wrig-ht, Heath farm Brooks & Son, Golden Ferry farm
Bacon Mahala (Mrs.), shopkeeper Mannmg WiIliam, farmer RobinsoIb Robert, Village Maid inn
Barker William, baker & corn dealer Mason Arthur, cattle dealer Sorrell Nat,baniel, farmer, Pond farm
Bur~elils Peter, market gardener Mason Hannah (Mrs.), Strangers' Stock Ernest S.farmer, horse dealer &;
CatlingCharles, market gardener Home P.R stallion owner, Nether Hall stud fm
Crick Charles, bricklayer Mitchell George Kirkwood, farmer,Ra,g Syrett Frederick Watts, butcher
Cutting Frederick, bricklayer Marsh farm & Jacques hall Tovel John, coal dealer & farmer,
Cutting John Maurice, ouilder Newman .!lan Perry M.D.Dub., Copping's farm
Firman John Thos. grocer & draper M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & surgeon, Vincent William, blacksmith
Gammer Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper White house Wade Josevh 'S'. assistant overseer
Good Emma (Mrs.), Plough P.R . Newman William, beer retailer
BRADWELL-juxta-COGGESRALL is a village ing RA.. of Wadham CDllege, Oxford. The poor have
and parish on the river I11ackwater and the road from about £10 ,a year, arising from 13 acres of land, left
Colchester to I1raintree, and derives its name from a by an unknown donor. Henry Tweed Brunwin esq. of
broad well or spring rising to the north of the spot Park House, is lord of the manor and principal land-
where Bradwell Hall destroyed by fire used to stand; owner. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, various. The
it is 3! miles east from Braintree station on the Witham chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area. is
and I1raintree branch of the Great Eastern railway and 1,199 acres ()f land and 6 of water; rateable value £995 ;
2! west from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the the population in 1901 was 216.
county. Witham hundred and petty sessional division, _
Braintree union and county court district, and in the PERRY. GREEN, CLAP DOG GREEN and BLACK-
rural deanery of \'Vitham, archdeaconry of Colchester, 'yATER lie to the west; the latter is a hamlet on t,he
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of the Holy i I'lver and old Roman road.
Trinity is a small building of the nth century, con- i Parish Clerk, Henry Cutmore.
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden belfry .. " 1 . .
at the west end containing 3 bells: a carved oak screen Post Office.. MI::>S MarLa .Amos, sub-~O'stmIstress. Let-
separates the chancel froIn the nave: there are several ters receIved b~ foot post from Bramtree at 6'40 a.m.
monuments to the Maxey, Carter. Nolan and I1runwin &1.3';> p.m.; dIspatched at 5: 20 p.m. Postal orders
familieS': and about 150 sittings. The register of bap-. are Issued here, but not paId. The n~arest mo~ey
tisms and burials dates from 17°4; marriages, 1708 , and o.;-der office &; telegraph office are at StI'sted, 2 miles
is in an excellent state of preservation. The living is a dIstant
rectory, net yearly value £210, with 31 acres of glebe National School (mixed), built in 1876, for 52 children.
and residence, in the gift. of Henry Tweed: Brunwin esq. in 1893 an addition was made to hold 70 children;
and held since 1901 by the Rev. Thomas Higham Curl- average attendance. 57; Miss Elizabeth Hunt, mistress
Brunwin Henry Tweed, Park house Brown Clement Porter,farmer &; malt- Smith .Tames, shopkeeper
Curling Rev. Thomas Higham B.A.. ster, Bridge hall Speakman Thomas, farm steward to
(rector), Rectory Bryant William, blacksmith H. T. Brunwin esq
Osborn Lt.-Col. Wm. Glazenwood ho Cook .Tohn, wheelwright Toswell Harry, baker
COMMERCIAL. Deeks Frederick, farmer Turner Mary (Mrs.), Swan P.H
Ardley .Tohn Harrington, farmer. High Fairhead Edwin, farmer, Heron's farm Watson Frank, boot maker
Elm farm Large Charles. farmer. Perry green Webster John (Mrs.), farmer & miller

BRADWELL-juxta.-:MARE (or I1radwell-on-Sea), left by William Aylett, in 1631, amounts to about £5 ns.
so called to distinguish it from Bradwell-juxta-eogges- 6d. yearly. and is distributed to the poor in coal. There
hall. is a large village and parish, situated on a kind of is some trade in corn and coal. The I1ristol Charity '.rrus-
promontory on the south side of the IIlackwater estuary tees and the Fellow,s of Sion College are lords of the
and extends eastward to the German Ocean; 7 miles manor. The small manor of Downhall belongs to Thomas
north-east frOIn Southminster terminal station on a Bryan Clarke-Thornhill e·sq. The principal landowners
branch from Woodham Ferris of the Southend line of the are .lames T. Gale esq. the trustees of .Toseph Wiles,
Great Eastern railway, IS east from Maldon by road. and Ghristopher 'V. Parker esq. of Faulkbourne Hall, and
IO north-east from Burnham, in the South Eastern the lords of the manor. The soil is a rich loam; sub-
division of the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessi'llnal soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and beans and
division, Maldon union and county court district, and in pasture land. The area is 5,012 ,acres: of land, 3 of
the rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and water, 1,321 of tidal water and 4,296 of foreshore; rate-
diocese of St. .Albans: it is supposed to be the" Othona" able value, £4,487; the population in 1901 was 777.
of the Romans and the" Ithancester" at which I1ishop Parish Clerk, Walter Hoather.
Cedda built a church, called in Domesday" Effecestre." Post, M. & T. 0_, T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
Bradwell is a coastguard ,station. The church of St. Post. S. B. &; .Annuity &; Insurance Office, Bradwell-on-
Thomas the Apostle is an edifice of brick and stone. in Sea.-George Harvey. sub-postmaster. London &; all
the Early English style, and was· partly rebuilt in 17°6: other letters received through Southminster R.S.O.
it consists of chancel and nave and has a lofty embattled arrive at 8,3° a.m. &; 2.10 p.m.; dispatched at8.55 a.m.
western tower of brick containing a clock and 5 bells, & 4·55 p.m.; sundays, ILI5 a.m
dated 1744: in the chancel wall are brasses to Margaret Post Office, Waterside.-Frank Goodchild, sub-postmas-
Wyatt, ob. 1526; to the Rev. .Tohn Debank, rector, ob. tel'. Letters through Southminster R.S.O. arrive at
1601; and to Thomas Debank. yeoman. ob. 1606: there 9 a.m. &J 2.30 p.m.; dispatched at 8.30 a.m. 1& 4.30
is also a mural monument to the Paynter and Sherman p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.
families, dated 1666: the church has a Norman font and Bradwell is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
the sacramental plate includes a silver chalice. dated I mile distant
1626: in· 1866 the church was thoroughly restored. re- Wall Letter Box.-Queen'.s Head P.H.; collections 9.20
~eated with open benches and now affords 430 sittings. a.m. & 5.10 p.m.; sundays Il.IO a.m
The register dates from the year 1558 and is in good Free Soho 01, for 1·80 children; average attendance, 52
~onditiol1. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £75 0 , boys, 40 girls & 47 infants; all of whom receive a free
including 256 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift education: the endowment, formerly in land, ha.s been
of and held since 1870 by the Rev. Edward Owen M.A. sold by order of the Court of Chancery &; the proceeds
-of Sidney Sussex College. Cambridge. A cemetery of I invested, producing an income of £25 0 , &; local trustees
acre, given by the Rev. E. Owen M_A. rector, and now the have be'en appointed; Walter Hoather, master; Miss
property of the parish, was opened on the closing of the Sarah May, mistress; Miss A. Barttelot, infant-s' mis-
<JhuI'chyard in 1878, and is under the control of the rector tress
and churchwardens of the parish. There is a. Primitive Police Station, Oharles Bilner, constable
Methodist chapel at Waterside. erected in 1863. St.
Peter's-on-the-Wall, an ancient chapel long fallen into Carriers.-To Maldon, William Griggs, fri.; to South-
decay, stands in this parish on a spot which is now the minster, daily. except fri.; to Chelmsford, John Hazle-
north-east point of the hundred of Dengie. The charity ton, tues. &; fri -
BRADWELL-JUXTA-MARE. CDster Jacob, farmer, Drinkwater Underwood Charles, butcher
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Creasey Daniel. shopkeeper Ward Thomas John, farm bailiff to O.
Chillingworth John C. The Hall Dowsett William, builder &; F. Rutley esqrs
Coldridge Thomas, Currey Gale Ernest .Tames F.A.I. auctioneer, Woodyard Jonathan. bricklayer
Hodge David Stanley, Down hall Orplands; &; at Burnham & South-
Gale Ernest James, Orplands minster WATERSIDE.
Gale .Tames Theobald, Orplands Gale .Tas. Theobald, farmer, Orplands Gurll Miss E. Maitland, St. Mar-
Owen Rev. Edward M.A. Rectory Griggs William, carrier garet's cottage
COMMERCIAL. Grimwade Sarah (Mrs.), Queen's Fry Robert, coastguard officer
Blanks Samuel (exors. of), blacksmith Head P.R Goodchild Frank, grocer & draper.
&, wheelwright Harvey Geo. grcr. &; drpr. Post office Post office
Brand IStanley, farmer, Eastlands Hendry John, farmer, New hall Kemp Wnlter I1.S. Green Man P.H
Cemetery (WaIter Hoather, clerk; Hews Goorge. shoe maker Parker Adolphus B. coal merchant &
Samuel Woodyard, sexton) Peacock Edward, King's Head P.H boat builder
Chillingworth John C. farIner,The Hall Rayner Alfred William, harness maker Parker Clement 'Wright, farmer &;
& Hockley farm Turner George Hurrell, baker, news barge owner
Coldridge Thomas, farmer, Currey agent, assistant overseer & clerk to Parker Mrs
Collins Hewitt, beer retailer, Eastend the Parish Council Roberts Owen Ernest, The Croft


Braintree and :Bocking, though distinct parishes, form .A1bert road and in Coggleshall road; the former, erected
one continuous town, extending for a mile on the road in 1864, has 200 sittings, the latter will seat 550 persons.
between Chelmsford and Halstead, on the TiveTS Black- 'l'he Cemetery, on the London road, is 7a. H. in ex-
water and Podsbrook, with a. united population in tent, and was opened in August, 1856; the purchase and
1891 of 8,829; in tbe Eastern division of the county, arrangement of the ground, erection of lodge-keeper'$.
hundred of Hinckford, petty sessional division of Hinck- house and mortuary chapels, cost together £'1->000; in
ford south (Braintree bench), union and county court 1900 it was enlarged by the addition of 2 acres of land, a.t
district of Braintree, rural deanery of Braintree, arch- a cost of £850, and is under the control of the Urban
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans. The Council.
town,formerly governed by a Local Board of nine members, The Corn Exchange, occupying a prominent position
formed July 16, 1850' under the "Public Health Act, in the High street, was built in 1839 by a private com-
1848" (II & 12 Vict. c. 63), is now, under the provisions pany, at a cost of upward," of £4,000, and was enlarged
of the" Local Government Act, 1894" (56 & 57 Vict. c. in 1860 and again in 1877.
73), an Urban District Council. The F Company of the 2nd Volunteer Ba.ttalion Esse3
BTaintree stands on rising ground on the l'iver Brain Regiment have the~r head quarters in the Corn Exchange.
or Podsbrook, 14 miles north-west from Maldon, 8 east The Vestry Hall, in Church street, built, with an,te.-
from Dunmow, 17~ east from Bishop Stortford, 7 south- rooms, in 1867, will hold 200 persons; the meetings of
by-west from Halstead, 8 north-north-west f,Tom Witham, the Urban District Council, school board and several provi-
12 nOTth-by-east from Chelmsford, 15 west-by-south from dent institutions of the town are held here.
Colchester and 44! from London, or 40! by road; the The Masonic Hall, in New street, erected in 18B7' at a
town is clean, well paved, lighted with gas by the Braintree cost of about £1,000, is used for lectures and entertain-
and Bocking Gas Co. and well supplied with wat'l!T by the ments and will hold ahout 200 persons. The Hall is the
Urban District Council from an artesian well near the property of 1he Masonio Hall Company Limited. There
Notley road, whence it is conveyed through pipes to a is an .Assembly Room at the White Hart Hotel capable 01
high service tank in the centre of the town containing seating about 200.
75,000 gallons: the drainage and water supply, completed The Mechanics' Institution, in Bocking end, was founded
in 1856, cost about £9,000; and in 1888 a new ail'tesian in 1845, and the present building erected in 1863, at the
well was .sunk and new machinery erected at a cost of expense of the late Goorge Courtauld esq. at a cost 0.1
£3,100; the works are now ifi duplicate: the sewage of the £3,000; it comprises a lecture-room, seating 450 per-
town is utilized by application to 40 acres of land a1l the sous, a 'reading room, library of 4,°58 volumes, com-
li10uth end of the town. mittee and recreation rooms.
The Maldon, Witham and Braintree railway, 8 single The Constitutional Club, in Great square, was opened
line completed to Braintree in 1848. has a station here, in 1893 by the Right Hon. Joseph Ohamberla.',n M.P. and
aud was extended in 1861 to Bishop Stortford, affmding 'comprises entrance hall, reading room and steward&'
communication at Witham willl the main line of the apartments on the ground floor, and a billiard room, card
Great Eastern railway from London to Colchester and room, and large club room, which also contains a. bi:Iiard
Ipswich and at Bishop Stortford with that to Cam- table, on the first floor.
bridge. The Police Station and Court House is in Fairfield road.
The church of St. :Michael, near the centre of the The Cottage Hospital, formed from two cottages aDd
town, is an edifice of flint and stone in the Early Eng- opened in 1871, occupies a salubrious site on the HaI-
lish, Decorated and Perpendicular styles. and consists of stead road, Backing. It was enlarged and renovated itl
chancel with aisles and a vestry on the north side, nave 1897 in commemoration of the Queeu's Diamond Jubilee
of three bays, with clerestory, north and south porches and now contains 7 beds: the hospital and its site were
and an Early English tower with lofty octagonal shingled presented to the public by the late Sydney Courlauld
spire containing a clock, 6 modern, bells and a sanctus esq. J.P. sometime President; it is supported by volun-
bell in a cot: the turret staircase leading to the rood- tary contributions. The number of patients in 190~
loft remains: the east window is a memorial, completed was 47.
m 1869. to Richard Lacey esq.: two memorial window!1 A Joint Isolation Hospital was erected in 1899 in the
were placed in the south chapel by Miss Wakeham, of Cressing road for the reception of Infectious Diseases,
Marshalls, Braintree, in 1886, and another in 1889, by and will accommodate '10 or 12 patients.
Mrs. Kenworthy, to her mother: an inscription on the The charities now (1902) amount to upwards of
south side of the tomb states that Samuel Collins, many £18B 3s. yearly, distributed in bread and clothing.
years vicar of this church, died May 2, 166], and was There is a drinking fountain in the cattle market,
buried here: in the chancel is 8 mural monument in- erected in 1882 by George Oourtauld esq. of Cut-Hedg~
scribed to John Hawkins esq. alderman of London in Halstead.
1626, who died ill 1633: 1he church plate of silver includes A cattle and corn market is held on Wednesday, and
two chalice," and a chalice spoon inscribed" Brainetre in there are two annual fairs on the 8th and 9th of May
Essex,"dated 1775,a flagou, I7II, a plate, 1766,and a paten, and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October, the latter being
1863: in the exterior wall of the chancel is a brass with for cattle and hops.
the following inscription :-" This gTave was ordered to be The market rights and tolls, together with the Fair-
set vp by ye last will and Testament of Samvell Collins field, were purchased in I9QI by the Urban District
lat.e Dr. in physick eldest sou to Mr. Samvell Collins, vicar Council of Mr. James M. Ball at the price of £4,600,
of this parish, here vndel" bvryed who served above nine and the Council have since laid out, paved and drained
years as principal physician to ye great Czar or Emperovr the cattle market, at a cost of £2,000.
of R'vssia and after his retyrne from thence taking a JOVI'< In November, 1888, the late Sydney Courtauld esq. of
Dey into France dyed at Paris October 29th 1670 being the Bocking Place, presented and laid out 5~ acres of land
51st year of his age: " the exterior of the church was re. in Bocking for public gardens, and invested funds suffi-
stored in 1864 and the interio-r restored and refitted in cient to form an endowment of £80 a year for keeping
1866, at a total cost of about £6,000: in 1886 the organ the same in order; there is a keeper's lodge attached.
was enlarged. at a cost of £3°0, and removed into the From the number of Briti~h and Roman <lOins, pot-
south chancel aisle, then extended at a cost of £300. tery and other relics constantly being found here, or in
under a bequest of Miss Frances Wakeham in 1893. and its immediate vicinity, it is conjectured that Braintrf'Et
in 1894 a new choir vestry and parish room were erected was successively a British and a Roman station, and i.
at a cost of £260, and a new reredos of oak provided at a is pretty certain that the Roman road from Camalo-
cost of £120: there are 840 sittings. The registers date r1unum (Colchester) to Verulamium (St. Albans) passed
from the year 1660. The living is l\ vicarage, net ~'ear~v through it: it was constituted a market town in the time-
value £200, with glebe (£5) and residence, in the gift of King John, and from its situation on the route of
of trustees, and held since 18'83 by the Rev. JamBS pilgrims to the shrines of St. Edmuud, at Bury. in
\Vright Kenworthy, of St. Bees, who is also a surrogate. Suffolk, and Our Lady of Walshingham, in Norfolk, be-
'The Congregational church, in London l'oad, is a large came at an early period a place of some consequence;
edifice of white brick with stone dressings Dnd has subsequently the Flemings, fleeing from the persecution
1,200 sittings. The Primitive Methodist chapel, in of the Duke of .Alva. (1567-73), established the woollen
:Manor str~et, erected in 1862, is also of white manufacture here; this has now however disappeared.
brick. and will seat 250 persons. 'The Wp~levlln and has been succeeded by the silk and crape manufac-
chapel, in Rayne road, is a spacious edifice of red brick ture, which employs a large number of its population;
with '450 5ittings. There are· also Baptist chapels in brushes and cccoa-nut fibre mat and matting are als\)
made here: here are also the banking establishments used for the purchase of the site, and a further sum of
of Messrs. Barc1ay and Co. Limited, and of the London £5,000 was also left by Miss Wakeham as an endowment.
and Count,y Bank, several maltings and breweries and on The living is an incumbency, net yearly valne £193, in
the rivers various corn mills; the town has two good the gilt of the Dean and Rector of Bocking, but
hotels. subsequently the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held
James Mayhew Balls esq. of Castle Hedingham, is lord s'.nce 1806 by the Rev. Henry .Tohn Shildrick M ..:\.. of
of the manor. Durham University, and chaplain of Braintree Union.
The principal landowners are the governors of the The Society of Friends' meeting-hous!' in Rayne road,
Felstead school, the trustees of Samuel May, Messrs. erected in 1863, is an edifice of white brick, with free-
N ottidge, Mrs. Brown, ..Alexander C. ..Alleyne, the East stone dressings.
and West Ham charities, James Tabor esq. J.r. of Boch- The Catholio Church of St. Francis and the Immacu-
ford. and Messrs. Spackman and Green. late Conception, of red brick, was erected in 1899' The
The area. of the parish is 2,21 B acres of land and 6 ot Franciscan Convent, enlarged in 18g8, adjoins the church.
water; rateable value, £18,951; the population in 1902 The Congregational church, in Bradford street, is a
was 5,33°, which is also the Urban District. structure of white brick, erected in 1707 and enl:nged
in 1818, and w'.ll seat about 1,000 persons: over the
BOCKING, on the Pant, Freshwell, OI" Blackwater pulpit is a marble tablet to the Rev. Thomas Craig, for
river, on which are several corn mills, constitutes the more than 62 years pastor here, who died 2 June, in
northern part of the town, consisting principally of one the 8:; th year of his age: the schools near the chapel
long street, the Coggeshall and Rayne roads forming the were built to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the
boundary. In the time of King Ethelred this parish be- Rev. Thomas Craig's ministry, October 12th, 1852: a
longed to Ethelred and Leofwin, who granted it to St. m'.ssion room in connection with the church was 0p2ned
Saviour's Priory, Canterbury. in 1894, and will seat 200 persons: attached to the
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large edifice chnrch is a small cemetery. -
of flint with Bath stone dressings in the Perpendic"luar The Congregational chapel in Church street, erected in
style, and consists of chancel with vestry, clerestoried 1862, is a small edifice of white brick.
nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and a large em- The Unitarian chapel in the Coggeshall road, is an iI'cn
battled western tower with pinnacles, containing a clock structure.
and a musical peal of 6 bells; there are piscinre and The general cemetery, formed in 1857, and enlarged in
several stained memorial windows: in the south chantry 1882 by I! acres, making it now 3! acres in extent, is
is the brass of John Doreward esq. ob. 1420, son of Si1' under the control of the Parish Council.
lYilliam Doreward and his wife 1sabe11a, but without The ,"Yorkmen's Hall is a build~ng of red brick with
inscription, and on the chancel pavement is another to stone dressings, erected in 1884 by Messrs. Courtauld fol'
Dswald Fitch, ob. 1612: in the north aisle of the chancel the use of their 'Workpeople.
is a marble monument consisting of a pediment sup- Thp. Fire Brigade consists of a superintelldent and 4
ported on columns and beneath it a kneeling female men, the engine being kept at the" Black Boy" inn yard,
figure, representing the wife of Adrian Moore esq. who Church street.
died 1624: another marble monument in the same The crape and silk factory belonging to Samuel Court-
aisle is inscribed to Prisca, relict of Thomas Cobourne, of auld and Co. gives employment to a large number of
Stratford-le-Bow, gent.; in the churchyard is a tomb hands.
erected to John Maysent, gent. of Backing Hall, with a There is a almshonse for 8 persons.
poetical inscription: in 1883 the church was reseated The endowed charities for general distribution now
and the western window filled with stained glass at the (1902) prodnce about £300 yearly.
sole expense of Wm. lYalford esq.: and in 1884 the bap- Backing Place, a mansioR of brick surrounded by plea-
tistery window was filled with stained glass by the laTe SUTe grounds of 19 acres, with a lodge entrance, is the
Rev. Charles Almeric Belli M.A. vicar of South ,"Yeald seat of Mrs. Sydney Courtauld.
(11:S23-n), who died in 1886: the stained east window Backing Hall, the residence of Charles .T. Bolton esq.
was provided by subscr'.ption; there are five others in is an ancient ,timbered ,structure with rooms panelled in
the chancel given by Dean Carrington and the members oak and in a fine state of preservation.
of his family, one by William Walford esq. and Qne in Monken Hadley is the residence of Francis Henry
the north aisle by Mrs. Wakeham, ",idow of a former Crittall esq.
dean: the paintings over the altar are by William H. George Bradley esq. of Ackton Hall, Pontefract, Yorks.
Fuge esq: there are about 1,000 sittings. The living is is lord {)f the manor; the principal landowners lire the
a rectory, net yearly value £360, with residence &.ud II3 trustees of ihe late Mrs. Honywood, Henry Samuel Tabor
acres of glebe. in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, esq. John English Tabor esq. J.P. the trustees of the
and held s~nce 1845 by the Very Rev'. Henry Carrington late Sydney Courtauld esq. J.P. (d. 1'899), James Paxman
M.A. of Cains College, Cambridge, who is dean and rec- esq. J.P. of Stisted Hall, and Lieut.-Col. S. G. Savill J.P.
tor: the dean of Bocking formerly had jurisdiction over The area is 4,613 acres of land and 26 of water; rate.
this and other peculiars of the province of Canterbury able value, £II,229; the population in 1901 was 3,345,
with Essex. which includes tbe officers and inmates in Braintree
The Ohurch of 8t. Peter, ,Bocking, was erected in 1897 Union workhouse.
as a chapel 'Of to the parish church, on It site given Sexton (Bocking), David Marshall.
by a lady resident in the parish, and is an edifice of brick
and stone, conseCT'ated June Igth, 1897, and will seat HIGH G~illRETT is So hamlet in Bocking parish, about
about 350 persons. The late Miss Frances Wakeham o·f I mile north-north-east and 3 miles north from Brain-
Marshalls, Braintree, left by will the sum of £4,5°0 for tree, at the branching of the high road from Chelmsford
the building of an additional church in the parish of Bock- to Halstead and Clare.
ing, on condition that no part of the legacy was to be Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel.


Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. D., Express Delivery, Parcel postmaster. Letters received through Braintree at 7.30
Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office. 82 HIgh &; 9 a.m. 2·45 &; 7.15 p.m,; dspatched at '8'45 & 10.40'
st.-Thomas Fill Bing. postmaster. Letters arrive a.m. 3.30 &; 7.25 p.m.; sundays, 7.15 p.m
from London by mail cart at 4, 7.38 &; I I a.m. 1.38 &;
Post. M. O. &; T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance·
-6 p.m.; delivered at 7 &; 9 a.m. &; 2.15 & 6.30 p.m. ;
Office, Ohurch street, Bocking.-Mrs. Clara Rippin-
dispatched at 9.20 &; II.20 a.m. 3.50 &; 6.40 p.m. with gale, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Braintree-
extra stamp IQ minutes later; &. at 7.50 p.m. with
at 8.30 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.: dispatched at 9.15 a.m. &..
extra stamp till 8.15 p.m.; on sundays letters are 7 p.m.; 9.15 a.m. on sundays
delivered at 7 a.m. &. dispatched at 7.50 p.m.; extra
stamp till 8.15 p.m Wall Letter Boxes cleared as follows :-.Albert road, B &:
Money Drder &; Savings Bank business transacted from 9·45 a.m. 3. 25 & 6·55 p.m.; sunday,' II·35 a.m.;
8 a.m. till 8 p.m. daily, sundays excepted; telegraph Bocking End, 7·55, 8·55 &; 10·50 a.In. 3.40 &; 1.35 p.m. ;
from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m.;. sundays, 8 a.m. till 10 a.m sunday, 7.25 p.m.; London road, 8 &; 10.30 a.m.
Town Suih-Post &i M. O. 0.,• S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance 3.30 &; 6·55 p.m.; Lower Railway street, 7·50 &; IQ·30

Office, Manor street, Bramtree.-A.rthur Hart, sub-post- a.m. 3.40 &; 7.15 p.m.; Rayne road, 7.40 & 10.20 a.m.
master. Letters dispatched at 8 &; 10 a.m. 3.30 &; 7.30 3.20 & 7 p.m.; The ..Avenue, 7.10 & 9.15 a.m. 3.20 &
p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m 7.5 p.m.; Rifle Hill, 7 & 9·45 a.~. 2.15 & 6,30 p.m.;
Town Sub-Post &; M. D. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance sundays, 8,45 a.m.; .Qhappel HllI, 6.15 & 9.40 a.m.
Office, Bradford street, Bocking.-Arth!U' Pasfield,sub- 7.15 p.IU


Wall Letter Boxes., Bradford street,cleared at 8.5 0 & IO.45 Braintree & Bocking Cottage Hospital, Halstead Toad,
a.m. 3.35 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.20 p.m.; Alms- Bocking, John Harrison L.R.C.P.Edin. Percy Richard
houses, cleared at 8.30 & 10.25 a.m. & 7.5 p.m. week Stevens L.R.C.P.Lond. Arnold Scott M.D. & Lewis
days only Black M.B. hon, medical officers; Miss M. R. Cour.
Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & .Amnuity & Insurance Office, tauld, hon. sec.; Mrs. Jane Hymers, matron
High Garrett.-Oscar Ollett, sub-postmaster. Let- Corn Exchange, High street, A. Cunnington, sec
ters arrive at 8 & II.20 a.m.; dispatched at 9.45 a.m. County Court, His Honor H. Tindal Atkinson, judge;
& 5 ·50 p.m.; sundays, 9 a.m. Church street, Bock- Herbert J. Cunnington, registrar- & high bailiff; Chas.
ing, is the nearest telegraph office, 2 miles distant Fuller, assistant bailiff. The court is held every two
months on days fixed by the judge at ID a.m. The
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR SOUTH HINGKFORD county court house is a spacious erection of brick,
PETTY SESSIONAL DrvISION. on the Coggeshall road; it was built in 1852, at a cost
:\Iarriott Humphrey Richard George esq. Abbot's hall, of about £3,000. The district comprises the following
Shalford, Braintree, chairman places' :-Braintree, Bocking, Bradwell, Chatley, Great
Courtauld George esg. Cut-hedge, Gosfield, Halstead & Little Coggeshall, Cressing, Fairstead, Faulkbourne,
Oourtauld Samuel Augustine esq. Little Bradfords, Back- Finchingfleld, Great Leighs, Little Leighs, White Not.
ing, Braintree ley, Black Notley, Panfield, Pattiswick, Rayne, Riven.
Eyre Walpole Edwin esg. The Folly, High Garrett, hall, Great Saling, Shalford, Stisted, "Yethersfleld &
Braintree Witham
Harrison Capt. Jasper :Kicolls, Saling grove, Braintree For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that
J\farriott Gyri! Humphrey White esq. Abbot's hall, Shal- of Chelmsford; O. Mercer, senior official receiver;
ford, Braintree Frederick Thomas Halcomb, assistant official receiver,
Paxman James esg. Stisted hall, BraintTee 95 Temple ch:1mbers, Temple uvenue, London E a
Savill Lieut.-Col. Saml. Geo. Boleyns, Boeking,Braintree Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendment
Tabor In. English esg. Bovingdon hall,Bocking,Braintree Act," Henry Joscelyne, 62 High street; Thomas Harry
Tufnell Col. William Nevill D.L. Langleys, Great Wal- Kewman, 61 High street; James William Clark, Great
tham, Chelmsford Coggeshall; Walter Gardner, Witham & Joseph Smith
West Frederick esg. Redclyffe, Bocking End, Braintree Surridge, Great Coggeshall
The Chairmen, fOT the time ,being, of the Braintree Urban Fire Engine House, Coggeshall road, William Dunlop,
& Rural District Councils, are ex-officio magistrates captain; Frederick RUdkin, supt. & 7
:Masonic Hall, New street, H. C. Brown, agent; Norman
Clerk to the Magistrates, Herbert J. Cunnington, Orfeur, sec
Great square Masonic Lodge (St. Mary, No. I3I2), meets at the
.Petty sessions are held every alternate wednesday, at the :Masonic hall, Braintree, monday on or before full moon
Police station, Fairfield road, a,t 12 noon & every alter- from January to April & from September to December,
nate tuesday at Halstead. The places in the division Thomas E. Pilgrim, secretary
are. Braintree, Bocking, Black Notley, Felstead, Great Mechanics' Institution, Backing End, Herbert J. Cun-
Saling, Panfield, Rayne, Shalford, Stisted & Wethers- nington, sec.; Henry Smit,h, librarian
,field Police Station, Fairfield road, George W. Terry, super-
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. intendent; head quarters of Hinckford division, which
Council room, Vestry hall, Church street. consists of I superintendent, 2 inspectors, 6 sergeants
Meeting day, 1st friday in the month, at 7 p.m. & 29 constables
Stamp Office, at Post office
:Members Vestry Hall, Church street
with date on which they each retire.
'Ohairman, George Thomas Thorpe Bartram. VOLUNTEERS.
Vice-Chairman, Percy Victor Hawkes.
2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment (F Company),
- East Ward.-P. V. Hawkes & George Hunnable, 19°3; head quarters, Corn exchange, Capt. J. M. Welch;
R. J. Johnson & Robe'rt S. Orickmore, 19°4; William William Piper, drill instructor
Parmenter & Daniel R. Wheeler, 1905 Detachment of (I Company Cyclists), E. Ingold, captain
West Ward.~S. S. Southcott & J. W. Wakelin, 1903;
G. T. T. Bartram & F. Smoothy, 19°4; George Hodges BRAINTREE U~ION.
& George Osborne, 1905
Board day, every alternate monday, at the Board room,
Officers. Workhouse, at 10 a.m.
Clerks, Augustus Cunnington & Herbert John Ounning- The Union comprises the following parishes :-BockinO',
ton, GTeat square Bradwell, Braintree, Great Coggeshall, Little Cogge~­
Treasurer, VV. N. Tufnell esq. Barclay & Co.'s Bank, hall, Gressing, Fairstead, Faulkbourn, Feering, Finch-
Bank street ingfield, Hatfield Peverel, Kelvedon, Marks Hall, Black
:Medical Officer of Health, Perey Richd. Stevens :M.R.C.S. Notley, White Notley, Panfield, Pattiswick, Rayne,
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Backing End Rivenhall, Great Saling, Shalford, Stisted, Terling,
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspect<Jr, Herbert Henry Nanki. Wethersfield &; Witham. The population of the union
veIl, Not1ey J:'oad in I90I was 26,890; the area is 68,285 acres; Joateable
Collector, Henry Charles Brow~ 61 High street value in 19011, £U9,262
Collector of Market Tolls, Charles Fuller, Rayne road, Chairman of the Board of Guardians, J. Smith, jnn
Bocking Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Fredk.
Smoothy, I & 3 New street
BRAIKTREE RURAL DISTRICT COUNOIL. Treasurer, William Nevill Tufnell, Bank, Braintree
Relieving & Vaccination Officers &; Collectors to the
2\1eet8 a.t 'Workhouse, Backing, wednesday, monthly, at Guardians, Braintree district, Charles Fre<lk. Dlanlls,
11 a.m. Albert road, Braintree;. Finohingfield district, Henry
Chairman, J. Smith, jun. Pattiswicke hall Lambert, Shalford; Coggeshall district, Francis Cade,
Clerk, Frederick Smoothy, I & 3 New street, Braintree Coggeshall
Treasurer, William N. Tufnell esq. Barclay & Oo.'s Bank, Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bocking district,
Braintree . Percy Richard Stevens LoR.C.P.Lond. St. Lawrence ho.
::.\1edical Officer of Health, Lewis Porter Black M.A., Backing; Braintree district, John Hamson L.R.C.P.
~LB'., RC.Camb., V.PoH., M.R.O.S.Eng. Lynoroft, Edin. 23 Bank street, Braintree; Coggeshall district,
Bocking Francis Bernard Henry Caudwell L.R.U.P.Lond. Cog-
Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor of Highways, Edward geshall; Finching-field district, Robert Ecblin Smith
Harry Bright, Dodds hall, Braintree L.R.C.P. & S.l. Finchingfield; Kelvedon district, Rdo
Assistant Sanitary Inspector, C. V. Bright, Dodds hall, Galpin M.R.O.S.Eng. Kelvedon; Wethersfield district,
TIraintree RicharcL Alliott, Wethersfield; Witham district, Rarl
Carwardine Gimson B.A., M.B., B.C. Witham
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Superintendent Registrar, Frederick Smoothy, I&'3
Assembly Rooms, White Hart hotel, Bocking New street, Braintree; deputy, Frederick James Wiles,
Bocking Cemetery, George EIger, clerk I & 3 New street, Braintree
Braintree Cemetery, Lond(;lll road, Augustus Cunnington Registrars of Marriages, Charles Fl'ederick Blanks, Al·
& Herbert John Cunnmgton, clerks; Isaac Hutley, bert road, Braintree; deputy, Al'thur Hall, Braintree;
keeper H. Everard, Witham; deputy, A. W. Gorrett,
Braintree & Bocking Public Gardens, Docking, Edward ,\Yitham; Fnmcis Cade, Coggeshall; deputy, Francis
Holmes, clerk to the trustees; George Mitchell,keeper B. H. Caud,~ell, Great Coggeshall

Registrars of Births & Deaths, Braintree sub-district, Unitarian, Ooggeshall road, Bocking, Rev. R. H. Fuller
Gharles Frederick Blanks, Albert road, Braintree; M.A.; I I a.m
deputy, Arthur Hall, "Yoodfield Toad, Braintree; Wesleyan, Rayne road, Rev. Charles G. Oraggs; 10.30
Bocking sub-district, G. EIger, Bradford street, Bock- a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono 7.15 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
ing; deputy, Benjamin Eve, Bradford street, Bocking;
Coggeshall sub-district, Francis Cade, Coggeshall ; SCHOOLS.
deputy, Francis B. H. Oaudwell, Great Coggeshall; .A. School Board of 5 members was formed r9 Oct. J875,
Finchingfield sub-district, Hell1'Y Lambert, Shalford; fOl' Braintree; Edward Holmes, Backing End, Bocking.
deputy, Richard F. Oakley, Wet.l18rsfield; "Yitham clerk to the board; Henry Gibbs, London I'd. Braintree,
sub-district, William E. Shee, Witham; deputy, Harry attendance officer
Everard, Witham
A School Board of S members was formed 23 Dec. 187a
The Workhouse, in Bocking parIsh, on the Rayne road, is for Bocking; Edward Holmes, Backing End, Bocking,
a structure of red brick, built in 1837 at a cost of clerk to the board; George EIger~ Bradford street,
.£6,3°0 & enlarged in r895 at a total cost of £8,000; Backing, attendance officer
it will now hold 420 inmates; Rev. Henry John Shil- Board School, Manor street, Braintree, for 800 children,
-drick M.A. chaplain; Arnold Scott M.D. medical including infants; average attendance, r85 boys, ISO
officer; Charles Henry Barlow, master; Mrs. Mary girls & r20 infants. The buildings & ground were
Ann 'Barlow, matron given by the late J. Courtauld esq. who also left £40
School Attendance Committee. a year for the support of the school; the endowment
Meets at Workhouse, Backing, monday monthly after the is now devoted to a scholarship from the Elementary
Board meeting. Schools of the parishes of Braintoree & Bocking, which
entitles the holder to be educated in some higher
Clerk, Frederick Smoothy, I&;3 New street, Braintree grade school; Uichard Woolcock Davies, master; Miss
A.ttendance Officers, Henry Lambert, Shalford; \V. A. Gray, infants' mistress
Anthony, Coggeshall; Henry James Gibbs, Braintree Board, Backing End, for 420 children, including infants;
PUBLIO OFFICERS. average attendance, r40 boys & girls & 60 infants;
• Frank :Smith, master; Miss G. Light, infants' mistress
()lerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Hinckford clivision, Board School, High Garrett, erected by the late Samuel
Edward Holmes, Bocking- End Oourtauld esq. fO'r rso, children; average attendance, 63
Coroner for the Eastern Division of the Oounty, John National, New street, Braintree (mixed & infants), en-
Harrison M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.Edin. 23 Bank st.; larged in 1879 & 1881, for 650 children; average at-
deputy, W. B. Blood, Witham tendance, 510; Thomas Malyn, master; Miss C.Beves,
High Constable for the Division of Freshwell, Augustus infants' mistress
Cunnington, Great square National, Church street, Bocking (girls'), for 200 child-
Inspector of Weights & Measures under the Sale of ren, including infants; average attendance, r37; with
:Food & Drugs Act for the North & South Hinckford this school is incorporated the school founded by Dr.
divisions & of Petroleum for the South Hinckford divi- Gauden, a former rector of Backing, & successively
sion (vacant) bishop of Exeter (r660) & "Vorcester (r662); Miss
Inspector of Corn Returns, 1Yilliam J aIm Burden Margaret Watson, girls' mistress; Miss Webb, infants'
Leonari, Fernlea, The Avenue mistress
Rate Oollector, Henry: Gibbs, Vestry hall Catholic, Bocking, erected in 1900, to accommodate 45;
Sexton, "Yilliam WaIter Wiffen, 1'iotley road average attendance, 30; Sister Mary Paschal, mistress
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. Railway Station.
St. 1\1ichae1's, Rev. J. W. Kenworthy, vicar; Rev. Harry Albert James Bagley, station master
Lawrence Hard, curate; I I a.m:; 3 & 6.30 p.m.;
holy communion every sunday, 8 a.m.; 1st & 3Td Conveyance.
12.r5 p.m.; mono tues. thurs. & sat. matins, 8.30 An omnibus leaves the 'White Hart,' Bocking End & the
a.m.; wed. & fri. matins & litany, I I a.m. & evensong, Horn commercial hotel, High street, for every train
7.30 p.m
St. Mary's, Backing, Very Rev. Henry Caningtun l\LA..
rector & dean; sun. 10.30 a.m. & .'3 p.m.; wed. in OARRIEiRS.
Lent I I a.m. & daily in Holy week at I I a.m Bardfield Great--Edw. Clapson, from' Star,' daily
St. Petf>r's, Backing; Rev. HBnry John Shildrick M.A. Bardfield Little Edw. Clapson, from' Star,' daily
incum bent, 8 a.m.; holy communion, I I a.m. & 6.30 Ohelmsford-William Spoone'r, Mount road & Woodfield
p.m.; week days, wed. I I a.m. litany; thurs. 7 p.m. ; road, fri
1st sunday in the month, holy communion at 12.I5 Oolchestel~William Spooner, Mount road & Woodfield
instead of 8 Toad, tues. & sat
St. Francis & The Immaculate Conception Oatholic Felstead-H. Hicks, from' Horse & Groom,' wed
Church, Rev. John Power D.D. Rev. Mic-hael O'Ueilly & Finchingfield-Wakeland, irom the 'Horse & Groom,'
Rev. Louis Gouffe priests; mass at -8 & I I a.m.; mono wed. & fri.; James Broyd, from the 'Horse &;
benediction & sermon, 6.30 p.ll!.; week days, mass at Groom,' tues. thurs. & sat.; Edward Clapson, from
7 a.m. ; benediction thurs. & sat. at 4 p.m the 'Star,' daily
Friends' Meeting House, Rayne road, Backing; 10.30 a.m Great Saling-Edward Clapson, from' Star,' daily
Baptist, Ooggeshall :road; ,Rev. Alfred Curtis; 10.30 Halstead-Smith, from 'Horn,' wed.; S. Rayner, from.
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono 7.30 p.m.; sat. 7.30 p.m Coffee Palace, mon; wed. & sat
Baptist (Salem), Albert road; IO.30 a.m. 2. IS & 6.30 p.m Heclingham-Kendall, on wed. from the 'Horn'
0ongregationaI, Bradford street, Bocking, Rev. Joseph Little Saling-Edw. Clapson, from ' Star,' daily
Joseph; IQ.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono 7.15 p.m London-D. J. M. Balls, from Panfield lane, Bocking, tues.
Congregational, Church street, Bocking, Mr. John Farley, thurs. &; fri
evangelist; IO.30 a,m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.J5 p.m RllI.yne Edward Clapson, from the' Star,' daily
Congregational, London road. Rev. W. Johnson Oole: Sampford-Edward Clapson, from 'Star,' daily
IO.3 Q a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono 7.r5 p.m.; P.S.A. at Stebbing John Smith, from the' Star,' wed
3 p. m. sundays Toppesfield-Butcher, from 'George,' wed. & Finch, sat
Primitive Y1ethodist, Manor street, Oharles Edwin Albon, Wetbersfield-Rust, from George inn, man. wed. £Ti. &
minister; I I a.m.; 3 (P. S.A.) & 6,30 p.m.; mono & sat
wed. 7 p.m Yeldham-Butcher, from 'George,' mono wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baldwin Mrs. 154 Manor street Blomfield John, London road
.idams Samuel Verlander, Fair view, Baldwin William, 80 High street Bowmer Joseph, 56 Albert road
Cogges,hall road Bartlett Jas. Hugh, Bird villa, Wood- Bloomfield Edward, Pretoria villas,
Adkins :Mrs. The Avenue field road W oodfield road
Altion Charles Edwin. (Prim. Metho- Belsham Henry I. Lothian house, Bowtell Oharles, London road
dist), Wheelock coiltage, Upper Upper Railway street Bowtell Charles, r23 Lower Railway sll
Railway street Bennett Benjam,in, rooa, Manor street Bowtell Mrs. 125 Lower Railway st
Alden Leonard, Erceldoune, Cogges- Bentall Mrs. College frm. London rd Brown Henry Charles, 61 High street
hall Toad Bing Thomas Fill, High street Blown Hugh Douglas, The Laurels,
Arnott Lennox Badney Philip Cowper Blanks Charles Frederick, 24 Albel't rd Upper Railway street
Mus.Doe. London road Blomfield Edwin, I Ooggesha.I1 rood Brown, Albert house. Mallor st
Burgess Misses, 46 Manor street Glithers Mrs. 47 Upper Railway sb-eet Parmenter Mrs. James, Rose villa.
Butcher William, 44 Manor street GoIding Harry Wenlock, Ryckevorsel Albert road
Oalver Hy. MinerV'a vils.Coggeshall I'd Goss Miss, 63 Albert road Parmenter Silas, jun. Elmhurst,
Oarter Miss, 61 Albert road Hard Rev. Laurence' A.K.o.L.(curate, Uoggeshall road
Oartwright In.Fairmont,Ooggeshall I'd St,. Michae.l), Lower [Railway street ParmeI1ter 'Villiam, The Limes,
Cheek George, 98 London road Harringhm Thomas Wm. Sandpit rd Cog-gesball road
Ohopping Frank, W oodfield viJlas, Harrison John, 23 Bank street Parris 1\1rs. Queenborough
Woodfield road Harrison Miss, Coggeshall road Payne John Wm. Bank ho. High street
Clayton Jas. Clifton viI. OoggeshaII rd Harvey Mrs. 58 AIbert road Pease Miss, Manor street
Oleake J sph. The Hermitage, High si Hawkes Mrs. Mill house, London road Perry Mrs. The Villa, Manor street
Oleaver Mrs. Clifton 10. The Avenue Hawkes Percy V. 45 Up. Railway st Phillips Wm.Edwd. 43 Up. Railway st
Coe Alfred, Rosendale, Albert road Hearn Mrs.Woodfield viIs.Woodfield rd Pilgrim Thomas Edgar, Lynd1uJ.rst,.
Oole Rev. WiIliam Johnson (Oongrega- Heaster 'Samuel, 34 Albert road Manor street
tional), Lachta, The Avenue Hertslet Miss, 56 London road PIper Mrs. 26 Albert roa.d
Cook Geo. Avenue vil. W oodfield I'd Hitching Mrs. 70 London road Portway Benjamin, 60 London road'
Cook Miss, 13'8 Manoc street Hobbs Henry, Ivy place Potter Charles, 28 Albert road
Cornell Benjamin, 68 London road Hodges George, 21 Rayne road Potter Mrs. 37 Manor street
Cowell Alfred, 32 AIbert road Holland Mrs. 15 Manor street Preeston Percival SouthwelI, Marsha1l~
Oraggs:&ev. C1harles G. (Wesleyan), Howe Miss, 17 Manor street Pryke Henry William, 62 London rOlld
I I Rayne road Huckson Alex. 43 Lower Railway st Rankin J abez, ProsPllct house, Cog-
Cresswells George, Mount road Hutley Mrs. 77 Manor street ~eshall road
CrickmOTe Mrs. The Avenue Ingold Ernest, Hill side, Up. Railway st Rolfe Miss, Queenborough
Crickmore Robert S. Avenue road Johnson Henry, Mill house Runnacles Ernst.Hy.Lynton,London ret
Cunnington Aug. Camoys, London I'd J ohnson Miss Steel B. Blandford ho. Rust Mrs. 32 London road
Cunnington Herbert John, Lyngwood, London road SadIer Willinm, 156 Manor street
The Avenue Johnson Hobert James, Manor place Semmence Edmund, Low. Railway st
Curtis Rev.Alfd. (Baptist),The Manse, Josoe'ylene Charles Perey, Lulworth, Shildrick Rev. Henry John M ...!.. (in-
Ooggeshall road! London road ~umbent of St. Peter's & ~haplaiin of
Dale George Luke, The Firs,London rd J oscelyne Edward, 76 High street Brnintree Union), 165 Ooggeshall rd
Davey Miss, Holmlea, Avenue road Joscelyne Henry, 64 London road Smith Frank, 22 Albert road
Davies Mrs. 24 London road Kenworthy Rev. James Wright (vicar Smith Ralrh, Melbourne ho. Manor 5t
Davis Rd. Woolcock, 163 O>ggeshall rd l)j surrogate), Vicarage Snelling Alfred, 41 Manor street
Digby .Al'thur, Great square . Lake William Beard, Rayne road Stratton Robt.2 Silbv•
viIs. Manor sb
Dlgby Ohs. Albert viIs.Ooggeshall I'd Lambert Mrs. 75 Manor street Summers Miss, Ohestnut cot, Oogges-
Dreaper William Porter, Clifton villas, Lancaster Mrs. 32 Upper Railway st hall road
Coggeshall road LangIey Hy. Jas. 159 Coggeshall rd Surman Wm.Pretoria vils.Woodfield reT
Elsey Mrs. 66 London road Letch Mrs. 103 High street Townrow ~Irs. Great square
Eraut Mrs. Manor street Light Miss, Manor road Turner Chas. Albert cot. Albert road
Fenton Thomas W. 52 Manor street Lowe Howard Piercy, Albany villa, Vaughan Mrs. Bank street
Fish Arthur Wm. Kenmore,London rd Mount road Venmll Godfrey, Kennards, The Aven
Folliott William, Clock house McLachlan Robert, Lower Railway st Walford Alfred, Rose bank, Rose hill
Freeman Miss, 39 Manor street Malyn Thos. Bleak ho. Coggeshall I'd West He,:,bert W. North ho. Rayne rd:
French Mrs. Edith villas, Lower Rail- Moore Mrs. Manor street West Mrs. Lindpn ha. London road
way street Morse Percy R. Wickham house, Weston Alfrpd H. W oodrfield villa,.
Fuller }tev. Robert Hart M ...!.. (Uni- COg'!!'eshall road Woodfield road
tarian). The Avenue Muhlhauser George, Hill crest, Oogo- \Vheeler Daniel Rayner, Rose cottages
Fuller Frederick Jam'ls, Woodfield geshall road Wicks 1\liss, 48 Manor street
villas, Woodfield road Orfenr Norman, Mayholme, The Aven WilE'S Frederick James, 48 London rt}
Fuller James, Fairfield house Packer Charles Henry, Bank street Willis Miss, Melton house
Garland Mrs. 40 Manor street Parkes Henry Ashwell, The Limes, Witnev Mrs. London road
Gentry Mrs. 57 AIbert road Ooggeshall road Young John, Coggeshall road
Gibbs Henry, 50 London road Parke,; William F. Albert villas, Young' John Bishop, Sandyhurst, Cog-
Gwson Henry William, Alwyn villa, Ooggeshaill road geshall road
Ooggeshall road Parmenter Sam!. Catley, Mount ho

COMMERCIAL. Bird Jennie (Miss), dress maker, Mount road

Early closing day, Thursday. Blanks Oharles Frederick, relieying &; vaccination officer,.
AIden Leonard, tailor, Coggeshall road collector to the guardians & regist.rar of births, mar-
Alexander Emily Maria (Mrs.), Fox & Hounds P.H. riages & deaths for Braintree district, Braintree union,.
CoggeshaIl road Albert road
Alliston John, beer retailer, CoggeshaIl road Blomfield John. linen draper, 2 Bank street
Amos E. & Son, Sun inn & brewery, Upper Railway st Bloomfield Bros. plumbers &c" 27 Ooggeshall road
Amos Harry, Orange Tree inn, Cattle market Bloomfield Ellen & Lilly (Misses), dress mas. 57 Manor s-t.
Andrews Major, butcher &slaughterman, 60 Notley road Bonner Frederick William, shopkeeper, Ooggeshall road
Andrews Ruth Emma (Mrs.), tailor, Coggeshall road Bowtell Oharles, builder, see Letch & Bowtell
Arnold Benjamin, pie maker, Lower Railway street Bowtell James, grocer, 60 High street
Arnold Oharles, dent-ist (attend,s wed.), 61 High street Bowtell Joseph, insurance agent, 54 Manor street
Bagley Albert James, station master, Railway station Bowtle Esther (Mrs.), baker, 75 CoggeshalI road
Bailey Chas. grocer & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. Bradbury James, cycle agent, upper Railway street
wine & spirit merchants, 75 High st. & 79 Manor et Bradbury Joseph, cycle tool maker, Kew street
Ball9 J. M. & Robert, auctioneers & valuers, land & Braintree & Bocking Advertiser (The Essex Weekly News
estate agents (attendance wednesdays), Cattle Auction Series Limited, pUblishers; published wed.), Manor st,
mart, Braintree; head office, Oastle lThadingham Braintree & Bocking Conservative Association (Cat W. N.
Banyard John., commercial traveller, 59 Albert road Tufnell, president; H. J. Cunnington, treasurer; N.
Barclay & Co. Limited, bankers (branch) (C. H. Packer, Orfeur, hon. sec)
manager), Bank street; draw on head office, 54 Lam- Braintree & Bocldng Cottag-e Kursing Association (Mrs.
bard street. London E C R. J. Johnson, Manor plact', hon. sec.; Miss R. Col-
Barker James, seed grower, Manor road gate, nurse)
Bartram George Thomas Thorpe, glass & china dealer &. Braintree & Bocking Gas Co. (Percy Griffiths. sec.; Wm.
gun maker, 33, 35 &, 44 Bank street Surman, manager), 54 Parliament street, Westminster,
Bates Thomas Edward, Boar's Head inn, High street London SW
Bedlow Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I I Mount road Braintree & Bocking Permanent Benefit Building Society
Bell \Villiam, seedsman, Manor road (Augustus Cunnington, manager), Great square
Belsham Isaac & Son, corn, coal, oil cake & manure Braintree College for Boys (Lennox Rodney Philip Cowper
merchants, Upper Railway street Amott Mus. Doe. principal), London road
Belsan Robert, Swan P.H. Swan street Braintree Constitutional Club (Col. W. N. Tufnell, chair-
BenneIl Daniel, honse decorator, 94 Manor street man; Norm-an Orfeur, hon. sec.; W. Clark, as·sistant
Benskins Watford Brewery Co. brewers, Great square hon. sec.; John Stow, steward), Great square
Bewley Eveline (Miss), ladies' boarding school, Grove Braintree Joint Hospital Board (Frederick Smoothy,
house, London road clerk), I & 3 New street .
Biggs Cbarles..! whitesmith, 8 Swan side Braintree Liberal Association (F. 'West C.C. president;
Fill, postmaster, High street -G. C. Row, chairman; G. EIger, tr€as. ; H. G:hbs, sce)
Br.aintree Mutual Fund Association Limited (Jas. Luckin, Downing Joseph George, wine & spirit merchant&.
sec.), Masonic hall ale, porter & stout bottler, 59 High street & Corn Ex-
Braintree Technical Instruction Committee (H. Gibbs, change cellars
ohairman ; R. W. Davies, sec) Duncombe Charles, confectioner, 68 & 70 Manor street
Brand Charles &; Son, builders, Upper Railway street Dunlop William, monumental, stone & marble mason,
Brazier Ernest John, Bell P.H. Great square 53 Manor street
Brazier George, Bird in Hand P.H. Coggeshall ro~d Dunlop ·Wm. captain of the fire brigade, 53 Manor st
Bright Edward Harry, sanitary inspector & surveyor of Duthoit, England &; Co. silk manufacturers(UriahWheeler,
highways, Dodds hall manager), Martin's yard, High street
Brock Charles, butcher, 41 Upper Railway street Dyer &; Son, grocers, I I Bank street
Brown Alfred &; Son, builders &; contractors, Station wrks Earey Alfred, farm bailiff to Mr. J. Metson, Tyepond gm
:Brown & Woodthorpe Limited, nurserymen &; seedsmen, Edwards Charles, carl!enter, Cog:geshall road
Rayna road Eldridge John S. beer retailer, Coggeshall road
Brown Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, New street Enness Job, builder, 22 London road
13rown Henry Charles (firm, Portway & Brown), house Ennes,s Nelly (Miss), dress maker, 22 London road .
k, insurance agent & assessor & collector of income tax, Essex County Chronicle Offices (branch), New street .
r.rate collector to Braintree Urban District Council &; sec. Essex Weekly News Series Limited (The) (branch) (Alfred
to Braintree & Bocking Penny Savings Bank, 61 High st Ludgater, local representative), Manor street .
Brown James, brick & tile maker; &; at Chelmsford, FentQn Mary & Ura (Misses), dress makers, New street
Upminster &; Boreham FentoIl. Thomas William, tailor, hatter, bosier & general
Brown William, beer retailer, London road ontfitter, High street
Brown William, farmer, ~ayling'hurst Finch John, George inn, New street
Eutcher George, greengrocer, 91 High street Fire Engine House (W. M. Dunlop, capt.; Frederick
CalveI' He~ry, farmer, Clock House farm Rudkin, supt.), Coggeshall road
Cane WiIliam Ste'Phen, miller (steam &; water) & corn dlr. Fitch Isaac, farmer, Nichols' farm, Cressing road
n6 High street; &; at Bocking Fletcher Arthur Frederick, draper, 29 Bank street
Cemetery (Augustus Cunnington & Herbert John Cun- Footman &; Co. linen drapers, 15 & 17 Bank street
nington, clerks to the urban district council; Isaac Fowle Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, 47 CoggesbalI road
Hutley, keeper), London road Frost Benjamin, farmer, CIa.p bridge
Challis Alfred, farmer, Goldinghams Frost Mary Ann (Mrs.), Bull inn, CatUe market
Charlish William, clerk, 142 Manor street Fnller Edith (Miss), Nag's Head P.H. Cattle market
Choat Alfred, saddler, 150 High street Fuller James, boot &; shoe manufacturer, Fairfield road;
Clark John, chimney sweeper, Manor road Bank street & Little square
CIark J osiah, cabinet maker &; upholsterer, 95 Manor st Gage Ann (Mis:!), tobacconist, 140 High street
Claydon James, boot &; shoe maker, 53 Coggeshall road Gage George Alma, hair dresser & tobacconist, 6 & 8
Cocks WaIter, butclier, High street Great square
(Joe Alfred, tailor, High street Garnham Arthur Benjamin, general dealer, Sandpit road
Colgate Rosina (Miss), district nurse, Mount road Gentry Elizh. (Mrs.), shoeing & general smith, Church st
Collins Harry, bookbinder, 132 High street Gentry WaIter, millwright, Church street
Cook Gcol'ge, pork butcher, 67 High street Glbbs George, butcher, Church street
Cook Henry, antique furniture dealer, Swan street Gibbs Henry, rate collector &; collector to the Braintree &;
Cooper Charles, fruiterer, Upper Railway street Bocking Gas Co. &; school board attendance officer,
Oooper Samuel, jun. furniture &; general dealer, 101 &; Vestry hall
103 Manor street Gibson George, watch maker, 71 High street
Cooper Samuel, sen. furrJtmre broker, 120 Manor street Gibson Henry William, supervisor of inland revenue,Alwyn
Cooper 1Villiam, hardware dealer &c. Cressing road villa, Coggeshall road
Coote Harry, shopkeeper, Manor road Gilbey John, haulier, 144 High street
<lorn Exchange (A. Cunnington, sec.), High street Gill William Samuel, hardware dealer, Fairfield road
Camell & Howard,g-rocers' & drapers' valuers,68London rd Goddard William, temperance hotel, Great square
Coruell Bertie William, watch maker, 130 High street Godfrey Frederick, registrar of marriages & house & insur-
(Jornell Joseph, boot &; shoe maker, 130 High street ance agent. Coggeshall road
County Court (His Honor H. Tindal Atkinson, judge; Gowen Alfred, hair dresser & tobacconist, New street
Herbert J. Cunnington, registrar &; high bailiff), Cog- Gowers William Henry, baker, 17 Natley road
geshall road Gray Alfred, tailor, Woodfield road
Courtauld Samuel &; Co. Limited, silk & crape manufao- Gray Charles, rag dealer, Fairfield road
turers, Braintree mills Gray Charles Harrison, maltster, Church street
Cowell Alfred, hair dresser, 136 High street Green Frederick James, baker, III & ll3 Manor street
Cresswell & Son, bakers, 145 & 147 Coggesball road Green William John, beer retailer, Manor street
Crickmore & Son, saddlers, High street Griffin Eliza. (Mrs.), apartments. Lisle ·ho. Doggeshall rd
Crittall & Winterton Limited (H. P. Lowe, sec.), Groves & Co. Limited, coal, lime, slatt;l, cement &; hair
ironmongers, 27 Bank street &; 811 High street· m.erchants & lath renders; drain pipes, stone ware &
Crittall Manufacturing Co. Limited, constructional en- all kinds of sanitary pipes, fire bricks &; tiles: &; salt
gineers & iron window casement manufrs. Manor street merchants, Railway station; &; at Dunmow & Yeldham
Crosier Thomas, greengrocer, 156 Cogges,hall road Hall Arthllr, deputy rejZistrar of births, deaths & mar-
Cuff Samuel Thos. coal & general dealer, Fairfield road riages, Woodfield road
Cunnington, Son &; Orfeur, solicitors, Great square Hardy George, antique furniture dealer, Little square
Cunnington Augustus (firm, Cunnington, Son &; Orfeur), Harling Reginald, pork butcher, 5'5 High street
solicitor, joint clerk to the urban district council, clerk Harrington Brothers, coach bnilders, Sandpit road
<to governors of Felsted school &; solicitor 0& sec. to Harris Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Fairfield road
Braintree Mal'ket House Co. perpetual commissioner Harrison & Stevens, surgeons, 23 Bank street
for taking acknowledgments of married women & com- Harrison John M.R.G.S., L.R.C.P.Edin. (firm, Harrison
missioner for taking affidavits, Great square &; Stevens), surgeon &; coroner j10r East Essex &;
Cunnington Herbert John (firm, Ounnington, Son & medical officer & public vaccinator, Braintree district,
Orfeur), solicitor, re,gistrar of the County Court, clerk 23 Bank street
to the magist,rates, South Hinckford & Freshwell divi- Hart Arthur, bookbinder &; sub-postmaster, 93 Manor sf;
sions & clerk to the trustees of Braintree charities, com- Hatfield & Hine, fancy repository &;c. 96 High street
missioner for oaths 1& joint clerk to urban district coun- Hayward Isaac, news agent &; cane worker, 16 Manor st
'ClI, Great square Hearn John (exors. of), far;mers .
Cycle Club (E. L. Fentan, sec.), High street Heaster Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 Upper Railway st
Dale George Luke, manager of the London &; County Heastilr Samuel Albert, wheelwright, 31 Manor street
Bank, High street Hicks Henry, blacksmith, 51 New street
Delson John, tea agent, Lower Railway street Hills Alfred, solicitor, New street
Digby Arthur, fis,h merchant, Great square Hine Edith Mary (Miss), fancy repos. see Hatfield & Hine
DijZby Edward, fishmonger, Lower Railway street & Hobbs Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Ivy pI
Fairfield road Holland &; Barrett, grocers, Great square
Digby vYilliam, blacksmith, Rayne road Holmes WaIter, shopkeeper, 25 Albert road
Dines Goorge, White Lion P.H. Coggeshall road Howard Charles, grocer, 37 Bank street
Douce vVilliam, market gardener, 72 London road HOVllard JOBiah, draper, milliner & gentlemen's out-
Dowdeswell Clorinda (Mrs.), Crown & Anchor P.H. Cattle fitter, 61 &; 65 High street
market Howard Waiter Henry, Wheatsheaf inn, High street
DGlwnes David, hoot maker, 12 upper Railway street Howland Phocbe (Mrs.), shopkeeper, New street
DDwming Satmuel, ehemist & druggist, 59 High street Hunnable Annie (Miss), confctnr. & tobccnst. 102 High sf;
• •
Hunnable George, builder & contractQr ; jomery made for I Parmenter William (late Samuel Catley Parmenter)",
the trade, '82 Lower Raihmy ,street builder & contractor & steam joinery works & saw
Hunt By. Edwin, Rose & Crown P.H. Lower Railway st mills, manufacturer of Parmenter's dovetail gTooved
Hutley Thomas J. clothier, 8 Manor street pitch pine block flooring; registered, the best practicaL
. lngold & Co. pale ale, porter & stout brewer & wine & system; CoggeshaIl road
spirit merchant, Upper Railway street Payne Thomas F. T. picture framer, 49 High street
International Tea Co. grocers & tea dealers,57 High street Pharaoh Alfred, leather cutter & grindel'y dealer, 13,
dohnson W. & Son, coal, salt, corn, hay & manure Great square
merchants & contract.ors, carriers for the Great Eastern Phillips Thomas, Deer retailer, Notley road
Railway Co. Railway coal depot Phi:lips William, butcher, 138 High street
Johnson Thomas, blacksmith, 151 CoggeshalI road Piggin Alfred, grocer, 31 Bank street
Johnstone Oharles, travelling draper, 49 Up. Railway st Pilcher WaIter Frederick, draper, 39 Bank street
Johnstone William, travelling draper, 60 New street Pilgrem :Fredk. ,"Vm. sen. boot maker, 119 Cog~e"halI I'd
Jones Frederick J. refreshment rooms, Fairfield road Pilgrem John George, carpenter, 51 Ooggeshall road
Joscelyne Chas. printer, bookseller & stationer, 78 High st Pilgrim Charles, market gardener. Notley road
doscelyne Henry, cabinet maker & upholsterer & house Piper WilIiam, colonial merchant, Ivydene, The Avenue
furnisher, auctioneer, house & estate agent, 62 High st Piper Williaro, drill instructor to F Company Rifle Yolun-
Joyce William, butcher, Cattle market teers, Lower Rail wav •
Juniper Joseph Lake, shoe maker, 13 Little square Pluck & Son, clothiers, 28 & 30 Dank street
Kennings John, saddler, 16 Bank street Pooock Bros. boot & shoe makers, 36 & 38 Dank street
Kent Absolam, farmer, Stubbs farm Porter Annie & Sarah (~1isses), news agents &.C, 18
Key Mhur, carpenter & joiner, Stanley villas, Lower Bank street
Railwav street Portw-ay & Brow-n, house & insurance agen ts &; ac-
• countants, 61 High street
Knight L. (Miss), dress maker, l\fount road
Lancaster NaIIie (Miss), dress ma. 32 Upper Railway st Potter J ames, pork butcher, loB Manor street
Lancaster William, painter &c. 63 Coggeshall road & 62 Potter WaIter, boot & shoe maker, 113 High street
Albert road Primrose League (Braintree habitation) (Col. lV. :Ko
Lawson Herbert Thomas, photographer, Fairfield road Tufnell, ruling councillor; Mrs. W. N. Tufnell, dame-
Leatherdale Dorothea (Miss), l'efreshment rooms, Lower president & Mrs. Stevens, hon. sec)
Railway street Prior Emi:y (Miss), private mixed school, 45 .Albert re}
Leonard William John Burden, inland revenue {)fficer & Pryke Henry William & Son, tailors, 51 & 53 High street
inspector {)f corn returns, Fernlea, The Avenue RaIling Lewis, boot maker, Mount road
Letch & BowteIl, builders & contradors, 103 High street Rankin J ames John, teacher of violin, 42 Manor street
Lewsey Julia Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe deale'r, 55 High street Rawlinson R. & Son, bill posters r&c. 2 Market street
Livermore Frederick, plumber, 13 Manor street Reed Henry, bricklayer, 15 Upper Railway street
Lodge Lucy (Mrs.), dress maker, Oressing road Richardson Henry, turncock, 47 New street
London Central Me,at Co. butchers, Great square Hidley T. D. & Sons, maltsters, Manor street & 'Lpper
LOlld{)n & County Banking Uo. Limited (George Luke Railway street
Dale, manager), High street; draw on head office, 21 Rose Henry, naturalist, ~ otley road
Lombard street, London E 0 Ro,w & Son, pharmaceutical chemists, 47 High street
Lucas William, pork butcher, II2 High street Rowe George, hair dresser, 46 Bank street
Ludgater Alfred, stationer & news agent, 6 Manor street Rudkin Barney, brush manufacturer & hardware dealer~
McCraith 1Villiam, travelling draper, 62 New street Cattle market
McLachlan George, travelling draper, Ohurch street Rudkin Frederick, superintendent of fire brigade, 3&
Makin Charles, clothier & boot dealer, 146 High street Manor street
MarshalI Jolll1 WiIliam, insurance agent, 33 Manor street Rutland Emma (Miss}, dress maker, 117 Coggeshall I'd
Marwn Frank, monumental mason, Upper Railway street Sanders Henry, iron & tin plate worker, Cattle market
Masonic Hall (H. C. Brown, agent), New street Sargeant Ida (Miss), berlin wool repository, 14 Bank st
Masonic Lodge (St. Mary, No. 1,3'12) (Thomas E. Pilgrim, Sargent WaIter, shopkeeper, High street
sec.), meets at the Masonic hall Saunders Emity (Miss), dress maker, 87 Coggeshall I'd
Mayll Albert Edward .Age I', baker, 24 New street Scott WaIter Early, greengrocer, Co.ggeshall road
Mayo Alfred, butcher, Upper Railway street Scott William, butcher, 12 Bank street
Metson Edward, wheelwright, Swan side Scott WilIiam, clothier, 47 Manor street
Mills Louisa & Emma (Misses), dress makers, 152 Seabrook Robert Carrington, farmer, Marks farm, Cog-
Coggeshall road geshall road
MOOdy Henry & Son, complete house furnishers, iron- Semmence William, carpenter, Lower Railway street
mongers, china, glass & earthenware dealers, furniture Sharp .Arthur Edward, tailor, Little square
removers & coal & oil merchants, Upper Railway street Sharp J,ames, greengrocer & corn dealer, 154 High st
& Ooronation !house, Bank street Shearcrof't Emily (Miss), stationer & girls' schl.9 Bank st
Moore Charles William, chemist, 19 Bank street Shearcroft Matilda Kate (Mrs.), printer, 9 Bank street &
MorrelI William (Mrs.), baker, CoggeshalI road Manor street
Morris WilIiam, Carpenters' Arms P.H. Lower Railway st Shelley Jenonr WiIIiam, beer retailer, Chapel lliII
Nankivell Herbert Henry, surveyor & sanitary inspector Shuffiebotham dames, haulier & furniture remover.
to the urban district council & engineer to the water Manor road
works, Notley road Simpson Hy. Townsend, insurance agt. Hope viI.Albert rd
Nash Jas. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 45 & 47 Lower Railway st Singer Manufacturing Co. 7Ia, Hig-h street
Nash Thomas, butcher, Great square Skinner Ernest J. draper, 156 High street
National Telephone Call Office, 10 Bank street Smith Henry, librarian, Mechanics' institute, Church st
Newman Claud Marshall, insurance agent, Manor road Smith Henry Charles, gentlemen's outfitter & boot ware-
Newman James, professor of music & organist of Brain- house, 48 Bank street
tree parish church, The .Avenue Smith John Cook, Saracen's Head inn, Bank street
New-man Thomas, Harry F.S.I. auctioneer, public Smith Joseph, farmer, Parsonage farm
house & hotel valuer & estate agent, 61 High street; & Smith Ralph, cabinet maker & upholsterer & house-
at Rayne furnisher, 106 High street
Nunn James .AIma, watch maker &; jeweller, 20 Bank st Smith Robert, pawnbroker, 22 Swan street
OliveI' James, coal dealer, Manor road Smith Thomas F. painter, Coggeshall road
Orfeur Norman, solicitor, see Cunnington, Son & Orfeur Smoothy Frederick, so:icitor, clerk to the guardians of
Orrin Charles, furniture dealer, 69 High street & 49 Oog- the Braintree union, clerk to the assessment com-
geshaIl road mittee, rl~ral district cDuncil, school attendance com-
Gst Angelica Mary (Mrs.), feather cleaner, 40 Manor st mittee & supt. registrar, clerk to Braintree joint
Owers J ames, baker, Lower Railway street hospital board & clerk to Shalford & Cressing School
Owles WiIliam, fancy stationer, 25 Rayne road Boards, commissioner for affidavits. i& steward of the-
Oxbrow Emma & Esther (Misses), shopkprs. 168 MallI'. st manors of Purleigh, WaItons hall, Purleigh, Lyons hall
Packer Charles Henry, manager of Bar'clay & Oo.'s Bank, & Moulsham hall, Great Leighs, 1& 3 New street
Bank street Southcott Samuel Stafford, wine & spirit merchar:t, 86
Parish Mary (Mrs.), baker, 97 High street & 818 High street & mineral water manufr. Manor street
Parkes Henry A. & William F. watch makers, 40 Bank st Spearman Albert Arthur, cycle & motor factor, agent
Parker John Edward, boot & shoe maker, Coggeshall I'd for Swifts, Lea & Francis, Premiers, Raglans, Rudge-
Parmenter SiIas, builder & contrartor, Coggeshall road Whitworth, Rumbers & other first-class makers, Greah
!Parmenter Thomas, carpenter, Manor road square; & South street, Bishops Stortford
Parsons Charles Daniel, engraver, Maitland, Manor street Spooner James, general dealer, jobmaster &, dairJman.
Pasfield Clam (Mrs.), boot & shoe ma. 32 & 34 Bank st Lower Railway street
Sparrow, Tufnell &; Co. bankers, now Barclay &; Co. Lim Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Essex Regiment (F Co.) (J.
Spooner WilHam, carrier &; furniture remover, Wood- M. Welch, commanding; A. Hills, lieutenant; William
field road &; Mount road Piper, drill instructor); head quarters, Oorn Exchange
Springett Emma (Miss), dress maker,9 Mount road Wake:in John Walker, farmer, Hill house
Spurgeon Frederick, boot maker, 62 Manor street Walford Alfred &. Co. coal merchants; trucks of
Spurgeon Susannah (Mrs.), shopkpr. 35 Up. Railway st coai direct from the best collieries supplied to firms
Staines Susannah (Mrs.), upholsterer &c. 55 High street or families & sent free to any railway station; Lower
Stead &; Simpson Limited, boot & shoe wareho. 3 Bank st Railway street
St:eel-..tohnson B. (Miss), boarding & day school for Walford Mark, insur~lllce agent, I66a, Manor st,reet
girls, BIancUord house, London road. See advert Ward Edward John, beer retailer & baker, Coggeshall I'd
Steer Vincent, Horn family &; commercial hotel &; post- 'Ward John, chimney sweeper, Notley Toad
ing house, High street Warner & Sons, silk & velvet manufrs. Lower Railway st
Stevens I'ercy Richard L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng. Warren George, brick:ayer, Coggeshall road
(firm, Harrison &; Stevens), surgeon & medical officer Wenden Henry, Railway hotel, Lower Railway street
&; public vaccinator for Bocking district &; medical Wendon Henry, baker & con,fectioner, 4 Manor street
officer of health for Braintree urban sanitary authority, West John & 80ns, brush manufacturers, High street
Bank street West Frederick G. insurance agent, High street
Strutt Charle.s, boot maker, 65 Manor street Weston Alfred Henry, stationer & picture frame maker,
Strutt Henry, boot ma1>.er, New street 21 Bank street
Stubbings Aaron, boot maker, Lower Railway street Wheatstone William, mechanical engineer, 140 Manor st
Stubbings Thomas, livery stables, Sandpit road Wheeler Thomas, shopkeeper, 101 Lower Railway st
Suckling Henry Charles, painter, plumber & decora· Whife Alfred, beer retailer, Lower RaIlway street
tor, 7 Upper Railway street Whife Isaac, Victoria inn, Manor road
Snrman William, manager to Braintree &; Bocking Gas Whipps George, fruiterer & fishmonger, Cattle market
Company's Works, Woodfield road Whipps Porter, carpenter, Rose cottage, Up. Railway st
Sutton John, chimney sweeper, 69 Coggeshall road Wicks Alfred! George, carpenter, Coggeshall Toad
Taylor Albert, wheelwright, Martin's yard, High street Wiffen William Waiter, sexton, Notley road
Terry George W. supt. of police, Fairfield road Wiies Frederick James, deputy superintendent registrar,
Thomas George Frederick, carpenter, joiner & under- I & 3 New street
taker, 52 London road Williams A.mbrose Robert, bricklayer, 201 Manor road
Thompson Alfred Frederick, dairyman, Great square Williams Josiah, Freemasons' Arms P.H. Low. Railwy. st
Thompson WaIter, news agent, New street Winch Charles Francis, general draper, 90 & 92 High st
Town Tennis Club (W. Clark, hon. sec. ),43 Coggeshall I'd Winterton William Sidney, ironmonger, see Crittall &
Townrow Charles, clothier, 42 Bank street Winterton Limited
Townsend WaIter, farm bailiff to Mr. Frederick George Woodhouse John Horatio, corn factor, Great square
West, Bridge farm Woodrow Hannah (Mrs.), Lion & Lamb P.H. Little sg
Tribble &; Son, saddlers, Cattle market Woodthorpe George, coach spring maker, Sandpit road
Turner Arthur, tailor, Cattle market Wyatt William, boot maker, 4:8 New street
Turner WaIter, livery stable keeper, Great square Young & Son, veterinary surgeons, Coggeshall road
Tyler Samuel & Son, rent collectors & house agents, Young John, M.R.C.V.S. (firm, Young & Son), veteri·
Coggeshall road nary surgeon, Coggeshall Toad
Tyler George, hair dresser, 78 Manor street Young John Bishop F.R.C.V.S. (firm, Young & Son),
Tyrell ,J. farm bailiff to John. English Tabor esg. J.P. veterinary surgeon, Ooggeshall road
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gosling OliveI', Bradford street Power Rev. John D.D. (Catholic),The
Adams Misses, Bradford street Gouffe Rev. Louis (Oatholic), '1'11e Presbytery
Ager Waiter, Church lane Presbytery Pryke Miss, Hill house, Rayne road
AlIen Mrs. Bay house Green Miss, Bradford street Raven William, Church street
Amos Mrs. Bradford ~treet; Guthrie Alexander, Church fane Richardson 'Silas, Rayne road
Beadles Rev. ATthur Ralph M.A. (cu- Harrington .Alfred, Bradford street Hoffey Mrs. The Old House
Tate), G'hurch street Harrisson Henry, Bradford street Row Mrs. Panfield house
Bearman Mrs. 8uamford house Hills Alfred, Lyncroft Rudkin George, Bradford street
Bennett Tom Hubert, Hollywood, Hobbs Miss, Evegate house Sampson Thomas, Hill house
Backing end Holmes Edward, Backing end Savill Lieut.-Col. Samuel George J.P.
Black Lewis Potter l\f.A. Lyncroft Holmested Miss, Coggeshall road Boleyns
Bolton Charles J. Backing hall Hunnable Thomas, .causeway cottag(~ Scott Arnold M.D. Bradford street
Bowtle Miss, BradIord street Ineson Rev. George (Congregational), Searle Mrs. Church street
Brand Mrs. Rayne rGad Churcn street Shead MTs. Bradford street
Carrington Very Rev. Henry M.A. J essopp Mrs. Bocking end Smoothy Frederick, Bradford house
(rural dean & rector), Deanery Joseph Rev. Joseph (Congregational), Smoothy Miss, Bradford house
Casson Rev. ,Eden Voasey B.A. Brad- Parsonage Smoothy •
Miss C. Bradford house
ford street Knight Miss, Coggeshall road Solly Mrs. Alcotes
Clarke Fras. Albany terrace, Rayne rd Last Miss C. Holly place, Rayne road Southcott Mrs. Gordon ho. Rayne road
Clarke Mrs. Bradford ~treet Lewis John, jun. Bradford street Spencer Edwin Parkinson, Words-
Cooke Miss, Church street Linfoot Maurice, Bleak ha. Church st worth house, Bradford street
Gornell Mrs. J. The Croft, Oogges- Linsell Mrs. Rayne road Stevens Percy Richard, St. Lawrence
hall road Livermore Mrs. Church street house, Bocking End
Courtauld Samuel Augustine J.P. Lit. Martin Thomas, The Foundry house Tabor In. English J.P. Bovingdon hall
Bradfords Mason Richard, Bradford street Tabor Henry Samuel, Fennes
Courtauld Mrs. Sydney, Bocking place Mayhew Mrs. Bocking lodge '1'aylor Jas. Creak, The Elms,Rayne I'd
Crittall Francis Hy. Monken Hadley Meadows Mrs. Gresham ha. Bradford st Tomkins Oharles John, The Hermitage
Crittall Miss, Causeway cottage Newman Charles Parker, Albany ter- Tunbridge Miss, Bradford street
Davey Stphn. Fernleigh, Bradford st race, Rayne road Tunbriage Thomas, Bradford street
Drake Miss, Albany tel'. Rayne road Newman Miss, Albany tel'. Rayne rd Turbitt Matthew, Fryers
Elliot Edward Franklyn, Cottesmore O'Reilly Rev. Michael (Catholic), The Vaizey Arthur, Noel house, Rayne rei
Eve Mrs. Rayne road Presbytery Warren Charles, Ohurch street
Farley John (Evangelist), Church st Pasfield Arthur, Bradford street West Frederick J.P. Redclyffe, Brad-
Finnev •
.lames, Bradford street Payne Mrs. Coggeshall road ford street
FUQ."e Mrs. Bradford street Pennyfeather Miss, The Cotu.,ge, Wicks Mrs. Rayne road
Gosling Miss, Bradford street Bradford street Wilson Mrs. Bradford street
GGsling Mrs. John, Bradford street Pluck Jabez, Croft cot. Coggeshall I'd
COMMERCIAL. Balls Daniel James Matthew, carrier &; furniture re-
Adkins, Ashley & Co. coil' mat & matting &; binder mover, Panfield lane
twine manufactmrers by steam power, Bradford street; Bannock Alfred James, boot & shoe dealer, Church Btreet
Telegrams, " Golding ," Bocking, Braintree ; N. '1'. Barton Robert Willis, general furnishing ironmonger &
:N O. 10 oil & color merchant; repairs of all kinds; Rayne road
Ager Abraham, shopkeeper, Woolpack lane Bartrup William, bricklayer, Bradford street
AlIen Thomas & Son, mat &; matting manufacturers, Bearman Harry, baker & earthenwaTe dealer, Bradford st
Bradford street Bearman Harry S. wheelwright, Church street
Amos Charles Thomas, shopkeeper, Church street Bearman Ralph, boat maker, Church street
Benham William & Sons, butchers, Bradford street Holmes Edward, solicitor, clerk to commissioners of
Black Lewis Potter M.A., l\LB., B.C.Camb., M.R.C.S. taxes, registrar of Dunmow county court, clerk to
. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.Camb. physician &; sur· Backing, Braintree &; Panfield school boards, to the
geon, &; medical officer of health to the Braintree Rural trustees of Bocking charities & to the trustees ot
• District Council, Lyncroft Braintree &; Backing public gardens, commissioner for
Blanks ..Alice & Adelaide (Misses), dress ma. Rayne road taking acknowledgments of married women & to ad.
Blanks Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, Rayne road minister oaths in the Supreme court, Bocking End
Braintree & Bocking Literary & Mechanics' Institution Jarvis George, fann bailiff to G. D. French esg. Do-
(Herbert .J.Gunnington, hon. ;;ec.; Hy.Smith,librarian) rewards hall
Braintree & Bocking Public Gardens (Edward Holmes, Joslin Joseph, Star P.R. Rayne road
clerk to the trustees; George MitchelI, keeper) Ioslin 'Vil1iam, farmer, Lyons hall
Braintree & District Liberal Club Limited (G. C. Row, Joyce Albert, butcher, Church street
chairman; H. Gibbs, sec.), Bocking end Lake & ElIiot, manufacturers of cycle tools &c. Rayne rd
J3raintree & West Essex Co-operative &; Industrial Society Lawrence Frederick, shopkeeper, Rayne road
(B. S. "Vood, sec.; George 'fhomas Skingle, manager), Linsdell William, grocer, Church street
Bocking end; & (Frederick Butcher, manager),Church Mason William Edward, f!'rocer, Bradford street
Street branch Meehanics' Institution (H. J. Cunnington, sec.; H.
,'Brown John 'fhomas, Horse & Groom P.H. Rayne road Smith, librarian), Bocking end
llutcher Esther (Mrs.), apartments,Rayne road Melbourne Susan (Miss), dress maker, Bradford street.
Butcher Felix, cabinet maker, Rayne ['oad Morris Rdward, fruiterer, Bradford street
.Butcher William, beer retailer, Bradford street Matt Frederick, farmer, Panfield lane
Cane William Stephen, miller (steam & water) Mott John, coal dealer, Church street
Carter Amos, Black Boy P.H. Church street Mott William, Spread Eagle P.R. Church lane
.Cemetery (George EIger, clerlr to the Parish Council) Noyes WilliJm, accountant, Rayne road
Chapman Alfred Edward, taxidermist, Panfield lane OliveI' Eliza (Mrs.), jobmaster, Bradford street
'Ooates C'ninery, gardener to Lieut.-Ool. Saville J.P. ParnweIl Emma (Mrs.), boot maker, Rayne road
Church lane Pasfield A.rthur, shoe maker, Bradford street
Cooper Alfred, supt. of Backing Fire Brigade, Church st Perry James, farmer, Highfield Style
Cooper Louisa (Miss L' confectioner, BockinQ' end Phillips Sarah (Mrs.), butcher, Bradford street
,Cottage Hospital (John Harrison L.R.C.P.Edin. Percy Pluck Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper, Bocking end
Richard Stevens L.R.C.P.Lond. Arnold Scott M.D. & Potter James, baker, Rayne road
Lewis Black M.B. medical officers; Miss M. R. Conr- Potter Mary Ann (Miss), draper, Church street
tauld, hon. sec.; Mrs. Jane Hymers, matron), Hal- Poultpr Correy, boot maker, Bradford street
stead road Poulter Henry, beer retailer, Bradford street
Courtauld Saml. & Co. Lim. crape manufactrs. Church Pymi'll Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, Bradford street
street; & at Braintree; Halstead &; Earls Colne; & Quilter Benj'lmin, wood dealer &; horse & trap pro-
19 Aldermanbury, London E C priptor, Coggeshall road
Cramp Jsph. coachmn. to S. Courtauld esg. CoggeshaIl I'd Quy Glorge, shopkeeper, Bradford street
Dance Edwin Walker, fruiterer & seedsman, Rayne road Hadley Peter, sexton to the Congregational chapel,
Durham OliveI' Edward, hardware dealer. Bradford stJ'eet Bo,~king End
Earp Henry George, White Hart 'I'ap P.H. CoggeshalI I'd Rav Samuel Thomas, beer retailer, Church street
Edwards Ada Mrs.), apartments, Hayne road Ridley T. D. & Sons, maltsters, Church lane
Bdwards Mary (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, Bockin go end Rippingale CIara (Mrs.), shopkpr. & post office, Church st
EIger George, registrar of births & deaths Bocking Rag-el'S Henry, coach painter, Woolpack lane
sub-district, Braintree union, clerk to Bocking Parish Root "Villiam, baker, Bradford street
Council & school attendance officer for &; as- Row Lonisa (Miss), private school, Bocking end
sistant overseer, Bradford street Rudkin Haddon, Queen's Head P.H. & painter &c.
Elliot Frank, cycle tool manufacturer, see Lake & EIliot Rayne road
Essex Cottage County Nursing Association (Miss Norah Rudkin James Haddon, painter & house dcrtr. Church la
Annie Thurgood, nurse; Miss Habbs. sec) Scntt Arnold M.D.Lond. physician & surgeon, medical
Eve Benjamin, shopkeeper & painter & deputy registral" officer to Braintree Union workhouse, Bradford street
of births & deaths, Bocking sub-district, Braintree Smith Arthur, mineral water manufacturer,Bradford st
union, Bradford street Smith ..!:rthUJr Frederick, fishmong-er, Church street
Evason Alfred Reginald, head gardener to Mrs. Sydney Smith Fred, farmer, Towerlands farm
Courtauld Sotham .A. M. (Miss), White Hart hotel, Bocldng End
Everard Sarah (Mrs.), baker, Bradford street Spal1iing' WaIter, cattle dealer, Panfield lane
Fenton .Alfred L. tailor, Rayne road Strutt William, boot & shoe maker, Bradford street
Finch James, beer retailer & baker, Church street Summers Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, Backing End
Francis Wi1liam, jobmaster, Bradford street Sutton Fred, chimney sweeper, Rayne road
Franciscan Convent (Rev. Mother Abbess, superioress) Tabor John English, farmpr, Bovingdon hall
Fuller Chas. county court bailiff & accountant, Rayne I'd Usher James, farmer, Currants farm
Garrood Frederick, sign writer, Bradford street Vaizey In. Geo. farmr. Great Bradford frm. CoggeshaIl I'd
GiIlam Harry, blacksmith & Royal Oak P.H. Church st Walford WaIter, seedsman, Bradford street
Goodchild Hannah (Miss), corset maker, Rayne road WarmoIl Ernest E. butcher, Bradford street
Gosling OliveI', brewer, Bradford street Waters Frederick, blacksmith, Bradford street
Green George Ford, carpenter, Bradford street Whife Frederick Wm. beer retailer, Church street
Hammond .James, builder, Albany terrace, Rayne road White jJjce (Miss), dress maklJr, Bradford street
Hicks James, baker, Church street WhY'brow George, farm bailiff to John English Tabor
Hill Wm. Edward Allen, Rose & Crown P.H. Church st esq. J.P. Bovingdon hall, Church street
Holland George, King's Head P.H. &; bldr. Bradford st Williams George, mat manufaetureT, Bradfo.rd street
Holmes Peter, boot maker, Bradford street "Villi;; Frenerick, boot maker, Rayne road
Humphries Mary Ann (Mrs.), Bull inn, Church street Yeldham Charles, insurance agent, Church street
Eyre Walpole Edward .T.P. The Folly CCJ:IUUmCLU. Miller Joseph Wm. TIare & Hounds
Younghusband Francis Pindar, Sunny- Cooper .Joseph. heel' retailer P.H. & wheelwright
side I
Doidge John, gardener to W. E. Eyre Ollett Oscar.J. grocer, Post office
Sally Mrs. Alcotes psq. J.P Porter Soloman, horse slaughterel'
Jeggo Jo"eph, farmer, Boons Tinney John, farmer, BarneWs farm
GREAT BRAXTED (or Brackstead), mentioned in a mile west of the lodge, is a small stone building in the
Domesday, is a parish on the eastern banks of the river Early En~Iish style, consisting of chancel Md nave, and
Blackwater, about a m]e east of the road from London to II wf'stern helfrv of wood with lead-covAred spire and
Colchester,,:!! miles east from 1Vitham statinll on the containing' 2 hell~: a plain Norman arch divides the
main line of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 north chancel lllld nave and there are remains of lancet
from J\1aldon, in the Eastern division of thl~ county, windows in the old tower: on the ontside of the south
Witham hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon wall, on a marble tablet, are in~criptions to the COlllltess
union and county court district, rural deanery of Witham, Delavall. ob. 18 November. 1683 anci to Sir Wi1liam
archdeaconry of Colche~ter and diocese of St. .'1lban8; Ayloff bart. of Braxted, d. Dec. 14, 1730: on the north
the village of Braxted, commonly called It Bung Row," is wall of the chancel is a white marble monument to the
I mile south-east of the church. '1'he church of All Rev. Job Marple WaIlace M.A. 45 years rector here, and
Saints, situated within Braxted ParI;:, about a quarter of Elizabeth, his wife. There are 120 sittings. The regis-

fer of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1558, aI.d I or Du Quesne, emigrated from the Low Countries in the
of marrial;es from 1559. The living- is a rectory, net reig-n of Queen Elizabeth, to avoid the persecutions of
:--early value £330, with residence and 66 acres of glebe, the Duke of Alva, governor of 'the Kethel'lands, 1567-73,
in the gift of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and held they became wealthy merchants in London and greatly
~;jllce 1875 by the Rev. \Villiam Henry Rowlandson M.A. promoted the woollen manufacture which had been in-
formerly fellow and assistant tutor of that college. There troduced here by their persecuted fellow-countrynlCn.
are charities now (1902) amounting to £6 yearly,and 20S. The soil is mixed, gravel and loam; subsoil, gravel. The
per veal' for a sermon on" Mortality," left in 1661 by chief crops are. wheat, barley, 'beans, peas and seeds.
John Frese. Braxted Park is the property and residence The area is 2,613 acres of land and 22 of water; ranable
of Charles Henry Copley Du Cane esg. D.L. lord of the value, £2,01"/4; the population in, IgOl was 299.
manor and principal landowner: the mansion was ori- Deputy Parish Clerk, Elias Huxter.
ginally erected by the Darcy family, but altered and
enlarged in 15'34 by the late Peter Du Cane Wall Letter Box cleared at 7· IS a.m. 1.45 it 7 p.m.; sun-
€sq. who embeIIished it wit,h a collection of antiquities days 7 p.m. Letters through Witham, which is the
and objects of art brought from Italy and some fine nearest money order office, arrive at 8 a.m. Rivenlmll
paintings by old masters: the park, comprising End is the nearest telegraph office, about I mile distant
about 500 acres, contains many fine trees and is div~rsi- National School (mixed), built in 1844, for 70 children;
fled by a lake of about 20 acres. The family of Du ('iJne, average attendance, 60; Miss .AIice Cook, mistress
Du Cane Charles Henry Copley J.P., Brown Emily (Mrs.), blacksmith, Pattou Anthony, farm bailiff to
D.L. Braxted park wheelwright, agricultural engineer & James Taber, Brick House farm
Metson Harry, Tiptree priory implement agent & grocer Polly William, butcher
Metson Stephen Alid. Tiptree priory Gooday Thos. frmr. Gt. Braxted hall Randall G. T. (Mrs.), mechanical engnr
Rowlandson Rev. William Henry M.A. Harvey \Villiam, farmer Taber James, farmer it miller (water)
Rectory Mets.on Fanny (Mrs.), farmer, TiPtreeJ Wybrew Selina E. (Mrs.), Du Cane's
prIOry Arms P.H
LITTLE :BRAXTED, mentioned in the Domesday I children: here is also an inscribed ledger stone to
Survey, is a parish, about I mile to the south-west of' Thomas Roberts esq. of Little Braxted, ob. 20 March,
Great Braxted, on the Eastern bank of the river Black- 1680, rnt 64: the church was restored in 1856, and again
water and about I mile east of the road from London to in 1884, the north aisle with eastern vestry being then
Colchester, in the Eastern division of the county, \Vitham added and the organ inclosed by wooden screens. T1Jere
hundred and petty sessional division, union and county are 150 sittings. The register dates from the year T730'
court district of Maldon, rural deanery of Witham, The living is a rectory, net yearly value £66, with 7~
llrchdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Charles Henry
The church of St. Nicholas is an ancient and remarkably I Copley Du Cane esq. and held since 1900 by the Rev.
f5mall edifice in the Transition Norman style, consisting Henry ~oel Wilkinson M.A. of Keble College, Oxford.
of apsidal chancel and nave, under one roof, south tim- Cha,rles Henry Copley Du Cane esg. is lord of the manor
bered porch and a western belfry of wood containing 2 and principal landowner. 'I'he soil is arable and light;
bells, undated, but of peculiar form, diminishing rapidly subsoil, gravel and mar!. The chief crops are wheat,
in size towards the crown: the total length of this barley, peas and beans. The area is 618 acres; rateable
diminutive church inside, from east to west is 45 ft.; value, £4II; the population in 1901 was 89.
the chancel being 17ft. 6in. in length and 16ft. 3 i n . . ...
wide, and the nave 28ft. by 16ft. 3in.: one small window ParIsh Clerk, WIlham FIshe'r.
on the north side of the chancel is Norman, the rest Pillar Letter Box cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 5.55 p.m. week
belong to the Transition or Lancet period: the walls, days only. Letters through Witham arrive at 8 a.m.
2ft. 8in. thick, are carefully built of rubble masonry, with Wickham Bishops is the nearest money order it tele-
a large admixture of pudding stone in lumps: the font graph office, about 2~ miles distant
is a plain octagon standing- on a chamfered plinth raised
slightly above the floor: the chancel contains a fine brass National School (mixed), erected in the year 1853 or
to WilIiam Roberts, auditor to Henry VII. ob. 8 October, 1854 by the late Rev. Charles George Gretton Towns-
I.:;08; it bears the figures of himself and his two end M.A., J.P. of Berwick Place, Hatfield, for 40
-wives, Joyce, daughter of Edward Peryent esq. and children; average attendance, 3'8; Mrs. Palmer, mist
Margaret, daughter of Sir WiIliam Pyrton. with their
'YilkinsoIIJ Rev. Henry Noel M.A. (rec- Dudlcy \Villiam Carter, wood dealer Taber Arthur George, farmer & miller
tor), The Rectory Hart WaIter, Green Man inn; good (water), Little Braxted haIl
Gooday Frank \Yilliam \Yilson, far- accommodation for viilitors & cy-
mer. Hale's farm clists; stabling

Brentwood is a town and parish, pleasantly situated on I1I8, and the endowment or grant was confirmed by the
a hill, surrounded by picturesque scenery, and on the King. In the time of Stephen the hamlet had grown so
high road from London to Chelmsford and Colchester, large and important that a grant was made to it of a
with a station on the main line of the Great Ea"tern market and two fairs, to be holden in July and October:
railway, 6 miles west from BilIericay, 6 north-east from upon the dissolution of the monastery in 1559, Henry
Romford. II south-west from Chelmsfurd and 18 from VIII. granted the lands to Thomas Lord CromwelI, upon
London; it is the head of a county court district and whose attainder it passed once more into the hands of
petty sessional division, in the Mid division of the county, the King, and was by him (in I549) granted to t,he Lady
hundred of Barstable, BiIlericay union, rural deanery of Anne of Cleves, his divorced wife: it subsequently passed
Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. to Sir Anthony Browne, and became t.hence an integral
Alhans. part of the manor of South Weald, and so continues.
Brentwood, originally Burntwood, is de"eribed in The assizes were holden in Brentwood until ·the time of
Morant's History of Essex as being the chief hamlet in George I. when the more central position of Chelmsford
the parish of South Weald; the word It weald" signify- occasioned their removal to that town.
ing "wood." The early history of Brentwood is very The parish is governed by an Uroan District Council
obscure, but the first trustworthy account of its early of twelve members, io~med in 1899, under the provisions
history seems to be that which connects it with \VaItham of the" Local Government Act, 11894" (56 and 57 Vict.
Abbey, which monastery :being bestowed by Edward the ch. 73).
Confessor on Earl Harold, that nobleman endowed it with The town was re-sewered in 1884, at a cost of £6,000,
seventeen lordships, one of which was South Weald and the outfall being at Harold Wood; it is lighted with gas
its hamlets: on the death of Harold, the Conqueror from works the property of the Brentwood Gas Light
seized the private lands of Harold and apportioned them and Coke Co. Limited, and supplied with water from
among' his followl'rs; l:\Y this distribution Brentwood the !South Essex Water Works, at Grays, about 14 miles
passed to the line of De-Wochendon, a descendant south, with a reservoir at Warley, 4 miles distant.
whereof. one William De-Wochendon, chamberlain to In the year 1221 a chapel was built at Brentwood at
Henry n. in the early part of this monarch's reign, the request of David, abbot of St. Osyth, and with the
bestowed his manor of Brentwood on the Abbey of St. consent of the Bishop of London, Richard Parsons, of
Osyth at Chich. which had then heen founded by Richard 1 ·Weald and the Abbev and Convent of \raIthmn, it WM
de Belmeis, Bishop of London, some time previous to dedicated to St. Thomas the Martyr, in honoiir of

Thomas-a.-Becket: the Convent presented the cha.plain, £'1,100, and affords 392 sittings; the old chapel is now
whose perquisites arose from gifts by travellers on the used as a school, and there is a Baptist chapel in King's
road and such as came' out of devotion to St. Thomas, road and a meeting room for the Brethren on Primrose
whence a gate on the highway from Ongar, through hill.
which the devotees passed, was called Pilgrim's Hat-eh, '.rhe Cemetery of '81 acres, at Brook Street hill, was
and the locality bears the name to this day; in this opened in 1893. and has an unconsecrated mortuary
chapel was a chantry founded for ,the soul of Isabel, chapel; the Cemetery is under the control of the Ceme-
eldest daughter of King Edward Ill. and Countess of tery Committee of the Parish Council.
Bedford, who died in 1379 and was buried at Greyfriars The Town Rall, in High street, built in 1864, is held
(Christ Churoh) in Aldgate, London; the chapel, which un lease by a limited company; it contains a large hall.
also contained much heraldic glass, was used for divine 74 feet long by 37 feet, adapted for public meetings,
service up to about the middle of the 1'8th century; a and holding 500 persons; there are also other rooms, and
portion consisting of the tower, the lower stage of which in front is an illuminated clock.
formed a porch, and part of the nave walls, is still The Brentwood and District Constitutional Club has
standing in the High street, about midway on the south premise1s in H.igh street; there were in 1898 160 mem-
side, within the garden of a private house, and sur- bers.
rounded by trees. The rst Volunteer Battalion of the Essex Regiment>-
The church of St. Thomas the Martyr, which stood a has its head quarters at the Drill Hall. Ongar road, a
short distance to the east of the ancient chapel of St. commodious and substantial edifice of brick, erected in
Osyth. was entirely rebuilt in 1882-3, at a cost of over 1886, at a cost of £2,000; the F Company of the Bat-
£'22,000, and is a structure of flint· and pebbles with talion is also stationed here.
stone dressings, in the Early English style, from designs The Congregational Church Young Men's Institute has
by Mr. Ernest Lee, architect, consisting of chancel, nave premises in the New road.
with clerestory, aisles, and a tower on the north side with Messrs. Burgess. engineers here, provide employment
spire. added is 18'86, and containing a clock and 8 bells, for 50 men. Brickmaking and brewing are also carried on.
given as a memorial to the late ~ev. Oharles .Almeric At the top of the High street there is a monument,
Belli lVI.A. vicar of South Weald 1'823-77: the lower stage erected by public SUbscription in r861 to William Hunter.
of the tower forms a porch: there are 1,050 sittings. a Protestant martyr and a native of Brentwood, who at
The surrounding churchyard is spacious and well-kept. tho early age of 19 was burned near this spot by order of
The register for marriages and baptisms dates from Bishop Bonner, in the reign of Queen Mary, March 26th,
1695; burials, 1741. 'fhe living is a vicarage, net yearly 1555, and opposite the Grammar School, protected by
value £279, including 17 acres of glebe, with residence, railings, stands the trunk of a huge elm, said to mark the
in the gift of Ghristopher J. H. Tower esq. of Weald exact site of this tragedy.
Ball. and held since 1899 by the Rev. Bernard Steinmetz Gittan's charity of £1, left in I7II. is derived from
M.A. of New College, Oxford. A vicarage house. in the land situated at Pilgrim's Hatch, and supplies IS. each to
Ingrave road, was erected in the year 1878. 20 poor people yearly. Massa's charity of £ISO, left in
The Catholic Church, dedicated to the Sacred Heart 1771, produces £4 16s. and is for coals. Martin's charity
and St. Helen, is an edifice in the Gothic style, erected in of £1,000 Consols produces £30 yearly, and is for coals 01
:1:860 and 1861, at a Gost of £2.500, raised by subscrip- wood. Newman's charities of £50, £II5 and £121, pro-
tion; it has a. lofty spire and all the windows are filled duce £8 12S. 2d. yearly, which is distributed in various
with stained glass; in 1894 the baptiste,ry and Ludy ways to .the poor. Mr. Robert Cross left in r879 £500,
chapel were elaborately decorated. There are also schools now £2£ per Cents. the interest of which is divided
and a convent in connecfon with this church and a small yearly amongst six poor people (families or widows)
orphanage for boys, endowed by Helen .Ann, Countess Tas- residing in Brentwood or the immediate vicinity.
ker, of Middleton Hall, Shenfield. who died in 1887. .An The St. Barnabas and Queen Victoria Homes in St.
orphanage for girls was added in 118189. High schools, Thomas's road are for the :reception of aged ladies, and
under the charge of the Ursuline nuns from Upton, were include a small chapel or oratory, in which the clergy
opened in 1900 for girls and little boys. of the parish occasionally officiate.
The Congregational chapel. in New road, was built in Hampden House, pleasantly seated on the '\Yarley road.
:1:847 and enlarged and rebenched in 1872, at a cost of is the residence of James WilEams Cook esq. J.P.
£1,000: in 1·897 the roof was renovated at a cost of The area is 459 acres; rateable value. £24,763; the
£800. the chapel has 800 sittings. In 1873 a school was population in 190'1 was 4,932. including 500 in the Hael,-
built at a. cost of over £1,000, and in r900 additions were ney Union Training School.
made at a further cost of £1,200. T,he Wesleyan chapel Verger and Sexton. Henry Thompson, Alfred road.
in War-ley road was built in 1892, at a cost of about


Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0 .• S. B., Express Delivery, OOUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE BRENTWOOD
Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, High street. PETTY SEiSSI02'ij"AL DIVISION.
-Ellis Roberts Symonds, postmaster For Billericay Sub-Division, see Billericay.
Dispatches for London & all parts at 9.10, 9.50 &; 10.45 Petre Hon. Frederick Charles Edmund, Bay cottage,
a.m., 12.40, 3, 4.30, 8.30 & 10 p.m.: for Ohelmsford, Brentwood. chairman
Ingatestone, Witham, Braintree, Maldon &; Ipswich, at Arrow William esq. Langtons, South '\Veald. Brentwood
1.45 p.m.; for Bishops Stortford, Oambridg-e, Peter- Biggs James esq. Westbury lodge, Brentwood
boro', throughout Lincoln ,& East Riding of York, 12.40 Cook Jas. Williams esq.Hampden house,Warley rd.Brentwd
& 8 p.m.; for Braintree, Ohelmsford, Colchester, Hal- Rorton John Hy. esq. Mascalls, South Weald, Brentwood
stead, Maldon, Ipswich & Norwich. 1.45 & 8,3° p.m. & Ind Edward Murray esq. M.A., D.L. Ooombe lodge,Great
for Romford, at 12,40, 4.30 & 10 p.m. for Billeri- ",VarIey, Brentwood
cay, 4.15 & 10.45 a.rn. & 5.15 p.m. Sundays for Lon- Lescher EdmU:l1d Oharles esq. Stonyhylls, Gt. Warley,
don at '8.30 & 10 p.m.; Romford, 10 p.m.; Ingate- Brentwood
stone, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich & Norwich at Lescher Joseph Francis E'sq. D.L. Boyles court. South
. 8.30 p.m WeaId, Brentwood
[)eliveries.-From London & all parts, 7 & II a.m. &, 9 Morgan Dvd. In. esq. M.P. Bentley mill,Bentley,Brent1l"d
&; 6 p.m.: from Ingatestone, Chelmsford. Oolchester, Palmer George esq. Hill house, Little Gaynes, Upminster,
Maldon, Ipswich, Romford & Norwich, 7 a.m., 3 &; 6 Romford
p.m Sperling Henry R. esq. Hou Hatoh, South Weald,Brentwd
!Money Order &; Savings Bank business (including annuity Tower Christopher John Hume esg. D.L. Weald hall,
South Weald, Brentwood
&; insurance). from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. daily The Chairman, for the time being, of the Brentwood
Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Urban District Oouncil, is an ex-officio magistrate
Office, King's Toad.-Miss A. Perry, sub-postmistress. Olerk to the Magistrates, J'Olm Lewis Quennell, 1\ew I'd
Box cleared at 8·45, 9.3 0 &; 10.15 a.m. & 12.15, 2.30 , Petty Sessions every thursday at the Court House at 10
4. 15 & 7· 15 week days &; 12·45 & 7. 25 sundays a.m. under the Summary Jurisdiction Act if necessary.
Town Sub-Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance & of which notice will be given by the clerk, &, every
Office, Warley Toad, Joseph Benson Bell, sub-post- alternate thursday for general business through the
master; post &; money order office, savings bank &; year .
annuity business, 8 !i.m. till 8 p.m. Box cleared for The following places are included in the division :.-
dispatch at ·8.45, 9.30 & 10.15 a.m' j 12.15, 2.30, 4.15, Bassildon, Benfleet (North), Bowers Gifford, Brentwood,
7.15 &; 9.15 p.m.; sunday, 12.30 & 7.15 p.lll. '1'ele- Burstead (Great), Burstead (Little), Childerditcb.
grams can be handed in at this office only, & telegraph Cranham. Doddinghnrst. Downham, Dunton, Horndon
money orders are issued. but not paid (East), Horndon (West), Button, Ingrave, Laindon,
Lee Chapel, Mountnessing, Nevendon, Pitsea, Ramsden VOLUNTE£RS.
Bellhouse, Ramsden Orays, Shenfield, Vange, Warley Ist Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment, head quarters,
(Great), WarIey (Little), Weald (South), Wickford Drill hall, Ongar road; Lieut.-Col. & Hon. Col. Ralph
Harvey Lyon V.D. commandant; Lieut.-Col. Raymond
URBAN D~STRICT COUNCIL. Douglas Trotter, second in command; C. H. F.
Meets at the Town hall, on 1St wed. in each month Christie & E. Savill, majors; Hon. Major E. N. Oubitt
at 18 p.m. V.D. instructor of musketry; ·Capt. John MurTay Traill
Members. (Bedf. Reg.), adjutan't; Surgeon-Capt. St. C. B. Shad.
well, Surgeon-Capt. J. Oldfield & Surgeon-Lieut. J.
Chairman, J. J. Crown. Aitken M.B. medical officers
Vice-Chairman, S. Ray. :1" 00. Capt. & Hon. Major E. N. Oubitt V.D.; Rev. Oanon
Officials. W. Quennell M.A. acting chaplain; Sergeant-Major
Clerk, Charles Edgar Lewis, New road H. Knight, drill instructor
Treasurer, Frederick Richard Barlow, London & County
Bank, High street PUBLIO OFFIOERS.
Medical Officer of Health, Samuel Frazer L.R.C.P. & S. Assistant Overseer & Rate Collector, Joseph William
Edin. Warley road Armour, Ingrave road
Surveyor &, Sanitary Inspector, James Edward Fother- Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Hundreds
gill, Town hall of Barstable & Chafford, clerk to Brentwood School &
Collector, Joseph Williarrn Armour, Ingrave road &harity, clerk to the Joint Oommittee, Christ Church,
Great "VVarley Cemetery &; clerk to Conservators of
PUBLIC EI3'l'~.\.BLISHME~TS. Shenfield Common, Frank Landon, High street
The County Lunatic Asylum, standing on an eminence, Coroner for the S01!.thern Division of Essex & SUllerin-
about half a mile from the Brentwood station, on the tendent Registrar for Billericay District, Chas. Edgar
Crescent road, is a building in the Elizabethan style, Lewis, New I}'oad
opened in 1853 &, enlarged in 1864, 1870 & 1889, & in Collector of Poor Rates, Jsph. ·Wm. .Armour, Ingrave rd
II8g8 a further extension was made; the whole is now Deputy Coroner for the Southern Division of Essex, John
(1902) available 101'1,650 patients; the wards Lewis Quennell, New road
are spacious & airy, many commanding an ex- Inspector under the Infant Life Protection Act, Edward
tensive prospect: upwards of 130 acres of land, William Cottee, Rose valley
including the Brentwood Hall estate, purchased in Inspector of Weights & Measures & under the Sale of
~873, are attached to the asylum & comprise a farm, Food &; Drugs Act, the Contagious Diseases Animals
kitchen-gardens & pleasure grounds; the farm & garden Act & Explo15ives Act, George Allen, Queen's road
being cultivated by the patients under the superinten- Medical Officer of Health, Ongar Rural District Council,
dence of attendants. Visiting days to patients are on John Coope,r Quennell l\I.R.C.S.Eng. Mansion house,
any week day, but not more frequently than once in four- -High rstreet
teen days. There are branch asylums at Brunswick Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator for Brentwood Dis-
House, Mistley, for .50 female patients; Harold Court, trict, Billericay Union, Albert William Boyd-Wallis
Harold Wood, for 65 male patients; & The Chestnuts, M.R.O.S.Eng. High street
Hoe Street, Walthamstow, for 70 female patients. Geo. Relieving & Vaccination Officer for the Western District
Amsden M.B., C.M. medical superintendent; John Tur- of the Billericay Union, Edwd. Wm. Cottee, Rose valley
ner M.B., C.M. senior; George Nathan Oscroft Slater Sanitary Inspector for the Billericay Rural District Coun-
M.D., M.B.. O.M. second; Miss Adele de Steiger M.B. cil, Samuel Joseph She11ey, Junction road
third; Ernest Frederick Reeve M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. School Attendance Officer for Billel'icay West.ern District.
Lond. fourth assistant medical officer; Rev. Henry Samuel Joseph Sbelley, Junction road, Brentwood
Stephens M.A. chaplain; WaIter Payne Gepp, Chelms- Stewards of the Manors of IRamsden, Barringtons &;
ford, clerk to the visitors; William Michael Tufnell, Fremnalls, South Weald, Oostead, Calcott, Dodding-
Chelmsford, treasurer & treasurer of benevolent fund; hurst, Downsells, Chigwell Grange &; Shenfield, E., F.
William Herbert Roscoe, clerk io the asylum; Joseph & H. Landon, High 'street
Tomlinson, dispenser & clerk to the medical supt.; 'rown Crier, James Carswell, Shenfield common
E. S. White, storekeeper; W. Brown, clerk of the
works & engineer; Miss Elizabeth Rogers, matron PLAOES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
Cemetery (Ohrist Ohurch), WarIey road; Frank LandoD, St. 'l'homas the Martyr Church, Rev. Bernard Steinmet~
High street, clerk to the Cemetery Committee M.A. vicar; Rev. William Edward Drinkrwater B.A. &
County Court, Court house, New road, His Honor Henry Rev. Harold Frederic GraftoIL Ourgenven, curates;
Tindal Atkinson, judge; John Lewis Quennell, regis- 7 &; 8 a.m. (holy communion), I I a.m. 3.30 & 6.30
trar; C. Godfrey, Romford, high bailiff; Richard p.m.; daily, 9.45 a.m. &; 5 p.m.; wed. & fri. 7.30
Blunden, assistant bailiff p.m.; daily, holy communion, 7.30 a.m
The paHshes comprising the district are the following:- Oatholic Church of the Sacred Heart & St. Helen, In-
BassiIdon, Billericay, Blackmore, Bobbingworth, Brent- grave road, Rev. Thomas Francis Norris M.R. priest &;
wood, Burstead (Great), Burstead (Little), Childer- dean; hours of service, mass, 8.30 & IO.30 a.m.;
ditch, Doddinghurst, Downham, Dunton, Fyfield, children's service, 3 p.m.; devotions, sermon & bene~
Greenstead, Horndon (East), Horndon (West), Hutton, diction, 6 p.m.; thurs. benediction 6 p.m.; wed. &.
Ingrave, Kelvedon Hatch, Laindon, Laver High, Match- fri. in Lent & Advent 7·30 p.m.; daily, mass 7.45
ing Green, Moreton, Mountnessing, Navestock, Neven~ a.m.; holidays of obligation, mass 8 & IO a.m
don, Norton Manderville, Ongar (Chipping), Ongar Baptist, King's road, Rev. John Davis; I t a.m. & 6.30
(High), Ramsden Crays, Ramsden Bellhouse, Shelley, p.m.; thurs. 6.30 p.m
Sllenfield, South Weald, Stanford Rivers, Srondon- Oongregatjonal, New road, Rev. Waiter Legerton; I I
Mussey, Theydon-Mount, Vange, WarIey (Great), a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Warley (Little) The Brethren, Primrose hill, I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono
For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that prayer 8. IS p. m.; wed. Il'eading 8. IS p.m
of Chelmsford; C. Mercer, senior official receiver; Wesleyan Methodist, WarIey road (Romford Oircuit).
F. T. Halcomb, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple LRev. William H. Moore; I I a.m·. &; 6.30 p.m.; mono
chambers, Temple avenue, London E C 7 p.m
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress
Amendment Act" :-Abraham John Thorne, High SCHOOLS.
street; Francis Abraham Thorne, High street; J aIm The Endowed Free Grammar School was founded &i
Haltridge, Railway bridge endowed by Sir Anthony Browne kt. & Dame Joan his
Fire Brigade, Engine house, Hart street, with a captain wife, in the reigns of King Philip & Queen Mary & of
& IO men Queen Elizabeth; this Sir Anthony Browne, serjeant-at-
Inland Revenue Office, Homewood, Shenfield I'd. Eugene law at the time of the foundation, July 5, 1557.
McGrath became afterwards, in 1558, Lord Chief Justice of
Mark Master Masons (377), Brentwood lodge, lVhite r the Common Pleas; on the death of Queen Mary he
Hart hotel, second thursday in May, July & November, was removed, but Queen Elizabeth is said to have
4 p.m.; Frank Landon, sec.; John Ramsey, treasurer entertained so high an opinion of his tale-nts that she
Masonic Lodge (214 Hope & Unity), White Hart hotel, permitted him to retain the office of judge so long as
4th thurs. Jan. April, July, Oct. 4 p.m.; John Ramsey, . he lived; he died May 6, I567 & was buried at South
treasurer; Frank Landon P.M. sec Weald church. A year subsequent to the foundation
Police Station, Queen's road; George .AlIen, superinten- of the school, Sir .A.nthony & his wife built &; endowed
dent, 2 serg-eants & 8 constables almshouees for five poor persons of the parish of
Town Hall, High street (Brentwood Town Hall Co. Ltd.), I South Weald &; the hamlets of Brentwood & Brook
Cecil Harry Earthy, sec Street, charging certain estates in Dagenham & else..
where with their support &:, in part with the support v:ew to their joining regimental bands; the girls are
of the school: the reveuue arising from these estates trained to domestic duties; Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Greanoft',
in time amounted to nearly £1,500 a year, &:, on the supt. & mat.ron; Rev. Robert Curre Thomas M.A.
termination of a Chancery suit in 1851 a re-adjustment Oxon. chaplain; Albt. Wm. Boyd-WalIis, medical offer
of the scheme became necessary. The buildings, in St. Charles Diocesan Schools (Catholic), tVeald lane, for
..lwgrave road, include, besides the older structure, a the reception of children from the workhouses, are
ohapel, gymnasium &:, swimming bath. The school pleasantly & healthily situated near the town, &:, are
is now conducted under a new scheme of the Charity under the direction of the Religious Order of the
Commissioners, dated 1893, &:, is controlled by a body Sisters of Charity; the cost of the erection is esti-
of governors, of whom some act ex-officio, others being mated at £36,000; the schools are partly supported by
representative &:, the remainder co-optative. The the Guardians of the Poor: His Eminence Cardinal
parishes comprised within the limits prescribed by Vaughan is head manager; Sister Josephine Murphy,
the founders are :-80uth Weald, Great & Little War- mother superior
ley, Cranham, Childerditch, Doddinghurst, East & West Catholio (mixed &:, infants), for 250 children; avenge
Horndon, Ingrave, Hutton, Mountnessing, Shenfield, attendance, 120 boys & girls, 45 infants; the Sisters
Kelvedon, Hatch, Romford, Brentwood, Navestock & of Mercy, teachers
Upminster. The scholars number about 100 on the
average. TheTe is a leaving exhibition of £40 a year, Newspaper.
founded by Mrs. S. IIall &:, tenable by boys proceeding Essex Times, Wilson & Whitworth Limited, High street,
to Oxford or Cambridge. Rev. Edwin Bean M.A. late publishers; wed. &:, sat
scholar of Trinity Collegoe, Oxford. head master and
chaplain; Archibald M. Stuart B.Sc. HeIT Ger-ber &:, OONVEYANOE.
R. W. Rogers, G. L. Woodmason &:, G. E. G,riffin, Railway Station, Edward King, station master
assistant masters; Miss E. Powell, lady teacher in John Emery, Great Eas,tern railway cartage agent, High st
charge of preparatory department Omn'.bus to and from Railway station & all parts of the
National, Queen's road, built in 1869, enlarged in 1877 & town, James Stokes, High street
1893, & again in 118'99, foor 743 children; average at-
tendance, 280 boys, 275 girls & 1180 infants; Frederick
Bittles, master; Miss Fanny Kendall, girls' mistress; To London, Henry Duffin, Wellesley road &:, William
Miss Louisa JoIliffe, infants' mistress P-raill, Wellesley road
Hackney Union Training Schools, for 446 children; these To Chelmsford, James Sp:rinQ'ett. Grown street, fri
schools are between Brentwood & Brook Street & To Blackmore, Frederick 1Vray, from Bull inn, Black.
belong to the guardians of Hackney union; the boys more, fri
are taught carpentry and are also trained to other in- To Ingrave, East Homdon & Herongate, Joseph Ablin,
dustrial pursuits & taught instrumental music with a from Chequers inn & Station, twice daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Harold, Prospeet viI.Warley rd Dolby 1Villiam WaIter, Pretoria,West-
Alderton Frederick 1Villiam, Oak Browne Tom, lO' Westbury road bury road
lodge, Ongar road Burns Arthur, Carrigans,Westbury I'd Drinkwater Rev. William Edward B.A.
Alexander Robert Graham Dryden, I Burgess Sidney Charles, Crescent road (curate), Eastfield road
lVestbThrv terrace, London road Burtwell l"reclerick William, New rd ·Duchesne Mrs. 6 Westburv road
Amsden G~orge M.B., C.M. Asylum, Burtwell George, High street Dulley Joseph Winter, 5 Rose valley
Crescent road Bvgrave ·William Henry, Ongar road Duncan Alexander Garroll, The
Anderson Lieut.-Col. John Grant, Charrington Francis .Arth. Queen's rd Priory, High street
2 Waverlev villas, St. Thomas' road Charter Georgoe Purchas, Holmesdale, Eardley Rev. Frank 'Vilmot B.A. Be-
Appleyard WaIter James, Woodlands, London road thany Orescent road
WarIey mount Chick Arthur Edwin, 3 Westbury ter- Earthy eecil Harry, Heatherdene,
Artis Chas. Clare villas, Crown street race, London road Rose valley
Ashbee William Neville, Rose Valley Claughton }1:ajor Francis Arthur C. 18 Earthy Miss, Pleasant ho. King's rd
house, Rose valley . Westbury road Earthy WaIt,er George, Devonshire ha.
Bacon Alfd. Fairleig1.t, St. Thomas' rd Clay Capt. Albert, Shenfield road Warley road
Baker George, Oak bank, Ongar rd Clement Charles J.Rose hill, Queen's rd Escott Oharles Hay ISweet, May lodge,
Baker Joseph, St. Mildred's,Queen's rd Clerc Lean Eugene, St. Leonards, Rose valley
Barber Mrs. 4 Westbury ter.London rd Western road Fielder Charles Alfred, Shrubbery,
J~:uker William F. Crescent road Cockell Arthur J. 17 Westbury road Queen's road
llarlow Frederick Richard, Bank ho. Collin George Alber\;, Junction road Fisk Edwin, Tiverton 10. Rose valley
High street ColIingridge J n. The Cedars,Queen's rd Ford Capt. Geo. 2 Fir vils. Crescent rd
Barnes Fred Percy, St. Lawrence, Collister Mrs. Warescot ho. Warley rd Ford Waiter, Laurel mount, Warley rd
Western road Golson Miss, Homefield villa, Crown st Forster Miss, Grove villa, Crown st
13arrett John, Granville house, Cres- Cook Edmund Miall, Methlick villa, Foster Richard, Roden house
cent road Warley road Fothergill James Edward, Oakdene,
Barrett Leonard L. 6 F.astfield road Cook James Williams J.P. Hampden Gresham road
Barrett Mrs. The Monnt, Queen's road house, Warley road Foyster George, 3 Westbury road
Bateman Rev. Frederick James (chap- Coombe Thos . .Anstey, Coptfold road Franklin Aubrey Hamilton, Gleadowe,
lain to the forces), Hazeldene villa, Cooper Mrs. 2 Eastfield road Queen's road
Rose valley Cooper WaIter 'Alfd. High Land aven Frazer Samuel, Warley road
• Bean Rev. Edwin M.A. (head master Copeland George William, Prospect Free Miss, ·Westbonrne villas,Ong:u reI
& chaplain, Grammar school), In- villas, tVarley road French Edward, Queen's road
grave road Copeland Mrs. Junction road Gadsdon Herbert Edward, Highfield,
Bedfor~William Haseldine, Rose bank, Cotterill Clement Morton, WarIey mnt London road
London~road Couper Robert McKenzie, Ambleside, Gardner Mrs. Rose valley
,-Reveridgoe Jas. Rose cot. Junction road Queen's road Garratt Percy John, Queen's road
• Biggs James J.P. Westbury lodge, Cousins Ralph Cowee, Hornsby house, Garrood Anh. W. Bank ho. High st
London road Queen's road Gerber Herr (assistant master),Gram-
Bird Charles Gill, Bloemfontein,West- Coverdale Frederick, BroomweIl cot- mar school, Ingrave road
bury road tage, Coptfold road Gifford Geo. Ayers, Hill ho. WarIey rd
~ Bird Hugo Ritchie, High street Cox J\1rs. The Ferns, Westbury road Gingell Geo. Frederick, Ongar road
wBlaxall Thomas Edmund,Rendlesham, Cramphorn Octavius Christian, War- Greanoff George, London road
IRose valley wick lodge, Queen's road Green Mrs. 6 Rose valley
Bloomer Chai'les Bdwd. Western road Croisdale Maj. Rd. Glenealy, Rose val Griffin G.E. (assistant master),Gram-
BIyth Miss, Ramsden ho. Crescent rd Crowe Joseph John,Gweedore,Crown st mar school, Ingrave road
Bowen Henry Starer, Eastfield 10. Curgenven Rev. Harold Frederic Guy Mrs. Hillside house, 1Vestbury rd
Eastfield road Grafton (curate), Ingrave road Haltridge John, Willowgarth, Rose val
Boyd-Wallis Albert William, Melville Davey Geo. The Nook, St. 'fhomas' rd Hamilton Miss, King's road
lodge, High street Davey Mn. Delmar cot. Crescent road Hancock Thomas William, Dunedin
Bradley Jas. Monk house, High street Dawson Miss, Camden lodge,Warley rd villa, Rose valley
Brenes Arthur 'Villiam, Crescent road de Steiger Miss M.B. Asylum, Cres- Harlock Henry, Grape 10dge,WarIey rd
. Brewitt John, 1Vroxdale, Rose valley cent road Harmer SI. The Grange, Queen's rd
Brimmer Arthur Yidler, Thought cot- Dobson John, Bristol villa, Avenue rd Harris Francis, Ongar road
tage, Queen's road Dolby Alfred ·Walker, Lanesfield, lVar- Harris Frank Ray, Carlton lodge,
r Brown Arthur Henry, Crown street ley mount Warley ['oad
Brown Geo. Primrose hill, Queen's rd Dowson Joseph, Eamont, Westbury rd Harvey Henry Allington, High Land av

Hartley lVilliam John, Cottesmore, Newton Montague Perks, Ongar road Skeels Edward Ralph Serocold, Stone-
Queen's road Nicholls Mrs. Burr house, London I'd leigh, St. Thomas' road
Havers Stanislaus Joseph, Queen's I'd Noakes Miss, 4 Eastfield road 'Slater George Nathan Oscroft M.D.
Hawkins Percy Edwards, I \Vaverley Norman Harry, Heathcote, London I'd Asylum, Crescent road
villas, St. Thomas' road Norris Rev. Thomas Francis (Catho- Smart Albert, Hill crest, London road
Hay Mrs. 13 West.bury road lie), The Presbytery, Ingrave road Smith Alexander, 2 "
Hayman Misses, Bank place O'Leary Mrs. St. Patrick's, High t CZa:y.:n-n It:{&l~ (}-nj'ar?f~
Hill Thomas, Oakfield, Warley road Land avenue Smith Charles, 19 Westbury road
Hogg Mrs. Cromer ho. Crescent road Olley I"rederick Charles, Ongar road Statham Frank Harold, 7 Westbury I'd
Hood Harrison, Mon Abri,Westbury I'd Paine Mrs. 2 Westbury road Steinmetz Rev. Bernard M.A. (vicar),
Hughes Charles Alf:-ed, Queen's road Parkinson Miss, I Escot vils.Ongar I'd The Vicarage, Ingrave road
Irons Miss, Loreto, St. Thomas' road Peacock Edward Beck, I I Westbury I'd Stephens Rev. Henry M.A. (chap-
Jackson Frederick John, 2 The Chase, Pearl Frederick, Avenue road lain to County Lunatic Asylum),
Warley mount Penney Charles Gregory, 'Western ho. Hylton villa, Warley road
Jackson George 'Ernest, Fremnalls viI. Western road Stoneham Mrs. 4 \Vestbury road
Rose valley Perry Miss, 2 Westbury villas, High st Stuart Archibald' M., B.Se. (assistant
Jackson Robt. Belmont vil. Rose valley Petre Hon. FI'edeI'ick Chas. Edmund master), Grammar sch!. Ingl'ave I'd
James Chas. Rt. Craven vil.London I'd J.P. Bay cottage, Ingrave road Stuart Herbert vVilliam, Lyncroft,
Jarvis Frederick vVilliam, Ongar road Phillips Lawrence Richard, Manor ho. 'Westbury road
Jarvis William Henry, Crown street High street Stursberg Hrbt. In.Valley ho.1Veald la
• Johnstone Alex. Dunkeld, Warley mnt Pike vViIliam In. I Fir vils.Crescent I'd Tanqueray Andrew Hawkins, St. .Bre-
Jolliffe Miss, Bleak house, Queen's I'd Pitts Miss, York lodge, Rose valley lade, Warley mount
Keith Wm. The Cornwalls, High st Powell Mrs. I Eastfield road '1'aylor Char:es Richard ~LA., LL.D.
Kennedy Wordsworth Sherard, Hilles- Price Wm. L. T. Ash villa, Warley:rd Shenfield house, Shenfield road
don, St. Thomas' road Prince '1'homas WilIiam, '1'he Poplars, Thomas Rev. Robert Curre M.A.
Kenner James Binmore RA. (head Queen's Toad (chaplain of Hackney Union Tl'ain-
master of the High school), Rose val Proud Richard, Queen's road ing schools) 2 1Vestbury terrace,
Knight Edward Boards, Gresham cot- Pulley Hy. Campbell, 18 Queen's road LOlldon road
tage, Rose valley Quennell Arthur lVI.R.C.S.Eng., Thomas lValter Lloyd, Brent house,
Lack Edwin, Ongar :road L.R.C.P.Lond. High street Ingrave road
Lambert Richard Arthur. West cot-. Quennell John Cooper M.R.C.S.Eng. Thorne Abraham John, High street
tage, Westbury ro·ad High street . Thorne Fras. Abraham, Shanklin, St.
Landon Frank, Red house, High street Quennell John Le,wis;Queen's road Thomas' road
Lang William Alexander, Westview, Ramsey John, Rose mount, Queen's I'd Thorne Miss, Crescent road
St. Thomas' road Ray Stephen, Abbey lodge, Crown st Tower Mrs. Hillstead, Cornsland
• Larkin John William, I Crown villas, Read Rev. George Smith (Baptist), Traill Capt. John Murray (adjt. 1st
Queen's road Granville house, Parade Vol. Batt. Essex Regt.),Warley mnt
Lee Frederick, 12 Westbury road Reeve Ernest Frederick L.R.C.P.Lond. Turner John M.B., C.M. (sen. assist.
Lees John Witton, \Vestern road Asylum, Crescent road med. officer), Asylum, Crescent I'd
Legerton Mrs. Queen's road Richardson Charles John, lVestfield, Turner William, Queen's road
... Legerton Rev. Waiter (Congrega- Westbury (('oad Turrell Louis J. Rose valley
tional), Bellevue ho. Primrose hill Richardson Edward, Dngar road Ulph Edward Bernard, Crown street-
Lewis Charles Edgar, Corner house, Ridgwell Thomas Francis, West View VineI' Clement, Alyn, Rose valley
Ongar road villas, Dugar road Wales \Valter, Rose valley
Little Mrs. IS \Vestbury road Ridgewell Erne15t, The Laurels, On- Wallace Capt. Thomas, 3 Fir villas,
Lloyd Ernst.ISharrington ho.Warley rd gal' road Crescent road
Lloyd :Miss, Sharrington ho.Warley rd Rist Robert G. The Laurels, High st Wallis Miss, High street
Lord Wm. The Hollies, Avenue road Robinson Anthony George, Shenfield Ward Joseph, The Hollies, Junction rd
Lucking John, Clare villas, Crown st lodge, Ingrave road Warner Mrs. Cromer villa, Warley I'd
Macfarlane Alec M. r6 Westbury rd Rogers R. W. (assistant master), Warwick John Joseph WaIton, Glass-
Mansel Charles John Linskill M.D. Grammar school, Ingrave road lyn, London road
High street RoUe Robert White, Crescent villa, Wheeler Mrs. Shenfield common
Marlton Lawrence John, Queen's rd Crescent road VVhite Frederick, Rochesters, Rose val
Mead Capt. Moses, I The Chase, War- Roscoe Wm.Hrbt.Ashtoll ho.\Val'ley rd White Miss, Upna Ghur, London road
ley mount Sadd Alfred Henry, 8 1Vestbury rd Wiggins George, Ongar road
Mee Misses, 2 Grove villas, Crown st Salt Misses, Crown street Wilkinson Samuel Hinds, Shalom,
Metcalfe William Frederick, Millhill, Savill James, Verandah cot. Crown st 'Westbury road
Shenfield common Scott Glaud, Queen's road Windsor Mrs. The Limes, Warley I'd
Milledge Alfred,Rosslyn viI.Rose valley Scott Edgar Webster,. 9 Westbury rd Winter .Joseph, Corner ho. King's I'd
Morris Henry, Junction road Scott Mr~. Avenue road Winter Mrs. 3 Eastfield road
MouU Mrs. Valentine villa, Warley rd Senior William Moore, Springfield, Womersley Dale, Meads, Ongar road
Moull Mrs. 1Vestern 10. Western road High Land avenue Woodmason G. L. (assistant master).
MulvallY John, Orescent road Shepherd Major George Alexander, Grammar school, Ingrave road
Neale John vVilliam, Warley mount Piermont house, 1Varley road Woosnam Richd. Wm. \Varley mount
Nevill Sydney,2 Oxford viIs. Queen's I'd Smales Miss, St. Swithuns, Ongar I'd Young In. Guildford 10. Queen's I'd-

COMMERCIAL. Barlow Frederick Richard, manager of London & County

Early closing day, Thursday. Banking Co. Limited & treasurer to the Urban Dis-·
trict Council, High street
Abbott Waiter, gardener, St. Charles' schools, North rd Barrett John, maltster & cbal merchant, King's road; & at
- Ablin Joseph, jobmaster, WarIey road Southminster
Abrey Daniel, carpenter, Cromwell road Baverstock George H. grocer, Warley road
- Aldridge George, saddler, High street Baxfield Annie Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, Tower hill
~ .Alien George, superintendent of police, inspector of Bell Edward John, chimney sweeper, Hart street
weights & measures & inspector under the Sale of Food Bell Joseph Benson, grocer, Post office, WarIey road
& Drugs Aet & the Contagious Diseases Animals Act & Bennett Albert E. baker & confectioner, Coptfold road
Explosives Act, Queen's road Betts Beatrice (Miss), dress maker, Rose valley
- AIDos Joseph, picture frame maker, New road Binks Joseph E. greengrocer, Coptfold road
Andrews Elijah, plumber, High street Bird Hugo Ritchie, architect, High street
.. Armour Joseph William, assistant overseer & rate col- Blackburn Joseph, shopkeeper, King-'s road
lector, assessor & collector of king's taxes & collector Blackwell J oseph Henry, butcher, High street
of rates to t,he Urban District Council, Ingrave road Blake John, grocer (firm, Buckle & Blake)
Arnold Francis William, outfitter, Queen's road Blundon Richard, sub-bailiff of county• court, :Xew road
.. Austen William, shopkeeper, High street Bocock Sidney Thomas, insurance agent, Milton road
Baker & Dulley, carpent8rs & joiners, I Coptfold road Bones Geo. coffee h{)use keeper & tobacconist, High st
Baker James Richard, jobbing gardener, 3 Alfred road Bomell Fredk. Jas. pork butcher & house dcrtr.King's rd'
Bannister Henry, jobmaster, King',s road Boyd-1Vallis & ~Iansel, surgeons, High street
Barclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (Arthur ,Boyd-Wallis Albert William M.:R.C.S.Eng. (firm, Boyd-
lV. Ganood, manager), High street i draw on office, 1Vallis & Mansel), medical officer It public vaccinatoI'
54 Lombard street, London E C for Brentwood districb, Billeric3,y union, High street
BurdelI Edmund, dairyman, OromweIl road , Boyle Neil, cycle agent, "-arley road .

Brentwood County Lunatic Asylum (George Amsden John Lewis Quennell, registrar; C. Godfrey, Rythe
M.B., C.M. medical superintendent; John Turner house, 'rhames Ditton, high bailiff), Court ho. New rd
M.B., C.M.; George Nathan Oscroft Slater M.B., Coverdale Frederick, auctioneer, land agent, sur.
O.M. ; Ernest Frederick Reeve M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. veyor & valuer, High street; Telegrams, "Coverdale,
Lond.; Miss Adela de Steiger M.B. assistant medical Brentwood "
officers; Rev. Henry Stevens M.A. chaplain; Waiter Cowling Thomas William, coffee & dining room!!, Victoria
Payne Gepp, Chelmsford, clerk to tha visitors; William terrace, 'Varlay road
Michael Tufnell, Chelmsford, treasurer; 'Ym. Herbert Crabb Gcorge, boot maker, Primrose hill
Roscoe, clerk; Joseph Tomlinson, dispenser & cl'3rk to Cramphorn Limited, corn, hay, straw & seed mer.
medical superintendent; E. S. White, storekeeper; W. chants, Warley road & High street
Brown, clerk of the works & engineer; Miss Elizabeth Creed John Maling, pork butcher, Hi~h street
Rogers, matron); Crescent road Crosby John, chemist & drug-gist, King's road
Brentwood Cycle Co. (Edgar Barrett, proprietor), cycle Crowe .... J. ,& Company ,Limited, drapers, house fur.
agents, Parade nishers, tailors, clothiers &c. High street & Victoria
Brentwood & District Constitutional Club Limited (Arthur terrace, vVarley road
W. Garrood, hon. sec.), High street Druse Henry, coffee tavern, High street
.. Brentwood & District Co-operative Society Lim. (Robert Cubitt Edward Neville, architect & surveyor, High street
Swift, sec.), Crescent road Cullen William Henry, grocer, High street
Brentwood & District Loan Society (Goorge Lucas, sec.), Culyer Fred, prop. Fitch's livery stables, High street
Bell inn, High street Cumbers Ernest, shopkeeper, Crown street
.. Brerutwood Free Grammar School (Rev. Edwin Bean M.A. Cumbers Philip, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Tower hill
head master & chaplain; Archibald M. Stuart B.Sc. Curtis & Sons, hair dressers & tobacconists, King's road
Herr Gerber, R. E. Rogers, G. L. Woodman & G. E. Daines William, pork butcher, High street
Griffin, assistant masters; Miss E. Powell, in charge Daldy & Co. coal merchants, Railway station
of preparatory department), Ingrave Toad Davey George, dairyman, High street
.. Brentwood Gas, Coke & Light Co. Limited (Robert Davies William Henry, cabinet maker, Junction road
McKenzie Couper. manageT; Charles Alfred Fielder, Davis Agnes (Miss), dress maker, Hart street
sec.), King's road Davis Hal'ry, fishmonger & greengrocer, Hart stJreet
Brent:wood High School (boys) (James Binmore Dean William & Sons, painters & house decorators, Valley
Kennel' RA.Lond. head master), Rose valley villa, Weald road
Brentwood Horticultural Society (W. Keith, hon. sec.; :Qeeks William George, Spread Eagle P.H. Queen's road
Frank A. Thorne, sec.), High street Dix Ernest, builder & contractor; estimates given for
Brentwood Town Hall Co. Limited (CecH Harry Earthy, new buildings; works in all branches of the trade,
sec.), High street Ongar road
Bridges Francis Charles, butcher, High street I Dolby Alfred vValker, local government board auditor,
Bright Thomas George, Orown cycle works; repairs Lanesfield, vVarley mount
promptly attended to, Crown street Drake James Henry, baker & confectioner, High street
Brimmer Arthur Vidler L,D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental sur- Driffield Thomas, draper, High street
geon, Thought cottage, Queen's road Duchesse Edith (Miss), ladies' school, 6 Westbury road
- Brooks Emily PEss), fancy repos. & news agent, High st Duffin Henry, ca'l'.rier, Wellesley road
... Brown Arthur Henry, professor of music, Crown street Dulley Archbd. B. carpenter & joiner, see Baker & Dulley
Brown Benjamin, boot &; shoe mali:er, Ooptfold road Edwal'ds In. organist &i pianoforte tuner, High street
Brown George, baker, Junction road Ellis Joshua & Sons, wheelwrights, off King's road
Brown George, boot & shoe maker, North road Ellis Joshua, beer retailer, King's road
... Bruty Henry, shopkeeper, Crescent road Emery John, railway cartage contractor, furniture re,
Bryan Kate (Miss), ladies' school, Montpelier house, mover & warehouseman, High street
Queen's road Emson Eric, linen draper, High street
... Buckle & Blake, grocers, High street Essex County Rifle Association (Lieut.-Col. J. G. An-
- Burgess William "'ames & Charles Thomas, agri- dersclll, hon. sec.), 2 Waverley villas, St. Thomas' Toad
cultural implement manufacturers, engineers & iron- Essex Times (Wilson & Whitworth Limited, publishers;
founder,s, Ongar road published wed. & sat.): High street
- Burgess Edward John, wine merchant, High street Fayers WaIter, pork butcher, Junction road
Burgess Frank R. wholesale & fancy stationer, bookseller, Fielder & Co. brewers, beer retailers & coal merchants,
printer & newsagent, High street King's road
... Burley Jane (Mrs.), florist & tobacconist, High street Fire Brig-ade, Engine house, Hart street
_ Burtwell & J arvis, builders, High street Fisher George Abram, The Castle P.R. Ongar road
Burtwell Hal'riet & Beatrice (Misses), milliners, High st Fitch George, ca!b proprietor, High street
Bury Edwin, bricklayer, Cromwell road Flack William, manager Model Lodging house, High st
Butcher Alfred, taxidermist, Ongar 'foad , Flutter Frederick A. confectioner & baker, High street
Butcher G. & F. G. laundry, Cromwel1l'oad Fortens Rupert Charles, hair dresser, Ongar road
Byford Alfred Thomas, teacher of music, The Limes, Fothergill Jam3s Edward, surveyor & sanitary inspector
Crescent road to the Urb91 Distrid Council, Town hall
Carswell George, Queen's P.H. Coptfold road Fox Henry, White Horse P.R. High street
Carswell James, town crier It bill poster, Shenfield com Frazer 'Samu91 L.R.C.P. & S. Edin., L.A.H.Dub. phy-
Cave David Hope, Bell P.R. High street sician & surgeJf1, & medical officer of health to the
Cemetery (Christchurch) (Frank Landon, clerk to the Urban District Council, WarIey road
cemetery committee; Geo. Macey, sexton), vYarley I'd French Edward, fishmonger, High street
Charter Sidney, linen draper, High s,treet French Ellen Kate (Miss), ladies' school, New road
Church of England Young Men's Society (Robert Smith, French George, shopkeepar, Coptfold road
hon. sec.), Church house, New Toad , Fuller James. boot maker, High street
Church Thos. Jas. collector for Gas Co. 2 Queen's road Fuller Mary (Mrs.), dress ma. I Rosevale vil.Gresham I'd
Clark Edward George, tailor, North Toad Gage Albert, hairdresser, Parade
_ Claxton Richd. Chas. watch ma. & jeweller, High street Gardner Sarah & Daisy (Misses), kindergarten school,
..... Claydon Robert, builder & contractor, Queen's road Rose valley
Cockerell William, blacksmith, off King's Toad Garrett Ernest, boot maker, North road
Coe George Henry, painter & house decorator, Tower hI Garrood Arthur W. manager of Barclay & Co.'s Bank,
Cole Rorace William, ironmongers' manager, High street High street
.. Collins James, baker & confectioner, High street Gee T. W. & Co. drapers, Coptfold road
Cook & Co. builders, Victoria road Geering & Son, butchers, High skeet
Cook Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Victoria road Gilder Emily Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. James st
Doombe Thomas A. butcher, High street Gingell George Fredk. wine & spirit merchant, High st
Congregational Church Young Men's Institute (A. E. GiraJrdot & Co. Limited (branch), maltsteI"s, King's road
Fulcher, hon. sec.), ~ew road . Golding Fredk. (Mrs.), aparts. I Hope villas, Ongar rd
- Corie Thomas Charles, furniture dealer, High street Goodway Frederick Wm. boot & shoe repT. Cromwell rd
Cornell Edward, beer retailer, James' place, King's road Gotto Mark, butcher, King's road
... Cottee Edward William, relieving officer for the Wesllern Gray Henry, apar,tments, WMley mount
district of the BilIericay union & collector to guardians Greanoff George, supt. Hackney Union Training schools,
& registrar of births & deaths & inspector under the London road
Infant Life Protection Act & vaccination officer for Guess William, dairyman & pork butcher, High street
Brentwood sub-district, Rose valley Guest E.P. Limited, chemists, High stTeet
, County Court (His Honor Henry Tindal Atkinson; judge; Green William, insu,ra-nce agent, Parade
Gutteridge Henry, baker, King's road Llvell Oswald, linen draper, High street
Gutteridge vVilliam, baker, Cromwell road Lowe Morris, hair dresser, High street & Parade
Hagon G. & F. plumbers, Crown street Lucas George, printer, Crown street
Hale Oharles, apa:rtments, Lochinvar, Ongar road Lyon William, house furnishers' manager, Gresham road
Halfhide WaIter J. plumber, Warley road McGrath Eugene, inland revenue officer, Homewood,
Haltridge John, auctioneer, valuer & land agent; Shenfield road
estates managed & rents collected; publisher of the McLean Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Truro ha. High st
"Essex Property Register," periodical sales of pro- McPherson George, tailor, Tower hill
perty & furniture, Railway station. Telegrams," Hal- Mansel Charles John Linskill M.D. & C.M.Edin. surgeon
tridge, Brentwood" (firm, Boyd-Wallis & Mansel)
Hammond & Johnstone, florists & fruiterers, High street Marchanrt Hannah Lee (Mrs.), domestic machinery dealer
Hammond Alfred, greengrocer, Ongar road & c'mfectioner, High street
Hammond Edward, builder & stationer, Crown street Mark Master Masons (377), Brentwood lodge (Frank
Hampton Emily (Mrs.), laundress, Ongar road Landon, sec.), White Hart hotel
Harlock Henry, steward to C. J. H. Tower esq. D.L., MarIton Frederick John, butcher, High street
J.P. Grape lodge, vVarley road Marshall Eliza (Mrs.), teacher of music, Osborn house,
Harvey Albert, butcher, Milton ['oad Warley road
Harvey James, shopkeeper, Railway square Marshall William, Victoria P.H. Ongar road
Hatt Edith (Miss), dress maker & shopkpr. King's road Martin Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker. Crown street
Haws Ada Elizabeth (Miss), fancy stationer, High Etreet Masonic Lodge (2I4. Hope & Unity) (Frank Landon,
Haws Elizabeth (Mrs.), builder & stone mason, King's I'd sec.), White Hart hotel
Hayes Robert, King's Head P.H. Crown street Matthews Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wellesley Toad
Head Enneft' (Mrs.), confectioner, High street May John Edward, Swan inn, High st'feet
Heathcote Frederick, White Hart hotel, High street Mersham Thomas, Royal Essex Arms hotel, WarIey road
Renett George, photog"rapher, High street Miles George, boys' school, Coptfold Toad
Hicks George, coffee tavern, High street Milk Preparations Co. milk specialists, Junction road
Higgs Margt. (Mrs.), aparts. Stoneleigh, St.' Thomas' I'd Miller Henry, sign writer, Ongar road
High 18chool (Catholic) (under the charge of the Ursuline Margan Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Avenue road .
nuns from Upton), Fairview, Queen's road :;'I1[oss Alfred Arthur, upholsterer, cabinet maker & picture
Hill John, Lion & Lamb P.H. High street & Railway hotel framer, Crown street
P.H. King's road Moss WaIter, confectioner, Queen's road
Hodgson Thomas, patent medicine vendor, High street Motley Bridget (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Victoria road
Hook Hamet Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Milton road Mott Mary (Mrs.), laundress, Milton road
Howard Isaac William, beer retailer, Ongar road Newman WaIter, saddler, High street
Howlett Arthur H. tobacconist, assistant oveI'Seer & clerk Ong Henry, florist & greengrocer, Crown street
to the Palrish Oouncil for Shenfield, High street Orton Charles, draper, High ,street
Humphrey Joseph '1'. pawnbroker, High street Osborn TValter John, {larpenter & undertaker, Ongar rd
Htltchinson Percy Bishop D.D.S. dentist, I Queen's road {Palmer George &; Sons, coal merchants, dairymen,
Jackson Alfred, beer retailer, Milton road farmers, carmen ,& contractors, blacksmiths & wheel-
James Thomas & Son, bricklayers, Crown street wrights, Hart street; & at Ohelmsford
... Jams Frederick William, builder(firm, Burtwell & .Tarns) Partridge Agur, beer retailer & baker, High street
Jay Charlotte (Mrs.),apartments, Warwick ho.Warley mt Passfield Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, Crescent road
J obnson Edward, greengrocer, Crescent road Paul H. & Son, ironmongers, High street
Johnson Edwin Grove, commission agent, North road Payn Emily (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, High street
Johnson Herbert James, hosier & tailO'1', High street Pearce .Alfred E. &; Co. tailors, Crown street
.Johnstone Alexander, travelling draper, Crescent road Pentney James P. dentist, High street
Johnstone Alexander Dunkeld (firm of Hammond & Perkins Herbert, hair dresser, Crown street
Jobnstone), florists & frUIterers, High street Perkins Samuel, leather bag &; dressing case &; portman-
Keningale George, boot & shoe repairer, Queen's Toad teau manufacturer & fancy repository, High street
King Edwd. station mast. I Myrtle viIs. opposite Station Perry Agnes (Miss), sub-postmistress, Queen's road
King Francis George, grl'lcer, Post office, Crescent road Perry Agnes &; Julia (Misses), fancy repository & sub-
Knight Sergt.-Major H. drill instructor, F Co. 1st Vo!. post office, King's road
Batt. Essex Regt. Drill hall, Ongar road Perry Emma (Miss), berlin wool warehouse, Crown street
Knightbridge George, butcher, High street Philpot Stephen, beer retailer, Railway square
Lagden George, baker & confectioner, Crown street Pickett Eliza Ann (Mrs.), butcher, High s,treet
Laming- Robert Stephen, florist, High street Pitts Alfred J. oil & color man, Gresham road
- Landon E., F. & H. solicitors, 'stewards of the manors of Planner Henry, butcher &; provision dealer, High street
Ramsden, Barringtons &; Fremnalls, Co stead, Calcott, Playle Matthew, insurance agent, North road
Doddinghurst, Downsells, South Weald, Chigwell Pocock Brothers, boot & shoe makers, High street
Grange & Shenfield, High street Pond & Langrish, grocers, High street
" Landon Edward Palmer (firm, Landon E., F. & H.), Pope Edwin, boot maker, King:s road
solicitor & commissioner for oaths & perpetual commis- Porter Abraham, smith & farrIer, Alfred road
sioner Praill vVilliam, carrier, Wellesley road
Landon Frank (firm, Landon E., F. & H.), solicitor, com- Porter Harry Lugar, confectioner &; tobacconist, High st
missioner for oaths, clerk to commissioners of taxes for Price Edward Oharles, ironmonger, High street
the Hundreds of Barstable & Chafford & clerk to Brent- Proud Richard Blackwell, grocer, King's road
wood school & charity, clerk &; receiver to the governors Purchase Joseph Smith, outfitter, High street
of Sir Anthony Browne's Grammar School, clerk to the' Quennell J. C. & R. W. surgeons, High street
joint committee, Christchurch, Great WarIey cemetery Quennell Arthur M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Land. surgeon
& clerk to the conservators of Shenfield common (firm, Quennell J. C. &; R. W)
Landon Harcourt Palmer (firm, Landon E., F. & H.), Quennell John Cooper M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, medical
solicitor & commissioner for oaths officer of health, Ongar Rural District Council, see
Langrish Horace Walton, grocer (firm, Pond & Langrish) Quennell J. C. & R. W
Larkin James, coach builder, Queen's road Quennell John Lewis (firm, Lewis & Quennell), solicitor,
• Larkin WaIter, clothier &; boot & shoe ma. ,Crown street registrar of county court & deputy coroner for the
Legg Elizabeth (Mrs.), The Chequers P.H. High street Southern division of Essex & clerk to the magistrates
Lemmon Charles, watch & clock maker, High street for Brentwood, New road
Lewis & Quennell, solicitors, New road Quennell Robert William M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin.
• Le"is Charles Edgar (firm, Lewis &; Quennell), solicitor, surgeon, see Quennell J. C. &; R. W
coroner fOT southern division of Essex, clerk to the Rainbird Richard(Mrs. ),apartments,2 Escot vils.Ongar I'd
guardians & assessment & school attendance com- Rank James, shopkeeper, Orescem road
mittees of Billericay union, to 'the magistrates for Redgell J essie (Mrs.), upholstress, 6 Ongar road
Billericay sub-division, to Laindon United District Redgell William, upholst,erer, Queen's road
School Board & to Bremtwood Urban District Council Rid~Jdson & Co. ironmonger, High street
&:. superintendent registrar of Billericay district,New I'd Ric:'ardson James, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Ongar rd
Littlewood Flora (Mrs.), dress maker, Ongar :road Hinge George, watch maker, Parade
l.loyd Ernest, solicitor, Shal"I'ington house, Wa'l"ley Toad Rippin Samuel, beer retailer, Junction road
London & County Banking 00. Lim. (branch) (Frederick Rippon E. W. & Son, bicycle makers, High street
Richard Barlow, manager), High street; draw on head Rist Isaac, tea dealer, grocer, provision merchant &
office, 21 Lombard street, London E.C agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit mer-
Looms John, insurance agent, Bay villa, Warley road chants, High street
Rist David & Sons, grocers, High street I Taylor Charles Richard M.A., LL.D. solicitor &; commis~
Roast James, shopkeeper, King's road sioner to admisister oaths in the Supreme Court of
Roast William Joseph, plumber, Milton Toad Judicature, Shenfield house, Shenfield road
Roberts Frederick William, clerk, Ongar road Taylor Charles William, clothier, Crown street
Robinson Henry William &. Sons, corn, flour, cake, seed & Taylor Frank, secondhand furniture dlr. 4 & 8 Ongar I'd
manure merchants, King's road Taylor Stephen Harry, tailor, High street
Robinson Arthur, florist & nurseryman, Junction road 'l'hompson Ann (Miss), grocer, High street
Robinson Thomas S. tailor, High street Thompson Henry, verger & sextoll of St. Thomas the
Robson John, painter, Crown street Martyr, Alfred road
Rogers &, Co. machinery dealers, Junction road Thompson William, chemist &, druggist, High street
..... Rolph Arthur, fishmonger, King's road Thorne & Son, auctioneers, valuers, land, house & estate
Roscoe William Herbert, clerk to the ~ounty lunatic agents, High street; &; at 4 Orsett road, Grays
Rothwell 'WaIter, tobacconist, High street Thorne Llllie (Miss), professor of pianoforte, singing
asylum, Crescent road & theory; pupils prepared for examinations, Cres-
Royal Essex Arms Hotel (Thomas Mersham, propr. ) cent road
&, posting house, Warley road Tidman Charles, apartments, 24 Victoria road
Russell John, florist, High street Town Hall (Cecil Harry Eart,hy, sec.), High street
St. Barnabas & Queen Victoria Homes for Aged Ladies Townend Frederick B. organist, 5 'Westbury road
(Sister Philippa, sister in charge), St. Thomas' road Treadwell Henry, insura.nce agent, Queen's road
Sandford Frederick 'rhomas, collector, WarIey mount Tucker .Alice (.\'.liss), ladies' outfitter &c. (firm, SkinneJ
Sankey John Hart & Son, builders' merchants,King's rd & Tucker)
St. Charles Diocesan Catholic Schools (Sister J oseplline Turner Louisa (Mrs.), baker. King',. road
Murphy, mother superior), 'Veald lane 'l'u.rnham Henry, butcher, 'Varley roaJ
St. Hele~'s Orphanage (Catholic) (for 12 boys) (Mrs. 'rurrell Louis J. boot & shoe maker, High street
Annie Turner, matron), Ongar road Twinn Susan (Mrs.), confectioner, High street
Saunders 'WaIter, watch maker &:i jeweller, High street Vialoux Kate (Madame), dress maker, "'arIey road
Savage Kirby F. fishmonger, High street Vincent Sydney M.R.O.V.S.L. vet. surgeon, King's road
Savell Elizabeth (Mrs.), aparts. Vine cot. Junction road Volunteer Battalion (1st) Essex Regiment (HOli. Col.
Sawkins Robert, beer retailer, Hart street R11p Harvey Lyon V.D. commandant; Lieut.-Col. R.
Searles Mary .Ann (.~tJ:rs.), wardrobe dealer, Hart street D. Trotter, second in command; Capt. J. M. Traill
Searles William, boot maker. Crown street (Beds. Reg-t.), adjutant; F Co. Capt. &; Hon. Major
Shelley Joseph Samuel, sanitary inspector for Billericay E. N. Cubitt V.D. ; Sergt.-Major H. Knight, drill
Rural District Council &; school attendance officer for instructor); head quarte!'s, Drill hall, Ongar road
Billericay 'Western district, Junction road "Valker &; Son Limited, brewers (branch dlice) (George
Shepherd Surah (Mrs.), lodging house, Roper's yard Till, manager), lraterloo road
Sheppard William, boot & shoe maker, High !'treet Wallis Charles James, linen &; woollen draper, High s\
Sherringham 'Villiam, bookbinder, I I Glebe villas Walton William, upholsterer, King's road
Simmons Hy. beer retlr. & cartage contractor, Weald la Ward John George & Frederick R. plumbers, High stree\
Simmons In. chimney swpr. &, well sinker, Ongar road lrard Caroline (.\'.lrs.), shopkeeper, Crown skeet
Sinclair Brothers, saddlers &. harness makers, Queen's rd WarIey Children's Convalescent Home (Mrs. F. Vl.lldon
Singer Manufacturing Co. sewing machine mfI's. High st & Miss W. Brown, hon. secs.), Ongar road
Skeels Edward Ralph Serocold, solicitor, Stoneleigh, St. Warren Clara Louisa (Mrs.), kindergarten, High street
Thomas' road Warren William, greengrocer, 'Varley road
Skinner & Tucker, ladies' outfitters &; milliners &: servant8' Waters Frederick Thomas, George .t Dragon P.H.High si
registry office, High street Weal John, marine store dealer, South street
Smale Richard Frederick, tobacconist, 'Warley naG. \Velham Amos, jobbing gardener, On~:l.r road
Smith Albert, shopkeeper, Great Eastern road Welton Benjamin, beer retailer, High
Smith Harry Francis, county court clerk, New road "",,'est J oseph Thomas, gardener, Tower hill
Smith John, apart,ments, Claremont house, Wadey road Wildish Wm. Busbridge, grocer & pastrycook, High q!
Smith Joseph, plumber, Queen's road Wilkins Frederick George, schoolmaster, 5 Eastfield road
Smith Robert, outfitter, High street Williment Robert George, tailor & dealer in antiquitie"
Smith William, shopkeeper, Junction road Crown street
Soldiers' Home (Mrs. Kirkwood, supt.; Col. George J. Wilson &, Whitworth Lirn. printers .t stationers, Hi~h s~
C. 'Vhittington, hon. sec.), WarIer road Wilson & Company, complete house furnishers.
South Fl'ed, cycle dealer t:i mal,er of the Brent cycle, drapers, ironmongers, china &; glass dealers, stationers.
High street boot merchants &c. High street
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers, now amalgamated with Winch _e\.lbert Evan, beer retailer, Alfred road
Barclay & Co. Limited Winter Brothors, builders' merchants, undertakers &;
Spells Waiter Edvvard, general drapery, millinery & monumental masons, King's road
boot warehouse, Warley road Wise l\'illiam, florist, King's road
Springett James, carrier, Crown street Wood Henry, greengrocer, Cromwell road
Stannard Albert Henry, confectioner, Warley road Wood Thomas Palin, boot &; shoe repairer, Alfred road
St:ur-Bowkett Building Society (Harry Francis Smith, Woods ArtIiur Th08. Gunnell, architect &, survyr. l\""ew rd
sec.), Primrose hill Wootten Henry, tailor, Ongar road
Steward RoM. jun. butcher, Victoria terrace, Warley I'd Wright Bros. &. Co. oil &; calor men & wine & spirit mer~
Ste'Wart FraJ1ces Elizabeth (Mrs.), teacher of music &. chaUlts, WarIey road
languages, Bay Tree villa, 'Varley road Young Women's Christian Association (~1:iss Murie!
Stokes James, Yorkshire Grey P.H. & omnibus o~ne:, Cook, hon. sec.), New road
High street Vull George, plumber, High street
Symonds Ellis Robert, postmaster, High street Vull Henry, Robin Hood & Little John P.H. Ongar road
BRIGHTLINGSEA is a town and parish, and as ani! partly by private enterprise: thi., industry employs
the termination of the name denotes, was at one time a larg-e fleet of smacks, which, in the winter months,
an island, and it is still nearly surrounded by the riveT are chiefly occupied by the sprat fishery: Brightlingsea has
Co:ne and its creeks, having only one road to connect become a very large ya,chting station, upwards of 100
it with the mairLand, in the Korth Eastern division of yarhts being laid up here for their winter quarters.
the county, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional divi- find there is a considerable amount of ship awl bo'"!t
sion, Tendring hundred and union, Colchester county building. There is a ferry from Bri;::htlingsea to Merserr
court district, and in the rural deanery of St. Osyth, Island, the distance being- about It m]es; also a ferry
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .Albam:. a,cross a cl'eek to St. Osyth Stone.
The town is at the mouth of the CoInE' and is about 63 Br:ghtlingsea is governed by an Urban District Council
miles from London, 6 south-east from 'Vivenhoe and ID I of 9 members, formed in 1896, under the provisions of thE."
south-east from Colchester: it is connected "ith the "Local Government Act, 1894" (56 ani 57 Vict. Ch. 73).
Great Eastern railway by a branch line from "'ivenhoe. The town is supplie-d WIth gail by a company; the water
Brig-htlingse1a is a member of the Cinque Ports of Sand- supply is derived from t~o arte":an well" which cost
wich and as such elects annually a deputy-mayor, who [II,OOO, and are the property of the lTrh1l1 District Ooun-
is assisted by II jurats: from the same connection the cil; the rpservoir will hold ID,COO gaUnr.". A fair ]S heM
parish derives various peculiar rights and privileges, on St. Swithin's day, or the Thnrsrlay beforE'. The church
and in particular, exemption from service on juries. of All Saints' stands about a mile and ~ h'llf north of the
Brig-htling-sea has from time immemorial been nnterl town, and is, in the words of ~'[orant, " a lofty and stately
for its oysters, an extensive cultivation of which is i structure" of rubble and flint, consisting of chancE'l, with
carried on, partly under the Corporation of Colchester north and south chapels and vestry, smth porch, nave

... t ~


I 0

o"f five bays, aisles and a westeOrn tower of fine pro- Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
portions, with large buttresses, set angle-wise aHd deco- Post, S. 13. & .Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Samuel
xated with 32 niches: it is finished with pinnacles, and Minter, postmaster. Letters arrive from Colchesten- at
has a height, including these, of over 100 feet, forming 7 a.m. &; 12 noon o&; 7 p.m.; dispatched a,t 9.50 a.m. ;
a conspicuous sea mark: the ringing chamber presents 12,45, 2·35 &; 6.35 p.m
some curious features; in the belfry are frames for
:5 or 6 bells, but only one of the ancient peal, dating URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
from about A.D. 1450, now remains; there is also a Meetings held vn the 2nd Wednesday in every month at
small sanctus bell unhung: in 1889 a peal of 10 tubu:ar the Foresters' Hall.
bells was presented by M. Bayard Brown esq. an •
American gentleman visiting Brightling-sea in his steam
!yacht" Valfreyia:" the church is chiefly Perpendicular, Chairman, W. Pannell. 0

but three of the five bays of the arcades dividing the Vice-Chairman, William Frederick Pattison.
nave from the aisles are Decorated, and there are also Retire in April Retire in April
remains of the Early English style, and one feature T. Martin.....•............ 1903 William B. Wenlock ... 1904
supposed to be either Ear:y Norman or Saxon: the William Fieldgate 1903 Joseph M. Eagle ........• 1905
derestory has disappeared, having, together with the M. French.................. 1903 William Pannell .•....... 1905
<lriginal roof, fallen down in 1814: there are on the floor Hobert Aldous............ 1904 William Frederick Pat-
trasses with eflhries, of which only one retains its in- John Bateman D.L.,J.P. 1904 tison 1905
scription, but, with two exceptions, they can be identi-
fied as being the memorials of John Beriffe, ob. J 496,
and his three wives; Mary Bel'iffe, ob. 15°5; Margaret Clerk, William Isaac Osborn, Wellington street,
Beriffe, ob. 1514; John Beriffe, ob. 1521; and l\Iury and Medical Offi:cer of Health, Ernest Perceval Dickin M.D. &
.A1ice, his wives; William lleriffe and .Toan, his wife,
O.M.Edin. High street
<lb. 1527; John Beriffe, ob. 1542, and ,"Vi:liam Beriffe, Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, W. A. Nicholson,
1578; the two remaining brasses not identified are those Thorpe 0

()f two female figures, c. 1542, inserted in the room of District Rate Collector, Frank William Folkard, High st
two priests' brasses on a bracket of. the 14th century: Hard Master &; Ferry Boat Inspector, F. 13. Salmon, New st
there is also in the Lady Chapel a curious:y incised PUBLIC ESTABLISHME~TS.
stone slab, once, probab;y, the covering of a tomb;
in the chancel is an elaborate and costly monument to Biological Institution, in connection with the Essex
Nicholas Magens esq. who died in 1767: another peculiar County Council, W. 1. Osborn, local sec
feature of the church is the number of niches that Coast Guard, Thomas Oole, chief officer
remain in the walls and columns: one contains a small Custom House, "Yaterside, Willia1U -G. Bultitude, pre-
mutilated statue, supposed to be that of St. :Kicholas: ventive officer; George A. Flatman, G. H. Belson, ,"Y. J.
11 series of 126 small memorial tablets have been erected Kerridge 1& F. J. Lundberg, boatmen
to parishioners lost at sea within the last 25 years. Furesters' Court (4390) Foresters' Hall; lost· mono il.'
This church was anciently rich in ecclesiastical orna- month at 7; E. C. Atkins, sec
ments, vestments &c. of which a catalogue is extant: Masonic Lodge (433 Hope), Wellington inn; mono on or
the communion plate comprises two patens and two before full-moon monthly, 7 p.m.; John E. Wiseman,
chalices of silver: the church was carefullv res:tored The Cyprus, sec

in. 1878, when an organ was also erected: the east window PUBLIC OFFICERS.
was filled with st,ained gla,ss in 1881, in part as a memorial
to the late Mrs.. J. O. Barnard, of Great Dunmow, who Admiralty SUl'geon &; Agent, Medical Officer & Public
died 6 June, 1881. The tower was rest.ored in 1886, at Vaccinator, Brightlingsea D1strict, Tendoring Union &
the expense of F. C. Capel esg. of Wihningt-ol1J, Kent, in Medical Officer of Health, Colchester Port, Charles
memory of his father, the late J. B. Capel esq. of North Arthnr Squire Ling M.R.C.S.Eng. High street
Lloyd's Agent, .Albert Aldous J efferies, High street
Qray, Bexley. The church affords 450 sittings. The
Port Sanitary Inspector &, Water Bailiff, Sergeant Thomas
register dat-es from t,he year 1697. The living is a vicar-
Edward Poole, Colne road
age, net yearly value £27'0, including 31 acres of glebe,
Assistant Ovel'seer, Assessor &, Registrar of Marriages,
with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and Frank Willium Folkard, High street
held since 1'872 by the Rev. Arthur Pertwee M.A. of Pem-
broke College, Oxford, 'and rural dean of St. Osyth. PLACES OF °WORSHIP, with times of services.
St. James's chapel-of-ease, in the middle of t.he t-own and
erected in 1837, is a large and plain edifice of brick, with All Saints' Church, Rev. Al'thur Pertwee M.A. vicar
a western turret containing a clock, placed in 1887 by S1. James' Chapel of Ease
publia subscription; there are sittings for 650 people: Congregational, Rev. Richard N ewel1 A. T. S.; 10.45 a.m.
considerable improvements were made in the interior in &; 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.15 p.m
18g8, and a fine organ has since been erected. Here are New Jerusalem, Queen street, Rev. Lewis A. Slight; 10.45'
Wesleyan. Primitive Methodist and Congregational chapels, a.m. &, 6.30 p.m
and a New Jerusalem (Swedenbol'gian) church. The Primitive Methodist, Rev. R. Holman; 10.45 a.m. &; 6.30'
charities comprise £2 12S. yearly for the poor, left in the p.m.; mono 7 p.m 0 . , •

year 16'32 by John Sympson, rector of S1. Olave, Hart SCHOOLS.

~treet, London, and a naHve of this place, and £6 a year National (boys'), for 180 children; average attendance,
for the repair of the parish church, left by the late Miss 16o; William Henry Warburton, maste,r; girls', enlal'ged
Jolly, of Brightlingsea. B. O. Pulleyne esq. is lord of

in 18188, for 200 children; average attendance, 160; Mrs.

the manor of Brightlingsea. The Earl of On slow and A. Blake, mistress; infants', built in 1'897 for 165 chil-
John Baoteman esq. D.L., J.P. of Brightlingsea Hall, are dren; average attendance, 135; Mis·s Amy Griffiths,
the principal landowners. The soil i,s gravelly and sandy mistress
loam; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley Wesleyan (mixed), for 468 children; average attendance,
aJad oats. The area is 2,'869 acres of land, 4 of water, 417; Edward T. Pawson, master; Miss Kare Everett,
201 of tidal water -and 47'7 of foreshore; ratealble value, infants' mistress
£t2,g03; the population in 1901 was 4,501.
Railway Station, George Ruffell, JUD.. ·station master;
EAST END GREEN and HURST GREEN are parts Richard .Tohn Sargent, goods & parcels agent
(If the parish. Camel's to Colcheste.r.-George Day, mono wed. fri. &;
CINDERY ISLA:KDS are two narrow' islands in the sat. returning same day; Warner, tues. thurs. & sat.
river Colne, about I mile long. returning same day
Dickin Edward Perclval M.D. High st
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Newell Rev. oRichard A.T'.S. (Cong.),
Aldous Harry, New street Frodsham George Edwd. Victoria place Gresham villa, Park road
.A1dous Robert, High street Frost Benjamin, Park road Pannell WaIter, Victoria place
Ayres Arthur, Malting farm Frostick John, Victoria place Parker 'Valter, High street
Bacon Frank Arthur, Queen street Harris Anthony .Toseph, Hurst green Pertwe,e Rev. Arthur M.A. (vicar &
Bateman John D.L., J.P. Brightling- Harrison John, Stanley avenue TUral dean), Vicarage
sea hall Hook-Childs Mrs. Sidney street Slight Rev. Lewis A. (New Jerusalem)
Bellinge James Emanuel, Park road Kissam Ast{)'r, oManor house Bronallt, Ladysmith avenue
Closson John, Hurst green Lansdown Rev. Edwin G. (Wel.lleyan Underwood Mrs. Burst green
Cook Mrs. Hurst villa Methodi~), The Mansle Watts William, Dean street
Evans Rev. In. Lewis RA. (curate), Ling Charles Arthur Squire, High st Wetherill ,Miss, Park Toad
"Yicooria place
o ~Iiller Fred, Old Vicarage Wiseroan John Edwd. The Cyprus
E~SE~ 5

COMMERCIAL. Field J. R. & Sons, grocers & drapers, New street, nigh
Eady closing day, Thu1"sd'ay. street & Hurst green
Aldous Joseph &; Harry, house decorators, Tower street! Fieldg8ltle William &; Son, coal merehmts, Watersido
Aldous Albert James, builder, Tower street . Folkard Frank William, ironmonger, assistant oversel'r.
All10us Harry James., insurance agent, New street. I registrar of marriages &; collector of rates to the Ur-
Aldous Rabert, yacht builder, High street &; Waterside! ban District Council, High street
Alexander Horace, butcher : Folkard William Wesley, hair dresser, New street
Alexander Joseph, butcher &; smack owner, Sidney st I James Oscar, builder & timber merchant, New st
Angier George, tailor, High street Foot John R sailmaker, Waterside
Appleby John, boot maker, Victoria place , Foresters' Lodge (4390) (E. C. Atkins, sec.), Foresters' 1111
Atkins Ellis Chas.F.S.A.a,ccountant, Trinity ho. Queen st; Francis Robert, oyster merchant, High street
Bacon Frank, maltster, farmer &; landowner ! French Joseph, master mariner, York street
Bacon James, shopkeeper, New street . French Robert, master mariner & smack owner, Park I'll
Bacon Maurice George, farmer, Marsh farm i Frost Benjamin, jun. master mariner, Park road
Bagley Albert, cabinet maker, High street , Frost Edward, master ma.riner, Nelson street
Bagley Thomas, baker, High street Frostick John, malster mariner, Victoria place
Barber Sidney &; 00. oyster merchants, Co:ne road Ganter Eliz8 (Mrs.), fancy repositories, Nelson street
Barclay &; 00. Limited, bankers (sub-branch), open tues. Gee-s Eliza (Mrs.), Park hotel, Park road
&; fri. High street; draw on head· office, 54 Lombard Gentry George, master mariner, Colne road
street, London E C Gilbert Reuben Benjamin, baker, Nelson street.
Earnes Charles, shopkeeper, High street Gilders Alfred, dealer, High street
Ilarnes Edward, master mariner, Yflrk street Girling Frank, farmer, Moverons farm
Barnes Joseph, jun. draper, New street Girling Reginald, farmer, Lower farm
Barnes Robert, corn chandler, Wellington street Goddard & Neale, drapers, Sidney street
Earnes Thomas William, printer, High street· Goddard Thomas, jun. master mariner & barge owner,
Bates William Charles,. master mariner, Sidney street Tower street
Baxter &; Son, oyster merchants, Tower street Goff Eliza (Mrs.), grocer, New street
Bayley Thomas Fenning, baker, New street Gowen Arthur A. confectioner, New street
Dean Samuel, farmer, Lodge farm Grimsey Isaac, beer retailer & blacksmith, Park road
Beard Ernest S. auctioneer, High street Hargrave Frederick, beer retailer, High street
Biological Institntion (in connection with the Essex County Harmer Leonard C. grocer, New street
Council) (W. I. Osborn, local sec) Harmer William Clarence, tobacconist et tea dJI'. High si
Bird Jalllles, boot &; shoe maker, Victoria, place Harris Rebecca (Mrs.), baker, High street
BIyth Brothers, plumbers, Waterside Herbert Jesse Samuel, beer retailer, Queen street
BIyth Edwin, bULder, Waterside Hibbs Alfred, barge owner, New street
Bowdell Jsph. master mariner &; smack owner, Statn. I'd Hibbs Alice (Miss) ,milliner, see Wenlock &; Hibbs (Misses)
Bragg Arthur,. oyster merchant, Colne road Hird William, White Lion P.R. Hurst green
Brasted Albert, fishmonger, New street Howard Thomas Bartlett, Railway hotel
Bridges Joseph Herbert, block maker, Waterside International' Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. Victoria place
Brightlingsea Gas &; Coke Co. Lim. (Ellis Charles Ives George, shopkeeper, High street
Atkins, sec) James Bros. yacht builders, Waterside
Brightlingsea Oyster &; Fishing Smack Mutual Insurance James Miss:, shopkeeper, Tower street
Society Limited (A. A. Jefferies, sec.), High street Jefferies Albert Aldous, oyster merchant &. Lloyd's agent.
BrightIingsea Reading Rooms (William PatHson, sec) High street
Brightlingsea Sailing Club (Joseph Barnes, jun. sec) Jefferies James, oyster merchant, Tower street
Brightlingsea Water Co. Lim. (Ellis Chas. Atkins, sec) Keddington William, painter, York Toad
Brown Joseph, farmer, Hurst green Kidby Charles James, boat builder, Tower street
BultitudeWilliam'incipal custom house officer,High st King WaIter, master mariner, Park road
Burton Edgar, pork butcher, Colne road Lake Wilby Jsph. bldr. &; King's Head P.H. Victoria pI
Butcher John, shoplieeper, High street Lamb Charles, watch &; clock maker, Sidney strept
Canham John, smack owner, Tower street Levett WaIter, Freemasons' Arms P.H. Sidney street
Cant George Shipman, master mariner, Queen street Lewis John, .shopkeeper, New street
Carrington John Thoma,s, tailor, New street Lewis John (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Sidney street
Carrington Rosa (Miss), draper, Victoria. place Ling Charles Arthur Squire M.R.C.S.Eng-. surgeon,.
Chaplin J ames, master ma,riner, Victoria place medical officer &; public vaccinator for Brightlingsea
Clamp &; Son, tailors, High street district, Tendring union, medical officer of health Col-
Cole Thomas, chief officer in charge of Coastguard, chester Port &; admiralty surgeon &; agent, High street
High street Littlewood &; Son, cabinet makers &; ironmongers, Sidney
00ln8 Oyster Fishery Co. (Henry Minter, sec. & treas.), street &; Thomas street
oyster merchants, Station road Lord Samuel WaIter, tailor, High street & lYaterside
Connold John Bagley, draper, High street Lungley Abraham, boot &; shoe maker, Sidney strf'et
Cook George, boot &; shoe maker, Spring road Lungley Oharles, boot &; shoe maker, Sidney street
Oook William, maste'l' mariner, Queen street Major James, master mariner, Station road
Cooper Charlotte (Miss), ladies' school, Nelson street Mann Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Sidney street •
Coppin O. (Mrs.), confectioner, Sidney .street March Maskell, boat builder, Colne road
Cousins George, pork bntcher, New street Martin Ernest, shoe maker, New street
Cracknell Fred, Victoria P.R. Spring road M:artin Fergus, master mariner, Nelson street
Craska &; Sons, auctioneers, valuers, surveyors & estate Martin Robert James, smack owner, New street
agents, New sweet; &; at Colchester Martin Shadrach, master mariner, New street
Cress Robert, smack owner, Nelson stree,t Maskell R. (Mrs.), grocer, Sidney street
Day H. &; E. fishmongers, New street Masonic Lodge (433 Hope) (John E. Wiseman, sec)
Day Edith ~I. (Miss), tobacconist, New street Mazzoleni Battista, refreshment rooms, Waterside
Day Ernest, boot &; shoe maker, Nelson street Millman Thomas Richard, chemist & druggist, 32 High s\
Day George, coo-rier, Hurst green Minter Edward & Sons, stationers, High street
Day Sophia (Mrs.), oyster merchant, New street Minter Frederick, blacksmith, New street
Dlty Wm. Ambrose, oyster mer. & smack owner, New st Minter Henry, oyster merchant, Station road
Death Isaa,c, beer retailer, High street Minter Samuel, postmaster, High street
Denford Henry, boot & s·hoe maker, Station road Musson & Co. oyster merchants, Waterside
Dicken EdwaTd Perceval M.D. & C.l\LEdin., Nichols George, blacksmith, High street
L.R.C.P .Lond. physician &; medical' officer of health Nichols Obadiah, boat builder, Waterside
to the Urban District Council, High street Nichols William, builder, Park road
Downes John, master mariner &; smack owner. Park rd Nichols William James, ironmonger, New stret't
Durrant Arthur, watch &; clock maker, New street Nurse Frederick (Mrs.), baker, New street
Eade Edward Henry, baker, High street Ol'man George, marine store dealer, Colne road
Eagle Alfred, oyster merchant, Tower street Ormes Herbert, butcher, High street
Eagle Joseph M. oyster merchant, Queen street Osborn &; 00. grocers & insur. agents, Wellington street
Ellis Arthur, boot maker, Welington street Osbarn William Isaac, clerk to the Urban District Coun-'
Ellis Charles, smack owner, Park road cil, Wellington street .
Everett ~Iary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, New street Oxborough John, shopkeeper, Dean street
Fairs Samuel, chimney sweeper, High street Pannell & Hibbs, sail makers &; barge owners, Wat,erside
Farrington Frederick, boot maker, High street Pattison William Frederick, sail maker, ship chandler ~
Field George, tailor, High street smack owner, Waterside
Pannell William, grocer &; butcher, Victoria place Southgate Daniel, Cherry Tree P.H. Colchester road
Pawson Edward T. insurance agent Southgate Ebenezer, Swan hotel, High street
Pearman Andrew J. baker, Sidney street Stammers William, oyster merchant, Nelson street
Peggs Cornelius, marine store dealer, Waterside Stone Brothers Limited, yacht builders, Ship yard
Peggs Henry, oyster merchant, Tower street Stone Douglas, insurance agent, Ship yard
Pemmett Thomas, shopkeeper, John street Stringer 'Gilbert, photographer, Tower street
Percival Ernest, Anchor hotel, Waterside Summers Rosetta (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Sidney street
PiU. Robert, Duke of Wellington P.H. Victoria place' Summers WaIter J. Ship inn P.H. Victoria place
Polley Hazell Salmon, smack owner, Tower street Sycamore Edward Isaac, master mariner, Nelson street
Poole Thomas Edward, port sanitary inspector & water Tabor Alfred William, oyster merchant & smack owner,
bailifI, -Colne road Wellington street
Rawcliffe Julia (MI's.), milliner, High street '£aylor Alfred William, oyster merchant, Wellington st
Rawlings Joseph, master mariner & smack owner, Dean st Taylor Daniel, oyster merchant, Colne road
Reeve Adolphus YVilliam, boot maker, Colne road Taylor Brothers, fishmongers, Colne road
Reynolds Frederick, butcher, High street Thursby Isaae, greengrocer, Tower s-treet
Richardson Frank, butcher, High street 'l'illett Frederiek, master mariner, Nelson street
Richardson Thomas, beer retailer, Hurst green Tillett James, smack owner, Sidney street
Riches Arthur, butcher, Tower street Tillett Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Nelson street
Riches George, farmer, Queen street Tracey Bobert Morffee, master mariner, Colchester road
Root Ssrah Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Tower street Tranham Benj. smack owner &; oyster merchant, New st
Rose Alfred, chemist & druggist, High street Underwood Joseph, beer retailer, Hurst green
Rowley James, beer retailer, Sidney street Vinson William J. shopkeeper, Tower street
Ruffell Annie & Grace (Misses), dress mas. Wellington it Ward Edwin, wholesale fruiterer, High fltreet
Ruffell Frederick, smack owner, Sidney street Ward James, barge owner, Silcott street
Ruffell George, jun. station master Ward Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street
Ruffell Henry, grocer, High street • Warne William, Royal hotel, New street
Salmon Annie (Mrs.), draper, Nelson -street Webber Edward, oyster merchant, New street
Salmon Frederick, smack owner, New street Wellum John, smack owner, Sidney street
Salmon F. B. hard master & ferry boat inspector, New st Wellum Olive (Miss). tobacconist, Waterside
Sa::-gent Richard John, good,s &; parcels agep. t Wellum Susannah (Mrs.), draper, Wellington street
Savory William George, beer retailer, New street Wenlock &; Hibbs (Misses), milliners, Victoria place
Sawyer Mary J. (Miss), draper, High street 'Went Alfred Wm. ship chandler &; smack Gwner, agent"
Sawyer John, Yachtsmans' Atms P.H. & oJster mer· to W. &- A. Gilbey Limited, wine &; spirit merchants,.
chant, Waterside & insurance agent, YVaterside
Sawyer Philip, beer retailer, Sidney street Went Edward, shopkeeper, Waterside
Scrutton Osmond Palmer, farmer &; miller (steam & Wheeler James Smith, shopkeeper, Colne road
Wind), Hurst green &; New street Whislay Arthur F. ironmonger, High street &, Waterside-
Seabrook C. & W. brewers &; wine &; spirit merchants, Whiten William, farmer, High street
Victoria place Wilson-Webb John Thomas, tailor, Waterside
Segars Elijah, coal merchant, New street Wood Frederick Joseph, baker, Colchester road
Sellens Alexander Alfred, yacht outfitter, New street W oodard & Field, tailors, High street
Skeets Thomas S. master mariner, Sidney street Woodward WaIter, fancy repository, Sidney street
Skinner Arthur, baker, Sidney street 1Voolvett Arnold, smack owner, Mill street
Skinner Edward, grocer. Sidney street Woolvett Burke, smack owner, Chapel road
Skinner Jesse, baker, Victoria place Woolv..ett ;Edward Thomas, boot &; shoe maker, Tower st;
Smith George, shopkeeper, Francis sh'eet Woolvett WaIter, beer retailer, Sidney street
Snare Charles Henry, hair dresser, Sidney street Woolvett William, smack owner, Tower street
Southern William, grocer, High street Young Mariners' Guild Room
GREAT BROMLEY is a parish at the head of a of £3 annually, which is given away in bread on New'
small brook running into the Colne, 3 miles south-east Year's day; and £56 derived from certain lands left in
from Ardleigh station, on the main line of the Great 1661 by Robert Rea, William Siday aad William Wiles,
Eastern railway, 5 south from Manningtree, 7 miles east yeoman, of this parish, to be applied to ornamentation of
from Colchester and 57 from London, in the North East., the church. A recreation ground of 4 acres has been
ern division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty ses- awarded under the BromIey Inclosure Act. Brom-
sional division Bnd union, Colchester county court dis- , ley Lodge, the property of Mrs. Day, and now occupied
trict, rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, arch- I by .Albert E. Bowen esq. is a fine mansion, pleasantly
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The I situated and commanding fine views. Great Bromley
church of St. George is a fine building of brick, rubble Hall is the residence of Robert Richards Greenslade esq.
and flint, principally in the Perpendicular style, consisting William Nocton esq. of Langham Hall, who is lord of
of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, a south chapel called the manor, Mrs. Day and Mrs. W. H. Dunnet.t, of Ded-
the" Patron's chapel," south porch and a western tower ham, the Earl of Onslow G.O.M.G. and R. R. Green- .
with pinnacles, containing 6 bells: the church, which has slade esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is'
an elaborately worked roof, has been reseated, the mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are whed, ba-rley ,
chancel restored, and a stained east window erected to and oats.. The are'a is 2,996 a.cres; rateable value..
the memory of the Rev. William Hall Graham, rector £3,109;' the population in 1901 was 585.
from 1837;· there is also a memorial window in the south Parish Clerk, Herbert Eagle.
aisle, erecte~ by T.,. W. Nunn esq. J.P., D.L. of the i Post Office.":"-}frs. Mary Ann Young, sub-postmistresS'.
Lodge, !'D hIS ~st wIfe: a lych gate of carved oak was Letters arrive from Oolchester at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched"
erected ID 188,9 ID memo~y of T. W. Nunn es.q~ .J.P., D.L. to Frating 7.5 p.m. On sundays letters are dispatched'
d. ~888, by his s~cond wIfe: are 300 sIttmgs. The at 7.5 p.m. Postal -orders are issued here, but not
re~ster of baptIsms. a;nd ;marl'lages dates from 1559; paid. The nearest money order office is at Elmstead
burlalS, 172 5. T~e hvmg IS a rectory, net yearly val~e I & the telegraph office at Ardleigh, 3 miles distant
£574,. WIth reSIdence and 90 acres o~ glebe, ID I Pillar Letter Boxes, Hare Green, cleared at 6.45 p.m.;
the gIft of W. H. Graham esq. and held SIDce 1860 b'y sundav, 6,45 p.m.; Balls Green, cleared at 7.20 p.m.
the Rev. .A.rthur Etoug~ Graham B.A. of St. John s & 7 p.m.. on sundays; Bromley Cross, cleared: at 6'3 G
College, Oxford.. ?,~ere IS 8 ~esleyan chapel at Balls p.m.' no collection on sundays
Green, and a PrImItIve MethodIst chapel at Great Brom- '
ley heath. The charities, amounting to £23 16s. yearly, I National Scliool (mixed), for 150 children; average at-
are for the relief of the poor, and include Mrs. Jacob's i tendance, 65; Miss S. J. Leedell, mistress
Bowen .Albert E. Bromley lodge Almond Perey Robert, beer retailer Ebbs Thomas, farm. bailiff to .Albert
Cooper Isaac D. The Hollies Baker Francis John, farmer,Portlands, Barker esq. Cold Hall farm
Graham Rev. Arthur Etough B.A. Park & Woodland farm Everett Samuel, pork butcher
(rector) Barber David, frmr. Carrington's farm Firmin Arthur Augustus, beer retailer
Greenslade Robert Richards, Great Bruce WaIter. blacksmith &; shopkeeper
Bromley hall Carrington Edmund, farmer, Hall frm Forsdick John, farmer, Skinner's farm
Robinson Mrs Oarver James, Black Boy P.H Frost Nathaniel, farmer, Pond Bush &,
Threadkell Mrs. Hill house Olark WilIiam Golding, farmer 'Vatchams farms
COMMERCIAL. Cole Thomas, butcher Frost Thomas Hermon, farmer, New- -
Abbot-t Edward, farmer, Dorley farm Eagle William, shoe maker house farm

Halls Charles Albt. farmer, Ball's ,grn Jaggard Henry, farmer Wade John, blacksmith, Hare green
Harper George, brick maker, Mill hill Madle Henry, beer retailer "'atson Edward Sydney, shopkeeper
Hayward John, farmer, BadIey hall Robins-on Oephus, ,baker Wendon Oharles, farmer, The Ohase,
Humphrey Thomas, farmer, Wright Sargeant Geo. Wm. grocer & draper Thick's & Hilliard's farms
King's farm Seaborn Ambrose, farmer, WindY •
frm Wenden Maurice, farme'r, LiIlie-s frm
Jaggard George Hyam, watch & clock Seaborn Edwa,rd, miller {wind) Young Mary Ann (Mrs.), post office
maker & assistant overseer, Ball's gn Taylor John, beer retailer
LITTLE BROMLEY is a parish, three miles east Warren, in compliance with her brother's benevolent in.
from Ardleigh station on the main line of the Great tention, invested £200 in 5 per Cent. Navy Stock, which
Eastern railway, 3 south from Manningtree, and 58 from now produces only 2£ per cent. in the joint names of three
London, in the North Eastern division of the county, trustees to receive the interest of the said stock and to
Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and union, purchase therewith clothes to be given yearly to some of
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Ard- the poor of Little Bromley. Mrs. ,V. H. Dunnett, of
leigh and Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- Dedham, who is lady of the manor, and the Rev. (Janon
cese of St. 4lbans. 'l'he church of St. Mary the Virgin ::\'orman, rector of Mistley, are the principal landowner~.
is a building of pudding-stone, consisting of a chancel of The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
the 12th century, nave, south porch and an embattled barley, wheat and oats. The area i~ 1,844 acres; rate·
western tower of pudding-stone and brick of the r5th able value, £1,667; the population in 1901 was 304.
century, containing 4 bells: the font, of Purbeck marble, Sexton, James Chilver.
is of the latter date: two of the small Norman windows Post Office.-William Henry Grimsey, sub-postmaster.
still remain: the church was completely repaired in 1885 Letters through Manningtree, arrive at 7.30 a.m.:
st a cost of £1,000. The register of baptisms and dispatched at 6.20 p.m.; sundays 10.20 a.m. Postal
.burials dates from 153 8 ; marriages, 1539· The living orders are issued here, but not paid. Manningtree, 3
is a rectory, net yearly value £3'27, wit,h residence and 11 miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
acres of glebe, in the, gift of Wadham Oollege, Oxford. office •
There is a small Primitive Methodist chapel here,
built in 1863. Mr. John Barton, late of this place, ex- Wall Letter Box, Cross roads, cleared 6.15 p.m.; sun-
pressed a desire of bequeathing £10 a year to the poor day, 10.15 a.m
of Little Bromley, but dying suddenly, June lIth, 1806, National School, built in 1839 (mixed), for 67 children;
in testate, his sister and administratrix, Mrs. Elizabeth averllge attendance, 36; Miss MeIlis, mistress
COMMERC'IAL. Hobrough Charles, poultry fa.rmer Richardson Thomas Rumsey, farmer,
~ellefont Thomas Gilbert, Fox & Jenning's farm
Chaplin William, market gardener Hounds P.H. & bla.cksmith Southgate Harriet CMrs.), beer retailr
Cooper Edgar, farmer, Little Bromle:y Palmer - , farm bailiff to William Wainwright In. Fredk. frmr. New ho
hall & Mulley's farm Bn;Joks esq. Stacie,s farm Wenden Charles, farmer, RDger's frm
Grimsey William Henry, grocer & Pattle Frederick, horse dealer & 'Venden Maurice, farmer
draper, Post office fa-rmer, Braham hall •

BROOMFIELD is a parish on the Chelmer river, King Charles' Bible above mentioned; adjoining the
which forms a portion of the eastern boundary of the church was formerly a chapel, snpposed to have been
parish, and on the road from Chelmsford to Dunmow and dedicated to St. Leonard. The register dates from the
Braintree,2k miles north from Chelmsford station,in theMid year 1546. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty I £225, including 7k acres of glebe, with residence, in
sessional division and county court district and in the i the gift of the Bishop of St. .Albans, and held since I1878
rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and by the Rev. 1Villiam Trimmer M.A. of Caius College,
diocese of St. AIbans. The church of St. Mary is a, Cambridge. Philip Morant, educated at .Abingdon School
building of flint in the Norman and Perpendicular styles: and M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford, and well known
it was thoroughly restored and a north aisle added in as the historian of Es'sex, was vicar here from 1733 to
1870 and the chancel redecorated in 1880 and now con- 173'8. 1Voollard's charity produces £24- yearly, which
sists of chancel with north aisle of three bays, nave also is distributed in fuel. Miss Raven's charity of about
with north aisle of three bays, south porch and a round £3 yearly is for the benefit of necessitous old women.
western tower of Norman date witIi spire and containing The Lodge i~ the residence of Henry CoIlings Wells esq.
6 bells, 2 of which Were recast and 4 others, the gift of D.L., J.P. Sir Simeon Henry Lechmere Stuart bart.
H. C. Wells esq. J.P. added in 1874: the south-west part D.L. of 7 Victoria squar~ London S. W. is lord of the
of the nave is supposed to incorporate remains of a manor and principal landowner. C. W. Christie-MiIler
Roman building; the font is of the Early English period: esq. H. C. Wells eSq. Mark Peacock esq. and David
there are memorials to the Manwood family and to Christy esq. are also owners. The soil is loam, gravel
Patrick Younge, librarian to King Charles I. who died in and clay; subsoil, sand, mar! and clay. The chief crops
. the Parsonage House: all the windows are stained, the are· wheat, barley, beans and mangold. The area is
. east window being a memorial to Mrs. Clayton and the 2,320 acres of land and 12 of water; rateable value,
west window a memorial to the Rev. J. P. Smith, a for- £5,2II; the population in 1901 was 9II. A small pOl"
mer vicar: and three in the chance! being m~morials to tion of Chelms~o.rd parish was. a;dded to. this in 1889,
the late Mrs. H. C. Wells: there are 430 sIttings. A under the prOVISIOns of the" DIVIded ParIshes Act," by
fillely-bound Bible was presented to the church by Mrs. Local GovE'rnment Board Order 23,834, and was joined to
Sarah Attwood, granddaughter to the before-named Broomfield for ecclesiastical p,urposes in 1893.
Patrick Younge; it originally belonged to King Charles L Parish Clerk, James Tunbrldge.
and has the royal arms and cipher in silver: in 1880 a Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express DE'livery, Parcel
reredos of stone and alabaster witIi a carved represE'nta· Posb, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. -John
tion of the Last Supper was presented by H. C. Wells Cockerton, sub-postmaster. Letters recE'ived through
esq. who also in 1882 presented an oak screen, separating Chelmsford, arrive at 6·45, 8.15 (for callers) & II .25
the tower from the nave, and in 1883 gave a lych gate p.m. &, 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 7.40 a.m.; dispatched at
and six painted windows for the nave and north aisle: 8.15 a.m. & 3.5, 4.45 & 7.15 p.m.; on 'Sundays dis-
the sedilia and credence table, erected in 1893, were the patchE'd at 11.30 a.m
gift of F. W. Neild esg.; the organ was presented by Wall Letter Box at the Lodge, cleared at 8.30 a.m., 4
Mrs. H. O. Wells in li88'5, and in 11899 a marble tablet & 7.30 p.m.; sunday, '12 noon
inscribed with a list of the rectors from 1230 and of Parochial School (mixed), built in t873, for 200 children
the vicars from 1302 was presented by Mrs. Radcliffe, & enlarged in 1894 so as to hold 80 infants; average
of The Gable$, and also a carved wooden box for the attendance, 140; Henry James Ashton, master
. •
PRIVA.TE ltESIDENTS. Haneock Georgf', Hill villas Price Wm. Arthur,. Broomfield mill
Harrison ~Ir5. Limes cottage Radcliffe Mrs. The Gables
Bearsby George, New road Heard Miss, Hill villas Ridlev

Gerald L. N. The Limes
Case Charles, Lansdowne villa Jon'Bls, George Fisher, New road Seabrook Miss, Butlers'
Christv •
Robe-rt, Miller Priors Keeble Georg-e, New road Smale Richard. Orchard villa
Christy David J.P. 'Patching hall Lueas Mrs. Seravels Trimmer Rev. '1Villiam }L.A. Vicarage
Colle-e'r Mrs. Hill villas Marriage Henry J.P. Ayletts Wens Hy.Oollings J.P.,D.L.The Lodge
Copland ~Iiss, Broomfield place Marriage Sampson, Parsonage Woodhouse Arthur Lionel, Brooklands
Day Miss Mood en George, Lyndhurst villas
Dennis Mrs. New road Moss Miss
Duffield William Ward, Brownings Neild Frederick Wm. Broomfield ho Bennptt John, assistant overseer,
Ha/ton Hf!rbert John, Fir lodge Quaint,on 'Richard, New road Broomfield villa
Broomfield Coffee House (Ciharles Marriage "William & Henry & Sons, Sorrell John, farm 'bailiff to .lames
Thomas Deverill, manager) millers (water &; steam) & farmers, Sorrell esq
Bryan & Son,potters & coal merchants Broomficld mill Stubbings James, wheelwright
CandleI' Christopher, blacksmith Mott Thomas, farmer, Belstead hall Tunbridge Frank, private ga,rdener to
Ohristy David J.P. frmr.Patching hall Pa.rish J ame·s Edgar, baker &;c A. L. W oodlhouse esq
GoweU .John, farm bailiff to James Parsons Emma (::vII's.), baker Tunbridge Joseph, private gardener to
Christy es-q. Priors faTm Payne John, farm bailiff to H. C. F. W. Nield esq
Day .lames, farmer, Butlers farm Wells esq. Chobbings Turner Fred, registrar of births &i
Dowsett Ma.hala (Mrs.), market gronr Phillibrown George, bricklayer deaths, Great Waltham sub-dis-
Elgie J as'. Godleman, j oine·r & builder Pilley Charles, market gardener trict, relioving & vaccination officer.
Ellis George, coach builder Prag-nell Samuel, gardener to H. C. third district & deputy registrar of
Gates Arthur, m.a.rkert ga:rd'oo.e'r Wells esq births & deaths, Writtle !>ub-dis-
HaTris Andrew, carman Sadler Arthur L. King's Arms P.H trict, Chelmsford union
Harris WaIter, market gardener Salmon Rosena Sarah (Miss), dressma Wright Augusta. Sophia (Mrs.),grocer
Kime Alfred Goo.rge, Angel P.H Smith Arthur, firewood dealer & draper
Linnett Charles, thatcher Sorrell Henry, butcher Wright James, po:rkbutcher, York cot

BROXTED (or Chaureth) is a parish in a pleasant A. M. Cranmer-Byng, and heI'd since 1'894 by the Rev.
undulating country, richly cultivated and well timbered, Henry Ferdinand Bat·t.iscombe Th.Assoc.K.C.L. The
3! miles east-by-north from Elsenham station, on the great tithes are commuted at £006 yearly. The Con-
main line of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-west gregational chapel here was erected in 1862, and has 60
J.lrom Thaxted and 5 north-west from Dunmow station on sittings. The Countess of vYarwick, who is lady of the
the Bishop StorUord and Braintree branch of the Great manor, the Rev. John Collin M.A. rector of Thruxton,
Eastern railway, in the Western division of the Hants, and the trustees of the late Francis G. West esq.
county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division, are the principal landowners. The soil is heavy land;
union and county court district and in the subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and peas. The area is 3,176 acres; rateable value,
and diocese of St. Albans. A small brook, rising in this £2,27°; the population in 11901 was 531.
parish, flows into the Chelmer at Tilty. The church of
St. Mary the Virgin, situated on the side of a hill, is an Parish Clerk, William Laverock.
ancient building of stone in the Early English style, con- Sexton, John Hansell.
sisting of lofty chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch
and a western belfry containing 4 bells: the church has Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
ten stained windows and in 1876 was repaired under the Charles Saville, sub-postmaster. Letters from Dun-
superintendence of Mr. .Toseph Clarke, diocesan architect, mow arrive at 8. IQ a.m.; dispatched at 3.55 p.m.;
at a cost of [2,200, of which a sum of £800 was con- sunday 8.10 a.m.; dispatched at 9.45 a.m. Thaxted
tributed by R. Benyon esq. (d. 1897) for the restora- is the nearest telegraph office, 4 miles distant
tion of the chancel: there a·re 2'40 ·sittings. The register Cuunty Police Station, Arthur Reynolds, constable
dates from the yeftr 165'4. The living is a rectory, with
the vicarage of Chickney annexed, joint net yearly value National School (mixed), for 135 children; average at-
£280. with residence, in the gift. of .James Her'bert Ben- tendance, 101; Frederick Wheeler, master; Mrs. Eliza-
yon esq. of Englefield House, Berks, and Lieut.-Col. beth Wheeler, mistress

Battiscombe Rev. Henry l"erdinand Eve·rard Harry, beer retlr. Brick end Phillips In. Michael,frmr.Cherry ball
Th.Assoc.K.C.L. Vicarage Freeman HaTry, farmer, Cherry st PooIe William, Bell P.H
COMMEROIAL. Hansell John, sexton Robbins Ezekiel, farmer, Wood farm
Bailey William, farmer, Godfrey's Harvey Thomas, farmer ..C'herry Street Scruby Fredk. farmer, Church hall
farm, Cherry green Henry, farmer, Moor end Smith Wm. farm bailiff to Mr. Mor-
Barltrop Reuben, blacksmith Iredale Richard, miller (wind) decai Chas. Andrews, Sharpe's frm
Baynes Geo:ge, farmer, Broxted hall Laurie 1Yilliam, farmer, Borham Stock Jame.s, farmer, elements hill
Bush William, farm bailiff to John farm,. Oherry green Smith William, shopkeeper, Brick end
Frankham esq. Cherry ~Teen Laverock William, parish clerk Wall Richard, fa:rmeIT', Garroulds
EldlI'idge James, farmer, Woodgate.s Percy J ames, farmer. Broxted hill Willis 1Valter, shopkeeper, Brick end
BUCKHURST HILL is a populous suburb of Lon- late rector of Buckhurst. Hill, and opened on St. Ste-
don, and was constituted an ecclesiastical district Dec. 14. phen's day, 1'876, holds about 250 persons and has a
1838, out of Chigwell parish, and a civil parish in 1895, mission house attached. The Congregational chapel in
in pursuance of the "Local Government Act, 1894," with a Palmerston road is a building of stone in the Decorated
station on the W oodford branch of the Grea,j) Eastern rail- style. and will seat 500 persons; adjacent is a Sunday
way, standing midway between W·oodford and Loughton, schOOl and lecture hall. The Congregational chapel,
on the high road to Epping, and is delightfully situated King's place, built in 1871 as an iron church, was re-
on the summit of a hill, commanding extensive views of built of red brick in 1887: the chapel contains a stained
Epping and Hainault forests and adjoining " Lords window and will s~at 300 persons; and near the chapel is
Bushes," a detached portion of Epping forest, 10 miles from an iron schoolroom for 150 children. The Wesleyan
London,and is in the Western division of the county, Ongar :\Iethodist chapel, in the Queen's road, erected in 1886,
hundred, Epping petty sessional division and union, Rom- is a structure of red brick with stone dressings and will
ford county court district, and in the rurM deanery of seat about 300 persons. There is also a small chapel in
Chigwell, archdeaconry of Essex, and diocese of St. Albans. the Queen's road for the Plymouth Brethren, erected in
The parish is governed by an Urban District Council of 1884. and capable of holding about 150 persons. The
nine members, formed in 1895, under ihe provisions of the Buckhurst Hill Hall, in Queen's road. formerly a Baptist
"Local Governme.nt Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73). chapel, was erected in 1866 at So ·cost of £1,200; in i896
The church of St. John the Baptist, originally built in it was enlarged and is used for public meetings and enter-
1837, is a building of stone; the north aisle and chancel tainments: it will hold 250 persons. Prince's Hall, in
were added in 1864 and the tower was built in 1879, at a Prince's road, is used for religious services and lectures.
cost of £2,000 by E. N. Buxton esq.: the church now and will hold 300 pe·rsons. The area is 899 acres; rateable
consists of chancel, nave, aisles, narthex porch and a tower value, £25,2:5°; t'he population in 1901 was 4,786.
with pinnacles and spire, containing a clock and two bells: Sexton. William Butler.
there are 800 sittings, of which 261 are free. In 1896-7
extensive alterations were made at llJ cost of about £1,7°0, Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
when a new stone chancel arch was built, the chancel ex- Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offioo, Queen's I'd.
tended and the roof of the nave considerably raised, under (Sub-Office. Letters shiluld have S.O. Essex added.)-
the direction of Mr. John 01drid 18cott, architect, for the Robert Hoye, sub-postmaster. Letters are dispatched
chancel, and Messrs. Milne and Hall, architects, for the at 9.45 a.m. & 12,40, 4·40 & 9.30 p. m. ; SUIl-
nave. The register dates from the year 1830. The living days, 9 p.m.; delivered at 7 & 8.30 a.m. 1.23 &
'Wa~ declared a rectory June 18, 1867, net ~'early value, 6.35 p.m.: sunday, 7 a.m. only
with pew rents, £338, with 8 acres of glebe and residence,
in the gift of the vicar of Chigwell, and held since 1900 Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
by the Rev. Frederick William Morris Woodward M.A. 7 Victoria terrace, Queen's road. John Hall, sub-post-
of Hertford College, Oxford. The Mission Church of master. Letters are dispatched at 9.20 a.m. &; 12.20,
St. Stephen, Queen's Toad, erected at a. cost of about 4.20 &, 9 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at the
£'1,5°0, raised in memory of the Rev. W.· H. Frend, chief office

URBAN DISTRIGr COUECIL. Board (boys), Prince's road, £01' 400 children; there is a
Offices, Wa['wick house, Queen's road. residence for master attached; present average attend-
Meeting 'day, the first and third wednesdays in the month ance, 296; George Ernest GraHon, master
at 7.30 p.m. St. John's (National) (girls), High road, for 283 girls &
86 infants; average attendance, 2'84; Miss Naomi
. Members. Terry, mis tress
Chairman, Charles Fuller. Infants' (Board), Albert road, £00- 167 children; avera,ge
Retire in April
Charles Fuller......
Vice-Chairman, T. D. Metcal£e.
1903 T. D. Metcalfe
Retire in April
attendance, 109; Miss Margaret E. Taylor, mistre'ss
190+ Buckhurst Hill Urban District Council Fire Brigade
A. Savill, jun............. 1903 I H. Adams 1905 Station, W. Butler, capt. High road
R. J. Sheldon I
1903 E. H. Baily 1905
J. Hall 1904 I H. Wells 1905 PUBLIC OFFICERS.
W. Ketts........ 19°4 J
Assistant Overse8lr & Collector of Queen's Taxes, Julius
'. Officers. Paget, Southfield, Queen's road
Cl81rk, Thomas Joseph Too, Warwick house, Queen's road Coroner for the Metropolitan District of Essex, & Medical
Treasurer, J. S. Soul, High street, Woodford Green Officer, Buckhurst Hill District, Epping Union, George
Medical Officer of Health, William Henry Gimblett M.D. Norman M.B., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Land. High rd
Queen's road Registrar of Births & Deaths, Arthur W. Leech, Lough-
Surveyor &; Sanitary Inspector, Her'b,ert Tooley A.R.I.B.A. ton, who attends at J. Rose's, Queen's road, 1st
Thorsdene, King's Place road monday in month, from 12 to I
Collector, Julius Paget Southfield, Queen's road Vestry Clerk, Frederick George Winny, Ember villas,
Lower Queen's road
Buckhurst Hill is included in the Chigwell and Buckhurst Railway Station, Frederick J oseph English, station master
Hill United D;strict School Board, formed April, 29, 1871 Parcels Receiver, Thomas Banks, grocer, Queen's road

For other names see Woodford Wells. Conquest John, Granville lodge, Pal- Hamett Henry Alfred, Shottery
merston road Harrison Alfred,Holmsdale,Queen's I'd
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cook WaIter, Westfield, Palmerston I'd Hennige Charles J . .Ashdell, Princes rd
Adams Charles Edward M.B., B.Sc. Cooper Wm. Derwent vii. Queen's I'd Hensman 1,yalter, Cromwell view,
West lodge, Palmerston road Cox Arthur, Ambleside, Russell road Palmerston road
Adams Hy. Brook ho. Low. Queen's rd Cox Jas. Richd. Coomrith, Russell rd Hewett Henry :Morey, Chilliswood
.Akers .Alfred, Hill side, Russell road Ozisz Miss, St. Midhael's, Westbury la villa, Princes road
Alexander Andrew, Hu,rstleigh, Pal- Davies Rohert, Westbury lane Hicks John Oranfield, Elmwood, Roe-
me['ston road Dipple Henry,Newbury,Palmerston I'd buck lane
.Allen Alfred, Rhoden vils. Princes I'd Darling Arthur Whayman, I Rl1ssell Hill George William, Thornleigh,
Allen Charles John, Overbury, Pal- cottage,s, Russell road Palmerston road
merston road Drane Henry Joseph, Dalefield, Pal- Hill Richard Whitfield, Oak cottage,
Allenspach Isaac,West Dene,Princes rd merston road Princes road
Armsby Mrs. Cowlinge, Queen's road DrummondMrs. Albright Leigh, Hirst Geo·rge Young, Monteith, King's
Aspinall Wm. Hill, rStaghouse, Stag la High road Place road
Ayres Mrs. Hazledene, Albert Td. sth Duke Wm. Ivy house, Albert ri!. south Hodge Mrs. William Rundell, l\Iagdala
Baddely William Beresford, Silverdale, Dye Charles James, The' Cottage, house, Palmerston road •
Westbury l a n e · Queen's road Holdt!rness Lewis Atherton,Park villa,
Bailey Sam!. 2 Hony vils. Princes I'd EIliott Edmund Frederick, Maybank, Queen's road
Bally Edward H. East lodge, Palmer- Palmerston road Hole Albert Edward, Westbury lane
ston road Elliott Edmund William, Yarrow villa, Holman George Edward, Fair lawn,
Ball Harry, 7 St. John's tel'. High rd Princes road Queen's road
Barnett Edward' 'Ensor, Glenbervie, Elliott Frederick Walton, Mark Ash, Holwell Edwd. In.Gable 10. Queen's rd
Palmerston Toad Palmerston road Hopkinson Jsph. Hillside, Westbury la.
Bp-teman Alfred Horaee, Inglec!ene, El1is Harry, 4 St. John's ter. High rd Hough Sydney G.Dunsley,Palmrstn.rd
Westbury lane Elston James, Ardley, Queen's road Ho'Ughton Mrs. Ezel, Russell road
Beamish Be-rnard, Ivydene, Queen's rd Elvin Henry William, 5 St. Hilda's Howard David D.L. Devon house,
Bird Chas. Rocklands, Palmersrt{)n Td villas, Queen's< TOad High road
Bond Charles, The Langfords, King's Farey Herberrt S. King's lodge, King's Howard Eliot D.L., J.Y. Ardmore,
Place road Place ro,ad High road
BoquetE'Yard,Ferndale,EppingNe~Td Farley Jsph. Hazledene,Epping New rd Howard .Mrs. The Willows, Princes I'd
Bowes Cyrus Benjamin~ 2 Park villas, Fay Wm. Geo. Traveneore, Queen's rd Hmve Thol9. Kirn, King's .Place road
Queen's road Field Albert, Camden ho. Princes rd Hudson William J.P. Braeside, Pal.
Brain Harvey, Elbro ho. Princes road Figg Henry, I Woodlands, Queen's I'd merston road
Bramley Edward Herbert, The Elms, FooteAubrey,Ruscombe,Palmerston rd Hughes Thomas, Berkshire villa,
Queen's road Foster Mrs. Neuwied ha. Queen's rd Queen's road
lJrandon Samuel, The Laurels, Pal- Fuller Oharles E. Kent 10. Queen's rd Hughes William, Rosemount, Palmer..
merston road Gadd Samuel, Minerva villa, Alhert ston road
:Breading Mrs. 4 St. Kilda villas, road south Hurley Miss, 6 St. Kilda's villas,
Queen's road Gadsdon Henry, Hawkenbury, Pal- Queen's road
Brodie Peter .Michael, RanfuTly, Roe- merston road Rutson Art'hur, Hillview, High road
buck lane Gadson William Herbert, Victoria ho. Irwin-Packington Ja.mes, Vale cottage,
Brown ETnest Francis, North view, Queen's road Princes road
High Toad ' Garner' Robert Henry, T!->.urgarton, Jacobs 1Villiam W. Hlenellen, King's
Brown Geo.J.CIarendon,Palmerston rd King's Place road Place road
Brown Lewis G. Delta !ho. Higlh rd Garratt James Thomas, Kenilworth, JamesonMrs.Bellingham ho.Queen's :rd
"Bryan Col. William Booth, Buckhurst Epping New road Jarrett Edwin, Werstbury house,
Hill house, Queen's road Gill Francis Alfred, Fernlea,Prince,s rd Westbury road
13urness .A.1ex. Otakow, Epping New Td Gimblett Wm. Henry M.D.Queen's I'd Jarvis Mrs. Violet villa, Princes road
BUTton Mrs. Braehead, Russell Toad Go~ding Mrs. HoIlyhurst, Queen's I'd Jebb Mrs. I St. John's villas, Pal-
Carter Thos. J.Longbridge,Victoria rd Griffin Wm. Fr.rnboro', Victoria road merston road
Challis Augustus George, Garden Griffith Wm. 2 Woodlands, Queen's rd Jekyll Mrs. 5 St. John's ter. High Td
reach, Westbury road Grimble Frank, 4 St. John's villas, Johnston Sir William, bart. The
Chambers John, The Lodge, High rd Palmerston road Ranche, High road
Chinn Joseph, Roding, Roebuck lane Grist Erne'st, 2 Forest view, Epping Julier James, Portland vil. Queen's rd
Chrystall Charles Bowman, 3 Forest New road KembalI Francis R. Bedford house,
villas; Princes r o a d . Gunningham Joseph, Engell villa, Westbury road
Clark Archibald, Ystrad, Queen's road Princes road KembaHllsph.Fairlands,,'E'ppingNew rd
Clark John, Holly house, High Toad Guppy William, Marston gate, Pal- Knight Fredericlr, Princes road
Clark Wm. Jas. Clint ha. Queen's road merston road Leach Miss, Ingleside, Princes road
Coatars Geo. Virginia ha. Prince's I'd HaIlett ~iss, Dorset villa, Westbury la Ledger Alfred R. Glaisdale,Queen's rd
Coate,s Miss, 2 Woodlands, Queen's rd Balser Mrs. Milton cot. Queen's road I~egge Rev. John R. (Congregational),
00llieT George Henry, 2 Hillside vils. Hammond William Whayman, !The Upminstar, Queen's road
Queen's road Chestnuts, Stag lane Legge Arthur Runswick, King's PI. rd
eollyer !\frs.St. Helens vil. Queen's I'd HannonMrs.Beechmont,Palmerston rd Mrs. St. Elmo, Queen's road
Lewell William .A1dred, Avon house, Pennington Mrs. Lee cot. Princes I'd' Silberrad Arth. P. Sunnycroft,High rd
Princes' :road Phillips Frederick,St.Kilda,Queen's I'd Smith WaIter, Medbury villa, Palmer-
Lewis Henry,Woodland cot. Queen's I'd I'Ihillips W alt.J .LynDote',Palmerston I'd ston road .
Linder Oluules, Lynton vil. Queen's rd Piggott Mrs. Sunningdale, Palm'lrs- Snell Edward Arthur M.B. Adeane vil.
Linder Henry, Melrose, PalmeTston I'd ton road Prirces road
Liningt.on Frank Hy. Lismore,Palmer- Potter Ernest, vVynfield, Russell I'd Snow Fredk. Marstongate, Queen's I'd
ston road Powell Nathaniel D.L., J.P. Luctons, Snow Mrs. Waltham villa, Princes I'd
Linington George Edward, Stagdene, High r o a d ' Snow Reginald, Moorcroft, Queen's I'd
Epping New road Pratt Benj.Fras.Westfield,Westbury la Stacey Wm.King'Woodthorpe,High I'd
Lord Mrs. Florence viI. Queen's I'd Ra.m:sa.y Sml. Oak ldg. Albert I'd. sth Stames Geo. Talbot house, Queen's I'd
Lowe Edward Samuel, Laurel cottage, Read E. A. The .:Mount, Palmerston I'd' StTinger William Penn, Barnardiston
We·s,tbury lane Read Jehn, Suffolk. house, Victoria I'd villas, Queen's ruad
Macallan Daniel, The PoplaTs, High I'd Read Miss,2PrO'vidence vils.Victoria I'd SnmrnersLeslie,SandaI,King'sPlace I'd
McLoughlinMrs.TheBurrs,Victoria I'd Reid Rt. Belmont viI. Albert I'd. south I SymondsWm. St.Hel,ens,Palmerst()n :rd
:\:I:artin Gapt. F. The Laurels,High I'd lRicha:rdson OiJ.iver Archer, Birnam, Taylor Ma!tin, The C'loug'h, Palmers-
Meakin Thos. Forest 10. Albert rei.. ~th King's :Place TOad ton ro·ad
Mellish Charles, The Ferns, Epping Richardsou Sidney WaIt-er, The Lilacs, Taylor ~1Ts. Ho~mwood, Princes road
New road High road Tuylo!" Victor, Ashlei~h,Pahnerstonrd
MeroeT Francis Montier, Ibrox, Pal- Richardson William James, Hill cote, Tees Clifford, Oalfdene,King''SiPlaoe rd
merston road: Epping New road Teverson Geo. Abraham, 2 Avondale
Merriman Mrs. Princes road Richmond Archibald FullertGll, Glen- villas, Queen's road
Metealfe ThomasD.Sonthview,High I'd lp.El, Roehuck l a n e ' Thurlo<w Rt.Yonngman,PalmeTSton I'd
Millea:- Joseph William, 2 Talbot viIs. Robinson :vriss,Wobllrn,EppingNew I'd, Tooley Herbt. Thorsdene, King's Pl.rd
P'rince'BI road Sam'Pslon r.rhomas Albert, 3 Wood- I Tucker Jo.seph, 2 York viIs. Queen's I'd
Millman Mis;;., Princes road lands, Queen's road Tudor '\-Villiam, Queensbury, High rd
Mills Percv• Batt, Plucketts,Roebuek la Sanders 101ontaguc, The Cedars, Brook Twe'edle 101is8,3 St. John's ter.High rd
Mills Wm. Geo. Roslin vil. Queen's I'd road Tyer Willi-lm Hy. Ellesmere, Russell I'd,
Minifie John, Ivy house, Queen's 1'000 Savill Alfred, jun. Brendon, Palmers- Underwood George Henry, Hollycroft,
Moger Charles H. I P'rovid'ence villas, ten road . . Queen's road
Victoria road Sa,vill HerbOO't, Southfleet, .High road Vanderpump Geo. James, Maplestead,
Muir Mrs. 3 Knig'hton villas,High I'd Saward Chas. Elmcroft, Prmees road Palmerston r o a d ' .
Munday Sydney E. I York villas, Scott Daniel Allan, Russell house, Watel Henry Garwood, Raleigh villa,
. Queen's road Roebuck lane . Palmerston road .
Munday Walter, 6 St. John's terrace, Scruby Henry, Park house, High road 'Waterson Mrs. Queen's vil.Queen's Td
High road Scurfield Robert lliff, Rochester house, Webb Miss, Glifford house,Queen's I'd
Nagle Miss,Belgrave vil.Roebuck la Princes roaCi. Wells .Alfred Geo. Lawn .side,Hill's I'd
Ne,edham AHred, Westgate,Queen's I'd Seahrook Roberrt Elliott, Brunfield, Wells Henrv, •
Desmcmd viI. Victoria I'd
Needham Mrs. S. G. The Limes, Ep- Hig-h road Westhorpe101rs. Mu'Mon villa, Palmel'-
ping' New road Senrle Thomas Whywall, Belmont vils. sto):). road .
:N ewnham :Mrs. 3 St. John's villas" Albert road south We,stl.Hl Thomas Richard, Vine cottage,
. PalmeTston road Shadbo1lt Fredc. Touhnin, GTafnant, Princes road " ,
Nieholls -SmI. Oakhall,Epping New I'd King's Place road White Nevill, Banavis, King's Place I'd
Norden Wm. I Talbot viIs. Prince,s, I'd Shale,r Herbe,rt, Braesid.e, Queen's Td 'Vhite William, Kent cot. Princes rd
Norman George,~LB. High road! Sheldon Robert J. Thanet villa, Willes '\-Villiam, Ellerslie, High road
Norman .Mrs. Dunbeatih ho.Queen's I'd Queen's road 'Williams HerbeTt Leigh, Pillme'I'ston
Norman William, Princes road Sheppard Jas. Fredk.Hawsted,High I'd villas, Palme1'ston road .
Norton Thomas Valentine, Do,wnderry, Shorter Jame,s, Holly lodge" High mad Wilwn Arth. N.2St,.John's ter.High rd.
We,stbury road ShorterThomasJohn,Mardyke,Hig'h I'd 'Vilson Jasl. Wm. Oakhurst; iRussell I'd
Paget Julius, Southfield, Queen's road Sibson Alfred Edwin,I Maple villas, Wood Chas. -Fairlight, Palmerston I'd
Painter M\ss, N orthfield, Princes road Palmerston road . Wood Herbert Henry Wright, Fern-.
Pasfield iGeo. Homobush, Westbury la Sibson Edward, 2 St. John's villas, holm, Palmerston road '
Pattison Joshua, Eastney, Queen's I'd Palmerston road 1Voodw3Td Rev. Frooe1rick William
'Peate George, Devon villa, Queen's I'd Simmons Edward Charles" St. Ed- Morris M ..!.. The Rectory, High rd
Pelly Frederick Raymond, Fern bank, mondsbury, Queen's road Wooly Osnwnd, Prince>!' road
'Church road Smith Andrew Pol'lard, Belgrave villa, Wright William Henry, Oakburn. Ep-
Penn Charles, E. CEarhoJ.m, High Toad Roebuck lane ping New road
COMMERCIAL. Ohandler Williarn, jobbIng gardener, 4 Alexandria villas-.
Abraham John & Son, grocers, Queen's road Queen's road
Ada:ms Charles Edwarrl M.B., B.Sc., M.R.C.S.Eng. sur- Chauvidon Charles, dairyman, Queen's road
geon, '\-Vest lodge, Palmerston road Collins Charles Edward, saddler, High road
.A1dridge George, watch &; clock maker, Queen's road Oollins' William, boot maker, Queen's road
Alvey Herbert Wood, stationer, Queen's road Conn Henry Charles William, shopkpr. Epping New rd
Anslow 'rhomas, boat owner, Connaught water Conoley Edward,, Queen's road
Armsby Thomas, draper, Queen's road ConolIey John, clothier, Queen's road
Ashley, Tee & Sons, solicioors, Warwick ho. Queen's il'oad Cooper Thomas Jas. carpenter, 2 Trent villas, Church rd
Eailey Charlotte (Mrs.) &; Sons, refreshment caterers, Crang Walter (Mrs.), butcher, Queen's Toad
Princes road Darvill Thomas, corn merchant, Queen's road
Bailey '\<Villiam, carman, 8tanstead cottage, Prince's I'd 'Digby Joseph, turncock E. L. W. works, 2 Alfred cot-
Banger John William, tailor, Queen's road . tages, Queen's road .
Eanks Thomas, grocer, Queen's road Drake Frederick Janws, greengrocer, Lower Queen's road
Ba-rues John George, plumber, Albert road Drury Robert, shopkeeper, Albert road north
Beckett John, The Warren Wood House P.B. Epping Duck James John, shopkeepeJ', Queen's road
New road Ellis George, shopkeeper, High road
Benson Francis Bingley, The Reindeer P.H. Epping Ellis George, hay & stI'aw dealer, Westbury lane
New.road Ellis Joseph H. shopkeeper, High road
Blackbrough Charles Thomas, florist, Queen's road Ely Thomas, carpenter, Lower Queen's road
IJlackmur Edward, draper & outfitter, Queen's road Ely WaIter, waihch maker, Queen's road
Boulter Emily (Miss), fancy repository, Queen's road English Frederick J oseph, stamon master
Brigden William, horse dealer, Epping New il"oad Foster CaroJine (Mrs.), girls.' school & kindergarten,
'Buckhurst Hill Fire Engine Station (W. Butler, capt.), Neuwied, Queen's road
Highroad . Francis Joseph, dairyman, Fir Tree cottage, High road
BuckhurstJ Hill Hall (Charles Miller, keeper), Queen's rd French Wm. &; Charles, brick makers, Lower Queen's road
13uckhurst Hill Urban District Council (T. J. Tee, clerk; French WilJiam, beer, Alfred road
Herbert Tooley, surveyor); offices, Warwick road Fuller Allan &; Co. tea dealers, Warwick house, Queen's I'd
13udd John F. grocer ,& beer retailer, Queen's Toad . Fuller Charles &; Son, auctioneers &; estate agents,
Bull John, chemist, Queen's road Queen's road
Bunsaull William Robert, plumber, Gladstone road Fuller Charles, sen. gas collector for the Chigwell,
Butler William, sexton, St. John's, Gladstone road Loug-hron & Woodford Gas Co. Limited, Queen's r<Jad
Carter William H. Railwav •
tavern, Queen's road Gay Edwin, baker, Lower Queen's road
Chambers John M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. surgeQn, The Geering Roberl &; Son, butchers, Queen's road .
Ladge, High road Gimblett William Henry, phpician &; surgeon, Queen's I'd

Gingell's Dairy, model dairy, Queen's road Poyntz lVilliam Thomas, carriage builder, 1 Clarence
Girling J. &; H. coal merchants, Railway station villas, Palmerston road
Golding Charles, boot maker, Albert road Preventive Tra,ining Homes under the Rescue Society fol'
Goldney John &; Co. wine &; spirit merchants, Queen's rd Girls (Charles Stewart Thorpe, sec.), Astral house~
Gould G. ,.t Sons, corn merchants, Queen's road Russell road (Miss Rachel Farrow, matron), &; Red. bo.
Gower John William, baker, Epping New road High road (Mrs. Susanna .Arnold, matron)
Gratton George Ernest, school master, Prince's road Radley Frank, smith &; falrrier, Prin~s road
Green John, proprietor of tea gardens, Epping New road Reeve Arthur, acconntant, I Forest villas, Princes road
Guy John & Sons, gasfitters, Forest iodge, HIgh road Rickett Susannah (Mrs.), news agent, Queen's road
Guy John, refreshment rooms, Forest lodge, High road Ritter Carl, grocer, Alfred road
Hall John, oil &; calor man, &; post office, Queen's road Rose Jeremiah, boot maker, Queen's road
Handcock David, laundry, Queen's road Seymour James, beer retailer, Epping New road
Barris Annie (Mrs.), butcher, Queen's road Sharpin Wm.Springall, foreman, 2 Forest vils.Princes rcl
Harrison &; Co. grocer'S, Queen's road Sidell :Fredk. Dennis, florist, Ivy cottage, Brook road
Hat/ch Henry William, music warehouse, Queen's road Smith Alfred William, hair dresser, Lower Queen's road
Ha.ycock Sarah Hannah (Mrs.), beer ~etail€r, Queen's road Smith Andrew Charles, Roebuck hotel, High rond
Haynes Horace Charles, clerk, Prospect viI. Prince's I'd Smith Ethel (Miss), dress maker, Lower Queen's road
Heard 'fhomas W. builder, Queen's road Smith .Tames, lighterman, '2 Rnssell cotts. Russell roncl
Heath 1'Villiam, builder, Gladstone road Smith Joseph, butcher, Lower Queen's road
Heyward William Thomas, greengrocer, Queen's road Smith Sidney, working cutler, Albert road north
Hickman Benjamin, boot maker, Queen's road Sowden Wm. George, butcher, Princes road
Hillier Rienzi, Prince of 'Vales P.H. Lower Queen's road Street Charles, ironmonger, Queen's road
Hodgkinson James Leigh, clerk, Prince's road Street William, chimney sweeper, King's Place road
Hoye Robert, sub-postmaster, Queen's road Tanner Charles, bouse decorator, Queen's road
Hunter Henry, boot maker, Prince's road 'raverner HerbeI't William, builder, Epping New road
Hurley Sarah E. (Miss), private school, ,6 St. Kilda's Taylor .Aibert Henry, warehouseman, 2 l'almerston cot-
villas, Queen's road tages, 1'almerston road
Hutson &; Farmer, dress makers, High road Taylor Emma (Miss), shopkeepl'r, Princes road
International Tea Co. Stores Limited (W. Salmon, mgr.), 'fee Thomas Jose-ph (firm, Ashl€y, Tee &; Sons), solicitor
Queen's road &; derk tD the Buckhurst Hill Urban District Council,
Jessop Frederick Nathaniel, fruiterer &; greengrocer, Warwick house, Queen's road &; Hadleigh lodge, lfbite-
Queen's road hall lane
Kerridge Thomas Havis, tobacconist, Queen's road Thurley Harry, laundry, \Vestbury vil~a, Albert rd. north
Ketts William, livery stables, High road TOlll)Jkins George, foreman, Hope villa, King's Place rd
Knightly Edward K. baker, Queen's road 'rooley Berbert A.R.I.B.A. architect &; surveyor &:i sanitary
Knott Fredk. clerk, Palmerston cottage, 1'nlmerston rd inspectQlr to the Burkhurst Hill Urban District Council.
Lakeman &; Ireland, chemists &; dentists, Queen's road Thorsdene, King's Place road
Lay & Co. drapers, Queen's road Underwood Jchn & Sons, sculptors, Queen's road
Leach Kate (Mrs.), boot &; shoe maker, Queen's road Vaile George, builder, Albert road north
Leggett James, builder, High road Village Hospital (William Ernest Dring M.R.C.S.Eng.
Lister OswaM, Three Colts r.H, Prince's road hon. medical officer; Nathaniel Powell, hon. sec.;
London Joint Stock Bank Ltd. (Buckhurst Hill branch) Mrs. E. :N. Buxton, treasurer; Sister Mary Nutt..
(Eliot Hinder, manager), Queen's road; open mono &; matron .& nurse), Hospital lane
wed. II tQ 3, sat. 10 to 1; draw (In head office, 5 Prin~s Voysey Albert Henry, baker &i confectioner, Queen's road.
street, London E C Warmington H. & Sons, coach &; carriage bldrs. High rd
Lord George, shopkeeper, Alfred road Warren F. &; Co. coal merchants, Queen's road
Luker Joseph, florist, Brook .road Waterman Robert, furniture dealer, Queen's road
Mackenzie James, draper, Queen's road Watts Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Gladstone road
Medical l)rovident Home (Mis·g Susette Deekes, matron), Webster Alfred, hair dresser, Queen's road
Queen's road Wells Henry &; Sons, builders, Queen's road
Miller Charles, boot maker, Gladstone road Westcott Edwin J. boot maker, Princes road
Morris Mark, Ye Bald Faced Stag P.H. High road W~ite Robert &; Sons Lim. mineral water mfrs. High rd
Moss George, shoeing smith, Queen's road <& High road W~son Ebenezer, grocer, Queen's road
Murch Elizabeth Emma (Mrs.), grocer, Epping :New road I Wllson Saffiuel, grocer, Queen's road
Murch John, house decorator, Epping New road Winny Amy (Mrs.) .& Kate (Miss), milliners, Queen's rd
Newton William painter Queen's road Winny Frederick George, clerk to the Chigwell School
Norman George'M.B., M.R.O.S. surgeon, High rand Board &; vestry clerk, Ember villas, Queen's road
:Nutt Wm. WaIter, shopkeeper, Lower Queen's road Wond Eliza (Miss), stationer, Queen's road
Oaldey & Co. cycle manufacturers, EppingNew road Wood Charles .& Son, builders, Oakley viIs. Princes r<1
Padfield Hamilton farmer Hill farm, HiO'h road Wood Ernest, plumber, Princes road
Paget Julius, coll~ctor to Buckhurst Hill "Urban Dist;riet Wooding Jane (Mrs.), groce~, Que.en's. road .
Council & assistlllIlt overseer &; collector of Queen's taxes, \Voodmanse Herbert Fredel'lck, c.othler, Pycroft vJlla..
Southfield Queen's Il'oad "Yestbury lane
Payne Willi;m Christopher, tobacconist, Princes road Woodroff Wm. tea: rooms, Epping New ro.ct
PearcB Charlotte (Miss), dinioO' rooms EppinO' New rd Woodward Fredenck, confectIOner, Westbury lane
Pearson William, plumber, High r o a d ' " Wo?ldridge H ..&; Co. coal merchants, Queen's road
Pbelp John William, printer, Queen's road Wr~.ght Jnmes, ll'on~onger, Queen's road
Phillips William, shopkeeper, Lower Queen's road Wnght Robert, fruIterer .& ~reen.~ro.cer, Queen's road
Planner Henry, provision dealer Yeoell J. &; Sons, butchers &; 011 &; ItalIan warehousemen..
Porter Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Princes road post, money order &; telegraph office, Queen's road

:SULMER is a village and parish, part of it (Bnlmell' register dates from the year 1559. The living is a vicar-
'rye) exteIllding to the road from Halstead to Sudbury; age, consolidated with that of Belchamp WaIter, net.
it is 2 miles south-west from Sudbury station on the Stour yearly yalue £3ro, with 2 acres of glebe, in the gift of
Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway and the wharfs Mrs. Raymond, of Belchamp Hall, and held since r899-
on the Stour, and 6 north from Halstead, in the Northern by the Rev. ArthuI" Pidgeon Pannell B.A. of St. John's
division of the county, Hinckfo·rd hundred, North Hinck- College, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel, erec-
ford petty s'ess:onal division, Sud'bury union and county ted in r873. Auberies, the seat of Lt.-Col. WaIter St.
court district, and in the ruraJ deanery of Hedingham, George Burke J.P. is a mansion, in a park of about 150'
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of Sb. Albans. acres. George Coote esq. of Chilton Lodge, Sudbury,.
The chllJ1'ch of St. Andrew is an edifice of stone in the Early is lord of the manor of Smeetham Hall, and M. M.
English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, Blacker esq. lord of the manor of Goldingham Hall;
nave, north aisle, north and south porches and an em- Earl Howe G.C.V.O., C.B. Lt.-Col. WaIter St. George'
battled western tower containing 4 bells, dated r6r2: the Burke J.P. and W. Nocton esq. J.1'. of Langham, Col-
pulpit is Jacobean: the chancel was restored in 1883, chester, are the principal landowners. The soil is sandy
all the masonry of the 'Windows renewed and filled with loam and clay; subsoil, clay and chalk. 'The chief crop~
tracery of Early English character: the stained east are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 2,801 acres of
window is a memorial to Mrs. Raymand: the chancel land and 5 of water; rateable value, £2,179; the popula-
;retains sedilia and a piscina, both in good preservation. tion in 1901 was 645.
In r8gr the church was re-roofed and restored, at a
total cost of about £900, and has 410 sibtings. The Parish Clerk, Arthur Deal.

Post Office.-Mrs. Laura Corder, sub-postmistress. Let- Wall Letter Box, Bulmer Tye, cleared week days at 7·45
ters through Sudbury (Suffolk), arrive at 7 a.m. & I a.m. 12.15 & 6 p.m
p.m.; dispatched, week days, at 2.15 & 5.25 p.m. Postal National Schools (mixed), erected in 1873, for 134 child-
orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money ren; average attendance, 106; Miss Margaret Ann
order &; telegraph office is ab Sudbury, 3 miles disront. l\Iay, mistress
Burke The Misses, Bulmer lodge Courtnall Spencer, farmer, Griggs frm Humm George, farm bailiff to M. M.
Burke Lieut.-Col. WaIter St. George Dixey George, beer retailer Blacker esg. Goldingham Hall farm
J.P. Auberies English George William, brick, tile Norfolk James, farm bailiff to Lieut.-
Pannell Rev. Arthur Pidgeon B.A. &; drain pipe ma. \& frmr. Hole farm Col. 'Valter St. George Burke
(rector), Rectory English John, shopkeeper, Bulmer Tye Nott WilliaIll, farmer, Butler's farm
Tamblyn Bernard, Bulmer house English John Parmenter (exors. of), Payne Henry, farmer, Clapps farm,
COMMERCIAL. farmers, Black Ho. & Vicarage frIDS Bulmer Tye
Clover Dems Henry, miller (wind) Gardiner Douglas George, farmer, Steggles Wm. blacksmith, Bulmer Tye
Ooe Joseph, threshing machine propr The Lawn, Bulmer Tye Stimson John, registrar of births &;
Oook Robert, shopkeeper Garrod Henry Rt. Fo.x inn,Bulmer Tye deaths, Bulmer sub-district, &; re-
Oorder Albert, wheelwright Godden Frederick, farm bailiff to lieving officer for No. I district
Corder Newman, Blackbirds P.B. & Lieut.-Col. WaIter St. George Sudbury union
thatcher Burke, Smeetham hall
:BULFHAN (the" Bull-Fen") is a growing village and was built and a new organ provided, at a cost of £200,
parish, 3 miles south from East Horndon station on the defrayed by Mr. L. Littlehales: the church affords
London, 'rilbury and Southend railway, ID srmth-east 150 sittings. The register dates from the year 1723-
from Romford,6 south from Brentwood, and 21 from Lon- The living is a rectory, net yearly value £233, including
don, in the South Eastern division of the county, Bar- 15 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held
stable hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division, since 1870, by the Rev. "\'Valter Gough Littlehales M.A. of
Grays county court district, and in the rural deanery New College, Oxford. There is an Undenominational
of Orsett, Archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. iron mission room. 'V. H. Clifton esg. solicitor, of
Albans. '1'he church of .St. Mary is a ,small building of Romford, is lord of the manor. The principal land-
stone in the Perpendicular style, erected during the first owners are Jas. Herbe['t Benyon esg. of Englefield House~
half of the 14th century and consisting of chancel, nave, Berlis, and :Mrs. Mee, of "\Vick Place. The soil is clayey,
south porch and a timbered belfry, pyramidally capped, and mar!; sl~bsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
on the western gable, now containing 5 tubular bells, beans and clover. The area is 1,707 acres of land and 6.
hung in 1891, at a cost of £90, and a clock erected in of water; rateable value, £1,751; the population in 1901
1\897 to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of her late was 279.
Majesty Queen Victoria: the stained east window, erected Sexton, Samuel Graves.
in 1866, is a memo'rial to Mark Gotts: on the south side Post Office.-Miss Jane Welch, sub-postmistress. Let-
of the chancel are memorial windmys to Sarah Gotts, d. ters through Romford delivered 7.30 a.m.; dispatched
1874, and Harry Lancelot Littlehales, d. ~1885: the ori- 5.30p.m.; sunday delivery, 7.30 a.m.; dispatched lZ
ginal chancel screen of oak is in perfect preservation, &, 10 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.
and has a central arched opening, flanked on either side The nearest money order & telegraph office is at South
by two compartments, each formed of a pointed arch, ··Ockendon, 3 miles distant
divided by a slender mullion, the heads being filled with Wall Letter Boxes, near the Rectory, cleared 5.15 p.m.;
pierced tracery: there are memorials to the Rev. Thomas . sunday, 12 noon; Ockendon road, cleared 5.45 p.m.;.
1Vilkin,son, rector from Ic05, d. 24 April, 1823, his wife sunday, 12.30 p.m.; & near "\Vick house, cleared at
and daughter, and to the Rev. Thomas Mills M.A. also 4-45 p.m.; sunday, 11.45 a.m
rector here, d. 26 Oct.· 1856, and Mary his wife, and a National School (mixed), built in 1852, for 70 children;
lych-ga,te was erected in 1'893: in 1900 an organ chamber l1verage attendance, 43; Miss Maria Ea.rl, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Tnmer Miss !\fee Arthur Percy, farmer, Wick
Bishop George White William J. The Laurels House & Hatch farms
Cooper William Wilkinson James W. Arthur Seat Meen 'Villiam, wheelwright, Ash villa
Dudley William, Elm cottage COMMERCIAL. Nevill Charles, painter, Ivydene
Littlehales Rev. WaIter Gough M. .!.. Alban John H. jobbing gardener Pinkerton James M. nurseryman, The
Rectory Bishop James, painter & shnpkeeper ~urseries
Mann Henry, sen. Hall farm . Cole Herbert, farmer, Stone hall I Ruddle Francis, refreshment rooms;
~'1atthews Caleb, 'Orchard house Day Wm. John, farmer, Spring farm good accommodation for cyclists,
Mee Arthur Percy, 'Wick place Gotts Jesse, farmer, Slough house parties &c. Appleton farm
Mee Mrs. Wick place Harris Bros. builders Squier Wm. farmer, Garlister's fa.rm.
Pettifor 'Villiam, Ingleside Harris Jsph. blacksmith &; wheelwrght Talbot Wm. J. farmer, Martin's farm.
Read-Andrews Mrs. Hurstcote Hepburn John, farmer, Elms farm i ·Welch Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, &.
Reed George, Sunnyside Hollowbread George, Harrow inn post office
Revell Mrs. FairlawIli villa Key Albert, farmer, Noke hall Went Joseph, grocer
Teitelbaum Rev. Theodore Alphonse Lucas William Blake, butcher, Elmwd Went Josiah, baker &; beer retailer
(curate-in-charge), Rectory Mann Henry, jun. farmer, Hall farm l Woollings Charles, farmer, The Downs.
BURES HAMLET, a suburb of and in the parish of 1885, Polsteads Farm, Fish Pits and Rye Fens were trans-
Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, from which it is separated by ferred from Lamarsh to Bures, and by Order 16,463.
the navigable river Stour, on the road from Sudbury to March 24, 1884, the Thatchers' Arms &c. was added from
Colchester, with a station on the Great Eastern railway, Bures to Mount Bures, and some houses in Beards road
4! miles south from Sudbury, 8 north-east from HaI- from Mount Bures in Lexden union.
stead and 53~ from London, in the Northern division of Post. M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office at Bures St.
sessional division (Halstead bench), Sudbury union and Mary, Suffolk.-Harry Steed, postmaster. (Letters
county court district, and in the rural deanery 'and arch- should have Bures R.S.O. Suffolk, added), Letters-
deaeonry of Sudbury and diocese of Ely. The village is delivered at 7 a.m. 12 noon & 6.0 p.m.; dispatched at
lighted with gas from works, the property of Mr. C. W. 10.10 a.m. 3.15 p.m. & 8.2.') p.m.; sundays, 8.25 p.m
Grimwood. Malting and brick making are carried on Wall Letter Box, Railway Station, cleared at 10 a.m.
here. The inhabitants attend the ohurch of Bures St. 3 p.m. & 7.45 p.m
Mary, Suffolk. Mrs. Reginald Hill, of Coggeshall, who is Wall Letter Box, Brook house, cleared at 8.30 a.m. 2.30
lady of the manor, and William Garrad esq. are the prin- p.m. &; 8,40 p.m.; sundays, 8.40 p.m
cipal landowners. The soil is a rich loam and clay; The children of thJs parish attend the school at Bureij.
subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, St. Mary, Suffolk
barley and turnips. The area is 1,838 acres of land and Railway Station, Charles Albert 'Vadley, station master
8 of water; assessable value, £2,103; the population in Fire Engine Station, adjoining the Gas Works
I90I was SIl. Carrier to Oolchester. James Shead, tues. thurs. & sat.
By Local Government Board Order 16,46r, :March 25, & to Sudbury on mondays
Alliston Charles, River house King Rev. Edwa,rd: P. H.
(Free Baxter Frederick ''Villiam, Swan P.H. ;
Crook Mrs Church) wines, spirits & beer of the finest
Day Mrs. Secretaries Pettitt Alao, Baker's hall quality; accommodation for cycling
Dixey Mrs. Holly cottage Stagg Mrs. Whitehouse &; fishing parties
Dnpont Philip, Belle Vue villail COMMERCIAL. Bures Gas Works (Charles William
Garrad William, Brook house Allen Robt. A. &; Sons, brick makers Grimwood, proprietor)

Cant Harry, farmer, Bombose farm I Dessent Edward, shopkpr. & hawker Mole Walter Henry, insurance agent
Cooper Sydney, baker Dupont Philip, coal & coke merchant :Moy & Co. coal merchants
Cousins George, Eight Bells family & & agent for the Royal Fire & Life Newman & Son, leather cutters &
commercial hotel & posting estab- Insurance Co curriers
lishment; conveyances of every de- Garrad William, farmer & landowner, Newman Hy. Wm. grocer & draper
scription; personal attention to all Brook house Peak Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
orders; conveyances to meet all Grimston & Co. maltsters Pettitt Alan, farmer, Baker's hall
trains Hume William, frmr. Parsonage farm Plampton Edward, boot maker
Deaves Charles, builder, contractor & Hunt Joseph, farmer, Spendpenny Shead James, carrier
undertaker Kendall George, blacksmith Webber Alfred, painter &0
Dupont & Orttewell Ltd. ironfounders, Lockwood Robert 1Villiam, butcher WeblJer Henry, grocer & draper
ironmongers & general agricultural Mason Richard Waiter, sen. farmer,
agen ts Ferriers farm .
BURNHAM-ON-CROUCH is a small town and Leigh, William H. Page esq. John Thomas Rogers esq.
parish, with a stat:on on theSouthminster branch of the James Gale esq. and Hector John Gurdon-Rebow esq.
Great Eastern railway, 49 miles from London, 19 south- D.L. of vVyvenhoe Jlark, lIJre the principal landowners.
east from Chelmsford, 9 north-east from Southend, and 12 The soil in the higher part of the parish is a light loam;
south-east from Maldon, in the South Eastern division of subsoil, gravel; the marshes are of a. clayey nature and
the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional divisiDIl, are fine grazing land; the arable land is in a high state
Maldon un~on and county court distri<;t, and in the rural of production and is, generally speaking, most productive:
deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of ilie crops are wheat. barley, -oats, beans, peas~ turnips,
St. Albans. Burnham cOIlsists chiefly of one street and mangold wurtzel, and seeds and cucumbers are grown for
is on the banks of the river Crouch, which here is about the London market. The are'a of the parish is 4.523
three-quarters of a mile in width, has water enough for acres of land. 3 of water. 826 of t:dal water and 318 of
large ships and is navigable for 10 miles aboy_e the town foreshore; rateable value. £II,542; the population in
for vessels of 300 tons. The river is crossed by means of 1901 was 2,918.
ferry boats. The town is lighed wit};1 gas by a company OSl'END, a. hamlet of this parish, is fI cluster of
and supplied with water pumped from a well into a water houses I! miles north-west from the town in the Althorne
tQwer, erected 1887, near the church, and the property of road.
the Rural District Council.
. Burnbam. is governed by an Urban District C01IDCil of Parish Clerk, Joseph Cook.
nine members, formed April I, 1898, under the pro· Post, :M. O. & T. 0., T. ~I. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
visions of the ,. Local Government Act, 1894" (56 & 57 Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-George S.
Vict. ch. 73). The church of St. Mary, situated about I Lawrence, postmaster. (Sub-Office. Letters should
m,ile north of the town, is a building of stone and flint in have S.O. Essex added.) London & other letters arrive
the Late Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel . with at 7.20, 11.10 a.m. & 7.10, p.m.; dispatched a.t 8 &;
aisles, nave of six bays with clerestory, aisles, north and _ 11.15 a.m., 1.55, 5.50 & 7.10 p.m. Parcel post dis-
south porches and an embattled western tower' con- . patch 11.15 a.m. & 5.50 p.m. & delivered 7.20 & !I.IO
taining 5 bells, dated 1673, the lower part of the a.m
tower being used as a vestry: the tower was once Wall Letter lloxes-Ostend, cleared 9.30 a.m. & 5 p.m.;
the loftiest in this part of the country, and formed· no collection on sundays; High street cleared at 10.45
a beacon for vessels at sea, but naving been blown , a.m. 1.15 & 7.5 p.m.; Hill Box cleared at I I a.m. &;
down many years ago it was rebuilt at a lower elevation: 1. IS p.m. &; 6.5 & 7.5 p.m
there is an ancient font in the Early Norman style, and a
mural tablet of marble to the family of Middleton, 1680:· URBA.N DISTRICT COUNCIL.
the building was restored and reseated with open seats' . Meetings he:d at the Endowed School Room the •
in 1874; and in the same year a. stained east window was Tnesday :n each month at 7 p.m
erected by the late W. Auger esq. in memory of his
parents, and there are five other memorial windows: in . Members.
1877 the chancel and sacrarium were restored and a Chairman, John Hawkes.
stone pulpit, lectern and reading desk provided as a Vice-Chairman, Rev. Charles Denham Gooding. .
tribute at' respect to the memory of W. Auger esq.: the
church has 368 sittings: the churchyard was enlarged in Retire in April Retire in April
1867, the new portion being surrounded by a wall. The
John Hawkins 1903 Edward Read 1904
register dates from the year 1559. The living is a Alexander Richmond... 1903' Samuel S. H. Sadler..... 1904
vicarage. net yearly value £333, with residence, in the Edwin Benj. TrusseIl ... 19°;1 Frederick Woodhousa 1905
gift of the trustees of the late Rev. James Lewin Govett, Rev. Charles Denham Joseph Cook 1905
and l1eld since 1902 by the Rev. Henry Ward Watson. Gooding 1904 Charles Read .•. ..• 1905
There is a Congregational chapel, built in 1861, a Bap- Officers.
tist chapel, enlluged in 1861, Catholic Apostolic and Clerk, Ebl'nezer Dilliway, High street
Primitive Metbod;.st chapels and a working men's reading Collector, W. A. Cartel', High street
room. There is a cemetery of 21 acres in extent with Treasurer, Christopher W. Parker esq. J.P. Faulkbourne
mortuary chapel on the Southminster road under the house, Witham
<lontrol of the Urban District Oouncil. A tower, with Medical Oflicer of Health, Charles Frederick Downman.
an illuminated quarter clock, was erected as an ad- M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. .Arnnhurst
dition to the school in High street in l!dn, in memory Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Joseph Cook
of Laban Sweeting esq. at a cost of £330. The Public
Hall, erected in 1887, is a spaclous edifice of brick and PUBLIC ,OFFIOERS.
stone, and will seat 300 persons. The river Crouch and
its tributary, the Roach, are famous for oyster beds, the Admiralty Surgeon & Agent & Medical Officer &; Public.
produc,e of which is exported to Ostend, Belgium and Vaccinator, Burnham District, Maldon Union, Charles
Dunkirk, the oyster companies at Whitstable belng Frederick Downman L,R.C.P.Lond
supplied with the surplus oysters; these grounds are Chief oflicer of Coastguard, Thomas E. Lovegood
peCUliarly suited for this purpose, which is attributed Collector of Land & Income Tax, W. Jones, Southminster
to the geological nature of the river beds and their Deputy Receiver of Wreck, T. E. Lovegood
sheltered position m:1in t ainmg an eq nable temperature Town Crier, Charles Jarvis
so essential to the growth of the oyster. The Burn-, A school board of 5 members was formed August 8, 1896;
ham Company consis.ts of John Hawkins, Mrs. Addison, Joseph Cook, clerk to the board
John T. Rogers and Mrs. William Auger; the Roach, Charity School, built in 1863 &; improved in 1875, 1878
River Oyster Fishery Company has a capital of £5°,000, & 1900, fDr 283 children; average attendance, 250;
the directors being Messrs. lV. H. Bygrave, G. Richard- the income from the charity amounts to £174 yearly;
son, C. Fitch Kemp, J. Y. Johnson and E. J. Smith. John Eggett, master; Miss C. E. M. Eggett, sewing
There are several other oyster merchants in the town, &; drawing mistress
and many men are employed in the ·trade, as well as
in catching herrings and other fish; there is also good Board School erected at a cost oC about £2.000 on a. site
business carried on in boat, barge and ship building, of 2~ acres near the Railway Station, opened Aug. 15,
18g8; enlarged in 1901 for 300 boys & girls & 150 in-
sail making and in corn and coal. Several ships from
50 to 200 tons 3'1'e employed here; there is a coastguard
funts; T. Horrobin, master; Miss Chambers, infants'
station ,and a conveJ!.ient quay. Sir Henry Paulet St.
John MIldmay bart. of Dogmersfield Park, Winchfjeld, Police Station, Thomas Digby, sergeant I
Hants, who is lord of the manor, the Rev. Charles B. Railway Station, William Churchill Potter, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burnham Yacht Building Co. Station Hawkins Henry F. C. coal merchant
Auger Mrs. Charles road Hutson Robert, ironmonger, High st
Auger Mrs. William, The Lawn Burnham Yacht Club 00. Lim. (N. M. Ives Oharles, market gardnr. Lilian I'd
Bayley Mr. Orouch road Robins, hone sec) Jarvis Oharles, town crier, High street
Browne Miss Barton, Orouch road Oampbell & Co. coal merchants Kendall Isaian John, butcher, High st
Carter Archibald, Ohurch road Camping Oharles Herbert, plumber, King & Sons, shipwrights, Station I'd
Carter William, High street High street King Frederick James, King's Arms
Croxon Abraham Bowerman J.P. The Oamping George, cabinet maker, P.ll. High street
Limes Crouch road Lamb Eliza Jane (Miss), draper,
Croxon Arthur William, Wick Camping John, market gardener, High street
Davis Rev. Leonard (Congregational) Orouch road Lamb John, blacksmith
Dilliway Ebenezer, Wa,veley, Church I'd Curter William & Sons, grocers, Lansdell Clarence H. draper, High st
Dowman Charles Fredk. Arunhurst . High street Lee John, pork butcher, High street
Goading Rev. Oharles; Denham Oarter Arthur, grocer, Station road Lee William George, confectioner,
(Baptist), 'Western villa Oarter WaIter, butcher, Station road Station road
Gowar Mrs. Essex road Carter W. A. collector of rates to the Lewsley Joseph, shopkeeper
Groombridge Mrs. Mildmay road Urban District Council, High street London Sailing Club (H. O. Adarns,
Hawkins Capt. John, Fairview house Oemetery(T. Parchment, sexton) hon.sec)
Hawkins Henry, Orouch road Ohaplin William, George & Dragon LovegQod Thomes G. coast guard &
Hawkins Mrs. Mildmay road P.II. Ostend deputy receiver of wreck
Horrobin Thomas, Mildmay road Olark Fredk. fried fish dlr. Station I'd Lunn Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Mild-
.Tameson John, Church road Olarke John, apartments, Mildmay I'd may road
J ones Chester, Maplins Clarke Wm. boot 1& shoe ma. High st Mc~eill M. Robert, tailor, Ohapel st
Nicholls Mrs. New road Clarke William Hy. draper, Station I'd Maurice Home of Rest (The) (John R.
Prior Frederick, West house Clay Shipping Co. corn merchants ~eal, sec.; Mrs. Alice Bollington,
Read Stanley, Ohurch road (Hy. Finch Croxon Hawkins, mngr) matron), Belvedere road
Richardson Mrs. George, Ivy cottage Oole Arthur, dining rooms, High st Mizzen Sarah (Mrs.), apartments,
Richmond Peter, Shaw house IColeWilliam, apartments, Ivy house Mildmay road
Robinson Mrs. Essex Toad Collis James, shopkeeper, Crouch road Murren Danzie Edward, shoe maker,
Robinson Richard H. Xew road Coombe Robert Gorton L.R.C.P.Edin., Shore road
Rogers John Thomas .T.P. Mangepp M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, medical Nethercoat Thomas, sail maker & ship
Rouse Vernon WaIter, Flora villa officer, Southminster district, Mal- chandler, yacht outfitter &c.; fit
Rowe WaIter, Mildmay road don union guaranteed, Quay
Simpson Jaines, Mildmay roa-d: ',Cook A. M. (Mrs.), builder, High st Newman William, market gardener,
Smith .Tohn J.P. The Limes Cook .Tames, fishmonger & tobaeco- Providence street,
Stllart Oharles, Warmfield nist, High street Newman Alfred, grocer '& draper,
Thomas John, Essex road ,Cook .Toseph, hon. sec. of Working High stree-t
Tijou Charles .T. R. Mildmay road Men's Reading Room & surveyor &, Os-born Edgar, apartments, Mild-
Trussell Edwin, Strathmore sanitary inspector to the Urban may road
Wackrill Miss, Holliwell house District Council . Osborne George B. baker &; confec-
Watson Rev. Henry vVard (vicar), Cook Harriet (Mrs.), fancy repository, tioner, Station road
Vicarage I High street Overton John, hairdresser, High street
"Vatt James I Cooke Henry James, carting agent to Pannell Harry, beer retailer & brewer,
White Thomas Dawe, Kings G. E. R High stree·t
Whittaker Mrs Ooombe .Tames Isaae, Victoria P.H. Palmer & Booth, engineers & iron-
Woodhouse Francis, Western road High street founders, Mildmay Iron works
COM~£ERCIAL. Cooper & Sons, boot makers, Provi- Parker Alfred, Railway hotel, Sta-
Allsop Francis, hairdresser dence street tioD road
Ambrose Gordon, photographer ,Oooper & Co. boat owners, Quay Paynter Edward, butcher, Station I'd
Ambros·e Thos. basket ma. High street! Oranfield Geo. J. sail ma. Station rd Perry William, jobbing gardener,
Auger 1Villiam (Mrs.), o~'ster mer-! Orick & Freeman, solicitors Mildmay road
chant, The Lawn 10rix Oharles, baker, Crouoh road Potter Wm. Churchill, station master
Bacon George F. plumber, Station I'd' Oroxon A. B. & A. W. farmers & Pratt William, shopkeeper, Station I'd
Bacon .Tohn, aerated water manufac- brick makers Prior .Tohn, carpenter & builder
turer, Riverside road ' Oroxon Aynsley Oook, shopkeeper, Probets James Arthur, ironmonger,
Ballarate Ernest, confectioner, Quay Lilian road Station road
Banks Joseph, shopkeeper, High street Oroxon Alfred Jeremiah, butcher Public Hall (Alfred Newman, propr)
Bateson Frederick W. cycle agent.' Davis Rev. Leonard, Collegiate school Raven Arthur William, boot maker,
Station road Dilliway & 00. printers, Providence High street •
Barclay & Company Lim. (branch; Dilliway Ebenezer, clerk to Urban Read C. &; E. builders, Station road
open tues. thur. & sat.) (H. A. District Council Read Charles, builder, High street
Streeten, agent); draw on head Dilliway Nathaniel, baker & confec- Iiead James, beer retailer, Provi-
office, 54 Lombard st. London E 0 tioner, High street dence street
Beaumont & Bright, solicitors Downman Charles Frederick L.R.C.P. P.ead Sydney.T. grocer, Station road
Bell Alfred, tailor & woollen draper, Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, & Read William, boat builder
High street medical officer & public vaccinator, Hice Sydney, boo1; maker, Orouch I'd
Booth James, engineer, see Palmer i& Burnham district, Maldon union, & Richmond . James Bowten (Mrs.),
Booth admiralty surgeon & agent & medical oyster merchant
Bourne & 00. boat owners officer of health to Burnham Urban Richmond Peter, oyster merchant
Brown .Tames, White Hart hotel District Oouncil, Arunhurst Roach River Oyster Fishery Co.
Bull Robert Taylor, saddler & harness Ettles John, chemist, High street (George Trussell, sec)
maker, High street . Fennall Henry, pianoforte tuner, Sta- Uobinson Arthur James, apartmenti,
Burnham Cricket Club (J. Hawkes, tion road Essex IOad
captain) Field Annie (Mrs.), aparts.High stre,et Robinson Richard Holt M.R.C.S.Eng.
Burnham Division Technical Education Flick Henry, Harriet & Annie, wheel- surgeon, New road
Committee (Joseph Cook, sec) wrights & blacksmiths Rogers Oharles A. grocer, Station I'd
Bllrnham Football.Qlub (Thos. Taylor, Fritsche Herman, watch maker, Sta- Rogers Frederick, New ·Welcome
sec) tion road Sailor P.R.; good accommodation
Burnham Gas. Co. Lim. (E. Dilliway, Gale Ernest J., F.A.I. auctioneer; &J for cyclists &c. Station road
sec.; T. Thompson, manager) at Bradwell-on-Sea 1& Southminster Rogers John Thomas, farmer, land-
Burnham Liberal Association (E. W. Gepp & Sons, solI's.; & at Chelmsford owner & oyster merchant
Sadler, sec) Handley Frederick .Tohn, Ship P.H. Rouse Edward J. Star P.H. High st
Burnbam Lawn Tennis Club (Miss.T. High street Rouse .Tohn William, carpenter
Ettles, sec) Harvey Bros. boat owners, Quay Rouse WaIter,wheelwright & blcksmth
Burnham Oyster Co. (John G. Auger, IIarvey John (Mrs.), apartments, Royal Corinthian Yacht Club (T. G.
secretary) Essex road F. Winser, sec)
Burnham Unionists' Club (.T. Hawkes, Harris .Toseph AlIen, Uacksmith, Royal Family Hotel (Chas. Weddon,
sec) High street proprietor), High street
Burnbam Mutual Improvement Asso- Harris Sarah (Mrs.),farmr.Roman frnr Sadler Bros. sail makers
ciation (D. Read, sec) Hawkins Alfred, corn dealer, High st Sains Arthur, confectioner, Station I'd
Burnham Working Men's Reading Hawkes John, leather seller, High st Sharp Wm. shopkpr. Providence st
Room (Joseph Cook, hone sec) Hawkes Joseph, sbopkeeper, High st Shackel Goo. shopkpr. Station road
Siffen Peter W. 'apart.s. Mildmay road Sweeting Isa~lC, shopkeeper, Shore st Webster Charles, butcher, High street
Simpson James, fancy repository Taylor Hephzibah (Mrs.), grocer, Webster Henry, blacksmith
Smith Bros. oyster mers. &:, farmers High street WeJdun Charles, Ruyal Family hotel,.
Smith F. Luckin, who. &:, retail grocr Taylor Ma,ry (Miss), baker &:, grocer, High street
&:, provision merchant &:, agent for New road Westhorp Mahala (Mrs.), draper,.
W. &:, A. Gilbey Lim. wine &:, spirit Thomas William, tailor, High 'street High street
merchants; &; at Chelmsford, Mal- Trayling Thomas, beer reL High st Westhrop Owen, clothier, High street.
don &:, Ingatest<me Trussell Edwin Benjamin, plumber & White Thomas Dawe L.S.A.. surgeon
Smith Harrison Chas. Anchor inn, Quay house decorator &:, deputy registrar of births &;
Smith Eliza (Mrs.), day school Walesby Alfred, Oyster Smack P.H. deaths for Southminster sub-dis-
Smith Alfred, baker, Station road Station road trict of the Maldon union, Kings
Sparrow, Tufnell &:, 00. bankers, now Warren Thos. shopkpr. Station road Williams John, shopkeeper, High st
Barclay &:, Co. Limited Watt James M.P.S. dispensing chmst. Wisemay Wm. aparts. Mildmay road
Stebbing William, boat builder, Quay stationer, bookseller, grocer, tobac- Woodhouse Francis, solctr.1Vestern rd
Stoneham Barnett, collector for the conist, ale, wine & spirit merchant Wright John, mineral water manu-
Essex Provident Society & dealer in gunpOWder, oil, paints facturer, Station road
Stoneham Eliza Ann (Mrs.), ,shop- &c. High street Yardley &:, 00. boat owner, Quay
keeper, High street . WaHs Eliz. (Mrs.), aparts. High st
GREAT BURSTEAD (or Burghstead) is a pleasant the Essex Union foxhounds are iu this parish; Edward
village and parish on the road from Billericay to Tilbury, Thomas Mashiter esq. of Gatwick, is master; the pack
1~ miles south of Billericay station on the Southend-on- hunts three days a week: Brentwood, Rochford, Chelms.
Sea branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 7 west from ford and Maldon are convenient places for lmnting
Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, hundred visitors. The Cistercian monks of the abbey of SIl. Mary
of Barstable, county court district and petty sessional and All Saints at Stratford Langthorne, founded circ.
division of Brentwood, union of Billericay, and in the 1134, removed temporarily to a cell or grange here by
rural deanery of Ingat'estone, archdeaconry of Essex and reason of the floods, and held nearly the whole of this.
diocese of St. Albans. The small ma.rket town of Billeri- parish until the dissolution of their house. Blunt's
cay is in this parish for civil purposes, but was constituted Walls, I mile from Billericay, are the remains of a camp,
a separate ecclesiastical parish, 14th Sept. 1844. A in which Roman coins and antiquities have been found.
stream flows through the parish. The church of St. Gatwick is the residence of Edward Thomas Mashiter esq.
Mary Magdalen is a building of rubble with stone faeings J.P. Lord Petre, who is lay impropriator and lord of the
in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of manor, Mr. Philip Cole, Mrs. Spitty, of Billericay and
chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, north and south porches Edgar Jones esq. J.P. of The Elms, are the chief land·
and a western tower with shingled spire, containing 5 owners. The soil in parts is light and clayey; subsoil,
bells, 4 only of which are in use: the 4th is dated 1436, principally clay. The chief crops are wheat and Ibar:ey.
and bears the following inscription :-" Vox Augustini The area is 3,705 acres; rateable value, £7,665; the
sonet in aure Dei"; the others have been recast: in ecclesiastical population in 1901 was 540, exclusive of
18'92 the church was re-seated, and in 189'8 a svained Billericay.
window was presented by Mrs. Spitty: !l0rtions of the Post Office.-Arthur Burrel!, sub-postmaster. Letters
interior are now (1902) 'being renovated. The register arrive from Brentwood, through Billericay, at 7 a.m.
dates from tihe yeaI' 1558. The living is a sundays & week days; dispatched at 6 p.m. week days
vicarage, net yearly value £80, with 6 acres only. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.
of glebe and resideIliCe, in the gift of the Bishop of Billericay is the nearest money order &:, telegraph office
St. Albans, and held since 1,8180 by the Rev. James Wall Letter Box, South Green, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &; 6
Stephen Winslow RA. of Gaius College, Cambridge. p.m.; II.30 a.m. sundays
There is a Particular Baptist chapel at South Green. Wall Letter Box, near church, cleared at 5.30 p.m. week
Blatche's charity of £155 18s. 8d. produces £3 15 s . 4d. days, 8 a.m. sundays
yearly. Ohaplyn's charity, of £100, produces £3 yearly. A. School Board of 5 members was formed 29 Jan. 1873
Dr. Jenner's charity, of £166 I3s. 4d. produces £4 I3S. with Mountnessing & Buttsbury contributing, each
4d. early.' Three-fifths of these charities are paid to sending 2 members; John Jefferies, Billericay, clerk te
Billericay, and are in the hands of the Charity Com- the board; F. J. Smith, Billericay, & Samuel Spelley,
missioners. There is also a meadow, the rent of which Brentwood, attendance officers
produces £8 yearly, which is distributed in bread and The children of this parish attend the Board School a~
blankets yearly by the churchwasrdens. The.kennels of Billericay
Arnold Eric, Hillcrest Agnis Robert, miller L}on Caroline (Mrs.), beer retailer
Bailey William Ainger A.lfred, head gardener to E. W. Mclntvre •
Daniel, farmer, Broomhills
Brigley Mrs Mashiter esq :\Iarshall Arthur William, farmer,
Ohandler Henry, South green Ball William John, farmer Smith's farm
Hopegood Hy. H. New 10dge,Tye com Barnard Joseph A. frmr. Grange frm Miles John, farmer
Gustarson Frederick Boughtwood Oharles, farmer Palmer Sidney R. King's Head inn
Hawkins Henry, Gobbin's farm Brown WaIter, metal &:, general dealer Pierson 1Villia:n, farmer, Outwood frm
.Tones Edgar J.P. The Elms Burrell Arth. baker & grcr. post offi'ce Ruggles Waiter, farmer, Oak farm
McDonald James, Maple cottage Carpenter James, blacksmith & enginr Salter Fredk. fHrmer, Blunts Walls
Mashiter Edward Thomas J.P. Gatwck Oarter Wm. B. farmer. Harlock's frm Smith Thos. wheel wright &; smith
Kent Capt. Augustus, Fez villa Crook Eli, farm bailiff to E. Baxter Stewart Hy. F. beer retlr. &; carpenter
Purkis Harry, The Poplars esq. Curd's farm Swan Timothy, farmer
Stobbs Mrs. Rose villa Dawkins Harry, lighterman Swann Wm. Henry, beer ret.&! shopkpr
Webb Mrs Dove Joseph, farmer, White's farm Tongue George, huntsman to the Essex
Whitlock John, Franklin villa Downey Frederick, farm bailiff to E. l"nion foxhounds, The Kennels
Winslow Rev. James Stephen RA. Jones esq. Tye farm White WiHiam, farmer
Vicarage Houghton James, wheelwright & Wright Albt. Plough P.H. Tye com
COMMEROIAL. blacksmith Wright Alfred, King's Arms P.H
Adam Robert, farmer, Barleylands
LITTLE BURSTEAD (or Burghstead) is a parish rectory, net yearly value £250., with residence and 32
Ilear the source of the river Crouch, 2 miles south- acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and
west from Billericay station on the Southend-on-Sea held since 1900 by the Rev. William George Trousdale
branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 east from B.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. There is a charitY"
Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, Barstable left about 1790 by Mr. John Cooper for the benefit of poor
hundred, ~rentwood petty sessional division and county persons "living in and belonging to the parish"; th~
court district, Billericay union, rural deanery of Bar- income is about £37, arising from the rents of six cot-
stable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. tages and 33 acres of land, and is distributed annually
The church, recently assigned to St. Mary, is a small in Easter week: there are two other small charities,
building- in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel amounting together to £1 3s. distributed in bread.
and nave, south porch and a low western turret with spire, Stockwell Hall is the residence of the Hon. John Henry
containing 2 bells: there are several flat stones in the Savile, and has attached grounds of 20 acres. Hope
chancel to members of the Walton family, including a House is the residence of Robert Johnson esq. Georg e
memorial to the Hon. Sir George WaIton, Admiral of Alan Lowndes esq. of Barrington Hall, Marlow, who is
the Blue, ob. 1739; there is also an inscription to Chris- lord of the manor, and Edgar J ones esq. of The Elms,
topher Herris esq. ob. 1666. The church has 140 sittings. Great Burstead, are the principal landowners. The-
The register dates from ,the year 1681. The living is a soil is loamy j sllbsoil, loamy. The chief crops are
wheat, oats, beans and barley &c. Th~ area is 1,837 7 a.m. sundays & week days & dispatched at 6 p.m.
acres; 1'ate3oble value. £1.617; the popula.tion in 1901
week days only. Postal orders issued, but not paid.
Billericay is the nearest money order & telegraph
was 2-1-8 in the civil and 308 in the ecclesiastical parish.
office, distant 1~ miles
Post Office.-Arthur BurreU, sub-postmaster. Letters Day School (mixed), built in 1891 for 66 children; average
received from Brentwood through Billericay arrive at attendance, 50; Miss Eleanor Simmons, mistress
Davis Joseph, Botany Gate farm Butcher George, head gardener to Rt. Smith George, farmer, Ninges farm •
.Tohnson Robert, The Hope house Johnson esq Suckling Frederick, farm ,bailiff to
:Savile Hon. John Henry, Stockwell hall Harris William, farmer, Bullers farm Wm. Gibson esg. Botany hill
Tl'rousdale Rev. William George B.A. Harris William, jun. farmer & assis- Wood John, farm bailiff to Philip Cole
(rector), Rectory tant overseer, Sudbury's farm esq. St. Margaret's
Aylott Job, farm bailiff to Edgar Pond Abraham, farmer, Carver's farm
Jones esq
BUTTS BURY is a parish on the road from Chelms- £340, with 2 acr~sof glebe, in the gi.ft of Lord Petre,
ford to Billericay, 3 miles south-east from Ingatestone and held since 1886 by the Rev. Charles Earle B.A. of
station, 3 north from Billericay and 5 south-west from St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, who resides at In.
Chelmsford, in the Mid division of the county, Chelms- gatestone. Lord Petre is lord of the manor and £hief
ford hundred, petty sessional division, union and county landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel. The
-court district, rural deanery of Ingatestone, archdeaconry chief crops are Wheat, oats and barley. The area is
of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The more populous 2,I03 acres of land and IQ of water; rateable value,
part of the parish is adjacent to and' forms part of the .£"3,049; the population in 1901 was 532.
village of Stock. The church of St. Mary is a small and Parish Clerk, Edward Wright.
ancient building of brick and plaster, in the Perpendi- Letters received through Ingatestone R.S.O. arrive at
cular style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch 7.30 a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
and a western tower of brick containing one bell: the is at Stock
-church formerly belonged to the nlillnery of St. Leonard, This place is contributory to the Great Burstead School
at Stratford-le-Bow: there are 100 sittings. The re- Board district, formed Jan. 29, 1873, sending 2 mem-
gister of baptisms dates from 1657; burials, 1668; mar- bers to the board
riages, 1694' The living is a perpetual caracy annexed 'fhe children of this parish attend the school at Stock,
to the rectory of Ingatest<me, joint net yearly value 1 1-3 miles distant

(Marked thus * letters through Bil- District Hospital CF. Carter M.D. liodge John, farmer, Slough house
lericay R.S.O physician; Miss W. Leigh, matron) Nisbet Robert, farmer, Great Blunts
(For other names in this parish see *Bushe:I Dashwood, poultry farmer, *Oliff Susan (Mrs.), farmer, Perry st
Stock.) Duke's ball *Snlter Job J effery, farmer,Blunts wall
*Bagwell William, The Elms Galbra.ith Helen G. (Mrs.), farmer, Saner George, farmer, Whyte Tyrrells
"Cooper Charles, Bush hall Frestling hall *Spooner Arthur, farm bailiff to Mr.
Handcock Stannas Henry, farmer, G. Saner
COMMERCIAL. Ramsey Tyrrells *Thollllpson Mrs. frmr. Buckwins frm
*Billericay Rural District Council Harrod Joseph, farmer
CANEWDON is a viIage and parish in the South of the village school, a,rising in part from lands left at
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, different times by Agnes Finch, 'widO'W, William Haws-
petty sessional division and union, Southend county hill and Thomas Hawkins, in 1495, and others; there are
-court district, and in the rural deanery of Canewdon, also seven tenements with gardens, occupied by the poor,
3rchdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans:, it and a benefaction by William Totham and Richard
is 4 miles north-north-east from Rochford station, on 'Voodes, of Scaldhurst, in the hamlet of Pudsey, left i:J.
the Southend-on-Sea branch of the Great Eastern rail- 1688, to provide bread for the poor. TbeTe are some
way and 8 north from Southend, on high ground,! remains here of a camp, and from the ,Roman antiquities
<commanding a fine view over the river Crouch, the I found here the place is supposed to have been the site
rich meadows on its banks and the battlefield of Ash- of a Roman station. .At the time of the Domesdav •
ingdon, where in 1016 it is said Canute the Great and Survey it belonged to Sweyne. Apton Hall, the residence
Edmund Ironside contended; here is a Danish entrench- of Gcorge E. Hawkins esg. is situated in grounds of 427
Ulent. T?ere is a ferry from vVallasea across .the Crouch I acres: C. M. F~ll esq. is IOTd of one manor a,nd Fra.nk
to DengIe hundred for horses and carnages. The Stalhbrass esq. IS lord of that of Scotts Hall. The 'prm-
ancient church of St. Nicholas, standing on Canewdon I cipal landowners are Frank Stallibras8 esg. Zachary
Hill, is an edifice of stone of PerpendicU:ar date, con- i Pettitt esg. and George E. Hawkins esq. The soil is
tSisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, separated from ~he clayey; subsoil, clay. The crops are general. The area
nave by an arcade of four bays, south porch and masSIve I is 5,230 acres of land, 9 of water, 422 of tidal water and
-embattled western tower 74 feet high and containing 5 r6{ of foreshore; rateable value, £3,673; the population
bells: the church was repaired in r7II, when a figure in 1901 was 495.
{)f St. Christopher was discovered on the riglit side of . , •.
the entrance: outside the tower are the quartered W AL~.ASEA,. former~y an but now JOIned to
~rms of France and Eng-Iand and the shields of Bohun, the mamland, IS a penmsula, 3 mIles l~ng by about I~
Mowbray and 'Warren: ill the chancel (restored in 18 94) broad, bounded on the nort~ by the rlver Crouch, on
are sedilia, and there was a hagioscope in the north wall the s~u~h a:nd .east by the. Roche ,and by creeks o~ the
Df the chancel arch: the pulpit is of finely-carved oak: west, It IS III the panshes of St~~br:dge.'
the church contains several mural tablets to members of Canew~on, Pag~esham, Eastwood. ~md LIttle ~ akerm~,
~the Kersteman family: in 19 0Z the interior was re-seated a publIc road m very bad condItIon crosses. the pen.t n -
wit,h chairs, and a new al'tar t,able, choir seats arId read- sula, an?- lead~ to Foulness Island. By ~he mtroduc.tIOu
ing-desks of oak presented by Mrs. Little: two niches of artesIan of great depth water IS now obtamed
and a piscina have been disclosed at the east end of the of good quality.
north aisle: there are 300 sittings. The 1'egister dates RIXGWOOD is a. hamlet in Wallasea, 1 mile south-
lirom ihe year 163'6. The living is a vicarage, net yearly east from Burnham by water.
v';LIue £391, with 60 acres of glebe .and ::esidence, in the Parish Clerk, William Higby.
g,ut of the Dean and Chapte.r of "estmlll~~e~, and held Post & M. O. O. S. R & Annu:i,t & Insurance OIDce.-
~lIlce 1900 by the Rev. Charles Robert ~ 11ham Hardy 0' y L .
BA f 0 . 1 C 11 ege 0 X f d J H L'ttl q . Samuel fford Moss, sub-postmaster. etters arnve
.' . o. t ne f °th , 't to'~h' . . t~ et es £'6 IS from Rochford S. O. at 8 a. m. ; dispatched at 1 I , 30 ·a. m.
Impropna or 0 'e grea I". es, amoun mg 0 72 & d d' t h d n" ... Th
. C t' a1 h I t d' 8 3·55 p.m.; sun ays, lspa c e <w 9.40 a.m. e
10S. H ere IS a ongrega IOn cape, erec e 11'1 I 33, t t 1 hID' t Ra hf d "1 d' t t
and holding 15 0 persons. A fair is held yearly on the neares e egrap ? ~e IS a c or , 5 .ml es IS an
24th of June. The charities left by various benefactors Endowed School, bUIlt m. 1.863, for .120 chIldren; aver-
amount to £140; after pa:ring the cost of management, age attendance, 71; ,"VIlham J. PICkworth, master
repairs, and the sum of £10 to the deserving poor, any Canewdon was made a contributory district to Great
balance available is, by a scheme of the Charity Com- & LIttle Stambridge United School Board District,
missioners of 1897, to he employed for ihe maintenance 27 Feb. 1874, sending 2 members
Hardy Rev. Charles Robert William COM}IERCIAL. Buxton Jonathan, Anchor P.H
. B.A. (vicar), Vicarage Amo~ Geo. Ferry Boat inn, Cricksea Guive; Henry, farmer, Wick farm
Hawkins George E. Aptan hall AustIll Charles, shoe maker Hawkms Geo. E. farmer &; landowner,
l'ettitt Zachary, Loftman's Bines Thomas, carpenter Apton hall
Hallett Frnk. frmr. Lambourne Hall fm Outten J ames, blacksmith • Whitwell Eliza Ann (Mrs.), farmer,
Hayward Jeremiah, farm bailiff to Pettitt Zachary, frmr. &; landowner &; Gardiners farm
Frank Stallibrass esq. Scotts hall oyster merchant, Loftman's Whitwell James, farmer, Whitehouse
Lockwood Edward, shopkeeper Partridge Harry, farmer, Hall farm Wool! William, carpenter &; under--
Moss Samuel Offord, baker, grocer, & Wald'en James, shopkeeper taker, The Orchard
'Post office Wardl Isaae, shopkeeper Wright Joseph, farmer, .Boxes farm
Nix John, farmer, New hall Wederell Elizabeth (Mrs.), Chequers
Moss James, baker, grocer &; post off P.R
GREAT CANFIELD is a parish, to the west of the are 200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538.
river Roding, about 3 miles south-west from Dunmow The living is a. discharged vicarage, Ilet yearly valu~
station on the Dunmow and Braintree branch of the £150, with about I acre of glebe and residence, in the
Great Eastern railway, in the Western division of the gift of the trustees of the late Sir Spencer Maryon
county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division, Maryon-Wilson bart. (d. I897), and held since 1872 by
union and county court district, rural deanery of Dun- the Rev. George Maryon-Wilson ~I.A. of Christ's 001-
mow, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. lege, Cambridge, 'Tural dean of Dunmow, and J.P.
The church of St. Mary is an edifice of stone, partly of Essex. The iruterest of £50, bequeathed by the
Norman date, and cemsisting of chancel, nave, south Rev. Fl'ederick Vane M.A. is distributed annually to the
porch and an embattled western tower of wood, with poor. Here is a perfect mound and castle yard, formerly
a small spire and containing 3 beI:s: the church had l'luITounded by a moat, and once the property of De
formerly a lofty spire, but this was removed previous to Veres, Earls of Oxford. The Rev. George MaryonWilson
I703: there are memorial windows to the Rev. John Phil- M.A. Philip Church esq. and Major Colina, of Roding
lips Gurney, ¥'ioar I822-62 and to Sir In. Maryon Wilson, Hall, High Rootbing, are the principal landowners. ThEl'
d. XI May, 1876 and his family ;brasses to John Wise- soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops ar~
man, eb. 1518, and his family, and to Thomas Fytche wheat, beans, barley and mangold wurtzel. 'l'he arell
esq. ob. 1588, and memorials to Sir William Wiseman is 2,484 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value,
bart. of Canfield, ob. 1684, and others of that family: in £1,828; the population in 1901 was 27I.
the chancel is a slab to the Rev. Frederick Vane M.A. Post Office.-John 'Stock, sub-postmaster. Letters from
rector of Bletchingdon, Oxon, 1837, a benefactor to the Dunmow received at 7.40 a.m.; dispatched at 4.30
poor of the parish: the church was restored in 1876, p.m. No sunday post. Postal orders are issued here,
when many details of Norman work were rendered but not paid. The nearest money order office is at Talie.
visible: the interior has been reseated with open benches ley &; telegraph office at High Roothing, 2 miles distant;
of oak: over the communion table within a niche is 8 Parochial School (mixed), erected in 1832 for 45 chi:d·
very interesting fresco of the Virgin and Child: there ren; average attendance, 39; Miss Lester, mistress
Bailey Mrs. Bullock's Clark William, tailor, Post office Paddon John, farmer & cattle & sheep
Maryon-Wilson Rev. George M.A.., Cox William Henry, farmer &; machine breeder, Canfield park
J.P. (vicar &; rural dean), Vicarage propr. Elms &; Coldharbour farms Reeves Stephen, rat catcher, Cuckoos
Nash Henry, Stonehall Easter Alfred, farmer, Evans farm Rolph Alfred. blachmith
Paddon John, Canfield park Gowlett Alice (Mrs.), prize poultry Smith George, jun. farme.r, Hobs fI'm
COMMERCIAL. rearer, Canfield Hall farm Smith Isaac, farmer, Ashfields
Alger Stephen Wm. farmer, Oak lane Gowlett Harry, farmer, breeder & ma- Stock John, shopkeeper
Bailey Rachel (Mrs.),farmer, Bullock's chine proprietor, Can£eld Hall & Turner WaIter Aaron, farmer, Berry
Bartram George, farmer, Dealtree frm Marsh farms farm
Bennett Joseph, farmer & landowner, Jennings Joseph, Griffin inn Wall Charles, farmer, builder & land-
Baco'n's farm Kaplan Joseph, farmer, Frank Martins owner, Darley dale
Borrow Thomas, farmer, Peckers farm Mason Thomas, shoe ma. Church end Webb Arthur, gamekeeper to the Essex
Church Philip, farmer & landowner, Mason Thos. Wm. frmr. Sawkins farm Hunt, Burnt home
Reids farm Mead John, farmer, Fan's farm
LITTLE CANFIELD is a parish on the Roman place from 1664 to I757 of the W~'atts, of Little Canfield
and modern road from Colchester (Camalodunum) to Hall, and of some memhers of the Fytche and Wiseman
St. Albans (Verulamium), with a station called" Easton families; and there are brasses, with some effigies,
Lodge," 39 miles from London, on the Great Eastern to William Fytche esq. ob. 1578, and his wiv,l3s Elizabeth
railway and 2 miles west from Dunmow -station, on the, and Ann, with nine children, and to _-\nn (Wiseman),
Dunmow and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern first wife of William Fytche esq. and secondly of Ralphe
railway, in the Western division of the county, Dunmow Pudsey esq. of Gray's IJ.ln, ob. 1593. with one son: the
hundred, petty sessional division, union and county church was partly rebuilt, including- the tower. in
court district, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry 1856, and has about 150. sittings. The register dates
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church (dedi- from the year 1560. The living is a l'ectory, net yearly
cation unknown) is an edifice of stone, consisting of value £250, with 7'2 acres of glebe and residence, in the
chancel, nave, south porcn and a t{)wer on the north gift of Christ's College, Cambridge, and held since 1899
side, with a spire of fine old Caen stone, and containing 2 by the Rev. Thomas Ernest Hill M.A. of that collE'ge.
bells: of the old portions there now only remain, besides The manorial rights are held by the Oountess of War-
the walls, two remarkably elegant double-light windows wick, who is also the principal landowner. The soil ill
of the Decorated style in the nave, the exterior of the mostly heavy; sub-soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
old Norman door and the Decorated screen of carved .beans and barley. The area is 1,483 acres; rateable
oak separating the chancel from the nave; the other value, £I,264; the population in 1901 was 255.
windows are all in the Decorated style, those in the Parish CleTk, Jonatban Nicholson.
chancel ~eing stained: the inside o~ the priest's door- P st Office -George R v sub- ostm ster L tt !if
way, whIch has a small poroh, dIsplays 8 crocketed 0 • • a en, p a.. e er
canopy, with shafts of Italian marble and exquisitely- from Dunmow, ireCeIVOO; at 6.5 0 a.m.; dlspa!{)hed at
carved angels at the corbels: in the chancel is a fine 6 p.m.Postal orders are Issued here, but ~ot paId. Tl1e
monument, erected to the mother of the Rev. Charles nea~elstd~tonetY order & telegraph office IS at Takeley,
Lesmgham S·
nuth M. A . rector from 1839; the l a r g e2 .ml s IS an . . . .
porch, now the only portion of the structure in the NatIOnal School (mIxed), bmlt m. 18 4 2 ,. for 50 chIld-
Perpendicular style, has some fine panelling in front re~; average attendance, 40; MISS EliZabeth Poarce,
and a sundial, under which is the inscription. "What mIstress
I say unto you I say to all, watch:" this was the burial Easton Lodge Railway Station, George Green, statn.mstr
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMEROIAL. Raven Geo. blacksmith &. sub-postmstr
Frith Keith, Little Oddyns Frankham In. frmr. The Hall, Coptall Smith George, farmers, Hales & New-
Church Arthur, Greencrofts Franklin Hy. Sewell, farmer, Lang- Lands
Hill Rev. Thomas Ernest M.A. thorns & Little Oddyns Suckling James &, Edmund, farmers.
(rector), Rectory Jones Reuben Great Hoddons
~arsh Mrs. Rales farm' Knight John Temple, farmer, Copthall Tyler Joseph, beer retailer·
CANNING TOWN, a populous suburb of London and therefore not now included in the County Diree-
and a ward within the county borough of West Ham, tory, but will be found in Relly's London Suburban
which is also a metropolitan parliamentary borough, Directory.
CANVEY ISLAND, which is united to Suuth Prittlewell, South BenHeet, Southehurch and Vange,
Benfleet at low water by a causeway across Hadleigh was formed into a civil and ecclesiastical parish 4
Ray, and originally part of the parishes of Bowers March I881: it is supposed by some to be the " Counos,"
Gifford, Radleigh, North Benfleet, Laindon, Pi~sea, or "Convennos Insula" of the ancient geographer

ptolemy, a name assigned by others to the Isle of held since 1:g01 by the Rev. Watson Bagger M.A. of St.
Sheppy, and is a marshy island of the Thames, defended John's College, Cambridge. Here is a coastguard sta-
by high banks all round, erected in 1623; it is in the tion, with a chief officer and seven men. The principal
South Eastern division of the county, Rochford petty landowners are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Sir
sessional division and union, Southend county court Thomas Lewis Hughes Neave bart. of Dagen,ham Park,
district, rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry or Romford, and Messrs. A. M. & G. Clark. The island
Essex. and diocese of St. Albans: it forms very rich is 6 miles long by 3 broad, and contains 4,327 acres of
grazing ground and includes a large quantity of arable land, 56 of water, 2,696 of tidal water and 2,171 of fore-
land. Oanvey church is ro miles west from Southend- shore ; rateable value, £3,199; the population in Ig01
on-Sea and 2 south from South Benfleet station on the was 300.
London, Tilbury and Southend railway. The church of Parish Clerk, Joseph Hil:s. .•
St. Katharine, erected in 18 75 in the place of an earEer Post Office.-Harry Game, sub-postmaster. Letters re-
building dating from 17 12, the only portions of which ceived from South Benfleet S.O. at 9 a.m.; dispatched
nOW remaining are some windows and the porch, is a 1.15 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not
structure of wood, consisting of chancel, nave, :tran- paid. South Benfleet is the nearest money order &I
septs and a. small central belfry, with spire, containing telegraph office, 2~ miles distant
:I: bell: there are 200 sittings. The register dates froll
the year 181g, previous to which date the entries were CO(lst Guard Station, Wm. T. Venson n.N. chief officer
made in the South Benfleet register. The living is a National School (mixed), built in 1874, for 75 child-
vicarage, net yearly value £220, with glebe (£ID) and ren; average attendance, 62; James William Clarke,.
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and. master
Cox E. H Harrison John, farmer, Waterside frm Turnnidge James John, farmer
Hagger Rev. Watson M.A. (vicar), Leach Aaron, farm bailiff to trustees Venson William T., R.N. chief officer
Vicarage • of A. Manningesq of Coastguard
Hand Miss, The Laurels :Mott Wm. farm bailiff to Henry Cole Waterman Edward, farm bailiff to
Paul William H Kynoch's Explosives Co. Ltd. Bridge- WilliamFo&ter esq.Knight,swick fTIll
Beckwith Chas. Lobster Smack P.H house farm White Wm. beer re-tailer & shopkpr
Filmer Edward, police constable Sach John, farm bailiff to Messrs. A. Woods George, baker
Game Harry, grocer, post office M. &; G. CIark, Chaffiot,ts farm
CASTLE HEDINGHAM, anciently a market town, to the de Vere charity, four to Brewer's charity
derived its Dame from the castle erected hete in Norman and three to the parish: the first two sets of almshouses
times and for many years held by the de Veres, Earls of have a small endowment, which is applied to repairs and
Oxford: it is 8 village and parish, on the east bank of the benefit of the inmates. Hedingham Castle, built in
the river Colne, at the junction of the roads from Sud- the reign of Stephen by the de Veres, Earls of Oxford
bury, Haverhill and Braintree, 1 mile north-east from QIld Dukes of Dublin, stands on an eminence near the
Hedingham station, on the Colne Valley railway, 4 miles village; in lI51, Maud, Queen of King Stephen, died
:north-by-west from Halstead, 7 south-west from Sud- bere; in 1216 the castle, when held for the barons,
bury, 49 from London by road and 59 by rail, in the was taken by King John, but it was soon after captured
Northern dfvision of the county, Hinckford hundred, by the Dauphin Louis of France, and then re-taken,
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union by the great Earl of Pembroke; here John de Vere,
and county court diSltrict, and in the rur:¥ deanery of 13th Earl of Oxford K.G. entertained Henry VII. with
Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. the greatest magnificence and hospitality, but that ra-
Alb_ans. The principal houses, but not the streets, are pacious monarch, learning from the Earl's own acknow-
lighted with gas from works in Sible Hedingham. The ledgrnent that he had given liveries to his retainers,
church, assigned by repute to St. Nicholas, is an ancient contrary to the King's edict against" maintenance," con-
battlemented edifice of brick and stone, partly in the tained in the statute of retainers, fined him in the
Norman and partly in the Early English style, and is enormous sum of 15,000 marks, or £10,000: the keep,
supposed, from the heraldic badges of the de Veres the only part of the castle now remaining, is a square
appearing on various parts of the structure, to have been building, 62 feet by SS feet and no feet in height to the
erected by them; it consists of chancel, nave of six bays, top of the square turrets which rise at the angles and
with clerestory, aisles, south porch and a massive brick of which only two now remain, the battlements and parapet
tower at the west end, erected about 16r6, and contain- wall being swept away: the original entrance is on the
ing a clock and 5 bells, 4 having been added in 1897 in west side, where a flight of stairs conducts to the prin-
commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of her late cipal door of the first story, on either side of which can
Majesty Queen Victoria: the east end of the chancel is a be traced the grooves for a portcullis: the whole struc-
fine specimen of the transition period between the N 01'- ture contains six stories and stands on an eminence,
man and Early English styles, and is lighted by three partly artificial, which rises above the village. Aubrey
windows with shafts and a circular one above them: the de Vere, third of that name and first Earl of Oxford, is
chancel, divided from 'the nave by a handsome carved oak said to have founded here, before ugo, a Benedictine
screen, contains a superb monument, with recumbent nunnery, dedicated to the Holy Cross, St. Mary and St.
effigies, to John de Vere, 15th Earl of Oxford K.G. ob. 19 James, of which his countess, Lucia (Abrincis) was the
Mar. 1539, and to Elizabeth (Trussell) <his countess; first prioress; the revenues at the Dissolution were
there are other memorials to Sir Wm. AshuI'st kt. Lord £29 12S. lod. and such portions of the fabric as still
Mayor of London in 1694, ob. 1719; to Robt. Ashurst esg. exist are now incorporated in a farmhouse. In 1250,
his son, ob. 1725; Wm. Ashurst esg. his grandson, ob. Hugh de Vere, 4th Earl of Oxford, founded QIl hospital
1734, and others of that name; and to Dominic Heils, of with chaplains, 8 clock and a servant for the sick and
Flanders, ob. 1608, and Gulielma, his wife, ob. 16°5: the decrepit poor. The de Veres alienated the castle in 1625
font is a memori>a1 to the Rev. Henry Lewis Majendie and it now belongs to Mrs.. Mitchel~, of Holbrook Hall,
Y.A. vicar of Great Dunmow, 1834-62, and was given by near Sudbury,. S~olk, and IS occupled by James Henry
the members of his family in 1863: there are seyen Alexander MaJendle esq. M.P., D.L., J.P.; the park con-
stained windows, and in the nave a mosaic memorial to sists of 94 acres, well wooded. Kirby Hall, in this parish,
Lewis Ashhurst Majendie esq. M.A., J.P., D.L., d. 1883, formerly the seat of a branch of the de Vere famIly and
placed in 1885 by his brothers, L. M. and S. M. Majen- the residence of the distinguished General Sir Horatio de
die: the church was thoroughly restored in :1:871: there Vere kt. created (24 July, 'lOOS) baron Vere of Tilhury, is
are 450 sittings. The registers date from the year :1:558. now a farmhouse. The Astles is the residence of Roch.
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £142, with fort Astle Speding esq. Mrs. Mitchell, of Hol-
residence, in the gift of the trustees of Mrs. Mitchell, brook Hall, near Sudbury, Suffolk. who is lady of the
of Holbrook Hall, and held since 18g8 by the Rev. George manor, James Mayhew Balls esg. and Mrs. Payne are
Cecil Twist M.A. of Trinity College', Oxford: the the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
irnpropriate tithes are about £659 yearly. The Congre- blue clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and man-
gational chapel, rebuilt in 1842, will seat 750 persons. A gold wurtzel. The area is 2,428 aeres of land and 8 of
cemetery of 1 acre was formed in 1883, the site of which water; rateable value, £3,67'8; the population in 190I
was given by the Rev. H . .A.. Lake M.A. vicar 1876-95; was l,og7.
it is under the control of the parish council. In the Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B., T. M. 0., Express Delivery,
town is' a subscription library of 300 volumes; there Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-1Valter
is also a hospital for infectious diseases, available for 8 'Smith, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Halstead
patients. The Connty Police Station here has two resi- by mail cart at 5.20 a.m. & 12.30 p.m.; dispatched at
dent officers. William Martyn left, in 1853, a sum of J:.25 p.m. & 6.35 p.m. week days; dispatched on ,sun-
money, arising from the rent of a farm, to be dividl~d days at 6.35 p.m
There are eleven almshouses, four of which belong
between the poor of Castle Hedingham' and Bocking. Wall Letter Box, Nunnery street,. cleared at 12.5°" p.rp..
& 6.10 p.m
OOUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR NORTH RINCK,FORD Bulmer, Steeple Bumpstead, FoxeaI'th, Gestingthorpe
PETTY SESSIONAL DIVI'SION. Castle Hedingham, Sible Hedingham, Kedington Bam~
Way Lewis John esq. !l<LA., D.L. Spencer grange; Great let, Liston, Great Maplestead, Northwood, OVington,
Yeldham, Halstead, chairman Pentlow, Ridgwell, Stambourne, Sturmer, Tilbury,
Barnardiston Col. Nathaniel, The Ryes, noor Sudbury, Toppesfield, Great & Little Yeldham .
Bromwich Rev. Crowder Tom, Vicarage, Gestingthorpe,
Halstead Cemetery, Edward Ripper, clerk
Bull Rev. Felix Edward Pepys :LVLA., F.R.G.S. Rectory, County Police Station, Geol'ge Wapling, inspector, & 0118
Pentlow, SUdbury, Suffolk constable
Burke Lt.-Col. Walter St. George, The Auberies, Bulmer, Volunteer Fire Brigade, 'Robert Balls, capt. & 10 lllC'n
Sudbury, Suffolk
Dawson Lieut.-Col. Frederick, Tilbury court, Halstood PUBLIC OFFICERS..
Majendie James Henry Alexander esq. M.P., D.L. Hed-. Inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Ad
ing.ham castle, Halstead & Explosives Acts, George Wapling, Police station
Miller Thomas Frederick esq. Monk's lodge, Great Maple- Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, :No. 5 District,
stead, Halstead Halstead Union. &; Gestingthorpe District, Sudburv
Sperling Charles Brogden esq. D.L. Dynes hall, Great Union, &; Medical Officer of Health, No. 2 Halstead
Maplestead, Halstead Rural District, John Bourne Bromley M.R.C.S.Eng
Sperling Charles Frederick Denne esq. M.A. Dynes hall, Tax Collector, WiHiam Hart
Great Maplestead, Halstead
Taylor Vero William esq. Castle Hedingham. Halstead SCHOOLS.
Vaizey Rabt. Edwd. esq. B.A. Tilbury hall,Tilbury,Balstd National (mixed), erected in 1853, for IS0 children;
Way Her'bert 'Yilliam Lewis esq. Spencer grange, Great twice enlarged, 1885 & 1900, far 250 children; average
· Yeldham, Halstead attendance, r70; Alfred Turner, master; Mrs. Turner,
The Chairmen of the Bumpstead & Halstead Rural Dis- mistress
.trict Councils, for the time being, are ex-officio magis. British (mixed), for IIO children; average attendance,
trates '85; Richard S. Sloper, master
Clerk to the Magistrates, Francis Harris, Halstead Carriers.-Frederick Hawldns, to Sudbury, thurs. ret1Vn-
Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station,. Oastle ing the same day; Frederick Dansie, to Sudbury, tllWi's .
. Hedingham, eVl!ry alternate tuesday at 11 a.m. The returning same day; George lYe strop, t,o Colchester,
. places in the division are: ...;.-Ashen, Belchamp Otten, sat. returning same day; George tVestrop, to Chelms.
Ilelchamp St. Paul, Belchamp Walter, Birdbrook, Borley, ford, fri. returning same day
'Baines' James . union & Gestingthorpe district, Sud- Kewman Frederick, butcher .
Balls James Mayhew, The Kunnerr" bury union,' & medical officer of Palmer Harry, boot & shoe maker
Balls Robert, Augusta house health Ko. 2 Hal;;;tead Rural District Parr tVm. beer retailer -& bill poster
Bentall vVilliam Rufus, The Hollies Buttrum Eliza Emma (Mrs.), butcher Partridg-e John. upholsterer
Bromley John Bourne Cemetery (Edward Ripper, clerk) Payne Frederick, farmer-.
Chaplin Mrs. The Southern!! Cleghorn George Benjamin, chemist Percival Thomas, shoe maker
Dewes Mrs. Falcon house Dansie Frederick, beer retaLer Plummer Williaru Creasey, farmer.
Dyson James. Davey Susannah C~Iiss), bookseller & Great Lodge farm
Hanington Thomas stationer Badley William, beer retailer
Hart William, The Cedars Deeks & Son, builders & contractors Rayner Wm. & .son, brick & tile mas
Harvey Miss Eade William Harry,sanitary inspector Revell Edmund, Crown p.a.
Majendie James Henry Alexander & hi£ihway surveyor, Halstead Rural Richardson David, cycle maker
M.P., D.L., J.P. Hedingham ca.stle; .' District No. 2 Ripper Edward, assistant overseer &;
· It Marlborough &; GaTlton clubs, Edwards Charles, Bell hotel clerk to Pari8h Council
London is W .. . Farrants Crown, blacksmith Ripper Wm. Charlton, joinery manufr
Monson Rev. George Edward (Cong) Gatwafd John, butcher Rulton Charles, baker
Nettleship William .. Goldsmith Jo'hn, painter Sams Henry, market gardener
Sperling Rochfort Astle, The Astlp-l> Goss Isaac, ironmonge,r Smith E. & B. saddlers & harness
Taylor Vero William .LP Hall Alfr'ed, beer retailE'T &; COTn dealr makers; & at Halstead, Braintree,
'Twist Rev. Geo. Cecil ,M.A. (vic:u), Hart Wm. collector of King's taxe,;;. Pebmarsh & Great Yeldham
· Vicarage Harvey John Horton, draper & grocer Smith Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Wood Mrs . . Hatfield & Son, bilkers & corn dealrs Smith Harry Robert, blacksmith
CO:.llMERcrtAL; , Hawkins Albert, wheelwrig-bt Smith WaIter, ooot &:, shoe dealer
Ambrose George, beer retailet Hawkins Fdk. Chas. King's Head P.R Subscription Library ()liss :Maude
Amey George, shoe maker li:, coach builder & wheelwright DewE's, hon. librarian)
Baines Jas. li:, Hy. grocers & drapers Hospital for Infectious Diseases (John Taylor Vero William, maltster
Balls James Mayhew &; Robert(Messrs. Bourne Bromley, surgeon) Tully Ernest John. insurance agent
Balls, estah. 1846), auctioneers, land HOlUsden Arth. G'8IO.frmr.Pannell'stAsh Turner William, beer retailer
agents &; valuers; & at Haverhill Howe Glam. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wapling GeOI"ge, inspector under Con.
Balls James l\Ia~'hew, farmer." The Jarman Frederick Bennett, antique tagious, Diseases (Animals) Act .§7;
Nunnery ,. . furniture dealer & builder police inspector
iBingham Edward, orhamental pottery Jay J oseph, shoe maker Westrop Arthur, osier grower
manufacturer Jeffreys Louisa (:Miss), dress maker lVestrop Geo. Reynolds, nurseryman
'Brand John, chimney sweeper ., Kendell Geo. beer retlr. & butcher Westrop Harry, osier grower
'Bromley John Bourne M.R.C.S.Eng. Ling Ch3Js. Robt. builder & undrtkr We.strop 'Thomas, fishmonger, green-
surgeon & medical officer & public Miller Alfred, baker grocer & poulterer
vaccinator Ko. 5 district, Halstead Moy Thomas Limited, brick makers White Agneil (Miss), day sehaol
.cHADWELL HEATH is a straggling hamlet and an and held since r895 by the Rev. John Peter Shawcross
·ecclesiastical parish formed in 1895 from the parish of M. .1. of Oxford University. There are also Baptist and
'Dagenham; it verges on Hainault Forest, and is for the Congregational chapels and a place of worship for the
,most part on the Romford road, ~ith a station on the Plymouth Brethren. The Crown and Joshua Pedley esg.
-Great Eastern railway, 3 miles west fron:l Ramford and of Trafalgar House, Tottenham, Middlesex, are the chief
10 from London, in the Southern division of the county, landowners. The area is 6,556 acres; the population in
-Becontree hundred and petty Eessional division, Rom- r898 was 3,000. .
iord union and county court district and in the jurisdic-
,tion of the Metropolitan police, rural deanery of Ch afford, Sexton, T. Davey.
oarchdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Clerk and Sacristan, J. W. Freshwater.
church of St. Chad, built in 1884, is an edifice of red Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery. Parcel
brick in the Early English style, from the designs of Mr. Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office (Railway
Frederick Chancellor, of Chelmsford, diocesan surveyor, Sub-Office. Letters should have R.s.a. Essex added).
aud consists of chancel, nave with derestory, aisles, south --John Christopher Cox, SUb-postmaster. Letters
porch, and an embattled north tower conta~ning a clock arrive at 7.45 a.m. :z & 6,45 p,m.; dispatched at
and one bell: there is a memorial window to Mr. Archer 9.15 &; 12.15 a.m, 4·45 &; 7.30 p.m
Moss: the church seats 380. The living is a perpetual
curacy, net yearly value £1'85, with residencf>, in tIle Letter Box at Station, cleared at 9. IS &; 11.3° a.m. &;
gift of the vicars of Dagenham and IlfoI'd alternately, 4.30 & 6.5 p.m
SCHOOLS. cently added one class-room to hold 56 more infants,
Ford's Endowed, \Vhalebone lane, for II6 children; aver- making in all '160; Miss Florence Bolton, mistress
age attendance, 90; there is a branch school under Metropolitan Police Station, Frederick MerreIl & James
the same foundation at Dagenham, the united income Rutledge, station sergeants, 2 section sergeants, 1 act-
being £300; Robert Thomas Aldous, master; Mrs. ing sergeant &; 13 constables
Aldous, mistress
Infants', for 160 children; average attendance, 99; re- Railway Station, 'I'homas Howlett, station master

Shawcross Rev. .Tohn Peter M.A. Gill &; Rawling (Misses), school, Hain-
Vicarage ault house
Adams Alexander Annan, Ingleside,St. Stewart John W. Peoria villa Gooch G"'harles, coffee rooms
Chad's road Stoneman \Villiam, 3 Park villas Green ""Valter, greengrocer
AlIen James, Elizabeth villas Tann Edward, Balcarras, Ohurch road Grove & Co'. house furnishers
AlIen Mrs. Glencair'n cottage, Whale- Tatham Alfred, Aubrey house Heathcote Herhert Charles, draper
bone lane Taylor Mrs. Ash villa Higgs Oharle.s, blacksmith
A.tkinson Thomas' ReneH Y.D. C-ardi- Trafford Frederick, Whalebone lodge Higgs George, dairyman
gan house Waghorn Edward. Laurel cottage Holliday Jo,seph Fredk. &; Son, buildrs
Aylott Jo,s,eph, ,Mill lane Waterland Thomas, Suhnyside Hollinghead Henry, beer retailer,
Badams Williarn, Herbert, St. :Moritz Wright William, Lawn house Goodm.ays>
Barley Frank, Holmfield Hone William J. draper
Ba:rton Thos. iGeo. L.R.C.P. High rd COMMEROL\L. Howlett Thom,as, station master (Gt.
Baskett James, St. Osytih AlIen J ames, market gardener Eastern railway)
Boulton Alt W. Belgrave villas Atkinson Thoma,s Reuell M.D.Durh., King Robert, jun. hay & straw dealer,
Bowyer Miss, 7 Park villas M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. physician & High :road,
Broad George, Heath cottage surgeon, Cardigan house Lane Wiliam T. pla.sterer
Capon Edward, Heat-hlands BaldTey H. &; F. oilmen Little Henry, grocer
Glark Mrs. Brooklands Barton Thomas George L.R.e.S. &, P. London &; Provincial Bank Limited
Clark William, Lame house & L.M.lrel. physician & surgeon, Martin John, farm bailiff to Thomas
Crisp Henry, The Hawthorns High road May esq. Valence
Da.vey Ebenezer. I I Park villa!! Bell Frederick Alexander, chemist &; May Edward, shopkeeper
Davies l.'noch, Stanley villa druggist Mayes Thomas, faJrmer, Vallence frm
Fordham Mrs. Hainault Bennett John, fruit grower, Green la Mills Brothers, fishmonger·s
Freeman Herhert, Hainault gore BentDn Maria (Miss), be·er retailer, Moss Herbert, miller (wind &; steam)
Frost Arthur, Heath house Green lane & corn dealer &; coal mer. The Mills
Glindoni Hy. Gillard. Whalebone la Bixby Geo. dealer, Bennet's Castle la New,son Samuel, g,hopke,epe,r
Goodwin Charles, Mill lane Bixby John, hay & straw dealer NOIl"ris Henry, White Horse P.H
Graham Chas. Lingwo.od,Whalebone la Burgess \Villiam Emery; luncheons, Norman Charles, builder
Green William Cooper, Elgin lodge two tables, Cooper's Arms P.H. Parrish "'-illiam, farmer
Hall Henry, Grove cottage Cable John, hay &; straw dealer Pavie Brothers, coal merchants
Handley Mrs. Beaconsfield villa Camhridge Robert John, grocer &; Powell Charles, grocer
Harrison Mrs. Hope. cottage beer retailer, Station TOad Powell Hy. shopkpr. fancy china &c
Hatch Arthur, Strath=oTe Chamber,s ~<\.lbert Geo'rge, tobacconist Pritchard: John, attendance officer,
Hatchett Henry, ,Church road Chambers WaIter C. tailor Dagenham school board
Hawkin.s Ernest" Brooklyn house Chipperfield Albert, carman, Mill lane PritJ.ove Williarn, shopkeeper
Holliday Joseph Fredk. Hope villa Chirgwin Christian (,::.\'!rs.), grocer. Pritlove William James, wheelwright
J acques Henry, Hove villa. Clark Brothers, bakers & corn dealleTs Hiley GeDrge, shoe maker
King William. The Cedars Clark Charles, confectioneir Riley Peter. boot &; shoe maker
Loosley Chas. Reuben. Morley road Cocks SmJ.C~[rs.),ChadwenArm~i P.H Root William, carpenter
Luxrnore Mrs. Vallance farm Coppen Thos.L. frmr. Whalebone frro Smith Art:hur A. hairdresser
Manning Mrs. M. Northcote, St. Gosburn Thomas, stone mason Standard Cycle- Co. cycle makers
Chad's road OJx John ClIristr. draper, Post office Stephens Arthur, hairdresser
May Thomas. Valance hOllSA Death George WiJIiam Coppen, builder Stephens Georg-e Thomas, shopkeeper
Moss Mrs. Archer, The Mills & contractor Stewart .John W. assistant overseer &
:Moss Helfbert, Heath side Digby Harry, butcher rate collector
Norman Charles, Norman villa Dockerill Geo. beer retailer, Wood la Stroud Robert, builder, Barley hall
Pavitt Mrs. Wallwood, Ohurch road Draper \Villiam, jun. saddler Surridge Robt. beer retailer, Bennets
Payze Richard, Broomfields Emberson harIes, dairymaIl< Castle lane
Raison Henry, Rose villa, Mill lane Fa.rrance· Robe'rt, florist Tarry Albert. florist
Rayment Misses, Paulatim lodlle Freshvrater John William, attendance Wackett William, market gardener
Robbins' Albert E. 4 Park villas officer, school bObXd, Wallace William, photographer
Savill Mrs. Whalebone house Hawthorn villa Webb Alfred, briCklayer, G-l'e'en lane
Sears Thomas. I Stanley villas Fyiteh Victor, grocer, Station road Wright Thomas, farmer
Smith John, Wallace, lodge Gaywood Henry, butcher Young Jonathan, baker

CHADWELL ST. MARY, which takes its name sented by the rector in 1893, one representing the "Find-
from a well dediclllted to St. Chad (or Cedd), who is said ing of Moses," and the other "The feast given to Our
to have baptised his converts here and built a church at Lord in Simon's house": the east window was> filled with
Tilbury, is a parish on the Toad from Grays to Tilbury, 2 stained glass at the cost of Mrs. Seabrooke, late of Grays,.
miles north from Tilbury station on the London, Tilbury and there are three other stained windows: the chancel
and Southend railway, 4 south from Orsett, 14 south-east retains sediiia and a piscina: there is a mural tablet W.
from Romford and 22 from London, in the South the Rev. Wiliam Herringham RD. a former rect-or and'
Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, Prebendary of St. Paul's, d. 22 Feb. :1819; and another
Orsett union and petty· sessional division, Grays to Thomas Noble Elwyn, of Albemarle street. London,
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Orsett, surgeon d. 4 Dec. 1848, and' his relict, Elizabeth: under
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans: the viI- the communion table is a small. brass: the font is·
lage of Chadwelllies high on one of the finest gravel beds modern: the church W3S reseated in 1857, and the chan-
in the kingdom, above the chalk: range: the Tilbury eel decorated with mural painting by Mr. J. T. Carter,
Docks and Tilbury stations on the London and Southend of London, at the expense of the rector; in 1'880 the
railway are both in this parish: Tilbury Fort is partly in ancient rood staircase which had been blocked up was
this parish. The southern portion of the parish known ouaned, and in 1893 a new organ was erected at a cost of
liS Tilbury was sewered in 1894 at a cost of £9,000. £500, and a new vestry built: the church has 198
The church of St. Mary is a building of flint sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1539;'
faced with a sof1t white stone chiefly in the Decorated marriages and burials from 1578. The living is a ree-
style, bnli incorporating some Norman features, and con- tory, net yearly value £260, with residence and 40 acres
!lists of chancel, nave and an embattled western tower, of of glebe, in the gift D,f Artbur Tomkins esq. of Addis-
flint and rubble, containing 3 bells, dated respectively combe, Surrey, and Broughton. Hants, and held since
1628, 1763 and 1694: the nave is separated from the 1896 by the Rev. Edward Smith. TilbulfY Docks are in
chancel by a dwarf screen of oak, surmounted by a this parish, but for reference given with Tilbnry
wrought iron screen of elaborate design by Charles E. / West. The southern portion of the parish, embracing
Powell esq.: in the chancel are two oil paintings, pre- ' the docks, is now (1902) being formed into a separate
ecclesiastical dIstrict, to be called 'St. John the Baptist, well as of Biggin, another manor in this parish: the
Tilbury, with a population of 4,460. The temporary dis. other principal landowner is Champion Bl'anfill Russell
trict church, near the docks, was erected in 1883; the esq. J.P. of Stubbers, North Ockendon. The soil is
Rev. Francis Meuross Olayton Assoc.K.C.L. bas been liglit; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat and
curate in cbarge since 1897, and resides at Tilbury barley. The area is 1,8'69 acres of land, 10 of water, u6
Docks. TbeTe is also a Catholic Scbool Clhapel near the of tidal water and 24 of foreshore, tbe marshes reaching
docks, and an iron building in which services are held to the Thames; rateable value, £25,°'48; the population
by the 'fhames Church Mission Society. There is a in 1~9'1 was 3,391, including 46 in Tilbury Fort, and in
market held every Thursday nealr Tilbury Fort for the I90 1, 4,762.
sale of cattle, sheep and pigs. Tilbury Fort is occupied Wall Letter Box, Tilbury Fort, cleared at 8·55 & II·45
by a detachment of the Royal Garrison Artillery, and is a.m. 4.10 & 8'40 p.m.; sundays, 10.15 a.m
also the head quarters of the Thames Militia Division of Chadwell Post Office.-William Beard, sub-postmaster.
Submarine Miners Royal Engineers. Near to Tilbury Letters through Grays arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 3.20 p.m. ;
Fort is the TilbUiry steamboat station, from which there dispatched at 11. IS a.m. & 7.45 p.m.; sunday de-
is a service in the summer months to Margate and liv&y, 6.50 a.m.; dispatched, 10.3Cl1 a.m. Postal orders
Ramsgate; the ferry steamboat also plies to and from are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money
Gravesend half-hourly from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in summer order office is at West Tilbury, & telegraph office at
and winter, fare 3d. The Peter ISymonds charity of £12 Grays, 3 miles distant
yearly is distributed partly in coals; the surplus is
Militia. Engineers, Submarine Miners, Royal Engineers,
given to the village clothing club. In the parish are a Thames Division, Hon. Lieut.-Col. C. P. Boyd, major;
number of excavations in the chalk, traditionally Hon Major, G. H. Holland; Lieut. T. W. F. Spottis-
known as "Cunobelin's Gold Mines," so called
from a British prince of that name, who dis- wood, instructor of musketrv
tinguished himself by his ·resistance to the in- A School Board of 7 members ·was formed for this parish,
vading Romans; and by others called "Daneholes," 15 April, 1889, Richard Lloyd Williams. New road,
from the belief that they were made by the terrified Grays, is clerk to the board; Edwin Alfred Baxter,
Saxons as places of refuge from the Danes; similar Beaconsfield road, Tilbury 8.0. attendance officer
caverns exist at Little Thurrock, and there are existing SCHOOLS.
evidences of intercommunication between the several Na.tional School (mixed), built in 1855, for 60 children;
:~etreats, local tradition indeed asserting that a. subter- average attendance, 50; Miss Mary E. Symonds, mist
ranean gallery extends to Orsett. The trustees of the For other schools see West Tilbury & Tilbul'Y Docks
· late George Henry Errington esq. of Merry Oak, South-
ampton (d. 190.0), and the ltev. John L. Tur.butt ~L.A.. RAILWAY STATIONS.
· vicar of Midgham, near Reading, Berks, are the prin- Tilbury, Matthew Forsier, station master
cipal landO'Wners and lords of the manor of Ohadwell as Tilbury Dock, Waiter J. Butcher, station master
. d f T'lb COMMEROlAL Ibbs John, farmer, Chadwell Hall frm
rs., era ss K eys P .H
, or rema,m er 0 names, see I ury Beard Will'lam, sh opk eepeT, . P ost 0 ffi ce R 0 d R e b ecca (M)
Docks). Fuller Frederick, blacksmith Stickins William, farmer
Smith Rev. Edward, Rectory Gower Ernest Alid. market gardener Wisbey Thomas, dairyman
Haynes Alfred, dairyman, Rectory cot Young Jas. farmr. Chadwell Place frm
· CHADWELL STREET is a hamlet, in the parish of church is ornamented with artistic decorations painted
1Iarking, on the road from Great Ilford to Romford, by an amateur, and will seat 350 persons. The register
,adjoining Chadwell Heath station on the Great Eastern dates from the year 1865. The living is a. perpetual
railway, and is 2 miles east from Ilford and 3 west from curacy, net yearly value about £50, in the gift of
. Romford; it is in the Southern division of the county, Major Ibbetson, and held since 1895 by the Rev. Horace
Beacontree petty sessional division, Romford county Richard Landon M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford,
CDurt district, Tural deanery of South Barking, archdea- who resides at Little Heath. The land is held by a
conry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of number of small owners. The ward of Chadwell corn-
St. James was built in 1862 by Major Ibbetson as a prises 2,298 acres and had a population in 1891 of 213.
chapel of ease to Aldborough Hatch, but is now held W 11 L tt B d' ., G f 1 d k
as an independent charge with a conventional district a e er ox, a Jommg rove arm, c eare wee
formed in 18 95 out of the ecclesiastical parishes of da~s only at 8.20 a.m. 4. 15 &i 7. 15 p.m. & letters are
Ilford and .Aldborough Hatch; the church is a cruci- delIvered at 8 a.m.. & 2·30 & 6·45 p.m
'form structure of brick, with stone mouldings, in the Wall Letter Box, LIttle Heath, cleared at 8 & 11.30
Gothic style, and consists of chancel with aisles, tran- a'I?' week days & 9 a..w. sundays; letters are
septs, nave, sacristy, choir vestry, south porch, and a delivered at 8.3 0 a.m . .
western tower containing 5 bells: the triplet windows at Letters through Chadwell Heath, WhICh IS. the nearest
the east end and several others are stained, three of postal, money order &i telegraph office, arrIve at 8 a.m
these being memorials to Caroline .!.melia Liptrap, Lieut.- SCHOOLS.
Col. Melville and Reginald Melville: the chancel is
.divided from the nave by a handsome Gothic stone' Chadwell (mixed), built in 1896, for 380 children; aver-
screen, with shafts of marble: in the sacrarium is a age attendance, 220; WilIiam J ames Alderson, master
mural brass to Emily Ann 1Iarlee, and on the wall of the Infants', Chadwell Street, built in 1894, for 100 children;
south aisle a marble memorial to Emily Dawkins; the average attendance, 80; Miss Heffer, mistress
Aitchison Wm. Kinghorn, Willnett ldg Cable James, farmer, Little heath MacheIl Fras. L. beer ret. Little heath
Brown Robert George, Goodmays Cable Josiah, farmer, Little heath Monk George, grocer
Ibbetson Maj. George E. Heath house. Dilley Ann (Mrs.), frmr. Little heath Porter WiIliam, Orooked Billet P.R.
Little heath Dodwell Eber Joh~ butcher Padnall corner
Landon Rev. Horace Richard M.A. Goodey Tbomas, Greyhound P.H Pye Charles William, hay &; straw
(inoumbent), Little heath Graffham Thomas, fish fryer dealer. Little heath
Lewsey William, Grove farm Green Ernest John, butchel1' Sayers Samuel, farmer
Gunary Geo.mrkt.g'rdnr.Primrose frm Schneide'1' &, Son, bakers
COMMERCIAL. Hartridge Daniel, dining rooms Sutton Henry, market gardener
Brown Robert Geo. frmr. Goodmays Knight WilIiam., carl,er, Little heath Torrance George Woodburn &i James,
:Brown Thomas, blacksmith Lee Robert John, carpenter &; grocer farmers, Hainault farm
CHAPPEL (or Pontisbright) is a village and parish, junction for the 'Colne Valley railway. This place was
on the banks of the river Colne, adjacent to Wakes formerly a chapelry in the parish of Great Tey, but was
Colne and on the high road from Colchester to Cam- made an independent parish in 1433. The chapel, an edi-
bridge, 6! miles south-east flom Halstead, 8 south from fice of stone in a debased Norman style, was originally
Sudbury, 6 north-east from CoggeshalI, 7! north-west built in 1352 as a dependency of Great Tey, and consists
from Colchester and 491 from London, in the East.ern of nave, north porch and small western belfry, with
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and spire, containing 2 bells: the chancel retains a piscina:
Winstree union and petty sessional division, Colchester there are 120 sittings. The register dates from the year
county court district, and in the rural deanery of 153,8. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value about
Halstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of I £100, with 9 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of
St. .Albans. The Stour Valley branch of the Great I the parishioners, and held since 1869 by the Rev. .Alfred
Eastern railway here crosses the valley by a viaduct of Werninck B.A. of Downing College, Cambridge. A ceme-
32 arches, springing to a. height of 74 feet and has a tery of about half an acre was laid out in 1882. The im-
station called" Chappel," in Wakes Colne parish, about I propriate or rectorial tithes amount to £159 and 40
a quarter of a llIilQ from the village, which is also the I acres of glebe, and there is a Queen's Portion of £47·
Robert Hoolde esq. in the 33rd year of the reign of King 1889, two detached parts of Mount Bure~ and Rose
Henry VI. by his deed feoffment gave one messuage wivh Green from Wakes COlne were added to Chappel, and
garden and 14! acres of land in this parish, for a poor two detached parts of the latter parish added to 1Yakes
learned man 'Who should from time to time be minister Colne.
of this parish; should t,he minister not be poor then the Parish Clerk, .Ambrose Everitt.
charity to be distributed to the poor; twelve trustees Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity &i Insurance Office.-
were appointed to this deed in 1'8'34, but in 18'89 the land Oliver Joseph Poole, sub-postmaster. Letters from
was 'Sold and the proceeds invested by the trustee!!. Earls Colne B.S.O. a.rrive at 7. 20 & 10.20 a.m.; dis-
The manor is extinct. The principal landowners are h d &
Mr. R 0 b ert P art n'd ge, Mrs. F arrow, "-M rs. T awe,
11 ""1
"-, essrs.
patc e at 12·5, 2·55 6·45 p.m.; sundays 9·45 a.m.
The nearest telegraph office is at Wakes Colne, 1
B. Nott, Harris Hills and D. Willink, and there are mile distant. WaU Letter Box, Watch house, cleared
sevaral smallar owners. The soil is light loam and clay;
'l grave.
su b SOl, I Th e ch'le f crops are w h ea, t b Id
ar ey an at 1'2.10, 3·5 & 06,45 p.m.; sundays, 9·55 a.m
turnips. The area is 1,143 acres of land and 6 of water; National School (mixed), built in 18 7 1, fo'r ,85 children;
Tateable value, £1,645; the population in' 1901 was 36 9. average attendance, 54; James Ball, master .
By Local Government Board Order 22,263, March 24, CaJrrier to Colchester.-Buck, wed. & sat
-Beard Mrs. Hazeldell COMMERCIA.L. Joscelyne William, chimney sweeper
Cotton Alfred. Brook hall Burchell WiIliam. frmr. Viaducts frm Leatherdal~ Gregory, threshing ma-
Farrow Mrs. James. Hill house Carter Henry Richard, carpenter chine owner, Rose green
Goodey Mrs. Broomhouse ! Cemetery (Ambl'Ose Everitt, keeper) Percival George, farmer, Pattocks
Langdale Hy. Jackson,Bridgewick hall qopping John, baker & grocer Poole Oliver Jsph. shopkpr. Post office
Oakes Montague N. The Elms Evans Joseph, shopkeeper Pudney William, saddler
Osborn Mrs. Rose cottage Everitt .Ambrose, parish clerk & keeper Tawell Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer &;; land-
Thackeray :Mrs of cemetery owner, Bacon's
Werninck Rev. Alfred B.A. (vicar), Everitt Arthur, grocer Theobald Clifford, builder &c
Viica;rage Everitt Samuel, butcher, Rose green Twitchett Harry Albon, Rose & Crown
Willink Daniel, Vernon's farm Goodey Mills, Swan P.H P.H
ltVrig-ht Miss 'Gridley Wm. Isaac, frmr. Pope's farm Whitman Thomas, boot & shoe maker

'CHELMSFORD is a municipal borough, market and union also supplies two conduits in the town; a further supply
town, the meeting place of the County Council of Essex, has been obtained from the Admiral's Park Spring, and a
'Snd head of a petty sessional division and county court water tower and reservoir for 250,000 gallons constructed.
-district, with a station on the Great Eastern railway; At Long Stomps there is a high level reservoir holding
it is at the confluence of the rivers Chelmer, Can and 120,000 gallons.
'Vid, and on the great road from London through Col- The town sewers are now, for the purpose of irrigation,
-chester into Suffolk, with roads branching to Ongar, under the control of the Corpcration; a main sewer
Dunmow, . Braintree, Maldon and Rochford, and is 29 conveys the town sewage and that of Widford combined,
-miles from London, 9 south-west from 'Vitham, 13 by gravitation to Brook End, Springfield, receiving in its
-south-east from Dunmow, 22 from Colchester, rr south- course the sewage of part of Springfield and Great
'West from Braintree, rrl north-east £rom Brentwood, 10, Baddow. .A farm of about rro. acres has been purchased
north-west from Maldon, 38l from Ipswich and 56! at Brook End and the combmed sewage of the four
-from Bury St. Edmunds. In Domesday Book it is parishes is then disposed of by irrigation and filtration.
:variously called "Celmeresfort" and .. Celmersforde," and According to Csmden, Chelmsford corresponds to_ the
named in many ancient records, "Chelmereforde," Roman station "Csnreninm," but it is now generally
«Chelmesford," an~ "Chelmsford"; the name is, how- supposed to be identical with "Cresaromagus," a !!tation
ever, evidently a contraction of Clielmer's-ford, from the in the direct road from London to Colchester. In' the
.ford over the river Che1mer before bridges were built year 1847 a Roman villa of considerable extent was dis~
across it. Chelmsford is the capital of the :Mid division covered on land immediately abutting upon the Sl1p'~
of the county, in the hundred and rural deanery of it,s posed ancient road and from time to iime numerous
own name, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese. Roman relics have been found. In the reign of Henry
Undel' an order of the Local Government Board, dated r. Manrice, Bishop of London, in which see Chelmsford
25 March, 1889, two outlying p/)rtions uf the parish had remained since the reign of Edward the Confessor,
were added to the parishes of Broomfield and Writtle. built the first bridge over the Can. The town continued
The town received a charter of incorporation 19 to form part of the possessions of the Bishops of London
Sept. 1888, and is now governed by a mayor, 6 aldermen, down to the time of Henry VIII. when, in 1545, the
and 18 councillors. The borough is divided, for munici- town and mansion were conveyed by Bishop Bonner and
pal purposes, into north and south wards. in 1563 granted by Queen Elizabeth to Thomas Mildmay
The town, in conjunction with Springfield, is in three; esq. in whose family the manor and a portion of the
divisions, all connecttld by good bridges-Chelmsford' lands still remain; no mention is made of its
bridge, between and at the confluence of the rivers' until in the eaT'1y part of the reign of King John, when
Cbe1mer and Can: :Moulsham bridge on the south side a charter for a weekly market was procured as well as
of the Can, and Springfield bridge on the north side of the a royal licence for the anl11lJal fairs; the faiJrs are now,
Chelmer; an iron bridge over the Chelmer, l uilt to re- aholished.
place one washed away by the flood of August, 1888, was In some parliam~mtary records this town is called a
erected in 1890, from designs by the county surveyor, borough, and bY' writ dated 18 Aug. I I Edw. liT. (1337),
at a cost of £2,1°4: the town is lighted with gas four persons were summoned from this town to attend
supplied by a company empowered by provisional order the Parliament holden at Westminster in that year, but
under the "Gas and Water Orders Confirmation Acts, they are not returned as having done so; in a statute
1874," c. 87, whose offices and works are at Springfield of Henry VI. relating to weights and measures, Chelms-
wharf; but the Corporation has contracted with Messrs. ford is also named as the shire town.
Crompton and Co. Limited, for lighting the borough by The church of St. Mary, a building of rubble, flinl
electncity, all the wires for which are run overhead from and some red brick, was erected (according to an old
standards 50 to 60 yards apart; there are 20 arc lamps inscription upon the church, now destroyed) in the
in the three main streets, and 217 incandescent lamps for year 1424, no doubt upon the foundation of a former
Qther t.horoughfares: the town was thus lit for the first church, and is an edifice in the Perpendicnlar style,
time I4 April, 1890. consisting of chancel with aisles, nave, aisles, north
The waterworks, in Mildmay road, belong to the transept, south porch and an embattled western tower
Corporation, who supply the town and the parish of containing a clock and 10 bells, dating variously from
Widford with hard and soft water procured from two 1723 to 1822, the tenor weighing 22 cwt.: in the year
sources, viz. an artesian well at the works, 600 feet deep, 1800 the roof of the nave fell in, destroying the nave
and a spring near the railway, named "Burgess Well;" and the greater portion of the west and ..outh aisles,
the water is conveyed from this well by gravitation to which were then rebuilt in the bastard style of Gothic at
~ reservoir capable of containing 112,000 gallons, which that time p.,revailing §Dd encumbered with notih, south
- ESSEX 6:11=

and west galleries: in the year 1857, however, the possess a distinct educational value, as well as to pre-
western gallery was cleared away, the fine old tower sent an epitome of the natural productIOns of the county,
thrown open and the church reseated: in 1873 a second lllustrattld by maps, drawings, diagrams kc.
north aisle with transept was built and the two remain- The Chelmsford Club, in the New London road, was
ing galleries removed; and in 1872 a new pulpit, of formed in 1884: tlie club premises contain readisg rooms,
various coloured marbles with sculptured panels in white dining room and a large billiard room: there are 2'85
marble was presented by th8 Right Hon. W. Hanbury members, and the club is managed by a board of di-
P.C., of llam Hall, D8rbyshire, M.P. for Preston, in rectors.
memory of his wife: the south porch, a fine specimen of In Tindal square is a sitting figure in marble, by E.
th8 Perpendicular period, was restored by F. Chancellor H. Baily, sculptor, of Sir Nicolas Conyngham Tindal kt.
8Sq. in 1882: the chancel was improved in 1878 by the M.A. born at Coval Hall, near Chelmsford, successively
addition of a clerestory and a new stained east window M.P. for Wigton, Harwich and Cambridge University, and
erected to the memory of Lady Jane Mildmay, wife of Sir Ohief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1829-46; he died
H. B. H. John Mildmay, d. 6 May, 1857: in 1884 it was July 6th, 1846.
re-arranged, oak stalls and wrought iron screens in- His Majesty's Prison is at Springfield and was erected
troduced and new flooring laid down: there are several in 1828 at a cost of £57,289; enlarged in 1849, and fur-
stained windows: in IgOI considerable alterations and ther improved in 1871; there are 361 certified cells.
repairs were made, and the interior partially decorated, The head quart,ers of the County Constabula.ry at
at a cost of £3,5°0, a new organ being also provided: SpringfieId, erected in 1902, at a cost, including
the archdeacon of Essex: holds his court in the church site, of about £18,000, are of red brick, with stone
and until recently the archiJiaconal records were kept dressings, from designs by Messrs. Clare -and Ros&,
in the Toom in the porch, ,but they are now removed: architects, of Chelmsford, and consist of five blocks of
there are 1,200 sittings. The parish registers date from buildings grouped in a crescent form, and comprise
the year 1538. The living is- a rectory, net yearly value residences for the chief constable and his deputy, and
£300, including glebe (£98) with residence, in the gift quarters- for clerks and other members of the staff, with
of the Bishop of St. .Albans, and' held since 1894 by the all the necessary offices: the buildings are fitted with
Rev. Henry Ashton Lake M.A. of Corpus Christi college, electric light and fire extinguishing apparatus and are
Cambridge. in telephonic communication 'with all parts of the county.
St. Peter's Mission church, Primrose hill, was built Chelmsford is the head quarters of the A and B Com...
in 1892; the services are conducted by the clergy of panies of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment.
St. Mary's. The London and County Bank and that of Messrs.
The Catholic church, in New London road, founded Barclav •
and Co. Limited have branches here, and there
1847, and consecrated 20 Oct. 1866, is dedicated to the are concert and assembly rooms. Five newspapers are-
Immaculate Conception. published. Chelmsford races are held annually on Galley-
The Wesleyan chapel, in the High :street, was erected wood common.
in 1898 at a cost of £7,000, and is a structure of red There are agricultural implement factories, iron foun--
brick and stone, with an octagonal tower, and affords dries, engineering and electric light works, a large tan-
sittings for 650 persons. Attached are commodious nery, breweries, maltings and extensive corn mills and
class and school rooms for 500 children. ball bearing works and motor car works. A considerable
There is a Meeting house for the Society of Friends trade in corn is alw maintained.
in Duke street and a Catholic Apostolic church in Hall The market is held on Friday and, with regard to corn,.
street: there are also Baptist and Congregational chapels is one of the largest in the county. A cattle and horse
in New London road, a Congregational chapel in Baddow market was laid out in rear of the corn exchange ia
road and Primitive Methodist chapels in Hall street and 1880. There is a large fat cattle show about the middle
Unitarian in Legg street. of December. Previous to 1880 the market was held ID
The Chelmsford Church Cemetery, of about three- the streets, but in that year the late Local Board pro-
quarters of an acre, in Rectory lane, was purchased on vided a convenient market place. Wednesday is the
the closing of churchyards in Chelmsford, with .regard to early closing day.
which various Orders in Council were made from 20 The Chelmsford and Essex Infirmary and Dispensary.
Oct. 1854 to 24 March, 1857, and a mortuary chapel in the :New London road, were formally opened by the-
was erected in 1861 to the memory of Horatia Louis a, Countess of Warwick on Thursday, <Nov. I-5th, 11883,
daughter of the late Ven. Charles St. John-Mildmay, The in1irmary consists of a central block and t-wo wings,
archdeacon of Essex and wife of the Hon. Pascoe Charles two stories in height. and at the Tear is a one-storie~
Glyn M.P. for East Dorset, she died Nov. 15, Il~58. The annexe, used as a dispensary. The central hall leadS'
cemetery was enlarged by Ir. 3p. ID 1894, and is under into a. committee room on the right and a matron's·
the control of the rector. room on the le.ft. The male accident ward, 24ft. by 22ft.
The Nonconformist Cemetery, in New London road, has six beds, a-nd the female accident ward, 23ft. by 12ft.
formed in 1846, consists of two acres, purchased at a contains four beds; lavatories and baths are attached to
cost of £476, and contains a mortuary chapel: the ceme- each. Above are medical wards for males and females;
tery is controlled by a body of trustees. the infirmli.ry provides in all 35 beds; yearly average at-
The Municipal Cemetery, on the Writtle road, formed tendance, 234 in-patients and 1,5°0 out-patien19.
in 1866 and oelonging to the Corporation, comprises six There are also two almshouses for ten poor people and
acres, pnrchased at a cost of £1,100, and a mortuary a sum of £400, derived from several charities, is dis"
chapel; the fencing, erection of buildings and laying out tributed yearly.
involved an additional outlay of £1,780. Chelmsford parish comprises the manors of Bishop'~
The Corn Exchange, occnpying a central position in HaU, Moul~ham Hall and most of •Bexfields, the two'
Tindal square, is ~ building in the Italian style, from latter were held by the Abbot and Convent of Westmin-
designs by Fredaric Ohancellor esq. of this to WIl, con- ster, but were granted by Henry VIII. with Chelmsford'
taining a corn hall 100 feet by 45, with counting-houses or Bishop's Hall manor to tne Mildmay family. Major
on either side, auction and committee rooms and a Sir Henry Paulet St. John Mildmay bart. of Dogmers-
gallery; it was opened on the 5th of June, 1857, since field ParI" Winchfield, Hants, is the present lord of
which time the corn markets have been held every Fri- these manors.
day: the building is also licensed for dramatic and other The parish, including Moulsham, covers an area of
entertainments. 2,z89 acres of land, of which about 650 acres are tithe
The Shire hall, in High strtet. i~ an edifice of Portland free, and 20 of water; 1,724 acres subject to a rent-
>stone. with a frontage relieved by four Ionic columns; charge of £494 118s. in lieu of tithes; 322 acres paying'"'
opposite the hall stands a piece of ordnance, Et trophy of £5 2S.; 16 acres, Ig poles glebe; 21 water and the r6"--
the Crimean war; here are held the assizes, quarter ses- mainder site of town, wastes and roads; rateable value,
sions for the county and petty sessions and the meetings £62,08.
of the County Council. The population of the parish and municipal borough in'
The Young Men's Christian Society have rooms at 26 1901 was 12,580, including the inmates of the work-
High street, and has 250 members. The premises con- house and the children in the industrial school; the'
sist of lecture, reading and social rooms and a library population attached to the parish church in r891 1"a;;
containing 300 volumes; in comiection are cricket, foot- 5,575; the whole population of Chelmsford, Moulsham
ball, cycling and photographic clubs. and Springfield being 13,644-
The Old Ohelmsford Museum is at present, (1902) By Local Government Board Order 22,834, March 24,
temporarily lodged in the building of the Old Mechanics' 1889, portions of the parish of Chelmsford were added ta
Institute in New London road. The collections con- Broomfield and Writtle.
tained in the museum are intended to illustrate the
lIatural history, geology, and pre-historic archaeology WIDFORD, SPRINGFIELD and BROOMFIELD ad-
of Essex, arranged in -such a- manner that they may join Chelmsford and are given under separate headings.
~ ~.



MOULSHAM is a hamlet to the south, and an eccle- . erected, at a cost of £2,000: there are 800 sittings..
siastical parish, formed Sept. II, :r838, out of Chelms- The register dates from the year of erect,ion. The living
ford and constitutes part of the town. is a vicarage, net yearly value £300, with I '!lcre of
St. John's church, built in :r841 at a cost of about glebe and residence, in the gift of the rector of Chelms-
£2,500, is an edifice of brick, partly in the Early Eng- ford, and: held since 1901 by the Rev. Robert Wavers
lish style, from designs by Mr. Webb, late of this town, SauIez 'M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The princi-
and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts and an pal landowner is Sir Henry Paulet ,st. John-Mildmay bart.
embattled western tower containing 1 bell: the windows of Dogmersfield Park, Winchfield, Hants. The area is
in the chancel and transepts are stained: there are two I,g06 acres; the population in 1881 of the ecclesiastical
placed in 1879 in memory of the Rev. Edward Clive, late district was 4,9°0, and in 1·891 :5,4°3.
curate of this parish, and two others erected as me- Parish Clerks (St. Mary's), Rev. A. L. de Mounteney
morials to the Rev. George St. Alban Godson M.A. Mertens, RA. (A. Lunney, deputy, 2 Violet villas, Prim-
vicar 1879-19°1: the church was enlarged after its ori- rose hill); (St. John's), Alfred Dowsett, ,84 New Lon-
ginal erection by the addition of the chancel and tran- don road, Chelmsford.
.;;;epts: in 1883 the was enlarged and the tower


,post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel CORPORATiON.
Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 70 High st. ;
vpen from 7 a.m. to IO p.m.; Valentine Corry, post- 1902 - 1 903·
master. Fur Sale of Stamps, Registration of Letters Mayor-Alderman Frederic Chancellor J.P.
·&'c. 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Deputy Mayor, Councillor Frederick A. Wells.
Sale & Payment of Postal 'Orders, 7 a.m. to IO p.m.; Aldermen.
'Savings Bank Deposits & Withdrawals, Money Order,
Government Annuity &, Insurance Business, Issue of Retire Nov. 1903. Retire Nov. 1906.
Licences, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; & Parcel Post business, George John Bond William Ward Duffield
7 a.m. to 10 p.m.; no business on sunday. Local Frederic Chancellor J.P Alfred Geo. Edwin Morton
Express Messenger Service' for letters & parcels, 8 Frank Whitmore George Woodland Taylor
a.m. to 8 p.m.; Telegraph business, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ;
-sundays, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m Councillors.
Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Alderman
Outward Mails.-Despatches (Letters). Whitmore.
tLocal Rural Posts, week days, 5.30 & 10·30 a.m. & 5,45
p.m. Other mails, 9.15, 9.40, 11.10 & lI,35 a.m. 12 North Ward.
noon & 12.30, 1.10, 2.45, 3.30, 4·35, 5,45, 7.3°, 8·45, Retire Nov. 1902. WaIter Payne Gepp
9 p.m. & 12 midnight I WaIter Cowell Edwal'd Lawn
-Sundays-Local Rural Posts, 5.30 a.m. Town Delivery, William Dennis Retire Nov. 1904.
6.45 a.m.; Night Mails for Essex, Suffolk & parts of Alexander Lunnev Henry •
Na thaniel Crozier
Norfolk, 9.0 p.m.; Night Mails for London, all parts Retirl' Nov. '19°3. Frederick Spalding
of the United Kingdom & Foreign, 12 Dlidnight ; :Bishop's Thos. John Deeks Cramphorn J esse Gowers
Stortford, Dunmow & Southend; also Local Country
Posts, 12 midnight South Ward.
Despatches (Parcels). Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Alderman Taylor.
Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post must be Retire Nov. 1902. George Osborn
presented at the counter during the hours of attend- Ernest CopIand Gray Richard Ward
ance, on week days only, 9.40, 10.30 & 11.10 a.m.; Herbert Gripper Hetire Nov. 1904.
'12 noon, 12·35, 1.IO, 4- 15, 4·35, '5·45, 8·45, 9& 10 Frederick Arthur Wells Robert Britton
p.m.; sundays, no dispatch Retire Nov. 1903. Douglas Kel"an
Inward 'Mails.-Letters (week days). Charles Arter Adolphus George Maskell
Pr'Olu all parts of the United Kingdom & Foreign, 7.0 The meetings of the Corporation are heleL at the Corn
a.m.; Scotland, Ireland; also from Ingatestone, Great exchange the 13:st wednesday in month, 7 p.m
Baddow, Broomfield, Widford & Writtle, IO'45 a.m.;
Braintree, Hatfield Peverel, MaIdon -& Southend, 'LI0 Officers of the Corporation.
p.m. (to callers only); London & Suburban Towns, Town Clerk & Clerk to the School Attendance Committee,
-&c.; also from Brentwood, Colchester, Southend, Thomas Dixon, 16 New London road
Boreham, 'Galleywood, Springfield .& Wirlford, 3.40 Treasurer, Christopher W. Parker
p.m.; London, Eastern counties & England generally; Medical Officer of Health, Henry Wm. Newton M.R.C.S.
.also from Brentwood, Ingatestone, Romford, Southend, Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H. 43 Duke street
Broomfield, Danbury, lrreat Baddow, Great Leighs, Borough Surveyor, Geo. Henry Sasse, 16 New London rd
Great & Little Waltham, Little Baddow, Sandon, East Superintendent of Markets, George Henry Sasse, 16 New
lIanningfield, ~tock, Blackmore, Spring'field & Writ.tle, London road
fj p.m. On Christmas Day, Good Friday &, Bank Holi- Sanitary Inspector, William Kirkham :Baker, 16 New
days there is only one delivery, at 7 a.m London road
Collector o,{ Rates & School Attendance Officer, Thomas
Parcels (Week days). GoIding, Market road
From all parts of the United Kingdom & Foreign, 8.0 Mace Superintendent of Cemetery, W. Gooch, WritHe road
Bearer, W . .J. Drake, Roman road'
a.m.; London, North & South of England, Ireland,
BCGtland &- Foreign, 1:0.45 a.m.; Brentwood, Colches-
ter, Hatfield Peverel, Maldon &, Southend-on-Sea at Joint Sewerage Committee.
3.40 p.m.; London, places through London & Eastern The Mayor
Oounties, 6 p.m.; sundays, no delivery AIdermen-Tavlor •
& Whitmore
Collections fr<J-ID Town Sub-Post &- M. O. 0., S. B . .& Councillors-Maskell, D. Kevan, G. Osbarn & Cramp.
Annuity &; Insurance Offices.-Duke st,reet, 8.'40 & horn & three members of rural authority
IO.5 a.m. I2.15, I,55, 3·55, 5. 20 , 7, 8 &- i l l p.m.; Clerk, Thomas Dixon, x6 New London road
sundays.,8. IS p.m.; Moulsham, 8.20, IO. IS a.m.
12.20, 2.IO, 4.15, 5.15, 7.10, 8 i& I I p.m.; sundays, CHELMSFORD RURAL DISTRICT OOU~CIL.
8,45; New street, 8.25 & 10.15 a.m. 12.25, 2.15, ~"" t'mgs on t ues. fortnrg ' htly a.• th e W or kh ouse a t 12
4.S, 5·30, 7. 10 , 8 & I I p.,m.; sundays, 8.20 p.m.; o'clock.
Rainsford End, 8.35 &- IO a.m. J2.IO, I,SO, 3·$0, 5·15,
. field Chairman, G. H. Aubrey, Springfield, near Chelmsford
6 .55, 8 &- I l p. m .; sun d ays, 8 .10 P .m .; S prmg
hill, 8.10, 10.5 & 11.45 a.m. 2.10,4,5,7.5,8 &- I l p.m.; Clerk, William Ward Duffield, 96 High street
sundays, 8.45 p.m.; Upper :Bridge road, 8, 10.15 a.m. Assistant Clerk, Arthur Stewart Duffield, 96 High street
12.IO, 1.50, 4, 5. 2 0, 6.20, 8, I l p.m.; sundays, 8.30 p.m Treasurer, Wilfred Lionel T. Arkwright
-Corresponding hours of posting at Head Oftfce, 9. IS & Medical Officer of Health, John Clough Thresh D.Sc.,
11.10 a.m. & I.IO, 2,45, 4.35, 7.30, 8.45 & 12 midnight; M.R. F.T.G., F.C.S. 62 New LOndon road
'sundays, 12 midnight Sanitary Surveyor, .James Dewhirst, Avenue chambers,
Letters for Chelmsford fall into deliveries conunencing Market road
at :-Ist &; 2nd, 10.45 a.m.; ~md & 3rd, 3.40 p.m.; Highway Surveyor, Boward Glynn Warne, Avenue chum-
Ath &- 5th, 6 p.m.; 7th, 8th & 9th & sunday, following I bers, Market place
.morning' Sanitary Inspector, William Edser, Avenue chambers

COUNTY M.AJGISTlU.TES FOR CHELMSFORD PETTY County Council, meetings held at Shire hall, Statutory
SESSIONAL DIVISION. meeting tri-annually in March on a. tuesday at I I a.m.
2r days before .April meeting .& ISt tuesday in Janu.
iKemble Thos. esq. Runwell hall, Wickford S.O. chairman ary, April, July & October, at IX a.m.; Henry Gib-
Chancellor Lt.-Col. Frederic V.D. 2 High st. Chelmsford SOl1, clerk
Ohristy David esq. Patching hall, Broomfield, Chelmsford Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation Co. And:rew Meggy,
Corser Haden esq. M.A. '1.'he Hyde, Ingatestone RS.O clerk, 71 Duke street
Foster James Thomasin esg. LL.M. Pontlands, Great Ohelmsfard & Essex Infirmary &; Dispensary, New Lon-
Baddow, Chelmsford don road, William Bodkin M.D., ~1.Ch., Henry ,Yilliam
Hardcastle He.nry ·esq. M.A. 38 EatoD square, London SW Newton M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. &; Theodore
Kemble CapL Horatio Fraser R.N. Great Claydong., East Harry WaIler M.R.C.S.Eng., L.RC.P.Land. hon. medi-
Hanningfield, Chelmsford cal officers; J ames Tomlinson, dispenser: F. A. Wells,.
Marriage Henry esg. Ayletts, Broomfield, Chelmsford hon. sec.; F. Wells, hon. treasurer; Rodd <& Mar-
MO'1'ton Alfred George Edwin esq.Clarendon ho. 91 New tin, collectors & assistant secs
London road, Chelmsford Essex & Suffolk Fire Engine & Brigade, Bell yard, Con-·
Pierce John Timbrill esq. D.L., F.R.G.S. Frettons, Dan- duit street, George Mason, supt. I sergeant & 8 men
bury, Chelmsford Fire Brigade (Corporation), G. H. Sasse, chief officer;
i'ryor Arthur esq. D.L. Hylands, Widford, Chelmsford W. Farrow, superintendent & 10 men
Rasch Major Frederic M.P., D.L.Woodhill, San- H.M. Prison, Springfield, Capt. Herbert Lat.imer Conor,
don, Chelmsford governor; Rev. John 'Watson Blakemore, chaplain;
Ridley Charles Ernest esq. The Elms, Chelmsford Rev. Jaseph F. Padbury, Catholic hon. chaplain; Henry
Tufnell William Michael esq. D.L. Hatfield Place, Witham, William Newton L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. medi-·
Chelmsford cal officer; John S. Chilton, storekeeper
Tufnell-Tyrell Lieut.-Col. John Lionel D.L. BOl'eham lulaud Hevenue Office, 69 Duke street, Edward Martin.
house, Chelmsford Kerrigan, 'supervisor; George Mason, officer
Usborne Thomas esq. The House, Writtle, Chelmsford Masonic Lodge (276 Good Fellowship), Crane Court
Wells Henry Collings esq. D.L. The Lodge, Broomfield, rooms, High street, thurs. on or before full mocm
Chelmsford Jan. Feb. March, April, Sept. Oct. Nov. '& Dec. at
Wood Lieut.-Col. George Wilding, Nithsd'ale house, In- 7 p.m.; E. Shedd, sec.; Jas. P. Lewin, treasurer.
gatestone R.S.O Essex Chapter Royal Arch, held at the Crane Court
Woodhouse Robert esq. Longmead, Writtle, Chelmsford Tuoms' 3rd monday in Feb. May & Nov.; James P_
Clerk to the Magistrates, William Ward Duffield, 96 Lewin, scribe. Chelmer Lodge, Mark Masons, held at
Hig-h street the "Yhite Hart hotel, 2nd wednesday in Jan. April,.
The ~Iayor of Chelmsford &; the Chairman of the Chelms- July & Oct. at 7 p.m.; F. P. Sutthery, sec
ford Rural District. Council, for the time being, are Shire Hall, High street; assizes, spring & summer,.
ex-ofllcio magistrates County Council meetings & quarterly sessions & petty:
Petty Sessions are held at the Shire hall every friday at sessions held every friday
I I a.m. The plllces in the division are :-Baddow VOLUNTEERS.
(Great), Baddow (Little), Boreham, Broomfield, Butts- 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment, headquarters,..
bury, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbury, Good Easter, Drill hall, Market road. A new drill hall is about
Hanningfield (East), Hanningfield (South), Hanningfield to ba erected (190r) in Market Toad, at a cost of £3,000..
(West), Ingatestone & Fryerning, Leighs (Great), the drill hall 100ft. by 60ft. armoury stores, orderly
r"eighs (Little), Margaretting, Mashbury, Rettendon, room, officers' .& sergeants' qua.rters, recreation room
Roxwell, Runwell, Sandon, Springfield, Stock, WaIt- & living quarters for instructor. A & B Companies,.
ham (Great), Waltham (Little), Widford, Woodham Hon. Lt.-Col. G. H. Coleman, commanding detachment;.
Ferris, Writtle F. W. 'Chancellor & F. W. Taylor, captains; Surg.-
Capt. J. E. Molson M.B. medical officer; 2nd Lieut..
CEMETERIES. J. C. Tabor, instructor
Borough, Writtle road, William Gooch, supt CHELMSFORD UKION.
Church, Rectory lane, A. Lunney, deputy parish clerk Board day, every alternate tuesday at 10.30 a.m.
Nonconformist, New London • road, Frederick HasleT, The union comprises the following parishes :-Boreham,
registrar Broomfield, Buttsbury, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbury,
East Hanningfield, Good Easter, Great Baddow, Greai
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Leighs, Great Waltham, Ingatestone & Fryerning, Little-
Archdeaconry Court of St. .Albans, New street; WaIter Baddow, Little Leighs, Little Waltham, Margaretting,.
Payne Gepp M.A. registrar Mashbury, Pleshey, Rettendon, Roxwell, Runwell, San-
Corn Exchange, Tindal squal'e, W. W. Duffield, sec.; don, South Hanningfield, Springfield, Stock, 'Vest Han-
Joseph Henry Rowe, manager ningfieltl, Widford, Woodham Ferris & Writtle. The-
0mnty Court, His HonGI' Henry Tindal Atkinson,; pupulation in. 1901 was 36,297; area 86,157 acres;.
William Ward Duilield, registrar of the ·Court &; regis- ratea.ble value in 1901, £2°9,289
trar in Bankruptcy; ·CharlesGodfrey, high bailiff; Chairman of the Board of Guardians, J. Ratc1iff, East.
Arthur S. Duffield M.A. deputy registrar; Frederick Hanningfield
J. Bellamy, clerk. Sittings held at the Shire hall, Tin-. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, 'Vm.
daI square, monthly; summonses .&c. gra.nted at the Ward DUffield, 96 High street, Chelmsford
Court office, Tindal sg. The following places are within Treasurer, William Michael TUfnell, High st. Chelmsford
its jurisdiction :-Bel'ners Roothing, Boreham, Broom- Uelieving & Vaccination Officers, 1st, district, Herbert
field, Buttsbnry, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbury, East Wear, 42 New London road, Chelmsford; I2nd district,
Hanningfield, Good Easter, Great Baddow, Great Wal· W. J. Nurse, Stock; 3rd district, Fred Turner, Broolll-
tham, Ingatestone & Fryerning, Little Baddow, Little field
Waltham, Margaretting, Mashbnry, Pleshey, Rettendon, Collector to the Gua.rdians, William Ward Duffield
Roxwell, Runwell, Sandon, Shellow Eowells, South Han- Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district,
ningfield, Springfield, Stock, Terling, West Hanning- Henry W. Newton L.RC.P.Land., M.RC.S.Eng. Fair-
field, Widford, Willingale Doe, Willingale Spain & Writtle field house, Duke street" Chelmsford; No. 2 distI'ict,
The following County Court districts are within the Edward Shedd, Writ tie' ; No. 3 district, Wm. Douglas.
Bankruptcy District of the Chelmsford County Court: Gimsoll L.R.C.P.Lond. Spring-field; No. 4 district ..
-'Chelmsford, Braintroo, Brentwood, Dunmow, Grays Arthur Edward Lyster M.RC.S.Eng. Great BaddolV;.
Thurrock, MaIdon, Southend & Rom[ord, Cecil Mercer, No. 5 district, John Marshall M.R.C.S.Eng. Wickfol'd;
,senior official receiver; F. T. Halcomb, assistant official No. 6 district, Thomas Hodson M.R.C.S.Eng. Ingnte-
receiver, 95 Temple chambers, Temple avenue, Lon- stone; No. 7 district, Arthur Clarke M.R.C.S.El1g.
don EC Slock; ~o. 8 district, Robert Percy Smallwood M.ll.
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress & B.C. Little Waltham; No. 9 district., Theodore Hany
Amendment Act" :-George Embleton (A. Darby & WaIler L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. New London rd.
Co.), 97 High street; Sidney •
Rodd (Rodd -& Martin),

Duke street; Fred. W. Taylor, Duke 'Street.; FrederlCk Superintendent Registrar, William Ward Duffield, 96-
George Smith, Rainsford road; Christopher Candler, Hig"h st.; deputy, Arthur Stewart Duffield, 96 High st
Writtle Registrar of Marriages, WaIter Ma,rron, 29 New street
Oounty Constabulary, headquarters, Springfield; Captain Registrars of Births & Deaths, Great Baddow sub-dis-
Edward Maclean Showers, chief constable, Police sta- trict, C. R. Finch, Great Baddow; deputy, Richard
tion, Shire hall; the local force consists of 2 supts. 2 Finch, Great Baddow; Chelmsford sub-district, Her-
inspectors, I serge8n~ & 9 constables bert Wear, 42 New London road; deputy, Herbert :vI.
Saltmarsh, 36 New strMt; Ingatestone sub-district, Mission' Hall, Roman road,- 3 p. ill
William John Nurse, Stock; deputy, A. Oottee, Stock; Mission Hall (Unsecretarian), Primrose hill, 7 p.m
Great Waltham district, Fred Turner, Broomfield; Unitarian, Legg 'street, various; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.;
deputy, John Candler, Broomfield thurs. ,8.30 p.m
Workhouse, Wood street, built of brick in 1837 (with in-
fectious ward added in 1877), was burned down Dec. SCHOOLS.
1886 &; rebuilt in 1889 at a cost of £16,000, &; will The Free Grammar School, formerly' in Duke street,
hold 435 inmatoes; Henry Rowe, mas,ter; Rev. Hugh now occupies premises on the Bromfield road, built in
'fownshend Wilson M.IA.. chaiplaiill; medical officer, 1890 & including chemical &; physical laboratories, lec~
'fheodore Harry WaIler L.R.C.P.Lond. Chelmsford; ture theatre &; gymnasium; the technical department
Mrs. Susan Rowe, matron being under the patronage of the Essex County Council:
the ·school was founded in 1551 by a charter of Edward
School Attendance Committee. VI. who incorporated four persons by the name of
Meeting every alternate tuesday at Union house at 10 a.m. governors of the possessions of the Free Grammar
Clerk, William Ward Dnffield, 96 High st,. Chelmsford School of King Edward VI. in the parish of Chelmsford,
School Attendance Officers, 1st di,strict, Herbert Wear, to be succeeded by their next male heirs. The school
42 New London road, Chelmsford; 2nd district, W. J. has a yearly income of about £300 & under the scheme of
Nurse, Stock; 3rd district, Herbert Wear, Broomfield the Endowed School Oommissioners, 1873, was consti-
tuted a second grade school for the education of boys up
PUB~IC OFFICERS. to the age of 19. The new buildings are intended to
hold ISO boys; the present number is 120. Philemon
.A.ssistant Overseer, Waiter Maryon, 29 New street Holland M.A., M.D. fellow of Trinity O:Jllege, Cam-
Clerk of the Peace for the County & to the County bridge, an eminent translator of r6th century, born in
Council &; to the General Meetings of the Lieut~nancy Chelms·ford in 155r & Sir Walter Mildmay, also born
of Essex, Henry Gibson, res. Ongar j office, Shire hall; here in or about 1522, knighted 22nd Feb. r546-7, Chan~
Clerk to the Clerk of the Peace, Geo. Fredk. Rarlow cellor of the Exchequer in the time of Queen Elizabeth,
Clerk to Commissioners of Income &; Land Tax for divi- & founder of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, were both
sion of Chelmsford & to Commissioners of Sewers educated at this school, as also was the late Ohief
for Dengie &; for Fobbing Levels, Charles Bramston Justice Tindal. Governors, W. W. Duffield (chairman),
Osborne Gepp, New street Rev. R. E. Bartlett, Col. Wood, Col. W. P. Gepp,
Clerk to Commissioners of Sewers for Foulness Level, Mr. W. Dennis, Mr. oF. Wbitmore, Mr. F. A. Fawkes,
Waiter Payne Gepp M.A. New street Mr. F. Wells, Mr. S. L. Brunrton, Mr. F. Chancellor
County Accountant of Essex, Frank Howard Owers, 78 J.P.Rev. H. A. Lake, Mr. ,so Spalding, Rev. O. W.
Duke street Tancock, Mr. C. Pert'Wee; Mr. Andrew Meggy, soli.
County Architect, Frank Whitmore, 17 Duke street citor, 71 Duke s.treet, Chelmsford, clerk to the gover-
ChIef Surveyor for the Essex County Council, Percy J. nore; J<1rnnk 'Wm. Rogers M.A. head master; B. H.
Sheldon Assoc.M.Inst.O.E. 78 Duke !'tteet Keall RA. second master; T. Hay M.A., B. Se. R. S.
County Treasurer of Essex, Robt. Woodhouse, 78 Duke st Smylie B.A. Charles B. Hennah & J. Pike, assistant
Corn Returns Inspector, George Mason, 69 Duke street masters; Miss M. Benson, head mistress of the Pre-
Diocesan Architect for St. Albans, Frederic Chancellor paratory school
F.R.I.B.A. 2 High street
Diocesan Surveyor for Archdeaconries of Essex, Colches- The Technical School of the Eesex County Oouncil
ter&; St. Albans, Frederic Wvkeham ChanceUor, 2 occupies the Old Grammar School buildings at 78 Duke
High street ' street, which have been purchased by the Oouncil
Distributor of Stamps, Julius Mark, 35 High street &; adapted for this purpose. The biological &; chemical
Registrar of the Archdeacanries of Colchester, Essex &; laboratories are well equipped, & are used for
St. Albans, &; Surrogate for Essex Archdeaconry, central county classes in chemistry', biology &; horti-
Walter Payne Gepp M.A. New street culture; the instruction given being practical as well as
Returning Officer for the Essex County Council, Charles theoretical; students from any part of thE> county may
B. O. Gepp, New street attend the classes & the institution serves as a centre for
Sheriff's Officers, Frederick George Smith, 84 Rainford affording advice & assistance as well as for training
road &; WaIter Townend Feather, Nf;lw street teachere for work in the rural districts; J. H. Nicholas,
Surveyor of Taxes, Alfred Matthews, 69 Duke street solicitor, sec. & organising sec
Town Crier (appointed by the lord of the manor), Victoria National (boys), Church street, erected in 1886,
George :Beadle, Cottage place for 370 boys; average attendance, 234; Frank Clist,
Under-Sheriff, C. B. O. Gepp, New street; Acting master
Under-Sheriffs, Gepp & Sons, New street Victoria National, New street, for 260 girls & 180 infants;
average attendance, 270 girls & 175 infants; Miss
PLA,CE,s OF WORSHIP, with times of services. Minnie Licence, girls' mistress; Mise Annie Stone, in-
St. Mary's Parish Church, Rev. Henry Ashton Lake M.A. fants' mistress .
J;ector; Rev. George Edward Gerard Hoare M.A.; Rev. Catholic (mi~ed), New London road, for 80 children,
Edward Penfold M.A.; Rev. A. L. de Mertens B.A. average attendance 63, Miss Ellen Coller, mistress; Miss
curates; I I a.m. 3 & 7 p.m.; weekly celebrations at Florence Coller, aseistant mistress
8 a.m. & twice a month at mid-day St. John's National, Moulsham street, built in 1840 &;
St. Peter's Mission Church, Primrose hill (served from enlarged in r885, at a cost of £r,ooo j the infants'
St. Mary's), I I & 7.30 p.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m. school was built in the same year by Mrs. Tidboald
St. John's, Moulsham, Rev. Rabert Wavers Saulez M.A. in memory of her husband; the school will hold 160
vicar; Rev. E. Morton Bartlett B.A. curate; 8 & I I boys, 139 girls & 200 infants; average attendance, 176
a.m. &; 3 & 7 p.m. j daily at IQ a.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m. ; boye, 129 girls & 191 infants; William Henry Ripper,
saints' days, 8 &; ro a.m. &; 4.30 p.m master; Miss Mary Elizabeth Taylor, mistress; Miss
Immaculate Oonception Catholic Church, New London Sabra Franklin, infants' mistress .
road, Rev. Joseph F. Padbury M.R. &; Rev. Cyril Shep- St. Peter's National, Rainsford End (infants), formerly
herd, priests ;8.30 &; IQ.30 a.m. &; 7 p.m.; daily mass, the Mission Church, erected in r882 for 135 children,
8 a.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m average attendance, 87; Miss Frances Davidson, mist
Friends' Meeting House, Duke street; 10.30 a.m. &;
6.30 p.m. wed. 10.30 a.m. British (boys, girls & infants), Friars place, erected in
St. Mary's District Mission Rooms, :Broomfield road; 1886, at a cost of nearly £3,000, for 250 boys, 200
thurs. 7.30 p.m girls & 200 infants; average attendance, 213 boys, r70
Baptist, New London road, Rev. Henry Samuel Boulton; girls & 197 infants; George Arthur Coulson, master;
IQ·3Dt a.m. & 2.30 &6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.r5 p.m Miss Oharlotte M. Hull, girls' mistress; Mrs. Mary Ann
Catholic Apostolic, Hall street; 10 a.m. &; 5 p.m.; Ward, infants' mistress
sat. 5 p.m The Essex Industrial School & Home for Destitute Boys,
Congregational, New London road, Rev. T. McDougall Rainsford road, was established in 1872: the cases
Mundle; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m admitted are those of a voluntary character & of boys
Congregational (Mission ball), Townfield street, various; unconvict~d of crime sent under a magistrate's order,
6.30 p.m in pursuance to the Industrial Schools Act of 1866 &;
Congregational, Baddow road; IQ.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; the Elementary Schools & other Acts: the boys' time
thurs. 7.30 p.m is divided between instruct·ion in school &' indus-
Primitive Methodist, Hall street, Rev. George Dowson; trial labour, such as house & garden work, shoe-
10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thure. 7.30 p.m making, tailoring, laundry, &; carpentering; the
Wesleyan, High street, Rev. Thomae Orton; rQ,30 a.m. &; religious teaching is Protestant, but undenominational.
6.30 p.m.; thurs. 6.30 p.m The school wae originally carried on in Baddow road,
but in 1878 the council erected the present com- I Brentwood-Springett, 'King's Head,' iri
modious & suitable premises; the site & surrounding Burnham-Nethercoat, 'Fleece,' iri
area consists of about 12 acres. Applications for ad- 'Castle Hedingham-Westrop, 'Golden Lion,' fri
mission should be addressed to J. Brittain Pash, Chignall-Sewell, 'Dolphin,' tues. & fri
Member of the Council &; Manager, Chelmsford Cooksmill Green-Bowyer, 'Dolphin,' tues. &; fri
J)anbury-DunIDow, ' Fleece,' man. &; iri. ; Finch,
'Fleece,' daily; Everard, 'Cross Keys,' daily
NEWSPAPERS &c. Dunmow-Cox, 'Plough,' tues. &; fri
Essex County Ohronicle, published every friday, Meggy, Easter, High-Franklin, (Plough,' tues. &; iri
Thompson & 00. proprietors &; publishers, 93 High st. Easter (Good &; High)-Mead, (Plough,' mono & fri
See advel'tisement Epping, Ongar & Shelly-Oornell, 'King's Head,' man.
Essex Herald, published tuesday, Meggy, Thompson &; &; fri
00. proprietors &; publishers, 98 High st. See advert Felstead-Hicks, 'Golden Lion,' man. & fri
Essex Independent &; Farmers' Gazette, published every Fleshby-Turner, mono &; fri
monday, wednesday & saturday, The Essex 1Yeekly Ford End-Cheek, 'Dolphin,' man. wed. &; fri
News Series Limited, printers, publishers & proprie- Goldhanger-Emeny, 'White Hart,' fri
tors, 26 High. ,street. See advert Halstead-Wild, 'Coach &; Horses,' fri
Essex Newsman, published saturday, two editiom, Meggy Hanningfield, East-Blanks, 'Windmill,' tues. &; fri
Thompson &; Co. proprietors &; publishers, 93 High Highwood-Flack, 'Dolphin,' iri
street. See ad.vert Ingatestone-Wright, 'Oak,' tues. fri. &; sat.; Peasey,
Essex ·Weekly News, published every friday, The Essex , King's Head,' tues. &; fri
'Weekly News Series Limited, printers, publishers & Kelvedon, Witham &; Hatfield-Moore, 'King's Head,'
proprietors, 26 High ,street. See advertisement . mono tues. thurs. fri. &. sat
Essex Almanac & Oounty Directory (yearly), Meggy, Leaden Roding-Allen, 'Fleece,' wed. &; £ri
Thompson & Do. proprietors & publishers, High street. London---lS. Kingley, 42 New street
See advertisement Low Maldon-Hazelton, 'King's Head,' tues. & fri
Dutton's Essex .Almanack & County Gazette (yearly), Maldon & Heybri'dge-Brown, 'Windmill,' wed. & sat
John Dutton, printer &; publisher, Conduit street Margaret Roo~hing-Root, 'Bell,' fri
Mashbury-Monk, 'George,' daily & Spearman, 'Coach
Railway. &; Horses,' iri
Great Eastern, .A.rthul" H. Ellis, station master Mountnessing-Britton, 'Dolphin,' fri
Newney Green-Roast, 'Windmill,' fri
OONVEYANOE. Norton Heath-Nicholls, 'George,' fd
Pleshey-Portway, 'Plough,' fri
'Waggonette from the' Saracen's Head' & 'Bell,' to meet Rayleigh-Brand, 'King-'s Head,' tues. &; fri
every train Rettendon &; Battlesbridge Keys. 'Cross Keys,' fri
Roxwell &; Willingale-Marriage, 'Fleece,' mono wed. &; fri
CARRIECRS, with inns they call at & days of departure. Southminster-Blowers,' King's Head,' tues. &. fri
Abbots Roden-Bloyes, 'George,' fri.; .AlIen, 'Fleece,' Springfield & Boreha.m-Everett, 'Horse &; Groom,' daily
wed. &; fri Stock-Taylor, ' Oak,' tues. & fri.; Kettler, ' Cross Keys,'
Aythorpe Roding-Mead, 'Plough,' tues. & fri fri
Baddow, Great--Oollins, 'Half Moon,' twice daily .Terling-vVood, 'Dolphin,' fri. &; Thurgood, 'Oak,' fri
Baddow, Little &; Bureham-Mulley, 'Fleece,' ,tues. & Tillingham-Hazelton,' King's Head,' tues. &; iri
fri.; Clarke, ' Spotted Dog,' fri Waltham, Great--Wood, 'Plough,' daily
Billericay, through Stock-Heard, 'King's Head,' tues. Waltham, Little Windus, , George,' daily
& fri 1Villingale Blowers, (George,' iri
Rlackmore-Amos, 'Oak,' mono &; fri ¥Voodham Ferris-Rumsey, "Windmill,' tues. & fri
Braintree-Turner, 'Golden Lion,' tues. & fri Writtle-Sewell, 'Oak,' daily; Smith, 'Spotted Dog,' fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bond John, 40 Mildmay road Choat Charles Wm. 2 Mildmay road
Abbott George Henry, 4 Park villas, Bond John Geo. 52 New London road Chopping Samuel Joseph, Openhouse,
Rainsford road Bortt Lindley Alexander, Broomfield I'd York road, Moulsham street
AlIen Harry, 82 Baddow road Bott Mrs. 2 Lime villas, Park avenue Christy Fell, 48 Broomfield road
Appleton Thomas B. 1'7 Park road Bott Ralph Marriage, Broomfield road Christy Frank, 47 Broomfield road
Ardley Charles, IS Park road Boulton Rey. Henry Sam!' (Ba,ptist), Christy Leonard Fell, 45 Broomfield I'd
Arter Chas.Yulecroft,68New London rd Bier1on, "Upper Roman road Clarence Miss, 6 Maltese road
Ashlev Sydney, <;4. Baddow road Brewerton Charles. 86 Baddow road CIark .AIfd. In. Ohelmer cot. Market I'd
Baigpnt Mrs. 16 Queen's road Brewster Frederick, 64 Baddow road Clarkson Thomas M.I.M.E. Jesmond,
Bainbrick IMiss, 130 New Londvn road Brickdale Robert Pavell, Montpelier Southborough road
Baker EdgarArgent,7KingEdwaro's av villa" Maltese road Clayton Mrs. 40 New London road
Baker GarI'ad, 58 High street Britton Robert, Anchor house, New Cleal Sidney, 68 Baddow road
Baker The Misses, 72 Duke street Writtle street Cleeve Miss, SS Mildmay road
Baj~er Wm. Kirkham, Ole, Btaiddvw rd Brown John William, 30 Park road Clift Charles, Grove road
Barker Mrs. 85 Baddow road Brown Miss. 18 St. John's road Olist Frank, 14 Park road
Barnes Joseph, The Cottage, Legg st Brunt·on Sidney, 104 Moulsham street Cole Mrs. Sunny bank, Moulsham st
Barnes Miss,The Laurels,Moulsham s~ Budds John, 30 Fairfield road Coller Miss, 92 KewLondon road
Bartlett Rev. Robert Edward M.A. Bull Miss, 25 Hamlet road Oolchester Rig-ht Rev. Suffra.gan
Rainsford lodge Bull MisseS', 3'3 Hamlet road I!ishop of (Henry Frank Johnson
Bartletrt Mrs. 84 Baddvw road Bunn Edward John, 24 Mildmay road LL.B., D.D.), Rl'ctory
Basnett Mrs. 106 New London road Bunn Mrs. Robert, 47 Mildmay road Coleman George Henry, Foundry ho.
Bass Daniel, 67 Baddow road Bushell .AIbt. Edwd. 6 New London rd New London road
Beach George, 67 Ra,insford road Buswell Miss, 17 St. John's road Conder Mrs" 13 New London road
Bench Mrs. O. Sutherland t-errace, Byford Oharles, 12 King Edward's av Cook Mrs. 92 Baddow road
Baddow road Cardozo Arthur George, 8 Maltese I'd Cook Robert, White House, Baddow rd
Beach Mrs. William, 6'6 Rainsford I'd Oarter Mrs. Fairfield Clottag-e, Duke st Cop~and Chas.Albt. 12 New London rd
Beach Nathl. Benj. 64 Rajnsford :vd Carter Richard. 12 Broomfield road Gopland Charles AJbert, Mount Plea-
Beamont William Charles, 7 Park aven Casey OS"l'"ald, 2'1 Park road sant, Broomfield road
Beckett Frank, 68a, Mildmay road Cass Oharles Sidner, 60 Mildmay road Oopland Mrs. AJfred John, 103 NeW'
Becket,f, Misses, 30 Broomfield road Gatt Mrs. 6 King- Edward's avenue London road
Becket,t Mrs. 160 Moulsham street Cawdron Hy. Robt. I King- Edward's av Corder Henry Sewell, Meadow side,
Beckett Wm. Hy. 98 New London rd Champ Mrs. 49 New London road Rectory road
Beevy J'ohn Richard, 6 Park avenue Chancellor Lieut,-Col. Frederick V.D., Corlre Charles Edwd. 61d, Baddow I'd
Belcher Mrs. S4 Mildmay road J.P., F.R.I.B.A. 2 Bizh street Cornes Thomas Frederick, Shell cot~
Benneworth Mrs. 15 Queen's street Chancdlor Frederick 1Vykpllam M.A. tage, Grove road
Bentall Charles Arthur, 8 Fairfield I'd Fonthill. New London road Cottee Mrs. 87 Baddow road
Bewers Wm.Dorrincourt, Maltese road Chaplain Dean, 73 Baddow road Count Misses, 14 King :&lward's aven
Bickmore William Geo. 41 Mildmay rd Chapmnn Charles, 28 Hamlet road Cornhill Frederick. 48 Mildmay road
Birch George, Peregrine. Hig-hwood Chapman Helbert, I4 Hig-h street Coulson Geo. Arthur, 67c, Mildmay rd
Bishop Miss, Hillside, Moulsham st Chappell Mrs. 7'3 New London road Cowell W. 39 Broomfieid road
Boardman Miss, 41 Duke street OhpsnaU Mrs. n Park rond Cramphorn Thomas John Deeks, St.
Bodkin Wm. M.D. 27 New London rd Che~·erton Percy Gpo. 26 Mildmay I'd George's, M'arket Toad
Bolingbroke Miss, 43 New London I'd Choat Charles, I l\fildmay road . Crosse William F. 22 Duk.e street
Crozier Mrs. Meadow side, Rectory I'd Hay Thomas \M.A., B.Se. (assistant Mason George, 9 New London road
Crush Mrs. 121 New London road master, Grammar school), Hill side, Mason Thos.Ernst.87 New London rd
Cutts William, Manor road Primrose hill Mat-son Miss, 29 New London road
Darby Alfred, Meadow side Rectory I'd Hazell Jesse Golden, 62 Duke street Mawhodd Richard, 61f, Baddow road
Davey George, 42 Mildmay road Hennah Charles B. (assist'ant master), Meggy Andrew, 104 New London road
Davis Edwin Lee, 27 Hamlet road Grammar school Mertens Rev. Arthur Lewin de Moun-
Davis Joseph, 17 1\ew London road Hewitt Charles, Park avenue teney RA. (curate of St. Mary's),
Day Miss, I Sandon vils. Park avenue Hicks Mrs. 82 New London road 40 Broomfield road
Deal Mrs. 128 New London road Hilliard Geo. Ernest, Fairfield lodge Metcalfe Frank W. 42 Duke street
Debnam Percy James, Sylvan1;Jrae, Hilliard Walter, Fairfield 10. Duke st Middleton, 43 Duke street
Market road Hindmarsh Geo. Thos. 37a, Hamlet I'd .l\:Iillbank Mrs. 58 New London road
Dennis Miss, 42 Bromnfield: T06Jd Hoare Rev. George Edward Gerard Mills Geo. Amiens viI. Moulsham st
Dennis Miss, 54 Broon.lfield road M.A. (curate of St. Mury's), Duke st Mills James, Palma villa,Moulsham rd
Dennis William, 40 Duke street Hoare Mrs. 24 Fairfield road Mlttell Henry, 52 Broomfield road
Dixon Joseph, Mounthill, Springhill Hodges Miss, 126 New London road Molson John Elsdale M.B. Rainsford
Dixon Thomas, 90 New London road Hodg-s'on Arth. 5 King Edw-ard's oven house, Duke street
Dobson Mrs. E. Brewery ho. Duke st Hoffmann Ernest Gustavus, Hamlet Mclsun :Mrs. 76 New London road
Donner Mrs. 10 King Edward's avenue house, Moulsham street Moore Robert, 127 New London road
Dowsett Alfred, 84 New London road Hollingsworth William, 43 Park road MortJoek William, 17 Broomfield road
Dowson Hev. Geo. (Primitive Metho- HoHowa,y Joseph Charles, 4 King Morton A~fred George Edwin J.P. 91
dist), 72 Baddow road Edward's avenue New London road
Duflield Arthur Stewart M.A. Rains- Holmes Mrs. Manor road Mothersole Henry,Virginia coLPark av
fGrd lodge, Rainsford end liol'reU Ernest Chas. Elmhurst, New Mundile Rev. Thomas McDougall (Con-
Durham Edwin, 188 Moulsham street London road gregational), 60 New London road
Durrant Andrew, Bishop's Hall farm, Horton Miss, 5 Fairfield road Munnion Harry Stewart, 94 Baddow I'd
Rectory lane Hoskin Alexander, Broomfield road Neave Jas. Wm. 75 New London road
Dutton John, Legglands, Legg street Howard Mrs. 98 Baddow road Newton Hy. Wm. Fairfield ho.Duke st
Dyke Walter John, Heybridge road, Hull. :Miss, 44 GoldIay road Nicholas John Hy. King Edward's av
Church street Hulme Mrs. 28 Park road Nicholas Miss, 123 New London road
Dymond '1'homas,Covallo.Rainsford rd Hunt Norval Dob!fon, Bancroft, 7 Nichols Mrs. 39 Hamlet road
East Edward, 43 Mildmay road Maltese road Norris James Alfred, Mount Pleasant,
Eddington Mrs. Cottage place HurreH Mrs. 80 Baddow road Broomfield road
Emberson George, Steamer row Hutchings Arthur, 28a, Mildmay road Nunn Jame!f William, 3 Rose villas,
Embleton Geo. Tudor ho.Widford end Jaggs Arth. Geo. 7 New London road FairfieId roa,d
Eve Miss', Glebe road Jaggs (Mrs. 16 Broomfield road Nurse Edward, Mill house, Mill road
:Fairbank Mrs. 28c, 'Mildmay road Jeffreys Charles William, Wave cot- Ockleston Mrs. 36 New London road
Fairbank Septimus, 3 Maltese road tage, Mildmay road OliverlVm. Elijah, Alma ha. Coval I'd
Fsirburn Andrew, Kingswood, 8outh- Johnson Rt. Rev. Hy. Frank LL.B., Orton Rev.'1'hos. (Wes.),38 Hamlet I'd
borough road D.D. (Bishop 'Suffragan of Col- Osborn George, Woodbury vils. Elm I'd
Fanner Mrs. 3 Sunnyside,Moulsham st chester), Rectory Owers Frank H. 10 Maltese road
Fawkes' Frank Attfield, 66 New Lon- Johnson Mrs. 28 Mildmay roa,d Owers Joseph, 3 Yew cottages, South
don road Jordan John, 6':l Baddow road Primrose hill
Finch Miss, 66 Broomfield road Jordan John, Hemp cot. Moulsham st Padbury Rev. Jsph. Fredk. (Catholic),
Fox George, Rosendale, Cottage place Josling George Henry, I Fairfield road 35 New London road
Fowler Rev. Joseph (Congregational), Josling Miss, Oak cottage, Park road Page James, 27 Broomfield road
65 Mildmay road Juniper Mrs. I Lime villas, Park aven Palmer E. N. z5 Broomfield road
FriedIaender Percy ReginaJ.d. Non- Keall Bertram H., B.A. (assistant mas- Parish Wm. Barrett, 23 Maltese I'd
pareil house, St. John's road ter), Grammar school Partridge Arthur, 28 Fairfield road
Frye Frank Robt. 124 New London I'd Keane E'dward, 51 MiMmay road Pash J. Brittain, Waveney house
Fuller Mrs. I,angland ho. SWtion I'd Kevan Douglas, 100 New London road Pember Henry, 30 Mildmay road
Gepp Colonel Waiter Payne, Mayne- King WaIter, Skansen, Baddow road ' Penfold Rev. EdwardM.A. (curate. of
trees, New street Kni~ht Mrs. 44 Mildmay road Srt. Mary's), Guy Harlings, New SIt
Gl'PP Miss, Caval place Knott Herbert,Crispin cot. Primrose hI Perry Charles, I6 St. John's road
Gibson Philip Rt. 101 New London rd La,ke Rev. Henry Ashton M.A. (rec- Pertwee Charles, 54 New London road
Gilson Miss, 3 King Edw-ard's avenue tor), Guy Harlings, New street Pertwee Harold, 81 New London road
Glover Henry Jomnsonl, 5 Maltese road Last Miss, IS Broomfield road P£ortwee Miss, 7'2 New London road
Glover Wm. 17 King Edward's avenue Last Mrs. 45 Duke street Pertwee William, 53 New London I'd
Goddard Davison, 108 New London I'd Lawrence Robert John, 59 Mildmay I'd Phakenham William Law, The Gables,
Goffe Charles, 16 King- Edw-ard's a.ven Lee Harry, 50 New London road "Moulsham road
Godfrey Thos.Chas.63 New London reI Leech E'dwin Percy, 21 Park road Phillips Peter, 8,<; New London road
Golding Thomas,Cottage place, New st Leech William, 44 Duke street Pochin Edmnnd, WestbJ'ook, Moul-
Golding Thomas, Glendale, :Market I'd Lemon John, 77 Baddow roam ' sham street
Golding Thomas William, 29 Park I'd Lenagan Mrs. The Limes, Cottage pI Po]Jey David, 21 Dnke street
Gowers Miss, 16 Park road Lestourg-eon Miss, 74 New London I'd Poole George, 94 New London road
Gray Ernst.Copeland,nNw.London I'd Lewis Benjamin Oarpenter, 1'20 New Poole Mrs. 3B New L0ndon road
Cray Gaorge Herbcrt, Brewery hOll~e, London road Poole Wm. Edwd. 8 King- Edward's av
Spring-field road L~llv Frank James, 41 Broomfield I'd Potter Henry, 15 Fairfield road
Gray -Mrs. 71 New London road Lindspll Arthur, 26 Fairfield road Rankin Jf)seph, 43 Goldlay road
Gray Mrs. 102 New London road Linecar Arthur Olaude, 8 Park avenue Rayner John CoIlins, 29 Mildmay road
Gray WaIter, 59 New London road Ling Harry, Stanley viI. Maltese road Reeve Mrs. ,c:.7 Mildmay road
Green Jsph. Paige, 109 New London I'd Lippmann Hans, Rose bank, Maul- Remington Ernest, 40 Hamlet road
Green Miss, 54 New street sham street Revell Arth. '1'hos. Wm.65 Baddow I'd
Green Mrs. 10 Park avenue Loekl George, 28e, Mildmay road Richards Mrs. :;8 Park read
Greenwood Miss. 26 Broomfield road Loveday William, 125 New London I'd Ridiley Charles Ernest J.P. The Elms,
Grimwood .T. 4:; Mildmay road Low Mrs. 61 Baddow road Broomfield road
Gripper Herbt.Redcot,New London I'd Lucas Alfred Parry, Westfield, Ridley Percy, 23 Broomfield road
Hall Edward, 41 Hamlet, road Broomfield road Rogers Frank William M.A. (head
Hall William, III New London road Luckin James, SI New London road master), GraID.IllilJT school
Halls Mrs. Elm cottage, Elm road, Malyon SI. Stirling- cot. Rainsford I'd Rolfe Oharles Arthur, 70 Baddow road
London road Manning Thomas William, 19 Duke st RopeI' Alfred, :;:; Broomfield road
Halls Mrs. I St. John's road Marriage Miss, 36 Park road RopeI' Mrs. 37 Broomfield road
Rance'1'homas, 61C, Baddow road Marriage Mrs. Coval hall Rowe Joseph Henry, 7 Park road
Hardy Mrs. 18 King- Edwa,rd's avenue Marg-etts Miss, Lisbon vil.Monlsham st Rumbles Thomas, 67 Mildmay road
Harri80n Arthur Basil, Park View, Martin Chas. Ingleneuk, Marlboro' rd Rush Miss Sophia, 28b, Mildmay road
Park road Martin James H. IIO New London I'd Rust EdwinJas.Covenbrook,Maltese I'd
lIarrison WaIt. Henry, 49 Mildmay I'd Martin John Little M.B. Bridge ho. Sale Miss, 07 New London road
Hasler Frederick. 89 New London Toad I Moulsham st.reet Saltmarsh GeorQ'e, 3<; Hamlet road
Hasler Hp-nry Charles, Springfield I'd Martin '1'hos. Herbert, 4 MaJt·ese I'd Saltmarsh Thomas Joseph, The Nur-
H8sler Mrs. ::lq Mildma,y road Maryon Francis James, 0 Park avenue series, Moulsham
Hawkins Harry, Croxon, 105 New Lon- Maskell Adlphs.Geo.II2 New Londn.rd Sargeant Mrs. 46 New London road
don road Mason George, 4 Duke street Sargeant Miss, II8 New London road


Sargent Geo. The Bank ho. High fit Stirling Miss, 37 Hamlet road Veley Miss, 45 New London road
Sasse George Henry, The Hawthorns, Stock Wm. Mill view, Baddow road Vine Miss, Minesham Mill house,
Park road Stockwell George, 25 Mildmay road Baddow road
Saulez Rev. Robt-. Wavers M.A. (vicar Stokes John Hy. 93 New London rd Wackrill Mrs. 61 New London road
of St. John's). St. John's vicarage, Stone Miss, 40 Park road Wackrill Rt. Sunny cross,Moulsham rd
Moulsham Straight Arthur Brooks, Maltese lodge, Walker Harry, The Limes, Grove rd
Savill Leonard, 83 Baddow road Maltese road Waller Theodore Barry, 12 New
Scotcher Henry, 1 Hamlet road Straight Fredk. Marshaal, 67a, Mild- London road
Scotcher William, 83 New London road may road Wallis Christopher Hy. 69 Baddow rd
Scriven William Henstridge, 81 Straight Misses, 38 Broomfield road Wal~is Mrs. 119 New London road
Baddow road Street Irvin Bridle, 22 Duke street Ward Richard, 28f, Mildmay road
Scruby Mrs. 28 Broomfield road Tanner Miss, 68 Duke street Warren James, Way side, GoldJ.ay road
Searles William, 22 Maltese road Taverner Fredk. Geo. 50 Broomfield rd Webb James Augustus, 100 Baddow rd
Shead William, 51 Broomfield road Taylor Charles Wm. 46 Mildmay road Weeks George Thomas, Elm road,
Sheerman Edward, HoUy 'rree villa, Taylor Fredk. 67 New London road London road
79 Moulsharn street Taylor George, 20 Park rorud Wells Frederick, Oaklands
Sheldrake Henry William, Willow ho. Taylor George Woodland, 'Sutherland Wells Fredk. Arth. 31 New London rd
Coval road lodge, Baddow road Wenley William Giison, 73 High st
Sheldrake Robert Ireland,g Maltese rd 'T*,ylor Miss, 14 Fairfield roOO Wenley Williarn Gilson, jun. Avon-
Shepherd Rev. Cyri! A. (Catholic), The Taylor Miss, 64 Mildmay road cliffe, Moulsham street
PNsbyrtery, New London road Taylor Mrs. 27 Fairfield road Wharton Miss, 64 New London road
ShoobridgeGeo.Fredk.8New London rd TheobaJ.d Frederick Cecil, Melrose cot- Wheeler Miss, 44 New London road
Skekleton Percy, I I King Edward's av tage, Station 1'000 White Charles, 2 Chesrtml:t viIs. Park av
'Slader Mrs. 9 Broomfield road Thompson Daniel, 59 New street WIlite Fredk. 9 King Edward's avenue
Smith Fredk. Geo. 68 Mildmay road Thompson Mrs.1 5 !King Edward's aven White Mrs. Meadow side, Rectory la

Smith Frederick George, Conway vil. Thompson Thomas, 56 Mildmay road Whitmore Frank, Maltese house,
Rainsford road Thompson Thomas Fredk. 18 Park rd Maltese road
Smith Miss, 27 Mildmay road Thresh John Clough D.Se., M.D., Whittaker John, 12 Pa.rk road
Smith 'Mrs. 17 Fairfield road F.I.C., F.C.S. 62 New London road Whittaker Robert, 24 Broomfield road
Smith Mrs. 31 Mildmay road Thrower Miss', 34 Broomfield road Williams Charles, London & County
Smith Mrs. Joseph Alfred, 5'5 New Thurgur Mrs. Avondale, Market road Bank, 7 High street
London road Tomlinson James, 57 New London rd Williams James, 36 Hamlet road
Smylie Robert IS., RA. (assistant Tomlinson William Henry, Cottage pI. Wilson Mrs.Oakhurst, New London I'd
master). Grammar school New street Winchester Miss, 24 New London road
SorreH Mrs. 19 Friar's place Tuckey Albert 28d, Mildmay road Wood Misses, 40 Broomfield road
Spurgeon Geo. Hughes, 32 Mildmay rd Tuff Miss, 53 Mildmay road Woodward Chas. Wm. 62 Mildmay rd
Squire Mrs. 37 New London road Tuff WaIter, 52 Mildmay road Warden Richd.Mawdsley,26 Hamlet rd
Stackwood Miss, 27 Park road Turner Ho-ward R Llymhurst, Cottage Wright William Osborne David, Chel-
Stalley Ernest Geo. 25 Fairfield road place mer lodge, Market road
Stanley Mrs. 107 New London road Turpin Mrs. 66 Mildmay road Wylie Mrs. 30 Hamlet road
Stanway RandalI. 80 Moulsham street ~alIer James W'.llter, 16 Fairfield rd Wynter Mrs'4 Sunnyside,MoUllsham st
Stevens Percy Thomas, 2 Sandon vils. Van Homrigh Mrs. 48 New London rd Young George, 44 Lower Anchor st
Park avenue

COMMERCIAL. Barnes Mary (Mrs.), provision d-ealer, 49 Broomfield road

Early olQsing day, Wednesday. ma. 2 Church Vw.vls.St.John's rd
Abberfield Ros-a (Mrs.), apartments, 20 Moulsham street Barretb Edgar, cycle maker, I!h Duke street
Abbott oGeorge Henry, pork butcher, 156 Moulsham street Barton William, butcher, 118 MOulsham street
Abbott Geo. Hy. hair dresser & tobacconist, 3-1 Duke st Baskett Lizzie Lynford (Mrs.), dress maker, 1'5 Hall st
Ainsworth & Co. cycle manufacturers, 21 Conduit street Bassingwhite Emily (Miss), dreS9 ma. 129 NewLondon rd
Aldred Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, Rochford road Bates Jas. Wm. boot ma. '9 Conduit st. & 8 Baddow road
Almond Nichols-on F.R.C.V.S. vet. surgn. 24 Duke street Bansor Charles HarTis, baker, 47 Duke street
Arnbrose George, upholsterer, Manor road Bausor Harry Sturman, see Red Cow Temperance hotel
Almond Nicholson F.R.C.V.S. vet. surgn. 24 Duke st Beach W. & Son, leather manufacturers &; coal merchants,
Ambrose George, upSholsterer, Manor road Rainsford road
Ambrose Margare't (Miss), shopkeeper, 5 Baddow road Beadle George, greengrocer, New street
Argent Oharles Henry, insurance agent, 35 Primrose bill Beadie George, town crier & bill poster, Cottage place
Ashby Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 17 Hamlet road Beckett Brothers, horticultural builders; works,Anchor st
Ashton Ernest, Charles, oil & colaI' man, 3 Moulsham st Beckett Philemon &; Sons, timber dealers, turners,
Assembly & Concert Rooms (Fred Spalding, proprietor), wheelwrightil, undertakers & hurdle makers, Glebe rd.
Crane court, High street Townfield street; 0& cart, van & waggon builders &
Aylett Lena& Emily (Misses), dress mas. 7a:,Rainsford rd general smiths, 3/1 Broomfield: road
Backhouse Henry, clerk, 32 Broomfield road Beckett Henry Char:es, undertaker, 1 Magdalene place,
Bacon Eli, fruiterer, New street Glebe road
Bacon George Alfred, fruiterer, Church .street Beddingfield George, fibrous plaster merchant, Wolsley
Bacon John, brickla.yer, Cottage place road, New Writtle street
Baddow Hrewery Co. Limited (Thomas William Manning, BEledom William, Coach &; HOTseil P.H. Duke street
local manager), brewers &; wine & spirit merchants; Bellamy Frederick James, clerk, 411 Fairfield road
branch, 19 Duke street. See advert Bennell &; Son, boot &; shoe makers, 85 High street
Bailes James E. insurance agent, 31 Roman road Benson Alfred, insurance agent, 29 Broomfield road
Bailes Joseph, shopkeeper, 4g New street Betts Thomas, yeast merchant, 'II Mildmay road
Bainbridge Harry, boot & shoe maker, 16 Conduit street Bickmore Brothers, cycle agents, Barrack square
Baker Enocb, householder, '17 Goldlay road Bird Anna (Miss), ladies' school, 25 New London road
Baker Thomas, oilman, II9 Moulsham street BIyth Robert William,solicitor, clerk to theWrittle Chari-
Baker WaIter, Red Lion P.H. 99 New London road ties & agent to the Royal FiTe &; Life, Crane crt.High st
Baker William Kirkham, sanitary inspector for lfihe-- Cor- Bodkin William M.D., M.Ch. surgeon, The Cloisters,
poration, 16 New London road: ' 2 7 New London road
Baldwin Gearge Frederick, dairyman, 6 Springfield Toad Bolingbroke George John, silk mercer, costumier & linen
&; '16 Maulsham street draper, 74 & 75 High street
Ballard Malvina (Miss), umbrella malrer, 7 Duke street Bond A. &; E. (Misses), dres<s makers, 4 Broomfield road
Ballard Sidney James, elerk, The Pagnells, Park avenue Bond John George Limited, general draper,s & complete
Balls George Whitehead, draught,sman, Trenarren, Park av J house furnishers, '27, 28, 2J9 & 30 High street; (29 Duke
Ba.mbrick Mary (Miss), apartments, 2'9 Hamlet road street; ,& 9 & 1181 Moulsham street
Banham Daniel, butcher, 44 High street Bond William Crosbee, cabinet ma. &c. 50 &; SI New st
Banham Goorge In. beer retailer, 26 Lower Anchor street Booth Francis Wm. clerk, I Rose villas, Fairfield road
Barclay & Co. Limited (branch), bankers, High street; Borough Cemetery (Willimn Gooch, supt.), Writtle road
draw on head office, 54 Lombard street, London E 0 Bott Lindley& Co. manufacturers of rick cloths &i
Barnard C. & A. (Misses), temperance family & commer· waggon covers, tarpaulins, cart grease, rope, Y'arn &;
cial hotel, 37 High street fillis merchants, hired sack & bag contractors, Railway
Barnard Albert, cabinet maker. 38 Hig-h street arches; -& depot, East mills, Colchester
Barnard Oharle·s William,ironmongers-' rngr'4 St.John's rd Bowles Charles Henry, boot maker, 45 New street
Barnes Joseph, china & earthenware dealer, 6 Duke street Bragg Geo. Henry, plumber, painter &c. 6 &; 7 Baddow rd
Brame Frederick, tinplate worker, 1'57 Moulsham street Ohelmsford Steam Laundry Co. Limited (Miss E. E. 8el-
Brand Edwin Wm. carpenter, Homeleigh, Up.Roman road lentin, manageress), Victoria road
Breach Frank, Anchor P.H. II2 Moulsham street Chelmsford Race Stand Co. (G. Baker, hon. sec.)~
Bridle Charlotte (Miss), apartments, Primrose hill High street
Bright John, beer retailer, 6 Anchor street Choat &-. Son, builders, contractors &; undertakers, Mild-
Briton Cycle Co. Coventry Limited, Market road may road. See advert
Brock Harry Wm. Royal Steamer P.R. Townfield street Christy Brothers & Middleton. electric light &; power
Brown George, cricket bat maker, The Willows, Ooval rd engineers (magnetic separators), Broomfield Road
Brown Horace Godfrey, manager co-operative society, iron works
:36 Broomfield road Chrlsty & Norrls•. engineers, boiler makers, iron &.
Brown James, hrick & tile maker, New Writtle street brass founders, mlllwrights, machinists & manufac-
Brown Robt. baker & grocer, & post office, 8 Rainsford rd. turers of general grinding & pulverising maChinery ~
Brown William, fishmonger, 124 Moulsham street oil &;. gas engines, ~ounders' coal dust & brickyard
Broyd George, carman, Roman street machmery,water engmeers &c.BroomfielcL Rd. iron wks-
Buck Absalom, carpenter, 42 Goldlay road Christy Frank, conSulting electrical engineer &; electric
Buck.ingham & Sons, boot & shoe makers, 13 High 8t light engineer, see Christy Brothers &; Middleton
Budds John Stonehouse, candle manufr. IO! High st Ohristy Leonard Fell, electric light engineer, se&
Bugg Fredk.Jn.boot ma. 37 & 187 High st.& tI2 Conduit st Christy Brothers & Middleton
Bull Eliza Watcham (Miss), fancy repos. '82 Duke street Ohurch Cemetery (A.Lunney,dep. parish clerk),Rectory la
Bunn James, beer retailer, IS Baddow road Church of England Young Men's Insktute (W. HoIlings-
Bunn James Early Smee, chemist, 95 High street worth, hon. sec.), Crane court, High street
Bunting Wm. grocer & china dealer, 3.S & 36 Duke 8t Church Emily (Mrs.), florist,s Moulsham street
Burrell Frederick George, clerk, 7 Fairlield road .Clare & Ross M.S.A., A.RI.B.A. architects & surveyors~
Burrel! R;chard Charles, whitesmith, Barrack square 66 Duke street; &; at Haslemere, Surrey
Bushell Albert Edward, livery stable kpr.6 NewLondon rd Olare Geo. Edward M.S.A. architect (firm, Clare & Ross)
Byatt Arthur, jobbing gardener, Friar's place Clark John, beer retailer. 50 Moulsham street
Byatt Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Victoria road Clarke J. H. ,& Co. booksellers, printers & stationers, 77 &.
Byatt WaIter, furniture dealer, 22 Baddow road 78 High street
Byford Ghas. teacher of music, 12 King Edward's avenue Clarke Daniel, chimney sweeper, I Rainsford road
Cable Evelyn (Mrs.), baker, 32 Moulsham street Clarkson & Capel Stea.m Oar Syndicate Limited, Moul-
Campen John, picture frame maker, 80 Rainsford road sham works, Queen street
Capital & 'Counties Bank Limited (The) (Andrew Fair- Cleale & Sons, irnmngrs'94, & glass &, ohina dlrs.sHiah si
bairn, manager), High street; draw on head office, 39 Clift Charles, householder, Grove road '"
Threadneedle street EO Clover Jas. Three Compasses P.H. & shpkpr.Broomfid.rd
Carr William H. brick & tile maker, Wood street Coe Chas. greengro. & fishmonger, 9 Springfield road
Oass Herbert Hy. cycle maker, Park cot. Broomfield road Ooe William John, undertaker, 6 Victoria. road
Oatt Walter Fortin, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey ColdweU John Mead, Globe P.H. Primrose hill
Lim. wine & spirit mers. Tindal square & Market pI Ooleman & Modon, engineers & iron founders, patentees
Oawdron Henry Robert, solicitor, a,gent to the Oounty Fire & manufacturers of agricllitural implements, London
Office & sec. to the. {)helmsford Mutual Plate Glass In- Road iron works, New London road
surance 00. Limited, Holmside, King Edward's avenue Collin.~& Son, glass &; china dealers, 39 High street & 1Z
& Crane court Sprmgfield road
Oawley James, oilman, 154 Moulsham street Coney Arthur, saddler & harness ma:ffier, 85 Duke street
Ohancellor Frederic J.P., F.RLB.A. (Ohancellor &; Son), Conybeare Alfred, Rilling Sun P.H. 65 New London road
architect i& surveyor &; diocesan architect for St.Albans, Cook Arthur, antique furniture dealer, 20 New London rd
2 High street; -&; at 20 Fin,sbury circus, London E C Copland & Sons, solicitors, co=issioners for oaths, 19
Chancellor Frederic Wyke'ham M.A. (firm, Chancellor &; New London road
Son), architect & diocesan surveyor for archdeaconries Copland Chas. Albert, solicitor see Copland & Sons
of Essex, Colchester &; St. Albans, 2 High street; & 20 08rnwall Myra (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Broomfield road
Finsbury circus, London E C Cottee Ernest, shopkeeper, na Moulsham street
• Cottee John William, accountant, 5\1 South Primrose hill
Chapman Allan, Spotted Dog P.R. Conduit street
Chapman Herbert. watch maker, jeweller & optician, Cottis William, carter, Prospect house, Primrose hill
14 High street. See advert County Constabulary of Essex (Capt. Edward Maclean
Chappell Fredk. WilliaIIlJ, cycle agent, 63 High street Showers, chief constable; Raglan Somerset, deputy
Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation Co. (Andrew Meggy, chief constable; George Hastings, supt. & chief clerk)~
solicitor, clerk), 71 Duke street Springfield Police station, Springfield
Chelmsford Angling Society (Charles Outen, sec.),Queen's Oounty Court (His Honor H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge;
Head, 6r High street William Ward Duffield, registrar of county court &
Chelmsford Brewery (Wells & Perry) Lim. (The), bankruptcy court; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff);
brewers & wine & spirit merchants, 26 Duke street office, Crane court, High street
Chelmsford Club Lim. (James Luckin, secretary), New County (The) Furnishing Stores Limited,18I Mauls-ham ~
London road - County Technical Laboratories (J. H. Nicholas, sec. &.
Chelmsford Co-operative &; Industrial Society Lim. organising sec.; Ernest Charles Horrell, staff teacher of
(George Young, sec.), Mou1sham street biology; Thomas S. Dymond F.I.C., F.e.S. staff
Chelmsford Corn Exchange Co. Lim. (W. W. Duffield, teacher of chemistry), 78 Duke street
sec.), 96 High street Court Concord (A.O.F.) No. 3752 (William HoIlingsworth.
Chelmsford Oorporation. Fire Brigade (W. Farrow, supt.), sec.), Lion &. Lamb, Duke street
Fire station, Market road Court Peace (A.O.F.) 2-63>8 (Charles Clift, sec.), Vestry hall
Ohelmsford Cricket Club (W. Hilliard \& H. Haylock, hon. Cousins William, chimney sweeper, Springfield road
sec.; A. P. Lucas, capt.), White Hart hotel Conduit st Cousins Wm. Henry, chimney sweeper, SprinO'field road
Chelmsford Electric Lighting Co. Limited (Arthur H. Couzens Charles, ch~mney sweeper, 58 Moulsh~m street
French, chief engineer), Anchor street Cowler Arthur, shopkeeper, 20 Primrose hill
Chelmsford &; Essex Infirmary :& Dispensary (Henry Wm. Oowper Robert, shopkeeper, lI5 Moulsham street
Newton M.RC.S. & W. Bodkin M.D., M.Ch. & Theodore Crabb William, clerk, 2 St. John's road
H.arry Waller, hon. medical officers; James Tomlinson, Cramphorn Limited, corn merchants &; maltsters, 17 High
dlsp'enser; F. Wells, hon. treasurer; F. A. Wells, hon. street; 52 New street; 8 Springfield rd. & 162 Moul-
sec.; Rodd & Martin, coll~tors & assistant secs.), ~ ew sham street
London- road Creasy John Jackson & Son, butchers, 6 Conduit street
Chelmsford Gas Light & .coke Co. (Er. William Smith, Creasy William James, builder, 7 Conduit street
engineer & manager; Robert Edward Wackrill, sec.), Crick Joseph, tobacconist & cricket bat manfr. 89 Duke st
Springfield wharf, Springfield Crompton &. Fawkes, horticultural builders, Anchor
Chelmsford Institute of Nurses (Miss Lilian Rn,oks, in works, Anchor street
charge), Huntcliffe, Upper Roman road Crompton & Co. Limited, electric light engineers &. con-
Chelmsford Land -Co. Limited (James Luckin, sec.), 12 tractors for all kinds of electric machinery, Arc works.
Duke street Writtle road &, Moulsham street; office, Mansion House
Chelmsford Mutual Fund Association Lim. (James buildings, London E C
Luokin, sec.), ,12 Duke street Crosse William F., L.D.S., RC.S.l. surgeon-dentist, 22:
Ohelmsford Penny Almanac (Tindall &. Jarrold, pub- Duke street
lishers), 90 High street Orow Thomas, licensed lodging house, 155 Moulsham 8'
Chelmsford Provident Society (Alfred Smee, clerk), Crowfoot J ane (Mrs.), baker, Legg street
I I 6 New London road Cnnbridge Frank, clerk of the works, 67d, Mildmay road

Dace James & Son, pianoforte warehouse, 5 New London Es'sex County Drug Co. chemists, 18 Duke street
road. See advert Essex Independent & Farmers' Gazette (The Essex
Darby Alfred i&i Co. auctioneers, valuers, surveyors, house Weekly News Series Limited, printers, publishers &;
& estate agents & agents to the British Empire Mutual proprietors; published monday, wednesday &; satur-
& Royal Insurance Companies, 97 High street day), 26 High street. See advertisement
Darby Ambrose, confectioner, I I Moulsham street Essex Industrial School & Home for Destitute Boys (J.
Darby Charles Dani,el, grocer & tea dealer, wine, provision, Brittain Pash, member of the council & ma.nager),
hop & corn merchant, flOUT factor, grocers' & general Rainsford road
trades' valuer, agent for the Northern Life & Fil"e, In- Essex: Loan Society (George .Ambrose, sec.), Loan society,
surance Co. 18 Springfield road 112 Moulsham street
Barby Ruth (Miss), dress maker, 22 Mildmay road Essex: Newsman (Meggy, Thompson & 00. proprietors 1&
Dav·ey Alfred, beer retailer & cooper, 22 Moulsham street publishers; published sat. ; two editions), 98 High st.
Davey Joseph (Mrs.), Cherry Tree P.H. Writ tIe road See advert
Davis William & Edmund, drapers, 91 High street Essex Pantechnicons for storing furniture, Barrack sq.;
Davis Anthony, jobbing gardener, 47 New street New street & Hall street (Wenley & Son, pI1oprietors)
Day Waiter & Co. tailors, 10 Duke street Essex Provident Society (James Shepherd, clerk; Frank
Day Charles, hatter & hosier, 86 High street Willsher, collector), 66 Duke street
Dean John Ro}>ert, boot maker, 40 South Primrose hill Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society (branch
Death George, Bay Horse P.H. 152 Moulsham street office (George Mason, local superintendent), 4 Duke st,
Debnam dames & Son. hair dressers, cigar mer- Es'sex Taxpay,ers' Protection Agency (David Polley, mgr.),
chants & general insurance agents, 4 Tindal square 21 Duke street
Debnam Waiter, beehive maker, Primrose hill Essex Weekly News (The Essex: Weekly News' Series
Deeks Wm. Geo. The White Horse P.H. 25 Town.f:ield st Limited, printers, publishers & proprietors; published
Dennis T. H. P. & Sons, wholesale & retail ironmongers & friday), 26 High street; & at Romford. See advert
merchants, heating, electrical & sanitary engineers, Ess~x Weekly News Series Limited (The), printers, pub-
decorators, modern plumbers, house repairers, paper- lishers & proprietors of the" Essex: 'Weekly News," the
hangers, painters ,& general renovators, inclusive house " Essex Independent ,& Farmers' Gazette," t,he " Brain-
fitters & furnishenl, 20 High street tree & Bocking Ad'vertiser," the" Southend-on-Sea Ob-
Dennis Ellen (Mrs.), beer retailer, 172 Moulsham street server," &:, the "Barking, Ilford & East Ham Adver-
Denny E. (Mrs.), dress maker, I Mill road tiser," '26 High street,; & at Romford, Brainrtree, Bark-
Dewhirst James, sanitary inspector & surveyor & engineer ing & Southend-on-Sea. Seeadvert
to the Chelmsford rural district council, Avenue cham- Eve Owen Edwin, insur·ance agent, 3,r Hamlet road
bers, Market place Everett George Arthur, shopkeeper, Bridge street
Dibben William, hair dresser, 18 High street Everett Henry, fruiterer, 37 Duke street
Digby John, fishmonger, 86 Duke street Faiers John, hair dresser, 4 Baddow road
Diss George, tailor, 73 Moulsham street Faiers John, jun. fishmonger, '3 Baddow road
Dixon John & Son, tanners, Chelmsford tannery, Moul- Faiers Lewis Gray, hair dresser, 23 Moulsham street
sham street Fairbairn Andrew, mana.ger 'of Capital 1& Counties Bank
Dixon James Gainsford, tailor, Duke street Limited, High streetl
Dixon Thomas, solicitor, commissioner for oaths, town Fairbank George, shopkeeper, Rainsford road
clerk, clerk to the urban sanitary authority, to school Faircloth Alfred Edward, builder, 4 Friars place, New
attendance committee,clerk to joint sewerage committee, London road & 7 Lower Anchor street
clerk to the Chelmsford & district technical instruc- Farrow ,& Sons, plumbers', gasfitters &;c. 7 New street
tion committee & agent to the Liverpool & London & Farrow Joseph, Rose &; 'Crown P.H. Rains,foriL road
Globe Insurance Co. 16 New London road Fawkes Frank Attfield, manufacturing joiner, see Cromp-
Dobson Frdk. Sam!. family grocer & tea dlr. 22 High street ton & Fawkes
Doman Samuel, draper, 6 High street Fearnside Benjamin, professor of music, 66 Baddow road
Dowsett Alfred, parish clerk of St. John's, 184 New Lon- Feather Walter Townend, sheriff's officer, New street
don Toad FewellClaude James, cattle dlr. Sutherlands, Baddow rd
Driver & Ling, wholesale rag & metal mers. Union yard Filby George, foreman, 22 Goldlay road
Driver ..Albert, wholesale newsagent & advertising con- Finch Edwin Hastings, clerk, 93 Baddow road
tractor, bookbinder & printer, 25 Conduit street Finch James, hoot maker, 108 Baddow road
Dudding Ceeil (Mrs.), Lion & Lamb hotel & livery stables, Fincham .Alfred, baker, I4 Baddow road
Duke street Fincham WaIter, baker, New WritUe street
Duffield, Son & Smee, solicitors, 96 High street Fincham William, builder, 9 BaiLdow road
Duffield Arthur Stewart M.A. solicitor, deputy superin- Firmin Edwd. Hy. cattle dIr. '3 Violet vils. Primrose hill
tendent registrar, deputy re,gistrar of county court .& Fitch George, saddler & harness maker, 92 High street
assistant clerk to the guardians 0& rural district council, Flatman 'William, coffee tavern, Friars place
96 High street; <& at 40 New Broad street, London E C Fletcher W. & R. Limited, meat purveyors, 24 High st
(Duffield, Bruty -& Co) Ford 'Ihoma's, refreshment ,rooms, Station yard
I>uffield William Ward (firm, Duffield, Son & Smee), -so- Forster A. G.& Co. coal merchants, Tindal square; 46
licitor, perpetual commissioner 0& commissioner to ad- Victoria road &; New street
minister oaths, registrar of county court l& bankruptcy Fox George, hatter, hosier &; shirt maker & general out-
court, clerk to the county magistrat,es, to the guar- fitter, 57 High street & 2 &; 3 Duke street
dians & union assessment committee & rural district Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot mas. 10 High st
council, sec. to Corn Exchange Co. superintendent Freeman Mary Ann (l\1rs.), boot & shoe ma. 45 High st
registrar, clerk to school boards for Good Easter, Freestone 'Thomas, shopkeeper, 20 New street
Chignall, Great Leighs <& Retten-don, gi High street French Joseph, dairyman, New Writtle street
Dllke's Head (Land Company; & at 67 .& 68 Cheapside, Frye Frederick Robert, Mus. Bac. Cantab., F.R.C.O. pro-
London E C); Springfield road fessor ,of musi<: & organist at parish church, 124 New
Dllrham Edwin, tailor, hosier & outfitter, 188 &; 189 London road
Moulsham street Fulcher James & Son, fruiterers, 14 Duke street
Durrant Andrew, farmer, Bishop's Hall farm, Rectory lane Fulcher .Arthur George, plumber, Railway street
Dutton John, printer & publisher of Dutton's Essex Al- Fulcher William, florist & fruiterer, 21 Moulsham street
manack & County Gazetteer, Tindal street Fuller James, boot & shoe maker, Tindal street
Duyshart P. J. & Co. photographers, 75 Duke street Gallagher Wm. J sph. (Mrs.), househldr.4I Goldlay road
Dyke WaIter John, clerk, 12:1, Church street Gardiner John, coal merchant, Anchor street
Eaton Alfred, bricklayer, 69 New London road Gentry Elizabeth (Miss), fruiterer, 41 High street
Edser William, sanitary inspector to the Ohelmsford Rural George .A.bigail(Miss),berlin wool&fancy repstry.I6 High st
District 'Council, Avenue chambers, Market place Gepp & Sons, solicitors, &; agents to the Norwich Mutual
Edwards Edward, market gardener, 3 St. John's road Life Office, incorporated with the Reliance Society;
Edwards Esther (l\fiss), fancy repository, 100 High st acting under-sheriffs for Essex, New s'treat; & Burn-
Eggby James, dining rooms, 17 & 1,8 'New street ham-on-'Crouch; & Temple chambers, London
Ellis Arthur H. station master, Duke street Gepp Charles Bramston Osborne (firm, Gepp &; Sons),
Ely Charles Thomas, carpenter, Barrack square solicitor & clerk to the commissioners of sewers for
Essex Agricultural Society (Fred Taylor, sec. ),17 Duke st Dengie & Fobbing levels, returning officer to the Essex
Essex Almanac .& County Directory (Meggy, Thompson & county council & under-sheriff of the county of Essex,
Co. proprietors .& publishers), 98 High st. See advert Clerk to the commissioners of income & land tax for
Essex County Chronicle (Meggy, Tbbmpson 0& Co. pro- division of Ohelmsford &c. New street
prietors & publishers ; pub. fri.), 98 High st. See advt Gheber Iron Works Co. heating apparatus manufacturerll
Essex HeraliL (Meggr, Thompson -& Co. proprietors t&l pub- Gibson Herbert W·. solicitor, & deputy clerk of the peace
li8her8; published tues.), g8 High street. See ad'Vert & deputy clerk to the Essex county council, Shire hall
Gepp Waiter Payne M.A. (firm, Gepp & Sons), solicitor, Heard William, shopkeeper, 46 New street
clerk to the commissioners of sewers for the Foulness Hepworth Percy, draughtsm.all!, I Sycamore vils. Park avn
level, registrar of archdeaconries of Colchester, Essex Hicks, Son & Co. cooks, confectioners ,& fancy bread & bis-
&; St. Albans, clerk to the committee of visitors of the cuit bakers, 32 High street 1& 90 Duke street
Essex Lunatic Asylum, New street Ricks OharI6s., saddler, 1613 Moulsham street
Gifford Gertrude (Mis<s), dress maker, 48 Baddow road Hicks Frank, boot & shoe makers. 175 Moulsham street
Gimson & Martin, physicians &; surgeons, 11 Moulsham !It Hill .J.ames, s<hopkeeper, Bridge road
Gisby WaIter, shoe maker, 40 Baddow road Hllllard G. B. & Son, auctioneers, valuers & surveyors,
Gledston6 & Co. coal merchants, Primrose hill New street; &, 54 Old Broad st. London E O. See advt
Glover William, mineral water manufr. 71 Duke street Hilliard Walter, solicitor, Bank chambers, New street
Godfrey H. & T. C. manufacturers of sacks, ropes, Hindmarsh Geo. Thos. pawnbroker, 25 & 26 Moulsham st
twines, rick cloths, tarpaulins, wagon covers, marquees, H. M. Prison (Oapt. Herbert La<timer Conor, governor;
sack & bean tiers, cocoa matting, door mats, nets &c.; Rev. John Watson ~lakemore, chaplain; Rev. Joseph
also marquees, sacks, cloths &c. let on hire, Moulsham F. Padbury, CatholIc hon. chaplain; Hen'l'Y William
rope works & 54 High street Newton L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer;
Goff Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 45 Primrose hill John S. Chelton, storekeeper), Springfield
Gooch William, supt. of the Borough Cemet"lry, Writtle rd Hitch John, boou repairer, 1114 Moulsham street
Goodliff Ann (Mrs.), Ship P.R 11 Droomfieid road Hodges John, farmer, Waterhouse farm, Rainsford lane
Goodliff Henry, Wheatshea! P.H. 28 New street Hoffmann Manufacturing Co. Limit<ed (The), mamlifac-
Goodwin Edwin, jobbing gardener, 'J6 Baddow road turers< of ball bearings, New street
Goodwin Frank Oraft, market gardener, Fern villa, Upper Holland Thomas Austin, jobmaster, Friars place
Roman road Hollis W. &; Co. Limited, oil <& color men, 66 High st.
Gosling Edwin, boot warehouse, 68 High street &; S5 Duke street
Gosling John, curio dealer, 212 New London road Holloway Joseph Chas. accountant, Avenue chambers,
Gower & Son, boot & shoe manufacturers, 418 High street Market road
Gower William, boot maker, 46 Moulsham street Home & Colonial Stores Lim. tea dealers, 55 High street
Gowers Jesse, builder;& contractor & builders' merchant, Horne Chas. Wm. White Hart commercial htl. C-onduit st
Park Road works; &, at Broomfield road. See advert Horrex Maria (Mrs.), confectioner. 14 Moulsham street
Gozzett John, shopkeeper, 16 Hall street HOl"sley William, coffee tavern, 69 High street
Grammar School (Frank William Rogers M.A.. head Horsnail George, Beer Tap P.H. Bell yard, Conduit street
master; Bertram H. Keall B.A. second master; for Horsnell Charles Henry, market gardener, Primrose hill
assistant masters, see Schools), Grammar <school Hoskin Alexander. farmer, Boarded Barns, Broomfield rd
Grave Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, ao Hamlet road Housden Rosanna (Mrs.), laundress, Vineyards
Graves Thomas, pork butcher, IQ Springfield road Howard Frank, grocer, see Porter &; Howard
Gray & Sons, brewers, maltsters. spirit & corn mer- Howland Jas. Queen Adelaide P.H. & wheelwrght.Wood st
chants. Springfield Road brewery Huckson Frederick, joiner, Chester, Upper Roman road
Gray Charles Harrison, malt&oo:r, New road Hudson Francis (Mrs.), straw hat & bonnet ma. 9 Friars pI
Green Ernest William, Royal Oak P .H. I I Conduit street Hudson William. french polisher, 9 Friars place
Green James. cutler, 13 Duke street Hulme A. E. (Mdm.), milliner, 2 New London road
Green Joseph Paige, tailor & outfitter 34, &; bookseller, Hutley Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Hamlet road
stationer, music warehouse, artists' colorman & agent Hymas Rachel Matilda (Mrs.), shpkpr. I42 Moulsham st
for ordnance maps 35, High street Ind, Coope & Co. Limited (William Hollingsworth, local
Green William Henry, cutler, 56 High street manager), brewers, wine & spirit merchants, 27 Con.
Greenwood Walter Jas. King's Head hotel, 40 High street duit street; &; at Romford &; London
Greiner Hugo, general smith <& engineer, 51 Moulsham st Inland Revenue Office (Ed. Martin Kerrigan, supervisor;
Gripper Joseph Limited, iron merohants &; ironmongers George Mason, office.r), 69 Duke street
& dairy utensil manuirs. IS &; 84 High st. ; '& at Maldon International Tea Co's. Stores Limited, 'I 86 & 187 Moul-
Growcott Beriah, bazaar, 7 Moulsham street sham street & Conduit street
Gulliver 'George, manager, 23 Baddow road Jackson (J[ement, butcher, 418 Duke street
Hall Charles Riches, house decorator, 35 Mildmay road Ja=es Zachariah S. blacksmith, Dolphin yard, Conduit st
Hall Henry, manager to W. &:; H. Marriage 1& Sons Moul- Jarrold Sansom, bookseller &c. see JTindall i& Jarrold
sham mill, Baddow road ' Jeffreys & Sons, clot-hiers &; outfitters, 51 & 52 High st. ;
Hall John William, corn dealer, 13 Baddow road & at MaIdon
Halliway Carry (Miss), milliner, ,see Young &, Halliway Johns William & Thomas, wool staplers &c. TIaddow road
Halls Ch3's. house decorator,8 Prospect tel'. St.John's road Johnson Frank, ·builder &c. 41 & '4!Ia, New street
Halls Flora Virginia (Miss),householder, 18 Hall ,street ",oily Clement, cannan &; contractor, furniture remover
Halls .lames, wine & spirit merchant & tobacconist, 71 &; timber haulier, 44 Park road '
High street .Tones J,ohn Ashworth, photographers, 39 Moulsham st
Hamilton Jas. woollen draper, II4 &; II5 New London rd Joslin E. E. (Miss), dress maker,3 Cheveley ter.Railway st
Hard Wm. M.S.A.archit. & surveyor,see Pertwee & Hard J osling Herbert, electrical fitter, 32 Hamleb road
Hardy Caroline (Mrs.), stone mason &; asphalte worker, J oslins' Limited, agricultural & horticultural engineers &;
New London road &; 17 Friars place manufacturing &; furnishing ironmongers, Market road;
Hardy WaIter, confectioner, 170 Moulsham st;reet & at Colchester & Ipswich
Hare Geo. coal & coke merchant, Old Barrack whf.High st Judge Thomas Wm. Market House inn P.H. Conduit st
Harman George. carman, Railway street Keams James. beer retailer. Springiield road
Hamngton Hy. fruiterer & greengrocer. 20 Conduit st Keeble Alfred, carpenter & joiner, '15 Goldlay road
Harris Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, '146 Moulsham st Kemp Henry, meohanical engin~er, Fria,r's place
Harris Thomas, market gardener, Baddow road Kerri~an Edward Martin, supervisor of inland revenue.
Harris Thomas John, baker, 24 Townfield street 69 Duke street
Harris Thomas Warn,superintendent Prudential Assurance King Annie (Miss), dress maker, 13 Townfield street
Co. 67b, Mildmay road King Edward, Black Bull P.R. Rainsford road
Harrison B. H. & Son, wholesale &; retail ironmongers, Knight Frederick, tailor, I I Roman road
65 High street & Springfield road Knight Mary (Miss), dress m~ker, ID Mill road
Harrison Arthur Basil, general printer, I Market road Lacey Susannah (Mrs.), dress maker, 69 Moulsham st
Harrison Herbert John, grooer. 9 Duke street Lancaster George, market gardener, Lower Anchor st
Harrison Robert, market gardener. Admiral's Park Lankest€r &; Wells, wine & spirit merchants (HenrJ- Mag~
estate, Rainsford road nese, manager), 112 Duke street
Harvey Albert Walter, clerk, 2!4 Hamlet road Last Martha Jane (Mrs.), private school, 45 Duke street
Harvey AIid. A. (Mrs.), draper, 158 & 159 Moulsham sf Lawn Edward. watch &; clock maker, 25 High street
Harvey Alexander, farmer, Lodge farm - Lawrence Thos. WaIter, Railway tavern, 65 Duke street
Harvey George Bowyer, pattern maker, 23 M."'ildmay road Layt,on Richard, baker & shopkeeper, I&;2 Anchor. st
Hasler KateMargi. &Edith(Misses) ,milliners, 2Moulsham st Layton Robert, Cricketers P.H. 103 Moulsham street
Hasler& Son, ladies' -& gentlemen's t<ailors i& hatters; Lee Harry, confectioner & fruiterer, 43 & 93 High street
hunting out<fits, liveries &C.23 High street i&; 40 New street
Hasler Henry Oh~rles, wholesale oil, color &; glass mer- Leech Wm. & Sons, gun & pistol makers, 4 Conduit st
chant, white lead, varnishes, oils, window glass, cement Leech William, carpenter, 4 Hall street
&c. CDnduit street Lewis .lames, picture frame maker, 13 Moulsham street
Hawkes Alfred William, g<hopkeeper, .<;'4 Duke street Ling George B. corn, seed & oil cake merchant, 13
Haylock Harry Thomas Hamlet. William the Fourtl, Conduit street & Bishop's Hall mill
P.H. 6 New street London k County Banking Co. Limited (Chelmsford
Hayne John, boot maker, 48 Townfield street - branch) (Charles Williams, manager), High street;
H6aly Henry, insurance agent. 6 Fah1ield road . draw on head office, 21 Loml)3rd street, London E C
Lipt.on Limited, provision dealers, 53 High. street Mott Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Goldlay road
London & Provincial Tea Co. tea dealers, 1;7'6 Moulsharn st N e.ave J ames William, assistant, surveyor for the Essex
London Central Meat ,Co. Limited, 63 High street County Council, 718 Duke street
L<Jrkin Arthur, tailor, 71 Mildmay road Newton Henry William M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Lovetlay William, watch maker, 12 Moulsham street physician &, surgeon &; medical officer of health to the
Luckin &; Sheldrake, chartered accountants, 12 Duke st Corporation &; medical officer &; public vaccinator No. I
Lucking Wm. Aug. carp. &; undertkr'79a,New London I'd district, Ohelmsford union & surgeon to H. M. Prison,
Lummis Jas. &; Son, builders & coal mers. 46 Duke street Fairfield house, Duke street
Lunney Alexander, deputy parish clerk to St. Mary's, 2 Nicholas John Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths
Violet villas, Primrose hill • &; clerk to the parliamentary committee of the Essex
Ma,bson Robert, millwright, :5 Rail villas, Fairfield road. Ooun ty Council, 18 Duke street,; &; 35 New Broad st E C
McOann SusaIL (Mrs.), householder, 39 Goldlay road Nightingirl Daniel, coal dlr. &; beer ret. 1 &; 2 Geo~ge st
Madocks Alfred, brush maker, 36 High street Nokes Albert,. butcher, 83 High street
Makins William Fredk. general smith, Bell yd. Conduit st Nokes James .Tuniper, beer retailer, 171 Moulsham street
Maldon Iron 'Works 00. Limited, agricultural implement Nonconformist Cemetery (Frederick Haslar, registrar;
makers, Cottage pla,ce, New street WilIiam Wh.i.te, caretaker), 79 New London road
Malyon Minnie (Miss), milliner, 20 Duke street Norman Thomas, Woolpack P.H. 10 Mildmay road
Manchester Fire Office (branch) (T. J. Smee, agent), 96 Norris James Alfred, engineer &c. see Ch.risty & Norris
High street Nunn Jame,s William, dealer in antique furniture & china,
Mann Frederick 1Yhite, currier, 105 Baddow road &; Union 23 Duke street
yard, Conduit street OliveI' William Elijah, butcher, 87 Duke street
Mann George Arthur, baker &; beer retailer, George Orams Jeremiah, watch maker, 60 High street
street &; New Writtle street Orrin Tho!!. & Leonard, boot mas. 123 Moulsham street
Mapson George, Royal Oak P.R. I I Conduit street . Orrin William &; Henry, boot makers, 10 Friar's place
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Limited, Hall St. works Orrin Frederick, boot repairer, May vil. Up. Roman road
Mark Julius, distributor of st&mps, 35 High st:r~et Osborn Hedley, pork butcher, 121 Moulsham street
Marks A1fd.Oraddock,Old White Hart P.H.ID Moulsham st· Osbourn Susannah &; Jemima (Misses), dress makers, 131
Marriage William & Henry & Sons, millers (water & New London road
steam) &c. Moulsham mill, Baddow road; Bishop's hall Overall Frederick, up~olst,erer, SpTingfield road
& Chelmer mill, New street; &; Broomfield Overton Dorah (Miss), dress maker, 6 Broomfield road
Marriage Herbert, farmer &; dairyman, Moulsham lodge Ower! Frank Howard, accountant for the county of Essex,
Marshall WilEam, caretaker of the Chelmsford Ohurch 78 Duke street
cemetery, Rectory lane Pace Louisa (Mrs.), householder, 23 Hall street
Martin & .Sons, family grocers, [9 High st. &; 56 Duke st Page James, cattle dealer, Broomfield road
Martin .Tohn Little l\'LB., C.M. physician & surgeon, £ee Palmer Edward Newman, valuer &; commission agent,
Gimson & Martin 25 Broomfield road
Martins Swon, nurseryman, 53 High street Palmer George &; Sons, marine store dealers &; horse
~aryon Walter, assistant overseer &; reo-istrar of mar- slaughterers. 1'55 Moulsham street; &; at Brentwood
riages for Chelmsford union, 29 New street Palmer Frederick, Star &; Garter P.H. 120 Moulsham !It
Maskell Adolphus George, solicitor & commissioner for Palmer James Valentine, Half Moon P.H. 82 High street
oaths. 12 X ew London road Pannell Edward, pork butcher, 168 Moulsham street
Mason George, inspector of corn returns, 69 Duke street Pannell Frank James, Lion P.H. buke street
Mason George, inland revenue officer, 9 Ne.w London I'd Pannell Thomas C. fishmonger &; greengrocer, 166 &; 167
Masonic Lodges (276 Good Fellowship) (E. Shedd, sec.); Moulsham street
(Essex Chapter Royal Arch) (James P. Lewin, scribe) Pannell William, fishmonger, 52 Duke street
& (Chelmer Lodge Mark Masons) (F. P. SutthBry, Park Robert, insurance agent, I Rosebery vls.St.John's rd
sec.), Crown Court rooms, High street Parkes High Class Drug Stores Limited, 3-1 High street
Matt Ernest Herbert, fruiterer, 148 Moulsham street Parkhurst Henry, plumber & glazier, 21 New London rd
Matthews Alfred, surveyor of taxes, 69 Duke street Pascall G. 1V. & Co. importers, spirit dealers, foreign
Mawhood Emma (Mrs.), fancy repository, 17 Oonduit st liqueur merchants, cordial makers, ale & stDut bottlers
"Mawho'od Richard, architect, 2 Market road &c. 46 & 47 High street. See advert
Mayhew John Newton, fishmonger, 33 High street Pash J oseph Brittain, agricultural engineer; warehouse,
Mayhew William, greengrocer, 34 Moulsham street Market buildings; offices, next the Oorn Exchange;
Mead Richard, furniture dealer, Wood street workshops, King Edward.'s avenue
Meggy & Stunt, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, 7J Patrick Orlando James, machinist, Angel yard, Conduit st
Duke street &; 65 & 66 Chancery lane, London W C Pearl Life Assurance 00. Limited (John W. E. Siberry,
, Meggy, Thompson & Co. proprietors & publishers of district supt.), I Violet, villas, Primrose hill
.. Essex County Chronicle," "Essex Herald," Pearks, Gunston \&; Tee Limited, provsn. dlrs. 67 High st
" Essex Newsman" &; "Essex Almanac &; County Peck Sergeant Wm. recruiting sergeant, 21 Goldlay road
Directory" &; agents to the Sun Fire & Life Assurance Pedley Harry, house decorator & plmbr. 4 New London I'd
Co. 98 High street. See advert Pertwee Charles A.R.!. B.A.. & Bard Willialll :M. S.A. archi-
Meggy Andrew (firm, Meggy &; Stunt), solicitor, commis- tects &; surveyors, Bank chambers, New street
sioner for oaths, clerk to the Ohelmer & Blackwater Petts E. S. &; Son, agents for Lawes' Chemical Manure
Navigation Co. & to the Governors of the Chelmsford 00. Lim. 30 New London road
Grammar school, 71 Duke stl'eet Phillips Perey Edmd. photographer, see Purdie & Phillips
Melles Robt. Ernest, assistant schoolmaster, 28 Goldlay rd Phoonix Coffee Tavern (Henry Ohilvers, manager), 184
MetcaUe Frank W., L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 42 Duke street Moulsham street
Mid Essex Liberal Association (Gledhill Hallas, registra- Pickford .Tohn Arthur, grocer, 99 High street
tion agent), Crane court, High street Pilfold Emily (Miss), confectioner, 343, Moulsham street
Middleton William, electric light engineer, see Christie Pinkenburg- Renry, confectioner, 8 Duke street
Brothers & Middleton Pinkenbnrz Henry, dining rooms, 3 Duke street
Miller George &; Alfred, cowkeepers, New WrittIe street Piper "Villiam John, fruiterer, corner of London Toad
~ifiller Alfred, market gardener, Rainsford lane Pitt A.rthur, hair dresser, 3 Oonduit street
:'Wilier Charles, ,carter, 13 Lower Anchor stre'et Planner Henry, prOVIsion dealer, 119 ,Conduit street
Miller George, farmer, Baddow road Polley DaiVid, chartered accountant & agent for the Hand-
Miller John, market gardener, 23 Coval road in-Hand Fire & Life Office ,&; Railway Passengers' Assur.
Miller Thomas, carter, South Primrose hill anee Co. 21 Duke street
Mills George, baker &; confectioner, IS Conduit street Pomfrett George, shopkeeper, 6 New Writtle street
Millson Frederick, news agent, 177 Moulsham street Poole Edward /I[, Son, saddlers, & harness makers & athletic
MillsOlJ WaIter, Windmill P.H. 119 Moulsham street goods manufacturers, '.5 Tinclal square
MitchelI Louisa E. (Mrs.), midwife, '31 Goldlay road Poole Alfred, Bell hotel, Tindal square
Mit~helmore Albert, beer retailer, I Baddow road Poole Charles WiIIiam, bookbinder, Market place &
Mizzone Alphonso, shopkeeper, 15 Moulsham street Yew Tree cottage, South Primrose hill
Molson John EIsdale }LB., M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Porter & Howard, grocers, 55 Baddow road
physician & surgeon, Rainsford house, Duke street Porter Alfred George, clerk, oIb, Baddow road
Moore Robt. &; Son, furniture dlrs. 36 & 37 Moulsham si Porter William Hy. boot & shoe maker, Threadneedle st
Moore George, pork butcher, 147 Moulsham street Potter & 00. linen drapers, 42 High street
Mortlock William, manager to G. B. Ling, Bishopshall Potter Edith (Miss)-, dress maker, 8 Mill road
mill, Rectory lane Potter Henry, builder, contractor & builders' material,
Mothersole Williaan, brazier, Townfield &treet gravel & '5anll merchant, Fairfield works &; Beehive
Munnion William &; Sons, coach &; carriage builders, 5 gravel pit,s, Great Baddow. See advert
Springfield road Pratt James, Golden FleeCE) P.R. '84 Duke street,

Powell Samuel .Alien, baker & confectioner, & post offiro. Simpson Thomas, nurseryman, 50 Mildmay road
140 Moulsham street Singer Manufacturing ·Co. (Frank Rare, manager), sewing
Priddle Edward, ,,"orks,' manager, 29 Goldlay road machine makers, ,64 High street
Prior Augustus' David, hair dresser &, tobacconist, 116 Shingley .Arthur, insurance agent, 5 Regilla road
lVIoulsham street Skingley John Thomas, fruiterer &; carrier, 42 ~ew street
Prior David, gardener, Meadow side, Broomfield road Slader Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school, 9 Broom:field ro~d
Prior William George, french polisher, 17 Moulsham st Smee Sarah ~Mrs.), beer retailer, 127 Moulsham street
Purdie Phillips, photographers, 16 Duke street Smee Thomas John, solicitor, see Duffield, Son & Smee
Rankin Josiah Abraham, draper, 4 Moulsham street Smith J oseph A. & Sons, general dra,pers, silk mercers,
Raven Frank, milliner & fancy draper, 76 Duke street dress· makers & milliners, ,818 &; 89 High street
Raven Henry, market gardener, 90 Baddow road Smith & Tomlinson, dentists, 2 Tindal square
Red Oow Temperance Hotel (Harry Sturman Bausor, pro- Smith Elizabeth (Mrs>.), pork butcher, 106 Baddow road
prietor), Broomfield road Smith Emma (Miss), day school, I Highfield place
Redgwell Esther (lVII's.), tobacconist, 17'9 Moulsham street Smith F. Luckin, wholesale & family grocer, provision &;
Reed Ann (Mrs.), householder, 1[8 Goldlay road wine merchant, 76 High street & 139 Moulsham street;
Remington Alfred, butcher, 165 Moulsham street & at Maldon, Burnham, Southminster, Ingatestone &:.
Remnant Mary (Miss), Saracen's Head commercial & Earls Colne
family hotel & postin.g house, High street Smith Frederick George, <lfficer of the sheriff of Essex,
Richards Robert, confectioner; res. Beaumont, Upper Conway villa, 84 Rainsford TOad
Roman road Smith Robert, florist & market gard'e<ner,II7 Moulsham st
Richardson Fredluick, livery stables, Railway arches Smoothy Fred, solicitor & commissioner for oaths & so-
Richardson Robert, engineer, 63 Mildmay road licitor to the Licensed Victuallers' Association, Chelms-
Richell Oharles, Victoria restaurant, 3 New London road; ford district, 73 Duke street
first-class accammodation for cyclists .& visitors; South Arthur, fishmonger, 169 Moulsham street
situated centre of the town Sou they F. W. P. clerk, 2 Sycamore villas, Park avenue
Ridgewell Lewis & Son, grocBTs, & post office, 10 New st Southgate John, mark,et gardener, 88 Duke street & Park
Ridgwell .Joseph Thomas, painter &, glazier, Glebe road! nursery, Rainsford end
Ridley ·T. D. & Sons. millers, maltsters & brewers, Sowman WaIter .James, grocer, 29 Moulsham street
Townfleld steam mills, Ohelmsford, Hartford End & Spalding Arthur, George hotel, 79 Duke street
Felsted; maltings, Ohelmsford, ISpringfield, Braintree, Spa.lding Fred, portrait &:. landscape photographer, pic-
Bocking, Felsted. & Writtle; brewery, Hartford end ture frame maker &:.c. dealer in artistic goods & novel-
Riley Joseph Atherton, insurance agent, Cottage place ties, 4 High street; toy, games&:. fancy goods bazaM" &;
Rimmer John, dairyman, 44 Moulsham street box, trunk &:. bag warehouse, 3 Tindal square
Rippon Chas. Edwin & Sons, music sellers, 62 High street Sparrow, Tufnell& Co. bankers, now amalgamated with
Rippon Ebenezer John, hair dresser, 3 Market road Barclay & Co. Limited
Rippon'Thomas, cycle maker, 45 Moulsham street Speller Alfred, shopkeeper, 49 Duke street
Bison George, boot maker, 16 New street Spencer John, watch maker &; silversmith, 5 Duke street
Rist William, grocer, 178 Moulsham street Stace Frederick, hair dresser, 136 Moulsham street
Rodd & Martin, auctioneers, valuers & estate agents Stannard Richard (Mrs.), baker, 5 Broomfield road
& collectors & assistant secs. to the Infirmary 1& Dispen- Stapleton JaIlles "Vm. & Son, plumbers & glaziers, Barrack
sary, 12 Duke street. Tel. ~o. 0198. See advert square, Moulsham street
Bogers Charles, whitesmith, 157 Moulsham street Star-Bowkett Building Society (Frederick Taylor, sec.), 17
Rogers .John, beer retailer, 7 Hall street Duke street
Rolph Arthur, fishmonger, 151 Moulsham street Steam Carpet Beating Works ('Venley & Son, proprietors),
Rook Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments', 23 New London road The Arcade
Roper W. 'H. & Sons. builders & contractors, gas & hot Steel Sarah (Mrs.), dining rooms, 18 Conduit stl'eet
water fitters, sanitary plumbers .& house decorators, Stevens Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper,,82 Moulsham street
paperhangers &c. writers & glaziers, 32 Duke street Stevens John, coal & coke merchant, Threadneedle street
Ross Walter Grey A.R.LB.A. architect, see Clare & Ross Stimson Wiliam, boO't &, shoe maker, 64 Moulsham st
Rowland William, plumber &c. 28 Victoria road Story George, scale maker, 7 Springfield road
Royal Society for the' Prevention of Oruelty to Animals Stoten William, Queen's Head P.H. 61 High street
(;yIiss Hepp, sec. for Ohelmsford; George Robinson, Street Irvin Bridle L.D.S., R.C.S.L surgeon-dentist, 22
ins~ector), 412 St. .John's road, Colchester Duke st·reet
Ruff Joseph Naylor, foreman, Hazeleigh, Up. Roman road Stroud & 00. cycle & motor makers, I New London road
Rule Ada (Miss), apartments, 96 New London road Strowlger Frances (Miss), dress ma. 13.2 New London road
Runter Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Grove road Stunt Franeis,solicitor & commissioner for oaths & steward
Sal·marsh & Son, nurserymen, seedsmen & florists, of manor of Rettendon, -see Meggy &; Stunt
:Yloulsham nurseries & I I High street Stunt William, solicitor, 71 Duke street
Saltmarsh & Co. watch makers, I I Duke street Sun Ooffee Tavern (Mrs. Lucy OOllll, proprietoress), !53
Saltmarsh Edward, builder, Friar's place &, 24 Hall street Moulsham street
SaltmaI'sh H. M. deputy registrar of births &; deaths Sutthery Frank Pellatt, solicitor &; commissioner for oaths
for Chelmsford, 36 New street Crane court, High street
Saltmarsh Oswald, boot maker, Mildmay road Swan Frank E. teacher of music, Conduit street
Samms William, builder, Rainsford road Taber George, tailor, r6 Baddow road
Sargent (Misses), fancy repository, 12 High street Tansley Edward, beer retailer, Wood street
Sasse George Henry, borough surveyor & supt. of market; Tansley Francis, carman, Wood street
office, 16 New London road Tavner William. coach builder, 180 Moulsham street
Saunders Fred·erick Joseph, tailor, 107 Baddow road Taylor Elvina (¥rs.), cert.ificated midwife, 8 Summerr-field
Saward Alice (Miss), dress maker, 70 Mildmay road terrace, Rainsford road
Sayer Amelia (Mrs.), apartments, 95 New London road Taylor Fred, auctioneer, accountant, & house & estate
Sayers Charles, Black Boy P.H. I Springfield road agent ,&; borough auditor, 17 Duke street. See advert
Seager Oharles, shopkeepeT, 44 South Primrose hill Taylor James Isaac, builder, Anchor street
Searles Mary (Mrs.), fishmonger, 22 Conduit str,oot; TayloI' William, shopkeeper, 173 Moulsham street
Bewell Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Hamlet road Teager Charles, shopkeeper, 44 South Primrose hill
Shave Ellen (Miss), apartments, 22 Fair:field road Telephone Call Office (National) (Edward .Albert Ellis,
Shead Henry Newell, corn merchant, Railway arches agent), 122 New London road
Shedd Arthur, baker, Post office, 50 Duke street Theobald & Sons, coal & lime merchants & agents for
Shedd .James, greengrocer, 51 Duke street artificial manures; office, Stat,ion yard; depot, Goods
Sheldon Peroy J. Assoc.M.Inst.O.E. chief surveyor, railway station
Essex County Council; office, 78 Duke street Thompson & Son, boot makers, 3 Rainsford road
Sheldrake Harry Daking A.O.A. chartered accountant, see Thompson .James, shopkeeper, 5 Primrose hill
Luckin & Sheldrake Thompson Thomas, print·er &:. publisher, see Meggy,Thomp-
Shepherd James, clerk to Essex Prov. Soc. 66 Duke st son &; 00
Sheph?Td Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wood street Thompson Wm. Hy. paperhanger, 6 Rail vils.Fairfield I'd
Shillitto Albert, Dolphin P.H. 14 Conduit street Thorndick William R. dairy, Broomfield road
Shire Hall (W. Girdleston, cal'etaker), High street Thresh .John Clough D.Sc., M.B., F.I.C., F.C.S. medical
Shoobridge George Frederick, dentist, 8 New London rd officer of health to the Chelmsford &:. Maldon rural coun-
'Siberry John W. E. district supt. to the Pearl Life Assur- cils & Essex Oounty 'council, Spergula, 62 NewLondon I'd
ance 00. Limited, ,I Violet villas, Primrose hill Thrift William Ruddock, corn, seed &:. oil cake merchant
Si=ons Emma (Mrs.), househldr. Ibse viJ.Up.Roman Td & miller, Railway arches, Duke street; & at Boreham
Simmons Martin, gardener, Meadow side, BroomfiJeid rd Tindal & .Jarrold, booksellers & stationers & publishers of
Simpson J ames, grocer, 26 Townfield street the Ohelmsford Penny .Almanac, go High street

Tipping Ethel (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Broomfie~d road Wells &; Perry, brewers &c. see Chelmsford 13rewer,
Tomlinson James, chemist & druggist, 2 Tindal square (Wells & Perry) Lim. (The)
Trump Richard Henry, hair dresser, 1I74 Moulsham street Wells Edward, baker, 164 Moulsham str-e-et
Tufnell William M. banker &; treasurer to the union &; Wenley &. Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers, carpet-
rural district oounliJ &; the corporation, see Barclay & ing & paperhanging warehouse, furniture removers &
Co. Limited proprietors of the Essex pantechnicon, The Arcade
Turner Samuel & Son, basket makers, 8 Moulsham street West Ernest, builder -& contractor, Fairfield worlis
Turner Renry, coffee tavern, Writtle road West Essex Buildin.g Society (James Lu cldn , sec.), 12-
Turner Henry William, saddler, Glebe road Duke street
Turner Robert Edward, fancy repository, 5:3 Duke street Westlake Charles Wil:iam, insurance agent, 7 Regina road
Turner Thomas, pork butcher, 26 Conduit street Weston OliveI', public house broker & business transfel"
Turquand-Sharpe P. (MiSS), high school & kindergarten, agent, 74 Duke street
la & II New Lomlon road White Albert, shopkeeper, Bridge road
Tween Oharles, market gardener, 53 South Primrose hill White Ernest WaIter, bookbinder, 80 Duke street
TyIer & Co. cabinet makers &r. Conduit street White Samuel Newton, tailor. 33 Moulsham street
Tyler Francis, shopkeeper, Rainsford road White W;lliam, boot & shoe maker, 2{ Rainsford road
Underwood Frederick James, butcher, 34 Duke street White William Frederick, clerk, 62 Baddow road
Upjohn Albert, musical instrument dealer; domestic Whitmore Frank, architect & surveyor, county architec&
machinery of all kinds on easy terms, 35 Moulsham st for Essex, 17 Duke street
Veal John William, electrical fitter, 16 Goldlay road Whit well William, grocer, 9 &, la Broomfield road
Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Essex Regiment (A. &; BOos. Whisken Edwd. Charles M.R.C.V.S.L. vet. surgn.Glebe rd
Lieut.-Col. G. H. Ooleman, commanding; Major H. N. Wiblin Charlotte (Mrs.), Cross Keys P.R. 6 Moulsham st
Orozier V.D.; -Capt. F. W. Chancellor; Capt. Fred W. Wicks Arthur, confectioner, 41 Baddow road
Taylor, captains of companies; S. O. Robinson; W.P.N. Willers Thomas, organ builder, 2 Rose viI. Fairfie'd rOMI
Ridley; W. G. Wenley; 2nd Lieut. J.O. Tabor & Lieut.- Williams Chus. mgr. of London & Oounty Bank, 7 High si
Surgeon J. E. Molson, lieutenants; head quarters, Drill Willingham Margaret (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 149 Moulsham s t
-hall, Market road Willsher Frank, accountant, collector to the Essex Provi~
Wakely Charles, horticultural lecturer, 24 Park road dent Society &; school attendance officer to the Obigna-l
WaIler Theodore Harry L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.8.Eng. school board, 67 Duke street
surgeon, medical officer & public vaccinator to No. 9 Wilson John .Ashby, pork butcher, 30 Duke street
D'.strict & medical offic,.-r to Workhouse, NewLondon I'd Wilson William, clothier, 72 High street
'Vareham Ethelbert, watch maker, 27 Mou;-sham street Wiltshire Sarah (Miss), dress maker, I Maltese road
Warne Howard Glynn, highway surveyor to the Chelms- Wood Arthur ·WaIt. decorator &; paperhanger,21 Roman J'd
ford Rural District Council, A.venue chambers,Market pI Wood Charles, watch maker, 12 Conduit street
Warren Elizabeth (Miss), apa.rtm,ents, Roman road Woodward John, Army &; Navy P.H. 52 Baddow road
Warren Frederic, chemist & druggist, 185 Moulsham !It """ooltorton Mabel (Miss), dress maker, 3'8 Goldlay road _
Warren WaIter James, carpent'er & joiner, 13 Goldlay I'd Wray &. Fuller, builders' merchants & sculptors;
'Warren William John, reporter, 80 New London road stone, marble, granite & slate works, The Carrara
Wackett Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Ohurch street Marble works, Springfield road (see Springfield).
Watts Limitei, mineral water manufacturers, Anchor st . See advert
Wear Herbert, registrar of births- &; deaths for Chelmsford Wright Henry Joseph, furniture dealer & french polisher,
sub-division &; relieving officer, school attendance officer, 3 Hall street
vaccination officer -& inspector under" Infant Life Pro- Wybrow Arthur, boot maker. 161 Moulsham street
tection Act," 42 New London Toad 'Wyrill Thomas Edward, works' engineer, Dorothy houst",
Weeks Ernest, tool maker, Deerings, Upper Roman road Upper Roman road
\Veenden 'V alter, butcher, 60 Victoria road Young &; Halliway, milliners, 17 Baddow road
"Velham J oseph, tailor, 1&;2's place Young Men's Christian Association (F. A. Wells & .A. W.
Wellington Frederick, blacksmith, Baddow road Fincham, secs.), z6 High street
Wellington Henry, shoeing smith, 29 Baddow road Young Women's Christian A.ssociation (William John
Wellington. William, carriage builder, Railway square Taylor, hon. sec.), Riverside, Rainsford end
Wells & Perry, juns. Eng-lish & forei,Q-n timber, cement, Young Frederick, Plough hotel &, jobmaster; all kinds of
slate &. drain pipe merchants, saw mills. Sta>t~on yard, carriages for hire; extensive stabling, 28 Duke street.
Duke street; & coal & lime merchants, Station yard & See advert
Springfield wharf; & at Ingatestone. See advert Youngs Arthur, coach &, carriage builder, Market road

GREAT CHESTERFORD is an ancient village and 1 at Christmas. Chesterford was a Roman station,
parish, on the banks of the Cam or Granta, on the and derived: its name from being' a. " castrum,"
borders of Cambridgeshire, and on the road from London or camp, on the ford over the Granta, and was
to Newmarket, with a station on the Great Eastern one of a chain of Roman forts extending from
(Cambridge) Tailway, 43 miles from London by road and the Weald or wood of Essex to the Devil's Ditch in
47~ by railway, I I south from Cambridge and 4 north- the fens near Newmarket: it is also affirmed, with g-rea~
west from Saffron Wald"n, in the Northern division of the probability. to have been the site of the Roman "Cam-
county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty ses- boritum "; many coins, chiefly those of Caligula, Trajan
sional division, union and county court district, and in and Oonstantine have been found in the borough fields,
the rural deanery of Saffron Walden. archdeaconry of and in 1769 a pot. containing a quantity of fine speci-
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The abandoned mens, was discovered, and in 1843 a very beautiful coin
Chesterford and Newmarket railway crosses the parish. of Licinius; other relics of bronze, gold and brass have
The church of All Saint~ is a spacious and lofty building- also been met with, besides a carved stone trough and
of stone, in the Perpendicular style. consisting of chan- some skeletons. Obesterford had formerly a market and
cel, nave of four bays with clerestory. aisles, and an em- holds a charter from Charles I. recognising the privileges
battled western tower containin~ a clock and 6 bells: recorded as belonging to it in Domesday Book. A fair i~
in the south aisle is a brass fig-me of a lady. probably of held on the Ist Friday in July. The Elms is the resi-
the Holden family, who founded a chantry here in 1523 dence of ~4.1an Sidney lVentworth Sbanley esq. D.L., J.P.
and another of John, 7th son of Thomas, baron Howard The Marquess of Bristol, who is lord of the manor, and-
of Walden K.G. ob. 24 May, 1600; there is also a small a. B. Wilkinson esq. are the principal landowners. The-
brass to Mary Bales, ob. 1642, and in the nave one to tpnnre of copyhold land is by Borough English; nnder
George Felsted, ob. 1638: in the south aisle is a window which, when a man dies, his estate descends to hi~
partly filled with stained glass, by hi,; widow and child- yonngest son or daughter, or youngpst uncle or kinsman.
ren, to the memory of Lord Charles Amelius HI'l'Vey The soil is principally light on the low lands and heavy
M.A. vicar here IS39-80, d. 10 April, 1880: the remain- on the hills; subsoil, chalk, but deeper on the high land.
ing portion of the window contains stained glass sub- The crops are on the four-course system. The area is:
scribed for by the inhabitants of Great and Little Che"ter- 2.91 I acres of land and -6 of water; rateable value,
ford in 1887: there are 400 "ittings. The reQ'ister dates £4-94°; the population in r891 was 859.
from the yt-ar 1586. The living is a vicarage, with the Sacristan, Arthur Isaac Denny.
rectory of Little Chesterford annexed, net yearly valne Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Expre"s Delivery. P~ll'cer
£400, including 47 acres of glebe, with residence, in Post, S. B. & Annuity & InsuranCf> Office (Sub-Office.
the gift of the Marquess of Bristol. and held since 1897 Letters should have S.O. Essex added).-.irlhnr Isaac
by the Rev. John Stewart M.A. of Trinity Conege, Cam- Denny, postmaster. Letters arrive by messenger
bridge. There is a llman Cnn!!regational chapel. built in from Saffron Walden at 7 a.m. &, by train at 9.::Q a.m.
184I, with 1:;0 sittin~s. Hill'll charitv. arisinrr from fl & dispatched by train at I I.5 I a.m. & by mpsspn ger-
sum of £I9 left in 1459 by the Rev. Richard Hill, rector at 7 p.m.; on sunday, arrive at 7. IQ a.m.; dispatched
of this parish, the interest is distributed yearly at IO.45 a.m
Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 9.30 a.m. &; ISO children; average attendance, 130; the school has
6.50 p.m.; .sunday, 10.30 a.m an endowment of about £40 yearly, arising from land;
County Police Station, William Rixon, constable J ames Thewlis, master
Infants', built in 1875 &; enlarged in 1901, for 80 infants;
SOHOOLS. average attendance, 6o; Miss Cox, mistress
.National (mixed), built- with master's house in 1839, for Railway Station. George Wm. Newell, station master

Buck Goorge, Orown & Thistle P.H Middlehurst James, frmr. The Dalles
ButJl:e,r He,zekiah, farmr.Orave HaJ!L fTill Middlehurst J. Cooper, farmer, .Manor
Burleigh Thomas, Carmelstead Choppen Albt. In. &; Sons, machinists &; Park farms
.Barber Frank, White house, Denny Arth. Isaac, statnr. &; postmstr Milson Charles, farm bailiff to Frank
Davidson Mrs Drysdale David, farmer, Field faTill Edwards esq ,
Drysdala David Frampton William, insurance agent Nicholson Thos. farmer, Diamond hall
Edwards Mrs Freeman Joseph, beer retailer Pilgrim Edwa,rd JGhn, brewer &; cQal
Rerbert Mrs l"rench John, watch maker me,rchant
King Henry, :Mill house Frisby Benjamin. shoe maker Reeve Albert, bakers
King Thomas, Crown house Gates Rebecca (Mrs.), coal dealer & Reeve Thomas. shoe maker
Middlehurst J. Oooper, Mannr house shopkeeper Searle Ernest, assistant overseer,
Middlehurst James, The Delles Gates William, carpenter assessor &; oollector of taxes &; clerk
Pilgrim Mrs. Manor house Hagger Algernon Montague, carpenter to the Parish Council
Shelford' Richard J efferson Hagger .Alvan Tubal, newsagent 8earle Harry, bricklayer
Shelford William Harding - , butcher Sharpe J oseph, ,stocking knitter
Svanley .Alan Sidney Wentworth D.L. Hayward Herbert, blacksmith . Sha,rpe Robert, coal dealer
& J.P. fOor Cambs. & O..c. for Essex Kent Jane (Miss), dress maker Shelford 'WiII1iam .& Sone, provi-
~Oapt. &; hon. Maj. Cambridge,shire Kerridge Arthur John, grocer &; drpr ,sioI1 merchants, grocers, drapers
Milit,iaL Ohesterfolrd house; & King Thomas &; Henry, steam &; water &; outfitters
Wellington club, London S W millers &; farmers; &; at Saffron Smith George, boot maker & cycle agt
St-ewart Rev. John M.A. Vicarage Walden Smith William, shoe maker
Law Frank, chimney sweeper Surrey Samuel, lime burner
COMMEROIAL. Machon Frederick' John, butcher Webdlale WilliaJm, falIm bailiff to J.
Abraham Hy. carpenter &; wheelwnght :Mansfield George, White Horse P.H. GooperMiddiehurst esq
Andrews Arthur, newsagent &; coal merchant Whiteside Nicholas, baker
Ilarrett Job, beer retailer &; ~hopkpr Maris WiIliam, saddler Whitman Walter, beer retailer
Bird WaIter, fish dealer :Mason WiIliam, vermin destroyer
LITTLE CHESTERFORD is a. small parish on the yearly. Cheste-riord Park is the seat of Harry Pickersgill-
river Oam and the road from London to Oambridge, I CunlifIe esq. J.P. The house is a large modern mansion,
mile south of Great Chesterford and in the same juris- pleasantly situated on an eminence, I mile north-east
diction. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a. low but from the village, in a park of about 350 acres. The Mar-
ancient building of rubble in mixed styles, consisting of quess of Bristol, who is lord of the manor, ihe trustees
ehancel, divided from the nave by an oak screen, north of the late Lord BraY'brooke (d. 1902) and Harry Pickers·
porch and a western turret containing la bells: the church gill-Cunliffe esq. J.P. are the principal landowners. The
was restored and the interior refitted in 1855: there are soil is heavy OIII the hills and light on the low land;
brasses formerly on an. altar tomb to George Langham subsoil, principally chalk. The crops are on the four-
esq. lord of the manor, ob. 1400, and his wife !sabel; course shift. The area is 1,204 acres; rateable value,
and there were formerly others to members of the £1,045; the populatiGn in 189I was 205.
Hasylden family, 1476-80: there is also an ancient tomb
of marble, with a recumbent effigy, to James Walsing- SPRIKGWELL is a. hamlet of Little Chesterford.
ham esq.: there are 120 sittings. The register of
baptisms, marriages and burials dates from 1559. The Post Office.-William Reeve, SU!b-postmaster. Letters
living is a rectory, annexed to the vicarage of Great arrive from ,Saffron WaJden at about 6·45 a.m. &; are
Chesterford, net yearly value £400 , including 47 acres dispatched at 7· l 5 p.m.; sundays, II.I0 a.m. Postal
d. glebe, in the gift of the Marquess of Bristol, and held orders are issued here, but not paid. Great Ohester-
since 11897 by the Rev. John Stewart M.A. of Trinity ford is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
College. Cambridge, who resides at Great Chesterford. 2 miles distant
~he Wesleyan chapel here, erected in l,872, has about lOO Infants' School, built in 1'862, for 24 infants, is now
si1itings. In this parish there are seveml endowed chari- (1902) closed, &; the child,ren attend the school at
ties, producing a,bout £40 a year, which is distributed. Great Chesterford
Pickersgill-Cunliffe Harry J.P. Ches- Button Emily (Miss), shopkeeper Porter Jsph. Ohas. farmer. King's frm
terford park Oarter Wiliiam, sexton Reeve Wm. shoe maker, & post office
WaltOI11 Victor, Bleak house French George, stockman to Mr. Fdk. Searle Frank, shopkeeper
Wright Mrs John Welch, Malting farm Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundreas,
CO:HHEBCIAL. Harrington Frederick. gamekeeper to I Bodfair
JJurleigh Charles, farmer & assistant Harry Pickersgill-Cnnliffe esq. J.P Wallman Louiss Maria(Mrs. ) ,beer rtlr
overseer. Manor faTnl Hayward Richard, Crown inn Welch Frederick In.fsrmer.Springwell
CHICKNEY is a parish. on a feeder of the river 45 acres of glebe, in the gift of Lieut.-Col. A. M. Cran-
Chelmer, 3 miles north.-east from Elsenham station on the mer-Byng and the 'trustees of the la.te Richard Benyon
Great Eastern railway, 6 north-west from Dunmow, and esq. of Englefield House, Berks (d. 1897). alternately,
7 north-east from Bishops Storliford, in the Western divi- and held since 1894 by the Rev. Henry Ferdinand Battis-
~ion of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional combe Th.Assoo.K.O.L. who resides at Broxted. Lieut.-
division, union and county court district, and in the Col. Alfred Molyneux Cranmer-Byng D.L., J.P. of Quen-
Tural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and don Hall, in this oounty, is lord of the manor and prin.
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the cipal landowner. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The
Virgin, situated on rising ground, is a small and ancient crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 712
building of rubble. in the Early English style, consisting acres; rateable value, £345; the population in 190I
of chancel, nave, south porch alid 'a western tower, with was 20. -
conical spire, containing 2 bells; the interior was restored Letters throug,h Stansted R.S.O. arrive at 9 /I.m. &; 3
"in 1858. when the old altar stoner-incised with consecra- p.m.; dispatched a.t 4 p.m. The nearest post offlce
tion crosses, was discovered and' replaced; the font is is at Broxted &; telegraph office at EIsenham, 3 m~leSl...
ancient and much admired: the church has 80 sittings. distant
The register of baptisms dates from l554; marriages This place is included in Henham United District
'and burials, 1556. The living is a rectory. annexed to Board, formed 27 July. 1'8'74; the children of this
the vicarage of Broxted, joint net yearly value £280, with parish attend the board school at Henham.
Joyce Albert, farmer, Sibleys Markwell Herbt.(Mrs.),frmr.Springate
CBIGNAL is a parish formed in March. 1888. from parish of Writtle, the two former, however, still remain-
the previously separate parishes of Chignal SS. James ing ecclesiastically distinct, and being in the Mid division
and Mary and Cbignal Smealey, together with part of the of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty sessional
98 CltIGN'At• ESSEX•.
division Bnd county court district and in the rural dean- In 1776 Sarah, Viscountess Falkland, bequeathed the
ery of Chelmsford, Brchdeaconry of Essex and diocese of interest of £100 to be given away every Sunday in bread
St. Albans. to such poor persons of OhignaJ Smealy as usually attend
OHIGNAL ST. JAMES, which is mentioned in the divine service at that parish church; this benefaction
Domesday Survey, lies on the small river Cann, which now produces a gift of four loaves every Sunday. The-
flows into the Chilwell, and is about 3 miles north-west charities for Chignal St. James amount to about £10-
from Chelmsford station. The church of St. James is a yearly. Lieut.-Ool. Thomas Harvey Bramston J.P.,
building of flint, in the Early English style, consisting of D.L. of Skreens park, who is lord of the manor, Lord
chancel and nave and a western turret containing 1 bell, Rayleigh,. ·Lord Petre, Theodore Ohristy esg. Austin.
and has 110 sittings. The register dates from the year Matthews esq. Henry Marriage esg. of Broomfield, and
1724. The living is a rectory, with those of St. Mary Fr:ed~rick RichardsoIl! ~sq. are. chief lllilldowners. The-
and Mashbury annexed, net yea1'ly value £277, with 54 so~l IS generally heavy, subSOIl, clay and loam. . ~he­
acres of glebe, in the gift of the tmstees of Mrs. B. S. chief .crops are wheat, barley, beans and oats. The ]omt
Barnes, and held since 18 94 by the Rev. Frederick I a;rea IS 2'~4 acr~s} rat~abl.e value, £2,35 6 ; the popula-
Williams M.A. of Trinit College Dublin. tlOn of Ciugnal OlVll pal'1sh m 1901 was 3,67,
y, By Local Government Board Order 22,241, March 24,
CHIGNAL SMEALY (or Little Chicknal, formerly 1888, a detached PllJrt of Writtle parish, known as Beadles
called" Checkenhall Semeley," Bnd also known at various End, was added to Chignal. .
times as "Chignal Smeley, Smele and Smethelea," as Parish Olerk, Arthur Matthams.
well as "Chignal Trenchfield," and "Brick OhignaI ") is The population of Chignal SS. James and Mary with
4i miles north-west from Chelmsford station. The church Mashbury ecclesiastical parish in 1901 was 359, and of
of St. Nicholas, originally built more than 700 years ago, Ohignal Smealy, 96.
is a small edifice. of brick in the Early English style, Post Office, Ohignal Smealy. James Hutton, sub-post-
consisting of chancel and nave and an embattlea western master. Letters by foot post from Chelmsford arrive
tower with pinnacles, containing 1 bell; the chancel is at' 7.55 a.m.; letters dispatched at 5.4~ p.m.; there-
considered to be a part of the old structure: the font, a is no post on sundays. Postal orders are issued here,
unique example, is entirely of brick. In 1894 the church but not cashed•. The nearest money order & telegI'aph
was refloored, and the interior renovated and reseated, office is at Waltham, 3 miles distant
and now affords 80 sittings. .The register dates from Wall Letter Box, at The Green, cleared at 6 p.m
the year 1600. The living is a discharged rectory. net A. School Board of 7' members was formed 17 Mar. 1875-
yearly value £45, with 'res~dence, in the gift of Mrs. for the Ohignal united. district, which includes Mash-
Jenner Spi~ty, of Billericay, and held since 1894 by the bury; William Ward Duffield, 96 High street, Chelms-
Rev. Alexander Wm. Oliphant Murray M.A. of Worcester ford, clerk to the board; Frank Willsher, 67 Duke-
College, Oxford: the first rector mentioned was Richard street, Ohelmsford, attendance officer
Soke, in the reign of Henry H. Philip Morant M.A. of Board School (mixed), enlarged."n 1875, fGr 106 children;
Pembroke College, Oxford, the well-known historian of average attendance, 80: George Godfrey, master
Essex, was rector of this parish in 17::15. There is 8 Carrier to Chelmsford.-S. Sewell (& J oseph Mead, pass-
Oongregational chapel at Chignal Smealy, seating 200. ing through from High Easter, mono & fri.), tues. & fri
Williams Rev. Frederick M.A. (rector Hutton James, grocer, post, office
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. of St. James') King Charles, bailiff to W. H.l\farriage-
Barker Miss, Beadel's hall & Son, Brick farm
Barnes Mrs. Oak cottage COMMERCIAL. Lines Thomas Chas. Three Elms P.ll
Ohristy Theodore, Stevens' Barker Rosa Ellen (Miss), boarding Matthews Austin, farmer,ChignaIl hall
King 'Jeremiah (lay preacher) school, Beadel's hall & Howlett's Hall & Langley's farms-
Matthews Austin, Chignal hall Chapman Arthur, blacksmith Pitts WaIter, beer retailer
Murray Rev. Alexander W. Oliphant Ghristy Theodore, faiI"Iller, Stevens' Richardson Frederick, farmer & lo.nd-
M.A. (rector of St. Nicholas) -Coppen Wm. Hy. cowkeeper, Blue!ho owner, Dyer's hall .
Richardson Frederick, Dyer's hall Cowlin Oharles, farmer, Briton's hall SeweIl Sam!. market gardnr. & carrier
Gibb Robert, farmer, Gray's farm Wakeling SI. wheelwright & blacksmth
. .
CHIGWELL, in Domesday "Cinghewella," i.e. the impropriators, formerly received large revenues, but
King's Well or King's Weald, is an ancient village and these are now greatly reduced. There is a church
parish, seated on the east side of the river Roding and mission room at Grange hill, seating 160 persons.
on the road from London to Ongar, IO~ miles north-east The Congregational chapel is a small iron structure. Coul-
from Whitechapel church, 2 north-east from Woodford son's almshouses consist of three dwellings, erected in 1557
station, .and 2 miles south from Buckhurst Hill station, and rebuilt by public subscription in 1858; each occupani
both on the Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway. receives 6s. 8d. quarterly. The charities, amounting tt>
'.A new station. on the loop line of the Great Eastern about £70, are distributed 8S follows: £27 in money
railway running from Seven Kings to Woodford is now (left by Mrs. Grainger) is divided amongst eight widows
(1902) in course of erection; this line is expected to be on St. Thomas' day; Hatch's charity of £30 to thirty
opened in 1903. The parish lies close to Epping and deserving poor who have not received parochial relief,
Hainault Forests, and is much admired for its woodland is distributed in January; Ramston and Fisher's gift
scenery and pleasing prospects: the parish is in the of £5 14s. 2d. is given in bread to deserving poor; there
Western division of the· county, Ongar hundred, Epping are also other small gifts. The Charles Dickens Lodge-
union and petty sessional division, Romford county court (No. 2757) of Freemasons, founded in 18'99' by J. T_
district, and in the rural deanery of Ohigwell, archdea- Dormer esq. of Ilford, meets in the mon.ths of May"
cOllry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, and is within June, July and August at the King's Head inn; J. iR.
the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police. The church Johnson P.P.S.G.D. sec. The workmen's club room,
of St. Mary is a picturesque but not very interesting built in 1876, is used for reading and recreation. A fair
building of flint, consisting until lately of chancel, nave, is held on the 30th of September. The mineral spring
north aisle, south porch and a wooden tower on the at Chigwell, discovered in the latter part of the 17th
western gable, with small spire, containing .'1 bells; but century, was once in much repute. A. fragment of the-
in 181'l6a new nave and chancel were erected on the site forest remains at Crabtree Wood, on the east of Chigwell
of the noctJh aisle from plans by Sir .A.. W. Blomfield kt. Row, about half a mile beyond the village: and from
M.A., A.R.A., F. S.A. at a cost of £5,500: the original Grange Hill fine views of the country may be obtained
nave now forms a south aisle and chapel: the south door towards the Thames, the Surrey downs and the hills of
IS Norman and the windows are chiefly Perpendicular: on Kent. The King's Head inn, a gabled structure of the
the ohancel wall is an incised effigy in brass, with arms Stuart period, is immortalized by Dickens in "Barnaby
and inscription, to Samuel Harsnett, Archbishop of York, Rudge" under the name of "The Maypole." In 19011
ob. 25 March, 103.1, affording the latest monumental the inn was enlarged by a pictur&sque addition in the
example of an English episcopal effigy in cope, alb, dal- half-timbered style. Rolls Park the seat of Arthur Wm.
matic and stole: there are several stained windows: a Lobb esg. is about 36 acres in extent.' 'V oolston Hall,
new organ was erected in 1'8-89, and about 1898 a reredos the seat of Mrs. Lobb, stands in about I I acres. Bel-
of alabaster and 'marble (from a design by G. F. Bodley mont, the seat of Lieut.-Col. Edmund Ga,rrett J.P. is
esq. A.B.A.) was presented to the church by A. Sa..,iIl about 30 acres in extent. Ohigwell Hall, the seat of
esq. as a memorial of his wife. The register dates from Alfred Sa_vill esq. has about 30 acres around. Colonel
the year 155". The livin-g is a vicarage, net yearly value Rous is lord of the manor of Ghigwell and West Hatch,
£300, including 7! acres of glebe, with residence, in the Lieut.-Ool. Francis Lloyd C.R, D.S.O. of Aston Hall,
gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and hAld since 1884 hy bsw('stry, of the manor of BaN'in'gton, and Robert Wick-
the Rev. Thos. Mal'sden M.A. of St. John's Oollege, Cam- ated Ethelston esq. of Moor Hall, Harlow, of the manor
bridge. 'fhe Ecclesiastical Commission9l's, who are the of Woolaton. The MissesPalmer are landowners in this
parish. The soil is clay; subsoil, sand. The chief crops [ra,ooo, flnd now inelude a gymnasium &; science
are wheat, oats, peas and roots. The area is 2,178 acres; school, a new annexe to ·the head master's house & a
Tateable value, £15,541; the population in 1901 was small chapel of corrugated iron, now covered with
2,508. This parish oomprises OhigweIl, Chigwell Row, creepers; at the back is a spacious cricket field; the
the area of which is 3,085 acres and 25 of water; rateable large schoolroom is adorned with· a carved bust effigy
value, [14,464; the population in 1891 was 6,324, of of the founder in vestments &; mitre. Several houses
which 1,391 are attac:hed to the St. Mary's parish church. near the school are occupied as boarding houses. The
endowment now (1902) amounts to about £250 yearly:
Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel a scheme was promulgated in 1871 by the Endowed
Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Chigwell Road Schools -Commission, & adjoining property has since
S.O. (Sub-office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added). been purchased: William Penn, the founder of Penn-
_Dan Heard, postmaster. Letters arrive from Wood- sylvania, born in London, 14 Oct. 1644, is said to have
ford Green, & are dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & 12.20 p.m. been educated here. Rev. Richard Dawson Swallow
& 4.2Q & 9 p.m.; sunday dispatch, 8,4° p.lX\. only; M.A. head master; W. A. Simkins M.A. G. H. Cobb
delivery, 6,45 & 9 a.m. &; 2 & ,6 p.m M.A. P. B.' Simpson !M.A. H. Rieu B.A. & A. Romer
Post & M. O. 0., ,So B. & Annuity & Insurance Office (near Macklin M.A. assistant masters
Church).---;-Miss Hannah Ann Dawkins, postmistress. There is an Elementary School for boys under the
Letters dispatched from ClligweIl Road S.O. at 9 &; 12 Chigwell &; Buckhurst Hill School Board
a.m. &; 4 & 8 p.m. & sun. 8 p.m.. ChigweIl Road S.O.
one mile distant, is the nearest telegraph office for A School Board of 7 members WlliS formed 29 April,
delivery, but the Chigwell office collects telegrams 1871, for the United district of Chi!!well &; Buckhurst
Hill; Frederick George Winny, I Ember villas, Queen's
W::tll Pillar Letter .Box, Hainault road, cleared 9 &; II.15 road, Buckhurst Hill, clerk to the board
a.m. & 4 & 8,45 p.m Board School (boys), built in 1886, for 164 children;
average a.ttendance, 96; John Richard Moseley, master
SOHOOiDS. National School (St. Mary's) (girls & infants), built in
The Grammar School, founded by Archbishop Harsnett 1837 & enlarged in 1891 for 200 children; average
in 1629, occupies spacious buildings of brick, which attendance, 120; Mrs. Ellen Kennett, head mistress;
have been enlarged and much improved at a cost of Misses Duncombe, Olaxton & Fuller, assist. mistresses

:PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Simpson P. B., M.A.. (as,sistant mstr.),Hobart Henry, grocer & draper, Chig--
Abbott Jabez Cha,rles, Oakwood Grammar school well road
Bolt Frederick, 10 Hainault villas StandI'ing Herbert, 9 Hainault villas Holder Ernest Talbot, builder, Chig-
Brickwell Henry Taylor, Hainault Stearnes Arthur W ood,burne, The well road
lodge, Hainault road Narchings Home for DestituteArmenian Boys (G.
Bull Henry, 16 Hainault villas St,eventon Frdk.Riddington,'Grange hll Thoumaian B.D.director),Oakhurst,
Buxton .Alfd. Fowler, Grange court Swallow Rev. Richard Dawsnn N.A. Hainault road
Cearns John, 5 Hainault villas (head master), Grammar school Hunt Jai>. mrM-. gardener, Grange hill
Oobb G. H., M.A. (assistant master, Tallett Sam!. Kings, 15 Hainault viIs Hunt Robert George, Bald Hind P.H
Grammar school), Harsnetts Thoumaian G., RD. Oakhurst, Hain- Hunter Sophia (Mrs.), boot &; shoe ma
Compton John Charles J.P. Broomhill ault road Johnson Joseph, farm bailiff to Cha.rles
Daniels William, Flint cottage Walby George, Broomhill Schwier esq. Luxboro' farm .
Donne F. A.. 14 Hainault villas Wall Richard Howard, Brook house Keen Thomas, insurance agent, The.
Durrant Charles, Brookfield cottage, Webb John Racke.r, 7 Hainault villas ,Cottage
Hainault road Wilson Thomas Charlton, The Limes Kemp John Joseph, wheelwright,.
F1int Abraham, The Grange Hainault road,
Fowell Jas. Murtwell ho. Grange hill COMMERCIAL.
Kimber James', farmer, Hill House frm'
Foyle Beresford', Holly cottage Kra.iling Sarah (Mrs.), householder,.
Garrett Lt.-Col. Edmd. J.P. Belmont Archbishop Harsnett's Grammar ChigwelI road
Gibbs William Hy. 6 Hainault villas School (Rev. Richard Dawson Swal- Lee Thomas, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Glasgow David, IX HainauIt villas low M.A. head master; W. A. Puckridge, Grange hill
Gould George William, Chigwell ldg Simkins M.A., G. E.Cobb M.A., Lewis WaIter, Kings Head P.R. Chig.· .
Gowing Sidney David, The Shaws P. B. Simpson M.A., H. Rieu B.A.. well road
Gray Mrs. T. Wood grange & A. Romer Macklin M.A Mason Amos, Josiiah, Ibeer ll'etoailer,
Isitt Sidney Frdk. Little We,st Eatch Baldwin Thomas, cowkpr. Chigwell I'd carman & cont,ractor &; hay &; straw' Capt. Benjamin. Grange cot- Banks George, painter, Hainanlt road dealer, Grange hill
tage, Grange hill Bird Frederick Augustus,nurseryman, Mawer Thoma:s, school att·endance·
Keen Thomas, The Cottage Oak Lodge nursery officer,Grange hill
KiInber .Tames, Hill house BIake William,shopkeeper,Chigwell I'd Murray John Thomas, insurance &'.
King .Alfred H., Pettits, Pudding lane Brickwell Henry Taylor M.R.C.S. news agent, Hainault road
Lobb Arthur William, Rolls park Eng., L.S.A.Lond. surgeon &; roedi- Nevill Robert, hay dlr. Hainault road.
Lobh Mrs. Woolston hall cal officer & public vaccinator Chig- Noble Alfred, blacksmith & farrier.
Macklin A. RomeI' M.A. (assistant well district, Epping union, Hain- Chig-wsll road
master), Grammar school ault lodge Padfield Heorge, farmer, Grange farm.
Marsden Rev. Thomas M.A. (vicar), Brown Dan, hay cutter, Gravel lane Proctor Jas.i'nsurance agt. Chigwell rd
Vicarage Catholic Home, School &; Hospital for Radley Williaro, builder, Ohigweil' I'd
Miles John R. Millbrook Ophthalmic Boys (Sister superior, Smith &; Sons, builders, Chigwell I'd
Moller Cha,s. Henry Ghristr. Taylor',s Mary Osmond), Manor house Steward WaIter, farmer,Brook Ho.frm
MOl'gan Ernst. White cot. Hainault rd Dandie John, beer retailer, Chigwell rd Taylor David, turncock, BruneI road
Muir William, Hainault road Dawkins Hannah.Ann (Miss), Post off Thorogood Hannah (Mrs.), refresh-
Newstead Thomas Hy. Sweep's, hill Dawkins Thomas, tailor ment rooms,Chigwell road
Noble Henry, 13 Hainault villas DTaper John, farmer, Old! farm Tidball Thomas, florist &; fruit grower,
Ovenden H. Grange llill Ellis Thomas William, market gar- Luxborough lane
Palmer Mis,s, Tumours hall, Gravel la dener, Grange hill Torrance G. W. & .T. farmers, New'
Procror Jame.s, The Elm, Ohigwell I'd Evans William, boot repairer, Ohig- Barns
Ramsay John, Haylings well road Walby Joseph Benjamin, butcher.
Rawe Mrs. Benj. CaTT, HainauJit ho Footer John, florist, Grange ihill BrQomhill, Chigwell road
Riches George, Home farm. Furze In. farmer, Woolston Hall fnn Watts George, saddler
Rieu H., B.A. (assistant master), Grammar School (Rev. Richd.Daw8on 'Webster Chas. Fras. frmr. Home frm..
Grammar school Swallow M.A.. head master) White Horace, surveyor to Epping
Roberls Percy Morten,Little Haylands Green WaIter, laundry, High road Bural District Council; office,Work-.
Sanders Mrs. The Haylands Hancock Wm. tailor, Hainault road . men's hall, High road
Savill Alfred, Chigwell hall Hayden George, baker, Chigwell road Wilsher Charles Henry, police 8er~
Savill The Misses, Ten Mile villa Heard Dan, grocer, Post office, Chig- geant, Chigwell road .
Seymour Rev. Isaac Lothian (curate well road Winter Arthur, farmer, Grange farm,
of St.. Mary's), 4 Hainault villas Herring Edward, Three Jolly 'Wheelers Hainault road
Simkins W. A., M.A. (assistant mas- P.R. Chigwell road Wiseman John, frmr. Rolls Park farm
ter), Grammar school, Church house Hipwell Emma (Mrs.), certified nurse, Workmen's Club (Henry Shuttle,mgI') .
. The Cottage, Vicarage lane
• ESSEX 7ff
CHIGWELL ROW wa~ constituted an ecclesiastical in 1889, and now called" All Saints schoolroom," is also
parish Dec. 10, 1867, and is about 2 miles east of Chigwell, used for parochial purposes. The principal landowners
4 miles east from W oodford station and 3i miles from are Mrs. Alfred Francis Puckridge, Gol. Rous, Lieut.•
Buckhurst Hill station, both on the Great Eastern rail- Col. Francis Lloyd O.B., D.S.O. of Ast·on Hall, Oswestry,
way, in the Western division of the county, Ongar Robert Wicksted Ethelston esq. of Moor Hall, Harlow,
hundred, Epping union and petty sessional division, Philip Savill esq. D.L., J.P. of Woodlands, and Mr.
Romford county court district, and in the rural deanery Charles Meal'S. The area is 1,055 acres; the population

of Chigwell, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. ID 1901 was 735.
Albans. .A. station for this parish will be opened in 1903
on the new loop line of the Great Eastern railway from :Parish Clerk, Henry Dodkins.
Seven Kings to Woodford. The church of All Saints, 0 0 E D " P
t d · th 8 6 ' b 'ld' f t ' Post, M. O. & T. ., T. M. ., xpress euvery, areel
consecra e m · e year I 7, IS a Ul mg 0 s one, m Post, S. B. & Annuity &; InsUI'ance Office, Chigwell Row.
the style of the Transition from the Early English to -Herbert Clinch, sub-postmaster. Letters through
Decorated; it is as yet unfinished, and consists only of a Chigwell R'oad S.O. dispatehed art 8.5 &; 11.5 a.m. &; 3.5
lofty clerestoried nave, aisles and a western porch: it has &:; 7.35 p.m. Pillar Letter Box cleared 8.15, XI.15 a.m.
3~w sit-tings. The register dates from the year 186 7. &; 3. 15 &:; 7.45 p.m.; cleared sund'ays, 7.3 0 p.m. only
The living was declared a rectory, Dec. 10, 1867, net
yearly value £171, with 6 acres of glebe and residence, Board (formerly British) Schools (girls &; infants); the
in the gift of the Crown and the Bishop of St. Albans buildings, erected about 1845, were enlarged &; trans-·
alternately, and held since 18'89 by the Rev. George ferred to the Chigwell School board in 1871 &; will hold
Hanslip Hopkins M.A. and formerly Fellow of Sidney about 160 (girls 90 & infant-s of both sexes 70), with
Sussex College, Cambridge. The Congregational chapel rooms for teachers; average attendance, 40 girls & 73
here has a. burying ground attached. A parish room infants; Miss Ada Twine, mistre-ss, girls' school; Miss
was built in 1854, and the old National school, enlarged Amy Sherlock, infants' mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Reid Robert WaIter, Clare hall Harrison Joseph, apartments, Wood-
Anderson William, Uplands Rushworth Wm. Robert, Globe cot land cottage
Bastard Segar Richard, The Friars Savill Philip J.P., D.L. Woodlands; k Lee Bridget (Mrs.), refreshmnt. vendI'

Bigmore James, Forrest oottage Oarlton &:; St. Stephen's clubs SW Meadowcroft Joseph &; Sons, builders
Croppe.r' Rev. John (Congregational), & City Carlton club EO London Mizen Harry, shopkeeper
The Acorns Saunders Edward, Grange villa Pierson William George &; Son.
Crowfoot John Wilson Edward .A.rthur, Grove house butchers, Gravel lane
Cummins E. Russell, Sheepcotes Potter John, farmer, Taylor's farm
Denner Mrs. Olanteigh COMMEROIAL. Powell WaIter, butcher
Deveria Paul Oonstance, Fair view Barber Alfred, baker Randall George, blacksmith
Evans Mrs. Crosby house Belcher George, coach builder & Richardson George, 'beer & wine
FouIger Rartley, The Shrubbery wheelwrig-ht retailer, The Ret,reat
Hambridge E. Hainault hall Brown John, farmer, Miller's farm .:lellman Frederick, tailor
Hardy Richard, White hall Buxton George, Maypole P.H Shepherd Henry, greengrocer
'Hinchley Geo.Richardson,TheOrchards Clinch Herbert, grocer, Post office Stevens Henry, farmer, Fairview farm
Hopkins Rev. George Hanslip M.A. Crawley Jane (Mrs.). fancy repos Stock William, beer retailer
Rectory Denney William Henry, farmer, Stonton Henry, farmer
-Howard Alfd. Burnt ho. Pudding lane Brownings Tolson Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Kite Mrs. The Orchards Dennis Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, Williams Sarah Jane (Mrs.), boot &i
Mathews Miss, Montfort Sockett's cottage shoe maker
Potter John, Thrift ho. Gravel lane Dilly John, farmer, Billingsbourne frm Workmen'SI Hall &:; Coffee Tavern
Puckridge Mrs.Alfd'. Francis,Forest ho Gapes John, farmer, Wilkin's farm (George lUng, manag-er)
Badley William, Lime villas Greenwood Alfd. blcksmth.& farrier &c Woskett Peter, farm bailiff to Mr.
Reid Mrs. Clare hall Hurman Frank &; Co. builders William Strong, Pudding lane
CHILDERDl:TCH is a parish near the source of the LoTd Petre, and held since 1894 by the Rev. William
Marditch stream, half a mile frmn East Horndon Burnet M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Lord Petre is
8tation on the London, Tilbury, and Southend direct lord of the manor and landowner. The soil is clayey;
line from Barking to Pitsea and 3i south from Brentwood, subsoil, loam. The ohief crops are wheat, barley, oa.ts
in the :Mid division of the county, Chafford hundred, and beans. The area is 1,626 acres· of land, and 9 of
. county court district and petty sessional division of water; rateable value, £1,~69; the population in 190J
-'Brentwood, Billericay union, rural deanery of Barstable, was 225.
- archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Parish Clerk William Ha.rris.
- church of All Saints and St. Faith, erected by subscrip- '
tion in 1869, is a building of Kentish rag, in the Early Wall Letter Box, School house, cleared at 6 p.m. week
- English style, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch day:s, 10·30 80.00. sundays. Letters through Brentwood
,And "" western turret containing I bell: the font is arrIVe .at 9 a.m. The nearest .mon.::y order &; telegraph
ancient. Ther& 150 sittings. The register dates from . office IS at Grea.t Warley, 2 mIles dIStant
the year 1537. The living is a vicarage, net yeady value National School (mixed), built for 50 children; averag 9
£'13°, with 17 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of attendance, 42; Miss Grace Ellis, mistress
13urnet Bev. William M.A. Vicarage Craig James, jun. farmer, Lit,tle Til- Newman William, farmer, Roses farm
lingham hall Pinchon WaIter &; Wm. John, farmers
COMHEROllL. Dove Ezekiel Lines, frmr. Nutty's frm Squier Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer,
Boardman Geo. Thos. blacksmith &c Gillham Robert, frmr. Tillingham hall Blanketts farm
-Buxton Frederick, farmer, Hill farm Lee George, farmer, Hall farm
'CHl:NGFORD is a village and parish agreeably situ- £5overned by an Urhan District Council of nine members,
ated between the river Lee and Epping Forest, and is formed in 1'89+ under the provisions of the " Local
the best place from which to visit the remaining beauties Gove'rnment Act, 1,89+" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73)' The
of that district; it takes its name from a ford over the old church of All Saints, standing on the brow of the
Ching, on the east bank of which rivulet it is seated, on hill, overlooking the Lee, is an ancient building
high ground overlooking the valley of the Lee and on the of flint and stone, the earlier portion being Early English
road to Waltham Abbey, and is the terminus of t.he and the latter parts of Perpendicular character, and
Walthamstow and Chingford branch of the Great Eastern being covered with ivy is a.. very picturesque object:
railway, aJp.ou'b 4 miles south from Wa·ltham Abbey and it consists of chancel, nave, ~outh aisle, south porch
ID! by -rift from London: it anciently belonged to the and a western tower with plain parapet: the nave is now
Chapter of ·St. Paul's. London, to which it was confirmed unglaud, desolate, and disused, ,but is otherwise perfect,
by King EdwSU"d the Confessor, and is in the Epping the chancel, which has been partially restored, retains
division of the county, Waltham hundred, Waltham some fine Jacobean monuments to the Leigh and Boothby
Abbey county court district, Epping union, and in the families and to Sir J. Sylvester kt. recorder of the city
rural deanery of North Barking, archdeaconry of Essex of London, as welI as to John Heathcote esq. 1795 and
and diocese of St. Albans: it is within the jurisdiction John Hamilton Moore, the hydrographer. ob. Oct. 31,
of the Central Criminal Court, the Metropolitan police r807, but these are being removed to the new church on
and North-Eastern Metropolitan postal district, and the the Green.
village is lighted with gas by the Ghigwell, Loughton The church of SS. Peter and Paul, on Chingford Green,
and Woodford Gas Co. and supplied with water by the in the centre of the village, erected in 1,844, and now
East London Water Workll Co. the pumping station, (1902) beiD!? greatly enlarged, is an edifice of white
erected in 1884, being in Chingford lane. The parish is brick and flint, in the Decorated style, consisting of
chancel, nave and. an. embattled western tower with spire tion, cleM'ed 9 a.m. 1.15,4,40 &; 10 p.m.; sun. 9 p.m.;
containing 3 bells, dated 1600, and a clock: the interior & Low street, cleoared 10.30 a.m. 4.15 & 7 p.m.; SUD.
was renovated in 18-83, and there- are two others: the 8.50 p.m.; Crescent road, cleared 9 a.m. 1.10, 4·30 &
Norman font· was formerly in the old church. The 8.20 p.m.; SunOa'Y8, 9 p.m.; Englebury road, cleared
church affords about 500 sittings. The registe,r of 12,4°, 4.20 & 8 p.m.; sundays, 8.50 p.m.; Chingford
marriages dates from 1721: baptisms and burials from road, cleared 8.15 a.m. 12.50, 4.15 & 7.40 p.m.; sun.
1715. 'fhe living is a rectory, net yearly value £310, 8,3° p.m.; Moun.t Cem~ery, cleared 9 a.m. I, 4.25 &
with 15a-cres of glebe and residence, in the gift of F!redk. 8 p.m.; sundays, 8.40 p.m.; Old Church road, cleared
G. Sinclair esq. J.P. and held since 1878 -by the Rev. Alfred 9 a.m. 1.10, 4,30 & '8 p.m.; sundays, -8.45 p.m
Francis Russell M.A. of University College, OXford. A Pillar Box, The Green. cleared 9 a.m. 1.20, 4·40 & 10
parish room was erected, in 1890, in High street. The p.m.; sundays 9 p.m
Congregational chapel in Buxton road, built in I8go, will
seat 400, and there is a mission room in Low street. The URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
Plymouth Brethren have a. place of wo~ship in King's Head Offices, The Pwrade.
hill, built in 1880, and seating IS0. An obelisk, erected by
the Ordnance Sur;vey, on high ground north-east of the Mooting da'Y, first tuesday in each month at 7.30 p.m.
church, is maintained at the desire of the authorities of
Greenwich Observatory: it is due north along the Members.
meridian line, and is occasionally used for the verification Chairman, John David Oruickshank M.R.C.S.Eng.,
of astronomical observations. The Walthamstow Sana- L.B.C.P.Lond.
torium and Hospital for Infectious Diseases, situated Vice-Ohairman, Bruce -Cook.
here, was opened 9 March, 1901, lIind contains 52 beds; Retire in April Retire in April
the land was purchased by the Walthamstow Urban Dis- Waiter Fortescue 1902 WaIter E. Rowe 1902
trict 'Council. The cemetery at Chingford Mount, be- David Martin 1902 Bruce Cook 1903
longing to the Abney Park -Cemetery Co. Limited, was Alfred Amery 1902 Charles Fordham 1903
opened on Saturday, May 24, 1'8184: it is 78 acres in lA. S. Pemberton 1902 Thomas Bull I903~
extent, and contains ~~o. lodge~ in th~ Ear~y English Officers.
style an~ 81 chapel. A~Jolmng Ch~gford IS Epp;ng Forest, Clerk, Harry Bird, Strathmore, The D.rive
for particulars of whlCh soo Eppmg.. Across th~ greex:-, Treasurer, John Barnes, Hoe Street, Walthamstow
north-east from St. Petro-'s church, IS Queen .E~zabet~ S Medical Officer of Health, George Frederick Fulcher'
Lodge, where ~anor -courts used to be held: It ~s a PIC- M.B. Everleigh,Sltation road, Chingford
turesque half-tlmbered house of tlh;ee storeys, WIth so~e Surve'yor, Walter Stair, Ridgeway road
good pa~elled oak rooms, one of whIch, on the ~rst floor, IS Sanitary Inspector, John Taylor -Griffin, The Parade,
hung WIth tapestry; the upper ~oor consIsts. of one 'Station road •
large apartment, 40 . b y 25 feet, WIth a~ open-timbered Collector Thomas James Strong 5 Queen's Grove. i1'09d
roof: under the Eppmg Forest PreservatIOn Act of 1 8 7 8 , ' ,
this structure, as "an object of antiquarian interest," is SOHOOLIS.
kept in repair by the Corporation of London, and is o p e n . . .. "
to the public daily free of charge. Near the lodge is Nat:LOna~ (mIXed), ?UlIt lD ,~'8'72, & enlarged ID 18 93,
"Connaught Water," a rural lake, and Bury and Hawk & agam enlarged .lD 18~, WIt~ master's house, at a cost..
woods, . portions of the For~st,. much frequented .by of ~1~5oo! the -SIte b~ng g:ven by R. B. Heathcat?
naturalists. At Mansfield hill IS a sewage pumpmg esq. , It will holeL 270 children, &verage attendance, 200 "
station, built in 1894, and belonging to the Epping Bruc? Coo~, ~aster . .
Rural Sanitary Authority. Here are 5 almshouses, Infants: bUIlt IIlJ 18'5 6 , &. enlllll'.ged. m I'~&6, f?r 80 ch~l­
erected in 1859 by voluntary subscriptions and enlarged dren, average attendance, 7 8 , MISS Alice Warner,mlst
in 1887. The charities amount to £,22 yearly, arising Metropolitan Police Station, The Green, erected in 1887
from £3 yearly each bequeathed in 1585 by Robert (N Division), Edward Johnson, sergeant in charge,
Ramston and Thomas Boothby; £,n a year (the interest & 4 sergeants, I acting sergeant & 18 constables
of £400, £21 per cents.) by John, Ann and Rebecca Masonic Lodges held at the Royal I"orest hotel:-
Popplewell, and the produce of one acre and three- . ~ . _
quarters of land in Chingford Marsh, by Thomas Boothby ChIngf~rd Lodge, No. 2'8,,9, C. T. Papworth, sec. 17 St.
esq.; Mrs. Harriet Waters left, in 18 9 2 , a sum of ~ary s road, Walthamstow N E .
£180 14s . nd. invested in consols: these benefactions Clll.gwell Lodge, No. 453; George Corble, 12 Fmsbury
are distributed to the poor in coals and bread. Hawk- ~lrcus, London E C, sec.; saturdays ·nearest full moon
wood, the seat of Sidney Cooper esq. is a mansion of In ~ay, June, July & .August, at 3 p.m _ .
brick in the Elizabethan style standing in a park of 25 Brooke ~odg~, No. 20°5, J. R. J ohnson, Er; Lombard st. ,
M E h · ' 'd J 3 ifd m May, June, July, August & September
acres. ount COlS the reSl ence of Henry ames Ph'Ib' k L d N - , . H W Cl k U7 d
B d F'd Hill th 'd f F d . k 1 nc 0 ge, o. 2255, . . ar e, 23 nOO
arnevill~es q ·.3!cl
Gran e SID a'1r esq. D . ., "
m aY L
• J pe TeFSI GenooS·' 0 I •re enc.- View gardens, Highgate N, ·sec.; 1st thursday in April,
. . me Blr esq. IS M J J I & 0 tob t
lo;rd of Chingford Earls manor, and Miss Hodgson of Ching- ,ay, une, u y c er~ 1li 4 p.m ,
f rd Sli P ul T h ' . 11 d F G Warner Lodge, No. 225 6 ; RIChard Kershaw, 330 Gray s
o. 1" a mSanoTr. T e prmclpa'hs are 'tl' Inn road W 0, sec.; 2nd tuesday in Februa.ry, April,
S me aIr esq. . . ay l or esq. 0 ... OrwlC ,an d le 0 tob &. D b lilt 5
Corporation of the City of London, -and there are several E l? ~r~d ec;m 20 er, J PS~t Ab~ tt W
smaller owners. A horticultural show is held bere pplllg .LAI gc, o. 77; . u on 'uo, sec. aver-
II . Jul Tb il' I b il la Tb tree, vYanstead
a~ua y m y. e so IS oam; su so • c y. e Royal Arch Masons-Clhapter of Hope &. Unity, No. 214;
chief crop~ are tares, beans, peas, roots and grass land. George Cowell, 19 Rarley street W, scribe E.; first
The areB IS 2,769 acres of land and 40 of water; ;rate- f .d . M ay & J I
able value, £25,920; the population in 1901 was 4,37 2 . B roo e - apt er, N
rIkaYClhll y 5' G .T. Sm'th
... o.u 200, 1
- orne, H ay-
croft road, Brixton hill S W, scribe; 2nd friday in June
CHINGFORD HATCH is a. hamlet I mile to the south- & October
tlast. St. Anne's mission room here, erected in 1890, is Shnrmur Lodge, No. 21374; Jas. Clwrke, sec. 44 Erskine
an iron building, seating ISO, and services are conducted road, 1Yalthamstow NE; 3rd thursday in May, July
on Sunday afternoon by the clergy of the parish, and & October
there is also a Wesleyan chapel, built in 1862, and seating Shurmur Chapter, No. 2374; Waiter Fortescue, Ching-
80 persons. ford, scribe
Parish Clerk, George Bartrip. Chigwell Chapter, No. 453; George Corble, 12 Finsbury
circus E 0, scribe E
Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. 'M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel Warner Chapter, No. 2256; T. S. Jackson, 326 Hoe st.
Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. Mrs. Ann Walthamstow, scribe E
Pettit, postmistre~s. Letters dispatched 10 a.m. 1.30,
(Further palfticulars as to times of meeting &c. to be
5 &8 p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m.; delivered at 7.15 a.m.
obtained from the secs. & scribes at addresses given).
2:15, 6.15 &; 9 p.m. Parcels dispatched at 10 a.m. &;
1.30 &; 8 p.m Carrier to London, Arthu.r John Jessop, daily
Wall Letter Boxes Chingford Hatch, cleared at 8.45 Railway Station, Arthur B. Staggs, station master
a.m. 12.55, I, 4.30 & 9·30 p.m.; sun. 8,45 p.m.; Ceme- Conveyance.-Coach from Royal Forest hotel, to different
tery gates, cleared 9 a.m. 4.10 & 8 p.m.; Railway sta- parts of the forest twice daily dnring the season

PR"ATE BESIDENTS. !.lford John G. Meliord. High street A.nstey Miss, Chisholm lodge, Endle-
Adams Roland, Endlebury Toad Anderson Rev. Alfred W., B.A. (Con- bury road
Adamson Mrs. Rathelpie. High st gregational), Warren road Amndel Charle!> Ernes-t, Forest View
Ainslie Miss, The Rolls, Hink's green Anning Edward,1 Farnley road house, King's Hea<i hill
Ashton Edmund Gerald Bramleigh, Davies Thomas, Rosebank, Station rd Le Vierge Lesier, Pengelly lodge,
The Drive Deller James John, Sydney villas, Forest road
AHhill Henry L. Il'he Ferns, High st Station road Lideston James, Lee hurst, Gordon rd
Bacon Francis S. Lyndhurst, Ore's- Denbeigh Hemy R. 4 Buxton road Longden John, Ellesmere, The Drive
· cent road Dennis Alfred, 2 Buxton road Loram Herbert, 49 Buxton road
Baddeley Wil:liam H. Whit·e hall Dipper William, Low street :\icFarlane John, 10 Queen's Grove I'd!
Banwell Edmund, I Hawkswood villas Donald Thomas David, Park hill, McFee George, I Connaught avenue
Barnes Alfred T. Meldreth, The Drive The Green Macdougall Mrs. Fair view, High st
Barnes Henry James, Mount Echo . Drury ,17 The Drive Mackenzie Thomas, 13 Fredericka I'd
Barralet 1'Villiam Henry, The Cottage, EdwaI'ds John Lismore, Station road Mansell Arthur, 4 Connaught avenue
Chingford road Ekins Alfred, Crawcrooks, Endle- MarshaU Edward Thomas,Strathmore,
Beaty Thomas, The Elms, High street bury Toad Station road
Beeching WaIter, 6 Warren road Evershed Arthur W. Ivybank, St,a- Mary Hy. Robt. Beech ho. Forest side
Beeson Mrs. Ainsley Toad tion road Mathieson Geo. Bryncoed, Crescent rd
Bennett John Rayner, Meadowcroft, Fish Thomas, Tantalon, Ridgeway rd Melhuish Alfred, Cloon avon, High st
Chingford road Fison Louis George, SUIumerdown, Miller Miss, Merivale, Crescent road
Billings George, Arundel house, Cres- The Green Miller William, 21 Fredericka road
cent road Fletcher Fred'erick W. H. Herons Milne Alexander, 6 Hawkswood villas
Birbeck William H. 7 Frede'ricka road nest, Forest side Mobbs· William, Home cottage, Old
Bird Harry, Strathmore, The Drive Fordham John, The Beeches, The Church road
Blackmore Mrs. 15 Warren road Green Munro Patrick, 6 Connaught. avenue
Blair Oarl H. Warren Toad . Fordham Thomas James Rubt. Mais- NicoleCharlesGeorge,Brooklyn,High st
Bolton Charles, BalcaITes, High street sonette, Mornington road Nicholas Edward, 43 Buxton road
Bosustow Mrs. 43 Fredericka road Fortescue Sidney, Goulburn,Forest rd North Liddell Peverley, 8 Hawkswood
BoswelI Robert Brnce M.A. 2 Hawks- FortescueWalter,Oak dene,Crescent rd villas
wood villas Fost,er ,Doremy, Fredericka road Norton Wm. Arth. Rylstone Station I'd
Box Rev. George Herbert 'B.A. Le Foster Mrs. 1'3 Buxton Toad Norwood Henry Robt-. 41 Buxton I'd
Soken cottage, Station road Foster Edward,Dunmow ho.Station rd Oastler Robert, 3 Queen's Grove road
Bradshaw Hy. 2'5 Fredericka road Fowler -Charles, 25 The Drive Over Thomas, Fernleigh, Garfield rd
Braithwaite John Oldham, Hillka, Francis Nathaniel Draper, Holm- Palmer Alfred Edward, Durley dene,
WarNln road leigh, Ridgeway road Forest road
Branston Simeon, Deveron, Station rd Francom George, 1111 Fredericka road Palmer Miss, The Croft, Warren road
Brock Harry, 19 Fred'ericka road! . Friend Mrs. Inganess, The Drive Parry Hugh, 55 Buxton road
Brock Herbert N. 3 'Connaught avenue Fro5t George Andrews, Belmont, Peachey Robert F. Rookwood, High st
Brockhurst Mrs. Avenue house' High street Pemberton Arthur S.Bosgrove,High st
Brodie Harry,End'lebury,Endlebury I'd Fulcher George Frederick M.B. Ever- Perkins Henry, Mayfield, Station road
Brown Edward, Hillside, Ridgeway rd leigh, Station road Perrnm Miss, 9 Buxton road
Brown Edward William, Lyndhnrst, Godlonton Wm. Northfield, High st Perry Mrs. 12 Queen's Grove road
Ridgeway road Gooding Fredk. Messina, The Drive Phillips Geo. Bhundara, Chingford la
Brown Edwin, IS Fredericka Toad Graham Peter .Anderson, I Buxton rd Piper Pearce, 9 Fredericka road
Brown George R. Hainault, The Drive Gravatt John, 35 Buxton road Pizey George Hy. Clivedon, Forest rd
Brown John William, 7 Buxton road Gravatt Wm. Dunedin, High street Plumley Henry B.A. Heathcote grove
Brown WilIiam, Grasmere house, Green-gras.s Harry ,C. Elmfield,High st Pollard Charles, LODe, The Avenue
Ridgeway roadJ Greenwood William Hy. 3 Buxton rd Pollard Edward, Shanklin,The Avenue
Bruce Mrs. High street Gunton Josiah, Sunnyside, King's Pratt Ernest Oharles, Malvern, 'War-
Buck Otto, Darenth lodge, High st Head hill Ten road
Burt Frederick George, New road Hamlyn Geo. Clovelly, 31 Buxton rd Preedy George, .Andover bo.Station rd
.<:ladle ·Clair Whittingt,on, Kenilworth, Hardesty Mrs. Crescent road Pridie John Francis M.B. Denholm,
Heathcot-e grove Ha,rris Leonard Charles, Rose villa, Station road
"Cambridge Wm. Fairlight, Forest rd Station road! Pursur Hubert James, 25 Buxton road
Carter John, Sunnylawn, Heathcote HaITis Mrs. 16 Queen's Grove road Pye Henry, Vivian lodge, High street
grove Harrold John, Felix house, Ching- Quartry Francis Geo. The Cottage,
·Cartel' Sa,muel Plummer, Woodholme, ford road Buxton road
Forest road Hartland Edwin A. Twyning, War- Quayle John, 9 Hawkswood villas
'ChanoellorSydney,Lindesfarne,High st ren road . Radmall John Henry, Hawksbarn,
Charnley Edward T. 11 Fredericka rd Hartwell William, West view, High st Forest road
Chesson James, 5 Hawkswood villas Harwood Charles, 17 Buxton road Rafford John R. 23 Buxton Toad
Chillingworth Miss, 4 Farnley road Haslan William Hy. Lodol'e·, 'War- Reeland Peter Yard, Victoria house,
Clark Arthur, Silverdale, Forest view Ten road Connaught avenue
CIaTk ArtbuI' Benning, The Mount Hatch Hy. William, 21 Buxton road Revis George, sa, Connaught avenue
Clark: In. Wm. Hazeldene, High st Haydon Henry, 3 Farnley road Ricket William, Abbotsford, Endle-
Clay Thomas E. H. Station road Haylock Wm.. Robert, Chingford hatch bury road
'.Clayton John Edward, La Maissonette, Hazelton Philip,Chase side,Crescent rd Ridges Harry, 24 The Drive
Warren road Heal Arthur J. IO Warren road Riding James B. 9 Queen's Grove road
Cleave Percy, The Hollies, For-est Td Heslop Miss, 7 Queen's Grove road Roach Geo. Morton, 14 The Drive
-C1ements Hariy, Normanhurst, Sta- Hewitt Miss, Low ,street Roberls Charles Gordon, Eastwood,
tion road Hicks Joseph, Woodside, Forest view The Drive
·'Coales Mrs. 4 Hawkswood villas Hill Thomas, 15 Buxton road Roberts Mrs. Calla Shast-a, Station rd
Collins Benja.min"3 Forest road Hobbs Joseph William, Oakhurst, Roberts Thomas, Faircourt, The Drive
· Collins William Edwin, SI Buxton rd Crescent. road Rodick Archibald, 29 Buxton road
· Cooper Sidney, Hawkwood Rolmes Piers Nevill, Brookfield, The Rotbney Mrs. 8 Station road
'Copland Alfred A. I Fredericka road Drive Rowe WItr. Elijah, Armadale, High at
'Cornish WilIiam, I Warren road Hornby William J. 5 Fredericka road Russell Rev. Alfrl}d Francis M.A.
·o(Joulson Eugene William, .Annesley Howard David Lloyd,Little Friday hill (rector), The Chantry, High streOO
villa, Station road Howard Mrs. Florence viI. Station rd Russell-Royse Herbert L.I9 Buxton rd
Coulson William, Maucl' villa, Sta- Hunt Mrs. Milton house,Fredericka I'd Sadgrove Alfred William, Trebarva vil.
tion road Hyde Augustus Charles, The Drive Chingford road
Course Alfred W. 33 Fredericka road Jackson Mrs.Waltham villa, Station rd Sandrock William, 61 Buxton Toad
Cowell Temple T. Dovedale, The Drive Jacobs Frederick J, Crossfields,High st SantIer'Charles Pratt, Medhurst
Coxshaw Harry, 33 Buxtoll! road Jefferys John, 2 Connaught avenue Sheldon Arthur, Holly house, King'.
Croft Thomas Watson, Glendale, Sta- Jolly WaIter Samuel, Station road Head bill
tion road Jones Mrs. 14 Queen's Grove road Sheldon John, 23 Fredericka. road
CroBsley Frank, .S9 Bnxton road Jones Wllliam Porter, Rothesay, Sheppard Wm. Jas,IO Hawkswood vill
Cruickshank John, David L.R.C.P. Connaught avenue Sidney Thomas Stafford, The Drive
Lond. Chingford lodge, The Hreen Kiddle Herbert, I I Warren road Simpson Mrs. Tamworth villa, Morn-
Cullum Miss, Oaklands, Station road King Fredk. Hadleigh, Cres~ent road ington road
CUlldall Fredk. St. Helens, The Drive King 'Stephen, Canna-nore, The Drive Sindair Frederick Granville D.L., J.P.
Dreaper Miss M.B. Walthamstow Knight Mrs. 2 Farnley road Friday 11ill
Sanatorium <& Hospital for Infec- Kurtz Mrs. Royston, High street Skelton William, 22 The Drive
tious Diseases Lamarque Mrs. Rolando, Station road Skottowe WaIter Stuart, Glencoe,
Cunningham Daniel,Ortonel,Gordon rd La Trobe Wilfred, 5 Warren road Station Toad
Davis Abraham, Talbot ho. High street Leggett Mrs. Oak lodge, Forest side Smith Henry W. 4 Warren road
Smith Howard', 37 Fredericka road Thom Fredk. WIll. ClarerrIlont, High s,t Welch Mrs. Stanley villa, Station I'd
-SneH Miss, Euxton Toad Tilbury WIll. Elm dene, The Green Wells George E. The Berries, High s,t;
.soanes Alired, EU'gloss, High street Tunnicliffe Fras. Elm vil. Station road Wells Miss, Delle ville, Heathcote gro
.sochan Thomas H.Rosedene,Station I'd UduU Miss, 3 Fredericka road Wheeler In. Cooper, Laurel ho.Low ,~t
:Stair WaIter, Ridgeway road Vaile William, Goldsboroughs, Endle- WhitehonseFredk.Hermitage,Forest I'd
Staniland Chas. J sph. Hawkswood viIs bury road Widdows Arthur, I Queen's Grove I'd
Spurging Mrs. 4 Queen's Grove road Veal Henry Jas. Merrivale,C'rescent I'd Wilcox John. Low street
:.steer George, Mount view, Chingford Vining James,s Euxton Toad Wilden Herbert, IQ Buxton road
Hall road Vize Mrs. 3 Warren road Wilkes Mrs. Nemora, The Drive
Stephens Miss, White lodge, King's Wakefield Thomas H. Northernhay, Willis William J. 15 Fredericka road
Head hill The Drive ' , Wills David. 39 Fredericka road
-Stockwell John, The Brambles, Ching- Walbourn Charles Salter, HolIlledale, Wills Mrs. Woodland, Station road
ford road High street .. Willsmer Mrs. Ringwood, High street
Storey James G. 14 Warren road Wales Edward Horace, The Cottage, Wilson Harol:d, Orizaba, Forest view
Stratton Fredk. Geo. 37 Duxton I'll King's Head hill Wilson Miss, Harewood, The Drive
,Summers J ames, Conn[).ught road Walker In. Henry, Duvals, Station I'd Woodcock Horace S. 7 Hawkswood Vil9
'I'angney Mrs. Mountain ash, Chiug· Wallis George, The Gables, Forest I'd Wordley Jas. Rectory, Old Church rd
ford road ' Walter Sml. LaburnuIll viI. Station I'd Wrightson Frank Barber, Creswick
"Taylor Arthur, Pandymill, The Avenue Ward WaIter, 27 Buxton Toad cottage, The Green·
'l'aylor Mrs. 22 Warren road Warner Frederick, 53 Buxton road Young Mrs. 41 Fredericka road
"l"hacker Hy. Blythswood, The Drive Washington Fdk.G.Tanglin,Station I'd

COMMERCIAI•• Duck Henry J. &; George E. cabinet makers, Station road

.Allen Dros. builders, ironmongers & hair drssrs. Station rd Dukes Samuel William, wood turner, New road
Amey Alfred, farmer, Chingford road Earee & Co. refreshment contractors, Jubilee retreat,
Ancient Order of Foresters, Child of the Forest Lodge Hawkwood
(No. 4077), King's Head hotel (Francis TunniclifI,sec.), East London Water 1Vorks Co. (W. B. Bryant, engineer),
King's Head hill Chingford mill
Anderson David, laundry, Station road Easun Cha.rles, builder &; undertaker, Station road
Alfche1' Charles, builder, Elliza villa, Old Church road Edsal Chas. Alfred, farmer, Gorme's farm, Old Ohurch I'd
.Arundel Oharles Ernest, privabe school, Milton house, Ellis & Son, printers & bookbinders, Willow street
Fredericka road Ellis Ernest Geo. s~eaIll roundabout proptr. 8tao1ey road
Ashmole 1Villiam, brick manufacturer, New road Eills John George, printer, Heathcote grove
.Atkinson Madeline (Mrs.), apar,tments, Connaught road EIsbury Frederick Wm. refreshment rooms,Old Church hI
Bailey Edith A. (Miss), beer & wine ret. King's Head hill Emery Oharles Wm. Queen Elizabeth P.H. Forest side
Baker Frederick, fly proprietor, King-'s He~d hill Epping Fore,st Musical Society (The) (H. A. Penstone &;
Banham John, greengrocer, The Parade, 'Station road J. P. Watts, ban. secs.), Royal Forest hotel
Banks Richard, florist, Low street Exton Emma (Mrs.), Green Man P.R. Old Church road
.Bartrip Geo. coal merchant, The Green & Station road Fordham John, cowkeeper, Ching10rd hatch
Beams Thomas H. dairy, Station Toad }<',risby Harriet (Mrs.), tea gardens, Low street
.Bird Harry, clerk to the Ul'ban District Council, Strath- Fulcher George Frederick M.B. & C.M.Edin. physician &
more, PlIirade surgeon, & Illedical officer of health to the Urban Dis-
Elasing William L. agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & trict Council, Everleigh, Station ~oad
spirit merchants, St·ation ro,ad Gamble Henry, photographer, Stanley road
Eoiton Edward, cowket'per, Pimp hall Gerhold Charles, shopkeeper, New road
Ilosustow Ma..ria J. (Mrs.), private schI. 43 F.redericka I'd Gilbert Arc Lamp Co. Lim. engurs. &; electricians, High st
Bowen Leonard Chas. insurance agent, 45 Buxton road Glaser Amena (Mrs.), apartments, 24 Queen's Grove road
:Bowmer Henry James, tea rooms, Ohingford Hatch Great Eastern Railway Co. (H. C. Amendt, Illanager),
Bradley Joseph, shopkeeper, Low street refreshment rooms, Railway station I

B1'adley Joseph Nathaniel, florist, The Green Griffin John Taylor, chemist & sanitary inspector to Urban
llrasell James, farmer, Old Church road District Council, The Parade, Station road /

llridger Ma.ria (Mrs.), tea gardens, Old Church road Hadley Edward, grocer & wine & spirit mer. Station road
Budden Diana (Miss), fancy draper, see Houghton & Hall Eliza (Mrs.), tea gardens, Old Church road
Budden Hall John Joseph, blacksmith, Old Church road
Burgess Alexander, nurseryman, Balgonie, Bull lane Harknett Alfred, tea gardens, Old Church road
Butler John, refreshment contractor & tea gardens, Hedge Charles, market gardener, Endlebury road
Epping Forest, overlooking Connaught Waters & ad- Hickman Walteil', coal merchant. see Oadle & Hickman
joining Queen Elizabeth's old hunting lodge, scating Hicks Frederick, swing proprietor. Garfield r08.d
1'OOIll for 800, High Beech road Hicks John Charles. builder, The Parade, Station road
'Butt Herbert, forest keeper to the Corporation of London, Hitchcock Adolphus WilliaIll, dining rooms, Station road
Epping Forest Holmes James, apartments, ,8 Connaught road
Cadle Hickman & Co. coal merchants, Station road Home for Little Girls, Bridge of Hope in Eas t London
>Cbingford Cricket Club (Frederick Haydon, sec.),TyndaU (Miss Mary H. Steer,hon.superintendent),Oh:ngford rd
Chingford Horticultural Soc'.ety (Bruce Cook,sec, ),Bull la Horden Dros. linen drapers & house furnishers, Station
"Chingford Mount Cemetery (Abney Park Cemetery Co. road; & at Highams pa.rk
Limited) (Arthur Clark, sec) Hougohton & Budden (Misses), fancy drapers, Station I'd
.chingford Rise Estate Co. (Henry Hart, manager),Estate Huck Hen,ry, chemist, Bank buildings, Station road
office, The Green Hutchins Frederick, grocer, The Parade, Station road
'Chingford Drban District Council Sewage Pumping Sta- International Stores CR. Platt, manager), The Parade,
tion (WaIter Stair, surveyor), Mansfield hill Station Il'oad
Chiswell Joseph & Richard, furniture dealers, Station rd Jessop Charles &; Alfred, coach builders, Chingford Hatch
'Churches Mark Stott, farIner, Dell's farm, Low street Jessop 'Al'thur John, carrier, Chingford Ha-tch
CliftThomas, shopkeeper, Old Church bill Jessop Charles, farmer, New road
'Cooper & Sons, nurserymen, Chingford road Johnson Edward, police sergeant, Polioe station
Collins Fdk. Edwd. confctnr. The Parade, Station road Jones Alice & Elizh. (Misses), dress mas. Willow street
Calmer William, Crown hotel; head quarters C.T.C. Jones HeI"bert Benjamin, carter, 30 Willow street
The Green Jc·nes Maria (Mrs.), cab proprtr. & blacksmith, The Grn
-Conoley Edward, fishmonger, The Parade, Station road Jones Richard, l'ainter, King's Head hill
Corden Arthur, turncock to East London Waterworks Co. Knovt Ernest, apartmenlts, Garfield cottage, Garfield rd
Springfield road Latimer Mary Ann (Miss), Fountain P.H. Low street
Dornhill Aaron, cab proprietor, Old Church road Law Edmund '\Vykes, butcher, The Parade, Station road
'Cru;ckshank & Pridie, surg-eons, The Green & Stati-Jn rei London &; Provincial Bank LiIll. (sub-agency) (John
,Cruic1i:shank John David M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Bames, manager) (open tues. & fri. 10 to 3), Station
physician &; surgeon (firm, Cruickshank & Pridie) road; draw on Glvn. Mills. Currie & Co. London E C
Cusw{Jrth In. & Sons, monumental masons, Old Church hI Ludlam F,rances (Miss), poultry farmer, Ainsley road
Daltrey James, tea gardens, & fishmonger, The Green Lyndsell Joseph William, stationer &; lending library,
Dann Reuben, yeast merchant, Chingford Toad' .Bank buildings, Station road
'DelleI' James, plasterer, Stanley cottage, Connaught I'd McMullin Hy. water bailiff to F. G. Sinc1airesq.TheFishery
'Dove Edwin Arthur, butcher, Sbtion road Mackenzie James, fancy draper, Station road
Dreape;r France!! Annie (Miss) M.B., ROh. & RA.O. Mancbest~r Unity of Oddfellows,Erin GUinnessLodge, No.
R.D.r. house surgeon to 1Valthamstow Sanatorium &; 6,908,King'sHead hotel (AlfredWorsford.sec.), The Green
Hospital for Infectious Diseases Martin Chas. & Son, farmers &; carters, Cbingford Hatch
Marrable Mary Ann (Mrs.);c·Prince of Wales P.H. Ching- Robson Joseph, 8cale maker. New road
ford Hatch . ,'" Rochestel' William, shopkeeper, Chingford Hatch
Martin &; Wende, tailors, Station road Rogers Samuel Punter, dairyman, King's Head hill
Masonic Lodges (Philbrick Lodge, No. 2,255) (H. W. Roper Thomas, farmer, Rink's green
Clarke, sec.); (Shurman Chapter Lodge, .No. 2,374) Royal Epping Forest Golf Club (E. G. Hoberts, hon_
(Waiter For,tescue, scribe); (Warner Lodge, No. sec.), Royal Forest, hotel
2,256) (Richard Kershaw, sec.); (Epping Lodge, NO'. Royal Forest Hotel (Lawrence Hayden, manager)
2,077) (J. Sutton Abbott, sec.); ~Royal Arch Masons Sainsbury Ernest, watch &; clock maker, 28 Garfield read
Ohapter of Hope & Unity, No. 214) (GeOl'ge Co'well: Sandifer & Son, oil & co10r dealocs,The Parade,Station rd.
sor~be); (Brooke Ohapter, No. 2,005) (G. F. Smith, Saunders James, farmer, Chingford Hatch
scrIbe); (Shurman Lodge, No. 2,374) (James Clarke, Saunders Wm. cowkeeper, Manor farm, Chinglford Hatch
sec); (Ghigwell Ohapter, No. 45'3) (George Corble, Shephard Stuart,boys' private school,1'6 Queen's Grove I'll
sCrIbe); (Warner Chapter, No. 2,256) (T. S. Jackson, Smith George &; Co. grocers, Station road
scribe) & (Chingford Lodge, No. 2,859) (0. T. Pap- Smith W. H. & Son, newsagents, RaUway station
worth, sec,), Royal Forest hotel Snell L. J. (Miss), girls' high school, Buxton road
:May William James, greengrocer, Station road Soper James, cowkeeper,Low s1.lreet & dairyman, Bank
Mingay David, apartments, Oak cottage, Forest side buildings, Station road
Moore Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Springfield road Staggs Arthur Belcham, station master
Nash Mary Jane (Mrs.), laundress, The <Green Stair Walter, architect & surveyor, & >surveyor to the
Nicoll William Robinson, hair dresser, news agent & Chingford Urban Distr'.ct Council, Ridgeway Toad
tobacconist, The Parade, Station road Staniland Charles J. artist, 3 Hawkswood villas
Nunn Thomas, tea gardens, Old Church road Steer Arthur William, Prince Albert P.R. Ohingford road
Otton Edward, apartments, 29 Willow street Strong Thomas James, oollec,tor of King's taxes 0&
Palmer Joseph, apartments, Drefus villa, Connaught rd Urban District Council rates, 5 Queen's Grove road
PaImer William A. shopkeeper, Chingford rlJad Terry Eugene, grocer, Station road
Payne Henry Charles, boot make,r, 'Station road Thomas Edward Hugh, tea gardens, Forest side
Peake David, private gardener to J. Rannaford esq. Tollworthy Frederick, farmer & carter, Chingford hall
Forest side Tomlin Brothers, farmers, Cherrydown, Old Church hill
Pettingall Joseph, photographer, T·he Parade, Station rd Tomlin Brothers, nurserymen, Forest side
Pettit Ann (Mrs.), stationer, &; post office, Station road Tweed Frederick Thomas, baker, The Parade, Station 1"<1
Pettit Stephen, corn chandler, The Parade, Station road Walker William, boot maker. The Green
Pimm Geora-e & Alexander, carmen, Chingford r03d Waller Robt. AIM. pawnbroker, The Parade, Station I'd
Pimm P,hoebe (Mrs.), tea gardens, Ohingford road Walthamstow Sanatorium & Hospital for Infectious
Poland 'Charles Ernest, nurseryman, Chingford road Diseases (Miss Frances Annie Dr~ap€lr M.B. &; B,Ch_
Polli Luigi. coffee tavern, Station road house surgeon; Miss Louisll Pratchett, matron)
Porter & Co. accountants & estate agents, The Parade, Ward Samuel, fancy dealer, The Parade, Station road
Station road. Warde & 00. oil warehouse, 'Station road
Plratchett Louisa (Miss), matron to t:he Walthamstow Watkins Caroline (Mrs.). tea gardens, Station road
Sanatorium & Hospital for Infectious Diseases Watts David, nurseryman, Alpha road
Preedy George, builder, St!lltion road Wende William, tailor, see Martin & Wende
Pridie John Francis M.B., a.M. (firm, Cruickshank & Wexham Wm. B. confectioner i& tobacconist, Stati.m rd'
Pridie), surgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator, Werrett Alfred B. butcher, Station road
Ching-ford district, Epping union, Denholm. Station road Winterfiood Henry J. tea gardens, Law s,treet,
Radmall Lucy (Mrs.), boot maker, Station road 'Winters J. & Son, monumental masons, Ching-ford road
Randall Frank, baker. Station road Woodford Horticultural Society (Woodford Green) (Jas..
Randall Thomas F. baker & coufectioner, Station road B. Riding-, sec.), 9 Queen's Grove road
Richardson George, King's Head P.H. The Green Worsfold Alfred, grocer, The Green
Richardson John, boot maker, The Parade, ISta,tion Toad Worsfold Alice (Miss), dress maker, The Green
Riding James B. sec. WoodfQrd Horticultural Society, Wrightson Frank Barber, soEcitor (firm, Roberts k
9 Queen's Grove road, Woodford Green 1Vrightson), 'l'he Green
Riding James Bill£nge, nurseryman, High street Young Christiana (Mrs.), farmer, Larkshall
Roberts & Wrightson, solicitors, The Green Young Ellen (Mrs.), Dun Cow P.R. Chingford Hatch

GREAT CHISHALL (or Chishill) is a parish on a Royston station on the Hitchin and Oambridge branch
stream called "Cumberton Brook," 1iiupposed to have of the Great Northern railway. This parish, formerly in
f<:rmed the boundary between the kingdoms of Mercia Essex, was transferred to Cambridgeshire by the" Local'
and Essex; it is 7 miles west from Audley End station Governmelllt Board's Provisional Orders Oonfirmation
on the Great E,astern railway and 5 north-west from (No. 14) Act, r895·"
LITTLE CHISHALL is a. parish and small village Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation(No..
adjoining the village of Great Ohishall, formerly in 14) Act, r895," and will he found in Kelly's Directory of
Essex, and transferred to Cambridgeshire by the" Local Cambridgeshire.

CRRISHALL (or Christhall) is a scattered parish, son of the vicar, who was killed in action, in the Hazara.
near a. range of hills Oll! t'he borders of Cambridgeshire expedition, 5th Oct. 1888: the pulpit and reading desk
and recorded by that name in Domesday Book, 5 miles are of oak: the body of t,he church was thoroughly re-
west-north-west from Audley End station on the Great stored in 1868-9 and seated with open benches, and has-
Eastern and 7 east-by-south from Royston station on 220 sittings: the chancel was, restored in 1878. The
the Hitchin and Cambridge branch of the Great Northern register dates from the year r662. The living is a vicar-
railway, and 7 west from Saffron Walden, in the Northern age, net yearly value £163, including r40 acres of glebe,
division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron with residence adjoining the church, in the gift of th6'
Walden petty sessional division, union and county court Bil!hop of St. Albans, and held since r888 by the Rev.
district. rural deanery of Saffron Wa:den, archdeaconry ChaiI'les AlIen Evans Beley M.A. of St. Marv Hall, Oxford_
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church The great tithes were sold by the Ecclesiastical Commis-
of the Holy Trinity, standing on an eminence, is an sioners to ,the late Lord Dacre. ViSCOlUlt Hampden is,
ancient structure of flint, consisting of chancel, nave of the lay rector. Here is So Primitive Methodist chapel~
four bays, with clerestory, aisles, north and south erected in 1862. 'rhe poor of this parish now (1902) re-
porches and an embattled western tower with short ceive an average of ahout £7 per annum as their portion
spire, containing 4 bells: in the south aisle is a fine of the Martin charity, left by Mrs. Lettice Martin, also It
brass, date c. r370, to Sir John de la Pole and his wife yearly Tent-charge of 18s. 4d. left by Thomas Elkin, paid
Joan (Cobham), the effigy of the knight is partly in plate out of land belonging to the trustees of the late John
armour, with a tunic, and his lady in a close-fitting Wilkes esq. of Lofts Hall. In a wood situated in the:
dress with pendent sleeves; the figures lie beneath a parish there are two moats. Chiswick Hall. now 8
triple canopy, richly crocketed, with the shields of de farm house. stands on an eminence about half a mile
la Pole and Cobham; only a fragment of the inscription south of the church and is surrounded by a moat.
remains: in the wall of the south aisle is the stone Viscount Hampden, who is lord of the manor, and John.
figure of a lady in a recumbent position, c. 1450 and Fiske Wilkes esq. are the principal landowners, The
brasses of a civilian and his wife kneeling, c. 1480; soil is chiefly heavy, with some light; subsoil, principally
the church also contains the remains of a monument ~halk. The crops are chiefly on the four-course shift..
to Lady Cane: the reredos is a memorial to Capt. Charles The area is 2,7813 acres; rateable value. £1,840;. the
R. H. Beley D.S.O. 25th Bengal l\-ative Infantry, and population in r901 was 460.
BILDEN END, or Bui:ding End, is a small hamlet patched at 10.45 a.m. Postal orders are issued h.ere,
I! miles 80uth-south-west. but not paid. The nearest money order &; telegraph
CHRISHALL GRANGE is a hamlet 21 miles to the office is at Heydon, 2 miles distant
north, partly in Cambridgeshire. . National School (mixed), built in J862, for J80 child-
Post Office.-Robert Chambers, sub-postmaster. Letters ren,; average attendance, 79; F. Austin Hill, master
arrive from Royston (Herts) at 7.35 a.m. &; 3 p.m.; Oarriers to Saffron Walden.-Moses Rogers, sat.;.
dispatched at 5.15 p.m. week days; sundays, dis- Francis Waiters, from Heydon, sat
Beley Rev. Charles AlIen Evans M.A. Downham Philip, farmer, Park house Miller Cornelius, hay binder &; as-
Vicarage Downham Herbert Joseph, farmer, sistant overseer
COMMERCIAL. Parsonage farm Mumford Miss Emma, fruit grower
Dl'age Hy. Thos. farmer &; thrashing Pigg Thomas Charles, farmer
Andrews William, shopkeeper machine proprietor, 'Ohiswick hall Rogers Albert, carpenter
Baker William, shoe maker Franklin Charles, farmer, Wire fan:n Rogers Samuel, carpenter
Beadle George, Red Cow P.H Gray Matt. farmer, Chrishall grange Soole William, carpenter
Brand William Robert, farmer &; fruit Kent Joseph, farmer Wallman Frank, blacksmith
grower, Building end Ives William, farmer Wells Frederick, threshing machine
Chambers Robert, grocer &; draper. Lawrence George, beer retailer proprietor, Broad green
Post office ~iller Ebenezer, thatcher &; sexton Whitmore John, beer retailer
CLACTON'-ON-SEA is a modern seasido town, witb verted into ornamental gardens. A sea-water supply foJ:'
a terminal station on the Tendring Hundred branch of street watering and sewer fius,hing was pTovided in 1899~
the Great Eastern railway, 8 miles south-west from at a total cost of £3,5°0; the pumping station is on the
'\Valton-on-t!he-Naze, 16 south-east from Colchester, 16 cliff. St. Paul's, OlactQn-on-Sea, is an ecclesiastical
south-west from Harwich, 16 south-east from Manning- parish, formed Dec. 30, 1'878, from the civil parish of
tree, 3,8 east-by-north from Chelmsford, 30 south from Great 'Clacton, and is bounded on the east by Little
Ipswich and 71 from London by rail. The distances by Holland, from thence, north, along the Holland road,
water are: Walton-on-the-Naze, 8 miles, Brightlingsea 9, south of the station across to 8 point nearly opposite
,Southend 28, Gravesend llnd Tilbury 46, Woolwich 64 St. Osyth road, thence south along Old road and Wash
and London Bridge 73 miles. Clacton-on-Sea is in the lane to the' jetty: the church is an edifice of concre·te
North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel 'With
petty sessional division and union, county court district of vestries, nave, transepts and a western belfry containing
Colchester, rural deanery of ,St. Osyth, archdeaconry of one bell; it was opened for divine service in June, 1875.
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The place has a and was enlarged in 1881: the church will seat about
southern aspect, standing on cliffs 40 or 50 feet high: the 570 persons. The register dates from the year 1879.
beach of sand and shingle is admirable for sea bathing The living is a vicarage, net annUlal value £300, derived
alld extends for miles in each direction. The pier, erected from an endowment of £26, pew rent-s, offertories and
in 1'873 and enlarged in 1877, is a structure of wood, ex- fees, in the gift of the Church Patronage Trustees, and
tending to a distance of 1,150 feet, and widening from 30 held since 1'892 by the Rev. Henry Seeley, who is also
feet to 300 feet at the head, and having a sheltered land- a surrogate. A vicarage house was erected in 1890r
ing stage 90 feet by 30 feet, the total cost being 1..16,000; at a cost of £1,500, from designs by Mr. R. W. K.
at the entrance to the pier are hot and cold bathS. The Goddard, architect, of London. St. Paul's Hall with
Pavilion, erected in J893, at a cost of £8,000.. is a struc- class rooms was in 1894 erected in the High street at.
ture of iron, .~lalls and wood, comprising a. large hall a cost of £1,010. The Catholic chapel and Presbytery is'
with theatrical, musical and dancing licenses, with 01'- in Church Toad; at present a portion of the residence.
chestral stage, balcony and a gallery at the north end, erected in 1895, is used as a chapel, and seats 60 per-
and capable of seating 1,000 persons; attaohed are dress- sons, an ante-room providing 30 additional sittings.
ing rooms and a refreshment bar, and above these a The church, now (1902) in course of erection, is a build-
smoking room and lavatories. An exterior balcony runs ing of stone in the Norman style, from designs by Mr.
round the whole building. During the summer season Francis W. Tasker, architect, of London: the westerrr
steamers call at the pier daily on their way to and from portion, consisting of nave and aisles, is estimated to
London. A wooden jetty, for the unloading of barges &c. cost £3,000. The Wesleyan chapel in Pier avenue,
was constructed in 189g at the west end of the town. erected in r8·87 at a cost of £3,000, has 450 sittingS'o
In addition to the sea wan, erected in 1880, the remaining Cbristchurch Congregational and Baptist Union church,
pt·rtion of The cliffs for the whole extent of the Clacton- erected in 1'887, at a total cost of £3,000, from designS'
on-Sea Special Drainage Dist·rict was protected in 1889 by Mr. Thomas Henry Baker, architect, is an edifice of
with well constructed piling, in which upwards of 43,000 brick, and has sittings for 450 persons: an eastern tran-
cubic feet of timber was used and nearly r6 tons of bolts sept was added in 1890, and a new lecture hall and clasS'
and nuts; this work was carried out'under the direction rooms built in 19or, at a cost of £3,000, from designs by
of Mr. Thomas Alfred Cressy, clerk and surveyo.r to the the same architect. The Baptist chapel, in Pier avenue,
cClmmissioners, at a cost of about £6,000, and extends built in 1902, is a plain red brick building, with zoo
1,100 feet on the west and 2,707 feet on the east side of seats. A Primitive Methodist chapel is now (r902) being
the sea wall; behind this piling a raised platform, 5 erected at Hie corner of Old and St. Osyth roads, at an
yards in width, has been formed, constitutJng a delightful estimated cost of £2,800. The Salvation Army barracks,
promenade of nearly 11 miles in length, including the in Old road, built in 190'1, is a red brick structure, from
portion behind the old sea wall, which has been re- designs by Thomas Henry Baker, wrchitect, and will
paved and a shelter constructed in the cliff, at a cost, seat 350 persons; a small hadl adjoining will accommo-
including groynes, of £2,000; the eastern portion was date ISO; the total cost was £1,200. The Town Hall
replaced in 1901 by a stone wall, the facing of whioh up Buildings, at the corner of Rosemary road and High
to the high water mark is of basalt stone, from Holland. street, were erected 1893-4, at a cost of about £20,OOOr
a roadway and promenade having been formed behind and are of red brick with tel'iI'a ootta. dressings, from
it; the cost of this was nearly £20,000; in 1890 the cliffs designs by Mr. J. Wallis Chapman, architect, of London.
were sloped and otherwise improved, and gorse, green They comprise, on the ground fioor. bank chambers.
broom and other hardy shrubs planted. Amongst t·he offices for the Urban District Council and shops, and
various attractions of the summer months may be men- above these are public offices and a large ·hall, known as
tioned an annual reg-atta and land and aquatic sports, the "Operetta House," with orchestral stage, gallery
and wild fowl shooting may be indulged in during the and ante-rooms, and selliting 700 persons: there is B
wintpr on the extensive marshes adjoining. Clacton-on- clock tower with four dials; the whole of the staircases'
Sea is lighted with gas from works situate in Old road, and passages and the stage proscenium are of fireproof
and has an abundant supply of pure spring water sup- material. The Public Hall, Pier avenue, was erected in
plied from weills at G;reat Bentley, the wail:€r being served 1876, at a cost of £;8,000; t,here are library, reading,
from a tank in a tower 120 feet high, situated in Old billiard, refreshment and retiring rooms; a social club-
road; the gas and water works were acquired by the meets in these rooms every evening, and these meetingS'
Urban District Council in 1809. and rebuilt in 190I. are open to visitors. Attached to the Osborne hotel is'
The town. fo,rmerly governed by a Local Board. is an Assembly Room, seating about :~oo people, and used
now, under the provisions of the "Local Government also as a drill hall for the H Co. 2nd Yolunteer Battalion.
Act, r;8'94" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), controlled by an Urban Essex Regiment, whose head quartel's and ll,rmoury are
District Council of le; m.embers. In 1893-4 a scheme of in Beach road. The Clacton and District Troop of the
drainage was successfully carried ont at 8 cost of 1'.12.000. A Squadron, Essex Imperial Yeomanry have their head
the sewage being carried by pipes some distance into the quarters at the Warwick Castle hotel. The Police
sea. A. marine parade was made along the cliffs, in Station, in West avenue, was huilt in rSrn. anc'l ;'1 aT-
1895, at a cost of £8,000, the open ~paces bein~ con- ra:1~ed for an inspecbr and five constables. Unde:--

ground lavatories, at the junction of Pier avenue and Buildings &, Sanitary Inspector, Mfre<! ,
William Shadick,
Station road, and in the cliff, close to the pier, respec- Town Hall buildings
tively, were constructed in 1,899 at an expense of £5,000. Colllwtor of Rates, Henry Eldred, Town Hall buildings
The Volunteer Fire Brigade engine house is in the Town Inspector of Boa,ts, Samuel James Robert Legerton, The
yard, Old road. The Town Depot, which includes a mor- Pearls, Edith road
tuary and fire engine house, was constructed in Old road InspectDr of Hackney Oarriages, Police Inspector John
in 1900, at a cost of £1,300. The Coast Guard Station Lennon, 'West avenue
in the Tower road is of red brick, and was ereoted in Cliff Inspector, Edwd. Moria.rty, Crosby hall, Beach I'd
103&8; it will hold 8 men and a chief officer; this station Gas & Water DepaI1tment.
has telephonio communication with Walton-on-the-Naze, Engineer, Sydney Francis, Town, Hall buildings
which is connected with the Gunfleet Lighthouse and Collector, Thomas George Rattee, Town Hall buildings
Harwich. The lifeboa,t "Albert Edward," presented to
the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and endowed . Commissioners.
Under the provisions of a Local .Act. 'Of Parliament, 9 com-
in perpetuity by the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons missioners are elected by the ratepayers on the qualifi-
of England, in commemoration of tChe safe return from cation of a £30 ownership, to overlook the sea defences
India of H.M. Edward VII. when Prince of Wales, is in this district; of these three retire each year in
placed hare, and has saved many lives, this place being September, when elections take place to supply the
contiguous to the dangerous Gunfleet sands. The prin- vacancies thus created. The following are the present
cipal hotels are the Grand, erected in 1897, the Royal, •

a spacious building erected on ,the cliffs ill 1872, the
Warwick Castle, and the Waverley and Towers private Chairman, William Henry Slimon M.B.
hotels, besides se:veral other temperance hotels and board- Retire in Sept. Retire in Sept.
ing houses. The Clacton-on-Sea and District Cottage Henry J. Grant 1902 GeorgeThomas Mann 1903
::HospiJtal, ereoted in 1899, a,t a cost of £3,300, in Wm. Hy. Slimon M.B.. 1902 Robert George Hnrrell 1904
Ellis road, and pleasantly 5itJuarted close to and over- Thomas Whaley 1902 Thomas Lilley 1904
looking the sea, is a structure of red brick, from designs Henry Finer 1903 Philip Smith 1904
by Mr. James 1Villiam Martin, of Clacton-on-Sea, and SI. Jas. Robt. Legerton 1903
will hold 7 patients. The Frranciscan ConveIllt, a branch Clerk to the Commissioners, Thomas A. Cressy; office,
of the Convent at Braintree, was opened in 1897, in Town Hall buildings
Holland road; in connection is a day school for higher
middle-class education, which is open to girls of all de- PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
nominations. A convalescent home in connection with Clacton-on-Sea & District CDttage Hospital, Ellis road,
Middlesex Hospital was ereoted in, 1894, on a site in Hol- William Henry Slimon M.B. consulting physician;
land road, east of the town, acquired at a cost of £1,500, Percy Coleman M.B. Arthur Dorman Deane M.R.C.S.
and comprising about 5 acres of land; it is of red brick, Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. James Lee M.B. Stuart Ohristr.
and cost, including furniture and fittings, £35,000; it is Myngs Nourse M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & Wm.
available for 24 men,r8 women and 8 children; an George Murray M.B., C.M. hon. medical officers; Miss
annexe, for the open-air treatment of 4 consumptive Maude Olark, hon. matron; Miss Blanche Baker, hon.
patients, was added in Ig02. The 'Con;valescent Home sec
of the Eastern Counties Idiot and Imbecile Asylum, Col- Coast Guard Station, Towel' road, Thomas Bancroft, chief
chester, at Crosby House, Marine parade east, was estab- officer & 9 men
lished in 1895. '1'he Sunday School Union Children's Convalescent Home of The Eastern Counties Idiot &
. Holiday Home, known as the "Passmore Edwards Holi- Imbecile Asylum, Colchester, Crossley house, Marine
day Home," was erected in 18g8, !t>t the east end of the parade east, Miss Mana Barkway, matron
town, and is intended for the reception of delicate and County Police Station, West avenue, John Lennon, in-
ailing children from Sunday sohools other than con- spector; 2 sergeants & 5 construbles
valescents; the Home is available for 106 children, and, The Masonic Lodge (2,063 St. Osyth's Priory) meets at
with its grounds, occupies I! acres; the total cost the Royal hotel, Marine parade east, monthly (except
exceeded £10,000, towards which Mr. Passmore Edwards July, Aug. & Dec.), third friday rut 6 p.m.; Captain
gave £6,000. This place forms part of the manor of Edward Frayling, sec
Great Clacton. The land is owned by a large number The Masonic Royal Arch Chapter (2,063 Ooronation)
of freeholders. The area of Olacton-on-Sea is 2185 acres; meets at the Royal hotel, Marine parade east, OIl the
rateable value, about £30,000; the population in 1891 was fir~t monday in Oct. Dec. Feb. & :May, at 6 p.m.;
1,'662, and in Ig01 was 3,391; the rateable value of the Captain, Edward Frayling, soribe E
Urban District is £44,4°8; the population in 1901 was Middlesex Hospital Convalescent Home, Holland road,
7,453· Miss Georgina Morgan, matron; Percy Coleman M.D.
Po,st, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel hon. medi~al officer
Post, B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 9 Electric Operetta House, Town Hall buildings, Henry Foyster,
parade. Pier avenue (Railway Sub-Office. Letters lessee & manager
should have R.S.O. Essex added).-Samuel G. C. Pier, Samuel James Robert Legerton, pier master
Wallis, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive & deliveries Public Hall, Pier avenue, Alfred Drinkwater, lessee
commence at 7 & 9·30 a.m. & 12.30 & 6.20 p.m.; sun- ROJ1al NatioUlal Lifeboat Institution, Marine parade east,
days, 7 a.m.; dispatched at 8 & 9.25 a.m. & 12.20 (in Frederick William Lewellen, hon. sec.; William Scho-
winterr), 12.45 (in summer), 3, 6.15 & 6.30 p.m.; field, coxswain
sundays, 6 p.m. There is an extra mail during sum- Sunday School Union Children's Holiday Home, Marine
mer months dispatched at 7.30 p.m parade east, Frank elements, hon. sec.; Miss Lucy
Hall, matron
CLACTON URBAS DISTRICT COUNCIL. ,Town Hall, High street, Edwin J. Gilders, secretary
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Town yard, Old road, Arthur
Offices, Town Hall buildings; moot:ng day, 1st wednesday Richard Robinson, superintendent & lImen
in every month at 7 p.m.
Chairman, James William Martin. Essex (Clacton & District Troop, A Squadron); head
Vice-Ohairman, Sidney Arthur Smith. quarters, Warwick Castle hotel; Major H. J. Lermitte,
in command; Squad ,Sergt.-Major O'Shea & Sergt.
Retire in April Retire in April Arthur Robert Page, drill instructors
'Thomas Cox... ..... ....... 1903 Robert Smith Revell ... 1904
..Tames WilliamFranks. 1903 Wm. Hy. Slimon M.B.. 1904 VOLUNTElERS.
Henry Grant 1903 ArthurRobertChamber- 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment (H. Co.); head-
Sidney Arthur Smith 1903 layne 1905 quarte,rs &; armoury, 47 Beach road; Drill hall, Os-
Douglas S. Whitcher 1903 Elijah Daines 1905 'borne hotel; Lieut. Douglas S. Smith, commanding;
'SI. Hutchinson Green 1904 James William Martin. 1905 Color-Sergt. Telford Anthony Mills, drill instructor
Charles Frederick Hill. 1904 John Smith 1905
.John James 1904 Charles Thomas Riches 1905 PUBLIO OFFICERS.
Assistant Inspector under the Contagious Diseases
Officers. (.Animals) Act, Police Inspector John Lennon, Police
Vlerk, George Thomas Lewis, Town Hall buildings station, West avenue
Treasurer, Henry Weatherhead esq. Town Hall buildings Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, Henry Eldred,
Medical Officer of Health, JohDl Will Cook M.D. Ormonde Town Hall buildings
lodge, Oarnarvon road Ohief Officer of the Coast Guard, Thos.Bancroft,Tower rd
SlWVeY'0r, Art.uUlr Richd. Robillson, Town Hall buildings Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Tendring
Accountant, Harry Jones, Town Hall buildings Division, Sidney Smith, Rosemary road


Clerk _to the Great Clacton &; Kirby-le-SokeI1 School attendance. 528 boys & girls & 231 infants; Alfred E.
'Boards & Coroner for the Sokens, Charles Edward Brown, master; Miss Fannie W. Fewings, infants'
White, Eythrope, Wellesley road mistress
Surgeon & Agent to Ooast Guard & Medical Officer & Some of the children attend the Great Clacton National
Public Vaccinator, No. 8a, District, Tendring Union, school
, Percy Ooleman M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., NLR.C.S. NE\YSP.APERS.
Eng. Reimore lodge, Carnarvon road Clacton-on-Sea Graphic & East Coast Illustrated
Town 'Crier, Edward P. Jefferies, Castle road News (with which is incorporated the Clacton Gazette).
PLi.ACEIS OF WORSHIP, with times of services. West avenue; The Clacton-on-Sea Graphic Printing &
St. Paul's Parish Church, Rev. Henry Seeley, vicar; I I Publishing Co. Limited, proprietors; John Sidney
a.m. & 6.3Q p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Patter. managing director; published fri. Bee advert
Chapel of " Our Lady of Light" (Catholic), Church road, East Essex Advertiser & Clacton Ne_s, Station
Rev. James Alfred Swaby, Obilate of St. Charles, road; Abraham Quick &; Co. Limited, publishers;
priest; mass, 8 & 10 a.m.; children's service, 3 p.m. ; published sat. See advertisement
evening service, 6,30 p.m.; daily mass, 7.30 a.m.; Walton News &; Coast Times, Sta,tion road; Abraham
evening devotions, 7 p.m Quick & Co. Lim. publishers; published sat. See advt
Baptist, Pier avenue, Rev. P. A. Clements; I I a.m. & Carriers.-George Block, to O>lchester, mono wed. &; sat.
6,30 p.m.; wed. & sat. 8 p.m at 8 a.m.; &; James Riches. tues. thurs. & sat.; also
Congregational & Baptist Union (Christchurch), Rev. see Great Clacton carriers
Charles J. Gayler; I I a.m: & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Sutton &; Co. (Olaoton Mineral Water Co. agents),Old- I'd
Wesleyan, Pier avenue, Rev. Joshua M. Fairbourn &; Rev. Carriers by Water.-Coast Development Company Lim.
David Ashby; 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m daily during summer months
St. Paul's Hall, High street, Rev. Henry Seeley, vicar; Railway Station, G.E.R. Charles Joseph Rattee. station
11 a.m. ; sat. 7.30 p.m master. Conveyances meet all trains
. Church Army, St. Andrew's Mission HaB.. St. Andrew's Carriage Agent to the G.E.R . .A.rthur Robert Page, Goods
road, W. .T. Bosley. evmgelist; 3 & 7 p.m.; wed. yard, Railway station
7.30 p.m Omnibuses.--A11an John Roberls. from Orwell I'd. eight
Salvation Army, Old road, I I a.m. &; 3 &; 7 p.m.; daily, times daily. for Great Olacton; & there is also a
7.30 p.ll1 service ,to St. Osyth once daily in winter & twice daily
SOHOOl;S. during the season; William Rampling, to St. Osyth,
Eoard School, St. Osyth road (mixed & infants). erooted daily
in 1893-4, for 56o boys &; girls & 300 infants; average
PIUVATE RESIDENTS. Chitham Richard J'ames, Jaffa villa, Gadsden Har-old Jas. St. Clements,
Alderton Jas. I Grantham villas. Rase- St. Andrew's road Wellesley'road
mary road Ohubb Robert Richd. Anchor ho.Old rd Gardiner George, I I Marine par. east
Alien James Charles. Rockdaile, Sta- Clamp Mrs. 4 Beach road Gayler Rev. OhaJI"les James (Oong.).
tion road . Clark Miss, Co1tage hospitaJ, Ellis rd 17 YIarine parade east
AntiH George, White Rock, Ellis I'd Clarke Miss,West dene,Beaconsfield I'd Gee Mrs. WesteUa. St. Andrew's rd
Applf:by Moses, 32 Anchor road Olegg Misses, 89 Marine parade east Gibson Mrs. San Remo, Vista road
AsIiby Rt'v. David (Wesleyan), 'Wesley Clegg Mrs. 57 Marine parade east Gilders Edwin Joseph, Normanhurst,
house, Thoroughgood road Coan Robert William, Sunnymead, Marine parade west
.A:ttfield Andrew, Vernon, Old road BeacansfIeld raad Gillingham Wm. Elsinore, Victoria I'd
l~udain Claude, Hillcroft, Granville I'd CDleman Perey M.B. Reimore lodge, Goldn~y John, Craigmore, Hayes road
.Ayre Mrs. J7 The Grove Carnarvon road Gorrall Mrs. Avilion, Vista road
Baker Thos.Hy.Leicester la. Station I'd Colliex Oharles Harry, Norfolk house. Graham Rev. Horaee D.D.• F.R.S. a
Ballard Misses, 63 Marine par. east CaTllarvon road Alleyn villa~, Wellesiey road
Banfield 'Mrs. Old Bank ho. Colne rd Cook .Tohn Will M.D. Ormonde lodge. Gray Miss, West dene. BeaconsfieLd I'd
Ilarclay Mrs. Sea view, Carnarvon I'd Carnarvon road Green Wm.Belgrave ho.Carnarvon I'd
Barkway Miss, Crossley house, Marine Cooke Davi'dl Frederick. Stat,ion road Greene \Mrs. 3 York pI. Church road
parade east CQurtauld George, Stanhope hous'e. Greenfieid Mrs. Birdholme, Pier aven
Barnard Miss, St. Paul's road Carnarvon read Greenhill Mrs. I Edith vils. Church I'd
Beames Wallter Thomas, 2 St. Mary's Oox Thama,s, Vossevanger. Skelmers- Grocock Mrs. Collingwood viI. Old rd
villas. Wellesley road dale road Groom Hy. Louis, Ellesmere, Ellis I'd
Bear Mrs. Beresford, Wellesley road Cressy Thomas Alfred, The Cedars, Grosvenor Clement Henry, 36 Marine
Beard Misses, 55 Marine parade east I Colne' rJad parade west
Ileapty Thomas Carlyle M.D .• F.R.C.S. Croswell-Jones Charles, Sandringham Gunn Thos. Helensholme, Holland I'd
Edin. ::'~ MarinA -parade ea!rt house, Chapman road Hall Geo. I Wellesley vils. Pier aven
Ileckett .A.1fd.Moss Rose vil.St.Osyth rd Davall Frank, 24 Anchor road Haill Miss, Sunday School Union Holi-
Beckett John, May villa, Harold road DavaJ.:l Fdk.Wm.,Priory dene,Priory rd day Home, Marine parade east
Beddoe Thoma,s, Oakleigh, Thorough- Davies Rev. lsaac (CDngregational), Harriss< Edward Arthur, Windermere.
good road! Gwent house, St. Paul's road West avenue
~edford .Tames, 97 Marine parade east Da'W1son Major Edward Boghurst, Harvie Robt.2Warwick viis.Herbert rd
Bell Wm.Robt. Grimsby viI. Ellis rd Tower lodge. Penfold road Hill Mrs. G:adys villa, Edith Toad
Ilennett John Eber.ezer B.A. Clacton Day William James, Granville ;road Hille Fritz WiBiam B.A. Edith road
college. Oarna,rvon road Deane Arthur Dorman, .Floradale, HiTlman Sa-m!. Shaftesbury ho.Edith I'd
13ernajine Rev. Mother (lady superior), Wellesley road Hird Charles .10hnston, Caldwelllodge,
Franciscan convent, Holland road Dearberg Mrs. Ivanhoe, St. Paul's I'd Beaconsfield road
:Eerridge Rev. Basil Sparrow. 67 Duff 'Michl. Powis lodge, Edith road Hook Willia;u Thomas, I Shakespeare
Marine purade east Duff Mrs. St. John. St. Elmo, Welies- terrace, Meredith road
Billings John, Glenmore, Wellesley rd ley road Howard Thomas William. I Seaford
Binks Joseph, 2 York pI. Church I'd Dunn Mrs. Eden cot. St. Andrew's I'd villa", Harold road
~radshaw Mrs. E3.St dene, Beacons- Dunnetrt Norman, 5 Warwick villa,s, Hughes George, Redcliffe, Thorough-
field road Herbert road good road
llranson Mark William, Munsted, Eede Mrs. Albury lodg-e, Hayes road Hurdle Thomas, Devon 10. Thorough-
Beacons,field road E'llis IMrs. Kingsford, Ellis road good road
13rignt Henry George, The Briars, Fa.irbourn Rev. JQshua M. (Wesleyan), Hurrell Rohert George, Hurlingham
Wellesley road The Manse, Pier avenue villas, Station t·oad
Brown Alfred E. Blythwood, Welles- Fenn Burgess, Fernleigh, Wellesley Td Hutton Martin Luther, I Carisbrooke
ley road Fenn Harry Victor, Harlands, Welles- villas, Walton l'oa.d
Brown Edward William, Thorough- ley roa-d Huxter Adolphus Wm. Bank cham-
good! villas, Thoroughgood road Fern Mrs. 2 Agnes viI. Holland road b~rs. Sta,tiQn road
Brown Peter, 2 Siluria.n vils. West av Ferroussat Henri Peter,Amalfi,Vista rd Ingleton Mrs. 2 Cambridge villas.
l!urckhardt John Charles,Sea glimpse, Finer Hy. Mortimer ho. Station road Hayes road
Vist!aJ road Ford Mrs. Kenmore, Eton road Tnnes William, Delicia, Vista road
Burt Mrs. 47 Marine parade east Foxcroft Wm. M. The Kennel, Old rd Irwin Miss, Marguerite home, Wel-
Burton Capt. James Macpherson, Francis Sidney Adolphus, Sprayside, leSiley road
Dunain. Pier avenue Ca,rnarvon road Isaae Edward, Devonia, St. Paul's rd
Castle Mrs. 43 Marine parade east Frankford Alex. The Laurels,Pier aven Jones Harry, Rocldands, Edith rQ3d
Cha.ll1berlayne Arthur Robert. ClUm- Fries Paul Christian, Clonmel, Joseph Mr~. Lyndhurst. Thorough-
lin, Holland road Thorou~hgood road good road
Fulton Mrs. Olderfleet. Carnarvon I'd J oslin Chas. Holmeside. Wellesley Td
Joslin Mrs. Richard Crush, Kynet~n, Page Nicholas Robert,99 Marine par.ea Spiller. Mrs. Lilleshalil, Carnarvon I'd
Wellesley road Page Theodore, Wroxha:lI,St.Albans I'd Standen 'Ym. 4 Church vIs. Church I'd
Kelly Matthew Samuel, Florence cot- Pankhurst Mrs. 7 Ancho.r villas,Old I'd Stebbings Robt.Silverdale,Granville I'd
tiage, Church road ParkerHy.Jas.TheGrange,Wellesley I'd Stedman Osbourn Golding, Geneva.
Kendall George, LockSlley, Hayes road Parkington Mrs. Doornfontein, Ellis I'd villa, Meredith road
KendallMrs. 4 Rhinevils. Jackson I'd Parratt Mrs. Herbert den~, St. Stevens Truman, Goldhawk villa~
King Fredk. Craigievar, Church road Andrew's road Beaconsfield ro'!ld
Kingsbury Mrs. 'l'horougl~good house, Pearson John, Brunton, Carnarvon I'd Stodart William George, Clifford Idg.
Thoronghgood read Pennick Albert Edward, Claremont, Carnarvon road
Kitching Albert Geo. J.P. 27 Marine Wellesley road Stone In. I Stanley viIs. Holland road.
parade east Pester Mrs. I St. Mary's villas, Wel- Studd Mrs. 9 Warwick vils.Herbert I'd
Layland Mrs. I Plevna viIs. Hllrold rd lesley road Sutton Mbert Clement, Modder villa~
Lee James M.B. 31 Marine par. east Picton Harold B.Sc.LoiIld. Ciacton col- Wellesley road
Levey Chas. Ernest, 61 Marine par.ea lege, CarnaTVon road Swaby Rev. James Alfred (Oatholic).
Lewey 'Miss, Leicester 10. Pier aven Pigott Mrs. Hope house, J ackson I'd Montfort, 'Church road
Lewis Geo. OaklaI1ds, Wellesley road Pool James, York ldg. Chapman rd Swaby Mrs. 7 Marine parade east
Lewis Mrs. Thorneycroft, High street Potter In.SidneY,4 The Parade,OId I'd Swannell Miss, 69 Marine parade east.
Lilley Thomas, HoHand ha. Skelmers- Poulton Mrs.Bentleigh 10.Carnarvon I'd Taylor Fredk. St. Monica, St.PauJ's rd
dalll road Pownall Col. A:bert George Beaty, Thatcher Mrs. 4 Alexandra terrace
Lock John Thomas, Brampton house, Pickhurst, Victoria road ThollifiS J)hn Henry, Granvi:Ie road
Wellesley road Prior Asher, I Beach road Thompson Geo. Wm.95 Marine par.ea
Lovell Ambrose William, Melbourne, Pritchard James, 3 Kempley villas. Thompson Joseph lIarry, Nutfield.
Wellesley road Rosemary road Rosemary road
Lowe Mrs. Gattlands, Wellesley road Raby Mrs. East Lynne, Wellesl!ey I'd Thursbee Wm. Felix, I Agnes villas~
Macdonald Mrs. Kenneth lodge. Hol- Rapley Geo.Wm. Corrie-Lynn,Eton I'd Holland road.
land road Richards Fredk. Gwynfyr, Castle road Tighe Arth. Naunton ho. Holland I'd
McDougall Mrs. 59 .Marine par. east Ridler Wm. Arthurholme, Church I'd Tomes Joshua., Croft ho.Beaconsfield I'd
Mackenzie Alexander, Kintail, Skel- Riley Gea. Granville ho. Granville I'd Trounson Jas. Norwood, Edith road
mersdale road Rix Mrs. Oakdene, Meredith road Turner Hy.Ha~elmere, Beaconsfield rd
Mackenzie Colin Edward, Cromarty, Robinson Arthur Mel"edith, -Glenmore Ubsdeil Thos. Longleat, Carnarvon rd
Skelmersd'ale road house, Chapman road Wade Mrs. Rothsa,y, Wellesley road
Mackenzie Mrs.Dunrobin, Granville I'd Robinson Thomas Wickham, Madder Walpole Mrs. 13 The Grove
Mainland Dudley John, Stormont, villa, Wellesley road ~'alpole Mrs..'.'l Rhine viIs. Jackson rd
Granvillle road! Root Miss, Fairmead, Vista road Walker Surg-Gen. James Pattison, 5I Charles Hobert RA. 31 Rowland Thomas, Sweetbriar cottage, Marine parade east
Marine parade east Thoroughgood road Walker Rev. Horace, Wootton lodge.
Malcholm Hy. Ty~wyn, West avenue RusseR Percy, Wave crest, Beacons- St. .Albans road
Mallett Chas. I York pI. Church I'd ·field road WaHace Edwd. Bank bldg-s. Station I'd
Mann Geo. Thos. Queen's vil.Agate I'd RussellThos.Hy.Staffa ho.·Cha.pman I'd Wa,rd Edward Charles, Margery villa.
'Marlar In. 2 Rhine viIs. Jack-son I'd Sainsbury Miss, Mildmay cottage, The Grove
Maskew Mrs.Clarendon,Beaconsfield I'd Wellesley rood Watkins WaIter William, Holmleigh.
Mayfield JO'hn, Beaconsfield lodge,Bea- Salmon Harry, Avenue ldg. Pier aven Beaoonsfield road!
consfield road Sams Mrs. Chilton lo.St.Andrew's I'd Wat>t!s Mrs. Ashton, Wellesley road
Mazzoleni Antonio, I Tivoli villas, Samuels Mrs. Bentley, Carnarvon rd Waugh Wa[ter, Stanlei'gh, Russell I'd
Hayes road Sands Nehemiah, Runnymede, Car- Weatherhead Henry, Bank ho. Town
Miner Mrs. Abbottsford, Wellesley I'd narvon road Hall buildings
M>ills Edwd. Westbrae, Welleslcy road Savill Misses, Lauderdale, Granville I'd Wells Saml.Crimscote, St..Andrew's rd
Morgan Miss (matron), Middlesex Hos- Schulkins In.Andrew, 5 Alexandra ter West Mrs. Frampton, Wellesley road
pital Omvalescent Home, Holland I'd Scott Miss, Silver rest, Wellesley roan Whaley Thomas, 35 Marine par. east
Mulmi.:lk Mrs. Poplar viI.Meredith I'd Soott Mrs. Coniston, Cambridge. road Wheeler Mrs. Albemarle, Church rd
Munn Mrs. Glencoe, Beaconsfield I'd Seeley Rev. Henry, The Vicarage, Wheeler Mrs. 49 M'arine parade eas,t
Murray Mrs. Sweetbriar, West avenue St. Paul's road Wheeler Bidney, Crosby ho. Sta.tion rd
Murray William George M.B. Beta Sergant Ernst.Ha.mbrook,Wellesley rd Whitcher Douglas, Ivydale, Pier aven
house, Station road Sergant Harry, NQrmandy,Meredith I'd Whitcholr Harold,Acac-ja vil"W~llesly.rrl
Myall Richard, Glencairn, St. An- Skinner John, Skinner's bungalow, St. White Charles Edward, Collingwood,
drew's road Osyth road We;}esley road
Newa]l WaIter, Withington, Hubert I'd Sk:ipper Fredk. In. Vista. 10. Vista I'd 1Yi]ett Mrs. Silver rest, Welleslev TO
Newstead Mrs. 22 Beach road Slimon William Henry M.D., J.P. 33 Wi,lliams Fras.Hossneith,Beaconsfid.rd
Nicholls Jsph.Rock view,Beaconsfid.rd Marine pa.rade Williams Miss. 3 Alexandra terrace
Nichols Charles, Gatton, St. Paul's I'd Smith Miss, 71 Marine parade e:ast Wilson Arth. Sidney, Ascham college.
Nourse Stnart Christopher Myngs, SmHh Mrs. Ooniston, Oambridge road Holland road
Hurst villa, Jackson road Smith Mrs. Ennerdale, Vista Toarl Wood Thomas, St. Alban's house, St.
Nunn Wm. Ja.s. Penrhyn, Penfold rd Smith Richard 'DHden, Mendip, Car- Mbans road
Oates Fredk. Cockpen, St. Albans I'd narvon road Woodward Mrs. Silver cloud, Pier av
Overend Walker ~I.A., M.D. Glen Roy Sparling Shadrach John, Blairgowrie, Workman Philip, The Laurels, Oar-
lodge, Carnarvon road Granville road narvon road
Pa.g-e Arthur Robert, Ward's farm, St. Spencer Arthur George, Glenvar, Wel- WorralI Charles Stephens, KimberIey~
Osyth road le8lley road Beaconsfie!ld road

COMMERCIAL. Allsopp Elizh. (Mrs.), boarding ho. 24 Marine parade we

Early closing day, Wednesday, during winter months. Almond Edgar, apartments, Adelaide ho.St.,Andrew's road
Abbott George, builder, Felsteadhouse, High street Almond Edmund, boot maker, Rosemary road
Abbot·t Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments. I West cAvenue Amas Charles, apartmenb, I MayeH villas, Rosemary road
villas, West avenue Ambrose Sarah (Mrs.), householder,Io The Parade, Old I'd
Ablett Arthur William, apartments, 7 Anchor road Andrew Geo. Herbt. apartmts. Burleigh ho. Carnarvon rd
Adams Robert Lewis, manager, Stork villa, Meredith rd Appleby Ernest Moses, jobmaster, Dudbrooke house, Pal-
Adams WiIliam, apartments, 31 The Grove lister road &; Rosemary Toad
Addis on Eliza (Miss), confectioner, Pier avenue Argent Emily (Miss),apartments,Glenmore,St.AndTew's I'd
Addison Emily (Miss), confectnr.St.Helier's, Rosemary I'd Armstead James, apartments, Fernside, St. Andrew's I'd
Adlington Frederick, 40 Beach road! Arnold Robert, painter, Grafton, Meredith ,road
Aerated Beverage -& Buffet Co. Limited' (The) (William Arnold William Frederick, apartments, Inglefield,Ellis I'd
Barker, managing director), 3 Public Hall buildings, Ascham College (A. S. Wilson, principal), boarding
Pier avenue . & day school for young gentlemen, Holland I'd.
Mnge Elizabeth Anderson (Mrs.), apartments, Fernlands l, See advert
Wellesley road Asten Robert, householder, 9 Chelsea villas, Dudley road
Ainslie Brothers, butchers, Station road .&; 13 Electric Atkins George, apartmts. Normanton house, Station road
parade, Pier avenue Austen Mary (Mrs.), apartmts. 2 Tivoli villas, Hayes road
.Alberts David, confectioner, 2 Station chmbrs. Station I'd Austin Charles, apartments, Hawthorne, Rosemary Toad
Albright William Henry, ironmonger, Pier avenue AUstin Ernest, apartments, Southdene, Hayes road
Alien dames Charles, house, land, es,tate &; insurance Austin John, apartments, 17 Marine parade east
agent & brick maker, Rockdale" Station road Aylott Harry, manager Pearks, Gunston &; Tee Limited,
AlIen John, apartments, Cliff cottage, Back Church road Town Hall buildings, RosemarJ road
.A.ylott Harry, apartments, Ivydene, Station road Brendell F. Limited (Miss Maud Fromm, manageress),
Bacciarelli Battista, refreshment rooms, Pier avenue china & glass dealers, Town Hall bldgs. Rosemary rd.
Badger George,refreshment rooms, Riggs' retreat,West av & fancy repository (Miss Annie HoweII, manageress),
Bagley Annie (Miss), dress maker, Berkeley, Wellesley rd Pier avenue
Bagley Edward, apartments, 2 Carisbrooke vils.Walton rd Broadbent Emily Jane (Miss), dress maker, Sunyside,
Bagley Wm. Smith, insur. agt. 8 Oxford ter. We11esley rd West avenue
Baird James G. manager Grand hotel, Marine parade east Brockman-Stammers Samuel, apartments, 3 ·Warwick vils.
Baker &:, May, architects & surveyors, Station road Herbert road .
Baker Alfred, bath chair proprietor & apartments, '3 Bromley Henry. baker & confectioner & refreshment
Church villas, Church road rooms; good accO'mmodation for cyclists, West avenue;
Baker Emma (Mrs.),apartments, I Alleyn vils.Wellesley rd k at Great Clacton
Baker Thos. Hy. architect & survyr. Leicester Idg. Statn. rd Brook Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Ivydene, Meredith rd
Baker WiIliam, .apartments, 4 Castle villas, Castle road Brookes Georgina (Mrs.), apart'IIlents, 10 Marine par. west
Baldry William, apartments, 32 Marine parade west Brookes Tom, refreshment rooms, Pier avenue
Ballard, Phcebe & Emily (Misses), girls' school, 63 Marine Broom & Thurlow, drapers, 10, I I &; 12 Electric parade,
parade east Pier avenue
Bancroft Thomas, chief officer of the coastguard station, Brown Eleanor (Mrs.), nurse, 5 Carlisle villas, Agate road
Tower road Brown Emma Louise (Mrs.), apartments, White haven,
;Banister ArthurStoner,a,partments, 3 Felstead vls.Waltn.rd Rosemary road &; Orwell cottage, Orwell road
Barber Maurice, apartments, Victoria viI. St.Andrew's rd Brown Grainger (Mrs.), apartments, 37 Marine parade ea
Barclay & Company Limited. bankers (branch) Brown Margaret (Mrs.), aparts. Invercauld, Harold road
(Henry Weatherhead, manager); open daily 10 to 4, Brown William Henry Edmund, apartments, 10 Anchor rd
ex.cept sat. 10 to I; Town Hall buildings; draw on Bruce Annie (Mrs.), apartments, Elm villa, Meredith road
head office, 54 Lombard street, London E C Bruce George, apartments, 7 Connaught ter. Wellesley rd
:Barker Arthur Henry, apartments, I Avenue viIs. Old rd Brunswick Hotel .& Restaurant (Arthur Swann, propr.);
Barker Robert Charles, pork butcher, 9 Marte110 terrace, comfortable bedrooms; sea view; large parties catered
Rosemary ;road &, ham & beef shop, Station road for; recently enlarged, Pier avenue
Barkway Maria (Miss), matron Convalescent Home of the Bucknell George, apartments, Chieveley villa,Meredith rd
Eastern Counties Idiot & Imbecile Asylum, Colchester, Bullock Albert Samuel, coal merchant, .Ambleside, Pier
Crossley house, Marine parade east a,venue; & at 'Colchester
Barnard John, apartments, I Rowland terrace, Oxford I'd Burgess Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 4 Morte11o ter-
Barrell Emma. (Mrs.), apartmts. Sunshine, 'Wellesley road race, Rosemary road
Barritt Sarah (Mrs.), apartmts. Tancred, Beaconsfield rd Burling John, apartments, Oakleigh, Wellesley road
:Barry William, apartments, Hawthorne, Eton road Burrell Fredk. apartments, Glenloye, St. Andrew's road
Basey Robert, shopkeeper, Tower house, Vista road BurreH John, pleasure boat proprietor & apartments,
Basham Fredk. Wm. apartments, ACklam cot. Dudley rd Orwell'house, Orwell road
Bates Frederick, apartments, 25 Beach road Burrell Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 4 Anchor viIs. Old I'd
Bates Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Chester house, Station rd Burton Sarah (Mrs.), apaTtmts.8 Warwick vls.Rerbert rd
Batty John, 'Photographer, Windermere, St. Andrew's rd Burwood Geo. Martin, apartments, Rosslyn cot. Castle rd
Battye Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Oshorne villas, Bush Charles, apartments, 2 Milton villas, Hayes .road
Harold road Butters James, teacher of music, Lily cottage,WeIlesley rd
Baxter Emma Jane (Miss),apartmts.6 Devon vils.Hayes rd Buxton In. Thos. coal mercht. Lonsdale viI. Rosemary rd
:Baynton Hy .music wareho. I Station chmbrs. Station rd Buxton Thomas, apartments, I I Anchor road
Beal Theophilus Weston &; Co. boot makers, Station road Calnan Frederick, apartments, I Felstead villas,Walton rd
Beard Emily ,&; Rosa (Misses), ladies' school, 5'5 Marine Carnpbell Peter, apartmts. 2 Connaught ter. Wellesley I'd
parade east. See advert Canler Ambrose Ralph R.P. (Worshipful Company
Ileard Ernest S. mgr. Premier Artistic Photo Co. West av of Plumbers, London), builder, plumber, painter,
Beatty Thomas Carlyle M.D., F.R.C.S.Edin. physician & glazier, house decorator, belIhanger, gas & hot water
surgeon, 53 Marine parade east • fitter ksanitary engineer; .general repairs in all
:Beaumont Elizabeth (Miss), high-class boarding estab- branc'hes, Holmesdale, J ackson road
lishments, facing the sea & pier; nearest house to the Canler Ambrose Ralph (Mrs.), apartments, Holmesdale,
golf links; terms moderate, Beaumont hall, 38 Marine J ackson road
parade west &; Stamford house, 23 Marine parade east Canler Hy.Cornelius,oil & color man,Kinross,Rosemary rd
Beaumont Mary (Mrs.), apartmts. 4 Carlisle vils.Agate rd Canler Philip, apartments, I Linton villas, Rosemary rd
Beazley GhristopherWm. apartmts. Dundee, Watson road Carne May (Miss), apartments, Brockenhurst, West aven
:Beckwith .& Spencer, .surveyors, architects -& civil engurs. Carpenter Charles Henry, apartments, 5 Anchor road
Bank chambers, gtation road Carter Albert, painter, 12 Chelsea villas, Dudley road
Beckwith J eanie (Mrs.), stationer & news agt. High st Carter Charles David, apartments, !Al'ver villa, Hayes road
Bellamy Marianne & Annie (Misses), boarding house,Rarn- Castle Hotel &; Restaurant (James Campbe11 Cheeld,
sey, ,Carnarvon road proprietor); board & residence; good bedrooms;
Bennett John Ebenezer B.A. principal Clacton College for splendid sea views, Station road
Boys, Carnarvon road Castle Alfred Edward, a,partments, I & 2 Compton house,
Berrill Richard, apartments, 8 The Parade, Old road Pier avenue &; refreshment rooms, Station road
:Berry Frederick, bedding manufacturer, Carnarvon road Cattermole Alfred Charles, bathing machine owner, Har-
Betteridge James, apartments,1 Bedford vils.Rosemary rd land house, West avenue
Bickerton Ada (Mrs.), apartments, Copthorne, Hayes rd Cattermole Emily (Mrs.), apart-so 6 Carlisle vils.Agate rd
Bigg Louise (Miss),apartments,see M:ntin & Bigg (Misses) Cattermole WaIter Geo. apartmts. 2 Anchor vils. Old road
Biggers Frederick Poola, apartments, Dl'al ho.Wellesley rd Challis Wm. George, apartments, Evangeline,Ohapman I'd
Eigley Lucy (Miss), apartments, see Wildsmith & Bigley Chamberlayne Arthur Robert, solicitor, commissioner for
(Misses) oaths & perpetual commissioner, clerk to the Frinton
Billings Henry, apartments, Chestnut villa, Meredith rd school board; &, at Frinton-on-Sea 'k WaltDn-on-the-
:Billings John, hDsier, Station road & Rosemary road Naze; & 9 Gracechurch street, London E C
Bishop Ernest Anselm,medical electrician,Spartan,Vista rd Chambers Mary Elizabeth (Miss), boarding house, Elands-
Block George, carrier, 2 Linton villas, Rosemary road fontein, Carnarvon road
Bloomfield Charles, jobbing gardener & .apartments, I Champness Wm. John, apartments, Chatsworth, Colne rd
Myrtle villas, Rose,mary road Chandler Ann (Miss), apartments, I I The Parade, Old rd
-Bloomfield Noah, apartmentS', Hamilton house, Colne road Channell Wm. Thos. apartmt,s.6 Warwick vils.Herbert rd
Illo~ers George Edgar, stationer & fancy repository, I Chaplin Emily (Mrs.), apartments, Beech vil.Meredith rd
PIer avenue . Chaplin John, apartments, Witham house, Rayes road,
Boatman William, p:i-inter, High street Chapple WiIliam, apartments, :<11 Rowlan<J Jer. Oxford I'd
Bole John, apartmen~s\ 36 Beach road Cheeld James Carnpbell, Castle hotel & rel'taurant; board
-Booth &; Mitchell, coal merchants, Oxford road & residence; good bedrooms; splendid ,sea views, Sta-
Booth William James, jobmaster, Rutland lodge, Old road tion road
-Borrodell Emily (Mrs.), householder, 8 Alexandra terrace Chess Club (Henry Foyster, hon. sec.), Town Hall build-
Bost Paul, apartments, Granchester house, Ellis road ings, Rosemary road
Boulton George, apartments, Swincomb, St. Andrew's rd Child Alice (Miss), boarding ho. Brandon ho. Jackson rd
Bowden Charles Frederick, pleasure boat proprietor,Hazel- Christie Maria (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Marine par. west
wood, West avenue Uhubb Robert Richard, manager to OliveI' Brothers, wine
Bradbrook Alfred George, apartments, 18 Anchor road & spirit merchants, Old road
Bray William Hy. builder, 6 Connaught ter. Wellesley rd Church Frederick William, painter, SI Beach road
Bridges Herbert·, apartments, 19 Beach road ClactDn Am Studio, photographers (Jose-ph Thomas
Ilriggs Harriet (Mrs.), apartmts.sCambridge vils.Hayes rd Connolly, manager), Bank chambers, Station road
Clacton College for Boys (Harold Picton B.Sc. house &; estate agent &, clerk to the commissioners, The
gold, silver & resellrch medallist of University Col- Cedars, Colne Toad
lege, Lond. principal), Garnarvon road Cramphorn Limited, corn dealers, Chelmsford ho.Pier av
Qacton Cycle Depot (Frederick Samuel Riggs, propr.); Crisp Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Anchor road
machines for sale or exchange; accessories stocked; Cross Esau, apartments, 4 Anchor road
machines stored, repaired 1& cleaned, I Market place, Cross Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Devon viIs. Haye.s road
Pallister road &; Rosemary road Cl'owther Frdk.Jas.apartmts.3 Connaught tel'. We11esley rd
Clacton Grammar School, for boys, boarders Crump Henrietta (Miss), confectioner, Roselyn, Old road
only (principal, F. W. Hille RA.), Edith road Orumpton George,apartments, Highfield, Oxford road
Olacton Sea Wall Commissioners (Thomas Alfred Cressy, Crystall Ernest, apartmts. 2 Bedford viIs. Rosemary road
clerk), The Cedars, Colne road Oullum Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Loretto ho. Colne rd
Clacton Toilet Saloon,hair dressers, Bank chmbr!l.Statn.rd Oummins Thomas, apartments, Kent villa, The Grove
Clacton Urban District Oouncil Gas &, Water Department Curtis Henry, apartments, Endymion, Old road
(Sydney Francis, engineer & manager); offices, Town Oul'tis Henry, apartments, Hazlehurst, Ellis road
Hall buildings; works, Old road ' Curtis Thomas, fishmonger, Station Toad
Clacton-on-Sea &, District Cottage Hospital (WilliamHenry Cutting Emma (Miss), apartments, Sunnyside, West uv
Slimon M.B. consulting physician; Percy Coleman Daines Elijah, apartments, 48 Beach road
M.D., Arthur Dorman Deane M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. D'Alberte Albe-rt, apartments, Hetleigh, Hllbert road
Edin., James Lee M.B., Stuart Christopher Myngs Daldy Anna Jane (Mrs.), aparts. Victoria viI. Pier avenue
Nourse M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & WilliamGeorge Darby Amalia (Mrs.), apartments, '39 The Grove
Murray M.B., C.M. hon. medical officers; Miss Maude Davall Frank, steam laundry, Old road
Clark, hon. matron 0& Miss Blanche Baker, hon. sec.), Davall Frederick William, laundry, St. Osyth road
Ellis road Davall Henry, apartments, Ferndale, Pallister road
Clacton-on-Sea Golf Club (Robert Dunlop, professional; Davey Nehemiah, carpenter, 3 Dorset terrace, WaIt on I'll
Harry Jones, hon. sec.), Rocklands, Edith road Davies Alexander, fruiterer,s Public Hall bldgs. Pier av
Clacton-on-Sea Graphic & East Coast Illustrated News Davies Harry Matthew, refreshment contractor, Pier ap-
(with which is incorporated the Clacton Gazette) (Clac- proacJ:1 &, fishmonger, fruiterer & refreshment rooms,
ton-on-Sea Graphic Printing &, Publishing Co. Limited, Pier avenue
proprietors; John Sidney Pot·ter, managing director), Davis Eliza (Mrs.), householder, 2 Alexandra terrace
West avenue. See advert Davis Fred, apartments, 6 Hilderthorpe tel'. Castle ruad
Clacton-on-Sea 'Graphic Printing &; Publishing Co. Lim. Dawe Alfd . .Tas. apartments, 3 Douglas ter. Rosemary I'd
(John Sidney Potter, managing director), printers, bill- Day's Hotel & Restaurant (William .T. Day, pro-
posters &;. publishers of the Clacton-on-Sea Graphic &; prietor), beanfea.sts, choir parties, school feasts &; large
East Coast Illustrated News (with which is incorporated & small parties catered for; sitting accommodation for
the Clacton Gazette), West avenue. See advert 700; Station road. See advert
Clacton-on-Sea Jetty Syndicate (Howard, Ellison & Mor- Day Arthur, apartments, 2 Enmore terrace, Castle road
ton, solicitors), West avenue Day Florence (Miss), dress maker, Grace vi!. Meredith I'd
Clacton-on-Sea Town Hall Buildings Co. Limited (Edwin Day Francis Boley, apartments, Leslie villa, Meredith I'd
J. Gilders, managing director & sec.), S ta tion road Day Frederick, apartments, Blairgowrie, Castle road
Clapham John, apartments, Ivy villa, St. Andrew's road Day James, apartments, 2 Felstead villas, Walton road '
Claridge George, apartments, I Devon villus, Hayes road Day William James, Day's hotel & restaumnt, Statiull
Clark Arthur, jobmaster, Pretoria house, Jackson road road & brick maker, St. Osyth road. See advert
Clark Charles William, apa,rtments, I Alexandra terrace Deane Arthur DOTman M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin.,L.:M.
Clark David, confectioner, Eton house, ",Vellesley Toad physician &; surgeon, Floradale, Wellesley road
Clark Jas.road foreman to the U. D. O. The Lodge,Old rd De Beaune Henry, apartments, Sandhurst, Meredith road
Clark Maude 0Miss), matron Olacton-on-Sea &,. District . Dederick Elizh. (Mrs.), apartments, Perdennel, Hayes I'd
Cottage Hospital, Ellis' road De Maid Bertie, apartments, Hilderthorpe, Old I'oad
Clark William, manager Maypole Dairy Co. Lim. Statn. I'd De Maid Norman, apartments, I Church villas, Church I'd
Clarke Albert, hair dresser, Old road De Maid Tryphena (Mrs.), aparts. Oliff cot.BackChurch I'd
Clarke Isaac, builder, see Legg &;, Clarke Devonshire Lodge Boarding Establishment
Clarke Lizzie (Mrs.), apartments, Dunkirk viI. Edith rd (Mrs. & Mr. F. S. Riggs, proprietors); home comforts.
Clarke Thomas, householder, 2 Myrtle viis. Rosemary rd good table, billiards, ping pong; terms moderate; one
Clough Fredk. apartments, Florence viI. Skelmersdale I'd minute from sea and pier, Edith road
Clough James, apartments, Glenthorne, St. Andrew's rd Dewey Annia Salmon (Mrs.), apartments, ID Chelsea viis.
Clough Robert, apartments, 2 Hilderthorpe tel'. Castle rd Dudley road
Coast Development 00. Limited (Samuel John Robert Dewitt George, apartments, 3 Anchor road
Legerton, pier master) Dickenson Eusebius, apartments, 3 Devon viis. Hayes I'd.
Coe James, fruiterer, St. Osyth house, Old road Dimmock William, apartments, Camelot·, Old road
Cole Robert, insurance agent, Fairview, Penfold l'Oad Ditch Susannah (Mrs.), apartmts. I Chester viIs. Ellis I'd
Coleman Annie &;, Clara Louise (Misses), boarding house, Dixey John, a.partments, Dudleigh, Old road
Graham lodge, Vista road Dixon John, apartments, I Carlisle villas, Agate road
Coleman Perey M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Dixon John, coal merchant, Pallister road
surgeon, &, agent to coastguard &;, medical officer &; Dobbs Alfred, servants' registry office &, confectioner.
public vaccinator for No. 8a district of the Tendring Rosemary road & apartments, 20 Beach road
union 1&; to Essex Convalescent Home &, hon. medical Dobney Joseph, apartments, Wesley villa, Rosemary roall
officer to Middlesex Hospital Convalescent Home & to Dodd Thomas Alfred, apartments, Erin villa, Edith road
the Cottage Hospital, Reimore lodge, Oarnarvon road Doeg Eleanor (Mrs.), nursing institute, 33 The Grove
Coleman ",Vm. taxidermist, 2 Merton villas, Holland road Dorrington Alexander, apartments, Hollywood, Wait on I'd
Collingwood Jas. Cuthbert, aparts.Ferndale,Carnarvon I'd Doubleday Arthur Edward, grocer & provision dlr. Pier flV
Collins Arthur, apartments, 2 Oxford tel'. Wellesley road Dove Marian (Mrs.) ,& Sons, fishmongers, poulterers &.
Connolly Jsrph. Thos. photogphrs.Bank chmbrs.Station rd greengrocers, I&;2 Martello terrace, Rosemary road
Constable Maurice Geo. in sur. agt. Elm viI,Rosemary rd Dove Marian (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Beach road
Convalescent Home of the Eastern Counties Idiot & Dowman John, a.partments, Lyndhurst, Ha~'es road
Imbecile Asylum, Colchester (Miss Maria Barkway, DOVllney William (from Peter Robinson Limited),
matron), Oros,sley house, Marine parade east general draper, milliner, hosier, glover, costumier,
Cook Chas. Hy. sergt. of police, 8 Chelsea viIs. Dudley rd ladies' outfitter, Parisian & West End warehouse, Lon-
Cook Henry, apartments, Glenthorn, Meredith Toad don house, Pier avenue &. Maison Nouvelle, Station I'd
Cook John Will M.D. medical officer of health to the Downing James, bill poster, 42 Beach road
Tendring &, Lexden &, Winstree Rural District Councils Downs George, apartments, St. George's viI. Wellesley I'd
&, the Clacton &, Walton-on-the-Naze Urban • District Drake Clifford Reuben Aug. ho. decoratr. Balmoral,Old rct
Councils, Ormonde lodge, Ca,rnarvon road Drake Philip, boot maker, Iseledon, Old road
Cooke pavid Frederick, solicitor, Station road Draper Harry, mgr. Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited.
Cooper Dinah Ellen (Mrs.), aparts. Alton house, Alton I'd Station l'Oad
Cooper Ida (Y.[rs.), apartments, Hope villa, West avenue Drinkwater Alfd.lessee of public hall & readng.rms.Pier av
Cooper Mrs. householder, I Melbourne villas, Vista road Ducker Page, ,apartments, 2 Wellesley villas, Pier avenue
Cooper Waiter Ernest, apartments, I Hubert road Duffield George, a.partments, Lucas villa, Freeland road
Corke ~dgar Wm. apartmts. The Elms, St. Andrew's I'd Dunbar Emma (Mrs.), ladies' school, Fairfield, Hayes 1'<1
Oornborough Wi11iam, apartments, Crouch ho.Orwell rd Duncan Emily (Mrs.), apartments, Melrose, Priory road
Cornelt King Viall, jobbing gardener, 2 May vls.Vista I'd Dunham Wm. apartments, 4 villas, Hayes rd
County Police Station (In. Lennon, inspector), West avn Dunn George, apartments, Rosebrook cottage, Onve11 I'd
Cramp !{erbert, local manager International Tea Co's. Dunn George William, householder, Brownlow, Vista I'd
Stores1.imited, fltation road ,. Dunt Sarah (MI1s.), apartments, Hulda villa, Old road
Cressy 'rhomas Alf'red, "lrchitect &, surveyor, land, Eade Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Pallister road


Eade Elizabeth (Mrs.), apa,rts. '3 Boscombe vIs. Dudley I'd Francis Sydney, engineer &; manager, Clacton Urban Dis-
Eade James, apartments, 3 Willsbrook vils.Wellesley road trict Council Gas & Water Department, Town Hall bldgs
Eade William, apartment.s', 2' ·Chester villas, Ellis road Franciscan Convent &; Day School (Rev. Mother Berna-
East Essex Advertiser &; Clacton News (Abraham Quick dine, lady superior), Holland road
&; Co. Limited, publishers; published saturday) ; office, Franks Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Crosby ho. Colne I'd
Station road. See a.dvert Franks James W. butcher, I 'l'he Parade, Rosemary road
East Mary (Mrs.), boarding house, 20 Marine parade we,st Freelove Willia.m, apartments, Thornthwaite, Meredith I'd
Edgar Thos.Geo. apartments. Whit-field ho.Rosemary road Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot makers (Harry
Edwards Jane (Miss), fried fish shop, Rosemary road Draper, manager), Station road
Edwards- William, apartments, Peachy vil.St.Andrew's I'd French Ernest Jas. apartments, Eythrope, Wellesley Toad
Elandsfonteln Boarding Establishment (Miss }<'ries Martin, photographer, Rosemary road
M. E. Chambers, proprietress); three minutes from Fromm Maud (Miss), manageress F. Brendel Limited,.
station.&; sea; from 2'5s. weekly, according to season Town Hall buildings, Rosemary road
&; rooms, Carnarvon road Frost Ada (Miss), a.partments, 4 Regis tel'. St. Osyth rd
Eldred Henry, collector of rates to urban district council Fulcher Wm. Herbert, apart,ments, 212 Anchor road
&; assistant overseer, Town Hall .buildings Fuller Charles, -apartments, Glenburgie, Hayes road
Eldridge Edward, apartments, 'Crayon house, CoIne road Fuller James, boot maker, 14 Electric parade, Pier avenue
Eley Annie (Mrs.), apartments, Dew-Ryrst, Hayes road Gage George Frederick, greengrocer, Station road
Elliott Eleanor Carter (Mrs.), hsehldr. 9 Alexandra ter Gale William Henry, apartments, Tugela vil.Wellesley rd
Ellis &; Turner, builders, 5 Electric parade, Pier avenue Gardiner Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 3 Tennyson viIs.
&; Aldersgate works, Old road Rosemary road
Ellis Henry, apartments, Warwick house, Colne road Gardlner George• .architect & surveyor, I I Marine
Ellis John, apartments, NDrmanhurst, Edith road parade east
Ellis Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Devon villas, Hayes I'd Gat'field Brothers, greengrocers, Newbelle, Pier avenue
Ellison Qoborne Jas. solctr. see Howard, Ellison &; Morton Gat-field Heorge, apartments, Columbia ho. Wellesley road
Elliston Edward, apartments, I Albert cot. St. Osyth rd Gatfield Percy, carpenter, Avondale, Wellesley road
Elphick Elizh. (Mrs. ),aparts.The Hawthorns,Wellesl'ey rd Gatfield WaIter, apartments, AYondale, Wellesley road
Elsdon Emily Jane (Mrs.),apart~ts.4Silurian vls.West av Gee Frederick William, apartments, 218 Anchor road
Ely John, apartments, Hartwell cottage, Castle road Gent Henry, apartments, I Tendring villas, Church road
Emmerson -& Harris, The Towers private hotel &; board- Gentry Waiter, apartments, 2 Elsie villas, Old road
'ing house, Marine parade east George Thomas, decorator, Singlehurst, St. Andrew's I'd
Essex Imperial Yeomanry (Clacton .& District Troop, A Gibbons Letitia (Mrs.), apartments, St. Keyne, Agate rd
Squadron) ('Sergt. Arthur Robert Page, senior non-com- Gilbert John, apartments, 3 Hilderthorpe tel'. Castle road
missioned officer); head quaners, Warwick Castle hotel, Gilders Brothers, farmers, Coppin's hall & Coppin's
Pier avenue wick &; dairy, Town Hall buildings, Rosemary road
Evans Ellen (Mrs.),aparts.2 Willsbrook vils.Wellesley rd Gilders Ed\Nin Joseph, auctioneer, surveyor, valuer,
Evans Lucy (Miss), apartmts. :Victoria. villa, Agate road house, land & estate agent, coal merchant &; brick
Evans William, apartments, 4 Essex viIs. St. Osyth road maker, Station road ,&; Railway station; brick works,
Evans Wm. Jas. house &; estate agt.! Arundel vls.Page rd St. O.syth road (Telephone No. 092); London office, 10
Exon Frank Herbert, chemist, Pier avenue Union court E C. See advert
Falrclough Zachariah. carriage proprietor, carter &; Gladwell John, apartments, 2' Deyon villas, Hayes road
contractor; horses &; carriages for hire, Fairfield, Jack- Goddard Samuel, draper, Station road
son road Goldney John &; Co. wine &; spirit merchants, Rosemary
Fairclough Zachariah (Mrs.) ,apartmts.Fairfield,Jacksn.rd road &; Hayes road
Fairclough William, brick maker, I Elsie villas, Old road Goldsmith William, foreman to the Urban District Council
Fairhead Walter John, plumber, Beulah, St. Andrew's I'd gas &; water works, Old road
Fairweather In. apartments, Fairleigh, St. Andrew's I'd Godey Wm. Hy. apartments, Red Rose vil.Rosemary Toad
FalkinderCharles, tobacconist, Warwick parade, Old road Goodman Waiter, boarding house, Montague house,
Farnsworth Elizh. (Mrs.), apartmts. Fairview, Penfold I'd 29 Marine parade See advert
Farrell Agnes (Mrs.), boarding ho. Haroldene, Harold rd Goodwin Harold, apartments, 318 Beach road
Farrington Henry, apartments, 8 Anchor road Graham Sarah Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Essex villas,
Felton Mabel (Miss), dress maker, Hayes villa, Hayes I'd St. Osyth road
Fenn Harry Victor, jobmaster, Warwick castle, Old road Grand Hotel (The) (James G. Baird, manager);
&; Pier avenue finest hotel on the east coast, opened I897; electric
Fenn James, apartments, Colwyn, Hayes road light throughout; ,electric lift; ladies' orchestra per.
Ferraby J ane (Mrs.) ,apartments,Marengo villa, Thorough- forms twice daily throughout year, Marine parade ea It
good road Gray Ernest, apartments, !6 Anchor road
Field Alfred Wallington, apartments, I Warwick villas, Green Arch, apartments, Overcliffe, Orwell road
Herbert road Green Richd. Measures, tailor, Clissold villa, Pier avenue
Finbow Oharles, jobmaster, Herbert lodge, High street 'Green Samuel Hutchinson, house &; coal agent, Amble·
Finbow Harry, apartments, Logan villa, Meredith Toad side, Pier avenue
Finch &; Almond, bathing machine proprietors Greer John, apartments, I Rhine villas, Jackson road
Finch Alice (Mrs.), sanitary hosiery depot, 4 Electric Gregory Geo. apartments, 3 McKinley vils. St. Andrew's rd
parade, Pier avenue Greig Beatrice (Mrs.), tobacconist, I Pier lLpproach
Finch Ebenezer, boot.& shoe maker, Station road Gribble Mary Lavinia (Mrs.), boarding house, St. Olave's,
Finch Emma (Mrs'.), confectnr. 2 Electric par. Pier aven Church road. See advert
Finch James, apartments, 2' Dorset terrace, Walton road Grigson George, apartments, 2 Edith villas, Church road
Finer Henry, auctioneer, Mortime,r house, Station road Grigson George, pleasure boat proprietor & apartments,
Finney Johanna (Mrs.), apartments, Ozone viI. Old road Harold house, J ackson road
Fisher James Coorper, insur. agt. &; apartmts. 3 Beach I'd Grimwade John Henry, tailor, outfitter i& boot dealer,
Fitch Arthur, blacksmith, nosemary road &, Brooklyn Arnold house, Pier avenue & hatter &; tailor, Station rci
villa, Church road Groves Hy. market gardener, Victoria cot. Cambridge rd
Fitch Frederick, apartment-s, 23 Beach road Groves William, apartments, 3 The Parade, Old road
Fleming Jane Ellen (Miss), aparts. Rosemary ha. Ellis I'd Growns John, apartments, Essex villa, Hayes Toad
Fletcher W. &; R. Lim. btchrs. '3 MarteUo ter.Rosemary rd Gulliver Harriet (Mrs.), apartmts.St.Aldhelm,Wellesley I'd
Fletcher Elizh. M. (Mrs.), aparts. Eusemere, Castle road Gunn Kate (Mrs.), apartments, Brisbane, Hayes road
Ford James, apa.rtments, Calcntta lodge, Edith road Radaway William George, apartments, Osborne, Hayes Td
Ford John, apartments,s Connnught tel'. Wellesley road Hainsworth Peter, apartments, Bismore, Wellesley road
Forder Mabel (Mrs.), ,a.partments, Westward Ho, Ellis I'd Haley Charles, apartments, Dalkeith, Station road
Fosker Louisa (Miss), dI'ess maker, 3 Malvern cottages, Hall Lucy (Miss), matron Sunday School Union Children's
St. Osyth road Holiday Home, Marine parade east
Foss Thomas, apartments, Dalkeith, Edith road Hallums Charles, apartments, Hayescroft, Hayes road
Foster Helen (Miss), apartments 4, &; boarding house 6, Hammant Ernest, french polisher, Bellerophon ho. Old rd
Marine parade west Hammond Frederick John, painter &; shopkeeper, 7 The
Foster Mina (Miss), dress ma. 4 Oxford ter.Wellesley Toad Parade, Old road
Foster William (Mrs.), aparts. Anglia cot. St. Osyth road Hancock Robt. Wm. apartments, Nore viI. St.Andrew's rd
Foulkes Edwin, fruiterer, 10 Martello tel'. Rosemary road Harman John Herbert. auctioneer, valuer, house,
Fox Henrietta (Mrs.), apartmts. Torquay ho. Orwell road ,land, estate &; insurance agent; houses to let furnished
Fox Jennie (Mrs.), apartmts. 2 Carlisle viIs. Agate road .& unfurnished; list of houses &; building land for sale
Fox William George, tobacconist, Station road .gratis on application, Marine parade east; auction
Foyster Henry, confectioner, Pier avenue & refreshment ,rooms,;td. See 'advert
rooms, Town Hall buildings, Rosemllry road Hards Ada (Mrs.), apartments, 'I2 Marine parade west '
France Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, IS Beach road

Harris Ernest, apartments, 5 Anchor villas, Old road Johnson Charles, manager, I Daisy viIs. Thoroughgood rd
Harris Francis Edward, The Towers private hotel & board- Johnson Edmund, apartments, Glenrose, Wellesley road
ing house, see Emmer:son ,& Harris Johnson Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 34 Beacb road
Harris Hermann Thos. shopkpr. Starr cot. St. Osyth rd Johnson Emily (Mrs.), boarding house, Rosebank, 65
Harl'is John, apartments, 2 :Marie villas, Old road Marine para,de east
Harrison Thomas Henry, Osborne hotel, Rosemary road Johnson Robert, apartments, 4 Warwick villas, Herbert rd
Harriss Edwa,rd & Co. greengrocers & fruiterers, Eank Johnson William, shopkeeper, 6 Nelson villas, Key road
buildings, Station road Jones F. R. & Sons Limited, wine & spirit merchants,Rose-
Hart Frances Jane (Miss), Gpartmts. Primrose, Hayes I'd mary road 1& Oxford road
Harvey Harry, apartments, 3 Castle villa,s, 'Castle road Jones Ha.rry, accountant Clacton U. D. C. Town Hall bldgs
Harvey Martha (Mrs. ),apartments, Si-anley ho.PallisteI' I'd Jones Henry Fredk. aparts. Kentara villa, Wellesley road
Rarvie Robert, 'Steam laundry, Old road Jones 'William Enoch, grocer, Rosemary road
Hawkes Caroline (Mrs.), Station hotel, Station Toad Joyce David, assist,ant superintendent Prudential Assnr-
Hawkins Emily Sophia (Mrs.), apartments, Leycroft, ance Co. Limited, Sweetbriar, Eton road
J ackson road Judge Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Redriff, Ellis rand
Haydon George, apartments, 2 Stanley villas, Holland rd Keenes J ames, apartment,s, 9 Marine parade east
Haynes May (Miss), ladies' school, Bedford lodge, Car- Kelf Frederick, photographer, Pier avenue
narv()n road. See advert Kendall George, surveyor, Locksley, Hayes road
Hazard & Pratt, solicitor:s, Bank chambers, Station road Kenyon Isabella (Mrs. ),aparts.Lot'hair house,Station road
Hazard Henry William, solicitor, see Hazard & Pratt Kerridge George, apartments, '''hite Rose vil.Rosemary rd
Hazelton Frederick, coal merchant, Stock villa, Old road Kerridge Lydia (Mr,s.), aparts. 3 ,Oxford ter. Wellesley rd
Hazelton George, apartments, Devon, St. AndTew's road Kettle Henry, confectioner, Prosperoushouse, Old road
Henley Walt.Robt.apart:mts. The Paddock, SLAndrew's rd Kidd Albert, apartments, 2 North cots. Back ·Church road
Hig;gin Annie (Mrs.), apa.rtmts. Mapletreuse, Station I'd King Arthur George, manager Royal family & commercial
Rigging. Charles James, apartments, 6 Hubert road hotel & ,boarding & posting bouse, Marine parade
Higgs Oharles Lambard, butcher, St'ation road King Charles Henry, apartments, Omdurman, Crossfld.rd
Higgs Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, Linden villa, 'Ihe Grove King Edwin, rupartments, 2 Tennyson villas, Rosemnry rd
Hildreth Stanley Cooper, apartments, 4 Hilderthonpe ter- King Frederick, apartments, Sandown, St. Andrew's road
race, Castle road King George, apartments, I Willsbrook vils.Wellesley I'd
Hill Charles Frederick, Marine hotel, Rosemary road King Henry, house decorator & furniture dealer, 6 The
Hill Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, Pier avenue Parade, Old road
Hillary Frederick, house furnisher, Station road King Richd. Oakes, insur. agt. Old Bank ho. Colne road
Hille Fritz Wm. RA. grammar school for boys, Edith road King Sydney, apartments, I Tennyson viIs. Rosemary I'd
Hills Jane (Mrs.), apartmts. Shakespeare vils.Meredith rd King' William Davies, apartmts. St. Osytb viI. The Grove
Hines John, apartments, Claremont cottage, Castle road King William Ralph, apa,rtments, I Castle villas, Castle rd
Robrow James Hy. jobmaster, 2a, Avenue vi11as, 'Old rd Kistruck Mary Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, Medford lodge,
HobrQW WaIter, apartments, Kirkdale cot. 'Castle road Station road
Hockey Rhoda (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Marine parade west Kitt.}e Robt. Jeremiah, apartmts. 2 Salisbury viIs.Ellis rd
Hodges Ambrose, stone mason, Oxford road. See advert Knight Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, Edward villa, Walton rd
Hodgson Albert & Co. oil & calor men, Rosemary road Knowles James Dovey & Co. painters, 8 Connaught ter-
Hole George, ironmonger, Rosemary road race, Wellesley road
Holliday Jane (Miss), apartments, The Lilacs, Orwell rd Lacblison Charlotte (Mrs.), apartmts. 2 Avenue vls.Old I'd
Holmand Geo. apartments,4 McKinley vils.St.Andrew's I'd LakeI' Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, Clunie villa, Hayes rd
Holmes Chas. Jas. apartmts. 2 Mayell viIs. Rosema.ry road Lambourn Henry, apartments, 2 'Carlton tel'. Walton road
lIolmes Frank, boarding house, Bray lodge, Ellis road Lander Frances Amelia (Miss), antique dealer, 3 Station
Home & Colonial Stores Limited(Henry Thomas Williams, chambers, Station road
manager), tea & provision dealers, Bank bldgs.Statn.rd Langlands Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, St.
"Hook Bessie (Mrs.), apartments, I Bognor viIs. Page road Leonard's" Meredith road
'Hook George, watch maker, Pier avenue Larter Cath. (Mrs.), apartments, Norland cot. Castle road
Horniblew Arthur, hair dresser, Moseley dene, Old road Larter Ja:mes, apartments, 4 Enmore terrace, Castle road
Howard, Ellison & Morton, solicitors, West avenue; & Lass Ernest, manager, 2 Hubert villas, Hubert road
at Colchester Lass Florence (Mrs'.), dress ma. 2 Hubert vils.Huberi road
Howard William, solicitor &; commissioner for oaths, see Lawrence Harriet Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Mel-
Howard, Ellison & Morton bourne villas, Vista road
Howard William, a.partments, 3 Priory road Lawrence Theodore, carpenter, Albion villa, WelIesley rd
lIowe Wesley, apartments, Havelock house, Colne road Laws James, apartments, 2 Anchor road
Howell.Annie (Miss), manageress F. Brendle Lim. Pier av Leaver Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 6 \Anchor viIs. Old rd
Hubbard George Herbert, tailor, Clarence villa, Agate rd Leaver Frederick, apartments, 8 Anchor villas, Old road
Hunter George, apartments, Isledon lodge, Old road Lee James M.B.Edin. physician &; surgeon (firm, Mait-
"Rurrell Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper, Station road land & Lee), 3'1: Marine parade east; surgery, Green
Huson James John, apartments, Holmhurst, AIton road farm, Old road
.Huxter Adolphu8 Will lam, auction, estate & archi- Legerton J ahn, apartments, 32 Beach road
tectural offices; agent for the Royal Insurance Co.; Legerton Samuel James Robert, apartments; pier master
offices, Bank chambers, Station road. Telephone No. & inspector of boats to the Urban District Council, The
2; Telegrams, "Huxter, Olacton-on-Sea" Pearls, Edith road
'Huxter Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, Harcourt, Edith road Legg ,& 'Clarke, builders, I Frances villas, Dudley road &;
""Hymas Herbert, apartments, Clematis, Eton road Homeleigh, St. Andrew's road
"Imperial Hotel (WaIter Firmin Reed, proprietor); three Lennon John, inillpector of police &; hackney carriages &;
minutes from the pier, Rosemary road assistant inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Ani-
Ingram iCharles Henry, apartments, 30 Ancbor road mals) Act, West avenue
'Innes William, boys' school, Delicia, Vista road , Leslie John, apartments, 30 Beach road
International 'Tea Co's. Stores Limited, grocers &c.(Herbt. Levin Sophi-a (Miss), apartments, Sheendale villas, Old I'd
Cramp, local manager), Station road Levy Alkin, apartments, Heathfield, Hayes road
.Irving Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 6 Alexandra terrace Lewellen Frederick William & Co. ironmongers, 6 & 7
'Irving Elizaheth (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Alexandra ter Public Hall buildings, Pier avenue & cycle makers,
Irwin Felicity Agnes (Miss), principal Marguerite Home Wellesley road. See advert
for Factory Girls, Wallesley road Lewis George Thomas, clerk t() the Urban District Coun-
Iszard Susan (Mrs.), apartments, Leeshope, Orwell road cil, Town Hall buildings
'Ivimy Charles, apartments, 3 Marine pa.rade east Lightfoot Peter, apartments, 2 St.James' vils.¥eredith rd
..fackson John, apartment,~,;'Alma house, St. Osyth road Linnett Ma,ry (Miss), apartments, 30 Marine parade west
.Jackson Wm. James, apartments, Lyndhurst house, Old rd Lipton Limited, provision dealers & grocers (John Frank
.Jacobs George, apartments, Home lodge, St. Osyth road Redding, local manager), West avenue
.J'ac()bs William, apartments, I Boscombe vils. Dudley rd Lodge Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, Easton villa, Hayes road
1facques Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartmts. Hurst ldg. Edith Td London & County Banking ,Co. Limited (branch) (Edward
James John, draper, 5 Pier avenue Wallace, manager), open daily, ,ID a.m. to 4 p.m.; ex-
J"efferies' Edward P. boot maker &; town crier, Castle Td cept sat. ID a.m. to I p.m. Eank buildings, Station rd. ;
J"effrey Charles, carter, Ka.te villa, Olivers road dra w on head office, 21 Lombard street, London E C
Jenkins Annie (Mrs.), a,partments, The Gables, Colne rd Long James, apartments, East dene, Vista road
:renkins Geo.Keith, apGrtmts. 2 Archdale vils.Rosemary rd Lord Edward, apartments, Florence villa, Hayes road
lenns George, apartments, 44 Beach road Lovell Edward, apartments, Kimberley, Jackson road
lewell Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Grantbam villas, Lubbock 'rhos. Benj. boot & harness maker, Rosemary rd
B(}semary road ~abbiU Thomas, apartments, LesHe villa, Ellis road
McAdllrn Anthony, apartments, 1 Oxford tel'. Wellesley rd
MeKay James, builder, Bradford bouse, i)ld road
I Morley
Morley Eugene Rymer,apartments, Shamrock,Wellesley I'd
N ellie (Mrs.), l\lpartments, 3 Wellesley viIs.Pier av
Mackenzie Donald & Sons, builders, contractors, en- Morris Louisa Annie (Mrs.), Victoria private & commer-
gineers &- brick manufacturers, dealers in timber, cial hotel, Carnarvon road. (opposite Railway station)
bricks, slates, drain pipes, tiles, stona, cement, lime & Morris Thos. ShowIer, Warwick Castle hotel, Pier avenue
chimney pieces, Station works; brick works at 'l'horpe- Morton CeciI Howard, solctr.see Howard,Ellison & Morton
le-Soken &; "Valton-on-the-Naze. Telegrams," Macken- Morton Percy, apartments, 9 The Parade, Old road
zie, Clacton-on-Sea" Moss Martha Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 21 Marine par. east
Maekie Gascoigne, private tutor, Effingham, Cambrdg. rd Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants (Edward Mead,local
J'.laekinnon Adam, apartments, 14 Anchor road manager), Station yard
Maelr.lin Henry, householder, Victoria villa, Old road Mules Henry, sergeant of police, 5 Oxford ter.Wellesley Td
::Maevey John, apartments, 23 The Grove Mulley Thomas, insurance agent, 26 BeaGh road
Maitland &; Lee, phy.sicians & surgeons, 31 Marine parade Murray Wm. Geo. M.R, C.M. surgeon, Beta ha. Station rd
east &; surgery, Green farm, Old road Mutimer Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school, The Hollies,Colne I'd
Maitland Charles Robert RA.Cantab., M.R.C.S.Eng., National Telephone Co. Limited (Mrs. Anna Jane Dalby,
L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon (see Maitland & caretaker), Victoria villa, Pier avenue
Lee) Neal William, apartments, Anglesea villa, St. Andrew's I'd
Maling Thomas W. clothier, Station road Nea-ve Thos. Wilson, aparts. 7 Hilderthorpe tel'. Castle I'd
Mann Emma (Mrs.), boot & shoe dealer, Old road Nevinson WaIter, furniture dealer, Rosemary road
Mann George Thomas, cabinet maker, Pier avenue Newall Waiter, solicitor, Withington, Hubert Toad
MannWllliam, family &; dispensing chemist, depot for Newbery.Annie (Mrs.), a.partmts. Ivy villa, Pier avenue
homceopathic medicines, aerated & mineral waters, Newing Stephen, apartments & plasterer, 13 Marine par. ea
photographic apparatus, sponges &c. (established 1'875), Newman John Ephraim, aparts.Rosevilla,St. Andrew's I'd
2 Pier avenue. Tel. No. 097. See advert Newson, hosier, 17 Electric parade, Pier avenue
Manning George, jobbing gardener, 34 .Anchor road Newson Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, Hazledean, Hayes I'd
'" Marguerite" Home for Factory Girls (Miss Felicity Newstead Samuel, wine &; spirit merchant & CarUon re-s-
Agnes Irwin, principal), Wellesley Toad taurant, Rosemary road
Marie et Cie. milliners, West avenue Nice George SomeI', cycle maker, Orwell road
Ma.rIton John Robert, coach painter ,&; fancy repository, Nicholls Minnie (Miss), '<lpartments, Bellevue ho. Ellis rd
Orwell road Nichols Maurice,apartments,1 North cots. Back Church I'd
Marshall David, apartments, 1 Dorset terrace, Walton I'd Nightingale Thomas, builder, Thornbury, Wellesley road
Martin & Bigg (Misses), apartments, 1 Osborne villa-s, Noble Albert Ernest,tobaccnst.4 Public Hall bldgs.Pier av
Harold road Noble Frederick, apa.rtments, -18 Ma.rine paraae west
Martin Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Harold lodge, Church I'd Norman Harry, carpenter, Summer villa, Park road
Martin Edward, householder, 3 Hubert villas, Hubert I'd Nourse Stuart Christopher Myngs M.R.C.S.Eng.,L.R.C.P.
Martin .lamesWilllam, auctioneer, house, land I&; Land. physician & surgeon, Hurst villa, Jackson road
estate agent, architect, surveyor &; valuer, Station Nunn Mary (Mrs.), boarding bouse, Carnarvon, Station I'd
chambers, Station road &; auction room, Oxford road; Nunn Sarah Elizh. (Mrs.), apartmts. 19 Marine par. east
&; at 17 Coleman street, London E C. Telegrams, O'Grady Thomas Henry, oilman, Old road
"Martlet, Cladon-on-Sea." See advert Oliver Brothers (Robert Richard Chubb, manager), 'Oscar, apartments agt. Westbourne ho. West aven The .S~dbury ale, wine, spirit ~ aerated water stores;
Martin Reuben, apartments, 5 Beach Toad speCIalIty, half-crown -beers, aerated waters from an
Martin Robert, apartments, 5 The Parade, Old I'd artesian spring; stores, Old road (next to tbe water
Maskew William, pharmaceutical chemist, West avenue tower)
Mason Florence (Miss), apartments, Cromer ho. Ellis I'd Operetta Ho~se (Henry Foyster, lessee &; manager), Town
Masonic Lodge (2,06'3, Si. Osyth's Priory) (Captain Ed- Hall buildmgs .
ward Frayling, sec.), Royal hotel, Marine parade east Osborn Mary Ann (MISS), apartments, 16 B~ach road
Masonic Royal Arch Chapter (2,003 Coronation) (Capt. Osborne Arthur, photographer, 2 C.h~lsea viis. Dudley Td
Edward Frayling, scribe E), Royal. hotel,Marine par.east Overend Walker M.A., M.D. phYSICIan &; surgeon, Glen
Ma.ssey ROIbert, apartments, Brockridge, Wellesley road Roy lodge, Carnarvon road . .
M,athams Fredk. George, aparts. 3 Anchor villas, Old road Owen Aubrey (Mrs.), teacher of mUSiC & danC>, Ravens-
Mathams Heo. apartments, 5 Tennyson viIs. Rosemary I'd croft, Station road
_Ma.thews .Alhert Wa.rren, grocer, Old road Page Arthur, apartments, Stockton villa, Rosemary road
"}ia.y Ernest Edward,arcbit,ect & surveyor,see Baker &; May Page Arthur Robert, general carrier &; contractor;
..Mayhew Leonard Arcber, apartm.ents, Ivydale, Ellis road authorized cartage agent to G. E. Railway; furniture
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited (William Clark, manager), remover &c. Goods yard, Railway station
provision deaJe-rs, Station Toad Page Chas. Wm. apartments, Home viI. St. Andrew's I'd
Mazzoleni Antonio, refreshment rooms, Station road '& Page <Geo. cab proprietor &; aparts. Colne boo Orwell road
West avenue Page Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Anchor road
Mead Edwd. local mgr. to Thomas Moy Lim. Station yard Page .Tohn, apartments, Mayfield, Hayes road
Middlesex Hospital Convalescent Home (Miss Georgina Page Sarah (Miss), laundress, Malvern ho. St. Osyth Toad
Morgan, matron; Perey Coleman M.D. hon. medical Page William, apartments, Clacton villa, Rosemary road
officer), Holland ra-ad Parish Harry, -apartments, 3 Hubert road
Miles Frederick, apartments, Oak villa, Meredith road Parish John, insurance agent, Woodbine, Eton road -
Miller Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Anchor viIs. Old I'd Parsons Mary.Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Hobart, Hayes I'd
Miller Harriet -(Miss), china de-aIel' Ill, & t8Y dealer 12, Parsons William, apartments, 7 Hubert road
Pier a.pproach Parsons William, nurseryman, St. Osyth road
::Miller Henry Ernest, commercial traveller, Thoroughgood Patrick Joseph, apartments, Salisbury house, Cbapman I'd
villas, Thoroughgood road Paul Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, Henry ho. Agate road
Miles Charles William, apartments, May villa, Old road Paul William, apartments, I I The Grove
Mills Edward, blacksmith & engineer, Station yard Pearce Herbert, apa.rtments, Trenewan, St. Andrew's road
Ylills John, avartments, Firdale, Oxford road Pearce Phil1p, apartments, 2 Broughton villas, Priory I'd
-Mills Telford Anthony, colour-sergeant instructor, H Co Pearks, Gunston &; Tee Limited, provision dealers (Harry
2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment'47' Beach road Aylott, manager), Town Hall buildings, Rosemary road
Mills WaIter, boarding house, Sydenham bouse, Ellis rd & 7 & 8 Electric parade, Pier avenue
,:Minifie Tbomas, apartments, I Hilderthorpe tel'. Castle I'd Pees George, builder &; contractor, carpenter, joiner,
NIitchell Frederick Horace Henry, watch maker, Sandown undertaker &; funeral furnisher; estimates given for all
house, Wellesley road classes of building work, Fyfield house, -Old road
NIitchell John, apartments, 12 Anchor road Pegg Mrs. Amelia,' apartments, Westoe, Carnarvon road
, . ~Iolloy John, oil &; color man, Wellington ho. Wellesley I'd Pennefather Mein.orial Home of Rest (Miss Kate Sains-
-Montague House Select Private Boarding bury, matron), Mildmay cottage, Wellesley road
Establishment; finest position, facing the sea -& Pennick Albert Edward, builder, Claremont, Wellesley I'd
pier; terms moderate (WaIter Goodman, proprietor), Penny WilliamAugustus,apartments, Maybank vil.Ellis rd
29 Marine parade east Pepper Nina (Mrs.), confectioner, Warwiok parade, Old rd
Moore John May, -blacksmith, Wilton house, Old road Pepper WaIter Harry, tailor, see Renton & Pepper
Mooring Joseph, apartments, Marlow lodge, Ellis road Percival Shadrach, apartments, Vida cott.age, Wellesley I'd
Morgan Georgina (Miss), matron Middlesex Hospital Con- Percy Godfrey, apartments, 20 Anchor road
valescent Home, Holland road Perry Owen (Mrs.), boarding ho. Bedford ho. Pallister I'd
.Moriarty Edward, apartments, & cliff inspector to the Petche Hy.Edwin, house & estate agt.Brompton vil.Old rd
Urban District Council, 2 Beach road Petley Geo. Henry, hair dresser, 3 Electric par. Pier aven

Fettifer' Charles; apartments, 3 'Eilrilore terrade',Castle 'rd Bo'b'inson A'rthur' Richard, surveyot to the Urban' District
~ewter Francis Thos. apartmts. Christlehnrst,Meredith rd' Council, & ~aptaiti of t'he Volunteer Fire Brigade, Town
'Phillips Harriet Olivia (Mrs.), st,ationer, & fancy, reposi- " Hall buildings ' C •

tory, Station road ' ' Robinson Mary (Mrs.), apa.rtments, 3' &; 4 PalIister Toad
Phillips Jame.s, apartments, Chelsea house, Jackson road Roblnson Thomas Wlckham. house, land &; estate-
Pickersgill Elizabeth (Miss), apart1ntB. IS Marine par. east i& insurance -agent, valuer &; surveyor; list of houses,
Pict-on Harold B.Sc. principal 'ClactonCollege for BOJs, land, shops &; offices tQ be let or sold, free, The Avenue-
Oarnarvon road estate office, Station Toad, See advert
Pidgeon Robert, apartments, Walmer house, WeIlesley rdRogers David. William,apartments, Gordon viI, Dudley, rd:
Pier Pavilion Refreshment Bar (Albert E, Stone, mgr.). Raper Jabez, 'apartments, Horkesley villa, Wellesley roau
Pier pavilion Rosebank Boarding- Establishment; south aspect,
Pigg Elizabeth & Annie (Misses), apartmeTlts, (j Cam- close to Grand hotel, lawns; garden, facing sea; liberal
I bridge villas, Hayes road ' table (Mrs. Emily Johnson, proprietress), 65 Marine-
Pike Flora (Mrs.), apartments, St. Kilda, Old road parade east
'Pike WiUiam, apartments, 4 Hubert road :Rowe John, householder, Eton villa, Eton road
PittuckAlbert Edwd.apartmts.Leonard cot. Cambridge ra Royal family .& commercial hotel .& boarding
Pittuek .Jonathan. apartments. St. AndrAw's villa, Old rd & posting house (address the manager), for families-
Player Bertha (Miss), teacher of music, 2 Cambridge vils. &; gentlemen; southern aspoot, with uninterrupted se'a
Wellesley road view, overlooking the pier & promenade; 60 bedrooms,
Pocock Henry, builder, Westbury, Wellesley road '8 private sitting-rooms, billiard room (2 tables),
Pool Philip, apartments, 5 Hilderthorpe terrace, Castle I'd smoking room,extensive stablinO' &; coach houses,Marine
Poole Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Marguerite, West av parade east "'
Popham Eliza (Miss), apartments, Melrose, Meredith road Royce Ellen Ma,rgaret (Mrs.), apartments, I Kempley viIs.
Porter'Richard, ap~rtments, 6 Oxford tel'. Wellesley road Rosemary road
P~tter James, furmture dealer, Old road . Rush Alfred, apartments, 17 Beach road
'Potter John, yacht owner, &; apartments, 2 Overton vl1las, Rushton Henry Wm.househldr. 2 Boscombe vils.Dudley rd
Wellesley road . Russell Ada (Mrs.), a,partments, 2 Bognor villas, Page I'd
Potter John Sidney, managing director Clacton-on-Sea Sainsbnry Kate (Miss), matron Pennefather MemoriaJ
Graphic Printing &; Publishing Co. Limited, 'West avn Home of Rest, Mildmay cottage, Wellesley road
Potter Ursula (Mrs.), apartments, 2' We,st Avenue villas, Salter Horace Gustavus, apartmts. 4 Milton vils.Hayes reI
West avenue . Saltmarsh Oharles Albert, grocer, St. OSJth road
Pottle Lou~a (Miss), apartments, Rocklands, Edith road Sandford Edward, apartments, 3 Carlisle viis. Agate road:
Potts Mark, builder, Dlverston, avenue Sargent Agnes (Mrs.), householder, 4 Lillian viIs. Vista rd
Pratt Harry, apartments, IQ Rowland terrace, Oxford rd Saunders Samuel, househldr. 4 Dorset terrace, Walton reI
Pratt R(}bert George, apartments, Heathfield, Cambdg.rd Sayer William Henry, apartmts. Alive villa, Hayes road
Pratt'Thomas, solicitors, see Hazard &; Pratt Scarlett Charles W,alter, tailor, York ha. Rosemary road
Preedy Waiter, apartments, 1 Overton villas, Wellesley rd Schofield William, apartments, 49 Beach road ,
Premier Artistic Photo 00. (Ernest S. Beard, manager), Schulkins Albert Edwin, tobccnst.' 6 Elootric par. Pier av
West avenue ' Scolding Maria (Mrs.), apartments, I St. .lames' yillas,
Preston John; apartments, Ashleigh, Meredith road Meredith road "
Price Berna,id, apartmen,ts, Cameo, Herbert road Scolding William, apartments, Ida villa, Meredith road
.Prior' Asher, solicitor, r Beach road ." Scurrell James, apartments, I Anchor road
Pry-or Ernest, apartments, Rosslyn villa, Meredith road Seager Alfred, pianoforte dealer, Grovedale, Wellesley I'd:
Pryor .Jessie (Mrs.), boarding house, 7 Beach road Seaman Kate Marian (Mrs.),boarding ho.sMarine par. east
Pttblic Hall -& Reading Room (Alfred Drinkwater, lessee), Sears Frederick, apartments, Violet villa, Hayes TOad ,
Pier avenue Sedgwick Geo. Richard Rich, apartments, Valdis, Vista I'd
Puddey .lames, apartments, 10 Anchor villas, Old road Sergant George Morley, butcher, Sta,tion road· .
-Quick Abraham & Co. Limited, stationers, billposter~ &; ,Shadick Alfred William, sanitary & buildings inspel;tor..
printers &publisbers of the" East Essex Advertiser & Town Hall buildings &; Glare, St. Andrew's road
CIacton News" &; the" Walton News &:; COlIst Times," Sharpe W. &; Co. oil & calor merchants, Oxford road
,:StatioIl road; & at Old Pier street, Walton-on-the-Naze. Shaw Ellen (Miss), 8Jpartments, Elsdon villa, Ellis road
See advert Sheldrick John, apartments, 5 Hubert road
Quilter Maria Louise (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Connaught Shepherd Geo. photographer, Honeysuckle cot. Castle rd'
" terrace, Wellesley road Short Matthew, apartments, 13 Chelsea viIs. Dudley road:
Quilte:r Perey, watch maker, Pallister road Sibley Emma (Mrs.), apartments, Belsize ha. Ol"Well roaa
Ramsey Boarding Establishment (Misses M. &.A. Simes Emma Louisa (:Mrs.), apartments, 7 Warwick vils_
, Bellamy, proprietors); near sea & station; terms from Herbert road , ' '
1'308. to 42S. weekly, according to season, Oamarvon road Simmonds Eliza Mary (Mrs.), fa ne,. -repository & statnr.
Rand Chater, apartments, 4 Tennyson villas, Rosemary I'd Pier a,venue
Ra.ttee Charles Joseph, station master Simmons Elizh. (Miss), apartmts. The Homestead,Ellis I'd'.
Rattfie Thomas George, collector of gas -& water rates to . Simpson Ohas.Jsph. shopkpr. I t Bayswater tel'. Dudley I'd
.. the', Urban District Council, Town Hall buildings Sinclair Amy (Mrs.), apartments, Homeleigh, Ellis road
Rawding Joseph, apartmeruts, 2 Kempley viis. Rosemary I'd Sinclair Jane (Mrs.), apartments, Floral villa, Old road
Rawlings Elizabeth Susanna (Mrs.), apartments, Hayes Sinclair William, florist, Floral villa, Old road
." Tilla," Hayes TOad I Sinfield Rabert, apartments, St. Leonard's, Wellesley nI
Rawlins Jane (Mrs.),boarding ho.St.Paul's ho.SLPauPs rd Skeels Arthur, apartments, 3 Melbourne villas, Vista road'
Reaby Albert Edward, apartments, Walden,SLAndrew's I'd Skeels Sarah (Mrs.), apartmts. 5 Melbourne viis. Vista I'd
ReddingJohn Frank,local manager to Lipton Lim.West av Skelton Samuel, baker, Orwell rd. &; dairyman,Pallister rd
Redwood Elizabeth (Miss), apa:rts. Oharlton viI. Agate I'd Skevington Ernest, greengrocer, Orwell road
Reed Henry Albert, apartments, Cambridge villas, Old rd Skevington Wm. ~partments, Louisa villa, Ellis road
Reed Mary (Mrs.), jobmaster, Freda cottage, RosemarJ I'd Skipper John Robert, dairy, Station road ' .
,Reed Waiter Firmin, Imperial hotel, Rosemary road Small Agnes (Miss), dress make-r, Oak villa, Crossfield rd
Renton& Pepper,tailors, rrown Hall buildings,Rosemary rd Sm~th W. H. '&. Son, news agents, Pier av. & Rail.way stn
,Revell·Ernest, apa,rtments, 18 Beach road SmIth Clara. (MISS), apartm.ents, Abbotsford, StatIOn road
Reynolds Annie (Mrs.),aprts.Woodbine vil.St..Andrew's rd Smith Edwd. Tydeman, apartmts. I Milton vils. Hayes I'd
Reynolds John, butcher, Pier avenue Smith Florence Ma,ry (Miss), ladies' school, 71 Marine
.Rice George, apartments, Myrtle villa, Wellesley road : parade. See advert
Richardson Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Homeland, St. Smith -George, fancy drape,r, York house, ,Old road
: Paul's :road ' , ' Smith lIorace, painter, Kingston house, Pier avenue
Rioharrlson Sophia (Mrs,), apartmen,ts, 3 Cambridge vils. Smith Lilian (Mrs.), apartments, Malvern, Meredith roae!
Ha~esroad . : Smith Louisa (~frs.), grocer, Melbourne house, Old road
:Richardson William F. ,apartments, 5,1 Beach road Smith Marian (Miss), aparts. Edith cot. Cambridge road
RiChes Chas. Thos. apartments, Roseberry viI. Church rd, ,Smith Sidney. auctioneer, valuer. house, land &
Riches,'Mary (Mrs.), apartments; Lansdowne, Priory road, estate agent, life & fire insurance ~gent; clerk to the-
RidIir11rt0n Mary &; Millicent (Misses) ,apartmts. I Beach rdi commissioners of taxes for the Tendring division ;offices,
.Rigcum, Jolm, apartments,'24 Beach road . I Ro.semary road. Telephone No. 099
Rig-gs Fredk. SamI. boarding ho. Devonshire lc!g. Edith I'd: SmithersWilliam, dairyman, 8 Martello ter. Rosemary I'd
Roberts' Allan John, jobmaster, Orwell'road . : Smy Emma Mahala (Mrs.), refreshment rooJ;D.s,Orwell rd
,!tobertrsGnCharltt. (Mrs,), ,aparts. Stour hO. Orwell road, Soc'ial Club (Alfred Drinkwa~er, mgr.),Public ball,Pier av
R@bihJ-grnest,'laundry, n Warwick road' ,' .. I Sorren Elizh (Mrs.), baby lmen ware-house, Pier avenue
Robinson llenri~.~a,r<Mrs.), apartments, Frederick house, Spar~s Alfred,. apart.m.ents, I Salisbury 'Villas, En~s road
Agate road ' Sparlmg Maunce Wllham, outfitter &, boot dlr. PIer aven

Spencer Arthur G. surveyor! :see BeckwIth & Spencer

Sparling Norah (Miss), nurse, 3 Ruby 'V~las, Dudley road Volunteer Fire Brigade (Arthur Richard Robinson, super-
intendent), Town yard, Old road . .
Spencer Ar~h~r George, ~rchItec.t, Glenvar, Wl!llesley road.; Wade Thomas, a.partments, Fernside, Wellesley road -,
Spencer WI1!laffi B. florIst, Cansbrook, Old 'road ; Wagstaff Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Launceston, Hayes rd
Staff John, msurance agent, Ed~cumbe, St. .!.?drew's rC\ Wagstaff Frederick William, tobacconist, Station road &
81:afford Hou~e School (MISS F. M. SmIth C.H.L. I 6 Martello terrace, Rosemary rood
houours), Marme parade. See advert I Wagstaff lIarry, apartments, I Archdale viIs.Rosemary I'd
Stamfor<1 Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Alexandra terrace! Waite Benjamin, apartments, Avondale, Rosemary road
Starling Emma (Mrs.), grocer, 9 Beach road Walker Frederick, apartments, Lydford, Wellesley road
Starling Henry, apartments, Charlotte cot. Hayes road! Walker Sarah (Miss), apartments, 3 Bradfield terrace,
Start & Rowell F.S.I.; A.R.I.B.A. architects, surveyors St. Osyth Toad
& civil engineers, Public Hall buildings, Pier avenue Walker Susanna .(Miss), preparatry school, 7 Oxford ter-
Stea~ Arthur Geo. saddler, 5 Martello ter. Rosemary I'd race, WeIlesley road
Stebbmg Charles George, apartments, '5'3 Beach road Wallace Edward, manager London & County Bankin cr Co.
Stedman William HawthorneJ watch maker,jeweller, Limitt\d, Bank buildings, Station road '"
silversmith, optician &c.; repairs of every description, Wallis Samuel G. 'C. postmaster, 9 Electric par. her av

electro plating & gilding, -Greenwich house, Station road I Walton News & Coast Times (Abraham Quick & Co. Lim.
Stephens Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Hubert road publishers; published sat.), Station road; '& at Old
Stevens Henry Ford, mineral water maker, 'Globe villa, Pier street, Walton-on-the-Naze
St. Andrew's road . Walton Noah, apartments, 1 Oxford villas, Oxford road
Stevenson Jane (Mrs.), apartmts. Dorinch ho. J,ackson I'd Ward Emily (Mrs.), dress ma. Stoakley house, Station I'd
Steward Arthur, apartments, 2 Castle villas, ,Oastle road' Ward George, apartments, Ivyside, Eton road
. Stock James, apartments, Toronto villa, St. Andrew's I'd Ward John, apartments, Cheltenham, Orwell road
Stock Samuel, householder, 4 Chelsea villas, Dudley road Warren Fredk.. George, apartments, I Marie villas, Old rd
Sto11ery Alexandra (Mrs.), ladies' school, Dorchester ho. Warrington Edwd. apartments, I Waveney viIs. Olivers rd
Carnarvon road. See advert Watsham Reuben, apartments, Nansen house, Station rd
Sto11ery Fredk. PhiIip. apartments, Ferndene, Cambrdg.rd Watson William,jobbing ga.rdener, Trinity vil.Meredith rd
Stone Albert E. manager refreshment bar, Pier pavilion Watson Willis John, jobmaster, Brendon, Meredith road
Stone John, apartment.s, Steane, Wellesley road "Vatton George, apartments, Alpha. villa, Dudley road
Stowdare Elizh. (Mrs.), apartments, Roseneath, Ellis rd Watts Alice Bethia Lucas (Miss), fancy repos.Pallister rd
Stringer Sarah A. (Miss), apartments, Crawford, Oolne rd Waverley Hotel (private) (John H. Harman, proprietor),
, Strutt· J oe, apartments, Ellisdene, Ellis road 14 Marine par,ade west ' .
Suckling AlbeI't, apartments, 1 Carlton villas, Ellis road Weaire James & 00. grocers, Pier avenue
Suckling Sa,rah (Mrs.), apartmts. Nelson house, Ohurch rd Weatherhead Henry, manager of Barclay & Co's. Bank &
Sully Edward, hair dresser & tobacconist, Station road & treasure'r to the Urban District Council, Town Hall bldcl-s
fancy repository, Pier avenue' Weaver John, apartments, EIlesmere, St. Andrew's road
$unday School Union Children's Holiday Home (Frank Weaver John, fishmonger, 3 The Parade, Rosemary road:
Clements, hon. sec.; Miss Lucy Hall, matron), Marine Webb Ellen Annie (Mrs.), boarding house, Westbourne
parade east house, West avenue
Sutton Brothers, drapers & grocers & agents for W. & A. Webb Frances June (Mrs.),apartments, Claude ho.Colne I'd
Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit merchants, Rosemary rd Webb George Ernest, provision dealer, I Pallister road
Suttou & Co. carriers (Olacton Mineral Water Co. agents), Weedon Emma (Miss), boarding ho. 26 Marine par. west
Old r o a d . Welham Albert Harry;apartments,'I Hubert vils.Hubert rd
Swann Arthur, Brunswick hotel & restaurant, Pier avenue Wellham Ernest Ebnzr. aparts. I I Chelsea vils. Dudley I'd..
Sycamore Herbt. Tbos. tobacconist, Brockville,St.Osyth rd Wellham Sidney Chas. apartments, 4 Ruby vils. Dudley rd..
Ta.brum Francis, apartments, 1 Regis terrace, S1.Osyth rd Wells George, householder, Homer cottage, Ellis road
Tarling Joseph, apartments, 1 Enmore ter. Castle road I West Olacton Building Estate (Howard, Ellison & Mor-.
Tarling 'Waiter, apartments, Ada'Villa, Wellesley road I ton, .solicitO'rs), West avenue
Taylor Hercules, manager, 3 Oxford villas, Oxford road I Westley Francis, shopkeeper, Old road
Tebbutt Arthur, wine & spirit merchant, Rosemary road Wheeler Herbert, ,apartments, S1. Oswald, Edith road
Telling Frederick, apartments, Ontario house, ElIis road I Wheeler Sidney L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dentist, Crosby house,.,
Thompson An~ie Eliza (Mrs.), circulating library, Crosby S~ation road
house, StatIon road Whlffiple Wm.Hy. a.partments, 6 Bayswater ter.Dudley rd
Thorogood William Edward, baker,Station ro.k Oxford rd White ,& Son, solicitors, Eythrope, Wellesley road; & at
Thurlow Percy, draper, see Broom & Thurlow 57 North hill, Oolchester & High street, Walton-on- •
Tolfree Geo. 'rhos. apartments, 2 Plevna viIs. Harold rd the Naze R.S.O .
Toms Ada (Miss), apa,rtments, York villa, Pier avenue White Charles, apartments, 2 Essex villas, St. Osyth road!
To""era (The) Private Hotel & Boarding Eatab- White Charles Edward (fum, White & Son), ,solicitor &;
lishment (Emmerson & Harris, proprietors), adjoin- commissioner for oaths, clerk to t,he Great Olactolll
ing Grand hotel; 50 bedrooms; good billiards; whist, School Board 1& coroner for the Sokens, Eythorpef Wel-
.' chess, music room, library &c.; 4 lawn tennis courts, le.sley r.oad . .
Marine parade east. Telephone No. 1 'Wh~te Ehzh.. (MISS), apartments, Ola,Tence VII. Agate road
Town HaU (Edwin J. Gilders, sec.), High street Wh~te MaggIe (Mrs.), apartments, Ranmoor, (jambdg.rd
Trent Thomas shopfitter & confectioner Pier avenue WhIte Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Edlynn, Hayes road
.Tucker Mary jane (Mrs.), apartments, '19 Tbe Grove W~iten Jas:Fulcher ,apartments, Cromwell ho.Ohapman rd -
Turner Esther (Miss),apartments, Dorotby vil.WelIesley rd W~cks ~dwm, a'partmen~s, Oheslyn, Freeland road .
Turner Harold, plumber, 21 Beach road WIldsI~llth '& BIgley (J)'I1sses), apartments, Durban house....
Turner Saml.Lindsey,apartments, Lyndhurst, Meredith Td ~t~hon Toa~ .
Turner 'rhomas, apartments, 4 May villas, Vista road WIlkmson PhIhp, jobbing gardener, 1 Whitby villas,..
Tye James, ,apartments, Ronald villa, S1. Andrew's road ~.ellesley road. .
Undel'down Thomas, pleasure boat proprietor, Mornington W~ll~ams Fred,boardmg ho. Shakespeare ldg.Carnarvon rd
villa S1. Andrew's road WIlhams Henry Thomas, apartments, Bellevue, West av-'
Under~ood Arthur, apartmts. 4 Boscombe vIs. Dudley rd Wil~iaJ?-s Henry Tho;n~s, manag~r Home & Colonial Stores
Underwood Elizh. (Mrs.), aparts.Elm ldg. Wellesley road I ~ImIted, Bank ?Ulldmgs, St?tlOn road
Unwin Louisa E. (Mrs.), apartmts. Honeysuckle, Eton rd I WIlson Arthur Sldney, boardmg &; day school for young'
Usherwood Wm. apartments, Camden house, Pallister rd gentlemen, Ascham college, Holland road. See advert
Venn GeorQ"B, poulterer, 'Old road I Wilson Janet (Mrs. ),apartmts. Carnarvon ho.Rosemary I'd .
Vickers Ed~ard Rediof, boot maker, Old road I,Wilson (Mrs.), hsehldr. 2 Melbourne vils. Vista road
Victoria Private & Oommercial Hotel (Mrs. L. A. Morris, Wise Georgiana (Mrs. ),apartmts. Grove viI. Rosemary I'd.
proprietress); newly-built; well-appointed; highest Wise Wm: Lovegrove, upholsterer, Grove vil'.Rosemary rd
recommendations for business or pleasure visitors; I Wombwell Jas. Hy. apartmts. Normandale,SLAndrew's rd,
terms reasonable .& inclusive; home comforts; young I Wood G.e~rge, poulterer, Pa.llister road
management, Carnarvon road (opposite station) Wood RlCuard, stable prop1'letor, Jackson road
Villinger Ferdinand, watch maker, 'Warwick par. Old rd Wooding Fred, carpenter, 46 Beach road
Villinger William, householder, Rosedale cot. Oastle road Wooding J oseph, ,apartments, 2 Carlton -villas, Ellis nad
Vivian Oharles, apartments, Clare ville, West avenue Wooding Joseph, builder, 2 Tendring villas, Church road
Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Essex Regiment (H Co.) Woodley Alfred, apartm8nts, Oxford villa, Old road
(Lieut. Douglas S. Smith, commanding; Colour-Sergt. Woodley Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 28 Beach road
Telford Anthony Smith, drill instructor) ; head quarters Woolner GeorgeWm.bricklayer, Bellevue, S1.Andrew's rd
& armoury, 47 Beach.Toad; drill hall, Osborne hotel I Wool'ner James, householder, Homeleigh, Cambridge road
Wootton George &; Sons,stationers, fancy repository &; hair Young Arthur Tayler LL.B. -solici,tor, see Young &; Sons
dressers, Station Toad Young Howard LL.B. solicitor &; commissioller for oaths,
Wormull Emily (Miss), apartments,2'5 Marine pa,rade east see Young &; Sons
Worswick Emma (Mrs.), apartmts. Taplow cot. Oastle rd Young Thomas Pallister RA., LL.B. solicitor &; com·
Worters Harry, apartments, Belmont, Station road missioner for oaths, see Young &; Sons
Worts Ha,rry Augustine, chemis,t,The Parade,Rosemary rd Young WaIter LL.B.solicitor 'It commissioner for oaths,
Wright Hannah (Mrs.), ,apartments, Helen cot. Orwell I'd see Young &; Sons .
iWTight William, apartments, Fairhaven, Ellis mad Young Women's Christian Association (Miss F. A. Irwin,
Wright William, apartments, West:bourne Iodge,Harold I'd hon. sec.), 22 Marine pal'ade west
Young & Sons, solicitors, Old Bank house, Oolne road Youngs Alfred, apartments, 6 Anchor rOlld

GREAT CLACTON is a parish near the coast, 8 Isol>aMon Hospital, Rush Green, ereoted in 1901, consists
miles south-west by rail from Walton-on-the-Naze. [ from of a ward block containing two wards and a nurses'
Olacton-on-Sea steamboat pier, i of a mile from the duty room, an administrative block and laundry block;
Olacton-on-Ses terminal station, 41 south from Weeley the cost, including site, was £2,087, Alton Park is the
station, and 6 from Thorpe Junction station, all on the residence of John Smith esg. J.P. The manor is vested
Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway, in trustees. Benjamin Harding Newman esq. George
and 15 south-east from Oolchester, in the North Eastern Hereford esq. 'rrustees of Christ's Hospital, the Rt. Hon.
division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty ses- James Round P.C., M.P., D.L., J.P. of Birch Hall, the
sional division and union, Oolchester countv •
courl dis- Dennis and Page families and the Lords of the Admiralty
trict, rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of 001- are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; sub.
chester and diocese of St. Albans. soil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats
GreatCIacton, formerly governed by a Local Board, is and harley. The area is 4,057 acres of land, 17 of water
now controlled by an Urban District Council of 15 mem- and 273 of foreshore; ra,teable value, £44,408; the popu-
bers constituted under the provisions of the "Local Go- lation in 1871 was 1,2'80; in I8g1 the population of the
vernment Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73). The Council parish and Urban District was 3,584, and in 1901 was
meets at Olacton-on-Sea under which place a list of the 7,453, of which 4,062 are attached to the parish church.
members and officers is given. The chuxch of St. John the
Baptist is a fine old building of stone and flint, consisting of MAGDALEN GREEN is about half a mile south from
chancel, with north aisle of two bays, nave and a mas- Great CIacton. CANHALL is the manor farm lying
sive western tower surmounted by a wooden belfry with north-west. JAY WICK is 3 miles south-west. LION
spire and containing 5 bells: the principal portions of POINT (or Eastness) is a headland near the lattaT place.
the structure are of the Norman or pre-Norman period,
• f which the north and south doorways are excellent Sexton, Oharles Marrington .
examples: the walls are of great thickness and show a Post, :M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
considerable quantity of Roman brickwork: the tower Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insuxance Office.-WiIIiam
is probably of the 15th century, as the ancient and pon- Mead, sub-postmaster. Let,ters arrive from Oolchester
derous wood work which supported the former bell-turret
still remaining at the west end of the nave clearly shows: at 5.45 a.m. &; fromClacton-on-Sea R.<S.O. at lI.20
the church was res'tored in 1865 at a eost of £1,5°0, a.m. &; 1.20 &; 7.20 p.m.; dispatched at 8,40 a.m. 12
when a fine triplet of Norman windows, filled with noon &; 6.30 p.m.; sundays, no second delivery; dis-
stained glass, was placed in the east end, then entirely patched at 6.15 p.m
rebuilt: the stained east window, placed in 1901, is a Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. et Annuity et Insurance Office.-
memorial to Capt. Arnold Smith: a north aisle of two Ma'gdaJen Green, George Woodard, sub-postmaster.
bays was added ,to the chancel and a new chancel arch Letters from Oolcheste~ delivered at 7.30 a.m. &; from
built: the windows of the nave were at the same time Olacton-on-Sea R.S.O. 9.50 &; 12.55 a.ID. &; 6,40 p.m. ;
restored in the Norman style and the church fitted with dispa,tched 8.45 a.m. &; 12.5, 2·5, 5·35 (Clacton-on-Sea
oak benches. In the nave are tablets to three of the only) &; 6.2Q p.m.; sunday, 6 p.m. Clacton-on-Sea is
former vicars: the church will seat 500 persons: a fine the nearest telegraph office, half a mile distant
avenue of limes reaches from the entrance gate to the
south doo<I': Eleazer Knox, youngest son of the celebrated
Scottish Reformer, was vicar here from 158'7 to 1591. PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
The registeI' dates from 1542, and j's in excellent pre-
.servation. The living is a vicarage, with that of Little Cemetery, Louis Barke, caretaker
• Holland annexed, net yearly value £200, with residence County Police Station, Pilcrofts, Old road, Frederick Geo.
::and 3 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Ohurch Patronage O1'08s, consta'ble
.society, and held since 1902 by the Rev. James Silvester Essex Oonvalescent Home, Magdalen Green; Miss
M.A. of Worcester Oollege, Oxford. St. Andrew's Mis- Maria Oxley-Parker, lady superintendent; Percy Cole-
sion Hall, a building of red brick, was erected in 1893, at man 'NLB. medical officer; Miss D. Drake, matron
a cost of £860, and will seat 300 persons: divine services Iso18lt,ion Hospital, Rush Green, John Will Cook M.D.
·are held here by the Church .Army on Sundays at 3 and medical superintendent; Miss J. Tilbury, nurse-in-
7 p.m. and on Wednesdays at 7·30 p.m. There are charge
Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels: the former.
,erected in 1'876, has 200 sittings. A cemetery of 5 acres London Flower Girls' Orphanag-e, Magdalen Green; John
was provided in 1'899, at a cost, including site and laying A. Groom, hon. sec. ; James P. Groom,res:dent superin-
.out and the erection of a caretaker's house, of £1,362; tendent; Mrs. J. Groom, matron; William George
a mortuary chapel was erected in 1902, the cost being Mumuy M.B., C.M. & W. Overend M.A., M.D. medical
£1,300; the cemetery is under the conbrol of the UI'ban officers
District Oouncil. There are almshouses, erected in 1827 SCHOOLS.
'by James Maskell for the aged and infirm poor. The
Essex Convalescent Home at Magdalen Green, in this J, School Board of 5 members was formed fo'r the united
parish, erected by subscriptions in 1'884, in memory of district of Great Clacton &; Little Holland 19 Au~.
the late J. W. Perry W81tlington esg. a.t, a oost of 1892, Charles Edward White, E}"thrope, Welleslev I'd.
£4,200, was enlarged in 1892, at a cost. of £2,200, and Glacton-on.'Sea, clerk to the board; Waiter C. Bare-
'in 1'898 additions made at a further cost of £37&, and ham, Little Clacton, att?ndance officer
new rooms added in I90rat a cost of £564; it is a Board, St. 03yth road (mixed & infantls), erected 1<893-4'
building- of red bI'ick, in the Gothic style, Sltanding on at a. cost of about £3,000, for 560 boys &; girls &; 300
'about 3~ aeres of ground, and will hold 24 female and i'nfanit,s; ave,ra~e attendance, 52'8 boys &; g-ir'ls &; 23,1
~2Q male patients; the number admitted in 1901 was 3112 ; infan t8; Alfred E. Brown, master; Miss, Fannie W.
:it is supported by donations and subscription!!. The Fewin!rs. infants' mistress
Orphanage for Little Girls, in connection with the London Kational School (mixed), built in 1860 & enlarged in
Flower Girls' Mission, was opened July, 1890, at a cost 1872, for 222 children; average, attendance, 220; Andrew
of about £2,5°0. The home consists of ten detached L. Attfield, master
houses, nine of which hold 25, and one 50 children; the
;fifth was erected in 1896, at a cost exceeding £1,000, Carriers to Colchester.-George Block, man. wed. &; sat. ;
and in 1901 an additional five were erected by an anony~ James Riches, tues. thurs. &; sat.; return on the same
meus dOllor at a cost of £6,000. 'rhere are at present days
in the home 2:;0 children, from infan.ts of onlv• a few Slltton &; Co. (Clacton Mine,ra! Water Co. agents),Old I'd
days old to g-irls of 16 years: the mission, founded by Omnibus.-.illan John Roberts, to &; from Clacton·on-
t,he late Earl of Shafte;;bury, is supported entirely by Sea, almost every hour; & to St. Osyt,h, once daily
volunhry contributions; John A. Groom, hon. sec. The in winter &; twice daily during summer
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Cemetery (Louis Barke, caretaker Minett Ada (Mrs.), apartments, Ivy-
Almond. Miss, Hitherstocks Chopping George, baker, 4 Newman's dale, St. Ann's road ..
Bantock Mrs. Pretoria villa, Coach &; terrace, Old road Moore William Sargent, builder, :Mag-
Horses road Claeton Mineral water Co. (Mrs. dalen green
Banyard George, The Street H. W. Lowe, proprietor); Steam Orphanage for Little Girls (in
Barcham Herbert, Ladysmith villa, factory, Old road &, St. Mary's road connection with the London Flower
Coach &; Horses road Clurk Harry, fishmonger,Magdalen gm Girls' Mission, CIerkenwell. E C)
Barwick Miss, 2 Magdalen road Olurk Wm. Henry, farmer, Cann hall (John A. Groom, hon. sec.; James
BromIey Henry, Mill house Cross Frederick George, police con- P. Groom, resident supt.; Mrs. J.
Browning Mrs. Hill house stable, Pilcrofts, Ol:d road Groom, iDlatron; W. G. Murray
Clay Samuel, The Shrubbery D:wall Harry, apartments, Sylvan cot- M.B., C.M. & W. Overend M.A.,
Drake Miss (matron), Essex Convales- toga, Magdalen road M.D. medical officers), Magdalen
cent Home, Magdalen green Dearsley Robert, blacksmith green; .& 8 Seckforde street, Clerk-
Fleming Rev.Henry '(Primitive Metho- Doubleday Arthur Edward, grocer &; enwell. London E C
dist), :r Albiun villas, Fairfield road draper, Magdalen green Osborn Reuben, apartments, 9 Albion
.Gash Mrs. Blue house Eley Edgor, apartments, 2 Lansdowne terrace, Coach .& Horses road
Gilders Mrs. Malting house villas, Old road Page George, jun. carter
Grant Henry, Sodbury house Essex Convalescent Home (Miss Page James, farmer & landowner,
Groom Jas. P. Lobelia, St. Ann's road Maria Oxley-Parker, lady supt.; Smoky house
Howard U:ll. Wash farm Percy Co:eman M.D. medical officer; Partridge Sidney, beer retailer
Lilly Mrs. Fairlight, Old road Miss D. Drake, matron; C. E. Petley George Henry, hair dresser,
Mann Miss, Blue house Ridley, hon. sec. &; treas.), Mag- St. Hellens, Coach:& Horses road
Oxley-Pa.rker Miss (lady superinten- dalen green . Pigg Elizabeth (Mrs.), blacksmith
dent), Essex Convalescent Home, Fairclough Mary (Mrs.). apartments, l'igg' Harry WilIiam, insurance agent,
Magdalen green 2 Elson villas, Magdalen road Burwood villa, Fairfield road
Page J ames, Smoky house Fairclllugh William, brick manufactr. Popham Jnmes, farmer,The Chestnuts
Parker Mrs. Rose cottage Magdalen green Pyman ,"Villiam, bricklayer
Pig'g Wm. Smith, Yew Tree cot.Old I'd Fairhend Frank. butcher, Yew trees Randnll William John, boot maker.
Prior Zephaniah, Edinglassie, Old I'd Fewtrell William Daniel, stationer 0& Ida villa, Fairfield road
Pudney Miss, Coppin,s hall d'rug stores, 2 Newman's tar. Old I'd Reed Charles, shopkpr. Magda:en grn
Salmon Mrs. Magdalen house, Mag- Garnham 'Vm. bricklayer, 1 Bloken- Reed Henry William, Coach .& Horses
dalen green ham cottages, Magdalen green hotel, Magdalen green
Scragg Misses, White house Gilders Bro~. maltsters, MaIting house Revell Rbt. Smith, grcr. ~ drpr.Old I'd
Shipperd Mrs. Burringt{ln villa, St. Giles Edwin, fa-rmer, Slad-bury's Riches George Henry, baker
Ann's road Glndding James, boot maker, M~g- Riches James, earner
Silvester Rev. James M.A. Vicarage dalen green Roberts Frederick George, butcher,
Skipper l~redk. J. Coppins wick GrangeI' George, wheelwright Magdalen green
Smith Douglas, Alton park GrangeI' Thomas, blacksmith, Weir Rousa Jsph. fishmngr. Magdalen grill
Smith John J.P. Alton park cottages, Old road Salmon Eliz'f.beth (Mrs.), apartments•.
Smith Philip, Clay hall Grant Henry, jun. farmer :r Magdalen road
Smith Sidney, Alton park Green Philip In. coach builder,Old I'd Scott William Robert, Queen's Arllls,
Tresilian William Dowden, De-al villa, Groom James P. resident supt. of the P.H. Magdalen green
Magd'alen green Orphanage for Lit.tle Girls, Lobe-lia, Scragg William, farmer, White hous'l-
Webb James, AIiwal cottage, Con- St. Ann's road Scrivener Geo. cab propr. & beer ret
valescent road Gunfield Frederick, apartments, :r Scrutton Hnrry Osborne, apartments,
COMMERCIAL. Fairfield vilJ:a.s', Fairfield road! 2 Fairfield villas, Fairfield road
Almond Chas.butcher,Magdalen green Hammond Oharles, apartments, 8 St. Senborn George Lee, apartments, Hen-
Atkins George, apartments, Woollard Mary's road rietta villa, Fah'field Toad
cottage, Coach &; Horses road Harman "Ym. Benj. apartments, J Sil- Seaman Mary Ann (Mrs.), midwife, 3
Attldns Reuben, greengroce·r, 12 St. cott villas, Coach :& Horses road Home View cots. Magdalen green
Hellens, Coach & Horses road Haynes Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Sergant George MOl'ley, butcher
Baker Edgar, apartments, Rosemary Albion villas, Fairfield road Smith Bros. farmers, Alton park, 1Vash
house, St. Ann's road Hobrow WiIliam, Tope &; twine mnfr. & ,"Vard's farms
Bannock Frederick William, boot ma. I Home View cots. Magdalen green Smith Philip, farmer &; landowner,
Old road Hurst Henry, job master, Hurstleigh Clay hall
Barke Louis, caretaker of cemetery house, Coach &; Horses road Spence James George, boot maker,
Barnard Arthur Edward, news agent &; Isolation Hospital (John Will Cook Holmvl"Ood, 1\bgdalen green
confectioner M.D. medical superintendent; Miss Stearn Arthur George. saddler &
Baxfield Erne'st, apartments, Magd'alen J.Tilbury,nurse-in~charge),Rush gn harness maker
green JetTs Ernest John, apartments', Tudor Stewart John (Mrs.), m8J'ket gar-
Bolingbroke Edward Henry, house villa, St. Ann's road dener, Holland road
d!ecorator, Exmouth cot. St.oA.nn's I'd JI)Y Sarah (Mrs.), plumber & painter, Stock William, apartments, Rosedale
BosweIl Oharles William, Queen's Old road villa, Fail-field road
Head P.H Kent Ephraim, carpenter & wheel- Sutton Brothers, grocers & drapprs
Bradbrook Frederick, pork butcher ~"Tight, Old road Sutton .& Co. (Clacton Mineral 'Vater
Bromley Henry. miller (wind & Kill Matilda (Mrs.), laundry, Rose Co. agents), carriers, Old road
stea.m), baker, corn, hay, straw, cottage, Convalescent road Tilbury J. (Miss), nurse-in-charge,
chaff .& general merchant &c. The Lowe Harriet Weaver (Mrs.), mineral Isolation hospital, Rush green
Roller flour mills; &; at Cl,aoton-on- water manufacturer, Old road &; St. 'rozer Harry Heorge, apartments, ·2
Sea. See advertisement Mary's road Godwin villas, Magdalell road
Bullock Robert, farmer, Summer ho McIntyre In. apartmts.9 St. Mary's rd W:ebb Thomas, a,partmelnts, 18 St.
Canham Waiter, Ship inn Mann William,furniture dealer,Old I'd Mary's road
Cant Harry, sign writer, Penrith Mfll'rington Chas. carpenter & sexton Wilby Fred'erick Edward, bricldayer &
villa, Fairfield road: Mayes Henry Leonard, grocer, I New- chimney swpr. York vil. Fairfield rd
Carter Edgar William. coach builder man's terrace, Old road' \Vood'wd Geo. grcr. & st;lb-postm~ster,
Carter Jonathan Edward, farmer, Mead Wm. grocer &; sub-postmaster Magdalell green
Femdale villa Miles Alfrerl, chimney sweeper, 5 "Vythe Arthur. farmer, Burr's fann
Chisnell John, apartments, 1: Godwin Gladstone cottages, Olrll'oad Young Samuel Henry, caJ;penter
villas, Magdalen road Mills Frederick, b~ker, Ma:gdalen grn See also Clacton-on-Sea.

LITTLE CLACTON is a parish, 3 miles south from

Thorpe station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the
I other members of his family: the church affords 200
sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. The
Great Eastern railway and 13 from Colchester, in the living is a vica,rage, net yearly value, £9I, with residence,
North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, in the gift of the trustees of t'he late W. F. Nassau, and
petty sessional division and union, Colchester county held since 1901 by the Rev. Frederick Peel Yates M.A.
court district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Hertford College, Oxfo·rd. Here is a Wesleyan chapel,
of Colchester and diocese of St. AIbans. The church of erected I85I, and rebuilt in 1898, with I20 sitting-so The
St. James is a small and ancient structure of stone in charities are of the yearly value of £25, and arise from
the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, the rent of a farm at St. Osyth heath. The manor is
sooth porch and a western turret of wood containing 3 vested in trustees of the late W. F. Nassau. The prin-
bells: there is a stained window to the Rev. J. C. Kirby, cipal landowners are Thomas LiIley esq. of Clacton-on-
:r9 years vicar of this parish, who died in :r850, and to Sea, 'Valter Maine M.D. and George WiUiam Frost esq.
The soil is mixed; the subsoil' clay and 'gravel. The through Colchester, viil Weeley,lI.rrive at 7.30 a.m, &
ohief crops aTe barley, whea.t and 08lts. The area is 2 p.m. Box closes at lI.30 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; Bundays,
3,009 acres; rateable value, £3,284; the population in 9.15 a.m. Postal orders are issuedl here, 'but not paid.
1901 was 664. The nearest money order &; telegraph office is at
COOK'S GREEN is a mile and a half east; CLAP- Great Olacton, 2 miles distant· .
GATE, a qUJarter of a mile west; HONEYPOT LANE, 1 Police Station, 4 OhurClh villas, Anthony Underwood,
mile north-west. constable
Parish Clerk, Joseph Downs. Parochial School (mixed), built in 1868, for 150 children;
·average attendance, II2; Harry Williams, master
Post Office.-Richard Mudd, sub-postmaster. Letters Carrier to Colchester.-James Bines, wed. & sat .
Cheeld John ton & Little Holland united district Manning Wm. Blacksmith Arms P.H
Franks Richard, Silve,rdaJe school board, Great Bentley & Mudd Richd. grcr. & drpr. Post office
-Garmun Henry, The Lodge Kirby-le-Soken & 'rendring school Nevard James Joseph, grocer, draper
Gilders Robert, Sunnydale boards; registrar of marriages, Ten- & beer retailer
Havord George West, 'l'he Bungalow uring district & deputy registrur of Phillips Robt. Chas. frmr. Cook's grn
Malam Capt. John William,Castlemere births & deaths, Thorpe sub-district l'itcher George, farmer, Foots farm
Read Misses, The Leys Bines George, thatcher Reven Ernest William, grocer
Robertson Thomas, Riversdale Dines James, ca.rrier & coal dealer Scragg Henry John, farmer,The Grove
Sewell Henry, Rosedale Bloomfield Charles, farmer, Reedlands Simmons Horatio &; Harry, threshing
.Stebbing Mrs. Gallaway cottage & lodge farms machine owners
'Thorrington Mrs Coe William, butcher & beer retailer Simmons Harry, farmer, Swain's farm
Wells James Davies, Burnt house Downs Joseph, parish clerk Simmons Horatio, farmer, Street farm
Yates Rev.Frederick Peel M.A. (vicar), Eldl'ed Henry, blacksmith, builder & Smith John, farmer, Bovills hall
Vicarage assistant overseer for Great & Little Sparling Harry, farmer, RaynerS &
Young WaIter LL.B. Ivanhoe Clacton Bonds farm
Fisher Abraham, farmer Sutton William, dairyman & farmer,
COMMERCIAL. Fisher In. Woods, frmr. Bridge farm 'Giddy han
Bareham Charles, farmer, Stone hall Frost Geo. Wm. farmer &; landowner Thol'ington William, shopkeeper
Bareham WaIter C. school attendance FUllnell Alfred, basket maker Underwood Anthony, police constable,
officer to the school attendance com- Godfrey Robert, boot maker 4 Church villas
mittee, Tendring union, Great CIao.- James Hannah (Mrs.), wheelwright Webb William, pork butcher & farmer
·CLAVERING is a large and scattered parish, near applied to the purpose of making gifts of money to the
the head of the Start, 4 miles south-west from Newport poor every year; 2. The charity of Lettice Martin, of
-station on the Great Eastern railway, 7 south-west from Chl'ishall, consisting of a share of rents, now (1902)
SatIl'on Walden, 8 north from Bishops Stortford and 36 amounting to £1 16s. yearly, for same purpose; 3. The
irom London, in the Northe1'1l division of the county, charity of an unknown donor, called "Priests' Farm
Clavering hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional Charity," 10S. yearly; 4. The charity of Haynes Barlee,
-division, union and county court district, and in the rural of CurIes, consisting of 8 small farm in Berden parish,
deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- present annual rent about £9 10S. for apprenticing 8
eese of St. A.1bans. Two new bridges were erected over poor lad of one of the several parishes of Clavering,
the village stream in 1894> at the expense of the County Langley, Codicote (Hertfordshire), Saffron Walden and
Council, assisted by the parishioners. The church of SS. Wilburton and Great Wilbraham (in the county of Cam-
Mary and Clement is an embattled building of flint in bridge); 5. A barrel of white herrings and a cade of
the Perpendicular - style, consisting of chancel, nave of red herrings, left originally for the poor in Lent, to be
five bays, aisles, south porch and a. massive embattled provided out of a. farm called "Valence!' The common
western tower containing 5 bells: it contains some lands were inclosed under a deed of inclosure in 1865.
marble monuments of the Barlee or Barley family and Adjoining the churchyard is the site of an extensive
its collateral branches, from 1635 to 1696; other monu- castle, surrounded by a moat and formerly the head of
ments to the Riddlesdans, and a mural monument to this barony. Here are corn mills driven by steam and
.T ohn Stephenson, of Howton, Oambridgeshire, and Anne, wind. The Governors of Christ's Hospital .are the chief
his wife, 1722-41; there are also ledger inscriptions to landowners, but there are several others. The soil is
the Bensons,of Brenb Green, 1677-84, and· brasses to heavy, with small portions of a lighter nature; subsoil,
Thomas Welbore, gent. of Pondes, and his wife, Ursuls clay, gTllvel an.d chalk. The crops are generally. on the
(D'ADvers). 1591; and to Joan Day and her husband, fGur-course shift, wheat and beans. The area IS 3,821
with four English verses, 1593; there are other effigies, aores of la~d and IQ of water; T'lIiteable value, £3,362 ;
c. 1480 and 1520, in a fragmentary condition: on a tomb the populatIOn in 1.s91 was 1,01'2.
in ~he north aisle is the recumbent figure of a knight, Parish Clerk, George Barker.
supposed to represent the founder of the church: there Sexton, John Andrews.
is an Elizabethan pulpit in excellent state of preservation, Post "... 0 & TOT M 0 E D 1', P 1
• t t' f t f P b k bl th . te' • ~u.. .., . . " xpress eIveTV, arce
an d an ID eres_ mg on 0 ur ec mar e: e. ID 1'101' Pos1i, S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Mrs.Sophia
of the c.hurcli was ~estored and reseated WIth open Bush, &llJb-postmistress. Letters .through Newport S.O.
benches m 1867, and m 18 93 was c~)]]?pletely resto1'e~, at arrive at 7.30. a.m.; dispatched at 8.15 a.m. & 5.5 0
a cosh of £1,660: there are 400 .8~ttm~s. r.J;he regIstell" p.m. week days only
dates from the yoorr ~5'55. The livmg IS a Vlca:age, n~t Wall Letter Boxes.-Arkesden road, cleared at 8.30 a.m.
yearly: value £268, WIth 6 acres of. g~ebe an~ reSIdence, m & 6 p.m. week days only; Mill Hill, cleared &t 5. 15
t~e gIft of the Governors of Chnst s HospItal, and held p.m.; S<ticklands Green, 5. 25 p.m.; StaTlings Green,
smce 1'~98 by the Rev. Samuel Mal'Tow Mo~n B.A. of 5.45 p.m.·"& Hill Green 8.15 .a.m. &; 5.55 p.m
the UmverSl1iy of London. The OmgregllitionJal ohapeil '
is a Gothic building of Ibrick and stone, erected . . . S.CHOOLS. .
8,t a cost of £1,350, with sittings for 400. The NatIOnal (mIXed), bll;Ilt III 1.s41, f?r 130 ?hIldren; average
PrimifJive Methodists also a place of worship here, ~t~endauc.e, 69; MISS A. M. Elhott, mIstress
Beating 250. The following cha.rities belonging to t.he BintIsh (mIxed), erected February, 18 79, at a cost of
parish are under the management of trustees appointed £4 00 , for 100 s(:holars; average attendance, 64; Wm.
by the Oharity Oommission: I. a'he charity of Oharles Warner, master
John Smith (formerly vicar of Clavering), consisting OAJRRIEl&S.
of two closes of land in Langley, called (( Poor Stephen Flack, to Walden e~ery sat.& Royston every wed
Darnels," containing 7 acres, the rents of which are Sam~on Green, to Walden, tues. & sam
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Rolfe William Henry, The Brooklands Chipperfield Frederick, confectioner
Butten Frederick COMMERCIAL. Clark Henry, farmer, Arkesden road
Dllckworth Wil1iam Edward, Claver- Abrahams Miss, grocer & draper, Clark James, shoe maker
ing hall Hill green Cnsterson Brooklyn C. frmr.Ford's end
Green Charles, Hill Green cottage Andrews John, sexton Disbrey Wm. Edwd. butcher, Hill gm
Lyon William, Clavel'ing court Baker George, baker, Hill green Duckworth Wi11iam Edward, farmer,
Morton Rev. Samuel Marrow B.A. Barker George, parish clerk Clavering hall
Vicarage Bird George, farmer, Sheepcote green Dngal1Herbert-, farmer, Coldhams
Mumford Misses, The Bower .Bunting Elizh. (Mrs. ),beer ret. Hill grn l"lack Stephen, carrier
Parker Mrs. Mill end Bunting George, wheelwright & en- Guyler Benjamin, frmr. Pearce Webbs
Price Rev. Thomas (Congregational), gineer, Middle street Green Sampson, sadd'ler & harness mll.
The Manse Butterworth Thos. frmr. Clavering fm Harvey Joshua, frmr. Starling's gm
Prime Mrs. Ivy cottage, Hill green Chesham Joseph, saddler, Hill green Kemp Jias. frmr. & corn dlr. Hill gm
'.. _" • .• J
.' ,
Lewis Wm. John, Fox &; :Hounds P.H Pigg Sarah & Elizabeth (Misses), Ward Joseph, bricklayer, Church end
Livings Thomas, beer retlr. :Middle st, farmers, Clavering Place Ward Rchd. gro. & drpr. Church en.
Martin JQseph, carpenter, Hill green Purkis Joshua, farmer, Sheepcote grn Watson Bros. millers (steam &; wind)
Matthew8 :Tames, beer retailer RoUe 1Villiam Hy. farmer, Town farm Waylett Charles, cooper .
Newla,nd Thomas, White Horse P.H. Rowe Philip Vasser, frmr. Curls farm Westwood Clara, (Mrs.), farmer,Brock·
, Starling's green Squires George, shopkeeper ing farm _
Parker Amos, farmer, Valence farm '1'ebb5 Thomas, farmer, Deers farm Whyman Hy. beer :ret. Sheepcote gm
Parker Sam!. (Mrs.), frmr. Mill end Ward James, carpenter, Church end lVoudham Enoch, farmer
'COGGESHALL is a town consisting of two parishes, The town is noted for velvet weaving; and rtwo looms
(j-reat Coggeshall in Lexden hundred and Little Cogges- have been employed during the present year (1902) in
hall in Witham hundred, on opposite banks of the river making velvet for coronation robes. The Essex !lank
Blackwater, connected by an ancient bridge of three (Barclay and 00. Limited) and the London and County
.arches, and distant from Kelvedon station on the Great . Banking Co. Limited have, branohes here. A. tower,
Eastern railway 2~ miles, from Witham 7 north-east, 'containing a clock and surmounted by a cupola; was
from Colchester 9~ west, from Halstead 8 slilUth and from' erected in 1'887. Holfield Grange, a mile and a ·:half
Braintree 6 east and irom London 44, in the Eastern «;liVi- north-west, on the Roman road from Oolchester to Dun-
sion of the county, 1Vitham petty sessional division, Brain- mow, the property and residence of Mrs. Reginald Duke
tree union and county court district, in the rural dean- 'Hill, is a modern Tudor mansion. There.rnre six almll-
ery ofCoggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese 'houses, founded in 1795, and five of recent construction:
of St. .A1bans. The town, anciently a Roman station, stands ,the charities f(H distribution among the general peor
partly on low ground bordering the river, whence it rises' amount to £278 yearly, and t,here are other charities,
and, occupies the acclivity of a hill, from which it may comprising four tenements in: Church st. and Stoneham
.have derived its earlier name of " Sunnedon:" it is noted street. O. H. Copley Du Cane esq. (If Braxted Park>!
for its numerous springs of pure water, many houses Witham, is lord of the manor, Mrs. Reginald Duke Hill,
being supplied therewith by iron pipes, and for centuries 8ir Thomas Charles Qaills Western bart. Waiter Skinglelr .
.past the land has been famous for the growth of garden esq. and Mrs. Annie Skingley are the chil:if landowners.
seeds: the town is lighted with gas, from works in Easl The land, is undulating; soil; light loam; subsoil, gra-
street, the property of a company. The church of St. velly, with several small streaIDlil running through it.
Peter ad Vincula is a fine building of stone and flint, The chief crops are seeds, whea·t" bfllI'ley, turnips,
-entirely in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancei mangels, peas 'Bnd beans. ", , , ' ' ..
with aisles, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, south Great Coggeshall has an area of 2,619 acres of land aI).d
.porch and an embattled western tower with angle turret, 13 of water; l"lliteable' value,. £6,973.; fl:lhepopmatdon in,
containing 8 bells, 6 of which are dated 1681, 1692, 1733, 1901 was 2,578 .
1733, 1757, 1806; the 2 latest 'were cast in 1876: there ' .•
are three sedilia and a piscina in the south chancel aisle, LITTLE COGGESHALL, on the southern bank of the
where also is a memorial; two windows, erected in 1888, river Blackwater, is connected with Great Coggeshanby
to Joseph Smith Surridge; in the north aisle is another, ,a bridge. King Stephen and Queen Maud, heiress of
inserted at the same time to MajQr George Deeks Slring- Eusbtce, Earl of Boulogne, who held these manors of the
Jey, who presented the stained west window; and' there
Conqneror, founded here a Cistercian abbey in II42,
-are several other stained windows, including that at the dedicated to the Virgin Mary and colonized from Savigny,
-east end, given by the Hanbury family, of Holfield which at the Dissolution was valued at £29 8 8s. a -yea,r.:
{i-range: a very handsome carved oak screen has been the remains of this abbey; situated near the river~ afford
-erected to the church, and a richly decorated reredos the earliest instance of medireval brickwork at. prese;n:t
was placed in the church in 1880 as a memorial to the met with in this country; the most ancient portion b!-linQ'
late Rev. W. J, Dampier, for 33 years vicar of this a massive fragment once fOTIIling part of. an arcade,;
,parish; it consist.s of groups of figures representing scrip-. various carved stones, including a Transition ~ orman
tural events in sculptured Caen stone, beneath richly capital, lie scattered about and there are two thick walls,
carved canopies oi Derbyshire alabaster ; flan~ing alsi? apparently belQnging to the abbey buildings: the
1Lnd dividing these groups are small niches in which are existing inequalities of the' ground, ex-tending some dis-
placed the figures of archangels: the carved oak pulpit tance to the left, seem to indicato that the foundatiOns
was executed in 18 7 1 by Mr; W. B. Polley;, the font, covered a considerable area. Near these ruins,. on the
which is Early English, was formerly in Pattiswick right bank of the little river Blackwater, is a picturesq'lle
church; but was removed, and after being used some time old gabled house, with groups of clustered chimneYS,
for other purposes was presented to Coggeshall church built in the reign of Henry VD!. partly on the site and
in 1852 : the chancel was repaired in 1 85 1, and the church with the materials of the abbey: the river flows in ~n
'ha~.. been fully restored: there are 1,00? ~ittin~s. Tb.e artificial bed constructed by the monks in order to secure
>l"~gIster dat~s. fro~ Oct~ber, 15 84, and IS ID fall' condi- a head of wat6lI" for their mill and is crossed by an old
tl:m. T~e hvmg IS a VlCal'age, net .yearly ~alue £180, , bridge, at the corner of which stands a dwelling known
WIth resld!ence and 22 acres of gle~e, lD the gIft of C. H. as the "Rood, House," probalbly marking by this name
.copley Du .C~e ~sq. and held ~mc~ 18 92 by the Rev. the former site of a cross or rood at the entrance to the
:C~arles Cr31gle Mills M.A. of Umverslty Colle~e, Oxford., abbey demesnes. All the lands which belonged to it st
.sIr Tho~as q. C. Western bart.. Waiter SkJI~gley esq ' the time Qf its dissolution continue to be free from tithes,
Mrs.. AnDle ~k1Dgley and Mrs. Reg1D~ld Duke HIll are the l both great and small, whilst cultivated in the hands of
!ay ImproprIators. The Cong~egatlOnal chapel, erected the proprietors: the church of the monastery; which is
ill 1715, has .bee~ severlll tnnes enlarged, the last 'entirely demolished, stood in the park in a field near the
-enlargement b~IDg ill 1865:' at the_back o~ the chap~l river. The existing church of Little Coggeshall, dedicated
~ere are spaCIOUS school rooms Ior 000 childre?, addl- to St. Nicholas and standing near the site of the abbey,
-tional class rooms and ~ lec~ure hall were added 1D 1890' is a simple rectangular building constructed of flint and
.An Independent chapel IS sal.d to have been founded ~ere rubble, with dressings of brick around the lancet-shaped
by Dr. John Ow~n, chaplal~ to the Protector, OliveI' windows: at the east end are sedilia and here and there
'Cromwell; th~re IS a ma~se lD East street! :l?urchase~ by are traces' of decorative painting: it had been used as a
the congregatl?n as a reSIdence for the mllllster. 'Ih~re barn, but was some years ago given up by the owner, the
,are also BaptlSt a~d Wesleya:n chapels and a meetlDg late Mr, J. Bullock, to the vicar of the parish, and was
house 'for the SoOlety of Fl'lends. A Cemetery. of 3 restored in 18 97 from designs of Mr. G. F. :.Bodley A.R.A.
~cres, at the back of the church, was for~ed and laId out architect, at a COst of £1,100; there are IS0 sittinO's. '
a.n 1855-6, at a cost of £1,500, and contalDs a chapel for '"
Dissenters: it is ·now controlled by the Pa.rish Council. 'Little Coggeshall has 1,00g a.cres of fertile land in a
'The market, which is scarcely more than nominal; was high state of cultivation, and I I of water; the soil is
. granted by Henry Ill. as also :the right of holding a fair
light, producing excellent crops of wheat, barley, turnips
. on Whit-Tuesday. There is a Liberllil club, and in
ChUll'ch street is a reading room, with a library attached. and green crops generally; Tateable value, £1,617; the
'The refining and manufacture of patent isinglass and p"pulation in 1901 was 304 (the total population of Grea.t
gelatine and lambour lace making are carried on, and and Little Coggeshall in 1901 being 2,822).
'there are breweries and maltings, sewing factories &c. Parish Clerk, A.rthur Lawrence.


'Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &i Insurance Office.; a.m. & 3.3°, ,8.IQ & 9.25 p.m. Sundays, Qne delivery
-J. A. Dodds, postmaster (:BIailway Sub-Office. L€I\;-I at 7.45 a.m. & box' cleared at 9 a.m. &; 9.25, p.m..
ters should have B.S.O. Essex added). Deliv~d at: Telegraph office open from 8 a.m. to B p.ln. ~ sundays,
7'40 a.m. & 1 &; 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9.5 &; 10.10 8 to IQ a.m

Little C<Jggeshall.-Letters Me received by foot post from SCHOOLS.

Kelvedon R.S.O. Ooggeshall is the nearest money Sir Robert Hitcham's Free School was founded in 1636:
order k telegrnph office the buildings in West street are in the Elizabethan
Wall Box, the Hamlet, clealred at 8.55 &; fo a.m. & 3.20, sty:e & were erected in 1858 at a cost, including mas-
8 & 9.15 p.m.; sundays, 9.5 a.m. &; 9.25 p.m ter's house, of about £1,200; the endowment amounts
PUBLIO E'ST.AlBLISHMENTS. to about £100 yearly, & the governing booy consists of
Counlty Police Sta,tion, Stoneham street, Stephen Salmon, nine persons, the Rev. Charles Craigie Mills M.A.
sergeant & 2 constab}es vicar, being chairman, the Rev. G. A. Hamson, vice-
Inland Revenue Offlce, Stoneham st. J sph. B. Smith,offiGr chairman & J. S. Surridge, jun. esq. treasurer;
£dward Edgar, maste:r; 1Ihere are now (1902) about 20
Assistant Overseer, Collector of Taxes &; Clerk to the National, Stoneham street (boys, girls &; infants), tor I7Q
Parish Council, Mike Dalton, Churoh street boys, 170 girls &; 150 infants; average attendance, 130
Certifying Factory Srurgeon, Medical Officer &; Public boys, 133 girls & 106 infants; John Dakeyne Webster..
. Vaccinator, 5th District, Braintree Union, Francis Bel'. ID!aster ; Mr~. Emily Parke, mistress; Miss Mice·
nard Henry Caudwell M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.L~md. Hare, infants' mistress
Church street Congregational (mixed), for 258 children; average at-
Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages & Relieving tendance, 140; Samuel Henry Challenger, master;
Officer for Ooggeshall District, Braintree Union, Frns. Mrs. Challenger, mistress; Miss Kate Beard, infants"
Cade, East street mistress
School Attendance Officer for Braintree Rural Attendance OON'VEYANOE.
Committee, William Anthony, Stoneham street
Town Crier, Joseph Clark, Little Coggeshall Omnibus leaves Market hill fo,r Kelvedon 8.10 &; 1I.5o.
. PLACEIS OF WORSHIP, with times of services. a.m.& 6.50 p.m.; retu,rns,7.32 &; 10.26 a.m. & 5.18 p.m
Church of St. Peter ad Vinaula, Rev. Charles Oraigie
Mills M.A. vicar; Rev. William Geo.rge Christie BIyth OARRIEltS TO:-
B.A. cura.te; services, 7, 8 & 11 a.m. &; 3.30 &; 6.30 Oolchester--Arthur Hunwick's 'bus, man. wed. & sat. re-
p.m.; wed. 7 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; other days, mat,ins 10 turning same days; James Leatherdale, mono wed. &0
a.m. &; evensong 5·30 p.m. (winter) &; 6 p.m. (summer) sat. returning same days
Friends' Meeting House, 10.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; thurs. Kelvedon-Moore's 'bus, three times daily
6.30 p.m London-Daniel Darius Pudney, wagon, thurs. to 33
Congregational, Rev. George Mbert Hamson; 10.30 a.m. White Lion street, Norton Folgate, returning on fri ..
&; 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m at 2 p.m
Baptist, Ohurch street, Rev. .Alfred E. Pope; 10.30 a.m. William Spooner, from Brain<tree to Colchester, passes
& 2·30 &; 6·30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m through every tues. & sat. calling at 'White Hart,' re-
Wesleyan, IO.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m turning same days

Dennis Miss, Queen street Poulton Mrs. Charles, Market hill
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Doubleday Henry, Market end Sach Edward, Queen -street
Beard Frank, Ivydene, Ea-st street East William, Derwent house Sach Mrs. Queen street
Beard Geo. Edwd. Ferndale, East st Edwards Erne,st Thomas, Albert villas, Sach Wm. Fredk. .A1'bert pI. Ohurch st
Beard John, Church street Church street Saunders E. W. Cantyre cottage
Beaumont George Fredk. The Lawu Foster Henrv •
J. West street Shave Hy. Crouch viI. Stoneham street
Beaumont Mrs. The Lawn Foster Mrs. East street Shuttleworth John, Queen street
Betts Miss, Ohurch street Gardner Frederic Henry, The ,Nook, Simpson Mrs. (Gambrel), East street
BIyth Rev. William Geol'ge Ohristie Church street Smith Frederic, Mount park
B.A. (curate) Grange Mrs. Church street Smith Joseph R. Stoneham street
Bright Richard E. Sunnybank Hamson Rev. George .Albert (Congre. Spurge James, East street
Bright William, Cromwell house, gational), The Manse Spurge Mrs. William, Church stil'eet
Stoneham street Hill Regnld. Duke J.P. Holfield grange Surridge Ernest Edward, The Leeze
Bright William Desborough, Brewery King Ernest William, Brookfield house Surridge Joseph Smith, Abbey view
house, Stoneham street King Herbert T. Woodlands Surridge Percy Taylor, East street
Browning George, East street King Leonard G. Rossmoyne Surridge Mrs. The Mount
Brown Edward Walter, Claiemont ho. King Mrs. John K. Woodlands Swinborne Frederick W.P. Sunnedon-
Ohurch street King Mrs. William, Brookfield house Swinborne Latimer Pfander, Sunnedoll
Brown Ernest Clemence, Claremont Leaper William, The Ferns', East s,t Taylor Robert H. Mbert pI. Church s.t
house, Church street Marten William, Stuart house Turner John Rootsey, Queen street
Oaudwell Francis Bernard Hy. The Mills Rev.Charles Oraigie M.A.{vicar), Ward Mrs. Laxfield ho. Church street
Cedars, Ohurch street Vicarage Young Solomon, Red house,Church s·t
Clark J ames William, Church street Pope Rev. Alfred E. (Baptist)
COllDlEBCIAL. Browning- & Sons, butchers, Church street
(Early closing day, Wednesday, from May to September Buck William James, cabinet maker, East street
inclusive). Burnham Edwd.Joshua, Yorkshire Grey P.H.Stoneham &t
Am()s James, boot &; shoe maker, Ohurch street Burton Arthur, beer retailer, Church street
Anness John ChM'les, Bird in Hand P.H. East street Cade Francis, ,regiSltrar of births, deaths & marriages &
Anthony Abraham, boot maker, Church street relieving officer for Coggeshall District of Braintee
Anthony William, school attendance officer, Stoneham st Union, East street
Barclay & Co. Limited (branch), bankers (percy Taylor Castle John, baker & grocer, The Gravel
Surridge, agent). East street; draw on head office, 54 Caudwell & Clowes, physicians & surg-eons, Church street
Lombard street, London E C Caudwell Frands Bernard Henry L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.
Baylis Frederick, White Horse hotel Eng. physician & surgeon &; medical officer &; public vaC'"
Beard John, maltster & brewer, corn & coal mer. Church at cinator 5th District, Braintree Union & certifying fac-
Beaumont &, Son, solicitors, Church street; & at Col- tory surgeon, see Caudwell &; Clowes
chester & Maldon Cemetery (Mike Dalton, clerk) .
Beaumopt George Frederick F.S.A. (Beaumont & Son), Church Henry, Woolpack P.H. Church street
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Church street; &, Church Street Factory (Miss Kate Tansley, manageress)~
at Colchester, Maldon &; 33 Chancery la. London W C clothing manufacturers, Church street
Beckwith Ernest W. cabinet maker, East street CIark James William, architect & surveyor, valuer 8t
Betts Alice (Miss), tambour lace manufacturer,Ohurch 8t auctioneer & poor rate collector, Ohurch street
Birkin Alfred, house decorator, Market end • Clarke John William, boot maker, East street
Bright William &; Sons Limited, maltsters &; brewers, Coggeshall Co-operative Stores (William Brasier, man-
wine &; spirit &; coal merchants, Stoneham street ager), Church street
Bright .Albert Samuel, seed grower, Griggs farm Conservative Association (R. D. Hill esq. J.P. pres.;
Brown Edward Philip & Sons, seed grawers & seed mer. William F. Sach, sec)
chants; all kinds of fann, vegetable, garden & flower Cook Daisy (Miss), home for children, Ohurch street
seeds to order, Ohurch street Cook Fanny (Mrs.), beer retailer, Calne road
Brown Samuel, Greyhound hotel Oook John, fruiterer, Market hill
Brown Thomas, contractor for steam ploughing, draining Cooper John. baker &; beer retailer, Bridge street
&c. Steam Ploughing works, East street Cowan Oharles, Lamb P.H. & seed grower
Cox John, tailor, Bridge street Matthams Arthur, baker, Church street
Oresswell Alfred Samuel, baker, S~oneham street Moss John (Mrs.), fancy repository, Church street
Crickmore Robert Samuel, saddler, East street Moun1l William Sivyer, baker & confectioner, Church st
Dalton Jacob, Locomotive P.H. Stoneham street Near Isaac, boot & shoe maker, Colne road
Dalton Mike, grocer & collector of taxes, assistant over- Nunn Henry, blacksmith, Swan yard, East street
seer & clerk to Parish Council & cemetery, Church st Parke Samuel, plumber, Church street
Dodds J. A. stationer, printer & postmaster, Post office Payne J ames, farmer &; seed grower, Church street
Doubleday Edwd. & Thos. P. grcrs. & drprs. Market end Pluck Frederick, outfitter, Market hill
Byer ElI."nest, farmer, Highfield Plumstead Thomas, baker, Church street
Ely James, baker, Bridge street Pocock Brotliers, boot & shoe makers, Market end
Fairhead Edwin, farmer, Stock Street farm Poll~y William BaIley, 'wood carver, Church street
Finch John, chimney sweeper, Queen street POUlIton & Young, veOOrinary surgeons, Church street
Firman William B. Cricketers P.H. The Gravel Pudney Daniel Darius, c8ll"rier & furn. remover, 'West sf,
Foster Hy. J. organist of Congregational church,West st Pudsey Henry, pork butcher, Market hill
Foster James & Henry, butchers, Church street Rackham Thomas R. ironmonger, Ohurch street
Frith John Bruff, chemist & druggist, Market hi:l Ra)T'11er Joseph, baker, Swneham st. & farmer, Hill farm
Fuller James, boot & shoe maker, Market hill Reading Room & Library (William F. Sach, hon. sec.).
Gage Charles, seed grower, West street Church street
Gas Works (Perey T. Surridge, sec.; William P. Hokh- Rose Henry, shoe maker, Church street
kins, manager), East street Rowland AlbeT!t, baker, Stone.ham street
Gibbs Charles, carriage builder, West street Rowland Emma (Miss), tobacconist, Stoneham street
Godfrey William, baker Rowland Jacob, hair dresser, Church street
Gooch & OJ. mineral water manufacturers, Bridge st Sach Edward, bui~der & steam saw mills, Church streek
Goodey William, Royal Oak inn, & bill poster,Stoneham st Salmon Stephen, sergt. Police s>ta,tion, Ohurch street
Goodman Ernest, coal merchant, Robins Bridge road Saunders Harry Bryan, brick maker, Colne road
Goodwin Thomas, shopkeeper, The Gravel Saunders IsabeIla (Mrs.), baker, Stoneham street
Gowers Mary Martha (Mrs.), earthenware dlr. Church st Saward Hubert H. cycle agent, East street
Grimwood Elizh. & Hannah (Misses), drap8rs, Church st Se~ton Joseph, Chapel hotel, Market hill
Guy Jabez, grocer, East street Shave William, cabinet maker, West street
Hales Peter, farm bailiff to Mri. R. D. Hill, Gate house Simmons Brothers, drapers, Church street
Harrington Willie, jeweller &e. Church street Smith George, Fleece P.H. West street
Hitchcock George Francis, fancy repository Smith Harris, farmer, Bouchiers grange
Hllghes Frank, chimney sweeper, Church street SodeI' William, florist, Tilkey
Humphrey Ellen (Mrs.), coal merchant, East street Southgate Raben H. fishmonger, Stoneham street
Humphrey Mynott'e, hair dresser, Market hill Sparrow Obadiah, shoe maker, Stoneham street
Hunwick Arthur, carrier, Church street Sparrow Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, Gravel end
Hutley Arthur, furniture remover, Church street Sproxton William, farmer & landowner, Monksdown farm
Hutley John, cowkeeper, West street Spurge James, tambour lace manufacturer, East street
Inland Revenue Office (Joseph R. Smith, officer), Stone- Spurge Wm. (Mrs.), tambour lace manfr. Church street
ham street Spurgin Louis, blacksmitli, Bridge street
Jepp Waiter, builder Surridge & Son, auctioneers &; land &; estate agents
Jepp Willie, temperance hotel, Market hill Surridge E'rnest Edward, solicitor & chairman of the
Joyce Harry, butcher, Market hill Coggeshall Parish Council, The Leeze
Judges Frederick Adolphus, grocer, Stoneham street Surridge Percy Taylor, agent for Barclay & Co.'s Bank
Keeble William, Black Boy P.H. & shoe maker, Church 8t Limited, East street
Kempton Casteldine Hemy, grocer & agent for W. & A. Swinborne G. P. & Co. patent isinglass & gelatine manu-
Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit merchants, Market hill facturers; & 33 & 3'4 St. Andrew's hill, Queen Victoria.
King Ernest W. & aa. farm, vegetable & garden flower street, LondQlIl E 0
seed growers Tansley James & Son, engineers, The Gravel
King .John K. & Son9, seed growers by Royal warrant Turner :Frank O. blacksmith & implement agent, Bridge lOt
to H.M. the King; Home & Export seed growers; 'Ward's Stores, grocers & provision dealers, Ohurch street
established over IOO years. Telegrams, "Seedsman, Warren C. & H. coach builders & saddlers, Bridge stree~
Coggeshall " Warren Isabella (Mrs.), beer retailer & poulterer, Col-
King W. & S. J. brewers & wine &; spirit mers. The Gravel chester road
Lawrence Josiah, linen draper, Market hill Webster John Dakeyne, schoolmaster & organist t~
Leavherdale Eli, greengrocer, OhU'rdh street Parish church
Leatherdale James, caN'ier, Ohuroh street Weinll."ich HenTy, fruiterer, Church street
Leatherdale Samh Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Church lOt Wheeler Martha (Miss), baker, East street
Liberal Club (William IBrasier, sec.), Church street 'White Theophilm, basket maker, Church street
Lond'on & County Banking Co. Limited (sub-branch) Wigmore Henry Geurge, confectioner, East street
(George Luke Dale, manager), open tues. &; fri. Market WilIJi'amson .Albert, greengrocer, Stoneham'street
hill; draw on head office, 2I Lombard st. London E C Willsher Joseph, outfitter, Market hill
McMillan Brothers, farmers, Hovels farm Woodford Wm. (Mrs.), Toll House P.H. Colchester road
Marshall Samuel, cabinet make'r, Bridge street Young Solomon M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, see
Martiw. Alfred, White Horse P.H. West street Poulton & Young

Marked thus * receive their letters Appleford Ellen Louisa (Mrs.), miller physician & surgeon, see CaudwelJ
through Coggeshall R.S.O (steam & water), Abbey & West mlls & Clowes
Appleford Mrs & farmer, Abbey farm "Creek Geo. Ohas. mineral water mnfr
*Clowes Wm. Fredk. Albert, Monkwell Barnard Charles, miller (water), *Gardner E. & Son, brewers, maltsters
*Fischer Mrs. T. H. Abbey house Pointwell mill & wine & spirit merchants
,*Gardner Mrs. Bridge house Bibby Henry, coal & wood dealer Gooch Samuel George, Portobello inn
Sheldrake J. Ernest, The Hamlet Brand Thomas, builder, The Hamlet *Hills John, butcher
Sheldrake Mrs. The Hamlet *Caudwell & Clowes, physicians k Hunwick William,baker
Tupper Mrs. Hamlet house surgeons Parker Emma (Mrs.), Hare & Houndl'
COMMERCIAL. *Clark Joseph, bill poster & town crier P.R
*Andrews Arthur Bateman, tailor, *Clowes William Frederick Albert *Seabrook Frederick, farmer, The
Bridge street L.R.C.P.Lond. & M.R.C.S.Eng. Grange, Curd hall & Capons farms

. .


COLCHESTER is a municipal and parliamentary borough, goods traffic is conducted. The line to Walton-on-the-
union and garrison town and head of a county court dis- Naze and Olacton-on-Sea, with a branch from Wivenhoe
trict, sIl miles from London, 21 south-west from Har- to Brightlingsea, leaves the main line a,t Colchester.
wich, 71 south-west from Manningtree, 13 north-east The oyster and floating fishery, of the CoIn" and
Ifrom Witham, 18! south from Hadleigh, 18! north-north- Pyfleet and other creeks, has from time immemorial
east from Maldon, 191 east from Braintree. 18 south-west belonged to the Corporation of Colchester. In I 870,
from Ipswich, 431 from Bury, 39t north-east from Rom- an Act of Parliament was passed to incorporate the Colne
fOrd, 33~ from Brentwood, 16l south-east from Sudbury Fishery Company and to authorize the demise to them
, and 22 north-east from Ohelmsford, in the North Eastern from the Corporation of the fishery for a period of 99
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional divi- years; a lease was accordingly granted at the statutory
sionof Lexden and Winstree, rural deanery and arch- rent of £500 yearly and one·fourth of the gross proceeds
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .AIbans. This of the fishery after the sum had reached £1,500. The
town (which is supposed to have been the sit(~ of the fishery is managed by a board consisting of six members
ancient" Camalodunum ") occupies the summit 8Jld llid£:s of ·the Corporation and six members of the Colne
of a height gradually rising above the navigable river Fishery Company, who are appointed annually.
Colne, which; taking hence a. south-easterly directon, The municipal body consists of a mayor, eight alder-
faJs into the North Sea at a. distance of IS miles and is . men, twenty-four councillors, a high steward. and a
navigable to the Hythe, a suburb forming part of the recorder, with a town clerk and registrar of the civil
port of Colchest-er. courts' of record, a treasurer, accountant, coroner and
There are three bridges over the CoIne: North bridge other officers. The borough is divided into four wards
at the north entrance to the town. is of iron, with for municipal and parliamentary purposes, and has a
three arches and was constructed by the town council commiss:on ot the peace and a. separate court of quarter
at an outlay of about £1,860; East bridge is ·built of sessions.
stone and brick ~md. ~as five arches ,!it~ iron ba~uB-. The insignia of the Corporation include a large and
trades; Hyt~e ~rldge IS con~tructed prIllClpally of Ifon massive silver gilt mace, made by John J ennings, gold-
and was. bUIlt Ill. 1878 at !!'. cost of nearly £3,000; an I smith, of London, in I]29, over 200 ounces of Corporation
o~der ~rrdge of t.Imber haVlIlg been' washed away by a . plate being disposed of to defray the cost. There are
hIgh tI~e .at Chnstmas, 1876. . . . . I
also four small gillver gilit maces formerly carried by the
The limIts of the- port of Colchester have been deClared I four sergeants-at-lllace who were elected annually from
to commence at the N~ze Point (being the southern limit 13 82 to 1<83'5: they bear on the fiat tops the arms of
of the Port of HarWIch) and t.o ex.tend fro~ the~ce Charles 1.. ~md probably daw from theUhaI'llier of 16 35.
along .the coast o! Essex to an Imagmary straIght line The Mayor's gold chain of office was presented in 17 65
drawn ~rom .the pIlot mark at ~he entrance to ~avengore ~y Leonard Ellington., bay maker, of London: the pen-
~~eek ill t~e ~ounty of Essex, to the. Land s End at dant was added in 1'887 by ilie Mayor (Mr. Horace G.
Warden POlll~ ill. the I~le of Sheppey,- III the cOlmty of Egerton Green), in commemoration of Queen Victoria's
Kent, (the saId line beIllg the eastern boundary of the Jubilee. The loving cup of silver gilt was the gift of Mr.
P,?rt. of London), a!so .to. extend seaward from the. co~st .Ahraham J ohnsoTI in 1°73. 'Dbe Mayor's silver theatre
~IthIll the aforesaId limIts 00.3 distance of three lilIes ticket probably dates from the ereotion of the theatre
from low wat~r mark, and to Include all ~ays, channels, behind the Moot Hall in 1764. The oyster gauge of brass
roads, bars, Islands,, hav~ns,.rI!erS, stre:mrs, is modern, and takes the place of a silver gauge which
creeks, and. places. WIthin the saId litnlts ~,ontaIne~; has disappeared. The silver oars of the water bailiff
exce~~ the Is~~~ds III ~avengore creek called !,otton date from 18 °4, but probably replaced older ones, and
and Rushly Islands, and. so much of .the saId creek are emblem8ltical of the A<dmiralty Jurisdiotion confirmed
and the waterconrs~ that extends from .It to the town nnder. tJhe Cha·rtrer of OlllWles 1. The silver salver was
of Ro~h~~rd as are I? the ~~rt of London. The number. presented to Mr. Henry Vint (mayor 18 44), for his ser-
of BorI1ash and f?reIgn sa~lmg and stealD; vessels that vices in originating and promoting the erection of a new
entBJred the port III I9 01 WIth cargoes and III ballast was town hall. There is also the mayor's .silver seal, oyster,
61, of 8,oPI tons. Th~ number cleared was 34, of 4, 26 4 two silver snuff-boxes and a silrver inkstand.
tonnage. In the coast'1llg trade, 499 vessels entered, and .
;508 cleared, 22,237 tons. .. . ' The municipal and parliamentary boroughs are ~o-
The number of vessels registered under Part I. of the extensive and now also constitute the " Pa~ish of Colches-
~'Merchant Shipping Act, 1894," as belonging to the ter." By an Order of the County Counc:l, 6th October,
port. Dec. 31. 1901, was' 146, of 4.440 ·tons. 1896, and confirmed by. the Local Gover~ent Board 12th
Fishing boats and 'their implements are distinguished March, 1897, the panshes of .All Samts, eBerechurch,
by the letters C.K. The nUlllbe'r of fishing boat.:! }'egis- Greenstead, Holy Trinity. Lexden, Saint Botolph, Saint
tered under Part I'V. of the "Merchant Shipping Act,. Giles. Saint James, Saint Leonard, Saint Martin, Saint
or-894," as belonging -~o the pont, Dec. 311,' 1901, was 6, M~ry-at-the-1yalls; .. Sa:nt Ma~ Magdalen, St. Michael
employing 14 men and boys. MIle En.d, Samt NlCholas, Samt Peter, and St. Runwald,
. 'The harbour was taken over by the Corporation under were umted a~~ fo!med into one ~arish called the" Paris-h
.a Local Act. in 1892. Vessels of 15 0 tons burden can of Colchester, wl~h 24 Guard~ans, and fo~ th~ pur-
approach the quay at the Hythe. p?S~ of. the ElectI~n of GuardIans the· Pa.I'lsh ~ now
On the 22n~ of April, 1884, at about 9.15' a.m. the· dIVIded. mto ParochIal Wards (17) co-ext~nslv~ w:th the
town and neIghbouring villages were visited by two respectrv~ .areas of the then ~Xlstlllg Poll111~ DIetrrcts !or
distinct shocks of earthquake, which lasted from five to the MUillClpal Borough .. ThIS Order came mto operatlon
ten seconds and caused great damage to property; the 26th M~rch, 1897.. The boro.ugh return~d two. m~m~s
·spire of the Congregatiop-al church in Lion Walk was to Parliament until the pas.sIng of the ' Re--dIstl'lbuhon
shattered, the tower of St. Leonard's church damaged of Seats Act, 188S;" by whIch the number was reduced
.and other buildings injured: a relief fund was started to one.
at the Mansion House, London, by the Lord Mayor and The ma'.n streets are wide and of good' appearance.
£8,946 14s. was subscribed, which was distributed Many of the houses and buildings have an air of anti-
amongst a great number of sufferers in Colchester and quity, but the approach to the town by the London road
·24 neighbouring villages: 1,213 buildings were repaired, is lined with elegant modern houses: this road, as far as
381 owners received contributions, and 20 churches Lexden. forms the principal promenade of the inhabitants.
-and I I chapels were aided. The town is supplied with water. from works, now the
. Railway communication with the metropolis and also propert.y of the Corporation, situate at the ba:e of the
with Ipswich. Bury St. Edmunds, Sudbury, Harwich, Balkerne Hill, where there are excellent springs: there
Yarmouth, Lowestoft, CIacton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the- is also a reservoir connected with the works at the
Naze and Norwich, is maintained by means of the Great summit of Balkerne Hill, and, in April. 1882, a water
Eastern railway, the main or north station, opened May, tower, 105 feet high, and capable of holding 220,000
1843, being about a mUe from the centre of the town: ill gallons. was erected on Balkerne Hill, at a cost of upwards
[8g6 and 19°'1 t·he station buildings on the up and of £IO,Ooo, for the purpose of giving 3 constant instead
down sides respectively were entirely rebuilt, and the of an intermittent supply, the plans being prepared by
platforms remodelled and enhwged: St. Botolph's station, Mr. Clegg, late borough surveyor, under the supervision
iormerly ,the terminus of the Tendring Hundred rail. of Sir Henry Rawlinson a.E. The town is lighted witb
way, is centrally situated ~n' ,the >'lOuth-east side of the gas supplied by a company.
town; there is also a station lilt Hythe, at which place The churches within the walls are as follows:-

. All Saints'· church, High street, is an ancient edifice a granite tomb slab with cross'; it. PUl'beck marble altar
of stone and brick in the Perpendicular-Decora.ted slab discovered i,n 1894 has been placed in its original
styles, and consists of ohancel, nave of four bays, north position; in the south transept is a carved head
aisle and an embattled-western tower of flirut, with stone of the 15th century and there is one stained window:
dressings, containing 5 ibells: the churc'h was restored there are 400 sittings, all free. The register dates from
in IJ861: there are 390 sittings. The register proper of the yeaT 1622. The living is a 'rectory, net yearly value'
the parish dates from ,the yea.r 1610, but the books also £185, witJh 60 acres of glebe, in private patronage, but
include t.he registers of St. Botolph's p8lrpetual curacyl ~'pro hao vice," the Bishop of St . .AlbaD's, and held since
from 156Q; and of military funerals, ,r807-12. The 1902 by the Ven. Oscar Dan Watkins :M.A. of Merton
living is a rectory, net yearly value £179, with resi- College, Oxford.
dence, in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford, and held St. Mary-at-the-Walls church, in Church street north,
since 1892 by the Rev. George Gibson Brown M.A. of was nearly demolished' by tile Parliamentary forces dur-
Edinburgh University and ,Balliol College, OxfOJ'd. ing the siege of the town in 1648; but was rebuilt in
Holy Trinity church, in Trinity street, is a stone 1714, and again rebuilt, with the exception of the old
edifice in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, tower, in 1871. The present church is an edifice of
nave of five bays, aisles, south porch, and a weetern brick, chiefly in the Early: DecO'rated style, and consists
tower of undoubted Saxon work, constructed to u large of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and an
extent of Roman materials; and containing I bell: the embattled western tower rontaining I bell; in the tower
church was restored and enlarged in 1886: the stained is a monument with effigy to John Rebow, of Colchester,
east window is a memorial to Maria Corsellis, a bene- merchant, ob. 1699, and Sarah his wife, erected by
factress of this parish; there is a similar memorial in their son, Sir Isaac Rebow M.P. for Colchester in the
the north aisle to ,Caroline Corsellis and a noteworthy Convention Parliament of 1688-9 and subsequently to
monument with an inscription in Latin to Dr. William 1710, who twice entertained William ITl. and. was
Gilbert, a native of Colchester, and one of the earliest knighted by that king: he left a yearly sum {)f 20S. to
experimenters in electricity; he died Nov. I, 1603: in the sexton of this church' to keep the monllment clean;
1884 the arch in the south a:sle had to be taken down and there is also a memorial to the Rev. Thomas Twinirig
rebuilt and the tower, which had been much shaken !by M.A. formerly rector of this parish, ob. 7 August, 18°4:
the earthquake, repaired; the organ was rebuilt in 1889 a new organ was erected in 1889 at a cost of £600. The
at a cost of £150: there are 400 sittings, of which 200 are approaches to the church were widened and improved ID
free. The register dates from the year 1696. The living 1871: and there is a wide path with an avenue of limes
lis a rectory, net yearly value £249, including 50 acres of round the churchyard, .which Morant says was formerly
glebe, in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford, and held since the fashionable promenade: there are 600 sittings, all,
1877 by the Rev. John Bush Early M.A. of Worcester of which are free. The register of baptisms and mar--
College, Oxford. riages dates from 1561; burials, 1569. The living iSIl
St. James's church, at th~ top of East Hill, was rectory, net yearly value £270, with residence, in the
thorougWy restored by subscription in 187:1: at a cost gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1897 by
of about £4,5°0, and is an edifice in the Decorated the Rev. Greville Turner Hales M.A. of Jesus CollEge,
style, consisting of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, Cambridge: this living was once held by the Rev. rhilip
aisles, south porch and a wl;lstern tower with turret, Morant M.A., F.S.A. the historian of ES$ex: the, old
containing I bell : both the body and tower are of rectory house, in which Morant wrote his· histories, was
Roman brick, mingled with stone: the chancel derives demolished in 1871 and a new house erected in the
an elegant character from the intermixture in its com- centre of what had been ·3 paddock. The 'population of
position of. flint and polished stones: there are brasses the ecclesiastical parish in 190I Was 4,329,
to John Maynard, alderman and clothier, ob. 1569, and , , The' parishes of St. Nicholas and St. Runwald were,
,to Ales, his wife, ob. 1584: in the south aisle is a ,marble for ecclesiastical purposes, amalgamated in 1873. The
monument with recumbent effigy to Arthur Winsley 1lsq. church of St. Nicholas, in High street, was restored and
alderman of this town, who founded and endowed the greatly enlarged in 1875-6 at a cost of upwards Of£I5,ooo
almshouses bearing his name and died January 30, from designs by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. and
I726-7; this monument was erected in accordance with re-consecrated 4th July, 1876, by the name of St.
directions incIudedin his will: a ,new organ was built Nicholas and St. Runwald. The building is of Kentish
in January, :1:890, at a cost of £680: there are at least rag stone in the Decorated style, and consists of chancel,
1660 sittings, all of which are free, subject to assignment nave of five bays, aisles, organ chamber and a tower with
by the churchwardens, suitable provision being made spire containing 6 bells: in 1893 a new pulpit,
for the poorer inhabitants. The register of baptisms lectern, and oak panelling in the chancel, from designs
dates from 1560; burials, :1:573; marriages, 1653. The by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. were added: there
living is a rectory, net yeacdy value £180, with residence, are 701 sittings, of which nearly all are free. The church
in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since of- St. Runwald, a small edifice, originally of Norman,
1895 by the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Naters M.A. of Sidney if not Saxon work, but much defaced, stood in the
Sussex College, Cambridge. middle of the High street and was entirely removed in
St. Martin's church, in 'West Stockwell street, north 1878. The register of St. Nicholas dates from 1541 for
of the Middle row and west of the Castle, has a 'large all entries and that of St. Runwald for baptisms from
proportion of Roman brick .in its construction, and 1576; marriages and burials, 1598. The living is So
although only a small portion of the present edifice dates rectory, net yearly value £291, in the gift of Ba1liol Col-
from an earlier period than the beginning of the I4th lege, Oxford, and the Round family alternately. The
century, it is higWy proba.ble from various relics which population in 1901 was 1,09°. ,
have been found and the miscellaneous materials of St. Peter's church, at North hill, is an edifice of stone
;which the walls are composed, that it occupies the site erected in the 17th century, and consists of chancel,
.of a more ancient structure. The present building is in nave, aisles and an embattled western tower containiIig
the Decorated style of the time of Edward I. and consists 8 bells: the interior underwent extensive alterations and
of chancel with north vestry, nave of three bays, aisles, was entirely reseated in 1858, and in 1902 the 'nave and
south porch and a western tower of Norman date, scarcely chancel were restored at a cost of £2,700: there is an
higher than the body of the edifice; it was much interesting mural tablet to the Protestant martyrs of
,damaged in the memorable siege of 1648, and contains Colchester, who were burned in the reign of Queen
one be:!, cast in 1645: the chancel has undergone less Mary, and a monument to the Rev. S. Carr, vicar from
change than any other portion of the church and has a 1830, d. 1854: the tattered colours of the 44th (1st
magnificent, timber roof of Perpendicular date, brought batt. Essex) Regiment, and a marble tablet inscribed
to light by the late Sir G. G. Scott R.A. in 1874, during with the names of its officers who fell in the Crimean
the visit of the Royal Archreological Society: in the war, are in the nave: there are brasses, with effigies,
,north wall is a lofty and highly finished recess, with to John Sayre, alderman, ob. 1510, and Elizabeth, his
,an ogee arch and triple-cusped tracery; eastward of wife, ob. 1530, with children; Agnes, daughter of John
the aisles are chapels, separated from them by trans- 'Yoodthorpe, of Lavenham, ob. 1553, ller two husbands,
verse arches; in the south wall is a small p:scina Alevn Dister and Robert Leache and nine children; John

and at the opposite angle are the stairs formerly Sayers, ob. 1563; William Brown, gent. and 'Margaret,
leading to the roof-loft, winding round a small wooden his wife, ob. 1572, and eight children; Richard Sayer,
newel: the church has a very fine Perpendicular ob. 16ro, and Alice (Spoonel') and Ellen (Lawrence), his
font, octagonal in -shape, on a superbly moulded wives, with fonr children: a clock, with illuminated
plinth and broad step: there are two parish chests projecting dial, on the western side of the tower, was
,of Jacobean work: the exterior of the church was erected in 1866. The register dates from the year 16II.
. repaired and partially restored in 1883 by public sub~ The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £8,
scription at a cost of £800, and the interior was restored net yearly value £450, with residence, in the _gift of
in 1891 at a cost of .£850; the chancel has sedilia and Simeon's trustees, and held since -1895 by the Rev.

Charles Triffit Ward M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. tical parish in 1901 was 1,870, including 248 officers and
The population of the ecclesiastical parish in 1901 was inmates of the Eastern Counties Asylum for idiots and
2,5°0. imbeciles.
The churches without the walls are as follows:- The ecclesiastical parish of St. John the Evangelist was
St. Botolph's, on the east side of St. :8otolph's street, formed 12 A~ril, 1864, lrom the parishes of Greenstead,
is a structure of white brick, in a heavy and debased .All Saints', St. Botolph's, Mile End., Colchester, Ardleigh
style, intended to correspond with that of the ancient and Langham: the church is on the Ipswich road, abou~
ruins of the Priory, near which it stands: it consists of 2 miles from Colchester, and is an edifice of red brick, in
chancel and nave and a massive western tower, contain- the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, north
ing I bell: a new organ was erected in 1890: there are transept and a small western octagonal bell turret con-
1,000 sittings, of which upwards of 800 are free. The taining I bell: the chancel, which is a memorial to the-
register of burials dates from 1813; baptisms, 1837; and Rev. James Thomas Round, rector of St. Runwald's,
marriages, 1849; all previous registrations are included Oolchester, from 1824, and of St. Nicholas from 1830, is
1ll the registers of .All Saints. The living is a vicarage, separated from the nave by a low screen of oak, from
net yearly value £257, with residence, in the gift of the which rise the lectern and pulpit; the church was opened
Dishop of St. .Albans, and held since 1875 by the Rev. for Divine service in 1863: there are 220 sittings. The
John Reginald 'Corbett M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford, register dates from the year 1863. The living is a vicar-
hon. canon of St. Alban's, and rural dean of Colchester. age, net yearly value £229, with residence, in the gift of
St. Giles' church, near St. John's green, is an ancient the Archdeacon of Colchester, and held since 1880 by tho
edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle Rev. John Freeman King RA. of the University 01
and a western tower, containing 1 bell: in the body of London.
the church is a marble slab dep-ply engraved with the The Catholic church in Priory street, dedicated to St.
following inscription: " Under this marble lay the bodies James, was built in 1837, and is an edifice of white brick
of the two most valiant captains Sir Charles Lucas and in the Norman style, consisting of nave and chancel:
Sir George Lisle, knights, who for their eminent loyalty there are 200 sittings.
to their soverain were on the 28th day of August 1648 The Society of Friends have a meeting house in Sil
by the command of Sir Thomas' Fairfax, then general of Isaac's walk, erected in 1872, and seatin~ about 300, and
the Parliament army, in cold bloud barbarously mur- connected with it is a library and an adult Sunday school
dered :" there are 500 sittings, of which 250 are free. for both sexes.
The register of baptisms and marriages dates from 1692; The Congregational church, LiDn walk, is a building
burials from 16g8. The living is a rectory, net yearly in the Early English style, with a tower and spire, and
value £160, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in the was opened in July, 1863, at a cost, including organ and
gift of Rev. Nicholas Parker Gepp RA. rector of Great fittings, of about .£6,500: a portion of the spire was
and Little Witchingham, and held since 1872 by the Rev. tlirown down by the earthquake of April :22nd, 1884. ·but
William Henry Wardell M.A. of University College, Dur- has since been rebuilt: the church will seat about 850
ham, and surrogate. The small district church of St. persons. There is also a Congregational chapel in Chapel
Barnabas, at Old Heath, is a chapet-of-ease to the parish street, erected in 1844, with 500 sittings; and one in East
chureh: services are held on ·Sundays by the clergy of Stockwell street, erected in 1816, which seats 800 persons.
St. Giles. Eld Lane Baptist chapel was reopened in 1884, after
The church of St. Leonard-at-the-Hythe, one of the restoration, at a cost of £1,100, and affords 700 sitting-so
most ancient and interesting churches in the town, is an St. John's Green Baptist chapel, founded in 1812, was
edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of rebuilt in 1872, and restored and a new organ provided
chancel, nave of four bays, with clerestory, aisles, north in 1899; there are sittings for 370: the "Providence ~
and south chapels, south porch and an embattled western Baptist chapel in Burlington road.
tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells and a clock: it The Primitive Methodist chapel in Artillery street,
has an open-timbered roof: the st.ained west window is a erected in 1839, and restored in 1892, seats 500, that in
memorial to the mother of the Rev. John George Bingley Nunns cut was erected in 1872.
M.A. rector 1864-74; the east window, also stained, was The Wesleyan chapel in Culver street, erected in 1835,
inserted at the cost of the May family and Mrs. E. Hall, was improved and a stone font provided in 1900 at a
aided by general subscriptions; another window was cost of upwards of £3,000; will seat 973 persons; thllt
erected in 1886 by J. S. Barnes esq. to the memory of in the Hythe has 130 sittings.
his father and mother: the tower was seriously damaged There is also a meeting house for the sect called
by the earthquake of 22nd April, 1884, but the church " Brethren."
has been extensively restored, and in 18g8 was further The Cemetery for the following twelve parishes, opened
restored, and a new system of lighting introduced: there in 11856 St. l\Iary-at-the-Walls, St. Botolph, St. Giles,
are 500 sittings. The register dates from the year 1559. Holy Tririty, St. Peter, St. Runwald, St. Martin. All
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £139, inclnding Saints. St. Leonard, St. James, St. Nicholas and St. MU1'Y
2 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Balliol Col- Magdalene-is situated to the south of the town, about
lege, Oxford, and held since 1896 by the Rev. Henry a mile and a half from the High street; it is now about
Frederick Victor Carter. The population of the eccle- 30 acres in extent, with two chapels, and residences for
siastical parish in 1901 was 2,500. the superinteFldent and assistant. In 1896 the duties of
St. Mary Magdalene church, in Magdalene street, is a the Burial Board and the management of the Cemetery
modern structure of flint with stone dressings, in the were assumed by the Corporation, under the "Local
Decorated style, and consists of chancel, nave, transepts, Government Act, 1894," sec. 62.
south porch and a tower on the south side containing I The Town Hall, begun in 1898, when the foundation
bell: the east window is stained: there are 400 8ittings. stone was laid (Oct. 31) by RR.H. the Duke of Cambridge
'l'he register dates from the year 1721. The living is a K.G. occupies the site of the former hall, built in 1844-5
rectory, net yearly value £430 (derived from the income of in place of 'the ancient Moot Hall, 'a picturesque structure
the Corporation of the Master and poor of Magdalene of the 14th century, which also stood on this spot, and
Hospital, there being no tithes), with residence, was then removed. The new building', opened 15 May,
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1900 1902, by the Earl of !RDsebery K.G., K.T. is an edifice of
by the Rev. Robert Bashford M.A. of Christ's College, brick and stone, in the Renaissance style, from designs
Cambridge. by Mr. John Belcher F.R.LB.A. of London, and is
The church of St. Paul, in Belle Vue road, near the rectangular in plan, with a lofty tower at the east end
main line station on the Great Eastern railway, was built and a high-pitched roof relieved by chimneys and dormer
in 1869 as a chapel-of-ease to Lexden, but in 1879 was lights: the basement and lower ground floor contain the
consecrated as a parish church and a district assigned to police station with its offices, a recreation room, store-
it under the name of the parish of St. Paul in Col- rooms and a boiler house: here also is the muniment
chester: the church consists of an apsidal chancel, nave room: on the ground floor are the various municipal
of four bays, south aisle, two vestries, south porch and a offices, the County Magistrates' and Borough Courts'
western turret containing 1 bell, cast from a number of grand jury and Dther room9, and the chief constable's
Dutch clock bells by two artisans resident in Colchester, office: on the first floor, and at the east end of the build-
who had designed it for the church of their native viI· ing. but at right angles to the north side of the main
lage in Holland, but difficulties arising as to its trans- block, is the council chamber; adjoining' it are waiting
mission, it was sold and hung in the turret of this and robing rooms. and on the south side the mayor's
church: the chancel is divided from the nave by a low, parlour, committee rooms, and the town clerk's offices ~
but elaborately worked iron screen: there are 350 sit· the upper floor comprises a fine assembly room, called
tings. The register dates from the year 1869. The "the moot hall," containing a grand organ, presented at
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £171, without resi- a cost of £1,000 by Sir W. D. Pearson bart. M.P. and
dence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held I.ady Peal'son, kitchen, serving room, and aJY<lrtments fof'
since 1900 by the Rev. Ernest WilIiam Sawyer M.A. of the caretaker: The principal or south front has the base-
·Keble College, Oxford. The population of the ecclesias- ment and ground floor of stone, simply rusticated: tne
two floors above are of brick with stone dressings, and are and rurrow cross roofs, .glazed <ID their northern sides:
relieved by six lofty columns rising to nearly their entire at the north end of the interior is a mov.alble stage, and
height, and supporting a bold frieze and cornice, the retiring rooms and lavatories: for the purposes of public
latter being carried over the windows in pedimental form: assemblies the Exchange will seat 1,900 persons.
above the central window are the royal arms, elaborately The corn market is held every Saturday.
.carved in stone, and a fla,gstaff, and over the entrance is The Essex and Suffolk Fire Office, established in 1802,
a projecting stone balcony, attached to the mayor's oce:upies the old Corn Market, in the High street, near
parlour, and there are others on the floor above: at the St. Peter's church.
south-e'ast angle rises a tower, erected at a cost of £3,000 The Technical and University Extension College
by James Paxman esq. J.P. and rea~hing a height of (.Albert School of Science and .Art), originally es-
Z62 feet; it is plainly constructed of brick to some tablished in 1885, was transferred to the Corporation in
distance above the roof; the remainder consists of two 1896, and includes the pupil teachers' centre and train-
elegant stages of stonework, enriched with columns and ing classes for iea.chers: the premises have been enlarged.
pediments and emblematic seated figures: perched at '1'he Cattle Market, formerly held in High street, was
the angles of the upper stage are four la11ge bronze ravens, removed in the year 1862 to a commodious site at the
and the whole is surmounted by a bronze statue of St. bottom of North hill, and was much improved and re-
Helena crowned, supporting a t'all cross and carrying a constructed in 1898. The market day is Saturday. Col-
sceptre: in the towe'r are 5 bells and a clock with three chester fair, or St. Denis fair, is held on the 20th October,
dials presented, m; a total cost of £65°, by the late .Mrs. in a field on the Harwich road.
C. H. Hawkins, of 'Colchester, as a memorial to her hus- The Custom House is at 43 Hythe hill. The amount
band, Aid. Hawkins. The moot hall, council chamber of revenue collected in 1900 was £II9.350.
and other portions of the interior are richly adorned with There are three clubs in the town. The Colchester
:stained glass, displaying historic scenes and figures and club in High street, established in December, 1874, has
much heraldry: on the landing of the main staircase about 133 members. The St. Runwalds club, in Head
is a fine seated effigy in marble of H.M. the late Queen street. formElrly known as the .st. Martin's club, and
Victoria, prellented by Aid. H. G. E. Green, and on the established in January, 1881, has about 120 memberll.
top landing is a fine monument in white and coloured The Libel'111 club has premises in St. Botolph street, which
marbles to the Colchester martyrs, 1428-1656, the gift have been adapted at considerable cost.
of S. F. Hurnard esq. J.P.; here also is a marble bust The Cups (rebuilt in 1886), Red Lion, and the George
.of the late Rev. O. H. Spurgeon, given by .AId. Jas. Wicks are the priucipal family and commercial hotels and post-
.LP.: the walls of the various rooms, the staircase and ing houses; the Shaftesbury is the principal temperance
corridors are hung with a large assemblage of portl'uits, hotel. .
pictures and engravings; the former include portraitiS The Theatre is in Queen street, and will hold 1,000
.of royalist officers slain at the siege of Colchester in persons.
J:646-8, various mayors and other official personages, and The .Assembly Rooms, adjoining the Red Liou hotel,
a number of local celebrities, including Sir Harbottle were opened in 1883; the main room, which is spacious
Grimston, Sir Fras. Walsingham, 'Sec. of State, Lord and well ventilated, has a length of 1 IQ feet and is 38
Fairfax. and the Rev. Philip Morant M..A. the historian feet wide; attached are convenient retiring rooms:
of Essex and Colchester: in niches on the exterior of the it is used for balls, concerts and banquets, and will
building are idealised statues of Eudo Dapifer, d. 1120, seat 600.
Thomas, Baron .Audley of Walden K.G. d. 1544, Samuel The manual fire engine station, in Lion walk, is the
Harsnett, .Archbishop of York, d. 1631, and William property of the Essex and Suffolk Equitable Fire Insur-
Gilberd M.D., F.R.C.S. d. 1603. The total cost of the ance Society. The Borough Fire station was removed
structure was estimated in 1899 at £33,397, but this sum, from Stockwell street in 1898 to premises in Stanwell
from various causes, has been considerably exceeded. street.
The" Public Libraries .Act, 1885" (18 &19 Vie. c. 70) The County Police Station, on the Ipswich road, has
was adopted in October, 1891, by a. substantial majority, residence for a superintendent, and cells for prisoners.
-and in March, 1892, branch reading rooms were opened .A spacious building of grey brick, originally the county
in the 'Outlying districts at Lexden, Myland, Old Heath gaol, at the entrance of the town from Ipswich, and at
and Parsons Heath. These are now supplied with ctaily one time serving as the depot for the Essex Rifle Militia,
papers, and also with the periodicals and magazines after has been altered and enlaI'lged and is now used as a
use in the central library. Through the bequest of £1.000, laundry.
by the late Mr. Richard Catchpole, 'Of Reading, aided by Colchester is the head quarters of the Eastern District
various donations, the present library was founded in Command, which comprises Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire,
'Vest SfJockwell Street, upon a site presented by the Cor- l~ssex (except t,he portions included in the Thames dis-
poration, at a cost of -about £4,000, including furniture trict), HertfOl'dshire. Hllntingdonshire, Norfolk, North-
and £ttings. The building is of red brick, in the Domes- amptonshire, Rutland and Suffolk. There are barracks
tic Tudor style, from the designs of Mr. Brightwen Bin- for a regiment of cavalry, three batteries of field artillery,
yon .A.R.T.B..A. of Ipswich, and comprises a spacious and companies {)f garrison artillery, a brigade of infantry;
lofty reading room, a portion of which is se~ apart for qualters for a field company of Hoyal Engineers, seven
ladies, lending department, librarian's private office, and blocks of married quarters, hospital, female hospital,
a convenient reference room. The upper floor comprises a gymnasium, ordnance, I barrack stores, and a garrison
room available for Committee meetings. Students.' Asso- church. The garrison land has ,been laid out with roads
'Ciations &c. The li.rary was opened to the public, Oct. and planted with ornamentall t·rees. Quarters for the
'25th, 1894: the daily average attendance in the reading commanding officers and concentrated offices have also
rooms is 1,200. The newsroom only is open on Sunday been erected and Inany houses, inns, lInd stores have
afternoons and evenings. The number of books in the sprung up in the different approaches to the camp. The
lending department is about 7,000, and the annual issues Soldiers' Home S1nd Institute, in Queen street, near the
~5 ,000: the reference department contains 2,500 volumes, theatre, comprises reading, oo:ffee and game rooms, and
the annual issues being a.bout 2,000. Included in the a large lecture hall, capable of holding about 300 persons.
library, but shown only under special restrictions, is a The Drill Hall of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion Essex
valuable collection of about 1,000 volumes. bequeathed Regiment, in. StanweIT street, Ibuilt in 1887, is a building
to the town" for the use of the clergy and other divines," 100 feet by 50 feet, and is used, in addition to drilling,
in 1631, by Samuel Harsnett, son of a baker in "Vyre for concerts, meetings, and theatrical9, and will hold 1,000
-street, successively Bishop of Chichester and Norwich persons.
-and .Archbishop of York. It consists mainly of contro- .The, Masonic Hall, .Abbeygate street, comprises two
versial divinity, bearing on the differences between the large rooms, in addition to others of smaller dimensions,
Roman and .Anglican churches, but includes some fine and is available for public enteramments &c.: the cost of
specimens of early typography and works otherwise in- site.antl. building exceeded £2,5°0.
terestin~ to bibliophiles: these volumes were transferred Thel trade of Colchester chiefly consists in the supply
"from The Castle, where they had been kept from 1749 of the neighbouring agricultural districts; the manufac-
to 1894. The library is under the management of a com- tures consist chiefly of clothing and boots and shoes,
"nittee, nominated by the Town Council, half of whose malting is also carried OD. There is 8 custom-house, an
'members are chosen from outside that body. Chairman, inland revenue ()ffice, four banks, a branch bank (agency),
Councillor Claude E. Egerton-Green D.L., J.P.; librarian, a fire insurance society (establig.hed in 1802). breweries.
~Ir. George Rickword. two newspaper offices, iron and brass foundries and
The Corn Exchange, opened by the Right Hon. Earl machine works, including those of Mes9I's. Davey. Paxman
Cowper K.G., P.C. on Tuesday, 8 May, 1884, in High st. and Co. Limited.
was erected at a cost of about [6,000, from desil:!'n;;: The Essex and Colchester General Hospital on the Lex-
by Messrs. l'.Anson aud Son, architeets, of London: the den road, westward of the town, was built in 1820, en-
main roof is cBrried by seven wrought-iron ribs spanning larged in 1839, again enlarged in 1879-80 by subscriptions
the width of the building. aud' above this are six ridge at a CQst of £7,000, and further extended and altered in
., .
COLCHESTER. ESSEX.: ., [KELLY'g a. cost. of £6,Qoo, in celebration of the Diamond' de- Rie., dapifer or steward to WiIliam Rufus,. in 1°97:
JUlbilee, in 189-7, of her late Majesty, Queen Victoria: I WilIiam, a priest and nephew of Eudo, completed the
in 1899 the whole of the wards were re-floored with abbey at great pains and expense in a superb style in
polished oak set on concrete, and the operating-room. II04, when it was consecrated by Maurice, Bishop of
iJ'lia.ctically; rebuilt at a cost of about £3,000. It is a London: Eudo died a.t his castle of Preaux, in Normandy.
handsome building of white brick, standing in spacious but his remains were, at his own request, brought over
grounds, with lawn &c. and is available for about ·100 end buried here: on its suppression the revenue of the
patients; during the year 1901 there were 67£ in-patients abbey was estimated at £523 I7s. 6d.: John Beche, the
and 2,180 out-patients: it is ,supported by subscriptions, last abbot, refusin~ to acknowledge the King's supremacy.
donations, collections and bequests. A separate building, was hanged for hIgh treason, December I, 1539.
has been erected to serv-e as a Home for Nurses. A new The Castle,. standing northward of High street, was
feature is the children's ward, for which Lady Pearson built by Eudo de Rie, mentioned above, in the form of a
gave a donation of £500. parallelogram, the east and west sides measuring 140 ft.
The Eastern Countias Asylum, for the care and train- each and the north and south sides 102 feet: at the
ing of idiots, imbeciles and the feeble-minded belonging north-east and north-west angles were projecting square
to Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, situated towers, on the south side another and eastwards a semi-
close to the North Railway station, is a building in the. circular tower, the chief entrance being near the south-
Italian style, with an ornamental tower, standing in west tower: the ancient portal on the northern side.
spacious grounds tastefully laid out; it originally placed at a considerable height in the wall, still remains:
erected at a great cost in the year 1840 as a large hotel,· the large windows now in the walls of the castle appear
but proving unsuccessful as an hotel, was occupied for to have been made in places where there were originally
seven years as a .branch of the Earlswood Asylum for loopholes, all the original windows being so narrow as to
idiots, and ultimately devoted in 1859 to its present pur- admit but a scanty portion of light: the library of about
pose: the patients are admitted by the votes of subscribers 2,000 vols. presented to the town by Archbishop Harsnett,
at half-yearly elections, a limited number for life and the was transferred in 11394 to the pu'blic library: here is
bulk for terms of five years, patients from all parts of also a museum, chiefly noted for its Valuable collection
the kingdom being also admitted by payment: it has now, of Roman antiquities found in Colchester and the neigh-
(1902) upwards of 2150 patients and is fitted up with every- bourhood, and which belongs partly to the Corporation
thing necessary fOT the purposes of a training school and and partly to the Essex Archreological Society, and also
home for persons of feeble mind, including gymnastic comprising a private museum of Roman antiquities. pur-
apparatus, workshops and schools. The property is the chased in 1893 from George Joslin esq. at a cost of £1.350
freehold of the Directors; in connection with the Asylum raised by subscription, and presented to the town.
is a farm and a branch establishment at Clacton-on-Sea The Oastle Park, of over 9 acres, was opened 20 Oct.
with 20 beds. Mr. John J. C. Turner is the superinten- 1892 by the Lord Mayor of London. ' The site was secured
dent and secretary. through the generosity of Mr. R. D. Catchpool, a former
There are several almshouses and charitable institu- resident of the town, and the attractiveness of the park is
tions. Finch's AIm,ghouses, in Cnlver street, were enhanced from the fact, that Colchester Oastle stands
founded in 1552 by Mr. Ralph Finch of Colchester, for 4 within it.
widows of St. Nicholas parish and were enlarged in 1828 'I'he soil in the vicinity of Colchester is favourable to
by Mr. William Goodwin, of Colchester, for 4 more: each the growth of vegetables, fruit and flowers, especia:Iy
inmate receive I! 2S. weekly and one ton of coals yearly. roses.
Kendall's Almshouses, situated in Military road, were The area of the parish of Colchester is II,331 acres;
founded in 1805 by G. and A.. Kendall, of Colchester, for rateable value, £154,546; the population in 1901 was
16 poor females, each of whom receives 3S. per week, 3 8 ,35 1 .
besides one chaldron of coals yearly. Winnock's AIms-
houses, situated in Military road, were founded in 1678 Parish Clerks.
by John Winnock, of Oolche6ter, for poor females, of All Saints, Robert Tillett, 27 Castle road .
whom there are now 18, each receiving 3S. per week and St. Botolph's, Charles Waiter Nicholson, 19 Priory street
one chaldl'On of coals annually. Winsley's Almshous8s Holy Trinity, William Thomas Mathews (verger), Eld lane
were founded in 1726 by John Winsley, for 24 aged St. Giles, J. W. Horsley (verger), 7 Gilberdroad
couples, each receiving 6s. per week and one chaldron of St. James, Nathaniel ,Fincham (verger), 2, East bay
coals yearly: should one of the men die leaving a widow, St. Leonard, Thomas Bond (verger), 44 Hythe hill
provision is made for her in houses erected near Kendall's St. Martin, James Salmon, 6 East Stockwell street
.A.lmshouses, where there are now 8 inmates, each of ,St. Mary-at-the-Walls, Charrington Nunn, 32 Balkerne la
whom receives 3S. weekly and one chaldron of coals St. Nicholas &; St. Runwald, J. W. Welham, 74 North-
yearly: small sums from various charities are distributed gate street
yearly. In 1896 twelve cottages, or gift houses, were St. Peter, H. Hampton (verger), 46 Crowhurst road
erected at East Bay by the late Miss Cooper (for the St. Paul's, T. Crowder (sexton), 8 Marten road
benefit of the aged poor), in memory of three sisters,
Elizabeth Cooper, Margaret Round and Charlotte Borth- BERECHURCH (or West Donyland) is a parish, in the
wick, daughter of General William iBorthwick RA. There southward of the borough, 2 miles south from Colchester.
are also some gift houses in Eld lane, which have been The church of St. Michael, very prettily situated in Berl'-
partly rebuilt. church Park and formerly a chapel-of-ease to Holy
The Women's Help Society, occupying the premises of Trinity, Colchester, is an edifice .:If brick with stonc
the formel" soldiers' home, is maintained by private con- dressings, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan-
tributions. eel, nave, north chapel, south porch and a small tower
St. Botolph's Priory was founded in the 12th century at the west end containing one bell: in the year IISp
by Ernulph, who became its first prior, for canons regular this church was very thoroughly and substantially re-
of the order of St. A,ugustine, being the earliest house stored at a cost of £1,200, the principal contributor being
of that fraternity in England, and at the Dissolution its the late T. G. G. White esq.: a stained window being
yearly income amounted to £II3 12S. 8d.: the site was added by Myles L. Formby esq. whose wife is buried in
granted to Sir Thomas Audley, Lord Chancellor, and the the churchyard: the church also contains a memorial
priory church continued perfect until the time of the window to Sir G. H. Smyth bart. a former proprietor of
siege, when it was, to a great extent demolished: during the hall, and in the north ,chapel, which has a fine carved
the siege it suffered considerably and being garrisoned PeTPendicular roof, there is a. fine monument with
by Rovalist troops was storml',d on the 14th January, recumbent effigy, in complete aifmour, to Sir Henry
1648, consisting at that time of two quadrangular courts Audley, knighted at Theobalds, Herts, May 9th, 16z3.
and a church with a central tower terminating in pin- whQ erected it during his liietime, in 1648: there
nacles: its remains still form a picturesque and inter- are 144 sittings, of which 50 are free. The register date&
esting pile: in its original state its internal lengtli was from the year 1664. The living is a vicarage, gross
108 feet and its breadth, including the aisles, nearly 44 yearly value £135, in the gift of T. White esq. and held
feet: the west front, with the principal entrance, under since 1870 by the Rev. Thomas OIdmeadow Price RA. i)f
a deeply recessed semi-circular arch, remains: above this St. John's College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of and
is a double row of intersecting arches of Roman brick resides at Layer-de-J.a..Haye. Berechurch Hall, the resi·
and surmounting these th"e remains of a large circular dence of Thos. HBtherington esq. is a large and handsome
opening, made to admit light into a gallery forming a' gabled mansion of red brick with stone dressings, in the
passage between the two stately towers once standing at Elizabethan style, and in 18'82 was partially rebuilt on the
the angles: the nave was separated from the aisles by same site: it presents on the north side, a bold elevation,
rows of circullircolumns s! feet in diameter, supporting 148 feet in length, in the centre of which is the principal
circular arches, some of which still exist. The fine Per-. entrance, with a heavy projecting canopy, and a wide oriel
pendicular gateway of St. John's Abbey is the only -above it; at either end is an octagonal turret, with spired
remnant of ·this once famons monastery, built by Eudo roof, and a 'similar but loftier turret rises in the rear: the


dining room and salop are the only portiol'l! f 6f the -old I .' SHRUB ENB'is.'U hamlet a.bont Ir mile. south.•

hall remaining; the fine carvoo. _ ceiling 'and Irurrhlfll . Parish Clerk, William Wade.. .
mantelpieces of the Georgian period being 'retained: the; Post Office, Shrub End. Edward J ohnson, .sub-post- .

house and stables stand in a. well-wooded park of 100 1 master. Letters arrive from Colchester at 7 a.m. &
acres. F. Gordon esq. is lord of the manor and the! 12.35 p.m.; dispa.tched at I I a.m. &; 7.20 p.m. Postal:
principal landowner. orders are is-sued here, but not paid. The nearest money
Parish Clerk, Mrs. Shelley. order &< telegraph offioo is at Colchester, 2 miles distant
LEXDEN (or Lessenden) is a parIsh in the north ward MILE END (or Myland) is a suburb of Colcheste1'", in
of the borough, pleasantly situated about 3 mile and ft, the north ward of the borough, I mile north Of the
half west of the town, the road from J~oDdon pas!'ing! town, and adjoining Oolohester sta,tion of the Great East-
through the principal street; it is on the river Colne and ern railway. The church of St. Michael is an edifice of
is crossed by the line of the Great Eastern railway. St. stone, in the- Early English style, erected in 1854, and
Leonard's church is a plain stuccoed edifice, rebuilt in' consists of chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, south
i:8~0-1 a little 'to the south of the former church, and porch and a tower at the north-west angle, with spire,
. '
consIsts of chancel and nave and a small western tower and containing a clock, placed in 1887, and 3 bells with
with spire containing a clock and I:l bells: a new chan-, chimes, added in 1897 in commemoration of tht'! Diamond
eel with aisles of flint with stone facings in the Early Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen Victoria: there are
Perpendicular style, was erected in 1894 at a cost of nine stained windows; and 380 sittings, all of which are
£1,4°0: there are from 300 to 400 sitting!!, of which about free: the materials of the old church were used in the
half are free. The registers datec from the year 1560.' erection in 1'871 of the school and teacher's house. 'l'he
The living is llo rectory, net yearly value £323, with 30 register dates from the year 1674. The living is a rec-
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of i'elham I{aw-: tory, net yearly value £374, with 31 acres of glebe and
starn Papillon esq. of CJ'owhurst, Sussex, and held since residence, in the gift of the. Right Hon. Earl Cowper
1890 by the Rev. John Henry Lester M.A. of St. John's' K.G., P.C. and held since 1,855 by the Rev. Edmund
College, Cambridge, and prebendary of Lichfield. The' Hall M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Here are
Primitive Methodist chapel here was erected in 1859;· Primitive Methodist and Wesleyan chapels. Earl Cowper
the Village Hall was built in 1884, at the cost of the late K.G., P.C. who is lord of the manor of Abbot's Hall in
Mrs. Hurnard. Lexden Park, the property of the Erring- this parish, and the Corporation of Colchester are con-
ton trustees, is the residence of the Right Hon. Sir Mount- siderable landowners. The parish comprises about 2,350
stuart Elphinstone Grant Duff P.C.. G.C.S.r., F.R.S., acres.
D.L., J.P. and is seated in a beautifully wooded valley, Parish Clerk, Alfred Warner. .
east of the town and south o,f the London road; the house,
which adjoins the high road,was much improved by the late GREENSTEAD is an ancient parish in the third ward
owner, George H. Errington esq. who was high steward of the borough, east of the town, from which it is
of Colchester, and died in 1883. Achnacone, the resi- separated by the Colne. The church of St. .Andrew,
dence of Orlando George Harman esq. pleasantly seated which stands on an eminence and commands a very fine
on ·the Bergholt road, about 2 miles from Colchester, is a view of the town andril'er, is an ancient building of
mansion of red brick erected in 1866 by the late Sir stone in the Norman style, and was restored and en-
Willia,m O'Mally, and much improved and added to by the larged in 1857 at a cost of about £900; further im-
present owner.; it stands in grounds of 1'60 acres, contain- provements were effected in 1884, which resulted in the
ing a swimming bath 40 feet by 20 feet and there alOO discove;ry of holes in the tower, pierced, no doubt, by
pleasure gardeI18· well laid out. Lexden Lodge, the ancient cannon shot at the time of the siege of Oolchester. It
manor house,· has been known only as .a moated farm consists of chancel, nave, south aisle and western tower
houso, though a considerable park, stretching nearly down containing one bell: in the chancel is an Easter sepul-
to the town at North Bridge, seems to have been formerly chre: there are 250 sittings. The register of baptisms
at-5ached to ib on the Il!OTth sid,e of the (l'iver.. The mansion, dates from 1677; marriages and burials from 1676, and
now called "the Manor House," and occupied by Eazett it also contains a list of rectors commencing with John
'Wetenhall Colvin esq. is the property· of Pelham R. de Newberry Ig162. ThEli living- is a rectory, net yearrly
PapilIon e-sq. of Crowhurst Park, Battle, Sussex, who is value £130, with 2 acres of glebe and residence; in the
l{)rd of the manor and a landowner: the Rev. John Launce- gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1897 by the
lot Tm'butt M.A. vicar of Midgham, Reading, is also '8 Rev. Edward Miller, who is aJso chaplain to Colchester
principal lando·wner. Along the former Lexden heath are Union. The Baptist chapel, Parson's Heath, was erected
some lines of intrenchment dating from the time of the in 188S. The area is 1,49'8 acres. '
Roman occupation. Parish Cleork, William Stammers.
Post; M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Express Delivery & Parcel Office, Head street-Enos
Hughes, postmaster
. . .

, ,.

8UJlda~ll', Good
• Branches of Business. Week Days• Friday & Bank Holidavs.

Christmas Day•
. .
a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.
.For .Sale of Postage Stamp,;;, Post Cards, Wrappers, r 7. 0 to 10.0
Registering Letters, Post Restante, & Private Box 7.0 to 10.0 p.m. p.m. 7.0 to 10.0
Delivery . ~ 5.0 to 6.0
For Sale & Payment of Postal Orders . 7.0 to 10.0 No Business 7.0 to 12.0 noon
Money Drder, Telegraph :Money Order, Savings Bank,
.Government .Annuity & Insurance Business, Issue of 8.0 to 8.0 No Business 8.0 to 12.0 noon
Licences & Inland Revenue Business .
a.m. a.m.
. ~ 8.0 to 10.0
Telegraph & Telephone Business . 7.0 to 10.0 I~ p.m. p.In. 7.0 to 10.0
. , . .
. 5.0 to 6.0
Express Delivery of Letters, ~ocal Service & Parcels 1 7.0 to 10.0 7.0 to 10.0
Telegraph Money Order Busmess 1. 8.0 to 8.0 8.0 to 8 0

------------'----'------------1- ., ". .
The Town Sub-Offices at Butt road, Crouch street~ from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. & the Hythe Sub-office is open
East Hill, High street, Pownall crescent, Winnock roadi on sundays from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m·
St. Botolph's, Sti:1tion road & The Hythe are open o~ Inward Mails~
. : 'V'eekdaysas follow:~For sale of postage stamps, regis~ Letters.-Town Delivery, 7, 7·45& I I. 45 a.In.; 3 (sus-
tering letters, money order, postal order, savings bank! ... pended on thursday) &; 6.15 p.m. Parcels, 8 &; :II.45
_ insurance· &; annuity, parcel post business &; issue 0 a.m.; 3 &, 6.15 p.m.. Letters for the Town Delivery
licences, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m . may be posted in the Head Office Letter Box &; Parcels
TR6 Town Sub-Offices at East Hill, St. Botolph's &; ThE! may be handed o.e1' tlie'.coiultel' within to minutes of
Hythe are open for telegraph bushIesson· 'week- day~ the time fixed: forthe-'-deliv~iest() c01:i:lIU:B!ICG.:..-Qn
Sundays, Christmas day, Good Friday &; Bank Holidays J ackson J ames
there is one delivery only, commencing at 7 a.m. Laver Henry F.S.A., F.L.S. Head street
Parcels are not delivered on sundays Marriage Wilson, Dilbridge hall
Marshall Charles Henry Thomas, 34 Lexden road
Outward Mails. Moore George, Barrack Street house
I, 1.20, 3, 5,45, 6.5 0 , 8.10, 8'45, 9.4:5, 10, 10.10, 10.50 &; Moy Thomas, Stanway hall
II.35 a.m.; 12 noon, 12.35, 1.20, 3·5, 3. 20 , 4·5, 4·50, Paxman James, Stisted hall, Braintree
5.45, 6.15, 7,3°, 9.20 ,&; 10 p.m. Mails between 6 a.m. &; Prior .A<sher, 4 Victoria road
ID p.m. are not dispatched on sundays Sanders Edwin Joseph, 4 Cambridge road
Town Sub-Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &; Insur- Smith Edward Thompson, Lexden road
ance Offices.-Bel'gholt road; Butt road; Crouch Watts Lent John, All Saints, High street
street; :::*East hill; High street; :::*Pownall crescent; Wicks James, 2 Lexden road
tWinnock road; :::*St. Botolph's; Station road; t*The Worts Edwin, 6 Trinity stree~
Hythe Clerk, Charles Edwd. Denton, East Stockwell st.Colchstr
Marked thus t is Telegraph & Telegraph Money Order Borough Petty Sessions every weekday at I I o'clock at
Office t.he Town hall
Marked thus: Telegrams can be handed in only, &; Tele- CORPORATION.
graph Money Orders are issued but! not paid
Marked thus * are Express Delivery Offices 19°1-2.
:MaYQr~lderman Wilson Marriage J.P.
MEMBER OF PA.RLIA:MENT FOR THE, BOROUGH. Deputy-Mayor 'Councillor Claude E. Egerton-Green.
Sir Weetman Dickinson Pearson bart. J.P. Paddockhurst, M.A., J .P., D.L.
Worth, Sussex; & 16 Carlton House terrace SW&; High Steward-Rt. Hon. Earl Cowper KG., P.C.
Reform club S W, London Recorder-His Honor Judge Frederick Adolphus Philbrick
Returning Officer, The Mayor K.C'., RA. Lamb building, Temple, London E C
Retire Nov. Retire No,.
SIONAL DIVISION OF LEXDEN & WINSTREE. William Butcher 1904 Horace G. Egerton-
Bateman John esq. The Hall, BrighUingsea, Colohester Henry Hervey Elwes 1904 Green 1907
(chairman) Henry Goody 1904 Henry LaveI' 1907
Brett Capt. Edward, Watch house, Wakes Golne, Earls Edwin Joseph Sanders 1904 James Wicks.........•.... 1907
Colne R.S.O Returning Officers for Municipal Elections.-North Ward,
Green Horace George Egerton esq. D.L. Kingsford, Alderman Elwes; .south Ward, Alderman Butcher:
near Colchester East Ward, Alderman Wicks; West (or Head) Ward.
Egerton-Green aaude Egerton l\I.A., D.L. East Hill .Alderman H. G. Egerton Green
house, Colchester
Farncombe-Tanner William Thomas esq. Fishers, Wakes Councillors.
Colne, Earls Colne R.S.O i Retire Nov· Retire Nov.
Gilbert Thomas esq. Orleans, West Mersea, Colchester I :N;orth Ward. South Ward.
Green Lieut.-Colonel Richard Spurgeon, Stonylands, Charles E.rnest Odeur.. 1902 Robert Gerald Craske.. 19°2
Dedham S O l George Llttlebury . 1902 George Moore . 19°2
Gurdon-RebO:w Hector JQhn esq. B.A., D.L. Wyvenhoe Er.n~st Henry Barritt . 1903 Thomas Mayhew Bear.. 19°3
park, Colchester Wllham Chas. Shaw . 1903 Ernest Stanley Beard . 19°3
Hetherington Thomas esq. Berechurch hall, Colchester Frank Cant . 19°4 Frederic N ash . 19°4
Hoare Chas. Richd. Gurney esq. Lexden ho. Colchester Chas.Hy.Thos.Marshall 1904 Joseph Phillips ;. 19°4
Hurnard Samuel Fennell esq. Hill house, Lexden, Colchestr i East Ward. West Ward.
lnd Capt. James Algernon D.L. White hall, Colchester i Henry Arnold . 1902 Ebenezer James Penney
Kelso Capt. Edward Barrington Purvis :a.N., D.L. James Fr~dk. Goodey . 1902 Edwd. Thompson Smith
Horkesley park, Colchester I Asher PrIOr .. 19°3 ClaudeEgertonEgerton-
Lefroy Lieut.-Colonel Augustine Hugh, Boxted lodge, Sharles Henry S~nsom 1903 GreenM.A.,J.P.,D.L. 19 0 3
Colchester tJohn Augustus Green- Jas. ChapmanShenstone 19°3
Luard Rev. Bixby Garnham M.A. Rrch rectory, Colchester wood . 1904 Wm Gurney Benham... 19°4
Macandrew William esq. Westwood house, Little Horkes- Lent John Watts .. 1904 WaIter Bryant Sparling 190 4
ley, Colchester Mayor's Auditor, Ald~rman W. Butcher
Marriage Wilson esq. Dilbridge hall, Colchester Elective Auditors, WaIter Hercules Short &; Frank
Nocton William esq. Langham hall, Colchester White
Round Rt. Hon. Jame,s P.C., M.A., M.P., D.L. Birch hall,
near Colchester The ordinary meellings of the Corporation &; of the Urban
Tremlett Jas. Dyer esq. M.A. Dalethorpe, Dedham,Golchstr District Council a,re held at the Town hall, on 1st Wed-
Wood Charles Page esq. D.L. Wakes hall, Wakes Colne, ne.sday in every month
Halstead The Powers of the Commissioners under Colchester Navi-
Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry William J ones, Town gation Act were transferred to the Corporation under the
Hall chambers, Colchester Colchester Corporation Act, 1892
'The Mayor of Colchester &; the Ohairmen of the Bright-
lingsea &; Wivenhoe Urban &; Lexden &; \Vinstree Rural 0fficE'JI's of the Corporation.
District Councils, for the time being, are ex-officio Town Clerk, Clerk to the Harbour &; Navigation Com-
magistrates mittee &; Registrar of Borough Courts of Record &
Petty Sessions are held every saturday at the Town Olerk to Colne Fishery Board &; to Council acting as
hall, Colchester, at 12 o'c:ock Local Fisheries Committee, Henry Charles Wanklyn,
-The places in the division are Abberton, .Aldham, West solicitor, T'Own hall
Bergholt, Birch, Brightlingsea, Mount Bures, Boxted, Treasurer of the Borough, Charles Richard Gurney Hoare
Chappel, Wakes Colne, Copford, Dedham, East Dony- J.P. Le:xden house
land, Easthorpe, Fingrinhoe, Fordham, Great Horkes- Clerk of the Peace, Sidney 0811'1' Goody, North hill
ley, Little Horkesley, Langenhoe, Langham, Layer Borou!;'h Ooroner, Henry Geoffrey Elwes, All Saints,
Breton, Layer-de-Ia-Hay, Layer Marney, East Mersea, High street
West Mersea, Pe:don, Salcot, Stanway, Great Tey, Deputy Coroner, Arthu'r Steward BIyth Sparling,Queen st
Marks Tey, Little Tey, Virley, Great Wigborough, Medical Officer of Health (temporary), Edwd. Chichester
'Little Wigborough, Wivenhoe, Wurmingford M.B. Lower Headgate
Public Analyst, William Chattaway F.I.C. Apothecaries'
BOROUGH MAGIS'VRATES. hall, Blackfriars, London E C
Benham William Gurney, Lexden road Borough Engineer & Surveyor, Herbert Goodyear
'Butcher William, East hill A.M.I.C.E., M.S.I. Town hall
oC'haplin Samuel Accountant, Wil1iam Henry Hutchinson, Town hall
l':gerton-Green Claude Egerton., East hill Committee Clerk, William Smith
Elwes Henry Hervey, 86 East Hill house Sanitary Inspector, Inspector of Dairies, Oowsheds, Milk-
-Goody Henry, Glen Mervyn, Lexden road shops & Common Lodging HOU8es, Thomas Wells,
Gnrdon-Rebow Hector John, Wyvenhoe park, Colchester St·anwell street
Holroyd Col. Tyssen S. Donyland ldg. East Donyland Chief Constable of Borough Police, Samuel R. Midgley,
Howard William, Headgat8 Town hall
Hunt EdgaT Atlee, Orouched Friars Waterworks Superintendent &; Collector, Charles Edward
[nd Capt. James AIgernon, White hall Bland, Town hall
Borough Electrical Engb.eer, A. R. Silla'r A.M.LE.E. Royal Engineers.
Stanwell street I' 55th Field Company.
HarbouT Master, James C. Bates, Wyvenhoe Major W. H. Sykes
Deputy Harbour 'Master & Collector of Harbour Dues,
William Crosby, The Hythe ATmy Service Corps.
Inspector of Weights &, Measures, Hackney Carriages & 001. R. D. N oake
under the Sale of Food '& Drugs Act & Explosives & Capt. W. Webb
Petroleum Acts, Samuel R. Midgley, Town hall Capt. C. Cook
Vetw-bary Inspector, Rowland C. Taylor M.R.C.V.S. Capt. L. Latten
Queen st'1'eet Royal .Army Medical Corps.
Veterinary Surgeon to Council's Horses, J. J. Scott
M.R.O.V.S Lieut.-Col. M. W. Kerin A.M.S
Manager of Colne.Fishery, Edgar Newman, Standen ho. Lieut.-Col. D. L. Irvine A.M.S
Gladstone road Lieut.-Col. H. J. Barnes A.M.S
Town Sergeant, William John Lambert, Town hall Major J. Moir A.M.S., M.B
Town Crier, John Everett, 5 Nunn's road Quartermaster & Hon. Capt. S. Evans (R.P)
Conservators of Common Lands, Edgar Sands Daniell, .AJrmy Medical Reserve.
Herbel't Cant I;;:, .Arthurr Steward BIyth Spading Surg.-Lieut. H. Taylor l\oI.A., M.D '
Collectors of District & Poor Rates & Assistant Overseers,
1st District, Edmund Henry Nixon; 2nd district, Geo. Chaplain's Department.
Robert Mitchell, Town hall Rev. J. B. C. Murphy B.A. Church of England
Town Toll Oollector, W. S. Stewart, Town hall Rev. H. T. Green B.A.. Ohurch of England
Collector of Cattle Market '.rolls & Allotment Rents, Wm. Rev. R. Relly, Roman Catholic
Charles White, St. John's street Rev. H. J. Cundy, Wesleyan
Inspector of Premises where Out-'Workers are employed
under the Factory & Workshop Act, C. Humphries,
Stanwell street
Curator of Museum, A. Wright Lieut.-Col. R. B. Colvin O.B. commanding; Hon. Lieut.-.
Keeper of Recreation Ground, David Verlander, Recrea· Col. D. J. Gaisford, major (second in command);:
tion ground W. Brown, quarter-ma;8'ter; Surg.-Lieut. J. J. Mc--
Water Bailiff, Thomas Poole, Station, Brightlingsea Gregor M.D. medical officer; Vet.-Lieut. G. D. Nor-
Keeper of Castle PaTk, Thomas Munson Illan M.R.C.V.S. vet. officer; Bishop of Colchester·
Meetings held at the Town Hall on the first wednesday in
every month at 11 a.m. except 9 N ov. at 12 noon. VOLUNTEERS.
The Corpora.tion are the Authority. 2nd Yolunteer Ba.ttalion Essex Regiment (comprising
Clerk, Henry Gharles Wanklyn (town clerk), Town hall A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I & K companies), strength,
TTeasurer, Charles Richard Gurney Hoare, Lexden house about 1,000; head quarters, Drill hall, Stanwell street;
Medical Officffi" of Health, C. A. Squire Ling 1\1:.R. C. S. Lieut.-Ool. & Hon. Col. W. Howard V.D. commanding;
Eng. Hrightlingsea Hon. Lieu,t.-Col. G. H. Coleman V.D. (second in com-
Sanita,ry Inspector, Police Inspecto,r Thomas Poole, Bright- mand) & Hon. Lieut.-Col. P. Adams V.D. majors;
lingsea Capt. Godfrey Faussett D.S.O. adjutant; Rev. C. C.
Naters M.A. acting chaplain & Sergt.-Major J. H.
Meets at Guardians' Board room, Stant\"aY, fortnightly, C, D & I Companies, Colchester, Capt. P. W. Cross,
on wednesday at 12 1100n. commanding detachment; Capt. N. A. C. de H. Tuf-
Ohaitrman, Rev. Hamilton Ashwin LL.D. Lecture house, nBiH, COo.; Oapt. A. Denton, D 00.; Capt. E. lngold, .
Dedham, Colchester I Co. Sm·g.-Lieut. J. E. Mols;on M.B. medical officer;,
Clerk, Charles Hardy Tompson, Victoria cr.ambers, West Sergt.-Major J. H. Hodgson, sergt.-instructor
Stockwell street
Treasurer, Horaee George EgeTt:on-Green esq. The Bank, PARISH OF OOLCHESTER.
Medical Officer of Health, John Wm. Cook M.D. Trinity Board day, every tuesday, at I I a.m. at the Boa-I'd roomj-,
chambers, Culver street, Colchester Workhouse, Pope's Lane.
District Surveyor, John Ennals, Copford The Parish is composed of 17 Wards, coterminous with ~
Sanitary Inspector, John Henry Pettitt, StanwllY the 17 polling stations in the borough, viz. :-Gnn
MILITARY. Exchange Ward, MiddleboI'ough Ward, St. Paul's
Eastern District Command. '"Yard, St. Michael Mile End Ward, Stanwell Street·
\Vard, Pri{)ry Street Ward, Magdalen Street \Vard,
Central Offices, Abbey field. Berechurch Road Ward, Old Heath Ward, St. James'
District Staff. Ward, Pail"lson':s Heath Ward, St. Leonard's Ward,
Commanding District, Major-General Sir W. F. Gatacre Kendall Road Ward, St. Mary-at-the-Walls Ward,
K.C.B., D.S.O Chapel Street Ward, Lexden Wllird & Shrub End Ward.
Aide-de-Camp, Bt.-Majm- A. J. McNeill, 'Seaforth High- The population of the Union in 1901 was 38,373; area •.
landers TI,333 acres; rateable value in 1902 (Lady Day).
Assistant Adjutant-General, Col. Morgan S. Crofton C.B., £154.546; assessable value, £151,160
D.S.O Chairman of the Board of Guardians, J. Wicks, Lexden rd.i
Deputy Assistant Adjutant-Generals, Major J. F. Cadell Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Chas._
R.F.A.. & Bt. Lt.-Col. A. J. Chapman, Dublin Fusiliers Edward White, 57 NQrth hill
Di,strict Inspector of Musketry, Gapt. H. P. De la BeTe, Treasurer, HQrace George Egerton-Green J.P., )).L.
Royal Scots Fusiliers Bank
Colonel on the Staff (for Cavalry Brigade), Gua.rdians' Collector, George Robert Mitchell, North
Commanding Royal Artillery (Colonel on the Staff), Col. Station road
A. E. Duthv •
Relieving Officers, 1st district, .Arthur Edwin Purkiss,.
Staff Captain, Royal Artillery,Capt.C.F.Rugge-Price R.A :'l4 Crowhurst road; 2nd district, Thoma.s Bunting, 25
Commanding Royal Engineers (Colonel on the Staff), Rom<ln road
Col. G. Barker Vaccination Officers, 1st ward, WaIter Scargill, 60 Albertr
Principal Medical Officer, Col. H. D. N. Leake R.A.M.C stree,t; 2nd ward, Arthur Edwin Purkiss, 34 Crow-
Chief Ordnance Officer, Major H. 1V. Perry R.A hUI'>st road; 3'fd ward, Thomas Bunting, 25 Roman I'd.
District Paymaster, 001. R. O. Riichmond Medical Officers, 1st district, Jonathan Becker M.B.,
Remount Depot. C.M. IS Queen gtreet; 2nd district, William Augustus
Officer Oommanding, Capt. R. W. Burton-Phillipson Maybury M.D., M. Ch. Q West Stockwell street; 3rd
Lieut. W. P. C. Oantrell-Hubbersty, 15th Hussars district, Joseph Michael Ryan M.B. Q East hill
Quartermaster, Hon. Lieut. J. E. Darby Public Vaccinator, Henry Laver F.S.A., F.L.S. Head st
Royal Field Artillery. Deputy Public Vaceinator, Philip Guyon Laver M.R.C.S
47th Brigade Division. Head street
Lieut.-Col. A. J. Montgomery Superintendent Registrar, Charles Edward "'''bite, 57
D;,visional Capt. L. S. Downes North hill; deputy, WaIter Ernest Pluck'73 Maldon I'd
Registrars of Marriages, James Gosnell Bryan, 57 Castle County COUI't, 8 Church street north, His Honor Tindal
road; Char[es Barton, 18 Balkerne hill; deputies, Wm. Atkinson, judge; Henry Goody, registrar; Charles
John Baldry, 40 Cromwell road &, Henry James Clay- Godfrey, high bailiff; Sidney Betts, bailiff; office,
ton, 8 Albert road Trinity chambers,Culver street; open from 10 to
Registrars of Births & Deaths, 1St ward, sub-district. 4, except thursdays, when the office closes at I. The
Thomas John Ralling, 101 Winnoek road; deputy, offices of the County Court are also the District Re-
George F. Clark, 3 St. John's street; ~md ward, sub- gistry of the Supr~me Oourt. The court is held
district, Arthur E. Purkiss, 34 OrowhuTst road; 3rd once a month; it compiTises within its district the
ward, ,sub-district, Thomas Bunting, 25 Roman road following places :-Aldham, Alresford, Ardleigh, Ab.
The Workhouse, on the west side of Balkerne hill, & berton, West Bergholt, Great Birch, Little Birch, Box.
erected at a cost of £10,000, is a large buI1ding 01 ted, Great Bentley, Little Bentley, Brightlingsea,
white brick, capable of receiving 378 inmates; an in- Great Bromley, Little Bromley, Chappel, Oopford,
firmary for 50 patients, subsequently added, has cost Great Clacton, Little Clacton, Clacton-on-Sea, Dedham,
£2,100; Frederick Cousins Snowden, master; Rev. East Donyland, East Thorpe, Elmstead, Feering,
Edward Mille,r, chaplain; Philip Guyon Laver Fordltam, Frating, Fingringhoe, Great Horkesley,
:M.R.O.S.Eng. medical officer; lYlrs. Snowden, matron Little Horkesley, Kelvedon, Langham, Lawford, Layer
Breton, Layer-de-la-Hay, Langenhoe, Laye1" Marney,
LEXDEN & Wll~STREE UNION. Marks Tey, East Mersea, West Mersea, Mount Bures,
Board day, alternate wednesdays at the Board room at Manningtree, Messing, Nayland, Saint Osyth, Peldon,
StanwaI' Rowhedge, Stanway, Salcot, Great Tey, Little Tey,
Thorrington, Videy, Wakes Oolne, Wivenhoe, Wor-·
This Union contains thirty-six parishes within the Lex- mingford, Great Wigborough, Little Wigborough &;
den & Winstree hundred, viz. :-Abberton, Aldham, Weeley
Birch, Boxted, Ohappel or Pontisbright, Copford, Ded- The court has bankruptcy jurisdiction extending over
.ham, East Donyland, Easthorpe, East Mersea, Fingring- the County Court districts of Colchester, Halstead,
hoe, Fordham, Great Horkesley, Great Tey, Great Wig-
.'borough, Inworth, Langenhoe, Langham, Layer Breton, Harwich & Sudbury; C. Mercer, senior official re-
Layer-de-la-Hey, Layer Marney, Little Horkesley, Little ceiver, 95 Temple chambers, London E C; Frederick
"Tey, Little Wigborough, Marks Tey, Messing, Mount Messent, official receiver, 36 Princes street, Ipswich
.Bures, Peldon, Salcot, Stanway, Virley, Wakes Colne, Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress
'West Bergholt, West Mersea, Wivenhoe & Worming- Amendment Act," Ernest Stanley Beard, Head gate;
ford. The pcpulation of the union in 1901 was 21,132 ; Arthu\- Kemp Boggis, 6 North hill; Oharles Maurice
Stanford, 23 High street; Henry Grim:wade &i Robert
ar~a, 71,049 acres; rateable value in 1901, £89,II5
/ Cbairman of the :Board of Guardians, Rev. Hamilton G. Craske, Head street; Alfred Jesse Prior, Eld lane;
.AJsbwin LL.D. Leoture bouse, Dedham, Oolchester Edgar Lingwood, 31 St. Botolph street; Frank Ernest
Goodway, Trinity street; W. T. Rainbird, 23 High st. ;
, Clerk to the Guardians &, Assessment Committee, Oharles
John Fenor, High street; Thomas. D. Brook, High st. ;
Hardy Tompson, Victoria chambers, West Stockwell
street, Colchester E. Howe, I38 Maldon road, Colchester; Edwin Joseph
Treasurer, HOl'ace George Egerton-Green D.L., J.P. The &, Adolphus W. Huxte.r, Olacton-on-Sea
Bank, Colchester County Police Station for the Division of Oolchester,
Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the Ipswich road, Herbert George Ackers, superintendent;
2 inspectors, 6 sergeants & 36 consbables
G-uar<dians, No. I district, Louis R. Alen, Boxted;
~o. 2 district, James Hel}ry Ham, Wivenhoe; No. 3
Cusoom House, 4'3 Hythe hill, John Henry Underdown
district, John Matthew Caates, Tiptree, Kelvedon R.N .R. colIeotor & registrar of shipping; Robert L.
.:Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 2 district, J efferies R. N .R. e:umining officeor & second oilicer;
;Edwal'd Herbert Squire ~LR.C.S.Eng. Wivenhoe; No. Frank W. Taylor, assistant; William George Bultitude,
3 district, Ben Hall M.B. West Mersea; No. 4 dis- preventive officer at Brightlingsea; G. H. Belson', W.
trict, John Henry Salter M.RO.S.Eng. Tolleshunt J. Kerridge, F. J. Lundberg &; George A. Flatman,
D'.AJroy; No. 5 districb, Francis Henry Oooke L.R.C.P. boatmen at Brightlingsea
.Land. Eirch ; No. 6 district, Francis Henry Oooke Drill Hall (Joseph Mills, mana~r & caretaker), Stan-
L.R.O.,P.L()nd. Birch; No. 7 distrid, James Richard well street
. Lownds, Dedham; No. 8 district, Ernest Frank Syrett Eastern Oounties Asylum for Idiots, Imbeciles & the
M,D. Nayland; No. 9 district, OhaTles James Worts
Feeble-minded, The Marquess of Hristol, chairman;
M.R.O.'S.Eng. Fordham; No. 10 district, Thomas Sir J'Oshua Rowley baIYt. vice-chairman; Horace G.
Edward PalIett M.D. Earle's Colne; Messing distrio., Egerton-GTeen, treasurer; Sir Frederic Bateman M.D.,
Richard Galpin M.R.C.S.Eng. Kelvedon LL.D. & T. Olifford Allbutt M.D., F.R.S., F.R,C.P.
Superintendent Registrar, Charles Hardy Tompson, Vic- Lond. consulting physicians; :&obert Francis Symmons
toria chambers, West Stockwell st.; deputy, Thoma.s M.R.C.S.Eng. & E. A. Hunt M.R.C.S.Eng. & L.RO.P.
Edin. oOllisulting su.rgeons; S. Johnson Tayt!or M.B.,
Stayte, Victoria chambers, West Stockwell st. Colchester
.Registrars of Births &, Deaths-Fordham sub-district, C.M.Edin. ophtlhalmic surgeon; Hugh L. Tracy L.D.S.
Louis R. Alen, Boxted; deputy, Mrs. Alen, Boxted; Glas. dentist; Hugh B. Luard M.B.Oantab., F.RC.S.
'Wivenhoe sub-district, James Henry Ham, Wivenhoe; Ellig. resident medical attendant; John J. O. Turner,
deputy, Thomas W. Goodwin, Wivenhoe; Stanway sub- Tesident superintendent &; secretary; Arthur Turne.r,
district, John Matthew Coates, Tiptree; deputy, Chas. assistant secreta:ry; Mrs. Turner, maton
Hazell, Stanwav• Essex & Colchester General Hospital, Lexden road, The
Registrars of Marriages, William Griffiths, Dedham; Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh, lord-lieut., M.A., F.RS. pre-
deputy, Frederick S. Griffiths, Dedham; James H. sident; Horace G. Egerton-Green D.L., J.P. & Charles
Ham, Wivenhoe; deputy, Thos. W. Goodwin,Wivenhoe R. Gurney Roare J.P. trea-surers; Edward L. Fenn
Workhouse, in Stanway parish, built at 6 cost of £6,800, M.D. physician; Rabert Fras. Symmons M.R.O.S.Eng.
to hold 330 inmates; Alfred Gosling & wife, master & & Henry Laver J.P., M.R.C.S.Eng., F.S.A., F.L.S. &;
matron; Rev. J. R. Triphook D.D. chaplain; Philip EdwinJ Worts M.R.C.S.Eng., L.RC.P.Lond. consulting
G-uyon Laver L,RC.P.Lond. medical officer surgeons; EdgaT Atlee Hunt L.R.C.P.Edin. J. J.
Macgregor M.D. &, B. N. Nicholson M.B. surgeons;
A. Cradock Fry M.A., M.B., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
School Attendance Committee. Land. & Philip G. Laver M.B.C.S.Eng., L,R.O.P.Lond.
Meets at the Clerk's office quarterly & when required. assistant surgeons; E. A. Dixon, dentist; Herbert M.
Clerk, Oharles Hardy Tompson, Victoria. chambers, West Berncastle M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. house sur-
Stockwell street geon; Rev. William Wbite La Barte M.A. chaplain;
Attendance Officers, L. R. Alen, T. Stayte & J.M. Coates Major C. L. Becher (retired), secretary, office, 35
Crouch street; Miss E. Davies, matron
PUBLIC ES'D.A.:BLISHMENTS. Inland Revenue Office, 601 High street; Andrew Kerr,
Borough Fire Engine Station is in Stanwell stree~; surveyor of taxes; F. W. 'Shuter, supervisor; John S.
He,rbert Goodyear. C.E. captain; Lieut. A. M. Jarmin, Fmncis &, John S. Frame, OfficeTS
with 3 conductors, I engineer & 14 firemen Masonic Hall, Abbeygate street; R. H. Ives, secretary
Borough Police Office, Town hall, West Stockwell street; Museum, The Castle; A1'thul' George Wright, curator
Samuel R. Midgley, chief constable; W. A. Maybury New Oorn Exchange, High street, H. H. Elwes, sec.;
:M.D. surgeon; in addition to the chie,f constable the Frederick Thomas Peek, superintendent
force consists of 4 inspectors, 6 sergeants & 35 con- Pu~)lic Library, West Stockwell street, George Rickword,
stables libT'arian; A. E. GaweT, assistant librarian
Cattle Market, William Charles White, collector St. James' Orphanage (girls'), 55 East hill, Mrs. Horace
Cemetery, Mersea road; Wallis Parmiteor Buttrum,super. Ege'rton-Green, lady supt.; Miss F. Gibbon, matron
intendent; offices, 30 Queen street; Arthur S. B. SoIdit:'rs' Home &; Institute, Queen street
Sparling, clerk to t,he council acting as the burial board
Stamp Office, General Post Office, Head street, Enos St. Leonard, Lexden, Rev. Prebendary John Henry
Hughes, distributor Lester M.A. rectQr; 8 & II a.m. & 3 &:; 6.30
1'heatre Royal, Queen street, Charles Macdona, lessee; F. Sot. Mary Magdalene, Magdalene street, Rev. \Robt. Bash-
Graham Macdona, manager ford M.A. rect-or; I I a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m. ;
'Town Hall, High street, James Turner, keeper h. c. 1st sunday 11 a.m. 2nd sunday 8 a.m. last sunday
CLUBS. 7 p.m.. saints' days 11 a.m .
S1. Mary-at-the-\Yalls, Church STreet, Rev. Greville Tur-
Colchester, 7 High street, W. H. Short, sec ner Rales M. ..!.. rector: Rev. John Evans M.A. & Rev.
Liberal, 7 St. Booolph st. WaIter Thomas Rainbird, spc George Trentham Maw B.A. curates; 8 & rr a.m. &
.St. Rllnwalds. Head street, W. H. Short. sec . 3 & 7 p.ll.; daily, 8 a.m. & 5.30 p.m .
Masonic. St. Michael, 13erechurch, Rev. Thomas O. Price B.A.
Angel Lodge (No. SI), held at the Masonic hall, Abbey- vicar; rr a.m. &:; 3 p.m. respectively on alternate
gate street, 4th tues. in Jan. Feb. March, April, May, sundays
Oct. Nov. & Dec. 7 p.m.; Thomas J. Ralling, sec St. Michael &:; All Angels, Mile end. Rev. Edmund Hall
United Lodge (No. 697), George hotel, wed. on or before M.A. rector; 7.30 &:; II a.m. &:; 3.30 & 7 p.m.; saints'
fnll moon, monthly, 7 p.m.; J. T. Bailey, sec days, 7.30 a.m. & daily evensong 7
Patriotic Ghapter (No. SI), Masonic hall, Abheygate st. St. Nicholas-cum-St. Runwald, High street, ,Rev.
, rector; I I a.m. & 7 p.m
in the months of Feb. May, Aug. & Nov.; Thomas J.
RaIling, scribe E St. Paul, Belle Vue road, Rev. E1rnest William Sawyer
M.A. vicar; holy communion & great festivals, 7
-Constanrtine Mark Lodge,held at the Masonic hall, Abbey- (choral), 8 & II a.m.; 3rd sunday, 7 & 8 a.m.; other
gat;3 stl'ee't, in Jan. April, July & Oct.; Thomas J. sundays, 8 & (mati~s) 11 a.m.; evensong, daily,
RaIling, sec matins 7.30, evensong (except wed. 8) 7.30
PUBLIC OFFICERS. St. Peter, North hill, Rev. Charles Triffit Ward M.A.
.A.ssessor & Collector of Taxes, Arthur O. Farmer, 12Ia, vicar; Rev. Charles E. Woode B.A. curate; I I a.m.
Hi.g-h street & 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
'Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles Edward Addison Chapel of Ease to St. Giles'. St. Barnabas. Old Heath.
L.K.Q.C.P. Ire1. 4 Head street 3 p.m.; (last sun.) I I a.m. & 3 p.m
-Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Assessed Taxes &; Gardson, MilitQry road; senior chaplain, Rev. Joseph
to the Commissioners of Income &; Property Taxes for Barnaby Charles Murphy B.A. aoting chaplain; Rev.
the Division of Colchester, Edward Kershaw Francis, Herberrt Tresham Green B.A. (Church of England);
Q Church street north 8 & IQ a.m. & 6.30 p.m
-Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Lexden &. Catholic, Rev. Robert Kelly, priest; 9 a.m. & 5.15 p.m. ;
Winstree Division, Charles Hardy Tompson, Victoria week days, 8 a.m
chambers Undenominational services are held in the Military Hos-
'Clerk to the West Mersea School Board &; Clerk L:l the pibal, sun. 7; wed. 7 p.m.; RobeI't Noble Coch-
Wivenhoe Urban District Council, Charles \YilIiam rane, a.rmy scripture reader
Denton, East Stockwell street Wesleyan service,s are, also held in the Culver Street
-Clerk & Solicitor to the, Counc] acting as t,he Burial chapel; Rev. H. J. Cundy, chaplain
Board & Registrar of Burials, Arthur S. B. Sparling, 30 . St. James, Catholic, Priory street; mass, 9 &; I I a.m.;·
Queen street evening service, 7 p.ll.; daily mass, 8 a.m.; holidays
<Collectors of General District Poor's Rates & Assistant of obligation,, 7.30 & 9 a.m.; evening service, 7;
Overseers, 1st District, Edmund HenI'Y Nixon; 2nd Dis- fri. rosary & benediction, 4.30 p.m
t1ITct, Geo. Robert Mitchell, Town hall, High street Friends' Meeting House, Sir Isaac's walk.. 10·30 a.m. &; 7
-Collector of King's Taxes, Arth. O. Farmer, IZIa,High ,st p.m.; wed. III a.m
,(Joroner for the Borough of Colchester &; Deputy Coroner Baptis,t (Providence), Burlington road, Rev. J. W. Mot-
for the Sokens Division of the County, Henry Geoffrey son; IQ·30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
, Elwes, All Saints, High street . Baptist, St. John's green, Rev. David Flavell; IO.45
fDistrict Registrar of the High Court of Justice &; Deputy a.m. & 6·30 p.m.; mono 7·30 p.m.; wed. &thu1's.
.fudge in Bankruptcy, Henry Goody, Church street n'th '8 p.m
inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act Baptist. Eld lane, Rev. Edward Spu1"rier; Rev. Thomas
for Lexden & \Vinstree Division, Rowland C. Tayler 'Read McNab, assistant; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono
M.R.O.V.S. Queen street (prayer meeting) & wed. (bible class) 8.IS p.m
Inspector of Weights & Measures under the" Sale of Food Baptist, Parson's heath, lO'45 ll,m, ~ (1'$9 p.m. I ~l1es,
& Drugs Act," for Colchester District, Herbert George 7.30 p.m
Ackers, Police station, Ipswich road Congrt}gIIMcm,al, Liop- walk, Rev. Frank Y. Leggatt M.A. ;
Superintcnden~ of County Police. Herbert G~orge Ac~enl, IO.30 a,m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m '
Police station. Ipswich road Congregational. East Stockwell street. Rev. ThoDl~S
, I Batty; IO·45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7·30 p.m
PLACEIS OF WORSHIP, with t,imes of services. ' Congregational (Headgate), Chapel street, Rev. Charles
AIl Saints, High street, Rev. George Gibson Brown M.A. I Ambrose Eas't;wQod? IQ'4S a.m. &; 6.~0 r· m . ~ wed.
rector; 8.30 & II a.m. &; 7 p.m.; daily 8.30 a.m. wed. 7·30 p.m
8 p.m. (advent &; lent) The Brethren, L~on walk; I I a.m. &; 7 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m. ;
'Holy Trinity, Trinity street, Rev. John Bush Early M.A. Gilberd road, 6'3Q p.m. only & &11" Isaac's WaJ.}r, 6'~9
rector; I I a.m. & 7 p.m. & 3 p.m. second sunday in p.m
each month Primitive Methodist, Mile End
'St. Andrew, Greenstead, Rev. Edward Miller, rector; II Primitive Methodist, Artillery st. ;
a.m. &; 3 p.m 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
St. Botolph, St. IBotolph street, Rev.Oanon John Reginald 7.30 p. m. .. I .
Cor~ett M.A. vicar; 8 ~ oJ:I a.m. & 2.45 p.m. (children's Primitive Methodist (Ebenezer), ~ Rev. Hobert Holman
Nunnsrd. ; 1:0·30 a.m. &6·3 o p.m I
S81'V'lCe) & 7 p.m.; dally, 5 p.m. except wed. 8 p.m
St. Stephen's MissilJon Ohurch (in connection with St. Primitive Melhodist, Lexden ra·3 0
13otolph), Canterbury road, Rev. Thomas Henry Dale, a.m. &; 2.30 & 6,3° p.m. ; wed.
curate in charge; I I & 6.30 7 p.m J
St. Gill'S', St. John's green, Rev. William Henry Wardell Wesleyan. Re,vs. William Rodwell .Jones & S. Yelland
M.A. rector; 1:1 a.m. & 3 (1st sun.) & 7 p.m.; daily, Richards (Culver street) 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
8 a.m.. & wed. &; fri. I I a.m.; saints' days, 11 a.m. &; & sat. 7.30 p.m.; (Hythe) IQ.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
,8 p.m wed. 7.30; (Mile End) 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs.
St. James'. East hill, Rev. Charles Outhbert Naters M.A. 7.30 p.m
rector; 8 &; II a.m. & 2.30 &; 7 p.m.; daily, 10 a.m. Gospel Hall. North Station road, 7 p.m.; thUTS. 7.45 p.m
& 5 p.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m.; h.c. I,st & 3rd sun. at noon Railway Mission, North Station rroad, H a.m. &; 7 p.m.;
. St. John the Evangelist, Ipswich rd. Rev. In. Freeman tues. thurs. & sat. 8 p.m
King RA. vica'l'; II.O a.m. & 3.0 &; 7.0 p.m Colchester Gospel Band. Mission hall, .A!bbeygate street,
St. Leonard. Hythe hill, Rev. Henry Frederick Victor I I a.m. &, 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Carter S.C.C,LincoIn, rector; Rev. Gilbert A. New- Salvation .Army, St. John's avenue
c()men .s.O.C.Lincoln. curate; 7, 8 & n a.m. & 3.I5 SwooenboI"gian, Priory street, Rev. William Acton; I I
& 7 p.m a.m. sunday only ,
St. Martin, West Stockwell street, Ven. Oscar D. Wat- Swedenbor~ian (New Church) held at the Shaftesbury
kins M.A. recto;r; 8 &, I I a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. thurs. hall, Culver ske~; se-rvices, 'Sun. I I a.m. & 6,30
& fri. 8 a.m

SCHOOLS. Mile End (Myland), built, with teachers' residence, in
The Royal Free Grammar School, in the Lexden road" 1'871, partly with the materials of the old church, &.
was founded by the bailiffs &; commonalty of thia enllllrged in 1884, for ISO children; average attendance,
town, pursuant to a grant of Queen Elizabeth in 1583 129; John Haly, master
renewing one previously made by Henry VlII. iD Gl'eenstead (St. Andre'\v), built in 1851 &. enlarged i..'il
1'~3, for 125 children>; average attendance, II2;
1539 and was instituted for sixteen scholars (sons of
free burgesses of the borough), who received a classical Frank ·Wright, masteir; Miss Ada Granger,infants' mist
education; by an alteration of the statutes made in St. Anne's (infants) (branch of St. James'), Harwich ·I'd.. ;
1844, the number of scholars on the foundation was accommodation for 130 children; ave,rage attendance,.
extended to twenty, but these, under a new scheme of 70; Mr(. E. A. John~on, mistress
the Cha:.rity Oommissioners, approY'ed in Oouncil 19 St. John's, Ipswich road, built in 1854, for 94 children;:
May, r899, have been reduced to ten; the school has average attendance, 52; Miss Go~dsmith, mistress
also a rig1ht to a certain nUlmber of no'min3ltions to Parson's Heath (mixed & infants), e,rected in 15-89 & en--
Christ's HospitJaJ. aunuaJly; a school-house of large larged in 1894, for 139 children; average attendance,
dimensions, with a residence for the head master, was 120; Miss A. ToVterdell, mistress; Miss Loui~e Brad-
erected in the year 1:852, on a healthy and command- ley, infan,ts' mistress.
ing site on the road to Lexden; the school buildings Lexden, built in 1841 & eJllarged in 1893, for'210 chil-
also include a large schooll'oom, libmry and class- dren; ave.l'age attendance, 1-80; :Frederick Jas. MotuIl1',
rooms, aV1ailable in all for 100 day boys IlIi 20 boardeNl; master; Miss Amelia 1Vallbridge, infants' mistress
thoroe are also two town-houses in charge of house- Oatholic, P'riory street, built in 1896, for about 236 chil-
mastel'S, each with its separate organisation, for the dren; average attendance, 200; Sisters of Mercy
benefit of -town boys; the sohool is under the control Wes~eyan (mixed), Culver stree,t, built in 1869 & &':11'-
of a gove-!'!Iling body of 1'5 persons, of whom one, the llllrgcd in 18,87, for 566 children; average attendance,
Mayor, is ex-officio, I I .representative & S co-optative; 451; H. E. Shaw, head master; Miss E. Hopkins, in-
H. O. Wanklyn, clerk to the governors; Percy Shaw fants' mi;;1;ress
Jeffery e-sq. M.A. of Queen's College, O:dord & Mar- NEWSPAPERS.
burg University, is head master ; Rev. Noel H. J ohnson
RA. & G. J. Yates M.A. house masters; Olaude Colchester Gazette, Benham & Co. 24 High street~
Egerton Barber B.Sc. Arthur Siddell Mason IlIi Neville props. & publishrs.; published wed. morning. See advi
8ye, other mastel"s; visiting masters: Hunt.ley Nunn Essex County Standard, 1Vest Suffolk Gazette & Eastern
F.Inst.S.,S.O. shorthand; A. R. Barber, geometrical Counties Advertiser, 24 Hig-h street, Benham IlIi Co.
& model drawing; Lucas BaTlber -F.C.O. instrumental proprietors & publishers; published fri. evening foy
mUlsic ; praclical science in ,tIhe Corporation labO'l'atories, sat. See advert
under the direcbion of Philip ,Lake M.A Essex Telegraph, 3'3 Head street, The Essex Telegraph
Colchester 1'echnical & University Extension College Limited, proprietors & pub1ishers; published tues. &.
(.Albert School of Science & Art, High street; technical 's,a,t. See adverti1semenrt
department, Philip Lake M.A. principal; C. E. Baskett Walton Gazette &; Visitors' List, 24 High street: Benham
R.P.E. art head master; C. H. BasketJt, assistant art &; Co. proprietors & publishers; published wednesday
master; Miss K. Brignell & Miss n. Peachey, assistant morning. See advertisement
a.rt mistresses; university extension department, pupil East Anglian Daily Times, branch, 53 North hill
teaohers' classes, Forank Osborn Wilson B.A. head
master; A. W. Alderton & Harry Percy WHson, assist. RAILWAY STATIONS (Great Eastern).
masters; WilliJll1m 'Smith, sec Colches,ter (North), William Thomas Wild,station master-
Cent:rol National (with which is incorporated the Blue St. Botolph's, Frederick William Swann, station master
Goat sdhool), St. Helen's lane, founded in 1709, re· Hythe, Herbert Ghades Simmons, station master; HJ~.
buillt in 118161 & chiefly supported by voluntary sub- Renjamin Le Good, goods agent
scriptiono;; there are now 350 boys & 180 girls; 50

boys & 25 giI'~s being clothed from funds supplied by

an endO'Wment & subscriptions; Frederick H. Sanger, CONVEYANCES.
head master; Miss E. Boa-rd, mistress Omnibus to & from the Railway station, Mile end-
A School Board of 11 members was formed 3 June, 1892; From Cups hotel & Red Lion hotel, to meet every
the board meet at the offices, 8 East Stock- train
well street, the last friday in each month at Nayland (Suffolk)--W. Norfolk (omnibus), from the-
8 p.m. ; Charles Edward Denton, clerk to the Waggon & Horses, North hill & Railway station, Mile-
board; Charles S'towe, Braiswick, school attendance end, daily, arrives at 9.30 a.m. & 3.45 p.m. leaves at I I
officer; new schools have been erected in North street, a.m. & 4.20 p.m. & every sat. arrives at 9.30 a.m. &; p
Boool"ack street, Old Heath, East Stockwell street (in- p.m. & leaves at 11 a.m. & 5 p.m
fantls) & St. John's green Sutton & Co. (C. L. Mead, agent), Headgate
Board Schools. Fosters Parceh Express Co. (C. E. Rice, agent), 51
BMTack street (mixed & infants), e.rected in 1896, for High street
1,220 chi,ldren (720 mixed & 500 infants); average at- Pickfords Lim. (Frederick Geo. Curtis, agt.), 98 High st
tendance, 670 mixed department & 448 infants; Edwd.
North, head master; MiS's SM'ah Brook, infa<nts' mist O.A<R.RIE,RS, with inns they call at &; days of departure',
Ea&t Stockwell street (infants), opened January, 1898,
for 240 children; average attendance, 180; MTs.Helena Abberton-Christmas, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, mono
Oox, mistress wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12, leaves at 5
North stI"eet (mixed & infants), opened Nov. 1894, for Alresford-Day, 'Sea Horse,' High street, mono wed.
500 in mixed depM'tment & 2'50 infants; full avera~e fri. &; sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4
'::k1Jtendance in each; J. Harper B.A. master; Mis~ Ardleigh-Bantick, 'Castle,' High street, mono tburs. k
Geoo'gina F. Newman, irn'fants' mis-tress slllt. arrives at 12 & leaves at 5.30
Old Heath (mixed & infants), built in 1894, for 16o; Bentley &;c.-James, ' Sea Ho.rse,' Higb street, mono wed.
ave.rage attendance, 134; Archibald William Alderton, fri. & sat. aITives a-t 11.30 a.m. & leaves at 4 p.m
master Be,rgholt (East)-Beeston, 'George,' High street, wed. &;
St. John's green (mixed & infants), erected 1897-8, for sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30
5'36 mixed depa;rtment & 304 infants; average atJtend- Bergholt (West)-Moss, 'Lamb,' High street, daily,
ance .0:16, infants 290; John Edward Oheese, master; arrives at 2 &; leaves at 6
Miss Hamet M. Taylor, infants' mistress Birch-Whyatt, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street wed.
& sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 5; Prior, '11u11,'
National Schools. Crouch street, mono wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12'
Magdalen street (boys), built in 1'859, for ISO children; & leaves at 4
. average attendance, 152; F. J. Twyman, master Boxford---.Skirnner, 'Angel,' High stTeet, wed. & sat. ar-
Kendall road (gilrls), built in 1890, for 180 children; rives at 12.30 & leaves at 4.30
average attendance, 164; Miss Mary Cox, mistress Boxted-Munson, 'Angel,' High street, mono wed. fri.
Kendall road (infants), built in 1,890, for 172 children; & sat. arrives at 11 & leaves at 4; Whent, 'Waggon &;
average attendance, 144; Miss Edith Flitton, mistress Horses,' North hill, mono wed. fri. & sat. arrivlls at
St. James' (mixed & infants), East hill, bunt in 1859, for 12.30 & leaves at 3 p.m
150 children; average attendance, IS0; Miss D. A. Braintree Spooner, 'Bull,' Couch street, tues. &; sat.
. Last, mistTess arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30
St. Mary-at-the-Walls (infants), Balkerne lane, erected Brightlingsea-Day, 'Sea Horse,' High street, mono wed.
in I1864, for 130 childroo; average attendance, lI8; fri. &; sat. arrives at 12 &; -leaves at 4: Warner, 'Angel,'
Miss Annre :Ellis,- mistress
1 ~ • ~
High street, daily at I & leaves at 4
Bromley (Little)-Parker, 'Angel,' High street, tues. Mersea (West)-Rudlin, 'Plongh,' Magdalen street, mono
thllll's. &; sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4.30 wed. thurs. fri. &; sat. tirrives at 12 &; leaves at 5;
Bures-Shead, "Waggon &; Horses,' North hill, tues. Cudmore, 'Plough,' mono wed. &; sat. arrives at 12 &;
& sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4 leaves at 5
.(Jhappel-Everett, 'Angel,' High street, mono wed. & sat. Messing Harl, 'King's Al"Dls,' Crouch street, mono &;
311'rives at 12 & leaves at 4 wed. &; sat. aN'ives a.t 12 &; leaves at 4.30
Chelmsford, see Kelvedon &;c Mist[eJ'~Large, ' Castle,' High street, wed. & sat. arrives
.olacton-Riches, 'Angel, High street, 'tues. thurs. & sat. at 11 & leaves at 4
a.rrives at 12 & leaves at 4; Block, 'Angel,' High street, Nayland (Suffolk), Stoke & Great Horkesley W. Nor-
TIlon. "\led. & sat. a.rrives at 12 & leaves at 4; Bines, folk, 'Waggon &; Horses,' North hill, wed. &; sat. ar-
'Swan,' High street, wed. sat. arrives at 12 & leaves rives at 12 a.m. &; leaves at 4.30 p.m
at 4.30 Oakley, see Harwich & Oakley
Coggeshall-Hunwicke, 'Bull,' Crouch streeA:, mono wed. Oakley (Great)-Keeble, • Swan,' High street, men. wed.
'& sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4 & sat. arrives at 12 &; lea.ves at 4.30
Colne Engaine-Buck, 'Horse &; Groom,' Crouch street, Peldon &; Wigborough-Christmas, 'Plough,' Magdalen
wed. & sat. arrives at I I &; leaves at 3 street, mono tues. wed. fri. &; sat. aorrives at 12 &;
Copford &; East T'borpe Bishop, 'Angel,' High street, leaves at 4
mono wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12 &:, leaves at 4 Rowihedge Rarris, to ' Prince of Wales,' daily, arrives at
Gopford &:, Sltanway-Brazie.r, 'Hol'\se & Groom,' Orouch 2 &; leaves at 5.30; Peacock, 'Plough,' Magdalen st.
street, sat. arrives at I &; leaves at 4 daily, arrives a.t I &; leaves at 5; see also Donyland &;
Ponyland & Rowhedge-Jones, 'P'rince of Wales,' Mag- Rowhedge
dalene street, daily, arrives at I &; leaves at 5 St. Osyth &c. Oole,' Castle,' High street, daily, ~xcept
Earls Colne-Buck, ' Horse & Groom, Crouch street, wed. friday, arrives at I I & leaves at 4
& sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 3 Stanway, se" Copford &; Stanway
Elmstead, see Great Bentley &; Elmstead Stoke, see Nayland &c ,
1"ingringhoe-See Peldon & Abberton Stratford St. Mary (Suffolk) Buckle,' Swan,' High st.
'Fordham-Death, 'Bull,' ClI'ouch street, mono wed. fri. &; wed. & sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 5; Beeston,
sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4 'Angel,' High street, wed. &; sat. arrives at I I & leaves
Frating J ames, 'Sea Horse,' High street, man. wed. tit 5
fri. &; sat. arrives at I1.30 &; leaves at 4 Tey (Great)-Saunders, 'Horse &; Groom,' Crouch street,
Great Bentley &; Elmstead James,' Sea Horse,' High st. sat. arrives at I2 &; leaves at 4.30
man. wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 11.30 & leaves at 4 Thorpe-Ie-Soken-Moles; 'Sea Horse,' High street, mono
'Great Holland, see Walton Kirby &c wed. &; sat. aM'ives at Il &; leaves at 4; Parker.
'Great Horkesley, see Nayland &c 'Angel,' High street, tues. thurs. &; sat. arrives at 12
Halstead-Monk, 'Angel,' High street, thurs. arrives at &; leaves at 4
II & leaves at 3 Tiptree Bennett,' Horse &; Groom,' Crouch street. tues.
Harwich & Oakley-Parker, from 'Angel,' tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at I I &; leaves at 4.3°; see also Tolles-
&; sat. arrives at II.30 & leaves at 4 hunt &;c
Holland (Great)-Moles, 'Sea Horse,' High street, mono Tullesbury Anthony,' Essex Anus,' Butt road, wed. &;
wed. & sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4 sat. arrives'at I I &; leaves at 4; Weavers, 'Bull,' Crouch
Ipswich-Buckle, 'Swan,' High street, wed. &; sat. street, tues. thurs. &; sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4
arrives at 12 & leaves at 5 Tolle,shunt, Tiptree &;c.-Runnacles, from' Bull,' Crouch'
Kelvedon, Witham & Chelmsford-Moore, 'Horse & ~treet, wed. &; sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4
Groom,' Crouch street, wed. &; sat. arrives at I2 & Walton Kirby &; Great Holland~Christmas,'Castle,' High
leaves at 4· 30 street, tue!!. thurs. &; sat. arrives at I I ,&; leaves at 4
Langham-vValler, 'Swan,' High street, man. wed. &; Walton-Ie-Soken-Christmas, 'Castle,' High street, tues.
fri.; Oason, 'Castle,' High street, mono wed. & sat. thurs. &; sat. arrives at I I &; leaves at 4
ar.I"ives at 1'I &; leaves at 4 Weel€y &; Great Bentley-Everett, 'Angel,' High street,
Layer Marney-'\Vhyatt,
• •
'Horse &; Groom,' Crouch street. tues. thurs. &; sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30
wed. & sat. arrIves at 12 & leaves at 5 Wigborough, see Peldon
Layer Brebon~Burnby, 'Essex: Arms,' Butt Toad, mono Witham, see Kelvedou &c
wed. & sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4.3Q; Whyatt, Wivenhoe Wyatt,' Angel,' High street, daily, arrives at
'Horse &; Groom,' Crouch street, wed. &; sat. arrives I2 &; leaves at 4; Oole, 'Swan,' High street, daily.
at I2 & leaves at 5 arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4.30
Little Horkesley Bullock, "Waggon &; Horses,' North Wormingford-Sach, 'Bull,' Crouch street, mono wed.
hill, tues. & sat. arrives at IO.30 a.m. &; leaves at 2.30 thurs. fri. &; sat. arrives at 10 &; leaves at 4
'P. l l
~i[anningtree-Peacock, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, wed. Water Conveyance.
& sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 5 To London-Beckwith &; Co.'s steam packets twice weekly
Mersea (East)-Underwood, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, between the Hythe, Colchester &; Black Eagle wharf,
tues. & sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 5 London
Ayling Albert Edward, 7 Roman road Baskett Charles Henry, White house, •
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bailey Henry Thomas,5 Cambridge rd Maldon road
Aberdeen Henry Herbert, Rosemerry-n, Baker EdwM'd Perry, St. Andrews, 6 Baskett Herbert, 21 Wellesley road
Maldon road Oxford road Bassano 1.''homM M3Jt'l1ID.s N.B. 95
Acton Rev. William Henry (Sweden- Baker Harry Ernest, 34 Hend street Winnock road
borgian), 26 Meyrick crest Baker Isanc, 4I Roman road Batterham Mrs. 91 Orouch street
Mdison Charles Edwa,rd, 4 Head: SIt Baker Miss, 4 Roman road Batty RI(.v. Thomas (Congregational),
Ager Arthur Mark, 7 Culver street Baldry Frederick, I Salisbury avenue 50 Crouch street
Alderton ArchibaldWm.5 Old Heath rd Baldwin Richard, 4- Trinity street Baughan Mrs. 8 Salisbury avenue
.Aldiridge AlUan Garn81s, The ,RosebeIy, Bale Major In. Edward, II Gray road Bawtree MiSlSes, 31 Lamen road
New Town Toad Bannister Misses, The Glen, Old Baxter Mrs. 92 East hill
AlIan Lieut.-Col. Crawford Lewin, Heath road Beales Mrs. 50 South street
Holmhurst, Inglis road Bannock Frederick, 3Q Wimpole road Bear Th()mas M. 9 Wellesley Toad
Allen Mrs. 4+ Mersea road Barber Alfred R. I3 Weilesley ,road Beard Ernest S.Danehurst,5 Oxford rd
Alston Mrs. IO Creffield road Barber Mrs. 12 St. John's street Beard Misses, 26 Lexden road
Anderson R. 6 Cambridge ;rood Barford Charles, I25 Military road BearlL Reginald Benj; 3 Cambridge rd
Angel Saml. Bradley, 34 Oreffield rd Barker Col. George R.E. Abbey house Becher Major Cecil Leycester, 40 Cref-
Anthony Alfred, 19 Beacons£eld aven Barker Elliot Francis, 52 Creffield road field road
Appleby George, 30 Wimpole road Barker Mrs.I9 Meyrick cres.Mersea I'd BackeT Charle.s Otto Gustavus M.D.
Appleby William, I Papillon road Barnes Lt.·Cal. He<nTy John RA.M.O., The Minories, All Saints
Aroher Oharles Henry, St. Martin's M.R.O.P.Edin. H2 Military road! Booker Jonathan Eruest AugU~t.U3
lodge, West Stockwell street Barnes Mrs. 50 Maldon road George, M.B., G.M. IS Queeu street
Arnold Henry, 17 Lion walk Barritt Ernest Hy. 26 Beaconsfield Becmh Harry Oscar, 54 Beaconsfield av
Ashby Henry Barker, I48 Maldon road Barritt Mrs. 32 Creffield road Beckwi,th Joseph H. 42 Hythe hill
Ashby Miss, 4 Lexden road Barron Thomas George, 19 Maldon rd B6dwelI John Robert, 65 High street
Asten Geol'ge, 35 Beaconsfield avenue Bartrum Mrs. 4 Oxford Il'oad. BedweU Misses. 55 North hill
Asten Miss, 48 North hill Bashford Rev. Rabert M.A. St. Mary Bedwell Mrs. 12 Abbeygate street
Attwood Mrs. 37 Lexden road Magdalene rectory, Brook street Bedwell Mrs. A. 72 High street
Ayers A.. W. P. 2 Crouch streelJ. llaskett Chas. Edwd. I4 HospiW rd

Benham Chas. Edwin, 28 Wellesley I'd Oarpenter William Gerald, South ha. Dennis Thomas, 35 Alexandra road
Benham Mrs. 36 Crouch street Oreffield road Denton Chas. Edwd. Ea. Stockwell st
Benham William Gurney,25 Lexden I'd Oarter Rev. Henry Frederick Victor Denton Charles William, The Harrolds,..
Bennett Benjamin, 49 Roman road (rector of St. Leonnrd), The Rec- Roman road
Bennett Miss, 1 Victoriat road tory, Hythe hill Devall Mrs. 35 Maldon road
Bent Chas. The 'l'owers, 11 O:X'ford I'd Oarter Frederick, 37 Chapel street Dick Mrs. 4 The Avenue
Bentley Miss, I I St. John's street Oatchpool Miss H. 41 Lexden road Digby Mrs. 22 "\Vellesley road
BerncaSl1J.e Hrbrt. Melbourne L.R. O.P. Ohallenor George R'ichards, Fairlight Dixon Edward Austin, 8 Beverley roact
Lond. Es'sex & 'Colchester Gener·al tower, Queen's road Dobson George, 2 Inglis ro-ad
HOIspitraJ, Lexd.en road Ohambers Alfred, IS Roman road .lJobson Misses, St. Albuns, Creffield I'll
Birch Miss, 16 North hill Chambers G. 60 Oreffield road Doe Geo. Wm. 7 Papillon road
Bland Oharles E. Balkerne hill Champness Misses, Belle vue, Land la Doherty Mrs. ·86 Mersea road
Bland Mrs. 20 Inglis road Chapman Frank, 65 Orouch street Double Edward, 25 Oastle road
Blaxill E. Alexander, Maldon road Oheese John Edward, 39 PownaJl cres Du Oane Fras. Chas. John, 85 East hill.
Blaxill Mrs. 39 Roman road Chesiliire Arthur, 109 Winnock road Dunmol'e Henry, 5 Roman road
Blomfield HaTry, I Gladstone road Chichester Edwd. Tranent, Crouch st Dunningham Thomas John, 38 EasthL
Blomfield Mrs. 56 Crouch street Ohignell Mrs. 34 Wellesley road Dupont Mrs. 35 North hill
Blowers Miss, 2 Ohurch street norlh Chignell William, 9 Queen street Durrant Oscar J ohn'46Beaconsfield av
Blyth Daniel, 8 Provident place Ohild Mrs. 121 Winnock road Duthy 001. Archibald Edward R.A. 14-
Boggis Arthur Kemp, 8 Inglis road Child William E. 17 Roman road 'fhe Avenue
Bond William Samuel, 30Culver street Chitham Misses, 26 Wellesley road Dyer Major In. The Chalet, Sussex I'd
Banner George, 10 Gray road Church Adolphus Edgar, 30 Orouch st Eagle Misses, 61 Le:s.den road
Bootes ErnestButler,23Beaconsfield av Ciaridge William, 32 Inglis road Eales Edward, 19 Creffield road
Boulton PerGY, 31 Wimpole road Clark }Jharles, 18 Beverley road Early Rev. John Bush M.A. (rector of
Bow~n Lieut.-Ool. Harry ,Giiffiths, 7 Clark Frank, 2 Gray road . Holy Trinity), 73 Orouch street
Victoria roa.d Clayton WaIter Edwd. 27 SalIsbury ay Eastwood Rev. Oharles Ambrose (Con-
Boyles Thomas, Mayfair, Oreffield rd Clover :Miss, 13 Maldon road gregational), 10 East Stockwell 8t
Brackenbury Miss, 31 MilitaJI'Y road Oobb Alfred, 9 High street Egerton-Green Claude Egerton J\I.A.,..
Brackett Fras.Whitwell,64 Winnock rd Oobb Oharles, St. Leonard's house, D.L., J.P. East Hill house
Brackett Misses, 2 Trinity street Hythe hill Eisdell Miss, 59 Lexden road
Bradhrook Mrs. 16 Wellesley road Cole Alfred Joseph, 7 Gray road Elford Edward, 104 Military road
Bradshaw Mrs. Raonah house, New Oole Charles Alfred, 104 Maldon road Elliott Herbert George Hallum, 4a
Town road Oole George James, 49 High street Wellesley road
Branch Henry, 28 Mersea road Cole Harry WaIter, 12 Old Heath road Ellison Oborne Jas. LL.B.3' Queen's I'd- "
Bray Mrs. 6 Provident place Cole Mrs. 123 Winnock road Elwes Henry Hervey, 86 East hill
Brettingham Mrs. 84 Mersea road Cole-Hamilton Capt. W. A. T. Broom~ Emson Robert, 5 Salisbury avenue
Bromhead Mrs. 91 East hill hill, Mersea road English William, 15 Salisbury avenue-
Brook Thomas Daniel, 146 High street Ooleman Charles, 18 The Avenue Essex Mrs. 50 Mersea road
Brooker Walter, 4 Papillon road Coleman Misses, 29 Lexden road Evans Rev. John M.A. (curate of St.
Brown Rev. George Gibson M.A. All GoUard Col. 17 Th~ Avenuo Mary's), Rawstorn ho. Papiijon reI'
Saints' rectory, High street Corner Oharles Henry,S Rawstorn I'd Evans Onley Wm. In.I56 Maldon I'd'
Brown Oharles, 16 Lion walk Corner George, 2 Oambridge road Everett Fredk. WItI'. 56 Barrack st
Brown Frederick, 2 Provident place Compton Frederick, 22 Inglis road Everett Hy.Holmleigh,28 Newtown rd.1
Brown George M.D. I Beverley road Coombs R. Olibar, 21 Inglis road Everett Willie Ohristian A.RC.M. 14' )
Brown George, 24 Papillon road Oooper Frederick Ryl!e, 7 Salisbury av Creffield road
Brown H. 0 Cooper Mrs. 52 Orouch street Fairhead George, St. Mary's villa,..
Brown John Edwin, 33 Ipswich road Coote Mrs. 50 Orowhurst road Balkerne lane
Brown Miss, 36 Oreffield road Copsey Mrs. Glen cot. Old Heath I'd Fairhead Miss, 73 North Station roae?
Brown Mrs. 18 Old Heath road Oorbett Rev. John Reginald M.A. Fairweather Samuel, I Stanwell street
BroWiIl 'W. rQinton, Yentnor hOUlse, (vicar), St. Botolphs vicarage, Farmer Mrs. 22 Roman rand
Kendal Toad Priory street Fenn Edwd. LiV'eing M.D. Grey Friars-
Browne Mrs. M. A. M. 93 MiliwlrY I'd Cordley Mrs. 9 Rawstorn road Fenning Daniel, 4 OaS'tle road
Browning Mrs. 37 Pownall crest Gowel John WaIter, 43 Lexden road Fenning Ernest, 73 Brook street
Bruce William, 13 Salisbury avenue Cox Wilfred, I Audley road Fenton Mrs. Charles, 122 :Maldon road
Bryant John Scott, 43 St••Tohn's st Craske Robert Gerald, 10 Victoria I'd Festing- Mrs. 44 Wellesley road
Bucke John Thos. 16 St. Albans Td Cressall WaIter A.R.I.B.A. New Town' Finch Frederick, 25 Salisbury avenue
BUCkingham Frank Saml. 17 Head st lodge, Winnock road Flavell Rev. David (Baptist), I6~,
Buckingham H. 38 Salisbury avenue Crispin Mrs. E. A. 2 Chapel street Butt road
Buen George, 28 Papillon road Critchley Sydney, 72 '\Vinnock road Flux James Felix,I6 Meyrick crescent,.
Bugg Frederick Chas. 142 Maldon road Cross 1Villiam, I The Avenue Mersea road
Bull James, Meyrick crescent Croydon Edwin Arthur, 8 Roman road Ford Rixon, Globe house, George st
Bullock Samuel, 20 Creffield road Croydon Frederick John, 62 Roman I'd Forster David, 60 High street
Bullock Thos. Loudon, 13 Gladstone I'd Crump Miss, 60 Crouch street Fox Louis Philip, 98 Winnock road!
BultJitude Ernest, 14 Papillon road Cuddon Alfred, The Limes, Old Heath Francis Claude, 39 Wellesley road
'Bultitude Robert, Beechcroft, Abbey Cuddon Bernnrd, The Limes, Old Hth Francis Harold, East Bay house
Gate street Cnddon Jsph. The Limes, Old Heath FI'ancis Miss Louisa, Tymperleys,..
Bunting Misses, Nomh Station road Cuddon Mrs. The Limes, Old Heath Trinity street
Bunting Mrs. 65 Mersea road Cullingford Rd. Wincup, 47 Lexden I'd Frands Mrs. 55 Orouch street
Bunting William, 38 Alecx:andra road Capiss Miss, Melford viI. Rawstorn I'd Franklin John, 32 North hill
Bunting William ElEs, 28 Lexjen road CUTtis Misses, 19 Lexden road Frost Abraham William, 27 Head sir
Bunting Wm.Whorlow, 62 Orouch st Dale Rev. Thomas Henry (curate-in- Frost Abraham WilIiam Hatch, Tilney
Burrell Francis James, Abbeycroft, charge, St. Stephen's Mission howse, North hill
Abbeygate street Church), I Old Heath road Frost Arth. Thos. Melrose, Maldon 1'0'
Burton-Phillipson Richard William, 14 Dancer In. Chas. Lonsdale, Maldon rd Frost Charles, 38 Balkerne lane
Inglis road Daniell Edgnr Sands, 82 East hill Frost Francis, 31 Wellesley road
Burwood Edward, 67 Orouch street Daniell Frank Robinson, St. Martin's Frost Thomas, 17 Harwich road
Butcher Charles Edward, 76 North studio, West Stockwell street Fry Augustine Oradock M.A., ~I.B.,....
Station road DanieH Mrs. 13 Lexden road B.O. Priory house, Wellesley road
Butcher Harrv, •
Holland vil.Creffield I'd Daniell Mrs. 8 Victoria road Fuller Oharll's, 20 Beverley rOlld
Butcher William, 3 East hill Davies Herbert George. 27 Roman I'd Fuller Mrs. 108 Maldon road
Butler Mrs. Florence ha. Maldon I'd D:lVison Oolonel J. Wimpole house, Gadsdon Hy. Percy,We.stons,Culver st
Bygrave Miss, 14 Beaconsfield nvenue Wimpole road Gaisford Major Douglas,IS Beverley I'd
Byrne Pat rick Wm. 9 Gladstone road Dawes Miss, Rokeby, Oreffield road GaIe Alfred John Bartlett,z3:M3ldon 1'<1
Cade William, 32 Salisbury avenue Day Wm. J. Mount ho. Harwiah I'd Gale Oharles Thomas, 52 Wellesley I'd
Oalver Miss, 38 BeacoIlsfield avenue De La Bhe Captain Hugh Pleydell Gale Joseph WaIter, 27 MaldoIl road'
Cameron Major Ewan Cornwallis, 12 6 The Avenue Garland Robert Edward,60 Wimpole I'd
Inglis road . Dennis Edwin, 5 I Orowhurst road Gatacre Majo'r-General Sir WiIlium
CandleI' James Wm. 23 lVIeyrick cres Dermis Henry S. 29 l\feyrick crescent, Forbes K.C.B.,D.S.O. (Commanding
Cansd·ule Arthur, 62 Castle road Mersea road rEasternMilitary District), Serurletts
(.\tnt Wm. Edmnd·.M.D. 18Wellesl1ey I'd Dennis Misses, Prospect ho. North hi George .1rt11ur Ohapman,I7 lng-lis Toad
Carman George Wm. 19 The Avenue Dennis Mrs. 121 Crouch l'treet Gibbs-iSmith Edwd. D.P.H'49 North M
CaTman Misses, 43 Wellesley road Dennis Mrs. E. R. I Oreffield road
Gilbert Misses, Old Heath cottage Holman Re~. Hobert (Primitive Law Mrs. 44 Pownall crescent
Gill William, roo Maldon road Metihodist), 44 ATtillery street La.wrence John, 42 Crouch street
Gilson Misses, 50 Roman road Holme Robert, 35 Ipswich road Lawrence Miss, 13 Creffield road
Glenny Benj. Wallis, 23 Wellesley I'd Hood John, n8 Maldon road Lawton Mrs. 12 Creffield road
Godfrey Miss, 3 Gray road Hopwood Joseph C. 22 Lexden road Lazell Mrs. I Provident place
Godwin Mrs. Chapel street Hopwood Joseph Jolly, 16 Creffield rd Leach Arthur Ernest, 8 Abbeygate st
Gold William, 12 Provident place Horsman Mrs. 38 Belle Vue road Leal Edwd. Gilbert, 101 N. Station I'd
Golding R. F. 125a, Military road Howard Colonel William J.P. Kinges- LeaningMrs.TheChauntry,32Lexden rd
Goldsmith Mrs. 47 Wellesley road wade Hoe, Sussex road Le Ball Mrs. 7 Butt road
Goodey Harry. 38 Wimpole road Roward MT,s. 21 Culver street Lee George, 48 Creffield road
Goodey James Frederick, New Town Howe Charles Henry, 120 Maldon road Lee Joseph, Clare lodge, Maldon road
lodge, Winnock road Howe John, 75 Orouch street Le,ggtatt Rev. Frank Y., IM.A. (Cong)
Goodey Mrs. 20 Wellesley road Howe Robert, 67 Military road Legh Rev. Henry Edmund M.A. (vicar
Goodram WaIt. SI. 43 Ea. Stockwe:I st Hwbbard Frederiok W. 8 Papillon rd o·f St. Nioholas with St. Runwald),
Goody Henry, Glen Mervyn, Lexden rd iHughes Enos, 5 Victoria road 7 North hill
Goody Miss, 46 Head street Humphrey Miss, Westbury, Lexden rd Le Good Henry Benjamin, 18 Glad-
Goody Bidney Darr, 33 Wellesley rd Hunt E. A. Crouched Friars, 107 stone road
Goodyear Herbert C.E.Stanwell house, Crouch street Lermitte Major Henry James, Wes5
17 .stanwell street Hussey Frank, 8 Audley road lodge, West Lodge road
Goslin Arthur Fredk. Errington road Hutchinson William Hy. 51 Lexden I'd Letch James, ~8 South street
Goslin John Oreffield, 40 Hyam Frederick Wm. 30 Maldon road Lewis David John, 2 Old Heath road
Gower Lieut.-Col. John Nathaniel, 54 lIes Mors. 123 Crouch street Lewis J oseph, 29 Salisbury avenue
Creffield road Ind Capt. James Algernon D.L., J.P. Lewis M., R.E., M.Le.E. Maitlands,
Gowing Fredk. William, 13 Roman rd White hall, Old Heath road Hythe
Graves Henry Warden, 9 Osborne st Irvine Surgeon-Lie.ut.-Ool. DeJa.ware Lewis Mrs. D. 7 The Avenue
Gray Alfred, 21 Maldon road Lewis iL.R.O.P.Lond.(Army MerltioaJ Lewis Thomas Edwin, Cromarty ho.
Gray Arthur Thos. 49 Crowhurst rd Staff), Or·effieldJ house, Gray road Maldon road
Gray Edward Rentall, 7 Bourn road Irwin ·Mis.s, 67 Lexden road Lilly Mrs. IQ St. .Albans road
Green Capt. Dixon, 144 Hythe hill Ives Richard Haward, High street Lissimore Sam Bennell, 15 North
Green Rev. Herbert Tresham B.A. Ives Thomas, 70 North Station road Station road .
(acting chaplain to the Forces), I hey Stephen, 107 Winnock road Littlebury Geo. Credenda, Roman rd
Gladstone road Jarman Arthur Middleton, IS East hI LittleburyWlt.Fernleigh,8IWinnock rd
Green Edwd. Chaos. 18 Ea.Stockwell st Jarrett Mrs. 47 North hill
Locke Thomas Marriott, Stanmore hOe
Green Harry, 3 Beaconsfield avenue Jeffrey Perey Shaw M.A. (head mas- 38 Lexden road
Green Misses, 23 Lexden road ter), Royal Grammar School, Lex- Lockwood Misses, 4 Lexden road
Green Misses, The Limes, East bay den road Lovell MISS, 13 The Avenue
Green Mrs. 28 Beaconsfield avenue Jennings Daniel, 24 Abbeygate street Loyd Thos. Mulcock, 128 Maldon rd
Green Mrs. 85 High street Jennings Miss, 32 Crouch street Luaro Hugh Bixby 'M.B.Oantab. Eas-
Green Patrick Rist, 17 Beverley road Jennings Mrs. 15 Abbeygate street tern Counties Asylum.
Green Sam!. Thorneycroft, Maldon rd Johnson Rev. Noel Hugh (curate of Maberley Alfred, 4 Salisbury avenue
Greenwood Charles, 99 Military road All Saints' & assis,tant master Gram- MabeTly Joseph Strutt, 12 Beacons-
Greenwood Edwin, 44 Salisbury aven mar Scihool), I Oxford road field avenue
Greenwood Joseph, Dunelm,Maldon I'd JohnS'On Geo. Holmleigh, 13 Inglis rd Macdona F. Graham, 7 Beverley road
Griffin Henry Lainson, 62 West Stock- Johnson William, 2 Gladstone road Macgregor Joseph Johnston M.D .•
well street Johnston William Henry Ormsby, F.R.C.S.Eng. Head Gate 'bouBle
Grimes Mrs. North Gate house Gorswen, Maldon road McMlaihJon F. E. 33 Lexden road
Grimwade Henry, Woodroffe house Jones Rev. William Rodwell (Wes- McNab Rev. Thomas Read (Baptist),
Grane Ferdinand, 17 Wellesley road . leyan), 97 Winnock road 33 Wellesley road
Gummer Henry John,S Head street Jones Oharles Edward, lIO Maldon rd Mann William Winstanley, 55 Win-
Gunter Mrs. Daeea ho. Queen's road Jones Edward Horace Leonard, Spa- chester road
Gusterson James, 31 Maldon road dina, Maldon road Marlow Hector, I Rawstorn road
Hales Rev. Greville Turner M.A. St. Jones Hy. Wm. Plum hall, Mer-sea rd Marriage Edward, 89 East hill
Mary's-at-t:h.e-Walls rectory Jones Mrs. F. R. 17 Creffield road Marriage Wilson, J.P. Dilbridge hall
Hall Lieut.-Col. Fredk. 6 VictO'l'ia II'd Jones Mrs. Hy. Cloisters,IIoMaldon rd Marshall Charles Henry Thomas, 34
Hall F. W. Caerleon, 26 New Town rd Jones Wm.Hy.M.R.C.V.S.23Roman rd Lexden road
Hall Milton, 35 Lexden road Joslin George, 2 Trinity street Martin Capt. Jame,s W. 18 Creffield rd
Hall Mrs. 97 Military road Joslin George Haynes, 71 High street Martin Daniel ATthur, 74 Winnock I'd
Hallam Mrs. 16 Beaconsfield avenue J oslin Harry, St. Martin's,West Stock- Martin David, 6 Queen street
Hallum Edward Henry, Krishna house, well street Martin Frederick Augustus, 40 Bea-
West Lodge road Joslin John, Clarendon, 48 Crouch st consfield avenue
Ham Albert Horace, 152 MaldQn road Joslin Mrs. 22 Queen street 'Martin James, 94 Rythe hill
Hammond John Henry, 25 Wimpole I'd Joslin Mrs. G. 3 Chapel street Martin Robt. Ingleglade, Queen's rd
Harden Col. J. E. Brathay, Oxford rd Josselyn Jas. Arth.Waylen,2 Oxford rd Mason Arthur SIddell (assistant mas-
Harding Edgar, 33 Meyrick crescent, Keeble Arthur James, 74 Roman road ter), Royal Grammar Sohool, Lex-
Mersea road Keeling Mrs. 27 Lexden road den road
Hardy Mrs. Charles, 23 Lexden road Kelly Rev. Robert (Catholic) (chaplain Mason Henry, 60 Castle road
. Hardy Richard, 90 East hill to the; forces), 26 Harsne,tt road: Mason James H. 24 Military road
HaTgrave Mrs. 5 Creffield road Kendrick John B. 62 Crouch street Mason Miss, I Cambridge road
Harper Alexander, 2 Salisbury avenue Kent Benj. Ha"rry, Dunedin, Maldon I'd Massingham Robert Creak, Glades-
Harper John. 18 Roman road Kerin Lt.-Col. Michael William (Army more, Maldon road
Har.sum George, 18 Beaconsfield aven Medical Staff), 9 The Avenue Mwturin Col. John (late R.A.), 21 The
Harsum George Albert, 106 Maldon rd Kernaghan Mrs. 23 The Avenue Avenue
Harvey John Bawtree, 29 "VVellesley I'd Kerr Andrew, 4 Queen street "Maw Rev. George Trent,ham B.A.
Harvey William Richard, 4 Creffield rd King Rev. John Freeman RA. St. (curate of St. Mary's), Rawstorn
Harwood Wm. Hy. 94 Nth. Station rd John's vicarage. Ipswicb road house. Papillon road
Hawes Major-Gen. Geo. Rarrington, King Thomas Scott, 8 Old Heath road May Edward Erne"t, St. Mary's cot-
Holly lodge, Lexden road King William Hedley, 16 Inglis road tage, Church street south
Hawkins Miss, 87 East hill Knight Anthony, 68 North Station I'd Ma,ybnry William Augustns M.D.,
Head Samuel, 5,8 Wimpole road Knight Arthur, J6 Lexden road M.Ch. 9 West Stockwell street
Heap Joseph Herbert, 47 Roman road KnightQlIl Geo. Abaer, 47 WimpoJe. re Mead Christopher Lewis, Redcliffe,
Hearle Mrs. 50 Creffield road Knock William Fenn, 33 BelJe Vue Td Maldon road
Hedge Mrs. East Bay house Knopp George Leonard, I Ohapel st Mead George, 72 North Station road
Helien Miss, 7 Wellesley road Knopp Samnel George, Yerst."8 house, Merriman Col.Wm.C.I.E.24Creffield rd
Helps Mrs. 61 Crouch street I Magdalen street Miller Horaee, I I Salisbury avenue
Hemerv Mrs. 23 The Avenue La Barte Rev. William White M.A. Miller Mrs. 88 East hill
Hennemeyer Mrs. 22 Beaconsfield av 9 Creffield terrace, Creffield road Milne Mrs. 23 Castle road
Herring Mrs. 4 'Vest Lodge road Lang Mrs. 6 Creffield road Molland Miss, 15 Gladstone road
Bibberd James, 38 Military road Last Ernest, 44 Beaconsfield avenue Money Cupt. Ernie William Kyrle
Hill George, 12 Trinity street Latten Capt. Ambleside, Maldon road (governor of Milita;ry Prison), Capel
Hollaway Horace, 3 Abbeygate street Laver Hy. J.P., F.S.A., F.L.S.Head st house, Creffield road
Holley ArthuT. 2 Church street south Laver Philip G. Head street &; 3 Montagu Gen. Horace William R.E.•
Church street north C.B. 5 Lexden road
Moore Rev. W. 5 Winsley road Pitt James Brett, 7 Provident place Siggers Arthur Ransom, 63 Castle rd
Maore George, Barrack Street housJ Pointing Wm. James, 58 North hill Siggers Frank, 13 Gray road
Morris James, 55 Mersea road Porter William, 5 The Avenue Siggers GeorgeWilliam,50 WelIesley rd
Morris Thomas Nixon, The Gables, Potter Benj. Scarlett, 50 Military rd Siggers Mrs. 154 MsJdon road
East Stockwell street Patte.r Edward John, 26 South street Siggers Octavius, ID Ohuroh st. nth
Marter Mrs. 52 Military road Potter Mrs. Trinity street Simldn WiIliam Robert, 63 North hill
Morton Cecil Howard, 8 The Avenue Potts William, 13 Beve'rley road Simpson Mrs. 74 Military road
Mottram Thomas, 11 Papillon road Prangley George H. 82 High street Simson Mrs. 11 Lexden road
Moy Ernest J.St.Mary's,Church st.nth Pratt William Harry, 80 Winnock rd Slade Hy. Alfd. Sydenham, Maldon rd
Mumford Arthur Geo. 24 Lexden rd Preece Richard, 19 Roman road Slater Alic, Athelstan, Maldon road
Murdoch Frank Butler,I30ld Heath rd Preston Ol,pt.Capon HY'4 G1adskme rd Smeaton Robert, 44 North hill
Murpihy Rev. Joseph Barnaby Oharles Price George A. 6 Abbey Gate street Smith Albert Charles, 9 Gray road
B.A. (senior chaplain to tlhe Forces), Prior Alfred John, 10 St. John's street Smith Daniel, 12 St. Alhan's road
52 Wimpole road Prior Asher, Havergal house, 4 Vic- Smith Edward Thompson, St. Mary's
Mur<ton Rev. Georgel M.A. (lecturer toria road lodge
at St. Botolpih',s), 21 Beverley read Prior James, I Lexden road Smith Fredk. T:hos. 12 Beverley rd
Muskett Edward, I Winsley road Prior William, Enrington road Smith Harry E. 46 Salisbury avenue
Mustard Mrs. 41 WeIlesley road Prosser Mrs. 27 lfellesley road Smith WilIiam, 30 Beaconsfield aven
Kagle Miss, 42 Pownall crescent Pulford Misses, 7 St. John's street Smitlh Wm. Septimus, 19 SalisbuTy av
Nash Herbert Frederic, Winnock ho. Pumphrey Mrs. 24 Beaconsfield aven Smythies Capt. Kingswell Palm er, 55
23 Wimpole road Pyman Mrs. 32 Military road Lexden road
Naters Rev. Charles Cuthbert M.A. Quilter Misses, 41 Beaconsfield road Snell Frank Tidboald, 25 High street
(rector of St.. James'), Rectory, Radley Mrs. 26 Papillon road Sorsbie Mrs. IS Inglis road
East hill Rainbird WaIter T. 38 Creffield road Sowman William, 28 East hill
NevilIe James, 29 Beaconsfield avenue Rainsfard Mrs. IQ Salisbury avenue Spalding Frederick, 3 Beverley road
Newby Mrs. IS Maldon road RaIling J ames, 46 Maldon road Sparling Arthur Steward myth, 21
Newcomen Re;v. Gilbert.Arthur'(curat.e Ralling Thomas John, 101 Winnock rd Creme-Id road
of St. Leonard), Hyt'he hill Randolph-Symmons Fras. 9 Lexden rd Sparling Mrs. 2 East hill
Newell Major Frederick Herbert,Staf- Raven Henry, 26 East hill Sparling WaIter Bryant, 20 Grouch st
ford 1l0use, Maldon road Raven Mrs. 3 Castle road Spurrier Rev. Edward (Baptist), 33
Newman Edgar, 38 Gladstone road Raven Mr,s. 69 Mersea road Wellesley road
Newman Frederick, 5 Provident place Reeman Harry, 3 Salig,bury avenue Stafford ,Major Henry L., R.E. 10
Newman William Henry, 56 Butt road Rees John Henry, I I GladstQue road The. Avenue
Nicholl Miss, 73 East hill Reeder Edwin, 42 Salisbury road Stannard Arthur, 31 Queen street
Nicholls Adolph Fredk. 4 North hill Ren,ny Eustace George, 16 Crouch st Stannard Miss, 21 Roman road
Nicholson Benj. Hugh ·M.B. 84 High st Richards Rev. S. Yelland (Wesleyan), StanyDn RobeTt, 2 CI-effield road
Nixon Edmund Hemy, Westclif!e, 29 Roman road Start Joseph Wm. F.S.I. 39 Lexden rd
Maldon road RichardsonMrs.Fountain hD.Maldon Ta Start Mrs. 21 Castle road
Noble Fred, 32 Beaconsfield avenue Richer Mrs. 2 Beverley road Stedman Mrs. 3 Roman road
North Edward, York viI. New Town rd Rioher Thomas Arth. Errington rd Steed Mrs. Ilford lodge, Maldon road
Nottidge Mrs. Belmont house, Colne Rickword George, 97a, High street Stevens Mrs. Globe house, George st
Bank road Ridg-well Thomas, 68 Ipswich road Sbewart Maj. In. 106 MilitlLrY road
Nunn Jo:hn, 4 Provident place Rimington ATt.hur VeI'rier, The Lil- Stone Miss, 76 Roman road
Nunn Mrs. 31 Culver street lies, Atlhelstan road Stone Robert J. 40 Pownall crescent
O'Brien Quinlan, 'f8 Pownall crest Rivers William, 21 Beaconsfield aven Stone Thomas, 24 West street
O'ConneII Mrs. 49 Mersea road Robertson Mrs. 6 Gladstone road Stopes Arthur Othniel, 10 East hill
Oldridge James, 14 Manor road Robinson Rev. Thomas RA. I I Bever- Storey George, 20 Beaconsfield avenne
Ord Mrs. 10 Lexden road ley road St1rathern Fredk. L. 19 Alexandra rd
Orfenr Cha.s. Ernest, 124 Ntlh.Sloatn.rd Robinson Frederick (town missionary), Street Mrs. I I Oreffield road
Orpen Daniel, 59 Castle road Sylveste,r house, George street Stuart Miss, 9 Provident place
Orpen Robert, 30 Wellesley road Robinson Fredk. Wm. I I Beverley rd Surridge Miss, 52 Beaconsfield avenue
Orriss James Samuel, 21 Lexden road Robinson Miss, 36 Wellesley road Swan Capt. Wm. 3'8 Pownall crescent
Osborne WaIter, 14 Hythe hill Rof! John E. 71 Mersea road Swan Edgar, St. Ann's Harwich rd
Page Frank, 39 Ipswich road Rogers Frederick Harry,I50 Maldon rd Tabrum George Alfd. 48 Orouch st
Page George Henry, 57 Mersea road Round Misses, Holly trees Tawell Ernest, Glen viI. Old Heath rd
PRImer Geo.Jas.The Nook,Wellesley rd Rowan Mrs. 71 Wimpole road TayIQlI"RowlandC.,M.R.O.V.S.Quoon srt
Palmer HeI'bert, Higiliiield, MaldDn rd Rowe Edwd. Blomfield, II4 Maldon rd Taylor Surg-eon-Lt. Hugh M.A., M.D.
Palmer Mrs. 23 Salisbury avenue Rug-ge-Price Capt. Charles F., R.A. 20 (Army Medical Reserve). II The
Papillon The Misses, 26 Creffield rd Lexden road Avenue
Parker Chas..Mfd. 83 Winnock road Rush William, 85 MaIdon road TayIor WiIliam Hinry, The Laurels,
Parkes Edward. 41 East street Ryan JosephMichael M.B. 9 Ea,st hill S1. Paul's road
Parsons John George, 7 Rawstorn re Sadd Joseplh, William's walk Thomas Miss, 25 Meldon road
Parsons Miss, SI Roman road Sage RobeTt John, Monkwick Thompson George Elliott, Thornleigh,
Pattison Miss', I I Hospital road Salmon Alfred, 5 Gray road Maldon road
P3Jwsey Hugh W. 84 Roman road S'almon Fredk.Valentine,I5'8Maldon rd Thompson Mrs. 18 Inglis road
Paxman James O.E., J.P. Standard Salmon John, 3 Provident place T1hompson Mrs. 32 Wellesley road
Iron wO'rks Sampson John, 53 Crowhurst road Thompson Robert, ID Beaconsfield av
P3JXII1aiI1 William, The Oannons Samuel George, 45 Roman road Thorp Mrs. Osborne, New Town road
Payne John Hezekiah, 3 Lion walk Sanders Edwin Joseph, Gostwycke, 4 T'horpe William, 30 Gladstone road
Payne Mrs. III Crouch stre'et Cambridge road Thorrington WaIter Edmund, 133
Payna Samuel Tay10r, 72 Roman road Sandford M-rs. 31 Belle Vue road Winnock road
Payne Thomas F. 21 Salisbury avenue Sandle Henry John, 46 Mersea road Tillett Mrs. 48 Beaconsfield avenue
Pe'achey Miss, IS Creffield road Sanger Frederick H. (head master Townshend Howard, 86 High stroot
Peag-am Edward Charles, The Hollies, Oentral Schools), S1. Helen's lane Tracy AIbemarle Courtenay WiIliam.
Myland Sansom Charles Henry, 71 East hill qo Maldon road
Peck Mrs. Winsleys house, High st Sawyer Rev. Ernest William M.A. Trucy John Gray, 65 North Station rd
Peck 1ihomas,' 12 Papillon road (vica:r of St. Paul), 78 North Sta- Truscott Leycester John, 19 Abbey-
Peecock Octavius Heorbart,Sunnymead, Hon road gate street
Hospital road Saxty WilIiam, 26 High street Tucke'r Aaron Phipps, 89 Winnock rd
Penney Ebenezer James, 24 Welles- Soargill WaIter, 60 Albert st·reet Turner Arth.Eastern Counties Asylum
ley road Scott Joseph, 10 Provident place Turner Henry Clow, 80 Roman road
Pepper WaIter H. 18 Queen street Scott WaIter' Edward 9 Beverley rd Turner John J. C. Eastern Counties
Pettitt Mrs. 3 Creffleld road Seeker John Howard, 144 Maldon road Asylum
Philbrick Miss, 82 Roman road Sennit Mrs. 67 Mersea road Turner Thomas Bentley,Abbey Gate ha
Phillips Lt.-Col. Lewis Horace, 3 Lex- Sennit Miss, 4 Chapel street Twist Thomas, Rhuddlan, Maldon rd
den road Shannon Capt. Boyd, 20 The .Avenue TW!1Illan Frederick, 55 Roman road
Phillips Isaac George, 9 Old Heath rd Shaw Hy. Edwards, 25 Beaconsfield av UIph Mrs. 8 Lexden road
Phillipsl JQls1eph, 4 Old rood Shead William, Denwa lodge, New Unde'rdown John G. Shaloo, Maldon rd
pjke Herberl Stanley, Old Rectory,I43 Town road. Vare'nne Mrs. 144 HythA hill
Hythe hill Shepherd Charlps. 68 Winnock road Wade John James. Rawstorn villa.
Pincott Miss, 45 Le'Xden road Shuter Frederick Wm. 14 Beverley rd Rawstorn road
pjper Edward, 3 2 Gladstone road Sidle Thomas, of Abbeygate street Wakelin 'Henry Thos. 132 Maldon rd
1\\'alford Miss, 46 Wellesley road Webb A:rthur, Lyndhurst, Maldon I'd Wilson Herbt. Andrew'40 Salis.bury av
Waldau Ernest Otto Louis, 16 Sir Webb Charles B. S. 37 Wellesley road Wittey George Chas. 8 Creffield road
Isaac's walk Webb John William, 6 Salisbury aven Wood Charles, Belle vue, Land lane
Walker John, 2 The Avenue Webb William Henry, Sandringham, Wood John,s Beverley road
'vValker Miss, 12 Crouch street Newtown road W ()IQde ~IW. Ohas. Edwd.l\l.A. (curate
lVallace Mrs. 14 Wellesley road Webb William, 55 Wirnpole road of St. Peter), Maisonette, North
'Wallace Robe.rt, 30 Inglis road Webber James, Victory ho. Old heath Station road
Waller Sarnl. Daking, 42 Wellesley rd Weeks Thomas, 96 Military road Woods Mrs. 17 Maldon road
'Walton Miss, 24 Inglis road Weeks Wallace In. 39 Beaconsfield I'd Woods Waiter, 102 Military road
Wanklyn Henry Oharles, ISunnyside, Wells Thomas, 20 Pownall crescent Woodward Frederic, 13 RawstDrn I'd
Victoria. road Went Edwin J. 9 Salisbury avenue Woolridge Geo. 56 Beaconsfield aven
Ward Rev. Charles Triffit M.A. St. West Richd. Alex. 42 Beaconsfield av Worrall Capt. Thomas, 45 tVellesley I'd
Peter's vicaT1lge, North lull Wheatcroft Edward John Staples, 17 Worts Dale Graham L.D.S. 1'8
l'Vard Alfred Owen, 54 Wellesley road Gladstone road Crouch street
Ward Edward, 8 West Stockw~l st Wheeler John Frederick, 10 T:ligh sL Worts Edwin, 6 Trinity street
Ward George Crowe, 39 Mersea road Whitby Henry, I Queen street Worts Stanley Edwin, 5 Trinity st;
Ward MlI's. 39 Mersea road White Frank, Hinton 10. Creffield I'd 'Wratislaw Misses, Sussex 10.Sussex I'd
Wardell Rev. William Henry M.A. White George Day, II6 Maldon road Wright Frank, Beresford lodge,
St. Giles' rectory, Mersea road White Miss, 91 Military road Beverley- road
Waring- Miss, 8 Cambridge rOM White Mrs. 3'3 Maldon road Wright Frank Littlewood, 124 Mal-
·Warner Daniel Fortin, 4 St. John's Sot White Mrs. 33 Queen street don road
Warner Thomas, 19 Castle road T. 100 Military road Wright Harry, Oleveland, Maldon I'd
Warren Mrs. 72 South st-veet Wicks James, 2 Lexden road W,rig;ht John Nichols, 14 Osborne road
1Vatkins Ven. Oscar D., M.A. (rector Wicks Thomas William, Beverley ho. Wright Miss Stirling, 17 Lexden rd
of St. Martin's), 7 North hill 18 Lexden road Wrig;ht Mrs. Cleveland, Maldon road
l.Vatkins Albert, 6 Wellesley:road Wigley Reuben, 31 Meyrick crescent Wright William H. 15 The Avenue
Watts Frank, Hamilton house, Abbey- Wiles William G-oodwin.44 St.John's st Wyncoll Francis Henry, 95 North
gate street WiIliams Herbert Edward, 152 High st Station road
Watts Lent John, All Saints, High st Williams Mrs. 42 Creffield road Wyncoll Thomas Edward, 49 East st
Way Mrs. G. 15 Old Heath road Williams Mrs. A. E. 63 Lexden road Yates George James ~1.A. (assistant
Weatherall Fras.Herbto'42Salisbury av Williams Mrs. M.A. 14 Lexden road master), Royal Grammar School,
Weatherall HenryHawkins,36 Beacons- Williams 1Villiam, 53 Lexden road Lexden road
field avenue Willis John, 11 Provident place York Mrs. JI Rawstorn road
Weat'herall Miss, 27 Beaoonsfield aven Willis Julian M.R.C.P. Oxford lodge, You! Miss, 37 Ipswich road
1Veatherall MH. 34 Beaconsfield aven Oxford road Young Henry Williarn, 7 Gladstone I'd
Weaver George Joseph, 58 Orouch st Willsher Samuel. 126 Maldon road Youngs Mrs. ro3 Military road
Webb Albert Edward, 48 Mersea road Wilson Harry Perey, 5 Audley road
{;OM:MERCIAL. I Ascott James, upholsterer, 2+ North Station road
Early closing day, Thursday, May to September, inclusive. Askew & Sons, bill posters, I Sheepen road
.A.bbott Anna Maria (Miss), private school, 10 Crouch 8t Askew Jas. SI. furniture dlr. 22, 23 & 24 Middleborough
Aberdein W.C. & Sons,dining rooms &C.II Short W~Fe st Assembly Rooms, High street (adjoining Red Lion hotel)
Ablin John, Globe P.H. 39 North Station road Association for the Protection of Property & Prosecution
Ackers Herbert George, supt. of county police & in- of Criminal Offenders in Colchester &I Neighbourhood
spector of weights '& measures for Colchester district, (Thomas Moy, treasurer; Henry Heoffrey Elwes, sec.
rolice Station, Ipswich road & solicitor). All Saints', High street
Ad,ams & Co. carriage builders, 20 Culver st. & East hill Asten John Thos. sewing machine repairer &c. I Eld lane
Adams Adam, bookseller, stationer &c. 99 High street Austin George Edward, fishmonger, 10 Magdalen street
Adams .A.nnie (Miss), dress maker, see Moth & Adams Auston George, farmer, Pondfield farm, Harwich road
(Misses) Avis Edgar, boot maker, 28 East street
Adams Edwin, water rate collectDr, 7 Maldon road Avis Smith, boot maker, 89 Priory str,eet
Adams Fredk. Wm. baker & confectioner, 126 Hig-h st Ayers Arth. WIll Percy L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 2 Crouch st
Addison Charles Edward L.R.O.P.lrel., M.R.O.S.Eng. Aylett Charles, Sllip inn. 5 East hill
physician & surgeon & certifying factory surgeon, 4 Bacon William Edward, beer retailer, r62 Magdalen street
, Head street Bailey Edward William, complete house furnisher, 62 to
Aggio H. & Sons, music & musical instrument d1r.Head st 66 East street
Agnew John, pensioner, 3 Meyrick crescent Bailey Fredk. Chas. Cam.bridge Arms P.H. 83 Military I'd
Albert School of Science & Art (Oharles Edward Baskett, Bailey John Thomas, Essex Arms P.H. Butt road
head master), High street Bailey Thomas, clerk, 3,6 Belle Vue road
.A.ldous Eli, tailor & hosier, 23 Head street Baker A. & E. P. drapers, 7 &, 9 Head street
Alaxander John, shopkeeper, '36 Military road, Baker & May, architects & surveyors, Head street
Allston Cla.ra (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Audley :road Baker Albert Thomas, plumber, 63 Crouch street
Allston Susannah (Mrs.), brick maker, Poplar lane, North Baker Edward, painter, 26 Oharles street, New Town
Sbation road Baker Fdk. confectioner &; greengrocer, II2 Priory st
Ambrose G. & J. (late of Sage'& Co. London W C), Baker Harry Ernest (late Prosser), chemist & druggist, 34-
shop, bank & office fitters; builders, contractors & i&; 3,6 Head street
. undertakers; air-tight show cases a speciality, 35 North Baldry ,\Villiam John, deputy registrar of marriages, 40
Station road. Tel. No. I X 3 Cromwell road
.A.mbrose G. & J. taxidermists, 3'4 North Station road Balls Benjamin, fishmonger, 65 East hill
Ambrose Henry, beer retailer, 30 North Station road Balls Ohristopher, beer retailer, Vineyard street
Amos George Marlborough, general dealer, 5, 6 & 7 Balls Thomas, beer retailer, 168 Magdalen street
Balkerne lane Banham Frederick, shopkeeper, 41 North Station road
Amos 1Villiam, travelling draper, 8 Mersea, road Banister Annie (Mrs.), -aparts. The Limes, Sir lsaae's walk
Anderson Robert, secretary to' Essex & Suffolk Fire Bannock Brothers, boot & shoe makers, 2 St. Nicholas st
Office, High street Banyard Walter, painter, plumber &c.Eastgate,Harwich I'd
Andrews George, Ordnance messenger, 35 Meyrick cres- Barber Alfred Richardson, artist, 13 Wellesley road
c~nt, Mersea road Barclay & 00. Limited, bankers (Alfred Oobb, manager),
Andrews Robert 1Villiam, saddler, 20 Middleborough 9 High street; branch, Bright-lingsea & Wivenhoe, on
Andrews Williarn Edward, saddler, 147 High street tues. &, fri.; head office, 5'4 Lombard st. London E 0
Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited; depot, North station Barclay & Co. Limited (sub-branch to Manningtree),
Antcliff Thomas, Dolphin P.H. 126 Hythe hill bankers (C. M. Stanford, agent), 23 High street; draw
Appleby Alfred James, boot &, shoe ma. 2Ob"Long ,\Yyre st on head office, .:;-1- Lombard street, London E C
Appleby Esther (Miss), costumier, 4'8 Head street Bare John, fishmonger, 7 ~Iagdalen street
Appleton, Smith & Co. builders, Mald<)TI road Bareham & Scott, painters, 52 Butt road & 48 Maldon I'd
Archer Charles H. corn, coal, cake, hay, straw & seed Bareham John, smith, 149 Magdalen street
merchant, 120 High street & opposite St. Botolph's Barker Elliot Francis, solicitor, see Jones & Son
:station; coal depot, St. Botolph's station; stores, Barrell Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Harwich road
Osborne street & George street Barrell Louis James, com. trav. 75 North Station road
Arnold James John, Bath hotel P.H. 34 Osborlle street Barrett Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, IJ I Winnock Toad
Arnold William Marshall, carriage builder; .all orders Barrett ,"Villiam. tailor, 23 Crouch street
promptly attended to, North HilI carriage works, 43 Barritt Ernest Henry, chemist & druggist, I High street
~orth hill Badon Charles, registrar of marriages, 18 Balkerne hill

Baskett Charles Edward, head master School of Art; res. Bond Samuel & Son, cabinet makers, house furnishers
14 Hospital l'oad &c. 12, 13 & 14 North hill &; 100 High street
Baskett Herbert Fritz, auctioneer, 1$ Head st. See advt Bones Alfred J. beer retailer, 77 Crouch street
Baskett Ka,te (Miss), news ,agent &; town sub-post office, Bones Charles, hair dresser, 34 Culver street
57 Butt road Bones Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 25 Osborne street
Bassano Thomas Matthias M.B., a.M., L.R.O.S.Edin. Bonner Emma & Mary (Misses), fruiterers & confec-
surgeon, 95 Winnock road tioners, 9a, Short Wyre street
Bate Frank Herbert, assistant Board ,school master, 77 Bonner Albert George, watch maker, see Turner &i Bonner
North Station road Bonner Mary Esther (Miss), dress maker, 22 Castle road
Bateman & Wyncoll, tailors & outfitters, 5 St. Nicholas st Bootes Ernest Butler, wine, spirit & liqueur merchant;
Bateman John, boot maker, 140 Hythe hill agent for the Norwich Union Life Assurance Co. & Cen-
Bates Thos. Wm. chemist &; post office, 124 High street tral branch agent for Essex of the London Guarantee &
Bather Thomas, painter &c. 32 Northgate street Accident Co. Limited, 6 High street
Baughan Charles Ernest,ham &; tongue dlr.22LongWyre st Bootes Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 17 St. Albans road
Bawden Minnie (Mrs.), apartments, II3 Winnock road Booth & Mitchell, coal merchants, 12 Hythe quay
Baylis James, Goat &; Boots P.H. 70 East Ibill Booth & Smith, monumental masons, Kendal road
BayEs J ames, tobacconist, '8 Head street Boots Cash Chemists (Eastern) Lim. 20 Long Wyre street
Beard & Son, general &; furnishing ironmongers, bell- Boreham l<' dresser & perfumer,I6 Culver st
hangers, &; stove &; range makers, iron, steel, Borough Fire Brigade (Herbert Goodyear C.E. captain),
tar, oil &; color merchants, 2 St. John's st. See advert Stanwell street
Beard Ernest Stanley, auctioneer, valuer, house & Borough Police Office, Town hall, West Stockwell street
estate agent & surveyor, Headgate. See advert Boroug-h Surveyor's Office (Herbert Goodyear A.M.I.C.E.,
Beaumont Brothers, cycle IIlakers, J14 Maldon road M.S.1. borough surveyor), Town hall
Beaumont &; Son (of Coggeshall), solicitors, Victoria Bott, Lindley &; Co. tarpaulin, rick & wagon cover &; sack
chambers, West Stockwell street; attend 2 to 4 sat &; bag manufacturers & sack contractors; depot, East
Beaumont George, Horse & Groom inn, 53 Crouch street mills; & at Chelmsford
Beaumont Herbert, carpentry instructor to Grammar Bouttell A. bathing place attendant, 4 Belle Vue road
school, 91 Crouch street Bouttell Robert, carpenter, 2 Belle Vue road
Backer Oharles Otto Gustavus M.D. physician &; sur· Bowles Charles William, beer retailer, 3'6 North hill
geon, The Minories, All Saints Bowles George, builder, 41 Magdalen street
Becker Jonathan Ernest Augustus Geor,ge M.B. & a.M. Bowman Alfred, tailor, 6 Mill street
Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & surgeon & medical Boyden George, builder, 144 Butt road
officer, ISt district, 15 Queen street Boyden John, bricklayer, 61 North hill
Beckett Thos.Arth. cahinet ma.& joiner, 20 St. Mary's I'd Brackett Francis W. mechanical engineer, Hrthe quay
Beckwith & Spencer, civil engineers &c. St. John's street Braddy Edgar, hair dresser, H)'J Magdalen street
Beckwith & Co. ship' owners & coal mers. 13 Hythe quay Braddy Hannah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 197 Magdalen street
Bedwell .John Robert, upholsterer, undertaker, house Brendel F. Limited, china, glass, hardware &c. depot,
furnisher, house agent & valuer, 62 & 64, & pawn- 50a, High street
broker, jeweller &; clothier, 63 High street; furniture Brewster Peter, shopkeeper, 4 Granville road
stores, 2;1 & 22 'Culver s'treet Brica &i Relph, baby linen & ladies' underclothing depot.
Bedwell Joseph, Prudential agent, ,10 Abbeygate street I I a, High street
Bedwell WiIliam Henry &; Son, saddlers, 23 East hill Bridge Alfred, Brewers' Arms P .H. Stanwell street
Beeton T. F. hair dresser, 43 St. Botolph street Brignell William John, dispensing chemist, 8 East hill
Bell Thomas, shopkeeper & beer ret. 10 & I I Artillery st Brissenden Annie (Miss), dress maker, 34 Kendall road
Benham & Co. Machine Printers. printers &; pub- Britannia 00. (Thomas M. Bear, manager), makers of
lishers of the "Essex County Standard, West Suffolk petroleum oil engines, lathes, saw benches & engineers'
Gazette &; Eastern Counties Advertiser," "Oolchester tools, Britannia works, Magdalen street
Gazette" &; "Walton Gazette," 24 High street &; The Bromley Thomas, lathe & tool maker &c. 31 Osborne st
Colchester Printing works, Culver street. See advert Brook Frederick Charles, blacksmith, 8 CuIver street
Bennell &; Sons,decorators & paperhanging dlrs'7 Queen st Brooks W. & Sons, maltsters, The Hythe maltings
Bennell Thomas, china & glass dealer, 24 Eld lane Broom & Co. tailors, 83 North Station I'oad
Bennett Sarah Ennor (Miss), ladies' college, I Victoria I'd Broom Edward, tailor & dTaper, 29 North hill
Bensley Francis, beer retailer, 212 Head street Brough J. H. &; Co. coal merchants, 151 High street
Berncastle Herbert Melbourne L.R.C.P.Lond., M,R.C.S. Brown Albert, greengrocer, 22 Trinity street
Eng. house surgeon, Essex & Colchester General Hos- Brown Daniel, wholesale r& iretail fruit & potato merchant.
pital, Lexden road 83 & '134 Magdalen street
Berry A1·thur William, mechanical engineer, 29a, Artillery Brown Eliza (Mrs.), preparatory school, 19 Alexandra I'd
street south Brown Frederick, coal merchant, 45 East street
Berry Charles, coppersmith, Butt road Brown George Wm. marine store dlr. 173 Magdalen street
Berry EdwaI'a, coppersmith, 78 Butt road Brown Herbt. Chas. tailor, hosier &; outfitter, 39 High SI
Berry Harry, news agent, 49 Barrack ,street Brown Kate (Miss), dress maker, 77 Maldon road
Bertoncini Nicolo, fried fish dealer, 1,83 Magdalen street Bruce Alice (Miss), dress maker, 37 East street
Best Martha (Mrs.), confectioner, 2S East stree,t Bruce George, blacksmith, 37 East street
Betts Sidney, county court bailiff, Trinity chambers, CuI- Bruce William, coach builder, 70 Maldon road
vel' street; res. 10 Wellesley road Bruce William James, Spread Eagle P.H. & wheelwright.
Bibby Wm. cab proprietor,44 Crouch st. & West Lodge I'd II Middleborough
Bibby William, florist, 13 N()rth Station Toad Bryan J ames Gosnell, accountaI!t & registrar of mar·
Bines Frederick, Rifleman P.R. 29 Ipswich road riages, 57 Castle road &; Trinity chambers, Culver st
Bird J ames, bo,ot maker, 37 St. Botolph street Bucke Louisa. (Miss), teacher of music, 5 Maidenburg si
Bird Samuel John, grindery dealer, 5 Magdalen street Buckingham S. &; Son, wholesale & retail boot & shoe
Birks WaIter John, cycle agent, 2 Rawstorn road mnfrs. &; agts. for Willcox & Gibbs' sewing machines.
Bland 1V. H. & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 2 Culver st 17 & 19 Head ,s,troot
Bland Charles Edward, manager of Colchester Permanent Bugg, Newton & Co. (of Ipswich), boot & shoe manu-
Benefit Building Society; ag'ent to Sun Fire &;, Life facturers; depot, 4 Long Wyre street
offices, & se'c. to Colchester Provident Asylum Society, Bullock Albert Samuel, coal merchant, 21 Crouch street
35 Crouch street &; waterworks superintendent of Col- Bullock Edwin George, butcher, 97 Crouch street
chester Corporation, Town hall Bullock Wm. corn, flour & yeast mer. 32 Maldon road
Bland James Mark, saddler, II9 Butt road Bunting & Sons, nurserymen, Lexden Toad
Blatch Mount (Miss}, dress maker, 43 North Station I'd Bunting Alfred, nurseryman, florist & bulb merchant, The
Blatch William, hair dresser, 26 Eld lane Nurseries, North Station road. Telegraphic '3ddress,
Blaxill Edwin Alexander, oil merchant &c. see Kent, "Alfred Bunting, Colchester"
Blaxill &; Co Bunting Thomas, relieving officer for 2nd District &;
Bloice Frederick George, builder, 35 Military road registrar of births & deaths for 3rd ward Sub-Districl
Blomfield & Co. house furnishers 19, & ironmongers 25, '& vaccination officer for 3rd ward, 25 Roman road
St. Botolph street Bur-field Charles William, news agent, 2 Scheregate
Blomfield William, commercial traveller, I I Maldon road Burrows Albert, £ruiterer &c. 5 Short WJTe street
Bloomfield Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 16 Magdalen street Burston David, wine & spirit merchant i& beer bottler, &
Bloomfipld Samuel, Unicorn P.H. 190 Magdalen street agent for W. & A. Oi~bey Limited, 57 High street
Bloyce George, builder, 39 Winchester road Bm·ton James & Son, dairymen, 36 Magdalen street
Bog-gis .Arthur Kemp, auctioneer, valuer. estate agent & Burton, Son & Sanders Limited, wholesale gTocers &c.
fire assessor, 6 North hill. See advert Culver street, Pelham's lane & bonded stores,Hythe qy
BIrth John (Mrs.), farmer, Gift House farm, Old heath Burton James, farmer, Barn Hall farm, Mersea road
Burwood Edward, professor of music, 67 Crouch street Chitham.T. M. ,& E. H. (Misses), school, Colville house,
Butcher Absalom P. manager, 46 Wimpole road WeUesley road
Butcher Alfred James, grocer, 105 Crouch street Chopping E. & Sons, millers (water & steam), Middle mill
Butcher Charles Ed\Nard M.S.A. architect &; sur- Church Adolphus Edgar, solicit<lr & commissioner for
veyor, 3 Queen street oaths & pf:)rpetual commissioner, 30 Crouch street
Butcher George, tobacconist, 60 East hill Church Gardner, butcher <& provision dealer, Land lane,
Butcher Thomas, Albert inn, 52 North Station road East hill; res. '1'8 Alexander road
Butler John Charles, upholsterer, 54 Castle road Clamp & Son, pawnbrokers, clothiers & house fur-
Byford John Thomas, hosier & outfitter, 44 St. Botolph nishers, I, 3 & 4 St. Botolph street
street & stationer &c. St. Botolph's Pos,t {)ffi'ce Clamp Henry, brewers' traveller, 19 East hill
Byford Martha. (Miss), haberdasher, 0204 M1lgdalen street Claridge William & Co. wholesale & retail saddlers, sad-
Bygrave Samuel Robert, greengrocer, 28 North hill dlers' ironmongers &; horse clothing manfrs.125 High st
Byham John William, baker, 55 West Stockwell street Claridge Arthur James (trustees of), saddlers' ironmonger-
Cade William, pork butcher, 22 Lor.g Wyre street 14 Butt road
Cahill Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 Maldon road Clark Misses, dress makers, 4 Trinity street
Oalver John, marine store dealer, 20 Cannon road Clark Charles, bookseller, stationer & circlnating library,
Calvesbert ,charles, boot m1lker, 17 West Stockwell street 15 High street
Oane Joseph Peel, draughtsman, 3 Old Heath road Clark Edward, news agent &c. 36 & 37 North Station road
CaneyCharl'es David, shopkeeper, 97 HJthe hill Clark Ernest Fisher, painter, '87 Butt road
Canham William John, shoeing smith, 33a, East hill Clark Eva (Miss), milliner, 4'9 South street
Cant Charles Inman, markeb gardener, 10 Maidenburgh st Clark George F. reporter "Essex Standard" & deputy
Capital & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (George H. registrar of births & deaths for 1st ward Sub-District.
Prangley, manager), 17 & 16 High street; draw on head 3 St. John's street
office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E 0 Cla.rk Gertrude Emily (Miss), tchr. of music, 9 Bourne r<1
Cardy Harry, baker, 41 BarI;ack street Clark Thomas, painter, 49 South street,
Carey Thomas (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 93 Hythe hill Clark WiUiam Frederick, dairyman, 20 St. John's street
Oarman George James, foreman, 76 Wimpole road Clarke Emily (Miss), dress maker, 45 Military road
Carr Thomas, musical instrument dealer, 20 Long Wyre Clarke Jessie Mary(Mrs. ),milliner & drpr.19 Long Wyre st
street & cycle agent, 20 Eld lane Clarke Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress ma. 9 Lion walk
Carrington Edgar William, baker, 36 East street Clarke Samuel David, tobacconist &; post office, 17 North
Carruthers Thomas, manager, 20 Roman road Station road
Carter Fredk. cabinet maker & upholsterer, 4 Stanwell st Clarkson Franklin C. photographer, see Wilson & Clark-
Carter John, boot & shoe maker, 179 Magdal-en street son. See advert
Carter J oseph, greengrocer, I Barrack street Clary Chas. Wm. cattle dlr. 3'9 Meyrick cres. Mersea I'll ad
Carterrrhomas,beer retailer & coach builder,84Magdalen st Claxon J. F. hosier, hatter & outfitter, HI High street
Carver Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 25 St. John's street Clayton Charles Frederick, fancy draper &c. 29 High st
Carver William, bee.r retailer, 77 Maidenburg street Clayton Hy.Jas. deputy registrar of marriages, 8 Albert rd
Cash Clothing Stores (The), clothiers', 56 High street Clements Wiillam, dairyman, 10 Portland road
Castle Brewery (Daniell &. Sons Breweries Limited), Clift Jas. timber dealer, Military rd.; res. 2 Winnock rd
Maidenburg street; & at West Bergholt Clothing Co. Lim. (The), who. clothiers, 1,8 Osborne st
Castle John,' assistant, 20 Castle road Clubb Victoria .Tessie (Miss), milliner, 7 Crouch street
Cater & Hardwick, butchers, rll Magdalen street Cochrane Robt.Noble,army scripture reader,22 Harsnett rd
Cater Alfred, confectioner & bird stuffer, 62 East hill Cocker William,shopkeeper & beer retailer, 15 Gromwell rd
Cater George, confectioner, 201 Magdalen street Cocks James, Marquis of Granby P.H. 25 North hill
Cater Oeorge 'Willi1lm, manager, 1129 Winnock Toad Colchester Bank (Barclay &; C{)mpany Limited), 9 High
Cater John Thomas, dealer in antiquities, 73 High street street; branch, Brightlingsea -& Wivenhoe, tues. & fd
Oater Sarah (Miss), apartments,s Gladstone road Colchester Brewing Co. Limited, brewers & wine &; spirit
Cater Sophia (Mrs.), confectioner, 3 North Station road merchants (Arthur O. Stopes, managing director),Eagle
Cater William Huntley, confectioner & taxidermist, 53 brewery &12, 13 &; 'r4 East hill
Priory street Colchester Clnb (Waiter H. Short, sec.), 7 High street
Cater William John, bird dealer, 27 North hill Colchester Co-operative Mutual Permanent
Cater William Nathaniel, confectioner, 32 Queen street Benefit Building Society (James F. Goodey, sec.);
Cattle Market (William Charles White, collector) reg. office, 2 Victoria chambers, West Stockwell street
Cemetery (Wallis P. Buttrnm, superintendent),Mersea rd. Colches'16r i& District Musical Society (Charles Osmond.
(Arthur S. B. Sparling, clerk &; solicitor to the council conductor), 3'3 Crouch street
acting as the burial board & registrar of burials; offices, Colchester & East Essex Co-operative & Indus-
30 Queen street trial Society Limited (Robert Bnltitude, see.).
Chambers Geo. watch maker, 3'r Read st. & 19 Crouch st 14 Culver st.; 12 to 17 & 26 Long Wyre st.; KendaD
Chambers Waiter, builder, 101 Magdalen street road & 33 North Station road; also branches at Lexden
Chaadler Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Artillery st & Rowhedge
Chaplin John, hair dresser, 22 North hill Colchester & East Essex Liberal Unionist Association (J.
Chaplin Robert, hair cutter, 33 Culver street Miller Winch, hon. sec.), 208 Magdalen street
Chaplin Samuel, hair dresser, 38 St. John's street Colchester & East Essex Licensed Victuallers' & Brewers'
Chapman Arthur, Victoria P.H. 123 North Station road Association (A. K. Boggis, sec.), North hill
Chapman Edward Alfred, Britannia P.R. Berechurch rd Colchester Gas Light Co. (H. S. Pike, manager & en-
Ohapman Frank, fruiterer, 65 Crouch street gineer); show room, 64 High street; office & works.
Ghapman Henry, fruiterer & greengrocer,199 Magdalen st Hythe quay
Ohapman Roger Henry, greengrocer, 25 .:East hill Colchester Gazette (Benham & Co. proprietors & pub-
Chapman Septimus, boot repairer, 5'6 Morant road lishers; published wed. morning), 24 High st. See advt
Charge Thomas, shopkeeper, I Brook street, East hill Colchester High School for HiTls (Ferdinand & Miss M.
Oharlesworth .A.rthur Henry, The Grosvenor P.H. 62 Grone, principals), Wellesley road
Maldon road Colchester Liberal Association (Herbert Frederic Nash,
Chatten Robert, manager, 53 Roman road sec.), 7 St. Botolph street
Cheek Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper, I Walters yard, West Colchester Manufacturing .co. clothing manufacturers &c.
Stockwell street Stanwell Street works
Cheek Frederick Peter, confeotioner, 36 West Stockwell st Colchester Masonic Hall Co. Limited (R. H. Ives, sec.),
Cheek Peter, baker, 39 & 40 South street Masonic hall, Abbeygate street
Cherry Mary Hannah (Mr.s.), dress maker, 84 Butt road Colchester Medical Society (Dr. Nicholson, hon. sec.).
Cheshire Arthur J. oil & calor man, 25 Crouch street East hill
Cheshire Edwin, butcher, ll2 High street Col~hester Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Co. Limited
Cheshire William, china &; glass warehouse; ,special depot (C. D. Kei.gwin, sec.), 151 High street
for presents; agent for Goss' china; goods lent on Colchester New Corn Exchange & Cups Hotel Co. Lim.
hire, 24 St. Botolph s,treet (H. H. Elwes, sec.), High street; registered offices, at
Ohichester Edward M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sur- Elwes :& Turner's, All Saints', High s,treet
geon, Trnnent, Crouch street Colchester Permanent Benefit Building Society
Chignell Francis, baker, 82 Military road (e~tablished1856) (Thomas ~oy J.P. chairman; Chas.
Chignell Hannah Lucy (Miss), milliner, 24 Queen street Edward Bland, manager); offi-ces, 35 Or-ouch stree<t
Child & Potter, china, glass & hardware dealers, 52 & 53 Colchester Refuge for Fallen Girls (Miss Mary Shtnn.
High street matron), 60 Mersea :road
Chisnall Charles, sliopkeeper, 2 North Station road Colchester Laundry & Carpet Beatin~ Co. Lim.
Ohisnall George, butcher, 37 North hill (The) (Thomas Oarruthers, sec.); works, Ipswich road
Chitham Robert George, master mariner, 4 Wellesley rd Colchester Stone Co. Lim. artificial stone mfrs. Kendall ru

Colchester Technical & University Extension College(Philip Damant Philip, photographer, 26 Mersea road
Lake M.A. principal) (Albert School of Science &:. Art) Danlell 1& Sons' Breweries Llm. (William James
(Technical department) (C. E. Baskett RP.E. art head Pointing, sec.), ale, stout & porter brewers, maltsters
master; C. H. Baskett, assistant master); University &; wine & spirit merchants, Cas·tle brewery; & at West
Extension department (Pupil Teachers' classes) (F. O. Bergholt
Wilson RA. head master; A. W. Alderton 1& H. P. Daniell Frank Robinson, artist, St. Martin's studio, West
Wilson, asistant masters), High ·s,treet Stockwell street
Cole Christopher John & Co. tailors, top of High street Danish Dairy Co. buttermen kc. 5 I High street
Cole Charles, carman, 34 Artillery street Darkins James William, in~peotor to National Society for
Cole William, second hand dealer, '25 West Stockwell st Prevention of Cruelty to Children, I09 Crouch street
Coleby William, shopkeeper, 37 Maldon Toad Davey, Paxman .& Co. Limited, engineers, boiler
Collins Charles, traveller, 3'4 Salisbury avenue makers & ironfounders; specialities: high-class best
Collison Francis, stationer &; news agt. IS St. Botolph st governing & economical, simple, compound & triple
Colman Albert, Castle inn, 1215 North St'ation Toad expansion horizontal & vertical steam engines, con-
Comer Oharles Henry, draper & milliner, 25 Long Wyre st densing &:, non-condensing for electric lighting, in-
Compton Frederick A.C.A. chartered accountant, see Short cluding Paxman's patent drop-valve engines, hauling &
& Compton winding engines, portable engines; air compressors;
Convent of Mercy (Cath.) (Sister Mary Gertrude,superior- makers of cornish, lancashire, locomotive, cross-tube,
ess), 4'8 Priory street water-tube & " Economic" boilers; patentees & makers
Cook Henry, carpenter & builder, 21 West street. of the "Essex" vertical boiler; also makers of super-
Cook John Will M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer of heaters &; independent condensing plants, Standard iron
health, Tendring .& Lexden & Winstree Rural District works. Telegraphic address, "Paxman, Colchester"
Councils & Great Clacton & Walton-on-the-Naze Urban Davey Charles, Wbalebone P.H. 22 East hill
District Councils, Trinity chambers, Culver street; res. Davey Frederick, shoe mkr. & leather seller, 97 Priory st
Clacton-on-Sea. Davey James, fishmonger, 3 Middleborough
Cook Thomas (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 18 Maldon road Davies Rees, dispensing chemis,t, 2 Roman road
Cooper Frederick Ryle, watch maker, 37 CU:ver street Davies Thomas, maker & adjuster of scales, weights &
Cooper William Henry, collector of King's taxes & insur- weighing machines & dealer in butchers' cutlery &
ance agent, 18 Papillon road sliewers, 95 High street
Co-operative Reading Rooms &; Library (Henry Brett, Dawes Charlotte (Mrs.), Rainbow P.H. Long WYz'a street
sec.; J. P. Osborn, librarian), Lion walk, New Town Dawkins Frederick Charles, Fountain P.H.2II Magdalen st
road & North Station road Dawson Tom John, wood turner, 191 Magdalen street
Copsey Abegail (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer. 43 Stanwell st Day Brothers, 'saddlers .& harness mas. 15'2 Magdalen st
Carder Ambrose Henry, fishmonger, Sill East street Day William John, machinist &:, cycle builder, 50 East hill.
C{)rder John (Mrs.), stationer & news agent, 15 Culver st See advert
Corder Mary Ann (Miss), stationer, bookseller, news- Deacon Roger, photographer, 14 Queen street
agent '& fancy repository, 3 Headgate Death J oseph Henry, coal merchant, 80 Magdalen street &
Cornish Edwin, boot maker, 12 Middleborough St. Botolph station
Cot tee George, rate clerk, 218 Castle road Deeks Alfred, to'bacconist, 182 Magdalen street
Cottee Henry, furniture dealer, 16 Mersea road Deeks John, boot maker, 1'8 FaiNax road
Cottee Mary Ann (Mrs.), toy dealer, 189 Magdalen street Dennis Edgar, butcher, '13'3 High street
County Constabulary Station (Herbert George Ackers, Dennis Edwin, leather & grindery dlr. 17 & 18 Culver st
supt.). Ipswich road Denniss Frederick, tailor, I I Trinity street
Cuunty Court Office (His Honor Tindal Atkinson, judge; Denton Charles Edward (firm, Wittey &; Dent<m), solicitor
Henry Goody, registrar; J. Lee, deputy registr-ar; &; commissioner for oaths &; clerk to the borough jus-
Charles Godfrey, high bailiff), 8 Church street north tices Ill, to the Colchester school boaa'd, East Stockwell st
Coveney Abraham, boot & shoe maker, 150 :M:agdalen st Denton Charles William (firm, Wittey &; Denton), solicitor
Cox Reginald, schoolmaster, Harsnett road & clerk to the West Mersea school board & to the ·Wiven·
Crammer Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer,2I Maidenburg street hoe Urban District Council, East Stockwell street
Cranmer Robert, shopkeeper & post office, Old heath Diaper William. florist, 2'6 Priory street
Craske & Sons, auctioneers, valuers, surveyors &; estate Digby George Spurgeon, confectioner, 24 Head street
ag-ents. 3"! Head street; & at New s,treet, Brightlingsea Digby Herbert Nokes, tobacconist, '20 Short Wyre street
Crate Felix E. typist, copyist & insurance broker, legal Digby .lames Cardinal, confectioner & tobacconist, 21
& general type copying; envelopes addressed & circulars & 22 Mersea road .& tobacconist, 7'8 Butt road
folded, The " Oliver" typewriting office, 4 Head street Digg-ens Frederick William, market gardener, 47 East W
Cressall WaIter A.RLB.A. architect &:, surveyor, see Diggens George, market gardener, 35 Queen street
Goodey & Cressall Dis:s Alfred, builder & contractor, 21 Stanwell street
Cripwell WaIter, schoolmaster, 66 Wimpole road Diss Fred Morris, gun maker,s Pelham's lane, High street
Crosley George Henry, manager, Errington road District Nurses' Home (Miss Mary White), 73 Military rd
Cross .lames, carter, 25 .Albert road Dixey Charles, publishers' ag-ent, 17 Old Heath road
Cross Wir:iam, corn merchant, Victoria chambers, West Dixon .& Frost, dentists, 13 Head street
Stockwell street Dobson E. A. & L. M. (Miss'es), ladies' boarding &; day
Orossman Frederick, beer retailer, New quay, Hythe school, Endsleigh house, Wellesley road. See advert,
Croydon Bros. grocers & provision dealers, 134 High 'Street Dobson George ,& Son, builders I&i contraotors, Butt Rd. wkg
Oroydon Fred,tailor & outfitter, 5 Culver street Dodd William Alfred, waiter, ~3 Abbeygute street
Croydon Frederick George, watch maker &; jeweller, 10 St. Dodson Leonard, army contractor (meat), 78 Roman road
Botolph street Doeg Eleanor (Mrs.), nursing- borne, +6 'Crouch sbreet
Cuddon B. & J. brewers & maltsters, Old heath Dore John, beer retailer, 84 Military road
Cudmore William, boot & shoe maker, 16 Golden Noble Dorlin Charles William, engineer, steam plough con-
hill. Mi~itllry road tractor, thrashing machine proprietor, farmer &; miller
Culling-ford Hv. Saml. (Mrs.), furrier, 6 Chapel street (water & steam), Brook lodge, Bromley road
Culling-ford Richard Wincup, printer. bookbinder. account Double Brotliers, fishmongers, 21 Long' Wyre street
book m:mufacturer, bool;:seIler & stationer, 153 High st. ; Downes Samuel, ironmonger, 163 Magdalen street
works, East Stockwell 'street Drake & Joel Limited, wholesale clothiers, 10 Osborne st
Culverhouse Ell7.fl beth (Mrs.), apartments. 8 lVellesley rd Drill Hall (Joseph Mills, manager & caretaker),Stanwell st
Guni~on Henrv. llhopkeepel'. 101 Hvthe hill Duckett William, plumber, 40 Ipswich road
er Cups" family & commercial hotel & posting Duffield Henry David, chemist, drugg-ist, mineral water
honse (Edward J. Hart, prop), High street & cattle medicine manufacturer (business established in
Curt is Frederick GeorQ'e. agent to Pickfords Limited, rail- 1750), 28 High street
way &; general carriers, C)8 High street Dupont F. & Co. builders .& cont-ractor", North hill;
Curtis Isaac, boot maker, Berechurch road Southend-on-Sea I&; Watford, Herts
Custom HOlISt' (John Henry Underdown RN.R. collector), Durrant George Henry, shme mason, Balkerne lllil
4':l Hythehil1 Durrant Osoar John., tobacconist, Head street
Cuthbert .lames. turncock. I I St. Marv's road Durrant Wm. shopkeeper 57, &; beer retlr. 58, Barrack st
Dace .Tames & Son. music & pianoforte warehouses, 21 Dyer Charlotte C. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 136 High street
High >:trf'et; & at New London road, Chelmsford Dyke Alice S.(Mrs.),registry office for servants,3'6Queen st
Daking Lvdia (Mrll.), apartments, 98 High street Dyke Charles, hair dresser, 36 Queen street
Daldv . J. W. plumber & decorator, 24 Priorv. ;;;treet Eade James (Mrs.), hair dresser, 25 Middleborough
Dale & Son, fish, ~ame i&, poultrv dealers. ISS High street Eady James William. builder, 10 .Albert road
Damant Daniel, plumber &c. 3 Pelham's lane, High street Earl Cla.ra (Mrs.), Head gate hotel, ;1 St. .I olhn's street
Damant Percy, hair dresser &; tobacconist, 3 Pelham's lane, East Anglian Daily Times (Henry Sight, representative) ;
High street branch, '5'3 North hill
East Essex Manufacturing Co. wholesale clothing manu- Fineh William Ward, boot maker, 37 Queen street
facturers (Frederick L. Strathern), I'8 Butt road Finch's Almshouses, Culver street
East George, fried fish dealer, I'74 Magd'alen street Finn John Thomas, stationer & news agt. 205 Magdalen st
Easter H. carpenter, I27 Butt road Fire Bl"igade (Borough) (Herbert Goodyear, capt.),
Eastern Counties Asylum for Idiots, Imbeciles & the Stanwell street
Feeble-minded (The Marquess of Bristol, chairman; Fire Engine Station (manual) (Essex &:; Suffolk Insurance
Sir Joshua. Rowley 'bart. vice-chairman; Horace G. Co.) (D. Jennings, supt.), Lion walk
Egerton-Green, treasurer; Sir Frederic Bateman M.D., Fisher Alfred, boot maker, 106 Kendall road
LL.D. &:; T. CliffOTd Allbutt M.D., F.RS., F.RC.P. Fisher Charles, shopkeeper, 96 Priory street
Lond. consulting physicians; Robert Franci!> Sy.mmons Fisher Robert Henry, Woolpack P.H. 22 St. Botolph st
M.RC.S.Eug. &:; E. A. Hunt M.RC.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Fisher lWilliam, carpenter, 43 Military road
Edin. consulting surgeons; S. Johnson 'I'aylor M.B., Fiske Herbert, foreman, 36 IGladstone road
C.M.Edin. ophthalmic surgeon; Hugh Tracy L.D.S. Fitch Elijah, blacksmith, 99 Hythe hill
dentist; Hugh B. Luard M.:8.0anta'b., F.R.C.S.Eng. Fletcher &; Almond, hosiers, hatters &c. 2 High street
res. medical attendant; John J. C. Turner, res. supt. Fletcher lV. & R. Limited, butchers, 4 St. Nicholas street
& sec.; A. Turner, assist. sec.; Mrs. Turner, matron) &; Q St. Botorph street
Edmunds Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, IS St. John's~treet Flory Thomas, builder, 40 Manor road
Edwards Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 42 St. John's street Flux & Sons, army contractors, Hovernment laundry,
Eley Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 6I Wimpole road Golden Noble hill •
Ellis Edward, boot maker, 4 Short Wyre ~treet Foley Timot'hy, beer retailer, 2J Mersea. road
Ellis Henry, shopkeeper, 36 East hill Folkard Ephraim Beardwell, builder, 8 Balkerne lane
Ellison Oborne James LL.B. solicitor &:; commissioner, Folkard John (Mrs.), baker, 6'3 Hythe hill
see Howard, Ellison &:; Morton Folkard Joseph, beer retailer, 8 Belle Vue road
Kmer George, tailor, 5 North Station road Fol'kard William, draper &- milliner, 34 High street
Elwes & Turner, solicitors, .AIl: Saints, High street Forstel" David, manager of Parr's Bank Lim. 60 High st
Elwes Henry Geoffrey, borough coroner &:; deputy coroner Forster John, tobacconist, 40 North hill
for the Sokem division of the county, All Saints, High st Fossett Thos. Wm. boot ma.7 Sir Isaae's wlk.&4Pelham's la
Elwes Henry Hervey (firm, Elwes &:; Turner), solicitor Foster's Parcel &:; Goods Express Limited (0. E. nice.
& commissioner to administer oaths & sec. to New agent), 51 High street
Corn Exchange &; Cups Hotel 00. Limited, All Saints, Foster John Wellington, tailor, IO Roman road
High street Fowler Ellen (Mrs.), midwife, 32 Mersea road
English Egg Co. egg merchants, 69 Crouch street Frame John S. inland revenue officer, 60 High street;
Essex Archreological Society (James Round M.P., M.A., res. 92 Roman road
D.L., J.P. treasurer; G. F. Beaumont esq. (Coggeshall), Francis &:; Co. corn, seed &; coal merchants, East bridge;
hon. sec.; Henry Lavel" F.S.A., J.P. hon. curator; I65 High street; la, St. Botolph st. & The Hythe
Arlhur George Wright, curator of museum), Castle Francis Edward H. beer retailel", 33 Stanwell street
Essex ,&; Colchester General Hospital (Major C. Francis Edward Kershaw, solicitor, commissioner for
L. Becher (retired), sec.; Herbert M. Berncastle oaths & clerk to the commissioners of land & assessed
M.R.O.S.Eng., L.RO.P.Lond. house surgeon; Miss E. taxes & to the commissioners of income &:; property
Davies, matron; for compl8'te medical staff, see p. I30). taxes for the division of Colchester, 9 Ohurch street nth
The office is at the Hospital in Lexden Francis Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 71 Hythe hill
Essex County Standard, West Suffolk Gazette &; Eastern Francis Frederick, carpenter, 23 Portland road
Counties Advertiser (Benham &:; 00. proprietors & Francis John S. inland revenue officer; offi1ce, 60 High st
publishers; published fri. evening for sat.), 24 High Francis Monte. wholesale &; retai~ musical instrument
street. See advertisement warehouse &. military band instrument depot, 3 St.
Essex &; Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society (Robt. Nicholas street
Andeerson, sec.), High street; branch office, Chelms- Freeman Charlotte (Mrs.), greengrocer, Ili8 East hill
ford (George Mason, local ,supt. Duke street); &; at Frost E. H. &; G. (Misses), ladies' school, Durlston
Corn Exchange 'buildings, Ipswich (William Taylar, house, I8 North hill
local seo) Frost Abraham William L.D. S., R ..c.'S.Eng. dentist, see-
Essex Telegraph (Essex Telegraph Limited, 'Proprietors Dixon &; Frost
&:; publishers; published tues. & sat.), 36 Head street. Frost Ohwrles, Boa~s Head P.H. 35 Magdal<eD street
See advert Frost John, beer retailer, 5 Stanwell street
Essex Telegraph Limited. general printers; pro- Frost William, beer retailer, I-8 West· Stockwell street
prietors i&J publishers of the "Essex Telegraph," 3\8 Fry Augustine Cradock ~I.A., M.B. -& B.C.Camb.•
Head street. See advert M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, &
Eustace &; SOD, boot &:; shoe makers, 40 St. Botolph st assistant surgeon of Essex & Colchester General Hos-
Evans Thomas Alfred, ironmonger, I9 North hill pital, Priory house, lYeIlesley road
Eve Robert Berridge, butcher, 32 East street Fuller Charles, auctioneer, valuer, house &; estate & in-
Everard Emli (Miss), dress maker, 17 St. John's street surance agent, Head Gate auction rooms
Everett Henry &; Son, builders, Hythe hill Fulle'r James, boot warehouse, 29 Long Wyre street
Everett Charles Robinson, British Hotel P.H. 2 West Fuller Samuel, The Dragon P.H. 82 Butt road
Stockwell street FunneIl Edgar, baker, 3'5 East hil'l
Everett Ernest .AIfd. baker &:; confctnr. 49 &; .:10 Stanwell ,st Gager Harry, tailor, 712 Military road
Everett John, town crier, 5 Nunn's road Gale Brothers, carvers, 5 Crouch street
Everett WaIter Edes, chemist & optician, 33 1& 34 St. Gallifent Thos. jun. milliner & fancy drpr. 41 St.Botolph st
Botolph street Gallifent Thomas Major, cycle agent, IIO 'North hill
Everett Willie Christian A.R.C.M. professor of music, Game Esther (Mrs.), dress maker, 5I Military road
14 ~effield road Gammer 'William John, hay & straw mer. Mercer's farm
Everitt Henry, brick maker, Ipswich road Garling Jas. Jacoib, baker &. confectioner, 23 Lon~ Wyre st
Ezra Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, I25 Crouch street Garrad Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 52 East hill
Fahal Thomas, shopkeeper, 2 Beaconsfield avenue Garwood Charles, greengrocer, Harwich road
Fairhead Edward, butcher, I32 Magdalen street Gasson Stephen Hayward, grocer & draper, 40 Barrack st
Fairhead William, market, gardener, 65 Wimpole road Gasson William, hawker, Old heath
Farmer Arthur Owen. cycle dealer & assessor &; collector Gee Fredk. Richd. manager B.A. canteen, I'I Audrey I'd
of taxes, 'I2IIa, High street Gees Philip James, beer retailer, IO Stanwell street
Farmer Geo. manufacturing &; working cutler, 106 High st Gentry Harry Alfred, police inspector, 43 Roman road
Farran George, builder &; beer retailer, 21 Osborne st Gentry Robel"t, cab proprietor, Butt road
Farran George, carpenter, 45 Winchester road George A. C. &; Co. boot i& shoe manufactureTs; factory.
Farran Henry Wm. The Mariners P .H. HI Magdalen st Kendall road &. retail depot, 2 Long Wyre street
Farren William, seedsman, 42 Balkerne lane George William Thomas, plumber, 313 Military road
Fenn &; Co. auctioneers, valuers & estate agents, 146 Gibbon F. (Miss), matron of St. James' Orphanage, 55
High street. See advert East hill
Fenn Edward Liveing M.D.Edin., M.RC.P.Lond. phy- Gibbs-Smith Edward D.P.H., L.R.C.P.I., L.S.A.. physician
sician, Grey friars & BUrgeon, 49 North hill
Fenn Frederick Herbert, hail" dresser, 10 East street Gill William, insurance agent, 6 Bourne road
Fennel' Henry, cattle dealer, 54 North hill Gill William F.R.P.S. photographer, Headgate studio.
Fenning Ellen (Mrs.), stationer &; post office, 5I East hill See advert
Fey Haddie (Mrs.), milliner, I4 Crouch street Girling J. &; H. coal merchants (John Pilgrim Enerby,
Field Frank, costumier, ladies' tailor, dress maker &c. manager), 38 Crouch street; depot, North station
3'5 Head street Girvan A. (Mrs.), dress maker, 68 High st'1'eet
Finch William, general dealer, Io6 & I07 Magdalen street Girvan Alexander, travelling draper, 68 High street

Gisby Fred, beer retailer, 27 Head street Grimwade Henry, auctioneer. See Sexton & Grimwade
Glanfield Rocrer, butcher, 106 North Station road Guidice O. Del. hair dres'ser, 1 Balkerne lane
Glenny Benj;min W. contractor for steam rolling, roads Guiver E. (Miss), confectioner, 22 ,A,bbeygate street
&c. 23 Wenesley road Guiver E. Marie (Mis~), professor of dancing i&c. Head st
Glover David, grocer, 24 Bourne road Hakins Harry, Ooach .& Horses P.H. 31 North hill
Glozier Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper & beer ret. 57 Hythe hI Hale Arthur, tailor, 27 Crouch street
Goby & Son, cab proprietors, Butt road Hale Frederick William, cork manufacturer, I East hill
Goddard Edward, general dealer, 16 Middleborough Hale Rowland, sta,tioner'& fancy goods dlr.Io LongWyre st
Godfrey Alfred, manager, Errington road Hales Alice (Miss), dress maker, see Hitchcock & RaJes
GodIrey Oatherine (Mrs.), pork butcher & baker, ,87 Bar- (Misses)
rack street Hall Milton, preparatory school, 35 Lex~en road
Godfrey Robert John, grocer, 23 North hill Hancock '0. W. ok Co. wholesale confectIoners, 138, St.
Godfrey 'WaIter, market gardener, 24 Wimpole road Botolph street
Goodchild Arthur, zinc worker ,& tinman, 16 Wimpole Hancock John, confectioner, 17 St. Botolph street
road; workshop, Brid,ge buildings, Magdalen street Hancock Kate (Miss), confectioner, 31 Orouch street
Goodey & Cressall, architects & surveyors, 2 Victoria Harden Joseph, builder, 62 Harwich road
chambers. West Stockwell street Hardman William Arthur, dis,trict superintendent Pearl
Goodey Frederick, house agent, 9 Granville road Life Assurance Co. Limited, 25 North Station road
Gooding Fanny (Miss), confectioner, I I Culver street Hardwick Charles, butcher, ,see Cater & Ha,rdwick
Goodman George, The Olarence P .H. Trinity street Hardy J. &; Son, land agents & valuers, IS 1 High street
Goodway F'rank Ernest, valuer, house, estate .& business Hardy Ralph B. engraver, ISI High street
agent, rent .& debt collector, certified bailiff i&c. (estb. Harman Frederick, The Royal P.H. 65 Butt road
1,860), 10 Trinity street Harrington Rose (Mrs.), beer retailer, go Butt road
Goodwin Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, JI8 Hythe hill Hart & Levy Lim.. wholesale clothiers, Magdalen street
Goody .& Son, printers &c. 89 High street Har1: 'EdW'ard d. Cup's hotel & job ,& post master,
Goody .& Sons, solicitors .& commissioners for oaths, I livery stable keeper, wedding carriage. funeral car pro-
North hill prietor &c. High street (Telephone No. I Colchester)
Goody Neville Clifford, solicitor,see Goody & Sons Harvey Oharles, cabinet maker, 23 Priory street
Goody Henry (firm, Goody & ISons), solicitor, notary Harvey James, coal merchant, 19 Manor road
public &; commissioner for oaths, registrar of county Harwood Alfred John, nurseryman & asparagus grower,
court & district registrar of High Court of Justice, 16 St. Peter's street
deputy judge in bankruptcy, I North hill .& Oounty Hatfield In. secondhand furniture dlr. &c. 32 St. John's st
Court offices, 8 Church street north Hatherly Frederick, tailor, 95 Crouch street
Goody Sidney Can (firm, Goody .& Sons), solicitor & Haward William Palmer .& Son, plumbers &c. 4 East hill
commissioner for oaths & clerk of the peace for the Hawkins Charles, beer retailer, I St. John's green
borough, 1 North hill . Hayward Arthur J ames, coal merchant, King Stephen
Goodyear Herbert A.M.l.C.E., M.S.l. borough engineer street; depot, St. Botolph's station
.& surveyor; office, Town han Hayward EmiJy (Miss), dress maker, 19 St. John's st
Gorham John, boot maker, 63 StanwelI street Hayward Herbert Thomas, coal merchant, I Wimpole I'd
Gosling Frederick Thomas, pork butcher, 9 Long Wyre Hazell Eliza. &; Julia (Misses), dress makers, 24 Charles st
street; 39 Crouch street & 38 St. Botolph's street Hazel! George, hair dresser & tobacconist,5a:LongWyre st
Gowen George, shopkeeper, 192 Magdalen street Hazel! George, shopkeeper, 16 Balkerne lane
Gowen William Henry, insurance agent, 56 'Oastle road Hazell George Pilgrim, bricklayer, 106 Priory street
Gower Ezekiel, shopkeeper, 29 East hill Hazell RQlbert Lufkin, draughtsman, Errington road
Gowing Heorge, cab proprietor, Butt road Head Charles, artist. 45 Orowhurst road .
Grant John Grimsey, dairyman, 9 Culver street & pork Heap Joseph Herbert, manufacturing clothier, see Senior,
butcher, Butt road Heap & ,00
Grant Thomas James, cowkeeper, St. John's green Hearsum George, fishmonger, 3 Scheregate
Gray H. J. & Sons, athletic outfitters, Head street Hearsum George Charles, watch maker. 6 East hill
Gray .& Wheatcroft, electrical engineers, 160 Magdalen st Heasman .Alfred. watch maker & jeweller, 22 High street
Gray David, Prudential assurance agent, 140 Maldon road Hellen George, butcher, 6 Long Wyre street
Great Eastern Railway 00. receiving office for parcels, Hendry William, baker, 180 Magdalen street
Head street Hepworth J. & Son Limited, clothiers, 3 Head street
Great Eastern Railway, refreshment rooms (H. C. T. Herbert .Alfred, beer retailer, Hythe quay
Amendt, general manager), North ,station He,rbert Alfred, confecti{)ner, 105 North Station road
Green Charles, tailor, 37 St. John's street Hewes Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 18 St. .A.lbans road
Green Donald WaIter, builder, East bay Hickmott ,0. (Mrs.), apartmenh, Linden ho. Oreffield rd
Green Edward Charles, local manager Greene, King & Hicks James Ransom, manager, 22 West street
Sons Limited, brewers (of Bury St. Edmunds); Hicks John, shoe maker, :2 WellingtDn street
brewery stores, St. Peter's street Hicks John Byam, teacher of music, 76 fWinnock road
Green Eleanor (Mrs.), apartments, 316 Maldon road Hiller Charles, butcher, 13 St. Botolph street
Green James, job master, Sussex road Hilliar William, journalist, 6 Papillon road
Green Samuel, fish, game, ice & poultry salesman; Hitchcock & Hales (Misses), dress makers, 'l4 Queen st
military messes supplied, 2'8 Head street, opposite Hitc'hcock Annie (Miss). boarding house, 37 Crouch street
G.P.O. (Telephone 418); &; at London & Brighton Hitchcock John Bloomfield, cooEer &; basket maker, 43
Greene, King & Sons Limited, brewers (of Bury St. North hill
Edmunds), ala & porter stores, St. Peter's street (Edwd. Hobday Lawrence, assistant schoolmaster, I4 Roman road
Charles Green, local manager) Hocking Edwin Charles, artists' colorman, 91 High street
Greenw{)od & Sons, butchers, 6 Grouch street & 18 St. Rockley Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Granville road
Botolph street Hodgson Gharles William, boot maker, 23 Butt road
Greenwood Ernest Albert, f:ruiterer, 135 High street Hodgson Jas. Hy. sergt.-major instructor, '35 Salisbury av
Greenwood James, butcher, 20 Portland road Holder OliveI' Joseph, Alma P.H. 34 Military road
Greenwood John Augustus, tailor, 122 Rig-h street Holling-ton Brothers, clothing manufacturers, Stanwell st
Greenwood William, greengrocer, 4 Military road Hollock Frederick, fried fish shop, 36 East Stockwell st
GreQ'g' William Hy. friendly society agt. 41 Cromwell rd Home & Colonial Stores Limited (The), tea &c. dealers,
Griffin Henry Lalneon, cabinet maker, upholsterer, 54 High street
carpet warehouseman, bedding manufactmer .& general Hook Dixey John, shopkeeper, 87 Priory street
house furnisher, paperhanger, house decorator. furni- Hopwood Joseph Cooke & Son, watch makers, iewellers,
ture remover .& house agent; furniture warehoused, gold &; silversmiths, opticians &c. 47 High street
Head street (opposite the Post Office). See advert Horne Robert, builders' accountant, 89 North Station rd
Griggs .A.rthur, carriage builder, 24 Crouch street Hospital for Soldiers' Wives &; Children (Mrs. Ma1'Y Ann
Grimes J oseph (exors.), builders &; contractors" North Frith, matron), Port· lane
Gate works Houg-hton William Stockley, Angel hotel, High street
Grimston 1& Co. maltsters, New quay Houlding Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist &; bail' dres-
Groom, Daniels & Co. timber, slate, cement & drain ser, 3 Magdalen street
pipe merchants & steam sawing, planing 1& moulding Howard, Ellison ,& Morton, solicitors .& commissioners for
mills; office, Magdalen st.; depot, The Hythe. See advt oaths, Head Gate court, Head street; & Clacton-on-Sea
Groom William, vice-consul for Belgium, Denmark, Howard W. &; Son. carmen & contractors for furniture
F'ranee, German Empire, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, removals &c. Maidenbul'g' street
Russia, Spain, Sweden, Norway &c. Magdalen street & Howard William, Prince of Wales P.H. & blacksmith, I4
at Harwich Magdalen street

Roward WilJiam, boot maker, 30 Hythe hill Joalins' Limited. agricultural & horticultural en-
Howard 'Villiam (firm, Howard, Ellison & Morton), gineers. sanitary & hot water, electric light & bell en-
solicitor, commissioner for oaths, Read Gate court, gineer-s, manufacturing & furnishing ironmongers.
Head street cabinet makers, house furnishers & upholsterers, furni-
Howe Edwin, house & estate agent, 138 Maldon road ture removers, exterior & interior house decorators,
Howe Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 165 Magdalen street yacht outfitters, undertakers, china & glass warehouse-
Howe Henry, barge owner, 45 Wimpole road men, 107, 108, I09.& 145 High street & I, 2 & 3 Maiden-
Howe James, ironm(mger, 5 Long Wyre street burg street. Telegrams," Joslins', Colchester"; & at
Howe Thomas Alfred, assistant superintendent Wesleyan :Ylarket place, Chelmsford & Stand 98, Corn market,
& General Assurance Co. 26 North Station road Ipswich
Howe William Traylor, house decorator, 26 Culver street Keeble Arthur James, tailor & yacht outfitter, 99 High st
Howes Robert (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 13 Golden Noble hill, Keeble James Frederick, draper, 411 Hythe hill
lVlilitary road Kemp Arthur, permanent way inspector, 63 N. Station I'd
Hubbard Joshua, Colchester Arms P.H. 79 Magdalen st Kendall's Almshouses, Military road
Huckle Ernest Alfred, land agent, 17 North hill Kent, Blaxill & Co. wholesale & retail oil, color, lead,
Hughes Enos, post master, Post office, Head street window glass -& brush merchants; dealer!/< in all des-
Hull Henry, shopkeeper, 117 Kendall road criptions of ropes, twines & cordage, sacks, coal bags,
Hum Henry, cooper, 70 Northgate street rick, van i& cart cover!/< &c. 102, 103, [04- .& 121 High
Hume James, beer retailer, 59 East street street. See advert
Humm Alfred, greengrocer, 82 Hythe hill Kerr Andrew, surveyor of taxes; office, 60 High street
Humphreys Charles, boot maker, 188 Magdalen street Key Frederick William. assurance agent, 8 Kendall road
Humphries C. assist. sanitary inspector, 'Colne Bank I'd Kiddy John, french polisher, 28 Chapel street
Hunt Edgar Atlee M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin., L.S.A. King Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Hospital road
Lon. surgeon & surgeon to the Essex & Colchester King John, Sun P.H. 7 Maidenburg street
Hospital & the Post office .& consulting surgeon Eastern King Thos. Percy, art needlework repository, 8 Crouch st
Counties Asylum for Idiots, Crouched Friars, 107 I Knopp & Son, wholesale boot manufacturers; factory,
Crouch street I Portland road; & retail depot 3,8, & fancy bazaar 39,
Hunt George, Ohaise & Pair P.H. 9 North hill Long "\Vyre street
Hunwicks Albert, beer :ret. 29 Golden Noble hl.Military rd Kuner Joseph A. electrioal & motor engineer, 54 Crouch

Hurley Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, 70 Butt road i street <& 10 ""Villiam's walk
Hurrell Heorge Fredk. picture frame ma. 176 Magdalen st- ' Ladhrooke Herbert· Geo. commercial tray. Errington I'd
Hutchings Charles, jun. baker, 26 East street Lake Philip M.A. principal of the Technical .& University
Hutchinson William Hy. borough accountant, Town hall I Extension College, High street
Hyam WholeS'ale Clothing Co. Limited (The M.), manu- Lambert Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer, 134 Hythe 'hill

facturing clothiers, Abbey Gate works ' Lambert Jane (Miss), dress maker, 5 Growhurst road
Ind, Coope & ,Co. Limited, brewers (Frank Long, local Lambert Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 79 Albert road

manager); stores, East street i Lambert William John, town sergeant, Town hall
Ingle Joseph, whitesmith, 5 Essex street I Lampon William Hy. horse slaughterer, 72 Maidenburg st
Inland Revenue Office (tax department, Andrew Karr, , Langham H. (Mrs.), a,partments. 13 Priory street
surveyor; excise department, F. W. Shuter, 'super- ' Langley George, Duke of York P.H. 82 & 8:1 Barrack st
visor; John S. Francis &. J. S. Frame, officers), 60 Last George, furniture dealer, 102 Hythe hill

High street Last Henry James·, confectioner, Post office, £9 Grouch st

Inman Charles, boot maker, 10 Meyrick crescent Last William, baker, 103 Hythe hill
International Tea Co.'s StDres Limited, tea dealers &c. Laver & Son, Olurgoons. Head street
24 Long 1Vyre street I Laver Henry F.S.A., F.L.S., M.R.C.S.Eng. (firm, Laver
Ivory 'l'homas, Recreation hotel, Military rd.& Wimpole rd I & Son), surgeon & public vaceinator, Head street
Ja.cob Charles Wm. watch & clock maker, 33 North hill Laver Philip Guyon M.R..c.S.Eng. (firm, Laver & Son),
James Wm. BIyth, Ordnance Arms P.H. 3 Hythe quay deputy public vaccinator to Colchester union & assis-
Jarman Arthur Middleton, furniture dealer, 41 Crouch tant surgeon to Colchester hospital & medical officer
street &; I George street to workhouse, Head street
Jarman Julius Geol'O'e, enO'ineer, 7'1 Military road Lt!wrence Christopher Robert, hair cutter, 85 Barrack st
Iarmin Arthur Middleton, ~econdhand furniture dealer, I Lawrence Joseph, beer retailer, 142 Mag-dalen street
George st. & dealer in antiques, books &c. 41 Crouch st Lawrence William Francis. poulterer. Old heath
Jefferies Robert Lewis, 2nd examining officer, R.M. Cus- Lay & Wheeler, wine, spirit & ale & porter merchants,
toms, 62 Winnock road 10 High street. See advert
Jeffery Dennis "\Yebb, watch maker & jeweller, II High st Layler Alfred, foreman, 51I Winchester road
Jennings Emily & Nellie (Miss8s),milliIiers.6 Short Wyre st Lazell Rarring-ton, grocer ,& provision dJr. 59 High st
Jennings...\:; Son, carriage builders (established 40 years); Leach Alice Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper & beer retailer,
all kinds of business carts & light traps built to order, 17 Northgate street
Stanwell street Leaning H. & Co. wholesale clothiers, Long Wyre street
Jennings Joseph Francis, tobacco pipe manufacturer & Leatherdale Mary (Mrs.), coffee house, .p North hill
wholesale dealer in ma-khes, 21 George street Lee George ~<\1bert, Gaiety PoH. 23 Mersea road
Jems Victoria (Mrs.), brewer &; cooper, 155 &; 1:5 6 Lee George William, hardware dealer, 4'8 Stanwell street
Magdalen street Leech Sarah (Mrs.), Royal Mortar P .H. II5 Military I'd
Jolmson James G. & Son, sanitary & general plumbers, Le Good Henry Benjamin, goods agent, Great Eastern
gas & water fitters, paperhangers, sign writers, deco- Railway station, Hythe
orators &c. 6 Lion walk Letch Henry, boot maker, 9 Short Wyre street
Johnson Charles, chimney sweeper, 56 Maldon road Letch James, cabinet maker, Head gate
.Johnson Charles, grocer, 13 Butt road Letch Maud (Miss), tobacconist, 9 Crouch street
Jolmson Charles, Rising Sun P.H. Hythe Station road Leveridge James Samuel, baker, dairyman, & post office,
Johnson Daniel Walter, hor8'8 breaker, 97 Magdalen st 13 Berechurch road
Johnson Georg-e, shopk,pr. & beer ret. 19 & 21 Winnock I'd Levett Charles, bDot repairer, 18 Magdalen street
.Tohnson Joseph, boot &; shoe maker, 74 Barraek street Lewis Henry Pells, plumber & painter, 100 Magdelen st
.Johnson Josiah Harry, plumber, 51 Wimpole road; Lewi!/< Joseph, engraver, 4 Maldon road
workshop, Portland road Lewis Thomas Edwin, clothing manufacturer, see Rich-
Johnson Thomas Henry, undertaker &c. I South street mond & Lewis
Johnson William, hosier, 33 High street Lewis William, florist. Queen Street gardens
Johnson William, Lord Raglan P.H. 75 Military road Lewis Wm. Refuge Assurance llsst. supt. II New Town rd
Johnson William, market gardener, 77 Barrack street Liberal Club (Walter Thomas Rainbird, sec.), 7 St.
J ones & Son, solicitors, Town Hall chambers Botolph street
Jones &; Watts, boot makers, 16 & I6a., Barrack street Lilley James, pork butcher, 44 North Station road
Jones Edwd. Horace Leonard, grcr.&c.see Tabrllm &; Jones Lines Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Hythe hill
Jones Frederick, manager, 40 Wimpole road Lingard William, printer, 9 St. John's street
Jones Henry William (firm, Jones & Son), solicitor & com- Lipt<:)ll Limited, provisian dealers, 42 St. Botolph street
missioner for oaths & clerk to the county justices for the I Lissimore Albert, builder, 25 Culver street
petty sessional division of Lexden &; Winstree &; I Lissimore Bennell, bricklayer, 31 East Stockwell street
Tendring, Town Hall chambers I.issimore Henry Jas. greengrocer, 91: North Station I'd
Jones Wm. Fredk. news agt. & tobacconist, 8I Barrack st List Joseph Arth. clothier & outfitter, 213 Magdelen st
Joscelyne Bros. grocers & provision dlrs. 32 Long Wyre st Lister Joseph, military clerk, 31 Mersea road'
Joslin Mark, Swan P.H. 100 Hythe hill Littlebury George & Son, hay, straw &; corn merchants,
Joyce Samuel, baker, 8 Maidenburg street I 26 Magdalen stree~
Keable E. & Co. iron founders, East street . Littlebury Walter, corn mer. see Littlebury George &; Son
• •

Littlebury Wm. Warden,baker & corn dlr.1'84 Magdalen st Minter Elizabeth (Miss), costumie,r, 10 Head street
Locke Thomas Marriott, cabinet maker, 27 & 28 Long Mitchell George Robert, collector of ,general district &
Wyre street & n, 12 &:; 13 Queen street poor rates & assistant overseer 2nd district. & deputy
London & C-ounty Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (Frank Tid- registrar of births & deaths for 3rd ward sub-district;
boald SneIl, manager), 25 High st.; draw on head office, offices, 'fown hall; res. 48 Crowhurst road
21 Lombard street, London E C Mitchell Margate, coal merchant, see Booth & Mitchell
Long Eli7a (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 26 Osborne street Mobbs "Villiam, boot & shoe stores, 2I3a, Magdalen street
Loomes Ha.nJ', hatter, hosier &c. 35, &:, general draper 36 Money Henry, market gardener, 28 St. Peter's street
&:, 37, High !'treet Monson Benjamin, photographer, 7 East hill
Lord George, manager, 37 Military Toad . Moore.& Roberts, who. &:, retail statnrs. 14 St. Botolph st
Lorraine John James, shopkeeper, 33 Walsingham road Moore Thomas &. Sons, wholesale & retail grocers '&:'.
Lovell John William Alfred, manager, Bethel lodge, provision mers. Barrack st.; Plough corner .&:, Head gt
Claudius road, Mersea Toad Moore Martha (Mrs.), grocer, 71 Morant avenue
Loyd George & Son, boot &; shoe makers, 64 North hill Morecmft Henrietta (Mrs.), apartments, J:119 Winnock r,d
Loyd William, grocer, 20 Head street Morter Ernest 1& Thomas, assurance agents, 8 Queen st
Luard Hugh B., M.B.Oantab., F.R.C.S.Eng. res. medical Morter Elizabeth (Mrs.). photographer & dlr. 8 Queen st
attendant·, Eastern Counties Aj;ylum for Idiots, Im- Mortimer Richard, King's Head P.B. I Balkerne hill
beciles & the Feeble-Minded Mortlock Emily & Ellen (Misses), dress mas. 2 Bourne rd
Lucking A; J. & 00. linen drapeH!, 27, 28, 29 & 30 St. Morton Cecil Howard (firm. Howard, Ellison & Morton),
Botolph street solicitor & comsnr. for oaths, Head Gate court, Head si
Lyes Al'bert Edward, hair dresser, 74 Butt, road Moss J oseph, carpenter, 4I Military road
Lyes Fredk. Wm. hair dresser, 42 North Station road Moss Samuel James, boot maker. I Military road
Lyes Henry T'homas, bricklayer, 130 Magda~en strl'Bt Moss Thomas, shoe maker, 55 Winnock road
Lyons William, boot maker, 42 Military Toad Moss Wm. Geo. Fdk. carpenter & undertaker,s Chapel st
McOonnell J ohanna (Mrs.), shopkeepe'r, 9 Stanwell street Moth & Adams (Misses), dress makers, I Trinity street
Macgregor J()seph JohnstoI1 M.D.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. sur- Mothersole & Co. wine &, spirit merchants &:, ale & porter
geon to Essex .& Oolchester General Hospital, Heau bottlers, 5 Head street
Gate house Motum Arthur, saddler, 79 East hill
McLennan Kenneth, travelling draper, 64 Priory street Motum George, fancy repository, 50 High street
McNay Edward Warren, Cross Keys P.R. CuIver street Moy Thomas Limited, coal, coke &:, lime merchants,
& Long Wyre street coal factors & ship owners. Hythe; chief office, 4 High
McRae John. draper. Frosts yard. North hill street; also at most 0'£ the rai~way stations in the dis-
Mallett George. manager, 12 Osborne :road trict; <& at London. Peterborough. Norwich, Ipswich,
Mallison's, mineral water, fruit syrup & cordial Lowestoft & Yarmouth. See advert
facturers, 12 William's walk Mullins Oharles James. printer. 28 St. John's street
Malster James, timber merchant, Old heath Mumf,ord Arthur George, marine & general engineer.
Mann Frederick, music warehouse, 123 High street Culver Street iron works
Mann Matilda (Miss), school, see Taylor & Mann (Misses) Munson Ann (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 5'5 Stanwell street
Mann Robert Adolphus, organist, IS Portland road Munson Arthur John, saddler. 20 Maldon road
Mann William GB<Jrge, foreman, 4 Gray road Munson Robert, farmer, Rover's Sty farm, Ipswich road
Margetson James Francis, dentist, II9 Crouch stre<\:i Munson Thomas, park superintendent; res. 29 'Oastle rd
Marlar John Frederick, chemist, top of High street Munson William Robert, farmer, Ipswich road
Marriage E. & SOIl Limited. millers (steam &:, water) &:, Museum (iArthur George Wright. curator), The Castle
corn mers, East mill's &; granaries. Hythe; -&:, London Mutton Richard William & 00. wholesale & retail win~
Marriage Wilson, farmer, Dilbridge hall, Ipswich road & spirit merchants &; ale & stout mers. 39 St.Botolph st
Marsh Frederick K. grainer & decorator, 25. Priory st National Society for the Prevention 0'£ Oruelty to Children
Marsh George. basket maker. 69 East street (James William Darkins. inspector). 109 Crouch streei,
Marsh Thomas, insurance agent, 57 East street Nayler Francis, drapeT. 18 East street
Marsh Thomas. Rose & Orown P.H. SI East street Nevard Edward, farmer. Place farm, Old heath
Marshall Charles Henry Thomas, solicitor & commissioner Nevard Harry. whitesmith &0. Nunn's road
fur oaths, Trinity ,street Nevard Henry Thomas (Mrs.), fruiterer, 2 North hill
Martin David Benjamin, general draper, IS, 16, 17 & 18 Neville George John, tailor, 22 Papillon road
Short Wyre street New Corn Exchange (H. H. Elwes, sec.; Frederick
Martin George, whitesmith, 5 Hospit,al lane Thomas Peek, superintendent), High street
• Martin James, Artillery Man P.H. 25 Artillery street Newcombe Emma (Mrs.), Norfolk P .H. 60 N. Station rd
Martin Thomas, The -Grapes P.H. 8'7 Mersea Toad Newman Hannah Eliza (Mrs.). aparts. 14 Abbey Gate st
Mash Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 50 Beaconsfield avenue New-man James Hallowes. butcher, 20 East hill
Mason Ernest Nathan. draughtsman, 2 'Winsley road Nice Ambrose Robert, cabinet maker, 117 Crouch street
Mason Harry George. shoe maker. I9a, Osborne street & Nice Arthur. painter &c. 4 Victoria place, Eld lane
2 Maldon Toad Nicholl (Charrington) &. Co. brewers & mineral
Mason Henry tGeorge. boot maker, 2 George street water manufacturers. East Hill brewery
Mason Lydia (Mrs.). dress maker. 21 Trinity street Nlcholl & Co. timber, slate, cement & drain pipe mer-
Masonic Hall (R. H. Ives, sec.), Abbeygate street chants & sawing mills & dealers in corrugated iron.
Masonic Lodge (United No. 697) (J. T. Bailey, sec.), meet Culver street & Hythe quay. See advertisement
monthly on wed. on or before full moon. 7 p.m. Nicholls Rosa (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 71 Crouch street
George hotel Nicholson Ada (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 105 Priory street
Mattock Wm. picture frame maker, 23 Shrubland road Nicholson Benjamin Hugh M.B., O.M. physician &:, sur-
May Edward Ernest, architect, see Baker &:, May geon, ,84 High street
Maybury WiHiam Augmtus M.D., M.Ch., M.R.C.S.Eng. Nightingale James, upholsterer. 123 Magdalen street
surgeon & medical officer for 2nd district, Colchester Nightingale Robert (Mrs.), clothier. 60 'North hill
union, 9 West Stockwell street Nixon Edmund Henry, collector of g-eneral district & poor
Maynard George Henry, fruiterer, 132 High street rates & assistant overseer (rst district); offices, Town
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited. butter &:, tea dealers. 10 hall, High street
Long Wyre street Noble Rd. Marlborough Head P.H. 46 St. Botolph street.
Meachen James Arthur. master mariner, ID Old Heath I'd Norman Fred, stone. marble & monumental mason.
Mead Christopher Lewis, wine &:, spirit merchant &:, agent sculptor &c. Cemetery "Works. 37 Mersea road
for VV. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit mers. Head gate Korman John, fishmonger, 21 Short Wyre street
Meadows Robert. Bull hotel, 4 Crouch street Northover William George, decorator, 47 Butt road
Melia Daniel &:, Co. Limited, grocers &:, provision dealers, Xoy Benammi Kedar, launch boiler maker, Waterside-
40 Long Wyre street works, The Hythe
Melton Daniel. dairyman, 126 Butt road Nuun Henry Edwin & Co. military cap & accoutremen~
Meredith Alfred, railway goods clerk, 8'4 Winnock road makers, 93 & 94 High street .
Merrick Edwin, shopkeeper, I Pownall cr·escent Nunn Charles Edgar, smith, 48 Back lane, Hythe quay-
Merry Percy Wm. fruiterer &:, perfumery agt. 7oa. High st Nunn Charrington, hair dresser, 2 Military road
Miles Thomas Godfrey, shopkeeper, 67 Butt road Nunn Charrington, parish clerk. St. Mary-at-the-WaIl, 3Z'
Miller Henry, baker & confectioner. 19 Gulver street Balkerne lane
Miller John. grocer. 2 East gates, Harwick road Nunn Edwin Grunston, horsp & trap hirer. 8r Military I'd
Miller Thomas William. builder, 52 Mersea road Nunn Josiah Frederick, stationer &c. 81 Military road
Miller William Frederick, manager, 6 Harsnett road Old Heath Steam Laundry & Carpet Beating &
Miller William Thomas,. shopkeeper. Canterbury road Cleaning Works (G. E. & H. Berry, proprietors) ~
~tIills James Charles, c:lrriag-e builder. '89 Hyihe hill high class work, minimum charges; hotel, club &
Mills Thomas. manager, 3 Bourne road racht "Work a specialit~,; estim3.tes given, 'Old Heath I'd
Oliver, Parker & Co. grocers & provision mers. Ia,Head st
Oliver Martin, boot maker, 79 Crouch street
I Pluck WaIter Ernest, deputy superintendent registrar of
births &c. 73 Maldon road
Orfeur Charles Ernest, builder & manufacturing joineT, Pocock Brothers, boot & "Shoe depot, 32 High street·
Colne Bank works, North Station road Pointing William .Tames, sec. to Daniell &; Sons Breweries
Orpen Robert, coal merchant; offices, 14 Head street; Limited, Castle Brewery
depot, St. .Tohn's street Pollard Cecilia (Mrs.), cab proprietor, g8 Military road
Orrin Ebenezer, shoe maker, 16 South street Pollard Frederick John, cah proprietDr, 94 Military road
Orrin Harry, boot maker, 36 St. .Tohn's street Pollard Wm. Thos.Cl'arendon P.H.6 East gates,Harwich Td
Osborn .Tames Bradshaw, shopkeeper, 12 Essex street Polley Henry Gough & Son, tailors & clothiers, 3'6 St.
Osborne Henry Wm. greengrocer, 23 North Station road Botolph street
Osborne Thomas Charles, cowkeeper &; dairyman, Drury Polley Rllen Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter,JI&I3Crouch st
farm, MaIdon road; Crouch street & St. Botolph street Polley Henry, market gardener, 74 East street
Osborne WaIter, wheelwright, St. Leonard's road Pooley William John, Inkerman P.H. Ig8 Magdalen street
Osborne William, coal merchant, St. Botolph's station; Porter Henrietta Isabella (Mrs.), dress ma. 'Ill East bay
res. Artillery street south Porter Henry, greengrocer, 58 East hill
Osbourn & Piton, wholesale clothiers, 7 St. .Tohn's green Potkin James, firewood dealer, 17 Artillery street south
Osmond Charles, teacher of music, 33 Crouch street Potten Harriett (Mrs.), dress maker, Harwich road
Page Charles Everitt, solicitor, Cups chambers, High Potter Brothers, job masters, IOO Maldon road
street; & at Brightlingsea Potter Benjam~n Scarlett, china, glass &c. dealer, see
Page Frank Hall, tailO'r & outfitter, 33 Long Wyre street Child & Potter
Page GE:'orge Henry F.I.A.S. architect &; surveyor & land Pott'eil" Ellen Caroline (Mrs.), dress mkr. 3 Church st. sth
&; estate agent, Trinity chaInbers, Culver street Potter George William, pork butcher, 6 Middleborough
Page ThoInas WilliaIn (Mrs.), butcher, 43 Crouch street Potter Herbert Paul, insurance agent, 3 Church st. south.
Pallant William Robert, shoeing smith, Abbey Gate street Potter James, dairy, 10 Butt road
Palmer Alfred, staff sergeant, Abbey terrace Potton James George, Swan inn, lIO High street
Palmer Frank Wm. COJIl. trav. Kingswood, New Town rd Potts William, general draper, 45 & 46 High street
Palmer John Kendrick, manager, 514 Military road Powell Marshall, whitesmith, Nunn's rd.& 37 Salisbury av:-
Pap worth Annie (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 23 0& ·24 Trinity st Poyser & Co. print-ers, booksel'lers & stat.ioners, 5 High st.
Parish Josiah (Mrs.), art needlework Tepos. '3,2 Head st Prangley George H. manager 'Capital & Counties Bank,.
Parker Charles HurreH, army forage agt. 20 Gladstone rd 17 & 18 High street
Parker Edward, grocer &c. see Oliver, Parker & Co Preece Richard, tailor & clothier, 1·8 Long Wyre street
Parker Edward Henry, foreman, 8 Gray road Pressnell Edmund, stationer, &; post office, 123 Hythe hill '
Parker Edwin, beer retailer, 12 Short Wyre street Prestney Jeremiah, boot &; shoe Inaker, 35 Culver street
Parker William, fruiterer, 124 Magdalen street Prestney .Tn. Gurdon ~ebow, baker, 46 Maidenburg st
Parmenter Frederick, shopkeeper, 415 Mersea road Prestney Robert, currler, 5 Churc~ street south
Parrott Henry, Waggon & Horses P.H. North hill Pr~stney Hobert, sho~ maker, 8 Wmnock road
Parr's Bank Limited (David Forster, manager) 60 High Pflme Edward, vetermary surgeon, 60 West Stockwell st
street; head office, 4- Bartholomew lane, Lo~don. E C Prior Davi:i &; Son, .nurserymen &; florists, Myland nur-·
Parry Owen Lim. oil cake manufacturers &; lfeed crushers sery & North statIon
& merchants, Hythe; & at Ipswich & Burnham; & 66 Prior Alfred Jesse, auctioneer &; valuer, 28 El'd lane
Mark lane, London E 0& Ferry st. Millwall London E Prior Asher, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths...
Parsons Edward, draper, 34 &; 3'5 Long IWyre 'street ~ perpetual com~~ssioner, 2:5 .H~ad street
Parsonson Sterphen Arthur, basket maker, 21 North hill Pr.101' George, InBchllllst &c. 20 Trllllty street
P.arsonson Thomas, basket maker, 3 Stanwell street PrIOr Joseph, boot &; shoe maker, 21 Essex street
Partner Charles, plumber &c. East street Proctor Thomas, boot maker. I Winchester road
Pattison Edward & Son, plumbers, I Maldon road Pryer Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Kendsll road
Paul R. &; W. Limited, corn mers.; granary, Hythe quay Public Library, George Rickword, librarian (adjoining
Paul WaIter &; Co. cycle makers, '87 &; 818 Barrack street the Town Hall), West Stockwell street
Pawsey Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 20 Golden Noble hill, Public Telephone Call Office, 14 St. John's street
Military road Pullord Arthur, miller (water &; steam) & corn merchant,
Pawsey Samuel, painter, 20 Golden NDble hill, Military rd Cannock mills, Old Heath Toad & Bourne mills
Payne Thomas F. T. picture frame &; moulding manu- Purkiss Arthur Edwin, relieving officer No. I district:
facturer, St. Nicholas passage, High street; ware- vaccination officer 2nd ward &; registrar of births cl
house '& works, 2a, Long Wyre street &; at 49 High death\! 2nd ward sub-district, 34 Crowhurst road
street, B r a i n t r e e ' Purkiss William, hairdresser, 133 Magdalen street
Peacock Frederick, electrical engineer, 59 Nth. Station rd Radcliffe !Cenneth DUdley, gun rn.aker, \I50 High street
Peacock James, shopkeeper, 61 Mersea road .Ra]way Refreshment Rooms (Henry Christian ThoInll.S
Peagam Edward Charles, solicitor &; commissioner to ad- Amendt! general refreshment manager), North statioll
minister oaths, 5 High street Rainbird Walter Thomas, auctioneer &; ma~aging clerk
Pearks, Gunston &; Tee Limited, tea &:; but·ter stores, 3 to O. M. Stanford & sec. to the Liberal club,23 High st
Short Wyre street Ralling Thomas John, registrar of births &; deaths for
Peggs William, cab proprietor, 13 Lion 'walk & Plough 1st ward sub-district & manager of "Essex County
Inn yard, Magdalenstreet Standard," Winnock lodge, 101 Winnock road
Pell Harry, hair dresser &; perfumer, 148 High street Rampling Elizbth. (Mrs.), King's .Arms P.H. 63 Crouch st
Pepper Waiter Harry, tailor, see Benton & Pepper Randolph-Symmons Francis, solicitor,Headgate ct.Head st
Percival James, sergeant of police, 9 Papillon road Randon Henry, Caledonian P.H. 17 St. .Tohn's green
Perkins Sophia Elizh. (Mrs.), Plough P.H. 4 Magdalen st Rapley Richard, shoe maker, 67 East hill
Perry Charles Henry, milk seller, 68 Castle road Rashbrook George Myles, baker. 18 Middleborough
Pettitt John, taxidermist, 108 North Station road Rashbrook Sam!. Grove Elmer, baker, 21 Ea. Stockwell st
Phillips Isaac George, foreInan,I37 Winnock road Raven Arthur Samuel, paperhanger, 14 Sir lsaac's walk
Phillips Jsph. cigar manfr. & tDbacconist, 2 St. Botolph'st Raven William Geo. Royal Standard P.R. 34 Mersea Ta
Phillips Keable Martha (Mrs.), stationer & post office, 93 Ray Susannah (Mrs.), wardrobe dlT. 36 St. John's green
Winnock road Rayner Arthur George, cab proprietor, 27 Rawstorn road
Pichon Mons. Chas. teacher of languages, 35 Wellesley Td Rayner Arthur George, jun. Castle P.R. High street
Pickford's Limited, railway &:; general carriers (Frederick Rayner Charles Hayward, beer retailer, Hythe quay
George Curtis, agent), g8 High ,street Re'ach Fred, saddler &; harness maker, 27 East 'hill
Pike Herbert Stanley, manager &; engineer to Gas Co. Red Lion CornmercJal A. FamUy Hotel &:; Posting
Hythe quay House (Fred Rees, proprietor), High street
Pitchford Enoch, Waterloo P.H. 169 Magdalen street Reeks Edward, Bell inn, Old heath .
Piton Philip, wholesale clothier, see Osbourn &; Piton Reeve Charles Gurdon, furniture dealer, I I North hill
Pitt Charles, cab proprietor, I I Butt road Refuge Assurance Co. Limited (district office) (JessEl'
Pitt WaIter, florist, 187 Crouch street Styles, superintendent), 5 Wellesley Toad
Pitt William Thomas, job ma'lter, 18 Mersea 'l'oad Reilly Charlotte (Miss), umbrella maker, 25 Eld lane
Pittuck Jane (Miss), draper, 26 North hill Relph Frances (Miss), baby linen &c. depot, see Bruce
Plane Henry G. foreman, 95 Military road &:; Relph
Plant Williurn. Bickers, Shaftesbury temperance hotel, Renny Eustace George M;R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Culver street surgeon, 16 'Crouch street
Platford Harriett (Miss), shopkeeper, 2-t- Artillery st. sth Renton &:; Pepper, ladies' &; gentlemen's tailors, 58 High st
Pleasant SamI. Thos. Knight, tailor, 25 Queen street Reynolds Frederick, shopkeeper, 82 Mag-dalen street

RiceChas.Edwd.fruiterer & florist,3 Crouch st.'& SI High st Scott George Henry, shopkeeper, 54 East street
Rich Archibald G. New Market Tavern P.H. Middleboro' Scott Harry, Crown &; Sceptre P ~H. 43 South stl1!et
Ridhards & Co. house furnishers, 122 &; 123 Priory sh'eet Soott Joseph James M.R.O.,V.S. veterinary ,surgeon, '15
Richards Charles Henry, foreman, 53 Military road St. John's street
Richards Frederick William, hair dresser, '40 Head street Scatt Octavius William, assurance agent, ZI Queen street
Richards Kezi91 (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 62 Stanwe:ll street Scott Walter, paperhanging warehous'e, 12 Sir's wk
Richards MaiI'Y (Miss), dres~ maker,' 7 George street Selliborn William, Whit,e Horse P.H. 4 East ,street
Richardson IS8l1oC, tinplate worker, 35 St. John's street Seaman John Rason, assurance agent, 2'4 Granville road
Richardson William, farm bailiff to H. Grimwade esq. Seaman WaIter, Flying Fox P.H. Harwich road
Battleswick farm, Old heath Senior, Heap & Co.• manufaeturing clothiers, 98 High st
Richer Thomas, butcher, 15 Magdalen street Sennitt Fredk. Wm. provision dealer, I4 Short Wyre st
Richer Thos. Arth. news agt. &, stationer, 17 Crouch st Sergant George, butcher, 27 MiddleboITugh
Richmond &; Lewis, <:lothing manufrs. 16 St. John's .. Sergant Henry, milliner, 30 Head street
Rickword Geo. librarian, Public library,West Stock.well st Sewell Wm. beer ret. &; shpkpr. 15 &, 16 Artillery st. 8th
Ridgl-ey William, fruiterer, 35 St. Botolph street Sexton 1& Grlmwade, auctioneers, land surveyors &;
Roberts .Ann (Miss), apartments, 25 WeUesley road estate agents. Head street; & at Ipswich. See advert
Roberts William Thomas, stationer, see Moore &, Roberts Shaftesbury Temperance Hotel (William Bickers
Robinson Frederick William, solicitor &; commissioner to Plant, proprietor), QuIver street
administer oaths, Bank chambers, 17 &; ItS High stTeet Shaw William Ohas. confectioner, 21 St. Botolph street
Robinson George Frederick, engineer, 40 St. John's st Shead Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 64 South street
Rodgers John, jun. chimney sweeper, 27 Eld lane Shead Francis William, commercial traveller, Eld Lane ho
RoO'ers F. C. (Mrs.), dress maker, 1128 Military road Shelton Sarah Ann (Mrs.), pork butcher, 21 Eld lane
Rogers Frederick, butcher, 90 Hythe hill . Shenst<me Jas. Ohapman, chemist &; druggist, 13 High st
Rogers Frederick (Mrs.), fruite,rer &; market gardeneI:, 39 Shepard Charles Stephen, hosier &c. II9 High s,treet
St. John's street Shephard Amy (Miss), dress maker, 53 Bourne Toad
Bagel'S Herbert George, bookseller, stationer I&i printer, Shepherd George, baker, IIO Magdalen street
112 High street Shimmen Robert, hay cutter, I East bay
'Rogers WilliamJ plumber, house decorator, sanitary Short (F.C.A..) &; Compton (A.C.A.), chartered accoun·
engineer i& general eontractor; office & works, -118 St. tants, Ohurch street north
J ohn!g street, Short Henry, beer retailer, I Middleborough
~Roofe George Joseph Greenfield, paperhanger, 48 East hi!: Shrimpton Oaleb, hoose agent &c. 13 East Stockwell et
Rose & Co. boot &; shoe manufacturers, 50 North hill Shurey George, Queen's hotel, Berechurch road
'ROlle Elizabeth (Mrs.), temperance hotel, 5;[ North hill Shuter F. ,Wo supervisor of inland revenue; office, 60
: Rose Thomas Allen, baker, 2 Middleborough High street
Bow Jephthah, fried fish dealer, 1~7 Magdalen street Shynn Frederick James, baker, 42 North hill
·Rowell Reginald Bertie, architect, see Start &; Rowell Sidle Thomas, draper, tailor &; haberdasher 30 &; 31, fancy
•Boyal Grammar School (Perey Shaw Jeffrey M.A. head bazaar 36, &; sta.tioner & printer 37, Long Wyre street
master), Lexden ,road Sier. James, mason, 32 Castle Toad
Royal Photographic Go. 81 Priory street Siggers Ernest, job master, 15 Sir Isaac's walk
'Royal Studio (Wilson &; Clarkson), photographocs, II Sillar Alfred Richmond A.M.I.E.E. borough electrical en-
High street. See advert gineer, 36 Stanwell street
Rudd Charles,shopkeeper, fu Military Toad Slmkln Wllllam Robert, removal contractor, military
'Rudd Emma. (Miss), eonfectioner, 22 Maldon road &; general house furnisher, house agent & valuer, dealer
-'Rudkin Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Queen street in antique furniture &c.; offiee, show rooms & resi-
~udkin John Taylor, stationer & printer, 15 Crouch street dence, North hilI; depository &; furniture show rooms"
Rule Mary (Miss), dress maker, 64 Ipswich road North Station road
rBnmsey George. grocer, 9 Middleborough Simmons Charles, telegraph inspector, 25 Belle Vue road
Rutkin Fredk James, fruit & fish dlr. 106 Nth. StatiolL I'd Simmons Herbert Oha,des, sta,tiolL master, Hythe
· Ryan Joseph Michael M.B., L.R.C.S.I. surgeon &; medical Simonds Edith Anna (Miss), boarding house, 3 Trinity st
officer for 3rd district, Colchester union, 9 East hill Simpson Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 17 Middleboreugh
· Saddlery &J Harness Depot (J. W. Woodward, manager), Simson Elizabeth (Mrs.) &i Mary (Mills). ladies' school,
Head gate I I Lexden road
, Sadler Brothers, fish dealers, 154 Magdalen street Singer Manufacturing .Co. (W. H. Pratt, manager),
Sarrler Edrward, miscellaneous dealer, 1'3 Magdalen street branch, 32 St. Botolph street
Sadler Henry James, cutler, 1°9 North Station Toad Sisters of Mercy, 48 Priory iltreet
Sadler Jesse (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Sir lsaae's walk Siviter Ha-rriet Maria (Mrs.), beer & wine retailer, 56
:_ Sage Robert John, farmer, Monkwick Stanwell street
,St. James' Orphanage (girls) (Mrs. Horace Egerton-Green, Smart Oharlotte (Mrs.), draper, 26 &; 3'1 St. Botolph street
lady supt,; Miss F. Gibbon, matron), SS East hill Smith Fredk. Thos. &; Son, tailors &;, outfitters, 7 High st
'St. Runwald's Club (W. H. Short, sec.), Head street Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers, North station
';Sale William J ames, clothier & outfitter, 20 St. Botolph st Smith Oharles Frederick. beer retailer, 2 Castle road
'Salmon Arthur Charles, shopkeeper, II2 North Station rd Smith Daniel Henry, reni collector, 24 Castle road
: Sandle Hy. John, grocer &; confectioner, 161 Magdalen st Smith E. Tliompson, solicitot" & commissioner for oaths.
Sandle Samuel Mortimer, manager, 12 Roman road 5 North hill
Sands & Son, toy & fancy repository, 16 High street Smith Edward, inspector of police, 5 Papillon road
~ Sansom Abraham. shopkeeper, 42 Vineyard "treet Smith Eliza Nelly (Miss), dress maker, ,8 Denmark street
'Sansom Alfred William, traveller, 50 Brook street Smith Emmll. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 207 Magdalen street
·Sansom Frederick, builder, 80 Barrack street Smith George Hy. engineers' pattern ma. 94 Winnock rd
Sargent In. chimney sweeper, Childwell alley,Magdalen 81. Smith George Mence, groce,r &; oilman, St. Botolph street
Sargent Joseph Samuel, Bell P.H. 74 Priory street Smith George William, shoeing smith, 45 Chapel street
Saunders WaIter & Sons, cycle & motor engineers; agents Smith Henry, beer retailer, 4 Artillery street
for all noted: cycle & motor firms; repairing done to Smith James, beer retailer, 35 West, Stockwell street
all classes of machinery, 26 & 218 Orouch street Smith James Golden, builder, see Appleton, Smith &; Co
Saunders Frank, bricklayer &:; builder, I I Essex street Smith James Raven, shopkeeper, 13 Charles street
Saunders Jas. Prudential assurance asst,. supt.!8 Lucas I'd Smith John, monumental mason, see Booth &i Smith
Baxty Brothers, tailors, 26 High street - Smith John George, builder, $2 Priory street; workshop,
Bayer Henry, Lamb inn, I28 High street 63 Crouch street
Scarfe Albert, linen draper, silk merce,r & hosier, millinery, Smith Martin, shopkeeper, 32 East hill
mantles & dress making, 27 High street Smith Robel't O. musical instrument seller, 9 Magdalen
Scarg]l -WaIter, architect, 60 Albert street street & 13 Mersea [l'oad
Schlimper Oharles Ernest, marine engineer & pump ma, Smith Robert William, Carpenters' Arms P.H, 46, &;
Abbeygate works shopkeeper 27, Chapel street
Schofield Clayton, wool stapler, 57a, Priory street Smith Samuel, beer retailer, 120 Magdalen street
Schofield rsaac, photographer, I I Mersea road Smith Sidney Albert, chief clerk, Pos,t office, Head street
Schofield Robt. 'Vm. shopkpr. &, beer ret. 8'3 NOl'thgate st 'Smith Stephen, beer retailer, Old heath
Scoones William Amos, grocer, 26 Bourne road Smith Timothy, boot maker, 22 Bourne road
Scott Edwin & Son, grocers & provision merchants, 1 Smith WaIter, fish & fruit dealer, 75 Barrack street
Lon!! Wyr~ street Smith William, baker, 39 Alexandra road
Scott Charies Henry, painter, see Bareham & Scott Smith William, chemist, 31 St. Botolph street
Scott Charles John, builder, contractor, carpenter, under. Smith William, temperance hotel. 3 North hill
taker & house decorator, 8 North hill Smith William Philip, blacksmith, 12 Magdalen street
Scott George, confectioner, 206 Magdalen street Smith Willie, shopkeeper, 34 N orih hill
th~ London &; 90unty B.ank LImIted, 25 ~Igh street
Snell Frank Tidboald, manag~r ?f Oolche~ter branch of Tanner 'Wil1iam Henr)', grocer &c. 43 East street
Tassie Horace Palmer, manager, 68 Roman road
Snowden FrederlCk Cousms, master of Umon Workhouse, Tayler Rowland Charles M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon &;
Balkerne hill veterinarY' inspector for the borough i&; for the Lexden
Soames William, baker, 6 Sir Isaac's walk &; Winstree division of Essex, 29 Queen street
Soldiers' Home & Institute, Queen street Taylor & Mann (Misses), ladies' day school, 69 High st
Somers John, Queen's Head P.H. .so Hythe hill Taylor Arthur, master mariner, 20 Papillon road
;Somerville William James, tailor, 59 Walsingham road Taylor George William, boot maker, I2 St. Mary's road
Sortwell Kezia (Mrs.), dairy, 64- Crouch street Taylor Ralph C. tobacconist, 59 Crouch street
.Southgate Edgar John, agent to the Royal Liver Friendly Taylor William Frank, tobacconist, I6 St. Botolph Iltreet
Society, ·87 Winnock road Technical & University Extension College, Albert School
.sowman William, agent to the Railway Passengers (Acci- of Science &; Art (H. C. Wanklyn, hon. tiec.; William
dent), Hand-in-Hand (Fire) &; U. K. Temperance &; Smith, sec.; Philip Lake M.A. principal; F. Wilson
General Provident Insurance Societies, 28 East hill B.A.. head master Pupil Teachers' classes; Charles E.
Sparling & Son, solicitors, 30 Queen street Baskett, art head master), High street
.sparling Arthur St-eward Blyth (firm, Spading &; Son), Theatre Royal (Charles Macdona, lessee & F. Graham
solicitor, deputy borough coroner &; clerk to the coun- Macdona, manager), Queen street
cil acting as the burial board & registrar of burials, 30 Thomas J ames Henry, warehouseman, I Meyrick crescent
Queen street Thompson &; Co. wholesa}'e '&;'retail drapers & carpet ware-
:Sparling WaIter Bryant, hone sec. to Colchester National housemen, 48 .& 49 High street
schools, Trinity chambers, Culver street Thompson Frederick Henry, beer retailer. 3 Short Wyre st
Sparrow Elijah, market gardener, 34 East street Thompson Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, I'I Wellesley road
~pear M. A. (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Creffield road Thorn Cbarle8, Salisbury hotel, Butt road .
;Spencer Arthur G. civil engineer, see Beckwith &; Spencer Thorogood Elizaheth (Mrs.), baker, 40 Military road
:Spinks Henry .Alfred, french polisher, 48 Chapel street Thorogood Harry, baker & confectioner, IOI High street
-Spinks John, chimney ~weep, Northgate street Thorpe A.nthony, shoe maker, 6 Maldon road
;Spinks Joseph, chimney sweeper, 9 Crispin court,North hl ',fhursby.William, nurseryman & florist, 8 St. Botolph st
:Springett Arthur A. painter, 52 Kendall road Thurston & Son, boot & shoe makers, 9 St. Botolph st
Spr~ngett John.. baker &; confectioner, IX St. Botolph st Ti.dman James, draper &c. 29 North Station road
Sprmgett Sept1IIlus, carpenter, IS Crowhurst road Tmkler Frank Henry, shopwalker, 29 Mersea road
Springett Thomas, baker, 22 West Stockwell street Togni Ernest, restaurant, top of High street
Squires &; Son, confectioners, 2 Short Wyre street 'rollesbury & Mersea. (Blackwater) Oyster Fishery Co.
.Stanford &; Co. engineers, boiler makers, iron & brass Limited (F. C. Potter, sec.), 27 Trinity street
founders & agricultural implement makers, High street;. Tomlinson Edward, boot maker, -B8 Hythe hill'
See advert .. Tampson Charles Hardy, s~licitor & commissioner for
:Stanford Oharles Maurice, auctioneer, valuer, land, house, oaths & clerk to the guardians &; tlUperintendent
estate &; insurance agent, 23 High street. See advert registrar to Lexden & Winstree union, .clerk to rural
:Stannard Arthur &; Co. wholesale ironmongers ,&; bar iron district council, school attendance committee, to the
merchants, 1 East Stockwell street commissionen of taxes, Lexden & Winstree division, &
:Star Tea Co. Lim. 7 Long Wyre street to assessment committee &; clerk to Wivenhoe school
.start &; Rowell, architects, surveyors & civil engineers, board, Victoria Chambers, West Stockwell street; & at
Cup's chmbrs. High st. &; at Harwich &; Clacton-on-Sea Manningtree
Start Jsph. Wm. F.S.I. architect, see Start. & Rowell Totham Walter, beer retailer, I Harwich 1'000
~Stayte Thomas, deputy supt. registrar to Lexden &; Wins- Towers George, Fleece hotel, Head street
tree union & school attendance officer, Victoria cham- Town Hall (James Turner, hall keeper), High street
bers, West Stockwell street; res. 3 Castle ['oad Tracey Thomas Charles & Co. cycle mas. 30 Osborne st
:Stead & Simpson Lim. boot &; shoe makers; branches, 5 Tracy Julia (Miss), dress maker, I2 Wellesley road
St. Botolph street &; 'I Head street Trayler William, confectioner, 9 Butt road
-Stearman Geo. Jacob, china &; hardware dlr. I3 Barrack st Trent &; Upsdale, who. clothiers; factory, E. Stockwell st
:Stearman Thomas Charles, shopkeeper, 10 James street Triscott Hugh Perey Loraine, 'George hotel, High street
Steed Oscar, engineer, IOg Mil:itary road Truman, Hanbury, Buxton & Co. Limited, brewers;
-Steggles Thomas, greengrocer, 76 Hythe hill stores, Bythe quay
Steggles William, greengrocer, 73 Barrack .street Tucker J ane (Mrs.), general carman, 15 Hythe hill
'Stevens H. W. mineral water manufacturer, Globe works, Turner &; Bonner,watch mas.& jewellers,Io Short Wyre st
l\faidenburg street Turner Arthur, assist·ant sec. Eastern Counties Asylum
Steward Jane (Miss), dress maker, 31 Salisbury avenue Turner .John J. C. res. &; the Eastern
~tewart S. &; Son, coal dealers &c. 20 East street CountIes Asylum for IdIots &; Imbeciles, Asylum
Stewart Amy (Miss), ladies' -boarding & day sc'hool, 106 Turner William Benjamin, foreman, 59 Wimpole Toad
&; HO Military road Tweed Charles, baker, 14 North StatIOn road
'Stidolph Thos. Fredk. pianoforte tuner &0. 3 Maldon rd Un~erdown William, ~or~man upholsterer, I .Chl~rch st
Stocker Leall (Mrs.), fancy draper, I2 Nth. Station rd Umted Asbestos Co. LIm1ted I(Arthur Wlllbb, dIstrIct man-
'Stone Bros. engineers &;. brass founders, II4 Priory stroot, ~yndhurst, Maldon road
Stone Henry Robert, aSSIstant schoolmaster, 30 Mersea rd UnwIck Elizabeth (Mrs.), fishmonger, 2 Balkerne lane
'Stow Herbert William, greengrocer, 7 6 Military road Upson George, beer retailer, Red Lion tap, 32 Culver
Stow John Charles, grocer, I2 St. Bot~lph street street &; livery & bait stables, Red Lion Hotel yard
Strange Edward &; Co. wholesale warehousemen, drapers V~e William, travelling draper, 2 Kendall road
& silk mercers & army contractors, gentlemen's out- VlCkers Edward .R. boot maker, 73.East street
fitters &c. Manchester house, 30 High street Volunteer BattalIon (2nd) Essex RegIment (Hon. Col. W.
Stringer Gilbert, photographer, 7 Ohapel street HowaI'd V.D.. commanding; Hon. Lieut.-Col. G. H.
Strowlger 'Charles (Mrs.), baker, IOO North Station road Coleman, maJor, second in command; Capt: O. G.
Strowlger David, market gardener, Serpentine walk Godfrey F.ausset D.S.O.adjt.) (C,D &; I Cos. ; located at
Strutt Harry, plumber, 24 Winnock road Colchester) Capt. P. W. Cross, commanding; C Co.
Strutton George, boot maker, 24 East hill Capt. P. W. Cross; D Co. Capt. A. Denton; I Co. Capt.
Studd Thos. Edwd. grocer &; provision dlr. 4 Sheregate E. Ingold; Sergeant-Major J. H. Hodgson, instructor) ;
Stutters John Edward, clothing factory mgr.Errington I'd headquarters of the battalion, Drill hall, Stanwell street
Styles Jesse, district supt. Refuge Assurance Co. Lim.; Wade Arthur ,William, nurseryman, 7 North Station I'd
office, 5 Wellesley road Wade Thomas, New inn, ,36 Chapel street
SlImmers William. John, plasterer, 29 Wimpole road Wagstaff John William & Horace Harvey, pork butchers,
Summons Albert, inspector of police, 3 Papillon road 93 Crouch street
Sunnucks Henry, hosier &; outfitter, 20a, Long Wyre 5t Wagstaff Harry Elvy, Sea Horse hotel, High st·reet
Sutton . & Co. forwarding agents (C. L. Mead, agent), Waldan Ernest Otto Louis,prof. of music,I6 Sir Isaac's wk
Headgate Walford Lucy (Miss), children's costume ma. 20 Queen st
Sutton William, beer retailer, 63 East hill Walker Thomas &; Son, musicians &; band providers, 103
Swann Fredk. William, station master, St. Botolph stn Priory street
Swann John, assistant supt. Prudential Assurance Co. I Walker Annie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 10I Priory street
Mill street, Military road Walker Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, 23 Eld lane
Tabrum & "ones, wholesale & family grocers, italian Walton Gazette &; Visitors' List (Benham & Co. pro-
warehousemen, provision, ale & stout merchants, 40 & prietors &; publishers; published wed. morning), 24
4I High street. Telephone Nos. 44-44a, Colchester. High IiItreet; &; at Walton-on-the-Naze. See advert
See advert
Walton Miss, y<mng gentlemen's preparat.ory school, 24 White €harles Edward (firm, White &; Son), solicitor Il
Inglis road commissioner for oaths, clerk to guardians, superin-
Wanklyn Henry Charles, solicitor, town clerk, clerk to tendent registrar, clerk to the a8'sessment committee
urban district council & port sanitary authority & clerk &; to Clacton & Kirby School Boards, :& coroner for
to the council acting as Local Fisheries Committee, Sokens, 57 North hill; <& at Wellesley road~ Clacton-on-
pursuant to the order of the Board of Trade; registrar Sea_ & Walton-on-,the-Naze
of the borough courts of record; clerk to the Colne White William, confectioner, 16 Ea,st hill
Fishery Board, &; governor of Colchester Royal Gram- White WiI1iam Charles, accountant, 13 St. John's street
mar School, Town hall Whiting William, draper, 38 High street
-Ward A. Owen, tailor, hatter, hosier, outfitter &; WhittakerWm. Saville,boarding ho.Olawfbonny,Maldon ril
juvenile clothier, 14 High street Wicks J ames &; Thomas William, who:esale &; family.
Ward .Alice (Miss), dress maker, 9 Denmark street wine &; spirit merchants, II7 High street
Ward Thomas Jonathan, builder, 30 &; 31 St. John's street Wiffen Gearge, farm bailiff to Thomas May esq. Burnt
Warden John, pork butcher & dairyman,24 &; '25 Mersea rd house, Old heath
Warmington Frederick Wm. &; Co. leather merchants &; Wilbey Susannah (Miss), straw hat maker,I7 St. John's $
grindery deal'ers, g6 High street <& curriers &; leather Wild William 'rhomas, station master, North stahon
dressers, St. Peter's street lViles Wi:liam &; Son, pnnters, 26 Trinity street
Warner Charles, Barley Mow P.H. 147 Hythe hill Wilkin Daniel, shopkeeper, a6 Roman ,road
Warner Wm. Edward, painter, 57 West Stockwelletreet Wilkinson Robert James, boot maker, 10 Mersea road
Warren Francis, dairyman, I04 Priory street Willes Geo. Wm. Nelson's Head P.H. 5'1 We. Stockwell at
Warren Frederick, dealer in fruit, poultry &; game, II3 Willett William. baker, 200 Magdalen street
High street Williams lit!" Co. general & furnishing ironmongers &;
Warren Philip, fishmonger, 1'9 Middleborough agents for all kinds of horticultural &; agricultural
Warren Philip, fishmonger, no North Station road machinery, 152 High street; implement warehouse,
Warren PriscilIa. Rose (Madame), milliner &; dress maker, West Stockwell street. See advert
67 High street Williamson Samuel Randall, manager, 18 Castle road
Warren -William, wholesale &; retail boot &; shoe manu- Willson Alfred, upholsterer, 6 West Stockwell street
facturer, 19 Short Wyre street & 42 High street Willson Arth.Jas.wood turner; steam works,26 Fairfax rd
Wash Geo. baker &; confectioner, 45 St. Botolph street Willson Geor,ge Henry, ca-binet maker, East 'bay
Wash John Henry, whitesmith, 2 Stanwell street Wilson &; ,Clarkson. photographers, 11 High st. See advt
Wass Charles, traveller, 4'5 North hill Wilson Frank Osborn RA. head master Pupil Teachers'
Water Works (Corporation) (Charles E. Bland, supt.), Centre Technical & University ExtensionCollege, &t
'fown hall; works, Balkerne hill Wilson Maud (Miss), teacher of music, 10 Priory street
Waterman Alfred J. hair cutter, 151 High street Wilson WaIter Charles, Globe P.H. 21 Military road
Waters Frederick, warehouseman, 3'7 Meyrick crescent Wilton Waiter, tailor, 12 East Stockwell street
Watkinson &; Sons, builders, 14 Trinity st.& Sir Isaac's wk W'lnch ,Brothers, foreign stamp importers & photo..
Watsham George, boot &; shoe maker, 91 nytbe hill graphic <&J fine art publishers, 2d8 Magdalen street.
Watson Oator, White Hart P.H. 34 Crouch street See advert-
Watson Charles, ca,b proprietor, Berechurch road &; dining Winnock's Almshouses. Military road
rooms, 2 Magdalen si-reet Winsley's (Arthur) Charity (Ernest S. Beard, agent)~
Watson Jonathan, beer retailer, Fleece top, Culver street Headgate
Watts L. J. Limited, sclrlptors, stone, marble <& monu- Winter Alice (Mrs.), confectioner, 1-66 Magdalen street
mental ma-sons, Castle Steam works. See advert Winter Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 59 East hill
Watts Henry, boot maker, see Jones &; Watts Withers James. muffin baker, 61 Magdalen street
Watts Henry, milk seller, 122 Hythe hill Withers Wm. Richard, tobacconist, 8 Short Wyre street
Weavers Alfred Josiah, tailor &; outfitter, 13 Short Wyre at Wittey &; Denton, solicitors, East Stockwell street
Wehb Benjamin. &; Son, grocers i&c. 6 Magdalen street WoIton &; Attwood, wine &; spirit merchants, I UOll
Webb Alfred, tra;veller, Errington road walk &:; Culver street
Webb Caroline (Miss), apartments, 34 Maldon road Women's Help Society (Miss Bawtree, hon. sec.; Mrs. E..
Webber Relen (Miss), dress maker, 6 Eld lane Johnson, matron), 2 Osborne street
Webber Henry John, dairyman & shopkpr. 19 Granville rd Wood Charl<es-, professor of music, Belle vue, Land lan6'
Webber Sarah Ann (Miss), dress maker, 52 South 8t Wood Henry Thos. Barton. Blue Boar P.ll. iKendall rd
Weddell bth. pharmaceutical chemist, 105 High st Wood Thomas, mineral water manufactr. 50 Wimpole rd
Welham Jos~ph Waiter, deputy church clerk of St. Wood Wm. George, grainer &; decorator, 42 Priory stree*
Nicholas, 74 Northgate street Woodham James &; Frederiek, florists. Greenstead rd
Wells Arthur John, carman, 17 Nunn's road Woodroffe Stephen, baker, 7 & 8 Middleborough
Wells Henry, beer retaile-r, 78 Barrack street Woods James, pork butcher, 202 Magdalen ,street
Wells Thomas, sanitary inspector; office, Stanwell street Woods Joseph. -greengrocer, 139 Hythe hill
WeI:s William Henry, wine &; spirit merchant, 8 Long Woods Wm. brick maker, Poplar lane, North Station rd
Wyre street Woodthorpe 'George, bricklayer, 39 Military road
Went Henry, beer retailer, 17 East street Woodward Mice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, '2 Mill street
Went ,Jonathan (B. E. s.) undertaker, funeral fur- WorHey George Clement .A.ugustus Ireland, fruiterer &C'_
niaher &:; embalmer by diploma; distance no object, 19 7 Short Wyre street
Mersea road. See advert Worts E. &:; Son L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. physicians
Wham William, coffee rooms, 29 East street &:; surgeons. 6 Trinitystleet
Wheatcroft Edward John Staples, electrical engineer, see Worts Dale Graham L.D.S., F.R.S.Glas. surgeon dentist.
Gray & Wheatcroft 18 Crouch street
Wheeler Arthur James, upholsterer, 2 Papillon road Worts Maria (Miss), feather cleaner, 14 Middleborough
Wheeler James Arthur, 'baker & confectioner, 21 Head st Wright Brothers, refreshment contractors, co11lfectioners
geon, 1 Queen street &e. 31 High street &:; Orouch st.reet
Wheeler In. Fdk. wine &:; .spirit mer. see Lay &:; Wheeler Wright Abraham John, cab proprietor, 12 Meyrick cre5
Whitby Henry L.R.O.P. &:; L.R.C.S.Irel. physician &; sur- Wright Annie (Mrs.), dyer &:; cleaner, 10 Queen street
geon, 1 Queen street; surgery, Bank passage, High st Wright Arthllr George, curator of the Castle museum
White & Son, SoOlicitors, 5'7 North hill; & at Wellesley Wright George, painter, 8 Osborne ,street
road, Clacto~on-Sea &; Walton-on-the-Naze Wybrew Richard, ,railway stores inspector, 70 Military rd
Whit.3 E. W. zinc worker, 44 Balkerne lane Wyncoll Francis Henry, tailor &c. see Bateman & WynooD
White Color-Sergeant James, recruiting sergeant &; sub- Yorston Louise (Mrs.), Old Ben Jonson P.H. 56 North hI
secretary for discharged soldiers, 3'3 Mersea road Youngs Thomas Rarvey, Neptune P.H. 14 Hrtlhe quay
Bawtree Octavius BIyth Robert Page, farmer, Maypole, Radford Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer~
Hetherington Thomas J.P. Berechurch &; Friday Wood' farms Berechurch road
hall Parker George, farmer
Fisher Antonio Frederick, Flora house Bryant Annie (Miss), shopkeeper Naylor George, builder, Parson's htb
Miller Rev. Edward, Rectory Cheyne John W. Buck'~ Horns P.H Seaborn Edward, miller (wind),Green-
Curtis Arthur, farmer, Hazleton farm stead mill
COMMERCIAL. Everson Charles, beer retailer St.annard Jas. farmer, Greenstead haIr
llaker George, boot maker &; post GoslinQ' James, mat maker Seaborn Thomas Crisp, confectioner,
office, 65 Greenstead road Grainger Thomas, market gardener 1 Greenstead road
Bennell Freak. iron &; brass founder Maskell Hy. shopk~eper, Parson's hth Smith Rerbert George, shopkeeper &
Bensley George, beer ret.Parson's hthNayler Samuel, builder beer retailer, Parson's heath


14:9 .
S"aIding WaIter, corn &; flour dealer, Went Alfred, timber merchant &; post Woodham James &; Frederick, florist.
Model cottage office, Parson's heath Wright Frank, coal dealer
Wyncoll William, farmer
Page Oharles Edward, Lexden VIew Da:1by FranOE!B (Miss), beer retailer
Phillips Alfred, Lexden street Garling Edgar James, baker
'(.;autley 'Oapt. William O. Kingsmead Phillips Mrs. Church lane Gilbert James, farmer
(Jdlvin Eallett "'. Manor house Richardson ~[rs. Lexden street Hawes Edward, shopkeeper, Lexden st -
Corse-Scott Col. Edward Henrv, •
Richardson Frederiek, Church lan~ Hedge Harry Wm.farmer,Sheepen frm ,
'Straight road Ruck-Keene Geo. B. Churcb house Hines J ames, farmer & cattle dealer,
(Jrop\>ie Mrs. Cherrywood Sale William James, Cromwell lodge Lodge farm
De Brett Major-Gen. Harry, Heath 10 Shafto Mrs. Delaval lodge Holden lsaac, pork butcher
De Hochepied-Larpent Major-Gen. StanfOTd Chas. Mimrice, Braiswick ho Hutley William, blacksmitb,Lexden st
Lionel Henry Planta, Rolmwood Wills Maj. Peter Turner, Braiswick ldg Juniper Arthur, Sun inn, Lexden st
Duff Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Kerry James, shoe maker, London rd
-Grant P.C., G.O.S.I., C.I.E., COMMERCIAL. King's Head Temperance Hotel
F.R.S., D.L. Lexden park; & I I Beaumont Robert, builder, ron- (Al:fred: David! Cadman, manager)
Chelsea embankment & Brooks & tractor, undertaker &;house de<lora- Library (branch of Colchester Free
Athenreum clubs, Lond'on SW tor, 72 London road Library) (Alfred David Cadman,
Grimwood Thomas, Upper Hill house, Bird John, farmer, Malting farm manager)
Lexden hill Bird William,farmer,Church Lane frm Lusted Henry Luther, beer retailer
Barman OrJandb GeOl"ge, Achnacone Cat,er Alfred, shoe maker Major Horatio Nelson, corn merchant,
Hawes Major-Gen. George Harrington, Cant Arthur, farmer, Reed hall London road
Holly lodge Cant Frank &; Co. rose growers, Brais- Mills Thomas, beer retailer
Hoare Charles Richard Gurney J.P. wick nursery Richardson Frederick, boarding schl.
Lexden house Cant Herbert, farmer,West House frm Lexden street
Hurnard Samuel Fennell J.P. Hill ho Case Alfred John, shoe maker Stonehouse baac, shopkeeper & baker,
(rwin :Mrs. The Lindens, Lexden hill Clark Alfred, carpenter, Church lane & post office
.Josselyn Charles, Bow cot.Lexden hth Colchester &; East Essex Co-operative Stow~ Chas. school attendance officer,
Lester Rev. Prebendary John Henry Industrial Society Limited; & at Braiswick
. M.A. The Rectc.ry Colchester Working Men's Club
01Grady Mrs. Lexden street Cross George, corn mer. :Mill house
MIT..E E~l) (north of the Railway).
Cant Geo. (Mrs.), farmer, Tubswick Mead George, Railway hotel
Cant Waiter, farmer, Cuckoo farm Nevard Albert, farmer & butcher
!:lalls George William, 58 Bergholt rd Chapman Alfred, travelling inspector Nevard Elijah, farmer
llloom Francis Jas. 48 Bergholt road G. E. R. XI Bergholt road Nevard John, carpenter
Qant Benj. Edmund, Myland lodge Colchester Eorou~h Hospital for In- Nevard John, carpenter & painter,
Dury Capt. Theodore Henry, Holy- fectious Diseases (Miss Eliza Tiskar Post office
mead house Richardson, matron) Prior David & Son, nursery'men &
l"incham Heorge William, Stanley vil. Cottee Harry, blacksmith & timber florists, Myland nursery
Mile End road merchant Public Library & Reading Room
Garwood Sl.Shrubland ho.Mile End rd Craclm~ll Alfred George, shopkeeper, Shelton George, sen. seed grower
Groves Henry, Bay cottage 15 Mile End road Smith J ames J oseph, coal &; coke
Hall Rev. Edmund M.A. Uectory Diss Albert Edward, grocer & builder, merchant, Myland road
Hardy James 89 Bergholt road Smith James Lewis, insurance agent,
Howard Mrs. 51 Bergholt road Ford Edwin, painter, 16 Bergholt road 17 Mile End road
London Mrs. 72 Bergholt road Frost William. grocer Smith 'Villiam, milk seller, 76 Eerg-
Moss Thoma,s, 77 Bergholt road Garwood Samuel, builder holt road
Myatt Mrs. Holly farm Great Eastern Railway Co.'s Steam Sparrow John,wheelwright & bicksmth
Prior William David, Myland house Laundry (In. Bellchambers, supt.), Strong Frederick William, Dog &I
lleichter Frederick, 32 Mile end Bergholt road Pheasant P.H
Smith James Joseph, 61 Bergholt road Hales Herbert Jas. frmr. Mill farm Strowlger John, farmer
"Topsfield John Wm. 78 Bergholt road Hall Henry, farmer, Boxted road Studd Charles, carpenter
Hayward John,farmer,Braiswick farm, Thomas George Alfred, baker &;
Bergholt road grocer, Post office, 6 Bergholt road
:Bean Emily Agnes (Mrs.), Bricklayers' Johnson George F. B. farmer, Brais- Tipper William, shoe maker
Arms P.R. 27 Bergholt road wick stud 'Warner Geo. Edwd. painter, Studd la
,Cant Benjamin R. & Sons, rose Leveridge Elijah, farmer, White honse 'Warner John Edwd.painter, 6 Mile end
growers, Myland lodge Leveridge Jas. farmr. The Severalls Wass James, beer retailer
.Archer John, Lexdenville Berry George, whitesmith Shelton George, sen. seed grower
.Janes Major George, The Chase FoIkard William, farmer Taylor George, pork butcher
Keigwin Cha,s. David, Gosbecks RockIey William, bricklayer Theobald Arthur, milk seller
Mostyn Rerbert Llewellyn, All Saints' lsom Joseph, farmer, HE!ath farm Wade William (Mrs.), Berechurch
COMMEROIAL. Johnson Edward, grocer, Post office Arms P.R
lhniell Lewis, farm bailiff, Pretty• Martin Henry W. Leather Bottle P.E Woodrow John, boot maker
Gate farm Osborne Thomas Charles, dairyman

COLD NO:B.TON is a parish and picturesque village, mocke is now on the chancel step, and a brass effigy
watered by a small rivulet, a feeder of the Crouch, with of a female, now in the nave, is supposed to represent
a station on the Mald{)n branch of the Great Eastern rail- this Maude: in the churchyard is a tombstone inscribed
way, si miles south from Maldon and I I south-east from to William Walker esq. J.P. who died Dec. 9th, 1708,
Chelmsford, in the South Eastern division of the county, his wife and 16 children: there are IS0 sittings. The
Dengie hundred and petty sessional divii:!ion, Maldon ancient church of St. Stephen was a very small struc-
Wlion and county court district, and the rural deanery ture, consisting of nave, built in the 12th century, and
of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. had at the western end a wooden belfry, crowned by a
Albans. The church, erected in 1855 at the sole cost short spire. The register dates from the year 1539. The
of the Rev. William Holland M.A. late rector, is a build- living is a ;rectory, net yearly value £190. with 42 acres
ing of stone in the Decorated style, and consists of chan- of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Governors of the
cel, nave, south porch and a western turret containing ChaT'terhoUrse, London, and held since 1900 by the Rev.
2 bells: the pulpit and reading desk are of carved oak Samuel Barrker Simson M.A. of St. John's College, Ox-
made chiefly from the beams of the old church: an ford. 'Ifue Governors of the Oharterhouse, who are the
'8Jlcient mural monument to Maude, wife of Robert lords of the manor, the trustees of Butler's Charity and
Cammocke, gent. of Layer Marney, ob. Sept. 23, I.~90, Miss F. PlliI'ker the chief landowner.s. The soil is
bas been removed from the old church and placed in !lt,rong clay; subsoil, strong clay. The chief crops are
the chancel: a brass shield bearing the arms of Cam- wheat, beans, oats, barley Mld mangold wurtzel, and a
vro-y large portion i)f the land is in The area is office, 2 miles· distant, & the nearest post & money order
1,69'1 aores; rateable value, £I,Q96; populatiion in I9<n office is at Stow Maries
was 173.
Letters through Maldon, arrive at 8 a.m. Wall Letter National School (mixed), erected in 1842, for 30 children;.
Box at the railway station cleared at 6.15 p.m.; sun- overage attendance, 18; Miss R. Pullen, mistress
days, II.25 a.m. Latchingdon is the nearest telegraph Railway Station, Henry Ohapman. station master
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Shirman Tboma$. Beacon Hill villa Miller Robert M. Railway Inn P.H
Bown Henry Simson Rev. Samuel Barker M.A. Partridge Robert, brmer, Gt.. (hnne~
Clarke Miss, The Cottage Rectory Pond William, Butchers' Arms P.H
Hams Thomas, Old Ashes COMMERCIA.L. Read Henry Wm. faTffier, Fowlers frlll1
Hanis Miss, Norton Park house Stevens Edwin, farmer, The Hall
Macpherson Miss, Norton Lea Bardwell George, .shopkeeper Stock Samuel William, falmer, Little·
Macpherson Malcolm, Norton Lea Howard Sydney, shopkeeper Canney
Norton-Smith James G. The Rise Kaplan Joseph, farmer, Wild farm Willis George, farmer
EARLS COLNE (or Colne, otherwise called 1889, with shrubs, trees, &c. The kennels of the Ead
Colne Monachorum) is a town as ancient as the time of Essex Fox Hounds are loeated here; Edmund Deacon
King Edward the Confessor: it derives its name from the esq. of Sloe House, Halstead, is master. Brai:nttree•.
river Colne and from its ancient occupation by the de Witham, Colchester, Halstead and Sudbury aye conve-
Veres, Great Chamberlains of England, Earls of Oxford, nienlt places for hunting visit-ors.
and Dukes of Dublin, who with little interruption were Prior to the year 1100, Aubrey de Vere, first Earl oi
lords ef the manor from the Conquest till 1583, and had Guisnes, founded here a Benedictine priory in honour-
a seat here, called Hall Place, with a park of about 700 of St. Maryand St. John the Evangelist and St. Andrew..
acres attached, which stood on one side of the church: which was richly endowed and made subordinate to the-
the town is near the banks of the Colne, and on the famous Abbey founded in 675 by Cissa, at Abingdon, i1).
road from Colchester to Halstead, I mile south-east Berkshire; he afterwards became a monk in his own
from Colne station on the Colne Valley railway, establishment and' was buried here. with Beatrice his
3! east-south-east from Halstead, 10 north-west from wife, sister of William the Conqueror; some remains-
Colchester, 4 north from Coggeshall 'and 54 by rail of the priory are still to be seen near the river: in the
from London, in the Eastern division of the county, priory church were buried 13 Earls of Oxford of
Lexden hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional division the princely house of de Vere; several ancient monu-
(Halstead bench), Halstead union and county court dis- ments of that family are preserved in a cloister attached.
trict, and in the rural deanery of Halstead, archdeaconry to the present priory, including four altar tombs with
of Colchester and diocese of St. .Albans. The village is recumbent effigies of the de Veres, Earls of Oxford, the
well drained and the public places and houses are lighted earliest being to Robert de Vere, 5th earl, ob. 1296;
with gas from works the property of a company estab- the others to Robert de Vere, 9th earl, who died of a
lished in 1865. The church of St. .Andrew is an wound received from a wild boar while hunting in Kov.
edifice of flint in the Decorated style, consisting of chan- 1392; to the second wife of. the last named, and to.
eel, nave of six bays, aisles, south porch and a large Thomas de Vere, 8th earl, ob. 1371: at the Dissolution.
embattled western tower containing a clock with chimes, the revenues of this religious house were estimated at
i~serlted in 1'8'8'7, and 6 bells, dated N69; the tower was £175 14S' 8!d. yearly. The modern mansion called
I'estored in 153'2 by John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford, ., The Priory," erected near the site of the ancient
whose 'aT'lllS wioth supporters and crest are ca.rven on the monastery, is the residence of Augustus .Maunsell Brad-
east and west sides, ag,ain in li864, and fumher restored burst esq. Colne House, a modern mansion pleasantly
in 1900 at a cost of about £900: there is a stained situated at the entrance of the village from Halstead, is-
window and two bil'asses, pl'aoed by the parishioners the property and residence oil Frederick John Marsden
and friends as a memorial to the Rev. Robert esq. J.P.; Co1ne Place is the residence of WaUer Edwa!l'd
Watkinson, vicar from 1829; three other stained windows Grimston esq. J.P.; Colneford House, an old mansion,
were presented in 1897 by John Taylor and Reuben dated 1685, is the residence of Joseph Wren esq.; the-
Hunt esqrs. and one by the congregation; two of these boundary between this parish and White Colne passes.
were erected in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee through this house, and inside the house is a leaden.
of 'her late Majesty Queen Vlictoria: the organ plate, dated 1724, marking tfie division. The trustees-
was provided in 1893, at a cost of £650: the of the late John Carwardine esq. J.P. (d. 188'9) are lords-
reredos is of freestone with mosaics by Salviati: the oak of the manors of Earls Colne and Colne l~riory. 'l'he-
choir stalls were presented in 1896 by the vicar: there landowners are Thomas Phillips Price esq. of Marks
is a marble monument to Richard Harlakenden esq. Hall, Kelvedon; the trustees of the late J. Carwardine-
and bis four wives, 1602; another with arms to George es9.. J.P. (d. 1889); }<irederick John Marsden esq. J.P.;
Oressener esq. and {)thers of that family, 1722; and an Wilham MarotIhffiVls esq.; Reuben Hunt esq.; WalteI'"
inscribed stone to the Rev. Thomas Bemara ~L..!. 40 Edward Grimston esq. J.P.; Geoyge Oa,rwardine FranciS'
years vicar bere, ob. 1755; besides other memorials to esq. of Chepstow and Mrs. GTiffinhoofe. The soil is a
John Wale d. 1761; Mehetabeil Eiliston, d. 1657; Daniel strong loam and brick earth; subsoil, clay and graveL
Androwes, d. 1681, and his wife d. 1729; John Eldred The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and tUr'llips. The-
and family, 1717; George Biddulph, d. 1726; and to' area is 2,956 acres of land and 9 of water; wate-able value,..
the Rev. Thomas Carwardine, d. 1824. The church has £5,1859; the population in 1901 was 1,762.
65 0 sittings. The register dates from the year 1559· Colneford Hill is on the S<luth side of the Colne.
The 'living is an endowed vioa.mge, net yearly value £268, Sexton, George Bridge.
with 4 acres 01 glebe and residence, in the gift of and
held since 1889 by the Rev. David Methven M.A. of Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. :M. 0., S. B., Annuity &; In-
Corpus Christi college, Oambridge, and Turnl dean of surancf' & Express & Parcel Delivery Office (Railway
Halsrtead. There is a Parish Room near the vicarage. Sub-Office. Letters should ha,e RS.O. Essex added).
The Baptist ch8lpel here, founded in 1776, was rebuilt in -.Miss Marion Eli:labBt'h Meade, sub-postmistress.
1'8160, and will hold 800 per'sons; a cemetery in connection Letter's arrive at 3.10, 9.50 & 11.10 a.m. & 4.40 p.m.;:
with it Wlas opened in 1892. The meeting house of the delivered at 6.30 & 10.15 a.m. & 4.55 p.m. & dis-
Society {)f Friends holds '150. The Institute was built patched at 9.15 a.m. to Halstead & London, 'I1.45 a.m.
about 1853, and includes a public hall holding 200. A to London, Colchester & all parts, 2.501 p.m. ,to LondoIl'
l'ea,ding room was built in' 11890 for the use of .the men & up line stations & 8.30 p.m. to London &:, all parts;.
employed -art Messrs. R. HUlnt and Oo.'s works, but is on sundays there is only one delivery, 6.30 a.m. &
now occupied :IJy the Socia;l Olub. Here are the exten. dispatch at 8.30 p.m. Hours for all business 8 a.m. to
sive ag,ricultU!l"ai implement and engineering works of 8 p.m. Telegraph business on sundays 8 to 10 a.m'
Messrs. R. Hunt and 00. Limited; the works were en· Wall Letter Boxes: Colneford hill, cleared at 2·30 &,
Iarged in 1883 and in 1890 a new foundry was erected; 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 10.45 a.m.; Halstead road,.
these works give employment to about 300 men. Bricks cleared 8·45 & 11.30 a.m. 2·45 & 7.50 p.m.; ,near-
and tiles are also made here, and there are mnltings. George hotel, cleared at 11 a.m. 2·35 &:, 7.15 p.m.;
A silk winding factory was erected in 1883 for Messrs. sundays, 10.50 a.m.; Coggeshall road, clea;red at 9·5
Samuel Courtauld and Co. Limited. There are six p. m. daily
almshouses, erected in the year 1842 by the late Henry
H. Canwardine esg. amd also ohiaritie.s now (1902) of SOHOOLS.
£10 yearly value arising from land left in 1733 by Mys. Grammar. founded & endowed with land in 1520 by the
:Mary Poynter; this amount is distributed to the poor Rev. Ohristopher Swallow, vicar of Messing, and 1"6-
in small sums of money. A piece of ground near the 11 organised in 1877 under a scheme of the Cha'rity Com-
church, the gift of Beuben Hunt esq. was laid out in missioners; new buildings have been erected, \Si:; the
school was :re-opooed in 1893; attached are tlhree master; E. H. 8eaU, science master; L. L. Barber,
scholarships; the new buiJdings sband in: grounds of music master; T. Stead
3 acres, &i have a chemical &i science laboratory, the National (boys), built in 1843 & enlarged in 1875, for
gift of R. HUIlJt esq. J.P. chwl1"IIl.3n of the Govel'lIlors; 1'20 boys; average attendance, 84 ; PerciV'al .Iago,
a carpenter's shop was added in 11896 at a co&t of £'150, master: (girls), built in 1871, for 122; average at-
&i a new residence for the head master JWaS erected in tendance, 93; Miss Samb Pearson, mistress; (infants),
1897 by Reuben Hunt esq. J.P. as a memorial of Queen built in 1871, & enlarged in 1893, for 88; average
Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, the total cost of the school attendance, 73; Miss Sarab Elizabeth Gandy, mistress;
buildings bein.g over £7,000; the school is geneooJly (mixed), Coggeshall road, built in 186o~ for 75 child-
a"Vlailaible for '80 boys, &i there are now (1902) 59, '27 ren; average attendance, 30; Miss Pord, mistIress
of whom aa-e boarders; the school is managed by a County Police, Frederick 8cott, constable
body of 13 governors; the endowment s.monnJ!:,s to Colne Railw&y Station, George Evans, station master
£1'20 per annrum; ArtJhur John Appleton B.A.head Carrier to Colchester.-Walter Buck, on wed. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beaumont &; Son, solicitors (attend Jackson James, baker & pork bntcher
Ambrose William, Prospect cottage tues. 1 to 4); & OoggeshaJ1 James William, blacksmith &; farrier
.A. I t Arth J h B A Bell Tbos. Sampson, frmr. Hay hous·e Judd James, farmer
pp e on ur 0 n . . Bridge George, shoe repairer King Charles, bl~ksmith
Bell Thomas Sampson, Hay hous~ Bridge Martin, boot maker Long Willium, grocer
Bradhurst Augsts.Mau?sell,ThePriory Bridge Samuel, boot ma. Colneford hI Mann Thomas & Arthur John.
Drer Rev. Ed,,!d. (BaptIst), The Manse Buck WaIter, carrier timber merchants &; sawing mills
FItch ~Ti~. PrlOry cottage Bull George, baker & shopkeeper, & farmers, Priory farm. See advt
Fo,rd Wilbam, Ivy oottage Colneford hill Mann Alfred Wm. farmer, Green frrn
Gann Rupert Harry, Pound house BudOI'd Heo. maltster &i steam miller Mann Marion (Miss), ladies' school
Goodey Mrs. Golden B f d S 1 baker Marchant William Arthur, agent to
Grimston WaIter Edward J.P. Colne Cha~lin ~~ry Ann (Mrs.), dress makr. Barclay & Co. Lim. bankers & agent
Place. . 8 The Terrace to the County Fire & 'Provident Life
Hannay-Valentme R,ev.JamesMornson Clal'k Alfred, coal & wood dealer, Assurance Oos. Oxford h<Yllse
Howe Harry, Queen s road Curd's road Matthews John Wm. farmer, Ashwella
Hunt Mrs. .T. Rose cottage . k ....
Clark Charles, fa1'IIler, Gate !uouse
H nnt R eub en .T.P. TillWlC s Mayes George & Sons, watch makers
Hunt Z achariah, Berecrofts Clarke J ames, carpenter. • Mottram .John Richard. Lion
Keeling John Wm. Howard, River ho Conrtauld Samuel & Co. Llm. 8~ & hotel; posting in all its branches,
Lansdell Lawson Henry Queen's rd cral?e manufacturers; &; at Bocking, horses, carriages &c.; good stabling
Lee Yrs ' Bramtree; & Halstead; & 19 Alder- for hunters
Mann Arthur John, Sunnyside manbury, London E C . Moss Frank, gardener to F. J. Mars-
Nann Thomas, Willow cottage Culf Sl!'~uel .Tames, c?mmerClal trav den esq
Mardhanb William Arthur, Oxford ho Day Wilham & 'Son,bICycle .~ motor Mov Thomas Limited, coal merchants,
Marsden Fredk. John J.P. Colne house make;s & ae:e
nts & agrIcultural •
Railway station
Massingham Henry, Queen's road m~,C'hme re~lrers; Buxton Cycle Owers, Arthur George, job master
Matthews JohI' Wm. B.A. Ashwells & Motorl' w07kSJ . l>allett Thomas Edward M.D.Brux.,
Matthews William, Ashwells Dear .John WIdge~, ~amter &c L.S.A. surgeon, medical officer &
Mecro Miss, Queen's road Denmss Herbert ,C: tailor public vaccinator, 3rd dist. Halstead
Methven Rev. David M.A. Vicarage Earls Co~e. Gas LIght ~ Coke Com- union & 10th dist. Lexden & Wins-
Nunn MillS pany LimIted (H. Massmgham,sec.. ; tree· union & certifying factory sur-
PalJ:et.t 'l.'homas Edward M.D Henry Sharman, manager) geon, see Ta.ylor &; Pallett
Pilgrim Mrs. York road Earls .colne Football ~Olub(P.Culf,s~) Patten Hardy, horse dlr. Oolneford hI
Pudney Robert Bridge, Buxton house Earls. Coln.e .IndustrIal Oo-operatIve Pendle Edith (Miss), fancy goods dlr
Rogers .Tohn SOCletyLlIDlted (Herbert .lames ~~r- Rawlinson Mary (Miss), dress maker
Sage Miss, Myrtle cottage ton, sec.), grocers, patent medIcme mchards Wm. frmr. Nightingale hall
Scott Edward Hugh (science master) vendors & general stores Rogers Zachariah, builder
Grammar ,school ' Earls Cvlne Printing Co. printers Sadd Isaac, beer retailer &; baker
Spurgin Rev. Thos. Cecil M.A.. curate East Essex Fox Hounds, (Edmund- St. AlOOn.s Diocesan Magazine (Earls John (assistant master), Gram, Deacon esq. master; Edward Colne Printing Co. publishers)
m cho 1 Farmer, huntsman) Saunders Alfred, be·er retailer
ar s· 0 Edwards John, farnner, Mills's farm Scillitoe .Teremiah, farmer, America fm
Stedman Mrs Farmer Edward huntsman to East Scillitoe Nathan,seed grwr.White gate
Stuttor Mrs. Dynes cottage. Essex Fox Ho.:uxds Scillitoe Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper
Tawell James Augustus, Greenhlll Farrants Joseph Stevens, draper & Slaughter William, ironmonger
Tawell Mrs. Bray house outfitter Smith Fred Luckin, grocer &; newsagt
Taylor George, Mount Pleasant Firmin Ann (Mrs.), George hotel; Smith Osgood, miller (water & steam),
T~ylor .Tohn, .Boxteads family & commercial, posting in all Chalkney mill
Wmstanley branches; good stabling for hunters Snell Ben;amin, plmnber
Woodward MlSs Gallifent Thomas, grocer Social Club (W. Nichols, hon. sec)
Wren Joseph, Colneford house Gouldstone 1Villiam, saddler Spriggs Joseph,manager of silk factory
COMMERCIAL. Grammar School (Arthur John Ap- Stedman Robert Lay, assi~tant over-
pleton RA.. he·ad master; E. H. seer &; cleTk to parish council
Amey Arthur, butcher ScoU (science), J. Stead &i L. 'L. Sycamore Reuben, coffee rooms
Baker Alexander, family grocer, Ba,rber (magic), as·siSitant masters) Tanswell George, boot maker
draper, milliner, gents.' outfi1itea', Harrington 'William, baker &i corn dlr Tawen James Aug. insurance agent
boots, carpets & furniture; agent Hayward John, Bird-in-Hand P.R Taylor & Pallett, surgeons
for W. & A. Gilbey's wines &:, spirits, Heard WaIter, wood & coal dealer, Taylor .Tohn M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A..
High: street Curd's road surgeDn, Boxstead
Barclay & Co. Limited (sub-branch) Holme.s Estlher (Mrs.), White Hart Tye Allan, beer retailer &; pork btchr
(W. A. Marchant, agent); open P.H. Colneford hill Tyler Oha.rle.s Skelton, chemist &
tues. &; fri. 10 to 4; draw on head Howard Thomas, auctioneer &c photog'rapher
office, 54 Lombard st. London E C Hunt R. & Co. Limited, engineers, Vaughan Elizabet'h (Mrs.), milliner
Barry .lames, hair dresser ironfounde'1's, agricultural ma- Walford Mary (~r~.), fi·shmonger
Bartholomew Walter, pork butcher chinist.s & manufacturers of pulleys, Wenden George Olly, butcher
Bartholomew William, householder, shafting &c. Atlas works Wash Olmrles, builder & contract(}r
Orchard co.ttage Institute (The) (Reuben Hunt, prop) Wyton Frances (Mrs.), apartments

COLNE ENGAINE received its surname from a archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. ~<\.lbans.
family of Engaine, who were lords oj) the manor in the The church oB St. Andrew is an edifice of brick, flint and
13th century and is a village and parish {In the north stone, chiefly in the Gothic style, one portion, however,
bank of the river Colne, ~ mile north-west from Colne dating as far back as th'e Conquest: the church consists
station, on the Colne Valley railway, 2! miles east from of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western
Halstead, 6 north from Coggeshall, and 54 from Lond{ln, tower containing 5 bells, dated 1603, 1624, 1675, 1676
in the Northern division of the county, Witham division and 1760: in the chancel are sedilia and a piscina: the
of Lexden hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional church was thoroughly restored in 1873 and has 300
division (Halstead bench), Halstead union and county sittings: a lych gate was erected in 1897 by subscription,
court district, and in the rural deanery of Halstead, to commemorate the Diamood Jubilee of her late Majesty
Queen. Viatorria. 'Ifue register dates from the year 1620. !the population in 1901 was 501 in the civil and 510 in
The living is a ,rectory, net yearly V1alue £470, with trasi- the eccles]1astical parish in 1'891.
dence and 56 acres of glebe, iJn the gift of the L.ord Mayor Under the provisions of the" Divided Parishes Act," a
and CommonaHy of the City of London as governors of detached part oJ! White Colne was added to Colne
Christ's Hospital, and held since 1896 by the Rev. Row- Engaine.
land Beevor Hill M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. Sexton, Joshua Pudney.
Colne Park is the property and residence of John James Buntings Green is I mile west and Booses Green !
Dumville Botterell esq.; the mansion was built in 1775 mile north-west .
.ana is situated in a park of 100 acres, containing a lo~ty
1fonic column of Portland stone, and visible at a con- Post Office.-William Keeble, sUb-pmstmast-er. Letteri!
.siderable distance, erected in 1791 by John Soane esq. from Earls Oolne R.S.O. arrive at 7 &; 11.10 a.m. &
::F.R.S., F.S.A. architect (afterwards knighted). Com- 7.15 p.m.; dispatched at 8.30 &; 11.15 a.m. &; 7.20
mandar Charles Reeve ·R.N. of Gir<leham, 'Suff. and the p.m.; .sunday, 8.35 a.m. Postal orders are issued
<Governors of Ohrist's Hospital, who are lords of the here, but not paid. The nearest money order & tele-
manor, George COUJI"tau'ld esq. J.P. of Cut Hedge, Hal. graph office is at Earls Colne, 2 miles distant
stead, WaIter Edward Grimsron esq. of Eau'ls ,oolne, and National School (mixed), erected in 1847, at a cost of
Haorvey Bridges esq. are t.he principal landowners. The £360, by subscri{!tion, aided by grants from the
·soH is ligiht and heavy; subsoil, gravelly. The chief National Society's Diocesan Board & by the Committee
crops 31re wheat, barley and oats. The ,are~ is 2,420 of Oouncil on Educ3ltion, for 100 children; average
acres of land and 9 of wateJ'; mteable value, £2,'64'3; .att~mdance, 71; Ha!"ry Edward S'mith, mastelr

'Botterell John Jas. Dumville,Colne pk Chapman Stephen William, farme,r, Kemp Henry, foreman of Halstead
:Beard .Mis·ses, The Lodge Elm's han sewage works
Courtauld Miss, Knights Courtauld Katherine Mina (Miss), Mason Richard WaIter, jun. farmer,
Rarris WaIter Levere·tt farmer &; fruit growe'r, Knights Brook farm
Hill Rev.Rowland Beevor M.A.Rectory Dixey William, Five Bells :r.H. & Moss Walter, farmer
Sewell Thomas Francis, The Grove pork butcher Pudney & Son, builders, brick &; tile
Spice,l" William :Eldred William, farmer, Brompton's makers & grocers
COMMERCIAL. Frost David, farm bailiff to W. E. Pudney Joshuu, assistant overseer &;
.!.mey John! Thomas, frmr.Lodge frm Grimston esq cLerk to Parish ChunciE
Bone Henry, bricklayer Hart Stephen, miller (water), Hay Thomas Hy. farmeI", Westwood
Brewer Henry, farmer & shopkeeper Overshot mill & farmer, Millbrook's Stokes Michael, .farmer, Elm Tree fl'lU
Beard Arthnr, organist of Earls Come Keeble William, blacksmith &; shop- White 'Walter,farmer&; miller (water),
Bye Hannah (Mnl'.), laundry keeper, Post office Ford milL

WAKES COLNE is a parish and village, to the north is applied in providing clothing for the poor and for the
of Ithe river Oolne, on the high road rl'om Golchesterto reparation of the church. Crepping Hall, anciently the
Halslt~ad, and t.hree-quaI"ters of a mile west from Clliappel seat of the Crepping family, is an old moated house,
Junction smt,ion, which is within the parish, on the standing on an eminence I~ miles east of the church
Stour and Colne Valley branches of the Great Eastern and is now a farm house. Wakes Hall, a modern man·
railway, 6 miles south-east from Halstead, 8 north-west sion, is the residence of Charles Page Wood esq. D.L.,
from Colchester and 6 north-west from Coggeshall, J.P. and FishOO"s of William Tanner Farncombe-Tanner
in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden esg. J.P. The manor is extinct. The principal l3Jl1d-
and Winstree hundred, union and petty sessional division, ownelfS are Charles Page 'Wood, Joseph Green, G. G.
Colchester county court district and in the rural deanery Tremlett, Dan.iel WilIink, Hobert Edwin Hemblington
of Halstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocesf' of Goffin and W. T. Farncombe-Tanner esqrs. The soil is
St. Albans. The church of All Saints is an edifice loam and clay; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are
covered with plaster, chiefly in the Norman style, con- wheat, barley, turnips and mangolds. The area is 2,053
sisting of chancel, nave, north porch and a small wooden acres of land and 6 of water; mtooble value, £1,251;
belfry at the west end with a spire and containing 3 i the populatlion in 1901 was 4180.
bells: in the chancel are three stained windows, the Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishe!! Act,"
east window being a memorial to the Hon. and Rev. a detached part of this parish was t.ransfel1red to Ohappel,
Francis Sylvester Grimston, late rector, d. 28 Oct. 1865; and two detached parts of tbe latter parish added to
there are other memorial windows to the Rev. Philip Wakes Colne.
Honeywood, a. former vicar, placed by the parishioners; Parish Clerk, J oseph Evans.
and to Edward Brett esq. J.P. d. 1873, erected by\ his Bost, Telegraph &; Express Delivery Office. Charles
son Capt. Edward Brett J.P. late 28th Foot (Gloucester- Smith, sub-postmaster. Letters received thiroug'h
shire regt.) in 1876, and a small marble monument to E1arLs Oolne R.S.O. arrive at 6.50 &; 9.25 am.; dis-
the Tyffin family, who held the ~a~or of Wakes .Hall pafuched at 12.15, 3.20 &; 7 p.m.; sundays at 10 a.m.
from 1586 tit 1633: there are 2?0. SIt!IngS. The regIster Postal orders 3lfe issued here, but not paid. Chappel
dates from the year 1690. .The hVIng IS a rectory, avera~e is t.he nearest money order office
neri; yea:rly val~e £300, WIt,1J., 13 acres of glebe ood ~esI. Wall Letter Boxes, Watch house, cleared at 12.10, 3.5
denee, .1n the gIft of the Earl of VerUlIam, and held SInCe & 6'45 p.m.; sundays, 9.55 a.m.; Wakes Green,
1188 7 by the Rev. 'Edwwrd BaJ'trum D.D. of Pembroke cleared at 7.30 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; sundays at 7.30 a.m
College, Oxford. John .A.lyson and John Boteler, by'illIeir. . . . .
deed da,ted 2gth .Tune, 1460, did deHver and confirm unto Na~lOnal School (!llIxed~, bUIlt ID 18 7 1, &; enl~rg-ed ID
two 00' more trustees of t.his parish about 6 acres of 1893, for 120 chIldre~, Qvemge ruttend~nce, 7f' ?ames
ar'",ble land, now let in aJ'lo:bmentt.s to the pOOl": Bullers ,salmon, master; MIS'S Eltih.el Salmon, mfaruts mIstress
meadow, containing I! acres, is also let: the income RaiJlway Stamon (Ohappel), WiUi,am Curtis, st·ation mstr
from this cha/MtyamoullIts to al){lUit £1'2 yea1'1y, Ql1Jd GallTier to Oolchester.-Buck, wed. &; sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brooks Rt. miller (water) &; corn mer Pe.rry Th.OIDGll>. farmer
Bartrum Rev. Edward D.D. Rectory Orook Hy. Ohas. & .son, farmers, Poole Robert Scott, wheelwright
Brett Capt. Edward J.P. Watch ho Little Loveney hall QuinneyA.rthur, farm bailiff to Mr.
Farnoombe-TanneT William. Tanner Curtis William, station master B. Nott, Great Love-ney hall
J.P. FisheT's Green Charles, farmer, Crepping hall Ruyn8'r Oharles William, farme·r
Goffin Robert Edwin Hemblington, Harrington Elizabeth (Miss), grocer Smith Charles, blacksmith, Post office
Goodwin's HazeIl William, farmer, Oak farm Smith Harry James, blacksmith
Green Charles, Crepping hall Norton Hercules John, farmer, New Tabner Harry, Railway P.R
'Wood Charles Page D.L., J.P. Wakes House farm Tawell Henry, farmer & overseer,
hall Leatherdale Eli, Gardeners' Arms P.ll Patrick's farm
COMMEROIAL. Patten R. & Sons, brewers, heel' re- Willsher Georg-e, farm bailiff to W. T.
Beard Emily QMiss), ,beer retailer &; tailers, bakers, farme,rs &; shop- Farncombe-Tanner esq
shopkeeper l,eepers, Oolne gr·een
WHITE COLNE (or Colne-le-Blanc) is a village and cese of St. Albans. The church, assigned by some
parish, 2~ miles north-west from Chappel station on the modern authority to St. ~4.ndrew, is a building of stone in
Colne Valley railway, 5 east from Halstead, 6 north from the Early English style, consisting of chancel. nave, south
Coggeshall, and 9 north-west from Colchester, in the porch and an embattled western tower with spire con-
Northern division of the county, Lexden hundred, South taining 2 bells, dated 1879: the chancel retains a piscina:
Hinckford petty sessional division (Halstead bench), Hal- the windows are stained, the west window being 8 me-
stead union and county court district and in the rural morial to the 'Rev. "V.E. Hums, vica-r f['om 1'833, an-
deanery of Halstead, archde8conry of Colchester and dio- other to the late Rev. George John Taylor, vioar 186'7-96,
and one to his widow 018'98): the ohurch was thoroughly Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act,"
restored in 1869 and r8Jo, and has 160 sittings. The re- a. detached part of this parish was transferred to Colne
gister datll'S worn the yealr·1565. The living is a V'ica.rage, Engaine.
net ytearly value £1°5, with residence lIInd 4 acres of Parish Clerk, Henry Sparkes.
glebe, in the gift of Keble College, Oxford, and held Post Office.-G-eorge Ringer, sUb-postma.ster. Letters
since 118g6 by the Rev. Arthur Baynes Merriman Ley received through Earls Uolne R.S.O. at 6.20 & 10.40
M.A. of St. John's 'College, Oambridge. The Baptist a.m. & 3.15 p.m.; dispatohed at 12 noon, 2.30 &
chapel, ereoted in 1'84-5, has a bu.rial ~round ooitached. 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 10.35 a.m. Postal orders are
The manor is extinct. 'rhe principal landowners are j,'sosued here, but not paid. The nearest money order
HaI'lr~s HilLs esq. of Berewyk Hall J.P. and Mrs. Hill.
& telegraph office is at Ewrls Colne, one mile distant
The s·oil is loam and clay; subsoil, vari,ous. The chief Wall Letter Box cleaI'ed 'st 8'45 s.m. & 6,30 p.m. week
crops ·are wheat, barley and tUI'lnips. The area is 1,509 days only
acres; mteable value, £1,35°; the population in 1901
was 312. National School (mixed), built by public subscription in
1'863, for 60 children; averoge attendance, 30; Miss
COUNTESS OROSS is three-quarters of a mile north- Jane Murphy, mistress
west. Carrier to Colchester.-Walter Buck, wed. &; sat
Hills Harris J.P. Berewyk hall Dixey Wm. farmer, Countess Cross Patten Samuel, coal dealer
Hills Henry Francis, Chalkney h.)Use Gilliard Francis, farmer Penny Ge(J'1'ge, farmer
Ley Rev. Art,hur Baynes Merriman Hicks Rouse, farmer &; landowner, Ringer George, shoe ma. Post office
~I.A. Vicarage Whites farm Scillitoe John, King's Head P.H
Leatherdale Comellu!, frmr. & thrash- Sheldrake Rt. Ev~tt, frmr.Bart hall
COMMEROIAL. ing machine owner, Manning's frm Sparks Henry, blacksmith
Bal'tholom.ew ArthuT, farmer Nottage Joseph, farm. bailiff to J.J.D. Wilson John, farmer
Chinery John, butcher BoUerell e-s'q. Insteps Wiltshire Frederick, seed grower
Deal Henry, farmer Patten Oharles, market gardener, Wood Fanny (Miss), draper & grocer
Deal '\'Villiam, faTIDer, Catley's farm York house

cOOPERSALE, adjoining Epping, was formed into a 'stromare of brick and sltone in the Tudor sil:·yle,
an ecclesiastical parish Oct. 22, 1852, out of the eivil s~tuated on a declivity, to the right of the road to Epping ;
parish of Theydon Garnon, but for civil purposes is now the grounds are about 27 acres in extent, are well
pri:n.oipaUy in the parish of Epping, and still remains a arranged and contain a large sheet of water; it was held
part of the rectorial parish of Theydon Garnon; it is 2~ by the Archer family from the time of Henry V. who is
miles TIloI1t!h-east from Epping stllltion OD! the Ong'1l.r said to have changed the name of this family from
branch of the Great Easi-ern oo.ilway, and 7 miles east Duhois to Archer on the occasion of a shooting match at
from Wwltham Abbey, in the Western divisiQn of the Haver:ng, when one Simon DUbois, his attendant at Agin-
county, On~r hundred, Epping union and petty ses- court, acquitted himself so remarkably as to win from
sionlal division, WaJ,tham Abbey COUlIlrtJy coul"t district, the king this distin{ltion. Coopersale Hall, an ancient
Ohigwell rural deanery, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- mansion, is within the parish of Theydon Garnon. The
cese of Sot. Mbans. The churah of St. Alban, erected in population in 1891 was 672, including 109 officers and in-
1,852, at the coSlt of Miss Archer-Houblon, ifs an edifice of mates in Epping workhouse.
flint jn the Early English style, consisting of cham,cel, Sexton, John Styles
IIJaiVe, sOUlth porch and a western turret corutaining one Post Office, Coopersale street, Horace Claxton, sub-post-
bell: the e:lisrt window is a memoria'l to members of the master. Letters through Epping arrive at 6.30 &
HOl1blon family, and a south window to Miss :AJrche'r- 9.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
HOUiblon: the chancel has a credence and pisoi·rua, and on but not paid. Epping is the nearest money order &;
tihe sourtlh side are sedilia; there are 22Q sittings. The telegraph office, 2 miles distant
register daJtes from the year 1'852. The living is a vicar- LetJte.r Box, clea'red llIt :8,45 &; III.30 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.
age, net yeal'ly value £2.85, d h 5 acres of glebe, in
P'iIllar £ox, C<Jopersale Oommon, cleared at 6,45 a.m.
the gift, of Oolonel G. B. .Aircher-Houblon, and hEdd
1'1.1'5 a.m. &; 6,45 p.m
since 18'91 by the Rev. Edward Herber,t Grain M.A.
of St. Caitherine's Oollege, Oamhridge; the vioorage Epping Union Workhouse, Rev. John J,ones, chaplain;
house was built at :Miss HOUlblon's expense. A parish Obarles Emest Denning L.ll.C.P.I. medical officer;
room was ,built in 118182, opposite the vicarage, at Frederick Moore, master; M,rs. M. Spinks, matron
the expense of :Miss Archer-Hou:blon. The workhouse of The children of this parish attend the school at They-
the Epping' union, available for 175 inmates, is in this don Garnon, built by Miss Archer-Hol1blon for St.
parish. Coop6I'lsale House, occupied by Mrs. Eyre, is Alban's, Ooopersale &; Theydon Garnon parishes

Eyre Mr!J. Coopersale house Coflap Simon, ga;rdlener to E. A. Ball PDulton Mary Ann (Miss),shopkeeper,
G rain Rev. Edwd.Herbt.M.A.Vicarage esg. Ooopersale common .Ooopersale common
Pp-:lrson William, Redgrove GO!rdell Wm. booil' rtlr.'C(JopeTs~Jie ooon Smith Edward, fa.rmer • .Ansons farm
Ginger Freodk. Horace,frmr.Home frm
Waters A1'1Jh. Hy. Oapel,Cooperssle 10 StyleS' Bros. brick mas.CQopersale com
WinduB Mol's. Churoh hill Hyde Wm. whlwrght. Coopersale com Styles John, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Mumford .A.rthur, grocer & hardware Whiffin Jameos & Sons, builders,
Baker Geo. painter,Coopersale Commn dealer, Goopersale commo-n ·(hotplllrs'ale com.mon
Brown John, hay dealer, The Laurels Moore Frederick, master of Epping Whiffin Gaius, surveyor to the Epping
Burden John Samuel-, blacksmith, union workhouse Urban Disrtriot Council, Brongwyn.
Cooper,sale st·reet Reader Thos. beer retlr. Coopersale st

COP FORD derived its name from its situation at a found: the chancel screen dates from the late 14th or
ford over the Roman river: it is a village and parish I~ early 15th century: EdllO.und Bonner, Bishop of London,
miles south-east from Marks Tey junction on the Great 154°-69, who died a't tlhe Mal"shalsea prliison, 5 Sept. 1569,
Eastern railway, 48 from London, 5 south-west from is buried here under the altalr: the church has 176
Colchester (on the London road) 6 east from Cogges- sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The
hall, in the North Ea.stern division of the county, Lexden living is a rectory, net yearly value £447, with 75
hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Lord Chan-
and union, Colchester county court district, and in the cellor, and held s:nce 1893 by the Rev. Edmund Ralph
rural deanery of Coggeshall, archdeaoonry of Colchester Ruck-Keene M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. Here is a
and diocese of St. .A1bans. The churCh of St. Michael Friends' Meeting House and a Wesleyan chapel, and at
and .All Angels is an ancient Norman edifice of stone Eight Ash Green is the mission clhurch of All Saints. In
intermixed with Roman brick, consisting of chancel, nave, the Lond()D! road is a coffee and ['Cading room, and there
south aisle, south porch and a wooden turret at the west is a working men's club on Copford Green. Copford
end with a shingled spire and containing- 3 bells: -the Hall is the residence of Thomas Casson esq. The Right and apse are NOl'IIlan, tJhe aisle being added about Rev. 'William Thomas Harrison D.D. Btishop of Glasgow,
the end of the 14th centwry: the Norm8<Il apse, restored is lord of the IlloSnQr, which was held by the Bishops of
in 11872, is decorrated with .ancient, mural paintings of rthe London till the death of Bishop Ikmner, who occ3lsionally
12th and 1'3trh centuries, repainted, but uncovered in resided here. The principal landowners are the BishQp
11872: the church was thoroughly resoored in 1'8,84, when of Glasgow, Thomas H. AIllbrose esq. i,he Right Hon.
the whole of the NOl"man walls were found to be covered James Round P.C., M.P. Biroh Hall, Oaptain TOWIlshend
with mural painltings, supposed to date from about !I50 ; and Round's trustees. The soil is g'ravel and clay; sub-
these have not been '1'epainted, but are left as they were sool, crlay. The chief crops are seeds, wheat, barley and

beans. r.Dhe area is 2,132 BOmS; r8il;eable value, £3,947; Pillar Letter Box, London road, cleared at 2 &i 7·5 p.m. ;
tilie population in 190r was 65r. By Local Government .undays 10.30 a.m
Board Oroer 22,363, Mar. 24,1889, detached partbs of SCHiOOlLS.
the parish known as Brakes, Round Bush kc. were trans-
ferred iirom this parig,h to Birch. NatioooJ (mixed), Copf<>rd Green, built in 1,84°, 6Illarged
Post Office, The Green.-Mrs. Hannah Nice, sub-post- in 1'8'84, for 92 childTen; attendance, 75; RoM.
mistress. Letters through Oolchester, arrive at TuIllStall, mast-er
7.20 a.m. & 7.20 p.m.; dispatched at 6.35 a.m. &; 6.30 National (mixed), Eight Ash GTeen, buillt in 18gi8, for 120
p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. chi!ldren ; average a.ttendance, 100; John Rushforth,
The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Marks master
Tey, 2 miles distant Oarriers to Colchester.-Willia.m Mason, sat.; Harrry
Pillar Letter Box, Eight Ash Green, cleared 6.20 p.m Bishop, mono wed. Iri. &I; sat .
Bellingham Arthur, 'Oopford Place Blomfield Frederick William, farmer; Bellen James (Mrs.), farmer, Walnut
Bird Waiter Samuel, The Cottage & at Birch Tree farm
Blythe John George, MiH house BIyth lsaao DUITant (Mrs.), grocer & Button Josiah, carpenter
GassoD Thomas, Copford hall . dIa,per, London road Keeble Arthur, grocer & baker, Eight
FolkaI'd Frank, The- Gre·en Ohaplin W,alt. Jas. frmT. Lucy's frm Ash green
May George Laeey M.A. (clll'ate), Death Cecilia (Mrs.), beer retailer, King Philip, farmer, 'Star green
Parsonage, Eight Ash green London road Lingley Thos. blacksmith, London rd
Mason George, Hope villa Dodson Leonard, farmer,Mulberry frm Maskall Betsy (Miss), Thurgoods farm
Moy Charles T. Copford lodge Ennals John, road surveyor, Bocking- Nice George, coal dealer &c. Eight
Ruck-Keene Rev. Edmund Ralph M.A. ham hall Ash green
(rector) French Mrs. farmer, Chippets Pearson Rt. baker, Eight Ash green
Searles Mrs. Holly cottage Folkard ,Frank, seed grower & Sach Frederick, farmer, Pantile farm
Tampion Mrs. London road merchant., all kinds of agricultural Saunders George Henry, baker
seeds from selected stocks, per- Scott Chas. hurdle maker &I; shopkp!
COMMEROIAL. maneut & temporary mixtures of Scott WaIt. ho. decoratr. The Green
AlIen Joseph, farmer, Moat farm grass seeds a s>peciality, The Green Smith John, farmer, Mascots
Ambrose Thomas B. brick maker Gale Samuel, farmer,Round Bush frm Smith Robert, Brick &I; Tile P.R
Barne.s Thomas, cOoffee, & ,refreshment Gilbert Ghristopher, clerk Working Men's Club (Robert Tun-
rooms, London road Goody Agnes B. (Miss), Alma inn, stall, sec.),' Oopford green
Bearham Wm. farmer, The Willow The Green

CORNISH HALL END was formed into an ecclesi- Archibald Weyland Ruggles-Brise esq. of Spains Hall.
astical parish in 1841 from .the civil parishes of Finching- Braintree, Humphrey Richard George Marriott esq. of
field, Birdbrook and Ridgewell: it is 4 miles south-west Abbots Hall, Shalford. Edward E. Yates esq. and Lt.-Ool.
from Birdbrook station, on the CoIne Valley branch of the Ryder. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel j chief crops
Great Eastern railway, 12 north-west from Braintree, 8 are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 3,814 acres;
east from Saffron Walden, 6 north-east from Thaxted and the population in 1901 was 349.
47 from London, in the Northern division of the county, LITTLE LONDON I mile south, SiPAINS END I mile
Freshwell petty .sessional division, and in the rural north-east, and HERKSTEAD GREEN li north-west, are
deanery of Braintree, Archdeaconry <>f Colchester, and hamlets of this parish.
diocese of St. Atbans. The church of St. John the
Evangelist is a plain building of red brick, covered with Parish Clerk and Sexton, Harry Collar.
ivy, and consists of chancel and nave, western porch Po·st M. O. 0., S. B., Parcel Post, Insurance & Annuity
and a belfry containing I bell: there are three stained Office.-Miss Emma Bunting, sub-postmistress.
windows; the church affords 370 sittings. The register Letters through Braintree, arrive at 8.15 a.m. & 2.15
dates from the year 1841. The living is a vicarage, net p.m.; dispatched at 4.20 & 8.20 p.m.; sundays, dig-
yearly value £200, with residence, in the gift of the patched at 8.20 a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at
Bishop vf St. Albans, and held since 1874 by the Rev. Finchingfield, 3 miles distant
John Charles Burnside, Theol. Assoc. of King's College, National School (mixed), with a house for the mistress
London: there is a library at the Vicarage, bequeathed & a yearly endowment of £17. left by the laite G. W.
by Dr. Walton, in 1846, to be the property of the vicars Gent esq. of Moyns park; the school will hold 130
of St. John's for ever. The principal landowners axe children; average attendance. 49; Mrs. Oampion, milt
Burnside Rev. In. Charles T.A.K.C.L. Collar Frederick, wheelwright Bardingham Charles, farm bailiff to
(vicar), Vicarage Cowle Fr.ederick, stockman to A. W. Archibald Weyland Ruggles-Brise
Yates Edward E. Shore hall Ruggles-Brise esq Hunt James, farm bailiff to Arc'hibaJ.d
Dare Emma (Mrs.), frmr. Lophams Weyland Ruggles-Brise esq
r:OMMERCIAL. Frost Elijah, f3ll'm bailiff to ATohibald Jackson Josiah. miller (wind)
Bunting Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, Weyland Ruggles-Brise, ,Rook hall M6't.son James, fa,rmer, oRivett'~ farm
Post office Gibbons lsaac, Horse & Groom P.H Skeats ChUirles, farm ,bailiff toE. E.
Bunting Wi:lliam, fa,rmer, White house Goldstone Hugh Charles, beer retailer YateSJ esq. Boarded barn
Cock Edward Tredgett, assistant over- & blacksmith Smith Frank, farmer, Jeckylls
seer, Hole farm Hardy Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Warren George Philip, frmr. Whitleys
Cock William Fuller, farmer,Hole frm Humphrey Ernest, s·hoe maker Wood~ James, farmer, Tinker's green

CORRINGHAM is a village and parish, the latter in an ancient stone inscribed "Abele: baud: gist: ici :
extending to the Thames; it is 2 miles east diev: de : sa : aIme : eit : merci;" there is also the
from Stanford-Ie-Bope station on the London, Tilbury figure of a female, c. 1460, much worn, the inscription t<>
and Southend railway, and 14 south-east from Brentwood, which is lost: the east and other windows are stained:
in the S<tuth Eastern division of the county, Barstable the entire structure, except the tower, was restored in
hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division, 1843-4 by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. at the chief
Grays county court district, and in the rural deanery of cost of the rector: the tower was restored in 1864, and
Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. the north aisle in 1'875; the church affords 171 sittings.
The church <>f St. Mary the Virgin is a small building of The register dates from the year 1558. 'l'he living
flint and stone in the Early English style, consisting of is a rectory, net yearly value £:560, with 29 acres of glebe
chancel, nave, north aisle with chantry, north porch and and residence, in the gift of Mrs. M. Grerutheed. and held
a massive tower, with pyramidal roof, containing 3 bells, since 1887 by the Rev. John Greatheed M.A. of Trinity
respectively dated 1580, 1617 and 1629; it was originally College, Cambridge. Francis H. D. C. Whitmore esq. of
a Normal! church, but of this only the tower remains, Orsett Hall, who is lord of the manor, Harbert Clarence
the rest of the edifice being chiefly Decorated: the nave Long, Frederick Morley Hill and James E. Lilley esqrs.
is separated from the aisle by an arcade of two bays: 1\ and Kynoch and Co. Lim. are the principal landowners.
fine old oak screen still exists in the chantry, which is The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief
presumably that founded by William de :Baud in 1328 crops are wheat, barley, beans, peas and clover. The area
and still retaillil a little old glass; there is a trefoil- is 3,3°6 acres of land, with much marsh and 70 of water,
headed piscina in the south wall of the chancel, and a 626 of tidal water and 359 of foreshore; rateable value.
stoup in the south porch: there are brasses to Richard £6,395; the population in 1901 was 412.
de Beltoun, a former rector, c. 1340, with a half-length
effigy; to .A1ice Grevye, ob. 14531 Thomas Atlee, ob. THAMES HAVEN is in this parish. 28 miles from
1464, and Margaret his wife; and to Hobert Draper, also London. The London. Tilbury and Southend railway has
a former incumbent, ob. 1595, this brass being inserted a line to this place, branching from near Stanford-le-Hope.
patched at 10.25 a.m. & 6.25 p.m.; Ilundaylt at 8.30
for the transport of 'cattle, and a dock for unloading cattle
from small vesseLs. a.m. & dispatched 10.30 a.m. Postal orders are issued
Sexton, Lewis Grover. here, but not paid. Stanford-le·Hope is the nearest
telegraph .t money order office, 2 miles distant '
Post Office. James Alswn, sub-postmaster. Letters National School (mixed), built in 1900, for 150 children;
arrive from Stanford-le-Hope S.O. at 8.30 a.m. dis- average attendance, 8o; Miss Alice Crnssell, mistress
CORRINGllA.M. Baker Sarah (:Mrs.), s'hopkeeper Rusbbrok & Sons, .brick makers
Greatheed Rev. John M.A. (rector), Crussell John James, shoe maker West Samuel, beer retailer
Rectory Eagling Frank, police constable Wright Thomas, carpenter
Wilson Miss, Gi1Iords Cross Lester James, Bull inn THAMES HAVEN.
Long Hrbt. (J'Lrnce'. frmr.,The Old hall Eastalbl'lOOk Rd.J.sph. Dock P.B
COMMERCUL. Nunn William, farm bailiff to J. E. Kynoch &; Co. Lim.explosive manufac..
.Alston Israel, grocer Lilley esq turers, Bawliffe farm (Thomas Allen
.Alston James, baker, Post office Ransom James, blacksmith Cocking, r~ident director)
CRANHAM: is a parish, pleasantly situated I mile held since 1889 by the Rev. Charles .Tohn Railhleigh OJoke
east of Upminster station on the Tilbury and Southeno M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. Coombe Lodge, a modem
railway and 4! miles south-east from the Homford station mansion, situated on an eminence commanding fine views
on the Great Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the of the surrounding country and enclosed in well-designed
county, Brentwood petty sessional division north of the pleasure grounds, is the residence of Edward Murray lnd.
London and Tilbury railway, and Romford petty sessional Beredens, an old restored manor house, the property and
division south of the same, Chafiord hundred, Romford residence of lR. T. Stoneham esq. is on an eminence at
union and county court district, rural deanery of Chafford, the foot of Foxburrow Wood, and commands fine and
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .A1bans. The extensive views. George Rastrick esq. of Waking Lodge,.
church of All Saints, rebuilt by Richard Benyon esq. at Woking. Surrey, is lord of the manor. James Herbert
his sole cost, on the site of the ()lder church, was re- Benyon esq. of Englefield Park, Berks, is chief landowner.
opened December, 1874, and is an edifice of stone in the The soil is a very heavy loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south crops are wheat, beans, peas &c. The area is 1,87'5
:porch and on the north side a tower with spire, containing acres; rateable value, £3,317; the population in 1901 was
3 .bells: all ~he wi~dows ~ the chan~el and the we~t 397'
wmdow are filled ~Ith stamed glass: In the chancel IS I Large steam brick and tile works, the property of the
a monument to MaJor-General James E;dward Oglethorpe, Cranham Brick and Tile Co. Ltd. were 'built in 1900,.
of Westbrook Place,. Surre~, who. obtau:ed the manor of and emploY about 70 hands.
Cranham Hall by hiS marnage With Elizabeth, daughter , .• "
and heiress of Sir Nathan Wright bart. whose predecessor, I Pa1'lsh Clerk, Francls R. Thorogood.
'Sir Benjamin Wright, 1St bart. bought it of the Petres: Letter Box in Recrory wall, cleared at 8.30 & II.40 a.m.
he was t?e founder~ in 1733, ~f the colony of Georgia, I &; 7. 15 p:m.; sunday 8.30 a.m
~. AmerIca, for which he obtame~ ~ ~yal charter: b;e Letters through Romford arrive at 6 & 11 a.m. Up.
died 30th June, 1785, at the age, It IS SaId of 102, and IS , .. ' d 1 h ffi
• d he
uurle re WI'th h'IS WI'f' e : th ere IS
. -a plsclna
'" ill
th e south mmster
' 1 'ISt the
t nearest money or er & te egrap 0 ce,.
wall and a reredos with a sculptured representation of I nu e dls an
"The Last Supper": the old oaken communion table School (mixed), erected in 1870. partly at the cost of R.
was restored by the Rev. L. L. Sharp, rector 1884-9. The I Benyon esq. for uS children; average attendance, 76;
register dates from the year I5S8. The is a rec- Francis R. Tborogood, master; an adult night school
tory, net yearly value £380, with 35 acres of glebe and is held three times a week, free to all &; maintained by
residen~e, in the gift of St. John's College, Oxford, and the County Council
(Names marked * should be addressed Way Mrs. CharIes, Cranham lodge Neal GeQrge, beer retailer
WarIey.) Bailey Mary (Mrs.), grocer PafuIer EdwlliI'd:, farmer, Noakes fa.rm
Beech William, Cranham place Olaydon Goorge, beeThouse Palmer William, farmer
Olack 'OhaT'les O1'Ofton, Cranham lfrm Cranham Brick &; Tile Co. Limited Parker Thoma.s, farmer, Brookmans
Cooke Rev. Charles John Rashleigh Eve Richd. frmr. Granham Hall frm Parker William, farmer &; ove·rseer,.
M.A. Rectory Gaden Melvin King, insurance agent Beels farm
Heath Henry, Woodfield house Gates James, farmer, Back lane Ridgwell Samuel, beer retailer
*Ind Edward Murray D.L.,J.P.Coombe Gates William, farmer Robinson Henry Wm. farmer, Crouch
lodge Marrable William, coal dealer house
*Stoneham Robt. Thompson, Beredens Marrable William, jun. pork butcher Thornton Rd. T. frmI'. Westbury frm
CREEKSEA (or Oricksea) is a parish, on the north Sir Henry Paulet St. John Mildmay hart. of Dogmersfield
bank of the Crouch, Ii miles weSl; from Burnham station Park, Hants, who is lord of the manor, the trustees of
on the Wickford and Southminster branch of the Great, I the l-ate Philip Patmore esq. and Mrs. Daubuz are the
Eastern railway, and 12 south-east from Maldon, in the principal landowners. The soil is strong clay; subsoil,.
South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred clay. The chief crops are Wheat, barley &.c. The area
and petty sessional division, Maldon union and county; is 866 acres of land, Iof water, Il7 of tidal water and
court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, arch- 52 of foreshore; rateable value. £867; the population in

deaconry of Essex and diocese of St• .Albans. The church 1901 was I02.
of All Saints, rebuilt in 1878, is a stone edifice, in the I Sexwn, Henry Whiting.
Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, south! Letwr Box cleared at 4.30 p.m:. Letters through Burn-
porch and a western belfry containing I bell: the total! ham S.O. arrive at 7 a.m. A second mail from London
cost of erection was about £r,200: there are sittings fOT per rail arrives at Burnham at rO.50 a.m. but is not
about 100 persons. The register dates from the year ,. delivered the same day at Creeksea. The nearest money
1749. The living is a rectory, with the vicarage of order & teleg-raph office is at Burnham, 11 miles distant
Althorne annexed, net yearly value £180, with 22 I A School Board of S members was formed June 12, 1900;
acres of glebe bere and 6 acres at Althorne, I R. J. Suter, 6 Eastcombe terrace, Charlton road, Black-
with residence, in the gift of and held since heath S E, hon. clerk to board
1861 by the Rev. Henry Mawson MilIigan RA. of St. I School (mixed), for about 40 children, enlarged in 1893;
Catharine's Oollege, Cambridge, who resides at .Althorne. I average attendance, 34; Miss Ellis, mistress
Rome William, Creeksea place
Suter Robt. .T. farmer, Creeks ea hall
! Everitt William, farm bailiff to W.) Patmore Philip (the trustees of)~
Rome esg I oyster merchant & farmer,Ferry frm
CRESSING is a village and parish, on a small feedpr restored and reseated by subscription in 1868, at a cost
of the Blackwater, I, mile east from Bulfard station, on of £600: the chancel retains a piseina, and on the south
the Maldon, Witham and Braintree branch of the Great wall is an alabaster monument, erected by Henry Smith~
Eastern railway, 3 south-east from Braintree and 5 north of Cressing Temple, to his wife Hannah and dated 16°7:
from Witham and Kelvedon, in the Eastern division of it bears figures in bas-relief of a knight kneeling before
the county, Witham petty sessional division and hundred, an open book upon a table, while opposite is a lady in a
Braintree union and county court district, rural deanery similar attitude, and underneath, a child in a winding
of Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. I sheet, with the figure of a maiden in the .attitude of
.A1bans, and formerly belonged to King Harold H. The prayer; near to this, on the chancel pavement, is a large
church of .All Saints is a small edifice of flint and stone, I stone containing a brass, exceedingly well engraved, of a
chiefly in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, lady standing before a table with her right hana resting
nave, vestry, south porch and a small western turret, upon:m hour-glass; at her feet lies an infant, apparently
with shingled spire, containing I bell: the church was dead, and below is an inscription in Latin to'" Dorcas
Musgrave, daughter of WilliAro Bigg, gent. of Topsfield, soil is a rich loam; subsoil, clay and loam. The chief
Essex, and wife of Thomas Musgrave esq. of Norton, crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 2,592
Yorks; she died in childbirth, I I .Aug. 1610, aged 23:" acres; rateable value, £2,0'22; the population in 1901
suspended near the roof are two ancient helmets: there was 565.
are 221 sittings. The register dates from the year 1754. Parish Clerk, James Fryatt.
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £150, with 3
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the vicar of Post Office.-Benjamin Farthing, sub-postmaster. Letters
1Vitham, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Charles James arrive from Braintree at 8 a.m.; dispatched at I &
O'Reilly RA. of T.rinity College, Dublin. Here are two 5 p.m. week days only. Postal orders a,re issued here,
chapels for the Peculiar People. The Knight,s Templars, but nut paid. 'fhe nearest telegl"aph office is at Brain-
who at one time had a commandery or preceptory here, tree, 4 miles distant, & money order office, White
cnlled Cressing Temple, founded about IJSO, possessed Notley
the advowson; it subsequently passed to the Knights Pillar Letter Box, cleared at 1.10 &i 5.10 p.m. week days
Ho,spitallers of St. John of Jerusalem and reverted to only
the Orown at the general supprMsion of religious houses. A School Board of 5 members was formed Dec. ·21, 1899;
Mrs. Ford, who is lady of the manor of Cressing Temple, Frederick Smoothby, Braintree, clerk to the board;
and Jeffery Grimwood Grimwood esq. of 29 EIUlismore Mr. H. J. Gibbs, Braintree, school attendance officer
gardens, London SW, Thomas Co,usins esq. Sir Thomas Board School, erected in 1901, for 120 children; average
C. C. Western bart. the Misses Brown and ~. N. Paxman attendance, II2; Miss Annie Cobb, mistress
esq. J.P. of Stisted Hall, are the chief landowners. The Bulford Bailway Station, Robert Hellaby, station master

PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Cramphorn Limited, millers (steam & Mortier Fred, baker &; beer retailer
Moss John water), Bulford mill Moss Mark, farmer, Rook farm
O'Reilly Rev. Uhas. Jas. B.A. Vicarge Everitt Chas. farmer, Hungry hall Phillips SUli1annah Emma (Mrs.),
Sach Edward, Mill house Farthing Benjamin, baker,& post office miner (steam) & fl'mJr. Stubblles frm
Sharp Henry W. Mill house Gladwin Thos, farmer, The Ashes fm Sach John, farmer & landowner,
Theobald Alfred, Highfield house Gurton George, shopkeeper Jefferies farm
Waters Miss, Wrights farm James William Harry, blacksmith &; Shoobridge Charles T. farmer, Cres.·
beer retailer ing Temple
COMMERC'IAL. Jennings George, farm bailiff to P. South James, farmer, Holders farm
Adams Robert & William, builders Hutley esq. :New house • Theobald' J ames William, farmer,
Bocking Geo. Edwd. general dealer&c J oscelyne Ernest J ames, farmer, Haw Bush green
Drown William Charles, carpenter Schills farm Watkinson's Trust (James W. Theo-
Cousins George, farmer, Long green Joslin George, Three Ashes P.H bald, sec)
Cousins Thos. farmer, Cressing lodge Kettle William. blacksmith

DAGENHAM is a parish and village, bounded by the dividends are expended by the trustees in the purchase
Thames, the Rom (or Bourne brook) and the Ingerbury of blankets and flannel for distribution to poor old men
brook, with a station on a loop line of the London, Til- and women of the parish who are over 60 years of age.
bury and Southend railway, 3 miles south-west from Dagenham has much marsh land and on Dec. 17th, 17°7,
Romford, 2! south-east fr,om Ilford, and 12 from White- a very high tide blew up the sluice, broke through the
c'hapel church, in the Southern division of the county, dyke, flooded 1,000 acres and swept 160 acres into the
Becontree hundred and petty '8es'sional division, Rom- river; after much difficulty and a Lapse of fifteen years,
furd union and county court district, Metropolitan police the breach was stopped by the famous Captain Perry, at
jurisdiction, rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of a cost of £40,000. To the left of the road leading to
Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The church .of SS. Dagenham reach is Dagenham gull, a lake formed by a.
Peter and Paul is an aneient edifice of Kentish ragst,one portion of the unreclaimed land 40 acres in extent; 'being
and brick, in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, well stocked with fish it is much frequented by anglers.
consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle, north Sir Edward Henry Hulse bart. of· Breamore, Salisbury,
porch and an embattled tower on the north side, with a who is lord of the manor, the Crown, the Marquess of
slated .spire and containing a clock and 6 bells, dated Salisbury K.G., P.C., D.O.L. the Dean and 10000ns of
1]68; the chancel and aisle date from the nth century: Windsor, Mr. Samuel Williams and Joshua Pedley esq.
the nave was rebuilt in 1800: there is a fine old tomb of Trafalgar House, Tottenham, are the principal land-
with bras,ses, to Sir Thomas Urswyk kt. appointed com- owners. The soil is shingly; subsoil, g"l"aveI. The chief
monserjeant of the city of London, and subsequently in crops are wheat, potatoes and market garden produce.
1455, . made recorder; he also represented the city in The area is 6,489 acres, 67 of water, 148 of tidal water
Parliament in 1461 and 1467, an~ was .chief baron of, the I and 13 of foreshore; rateable value, £33,212; the popu-
Exchequer from 1471 to 1479, ill whIch year he dIed: lation in 1891 was 4,324.
the brass also commemorates his wife, 4 sons and 9
daughters: there is also a marble monument with BECONTREE HEATH is a large hamlet of thia parish,
effigies to Sir Richard .Alibon kt. a justice of the King's 2~ miles north and Il miles ,south-east from Chadwell
Bench from 1687 in the reign of James H. ob. 22 Aug., Station on the -Great Eastern railway; it gives name to
1688; the stained east window is a. memorial to the Rev. the hundred and to a. petty sessional division; meetings
T. L. Fanshawe, of Parslowes, and there are two other held at Stratford.
memorial ~ndoW's to Messrs. George Currie and GOOTge Parish Clerk and Sexton. James Walter Palmer.
Stevens: i l l 1878 the church was thoroughly restored,
the floor lowered and the interior reseated; during the Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. l\I. 0., S. B., Annuity, Insurance
course of the work an ancient piscina and a cross-marked &; Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office.-Mrs. Eliza-
altar slab were discovered; ·two helmets and fragments beth Howgego, postmistress. Letters through Rom-
of other armour also remain: the church affords 700 ford at 7 a.m. & 4 p.m.; dispatched at. IO.55 a..m. 6.55
sittings. The register dates from the year 1546. The & 9.30 p.m. Sunday delivery commences at 7.35 a.m.
living is' a vicarage, net yearly value £481, with 8 acres &; dispatched at 8.30 p.m
of glebe and residence, in the gift of Stevenson Stewart Wall Letter Boxes.-Bipple road, cleared 10.30 a.m. &
Moore esq. barrister-at-law, and held since 1876 by the 6.20 p.m.; &; Station, cleared at II a.m. & 7 p.m
Rev. John James 8tevenson Moore LL.D. of Trinity
Col!ege, Dublin. The vicarage house, close to the church, Post Office, Becontree Heath.-William Bentley, sub-
was built in 1665. There is a Wesleyan chapel in postmaster. Letters, via Romford, arrive at 7.0 a.m.
Dagenham Village and 'Vesleyan Reform chapBl, ann &; 3.15 p.m.; dispatched at 11.20 a.m. & 7.20 p.m.
Congregational chapel at Marks' Gate. A cemetery of Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
£~ acres was formed in 1864. at a cost of £800, but nearest money order office & telegraph office are at
there is no mortuary chapel. The Small-Pox Hospital was Chadwell. Pillar Box, Mark's Gate, cleared at 7.15
built by the West Ham Corporation a,t a cost of £80,000, a.m. & 3.15 p.m
on the outskirts of the village, one mile distant. Uphill's
charity of £150 yearly, left by Jacob Uphill, of Dagenham, COUNTY ~IAGISTRATES FOR BECONTREE PETTY
standard bearer to William and Mary, Queen Anne and SESSIONAL DIVISION. I. who died Feb. 26, 1717, ret. 59, formerly ex- Johnston Andrew esq. D.L. Forest lodge, Woodford
pended in clothing children and in gratuities to them, Green N E, chairman
is now administered under a trust; other charities, in- Howard Eliot esq. D.L. Ardmore, Buckhurst Hill 8.0.
cTudin,~ a bread charity left by John White, gent. who vice-chairman
died February 2, 1673, are distributed yearly. Ford's Baker George esq. F.B.G.S. Marryatt's lodge, Forest,
ehality consists of £1,000 in Three per Cents.; the Snaresbrook N E
Heal Edmund John esq. The Elms. Aldborough rd.TIford Clerk to() the Magistrates, W. J. Attwater, Conrt house.
Buxwn Edward North esq. D.L. Knighton house. Buck- Great Eastern TOad, Stratford E
hUl'St Hill S.O Petty Sessions are held art the Court house, Stratford,
Carter Henry John &Sq. 8 Inverness terrace, London W daily at 9.30 a..m. except sat. at XI a.m
Chapman Mark eag. Llanarth, Bushwood, Leytonstone NE
Chew Geo. esg. Oakhurst, Oambridge park, Wanstead NE The following places are included in the petty sessional
Compton John Charles esg. Bromhill house, Chigwell division :-Barking, Canhall, Dagenham, ElloSt Ham.
Ourwen Spedding esq. Bywel1, High road, South Wood- mord, Little mord. Leyton, Walthamstow & Woodford
ford NE
East Joseph Thomas ~. Fernside, Holly Bush hill. Schools.
Fortescue Nathaniel esq. Laurel Bank, The Drive, Wal- A School Board of 7 members was formed 7 Dec. 1874;
thamstow NE William Smith, North street, Romford, clerk to the
Garrett Lieut.-Col. Edmund V.D. Belmont, Chigwell, board; John William Freshwater, Ohadwel1 Heath &;
Chigwell Row S.O Herbert Pritchard, attendance officers
Glenny William Wallace eeq. Cecil house, Barking Board (boys', girls' &; infants), lIecontree Heath, built
Goodman Charles esq. West End farm, East Ham E about 1877 & enlarged in 1893, for 400 children j average
Green Fredk. esq.Hainault 10.Ohigwell Row,Woodfurd Grn attendance, 250; George William LPatmore, master;
Griggs Willia.m.P. esq. 7 The Drive, Oranbrook 'Pk. llford Mrs. Harriett Patmore, mistress; Miss Bailey, infants'
Harrison .Arlhur Lister esq. E~mhurst, South Woodford mistress
Kemsley Walter John eeg. Ivy lodge, The Green, Wood- Board (infants), built in 1895, & since enlarged, for 270
ford Green children; average attendance. 220; Mrs. Sarah Howes,
Lister Arthur esq. Sycamore house, 871 High road, mistress
Leytonstone N E
Mallinson The Limes, 208 Shernallst.Walthmstw Ford's Endowed, founded in 1828 by William Ford, of
Mason Hugh Herbert esq. Abbey lodge, Barking Dagenham; the buildings include a master's residence
Poulter Ma.jor Thomas James, Assembly house, Forest. & will hold 120 boys & as many girls; John Doubleday,
place, Leytonstone N E master j Ml'S. Emma Doubleday, mi'srtress; FOTd's En-
Powell Nathl. esq. D.L. Luctons, Buckhurst Hill S.O dowed, Whalebone lane, C'badwell Heath, is a ,branch
Robinson Thomas George esq. Bnmcepeth, Whitehall rd. school connected with this charity. built in 1857 & avail-
Woodford Green NE able for lOO children; these 'schools have an annual
Savill Philip esq. Woodlands, Chigwell Row 8.0 endowment ()f £300, arising from money left for
Ward Richard esq. Hyde, High road, Leyton NE educational purposes by William Ford, who died March
Whittingham Walter Basden esg. Frinwn-on-Sea S.O 6th, 1756; Robert Thomas Aldous, ma,sterj Mrs.
Williams Wm. Varco esq. Langtons, Hornchurch, Romford Mdous, mistress
The Ohairmen, for the time being, of the Barking, East Metropolitan Police Station, Robert Jobson, station ser-
Ham, Chingford, Leyton, Walthamstow,. Wanstead & geant, 2 section sergeants, I acting-sergeant 0& Xl
Woodford Urban & Itomford Rural District Councils, constables
are ex-officio magistrates Railway Station, Edward Foreman. station master

DAGENHAM. Gay Wm. In. farmer. Eastbrook end Stevens William Henry, saddler
Gentry Henry, thatcher St,roud Mrs. Matilda, stationer &
Marked thu!! t Letters should be Graffham William, fishmonger drug stores
addressed Romford only. Gray .Alfred, builder & contracwr Thompson Wm. boot & shoe maker
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gray Henry, farmer Thorgood John, fishmonger
tCockshott Henry, Marks' gate Green Harry, contractor Tinkler William, news agent
tDrake William, Marks' gate Gunary Saml. farmer, P(i)undhouse fm Tonkin Richard William, grocer
Fox George, Asbbrook house Hollington James, market gardener Tonkin Robert, shopkeeper
Grainger Frank W., J.P. Woodlands Hopkins Henry, grocer Venables Herbt. J. frmr. French's frm
Gray .Alfred, Wantz house Hopkins Hy. Goo. shopkpl'. Sta.tion rd Wackett John, farmer
Gray .Alfred, jun. 5 High road Howgego Alfred, gardener, tWackett John, jun. farmer, Rose la
Green Frederick J.P. Haina.ult lodge Lake's farm We~t Joseph Jona~8?, mar~et gardnr
(postal address, Chigwell Row) Howgego Alfred, sen. farmer, Ray- W~:llstler.WaIter William,Railway hotel
Griffiths Alfred, Stoneford . don's farm Wllderspm Susannah (Mrs.), shopkpr
Harrison Rev. Charles C., M.A. Huwgego Elizabeth (Mrs.),postmistrss Williams S1.& Sons,licensed lightermn
(curate) Howgego Walter Wm. wheelwright Younger Lil (Mrs.),shopkeeper
Hollington James Howgego William, farmer
Moore Rev. John James Stevenson Key John, butcher BECONT'REE HEATH.
LL.D. Vicarage Kirk Charles, wheelwright Letters through Romford
COMMEROIAL Knight Joseph, coal merchant Boreham George
. Leach William, jeweller Brown Mrs. Woo<Lbine cottage
Antell Herbert H. farmer,Rookery frm Levitt William, insurance agent Parrish Ooulson Douglas, Frizland
Bales George,. shop~eeper &; carman tLodge Walter, whlwrght. Mark's gate Parrish James
Beard Fredenck RIchard, b~k~r Lucas Mrs. Elizh. The Ohequers P.H COMMERCIAL.
Borrett Charles, farmer, '\Vllhshaws Mead Alfred beer retailer Albon Rd. In. smith & wheelwright
Bourn Daniel, hairdresser Mitchell Fre'dk. Samuel, confectioner Archer Henry, hay &; straw dealer
Brewester Gemge, coal merchant Mitchell Samuel, tobacconist Baker S. & L. (Misses), drapers
Brown John & Israel, shopkee.pers Morris Tube Aiming 00. Ltd. (Walter Ballli Charles, miller (steam) & mill-
Brown Jame!>, laundry ~ haudresser Luff, sec) wright
Burke Cha:l~s, blacksmIth . Morriss Robert, grocer Bentley Wm. grocer, &; post office
Claxton Wilham .Thomas, brIcklayer Ogles Jacob, greengrocer Bixby David, market gardener
Coates Clara (MISS), dressmaker Palmer Frederick. butcher Borham George hay &; straw dealer
Coates Matild-a (Mis~), tchr. of music Palmer James WaIter, grocer & draper Brewster John, 'shopkeeper
Cocks Herbert, Bull mn Parrish Charles, farmer, Pettit's farm Coppen Geo. farmer, Whalebone fann
Cooper Mrs. shopkeeper Parrish Charles, farmer, Petit's farm Dodd ehas. Jas. Three Travellers P.B
Cox Fred Wm. beer ret. New road Parrish Ooulson Douglas, farmer Farrow James, harness maker
Currie Ann (Mrs.), farmer, East- Payne James R. butcher Gay Isaac Matthew, market gardener
brook end Pearcey George, carpenter Harris Frederick R. grocer
Currie Joseph, farmer, Manor farm Philpot Henry Lems, grocer & draper Hart Alee, butcher
Day John, Shopkeeper, Checker's lane tPye George Henry, beer retailer &, Kemp John, straw dealer
Derbyshire Richd. W. Cross Keys P.H straw dealer, Rose lane King James, blacksmith
Earl William G. builder Reader Harry, wheellwright Malton Daniel, shopkeeper
Edwards John, beer retailer Reeves Joseph, shopkeeper Marriage Herbert, carpent~r
EJEs Harry J. ail &; 00101' man tSammons William, frmr. Marks' gate Mead Ab1'aham, farmer
Ellis Henry, fishmonger Shipton George, carpenter Farrish Charles &; Jas. market gardnrs
Everett 0& Bartholomew, builders Smit,h John, farmer, Marsh Green frm Perrin Samuel, beer retailer
F'arrance Henry, fruit grower Sparrow Mrs. Charles, beer retailer Pritchard John, sehI. attendnce. offieer
Firman Joseph &; E. grocers Sparrow Henry, beer retailer Reoder Sophia (Mrs.), beer retailer
Flint Henry, farmer, Albert's farm Steadman Frederick, boot maker St. Pierre Frances E. (Mrs.), hay &;
Gay John &; Alfred, farmers Stevens John Henry, beer retailer,Hog straw dealer
Gay Isaac, 'farmer hill, Ohigwell row Seabraok BeEna (~Iiss),frmr. Butlers

DANBURY is a village lLIld parish, mentioned in Edward Hoare esq.; the mansion stands in an estate of
Domesday, pleasantly seated on 8 hill 365 feet high, on 300 'acres, including 6 acres of water. l?rettons is the
the top of which are the remains of an ancient camp, and residence of .Tohn Timbrell Pierce esq. F.iR.G.S., D.L.,
is on the road from Chelmsford to Maldon, 5 miles east ,T.P. The principal landowners are Henry Fitzwalter
irom Chelmsford station, about the same distance west Plumptre esq. of Goodnestone Park, Kent, who is lord
irom Maldon, and 34 from London, in the Mid division of the manor, and Hugh Edward Hoare esq. and John
{)f the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty 8e8- Charles Spencer Phillips esq. The soil is light and
tlional division and county court distrioli, rural deanery gravelly; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
d Danbury, archdeaconry of Es·sex and diocese of St. barley, oats and turnips. The area is 3,485 acres of land
.Albans. The water supply is obtained from a well half and 10 of water; rateable value, £4,3123; the population
a mile from the village on the southern slope of the hill; in 19o1 was 849 in the civil and 837 in the ecclesiastical
the water is forced up by means of two oil engines and parish.
st()red in a reservoir tlLIlk holding 8,000 gallons; there
are public taps at various parts of the village; these RUNSELL is a hamlet, I mile east from Danbury.
works, carried out in 1092 by the rural sanitary authority, John Thomas esq. is lord of the manor.
also supply Little Baddow. The church of St . .Tohn the By Local Government Board Order 22,355, dated 24
Baptist is a building chiefly of conglomerate in the Deco- March, 1888, a detached part of Purleigh, known as
rated and Perpendicular styles and was thorougWy re- Great and Little Gipcracks, was transferred to this parish.
paired and restored and the chancel enlarged in 1866-7; BYCKNACRE, 2 miles south, is another hamlet, partly
it consists; of chancel, with south aisle, nave, aisles, north in Woodham Ferrers parish. In that part of the hamlet
porch and an embattled tower with wooden spire, con- which lies in this parish, on the western side of the road
taining 5 bells and a clock: in the churoh are effigies of leading from Woodham Ferrers to Danbury, are the ruins
three cross-legged !mights, curiously carved in wood and of a. Priory of Black or Austin canons, founded in the
supposed to be representatives of the St. Clere family; reign of Henry n. as a cell of Elsing 'Spital, by Maurice
each knightly figure is in a different posture and has a Fitz Geoffrey, then Sheriff of Essex, and dedicated to St.
lion at iobs feet: the exposed situation of this church J ohu the Baptist; the crossing, of Transitional Norman
renders it liable to suffer from storms and tempests, and work, remains, and some of the arch~ are lofty and well-
in 1402, on the 24th May, the body of the church Imrl proporr,ioned: the chapel, which stood at the east end, is
part of the chancel were destroyed and in Feb. 1749-5°, entirely destroyed: after the Dissolution the manor of
the spire was set on fire by lightning and burnt down- Byl'lknacre, with the site of the Priory, was granted by
wards for about 20 feet: there are 569 sittings. The Henry VIII. to Henry Polsend, who eleven years later, in
register dates from the year 1673. The living is 8 rec- 1548, sold it to Sir Henry Mildmay. Near it is Gibcrack.
tory, net yearly value £300, with 22 acres of glebe and Acting Clerk and Sexton, Hobert Mead.
residence, in the gift of Henry Fitzwalter Plumptre esq. Assistant Overseer, Thomas John .Toslen.
of Goodnestone Park, Kent, and held since 1895 by the
Rev. John Bridges Plumptre M.A. of Oriel College, Ox- Post, M. o. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
ford. There are undenominational mission rooms at Po£t, S. B.• .Annuity &; Insurance Office.-George Spald"
Danbury Common and Gaybowers. A sum of about £12 ing, SUb-postmaster. London letters arrive from Chelms-
yearly, arising from land left in 1603 'by the Landisdale ford at 4.55 a.m. &; 12.50 p.m.; dispatched at 2.50 &
family, is available for repairs to the church and for the 7.30 p.m .
poor. There is also an annual collection in the parish Wall Letter Boxes.-Eve's Corner, cleared 2·30 &; 7.20
for supplying the poor with coals. The proceeds of a p.m.; sunday, 8.10 a.m.; Runsell, 1.30 & 7 p.m
field of about 6 acres, in the middle of Runsell (known as Police Station, .Tohn Webb, sergeant
the Parish Field Charity), are distributed in coals to National Schools (miXed), built in 1835, for 170 children;
the poor. Danbury Palace, formerly Danbury Place, pur- average attendance, IIO; Ebenezer Daniel Webster,
-chased in 1845 by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, for master; Mrs. Webster, sewing mistress
the Bishops of Rochester, is now the property of Hugh Carrier to &; from Ohelmsford. David Finch, daily .
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bird Arthur Devreaux, farmer, Bel- Oliver Alfred, Bell inn
Bunn Mrs. The Cottage vedere House farm Poole William, farmer
Butler Edgar Gale, Hill house Bush .Tohn, hlacksmith Richardson's Brick &; Tile Co. Dan-
Cornish Arthur, La France Byford Pha,raoh, farmer, GaY'bowers bury, Ltd
Coultas Mrs. Holmleigh Campion Joseph. boot & shoe maker Richardson Herbert John, hrmer &;
Dalziel Harvey. Charlton house Charge Henry, baker & grocer managing director of Richardson·s
Fisher Mrs. Riffhams Claydon Thomas, builder Brick &; Tile Co. Danbury, Ltd.
Fisk Miss, Gaybowers cottage Croxon Hy. Winton, butcher Slough house
Godfrey Henry, Wildcroft Crussell Abraham, fruitr. Runsell gn Rowe Edward, farmer, GayboweTs
Goodey Maurice Mills, The Hyde Danbury Convalescent Home (Esther Saunders .Tames, farm bailiff to Fras.
Hitchcock Miss Coppen, in charge) Freeman esq. Rumbolds
Hoare Hugh Edward, The Palace Dodd Fredk. carpenter, Trellis cottage Simmons Maria (Mrs.), corn factor,
Hoare Mrs. Charles, The Palace Dodd Henry, beer retlr. Eve's Corner Eve's Corner
Liddiard Mrs. Lingwood house Dodd Samuel, carpenter, Elm green Smith Peter, carter & hurdle maker,
Nicholl Conrau Rahn M.A Downing Chas. saddler &; harness ma Runsell
Nunn Joshua, Winstanlev• house Emery Peter, farm bailiff to .Tohn Spalding George, sub-postmaster
Pierce .Tohn Timbrell F.R.G. S., D.L., Dennis esq. .Tackletts Speakman Henry Holmsted, farmer,
.T. P. Frettons Everard George, carrier Garlands Rev. .Tohn Bridges M.A. Ewers Thomas, beer retlr. Horne row' Speakman Samuel, farmer, St. Clere's
(rector) Finch David, carrier Hall farm
Price Edgar, Manor house,Gaybowers Finch George, Cricketers' Arms P.R Stocker Alfred G. C. Saracen's Head
Rogers Mrs. Dane view Freeman Mrs. Edith, grocer & (,raper P .H. Rans·ell green
Tomlinson Mrs Goodey M'aurice Mills, frmr. The Hyde Targrass .Abrhm. thatcher, Eve's Crnr
Webb Alfred, Runsell green Haynes Wm. H. frmr. Pear Tree frm Wackrell .Tames, nurseryman &;c.
Whitter Arthur, Bay cottage Hazell .Toseph, engineer in charge of Eve's Corner
Wilstead Richard pumping station Wakefield Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Hicks Hy. baker & grocer, Runsell grn Weeks George, bank clerk, Common
Appleb·)e 'Villiam H. grocer & car- Hoar Alhert, carpenter &; undertaker Wiggins Edwd'. beer ret. Bunsell grn
penter, Eve's corner Howard Charles, steward to H. E. Wilson .Alfred Lewis, Griffin inn
Arnold Charles Willie, farmer, White Hoare esq. &; farmer, Elm green Wilson Henry, bricklayer
Elm faNll Nicholl ConradRahn M.A.private tutor Wood William Henry, farmer, Great
Baker William, builder, Eve's Corner Nicholls Waiter Hy. miller (steam) Ludgores

DEBDEN is a large parish and scattered village, 2 2 bells: the chancel was added in 1793 and has a stained
miles south-east from the Newport station on the Great window, the gift of R. S. W. Barthropp esq. who also
Eastern railway, 4 south from Saffron Walden and 39 presented the lectern: in the south aisle is a window
from London, in the Northern division of the county, with the arms of the Chiswell family: the font was pre-
hundred of Uttlesford, Saffron Walden petty sessional sented by the late Mr. Chiswell : there are several
division, union and county court district, rural deanery marble monuments to this family, from 1726 to 1751,
oOf Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- others to that of Stonehouse and one to the Rev. Henry
cese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary is an edifice Hodgson: in the. chancel is a. mural monument, with
{)f brick ,and stone in the Gothic 'style~ consisting of Latin inscription, to the Rev. Thomas Carter S. T.P.
-chancel, nave of four bays with clerestory, aisles, south rector here for 45 years, ob. 8th Oct. 1697, ret. 74; Sir
porch and a small we~tern turre~ witIi spire, containing Richard Brown kt. and bart. was here buried in 1672
and some others of this family in 1685: in 1893 portions church or chapel of its own and large, fishponds. John
of the turret and spire were restored: the church has Ashton Fielden esq. is lord of the manor and chief land.
250 sittings. Tbe register dates from tbe year 1557. owner. Tihe soil is strong clay and loam; subsoil, clay.
Tbe living is a Tecliory, net yearly value £483, including The crops are whOOlt·, oats. barley, peas and beans. The
51 aores of glebe, with residence, in the gilt of John parish contains 4,633 acres of land and 20 of water; rate-
.A:shton FieJden esq. and held since 1'890 by the Rev. able value, £3,860; the population in 1891 was 744.
}'rederic Horntio Fisher M,A. of Trinitty Oollege, Cam- DEBDEN, GREEN, is 2 miles east.
bridge, and hon. canon of St. Alban's; the rectory house
stands on an eminence, and has gardens and pleasure SMITH'S GREEN, half-a-mile south-east.
g,rounds. The Congregatj1mal chapel here, built in 18 59, PERTON END, J: mile north.
affords 140 sitltings. Hathurst's charity, left ahout 1740
by Mil'. Bathurst, of London, oonsis'bs of about £4,5°0 Post Office. Debden. Samuel Purkiss. sub-postmaster.
£21 perOent. Consols, the interest of which, amounting Letters arrive from Saffron Walden a.t 7.30 a.m. & 12.15
to a.bout £120 yearly, is distribut>ed in various forms of p.m. to called'S; dispatched at 12.15 p.m. & 6,4° p.m.;
charity under the sanction of His Majesty's Charity Com- sundays. 9.30 a.m. Postal orders are issued here, but
missioners. :not paid. The nearest money order &; telegraph office
Debden Hall. the :residence of John Ashton Fielden is at Newport. 4 miles distant
esq. belonged to Ralph Peverell dUll'ing the reign of Post Office, Debden Green Joseph Bunting. sub-
William the Norman, and is seated in a most picturesque postmaster. Letters arrive from Saffron Walden at
counltJry; the Hall was built in 1795, from designs by 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5.55 p.m. Post&l orders
R. HoUand, and overlooks a fine sheet of water, in a are issued beret but not paid. Thaxted is the nearest
park of about 20Q acres. Amberdon. or Hamperdon money order & telegraph office, 3 miles distant,
Hall, 2 miles south from the church. is an old mansion, National School (mixed). built in 1852, for 150 children;
formerly the residence of the Stonehouse family, but avernge attendance. 70; Mrs. Ma.ry Ann Housden, mist
now a farm house with a moat: it had formerly a Oarrier to Saffron Walden.-Frost. sat
Fisher Rev. Frederic Horatio M.A. Foster Joseph, bricklayer. Debden grn Monk .Toseph, tailor
(rector & hon. canon of St. Alban's), Francis John & Son. shoe makers. Moore Jsph.(Mrs.),frmr.Tendring's fm
Rectory Debden green Moore Thos.assist. overseer.Tendrings
Fielden John Ashton, Debden hall Garton John. farmer. Mole hall Payne Lloyd', farmer, Ricketts farm
COHMEBOlAL. Graves Arthur, farmer, Smith's green Purkiss SI. grocr. &; drpr. Post office
Bailey ,Walt-er. farmer, Godfrey street, Graves DaiVid, farmer. Pamphilions Shanks David'. farmer, Sibbards
Leggetts farms Harrison K. (Mrs.). shopkeeper Shanks Robert, farmer, Woodrofes
Barltrop Dan, blacksmith Harritt Frederick. beer retailer Smith Benjamin. frmr. Amberdon end
Bass Wm. beer retlr. Amberdon end Hockley Alfred, farmer, Henham I'd Smith John. farmer. Slough farm
Bone Nicholas Wallaee. farmer, Hockley John. beer retailer Tant William JlUIles. thatcher
Monk's farm HoIgate Maurice J. baker, Debden grn TeUow John Edward, fa.rmer, Newho
Bunting Joseph. sub-postmaster, Deb- Holland Fdk. frmr.Old Amberdon hall Thomason William, farmer, Deans frm
den green Hoy William, White Hart P.H Turnbull Nathan, sub-agent to .T. A.
Bunting Thomas, farmer. Measants fm Johnson Frederick, pig dealer &c Fielden esq. Park house
Cole Jenny (Mrs.). farmer. Miller's Linsdell Charles. shoe maker Westwood Herbert Ernest. farmer.
farm, Smith's groon Linsdell Frederick. farmer. Plums frm Thistley hall
Cox Arthur, farmer. Howe farm Linsdell John, farmer. Wieldbarns Westwood Martin. ca.rpntr.& whlwrght
Cox WaIter, farmer, Rook end Monk .lames. tailor Willis .lames. farmer, Scots farm
DEDHAM, mentioned in the Domesday Survey. is a college, a.nd S Ul'll"Ogate. Attached to the church is a
town and parish. consisting of one main street with lectureship founded by the Rev. William Burkitt and
three smaller ones branching from it and is in a pic- otlherrs. and endowed with great tithes commueted at
turesque valley. on the navigable river Stour, which the sum of £5001 yoorly. certain glebe lands and the sum
separates it from Suffolk, 3 miles north from Ardleigh 8ta- of £25 consolidated £2~ per Cent. Annuities, standing in
tion on the Great Eastern railwaY,7 north-north-east from the name of the offiCIal trustee of charitable funds:
Colchester. 4 west from Manningtree, I I south-west from under a scheme of the Charity Commissioners, dated
Ipswich and 59 from London, in the North Eastern Jan. 28th, 1870. the administration of the charity and
division of the county, Lexden and Winstree petty ses- the patronage are vested in trustees; this lectureship,
sional division and union, Lexden hundred, Colchester yearly value £150. with residence. has been held since
county court district, rural deanery of Dedham, archdea- 1872 by the Rev. Hamilton Ashwin LL.D. of Trinity
conry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The town College. Dublin. The vicar has in his possession a list
is lighted with gas. The church of the Virgin Mary is a of the vicars of Dedham from the J:4th century to the
large building chiefly of brick and rubble in the Perpen- pres~nt time. There are Congregational and Primitive
dicular style. consisting of chancel. clerestoried nave of Methodist chapels. Dunton's almshouses. founded in
six bays, aisles. north and south porches and a fine 1517 by Stephen Dunton. of Dedham, and endowed by
battlemented western tower of flint, 131 feet in height William Littlebury in IS71 for old and decayed trades-
with 4 pinnacles and containing a clock and 8 bells re- people. comprise 10 houses. now ~ccupied by 20 persons.
hung in 1881: this church was founded at the beginning each of whom receives from IS. to 38. weekly. coals and
'Of the 16th century by Thomas arid John Webbe, father wood being found free of charge. Barker's. founded in
and son. both" woollen manufacturers, whose merchants' r863 by Samuel Barker. of Bedford Square. London. a
mark, with the badges of York and Lancaster. appears native of Dedham, for aged spinsters. have six inmates,
<)ll the tower; in the north aisle is the founders' tomb. a each_ of whom receives Ss. weekly; there are six Chapel
canopied monument of stone in a good state of preserva- almshouses, founded in 1834, by Mrs. Mary Barfield, of
tion; the brass which bore the inscription is lost. but Colchester. for aged widows; of the six almswomen, four
the date is s1!pposed to be 1523: on !he south side of receive Ss. weekly and two others 4s. weekly: Chapman's
the chancel there is a recess, now used as a credence charity, derived from land at Ardleigh, let in 1890 at
table, and traditionally said to have been an oven used for £50 was left in 1657 by John Chapman, of Dedham, and
baking the sacramental bread, there being a chimney is distributed yearly: Betts' charity. of £15. left in
leading from it: in the wall of the south aisle is the 1825 by Edward Betts, of Dedham, is distributed yearly
staircase which formerly led to the rood 10ft: the font, in coal. Dedham formerly had a market and in the
stated to have been found under the flooring at the west reign of Richard n. and up to the end of the 16th century
-end of the church. bears traces of carving. though much was famous as one of the chief seats of the clothing trade.
mutilated: the north door is of carved oak. but imperfect. Stour House, an Elizabethan mansion. bui:t in 1868, and
some figures of saints in canopied recesses having been the seat of :Mrs. Dunnett. is situated on the side of a
removed: the chancel was restored in 1880. when a carved hill, with a commanding and picturesque view of the
.stone reredos and sedilia were introduced: the pisciha vale of, Dedham, the river Stour and the sumounding
as ancient: in 18'87 the o'rgan was removed fvom the west country. Dalet;horpe, an ancient residence, the seat of
to the east end of the south aisle and the exterior walls James Dyer l1remlett esq. J.P. is pleasantly situated on
()f the chancel and the north wall of the church were the banks of the Stour. The Hill House. Dedham Park,
'I'enovated: tbere are seven stained windows: the church the seat of Hatleild James Back esq. is a modern house.
was reseated in 1861 and has 6IO sittings. The register The Old House, the original building- of Dedham Gram.
dates from the year IS"60. The living is a vicarage. mar school, dates from the time of Queen Elizabeth, and
TIl.'t yearly value £185, with li acres of glebe and Tesi- is the residence of Mrs. Penrose; Lower Park is the
dence, in the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held !l'esidence of James Hewitt esq.; Birchwood of Edward
since 1885 by the Rev. Charles Alfred Jones M.A. of St. C. Gibbons esq.; Castle House of William Tinning esq.;
John's CoJ!ege. Oambridge. formerly chaplain of that and Highlands of William Deason esq. There are two
manors in the parish of Dedham, viz. Dedham Hall, at- PUBLIO OFF~OERS.
tached to the Duchy of Lancaster, and Over Hall and Assistant Overseer &; Registrar of Marriages, William
Nether Hall, of which - Beaumont esq. of Colchester, is Griffiths, High street
lord. The principai landowners are Hatfeild James Back,
the trustees. of William HeI"bert Dunnett, H. R. Ed- Medical Officer &; Public Vaccinator, 7th District. Lexden
wards esq. J.P. of Southwold, William Nocton esq. of &; Winstree Union, Jame·s Richd. Lownds B.A.,L.R.C.P.
Langham, Lieut.-Col. Richard Spurgeon Green, of Stony- &; REdin. Dedham house
lands, William Deason esq. James Dyer Tremlett esq. and Registrar of Births &; Deaths, L. R • .AlIen, Boxted
Messrs. Ebenezer Clover and J awes and William Hewitt
and Mr. Arthur Osborne, of MistIey. The soil is mixed, SCHOOLS.
principally mild loam; subsoil, various. The chief crops The Royal Free Grammar School (now closed by orde:r
are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 2,558 acres of the Charity Commissioners), was founded in 1571
of land and 10 of wate.r; rateable value, £6,997; the by William Littlebury &I chartered by Queen Elizabeth
population in 1901 was 1,5°0. in 1574. The school called the "English school,"
Parish Clerk, Henry Wallis. founded in 1599, is now amalgamated with the Gram-
Sexton, Thomas Hitchcock. mar school &I a scheme for the administration of the
Post &; M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., .Annuity, In- foundation was confirmed in November, 1873, &; came
surance &; Exprells Delivery &I Parcel Office.-Maurice into effect in January, 1885. An artesian well has been
H. Page, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Col- sunk upon the Grammar school property to a depth of
chester at 5 a.m. & 12.30 &; 5.30 p.m.; dispatched at 155 feet
2.40 &I 7.20 p.m.; sundaY's: delive!l'y, 7 a.m.; dis-
pa.tched, 7.20 p.m. Licences &; game certificates is- Elementary, built in 1882, for 60 boys; average attend-
sued from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wan Letter Box, Dedham ance, 49; Ha~ry Archer, master
iHeatlh, cleared lilt 6,40 p.m National (mixed), built in 1825, by Edward Betts esg,.
Pillar Letter Box, Lamb corner, cleared 1.30, 2 &; 7.40 fo-r 150 children; average attendance, 120; Miss ElIell
p.m. daily; Oastle hill, 6,30 p.m.; Highlands, 1.35
Walden. mistress
&; 7.35 p.m Infants', built in 1855, for 60 infants; average atten<t.
PLAOES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. ance, 35; Miss Matilda Gallant, mistress
St. Mary's Church, Rev. Charles Alfred Jones M.A. Carriers to:-
vicar; n.o a.m. 3 &; 7 p.m. &I tues. 11 a.m Ardleigh Station-WilIiam J. Page, daily, leaves at a
Congregational, Rev. Alfred J. Basden; 10.30 a.m. 3 &£ a.m.; arrives back at 10.30 a.m
6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Colchester-George Buckles, every wed. &I sat. leaves
Primitive Methodist; 10.30 a.m. 2.30 &; 6.30 p.m.; mono at 10 a.m.; returniug at 5 p.m
fortnightly 7 p.m Ipswich-George Buckles, every tues. &; tri. leaves at
Police Station, George Trundle, constable 10 a.m.; returning at 5 p.m

Saunders Miss, Hallfields Fe:gate William, fa.nner, Monk farm
, Saunder~ Nathaniel, jun. Albany cot Fenn Cooper, Conservative registration
Agassiz Lieut.-Col. Roland Lewis Tinning William, Castle house agent
R. M. Octagon house Tremlett Jas. Dyer M.A.,J.P. Dalethrp Fisk William, farmer, Brook cottage
Agassiz Miss, Great house Freeman J abez, saddler
Arnold Mrs. Dedham lodge COMMERCIAL. Gammer Harry, draper, Iboot &; shoe
Arthur Mrs. Albany villas factor &i grocer, High st.reet
Ashwin Rev. Hamilton LL.D. Lec- Early closing day, thursday Gas Workil (John Wm. Drooke, sec)
ture house Abbott Joseph, saddler, Heath Gooch William Hobbs, chemist
Back Hatfeild James, The Hill house, Adams Richard Henry,grocer &I draper Griffiths Fredk. Saml. furniture brkr
Dedliam park &; wine &; spirit merchant, Griffiths George, dealer in antiques
Basden Rev. Alfred James (Congre· Artis Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist Griffiths William, registrar of marri-
gational), The Manse Artis Frederick, photographer ages, assistant overseer &; insurance
Box Miss, Princel house Austin Robert &. SOn (W. E. D. agent, High street
Clover Ebenezer, Dael holm l\Iaile), wine &; spirit merchants Harvey Heuben, grocer
Clover John Percy, The Hall Banthorpe William, Anchor P.H Hunnaball James, fishmonger
Oodner Wm. Squires, UppBr lodge Barber :Fredk. pork btchr. Purney hth Johnson William, farmer, Pound frm
Deuson William, Highlands Barber In. Frdk. carpenter, Grove hI Land Wallace, blal i.:smit.h
Duckworth Mrs. Hillands Barber John, beer retlr. Ardleigh I'd Lea,ch William, Lamb P.R
Dunnage Alfred, Ivy lodge Barber Wm. (Mrs.), shpkpr. Grove hI Lilley Herbert, Rose &; Crown P.H. &;.
Dunnett Mrs. Stour house Barclay & Co. Limited (sub-branch), wheelwright
Everett Mrs bankers; open wednesdays, n.30 Lownds James Richard B.A.Camb.•
Exton Miss, Heath villa a.m. to 3 p.m.; draw DU London L.R.C.P.&I S.Edin. -surgeon &; medi-
Farmer John, Heath cottage office, 5+ Lombard st. London E C cal officer &; public vaccinator, 7th
Gibbons Edward C. Birchwood Bennett James, baker district, Lexden &:I Will'stree union~
Godfrey Major-Gen. William Henry Bennett Hobert, shopkeeper, Heath Dedham house
RobinsoJl, Gunhill house Bird George, beer retailer &I butcher Marsh Charle~ Fielding. artist
GOBset Major-Gen. Matthew William Brooke John William, land agent Moore George. coal dealer, Heath
Edwartl C.B. Westgate house, & Busby William, Gun inn Moore James Ephraim, beer retailer
United Service, Arts &; Burlington Buss Henry, boot &I shoe maker Osborne Oaroline (Mrs.). farmer,
Fine Art.s club,;, London W Calvert Wm. S. solicitor (wednesdays) Coggeshall road
Green Lieut.-Co~. Richard Spurgeon Carter James &; Co. farmers & seed Osborne Geo. farmer, Hickle farm
J.P. Stonylands growers, Jupes Hill &; The Hill Osborne Joseph, wheelwright
Gretton Joseph Maria John Baptist, farms; & at St. Osyth; offices. Page Mallrice H. stationer, Post office
Upper park 237 &I 238 &I 07 &; 246 High HoJ- Page William John, Sun inn & cab
Hall Herbert OliveI', Beaulieu born, London WC proprietor
Hardwich Mrs. White house Clover Ebenezer &I Co. miller (water & Pyne Thomas, artist
Hewitt J ames, Lower park steam roller mills) &; corn &; coal Ray Major Charles, stationer. iron-
Hewitt William, Lower park merchant &; farmer monger, circulating library &; fancy
Jones Rev. Chas. Alfred M.A. (vicar Cole Rosa (Miss), dress maker repository
& snrrogate), Vicarage Cooper lieorge, confectioner &I boot &; Reading Room &, Village Club (Harry
Lang Sir Robert Hamilton K.C.M.G. ..hoe maker Archer. sec)
The Grove Coppen William, cycle agt. High street Robinson WaIter. market gardener
Lownd~ J amI's Riohard B'.A. Ded:- Cottee Frederick William, horse dlr Rogers James, blacksmith
ham house Dandy Will:iam, market gardener Saddler - , farmer, Lufkin's farm
l\Iaile Wm. Edis Drayson,Brook house Dines Robert, farmer Saunders The Misses, ladies' school
March Charles Fielding- Dines Wm. dairyman to Geo. Osborne (private). Sharman's hall
Micklethwaite Rev. Holmes B.A. Downes William, farmer, Long road Saunders Nathanlel & Son.
(curate), Holmleigh Dye Edward (Mrs.), shopkeeper builders &; brick makers
Parsons Miss, Upper Lodge cottage Eley John, baker, High street Seaborn Arthur, baker, Ardleigh road
Penrose Mrs. The Old house Evans Henry, butcher &; farmer Sharp Alfred, market gardener
Pyne Thomas Faiers Edward. watch maker & cab Sharp Elizabeth (Mrs.), frmr. Heath
Rodwell Mrs. Dalebrook house proprietor Sheldrake Elizabeth (Mrs.), confec-
SUllnders Ebenezer, Sharman's hall Fairhead Charles, butcher tioner. Royal square
Saundel's Ebe:lezer, jun. Hullfields FeIgate John, farmer, Rookery farm Sheldrake The Misses, dress makers
Smith William Hy. boot, shoe, china, Windell Mary .Ann I (Mrs. ),dress· roa Woodward OharlE's, The' Compasses,
glass & gen. furnishing fctr. High st Windell William (Mrs.), farmer P.H. & pork butcher ,
Springall Henry, Marlboro' Head inn Windell William, ca~nter Wordley William, sen. bricklayer
Thorington Philip & Chus. carpenters Wood Thomas Henry, blacksmith Wordley William, jun. bricklayer
Watson Samuel, plumber, High street . Young Alfred, shopkeeper
DENGIE (or Dengey) is a. parish and small village, ,and held since 1874 by the Rev. Edward James Warm.
Ilear the German Ocean, 3 miles north-east from South· ,ington M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. 'fhere
minster terminal station, on a branch from Woodham .is a charity of £32 yearly, arising from land and cot-
Ferris on the Southend section of the Great Easterntages left in 1684 by Thomas Sympson, of 'l'illingbam.
nrilway. D north-east from Burnham and 12 south- ,L01"d Petre, who is lord of the manor, the Fanhsawe'
eailt from Maldon; it gives name to the hundred trustees and the Governors of St. Bal"tholomew's
MId petty sessional division of Dengie and is in the South- Hospital are the principal landowners. The soil in
es-st-ern division of the county, Maldon union and county ithe uplands is of a lig-ht nature and in the marsh lanrls a'
court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, arch- ,rich loam; subsoil, in the marshes, sea deposit, and on
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church the uplands, gravel and loam. The chief crops are wheat,
.of St. James is an edifice of stone and flint in the De- barley, oats, beans, turnips and mangold wnrtzel; mus-
corated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch tard, coriander and carraway seeds. The area is 2,82I'
and an open belfry at the west end containing 2 bells: acres of land, 729 of tidal water and 1,399 of foreshore; .
the east window was given by the rector and a stained rateable value, £I,595; the population in 190I was 249.
window has also been erected by the Misses MaIden in By Local Government Board Order 22,354, dated March
lDlemory of various members of their family: there is an 24, 1889. Court Farm was transferred from Asheldham ·to
:ancient brass, the inscription on which is illegible: the Dengie.
church underwent a restoration in 1850, and in 1890 Parish Clerk, William Claydon.
the chancel was much improved by the erection of 8
'beautifully-carved reredos of stone, extending across the Letters are received fthrough Sout11minster,R.S.O. at 7.45
whole width of the east end, and canopied sedilia, de- a.m. & I p.m. Tillingham, one mile north, is the
.fiigned and personally executed by the present rector and nearest post, money order & telegraph office. Wall.
'the patron: the reredos has three illuminated panels, the Letter Box cleared at 9.50 a.m. & 5.35 p.m.; sundays,'
work of Miss Warmington: there are sittings for 120 11.40 a.m

living is a rectory, net yearly value £533, with residence

and IS acres of glebe, in the gift of E. Warmington esq.
persons. The registers date from the year 1559. The National Schools (mixed), built in 1846 &; enlarged, in
1863, for 60 children; average attendance, 44; W. H.
Bradshaw, master
Page .Arthur John, Bacon's Coote James W. farmer-, Small gains Nunn .Alfred, blacksmith
Warmington Rev. Edward James Grove Thomas, farmer, Old White Page Arthur John, farmer, Bacon's
M.A. Rectory Horse farm St,radling .Alfred, farmer, Keelings
'Brett Charles, White Horse P.H Hutley Wm. Hugh, farmer, The Hall
DODDINGHUBST, otherwise written "Dodden- still remain at Stocks corner, near the common. Lag-
\beue," "Dudeho" and "Duddin~hurst," is a parlish, 4 den's charity, derived from land in the parish, amounts,
miles south from Ongar, 4 west from Ingatestone and to about £15 yearly, of which sum £8 is distributed
4 north from Brentwood stations, in the Mid division of in coals here and £7 in the adjoining parish of Kelvedon
1the county, Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional Common. There are two other small charities, one of
.division and county court district, Ongar union, and in £4 annually, issuing from the Hall farm, and the other
the rural deanery of Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex of £3 paid by the Fane trustees, both of which are dis-
and diocese of St• .Albans. The church of .All Saints is tributed in bread. The Rev. Francis Stewarl M.A. is
an ancient building of stone and rubble, in the Early lord of the manor, and Major J. A. Fane, of 13 Wood-
English 8tyle, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, lands road, Barnes, London S W, is the principal landed
vestry, organ chamber, and a. wooden tower at the west proprietor. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The
end, with a shingled spire coutaining 3 bells: the south chief crops are willeat, oats and barley. T'he area is
porch, built of massive open timber, is considered the 1.913 acres of land and 4 of water; rateable' value,-
!finest specimen of its kind in the county: all the windows £2.003; population in 1901, 372. ; ,
,are stained: the church was restored in 1886, the restora- Sexton, Henry Green•.
tion of the chanceI.J:leing effected at the expense of the School (mixed), for 60 children; average attendance,
rector, and in 1897 a brass tablet was placed in the about 50; John Windo, master; Mrs. Fanny M. Windo"
.church in commemor8ltion of the Diamond Jubilee of mistress
l1er late Majesty Queen Victoria: there are 120 sittings. Letters through Brentwood, arrive at 7 a.m. & 12.15 p.m.
The register dates from the yea.r 1560. The living is a Wall Letter Box at the School cleared at 8,45 a.m. &;
1'eotory, net yearly value £340, with residence and 18 6 p.m. ou week days & 9 a.m. on sunday. Wall Letter
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Rev. Fras. Stewart M.A. Box, The' Common, cleared at 9.20 a.m. 1.10 k 6.30'
.11Dd held since 1896 by the Rev. Frederick Archer Adams I p.m.; sunday 9 a.m. Kelvedon Common is the nearest
M.A. of Queen's College, Oxford. The ancient stocks' money order & telegraph office, distant Ii mile8
Adams Rev. Fredk..A.rcher M..A.Reetry Curtis Herbert, baker & shopkeeper, Lagd'en George, farmer ..:
'Mitchel1 Edward The Common Littlechild William. farmer,Pet.tit's fm
'Pratt Roland, Place farm Day Thomas, farmer Luckin Charles, oil dealer, Manor ha
Dove Ezekiel, farmer, The Hall Mason John, farmer, Emblens
COHMEROIAL. Gadd & Tubb, grocers & drapers, The Metson Samuel, frmr. Pear Tree farm
~brey Geo. Swan P.'H. The Common Common Mitchell Edward, frmr. Howl'S farm
J3arker Thomail Humphrey, farmer, Giblin William, farmer, Cowes farm Poole Wm. Jas.. farmer, Swallow's cross .•
Dagwood Godfrey GeorgE:, blacksmith, The Purnell Frederlck,farmer,Chiver's frm.
!Bloomfield Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Common Wheatley & Co. poultry frmrs.Red ho
!Bolton In. Pritchett, frmr. Park frm Hug-hes Wilfred, farmer, Bannister's Window John, <lchoolmaster '
tClark Matthias, farmer,Glover's farm Jordan Waiter, beer ~tailer


. .'
~AST DONYLAND is a. parish opposite Fingringhoe, consecrated in 1838: it contains a tnarble m'onument,
with which it is connected by a 'Wooden bridge over the removed from the old church, to Mary Gray, ob. July,
river Roman, near the confluence of the river Roman with 1627, a member of a family formerly seated here {eirc.
the navigable Come, half a'·mile from Wivenhoe station. 1595: there are 570 sittings, of W1h:ch 500 are free. The
>arn-oss the Oolne, 3i miles south-east from Colchester, register dates from the year 1731. The living is a rec-
..and 54 from London, in the North Eastern division of the tory, net yearly value £175, in the gift of E. J. H .
•county, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division, Havens esq. and held since 1898 by the Rev. John Moxey
Lexden hundred and union, Colchester county court Easterling. About 40 boats and smacks are here em.
'district, rural deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry of Col- ployed in fishing, and about 50 yachts are kept: these
.chester, and diocese of St• .Albans. This parish incluaes furnish employment to a number of the inhabitants dur-
!the hamlet of Blackheath, which for ecclesiastical pur- ing the summer months. The Roman Hill property has
'Poses is in the parish of Fingringhoe. The church of St. been bought. by the War Office, and now forms part of
Lawrence is an octagonal edifice of white brick built in the Middlewick Rifle Ranges. E. J. H. Havens esq. is
imitation J)f th~ chapter-house ,of York cathedral and lord of the manor. T'lwmas Moy and Frederick Gordon
esqrs. are tbe ehiel landowners. The soil is principally Pa'rish Clerk, Henry Oharles Spinks.
light; subsoil, genertllly gravel. The chief crops aTe Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. Annuity & Iusur-
wheat, barley and wl'Ilips; grazing is also carried on; , ance &; Express Delivery & Parcel Office, Rowhedge.-.-
The area is '1,372 aores of land, 4 of water, 3 of tidal Thomas William Pitt. sub-postmaster. Lettell's uriv&
wwter and 12 of foceshore; mteable value, £4,023; through Colchester at 8 a.m. &; I p.m.; dispatched at
the population in 1901, civil, 1,585; ecclesiastical, 1,440 11.30 a.m.' &; 7.45 p.m ,
in 1891. National School, Rowhedge (mixed), built in 1862, en··
ROWHEDGE is a fishing village in this parish, on the larged in 1873, & again in 1893, for 305 children; aver··
age attendance, 170 boys & girls & 78 infants; }<l'edk..
west bank of the river Colne, opposite Wivenhoe; the
village contains the largest portion of the inhabitants of Barker, master; Miss Harriet Collins, infants' mistress
the parish, and has a Wesleyan chapel. Shipbuilding and, Carriers to Golchester.-Edga'f Jones & Benjamin Harris.
malting are carried on. 'l"here is a ferry frClm this to 'Prince of Wales,' every morning,' returning the-
village across the river Colne to Wivenhoe. 'same day .
EAST DONYLAND. Cook Henry, smack owner Jay Thomas, yacht captain
Daniell Robert Thonias, Heath houlle Cook Mary.A.nne (Mrs.),TheAnchorP.H Jones Edgar, carrier
Easterling Rev. John Moxey (rector) Cooper William Girling, tailor Jones William {Mrs.), ferrykeeper
Holroyd Col. Tyssen S. Donyland Idg Cranfield Alfred, yacht captain Ladbrook Arthur, baker '
Cranfield Jesse, yacht captain Lay Alphonso, yacht captain
COMMERCIAL. Cranfield Jonathan, yacht captain Lay Orlando, smack owner
Robinson Abraham, farmer, Donyland Cranfield Lemon, smack owner Lay Percival, yacht captain
Hall farm Cranfield William, yacht captain Madde,r W. & Co. sail makers
Rous Bart, Roman Hill farm.Blackhtb Cranmer George, Royal Oak P.H Owers William, ya~ht captain •
Worsp Barnabas" beer retailer Cranmer Hobert. butcher , Pearman Fredenck, yacht captain
ROWHEDGE. Crickmore Albert, White Lion P.H Pearson Robert, decorator
Crickmore Nicholina (Miss), shopkpr PiU Thos. Wm. post office & sbationel"
Jennings John CrickmoN William Shales, builder Powell Georgina (Mrs.), shopkeeper
BIyth Octavius, Colne view Crosby Charles, coal merchant Powell Isaiah, yacht captain
COMMERCIAL. Cude Frank Roward, grocer &; tea dlr Rudland Arihur, Three Crowns P.ll-
Barnard Arthur. yacht captain Cutts Mark, yacht captain, ' Scrutton (Mrs.), decorator
Barnard James. yacht captain Daniell &; Sons Ltd. maltsters Scrutton Geo. N. (Mrs.), decorator-
Barnard Turner, smack owner Donyland ShlpyardaL1:d. (The). Sebborn Henry, yacht captain
Brasted Charles, beer retailer ,ship & yacht builders (Ro!bert :1;. Smith William, beer retailer
Carter James, yacht captain Reid, manager; E. E. Bonnor, sec) Springett John, yacht captain
Carter John; captain. of His. Maj-es!ty Dyer Benjamin, yacht captain Springett Samuel, smack owner
King Edwal'd's yacht Britannia Ebbutt Richard, Ship P.H Springett Thomas, yacht captain
Cheek William, smack owner Ennew Thomas, yacht, captain Taylor William (Mrs.), beer retailer
Clarke Benjamin, yacht captain Ennew Turner, yacht captain Theobald WaIter, yacht captain
Clarke William, smack owner Everett Alfred, boot & shoe maker Wade Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer
Colchester Co-operative Reading Room Gredl9Y ·William. yacht captain Wade Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
&; Library (branch) Harris Benjamin, carrier Walford Ambrose. smack owner
Calcheste~ &; East Essex Co-operative Harris Peter Thomas, yacht builder Walford Benjamin, yacht captain
&; Industrial Society Limited,grocers ,Tames Daniel, yaeht captain Wstson J ames, yacht captain
&; tea dealers; &; at Colchester J ames Philip. yacht captain Wede Samuel, yacht captain
Cook George, bricklayer James William. yacht captain Wood Stacey, grocer

, , DOVERCOURT, see Harwich.

DOWNHAX is a. hilly parish wHh ·a scattered 'popula- affords 140 sittings. The register dates from the year
tion, 7 miles north from Pitsea ltation on the London, 1558. The living is a rectory, nat yearly value £300,
Tilbury and Southend railway, 2 miles nor'tb-west from with residence and 42 acres of glebe, in the gift of Vis-
Wick-ford station on the Southend branch of the Great count Midleton and others, and held since 1895 by the-
Eastern r-ailway, and 10 east from Brentwood: it was Rev. Charles Edward Stuart Rateliffe M.A. of St. J'ohn'g.
anciently a soke or liberty and is in the Mid division of College, Cambridge. }<'remnells, an Elizabethan mansion:
the county, Barnstaple hundred. Brentwood petty sessional of brick, is now the proper.ty of Mr. Thomas WorrelI:
division and county ceurt district. Billericay union, rural BIyth, but is occupied by 'his son, Mr. Thomas BIyth.
deanery of Danbury, archdearonry ,of Essex and diocese ABen IStaUibrass esq. of EaSJtwood Bury, Rochford, is
of St. Albans. The church of St. Margaret, pleasantly lord of the manor and principal landowner. '1'he soil is
situated on a hill, is a building of stone, in the Early heavy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat" bar-
English style, consisting of chancel ancl nave, south porch ley, beans and oats. The area is 2,199 acres of land and
and 6n embattled western tower of brick, of the 15th 6 of watelf; rateable value, £2,510; in 1901 the popula-
century. containing 4 bells: the church, with the excep' tion was 258 in the civil and 235 in the ecclesiastical.
tion of the tower, was rebuilt in 1871, when a stained east parish.
window was erected by the daughters of the Rev. Edward
Charles Evans M.A. rector 1867-81, and there are two By Local Government Board Order, 21,887, dated'
other stained windows to t1he Bewick family and to the March 25, 188 9, a detached part of Downham was trans-
Rev. W. Hugo Loon, rector 1881-94: the church is ferred to Ramsden Bellhouse, and a part of Runwelr
aeatOO throughout with oak and hall a carved stone pulpit: added to Downham by Order 22,4 22 , of the same date.
there are monuments to the family of De Beauvoir and Parish C~el'k, William Clark, for nearly 70 years.
otherll to Sir Henry Tyrrell kt. and Thomasine, his wife, Letters through Brentwood by foot from Billericay R.S.O.
ob. 15 88 , and Joyce, wife of .Tohn Tyrrell esq. ob. 1594; a1"r1ve at 6.45 a.m. & 5.3 0 p.m. 'Wall Letter Box near
one formerly existing to Wingfield Ablow, ob. 15 84, has the De BeauV'oir Arms P.H. cleared at 7. 15 a.m. &;
now disappeared, but there are others to Sir William .'i.3 0 p.m. ,The nearest money order &; telegraph office-
Andrews bart. of Denton, ob. 15 Aug. 168 4; Benjamin is a!t Wickford, distant 2 miles
Disbrowe esq. ob. 1707, and Sarah his wife, ob. 1692, and
a monument 'of black marble to Sir Thomas Raymond U. ~ationaI School (mixed), for 50 children; average at-
justice of the King's Bench, ob. 14 July. 1683: the churchtendance, 25; Miss Edith Winter, mistress
Marked thus * leHers received through *Srnith Henry Alfred Edward, The HumphrQY .Tohn, market gardener
Wickford S.O Poplars Jackson Percy Gibbons, Crows heath
*Buckingham Mrs. FryerIll farm *Wilkinson William Thos.BeImont viIs Mutt Frank, farmer, Sudbury's farm
*Downs Alfred Edwd. The Elms Orton John, farmer, AlIen's farm
Fraser Mrs. Monica, Downham grange COKMERCIAL. Peck .A.rthur, farmer, Lit,tle Abbot's
*French Robert John, BeImont villas Anderson John, farmer, Home farm Radford John, farmer, Hall farm
*Goring John H. The Chestnuts BIyth Thomas, farmer, Fremnells *Sparrow Thomas, farm bailiff to Mr.
*Harris Aribur Cartwright, The Limes *Gotteridge Geo. frmr. Castleton frm G. F. West
*Hend'erson Francis Riddel, SLFrancis Draper William, farmer, Barn cottages 'fhorne Edgar, farmer, De Beauvoir fm
*:Mathews Robert Oarter, St. Louis Dorking James, farm bailiff to Messrs. Watts Robt. De Beauvoir Armlil P.H
*Parker Willialll, BrookIands Evans & Co Wickford Brick & Tile Co. Ltd. (sec.
Ratcliffe Rev. Oharles Edward Stuart Duce Frank, farmer, Berne hall G. F. West) (postal address, South
M.A. Rectory Heyda Roland von der, fruit grower Hanningfield, Chelmsford)
. .
. "• . .
DUN:M:OW is ~ town, head of 's nnio-D, petty sessIonal built in I 869, and has 955 sittings, and there is also a
division and county COUI't district, 'On a gravelly hill over- Haptist chapel. The Town Hall, standing in the centre
looking the river Chelmer, at the junction of the roads to of the town, was built in 1578, repaired in 1760, and en-
Bishops Stortford, Saffron Walden t Braintree and Chelms- larged in 1837 and 1855, and in 1888 it was purchased
ford, with a station on the Bishops ,Stortford, Dunmow by, and is nvw the property of, a syndicate. A court
and Braintree line of the Great Eastern railway, and is leet is held here. The Conservative Club, in Market
7 miles south from Thaxted, 9 west from Braintree, 12 street, was founded in 1886, and contains reading and
north-west from Chelmsford, 9 east from Bishops Stort- recreation rooms. The Dunmow Friendly Society, estab-
ford and 38 from London (through the Roothings and lished in 1832, in 1898 had 982 members, and an
Ongar), in the Western division of the county, Dunmow available capital of £37,861 for the relief of its members.
hundred, rural deanery of Dunmow t archdeaconry of The Dunmow Savings Bank was established Jan. I, 1818.
Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The town was incorpo- There is a weekly market, 'On 'l'uesday, for corn and
rated py letters patent 16 Feb. 2 tmd 3 Philip ahd Mary, cattle, the corn market being held at the Saracen's •
and the charter was confirmed by Queen Elizabeth in the Head, and the cattle market at the Saracen's
39th year of her reign, but under the provisions of the Head Hotel. A cattle sale is also held fortnightly on
"Municipal Corporations Act, 1883," the corporation alternate market days. Robert Fitzwalter, lord of Little
ceased to exist in March, 1886. The town is lighted with Dunmow, was one of the barons who negotiated Magna
gas and supplied with water from private wells and two Charter at Runnymeade, June IS, 1215; during the
town pumps, the latter being under the control of the ! ep~scopate of Bishop Bonner (1553-9), Thomas Bowyer,
Rural District Council of Dunmow. The church of St. weaver, of Great Dunmow, suffered martyrdvm here.
Mary the Virgin is a large and ancient building of stone, The m.anufacture of baize was introduced here by Flemish
in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of I refugees in the 17th century, but is not now carried on.

chancel, nave of four bays, with clerestory, aisles, with a Many Roman ·antiquities have been found on this spot.
chapeL adjoining the south ai,sle, south porch and an em- The rent of the Thaxted estate {)f 31 acres, purchased
battled western tower with 'angle turrets, containing ·a in 1622, with the interest of £330 bequeathed to the
clock and 6 bells: the east window ·of five lights is a poor by the Glasscock and other families, is distributed
fine specimen of the Decorated style; in the other yearly in !Clothing: new trustees were appointed for this-
windows, several of which are good specimens {)f the charity in 1874 and a draft scheme was issued about
same period, are some remains of stained glass, includ- 1890 by the Charity Commissioners for its better ad-
ing a memorial window to 1Villiam Johnson, d. 1871: over ministration, but the Dunmow and Thaxted estates are
the western entrance are various shields of the Morti- now administered under a later scheme sealed March
mers, Bohuns, Bourchiers, Braybrokes and others, and 30tlh, 1897. Newton Hall, now the property of the Coun-
on the buttresses of the porch, cut in the masonry, are tess of Warwick, is the residence of Lady Rosslyn. Bigods
two crosses" about 10 inches in diameter, discovered in Hall, the p:roperty of the Coumtess of 'Yarwick, is the
1889, and in the chancel is a monument to the Bev. residence of the master of the Technical School. The
John Mangey, for 28 years vicar here, d. 1 Nov. 1782 Countess of Warwick is lady of the manor of Great;.
<et. 85; on the south side is a double piscina {)f the 14th Dunmow; Sir G. H. 'V. Beaumont bart. of 69 Hamlet.
century and sedilia: there is a brass of a lady Of the gardens, London W, is lord of the Rectory manor, )Yyatt •
Cockeine family 'and her husband, c. 1580, and another Hen'ry Barnard esq. of the manor of Shingle Hall, other- .
to John Huthersaul, c. 16°4:' the nave and aisles were wise "Olives," the trustees of the late Rev. James
restored and reseated with open benches in 1873, at a Hughes Haillett M.A. of Marke's manor t and the Drapers' ..
cost of £2,300., under the direction of the late. G. E. Company are lords of the manor of Clapton Hall. The.
Street R.A. and in 1889 a new vestry was added: there principal landowners s['e the Countess of Warwick, Capt.
are 800 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the Sir G. H. W. Beaumont bart. Sir Brydges Powell Hen- .
year 1538, and marriages and burials from 1558. The niker bart. D.L., J.P. and the trustees of the late Rev..
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £287, with residence, James Hughes Hallett· M.A. The area is 6,796 acres·
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1888 by of land and 17 of water; rateable value, £9,203; the,
the Rev. Arthur Courtenay Roberts Th.A. of King's Col- population in 1901 was 2,704, including the officers and
lege, London, and surrogate. A .mission room, at Phil- inmate,s in the workhouse, in the civil parish, and 2,804"_
pot end, about 3 miles south of Dunmow church, was in the ecclesiastioal parish in 1891. . .-
built in 1878, at a cost of £600, and will hold 100 persons: By Local Government Board Order 22,326, March 24,.
Divine service is held there under a licence from the 1889, Onslow Green and Aptonfield Farm have been trans-
llishop. Here is a Catholic chapel, dedicated w the Im- ferred from this parish to Barnston, House Grounds Farm
maculate Heart of Mary. The Congregational chapel, to High Easter, and BarnstoD House and Roughie added '
in New street. an edifice in the Romanesque style, was to Great Dunmow from Barnston.
Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. O. & S. B., Annuity, Insur- Clapham William Blackborne esq. Dunmow . .
ance & Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office. William Foakes Edward Thomas esq. Westbury house, Dunmow
Jdhnson, postmaster. LetteTs arrive at 3.15, 5.15 & I I Gardner Lieut.-Col. Man Coulstonn D.L
a.m. & 7 p.m.; delivered at 7 & 11.30 a.m. & 7.15 Maryon-Wilson Rev. George M.A. Vicarage, Great Can- ..
p.m.; 81rrive from Bishop's Stortford a,t 6.30 p.m.; field, Dunmow J:
. dispatched at 5.15 (fOIl Stortford & Takeley only) & 9.30 The Chairman of the Rural District Council is an ex.--··
a.m. & 3.30, 6.15, 6.30 & 9.15 p.m. but letters may be officio magistrate
posted UiIlItil 6.35 by affixing an additional stamp & 6,4°
(by road). There is also a mail ca:rt to Thaxetd, Brox- Clerks to the Magistrates, W. De Vins Wade
ted (twice daily) & the Roothings (daily). Sunday Petty Sessions are held at the Police station every alte~··
dispaOOh~Bishop's Stortford, 5.15 a.m.; London & all nate monday at I I a.m. (bank holidays excepted), &-;
parts, 6,3° p.m. & 9 p.m every day (when necessary) for business under the,'
Post Office, Church End. Mrs. Sarah Read, sub-post- Summary Jurisdiction Act
IDistress. Letters received from head office at 7.10 The following places are included in the Petty SessionaL
& 11.30 a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; sundays at 7.30 a.m.; dis- Division :-Barnston, Broxted, Ghickney, Great Dun-
patched at 9 a.m. & 3 & 5·45 p.m.; sundays, 10 a.m mow, Little Dunmow, Great Canfield, Little Oanfield,
Wall Letter Boxes. Chelmsford road, cleared at 9.15 Great Easton, Little Easton, High Easter, Lindsell.
a.m. & 3.15 & 6 p.m.; sundays at 6 p.m.; Easton Pleshey, High Roothing, Aythrop Roothing, LeadeIL
Lodge .station, cleared 8. I5 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, Roothing, Margaret Boothing, White & Morrell Rooth-
6.15 p.m. There is now telephone communication with ings, Stebbing, Takeley, Thaxted & Tilty
High Roothing ~ East{)n lodge
Wall Letter Boxes, High Roothing road, cleared at 7.30 DUNMOW RURAL DISTRlar COUNCIL.
a.m. & 5.40 p.m. week days only & North street, Meet at the workhouse every tues. four weeks, commenc-
cleared at 9.15 & IO.55 a.m. & 3.15 & 5.50 p.m.; sun- ing April 15th, 1902, at 12 noon.
days at 5.50 p.m Chairman, J. B. Frankham, Little Canfield hall, Dunmow
OOUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR DUNMOW PETTY Clerk, StepheD Giffard, High street, Great Dunmow
SESSIONAL DIVliSION. Treasurers, Barclay & Co. !J1!l. Dunmow & Braintree
Gepp Rev. Edward Francis M.A. High Easter, chairman Medical Officer "of Health, E. E. Goodbody B.A., M.B.
Warwick Earl of, Easton lodge, Dunmow Great Bardfield
Henniker SiT Brydges Powell bart. D.L. Montpellier hall, Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Carr, Dunmow
Brighton Surveyor, Robert W. Burton, High street

PUBLIO ES'rABLISHMENTS. Superintendent Registrar, Stephen GitIard, High street,

Ancient Order of Foresters (Oourt Prince Arthul', No. Dunmow; deputy, Lionel O. Mackenzie, Great Dunmow
5,432), held at Baracen's Head hotel; number of mem- Registrar of Marriages, John William Beard, Great Dun-
bers, 3°9; juveniles, 45; Richard T. Olive, sec. New mow; deputy, Arthur Dennill, High st. Great Dunmow
street, Dunmow Registrar of Births &; Deaths, Stebbing sub-district, Wm.
County Court, His Honor H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge; Luckin, Dunmow; deputy. R. W. Burton, Dunmow;
Edward Holmes, registrar & high bailiff; J. G. Dunmow sub-district, Arthur Robert Spur,geon, Dun-
Mackenzie, clerk; George Saunders, assistant bailiff mow; deputy, William Henry Carr, Great Dnnmow;
The county court is held at the Town Hall every two Thaxted sub-district, Frederick Edward Britton, Thax-
months: the following is a list of places within its ted; deputy, Arthur S. Barrett. Thaxted
juri.• dictio:I: Abbot,s Roothing, Aythrop Roothing, The Workhouse, a structure of red brick, was built in
Bardfield Saling, Barnston, Beauchamp Roothing, 1840 and will hold 418 inmates; William Errington,
Broxted, Chickney, FeLsted. Great Bardfield, Great master; Rev. Thomas Eddleston, chaplain; Montague
Canfield, Great Dunmow, Great Easton, Hatfield Broad Tench M. D. medical officer; Mrs. F. J. Errington,
Oak, High Easter, High Roothing. Leaden Roothing, matron
Lindsell. Little Bardfield, Little Oanfield, Little Dun- School Attendance Committee.
m()w, Little Easton, Little Laver, Marg'aret Roothing,
Stabbing, Takeley, Thaxted, Tilty & White &. Morrell Meets at the Workhouse on tuesday, every six weeks, at
Roothing at 12 noon.
Clerk, Stephen Giffard, High street, Great Dunmow
For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
of Chelmsford; O. Mercier. official receiver; H. Shirt- Attendance & "Infant Life Protection Act" Officer, Wm.
Henry Carr, Great Dunmow
clitIe, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple chambers,
Certified Bailiff under the Law of "Distress Amend-
ment Act," J. M. Welch. Great Dunmow Assistant Overseer, John George Mackenzie
Police Station, William Barnard, supt. & 3 constables Certifying Factory Surgeon, Frederick Arundel Stewart
Stamp Office, The Post office Hutchinson M.A.• M.B. High street
Town Hall, Georg'9 Saunders, keeper Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Property Taxes,
Masonic Lodges (I543 Rosslyn) held 'Saracen's Head' William Wade
wed. nearest full moon. Feb. March, April, Sept. Oct. Inspector under Adulteration of Food Acts &; Inspector
& Nov.; J. G. Mackenzie, secretary; (527 Mark Dun- of Weights & Measures, Dunmow district (vacant)
mow Lodge), held 'Saracen's Head' Ist tuesday in Tax Collector, John George Mackenzie
Feb. May, Aug. &; Nov.; J. G.Mackenzje, sec
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
DUNMOW UNION. St. Mary the Virgin, Rev. Arthur Courtenay Raberts
Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at I I a.m. at the Union Th.A.K.C.L. vicar; daily 8 a.m. & sunday 8 & I I a.m.
. workhouse. & 3 & 6·30 p.m
The Union contains twenty-five parishes, viz. :-Aythorp Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Chapel; monthly.
Roothing, Bardfield Saling, Barnston, Ilroxted, Chick- but on no fixed day
ney, Felstead. Great Ilardfield. Great Canfield, Great Mission Room, Philpot End; 3 p.m. on sunday
Dunmow, Great Easton, Ratfield Broad Oak, High Baptist; IO·3 0 a.m. & 2.30 p.m
Easter, High Roothing, Leaden Roothing, Lindsell, Congregational, Rev. D. Ilrycham Thomas; 10.30 a.m. &.
Little Bardfield, Little Canfield. Little Dunmow, Little 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
Ea.ston, Margaret Roothing, Stebbing, Takeley, Thax- ,
ted, Tilty & White & M()rrell Roothings; the population SCHOOLS.
of the uuion in 1901 was I5,705; area, 73,503 acres; I Countess of Warwick's Secondary &; Technical School, E.
rateable V'alue in 1902, £,63.45'6 E. Hennesey, master
Chairman of the Iloard of Guardians. J. B. Frankham, British, built in 1844, for 250 children; average attend.
Little Canfield hall, Dunmow ance, 2°7; Alfred Scarfe, master; Miss Alice Hewitt,
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Stephen infants' mistress
Giffard, High street, Dunmow National, built in 1870, for 320 children; average attend-
'_Treasurer, William Nevill Tufnell, Barc1ay & Co.'s Bank, ance, II2 boys, 69 girls .& 59 infants; Richard Beard,
Great Dunmow master; Mrs. Paul Tyler, infants' mistress
:'Relieving Officers &; Collectors to the Guardians, I lOt
district, A.rthur Hobart Spurgeon, Great Dunmow; lmd CONVEYANCE.
district, William Luckin, Great Dunmow Railway Station, John Kettle, station master
- Vaccination Officers, A. It. Spurgeon.& William Luckin, An omnibus meets every train; Geo. Willis, 'Saracen's
Great Dunmow Head,' proprietor
_Medical Officers &; Public Vaccinators. Bardfleld district.
E. E. Goodbody RA., M.B. Great Bardfield; Dunmow Camers from & through Dunmow to London, Saunders,
district, Fredk. Arundel Stewart Hutchinson M.A.• M.B. from 'White Lion,' thurs. From London, Saunders,
Dunmow; Hatfield district, John Arthur Temple from ' Saracen's Head' yard, 37a, Heneage st. Spital-
White L.B-C.P.Lond. Hatfield Broad Oak; High Easter fields,every friday afternoon. From & to Thaxted, Tyrell.
·-district. Montague Tench M.D. Dunmow; Stebbing tues. thurs. &. sat. From &; to Stebbing. Sch1enter k
district, Christopher St. John White M.B., C.M. Fel- Turner, daily. From & to Great Ilardfield, Swan, tues.
stead; Thaxted district, Hugh Sherrard Tarrant M.D., thurs. &. sat.,Great Eastern Hailway Q).'s Goods sta-
_B.Ch. Thaxted tion, Mrs.Jane Bint, to &. from all parts of the town daily

PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Hennesey E. E. Bigods hall Scarfe Alfred, Brook house

Hutehinson Frederick Arundel Stwrt. Sewell Francis Starn, Market place
~acon Henry, The Olives M.A., M.B. High street SneH Mrs. High street
Bacon Miss, The Downs Jordan Arthur James Spinks Ernest, Park corner
Blyth Arthur, Ohelmsford house King Charles D. W. Willow bank Spurgeon Arthur Hobert, High street
Bowtell David, Broadgroves Knights Edward William Start :Miss, Causeway
_Ilright SimQD, The Limes Lamprell Charles Stunk~ .Mr!l
iBurrage Miss, Causeway Lee Cuthbert Ridley, North street Suckling Mrs
Burtol}< Robert W. Dovecotes Linsell Joseph Tanner ~rnest W. St. John's house. Misses, Dovecotes Luckin Samuel, The Chesnuts White~treet

ClaphaIIJ, George Frederick Luckin William, The Downs Tanner .Joseph William, High street
Clapham Wm. Blackborne J.P.High et Lyle Mrs. The Laurels 'faylur Miss, The Causeway
Clarke Miss Mills Alfred Job, High street Tench Montaglle M.D
OarI' William Henry, The Bays Pegram James E. 'I'he Bank Thomas Rev. D. Brycham (Congregl)
Cock Mrs. Causeway Philbrick Mrs. M. The Down~ 'l'hring Rev. James O. The Park
Dlllr;iel Thomas, Ivy house Porter Charles 'f:vler Paul Philip, North street
Dixon Mrs. North house Randall George Arthur, Brick hous" Wade W. de Vins, Clock house
Fo&kes Edwd. Tholl. J.P. Westbury ho Reid Robert, Buildings Warner Benjamin Harry, New street.
Foakes Miss, Westbury house Hoberts Rev. Arthur Courtenny Wanen Charles
Gibbons The Misse!l, Down house Th.A.K.C.L. The Vicarnge Welch Joseph Marsh, Folly farm
Gibbons Thomas, Down cottage Rosslyn Lady, Newton hall Young Miss, High street
Giffard Stephen, The Gables, High st RusseIl Hobert W. North street Young Miss M. Causeway •
Hasler William. The Croft Saltmarsh Miss, The Do,vns Young Mrs. Causeway ,.
COHHEBCIAL. Holmes Edward, solicitor, commissioner for oaths &;
. ., . ~ . perpetual commissioner &; registrar &; high bailiff of
Early closing day, Wednet!day. . county court
Acres George, farmer, Strood hall Howland George, shoe maker
Adams William, pro-vision dealer &; spirit. mer. High str~t Hunt Elisha John. timber &; firewood mer. The Parsonage
Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Prmce Artbur, ~o. Hutchinson Fredk. Arundel iStewart M.A. &; M.B.Camb.,
5,432) (Richard T. Olive, sec.), Saracen's Head hotel M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &; surgeon, -&
Archer Arthur, cycle manufacturer &; agent, High street medical officer &; public vaccinator for Dunmow district,
Barelay &; Co. Limited (branch), bankers (James E. &; certifying factory surgeon, H~gh street
Pegram, manager); draw on head office, 54 Lombard st. Johnson William, linen draper, High street
LondonEO J oyce Charles, beer retailer, Bishops green
Barnard Dan, farmer. Marks Kernp ..lames Nelson, White Horse, wine, beer, mineral
Bamard John William, farmer. Crouches &; spirit stores; proprietory whiilkies of every descrip-
Barnard Oswald, farmer, Roughie farm tion; billiards &;c. Telegrams, "Kemp, Dunmow."
BarnaI'd Thomas Constable, farmer, Lower hall, Maples, See advert
Marks &; Marks hill,Parsonage, Rakefairs farms &; Bigods Ketley WaIter, bricklayer & plasterer
Barnal'd William, superintendent of .police King Charles D. W. insurance agent
Bayly Douglas, White Lion family & eQmmercial hotel; KinO' Thomas )Villiam, insurance agent, New street
livery 0&; bait stables; large billiard saloon; good aC- Kin~oss William Maloch. pha.rmaceutical chemist (from
commodation for cyclists AlIen &; Hanburys) . .
Beard John W. dra.per, North street Knight Henry, watch maker, HIgh street
Bennett Joseph. farmer, Baoons Levitt Samuel currier &; leather seller, North street
Bomell D. farmer, Broadgroves
Bradley Henry, tail<Jr &; boot maker, High street
Lewls F• .&
Line John
ironmongers, gunsmiths &; oil. merchants
pork butcher. poulterer &; licensed dlr.
Brazier John, plumber, gas, hot &; cold water fitter, house •
In game
decorator &; paperhanger; sanitary work a speciality, Lister John Fillingham, Angel &; Harp inn
High street Livermof0 John, farmer, Langleys
Brown Frederick, Six Bells inn Low Alfred, Three Tuns P.H
Burton Hobert W. surveyor to the Dunmow Rural Dis- Luckin Samuel, grocer; &; at High Easter
trict Council, High stree,t Luckin William, registrar of births &; deaths for Dun-
Butcher Charles, higgler mow sub-district &; relieving officer &; collector to the
Butcher Charles Julius, maohinist, agricultural engineer. guardians, 2nd dist. Dunmow union
wheelwright &; implement agent Lucking Jane (Mrs.), butcher
Byatt Joseph, baker, High street Mackenzie John George, assistant overseer &; tax collectr
Oamelite Convent (Mary 'l'uuscher, mother in charge) J\fcXany Lilta (Mrs.), boarding house, Chelmsford house
Carr William Henry, sanitary inspector to the Rural Dis- Mann Edward, carpenter, Causeway
trict Council 0&; school attendance &; "Infant Life Pro- Mardell Alfred, farmer, Barnston bouse
tection Act" officer &; attendance officer to Little Dun- Marshall Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Dunmow farm
mow, Thaxted &; White Roothing school boards Martin Bros. masons
Oarlow William,cabinet maker, upholsterer &; furniture dlr Mason Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Carter Dansie (Mrs.) (exors. of), stationers, printers & Masonic Lodge (1543 Rosslyn) (J. G. Mackenzie, sec.).
booksellers, High street Saracen's Head
Chatfield William, practical watchmaker & jeweller &; Mead WaIter, Wheatsheaf inn
fancy repository; all kinds of watches, clocks, sewing Mills Alfred Job, coal merchant, carman &; corn com. agt
machines &;c. repaired Newman Miriam (Miss), boarding &; day school
Clark James, King's Head P.B Noon Herbert, tailor, North street
Clarke James, baker &; beer retailer. Parsonage duwn PanneU Thomas William, fruiterer, Market street
Coates Frank Samuel. baker, North street Pegram James E. manager of Barc1ay &; Go.'s Bank 0&
Coates Fred Edwin, baker & corn dealer, Church end insurance agent
Colina }<'red, farmer, Mountains farm Pepper John, builder &; contractor; sanitary work
Oonservative Club (Earl of Warwick, president; Henry attended to
Bradlev, hon. sec) Perrin Waiter. bake;r. cook &; confectioner; weddin.g ,&;
Countess of Warwick's Secondary &; Technical School birthday cakes made to order; good accommodation for
(E. E. Hennesey, master) visitors &; cyclists; all orders promptly attended to
Cox Reuben (exors. of), farmers, Gametts farm Piper Edmund. draper, milliner & dress maker. High st
Crow George, farmer, Little Gametts Post Office (William Johnson, postmaster), High street
Dalziel Thomas, draper Pragnell John William, The Chequers inn
Dennis A.rthur, ironmonger, High street Prior John, shopkeeper
Dowsett Edward John, news agent Randall R. &; W. brewers &; maltsters &; wine merchants
Dowsett Henry, hair dresser (G. A. Randall, manager), Dunmow brewery
Dunmow Flitch Committee (F. Lewis, sec) Reid A!mes &; Minnie (Mrs.), boot makers
Dunmow Gas Co. Limited (W. de Yins Wade, chairman) Reid R~bert, farmer &; civil engineer, Buildings farm
Eldred J ames, corn &; coal dealer . Read Sarah (Mrs.) ,grocer &; sUb-postmist!ess, Church end
Ellis Harry, carter, Parsonage down Richardson Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Ongar road
Fisher William, general dealer . Bobson WaIter, tailor, 22 Pleasant terrace
Friendly Society (John George Mackenzie, clerk; Rev. Hoper Richard (exors. of), chemists &; druggists, High st
B. Hart, hon. sec.; Messrs. Barkley &; Co.Lim.bankers) Ruffie Gool'ge Newman, greengrDcer
Fuller William, beer retailer Rumsey H. wholesale &; retail corn, flour &; seed mer-
Gafney John. tea dealer, Bishops Stortford road chant; agent for m~ddlings &; bran from most of the
Giffard Stephen, supt. registrar -& clerk to the guardians, London 0&; country mills
school attendance & assessment committees of Dunmow Sams John, dairyman
union, clerk to the Dunmow Rural District Council. Saunders George, glass &; china dealer, North street
also clerk to the Felstead &; Rayne, Lindsell, Little Savill Frederick, harness maker, Market street
Dunmow, Stebbing, 'l'haxted & White Roothing, Great Savincrs Bank (Benjamin H. Waa-ner. actuary)
Bardfield & Bardfield Saling School Boards Scrive~er Martha (Mrs.). coachsmith
Gillham &; Sons, butchers SewelI F. &; Co. general drapers
Goodev George, fishmonger Shorter Arthur, chimney sweep
Goode'y Thomas Albert, builder & contractor. See advt Smith Charles, farmer, Mudwall
Goody WaIter, shopkeeper, 23 Pleasant terrace Smith Frederick William, farmer, Trueton's
Gray William. saddler, Star hill Smith Thomas John. farmer, Clapton ha:!
Croves .& Co. Limited, coal, lime. slate, cement-& Snow John. farmer, Martells farm
bail' merchants, lath renders, drain pipes, stoneware; Snow The Misses, fancv repository
all kinds of sanitary pipes, fire bricks &; tiles &; salt; & Sparrow, Tufnell &; Co. bankers, now Ba'1'clay &; Co. ~m
at Railway station, Braintree &; Yeldham Spore Wm. clothier &; boot &; shoe stores; order.. soliCIted
Barman Frederick, builder & contractor Spurgeon Arthur 'Roben, relieving offic~r &; col1e~tor. to
Harns Alfred, Boar's Head P .H. High street the guardians, 1St district. Dunmow umon &; vaccl~atl.on
Harris Thomas, builder, contractor, undertaker, painter officer & registrar of births &; deaths, Dunmow dlstnct
& house decorator Stacev William, nurseryman &; photographer
Harvey George James, farmer, Toolies farm Staines James. baker & beer retailer
BusIer &; Clapham, brick, pipe &; tile manufacturers, cOTn, Staines Julia (Miss), confectioner.
coal, seed cake, &; artificial manure merchants Staines William, boot maker
Hicks Frederick, baker, North street Stock James, blacksmith, Church end

Stock Thomas, bla~ksmith WaITen Isaac, shQe maker.

Stokes Henry, butcher & purveyor; orders solicited Welch d. M. auctioneer, valuer, estate agent, sur-
Tanner J oseph William & Sons, wholesale & retail groce-rs, veyor & certified bailiff lUlder the Law of Distress
provision merchants, tea dealers, drapers & dealers in Amendment Act
china, glass &, earthenware, High street Webb &; Gibbons, brewers & maltsters, Crown brewery
Taylor Martha Jane (Miss), baker & confeet.ioner White Brothers (established over a century), coach
Tench Montague M.D., M.R'.C.S.Eng. surgeon & medical builders, wheelwrights, tyre &; general smiths; all kinds
o:ffilcer & public va,ccinator for High Easter district, of agricultural implements repaired. Telegrams,
Dunmow union & medical officer to the workhouse "Wllite Bros. Dunmow." See advert
Thorn Charles, tailor, High street Willett Arthur, hair dresser, news agent, stationer, musi-
Town Hall (George SalUlders, keeper) cal instrument dealer, printing agent; wholesale &; retail.
Tucker Frederick John, Royal Oak P.H tobacconist; agent for all tobaccos &0. High street
Turner William, Star inn, North street Willis M. A. Saracen's Head hotel; accommodation for
Tyrrell Richard, White Rart P.R commercials, cyclists, & posting establishment, High st
Wade, Wix & Wade, solicitors. clerks to magistrates Wilton Alice & Fanny (Misses), ladies' school, High street
& commissioners of taxes \Vood Alfred William, tailor & breeches maker, High st
Wade William de Vins, solicitor, commissioner for oaths &; Wright John, farmer. Smiths, Gate House, Mynchons
clerk to the commissioners of land & property taxes &; & Oldhouse farnls
. clerk to justices Young Harry Ashley M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, The Ford
Warner Benjamin Harry, school

LITTLE DUNMOW is a village and parish, i mile tion of conjugal felicity being exchanged for the
west from Felsted station on the Bishop's Stortford, following :-" To the married couple, labourer in in-
Dunmow and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern dustry and his wife, who shall have brought up the
railway, about 2 miles east from Great Dunmow and 37 greatest part of their children and placed them in
from London, in the Western division of the COlUlty, Dun- respectable service without any or the least parochial
mow hundred, petty sessional division, union and cOlUlty relief." The origin of this modern award is as follows:
court district, and in the rural deanery of Dunmow, -" In September, 1'836, at the annual dinner of the
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. A Dunmow Agricultural Society (then a branch of the
tributary of the river CheImer flows through the parish. Saffron Walden society), John Player esq. placed at the
The church of St. Mary the Virgin, restored in 1872, is disposal of the committee the value of a gammon of
an edifice of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of bacon, to be given to a married couple lUlder the above-
chancel, nave of four bays, and a wes,tern belfry contain- named conditions." At the following anniversary three
ingone ~ell: it is supposed to form part of the Priary married c?uples were <:andid~tes; and since the D~­
church: m the 'Church are figures of WaIter Fitzwalter mow AgrIcultural SOClety, ill :r840, became an m-
and Marbilda, the daughter of t:hesecond 'Wa1ter Fitz- I dependent association by its separation from the parent
w.a,'],'ter; there is also a monumenlt to the Halleut i society at Walden, the gammon has been given by the
family :~here are 300 sittings. The register f!f baptisms. i mayor of Dunn;ow, there being an understandin~
and bUl'lals dates from .1556, and of marrIages from i between !he SOCIety and the corporate body that It
:r555.. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £9 0 , in : shall contu;ue s? to be offered. In :r8g1 three cou:ples,
the gIft of Col. John Leslie Toke, and held s,ince 1902 a DevOI;shIr~ VIcar, .a doc~or and an ar~y penSIoner
"by the Rev. George Alexander King Fiulay M.A. of and. theIr Wives. receIved flitches. The Flitch of Bacon
Trinity College, Dublin. Dunmow priory was founded in ~estIval was agam celebrated on Monday, Aug. I, 18 92,
-U04, by Juga, sisrte'r of Ralph Ba,ynard. for canons of the m t~e ;me,adow.s on the. Causeway at Great :J?unmow;
.Augustinian order, and dedicated to St. Mary: here th~ trIal' takmg place m ~ large booth, by a Judge and
vas a custom, instituted in the reign of Henry Ill. a Jury of> bachelors and maIdens,. Lord and Lady B;ooke
and generally ascribed to Robert Fitzwalter, by which and Colonel Lockwood M.~. bemg present. FlItches
he who repented not of his marriage, sleeping or waking, were awarded to Mr. Jos. Hud, aged 79, army pensioner
in a year and a day, might lawfully claim a flitch of , of Turner:s ro~d, Burdett road, Bow, and ~is wife and
bacon from the prior and canons of Dunmow, who were Mr. Denms Br;dgman, aged 38, of Tycoe villa, Allenby
.obliged, as it is supposed, by some injunction of the I mad, Forest Hill, and the custom has been continued up
founder or benefactor, to deliver it to those who should to the pre,seDJt date (1902). The trustees of the late Rev.
take the required oath on two sharp stones in the James Hughes Hallett, who are lords of the manor of
>churchyard, which, however, do not now exist: the first Dunmow, Colonel John Leslie Take V.D., J.P. of Bucks-
-accolUlt of any claimant for this gift is in 23 tIen. VI. ford, Great Chart, Kent, lord of the, manor of Brick-
when Richard Wright, of Brabourn, Norfolk, was the house, and Hastings Worrin esq. of Prior Lodge, are
-fortunate competitor: the last regular claim under this the principal landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil,
tenure was in 175:r, when at a special court baron. clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The
'held 20th June, the steward, jury, suirors and others area is 1,728 acres; rateable value, £r,4112; the popu-
proceeded, with the usual solemnities, to the two great laMon in 1901 was 26 5.
stones near t~e church door and having administered Parish Clerk, BockinO" Corder.
the oath, delIvered the bacon to Thomas Shakeshaft,' '"
weaver, of Wethersfield, and Ann, his wife; the old Post Office.-Mrs.. Ellen Bishop, sub-postmistress. Let-
·-chair in which the happy couple were carried is still ters throug-t. Chelmsford delivered at 7 a.m. 2.45 &;
Temaining in the church: the claim was made, but un- 6 p.m. & dispatched at 5 a.m. 2·5 & 7 p.m.; slUlaays,
-successfully, in r772, and again, with a like result in delivery 6.30; dispatch 7 p.m. Postal orders are issued
I85I; but the old custom was revived in 1855 by the here, but not paid. The nearest money order & tele-
late Mr. W. H. Ainsworth, the novelist, on the 19th g<l"aph office is at Felstead, 2 miles dist-an/fi
,July in that year, when two flitches of bacon were pre-
sented to James Barlow, of Chipping Ongar and Hannah, I A School B~ard of 5 members was. formed. :rS Feb.
his wife ; and to the Chevalier and Madame de Chate- ~79' for LIttle Dunmow, Sl\iephen GIffard,. ~Igh street,
lain: other celebrations of a like unofficial character reat Dunmow, clerk to the board; WIlham Henry
have taken place since that date. This ancient cere- 'Carr, Great Dunmow, attendance officer
monial was imitated at Great Dunmow in :r837, the Board School (mixed), built in 1,880, for 79 children;
poetical oath being dispensed with and the usual condi- average attendance, 38; Miss Archer, mistress

Finlay Rev. George Alexander King BIyth Charles, farm bailiff to Thomas Metson Samuel, farmer, Brook End
M.A. Vicarage Barnard esq. Ivy farm grange, Bourchiers, Bayles &; Rook-
Cooke H. Gordon, Bourchiers Bull Edwin (Mrs.), farmer, Homelye :woods farms
BasleI' Robert, Throws Hasler & Clapham, farmers &; millers Newman Joseph (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Richardson Mrs. Brook end (wind & steam) & co-al merchants, Root John, farmer, Cherry gardens
Worrin Hastings, Priory lodge Throws & Blatches farms Smith Alfred, blacksmith
Bishop Sidney, grocer &; agent to Myall Ann (Mrs.), Flitch of Bacon Worrin Hastings, landowner, Priory
the Scottish Temperance Assur. Co P.H. &; t,hrashing machine proprtrss lodge
DUNTON (or Dunton 1Yaylett) is a parish pleasantly petty sessional division, Billericay union, and in the
situated below the range of the Laindon Hills, 5 miles rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and
south-west from Billericay. 6 south-east from Brentwood. diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the
on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 5 north from Virgin, situated on rising ground, is an edifice of brick,
Stanford-le-Hope, 3 from East Horndon and 4 from Lain- in the Decorated style, and was entirely rebuilt in the
don stations on the Tilbury and Southend railway and 26 year 1873, at a. cost of about £1,500, raised by sub-
from London, in the Mid division of the county, Dar- scription: it consists of chancel, nave, south porch and
stable hundred, Brentwood county court district and a western belfry with spire, containing one bell, and has
:100 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. Letters through Brentwood arrive at 9.30 a.m. The
'The 'living is a rectory, net yea.l"ly value £288, with 24 nearest money order office is at Herongate. The tele-
.acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of King's College, graph office is lilt Langdon Hills, 2 miles south
Cambridge, and held since 1892 by the Rev. William John Wall Let·ter Box cleared at 5.30 p.m.; sunday, 9·30 a.m
Benson M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The provost Wall Letter Box, opposite school, cleared at 9.20 a.m. &
-and fellows of King's College, Cambridge, who are lords 5.20 p.m.; sunday, 10 a.m
of the manor, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, George Alan
Lowndes esq. of Barrington Park, Harlow, Lord Petre A School Board of 5 members was formed 13 Dec.
.a nd Mr. George Martin, are the principal landowners. 1873; Charles Edgar Lewis, New road, Brentwood•
'The soil is clay; subSoil, heavy clay. 'rhe chief crops clerk to the board
.are wheat, beans and oats. The area is 2,306 acres of Board School (mixed), buiLt in 11840, for about 30 chil-
land and 14 of water; rateable value, £1,729; the popu- dren; ,average attendance, 23; Mrs. Louisa King, mist
lation in 1901 was 138.
Benson Rev. William John M.A. Martin George, farmer & landowner, J Squier Charles Henry, farmer, Lower
Rectory Wayleets Dunton Hall farm .
Cole Henry, farmer, Southfield farm Redgwell James, farmer, Sumptner's Wheaton Jsph. & Hy. frmrs. Park frm
Dove A.rthur, frmr. Friern Manor fm farm Wilson Ell'en (Mrs.), frmr.Dunton hall
EARLS OOLNE, see Colne. .
GOOD EASTER (or Estre) is a parish and village barley and heans. The area is 1,983 acres of land and 5
on the Cann stream, 7~ miles north-west from Chelms- of water; ll'81teable value, £2,080; the population in 19Q,I
lord station on the Great Eastern railway, 8i south from was 488 in <the oivil, and 534 in the ecclesiastical pa'rish.
Dunmow and 9 north-east from Ongar, in the Mid Police St3ltion, George Cleveland, COIl:st·able in charge
division of. the county, Dunmow hundred, Chelmsford
.union, petty sessional division and county court district, ORALK END is I mile south; Farnbridge is half a
rural deanery of Roding, archdeaconry .. of Essex and mile south.' _
-<;liocese of ~t. Albans. The. church of S~. An~rew By Local Government Board Order 22,419, March 24,
IS an a~CI~nt structure of .rubble, m .mrxed 1888,a detached part of Mashbury, known as Amours,
."S~yles, consIs;hng of chancel, nave of four 1;>aY8, south was added to Good Easter, and detached parts of the
;8.I~le, south por?h and a we~t~rn tower WIth woo~en 1 latter added to the former parish by Order 22,42 3; <)ll
spITe 109 feet hIgh and contammg. 5 bells, 3 of whICh I the same date a further detached· part of the parish,
~eplaced the old bells de.stroyed III the .fire of 1885, known as Pinehers was added to Margaret Roothing.
.and 2 more were added III 1892: there IS a brass to . ' .
~rargatet, daughter of Edw. Brigg gent. and wife of Post Office.-Herbert Haslar, sub-postmaster. Letters
'Thomas Norrington, ob. 1610, and to her daughters: the arrive through 'Ohelmsford at 8.30; dispatched at
-church was restored in 1878 at a; cost of £600, but 5'40 p.m. Postal orders are' issued here, but not
having been partly destroyed by fire, March 22nd, 1885, paid. The nearest money order & telegraph office is a.t
was again restored in 1886 at a cost of £2,200, and has High Easter, 2 miles diii!tant :. .•. 1
.250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. h
"The living lis a vicarage, net yearly value £195, wiJth A Scho.ol B?a!d of 5 mem?ers was f<?rmed ere 17 Dec.
residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. r872, WI~liam W. Duffield, 96 HIgh street, Che1ms-
Paul's, and held since 18 90 by the Rev. John Michael ford, clerk to the board .
Giblin M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Orlord. The manorial Board School (mixed), erected in 1874, at a cost of
rights are divided. Mrs. W. J. Trving, W. H. Marriage about £1,200, for 100 children; average attendance,
:and ,Sons, of Chelmsford, and Ohris,toph~r Matrobews esq. 67 mixed & 30 infants; Thomas Bradbury, master;
o()f Fouchers, are ehief landowners. 'rhe soil is clay and Mrs. E. Bradbury, mistress; Miss Alice Bradbury,
marl; subsoil, white clay. The chief crops are wheat, infants' mistress
'Giblin Rev. In. Michael M.A. Vicarge Gregg Charles, Fountain P.R Partridge ChaTles, farm bailiff to
Matthews Christopher, Fouchers Hasler Daniel, blacksmith Messrs. W. &; H. Marriage. & Sons
Matthews Geoffry, farmer, Fouchers & Sankey George William, grocer, pro-
Falconers' hall vision dealer· & draper, boots &
Attridge George, farm bailiff to H. Matthews Ralph, farmer, Newarks shoes, general ironmonger (Hood
'I'. Pitt esq Matthews Adolphus, farmer, Wares Easter stores); orders solicited
'Bailey David, thatcher May Charles, hay & straw carter' Sankey 'George William, Old Star P.R
;Buck John (Mrs.), shopkeeper Monk A.lfre,d', farmer, Gartons farm Smith Charles, farmer, The Laurels
Colyer John, farmer Ridgewell L . .& C. H. bakers & millers Thorne Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer
' . .
.HIGH EASTER is a parish and 'villagesl miles Oxford. who is rural dean of Roding and J.P. for ESSQx.
south from Dunmow station, on the Bishops Stortford, The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the impropriators
'Dunmow and Braintree line of the Great Eastern rail- of the great tithes, commuted at £1,007. Here is a
way and 10 north-west from Chelmsford, in the Western Oongregakional ohapel seating 300 persons. The King ds
-division' of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty ses- lord ·of the manor. The principal landowners are Lord
-sional division, union and county court district, rural Rayleigh. William Nevill 'rufnell esq. of Great Waltham,
-deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese Sir B. Po'Well Henniker bart. F . .T. llnd J .\R. Matthews
o()f St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is esqrs. and Loftus .T. W. Arkwrigbt esq. of Little Paru-
3 building of rubble in mixed styles, ana consists of don. The soil is clay; suJbsoil,clayey loam. The chief
-chancel, nave of four bays, with a clerestory of red brick, crops 31re wheat, beans and barley. The area is 4,896
-supposed to have been added in 1480, north aisle, south acres of land and 06 of water; rateable value, £3,178; the
porch and an embattled western· tower containing a populatAion in 1901 was 652.
~lock and 6 bells: the original church, which probably P~rish Clerk, Edward Porter.
mcluded only a chancel, nave and tower, was of Norman . .
-date; the only part of this work now existing is the Post, M. O. & T. 0.,. T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Par~el
nave, which has been much altered by the addition of Post, ,So B. & AnnuiIty & Ins~rance Office.-Albert Hill,
a north aisle and the introduction of Decorated windows sub-postmas'ter. Letters arrIve through Chelmsford by
in the south side: portions of the walls and the south foot pos~ from Grea't Waltham ,at 8·45 a.m. & 2·5<:,
.doorway only remain to represent the original work: p.m.; dIspatched at 1·5 & 5·5 p.m
the· Norman nave was probably erected in the 12th Schools.
-century: a Purbe~k slab with some fragment~ of a National (mixed), for 201 children; average attend-
'brass legend, relatmg to one ?f the Gate faI~llly, re- ance 57. Miss Camilla Craig mistress
'Presents the monumental remams; and there IS a fine .' '. .' .
Early English font: the church was thoroughly restored M~mng PrentIee Memorial S~hool (mI~ed), ~rected
in 1865 at a cost of £2,200. The register dates from m 1893 by Mrs. Newberry, m con~ectlon WIth the
the year 1654. The living is a vicarage, net yearly CongregatIonal ch~pel, for 100 child~en; average
"value £244, with r~ acres of glebe and residence,. in the attendance, 59; MISS Grace Thomas, mIstress
·gift of the Bishop of London, and held since 1849 by the Carriers to Chelmsford.-Alfred Franklin, tues. & frt;
"'Rev. Edward Francis Gepp M.A. of Wadham College, .Toseph Mead, mono & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Robson Rev. George (Congregatnl) Bailey .Toseph, wheelwright
'Barnaro Mrs. The Elms M:athews Frederick John Buckle William Henry, insur. agent-
<Jassidy Mrs., Rose villa COMMERCIAL. Coe Amos. blacksmith
Gepp Rev. Edward Francis M.A., l.P. Archer Henry Hurley, tailor & druper Clayden Thomas, grocer
(vicar &; rural dean), Vi<;larage & assistant overseer Gandy Ohas. saddler &; harness ma

Franklin' Alfred Henry, wheelwright MatthewB Frederick John, larmer &; Oliver Henry, farmer &; landowner,
&; carrier landowner, Parsonage farm Lower house
Gowlett Shadrach, farmer, Bury farm Matthews Frederick John, jun. frmI'. Porter Edward, shoe maker
Hill Albert, baker, post office White's farm Root Geo. farmer &; carrier, Games
Joyce James, farmer Matthews G-eoffry, farmer, King- Staines WItr.frror.House Grounds frm
Knight George S. farmer, Haydens st'Jns farm Stokes James, Punch Bowl P.H
Luckin Samuel', grocer Millbank George, farmer, Crippens Turner !saac, beer retailer
Marlin Thos. Wm. Cock &; Bell inn l\fillbank John, farmer, Old house Warder Brothers, farmers, Poplar
Mathams Charles, farm bailiff for Nunn James. farm bailiff to F. J~ WebsteI' Eliza (Mrs.), miller (wind &I
Guy's Hospital, Lawn Hall farm Mathews esq steam)
EASTHOBPE (or Thorpe) is a village and parish burials dates from 1572; marriages 1756. The living is.
close to the ancient Roman and modern highway from a reotory, net yearly value £II2, with 30 acres of glebe
London to Colchester, liI miles south from Marks Tay and residence, in the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and.
Junction station of the Great Eastern railway, 0+5 h~ld since 1,894 by the Rev. Mow-bray Pinckney Mason
from London, 7 Bouth-west from Colchester, and 4 east M.A. of C.orpus Christi college, Oambridge. 'lThe prin-
.from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the county, cipal laadowners a,re the Earl of Onslow, who is lord of
Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional the mano,r, and Mr. J. 8mith.The soil as light; subsoil,
division and union, Colchester county court district, and clay. 'The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area i8
in tAe rural deanery of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Col- 990 acres; rateable value, £1,022; the population in 189.1
chester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. WlIIS 93 in the civil, and 107 in the eCclesiastioal parish-.
Mary is a very small building of brick in the Early and in 1901, 120.
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porcn By Local Government Board Order 22,363, March 24,
and a belfry with spire at the west end: in the south 1889. Canfields Farms were transferred from Easthorp&
wall is a recessed arch, perhaps the burial place of the to Dirch, and The Bell P.R. &c. from the latter to the-
founder,' and there are some remains of ancient heraldic former parish..
glass: some of the Kingsmill q , who held this estate from Parish Clerk, Charle'l Wilcher.
the time of Sir George Kingsmill kt. justice of the Letter Box cleared a~ 5.30 p.m.; no collection on SUll'-
.Common Pleas, ob. 20 March. 1605-6, are buried here, days. Letters through Kelvedon B.S.O. which is the-
including Anne, daughter of Thomas Blagrave, of Ox- nearest money order office; Messing is the nearest'
lord, gent. and wife of George ;Kingsmill, ob. 18 Sep.t. receiving office. The telegraph office is at Marks Tey~
167-, and their daughter Margaret, ob. 25 June, 1652: 3 miles distant
there are 250 sittings. The register. of baptisms and The children uf this parish attend the school at Copford'
,Mason Rev. Mowbray Pinckney M.A. Brazier Robert, shopkeeper ,Mee Thomas, farmer &; overseer. Littli.>
Rectory Chaplin WaIt. Jas. frmr. Lit. Badcocks Birch Holt
COYMEROLU. Hart Harvey, Bell P.H Smith Joseph, farmer, Gt. Badcocks
Alexander Robert. frmr. Green frm Mitchell GeQ. farmer, Easthorpe hall
GREAT EASTON is an ancient village and parish Little Easton, 88 heiress to the late Viscount Maynard.
on tl!e road from Dunmow to Thaxted and on the is lady of the manor and principal landowner. The soil"
river Chelmer, 3 miles north from Dunmow station: is· various; 1mbsoil, principally clay. The chief crops
on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree line· are wheat, barley aud oats. The area is 2.554 acres;
()f the Grean Eastern railway, and 41 from London by· rateable value, £2,039; the popuLation in 1901 was-{)ivil..
road., in' the Western division of the county, Dunmow 644; ecclesiastioaJ., 543.
hunared, petty sessional division, union and county. . h . ..
eourt district, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of ~UT~N illLL, a amlet, ~ nule south-,!est! In thIS
Essex and diocese of St. .A1bans.· The church of St. l'arIsh, u now attached to Tilty for eccleSIastIcal pur..
John, built chiefly of flint, is an ancient structure in poses..
mixed styles, the arches of the vestry and south porch Paflsh Cle~~, Samue~ Hart.
being very early Norman; it consists of chancel, nave Sexton, William Seer.
and a wooden tower at the west end, containing a clock Post Office.-Thomas Bell, sub-postmaster. Letter~
and 5 bells: there are monuments to the family of Meade, from London & Chelmsford arrive by mail cart from
JI614-1761; to the Rev. Joseph Plume B.D. reotor, ob. Dunmow every morning at 6.45 a.m. &; 12.15 p.m.;
Jan. 16, 1686; tlbe Rev. Thomas Leader, rector, ob. rJ.7 dispatehed at 8.45 a.m. ~ 5.20 p.m. &; sunday at .1:2
June, 161 8, and the Rev. Thomas Cecil, rector, ob. Jan.
1 p.m. Postal orders are Issued here, but not paId~
29, 1627; a memonial window to the 131te WaIter Smith, The nearest ~oney: order &; telegraph office is at
erected in 1'895, and an east window, given by the Dunmow, 3 miles dIstant
Countess of Warwick in 1895: in the church is a list of Wall Letter Box, Duton Hill, cleared at 8.15 a.m. &i
redt'Ors from 13'20: the chancel was restored in 18 77, and 5. 10 p.m.; sunday at 12 noon
the ~hU1I'ch part~ally resbored in 1899, at a cost of aboM Police Station Joseph Myall, constable
£900. Tlhe regIster dates from the year 1561. The ' . . .
liivng is a rectory, net yearly value £355, with residence, Church of England School. (mIXed), .built ID 1881, 0.T?-
in the gift ·of Viscount Maynard's trustees, and held since half an acre of land gIv~n by VISCOunt Maynar~'8
r877 by the Rev. Horntio BladenCapel. Meade's charity, trust.ees, who also ~ontnbuted £35 0 towards. rh
amounting to £55 vearly arising' from two erectIOn; they also glVl~ £5 annually ~or EducatlOna?
farms left in 1759 by Mrs. 'Rebecca Meade, is now purposes; the school will hold 25 0 children; averagll'
in hands of trustees for educational purposes. In J887 attendance, 113; Samuel Hart, master
a flint celt, 5 inches long, was picked up on the glebe Oarrier to London.-George Saunders, from 'Bell,' thurs.
land. The Countess of Warwick, of Easton Lodge, to 'Saracen's Head,' .A1dgate
Capel Rev. Horatio Bladen, Rectory Butcher James, hurdle &; rake maker ISmith Charles, farm bailiff to Mr;
Forster Geo. Wm. Hillside cottage Cant John, blacksmith Charles Webb, Mayesland farm
Pomeroy Jas. Wolseys, Duton hill Clark William. jun. Swan inn Smith George, Three Horse Shoes P.B!
Stock Frank Clarke William, farmer, cattle dealer & Smith Thomas, farmer, Dovehouse
dairyman, Bridge foot Stock E'rnest E. .Bell inn &; grocer
COMMEROIAL. Collin Henry, beer retailer Taylor Charles, farmer, Cranes
Appleton Wm. farmer, Mill End green Dorking William. farmer, Avesey frm, Taylor John, farmer, Welch's farm
Barnard Thoma.s, Rising Sun F.H. Halfyard William, farmer, Breach farm Turner Thomas, blacksmith, Duton h1'
Duton hill Harvey Henry, farmer, Hall farm Watson Edgar, farmer, Bush farm &;.
Beadle Frederick, farm bailiff to Mann Mary (Mrs. ),shpkpr.Duton 'hill LiHIe Cambridge
James Pomeroy esq. of Wolseys, Prime Samuel (Mrs.), miller (wind) &; Watson William, farmer &; landowner,
Duton hill baker, Mill End green Duton hill &; Meads
Burton John, farmer, :Moat 'house Saunders George, carrier Woodwa.rd Alfd. frmr.Blamster's haJIl
LITTLE EASTON is a village and parish, on the of rubble in the Early English style, consisting of chancel.
north side of the Chelmer, 2 miles north-west from Dun- nave of two bays, and north aisle, with a chapel on the
mow \Station, on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow and south side of the chancel and a western embattled towel"
Braintree section of the Great Eastern railway, containing 4 bells and B clock: the east window is a me-
and 40 from London by road, in the Western division morial to Henry, 3rd and last Viscount Maynard. who.
of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional died 19 May, J865: the chapel, a portion of which W!lS'
division, union and county court district, rural originally the Bourchier chapel, and since used as the'
ieanery of ,Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese burial place of the MaynaI'd family, has some very finEl'
Itf St. Albans. The church (name unknown) is an edifice monuments, with figures of members of that family, from
1610 to 1746: the two windows in the chapel are stained, Countess of Warwick, and held since 189J by the Rev.
and were placed by Henry Viscount Maynard, above men- ATthur Lewis Whitfeld M.A. of Magdalen Col:1ege, Ox-
tioned, in memory of Mary (Rabbelt) his wife, who died ford. The Little Easton Workman's Club was opened
October 22nd, 1857: on the south side of the chancel and here in 1885 for the use of residents in the parish and
partly in the chapel is an altar-tomb 'of polished marble workmen employed on the Easton Lodge estates; it has a
with three canopied arches on each side and one at each library -of 45Q volumes, and is also supplied with news.
end, supported by clustered columns with capitals, the paper-s and periodicals. There are six aJmshouses for as
whole surmounted by a course of oak leaves: on the many aged people, endowed with rent-charge of £20
npper slab are inlaid brass effigies of Isabella of York, yearly. Eas·ton Lodge was originally a mansion in the
• aunt of Edward IV. and her husband, Henry Bourchier, Elizmbeth3lll! style, with a chapel built by William, Lord
first Earl of Essex, 1483: on the north side of the chan- Mayn'3rd, in 1621: the greater p()rttion was destl'oyed by
cel is a canopied niche, with carved shields, inclosing a fire .in IB47, but aH8U'wards restored at considerable cost ~
tomb, with the recumbent figure of a knight in armour; it is seated in an e~tensive park of 800 acres, and ap-
and on the north and south walls of the nave are some proached by an avenue about a mile long from the
remains of ancient paintings, now nearly obliterated: Bishops Stmtford road, and is the property of the
there is also a brass to Robert Flyn, priest, c. 1420: a Countess of \Varwiok, who, as heiress of the late Viscounll
north aisle was built in 1881 at a cost of £1,500, and the Maynard, is lady of the mam)[' and the principal land.
Maynard chapel has also been restored: in 1882 a me- owner. The soil is mixed sand and loam; subsoil, loam.
morial window was erected on the south side of the nave, The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley and roots. The
to Renry FitzRoy esq. of Salcey Lawn, Northants (d. area !i·s 1,584 acres of land and 1·8 of water; 'I'ateable value,
1880), by Robert. late Earl of Rosslyn (d. 1890), and £1,575; the populati{)n in 1901 was 325.
Blanche Adeliza (FitzRoy) his wife, and in 1883 the west- Parish Clerk, Henry Grout.
ern window was filled with stained glass to the memory
of Mary Cheffins and Henry Cheffins, her husband. for Post Office.-Albert Byatt, sub-postmaster. Letters from
more than forty years steward of the Maynard estates: Chelmsford, via Dunmow, received at 6.20 a.m. & la
in 1891 an organ was erected to the memory of the 4th noon; dispatched' at 9.15 a.m. & 5.40 p.m. &, on sundays
Earl Rosslyn, by the Countess of Warwick. at a cost of a-t 5 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but n(}t paid.
£500, and a brass eagle lectern has been presented as 8 The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Dun-
memorial to the Rev. George Cressner Tufnell M.A. mow, 2 miles distant. Wall Lette·r Box cleared at 9.10
rector, 1868-9, who died Febt nary 22nd, 1891: the a.m. &, 5.20 p.m. &, sundays at 5 p.m
church has 200 sittings. The register dates from the National School (mixed), built in 1878, for 80 children;
year 1559. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £204, average attendance, 54; George Edward West, master;
with 58 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Mrs. BeatriceWest, mistress

Warwick Earl of (Lord Lieutenant of Whitfeld Rev. Arthur Lewis M.A. Patmer George (Mrs.), farmer. Littl.
the County) &, Countess of, Easton (rector), Rectory Easton farm
lodge; Warwick castle, Warwick; & Leech George (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Berwick house, Stable yard, St. COMMERCIAL. Rogers John Frederick., agent to th.~
. James' palace, London SW Baker William, beer retailer Easton estates, Easton manor
Blake Miss Hoskin Joshua, farmer, Kings Stock Ernest, wheelwright
Cheffins Misses, Mawbynl'l Matthews Harry Brinkley, Stag inn, Stokes Henry,farmer &, miller (water),
·Mura Mrs & farmer Elmbridge mill
Mura Frank MuI'a Charlotte (Mrs.), artist, Mill Trpmbath Rumphrey, frmr. Ravens fm
Patmer :Miss, The Nook End studio Workmen's Club (John Fredk. Rogers,
Roge;rs In. Fred-k. The Manor house Mura. Frank, artist, Mill ·End studio treasurer &; hon. sec)
EASTWOOD, a place known to have been in existence now occupied as a fa.rmhouse. The principal landowners
a8 early as the time of King Edward the Confessor, is a are James T-aoor esq. of Rochford, Allen Stallibrass esq.
parish adjoining Rochford to the south-west, 2! miles and the Land -Company. The soi[ is rich loam; subsoil"
south-by-west from Rochford station on the Southend clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, peas, beans and
bra.nch of the Great Eastern railway, 3 Iniles north-east potatoes. The area is 3,227 acres of land, 9 of water,
from Leigh station on the London, Tilbury and Southend 31 of t~dal water and 16. of foreshore; rateable value,
railway. 4 north-west from Southend and 41 from £6'726; tihe population in 1'900 was 7°9, and 16 ill that
London, in the South Eastern division of the county, part of Wallasea IsJand belonging to Eastwood, and there
Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and union, are now four p11lIl1ping stations owned by JtheSouthend
Southend county court district, and in the rural Water O<>mpany.
deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese NOBLES GREEN is half-a-mile north-west.
of St. Albans. A ,stream flows through the parish. Parish Clerk, William Bacon.
The ancient church of St. Lawrence and All
Saints is a. building of stone and brick, consisting of Post Office.-Henry Charles Keys, sub-postmaster.
s large and lofty chancel, nave. aisles and a western Letters through Rochford S.O. arrive by messenger at
tower containing 3 bells: the church appears, from 6,40 a.m. &, 5.30 p.m.; Box cleared at 7.15 a.m. &
the early part of the 12th century, the nave and tower in 6.3 0 p.m.; sundays arrive 7. 15 a.m. &, dispatched 11.15
certain architectural features, to have been founded in a.m. Postal orders are issued here, bui not paid.
the 13th and the chancel in the 14th century: the most The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Ray·
not8lble features of the church are the two square-headed leigh, 3 miles distant
Norman doorways, on one of which is inscribed, "Pax Pillar Lertter Box, -in Eastwood lane, cleared at 6.15 p.m. ;.
regat intrantes; eadem regat egregientes "-" May peace sundays, 11.10 a.m -
direct those who enter; May the same guide those who Pillar Letter Box, near the Vicarage, cleared 6,40 a.m. &;
depart:" the church was restored in 1872. The register of 6.5 0 p.m.; sundays, II.3 0 a.m
baptisms and burials dates from 1685; marriages, 1686. A School Board of 5 members was formed 17 March..
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £102, in the 18 74; George Wood. Rochford, clerk to the board;.
f;!if.tof the Lord Chancellor, and held since 18 99 by the A. W. Aylett, attendance officer
Rev. George Vizard Pll'octor M.A. of Worcester College. Board School, built in 1876, for 62 children: average
Oxford. There lis a Wesleyan Methodist Mission Hall. at,tendanoo, 60; Henry Steven Scott, maSlter; Mrs_
Eastwood Bury, the manor house, a modern mansion of Laura SeaM, mistress
brick, plea.santly situated near the church, is the seat of This place also con~ributes 2 members to the Rochford
ABen StalHbrass esq. who is lord of the manor. Two School Board
miles to the west is Eastwood Lodge, an ancient mansion, Police 'Constable, Ernest Bunning
Coleman Percy, Flambro houS'e Bunninl! ETnest, p(}lice constable Humphreys John, farm bailiff to AlleIl2
Hare Fred'erick James, Swiss cottage- Cornish Edvvard. brickmaker Stallibrass esq.
Harrison Charles Voyle., Granville ho Digby Thomas. farm bailiff to Charles Land Company. Rochford Town es-
Miller Mrs. Belfairs Belcham esq tate (Frederic Ramuz, manager);
Munns Frank, Ingleside Featherly Goorge.. brickmaker, Roach &, at 67 -& 68 Cheapside, London EO'
ProctoT' Rev. Ge<Yl'ge Vizard- M.A. End. hrick WOI'ks Lancaster John, farmer
(vicar) Fowler John, farm. bailiff to Benjamin Love JOSleph, frmr.Knowles Green frm
Stallibrass AlIen, Eastwood Bury Wheat esq. The Hurst Osborne Cail'oline ('Irs.), Woodcutters~
Franks John, shopkeeper Arms· P.H
''lVI0R:iIJUtOO Gale .lames &. Sons. brickmakers Porter Ernest, farmer, Dandies fann
AylOOt Gearge Wm. market gardene:r Grimwade John Joseph, blacksmith Prioe Fredk. farmer, Blatches farm
Bentall Hugh, farmer, Brickhouse frm RarTey John, farmer Ramuz Alfred, Annie Boleyn Castle
Boosey Elijah, florist I Butson Robert, brick maker botel
Rayner Henry, shopkeeper , ,Tyler Wm. farmer, Bell House farm Ward Henry ,William, nurseryman
Rochford Brick Co. (The), brick Wagstafl' James John, briCk maker Watson William, farm bailiff to Henry
makers (postall address, Rayleigh S.O) Fr()'st Sparrow esq. Flemings farm
Soraggs R()Ibert, ma,rke,t gardener, Wagenitz Oscar, farm e.r, Lower. Ed- Watts William Jame'S, brickmali:er
Edwards hall wards farm Woods Oliver Jas.Horse & Groom P.H

EL:MDON is a parish and compact village, on a range principal landowner. The aod i,s part heavy and partly
of hills on the borders of Cambridgeshire, 5 miles west- lighit; subsoil, principally chalk, with some clay. 'l'he
north-west from Audley End station, and G west-north- crops are usua-lly on the four-course shift. The area is
west from Saffron Walden, on the Great Eastern railway, 3,459 aores; ralteable value, £2,719; the population in
in the Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hun- 18 91 was 595.
dred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union and
eounty court district, and in the rural deanery of Saffron DUDDENHOE END, one mile and a half south-by-west,
Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. is a small hamlet containing a few farm houses; a wooden
Albans. The church of St. Nicholas, situated on rising building, formerly a barn, is licensed for divine service,
ground at the north end of the village, is a building of which is conducted by the vicar of Elmdon.
1lint with stone dressings, in the Early English style, and LEEBURY, or Elmdon Lee, is 2 miles !louth-east.
consists of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, aisles,
south porch and an embattled tower at the west end Sexton, Joel Hayes.
eontaining 6 bells and a clock: there are brasses with Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
effigies to Thomas Crawley esq. ob. 3 0 Sept. 1559, foun- Mrs. Eliza C. Wabon, sub-postmistress. Letters ar-
del' of a free school here, and his wife, with figures of rive from Saffron ""Valden, by oal't, a.t 8.15 a.In.; dis-
children, and of a civilian with two wives, c. 1530, and patched at 6 p.m. week days & sundays arrive at 8.15
marginal inscription: there is also a tomb to Thomas a.m.; . displlltohed at 9·55. a.m... '1'he nearest telegraph
Meade, a justice of the Common Pleas, 1577- 85, who died office IS at Heydon, 3 miles dIstant
here in May of the latter year: there are 450 sitting::!.. Letter Box, Duddenhoe End, close to The Woodman P.H.
'The register dates from the veal' 1618. The living is a IT cl~ared at 5. 15 p.~.; ,sun~ays! 8,45 a.m .
~carage, with the rectory of Wendon Lofts annexed, I NatIonal School (mIxed), bUIlt III .1~44' for ,90 children;
net yearly inalue £260, including residence and 26 acres av;rage at~endance, 7.1,; ~r. WIlliam SmIth, master;
of glebe, in -the g.ift of John Fiske Wilkes esq. and held ~ISS Oar.olllne GreenhI11, mIstress
since 1'89° by the Rev. Hel'bent, Giles Brabant Smith, PolIce SvaltlOn, Charles Wood, sergeant
L:Th. (If Uni'Versi,ty CoHeoge, DuVham. A sum varying Carriers to:-
~rom £'8 to £12 ,is distributed yearly in bread to t.he Royston-Edward Jeffery, wed
poor. John Fiske Wilkes esg. is lord of the manor and Saffron Walden-Edward Jeffery & George Hopwood, sat
'Bond Miss, Aldeby cot Goode 'Edwin John, farmer, steam Negus Edward, bricklayer
Smith Rev. lIel'bert Giles Brabant plorug'h & threshing machine' owner Prime Oswald, farmer, Cosh farm,
L. Th. Vicarage & hauling contractor & landowner, Duddenhoe end
COMMERCIAL. Elmdon Lodge' fa,rm Pledger Stephen, bailiff to William O.
Brand Frederick, blacksmith & agri- Greenhill Thomas, baker Emson esq. The Poplars
cultural implement agent, Hopwood George, butcher & beer rtlr Reed Gearge, farm 'bailiff to Charles
Brnnd Henry, farmer & Wilkes Arms Housden Robert. wheelwright, assi,si- W. RoUe, Freewood farm
commercial hotel ' ant overseer & clerk to the Parish RoUe Charles Wilford, farmer, Elmdon
Brand Martha. Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Council Bury
Church farm Jeffery Edward, beer retailer & carrier Wabon George John, grocer & draper
Britton Daniel George, butcher Loveday Dennis, farmr.Duddenhoe end Walker John, thatcher,Duddenhoe end
Chater Harriet (Mrs.), grocer & drapr Nash Martha Ann (Mrs.), King's WaIters Harriett (Miss), beer'retailer
CGwel1 William Palmer, farmer, Elm- Head P.H WaIters James, tailor &I newsagent
don Lee farm Nottage James, farmer, Duddenhoe 'Whitehead Robert, Woodman P.H. &>
Godfrey J ames, plumber &I glazier grange grocer, Duddenhoe end

ELMSTEAD. This ancient parish is 3 miles north- landowneI's. The soil is light; subs'oil, gravelly loa-m.
east from Wivenhoe station, on the Tendring Hundred I The chief cr{)ps are wheat, harley, oats, turnips, man-
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 41t miles from golds and kohl rabi. '1'11e area is 3,715 acres of land, 10
Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the county, of water, 3 of tidal 'Water and IS of foreshore; rateable
Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and union, value, £4,014; the popuilation in 1901 was.89I.
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Ard- ELMSTEAD MARKET is a hamlet 1 mile south from
leigh, archdeacollry of Colchester, and diocese of St. the church, on a small brook falli~g into the Colne.
A1?ans. The churc?- .o! St. L~wrence and St. ~ is an Here the market was formerly held; and most of the
.edIfice of. stone exh1bltmg varIo~s styles of archItecture, inhabitants live here.
and conSIsts of chancel, nave With chapel, south porch, Parish Clerk Ar1Jhur Scnrle
and a massive embattled western tower containing I ' . •
bell: the side chapel is Decorated, the chancel late Early Post & 1\~. O. 0., .S., B. & AnnUIty & Insurance Office.-
E ngl1'sh , th' e nave T ransl't'Ion al WI'th a S ax 0 n doo r way
. next Thoma"
. f John C
1h Brown, sub-postmaster.. Letters
h d
which is a window of Perpendicular date: at the east arrlve rom 0 c ester at 3·50 a.m.;. dispatc e at
end of the, side chapel is a very ancient wooden effigy of 8.25 'p. m .. The nearest telegraph office IS at Wyvenhoe,
.a mailed knight, cross-legged and in the act of drawing 3 miles dIstant. Wall Letter Box cleared at 7 p.m.
· swor:
h, IS d th ere are 300 SIt . t'lUgs. Th e regIS . t er 0 f b ap- week days', 8 p.m
. sunday
tisms dates from 1558; burials, 1557; marriages, 1559. Schools.
The living is a discharged vicarage, net yearly value Naltlional (mixed), en[arged in 18,86 & again in 1896 for
about £162, w1th E6 acres of g'iebe, value £63, and resi- 176 childre'l1; average 3lttendal1'ce, 164; the Rev. W.
dence, in the gift of Jesus College,Cambridge, and held 1Vilson, formerly vicar of this parish, left by will, in
since 1393 by the Rev. Osmond Cooks'on M.A. of Jesus 1852, £400, to endow a parochial school; this is now 8
College, Cambridge. Here lis a Wesleyan chapel. The Church of England public elementary school, the man-
tiI'Ustees of the late Rev. T. P. Nunn M.A. are lords of agers consisting of the vicar & churchwardens with 6
the manor; Heotor John Gu rdon-Rebow e~q. and John other members elected annually; the school is supported
llawtree Hawkins esq. of Ballast Quay, are the principal by a volunbary" rate; Fred. Whiting, mas.ter
Aggio Paul, The Limes Grant Thomas, farmer, Keelar's farm Porter Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer,
Brady Mrs. John, Shrub cottage Hammond Alfd. farmer, Bunting's frm Park farm
Cookson Rev. Osmond M.A. Vic81'l1ge Hammond ""Villiam , builder l'ryke Alfred (.:\1rs.), beer retailer
Hawkins Jo,hn Bawtl'e.e, Ballast quay Hawkins John, builder Salmon Edward \Villiam, farmer, Pea-
(postal addres'S, Wivenhoe) Howard .Tames, shoe maker cock & AlIen's farms
.Johnson Mrs. The Hollies Howard Joseph, hurdle maker Sargeant George William, grocer
COMMERCIAI,. Johnson Alfred, butcher Short Samuel, farmer, Bottles hall
Bailey Bella (Miss), Bowling GreenP.H Johnson Fredk. Sadler, corn merchant ·Ward William & Albert, farmers,
Bareham Thomas Hills, J o'hnson Herbert, farmer, Momples Fenn farm
Barue,s &:, Dartnell, blaclrsmiths Hall & Grove farms Ward John D. farmer, Blue Gates frIll
'Crones James, farmer, Lodge fal'\u Merchant George, thatcher Watsham Ebenezer, insurance agent
Carter John, wheelwright Norfolk Robert, baker Watsham Samuel, antique furnitr. dlr
Crasby John, King's Arms P.R Page David, insurance agent lrood,;; George, poultry farmer
Dyer Charles. farmer, Elmstead hall Page Emms (Mrs.), grocer
ELSENHAM is a village and pa.rish, on 8 feeder of and William Fuller-Maitland esq. D.L., J.P. of Stansted
the Stort, 35l miles from London, si north-east from Hall, are the principal la.ndowners, and there are other
Bishors Stortford, 6 south-west from Tha-xted and 7 landowners in the parish. Elsenham Hall, the residence
north-west from Dumnow, in the Northern division of the of Sir Walter Hilbey bart. J.P. is a castellated mansion
county, Uttlesford hundred, Bishop's Stortford union and of red brick, pleasantly situated in extensive grounds of
county court district, Walden petty sessional division, 70 acres beautifully laid out; the buildings on the estate
rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester generally have been greatly improved under the present
and diocese of St. Albans. Elsenham station. on the I occupier; the breeding of hackney and shire horses and
Great Eastern railway, is on the borders of the parishes 'I polo ponies is carried on here by Sir WaIter, who is an
of Elsenham. Henham and Stansted Mountfitchet. The active member of the various societies established to im-
church of St. Mary the Virgin, standing on 8 hill neBI' to! prove the breeding of horses. The soil is mixed, part
Elsenham Hall, is a bnilding of stone, of Early Norman he.avy and part loam; subsoil, mixed, with clay and
date, ('onsistin~ of chancel, nave, south porch and an em- gr.avel. The crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The
battled wesf,~rn tower containing 4 bells: there are 300 area is 1,847 acres 0.£ land and 5 of water; rateable
sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1732; value, £3,534; the population in 1901 was 453·
marriages, 1775; burials, ~730. The living is a vicarag,:, GAUNTSEND is 2 miles south-east; Tye Green. Ii
net yearly value .£125. WIth 3 8 acres of glebe and reSI- 80uth; Greenstead Green. 2 miles south-east.
dence, and held. sl~ce 1902 by the ~ev. Edward S.ant M.~. Post, & M. O. & T. 0 .• S. B. & Annuity, Insurance &;
()~ Corpus ChrIstl. col!ege, CambrIdge. There IS a mlS- Express Delivery Office.-John Bourne, sub-postmaster.
slOn. hall her~, bmlt III 1881, and under the c~re of the Lette<l's arrive through Stansood R..S.O. at 6,45 a.m.
SoCIety of Fnends. A cemetery, gIven and laId. out by & LI5 p.m.; dispa.tched at 8.1'· a.m. 1.20 & 6,45 p.m
Sir WaIter Gilbey bart. was opened in 1902, and IS under . . . ,). , .
the control af a Burial Board. A sum of about £20, ParochIal School (mI~ed), bmlt, WIth m~ster s house, JD
derived from six tenements and some land left by John 18 73, & enlarged In 1~95 f?r 126 chIldren; avernge
Wells Evre late of Elsenham is after deduction for arotelldance, 123; the scnool IS on the property of G. A.
repairs, distribnted in clothing.' ciaricia Rush's clothing G. Rush esq: lord of the m.anoT; Robert Screen, master;
club has an income of £4 lIS. IId. a year, the proceeds :Mrs.. Be3tnce Screen. mIstress
of £150 now invested in Consols. George Acland Gordon Ra:illway Strution. Harry Ma1lett .Bwtters, station master
Rush esq. of Farthinghoe Lodge, Brackley, Northants, Carrier. Warner, from Henham, passes through to
who is lord of the manor; Sir WaIter Gilbey bart. J.P. Bishop's Stortford on mono thurs. &; sat
Burre~l Harry Bailey Isaac, farmer, Tye green Robinson Samuel ·Mont, builder
Davidson Geo. The Friends' Mission Barnal'd Brothers, coal merchants Robinson John, shoe maker
House· Burls Martin. farmer, Elsenham house Robinson Ritty (Miss), shopkeeper
Deen Martin, Park house Burrell Harry, estate agent to Sir Seabrook George, fa,rm steward to Sir
Gilbey Sir WaIter bart. J.P. Elsenham Waiter Gilbey, bart Waiter Hilhey hart.
hall; & Cambridge house, Regent's Dixon Ernest & Bidney, blacksmiths Simmons Edward, cycle agent (see
park, London N W Dixon William, shopkeeper Matthews &; Simmons)
Gilbey Hy. Walt. J.P. Elsenham hall Gold Bros. fruit & tomato growers Simons Nathaniel Wenden, farmer,
Hilton Alleyne, Tye green Mascall Thomas Charles, Crown P.H Tye green
Bant Rev. Edward M.A. Vicarage Matthews· & Simmons, cycle agents Starling Harvey, stud groom to Sir
Nash George, carpenter, Tye green ·WaIter Gilbey, bart. The Paddocks
COMMERCIAL. Plester William, jun. head gardener Stride Herbert, head! gamekeeper to
130urne John, jun. assistant overseer to Sir Waiter Gilbey bart. Elsen- Sir WaIter Gilbey bart
&; clerk to the parish council & burial ham hall Tofts Robert, farmer. Tye green
board Robinson Arth. (Mrs. ) ,Robin Hood P.H
EPPING is a parish and union town with a station on foundation of WaItham Abbey. whose canons or chaplains
the Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway, 163; supplied the cure: the new church. which occupies the
miles. from Whitechapel, IS from Shoreditch church, same site.· is a building of stone in the Gothic style of
18 west frc,m Chelmsford, by Chipping Ongar and 7 the 14th century from designs by Messrs. Bodley and
east from Waltham Abbey, in the Western division of the Garner. architects. of London, and consists of chancel,
county, half hundred of Waltham, Epping petty sessional nave. aisles and vestry: the stained east window was
division. county court district of Waltham Abbey, rural presented in 1890 by E. J. Wythes esq. in memory of
deanery of Chigwell, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of his parents: there is also a fine carved oak screen: there
St. Albans. The town consists principally of one long and are sittings for 500 persons. The register dates from
wide .street, seated on a ridge of hills; it declined con- the year 1839. The living is a vicarage, united in 1889
siderably after the introduction of railways, but has re- by Act of Parliament. 51 & S2 Vict. c. IS2, to that of
vived, many new roads having been laid out and resi- A.ll Saints, Epping Upland, net yearly value £550, with
dences built. Since 1870 the town has been lighted with wme acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Ernest
gas by a limited company. and in 1886 the supply was James Wythes esq.; the vicarage of St.. John has
extended to Theydon Bois. A water tower, 100 feet in been held since 1878 and the united vicarage since
height, has been erected here, with a tank !holding 28,000 1889 by the Rev. Edward Buckmaster M.A. of Trinity
gallons, and is supplied, under the Herts and Essex College, Cambridge. In 1615 one George Campion left
Water Works Act, from deep wells at Sawbridgeworth, 4 acres of land. a moiety of which was to be applied for
Herts, near the Harlow station of the Great Eastern Rail- maintaining a. preacher at Epping chapel; in 1791 John
way Company: the water mains extend to Potter Street, Walkley left £30 yearly for the clergyman; in 1772 eel'·
Harlow, Latton, Ketteswell, North Weald, Theydon tain townspeople pledged themselves for three years to pay
Garnon, Theydon Dois and Abridge; a reservoir has @so for seats in the church, and since that time pew rents
been constructed on Windmill Hill. to hold 140,000 gal- had been the only means for providing for the church
(ons, for the supply by natural gravitation of Theydon, a expenses until 1882 when the offertory system was in-
part of Coopersale and Abridge; drainage works on an troduced. 'l'he Congregational church here is one of the
extensive scale have been erected in the town: in 1893 the oldest in the country and is supposed to have originated
High street was paved throughout, at a cost of £550. between the years 1628 and 1653, the present structure
Epping is governed by an Urban District Council of 9 having been erected on the site of the original building in
members, formed in 1896 under the provisions of the 1770: in connection with the church is a large room seat-
4' Local Government Act, 1894" <56 and 57 Vict. ch. 73). ing over 200 persons; in 1887 the building was thoroughly
There were three ancient parishes for ecclesiastical restored and heating apparatus fixed at the cost of £400
and civil purposes, viz. Epping, Theydon Bois and They- raised by the congregation: there are 300 sittings. The
doI.! Garnon. By the " County of Essex (Epping &c.) Con- Baptist chapel, in St. John's road, erected in 1893 by
firmation Order, 1896," these three parishes for civil pur- the late W. Cottis, has sittings for 200 persons. The We&-
poses were made into four parishes, viz.: (1) Epping, leyan chapel, opened in 1887, and re-decorated in 1898,
formed from parts of the ancient parishes of Epping, has 300 sittings: there is also a meeting-bouse for the
Theydon Bois and Theydon Garnon; (2) Theydon Bois, Society of Friends, seating 30 persons, and a meeting-
viz. the re;ridue ()f Theydon Bois; (3) Theydon Gamon, house for the Christian Brethren. The Town Hall, built
the residue of Theydon Garnon; (4) Epping Upland, the in 1863, at a C05t O'f about £1,7°0, and now the property
residue of ancient Epping. of the Epping 'fown Hall Co. Limited, is used for con-
The church of St. John the Baptist, erected in certs, public meetings and entertainments and will seat
1832 and rebuilt in 1890. was consituted in 1889 500 persons. The Literary and Mechanics' Institute.
the parish church in place of the church of All Saints founded in 1894. comprises reading and smoking
at Epping Upland: the original chapel, built in the rooms and library containing about 500 vols. Epping has
time of Edward VI. was then a free chapel of the a weekly market on Friday, which is well attended, aDd


13 t h and 14th November (Holland fair.) also for cattle Ride. which, parting from the new road just Ilouth of
and horses. Messrs. W. Cottis and Sons have an iron Epping, runs almost parallel with it until it crosses the
foundry and agricultural implement works. which give road in Fairmead Bottom, and, passing to the west and
employment to a considerable number of hands. In 1887 south of Connaught Water, joinll" the Ranger's road neu
a drinking fountain. surmounted by a lamp, was erected the Royal Forest hotel: the Ride at its commencement
to commemorate the Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen traverses a beautifully wooded part of the forest called
Victoria. A lake of one acre to be used for bathing pur- Epping Thicks: farther on. between it and the new road.,
poses was constructed in 1894 at a cost of about £200. is a stretch of the wood covered with heather and knowQ
The Convalescent Cottage Home. on the Plain, was opened as "Long Running," a favourite resort of picnic partiel!;
Sept. 1875: it is a structure of brick, and contains 12 and lower down. at 8 point called" Jack's Hill." the road
rooms. 6 of which are bedrooms, and is available for I4 from Theydon Bois to Waltham Abbey crosses the forest,
patients. The charities of the joint parishes of Epping passing the Wake Arms, and. west of this hostelry, Wood-
and Theydon Garnon being the net income of Stonard's, ridden Hill, where there is Si spring, and the farm ~
Reynold's and Rydden's Grove charities, are divisible another road, starting from the W~ke Arms, and con-
yearly in equal moieties amongst the joint parishes of tinuing between this and the new road, proceeds through
l~pping and Theydon Garnon, pursuant to a scheme of the forest to Claypit Hill and King's Oak, near which it
the Charity Commissioners approved in 1863 and also divides, one part leading to High Beech and the other
of a later scheme dated 21st May. 19°1; the income of running south and joining the new road below Fairmead
Stonul'd's charity is upplied for educational purposes alld Bottom: on an open height near King's Oak stanns a tree
the maintenance of inmates in the Epping almshouses; planted by H.M. the late Queen Victoria. and 011 the cast
the income of ReJ"uold's is divided amongst the poor side of the "Wake Arms a road. proceeding south-east
of the two parishes. The local charities include Lady through Dlllsll1ead Hollow and the deep ravine of Hangboy
Wentworth's chal'ity. consisting of a farmhouse and land Sladc. crosses the Green Ride and leads to Loughton and
left about 1780, a sum of £100 Consolidated Stock left Buckhurst Hill: to the north of the forest. between Wood-
by Mrs. Elizabeth Walkley, and a sum of £269 12S. ridden Hill and Claypit Hill. is Honeylane Plain. where
Consolidated Stock. left by Mrs. Ann Chapman; the net are the rifle ranges used by the H (Waltham Abbey)
income arising from these is divisible amongst the lloor Company. 1st Volunteer battalion, Bedfordshire regiment;.
of this parisl1: there is also a charity of £750 Consols in the centre is Wake Valley, Great Monkwood, a fine
len by Thomas Loft for the apprenticing of poor !Joys spread of beeches, about half a mile in length and Little
born in the parish. Monkwood, covering a low circular hill: at a point in this
tract called "Mount Pleasant," a road startiIlg eastward
EPPING FOREST. an extensive tract of woodland, joins the Green Ride at Blackweir Hill and is continued
formerly known as Waltham Forest. and called at a to Ash Green, on the road to Loughton: south of Monk-
remote period the "great forest of Essex." once included wood is an open rushy space called "Sandpit Plain" and
within its area. either wholly or in part. not less than 21 a little lower down, between the new road and the Green
parishes; "stretching from the forest of Middlesex at Ride, is Loughton Camp. an ancient earthwork, excavated
Waltham on the west. to Colchester on the east." The by the Essex Field Club and believed to date from the
northern portion. lying north of the road from Bishop's pre-Roman period. since fragments of early British pot-
Stortford to Colchester, was disafforested in the 5th of tery were found within the rampart; the ground in·
King John (1203-4) and in 29 Edward 1. (1300-1) its area closed by the earthwork is about twelve acres in extent
was further reduced; but in Sept. 1640, a perambulation and is thickly overgrown with pollard trees; to the west
was made and an inquisition held by a Royal Commis- are eminences called "Broom Hill" and "8helley Hill:"
sion. under which its boundaries were determined. the area to the east, beyond the Green Ride. is Staples Hill.
being then estimated at 60,000 acres. the greater part of southward, a broad and dry part of the hollow, called
which had been already inclosed; in 1777 only 12,000 Debden Slade, extends to Black Bushes. where the road
acres remained uninclosed and by 1793 this area had from High Beech to Loughton, known as the Earl's Path,
diminished to 9.000 acres; in 1851 when there were crosses the forest; immediately below the Earl's Path, is
about; 6,000 acres uninclosed. Hainault Forest, a tract Strawberry Hill. and more to the south Albion Hill
lying to the east of the existing forest. was disafIorested and Warren Hill. near which is an obelisk: proceeding
and between that year and 186.3 the continued encroach- southwards through the forest from High Beech, past St..
ments led to the institution of a suit in Chancery by the Paul's church. Whitehouse Plain is reached and next in
Corpora.tion of London. who had an ancient traditionary succession the Round Thicket, Almshouse Plain (a. broad
connection with the forest and simulwneously an Act was expanse dotted with bushes). Blackbush Plain. Long Hills
passed appointing a commission to inquire lmd report on and a rushy space called "Ludgate Plain." through which
the various contending rights: as a result of the suit, the Cuckoo brook trickles towards Connaught Water. a
the Corporation was successful on every point and all heart-shaped lake ell1bosomed in wooded hills, with two
inclosures made within 20 years previous to August small islets in its midst; north of it is 8 solitary full-
14th, 1851. were declared illegal; the report of the Com- grown oak, named" Bedford's Oak," after Councillor John
missioners, issued February 23rd. 1877. was not accept- T. Bedford, who was foremost among the members of the
able to the Corporation and the questions at issue were Corporation in endeavouring to secure the forest for the
referred in 1878 to the sole arbitration of Sir Arthur use and enjoyment of the public: on the south the
(now Lord) Hobhouse P.C.• K.C.S.1. and his decision, Ranger's Road, branching off from the new road. conducts
promulgated in July, 1882. had the effect of rescuing through Whitehall Plain to Chingford. north of which is
a tract of forest called" Bury Wood" and" Hawk
some 600 acres. in addition to 1.500 acres recovered by on the highest point of which rises an obelisk. staudinl: Wood,"
the Corporation: the forest now consists of about 5,600
acres. covering an area of nearly 9 square miles and has due north from Greenwich Observatory; behind these
woods is the Lea Valley and Ponder's End railway station,
been preserved as an open space for the use and enjoy- and south of Buckhurst Hill is an isolated portion of the
ment of the public. at a cost of more than £250,000. forest called "Lord's Bushes." The "forest, being now
On Nov.... 1889, formal possession was taken, on behalf strictly guarded by the Corporation. shelters a large
of the Corporation of London. of the Oak Hill Inclosure, variety of birds, including the jay. the kestrel Bnd the
comprising 12i acres, situate between the Wake Arms kingfisher: here also are to be found the only wild fallow-
and Theydon Bois. and in I89! (June 6th), about 30 acres deer now in this country, besides red-deer of the old
previously forming a portion of Highams Park. and the Epping breed and the old English roe-deer, re-introduced
extensive thickets. near Hale End. were added and dedi- in 1884 by Mr. Buxton from the Vale of Blackmoor in
cated to the use of the pnblic by H.R.H. the Duke of Dorsetshire: it is. too. a favourite hunting ground for
Connaught K.G.: a further addition was made June ISt, entomologists. many insects of extreme rarity being me1>
1899, when Yardley Hill, a district on the Sewardstone with here and nearly every variety of English butterflies.
side of the forest, comprising 28 acres, the gift of E. North The forest trees include comparatively few varieties: the
Buxton esq. was dedicated to the use of the pulJlic by oaks are of the kind botanically known as "Quercus
H.R.H. the Dul,e of Connaught K.G. this addition con- sessiliflora" and have for the most part been closely pol-
necting the outlying portion of the forest known as Gilwell larded. but some fine specimens have been preserved. the
Lane with the main block near Hawkwood. largest of which stands near Fairmead Lodge and has a
The forest is reached from Epring by the new road to trunk 22 feet in circumference: near High Beech, in
London. which traverses its entlfe length: to the right Monkwoods, and in the Green Ride of Epping Thicks are
on entering the forest is a tract of woodland called the noble groves of beeches; the hornbeam abounds and the
"Warren," and about 8 hundred yards distant, on the birch, alder and wild cherry are also common; of the
len, is an ancient earthwork called "Ambresbury Banks," flowering plants many are peculiarly fine and some ex-
traditionally believed to be the spot where the Britons ceptionally rare: a large variety of lichens and mosses
under Boadicea made their last stand against the Roman are found. fungi of all sorts and numerous kinds of ferns.
invaders; a. belief confirmed by the opinion of Lieut.- the male fern (Lastrea filix-mas) sometimes reaching II
Gen. Fox-Pitt-Rivers F.R.S.. F.S.A. who carefully ex- gigantic height and the Royal fern (Osmunda regalis)
amined the camp in 188!: more to the east is the Green flourishing grandly in moist and peaty localities.
The Epping Hunt seems to have been a remnant of the as the middle of the 17th century; in 1853, the forest
time when the citizens had their common huntsman, and about Buckhurst Hill, where the meet took place, having
elaimed the privilege granted by Edward IV. of hunting been inclosed, the hunt was brought to an end, although
in Waltham Forest? Henry Ill. having previously con- an assembly of holiday folk is still sometimes collected,
firmed to the citizens of London, in 1226, free warren, or ,and a tame deer to-rtured for their amusement. Ernest
liberty to hunt, with a circuit, in the Forests of Stannay James W'ythes esq. J.P. is lord of the manor and prin-
(or Staines) and Hainault; this hunt was always held on cipal landowner. The "'oil is various; subsoil, clay
Haster Monday, when lhe Lord Mayor and Aldermen and sand. The area is 1,956 acres ; rateable wIue,
attended tmd is frequently noticed by poets as far back [15,685; the population in 19o1 was 3,789,


Post, M. O. &; T. 0 .. T. M. 0., S. B. &; Annuity, Insur- The chairmen of the Epping &; Waltham Cross Urban Dis-
3nce &; Express Delivery &; Parcel Office. James Wm. tl'ict Councils are ex-officio magistrates
Sibley, postmaster. Delivery commences at 7 &; 9.15 Clerk to the Magistrates, George Creed,
a.m. &; 2 &; 6 p.m. Box for London closes at 9.30 a.m. Assistant Clerk, Geo. John Creed, solicitor, Kendal lodge
&; 12.3°,4, 8 &; 10 p.m.; on sunday, delivery commences Petty Sessions are held gt Epping police station every
at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 8.30 p.m friday at 10.30 noon. The places in the division are
Wall Letter Boxes, Police Station, cleared at 9 a.m.; 12, Abridge, Chingford, Chigwell, Epping, Epp:,ng Upland,
3.5 0 , 7.15 &; 9·45 p:m. L~ndsey street, 9 a.m.; 12, Lambourne, Loughton, Nazeing, North Weald Bassett.
3.45 &; 7 p.m. Eppmg plam, 8 :&; :Io.15 a.m.; 2.30 &; Theydon Boi!!, Theydon Gamon, Theydon Mount.
6·45 p.m Railway station, 9 & II.I5 a.m.; 3.15 &; Waltham Holy Cross
7'45 &; 8.30 p.m. Bury lane, 8.30 a.m.; 12, 3.30 &;
7.:I5 p.m.'s Estate, 8.20 &; 10.30 n.m. &; EPPING FOREST.
6.20 p.m. St. John's road, 7.20 &; 9.3'5 a.m.; 2.15,
Chief Ranger, F.M. H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught &;
6.5 0 &; 9''1-5 p.m Stratheam K.G
Verderers, Edward North Bnxton esq. Knighton. Bnck.
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. hurst Hill; E. A. Read esq.; Peter Gellatly esq.
Offices, Hemnall street. Longhton; Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton bart. Warlies.
\Yaltham Abbey
Meets on every fourth tuesday at Victoria blli),1 iugs, Committee Members of the Common Council of the Cor-
Market place. poration of tha Oity of London, who form the" Epping
Chairman, Crispus Cottis. Forest Committee": Chairman J. G. White esq.
Retire in April Retire in April (Deputy), The Verderers; Sir Marclls Samuel kilt.
Crispus Cottis 1903 James Palmer............ 1904 (AId.); J C. Bell esq. (AId.); J. W. Goodinge esq.
Hugh Sworder 1903 I Geo. Dennis Curnock.. 1905 F.R.G.S. (DeputJy); W. Low esq.; W. H.Pannell esq.
Leonard Sudul 1903 I Frederick Bullo::k 1905 (Deputy); Harry Bird esq.; Daniel Greenaway esq.
George Creed 19041 Alfred Cable 1905 (Deputy); Alfred Wagstaff esq.; W. Hawtrey esg.;
Nrmn.StainesLawrence 1904 . W. G. Baines esq. ; R. W. Edwards esq
Superintendent of the Forest, F. 1<". Mackenzie esq. The
Officers. Warren, Loughton
Clerh, George John Creed, Epping Clerk to the Superintendent, A. H. Wright
Treasurer, R. Woodhouse, Chelmsford Keepers, J. Little, Epping Plain, Epping; I". Jobnson,
Medical Officer of Health, Trevor Fowler L.R.C.P. &; S.I., 'I'heydon; C. Perhins, Copped Hall; W. Feakes, High
D.P.R. Northlands Beech; J. Wilson. Broadstrood; Wm. Hnghes, Monk-
Surveyor, Gaius Whiffin, Brongwyn, Coopersa16 Common wood; E. Jones, Earl's Path; S. H. Butt, Fairmead;
Sanitary Inspector, George. Henry Pegram, Arlington, W. Palmby, Walthamstow; William Hughes, Dush-
St. John's road wood; J. Mutch, Wan stead Flats; R. Puffett &; G.
Collector, Edward Allen, Victoria buildings. Market pI Paveley, Wanstead Park; H. Butt, Chingford; ·W. Reed,
Woodford; A. Harrod, Highams park
Parish. Reeve.
Meets at the Union, fri. fortnightly, at 11.30 a.m Epping , ,.. James Nunn
Chairman, William Swaine Chishenhale-Marsh, Gl1ynell Loughton _ J()hn Dean
park, Theydon Gamon, Eppin.g Theydon Bois William Pearce
Clerk, Raymond Douglas Trotter, Epping Waltham Holy Cross .•• H. Merritt ,
Assistant Clerk, John Coley Archel', High st. Epping Chingford Josiah Jessop
Treasurer, Wilfrid Lionel Tyrell Arkwright, Chelmsford Woodford William HurreH
Medical Officer of Health. TrevO'r Fowler L.R.C.P.lrel., Chigwe]] G. Sach
D.P.H. Northlands Walthamstow H. Woodward
Sanitary Inspector, John Harrison Bell, Lindsey st. Epping Leyton George Smith
Wanstead J. Sharpen
DIVISION. West Ham . (vacant)
lluxton Sir Thomas Fowell hart. G.C.M.G., V.D., M.A.
Warlies, Waltham Abbey, chairman PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
Bury Ralph Frederick esq. St. Leonards, Nazeing, Wal- Convalescent Cottage Home, Miss Marten, sec.; Miss
tham Cross Berry, matron
Buxton Gerald esq. Birch hall, Theydon Bois, Epping Fire Engine Station, Station road, J. E. Windus, capt.;
Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor esq. Woodredon, Waltham .r. Whiting', engineer
Abbey Stamp Office, J. W. Sibley. distributor
Chisenhale-Marsh William Swaine esq. Gaynes park, Inland Revenue, William Henry Brett. High street. officer
Theydon Garnon, Epping Police Station, High street, Robert Womack, supt.;
'Colvin Richatd' Beale esq. RA., D.L. Monkhams, Wal- 2 inspectors, 6 sergeants &; 28 «<p~8tables
tham Abbey .. ',- 'I'own Hall, High street, Edwin Alleri~ sec
Edwards Arthur J1I-nion esq. RA., D.L. Beech Hill pork, Victoria Ball, Victoria buildings, Alfred .. P. DaviA, propr
Waltham Abbey--
Gellatly Peter esq. D.L. White house, Loughton IMPERIAL YEO~ANIW.
Lockwood Lt.-Cot Amelius Richard Mark M.P. Bishop's Essex (C. Squadron) William Silwood, squadron-sergt.-
h1l.ll. Lambourne, Romford major, Bowen hill
Talmer Ralph Charlton esq. 9 Little Stanhope st. Londn W VOLUNTEERS.
Parnell John esq. The Grange, Waltham Abbey ls:t Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (G c.:.mpany),
l'atchett William esq. B.A., K.C. Bury lodge, Epping Drill hall, St. John's road, Capt. J. E. Wind us, com·
Sin clair l?rederick Granville esq. Friday hill, Chingford manding
Smith William, West bank, Epping
Todhunter Joseph esq. Kingsmoor ho. Gt. Farndon,Har)ow EPPING U:NION.
WaIters William Chapman esq. Ash green, Lollghton Board days, alternate fri. at the Union house, at 11 n.m.
Wythes Ernest James esq. Copped hall, Epping The Union comprises th~ following parishes :-BuckhuNli
The abDVS justices are also the commissione1'8 for Hill. Chigwell, Chingford, Epping, Epping Upland.
tau. Grea.t Parndon. Harlow, Latton, Little Parndon, Lough-


ton, Magdalen Laver, Matching, Nazeing,' Netteswell, l>UBLIC OFFICERS.
North Weald 13as8ett, Roydon, Sheering, Theydon .
Boi8 & Theydon Garnon. The tot-al populat-:on of the Assistant Overseer. Edward .AlIen, Vic~oria buildings:,
union in 1901 was 3°,459; area, 48,II7 acres; rateable Market place
value in 19°2, £193,815 Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles Ernest Denning
Chairman, William Sw.aine Ohisenhale-Marsh, Gaynes L.R.C.P.I. High street .
par]" Theydon Garnon, Epping Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Epping- Divi-
Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, Ray- sion, Geo. Creed; assistant, George John Creed, Epping
mond Doug-Ias Trotter, Epping Collector of Taxes, Walter Banfield, St. J ahn's I'oad
Assistant Clerk to the Guardians, In. Coley Archer,Epping InsDector of Weights & Mea.sures, Inspector under th~
Treasurer, Wilfrid Lionel Tyrell Arkwright, Chelmsford Explosive &; Petroleum Act, under the Contagious
Relieving Officers &; Collectors to the Guardians, Ch~g- Dise!lises (Animals) Act &; under the Sale of Food &;
well district, Samuel Joseph Wilks, Loughton; Harlow Drugs Act, Robert Womack, High street
dist. Frederick William Gilbey, Potter street, Harlow Road Surveyor to the Essex County Council, Geo. Rhodes,
I Gladstone terrace, St. John's road
Vaccination Officers, Frederick William Gilbey, Harlow;
Samuel Joseph Wilks, Loughton; Mrs. Jane Sophia
Wright, Hemnalls, Epping PLACES OF WORSHI,P. with times of Services.
Medical Officers &; Public Vaccinators, Buckhurst Hill
district. George Norman M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. St. John the Baptist Church, Rev. Edward Buckmaster
13uckhurst Hill; Ohigwell district, Henry Taylor Brick- M.A. vicar; (8 a.m. B. C.) I I a.m.; 3 &; 6.30 p.m. ;
well M.R.C.S.Eng. ChigwelI; Chingford, John Jrrancis holy days, 11 a.m.; daily 10.30 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; on
Pridie M.R, C.M. Ohingford; Epping, North Weald, thu1's. 7.30 p.m
Theydon Bois &; Theydon Garnon districts, Trevor All Saints' Church, Epping Upland, Rev. Edward Buek-
}<'owler D.P.H., L.R.C.P.Ire1. Epping; Great & Little master M.A. vicar; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; in winter at
Parndon &; Latton districts, Richard Theodore Grubb 3 p.m.; holy days, 10 a.m. &i I2 noon
L.R.C.P.Edin. Harlow; Harlow & Sheering, Magdalen Society of Friends. I I a.m
Laver &; Matching districts, Thomas Montagll Day Baptist. I I a.m. &; 6. IS p.m
L.R.a.P.Lond. Harlow; Nazeing William Hoskins Congregational, Rev. George Dent; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ;
M.B., C.M. Hoddesdon; Loughton district, Arthul' tues. 8 p.m
. Butler Harris M.B., RCh.Oxon. Loughton; Roydon Wesleyan, 11.15 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30
district, Richard Theodore Grubb L.R.C.P.Edin.Harlow
Superintendent Registrar, Raymond Douglas Trotter,
Epping; deputy, John CoIey .!.Teher, High st. Epping SOHOOLS.
Registrar of Marriages, Edward AlIen, Market place,
Epping; deputy, Harry Roe, High street, Epping A School Board of 5 members was formed July 2, 19° 1 ;
Registrars of Births &; Deaths, Epping sub-district, Mrs. George John Creed. clerk & solicitor to the board;
Jane Sophia Wright, Epping; deputy, Edward Alien, George Henry Pegram, attendance officer; meetings ar~
Market place, Epping; Chigwell sub-district, Samuel held on alternate wednesdays at the oflice of the clerk
Joseph Wilks, Chigwell; deputy, Arthur W. Leech, National, for Epping & Theydon Garnon, built, 'With
Loughton; Harlow sub-district. Frederick Wm. Gilbey. teachers' residences, by Claremont Whiteman esq. a
Potter street, Harlow; deputy, W. H. Seeley, Fore st. resident of Theydon Garnon. in 1860, for 500 child.
Harlow ren; average attendance, 205 boys, 170 girls &; 120 in-
The Workhouse, in Epping parish, is a building in the fants; .Albert Edward Piper, ma.ster; Miss Chaplin,
Elizabethan style, capa.ble of holding 232 inmates; mistress; Miss Powles, infants' mistress
Frederick Moore, master; Rev. John Jones, c h a p l a i n ; . . .
Charles Ernest Denning L.R.C.P.I. medical officer; Railway Statlon, Charles Leathers, statIOn master
Mrs. M.. Spinks, matron; the c~il.dren:ra~e educated at Conveyances to meet principal trains from F. Flack,
the Eppmg &; Theydon Garnon Jomt :N atlOnal schools I
Station road & Cock hotel, High street
. School Attendance Committee.
G. E. Railway Goods Agents, E. W. Hayden &; Sons, St.
Meets at the Union, friday quarterly, at 10.30oa.m. Belen's &; Railway station
Clerk, Raymond Douglas Trotter, Epping
Attendance Officers, Walter Street, Thornwood common. Oarrier to Lond()n. James Nunn, from his house, mono
Epping; George Pegram, St. John's road, Epping l&; wed. &; fri. to ' Saracen's Head,' Heneag~ street, Spital-
Alfred Worsfold, Chingford fields. returning the following days

Dent Rev. George. (Congregational), Nicholl John, The Hemnalls
West view, Lindsey street Patche,tt Wm. K.O.,B.A.,J.P.Bury ldg
Allen Arthur Thomas, Forest lodge Donald Laird, Mavis bank, Kendal av Pearson John. Pembroke
AUlor Mr!!. Epping villa DQ.x.aJt Franci9, HighfieJd Peacock Henry Beck, The Bank
Archer John Coley, High street Edinger WilliaIn Henry, The Elms, Pelly In. Gurney Richd. Theydon p:
A:shdown John Alfred, Lauriesrton, Station road Rivington Harry, Coniston
Station road Erlmunds Martin, Ackworth Roberts. Oharles' W illiam Wyatt.,
Baker Charle.s, Somerfield, Kendal av Farnell Edwin George, Upland vie,v, Frampton, Lindsey street
Ball Edward Ash. Egg hall High street Rowland Mrs. T. F. Fairholme, Ken-
Batchelor Peter, Balgownie, Station rd Fehr Frank, Studley house, Kendal av dal avenue
Bennett Miss, The Bower Foster Misses, Rookwood ho. High st Savill 'Percy R. Oakwood
Bevan Roland Yorke, Egg hall Fowle:.- Trevor, High street Sewell Miss, Hartlands road
Brooke George,Ravensme're, Kendal av Gibson Mrs. The Mount, Sta·tion road SeweD William Henry, Epping place
Brown Henry, Magnolia cottage Gingell Mrs. The Gables Shorter J ames, The Limes
Brown Philip, Holly cottag.e Green Charles, Theydon grove Smith William J.P. West Bank
Buckmaster Hev. Edwd.M.A.Vicarage Hart Mrs. Lynton, HllIttland road Sworder Alfred, Perlieu, Hemnall st.
Burton Mrs. Ashlyns, Chapel road Hart Francis George, >Eas-thorpe, Sworder Charles Bennett, Latchmore
CampbeTI :Mrs. 2 HaTtland road Station road Sworder Hugih F.S.I. Beaconhill
Church Mrs. Church hill Hawthorn WillilLID, Laurieston Sworder Misses, Pelham lodge
Clayden Miss, Glendale, Bemnall st Hay Littleton, Hill crest Tait Mrs. Crows
Clayden Mrs. Church hill Haydon Wililiam Edgar, I Dalby villas, Trenow Evelyn Henry Raynwanl.
Ooldwell Rev. Hermann RA. (curate- Kendal avenue Ivy lodge
in-chaJrge), Ohurch Hill house HO'1'n Alexand,er, Ivylands Trotter Raymond Douglas,Church bill
Coning-ham George, Langford villa, Jackson Maximilian, Wiloocks,High st Tyler John W. Lynelley grange.
Kendal avenue Jones Rev. Jo'hn (aurate), I I Glad- Lindsey stTeet
Cottis CJrispus, Squiers stone terrace" St. J OOo'.s road Ware John William. Kendal aVenue
Cottis Reuben, High street Kemsley Henry Hugh, Garnons, Hart- Wederell Thomas, FeTndale
Cottrell Francis Skeet, 2 Dalby villa.s, land road Windus Mrs
Kendal avenue Lockwood Henry, Wingfield,Kendal av Windus JDhn Edward
Creed George, Kendal lodge Logan Edward, Indleigh Wimtone Benjamin, Ockeridge
Creed George John, Kendal lodge Marsh Robert Henry, Ingleside Winter J ames, Dane lodge
Curnock George Dennis, Kendal croft Mason Arthur, Westbury, Kendal avn Wood Frank, The Oaks" Kendal avenue
Curtis Harcourt, Rosebank, Bowe,r rd Mills Miss, Bemnall street WoocJi ·Oapt. Herbert W. W. (Adjt.
Davis Alfred Brimley, Croydons Nash Thomas, Woodlands 4th V. B. Essex Regt.), Epping pI
Denning Oharles' Ernest, High street Oades Wm. Thos. Hawthorn lodge, Zwinger Thomas, Roseacre, Station rd
Devin Paul, Woodbine cottage High street


- . . COMMERCIAL. I. Crane i . . '

Wllliam, carpenter k undertaker, Lindsey street.


Cullen Mrs. apartments. St. John.'s r<Hm .

Early closing day, Wednesday. Dadd Isaac, householder, Highfield cottages
Abbatt Caroline (Miss), ladies' school, Church hill I Davis Alfred B. Limited, printers &; stationers, Epping
Ainger WaIter, builder, The Plain Gazette office, I Victoria buildings;&; ut Loughton
Alien Edward, assistant overseer &; collector to Urban I Dearlove Fredk. Wm. draper &; gen. furnisher, Market pI
District Council, registrar of marriage!> &; deputy I Denning Charles Ernest L.RC.P. & S.lrel. physician &;
'l'egistrar of births &; deaths, Victoria buildings, M,arket I surgeon, medical officer, Union workhouse, &; certifying
place; res. Chapel road I factory surgeon, High street
Allen John, boot maker, Lindsey street Dent Harriet (Mrs.), householder, High street
Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited, Railway station I'Dunn Hannah (Mrs.), corn dealer, High street
Archer Arthur Ambrose, glass &; china dlr. Wellington pi Edmunds Martin (late Day & Edmunds), monumental
Archer John Coley, de.puty·superintendent registrar &; mason; every description of monumental work; marble
assist. clerk to the guardians. Epping union, &; to a speciality; moderate &; inclusive prices; estimates
Epping Rural District Council, High street &; designs on application. Station road
Arnold Wm. bricklayer, 3 Hemnall cots. Hemnall street I EdwlIrds Jane :\1. (Miss). honseholder, Bower hill
Ashton Amy (Mrs.), butcher, High street , Ellis J ahn, Cock hotel, High street
Attwood Charles, market gardener, Bell common Ellis Mrs. householder, HlIstingwood. High street .
Austin Emily (Mrs.), ironmonger, High street EppinO' Association for the Prosecution of I~elons (E.
Austin Williaan, laundry, Boding villas, Chapel road i .Alle~, sec.), High street .
Ayers William, bricklayer, Ivy chimneys Epping Brewery Co. Lindsey street
Bailey Frederick William, harness maker, High street Epping Choral Society (Donald Penrose, conductor), Ken~
Baker & Co. Cock family & commercial hotel dal avenue
Baker Bobt. Earle, bank clerk, Monte Rosa cot. Chapel I'd Epping 'Constitutional Association (U. F. Ball. hon. Bec.).
Banfield Waiter, assistant overseer for North Wea:d High street
(Bassett) & collector of King's taxes, 9 Gladstone ter- Epping & District Industrial Co-operative Society Lim.
race, St. John's road (Stanley F. Woods, sec)
Bal'clay & Co. I~imited (branch) bankers (Henry Beck Epping District Nursing AJssociation (Mrs. C. B. Swor-
Peacock, manager); draw on head offi~e, S4 Lombard del'. hone sec.), Latchmore
street, London E C Epping Gas Co. Limited (Edward Allen. sec.), Victoria
Barker Alfred, clerk, St. John's road buildings, Market place .
Barker Geo. sen. railway guard, 3 Morley tel'. St. John's I'd Epping Ongar & District 34'8th Starr-Bowkett Building
Barnard Robert, confectioner & tobacconist, High street Society (T. J. Dean, sec.; J. Winter, surveyor)
Barnard Thomas William, railway guard, 2 Gladstone ter- Epping Plain Cricket Club (A. Plnmb, hon. sec.)•. St.
race, St. John's road John's r01ld
Barnes John, wood fencing contractor, Sunnyside villa Epping Town Cricket Olub CA. K Piper, sec)
Barnes Wm. Hy. carpenter. 4 Stamford tel'. St.Jobn's rd Epping Town Hall Co. Lim. (Edwd. AlIen, sec.), High si
Basham Mrs. householder, High street Essex Imperial Yeomanry (0 Squadl'On) (WU1. Silwood,
Bass Oharles, dairyman, Ivy chimneys squadron sergt.-major), Bower hill
Bass William, householder, Bell common Every Tom John, grooer, High street
Basllett John, householder, Sunnybank, New road Farnell Edwin George, dentist, Upland view, High stree~
Battle Miss. householder, High street Farrer Archie, hairdresser, High street
Be'll John Harrison, sanitary inspector to the Rural Dis- Field James William, butcher. High street
trict Council. Lindsey s t r e e t . Fire Engine Station (J. E. Windus. capt.; J. Whiting,
Beverly Michael Pilch, grocer &; china &c. dealer. High st engineer), Station road
Blomfield Frederick, ironmongers' manager, 7 Gladstone Fitch Samuel, ale &i coal mel'chant, hay & straw dealer
terrace, St. John's road & farmer, Stonards farm
Blows James, Baker, High street Flack Frederick, cab proprietor, Station road
BIyth Frederick William, watch maker, High street Fletcher William Brown, clerk, Oaldeigh, Bower road .
Bavingdon Thomas George, tailor, High street Foster Joseph (Mrs.), householder, High street
Bradford George, Merry Fiddlers P.R Foster Stephen John. householder, Forest view
Brett WilliaJIl Henry, inland revenue officer, High street Foster Thomas, confection!:'r, High street
Brewer Ada (Miss), confectioner & tobacconist, High street Foster William, carpenter, Bell common
Brooke Frederick Charles, clerk, Vectis. Chapel road It'rancis Emma (Mrs.). laundress, Roding villas. Chapel I'd
Brown H. P. Victoria restaurant, High street Frands Frederick. hay dealer. 'fhe Plain
Byford Thomas (Mrs.). householder, High street Fowler Trevor L.R.C.P. & S. &; L.M.Irel., D.P.H.Cnmb.
Cable W. &, Sons. timber merchants. Bell villa surgeon. & medical officer of health for the Burnl Dis-
Cable Alfred John, plumber, 2 Morley tel'. St. John's rd trict &; Urban District Councils. i&l medical officer &.
Cable James, householder, St. John's road public vaccinator to the Epping, North Weald, Theydon
Carman James, engine driver, 6 Rosebery tel'. Chapel I'd Bois & Theydon Garnon districts
Ohurch Stephen J ahn, pork butcher & sausage maker Francis Robert, tailor, High street
Clark Robt. Gooding, blacksmith, High st. & St. John's I'd Fuller Alfred John, fishmonger, High street
Clark Thomas John. Duke of Y'ork P.H. High street Furze Luke J'ames, farmer, The Bury
Clarke Alfred, plumber, High street Garrett Elizabeth (Mrs.), Black Lion P.H. High st
Clayden Arthur Digby, traveller &; clerk, Chapel road Gallagher Annie (Miss), girls' school, Hemnall street
Clement Hannah (Mrs.), White Hart P.H. High 8treet Geering &, Son. butchers, High street
Olixby William. houl5.eholder, St. ~ohn's villa Golf Club (Capt. H. W. W. Wood, hone sec. i& treasurer)
Convalescent Cottage Home (MISS Marten, sec.; Miss Goulding Frederick,. boot maker, Bower hill
Berry, matron) • Gouldstone Abraham, boot maker. Chapel road
Cook Alfred, householder, St. John's road GOuldstone Benj. shoe maker. I Chapel row, High street
Cook William, painter, High street Gouldstone Chas.Edwd. commercial traveller,St.John's hl;
Cooper Catherine (Miss). householder. Hemnall street Gouldstone Elizh. (Miss), boot ma. 3 Chapel row. High st:.
Cope Alfred Ernest,travelling draper. The Firs, Hemnall st Great Eastern Railway Parcels Office (A. B. Davis,
Cordell John William, shopkeeper. Lindsey street agent), High street
Cornwell Richard. baker. High street Green Albert, billposter, High street
Cornwell Thomas, householder, Hazeldene, Chapel road Green Frederick, engine driver, Chapell'oad
Cottee Herbert Mark, cycle agent &; maker, High street Green Fredk. Chas. cam. travllr. Waylnnd, Chapel road
Cottee William, boot maker, High street Grout Jsph. jobbing gardener, S Morley tel'. St. John's I'd
Cottis William & Sons, 'Archimedean lawn mowers,' agri- Groves John Benton, engraver, Bowe:r hill
cultural implement makers & agents, iron & brass Guest William, householder, Salem villas, High street
founders. ironmongers, & cycle agents, brick & tile Gyngell Sarah (Mrs.),dress maker, Bisley viI. St.John's I'd
makers &c Haddon Mrs. householder, Ockbrook, St. John's road
Courtney E. J. Challoner. photographer, High street Harris Ernest. carriage builder. High str.eet
Cowlin Benjamin, plumber & painter, Grove lodge Hart Thomas G. architect & surveyor, HIgh street
Crampton & Co. mineral water manufacturers Haslam Edward, grocer, High street
Creed George. clerk to the magistrates & clerk to the Hawthorn W. & Co. grocers &, provision mers. High st
commissioners of taxes Hayden E. W. &; Sons, coal merchants & cartage contrac".
Creed George John, solicitor i&; commissioner for oaths. tors. cartage agents to the Great Eastern Railway Co. &.
deputy clerk to justices. assistant clerk to the commis- smiths. St. B e l e n ' s . .
sioners of taxes. clerk to Epping Urban District Council Herts & E:ssex Water Wor~s Limited (E. A, Filby. sec. !,;
& clerk to the School Board ' J ames Francis, collector), High street'
. [KE,LLY'S,

Heath Henry James, tobacconist & jobmaster, High street Robinson Henry,gardener to G.D. Curnock esq. HemnaU at
Hills Josepb, grocer & draper, & agent· for W. & A. Roe Harry, deputy registrar of marriages, High street
Gilbey Limited, wine .& spirit merchants, High street Roe James (:Mrs.), saddler, High street
Hine George, bouseholt!er, May villa, St. John's road Roe Joseph, gardener, St. John's road
Hitch William, Sun I).H. High street 'Rowland Thomas William, chemist, High street
Holt Charles, shopkeeper, Church hill Rudkin William Haddon, fried fish shop, High street
Rornsby Charles Henry, Duke of Wellington r.H Saltmash John, blacksmith, St..John's road
HOr8tnan Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, High street Sapsford Ernest GeQrge, stone mason, Forest view
Hurnmerston George, baker, High street SawaI'd Emily (Miss), dress maker. High street
Rummerston Thomas, pork butcher, High street Sawnrd F. (Miss), householder, I Rose cots. Chapel road
Hummerston Thomas Alfred, fruiterer It confectioner, Saward William 'Villoughby, coach builder, High street
Lindsey street & High street Seymour Lilian Erlith (Miss), girls' schl.Lyncroft,Righ I'd
Rummerston WaIter, greengrocer, High street Sharp Arthur, hay dealer, The Acacias, Chapel road .
Humphryes Edward Francis, householder, Bowor llill Sheridan Richard, chimney sweeper, The Plain
Hutley BarziIlai, householder, St. John's road Sibley James Wm. postmaster & stamp distributor,High st
Hyde David, jobbing ~ardener, The Plain Silwood WiIliam, squadron sergt.-major, Essex Imperial,
Hyde William Albert, florist, St. John's road Yeomamy, Bower hill
.Jervis James, householder, St. John's road Simpson Frederick, hou!'leholder, Silven Rest, St. John's I'd
.Johnson John James, engine driver, Allnutts estate Smith Cornelim, general dealer, Ivy chimneys
Judd James, wood dealer, Bell common Sparrow, TuffneU &; Co. bankers, now B..:l1'clay &; Co. Lim
Juniper John W. (Mrs.), stocking knitter, High street Spencer Wm.Meen, engine driver,s Rosebery ter.Chapel I'd
Kemsley Henry Hugh, farmer, Hartland road Stace Joseph William, hair dresser, High street
Kent H. &; Son, ironmongers &; agl'icultnral implement Stacey Hy. Chas. Edwin, boot ma. &; leatherseller,High at
.agents, High s t r e e t , Stock Susannah (Mrs.), White Lion P.R. High street
King John William, grocer, Wellington place Stockwell James, Globe P.H. Lindsey street
Kinnell Mrs. dress maker, High street Street Waiter, attendance officer to Epping Rural School
Kirkby James, butcher, High street Attenrlance Committee, Thornwood common
Knights Albert Arthur, bUilder, Hemnall street &; 3 Glad- Styles Alfred, scrap iron dealer, HemnaH street
stone terrace, St. John's road Styles Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Allnutts estate
Lankester George, railway guard, Ivyleigh, Chapel road Stubbings George, manager, Hemnall street
L.awI'ence Joseph, dispenser, r Rosebery tel'. Chapel road Sudul Leonard, vice-chairman Urban District. Council,
Lawrence Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Ivy chimneys Lvndhurst, Chapel road
Lawrence Norman St·aines, baker Sw~rder Charles B. &; Alfred, corn & coal merchants,High
Leathers Charles, station master, Railway station street &i Railway station
Lee Robert John, George & Dragon P.H Sworder Rugh F.S.I. auctioneer, valuer, estate agent,
Lee 'ViHiam James, nurseryman, Bower hill & surveJur, High street
Literary & Mechanics' Institute (Herbert Jas. Gatward, Symes William. farmer, Wintry Park farm
-sec. &; librarian) _ Tanner M. J. (Mrs.), householder, Louise ~ot. Chapel I'll
Ma1linson Thomas, Old Thatched House hotel Tarry William Henry, coal merchant, High street
Maltman David, draper &; clothier, Snnnyside vils.High st Taverner Edmund, blacksmith &; assessor of taxes,High st
~farsh Elizh. (Mrs.), aparts. 3 Stamfol'd ter.St. John's I'd Taylor Henry, boot dealer, High street
Mason Arthur, solicitor, Westbury, Kendal aVI)flue Tee James Herbert, solicitor &; commissioner, Victol'ia
.Moles James, jobbing gardener, High street buildings, High street '
Mose Fredk. engine driver, 6 Gladstone ter. ,St. J{)hn's I'd Tee Thoma,s Joseph, solicitor &; commissioner, Victoria
'M:umford Williflm, clerk, Virginia, St. .Tohn's I'd hnildings, Hig-h street
Nicholls William Wade, grocer, High "treet Teece Charles, butcher, High street
Nichols{)n Henry, householder, 3 Ivy villas, Chapel road Thompson Joseph, White Swan P.H. High street
Nokes George, confectioner &; seedsman, High street Thurlow F. A. &; L. (Misses), drapers, High street
Norrie William Murray, beer retailer, Ivy chimneys 1.'o1'ley'\Villiam,paperhan,ger, I Stamford tel'. St. John's rd
Qakley Arthur, boot maker, High street Town Hall (Edward Allen, sec.), High street
Qakley William, householder, St. John's road Trim William, carpenter, Lindsey street
Oddfellows' Society (Leonard Sudul. sec.), Hig-h street l.'rotter Raymond Douglas, solicitor & commissioner, clerk
Odell John, stationer & booksel1er, High street to tJ:1e guardians & schoal attendance & as·sessment com·
Orrin Mrs. householder, High street mittees of Ep!ling union & superintendent registrar of
Overall William, greengrocer, High street Epping district &; clerk to the Epping Rural Dist.Council
Palmer Brothers, builders, contractors & undertakers; Turner Alfred, engineer, Hebran cottage, St. John''8 road
estima.tes free; works, nr. St. John's Church, High st Twynn William, ooffee rooms, High street
'J'>arish Albert Charles, Bell P.B. High road Upton George·M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, Salisbury
'Parish Emilv (~Irs.), refreshment rooms, Bell oommon house, High street
• •
~yne Mrs. householder, Hlg'h street Upton Louisa (Mrs.), miscellaneous dealer, The Plain
'Peecock Hy. 'Beck, manager Barclay & Co.'s BUllk,High st Verrall Arthul' George, supt. to Prudential Assurance Co.
PegTam George Henry, sanitary inspector to Epping Urban Limited, Luxboro', Kenda! avenue
District Council &; attendance {)fficer to the Epping Victoria Art Studios (Alfred B. Davis Ltd. proprietors),
Hural School Attendance 'Committee, Arlington, St. Victoria buildings
John's road Victoria Hall (Alfred P. Davis, propr.), Victoria buildings
1'egrum George, farmer, Shaftesbury farm Volunteer Battalion (rst) Essex Regiment (G Co. Capt. J. .
Pemberton George, householder, The Plain . E. Windus), Drill hall, St. John's road
"Fenrose Donald W. organist of parish church, Kendal aven Voss William Edward, furniture dealer, High .Meet
Pettit Frederick, .school, Ivy Chimneys road I Walker Joseph Josiah,househldr. 2 Rosebery tel'. Chapel rd
'Pickman Arthur, scrap iron dealer, Hemnall street 'Watson James-Thomas, householder, St. John's road
Piper Albert Edward, school master, St. John's road Weller Thirza (Mrs.), househldr. The Laurels, Hemnall et
Plumb Alfred, householder, St. John's road WestIey Arthur Edward, railway guard, 3 Gladstone ter-
:J.l'ocock Thomas, gardener, 2 Rose cottages, Chapel road race, St. John's road
Pomfret Alfx:ed, bricklayer, 5 Gladstone ter. St. John's I'd Whiffin James &, Sons, builders &; contractors, High street
Poulton DaVld Charles, undertaker, Hemnall street I WiR'''' Josiah, carpenter, Bell oommon
Powell Philip, householder, Chapel road i Williams Thomas, wine & spirit merchant, High street
Prentice Arthur John, baker & refreshment house for I Willis Willie James, farmer, Home farm
cvclists, High street. I Winter James, architect & surveyor, Dane- lodge
1"l'nnrose League (Eppjng Habitation No. 284) (R. F. Ball, ! Womack Robert, superintendent of police & inspector of
hon. sec. &i treas), : weig-hts & measures &c. Police station, Hil!h street
Pr~'or Joseph, farmer, Creeds farm : Wood -Philip& Sons, builders &; contractors, The Plain
-Puffett WiHiam F. carpenter, I Hemnall street ! 'Wood Richard Chapman, joiner, Bell common
Pye Henry Alfred, householder, St..Tohn's road I Wri2'ht E. M. & K. A. (Misses), ladies' schI. Hemna:Is
Pvne WaIter, draper &i clothier, Hig-h street i Wright Jane Sophia (Mrs.), reR'istrar of births &; deaths
l1hodes George, road surveyor to Essex County Council, I ' & vaccination officer for Epping sub-district, HemnaHs
Gladstone terrace, St. John's road Wright S. E. & C. (Misses), ,chool, Prospect ho. High st
-nice Albert Charles Fredk. Royal Oak P.H. The Plain Yates Alfred, boot m'aker, High street
::EPPING UPLAND. constituted a civil pa.rish by the Western division of the county, haIfhundred of Waltham,
.('1)unty of El!lsex (Epping &c-.) Confirmation Order 18g6, Epping petty sessional division and union, county court
consists of the largest portion of the a.ncient parish of di~trict of Waltham Abbey, rural deanery of Chigwell,
Eppmc= it about :2 miles north of Epping Town, in the archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. All
Saints, until 1889 serving as the parish church of Epping, trict surrounded with fine woods: the present house, now
is an ancient structure of brick and concrete in. the Nor. the residence of Ernest James Wythes esq. J.P. is So
man style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch structuro of white brick, consisting of a pedimented centre
and an embattled western tower of brick, containing a with wings, ol'l.d since its first erection has been much im.
clock and 5 bells: it retain's an aumbry and an ancien·t proved: the estate, which has an area of more than 4,000
credence ta-ble, discovered during recerut alterations: acres, is partly in Wa.Itham parish and partly in that of
IIhere are memorial tablets to the Conyers family of Epping. Ernest James Wythes esq. J.P. is the sole land-
Copped Hall, and a large memndal brass, dated 1621, to owner. The soil is vwrious; subsoil, clay and sand.
Thomas Palmer, of Gilles, Epping: the st!liined west The area is acres; rateable value, £6,569; the
window is a luemorial to Dr. Forbes Winslow, who died population in 1901 was 731.
3 March, 1874, and is buried in the churchyard: the IS exton, .Alfred Fairchild, Thornwood common.
east window is also stained: a dwarf stone screen, from
which the pulpit is co;rbelled out, separates the nave from POBot Office, Epping Green.-Miss Emma Fickling, sub-
the chancel: the church was completely restaTed in 1878 postmistress. Letters through Epping; delivery com-
at a cost of £3.000, and affords about 400 sittings. '£he mences at 6 & 9 a.m.; letter box cleared at 8 a.m. &;
register dates from the year 1539. The living lis a vicar- 6 p.m.; sundays, 9 a.m. Postal orders are issued
age. united in 1888 to that of St. John's, Epping. There here, but not paid. Nazeing. 2 miles distant, is the
is a Congregational chapel. nearest money order & telegraph office
Copt, or Copped Hall, 2 miles south-west, so called Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 8,45 a.m.
from A. S. "Cop," the top of a hill, is a. splendid man- & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, 7.45 a.m
sion, built a.bout the middle of the 18th century, nea·r the National School (mixed), Epping Green, built in 1862 for
site of a residence formerly used by the monks of Wal- 80 children; average attendance, 61; Miss E. 1. Ansell,
tham as a retreat. and stands on an eminence in a dis- mistress .

BrownPhilip, Holly cottage Cramphorn George, Cock & Magpie Nathan J::>seph, farmer, Currance farm
Cryer John, Wood.ville, Forest sid·e P.H. &; builder NichoUs John Edward, assistant over-
Evans FredeTick Henry, Takeleys C'ripps' James, househldr.Epping grn seer, Parvills farm
Hargrave Henry Thomas, Stebonheath Dashwood PhiEp W. land agent to E. Nicholls Thomas, fnnI'. Parvills farm
Marter Maj.-Gen. Richard Jas. Cornbe J. Wythes esg. Griffin's wood Nunn J3JIIles, carrier & dairyman,
J.P. Walton Dean Wil~iaJll: & -Charle.s, fa.rmers, Mill house
Perrey Zechariah, Forest side Pinchtimber farm Nunn WalteT Jame.~, farmer,New farm
Soper Mrs·. Theydon towers Dean William, farmer, Hunter's hall Ormond James B. estate bailiff to E.
Willoughby Hon. Harold,The Wood ho Fickling Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, & J. "Yythes esq. Home farm
Wythes Ernest Jas. J.P. Copped hall Post office, Epping gre.en Pegrum George, farmer, Gills fann
COMMERCIAL. Ford John, painter, Epping green Pinch Pe3JI'se, fanne.r, Marles farm
AdailllS' George, blacksmith & wheel- Ford Thomas baker, :Eppingl green Poulton Isaac,householder,Epping grIl'l
wright. Epping green Gatward Herbert Jas. clerk, Griffins Powe George,beer retailer,Epping grm
Ashfield FrederickToovey, househldr. Wood lodge Rickett T'hos. farmer. Hayleys fann,,-
1 Forest Side villas Gregory William, farme·r, High road Smith John, fnnr. Gibbon's Bush fm.
Brown Arthur, farIn-:~r, Epring green Grout W.J. & Sons, carmen, The Plain Sortwell Jas. builder &c. Forest cot.
Brown Daniel, farmer, Rye hill Hendry James Newt'On, farmer, Spruce Bertie, gardener to Hon. H._
Brown ROlland,, Epping green Little Marles Willoughby
Bullocks Arthur, gardener to E. J. Jeffe.ries .Tohn Henry, Chequers P.H ThompsonAdam,blacksmth.Epping gn·.
Wytheg. esq Lawrence· Jos>eph, fanner, Rood street Trevallion Wm. dairyman, Forest side
Ohase Sherwin, estate carpenter Linstltill John, householder, Thorn- TruslseU FredeTick,frmI'. Riretta frm·
Chittenden Henry, householder, The wood common Wheddon William Harold, school-.
'Whit,e house Lukies Frederick Nicholas, farmer, master, 2 Forest Side villas
Cook Edwin, coach builder & wheel- Chamber's farm Wilkinson Oharles Gooper, police con-·
wrigbt, Epping green Mansfield Jas. farmer, Epping green sta.ble, Epping green

FAIRSTED (or Fairstead) is an undulating parish, the way to Calvary: the wall at the south-east corner"
about 3 miles east of the road from Chelmsford to Brain- is inscribed with a "Bidding Prayer" for James I.:
tree, 4 miles north-west from Witham station on the Great there are 120 sittings. The register dates from
Eastern railway, 3 miles south-west from Bulford station the year 15318. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
on the Witham and Braintree branch, and 3 north-west £3013, including 84 acres of glebe and residence, in the-
from Hatfield Peverel station on the main line of the Great gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1900 by'
Eastern railway, 6 south from Braintree, 8 north from the iRev. Edward Atherton Causton M.A. of St. J ohn's-'
Chelmsford, in the Eastern division of the county, College, Cambridge. The reclors of this parish can be··
Witham hundred and petty sessional division, Braintree traced to the year 1390. The poor have the interest~.
union and county court district, rural deanery of Wit- of £200, bequeathed in the year 1828 by Mr. James
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Carter, now invested in t·he 21 per Cents. in the names'·
Albans. The church of St. Mary is an ancient bnilding of the Charity Trustees, and producing £6 Ss. foro'
of flint, in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, coals or blankets, distributed in Christmas week. "Varley'
north porch and a western tower with lofty shingled Hall, now a farm house, was formerly moated, and accord-
spire, containing 4 bells, one of which is of pre- ing to tradition had an attached chapel, called "Lady-
Reformation date: on the chancel wall is a monumental Wydelin's Chapel." The principal landowner is Lord Ray-
slab to Joshua Blowers. rector of this church in 1656, leigh, who is lord of the manor. The soil is mixed; sub--
and Elizabeth, his second wife: the chancel, which is soil, clay and grave1. The chief crops are wheat, barley....
entered from the nave by a fine brick arch of early date, turnips, peas and beans. The area is 1,962 acres; I'ute-.
retains piscina and seditia; and there is a very ancient able value, £1,732; the population in 1901 was 25':.
oakl'n chest, about 9 feet long and 2 feet wide, cut out
of solid timber and bound with iron; the oak benches of Fuller Street is a hamlet, 1! miles west of the church.,
the nave, carved with the linen pattern, are of the 16th Ranks Green is two miles north.
century: there are traces of a rood loft: the chancel
was restored in 1881: in 1888 a pulpit of carved oak Parish Clerk, Ezra Brown.
was erected as a memorial to the Rev. Richard Marsh
White, a former rector: in 1890 the nave and tower were Letters through vVitham arrive at 9 a.m. & 12.50 p.m.
completely restored, the western gallery removed and Wall Letter Box, near the Rectory, cleared at 12.50 &;
the tower arch opened; during the restoration various 6.30 p.m.; sundays at 10.20 a.m. 'l'he nearesb money
mural paintings were discovered, including, over the order & telegraph office· is at Terling, 11 miles distant
chancel arch (I) Our Lord's Triumphal Entry into
Jerusalem, (2) '1'he Last Supper, (3) The Betrayal, National School (mixed), for 60 children; average attend...
(4) Our Lord being crowned with thorns, (5) Incidents on ance, 30; Mrs. Ann ELizabeth Brown, mistress -

F.AlRSTED. Bright Samuel, farm bailiff to Lord RANKS G RE'EN.

Canston Rev. Edwa:rd AtheTton M.A. Raylei/lh J.P
Rectory Hagger Frank James, beer retailer Searles John, beer retailer
Maxsted Reginald A. Fairsted Hall Rogers William, farm bailiff to Lord Strutt Miss, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Raylcig-h, Troyes faI'm Wright WalltJer, farmer
Plack Chas. H. farmer, Asbwell's f~ Wright WaIter, farmer, Walley Tye

; .~


NORTH FA:MBRIDGE is a very secluded parish with 26 acres of gle'he and residence, in t,he gift of the
of scattered houses, on the north bank of the river Lord Chancellor, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Ronald
Orouch, over which is a ferry from this village to Fisher McLeod, of King's College, London, and Trinity
South l"ambridge, with a station on the Southminstcr College, Dublin. H. Stevens esq. of PurJeigh Hall, is
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 miles south from lord of the manor, Mrs. Prior-Johnson, of Great! Baddow,
Maldon by road and about 13 south-east from Chelms- Edward James Athawes esq. M.A. of Nevill House, Chat-
ford, in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie ham, Kent, and Messr~. Robert Armour and T. J. Maude
hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon union and :I re tbe principal landowners. The soil is a strong clay;
county court district, and in the rural deanery of subsoil, the same. The chief crops wheat, beans and
Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. mang'old wnrtzeI. The area is 1,248 acres, of which a
.Albans. The church of the Holy Trinity is an ancient large portion is marsh, 49 of tidal water and 51 of fore-
building of red brick, in the Perpendicular style, con- shore; rateable value, £8-60; the population in 1901 was
ilisting of nave, west porch and a small wooden belfry I I.J..
at the. west· end, containing one bell; over the com- Letters through MaIdon arrive at 8.30 a.m. Latchingdon
munion table is an oil painting representing. the I,ord's (3 miles) is the nearest telegraph office & Stowe Ma~ies
Supper and· the church has an ancient octagonal font: the money order ofiice. Letter Box cleared 5 p.m.;
near· the communion table is a brass with effigies to sundays, 10.30 a.m
William Osborne, ob. 1590, Anne (Walker), his wife,
ob. 1607, and 16 children: the whole church was A School Board of 5 members was formed 9 April, 1874;
restored and a vestry added at the west end, in 1890, at the Rev. R. F. McLeod is hon. clerk to the board
Jl cost of. £200 and affords 64 sittings. The registe;r of Board School (mixed), built in 1875, for 30 children;
baptisms dates from 1590; bUl'ials, 1556 and marriages. average attendance, 20; Miss AlIen, mistress
[598. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £200, Railway Station, William Sidney, station master

EilJlSlOn Walter, E'rin cottage Sainsbury Percy, The! Han Ohapman .Tames, farmoo-, Groom!! frm
Davis Rev. William, Hall wood COMMERCIAL. Ohaproniere Henry, farmer, Skinne;rs
.1:ouide'SJ Oyril O. L. The Waste Armour Robert, farmer, Westwick & Wick
McLeoi Rev. Ronald Fisher, Rectory Plumes Longstaff Edwin, Ferry Boat inn
~Rog8Jrs John H. M Carter J acob. carpenter & joiner Smith Shedrick, coal dealer

. SOUTH FA:MBRIDGE is a par;sh on the south kshingdon, joint net yearly value £330, with 125 acres
"bank o·f the river Crouch, 3 miles north from R'ochford of glebe, in the gift of John Bourne esq. of Whitby,
,station on the Southend 'branch of the Gre1lt Eastern Yorks, and held since 1900 by the Rev. John Imrie M.A.
-'railway, 8! south from Maldon and 7! north from South- of Christ's College, Cambridge, who resides at Ashing-
.<end, in the South Eastern division of the' county, Rocbford don. Messrs. Wimshurst, Hollick and Co. are the chief
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Southend landowners. The soil us a strong clay; subsoil, clay. 'rhe
. county court district, and in the rural deanery of Roch- chief crops are wheat, beans &c. The area is 1,189
ford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. aores of land, 3 of water, 74 of tidal water and 38 of
"'The river is here crossed by ferry :boats. The cburch of foreshore; rateable value, £1,142; the population in 1901
.All Saints, erected in 1846, is a small edifice of white brick was 179.
in the Early English style, built in place of an earlier {JoS'li, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delive'ry, Parcel
church, and consisting simply of nav·e and a western Post, S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office.-Frank Butt,
-tower of wood containing one bell: there are 60 sittings. sub-postmastier. Letters through Southend arrive at 8
"The register 0'£ baptisms dates from 1765; burials, 1775; , a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; dispatched, 8 a.m. & 4.15 p.m
marriages, 1754. The living is a rectory, annexed to The children of this parish attend the school at Ashingdon

. Lawrence Arthur Edward, Beckney 10 Ca.t,ton Art'huT, Anobor 'hotel WimSihurst, Hollick & Co. Lirn. 'en-
.Neal WaIter William, New hall Hocking Thomas, !buiLder, iJeckney gineers' electTio crane & dynamo
COMMERCIAL. Wood hOl1S~ manufacturers·, ccmtraotors to the
-13utt Frank, grocer, & POist offiee Mowling Joseph, farm bailiff to Fredk. Admirnlty, WaT' Offioo & Crown
.Carver Goollge Erll'eSlt, farm ,bailiff t<J Brown esq. The Hall farm agents; & at H &; 12 Clements lane,
William Merryfield Meeson esq Lomba.rd street, London E 0

FARNHAM (or Fernham) is a village and parish on Oxford. Hasso·bury is the seat of R'obert Cunliffe Gos-
the borders of Hertfordshire, 2 miles wellt from Stansted ling esq. J.P. lord of the manor and principal landa'\Vllef.
station on the main line of the Great E1lstern railway, The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, clover, beans,
and 3 north from Bishops Stortford, in the NortheTn peas and roots. The Brea is 2,018 acres; ratea,ble value,
division of the county, Clavering hundred, Bishops £2,392; the population in 1901 was 434.
Stortford union and <lounty court district, Walden petty
.sessional division, rural deanery of Newport, arch- HAZEL END is a hamlet of Farnham, '[ Inile south-
.deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The east; EarJs'bury is half-a-mile south; Level's Green, half-
.church of St. Mary, standing on the side of ,a, bill at a-mile south-west.
·some distance from any house, was re'built in the year Verger and Sexton, William Dellow.
1859 all a cost of upwards of £5,000, defrayed by the
late Robert Gosling esq. and by the late Rev. W. J. Post Ofiice.-Miss Fanny Brown, sub-postmistress. Let-
Copeland RD. rector, 1849-85: it is a structure of ters through Bishop Stortford arrive at 7·55 & 11.45
-flint with stone dressings, in the. Early Decorated style, a.m.; dispat,ched at 8.45 a.m. & 6.35 p.m. Postal
and consists 'of chancel, nave, north aisle with chapel, orders are issued here, but not paid. MaIludt'n is the
south porch and an embattled western tower containing nearest money order office & Bishops Stol't,fard the
-6 bells: there is a memorial window ,at the oost end to nearest telegraph office, 3 miles distant •

the late Robert Gosling esg. d. 1869, others to Miss C. Pillar Lebter Box, Hazel End, cleared at 6,35 & 7 p.m
Edith Gosling, and Robert Gosling esg. d. 1895: a new
organ wa.s erected in Sepb. 1890 at a. cost of £260, as a Church of England School (mixed), builtJ, with residence
memorial to Miss Edith Gosling: the interior is fitted for master attached, in 1855, & enlarged in 18<32 for 120
with open oak benches, and affords 350 sittings. The children; average attendance, 79; & endowed with the
register dates from the year 1551. The living is a ;rectory, yearly interest from a. bequest of £I,500 from William
net yearly value £343, witJh 3 acres of land and residence, E. Gosling esq. & £500 from R. Gosling esg. left in
in the gift of W. A. esq. and held since 1885 Consols; Robert J. Mallum, master; Mrs. A. J. Mal-
by the Rev. John Gullett Geare M.A. of Exeter College, lam, mistress

Geare Rev. John Gullett M.A. The Gillman Charles, farm bailiff to R. C. Pethybridge Charles L. farmer,
Rectory -Gosling- esq. Hazel end Farnham ball
Gosling Mrs. Hassobury Head Sidney, shopkeeper Riches James, farmer, Saven End frm
Gosling Rt.Cnnliffe D.L.,J.P.Hassobry Ives Samuel, Three Horse Shoes P.H Rich-:!s Robert, steward to R. C. Gos-
Shorte'r Frederick, Hazel end Mal'shall Daniel, head gamekeeper to ling esq. Estate office, Hazel End
R. C. Gosling esg Rowe Joseph R. frmr. Walkers farm
COM~ERCI.A.L. Martin William, head gardener to R. Stacey Frank, farmer, Wickham hall
Bentley Alfred, farm bailiff to Mr. C. Gosling esq Btacey William, farmer, Hill farm
Harry Perry,Thrifts frm.Chatter end Parker Fredk. Globe P.H. & smith Wood Pett\r, farmer, Lower farm,
BUTls ArthUT, grocer Presland In. boot ma. Farnham green • Hazel End
11' A,ULXRO URN i$ a parish and scattered. village, l?rederick Ilarris Valpy. J\LA; of Magdalen College,' Olt~
pleasantly sitUlited on the road from Witham ·to' Brain- fOl;d. There are two charities, one. of £6 yeal'1y lIrising'
tree", 3 miles ·north~west from Witham .station; on the ft'om £200 left in 1780- by Captain ,Hutchinson.. and OIl3
Great Eastern main line, and si, south-east from Brain- uf £1 arising from charges on a house at Kelvedon and
mee, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham If!1t by the Rev. J. Rarrison; both are disttibuted in',
hUlldred and petty sessional division, Braintree union bread. and money at Christmas and Easter. l?aulkbourn
and county court district, rural deanery of '\Vitham. Hall, -the seat of Ohristopher WiUia.m Parkel' esq. D.L.,
archdeacQnry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. J.P., lord of the manor and sole. landowner, is a stately.
The church of St.. Germain, standing within the park, ,is pile of red brick, exhibiting architectural features ()f·
~ small building of stone and rubble in. the Norman ; ~'arious periods, and stands in a park of 100 acres, on
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch uud' a : sligh1Jly undulating ground, well studded with lofty elms
western belfry with wooden spire containing 2 bells; 'and chestnut trees:. the square tower, which dates from
in the chancel are inscriptions (In brass to Henry ~ the reign of Henry VI. is the· most interesting and an-
Fortescue esq. ob. 1576, and Mary Darell, ob. 1398;. 011 : cient part of the house. The land is principally arable
the north side is a mural tablet to Sir Edwal'd Bullock. I. and grass; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
who was knighted at Richmond 5th July, 1609, and died i wheat, barley, turnips and beans. The area is 1,144 acreS"
:in 1644; on the south side is a costly memorial of white t of land and 7 of water; rateable value, £1.331;' the
m.arble, with life-sized female figure bearing a scroll, j population in 1901 was 148. .
inscribed to John Bullock esq. d. 1740, and a third to I Deputy Parish Clerk, James Oheek.
Dr. Richard Bullock, d. Nov. 16th, 1754, and his widow, I'Post Office.-Thomas Huck, sub-p()stmaster. Letters
Whalley Bullock, d. July loth, 1767; there is also some through Witham arrive 'fit 3.40 a.m. & 2.20 p.m.;
stained glass: the church affords 150 sittings. The dispatched at 2.25 & 9,P.nI. Postal orders are issued
-register of baptisms and burials dates ~rom 1574, and of here, bnt not paid. Witham is the nearest telegraph
marriages from 1576. The living is a rectory, net yeurly office, 3 miles distant, & White Notley the nearest:
",alue £177. with residence and 28 acres of glebe, in the money order office " >

gift of the Bishop' of St. Alballs alld Ghristopher Willium .' National. School (mixed), Duilt in 1855. for 30 children;
Parker esq. alternately,
and held since 1898 by the nev. I average attendance, 23; Mrs. A. M. Beardwell, mistress .
Parker Christopher William D.1.., J.P. Huck Thomas, shopkeeper, Post office Speakman Thomas, farmer, Hill farm
Faulkbourn hall Ledger Horace, farmer, T}:le Warren Strutt Samh Salome (Miss), farmer,
Valpy Rev. Fredk. Harris M.A.Rectory Stud farm . Tray's farm
Pail'lhead Ernest-, farmer, Hole farm
FEERING is a parish and widely scattered village, martyr, also resided here: the arms of Heygate and a
pleasantly seated in the vale of the river Blackwater, a badge of Queen Elizabeth exist in a window of the house,
mile and a quarter north-east from the Kelved<Jn station which is' now the property of the Ecclesiastical Com-
~:@ the Great Eastern (Cplchester) railway, 2 miles south missioners. An ancient half-timbered chapel here is now
from Coggeshall and 9 squth-west from Colchester, in the used as a stable. Prested Hall, now occupied as a
Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, Witham farm house, was formerly a moated mansion, and remains
petty . sessional division, Braintree union, Oolchester of the moat still exist. The' Ecclesiastical Commis~
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Cog- sioners, who are lords of the manor, Thomas' P. Price
geshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of ,St. esq. of Marks Hall. Cecil Skingley esq. and the Misses
Albans. The church of .All Saints is an ancient building Skingley are the principal landowners. The land is
{If rubble and brick, in the Perpendicular style, consisting chiefly light, arable and undulaMng; subsoil, .gravel.
of chancel, nave, north aisle of four bays, south porch The chief crops are wheat, barley and seeds. The area.
and an embattled western tower partially covered with is 3,199 acres of land and 13 ot' water; rateable.value,..
ivy, and containing 8 bells: the east window and others £6'420; iJhe population in 1901 was 7°4, chiefly depending
in the chancel are stained: there is an elaborately carv,ed on agriculture.
font and an oak pulpit of great beauty with' mu;ch
carving: the chief feature is the beautiful old brickwork SURREX, a hamlet in this parish, was annexed in
porch and part of the wall on either side, built in the 1854 by Order in Council to Little Tey for ecclesiastical
time of Henry VII.: tllree windows have brick. mullions, purposes only, reducing the population to 663. :
and in one of these is a 'I'udor r8se :an old coffin lid of
marble, discovered some years since in the north aisle, is GORE PIT adjoins tlie township of Kelvedon.·
now placed between the piers on that side of the church: Parish Clerk, William Henry Crang Lewis.
there is also an interestmg mural brass, erected in 162 3 Post Office.--Uriah George Fisher, sub-postmaster.
by Robert .A.ylett in memory of his wife: the church Letters through Kelvedon R.S.O. arrive at 7. 10 a.m. ;
affords 300 sittings. The register dates from the year dispatched at 7.35 p.m. week days & 11.35 a.m. sun~
15'6 3. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £ 21 7, days. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid'.
with 9 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Kelve-
Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 18 73 by the Rev. don, 2 miles distant '
William James Packa M.A. Qf Christ Church, Oxford,
rural dean of Coggeshall &; surrogate. The chari- Pillar Letter Box, Gore Pit, cleared at 7·30 p.m. week
ties amount to 21S. yearly, for widow communicants. days; !I·3 0 a.m. sundays
Feering Bury Manor House, the residence of Edward National School, built in 1846, is an Elizabethan 'building
Catchpool esq. anciently belonged to the abbey of red brick, partially endowed by the Rev. Robert
of 'Westminster, and after the Reformation to the See Drummond, vicar from 1829; there is room fQr about
of London, during which time Bishop Bonner occasionally 120 scholars; average attendance, 85;, William Henry
resided here; Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London and Crang Lewis, master
. . . .
Brignell Geo. farmer, Maltbeggars' frm Moss John & Son, seed farmers· &;
Church .Arthur, seed grower engineers, Church farm .
Carter Herbert, Gore Pit house Church Joseph, seed grower Partridge .Albert,beer retailer & thresh-
Catchpool Edward, Feering Bury Clark David. farmer, Hop green ing machine propr.& farmer, Sur.rex
Manor house Olary George, seed grower, Rye mill Royment .A.rthur, Sun P.H .
HaITey Mrs. Rye house Deal 1-ym. seed grower, Feering hill Reid Percy Oharles, farme,r & land-
HUllt Mrs. The Warrens Fairs Geo. Edwd. frmr. Oockerills frm owner, Feering Bury Manor house,
Kenyon Eustace, Feering hill Fisher Uriah George,shopkeeper & beer Langley farm, Hornegalls & The
Packe Rev. Wm. .Tames M.A. Vicarage retailer, Post office' Frame farm
Phipps J ames Henry, Rye Mill house Hart Richard. gamekeeper to N. N. Shead Herbert, timber merchant, also
Reid Percy Charles F.R.G.S. Feering Sherwood esq. Prested hall wholesale & retail dealer in english

Bury. Manor house Hutley William (Mrs.), blacksmith timber, wood hoop, hurdle .& birch
Warren Charles, Orchard house Lay Robert, wheelwright broom manufacturer, Surrex
Lewis 'William Henry C. assistant over- Threadkell Jephtha, miller (water),
COMMERCIAL. seer & parish clerk Feering mill
Bacon Hezekiah, shopkeeper Moss John Wm. overseer, Church farm 'Warren Roland Morris, frmr.Houchins
Bartholomew Chas. frmr.Palmer's frm Marshall Samuel, Bell inn, & florist ",,"illsher Ohas. beer retailer, Gore pit
FELSTEAD (or Felstead Holy Cross) is a parish with 4 south-east froOm Dunmow and 6 west-south-west from
a station I mile north-west from the village on the Braintree, and comprehends the south-western corner of
Bishops Startford, Dunmow and Braintree branch of the Hinckford hundred, in the Eastern division of the county,
Great Eastern railway, 10 miles north from Chelmsford, petty sessional division of Hinckford south .(Braintree

bench), Dunmow union and county court district, rural B lofty entrance tower, surmounted by a pyramidal
deanery of Braintree, archdeaoonry of Colchester and spired 100f: near the school' is . a chapel, erected
diocese of St. Albans. The church of the Holy Cross is in 1874: the chancel was decorated in 1885 at a cost of,
a building of stone, consisting of chancel, clerestoried about £250, raised by subscriptions from old boys &..
nave of four bays, aisles, I!outh chapel, south porch and masters; the chapel will seat 300. The school house,.
an embattled western tower with a lantern, containing a which is under the care of the head master, assisted bV' •
clock and 5 bells: the chapel, erected by Robert, ~nd foul' house masters, will hold 180 boys, &; there is &
Lord Rich, is the burial place of that family, and COIr boarding house near, holding 40 boys, &; a detached
tains a. superb monument to Ricliard, 1St Baron Rich of sanatorium; there is also a separate Preparatory
Leeze, and Lord High Chancellor in the reign of Edward House for boys under 13 years of age, &; available fol"
VI. who died in 1,568; the monument, constructed of 50 boys: adjacent are playing fields of about 30 acres,
various marbles, is about 13 feet; in height, and includes containing a gymnasium, three fives courts &; a covered'
a recumbent effigy of the Chancellor, robed, under a swimming bath (75 by 25 feet): the school also pos-
canopy, highly decorated and supported by Corinthian sesses chemical, phySlical &; biological laboratories: a
pillars: here were also interred Thomas, son of Sir block of eight class'rooms is now (1902) building, &;..
Robert Rich, ob. 1564...i Richard, son of Sir Robert Rich, the foundations 8re laid of a new great schoolroom:'
1580; Robert (Rich), :lst Earl of Warwick, ob. 1618; the new block, designed by the late &1' A. Blomfield',.
as well as Lettice his daughter, wife, :lst of Sir Goorge is being provided by public subscription. 'l'here are six
Cary kt. of Cockington, Devon, and 2ndly of Sir Arthur senior exhibitions, three of the annual value of £60 each
Lake kt.; also Lady Rachel Montagu, daughter of the &; t11ree of £50 each, tenable at either of the universities
Earl of Manchester, ob. 17°4; Robert, son of Oliver and of Oxford or Cambridge, at the Royal Military Academy.
Elizabeth Cromwell, ob. 1639; Thomas Woodroffe, rector Woolwich, the Royal Military College, .sandhurst,
of Felstead, ob. 13 Oct. 1712, and Dionysius Palmer, . (Jooper's Hill Engineering Oollege, or at King's:
gent. ob. I Aug. 1630: the church has been restored at College, London, for three years, or such portion of
a cost of upwards of £3,5°0. The register dates from t,hree years as conesponds with the usual course of
the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value the said college. Of these, one ot £60 &:; one of :£50
£1'83, witlh residence, in the gift of Earl Cowley K.G. ore open for competition every year. Candidates must
and held since 1899 by the Rev. Charles Tucket' Eland. have been in the school not less than three years at the
There is a Oongregational chapel, with spacious room~ elld of the term in which the recommendation by the
for Sunday schools and minister's house adjoining. The examiners takes place. Boys who have been eduoated-
general charities amount to about £60 yearly, chiefly left for three years at this school are qualified to compete
In 1564 by Lord Rich, whose bequest of £35 yearly is Cor the "Essex Scholarships" at Hertford College, Ox-
distributed among the poor: there ar6 also almshousel ford, of t110 value of £100 0. year for five years: f01"
for 6 poor people on the same foundamon as the school, these there is no limit of age. The number of boys in
each inmate receiving £50 yearly. Earl Cowley is lord the school is now (1902) 250. Valuable entrance'
of the manor. The pl"incipal landowners are William scholarships are awarded after competitive examination
Dannatt, of Great Waltham, Guy's Hospital, T. W. in the summer, open to all boys under 15, whether
Offin, jun. esq. and Charles Ellis esq. The soil is mixed; already in the school or not, &; are tenable so long as
subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, the scholar is at the school, subject to the head mas·
barley, turnips, beans, oats and mangolds. The area is ler's terminal certificate of industry &; good behaviour:
6,408 acres of land and 18 of water; rateable value, there i~ B Cadet Corps in accordance with the Wu
£7,395; the population in 1901 was 1.945· Office regulations, attached to the 2nd Voluntepr Bat·
BANNISTER GREEN is one mile and 8 half east. talion Essex Uegiment: an excellent supply of pure-
Parish Clerk, Elias Taylor. water is derived from an artesian well on the school
prl'mises: in this school the Lord Protector Richard
Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. &; Annuity, In- Cromwell &; Oliver &; Henry Cromwell, sons of the Lord
surance &; Express &; Parcel Delivery Office.-Miss Protector Oliver Cromwell, were educated, as also Dr.
Rosa Look, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Isaac Barrow, the distinguished scholar, &; Dr. JQh:D
Ohelmsford &; are delivered at 7 a.m. 12 a.m. &; 3 p.m. Wallis, the mathematician
First dispatch to London 3.20 p.m.; serond, to
Chelmsford &; all parts, 7.5 p.m Head Master, Rev. Herbert A. Dalton M.A. formerly
Post Office, Hartford End.-Miss Susan Staines, sub-post- senior student of Christ Chu.rch, Oxford &; sometime-
mistress. Letters through Chelmsford arrive 6.30 assistant master 'of Winchester Oollege; Assistant
a.m.; dispatched at 7.25 p.m. Postal orders are issued Masters, Hev. E. Gepp M.A. G. H. W.illiams M.A. F. B.
here, but not pa1id. The nearest money order &; tele- Rogers M.A. Rev. R. B. Clark RA. W. F. Beard RA ..
graph office is at Felstead, 2 miles distant Rev. R. F. Elwyn M.A. l<~. D. Windsor M.A. A. E.
Wall Letter Box at Bannister Green cleared at 6 p.m. Munby M.A., F.C.S. J. W. D. Thorp RA. E. W. Glay-
week days &; sundays 10 a.m forth M.A. C. J. Hornsby Wright M.A. H.E. S. Cooper
Wall Letter Box, North End, cleared at 6 p.m. week M.A. Dr. E. B. Trow M.A., B.C.L. R. C. Fawdry:
days &; on sundays at 10 p.m M.A. l~. W. Stocks B.A. C. K Wright RA. A. G. Kent
Wall Letter Box,Felstead Station,cleared llZ.30 &; 3.45 p.m M.A. &; J. H. Hattersley Smit·h B.A
Preparatory School.-Rev. A. V. Gregoire M.A. C. A. F.
FELSTED SOHOOL Green B.A., LL.B. &; W. E. Cross B.A
Felsted School was founded in the year 1564 by Richard Medical Officer, Matthew Marriott M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P
Lord Rich, who at the same time founded almshouses, Drawing Master, Thomton Andrews
to be under the same management; the present yearly Teacher of Violin, J. Cave
income of these charities is about £1,300: in 1835 the Band &; Drill Instrnctor, Sergeant-Major Gardiner
charity was placed in Chancery, &; a scheme for its Gymnastic Instructor, Sergeant Booth
management being settled by the Court in 1851, it was Clerk to the Governors, A. Cu~nington, Braintree
t!.len entrusted to the control of a board of trustees; A School Board of 5 members was formed 6 Oct. 1877
but in 1877 its administration was committed to a body for the Felsted &; Rayne united district; Stephen
of governors under the provisions oil a new scheme GifIard, High street, Great Dnnmow, clerk to thE!'
proposed by the Educational department of the Charity board; Samuel TayloI', Great Dunmow, attendance
Commission: the nominated governors are appointed- officer
one by the Bishop of the Diocese in 'which Felsted is Doard School (mixed), built in 1879, for 226 children;
situated; one by the Lord Lieutenant of the county of average attendance, 120 boys &; goirls &; 49 infants;
Essex; and two by the magistrates for the county i~ A rthur King, master; Mrs. Clara King, infants' mistrsl
qnarter session's: four representative governors are Railway Station, ArthuI' Booth, station master
elected by thp. members of l'arlIament representing the Police •Station, William W'hi,te, constable in charge
several county &; borough constituencies of Essex; &;
there are six co-optative governors. The school, situ- (,.urrier.-Hicks, from Swan inn, to Chelmsford, mono
ated :I mile from Felsted station, was rebuilt in 1864, &; frL; to Braintree, wed.; to &; from railway st.atioIl',
&; is a gabled structure in a simple style of Gothic, with daily

PRIVATE RE8IDEKTS. Brooks Sydney Cecil, Hillside Houchin Rev. Ebenezer Mathew(Cong)
(Marked thus * receive their letters Clark Rev. R. R, B.A Kirkpatrick Charles J. Sand hills.
through Braintree.) Dalton Rev. Herbe:r1J Andl'ew M.A. Hartford end
.Abrahams Miss The Folly (head master FeIstead school) Lyle Mrs
Armstrong J. L. P. The Bury Eland Rev. Oharl'es Tucker (vicar) Mess Alphonse O. Felsted Mill house
Beard W. F., B.A Elwyn Rev. R. F., M.A Norris James
Bentall Mrs. The Peaches Gepp Rev. Edward M.A Rogers Francis Bassett RA
TayIor Elias
BIyth Thomas .. WaIter, Leighs lodge Gladwin The Misses
, .


Williams Gerald Henry M.A. Ellis Charles, farmer, Seward's Pulford. Arthur Louis, miller (wind et
Windsor F. D., M.A Felstead School (Rev. Herbert Andrew steam), Cock Green mill
*Woodward Francis S Dalton M.A. head master; for other Ridley T. D. &; Sons, millers (steam),
Wright Christopher St. John M.B masters see page 180) maltsters &; brewers, HartfO:i:'d }"J!d
Fuller Harry, shoe makeI" brewery; & at Chelmsford
COMMERCIAL. Fuller 'Villiam, shopkeeper, Rayne st Scrivener Alfred Ernest, farmer,
. Gillam George H. frmr. Milch bill Felstead place
Andrews Harry, beer retailer Gladwin Edward, tailor Scrivener Thomas (exors. of), farmers,
*Arber William, baker Gladwin Wm. farmer, Frenches farm Pond park
Ardley Arthur, Bell inn Ham Samuel, farmr. Whelp stones frm Shaw 1Villiam (Mrs.), baker, Ban·
*Attoe Alfred, travp,lling draper Harvey Wm. higgler, Mole Bill green nister green
Bentall Alfd. Ernst. frmr. Pye's farm Haslin .John James, machinist Smith Arthur, farmer, Watchouse frm
Bentall Wm. farmer, Rutland's farm *Hawkes Thomas, grocer, Rayne street Smith Fred, grocer & farmer, Ban-
Borrows John, farmer, Drapers farm Hicks Ernest, cycle & sports depot; nister green
Brewer &; Co. grocers &; drapers a large assortment of cycles, cricket, Smith George, farmer, Glandfieldi!
Brewer Richard, insurance agent football, tennis &; golf goods always StaiIl(~8 Benjamin, shoe maker
Brock In. farmer, Bridge House farm in stock; repairs promptly executed Steward Wm. blcksmth.Causeway end
Brown Geo-rge, farmer, Chaffies farm Hicks Thomas Frederick, coal mercJmt Thompson Frederick William, butcher
Bull Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Juniper Henry, coach builder Thompson Willimn, farmer,
Butcher Arthur, farmer, Gt.Greenflds Ling Edward, beer retailer, Cause- Thomson Duncan,frmr.Grandcourts fm
Byatt Thomas, boot & shoe maker way end Whiteley WaIter, farmer, Willows frm
Clarke Elizabeth (Miss), corn dealer Ling Robert, job master Witney Edward, farmer &; poultry dlr.
& confectioner Lock Rosa (Miss), stationer, Post office &; Three Horseshoes P.H. Alberts fm
.cIoughton Thomas, brick & drain Mace Geo. (Mrs.), frmr. Sparlings fl'm Wright .Anthony Bentall, farmer,
pipe manufacturer Mascall WaIt,er, blacksmith Potash farm
. Ooe Bobert, blcksmth. Bannister grn *:Metson Alfred, farmer, Rays Wright Christopher St. John :M.B.,
TIarby Herbert, farmer Moore George, farmer, Straits C.M., M.R.C.S.Eng., L,S.A. sur·
TIay & Son, coach buildi:H'S, painters, Moore Thomas, farmer, Brook farm goon &; medical officer &; public vac-
plumbers, decorators & undertakers, *Mortier Frank, farmer cinator Stebbing district, Dunmow
Cobbler's ,green Nash Ohas. bricklayer, Eannister;p'll union
Digby Jas. beer retailer &; shopkeepr Norris Frederick Thos. confectio~i3r Wright George, saddler
Dowsett Harry, Chequers hotel, com- Overall Agues (Miss), farmer Wright William, fa.rmer, Millbanks,
mercial & posting h011se; good Peagram Stephen George, beer re- Moore's & Black Horse farms
accommodation for visitors &; cy- tailer, Pye's bridge Wyatt William, Swan hotel
clists, good stabling (free house for Porter Harriet &; Ellen (The Misses), Young David, carpenter, Bannister gm
wines & spirits) stationerg Young Frederick" carpenter
TIyer John &; Son, grocers &; butchers Reynolds Geo. farmr. Abraham's frm
FINCHINGFIELD is a large village and parish, ~ gregational chapel, enlarged in J873, and seating about
miles north-west from Braintree and 9 north-east from 4,:;0 persons. In the centre of the village is Finchingfield
DUllmow station, on the Dunmow and Brainh'ee branch Green, a very picturesque spot. Kemp's and Cole's charl-
-of the Great Eastern railway, 6 east from Thaxted, in ties were founded respectively in 1623 and 1630 by 'Vm.
ihe Northern division of the cOll.nty, Hinckford hundred. Kemp and Robert Kemp esqrs. and subsequently aug-
Freshwell petty sessional divhdon, Braintree union and rnented by Sir Robert Kemp bart. in 1730, and by Mrs.
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Brain- Ann Cole, of Great Dunmow; there is also an alms-
tree, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. house for widows, founded in 1576 by William Bendlowe,
"The Pant or Fresbwell stream flows through the parish. serjeant-at-law, and occupied by seven inmates. Spains
"The church of St. John the Baptist is an an- Hall, the seat of Archibald Weyland Buggles-Brise esq.
{~jent structure of flint, in the Early .Decorated D.L., J.P. is a red brick mansion in the Elizabethan
stJle, consisting of chancel with side chapels, nave style, standing in grounds of 100 acres. The principal
<Jf five bays, aisles, south porch and a western tower landowners are Archibald WeylandRuggles-Brise esq.
-with embattled parapet containing a clock and 8 bells: who ns lord of the manor, and .Albert Beddall, Thomas
in tIle Kemp chapel is a monument to William Kemp, of 'Vinterflood Legerton and Art,hur Bichal'dson esqrs. The
Spains Hall, "master of himself so much, that whflt soil is mixed; subsoil, principally clay, some gravel.
o()thers scarce do by force and penalties, he did by a vol- 'rhe chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The
untary constancy hold his peace 7 years:" he was buried parish contains 8,417 acres of land, including Cornish
10 June, 1628, ret. 73, and his wife })hilippa, August Hall End (whibh will be found described under letter
!2ISt, 1623: here also is a marble monument to Thomas C), and 13 of water; rateable value, £:;,610; the popula-
Marriott, with an inscription in verse, to .Tohn Marriott tion un 1901 was, civil 1,333, ecclesiastical 1,059,
<lsq. of Champions, and Judith, his wife, 1808-13, and to Sexton, Frederick Chapman.
various members of the ' family
I of Ruggles,
b I t l Iof dSpains
b Post, MO'" . . C/.I T• O.,
T • .M
0 . , S .B, &;.An nUl'ty, I nsur-
H a , 17 84- 181 3: th ere IS a so a rass, a e.y pace y ance & Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office.-'Villiam
lJis hl'other officers to Capt. CecH Edwawl Rllggles-Brise, Betts, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Braintree,
son of Col.. Sir, S. B.N Ruggles-Brise
S . K. C.B. who
b was killed. h y cart, at 6 ·55 a,m. & 12·45 p.m.; d'Ispatch e d at 2.,:;
11 y nn aCCIdent ID ova cotla, 29 Novem er, 1888: III & 5.3 0 p.m.; sund ' 6 d' h d
· an a It ar tom b
t h e sout I1 ch an t ry IS ,WIt gles, t 0
' h 1)rass e ffi' ays, llil'lI'lVe at ·55 a.m.; Ispatc e
John Herners esq. and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of W:~ t~~t~'r;;ox, Colemans Farm, cleared at 9.40 a.m
"Simon Wysseman esq. 1523, both figures being in heraldic
dresses: in the north chantry, or Kemp chapel, is an in- County Police Station, Harry Lindsey, constable
'ilcription on brass to Robert Kempe esq. ob. 15 2 4, and Schools.
.AnD:l his wife: there is a very finely carved old oak )
-screen and the font is also ancient: the church will seat National (mixed, built in 1'85 6 , for IBo children; average
1,:;9 persons. 'l'he register dates from the year 161 7. attendance, 14 2 ; Frederick Hazard Riggs, master
The living is a vicarage, net 'yearly value £449, with;18 British (mixed), built in 1865, for 100l children; average
-acres of glebe and residence. in the gift of the Rev. J. attendance, 57; Miss B. Hrandsteatter, mis,tress
Stock, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Arthur Francis to:-
BUl'goyne M.A.· of Trinity College, Cambridg-e. The Brainrtree---Edwi~ elapson, daily; Edward Wakeling,
-rectorial tithes aTe commuted at £1,506. He-re is a Con- mono wed. &; fr!.; J. Beoyd, tues. thurs. & Slit-
Ruggles-Brise Archibald Weyland J.P. Chapman John, Green Man P.H. &;
D, L. Spains hall wheelwright
13eddall Albert. Daw street Ruggles-Bri;;e Misses, Brent hall Choat John W. beer retailer
Beddall Miss, Prospect house Smith Robert Echlin, Hill hall Coe Emma (Mrs.), dress maker
Burgoyne Rev. Arthur Francis M.A. County Police Station (Harry Lindsey,
The Vicarage CO){MERCUL. constable)
Russel Miss Ambrose .Teffery, butcher Cl'ossman William, plumber & painter
Choat JOReph, Brook house Ashard Ja=es, farm bailiff to John Dodd Lucy (Miss), dress maker
'Gatward Mrs. Swiss cottage MacMillon esq. Locksmiths Eawn Thomas., Swan P.H
Hailstone Rev. W. T. (Congregational), Bacon John, farmer, Parsonage farm French Herbert Louis, clothier
The Manse Beddall .A.1bert, farmer, Daw street French Joseph, hair dresser
Legarion Thos. Winterflood, Howe hall Be-tts Wm..haker & stationer,Post office Gatward l\!aria Ann (Miss), stationer
Linsell Horace George, Spring mead Bright Benj. jun. farmer, Oross farm Gillard Frank, Red Lion P.H
Richardson Arthur, Justices Chapman Frederick, sexton Goldstone WaIter, harness maker
. -
Gray Frel:lenck, farmer, Ashwen hall' Letch .A.iJ.drew Luke, miller (wind) . . Smith Robert Echlin L.R.e.p. Irel.,
Grogeon Thomas Edgar, baker Martin Alfred GeoTge, baker L.R.O.S.Irel. surgeon; & medical
Hard'ihgham Oharles, frmr..Garlands Massey John W. farmer, Colemans officer & public vacciI1ator, Finching-
Hitching EZl"lL John, shoe maker Perkin John, farmer, Yeldhams field dist. Braintree union, Hill hall
Jarvis George, grocer &; baker' Reynolds In. 'farmer, Hawkin's harvest Tofts James ·Wm. farmr. Dairy farm
Jealous William, stockman to Albert Richardson Arthur, farmer, Justices Turner Charles, blacksmith
Beddall esq. Robjohns - Humsey James, farmer, Winceys Turner Oharles (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Johnstone Jothanna (Mrs.), 'beer reUr Savill Hobert, farm bailiff to William 'Vakeling Edwd. carrier, Tile Kiln fro
Legertllll 'Thomas Winterflood, farmer. Riley esq. Cottons . Wakcling Geo. cattle dlr. Tile Kiln frm
Boyton hall &; Howe hall . Shead Albert, stockman for Thomas Wakeling James, farmer, Tile Kiln frm
Linsell Horace Geurge, grocer, draper, Smith esq. Champions farm Wallace Harry, farmer, Nortofts
ironmonger, tea' dealer, provision Smart John, watch maker 'Vhutley Ellen (Mrs.), grocer & draper
merchant, dealer in flour, pollards, Smith Frank, farmer, Petches Wisbey Charles, farmer, 'I'own farm
corn &C. &; agent for W. &; A. Gilbey Smith Luke, 'l'hree Tuns P.R Wright .Apn (Mrs.), grocer & draper
Limited, wine &; spirit merchants Smith WilIiam, farmer, Little Wincey

FINGRINGlIOE is a parish, bounded on the north value £108, with 7 acres of glebe, ill' the gift of the
by the river Roman, over which is a wood bridge to East trus,tees of the late Mrs. Walker, and held since ]902 by
Donyland and on the east by the -Colne, about 1! mile!! the Rev. George Arthur Hicks' B.A. of Keble College,
from Wivenhoe station on the Tendring hundred branch Oxford. The-re is a Primitive Methodist chapel bere.
of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-south-east from The charities amount to about £35 yearly, lefb by George
Colchester and 55 from London, in the North Eastern Frere, Giles .gayer, amI 'l'homas Cooper, and are dis'-
-division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and tributed in bread and fuel. Fing-ringhoe Hall, brme'rly
Winstree union and petty sessional division, Colchester moated, is now a farm house. T<here is also an ancient
county court district, rural deanery of Mersea, arch- house, now sub-div~ded into co·ttages, which exhibits
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The parget,ting of the 17th century. Daniel Abbott Green~
church of St. Andrew, situated on a wooded eminence John -Walker, John Felgate, George Page and the Rev.
overlooking the Colne, is a building of brick and stone Gh-arles W. A. Gathercole B.A. a-re the principal land-·
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of owners. The soil is marshy, light loam and brick earth;
three bays, south aisle, south porch and an :embattled subsoil, loam and gravel. The ohief crops are wheat,
\Testern tower containing 3 bells, one of which is dated barley, oats, beans and peas. The area is 2,558 acres of
1625: recessed in the north wall of the chancel is a land, 7 of wa,ter. 120 of tidal wa,ter and 306 of fore-
monument with marble bust and an inscription to George shore; rateable value, £1,861; the population in 190r
l"rere, merchant, of London, ob. 25 Oct. 1655; there are was 534.
also ancient brassesto Richard -Eryan, ob. 30 Nov. 1S92,
and Mary, his wife, <lb. 3-Jan. 1587; and to Marcie, wife SOUTH GREEN is 8 hamlet I mile south, on thl!'
of Richard Wade, ob. 13 Aug. 1601: in the church are marshes of the Colne.
two loose brasses, one of which is a palimpsest, inscribed
on one side to "John Alleyn, of 'Wevenho and Alise hys BLACKHEATH, 2 miles north-by-west, is aiso a ham-
daughter," and on the other with a text in Latin from let in this parish, for all ecclesiastical purposes, but since
the book of Job: there is also here a remarkable iron- or before 1890 has been included in the civil parish of
banded oak chest,hewn out of a solid tree and dated 1684: East Donyland. All letters for this place should b&
the church was much injured by the earthquake of April addressed "Colchester."
22nd, 1884, and has been repaired, at a cost of £120, by Parish Clerk, Waiter Crosby.
a grant from the Mansion House fund: during the course
of the repairs several fine fresco paintings were dis- Post Office. John Crickmar. sub-postmaster. Lelten
covered, one representing St. Michael weighing souls and arrive through Colchester at 4.10 a.m.; dispatched ai
another a representation of Our Saviour with the instru- 8.15 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but, nub paid.
ments of crucifixion; overhead is an angel bearing a The nearest money order &; telegraph office is at How-
scroll with the inscription, "In omni opere memento hedge, 2 miles distant
finis": the church bas 200 sittings. The registers date National School (mixed), built in 1863; average attend-
from about 1751. The living is a vicarage, net yearly ance, 85; William Albert Tyrrell, master
Chopping W asey, Mill house Chopping Ezekiel !& Sons, millers Grubb Thos. farmr. Ballast Quay frm
Gathercole Rev. Charles 1Villiam (steam & water), Roman River King Charles, frmr. Clay Barn farm
August us RA. Kingsland rolling mill Page George, farmer & landowner
Hicks Rev. George Artlmr B.A. Durrant William, boot & shoe maker Perry Arthur, aparts. The Laurels
Vicarage Fookes Charles, blacksmith Pretty Alfred, beer retailer ..
CO::lIMERCIAL. G-reen Daniel Abbott, farmer Smith Elisha, shopkeeper
Oarter Frederick, market gardener Green Daniel A. jun. frmr. The Hall Wyncoll Rober~, Whalebone inn
Orickmar In. wheel~'Tight, Post office
FOBBING is a parish and villnge on a creek of tIle is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1887. A light-
.Thames of the same name, 5 miles south from Pitsea house, with revolving light, stands between Thames
station on the London, TilllUry and Southend railway, IS Haven and Mucking Creek. The principal landowners are
south-east from Brentwood, 8 north-west from Tilbnry Francis H. D. C. Whitmore esq. of Orsett Hall, Henry
fort and 33 from London, in the South Eastern C.Long and Herbert O. Long esqrs. of Corringham, uncl
division of the county, Earnstaple hundred, Orsett the Corpomtion of Norwich. The soil is upland, mixed;
petty sessional division and union, Grays county court marsh lands, heavy; subsoil, various. The chief crops
district and in the rural deanery of Orsett, archdea- are wheat, barley, oats, beans, peas, clover and tares.
conry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church The area is 2,125 acres, much of whlich is marsh, 15 01
of St. Michael the Archangel, standing on an eminence water, 2 of tidal water and 30 of; rateable
overlooking the river, is a stately edifice of stone, erected value, £2,S30; the population in 1901 was 233.
in the first half of the ISth century; but exhibits some Thames Raven has been transferred to Corringham
traces of an earlier structure and consists of chancel, parish.
with 'south chapel or chantry, nave with south aisle, By Local Government Board Order 22,35r, dated March
divided from it by an arcade of four bays, south porch 24, 1889, Thames Haven was transferred from Fobbing-
and a massive embattled tower at the west end containing to Corringham for civil purposes.
5 bells, four dated 1629 and the fifth 1724: in the chancel Parish Clerk, James Monk.
are sedilia and piscina, and there are piscina niches in
the aisles: the font, an octagonal basin on a square plinth, Post Office.-Miss Lydia Payne, sub-postmistress. Le.t-
appears to be of the Decorated period: in the ais:es ters through .stanford-le-Hope S.O. Box cleared at 10
stands a curious tomb, apparently an old altar tomb; a.m. & 6.10 p.m.; delivery, 8,45 a.m.; sunday, cleared
and on a slab of Purbeck marble in the chancel wall is at 10.15 a.m. Postal orders are issued 'here, bnt not
this inscription in Lombardic capitals, "Pvr l'amvr Iesv paid. The ne'31rest money order & telegraph office is
Grist priez pvr sa alme ki ci gist pater noster et ave at Stanford-le-Hope, 3 miles distant
Thomas de Grawdene fyt apelle;" the date would be c. A School Board of 5 members was formed Nov. 21, 1900.
1340: there are 250 sittin!!"s. The register dates from Edward Elmhnrst Dowson, Dry Sot'reet farm, hon. clerk
the year 1539 and is in excellent condition. The living is to the board
a rectory, net value £534, with residence, in the gift of School (mixed), built in 1853, for 69 children, & enlarged
the Crown, and held since 1902 by the Rev. John Edmund in 1896, for 45 infants, average 14; average 8ttendance~
Sedgwick M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Here 40; Miss Harriet Milne, mistress
\ .
- ,.,
r.FORDHAM. 183.

King Charles, Rosenheath farm ' Ewen William Geo. draper &; prov. d1r Payne WaIter Joh~ builder & ins. agt
Sedgwick Rev.· J'Ohn ,Edmund M.A. Hockley' Henry, cowkeeper " • Payne Lydia (Miss), Post office .
(rector), Rectory" Moss Charles, farmer, Fobbing farm Baison Daniel, bricklayer ~
Dowson Ed-ward Elmhurst, farmer, Page George, coal dealer Shade Charles -Gentry, baker
Drv •
Street farm , W o o d William, White Lion P.H
FORD END (or Forth End) is an ecclesiastical parish Waltham, is lord of the manor and principal landowner. >

formed out of Great Waltham, 28 'March 1871, and· is The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The ohief crops are
supposed to derive its name from a ford over a brook; wheat, badey, beans, oats and clover. The a'rea is 2,6II
it is on the road from Dunmow to Chelmsford, 3 miles acres; and the population in 1901I was &]r..
north-west from Great Waltham and 5 miles south-east •
from Dunmow station on the Bishops' Stortford. At NORTH END, 11 miles north, is a chapel of ease,
Dunmow and Braintree line of the Great Eastern the property of trustees; it is a plain building of lath and
railway, and 8' from Chelmsford, in the Mid plaster, tiled, and consists' of chancel, nave and a western
divisioIl of· the county, Chelmsford hundred. petty turret, containing one bell. The poor of this part of tbl)
sessional division, union and county court district and parisb have about £15 yearly. .
in the rural deanery of (''helmsford, archdeaconry of LITTLEY GREEN, 2 miles east, with a mission room
Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. John built in 1895, and ROPHEY GREEN, li south, are also in
the Evangelist, erected by subscription and consecrated this ecclesiastical parish. .
in 1871, Is a· building of red brick with white stone Parish Clerk, J ames Cheek. ' '
dressings .in the Early English style and consists of
chancel, nave of five bays, south aisle, south porch and a Post Office.-Robert Brown, sub-postmaster•. Letters.
towel', with colossal figures of the four Evangelists at the arrive from ChelIDsford by mail cart &; are left at
corners and surmounted by a spire; it contains a clock Hartford End, they are delivered at 7.30 a.m.; the box
and 6 bells, two of which were additions in 188r, and one is cleared at 6.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
in 1883: in 1893 the chancel was rebuilt and a new organ . but not paid.. The nearest money. order &; telegraph
chamber erected on the north side at a cost of £600, by office is at Great Waltham. North End & Rophey Green
the Rev. H. E. Hulton, vicar of Great Waltham: the letters do not come by this bag & should be directed.
chancel windows are stained and there are sittings for the former Felstead & the latter Pleshey. Wall Letter
300 people. The register dates from the year 1871. The Box at North End cleared at 6 p.m. week days; 9.30
IJiving is a vicarage, average net yearly value £17°, with a.m. sundays - .
residenoe, in the gift of Trinity College, OxfGrd, and held Church of England Schools (mixed), built in 1872, with
since 1901 by the Rev. Robel't Dutton Grindley M.A. of a tower &; spire &:; master's house adjoining; they were
bhlllt college. 'There is a small Congregational chapel and enlarged in 1881 & will hold 156 children; average
a Particulllll' Bapt,ist chapel. W. N. Tufnell esq. of Great attendance, 134; Hen'ry Franklin, master - .
Dowsett Phillip R. Ford End house Crozier Felix, farmer, Littley green Saunders Wm. Butchers' Arms P.H
Grindley Rev. Robert Dutton M.A. Dowsett ,Philip R. farmer & landowner Smith Alfred, beer retailer &:; ~hopkp:r
(vicar), Vicarage Everitt John, farmer Smith Thomas, shopkpro North end
Raslar John, Appletrees Franklin Henry, organist Stokes William, thatcher .,
Haslar William, Wall house Fry Henry, farmer, Absol Park farm 'l'hake Harry, farmer, North end .
COM.l\1ERCIAL. Haslar William, farmer, Wall farm. Thompson WaIter, Spread Eagle P.H
Bartrupt George, shopkeeper Ling &:; Driver, farmers, Park farm Woodiwiss Samuel, farmer, Graveley's
Britton Charles John, farmer Martin John Wesley, farmer &; land- farm, Littley green .
Brown Robert, grocer, provision mer- owner, North End place Wright Con, Compasses P .H. Littley.
chant, uraper & baker & post office Mascall WaIter S. blacksmith &; beel' green . .
Britton Fred, farmer, Poulters retailer, Littley green Young Frederick, farmer & veterinary
Coe Amos, blacksmith Root George, .carpenter surgeon, King's farm
FORDHAM (named from lit-s ford at Ford street, over Major- William Meese Dunn M.A. of Oxford University;
the river Colne), is a parish on the high road from Here is a chapel of Lady Huntingdon's' Connexion, built
Colchester to Cambridge, 4 miles north from Mark's Tey in 1790, with about 150 sittings, a residence for the
station on the Great Eastern main line to Colchester and minister, and a burial ground. There are two manors.
Ipswich, 3 east from Ohappel Junction station on the GeorgeFrederick Beaumont esq. of Coggeshall, who is
Great Eastern and Colne Valley railways, 10 sQuth-east 1 lord of the manor of Much Fordham and Earl Cowper
from Halstead and 6 north-west f'rom Colchester, in the K.G.,P.C.lord of the ID'lnOr of Fordham Hall, Joseph Green
North Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, and William Gwynne-Evans esq's. are the principal land-
Lexden and Winstree union and petty sessional division, ownen. The soil is mixed and good; subsoil, clay and
Colchester county court district and in the rural deanery gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. beans. The area is 2,515 acres of land and 7 of water;.
Albans. The church of All Saints, an edifice of stone in rateable value, £2,318; the population in 1901 was 661.
the Later English style, consists of chancel and nave of .
four bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western Post Office.-Charles Mart:m, sub-P?stmaster. Letters
tower containing 2 bells: in the chancel is a piscina and a from Colchester by foot post, arrIve at 8.20 a.m. &
marble monument to John Pulley, capt. B.N. d. I715: are dispatch~d wt 5·35 p.m. sunday ~xcepted. Postal
the east window is stained: the church was restored in orders Bre Issned here, but not paId. The nearest
1861-62; the organ, provided in 1884, was replaced in 1893 money ordelo office is at Ford Street & telegraph office
by a larger instrument: there are 350 sittings. The at West Bergholt, 3 miles distan,t
registers date from the year 1~61-2. The living is a National School (mixed), built in 1849, for 132 children;
rectory, net yearly value £438, WIth 33 acres of glebe and avera"'e attendance 8~' Harry Rouse master
residence, in the alternate gift of the Rev. Thomas Major eo , :>' ,
Dunn RA. rector of Ruan Lanihorne, Cornwall, und Carrier to Colchester.-Fredericlr Death, mono wed. fri.
Earl Cowper K.G., P.C. and held since 1897 by the Rev. & sat •
Dunn Rev. Major William l\Ieese M.A. Bunting WItI'. beer ret. F()Il'diham hth Neil Robert, farmer & landowner
Rectory Olampin Frank Wm. bldr. & contrctr Partridge Christopher, coach builder,
Green Charles _,Ufred, Fordham hall Cleary Edwd. farmer, Fordham heath wheelwright & undertaker
Green Mrs. Thomas, Moat hall Cupping Joseph, cowkpr. Fordham hth Partridge Jubal, Shoulder of Mutton
Gwynne-Evans 1Villiam, Penlan hall Crawford "Villiam, farmer, Houds P.H. & smith
Jones Rev. D. H. McAlpine (Cong) Death Chas. Wm. brewer,Fordham hth Prestney Herbert, farmer
Springett Miss . Francis William, farmer Rand William, beer ret.Fordham heath
Worts Charles James, Fordham looge Green Joseph, farmer & landowner, Tawell George Harrisson, farmer,
COMMERCIAL. Fordham hall Wash farm
Beard WaIter, carpenter Knight Wm. John, frmr. Fordham pI Theohald ClitIaI'd, brick maker
Brinkley George William, Three Horse- McClan James William, baker & Worts Charles James M.B.C.S.Eng.
shoes P.H. & smith shopkeeper surgeon & medical officer &. public
Broyd William, manager of brick yard M1l,rtin Charles, shopkeeper &; post oft: vaccinator, No. 9 district, Lexden &;
Bullock Henry, beer retailer Morris Edward, farmer, Ram's Winstree union, Fordham lodge

of the Metropolitan borough of West Ham; it is.

FOREST GATE is a suburb of London, and a ward tlherefore included in the directory of Essex, but will be
not found in KelIy's London Suburban Directory.

FOULNESS ISLAND (or Foulness) was probably 1 an ancient paten and chalice: there are 200 sittings. The
in early times a ness or promontory, joined to the main- I register dates from the year 1695. The living is a rectory,
land, an assumption which seems to be confirmed by the net yearly value £120, including 12 acres of glebe, with
modern names given to the smaller islands, and was con- residence, in the gift of George Henry Finch esg. and held
ceivably separated from it by an irruption of the Roche since 1901 by the Rev. Joseph Romanus Brown. George
behind Wallasea. It lies at the mouth of the Roche Henry Finch esg. :\LP. of Burley-on-the-Hill, Rutland, is
and Crouch rivers, and is bounded on the south by the lord of the manor and principal lando'wner, the other
Maplin -Sands and 'the sea: Foulness village is 10 miles landowners being William .Andrews esg. AlIen Stallibras!l
north-east from Shoeburyness terminal station on the esg. of E-ast-wood Bury, the representatives of the late
London, Tilburyand Southend railway, 12 north-east from Baron de Ba-rreto K.G.C.-S. (d. 1890), of Brandon Park,
Southend, 15 east-by-norrth from Rochford and 54 miles Suffolk, the Rev. Edward Owen M.A. rector of Bradwell,
lby water from London, with a road along the sands 7 and J. Smith esq. The soil is an alluvial deposit from
{miles in length to Great Wakering: the island was con· the sea; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are
,stituted a parish in 1550, and is in the South Eastern wheat, beans, clover and white must-ard. The area is
.division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty sessional 6,152 acres of land, IQ of wlliter, 2,252 of tidal water and
•division and union, Southend county court district, and In 22,137 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,077; the popula-
:the r~ral deanery of Canewdo!?" arch~ea~oIlry of Essex tion in 1901 was 491.
. and dIOcese of St. .A.Ibans. It ~s 5 miles ill leJ.lg~h from Assistalllt Parish Clerk Joseph Cater.
north-east to south-west and 2! m breadth, and IS lllclosed ' .
by a sea dyke or wall: the water was formerly brackish, Post & M. O..0 .. & S. B. & AnnUIty & Insurance Offig~.-
but several artesian wells have been bored and a plentiful Thomas Wl'lght, sub-postmaster. Letters are receIved
· supply of pure water is now obtained. The church of from Shoeburyness S.O. Gre~t Wakering is the
· St. Mary, entirely rebuilt in r8so, is a. building of stone. nearest telegraph office, 8 miles dIstant
iu the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, National School (mixed), erected in 1846, for 140 child-
· aisles and a tower with spire on the south side, con- Ten; avel'age aMendance, 63; J ames 'V-oodhouse,
taining one bell, dated 1710: the church plate includes master; Mrs . .Anna Eliz8 Woodhouse, mistress
jJrown Rev. Joseph Romanus (rector), Cottis William, farm bailiff to Smith Matthams Henry, King's Head P.R. &;
..Rectory Bros. Eastwick farm farmer
Dowsett James, farm bailiff to Smith Stammers Harry, farm bailiff to Smith
CO:MMERCIAL. Bros. Small Gains farm Bros. Newhouse farm
Guiver Jane (Mrs.), George & Dragon Threadgold William, blacksmibh
:Ballanger The Misses, grocers P.R. &; farmer Whent William, farm bailiff to George
Belton Isaiah, shopkeeper HaD Benj. Chas. farmer, Lodge farm Henry Finch esg. Nazewick farm
Bird George, baker & fanner Harrington Simon, police constable Wilsme're George,farm bailiff to Smith
Clark Richard, farm bailiff to Edwin Hume John, farm bailiff to A. Stalli- Bros. ShilIford farm
John Attenborough esg. West New- brass esg. Brick House farm Wright Thomas, shopkeeper,Post office

lands farm Mead Samuel, saddler &; harness ma
FOXEARTH (or Foxheard) is a village and parish, Foster M..A. and held since 1893 by the Rev. William
1~ miles south from GIemsford station on the Sudbury James Pressey l\f..A. of Wadham College, Oxford. Here
and Haverhill branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 is a Congregational chapel. John Campbell Lambert esg.
miles north-west from Sudbury and 62 from London, in who is lord of the manor, Thomas P. Br-and and Charles
1ll:J.e Northern division of the county, Hinckford hun- .Toa:tn Newton Row esq,rs. the trustees of t'he late Rev.
dred, North Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbnry John Foster and the trustees of Dr. Clopton's Asylum,
union and county court district, and in the rural deanery at Bury St. Edmunds, are the principal laudowners.
-of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese The soil is loam and gravel; subsoil, various. The
,df St. Albans. The church,- assigned at a recent date chief crops are wheat" bean-s 'and .1Jarley. The area ds
to SS. Peter and Paul, is an edifice of flint, in the T ,717 aCI'es of land and 7 of water; assessable value,
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four £ 1,287; t1he population in 1901 was 354.
bays, aisle, south porch and a westeru tower, sur- Sexton, Charles Smith.
,mounted by a lofty spire and containing a clock and 8 Post Office.-William Chinnery, sub-postmaster. Letters
bells: the building has been very richly restored, a~l arrive from Long Melford RoS.O. (Suffolk) at 7.20
the windows being stained and the walls beautifully a.m. & 12.5 p.m.; dispatched at 9.25 B.m. &; 5.40 p.m.
adorned with paintings: a finely carved rood screen Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
laandsomely painted divides the nave from the chancel. nearest money order & telegraph office is at Long Mel-
There are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year ford, 3 miles distant
1550 and is in fair condition. The living is a rectory, National School (mixed), built in 1847, for r20 children;
net yearly value £292, with 26 aores of glebe and resi- average attendance, 66; Miss FIar-a .Alice Barnes, mist
dence, in the gift of the trustees of the late Rev. John Carrier to Sudbury.-George Inch, tues. thurs. & sat
Ewer Mrs. Claypits farm Ward David, Carbon ells Evans Samuel, blacksmith
Foster Mrs. Rectory Brand 'rhos. Purkis, frmr. Brook hall Leggott Timothy, assistant overseer
Lambert .Archibald VaughanCampbell, Brooks William, police constable Ward & Son, bre\H~rS & mineral water
Foxearth hall Brown 'V-olfe, farmer, Lower hall manufacturers
Pressey Rev. Wm. Jas. M.A. (rector), Ewer Charles Shepherd, farmer, Ward David, beer retailer
Rectory Weston hall Wright John Robert, shopkeeper
FRATING is an ancient village and parish, I! miles held since 1898 by the Rev. Alfred Galdecott D.D. of that
north-north-west from Thorington station on the Tend- college, and professor of logic and philosophy at King's
ring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 College, London. The princ'ipal portion of the land be-
east-by-south from Colchester, and 58 from London, in longs to Caius College, Cambridge, in which tbe manor is
the North Eastern division of the county. 'l'endring vested, and to the trustees of the PeI'se school, Oam-
hundred, petty sessional division, and union, Co~chester bridge. The soil is mixed, producing choice wheat; sub-
county court district, and in the rural deanery of St. soil, gravel. The area of the parish, which is well
Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. wate,red, is 1,18-1- acres; rateable value, £1,187; the
Albans. The church (name unknown) is an ancient population in 1901 was 213. -
edifice of stone in the Early English style, pleasantly Parish Clerk, John Bull. •
situated and consists of chancel, nave of two bays, norlh Post Office.-Alfred .A.Imond, sub-postmaster. Letters
aisle, north porch and an embattled western tower, con- anive through Oolchester at 4.15 a.m.; di;;,patched at
taining 3 bells: the church was restored and enlarged 8.5 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.
in 1872 and has several stained windows: there are IS0 The nearest money order office is at Elmstead & tele-
sittings. The register dates from the year 1560. The graph office at Great Bentley, 2 miles distant
living is a rectory, with that of Tthorington annexed, joint Kational School (mixed),· built in 1855 & enlarged in
net yearly value £500, with 10'6 acres of glebe and resi- 1679, for 80 children; average attendance, 30; Miss
dence, in the gift of St. John's Oollege, Gambridge, and Mills, mistress
Caldecott Rev. .Alfred D.D. (rector), Clarke Arthur, farmer Macrae John, farmer, Hockley fann
Rectory Fearis Hurt, farmer, The Lodge Maskell Abraham, jun. cooper &; grcr
COMMERCIAL. Fitch Joshua Ambrose, frmr. Hall frm Pittuck Samuel, farmer. The Cedars
.Almond .Alfred, blacksmith, Post office Gibhll Roruce, farmer Richardson Chas. fnnr. Manning's frm
Chinnery .Arthur. King's .Arms P.H Girling Ernest ,& Harrison, farmers Vince James (Mrs.), farmer
Chisnall -Chas. frmr. Frating .Abbey Girling Thomas, farmer & cattle dealr Wenden Herbt.Ernest,frmr.Moreham's


FBINTON-ON-SEA is a rising resort for visitors and small fee. The Jubilee Ga.rden was laid out in 1897, at
a small parish on the sea coast, with a station on the Ten- a cost of about £200, and contains a. shelter presented
dring IInndred branch of tihe Great Eastern ]'ailway, by Thomas Edmund Marshall esq. and a drinking fonn-
opened July, 1888, Il miles south-west from Walton-on- tain is now (1902) being erected outside the garden. 'I'he
Naze steamboat pier and station, 16 south from Harwich, first telephonic communication between a lighthouse and
and 18 south-east from Cc1chester, in the North Eastern the shore was laid hClre. The Gunfleet Lighthouse, just
division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional vrisible in the offing, has 1hrough communication by the
division and union, Harwich county court district, rural submarine cable (five miles in length) with Walton-on-
deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and tihe-Naze, Olacton-on-Sea and Harwich Ooast Guard sta-
diocese of St. .A.lbans. The land in this parish, having tlions. R. P. Cooper esq. of Shenstone Court, near Lich.
been purchased by R. P. Cooper esq. of Shenstone Court field, Staffordshire, is the principal landowner. The
near Lichfield, has been laid out with the view of con- soil is mixed; subsoil, principally clay. The area is 418
verting it into a. marine resort, with about I! miles of Uer'es of land and 123 of foreshore; rate3lble value,
sea frontage, half of which has a beach of fine sand gently £5,980; the population in 1891 was 75 in the civil and
s10ped and admirably ,suited for bathing; from the other 87 'i'n the ecclesiasl1ical parisll, and in 1901 was 644.
half, which is less sandy, rise clitIs over 50 feet ill height, By Local Government Board Order, 22,331, March 24,
whence good sea and land views can be obtained: the 1888, Frinton Lodge was transferred from this parish to
roads, varying from 45 to 70 feet in width, with houses Great Holland. .
well set back, are so laid out that nearly all the residences Post, M. 0., T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. &; Annuity, Insurance
command a sea vie1w. The srree'ts are lighted by oil &; Express Delivery &; Parcel Office.-Mrs. Eliza Smith,
lamps, but gas is also supplied from works at "Valton-on- SUb-postmistress. Letters arrive through Colchester
the-Naze. An abundance of pure spring water is ob- at 7 a.ID. &; 12.45 &; 5.40 p.m.; di'spatched at 9.10
tained direct from MistIey by the pumping works of the a.m. &; 3.5 &; 6.30 p.m. &; during season at ID.55 a.m.
Tendring Hundred Waterworks Oompany, who are now &; 7.35 p.m
(1902) ereciing a water tower near the Tailway station. Wall Letter Box, Railway station, eleared at 9 a.m. &; 2
A complete drainage soheme was carried out in 1898, at &; 6.20 p.m. week days; sunday, 10.10 a.m
a cost of £4,500. An Urban Distmct Oouncil of nine Wall LetteT Box, Pole Barn lane, cle"red at 8.30 a.m. &; was formed Sept. 13, 1901, under the provisions 2 &; 6.20 p.m.; sunday, 10.10 a.m
of the "Local Government Act, 11894-" (56 and 57 Vict. Police Station, 9 Old road, Chas. Wm. Scott, constal>le
The ancient church of S't. Mary, a bui'lding of rubble
stone, restored in 1879, in the Ea'rly English style, was Meets at the Council Olnces, Old road, on tlle fourth
previously almost the smallest church in England, bnt saturday in the month, at 3 p.m.
was then enlarged by the rebuilding of the chancel, "\\1hich Chairman, Thomas Edmund Marshal!.
had lain in ruins since 1703, when it was Mown down Vice-Chairman, Charles Ashmall.
in one of t1he severe gales to which from its bleak position
on the sea coast this neighbourhood is exposed: it n<lW
comprises chancel, nave, south porch and a bell gable,
Retire in AprilI
Retire in April
John Lyon Corser .•.... 1903 Tbos.Edmund Marshall 1904
containing one bell; there is a small stained window at Eshelby •...•...• 1903 \ John K~ng Isaac 1905
the west end, inserted by the late Peter S. Bruff esq. in WIlham Webster .•...• 1903 Roht. Geo. Setterfield. 1905
memory of his mother: on the north side of the chancel Charles Ashmall... '" ... 1904 \' Ludwig Sichel... '" ....•. 1905
is a small window containing some ancient armorial WilliamRobertDockrell 1904
bearings: the east window and one on the south side of Officers.
the nave are also stained. In 1894 the nave was length- Clerk &; Collector, Pllitrick Ogilvy Macdonald M.!. Glen.
ened at a cost exceeding £400: there are 120 sittings. coe, Old road
The register dates from the year 1754. The living is a Treasure,r, Henry Weathel'lhead, 'I'own Hall huildings,
rectory, nClt yearly value £220, in the gif.t of the trustees Olacton-on-Sea
of the late Peter S. Bruff esq. of Handford Lodge, Ips- Medical Officer of Health, William Hawkins Cuthhcrt
wich, and held since 1888 by the Rev. T'homas Henry L.R.C.P.Lond., L.R.C.S.Edin., L.M., L.S.A. South-
Oook. The Free church (Nonconformist), erected !in 1896, leigih, FOU'rth avenue
is a temporary wooden building with corrugated iron Surveyo.r & Sanitary Inspector, Thomas William Golds,
roof, and has 150 sittings. The Parish Churoh Hall, Thorpe.le-Soken, Oolchester
built in 1897, at a cost of £450, is an iron building, witih Assistant Overseer, Patrick Ogilvy Macdonald M.!. Glen-
r80 sittings; it is used both as a Sunday school and coe, Harold road
for religious meetings. There is also a small Public Hall
holding about roo persons. There are fine golf links A School Board of 5 members was formed April 7, 18g8;
of 1·8 holes; the golf club has about 400 members, and Arthur Robert Chamberlayne, Olacton-on-Sea, clerk;
is open to visitors; within 100 vards of tlhe links is the Peter Wilson, attendance officer
Grand Hotel, erected in 1898 and commanding extensive Board School (mixed), for ISO children, erected in 1898,
land and sea views. The Lawn Tennis Olub 'has a private at a cost of £1,800; average attendance, 120; Ahel
ground, adjoining the golf links, wiM! 5 courts, a croquet West, maste.r
lawn and a pavilion; voisitors can play on payment of a Railway Station, Keppel Reeve, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cuthhert William Hawkins, South- Harvard-Battersby Oharles S. Hurst-

. Anderson Francis William, Thistle leigh, Fourth avenue lyn, Fourth avenue
cot. Old road Clutterhuck Edward, The Poplars, Harvey Charles, Sprayside, Fourth av
Armitage Rev.R. Belvedere,Fourth av Fourth avenue Harvey Harry,Burwood villa,Fourth av
Armitage William, Briarcliffe, Old I'd Collins Geo. Douglas, Elektron,Old rd Hickman William R. J. Oleek lodge,
Ashmall Charles, The Wick, Old road Davis Sam!. Brearwood, Third avenue Fourth avenue
Ilayzand Mrs. 8 Victoria terrace Davis Sidney, Raymead, Fourth avenue Hill Harry Outhwaite, Ruthvyn,
Ileaumont Rev. William Edwin M.A. Dexter Edward, Third avenue Fourth avenue
Frutuna, Harold grove Dockrell William Robert, Sandyhook, Holman William Gilbert, Brookmead,
Bell Geo. Craigie, TheHazard,Fourth av The Esplanade Fourth avenue
Beving-ton.T. Storrs, Sea view, The Drayton Waiter B. R. Sea cot, Homer Edward Charles, The Bunga-
Esplanade Fourth avenue low, The Esplanade
Blackford Arth. Summerfield,Fourth av Dreaper George, 9 Victoria terrace Homer Ernest Charles, Beach house,
EoltDn Thomas, -Glenvar, Harold' grove Durham Miss, Airthrie, Fourth avenue Third avenue
Bond Ma1colm, Freedom, Fourth aven Elam George, Helens, Fourth avenue Hurley Elisha M.Innisfallen,Fourth av
Bowden Thomas, Third avenue Errington Fredk. Francis, Glenthorn, Hutchison George Andrew, Thalassa,
BretteH John Henry, Poonah,Harold rd Fourth aveuue The Esplanade
Brook Arthur Lile, Tid~cot, Third av Eshe1by Edwn.lvansviIle,TheEsplanade Hyder Mrs. 14 Victoria terrace
Burgess Mrs. Ellerslie, Fourth avenue Fisher Thomas,Norfolk ho.Cambdge.rd Irwin Georl!e, Betchworth, Harold gro
Oook Rev. Thomas Henry (rector), Franklin Mrs. Trevena, The Esplanad Isaac John King, Myrtle vil.Fourth av
The Rectory, Old Toad Frog-brook .John, 12 Victoria terrace J mnes Samuel Thurley Thomas,Holm-
Cook Miss, Carton, Old road Furber Herbt. St. Agatha, Fourth av hU1'!\t, F01uth avenue
Collins Percy, Carlotta, The Esplanad'e Goadby Kenneth, Lynwilg, Fourth av James William H. Trewartha, St.
Corder Mich~el, Glamis Idg.Fourth av Goldsmith Mis's, St.Margaret's,Frth.av Patrick's, Fourth avenue
Corser John Lyon, Bretton house, The Goodman James Wm. 17 Victoria ter Jessett Miss, Glellhaven, Harold grove
Esplanade Gwyther Mrs. 3 Victoria terrace Jones Thomas Wickham, Penrith,
Cremer-Smith A. Moy Mell, Fourth av Harman Mrs. The Hall, .old Toad Fourth avenue
Catt Mark Snell, Harold road Harrison James S. Clarissa, Old road Jukes Ernest, Chums, Second avenue


Kerr Mrs. Northleigh, Fourth avenue' Chaplin Arthur, ap,arts. 11 Old road Marconi's Wireless Te:k!graph Train..
Locock Mrs. Fourth avenue Clarke Thomas Arthur, greengrocer, 6 ing College (Thomas Bowden,manJ,
Macarthur Miss, 7 Victoria terrace Station road Third avenue
Macdonald Patrick Ogilvy M.A. Glen- Clouting Ada Emma (Mrs.). tobac- MerreUs William, jobbing gardener &
coe, Harold road conist & news agent, Station road apartments, Belmont, Fourth avenue
Macdowall Mrs. Baygarth, Third aven Clulow Joseph, provision dlr. & grocer, Mills Edward, builde'r i& wheelwright,
Maegregor Alan, Kelvin 10.Fourth avn Alexandra terrace, Station road Old Toad
McKechnie Miss, The Cottage, Old rd COOd Alice Ellen (Mrs.), laundress, I Moore Richard, apartments, Silverton
Main .A.rthur, Stonycroft,01d road Whittonwood lane house, Old road
Marshall Thomas Edward, Selhurst, Collins George· Douglas, contractor, Munday Richard Henry, laundry, Pole
Rarold road Sta,tion road Barn lane ,
Millard Percy, Red cot, Fourth aven Cook Brothers, fishmngrs. 5 Old road Munson John 'William, cab proprietor
Mumford Miss, 5 Victoria terrace Cook Annie (Miss), apartments, Essex Ju apartments, Sandringham house,
Nell William, The Haven, Old road house, The Esplanade The Esplanade
Newcomb Robt. Singlehurst,Fourth av Cooper George, apartments, Ferndale, Norton Henry Wilfred, hairdresser &
Northover Waiter, Lugano, Old road Old road tobacconist, Old road
Palmer Chas. Mohegan, Hadleigh I'd Cope Charles, aparts. 8 Old road Potts CecH, apartments, Gladsmuir,
Passmore Rev. Frederick Thomas, Crombie John William, baker & con- Hadleigh road!
Glenlea, Old road fectioner, 8 Station road Pryke Ernest, builder &; apartments,
Paterson Arthur, The Croft, Third av Outhbert William Hawkins L.B.C.P. Seacombe, Fourth avenue
Paton A. H. Tregenna, Third avenue & S.Edin. physician &; surgeon & Public Hall (Mrs. Harman, proprietor),
Perry Henry, 11 Victoria terrace medical officer of health to the Old road
Piers Maj. Claudius, 4- Victol'ia terrace Urban District Council, SO:lthle~gh, Pulham .A.lice (Mrs.), apartments,High
Pite Beresford, Earlywood, Fourth av Fourth avenue! Cliff villa, The Esplanade
Pollard Mrs. The Limes, Harold grove Dale Emily (MiSS), apartments, 13 Ranson Isaac Mitchell, apartments, IS
Phippard Arthur,Clapton vil.Fourth av Hadleigh road Vict<>ria too-race
Pound Percy, Grasmere,The Esplanade Dean Julia (Mrs.), apartments, Dela- Ranson James, aparts. 1'8 Victoria ter
Regge R. W. Ivydale, Fuurth avenue ware, Old road Ratcliffe Telford, cycle agent, Old road
Richard'son Miss, Rayleigh lodge, Denly Richard, butcher, 4 Station rd ReeveKeppel,station mstr.IVictoria ter
Winchester road Doughty Lilian (Mrs.), apartments, Roberts Arthur, Queen's hotel, The
Round Douglass, The Retl'eat,FI'tb.av Dorset house, The Esplanade Esplanade
Saint George, Glenhurst, Old road. Dowson Matthew, apartments, Rouge- Robinson Joseph Temple, apartments~
Sanderson Franl" Dormy, Third aven mont, Old road 16 Victoria terrace
Schonstadt Mrs. BeUeville, Fourth av Dudley John, apartments, Eastcliff Scarlett l\Iaria Jane (Mrs.), outfitter,
Sichel Ludwig, The Willows, Tbe villa, Hadleigh road Old road
Esplanade Finch Harry, apartments, Sidcup viI. Scott Aunie (Mrs.), apartments, Gor-
Smith Wm. Henry, UptoIl,'l'he Crescnt Hadleigh road don house, The Esplanade
SneUing Geo. Links view, 'rhiI'd aven Fish Albert, jobmaster & apartments, Scott Charle~ William, police con-
Spiegel Ernest, St. Anne's, Fourth av Portland house, Fourth avenue stable, 9 Old road
Stewart Mrs. 6 Victoria terrace Frinton-on-Sea Golf aub (Wlilliam Setterfield Robert George,Grand hotel,
Stones Edgar, Warwick ldge. Frth. av Walden, sec. & treas) The Esplanade
Thurgood Miss, Waverley, llarold I'd Frinton Lawn Tennis Club (E. C. Smith .Annie Maria(Mrs.),apartments,
Thurgood Mrs. West cot. Old road Homer, jun. hon.sec) The Cedars, The Esplanade
Vesey Fitzgerald John Vesey KO., Frinton-on-Sea .& District Electric Smith Eliza (Mrs.), fanc)" bazaar,Post
RA. Moyvane, Earold road Light & Power Co. Lim. (George office, 5 Station road
Vinson Mrs. Hadleigh villa, Had- Douglas .collins, resident engineer), Smith John William, apartments,
leigh road Station road Somerset villa, Hadleigh Toad
Walden Wm. The Gables,TheEsplanade Goldsmith A. E. (Miss), boys' pre- Sparling Horace, aparts. 13 Old Toad
Webster William, .Third avenue paratory school, St. Margaret's, Sparling Rt. baker & confctnr. Old rd
Whittingmam Walter Basden J.P. Fourth avenue Stacey Louis, apartments, Grenville
Claremont, Harold grove Goodman James, gardener to John villa &; Dunwich villa, Hadleigh I'd
Wilkinson Miss, 2 Victoria terrace Lyon Corser esq. Newbury, Had- Stow William, aparts. 7 Old Toad
WiIton 1If1's. 10 Victoria terrace leigh road Taylor William, gr?cer & provision
Wolsey William, Riemore b0l18e, 'l'be Ha,mmond .A.rthur, apartments, 13 dealer, I&;2 StatIOn road
Esplanade Victoria terrace Tennanll Alfred, pharmaceutical &;
Harman Alice M. (Miss), boarding ha. photographio ch!lmist, Alexandra
COMMERCIAL. Ocean view, Station road terrace, Station road
A d' F . W'U', I _ Harman Horace Ernest, fancy reposi- Tew Ed'W~rd J. baker, I Station road
n erson rll;nCls I IU~, coa mer tory, Station road Thomason Robert, grocer & agent for
chant, StatIon yard ,& 0 d road Hayne William, house agt.3 Station I'd W. &; A. Hilbey Lim. wine & spirit
Anders'~n Joseph, a,partments, Stock- Hill John, painter, 7 Station road merchants, Pole Barn lane
thon vIII1CI~ Flourthtavtenue t t R P Hirn William Thomas, house deco- Wadman Ernest Wm. watch maker,
A s ma ,uar es, es a. e agen 0 • . rator, Old road 3 Old road
Cooper esg. The WIck, Old ro~d Home for Aged Men &; Women (Henry Waller Charles, 'butcher, Station Toad
Banks ~~uel, aparts .. 14; HadleIgh I'd Langston, founder; Mrs. Elizabeth Wash Thomas Walter, apartment,s,
Barclay &; Co:r;.npany LImIted, bankers Chilvers, matron), Sf.. Saviour's Coolmore. Fourth avenue
(Henry '" eather~ead, manager) lodge, Old road Watson Kate Emily (Miss), apart-
(branch), open fn. II to 2; Sta- Homer &; Bon, architects, surveyor:s & ments, Oakhurst, Fourth avenue
tlOn road; draw on London office, 54 estate agents, The Estate office, Sta- Webb William H. professional to the
Lpm bard street, London E C tion road' &; at 3 Bucklersbury
Golf Club Station road
BlacI~wood John WilIiam, apartments, London E ' O ; ' , Weekes Cha~les PetersOIl, physician &;
Sbuley, Old road ., Hone Eliza (Mrs.), draper, Station rd surgeon, Station road
Bow~en Thomas, ma~~lg~r,. MarCOnI S Howard John Herbert, builder,Camer- West Alfred, apa,rtments, Charnwood,
WIreless Telegraph IrmDlng college, ton villa, Hadleigh road Fourth avenue
Third aven?,~ . Jame,s Samuel Thurley Thomas, archi- West Ernest, builder, Station yard
Brockman Willmm Stanh<;Jpe, boardmg tect & surveyor, 3 Station roa<l Wheeler Mark, grocer, Station road
house, Bea?h house, Thud avenue Jones John Ashworth, photographer, Wilson Peter, apartments & school at-
Cason Carolme (Mrs.), apartments, Station road tendance officer to the School Board,
Jesmonddene, Old road _ Keeley Wm. apaI'tIl).ents, 6 Old road Lanark villa, Winchester road
Cbamberlayne Al'tbur Robert, solicl- Macdonald Patrick Ogilvy M.A.private vVoodroffe Charles, apartments, Tur-
tor, commissioner for oaths & clerk tutor, clerk to the Urban District rett house, The Esplanade
to the Frinton school board, Station Council & assist,ant overseer, Glen- Wortley George C. greengrocer, Alex-
road; &; at Clacton-on-Sea &; WnIton- coe, Harold road andra terrace, Station road
on-the-Naze Mann Wm. Chas. boot maker, Old I'd Wright Sam!. hardware dlr. Old road

FRYERNING (Frierning) is half a mile north-west diocese of St. .Albans, and at one period belonged to the
from Ingatestone station, on the main line of the Great Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. A stream rises in the
Bastern railway, south-east from Chelmsford, 5 miles parish near St. Leonards. By Local Government Board
north-east from Brentwood, and is about 23 from London, Order 22,420, dated March 24, 1889, the whole of Fl'yern-
in the Mid division of the county, Chelm~ford petty ses- ing was amalgamated with Ingatestone for civil pur-
sional division, hundred, union and county court district, poses, but ecclesiastically it remains distinct. The church
rural deanery of Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex and of St. MaI'Y the Virgin, about I mile north-west from


Ingatestone. is a building of stone and Romnn brick in Bright in 1777, of £4 10S. being, interest of invested
mixed styles, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch, mon~y.; a benefaction left by Robert tlorrell M.D. in
vestry and a massive embattled western tower of brick 1825, consisting of the int~rest of £100 stock; tha
containing 5 bells, one dated 1590, three 1716 and the interest of £250, left by William Gordon Coesvelt esq.
other 1793: the nave ,has walls three feet in thickness in 1841, and the interest of £100 given by tleed in 1855,
and retains on its south side three of the original Norman by the Rev. GtJorge Price M.A. rector from IB26; all of
windows: the east window is a memorial to Sir Charles which are distributed to the poor in food and clothing.
Edward Keith Kortright kt. H.M. Consul at Philadelphia, Mrs. Rosamond Bonham also bequeathed in 1805 £100
who died in May, 1888, and there are others to the Rev. stock, the interest to be expended in the purchase of
George Price !vLA. rector, d. 1861, and the Rev. Edwaru bread to be given annually; and there is further a
Cockey M.A. late rector, d. 1880: the tower, three storeys charity by a person named Page of £2 4S. 4d. distributed
in height, is a noble structure of the time of Henry VII. annually in food and clothing. St. Leonard's is the resi.
with a machicolated parapet on small corbelled arches, dence of Robert Millet·esq. The Wardens ami Fe!-
overhanging four and a half inches, and indented battle- lows of Wadham College, Oxford, who are lords of the
ments, the angles terminating in well-proportioned brick manor and William Kortright esq. are the principal land.
pinnacles: at the north-east corner is a bold projection for owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, loamy. The chief
the staircase, which has an octagonal newel and stairs crops are wheat, oat~ and barley. The acreage, rateable
curiously constructed of common bricks: the square value and population are included with those of Ingate-
Norman font is beautifully carved with foliage, crosslets, stone.
stars and crescents in slight relief; the church contains Parish Clerk, Robert Smith.
a memorial to Edgnr Disney esg. of The Hyde, Ingate- Wall Lette.r Box, adjoining the 'Woolpack,' cleared at
stone, d. 18,Bl, and in 1901 Mrs. Up ton presented a lectern 8,4° a.m. & 1.25 & 7.40 p.lll. on week days & on sun-
in memory of her husband: there are 170 sittings; about days at IO.35 a.m. Le·tters through Ingatestone
4 acres were added to tbe burial ground here, and a R.S.O.; deliveries at 7.30 & 10.30 a. m. Fillal' I.etter
handsome lych gate erected by the Ingatestone and FJ'y- I Box, St. Leonard's, cleared 12.55 & 7.25 p.m. week
erning Burial Board in 1901. The register dates from I days; sundays, 10 a.m. l'he nearest money ol'der &
the yea'r 1595. The living is a rectory, net yearly valne' telegraph office is in Ingatestone, distant 1 mile
£'197, with residence, in 1he gift of Wadham College, Ox- ~ National Schools (boys), built in 1873, for 137 children;
ford, and held since 18Bo by the Rev. Frederick. ~ufn.ell i average at/tendan.ce, 60; George H. West, master
M.A. of that college, and surrogate. The chantIes m- The schools of this parIsh & Ingatestone are amalga-
elude a bequest by the Rev. Robert D'Oyley. 1'ector: of \. mated, the girls attending the school at Ingatestone .
this parish in 1733, of 30S. yearly; anothe'r by William Carrier. James Peasey to Chelmsford, on tues. & fri
(For other names in Fryerning Sykes Edwarrl Herbert, The Grange Davey Henry, beer retailer,Beggar hill
parish, see Ingatestone.) Tufnell Rev. Frederick M.A. (rector :MeClure Peter, farmer, Howletts hall
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. & surrogate), Rectory Milbank John, farmer, Ray farm
Ohristy Archibald Ernest, 'Wellmead Tyler John, Hill house Nicholls Joseph, farmer, Lindsay frm
Kortright Mrs. The Tiles Wilde Ernest James, Furze hail Osborn Geo. frmr. St. Leonard's frm
Kortright William, The Hut COMMERCIAL. Ward Alice (Mrs.), Woolpack P.H
Miller Robart, St. Leonard's AgeT William, head gardener to Robt. Willis Samu.el, farmer, Fryerning hall
Rose "Mrs. Fryerning cottage Miller esq. St. Leonard's
FYFIELD (Fifield, or Fifehide,) so called from its is various; subsoil, clay. 'rhe chief crops are wheat,
having anciently consisted of five hides or fields, is a beans and har~ey. The area is 2,442 acres of land and 8
village and parish, on the river Roding, about 3 miles of w3ter; rateable value, £2,704; the population in 1901
north-east from Ongar terminal station, on the Great was 547, inclnding 83 in West Ham School Board Truanj
Eastern railway, 9 north-east from Epping,II north from Industrial School.
Brentwood, II west from Chelmsford and 26 fl'ODl Lon- Pennyfeathers G,1'eil11 is 1 mile west; Clatterfurd End,
don, in the Western division of the county, Ougar hun- half a mile west; Witney, half a mile east; Canon's
dred, petty sessional division and union, B1'entwaod Green, half a mile south. There is a Mission hall, built
county court district, rural deanery of Ongar, arch- in 1894.
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. '1'he The Parish Clerk (William Fogg) has a residence pro-
church of St. Nicholas is an edifice of stone, exhibiting vided from Dr. Walker's charity.
a mixture of Early English and debased Gothic work,
d . t f hI' 1 th h d Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. O. Express Delivery, Parcel
an conS1S ii1 0 C ance, nave, UlS es, nor pore, nIl a Post, S. B. Annuity & Insurance Office. Joseph 1Vm.
central tower containing a clock and 5 bells, cast in R If b
1862; the church has a fine old Norman font, ornumented 0 e, STh -po'stmaster. Letters from Ongar ·S.O. arrive
with floriated crosses and fleurs-de-lis, the material at 6·45 a.m.; dispatched at 5.5 0 p.m.; dispatched on
. b f sunday at 12.10 p.m
b emg apparently Pur eck stone 0 a rich colour; there Police Station, George James Mills, sergeant in charge
is a fine piscina: the Rev. A. Walker D.D. a former
rector, gave a silver chalice and paten: the church was Endowed School (mixed), built in 1876, & rebuilt 189I,
restored in 1853, and again in 1893, at a cost of about for 130 children; average atendance 1°4; it was
£1,3° 0 , when several ancient and built-up windows wert> endowed in 1692 by the Rev. A. Walker D.D. formerly
discovered, and it has since been further renovated; rector, with 56 acres of land at High Ongar, now pro-
a new organ was e-reeted in 1900 at a cost of £235, aud' ducing £3 0 yearly, which is applied to the school
in 1901 the east window was filled with stained glass, at funds, a residence for the master is provided by the
a cost of £160, as a memorial to her late Majesty, Queen charity; the school is Ol'dered" to be for teaching
~ictoria, d. 22 ,Tan. Igor: there are 250 sittings: a ser- all the poor children of the parish to read, write
vice for cyclists is held here in the summer months, & cast accompts well & to 89.Y their catechism;" &
commencing on TQ'inity Sunday, and the rectory grounds a scheme has been framed by the Endowed Schools
of 7 acres are open to them afterwards. The register of Commissioners for its management; J. B. G. Gidley-
marriages and burials dates from 153 8 and baptisms Moore I •. R.e.P.Land. chairman; Mrs. MargaJret Tozer.
from 1542. The living is a Tectory, net yearly value £4 00 , mistress; Miss Maud Pasfleld, assistant mis,tress
with 63 acres of glebe and 1'esidence, in the gift of Mrs. West Ham School Board Truant Industrial School,
A. Hewitt, and held since 1895 by the Rev. Lewis Elwyn was erected at a cost of £8,000 & opened 8 Oct. 188 5;
Lewis Mus.Doc. and Theo. Assoc. of King's Oollege, it was certified May 19, 1885, as an Industrial School
London. There are some small charities, distributed on for boys, not to exceed 80 in number; Ancel Culling,
Sundays in bread and in clothing at Whitsuntide and superintendent; Mrs. A. Culling, matron; J. :B. G.
Clhristmas. Andrew AUred Collyer-BriSltow esq. of Bed- Gidley-Moore L.R.C.P.I"ond. M.R.C.P.Edin. medical
ding-ton, Surrey, is lord of the mano'r. '1'he l)I-anClipnl officer; George Willgosse & Albert Edwul'd Hoy. school
landowners are Jol1t1 Lightfoot Newall esq. of 45 FaT'Iuhar & drill masters
read, Norwood, Suney, J. B. G. Gidley-Moore L.R.C.P. Carriers to London pass through from Dunmow &
Land. Fyfield, and t.he Ironmongers' Company. The soil Thaxted
Cbalis Arfuur John, Clatterford hall Thomas Rev. Joseph Benjamin B.A. Brittain Henry Russell (Mrs.), Queen's
('rummage Thomas J0111l, White hall (assist'nnt priest) Head P.R
Gidley-'Moore John BartholomeiW cmrMERCIAL. Croker Wi11iam Codner, registrar of
Giles, Fyfield house Blatch .Alfred, carpenter & wheelwt births, deaths & marriages for
L,o 'Mare Isaac, The Lindons Blowes Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Bobbingworth sub-district & reliev-
Lewis Rev. Lewis Elwyn Mus.Doc., Maltingos & Wardhouse farms ing' &:, vaccination officer for No. 2
Theo.!Jssoc.K.O.L. Rectory . Bretton William Read, Black Bull P.R. district, Ong'ar union
Morse Harold Noel, "ClaUerfo['d house & cattle dealer Elliott William, hay dealer & farmer Goorge C.O. Hall farm Clarke Edwin, farmer, Lampitts Filshie Gilbert, farmer, Witney green
Gidley-Moore .John Bartholomew Lunnon Joseph, carpenter _ Ancel Culling, supt.; Mrs. A. Cul-
Glles L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.P.Edin. Raby George -C.O. farmer, Hall farm ling. matron; George Willgoose,
physician, & medical officer & public Ro1£e ArthurReginald,deputy registrar schoolmaster)
vaccinator, No. I district, Ongar of births & deaths, Bobbingwortb Willmot James, farmer, Pickerells
union, & medical officer to West sub-district, Ongar union WiIImot William, farmer, Dame Annis
Ham School Board Truant School, RoUe Joseph \Villiam, tailor, Post off Yeomans John, miller (water &;
Fyfie~d house Travell Richard & Charle.s, bakers steam), corn & coal dealer, farmer,
Hartley Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper West Ham School Board Truant In- threshing machine proprietor &, tax
Horsnail Horace, boot & shoe maker dustrial School (J. B. G. Gidley. collector
Horsnail Walter Pain. blacksmith Moore L.R.C.P.Lond. med. officer;

GALLEYWOOD COMMON is an ecclesiastical the Rev. Hirzel Carey de Lisle M.A. of Trinity College,
parish. constituted Oct. 20, 1874, from the parishes of Dublin. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. The
Great Baddow, West Hanningfield and the hamlet of Chelmsford steeplechases are held here auuually in
Moulsham, 3 miles south from Chelmsford station. in March, August and November: a grand stand was
the :Mid division of the county, petty sessional division erected in 1863, and a new course formed in 1890' Hex-
and county court district of Chelmsford, rural deanery fields is the residence of Dendy Watney esq. The area
of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of is 2,403 aores; the population ill I90I was 774.
St. Albans. The church of St. Michael and All Angels, Parish Clerk, Charles Waskett.
erected in 1873 at the sole expense of Arthur Pryor esq. Post Office.-Mrs. Charlotte Brazier, sub-postmistress.
of Hylands, is an edifice of brick and stone in the Early Letters arrive from Chelmsford at 7.10 a.m. & 12.20
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south p.m.; dispatched at 12.25 & 7 p.m. Postal orders
porch, organ chamber and a tower 57 feet high, with are issued here, but not paid. Great Baddo-w, about
pinnacles, and an octagonal stone spire rising from the 2 miles, & Obelmsford, about 3 miles distant. are the
tower to an elevation of 70 feet and containing 8 bells: nea-rest money order & telegraph offices
the east window is stained: in 1897 new heating appara-
tus was laid down, at the cost of Arthur Pryor esq. of Wall Letter Box (near the 'Running Mare ') cleared
Hylands ; there are 400 sittings. The register dates at 8.5 a.m. & 12 noon & 7.40 p.m. week days only; Bear
from the year 1874. The living is a vicarage, net yearly P.H. 12.3-5 p.m. & 7.15 p.m. week days only
value £184, including si acres of glebe, with residence, in National School (mixed), for IIO children; average
the gift of Al'thur Pryor esq. and held since 1874 by attendance, 90; Miss E. Taylor &, Miss Burch,mistresses

(Names marked thus * are in the Bryan Heorge, carpenter Ockenden George, farmer
parish of Chelmsford.) Bryan William, poultry fa.rmer Ockenden John, farmer, Galley hall
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burrell Christr. shpkpr. Mill View ho Partridge George, market gardener
Bamard Markland, Galleydean Carter Hy. & Sons, farmers, Great Pryor HarryLewis,ladder & barrow ma
Gray Mrs Seabrights RaynBr Hedley Tichborne & Co.
Hem Percy Chaplin Thos. frmr. Cannon Lays fm brick maker-s
Ke-ene J. H Ohaplin rrhomas, jun. farmer Richardson In. frmr. Bearman's farm
de Lisle Rev. Hirzel Carey M.A. Cook Joseph, farmer Rimmer John, farmer, Parklands
Vicarage Orabb Samuel, boot maker Rutt George, farmer, Moretons
Luckin James, Tile Kiln frurm Foreman Frank Maynard, Running Smith William T. farmer, Byron lio
Rainey Jos,eph William, Woodlands Mare P.H Ward Neville, Horse & Groom. P.R.
Southgate George - Francis Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper & shopkeeper
Sparrow John Lewis Gardner Robert, poulterer *Weeks Richard, farmer, Goat hall
Watney Dendy, Bexfields Gowlett William, farmer & s-hopJieepr Whittaker James, beer l'etailer
Jarvis James, farmer &, miller (wind Wiffin Wm. farmer, Galleywood hall
COMMERCIAL. & steam) Wilkie Thomas, White Bear r.H
"Brazier Wm. baker & Blne Lion P.B Jarvis James, juu. farmer Willdns Fredk. The Admiral Rous inn
Brooks James, beer retailer Johnson Alfred, farmer Windley Charles, farmer, Wood farm
Brown Charles, Eagle P.H. & baker Lodge Alfred, boot & shoe maker Wright Arthur, pig dealer

GESTINGTHORPE is a village and parish, on a - held since 1887 by the Rev. Crowder Tom Bromwich, and
brook falling into the Stour, 4 miles north-east from J.P. Essex. Robert Edward Vadzey esq. RA., J.P. of
Hedingham station on the Colne Valley and Halstead TiIbury Hall, lord of the manor of Neuher Hall; Mrs. C.
railway, 5 miles south-west from Sudbury, and 5 north A. Oates, lady of the manor of Over Hall; Lieut.-Colonel
from HaMead, in the Northern division of the county, Waiter .st. George Burke J.P. of Auberies, Bulmer;
Hinckford hundred. North Hinckford petty sessional Mrs. Mary Bentall Branwhite and Messrs. James Mayhew
d:vision, Sudl>ury union and county court district, and Balls, of Cas-tIe Hedingham. and James Hearn of Sible
in the runl deanery of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Col- Hedingham, are the principal landowners. Over Hall•
.chester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of 81. the seat of Mrs. C. A. Oates, is a mansion of red brick,
Mary is a plastered edifice- in the Early English style, con- principal'ly in the Jacobean style. The soil is light
sisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and an loam and clay; subsoil, various. The chief crops are
embatt.led tower of brick at the west end, contain'.ng 6 wheat, beans and barley. The parish comprises 2,7°6
bells, the fil',st four being dated 1659, t1he fifth and sixth, acres; rateable value, £1,896; the population in 1901
originally dated 1581 and 1460 respectively, were re-cast was 475 .
.in I90I: there are memorial windows to Mary Whithred Odwell or Oddwell, formerly distinct, is now in this
Elwes (I878), John Eley Collis (1876), Frank Oates (I900) I parish.
and ,,:. E. Oates esq. : in the chancel is a monUI~ent ~o I Post Office.-Samuel Rayner, sub-postmaster. Letters
.Captal~ John ~parrow•.ob. IIt~ ~ept.. 1626, WIth hiS arrive from Halstead by foot post at 8 a.m. &; 2 p.m. ;
effigy, l~ a devobonal athtu~e, wlthm a mche surrounded dispatohed 8It II,20 a.m. &; 5. 20 p.m. week days only.
by warh~e emblems; ther~ ,s also a mural monument to Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
.Tohn Ellist~n. esq. who ~hed Jan. 22nd, I74 I ; a small nearest money order & telegraph office is at Castle
brass to Wllliam BoulnOls esg. d. 1862, and another to Hedingham 3 miles distant
John Brewer esq. d. 1879: the church was restored in . .' . .
I894 at a cost of over [I.300, under the direction of A. ThiS parIsh was made contrlb~tory to the 1:1ttle Maple-
B. Jackson A.R.I.B.A. of London; there are 300 sittings. stead School ~oard, .3 0 AprIl, 18 75, electm~ 2 mem-
The register of bapt:sms dates from 1628; burials, 160 9; ber~; the chIldren III the portIOn of the
marriages, 1626. The living is a sinecure rectory and parIsh attend the Board school at LIttle Maplestead
vicarage, net joint yoarly value, £.~28. with 130 acres of Parish School (mixed), built in 1856, for 106 children;
glebe and residence, in the g'.ft of G. T. Elwes esq. and average attendance, 84; Miss Frances Harrison, mist

COMMERCIAL. Felton Charles, Red Lion P.H

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bear Robert. farmer. Nether hall Finch Alfred Digby, assistant overseer,
Bentall Mrs. E. H Ooe David, bo-ot maker assessor of tax':1S & clerk to parish
Brallwl>ite Mrs.Mary Bentall,Moat flU Coe Nathan. farmer, Dalvyn's council
Bromwidh -Rev. Crowder Tom J_P. OJrder Ma.!'l., beer retailer Finch Arthur (Mrs.', baker &; shopl,pr
(vicar), Vicarage Downs King, iron founder,agricultural Finch George, drain pipe & earthen-
Dowm King, Rectory farm implemf\nt m:lker & agent &; farmer Inanufacturer
Lock Mrs. Pa.rk gate FeltQn J oseph S tephen, beer retailer Hearn Robert, farmer, Park's farm
Oates MN. Over hall & baker Nice WaIter, blacksmith
Mallyon James, farmer, Crouch' Rayner Samuel, sub-postmaster Taylor Thos. Fosdick. frmr. Hill frm
House farm Taylor Josepll Fo·sdick, farmer, Odd- Teverson Thomas, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Pannell Arthur, wheelwright, carpen- weB farm (Ie.tters tlIrougiJ. Great ,Mia:ry BenOOll B~anw'bite & bnd
ter, undertaker &; cabinet maker Maplestead, Halstead) steward to Mrs. Oates, Hall farm.
GOLDHANGER is a village. on the low ground near and in the vicinity is a large decoy fO'r wild fowl, which i,
the north bank of the estuary of the Blackwater and on not now used. Frank Poetle Bawtree esg. is lord of the
the road from Maldon to Colchester, 4 miles north-east manor. Henry Fraser James Ooape-A.rnold esg. M.A.
from Maldon station and 7 miles east from Langford sta- of Wolvey HaH, Warwickshire, and the rector are the
tion, on the Maldon, 'Witham and Braintree branch of principal landowners. The soil is ligdlt; subsoil, gravel.
the Great Eastern railway, 9 south-east from Witham and The chief crops are wlheat. peas, beans and barley. The
42! from London, in the Eastern division of the county, parish contains 1,802 acres of land and 5 of water; Twte-
'fhurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional division, able value. £1,893; the population in 1901 was 3'85'
Maldon union and county court distriot, rural deanery By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March 24.
of Hatfield Peverel, COlchester archdeaconry and St. 1889, detached parts of this parish were transferred to
Albans diocese. The church of St. Peter is a ~)llilding of Tolleshunt D' Arcy and Little Totham, and a detached
dressed flint with Caen stone facings, partly in the Early portion of the latter parish added to Goldhanger.
English and partly in the Perpendicular style, consisting Sexton, Shepherd Clarke.
of chancel, nave, south chapel, south porch and an em- Post Office. John Stokes, sub-postmaster. Leters from
batJtled western tower containing 6 bells: in the church is Witham arrive at 7.15 a.m. &; 5 p.m.; dispatched at
an insoribed stone to Anthony Heyham, gent. and his 9.10 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; sunday, 9.20 a.m. Postal orders
wife, c. 1540: there are 270 sittings. The register dates are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money
from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, with t.hat order &; telegraph office is at ToIleshunt D'.ircy, 3
of Little 'fO'tiham annexed, joint net yearly value £554, miles 'distant
with 35 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the National School (mixed), built in IB75, for 120 children,
trustees of G. D. Oollins esq. and held since 1893 by &; enlarged in 18"97 by the erection of an infants'
the Rev. Forederick Thomas Gardner M.A. of St. Peter's school for 50 infants; aveMge attendance, 44 &; 27 in-
College, Oambridge. There is a Wesleyan chapel in fants; J'Ohn Langford, master; Mrs. Langford, infants'
the village. Numerous mounds on the river, called mistress
barrow hills. were demolished to oonverl the ground into Oarriers to Tollesbury &; Maldon.-C{)llins, tues. thurs.
salt-pans for the manufacture of salt, which have now &; sat.; George Emeny, to Chelmsford, f'ri
reverted to pastucr-e. A. fishing trade is carried on here, ('lOllins' bus to Tollesbury &; Maldon, tues. thurs. &; sat
Field Rev. Bernard Henry DUl'ran~Baines Joseph, boot &;, shoe maker Francis Robert (exors. of), farmers
(curate) Bunting John, farmer &; landowner, Haskins Sidney, Ohequers P.H
Francis The Misses Jehew's farm Miller Thomas, shopkeeper
Gardner Rev. Frederick Thomas M.A.
Cooper Thomas, wheelwright Miller Thomas, jun. butcher
Rectory OrackneIl Goorge (e:xors. of), farmers, Owers John, butcher
COlOlEROIAL. Falcon hall, Pump house &; Carter's Page Robert, farmer, The Highams
Alexander Oharles, shopkeeper fm'IIl;S Page William R. farmer, Folly Faunh
Argent John, shopkeeper Dobson John, farmer, StrE'et farm Walden Henry James, Cricketers P.B
Belsham Oliver, Daniel &; Lewis, Emeny George James, blacksmith & Waring James, farmer
millers (steam) carrier 'Varing William, farmer
GOSPIELD is a village and parish, near a branch of are others to the late Rev. S. W. Dowell, vicar here, 1848-
the Colne, on the road from Hedingham to Braintree, 3 70; Regliuald Bragg Sparrow and Herbert Edward
miles south-west from Halstead station on the Colne Sparrow, 18B2, and to Mrs. Sparrow, 1897: the church
Valley and Halstead line of the Great Eastern railway, affords 300 sittings. The register of baptisms and
and 6 north-east from Braintree, in the Eastern division burials dates from 1538; mal'riages, 1539. The living
of the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty is a vicarage, net yearly value £163, including 38 acres
sessional division (Halstead bench), Halstead union and of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Lowe, and
county court district and in the rural deanery of Hal- h61d snee 1871 by the Rev. Henry Lettsom Elliot M.A. of
Iltead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Trinity College, Cambridge. There is a coffee and read-
Albans. The church of St. Catherine, built about 1435, ing room, and lectu.res are occasionally given in the
is an edifice of stope, plastered, in the Perpendicular schoolroom. Gosfield Hall, in an extensive domain,
.tyle, consisting of chancel, with north chapel, nave, is an interesting specimen of the Domestic style of the
south porch and an embattled western towel' (added eal'lier Tudor period, and was inhabited by Louis
about 1500), containing 3 bells, two dated 1637 and 17°4: XVIII. dU1ring part of his stay in t.Lis country
in the chancel is a sumptuous monument to Sir John (18°7-14); it is· a large pile of brick, forming
Wentworth kt. of Gosfield Hall; the north chapel was a quadrangle, the western side of which remains nearly
built by Sir John Wentworth kt. sou of Sir Roger Went- in its original state; but the north, east and south
worth kt. of Codham Hall, as a burial place for his fronts were built by John Knight esq. who owned the
family; he died Sept. IS, 1567. and was here interred estate at the beginning of the 17th century, various
under a fine marble tomb, on which are three brass alterations being subsequently made by the late Lord
Ilhields of arms with quarterings and inscriptions; there Nugent: the interior is adorned by numerous paintings
is also a raised tomb to his daughter Anne, ob. Dec. 5, by ancient masters and other works of art: the park, of
1580 and her first husband, Sir Hugh Rich, knighted in 300 acres, is richly wooded and contains opposite the
1553, and eldest son of Richard, 1st Baron Rich of Leeze, west front of the mansion a lake of 80 acres: it is now
and Lord High Chancellor 1547-5 1 ; Sir Hugh died in the seat of Mrs. Lowe, who is lady of the manor and
1554 and the tomb retains fragments of a marginal in- principal landowner. Cut Hedge is the ·seat of George
Ilcription; Anne Rich married secondly Henry Fitzalan, Courtauld esq. J.P. Gosfield P;ace is the residence of
by courtesy Baron Maltravers, and thirdly William Deane the Rev. Basil J ames Harold Beridge M . .A.. The soil
esq. but had no issue: the west part of the chapel was, is strong clay; subsoil, clay and loam. The chief crop8
in the Georgian period, converted into a family pew, in are whea.t, beans and barley. Tlhe area is 2,978 acres of
""hich there is a beautiful marble monument, said to be land and 55 of water; rateable value, £3,°46; the popu-
by Scheemakers, with life-size figures of John Knight latoion in 1901 was 45 2.
esq. ob. 1733, and Anne (Oraggs), his wife, ob. 1756 , Sexton, John Lee.
the bust of the latter being by Guelphi: arnonl; the
memorial tablets to the Nugent family is one to Robert Post, M: O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
Nugent, of Carlanstown, co. Westmeath, created Baron Post, S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office.-Geo. .A.rthur
Nugent and Viscount Clare in 176 7 and afterwards, in French, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Halstead
1776, Earl Nugent of the Kingdom of Ireland, second bv foot post &; delivered about 7·30 a.m. &; 5.20 p.m. ;
husband of Anne (Craggs), widow of John Knight esq.; dispatched at 7·30 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; sundays, 9·3 Q a.m
Earl Nugent died Oct. 14, 1788: in the chancel is a tomb School (mixed), built in 1858, for 150 children; average
with a brass effigy 3 feet 6 inches in length and some attendance, 69; Miss E. Sangster, mistress
qnaint rhyming Latin verses, to Thomas Rolle, serjeant- An iron building was erected in IgOI in the vicarage
at-law, who died in 1440: the east window has been re- gardens, &; is used for the sunday school
filled with stained glass by George Courtauld esq. 8S a 'fhe old school-room, erected by the late B1Sil Sparrow
mernori.u to Susanna, his wife, who 'died in 1879 and there esq. is now used for mee.tings &c
Beaumont Alfred, The Cottage Oonrtauld Georgoe J.P. Cut Hedge Lowe Mrs. Gosfield hall
Beridge Rev. Basil James Harold M.A. Elliot Rev. Henry Lettsom M.A. Lowe A.rthur Courtauld Willoughby,
Gosfield Place . Vicaragp Gosfield hall

.'. .
. [ KELLY~8.

Lowe Percy Taylor, Gosfield hall EllWOOQ Harry, eoach builder. wheel·' Haward Frfl.Ilk C. :Green Man P.R ... ,
Whiting :James, Shardhighs wright &; smith Kember Alfred, :head gardener to Mrs.
COMMEROIAL. Fookes Thomas grocer L(}'we .' .
Ardley Philip, farmer, Almond's Francis Richard, King's Head P.H Lee·: John, boot. maker
Ardley' William, farmer,Aylward's fl'111 French George Arthur, grocer &; drpr. Owers William, wrmer, Shardlofos .,.
Blomfie:d Alfred, land steward to Mrs. Post uffice . Reading & Coffee Room (John Bro\i'n,
Lowe, Orange hall Gosfield Hall Estate Office \ \.lfred caretaker) .'
Broyd Henry, farmer &; cattle dealer Blomfield, agent), Orange hali . Rowson Jas. gamekpr., to Mrs. Lowe
()hallis William, farm bailiff to Mrs. J eggo Golden, birch broom maker & Shepherd John, farmer, Peterfields
Lowe farmer . Smith H. B. farmer, Park hall

GRAYS (otherwise Grays Thurrock) is a thriving town it inclndes a mortuary chapel and lodge, and is under'
and parish on the north bank of the Thames, with a station the control of the Urban District Council. The PUblic
on the London, Tilbury and Southend Il"ailway, which is Hall, in High street, is licensed f01' drama,tic ellter~ain·,
also the junction of the line to Upminster and Romford, monts, and will seat 4 00 . '.rhe Fire Brigade· st·ation,
21 miles from London, 3~ west from Tilbury Fort,. 4 south- in the . Orsett Toad, built in 1893, at a cost of
west from Orsett, 12 south from Brentwood, 23 south-west £1,300, from plans by Mr. 011arles Cobhll.m F.S.I.
from Chelmsford, 12 south-east from Romford and 3 (by of Grays, includes a club room for the members of the
water) from Gravesend, and is in the South Eastern brigade. 'I'he." Public Libraries Act, '14355" (1·8 and 19
division of the countv,in

Chafford hundred,. Orsetl; union Vict. c. 70), was adopted here in'1893, and in 1894 a
and petty sessional division, the 'head of a oounty COUl't room in Bank buildings, in the- High street, 'Was opened
,:listriot, and in the rural deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry as a Free Reading Room Bnd Library. Classe,s for Tech-
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The town, formerly nical Instruot:.ion are held in the Qua1'ry Hill and Bridge
governed by a Local Bo~rd of Health, esta;blished dn 1886, Road Board' Schools, and also at Palmer's Endowed
is now, under the provisions of the" Local Government School (theoretical and practical chemistry), evel'yweek
Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73); controlled 'by an day during the winte-r months. No. 3 Company
Urban District Oouncil;. it is lighted by electric~ty from of ilie ut Essex RoYal Garrison Al'tillery Volunteers bas
works tlhe property of the Urban District Council, and its hood quarters on Quarry hill. A considerable trade
is suppliecl with gas by the Grays Gas Co. Lim. and with in bricks, lime and cement is carried on here. 'I'be
water from the South Essex Wa.ter "Works; the chief market granted by Henry Ill. and fOI'me.rly held on
(lumping station, which is at GraY's. also supplies the sur- Thursday, is now extinct. ' The I' Exmouth," an old man-
rounding villages. In 1894 a system of drainage was com· of.war, now a training vessel for boys; under the control of
plet-ed at a total cost of about £42,000; under the Metropolitan Asylums Board, is moored off the river
the superintendence of Mr. W. H. Radford A.M.T.C.E. bank; about 600 boys are here taught seamanship-and sub.
of Nottingham; the sewage is treated by chemical sequently drafted into t-he a;rmy" navy and merchant ser-
precipitation and subsequently filtered, and there are vice; the infirmary attached to the ship is in Argent
outfall works in the south-east part of the town near the street: there are also swimming baths; the ship is
Thames. The parish of Little Thurrock and the Til- lighted by electricity. The" Shaftesbury," an old P.
bury portion of Chadwell St. Mary are also connected &; O. boat, now an industrial training ship for boys (Lon-
with these works for drainage purposes. The church of don School Boa,rd), i's also moored off here, and has 400
SS. Peter and Paul, rebuilt in 1846, is a cruciform build- boys, who are taught seamanship and various trades: in
ing of flint in the Early English style, consistin~ of the West field is ·31 hospital in connection with it, built in
chancel, nave, north aisle of similar dimensions, diVIded 189'8; there is further a training sch~wner, the" Themjs..'"
into four bays, south porch and a tower on the north which' carries 30 boys. 'In digging vhe foundation·s for
side with, ~warf broach spire and containing 3. bells: the the station master's house a Roman tesselated pave.
stained east window is a memorial to the children of R. ment was found, with a portion of Roman masonry:
Meeson esq. and was erected in 1870: there is a me- the former now forms the pavement of the churoh
morial tablet in the church to the schoolmaster and boys vestry; a number of other antiquities fonnd at Gl"ays
of the training ship ." Goliath," who perished by drown- are in the Museum of Geology, Jermyn street,
ing during the destruction of that vessel by fire, Dec. London, and were contributed in January, 10869,
22, 1875: the church plate includes a handsome flagon, by R. Meeson esq. F.S.A., F.G.S. ()f Duvals, where
presented 6 Sept. 1877, by Jeremiah Long esq.: there during the process of excavation in 1871 the lid of a stone
is a brass of a civilian with his two wives and some coffin was found, supposed to be of the 14th century,
children (c. 1510) and various modern memorials to the 'I'he Duvals is the residence of Edmund Wrrig-ht Brooks
families of Button, of Mucking Hall; Meeson, of Duvals; esq. J.P. and Grays Hall of Thomas Alfred Capron esq.
De Vitre anci others: the church affords 750 sittings. Oba'rIes Soobrooke esq. J.P. is lord of the manor. Mrs.
The register of marriages and of burials dates from El'rington, of Merry Oak, Southampton, the Grays C~lalk
1674; baptisms from 1677. The living is a vicarage, Quarries Co. Lim. Edward Richard, Parke.r esq. J.P. H.
net yearly value £180, with residence, in the gift of D'Oyley W. Astley esq. and William Williams esq. are the
Claude H. Long esq. of 50 Marine parade', Brighton, and chief landowners. The a,rea is 1,376 acres of land, 6 of
held since 1901 by the Rev. Ernest William Banks M.A. wat·er, 225 of tidal water aJ;ld 95 of foreshore; rateable
of Oxford Un:ivel'sity. Mrs. Errington, of MeI'ry Oak, value, £46,741; t,he popula<l!ion ~n 1891 was 12,219, and
Southampton, is owner of 1Ihe impropriate tithes. All in 1901, 13,83I, wlhich includes 600 on board the training
Saints is an ecclesiastical district fo·rmed in Ig~6; the ship "Exmouth" and 400 on bm1'l'd the London School
temporary iron church, in William street, erected in Board's Industrial School ship" Shaftesbury."
1887 at the expense of t,he hte J. Theobald esq. M.P. Post, & M. O. & T. 0., T .. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, In·
will seat about 400 people; the Rev. Fredel'lick Haslock surance & Parcel Post & Express Delivery Office, New
has been curate in charge since 1886, and is also chap- road.-Edward Thomas, postmaster. Letters arrive
lain to the .( Exmouth " training ship and honorary chap- from London direct, & are delivered ,at 7 &; 7.30 a.m, &;
lain to the," Shaftesbury" training ship. There is a 2 & 6,15 p.m.; sundaY'S, 7 a.m.; dispatched at 9.30
par.ish hall in the Broadway, and an institute for girls a.m. 12.15, 3.20,4.55, 7, 8, 8'55 &; 9.30 p.m.; sundays,
in William st·ree,t. The Catholic church, in East T'hur- 9.15 p.m. Money olfders granted from 9 a.m. till 8
rock road, dedica·ted to St. Thomas of Oanterbury, and p.m. Telegraph business transacted from 8 a,m. till
erected in 18'8'6, at a cost of £3,5°0, is of brick with stone 8 p.m.; on sundays from 8 to 10 a.m. only
dressings, and will seat 450; adjoining is a piece of land Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. &; A. & I. Offices,
belonging to the church. The Oongregat-ional chapel, in Orsett rnad.-Mrs. Ellen Mary Chattey, sub-postmis-
New road, was lmilt in 18,86, at a cost of £2,800:, and will tress. Open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days only.
seat 500. The Baptist ohapel, in Orsett il'oad, was erected Box cleared at 6·35, 9·5 & I1.35 a.m. 2·35, 4·35, 5·35
in 1893, al; a cost of £1,800, from the designs of Mr. (local) & 8.35 p.m. week days only
Charles Cobham F.S.I. architect, of Grays, and has Pillar Letter Box, at Railway station, cleared llit 6,30, 9.15
sittings for 500. The Primit:ive Method~st chapel, in New & 11.45 ft.m. 2,45, 4,45, 5,45 & 8,45 p.m.· week days
road, erected in 1870, at a cost of £1,837, will seat 350. only ,
The Wesleyan chapel, in the London road, built ill 1884,
at a cost of £3,000, will seat 400. The Free Methodist
chapel, in New road, erected in 1873, seats 180. The URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
Strict Baptist chapel, in Grove road, built in 1879, will Offices, High street.'
seat 150. A chapel for the Peculiar People, in Salisbury Meets 2nd & 4th thursdayat 7 p.m.
road, was erected in 1892, at a cost of £700, and seats
nearly 300. The Salvation Army hald their services at Members.
their barracks in High street. A cemetery of 4 acres, a.t Chairman, Herbert Edmund Brooks.
Little ThuT,rock, was formed in 188o, at a cost of £500; Vice-Ohairman, HeTber!; C. Borradaile.
Retire in April :Retire in A.pril VOLUNTEEffiS.
Jesse Lawrence 1903 Charles George Farrow 1904 1st Essex Royal Garrison .Artillery (No. 3 Company),Capt:
.Alfred 1Vilson Panlin .•. 19°3 JohnGolden .......••... 1904 H. C.. Ingle ;' Rev. Riohard T. WhitltingtoJI, acting
ebas. John Sutherden. 1903 ArlhurWilson Boatman, 1905 chaplain;' Sergt.•Major Frederick George Lisnev, drill
Thomas Weston ..•.••.•• I903 Herbert C. Borradaile.. 1905 instructor;. orderly room, 7 Quarry hill '
Herbert,Edmund'Brooks 1904 .Amos Green......... 1905
William ATthuT Brown 19<>4 Thomas RichaTd Hall.. 1905 PUBLIC OFFIOEiRS.
Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Joseph Cottis, 30 Orsett I'd
, - r • Cert.ifying Factory Surgeon, Alh'ed '.Dhomas Roworth
Joint Olerks, Hatten &; Asplin,Hank buildings, High M.R.O.S.Eng. Avenue lodge, Palmer's avenue .
street, Grays . Clerk. to the Guardians & School Attendance Committee
Treasurer, Fl'ancis Noel Tomkins, London & Provincial of Orsett Union, Ohar<les Asplin, 53 High street
Bank, IIigh str~et, Grays C'1erk to the Magistrates of the Orsett Division, Thomas
Medical Officer of Healtlh, John Alfred Ward l\{.R.O.IS. Alfred Oapron, 2 Orse>1lt road
En-g. 24 Bridge road Inland Revenue OfficeT, Arthur Russell, Bridge road·
Electrical En~ineer (ReSident), E-rnest Denn Long, u4 Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, OIlSett Union:
Orsett road - , Gr3iys East District, Charles Wi'lliam Gilbert M.R.O.S.
Surveyor, Arthur Charles James .A..M.l.e.E. Bank build- Eng. Lister house, Orsett road; Grays West District,
, ings, High street ' . . Anthcmy Fewster B'lake L.R.C.P.Land. 43 High street
Sanitary Inspector, WiIliam Gray Marshall, Bankbnild- Relieving Officer No. I District,. Orsett UniQn, Alfred
ings, High stree,t ,. Herbert Morgan, 35 Shemald road .'
Oollecto-r, Alfred W. Paulin, jun. 34 Stiffol'd road Registrar of-Births & Deaths, Grays SUib-district, ,Orset.t
U1lIion, John PhiIlips, 45 High street;, depu.ty, Alfred
OOUNTY MAGISTlHTEIS FOR. THE OJtSE1'T H. Morgan, 35 Shl;!rfield road .' ,
_ DIVliSION. Registrar of Marriages, G'rays Sub-district, Orsett Union,
Barrett-Lennard Sir Thomas bart. M.A., D.I•. Belhus, EdWlud Biddell, Inglen-ook, New road; deputy~ William
Aveley, Pm·fleet S.O. chairman . 1. Belcham, 9 Sherfield road' .., .
Dimsdale Sir Joseph C. bart. M.P. Laindon hills, Rom- Sanitlary Inspeotor for Orsett Rural District Qouncil,John
. ford & 3 Lancaster S'treet, Hyde park, London W Hurst, 24 Ridhmond road . .
Barrevt-Lennard l~ichard Fiennes esq. D.L. Spellow hall, School Atltendance Office.r, Orsett Rural School Attend-
{)ngar 8.0 ance Oommittee, Wm. I Belohlllm,. 9 Sherfield road
Barrett-Lennard Thomas esg. D.L. Horaford manor, Vestry Clerk, Thomas .Alfred Oa,pron, 2 Orsett road
Brooks Edmund Wright esg. The Duvrals, Greys· PL.A:G.EiS OiF WOQtSHIP, with times of services.
Cocking .A:llan Thomas esg. The Grove, Stanford·lll- SS. Peter & Paul Church, High street, Rev. Ernest Wm.
Eope S.O . ' Banks M.A.· vicar; Rev. James Meeser. curate;
Goldsmith Edward John esg. Hill Crest, Grays . 8 &; II a.m. & 3 & 6,30 p.m.; da.iJ.y, 8 a.m. ;'.wed. XI
Norris-Elye Lewin Charles Cholmley Raiston esq: M.A. a.m. &; 7 p.m.; fri. I I a.m
The Manor house, Utterby,' Louth, Lines All Saints' Temporary Church, Rev. Frederick Haslock,
Parker EdwM'd Richard esq. Langdon, 44 Riggendale rd. curate-in-charge; 8 & n a.m. &; 6.30 p.m;; thurs.
St'rea1fuam, Londo-n S W at 7 p.m
Russell Champion Branfill esq. Stubbers, North Ocken- St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic, East Thurrock road,
don, Romford - • Rev. Adolf Sander, priest; mass, 8 & 10.30 a..m.;
Seabrooke Oharles esg. The Echoes, New road, Grays oatechism & beonediotion, 3 p. m.; devotions, sermon &
Squier Samuel Westwood esg. The Rookery, ,Mucking, benediction, 6.30 p.m.; holidays of obligation, mass,
Stanford-le-Hope S.O . 8 & ID ,a.m.; devotions, sermon & benediction, 7 p.m. ;
Sturgeon Alfred esq. Riby, Grays . daily mass, 8.30 a.m.; fri. devotions & benediction, 7
Wh~tmore FI"ancis Herury Douglas Charlton esq. Orsett a.m.; first fri. in tihe month, S1bations of the Cross,
hall, Orsett S.O 7 a.m
Whitmore Oaptain Thomas Oharles Douglas, 2 Lowndes Bapbist, Ol'lsett Toad, Rev. H. J. Martin; I I a.m. & 6,30
square, London S W p.m
Williams B. H.' L. esg. Buckland, East Tilbury, Til- Congregational, New road, ,Rev. H. Davis Bnll; I I a. m.
bury 8.0 & 6.30 p.m. ; thUTS. 7.30 p.m
Williams Robert Hamilton esg. Buckland, East Tilbury, Primitive Methodist, Rev. George E. Orickmay; I I a.m.
Tilbury 8'.0 & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
Strict Baptist, Grove road, ministers various; I I .a.m.
The cha,irmen fOT the time 'being of the GTays Urban & & 6.15 p.m.; mono & wed. 7.30 p.m
_ Orsett Rural District Councils are ex-officio justices United Methodist, New road, Re'V. W. J. Penberthy; I I
Clerk to the Magistrates, Thomas .Alfred Capron, ~ a.m. & 6,30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Orsett road Wesleyan ~Iethodist, London road, Rev. Robert Sawden
Petty Sessions are held at the Police station &; Court Maynard; II a..m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed, 7.30 p.m
house, Grays, every friday at 10.45 a.m. The follow- Peculiar People, Salisbury Toad, Mr. JOShU8 Hempstead,
. fug places are included in the Petty Sessional Division elder; 6.30 & 10.30 a.m.; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.;· tues.
-.Aveley, Bulphan, Chadwell St. Mary, Corringham, & thurs. 7.30 p.m
East Tilbury, Fobbing, Grays Thurrock, Horndon-on- Salvation Army, High street, I I a.m.; 3 & 6.30 p.m
the-Hill, Langdon Hills, Little Thurrock, Mucking, SCHOOLS.
North Ockenden, Orsett, South Ockenden, Stanford-le-
Hope, Stifford, West Thurrock, West Tilbury, Wen- A School Board of 7 members was formed 21 Feb.
nington & Rainham 1882; Turner Jessop, clerk, School board offices, Quarry
hill; William Spreadborongh, 81 Staniey Toad, attend-
. PUBLIC EST.AJl3LISHMENTS. ance officer
Cemetery, Hatten & AspEn, Ilank buildings, High street,
joint clerks to the burial board . Upper Standa'l"d Board School, Bridge road. built in 1897-8
Grays Thurrock County Court, His Honor Henry 'rin- from des~gns by Mr. O. M. Shiner A.R.I.B.A. architect
dal Atkinson, judge; court held monthly; Charles of London &; Grays, at a cost of £10,000, for 300 boys &
Asplin, Bank buildings, High street, Grays, registrar; 300 girls; average attendance, 198 boys &; 252 O'ir1s;
The Registrar & Charles Godfrey, Rythe house, Thames George Alfred Pepper, master; Miss Kate Neal, mi~tress
Ditrton, joint high bailiffs. The dist·rict comprises the Board School, Quarry Hill, built in 1884, enlarged in
following places :-Avele,y, Borley, Bulphan, Biggin, 1885, from designs by Mr. E. C. Allam, architect, of
Chadwell St. 'Mal'y, CorTingham, Fobbing, Grays Thur- RQmford, at a cost o-f £ro,ooo, &; a,gain in r893; it will
rock, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Langdon Hills, Kynoch hold 320 boys, 324 girls & 500 infants; average attend-
Town, Little Thurrock, Mucking, North Ockenden, ance, 273 boys, 294 girls &; 366 infants; Wm. Bullock,
South Ockenden, Orsett, Purfleet, Stanford-le-Hope, master; Miss Clarissa White, mistress; Miss Gertrnde
• .stifford, West Thurrock, East Tilbury & West Tilbury Rutt, infants' mistress. A school for cookery in connec-
County Police Station (division of Gray8), George Jordan, tion with the above schools is held daily; Miss .Janet
supt. I inspector, 4 sergeants &; 30 constables Oar1yle, cookery mistress
Fire Brigade, OrsetJt road, Sidney King, capt. &, 20 men Board School, Arthur street, built in 1,888, from designs
Free Library & Reading Room, F. Sa:Kton, librarian, Bank by Mr. G. Waymouth, architect, of Finsbury pave-
bu:ildings, High street ment, London, at a. cost of £7,000, &; enIarged in
Masonic Lodge (No. 1,343, St. John), Queen's hotel, bi- 1892, at. a. eost of £2,600, for 340 boys, 340 girls &
monthly all the year & third wed. in May; Herbert 360 infants; a:vera~ attendance, 3II boys, ~6 girls &
C. Borradaile, Grays, sec 288 infants; Edmund O. Drury, master; Miss Mary
Public Hall, High street Brown, mistress; Mrs. Emma Winter, infants' mistress
..... -

Nation~ New road, built in 1873, for 156 boys, 141 girb &; I ind'ants; the Sisters of La Ste. Union des Sacres Creurs,
135 infants; average attendance, 122 hoys, 82 girls & mistresses
81 infants; Alfred O. Bassett, master; Mrs. ]<;lhel Thl'l" Exmouth" Training Ship, Capt. Arthul' J. 1,0:1110
Bassett, mistress; MillS Harriet Damon,infants' mistress R.N. supt.; WaIter Wellman, chief officer; Alfred
Palmer's Endowed, founded by William Palmer, in the Thompson, paymaster & storel.eeper; Rev. Frcderid.
year Z707 & re-established under a scheme, 29th June, . Haslock, chaplain; Arthnr .Tohn Partridj:te -M.n., Ch.B.
z87z: new buildings, with spacious dormitories, were surgeon; Mrs. F. M. Catton, matron; Wm. Hollilmh)'~
erected in z873-4, at a cost of £6,000, in an elevated schoolmaster
& healthy situation, for 140 boys & 75 girls, the head The "Shaftesbury" Industrial Training Ship, William
master receiving a limited number of ooys as Scriven RN. capt.; Daniel Murphy, chief officer;
boarders; in z894 an additional building was erected John Alfred Ward M.H.. C.S.Eng. sllrgeull; Jamcs GCI).
at a cost of 1. 1,000, providing a science lecture Hugill, paymaster; William 'l'. Litton. scllOolma!lter;
room & chemical laboratory; the school is Miss Emma Wilson, infirmary matron; Uuhcrt M. Heale,
under the control of sixteen governors; the endowment captain of t,ender " Themis "
consists of certain houses in Lombard street & in Be'ech Bnilway Station, Hohert Cross, lltation ll1astel'
street, Cripplegate, realizing about £85 0 yeady; Geo. Conveyance. Vehicles from Grays station to Fox &; Goose
Henry Silverwood M.A., LL.B. head master; Miss inn, at West 'rhurrock, several times daily, on week
Rarriet Beck, mistress; Thomas Alfred Capron is clerk days only. Vehicles also run l)etweell Gl';IJIl railwlly
to the gOVffi'Ilors station &; Orsett, meeting the 9.47 a.m., J2'H & 4.•1-1
Catholic, East Thnrrock road (mixed &; infants), for 500 p.m. up trains i& 9.50 a.m., z2·36, 5·z5 &; 5'40 p.m.
children; average attendance, 89b1Ys & girls &; 46 down trains
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Harding John Pearson, Tewke.sbury, Pearson Thos. Sunnyside, Argent st
Alger Thos. Jas. elovelly,Palmer's n'l" Palmer's avenue Penticost George Henry, St. Wini-
Aspin Charles, Freeby Haslock Rev. Frederick (curate in fred's, Bridge road
Bank~ Rev. Ernest William M.A. charge of All Saints &; chaplain to Rees John, ']\'[e,lbourne, 10 Orsett I'd
(vicar),, High street the Training ship "Exmouth "), Rowley Chus.South view, Palmer's av
Bates Ml'S'. 56 New TOad " Mary" institute, William street Roworth Alfred Thomas, Avenue
Biddell GooTge, Inglenook, New road Hawkps Fred'e,rick, 107 Orsett rotld lodge, Palmer's avenue
Blake Anthony Fewster, 4'3 High street Hempst,ead Joshua, 4 Palme'r's avenue Rllssell Mrs. The Dell
Boatman Arthur Wilson, Devon viaa, Riggins Jolm, Burleigh, Palmer's av Sander Rev. .AdoH (CatJho.Iic), 8B
Quarry hill Holbrook Fredlc.William, 1I60rsett I'd Bridge road
Borradaile Herbert C. Glasson Hunt Theobald A. Max, 9 Shakespeare Scriven Capt. WiUiam R.N. TrainiIlg
Bowton John Wm. Sturdy, 96 New I'd villas, High street ship "Shaftesbury"
Breenl WaUace, Trosley 110. Bridge I'd James Arthur C. Malvernbury, SeabrookeChas.J.P.TheEchoes,New I'd
Brooks Alfred, Hill side, London road Palmer's avenue Seabrooke Jonathan, The Elms
Bro()ks Edmund Wright J.P. The J essop'I'urner,Aberglnslyn,Pulmer's av Seabrooke Mrs. F. Bridge villa
. Duvals J ones 'l'homas, 10 Sherfield road Shiner Ghristopher M. 6 Orsett Toad
Brooks WaIter, Dray'ton, Palme'1"s av King Aloort Edward, Hillsboro', Sibbald Ian Graham M.B.24 Bridge T'<i
Bull Rev. H. Davis (Oongregationa:), Palmer's avenue Silverwood George Henry M.A., LLB.
The Manse, New road Kraushaa,r WilIiam Abraham, Fair- The Oolleg~
Burlton WaIter H. S. 20 Sherfie,ld I'd field, New road Simpson Henry J effrey, R.avens'l'food
Oapron Thomas Alfred, GTays 1Iall Lecquire Samuel, Pier Idg. Argent st Simpson William, 62 New road
Carter James Henry, Rocklands, Pal- Little Mrs. 18 Sherfield road Smith MajorJohn,Lynton, Palmer's aV'
mer's avenUe Loam~ Capt. Arthur J., n.N. Training Still Miss, 67 Orsett Toad
Olark Obadiah John, 5 Shakespeare ISdlip" Exmouth" Stuart WaIter L. 58 New road
villas, High sheet Lodge John, 16 Sherfield'Toad Sturgeon Alfd. J.P. Riby, Orsett road
Cottis Joseph, 30 Orsett road Long Ernest Denn, 114 Orsett road Sturgeon Edwin. 6 Palmer's avenue
Cottis Lionel, 60 New road Martin Rev. H. J. (Baptist), Oak viIs. 'Pumpkins Mrs. Thrift villa, Bridge I'd
Orickmay Rev. George 'Chas. (Prim. SherfieM road Thomas Fredk. RiveTview, Argent st
Methodist), 9 Orsett road Maynard Rev. Robert Sawden (Wes- Thorne Stanley Graham, 4 Orsett I'd
Curry John T. 64 New road If'yan), Weslf'y house, Pa,lmer's av 'l'hreadgill Art!hur, 4 Shel'field road
Ennis William J. B. 34 High street Meeser Rev.James(curate), 68 New I'd 'l'hurgood James, 91 New road
French John Allatt, 7 Shal.espeare Merchant Mrs. Ferndale. viI. New I'd Tomkins Frands Noel, Bank honse,
villas, High stree,t Merchant Mrs. Ivydene, New road Hight street
French '''-iLiam Hy. 101 Orsett road MOl'eland William, 43 Or8ett road Tricker John, 109 OTsett road
Fry Ernest Oharles, Grove lodge, OliveI' Edward Joseph, Car:ton house, Vincent Philip, Frating ho. Orsett I'd
London road New road Wall Ohar:e8, Farley
Gilbert Charles William, Lister house, Outred Oharles Deane, Lister house, 'Wall Frank, 'Qhetwynd, Palmer's av
O'rsett ,roaru Orsett. road Ward John Alfred, 24 Bridge road
Gilbert George E. Stanfield, New road Partridge .Arthur John M.B., Ch.B. '\Vatscn Thomas, 103 Or:sett road
Goldsmith Edward Jo,hn J.P. Hill Hilldrop house, London road Watts Henry Hamilton, E:m cottage,
Cl'est, Palmer's avenue Pelling Frederick 1Villiam, Carlton, Bridge road
Green Frederick Ernest, Lawson ho. Palmer's avenue White, Archibald, 49 New I'oad
Bridg-e road Penberthy Rev. William John (Meth.), WilIiams !Wbert Lloyd, 51 New road
Hall 'I'homas, Z2 Sherfield' road 37 Hampden road Winter .Alfred, Enge.lberg, Bridge road
COMMERCIAL. Biddell Edward, registrar of marl'illges for Gmys suh-dis·
Early closing da)', \Vednesday, 2 p.m. trict, Orsett union, Inglenook, New road
.Amos WiIIiaJ:!l, hoot repairer, 2 Gipsy lane B!ake Anthony Fewster M.U.C,S.Eng., Slll'-
Asplin Oh"ar-les (firm, Hatten -& A.splin), solicitor, county geon, & medical officer Gmys (West) district, Ol'~el t
coui·t registrar, supt. registrar of hirths &c. fOI' Ol'~el'. union, 43 High street
district, der1;: to the guardians & school alten,lance cum- Boatman Arthur Wilson, watch &; clock ma. 72 High st
mittee, Orsett union, Bank buildingS', High street Boston Edward, hoot mal>el', 137 High street
Associated Portland Cement .Mnfrs. (1900) Limitell (Thll), Bradd & Son, greengrocers, 44 High street
(Hilt on, Anderson, Brooks .& Co.'s works) Bradd Arthur James, carman, Bank lod,ge', George street
Atkins J.abez, shopkeeper, 79 Argent street Bradish .Alfred .Arthur, music seller, 21 New road
.Atldns James 'VillialU, shopkeepel', 8 WhiteIwll faull BridgeI' & Son, carmen, 27 Sherfield road
Baker James, china dcalel', 77 ChJrence roa,l Broad Frederick John, baker, 24 High st. &; ISO London rei
Baraham WiIliam, apartments, 36 Londou 1'0:1(1 Broad Thomas, hutcher, 10 Clal'ence road
Bassett .Alfred C. schoolmastcl', National SChOIlI!l, N,~,,' .. ,I
Brown George, builder, Stanley road
Bastiani Bf!rtolomeo, refreshment rooms, 73 IIigh ~tllleL Brown John, builder, 74 Bridge road •
Bates' Mineral Water Works (Edward 1'. Cas\\'el!, Broyd James, beer retailer, 125 High street
proprietor), Geol'ge street Bruce Alexander & Co. railway sleeper cont.l'llelol's
Bate Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 40 Broadway Bullock William, schoolmaster, Quarry hill
Baxter Charles, shopkeeper, 18 St. Thomas's place Burford John, shopkeeper, 84 Argent street
Beard Frederick, shopl.eeper, 4 Olarenco roa(l Burke .John, furniture dealer, 14 Orsett, rand
Belcham William Isaac, deputy registrar of marriages & Butler E. A. coal mel'chant, 62 Derhy road
attendance officer to the Orsett Rural School Attendance Byford C. C~1rs.), shopkeeppr, 32 Bridg-e road
Committee, 9 Sherfield road Capital & Counties Bank Limited (The) (111'1111<:1.)
Benson Danie;. shopkeeper. 185 London road I (William J. n. Ennis, manager), 34- High st.; dm\\' 011
Blake &; Stu~rt,physcns. &; surgns,43 High st. &; 58 New I'd head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London EO
CapTOO ThoIDasAlfr~ (firm, Hunt A. H. & Co.), solici-\ Fobbing Commissioners of Sewers (C. B. O. Gepp; clerk),
tor, clerk to the magistrates for the Orsett divisi<m, held at Queen's hotel
clerk to the governors of Palmer's endowed school, Francis William, insurance agent, 12 StifIord road
clerk to the Stifford & West Thurrock school boards, Fruser W. H. teacher of music, Orsett road
&; vestry clerk, 2 Orsett road Free Libt'ary &; Headin.g Room (F. Saxton, libmrian), Dank
Carter George Ernest, cycle maker, 44 Bridge road buildings, High street
Carter Henry James, builder, Arg-ent street Freeman, Hardy &; Willis Ltd. boot dealers, 16 New road
Carter Het'hert Henry, builder, I Darnley road Frber Alfred Henry, rent collector, III Orsett road
Carter James, greengrocer, 94 Arg-ent street French Herbert Richard, grocer, 3 Broadway
Carter Edward, shopkeeper, 4 \Villiam street Frost William Isaac, WhitH lIarl inn, High street
Carter Samuel James, baker, 148 High street Gardn€!1' Fredel'ick D. greengrocer, III New roall
Cemetery(Hatten & Asplin,joint clerks to the hul'ial l"Jl\rd) GaJleI' David, shopkeeper, 23 Broadway
Dhapman George A. boot repairer, 19 Clarenee m,lll Gentry Mer-ey (Mrs.), 'Outfitter, 135 High street
Chapman John, jun. boot maker, 112 High street George Harry, fishmonger, 133 High street
Chapman John, sen. boot maker, 28 Broadway George John, fishmonger, 113 High street
Chattey Ellen Mary (Mrs.), sub-postmistress & stationer, Gibbs Charles, hairdresser, 9 William street
Orsett road Gilbert & Olltred, physicians &; surgns. Lister ho.OI'seLt I'd
Cheek Thomas, taxidermist, 7 William stl'eet Gilbert Art-hur J. insurance agent, 20 Clarence road
Chipperfield Esther Eo (Mrs.), confectioner, 9911igh street Gilbert Charles William M.ILC.S.Eng., L.ll.C.P.Lond.
tChoWJI &; Morgan, tailors, 14 New road physician &; surgeon &; medical officer, Grays (East) dis-
.Qhubb George, 8ewing machille dealer, 7 New road trict, Orsett union, Lister house, Orsett road
Clarke John, tailor, 28 Bridge road Gi:bert George Edward, harness maker & agricultnral
Clayden Charles William, fishmonger, I I New road implement agent .&; agent to Sun li'ire Office, 65 High st.
Claydon Daniel Israel, shopkeeper, 29 George street &; 8 Orsett mall
Coats Susan (Miss), private school, I I Orsett road Gleghorn Lillian (Miss), shopkeeper, I5,a, High street
Cobham Charles Assoc. San. Inst,., F.S.I. architect, Goldacre Joseph, greengrocel'~ 18 Broadway
land &; estate agent,&; surveyor, 3 Shakespearo villas, Golden John, beer retailer, 48 Bridge 1'oad
High street; &; at Gravesend Goldmlith E. J. &; W. Ltd. lightermen .&; barge repairers
CockIer George W. confectioner, 10 Ol'sett road &; owners, 'fown wharf
Coe J ames, boot repairer, 2'8 Maidstone road Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Lim. lime, whiting & brick
CokeI' .Alfred,&; Son, basket makers, 55 New rO<lll manufacturers
'Cole & Lecquire, corn mers. & barge owners, Pier wharf Grays (The) Co-operative Industrial &; Provident Soc.
Collier James, 'l'heobald Arms P.H. HiO'h street Lim. (Thomas Watson, manager), 68 & 82 High street
Collins Thomas, shopkeeper, Maple r~ad Orays & DIstrict People's Cafe Co. Llrn. (The)
oConnor Edward, builder, 66 St,anley road (Charles l?orster, manager), High street
Coppen William Alfred, hair dresser, 37 Bridge road Grays & District Recreation Ground Co. Ltd. (WiJliam I.
Corke William Henry, confectioner, 19 High street Belcham, sec.), Goldsmith's wharf
Cottis Joseph, house agent, water rate collector & Grays Fire Brigade (Sidney King, capt.), Orsett road
assessor & collector of taxe.s. 30 Orsett road Grays Gas Co. Lim. (Herbert C. Borradaile, sec. offices,
County Court (Chas.Asplin, registrar), Bank !Jldgs,High lit 65 High street; Thomas Edward Shadbo~, works man·
Cowell Josiah George, district superintendent, Prudential ager). London road
Assurance Co. Birdhurst, New road Grays & 'l'ilbury Gazette (published sat.); branch office,
Cracknell William Thomas, china dealer, 9 Ilroadway New l'oad
Crawford J. shopkeeper, 26 Broadway Grays United Football Club (R.H.Clarke, sec.), Queen'. hU
Crawshaw Henry, baker &; earn dealer, 143 Wil1iam IIlrcet Grays Urban District Council Electricity Works (Ernest
Cross Robert, station master, Railway station D. Long, resident engineer), Maidstone road
Crouch Mary Ann (Mrs.), wheelwright, 12 Maidstone I'd Green Amos, wardrobe dealer, SI & 53 Willia.m street
.cro:dord James, fruiterer, 110 High street . GI'een .Arthur, sewing machine agent, 126 Clarence roat!
-CrusseU John George, butcher, 22 High street Green Fl'edk. Ernest, solicitor (see "Vi1liams &; GI'cen)
Cuthbert Robert Charles, watch maker, 21 Clarence road Green \Valter, insurance agent, 24 Stifford road
Cuthbert William, dealer in antiquities, 57 New road Green WaIter Henry, insurance agent, 49 Brooke road
Dandy William, fried fish dealer, 2a, Clarence roall Green Wi:liam, grocer, 116 London road
Davey Thomas, ironmonger, 38 High street Greening Fraucis E. watch &; clock maker, 17 New I'd
lDavies Alfred J. tailor, 19 New road Gregory &; Go. tobacconists, 77 High street
Davies George, fancy repository, 60 High street Grimes Robert, hair dresser &; newsagt. 7 Broadway
Davis Charles, baker, 38 Broadway Grout Geo. greengro. 88 High street & III New road
Davis Henry M.I>.S. chemist, 2 New ruad Gurnett James, watch maker, 46 High street
Davis John Edward, beer retailer, 229 London road Hall Rachel (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 134 High street
Davis William H. beer retailer, 4 Gipsy lan8 Hall 'l'homas Hy.1inen draper,I Broadway i& 144 London I'd
Dawes Edward John, upholsterer, 36 Bridge road Hall William, shopkeeper, 63 Clarence road
De1lkin Kate E. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 102 BriLlge rond Haullnond Elizabeth (Mrs.), dining rooms, 2 Clarence I'd
"Denham Arthur Robert, shoEkeeper, 46 Exmouth road Hare William John, Bull inn, High street
Dines Ellen M. (Mrs,), tobacconist, 104 High street Harley Nellie (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Sherfield road
Dines John Robert, oonfectioner, 139 High street Harper Ueginald, grocer, I Southend road
Dorman Frederick, Half Moon inn, Broadway Hards George, insurance agent, 26· Brooke road
Drew & Palmer, clothiers, 29 Hi~h street Harris William, carman, 181 London road
Dyson Alfred, chemist, 96 High street Hart John Wm. butcher & pork butcher, 8 <& IQ New I'd
Edmead James E. shipwright, 75 Argent street Harvey Caroline (Mrs.), laundress, 13 Broadway
'Elvey William, shopkeeper, 5 Argyll road Harvey Ebenezer Jonathan, confectioner, 62 High street
:Elvin Edward, coffee tavern, l¥l London road Harvey Robert, commission agent, 17 Grove road .
Ennis William J. B. manager of the Capital & COIJIILies Harvey William Henry, pianoforte warehouse, lIO New I'd
Banl{, 34 High street flatten & Asplin, solicitors &; joint clerks to the Urban
Essex & Kent Mutual Buildin.g Society (Edwd. U. Porter, District Council, Bank buildings, Hij!h street
soo.); registered offices, 31 New l'oad Hatten Charles Edward (firm, Hatren &; Asplin), solieitor,
""Essex (1st) Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) (No. 3 Bank buildings, High street
Company) (Capt. H. E. Ingle; Hev. Richard T. Whit- Hayward Alfred. bricklayer, Elm road
tington, acting chaplain; Sergt.-:Maj. Fredk. George Hayward Ernest, butcher, 5 Broadway
Li8ney, drill in!ltructor); Orderly room, 7 Quarry hill Heigho Daniel, ,gardener to Mrs. Russell, 1"2 Milton road
Ji:veritt Artbur Wil1iam, boot repairer, A4 Dedford road Hempstead &; Co. coal merchants, Railway station
.., Exmouth" Training Ship (Capt. Arthm' J. Loane R.N. Hig-gins John, printer & stationer, 13 New road
capt. supt.; Walter 1Vellman, chief officer; Alfred Hills Artlllll' 'l'bomas, plumber, 67 New road
'fhompson, paymaster & storekeeper; Rev. l"l'ederick Hills Nehemiah, shopkeeper, 16 Orsett road
Haslock, chaplain; Artbur John Partridge M.n., Ch.B. Hollamby William, schoolmaster t'O training ship U Ex-
surgeon; Mrs. F. M. Catton, matron; Wm. Hollamby, I mouth," Il6 New road
schoolmaster) Home &; Colonial Tea Stores Lim. (The), groors.27 High st
"Felix Henry B. shopkeeper, 86 Bridge rOI\ll Homet'sham Charles, insurance agent, 112 New road
"Yenwick Thomas ;R,ichard, watchmaker, 34 Bridge road Honeybell Benjamin, shopkeeper, 60 William street
Fergusson Albert, boot maker, 16 High street Hop-eraft Jas. Baker, watch &; clock maker, 146 Hig-h st
Flinn FredeI'ick Harper, assistant overseer <& poor rate Horncastle Arthur, clothier &; furniture dealer, 76 &; 83
.collector. Grays sub-district, Onett union, 105 Orsett I'd High street &; I&;3 New road
.ll'or(}bin j.•hthur k Jumes, hair." dressers; 37 New, road: Nelson Jas . .& Sons Ltd. butchers, 6 High Ill.. &; Z3 New. 1"()
Howard John, hair dres<ser, 24 Broadway •. '
HoweIl Jane (Mrs.), Railway hotel, High street'
. .
J New Century Cycle 00. cycle mal,ers (Mrs. Emily A.
Carter, manageress), 56 High street
Hugill James George, paymaster Industrial Training Shi New Northlleet RreweryCo. (branch) (W. Arthnr 1\\ iall.
"Shaftesbury," 59 Argent street . > I manager), 54 High street
Hunt .A. H. & Co. solicitors, commissioners for oaths in Noad Charles Edwin, pro£. of mus~c, 29 Lond'on roar!
Supreme. Court, 2 Orsett road " Norman Florence (Miss), dress maker, 66 Del'by rond
HurreIl George, bill poster, 42 Bedford road' Norman William, dining I'ooms, 107 High st.reet
HUl'st J aIm, sanitary inspector for Orsett Rural District Oakley George, boot maker, 9 New road
Council, 24 Richmond I'oad : ' Oakley James B. secondhand bookseller &c. Mllple [·oil.r
International 'l'ea Co.'s Stores Ltd. B & 105 High street OliveI' Thomas, shoplreeper, 154 & 156 High street
James Arthur Chalies A.M.LC.E. surveyor to the Urban Osborn Charles, butcher, 142 High street
District Council, Bank buildings, High street Outred Charles Deane M.R.C.oS.Eng.• L.R.C.P.Lond.•
Jennings Arthur Frederick, coal dealer &; confectioner~ L.D.S.Eng. physician & surgeon, see Gilbert &; Outred
59 New road Oxley Conealis, marine store dealer, II4 High street
Jennings Charles H. furniture dealer, 21 High street & Oxley OliveI'. marine store dealer, 140 William street
oilman, J2 Clarence road , Page John, shopkeeper, 11 Broadway
Jessop & Co. photographers, 3SNew road Paine & Co. clothiers & pawnbrokers, 9 High streel!
'Jessop Turne'r, clerk ro Grays Thurrock schO'ol board, .Palmer James, clothier, see Drew & Palmer
Quarry hill Partridge Arthur John M.B. & Ch.B.Vict. physiciall &.
Johnson Abraham, butcher, 17 Broadway surgeon,'& medical officer to the training ship "]~x­
Johnson Henry, IJaker, 44 Clarence road mouth," Hilldrop house, London road
Jones John, insurance agent, 38 Exmouth road Paulin Alfred W. jun. collector to the Urban Dish'iet Couo-
Jordan George, superintendent of police, police station cil, 31 Stifford road
Jordan John, butcher, 47 Bridge road Pearson Bllxton W. surveyor, 52 Clal'ence road
Joyes Arthur Edgar, draper, 4 & 6 New road Peaston Henry WiIliam, insurance agent, 48 Derhy road
Keveren Maurice Wm. insurance agent, 64 Bedford road PeIling Frederick WiIlilUll, provision merchan t, & agell t
Kimmiilgs William Charles, shopkeeper, 6 Gipsy lane for W. -& A. Gilbey Limited, wine & 8pirit merchants,.
King Edward Arthur, butcher, 106 .& 108 High street 28, 30 -& 32 High street & II6 WilIiam street
·King WiIIiam, shopkeeper, 59 Willium street llenny John, inspector G.N.R. 24 George street
King William & Bidney, bakers & corn dealers, 102 Pepper George Alfred, schoolmaster, 2 Sheffield road
. Ihg h street Perry Wm, Westgate, news agt. & tobaccnst. 97 High ~~
King ,Toseph, tailor, 144 High street Pettitt Arthur John, insurance agent, 4 Londull rOlld
Knott WilIiam George, assistant snpt. Prudential As- Philbey WaIter Abel, carpenter, 94 High street
SUl'ance Co. Limited, New Toad Phillips John, registrar of births & deaths for Grays SI1 h·
. Knorwles & 'Tampkins, mineral· wat~r -manufrs. Crown I'd district of Orsett union, 45 High street
L1\ Ste. Union des &acres .Creurs, private school (Rev. Pipe Benj. -Norton, painter & sign writer, 51 Bridge road
Planner Henry, provision dealer, 12 New ro:1l1 .
Mother, 'superioress), 44 Orsett road
'La~k Thomas, fancy draper, 75 High street
Ponder Robert, shopkeeper & carman, go Broadway
Laundy Charles; fruiterer 20, & fishmonger 22, Broadway Porter Henry Edward, accountant, 11llctiOlJecr, valuer,
LawPhiIip WaIter & Sons, 'bakers, IIB William street . land .& estate agent, rent & debt collector <& certified
'Lawrence 'JessB, stone & monumental mason, 72 Orsett I'd bailiff under the "Law of Distress Amendment Act;"
t Lawrence John JaIJles, builder, Staindrop, New road
3 I New road. T. A. "Porter. Grays"; & at Sou then cl-
· Laytell Eliza (Mrs.), painter, 39 New road on:Sea; Parrock street, Gravesend >& Dartford
Lecquire' Samuel, corn mer. &c. (Oole & Lecquire) PouIter Alfred Edward, china dealer, q. High slreet,
Legerton John, dairyman, 29 Hampden road Prentis & 00. confectioners & fruiterers, 81 High street
Legg James, butcher, 15 New road . Public Hall, High street
Liptuns Limited (branch) (F. Woods, mannger), provision Queen's Hotel (Alfred James Baldocl" mgl'.), High 51.
dealers, High street Rainham Commissioners of Sewers (W, Clifton, clerll).
Lisney Sorgt.-Maj. Frederick George, drill instructor No, held at Queen's hotel, High street
3Co. 1St Essex Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers), 7 Randells & Co., maltsters, West wharf
Ravine Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 83 CIlll'ence roaJ
Quarrv •
hill Redington Alfred, fruiterer, 12 High st. & 44 Clarence reI
· London (The) & Provincial Bank Limited
Redington James, coal merchant, Fairview, Crown 1'0[\(1
(branch) (Francis Noel Tomldns, manager); draw on & Railway station
GIyn Mills,Currie &i Co. 67 Lombard st. London E 0 Uees John Melbourne, chemist & druggist, 50 High street.
Long Ernest nenn, resident engineer, Grays Urban Dis- Reid John, grocer, 15 Broadway
trict COllnc·il Electricity works" Maidstone road Reynolds NelIy Jane (Mrs.), Castle inn, Argent street.
McOrorie John, dairyman, 6 Clarence road Rhodes G. Lyndon, tailor & outfitter, 2 High street
'McNeiI H!innah (Mrs.), Wliarf hotel, West wharf Richards Thos. Hy. tinplate worker. 117 & II9 High st
· Marchant Ernest Oharles, clothier, 74 High street Roach Richard B. shop blind maker, 32 Exmouth road
· Margeruni George William, shopkeeper, 206 London l'oud RQberts William, carman & greengrocer, 126 High st
Martin WiUiam, shop1reeper, 25 Broadway . Rock Manufacturing 00. (The), makers of Keen's, Parian
Mason Henry Wi1liam, fishmonger .&c. 38 Bridge l'(lad . , & Adamant cements; also sole makers & proprietors of
Marshall WiIliam Gray, sanitary inspector' for Urban Dis- Rock plastering, The Wharf
trict Council, Bank buildings, High street Holph Thomas, painter, 50 Stanley road
, Masemic LGdge. (1,343 St. John) (Herbert C. Borradaile, ROllS George Benjamin, builder, 94 Bridge road
" sec.), Queen's r?ad . ROllS Henry Herbert, builder, 37 & 39 London Toad
Matth,ews Robert, auctioneer, 77 New road . Rouse Keturah (~Irs.), wardrobe dealer, 98 High street
Mays' William Frederick,fisnmonger, 165 London l'oad Roworth Alfred Thomas, surgeon; & certifying factory 8U1'-
: Mead Annie,(:Ylrs. ),earthenware & gl'indery dlr.:.!1 Broad way , geon, Avenue lodge, Palmer's .avenue
: Meagar George, shopl,eeper, 87 Argent street . Rnssell Alfred, photographe'r, Orsett road
Mensing Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 123 Grove road ·Russ~ll·Arthur, inland revenue officer, Bridge road
·MinH lV.Al'thul', manager New NorthIleet Brewery Co.'!! RusselI Frederick, shoplreeper, 114 High street
branch, 54 High street· ' ,.
Sage Frederick, cycle agent, 6 Sheriield road
Michell Gilbert Luke, draper, 4°,42, 84 1& '86 High street Sains John, dairyman, 24 Globe terrace
Mitcham Charles, draper, 18 -& 20 High street! . , Salmon Harry, painter, 108 Clarence road
. Mitchell JoeCharles, pharmaceutical chemist, 58 High st Salmon Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 108 Clarence road
MooreHeijry, .tobacconist .& news agent, [3 & 63 ;High Mt Snunders Alfred, ,shopkeeper, 56 Argent street .,

Moore .Thomas" butcher, Church. street , . "Saxtop. Edward Victor, news agent, 12 Orsett ro:ad .'.
Morgan Alfred Herbert, l'ejje~ing & vacciilatioI,l officer. Ko. Scaife William, engineer, II2. Orsett road
t district,:& depnty registra.r of births & denf,hs, Cl ,'nys Scroggins Lewis, laundry, 4 Manor road· . .
.;:".snb-district, ·Or~ett'ul1ion,.35 She'r~eld'road . ',' Seabrooke & Sons Limited,- ·brewer~ & wine & spirit im-
Morgan John Henry, tailor, see Chown -& :M:olgan :. . . porters & coal merchants, Bridge road
. Moss Benjamin, .insumnce, 35. Elm. road . . Shadbolt Thomas Edward, manager of gas· 'Works·, 101
Mumford·,Jo~epb, baker. & cor~ .dealex:, 19 BZ:-l'udw3:Y.:· London road , _. .. .
Mundy Mal'ill (Mrs.), baker, 23 High street '. .,,; , Shf1ftesbury" IndnstrialTrainingo Ship (WPJ.. Scriven
Nash.Alfred, PQot& 8'ho& 'mali-er, 48 High ~treet, '.. ,. n.N, capt.; Daniel Murphy, chief officer; J-ohn Alfred
:Nash Robert, <shopkeeper, ,lIe .High 8t1'ee1,· . ,. " :', ., 'Ward: M.R. C. S.l':ng. surgeon; .TaIIles George. HagiII.
Kational Furnishing Co.. (E.-.V. Ktlmpen" p:1gr.),10~~jgh &t . payplaster; William ';['. Litton, schoolmaster), . '.>
NrltionaI Telephone Cg..).;im. Exchange & Call omcn (Chas. Shiner Christopher MitcheIl A.R.I,D.A. architect & Sllr·
HomersM'm, ih"'cha'i'ge), II2 New road veyar, 6 Orsett road
Shipman Clarissa Jane (Mrs.), fancy repository, 53 Walker Robe-rli .& Co. plillstone makers, The Wharf
! New road.'" I f . " r·· H ' WalkeT &i'Son Ltd. brewers' (Alfred Clnydon, agent), 110
Shipman Roger Edward, carpenter, 53 New road Maidstone road' .
Sibbald lan Graham 'M.B. .& O.M.Edin. physician .&; sllr- Walker W. P. &; Co. ironmongers, 64 High street
goon, see Ward,&; Sib-bald Wall Charles, contractor, builder .& brick maker, Globe
Silvey William R. deputy supt. registrar of births &c. works. 'r.A." Wall, Grays"; T.N. 19 Tilbury; .& at
Orsett union, Bank buildings t High street 5 I UpcerIlc road, Chelsea, London S W .
Simmons George, cycle manufucturer, 103 High street Wurd & Sibbald, physicians & surgeons, 24 Bridge road
Simmons John, machinist, 120 New road Ward John Alfred (firm, Ward .& Sibbald) M.R.C.S.Eng.•
Sims William John. Rising Sun P.H. High street L.R.C.P.Lond. physician .& S'Ul'geon.& medical oflicer
Slark Frederick John, tailor, 52 High street of health to the Grays Utban District Council &; medicol
Slater Henry Mutlow. pianoforte tuner, 97 New road officer to the Industrial Training Ship" Shaftesbury."
Smith Albert, baker &; grocer, Maple road 24 Bridge road
Smith Oh,arIes W. resident engineer, South Essex Water Warren Henry Thomas, boot maker, 40 Bridge road
Works Co. Meeson's lane 'Waters John William, shopkeeper, 42 Bridge road
Smith 'Yilliam C. chimnev sweeper, II Quarry hill Waverley Coffee 'l'ave.rn (Edward Elvin, proprietor), 146
Smithson Joseph, tobacconist. 124 High street London road; good accommodation for cyclists; open
South Essex Water Works Co. (pumping station) (Cllas. from 5.30 a.m. till 10 p.m
W. Smith, resident engineer), Meeson's lane Webb Edward Thomas, insurance agent, I I Grove road
Spade Richard, bail' dresser, 101 High street Wellard James, lighterman, Lyncroft, New road
Sparkes Jno. William, greengrocer, II5 High street 'Yellman 'Valter, chief 'Officer of "Exmouth" Training
Spence Sawyer, King'S Arms hotel,' High street Ship, I r6 Clarence road
Spooner James T. builder, roo Clarence road 'West Henry Jesse, grocer, 100 High street
Spooner Samuel, dairyman, Gravel pit place, Bridge I'd Westwood Charles', hosier &; hatter, 26 High street
Spreadborough attendance officer,SI Stonley I'd Westwood Philip Charles, insurance agent, 26 High street
SpurT Frank, linen draper, 69 &; 7r High street Weymouth Joseph, auctioneer, valuer ,& estate.&; land
Staines William, carman, 79 High street agent, licensed appraiser, tithe & rent collector. &; certi-
Ste·pI John Thomas, master ma.riner, roo New road fied bailiff under the" Law of Distress Amendment
Streeter Archibald,floristJ& seedsmn.Bridge I'd.&; 52High st Act," 17 High street ,
Stuart WaIter Lea M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician Whalley Charles Henry, insurance agent, 32 Charles st
&; surgeon, see Blake &; Stuart "'hite ,"Villiam, insurance agent, 43 Argent street
Suny Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 65 Orsett road 'ViIliams &; Green, solicitors, lI8 New road
Thomas Edward, postmaster, New I'O'ad WiIliams Robert Lloyd (firm, Williams '& Green), solicitor,
Thomas Mary Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, 19 Cromwell I'd I commissioner for oaths in supreme court &; clerk to the
Thompson & Son, carpenters, 61 Argent street Chadwell St. Mary school board, lI8 New road
Thorley Frederick, confectioner, 121 High street Willett Charles P. insurance agent, 16 Richmond road
Thorne & Son, auctioneers, valuers, land, house &; estate 'Vilson &; Whitworth Limited, booksellers, stationers' &;
agents, 4 Orsett road; & at High street, Brentwood printers, High street; & Broadway, Stratford
Thurgood Lois (Mrs.), milliner, 95 ~ ew road Winn John, butcher, 122 Argent street
Thwaltes Charles, shipsmith, 143 High street Wisbey Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 114 William street
Tomkins Fruncis Noel, mallager of the London &. Provin- Wisbey Edwnrd, bricklayer, II4 William street
cia!. Bank Ltd. treasurer to the Grays Thurrock Urban "Tisby Thomas, shopkeeper, 34 Broadway
District Council, Orsett Rural District Council, Orsett ,"Vithel's Frank Stone, decorator, 81 Clarence road
Joint Hospital District Board &; Grays School Board, The Wood Benjrtmin WilIiam, fruiterer, 8 Clarence road
Bank, High street 'Voolgar William, confectioner & glass dealer. 4r New I'd.
Townsend Wilkinson, teacher of music, II4 New road 'Vorns George Henry, painter, 104 Clarence road
Umfreville Wm. Hy. dairyman & corn dealer, 43 New I'd W1'ight Chal'les, cycle dealer, 6 Whitehall lane
United Boot Co. (The) (John Mills, mgr.), 26 Orsett I'd W1'ight I~rederick, undertaker, 23 Orsett 1'oad
Unwin Peter, shopkeeper, 43 Bedford road "'1'ight Henry Edward, plumber, 29 Clarence 1'oad
Upson &; Co. boot dealers, 31 & 33 High street Wright John, shopkeeper, 56 Benson road
Veats Henry, wheelwright, 28 London road W1'ight nose L. (Miss), confectioner, 15 High street·
Vialou William, painter & plumber, 41 Argent street Wright William, baker & grocer, 46 Bridge road
Vincent Philip M.R.C.V.S.L. veterinary surgeon, Frating I Young Men's Christian Association (WaIter A. Philbey._
house, Orsett road sec.), Orsett Toad
vVaghorn WiUiam Henry, oilman, 152 London road
GREENSTED-juxta-ONGAR is an ancient parish, Edmund's oak, was 20 feet in circumference, with,
l: mile west from Ongar terminal station on a branch of branches extending over a radius of 84 feet; it fell Sept.
the Great Eastern railway, 8 north-west from Brent- II, 1848 (at which time, by a singular coincidence, the
wood and 21 from London, in the 'Vest&n timber walls of Greensted church were und~rgoing'
division of the county, Ongar hundred, union and repair), and on examination an old arrow head was found'
petty sessional division, Brentwood county court dis- deeply imbedded in the trunk: there are monuments to
trict, rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and the Smyth, Cleeve and Ord families: the church has 100
diocese of St. Albans. The small church of St. Andrew sitting-so The register of baptisms dates from 1562;
is one of the most singular and ancient in the kin~dom, burials, 156r; marriages, 1576. The living is a rectory,.
and consists of chancel, nave and a western tower of wood net yearly value £r60, with 2g acres of glebe and l'csi-
with shingled spire, containing 2 bells, one of which is dencE', in the gift of the Bishop of London, and held since
dated 1618: the nave is composed of the trunks of large r898 by the Rev. Arthur George Breeks Atkinson M.A. of
oak trees, split or sawn asunder, rou.ghly hewn on both Oriel College, Oxford, who resides at High Ougar. There
sides and set upright close to eat!h other, being let into a are three yearly charities, viz. Rayner's, of £5 17S. 4d.
sill at the bottom and fastened with wooden pins to a which is given in coal and clothing, Bowner's, of £2 in
plate at the top: the church is 29ft. gin. long, 14ft. wide coal, and Samme's, of £2 14S. 4d. in tea and sugar. The
and sft. 6in. high on the sides which support the roof, land in the parish, with the exception of 40 acres, the
and is believed to be the original structure erected as a property of :Mrs. William Smith, belongs to the trustees
temporary shrine in which the body of St. Edmund, of the late Capt. Philip John Budworth. Greensted Hall
king of the East Angles. murdered by the Danes, Nov. is the residence of Howel John James Price esq. B.A.~
20 A.D. 870. was deposited for the night on its transla- J .P. The soil is various; subsoil, gravel. The chief
tion from London to Bury St. Edmunds in A.D. 101 3: crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 68! acres;
there are some modern carvings of St. Edmund's head rateable value, £86g; the population in 1891 was 98.
and various relics, including a fragment of stained glass Parish Clerk, Edward Thur.good.
about six inches in diameter, having on it a crowned
head, supposed to represent St. Edmund and now fixed Wall Letter Box, Greensted Green, cleared at 7 a.m. &
in the centre of a modern stained window at the end of 5.45 p.m.; sundays, 9.50 a.m. Letters arrive from
the nave; a portion of the venerable oak tree at Hoxne, Brentwood via Ongar S.O. I mile distant, which is the
against which the king was supposed to have been tied at nearest money order &; telegraph office, at 7.30' a.m
his martyrdom, is preserved in the rectory, where also The School here has been discontinued; the children now

is an oil painting of him: the tree itself, known as St. attend that at Ongar
Etherton George, Silver Birch cottage Pennington Bennett, New house Whit.e lsabel1a (Mrs.), farmer
Hoare Noel, Rectory Vandel' Gucht .Michael, Greensbed ho Wright Ernest, hood gardener to
Price Howel! John James RA., D.L., Harvey Abraham, farmer, Lodge farm H. J. J. Price esq
J.P. Greenst~d /hall Symes WaIter farmer, Hall farm
HADLEIGH, described in, early records as "Hadley Burgh, Earl of Kent, in the reign (If Henry Ill. but ex-
ad Castrum," is an ancient place, giving its name to tensively altered and repaired by Edward Ill. are situated
Hadleigh Ray, the strait which separates Canvey Island on the brow of a steep hill, commanding a fine view over
from the Essex coast: it is situated on the roads from the estuary of the 'l'hames int<> Kent: the castle was
Southend to Tilbury and Rochford, 2! miles north-east probably reduced to a ruin by Richard, 1st Baron Rich
from South Benfleet station on the London, Tilbury and of Leeze, to whom it was granted by the Crown in 1551:
Southend railway, 6 south-west from Rochford, 5 west- these ruins, overrun by shrubs and brushwood, are pic-
by-north from Southend and 36 from London, in the Soutb turesque and still exhibit traces of their ancient grandeur;
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty the most prominent portions now left are two circular
sessional division and union, Southend county court dis- towers on the east and portion of tlte gateway tower at
trict, and in the ruml deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry the north-west angle; this is now the pro,party of the
of Essex and diocese of St, Albans, The village is sup- Salvation Armv. Mr. Booth, "General" of the Salvation
plied with water from springs and wells. The church of Army, is the principal landowner. The Salvation Army
St. James .the Less is a building of stone, dating from Farm Colony situated here was founded by "General"
the time of Stephen, and consisting of Norman apsidal Booth, both ·as a philanthropic and commercial
chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden turret at the enterprise, and since its commencement some six
west end with short spire and containing I ben: in the thousand men have been benefited by a residence
porch is an ancient stoup: the style is generally Norman, here. The Colony now comprises about 3,000 acres
but windows of the Lancet, Decorated and Perpendicular of arable and pasture land and foreshore: it also
periods, and a south doorway of the time of Edward I, owns the fishing rights of Hadleigh Ray. Three large
have been inserted: the chancel arch, a fine specimen of brickfields, capable 'i)f turning out 300,000 bricks, both
Norman design, furnishes an example of the screen-wall machine made and hand moulded, per week, exist on
used at that early period to divide the chancel from the the estate, and there are over 100 acres of orchard
nave: the central arch has 6 height of 18 feet, its width ground, with l.\ market at Southend, and '3 poultry farm.
being ID feet 9 inches, or not half the width of the nave, At present the Colony numbers some 550 persons: D. C.
and the side openings are only 8 feet 6 inches hIgh and 4 Lamb is the govel'Jlor; G. H. Holmes, secretary. At
feet 4 inches wide; these were closed up early in the Thundersley is a Voluntary Retreat for Male Inebriates,
15 t h century with masonry, in which are well-det-ailed opened in Oct. J901. The soil is mixed; subsoil, mostly
cinque-foiled hagioscopes, not only pierced, in a slanting gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, peas,
direction, but placed on one side of the recess: on the potatoes and mangolds. The area is 1,80<) acres of land,
'Western face of the slender piers is a minute nicne, with 7 of water, JI of tidal water and 193~ of foreshore; rate-
cusped ogee arches and delicate tracing: on the side of able value, £5,776; the population in 1901 was I,34 0 •
an Early English window and in the nave are traces of S t Alfred R'd ell
mural paintings: there are two aumbries and twelve I ex on, 1 gw .
stained windows, three of which are memorials to Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, In-
Jonathan and Ann Wood, Mrs. H. W. King and Mrs. surance & Express Delivery & Parcel Office.-Miss
Montagu King: Mr. A. lV. King, an Essex antiquary, is Emma Potter, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from
buried in the churchyard: the church was thoroughly Rayleigh S.O. at 7 & 10.45 a.m. &; dispatched at 12
restored in 1856, and has 200 sittings. The register noon & 5 p.m.; open on sunday 8 to 9 a.m. for sale of
commences in 1568. The living is ·a rectory, net yearly stamps & 8 to J(}' for telegrams
value £205, with 34 acres of glebe and re.sidence, in the Wall I,etter Box at Hadleigh Cross road, cleared at 10,25
gift of the trustees of the late Fl'edenck Morehouse a.m. &; 5.3 0 p.m.; sunday, 8.$0 a.m
Metcalfe, and held since 18 94 by the Rev. Armine George r I' St t' H' g I t t WaIt A RoUe &; Edward
Metealfe RA. of Selwyn College, Cambridge. There is 0'l~cel a IOII't bt 1 s ree , er.
a Wesleyan chapel here. A market, granted in J45 2, was ~'Y 01', cons a es. .. .
f.ormerly held on Wednesday, but has now fallen into NatIOnal School ~mlXed), bUIlt III t86J, & enlarged In
dimse. Hadleigh Hou'ge which now beloJl.O's to the r895 for 155 chIldren; average attendance, 140; .Alfred
Salvation Army, is .pleasa~tly situated, comm:nding ex- H~wks, master; Miss Kate Beatl'ice Hawks, infants'
tensive views over the surrounding country, and is nearly mIstress
300 feet above the level of the mouth of the Thames. Sunday School charity about £21 per year; ArchdeacoIl
The remains of Hadleigh Castle, first built by Hubert de of Essex & Rector of Hadleigh, trustees
Chesham Samuel, carpenter & joiner Pctter Emma (Miss), post office
Choppen .Ada (Miss), tobacconist &; Ridgwell James, basket &; sieve ma
Ilrown Mrs. Holly bank confectioner Rogers William, shopkeeper
BrucG William Henry, Hazlewood villa Choppen Charles, wheelwright Salvation Army Colony (David C.
Bryant Mrs Cross Josephine M. ()oIl'S.), stationer &; I..amb, governor; G. H. Holmes,
Cox George bookseller sec.; W. H. Iliffe, industrial sec.;
Doggett George W()odbridge, Kent Ellison Cha;rles, beer retailer John Noble, financiaJ sec., Mount
View villa Faux Joihn, builder Zion; 'l'homas Em.son, Geo. S!baw
Ellis Mrs Flack Albert Edward, cycle, repairer & Ha.rry Barker, farmers, .Mount
"Hart Talbot, Hadleigh cottage Francis J ames, Crown inn Zion
Ha.wkins· Miss, Bmmble hall Gladwell J().hn Fredericlr, carpenter Sheavill John William, 'Castle Inn P.R
Howard John, The Laurels Gladwell John, piano. tuner Simmons John J. market gard,ener
Keenan Matthew, Verandah house Grimes George Henry, greengrocer Smith Edward, shoe maker
Mackay Mrs Harvey William, contractor Smith Alice S. (Miss), d'ress ma.&drpr
'Marks John Henry, Harold house Havis John, shopkeeper Smith Henry, greengrocer
MetcaJfeRev. .A.rmine 'Gearge B...!. Hawkim Mahel J. (Miss), home &; Smith Thomas, shoe maker
Rectory school for children whose parents South Henry, painter
·Rea.d Georrge, Holmleigh are abroad, Bramb!e hall Stannard Charles Richard, grocer
'Turnnidge John, Myrtle cottage Heathcote Lee, baker Stibbards John, carpenter
Upson George, Belma Jermy James, dra.per Stibba.rdSJ Samuel, blacksmith
Wilson C1aud Stanley, Laneside jordison Joseph Tracy, dairyman Stibbards William John, architect,
Wood Mrs. Solbys . Nunn Henry GeOl'ge, sand & gravel builder & contractor
merchant Upson Lewis S. builder
Pike Henry, boot maker Van Frederick William. Stephen,chmst
.AlIen James, bricklayer Pollev Charlee. baker, caterer & Wallis Stephen, tailor
.AttweU Theodo:re, butcher oonfootioner; cycTists & picnic Warden Sid!Iley James, rustic worker
Aylen WaIter, shopkeeper pa.rties catered for Wa.rren Frederick, butcher
Bainbridge Alfred, chimney sweeper Porter Charles Bird, ,grocer Webster Jonathan, butcher
BlaC'kshaw Isaac, hairdresser Potter George Wavland. grocer &; '\Vilson Elizabeth (:Mrs.), draper
Callow George Thoma.s, builder pork butcher Yeaxlee .Arthur Henry Wellesley, drpr
XADSTOCK is a village and parish, on the borders of church of St. Botolph is an ancient cruciform structure
Cambridgeshire, 8 mile and a half south from Linton of flint, chiefly of Norman date, and consisting of chance!,
.tation and a mile and a half west from Bartlow station nave, transepts, north porch, a vestry and organ chamber
on the Haverhill and Sudbury branch of the Great East- on the south side of the chancel and an embattled western
ern railway, and 5 miles north-east from Saffron Walden, tower containing 5 bells, three of which are dumb: the
in the Northern division of the county, Freshwell hun- north door was formerly covered with a 4uman skin, sup-
dred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division and county posed to be that of a Dane who had committed sacrilege,
court district, Linton union, and in the rural dea.nery of and a portion of which is now in Saffron Walden museum:
Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. the chancel was rebuilt in 1884 and the interior was re-
.Albans: in 153" it had the grant of 8 market. The seated and improved at a cost of £2,365, raised by sub-
scriptions: there are 210 sittings: in the churchyard is : Museum at Saffron Walden. Sidenham Malthus esq. was
a well, set round with stones, which supplies water to' the last lord of the manor, at whose decMse the manor
another well outside the churchyard and is' called St. I and estates were sold and all copyholds were enfranchised,
Botolph's well. The register dates from the year 1559· ' and the land is now owned by several persons. '1'he soil
The living is a rectory, net ;)"early value £155, includin.g is clayey; subsoil, chalk and clay. '1'he crops are princi-
303 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the pally wheat, barley and beans. The area is 1,729 acres;
Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1870 by the rateable value, £1,820; ·the population in 1891 was 429. '
Rev. Fraucis Edward Smith M.A. of Clare College, Cam- Sexton, Thomas Fordham. "
bridge. The rectory house was built in 1873, at a c o s t . .
of £2,000, and is surrounded by about 7 acres of glebe, Post Office.-Mlss 1\Iart~a Pearson, sub-post!Dlstress.
within which stand the church and schools: farm build- Letters through at 7·40 a.m.; dlsp~tched
ings, with two cottages, have been erected on the glebe at ,6. IS p.m. we~k day~ only. Postal ord.ers a~e lssue.d
between the village and Bartlow statioll, at a cost of hele, but not paId. Lmton, Cambs, 2 mdes dIstant, IS
£1,3 00 . Hel'e is a Congregational chapel, which is used the nearest money order & telegraph office
by the SalV'lltion Army and also let for public entertain- School (mixed), built in 1871, at a cost of about £600.
ments. The conical-shaped lock-up, formerly standing for 100 children;' average attendance, 64; Miss ::-iarah
in the centre of the village. was removed in 1897 to the I E. Salman. mistress
Salman Miss Crawley .Arthur, farmer, The Yews Free Samue~, farmer.Walden TOad
Smith Rev. Francis Edward M,A. Orawley Samuel, farmer, Hall farm Gurney John, farmer
Rectory Fordham Nathan, fish dealer Hendry John E. King's Head P.H
COMMERCIAL. Fnrdha.m 'l~homa's, ,sexton Hill George, shopkeeper
Bates T. farmeT, Glebe farm Free Arthur, farmer, Whitehouse farm, Linsdell Edward, shopkeeper
Cornwall Charles, farmer, Hill farm Free Charles, farmer, Bartlow road I Redhouse J oseph, blacksmith
Crawley Brothers, forage merchants &, Fr'ee J onas, farmer &, assistant over-I Swann George, beer retailer
engineers seer, Lower farm I

GREAT HALLINGBURY (or Hallingbury MOl'ley), pal landowner, is a large brick mansion in a well-wooded
known by its present name previous to the reign of King park of 100 acres. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and
Edward the Confessor. is a village and parish, 3 miles gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots.
south-east fr'om Bishops Stort-ford station on the main The area is 2,671 acres of laIld aIld 17· of water; rate-
line of the Great Eastern railway and 9 .miles west from able value, £3,576; the population in 1901 was 514.
Dunmow, in the Western divi.sion of the county, Harlow Sexton, George Halls.
petty sessional division and hundred, Bishops Stortford Post & Telegraph & Express Delivery Office.-Jameg
union and county court district. rural deanery of Harlow, Levey, sub-postmaster. Letters through nishop..
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Stortford arrive at 7.30 & 10.30 a.m.; dispatched at-
church of St. Giles is an Early Norman building, partly 10.30 a.m. & 7 p.m. Post,al o:rders are issued here._
cons·tructed of Roman bricks, and was rebuilt, with the but not paid. 'fhe nearest money order office is at·
exception of tlie tower. in 1874; it consists of chancel, Rishop Stortford.
nave. north aisle, south porch and an embattled western
tower containing 5 bells: the chancel arch was retained 'VALBURY, 2 miles south-west, on the river Stort, and_
at the rebuilding of the church: there are 230 sittings. near the borders of Hertfordshire, takes its name fr\}m an
The register dates from the year 1537. The living is a ancient Roman vallum or camp, hexagonal in plan, which,
rectory, net yearly value £420, with 28 acres of glebe occupied a strong position, terminating in a precipice
and residence, in the gift of Lt.-Col. G. B. Archer- and overlooking the Stort; it covered 36 acres, was
Houblon J.P. and held since 1873 by the Rev. Henry double ditched and nearly a mile in circumferen~e.
Murray Oswald M.A. of Christ Church, OXford, and rural Church School (mixed), built, with master's house, in,
dean of Harlow. The charities amount to £5 lOS. yearly. 1851, at a cost of nearly £2,000, by the late J. A.
Hallingbury Place, the seat 01 Lieut.-Col. George Bram- Houblon esg. for 200 children; average at.tendance, 77 ;
ston Archer-Houblon J.P. lord of the manor and princi- Miss Charlotte Bryan, mistress
Cookson Ernest, How Green cottage Dorrington Joseph, farmer, Walbury Lawrence John, farmer
Houblon Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Drage "Vil.lam, George inn Levey James, house carpenter to Lt.-
Archer- J.P. &; Lady .A.Iice 1". Hal-
Fitzgerald Patrick, saddler &; baker, Col. G. B. Archer-Houblon, post off
lingbury Place Start hill RusseIl Bros. farmers, Hall farm
Oswald Rev. Hy. Murray M.A.Rectry Hampton John, farmer & assistant Sapsford William, farm bailiff t.o J.
ovet'se'll'. Beldams Lawrence esq. Latchmore bank
COMMEROIAL. 'Harrison Wm. head gardener t.o Lt.- Smith John C. clerk of works to Lt.-
BarkJer John, farmer, How Green CoL G. R. Archer-Houblon J.P Col. G_ B. Archer-Honblon
Bird George, carpenter & dealer Hewe'r Henry, farm, manage'r to' Lt.- Smith Samuel,Hop Poles P.B. & smith
Col~man Frank (Mrs.), farmer, Wood- Col. G. B. Archer-Houblon J.P. Watson George, assistant overseer, col-
SIde green r Harps farm lector of rates & school board atten-
Cooper John, gamekeeper to Lieut.- Jenning-SI Eidga.r, farm,er,Yew Tree frm dance officer for Thorley parish
Col. G. B. Archer-Houblon ~Judd Charles, shopkeeper
LITTLE HALLINGBURY, anciently called" Hal- from 17II; bUl'ials fl'om 1690' The living is a redory,
lingbury Bourchier," or ., Bowser," the whole of the net yearly value £273, including 20 acres of glebe, with
property in Little Hallingbury having formerly belonged ~'esidence, in the giH of 1,1Ie Govern()lrs of the Ohal't,er-
to the Bourchiers, Earls of Essex, is a village and parish house, London, and held since 1880 by the Rev. John
situated on the borders of Herts and on the river Stort, Julins Balier l\'l..A. of Exetel' College, Oxford. 'fhe
about 3 miles south from Bishops Stortford station and Governors of the Chal'terhollSIl, w'ho are lords of t.Il1l
I! east from Sawbridgeworth station on the main manor, and Lt.-Col. G. B. Arche·r-Honbloll .LP. of IIal-
line of the Great Eastern railway, in the Western ling'bury Place, Gre,at Hallingbury, are the principal
division of the county, Harlow petty sessional division landowners. The soil is a,'ravel and clay; suhsoil. whit,!,
and hundred, Bishons Stortford union and county court clay and gmvel. The chief crops aJ'e wheat, barley and
district, ruml deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex oats. 'fhe a,rea is 1,649 acres of land and 7 of ",,,t.or;
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the ra,teable value, £2,069; IJhe population in 189l was 575.
Virgin is a building of flint with stone dressings, of the
Early Decorated period, consisting of chancel, nave of Post Office.-George Hutchinson, sub-postmaster. Let-
five bays, north aisle and a square wooden turret contain- t,el'S arrive by foot post f!'Om Bishop 8l.orl.for<! al. 7··!-:;
ing 3 bells, one of these being of pre-Reformation date'. a.m. &; 12 noon; dispatched at 7·5S & 9·5.') a.lll. &, S·55
the turret, erected in 1712, was rebuilt in 19° 1 : tll1~ p_m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.
stained east window was given by the Pelly family, of The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at Hat-
Gastons, and an organ chamber and vestry were added ill field Heath & Sawbridgewortb, each about 3 miles
1 18-85: in 1895 a st'ained window was placed to Miss
Bullock, of Gast.ons, and in Ig99 another was erected to National School (mixed), built in 1869 at a cost of £934.
W. D. P'ritclIe'tJt, son of a former rector: there are 230 for 130 children; average attendance, 94; John Richard
sitb:ngs. The register of baptisms and muniages dates nillllS, master
llaker Rev. John Julius ~LA. Rectol'v

COMMERCIAL. Brown Thomas, farmer &: land'Jwner,
Bartle Thomas Beedell John, farmer, Monkberry farm Little Hallingbury hall
Fane Cecil. Malting farm Brown John, farmer & landowner, C(llvert William D. agricultural engi-
lIc.lland :Ml's. Ga~tons The Pink neer & farmer
. ,

Clark Robert, grocel' &c. W ot>dside grn Marsden George, confectioner Rose Geo~'ge, {rmr. fieorge Green fm
Day George, farmer, Bursteads. farm Pearson James, beer retailer & crpntr Smith Frederick, Sutton .Arms P.H
Eaton James W. hay dealer & farmer, Potter FredeTick Charles', shoe makeT Sibthorpe Ezeldel, poultry dealer,
New common Rust George B. registered: shoeing Victoria park'
Hutchinson George, grocer & draper, smith (by exam. of the Worshipful Wallis George .Archibald,miller (steam
Post offif::e Co. of Farriers), general smith &: & water), Silk mills
L£'an Samuel, farmer, Stonehouse fm assistant overseer


Halstead (or Halsted) is an ancient town and is the head H.ev. Doncan Fraser, vicar 1845-77: in 1878 un (Hgall
of a union and county court district, pleasantly seated on chamher was built and Vhe organ renovated at a eost of
a gentle acclivity on the river Oolne and the roads from ;[.10,0: there are 750 sJVtings. 'l'he d,t(,e" frol1l
Colchester to Cambridge and Chelmsford' to Sudbury, bhe year 1844. The living is a vicarago, net, yearly vallltl
with a station on the Colne Valley and Halstead rail- £230, ,,;lth residence, in the gift of tlw llishop of St..
way, and is 14 miles north-west from Oolchester, 6 AlhulIS, and held since 1897 by /,IIC Rev. .Tames 1I1yl h
north-east from Braintree, 8 south-west from Sudbury, Oldroyd M.A. of DUTJlam Universil,y, 'fhe vicaragll
15 south-east from Haverhill and 56 by rail or 47 by road house wus rebuilt in 1893, t.he Ecclesiastical Com.
-from London: in the Eastern division of the county, mussionel's giving £180 towards the cost. POP"-
. Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional divi- lation (Holy 'l'rinit.y) in 190r, 2,899, 'l'llere is a Ul1-
sion, rural deanery of Halstead, archdeaconry of Col- tholie Mission ltoom in Rosemary lane. 'l'ho
chester, and diocese of St. Albans. The town was Society of Friends have a meeting house in Colchester
governed by a Local Board, formed Dec. 3, 1852, but is road, erected in. 1851, with 300 sittings. The Baptist
.now under the provisions of ·the "Local Government .Act, chapel, North street, founded in 1878, has sittings for
18'94" (56 and 57 Vict. ch. 73), controlled by an Urban 600 persons. ThE." Particular Baptist chapel, School lane,
Distx.:ct Council of 12 members. In pursuance of sec. erected in 1840, will seat 250. The Congregational
·one (sub-section 3) of the previously mentioned .Act, chapel, Parsonage street, erected in 1865, is a building in
Halstead has been divided into two civil parishes, L'"rban the Decorated style, with a sp~re 106 feet high and will
..and Rural; the Urban parish comprises a radius of about seat, 800; under I,he chul'eh is a spacious sehooll'oom.
1,000 yards from the town bridge and the Rural parish The Oongregational chapel, High street, erected in 1832,
which surrounds this is controlled by a Parish Council of 7 has 650 sitting;;. The Primitive Methodist chapel in New
members elected annually; the town was thoroughly street, erected in 1874, will seat 200 persons. The
drained in 1864-5,when waterworks were established, a good Unitarians have a place of meeting in Factory lane and
supply of pure water being obtained from an artesian the Plymonth Brethren oue in Colchester road. '1''110
well 300 feet deep and stored in a reservoir of red brick, Saivutioll .Army hall in Parsonage street, 11I1i1L in 1893,
constructed near the old works and capable of holding holds ISO persons. 'Dhe Cemetery, road, con-
84,000 gallons of water: a new well was sunk at Parson's seol'at/ld in 18.16, comprises live acre;;, with a
bridge in 1890, to a depth of :;:54 feet, and a pumping mortuary and en·trance lodge, in which tIle stlperint,en-
station built at a cost of about £8,000 : the town is lighted dent resides; it is under the control of a joint, IJlldal
with gas by a company whose works, erected in 1835, Committee of nine members, seven elected hy the Urban
·'8re in Rosemary lane. The church' of St. Andrew, District Council and two by Halstead Rural Parish Coun-
.,standing on· the top of the hill on and around which cil. A force of the county police is stationed here under
'·the town stands, is a large building of flint with an inspector. A new Post Office wa~ erected in High
'stone dressings, in the Decorated and Perpendicular street in 1895". The Town Hall, in High street, erected
styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of six in r850 and now held by the Urban District Council, is a
- bays, aisles, north and south porches and a western tower spacious building used for balls, public meetings and con-
· with crocketed pinnacles, containing a clock with chimes certs. and will hold 400 persons. The Corn Exchange,
and 6 bells dated 1573, 1589, 1633, 1700 and 1755: the adjoining the railway station, and built in 1865, is now
· east w~ndow is a memorial to Dr. Adams, a former vicar used as a drill hall. There is also a Ilall at, the l1als\.lmd
and there are others to James Brewster esq. who died in Co-operative Stores, '1'rinity street, ereded in 1887, and
1836 and to another of the same name, 1891, and to John holding 250 persoll;!. 'l'liB Ititerary and Mechanics' In.
CarIllichael esq.; here is also a brass to the Rev. Artnur stil,uLe occupies lL Jarg'll r(lOlll 011 t.he gnlltllll liDO.· or flin
Charles Page M.A.: the chief feature of interest in the Town Hall, where there is a library of 2,000 volUllles.
· church is the eastern portion of the south aisle, which is On the river Colne is a public bathing" pluce nndel' UHl
· ()f the Geometrical or Early Decorated period, and control of the Urban District Council. The 11 sqnadron
- was formerly the Bourchier chapel; here several mem- of the Essex Imperial Yeomanry, about 100 st!'Ong', llas
· 'bers of that family are buried, including Sir Robert quarters at tJlC llull hotel. The E company of t,he 2nd
ode Bourchier, Chief Justice of the King-'s' Bench in Volunteer IJattalion Essex Hegimen't, l1umhel'ing 106
Ireland in 1334 and Lord Chancellor of England 1340- rank and file, drills ab the Cam Exchange. Hals/,ead
41, ob. 1349, and Bartholomew his grandson, 3rd Volunteer Fire Brigade consist;;; of 20 memhnrs, wil.h two
18aron Bourchier, ob. 1409, with brasses to him- manual engines; the town is also lI'ell furnished wil.h
self and his two wives Margaret (Sutton) and Idonea hydrants. Here is a branch of the St.•John AmllllIance
'(Lovey): there are two altar tombs with recumbent Society, connected wiLh the ]<:nglish order of St.•10hn of
.. effigies of armed knights and their wives, supposed to .Jerusalem, whose headrlllart.ers arc ut SL . •Tohn's gate,
belong to this family, one of the tombs being canopied; ClerI,enwcIl, I,ondon E C. The lIalstead Club has PI'O-
monuments to Edmund King, ob. 1624 and the Rev. mises at the rear of the Old Whil.e lIart hobcl. 'rhe Hal-
. John Manistre M.A. d. 1826 and a brass to Elizabeth, stead Constitut.ional Working Men's Club is in High
wife of John Watson, ob. 1604: in the' north aisle are sln'eet. The Libel'al Club occnpies a building in 'l'l'injty
marble monuments to Sir Samuel Tryon kt. and baronet, street, erecbed in r876 as a Temperance Hall. 'l'herc is
-ob. March 8, 1626; George Brooke and his wife, ob. also a Working Men's Club in 'l'rinity streeL.
~770; James Scarlett, d. 1807; Elizabeth Holmes, spin- On the Market hilI, and occupying the site where for-
ster, d. 1783 and a brass to Samuel Fiske, d. 1718: merly stood an obelisk, is a drinking fountain, presented
-the south aisle retains a piscina: in 1845 the to the town in 1887 by George Oourtauld esq. J.P.; it is
·church was restored and decorated. at a cos~ of more constructed of Portland stone and granite, and stands IS
-than £5,000: in 1882 an organ chamber was built and a feet in height, rising from a graduated base of several
lnew organ erected at a cost of £850, and in 1893 a steps; on one side is an inscription, and on another a
panelled reredos of oak and mahogany was erected from wreath, encircling the letters "V.R." and The dates
designs by Sir Arthur Blomfield kt. M.A., A.R.A., F.S.A. : " 1837-1887;" the whole is surmounted by a powerful
there are sittings for 800 persons. The register dates lamp. A puhlic recreat,ion gl'Ol1J1rl ill 'l'riJlit.y sl,reel" 32
from the year 1564. The living is a vicarage, net yearly ncres in extent, was opened in 1901 to commemorate I,he
value £200, with 3 acre.> of glebe and residence, in the gift Diamond .1 uhilee of her late Maj esty Queen Vicl.oria.
of f,he llishop of SI., AILans, and held since 1899 hy t.lw Ab the corner of Chapel 1till is a tree plante(l to ('om-
Rev. Edwin Henry Oal;}ey M. A. of Qncens' College, Calll- lllemO!'ate the marriage of His Majesty King }O;dward VIr.
bl'idge. Holy 'frinity is an ecclesiasUcal parish lit, to Queen Alexandm, March 10th, 1863. Here is t.he ex·
west end of uhe town, formed .TilDe 3, 18.H; I.he chm'ch 1('II~ive silk :11\(1 erai'e faet.ol'y of Messrs. Samuel COllr-
is a surllcture of flint, wil.h stone facing'S, in t.he Earl)' tauld and Co. I,imited, ",hell'e upwards of r,100 people
English st.yle, and consist.s of chancel, c!ercsl,orillll nave are employed; adjoining the factory is a terrace of brick
of six bays, aisles, sonl.h porch a·nd a wC9tel'l1 towel' wil,h hrlllses with It dining room at. onc cnd for the 11se of
spire containing one bell; there ure eleven sf,uine(l t.he wod'people. 'l'llwre is also a large hrass nnd iron
daws, tIle stained east window being the gin of Illc Hey. foundry, worl,s belonging to Messrs. Port way a11li SOil,
["redel'ick John Greenham M:·A, vicur (18n-88), ill for the manufacture of stoves and ranges, a tannery, fiWO
memory of his wife, and Mle west window that of I.lw breweries and maltings. Messrs. TIarclar and Co. I.iD).
and . th~ Londoll and Oonnty Danking Co. I,im. havo in 19O1, 6,°71, of which 3,46 [ are al,taohed to St. Antlrow's
branch banl,s heI'Il. A caUle JIlarl,et is held every Tlws. parish church, including the officers and inmates in the
·day in Mr. Moger's sale Y'ard, I·oad. The workhouse and 66 in the Industrial School for Girls.
-c, George" and ., Dull" are the principal hotels. 'l'horo The llIrea of Halstead Rural parish is 5,010 acres; ra·te·
.are twe wei'lkly newspapers, "The East Essex and Hal- able value, £5,556; the populaitioll in 1901 was 827.
-stead 'rimes," published on I"dday; hhe ollhor is the Parish Clerk of St. .Andrew, Walter William Cooper,
« Halstead . and Colne Valley Gazetle," published on 26 High street; Trinity Church, Herbel't Sargent, 55
'T1hul'sday. l"he Cottage Hospilal, pleasanUy situat.ed all New street.
the Hedinghnm l'und, and huilt in 1884, at a
.cost (}f £1,5 00 , at the expense of George Courtauld esq. GREENSTEAD GREEN, a hamlet about 3 miles by
in memory· of· his deCl~n~(!d wife,. i!l l\ strncl.lII'o road and 2 by footpath south of the town, was constituted
.of red. brick with stone facing s, from des~gns by Mr. an ecclesiastical parish December 23, 1845, and now
George Shel'rin; it· has warlls fm' foul' mell, fOlll' forms par& of the Halstead Rural civil parish. St.
women, ono child, 111111 there is also all isolation lVard; James's church, an edifice of flint with stone facings, in
in 1901, 45 patient,g welre· 1II1ller I,rell.tment,; it is snp. the Earlv English style, from designs by the late Sir G.
parted by publ".c subscriptions and is managed by a com- Gilbert Scott R.A. was erected and endowed in 1845 at
mittea of 24 members., elected annually by the sub- the expense of the late Mrs. Gee, of Earls Colne, and
-scribers. The Infectious diseases hospital was built in consists of chancel. nave, north porch and a tower, with
18g6 by the Urban District Council, at a cost, including spire of moulded brick, containing a clock and 6 bells,
the matron's residence, of £3,57°. There are charities cast in 18 4 6 and rehung in 18g3 at a cost of £75. The
oOf about £200 yearly, derived chiefly from the follow- chancel windows are stained: the reredos of stone, de-
ing sources :-A benefaction of £4,000 left in 17 8 3 by signed by Sir Ar'llhwr lllomfield l"t. .A.R.A., l?S.A.
Elizabeth Holmes, iolpinster, for industrious inhabitants was erected in 18g3 by Mrs. Briscoe, of Firwood,
not in receipt of assistance and for the dis- as. a memorial to Miss M. Adams. The church plate
tribution of money and bread to the poor, and a is. of massive silver, beautifully chased: there are
<charity bequeathed .by the Rev. John. Manistre 200 sittings. The register dates from the year 18 46•
B~A.. formerly of Kmi!"s Col~e~e, Cam?rldge, and 'The living is a. vicarage. net yeady value £200, with
"ectal' of Stow~r Provost, Dor,,~t, who III 1826 left residence, in the gift of the nishop of St. Albans, and
t: Z ,5I4 IIS. lId. 1ll Consols, . the mterest now amount- . held since
18 96 by the Rev. Rohert Hart M.A. of Corpus
lllg to £67. 8.s. 8d. belllg' for the purchase.. of Christi college, Camb-ridge, and surrogate. Greensteatl
bread to be 'hstl'lbuted. weekly. to ~oor people ~ho.nt"~~rl I Hall, the residence of Robert AlIen esq. is pleasantly -
tJhe. church. JAIILwoods, 1.he . IllOp£Hty of Hohel', hdw·lIt11 sI ,'t t d '1 a p 1 f abo t 5 p'lercy,'s the res'1-
V 1" d I G B . ua e 11 a l' \: 0 U ° acres.
'TI'lalze y es<J.. ",' '\. dlS .oecnple }fY I JeOtl'go 1'1!H:Ol; e,sl\(' donee of Frank Parish esq. jun. also stands in a park
'10 H owe, 811"11<1 0 III a pal'1( 0 a >011 40 ac.res, .IS ,11' of about 50 acres. Stanstead Hall, the prop6lI'ty and
<!leat .of Mrs.
r<l t 1· HOl'llcr'.
" t d . Sloe Honse, I f a mansIOn
' 1Il Uw
.. 1 le~J. ,'d ence 0 f Charles W'n 1 g
Gra Y e sq. J .P. ,.~as once tIle
' J aS~le s ye. ShWI,O 111 a pall' (() 30 llc:'es, IS, tH~Cl1PWt seat, of the Bourchier famiiy. The soil is clay and gravel;
1>y Edmulld Deacon esC[. master of the East 1'.ssnx fnx-
llOu-nds. Ashford LOlIg{!. t.he residence of Mrs. 'l'aylor, ~ll SOl , '~l ay. ,
is seated in gro11l1lls of ahollt, 26 Hen's. Oald:1I111!4, t.I."
b'l I
1:' Th ch'ef
~ crops are w a"
le popu 8i a0n, 1ll IgOl was 539·
he t bal'le
y an

residence of Lt.-Col. l'ercy Adams, comprises 50 acres of Sexton, Joseph Coppm.

grou~ds. Robe,rt Ed ward Vai7.ey J esq. of 'filbllry .hall, Post Office.-Thomas Fil'min. jun, snb-postmaster, Green-
who IS lo~d of the manor; James I axman esq., .of SI,lst.ed stead Green. Letters from Halstead arrive at 7.30 a,m.
Hall, Drallltree; t.he Rev. ~ames George Dro'Wstcr M.A. & 12 noon; dispatched at 9 a.m. & 6.10 p.m.; sundays,
T~tor of Stratf~rd S~'. ~l'a:y, M~~. Rorn'er, the trustees of 10 a.m. Postal orders. are issued here, but not paid.
JamesG. Splll.OW, FI ancls Harl IS esq. Roh~rt AlIen esq. Th9 nearest money order & telegraph offiee is at Hal-
an~ qharles WIng Gray ~sq. of.G~·eens.tead CIreen, ~re f,\1ll stead miles'distant' ..
'Pl'lJ1Clpal landowners. 'l'he SOlI IS mJ:ted; SUbSOil, day , 3
'and gravel; the chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 9·5 a.m. &
roots. '1'110 area oLthe urban pl1ll'ish is 621 acres; rate- 6.10 p.m.; sunday IO.IO a.m
able value, £16,519; the lwpnlation in l891 was 6,059, ' County Police, DavidWoodcock. constable

Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. ~L 0., S. R & Annuity, Insurance The cha~rmen, for the time being, of the Halstead Urban &;
& Express Delivery & Parcel Office, High street.-Henry Rural District Councils, are ex-officio m'<lgistrates
Lake Hughes, postmaster. Hours from 7 a.m. to 8 Clerk to the Magistrates, Francis Harris RA. High st.
p.m.; sundays B to la a.m.; money order, telegraph & Petty Sessions held at the Police station every alternaw
<!lavings hank business, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; telegraph, tuesday at I I a.m. The places in the division are
'SUIldays 8 to 10 a. m. Letters arrive from London at A.Iphamstone, Bures Hamlet, Earls Colne, .colne En-
340 a.m. every morning; delivered at 7 & I I a.m. & .5 gaine, White Colne, Gosfield, Halstead Urban, Halstead
& 8 p.m. ; letter box doses for dispatch at 3.40 a.m. for Rural, Great & Little Henny, Lamarsh, Little Maple-
Ravel'hill & sub-offiel'';;; Earls Colno R.S.O. 8 a.m.; stead, Middlebon, Pebmarsh, Twinstead &; Wickham St.
for Londqn 10 a.m.; HaverhilI, 11.30 a.m.; for London Paul
& forwat'd, Ipswich & Colchestel', 3 p.m.; for London &; I URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
'fol'ward, ",,45 p.m.; for London & all parts, 8 p.m.; bnt, I

letters may be posted until 8.20. p.m. by aff1x;ng an Offices. Town haIl.
ildditional id. stamp. Letters from Haverhill by mail Meeting day, 1St monday in every month at 7 p.m.
cart, bringing the bflgs from Castle & Sible Hedingham, I Members.
'Great & Little Yeldham, Ridgwell, Baythorn End, Stur-
mer Stamboume &; Topplesfield, arrive at 7.25 p.m. On. Chairman, GeOl'ge Courtauld (retires annually).
'Slmda.ys the!e is only one delivery at 7 a.m. & lett,er box I Vice-Chairman, Charles Portway C.C.
cIo-ses for dIspatch at 3.4 0 a.m. & 8 p.m . I Retire in April Retire in April
Town Sub-Post, Parcel & ~I: O. 0., S. R &; Annmty & . Robert Lake Hughes 1903 James Norton 1904
Insurance Office, 12 Trlmty street.-Henry Cockton Samuel Tyler 1903 Charles Portway Ig04
Potter, sub-postmaster. Letter J30x cleared for dispatch I Fred('. Morton WaIIis .. 19 0 3 Wm. Isaac O. Clover.~. 1905
at 9·45 &; 11.20 a.m. 2·45, 5. 2 5, 6·55 & 7.5 0 p.m. weel, Waiter Yerbury 1903! Robert Elijah Rogers 1905
days only . I Edward Doubleday 1904 WilIiam Simmons 1905
Alfred William Kibble. 1904 Joseph Ward 1905
Courtauld George esq. Cut hedge Gosfield Halstead Clerk, Robert Rutherford Morton, High street
Brewster Charles Edward esq. l\'iaplestead' hall, Maple- Treasurer, William Nevill TufnelI, Langleys, Gt. Waltham
stead Halstead Medical Officer of Health, Charles Gordon Roberts M.A.,
Gray Cilal'les Wing e"fl' Stam:tead hall,Gl'eenstead Green, M.B., B.O. Camb. Pitchards, Trinity street
Halstead Surveyor & SaniIJal'y Inspector, Herbert Webb, 40 Head st
Grimston WaIt. Edwd. esq. Colne Place, Earls Colne R. S.O Collector, GeOl'go· Hoad Mathews, Head street
Hills Harris esq. Berewyk hall. White Colne, Earls Colne
Bornor Lewis esq. The Howe, Halstead. ;\lel't:~ at the 'VoI'khouse e.ery al,ternat-e friday at 1 p.m.
Hunt Reuben esq. Tillwicks. Earls Colne R.S.O Chairman, Vera W. Taylor, Castle Hedingham.
Portway Charles ellq. The Croft, Ralstead Clerk, Robert Lake Hughes, Head street
Start Charles Wiilliam esq. Ipswich Treasurer, William Nevill TufnelI, Langleys, Gt.Waltham

Medical Officers of Health, Ko. I district, J. Henry Ash- L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin. Steeple Bumpstead; No. 5
worth M.D., M.R.C.S. High street, Halstead; No. =z district, John Bourne Bromley M.R.C.S.Eng. Castle
District, John Bourne Bromley, Castl\} Hedingham Hedin,ghum
Sanitary Inspectors & Highway Surveyors, 1st District, Public Vaccinators, 1st district, Charles Gordon Roberts
William ArrtillUr Nicbolson, 19 Head street, Halstead; M.A., M.R Camb. Pitchards, Trinity street, Halstead;
2nd District, William Harry Eade, Gastle Hedingham other districts, same as Medical Officers .
Superintendent Registrar, Robert Lake Hughes, Head
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. street, Halstead; deputy, Sydney Richard }, I
St,anley villa s, Pretoria road, Ha Isle ad
Cemetery, Colchester road, Edgar Joseph Potter, clerk Registrars of Marriages, Samuel Tyler, Head street, Hal-
to the joint committee; Geol'ge Wiffen, superintendent stead; deputy, Samuel Georg-e Tyler, Head street, Hal-
Co-operative Assembly Rooms, Trinity street; HeTbert stead; John Spurgeon. Sible Hedingham; deput,.~
Amey, sec Ernest S. Willis, Sible Hedingham
Cottage Hospital, North street, James Henry Ashworth Registrars of Births & Deaths, Halstead sub-district~
M.D., John Bourne Bromley, Charles Gordon Roberts William Crowe Sheen, 64 Head street, Halstead; deputy,
M.A., ~I.R, 'l'homas Edw81'd Pallet,t L.S.A., Henry William Hurry, Chapel strl!€t, Halstead; Hed!~ngbam
.Toseph l'w8mley L.R.C.S.I. medical officers; Rev. sub-district, Louis Delf, Great Yeldhalll; delltll,)', Will.
Edwin Hemy OaIdey M.A. lIOn. sec.; Edgar Joseph HIlI'ry Rade, Castle Hedingham
Potter, assis,tant sec. & cullector; Miss Alice 'Vakeling, The Workhouse, erected in 1838, at a cost of £7,500, i&
ulatron available for 360 inmates; Frederick William Kemp.
County Court, His Honor Hy. Tindal Atkinson, judge; master; Edg-ar Tarry Adams, lay reader; J. Henry
Francis Harris RA. registrar &; high bailiff: the Ashworth M.D., M.R.C.P.Edin. medical officer; Mrs~
county court is held bi-monthly. The following is a Olive Kemp, matron
list of parishes &; places within the juriSdiction of the
court :-Earls Colne, Colne Engaine, Wllite Colne, School Attendance Committee.
Gosfield, Halstead, Sible Hedingham, Castle Heding- Meets at the Worlihouse every fourth friday, at 10.30 a.m~
ham, Great Maplestead, Little Maplestead, Marks Hall, Clerk, Robert Lake Hughes, Head street
Pebmarsh, Tilbury-juxta-Clare, rropplesfield, Great Attendance Officer, Edgar J oseph Potter, Blue bridge.
Yeldham &; Little Yeldham Colchester road
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
of Colchester; C. Mercer, senior official receiver, 95 PUBLfC oFFIOE'RS.
Temple chambers, London E.C.; F. Messent, official Certifying Factory Surgeon, J. Henry Ashworth M.D~
receiver, Ipswich High street .
Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendment Clerk to the United Charities, Francis Harris B.A. High st.
Act," Stanley Moger, Head street, Halstead; Samuel Clerk to the Vestry, Ass~stant Overseer & Collector of
Tyler, Head street, Halstead; James Mayhew Balls, Taxes &; Clerk to Halstead Rural Parish Council, Samuel
Castle Hed~ngham; Robert Balls, Castle Hedingham; Tyler, Head street
Thomas Howard, Ea·rls Colne; George S. Tyler, Head Town Crier, James Scott, jun. North street
street, Halstead Veterinary Inspector for South Hinckford (part of) &.
Inland Uevenue Office. Woolstone, Sudbury road, Regi- North Hinckford Divisions, Frederic Morton Wallis.
llald Bray Hunter, officer M.R.C.V.S. 38 Head street
Masonic Lodge (No. 2,15-l. Joshua Nunn), held at the
George hotel the :;rd thursday in Jan. April, June, Oct. PJ.AOES OF ·WORSllIP, with t,imes of servkcs.
&; Nov.; Harris Hills, sec St. Andl'ew's Chul'oh, High street, Rev. I~dwin Heury'
Police Station, Trin·ity street, Art.hur Alfred Lunniss, in- Oaldey M.A. vicar; Rev. l?rank Wy'at,t, eluate; 8 k.
spector &; five const'ables; sub-division. Greenstead 10.30, a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m.; mono tues. thurs. &; !IllL
Green, one sergeant; Pebmal'sh, Bures Hamlet, Earls 8,40 a.m.; mono tues. wed. & thuTs. 7.30 p.m.; wed~
Colne &; Gosfield, one constable each &; fri. I I a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; sat. 5 p.m
Town Hall, High street, William Hurry, manager Holy Trinity Church, Trinity street, R'e~. James Blyth.
Urban Dishict Council for Infectious Disease~, OldroydM.A. vicar; 8.30 &; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.III.;.
Miss E. Dowsett, matron daily, 9 a.m. except wed. & fri. & 7 p.m.; wed. & fri.
Voluruteer Fire Bri~ade, Head st. Edgar Tarry .Adam~, 11 a.m. & 7 p.m
captain; Herbert Webb, supt.; GeOl'ge Hoad Mathews, St. James' Church, Greenstead Gre-en, Rev. Hobert Harl
sec. & 1st &; 2nd englineers & 16 men M.A. vicar; Rev. Arthur Hassall RA.. curate; I I a.m..
& 6.30 p.m. ; & daily, morning &; evening
DfPERIAL YEOM;ANRY. OatJIJolic Mission Room, Uosemul'y lune, I I a. m
Essex (B Squadron); head quarters, 47 New street; Friends' Meeting House, Colchester road, 11.0 a.m. &;
Major Edmund Deacon, oommanding; Gapt,. L. 'I'rittoll, 6.30 p.m
. second in command; A. lV. Hollis, squadron quarter. Bapl,is/;, North stl'efJt, 10.30 a.m. l>& 6.30 r.m.; lIIlIn •
master sergeant; Squadron Sergt.-Major Albert Wal- 7.30 p.m
ton, instructor . Baptist (Particular), School lane, 10.30 a.m. & 6.~,
VOLUN'DEERS. p.m.; thnrs. 7.30 p.m
Congregational, Parsonage street, Rev. Samuel Parkin-
:md Volunteer BatJtalion, Essex Regiment (E Co.), Drill son; ID.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mono 7.30 p.m
hall, Oorn Exchange; Oapt. Francis A. Vai1.ey; Rev. CongregationaJ, High street, Rev. Thomas PoweJ! Lans-
JoIhn Brereton Andrewes RA. act,jng chaplain; Hurry downe; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
H. Goldsmith, drill instruotor Primitive, Methodist" New street, Rev. WiIJ.iam SmitB
HALSTE'AD UNION. F.RA.S.; 10.30 a.m. & 2.30 &; 6,30 p.m.; mono &:;
tJllUl's. 7.30 p.U1
Board day, friday, fortnightly, at the Workhouse at 11 a.m. Un'itarian, Factory lane, 6,30 p.m
The Union comprises seventeen parishes, viz. :-Castle PlymonHl llret.hl·en, Colehcst,er 1'0:111, 11 a.I11.& 6.;j(l Jl m. ;
Hedingham, Colne Engaine, Earls Colne, Gosfield, mono &; Mmr;;. 7.45 p.m
Great :Maplestead,Halstead Urban,Halstead Rura,I,Little Salvation Army, Parsonage street, I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30'
Maplestead, Little Yeldham, Pebmarsh, Ridgwell, Sible p.m.; daily 8 p.m
Hedingham, Stambourne, TiIbury, Topplesfield, White
CoIne &; Great Yeldham. The population of the union SCHOOLS.
in 1891 was 16.8,69. & in 1901. 16,2-18; area, 39,359 Grammar, High street, founded by Dame Mary Ram!!ay
acres; rateable value in 19 02 , £57,496 in 1594. for 40 boys residing within 8 miles of the
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Vero W. Taylor church; there are now about 30 boys; the endowmentl
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee. Hobert amounts to about £250 yearly: the school is governed
Lake Hughes, Head street by a body of 13 trust,ees, four of whom aTe appointed by-
Treasurer, William Nevill TUfnell, Langleys, Gt. Waltham the governors of Christ's Hospital; Samuel Sa~ery B.A..
Relieving &; Vaccination Officers &; Collectors to the head master
Guardians, 1st district, William Crowe Sheen, 64 Head St. Andrew's National, Colchester road, built in 1876-
street, Ha.Jstead; :21Id distl'iet. Louis Delf, Gt.Yeldlll\ln (bOYS), for 175; average attendance, 99; Thomas
Medical Officers, Halstead district, 1st division, J. Henry Fisher, master; (girls) for 168; average attendance,.
Ashworth M.D. High street, Halstead; Halstead dis- 107; :Miss. Margaret Pu;!:man, mistress; (infants) for·
trict, 2nd division, Charles Gordon Roberts M.A., M.B. 175 children; average attendanoe, 97 Miss Jane:
Camb. Pitchards, Trinity street. Halstead; No. 2 dis- Iggulden, mistress
trict, Henry Joseph Twamley L.R.e.S.I. Bible Heding-- National, Greenstead Green (mixed), built in 1845 & en-
ham; No. 3 district. Thomas Edward PaIlett M.D. hl'gl'd in IBB-l' for lIB childrell; average af,Lulldauc~..
Earls Colne; Ko. 4 district, Thomas William Bartlett 70; William C. Humphrey, master
Trinity National, Trinity street (mixed &; infants), built CONVJ~Y.ANCK
in 1845 &; enlarged in 1881, at a CO!!t, of £r50, &; in 1901
at a further cost of £300, for 220 boys &; girls \&; 1:25 Colne Valley Railway, head offices; George Copus, general
infants; average attendance, 200 boys ,& girls &; 100 manager
infants; .Tolm Jago, Inus\'cr; Miss J ago, !lC,Witlg III i:i- 11 ail way SI,al,ion, I~rederick Coppiu , 163 IGllg's rllull, sta-
tress; Miss Ada Mal'Y Hlltchings, inafn\'s' mistress tion master
Lowel' Trinity NaLional, School chase, Tidings llill, fur 87 Omnibuses from the George 110tel 1.0 meet evel'Y l.1·niu
ohJldl'cn ; average att,endance, 77; Miss Alice R udl! ,Ill is!. Omnibuses to Brain~ree, E. &; B. Smith, from High st.
British, Factory lane (mixed &; infants), built in 1844 &; every wed. & Samuel Raynel', from 28 'l'l'illily ~t.I·(!d.
enla,rged in 1891, for 280 boys ,& girls & 120 infants; mono wed. &; sat
average attendance, 235 hoys &; gir<}s &; 115 iufilnts;
Harry MofItJon Ma,thews, master; Miss Alice Mary Se:,. CARRIERS '1'0:-
£reI', infants' mistress Brainl.l·ee-Samnel Bayner, mono wed. &; sat
Industrial. School lane, for girls, certified March 12, 1869, C1lappel & l~,arls CoIne-Leo.•Tames l'elldle, Ilaily
under the. Industrial Schools Act of 1866; there are now Colchest,er-George Monk, tillU l"S
(1902) 60 inmates; Miss Harriet Mary Newman, supt Sudbnl'y-Theobald, 'White Ha1"t,' llles

Hardy William, 82 North street Portway Harry Harvey, Bois hall.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Harrington Miss, 1 Albert villas, Pre- Sudbury road
Adams Edgar TarIJ', The Cottage, toria road Rayner Samuel, 91 King's road
Trinity street Hanis }<'rancis RA. Nether priors, Roberts Charles Gordon M.A., M.B.
.Adams Lt.-Col. Percy, Oaklands Colchester road Cambs. Pitchards, Trinity street
.Ambrose GEorge \Vm. 9 ReiWdl S1t:ree.t Hilder Ernest A. Balls chase Root William Herbert, 65 New street
.Ambrose Mrs. 1 Bois Hall terrace Hinds Mrs. 53 Colchester road Ruffle Mrs. Boxmill cottage
Appleby Mrs. 48 High l:ltreet Hoddy Mrs. Red house, Colchester I'd Runnacles Charles E. White house
.Ardley Horace Barker, 18 High street Holland :Miss, Sloe farm Runnacles Mrs. Parsonage street
Ashworth Jas. Hy. M.D. High street Hornor Lewis J.P. The Howe Sunt Henry John, 49 New street
Baker John S. 35 Head street Hornor Mrs. The Howe Savery Samuel B.A. (head master).
Barnard William, 57 Colchester road Hughes Ra-bert Lake, SUdbury road Grammar school, High street
Bentall Mrs. Colchester road Inman Mrs. 6 Colchester road Sargent Robert, 84 North street
Blomfield Mrs. Elm viI. Sudbury I'd Johnson Mrs. Ivy house, High street Simmons Wm.Dornhurst,Colchester I'd
Briscoe George, Attwoods Jobnson William, 50 High !'treet Smith Rev. William F.R.A,S. (Primi-
Briscoe Mrs. Fir wood Ketley Herbert, 3'8 'l'rinity street tive Methodist). 139 King'" road
Buck Charles, Trinity villa Kibble Alfred William, 103 King's road Smith Wm. Arthnr, Colchester road
Burgess Edward Arthur, Read street Kidd Alexander, 121 King's road Smyth Charles James, 20 High street
Clark Clement, 4 Trinity terrace King Juhn, I King's road Southcomb George. 1 Colchester road
Clark WaIter,Victoria cot.Colchestr. I'd Knight Mrs. 16 High street Spurgeon Mrs. 127 King's road
Clover Owen, Linden ha. Sudbury I'd Knight Saml. The Firs, Sudbury I'd Sudbury Frank Lake, 5 Bridge street
Clover 'William, The Chestnnts, Lansdowne Rev. Thomas Powell (Con- Sudbury Lewis, Colchester road
Trinity street gregational), 46 High street Sudhury Mrs. 59 Colchester road
Cobb Henry George, High street Little Mrs. 45 Head street Sudbury William, Mallowsfield, Col-
Cobb Mrs. 86 North street Marshall Thomas, 63 North street chester road
Cocksedge Fredlc Bay boo Chapel sI, Moger Stanley, Head street Surridge Mrs. 12 Parsonage street
Cocksedge Mrs. 67 Colchester road Morris John, 46 Head street Taylor Mrs. Ashford lodge
Cocksedge 'WaIter, King's road Morton Robert, Rutherford, Star stile Turner Miss, 3 Trinity terrace
Copus George, 69 New street Nash George, North street Tyler Mrs. Charles, "Vaverley hous~.
Courtauld Samuel, Mill ho. Causeway Newton Ernest Alfred Samuel, 66 Colchester road
Deacon Edmund (master of East High street Tyler George Sam!. 26 Parsonage str
Essex Foxhounds), Sloe house Norfolk William, 63 Head street Tyler Samuel, Chipping hill
Disney Miss, 93 King's road Oakley Rev. Edwin Henry M.A. St. Vaizey Capt. Francis Arthur, Bentall's.
Doubleday Robet't, Trinity street, Andrew's vicarage, Parsonage street Vaizey Mrs. Benlall's
Dowm: Lewis 1Villiam, 24 High street Oakley William James, 20 Head street "\Vallis Frederick Morton M.R.C.V.S.
Dunt Frederick Charles, 1 Trinity Oldroyd Rev. James Blyth M ..A. Holy 38 Head street
terrace, 'l'rinity street Trinity vicarage Walton Mrs. Blue Bridge house
Fairbank Alfred, 61 New street Parkinson Rev. Samuel (C..m grega- Wa,tkinson Miss, 2 Mount Pleasant.
Fitch Miss, 10 Trinity !'treet tional), Parsonage street villas, Parsonage street
I"itch Zachariah .Allen, 59 New stret't Pattison WaIter Ernest, Iga, Head st Williams Miss, Brook Farm house
Giblin Miss, Shrublands, New street Philbriek Miss,The Cedars,Sudbury I'd Worden Misses, The Chase, Head st
Green John Colney. 21 Head street PolIcy Henry Gough, Ferndale, Wyatt Rev. Frank (curate of St.
Griggs Mrs. Shrublands, Trinity street Sudbury road Andrew's). Pretoria road
Hammond Charles Wallis, High street Portway Charles J.P., C.C. The Croft, Yerbury Walter, 67 Head street
Hardy Miss, 19 Head stTeet High street
COMMERCIAL. Ba,l"ber John, farmer, Brick Bam farm
Early c~osing day, Wednesday, 2 p.m. Barclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (Henry-
Ahbott Frances (Miss), ladies' school, Colchester road George Cobb, manager), High street; draw on head
Adams Thomas Francis &; Sons, brewers, maltsters &; office, 54 Lombard street, London E C
corn merchants, Trinity street Barker William George, grocer, 109 High street
Allen Edward William, grocer, draper &; boot &; shoe, Barry &; Co. printers & stationers, 21 High street
hardware &; lamp oil dealer &; house furnisher, 2 Mount BartholomewMargaret (Mrs.), dress ma. 4 Bois Hall tel'"
pleasant Bartram Arthur Henry, oonfectioner &; tobacconist 101 &;
Als~on .A I"UIIU, farmer, Penny Pots 103, & fruiterer 105, High street
Ambrose Thomas Hy. baker & c<mfeetnr. 82 Parsonage st I Beadle HarI"iet (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Mount hill

Amey WaHer 'WilIiam, bake'r & grocer, 20 New III,rcl1l. Beckwith Caleb, cabinet maker, Parsonage st·reet
Angier Thomas, shopkeeper, 90 Parsonage street Benne,j,t Alfred, fishmongp.l', 6 High !ltreet
.Ardley Henry William, farmer, Gladfen hall Beresford Ralph M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon-dentist..
Ardley Hora,ce Barker, coal & corn merchant & maltster, 40 High street; -attends tues. &; fri
Causewav Bible Class Club (Gemge Tyler, president), Parsonage st

.Argent, J~liza (Mrs.), tailor &; 11001, dealer, Dl'idge "t,r<wl, Binks Benjamin, baker, 19 Cha.pel hill
Argent Thomas, Dog P.H. 49 North street Binks Sarah (Miss), dress make.r, 19 Chapel hill
Arnold Alfred, White Horse P .H. 32 Parsonage stlreet Birkin John, boot &; shoe maker, 31 Head street
Ashworth James Henry M.D.St.And., M.R.C.·P.Edin., Blomfield Alfred & J. brick, drain pipe & tile makeriJ
F.F.P. &; S.Glas., L.S.A.Lond. physician &; srtlIrgeon, & farmers, Brook farm
medical officer Halstead district, 1st division &; to the Blomfield J oseph, farmer, Blamsters
Workhouse, medica~ officer of health Ha[s.tead 1st RUTal BIyth Mrs. apartments, 44 North street
District, certifying' factory surgeon & surgeon to the BO\vyer Samuel, smith, Bridge street,
Oo<ttage Hospital, High street Bradbury John, 'l'hree Crowns P.H. 13 High st.ree~
Atkinson George, J'eporter, Mitchell avenue Bragg Edward, boot repairer, 57 Mount pleasan~
Baker, Son & Co. general drapet·s, 7, 8 &; 9 Hea,. !If,reel, Bragg George, fish dealer, 37 Mount pleasant
Ba.rber Leonarll Luess F.R.O.O. organist of Holy 'l'rinity, Bragg Harry, hawker, 2 Kew st,reet ,
Mornington house, Colchester road Bragg Henry, shopkeeper, 75 Parsonage street

Bragg John, boot repairel',· I Highbury ter. Colchstr. rd Doubl~day :Edward & Thomas I'. grocers & drapers &
Brazier Isaac &:'. Sons, wholesale wir'e wOl'liers &, llicve &. agents for tile Essex &; SulIolk Fir'e,,
screen makers, i8 Head street Mliance &; YQrkslJire }l'ire &; Life InSlll'311Ce Oompanies,
Dl'azier Herhert Willialll, Napier A.rllls P.lI. 53 Head si, High street; Head stl'ee~ &;, 'l'rinil.y street
Bright Hen ry, fanner, StolWS fa 1'111 Dunt William George. gene~al dTa.per,milliner & jacket
Brown Hugh & Co. Limited (George Southcomb, man. warehouse, London house, 2 &:, 4 Bridge street
direCtor), tanners, 52 High street East Essex & Halstead Times (Barry & Co. publisllt~rs &
Brown Wm. Edwd. & Son, tailors & clothiers, I4 High st proprie-tors; published friday for saturday), 21 High st
Brown Alfred Duncombe, pbarm. chemist, 12 High street Else An'l1Jie (.Miss), dress maker, 9 Chapel terrace
Brown ArllllU, baker & grocer, 17 Tiding'S hill Emilie et Cie. ladies' outfitters, 33 High, st,reet
Broyd '"Villiam, farmer & cattle dealer, Brook street Essex Imperial Yeomanry (D S(luadl'Oll) (Major Edlllund
Buck Charles, carriage builder, see Griggs & Buck Deacon, commanding; Capt. L. 'I'ritt,oll, second in com-
Bugg F. J. & 00. tailors, clothiel's & onLJit·Lers, 66 Higlt ilL mand; A. W. lIollis, squadron quarter-master sergt. ;
Bugg Frederick John, boot & shoe maker, 68 High st ISquadron Sergt.-Majlll' Alhert Walton, instructor);
Bull l"amily.& Commercial Hotel (adjoining Railway quarters, 47 Kew street
statiion) (ArjJ]1Ul' Wm. Hollis, Pl'olHietol'), Hl'idgll HI, Evans Catherine (.Mrs.), beer retailer, 95 Parsonage street
Bullock William H., F.U.C.O. organis,t of St. Andrew's, Evans Jacob, farmer, Bais hall, Sudbury road
9 Pal'sanage s·t reet Evans .Tacob, jun. grocer, 4 North street
Burgess Edwl1rd Art'hur M.H.C.S.Ellg'., L.S.A. SIll'g-COIl, Evans Jacob, pig &; poultry dealer. Colne road
Head street Evans J oihn, confection el', '83 Parsonage street
Butcher George, tailor, Boisfield Evans ~Phomas WilIiam, greel~grocer, 60 Head street
Dutcher John (late U. '1'ylel'), ta.ilor & woollen d l'lll'c I', Evans William, beer retailer, 5 Trinity square
hosier & hatt,er, 39 High street Evans",Villiam, pork butcher, 79 Parsonage street
Cadby Frederick Thomas, basket maker, 8 Highbury Fisher 'I'hamas, schoolmaster, 49 Oolchestcl' road
terrace, Colchester road . Fitch Ellen (Mrs.), laundress, 61 NOl"ih street
Canning .A:len Taylor, wine & spirit merchant, re- Fleteher Fredk. beer retailer & pork butcher, 82 High st
presented by E. & P, Adams, High street . French Richard Arthur, watch maker, 78 High street
Carter & Son, printers &, stationers, 28 High street Frost Edmd. miller (steam & ",ind) & corn mel'. lluislield
Carter William ChlliI'les, market gardener, 34 Trinity &t Fros E'lizabeth (:Mrs.), apartments, If)'! King's, road
CatchpoleGeo. Fredk.mana,ger of ironfoundry,13iKing's I'd Frost Stephen, gamekeeper to exors. of J. R. Vaizey,
Cemetery (Edgar J oseph Potter, clerk to the joint com- White House farm
mittee; George Wiffen, supt.), Colchester road Frye Alfred Thomas (Mrs.), draper, 91 &; 93 Higlh street
Child Frederick Richard, manager of Gas 'Works, Facit Fuller James, boot warehouse, 55 High street
cottages, King's roar! Gardner William, beer retailer, Fenns, Colne road
Clark Sarah & AIice (Misses), newsagents, 43 High street George Oommel'ciaJ Hotel (Edward Albert Hallam Win.
Clark Isabella (Miss), confectioner, 41 High 'street findale, proprietor), High street
Clark WaIter, cabinet maker, I High street Gibbs John & Oharles Henry, furniture dealers, 9 Chapel
Clarke Osborne George, butcher, I I Head street hill & Mount hill '
Claydon Herhert, WaIter, boot l1Iul,er, IIS King's road Gibbs WaIter, confectioner, 23 High street
C1ements Alfred, heel' retailer, 41 Chapel hill Gittns Albert EdW<lI'd, Rose & Cmwn P.H. 55 Head st
Clover Owen & Son, millers (steam) &; corn merchants, Goodey Henry, Three Pigeons P.H. Mount hill
Ro~ler flour mills, Bridge street Goodey Mark, Griffin P.H. 103 Parsonage street
Cobb Henry George, manager of Barclay &; Co. Limited, Goodey WilIiam Dring, baker, 52 Parsonage street
bankers, Hig-h street Goodram Thomas, plumber, 71 Head street .
Cocksedge Henry & Son.· timber merchants, general Gosling Wm. Draper, Swan P.H. 71, & butcher 69, New st
wood turners &; saw mills, 20 Bridge st. & Steam saw mls Gould Moses, greengrocer, 34 Chapel hill
Coles & Co. dhemists & agents fa I' W. & A. G ilhey Li Ill. Grammar School (Samuel Savery B.A. head master),
wine &; spirit merchants &; insur. a.gents, 25 High street High street
Ooles Samuell .John, dell'tis~, 25 High sll'eet. Grapes ]~mma (~'h's.), confectioner, 2 Neale road
Colne Valley & Halstead Railway Company(George Copus, Gray Arthur, Royal Oak P.E. 58 High street
genoral manager; William George ]]ailey, sec) Green Frank James, farm bai1iff to the exors. of tlle late
Constable William, shopkeeper, 20 Trinity street J. R, Vaizey, Russelol's brm
Cook Frdk. John, beer retailer &; greengrcr. 45 High street Griggs &; Buck, carriage builders, Bridge street
Cook George, brewer, 105 Parsonage street Halstead Club (F. MOl"ton WaIlis, hon. sec.), High street
Cook George Emest, beer retailer, 76 Tidings hill Halstead & Colne Valley Gazette (Charles Alfred Rayner
Cook Thomas Henry, greengrocer, 24 Trinity street Carter, proprietor; published thursday), 28 High skeet
Cook William, bui~der, North street Hal'stead COlllstitutiional Working Men's Gub (Frank
Cooke Eliza Ann (!Mrs.), King's Arms P.B. 8 North street Davey, hon. sec.; Henry WeUs, steward), 53 High 'street
Cooke Jane (Mrs.), midwife, 123 King's road Halstead Exce1sior String Band (John Reilly, sec.; Rd.
Oooper Harry, cycle & motor car maker & agent, I.etchcs l<'rancis, bandmastel'), Bridge street
cycle &; motor wor'ks, Head street Halstead Football Ollllu (W. H. Warner, sec.), Royal Oak
Cooper Waiter William, basket maker &; osier grower & P.H. High s,treet
agent for Northern Assurance Co. 26 High street Halstead Gas 00. Lim. (Francis Rarris RA. sec.;
Co-operative Assembly Rooms (Herbert Amey, sec.), Frederick Richard Child, manager), Bridge street;
Trinity street . works, Rosemary lane
Ooppin Frederick, s·tation master, 163 King's road Halst,ead Industria,l Oo-ope.rative Society Lim. (Herbert
Copus Geo. general manager to the Colne Vaaey railway Amey, sec.), Tr,inHy street
Oorder Henry, beer ret.ailer, 30 'I1idings hill Halstead Liberal Association (R. L. Hughes & A. W.
Cottage Hospital (James Henry Ashworth M.D. John Kibble, secs)
Boume Bromley, Charles Gordon Roberts M.A., M.B. Halstead Libe1'll1 Club (Henry G.Hughes & Al"bhul' Smith,
'.vhomas Edwa.rd })allett L.S. .:\. & Henry .1oseph 'l'lI'alU- joint hon. secs.), Trinity street
ley L.R.C.S.I. medieal ollicel's; Hev, Edwin Henry Halstead Town Band (Richard Francis, bandmaster; O.
Oakley l\LA. hall. sec.; Edga'r .Toseph Pol,ler, l\ssi"t,llnl, H. Gibbs. sec.), IIB Trinity street I

sec. & colledol'; Miss Alif'p. Wakeling-, matron),Nol't.h st Halstead United Chal·ities (John, manager; Fras.
County Oourt (His Hono!' 11. 'l'indal At.ldnson, jnc1g'c; Ha:rris B.A. clerk), High sl,reet
Francis Harris B.A. registrar & hi~h bailiff), High st HaJstead Urban District C{)uncil Fever Hospital (Miss E.
Courtauld Samuel &; Co. Lim. silk & C1'ape manufac- Dowsett, matron)
turers, Ralstead & ]~al'ls O)lne miHs; & at Docldng' & Halstead Volunte·er Fire Brigade (Edgar Tarry Adams,
Braintree; i& 19 Aldermanbury, London E C r& Leigh, captain; Herbert ,"Yebb, supt.; George Hoad Mathews,
Lanes sec.), Head street
Craig James, farmer, Fitzjohn's Ha,lsteadJ Water Works (Herbert Webb, IIlJ1",<1T.) , Hea.d st
CUlyer Alfred, news agent, High street Hammond Charles WalIis, manag-er of the London &
Culyer Susannah (Mrs.), watch maker, 62 High street County Banking- Co. Lim. High street
Davey Frank, wire worlwr, 72 Read stl'eet Harrington Arrthur, leabher seller, 30 Head street
Davey Pl'iscilla (Mrs.), bep\, retailer, 20 North street HarringtoOn Olara (Miss), dress maker, 15 Chapel street
Davey Waiter, farm bailiff to John Gilling esq. The Wash Ha;~rington Harry, plumber & paill'ter,q Trinity road
Deal George. farm IJruiliff to 'bhe Rev. n..T. H. Beridge. Harris Francis B.A. (firm, Harris, Morton & Harris),
hall solicitor & commissioner for oaths, registrar of county
Deal Richard, baker & confectioner. 103 North street court, clerk to mn!!istrates for South Hinckford (Hal-
Deeks John 'f,homas, hni1del', 72 North street stead) & North Hinckford (Hedin~ham) divisions &;
Do~ Arthur, butcher, 8 Trinity street clerk to Halstead united chaI'lities & sec. to Halstead
Drury lsaac, Woodman P.H. 34 Colchester road Gas Co. Limited, High street .
Harris, Morton &; Harris, solicitors, High street Niclllllson William A.rtlJlll', sallil,ary im!)ecLor & high \Vay
Harms George Albert, hair dresser, 95 High street slll"Veyor, ISt distl'icl; Halstead BUl'al District Council,
Harvey John, saddler, 12 Parsonage street 19 Head street
Hawkes Thomas, boot maker, Trinity street North William, seedsman &; florist, 99 High street
Hawkins Samuel, baker, 32 Head street Norwn J·, tobacconist, 3 High street
Hilder Elsie &, Edith (Misses), girls' school, The Chase, Oak William, grocer, 59 High street
Head street Osborne Arthur, beer retailer & carpenter,54 Parsonage st
Hollis Ar'thur William. Bull. family &, commercial hotel Owel's Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 81 Trinity road
(adjoining railway station), Bridge street Owers James, temperance hotel proprietor, 'l'rinity st
HastIer George, Red Lion P.H. I Mount Pleasant Pamplin John, umbrella &, walking st,ick ma. Tidings hill
Houchin Emily (Mrs.), householder, Facit cots. King's I'll Parish Jane (Mrs.), stay maker.. Bridge street
Howard Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 16 North street Parsonson Chus. basket maker & fancy goods dlr'79 High st
Hughes Hy. Lake, postmstr. & stamp distributor, High st Pendle Leo James, carrier &; agent for Sutton & Co.
Hughes Robel"t Lake, clerk to the board of guardians & carriers, 76 Hig-h street
school llittendance &, assessment committees of Halsl.ead Pendle Nathan William, furniture dealer, 76 High street
union, clerk to Halstead Rural District Council & supt,. Pitt Ernest Albert, fancy goods dealer, 97 High street
registrar of Halstead dis·trict, Head street Planner Henry, provision dealer
Hume Eliza (Mrs.), King's Head. P.H. Colchester road Plummer Samuel Ch'!s. farmer &, dairyman, Hepworth hall
Hume 'WaIter, shopkeeper, 248-, Head street l'olley Nathan, farm hailiff to F rancis A rt1l Ill' Vaizey esq
Hunter Reginald Br.ay, inland revenue officer, 'WoolsLollll, Porter .A ntbony, fanner, Magpie hall
Sudbury road P()rter George, farmer, Conies
Hurry William, manager Town 11a11, Chapel street Portway C. & Son, general &; furnishing ironmongers, oil,
Iggulden Jane (Miss), schoolmistress, SI Colc.hester road colour &; glass merchants, hardware factors, engineers,
Industrial School (Miss Harnet Mary Newman, supt.), plumbers, brass & iron founders &; stove & range manu-
School lane facturers, High street & Rosemary lane
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, grocers,56 High st Potter Alfred, commercial traveller, III King's road
James Edwd. Wm. Ye Olde White Hal·te inn, 15 High st Polter Edgar Joseph, elerk to the joint budal commitLee
Johnson William, farmer, Ol'owbridge farm & school attendance officer, Blue bridge, rd
Jowers :Florence Amy (l'.Iiss), teacher of music, 62 HIlad si, Potter Henry Cockton, herbalist &; yeast dealer, POIt
Kelf Harry, draper, 81 & 83 High street office, 12 Trinity street
Kemp Frederick Wm. master of workhouse, North st Pountney Henry, ironmonger, 75 High street
Kemp George, painter, 33 New street 1'Ildney ""'alter, pork hutcher, 60. Parsonage street
Kemp Waiter, Bird-in-Hand P.H. 56 Chapel hill Haven l'~dward & Sons, engineers, maohinists & agl'icul-
Kibhle Henry, farm hailiff to JoIhn Gilling eSI}. AyleUs tu ral implement dealers, at,eam plough & t h mshing
Rdng Alfred WaIlace, accountant, 1 Mount Pleasant villa~, machine owners, Colne Valley il'on works, l\:.illg's road
Parsonage street Ray Thomas Henry, miller (steam &; water) &:, gravel
Knight Erne~t, corn & coal mer. 74 Head st. & King's rd merchant, Langley mill
Knights Albert, boot maker, Trinity street Rayner Eliza (Mrs.), grocer &; baker, 43 Head street
Last Geol'ge, Nag's Hea.cL P.R. 5 New street· Rayner George, farmer, Letches farm
Last Charles, shopke'eper, 14 Mount Pleasant Rayner Samuel, baker & carrier, 28 Trinity street
Last 'Walter, thatcher, 16 East mill Rayner Susannah (Miss), dress maker, 17 North street
Lam'ence Alfred, honse decorator, 89 King's road H(~dgew()ll Charles 'rhos. hardware dealer, 7 North street
Laver Francis John, farmer, Highwoods Rp,illy John, Railway hotel, Bridge street
Lawrence Albert Henry, baker &, grocer, 14 Trinity square llichards Sarah }~lizh. (Mrs.), apartmeuts, 30 High st.reet
Layzell Henry, tinsmith, North street Hidgewell Robert, boot makel', 23 Head street
Lewis Anthony, beer retailer, 25a, Mount !'leasallt Roberts Charles Gordon M.A., M.B. & B.O.Camb. phy-
Lister John Thomas, assistant supt. Prndenltial ASSUl'UllCll sician & surgeon & medical officer (2nd division), & pub-
Co. 125 King's road lic vaccinator (1St division), Halstead union & medical
Literary & Mechanics' Institute eR. L. HugheSl, sec.), otncer of healtJh to the Urhan District Council, Pit.
ch:ll'ds, Trinity street,
Town hall, High street
Lockwood David, engineer, smith & boiler retlr.Mount hill Hoot ]~rnest, butcher, 50 New s·treet
London &; County Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Chas. Hoot ]<~,win, greengrocel', 68 Head street
Wallis Hammond, manager), High street; draw on Root William, poultry dealer, I Martins road
head office, London E 0 Root William Herbert, printer &; publisher, Trinity st
Long Sydney Richard, deputy supt. registrar, I Stanley Rowland, Harrington &; Minter, hardware &; fancy goods
villas, Pretonia road dealers, High street
l.unniss A.rthur Alfred, police inspedor, Police station, Rowland Ernest James', hairdresser, 14 Head street

street Rowland James, hair dresser, 3 North street
Lyons Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 60 High st Rowland Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 72 High street
Maidwell Emma (Miss), toy dealer, 69 Head street RlllIle .T ohn Cousins, miller (water) &; farmer, Boxmill
Marlar John & Son, chemists, & wine, spirit & ale mer- Runnaclos Charles E. huilder, contractor & under-
chants, 49 & 5 I High street , 1oal\8r, 'White house
Masonic Lodge (No. 2,154; Joshua Nllnn) (Harris Bills, It llt.t, er Frank, bal{er, 9 :N orrth street
sec.), George lJOtel St,. John Ambulance Society (Lt.·'CoI. Percy Adams, presi-
Matllews George Hoad, 'collector to I.he Urh:'\1l nisl,rict den·t; l?red. Marlar, sec.), Trinity st,l'ect
Council, Head street Sargent George, carpenter, New street
M3Ithews Harry 1'[orton, schoolmasl.el·, Pichwick 1I0llse, Sargent Herbert, baker &, corn dealer, 5 High street
Colchester road Sargent Mrs. apal-tments, 3 Bois Hall terrace
MatQlew!! Waiter, van & cal't builder, 4 & 5 Mounl, hill Sayward Emmaline (Mrs.), Railway Bell inn, 30 Trinity at
Mayes George & Sons, watch makers, 35 High street Science &Al't Club (E. '1'. Adams eSI}. chairman; Miss
Miller Thomas, l1shmonger, 89 High steret H. Titlen, hon. sec.), Brewery Reading l'oom, 1'rinity st
Moger Stanley, auctioneer, surveyor & valuer, Head ,street. ScoLt l~dward Slater, wheelwrig>ht, Ollal)el lJill
Monk George, carrier & carter, 25 New !!treet Scott James, jun. beer retailer, town crier & bill poster,
Nlorgan Tom Foord, surveyor of the Essex main l'oadg, North street
Halstead (No. 3) district of t/he Conn·ty Conncil, 16r Scott WaIter Early, fruiterer & fishmonger, 65 High s\
King's rond SeoLt William, haker 30, & heel' re.tailer 32, NOI-th street
Morton Robert Rutherford (firm, Harris, Morton &; Seymour John &; James, grocers, 63 High street
Harris), solicitor, commissioner for oaths &; clerk to Sharp George, builder, 7S Head street
the Urban Dist,riet COlln~il, Higih street· Sheen William Crowe, registrar of births &, deaths, re-
May Thomas Limited. coal, salt, lime, cement & lieving & vaccination officer & collector to the guardians,
granite merchants, cnl,e & manures, King's road &; 1st district, Halstead Union, 64 Head street
Bridge street Simmons Bros. linen drapers, 9 High street
Nash George, hardware & furniture dealer, 4 High street Stirnmons George, balier & shoplieepel", 94 Tidings hill
Nash James, boot repairer, 46 North street Smith E. & B. saddlers, harness makers &:,,
Nash Robert, butcher, 78 & 107 High street funeral carriage (glass car) & omnibus proprietors), 54
Newman Jacoh, shopkeeper, 10 Parsonage street High street (omnibus to Braintree every wednesday) ;
Newton A. W. & H. & Co. smiths, High street & at Braintree; Castle Hedingham; Pebmarsh & Great
Newton Elymas, chimney sweeper, 2 Chipping hill Yeldham
Newton George Henry, heer retailer, 89 North sLrel't Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers & newsagents, Railwa.y
Newton Isaac Willie, cabinet maker. 70 Head street station, Bridge street
Newton Walter Winterworth, poultry dlr. ~7 Tidings hill Smith .Alfred, coal dealel", Il6 TI'inity road
Norman George, higgler, 53 Moun·t Pleasant Smith Arthnr. picture fTame ma & stationer, High st
Smith Benjamin Thomas, grocer, 12 Head street trict, assistant overseer & collector of taxes, clerk to
Smith Charles AlIen, carpenter, 25 Head street the Vestry & clerk & assistant overseer to Halstead
Smith Frank, tailor, 61 High street Rural Parish C-ouncil, Head street
81l1itJh Felix, saddler, 13 Head street Tyler Samuel George, clerk & assistant overseer to Great
Smith Hannah (1\Irs.), beer retailer, Bridge street Maplestead parish council & deputy registrar of mar-
Smith J1ames, hair dresser, I Trinity square riages, Head street
Sm.ith Willialn Arthllr, solicitor, Colchester road Tyrrell Robert & Sons, oarpentel's, 14 Highbury tel'race~
S'myth John Charl'es, cycle maker, 57 High street! Colchester road
Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers, now amalgamated with Ungles.s & Viret, mineral water manufacturers, 42 North
Barclay & Co Limited street; & at Haver/hill
Springate John, higgler, 46 Tidings hill Victoria Hall(Samuel George Tyler,hon. sec.),Parsonag-e st
Spurgeon Alfred, chimney sweeper, 4Z Trinity road Vo,lunteeT Battalion, 2nd Essex Regiment, (E Co. Capt.
Spurgeon Charles, cabinet maker, 28 New street Francis A. Vaisey; Harry H. Goldsmith, drill instol"l.lC-
. Stead Mrs. 'householder, 61 Head st'I'eet g,tructor), Drill hall, Corn Exchange
Steed Alfred, painter & picture frame maker, I I North st Wallis Frederic Morton M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon &
SI,ul>!Jings Charles, hoot maker, 24 Head street veterinary inspector (by appointment) to the Board of
Sturmer Hemy, plumber, 6 North street Agriculture & for the South Hinckford (part of), &
Suckling Alfred & Co. (late Harcourt Runnacles),builders, North Hinckford divisions of Essex, 38 Head street;
,house decol'ators, contractors & monumental masons, shoeing forges, Head street & Trinity street
Colchester road Walton SquadroIlJ Sergt.-Major Albert, instructor of Yeo-
Sudbury Ge,orge & SOIlS, builders, undertakers & insu.r- manry, 47 New street
ance agents, Colchester road \Varq J,oseph Alma, boot maker, 30 New street
Sudbury 'Vm. sen. builder, contract-or, llOuse decorator, 'Varner Harriet (Mrs.), confectioner, 2 Head street
sanHoary engineer & undertaker, 5 Bridge street Watts L. J. Limited, monumental masons (George Sharp~
SurridgB Ernest Edward, solicitor & commissioner for agent), 75 Head street; & at Colches,ter. See advert
oaths, Colchester road Watts Evelyn (Miss), dress maker, 9 Bridge street
Sutton & Co. carriers (Leo James Pendle,agent),76 High st Webb Herbert S. surveyor & sanitary inspector to Urban
Symonds Alfred, Essex Arms P.H. 'lorinity street Dist:rict Council, 40 Head s,treet
Tanswell George, boot maker, 47 High street Weston Henry, engineer & Inillwright, 34 North street
Taylor Jonathan, shopkeeper & poultry dealer, 40 New st Whiting James & Co. grocers & drapers, 17 & 19 High st
Technical InstructioIl Committee (HaJ'Stead/ di.strict) (E. Wicker James, ga,rdener to Mrs. Tayler, Sudbury road
J. Potter, sec.), Blue bridge, Colchester road Wiffin John, greengrocer, 39 North ,street
'l'emperance Hotel (James Owers, proprie-t,or), 'l'l'illity st Willings Fred. Henry, baker, 22 Trinity street
'J.'·hirkettle James, farm ba-Hiff to Mrs. Horner, TJ"le Howe Winfindale EdlNard Albert Hallam. George family
Tiffen Joseph "White, boot & shoe maker, 3 Head street & commercial hotel & posting house, High st,reet
Tortoise Foundry Co. general iron & brass founders, Woolard James Isaac, cook & confectioner, 40 High street
Rosemary lane Working- Men's Club (Leonard Spurgeon, sec.; WaIter
Town Hall (William Hurry, manager), High street Chaplin, steward), Trinity street
Tyler & Son, auctioneers, valuevs, land & estate agents & , Yeldham Deanery Magazine (William Herbert Root, pub-
surveyors & rent & debt collect<lrs; Auction rooms, I hsher), Trinlity s,treet
Head street; & at Braintree & :Bocking Yerbury WaIter, accountant, 67 Head street
Tyler J'ames E. photographe'r, Oakley house, Nor1!h street York Henry, hair dresser, 37 High street
Tyler Samuel. registrar of marri'3ges, Halstead sub-dis- Young \\T,illiam, farmer, Parley beams
AIIen Robert J.P. GreeIlistead hall Clarke Albert, beer retailer & farmer, Holmes Edward Henry, miller (steam
Brouncker Misses, The Grange Burton's green & wind)
Gray Charles Wing J.P. Stanstead hall Ellis J oseph, farmer Osborn James, land steward to Mr.
Hart Rev. Robert M.A. (vioa,r i& surro- Evans Philip, shopkeeper Frederick May, Claverings
gate), St. James' vicarage, Firmin Thomas, Hare & Hounds P.H. Palmer Henry, farm bailiff to Robert
Hassall Rev. Arthur M.A. (curate) builder, wheelwright, blacksmith & AlIen esq
Parish Frank, jun. Piercy's steam saw mills Rippengale Edmund, beer retailer~
Sutcliffe Mrs Firmin Thos. jun. shopkpr. & post off Burton's green
Amey Henry, boot & shoe maker Gray Charles Wing J.P. farmer & land- Starling Robert, farmer, Don John's
Arnold Joseph, beer retailer owner, Stanstead hall & Piercy'.s farm (letf.ers through Earls Colne
Arnold Thomas, Plough inn Pawsey Henry, beer retailer R.S.O)
EAST HAM is a parish, 4 miles from Whitechapel East Ham anciently bel-onged to Waltham Abbey,
church, London, with which it has a dir'ect communi- to 'Wruoh it was confirmed by King Edward the
cation by the lower road through Poplar, leadi,ng to Oonfessor. The church of St,. Mary Magdalen
Barking and Grays, I mile west from the town and quay is an ancient struoture of flint and stOllP', in
of Barking, 2! miles south-east from Stratford, 2 north part Norman, and consists of apsidal chancel, with
from North Woolwich steamboat pier and free ferry north aisle, nave, western porch and a low embattled
and 2 south-west from Ilford, in the Southern division western tower containing- 2 bells; the chancel has
of the county, Beacontree hundred and petty sessional narrow lancet' windows, but some part of it, as wen
division, West Ham union, county court district of as portions of the nave and the basement of the tower,
Bow, rural deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex is Norman; in the chancel is a piscina with lamp
and diocese of St. Albans. It is in th~ jurisdiction bracket, and a Norman arcading of intersecting arches,
of the Central Criminal court and the Metropolitan much mutilated; here also is a costly monument of
police. The district, formerly governed by a Local black and white marble with life-sized effigies, to Ed-
Board, constituted in 1878, is now, under the provisions mund (or Edward) Nevill, a lineal descendant and heir
[If the" Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. male of Sir GeorlZe Nevill, baron Latimer and the re-
e. 73) controlled by an Urban District Council of 15 puted owner of that title, who in the reign of James I.
members. Little Dford was united for local ~overnment claimed, though unsuccessfully, the earldom of West-
purposes and three members added for that ward in morland, the attainder of Oharles, the last earl, who
October, 1886: the nnited district is now divided into flour died in 1584 and whose heir male he was, not having
wards, consisting of Manor Park ward, Plashet ward, been reversed; there is also a memorial to Jan<!, hi~
Central (East Ham) ward and Beckton and North wife, and Katherine, their dang-hter, 1618: there are
Woolwich ward, and it returns four members for the other ancient monuments and brasses to Rester, wife
Essex County Council. This parish is in the Eastern of Francis Neve, citizen and merchant taylor, ob, 1610;
Metropolitan postal district and lies n(JI'th and south Elizabeth (Harvey), wife of William Heigham esq.
of the road to Barking, the parochial boundaries ex- ob 1622, with three children; William Johnson, an
tending from Wanstead Flats to the Thames at North infant, ob. 1631, and an inscription recording a bene-
Woolwich, the southern part of the district being faction bv Robert Rampston in 1585: the church plate
rather low. The I.ondon, Tilbury and Southend railway is abont three centuries old: there are 150 sittings:
has a station here, to which the Midland has access, in the churchyard was buried the eminent antiquary
and the Manor Park station on the main line of the Great William Stukeley M.D., F.R.S. who died 3rd March.
Eastern railway to Colchester and Ipswich is I mile 1765; agreeablv to hi;;: request, the grave has no ston~
north. The District railway opened a branoh line in or memorial of anv kind, but the spot was identified
June; 1902, from Whitechapel to East Ham. The Urban in 1889, and the coffin found to be in good preservation ~
Council have established electricity wo,rks and many of the church Ilffords 200 sittings. The reg-ister of marri-
the streets and business premises are lighted from them. ages dates from r696.; baptisms and burials from 1700.


The living is a vicarage, het yearly value £330,' with Tramways Engineer &; Manager, O. Ul1man M.I.E.E.
residence, in the gift of Braseoose <"'lollege, Uxford, and N elsoll :,ltl'iwL
held since r893 by the Hev. John Hnbert Ware M.A. of Assistant Accountant, G. H. FI'y, 8{ Shlll.:cspelll·o I:rc:s
that college, and rural dean of South Barking. The IJibrarian, lV. Bridle, G ladstone aVlHllIO
chapel of ease of St. J dhn the Baptist, built in 1866, is a Sanitary Inspeetor, Joseph G. Banks, Town hall
<crucifol"IIl structure, consis·ting of chancel, nave, tran. Assistant Sanitary Inspecturs, tieu. D. Lill, 129 Ilcigham
septs and a western tower containing a clock and one bell, road &; J. G. Andersoll, 35 1101lno road
and will seat about 500 persons: another church is (1902) Collectors of General District Rate, Alfred Fairfax, Town
being erected in the Barking road. There is a Wesleyan hall, Barking road; res. 12 CIaren<:e I'd. Manor Park;
<chapel in the Ba'l'king road with sittings COl' ubnut 430 A. H. Aldridge, 24 St. .Tohn's road; William Palmer,
pel'lSOns, a Primitive Metiliodist chapel in High st.reet Town hall; re·s. 23 Woodhouse grove; W. Ironmonger,
sourtJh, built in 18'85, with 300 sil,tings, and I' l'I'iIllW\,e 18 Chester road &; P. N. Polkinhorne, 18 Lathom road
Methodis-t chapel (Fry Memorial) in Plashet grove. '1'he Matrons at Hospitals, MI's. A. Woods, Isolation Huspital.
Congregational chapels in Stamford road and Plashet Boundary road &; Miss Wilson, Clock House Diphtheria
grove are iron buildings. The Congregational chapel at Hospital, High street
Manor park was bniU in 1890, and will seat 250 pel"SOlls.
East Ham Baptist 'l"ahernacle, Katherine road, was erec- PUBLIC l":STA]lLISH~mNTS.
ted in 1896, and has 375 sittings. '1'1Ie' be-
longing to the United Synagogue was acquired in 1888. East Ham District Council Dip,htherh\ Hllsl,ilal, High
The To·wn Hall, in the B81rking road, corner of High street south, Miss Wilson, matl'on
street south, is a fine large structure, built of red brick Fire Brigadt' Station, \Vakefield st. Wm. SweeU:lnd, SlIpt
'With stone and te.rra cotta embellishments, having a lofty G-iles's Almshouses, High street south
tower sllil'lI1ounted by a gilt dome; the municipal offices, Passmore J~dwards })lIulic I.iLJI"ary, l'I""IICL grove, Wm.
transferred from WakeJield street, are located here. Bridle, librarian
There are almshouses, founded in 1621 by Giles Bream Public Hall, Plashet grove, \Vallace Phipps, sec
esq. who died in 1621 and was buried in the church; St. Albuns Set-tlement, 24 Victotia aVelll111, Mi:is M. A.
these are occupied by three married couples and 6 Dallaway, head
widows, and endowed with 103 acres of land at Brain- Town hall, Barking road
tree, producing £26 15s. yearly, half of which is sent
to Bottisham, in Cambridgeshire, the plan of the ori- I'UBLICOF1"[Cl..:RS.
ginal endowment providing for 3 pOG<l' men of that Medical OtJicer, East District, Wes~ Ham Uniun, AlherL
parish and 3 of this; other charities amounting to William Deaumont RA., M.D. High strllet north
£19 are yearly distributed at Ohristma!!. A recreation Registrar of Bir~hs &; Deat-hs for l":us~ Ham Di:ill'id,
ground, tenned the "Central Park," off High street 'Ves~ Ham Union, Danilll Reurdon, 17 lIolme roa,1
~outh, is laid out with lawns and flowerbed.s, with space Relieving o Ilicel's , West Ham Unioll, No. 4 nisl.rid.,
also for cricket, football and other spor~s, has a band- Edwin Rfllldall Elliott, 168 Plashet gmve; No. 16 Dis-
stand, drinking fountain and a sun dial; there is also trict, William :Edward Hobhs, 79 St. John's I'oau
a smaller park in Plashet grove, for which an old garden
has been utilised; it contains several very fine trees, in- PLAOES OF WOUSIIIP, wit.h lillles of sel·vices.
~luding an old cedar; adjoining is the Passmore Edwards
St. Mary Magdalen Clmrch, High street south, Hev. J,
Free Library, being the second public library provided Hnbr.rt Warc M.A. "'icar; Hev. Arthllr Dee Port &
by that gentleman in the East Ham Urban Council dis- Rev. Ril~hal'd James Utten 'rodd RA. curates; 11 a.lIl.
trict. Temple House is the residence of Mrs. Winter.
& 6.30 p.m
"I'he parish has an area of 2,498 acres of land,S of water, St. John the Baptist Chapel of Ease, 8 &; II a.m. k
20 of tidal water and 5 of foreshore; rateable value, 6.30 p.m.; wed. &; fri. 8 a.m.; tues. thurs. &; sat.
£380,564; the popUlation in 1871 was 4,344; in 188r, 7 a.m.; mono tues. thurs. &; sat. 4.30 p.m.; wed. 8
'9,713; I8gI, 28,74J4' which inclUded St. George's-in-the-
p.m. ; fri. 7.30 p.m
East workhouse school, St. Edward's reformatory and St. Alban's Mission Church, Boleyn road, supplied
St. Nicholas Industrial school, and in 1901 was 95,469, from St. Stephen's, Upton; 8 & I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ;
The Urban District of East Ham indudes Little llford tues. & holy days 7.30 p.m
pari~, added by Local Government Order, May 20, 1886,
Baptist, Plashet grove, Rev. Hobert Copeland Sloan;
'Which has as area of 768 acres; the population in 18gI I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; thurs. &; sat. 8 p.m
of the whole district was 32,713, and in 1901 was 96,018 ; Congregational, Stamford road, Rev. .1:1. G. Brown; 1[
the rateable value of the Urban Dis.trict is £3'62,669, a.m. &; 6.30 p.m
Parish Clerk, James Cozens. Congregational, Plashet grove, Rev. R. Sloan; I I a.m.
Post, M. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, S. B. & &; 6.30 p.m
Annuity &; Insurance Office, High street. J ames Primitive Methodis~, High street south (West Ilam Cir-
Stokes, sub-postmaster cuit), Rev. Thomas 11. Bickerton; II a.m. &; 6.30
Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
49 High street north. John Pilgrim, Bub-postmaster. Primitive Methodist (Fry Memoriw) CUpton Park Cir-
Nearest telegraph office, East Ham railway sta-f,ion cuit), Plashet grove, Rev. Richard S. Blair; II a.lIl.
&; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p. m
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Primitive Metlhodis~, Romford road, Manor Park (Upl.on
Park Circuit), Rev. Richard S. nIair; II a.m. &; 6.30
Offices, Municipal hllihlings, Walielillhl -strert. p.m.; tlhurs. 8 p.m
Mee~ing day, 1st &; 3rd wed. in the mon·th at 7 p. tIl. Unit,ed Methodist, 'rennyson avenue (London l~ifth Cir.
cui~), Rev. W. '1'. Anderson; II a,lll. & 6.30 ll.m
Chairman-C. NQrthfield.
Wesleyan, Barking road (Barking Cit'Cllit), Rev. Charles
Vice-Chairman-H. Osborn. M. Greenway; 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; tiles. 7.30 p.m
Retire in April Retire in April Wesleyan, Plashet lane (Canning 'I'own Circuit), llev. F.
Central Ward. Plashet Ward. Rnssell \Vatson; I I a.m. &; 6,3° p.m
(). R. Anstead 1903 J. Lawrence 1903 Wesleyan, Romlord road (,stratford Cireuit), Rev. Robert
J. Brooks 1904 J. H. Bethell 1904 Morton (supt.); II a.m. &; 6,30 -p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Salvation Army Barracks, Holme road
E. Edwards
Beckton & North Woolwich
C. Northfield " ...•.....• 1904 T. L. Knight
Ig05 J. H. Carte
Manor Park Ward.
1905 St. Alban's Mission Room, Boleyn road

Ward. I H. Osbo1'n ....• ... 1903 SCHOOLS.

.J. Savage ,. 1903 R. Cheke .,. !. School Board of II member!! wall formed 20 .1une,
..• 1904
I<'. G. It'rancis '" '" 1904 F. W. Long......... .•• IY04 1873, but increased to 15 in 1900 on absorption oC the
G. Pratt 1905 W. Tomlinson 1905
Little lIlOI'd board; H. C. Padgett, Wakefield street,
clerk to the board; R. H. Roberts, Wakefield street,
Officers. assistant clerk to the board; F. R. Thompson, Wake-
Cl~rk &; Solicitor, Charles Eusta.ce Wilson, Town hall, field street, ledger clerk to the board; Francis Le
Barking road Gassick, supt. of visitors, 3 Park View villas, Central
Assistant Clerk,Edward W. Johnson, To,wn hall,Barking rd Park road, Ea~t Ham
'Treasurer, Alfred ~lant F.S.A. 123 High street Board, High street south, erected, with residences for
Medical Officer of Health, Alhet·t Willilllll Beaumout B.!, the master &; mistresses, in 1874, at a cost of £5,000
Oamb.• M.D., L.R.C.S.I~din. Oak hall. Hi~h Mt,. north &; since enlarged for 358 boys, 360 girls &; 357 infants;
Surveyor, A. H. Campbell A.M.lnst.C.E. Town hall average attendance, 380 boys, 360 ~irls &; 370 infants;
Deputy Surveyor, J()hn Emest William Birch, Town Hall .Tohn Skipsey, master; Miss .Tane Chllpman, mistresl;
buildings; res. 38 Woodhouse grove Mrs. Overal, infants' mistress
Central Park 1'oad. built in 1899, for 524 boys, 524 girls Napier road, built -in 1902, for 568 boys, 568 girls & 530
& 600 infants; average attendance, 509 boys, 449' infants; average att<lndance, 313 boys, 280 girls & 2'57
girls &; 650 infants; Cook, mastilr; Miss infants; J. E. Lelliott, master; Miss S. Tomlin, mis-
A. Furby, mistress; Miss Deans, infants' mistress tress; Miss S. S. Tomlin, infant·s' mistress
Board, Plashet lane, built in 1890, for 596 boys, 520 girls Hartley avenue, to be opened in January, 19°3, fOl' 560
&; 535 infants; average attendance, 600 boys, 550 girls boys, 560 girls & 521 infants
&; 700 infants; 'l'homas Watts, master; Mis!! Crllrnp,
mistress; Miss Wood, infants' mistress Vicarage lane, for 20'4 intan,ts; Miss SheIdrick, mistress
Board, Sbrewsbm'Y road, built in 1887, for 410 ho)'s, Railway Stations. •
317 girls &:- 240 infants; average attendance, 387 ll(l~'s, East Ram, Frederick PittucI" station master
341 girls &; 240 infants: Stephen Janes, master i l\liss Woodgrange Park, Joseph Capstick, station master
Duckham, mistress; Miss Nicol, infants' mistress
Board, Lathom road (Diamond Jnbilee), built in 1898, for Tramwa,ys run from the City & electric trams owned by
480 boys, 480 girls &; 571 infants; average attendance, the Urban Council run via Barking road to near
483 llOys, 483 girls & 575 infants; J ames Peters, master ; Barking; also from Beckton, via High street, to Ilford.
Miss .Annie Pockney, mistress; Miss Jane Murry, in- with extension to Wanstead flats
fants' mi'ltress Carriers to London.-Carter. Paterson & Co. twice daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Harris Edward Reeder, Gillett lodge, Postlethwaite WiIliam llenjamin, 3
Anderson Mrs. H. The Cottage, Barking road Woodhouse grove
Katherine road HeadIey Joseph, 137 Plashet grove Pressman Reuben Hy. 158 Plashet gm
Anstey Nicholas Geo. 172 Plashet gro i Hunt Harry, 12 Woodhouse grove Ruby Arthur Wm. 2 Woodhouse gm
Applegate Geo. John, 139 Plashet gro Hutchinson Harry, III Plashet grove Reynolds Alfred George,3+ Victoria av
Axworthy Samuel, 15 Central Park I'd Ivory John, Wilson's farm, Plasbet gro Reynolds Harry, 162 Plashet grove
Baker Henry, 192 Plashet grove .Jc.hnston Alexander Gordon M.R,e.M. Reynolds Leonard Grudgeon, 157
Barron William, 13'8 Plashet grove 177 Higb street north Plashet lane
Beaumont Albert WiIliam, Oak hall, Keightley William, 80 Milton avenue Richards Michael, 167 Pla"het grove
High street north Keys Elias, 23 Barking road Roberts James Wm. 169 Plasbet gro
Beckley John, 1'82 Plashet grove Kirkland Alfred, 152 Plashet grove RussiIl Thomas, 157 Byron avenue
Birch Miss, 156 Plashetgrove Knox Peter, 89 Milton avenue Salmon Miss, 163 Plushet grove
Birch John Erne-st William, 38 Wood. Lairehe Mrs. 148 Plashet grove Sawyer Jesse, 176 Plashet grove
house grove Lawley WaIter, 14 Woodhouse grove Simpson Duncan Grant,q6Plashet gro
Blair Rev.Richd. S. (Primitive Meth.), Le Messurier Fredk. 160 Plashet gro Slatrord Wm.Hewlett,6 Woodhouse gro
15 PIashet grove Lindsay Mrs. 157 Plashet grove Sporne Arthur, 13 Woodhouse grove
Boaz Edmund, 80 Byron avenue Lowe John, 10 Woodhouse grove Stokes William, 166 Plashet grove
Braund Rev. Alfd. Augustin A.K.C.L. McKettrick Fredenck J., M.B. &;c. 226 Stride Sidney A. 115 Wahfield street
(curate), 22 St. John's road High street north 'fhomson Alexander, 5 Victoria avenue
Carpenter So 28 Woodhouse grove MaIden Rev. Perey RA. (priest in Todd Rev. Richard James Utten M.A.
Carter Wm. Capel, 190 Plasbet grove charge of St. Martin's Chapel of (curate), St. Bartholomew's road
Casson Joseph R. I Woodbouse grove Ease), 118 Boundary road Travel'S George, I I Woodhouse grove
Chapman Henry, 16 Woodbouse grove Mangin Rev. Joseph Wareing RA. Trevor Arthur Herbert, 72 Higb st.nth
Clarke Mrs. Beecbcote, Vicarage lane (curate of St. Albans), 21 St. Ber- Underhill William, 5 Woodhouse grove
Cleaver Frederick Wm. 138 Milton av nard's road Vise In. Neville Blithe,302 High st. nth
Crompton Tbomas, 300 Plashet grove Marchant Charles, 46 Woodhouse gro Ware Rev. John Hubert M.A. (vicar &.
Davis Charles Fredk. F78 Plashet gro Miles Mrs. 25 Central Park road rural dean), The Vicarage, St. Bar-
Delaport Philemon, Wakefield house, MitcbelI Daniel, 135 Plashet grove tholomew's road
Wakefield street Murrell Sidney, 81 Byron avenue Warner Charles, I Holloway terrace,
Dolby Thomas, 103 Byron avenue NaIdrett· Mrs. 150 Plashet grove High street south
DowelI Samuel, 149 High street north Nicholo William, 170 Plashet grove Watson Rev. Frederick R. (Wesleyan).
Ellis Rev. James J. (Baptist), 109 NOl'ton James, 174 PIashet grove IB6 Plashet grove
Plashet grove O'Donnell Patrick, 140 Plashet grove "\Vatson James, 136 Plashet grove
Feely James E. 50 Plashet grove Palmer Mrs. 22 Woodhouse grove White Richard Geo. 36 Woodhouse gro
Goodman Oharles J.P. Wall end Pankhurst Edward Rerben, ;33 Wood- White William WaIt. 1'80 Plashet gro
Harries Rev. David (Congregational),
8 Tennyson avenue
Hart Mrs. 144 Plashet grove
house grove
Payne Henry, 32 Woodhouse grove
Pepler Frederick, Ig6 Plasbet grove
Williams Henry Geo. 3 Woodhouse gro
Witney Joseph. 21 "\Voodhouse grove
Wood George Thorne, 16+ Plashet gro

COMMERCIAL. 1Bailey Bros. dra.pers, 2'3'8 High street north

Abbott Brotbers, dairymen, 215 High street north Baker Charles, confectioner, -I>I4 High street north
Abbott Ernest, fancy goods dealer, IT.7 High street north Baker Elizabeth H. (Mrs.), milliner,259 High street no~,th
Abrahams Joseph, glass merchant, 110 High street north Baker EUen (Miss), dress maker, 49 Plasbet grove
Ager Alfred, corn dealer, 3 Stamford road Baker Ellen (Mrs.), dreSis maker, 3 St-. Martin's avenue
Albone Elizabeth (Mrs.), sbopkeeper, Fabian street Baker Frank Bohman, sign writer, 45 PIa-shet grove
Albone Sophia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, '8'4 Roman road Baker George, chiropodist, 29 Tennyson 'avenue
. Aldridge' A. H. Tate collector to East Ham Urban Dis- Baker & Son (George Jas.),oil &; color men.35 High sLnth
trict Council, Wakefield st.; res. 7 St. John's road Baker Thomas, 'bazaar, 12 Barking road
Allan J ames Munro, draper, 288 High street north Baker William, greengrocer, 1I5 Katherine road
AlIen Alfred, commercial traveller, 86 Byron avenue Balon Sigmund, tobacconist, 200 & 242 High .street north
Allen Alfred, draper, 94 Bonny Downs road Band Cha.rles, shopkeeper, :i9 Wellington road
.AlIen .James, dyer, 37 Plashet grove Bangs Waiter, grocer, 5'1 Katherine road
Allen WilIiam, shopkeeper, 2 Temple road Banks Joseph G. sanitary inspector to the Urban Dishier.
Anderson Harry Lewis, pianoforte tuner, 26 Lathom road Council, Wakefield street
Andel'son J. G. assistant sanitary inspector to the Urban Banks Minnie H. (Mrs.) milliner,2 Imperial ter.Barking I'd
District Council, 35 Holme road Banwell Edwin, hosier, II2 Hgh street north
Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. oil merchants, East Ham Ba.rber Sarah Ann (Mrs.), linen draper, 2 High st. north
Station siding, High street north Barker Arthur, corn chandler, 108 Katherine road
Annerau Charles, baker, 5 High street north Barker John &; ·Co. corn dealers, 292 High street north
Archer Edmund, fancy repository, 85 Plashet grov6 Barker WaIter John, lithographer, 1'21 Byron avenue
Arliss Henry, beer retailer, 107 Plashet- Barnard Frederick J. butcher, 144 High street north
Armstrong Joseph, dairyman, 59 Malvern road Barret-t William Samuel, fishmonger, 36,1 Barking road
Arnold Joseph, fishmonger, 1104 Katherine road Bartlett Albert Harry, grocer, 339 Barking road
Ashenden Jane (Mrs.), news agent, 47 Katherine road Bayliss Edward, beer retailer, I60 High street north
Attwell Alice (Mrs.), laundry, 305 High street north Bayly WiHiamArthur, tailor, 46 Plashet grove
. Austin, Son & Co. timber merchants, Barking road Beaby Edmund, dining rooms, 205 High -street north
A.vis "Henry, news agt. 2 Market pI. Wall end, Barking I'd Beal & Reeve, painters &c. 38 Malvern road & 129 Wake-
Ayres George W. florist, 275 High iStreet north field street
Bacon Elizaheth (Miss), tQbacconist, '17 High street nortb Beaman Thomas, shopkeeper, 4 Holloway tel'. High st. sth
Badger Albert Wm. commercial traveller, 56 Byron avenue, BeardsaIl Adolpbu~ Arthur Jas. beer ret. 2 Plasbet gr:OV9

Beaumont Albt. William B.A.Oamb., ¥.D.Dub., L.B.C.S. Oodd Oharles WilliaD4 confectioner, 3'8 Plashet grove
Edin. phy''8ician & surgeon & medical officer of health Oohen Harry~ tailor; 259 High street north .
to the East Ham Urban District Council, 1& medical Oulegate George, grocer, 263 High street north
. officer, East District, West Ham uniQn, High st. north Ooley George, tobacconist, 357 Barking road
Beddall George, greengrocer, 1 Roman road Collingwood Albert, news agent, 281 High street north
Booby Charles, oil & color man, 5 Imperial tel'. Barking rd Coman George Barnes, draper, 150 High street north
Bell James, confectioner, 20 Oolvin road Connor Henry, boot maker, 320 High street north
Bellchambers John,conffktioner'4 Norman ter. High sLsth Convalescent Home (Miss R. .A.. IWilson, matron), Ran-
Benfield John W. coffee rms. 3 Avenue par. Barking road cliffe road
Bennett Charles W. shopkeeper, I Pavement, Wall end, Cook & Son, butchers, 324 High street north
Barking road Cook Albert E. tobacconist, 39 Barking road
Bennett Joseph Walker, .confectioner, 249 High st. north Oook James, dining rooms, 158 High street· north
Benstead John, musical inst·rwnent dlr. 40 High st. north Oook WaIter, tobacconist, 210 High street north
Bentley Joseph, decorator, 50 Market street CDrney Patrick Alfred, dairy, 67 A.rragon road
Betbell J. H. auctnr. & est. agt. 19 Plashet la. Upton park Oorpe Thomas, grocer, I Avenue parade, Barking road
Bidding William Henry, greengrocer, 265 High st. north Cox Al'fred W. oil &; color man, 120 Plashet lane
Bigg Oharles, fishmonger, 50 High street north Cox George, wine & spirit dealer, 146 Plashet lane
Birch John Ernest William, assistant surveyor to the Cox Jas. Edward Mor,rison, glass mer. Woodhouse grove
Urban District, Council, Wakefield st.; res. 318 Wood- Cox Thomas, baker, 7 Hockley terrace, Barking road
house grove Cradduck Frederick William, butcher, 34 PIashet grove
Blaker James, ladies' outfitter, 125 Plashet grove Cramp Harold, musical instrument dealer, 19 Barking I'd Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer ret. 4a, Roman road Crane Frances (Mrs.), confectioner & tobacconist, 23
Blower & Son, cheesemongers, 134 Katherine road Katherine road
Bolton Isabella (Miss.), home for children, 31 Hartleyaven Crane John F. 'bla.cksmith, Thorpe road & I Napier road.
Bone David Henry, cheesemonger, 10'3 Katherineroad Barking road .
Boreham WaIter Herbert, chemist, 318 High street north Orook Joseph & Son Ltd. tailors, 1.16 High street north'
Borehenger Bros. musical instrument dlrs.16 vVakefield st Crook Edward Herbert, eel pie shop, 126 High st. north
Borrett Alfred Charles, mas·ter mariner, ra7 By,ron avenue Crosse John, decorato.r, 322 High street north
Bostock Benjamin Robert, auctioneer, 371 Barking road Cros8ley Nathan Matthew, oilman, 50 WellinCTton road
Bower Alfred, schoolmaster, '85 Byron avenue Cubiti Charles Edward, photographer, 44 Pl~shet grove
Bowie George Hy. draper, S Norma.n ter. High st. south Oundy Thomas N. Duke's Head P.H. Wall end
Boyd Limited, musical instrument sel1'ers, 1 Bank build- Ourtis Charles, confectioner, Vicarage lane .
ings. Barking road Ourtis WilIiam Howlett, greengrocer, 234 High st. north
Boyz John Walter, engineer, 9 Woodhouse grove Outler Alice (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter & baby linen, 145
Braby E. & C. slate merchants, East Ham Station siding, High street north
High street north Dack Knights, chemist, 93 Plashet grove
Bradley Amy (Mrs.), stationer, 149 Barking road Dafters John, boot maker, 105 Byron avenue
Brady Edward, decorator, 7'3 Barking road Daley Thomas, oilman, 63 Market street
Bramwell Edward Wm. Post office overs·eer, 99 Byron aven Dallimore George, shopkeeper, 56 Wakefield street
Brett Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32<5 Barking road Daniels Georg~,tobaJOConist& news agent,126 Katherine I'd
Bridge & Morse, drapers, .ISl Barking road Davies & Son, dairymen, I II Katherine road
Bridle William, libra.rian, Public library, Plashet grove Davies Daniel, dairy, 1418 High street north
Briggs & George, confectioners, 259 Barking road Davis Arthur, laundry, 1~ Plashet· lane
Britt William George, boo1J maker, 32 Bendish road Davis George, shopkeeper, 27 Bonny Downs road
Brooks J obn, chemist, 8 HIgb street north Davis George, shopkeeper, 3 i& 4 Vicarage lane
Browes Edward, hair dresser, 132 Katherine road Davis John, dairy, 1'18 Katherine road
Brown A. watch maker, 173 High street north Davys Francis, butcher, 29'8 High street north
Brown Albert, cats' meat dealer, Plashet grove Day Herbert J. insurance agent, 17 Plashet grove
Brown Alfred, teacher of pianoforte, 44 Milton avenue Deamer Sidney James, confectioner, 120 Katherine road
Brown James William Page, confectioner, 2 Vicarage lane Dean Brothers, grocers, 36 Plashet ·grove
Brown John, hair dresser, 136 High street north . Dear Albert, butcher, 12 Vicarage lane
Brown Joseph, grocer, 237 High street north Deards Thomas, clothier, uS High sol.reet north
Brown 'fhomas, confectioner, 28 Wakefield street Death Alfred D. tobacconist, 313 High street north
Bunyer James, joiner, 70 Byron avenue Dennis Alice (Miss), fancy drarper, 12 Bank buildings.
Burnes Frederick, corn dealer, 1,80 High street north Barking Toad
Burt Samuel John, tobacconist, 63 Plashet grove Dennis Richard H, beer retailer, 221 Barking road
Butcher Reuben, btchr. 12 Pavement,Wall end,Barking I'd Dennison Thomas, assistant overseer (& collector of poor
Butt Montagu, hair dresser, '130 Plashet grove rates for East Ham & Little llford, 94 High street no·rth
Buttrey James, fancy ·shop, 231 High street north Dent WilIiam, picture frame maker, 132 Plashet grove
Byford In. lime & cement mer. East Ham Station siding Desmond Dennis William Andrew, chemist & druggist, 85
Cade Joseph, coal & coke merchant, Plashet lane Katherine Toad
Oahill William, Green Man P .H. 120 Plashet grove Dierden James, grocer, 109 Barking road
Cakebread Natthan, baker, 49 Katherine road Diggins Francis Edward, shopkeeper, r:17 Monntfield road
Calmon Siegha-rd, draper, 99 Katherine road Dillaway Bros. confectiOOlers, '37 Barking road
CaItland &; Baughen, confectioners, 21 Wakefield street Diphtheria Hospital (Miss Flory, matron), High st. south
CampbeIl A. H., A.M.Inst.C.E. surveyor to East Ham Dods Charles M. oil &; colonnan, IQl Plashet grove
Urban District Oouncil, Wakefield street Dolby Thomas, oil &; color man, 300 High (street nQrth
Cannon Charles G. musical instrument dealer, 108 Dook &; Dook, grocers, 1'13 High street north
Cannon street north DowIles Daniel Thomas, grocer, 4 Spire tel'. High st. nth
Cannon George, beer retailer, Mountfield road Downes George Jas. oil &; color man, IIB High st. north
Carey Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 64 Stamford road Downham Alfred, coffee rooms, 107 Barking road
. Carpenter J. H. & 00. cycle tnakers, 11'3 Plashet grove Drapper George, oilman, 29 Katherine road
Carroll John, greengrocer, High street south Drew George Willia m , greengrocer, 91 Pl'ashet grove
Oarter Jalnes, grocer, 10 HolIne road Drew George William, tobaooonist, 99 Plashet grove
Castle John, dairy, 23(1 Barking road Duckering Ernest, coffee rooms, 10 Katherine road
Ohalk John Thomas, fishmonger, 59 Barking road Dudley William, decorator, 62 Plashet grO'Ve
Chalkley Albert, butcher, 6 Barking road Duffield Henry, baker, High street· south .
Challdey James, butcher, !'IO Katherine road Dunn Charles Wm. tobaccns·t. 2 Queen's par. Ba.rking !l'd
Chapman George, tobaceonist, 139 High street north Durham Maim Coal Co. cQal merchants, Plashet lane
CharIish EIisha, whit'Csmith, ISO Katherine road East Ham Fire Brigade Station (Wm. Sweetland, supt.),
Ohase Alfred, certified bailiff, 91 Byron avenue Wakefield street
Chilton Arthur, greengrocer, 29 Wakefield street East Ham Liberal & Radical Associa,tion (reading- 1'00m
Chine William George, shopkeeper, I Saltbox row, High open every week nig-ht),East HamPublicHaIl,Plashet gro
!>treet south East Ham Public Hall Co. Limited (Wallace Phipps.
Ohristie Charles, milliner, 17 Wakefield street sec.), Plashet grove
Clarence Frederick, miscellalI1eous dlr. 65 Katherine road East Ham District Council Accountant Depa.rtment (Alfd.
Clark VV. & Co. grocers, 273 High street north Plant F.S.A. accountant), '123 High street north
Clark George, dairy, 56 Oakfield road Ea!>t Ham DIstrict Council; Electrio Lig'ht & Tramways
Clark George, provision dealer, 61 Barking road. Dept. (Wm. ·C. Ullman, electric engineer), NelSQn street
Cla'rk James, shopkeeper, 70& '59 Telham road " Easy Harry, confectioner, '128 Katlierine road
Clarke Phcebe (Mrs.); draper, 229 Barking road • EdIIlOnds Mary('Miss),. shopkee~el', i'6 Plashet grove
; Cl~mim ts WilIiam, greengrocer, 122 cllig1l.:-str.eet north ,.., • ,c.
" -
,.. .
........ •
"-..<. . ..
- . . . ., -. . .
Edmund's Drug Stores, 213 High street north Guttridge Frederick John, hair dTesser, 7 Plashet grove
Edward~ & Co. photographers, 206 High street north Guttridge William Geo. Saml. laundry, 43 Barking rOll.!
Edwards Heber, boot maker, '212 High street north Hack William, shopkeeper, 2 Boundary road
Edwa.rds James, grocer & provision dealer, & agent for W. Hadgraft Bessie Mabel(Miss),teacher of music,52 Central
&; A. Gilbey Limited, wine &, spirit merchants, 3'9 Park road
High street north Hagmaier Oharles, butcher, 15 High lItreet north
Edwards Vincent, analyst, 138 Byron avenue Haigh Benjamin, .acetylene gas engineer, 53 Milton avenue
Elborough Ellen (Mrs.), confectioner, 3 Pl'ashet grove Hail Bros. hosiers, 70 High street north
Ellice Charles, china. dealer, 59 Katherine road Hall Edward, draper, 129 Barking road
EUingham Jane ~Ia.ry Ann (Miss), laundry, '5 Queen's Hans Arthur James, greengrocer, 247 High stre·et north
parade, Barking road Hammet·t Benj. & Osman, house furns. 2 Barldng road
Elliot·t Edwin Randal'l, relieving offioer, No. 4 district, Hamrnond John, bootmaker, 40 Plashet grove
West Ham Union, 168 Plashet grove Hammond John, greengrocer, I Park avel1ue
.Elston John, butcher, 2~9 High street north Hancox Edward, tailor, 207 High street north
Emm Henry, shoe maker, 13 Talbot road HannaJord C. R. undertaker, 1406 High street north
Emmerton Albert Frederick, dairy, 3155 Barking road Hannant Grace (Mrs.), laundry, 257 High street north
Endersby iWilliam, shopkeeper, 73 Central Park road Han.sford Geo. greengrocer, 75 Market street
Engel Nicholas &. Son~, bakers, 1'55 High street north Hansford Geo. greengrocer, 8 Norman tel'. High st. south
Escott :Frederick Chas. assist. schoolmaster, 98 Byron av Harding Joseph, builder, 42 Heigham road
Evans Josiah, undertaker, 91 'Wakefield street Hardman James, engineer, 72 Byron avenue
Everitt G-eorge, builder, 26 St. John's road Hardway Edward, plumber, 61 Elizabeth road
Ewins James Edward, builder, High street south Harper Charles, insurance agent, 34 &. 36 Wakefield street
Eyles Frank, t·eacher of music, 30 Tennyson avenue Ha,rrington Robert Edgar, shopkeeper, 26 Boundary road
Fairall 'Wil1iam H. decorator, 4 Malvern road Harris Henry Geo. dining rooms, 36 High street north
Fairbain Bros. boot repairers, 163 High street north Harrison Geo. assista.nt manager, 10 Cantral Park road
Fairfax Alfred, collector of rates to the 'Urban District Hart Frederick, shoe maker, 43 Boleyn road
Council, Municipal buildings, Wakefield street Hartgrove John, oilman, 103 Oentral Park road
Farrow James, butcher, 89 1'la8het grove Harvey Elizabeth (Mrs.), china dealer, 10+ Plashet grove
Feely James Edward L.Ch., L.M.E.D., L.A.G., L.M.Dub. Hatcher John, cycle manufacturer, 8'9 Barking road
physician 1& surgeon, 50 Plashet grove Hatcher Robert, cycle maker, 2 Bank bldgs. Barking road
Finch, inland revenue officer, 26 Woodhouse grove Hatley George, musician, 59 Oentral Park Toad
Firth Thomas, beer retailer, 25 Wilson road Hawkey William A. insurance supt. 15 Milton avenue
"Fisher Henry Abery, oilman, 22 Wakeneld street Hay George, manager, 130 Byron avenue
Fisher Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 72 Eastbourne road Haye-.s Ernest, bootmaker, '105 Oentral Park road
Fix WilliamA. confectioner, 166 High street north Haynes John Henry, bootmaker, Iq Plashet grove
Flet-che·r Willis, watch maker, I Plashet ~rove Hazell Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, 83 Kat,herine road
Flory Mis~ (matron, Diphtheria hospital), High st. south Hazell William Richard, dining rooms, 261 Barking road
Flower 'Geo. Thos. oil &; color man, .z Norwood terrace, Heflth Christr. artificial tooth ma. Pine villa, Barking road
High street south Heath Eliza R. (Mrs·.), grocer, 98 Plashet grove
'Foot William, shopke.eper, 32 Telham road Heflton Robert Sa.muel, engineer, 64 Byron avenue
Foote Arthur T.domestic machinery agent, 10 Park Hedge &. Co. greengrocers, 3'3 Barking road
View villas, Cent·ral Park road Hedges Edwin, baker, 55 Market. street
Forbes James, cycle maker, 308 High street north Herapath Philip, builder, 121 Milton avenue
Ford vVilliam, shoe maker, 165 Plashet lane Higgins Oharles Edwin, manager, 92 Byron avenue
Forest Gate SanitaTy Steam LaundTy Co. Ltd. 353 Hildred Edward, schoolmaster, 20 VictoDria avenue
Barking road Hill &; 00. printers, N2 Katherine road
·.Fox G. & Sons, builders, 2a, Latlwm road Hill Louis, oilman, 55 Barking road
.Pranksen William, land, ho. & est. a,gt. 21 Barking road Hilton George, builder & contractor, Garlton ho. Oolvin rd
French Jonathan, provision dealer, n6 Plashet grove Hinckis OharIes, umbrella maker, 14 Wakefield street·
Freshwater Walter, shoe maker, 5'5 Kat,herine road Hinderwell Frances (Mrs.), haberdasher, 71 Market. street
Frisby Joseph, boot maker, 2g6 High street north Hithersay Richard, foreign correspondent, 66 Byron aven
Fuller Bros. grocers, 133 Barking road Hoad Ed. Charles, corn chandler, '8 Katherine road
Fynn William, confectioner, 43 High street north Hobhs Augustus, bootmaker, 9 Queen's parade, Barking I'd
Galley Thomas, greengrocer, 13 Roman Toad liobbs William Edward, relieving officer, No. 16 district,
G-ardner & Blandford, electrical engnrs. 309 High st. nth West Ham union, 79 St. John's road
Garrard James, shirt maker, 48 High street north Hodges E. & F. fancy drapers, 1!4 Katharine road
George Bros. drapers, 176 High street north Hodges Joseph Thoma.s, butcher, 5'9 Market street
George & Gibbons, pawnbrokers, 162 & 11064 High .st. nth Hogg Wm. Robert, builder & contractoDr, .pa, Kempton rd
George S. & Son, ladder makers, 74 Plashet grove HOllington Hy.Thos.farmer, Milton House frm.High st.sth
George& '0>. chemists, IV2.7 Barking road Hollington John George,farmer, Burgess farm, High st.sth
George Richard Jas. ladder maker, 144 Wakefield street Holloway Wiliiam, carman, Holloway's farm, High st. sth
George Susan (Miss), confectioner, II9 prashet ,grove Holmes Robert, grocer & provision dlr. 1,1 Plashet grove
-Gibbard Mark, dust contractor, Manor hall, High st. sth Home &. Colonial Stores Ltd. '2Z7 High street north
Gidley William, oilman, 91 Katherine road Hone Robert Henry, coffee rooms, 141 High street north
-Giggins Harry Wm. printers' Teader, 117 Byron avenue Hook Harry, manager, 184 Plashet grove
Gileg, Bream's Almshouses, High street south Hooper Oharles Thomas, shopkeeper, 7 Park avenue
Gillson & Son, undertakers, ·69 Katherine road Hooper William Thomas, confectioner, '57 Barking road
Glynn Perey (Mrs.), dres.s maker, 12 Harrow road Hornsby Joseph, to'bacconist, I Crasby row. High st. sth
Godden E.L.& R. (Misses), dress makers, 30 Katherme il'd Hosldns -Ghristopher, undertaker, 363 Barking- road
·GocLfrey LOllisa (Mi~s), outfitter, 21Yg High street north Howard Oharles, grocer, 81 Market street
Goodman Charles, farmer, Wall End farm Hughes David, chief steward, 76 Byron avenue
Goodson William, greengrocer, 49 Barking road Hughes Fanny (Mrs.), hardware dealer, 3II Barking road
Goodwin Frederick John, draper, 102 Katherine road Humphrey Edward, decorator, 1,86 Katherine road
Goodwin WaIter, boot maker, 9'3 Wakefield ·street Humphrey John Thomas, saddler. :al'4 High street north
GOTdelier James A. scale maker, 142 Wakefield street Hunt George, hairdresser, 2'25 Barking road
Gowall'd Mrs. dress maker, 48 Plashet grove Hunt Jabez, shopkeeper, ,139 Plashet lane
·Grantham i& Co. grocers, & agents for W. -& A. Gilbey Hutchinson Harry L.R.C.P.I., L.F.P. & S.Glas., L.S.A.
Lim. wine -& spirit mers. '230 High street north & 9 physician & surgeon, 11'1 Plashet grove
Bank building~, Ba,rking road Ingram William, provision dealer, 147 Barking road
"Grassman Adol'ph, confectioner, 1&5 High street north Instance Arthur Fredk. draper, 5 Bank bldgs. Barking rd
Graves Walter, shopkeepeT, 37 Boleyn road Ironman William &; Son, hairdressers, 304 High street nth
-Gray James Peter, grocer, 100 Plashet lane Ironmonger 1V. rate collector to the Urban District Coun-
Grayer William, tobacconist, 61 Katherine road cil, Municipal bldgs. Wakefield st.; res. 18 Chester rd
-Great Eastern Supply Co. Ltd. 3 Bank bldgs. Barking rd Irven Arthur, ship steward, 1'35 Byron avenue
Green Bessie (Miss), dress maker, 7 Ltoyd road Ivory John, farmer, Wilson's farm, Plashet grove
Green Joseph, hairdres.ser, 12 Wakefield street Jacobs George Robert-. bricklayer, &5 Byron avenue
Green William, greengrocer, I Brighton road Jacques John, bootmaker, '138 High street north
Greening Jos.eph, watch maker, 335 Barking road James Edward, greengrocer, 265 Barking road
Greenwood Thomas, saddler, 4 High street north Jenkins William &; Co. drapers, 106 High street north
Grieg Geo. Thomson, marine engineer, 49 Byron avenue Jprpmy Walter G. manager of the London &; Soutb
Grimmer Add. (Mrs.), draper, 333 Barking road Western Bank Limited, 194 High street north
Gurr John T. confectioner, 127 Plashet grove Jerram Jas. William, builder, Crown works, Boundary rd

Jerrard Charles Henry, wine merchant, 204 High st. nth Markham Alfred, greengrocer, 31 High street north
Johnson Archibald Ohas. beer retailer, 43 Dickens road Ma.rshall George, baker, 216 High street north
Johnson Edward W. asst. clerk to EU8't Ham U. D. Coun- Martin R. Banks M.S.A. archt. &, sunO'yr. 121 Plashet gro
cil, Wakeiield street Mason Charles, watch maker, 6 Fairview tel'. Barking I'd
Johnson Robert, cycle dealer, 2313 High street north Mason William James, surveyor, 68 Byron avenue
Johnston Alex.Gordon M.B.,C.M.surgeon, 177 High sLnth Matthews Henry W. bricklayer, go Plashet grove
Johnst.on James, marine engineer, 79 Byron avenue Mattocks Bros. butchers, 37 High s-treet north
Jo11ey J. 'V. &, Co. oil &, color stores,89 Wakefield street May Arthur W. bill poster, ra, Caulfteld road
Jones Bros. dairymen, 51 Barking road Mayes Wilford, mjneral water mnfr. 71 Katherine road
Jones Daniel, dairy 316 High street· north Maylon Arthnr, greengrocer, 58 Wake.field street
Jones Frederick, bricklayer, 23 Melbourne road Mayne John William, dock supi. 7 Victoria avenue
Jones Hubert, s-hopkeeper, 104 Telham road Mean Stephen, commercial traveller, 55 Byron avenue
Jones J. Owen, manager {)f the London & Provincial Bank Measures William, manager, 124 Byron avenue
Limited, 140 High street north Medcalf Caleb, hairdresser, 3 Market· place, Wall end,
Jones John,greengrocer, 4 Pavement,Wall end, Barking I'd Barking roa.d
Jones Thomas, hair dresser, '7 Queen's parade, Barking I'd Medlock Ernest, laundry, 299 High street north
Joslin Lily (Miss), dress maker,2 Fairview vils.Barking I'd Mee Thomas, grocer, 21'1 High street north
Jury Funny (Miss), corn dealer, 225 High street north Meirs George, oilman, 61 Plashet grove
Kaiser Carl, pork butcher, 3'12 High street north Merryman George, greengrocer, 287 High street north
Keep Frederick, Black Lion P.H. 1'3'5 High street north Miles Wm. Henry, oil &; calor man, 217 High street north
Kelsey James, coal dealer, 67 Abbotts road Mileson John, grindery dealer, 135 Barking road
Kempston Amy Catherine (Miss), statnr. 294 High sLnth Millard Frank, corn dealer, 87 Barking Toad
Kennedy Henry, laundry, la, Lawrence road Millns James Palmer, com. travllr. '$0 Byron avenue
Kennis William, baker & confectioner, 76 High street nth MjUs John Edward, printer, 2 Keppell road
Kent John, shopkeeper, 19 Katherine road Minns George Richard, butcher, 29 Barking road
Kerrich Charles- George, barrister's clerk, 116 Byron aven Minter G. ·(Miss), day school, 7 Woodhouse grove
Kilby George, confectioner, 291 Barking road Mitchell Sidney Alfred, solicitor, see Lucas &; Mitchell
King Henry Charles, beer retailer, High street south Mole Cha.rles, beer retailer, 14 Market t1treet
Kingson George R. fruiterer, 54 High street north Money'&' Co. opticians, 35 Pla.shet grove
Kirby Francis J. boot maker, "!-5 High street north Monk William, greengrocer, 57 Katherine road
Kitchener George Henry, bootmaker, 113 High street nth Moore Charles, coal merchant, '121 Barking road
Klahs Otto, laundry, I Outram road Moore Wm. Chas. corn merchant, 318 High street nortl!",
Knappett i& Co. ironmongers, 367 Ba.rking road .& corn dealer, 65 Market street
Knappett Albert Geor,ge, ironmonger, 130 Katherine road Moore Walden J. furniture dealer 125, &, pawnbroker 25 .
Knappett Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 181 Katherine road &; 27, High street north
Knight Daniel, shopkeeper, 44 Napier road, Barking road Morris E11en (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 43 Talbot road
Koronski Mike, bootmaker, II6 Katherine road Morris Lewis, shoe maker, 175 Plashet lane
Kretzchman James Edward, hair dresser, 31 Barking road Morss· Ann (Miss), sieve maker, 77 Kathe.rine road
Kreutz Andrew, watch maker, 2'33 High street north Mundy William &; Son, dra.pers, 47 High street north
Lait Oharles Joseph, blouse maker, 67 Katherine road Munro John, coal me'rchant, Plashet lane
Lait Thomas H. grocer, 47 Bendish road Murton Frederick William, 'butcher,41 High street north
Lamb Wm. John, coffee rooms,1 Norman tel'. High st. sth Muso11i Bros. confectioners, 69 Ba.rking road
Lancaster Mary (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 198 High st. nth Nat,ional Telephone Co. Limited (public call office), 93;
Larking -George Wil'liam, grocer &'c. 32 Katberine road Plashet grove
Lawrence John J. plumber, 43 Plashet grove Naw Ludwig Edward, tripe dre8l8er, 47 Barking road
Lay Samuel, confectioner, 77 Market street Nelson Francis James, confectioner, 118 High street north
Leach Thomas- J. ironmonger, 2119 High 'street north Nelson Henry A. news agent, 20 High street north
Lee John M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, Barking road Newbury Walter, account book manufacturer, East HlUIl..
Lee M. &, Son, greengrocers, 105 Kat-herine roa.d Bookbinding works, Plashet lane
Le Gass-ick Francis, school attendance officer to East Ham Newton E. grocer, 81 Barking road
School Board, 3 Par~ View villas, Central Park roal1 Newton Ed·ward Carter, ins-urance agent, 303 High st. nth,
Leighton George, shopkeeper, 3 Holloway tel'. High st.sth Nice H. G. & 00. coal merchants, East Ham station..
Lengeman Henry, baker &; post office, 18'9 Katherine Toad siding· i&i at 54 Milton avenue
Leonard A. H. & Co. grocers &; provision dilalers, 293 Nicholso~ Alfred, wardrobe dealer, 90 Katherine road
High street north Nicoll Cha.s. Abel, auctioneer & estate agt.208 High st. nth ;
Lewm James, shopkeeper, 106 Waked1eld street Noad James, electrical engineer, 4 Grove villas/High st.sth,
Liell Mark & Son,auctioneers -& estate agts,'179 High st.nth Norman Mary (Mrs.), mil'liner, 105 Wakefieldstreet
Lill George D. asst. sanitary inspr. to the U. D. Council, , North William Thomas, shopkeeper, 75 Brighton road
129 Heigham road 1 Norton Ada (Mrs.), china &; glass dealer, 23Q High st.nth
Ling Henry Edwin, dairy, 69 Market street Norton Ada. M. A. (Mrs.), china, glass .& earthenware
Lloyd &, Son, daiI')'TIlen, 6 High street north dealllr, 285 High street north
Lockie James William, draper, 306 High street north Norwn George, bazaar, 11 Bank buildings, Barking road
London ,&, Provincial Bank Limited ('branch) (J. Owen Nye William, greengrocer, 227 Barking Toad
Jones, manager), 140 High street north; draw on head I Ogilvie Sarah A. (Mrs.), confectioner, 152 High st. north._
office, 7 Bank buildings, Lothbury, London EO i Onion Joseph, boot maker, 18 Wakefield street
London &, South Western Bank Limited (branch) (WaIter: Orchard Henry, provision dealer, 57 Market street
G. Jeremy, manager), 194 High street north; draw on ' Orsi Peter, confectioner, 375 Barking road
head office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E C • Paddison George, milliner, 167 High street north
Long James George, shopkeeper, 94 Wellington road • Paddon William, corn merChant, 29 High st·reet north
Louth Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 123 Plashet grove : Page, Oalnan &, Co. Ltd. build'ers' merchants, Plashet la--
Lovegrove William James, beer retailer, 7 Vicarage lane Pallant David, lath l"ender, 34 St. Martin's avenue
Lovett Charles P. dining rooms, 41 Barking road Palmer Walter. rate collector to Urban District Council,
Low W. T. & Co. builders, Arragon road Wakefield street; res. 23 Woodhouse grove
Lowdell Stephen, fruiterer &; greengrcr. 119 Wakefield st Pankllurst.&; Sons, butchers, 14 High street north
Lown James, boot maker, 95 Katherine road Pankhurst Frederick, dining rooms, I Market place, Wall
Lucas &, Mitchell, solicitors, 208 High street north end, Barking road
Lukes Luey (Mrs.), dining rooms, 379 Barking Toad Pankhurst Louis James, butcher, 277. High street north
Lusty Rosina (Mrs-.), fishmonO'er, 347 Barking road Papworth &; Hughes, drapers, 2122 HIgh street north
Luxford John, shopkeeper, 22"'Roman road Parke Wm. Joseph, musical instr. dealer, 47 Plashet grove-
Mabbott & Co. oilmen, 106 Katherine Toad Parker George·, corn chandler, 63 Katherine road
Mahley William, com. traiVeller, 101 Byron avenue Parr Phrebe (Mrs.). dress maker, I I Tennyson avenue
McCardle Frank accountant, loB Byron avenue Parrott Herbert, draper, z83 High street north
l\IcClelland Rob~rt James, chief mate, 75 Byron avenue Parsall Benjamin George, cowkeeper, 87 Katherine road
McDowell George, milliner, 74 High street· north l'artis Lewis, shopkeeper, 28 Holme road
Macer Frederick Wi11iam, butcher, 53 Barking road Parton Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, 6 Pavement, Wall end,
McKettrick Fredk. In. M.E.,C.M. surg. 226 High st. nth Barking road
McMeekinO' Thomas, engineer, 8 Central Park road Pa.rtridge Alfred William, boot maker, 67 Barking road
Mansfield ioseph, master mariner, 146 Bvron avenue Partridge Robert Jas. watch maker, 290 High street north
Mansolf John David, coal dealer, 25 Plashet grove
Manwaring Arth. Furber, master mariner, 120 Byron aven
I Passmore Edwards Public Library (William Bridle, lib.
rarian), Plashet grove
Patmore Albert, printer, 60 Byron avenue Sayers Fred, butcher, If Katherine road
Paton Frederick, master mariner, 1:88 Plashet grove Suyers William, dairyman, :I35 Wakefield street.
Pearce & Rowse, ,solicitors, 267 High street north Scar,borough Ernest SI. baker, & post off. 75 Barking road
Pearson John Sarratt, cargo supt. II4 Byron avenue Scarlett Wm. conictr. '3 Pavement, 'Wall end, Barking I'd
Pepler Frederick, schoolmaster, Ig6 Plashet grove Schlafke Theophil, engineer, 12 'Oentral.P!lrk road
Perking :Mary (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 10 Wakefield street Schultis Sebastin, watch maker, 12 Stamford :road
Phillips & Hunt·, greengrocers, 4 Queen's· par. Barking I'd Scobey Eliza.beth (Mrs.), confectioner, 137 Plashet lane
Phillips Abraham, greengrocer, 4J2 High street north 8cott Beatrice (Miss), teacher of piano, 97 Milton avenm'
Picken Joseph E. grocer, 21 & 23 High street north Scriven George, butcher, 131 Barking road
Pickett William J. shopkeeper, 34 Welsrtead road Sed en Henry, diniug rooms, 9'5 Wakefield street
Pilgrim John, tobacconist & Post office, 239 High st. 11th Self Thomas, butcher, 107 Katherine road
Pinhorn & Pinkorn, estate a.gents, Arragon road Semken Rose (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 2 Pavement. Wall
Plant Alfred, F.S.A. accountant to East Ham Urban Dis- end, Barking road
trict Council, 123 High street Shad rack W. & A. coal merchants, Barking road
Plummer ,& Son, yeast merchants, 9 Wellington road Shad well '1'homas, fancy draper, 79 Barking road
Polkinhorne F. A. collector of rates to the Urban District Sharpe Charles, decorator, 6 Burges road
Council, Municipal buildings, Wakefield skeet Shaw Charles Wm. pianoforte tuner, 34 Streatfteld aVelJll~
Pontefract Sidney L. ironmonger, 169 High street north Shaw Eleanor (Mrs.), confctr.3 Imperial tel'. Barking rd
PooIe John, greengrocer, =3 High street north Sheffield Alfred James, house agent, 331 Barking road
PooIe Joseph Thos. custom house ofli'cer, 147 Byron avenue Shenstone & Co. Lim. pianofort-e makers, 202 High st.nth
Poole Lilian (Miss), teacher of music, 147 Byron avenue Shimme,n James, shopkeeper, Mountfield road
Pope Charles, architectural sculptor, 34 Milton avenue Shipp Kezia (Mrs.), confectioner, 22 Plashet grove
Pope William, laundry, 137 High street north Shipp Susallna (Mrs.), tobacconist, 9 Plashet grove
Potter Emily & Mary (, drapers, 235 High st. nth ShirIey Coal Co. (The), coal merchants, 297 High st.north
Pottinger William, smith, Loxford avenue Shone Joseph H. news agent, 373 Barking road
Potton Walter Geo. waterproofer, 21 High street north Shore & Co. grocers & oilmen, 315 & 3'17 High st. north
Poulter Henry William, beer Tetailer, 30 Holme road Shorland A. hosier, 228 High street north
Praetzel 'Carl, hair dresser, 3 Clock House Farm cottages, Sizer Frank, corn dealer, 4 Barking road
High street ,south Slade Charles, greengrocer, I Colvin road
Press Frederick Wm. Cock hotel, 56 High street north Slater Edward William, tailor, 172 High street north
})ress Henry, baker, 1I3 Wakefield street SlopeI' Samuel, hair dresser, 41 Katherine road
: Press well Lucy (Mrs.), laundry, 18 Plashet grove Small Frank, confectr. 5 Market pI. Wall end,Bal'king I'd
: Price David Edwd. grcr. & cheesemonger, II9 High st.nth Smart Charles, plasterer, '35 Eversleigh road
· Price Foster James, grocer, 68 Benson av. Boundary I'd Smith ~. &:, Son, undert~ers, 17'8 High street· north
· Prince Frank, coffee rooms, High street south Smith Carolina (Mis.s), domestic machinery deale;r, I71
, PriveUe Annie LOllise (Miss), ladies' SCh!.I Central Pk.rd High street north
, ,Pl1gh Edwin, fishmunger, 101 Katherine road Smith Charles, stationer, 117 Plashet grove
Puxley James William, tDbacconist, High street south Smith George, fishmonger, 279 High st,reet north
Pyne Robert G. greengrucer, 168 High street north Smith George, painter, 34"Telham road
.. Rampton Richard WilIiam, plumber, ,I St. Margaret',s ter- Smith George A. Denmark Arms P.ll. 381 Barking road
race, Central Park road Smith Harriet Emma (Mrs.). tobacconist, 1'57 High st.nth
Rand Henry, beer retailer, 79 M"l'ket street Smith Herbert G. hair dj'esser, 30 Plashet grove
.. Randall Annetta Rosa (Mr.s.), dress ma. 212'4 High st. nth Smith James, marine engineer,. 136 Byron avenue
Randall Isaac, boot maker, 95 Roman road Smith James Augustine, shopkeeper, 15 Boundary road
RatcIiffe Clarence Edwin, oilman, I33Wakefield street Smith Joseph, hair dresser, 36 Telham road
Ra.wlings Frederick George, grocer, 109 Ka.therine road Smith Joseph Albert, beer retailer, Brighton road
Rayment WaIter, builder, 171 Plashet lane Smith Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Wall end, Barking I'd
Raysbrook Henry, shopkeeper, 34 Market street Smith William, confectioner, 343 Barking road
:Reardoll Daniel, registrar of births 1& deaths for East Ham Smith WilIiam Charles, shopkeeper, III Central Park I'd
sub-district·, West Ham Union, I7 Holme road Smith William George, confectioner, 100 Plashet grove
Reckin Arthur, hair dresser, 12 High street north Smyth Mary F. (Mrs.), draper, 17'5 High street north
, Rees James, custom house officer, 67 Byron avenue Snell William -& George, florists, 3 Queen's par. Barking I'd
',:Reeve Joshua John, builder, II3 Heigham road Snelling Florence (Mrs.), laundry, 99 Wakefield street
Reeves Frederick, shopkeeper, 1 Mountfield road Sofney James, shopkeeper, 29 Cranmer avenue
· Rehm Jago, butcher, 5 Vicarage lane Sole Alfred James, plumber, 2,8 Clements road
'Rendall &:, Diggins, wholesale grocers, Wellington road Songhurst Et.hel (Miss), teacher of music, 11 Boundary:'
'Reynolds W. &; Son, boot makers, 240 High street north Southgate Frederick George, fishmonger, 314 High st.l1 ~:1
, Reynolds Leonard G. physician, 157 Plashet lane Spencer Charles, cheesemonger, 159 High street north
, Richards Eliza (Miss), ironmonger, 7 'High street north Spooner Isaac J. butcher, 170 High street north
Richardson Ada (Miss), dress maker, 10 Thackeray road Sprosen Jas. Rd. butcher, 9 Norman tel'. High ,st. south
Riedling Charles, pork butcher, 4 Bank bldgs. Barking I'd Sproul W. H. & Co. coal merchants, Plashet lane
Riley Arthur, shopkeeper, I Talbot road Sprunt William Henry, grocer, '120 High street north
Rimmington Harriet (Miss), confectioner, '89 Plashet lane Spurway Jas. beer ret. 9 & 10 Fairview tel'. Barking road
Rivett Alfred, cycle maker, 147 High street north Stack Robert'Patrick, hair dresser, 359 Barking road
Roberts Edward Thomas, eel pie house, 369 Barking road Stafford John Earl, plumber, 81 Elizabeth road
.Boberts Thomas Henry, furniture dealer, 10 Imperial ter- Standard Coal Co. coal merchants, Plashet lane
race, Barking road Stanfield George Ernest, tailor, 15'4 High street north
Roberts WilIiam 'Henry, Boleyn tavern, I Barking road Stanford Walt. Geo. cycle ma. I Queen's par. Barking I'd
Robinson & Co. greengrocers, 128 Plashet grove Stapleton Florence J ane(Mrs. ),drapr. I~2&124 Katherine I'd
"Rodrigues Horace S. wine merchant, 34 High street. north Star & Echo Coal Co. coal merchants, Plashet lane
'Rogerson WaIter, hairdresser, 19 High street north Steare John .A.llen, ham & beef dealer, 271 High ,st. north
'RoUason & Co. survyr.s. & estate agts. 3'LI High st. north Steel Geo. Frdk. news agt. 6 Norman tel'. High st. south
'Rose & Co. grocers, 263 Barking road Steele Henry, butcher, 53 Katherine road
Rose Norah (Miss), dress maker, 2 :.Aintree avenue Steggles Alfred, hair dresseT, 218 High street north
'Ross Irvine, marine surveyor, 96 Byron avenue Stevens Henry, dairy, 11 Pavement, Wall end, Barking rd
Roth Joseph, tobacconist, 130 High street north Stevens William, butcher, 337 Barking road
Rowland Thomas James, confectioner, 8 Barking road Stevens WiUiam J. boot & shoe ma. 8 High street north
Rudd Henry, plumber, 9 Abbotts road StewUJl't & Elliott, coal dealers, 13 Wellington road
'Russell Frederick, oilman, 77 Barking road Stickley Nathan, boot maker, 73 Market street
Russell John, hosier, 196 High street north Stockwell Samuel Edwin, confectioner, 295 High st. noI'tl!
Bt. Alban's Settlement (Miss M. A. Dellaway, head), 24 Stoke,s James & Sons, builders, High street north
Victoria avenue Stoke,s J ames, stationer, & post office, 49 High st. north
Salisbury William, butcher, 52 & 124 High street north Stone William, oil & colol' stores, 32 Plashetgrove
Salmon Walter, ironmonger, 44 High street north Storrar Katherine (Miss), dress maker, 83 Victoria avenue
Salter C. M. (Miss), confectioner, 1'1 Katherine road Strachan Frederick, oilman, 141 Plashet lane
Salter William H. chimney sweeper, !2 :Nelson street Stradling Edw.ard JGseph, coffee rooms, 71 Barking road
Sanderson Robt. boot ma. 3 Norman ter. High st. south Street Frederick George, confectioner, 144 Plas'het lane
Saunders Gerge, shopkeeper, 74 Bonny Downs road Streete1' Albert, butcher, 4 Imperial terrace, Barking 1'<1
Saunders Harry William, beer retailer, 86 Kempton road Stride Sidney Arthur, surgeon, !IS Wakefield street & 6
Savage W. J. & Son, florists, Plashet grove Hockley terraile, Barking road
Sawyer Jesse, Earl of W·akefield P.H. 119 Katherine I'd. & Suckling Arthur, printer, 156 High street north
Burnell Arms P .H. 171 :Plashet gro. & 241 High st. nth Sutton John Henry, builder, 86 Elizabeth road
SweeUand Wm. ,supt. of fire station, Wakefield street Wardale Francis Charles, chemist, 132 High street llurlh-
8ymes Joseph, confectione,r, Il7 WakeJield street Warman &; Co. dairy, 6 Queen's parade, Barking road
Tansley George William, confectioner, 83 Barking Toad Warner Charles, monumental, marble &; general mason"
Tansley George William, hair dresser, 18'5 Barking road I HoUoway terrace, High street south '
Ta.te Goorge, fine a.rt manager, ,88 Byron avenue Warner Jane (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 93 Katherine road
Taylor Samuel, bricklayer, 8 Harrow Toad Warwick Charles t. plumber, St. Olave's road'
TayloI' William, grocer, 37 Melbourne road . Warwicker Wm. Appleby, White Horse P.H.High st.. sth
Taylor Wm.Jas . .shpkpr. 7 Pavement, Wall end,Ba.rking I'd Watson WiHiam G. 'builder, 2 Milton a,venue
Tbamerus Fredk. hasket ma. The Laurels, Barking road Watts Dick Searson, hosier, 161 High street north
Thomas Charles, baker, 42 Plashet grove Weale Brothers, drapers, 127 &; 129 High street north
Thompson F. R. ledger clrk. to School Board,'Wakefield st Weaver William, shopkeeper, 64 Roman road
Tbompson George, boot maker, 221 High street north Webb Ellis, dairy, 59 Plashet grove ,
Thorn Louisa (Mrs.), laundry, 53 Plashet grove Webb William Benjamin, greengrocer, 365 Barlting road
'Till G. D. assistant sanitary inspector to Urban District Welch Thomas, laundry, 257 Barking road -
Council, 129 Heigham road Wenbam &; Hyland, toy dealers, 12 Katberine rond
'Tillier Louisa (Mrs.), greengrocer, 16 Market street Wernham A. L. fruiterer &; greengrcr. IIS Katherin6 I'd
'Tipple Fanny (Miss), ham &; beef dealer, 3'49 Barking road Westhorpe George, fishmonger, 20 Wakefield sb'eet
Tompkins J. B. art metal worker, 79 Plashet lane Westlake George, butcheT, 91 Barking road
Towell James, boot maker, 27 Barking road '. Weston George E. tobacconist, 3S High street north
Townsend Samuel, carman, 13 Napier road, Barking road Wheeler Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 35 Barking road
Trehern <George James, furniture dealer, 46 High st. nth ~t'hite Brothers, drapers, 209 High street north .
Tremain Edward, custom house officer, 1205 Byron avenue White Ada (Mrs.), provision dealer, High street south
'Trevor Artbur Herbert, surgeon, 72 High street north· White Richard George, builder, '36 Woodhouse grovo
Triggs Frank, chemist, 6 Imperial terrace, Barking ]'oad Whitehouse Brothers, hosiers, 95 Plashet grove
'True'field Frederick, fishmonger, 26 Plashet grove Whitton Ernest, hair dresser, 377 Ba.rking road
Tucker Mary J. (Mrs.), beer retailer, 10 Norman terrace, Whitwell Ambrose, grocer, 157 Wakefield street
High street south Wilding William, tailor, 82 Heigham road
Turkenitz Davis, shoe maker, 34-5 Barking road Williams Da\Tid, engineer, 61 Central Park road
'Turner Brothers-, butchers, 113 Katherine road Williams Edward, fishmonger, 137 Ba.rking road
'fwyford Thomas C. greengTocer, 6 Market place. Wall Willis Brothers, bakers, 61 Malvern road .
end, Barking road Willmott Henry, confectioner, log Central Park road
Ullman C., M.LE.E. electrical engineer to East Ham Wilson Charles Eustace, clerk &; solicitor to East Ham;-
Urban District Council, Wakefield street Urban District Council; office, Wakefield street .
Vandy George Henry, butcher, 232 High street north Wilmot .& Son, fishmongers, 61 MarKet street
Vane Ada. (Mrs.), fishmonger, 1311 High street narth Wilsan &i Whitworth Limited, printers &; stationers, 20I,
Vincent Annio (Mrs.), confectioner, 212 H!~h street norllt .& 203 High street north .
Vincett Waiter Anthony, cheesemonger, 7 ~orman terrace, Wilson Jane (Mrs.), ha.berdasher, 4 Market place, WlIll
High street south end, Barking road . ,
Viness A.rthur John, coal merchant, 26 Central Park road WilsonR.A.(Miss),matron Convalescent Home, RanclifIe I'd
Vise John NeviIle Blithe, 'Physician, 302 High st. north Wisby William Oharles, dairy, I06 Central Park road
Walden Frederick, laundry, 9 High street north Wise Robert, shopkeeper, St. Alban's avenue l
Walker Charles Herbert, chemist, 261 High street north Woodcock Swan, auctioneer, 6 High street north ,
Walker William Henry, engineer, 27 Central Park road Woodhead E. &; Son, coal &; coke merchants, East Ham
Walkling James, baker, ~5 High st-reet north station siding, High st·reet north
Walmsley Williarn H. grocer, 64 WakeJield street Woodhead &; Son, greengrocers, 3 High street north
WaIter &; Hayes, drapers, 45 Barking road Wools ton Edward, grocer, 16 High skeet north '
Walters James, corn dealer, 3216 High street lJOrth Worns Ernest, plUIDlber, 310 High street north
Walton Arthur, ham &; beef dealer, 97 Plashet grove Wright Arthur, cabinet maker, 68 High street north
Ward Charle.s, shoe maker, 16 Katherine road Wykes George Henry, draper, II & 13 High street north
Ward George, upholsterer, 45 Katherine road Yeomans William Edward, grocer, 289 High street north
WEST· HAM being now a metropolitan parliamentary
and municipal borough and a suburb of London, is there-
I but
fore not included in the Directory of the County of Essex.
will be found in Kelly's London Sub'Rl'banDfrectQry,:
EAST HANNINGFIELD is Q village and parish, deepest but one. Great Claydons, on the road. ,to Great
6 miles south-east from Chelmsford station 3 from Baddow, is the residence of Capt. Horatio Fraser Kemble
Woodham Ferris station and 33 from Londo'n, in the R.N., J.P. and commands some of the finest views in tJhe
:Mid divis~n of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, co'unty. ·ilird Pebre is lord of the manor. The lIon. Edwd.
petty sessional divisil>D and county court district, rural Gerald Strutt, of Wit'ham, is lOO'd of the manor of Great
deanery of Danbury. archdeaconry of Essex and diocese Ola;rdolls, wit'hin this parish. '1'he landowners are Messrs.
of St. Albans. In 1894 a supply of water was laid on William and Alfred Boyd, of London, John Badeley esg.,
from Danbury by bhe Rural Distr'.ict Council. The church of Bournemouth, and Henry- Haywood esq. of Stock, and
of All Saints, entirely destroyed by fire, after morning there are several small holders. The soil is stiff loam;
service, on Sunday, Dec. 30, 1&83, was a building in tdle subsoil, olay. The chief crops are wheat, beans; oats and
Perpendicular style: the chancel has been restor'ed, and barley. The area is 2,677 acres of land and 5 of water;
is now used as a mortuary chapel. The new cliurch, rateable value, £2,254; the population in 1901 was 418 .. '
. erected in 1884-5, near the centre of the village, at a cost Sexton, Thomas Rayner. '
of £3.500, is II cruciform building of stone in the Early Post, Telegraph &; Express Delivery Office.-Miss Ohar-
English style, from designs by Mr. Henry Stone, archi- lotte Cros8, sub-postmistress. Letters armve from
t.ect, of London, and' consists of Chancel, nave, aisles, tran- Chelmsford at 8.10. a.m.; dispatched at 6.10 p.m.; on:
septs, south porClh and a turret containing 3 bells: there sundays no delivery. PoSibal orders are issued here.
are 250 silltings. '1'he register dates from the year 1540. butt not paid. The nearest money order office is at
'1'he liVling is a rectory, net yearly value £365, with 40 Danbury, 3 miles distant .
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees, and Nation«l -Sooool (mixed), built in 1865 &i enlarged in
held ,since 18'92 by the Rev. Arihur Joseph 6'acre, of Uni- 1900. for 100 children; average attendance, 95; Harry'
versity College, Durham, and rural dean of Danbury. In Picking, master
the rectory grounds is an artesian- well, 48 01 feet deep, Carriers to Chelmsford.-Edward lllank>s, tues, ~ f1').. i
said to be the oldest of its kind in the county, and the Miss Charlotte Cross, tues &; sat
Hodges Henry Sacre Rev. A'rthur Joseph (rector, Gardiner William (Mrs.), farmer &1
Kemble Capt. Horatio Fraser R.N., rural dean of Danbury &; diocesan landowner, Hall
J.P. Great Claydons inspector of schools), Rectory Gardiner Benjamin Channing Rouse.
Mansfield COMMERCIAL. farmer &; landowner, The Hill
Picking Harry, Mill house Baker James, Three Horse Shoes P.H Gilbey WilIiam, farm bailiff to G. B.
Rayner Mrs. Bromley lodge (postal Blanks Ed'wa1d, carrier Bendry & Co. Ltd. Sailesfrith farm
address, RettendQn Common) Cross Charlotte (Miss), shopkeeper &; Harvey Nathaniel, farm 'bailiff to the
Raynel' Hedley Tichborne (postal carrier, Post office Hon. E. Strut.t, Great Claydons
address, Rettendon Common) Downs Charles. cowkeeper Harvey: Walter James, farmer &; land-
Richardson Charles Eaton Thomas, bricklayer' - owner, Rails farm
St-ephenson George. Highfields Enkell Hobert, farmer. Rough Hill Inn Muggleston Rt. Irmr. Little Claydons
Potter William, farmer, Barnards farm Rayner ,John. builder & contractor Smee Mriil. Eliza, beer retailer
Batcliff Joseph, farmer, Frenche's Rayner Thomas, Windmill P.R Smith In. Edwd. & Frank, fmrs. Lodge
:Rayner H. T. & Co. brick & tile Reeve Frederick, blacksmith Spurgeon Isaae, Plough & Hail P.R
makers (letters, Rettendon Common) Richardson Charles, farmer Thol'ogood Henry, hmr. Balls farm
SOUTH HANNINGFIELD is a scattered village Spencer Addison, of Bearmains, the t·rustees of the late-
and parish, 8 miles south-south-east from Chelmsford John Wright esq. Charles Bensonand George Alfred:
railway station, 3 miles north from Wickford and 32 from Brunwin esqrs. The soil and subsoil are clayey. The
London, in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford principal crops are wheat, be,ans and oats. The area:
hundred, union, petty sessional division and county court is 1,487 acres; rateable value, £11,3'30; the population
district, rural deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex in 1901 was 174 in the civil and 199 in the ecclesiasti~r
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter is parish.
8 small edifice of rubble, in the Earl, English and Deco- By Local Government Board OTder 22,422, March 24"
rated styles, consisting of chancel and nave, and a western 1888, a part of this parish known as Great Road was
belfry of wood, with spire, and containing one bell: added to Wickford and another detached part to Runwell.
there are 135 sittings. The register dates from the year Acting Parish Clerk, Nathan Nevill.
1654. The living is a rectory, consolidated with· West Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah Clarence, sub-postmistresl!l.
Hanningfield, joint net yearly value £538, wit'h 48 acre!! Letters by foot post from Ohelmsford, delivered at 9.1,5.,
of glebe and residence, in the gift of W. Kemble esq. a.m.; box closes at 6.45 p.m. Postal orders are issued'
and held since 1898 by the Rev. Walter Wace M.A. of here, but not paid. 'l'he nearest money & telegraph
Trinity College, Cambridge, who resides at West t:Lan- office is at Wickford, 4 miles distant
ningfield. The poor have £5 yearly in money, arising Assistant Overseer, Ernest Banson
from the gift of Mrs. Ann Humphreys. Lord Petra is Nationftl School (mixed), built in 1874. for 40 children;.
lord of ffile manor. 'l'he principal landowners' are Mrs. average attendance, 38; Miss Mary E. Wheeler, mis~·
Aadison Mrs. Spencer, Bearmains Benson Charle!!. farmer &; landowner, Hill 'WaIter, farmer, Pea downs
Benson Ernest W Little Prestons Hunt Thomas, Windmill P.H
Ooverdale Thomas Blyth Thomas, farmer, Claydons farm Smith Frederick, blacksmith
Maryon John S. Oakwood Bull William, farm bailiff to George Webster Thomas Henry, brick m'lker
Ramsay Donald A. Brunwin esq. Great Prestons (letters through Stock, Ingatestone-
Thompson Mrs. The Plantation (letters Clarance Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, RS.O)
through Stock, Ingatestone RS.O) Post office Wickford Brick & Tile Co. Limited
WEST HANNIN:GFIELD is a pleasant village and Humphrey, of Rettendon Hill], in 1605 gave £2 a year
parish, 8 miles east from Ingatestone station, 6 south for ever to poor widows of this parish not receiving
tram Chelmsford station and 5 south of Wickford station parish relief, to be paid out of a farm called" Helmons,'"
all on the Great Eastern railway, and 29 from London, in on the green; there is also a sum of IOS. a year paid out!
the Mid division of the county, Ohelms~ord hundred, petty of a farm in this parish called "Tanfield Toy." Mr.
sessional division, union and county court district, rural Matthew John Pamell bequeathed the sum of £100, free'
deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of from legacy duty, to the rector and churchwardens for the..
St. Albans. The church of St. Mary and St. Edward is time being of the parish of "Vest Hanningfield, upon trust"
cruciform building of brick and rubble in the Perpen- to invest the same in the purchase of £2 15s. per Cent.
dicular style, cons~st:-ing of chancel, nave, south aisle, Consolidated Stock, and to apply the< dividends thell'eof in.
south porch and a western towel' with small spire, con· keeping up the tombs r)f his l'elatives in the churchyard..
taining 4 bells. dated 1770: in the south aisle is an and subject thereto to expend such dividends in 1'he pur-
ancient sla:b, formerly inclosing the half-length effigies of ohase of coals to be distribut.ed annually by the said
.. man and woman; the former is missing, but the latter rect·or and churchwardens at their discre,tion among six.
remains and has beneath it the inscription following: aged and deserving poor persons belonging to and l'esid-
"Isabele Glovile et John son fils gisent lci lequele Johan ing in the same parish. Lord Petre is lord of the manor;.
morust le 23 jour d'Octobre, l'an de grace, 1361. Dieu the landowners are Alexander Rowlands Alston esq. Johrr.
de leur almes eit m'rc:" in the chancel, on the nOl'th Dadeley esq. of St. Helens, Parkstone, Dorset, the trns-
side, is an altar ~omb to a member of the same family. tees of Dr. Williams and the tmstees of Oolin Bensorr
but the inscription is imperfect, and on the floor a ledger eSl}. The soil is st~fI clay; subsoil, clay. 'l'he principal
stone, inscribed to John, son of John Erdeswicke esq. ob. crops are wheat, beans, oats and barley. The area is.
Nov. 160-. The interior of the cbullCh was restored and 2,836 acres; rateable value, £2,667; the population ia
reseated in 1888, at a C{)st of about £4°0, and afI{)rds JgOI was 409.
300 sittings. The register commences in the year 1558. Sexton. Joseph May.
The living is a rectory with South Hanningfield annexed, Post Office.-Alfred Vaughan, sub-postmaster. Letters-
joint net yearly value £538, with residence and 48 acres by foot P()st through Chelmsford. Letters arrive a,t Ell
of glebe, in the gift of W. Kemble esq. and held l'Iince' a.m.; dispatched at 6,3° p.m. Postal orders lHlt
1898 by the Rev. WaIter Wace l\LA. of Trinity College, issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order
Cambridge. A list of the rect.ors of South and West & telegraph o11ice is at Stock, 2~ miles dist,ant.
Hanningfield from 1327 is preserved here. Richar~, Wall Letter Box, near the 'Three Compasses,' cleared'
Oannon in 1605 gave by will to the pom of West Han- at 6.20 p.m
ningfield and Rettendon about 19 acres of land and a National School, built in 1893 (on So site of land presented
cottage, the rent to be divided equally between the two by F. M. Dunster esq.), for 60 children; average at-
parishes and to be distributed in bread. Mrs. Ann t-endance, 40; Mrs. Ridgman, misln:ess
Beadel Thomas Edward Rarris James, farm bailiff to Mr. Smith John & Frank, farmers, Link
Hayward :Mrs. Church house Philip Cole, Bords farm House farm
Simmons James Hodge John, farmer, T'emple farm Stacey Samuel, farmer, Toy farm
Wace Rev. Walter M.A. (rector), The Holliday Thomas, farmer. Hicks farm Tyler William James, blacksmith
Rectory Keeling George, beer retailer Vaughan Alfred, carpenter &; wheel-
Knightbridge Thos. fmI'. Foxbury fIn wright, Post office
COMMEROHL. Lilly William, baker Warwicker William, farmer, Kent &;
Barr John, farmer Martin Charles, poultry dealer Fullers
Benson (''harles Jas. farmer. Hall frm May John, beer retailer &; shopkeepr Webster Thomas. farmer, Apps farm
Benson William Cotin, farmer, Hel- May Joseph, beer retailer &; shopkpr (letters through Stock, Ingatestone-
mons, Brick house & Pinnings Oliff William, Ship P.H R.SO)
Chicken Wm. dairyman, Charville frm Perkins William, farmer (letters thro' Wheaton John, farmer
Cole Edmund, farmer Stock, Ingatestone RS.O) Wright George, farmer &; landownel',
Crick Arthur In.Three Compasses P.H Punt Arth.(Mrs.) & Sons,wheelwrights Pattens (letters through East Han-
Duffield William, farmer Sparrow George William, baker ningfield)
HARLOW is a small town and pa,rish, on the horders The streets have been lighted with gas since 1862, and'
of Hertfordshire, ani on the eastern side of the the inhabitants are supplied with water by the Essex
picturesque and fertile valley of the navigable river and Herts Water Works Company from deeply eon-
Stort, with a station on the Great Eastern (Cam- structed wells near Harlow mills, but in the parish of
bridge) railway, 261 miles by rail from London and 22 Sawbridgeworth. The parish church of St. Mary the-
h,v l'oad, 9 north-west from Ongar and 6 south from Virgin and St. Hugh, pleasantly situated on rising
Bishops Stortford, in the Western division of the county. ground, is a cruciform building of flint with stone dress-
hundred and petty sessional division of Harlow, Epping ings in the Early English style, C'Onsisting of chancel and:
union, Bishops Stortford county court district, Harlow nave, chapels and a central tower with spire containing a
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, clock and a fine peal of 8 bells, presented by :Mr. W. Walford


arid dedicated Dn Easter eve, 1883, a fine carved oak porch Manor Bouse, called" Harlow Bury." situated norLh of St.
ibeing at the same time erected on the south side of the Mary's church, is an ancient building, modernized to some
,cnurch and a lych gate at the eastern entrance of the extent. and for many years in the possession ef the
.churchyard: of the two chantry chapels, one is dedicated Barnard family: in the grounds are remains of a chapel,
to St. Petronilla, the other to St. Thomas, and both ar~ supposed to have been used by the monks of Bury St.
Ihighly endowed: there are brasses with effigiee, to Edmund's: it is covered with ivy and has been converted
William Snmner, ob. 1559; Edward Bugge. gent. and into a granary: the north door has a fine Norman arch-
.Jane his wife. 1582. with 5 children; W. Newman. ob. way in good preservation. Wynter's Grange is the resi-
'1602; John Gladwin. ob. 1615; Richard Bugges esq. dence of Glllules Fredel'ick G ibbs esq. and Moor llall of
-ob. 1636 and his wives, Vahan (Streinsham) llnd John Balfour esq. Robert Wicksted Ethelston es'!. of
Elizabeth (Bowles); Margery (Cely) wife of Robert the Moor Hall estat£l, who is lord of the manor, !lud
'Lawson, gent. ob. 1617; Francis Reve. ob. 1639, and JoanE' who also .holds the manorial right of Harlow nnry;
(lfocelyn) his wife, ob. 1642; and effigies only of a man in Lord North. and L. J. W. Arllwright esq. of Little })I11'11-
·armour and his wife, c. 1430; and a man and his wife, don, are the principal landowners. The soil is various;
c. 1585; some of these have been removed from the ~nbsoil, gravel. 'l'he chief crops are oats. wheat and
floor and placed in wooden frames against the walls; baflley. '1'he area is 4,oo:t acres of land and 14 of watol";
in the south chapel are kneeling effigies of Alex. Stafford ra.teable value, £14,206; the population in 1901 was
-esq. ob. 1652, and Julian, his wife. ob. 1650: all the 2,619, of which 1,902 are attached to the parish church. -
windows are stained and are memorials to members of SextDn (St. Mary) , Henry Perrin.
various local families: the pulpit, of marhle and alabaster, POTTER STREET, MILL STR,EET and HARLOW
is a memorial to Mrs. Perry Watlington, d. 1886: the OOMMON together form a large village in Harlow civil
"font has a handsome carved pyramidal cover: the church parish, about 2 miles south, on the road to Epping, and
'was thorong,hly restored in 1873. and a vestry erected, formerly possessing several potteries: this village is in-
at a total cost of about £8.000: there are sitltings for cluded in the ecclesiastical parish of St. Mary Magdalen,
400 per,sons. The churchyard was enlarged in 1900 by formed July 7. 1865; the Common consists of several
the addJi,tion of three quartet's of an acre of land, ~ivcn hundred a.cres, chiefly used '38 a grazing ground for
'by the lord of the manor antl the vicar. 'rhe Tegister horses and sheep: here is a splendid avenue of elms. The
dates hom the year 1814, the previous register!! 'having church of St. Mary Magdalen, founded by the late Rev.
'been stolen. The living is a vicarage, net yearly valuo Oharles Miller, vicar of Harlow, in 1834, is a building of
£300, with 20 acres of glebe and residence, in vile stone. in the Decorated Gothic style, consisting of chancel,
gift of Lord North, and held since 1885 by the Rev. nave. vestry, and a tower a~ the south-west angle: in
Henry Farrow, of St. Aidans and l\'I.A., Ph.D. of the r888 the chancel and veiltry were rebuilt. new choir stalls
University of RostQck. A new vicarage house was erected erected and the floor relaid: in 1893 the nave was rebuilt
in 1886 at a cost of [,2,000. St. John the Baptist's is and the tower added in 1894-95; the total cost of the re-
an ecclesiastical parish. formed 8th Sept. 1857: the storation and the erection of the tower was about £3,600:
-church, erected previous to 1848. is a building in the the church will seat abou!; 230 persoons. The register
Early English style, consisting- of chancel, nave and a dates from the year 1834. The living is a vicarage, net
western tower containing 2 bells: 80me of the windows, yearly value £82, with 7 acres of glebe and residence, in
including a memorial window to a. former incumbE'nt. the gift of the vicar of Harlow, and held since 1877 by the
6re stained; the foundation stone was laid by John, Rev. Henry Elwell M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford.
2nd Marquess of Bute: a new vestry was added in The area ,is 1,000 acres; the popl1latioil ill 1901 was 427.
1898: there are 360 sitting", The register dates from
the year 1841. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. &; .Annuity, Insur-
£'II{. in the gift of R. W. Ethelston esq. and held since ance &; Express Delivery &; Parcel Post Office, High st.-
1895 by the Rev. Lyndhurst Burton Towne. The area John Carmichael Whittaker, postmaster. Letters de.
is 300 acres; the population in 1901 was about 1,100. All livered at 7.15 &; 9.20 a.m. &; 6 p.m.&; dispatched ut 5.45
Saints' Mission church, built at the cost of the late Rev. &; 9· IS a.m. &; 5 -45 p.m.; to Harlow 'I'ural districts,
Francis Richard Miller M.A. vicar of Kineton, Warwick- 10.25 a.m. &; 12.15, 3.20, 9.15 &; 9.40 p.m. Sunday de.
shire, is a small and plain crucit:orm building of brick, livery commences at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at 9.40 p.m
consisting of chancel, nave, transepts and a small central Town Sub-Post, M. O. 0., S. B. &; .Annuity &; Insurance
tower. but is not consecrated: services are held every Office, Churchgate street. Charles French, sub-post-
Sunday afternoon, at 3 p.m. by the clerg-y of the parish master. Letters dispatched at 7,45, 10 &; 11.30 a.m. et
church. The Wesleyan chapel. in New street, was 2.3 0 , 7·45 &; 9. 15 p.m.; sundays. 9. IS p.ll
erected in 1886, and that at Threshers Bush, in 1884. Sub-Post. M. O. &; '1'. 0., '1'. M. 0., Express Delivery.
'There are two Baptist chapels, one in the hamlet of Parcel Post, .s.' B. &; Annuity &; Insurance 011ice, l)ot.
Totter Street, built in 1756, with 250 sittings, and the ter Stl'eet.--nenjamin Pavitt, sub-postmaster. Let-
-other in the town, rebuilt on the old site, with 500 sit- ters received from Harlo'W' at 6,4° &; 10.55 a.m.; dis-
Itings and attached school-rooms, in 1865. at a cost of patciled at 9.30 a.m. &; 6.50 p.m. Sunday delivery- at
'£2,100. The burial ground, in Foster street, belonging 7 a.m.; dispatched at 9.30 a.Ill
to the Harlow Baptist chapel, and used for nearly two Wall Letter Boxes. Mulberry Green, cleared at 7,45, 10
.centuries by Nonconformists, was the burial place of &; II.30 a.m. &; 2,45, 7.4~ & 9.15 p.m.; sundays, 9.15
Benjamin Flower, a printer and newspaper editor, and p.m.; Railway station, 8.25a.m. &; 2.20, 5. 15 &; 9.45
o()ne of the champions of the freedom of the press, who p.m.; no sunday collection
died at Dalston, 18 Feb. 1829; his daughter, Sarah Flower
Adams, is well known as the author of the hymn COUNTY MAGIS'l'UATES FOR HARLOW PETTY
"Nearer my God to Thee," and other poems. The
~ictoria Hall, in the Bury road, the property of a limited
company, was erected in 1887-8. and is well adapted for Todhunter Joseph esq. Kingsmoor house, Great Parnd,on,
dramatic performances, concerts and lectures; it will Harlow, chairman
Beat 300 persons. Here are the engineerin~ and dry Broke Horace esq. M.A. Gladwyns, Harlow
glazing works of Mr. S. Deards. In 1886 a drink- Gilbey Newman esq. Mark hall, Hadow
ing fountain of bronze was erected on the Eppin~ road, Glyn Clayton Louis esq. M.A. Sheering Hall. Harlow
by the inhabitants of Harlow, in memory of Mr. and Houblon Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer, Halling.
Mrs. Perry Watlington, of Moor Hall. Fairs are held bury Place, Bishops Stortford
on Nov. 28th and 29th. '1'he general charities, derived J ohnston Reginald Eden esq. Terlings, Gilston, Harlow
<from land and other sources, and t,he Church chaJ'ibies I.owndes Major Ala'l Hel'bel't Watlington, llarrillgton
amount to about £200 yearly, and other special chari- hall. Harlow
ties to about £20 yearly. .AlDlshouses were erected Lowndes George Alan esq. M.A.• D.L. Barrington hall,
in 1630 by .r ulian. 'wife of .Alexander SLatIord Harlow
e-sq. fa I' two poor widows of this parish, and in 1716 Lyall Roger Campbell esq. Hastingwood house, Harlow
other almshouses wel'e built near Piper's mill for Nicholson Major-Gen. Stuart James C.B..n.A. The WlIpe.
four poar widows, with moneys left by will of Mr. Harlow
Francis Reeves, formerly of Hubbards Hall. Crabb's Phelips Charles James esq. Mead lodge, Hunsdon, Ware
almshouses, 'built in 1844, near St. John's church, were 'rhe Oh'<llirman of the Stanstead Rural Dislil'ict Council is
erected under the will of Sarah Crabb of Harlow for 3 an ex-officio magistrate
poor persons, and in 1874 other almshouses were built Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles Vand)'ke Thorney-
for five poot' persons, by the will of Mr. Perry Watlington croft, Bury road
of Moor Hall. The Essex Hounds have been kennelled Petty Sessions held every alternate saturday at the Police
here far nearly 30 years, E. S. Bowlby esq. and L. J. W. station at Ir a.m. The places in the Division
Arkwrigiht -esq. masters: the pack hunt four days a are Great Hallingbury, Little Hallingbury, Harlow,
week during the season; Epping. Chelmsford. Ongar and Hatfield, Hatfield Broad Oak, Latton, Matching, Nettes-
J:l[aa:l""w :&l\e eonvenient places for hunting visitors .. The well, Great Parndon, Little Parndon, Roydon &; Sheering


, . PUBJ.IC ESTAnLISHMENTS. Baptist, Rev. Joseph William Butcher; II lun. k 6.30
Fire Brigade, Samuel Deards, captain . p.m.; wed. 7 p.m .
Inland Revenue Office, Green Man hotel, Wm.Helen,officer Baptist, Potter' Street, Rev. Arthur Philip McKenzie; I~
Police Station, George Gal'diner, inspector, 2 sergeantll a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
•. & 8 constables Wesleyan, New street; 10'45 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m,; wed.
Victoria Hall, Bury I'd. E. F. Parker, hon. sec. &; manage! 7 p.m .
Wesleyan, Threshers Bush, 6.30 p.m
Medical Officers &; Public Vacciootors, Epping Union, St. Mary's College, established about 1840, a.t a C08t of
Harlow & Sheering &; Magdalen Laver & Matching Dis- about £13,000, has an endowment by theRe,·. E. C.
. tricts, Thomas Montague Day L.R.C.P.Lond.; Great &; Taunton, late vicar of St. John's, for the education or
Little Parndon, Latten Notteswell & Roydon Districts, singing bo}'s for the church of ,st. John's; Mwre ar~
Richard Theodore Grubb L.R.C.P.Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. at preserut 40 boys & 6 -resident masters; Re,'. L. B.
'Vest house Towne,head master; George Lee 'Chandler, second
Collector to the Guardians &; Relieving .Officer, Harlow master
District, Epping Union; Frederick William Gilbey, Fawbert & Barnard's Endowed school, a little south of
Potter Street the town, on the Epping road, is a modern building.
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Harlow Sub-district. with a residence for the master, & was enlarged in
Epping union, Frederick Wm. Gilbey, Potter Street 1897; it will now hold 218 children; average attendance
PLACES OF 'YO-nSHIl\ with times of services. I 180; & was endowed by the late G. :Fawbert esq.
with between £7,000 & £8,000, left at tlle disposal of
St. Mary's (Parish) Church, Rev. Henry Farrow, vicar; the l'ate John Barnard esq. for educational purposes, k-
8.30 a.Ill. 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 10 a.m. k 011 now in the hands of trustees; Henry Chard, master;
saints' da}'s 8.30 a.m. &, 7 p.m Mrs. Hm-riett Tutton, mistres's
St. John's Church, Rev. Lyndhurst Burton Towne, National, Churchgate, built in 1850, for 357 children;
vicar; .8 & 11 a.m. & 6,30 p.m.; week days, 7.45 a.m. I average attendance, 160 boys & girls &, 60 infants; Geo.
& 7p.m I J. 'Vise, master; Mrs. Wise, girls' mistress; Mrs. M.
St. Mary Magdalen, Harlow common, Rev. Henry ]~lweIJ A. Eaton, infants' mistress
M.A. vicar; ISt sunday in montih, 10 & II a.m. & 6 National, Harlow common, built in·] 874, for 100
p.m.; other sundays, 8 & I I a.m. & 6 p.m.; wl1pl, children; average attendance,43; Miss Cotman,mistre~s
days, 4 p.m.; all festivals observed generally at 8 & Railway Station, Charles Samuel Vassal' Cudbird~
. 11.39 a.m. & 3 p.m station master
All Saints', served by the clergy of the parish church I Conveyance to meet the principal trains, from George hot)
Edwards Mrs Mead Rev. Her-bt. Rayment A.K.C.L.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Elwell Rev. Henry M.A. St. Mary (curate St. John's); St. John's cot
Anson Frederick, White House farm, Magdalen vicarage, Harlow common Menhanick Chas. Herbert, Pm'lt house-
Potter street Farrow ,Rev. Henry (vicar of St. Morgan George, Scrubbs
Balfour John, !tIoor hall Mary's), Vicarage Narraway Wm..D, Claremont,Potter st
Barnard Miss, Marigolds Francis Miss E. J. 4 Garden terrace Neill Mrs. New hall
Basham Fredk. Thos. Hubbard's hall Gibbs Chas. Fredk. Wynter's grange Nicholson Major-Gen. Stuart James-
Butcher Rev. Joseph William (Bap· Graham John, Kingston hall, Potter st J.P., C.B., R.A. The Wayre
tist), Park villas Grubb Richard Theodore, 'West house Page John, New road
CarIing Rev. Hubert Frank RA. Hammond Miss, Park villas Prior Mrs. George, Park villa
(curate parish church), Mulberry Hart Wm. Jackson, Mulberry green Secretan Francis Rerbt. Eastfield call
green Hoare Geoffrey de Monteney Gerard, Thorlby Miss, The Chantry
Ohaplin Frederick Wm. The Ferns Meadham Todhunter Benjamin, Bromleys
Cohen Cosman H. St. Hilda • Hodson Mrs. Agnes, Mulberry green 'rowne Rev. Lyndhurst Bm'lon (vicar-
Chandler George Lee, St. Mary's coll Johnson Henry Fielder, Piper~ of St. John's)
Day Francis Newcombe Ker John, 2 Vicarage villas Walker Reg-inaid Henry, St. Hngh
Day Thomas Montagu Kirkaldy John, Feltimores Whish Herbert E. Fair'field
Deards SI. Ye OIde ho. The Broadway Loveday John, Harlow common Whish Misses, Fairfield
Denny William, Kent lodge, Potter st McKenzie Rev.Arthur Philip (Baptist), Williams Mrs.Holly lodge,Potter stree'
Dixon Mrs. Mulberry green Potter street Winch Mrs. Norfolk villa
Dolamore Miss, Latton Island house Mathews Miss, Fair Cotes Wrjght Miss, Mill hill
Edwards Frederic CbapIin, Faircroft Matthews Mrs. Fredk. R. Campions Young Samuel, Mulberry green
COMMERCIAL.. Brown William, beer retailer, Harlow common
Ackland James, Railway hotel Butcher Edwin, George hotel
Adams Thomas, grocer & draper, High street Campion Caroline J. (Mrs.), druggist
Allderson John Stevenson, farmer, FeItimores farm ChaIlis George, beet" retailer, Barnard's green
Aplin John, householder, I Quainton villas, Bnry road Chaplin & Co. brewers
ApIin Robert, miller, Piper's steam mills; &; baker, Charlesworth Arthnr Vemon, householder, Bury 1'1H!,r
Fore street Clark Arthur Charles, blacksmith, Mulberry green
~-\rchbeIl & Jacob, grocers & drupers, Chul'chgate street Clark Frederick, grocer & balwr, Potter street
Archer Frederick, basket maker Clark Philip, blacksmith & farrier, Station road
Armor Charles, farmer, Potter street Olayden Ola'ra (Miss), baker & grocer, Potter street
Armor George, fruiterer, Harlow common Clements Charles, jun. carpenter, Potter street
!Bailey James, huntsman, Kennels Ooleman John & Sons, ironmongers &c. Back st. & New rd'
Bambridge Emily (Mrs.), Green Man hotel Coleman Alfred Edwllrd, florist, see Wilson & Cllll'lllan
Barclay & Co. Limited (sub-branch), bankers; open mono Coleman Harry, smith &; ironmonger, High street
wed. &; fri.; draw on head office, 54 Lombard street, Ooleman WilIiam, coal mer. &; furniture ]'emover, Old Tll
London E C CoIIin.s William, cycle maker, Fore street
Barker Elizabeth (Mrs.), pork butcher, Broad street CoIlins WiIliam, dairyman, Harlow Bush dairy
!Barker Henry, butcher, Broad street Cook John, householder, Potter street
Barrack Fred, beer retailer, Back street CordeIl John, gardener to C. F. Gibbs esq.Wynter's grnge·
Barrack Samuel, householder, Weston, Bury road OowIin James & Sons, builders &; decorators
Bass Daniel, householder, Gable house, Bury road Cowlin Daniel Robert C. househldr. East villa, Bl1rJ' road
Benham Mary (Mrs.), laundress Cowlin John, llOuseholder, West viHa, Bury road
:Billings Henry William, chimney ·sweeper, Back street Oramphorn Henry, King's Head P.R. Potter street
Bittern Franz, watch maker, Station road CJrighton WaIter John, draughtsman, New road
Bowen James, honseholder, Bury road Cudbird Charles Samuel Vassal', station master, Rail-
BI1adley John Thomas, insurance agent, Chul'cbgate street way station
Ilrazier Arthur, shopkeeper & refreshment rms. High st Dawson Nicholas, householder, Belmon't villas, Bl1l'Y I'oo,t
Brazier Henry Charles, White Horse P.R. PoUer street Day Francis Newcombe B.A., M.B., B.C.Oamb. Slll'gi'lll1
Broad Alfred, householder, Mulberry green Day Thomas :M:ontague L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Ilroad William, farmer, Shanks farm snrgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator, Harlow.
Brown Ernest Frederick, butcher, Potter street Magdalen Laver, Matching, & Sheering districts
Ilrown Frederick, farmer, Potter street Deards Sam, inventor &; patentee of the "Victoria dry
Brown Harry, farmer, Kitchen hall glazing," adapted for railway, exhil>ition & COIlSCI'\'a-
Brown Joseph, beer retailer, Harlow common tory roofs; also the patent coil boilers for ch11l'clllJS,
Brown Joseph Henry, mill manager, New road chapels, greenhouses; painter, glazier, plum},er &; gas-
Brown Owen, Queen's Head P.H. Churchgate street fitter, Ye Olde hous,e .
Deards Thomas, carman, New road Muffett R. A. (Mrs.), hairdresser & tobllccnst. Station I'd
Dent George, grocer &; draper, &; agent for W. &; A. Gilbey Neale William, householder, 4 Victoria villas, Bury roa,1
Limited, wine &;spirit merchants Nelson Edmund. plumber & decorator, Potter Street
Dobson Sarah (Miss), dress maker. Fore street Nemon Arthur & Isaac, builders &; undertakers
Duke ,Charles (Mrs.), boot mllker, High street Newton Joseph &; Sons, builders, contractors -& under-
Eaton Henry, clerk. New road takers, High street & Old road
Edmunds Jonn. Wm. farmer &; hay dealer. Potter St Newton Thomas, householder, 2 Buryville, Bury road
Edwards Westcott. tailor, High street Oddfellows (Independent Order of) M.V. Loyal Mulberry
Ellis .Alfred. shopkeeper, New road Tree lodge, No. 3700 (Wm. B. Mnrfleet, sec.), Bury I'd
Ellis Thos. gardener to H. F •. Johnson esq. Mulberry grn Oyler Benjamin, householder, Mill street, Harlow common.
Eyke Herbert, householder, HIgh street Parker Edmond Frederick. sec. &; man. to the Gas Co
Fire Engine Station (Samuel Deards. capt) Pavitt Benjamin, news agent &; furniture dealer, Post
Foster James (Mrs.), householder, Fail'1ight, Bllry 1")I1,l office, Potter Street
Francis William, saddler &; harness maker, cycle agent &; Pedlar Wm. Charles, clerk, The Vineries, Pottel' sl,reet
hirer, High street Perry George, market gardener, Old road
Freemasons-, Harlow lodge, No. 2734 (Gporgo Acllennnn Perry 1 ames, coal merchant, Bury road
P .M. see.), Victoria hllll Porter J-oseph George, tailor, Station road
French Charles, shoe maker, Churchgate street Potter Street Cricket Club (C. Elwell, sec.), Potter Street
French Willia_m, farmer & carman, Chllrchgnte !!trect Prat-t Miss, householder, ':1 Shingle villas, New road
Furze Ro.bert Henry. farmer, Bl'omleys Prestidge Eleanor (Mrs.), householder, Potter street
Furze Sidney J. farmer, Gravel Pit farm Radbourne Richard E. farmer, Harlow Bury
Furze William M. farmer, Se-wald's hall Rochester George Henry, fruitere,r, Station road
Gadsden William, commercial traveller, Dalveen Roe George, wheelwright, Bury road
Gardiner George, inspector of police, Pulice statioll St. Mary's College (Rev. Lynuhurst B. ,!,owne, prineipnl)
Gayford Thomas Kitton, manager for lnd, Coope &. Un. Sainty Isabella (Mrs,), householder, Milton cot. New road
Limited, High street Samuel George, baker
Gifford: Henry, farmer, Huubard's IIall farm Saville James, shopkeeper, Back street
Gbbey Frederick William, registrar of births &; deaths Soaward Minnie {Miss), baker, Station road
& relieving &; vaccination officer &; collecwr to the Guar- Scott .Andrew, householder, Potter et-reet
dians, Epping union, Potter street Scott Frederick Richard, tailor, Churchgate street
Girling Robert, Marquis of Gl'llllby P.B. &; coach hllil.ler Scruby W. H. & Co. corn, seed &; oil cake merchanls
Green Thomas James, police constahle, I'otter street Scruby Basil, miller, co-rn, seed, coal, coIre &; \vholesale
Grimwade Marian (Mrs.), dress malrer, Pott,er st-reet chaff merchant &; farmer, Harlow mill, & owner of
Grubb Richard Theodore L.R.C.P.Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. Hygienic bakery
surgeon &; medical officer, Parndon &; Roydon districts, Seeley William H. deputy registrar of births & del1lhs.
Epping union, West house Harlow sub-district, Fore street
Guest John, collector to Berts &; Essex Water Works Lim Sell Edmund, contractor &; coal merchant, High stree~
Hadrill A. (Mrs.), householder', 11111'y l'oad Salmes George & William, butchers, High street
Hagger Joseph, householder. 0111 I'oatl Shenton Eliza (Mrs.), householder, Potter street
Hall Charles, hou.seholder, I'ot t.l~r st reet Shirley John, insurance agent, New road
Harlow Benefit Building Society (Edmond F. Parker, sec) Sibley Caroline (Mrs.), householder, Old road
Harlow Cricket Club (R. Cowlin, hon. see. & treasurer) Slack Wright, joiner, 3 Victoria villas, Bury roall
Harlow Parish Council (1". C. ]~dwa1'(ls, chairman; S, Smith Charles, blacksmith &; ironmonger, Potter Street
Deards, clerk) Snow Marian (Miss), householder, Fore street
Harlow &; Sawbridgeworth Gas Light &; Coke Co. Lim. Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers, now Barday & Co. Lim
(E. F. Parker, sec) Springham George, boot maker, High street
Harrington J. & Son, maltsters Springham John, shoe maker, Bury road
Ha,rrison Robert Hunter, hllllse!lolller, Barlow common Spurgin Alfred:, hous'eholder, Bury road
Hart William Jackson, solicitor, Mulhel'ry green Standingford George H. carpenter, :New rond
Harvey George, golf professional, 2 Qnaintoll vils.Bury I'll Stevens Walter Thomas, Red Lion P.R. &; coal dealert"
Helen William, inland revenue officer, Green Man hotel Potter Street
HoLmes Ann (Mrs.), hOllseholder, Mnlberry green Stock JOSElph, householder, BfJlmont villas, Bury ron,1
Holmes Charles &; John, farmers, Moor Hall farm Stutely John, hair dresser, High street
Ho:mes Henry John, Crown P.H Sutton Arthur, coachbuilder & wheelwright
Houghton Mary (Miss). honsehlllr. I Victoria vils.llnry Ttl Sydenham Alfred Henry, collegiate schl. Chnrchgate st
Huret Victor, poultry farmer, "\Vynterhrook Tarling Ellis J. farmer, Foster street
H),~ienic Bllkery (owner, Basil Scrnby; lllanager, S. Tate John, builder & undertaker, Churchgnte st.reet
Marten), High street Taylor H. A. & D. maltsters
Ind, Coope & Co. Limited, brewers & wine &; spirit mer- Thorneycroft Charles Vandyke, solicitor &; commissioner
chants, High street for oaths, clerk to justices &; charity trustees, & solici-
Jacob Sydney Samuel, grocer &c. see Archhell & Jacol. tor to the Victoria Hall Co. Limited, Bury road; & at
Jefferies .Albert, gardener to John Balfour esq. Moor hall Bishops Stortford & 59 Chancery lane, London 'W C
Jenkins John, decorator &; plumber, High street Thurgood Joseph, baker
Jones Moreton (Miss), househldr. I Bllryville, Bury road Truscott 'GeOI'lge, brass finisher, High street
Kin~ Frank, hay dealer, Mill st-l'eet, Harlow common Tutton Harriett (Mrs.), householder, Belmont \' ils.1311ry rd
Kirkby'Frank, engineer, 3 Quainton villas, Bl1r)' rond Vardy Mary W. (Miss), householder, Bl11'Y Toad
Lines Leonard, hay dealer, Potter street Victoria Hall Co. Limited (E. F. Parker, hon. sec.
Lucas John, compositor, Potter street & manager), Bury road
Lyon Wm. Edtward, d'raughtsman, 5 Victol'iavils. Bill'" rd Walford Thos. Joseph, householder, Laurel villa, New I'd
Marfleet Wm Benjamin, grocers' manager, Bury road Welcome (The) Refreshment Rooms (Wm. Frands, PI'O-
Matthews Sus-an (Mrs.), househldr. z Victoriavils.Bury I'd prietor), Station road
Miller J. &; 00. Limited, coal merchants, Railway station Wells Frederick, Prudential Assurance agent
Moor Hall Cricket Club (W. E. DcaI'd;;, sec) Whittaker John Carmichael, stationer, booksel:er &

Moore William John, commercial traveller, New Tuad lronm'onger
Morris William, hurdle maker, Foster street "\Villis Henry, farmer, Roffey hall
Mortlock Frederick, chimney sweep, Back street Wils-on & Coleman, florists &; fruiterers, Potter street
Mumford John Thomas, saddler & harness maker, ,"Vinch WaIter, builder & brick maker, The High house
Fore street I Young Samuel &; Son, grocers &; dl'3pel's, Mnlberry green



HARWICH is a municipal borough, seaport town and from Colchester, 12 east from Manningtree, 20 from Ip;:;-
watering place at the mouth of the Stour and opposite wich and 71! from London, on a small peninsula, which
the confluence of the Orwell, and is the head of a county admits only of a narrow approach. The town is governed
court district, in the North Eastern division of the county, by a corporation, consisting of a mayor, four aldermen,
Tendring hundred, union and petty sessional division, twelve town councillors and a high steward, with revenues
rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, archdeaconry of amounting to about £4°,000 yearly. The borough is
Oolchester and diocese of St. .Albans, 41 miles north-east divided into two wards.
from Chelmsford, 30 east from Coggeshall, 21 north-east The borough, created by Edward n. in 1318, includee,
for 'municipal purposes, the parish of. Dovercourt;' it for- . an~ cutlery, £98,294; i~d'im'ubber goods, £ 1 °5,54°;
merly returned two members to ParlIament; but by the pamters' colors and materIals, £'14,614; surgical &c. in-
"Representation of the People Act, 1867," the representa- struments, £65,593; printed books, £53,833; horses,
tion was reduced to one member, and under the pro- £155,254; total value of all articles, £3,297,871.
visions of the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," the The value of vhe principal article.s of Foreign and
borough was deprived of its separate representation and Colonial merchandise exported was: butter, .£'3.6,372;
merged in the county. . ma.rgarine, £13,87'5; drugs, £,1,8,269; uI'namen tal
The town is well! situated, with a fine bold shore, and is feathers, £14,1°7; horse hair, £24,312; sheep or lambs'
pleasant and healthy: it is lighted with gas by a com- wool, £1,541,793; plaiting of straw and other materials
pany, and supplied with water from the Tendring Hun- for making bats and bonnets, £32,348; thrown 1I11tl SPUll
dred Water Works, at Mistley. During the summer silk, £38,551; tin, in blocks, £55,520; tea, £16.349;
steamers run to London and Walton-on-the-Naze, 'and the total value of all articles, £2,139,2212.
town is much frequented as a bathing place. Imports.-The value of the principal articles imported
Southward of the town is Beacon Hill, an eminence in 1901 was: bacon, £2,186,953; bUller, £1,77°,832;
separating the Orwell, or Harwich haven, from the arm of marg'Lrine, £775,898; cheese, £140,800; prepllred COCoa
the sea which extends to Walton-on-the-Naze. Between or chocolate, j,"2{j,831; eggs, £"775,516; fresh beef and
this hill and the town an esplanade extends for nearly lli lLtt on, £473,4'11; fresh pork, £265,.862; unenu-
.3 mile, commanding a delightful view of the harbour and me,rated salted or fresh meat, £1259,022; condensed milk,
:the German Ocean. In 1844, £50,000 was granted by £72,6188; poultry 'and game, £162,567; re,fi'll~ lSugar,
..Parliament for forming a breakwater from Beacon Cliff £I25,693; l'[1.W vegetables, £99,353; barley, 1,1°4,5°5;
to divert the current towards Landguard Point and also ma.ize or Indinn corn, .£':~59,559; wine, £84,035; mUllIl-
for dredging the shoals at the entrance of the harbour, factured cotton of all kinds, £895,69,8; lllce of all kinds,
jn order to admit first-class vessels: additional sums have £192,569; manufactured linen, £82,749; manufactured
,..since been granted for the same purpose and for buildinO' silk of all kinds, £"1,19°,862; thrown and spun sill. yarn,
;a wall at the base of the cliff to prevent further encroach~ '£215,8°7; woollen goods of all kinds, £1,786,774;
ment of the bea, and for forming a gravel walk extending' woollen yllrn, £54,455; embroidery and needlework,
,upwards of a mile, from the esplanade to the end of the £105,476; leather, .£"108,3°7; boots and shoes, '£82,686;
breakwater. A little above the esplanade is the Redoubt, leather gloves, £452,193; mllnufactured glass, 1.,200,774;
remodelled in 1,8161-3 and mOUll1ting ID guns: the Angel india,rubber goods, £147,369; Inllnnfncturcd iron,
,Gate battery, mounting 4 guns, is on the east of the £2°5,215; paper, including strawhoard &c. £221,83 2 ;
town. Landguard Fort is on a promontory of the Suffolk plants, £185,2°3; clocl.s and parts thereof, £"201,414;
,coast, on the other side of the river. musical instruments, £281,451; toys anti game,s,
The harbour is the finest along this part of the coast, £93,495; total value of all lIl'ticles, £17, 26 7,612.
-affording room for. 400 or 500 sail. . Shipping of the Port ill 1901.
Th~re are two l~ght~ouses at Dovercourt, outSIde the The number of British .sailing and stenIn vessels tlrat
HarWICh harbour, In MIll Bay, to guard vessels from the entered with Cll.\'C>'oes includinO' their repented \'oyll"'eS,
".And~ews"- a sandbank, forming a bar at t~e mouth of wa.s 1, 103, of 599~808 'tons; tire'" number cleared was 797,
the rIver fr~m Landguard Fort to the Ro~lII~g Gr~und, of 44'8,812,8 tons.
where there IS good anchorage. A guard shIp IS statlOned The number of FOl'eill'1l vessels that entered with
:here: vessels of war sometimes put into this harbour, 03rC>'oes was 221 of 121"'827 tons and cleared 10/ of
which has an O.rdnance depot. Extensiv? improveme~ts 96,338 tonnage. ' , , "
have been carrIed out by the CorporatIOn, by the In- Of the number of British and FOI'eign sailing and
-closure of land from the harbour and by f?rming. quays steam vessels tha t entered the port, 636 cnmc from
~l?n.g the whole north front of the town, WIth a p~er ad- Holland, 345 from llelgimn and 1188 from Denmarli.
JOlnmg the same, approachable by vessels at any tIme of 'I.'he number of sailinC>' and st.eam vessels J'f"ristel'ed
tide: these i~provelIfents have been made under t.he under Part 1. of the" Merchant Shipping Act, 1894," as
powers of the HarWIch Imp~ovement, 9uay:s and PIer belonging to the port, in December 31, I90J, wa.s 12J,
.Act ?f 1851." .An Act came Into opex:atlo~ m 1863 for of J3,920 tons.
the I~p:ovement of the harbour, whI~h .IS under the The church of St. Nicholas is a structure of white brick'On of a Conser~a~cy !>oard. FIshmg boats and in the debased Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel,
t~eIr Implements ~re dlstlIlgUI~hed 'by the letters nave aisles and an embattled western tower with pinna-
'Ihe number of fishlllg boats reglst.ered, under Part IV. of ' . . . k b'·
the" Merchant ShippinO' Act" as beJonO'inO' to the port cle~ and spIre, conta~mg a cloc and 8 ells: It wa.s re-
o , . '" '" , bUIlt and enlarged In 1821: there '3re three partIally-
01 2
December 3 1, 19 , was 4 , employmg 114 men IInd boys, t' d . d S . tn h I d ' th t .
The Great Eastern railway (Harwich branch) was same WIll. 0:W III e c ance, an. III e ve.s ry IS a
opene d 1'n .Au g us, t I 85 4. Th e G re·at E ast ern h 0 t e,
I one tablet contammg the names of the VIcars b of thIS church
of th e mos t lIIlpor t'an t on th e E ssex coas t , was opene d'III from 133 6. to 18 74: the church .
has een restored,
. ,
J I 865 't f t th . f h' h t b t chancel raIsed and new chOIr stalls and a pulpIt proVIded:
u y, I ; Iron s. e pIer, rom. w IC s e:;tm oa s there are 1,5 00 sittings, of which 1,000 are free. The
run every day from thIS port to IPSWICh and Felrxstowe. register dates from the year 1550. The living is a vicar-
~arkeston Quay, formed ·by t~e Grea~ ~astern agl1, lIet yearly value £120, in the gift of J, E. A,
RaIlway Co. and opene~ for traffic I? 18 83, IS sItuated Gwynne esq. F.S.A. of Folldngton mall 01', Pnlegate,
upon the Stour, zi .mIles ~p the ~Iver, and was co~- Sussex, and! held! sinoe 118g8 'by the. Rev. Berbert
structed. for d~velopmg then: Oontmen.tal traffic. Th.Is Ellington Biclmell RA. of St. Edmnnd Hall, Oxford.
quay, Wlt,tt statIOn and loop line, occupIed four year~ III There is an iron church at Parkeston, seating about
C?nstructlOn, an~ cost about £5 oo ,0?0. .Altho~gh a h~tle 250 persons.
hIgJ:er up the r~ver than the old pIer, there IS a saVIng The Catholic church, dedicated to our Lady of Mount
of tIme III startmg from Parkeston quay, on ac~ount of Carmel, on the main road to Dovercourt, is a small
the clearer course, lI;nd consequently the boat tram leaves edifice of brick in the Late Decorated style and was
London than hItherto. About 600 licres of la~d have built from designs of E. Welby Pugin in 1869: it has
been acqmred by the company, the greater portIOn re- 'tt' '
claimed fro~ the be~ c;f the river, by a curved e~bank- IO~e~~ i~g~ Baptist chapel, erected in 1821, with 250
ment z! mIles long, ill the. centre of the curve IS the seats; a Congregational chapel, built in 1800, and seating
qu~y, 1,800 feet long, affording b.erths fo.r seven vessels, 200 persons; a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1880.
WhIle. seven more can be I?oored m t.he rIver. .The quay with 200 sittings; a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, erected
~all.Is formed by screw piles, those m ~ront bemg 2 .fee~ in 182 9, and seating 500 adults and 60 children, alld
III diameter, and those at the. back bemg I f~ot 6 Ill., another Wesleyan chapel at Parkeston, erected in 188 7,
between the~ are ~oncre.te cylinders of .seve~ rmgs each, with 260 sittings.
and 9 feet ID outSIde dIameter, sunk ID pall'S. On t h e . . .
quay are two goods warehouses, each 520 feet long by 100 The bunal gro~nd of St. Nlcholas parlsb, at Upp~r
feet wide. A passenger gangway 40 feet wide leads to Dovercourt, cov~r~g an area of 5 acres,. w!!-s formed ID
the central building of 350 feet frontage, which serves for 1855, and conta!ns a mortua.ry chapel; It IS under the
the station and hotel. All the buildings and platforms control of a Bunal Board of SIX me.mbers.
are erected upon piles, of which there are more than The poor have about £6 yearly ill fuel. . •
1,000, sunk to the ancient bed of the river. The markets are held o~ Tuesdays and Frl~ays. Con",u-
. lar agents for several foreIgn powers are reSIdent here.
Trade of the Port III 1901. 'I'here is a cllstom house; the nmount of revenuo col-
Exports.-The value of the principal articles of British lected in 1901 wns [17'1,268; there are also extensive
and Irish produce exported was: cotton pieee g'lIods, handing warehouses, helonging to the Great Eastel'll
[''128,27°; cotton yarn, £79,39°; woollen nnn \l'orste,1 Railway ClImpllny and one hank (Messrs. Bacon, Cob-
piece goods, £764,918; manufnctured silk, £18,079; bold & Co.)
silk yarn, £53,896; wro\Jg-ht and unwl'ollght leather, The Coastguard Station buildings, finished in June,
£218,'129; machinery and mill work, £ 180,4-15; hard ware 1858, consist of a fine range of houses, forming a quad-

rangle of fifteen tenements, besides a house for the prin- The Mission Hall, built and endowed by the late
cipal officer. Robert J. Bagshaw esq. and opened in 1874, will seat
H.M.'s armour-plated ship "Severn," is stationed at about 700 persons, and has ante-rooms and large rooms
Harwich as coast guard and drill ship of Naval Reserve. below: tablets have been erected in the building by R.
The Public Hall in Main road is a structure of red J. Bagshaw esq. to his mother and sister, who were
brick, erected in 1886 from designs by Whitmore and drowned in the river Hooghly, off Calcutta, and to his
Reeves, architects, of Chelmsford, at a cost of [,1,792, wife.
and will hold 500 persons. .An estate of 28 acres and several houses, left at various
Shipbuilding is carried on by William Blenkinsop dates prior to the Reformation and now producing £120
McLeal'on at the Royat Naval Yard, which has produced yearly, is assigned to the repair and beautifying of the
-some tine specimens of JHlVal al·chitecture. church and all such purposes as are included in a church
The fi..heries employ numdlOUs vessels and a consider- rate and is managed under a scihem,e, ordered by the
.able trade is carried on with Ipswich and Manningtree. Charity Commissioners. £,14 from Smyth's Cha.rity, left
'1'he Ro:ral Harwich Yacht Cluh, founded in 1843, had it! £626 by l:!.~nry Smyth, or Lcndoll. is annually dis-
in 1902 361 members with 222 yachts, lllld holds an tributed among the poor in coals, through the agency (,f
annual regatta, when prizes are given by the club. . a coal club of about 120 members.
'The popnlation of the municipal borough in 1871 wa.s Here is a chalybeate spring, formerly in great repute
ti,079; in 1881, 7,842; in 1891, 8,202; and in 19°1, and possessing medicinal properties similar to the waters
10,019; the population of St. Nicholas, Hllrwich, in 1891 of Tunbridge Wells. The Spa House, first opened to
was 5,475, which included' 57 in the Circular Redoubt, '88 visitors on the 28th of August, 1854, consists of a pump
in Government house, nuuried soldiers' quarters and room, reading and smoking rooms; it has a library (in
Ordna.nce stores, and 146 on board H.M.'s ships; 1901, connection with Mudie's) and a conservatory, and tbere
6,176. Area, 88 acres of land, 398 of tidal water and is a good supply of newspapers and magazines.
I3'8 of foreshore; rateable value, £15,110. A. N. Garland esq. of South Kensington, London S.W.
Parish Clerk, Job Brewster, 27 King's Quay street. is lord of the manor. The vicar, the Chelmsford Land
Co. the trustees of R. J. Bagsbaw and J. R. l'attrick
DOVERCOURT is a parish and fashionable watering esqrs. are the principal landowners.
place, with a station on the Harwi{lh and Manningtree The area of Dovercourt is 1,428 acres of land, 10 of
branch of the Great Eastern Railway Co.; it is divided water, 200 of tidal water and 529 of foreshore; rateable
into Upper and Lower Dovercourt: the former being value £1.1->930; the population in 1871 was 1,832; in
about 2 miles south-west from Harwich, on the road to 1'8181, 2,021; in 1891, 2,727; in 1901, 3,892.
Colchester and the latter forming- a populous suburb to Parish Clerk, Alfred Chaplin, Upper Dovercourt.
and being within the municipal borough of Harwich, in
Town Sub-Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity, Insurance
the North Eastern division of the county, union of Tend- &; Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office, Dovercourt.-
ring, Harwich county court district, Ardleigh and Har- William AlIen Wells, postma,ster. Letters delivered
wich rural deanery, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- from Harwich at 7 &; ID a.m. &; 6 p.m.; dispatched at
cese of St. Albans: this improving place is pleasantly 8.55 &; II·3 0 a.m. 2.15 &; 7.55 p.m.; on sundays,
situated and ext-ends for 2 miles westward along the south 7.45 p.m. Money orders granted &; cashed from 8
bank of the river Stour and more than that distance a.m. to 8 p.m., Telugraph business from 8 a.m. to 8
southwards by the sea. coast, and has generally a p.m. Telegrams can be handed in only at this office,
southerly aspect, exhibiting a wide extent of varied and &; telegraph money orders are issued, but not paid
attractive scenery. The beach is well adapted for bath-
ing, being smooth and sandy, and'is well supplied with Pillar Letter Box, Cliff road, cleared at 8.45 &; ILlS a.m.
bathing machines. 2 &; 7.45 p.m.; no collection on sundays
There are several terraces of houses, a number of de- Post Office, Upper Dovercourt.-Robert Brown, sub-post-
tached villas and a first-class hotel, the "Cliff," with master. Letters arrive from Harwich at 7 &; 10.20
ample space and convenience for visiwrs, and the" Vic- a.m.; dispatcbed at 10.40 a.m. 7.10 p.m.; on sundays
toria Concert Hall," in which concerts are held, also the at II a.m. Postal orders issued bere, but not paid.
"Alexandra," which has a spacious ball room and tennis The nearest money order &; telegraph oilice is at Dover-
and croquet lawn. conrt, I mile distant, for collection, but Harwich bead
A sea-wall has been built, protecting the sides of the ofllce, 2 miles distant, is nearest for delivery
cliff and guarding against the encroachment of the sea, Wall Letter Box, Vicarage, cleared at 10.50 a.m. /.15
which breaks on this coast with the full force of the p.m. & sundays 10.30 a.m
German Ocean; in addition to this a breakwater of
Kentish rag has been constructed, extending 1,550 feet Public Establishments.
into the sea and approaching within about a mile of Land· Dovercourt Spa, Henry Warren, proprietor
guard Fort, on the opposite coast of Suffolk: the cost of Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Thos. Bultitude, attndnt
the construction of the breakwater, together with the re- Lighthouse, Waiter Gilllmer (principal), James' Hl'nry
moval of the shoals or banks which obstructed the free Gayland &; John William Hall, assistant keepers
navigation of the harbour, was £132,000. Two light-
houses were erected in 1862. Places of Worship, with times of services.
The Undercliff walk, which extends more than a mile
along the shore, was completed at a cost of nearly All Saints' Church, Rev. Thomas Grey Collier M.A.
£10,000, by the late John Bagshaw esq. and has since vica.r; Rev. MerVpl Baylay RA. curate; Il.15 a.m. &
been continued about one mile further by the Chelmsford 3.15 p.m
Land Co. St. Augustine's, RE:"-. Thcmas Grey Collier M.A. vicar;
The church of .All Saints, which is the mother church Rev. Mervyn Bayla.r B. A. curate; II a. m. & 7 p. Ul. ;
of Harwich, is an ancient edifice of brick and rubble of fri. 7.30 p.m
'the 12th century, consisting of chancel and nave, north Mission Hall, Rev. Arthur Frederick Gurney; I I a.m. &
and south porches and an embattled western tower con- 7 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
taining a clock and 2 bells: there is an oak "poor man's Primitive Methodist, Upper Dovercourt; I I a.m. &; 6.30
box," bearing the date 1589, with two locks and two keys: p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
in 1897 the church was restored: several windows are
filled with stained gla.s·s, including the west window, Schools.

presented by the Emperor of Germany in 1899: there

are sittings for 350 persons. '1"he Lych gate was. given National (mixed), Upper Dovercourt, built in 1863, for
by Her late Majesty Queen Victoria in 1899. 1125 children, with an average attend'ance of II·2;
The church of St. Augustine, Hill road, Lower Dover- Mrs. :M:. A. Rudd, mistress
court, partly built in 1883 on a site given by J. E. A. National (g-irls), Lower Dovercourt, built in 1874, for ISO
Gwynne esq. and consecrated in 1884, is a building of children; average attendance, 128; Miss Louisa
red brick with stone facings, consisting of chancel, nave Miller, mistress
.and aisles and bell turret, 'and was enlargej in 1888 at Harwich Central BoaTd School (boys), built in 1887 >&
a total cost of £3,000 and will seat 400 people. The enl'a.rged in 1900. fo,r 420 boys; average aM;.endan~,
register dates from the year 1539. The living is a 350; George T. Helsdon, IIUlJSter .
vicarage, having been separated from Harwich, in which Board, Upper Dovercourt (infants), built in 1894 for 150
chapelry it was in 1871, net yearly value £228, including children; average attendance, 90; Miss Emma Francis
34 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of J. E. A. Pegram, mistress
Gwynne esq. of Folkington, Sussex, and held since 1880 Board (infants), Avenue 2, Lower Dovercourt, built in
by the Rev. Thomas Grey Collier M.A. of Corpus Christi 1895 for 1'50 -children; average attendance, 71; Miss
college, Cambridge. The vicarage house, near the church, Lilly Turner, mistress
was erected in 1879-80. Railway Station, Abel Robert Flowers, station master

Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. &; Annuity, Insur-j PORT SANIT.A..BY AUTHORITY.·
ance &; Express Delivery &; Parcel Post Office.-G. T. Meets at the Town hall the last friday in March &
Bateman, postmaster, Church street September.
Out.going With extra Registered Clerk, Richard Saxty Barnes, 63 Church street
Mails. stamp. letters till Medical Officer of Health, Harold Gurney L.R.C.P.Edin.
London,Ipswich&all parts 9.30 a.m. 9.40 a.m. 9.0 a.m 27 West street
London,Ipswich&all parts 12.15 p. m. 12.30 p.m. '12.0 p.m Sanitary Inspector, John Thomas Costick, 5 George street
London, Colchester, ditto 2.5°" 2.50" 2·3° "
wich, Manningtree & all Conservators : -
parts (night mails)...... 8.30" 8.55" 8.15" Roger Kerrison, representing the Treasury
One dispatch only on sundays, at 8.30 p.m. E. R. Turner esq. representing the Ipswich Dock Corn-
• •
Incoming Mails. InlSSIOners
Capt. F. F. Fegen R.N. representing the Admiralty
London, Colchester, Ipswich &; all parts, delivery by Capt,ain Rowa.rd, representing the Board of Trade
carriers begins at 7 a.m Capt. G. C. Frederick R.N.representing the Board of
London &; all parts (day mail), 10 a.m Trade
London, Ipswich &; all parts, 5.45 p.m W. Groom esq. representing the Harwich Corporation
There is only one delivery on sundays at 7 a.m Captain Bell, representing the Trinity Board
Telegraph business transacted from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. E. Po('kard (chairman), representing the Ipswich Cor-
&; on sundays from 8 till 10 a.m poration
Inland Revenue licences issued from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m Treasurer, H. J. W. Jems esq
Mounted ma.ssenger for Great Oskley, Little Oakley, Engineer, Thomas Miller C.E
Ramsey &; Upper Do'Vercourt leaves at 6 a.m. Foot Clerk. R. S. Barnes; office, 63 Church street
. messenger at 9.45 a.m Hates levied. under the power of the Act (1863) on all
Town Sub·Post &; M. O. 0 .• S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance vessels entering Harwich harbour from the sea, one
Office, Albema.rle street, :New town. Reuben May penny per ton (registered tonnage); vessels in ballast,
Grice, sub-postmaster. Box cleared, '9 a..m. 12 noon, one half-penny per ton for refuse; yachts one half-
2.15 &; 8 p.m penny per ton i. Alexander A. Muter, harbour master
Post, M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office, Parke- & collect-or
ston, Charles Herbert Kin!!', sub-postmaster, Hami.lton
street.-Letters through Harwich arrive 7 am. &; 10 v"'IOE-OONSULS.
a.m.; dispatched 7.15 a.m. II.15 a.m. &; 7.15 p.m. Denmark, Spain, The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway,
'fhe nearest telegraph office is at Harwich, 3 miles dis- Belg:um, Italy, France, Portugal &; Russia, WiIliam
tant for delivery, but telegrams can be dispatched from Groom, 40 O~urch street
the railway station Liberia &; Germany, Samuel Robert Groom, 4-0 Church st
Wall Letter Boxes, Railway station, cleared at 9 a.m.
11.45 a.m. 2.15 & 7.45 p.m.; Lee road, Dovercourt, NAVAL &; MILI'l'ABY.
cleared at 8,45 & 11.15 a.m. & 2 &; 7.40 p.m.; & Marine Harwich Defences, Languard Fort:-
parade, Dovercourt, 8.5 &; II.tS a.m. &, 2 &; 7.45 p.m Commanding 'l'roops Harwich Defences, Lt.·Col. A.
Pier, 9 a.m. t2 noon, 2. IS &; 8 p.m.; sundays, none 'l'racey
Main road, 9 a.m. 11.30 a.m. 2. IS p.m. &; 8 p.m.; none Instructor in Gunnery, Capt. W. G. Lyddon RA
on sundays District Officer, Lieut. N. G. WilIiams, (acting adjutant
21st Co. R.E. (Sub-Marine Miners), Lieut. E. M.
19°2. Medioal Officer, S.-Major J. Moir
High Swward, Charles Hugh Berners esg. Harwich Division, Submarine Miners, Royal Engineers
Mayor Alderman WilIiam Groom. (Milit,ia) : -
Deputy Mayor-Alderman William John Nalborough. Hon. Lieut.-Col. G. B. Robbins
Majors, F. W. Pansera (Hon. Lieut.-Col.) & E. B.
Aldermen. Bartley
Retire Nov. Retire ~ov•
Instructor of Musketry, Capt. P. S. Ruth
Samuel Robert Groom. 1904 Harry George Everard 1907
William Groom ......... 1904 WilliamJn.Nalborough '1907 Harwich:-
D. O. Royal Engineers, Capt. F. R. Bundle R.E
Councillor~. Commanding RA. Lieut.-Col. A. Trocey R.A
St. Nicholas Ward. Ordnance Store Officer, Lieut. J. Norburn
Retire Nov. I Retire Nov. In Medical c:harge of Troops, H. Gurney
Johnson Ernest Cann I
1903 William Appleby 1904
W. C. Griee......... 1903 I Robert Hill .. 1904 Coastguard &; Drill ship of Royal Naval Reserve, H.M.S.
Dovercourt Ward. "Severn," Frederick Foggert.y Fegen M.V.O. captain;
Retire Nov. Retire Nov. Rerbert du ,,C. Luard, commander; Rev. Samuel H.
Edward Saunders 1902 W. Went 1903 W. Lovett M.A. chaplain; Ernest D. Hadley, staff pay-
Henry Warren 1902 William FrederickGrar 1903 master; H. W. Paul, district paymaster
D. Appleby 1903 Thomas John Moran '1904 Coastguard Station, Quay side, W. G. Anabona, chief
officer & 13 men
Auditors, Henry Dowling Grice &; John Paters on 1st Suffolk & Harwich Royal Garrison Artillery (Volun-
Officers of the Corporation. teers), Lieut,.-Col. -& Hon. Col. Arthur John Hanslip
Town Clerk, Arthur John Hanslip Ward, 42 Church street Ward, commanding; A. C. Churchman, major, second
Treasurer, Richard Saxty Barnes, 63 Church street in command; Capt. P. Phillipps R.A. adjutant; J. H.
Medical Officer IOf Health, Harold Gurney L.R.C.P.Edin. Wrate, quartermaster; headquarters, 6 Church street
30 West street Harwich Companies: No. l, Capt. F. G. Nalborough, &
Surveyor &; Sanitary Inspector, Henry Ditcham, 7 West st No. 2, Capt. J. C. R Pat trick ; Surgeon-Capt. T. E.
Veterinary Inspctr. Jas. Taylor M.R.C.V.S. Manningtree Stuart, medical officer; Rev. R. L. Norden, acting
Sergeant-at-Mace, John Eames chaplain; Sergt.-1hjor C. F. Hunt, drill instructor
Town Crier, John Eames
Admiralty, Droits yard, Quay, Messrs. Groom & Son,
Barnes Richard Saxty, 7 Cliff villas, Dovercourt •
Cottingham Francis, Little Oakley
Evans Samuel, Banksea, Orwell terrace. Dovercourt Cemetery for St. Nicholas Parish, Upper Do.ercourt,
Eve.rard Harry GeO'rge, High street, Dovercourt Richard Saxty Earnes, clerk to the burial board; Geo.
Franks .Tames Richard, 34 King's Quay street Pinner, sexwn
Groom Samuel Robert, 40 Church street County Court, His Honor H. Tindal Atki.nson, judge;
Groom William, 40 Church street Arthur John Hanslip Ward, registrar & high bailiff;
Gurney Harold, Marine pal'ad'e, DoveTcoUTt George Baines, assistant bailiff; office, 42 Ohurch street
Nalborough William Jolrn, Hill road, Dovercourt The county court is held bi-monthly in the Guildhall;
Williams O. J. Brighton the following places are within its jurisdiction:-
Clerk, Arthur John Hanslip Ward, 42 Church street Beaumont, Bradfield, Dovercourt, Frinton, Great
Petty Sessions held at the Town hall every tuesday at 12 Holland, Little Holland, Kirby le Soken, MistIey, Great
Oakley, Little Oakley, Ramsey, Tendring, Thorpe le ffiJAOES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
Soken, Walton-on-the-Naze. Wix, Wrabnes8, Parkeston •

&; Harwich St. Nicholas, Church' street; Rev. Harbert Ellington

For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that Bicknell B.A. vicar; 8 &; I l a.m. & 3 &; 7 p.m.; wed. &;
of Colchester; C. Mercer, senior, official receiver, 95 fri. 7.30 p.m. ,& daily 8.30 a.m
Temple chambers. London E C; F. Messent. official Parkeston (Iron Church),
receiyer. Ipswich Catholic Church of Onr Lady of Mount Cm'mel, Hev.
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the «Law of Distress 'l'homas Walsh M.B. priest; sunday mass, 8.30 & 10.30
a.m.; evening service, 7 p.Ol.; mass daily, 8.30 :I.Ul. ;
Amendment Act," William Salter, Market place. Har- "!lvening sel'vioe on hi. 7.30 p.m.; holy days, mass 9.30
wich, t.u Frederick Rose, Upper Dovercourt 'a.m. belled:icHon, 7.30 p.m
Oustom House, Parkeston quay &; West street, HarwiCh; Baptist, King's Head street; 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed.
collector, Robert Hobbins; principal clerk, J. N. Jus-
tice; clerks, C. H. Molloy, G. R. Crowthe,r, W. '1'. 7.15 p.m
Congregational, West st. Rev. Morgan David Morgan;
Norman & J. R. Gee; surveyor, Thomas Pearce; 1st IX a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.15 p.m
class examining oflicers, D. Lucey, R. Hayrnan &, J. H. Primitive Methodist, High street, Rev. W. C. 'lrevelyan
Wallace; 2nd class examining officers, S. Crews, R. Parker; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Ockenden, J. H. Lupton, E. J. Timothy, H. Blamey, J. Wesleyan, Church street, Rev. William Musson; 10.30
Driscoll & A. Eastland; assistants, C. HUl'rington, J. J. a.m. ,& 6.30 p.m.; mono & thuI's. 7.30 p.m
Carr, H. Prosser, J. T. M. Smith &; H. H. Gray; pre-
ventive officers, H. Scott, J. Hood, A. Jennings &; R. Missions to Seamen, 32 Church street; John Flory.
E. James; boatmen, G. W. Peet, "V. A. Jal'vis, J. E. reader; 7 p.m
Hall, H. Brigham, W. D. Orwin, C. F. Jackson, S. H.
Forth, F. A. Metcalfe, J. Cm'man, C. S. Catt, J. SCHOOLS.
Nunn, J. A. Ward, E. J. Fooks, H. V. Welton, J. A School Board of 7 members was formed 25 Nov. 1892;
Dinan & J. H. Stl3V,eIl!s; watchers, J. GiJrling, T. the Board meets at the Guildhall the 2nd Tuesday In
PeHit, J. Offord, R. 'l'hornton, J. Pinch, H. Stokes, J. each month; G. D. Hugh-Jones, 42 Church street.
Andrews, J. Green & W. Thompson clerk to the BoaJrd; F. J. Rose. attendance officer
Fire Engine Station, King's Quay street; the brigade Corporation, King's Quay street, built &, founded by
consists of captain & 16 men Humphrey Parsons esq. in 1724: it has been enlarged
Life Boat Institution, J. Paterson, hon. 8ec.; William &; will now hold 110 boys. tbe average attendance being
Tyrrell, coxswain of steam life boat; Benjamin Dale, about 87; James Mann, master
cOX!lwain of sailing lire boat Board, King's Quay street (boJS &; infants), the average
Police Oflice, Church street, Robert .Amos, inspector: J attendance 200 boys &; I'Bo infant,s; Joseph Henry
.sergeant & 9 constables, including I sergeant at PUl'ke- Anne'ar, master; Miss Fr·ances Condy, infants' mist'rass
ston &; 1 constable at Raulsey Doard, Bathside (girls &; infants), built in 18'95 for 240
"l'own Hall, Church street, RobeTt Amos, keeper infants & 150 girls, average attendance 161 infllnts &
Masonic Lodge (No. 650, Star in the East), held Great 12'B girls; :M:iss Ad-a Pickwell, mistress, girls; Miss
Eastern hotel, 2nd tues. Jan. to May & from Sept. to Minnie Philorick, infants' mistress
Dec. 7 p.m.; M. L. Sanders, sec. Station house Board (girl,s &; infants), Main road. built in 18g6 for 242
girls &; 2IO infants, average attendnnce, 240 girls & Bo
PUBLIC OFFIOERS. infants; Miss Rebecca Sopbia Jackson. girls' mistress;
AQIlllralty Surge:>l &; Agent, Surgeon to tlie Trinity Miss Laura Emma Brown, infants' mistress
House, Certifying :Factory Surgeon. Medical Officer & Board, Parkeston, erected in IBSS, fOT 100 boys, ,1:00
:Public Vaccinator, 1st &; 2nd Districts, Tendring Union, girls & 178 infants; a.verage attendance, 120 boys,
Samuel Evans L.R.C.P.Lond. 27 West street 130 girls &; 160 infants; 'V. W. Hudson, master; Miss
Agents to Lloyd's, Groom ,&; Son, 40 Ohm'ch street Emily Meyrick, mistress; Miss M. M. Bottomley,
Assistant Overseer & Tax Collector, William Salter, infants' mistress
Market place
Assistant Overseer &; Collector, Frederick J. Mantle, IB Catholic School, Main road (mixed &; infants), for 85;
W uddesden :road ave;rage attendance, 65; Miss Jes.s'ie Plummer, mistress
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Borough,
George Baines, 3 Trinity terrace, Fronks rd. Dovercrt NEWSP.A.PERS.
Coroner, John Harrison,' inn. Braintree, for Harwich Harwich &, Dovercourt Free Press, 13 Church street.
&; Dovercourt; deputy, William B. Blood, Witham ,Mrs. John Robert. Wats()n, publisher; published sat
Harbour & Collector of Dues, Alexander A. Muter, Harwich & Dovercourt Newsman, 54 Church st. George
King's Quay street Langley J aokson, proprietor & publisher; published 8'at
Pier Master, Edward William Arnold, 3 George street
Registrar of Shipping &; of Naval Reserve, Shipping OONVEYANOE.
Master, Receiver of Wreck (including Cinque Ports),
Oollector of Light Dues, Robe:rt Hobbins, Custom house Great Eastern Railway, Martin Luther Sanders, station
Registrar of Births &; Deaths for Harwich Sub-district master; continential department, Captain Daniel How-
& Marriages for Tendring District·, J osiah Frederick ard, marine superint1mdent, Parkeston; Henry Miller.
Kerry, 22 Maria st.; deputy, Edwd. Fredk. Durrant, assistant marine superintendent & station master.
21 Market street Parkeston
Steward &; Lord for the Sokens (including the Parishes Water Conveyance.-8teamboats from the pier. to &;
of Kirby, Thorpe & WaIton), Messrs. Beaumont & Sons, from Ipswich & Felixstowe four times daily during
solicitors, CoggeshaU the summer & twice a day during the winter;
Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage, Robert Robbins, Captain steamers daily from Parkeston to Antwerp & Rotter-
Daniel Howard & William Groom dam, & twice weekly, weds. & sats. to Hamburg &
Town Crier, John Eames, 9 George street Esbjerb, mono thurs. & sats
HARWICH. Howard Captain Daniel. Parkeston Rose Frederick, Clare house, Main I'd
1'RIVATE RESlDEN'l"S. Jackson George Langley, 5 Macdan- Skeet Leonard Gearge, 3 Macdonough
Bicknell Rev. Rerben Ellington B'A' ough terrace, Main road terrace, :Main road'
(vicar), Vicarage Miller Henry, Parkeston S=ith Job, Vansittart street
Christie William, 41 Church street Morris Robert Charles, 77 West street Stevenson Alexander, 2 Stour villas
Coote William Edward, 30 West street Murray Wm. 42 King's Quay street Turner James Richard, 23 West street
Ditcham Henry, 7 West street Newton Miss, 35 West streeu Walsh Rev. Thomas M.ll. (Catholic),
Franks James Rd. 34 King's Quay st Newton Mrs. 36 West street Main TOad
Goodey Henry, .A.lbemarle street Nickerson Mrs. 37 West street Wells Thomas, Main road
Groom Samuel Robert, 40 Church st Paterson John, Bank ho.King's Quay st Wellsteed Wm. In. 26 King's Quay st
Groom William, 40 Church street Salter William, 7 Macdonongh terrace, Wilson '\Villiam, Coke street
Helsdon Geo. 2 Fernlea ter. Main I'd Main road Wright Joseph, 7'1 West street
COMMERCIAL. Anabona W. G. chief officer. Coast Guard statn. Quayside
Early closing day, Wednesday. A.ppleby William, Angel P.H. Quay
Adams &; Sons, brewers (Oharles Vail, agent); stores, Arnold Edward Wiliam, pier master, 3 George skeet
29 Fernlea road Asplen Bernard, Royal botel, 1I.uctioneer, estate agent &;
Aldis Thomas, boot maker, Market place surveyor, locum tenens &;, land (plots) selling a spe-
Amos Robert, inspector of police & keeper of T()Wll hall, ciality, Mal'ket place; & at SoutJhall, Middlesex
& inspector under Contageous Diseases Animals Act & Baker James, baker, 76 West street
Explosives, Church street I Bal,er William, marine store dealer, .Albemarle street
Bacon, Cobbold &; Co. bankers (John PattlTSOn, manager), Dennis Cl11nles, cycle agent, 39 Princess Bt. Parkestoll
King's Quay street; dl'aw on Glyn, Mills &; Co. London Desmond William, apartments, 6 Fernlea tel'. Main road
EO&; D1'11mmonds, London \V Diss William, bricklayer, 24 Hamilton street, Parkeston
l~ambridge Emmll (Mr:!.), shopkeeper, 10 West street &I DitchamHy.borough surveyor&sanitary inspector,iWest st
17 Current's lane . Dunningham Alfred Wells, sawing mflls, New town
Barnes Richard Saxty, public notary, commissioner for Durrant Edward Frederick, butcher &; deputy registrar of
o81ths, borough treasurer, clerk to the harbour conser- births & deaths, Harwich sub-district, 21 Market street
vancy board, to the burial board &; to the Harwich Port Durrant John Rlogg, cabinet maker, 61 Church stree.t
Sanit'al'y Authol'ity &; Haflwicb Barge Alliance Insurance Eames John, town cde!', 9 George street
Association Limited, 63 Church street . Easter John, fishmonger, 55 King's Quay street
Barwood Daniel, beer retailer, 5 Church street East'land A I"thur, Cllstoms officer, Maria street
Bateman George Thomas, postmaster,Post office,Church st Edmonds Denj. Hurry, bookseller &; stationer,8 Ollllrt:h st
JJeaumont William Tyrrell, builder, see Smith,& Beal1mont Elwood Henrietta (Mrs.), shopkeeper. White Hart lane
Bell James Wallace, pilot, 3Q King's Quay street Elwood John, shoe maker, Hami1lton street, Pal'kestoll
Bennett Georg~, apartments, 23 George street Enuels Thomas, butcher, 18 011U1'O'h st'reet
llenUey Sergeant-Major l~benezer, .drill instructol' ut Evans Samuel L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.O.S.Eng. physician
Sutlolk &; Harwich Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers, & surgeon, admiralty surgeon &; agent, surgeon to the
6 Church street Trinity House, certifying factory surgeon & medical
Bel'l'y GharIes Henry, apartments, 2 Wellington Toad officer &; public vaccinator 1st &; 2nd districts, Tendring
Berry German ·William, butcher, Ingestree street union, 27 West street
Best Marion (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Maria stI'OOt Everard Frederick &; SOD, tailors &; drapers, 58 Church st
Bevan Charles Frederick &; Son, pharmaceutical chemists, Everett John, blacksmith, West street
62 Ohm·ch street Everett Joun lsasc, job master &; saddler, 17 West street
lJloice Alfred In. 'hair dl'ssr. & tobccnst. 9 Market IItreel, Fire ,Engine Station, King's QulllY' street
Bloom &; Sons, soodlers. Main road Flem:ng John. beer retailer. 17 George street
lllosse Bertha (Miss), tobaccolllist, King's Quay street Forster Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 44 West street
Blosse Mary .Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist &; hair dresser, 57 Gane George William, fishmonger, 51 King's Quay street,
Church street Gant Richard, apartments, 9 Geor~e street
Bodgener William, outfitter, 52 Church street Garling &; Dann, plumbers, 8 King's Quay street
Bone Horatio, sewing machine agent for the Singer Gas Works (George Baines, sec.), Bath side
Manufacturing 00. 15 Olmrch street Glide Thomas William, tinman &; brazier, 72 West street
Borrett Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), plumber &; painter, 6 Glover .Ann (Mrs.), apartments, I Wellington road
King's Head street Gooch Lewis,, 2 West 5treet
l:Jranch Frederick, baskl~t maker, Quay &; Station road Good William, fish merchant, 3't Kiing's Head sl,reet
Brewster J ames Lazell. baker, 12 King's Head street Gordon-Stewal't John William Edward L.I>,S.Edin. den.
Brewster Job, parish clerk, 27 King's Quay street tist, I MaTket s,treet
Brewster Thomas, baker, 9 St. Austin's lane Gosling WaIter, R'oyal Oak P.H. 22 Market street
Ilre'WstC'l' Thomas, cah proprietor, Bllthside Gould Henry William, baker, 6 King's Quay street
Br{)adbent John, Three Cups hotel, Church street Gre-at Eastern Hotels (Henry Christian Thomas Amendt,
'Brooks John, merchant, Quay manal!er). Quay &; Parkeston
Broom James, apartments, 30 King's Head street Green William, goods agent, Great Easte-rn railway, &;
Brown Andrew James, trinity pilot, Harbour view,Main I'd general C81'ter, 32 King's Quay street
Bmwn Joseph, shopkeeper, 1I Hamilton street, Parkeston Greenwood Frnnk St8n~ey, Wellington I',H. 18 King's
Browne Samuel &; Son, grocers &; provision dealers, 18 <& 1 Quay sl,reet
19 Market stl'eet Greenwood William Bowler, butcher, 7 Market street; &;
13rowne Samuel, draper, l\IaI'!{et street at Parl{eston
Bullock Charles, cooper, 30a, Church street Grice & Son, grocers &; a.gents for W. &; A. Gilbey Limited,
Burgess J ames Thomas, Garland hotel, Garland. road, wine & spirit merchants, 20 Market street
Parkeston Grice Hem'v Dowling, auctioneer, Stuur street, &; grocGr
Eurroughes Diana (Mrs.), Duke's Head P .H. 22 Church st & post office, Alhemarle street;
Oalver 1'homas ·Wm. glass & china dlr. 17 Mnrket strl!el. Griffifus William: 'Ehoma.s, pilot. :11 King's Quay street
Cann J. & H. barge &; bOll.t builders, ship cJhandlers &e, ; Groom &; Son, timber &; generaJ merchants & sawing
slip for 150 ton vessels, Uath side mills, & Lloyds' agents, 40 Church street
Cann Johnson Ernest, shopkeeper, Albert street Groom Samuel Robert, ship chandler, sail maker, rope
Carliell Henry, apartments, 77a" West street maker &; provision merchant & vice-consul for Liberia
Carnio T. West, antiquo furniture dealer, Market llll1co & Germ'llny, 40 Church street
Carter ,John, watch maI{eI', 18a, Church street Groom William, Lloyd's agent, vice-consul for Spain,
Cavill Edward, tobacconist, 14 King's Quay street <& cab Denmark, Sweden, Norway &; The Netherlands, Bel~
proprietor, West street gium, Italy, Portugal, Russia, France &; the German
Ohambers Fredk. Wm. King's Head P.R. 8 Market street Empire, 40 Ohnl'eh street
GhaYlesworlh William, yeast importer & provision deaJ-er, Guild Hall (Robe-rt Amos, keeper), Church street
17 King's Quay street Gunn D. &; Co. clothiers, Market street
Chitty .Alh~rt, groce!' & draper, 23 Marl(et street Gurney Harold L.R.C~P.&S.Edin., L.F.P.&S.Glns. phy-
Coastguard Station (W.G.Anabona,chief officer), Quay side sician & surgeon & medical officer of health, &; to the
Oole Louisa (Miss), apartments, 2 West street Urban &; Port'y ..Ant.'llOrities, 27 West 8treet
Conservative Association (Wm. Groom, sec.), 32 Church st Hall John ]~dwal'd, customs officer, 24 Geurge street
Coombe James, music t.eacher, 70 Church street Hambling Joshua, confectioner, Albemarle street
"Cooper Matilda (Mrs.), fishmonger, 35 King's Head st Hamilton House Dormitory (Gaptaill Howard, SIIPt..),
Cooper Robert, aparttnents, I George street Parkeston
Costick John Thos. sanitary inspector (port), 5 George st Harman 'fhomas, apartments, 2 George street
County Court (His Honor H. Tindal Atkinson, judge; Harrisol1 Harry, plumber, J Golden I.ion lane
Arltlmr John nanslip Waru, re~i~trar &; high hnilill; Harris Samuel, New Bell P.H. Market place
George Baines, assistilnt bailifi'), Gtli1dlmll; office, 42 Hart lSMC, fishmonger, 68 West street
Ghul'ch street Harvey Maria (Mrs.). greengrocer, 12 St. Austin's lane
County Police Office (Robert Amos, inspector), Guild hall Harvey William, carter, Bathside
Crane Brothers, china & hardware dealers, 19 Church street Harwich Barge Alliance Insurance Association Lim. (R.
(h'esswell Rohert,, 12 Market street S. Barnes, sec.), 63 Church street
Crisp William, boot & shoe maker, 4 Chm'ch street Harwich & DO'VercouTt Free Press (Mrs.. John Robert
Cullingford Geol'ge, apartments, 54 West street Watson. publisher; puhlished sat.), 13 Church sl,reel.
Cnrtis Mary (Mrs.), -refrcshment rooms, 28 West street & Harwich &; DovercoUlit Industrial Co-operative Society
65 Church street I~imited (Hel"bert Booth, sec.), 17 &; 20 Chnreh Illl'cet
Custom House (Rohert Hohhins, collector; T. Poarco, &; 14 West st-reet; Adelaide street, Parl{eston &; lligll
surveyor), Parkeston quay &; West 8treot st-reet, Dovercourrt
Cuttin~ Henry Robt. brewers' agent, Hamilton st.Parkstn H'arwich &; Dovercoul't Newsman (George Langley Jack·
Dale Jane (Mrs.), Pier hotel (family &; commercial), Qllft}' son, propr. & publisher; published saturday), 54
Dale Rollert, greengrocer, 16 St.'s lane Church street
Dale William Henry, shopl{eeper, 1 .Alhert, street Harwich Harbour Conservancy Board (Thomas Miller
Dawson Henry Tyrrell, beer retailer, 12 George street C.E. engnr.; R. S. Barnes, clerk); office, 63 Church st
Day J01111, master mariner. Rose villa. Stony s~reef, Harwich Steam 'l'l1g CO. 41U, Church street
Denney Thomas John, fishmonger. 8 Currents lane Hayes WaIter Charles, ontfitter &; clothier, 50 Church st
DeDney William, fish merchant, Ql1l1y Hay-hoe Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, 15 Cllllrcb street
Haylett William, butcher, .A.1bemarle sTreet, New town Parsons Alfred Chaser, watch makeT, I I King's Quay st
Hepworth WaIter, yeast importer, 55 West street Parsons Emma (Miss), apartments, 3 I 'Vest street
Hill Robert & Son, bakers & coniedioners, 9 & 10 King's Parsons Samuel, furniture broker, 41 King's Quay street
Head street &; 69 Church street
Bill Robert, coal merchant, Quay Paskell John, apartments, 43 Church street
Hills Edward, sail maker, 45 Church street Pater80n John, manager (Bacon, Cobbold &; Co. bankers),.
Hills Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Fernlea terrace Bank house, King's Quay street
Hills John, maste'r mariner, 70 West street Pattle Robert, butcher, 15 Market st. & Albernarle st
Hills Rebecca (Mrs.), dress maker, 45 Church street Peachey WaIter, apartments, 7'8 West street
HiDes, Cooper &; Co. clothiers, 10 Market street Peet George 'Villiam, customs officer, I I I"ernlea road
HQlbbins Robert, registra.r of Shipping &;, of naval reserve, Pennkk H. &;, Sons, sail makers, Bath sidE\l
shipping master, receiver of wreck (,including Oinqne Pennick Emma (Miss), confectioner &; greengrocer, 16
Port/s) &;, collector of light dues, Custom 11011S6 Market street
Hogg Daniel, shopkeeper, Ingestre street, New town Plumb Harry, pork butcheT, 23 ChurclJ. street
Hollingsworth Charles, baker, Garland road, Parkeston Police Office (Robart Amos, inspector), Church Iiltreet
Bolmes Sal'ah Ann (M'!'s.), apartments, 5 l~el'Dlea tefl'ace Prime David, Swan P.H. 14 King's Head street
Boward Arthur, engineer. Great Eastern railway,Parkestn Plllb1ic Hall &; Opera House (Mrs. J. ,R Watsoll, pro-
Howard Capt. Daniel, marine superintendent, Parkeston prietres,s), Main 1"Oad
Howard Charles, boot maker, 69 West street Randall John, boot maker, Albemarle street, New town
Howe Charles, sewing machin~ agent, 5 King's Head street :Handall William, fried fish shop, 66 West street
Rugh-Jones George Dempster, solicitor" clerk to llarwidl Raspison Eliza Ann (Mrs.), con fr. I Hamilton st Parkestn!l
&; Ramsey sclloO'I boards (firm, Wllrd &; Hl1gh-Joncs), Rose.Frederick,auctioneer &; estate agent & certiJied bailiff.
42 Chl1rch ,street King's Head str~et
Humble Elizabeth (Mrs.), confecinr. 9 King's Quay st Royal Harwich Yacht Club (Col. R. S. Barnes, chairman
Hunt Henry, boot maker, 13 Market street of committee; H. J. W. Jervi." hon. treasurer;
Hydraulic &; Electric Power Station (G. E. R.) (Robert Lucas T. Cobhold, sec.), Great Eastern hotel
Edmond Moynihan, resident engineer), Parkeston Rudduck Samuel, greengrocer, 63 'Vest street
Intel'Dational Tea Stores Limited, 4 Market street Rudler Ellen (Mrs.), Packet P.H. 42 West street
Jackson George Langley, printer &;. stationer, &; pro- Sailors' Institute &; Reading Room (Miss Leeds, sec.), 7'
prietor &; publisher of the" Harwich &; Dovercourt News- King's Head street
man," 54 Church street Salter Charles Robert, beer retailer, 10 George sLre£·t
Jennangs Henry, fish -salesman, 48 King's Quay street Salter William, auctionee,r, house agent, fish salesman;
Jessop Her-bt. Wm. Half Moon P.H. 15 OSt. Austin's lRne sales by auction of every description; &; assistant over-
Kerrison Joseph, mastEl'r mariner, 4 George street seer &; tax collector & certified bailiff, Market place
Kerry J osiah Frederick, registrar of births &; deaths for Senders Martin Luthe'r, station master, Station
H-arwich sub-district &; marriages for Tenaring dis- 8eago Henry JOOlIl, fishmonger, 8 West ter. Parkeston
trict, 22 Maria street Self John, iTonmonger (wholesale &; retail), gasfitter, cop-
Kettle Fl'ederick, heel' retailer, 56 West street &; miueral persmith &i brazier, 12 King's Quay street &; I I St.
water maker, 'Bathside Austin's lane & 91 & 93 High street, Dovercol1rt
Kettle William, Globe P.H. 5 King's Quay street· Sanders Martin Luther, station master, Station
Ket/tle William &; Son, taHors, 14 Marlte,t street Shipwrecked Fishermen's &; Mariners' Royal Benevolent
King Obal'les HQfW1lett, grocer, &; post office, Hamilton st. Society (W. B., McLearon, hon. agent), King's Quay st
Parkeston Singer Manufacturing Co. sewing machine manuraC'-
King Harry, Duke of Edinburgh P.H. 65 West street turers (Horatio Bone, agent), 15 Ohurch street
King' Martha Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 King's Quay st Smith &; lleaumont, builders, Coke street, New town
Lamb Arthur Robert, hair dresser, Garland rd.Parko!!toll Smi·th Frederick, ;hair dresser, 3 Current's lane
Lawrence 'VHliam, dairyman, Albemarle street Smith George Samuel, fishmonger, 31 Ohm'ch street
Leggett Charles, fishmonger, 2 Church lane Smith John, Elephant &; Castle P.H. I I West street
Leggett Ohm-Ies, beer reta-Her, 18 West street Smith Reuben, shoe maker, 50 King's Quay street
Leggett Robert, confectioner, Fernlea road Smith Thomas F. grocer, 4 Current's lane -
Lewis Robert, surveyor of barges, 2 West street Smith William, fruiterer, 6 Market street
Lwis William George, builder, Bathside Spurge Edwa,rd &; Co. drnpers 2, &; furniture bTokers &<
Life Boat Institution (J. Paterson, hon. sec.; William dealers 20, Market street
Tyrrell, eoxswain of steam life boat; Benjamin Dale, Staggs Henry, jun. master mariner, 5 Church lane
coxswain of sailing life boat) Stanton John, Alma P.ll. King's Head street
Lilley George Robert, Ship P.H. 4 King's Quay street Start &; RoweIl, architects & civil engineers, 29 West st
Lovelace John, refreshment rooms & greengrocer, 61 Stead &; Simpson Limited, boot makers, 53 Church street-,
King's Quay street Sterling Boot Manufacturing Co. 25 Church street
McLearon William Blenkinsop, ship builder &; coal mM'- Suffolk & Harwich (1st) Royal Garrison Artillery (Voll1n--
chant, King's Quar street teers) (Lieut,-Col. & Hon. Col. A. J. ll. Ward, com-
Manning WaIter, haIrdresser, 16 King's Quay street manding; P. Phillipps R.G.A. adjutant; J. H.
Martin George, shopkeeper, 25 West street Wrate, quartermaster; No. I Co. Capt. F. G. Nal-
Martin Robert, Coach '& Horses P.H. I Church street borough & No. 2 Co. Capt. J. C. P. Pattrick; Sergt.-
Masonic Lodge (No. 650, Star in the East) (M. L. Sanders, Major C. F. Hunt, drill instructor), headquarters, 6
sec.), held at the Great Eastern hotel Church street
Meachan James, ma.ster mariner, IS Maria st. New town Sutthery Frank P. solicitor, 48 Church st. tue.sdays only
Mead Charles, baker, 24 Church street Tann Frederick, Duke of Norfolk P.H. 13 King's Quay st,
Mercer Edith Laura. (Mr.,.), temperance hotel, King's Tan:;,ley J ames Lufkin, pilot, 29 King's Quay street
Quay street Thorn John, apartments, 61 West street
Middleton &;, Son, ship chandlers, IQ King's Quay street Thurlow Frederic, marine engineer, 30 Church street
Miller Henry, assistant marine superintendent &;, station Tovee Ernest DeJ1hi, master mariner, 2 Main road
master, Parkeston Tovell LouilS, Spread Eagle P.H. 75 West street
Miller Richard, White Hart hotel, Georgll street Town Hall (R'obert Amos, keeper), Church street
Mm-fey Frank G oach, tug manager, 4 West street Trinit,y House StO'res, George street
Moy Thomas Limited, cooal merchants, Parkeston Turner Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 73 West street
Moynihan Robert Edmond, electrical engineer (G. K R). Tye Frederick, apartments, 13 Eastgate street
Parkeston Tyrrell James, dining rooms, 37 King's Head !ltreet
Munson Benjamin, builder, Fernlea road United (The) Steamship Company's Agency (Tegner.
MuteI' A~exander A. harbour master &;, collector of dncs Price & Co.), Parkeston quay, Parkeston
National Telephone Co. Limited (call office) (l~d\varet Vail Charles HOW'ard, mineral water ma. 29 IFernlea Tood
Andrews, in charge), 52 'Vest street '[ince William, boot maker, 2 FernIea rd. &; Market pI
Nalborough & Sons, wholesale importers of provisions; & Vincent Charles, ship smith, Eath side
at L~ith Vincent In. Bennett, plumber & ironmonger, 12 Church st
N€al Frederick Cooper, beer retailer, 34 King's Head st Wallis Arthur, Prudential agent, Ingestre street
Norman Brothers, ba.rge builders, Quay Ward & Hugh-Jone,s, solicitors, 42 Church street
Norman &;, Tricker, pork butchers, 5 Market street Ward Arthur John Hanslip, solicitor, & commissioner t{}
Norman James Edward, carpenter, Parkeston administer oaths in the supreme court of judicature,
01s80n O'liver, basket maker, Albemarle street town clerk, a commissioner of taxes, clerk to the magis-
Osborne John, London tavern, 21 Church street trates, Tegist.l'81' & high bailiff of the county COll1rt &;
Paine Edward William, st.evedore, 39 Church street clerk to the gururdians &, school attendance & assess-
Parsons Augustus William, watch maker, 60 Ohurcb sh

ment committees of Tendring union &; superintendent Warren Henry, baker &; cotlfectioner, 59 Ohurch ~l'eet .
registrar of biTths, deatohs &; marriages, Tendring dis- Wells Thomas, bricklayer, 8 Macdonough terrace, Main rd
trict &; clerk to the Tendring Rural District Council, 42 Went William, boot maker, 3 Market street
Ohurch street West Lydia (11rs. ), confectioner, :q. Church street
Ward Frederick, Anchor hotel, Bathside Whitmore John, shipping agent, 4 Church street
Ward John Thomas, hair dresser, 3 Church street Whi'tmore William Thos. master mariner, 5 West street
Warner George, fishmonger, 2 King's Quay street Widocks David, sergt. of police, 2 Garland vils. Parkstn
Watson John Robert (Mrs.), printer &; stationer, &; pub- Williams Alfre<l, furniture dealer, 28 Church street
lisher of the "Harwioh &; Dovercourt Free Press," 13 Wilson Robert, trinity pilot, 2 Maedonough rer. Main road
Church street Woodward Robert, chemist, I Market street

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hepworth Waiter, Ocean view, High Pattrick Misses, Hill house
Askham .Alfred William, Hill road street, Lower Dovercourt Peake Charles Fredk. 6 Cambridge ter
Baines George, Fronks road Holmes Emra, Marine parade Pearson Miss, The Homestead, Hill I'd
Barber John, Challenger villa, Hill rd Hugh-Jones George Dempster, Knuts- Pizey Robert Ellis, :;I Cliff terrace
Barnei Richard Saxty, 7 Cliff villas ford, Fronks road . Polley Hezekiah, 2 Normanton terrace,
Baxter Robert, 3 Lee terrace Jaggard Reuben, 13 Lee tel'. Lee road Fronks road
Baylay Rev. Mervyn RA. (curate), 2 Jardin~ David, 2 Gwynne road Priestley Thos. Michael, 2 Station rd
Cliff view, Cliff road Johnstone William John, I Cliff terrace Rallings Frederick Wm. 4 Gwynne I'd
Blackmore Sergeant-Major Samuel Justice James N. f Orwell terrace Raven William Etherdon, IZ Anglesea
John, 41 Gwynne Toad Kelly Mrs. The WIgwam, Beach road villas, Hill street
Bowden Henry, Avenue I Kemp Robert, Fronks road Richmond Mrs. Arlington, Main l'oad
llrennan John, 6 Cliff villas Kendall Richard W,alter, 6 Gwynne rd Robinson Capt. E. H., A.O.D. 4
Chapman Charles Ed:ward, 2 'I.'he Cliff Kindred John, 10 Orwell terrace Clarendon villas, Cliff road
Clothier William Randall, Edenwood, Letchford Albert W. Thos. Avenue 1 Ruffe Al'thur Charles, Avenue 1
Franks road Lueas William, Lime villas, Main I'd Salter William, High street
Cohen Myer, Beach roild McBernie William, 3 Hope view Sinclair Alex. John, 36 Gwynne TOad
Collier Rev. Thomas Grey M.A. Vicar McDonald Wm. 16 Lee terrace, Lee rd Smith Alfred George, Fronks l'oad
of Dovercourt, 4 Cliff villas, Cliff rd Mathew Gervase F. R.N. (fleet pay- Smith George, Avenue I
Cook William Arnold, 2 Hope view. master), Lee house Spare Edwin, 17 Lee terrace, Lee I'd
Cliff road - Middleton Alfred, Sea view, High st Stewart Mrs. 6 Orwell terrace
Coverdale Henry, Fronks road Miller Charles Henrv,•
Avenue 2 Stiff Thomas, 88 High street
Dennant William James, 15 Lee road Molloy Charles Henry, Avenue I Sutcliffe Thomas, I Milton villas
DixoIlJ Joseph, 10 Cliff villas Moor William John, 9 Cliff terrace Sutton William John, Carmarthen,
Dodd William, Stonehouse, High street Moran Mrs. High street Fronks road
Duimingham Alfred W. The Elms, Moran Thos. John, Garthewin, High st Teppett Joseph, 45 Gwynne road
Cliff road Morgan Rev. Morgan David (Con- Thompson William Ward, 11 Cliff viIs
Durrant Edward Frederick, 1 Pen elope gregational), 1 Belton vils. Hill road Tomlinson William, I I Gwynne road
villas, Hill road Morris Charles Edwin, 1 Richmond ToveI:l Richard Davidson, 2 Brighton·
Elwell William Henry, 7 Marine parade villas, Cliff road villas, Lee road
Ennels Mrs. 10 Cliff terrace :M:ortimore Francis Edwin, 12 Lee ter- Tugwell Capt. Cland, Eastwick,
ETans Samuel, Danksea, Orwell ter race, Le'3 road Fronks road
Everard Mrs. Hill road Moynihan Robert Edmund, Elm villas, Tye John, 6 Macdonollgh tel'. Main rd
Farthing James Charles, 1 Pembroke Fronks road Vail Oharles, Ely house, High street
villas, Station roa.d' Musson Rev. William (We~leyan), Os- Vaux Mrs. 14 Orwell terrace
Fagen Frederick, 1 The Acacias,Clif'f I'd borne house, High street Walker Charles Gauntley, Fronks road
Fisher William, Lee Toad MuteI' Capt. Alexander A. Inglesiul', Walker Thomas John Brightly R.N. 7
Fleming Mrs. Rose villa, Avenue I Fronks road Lee terrace, Lee road
Forster Mrs. The Limes, Cliff road Nalborough Misses, Hill road Ward Arthur John H. Cliff road
Goodhew Alfred, Avenue 1 Nalborough William John, Hill road Warren Henry, 2 Clarendon villas
Graves Mrs. TIle Lodge, Upper Norman James, 131 High street WeHesley-CoNey Reginald, The Bun-
Dovercourt Norman William, 129 High street galow, Franks road
Green Mrs. Freeze, -8 Cliff villas, O'Callaghan Mrs. The Rookery Wells John, 1 Anglesea villas, Hill I'd
,Cliff road Osborne John, :Bell view, Upper Whyatt Charles Sidney, 18 Lee ter-
Groome William, I The Acacias Dovercourt race, Lee road
Guard John, 42 Gwynne road Osborne Mrs. Holly lodge, StOtU' I'd Williams Wm. Geo. 3 Cliff tel'. Cliff rd
Gurney Harold', Stour ho. Marine par Pain Miss, 3 Cliff terrace, Cliff road Wooldridge Geo. Elm vils. Franks I'd
Hadgraft Charles, 9 Station road Parker Rev. W. C. Trevelyan (Primi- Wrate John Henry, 5 Marine parade
Hardy William James, Avenue 2 tive Methodist), 2 Rose villas,Aven. I Wrigley James Brelsford, Avenue I
Hartley ~Iiss, Franks road Paskell Henry, 2 Cliff view Yates Arthur, 2 Orwell terrace
Benderson John Thomas, Franks road Pattrick John Robson, The Villa

COMMERCIAL. Bone Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, Manor villas

Abblett John, master mariner, 3 Station road Bowden Wi1lJiam, apartments, Fronks road
Addenbrooke's Hospital (Cambridge) Oonvalescent Home Bowyer Nun. assistant supt. Prudential, Lee road
(Harold Gurney L.R.C.P. hon. medical officer; Miss Brand Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, Franks road
'West, matron), Marine parade Brennan John L.R.C.S.r. surgeon, 6 Cliff villas
Aganoor Mabel (Miss), apartments, I I Orwell ten'ace Brown Robt. boot &; shoe ma. & post office,Up.Dovercourl:
Alexandra Hotel, Marine parade . Carr James John, cust'oms officer, 17 Lee Toad
Appleby Dick Haylett, King's Arms P.H. 59 High street Carr J8I1'emiab, cocoa rooms, 57 High stree,t
Bacon, Cobbold & Co. (branch), bankers (Josia1h Frooerick Cawton William, insurance agent, Lee road
Kerry, manager), High street; draw on Glrn, Mills &; Cemetery (Richard Saxty Barnes, clerk to burial board),
Co. E C & Drummond & Co. London W Upper Dovercourt
Baines George, eounty court bailiff &; clerk to the com- Chandler AI'thur William, trinity pilot. 5 Stour Toad
missioners of taxes, 3 Trinity terrace, Fronks road Chaplin Alfred, parish clerk, Upper Dovercourt
Baker James Dear, confectioner, 76 High street Ohilver James Thomas, master mariner, ::>. Pembroke viIs.
Barber Nathaniel, apartments, The Dutch ho. Marine par Station road
Barber William, apartments, 10 Victoria. street Choat James Francis, apartments, go High stTeet
Barton Benjamin Sanford, apartments, 3 Milton villas Clarke Nathaniel, farmer, Lodge farm, Upper Dovercourt
Bensley Martha Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Hordle street Claxton Al'vhur, grocer, 65 Manor Toad
Bernard Charles Henry, tailor (naval), Beach road Coates Owen GeoTge, photogorapher, 19 Lee tel'. Lee road
Bidwell Rose (Miss), preparatory school (boys &; girls), 7 Cobb Levi, builder, 102 High street
Orwell terrace CokeI' William, cowkeeper, 9 Victoria street
'Bird John, greengrocer, 63 High street Co-operative Institute Rooding Room &; l1ibrary (Hero
Blamey Henry, customs officer, Franks road bert Booth, sec.), High street
Blomfield Emily (Mrs.), farmer & manet gardener, Dove Cottin~ham Francis, agent for the New Town estate,
HQ'IliSe farm 63 High stree,f;
Blosse Oliver Thomas, tobacconist, 54 High street Cox Fanny (Mrs.). apartments, 38 Victoria street
Boggis ArthnI'", insurance agent, Avenue :2 Orews Sidner, c~stoms officer, I I Statioo :road

Crosby George, thatcher, Upper Dovercourt Mallows Edward, refreshment rooms, 56 High street
Crosby Joseph, shopkeeper, Manor la. Upper Dovercourt Mann George, farmer, Upper Dovercourt
Cullingham George, Royal Oak P.H. Main road Manu J ames & Son, yeast merchants, Marine parade
Curie Alfred, grocer, Upper Dovercourt Mantle Frederick Joseph, assistant overseer &; collectur,
Cutting Ethan, wheelwright, Upper Dovercourt 18 VVaddesden road
Dennanrt Fredk. & &. china. dlrs.43 Victoria st Marsh Job, insurance agent, Avenne I
Denney 'l'homas John, fishmonger, 81 High street Mastaglio Brothers, restaurant, 95 H.igh street
Dixon Joseph L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. surgeon, 10 Cliff villas Masters Emilie (Mrs.), apartments, Fairhaven, Marine par
Downing James, storekeeper (G. E. R.), Sunnyside, 72 Mead Betsy (Mrs.), apal·tments, I Stollr road
High stree.t Mead George John, apartments, I Fernlea tel'. Main road
Drisooll John, customs officer, 3 Stoul' road Metson Fredk. shoplipr. 47 ·Manor l·d. Upper Dovereonrt
Dunn James, but-cher, 74 High streert Miller Hornce, apaltments, 2 Victol'ia street
Dunn William, greengrocer, 72 High street Moran John & Sons, builders, contractors &; estate agents,
Dunnilllgham Alfred, aparts. 6 Cliff terrace, Cliff road High street
Dunningham George, Wheelwright, Manor road, Upper Moutell William, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
Dovercourt Napier Clavering Fras. preparatory school (boys), The Twl'
East Agnes (Miss), fancy draper, 69 High street Newman Robert, master mariner, 2 \"alpole villas .
Eastern Drug Co. Lim. chemists, 97 High street Newton Ernest Edward, builder, High street
Eccleston J ames, pilot, 4 Stour road Norburn Lena (Mrs.),apartments, 3 I'arkestoll viIs. Cliff I'll
Eley Elizabeth Jane (Miss), boarding & day school, Norris Eliza Emily (Mrs.), art needlework, 80 High street
Vicarage house Ockenden Robert, customs officer, 12 Station road
Ethe'I'den 'Dhomas vVilliam, barge owner, Avenue 2 Orvis Charles, apartments, 2 Lee terrace
Everard & Son, tailors & outfitters, ,82 High street Oxenham William, apartments, Marine parade
Fellgett William C. bicycle maker, Le,e road Packer H. H. Cliff hotel
Fellows BeHnda (Mrs.), apartments, 31 Victoria ,street Pain Anthony Cecil, apartments, 3 Norman tenace
Firma!). Arthur James, carpenter, 106 Manor I'd. Upper Pattinsou Edwin Charles, draper, 65 High street
Dovercourt Pattrick J()hn & Son, portland cement manufacturers
Fllitt Jonas Harper, farmer, Tollgate farm . Pearce Thomas, surveyor of customs, 2 Parkeston villas
Flowers Abel Robert, station master, Railway station Pell George D. principal keeper (Gunfleet Lighthullse),
Frost Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, I Parkeston villas, Trinity cottages, Fronks road .
Oliff road Pepper Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Lee te1'l'ace, I,ee road
Gant Joseph, farmer, Pound farm, Upper Dovercourt Phils Arthur Essen, shopl(eeper, 24 GWYllne road
Gant William, farmer, Smithy farm Pike Frederick, shoe maker, I Hordle street
Garnett Adam, apartments, 6 Station road Pitt Samuel, apartments, 39 Victoria street
Garrod Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Lee terrace, Lee road Pitts Phineas, apartments, Marine parade
Gayland James Henry, assistant lig'hthouse keeper,Trinity Poole Sarah (M;rs.), apartments, 18 Victoria street
cat,mges, Fronks road R'ae Robert Charles, sergt. railway pulice, 36 Victuria et
Girdlestone Herbert, decorator, I Gwynne road Randall Thomas Cole, apartments, 4 Cliff tel'. Clill ruad
Gladwell Henry Philip, apartments, Fronks road Ransom John, farmer, Hall farm, Upper Doverconrt
Gooding Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, :125 High street Redwoud Joseph, master mal'iner, I Cliff view, ()]ill road
Gordon Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Orwell terrace Rice Sydney, railway inspector, IQ Station road
Grant Maria. (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Milton villas Richardson William, apartments, 5 Station mad
Gray W. F. &; H. refreshment rooms, Marine parade Riche William, watchmaker, 77 High street
Green Ellen Maria. (Mrs.), apartments, I Hope vie" Rowland Joseph, apartments, 30 Victoria street
Greenwood William Bowler, butcher, 64 High street '&i Rowland Thoma.;;, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
7 Market street, Harwicn; & at P3irkeston Sadd Henry, apartments, 7 Cliff terrace, Cliff road
Grimmer WaIter, principal lighthouse keeper, Trinity cot- Sage VVilliam, ·apartments, 4 Norman telTace, Fl'01I1I!I nl
tages, Franks road Salter Florence (~Irs.), apartinents, I Lee tel'. I,eo rlllld
Gross William Alfred, Trafalgar P.H. Up. Dovercourt Saunders Edward, builder, High street
Hagley Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, 13 Cliff villas Saunders J sph.Arth. plumber & house decoraL!". 106 Iligh et
Hall In. Wm. assist. lighthouse kpr. Trinity cots.Fronks I'd Scott Henry Arthur, custom house officer, Alberta
Halstead James & Son, steam laundry house, High street
Halstead William Henry, yeast mel'chant, 7 Station road Self John, ironmonger (wholesale &; retail), gaslittur,
Harwich & DO'V8Ircourt Indnstrial Co-operative Society coppersmith &c. 91 &; 93 High street; & at lIal'wich
Limited (H. Booth, sec.), High street Shedlock Henry, master mariner, ID Lee terrace
Bayter John, White Horse P.H. Upper Dovercourt Sherman Joseph, beer retailer
Hayward Bessie (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Victoria street Shillam Rosa (Mrs.), apartments, Spencer ha. Marine par
Hazelwood William, greengrocer, Upper Dovercourt Shrubb Thomas vVilliam, grocer, Lee road
Hedley Joseph, marine engineer, 61 High street Smith George, master mariner, 35 Victoria street
Hendrie Harry Walter, apartments, Lee road Smith George, greengrocer, 101 High street
Herrington Jonas, trinity pilot, Cynthia, Beach road Smith Thomas Francis, grocer, 79 High street,
Holland Annie (Mrs.), dTe,S!S maker, 8 Cliff terrace Smith William, farmer, florist &c. Vine gardens
Hohhes Jsph. Wm. de,puty harbour mst'r. 3 Alexandra I'd Southgate Carrie & Annie (Misses), apal'tmts. Mal'ino par
Holmes Thos. RN. bandmaster,s Cambridge tel'. Lee I'd Spa (Henry Warren, proprietor)
Horne Benjamin, dairyman, Brookman's farm Sparrow lJeorge, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
Horne John, mast,er mariner, 4 Pembroke vils. Station I'd Starling Edward, cab proprietor, I I Victori[1 street
Borne Joseph, butcher, 60 High street Starling Frank, apartments, Avenue 2
Hospital for Infectious Diseases (Thomas Bultitude, Starling Robert Geo. cab propr. &; eoul mer. II9 High sb
attendant) Stevens VVilliam Joseph, apartments, 8 Marine parade
Ho.wlett In. Arth. hair dresser & tobacconist, 48 High st Stone George, apartments, 37 Victoria street
Hunter Wm.Philipps, clothier & boot & shoe ma.s8 High st Sutcliffe Thomas, yeast importer, I Milton vLlas
Inward George Henry, Queen's Head commercial hotel, Thackeray Rt. J. G. H. farmer, Newhall farm, Up. Doverct
62 High street Thomas Sergeant, Prudential agent, 5 Orwell t.Cl'l'aCe
Jacklin William, apartments, 85 High street Thompson William W. grocer & agent for W. &, A.
Jackson Charles Fred.erick, customs officer, Fronks road Gilbey Lim. wine .& spirit merchants, 52 & 66 IIigh sb
J ames William, haberdasher, 27 Manor road Tilbrook Thomas, apartments, 6 Marine parade
Johnson Benj. H. market gardener, Upper Dovercourt Tilney William, apartments, Church ha. Up. Dovercourt
Johnson Stphn. mstr. mariner, 3 Pembroke vils.Station l'd Todd Paul Germain, draper, 121 High street
Jolly Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Cliff terrace, Cliff road Tuck Abruham, apartments, l?ronks road
Judge Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Marine parade 'terryck Louis, apartments, Beach road
Justice James N. 1st clerk customs house, 4 Orwell ter Versey George, master mariner, I Victoria street
Keeble Julia A. (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Marine parade Victoria Concert Hall (H.H.Packer,propr. ),Doverco\Jl·t Bny
King Joseph, apartments, 2 Richmond villas, Cliff road Waller James'Skidder, Prudential agent, I I Lee terrace
Last William, boot maker, Upper Dovercourt Ward John Thomas, hair dresser, 75 High street
Lawrence '\Villiam, farmer, Upper Doverconrt ~Tarren Henry, house agent, 2 Clarendon villas
Lee George, master marinel" 89 High street Watts Sam!. & Sons, bakers & confctnrs.127 & 70 High sb
Linstead William, apartments, Avenue I "Tells James, apartments, 83 High street
Litherland Arthur, apartments, 6 StOUT l'oad Wells VVilliam AlIen, draper, stationer & fancy repository,
Long Clarence, farmer, Upper Dovercourt Post office, 73 High street
Lovelace In. Sam!. shopkpr. I Manor I'd. Up. Dovercollrt Went VVilliam, boot & shoe maker, 2 Station road
Lucey Dennis, customs ofIicer, 7 Stour road Whitehead Frederick, Victoria hotel
Lupton John Henry, customs officer, Avenue 2 Wickham Thos. frmr. Lower Wick farm, Upper Dovercrl

Willsher James, builder, Primrose villa, Lee road Wright William, Phrenix hotel & bathing establishment,
\VillSOll John Bullock, stationer, bookseller, news ngcut. Marine parade >

fancy repository &; library, 67 High street Wrigley Thomas & Son, yeast inspectors & importers~
Woodward Robert, chemist, 78 High street I Myrtle villas
Wright George, apartments, I Irene villas, Bench ruad Yates Benjamin, insurance agent, Lee road
HATFIELD (otherwise Hatfield Regis, King's Hat- addition of a new wing and a glazed corridor in frout of
field, or Hatfield Broad Oak) is an ancient town, on the house, at the expense of the late Lord Uookwood..
the road from London to Dunmow, through Hadow, and now contains 6 beds: in 190'1 there were 26 patients ;.
on an eminence, rising gradually from the south and it is supported by voluntary contributions. The charities
west, on both sides of which are small streams, which, amount to £25 4s.; this sum includes £6 I6s. yearly f01~
united, form Pincey Brook, a feeder of the river Stort: bread, £5 for keeping the highway in repair, £8 towards.
it is si mLes south-east from Bishops Stortford, 7 the maintenance of the schools, 8s. for preaching a sermon
miles north-east from Harlow, 7 south-west from Dun- on the 1St Sunday after St. James's day, £2 lOS. for
mow, 4~ east from Sawbridgeworth and 30 from London, the support of the coal club and £2 10S. for thfr
in the Western division of the county, Harlow hundred clothing club. Sarah Chamberlayne, late of Charles
and petty sessional division, Dunmow union and county street, Lowndes square, by will, dated the 13th oi
court district, rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry January, 1858, directed the investment of the residue
of Essex and diocese of St. .A.lbans. The Takeley station of her estate, representing an aggregate value of
on the Dunmow branch of the Great Eastern railway £13,128 4s. Id. for tho benefit of certain parishes in.
is in this parish and 3 miles north of Hatfield town. the counties of Middlesex, Essex and 'Warwick: she
The church of St. Mary is a large building of stone, died on the 12th January, 1870, and after legal pro-
generally in the Perpendicular style, with some portions ceedings extending over several years, an order was-
of Norman date, forming part of the original priory ultimately issued by the Court of Chancery, dated 24th.
church, and consists 'Of chancel, with side chapels, clere- March, 1876, formulating a scheme for the application
storied nave of six bays, aisles, south porch, and a lofty of the funds of the charity as regards this parish, but
embattled western tower containing a clock and 8 bells, this scheme was superseded in 1894 by another, under
dated 1782; and there is also a sanctus bell: in the which the charity is now administered in the manner
church is an effigy of Robert de Vere. third Earl of Ox- following: £20 to be assigned as an endowment for the
ford, one of the barons appointed to enforce Magna Charta, National schools; £5 for Bibles and other books for the
and a descendant {)f the founder of the priory, ob. 1221: poor at Hatfield and the hamlet of Bush End; £2 towards
the stained east window is a. memorial to members of the purchase of boots for children attending the seho'ol;
the Williams family, .ana there are others to Charles £5 for a Christmas dinner for children attending the
Wayre esq. and Sir William Wiseman bart. (d. 1893), school; £1 Ss. for a summer treat; 10S. to the Hat-
and in the churc11ya,rd a marble monument to Lord UOtll,- field Lying-in-Society; £5 for coal for widows residing
wood (d. 1902), and Lady Eden, his second wifll: f,he at Bush End, and for other poor persons ,sending their
church affords 600 sittings, and attached to it is a lihrary children to the Leicester school; £2 to be given on
of 400 books collected about the year 1680. The registllr Christmas Day to 40 poor widows of Hatfield; 10S. fol'
of baptisms dates from the year 1558, hilt lIfter that Ilat,e wici:ows in the ecclesiastical parish of St. John's Bush End,
• it is incomplete for about 100 years. The regist,ol' of and to six poor widows, or poor unmarried women, not
marria.ges and burials dates from 1662. TIle living is a under the age of 50 or poor aged men, 'Or poor crippled.
vicarage, net yearly value (with augmentations) £J9Cl, blind or deaf and dumb males or females in the hamlet
with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of 'l'rinity of Bush End or parish of Hatfield, the monthly sum of [ I
College, Cambridge, lmd hera since 1891 by the ne\'. each. In the parish is a farm, the income derived from
Francis William Galpin M.A. of Trinity College, Cam- which was left for the repair of the parish church; this..
bridge, and F.L.S. together with the poor's estates, is managed by trustees
HATFIELD HEA1.'H is an ecclesiastical parish f"rmed appointed under a scheme of the Charity Commissioners.
March 10, 1860. The church of the Holy Trinity is a Down Hall, the seat of Capt. Horace W. Calverley, is
plain building of stone, erected on land given by George finely situated with capital pleasure grounds and woods.
Alan Lowndes esq. M.A., D.L. of Barrington Hful, and ,There was once a Benedictine priory here, founded by
consists of chancel and nave and t{)wer on the south Alberic, or Aubrey De Vere, second of that name an<l
side with spire, and containing 3 bells cast ill 1897: father of the first Earl of Oxford, in 1135; this foundation
there are two stained windows, one of which was pre- was dedicated to God, St. Mary and St. Melanins Hedon-
sented by Dore Williams esq. late of The Grange, Hat- ensis, a British or Armorican saint, who, as his surname
field: the church was restored in 1883, when a south implies, sprung from Rennes, in Brittany, where there was
aisle was added, and has now 210 sittings. The register an abbey bearing his name; though the monks of Hatfield
dates from the year 1,860. The living is a vicarage, were only nine in number, the endowments of the priory
net yearly value £130, with residence, in the gilt of t.he were ample and were valued at the Dissolution, accord-
vicar 'Of Hatfield Broad Oak, and held since 1897 by the ing to Dugdale, at £122 13s. 2!d.; or, according to.
Rev. Thomas Wilfrid Reynolds M.A. of St. John's College, Speed, at £157 3s. 2!d. Hatfield Forest, of about
Oxford. Trinity Hall, built in 1894, at the expense of 1,000 acres, lies to the north-west of the town and is-
Lord '!lnd Lady Rookwood and Mr. Broke, is an iron the property of Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer-
strncture used for church purposes. The old Nat,ional Houblon, of Great Hallingbury, whose seat adjoins the
school is now used as the village library and institute, forest, which was inclosed by Act of Parliament about.
and was furnished by the late Lord Rookwood. The nr£>n 1855; in the forest are the remains of a very large and:
of Hatfield Heath parish is 2,500 ,acres. The popnlation old oak (now carefully fenced round and preserved)..
in 1901 was 579. called the "Doodle Oak" and conjectured to be that
from which the place acquired the name of Broad Oak.
BUSH END is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 10 The manor of Hatfield was a royal manor held undeI"'
March 1860. The church of St. John the Evangelist the Crown and was granted first after the Conquest
is a modern structure of flint in the Gothic style, erected to the family of De Gernon, who took the name of
on land given by John Archer Houblon esq. of Halling- Montfitchet; on their extinction, King Henry Ill. granted'
bury, and consists of chancel and nave, south porch it to Isabella De Bruce, who fixed her residence at
and small western tower: there are 200 sittings. The Bromesho Bury, as did her son Robert, Earl of Carrick :
register dates from the year 1860. The living is a but his son Robert, after he became a competitor for-
vicarage, net yearly value [II7' with residence, in the Crown of Scotland, forfeited his Eng-lish property.
the gift of the vicar of Hatfield Broad Oak, and held The manor of Hatfield, after being held by the families
since 1882 by the Rev. Douglas Leopold Heath. The of De Bohun, Stafford and Rich, was purchased by Sir
area of Bush End parish is 2,775 acres. The popu- Francis Barring1:on, in whose family it remained for
lation in 1901 was 306. In connection with the eecle. several generations and from them descended, through-
siastical parish of St. John the Evangelist, Bush End, two co-heiresses, to that of Lowndes. Bromesho Bury,.
there is a Juvenile Boot Club, a Parochial Library of where the De Bruces resided, is now a farm house"
338 volumes, branches of the Hatfield Broad Oak surrounded by a moat, and belong'S to the Earl of Roden.
Clothing- and Coal Clubs, and a branch of the Dunmow Old Barrington Hall, the original seat of the BarringtoIl'
Friendly Society. family, is also a farmhouse at the edu-e of. the Forest.
The Congregational chapel at Hatfield Heath, erected The later Barrington Hall, a large brick house, with stone-
in r876, is a structure of flint with stone dressings,. dressings, erected about the year 1740, and completely
in the Gothic style: the large stained window in the! altered and restored in 1863, is now the residence of G.
front gable is a memorial to the Rev. C. Berry, who' Alan Lowndes esq. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor of Hat--
was minister here for upwards of half a century: there field: the park of 280 acres in which it stands, although
nre ~oo sittings. The Cottage HOl'pital here, established flat, is, from the stately growth of the timber, a fine one.
in Hatfield Town in 1867, 'Was enlarged in 1892 lly U10 Gladwyns, near Hatfield Heath, was known by that name
in the time of King Edward ll.; there is a very good Heath George Isaac Hards, sub-postmaster. Letters
bouse ou the estate, with grounds of about 3 acres, well from. lHarlow arrive at 7.15 a.m. &; 11.10 a.m.; dis-
laid out, and now occupied by Horace Broke esq. J.P. patched at 10.45 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; on sundays, dis·
The principal landowners are Lieut.-Col. George Bram&- patched at 10.30 a.m
ton Archer-Houblon, of Hallingbury Place, George .Alan I Wall Letter Ilox,Broad street, cleared at 10 a.m. &; 5.30 p.m
Lowndes esq. Capt. Horace lV. Calverley, of IB Chesham I Pillar Letter Iloxes, Ilarrington Hall, cleared at 8.30 a.m.
;place, S.W. and the Earl of Roden. '1'he soil is various, I & 5.15 p.m. ; Ilush End, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 4.45 p.m.
mostly heavy; subsoil, clay and sand. 'l'he chief crops, & Blocks, cleared at 8 a.m. &; 6 p.m
are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. 'rhe area. of HaUie1<l . Police Station (Town), Sergeant Richd. Giggins, ill charge
Broad Oak is 3,396 acres, and of the enth'e parishes, I Police Station (Heath), Constable Ha.rry Tucker
,13,772 acres of land and 38 of water; mteable value, ! •
£7,446; the population in 1901 was, with the ecclesiastical ~ Schools.
;parishes, 1,599, of which 714 are attached to the parish I National (mixed), built, with master's residence, in
oehm'ch. 1861, for 190 children; average attendance, 47 boys, 39
Clerk (Parish Church), James Barker girls &; 37 infants; W. B. Wor~lll, master; Miss F. E.
Sexton (Holy Trinity), Daniel Day. 'Waters & Miss C. M. Gadd, mistresses
Sexton (St. John's), James Judd. National (St. John's), Bush' End (mixed), built, wit.h
teacher's residence, in 1877, & endowed with £20 yearlY'
Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., ,So B. & Annuity, 1nsur- by the late Miss Chamberlayne, for 60 children; average
ance & Express Delivery &; Parcel Post Office, Hatfield attendance, 4 1 ; Miss E. Jarvis, mistress
Town.-Miss Jemima Horsnell, postmistress. Letters Church. Heath (mixed), built in 1899, for 201 children;
arrive by mail cart from Harlow'Ut 8 a.m. & 12 noon & average attendance, 66; Charles W. Sharp, master;
are delivered immediately; dispatched at 10.25 a.m. & Mrs. Sharp, mistress
5·50 p.m.; on sundays, arrive 8·35 a.m.; dispatched British, Heath (mixed), built in 1876, for 150 children;
at 10 a. m average attendance, about 70; Edward Bogers, master
Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. O. Express Delivery, Parcel Takeley Railway Station (G. E. R.), Charles Haddow,
Post, S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office, Hatfield station master
Names marked thus * should be Cooper Gem'go &I Frederick, hutchers Lu~king Joseph lVm. farmer, Great
addressed Takeley S.O. & farmers, Heath Town farm
Broke Horace M.A.., J.P. Gladwyns *Darlington William, farmer, Hatfield Mauley William, farmer, Ryes farm
.calverley Capt. Horace W. Down hall Park farm & Forest farm Mardell Geo. blacksmith & job master
Crocker Weston, The Grange *DorringtonChas.frmr.Bonningtons fm Millbank Arth. Jsph. frmr.Corringales
Dawe Miss, Cottage hospital "Dunmow Friendly Society (branch) Mills Thomas, shoe maker, Heath
Ellis Charles, Heath (Rev. D. L. Heath, sec. & treas.), Mumford Daniel, farmer, OIl~ars farm
Fisher Mark, Heath Bush End Nash Cornelius, machinist, Heath
Galpin Rev. Frands William 1\'I.A., *Easter Fredk. beer ret. Kent's green Olden George, head gamekeeper to
F.L.S. Hatfield vicarage Fergusson Jam!!s, farmer, Grange frm Capt. Hor3ce W. Calverley
Green Mrs. '1'he Cottage Foster Edmund, farmer & thl'eshing Oliver A. & Son, millers (steam) &
Hawkins Mrs. Church villa, Heath machine proprietor, GLManwood fm corn merchants, Heath
.;oHeath Rev. Douglas Leopold, St. Francis Fredk. wheelwright, Green hill Patmore Martha (Mrs.), beel' retailer,
.Tohn's vicarage, Bush end Francis John, thatcher, Illocks Hatfield Forest
Huma Miss, Barrington cottage *Galloway William, farmer, High Patmore Thomas, beer retailer
Jenkins Richard Wade, Bleak house House faI'm, Bush End Paveley Joseph, baker & coal merchant
Juda Rev. Robert Chatfield Garton John, farmer, Forest hall Perry Charles, shoeing smith, Heath
(Congregational), Heath *GoldBmith Jessie (Mrs.), tit'ess ma. Perry Edward Daniel, farmer, Little
Lewin Willialn Harrison, St. Martin Brewer's end Iden farm, Heath
'Lowndes George Alan M.A., D.L., J.P. Green Geo. frmr. Little Manwood frm Perry Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Heath
Barrington hall Greenwood William,, Broom- Piper Alfred, farmer, Waters farm
Lowndes Major .Alan Harbert Welling- shawbury *Piper Elizabeth (Mrs.), carpenter &
ton J.P. Barrington hall Haddow Charles, station master, shopkeeper, Brewer's end
Marriott Thomas Takeley Railway station Pledger Thomas, tailor, Dunmow road
Poola Sandford' W. Oaklands, Heath Harris George Isaac, baker & grocer, Pomeroy John, gardener to Horace
Reynolds Rev. Thomas Wilfrid M.A. Post office, Heath Ilroke esq
(vicar of Holy Trinity), Heath Hatfield Heath Cricket Clnb (C. W. Patter AlfTed, farmer & 'assistant over-
Stanway Richard, Burywood Sharp, sec.), Heath seer, Priory farm &; Arnndel cottage
8ullins Mrs IIaUield Heath Library & Institute Potter AI'fred Speller, grocer, dTaper,
*Thurgood John Reader, Woodlands (Rev. T. W. Reynolds, librarian; news agent & insurance agent
White John Arthur Temple, Fairlawn C. W. Sharp, secretary) Reynolds James, baker, Bleak house
COMMERCIAL. Hatfield Town Cricket Club (Rev. F. Roberts In. Thos. stone mallon,Heath
Archer Frederick, saddler W. Galpin, president) *Robinson Horace, beer ret. Bush end
Bacon James, baker & shopkpr. Heath *Hawkey Thomas, farmer, I.iltle Ilar- Scott James, Cock inn
Bailey Reginald William, Duke's Head rington hall Search William, beer retailer, Heath
P.H. Broad street Hawkins Henry Thomas, Stag inn,corn Short George, beer retailer, Green hill
Barker Brothers, builders & coal merchant, Heath Simpson Charles Guiver, farmer,
Barker Thos. bldr.& seedsmau, Heath Hersey George, head gardener to Capt. Sparrow hall
*Barltrop Surah (Mrs.), smith, Horace W. Calverley, '1'he Garden, Skingle Moses, shoe maker
Brewer's end Down hall Soper Arthur John, frmr. Crabbs gm
Bowyer Henry, butcher &; frmr. Heath Hockley Mary Ann & Son, farmers, Sparrow Herbert, painter
Brice Emily (Mrs.), Cyclists' rest &; Collier Street farm Sullins Peter, farmer, Weir Pond farm
boarding ha.; g'ood accommodation Huddey Alfred A. wheelwrigllt, Heath Tebbit Aaron, farmer, Brnintris farm
Brice John, cowkeeper, Heath Hockley Ernest Henry, builder, Heath Trundle James, beer retailer, Heath
Broad Richard Martin, farmer, Laurel Hockley John, farmer, Friar's farm Turner Frederic, farmer, Lea hall
house, Bennington's farm, & miller Horsnell James, blacksmith . Vale Ernest William, machinist, Oak
(wind), Heath Horsnell Jemima (Miss), stationer &:, villa, Heath
Bunker Fredk. frmr.Lancaster's farm news agent, Post office Vale Reader, farmer, Gt. Heath farm
*Bush End Parochial Liurary (Miss E. Hudson Joseph, wheelwright Vale WaIter, machinist, Heath
Jarvis, librario.i'i) Hutchin Fanny (Miss), dress maker, Whitaker William S. L. grcr. & rlrnpel'
Button John, ham!'ss maker & oil Elm cottage, Heath White John Arthur Temple M.R.C.S.
dealer, Heath Hl1tchin Rebecca (Miss),frmr.l'iggerils Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon &;
Cakebread William, insnr. agt. Heath Judd Caroline (Miss),shopkeeper,Hat- medical officer &. public vaccinator,
Coldham Chas.B. frmr.Dridge Foot fm field Forest Hatfield district, Dullmow union,
Cooper Frederick, farmer, Blocks frm Lanyon William, farmer, Tom-by-the- Fairlawn
<Jottage Hospital (John Arthur Temple Woods farm Williams Fredk. frmr. Pierce Wil·
White M.R.C.S.Eng.,L.R.C.P.Lond. Lee Jonathan, carrier, Heath liam's farm
hon. medical officer; R. W. Jenkins Little Alfred, White Horse inn, Heath Witham Susannah (Miss), dress makr.
esq. sec) LukiQS 'l'hos. Lewis,frmr.Cammas ball Heath
RATPZELD (or Hatfield Peverel) is a large and from Maldon and 6 north-east from Chelmsford, in the
Jlleasant village and parish on the River Ter, on the high Eastern division of the county, Witham hundred and
road from Chelmsford to Colchester, with a station ad- petty sessional division, Braintree union, Maldon county
joining the village on the Great Eastern railway, 36 miles court distrIct, and in the rural deanery of Hatfield
'from London, 2 8outh·west from Witham, 6 north-west Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchester, and diocese of St.

.A1bans. This parish is an ancient place and is stated to valued at £83 198. 7d. The learned Edmund Castell
have been given by King William the Norman to Balph S.T.P. author of the "Lexicon Heptaglotton," was vicar
Peverel, a Norman soldier, who married Ingelrica, an of this parish from 16E6: he also held the rectory
English lady: it extends southward to the Chelmer and of Woodham Waiter and that of Higham Gobion. Beds~
eastward to the Blackwater and contains many pleasantly where he died and was buried in 1685. The Priory, now
situated residences. The church 'Of ,st. Andrew, formerly in the occupation of Mrs. Hanbury, is an ancient mansion
the priory church, is an edifice of flint and brick, con- of stone, situated ina delightful and secluded spot, sur~
sisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, vestries, south rounded by a park of about 100 acres, at the entrance-
porch and a turret containing one bell: in 1873 it was to which stands the church. Hatfield Place is the resi-
completely restored and a large piece of ground taken in dence of William Michael Tufnell esq. D.L., J.P. John
on the south side to f{)fm a new aisle with upper and Wright esq. is lord of the manor; Lord. \Rayleigh and
lower vestry rooms, clerestory windows being inserted Capt. W. J. H. Townsend are the principal landowners:
on the south side of ,the nave: an oaken screen'was also and lords of the remaining manors, which are five in
placed between the chancel and the nave and a carved number. The land is chiefly arable; subsoil, gravel. The
reredos of Bath stone erected: the church retains a chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area
monumental effigy of the foundress, besides memorials to of the parish is 4,848 acres and 18 of water; rateable
the Bragg and Alleyn families, including the brass figures value, £10,865; the population in 1901 was 1,207'
of John Alleyn, 1572, his three wives and children: there Parish Olerk, Oharles H. Watson.
are also three other brass effigies, and a long inscription
. E li h d t b I t th th . Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, In-
III ng s verse, suppose 0 e ong 0 em:· e wm- surance & Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office.-Cor-
dows and west doors have some heraldic shields: the:
church affords 450sittings. The register of baptisms nelius Moore, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through
dates from 1702, of marriages from 1703, and burials from Witham at 6·45 a.m. & 12.20 & 6,45 p.m.; dispatched
1626. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £24 2 , at 11.40 a.m. & 2.30 :& 8.15 p.m. On sundays letters
with 9 acres 'Of glebe, and residence, in the gift, of the are dispatched ·at 11.15 a.m
Bishop of St. .Albans, and held since 18 75 by the Rev. Wall Letter Box, adjoining the Brewery, cleared at II.25
Frederic Bransby Toulmin M.A. of New College, Oxford. a.m. & 7.5 0 p.m, on week days ,& H a.m. on sundays
The great tithes, amounting to £1,4° 0 yearly, are re- Wall Letter Boxes, Swan P.H. cleared at 11.15 a.m. &;
ceived by the trustees of John Wright esq. There isa 7. 20 p.m.; sunday, 10·45 a.m.; Crix Corner, cleared at
Wesleyan chapel, erected in 18 75. The charities amount H. Isa.m. & 7. 20 p.m.; & Nounsley Green, clellired <at
to £145 yearly, left in 1820 by Martha Lovibond, of Hat- 7.3° n.m. & 7.40 p.m
field Peverel, and there are four almshouses, built and National SchOOl (mixed), built in 1851, enlarged in 18 72-
endowed by the l;ame benefactress in 1820, for two mar- & again in 1884, for 250 children; average attendance,
ried couples and two single persons, for which purpose 18o; Arthur Bennett, master; Miss Elizabeth C. Hin-
she left £5,27°; each married inmate receives 15s.and each tOil, infants' mistress
singte inmate 10S. per week. The pleasure fair, formerly Railway Station, Elijah Lee, station master
hera on Whit Tuesday, is now discontinued. Ingelrica, be- Carriers to:-
fore mentioned, f01Ulded here a college for secular canons, Chelmsford-Charles & Edward Moore's cart passes
afterwards converted by W. Peverel, in the time of Henry through from Kelvedon, mono tues. thurs. frL & sat
I .. into a Benedectine priory, and dedicated to St. London-Marven, from Wickham Bishops, fri.; Pudney's
Mary; the priory was a cell to the abbey of St. wagons pass through from Coggeshall to 'One Swan,'
.Albans, and the revenues at the Dissolution were Bishopsgate street, thurs
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Oharles, brewer Moore Comelius, baker, Post office
Aylmore George WaIter, Latneys Brown James, brick mal,el' Mox'On James, farmer
.Barnard Arthur Thos. Hatfield wick Clarke WaIt. Jas. blcksmth.& shpkpr Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants,
Bearman Mrs Claydon Wm. beer· rtlr. Nounsley grn Railway station
Bloomfield Albert Edward, Peverell ]0 Courtmann )Vm. farmer, Crabbs frm Nash Charles Albert, Swan P.R
Cecil Charles Albert, Mowdell hall Death Daniel, rat catcher Nice Joseph, beer retailer
Feist Jonathan, Hill house Diaper Frederick James, coach builder Oliver William, baker & farmer
Hanbury Mrs. Hatlield priory & wheelwright Owers Frederick, builder & contractor,
Hiscocks Miss, Fairfields Doe David, boot & shoe maker oarpenter & undertaker; gravel &.
King Thomas John, SpringlielJ' house Dowsing Charles, grocer & draper sand for builders
Kirk Mrs. Hatfield bury Everett James, farm bailiff to Capt. Owers George, beer retailer & farmer
Strutt The Hon. Edwd. Gerald, White W. J. R. Townsend Patten William, market gardener
lands Everard Harry MOIlt.gomel'y, ·l111der Pauling' John, skin dresser
Toulmin Rev. Frederic Bransby M.A. steward to Lord Rayleigh Ratcliff Samuel Charles, farmer, Mow-
(vicar) Gardner Edward, farmer, Crix farm den Hall farm
Townsend Capt. Wm. Johnson Howard Garrett Arthur, tailor Shields Thomas, farmer
J.P. Berwick Place Ga~ood Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper Steele John, butcher
Tufnell William :Michael D.L., J.P. Harrls Henry, blacksmIth Strong Jobn, head gardener to P. R.
Habfield Place Hatfield & Ulting Conservative Asso- Morse esq
Whitehead Mrs. Arthllr, Cardfielrls ciation (W. J. Cl.arIie, hall. :sec) Thrift William R. miller (water), Hai-
r Knight George, daIryman field mill
COMMERCIAL. Lucking Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer Tllrpin Kezia (Miss), shopkeeper
Atkinson Frederick, chimney sweeper & farmer Upson J(lhn, farmer, Bovington
Baker Frederick, grocer Marriage Hugh, farmer & brick maker Ward ElizB (Mrs.), saddler c
Baring. Mary Ann (Mrs.), Crown P.B Mills Du.vid, farmer & Duke of Wel- Watson Charles Henry, bricklayer
Bennet Arthur, scllOlJlmastel· &, lington l'.H )Vesbop John 'Vm. frmr. Barnard's fm
assistant overseer Mills Richard, beer retailel' Wood George, farmer
HAVENGORE ISLAND is a small island at the mark at the entrance to Havengore Creek is the eastern
mouth of the Thames, nearly opposite the Nore Light, limit of the Port of London. This island has been sold
between j?ouIness Island and the main land, about 4 miles I by J. Tabor esq. to the War Office. The soil is clay,
north-east from Shoeburyness terminal station of the I saud and shell. The area is 299 acres of land and 1,4°6 of
London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 8 south-east from fore~hore; rateable value, £40; the population in 1901
Rochford and 8 north-east from Southend; it was formerly. WlIS 8.
extra-parochial, but is now a parish in the South Eastern! Letters through Southend, arrive according to the state
division of the county, Rochford union and petty sessional I of the tide. The nearest money order k telegraph
division and Southend county court district; the pilot I office is at Great Wakering, 3 miles distant
lIymas George, farm bailiff to the War Office
HAVERHILL is a parish in Risbridge union, formerly partly in this county but now wholly in Suffolk; full par-
, ticulars will be found in KeIly's Directory of Suffolk.
HAVERING-ATTE-:BOWER is a pleasant village· church, but this liberty was abolished by Order in
and parish. 3 miles north from Romford station and 15 Council, dated 9th May, 1892. The church of St. John
. from London, in the Southern division of the county, the Evangelist. rebuilt by subscription, is an edifice of
petty. sessional division, union and county court district flint with stone d;res.sings in the Decorated style, con..
of Romford, rural deanery of Lambourne, archdeaconry 1 sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and an embattled
of Essex and diocese of St. .Albans; this place gave name ~ tower on the south side containing six bells, the lower
to the liberty and peculiar of Havering--atte-Bower, which stage forms a porch: the church was re-consecrated 13th
included the parishes of Bomford, Havering and Horn- April, 1878, and contains an ancient font and a memorial

by Wyatt to Sir John Smith.-Burges bart. who died in formerly belonging to the Queens of England, in which
1803 and was buried in this church: an organ was pro" Joau, daughter of Charles H. King of Navarre and Queen
vided in 1902 at 3 cost of £5°0: there are 250 sittings. of Henry IV. died 9 July, 1437. Bower House, a brick
'1'he register dates from the- year 1670' The living is a mansion, standing in a park of about 120 acres, is now
vicarage, net yearly value £109, with residence, in the the residence of John W. DocWTa esq. Bedfords, originally
gift of Mrs. Pemberton-Barnes,' and held since 1902 by called" Belfonts," from its ample supply of water, and
the Hev. Ernest Barrington Woodman M.A. of Pembrolie now the seat of Henry Jessop Stone esq. J.P. is a stone
College, Cambridge. This is one of the few villages in mansion, standing in a park of nearly 100 acres, command-
England in which the ancient stocks may still be seen, and iug one of the finest views in the country and embracing
here they stand on the green facing the church. Havering the river Thames, the Knockholt hills in Kent, the Crystal
is believed to have once been the seat of Saxon royalty, for, l'uluce. St. Paul's and the towers of the Houses of Parlia-
according to traditionary accounts, Edward the Confessor ment at Westminster. The soil is mixed; subsoil. clay.
built a palace here, or improved one more ancient: the 'l'he chief crops are wheat, oats, beans and roots. The
portions extant are not sufficient to determine the limits area is 2,088 acres; rateable value, £4,172; the population
of the original building, whatever it may have been; it ill 1901 was 407.
is certain, however, that this monarch frequently lived P M 0 & T O T M 0 S B'" .
h ere III t· t H . P k· th . t f ""{ ost,.. . . , . . . , . . <Xi AnnUlty, In-
re nemen . avenng ar IS e sea 0 .L'. rs. surance & Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office.-Miss
McIntosh, lady of the manor of the liberty and principal Eilen Hance, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from
landowner; the mansion, occupying part of the sitE" cf the Romford at 5.10 i& 9 a.m.; delivered at 6 & 9 a.m.;
old palace of the Confessor, is an i>legant mudern building dlspatched at 2.45 & 7. 15 p.m.; sundays, 7. 15 p.m
with a tower and is pleasantly situated on an eminence,
surrounded by extensive pleasure grounds and a finely- Pillar Letter Box cleared at 7 a.m. 2·55 & 7·30 p.m.;
wooded park of 250 acres. Pyr,go Park is the residence sunday, 7.30 p.m
of Lady O'Hagan; the mansion, a modern edifice of bricli, National School (mixed), built in 1837, since enlarged,
in tIle Classic style, with a tower and portico, stands in nuw accommodation for 126 children; average attend-
fin extensive park, commanding very fine views of the ance, 95; Arthur Montague Derrick, master; Mrs.
sUl'l'ounding country and occupies the site of a house DOl'ricl" mistress
Docwra John W. Bower house Smith Benjamin, Fernside Bennett James Henry M.R.C.V.S.
H0'Pe Geo. Palmer J.P. Havering grng Stone Henry Jessop J.P. Bedfords veterinary surgeon
Lynch Misses, Ivy Holt T~een Alfd: Augu..tus,Wyldberg lodge Bracken Ernest, beer retailer
McDonell George, Chase cross Woodforde.Finden Lt.-Col. W. Lower Craig Hugh, farmer, Lower Park
McIntosh Mrs. Havering park Bedfords Ralsey Alfred, grocer &; beer l'et'<li1er
O'Hagan Lady, Pyrgo park Woodman Rev.Ernest Bal'rington M.A. Goodwin Henry, baker
Pemberton Rev. Joseph Hardwick Vicarage Knightbridge Frank, butcher
(curate of Collier Row, Homford), Parrish Emily (Mrs.),Orange Tl'eeP.H
Round house COMMERCIAL. Robson Gen. farmer, Old Park farm'
Pemberton Mrs. Round house Alston John, farmer, Upper Bedfol'us Suckling Arthur. fish dealer &c
Pemberton-Barnes Mrs. The Hall Beckett Thomas, farm bailiff to Mrs. Wright Arthur Benthal, bailiff to Mrs.
Baphael Herbert Henry J.P. Rose crt . McIntosh, Bower farm Pemberton-Barnes, Bower farm
HAWKWELL (Hawkswell, Hawkewell or Hackwell) and held since 1893 by the Rev. George Pad field M.A. of
acquired this name at least as early as the time of Dmham Unive'rsity. Charles Howa.rd Atkinson esq. ox
King Edward the Confessor, and is a. village and parish, Hockley, is one of the principal landowners. The soil is.
g miles north-west from Rochford station on the Great mixed ,and heavy; subsoil, mostly clay. ~he chief orops.
Eastern railway, 6 north-west from Southend, and 35 are wheat, beans, peas, barley and potatoes. The area is·
from London, in the South Eastern division of the county, 1,364 a.cres; rateable value, £r,912; .the population in.
Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and union, 1901 was' 326.
Southend county court district and in the rural deanery
of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Sexton, Abraham John Turner.
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a build- Post Office. Frederick Saunders, sub-postmaster. Let-.
ing of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of tars from Hockley S.O. arrive at 6.15 a.m.; deliveries
chancel' and
t hnave,
' porch
d and. a. wooden belfry at the west a t 6 '45'& 10 a.m.; d'!Spat c h ed a t 9·5'5 a.m. & 6 .10 p.m.•.,
en d Wl spll'e an contalmng one bell: there is a sundays, deliv,ery at 6,45 a.m.; dispatched at 8,4 0 a.m.
piscina and a low-side window, and four stained windows Postal ordeTS are issued here, but not paid. Hockley-
in the chancel and nave: the church was restored in r877, is the nearest money order & Rochford the nea,rest tele-
and affords 70 sittings. The register of baptisms dates graph office, 3 miles dis.tant
from 1692; burials, 1695; marriages, 1696. The living is
a rectory, net yearly value £195, including 80 acres of Board School (mixed), built in r846, for 60 children;
glebe, with residence, in the gift of R. C. Kempe esq. average attend:ance, 68; Charles Cant, master
Hingston Richard COMMERCIAL. Hymis Alfred, coal merchant
Horne John Charles, Belcham's farm Bacon Mark, White Hart inn Jennings Abraham, market gardener,
Hooton Geo. Akerman, The Lam'els Brown George Frederick, shopkeeper High house
Offin Thos. W. jun.Clement's hall & farmer, Cotton's farm Poole Isaiah, shopkpr. & shoe maker
Padfield Rev. George M.A. Rectory Bmles Wm. P. farmer, Hawkwell hall Saunders Frederick, shopkeeper, &;
Cocks Frederick George, painter post office
HAZELEIGH is a parish of scattered houses, 2; miles retired from the stage, in 1612 founded Dulwich College.
south-west from West MaIdon station on the great East· the manor of Dulwich being. already his by purchase in
ern railway, in the South Eastern division of the county, r606; many of his family are buried beneath the chancel.
Maldon union and county court district, Dengie hundred Sir Samuel George Brooke-Pechell bart. of Alton House.
and petty sessional division, and in the rural deanery of .Alton, Hants, is lord of the manor and principal land-
Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. owner. The crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and!
The church of St. Nicholas is now disused (except for peas. The soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay. The a.rea is
burials), service being held in an iron church erected in 991 acres; rateable value, £5086; the population in 1901
1893 in the centre of the village: this structure has sit- was r32.
tings for 85 persons. The register of baptisms dates from Palrish Clerk, Waltel' .Middle·ditch, Hazeleigh.
1575; burials, 1584; marriages, 1502. The livin~ is a
rectory, net yearly value £13 0 , wibh 13! acres of glebe and Wall Letter Box cleared at 5. 20 p.m. week days; sun-
residence, in the gift of and held since 18 96 by the Rev. days, 11 a.m
Gilbert Henry Raynor M.A. of St. John's College, Letters through Maldon, which is the nearest money order
Cambridge. The rectory house is pleasantly situated & telegraph office arrive at 6,45
on the commanding eminence of Loddart's hill, with ex- The children of this parish go either to Woodham Mol'-
tensive views of the river Blackwater and the Hythe and timer, Purleigh or Maldon schools
the Maldon basin. Razeleigh Hall, near the church, and
now used as a farm house, was in the 16th century the Carrie.r from Sonthminster & Tillinghrum to. ChelmsfO'l'd
residence of the Alleyne family, one of whom, Edward (passing through).-Blows, every tues. &; fri. & to
Alleyne, actor, and master of the king's bears. having Maldon daily
Raynor Rev. Gilbert Hy. M.A.Rectory Croxon Cranmer Harris, farmer & Taylor Alfred, Hatehhouse farm
Austin Alfred, White Hart P.H. &; cattle dealer Taylor George, farmer & hurdle makr
shoe maker Everitt Charles, Royal Oak P.H

HELIONS :BUMP STEAD is a village and parish of Haverhill (d. 1'894) are the chie'f landowners. The
on the borders of Cambridgeshire, 4 miles south-west soil is cla.y; subsoil, cla,y and gravel. 1'he chief Cl'OpS
from Haverhill station on the Melford and Cambridge are wheat, barley, oats and beans. 'l'he lIrelL is 2,850
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 10 north-east from acres; l'atea ble value, £2,266; the popula tion in 189 I was
Saffron Walden, and 16 north-west from Halstead, in the 66'1 in the civil and 68 I iq the ecclesiastical parish.
Northern division of the county, Freshwell hundred,
Bardfield petty sessional division, Risbridge union, Haver- OLMSTEAD GREEN, I mile south-west, in Gambridge-
hill county court district, and in the rural deanery of shire, formerly a hamlet of Helions Bumpstead, was by a
Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Local Government Board Order, No. 16,610, dated March
.A.1bans. The church of St. .Andrew is an edifice of stone 25, 1885, added to Castle Camps, Cambridge, for civil
and brick in the Early English style, consisting of chancel purposes.
clerestoried nave of four bays, south aisle, south porch Parish Clerk, John Dvson.

and an embattled western tower of brick containing a Post & Parcel Office.-William Purkis, sub-postmaster.
clock and 6 bells: in the church is a monument to Letters from Haverhill (Suffolk) arrive at 8.35 & J:.4()
Devereux, son of Sir John Tallakarne, slain at the battle p.m. (callers only); dispatched at IJ: a.m. &; 5.30
of Riez, in Provence, France, 3 April, 1628, ret. 60: there Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. 'l'h"
are 400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. nearest money order office is at West Raynham and
The living is a vicarage, net yea,rly value £160, with 3 telegraph office a.t Steeple Bumpstead, 2 miles distant
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Trinity College, Pillar Letter Box cleared at 11.20 a.m. & 5.50 p.m. week
Cambrido~e, and held since 1901 by the Rev. William
days only
Kiteley Wyley M.A. of bhat college. The Gospel Brethren
have a. hall here, built in 18-86, and holding 100. Queens' National School (mixed), built in 1854, for 130 children;
College, Cambridge, the trustees of St. Thomas's Hospital, average attendance, 96; Mrs. Moria L. Emson, mistress
.London, and the trustees of t,he late Daniel Gm'teen esq. Carrier to Hav6'I1hill.-Newman Moore daily (except tues)

.Cole :Misses, Hill cottage Cole Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker Parken Ellis Notley, frmr. Lanceleys
-Bichardson Joseph Emson Frederick, horse dealer Pereival Charles, beer retailer
:Ruffie Jeffery, Upper house Girls' Friendly Society (branch) (MiSos Phypers Wm. C. frmr. Drapers green
-Webster Arthur Gurney, Burton villa Mary Cole, s·ec) Purkis William, grocer & draper,
. Wyley Rev. Wm. Kiteley M.A. Vicarage Jacobs Chas. 'I"hree Horse Shoes P.H post oflice
COMMERCIAL. Hammond Walter, farm 'bailiff to Mr. Ruse J'ohn, wheelwright
Aylett James, boot maker George Patrick Jacobs Ruse William, carpenter
.Challis Charles, bricklayer & shopkpr Kiddy Edward, farm bailiff to Miss Smith Josiah, Marquis of Granby r.B
Chapman J Oh11 & Samson, farmers, Emma Basham Tilbrook Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Copy
Slate hall Mizon William, farmer, Boblow 1'ilbrook Edward, farmer, Relions fnn
.•Chapman Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, New Moore Newman, carrier Wiffin John (Mrs. ),shopkeeper & baker
house Pa1lllell Thomas Perey, farmer, Bump- Woodley Ralph, farmer, Mosses
· ,Chapman Wm. frmr. Perry Appleton stead hall

_.HEMPSTEAD is a village and parish, 7 miles south. the oak was given by C. F. W. Fane esg.: the church
· ;west from Haverhill station on the Colne Valley line and has 293 sittings: in 1889 the churchyard was enlarged by
· 7 east from Saffron Walden station on that branch of the the addition of over 500 square yards of land.
: Great Eastern railway, 7 north from Thaxted snd The register of baptisms and marriages dates from
47 from London, in the Northern division of the the year 1664_; burials, ~665 ~ among the entries of
· county, hundred. and petty sessional division 01 baptisms is that of Richard, son of John and Mary
Freshwell, union and county court district of Saffron Turpin, 21 Sept. 1705, afterwards notorious as "Dick
Walden, rural deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry Turpin," the highwayman, who is supposed to have been
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The born at the Crown inn, in this parish: opposite the
, church of St. Andrew, formerly a chapel attached tu house is a circle of 8 (formerly II) trees, known as
Great Sampford, is an ancient edifice of rubble in the "Turpin's or Tuppin's ring," and at one time an in-
· Gothic style, consisting of chancel, with Harvey chapel, closure for cock fighting: at Dawkins farm, in this parish
nave, aisles, and south porch, t1;1e tower having fallen on I is preserved a portion of the oak in which Turpin took
Saturday, 28 Jan. 1882, doing much damage to the refuge from his pursuers. The living is a vicarage,
· church: of the 5 bells, one, the tenor, was shattered by annexed to that of Great Sampford, joint net yearly £24 6,
the fall; the remaining four are temporarily hung in the with 18 acres of glebe, in the gift of Myles Formby esq.
churchyard, near the east end of the church: beneath and held since 1850 by the Rev. Robt. Henry Eustace M.A.
1:.4e chancel and vestry is the vault of the Harvey of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, and surrogate, who re-
~ family, wliere, until 1883, reposed the remains of the cele- sides at Little Sampford. The rectorial tithes are in th&
brated Dr. William Harvey, the discoverer of the circula· hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and yield about
_.lation of the blood, but in that yoor they were removed £700 ~'early. The vicarage house, a good residence of
into the Harvey chapel and placed in a marble sarco- brick, erected in 1884-5, at a cost of £1,585, stands about
j; phagus presented for this purpose by the Royal Colleg-e a quarter of a mile north of the church in an acre of
,of Physicians, of which he had been a fellow: in the ground, given by C. F. W. Fane esq. and is occupied
-chapel is also a monument to his memory, with bust by the Rev. John Escreet, curate. The Primitive
and an inscription in Latin recording his death at the Methodist chapel here was erected in 1853 and has 50
age of 80, 3 June, 1657: here also are various other me- sittings. Charities amounting to about £16 yearly, left
morials to this family from. 1661 to 1830, including two by John Pound, of Hempstead, and others, have been
medallions of white marble with portraits in bas-relief, lost; there are four houses, built in 1862 by Miss But- Roubiliac, to William Harvey, of Winchlow Hall and land, for the late Misses Green, for poor widows of the
Ohigwell, d. 14 December, 1742, and Elizabeth his wife; parish: each inmate has to pay a small rent, which is
· another marble monument to William Harvey, of Hoe- used for repairs. Cecil Francis William Fane esq. of
:'ilampton, and Bridget his wife, 1719-61, and a memorial Melton Mowbl'ay, Leic. is lord of the manor and prin-
-to Captain Edward. Harvey, Coldstream Guards, and cipal landowner; Henry Horn Almack eSl]. of Hempstea(l
eldest son of AdIDlral Harvey, who fell at Burgos, I I Hall, is also a large landowner. The soil is loam;
,October, 1812; Sir Eliab Harvey K.C.B. Admiral of the subsoil, clay. The chief crops wheat and barley.
lUne, also interred here, d. 20 Feb. 1830: there are The aref1 is 3,587 acres; rateable value, £3,000; the
"'brass effigies of civilians, c. 1475 and 1480, without in- population in 1901 was 5 60 .
.scriptions, and others to Tho~as ~untingd?n. esq. ob. Post Oflice.--Alfred Gibbs, suh-postmaster. Letters
149 2 , an? Margaret (Tyrrell) his WIfe, to WI1ham Mor- arrive from Saffron Walden at 8.25 a.m.; di~patche<l
.dant, chief prot~ono~ry of the Co~rt of Com?Ion Pleas, at 5. 2 5 p.m.; sundays. 10 a.m. Postal orders are
ob. 15 18 , and hIS wIf~ ~ne (Hun~mgt?n), WIth 10 s~ns issued here, but not paid. The nearest money o.rd~r
and 6 daughters; a CIVIlIan and ~IS ~fe,. c. 1530,. WIth office is at Wimhish, & telegraph oflice at Radwinter, 3
4 sons and 5 daughters,. and. an IDscrIptlOn to RlChll;rd miles <list.ant
Westley, ob. 1518, and hIS Wife Joan: the church, WIth County Police Station, John Miller, constable
ilhe exception of the chancel, Harvey chapel and tower.. , . "
wag entirely rebuilt in 1887-8, under the direction of Mr. N~tlOnal ~chool ~~Ixed), built In 1825 &; enlar~ed
Samuel Knight architect of London at a cost of over 111 1883, lor 108 clulrlren; average attendance, 82; MIl!~
£1.600, raised' by subsc;iption, and' re-opened 3 May, B~rbara Boyd, mistress; Miss Cla1'8 Metcalfe, infants'
1888: the new pulpit, reading desk and lectern are of mIstress
oak. skilfully carved by the Rev. John Escreet, the present Carrier·s to Walden.-William Reader, tues. &; sst. j John
curate, who also executed the earring OD the south porch j Harding, daily &; Charles Andrews, tues. &; sat
Almack Hy. Hom J.P. Hempstead hall earoy Laban, hay &; straw bander, Muske Ford, boot maker
,Atkinson Ralph Walker Witch trees Myhill Henry, farmer, Dawkins .;
BoydMiss Ccrk Ann lMrs.), shopkeeper Mynott Thes. farmer, Lit. Bull's brdg
Escrf>et Rey. John (curate), VicarageDix James, Crown P.R Portway Frederick, bricklayer
Horsnell Miss, Waterlow cottage Drvsdale

Lawrance, farmer, Gallows Pryor Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Freeman 'Villiam, farmer, Hill farm Purkiss Alfred, beer retailer,'rlle Wash
CO!DIEROUL. Harding J ohn, ~arrier Reader William, cowkeeper
Andrews Alfred, farmer, Phillips J ackson Albert, mJ1ler ( steam) Richardson Daniel, gamekeeper to the
Andrews Charles, carrier J ohnson George, farm bailiff to Henry Essex Hunt, Keepers lodge
Beddall George Rutland, farmer, Horn Almack esq. Ruses farm Rutland George, shoe maker
Ohurch farm Johnson Henry, Royal Oak P.H Stubbings Denny, carpenter
Blackmore Wm. farmer,Pollard's cross Ketteridge '1'hos. Allen,frmr.Bull's bdg 'furner John, shoe maker
Borebam Stephen, potato dealer Mallows George, farmer, Fields Turpin J ames, shopkeeper
Colman Wm. Thos. frmr. Winchlow hall Matthews Alfred, butcher
HENHAM (or Henham-on-the-Hill) is a. parish 1~ lectures and a Sunday' school. Charities amounting to
miles north-east from Elsenham station on the Great £30 yea,rly are distributed in kind. William }<'u1ler
Eastern (Cambridge) railway, 6 north-east from Bishops Maitland esq. of Stansted Hall, who is lor'd of the manor
Stortford and 34 from London, in the Northern division and lay rector, & Sir WaIter Gilhey hart. of Elsenham
of the Qounty, Clavering and Uttlesford hundreds, Saf- Hall, who is lord of the manor of Pledgrlen hamlet, are
fron Walden petty sessional division, Bishops £tortford the principal landowners. The soil is chiefly a strong
union and county court district, and in the rural dean- clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, oats,
ery of Newport, archdeaconry of COlchester and diocese ba,rley and roots. '1'he a,rea is 2,992 acres; rateahle value,
of St. .A1bans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a I £8,g88; the population in 1901 was 700.
large and ancient building of stone in the Per- Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four Mrs. Mal'tha Gardner, sllb.postmislre~s. Letters
bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western should be addressed Stansted R.S.O.; letters through
tower with short spire, containing 5 bells and a very fine Stansted arrive at 8 a.m. &; 2 p.m.; dispatched at
clock, placed in 1887 by Salisbury Baxendale esq. as 12·40 & 6.10 p.m. week days; sunday 9 a.m. '1'he
lord of the manor, together with about 400 other con- nearest telegraph office is Elsenhum, 2 miles distallt
tributors, including the school children: there are two
piscinre, an ancient octagonal font and an oaken pulpit, LITTLE HENH.A.M is a hamlet in Clavering hundred,
the ,soundin~ board of which has been taken down and a mile and a half to the north, containing one farm and
converted into reading desk: an ancient oak screen a few cottages.
divides the chancel and nave: in the chancel is a marble
monument to Samuel Feake esq. f(}Tmerly pres'.dent and PLEDGDEN, a hamlet of Henham, in 0iavering hun-
governor of Fort William, Bengal, whose family held the dred, 2 miles south-west from Henham, adjoining El-
estate of Henham Hall in the 18th century; Waiter, 5th !'enham, and .Pledgden Green, 2 miles south-east from
Baron Fitzwalter, who died in 1407, was buried here. In Renham, has a few cottages.
1897 a sum of £600 was expended in opening out the Sexton, William 'furner.
original oak roof, res eating the nave, enlarging the organ County Police Station, John Whiting, police sergeant
&c.; there are 400 sittings. The register dates from the
year 1539. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value, A School Board of 5 members was formed 27 July, 1874,
{,290' with ,IQ acres of glebe and residence, in for the united district of Henham & Chickney; H.
the gift of and held since 18g6 by the Rev. Baker, Bishops Stortford, clerk to the bourd
Joseph Monk M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cam- Board School (mixed), built in 1875, for 170 children;
bridge. The Congregational chapel was erected in 1864, average attendance, Il7 33 boys, 31 girls &. 53 in-
at a cost of £1,000, left by will for this purpose by the fants; BenjamiI1 'fhomas Hood, master; Miss Alicd
late Edward Sandford esq. of Bollington Hall, in the Warden, assistant mistress
parish of Ugley, who died in June, 1863: it will seat 500. Carrier.-William Warner, for parcels to &; from Bishops
There is also a room, opened at the same time, used for StortIord, on mono thurs. &; sat
Balaam Ziba Hayden Dan, blacksmith Percy William, farmer, Old mends
Monk Rev. Joseph l\LA. Vicarage Gardiner Martha, (Mrs.), grocer &, Robinson John, shoe maker
Stott Rev. John '1'. (Congregatiollal), draper, Post oJlice Robinson Samuel, carpenter, Pledgdllll
The Manse Heard WaIter, wheelwright Simons Artlmr, farmer, Mill hOllse
Holland & Barrett (Edward Bentall, Stride William, faT'IIle,r & head game-
COMMEROIAL. manager), g'r'ocers & drapers keeper to Sir W. Gilbey, Little
Bonfield ROiber,t, grocer Hollinshead Edwd. frmr. Henham Idg Henham hall
Bush George, market gardener, Green Hornsby George Frederick, Bell inn Suckling Thomas, wheelwright
Bush Tim, higgler & saddler Turner Charles, carpenter
OhipperJield WiUiam, Coek P.H J oyce Allan, farmer, Broom Turner William, carpenter
Dixon Bros. bl'aoksmiths, Pledgden Mascall Thomas, Crown P.H Ward Thomas Hutton M.H C.V.S.
Dixon William, thatcher Mattllews .Toseph, Prudential insuranCe veterinary surgeon, Monnt 11ll1l~O
Farrington William, grocer &; agent agen t, Rose collage Wes.t George, fa;rlIH~r, Li'ttle Henham
for W. &; A. Gilbey Lim. wine & Newman 'Vm. farmer, Henleys farm ""right Robert, farmer
spirit merchants Newport William Robinson, farmer & Wright Thomas, shoe maker
Foster William, shopkeeper' & heel' engineer 'k steam threshing mll- Yarrow Peter, farmer
retailer, Pledgden green chine owner, Pledgden hall
GREAT HENNY (or Heany) is a parIsh bounded on nardiston, who died in 1855; and a memorial willlluw
the east by the river Stour, which here divides the was placed in the chancel in 1871 to Miss Laura Bar-
county from Suffolk, 3 miles south from SulblLl'y st~ nardiston; the church has 200 sittings. The register
tion, and the w:harves on the river Storwr, in the Northern 'lates from the year 1695. The living is a rectory, net
division of the county, Hinckford ihund'red, SudbuTy union yearly value £184, with 60 acres of glebe and res'.dence,
and COU1'ty court district, South Hinckford petty ses- in the gift of the Earl of Verulam, and held since 1900 lIy
sienal division (Halstead bench), and in tlie rural deanery the Rev. William Bury M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford,
of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of who i!' also rector of Little Henny. }?rellerick Chat'sley
St. .AIbans. The church of St. Mary is a small building esq. of Somerton, Great Ya.rmouth, is lord of the manor.
of stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, The principal landowners are Edward Herbert Sikc.s,
naT"e, north porch, organ chamber and a westeTn tttwer Charles Brogden Sperling, of Dynes Hall, Great :'.1nple-
with spire containing 3 bells: there is a. mural tablet stea,d and Col. Nathllniel Barnardiston, of the Ryes. The
in the organ chamber to the Rev. Claude Jamineau soil is mixed loam and gravel; suhsoil, varions. The
Clarke, a former rector, d. 1833, and Sibilla, his wife, chief crops are wheat, barley anli turnips. The area is
d. 1835; and in the belfry are brasses to Thomas Crnmp, 1,028 acres of land and: 6 of water; rateable value, £765;
d. 1781; to George Golding, d. 1671; and to William the population in 1901 was 21 r.
Fisher and Anne his wife: the chancel retains its sedilia, By Local Government Board Order 16,461, March 25,
and the nave a piscina: the interior was restored and 1885, New Houses, Hi.ll and Lower Farms, were trans-
re!ieated with open benches in 1860 and a stained east ferred from this 'Parish to Twinstead..
window inserted in the chancel in memory of Mrs. Bar- Parish Clerk, Joseph Amos.
LITTLE HENNY is a parish in the same jurisdiction Wall Letter Box, Henry Mill, cleared week days at 5.30
and formerly had a small church, a portion of the ruins p.m. Letters through Sudbury arrive at 7.30 a.m.
of which is still to be seen half-a-mile north-west from Ballingdon is the nearest money order &:; Sudbury the
Great Henny church. The living is a rectory, net yearly nearest telegraph office, 2! miles distant
va,lne £50, in t.he gift of Col. N. Barnurdiston, and
atta~hed to Grea,t Henny. The Ryes, a mansion huilt lit
the beginning of the century and enlarged in 1884, is GIBLANDS is I mile east; Thorncroft, a quarter of a
pleasantly situated in a finely wooded park and is the scat mile north-east
of Col. Nathaniel Barnardiston D.L., J.P. who is lord
of the manor and principal landowner. The area is 419 National School (mixed), built in 1869, for 80 children;
acres; rateable value, £273; the population in 1901 average a,ttendance, 52; Miss Emily Bacon, mistrc~s
was 61.
GREAT HENNY. Jezard Walter, SW'lm P.R,&:; blcksmib: LITTLE HENNY.
Rouse William, farmer, Thorncroft Barnardiston Col. Nathaniel D.L., J.P.
Bury Rev. William M,A. (rector). Shave George, farm bailiff to Edward &:; Lady Florence, The Ryes
Uectory Herbert Sikes esq. Street farm Gowen Robert, farm bailiff to Col. ~.
COMMERCIAL. White William, whiting manufacturer Barnardiston, Ryes farm
AIDos Joseph &:; Henry, wheelwrights Wilson Philip Arthu.r, miller (steam &:; Nott William, farmer &:; landowner,
Carter Alfred, baker water) &:; bakery, Henny mill Gentry's farm
HEYBRIDGE is a parish and a northern suburb of ChaIlllpion-de-C'respigny 'ba.rt. J.P.. Lady :M.ilbanke,
.Maldon, on the nl()rhh bank of the river Blackwater and the who is lady of the manor, and Jeffery Grimwood Grim-
-Chelmernavigation,inrtheEastern division of the county" wood esq. J.P. of 29 Ennismore gardens, London S.W.
'Thurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional division, I are the principal landowners. The soil is light loam;
Maldon union and county court district, and in the rural subsoil, gravel. The crops are general. The area is
-deanery of Hatfield Peverel. archdeaconry of Colchester 1,'824 acres of land and 19 water; rateable value, £5, J75 ;
· and diocese of St. Albans. This place was formerly the population in 1901 was 1,687'
named" Tidwalditune" and was given to St. Paul's Cathe- Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act,
·.ciraI by King Athelstan. The church of St. Andrew is 1882," the Bull Inn &c. was transferred from Heybridge
an ancient structure of flint, in the Norman and Perpen- to Great Totham.
· dicular ,styles, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch, Parish Clerk, Richard 1rlulley.
with a very broad tower, rising but little higher than
the roof and containing 2 bells: on the north side of the Post, 1f. O. &:; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. &; Annuity, Insur-
chancel is a monument to Thomas Freshwater, of Lin- ance & Express Delivery &:; Parc'~l Post Office.-Ricbard
coIn's Inn, ob. IS March, 1638: in 1 897, a fine marble Mulley, postmaster. Lettersiihrough Maldon arrive
font was presented as a memorial to the late Rev. Thomas at 6.20 & 11.5 0 a.m. &; 2.20 &:; 4 p.m. &:; at 6.45 p.m. for
Wren, late vicar; there are 260 sittings. The register callers only; dispatched at 9 & 10.40 a.m. &:; 1.3 0, 3. 20 ,
dates from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net 6 & 9 p.m
yearly value £17 0 , with residence, in the gift of the Dean Wall Lette,r Box, Basin, cleared 6,4 0 &:; 5.30 p.m.; SUIl-
and Chapter of St. Paul's, and held ,since 1894 by the Rev. days 9 a.m .
Thomas Humphris Clark M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. Wall Letter Box, Broad Street green, cleared 8.20 a.m. &
A Cemetery comprising 2i acres of ground, was formed 3 p.m. week days only
in 1887, at a cost of £1,3°0 ; it contains a mortuary Wall Letter Box, Saltcote, cleared 8.15 a.m. & 5·0 p.m.;
chapel, and is under the control of the Parish Council sundays 8.15 a.m
Burial Committee. There is a reading room, supported Schools:-
entirely Iby E. H. Bentall and Co. and a school, erected at A School Board of 5 members was formed 24 June,
the sole expense of the late WaIter Waring esq of Maldon, 1,871 ', T. Lott, Heybrid!!e, clerk to the board', WjlJiarn
·son of a former rector. Here are the extensive iron ~
foundry and 'agricultural implement and machine manu- Cobbold, 26 Causeway, Maldon, attendance ofliccr
factories of Edward Hammond Bentall and Co. and there Iron Works, school supported by E. H. Bental1 and Co. to
are several malt houses and granaries. Charities pro- whom the building belongs; there are about 360 child-
ducing £7 12S. yearly are distributed in kind. The ren on the roll; average attendance, 320 ; William
Thomas Holmes, master; Miss Samh Jane Brown, in-
Towers, a large and elegant mansion, erected in 18 73, fants' mist'ress
· and built of ooncrete in a modern Italian style, is the .
·property and residence of Edmund Ernest Bentall Conveyance (Charles E. Williams), meets all trains at
·esq. Ohampion Lodge is the residence of Sir Claude Maldon (east) station
Belsham Lewis, Boucherns Butcher John, lime burner, see Last & Last &:; Butcher, lime burners
Belsham Oliver Daniel J.P Butcher Last Henry, ale & porter mel·chant.
Bentall Edmd. Ernest J.P.The Towers Cemetery (William Thomas Holmes, Lems Ernest, cowkeeper
'Gharnpion-de-OI-espigny Sir a.aude clerk to the burial committee) Lott Thomas, farm mngr. to Messrs.
bart. J.P. Champion lodge; &:; The Chaney Charles, Trinity pilot, Basin E. B· Bentall & Co
Nimrod ,& Sports clubs, London SW Chaney George, ship owner, Basin MaldoIl. & Heybridge Co-operative
Clark Rev. Thomas Humphris M.A. ()lark Alfred, Jolly Sailor P.E. Basin Society Lim. (Wm. Cobbold, sec)
Vicarage Clark George, shopkeeper May George & Frederick, maltsrters &
,.cocks Frederick Charles Cobbold William, assistant overseer, agent.s for Watney, Combe, Reid &;
Middleton James W school attendance officer &:; sec. to Co.'s celebrated cask & bottled ales,
Seabrooke Mrs. Elm villa Maldon &:; Heybridge Co-operative porter & stout, SaJtcote
.Smith Joseph John, The Elms Society Limited; res. 26 CUIlSOWlI)'. Minter Charles, shopkpr. & news agent
Worraker Robert Maldon Mulley Richard, baker, parish clerk et
Wren Mrs. Bridge house Cocks Frederick Charles, farmer &; postmaster, Church street
Wyatt Frederick Augustus, Moat cot miller (water), Heybridge mill Payne John. shopkeeper, Church street
COMMERCIAL. Cooper Henry S. blacksmith Pearson Ed ward. bal,er, Hall rontl
Early closing day, Wednesday. Cutts Geo. Wm. Maltsters' Arms P.H Purkiss Saml. James, shopkpr. Basin
:Alexander James, butcher Dalton Willet, tinsmith Reading Room (Wm. Howard, keeper)
Austin Fredk. Trinity 11ilot, Basin Edwards James, bric1dayer & IVhiLiu'" Sanders John Deeks, baker
Barber Alfred, builder manufacturer eo Springett Abraham, coal dealer
Belcher Charles, machinist, Hall road Eve Henry Thomas & Co. maltsters Stebbens James, trinity pilot, Basin
Belsham Isaae & Son, maltsters, coal Ford Fredk. John, Queen's Head P.H Stebbing Frank, cattle dlr. Saltcote
& oil cake merchants &:;c Freeman Josh. Half Moon inn,High st Stone WilIiam, beer retailer, Basin
Bclsham O. D. &; L. flour factors Freeman Michael, pori, hutcher Taylor William Henry, coal merchant
Bentall Edward Hammond &:; Co. iron Hanchett James, beer retailet' Turner Joseph Sam!. boot ma. Hall I'd
founders, engineers,agricultural im- Harrington Isaac Cooke, grocer Williams Charles Edwick, carriage
plement &; nut & bolt manufacturers, Hart Jas. Crown P.H.Broad Street gm builder, job master & news agent;
Heybridge works Holmes William Thos. clerk to burial all trains met at East Maldon statn
BiIIingham John, lanlldt,y, Lofts committee Woodcraft John, coal dealer, Basin
Boreham Benjamin, lJOot 1l1f1ker Homes for Motherless Childrell (~Iiel! Woodcraft William, shipwright, Basin
Brewer WaIter Gilbert, Anchor inn Clam Webb, matron), Snllnysitlo & Wybrow Richard, beer retailer
Butcher Arthnr, boat hnilllcl', llnsin Lock house
HEYDON (or Haydon)-the high down or hill-from Great Kortherru railway. formerly in Essex, was trans-
its situ3tion on a rang., ()f hills on the borders of Essex, ferred to Cambridgeshire by the "Local Government
is a parish. 6 miles east from Royston station on the Boards Provisional Confirmation (No. 14) Act, 1895."
. :HIGH BEECH, 3 miles south-east from Waltham new vicarage house was built in 1893 at a cost of £1,5°0.
Abbey, ill an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1837 from The Wesleyan mission room at Lippitt's Hill was built in
<that parish and is on the borders of Epping Forest, 2 1876 and will seat -80 persons. There are clothing and
miles north from Lo-gghton station on the Great Eastern coal clubs, the Rev. Josiah Notton M.A. being hon. secre-
railway, 3 no·rth from Chingford and about 12 from Lon~ tarv and t'l'easurer. The three almshouses, founded by
.don, in the Western division of the county, half hundred George Hall. a n-ative of this place. and Bishop of Chester
.of Waltham,Edmonton union.Waltham Abbey county court 1662-8, and the son of Joseph Hall D.D. successively
district, and in the Metropolitan police district, and is in Bishop of Exeter (1627) and Norwich (rlitl-61) and for
the rural deanery of Chigwell, archdea~onry of Essex and some time incumbent of Waltham Abbey, were pulled
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Paul, disused down in 1890 and the proceeds devoted to the l'epair of
,for some time, was finally removed and superseded, the almshouses in WaItham Abbey: in 1882 four alms-
'by an Order in Council, Dec. 2nd, 1884. by the new houses were erected in Mott .street by tlhe late T. C.
church of the Holy Innocents, all rights and emolu- Baring esq. M.P. for the reception of four necessitous
cnents attached to the ancient church being transferred persons of both sexes belonging to this parish. High
to the new. Holy Innocents' church, picturesquely Beech Hill was visited by H. M. the late Queen Victoria,
situated in the forest, and erected at the cost of the ~ay 6th, 1882, when Epping Fore~1J was declared to be
1ate Thomas Charles Baring esq. M.P. who died in 1891, open to the publio for ev'ea', and a tre.E~ was planted to oom:.
was opened in 1873 and consecrated in 1883: it is a cruci- memorate the event. vVallsgrove House, the seat of
101'00 edifice of stone, in the Gothic style, from designs by H. H. J. Ba,ring esg. is pleasantly situated in a park of
the late Sir A.W.Blomfield ~r..A.., A.B..A., F.S.A. architect, 20 acres. The area is 1,500 acres, and the population in
of London, and consists of apsidal chancel, nave, transepts, r8g1 wa.s 548.
south porch and a north-west tower with octagonal spire Sexton, Ernest Hunt.
,containing a clock and 13 bells. played hy machinery; Post Office. M'l's. Elizaheth Salmon, sub-postmistress.
the chancel windDws, all of which are stained. were the Letters dispatched at 8,40 a.m. 12 & 4 p.lll. week days
gift of the late T. ,C. Baring esq.: a memorial window only. Letters arrive at 18 & '10.15 a.m. & 8 p.m.
was inserted in 1,893 hy Mrs. Baring in memory of her through Loughton S.O. Postal orders are issued here,
husband, T. C. Baring esq. M.P. and there is another to but not paid. Loughton, 2 miles distant, is the nearest
Mrs. Baring and her children; thet'e a,re 247 sittings: a money order & telegraph office
ilych gate WfLS erected in 1898 to the memory of the la le
Mr. and Mrs. Arrowsmith of this parish. 'l'he register Wall Letter Box, Church street·, cleared. 8.45 a.m. 12
-of baptisms and marriages dates from the year] 837 and noon & 4.5 p.m. week days' only
that for burials from 1884. The living is a vicarage, net National School (mixed), built in 1881-2, by the late
.'Yearly value £213, with l'esidellce, in the gift of the Thomas Charles Baring esq. D.L., J.P. for 100 child-
Bishop of St. Alhal1s, and held since 1865 hy the Uev. ren; average attendance, 63; John Titt, master; Miss
Josiah Norton M.A. of St. John's COllege, Cambridge. A Susannah Ellen Hunt" mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Co1e George, farmer, Avey Lane farm Hunt Sarah (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Vine-
Baring Harold Herman John, Walls- Convalescent Home (Mrs. Brentol\) yard cottage
grove house (Miss Florence Anstruther, matron), J udd Joon, blacksmith
Beevers Henry, Lippitt's lodge Sun trap Langdon James Henry, The Owl P.H.
Brenton Henry S. Manor house Ellwood Harriet (Mrs.). refslnDn t.l'JlIS Lippitt's hill
Bridges nlOmas C. Manor coLlage Goulding Amelia (Mrs.). Dnl,e of Wel- Odell Charles, farmer, Carrols farm
-Carter Richard Samuel, Torwood lingon P.H (letters through Chingford)
-eurtis Edwin Richard, The Cottage Gnmprecht George Louis, King's Paul William & Son, nurserymen
Davies Waiter, The Laurels Oak hotel Potter Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer
Devoy Mrs. Beaulieu Gumpre·cht Louis·. refreshment roollls Potter Henry, waggonette proprietor
Hart Edward Burrell, Arabian house High Beech Clothing &; Coal Club Turpin's cave
McGregor Malcom Montague,TheFirs, (Rev. Josiah Norton M.A. hon. Reading Room (John Titt, librarian),
Mott· street sec. &; treas) . ~ott street
Norton Rev. Josiah M.A. Vicarage High Beech Cricket Club (A. J. Riggs William. refreshment rooms
Wigmore Wm. Edwd. Aldergruv6 10 Edwards esq. D.L., J.P. capt.; Roddick George" ,farmer, Springfield
Horace Norton esq. sec) house, Lippitt's hill
COM:HERCIAL. Hind Wm. hoot mal,er, Mott slreet Salmon Solomon, shopkeeper, Rose cot
:Bartholomew Edward, Tefreshment Hunt Charles, llhoe maker, Mott street Sawyer Arthul', tea. gardens, Ivy cot
house, Forest side Hunt George, shoe maker, Clematis Spiers Towzer. tea gardens. nl/lIher-
Bryun Edward, apartments cottage, Mott street ville retreat
But.t .Sydney, forest keeper. Oak villas Hunt John, jun. builder, Mott street Stone In. & Alfd. frmrs. Lippill's hill
• XIGHWOOD is a hamlet and ecclesiastical district of the ecclesiastical parish is 3,400 acres, and the popu~
formed Oct. 29, 1875, from the parish of Writtle, from tation in 19CH was 63'2.
which place it is 2~ miles south-west, 5 miles west-south- tiexton, Highwood, James Skingley.
west from Chelmsford and 4 miles north from Ingate": Post, M. 0 & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
iltone station on the Great Eastern railway, in the Mid Post. S. B. .& Annuity & Insurance Office.-Jmnes Mill-
division of the county. Chelmsford hundred, petty bank Wood, sub-postmaste·r. Letters throngh Chelms-
ilBssional division, county court district and union. and in ford arI"ive at .8.40 a.m.; dispatched at 5.40 p.m.; no
'the rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex sunuay delivery or collection
'8Ud diocese of St. .A.lbans. The church of St. Paul.
(lrected in 1842 as a chapel of ease to Writtle, is a plain Wall Letter Box, Cooks Mill green, cleared at 10 a.m. &
building of brick consisting of small chancel, nave, west 6 p.m
porch and a wes-tern turret containing one bell: the Schools : -
stained east window together with a tablet on the south Board, under Writtle School Boa,rd (mixed), built· in
wall of the chancel, were placed in Nov. 1894, as 1835, for 100 children; average attendance. 86
memorials to Robert Poole Barlow, d. Sept. 12th, 1892, National, Radley Green, built in 1'871, for' 70 childT'en;
by Robel't Nathaniel aud Christine Barlow: there are average attendance, 50; Miss F. Lydia Quare, mistress
300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1842.
Th~ living is a vicarage, net yearly value £103, with Carrier to &; from Chelmsford.-J. Bowyer, Cooks Mill
residence, and held since 1882 by the Rev. Henry Milward Green, tues. & fri
Burgess M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. The area
PRlVATE nEsIDE~TS. COMMERCIAL. Flack Alfred, farmer
(Letters for CooOks Mill Green I1C\- Blanks Charles & Joseph, blacksmiths Gandy John, farmer, Eusens farm
livered from the 'Writtlc omce, HiI,l- Bowyer Joseph, carrier &; shoe maker, Grove GeOl'ge William, Green Man
ley Green letters through Ingale- Cooks Mill Green P .H. Edney green
,stone &.S.O) Bucknell Hy. farmer, Almswich frm Hichens T'homas, farmer, Brain woods
Barnes Arthur O. Writtle Park Bucknell 1Villiam,farmer,Fithler's hall Horsnell Josepb, farmer, Montaglle's
Barrow Albert Boyce, Kings court Burr John, farmer, Writt.e Park Hug-hes William Baker, farmer, Gen-
Burgess Rev. Henry Milward M.A. Cave Wm. farmer. Eton lodge tleman's farm, Cooks :Mill Gl'een '
Vicarage Day William, bailiff to M. Straight, Limmer Joseph. farmer, Monks &>
Oooper Ernest Ed'wd. Cooks Mill Grn esq. Butterfields farm Burrows
Haynes-Cave William, Eton lodge Eve George Edward, farmer, Childs Maylon Geo. shopk'pr. Cooks Mill Grn
Woods Rev. George (Congregational), & Phillips Metson Benj. Adams, frmr. Wards fro.
Cooks Mill Green Eve James, farmer, Jordans Quare Alfred,wheelwright, Radley Grn
Itadford William, farmer, Barrow frm Self Frederick James, Cock p.n Wilkinson Geo. farme:r, Radley Green
Reeve Henry, cowkeeper, 'Edney Grn Staines George Watson, farmer, Gor- Withers 'Villiam Georgc, Star iun,
Scott Josiah, police constable . rall's farm Cooks Mill green
Smith Thomas, farmer, The Hands, Westwood William, Fox & Goose P.B. Wood James Millbank,shoplipr.Post off
Blackmore(letters thro' Ingatestone) Cooks Mill Green

HOCXLEY (or Hockleigh) is a parish and ancient proving unsuccessful, is now disused. Whitbreads is the
village, on a hill near the valley of the river Crouch, residence of Mrs. Tawke. G. E. Dig'by esq. is lord of
about a mile and a half south fu'om that river, on the the manor. The principal landowners are Lord Rayleigh,
road from Billericay to Rochford, with a station on the Spencer Phillips, A. C. W. Hobman and J'oseph Neville-
Southend line of the Great Eastern railway, 4 miles Hine esqrs. '.fhe soil is red loam; subsoil, red I()um_
north-west from Hochford and 9 north-west from South- The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and peas. 'l'l\e-
end, in the South Eastern division of the county, Roch- area is 4.475 acres of land, 3 of water, 74 of tidal watel"
ford hundred, petty sessional division and union, and 157 of fores'hoT'e; rateable value, £5,I60; the popu-
Southend county court district, and in the rural lation in 1901 was 902.
deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex Bnd diocese
of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter, conspicuously At HULL BRIDGE, 3 miles north from the village, are-
placed on a hill, is supposeti to have been founded by wharves and a ferry across the Crouch, where the rivel'
Oanute the Great and Turketil, in memory of the victory is fordable at low water; the remains of aD ancien.
gained over Edmund Ironside at Ashingdon, in this neigh- bridge are still in exist.ence; here also is a brickfield.
bourhood, in 1016: it is an edifice of rubble stone, in Parish Clerk, Wil1iam West.
the Transitional style, and consists of chancel, nave, Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Oflke~
north aisle, separated from the nave by an arcade of -William Clements, sub-postmaster. (Sub-Officer
three bays, south porch and a low but massive octagonal letters should have S. O. Essex added.) Letters arrive
embattled tower, with a shingled spire, and containing 3 at 9.20 a.m ; dispatched at 9.40 a.m. 1.30, 6,30 & CP
bells: the church plate includes 8 chalice of the time of p.m. The nearest telegraph oilice is at Bayleigh, 3-
William and Mary: the ancient Norman font has been miles distant
restored: there are 180 sittings. The registers of bap- .A SohooI Boaird of five members W31S formed 4 !May ,1881 ;.
tisms and burials date from 1732; marriages, 1757. Charles Ernest Judd, Rayleigh, attendance officer -&i.
'fhe living is a vica,rage, net )'early value LI70' with clerk to the board
residence and 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of Board School (mixed), est.ablished in 1881, for ISO child-
the Warden and Fellows of Wadham College, Oxford, and ren; average attendance, 100; Thomas Day, master
held since 1893 by the Rev. Samuel Maude M.A. of Wad- Board School, Hull Bridge (mixed), opened at Easter~
ham College, Oxford. Here is also a Wesleyan Methodist Ig02, for 120 children; average attendance, 42; Oharles
chapel. A medicinal spring was discovered: h.ere about H. SneIgar, master
1842, and a pump-room with baths was erected, but, Railway Station, William Hayden,stat-ion. master

Atkinson Charles How8rd Ilr'own El'nllSt, farmer Hood Edwin 'V. grocer &c
Baker Frederick Manley Bysonth George, builder Horslin Sarah (:Mrs.), confectioner
Baker Samuel Sidney Clements WilliJam, post oflice Horslin Thomas, carpenter
Balfour Mrs. Blount·s CokeI' Al'thnr Thomas, Anchor inll; Howard & Rutrell, huilders, con-
Evans John' good accommod'ation &c. for travel- tradors, decorators, pape1"hangers,.
Fish Mrs. Egremon t lers & cyclists, Hull bridge wl'iters & gl'uiners, sanitaly engi-
Cooper Ernest, butcher
Forem,an BerneI' Allan, 2 Glencoc vilIa 11 neel'S & undertakers; timber, lime
Hale Oonstantine Bernard Cooper Robert, farmer &c. carman & & cement supplied; estimates given.
Harrington Charles cartage contractor; builders' sand: & for all kinds of work; address
Harrison Charles, I Glencoe villas ballast supplied " S.O "
Robman .Alfred Christr. Wm.Wadham Day Thomas, schoolmaster, clerk III Key Harah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper~
Lowe Neville Syer, Folly farm the parish council &; to the parochial Hull bridge
Mason William James charities Lark Charles, Spa hotel, & coal dealer
Maude Rev. Samuel M.A. Vicarage Dinn Hobert Barnabas, farmer, Bee- :MansfieJd &. Byford, brick & tile mas
Offin Thomas WiIliam hive farm Merryfield George, cattle dealer
Quittington Richard Dunn Charles WiIliam,police consta).>lo Moss Benjamin, farmer
Scarsbrook Frederick Farthing Joshua, nurseryman ~ewton Frank Howard, estate agpnt
Smith Edwin Fears J·ason F.R.H.S. nurseryman, NOJ'l'is Annie Georgiana (Mrs.), baker
Squire Ernest florist &; fruit grower, Pond Chase! Ogden Edwin J. carman
Tawke Mrs. Whitbreads nursery Os1>all<l Rhoda (:Mrs.), Bull inn
1'uylor John B Gilson Samuel James, butcher })each Bessie (Miss), costumier
Wandless John Robt. NorLlll1ll1bdll Gurney 1'homas, draper _ Sa vage Alfred-, nursel'yman
Williams John, Tresasion IIarvey Stephen, chairman of the sehI. Seed William, farmer
board &; parish council & farmer, Sprent Sidney Leonard, grocer
COMMEBCIAL. Kin~man's farm St,one George Thomas,shopkeeper
Baker Sam Sidney J.P. farmer &; lanl1· Hart Francis, shopkeeper Unwin William James, fruit gl"O\Ver~
owner, Bull Wood house Hobman Alfred, brick, tile & chimney Oaldand nursery
Balfollr Fredk. D. farmer, mOllnts pot manufacturer (bricks, stocl,s &; Welby Alfred, farmer, Rockley han
Barnes John, builder reds; tiles & pottery), Hull bridge West William, blacksmith

GREAT HOLLAND is a village and parish, near the gift of trustees, and held since 1887 by the Rl'iv. Frank-
sea coast and a brook coming down from Tendring, called Beadel M.A. of, Trinity College, Cambridge. There is &'
«the Holland Brook," a. mile and a half south from Wesleyan chapel. erected in 1891, with 50 sittings. Near
Kirby statiou on the Tendring Hnndred branch of the the mouth of the small brook between the parishes of'
Great Eastern railway, 4 miles sonth-west from Walton Great and Little Holland are some marshes. Holland"
steamboat pier, 16 south from Harwich and 16 south- Haven is near the sluice-gate. Frederick Beaumont esq.
east from Colchester, in the North Eastern of Coggeshall, i~ lord of the manor, Greenwich Hos-
division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty pit,al, General Williams, E. Wilson esg. Prospect Hill,
sessional division and union, Harwich county court Walthamstow, Henry Grimwade esg. Richard Powelr
district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, Illrchdeaconry of Col- Cooper esg. of Shenstone Court, nea.r Lichfield, the-
chester and diocese of St. AIbans. Tne church of All Corporat,ion of Harwich and Miss Beckwith are the chief
Saints was entirely rebuilt in 1866 on the old foundations landowners. The .soil in one part of the parish is loamy;
in the Early English style, from the designs of the late subsoil, principally clay, and! in the other part there is'
Sir Arthur W. Blomfield kt. M.A., A.B.A., F.S.A. at a a light clay soil, with a subsoil of gravel. The chief crop!;
oost of £2,200, principally furnished by the Rev. Richard are wheat, oats, barley, beans and peas. The ar~ is 12,'148'
Joynes B.D. late rector (1861-87) and consists of chancel, acre'S of :Land, 7 of water andi 18 of fOll'eshOll'e'; mteable-
nave of four bays, north aisle, south porch, vestry and a value, £2, I&8; the population- in 1901 was 41'3 in the civiL
massive embattled tower of brick, containing 2 bells: and 4I8 in the eccl!!siastical parish in r89!.
the east window is stained and was presented by the late By Local Government Board Order 22,331, March z4~
rector at the restoration: there are 200 sittings. The 1888, Frinton Lodge was transferred from Frinton to this:
register of burials dates from 1539; baptisms, 1542; parish.
marriages, 1547. The living is a rectory, net yearly
value £466, with 60 acres of glebe and residence, in the Parish Clerk, Albert BJford.
Post & M. O. 0., S. B. k Annuity &; Insurlmce Office.- Wall Letter Box, The Green, cleared at 9·5 a.m. 5.45 p.m.
John Crampin, sub-postmaster. Lett-ers through Col- &; 10.5 a.m. sundays
chester, via Kirby Oross, arrive at 7.30 a.m. &; 5.30 Na.tional School (mixed), built in 1.862 & enlarged in 1900,
p.m.; dispatched at 9 a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; sundays at for 120 children; average attendance, 70; George
10 a.m. The nearest telegraph offiee is at Frinwn-on- Beech, master
Sea, 2 miles distant
Beadel Rev. Frank M.A. (rector), Fletcher & Lawrence, seedsmen, Hol· Pamment J ames, tailor
Rectory- land house Pyke Harnet (Mrs.), miller (wind &.
Beech George Francis James, carpenter steam) &; baker
Beckwith Miss, The Cottage Giles Edwin, farmer, Lower farm P~'ke Henry Arthur, aSlSistant overseer'
Green Arthur, boot, maker &; clerk to the parish council
COMMERCIAL. Green WaIter Proctor, farmer, Ratcliff Hemy, blacksmith
Baker Frederick William, farmer, Hall Manor & Beckwith farms Stannard Jonathan, coal merchant
Barron Mis>s, farmer, Beseys farm Hale William, farmer, Dairy farm Wake George Jas. nurseryman, Th&
Bowden Thomas Lyle, Ship inn Low Arthur Ambrose, farmer, Larges Rosery
Byford Albert, parish clerk Lubbock Thomas Benjamin, saddler Woodgate Anthony, Lion inn
Crampin John, shopkeeper, Post office Messent Francis, farmer, The Lodge

LITTLE HOLLAND is a parish, lying on the coast descended in succession to Thomas, Lord Cromwell and
between GI'eat Clacton and Frinton, with Great Holland the Darcy and Rivers families. T'be living is a vicarage.
adjoining it on the north-east; it is in the North united to that of ,Great Clacton, joint net yearly value
Eastern division of the COlliIlty, Tend'ring hundJred, petty £200, in. the gift of the Church Pwtronage Society, and
sessional division and union, Harwich county court district, ,held 'Since 1891 by the Rev James Silvester M.A. of
rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester Worcester College, Oxford, who resides at Great Clacton
and diocese of St. Albans. The coast here rises into vicarage. Edwin Joseph Gilders, of Clacton-on-Sea, is.
cliffs. Many thousand acres of land drain into Holland lord of the manor. D. C. Preston esq. of The Hall, Dul-
brook, which passes through Tendring, Weeley, Thorpe wich, London S.E. is the principal 1andowne.r. The soil
and Clacton and has its outlet here-where a sluice-house is of a light nature; subsoil,gravel and light sand. 'I'he
and expensive works are erected to facilitate the outfall. chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. rJ.ihe area of the
About Il miles of coast is kept up by commissioners parish is 647 acres of land, 50 of watoer and 69 of fore-
appointed under a local Act of Parliament, who meet shore; rateable value, £488; the population in 1901
once a year on Easter Tuesday to inspect the works wa,s 8 I.
and make rates for the maintenance of the coast Letters through Colchester, via Great Clacton, arrive at
defences; and a sum of £8,000 has been expended in 8 a.m. The nearest money order &; telegraph office is
facing the wall WIth Kentish rag stone. Edwin Giles at Great Claclon, 2 miles distant
of Little Holland Hall, is treasu1"elI' to the Commissioners. School Board of 5 members for the united district of
The marshes are very extensive and abound in wild-fowl. Great Clacton &; Little Holland, formed 19 Aug. 1892;
On the Hall estate, near the sea, are the remains of the Charles Edwardi White Eyethrope, Wellesley road,.
old church, but nothing is left of any architectural value; Claction-on-Sea, clerk to the board; Waiter O. Bareham,.
in Camden's time this church was one mile from the sea Little Claown, attendance officer
and formerly belonged to the Priory of St. Osyth; after The children of this parish attend the school at Great
the supprE'ssion of the priory, the rectory and tithes Clacton
Ellis William Cutting, farmer, Kent's farm
Giles Edwin, farmer, Hall &; Bennett's farms
IGould Joseph, beer retailer
GREAT HORXESLEY is a pa,rish, sepUlrated fIXml piscina in the south wall. The charities are now (1902) 01
Suffolk by the river Stour, 4 miles north from Colchester kJ,~ yea,rly value, arising from a messuage and lands~
station and 5 from the town, in the North-Eastern called" English," in Elmsted, left in 1'509 by John Guyon~
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and and from a charity left in 1564 by Thorna,s Love, of Little
Winstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester HOl'ke-sley. The Great Horkesley Club Room, opened in
county court district, rural deanery of Dedham, arch- 1878 and enlarged in 11880 and 1887. is a plain brick
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The building, formerly a Primitive Methodist chapel, and is
ancient church of All Saints is a building of stone in the also used as a parochial library; there were in 1902 200
late Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of members,who elect a oommittee of management annually;
five bays, north aisle, south porch and an embattled the pl'operty is vested in two trnstees. Hork~sley Park il;;
western tower containing 6 bells: there is a. memorial the residence of Commander Edward BUl'ringtoll PUl'vis
window to Dr. William Ward, formerly Bishop of Sodor Kelso R.N., D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor The
and :Man (1828-38), and others to the Rev. David principal landowners are- Earl Cowper KG., P.C. WilliaffiJ
Fl'ederick Markham, rector of Great Horkesley from 1'833; Nocton esq. of Langham Hall, Messrs. J. Pertwee, Henry
the Rev. John Balfour Magenis, rector of Great Horkesley and William Halls, W. MacandTew esq. W. C. Hawkins
1'853-62, and t,o children of the Rev. John Steel M.A. and Miss Lawson. The soil is mixed loam; subsoil, part
curate here, 1863-69, and a monument to the Rev. J. gravel and pail't clay. The chief crops are wheat, bar~ey,
Morse M.A. prebendary of Lichfield and Hereford and oatoS, turnips and mangold wurtzel. The ·area is 3,176.
14 years redor of this parish, d. 22 March, 1746; there acres of land and 8 of water; rateable value, £3,3'2'8; the
are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. populati'OIli in 1901 was 758.
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £397, with 47 Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act,
acres of glehe and residence, in the gift of Earl Cowper 1882," a part of Bergholt Road has been transferred
K.G., P.C. and beld since 1876 by the Rev. John Storr
RA of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, who is also from Little Horkesley to Great Horkesley.
vicar of Little Horkesley and rural dean of Bedham. Sexton, Thomas Wilby.
There is a chapel of ease, the property of Mrs. Steel, of Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Oftice.-
Hunold, Bedford'shire, in which services are conducted by Samuel Garrad, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
the rector on Sunday evenings. Here is also an ancient through Colchester at 4. 1 5 a.m. &; 11 a.m.; dispatched<
chantry, now converted into a cottage, but originally at 2.25 &; 8.5 p.m. The nearest telegraph offices ar8'
founded and endowed by John Falcon, with lands and M'l E d &; N 1 d . d' t t il
tenements still called" Priests' lands": the east window 1e n ay an , eqUl- IS an 2 m es
is now blocked; the buttresses are of good character; National Schools (mixed), built in 1873, for 148 children;.
the wood work of the roof still remains and there is a average attendance, lIO; Charles Vickery, master
Hawkins Charles E. W. Old house Bacon John,, Brewood IlaU Lilley Abraham, butcher
Kelso Com. Edward Barrington Barber Joseph, farmer, Coveney farm Maskell George B. farmer, Tile house-
Pnrvis R.N•• D.L., J.P. Horkesley Bradbrook Jas. Wm. farmer,White pk Nevard Edward John, grocer
park Bruce Mrs. Thomas, farmer Page Herbert, farmer &; cattle dealer,.
Searfe Albert, The Grove Cansdale George. .hoe maker Ridgnalls farm
Schrader Mrs. Altyre house Chamberlain William, nurseryman & Partridge George, farmer, Spring frm:
Simmonds Parcy, Causeway cottage timber merchant Parochial Club (Rev. John Storr, hon_
Storr Rev. John RA. (rector &; rural Garrad Samuel, shopkeeper, post ofi' sec.; Joseph Studd, librarian)
dean), Rectory Halls Henry,farmer & poultry breeder, Patten Frederick, cattle dealer
Terrace hall Rose Pearl, cattle dealer, Mill house-
COMHEllCIAL. Halls \Villiam, farmer, Black Brook Smith Benj. farmer, Woodhouse frm
Allen Edgar, farmer, The Laurels Hill Arthur, Crown inn Smith Harry, Yew Tree inn
Smith John, farmer Studd Joseph, carpenter Warren John, butcher
Stow 1Villiam, farm bailiff to W. Vale James, beer retailer & baker Wyncoll George, farmer, Lodge fa.rm
Macandrew esq Ward lssac, jun. blacksmith
LITTLE HORXESLEY is a parish, 4 miles north !ISO, by Robert Fitz Godebold and Ileatrix his wife and
uom Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul; the revenues ap the
county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree union and Dissolution were £27 7s. IId. Horkesley Hall, a spacious
petty sessional division, Colchester county court district, mansion in the Classic style, built in r828 on the site
rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester of the seat of the Swynborne family, stands in grounds
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of SS. Peter and beautifully laid lout, and is at present (r902) unoccupied.
Paul, erected in the r5th century, is an edifice of stone WesiJwood House, the seat of WilLiarn Macandrew esq.
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, J.P. is a noble mansion in the Tudor style, standing in
south aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower a park of 72 acres: the and pleasure grounds
containing 5 bells and a clock: a vestry and organ cover I<I acres. The mOl'tgagees of the late Thomas
cllamber were added in 1878 and the church thoroughly Bourdillon esq. who are lords of the manor, "William
restored at a cost of between £2,000 and £3,000: there Nocton esq. of Langham Hall, and WiIliam Macandrew
are 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1568, esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is loam;
but has been inaccurately kept. The living is a vicar- subs«>il, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans
age, net yearly value £63, in the gift of tlhe mortgagees and turnips. '1'he area is 1,023 acres j rateable valne,
of the late Thomas Ilourdillon esg. and held since 1897 £996; the population in 1901 was 16r.
by.the Rev. John Soorr RA. who is also recto.r of ~nd Under the pi'ovisions of the "Divided Parishes Act,
reSIdes at ~r~at Horkesley. Thomas If>ve, of thIS parIsh, 1882," a part of Bergholt Road has been transferred from
gave by WIll III 15 64 the sum of £120 ID trust to Thomas thi . h to Great H kesle .
Rich, of Lexden, with which he should buy a parcel of land s pans or y.
and distribu~e the rent at Shrovetide amongst the poo~ of Post Office.-Mrs. EIiza Southernwood, sub-postmistress.
Great and Little Horkesley, Boxte~, Langham, W~rmmg- Letters arrive through Colchester at 4.30 a.m.; dis-
ford, Fordham Tedham, Lexden, West. Bergholt, .:Nayl~d. patched at 6 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, hut
Mount Ilures and Hedley; the charIty f~r t~s ,ParIsh not paid. '1'he nearest telegraph &. money ordel' olnce
now amounts to about· £13 yearly, and IS distrIbuted is a,t Nayland 2 miles distant
among the poor. Here was formerly a priory of Cluniac '
monks belonging to the monastery of Thetford, said to Parish School built in 1870, &; re-opened in 1894, for
bave been founded in the time of King Stephen, circ. 40 children; average attendance, 35; Miss Bl'eweJ', misb
Macandrew Wm. J.P. Westwood house Hayward William .T. Ileehive P.H Munson Arthur, farmer, Vinesse farm
COMMEROJAL. Howlett Henry, frmr. Up. Dairy farm Smith Eustace, farmer, Gladwins farm
Earker Fredk. Wm. Walnut Tree inn Lucas Daniel, farmer
1I0RNCHURCH is a large village and parish, on the these consist of six cottages for boys and five for girls.
road from Romford. to Upminster, and bounded on the each arranged to hold 30 children, who are under the
east and west by the rivers lngrebourn and Rom, with care of foster parents, and there are also two cottages
a station on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, specially built for such children as could not, on medical
:3 miles north-west, and the junction of the line to Rom- grounds, be received into the homes; the buildings in-
lord and 14 from London. The parish is in the Romford elude a school (part of which is used as a chapel),
division of the county, Romford petty ses-sional division, bakery, laundry and various workshops: the entrance
union, and county court district, and in the rural deanery block is' used as a probationary abode, in which children,
(Jf Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. after admission, remain for 14 days, previous to their
Albans. Th~ village is lighted with gas supplied from being permanently located in one of the homes: the
Romford. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient buildings occupy an area of 14 acres, and the e!!tato in.
building of stone in the Early Decorated and Perpen- cludes an aUached fal'm of 70 acres. A priory, dedicated
<licular styles, consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, to St. Nicholas and St. Bernard, subordinate 1,0 the
aisles, north poorch and a large embattled western tower hospital of Monte Jom, in the diocese of 8edun or
with a turret and spire, the whole rising to a height of 120 8yon, in Savoy, was founded here in the reign of Henry
feet and containing a clock and 8 bells, 6 of which wnm H. and afterwards had attached to it, c. 1245, by Peter,
recast in 1778. 2 being added in 19°1: 1Ihe chancel was Earl of Savoy, the Savoy Palace in the Strand, London:
l'estored in 1869 and a stained east window erected as a the revenues of this cell being seized with other priories
memorial to Thomas ~Iashiter esC}. of HOl'nchurch Lodge. alien were purchased by lVilliam of Wykeham, bishop
d. r8fY.l; and I,here are five othel's: the chancel JI<l1l a of Winchester, and by him given to New College, Oxford,
reredos of carved stone, a piscina and sedilia; on the of which, in 1380, he was the founder. Great Nelmes,
nortlh wall of the tower is a curiollsly carved marblo an ancient mansion of stone, situated in a park of about
tablet to Thomas Witherings eSl}. ohief postmaster of S0 acres, on the outskirts of the village, and the property
Great Dritain, ob. 1651: the church ,vas restol'cd in of Il. Harding Newman esq. is the residence of Louis
v871, at a cost of about £2,000, and again in 1900, at a Sinclair esq. M.P. and was once occupied by Thomas
further cost of £900, and there are 500 siLtings. 'rhe Witherings esq. chief postmaster of Great Britain. Grey
register, which is in good condition, dates from the yeal' Towers, a castellated mansion in the style of the 12th
157'6. 'l'lJe living is nominally a vicarage, hut is rather century, standing in a. park of about SO acres at the
in the nature of 11 chapla,incy, exempt from ecclesiastical entrance to the village, is the seat of Lt.-Col. Henry
jU'l'i"sdiction, net year'ly value £450, with residence, in Rolmes D.L., J.P.: there is a finely decorated entrance
the gift of the Warden and Fellows of New Collegll, Ox. hall and staircase of black and white marble, with a
ford, who grant the vicar what is tel'Jlled "a lease," l\nd ceiling of carved oak and a good stained window on the
held since 1902 by the Rev. Herhert .Tohn Dale M.A. of landing at t,he top of the staircase. Great Langtons,
Ne~ College, Oxford. The Baptist chapel, ereded at a a brick mansion, standing in a small park, is the seat of
<lost of £840, and opened Sept. 21, 18182, is an edifice of Varco Williams eSI}. HOl'llcllUI'dh I.odge, a lllansion of
brick with stone dressings and occupies a site given by brick, standing in 11 park of about 30 acres, with hand.
Mr. J. A. Abraham, of Upminster; it will .sest 220 per- some pleasure gl'ounds, adjoins the h~gh road, and is the
sons. Here are manufactories for agricultural imple- property of Edward Thomas Mashiter esq. and resi-
ments; and brewing and maltin~ are carried on. There dence of Mrs. Fenner. Mrs. Mclntosh, of Havering
are several small charities, producing in all about Park, is lady of the manor. The soil is of a light
£220 yearlj', and now in the hand. of the Charity Com- nature; subsoil, gravel. The area is 6.767 acres of
missioners. Ther9 IS also a charity left by Mrs. Massu, arable grass and marsh lands and 155 water; rateable
for ten aged poor who have never' accepted parochial value, £37,9'28; the popllla,tion in 1901I was 6,40r.
relief, aach receiving £6 2S. yearly; Bnd another charity including 420 in Shoreditch Workhouse schools.
founded by Mrs. Hyde, for apprenticing two poor boys .
from Hornchurch and one from Romford yearly. Three HAROLD WOOD is a hamlet, 3 miles north,with a station
almshouse3, left by Henry Appleton, 1587' were rebuilt on the main line of the Great Eastern railway to Col-
in 1838 and are occupied by old panshioners. Two chester and Ipswich. Here is an iron church, built
()thers, left by John Pennant, in 1597, were restored by in 1871, and seating 300 persons. The Rev. Leopold Henry
Thomas Mashiter esq. in 1837 and are also tenanted by Bruhl has been curate in charge since 1896. At, IIaJ'old
(Jld parishioners. The Volunteer Drill Hall was erected Court is a brancll of the Essex County Asylum for 65
by subscription at a cost of £400 for the H company of male patient::>. There is also a factory for making
the 1st Volunteer Ilatt. Essex Regiment. The Children's fireworks.
Cottage Homes here, erected in 1890 by the Guardians of
lihe parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, compr.jses 11 serills ARDLEIGH GREEN is a hamlet, 1~ miles north.
of double-fronted cot.tages for the childl'en of that parish:
HAVERING WELL is a hamlet, I mile west and half at 7.30 &; 10.40 a.m. 4.45 & 8·45 p.m.; sunday, 7.30
a mile south of Romford. a.m. 'Vall Letter Dox at Hay Green deared at 8 a.m.
& 5.15 & 8' 'Vall Letter Dox at Ardleigh Green
SOUTH HORNCHURCH is a part of the parish, ex- cleared at 8,30 & IO ..fS a.IlI. & 6,30 &; 7.45 p.lJ1. Wall
tending to the banks of the River Thames and adjoining Letter Box at Avenue Toad cleared at 9.10 a. m. &;
Raillham station on the Tilbury and Southend railway. 8.15 p.m
There is a reading room here. Schools.
The City of London Rifle ranges are here, and adjoin
Rainham. A School Board of 5 members was formed 29 Mar. 1889;
Pillar Letter Box cleared 7.30 &:, 10.15 a.m. &:, 6.15 p.m. ; Wm. Smith, North street, RomforJ, clerk to the board
not on sunday Board, late National, erected in 1855; average attendance,
Parish Clerk and Sexton, Charles Fell. 3-10; Frede-l'ick Jenvey, master; Miss M. Dent,oll,
Post, M. O. &:, T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Annuity, In- mistress; Miss E. Bentall, infants' mistress -
surance, Express Delivery &:, Parcel Po-st Office, Horn- Board, Park lane, erected in 1893 at a. cost of £3,759, for
church.-Thomas Betts, postmaster. Letters arrive 400 children; average attendance, 390; W. H. l'almer,
from Romford at 4.55 & 10 a.m. & 3.45 p.m.; dis- master; Mrs. E. Mayer, mistress; Mrs. Bnrgess, in.
• patched at 11.10 a.m. 1.10, 7.23 & 9.20 p.m.; first. fants' mistress
delivery com-mences at 6 a.m Board (Harold Wood), lately National, built in the year
Post, M. O. &:, T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Annuity, Insurance, 1885, at a cost of £560, for 140 child'l'en; average
Express Delivery &:, Parcel Post Office, Harold tVood. attendance, II2; F. Uose, master
-:Miss Caroline Joscelyne, postmistress. Letters arrive South Hornchurch, \Vood lane (infants), huilt in 1864;
via Romford at 8 &:, 7.30 p.m. &:, aTe dispatched at 10.30 average attendallce, 65; H. J. Harris, mast,tB'; Mis~
a.m. &6.10 &:, 9 p.m.; sundays, 9.19 a.m Sarah MaI'garet \Veedon, mistress
Wall Letter Box at Dutts Green cleared 8 &:, 10.30 a.m.
& 4.20 & 9 p.m.; sunday, ,8 a.m. Pillar Letter Boxes, Railway Stations.
near Church &:, Hornchnrclllane, cleared l'espectivcly Ill. Harold Wood, Frederick Flegg, station master
10·300 a.m. 1.5 & 7,20 p.m.; sunday, 7.20 p.m. & 9 a.lIl. Hornchurch, WaIter Wallace, station mastel'
J!;r, 6.15 p.m.; sunday, 7 a.m. Wall Letter llox at Oot. Carrier to London.-Walter Dale (to the 'Saracen's
tage Homes cleared II.5 a.m. 1.30 &:, 7·30 p.m.; sunday, Head,' 5 Aldgate), on tues. thurs. &; sat. returning
7.30 p. m. Wall Letter Box at ]~merson Parlt cleared same davs

(For other names in this parish see Hill Charles 'rhomas, Excelsior villa, 'rhompson Fredorick William, Denny
Parkstone avenue villa, Berther road
Romford.) Hodson Frederick, North street Turner Joseph, Suttons house
Holmes Lieut,-Col. Henry D.L., J.P. Turner Henry, Berther road
Grey Towers Turner Matthew, The lAvenue
Allistree William, Parkstone avenue Ives Thomas, The Avenue Vince -Walter, Ernest road
Baker Alfred Harding, The Hollies, George Richard, WJch Elm lane Wagstaff Charles Bertrand
Parkstone avenue Gregg George, ParksLone avenue Wag.staff John Philip
Barber Thomas, Gordon grange Jacobs William Edward, Curtis ruad Ward John Josiah, Ernest road
Batchelor Thomas, Nelmes road Jenkinson William, Brallksume l'oad Wa.rd Robel't, Berther road
Bolt David, Hornchurch avenue J ones William, Nelmes road Watson William, Herbert Toad
Brechels John, Herbert road Johnson Rev. Rober!; M.A.The Collage Wedlake T. W. White house
Bryon Frederick William, Newlands, Kemball G. E. Slewills Wells Francis, Parkstone avenue
Berther road King Henry, G'hads Hunt, Parkstone av White Daniel, Branksome road
Cantle Henry, Burslem, Parkstone aven Kubler William G. Ernest ruad White William, Dranksome road
Carler Thomas 1. Pal'kstone avenue Le PIa William, Herbert 1'l.mU Wieland Oharles, The Studio, Her-
Chamberlain Thomas, Curtis ro·ad Lewis Erneslt, North street bert road
Childs Thomas, The Avenue - Lockyer Henry, Parkstone uvenue Wilkinson Robert, Cnrtis road
CliffoI'd Capt. George, 'fhe Hollies Longmore Russell, Berthel' l'oad Williams W. Varco J,P. Langtans
Cogar Richard, BertheI' road Lowry Frederick, Herhert Toad Willment William, The Avenue
CollaI'd Frederick W. The Avenue Luther Jarnes, Carter road Womersley Pelham B. Kingsthorpe,
Collings John, Herbert road .Major Henry T~JOmas, Ernest Toad Parkestone avenue
Conron Stanislaus Ronayne, Wiltsforli McDermott William, Herbel't J'oad Woollett-s Harold, North street
Crouch John, Ernest road McMuIlen John Alexander
Cundell Thomas, Branksome road Martin ..Tames J. Ernest road COMMERCIAL.
Cunningham Robert, SLauley 1'0[111 May Charles Osborn, Suttons gate Early closing day, Thursday.
Curtis William Homer Cowley, Glenroy .Mitchell Samuel J. Wych Elm lane Ainsworth Wm. Harrison, cycle maker
Dale Rev. HerbeI't John M.A. (ViCUl·). Morris Rev. Fl'ederick (Baptist), Baker Charles Henry. grocer &;
Vicarage North street draper & agent for W. &; A.. Gilbey
Daniels "Wm. John, Parltstone uvellUO Nicholson William James, Hel'bert I'd Limited, wine &; spirit merchants
Dendy Waiter, Sutton lodge Nicholls Alfred, Parks tone avenue Beard Wm. Hy. baker &; corn dealer
Dockrill Rubert. Pal'kslde villa Okey William, Herbe:cti road Beckett George, insurance agent
Donald Thomas, Ernest Toad Pailthorpe Noel, Carter road Betts Thomas, postmaster
Duhig David, Little LangtOIls Palmer William John, Herbert road Drah:hell Edgar George, plumber, gas-
Dunlop ArtllUr S. Ernes!; l'ond Penney James, Parkstone avenue fitter &c. High street
Dunlop Oharles, Ernest Toad Plumtree Richard Reed, North street Brewester Alexander, boot maker
Dunlop Charles E. Bel'lller road Powell Alfred, Parl,stone avenue Bridge Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner
Dunlop Percy, Ernest rond Price James Colin, Nelmes road Brixey Elizabeth (Mrs.), nurseryman,
Dyer Edwin, Wych Elm lane Pullen Alfred. Herbert road Herbert road
Ewing John, Curtis 1'01\(1 Racine Ernest, Colyford, Herbert road Bruty Thomas, builder & contractor
Farquhar l\illiam, Ernest Toad Rance Fdk. St. Catherine's, Nelmes rd &; deputy registrar of births &;
Fenner Mrs. Hornchurch lodge Revnolds

William, Herbert road deaths, Hornchurch sub-district,
Field Sidney, The Avenuo Robertson Robt, C.E. Thorpe 10 Romford union
French Oharles Lewis, Cm' Lis Toad. Rowe Lewis, Woodside, Parkstone aven Bndd Thomas, Greyhound P.H
Friend Henry, Wavertree,Parkstone av Raston Francis, Carter road Catchpole William, fruiterer
Gardner 'l'hornas J.P RyIe John, Berther Toad Coldwell David B. chemist
Gawler Thomas, Carter road Saunders Geo. Richd. Wvch •
Elm lane Collin Albert, tailor
Gill Berbert, Carter 1'0:\(1 Scales Herbert, Parks tone avenue Cox Joseph. watch maker
Goodenough Samuel, The Avenue Secombe James, CurUs road Crawford Thos. frmr. Great Sutton
Gough Richard-, Cartel' 1'01\(1 Sherwood James, The Avenue Crozier George, beer retailer
Graham Thomas, }'al'l,stone aVOll1HI Sinclair Louis M.P. Great Nelmes ; &; Curtis William Homer Oowley, mana·
Greenwood J oseph, HCl'bel't wHld 7 Netherall gardens, Hampstead gel' Emerson Park estate, Glenroy
Groves William Wych mm lallo London NW Cutting George, farm bailiff to Cle-
Guymer Robert, The Homestead,Park- Staplyton Beaumont, Parkstone aven ment Joslin esq. Hacton Hill farm
stone avenue Stehbings Alfred, road Dale WaIter, carrier, Buttll green
Hatherle,y George, Ivanhoe, Nl1lmes l'll Stephenson Henry David, Clovelly Darke &; Son, saddlers &; harness mas
Ratting Lewis Harry, The Nest, Park- Talbot John, Ingledene Dawson George, fishmonger'
stone avenue Taylor Frederick, Berther road Dawson .Tas. beer retlr. Butt's green
Hawkins James R. Parkstone avenue Taylor Frederick William, Curtis road Denny Maris. (Miss), shopkeeper


Dandy W. &; 00. engmeers, boiler & Homes (Rev. William Morris M.A. O'Flyn James, Rothsny villl\!f
agricultural implement makers, chaplain;.. .Albert ,WilliaIll Wallis, Fage John
Union foundry medical offileer; Jas. Cowley, supt.; Seefels Olto, Baden honse
Dockrell George, carpenter &; undertkr Mrs. Elizabeth Cowley, matron) Symonds Henry, l: Wennford villa!',
Drake Joseph, hairdresser Sibthorp George, builder Thompson Charles F. Athelstan road
Duhig David Jbhn L.R.C.P.& S.Edill., Stone Luther, grocer Watson William G. The Grange
L.F.P.&lS.Glas. physician >& surgeon, Stratford Frederick Adolphus, regis- Wilson James William, Avenue road
Little Langtons trar of births &; deaths, Hornchureh CO:IDf:ERCIAL.
Emery George, attendance officer sub-district, Romford union &; assist- Brock John, firework maker
Fell Charles, parish clerk &; sexton ant overseer &; agent for Liverpool &; Cheek Fredel'ick, shopkeeper
Franklyn Fdk.shoe ma.&; leather seller London &; Globe Insurance Company CIark Maurica l"rederick, hlly carter
Franklvn Qeorge Wllllam, butchr Vassila William, White Hart P.ll Clyde Arthur, tobacconist
Fox WaIter manaO'er to South ]<;ssex Volunteer Battalion ISt Essex Regi~ Clyde &I Macey, pl'inters
Water Co: Ernest road ment (H. 00. CapL H. n. Slade) Essex County Asylum (branch).
Frost Charles, wheelwright &; smith Wagstafi Charles B,e\'~r~nd I,. R.(): P. Harold court
Gaywood Louisa (Mrs.), butcher Lond. &I M.RC.S.l.. dm. ph)'slclan Flegg Frederick G. E. station master
Gibson Geor<.e, farmer Harrow lodge & surgeon Green WaIter, nurseryman
Gill Oharles,"'boot mak~r ' Wagstaff In. Fhilip L.R.C.F.'&; L.S.A. Hal'ris William, King Harold llOlel
Gill John B. farmer The Hall Loud. &I M.R.C.S.Eng. physician'&; Joscelyne Caroline (Miss), baker &
Goodrum Robert c~al dealer surgeon, public vaccinatOl' & medical corn dealer, Fost office
Gotts Henry, saddler o~cel' of N~. ? district, Uomfol'l! Kniglltsbridge Henry, hutcllcr
Gower Arthur, farmer, Priors farm umon, & certlfy~g faclory s1lI'gcon Lee Annia (Mrs.), dl'apcl'
Guymer Robert, builder, Herbert road Wallace WaIter, slalion master Macey Francis, gardener to W. G.
Harrup GeOl'ge, farmel', Mt. Fleasant Wedlake T. W. &. Co, Iron Watson esq
Heath George, Bull F.H. "ounders, englneer8, agrlcul- McKeIlor Feter .Tames, grocer, wine &
Hew-ett Emily (Mrs.), Harrow inn tural Implement mak?rs &c. spirit merchant & provision dealt!r
Hewitt Wm. John, frmr. Up.Havering Hornclmrch Iron worl[s,Wlllle hOllse Mallinson Richard, cattle dealer
Hill Alfred, baker &; china &; glass dlr .
Wheaton Geol'ge, farmer, Hnhharlls Matthews James, corn , coal, hay, seed
Hilsdon Thomas florist, Butts green Wheeler George, tailor & foraO'e merchant & millcl'
Howal'd Bros. rrriners (steam &; wind) Wood James, blacksmith May Ge(~'ge, hoot & shoe malleI'
Hyde John, pork butcher &;poulterer ARDLEIGH GREEN. Rickman Emma (Mrs.), news agent
Jackson Wm. farmer, Bush l~lm farm Symonds Henry, insurance agent
Jemry J<'rederick, schoolmaster Brown James, Ardleigh lodge Webber Henry, coal mer. Railway stn
KirkmanBros. farmers, Lillyputsfarm Wymark Willillm, Parkside Willats William, Harold Wood Estate
Liddiard Brothers, hutchers COMMERCIAL. office, hO\1se. land & estate &. insllI"
London & COllIlty Bank Lim. (lues. &. Banyard Richard, falmer, Little anCe agent, Wayside
fri. II to 3) (A. Hyslop, manager) Nelmes farm
Lowe Geo. pork butcher &. greengrocr Bright William, Spencer's Arms P.H SOUTH HORNOHURCH.
Manu William, King's Head P.H Carter John William, baker Graves Frederick, Ford house
Manning Mary Ann (Miss), baker & Clat'k James, johbing gardcncr COMMERCIA.L.
coffee house Clark Philip, colt breaker Blows James, farmer
Markwick Horace, s a d d l e r . HAVERINGWELL. Bonnett John, farmer, Prince's farm
Matthews James, corn mer. & llllller Bonnctt Dick. farmer, Grove farm
Mitchell Samuel, shopkeeper B~rber. ¥fre~ Bonnett Samuel, farmer, Albyns farm
Morris &. Coryn, nurserymen, Walden Bill Willlsm fh,!mas, The Cottage CollaI'd Thomas, Cherry Tree P.R
nurseries Bell Mrs. Longheld honse C . S IJ I I k All
Beckwith Ab ra h' C P H urbs amne 0 In, S lOp pr. »!l erss
Old Hornchurch Brewerv (The) G Alf d R am, f rown C· , f Desmond John James, beer retailer,
(exore. of P. R. Conron), ay -'U r~. eeve, ar~er, ox s I'm The Canteen .
Hornchurch Rom"ord brew-
, • Hewer
0 I'mon dWl1ltam,
S' wheelwnght
. S l' l J' ·1 I ay
G Will'lam J 0 h n, farmer
ere, maltetere &. wine &. 8plrlt e pl1lJ1m;~ YOt ICIl e .11111 IH G t J l' d I
(The) fibre spulllel's en ry ames, ee ayer
merchants ' Jones Joseph, flll'mel', MUl'dJke fllrm
.Nightingale Wm. (I'mI'. Drtlge.ho.frm HAROLD WOOD. Keevill FranJ{, frmr. ~ll1d Island farm
Page, Calman & Co. Lim. builders' Pamment Louisa (Miss), l'ieer ret:liler
merchants PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ponpart John, farmer
Parritt HenrJ', hairdresser Bacon Alfred, Glellclg Rainham Portland Cement Co. (Th(}
Pearce Thomas, smith &0 ironmonger Barker Mrs. Dorset house New) Lim. cement mannfacturers.
Pile Charles, grocer &; draper Bartol1' William, R<Jsebank Mud Island (letters tllroug-h Hain-
Philpott James, Imilder Bradshaw Daniel, HeatlllicJtl ham S.O)
Pinchon Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Broodbank Joseph. I,oug-mool' Reading Room (James Gentry)
Playle Frederick, plumber &; painter Bruhl Rev. Leopold Henry (curate) Romford Urban Dist. Council Sewage
Raven Emma (Mrs.), Crickelcl'S l'.U Crane James, Haiu:lnlt villa Farm eEdward Winmill, manager)
Robinson Olive (Mrs.), dress maker D'Eath .Alfred, Suffolk villa rfhorogood Samuel, farmer
St. Edwl\nl's Institute (S. Good- Gillin.g Sidney, Lyndhul'st Turpin Frederick William, farmer
enough, scc.), Church street Ladell Alft-ed, Qncen's !):lrk gnl·,!eIl8 Vellacott Willillm, fanner, ]~111I fMm
St. Leonard's (Shoreditch) Cottage Maples Jarnes, Delsize house Vince Anthony, farmer, Weybridge fm


EAST HORNDON is a village and parish on the road chapel, there is an altar tomb to Sir Thomas 'l'yrell, SOIl
from Brentwood to Tilbury, with a station (locally in the of Sir Joihn and Lady Alice 'fyrell, who died in 1476,
parish of West Horndon), 2! miles south on the London, and to his wife Anne, daughtel' of Sir Willialll MllrtlCY,
Tilbury and Southend railway, 3 south from Brent- of Layer Marney, and there fire numerous nthm' monu-
wood station on the main line of the Great Eastern ments 00 the Tyrell family, including a l'nDlarlwhle hOl'i..
railway, 4 south-west ·from Billericay and' 22 from zontal slab to ·Sir John TyrelI, an act·ive Royalist Ill; the
London, in the Mid division of the county, Barnstable time -of the Oommonwealth, ob. I675: the chancel roof is
hundred, Grays county court distriet, BrclILwood peLty enriched withhandsonrely-carved' bosses: against the wall
sessional division, Billericay union, Barnstable rural of the south transept, known as the Petre chapel, is an
deanery, arch deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Alhans. altar tomb, with canopy, IJaid to have oontained the heart.
The church of AU Saints is an edifice of red hrick, of Queen Anne Boleyn, beheaded May 19, I536; this tomb,
about the time of Henry VI. and consist,s of chancnl, wil.h however, bears evidence of having once had on j,11I1 upper
a large aisle on the south called Vile Tyrell chapel llnd a slab ,brasses of a knight in armour, his wife, six sons
smaller chapel on the north, nave, transepts, south porch and six daughters: over the north and south transepts
and a massive but stuIlted tower at the west end con tain. are galleries, formerly the dwelling of a chant,ry priest
ing 4 bells, and the lower stage of 'flJiclJ is 111!ed as a attached to the churoh: t'he IJasin of the NOJ'man font
vestry: ·in the chancel floor is a remarkahln incise<l ala. is formed of a large square block of stone, carvcd with
baster slab, dated I422, to Lady Alice, wife of Sir J01ln intersecting arches and other ornaments: the c1lllrch
Tyrell kt. w'ho served in France dlll'ing the Teign of bein~ much out of repair was closed temporarily about
Henry V. and was present at the battle of Agincourt (25 1898 for restoration. The register of baptisms nnd burials
Octob~r,... 14I5), and to their ten sons and daugMel's: in dates from I5.,8; marriages, 1.,73. 'l"he living is l\ Tee-
the small chapel 011 the north, known as the Marney to"Y' net yearly value £147, witAh 33 ncrcs of glehe and
resilience, in the gift of and held since 189-l by the Uev. three-quarters of a mile north (}f the church and near
Sydney Charles Donovan M.A. of OXford lllJiversHy: a what was formerly a considerable area of common land;
rectory house was built in 1,877 at Herongate. St. it takes its name from a gate formerly crossing the road
.Andrew's Mission Chapel, erected in the village at a cost near the old "Boar's Head," and dividing the Heron
Qf about £300, raised by subscription, is a building of manor from the Abbot manor. The Heron manor and
wood, consisting of chancel and nave and-a small western mansion, for many centuries belonging to the TyreJI
turret, containing one bell: a vestry has since been add'ed·. family, took its name from a. family of Heron, who
The usuaJ. se·rvices previously conducted in the parish owned it at an earlier period: the mansion has been
church are now held in this chapel, which seats pulled down. Heron Court is the resideuce of l'eter
150 persons. The CongreglLtionaJists and the Pecu- G. Laurie esq.
liar People have small chapels bel'e. In tbis parish Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., ]~xpre!!s ])eliver'y, Parcel
are two manors, The Abbot manor and Foucher's Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, Herongate.
Heron, the lore.ships of which are respectively heM by -Miss Edith Mary Sawtell, sub-postmistl·ess. Lettel's
Lard Peke and Gemge .AIan Lowndes esg. of Barrington arrive from Brentwood at 8 a.m. &; 12.30 p.JrI.; dis-
Hall, Hatfield, near Harlow, who are also the chief land- patched at 12.45 &; 6.10 p.m.; &; 11.3° a.m. on sunday
<owners. The soil is' ohie4ly clay and gravel; 8Ulbsoil,
clay. The chief crops are wheat, oaits and! ba.rley. The Wall Letter Box, near t'he Rectory, cleared at 12.45 &;
area is 1,5:;11 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable value, 6.5 p.m.; sundays, 11.15 a.m
'£1,807'; the populatJion in 1901 was 425. Natlional School (mixed), for 120 childreu; average at-
The hamlet of HEHONGATE (which is the village of tendance, 818; Miss Mary Ann 'l'luner, mistres~; Miss
the parish) stands on the southern brow of the eminence, Alice Smith &; Miss Annie Smith. 8uistant mistresses

EAST HORNDON. Brewster Thos. &; Son, boot &; shoe mal HERONG.A.TE.
.Hrewster Charles, painter &;c (For other names in HCll'ongate,. see
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Colll Edmund Joseph, farmer, MlJllllt Ingrave.)
Clarke Harold, Mill Hill villas '1'h dft furm AbIin Wm. Robert. Boar's Head inn
Donovan Bev. Sydney Charles M.A. Cole Henry, farmer, Beron house Barwell Chal"1es Heury, grlJcer &;
Rectory Craig J ames, sen. farmer &; dairyman, provision deuler
Laurie Perer G. Heron court Barnard's farm Hodge J ames, fanner
Nash :Mrs. The Firs Ford Henry, frmI'. East Horndon hall Sawtell Edith M. &; Jessie (Misses),
:McDonell Ronald William Randall James, Old Dog I'.H fancy drapers, Post office
Paton Frank, St. Joseph's Squier Wm. frmr: Dunton Hill's frm Turville Harriet Elizabetli (Miss),
• Ups'On WaIter, harness maker ladies" board,ingschl. Herongate ho
COM::lO:RCIAL. Walker Henry Martin, beer ;retailer Young Henry, blacksmith, c,lrpelller,
Boardman William, builder whee!wright &i underlal(cr

HORNDON-ON-THE-HILL (formerly a market marriages, 1752. 'l'he living is a vicarage, net yearly
town) is a village and parish, so named from being on a value £23Cl1, with 7 acres of glebe and residence, built in
height, having a good view over the neighbouring, ~.nd 1901, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's,
and river to the west as far as London and to the and held since 1898 by the Uev. Sydney WaIter J"ischel.
nearly as far as the SOOl: it is on the rooo from Ohelms- Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1890. Thomas
ford to TilbUJry and Grays, IJ mileS' north-west from Highbed, yeoman of this parish, was burnt here for
the Stanfure-Ie-Hope station on the LoooQn, Tilbury heresy, 26th March, 1555; ·he held a messuage here
and Soutbend railw.ay, about 10 south-east from Brent- and 00 acres of land, called Horndon House, with a
wood, 21' north-east from Orsett, and 24 from cottage; but the house was }lnlled down some time
London, in the South Eastern division of . the since; the place of his martyrdom is thought to have
county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union and petty been opposite the parish school, which was tlben
sessional division, Grays county court district, and in the heath: a complete inventory is preserved at the Record
Orsett'I'ural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Alhans Office of all his goods, chattels and farming implements•
.diocese. The church of St. Peter, an interesting examl1le showing him to have been a man of substance and
.of the churr..h architecture of the early 13tJl1 century, is position. The eminent prelate, Dr. Lancelot Andrewes.
situated in the middle of the village, and consists of Bishop of Winchester, born at All Hallows, Barking, Sept.
~hancel with chapel, clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch 25, 1565, was the son a.nd heir of Thomas Andrewes, of
and a wooden tower at the west end, containing 5 hells, this parish, master of the Trinity House, and Joan, hIS
.3 respectively dated 1640, 1622-30 and] 706; t.wu others wife. The principal landowners are Allan Craig esq. of
'Were added in 19°1, the gift of Sir John Hall K.C.M.G. ' Arden Hall, who is owner of the manor, l"rancis Henry
.of Hororata, New Zealand: the nave of four bays is Early Douglas Oharlton Whitmore esq. J.P. of Ol'sett Hall,
English; the chancel appears to have been rebuilt in Orsett, F. Montgome'ry esq. and Sir Joseph C. Dimsdale
the 15th century, and retains a llagioscope, piscina, hart. M.P. of Laindon Hills. The soil is clayey; subsoil,
8umbry and t..wo sedilia; three of the windows ar6 clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and Here
'Stained: .its east window 4s Perpendicular, and retains was formerly a market on Saturdays. There is a farm
some fragments of stained glass; the substructure of the here called "Saffron Gardens," from the fo:rmer growth
spire is a good specimen of the construcIJiv6 carpentry of of saffron npon it. The area is 2,647 acres; rateable
!the 15th century, to which period also belongs the porch, value, £3,5'19; the population in 1901 was 568.
the doorway being Early English; the font is in its . .
'd~tails Perpendicular, but from its shape and size sug- Sexton, Arthur Mitchell.
gests a conversion f!'Om one of Norman date: in the chan- Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. &; Annuity, In-
cel is a marble monument to ])avid Caldwell esq. ob. .surance, Express Delivery &; Parcel Post Office.-
1634, with shields of arms, and llere also is a slab of Ray Tyrrell, .sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Grays
Purbeck marble, with the arms of 'l''Oldel"vey, some memo- delivered at 7.15 & 10 a.In.; dispatched 10.30 a.m. &i
nals of t·be Grant family, 1720-49; a memorial tu the 5.55 p.m.; sunday delivery 8 a..m.; dispatched 6 p.m.
·Rev. Samuel Jennifer, formerly vicar of 1'llis plu'ish, ob. Telegraph office open on sundays from 8 to 10 a.m.
'1715; various inscriptions to the now extinct family of Wall Letter Box, Pump street, cleared at 10.10 a.m. &;
Kinsman, of Burnham, Essex, 1686-1719; and one to 5.55 p.m.; sundays, 5.55 p.m
"Susan, daughter of 'I'homas Sandford, of CoggeS:haIl, ob.
1633: -the church was completely restored in 1899-19°1, National School, built in 1846 &; enlarged in 1880. for IIS
at a cost of £4,000, and was l·e-opened 29 June, 1901. children; average attendance, &8; Miss Emma Pickers-
'The register of baptisms andbUl'ials dates from 1672; gill, mistress

:Broughton Miss, Grices Craig Allan, farmer &; landowner, Pollett Wm. farmer, Saffron gardens
-Craig Allan, .Arden hall Arden hall Reynolds John, coal dealer
:Fiscbel Rev. Sydney WaIler (vicar). Dale Eliza (Mrs.), grocer &; draper Ridgwell Arthur, Bell inn
Vicarage Dale James, plumber &; painter Squicr Samuel Westwood J.P. farmer
'Kerly Alexander William, The Gables Frost John, beer retailer Tyrrell Ray &; Son, drapers et grocers
Stansfeld Johl!l. W. St. Peter'a Fynn William Henry, blacksmith T,rrell Ray, sub-postm'a.s1:er
'Vincent Henry John Goodwin Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Vmcent Henry John, veterinary surgn
Hills John, bricklayer Watt Alexander, farmer, Wyfields fl'm
COMMERCIAL. King Arthur, tailor Watts Edmnnd, carpenter &; undertakr
.Archer Henry. saddler Linn John, haker &; butcher Westwood Geo. Saml. frmI'. Wren'. pk
Asplin, farmer, Linstead'll farm Murray David, farm bailIff to Mr. Wright Clement, Swan P.H
lBald\Win William, baker Clarence Long Wright Henry, thatcher

WEST BJORNDON is 8 village and parish, with a fire on the '22nd of March, 1878, and has not yet been
station called East Horndon, on the direct line of the rebuilt: attached to the hall is a Oatholic chapel, dedi-
London, Tilbury and Southend railway, and 3 miles south- cated to Our Blessed Lady and St. Laurence. The old
east from Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, hall, about Il miles south, was formerly the seat of the
Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division and Fitz-Lewises, the last of whom was burnt to death with
county court district, Billericay union, and in the rural his bride on his wedding night, in the reign of Henry VII.
deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese The soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
of St. Albans. The living is a rectory united to the are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,382 acres of
rectory of Ingrave. There is no church; the inhabitants land and 14 of water; rateable value, £I,390; the popu-
use those of Ingrave, Ohilderditch and East Horndon. lation in 1901 was II3.
Thorndon Hall, the seat of Lord Petre, who is lord of .
the manor and sole landowner, is situated on an emi- Wall Letter Box, Railway bndge, cleared 9 a.m. & 5·45
nence, in an extensive and well-wooded park of over- p.m.; sundays, 9 8.m. Letters through Brent·wood
1,500 acres, about 2 miles south-east from Brentwood: arrive at 7.30 a.m. Herongate is the nearest tele.
graph &; money order office, 2! miles distant
originally it was a noble mansion, consisting of a centre
and two wings, connected by circular corridors, and con- There is no school in the parish, but the children attend
tained some very valuable paintings by the old masters: those of Ohilderditch, Ingrave &; East Horndon
the main part of the mansion was, however, destroyed by Railway Station, Thomas E. Ohapman, station mas~er
l'etre Lord, Thorndon hall; &; Carlton Collier A. Tbomdon park
&; Naval & Military clubs,LondonS W I Dear Eliza (Mrs.), Railway hotel
IStrong Thomas William, farmer, Field
House farm .
HUTTON is a parish on the road from 13illericay to and Offin's charities, consisting of money invested in
Brentwood, about 3 miles east from Brentwood, 2~ west consols; White's charity is partly devoted to the :repair
from Billericay station on the Southend branch of the of ,the church, and a portion of 'Offin's charity to the
Great Eastern railway, and 20 from London, in the Mid schools; the rema·inder is distributed in bread, clothes
division of the county, hundred of Barstable, union of Bil- and fuel among the poor. Hutton Park is the residence
lericay, petty sessional division and county court district of of George Harry Baxter esq. Hutton Hall is the resi-
Brentwood, rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of dence of Mrs. Digby Neave. '1'he chief landowners are
Essex and mocese of St. Albans. The Great Eastern Mrs. Neave and the Misses Edgar, and G. H. Baxter
Railway Oompany's branch from the main line at Shen- esq. Mr. Ernest Wood, (}f 97 Gresham street, London
field to Billericay and thence viA Wickford, Rayleigh and E 0, is lord of the manor. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
Rochford to Southend passes through this parish, the clay. 'Dhe chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, beans and
junction station being about one mile from the rillage. roots. The area is 1,696 acres; rateable value, £6,051;
The church of All Saints, an edifice of stone in the Early the population in 1901 was 629.
English style, was rebuilt and enlarged in the year 1873, Sexton, Samuel Bird.
at a cost of £3,000, raised by subscriptions, and consists
of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and a Oounty Police, Frederick Buck, constable
western tower with spire containing 5 bells, now (1902)
under repair: a new organ was provided in 1885: the font Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, In-
cover was presented in 1892 in memory of Mrs. Hamilton, surance, Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office.-
drowned in the wreck of the Roumania: the reredos, William Spooner, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
erected in 1898, is a memoI'ial to the late G. J. Baxter Brentwood at4·55 a.m. &; 4 p.m.; dispatched at 9 a.m.
esq. of Hutton Parlk.: there are '200 .sittings. The 12 noon &; 7·55 p.m. on week days &; on sundays al'Tive
register dates from t1he year 1654- The living is a rec- 4·55 a.m.; d!j,spatehed 7·55 p.m
tory, net yearly value £145, with 17 acers of glebe and Wall Letter Box, The Green, cleared at 8,45 & 11.30 a.m.
residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. '& 7.45 p.m. on week days; 7.45 p.m. on sundays
Paul's, and iheld since IB'SI by the Rev. Piers Leopold Pillar Letter Box, Station, cleared 9. r 5 a.m. r2 noon &.
Claughton B.A. of Oriel Oollege, Oxford. Here is a small"'0 p.m.;'8 p.m. sun d ay
Congregational chapel. There are extensive brick and
tile works here, near the station. There are charities National ,School (mixed), built in r849, & enlarged in
amounting to about £45 yearly, arising in part from 18g8, for '80 children; average attendance, 5I; Alfred
land left in 1584 by Goorge White esg. and also Martin'a Parker, master; Miss M. L. Parker, sewing mistress
Gibson Herbert William, Elmcroft
Grahame Roland, Hutton lodge
Syke-s Joseph, Ivydene
Alderman 'l'homns WaIter, Clevetion Haggard Frederick, Tornlyns COMMERCIAL.
Ashby Francis John, Parkdene Hales Thomas Charles, Lindells Ashby Francis Wm. Chequers farm
Balls Harry, Hutton ttouse Hilder Frank, Huttou place Oarswell Charles, Chequers P.H
Baxter Edgar, Hutton park Homan Outhbert, Ohurch house Cook William E. frmr. Martin's farm
Baxter George Harry, Hutton park Jago Sidney A. The Willows Cornish Daniel & Co. brick &; tile manu-
Campkin Harry, Oakwood Joule Francis, Park cottage facturers (postal address, Shenf.eld)
Oarlyon-Hughes John William, Long Kimber Fredk. Thomas, Highc1ere Holloway Harry, head gardener to G.
Ridings King Frederick Ernellt, 'l'he Nook H. Baxter esq. '1'he Lodge
Oaton John Abraham Young, Oaprons Leserve Geo1"ge Fredk. The I.aurels Jarvis Edward John, cartuge contr'ac-
Cheston Horace, The Grange Merington Mrs. Elm villas tor, Harrington's farm
Chisnall Richard, Hillcrest (postal Middleton John Art-hur, Onklea March Thomas, farm bailiff to W.
address, Shenfield) Neave Mrs. Digby, Hutton hall Dalton esq
Clarke Willium Alfred, Woodside Nevill Leonard, Highfie1d Matthams WaIter, shopkeeper
Olaughton Rev. Piers Leopold RA. Owles Harry, 1'he Croft Matthews Henry, blacksmith
Rectory Porter Joseph, Mayfie1d Newman John, mar~et gardener
Cornish Daniel, Oak1ands, Button Richardson J. Fenton, Ellice farm Smith Henry 'l'homas, farm bailiff to
mount· (postal address, ShenHeld) Robison Robert, Raeberry Mrs. Digby Neave, Mills farm
Crockett Frank Joseph, Umtali Rose John, Roundwood Smith Wm.Hutton Junction hotel P.B
Daltan William, Burses house Stapylton-Smith Gerald, Hutton wood Spooner Wm. shopkeeper, Post office
Dyer Watson, Swale Stephenson Mrs. Ta1angetta Thompson Jsph. frmr. Edward's fm'm
Foster J. Percy 'l'homasin, Woollmntn Stock Robert, The Homestead Trudgett Edward, shoe maker

ILFORD (GREAT) is a small town ·situated on vile Hatch, Ohadwell, and a ROrtion of Hainault Forest were
:toad from London to Oolchester, an,d on the east of formed into a separate ecclesiastical parish under the
the rive:t Roding; which here becomes navigable for above name in 1830: by a subdivision made February 11,
barges, with a station on the main line of the Great 1841, on the north side of Ilford, the district of Barking
Eastern railway to Colchester and Ipswich, 7 miles Side was formed, and in r863 that of .A1dborough Hatch:
from London, 2 north from Barking and 5 west from on the 29th September, 1888, Great DfoI'd was constituted
Romford; a line is n()w (1902) being constmcted to Wood- a separate civil parish by Act of Parliament. A Local.
ford. Ilford is in t'he Southern division of the connty, Board was formed in October, 1890, but under the pro-
Becontree· half-hundred and petty sessional division, visions of the" Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57
Romford union and cOunty court djstrict, rural deanery Vict. c. 73) the parish is now governed by an Urban Dis-
of SoutJ:l Barking, archdeaconry' of Essex and diocese trict CQuncil of rB members, and divided into t,}lree
of St. Albans. It is within the jurisdiction of the Oen- wards. The town is lighted witJh gas, and also by elec.
tral Criminal court and Metropolitan police and has 8 tricity from a generating station in Ley street: it is snp.
police station. Great mord, Barking Side, Aldborough plied Wlith water principally by the South Essex Water
Works Company. but vhe East Lond{)n Water Works by Mr. Ben Woollard, -arcIJitect, and 11as frontages botlJ
Company supplies a ·small portion of the district. l~lec­ to tJhe High road and Oakfield road: it includes, besides·
tric tram lines are now (1902) being laid t1U'Ollgh MIC the usual offices and committee rooms, a Council chamber
town. SEVEN KINGS. in 1898 open fields, is now a 40 by 30 ft. and a large hall 76 ft. long by 57 ft. wide,
favourite residential district, with a large popnlation. with a good stage and connected retiring rooms, und aL
St. Clement's parish church, erected in 18go to 1896, the other end a gallery: the hall will sent, aholl t 1,000
at a cost of £8,000, was, by an Orde'r of 1Ihe Ecclesiastieal persons. The Ilford Reading Uoom and Lihl'llry, in the
Commissioners, dated June, 1902, constituted the parish High road, is used for entertainments and meetings;
church of Ilford; it is a stmcture of red hrick, ill the there is also a drill hall fOl' UHl 1st Volunteer nattulion
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave :md Essex Regiment; ho/lih buildings '\VeTe -erected! by the late
aisles, and will seat 1,000 persons. The register dates Miss E. 'rhompson. The Swimming Baths, situate on
from the year 1831. The living is 11 vicarage, net yea.rly t,he banks of the River Roding, were erected by Mr. Robt.
value £400, with 'residence and 5 acres of glebe, in the Stroud, in 1894, at a cost of £2,SOO. The drill-ground
gift of .All Souls' College, Oxford, and held sinee 1902 and club-house for the use of the volunteers,
by the Rev. Henry William lmott Molony M.A. of that near the Romford road, was erected at the ex-
college. The church of St. 1\1ary, formerly t.he IHlI'ish pense of the Rev. the Hon. H. W. Bertie D.C.L.
ohurch, but now a chapel of ease to St. Clement's, wall vicat" here 1'844-8 r. 'l'here are six hanks, four hotels.
built in 1,831, at a cost of £3,5°0, and restored and re- a paper mill, several steam laundries and many good
seated in 1883, at a cost of £ r, 150, is an edifice in the shops. Ilford i;; also noted for the IlfOl'cl Ilhotographic
Ea'r1y English style, consisting of lIpsidlll chancel, 11 live, dry plates, paper and illms. 'fhe Hospital of St. Mary
western porch and a tower with spire, containing a e!oek and St. Thomas of Canterbury, originally founded
and 6 bells, dated 1866, erected in that year to t.Il11 by the abbess of BlI.rking in the reign of Stephen, about
memory of J. Davis esq. and his wife, by their chilllren, 1I40, for 13 lepers, with a prior and master. was re-
at a cost of about £600: the stained windows of thu founded in IS72 under Queen Elizabeth, for the support
chancel and the pulpit of carved stone are I1lso memo- and residence of a master, chaplain and six poor aged
rials to Mr. Davis, and there are five ol,her stained min- men: the Marquess of Salisbury K.G. is the master
dows: the church affords 600 siLtings. St. A1ban's, a1sn and patron: the buildings occupy three sides of a
a chapel of ease, was consecrated 17 Nov. 19°°,. but quadrangle. the south side being formed by the chapel,
consists only of nave with quasi-chaneeland vestry. 'l'he a long narrow structure of the 15th century, which,
chapel of St..John, Seven Kings, is now (1902) in cUl\I'se until the erection of the church. was the only Church
of erection. SS. Peter and l'aul's Cal.holic church, ill of England place of worship for the inhabitants of this
High road, opened by his Em.inence Cardinal Vaugltnn place: in 1889 a south aisle was built and two bays
18 June, 1899, is an edifice in tIte l'crpcndicIIlar sl,yle, added to the length of the chapel, at a cost of £2,000,
and will scat 556 persolls. 'l'he Presh)'I,el'ian Church of and there are nowsittings for 300 persons. The chap-
England, in .Albert road, an iron huilding, IlllS heen laincy, net yearly value £80, with ,house, is in the gift
replaced by a permanent sl,l'Ilctllre. The Congregational of ,he Marquess of Salisbury K.G. and 11eld sillce 1900
church, High road, erected in 19°1, at a cost of £16,000, by the Right Rev. Thomas Stevens D.D. Bishop of
is an edifice in a late Gobhic style, with a tower anti Barking. There are now 1:Iwo JlUblic parks here, viz.:
spire reaching a ,height of 137 feet: the church will sent Central Park, of 50 acres, and South Park, of 32 acres,
1,200 persons. Ohrist Church Congregational cllllrch, Seven Kings Recreation Ground of 9! acres, and 10 acres
Cranbrook road, is a temporary iron building, and has 250 adjoining Wanstead [Park. A consJ.derable portion of
sittings. 'fhe Wesleyan chapel, a structure of brick, will Hainault Forest is in this parish, wit.hin the limit.s of
seat 750 persons. 'l~he Baptist chapel, Higll road, will which formerly stood the renowned Fairlop Oak,
seat 500 persons: attached is a Sunday school with a the trunk of which, at three feet from the ground.
library of 300 volumes. The Baptists have also a eltape1 measured 36 feet in girth, with boughs extending over
in Cranbrook road and one at Seven Kings. 'l'IHl l~ree a circumference of 300 feet; under its shade for many
Methodist chapel, built in 1902, Ilns 600 sittings. 'l'here years a fair, established by Mr. Daniel Day, a block
ill a Gospel Mission Hall, erected in 1889, with I DO sit- and pump maker, of Wapping, was beld on the first
t1ngs. The Primitive Methodist chapel, in Connaught Friday in July; but the tree is gone and Fairlop Fair
road, is of iron. The Cemetery, in MIC Uomford Toad, now lives only in the records of the past. The popu.
formed in I88r, has olle chapel and a mortuary, and is lation of Great Ilford in 1901 was 41,24°, showing an
under t·he control of 1.heUrban District Council. "rhe increase of over 30,000 in ten years. The area of the
Town Hall, erected in 1900, at an estimated cost of civil parish is 8,460 acres of land, 33 of water and 7 of
nearly £3°,000, and opened on 5th Dee 19°1, is a huilding tidal water; Tateable value, £248,675, which inclndes
of stone, in a variation of the Classic style, fmm designs Barking Side, Aldborough Hatch and Chadwell Heath.


Post, M. O. & T. 0 .• T. M. O. Express Delivery. Parcel· Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0 & S. B. & Annuity & Insuranc~
Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. John D. Office. Belgrave Market. J. Capps, sub-postmaster.
Weddall, postmaster. Letters delivered at 7 & 11 a.m. ~tters dispatched at 9.15 & !I.IS a.m. 1.15, 7.30, 9.30
& 2. IS & 6.50 p.m. & at 8.50 p.m. & 7.40 a.m. on sun- & IQ.30 a.m.; sundays, 7 p.m
days; dispatched at 5.15 & 8.15 a.m. &; 12.15, 2, 4.50 & Town Sub-PO'st & M. 0.0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance
8.50 p.m. & at 10 p.m. for early morning mail; sun- Office, IlfordPark.-W. Hornby, sub-postmaster. Let;.
days, 8.30 p.m. Money orders are issued & paid from ters dispatched at 9.30 & 1'1.30 a.m. I. IS, 4, 7.30, 9.30
8 a.m.. to 8 p.m. Telegraph office open from 8 a.m. & 10.30 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.ll
to 9 p.m.; sunday, 8 to to a.m Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance
Town Sub·Post, M. O. & T. 0., '1'. M. 0., Express Deli· Office, Ley street.-Miss Mary Jane Saunders, sub-
very, Parcel Post, S. B. & Annuity & Instl1'ance Office, postmistress. Letters dispatched at 9.15 & ILlS a.m.
The Pavement, Seven Kings.-Letters arrive at 7 & LIS, 7.3°, 9.30 & IQ.30 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m
II. IS a.m. & 2.3°, 6 & 8. IS p.m.; dispatched at 9 & Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insur-
11.15 a.m. & I, 4, 7, 9 & 10 p.m. Telegraph office ance Office, Mnrket parade.-Miss Pool, sub-post-
open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days only mistress. Letters dispatched at 9.15 & II.IS a.m.
Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance 1.15, 4.3°, 9.30 & 10.30 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m
Office, St. Mary's road.-Emma Mary Greal,orex, sub. Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & A.nnuity & Insur-
postmistress. Letters dispatched at 8, 9 & 1I.30 a.m. ance Office, Romford road.-W. S. Gray, sub-post-
& I.IS, 4, 8 & IQ.30 p.m. 'rhe nearest telegraph office master. Letters dispatched at 8.45 & I I a.ln. 12·45,
is at Ilford 3.45, 6'45, 8.45 & 9.45 p.m.; sundays, 6,45 p.m
Town Sub-Post & .M. O. 0., S. B. & A.nnuity & Insurance
Office, Cranbrook road.-'Vatson Hornby, • URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
master. Letters dispatched at 5.15 & 9.30 a.m. & 12 Offices, High street.
noon & 4,3°, 7.30 & 9.1S p.m. '1'he nearest telegraph
office is at Ilford Meetings
. .
on the 2nd & 4th tuesdays in each month: '
Town Sub-Post &:M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity &, Insurance Members.
Office, Albert rbad.-Herbert Stanley Hankinson, sub-
Chairman, George William Marsball Gott.
. postmaster. Dispatches,s. is, 9.30 a.m. & 12 noon &
4, 7·30 & 9·30 p.m.; sunday, 7 p.m Vice-chairman, J. L. Burleigh.
Town Sub-Post & M. O. O. & S. B. & Annuity &, Insur- Central Ward.
ance Office, TIford lane.-George J·oyce, sub-postmaster. Benjamin Bailey William Peter Griggs, J.P
Letters dispatched 5.15 & 9.30 a.m. &; 12 noon & 4, 7.30 Percy Gaunt R. Rigcroft ,
& 9.30 p.m.; sunday~ 7 p.m . W.G._Wilson . , H. J.·Westo:l
• • . ...

South Ward. Congregational, High road, Rev'. Oharles Vine LL.B.;

Robert Straud I I a.m. &6.30 p.m
lL C. Bal"l'Y
T. R. Bethell
J. A, G. Badger
. H. Weedon
A. Wilde
Congregational, Cranbrookroad (Ohrist Church), Rev.
James William Ingram; I I a.m. & 7; thurs.8 p.m
J. L. Burleigh Congregational, N'OrIolk road, Seven Kings, Rev. Nigel
Hainault Ward. MacNeill LL.D.; 1'1 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
w. K. Aitchinson I George Wm. Marshall Gott Primitive Methodist, Connaught I'oad; 11 a.m.k 6.30 p.m
Robert George Brown G. W. Ingram United Free Methodist, IlfoI'd lan6., Rev. John Carnegie;
J. Deveson I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Officers. Wesleyan Methodist, High iltreet, Rev. Harold C. Mol'-
Clerk, John W. Benton, Town hall, High street ton; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
'1'reasurer, 'V. M. Edwards Gospel Band Mission Hall, Moore's place; sundays, 6.30
. Accountant, J. G. Gowan, Town hall, High street p.ll.; mon, 7.30 p.m
Acting Medical Officer of HealtJh, 'Col'llelius Fredcrick Evangelical Mission, Grange road; no regular minister;
Stovin !B.'A., L. S .A. Cranbrook gardens 11 a.m. &; 5,30 p.Ul
Engineer k Surveyor, Herbert Shaw A.M.Le.E. Town Ohristadelphian Hall, Sorafton J"OIlIdJ; 6.30 p.m
hall, Highstl'eet Clementswood Hall Mission Room, Clement's 'road
Collector, J oseph Lamb, Blythswood gardens, High road Tabernacle (Undenomillational), Ilfind hill
'Sanitary Inspector, Frederick William King. High street
'Fire Brigade Superintendent, John WooUard
.A. School Board of 9 members was formed 17 Nov. 1'893;
VOLUNTEERS. WiUiam J. Rendall Moore, Oakdene, High road, clerk
1:st Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment, Drill hall, High to the board
road; armoury, Roding street; C Co. Capt. &; Hon. National, St. Mary's, High road (boys &; girls), built in
Major A. R. Meggy & :M 00. Oapt. O. H. Taylor; 18'32, by subscription, &; enlarged in 18'135, for 680 chil.
Cyclists Co. Capt. W. E. D. Simpilon; Surg.-Lieut. dren; average attendance, 230 boys & 180 girls; Edwd.
J. Aitken M.B. medical officer; Rev. H. M. E. Mo- J. S. Lay, master; Mrs. JanB Lay, mistras! .
loney M . .!. acting chaplain; Sergt. E. Page, drill IlfoTd Beehive, Beehive lane (mixed!); :Miss Amy SInith.
instructor LL.A. mistress; Mi~s Bessie Smith, assistant mistress
PUBLIO EST.ABLISH)'IEN11S. Infants', High road, built in 1846, at t·he 'Sole cost of the
late Mis,ses ~hompson, for 150 infants; average attend-
Cemetery, Romford road, Joseph Dates, snperintendent anee, 12'4; Mrs. Ada. E. Fisher, mistress
Metropolitan Police Station, baac Oollins, sub-divisional Board, Cleveland! road, built in 18g6, for 670 boys, '670
inspector &; 10 sergeants k 64 constables girls &; 670 infants; average att.endance, 660 ooy,s, 580
PUBLI!C OFFl'OERS. girls & 547 infants; Al!fred T. Lane, master; Mrs.
Assistant Overseer, William J. Mays, BardweU villa, Lane, mistress ; Miss E. Sibl~y, infants' mistress
Cleveland road Christchurch Road, erected in 1900l. for 4140 boys, 44Cl
Medical Officer &; Public Vaccinator, 4th District, UOIll- girls &; 450 infants
ford Union, Jas. Shimeld L.R.C.P.Edin. Salisbmy ho Pa,rk Higher Elementary, Melbourne· road, eTected in 1901,
Registrar of Births & Deaths, IIford .sub-district, Rom- for abont 250 boys & 250 girls
ford Union, Miss Elizabeth Sherman, 5 Oakfield Toad DowDshall, Oldborough road, erected in 1902, for 370 boys,
Vestry Clerk, John Wheeldon Benton KC.C. Sidmuut.h 340 girls & 340 infants; James Mein, master; Miss
house, South park Hugbe.s, mistress
Highlands Temporary School, Cranbrook park, erected in
PLAOES OF WOnSHIP, with times of services. 1902, for about 400 boys, girls k infants
:St. Clement's Church, South park, Rev. Henry William SS. Peter & Paul, Chtholic, High TUadJ, ereoted in 190'1;
Eliott Molony M.A. vicar; Revs. A. G. Evans, A. G. Rev. Father Palmer, manager
W. Sayer M.A., G. H. Trist M.A., .T. A. Peabody
N.A. &; F. A. Ingle, curates; 8 &; I I a.m. &; 6.30 NEWSPAPERS.
p.m.; week days, 5.30 p.m East London Advertiser, Ilford hill, WaIter A. Locks,
Bt. MaI'y"s Church, 8 &; I I a.m. k 3.30 &; 6.30 p.m. &; printer & publisher; published frida.y
every week day at 7.30 a.m. &; 7.30 p.m Essex Guardian, Ilford hill, Walter A. Locks, printer &;
St. Alban's Church, Albert Toad; I I a.m. &; 7 p.m publisher; published friday
SS. Pete.r &; Paull (Catholic), High Toad, 1tev. 'Patrick Ilford Guardia,n, Ilford bill, WaIter A. Locks, printer &;
Palmer; 8 & I l a.m. &6'30p.m.; everyday, 7.30a.m publisher; published friday
Presbyterian Church of England, Albert road, :Rev. Ilford, Manor Park & East Ham Mercu.ry (The); l,ranch
.A. GaIt M.A., RD.; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. ,8 p. m offiee, Station approach; South Essex Newspaper Co
.Bt. Mary's Hospital, Rt. Rev. 'l'homas Stevens D.D. Lim. printers & publishers; published wednesday
Bishop of Barking, incumbent; Rev. J. W. Eisdell, Ilford & Seven Kings Mercury; branch oflice, Sta lion
-chaplain; daily, 9 a.m.; special services at otller approach; South Essex Newspaper 00. Lim. printers
hours by notice given &; pubhshers; published friday
13aptist, Cranbrook road, Rev. FredeTick Augustus Jones; South Essex Recorder Lim. 1 Cranbl'ook rood, WaIter J.
I I a.m. & 6,3° p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m Oldman, manager; publishell friday
Ebenezer Strict Baptist, Cleveland road; I I a.m. &; 6.30 --
p.m.; DO regular m~nister Railway Station, William Pallant, station master
Baptist, Cameron road, Seven Kings, Rev. John Chad- Seven Kings G. E. R. Fredk. Gihbs, station master
wick; I I R.m. &; 6.40 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Goodmayes G. E. R. Hen,ry Gibbs, stllt,ion master
Eaptist, High street, Rev. James Parker M.A. &; Rev. Electric trams from Beckoon to TIrOI'd &; Seven Kings
Frank HeTbert Smith; II a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. Oarriers to London, from Barking k Romford, call daily
.7.30 p.m I at the Angel hotel, White Horse k Rose &; Crown inn_

PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Allen Robert, 90 Norfolk road Archer William, 34 Albert; road
Abbott Edward Parkins, 2 Albert road Allen Walt.Jn.II7Elgin rd.SevenKings Archer William Edward, Straffondale,
Abbot,t Harold R. 24 Mansfield road AlIer Chas. Wm. 27 Aldborough gdllil Brisbane roM.
Adams Albert, 13 Grosvenor road Allison Cuthbert, 24 Courtland avenue Arden Frederick Chas. 26 Brisbane 'I'd
_Adams Joseph, 38 Empress a.venue Allison Geo'I'ge, 7 Sunnyside road Armstrong IWbt. Roseville, Balfour I'd
Adamson In. I Selbome gdns.York I'd Allmey Arthur .Tohn, 16 Albert road Ashby Alfred, 26 Richmond road
A~ar Thomas, 67 Northbrook road Alt Geo. 17 Wellwood rd.Seven Kings Ashoy Mrs. 3'1 Empress avenue
.:A.ird Thos. Albert, 107 Grosvenor 'I'd Amato Gartino, 148 BaJfour road Ashdown Mrs. 41 Selborne road
.Aitken Ja.s>. 'M.B.I'30lement's gardens, Amis Henry, 31 Aldborough gardens Ashmole Wm. Thornfield, Aldboro' I'd
B~h road &; I The Drive Anderson James. I7.Argyle road Asliton Rev.Jn.Perkins,4oDe Vere gdns
_:A.labasser William, 6~ Northbrook I'd Anderson S. 59 Norfolk road Ashton Charles Jsph. 170 Wellesley I'd
.:A.loery Walt. Hy. 43 De VerB gafldens Anderton Edward, 39 Northbrook 1'00.<1 Atkins Misiles, 43 Woodlands road
~llan Charles Richd. 76 Woodlands rd Andrew Arcbibald, 29 .Cambcid'ge road Atkins Mrs. 67 MallsTIeld road
.AlIaI'd F. F. MeIcombe lodge, UfOI'd la. .AndrewsJn.:)Blythswood gdns.High I'd Atkinson John, 176 Balfour road
.AnaI'd Henry, 2 Queen's tel'. High I'd Anglin Benj.IKingswood rd.Sevn.Kngs Attfield James Herbt. 8 Northbrook I'd
Allchin Thos. 60 Ell!in rd.Seven Kings Anstiss Alfd. Geo. 55 Courtland aven Attwood Edward. 66 Ingleby roald
Allen Capt. Chas. 6 South pa;rk, Cran- Appleton Ernest, 12 Vernon ga,rdens Ault WaIter, 20 'Mayfair avenue
brook road Appleya,rd Wa,lter Rooke, 5 Southpark, Austin Mrs. 7 Green Lane gardens
AlIen Cha,rles, 2~ Balfour road Cranbrook road Austin Mrs. 17 The Drive
.AlIen John, 80 Ma.yfair avenue Apps George Hope. 44 Mansfield road Aythorpe Frank Emest, 50 Kensington
Alien Richard Woodberry. 9 Argyle rd Archer John, 10 Woodlands road gardens
Ayres Mrs. 24 Scra.ftoll roa.d Berks William, 26 Woodlands road Britton WaIt. Geo. 25 Cranbrook gdns
Ayton James, 73 Richmond road BerneI' Ernest, 7 Empress avenue Broad Joseph George, 29 Albert road
Bailey Benjamin J.P. Rodenhurst, BernsteinAlex.Cleodora ho.Bat-hurst I'd Brock Victor, 54 Grosvenor road
Coventry road Berry Hcrbert C. RothweU house, Brodie Mrs. I Courtland avenue
Bailey Thomas John, 14 Albert road Valentine's road Bromley WilLiam J. 47 Grosvenor rei
Bain Wm. Alex. Dunblane, Balfour I'd Berry J-ames Fairie, 2 Northbrook Brookerward Joseph, 66 Norfolk road
Bain William, IQ Belgrave road ga,rdens, York road Brooks Thos. 54 Elgin rd.Seven Kings
iBaird Alexander, 30 Northbrook roa.d Berther J ames R. 29 Mansfield road Brown Airtken, 26 Grosvenor road
Baker Alfred, 224 BaUour road Bessex William Jas. 30 Woodlands I'd Brown Arthur, 27 Belgrave road
Baker Edward, II4 Cambridge road Best WaIter, 3'4 Aldborough ga.rdens Brown Chatterton, 8 Cambridge road
Baker James Henry, 147 Balfour road Best William Harris,. 2 Kensington Brown Francis Arthur,5 Norfolk road
Baker ""Villiam Henry, 1 Selborne road gardens, Cranbrook park BI'Own George Edward, 166 Balfour rd
Baldwin Mrs. 49 Endsleigh gardens Betltles Alfd.Wm.7 York gdns.York I'd Brown George Imrie, 22 :Mayfair aven
Ball Richard, 30 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings Betts Alfred, 60 Thorold road Brown James Berbert, 30 Argyle road
BaJlard William, 38 De Vere gardens Betts Henry Geo. 4 Aldborough road Brown John Burgess, 18 Argyle road
Balls Albt.. Edwd.7S Elgin rd.lSvn.Kngs Bet,!,s :Mrs. I Rosslyn gardens, Seven Brown Joseph, 94 Grosvenor road
Bannehr Mrs. 18 Albert road Kings' road Brown Mrs. 58 Belgrave road
Banyard Robert Arthur, 52 Balfour I'd Bevan Hyland, 35 Ingleby road Brown Mrs. 53 Mayfair avenue
Barber John, 17 Kensington gardens Bex Fredk. G. 13 Kingswood road, Brown Mrs. Samuel, 49 Grosvenor I'd
Barclay William Dick,S7 Mayfair aven Seven Kings Brown Robert, 38 Argyle road
Barking SUffragan Bishop of D.D. Bigg Chas. Jonthn. 25 Richmond I'd Brown Robert, 33 Cambridge road
(Blight Re:v. Thomas St~vens), Biggar Charles A. 109 Richmond road Browne Arthur, 96 Norfolk road
Ilford hill Bilby Edward, 76 Balfour road Brownfield WaIt. 11 IElgin I'd. Svn.Kngs
B'lrnard Ebenezer Alfd. 18 Belmont I'd Birch Alfred, Lasswade. Coventry rd Bruce Alex. Cowie, I I Mansfield road
Barnard William, 7 Endsleigh gardens Birch Thomas J. 36 Belmont road Bryan John G. 29 Richmond road .
Barnes George William, 54 Kingswood Bird Ernest 0'. 103 Courtland avenue Buckingham Mrs. ':)7 Albert road
road, Seven Kings Bishop Albert, E. 72 Argyle road Bncknell Thomas FrMerick,3 Belgrave
Barnes \Villiam, 54 Woodlands road Bishop Alfred Jas. 3'4 Cambridge I'd gardens, York road
llarratt In. Lockwood, 51 De Vere gdns BiShOP Alpha, 65 Kings1wood road, Buckridgoe Valentine,28 Endsleigh gdns
Barrett Mrs. 28 Grosvenor road Seven Kings Buisseret Alfred Leon, 3,8 Norfolk I'd
Barritt Cha,s. Fredk. 16 Ma,yfair aven BiShOp Edward, 69 Richmond road Bull John George, 40 Oourtland aven
Barry Wm. Alfd. 4 Green Lane grdns Bishop John, 12 Mayfa,ir avenue Bullwinkle J oseph, 42 Ri-:,hmond road
Bartholomew John, 2 Kingswood I'd. Bishop Mrs. Florence vil. Coventry I'd Burbridge Henry, II Balfour road
Seven Kings Bisset Mrs. 21 Aldborough gardens Burchell John Philip, 3'3 Belgrave I'd
BartindaJe Joseph, 28 Courtland aven 'Black Charles, 23 Selborne road Burdekin Mrs. 28 Norfolk road
Bartram Wm. Lansdown, Coventry I'd Black Jas. Fergus, 46 De Vere gardens Burdick George, 25 Mansfield road
Bartrip WaIter, 130 Balfour road . Black WaIter, 88 Grosvenor road Burgess Edwd. Ivor ho. Coventry I'd
Bastin Geo. 6 Pembroke g-dns.High I'd Blackburn Fred Close,6 Northbrook I'd Burgess HarrY,7 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings
Bastow Henry, 31 Cambridge road Blacksmith Hermann, 65 Ingleby road Burgess In. Forester, 93 Richmond I'd
Bateman Henry, 201 Balfour road Blake Frederick. 4 Cranbrook gardens Burleigh John L. 2 Aldborough gdnil
&teman Samuel Morgan, 1·8 Kings- Blake George, 55 Mayfair a,venue Burley Mrs. 98 Wellesley roo,d .
wood road, Seven Jrings Blake Robert. -7 Grosvenor road Burnett Wm. Jsph. 9 Northbrook I'd
Bates Leonard, 23 Cambridg'e road Blay Thos. 96 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings Burrage J ames H. 70 Argyle road
13attell William, 6 Ingleby road Blomfield Lewis Samuel, 4 Eastwood Burrows In.T. Lyndhurst.,Granville I'd
Batt,· Charles, 64 Courtland avenue road, Seven Kings Burton Charles, 17 'Wellesley road
13axter Miss, 174 Wellesley road Bloomfield Arthur, 86 Wellesley road Bush Jsph.Hy.Varaville,Cranbrook rd
13.a·xter William, 35 Norfolk road Blum Adolph, 16 Belmont road Butler Frank, 101 Courtland avenue
Buyless Hy. Jsph. 47 'Courtland aven Blyth Thomas, 23 Keni>ington gardens Butler Fdk.Rodingbourne,Coventry I'd
'BaylifIe In.Hy.I26 Elgin rd.Sevn.Kngs Buckelmann John Peter, Oakhul"'srt viI. Butler Mrs. 96 Endsleigh gardens
Bayliss Samuel Chas. 22 Woodlands I'd Mansfield road Butler William, 9'4 Norfolk road
B-ayne Rev. George Smith M.A. The Bockelmann Mrs..'\4 Empress avenue Cameron Herbt.Geo.36 Ccmrtland av
Bollies, Aldborough road Boddy John, 17 Endsleig-h gardens Cameron John, 127 Balfour rood
13eacham Harry Lewis, 88 Elgin road, Bodeker Albert Wm. 4 De Vere gdns Cameron William, Coventry villa,
Seven Kings Bodman Hy.Abrahm.40 Northbrook rd Coventry road
13eal Edmund John J.P. The Elms,Ald- Bolland Robert William, 6 Albert road Campbell Chas.Robt.33 'Sunnyside rd
borough road Bolt Daniel Roberts, Lynton house, Campbell Robert, 7 Richmond road
Reale Frederick George, 186 Balfour I'd Balfour road Campling Harry, 3 Courtland· avenue
Reale John Benj. 92 Wellesley mad Boor WiIliam Hy. 5 Richmond road Cannon George Henry, 40 Belgrave rd
'Beard Percy H. 126 Cambridge road Booth George, 53 Norfolk roa,d Carnegie Rev. John (Methodist), 69
Beaumont Aland, 46 MansfieId road Boston William John, 3 Endsleigh gdns Grosvenor road
Beck Harry George, 58 De Vere gdns Bothwell Ethlbrt.Bevan,37 Selborne I'd. Caron Edwin Alfred, 47 Wellwood I'd.
Beck Herbert Arthur, 4::; !Mayfair aven Botten Frank Heath, 7 Wellwood I'd. Seven Kings
'Beckett Rev. Willi-am AppletQn (Bap- Seven King'S Carr George, 10 Belmont road
tist). T> KenSlington gardens Bottorcley Thomas Hy. 7 Behrumt Td OarI' James W. :;3 Courtland avenue
13eckett Arthur, 94 Cambridge road Boulton Willi-am Henry, 88 Norfolk I'd Carr John, 27 Mansfield road .
"Redworth Ferdinand, 77 Grosvenor I'd Bourne Alfd. Wm. I Rain vils.Albert I'd CarreJJl George Nort·he-Il Piccaver, 34
Belither Bidney James, 53 Kingswood Bourue Wm. Ferndale, Coventry road l'J'Ihe Drive, 1000nbrrook park; SI
road, Seven Kings Hovey Mrs. 63 Argyle road Woodilands roo:d & 62 Mayfair av
'ReIl Arthur John, 23 Argyle road Bowhill John J. 45 De Vere gardens Carron John,II5 Elgin rd.Seven Kings
'Bell Edwin V. S Belgrave'road Bowman Hobert. 2 Empress avenue Oarruthers Arthur Jas. I I Argyle I'd
Bell George, 21 Cambridge road Bowrey .Toseph Edwd. 28 Belmont I'd Carstairs Andrew, 12 Kingswood I'd.
Bell James, 51 Norfolk rood Bowrey Miss, 39 Courtland avenue Seven Kings
Hell J ames, 200, Richmond road Box James Bromley, 66 Belgrave road Carte WHliam Henry B.A. Cranbrook
'Bellamy Mrs. 31 BelgTave road Boyd Archibald. 64 Woodlands road college, Cranbrook road
~ellingham Thos.6 Aldborough grdns Braine Arthur Regent. 19 Argyle road Carter Albon. 20 Courtland avenue
13ellman John George,5 Elephas villas, Bramley James, 7 De Vere gardens OaI'lter Richa'I"di James,I3Oranbrook rd
Clement's road BJ'flmston George, 80 Woodlands road Carter Mrs. 48 Elgin rd. Seven Kings
'Bender Heinrich, 601 Grosvenor road Branch Ernest A. 4 Northbroo)l:. road Cary Adolphus F. D. 2 ROS!llyn gar-
'Benest Ernest, 134 Cambridge road Branch Frederick R. 35 Belgorave road dens, Seven Kings' road
'Bennett Alfred. "4 avenue Branch Mrs.St. Winifred's.Goventry I'd Cassidy Thos. The Curatage, High I'd
Bennet£ Cha.s. Davey. 235 Bal'four road Brand F. J. Holmesdale. Oa.kfield road Castle Arthur Henry, 57 Kingswood
Bennett Mrs. 8 Mavfair avenue Brash Ernest Jas. 87 Woodlands road road, Seven Kings
Rennett Mrs. 2i6 Vernon gardens Brasuer Fras.Herbert, 28 Mayfair aven Castle Frederick Geo. 42 Belgrave I'd
-Rennett Percy, 60 Balfour road Bratt Harold, 78 Norfolk road Cates James, 4I Oakfield road
Benoit Louis, 28 Northbrook roa·d Brannd Herbert. 16 Brisbane road Caunter Lionel, 52 Empress avenue
-Bent Albel"t, 41 De Vere g'ardens Bray William Nice,56 Woodlands road Cawley Harry, 92 Grosvenor road
Renton James, Melrol'le. Cranbrook I'd Bree John. 31 Gro!!Vpnor road Chadwick John, 6, Norfolk road
'Benton James. I De Vere gardeni! Brett William. 182 BaUour road Chalk Arthur, 21 Richmond road
13ent()n John Wheeldon, Sidmouth ho. Brewer Chas. Wm. Lowe,35Mansfld.rd ChaHens Wm. II9 Elgin rd.SevenKngll
South park Brian ,Tamps. 128 Cambridge road Chalmers ~rs. 28 Belgorave road
"Reresford Mrs. 2 Grosvenor road l'Jridgoman Mrs. 99 WoodlandS road ChaloneI' Edwin, The Chesnuts, Cran-
lJeresford William, IS Empress avel'l Briegel Fras. Augsts.5~ Woodlands I'd brook road
Ohambers Henry George, 40 Balfour rd Comell Fredk. William, 65 Argyle rd Dawson George Hale, 66 Eastwood rd.
Channon Fras. 77 Elgin rd.Sevn.Kngs Cornwell Thomas. 21 Albert road Seven Kings
Chapman Arthur Freeman, 20 Elgin 001'se David, 17 Aldborough gardens Dawson Herbt. Thos. 25 Courtland av
road. Seven Kings Cottrell Hem)" William, 211 The Drive Dawson Mrs. 70 Belgrave road
Chapman Edward, 18 Endsleigh gdns Couch William, 106 Wellesley ;road Dawson Mrs. 68 Richmond road
Chappel Herbert, 19 The Drive Coundon John R. 3,8 Bathurst road Dawson W. Thomas, 32 Wellwood rd'.
Chart Richard, 46 Woodlands road Court,ney Mrs.5Belgrave gdns.York rd Seven Kings
Chatterton Elijah, 61 WeIlwood rd. Couturier Edward, 72 Ingleby road Dawson Wm. I I Elgin rd. Seven Kings:
Seven Kings Coveney Alfred, II6 Courtland avenue Dawson William, 16 Selborne road
Chatterton Herbert, 44 Kingswood rd. Coverdale Mrs. Rosedale, Balfour road Day Henry, 13 The Ddve
Seven Kings Coverly George, 42 Woodlands road Deacon William H. G. 14 '1'he Drive
Cheetham 'WaIter, 6 Selborne road Cowderoy Mrs. 63 Richmond road Dearlove William, 143 Cambridge road
Chel'fy Henry, 14 Argyle road . Cowie John, 51 Endsleigh gardens Dedman Arthur J(}hn, 69 We.Jlesley rd
Chester Herbt.I7 Elgin rd.Seven Kngs Cox E·rnest Murra~', 3 Kingswood rd. de Hailes Alfred C. 40 Grosvenor road
Chester Mrs. 102 Oambridge road Seven Kings Denne Harry Robert, The Laurels~
Christmas Thomas Vale, 36 Aid- Cox Thomas, 135 Cambridge road Aldborough road
borough gardens Cox Wm. Hy. Bankside, Wellesley rd Denney J. Annandale, Balfoul' road
Christopher .John, 58 Mansfield road Cox William Henry, 3 Grosvenor rd Dennis Harry H.I Aldborough gardens-
Chrystal Capt. A. 25 A1'gyle road Coxell Mrs. 62 Woodlands road Dennis Sydney, 801 Grosvenor road
Churchland Joseph, 10 Cambridg-e rd Coxhead Charles E. 74 Richmond road Derby Albert William, 60 Mayfair av
Churchouse Alfred William, 7 Cran- Coxhead Francis L. '87 Richmond road DerbyChas.Rd.Arnld.65Northbrook rd
brook vJilIas, Cranbrook road Coyle Alfd. Gladstone ho. Scrafton rd Devonshire Cyri!, 72 Belgrave road
Claridge Henry, So Endsleigh gardens Orabb Frederick, 10 Queen's gardens Dew Frederick, 66 Richmond road
Claridg-e Henry, 154 Wellesley road Craig Charles, I7'5 Balfour road Dewar In.49Kingswood rd.SevenKings
Clark Rev. James (Baptist), 70 Mort- Crandell WaIter, 15 Balfour road Dice Walt.Chas.Strathmore,Balfour rd
lake road Grannage Mrs. 36 Belgrave road Dickenson Charles J. 56 Courtland av
Clark Alexander, 14 Mayfair avenue Crawford Andrew, 17 Grosvenor road Dickenson Misses, 2 Spencer gardens,.
Clark A sa" 1'58 Balfour road Crawford James, 7 Cambridge road High road
Clark Ernest, 98 Courtland avenue Craze Thomas, 42 Albert road Dickinson Rd. Geo. 12 Endsleigh gdn81
Clark Geo. Hubert, 3 Cranbrook g-dns Creasy George, Cricklewood, High rd Digby Mrs. I4 Grosvenor road
Clark Hy. IS Clement's gdns.High rd Cressy Henry Charles, 59 Elgin road, Diggins Mrs. 23 Courtland avenue
Clark Mrs. 15 Richmond road Seven Kings Dillon John, 58 Balfour road
Clarke Alexander,Io Green Lane grdns Orichlow W. G. 60 Norfolk road Dixon Daniel, 20 Cranbrook gardens
Clarke ,\Yilliam Henry, 32 WeIlesley I'd Criichell Richard H. Isa,Richmond rd Dodgson R. F. Briarwood, Balfour rd'
Cla,rke 1Villiam John, 5 Northbrook rd Crook James Charles,104 Richmond 1'd Dodsworth Benjamin, G1'undisburgh..
Clase Alben, 40 Mansfield road Cropper Horaee John, 6 A1'gyle road Granville road
Claydon Maurice Arthur, 51 WeIlwood Crosbie James, 25 Ingleby road Dodsworth John, 10 The Drive
road, ISeven Kings C1'osbie Theodore Arth. 3'3 Oakfield rd Doig John Stuart, 37 Courtland aven
Clayson Chl'is,topher W.40 Selborne rd Cross Alfred Henry,20 Empress avenue Donaldson George, 6 Empress avenue
Clayton Henry Richard, 39 Belgrave rd Crossfield Hy. Thos.1O Endsleigh gdns Dorlrins Miss, 21 Valentine's road
Olements Frank, 48 Eastwood road, Crouch John Jones, 41 Courtland aven Dormer Joseph Thos. 22 Grosvenor rd
Seven Kings Crouch John Jones, Park view, Coven- Dorn Sophus, 46 Courtland avenue
Clements Mark,Rodney vil.Oakfield I'd try road Dothie Mrs. 32 Endsleigh gardens
Clevely Alfred James, 74 Woodlands rd Growhurst Arthur, 63 Courtland aven Dovaston Capt. John, 70 Elgin road"
Clifton James Smith, 19 Selborne road Croxford Henry A. 4 Belmont road Seven Kings
Olifton Mrs. 1 Wellesley road Croysdill Wm.57Elgin rd. Seven Kings Dow RobeTt, 24 Mayfair avenue
Clowes Major Hy, Huelva, Balfour rd Cruickshank Alexander Brown M.B., Down, 30 The Driv~, Cran-
C~uff Mrs. I04 'Elgin rd. Seven Kings ·C.M. 32 Grosvenor road hrook park
Olunk William Thomas, 32 Kingswood CI'Uiokshank George, 39 Oakfield road Draycott George E. 69 Empress avea
road, Seven King'S Gruickshank Upton S. 113 Elgin road, Droesse Hugo, 8 The Drive
Coo.kes William John, 42 Eastwoad rd. Seven Kings . Drought Perey James, 107 Balfour rd
Seven King'S' Cubitt Albert G. 47 Empress avenue Drown Wm. James, 4 Endsleigh gdns
C~hrane Henry, 34 Empress avenue Cuddon A. Durley Dene, Covent·ry rd Drury Mrs. Elizabeth, 44 Richmond rd
CoIten 'Mrs. 4:~ Richmond road Cudemore Charles, 21 Eastwood road, Dllcker Charles Richd. 124 Balfour rd
Oolbran John Baker. 61 Norfolk road Seven Kings Dudgeon William H. 89 Courtland av
Cole' Benson, 103 Grosvenor road Cuff W. Sidney, Elm villa,Granville rd DugweIl Charles, 37 Northbrook road
Cole Frederick. 13(1, Richmond road Cugnoni Alfred, 35 Endsleigh gardens DuUey Mrs. 12 De Vere gardens
Cole Henry Edward, 47 Ma}iair aven Culver Robt. 39 Elgin rd. ,Seven Kings Dumble WilIiam Ernest, 4 Morland Td
Coleman Arlhur, 52 Courtland avenue Cummings Isaac, 48 Kensington gdns Duncan Daniel, 106 Cambridge road
Coley F. St·anley, 17 Balfour road Currie Mrs. 4 Derby gardens, High 1'd Duncan :Mrs. 32 Argyll.' road
CoIlard Edward, 92 Cambridge road Gurror Mrs. 3 Queen's gardens Duncan Robert, 30 'Wellwood road"
Collier Alexander, 35 Mayfair avenue Curry Thomas David, 79 Richmond I'd Seven Kings
Collier Jas. Bertie, 16 Cranbrook gdns Cushway Mrs. 55 The Drive Duncan Robert William M.B. I Nor-
Collingwood Mrs. I I Grosvenor road Cu1Jbush William, 83 Woodlands road folk gdns. Cameron rd. Seven King!'
Collins Arthur Alfred, I I De Vere gdm Cuthbert Wm.Thos.B.31 Sunnyside 1'd Duncall William, 71 Northbrook rO:lu
CoIlins Henry ,Toseph, 82 Grosvenor rd Cuthbertson Wm. A. 17 Mansfield rd Dunford Valentine Martin,2Aldboro' Id'
CoIlins . William J. 32 Belmont road Dack William Herbert, 53 Wellwood Dunkin Mrs. 33 Belmont road
CoIton Charles Henry George, 13 Elgin road, Seven Kings Dunn Edwin Thomas, 20 Mansfield rd
road, Seven Kings Daltrev Hv. Alfd. I I Cranbrook gdns Dunn James George Greenwood, 63
Colvin Alexander, 67 Argyle road Dane Fredk. Hopper, 20 De Vere gdns Belgrave road
Combes Miss, 66 Argyll' rond Daniels Capt. Wm ..~9 Empress aven Dunn Mrs. 19 Grosvenor road
ConneIl Alfred, 213 Balfour road Dark Charles, 36 De Vere gardens' Dunsmore Horace, 1014 Courtland avea
Constad I,srael, Hendel ho. Bathurst rd Darling Oliver W. 43 Mansfield road DurantyMrs. 46 Norfolk ~oad ,
Constance Herht.Edwd.24 Richmond rd Darling Wm. James. 73 Grosvenor rd Durell Henry, Redbridge ho.Redbridge
Cook Ernest, 39 Kensington gardens Davey Art-hur Tomkin, 5 K~ngswood Dustow Charles Elliott, Veryan housc~
Cook Samuel 41 KenSington gdns road, Seven Kings ,_ ., Valentine's roar!
Cooke Alfred,,, 35 Argyle road Davey F. E. H. 41 Grosvenor road,.. Dyer Thomas, 25 Northbrook road
Cooke Edward, Glencoe, Granville rd Davies Mrs. 15 WeUesley road Dyson Charles, 48 Woodlands road
Cooke Stephen T. 44 Argvle road Davis Chas. 124 Elgin rd.Seven Kings Dyster Arthur, 45 Eastwood road~
Cooksey Maxirll:iIian, 101 Elgin road, Dav!s Charles, 8 Se~born~ road. . . Seven Kings
Seven King:s DavIs George Wm. 41 ValentIne's I'd Eady Mrs. 10 De Vere gardens
Cooper Capt. Alfred, 18 Wellesley road Davis Herbt.gWellwood rd.SevenKings Eames Waiter John, 92 Elgin road.
Cooper Capt. Thomas Roberts, 6 Bel- Davis lIorace, I I .Albert road , I Seven Kings
grave gardens, York road Davis. Joseph, 71 Grosvenor road, Easling Edwd. '1'hos. 17 Queen's gdns
Cooper Charles J. S. 27 Empress aven Davis Thos. 5 Clement's gdns. High rd Easson John, 35 Courtland avenue
Cooper Nathaniel, .Lf, Northbrook road Davis Thomas Alfrl'd, 62 Ba-lfonr Toad. Easterbrook '\Vm.Harvey,18Norfolk I,d
Coope,!' Wm. Robert, 166 Welleslev rd Davis Wm. Thai;. TIl'andon 10. High rd Ebdon Edward Fras. 64 Belgrave road
Copeman Frank,S Argyle n~ad .. Dawson Henry Fl'oncis,7I WeUesley I'd Eckart Hans, 59 Endsleigh gardens
COpBman 'Williarn, I .. Grosvenor road Pawl's James Richard, 23 Kiugsw,ood Economides Costa, 74 Balfour road
Coppen Sidney, 44 .. Belgrave road road, ,Sev~n Kings. . Eden William, 101 Woodlands road
Copping ';lameS '.A1fc!.44 WoodlaI1d~ rd •. ,.•,.:.:: .".' ' ;. .IF~sa\l ~'l'ank Davis, 41 Norfolk road

-"'l .

Edwards A. M. 76 Norfolk road Flood WaIter, I Northbrook road Goddard Wm. Henry, 15 De Vere gdns
Edwards Benj. Geo. III Grosvenor rd Flynn William, Endsleigh, Balfour rd Golding F. Y. 20 'Yellwood road,
Edwards Frederick, 41 Empress aven Foale Robert James, 3 Selborne .road Seven Kings
Edwards John, 2 Northbrtlok road Fogwill Frank, 93 EmpreSB avenue Golledge Edward! A. Lindfords, Bal-
Eglington Geo. Ma.rk, 3 Wellesley rd Ford G. St. Mary's villa, High road four road
Einhauser Ferdinand, IS Belgrave rd Ford John, 57 Belgmve road Gooch Sidney Alfred, 26 Eastwood
Einhauser Joseph, 95 Empress avenue Ford Mrs. 59 Northbrook road road, Seveu Kings
Eisdell. Rerv. John Warmington (chap- Forrest John, 45 Endsleigh gardens Good John, 57 Endsleigh gardens
lain to St. Mary's Hospital chapel), Forsdick Ml'S. l>I6 Cambridge :road Goodall John Robert, 93 Grosvenor rd
8 ')1:ansfield road Forster Mrs. 60 Endsleigh gardens Goode Charles, 2 Norfolk road.
Eldridge Robert, 28 Richmond road Foster A.rthur, Montrose, Mansfield rd Goodsir .lames M. 23 Empress avenue
Ellerton James, 16 Empress avenue Foster John William, 24 Woodlands rd Goodwin Alexander, 125 Elgin road,
Elliott Albert, 65 Mayfair avenue Fowell Jas. Digby, 31 Kensington gdns Seven Kings
Elliott Anthony, 60 Empress avenue Fowler ·Wm. Complin, 21 Empress av Goodwin George Hy. 23 De Vere grdns
Ellison Egbert Lewin, 45 Scrafton rd Frankenfeldt Frederick William, JOO Gordon David, 20 Endsleigh gardens
Elmer Harry 1V. IQ Mansfield road Courtland road Gordon Mrs. 21 Kensington gardens
Elphick Harry Edwd. 30 Selborne rd Franklin James, 68 Argyle road Gore Charles, 68 Morllake road
Elvey William Henry, 61 Richmond rd Franklin Richard John, 38 Belgrave rd Gorton William, 12 Albert road
Emery George, 9 Cranbrook villas, Fraser Robert McKechnie M.A., M.B., Gastling Fra.ncis George, Aberdour,
Cranbrook road C.M. I Belgrave gardens, York road Balfour road
Engelbach In. Jas. 31 Nurthbrook rd Freeman Chas. .A.lbert, 5:5 Belgrave rd Gatt .lames Godfrey, 6 BlythsWQod
Ennis John Malcolm, 30 Richmond rd Freeman Hl'bt.L.Gilmore ho.Pelhm.rd gardens, High road
Erhorn Louis William, 98 Elgin road, Freeman John H. 96 Richmond road Gculd George, 12 Cranbrook gardens
Seven Kings Freeman Wltr.Gordon vil.Cleveland I'd Gower David, 61 Endsleigh gardens
Erwood WaIter, 122 Cambridge road French Charles Francis, 26 ,Scrafton rd Grahum George, C:arence house~
Eubank Richard, Z2 Courtland avenue FrcmeJn.Jsph.6Selborne gdns.York rd Ilford lane
Eva,ns Rev. .A.rthur George (curate of Frost Mrs. 39 Albert rOlld Grant Edward, 21 Norfolk road
Great Ilford), Higham ho. Albert rd Fry Edmd.4Kingswood rd.SevenKings Graves 'fhomas, 34 WellwoDd road,.
Evans Charles, 26 Albert road Fuller Henry James, 19 Courtland av Seven Kings
Evans Frank, 24 Norfolk road Fuller Mrs. Philorth, Balfour road Gray Alfred, 36 Richmond road
Evans Isaac, 64 Ca.mbridge road Fuller Roberl, 59 Richmond road Gray Rev. John Price (Primitive-
Evans Owen, Glendower, Scrafton I'd Fuller William, 17 Mayfair avenue, Homestead, Oaldleld r.d .
Eve Jsph'43Kingswood I'd. Seven Kings Furguson John Hay, I7 Cambridge rd Gmy .lames Samuel, 53 Kensing-
Everett William, 47 Selborne road Furneaux Samuel,54 Kensington gdns ton g-ardens
Everett William Henry,61 Belgrave rd Fyfe Johan, 2q Elgin rd. Seven Kings Gl'uy William, 86 C01Htland avenue
Ewen John, 24 Aldborough gardens Gadd Sidney Herbert, 56 Richmond I'd Green George Henry, 97 Richmond I'd'
Fabian Claud Baigent, 58 Norfolk rd Gadsdon Charles Bertie, 22 The Drive Green Miss, 17 Ingleby road
Fagg John, 42 Courtland avenue Gadsdon George John, '£he Lodge, Green Mrs. 9 Ingleby road
Fairweather Hrbt. Wltr.39Mansfield rd Cranbrook road Green Mrs. 33 Mayfair avenue
Falck Mrs. 53 Argyle road Galla her Reginald, 102 Courtland av Green Mrs. Stisted villa, Oakfield road'
Fallows John Andrew, Mansell villa, GaIt Rev. WaIter .A.., M.A., RD. (Pres- Green Mrs. The Ferns, Balfour road'
Coventry road byterian), 18 Northbrook road Green Mrs. M. Limefield, Coventry rd
Fansett George, 27 Grosvenor road Gundar Henry John, 27 Argyle road Green Samuel Thos. 5 Mayfair avenue-
Farnan Herbt'49EIgin rd.Seven Kings Gane Joseph, 18 Belgrave road Greenland Thomas, 42 Northbrook I'd
Farnan Mrs. 6 Granville road Gardener John, 8 Cranbrook gardens Greenslade John, 76 Courtland avenue
Farrington Percy Hall, IS Mayfair av Gardner Alfred Wm. 22 Selborne road Greenwood .lames, 7 Kingswood rd.
Farrington Robert Morgan Joseph, 39 Garland Herbert, 26 Wellwood road, Seven Kings
Endsleigh gardens Seven Kings Greg-ory Albert C. 22 Belgrave road
Faulkner George HenrY,44 Be:mont rd Garner Edwin, I I Cambridge road Greig James, 141 Cambridge Toad
Faulkner ",Vm. George,6 De Vere gdns Garnham Benj. Fras. 42 Grosvenor I'd Gretton Ernest Edwd. 100 Balfour rd
Faunch Charles Jas. 62 Richmond rd Garnick .A.rthur William, 16 Elgin Grice John William, SI Elgin road l
Faunch Fredk. Geo. 9 Cranbrook gdns road, Seven Kings Seven Kings
Faunch George Symonds, I Arg)'le Garrett James. 21 13elgrave road Griffen William G. 6 Belmont road
gardens, York road. Gaunt Lewis Herman, Grange bank, Griffiths Capt. William, 50 Elgin rd~
Faunch 1V. G. Penuel, Cleveland rd Balfour road Seven Kings
Fawcett George, 32 Vernon gardens Gaunt Percy, 16 Courtland avenue Griffiths Fredk. 13 Endsleigh gardens'
Fea.therstone Jas. Mayfield,4 Argyle rd Geary Francis, 33 Kingswood road, Griffiths Henry Jas. 137 Cambdge. rd
Featherstoml Wltr.Finch'31Selborne rd Seven Kings Griffiths Mrs. St. Aubins, Cleveland rd
Feist Henry, Eo Courtland avenue Geary Henry Valentine, 62 Elgin road, Griggs Edward, 17 Courtland avenue
Felce .lames David, 52 Grosvenor rd Seven Kings Griggs Mrs. 37 The Drive
Fennings Richard Montague, 84 Court- Geddes James, 96 Cambridge road Griggs William Peter J.P. 7 The·
land avenue George Jeremiah, 19 Albert road Drive, C.ranhrook park
Fenton W'illiam, 26 Endsleigh gardens Gibb Benjamin, 52 Kensington gdllS Grigsby Charles Edwin, 20 Eastwood'
Ferdinando Joseph Young, 4 Bain viIs. Gibbard William, 26 Kingswood road, road, Seven Kings
Albert road Seven Kings Grimston Arthur Robt. 100 Thorold rd
Ferguson Colin, 131 Elgin road, Seven Gibbs Frederiek, 74 Norfolk road Grinsted Mrs. 82 Richmond road
Kings Gibbs Harry Fred, 2 Wellwood road, Grove Richard, I Belmont road
Ferriman Thomas, 25 Norfolk road Seven Kings Grove William, 215 Balfour road
Ferris Richard James, 33 Richmond I'd Gibbs John F. 4 Belgrave gdns.York rd Guernsey HamiltonBrooke,34Argyle rd
Ferroussat Henry P. F.19 Mansfield I'd Gibson James, 35 The Drive Guiness Arthur Perey, 35 A.rgyle road
Fielder Henry, 83 Richmond road Gibson Robert, 31 De Vere gardens Gurney Goorge, 84 Richmond road
Fielder :Miss, 12 Argyle road Gibson William .A.. 16 Richmond road Gutheil Adam, 34 Eastwood road,
Fielding Paul, 3 Belmont road Gidney Percy, 85 Richmond road Seven Kings
Filer Miss, 79 Grosvenor road Gilchrist Mrs. 55 Balfour road Gntieriez Hy. Whitworth, 80 Norflk.rd
Finch Mark, 67 Mayfair avenue Gilderson Robert, Cleveland house, Guyer Charles, 128 Elgin road,
Finch William .lames, 50 !VIansfield I'd Cleveland road Seven Kings
Finden Henry, ID Clement's gardens, Gilhespie Harry, 77 Empress avenue Hubben Edwin, 2 Argyle gdns.York rd
High road Gillard Ernest F. 29 The Drive Hainer Godfrey, Helvetia, Balfour rd
Findlay John, I Kensington gardens Gillard Miss, 103 Woodlands road Hagger ·Wm. Thos. 18 Selborne road
Finney Robert Clay, 7 Eastwood road, Gilley George, 27 The Drive Hall Alfred, 30 De Vere gardens
Seven Kings GilIey Samuel, 84 Norfolk road Hall Arthur John, 97 Conrtland avenue
Finson Wm. Henry, 46 Endsleigh gdns Gilling Frederick K. 48 Courtland av Hall Clifford, 62 Ingleby road
Firman Charles John, 32 ""'oodlands rd Gilson WaIter William, 13 Eastwood Hall Cuthbert, 9 Clement·s gar-
Fish James Henry, 69 Mayfair avenue road, Seven Kings dens, High road
Fisher Mrs. 49 The Drive Gladding Rbt'9TheDrive,Cranbrook pI!. Hall Edward, 34 Endsleigh gardens
Fisher WHfred Harold, 49 The Drive Glasgow John James, 22 vVellwood rd. 'U"ll George Gibson, 2 Derby gar-
Flatman George 1Vm. 44 Balfour rd Seven Kings dens, High road
Flatt Alex.1Yasington,61vVoodlands rd Glover Henry Percy, 5 Eastwood road, Hall Jas. Jsph. 17 Empress avenue
Fletcher Chas. George'76 Grosvenor rd Seven Kings RaIl Thomas, 29 Selborne road
Fletcher Edward, 19 Norfolk road Goater Mrs. 86 Richmond road Halson Ernest Cross, 2 Cranbrook
Fletcher Thomas, 44 Empress avenue Godbehear Geo.Stphn.35 Queen's gdns. villas, Cranbrook road
ES~EX 16>1:
HalleH Mrs. 47 Endsleigh gardens . Helling John Fredk. 28 Albert road Hubbard John, lIO Norfolk road
Hamberge,r Arihar S. 20Belgrave road Helmore Henry, 73 Elgin I'd. Svn.Kings Hubbard Wa1ter Hy. 108 Norfolk road
Hames Thomas, 85 Woodhmds road TTenderson Alexander, 4b Eastwood Hudson Ra.lph, 41 Ingleby road
Hamilton Alexander, 58 Eastwood I'd. road, Seven Kings Hue John Milling-ton, 12 Norfolk road
Seven Kings Henderson Benjamin, 20 Woodlands I'd Hughes Alfred, 34 Courtland avenue
Hamilton Frands Dancy L.M. 7 Pem- HendersonCecilVere,8Aldborough gdns Hughes Fredk. Ernest, 48 Mansf1eld I'd
broke road Henderson John, 5 Endsleigh gardens Hnghes Thos. Kingston, Coventry road
Hammett tiy. Edwd. 3 Mansfield road Henke Miss Louise, 52 Elgin road, Hnll Arthur, 144 Elgin I'd. Svn. Kings
Hammock Arth. Stanley, 93 COlll't- Seven Kings Hnmmerton James W. 9 Richmond I'd
land avenue Hlmley F. Leete, 3 Green Lane grdns Humphreys Absalom Jame.s, 9 Kings-
Hammond George 'rhomas Rnbert, [Jpnnequin Edmond, Laburnum villas, wood road, Seven Kings
Miriam house, Ilford lane South Park avenue Humphreys Mrs. 21 Sunnyside road
Hammond John George, jun.Langsett, Herring Bernard, 31 Norfolk road Humphreys Thomas, 66 Grosvenor rd
Cranbrook road Hersee Fred R. Ahbotsford, Oak- Hunt James, 96 Thorold road
Hammond Joseph, 78 Elgin road, field road Hunter Charles, 53 Eastwood road,
Seven Kings Hewett Edward G. 33 Mansfield road Seven Kings
Hammond William, 47 Norfolk road Hewitt Francis Ja,s. 99 Courtland av IJunter George, 24 Kingswood road,
Hampson John, 48 Grosvenor road Hewitt James R. 2 Woodlands road Seven Kings
Hanks Chas.M.B., B.S. 74 Belgrave rd IIewitt Robert, 21 Cranbrook gardens Hunter Geo. Jsph. 61 Kensington gdns
Hannant Robert, 46 Argyle road Heyman Archibald Gould, 106 Court- Hurley Mrs. A. 49 Selborne road
IIarbott Arthur William, 49 De land avenue Hurse John F. Harhorne, Oakfield I'd
Vere gardens Hicks Renjamin, T9 Mayfair avenue Hutchins James, 15 Elgin rd.Svn.Kngs
Harbott Edward J. 4 Pembroke Hicks James Lyel l , 41 Argyle road Hutehinson Jas. Cha.s. 150 Balfour rd
gardens, High road Higgins George Fdk. 37 Grosvenor rd Hutohinson John, 32 Mayfair avenue
Hardcastle Geo.12 Elgin rd.Svn.Kings Hile Daniel John, 34 Selborne road Hyde WaIter Herbt. 23 Mayfair aven
Harding Alfred D. B. la :Korthbrook I'd Hill Henry, 24 Northbrook road Hyle Reuben, 90 Richmond road
Hardy Frederick, 16 Kingswood road, IJill Rowland, Rathgar, ODventry road Hyman Harry, 28 Ea.stwood road,
Seven Kings Hill Stanley, 9 Endsleigh gardens Seven Kings
Hardy MisoS, Iona, Balfour road Hill Thomas, 86 Grosvenor roall rIyrons Fras. Edwd. 7 Kensington gdns
Harley Philip Thomas J<'rost, 70 IIillebrescht Hermann,21 De Vere gdns lIes William Samuel, 38 Eastwood
Court!and avenue Hillman Fredk.William, 221 Thorold I'd road, Seven King.s
Harnett Arthur C. 86 Elgin road, Hills Ernest Arthur, 70 Ingleby road Impey Arthur, 8 De Vere gardens
Seven Kings Hills Frank, 74 Ingleby road Impey WaIter, 19 De Vere gardens
Harris Captain Philip,. 'fhe Limes, Hince Frederick, 71 Ril'hmond road IlIgle Rev. Fredk. Alfred RA. (curate
Coventry road IIinee Harry, 66 Courtland avenue of Gt. Ilford), 17 Thorold road
Harris John Riehardson, St. Byldu's, Hind Henry, 16 Argyle road Jngl()by Mrs. Valentines, Cranbrook I'd
Coventry road Hinderwell Richard Ouston, 19 In gram Rev. James William (Congre-
Hanis Richard A. 4 Cranbrook villas, Endsleigh gardens gational), IS Cranbrook gardens
Cranbrook road Hindom Herbt. Chas. 96 Grosvenor I'd Ingram Frederiek, 33 Grosvenor road
Hards Samuel, 45 Courtland avenue Hinton Albert John, 10 Kingswood I'd. Innes John Charles, 35 Grosvenor rd
Hards William, 12 The Drive Seven Kings Inne,s William, I Albert road
Harrison Rev. John (Baptist), 120 Hirch Eugene, 3 Granville road Tnwood Thomas George, 46 Kings-
Elgin road, Seven Kings Hoare Edward John, ::!6 Norfolk road wood road, Se,ven King'S
Harrison Alfred Thomas, 32 Eastwood Hobbs Alfred, 39 Kingswood road, I1'eland William Farquharson, 9
road, Seven Kings Seven Kings Courtland avenue
Harrison Edwd. Wm. 3 Cambridge I'd Hobday Henry Thomas, 7 Albert road It'win Henry, 220 Balfour road
H,ut E. H. Ethelwyn, Wellesley road Hobdell Frederick, I? Sunnyside road Isbister Wm.Geo.B.A.18Grosvenor I'd
Hart .Toseph, 33 Wellwood rd.Svn.Kngs Hocken Mrs. 53 :Korthbrook road Tsles Stephen H. 51 Selborne road
Hart WaIter Hobkirk, 12 Wellwood I'd. Hoekley Joseph, 62 Norfolk road Ison Henry Wm. 57 Mansfield road
Seven Kings RockIey William, 6 Cranbrook gardens Ives George, 77 Woodlands road
,Hartin WaIter J. 34 Norfolk road Bodges Lionel, .')5 E~gin rcl.Seven Kngs Izzard William Henry, 4 Belgrave I'd
. Hartman John Conrad, I I Be1grave I'd Badges Mrs. 36 Mansfield road ,Jaekman Edwin Jas. 60 Belgrave road
Hartshorn Robert, 8 Grosvenor road Hodges Thos. 53 Elg:n rd. Seven Kngs .fnckson Alfred, 22 Endsleigh gardens
. Barvey Charles A. 4 Courtland avenue Hogen Patrick, 8<) WelIesley road .Jackson Arthur, 10 Mayfair avenue
Harvey Edward G. 5 Courtland .avenue Hogg Mrs. 5 Elgin road, Seven Kings Jackson Chas. Edward, 39Grosvenor I'd
Harvey Ernest Edwd. 41 MayfaIr aven Holland Fredk. Wm. 47 Mansfield road .Tackson John, 23 Woodlands road
'lIarvey James Alfred, 18 Ald- Holland John, 23 WelIesley road .Iackson John Jsph. 18 De Vere grdnSl
borough gardens Holliday Sidney He1'bert,24Empress av Jackson John R. 23 Woodlands road
. Harvey John W. I4I High road Hollingdale Alht.PalfreY'79 Empress av .Tackson Stewart Perey, 44 Courtlnd.av
Harvey William, 45 Selborne road Hollins Charles Alfred, 21 Mayfair av .1aekson Sam!. Westlake,5o Conrtlnd. av
Haslam Gerald, 51 Mansfield road Holman Edwd. Frank, 4 Richmond rd .Tacl,son W~ .. Carlisl~, 102 Balfour I'd
Haslam Gao. H. 5 Oranbrook gardens Holman Marcus Robert, 42 Tho1'old I'd .Taekson WIlha~ SmIth, 35 Wellwood
- Hastings Mrs. 65 Wellesley road Holmes Oaptain W. 72 Mayfair avenue road, Seven Kmgs
- Hatch Wm. 23 A,ldborough gardens Hohnes Ernest, 83 Courtland avenue Jacobs Abmham T. 4 Empress avenue
Hatfield Edwd.Cooper,2sWoodlands I'd Holsten Hy. Oak villa, Wellesley road .Tacobsen ,Capt. ,T. A.. 15 Selbo1'11e rd
Hatfield George William, 24 Argyle I'd Honeyman Alex. Anderson, 16 Cam- ,Jaequot F. M. 132 Elgm I'd. Svn.Kngs
IIawes Henry, 18 The Drive bridge road .Jaggers Henry, 17 Albert road
Hawes Jame.s, 6 Grosvenor road Hood Miss Sarah, 81 Woodlands road .Tames Cap~. John R. 48 Selbo1'11e I'd
Hawes Thomas, 188 Balfour road Hooper Albert Henry, 42 E~gin ,lames Ghnstopher, 17. Bedford gar-
Hawes Wm. 26 De Vere gardens road, Seven Kings dens, Ilford, lane .
Hawkins Louis Frank, 71 Empress av Hooper Charles, 3 6 Endsleigh g-ardens .lames John I'. 98 Cambl'1dge road
Hawksworth Mrs. 27 Courtland avenue Hornby Alfred 45 Valentine's road .lames Roger, 37 Belgrave road
Hay George, 5 Kensingt<ln gardens Horwood Joseph The Rookery Ald- ,Iameson William, 8 Woodlands road
Hayden William, 31 Elgin road, borough road ' ' Jarv~s Alfred, 36 Albert road
Seven Kings Horwood William, 75 Grosvenor road .Tarv:s Mrs. 37 Aldborough gardens
Hnydon Yrancis Rehd. 44 De Vere gdns Hose Louis Valenden, 5 Wellwood I'd..Inrvls :Mrs. 70 Grosvenor road
'Hayes Mrs. 10 Cranbrook gardens Seven KinO's .Teacock 'WaIter, 48 Northbrook road
'Hayler Edwin, 67 Grosvenor road Hosty Willia"ID, 4 0 Albert road .Tefferson Thomas, I Endsleigh grdns
'Hayward Richd. Homeleigh, High road Houehin Edmnnd King, Ravens-.TefYrey Erne,st, S Aldborough road
Haywood Wm. Charles, 21 Argyle I'd worth, Cranhrook road .JefYreys Charles F. 57 Argyll.' road
Hazell Henry George, 26 Elgin Hough Samuel Buy:is, 13 6 Elgin road, .Tellie Arthur J?seph, 25 Wellwood
road, Seven Kings Seven Kings road, Seven Kmgs
Heaiin~ Chas. Fairlight, Coventry I'd HOl1ghton Alfred George, 2 Belgrave rd .Tenkins :Mrs. 65 Courtland avenue
Healy Frank Patriek, 23 Albert road Houg-hton :Murtaugh James, I :Mans- .Tenkinson Geo. Wm. 2 De Vere grdns
HeardFrankMontague,38Woodlands I'd field gardens, York road .Tenldnson Saml.Cranfield,I') Norfolk I'd
Hcarn Mrs. Roseville, Aldborough I'd How Georg-e William, So Thorold road .Jenl,illson William, 174 Balfour road
Heavingham Ernest L. 27 Mayfair av Howard Edward, 92 Coul'thmd avenue Jenks Frederick Jas. 18 Richmond I'd
Hecley Capt. Thos. P. 22 Argyle road Howard Waiter, 2 Mansfield road .Tennery William, 37 Empress avenue
llcITer William S. 10 Grosvenor road Howe Thomas Hy. 25 Grosvenor road .Tennings Edward, 17 Selborne road
Hl'imich ,Tohn L. 8 Kingswood road, Howlett Samuel, 33 Empre,ss avenue lennings Edward Josiah Percy, 60
Seven Kings Howson William Cott{)n, 2 Morland I'd Argyle road
•Tennings Frank, 66 Mayfair avenue Knox J. W. 68 Inglehy road Lowth James Colnett, 30 Auckland rd
Jennings Henry, 19 Kingswood road, Krumm Richard, 62 Grosvenor road Luckhurst Charles, 14 Inglehy road
Seven Kings Laird Henry Arth. 24 Cambridge road Lueking Fran1,r. W. 36 Kingswood rd .
•Tennings William. Henry, 29 Ald- Lamb .Toseph, 20 Delmont road Seven Kings .
borough gardens Lamb Tom'40 Kingswood rd.S'vn.Kngs Luey Henry Arcourt, 53 Mansfield rd
Jermin Mrs. Waverlree, Ilford lane Lambert William Elias, 59 The Drive Luke Anthony John, 37 Mansiield road
.Teves Mrs: -21 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings Lamborn H. E. 54 Norfolk road Luke Mrs. 19 Northbrook road
Jewkes William A. E. 2 Belgrave Lambourne Rev. William ('Baptist), Lusby Wm.M.ThePines,Aldborough rd
gardens, York road 67 Snnnyside road Lyddon George, 3 Belgrave road
Jubson Thomas Battersby B.A., M.D. Lance John Henry, Glenville, High rd Lyndall Edwd. Bnlwer, 9 Wellesley rd
Trelyon, High road Lance John Hy. F. Roseville, High rd Lynton James, 55 Kansington gardens
,Tohns Alfred, 8 CraIl!brook villas, Lane, Alfred Thos. 56 Endsleigh gdns Lyon William Ingram, $0 Selbonle rd
Cranbrook road Lang Norman, The Chate-t, BaJfour rd Lyons Thos. Lyonsdene, Wellesley rd
Johns James Ormond, 28 Selborne rd Langford William John Noble, Glen- Macadam Joseph, 31 The Drive
Jahnson Goorge, 64 Mayfair avenue wood, High road Maca.Jister Robt. S. 62 Endsleigh gdns
Johnson Harry, 142 Elgin rd. Svn.Kngs Lapworth William, 25 The Drive McAndrew James, 43 Mayfair avenue-
Johnson Hy. F. Parker,22 Belmont rd Latreille Ulysses,54 Endsleigh gardens McClare Thos. Porteus, 13 Mayfair av
Johnson John, Dolgelly, Balfour road Latreille W. F. 22a, Richmond road MacdonaJd Alex.Brighton viI.Ooventry
Johnson John Wm. 16 Endsleigh gdns Latto Alexander, 16 The Drive McDonald Edmund Thomas,' 4 Sel-
Johnson Jsph. Robt.I6 Woodlands rd Lauderdale Mrs. 6 Richmond road borne gardens, York road
Jones Rev. Fredk. (Bapt.), 2 Argyle I'd Laurie William K. II4 Courtland aven Macdonald Alexander, Brighton villa,
Jones Eruest W. 58 Mayfair avenue Laver James, 106 Richmond road Qoventry road
Jones John, 137 High road Law John W. J. 173 BaJfour rood McDonaJd Edwd. G. IIO Cambridge rd
Jones John Arth. 15 Oourtland aven Law Miss, 7 Argyll road Macdonald John, I Ma.yfair a.venue
Jones John Charles, 14 Belmont road Lawes Victor, 2'6 Belgrave rood Mc:Oonald Stanley Fredk. 135 Elgin
Jones Lewis, 61 The Drive Lawford John A. 74 Courtland avenue road, Seven Kings
Jones Meth, 41 Norlhbrook road La"IVrence Fredk. Geo. 53 Belgrave rd Mcf)onald William, 47 Richmond road
Jones Miss, 1.2 Oourtland avenue Lawrence Frederick Wm. Rutherford Mcl)ougoald John, 49 Northbrook road
Jones Robert, 44 Grosvenor road villa, Coventry road Macer Edg-ar, 78 Thorold road
Jones Robert, 3 Ma)1air avenue La,wrence James, 23 Norfolk road MacEwen Mrs. 23 Elgin rd.Sevn.Kings
Jones Thos. John, 47 Oambridge road La,wrence Thomas Joseph, Stanford viI. Macfarlane WaIter, 21 King-swood rd.
Jones William, 183 BaHour road Balfour road Seven Kings
Jose Sam!. Boulden, 21 Mans'field rd Lawrenson Charles Hy. 132 Balfour I'd Mc<:rowan Alex.;l4 EI~in rd.SevenKings
Julian Ernest William, 28 Mansfield rd Laws Arth'4'sKingswood rd.Sevn.Kngs Machell :Mrs. 4 South pk.Cranbrook I'd
Jutsnm Fredk. 95 Kensington gardens Lawson WilIiam, 31 Endsleig-h gardens Machell Mrs. E. 60 Belgrave road
Kain Perey, 10 Aldborough gardens Lazarus Mrs..'l1 Argyle road McKay Alex. D. II Green Lane gdns
Kale Joseph, 12 Eastwood rd.Svn.Kngs Lee A. H. 22 Cranbrook !Z'3rdens Mackay William, 30 Albert road
Kappey Ferdinand Edwd. 33 Albert rd Lee Bertra.m T. Donyland, Balfour rd McKay William, 17 Norfolk Toad
Kellaway John, 35 Kingswood road, Lee Charles. 148 Welleslley rood McKechnie John, 20 Selborne road
Seven Kings Lee Chas. Richard, 31 Northbrook rd McKee Frederick Charles M.B. 55
Kemp Edward, 23 Belgrave road Lee James, I Morland road Valentine's road
Kemp Harry,Io7 Elgin rd.Seven Kings Lee Joseph Edward, 10 Balfour road McKendry Thomas Torrens B.A_,M.B.,.
Kemp Miss, 4 Argyle gdns. York rd Lee Jospph James, 91 Empres's avenue H.Ch., B.A.O. 39 WeUwood road~
Kemp Richard, IS Argyle road Lep Wllliam, 2 Norfolk gardens, Seven Kings
Kendall Edmund, 68 De Vere gardens Cameron road. Seven Kings McKenzie Mrs. 53 Oourtland avenue
Kendrick Jas.80 Elgin rd.Seven Kings Le!!,rotto Jo,seph Hector, 2<: Mayfair av McKillican :Mrs. Kenilorth, Oak field r:d
Kennedy Capt. T. J. I Richmond rd Lehmkuhl Frank Hy. 14 Woodlands rd McLanchlan Mrs. 58 Empress avenue
Kent Ernest Saml. 77 Court,land aven Leleu Frank, "-7 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings iVlcLellan Albt. Frank,45 Sunnyside rd
Kerr Wm.IO Wellwood rd.Seven Kings Leleu Henry Fmls. 0 Woodlands road ~.racmeikan Robt. 31 Courtland avenue
Kershaw Arth.SI.72 Elgin rd.Svn.Kngs Leleu Reginald, 41 Endsleigh gardens MacMurtry J()Ihn Alexand'er M.B. I
KerslaJ,e Frederick J. Ravenscroft, Lengemann Adam. 7 Grosvenor road Blythswood gardens, High rood
Coventry road Le PlastrierWm.M.l,o;Aldborough gdns MeNair Frank, 33 Selborne road
Keyan Alfred, 31 Richmond road Leslie Robert. I Arrryle road Mnc:Neill Rev. Nige1 LL.D. (Congre-
Key Wm. G ..0; The Drive,Cranbrook pk Letchford Sydney RoIJert, 3 Argyle ga,tional), 139 Elgin rd. Seven Kings
Key Wm. Russell, 66 Woodlands road gardens, York road Macneish Archibald, I I GourtJand aven
Killham Mrs. 34 Belgrave road Lever Arthur, 100 Wellesley rood McQueen Oscar, 4 'Woodlands road
Kllfick ArthUT B.A., M.B. 3 E'ollstwaod Lewis Her-bert Henry, 35 Eastwood McVee Thomas A. 52 Mansrfield road
rO'aid, Seven Kings road, Seven Kdngs Magee Thomas, 41 Belgrave road
Kimber Thos. Wm. ISO Wellesley rd Lewis Stuart Archer, 14 Mansfield rd Mager William, 33 De Vere ga,rdens
Kimmins William, 41 Albert road Lewis William Thomas, II Eastwood Magson Arthur John, 50 Belgrave road
King Albt.Walt·.43 E1gin rd.Svn.Kings Toad, Seven Kings Magson Hy. Ernest, 8:5 Courtland aven
King Charles R. 173>, Richmond road Life Edward Ely, 25 Cambridge road Mahy Mrs. Parkside, Auckland road
King Harry, 102 Norfolk road Lill-Gould Douglas, 15 Eastwood I'd. Maidment Mrs. 170 BaJfollr road
King Henry Whiting, 59 Mayfa,ir aven Seven Kings MaJenoir Arthur James, 7 Mansfield rd
King :Hobert W. 29 Empress avenue Lim.mer Harry Stephen, Stoke Doyle, Malpas Tom, Ivy villa, Balfour road
King Thomas John, Ilford cottage. Balfour roa.d Mauley Oapt. Fredk. 12 Mansfield rd
Cranbrook road Linder Charles, 30 May,fair avenue Mann Arthur Roberl, Ecc1esbourne,
King William Hy. 22 De Vere gardens Lindsay John William, 164 Balfour rd Clement's road
Kingston Samuel, 88 Wellesley road Lindsev Henry, 54 Richmond road Mann Wm.I5 Wellwood rd.SevenKings
Kinnear Wm. Keay, 56 De Vere gdns Linge Wm·5I Kingswood rd.Sevn.Kngs Mant Herbert, 13 Albert road
Kippins Thomas, Elmside, BalfouI' rd Little William, 34 l\orthbrook road March Arthnr Hobert, 25 Sunnyside rd
Kirk John Henry, 2 Courtland avenue Livermore Charles, 15 Albert road March James W. 31 Kingswood rd.
Kirkby James, 48 Belgrave road Loader Herbert Ric.hard, 76 Ing-Ieby Ni Seven Kings
Kirkland Mrs. 20 Cambridge road uJcke Henry James, 24 Wellwood rd. Margetts William, 43 Sunnyside road
Kirrage James Fredk. 20 Richmond I'd Seven Kings Marples Robert, 79 Ingleby road
Kitchen Edgar, St. Leonard's villa, Locking-ton Alfred Harold, Selden ho. Marriott Richard, 67 Richmond road
Bathurst road Oakfield road Marsh John, 53 De Vere gardens
Kitchen James, 47 Northbrook road Lockyer James, 82 Wellesley road Marshall Milton H. 98 BaUour road
Kit,ton In. E. Osborne ho. Balfour rd London WaIter, 168 Wellesley road Marshall Miss, 125 BaHour road
Klingethoefer Geo. 7 Aldborough gdns Long Dan1.44 Eastwood rd.Sevn.Kings Martin Edward, 45 Ba.lfour road
Knapman John George, 10 Ea-stwood Long George, 139 High road Ma.rtin Frederick Wm. 61 Ingleby I'd
road, Seven Kings Longden Charles, 3 Norfolk road Martin Hy. 97 Elgin rd. Seven Kings
Knight Albert, 18 Empress avenue Looker Percy. 48 Richmond road Martin Hy. Trinityville, Ba1:hurst rd
Knight George, 67 Woodlands road Lord Da.vidArth.Strathleven,Balfour rd Martin Mrs. 60 De Vere gardens
Knight Robert,' 51 Courtland avenue Lord John, ':l0 Selborne road Martin Mrs. 53 Endsleigh ~ardens
Knight William Geq. 162 Wellesley rd Lovell Alfd. Edmund, 29 De Vere gdns Martin Mrs. IS Mansfield road
Knights Edward James Harper, Lovesy Thos. H. 84 Grosvenor road Martin William, 53 Richmond road
Orackenthorpe, Coventry road Lowden Robert Dickson, Z7 Ingleby rd Marlin Wm·B.5 Selborne gdns.York I'd
Knoblauch William, 40 Woodlands rd Lowery Archibld.Robt.S7 Courtland rd Martyn Louis John, 78 Mayfair avenuE"
Knott Thomas, 13 Selborne road Lowe David Allan,3 Mansfield gardens, Mason Harry Noel, 25 Elgin road,
Knowlden Alfred, IS The Drive York road iSeven Kings
M~son Joseph' lVilliam, Glenmay, Moynihan In. Fras. Elmwood, High rd Oram \Villiam, 30 Grosvenor road
Oakfield road Mulder Abel R. 94 Richmond :road Ormrod J"redk. Wm. 78 Grosvenor rd
Mason Wm. S. Venn hO'. Cleveland rd Mulhall William, 7 Selborne gardens Ormston Andrew John, 81 Ingleby I'd
Masters 'Capt. Rd. Fras.7 Selborne I'd Mulhern Patrick, 94 Mayfair avenue O'Rourke John Joseph, 77 Ingleby rd
Mwthew Henry, 16 Vernon gardens Mulley Edwd. ·Wm. 21 Cleveland I'd Osborn Cornelius Edward, Kyneton,
Matthews A. W. 14 .Aldborough gdns Mulley Thos. Edwd. 8 Green La. gdns Balfour road
MwtthewSJ Morrison, 19a, Richmond I'd Mulling Franz, 40 Richmond road Osborn Herbert John, 28 Empress av
Maund Richard, 17 De Vere gardens Mumford Jas. Greyford, Auckland I'd Osborne Joseph Cherry, 42 Belmont rd
M'axim Hezeldah, 21 Wellwood road, Munro William M.D. 27, Richmond I'd Osborne William M.30 Courtland aven
Seven Kings ::VIurch John Jerom, 7I Norfolk road Ould Mrs. 95 Woodlands :road
Maxwell Mrs. 26 Argyle I'oad Murdoch John, 96 Dalfour road Owen Harold,Hillsborough,Oakfield I'd
Mayes Mrs. 5 Derby gardens, High rd Murphy Edmund, 32 l'iorthbrook road Owen Miss, 3 Richmond road
Maynard John, 8 Empress avenue Murphy George, 49 Mansfield road Owen Richard Her-bert, 72 Thorold I'd
lifeares Percy Nicholson, The Chest- Murray Frederick, 33 Norfolk road Owen Tom Coarser, 43 Endsleigh gdns
nuts, Aldborough road Murray Thomas, I5 Endsleigh gardens Owers Mrs. IOO Elgin I'd. Seven Kings
Meal'S Fredk. Wm. 102 Richmond I'd Murray Thomas, 27 Thorold roa~ Oxer Harry, 47 Kingswood road, WaIter, 172 Balfour road Murray Wm.F.46EIgin rd.Seven KIngs Seven Kings
Medland Edward Wm.47 Sunnyside rd Musto Frank, 7 Courtland avenue Oxley Thomas Henry, 14 Selborne rd
Mees William, 15 Sunnyside road Myers Isaac Charles, 24 Elgin road, Packer Edward J. Freeman, 22 East-
Meikle William C. 5 Mansfield road Seven Kings wood road, Seven Kings
Melton Alfred Geo.14 Cranbrook gdns Neil Charles, 70 Mayfair avenue Packer Ml's.6I De Vere gardens
Menzies James, I9 Kensington gdns Nelson Charles Lucius, 67 Norfolk I'd Page Frederick, 13 Empress avenue
Mercer William Benj.· 9 Norfolk road Nelson Robert, 56 Mansfield road Page Henry, Melrose viI. Scrafton I'd
Merckel Alfred, 13 Wellwood road, Nettingham WaIter G. 63 Ingleby I'd Page Miss, 135 Balfour road
Seven Kings New Fred, 62 Belgrave road Page Mrs. 3 Cranbrook viHas, Cran-
·Merritt Frederick,3Clifton vils.High I'd New George, 10 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings brook road
·Mesher Miss, 35 De Vere gardens Newbury Alfred Edward, Springfield, Pain Frederick, 26 Northbrook road
:Mewburn Frands O. 22 Empress a.v vVellesley road Palk Alfred, Heathfield, Cranbrook rd
Michie James, 9I Grosvenor road Newbury Harry Charles, Glenelg,Wel- Pallant Wm. Mortimer ho.Balfour rd
Middlemas Robert, 6 Mansfield road lesley Toad Palmer Rev. Patrick (Catholic), The
Middleton Robt. Thos. 26 Selborne I'd Newbury Mrs. 2 Endsleigh gardens Reetory
Midgley Arthur, 59 Courtland avenue Newbury Mrs. J. Verona, Wellesley I'd Pilgrim Arthur, I Green Lane gardens
·Milbourn Robert, II6 Wellesley road Newell Chas. Henry, 17 Woodlands I'd Palmer Charles, Derings, Wellesley I'd
Miles Henry J. 50 Woodlands road Newell WaIter, 43 Albertroad Palmer Miss, 50 Norfolk Toad
Miles Mrs·43 Wellwood rd.SevenKings Newland James Edward,29 Mayfair av Palmer Mrs. 35 Oakfield ·road
Miller .Alfred, 44 Selborne road Newman Frederick, 49 Empress aven Park Mrs. Oakhurst, High road
Miller George, 63 Mansfi·eld road Newman William, 28 Argyle road Parker Rev. James M.A. (Baptist), 38
Miller John, 8 Albert road Newman WiIliam W. 88 Courtland av Richmond road
M~lligan ISa~uel, 5 De Vere gardens Newson Edward, 158 Wellesley road Parker Fredericlr, 16 Norfolk road
MIlls FrederICk, 60 Selbourne road Nicholls John Thomas, 151 Balfour I'd Parker John Samuel, 1 Norfolk road
. Mills Wm.F1e'kher, 30 Endsleigh gdns Nichoils Rob-ert Thos·. M.D. '.lIB Park rd Parker William, 32 Cambridge road
Milne Mrs. 80 Ingleby road Nicholson George James, 40 Wellwood Pa,rkinson Wm.Benson,68Courtland av
M~er 'Mrs. 50 Balfour rood . road, Seven Kings Partridge Arthur Jas. 42 De Vere gdns
Milner Thomas, 17 Cranbrook grdns Nicholson HerM. Saml. 2IO Balfour I'd Parvie George, 28 Cambridge Toad
Milton Joseph Geo. B. 13 Woodlands I'd Nicholson Wm. Jas. 97 Woodlands I'd Patmore William Frederick, 18 East-
1\finter WaIter, 190 Balfour road Nicholl Eugene Herbert, Fieldside, wood road, Seven Kings
·Mitchell Ernest, 83 Grosvenor road Coventry road Patterson Edwin, 3 South park, Cran-
·Mifchell Fredk. I2I Elgin I'd. Svn.Kngs Nieholl John, 42 Norfolk road brook road
Mitehell Henry, 34 Grosvenor road Nicoll William Harrv, 50 Richmond I'd Pattinson Hubert Foden, 16 Aldboro'
Mitchell Jam:BiS, 32 The Drive, Oran- Nightingale James F. :r3 Courtland av gardens
. .'brook p a T k . Nightingale William, 6 Ingleby road Pattinson Joseph, 27 Endsleigh gardns
Mitchell Mrs. 23 RIChmond 1'O'ad Nissen Christopher Hy. 92 Norfolk I'd Pavie William, 46 Richmond road
Molenkamp D. 22 Wellesley r?3Jd Nixon Frederick, 39 Mayfair avenue Payne Arthur, Brooklyn, Oakfield road
.M(}lenkamp Rueloff, 36 Cam~Jl'1dge rd Nixon Wm.Hy.63Elgin rd.Seven Kings Payne Hy.22Kingswood rd.ISevenKings
'Molony Rev. Henry Wm. E1iott M.A. Noah Wm.Jn.Stephen,26 Mansfield I'd Peabody Rev. James Henry (curate of
(vicar of St. 'Mary's), Vicarage, Ald- Noakes 'Capt. G. H., R.N. 61 Court- Great Iliord), 106 Norfolk road
borough road land avenue Peach Frederick Wm. 77 Richmond I'd
: Montague Miss Ma.~d', 34 Richmo~d I'd Noble Oliver, 22 Richmond road Pe~1Tec Francis Axson, 68 Norfolk road
Montfard Wm. Trmg~am, 77 Kmgs- Nolan John, 39 Norfolk road Pearce Miss, 4 Norfolk road
wood road, Seven Kl~gS Nolan William, 33 Valentine's road PeaI1son GeOI'ge Pitfaur, Cranbroak I'd
~\M9on Alfr~d H. 63 Kmgswood road, Norris George, IO Albert road Pearkes George John, Merton villa,
Seven Kmgs Norris James Clark, 45 Woodlands rd Balfour road
'Moore Alfred, 7 .A1dboI'ough road North Alfred, Northbury, Coventry l'd Pearlws Arthur E dward" Nithsdale,
Moore Henry, 4 Grosvenor oad North Charles, Glenomarn,Brisbane I'd Coventry road:
Moore Thos. 83 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings Northfield Miss L. 99 Grosvenor road Pearson Henry, 29 Courtland avenue
. Moore Wm.J.Rend.all,Oakdene,High rd Norton George John, 12 Empress aven Pearson Mrs. James, 54 Belgrave road
Nool'house Hy.Cecl1'48 Endsleigh gdns Norton John, 6 The Drive Peddie David, 15 Belmont road
.Mootz William Hy. 64 Grosvenor I'd Norton John Henry, 72 Norfolk road Peggs Arthur Robt. 33 Endsleigh gdns
_Morgan Frank, !I8 Cambridge road Norton Stephen James, Teviot house, Pell William Alfred, 36 Grosvenor rd
.1\Iol'gan James Thomas, Ashdeane, Balfour road Pengelly Thomas Goldsworthy, 4'0 Bel-
Valentine's road Nutter WaIter James, I33 Balfour I'd mont road
Noring Frank, 28 Aldborough gardens Nye George Ernest, 64 Argyle road Penllack Henry, 5 Grosvenor road
Morris Arlhur William, 50 Mayfair av Oake Arthur James, 27 Wellwood I'd. Penney Heury George, 20 Albert road
Morris Garman, 30 Cambridge road Seven Kings Penrose Geo. William, 46 Belgrave rd
Morris Miss, Eastern lodge, High I'd Oakley Thomas, 3 Argyle road Penton Charles Ernest, 109 Elgin I'd.
Morris Richard Thomas, 106 Elgin l'd. Oates Sinclair, 87 Courtland avenue Seven Kings
Seven Kings O'Brien John, 94 Balfour road Perey Arthur F. 32 Richmond road
Morris Stewart, 43 Empress avenue O'Brien John, 37 Norfolk road Perkins Garnet, 13 Ingleby road
Morse John, I I Sunnyside road O'Brien Joseph, 27 Selborne road Perrett William, 4 Aldborough grdns
Morton Rev. Harold G. (Wesleyan), Ockenden Geo. Wm. I'5'6 Wellesley rd Peters ArthuI' Robert, 38 Albert road
23 Mansfield road O'Connor John, 28 Kingswood road, Pettigrew Jas. 9 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings
Mosden Albert W. 67 Coul'tland aven Seven Kings Phillips Edward, 43 Norfolk road
M05eley Litchfield, 69 Northbrook I'd Offord William Henry, 29 Ingleby road Phillips George, 8,8 Richmond road
Moses Capt. James .Alfred, Dulce Oldaker James Blake, I Queen's ter- Phillips Henry, Fountain view, Auck-
Domum, Bat,hurst road race, High road land road
Moss John, 56 Balfour road Oldaker Mrs. Melrose, Oakfield road Philpot Frederick James, I Grange
Mote John Boyce, 17 Richmond road Oldham Alfred H. 2 Vernon gardens villas, High roa'd
Mott John, 2{ 8elborue road OliveI' John, 35 Cambridge road Philpot Thomas, 7'8 Richmond road
]\fouatt James Robert,92 Richmond rd Olyett William, 81 Richmond road Philpott William, 37 Kingswood road,
Mould John, 82 Norfolk road Onyons Thomas Edwd. 203 Balfour I'd Seven Kings
Moulds Charles Henry, 3'1 Albert road Oppenheim Jas. Victor viI. Balfour I'd Picot George Toll, 43 The Drive
DIRECTORY. ] . ESSEX. • ILFoRl> (GREAT). "'247
Fiercey Creighton,33 Argyle road ReynoIds Edward, 76 Richmond road Rowland Hy. Augustus, 24 De \Tere
Pieters Peter, Hopbine, Wellesley road Reynolds Edward, 7 Valentine's road gardens
"Pilgrim Arlhur, I Green Lane gardens Rice Edward, 63 Grosvenor road Rowlatt John Knig-ht, 7 Mayfair aven
l'innick Rufus, 16 Northbrook road Rich Charles Robert, 40 Norfolk TOad Roy Mrs. 16 De Vere gardens
Piper Henry Thomas, 43 Belgrave I'd Rich Geo. ThDS. 21 Endsleigh grdns Royle WaIter .Toseph, 43 Eastwood
"Pithouse Edward, 81 Grosvenor road Richards Herbert Walter,22 NorIolk rd road, Seven King:'!
Pitt Alexander E. 20 Northbrook road Richards James, 37 Northbrook rood Rugginz William, 14 Empress avenue
l'itt Wm. Edward, 41 Woodlands road Richards Josiah, 18 Courtland avenue Rumbold Mrs. 19 I'ngleby road
Pittard John, 30 Mansfield road Richards Thomas, 49 Argyle road Russell Mrs. E. 26 Aldborough grdns
Plasher John, 48 Argyle road RichardsOIl Joseph John, Albert Russell Stuart Arthur C.E.Kingswood,
Pledge Sydney, 10L1- Cambridge road villa, Balfour road Coventry road
Polatch Henry Alfred, 15 Grosvennr I'd RiChes Henry Whitehead,64 Thorold I'd Rutty Mrs. 16 Mansfield road
:Ponder Henry, Brookfield, Granville I'd RiC'hman George Henry) 8 Well- Rymer Fredk. J. B Belmont road
Portch Samuel Henry, II Empress av wood road, Seven Kings Sabey Charles A. 54 Argyle road
Porter Alfred, 61 Grosvenor road Richt,ers OUo, 41 The Drive SadIer Alfred, 9 Albert road
Porter George, 114 Wellesley road Rickard Wm. Hy. St.Agnes,Balfour I'd Sage .Tohn, 61 Mayfair avenue
Porter Henry Edward, Wilfrid house, Ridgley Wm.Humm, 3 Selborne gdns Sage Sidney Chas. Wm. 44 Thorold rd
Ilford lane Ridley Joseph, 8 Courtland avenue Saker-Lynne Alfred, 212 BaUour road
.Porter Henry Richman, 20 Bathurst rd Ridley ·Walt·er Joseph, 9 Mayfair aven Salmon Francis, 1I6 Thorold road
Potter John, 23 Mansfield road Rimmer .Tame.s Parkingson, 17 Salter Albert Edward, 35 Elgin
Potter John James, 6 Endsleigh gdns Kingswood road, Seven Kings road, Seven Kings
Pottie George, 42 Mansfield road Rivett Ebenezer, I I Mayfair avenue Salter Charles W. roB Cambridge I'd
l'otts Henry Joseph, 4- ),iansfield gJns Roach Thomas 'Vm. 74 Argyle road Salter Joseph, Loxford ho. Ilford lane
I'otts Leonard,' 14 'Cranbr1ook 1'000 Robb David, 37 Mayfair avenue Salter WaIt. 34 Elgin rd. Seven Kings
. Pound George, 57 Kensington gardens Robb .Tohn Alexander, 153 BaUour I'd Sandeman Peter, So Empress avenue
Powell - , 69 Elgin rd. Seven Kings Rober William, 53 Valentine's road Sandwell Frank Clark, 90 Welle:sley rd
"PowelI James, 39 Empress avenue Roberls Charles, 15 Northbrook road SanaeI' Carl, I4 Northbrook road
"Powell Vincent, 64 Ingleby road Roberts David Thomail, Middlemuir, Sangster Hugh, I Mansfield road
Pragea Maurice, 60 Eastwood road, Balfour road Sarfas Frederick,Fair view, Coventry rd
Seven Kings Roberts John, 51 Eastwood road, Saul David, 31 Mansfield road
~ratt Miss, 49 Richmond road Seven King,s Saunderson James, 36 Northbrook I'd
Pratt Thomas Alex. Iq 'l'horold road Roberts Mrs. 79 Courtland avenue Sawyer Edwin, 55 Richmond road
Pratt William, 12 Belmont road Roberts Richard Edumnd, I The Drive Sayer Rev. A. G. W., M.A. (curate
Precious Geo. Luke, 160 \Vellesley I'd Roberts Robert, 59 Kensingt{)n grdns of Gt. Ilford), Ferndale,Wellesleyrd
:Preece Henry, 12 Wellesley road Roberts Thos.2 Selborne gdns.York rd Sayer Jame·s, 54 Courtland avenue
I'rescott Edward John, 156 Balfour I'd Roberts William Olarke, 50 East- Scanes Robert Henry, 32 Albert road
l'rihul Ferdnd.Chas. 28 ,"Voodlands I'd wood road, Seven Kings Sceats Henry, 65 Richmond road
Price Samuel, 41 Scrafton road Robertson Donald, 46 Grosvenor road Schafer John B. 4 Vernon gardens
Price Thos. Harry, 107 Woodlands. rd Robertson Grreme Elphistine Mearns, Schlencker Joshua, 64 Richmond road
"Price WaIter Thomas, 69 Ingleby rd 9 Eastwood road, Seven Kings Schlosser Peter, 96 Courtland avenue
llridmore Harry Letts, 67 Belgrave I'd Rob~rtson Harvey, 7 Norfolk road Soott Robert, 2 Cambridg~ road
:Prior Albert Jobn, 100 Cambridge I'd Robertson Robert, 47 'I'he Drive Scott Samuel, :;0 Northbrook road
Prout Alfred John, 2 Pembroke gar- Robey Charles, 50 Mayfair avenue Scott Thomas G. 36 llathurst road
dens, High road . Rohins Harry, 20 Argyle road Scott W. C. 9 Selborne road
Pl'yde George Estell, 59 Inglehy road Robins J. H., B.Sc., F.C.S. 4 Sel· Scott William Thomas, 28 Well-
"Purkis Henry S. IB Mayfair avenne borne road wood road, Seven Kings
Pusey George, 12 Woodlands road Robinson Charles, Iq Elgin road, Seaborne Captain John, 33 East-
"RabbitsSidney, Llendis, ',"eUesley rd Seven Kings wood road, Seven Kings
Race John, ro8 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings Robinson Fredk. Wm. 56 Norfolk I'd Seaborne Alexander, 42 Kingswood I'd.
"Rackham Edward, 2 E'lstwood road, Robinson Henry, 79 Elgin n1. Svn. Kngs Seven Kings
Seven Kings Robinson Joseph, 14 Norfolk road Seaboume Capt. James, 75 Ingleby I'd
Uadford George Henry, 2 Belmont rd Robinson Mrs. 62 Mayfair avenue Seabrook Alfred W. 40 Mayfair avenue
l~amel Paul, 38 Mayfair avenue Robinson Percival Ge()rge, Lortay Seadon Charles, 92 Balfour road
"Ramsay William, 21 Northbrook road villa, Clement's road Seal Arthur John, ID Empress avenue
Ramshaw Frederick C. 9 Belgrave I'd Robinson Sidney, 62 Argyle road Sl'Iarl Frank Horaee, 55 De Vere grdns
"Randall Arthur Edward, 91 Elgin I'd. Rohson Leonard, 5 Empress avenue Searle Arthur Brodie, 133 Cambridge I'd
Seven Kings Robson Robert, 46 Empress avenue Seaton William 'rhos. 40 Argyle road
Randall Hrht.\Vormald,38 Selborne I'd Roche Henry, ~5 Selbome road Sedgwick Mrs. 45 Empress avenue •
Ralldall John Hooper, 4~ Richmond rd Roeber Albert Oscar, 45 Mans'field rd Seeley William, 27 Woodlands road
Randall Leonarcl, 41 \Vellwood road, Roebuck William, 51 Elgin road, Senior Jame.s, Homecroft, Coventry I'd
Seven Kings Seven Kin~s SeweIl A.lexander, 172 Wellasley road
Randall Rd. 90 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings Roft' Miss, Holmwood, Oakfield road Sexton Charles, 90 Cambridge road
Rankin John McKechie'73 "'ellesley I'd Rugers Harry Thompson, 6 Belgrave I'd Sexton Wm. 133 Elgin I'd. Svn. Kings
Rapkin, Edward, 39 Valentine's road Rogers Jas. 'Bright, BI Oourtland aven ShadweY: ArlihuTfM.A.,'M.D'3Souihprk
Uawldns Aaron, Brockenhurst, Coven- Rog-ers John, 71 Conrtland avenue Sbapland Philip Passmore,35 .A.lbert rd
try road Rogers Mrs. 42 Balfour road Sbarpe John Henry, 2 The Grove,
"Bawlins Frede~ick ;Percy Fitch Mort- RoUe Albert John, 13 Belgrave road South Park avenue
lock, 6 Norfolk :roa!dJ RoUe Arthur Wm. 45 Argyle road Sharpless George, 18 Cranbrook grdns
Ray Sidney Herbert, 21B Balfour road RoUe Henry Charles, 73 Norfolk road Shaw Arthur Hy. 10 Brisbane road
Ray Tom, 8 Norfolk road Rolfe Mrs. 51 Belgrave road Shaw Herbert, Beestonhufst, Valen-
Rayment Miss, 2 Weald viIs. South pk Ronalds John Thos. 51 .Nor,thbrook rd tine's road
"Raynes Samuel Geo. 87 IVellesley I'd RopeI' Alfred E. 27 Kmgswood road, Shea Mrs. 36 Mayfair avenue
_Read Charles H. 4Ingleby road Seven Kings Shears Mrs. 58 Selborne road
Read Edwd. Wm. Roden ho.Ilford hill Roper Frank Albert, 32 Thorold road Sheat Wm. James, 23 Cranbrook gdns
Read Hy. 70 Eastwood rd.Seven Kings RopeI' Mrs. 58 Argyle road Shp,ldrake Thomas, 72 Courtland aven
Reade Jas. Emanuel, 57 Richmond I'd Rose Charles Frederick, 6 Queen's Shenton Jsph. Thos. Shirley,Bolfour- I'd
"Reaside Archibald Murray, 75 Rich- terrace, High road Shepherd George Fredericli, 29
mond road Rose Henry, I Empress avenue Kingswood road, Seven Kings
Redmore Alfred, 29 Kensington gdns Rose William, 4 St. Albans gardens, Shepherd Wm. Constable, 78 Ingleby I'd
Rees Vaughan, 9 Empress avenue High road Shepperd Mrs. 32 De Vere gardens
Reeves David John, 99 Richmond Toad Rosenway Henry, The Croft,Coventry I'd Sherrard Arthllr 82 Courtland avenue
Reeves Egbert Frank, 67 Elgin road, Ros~way David, 21 Ingleby road' Sherrard .Tohn, 58 OourtIand avenue
Seven Kings Ross Alexander Tomey, II2 Norfolk I'd Sherrington Mrs. 5 Cranbrook villas,
"Regan Thomas, 66 Elgin rd. Svn.Kngs Ross Oecil Dudley,22 Aldborough gdns Cranbrook road
Re~d Ale~a!1der, 53 Selborne road Ross James ~enry, 55 Kingswood Shilston Thomas, 4 Norfolk gar-
ReIlly Wilham, Dnnboyne, Oakfield rd road, Seven Kings dens, Cameron road, Seven KinrYs
Relf George, 74 Mayfair avenue Ross Mrs. M. G. 33 Ingleby rQad Shimeld James L.R.C.P. &i L.R~C.S .
. Renall Miss, 12 Belgrave road Rossiter Horace Edwd. 93 Wellesley I'd Edin. Salisbury house, Dford lane
"Rendell George, 98 Thorold road Round James, 52 Mortlake road Shingleton A. W. 5 Argyle road
"Renowden John Philip, 5 Valentine's I'd Rowe Edwin Chas. 52 Belgrave road Shingleton Mrs. 114 Mortlake road
Be.rnolds Alfred,The Lillies,Bathurst I'd Rowe John, :n Norfolk road Shinner Frederick, 77 Mayfair avenue
Shinner Richard, 49 Mayfair avenue Spurgeon Joseph Eastwood, 25 De Tanton Edmund. 54 Balfour road
Shirling Christopher, Lyndhurst, Vere gardens Taplin In. M. 68 Elgin rd.iSeven Kings
Bathurst road Squires Edward, 37 Albert road Tarrant Sidney, 13 Argyle road
Sholl Arthur Rohert, 55 Argyle road Stables Edward, 43 Grosvenor road Tasker John Geo. 9 Aldborough gdns
Shorland Alfred, 43 Valentine's road Stainforth In.Mounier,55 Grosvenor rd 'ratton Frederick Thomas Joseph, 4-
Short George Eurry, Neotia, Wel- Stanger J.ohn u-rant, 89 Richmond rd Wellwood road, Seven Kings
lesley road Stanley Samuel, 66 Balfour road Taunton Theophilus, 6 ""Voodlands road,
Shorter Frank, 44 Endsleigh gardens Stannard Albert, 59 Wellwood road, Tauranac In. WesleY,50 De Vere gdns.
Sibley Edward L. 55 Northbrook road Seven Kings Taylar Alfred, 70 Norfolk road
Sibley George W. 21 Woodlands road Starkey George, 11 Endsleigh gardens Ta,ylor Da,vid, 71 Mayfair avenue Charles, 57 The Drive Starkey William, 45 The Drive Taylor Geo.36Easrtwood av.SevenKings.
Sienesi Edward, 23 The Drive Stead George Edward, 55 Well- Taylor George John, 59 Belgrave road.
Sim William, 48 Mayfair avenue wood road, Seven Kings Taylor Herbert, I Cranbrook villas,.
Simmonds John, 20 Grosvenor road Staele George Wm. 21 Courtland aven Cranbrook road
Simmonds In. Dallas,37 Woodlands rd Steen James Ross M.D. I I The, Drive Taylor John, 55 Empress avenue
Simmonds Mrs. 3 Balfour road Steen 'Wilfred A, 25 Bedford gardens, Taylor Mrs. 52 Selborne road
Simmonds Mrs. I Weald villa, South pk Ilford lane Taylor Peter SpeechIY,78 Woodlands rd;
Simons David J. 52 Argyle road Steen Wilfl'oo Alexanruer, (25 Bedford Taylor William, 35 Northbrook road
Sissons Ernest Wm. 45 Belgrave rd gardens, Seve.1lI Kings Tee George WiIliam, 49 Norfolk road
Skeat Charles, 104 Grosvenor road Steers Thai!. W. 28 Elgin rd. Svn.Kings Tee Samuel, 1I2 Wellesley road
Skeen Adolphus, 105 Woodlands road Stenning Fras. Wm. 49 St. Macr-y's I'd Templar William Geo. 98 Norfoll( road
Skeggs Alfred, 43 Selborne road Stenning Henry, Gordon Club house, Terre11 James, 39 Argyle road
Skelton George, 21 Selborne road Gm·don road Terry Geo. Wm. 14 De Vere gardens.
Skillington Mrs. 69 Norfolk road Stephens Jas. Augustus,63 Belgrave rd Theobald Hy. 19 Cranbrook gardens
Slade Chas. Thos. 25 Endsleigh grdns St,ephens Joseph, 9 BeImont road Thomas Rev. Richard Daniel (Cong.)~
Slape Joseph Harraway. 76 Mayfair av Stephenson Charles, 25 Kingswood 54 Mortlake ro'ad
Slater Ohristopher, 13 Cambridge I'd road, Seven Kings Thomas HarrY,32 Elgin rd.Sevn.Kinglil'
Slater Edward Thomas, 103 Elgin rd. Stephenson H. 176 Wellesley road Thomas Hy. Carleton, 3 De Vere gdns.
Seven Kings Stephing John NevilI, 104 WellesIey I'd Thomas Hy.E.58 Elgin rd.Seven Kings.
Slaytor Edwd. Morris,I05 Grosvenor I'd Stepney Rev. W. 4 York gardens, Thomas James, 13 Belmont road
Small Jas. 130 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings York road Thomas Miss,52Eastwoo,d rd.Svn.Kngs.
Smart .Alfred, 63 Mayfair avenue Stevens Rt. Rev. Thomas D.D.(Suffra- Thomas Richard, 90 Grosvenor road
Smee Fredk. 2 Elgin rd. Seven Kings gan Bishop of Barking, chaplain of Thomas Sarnl. John, 58 Richmond rd
Smith Albert, 8 Brisbane road St. Mary & St. Thomas of Gantl6'r- Thornpson In.44 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings
Smith Archibald Montague,J):Iorlnd.rd bury Hospital &; arC'hdeaoon of Thornpson Jsph.127 Elgin rd.Svn.Kngs.
Smith Gharles, I I Wellesley road E'sse.x), Ilford hill Thompson Joseph, 20 Norfolk road
Smit,h Charles: Henry, Ci,aremont ho. Stevens Arth. Edwin, 65 Grosvenor rd Thompson Mrs. 26 Courtland avenue
BaHour road St.e.vens Edward Henry, 71 Elgin Thompson WaIter, 52 De Vere gardens-
Smith Charles Henry, 80 Richmond I'd road, Seven Kings Thompson William,5 Norfolk gardens,.
Smith Charles William, 41 Elgin Stevens Richard Henry, 2 Clements Cameron road, Seven Kings
road, Seven Kings gardens, Hig'h road Thomson David R. 73 Ingleby road
Smith Frank, 18 Elgin rd. Svn. Kings Stevens WaIter Horace, 184 BaIfour I'd Thomson Mrs. 34 Belmont road
Smith :Frederick, 4 Albert road Stevenson Oapt, George, 125 Balfour rd Thornton Horace Moore, Hazelhur~,.
Smith Frederick, 69 Gourtland avenue Stevenson WiNiam, 20 The Drive Coventry road
Smith Geo. Llantrissant, Coventry rd Stewart Mrs. 25 Belgrave road Thorp Arthur, 10 Wellesley road
Smith Henry, 33 The Drive Stewart Mis'S,I38Elgin rd.Seven Kings Thres Phillip, 21 Grosvenor road
Smith Henry Arthur, 41 Richmond rd Sttewart R~bert Kirk, 6 Kingswood I'd. Thurston Frank John, 22 Albert road'
Smith Herbt. Edwy, 154 Balfour road Seven Kmgs Tiddeman Rodmund S. 14 Elgin road,.
Smith James D. 93 Elgin rd.'Svn.!Kings Stewart Waiter B. 40 Empress avenue Seven Kings
Smith John, 24 Belgrave road St~wart William, 104 Norfolk road Tiltman Henry B. I4 Oambridge road
Smith John, 95 Grosvenor road St~ll .Charles, 16 Grosvenor road Tindall Arth. LeaButler'4I Sunnyside ra
Smith JuliusHodgetts,I Cambridge rd Strrlmg Etiward, :3. Grosvenor road Tipping Charles James, 16 Belgrave rd'
Smith Mrs. 47 Arbert road Stoddard ~ ~hn, 11 RIchmond road Todd. Mrs. 43 Argyle road
Smith Mrs. 4 6 Ingl~by road Stokes WIlliam, 37 De Vere ga.rons Tomlmson Edward, 94 Courtland avea
Smith Mrs. 63 Welle,sley road Ston~ Hy. In.. Gaysham ~o. Hlgh rd Toozes Wm. In. 25 Aldborough gdns
Smith Percy 140 Elgin rd. Svn.Kings StOVlll Cornehus FrederIck B.A. I Towler Thos. 6 Wellwood .rd.Svn.K?gs
Smith Thom~s James, 2 Mayfair aven Cranbrook gardens, C'r~brook road Townsend Harold Cavendlsh, 70 RICh-
S mI'th Th omas P age, t 6 Wo dl d
3 M 0 fi an
d Stow Thomas James, 5 ",,'oodlands rd mond road
S 'th Th S'd Id s ad
r St ra tt on J sp. h H '. H eron cl aIe, Crnb r k .ru.J T owns h end Ch arIes B ryan, 7 Q neen ,.s
m~ . os. I ney, ~4 ans e ~o Streat Mrs. 19 Richmond road terrace, High road
Sm~th VI~t~r, 129 Elg'lll rd. Svn. Kings Strickland Fras.8aml.Ilo Wellesley rd Treby Albt, 103 Elgin rd.Seven Kings-
SmIth Wilham Heathcote, I Selborne Stringer Henry, 32 Bathurst road Treby Edw. Charles, 8 Richmond I'd
g~rdens, York road Strong David Robert Tomson M.B. 19 Treby Samuel James, 47 ""Voodlallds ~d'
Sm~th Wm: ~ames, 26 Belmont road Aldborough g~liTdens Tredwen John. 9 Mansfield road
SmIth WITham Kelly, Glenhelen, Stuart Mrs. 97 Grosvenor road Tribe Edwin R. 95 Richmond road
O.a.khfieWld. r?ad be C1 . Stubbins John, 7 Cranhrook gardens Trigg Charles Thomas, 2"2 Elgin ra.
Smrt rlha:n Ra Tt, 113 I ementlSl Stuck Mrs. 3 2 Norfolk road Seven Kings
~ardens, ,~Igh street. Studley Miss, 56 Empress avenue Triggs Thos. Wm. 52 Endsleigh gdns'
Sm~theT Wilham, 55 Endslelgh grdns Sturgeon E. Ernest, 31 Ingleby road Trillo Henry, 52 Mayfair avenue
Sm~thers Thomas, 95 avenue Sturgeon Frank, 38 Northbrook road TriSlt R'ev. Geo. Henry M.A. (oUJrate)~
SIILlthers·Walter ~as. 30 Belmont rd Sturgeon Herhert George, IJ<2 Elgin I4 C'lem.ent's gardens, High ·wadi
Snow Mrs. 37 Kensmgton gardens road, Seven Kings Trolove Mrs. 38 Endsleigh gardens
Softly Wm. Geo',2 Cranbrook garden. Sunmer WaIt. In. 91 Richmond road Trone Arthur, 49 De Vere gardens
Solomon Wm. VIctor, $7 Norfolk road Sunley John Lawrence, 106 Balfour rd Troughton George Hy. 26 Mayfair av·
Souter Ja;rnes, 4 8 Kingswood Toad, Sursham In. Norman,85 Cambridge rd Trowell Willia.m, 98 Richmond road
Seven Kmgs, Sutcliffe Samuel, 14 Wellwood road, Truscott Joseph, 18 Wellwood roaa,
Spar,,:ell Morrls, 20 Vernon gardens Seven Kings Seven Kings
Spea:lllg James, 65 Mansfield road Sutcliffe William Henry, 48 Norfolk rd Tuck Richard Wm. 26 Queen's gdns
Spelllllg,d, 5 Morland road Sutton Benjamin A. Cheshunt villa, Tucker George, 65 Belgrave road
Spencer WIllIam, 36 Norfolk road Coventry road Tucker William Joe, Antony vilItr,.
Spicer George, 47 Argyle road Swain Bernard. Ferndale. BalfouT rd Oakfield road
Spiel'S George william, 2 Blythswood Swain Jatne,g St,eoel L.R..O.P. & L.M. Tulley Herbert, 10 Norfolk road
gardens, High road Edin. I I BedfoT'd gardens, llfonL la Turnhull William, 59 Grosvenor road
Spinner Mrs. 5 Albert !oad Swain .Tames, 61 Ar'!'Yle road Turner Alfd.7 Clement's gdns,High ra
Spooner Harry GlanvIlle, 38 Gros- Swnllow Frederick Jas. 3 Albert road Turner Wm. Al'th.58 Endsleigh gdns'
venor road Symonds Geo.Whittaker, 29 Norfolk rd Twaite James, 14 Endsleigh gardens
Spray Henry, Lavender Mount Synemouth Thomas, 6 Courtland av TweedaIe John Howarth, 137 Elgin ra.
house, Uphall road Szalay Joseph, 64 Mortlake road Seven Kings
Springborn Erich, 58 Grosvenor road Taffs Arthur, 11 Selborne road TWf>ddaIe Henry John, 68 BalfouT roan
Sprosen ~. ~3 Ingleby road Tait Andrew F. 34 Woodlands road Tydeman Wm.Edmund,g DeVere gdnS'
Sproul Willram Hy. 29 Argyl~ road Tanner Frank, 10 Vernon !!'ardens Tyler John Stephen, Eilenriede. Cran~
Spurr Tom Ernest, 39 The Drrve . Tanner Hy. Joseph, 29 Endsleigh gdns brook road
Tyler Alfred, 3 Aldborongh gardens Watts Henry Ernest, I Sunnyside rd. Wilkins Mrs. 57 BaHour Toad
Tyler Robert James, 27 Norfolk road & 8 PembToke gardens, High Toad Wilkins William Jas. 94 Wellesley :rd
Tyler Thomas, 18 Cambridge road Way Mrs. <; St. Albans /!dns. High I'd Wilkinson Alex.8Elgin I'd. Seven Kings
Tyman Thomas Henry, 1'6 Eastwood Wayland William John, SI Argyle ro·ad WilL-inson Mrs. 5 Pembroke gardens,
Toad, Seven Kings Weary .Tn. Wm. Saville, 180 Balfour I'd High road
Ullyett Edwin, 85 Grosvenor road Weatherburn .Tn.Tho.s'72 Woodlands I'd Wilkinson Mrs. 1.8 Tohorold Toad
Umpelhy Geo.23Wellwood rd.Svn.Kngs 'Veatherfield William .A.rthur, Tem- 'Vilkinson Samuel, 12 Ingleby Taad
UUlpelby Seymonr, 62 Ea8'twood road, pleton, Coventry road 'Wilkinson Thomas, Victoria villa,
Seven Kings "'ebb .A.. :Monteith, 12 Selborne road 'Yellesley road
Upsdale John, 14 Courtland avenue Wehb Frank, 130 Cambridge road Williams LA.lfd.C.3·g Elgin rd.Svn.KJ.lgs
Uttin~ James Walker. Lynt{)n villa, Webb John Oliver, 46 Balfour road 'Villiams Arth. Fernbank,Wellesley I'd
Coventry road Webb Miss, 12 Selborne road Williams Harry W. 61 Mansfield road
Vaughan 'Edwin, 3 St. Albans gardens, Webber George, 90 Courtland avenue Williams Joseph,5 Grange vils.High I'd
High road \Yebster Harry, 65 Elgin rd.SevenKngs Williams John, 64 Eastwood· road,
Vaughan Patrick W. 30 Norfolk road We·bs~r WiHiam, SI Grosvenor road Seven Kings
Veness Geo. Thos. 34 De Vere gdns Weeden Henry, 9 Grosvenor road Williams Thomas, 55 Norfolk road
Verlyck Goo. Preston vil.Clement's I'd Weed en .lames, 10 Courtland avenue 'V1llis Alfred,s Belmont road
Verner John, IQl Empress avenue "7 ehrfritz A. 178 Balfour road Willis Edward, 23 Grosvlmor road
VerraU Ernest, 32 Q{)urtJand avenue Welch Edward Cuthbertson, 22 Mans- W-illis Misses, Glenarm, Coventry road
Vickers Samuel, 12 Grosvenor road field road 'Villmot WaIter Jas. 37 Ingleby road
Vinall Percival Jas. II7 Woodlands I'd Wellington Mrs. 54 Mansfield road Willmott George, 38 Courlland avenue
Vincett George, 4 Blythswood gar- Wells Alfd. Jacob, 35 Kensington gdns Wills William Arth. 93 Woodlands I'd
dens, High road 'Vendt Adolph, 60 Courtland avenue Willshire Alfd.Edwd. 56 Grosvenor rd
Vine Rev. Charles Henry LL.B. (Con- Wesker Mrs. 56 Eelgrave road Wilson Frederick, 25 Empress avenue
grega.tional), 3 The Drive, Cr8n- West Jas.D.II6 Elgin rd.Seven Kings 'Vilson Samuel, log Grosvenor Toad
brook park West, Mrs. Balfour road Wilson Wm. .A.1fd. 30 Aldborough gdns
Vinen Uriah, 45 Northbrook road Westcott WaIter, 40 Eastwood road, 'Yinchcombe Jesty'1, 47 De Vere gdns
Vingoe Frederick Charles, 61 Kings- Seven Kings Winstone WaIter Edwd. 17 Belmont ra.
wood road, Seven Kings Westencraft Herbert, 48 BaHour road Wirth AugUStllS, Albert Toad
Vink Miss, 54 Selborne Toad Westlake J. W. 23 Ingleby road Wiseman Edgar Thomas, 35 Eafltwooo
Vivian Mrs. 37 Oakfield road Weston Hy. Jotham, 3 Aldborough rd road, Seven Kings
Vyse Cha.rles Henry, 29 Belgrave road WheaUey Alfred, 25 Valentine's road Witmond Hy.8lEastwood rd.Sevn.Kngs-
Wade Duncan, 12 Richmond road Wheeldon William, 60 Richmond road Wittingham Hy. Wm. 69 Belgrave I'd
Wade Edwa.rd, I Clement's gardens, Wheeler Ernest William, 36 Elgin I'd. \Vonnacott John Hy. 87 Grosvenor I'd
High road Seven Kings \Yood Charles Bonlton, 13 Norfolk I'd
Wadge Mrs. 75 Courtland avenue Wheeler Frank, 31 Mayfair avenue 'VoodEdwd'3Northbrook gdns.York I'd
Wagstaff Capt.• Fras. Apsley,Balfour rd Wheeler Mrs. York house, York road Wood Fredk. Chas. 108 Wellesley rd
WaKefield Mrs. 12 Northbrook road 'Vheeler Robert Frederick, 105 Elgin Wood Mrs. Springdale, Oakfield Toad
Wakeling Lewis, 3 Pembroke gardens, road, Seven Kings 'Vood ·Wm. Thomas, 30 Belgrave road
High road! Whichmann George, 2 Sell.Jorne road \Vccdington John Clement, 20 Kings--
Walber Robert, 30 Empress avenue Whiskar Waiter, II2 Balfour road wood road, Seven Kings
Walker Rev. Thomas Andrew M.A. I Whitby Robert, 43 Northbrook road Woodley Arthur, 68 Mayfair avenue
South Park avenue, South park White Alfred John, 45 Wellwood road, Waodley Chas.Hy.Godiva,Coventry I'd
Walker Charles, 20 Wellesley road Seven Kings Woodman Geo.Wm.37 Endsleigh gdIl'S
Walker Ja.meS,:i4 Ba.thurst road White Charles, Coombe Hurst, Valen- Woods 'Yilliam Henry, £ Belgrave I'd
Walker In. 95 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings tine's road Woc.dward James, Drummond house.
Walker John William,36 Woodlands rd White Joseph, 13 De Vere gardens Coventry road
Walker Mrs. Edgar, 19 Cambridge rd White Miss, 2 Green Lane gardens Woodward James, 46 Selborne road
Walker William C. 13 Mansfield road White Samuel, 58 Woodlands road Woolfe In. 76 Elgin :rd. Seven Kings
Walker Willia.m, 5 Cambridge road White Sidney Geo. q Richmond road 'Voolnough 'Villiam, 49 Belgrave I'd
WalIace Daniel, 65 Norfolk road ""bite Thomas, 27 Cambridge road 'Vootton Edmund G. 19 Empress aven
Wallace James, 42 Empress avenue White William John, 37 Argyle road \Ycctton William Charles, 63 Eastwood
Wallbank WaIter, 24 Endsleigh gdns 'Vhitehead Jsph. Baltic, 'Balfour road road, Seven Kings
WaIlers Mrs. 29 Grosvenor road Whitelaw DavidStobie,34 Mayfair aven Workman Joseph, I St. .A.lbans gar-
Waller Wm. 82 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings Whiteside John, 59 Mansfield road dens, High road
Walls Ch3os-41 Kingswood rd.Svn.King-s Whiting Fredk. Wm. SI Empress aven Wortley Arthur, 7 Belgrave road
Walls Waiter John, 28 WeTIesley road Whitley .A.rthur Marnoch, 143 High rd Wortley Miss Emma, 1 Belgrave road
Walpole Edward Robert,I2q Mayfair av Whitten Joseph Alex. Glenhurst, Wray Mark Thomas, 32 Belgrave I'd
Walsh Thos. 122 ikgin I'd. Seven Kings Coventry road Wren Christopher T. 25 Albert road
Walton Thomas, 41 Mansfield road Whittingham Henry William, 39 East- Wretts-Smith Herbt. 91 Comtland av
Ward John, 4 Mayfair avenue wood road, Seven Kings 'Vright George, 67 Ingleby road
Ward Mrs. 75 Woodlands road Whittingham Robert, 52 Norfolk road Wright Richard, S4 De Vere gardens
Ward Thomas, 42 ~ayfair avenue Whittle William Hy. 3 Empress aven Wright William, 13 Cranbrook gardens
'Waring Mrs. 108 Courtland avenue Whykes In.II Kingswood rd.Svn.Kngs 'Yright Wm. Geo. 57 De Vere gardens
Warmsley John, 8 Wellesley road Wickens BenjamiI1 Foster, 10 Cran- 'Yright William Harry, 36 Selborne rd
Warner Henry, Corrie, Albert road brook villas, Cranbrook road Wrigley Walter William, 24 EastwooQ
Warner Thomas Henry, 67 Wellesley I'd Wicks Miss Annie, 13 Richmond road road, Seven Kings
Warren Arthur, 66 Argyle road Widdicolllbe Thomas M. 318 Kingswood 'Yyatt George Charles, 15 Kingswood
'Warren Chas.Parsons,2iValentine's I'd road, ,Seven Kings road, Seven Kings
Waters Mrs. 28 Vernon ~ardens Widdowson Benjamin Loftus,31 Wood- WyHe Wm. Pollock, 44 Mayfair avenue
'Vatkins Peter, I Cleveland viIs. Gneve- lands road Wyman Henry, 9 Cambridge road
land Tood Wigfull Joshua, 86 Norfolk road Yetton John, 42 Endsleigh gardens
Wiltkinson Frederick William, 23 Wiggins Richard, 89 Grosvenor road York Frederick 'V. 29 Woodlands road
Endsleigh gardens WilcocksWm.Hy.87Elgin rd.Svn.Kngs Youens Mrs. II8 Elgin I'd.Seven King·s
Wat-son Fredk.Dissington,24Belmont rd "Wileox Henry, 55 Mansfield road Young Ernest,64 Elgin I'd. Seven Kings
Watson He.rbert. 10 AriZyle road Wild James Frederick Voux, 70 \Vood- Young Frederick, 109 Woodlands road
Wilt-son Jame·s, 28 De Vere gardens lands road Young George G. 36 Empress avenue
Watson Mrs. 164 Wellesley road Wilde MaIm, II .Aldborough gardens Y0ungs Fredk. William, 3 'Vellwood
Watson William George, Hainault, Wilford William, 74 Grosvenor road road, Seven Kings
Cranbrook road 'Vilkes John, 104 Balfour Toad Zellweger John G. 2 Richmond road

COMMERCIAL. . Adlington Arthur Frederick, butcher, 64 High street

Early closing day, Thursday.. Ainey Arthur, boot maker, 15 The Pavement, High road
Abbott Brothers, dairymen, cowkeepers &; contractors, Aitken James M.B., C.M.Glas. physician, Ii3 Clement's
Roding street &; Belgrave market gardens. High road &; I The Drive
Acres Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, Wycl:iffe ho. Ilford lane Albon Richard, shoeing smith, IlfoI'd hill
Acton Henry & Co. grocers, 421 Ley street AMen'Vm. Hy. collar cutter, 4 Elephas vils. Clement's rd
Adams Charles G. tui11iner, 373 High road Alexander Stephen John, evangelist, 42 _-\rgyle road
Adams Fredk. confectioner, 47 Camden teITace,.Green lane AlIen John, commerCial traveller, 24 Oleveland road
Adams Richard, food inspectoT to the Stepney Borough AlIen Juhn H. farm bailiff to Mr. WaIt. Mills, Loxford frm
Council, 9'8 Wanstead Park road Allen Misses, ladies' school, 59 De Vere gardens
Allen Noah, commercial traveller, 24 Dalkeith Toad Boucas George,' photographer, 195 High road
AHiance Stores, jewellers, 41 Oran'brook Toad Boughton Robert, sub-divisional inspeotor at Metropolitan
A1ston Cecil, commercial traveller, 39 Hamilton road Police station
Ambrose William John,comme'rcial traveller,'I8Dalkeith I'd Bowley Chas. Albert, householder, 1 Albert tel'. Albert I'd
Amey Arthur, boot maker, High street Bowman Jas. Wm. cowkeeper, lTphall farm, Uphall road
Amott Francis John, confectioner, 70 Ley stree·t Boyd Lmited, pianoforte makers, 25 'Cranbrook TOad
Amott Harold Ashley, tobacconist, 66 Ley street Boyd David, estate office, ·8 St. Alban's gardens, High road
.A.ndrew Joseph Fredk. corn. trav. 4 Lansdowne Toad Bradley WiHiam, dining rooms, 13 IIford mrkt. High I'd
Andrews Emily (Miss), apartments, The Ferns', Ilford la Brain James, hoot maker, 193 High street
Andrews Ernest Clifford, schoolmaster, 2 Pembroke road Brand Joseph, shoe maker, 13 High street
Andrews Rosina (Mrs.), school, 4 York gardens, York I'd Brand Percy Edward, builder, I Kingston road
Ansell Henry, tailor, 2 Grove cottages, IliaI'd lane Bray Horace, grocer, 16 Ilford lane
Appleyard WaIter Rooke L.S.A.Lond. physician &; 8uxgeon, Breens Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 4 Jubilee terrace,
5 South park, Cranbrook road Sylvan Toad .
Archer Ernest WaIter, warehouseman, I Thornbank villas, Brett AUre", commercial traveller, 78 Lansdowne road
Albert road Brewer Oharles William Lowe, solicitor &; commissioner
Archer Frederick, commercial tra.veller, 25 Hamilton Toad for oaths, 35 Mansfield road
Armstrong D. &; Co. ladies' tailors, 32 Cranbrook road Brewer John, saddler, 4 Station road
Arnold Edward, insurance agent, 8 eecil road Brian William A. fruiterer, 12'7 Woodlands road
Arthur John Edwin, dairyman, '3 Windsor par. UfOI'd lane Bridgman Ernest C. laundry, 49 Spencer Toad
Ashrnole Williarn, auctioneer &; house & estate agent, Bright Colin, commercial traveller, 8 Queen's gardens
Broadway Bright Fanny (Madame), costumier, 57 Woodlands Toad
Ashmole ·Wm. borough accountant,Manhattan,Thorold I'd Britannia Works Co. Limited (see Ilford Limited), makers
A.shton Henry, grocer, 116 Windsor road of "Ilford" dry plates &; paper
Astins George Sam!. picture frame maker, 37 Dalkeith rd Britannia Works Institute (Frank Pike, sec.), Ilford lane
Atback Hannah Maria & N aomi (Misses), dress makers, Brooker William Frederick, shoeing forge, UfOI'd hill •
6 Derby gardens, High road Brown Alfred, baker, Stanley road
Austin John Giles, manufg. joiner, Garfield ter. Green la Brown Annie (Mr.s.), coffee rooms, 1I Belgrave market
Averre Henry, wine, spirit &; beer mercht-. ID Belgrave mkt Brown James Herbert, manager Ilford Gas Co. Ilford hill
Avery Emma (Mrs.), fancy repository, 2 York road Brown John S. draper, 522 High road
.Bacon Thomas, market ga,rdener, Leystreet Browne Arthur, commercial traveller, 129 St. Alban's I'd.
.Bailey B. & Co. estate agents, I Cranbrook road Seven Kings
Bailey Frederick, joiner, 34 Gordon road Browning James Richard, house agent, Waverley house,
Bailey George Herbert, builder, 31 Uphall road Albert road
Bailey Hannah (Mrs.), laundry. 123 Woodlands road Bruce W. F. &; Co. land &; estate agents, Broadway
Baker Mary (Mrs.), girls' school, 12 AIdborough gardens Bllcknall George Joseph, builder, 52 Dudley road
Balls George, Old Red House P.H. Redbridge Bllclmell Thomas Frederick, professor of music, 3 Bel-
:Banks George Fredk. master mariner, 24 Rutland road grave garden.s, York road
:Banks Thomas, new·s agent &; stationer, High street Bull Jacob Charles & Son, house decorators, Ilford hill
Barker Ada (Mrs.), teacher of music, 65 Empress avenue Bull WilliamHenry, commercial traveller, 65 Meath road
Barker GeorgeDavid,provision dealer, Ivyleagh ho.High rd Bulmer Mary E. (Mrs.),oil &; color man,II Market parade,
Barnes .AIM. Wm. house deertr. Hawarden viIs. tAlbert,rd High road
Earnes Annie (Mrs.), rprepara tory school,54 Woodlands I'd Bllrgess Elijah, boot maker, 2 Park Side villas, Ley street
Earnes Francis, shopkeeper, Second barracks Burleton &; Price, Cauliflower hotel, High road
Earnes George William, china &; glass dealer 63, oil &; calor Burrollghs Thomas, sen. stone mason, 6 Ilford hill
man 30, &; ironmonger 57, High street &; ironmonger, Burt Robert Thomas, clerk of works, 43 Queen's gardens
532 High road & I The Pavement, High road Bush Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Ley st,reet
Earnes John, builder, 3'9 Toronto road Butcher William, hairdresser, Ilford lane
Barnett Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, 49 Park road Butler Lily (Miss), bookseller, Station approach
Barnett Harry, ship broker, 61 Thorold road Cakebread, Robey &; Co. builders' merchants
Barre·tt Henry James, die sinker, 23 Meath road Callcutt Beavis, fancy bazaar, High street
Earrett Louis M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, Ilford hill Calmon Seigar, baker, 16 Ilford market, High road
Easham George, farm steward to Walter Wiskar esq. High- Cameron 1V. & K. dairymen, 4 Windsor parade, Iliord lane
lands farm, The Drive Campbell John H. artist, 55 Blythswood road, Seven Kings
lhtchelor William,salesman,155 St. Alban's rd.SevenKings Capps John H. confectioner, tobacconist, &; post office, 7
Bates William, greengrocer, 540 High road Belgrave market
Batt. Brothers, tailors, High street Capron Thomas Alfred, solicitor &; commissioner for oaths,
Bayley Henry David, commercial traveller'75 Sunnyside I'd see Hunt, A. H. &; Co
Bayliss Arthur Joseph, gasfitter, 76 Wanstead Park road Capsey Harry Edward, china &; gla.s,s dealer, 505 Green lane
Beal Harry, gun maker, 54 Dudley road Carpenter George WaIter, esta.te agent, 142 Thorold !Toad
Bedworth Florence (Miss),teacher of music, 77 Grosvnr.rd Carpenter William,house decorator, 10 Belgrave ter.Ley st
Beer Henry, com.trav. 47 Blythswood I'd. Seven Kings Carr &; Co. china &; glass dealers, 2 ,Cameron market,
Bellingham Joseph A. H.commercial trav.56 Cambridge I'd Cameron road, Seven Kings
Bellman John George, teacher of music, 5 Elephas villas, Carr James, horsehair dresser, 6 Cambridge road
Clement's road . Carr William, fishmonger, Ilford hill
Benne,tt Evan, commercial traveller, 3,8 Sorafton Toad Carrell George Northen Piccaver M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Bennett Morris, tailor, Rosebank, Wellesley road . Lond. physicicln &; surgeon, 34 The Drive, Cranbrook
Benton John Wheeldon, clerk to the Urban District Coun- park; SI 'Woodlands road &; 62 Mayfair avenue
cil &; ve,stry clerk, Public buildings; res. Sidmouth Carter Albert E. timber merchant, IIford hill
house, South park Carter Charles, sign writer, 20 Sunnyside Toad
Berry E. &; E. (Misses), ladies' & children's outfitters, Caseley Eliza (Mrs.), dress malier, 17 Thorold road
High street Catmull Harry, butcher, 89 Wanstead Park road
Best &; Jobson, physicians &; surgeons, 2 Kensington gar- Cawcutt Cornelius Cranson, commercial t.raV.I Roman I'd
dens, Cranbrook park &; Trelyon, High road Central Hall (James May, p,ropr.), The Pavement, High I'd
. Best William HaITis L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A. physician &; Central Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Limited, Iliord hill
surgeon, see Best & Jobson Challen Wm. J. bookbinder, 2 'Thornbank viIs. Albert rd
Bexfield :Alice Mary (Mrs.),confectnr. 6 Lawn pI. Ilford la Chalmers Alex. coal agent, 46 St. Alban's I'd. Seven Kings
Bilmen John, furniture dealer, 214 York road Chambers George, tailor, 6 Adelaide terrace,Boding street
Birch Frederick, accountant, 15 St. Alban's rd.SevenKings Chapman Charles, box manufacturer, 25 Meath road
Bird Herbert James, oilman, 3 York road Chapman James Geo. Wm. corn. traveller, 63 Rutland I'd
Bird James, jobbing gardener, I Jubilee terrace,Sylvan I'd Cheesewright Ja'bez, dining rooms, I The Poplars, High I'd
Bishop Alexander &; Co. builders, Station approach Cheke Richard &; Co. surveyors, 510 High road
Blake Richard, commercial traveller, 10 Park road Ohemical Dry Cleaning & Dyeing Co. (The), dyers &
Bligh Thomas Edward, commercial traveller,'! Da.lkeith I'd cleaners, . Broadway
Boardman &; Co. Limited, timber merchants, The Hill Chenery John &; Son, confectioners; 12 Ilford mkt. High I'd
Bodger John, draper &; milliner, High s·treet Chesmore Kate (Miss), dress maker, Iliord hill
Bond John, contractor, Ley street Chisholm Kenneth, ·school for boys, 15 Cambridge road
Bone William, beer retaile!T, Broadway Choat Joseph Newsom, chemist, 4 York road
Bonner William Harding, school of musQc, Halstow house, Chown Edwin, wine &; spirit. dealer, I&;2 Grafton villas.
Cranbrook road Ilford lane
Boots: Cash Chemists (Southern) Limittld, 20 High street Christmas Algernon, packing case maker, 32 Dudley road
130reham John G. grocer, 526 High road Churchland Arthur, commercial' tray. u3 Cambridge rei.
Clapham George William, piano dealer, 399 High road Drinkal Thomas William, day gardener, Lime Tree villa,
Clark Harry, fruiterer, Ilford lane Scrafton road
Clurk Henry, brick maker, High road Driver Edward, butcher, 59 Cranbrook road
Clal'k J. Latham, estate agent, Cranbrook road Drought Percy James L.R.O.P. & S.IreI. physician &;
Glark Lilian (~irs.) ,servants' registry office,sCranbrook I'd surgeon, 107 Balfour road
Clark Sarah (Mrs.), Beehive P .H. Beehive lane Droit Theo. monumental sculptor, 18 Mansfield road
Clarke Willinm Edwin, grocer, 73 Green lane Duggan Thomas, painter, Parkstone, Oakfield road
Clark's Supply Stores, ironmongers 43, & china dealers Duncan Robert William M.B. & C.M.Edin. physician &
45, Cranbrook road surgeon, see Stovin, Duncan & Maudsley
CluJdon David, greengrocer, 93 Wanstead Park road Dunbam Daniel, beer retailer, Ilford lane
Cochrane J ames, warehouseman, 7 Rutland road Dunlop John, shopkeeper, 12 Park terrace, Ley street
Coe Alfred Ernest, marine engineer, 64 Endsleigh gardens Dunn Edward Thomas, architect &c. see Ver'lyck & Dunn
Cohen Alic, hair dresser, 14 Il'ford market, High road Dunn Edwin Thomas,architech & surveyor,26Mansfield rd
Cohen Isaac, boot maker, Ley ·street Dyer Bros. fancy drapers & milliners, 10 & 11 Ilford
Cohen Rachel (Mrs.),boot maker,IS Ilford market,High rd market, High road
Cole & Deakin, ironmongers, S Ma.rket parade, High road Dyer Henry & Sons, undertakers, 9 High street
Cole Henrietta (Miss), tobacconist, II Oameron buildings, Dyer Charles, draper, 544 High road
Cameron road, Seven Kings East Anglian Dairy Co. Lim. dairymen, 65 Green lane
Coles Emma (Mrs.), tobacconist, '59 High street East London Advertiser (WaIter A. Locks, printer &
Collins Edward, confectioner, 91 Wanstead Park road publisher; published friday), Ilford hill
Collins George Abraham, painter, Clement's lane Eastern (The) Counties Times Newspaper (advertise-
Collins ·'rhoma.s, builder, 9 York road ment office), Station approach
Collins William Edwin, coal agent, 27 Bedford road Eastwood & Co. Lim. building material dlrs. IlIord whf
Connal Allan, Anglo-French college, 3'8 Cambridge .road Edney Fredk. Jas. commercial traveller, 63 Rutland rd
Connew Thomas Henry, commercial traveller,84 St.Alban's Edwards W. ~. manager of the London & County Bank &
road, Seven Kings treasurer to the Urban District Council, Broadway 1&
Coomer William, fishmoIllger, 61 Green lane 548 High road
CorneIl Edmund CareJ-, commercial trav. 40 Rutland rd Egalton Alfred, travelling draper, 235 Ley street
Cornell James, builder, 8 Camden terra.ce, Green lane Ekman Pulp & Paper Co. Lim. Mill road
Cornwell Ellen (Mrs. ),apartments, 4 Queen's ter.High I'd Electrical Contracting & Maintenance Co. 3 & 4 High st
Oorpe Thomas, grocer, 6 Windsor parade, Ilford lane Ellingham Harry, music seller, 66 Bedford road
Cottee Alfred H. insurance agent, 14 Queen's road Elliott & Co. dairymen & bakers, 11 York road
Coumbe Henry, bricklayer, 24 Ley street Ellis James Henry, commercial traveller, 62 Meath rd
Coverly Edward, gasfitter, 19 Rutland road Ellis John, shirt & collar dresser, Trevordale, Ilford la
Cox Frederick, builder & decorator, 50 Grosvenor road Ellis Lottie (Miss), shirt & collar dresser, 5 Harvey road
Cox Louie (Mrs.), shopkeeper,l Lawn place, Ilford lane Elliss William, news agent, 21 The Pavement, High road
Orabb John, plasterer, 9 Oamden terrace, Green lane Elliston 1'Villiam Josiah, tailor, J99 Grange road
Cramphorn Limited, corn & seed merchants, High street Emery J. & R. cab proprietors & jobmasters, 22 Ley
Cranbrook College, high school for boys (W. H. Carte streeh & Station approach
B.A.Lond. principal), Cranbrook gardens English Frederick, wine & spirit retailer, IlIord lane
Cranbrook Stores, provision merchants, 6 Cranbrook rd Entwisle Kate (Miss), milliner, 7 Bank buildings, High st
Crane Bros. cheesemongers, 69 Ley street Essex County Council Works (William Whiteley, district
Crawford & Johns, drapers, High street surveyor); depot, Perseverance house, High road
Crinall Frederick, commercial travllr. 4 ·Cambridge rd Essex Decorating Co. Ltd. Cameron road, Seven Kings
Grofts Herbert Ludlow, insurance broker, 15 Hamilton rd Essex Guardian (Waiter A. Locks, printer & publisher;
Crona Rudolph, confectioner, 47 Cranbrook road published friday), Ilford hill
Cropper Horace John, architect &; surveyor, 6 Argyle rd Essex Times advertisement office, High street
Crosby Lilian (Miss), professor of music,-6o ·Woodlands I'd Evans Ernest, commercial trav. 119 Wan stead Park I'd
Cross Sidney 'V. stationer, 3 Ilford market, High road Everett WaIter, greengrocer, Chesterfield viIs. Green la
Cruickshank Alexander BroW'Il M.B., C.M. physician & Eveson Joseph Hy. tobacconist, 2 Windsor par. Ilford la.
surgeon, 32 Grosvenor road Evett Charles John, insurance supt. 56 Selborne road
Oude Henry, builder, 2 Hampton road Ewens Biddlecombe (Mrs.), school for girls, 45 Gros-
Cula Isabella (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Ivy terrace, Ley st venor road
Curdling Mary (Mrs.), draper, 10 York road Fai'I' William Fulton, commercial trav. 44 Cambridge I'd
Cnrry Arthur, greengrocer, 5 Belgrave market Fairlie Emily (Mrs.), aparts. 4 Adelaide tel'. Roding st
Curtis H. W. & Sons, fruiterers & greengrcrs. 209 High rd Fairweather Ernest Alfred, commercial traveller, 128
Cushing George, timber dealer, Lincoln terrace, Green la St. Alban's road Seven Kings
Cushway Mina (Mrs.), dress maker, 32 vVingate road F3Irmer Eliza (Miss), feather curler, 70 Derby <foad
Dalley Edwin, artificial teeth maker, 19 The Pavement, Farmer George, ironmonger, 16 Dudley road
Highroad Farmer George, plumber, 38 Bengal road
Daniels Bcnjamin, hair dresser, 6 Hainault street Farmers & Cleveland Dairies Co. Limited, 2 Broadway
Davey Arthur Tonkin M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy- Faunch Frederick George, architect & surveyor & land &;
sician & surgeon, 5 Kingswood road, Seven Kings estate agent, 9 Cranbrook gardens
Davey George Rober.t, accountant, 71 Pembroke road Feasey William Henry, builder, I Henley road
Davies Francis Lloyd, commercial traveller, 99 St. Felgate George, decorator, 14 Dudley road
Alban's road, Seven Kings FeIton John, cycle maker, 1 Cambridge ter. High road
Davies James, commercial traveller, 39 Woodlands road Fenn Mary Louisa Maude (Miss),dress ma.l02 Grange I'd
Davis Arthur, bookbinder, 64 Ley street Fennimore Geo. picture frame ma. 2 Read's pI. High I'd
Davis George, undertaker, 9 'Cambridge ter. High road Field Edward George, warehouseman, 57 St. Alban's I'd.
Davis George Allen, shipbroker, 167 'l'horold road Seven Kings
Davison vValter, accountant, Park road Fielder Albert Edward, beer retailer, Ilford lane
Daws John N. shopkeeper,8 Lawn place, Ilford lane Fielders \Vm. Albert, master mariner, 12 Cambridge rd
Dawson Charles James F.R.I.B.A. architech & surveyor, Finch vValter George, warehouseman, 21 Rutland road
7 Bank buildings, High street Firmin Edward, builder, 5 St. Mary's road
Day George Henry, boot maker, 112 Westbury road Fisher Alexander, hair dresser, 3 Station road
Day John, butcher, Ley street Fishe-r Wilfred Harold, solicitor, 49 The Drive
Dcakin George, ironmonger, see Cole & Deakin Fleming, Reid & Co. Lim. hosiers, Station approach
Deason Jalnes, commercial traveller, 26 Sunnyside road Fletcher W. & R. Lim. butchers, 3 & 4 High street
Delaney Thomas, boot maker, 60 Ley street Flower 'Samuel Ernest, commercial trav. 87 Rutland I'd
Denne Harry Robert, collar & cuff maker, Euplyton Folka·rd Rufns Frederick, commercial traveller, 94 St.
works, Clement's lane Alban's road, Seven Kings
Dennett Ada (Mrs.), news agent, 12 Ilford lane Forbes & Sons, solicitors & commissioners for oaths,
Dickson Thos.Alfd.booksllr.& statnr.2 Market par.High rd Station approach
Diprose George & Co. builders, 87 Windsor road Ford Edward, dining rooms, I Station road
Dixon Frederick, chemist, 3 Read's place, High road Ford George, boot maker, 4 Derby road
Dodd WaIter, gardener, Rookery Farm ho.Aldborongh rd Ford Henry George, estate agent, 82 Roman road
Dore Mervyn Joseph, commercial traveller, 18 Gordon rd Ford lVilliam Hy. commercial traveller, 76 Dudley road
Dos' Santos Edwin, glass cutter,4 Cambridge ter.High rd Foreman Agnes (Mrs.), laundry, 23'3 Ley street
Down Alfred William, assistant superintendent Pruden- Foreman Alberta (Miss), collar dresser, 65 Ley street
tial Assurance Co. Limited, 44 Windsor road FOTsyth William, master mariner, &5 De Vere gardens
Drake Ann (Mrs.), builder, Gordon villa, Ilfard lane Foster Charles, fishmonger, 7 Read's place, High road
Drew William G. butcher, 9 Market parade, High road Fox W. & Sons, chemists, 23 Cranbrook road
Fox William, commercial traveller, 8 Dudley road
Fraser Robert McKechnie M.A., M.R,C.M. physician &
IHamilton Francis Dancy L.M.Dub.,
Pembroke road .
L.S.A. physician, 7

surgeon, I Belgrave gwrdens, York road Hamilton James, tailor, 54 Ilford lane
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. boot makers, 13 High st Hammond & Miles, builders, Scrafton road .
Freeman John T. insurance agent, I Winchester road Hampsheir Geo. Currie, commercial trav. 81 De Vere gdniiJ
l"riend Betsy (Mrs.), umbrella maker, I Ilford hill Hancock Albert & Co. gasfitters, Cromwell vils.Oakfield I'd
Frosser Fredk. E. architect, I Leonards tel'. Yorli road Hand Annie (lYlrs.), dress maker, 26 Cecil road
Fryatt Frederick George, dairyman, 85 Wan stead Park Handley WaIter J. fishmonger, High street
road & I Spencer gardens, High road Hankinson Herbert Stanley, chemist, & post. off. Albert rd
Fuller, Smith & Turner, brewers & bottled beer mer- Hanks Charles M.B. & B.S. physioian & surgeon, 74 Bel-
chants; stores, High road grave road
Fyson Ethelbert, journalist, 44 Park Toad Harding 'rhomas Joseph & 00. drapers, High street
Garbutt Joseph T. contractor, 71 Cambridge road Hardman F. butcher, 16 The Pavement, High road
GardneT Arthur, ironmonger, 3 Cambridge tel'. High I'd Hardman Frank, butcher, High street
Garfield Naaman, tailor, Victoria house, Albert road Hardy Lena (Miss), ladies' school, Iona, Balfour road
Garner Wm. George, clerk, 3 Albert terrace, Albert rd Harkins Andrew, commercial traveller, II Bengal road
Ga'rrett Richard, master mariner, 141 'Van stead PI•. I'd Harland 'l'homas C. grocer & provision dealer, I York rd
Gedge Brothers, drapers, High street Harper-Bourne Ernest, costumier, 38 Cleveland road
Genders E'mest Wm. commercial traveller, 70 Dudley rd HarrimanAlbert Llewellyn,accountant,69 Kensington gdns
Gentry George, draughtsman, 12 Queen's road Harris l"rank, master ma.riner, 97 Mayfair avenue
Gibbs Frede'rick, station master G. E. Ry. Seven Kings, Harris Richard, commercial traveller, 44 Dudley road
High road Harrison, Gibson & Co. house furnishers, upholsterers &c.
Gibbs Henry, station master G. E. Ry. station, Good- 197, 199 & 201 Hig,h road. See advert
mayes, High road Harrison 'fhomas Arthur, chemist, 534 High road
Gibson James, clerk, Sidney villa, Albert road Hart Benjamin, builder, New road
Gibson Thomas, jeweller, 1'85 High Toad Hart Wm. Lewis, a,g·surance supt. Ha;velock ho.Oakfield rd
Gilbert Herhert, seedsman, 397 High road Hastings Elizabeth (Miss),dress ma.·s Queen's ter. High rd
Gilbert John, butcher, 5 York road Hately David, commercial traveller, 2 Park road
Gilbert Thomas J. pianoforte warehouse, I Market par. Hatherly Henry, corn. trav. 140 St. Alban's rd.SevenKings
High road Hatley Frederick, commercial traveller, 30 Dudley road
Gilderson & Sons, coach builders, High street Hawes Hen.ry & Son, undertakers, High road
Gilderson Caleb, coach builder, 49 Bedford road Hawes James, corn dealer, 95 Wan stead Park road
Gilderson RobeTt, jun. coach builder, High road Hawes Thomas, carpenter, 15 I Wanstead Park road
Gill George William, ironmonger, 12 Belgrave market Hawkes Arthur, oilman, 41 Green lane
Gillard Wm. Hy. bookbinder, 6 Bank bldgs. High street Hawkins & Rali, dairymen, 7 York Toad
Gillings James, house decorator, 10] Wanstead Park rd Hawkins William Henry, photographer, I] York road
GirdleI' John A. lay evangelist, 121 St. Alban's road, Hayden Sidney Willis, stationer, Ilford hill
Seven Kings Hazel Brothers, provision merchants, 31 Oranbrook road
Glenny Francis, clerk, Wendover, .Albert road, Ilford & S The Pavement, High road
Godwin Florence Eliza, costumier, 31 Queen's road Heasman Norma. (Miss), dress maker, 101 Grosvenor road
Godwin John Henry, commercial traveller, 42 Selborne I'd HefferWilliam, carman, 1·8 Ley street
Golding William Dennis, White Horse P.H. I High street Helmore AIgernon Wells, marine surveyor, 6 Cecil rond:
Gooch Harriett (Mrs.), Bell inn, Sams green Hellderson Ro'bert, baker, 5a, Cranbrook road
Good Bros. cement merchants, Rail1l"ay station Henke Louise (Miss), teacher of music, '52 Elgin road,
Goodchild T. G. dairy, 57 Cranbrook road Seven Kings
Goode Herbert, builder,137 Wanstead Park road Henley Albert, milliner, 8 York road
Gosheron John, sail malier, 50 Meath road Hennessy Ernest, commercial traveller, I II Mayfair avePJ
Goslin George, nurseryman, Came'l'on rd. Seven Kings Hennings & Byles, milliners, 46 Cranbrook road
Gosling Frederick, jobbing gardener, 4 Hainault road Herring Frederick, oilman, 489 Ley street
Gostlang & Hosegood, dairy, 520 High road Hewitt Robert, superintendent to Liverpool Victoria
Gould Charles T. dining rooms, Ilford hill Friendly Society, Ilford hill
Gowan J. G. accountant to Ilford Urban District 001ln- Hicks Herbert James, house decorator, 54 Ley street
cil; offices, High street Hill Annie M. (Mrs.), preparatory school, 64 Balfour road
Gower Frederick, builder Clement's road Hill Charles, butcher, 7 Lawn place, Ilford lane
Graham. Bertram C. boot maker, 85 Derby road Hill Herbert Fox, assistant surve)"or, 3 Wincheste·r roul1
Gray George, furniture dealer, IlfC11'd lane Hiller Edward, butcher, Storford house, High road
Gray Wm. fancy draper, & post office, 552 High road Hillman Fredk. 'Vm. professor of music, 221 Thorold road
Great Eastern Railway Goods Yard (,Richard H. Hooper, Hills- Elizabeth (Mrs.) B.A. & William Noel, privat~
goods agent), High road school, 6 Cranbrook villas, Cranbrook road
Great Ilfo'rd Burial Ground, Buckingham road Hoare Edwa.rd John, professor of music, 26 Norfolk road
Great Ilford Parochial Reading Room, High road Hockett Henrv, contractor, 62 Dalkeith road
Greatorex Hy. Philip, grocer, Post office, 79 St. Mary's rd Hogben & Co: estate agents, 2 Thornbank villas,Albert rd
Greatorex Wm. Thos. carriage builder, 77 St. Mary's rd Holden Brothers, bake~s. IIQ Hampton road
Green Arthur William, grocer & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Hole William Henry, dairyman, Devonshire ho. High road
Limited, wine & spirit merchants, High street HuIl Robt. com. trav. 91 Kingswood road, Seven Kings
Green Jsph.H. bookbinder, ,87 Kingswood i'd.Seven Kings Hollingshead Charles, beer retailer, Ley street
Grey Waiter, veterinary surgeon, IS York road Hollingshead Henry, beer retailer, Ash grove, Green lnn~
Griffiths & Co. grocers & provision dealers, High street Holmes Charles, builder, Hawthorn glen, Ley street
Griggs William Peter & Co. estate owners, 7 The Drive Holmes Stephen Charles, carpenter, 4 Bedford road
Grimwood Francis George, solicitor, 3 & 4 High street Holttum & Son, butchers, 3 The Pavement, High road
Grinonneau George Arthur, corn. trav. 61 Empress aven Holttum Alfred E. butcher, 528 High road
Gripper & Co. auctioneers, 5 Read's place, High road Home & Colonial Stores Lim. tea dealers, High st-reel;
GTove William Robert, fish salesman, 26 Rutland road Hood Eliza (Mrs.), dyer & cleaner, 3 Bedford Toad
Groves Charles Henry, plumber, 14 Pembroke road Hooper James, Angel P.H. High street
Gundlach John, commercial traveller, 8'1 Cambridge rd Hope Arthur Ernest F.S.I. architect,74 Endsleigh gardens
Guppy Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 44 Cranbrook road Hope Emma (Mrs.), teacher of music, 61 Bedford road
Guppy ·Wm. Frederick, painter, 44 Cranbrook road Hopkin & Williams, chemical manufacturers, Lavender
Gurney Charles, Seven Kings hotel, High road Mount works, Uphall road
Guy Alfred, architect, 25 Cleveland Toad Hornby Watson. music warehouse 4. & stationer & post
Hack Emma (Mrs.), grocer, 129 Woodlands road office 5, Cranbrook road
Haddock George W. corn merchant, '27 York r?ad HOl'nsey Wm. In. corn: trav. 1'7 St. AI?a~'s rd.S~ven Kings
HadlQ"I'aft Sarah (Mrs.), householder, Pendenms, Albert rd Horsey Arthur G. hOSIer. J6 Bank bUl1dmgs, HIgh street
Haiz"'elden William T. shopkeeper, Ley street Houchin Edmund King L.R.C.P. & S. & L.M.Edin. phy-
Hale William, druggists' assistant, Annie villa, Albert rd sician & surgeon, Ravensworlh, Ol"anhl'Ook TOad
Hall Brothers, engineers, High road Houghton A'" ~ ur George, hair dresser, I High street·
Hall Henry. butcher, High street Houghton Murtaugh James M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Hall Thomas- Joseph, boot maker, High street physician & surgeon, I Mansfield gardens, York road
Hall William George, builder, 107 Lansdowne road Houlton William Henry, beer retailer, Green lane
Halpern Darvid, tailor, I Read's place, High Toad Hownrd & Sons, manufg. chemists, Uphan wks. Uphall :rid
Howes & Lambert, pawnbrokers, High street Keeble Harry, commercial traveller, 77 Kensington gardns
Howes R. H. manufaC'turing ironmonger, 205 High road Kemble Robert, carman, I Aldboro' pavement, High road
Howlett Herhert R oilman, Stanley road Kennedy Henry, laundry,s Cambridge terrace, High road
Howship 'Villinrn, house agent, 128 Thorold road Kennedy John Blydesteyn, surgeon; surgery, Ilford hill
Hoy Walter & Co. florists, 24 Queen's road Kent Charles, carpenter, 28 Dudley road
Hubbard Alfred, printer, 36 Rutland road Kenyon Arthur, grocer, 4 Belgrave terrace, Ley street
Hubert .A.ifred, phrenologist, 126 Mayfair avenue Kerridge John, inland revenue officer, 3'2 Wanstead Pk.rd
Hughes John, insur. agent, 56 St. Alban's rd.Seven Kings Key Alfred, hair dresser, 27 Harvey Toad
Humphreys Charles, joiner, 50 Dudley road Killick Arthur RA., M.B., RC.Cantah., L.S.A.Lond. phy-
Hunt A. H. &, Co. solicitors, I I Clement's gardens,High rd sician &, surgeon, 3 Eastwood road, Seven Kings
Hunt Edward Arthur, commercial travllr. 41 Bedford road King Henry &, Sons, dairy, High road
Hunt Francis John, solicitor, see Hunt A. H . .& Co King Frederick William, inspector of nuisances to Urban
Hunter Wm. printers' manager, Bnrywood, Albert road District Council, Town hall, High street
Hunter William S. commercial travllr. Q3 Endsleigh gdns King James Wm. picture fr.ame maker, 27 Cranbrook rd
.Hurst Richard. William, shopkeeper, 75 Harvey road King J ames J oseph, grocer, Ilford hill
Hutchinson Elizh. (~Iiss), ladies' school, 51 & 53TheDrive Kingsnorth Mary (Mrs.), blacksmith, Roding street
Hymns Henry, hair dresser, Ilford hill Kirk Herbert Thomas, dining rooms, 63 Green lane
Ilford Oonservative Club (Benj. Henderson, sec.),Ilford hI Kite Robert, printing ink maker, Park road
Ilford Cricket Club; private ground, Cranbrook road Knight Henry Richard, coal dealer, Madras road
Ilford Cycle Co. ('1'. H. John, proprietor), cycle manufac- Kohler & Co. sign writel's, 19 Yew Tree villas, Stanley rd
turers, 26 Y{}l'k road Kreutz Andrew, maker, 3a, Cambridge tel'. High I'd
Ilford Fire Brigade (John Woollard, capt.), Oakfield road Kydd D. &, Co. plumbers' merchants, Ilford hill
Ilford Furnishing Co. 38 Cranbrook road Lamb Joseph, farmer, Olay Hall farm, Beehive lane
llford Gas 00. (Henry William Ashmore, sec.), 2 Oran- Lamb Joseph, rate collector for Seven Kings, Mayfield &,
brook road & (James Herbert Brown, mgr.), Ilford hill Chadwell districts of the Urban District Council, lllyths-
Ilford Guardian (WaIter A. Locks, printer &; publisher; wood ga,rdens, Hig'h road
published fridays), IIford hill Lambert John, commercial traveller, 26 Meath road
Ilford Limited, photographic dry plate manufacturers; Lambert John Evan, pawnbroker, see Howes &, Lambei't
sole makers of "Ilford" dry plates, papers & films, Land Company (Frederick Ramuz, manager), Flem-
Britannia works. TA" Plates, Ilford" ; T N ,14 Barkin,g ming Park estate; &; at 67 &, 68 Cheapside, London E C
Jlford, Manor Park & East Ham Mercury (The) (South Lane Arthur H. confectioner, 121 Woodlands road
Essex Newspaper Co. Limited, printers &, publishers; Lane Charles M. tailor &, hosier, 9 Bank buildings,High st
published wed.); branch office, Station approach Lang Norman, china stores, 6 Bank buildings, High street
Ilford Motor Car &, Cycle Co. 12 Market parade, High I'd Langford France,g (Mrs.), news agt. &, confctnr.213 York rd
IUotd Nursing Home, 38 Mansfield road Langford J. A. fancy bazaar, 37 Cranlbrook road
Ilford Permanent Building Society (F. Butler, sec.), Sta· Langley William, boot maker, Pelham road
tion approach Langston Ernest &, Sons, clothiers, 4 Market par. High I'd
llford Public Ba ths (Thomas J ohnson, supt.), Roding st Langton &; Co. cOlll mers. 7 St. .Alban's gardens, High I'd
Ilford & Seven Kings Mercury (South Essex Newspaper Lansdell J ane (Mrs.), ironmonger, 7 Aldboro' pa,vement,
Co. Limited, printers &, publishers; published wed.); High road
branch office, Station' approach Lansdell J ane (Mrs.), midwife, Heribert road
llford Sports Ground, Wellesley road Lapworth George Morvan, com. trav. 28 Cleveland road
Ilford Steam Sanitary Laundry Co. Limited, Ley street Larldn Alfred, saddler, I Ilford market, High road
Ilford Urban District Council (John W. Benton, clerk), Larkin Esther (Miss), dress ma. I Chestnut tel'. Ley st
Ilford hill Last William &bert, decorator, 50 Dalkeith road
Ilford Women's Liberal Association (Mrs. Porter, sec.), Law Edward, pianoforte tuner, 1601 Thorold road
304 High street- Law James J. W. agent, ,Singer's Sewing Machine Co.
Imperial Steam Laundry Co. (The), Sunnyside road Yorlw Toad
Inglis Albert Edward, commercial traveller, 48 Blyths- Law John Clement, pianoforte tuner, IQ Queen's road
wood road, Seven Kings Law Mabel (Miss), ladies' scliool, 7 Argyle Toad
In gram James, farmer, Hedgeman',s farm, Beehive lane Law Mary (Miss), professor of music, 10 Queen's l"f'lad
Ingram Lionel George, greengrocer, 4 Ilford mrkt.High I'd Lawrence Henry &, Co. provision dealers, 64 Ilford lane
Ingram Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I & 2 Salisbury cots. LaiWrence Joseph, furniture remover, 43 Oakfield road
Roding street Lawson A. E. (Mrs.), provision dealer, I Belgrave market
Innocent Oha,rles, commercial traveller, 19 Dl1dley Toad Layton George, house decorator, 47 Pembroke road
International Tea Co. Limited, grocers, 4 Cameron mrkt. Leacher Frederick H. coal merchant, 70 "Vestwood road
Cameron road, Seven Kings . Leaver L. (Miss), dress maker, 32 Balfour road
Isbister William Geo. B.A. proi. of musiC,I8 Grosvenor rd Lesadd Arth.A.& Sons, paWnlbrkrs'14 Market par. High rd
1'V~s James William, commercial traveller, 37 Rutland I'd Letchford Sydney Rt. solicitor, 3 Argyle gdns. York rd
Jackson Samuel, architect, 6 Clement's gardens, High rd Lethbridge Francis, Devonshi're dairy, Albert road
James WaIter, commercial traveller, 1'5 Bedford road Lettington .Arthur, boot maker &:, shopkeeper, Ilford lane
James Wm. Hy. com. tray. 146 St. .Alban's rd.SeveniKings Levy Joseph, tobacconist, 20 The Pavement, High road
Jameson Willte,r A. boot maker, 4 HaveloGk terrace, High & Station approach
road & I I Hainault street Lewin George, builder, Hainault house, Hainault street
Jamieson David Edmondstone,master mariner,29Uphall I'd T,ewis Charles James, builder, 41 Rutland road
.Tarvis John, fruiterer, 55 Cranbrook road Lewis John, timber measurer, 69 Rutland road
.T.arvis Saml.Jas. shopkpr. 15 Cricklewood cots. Green la Lewis vYalter, insur. agt. 71 Kingswood rd. Seven Kings
Jenkins George Augustus, builder, 8 Derby gdns. High I'd Lewsey Leslie, commercial traveller, 61 Cambridge I'll
Jennings Hephzibah (Mrs.), fancy draper, 8 Belgrave ter- Light &, Ware, hardware dealers, 3' Windsor par.Ilford la
race, Ley street Lilly William Hy. shopkpr. 7 Newbury cots. Ley st
.Jobson Thos. Battersby RA., M.D. &, RCh.Dub., D.P.H. Limmer Charles T. commercial t1'aveller, 57 Meath road
Lond. physician & surgeon, see Best &, Jobson Lincoln Ernest G. ham &, beef dlr.2 Hainault ter.High Td
John &, James, grocers, 8 Ma,rket parade, High road Lines 'Villiam Thomas, cycle manufacturer,s Havelock
,J ohns Alfred William, school, 69 Mansfield road terrace, High road
.Jlilhnson Alfred William, tea agent" 37 Bedford road Lipton Limited, grocers & provision dealers, High strnfot
Johnson James, beer seller, Park road Lloyd .Alfred Charles, draughtsman, 44 St. .Alban's road,
Johnston &; Taylor, grocers. Stanley road Seven Kings
.Tohnston John, designer, 28 St. Alban's road,Seven Kings LocI,s '''alter A. printer & publisher of " nford Guardian."·
Joly George, boot maker, 3 Lawn place, Ilford lane "Essex Guardian" &; "East London Advertiser," Il-
Jonaihan Edward, tea dealer, 58 Grange Toad ford hill
.Tones Arth. Alfd. 'drapcl's' assistant, 3 BMn vils.iAlbert I'd Lockwood John Gill, baker, 228 Ley street
.Jones Carl, news agent, 5318 High road Lofthouse Walker, write'r & decrtr.St.Ouens,Cleveland rd
.Jones Edwin, insurance agent, 93 Westl>11ry road London Boot &:, Shoe Co. 39 Cranbrook 'road
Jones Jean (Mrs.), shopk~per, Ilford :tql London &, Counties Stores Lim. oilmen, 67 Ley street
·Jones John Edwin, dairyman, 10 Market parade, High rd London & County Banking Co. Ltd. (branches) (W. M.
Jones Josephine (Miss). teacher of music, 42 Windsor I'd l<:dwards, manager), Broadway i& 548 High road; open
,J,gyce George, grocer, &, post office, Ilford lane daily; Goodmayes (sub-branch to Ilford), open mono
J1'1by Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 17 Queen's road wed. &, fri. 10 till 3, sat. 10 till I ; draw on head oflice,
Juniper Ernest, accountant, 19 Pembroke Toad 21 Lombard street, London E C
Just Eric, marine engineer, 59 Butland road London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (William
Kaye Arnold Joseph, solicitor, 43 Bedford road Tyler Benson, manager), High street; open daily;
Keats John, dining rooms, ~ Ald'boro' pavement, High rd draw on head office, 7 Bank bldgs.Lothbury,London EC

London &; South Western Bank Lirn. (P. F. Handscomb, Miller Robert Thomas, surveyor, 28 Rutland road
manager), 17 Cranbrook road; draw on head office, Miller William, tailor, 15 Cranbrook road
170 Fenchurch street, London E C Mills WaIter, farmer, Loxford hall &; Huntings farm,
Looker William, Princess dairy, New road First barracks, Green lane ,
Lord &; Co. fishmongers, I Came-ron market, Cameron Monkcom Henry, sanitary inspector, 10 Gordon road
road, Seven Kings Montague Maude (Miss),teacher of music,34 Richmond rd
Lord &; Co. greengrocers, 3 Aldboro' pavement, High rd Moody Minnie (Madame), music teacher, 10 Park road
Lovelock Henry Richard, slater, 94 Wanstead Park road Moore Bessie (Miss), dress maker, 224 Grange I'oad
Lovett Arthur H. painteT & house decorator, I Ley st Moore Edwin J. butcher, 125 Woodlands road
Lovett Frederick Thomas, painter & house decorator, I Moore William J. Rendall, solicitor & clerk to the Ilford
Blythswood road, Seven Kings school board, Oakdene, High Toad
Lovibond John & Sons Lim. brewers & wine & spirit mer- Morling John, dairyman, 226 Ley street
chants, 6 Market parade, High road Morphew Jas.H.insur. sgt. 3 St. Alban's rd.Seven Kings
Low Bros. tailo'rs, 53 Oranbrook road Morris &; Co. watch & clock makers, 3 Cranbrook road
Lowe Elizabeth M. (Miss), dress maker, I Northbrook Morrish Ric'hard, brass moulder, 15 Rutland road
gardens,. York road Morse Charles Samlett, fruitr. I I Bank bldgs. High street.
Lowe James, tobacconist & confectioner, High street Madon David, master mariner, 85 Endsleigh gardens
Lucke Thomas & Co. domestic machine stores,q Ilford la Moulton Roberl James, draper, 1177 & 179 High road
Lush & Cook Lim. dyers & cleaners, 25 High street Mulley Edwd. Wm. tchr. of shorthand, 21 Cleveland rd
Lyndon Charles Edward, com. tray. 33 Wanstead Pk. rd Mundy Herbert Henry, estate agent, 22 Brisbane Toad
Lyons Philip, commercial traveller, 35 Hamilton road Munro Charles, grocer, 234 Ley street
McCheyne James, insurance agent, 210 Grange road Munro William M.D., C.M. surgeon, 27 Riehmond Toad
McKay & Scott, auctioneers & house agents, High Murphy James, Tegistered plumber, 83 Westhllry road
street; 2 Cambridge road, Seven Kings & I I Green Murray Thomas, artist, 27 Thorold road
Lane gardens National Furnishing Co'. hQ.use furnishers, 12 Bank build-
McKay James M.B. &; Ch.B.Aberd. physician &; surgeon; ings, High street
surgery, 2 Lawn place', Ilford lane Nelson William Thomas, house decoratOl', 60 Grange rd
Mackay John, commercial travllr. 67 Kensington gardens Neville Emrna (Mrs.), dress ma. 74 Wanstead Park road
McKee Frederick Charles M.B. physician & surgeon, 55 NewaU Francis. account book maker, 45 Dudley roaa
Valentine's road . Newby Robt. cam. tray. 79 St. Alban's I'd. Seven Kings
McKendry Thomas Torrens B.A., M.B., RCh., B.A.O. Newman Edwal'd & Co. ironmongers, 67 Green lane
physician & surgeon, 39 Wellwood road, Seven Kings Newstead & Drayton, tailors, Broadway
MacKenna Edward, tailor, 10 Cambridge ter. High road Nicholls Sampson, joiner, III Kingswood rd. Seven Kill~s
MacMurtry John Alexander M.B.· physician & surgeon, Nicholson Ann (Mrs.), tobccnst'7 Windsor par. Ilford la
I Blythswood gardens, Highroad Nicoll & T.roup, surgeons, 4 Clement's gardens, High I'd
Maddy Lewis, commercial t'raveller, 9 Cecil road Norden Louis Sidney, commercial traveller, 137 lllyths-
Madell Frllnk, laundry,s & sa, Cameron market, Came- wood road, Seven Kings
ron road, Seven HJngs Norman David, butcher, High street
MaggsWilliam, watch maker, 7 'Broadway Norris John, baker & confectioner, 7 Marl,et par. High rd
Mallars Frederick, upholsterer, 3 Market par. High rd North Henry, watch maker, 5 Adelaide tel'. Roding st
Manby & Clark, printers, 68 Ilford lane Northwood &; Wardill (Misses), dress mal,ers, 72 Rich-
Manley Annie (Mrs.), baker & confectioner, Ilford hill mond road , .
Mann! William James, master mariner, lCKJ Mayfair av Norton George, glass &; china dealer, 191 High roaa & (,
Mapley Robert James, butcher, 4 Belgrave market Station road
Margrie Elizabeth (Mrs.), fancy repository, High street Nuttall Alf'red, boot maker, 536 Highroad
Markwood Charles, mantle warehouse, 29 Cranbrook !I'd Nye George Ernest, architect & surveyor, 64 Argyle rtl
Marling William, boot maker, 29 Windsor road Nye George Stanley, hair dresser, 2.30 Ley street
MaTriott Charles A. king's tax collector, 3 Clement's Ochs Frederick & Co. butchers, 66 Ilford lane
gardens, High road OldakeT James B. auctioneer & estate agent, I Queen's
Marshall Lizzie (M'rs.), preparatory schI. 13 Uphall rd terrace, High road
Marshall William, householder, Clovelly, BaIfour road OIiver William, corn dealer, Stanley road
Martin Harry, tobacconist, 181 High road Osborne John Arthur, insurance agent, II4 Grange roact
Martin Leonard, stone mason, Garfield terrace, Green Osborne Robert George, laundTy, 49 Green lane
lane &; 401 High road Overton Arthur David, wheelwright, High road
Martin Robert, grocer, 3 Havelock terrace, High road Owen Laura (Miss), ladies' school, 3 Richmond road
Martin Waiter, photographer, High street Dwen ,Richard Herbert, architect, 72 Thorold road
Marvell J oseph, beer retailer, Roding street Page R. & Co. brick makers, Cauliflower brick fields &.
Mason David, commercial travllr. 14 Wanstead Park rd Vicarage lane
Mason Frederick, boot maker, 230 Ley street Page F. sergt.-instructor, C &; M. Co.s 1st Vol. Batt. l~ssex
Mason Wm. S. builder, 5 Spencer gardens, High road Regt. The Armoury, Adelaide terrace, Roding strept
Mason William Stacey, carpenter, builder & contractor, Pain William H. tailor, 7 Derby gaTdens, High road
painter & house decorator; repairs a speciality; esti- Pallant William, station master, Railway station
mates given, Venn ho.Cleveland rd.; workshps.Albert rd Pahner George Joseph, corn. trav. II6 Mayfair aVenlltl'
Master Juliet (Miss); dress maker, 122 Balfour road Palmer William Henry, furniture dlr. 70 Ilford lane
Masters Frank, baker, Hereford house, High road Pammen;f) Robert & Co. boot makers, 76 Ilford lane
Matthews Henry & Co. timber benders &; steam sawing Pwrdey &; Johnson, grocers, 1'16 Hampton road
mills,Ley street Park Club (private) (Nicholas Hughes, res. steward),
May Frcderick John, saddler, Broadway BaIfour road
May James, estate agent, 3 Norfolk gardens, Cameron rd. Parker Annie (Mrs.), draper, 60 Ilford lane
&; 19 The Pavement, High road Parker ,Chas. H. watch ma. 2 ,st. Alban's gdns. High l'(i
May John Joseph, coal merchant, 94 Ley street Parker Miss E. A. professor of music, 38 Richmond rd
May Joseph, insurance agent, 27 Ley street Parker Jobn Wm. thermometer maker, 7 Roman road
Maypole Dairy Co. Lini. grocers, I I High street Parker Rabert, master mariner, 47 Belgrave road
Mays William J. assistant overseer to the Ilford Urban Parnwell Albert, fishmonger, 4 Grafton villas, Ilforcl la
District Council, Bardwell villa, Cleveland road Parr's Bank Limited (Ernest H. Youngman, manag'er).
Mears Charles, carpenter, 34 Bedford road I I The Pavement, High Toad; draw on head office~
Mears Charles, master mariner, 2 Gordon road 13artholomew lane E C
Meaton Charles, beer retailer, III Ley street Parsons & Parsons (successors to Gibbs 1Villiam &:,
Medcalf William M. grocer, 2a, Cambridge ter. High I'd Co.), stone & granite merchants, masons, paviors &:,
Medlycott Arthur, painter, 4 Lawn place, Ilford lane sewer &, general contractors, IlfoI'd wharf
Medway Harold, bntcber, 47a, Wan stead Park road Parsons Edward ArthuI', estate agent, 16 'Windsor road
Meering Clement Wm. manulrs.' agent, 39 Oambridge rd Parsons ·WaIter, stone mason, Woodside, High road
Meita Mrs. E. registry office for servants, 6 Bank build- Pascoe George Fredk. commercial travllr. 80 Empress av
ings, High street Pates Elizaheth (Miss), dress make'l', 2 Henrietta villas.
Menzies Harry William, artist, 5 Lansdowne road Clement's road
Mewburl1 William B. C. builder, 42 Queen's gardens Patmore Bros. news agents, 4,8 Cranbrook road
Miles Alfred, builder, see Hammond &; Miles Patlnore George, plumber, I Camden terrace, Green la
Miles Cobbett, farmer, Stonehall farm, Redbridge Patrick William T. accountant, IIS St. Alban's road,
Millbank Charles J. gardener, 40 Westwood road Seven Kings
Miller & Vickers, greengrocers, 6 York road Pavie J oseph, tobacconist, ,5'8 nford lane
Patterson James, chemist, 8 Bank. buildings, High street Rickett, Smith &; Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell
& ,8 The Pavement, High road & Co. Limited), coal merchant.s, Railway station & Sta-
Payne Henry H. draper, 13 Market parade, High road tion approach
Peal Edward Arthur, umbrella maker & post office, Ridgwell Arthul', fishmonger, 18 York road
High road Ring Mrs. tobacconist, 4 Aldboro' pavement, High road
PeMce & Son, carmen, 4-3 Camden terrace, Green lane Rivett Alfred, cycle maker, 5 Ilford market, High road
Pearkes Arlhur Edward, solicitor & solicitor to Ilford Roherts Edward, pianoforte maker, 77 Sunnyside road
UlIban ,District Council, Nithsdale, Coventry road Rouerts Robert Horace, accountant, g6 Mnyfair avenue
Pearson Caroline (Miss), dress maker, 16 Bedford gar- Roberts Stanley R. assistant surveyor, 100 Kingswood rd.
dens, Ilford lane Seven Kings
Peddie David, plumbe-f, Richmond house, High road Roberls Thos. L.S.A. surgn. 2 Selborne gdns. York road
Pegler William Thomas, com. traveller, 25 Cecil road Robertson James, master mariner, go ~'[ayfair avenue
Pelham Frederick, artist, 16 Green Lane gardens Robery,"Villiam, shopkeeper, Mount Pleasant row,Ilford la
Pendrill Fredk. insur. agt. 66 St. Alban's rd.SevenKings Robinson Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 Belgrave tel'. Ley st
Pentin John Dodds, master mariner, 5 Selbofne road RubinsonPercival George,solicitor, Lortay vil.Clement's I'd
Perrott Charles, confectioner, Virginia house, High road Robsun '\Villiam, marine en,gineer, 90 Endsleigh gardens
Perry Alexander, commercial traveller, 33 Bedford road Rockley J. V. music warehouse. High street
Perry Henry, Rose & Crown P.R. Ilford hill Roding Joinery Works & Timber Co. (The), Roding street
Peskett G. Sons, dairymen, 3a, 'Cranbl'ook road Rogers W. & W. artificial teeth mnker, High street
Pettigrew James, builder, High road Romfol'd Division Liberal & Radical Council (Fl'ederick
Phelps Harriet, Eliza & Sophia (Mis,ses), ladies' outfitters, Charles Blackburn, sec.), 3 & 4 High street
12 The Pavement, High road Rose Charles Frederic L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon dentist.
Phillips Thomas, l(ommercial trl1veller, 6 Park road 6 Queen's terrace, High road
Philpot Fredk. Jas. estate agent, I Grange villas, High I'd Rose John, butcher, I Belgrave terrace, Ley street
Phinn Herbert Dethanet, boot maker, 57 Green lane Rouse John T. journalist, 75 Kingswood road,Seven Kings
Pick Henry B. tobacconist, 10 Broadway Rowe Arthur William, hoot malier, 25 York road
Pickering David William, corn dealer, 550 High road Rowe James, commercial traveller, 103 De Vere gardens
Pickett Brothers, printers, Swiss cottage, Vicarage bne Rowe William F. accountant, 72 Lansdowne road
Pickett William, laundry, Roding, street lRowland Albert & Son, butchers, 6 Ilfurd market,High I'd
Pickthorn Oharles W.master mariner, 40 Endsleigh gardns Rowland C. & H. butchers, High street
Pilgrim Arthur, mason, 5 Clark terrace, Green lane Rowland Richard, boot maker, 7 Park terrace, Ley street
Pinall Jobn W. furniture dealer, 3 Cameron market, Rowland William Henry, butcher, IlfOI'd lane
Oameron road" Seven Kings Rowlinson GeOI'ge, greengrocer, 7 Cambridge tel'. High l'd
PindardiChas.plumber & gas & hot water fitter,2Thorold I'd Rudolph Hy. Ethelbert, watch·& clock ma.13oPembroke I'd
Piper Charles, dairyman, I Khartoum terrace, Green lane Rumble Mabama Tatman (Mrs.) & Sons, dairymen, 37
Platt Thomas, confectioner, High street Green lane
Player John, coal agent, 1,8 Bedford road , Russell Frederick, commercial traveller, 42 Mortlake road
Plowrigbt. Alice (Miss), dress maker, 78 St. Alban's road, Ruth Frank, fnncy draper, 7 Aldboro' pa.vement, High I'd
Seven Kings Sabey Charles Alderman, dining rooms, 4- Broadway
Plum ridge Frederick, commercial traveller, 53 Meath I'd Sainsbury John, provision dealer, High street & 118 The
Ponder, Beulah & Lois (Misses), teachers of music, 2 Pavement, High street
Granville road St. Mary's Ho.,s.pital, Ilford hill
Popplewell William, insurance agent, II2 St. Mary's road Sammes Marian (Mrs.), tobacconist, .p Cranbrook road
Porter Henry Edwat'd, furniture dealer, Ilford lane Summes William, hair dresser, 40 Cranbrook road
PostonArthur, ironmonger, Broadway Sanders Henry John, commercial traveller, 31 St. Alban's
Poston James, butcher, High street road, Seven Kings
Potter Brothers, coal merchants, Lion yard, Ilford hill Sangster George & Co. hosiers, 2 Station road
Poulten W. F. & Co. timber merchants, High road Sankey J. H. & Son, builders' .& lime merchants, Ilford hI
Poulter John Thomas, dairyman, High road & High street & Railway station .
Pratt Charles Ja:s. post office sorter, Simcoe, AJJbert road Santos Alfred Dos', tobacconist. 4 Read's pInee, High road
Prentis ,"Villiam & Co. confectioners, fruiterers -& green- Sargent George Richard, wardrobe dealer, Ilford hill
grocers, 8 & 9 Broad way & 8 Cameron market, Cameron Saunders James, toy dealer, 23,1 Ley street
road, Seven Kings Sawyer George, dining rooms, Ilford lane
Price James Reeves, commercial traveller, 4-8 Bedford I'd Sayer Arthur Daniel, custom house oflI<;er, 61 Rutlnnd I'd
Price William H. watch maker, IlIord hill Schnrder Robert, 8 South park, Cranbrook road
Priest William, insurance agent, II6 Derby road Scholl Fl'ederick WilliaID A. accountant, 61 St. Alban's
Prua"on Jame-s, baker & confectioner, 9 Belgrave market road, Seven Kings
Puddephatt George, day gardener, 19 Ley street , Scillitoe Edward, shopkeeper, 62 Wilton road
Purser James HaUord, purser, 2 Albion villas, Albert road Scott H. & Sons, boot & shoe makers, la, Cranbrook road
Radford G. &; Co. grocers & tea dealers & wine :& spirit Seott A &; Co. Limited, wine merehants, 4 Hainault ter-
merchants, 5 & 6 Broadway 0& High street; oilmen,china race, High road
&c. dealers, Cranbrook road & grocers, & post office, 2 Scott Arthur, hosie~, 187 High road
The Pavement, High road Soott Dyster, beer retailer, Iliord lane
Rae John Richardson, travelling draper, 35 Bengal road Scott William, carpenter, 49 Dudley road
Rafarel Charles, marine engineer, 78 Endsleigh gardens Scotten Harry J. builder, 10 Dudley road
Rains John, printer, 43 Rutland road Searson & Son, boot makers, 6 The Pavement, H.igh road
Ralph Henry, clerk, I Albion villas, Albert road Seeker Evan, park keeper, Denver house, Albert road
Ralph William E. commercial traveller, 126 St. Alban's Selfe William Gilbert, chemist, 71 Ley street
road. Seven Kings Sllwell S. & Co. laundry, 8 Belgrave market
Rand Juseph, baker, 75 Green lane Sharpe Edward Jas. middle class school, Tyne hall, Ley sI; -
Randall Leonard, auctioneer &c. see Sim & RandalI Shaw Elijah & Co. builders. Buccleugh, Oakfield road
Ransley Henry, cycle malrer, 10 IlfoI;d lane Shaw Herbert, ,& surveyor to Urban
Ranson J. estate office, Hordon road District Council, Town ball, High stre~t
Ranson John, builder, 2{ Green Lane gardens i Shaw WaIter James, butcher, 71 Green lane
Rawkins Thomas G. provision merchant, 78 Ilford lane Shead & Co. cheesemongers, 34 Cranbrook Toad
Rawlins Frederick Percy Finch Mortloch, solicitor, 6 I Shelford Frederick, greengrocer, 7 Belgrave tel'. Ley street

N orfulk road ! Shepherd & Meed, new,s agts. 6 Cameron market,Cameron
Rawlinson Juhn, oilman, I Windsor parade, Ilford lane road, Seven Kings & Station approach
Rayner John, academy of music, II9 Cambridge road Shepherd William .A.ndrew, farm bailiff to Mrs. Ingleby,
Read J. R. balier, Ley street The Limes, Beehive lane
Reader William, shopkeeper, Ilford hill Shel'man M. & M. florists, 2 Tbe Poplars, High road
Reeve Arthur, commercial traveller, 81 St. Alban's road, Sherman Elizabeth Mary (Mi&s), registrar uf births &
Seven Kings deaths, Ilford sub-district, Romford union, 5 Oakfield I'd
Rf1eveWilliam, oil & color man,S & 9 Iliord mkt. High I'd Shimeld & McKee, physicians & surgeons, Salisbury ho.
Rest Oscar, baker, IT9 Woodlands road Ilford lane '
Revell William, saddler, 61 Ley street Shimeld James L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin. physician &,
Reynolds Charles, cartage contractor, Ley Street farm surgeon, medical officer of health to the Ilford ·Urbnn
Richards.E. H. Limited, music teachers, Station npproach District Council, medical officer & public vaccinator, 4th
Richtriol](f Samuel Pe'ech, coal agent, 59 Park road district, Romford union & div. surgeon metropolitan
Richmond William A., draper, ,17 .& 18 Bank buildings, police (firm, Shimeld & McKee), Salisbury ho. Ilford la
High street " .., , " ., Shorland A. hosier~ 21 Cranbrook road .
Ridge John, insiil'ance agent, 51 Cambridge road' SQott James" boot mnker, 4 :':I:urre~ place, Roding street,
Silcock John, builder, 85 St. Mary's road , Sutton's Stores, oilmen, 3 & 4 The Poplars, High road
Silvers tone Thoma.s J. litbographer, I Elepbas villas, Swain James Steel L.B.C.P., L.R.C.IS. & L.M.lreI.
Clement's road physician & surgeon, I I Bedford gardens, Ilford lane
Sim & Randall, auctioneers, Station approach Syroons S. ladies' tailor I&i costumier, 203 High ;road
Simmons Bichard E. oil & color man, 2 Belgrave market Tappenden Henry Thomas, boot maker, 28, Grange road
Sims Edward John, confectioner, 70 Ley street Tatchell Robert master mariner, 131 St. Alban's road,
Sinclail' Kate (Mrs.), costumier, 4 Howard road Seven Kings
Sin clair Wallace, draper, 16 Market parade, High road Taylor William R & Son, saw mills, 249 & 250 Ley st
Skeats Arthur, commercial traveller, 2 St. Alban's road, Taylor Arnel, insurance agent, 34 Grange road
Seven Kings 'l'avlor

Edward E. furniture dealer, 21 & 22 York road
Skipp Charle.s, news agent, 51 Green lane Taylor Eleanor (Mrs.), hosier, 5 Lawn place, Ilford lane
Slade George Henry, commercial traveller, i02 Mayfair av Taylor Eliza (Mrs. ),tobacconist, 74 Ilfo'rd lane
Slape Joseph Harraway, professor of music, 76 Mayfair av Taylor Robert, confectioner, 17 The Pavement, High I'd
S1ater NelIie (Miss), sta.tioner, $2 !Hord lane Thedham Georgoe Wm. grocer, Cobbett tel'. Green lane
Sloan James,commercial traveller, St. Juliott,Cleveland rd Theobald Hy.F.S.I.architect & surveyor,I9 Oranbrk.gdns
Sloane J. K. & Co. furniture dlrs. 3 Hainault ter.High rd TheClbald Herlbert Frederick, shopkeeper, Ilford hill
Smart Limited, butchers, 20J High road Thompson Joseph E. grocer, 542 High road
Smith Albert L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A. physician & sur- Thredder Charles, commercial traveller, 36 St. Alban's
geon, 8 Brisbane mad road, Seven Kings
Smith Frank, contractor, Boding street T'hres & Son, bakers &; confectioners, High street
dmith John William, insurance agent, I04 Windsor road Thurley Frederick, basket maker, 4 Grove vils. Ilford la
Smith Julius Hodgetts L.R.C.P.Lond., M.n.C.S.Eng. phy- Thurlow James W. clerk of works, Iliord Urban District
sician .& surgeon, I Cambridge road Council, 1,8 St. Alban's road, Seven King'S
Smith WilIiam Robert L.S.A.Lond. homceopathist, 8 Titcombe Harry Luke, com. trav. Daisy viI. Cleveland I'd
Clement's gardens, High roa.d Tite B. M. & Sons, coal merchants, Railway station &
Solomans !saac, furniture dealer, 371 High road Station approach
Solumons Cohen, boot maker, 4a, Cambridge ter.High I'd Todman John William, plumber, 3 St. Mary's road
Soper Ed win J. laundry, Plympton house, High road Totternhoe Lime Co. Lim. lime mers. ; office, Railway stn
Sorre11 Herbert William, watch maker, 44 Wingate road Tougb Mary (Mrs.), school for girls and boy~, 30 Pem-
Somter Brothers, boot & shoe makers, High street broke road
~Duth Essex Recorder Limited (WaIter J. Oldham, mgr.; Tourle Alice (Mrs.), Iboot maker, 6 Belgrave market
published friday), 2 Cranbrook road Towell D. & Co. tailors, Station road
South Essex Sanitary Steam Laundry Limited (A. R. Townshend Charles Bryan L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.lrel. phy-
Braine, sec.), laundry, Roding street ciciall & surgeon, 7 Queen's terrace, High road
Spall Joseph Herbert, plumber, Oakfield viI. Oak field I'd Tucker Simon, greengrocer, 5 ·Windsor parade, Ilford la
Spencer Charity Eliza,beth Snow (Mrs.), dairy, 6 Jubilee Tucker Wm. Ive school teacher, .Antony villa, Oakfield I'd
terrace, Svlvan road Turner Bros. drapers, IQ & 23 The Pavement, High road
Spencer HeIiry, undertaker, 3 Elephas viIs. Clement's I'd Turner Marltoll' William, stone mason, 465 Ley street
Spendler Edmund & Sons, fishmongers, la, Cambridge Twitchem Margaret (Miss), dress ma. 122 Thorold road
terrace, High road Twitchen Charles, grocer & provision dealer, 19 York I'd
Spice Edith (Mis.s), dress maker, 13 Henley road Tyas William, beer retailer, Roding street
SpiceI' Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 15 Queen's gardens Tyler John Stephen, solicitor & commissioner for oaihs,
Sproul W. H. & Co. coal merchants, 29 Argyle road Broadway & Eilenriede, Cranbrook road
Stagg William James, commercial traveller, 95 Mayfair av Udell Arabella (Mrs.), dress maker, 91 Westbury road
8tallard George, fishmonger, 76 Ley street United Kingdom Tea Co. Limited, tea merchants, 22
Stanner George, grocer, 5 Station road The Pavement, High Toad
Steam William, re,freshment rooms, 554 High rand Cphall Estate Office (J. T. Smith, owner), Ilford lane
Steam Wm. jun. dining rooms, 9 Belgrave tel'. Ley street Verbrl1ggen Lucien, mason, 2 Albert tel'. Albert road
Steen & Steen, physicians & surgeons, 25 Bedford gardens, Verlyck & Dunn, architects & surveyors, 2 Adelaide ter-
Ilford lane & I!I The Drive r'lce, Roding street
Steen James Rass M.D., RCh. & B.A.O.R.U.!. physician Verlvck Georg-e, architect & surveyor, Preston villa,
& surgeon, see Steen & Steen •
Clement's road
Steen Wilfred Alexander L.R.C.P.Lond., M.n.C.S.Eng. Vinall John W. furniture dealer, 49 Cranbrook road
'physician & surgeon, see Stoon & Steen Voland Herbert George, butcher, 47 Green lane
Stenning Ellen (Mis's), dress maker, III Thorold road Volunteer Battalion (ISt) Essex Regiment (Lieut.-Col. &
Stepbings John, 7 South park, Cranbrook road Hon. Col. R. H. Lyon V.D. commandant; Lieut.cCoI.
Stepney Charles Wyndham,boys' school, Clock bo.Ilford hI R. D. Trotter, s~nd in command; Capt. J. M. Traill,
Stevens Laurence James·, dairyman, 8'3 Roman road adjutant; COo. Capt. & Hon. Major A. R. Meggy ,&
&tevens Richard Henry L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental surgeon, :M Co. Capt. C. H. Taylor; ISergt. E. Page, drill in-
:2 Clement's gardeniS, High road
structor), Drill hall, High road <& The Armoury, Ade-
Stiller Adolphus, hair dresser, High road 1aide terrace, Roding street
Stockley Edward, confectr. 6 Cambridge tel'. High road Yowler Charles H. decorator, 31 Cedl road
Stoddart G. & Son, estate agents, 6 Bank bldgs. High st Wackett Ernest George, hatter & hosier, High street
StotIel ,Tohn, hair dresser, IQ Broadway Wade & Co. tailors, IB3 High road .
Stokes Alfred, houo;e decorator, 13 Wan stead Park road Wade John Lloyd, insurance agent, Ilford lane
Stone Ernest, watch maker, IO Cambridge tel'. High I'd Walrlron Mice (Mrs.), preparatory scbI. 100 Grange rd
Stone Henry John, jun. commercialtrav. 8,8 Bedford road
Stone Waiter Henry, corn & flour dealer & jobmaster, 7 Walker Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner, Rodin~ street
Tavelock terrace, High road Walker George Ballinshaw, butcher, 75 Ley street
Stone William, confectioner, 6 Havelock terrace Walker Henry, corn. trav. 143 St. Alban's I'd. Seven Kings
'Stoneham Arthur, warehouseman, 122 St. Alban's road, \Valkling .Alfred, baker, 2 Belgrave terrace, Ley street
Seven Kings WaIler .Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, Beehive lane
'Stonham HOTace Chas. shopkpr. 5 Sidney cots. Ley st lValter Eg-b ert, florist, 40 Cranbrook road
Stovin, Duncan & Maudsley, pbysicians & surgeons, I WaIter William, tailor, 524 High road
Norfolk gardens, Cameron road, Seven Kings; Court- Ward Edmd.Jn. architect & survyr.3 Queen't ter.High I'd
land avenue & I Oranrook gardens, Cran'brook road 'Vard Fredk. J. S. com. traveller, 20 Queen's road
'Stowin Comelius :Fk. RA., L.S.A. physician & surgeon, Ward Hen rietta (Mrs.), dress ma. 4 Clifton vils. High I'd
see Stovin, Duncan & Maudsley Ward Lily (Mrs.), tobacconist, 2 Cambridge tel'. High I'd
Stratford Co-operative & Industrial Society Limited, 15 Ware J. & Co. butchers, 7 Cameron market, Cameron
Market parade, High road road, Seven Kings
Streete Alfred, dairyman, 47b, Wan stead Park road Warner Harry M. Red Lion P.H. Ilford hill
'Strong David Robert Tomson M.R physician & surgeon, Warren F. & Co. Lim. coal merchants, Railway station
19 Aldborough ~ardens & Station approach
:Sub-Fire Station (Frederick Spurgeon, fireman), I Pem- Warren Charles James, confectioner, 512 High road
broke gardens, High road Warren Spencer R. M. commercial traveller, J27 St.
':3nmmers George, baker, !lford lane .Alban's road, Seven Kings
'Sumner Annie (Miss), music teacher, Primrose cottage, Warsop John, fishmonger, 3 Broadway
Pelham road Watkins Peter, architect & surveyor, I Cleveland villas,
Sumner Charles, wood dealer, Primrose cot. Pelham rd Cleveland road
Sutcliffe Edward, commercial traveller, 160 St. Alban's Watson D. K. & Co. plumbers, 12 York road
road, Seven Kings Watson J. & Sons, fruiterers, 20 York road
Sutherland Alex. artist, 35 Blythswood I'd. Seven Kings
Watson James Henry & Son, nurserymen, Albert road Wilkinson Pertly, commercial travllr. 70 Endsleigh gdns
Watson Charles, greengrocer, 68 Ley street Williams & Jennings, General Havelock P.H. High road
Watson Dorah H. (Miss), girls' school, 33 Aldboro' gdns Williams William & Son, grocers & provision dealers,
Watts Doni~etti & Daisy (Misses), teachers of music, 13 I 87 Wanstead Park road
Aldborough gardens Willis A. & L. (Misses), ·high class school, Glenarm,
Watts Henry Ernest L.R.C.P.Lond., L.R.C.S.I., L.S.A. Covent'ry road
Lond. physician & surgeon, I Sunnyside road & 8 Pem- vVillis Florence (Miss), dress maker, 79 Wanstead Plc rd
broke gardens, High road Willis William, boot & shoe ma. 6 Read's place, High rd
Way John, commercial traveller, 22 Dalkeith road Willlllott Frederick, builder, Ilford hill
WeaH William, coffee rooms, High street Wills Charles J oseph, contractor, I Aldborough road
WeaH William, jun. fruiterer, High street Wilson & Whitworth Lim. printers, High street
Webb E. Monteith (Miss), prof. of music, 12 Selborne I'd Wilson George, builder, 1 Derby gardens, High
Weddall John Dugdale, postmaster, 4 High street Wilson Harry, commercial traveller, 77 Cambridge road
Weeden William Frederick, beer retailer, Goreen lane Wilson John Henry, fruiterer, 1 Hainault tel'. High road
Welsh Harp Zither Co. music teachers, Station approach Wing Charles, boot maker, 9 Cambridge terrace,High I'd
West Bros. cycle mas. 10 Hainault st. & 42 Cranhrook rd Wintersgill Fredk. commercial traveller, 57 Park road.
West Bros. drapers, 19 C'ranbrook road Wiseman Alfd. Edwd. solicitors' clerk, Sylvans,Albert I'd
West End Mantle Co. mantle manufacturers, 189 High I'd Wiskar WaIter, farmer, Highlands farm, Cranbrook road
West Ham Borough Asylum (David Hunter M.A., M.B., Withers Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Plymouth tel'. Ley st
B.C. medical supt.; Wm. Morgan, clerk & steward), Withrington Ann (Miss), insurance agent, Oakfield road
Barley lane Wood Alfred & Son, watch makers, High street
Westcott Henry William, journalist, I I Dalkeith road. Woods Joseph, civil engineer, 5'8 Dudley road
Westoby George Thomas, master mariner, 60 Dalkeith I'd Woodthorpe George, insurance inspector, 80 Pembroke r<l
Weston Alfred, confectioner, 7 Ilford market, High road Woodward l .. ouisa (Mrs.), laundry, 21 Derby road
Wheeler Emily (Mrs.) surgical appliance manufactnrer, Woodward W. J. electrical engineer, High road
York house, York road Woolf Zachariah, glass merchant, Ilford hill
White G. & Co. linen drapers, High street Workman Joseph L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dtmtist, 1 ·St. Alban'~,
White AnnabeHa (Miss),.draper, 72 Ley street gardens, High road
White Frank, insur. agent, 4 'Spencer gardens, High I'd Worrall John H. accountant & auditor, 3 & 4 High st
White John, insurance agent, 93 Cambridge road Worrell Hugh, chimney cleaner,s Hainault street
Whittingham Ernest Samuel, oilman. 227 Ley street Wrack Thomas Philip, sanitary inspector, 27 Dalkeith rd..,-
Whitton Charles J. wine & spirit merchant, IS Bank Wright Bros. drapers, SI Cran'brook road
buildings, High street Wright J ane (Mrs.), laundress, Folly house, Green lane .
Wicks Annie (Miss), ladies' school, Richmond road Wright J oseph Newton, chemist, High street
Wiegand I. & Sons, confectnrs. 13 The Pavement,High rd Wright Joseph William, draper, 33 & 35 Cranbrook road
Wilde Elizabeth & Amy (Misses), tobacconists, 97 Wan- Young Men's Christian Association (D. J. SimoDs, hon.
stead Park road sec.), I Broadway
Wilde & Co. oilmen, 3 Cameron buildings, CamerOll I'd. Young Arth. Cartledge, cam. traveller, 36 Mortlake I'd
Seven Kings Young John H. commercial traveller, 148 Empress aven
Wilde Claude, ironmonger, 83 Wanstead Park road Youngman Ernest H. manager of Parr's Bank Ltd. II
Wilderspin Robt. Anderson, com. trav. 81 Mayfair avenue The Pavement, High road
Wiles Madame, dress maker, 59 Meath road Youngs Joseph & Co. pianoforte manufacturers, 14 The-
Wilkins William, decorator, 20 Spencer road Pavement, High road
Wilkinson Charles, watch maker, High street
LITTLE ILFORD, see Manor Park.
INGATESTONE is au ancient town, consisting chiefly of Writtle, ob. II October, 1613, and Mary (Waldegrave)'"
of one street, of which the larger portion is in the parish his lady and their son William, 2nd Baron Petre, ob. 5 May'
of Fryerning, and is on the ancieut road from London to 1637, and his wife Catherine (Somerset), who erected this
Chelmsford, with a station on the main line of the Great memorial, and died 30 October, 1624: there are other tombs
Eastern railway to Colchester and Ipswich, 23 miles from and monuments to various members of this house from
London, 6 south-west from Chelmsford,s north-east from the 16th century to 1713: the handsome lectern was -
Brentwood and 28 south-west from Colchester, in the Mid presented to the church by Edwin Caldecott esq. in
division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional memory of Ellen Caldecott, who died March 29, 1883.
division, uniou and county court district, rural deanery of The church will seat 350 persons. The register dates
Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albaus. from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, with the per-
The town is lighted with gas from works near the railway petual curacyof Buttsburyannexed, joint net yearly va;ue -
station, belonging to a limited company. The river Wid £340, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
flows through the parish. By Local Government Board of Lord Petre, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Charles .
Order 22,420 dated March 24, 1889, Fryerning was Earle RA. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. Here is
amalgamated with Ingatestone, and the civil parish is known a Congregational chapel. Almshouses for twelve poor
as Ingatestone and Fryerning. The town is supplied with Catholics were founded in 1557 by Sir William Petre kt.
water from a reservoir, which is filled by springs. at :Fryern- and rebuilt by William Henry Francis, IIth Baron Petre, in.:
ing, and an additional supply has been obtained from the 1840: the income is £184. In 1776 the Rev. Thomas Ralph.,
Chalk by an artesian well, bored in 1901. The church of SS. left by will 20S. to be given in bread at Easter; in 1804
Mary and Edmund is a building- chiefly of brick iu various Rosamond Bonham left the dividend of £100 Consols for·
styles, and consists of a chancel of three bays, with north Suuday schools; in 1806 Mrs. Baunah Rayner left £50
and south chapels, nave of three bays, south aisle, north Navy Five per Cents. for the benefit of ten almshouses for
porch and a lofty brick tower at the west end, with a machi- the poor for ever: this last charity is now, however, merged
colated parapet, indented battlements, and low pinnacles at iu that of Sir ~'illiam Petre. Fairs for cattle are held
the angles, and containing a clock and 5 bells, dated 1610, here on the 1st and 2nd of December in each year. Ingate-
1660, 1701 and two 1758 : the tower, a noble piece of brick- stone Hall, once a seat of the Petre family, is an ancient
work, was raised in the 15th century and is remarkable for aud irregular pile and one of the few fine mansions of the
its bold detail and fine proportions: the nave, dating from olden time left in Essex, as, erected in the 15th century, it
early in the 14th century, is the oldest portion of the build- was a grange or summer residence, belonging to the Abbey
ing: the chancel is of later date and has two floor slabs of of Barking, and was origrnally built with two quadrangles
Purbeck marble, one of which has an inscription, in Lom- and a stately tower gateway; of the house only three sides
bardic letters of the 16th century, to Gertrude Tyrrell, of of the inner court now remain, an octagonal staircase turret.
Warlev: here also is the fine mouument of Sir William in the south-east corner of the quadraugle forming one of its:
Petre ·kt. LL.D. ob. 13 Jan. 1572, and Anne (Browne), his principal features; there is a priel'1ts'" hiding place" be~
second wife, consisting of an altar tomb, wrought in alabaster neath a room on the middle floor, down to which, through a
and other marbles, with superbly execnted recumbent figures trap in the floor, an ancient ladder conducted; the mansion
and above the Petre arms, enriched with foliage and sus- contains some ancient tapestry, exhibiting scripture sub-
pended over the tomb in an ornamental frame of iron: in jects, and attached is a chapel, dedicated to SS. Erconwald
the south chapel is a costly monument to Robert Petre, and A'::delberga, with a resident priest. The public are-
youngest brother of Sir William, ob. 1593, with his mail-clad admitted to the services. Trueloves,.the residence of Mrs.
effigy, kneeling under an arch supported ou Corinthiau Carr, is a handsome modern brick mansion in the Eliza~
columns j near this is another mural monument with portrait bethan style, surrounded by pleasure grounds of 6 acres,
iu relief, to Captaiu John Troughtoll, ob. 162I: III the north and lies about I mile from the town. The Hyde, the property
chapel is a stately Elizabethan monument with kneeling of Col. Edgar John Disney, and now occupied by Haden
effigies to Sir John Petre kt. M.l'. for Essex, 1st Baroll Petre Corser esq. }I.A., J.P. stauds in well-planted grounds of 50

acres; the noble hall waS built by Sir William Chambers in Wall Letter B'ox, Ingatestone hall, cleared at 8.15 & II.40
1760. Docklands is the residence of Lt.-Col. George a.m. & 8.15 p.m. on week days & 8.15 p.m. on sundays
Wilding Wood J.P. and Mill Green Park that of Sheffield H. Wall Letter Box, Heybridge, cleared 7.30 a.m. & 8 p.m.
M. Nea\'e esq. Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor, and week days only
Col. Edgar John Disney are the chief landowners. The area Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 8·35 & ~.45
01 Ingatestone and Fryerning is 4,Il7 acres of land and 16 a.m. ; 12.0 noon & & 8.35 p.m. week days &
of water; rateable value, £I4,OIl; the population in 8,35 p.m. on sundays
1901 was 942. Wall Letter Box, North End, cleared at 9.5 & 9.50 a.m.;
Parish Clerk, James Everard. 2.3°,3.4° & 8.50 p.m. week days only
Wall Letter Box at South End, cleared at 9.15 & 10 a.m. ;
Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance 2.35,3.5° & 8.15 p.m. week days only
& Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office. (Railway Sub
. Office, letters should have R.S.O. Essex added). Open Ingatcstone & Fryel'ning Parish Council Fire Brigade, Capt.
7 a.m. to 9 p.m.; M.O., tele. &t'.; business, 8 a.m. to H. J. Gardner & 10 men
8 p.m. ; sundays, sale of stamps, registration &c.• 7 to Police Station, Arthur John Willsmer, sergeant & two
10 a.m.; telegraph, 8 to ]0 a.m.-Mrs. Harriet Susan constables
Stuart, sub-postmistress. Letters delivered, 7 & 10.20 Railway Station, Emerson Robert Rowland, master
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; sunday, 7 a.m. ; despatched, Chelms- Schools : -
ford, 9.25 a.m. j London & all parts, 10.55 a.m. & 2.55 Quick's Memorial School (mixed), built in memory of Mrs.
p.m.; Chelmsford, Braintree, Maldon, Witham & Ha!- Quick, who died in 1871 ; it will hold .55 children; average
stead, 3.55 p.m.; London & all parts, 4. 10 & 9 p.m. attendance, 45; Mrs. Augusta Salisbury, mistress
(extra ~d. stamp, 9.5 p.m.); sunday, 9 p.m. ,National (girls), built about 1840, for 135 children; average
Post Office, Mill Green.-Thomas John Camp, sub-post- attendance, 67 girls & 32 infants; Miss Frances Stone, mist
master. Letters through Ingatestone R.S.O. arrive at The National Schools of Fryerning & Ingatestone are amal-
7.30 & 11.25 a.m. & 7.10 p. m. ; dispatched at 10.15 a.m. gamated, the boys attending the school in Fryerning
& 7.15 p.m. on week days & 10 a.m. on sundays. Postal Catholic, for 40 children; average attendance, 23; Miss
orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money Teresa Walmsley, mistress
order & telegraph office is at Ingatestone, 2 miles distant. Carrier to Chelmsford, Jas. Peasey, tuesday & friday

PRIVATE RESID:ENTS. Avey Samson, builder McGregor Alexander, wood ranger to

.Blyth Samuel William Baker Harman, beer retailer & shop- Lord PeLre, Mill Green cott.MiIl Green
.Browne Robert Hollingworth keeper, Mill Green McMaster William, farmer, Little Hyde
. ..caldicott Miss, The Cottage Barclay & Co. Limited. (branch) bankers; Martin Harriet (Mrs.), Anchor P.R. &
Carr Mrs. Trueloves open tues. 1.30 to 4 p.m. ; sat. 11.30 pork butcher
-Conybeare Hy. Grant Maddan, Delmore a.m. to 1.30 p.m.; draw on London Mathew Catherine (Miss), dress maker
,Corser Haden M.A., J.P. The Hyde office, 54 LQmbard st. London E C Mayhew John Newton, fishmonger
Coverdale Fredk. John. Ingatestone hall Barfield Thomas Roger, wood carver & MasonRobt.Jas.Prudentialinsuranceagt
·Coverdale Joseph, Guillemot antique dealer Moritz & Robinson.physicians &surgeons
Disney Col. Edgar John D.L., J.P. Blyth Samuel William, general & Moritz Arnold M.D.Camb. (Moritz &
Norton cottage agricultural engineer & implement Robinson), The Limes
DuCane Mrs. Alfred, Lightoaks,Mill Grn maker, motor wagon patentee & con- Moy Thomas Lim. coal merchts.Station
, Earle Rev. Charles RA. (rector) tractor for steam cultivation, drainage, Nash Thomas, grocer & corn dealer
Gallager James Willian::. thrashing machines &c Noakes Wm. Hy. beer dealer & shopkpr
, Garden Philip, Whitegates, Mill green Bowles George, greengrocer Oddie Sarah (Miss), dress maker
,'Gardner Henry Joseph Brock William, carpenter Oddy WaIter James, dairyman, poulterer
George William B. Ardtully Brook Edward, saddler & harness maker & fruiterer
, Glyn Egerton John, Newlands lodge Browne Robert Hollingsworth, architect Page GeOl'ge, Spread Eagle hotel
Halls Henry, The Chase' & surveyor Paasey James, carrier, Mill green
Havers Misses, The Cott.Ingatestone hall Buckingham Geo.coal dealer &greengrcr Perry George, boot & shoe dealer
Hodsou Thomas Buckingham Alfred W. cycle manufac- Pope Edward, boot & shoe maker
Holt-Beevel' Vmcent Morshead, The turer, Market place Pullen Eveline Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper
Chantrey Camp Ernest, boot & shoe maker Purkiss George, hay binder
, Houchin Misses, Milton house Camp Thomas John, bootmaker, Post Rankin John, farmer, Handley Barns,
Howard Miss, The Nook office, Mill Green Mill green
Hussey Mrs. Ingatestone hall Carr James Bonwell, chemist Raven Henry, farmer, Elmfield
Jacks Charles H. Crossways Cheek Geo.C. chimney sweep & bricklayr Raven Sidney A. baker & confectioner
King Herbert, 3 Avenue terrace Cornell Mary' (Miss), greengrocer Reaby Frank Herbert, agent for R.
.. LakeI' The Misses, Woodcock lodge Coverdalc Frederick John, land agent to White & Sons Lim
Le Sage, John Merry, Maisonette Lord Petre, Ingatestone hall Reid Charles, hairdresser
Meyer Rev. Edmund [Catholic], In- Coverdale Joseph, land agent & sur- Rideout Samuel,beer retailer, Mill green
gatestone hall veyor, Guillemot Riley Mrs. Elizabeth, Harding farm
Moritz Arnold, M.D. The Limes Everett John George, Cricketers' Arms Robinson 'w. Vidal L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S.
Nash Miss Martha, Mill Green cottage, P.H. & shopkeeper, Mill Green physician & surgeon,Brandiston(firm,
~'l\Jill green Gardner Henry .Joseph, plumber Moritz & Robinson)
Neave Sheffield H. M. Mill Green park & house decorator & hot water enginr Rolph Charles, head gardener to H. G.
'. )'eacocke Hev.Jsph.Evelyn B. A. (curate), Gearon }<'rederick J ahn, coffee tavern M. Conybeare esq
Mill green Green & Sons, butchers Rolph William, laundry, Mill green
l'eacocke William Tully, Grove lodge Green Patrick, ironmonger Savill Charles, farmer, Potter's row
Petre Sebastian Henry, Tor Bryan Greenfield Lizzie (Miss), dress maker farm, Mill green
Raven Miss Hazell Benjamin Charles, blacksmith Self George, farmer, Heybridge farm
Read Misses, Heybridge Hicks Arthur, grocer, beer retlr.& drapr Sexton Richard, blacksmith
Robinsort Eustace H. Mill Green house Hodson Thomas, M.R.C.S.Eng.& L.S.A. ShuttleworthJas.Geo. YeOldeCrownP.H
. Robinson W. Vidal, Hrandiston surgeon & medical officer & public Smith Fredk. & Son,veterinary surgeons
Rock Edward, Red house vaccinator, 6th dist.Chelmsford union Smith F. Luckin, grocer & agent for W.
Roper Ernest George, The Nutshell· Houchin The Misses, girls' school & A.Gilbey Limited, wine &spirit lIlers
'Sidgwick Charles Twining, The Rectory Howell Charles Henry, cycle agent, Smith George Percy, draper & grocer,
,Sherriu Georg-e, The Gate house Rosalie Avenue terrace fancy goods & furniture dealer &c
Smith Miss Einily Howell Henry, baker & confectioner Speller Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, Victoria
Smith Josiah Jonathan Ingatestone & Fryerning Gas Light & cottages, Mill green
Stone William Joseph Coke Co. Lim. (Geo. P. Smith, sec. & Spiller WaIter, hay dealer, Mill green
'Thomas Henry, Avenue house manager) Statham Clement, Bell P.B.
'Tweed Miss, Whiskards Ingatestone & Fryerning Cricket club Stitch John Alfred, head gardener to
Upton Mrs. Huskards (W. H. Corser esq. hon. sec) Mrs. Upton
Walmsley Miss T Ingatestone & Fryerning Technical In- Stone Wm. Jsph. brick, tile & pipe maker
West George H. 2 Avenue terrace struction Committee (J. W. Gallager, Stuart Harriet Susan (Mrs.), sub-
Whittley Rev. Wm. (Congl.),The Manse local sec) postmistress
Wood Lieut.-Col. George Wilding J.P. Jarvis Rosetta (Miss), dressmaker Such Henry, cattle salesman, The Bays
pOGklands Ketley}<'ras. head gardenr. to Mrs. Cari' Tippler Percy Robt. farmer, The Grange
COMlII~RCIAL. King Harry, wheelwright Turner Robert, farm bailiff to O. Parry
Early closing day, Wednesday King Henry, Royal Oak P.R. & tailor esq. Wells & Skeds farm
Anger Frederick William, butcher Liddiard Frank, butcher Upson Amy (Miss), dressmaker, Scots
Anger Selina(Mrs.),laundress,Market pI Lyon George, farmer, Hall farm

Warner Ernest William, coach builder Wells & Perry, junrs. coal merchants, Working Men's Club & Reading Room
Warner Selina Mary (Mrs.); dress ma Railway station; & at Chelmsford (James A. GalIagber, hon. sec)
Warren WiUiam, mat maker White R. & Sons Ltd. mineral water Wylie Alexa:nder, farmer, Wood barns
Watkins Thomas Perry, boys' school manufacturers (F. H. R~aby, agent) Young Emma (Mrs.), laundry, Mill grn
:INGRAVE is a pleasant village and parish, on the road acres of gl'lbe, in the gift of W. Carter esq. and held since
from Brentwood to Tilbl1ry, 2! miles from East Horndon 1867 by the Rev. Henry Davill Heatley M.A. of St. John's
station on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 2~ College, Oxford. The principal landowners are Lord Petre,
1!outh-east of Brentwood station on the main line of the who is lord of the manor, and George Alan Lowndes esq. of
Great Eastern railway and 20 from London, in the Mid Barrington Hall, near Harlow. The soil is chiefly clay;
division of the county, Barstable hundred, Brentwood subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
.county court district and petty sessional division, Billericay The area is 1,819 acres; rateable value, £2,677; the popu-
'union, rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex lation in 1901 was 528.
.and dio~ese of St. Albans. ~he church ?~ ~t. Nic~lOlas, Post Office.-George Wood, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
.approprIated to the use of thIS and t,he adJoImng p.ansh of from Erentwood at 7. 15 a.m. & 12 noon; dispatched at
W~st Ho~~on, ~tands close to the hIgh. road, and IS ~ ~ed 1.15 & 6.25 p.m. & II.40 a.m. on sunday. Postal orders
bnck bwldmg m the Lombard.o-Gothlc style, conslstlllg are issued here, but not paid. The nearest telegraph &
o()f ch~n~el and nave, and a massive ~ower at. the west end money order office is at Heron Gate, half a mile distant
contammg a clock and 5 bells, hung ID 173 8 : m th~ chan{'~l Wall Letter Box Thorndon Park cieared at 1.35 & 6.35
floor are brasses to Margaret, daughter of John FItz-Lewls pm' day; 2 n n '
.and wife of John Holland, Duke of Exeter and previously . , , sun I 00
wife of Sir Richard flaukford kt. ob. 17 August 1400, and Scho?ls:- . .. .
to John Fitz-Lewis and his four wives in heraldic dresses NatIOnal (IUlxed), bwlt m 1870, for 80 chI1dl'en; average
.c. 1500. The chancel was decorated i~ 1393, by Mr. Regi: attell(~.ance, 4 2 ; ~rs: Eliza Wiggins, I?istress
nald Hallward, artist, of Woodlands, Shorne, near Grave- Catbohc (boys), bmlt III 1875, for 40 chIldren ; av~rage at-
send, and a new heating apparatus fixed at a total cost of tendance, 2? & supported by Lor~ Petre; FranCIs Owen,
£13 0 : there are 160 sittings. The re~ister dates from the master; (gll:ls) for abou.t 70 ~hddren; average attend-
year 1560. The living is a rectory, with that of West Horn- ance, 20; MISS Nora Col1ms, mistress
don annexed, net yearly value £276, with residence and 91 Carrier.-Joscph Ablin, to Brentwood daily
Hlatch WaIter Eades, Beldams Ablin Joseph, Cricketers' P.B. & carrier Harper Andrew Clelland, dairy farmer
Boardman Walter, The Firs Hennett WaIter. confectioner Hotson William, farm bailiff to Lord
Compson Ernest, Manor house Hoardman William, farmer Petre, Hatch house '
-Crook Rev. Mg-r. John Edward [Catholic Clarke Thomas Wm. horse breaker Lazell Alfred, baker
chaplain at 'l'horndon hall] Edwards Herbert, bootmakcr )1ale Samuel, Green Man P.H
Fleming Major Slene, Ingrave grange Edwards John, builder, assistant over· Saunders Samnel James, beer retailer
Fraser Colin, Ingl'ave side seer & clerk to the parish councils of Steven John Ferdinand, farmer, Lap-
Gibson Cornelius, Suffolk house Ingrave & East Horndon, assessor water hall
Head William Joseph, Park house & collector of taxes for Childerditch, Turner Edith Fanny (Miss), Kinder-
Heatley Rev. Henry Davis M.A. Rectory East Horndon, 'West Horndon, In- garten school
Lay Daniel, The Hollies grave, Cranham, Upminster & Great Whitby Isaac Benj. farmer, Glebe farm
.owen Francis, Thorndon & Little Warley Wood George, shopkeeper, Post office
COMMERCIAL. Farrant Silas, pork butcher Wright John Noble, butcher
Ablin HenrJ, baker Fearnall Hugh, farmer
, ..
:INWORTH is a village and parish. on a pleasant eminence d. 28th February, 1731. The church affords 100 sittings.
near the l3la<:kwater, Ii miles south-east from Kelvedon The register dates from the year 1731. The living is a
station, on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 5~ rectory, net yearly va.lue, £200, with 58 acres of glebe and
north-east from Witham and 51 south from Coggeshall, in residence, in the gift of Sir J. P. Dickson-Poynder bart
~he Eastern division of the county, hundred of Lexden, M.P. but pro hac vice the Bishop of St. Albans, and held sinc~
Witham petty sessional division, Lexden and Winstree I89~ by the Rev. Francis Wingfield Diekenson. Here are
union, Maldon county conrt district, rural deanery of Cog- brick works. W. S. Calvert esq. of East Bergholt, is lord of
.geshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. the manor; there are other manors running into the parish.
Albans. The church of All Saints is a small and ancient Rd. Edwd. Rann esq. of Hill house, Messing, is the principal
~uilding of brick, flint and rubble, in the Norman style. landowner. The land is chiefly arable and nndulating; a
eonsisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled portion of it is light and gravelly, but most of it is good
western tower of red brick containing 5 bells: the nave fertile loam. The area is 1,687 acres; rateable value,
:and chancel are separated by a wall of great thickness, £1,639; the population in 1901 was 171.
pierced by three arches of rude and irregular masonry, the Parish Clerk Alfred South
-central arch being the loftiest: the south porch is of Early , . .
English character: in 1876 the church was restored and Letters th~ough Kelvedon R.S.O. arrive at 7 a.m. & 6·45
reseated chiefly at the cost of the late Rev. Canon A. H. p.m.; dispatched at n. 10 a.~. & 8.20 p.m.. on week days
Bridges M.A. rector of Beddington (d. 1891) : the font is & II·40 a.m. on sunday. Tlptree Heat~ IS t.he nearest
octangular and is supported by a cylindrical shaft; there is money order & telegraph office about 2 mIles dIstant
a memorial in the church to John Angier, a former rector, The children of this parish attend Tiptree school
Deal Fred Charles Overett, New house COMMERCIAL. Fairhead Albt. Edwd. frmr.lnworth hall
Deal John Overett, Hill side Braddy Thomas, brick & tile maker Mills Charles, farmer
Dickenson Rev. Francis Wingfield, Button Henry, beer retailer Moore \Villiam, jobmaster
Rectory Deal William & Sons, farmers & seed Moss John, farmer, Threshelfords
growers, Park farm Wilks Charles, seed grower
XEDINGTON is a parish in Risbridge union, formerly partly in this county, but now wholly in Suffolk, and full
particulars will be found in "Kelly's Directory of Suffolk."
XELVEDON (anciently called Eastforder) is a parish in the chancel aud a new east window inserted, and tHere
and village, standing partly on rising ground on the north- are memorial windows to the Rev. G. P. Bennett, late vicar
western bank of the river Blackwater, over which is a bridge and his wife, and to Mrs. Frere: the chancel was restored at
leading to Inworth and on the ancient and main road from the cost of the late Sir Thomas Sutton Western bart. as
London to Colchester, with a station on the Great Eastern lay rector. The church affords 450 sittings. The register
railway, 42 miles from London, 4 north-east from Witham, dates from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net
8 sonth-east from Braintree, 8 north-east from Maldon and yearly value £233, with residence, and 57 acres of glebe, in
3 south from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1391 by
county, Witham hundred and petty sessional division, the Rev. Edward Francis Hay M.A. of St. John's College,
Braintree union, Colchester county court district, rural Oxford. Sir Thomas Charles Callis Western bart. is th&
deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese impropriator of the great tithes. The Catholic church,
of St. Albans. The village is lighted with gas by a dedicated to Mary Immaculate and the Holy Archangels,
company and supplied with water from private wells and is an edifice of red brick, and adjoining is a convent
pumps. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a build- and orphanage. There is also a Congregational chapel
ing of stone in the Early English style, consisting of and a meeting house for the Society of Friends. The
chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch, and a west- Freemasons have a lodge here (Easterford, 2342), opened
ern tower with shingled spire containing a clock and 6 bells: in March, 1890; meetings are held monthly, on Thursday
during the years 1876 and 1877 the church was restored by nearest the full moon. Marler's charity, amounting to £10
subscription at a cost of £3,000, the bells being rehung, a yearly, is for the support of almshouses and the mainten-
new pulpit erected, carved oak choir stalls and desk placed ance of the village well, Smith's (1636) of £10 yearly,
arising from lands in East Thorpe, is given to the poor in dispatched at 10.43 p.m. 12.30, 7 & 10 p.m. sundays
bread. The almshouses were entirely rebuilt, at a cost of excepted
£800, in commemoration of the Jubilee of her late Incoming MaiIs.-London & tJ-.rough, Chelmsford, Witham~
Majesty Queen Victoria. Here was born, 19th. June, Halstead at 10.30 p.m. ; Colchester, Harwich & Ipswich..
1834, the Rev. Charles Raddon Spurgeon, the famous 2.5 a.m; London & through, 6.25 a.m. (for tdelivery'
Baptist minister, and son of the Rev. John Spurgeon: he 7 a.m.); London & through & Witham, 10.30 a.m. for
was educated in a school at Colchester and during his delivery II.20 a.m.; Colchester, Harwich & Ipswich,..
early years acted as usher in a private academy at New- 4.45 p.m.; London & through, 5.45 p.m. for delivery"
market: he first began preaching in connection with a Non- 5.50 p.m. Parcels Mails arrive at 10.30 a.m. for delivery
conformist congregation at Cambridge, and at the age of at II.20 a.m. ; at 5.45 p.m. for delivery at 5.50 p.m.; &;
seventeen took charge of a Baptist chapel at Waterbeach ; 2.5 a.m. for delivery at7a.m
but in 1853 removed to the New Park Street chapel, South-
wark, and there remained till the opening of the Metropo- Wall Letter Boxes.-~·\.t station, cleared at 9.40 & II.55 a.m.
litan Tabernacle in 1861: besides being a voluminous writer 4.30, 5.30 & g. 10 p.m. ; at Angel Hotel wall, cleared aC,
and the pastor of a congregation numbering about 6,000, he 9·50 a.m. 12·30, 3·45 & 9.15 p.m
was an active politician, and opposed Mr. Gladstone's Irish Star Wall Box.-9.40 a.m., 12 noon, 4,4.4°,5.4° & 9.15 p.m.
measures of 1886, and in 1887 he withdrew from the Baptist
Union; latterly his health had become very precarious, and Public Establishments : -
he died at Mentone, 31st January, 1892. Felix Hall, the Masonic Lodge (Easterford. No. 2342), held at the Masonic
property of Sir Thomas Charles Callis Western bart. and 'femple, J. H. Salter esq. J.P. treasurer
now occupied by Major-Gen. Sir Henry P. Ewart K.C.B. is Public Hall, W. H. Scott, manager
distant about a mile; it is a modern building, with a portico Fire Brigade, formed in 1887, George Braddy, capt. &.
supported by six Corinthian pillars, and stands in a fine 7 firemen
park of about 140 acres, affording a good view over the Public Officers : -
valley of the river Blackwater. Kelvedon is divided into Assistant Overseer, Frank Allan Osborn
two manors, of which the Bishop of London and Sir T. C. Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Kelvedon District,.
C. Western bart. are respectively lords: the latter is the Braintree Union & Messing District, Lexden & Winstree"
chief landowner. The land is arable and mixed; subsoil, Union, Richard Galpin M.R.c.s.Eng
gravel and loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, tur-
nips, beans and peas and seeds. The parish contains an Schools : -
area of 3,199 acres of land and 13 of water; rateable value National, established about 1813, for 300 children; average-
£8,613; the population in 1901 was 1,569. attendance, lIO; William Webb Thorne, master; Mis~
James, girls' mistress; Miss M. A. Stonebridge, infants"
GORE PIT, in Feering parish, which is supposed to have mistress
taken its name from a battle fought there, is a suburb of British (mixed), built in 1835, for 120 children & recently
Kelvedon, on the other side of the Blackwater, over whict (1894) enlarged for 50 more children; and a new room
is a bridge of one arch. for infants added; average attendance, II5; WaIter
James Brett. master; Miss Amy Frost. infants' mistress
Parish Clerk, J. Howard.
Post, M. O. & T. 0 .• T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance Railway Station, Charles E. Jarvis, station master
& Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office.-Miss Alice Omnibus to Coggeshall, 7.32 & 10.26 a.m. & 5.18 p.m.;
Meade, postmistress returns 8.10 a.m. 12 & 6.45 p.m
Railway Sub-Office (letters should have R.S.O. Essex added) }<'lys from C. & E. Moore, Temperance hotel, to meet an
the trains
Outgoing MaiIs.-London & through, 9.45 a.m.; Colches-
ter, Harwich, Ipswich, Halstead & Norwich, 12.10 p.m. ; Carriers : -
London & through, 12.30 p.m.; London & through, Charles & Edward Moore, to Colchester, wed. & sat. re-
Witham, Chelmsford, Braintree, Maldon & Ralstead, 4.10 turning the same days; to Chelmsford, mono tues. thurs.
p.m. ; London & through, 7 p.m.; Colchester, Ipswich fri. & sat. returning the same days
&; tltrough, 5.10 p.m.; London & through, Ipswich, Charles Pudney & Son's wagon passes through from
Colchester, Witham, Chelmsford & all parts, 10 p.m. ; Coggeshall to Norton Folgate, London, tues. & fri. return-
Halstead, 1.55 a.m.; sundays, 10 p.m. Parcels are ing thurs. & sun

PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. COMMERCUL. Digby Joseph, baker & beer retailer

.Anson Rev. Hugh Richard B.A.(curat~) Doughton James, smith & manufacturer-
Bigg Miss, Myrtle villa Early closing day, Wednesday. of cattle oil
Bretnall Mrs Adams Joseph Thomas, draper Eary WaIter, Victoria P.R
Chaplin John Arnold :Felix, boop maker Elliott Joseph, carpenter
Cobbold Misses, Kingsthorpe house Ashwell Horace, miller (roller, steam & Evers Susan Ann (Mrs.), lodging house-
Cutts Mrs. Church street water) Fire Brigade (Geo. Braddy, captain)
Davison Mrs. Church street Barclay & Co. Limited, bankers (sub- Fisk Herbert A. tailor
Docwra Misses, Greys branch) (Alfred E. :Mens, manager), Fitch Lazarus, brewers' traveller & sec-
Ewart Major-General Sir Henry P. bart. tues. & fri. I I to 2 ; draw on head retary to Conservatire Club
K.C.B., K.C. V.O. (Crown equerry), office, 54 Lombard street, London EC Frith John Bruff, chemist & druggist
FeUx hall Barleyman Oliver, grocer Fuller Edwin Raven, grocer, draper &.
Foster Mrs. Gladstone cottage Barleyman Thomas Hughes, draper, wine & spirit merchant
Frere Misses hosier & haberdasher Fuller John, brewer
Galpin Richard Barratt George, farmer, EweJI hall Gale Helen (Mrs.), parish nurse
Hay Rev. Edward Fras. M.A. Vicarage Beckwith Thomas. butcher Galpin Richard M.R.U.S.Eng. L.S_A~
Kennedy Misses, The Cedars Bell Henry John, basket maker surgeon, & medical officer & public
Knoth Rev. George Gabriel (Roman Braddy & Co. ironmongers vaccinator, Kelvedon district, Brain-
Catholic) Braddy George, saw mills. well sinker, tree union & Messing district, Lexden
Lance Mrs. Red house builder, contractor & undertaker & lVinstree union
May Mrs. Bridge house Church Arthur, butcher Garrard James, butcher
Mechi Misses, Cedar cottage Clarke Harry, tailor & boot stores Garrard James C. farmer, Porters farm
Moore Edward, Sunnyside Collingridge John, nurseryman Hicks Jas. Robt. C. confectioner & baker-
Musk Samuel Cook David, cabinet maker Hills Edward Percy, watchmaker
Nicholil Henrv Conservative Association (Jas.lnifer, sec) Hunwick Brothers, agricultural &.
Oakes Frank H. .A. Lawn house Cornwell Jonah, hosier & glover general engineers, Swan street works
Page Miss Cottis Charles Henry, blacksmith Runwick James. fellmonger
Polley Ottewell, Ormonde lodge Crampin Alfred Jobn, baker Hunwick WiIliam, beer retailer
Rowe Daniel Cranmer Edwin James, farmer & seed Hunwicke Louisa (Miss), stationer
Sheldrake Mrs grower Keh'edon Gas Light & Coke Co. Limited
Smith Miss Crichton Richard, shopkeeper (WaIter Biggers, chairman)
Smith Bidney Charles, Belmont cottage Crow Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker King Barah (Mrs.), dressmaker
Spurling Miss, Greys cottage Crow WiIIiam, fancy repository Last Joseph G. baker
Storey Joseph Sbaw CuHen Brothers, farmers, Clarks farm LiberalAssociation(ThomasRelchem,sec)
Walford \Yil:iam, Ormonde house Cutts Tholllas James, seed grower & Masonic (Easterford 2342) Lodge (J. H ..
Wood Mrs farmer, Crabbs farm Salter esq. J.P. keasurer)
'Youngman Miss Rarriet Davis James, boot maker May Arthur George, chimney sweeper
Deeks Frederick, seed grower
- .
Moore Charles & Edward, temperance Porter Edward Frank, coach builder & Siggers Waiter, builder & contractor, &:
.hotel.; gQod accommodation for tra- Star & Fleece hotel agent for the Manchester Fire Office
vellers & cyclists, jobmasters & car- Public Hall ~ W. H. Scott, manager) & the Rock Life Office, & assessor &
.riers; ,carl'iages to meet all trains Ravcn Edwin Joseph, seed grower, collector of Queen's taxes
May Thomas Limited, coal merchants farmer & machinist, Mill farm Surridge Ernest Edward, solicitor, & at
:Newman Ro1Jert William, grocer & pro- Raven John Sach, seed grower & farmer, Coggeshall,
vision dealel" Highfields Turner Mary (Mrs.), Angel hotel
.NichoIs In.iarmer, Monk's & Park farms Rayner Samuel1"elton & Son,coach bldrs Upsher John, pork butcher
Norman Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner Resbury Henry Richard, saddler Wager William, beer retailer
OliveI' Edwin, White Hart P.B RogersSml.miller (water),Kelvedon mill Ward Alfred Charles. grocer
'Osborn Elijah, seed grower Roman Catholic Convent & Orphanage Warner Edward, seed grower & farmer,
Osborn Frank AlIan, assistant overseer, (Sisters of :Mercy) Church hall
house & insurance agent Rowell Rose (Mrs.), Railway tavern Way Simeon, hair dresser
Parish James & Sons, farmers, Leaping Scott William Henry, seed grower Wiseman Mary Jane & Jessie (Misses),
Wells Seabrook & Co. grocers & drapers ladies' school
Polley J. Ottewell, seed grower Shemming WaIter, boot maker Wood Arthur Charles, saddler & har.
PDlley Joseph, plumber &c Springett Ernest J. coal merchant ness maker
KELVEDON HATCH acquired its present name net yearly value, £260, with 30 acres of glebe and resi-
ibefore the time of King EdwaTd the Confessor; it is a dence, in the gift of the trustees of the late E. W. Puxon
village and parish, near the river Roding, 3 miles south esq. of Wintons, Croydon, Surrey,and held since I889 by
from Ongar station on a brandl of the Great Eastern the Rev. David Wilkie Peregrine RA., L. Th. of University
railway, 5 north-north-west from Brentwood, and 20 from College, Durham. Chaxities of £35 yearly value, arising
London, in the vVestern division of the county, Ongal' from the rent of land, are given annually in money to the
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Brentwood poor. The Church House here is used also as a Working
CDlmty court district, rural deanery of Lambourne, Men's club and coffee tavern, and is provided with a.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The reading and games room. Kelvedon Hall, the prope~ty of
.church of St. Nicholas is a structure of brick in the Edward Carrington Wright esg. J.P. and now occupied by
Early English style, rebuilt about I740, and consists John Algernon Jones esq. is a fine mansion, surrounded by
.of -chancel and nave and a small western belfry with woods and plantations, and has an ornamental piece of
spire containing one bell: there are several monuments water; attaclhed to th~ hail is a Catholic chapel, dedicated
and brasses to the Luther, Wright and Dolby families, to St. Joseph. The chief landowners all'e Edward Carring-
dated I608, 1653 and I6S6: one of these, dated I638, ton Wright esq. J .P. who is lord of the manor; Major John
is thus described: "Fratres in unum. Heere lyes AUgustllS Fane, of I3 'Voodlands road. BaJrnes Common
Richard and Anthonie Lvther esquires, so truly loving S.W. and Charles Duncan Royds eslJ..•LP. of BI'
brothers that they lived neere fortie years joint hovse- Park 'l'l!e soil is mixed; subsoil, clay anll gravel. 'l'he
keepers together at Miles, without anie accompt atwixt chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. '1'he a rea is 1,675
them:" another to Jane Lvther is without date and runs acres of land and 9 of water; rateable value, £2,412; nod
thus: "Sleepe heere sweet sainte till the trompe awake [\ scattered population in 1901 of 361.
thee, and for Himselfe revive thee, that first did make Parish Clerk, Golden WilHams
thee:" the brasses include a figure of a civilian's wife, P os, t M .0. & TOT
. . , .M .. 0 ,S.. B '& AnnUl'ty,. I nsurance
c. IS60, male effigy and inscription lost; and an in- & Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office, Kelvedon
scription t8 Frances, daughter of Philip Waldegrave and Common.-Miss Alice Emily Dutton, sub-postmistress.
wife of John Wright, ob. I656: the church was restored Letters arrive from Brentwood weekdays at 5 a.m. 12.20
in I873, at a cost of £3 80 , by subscription: there are & 7.25 p.m.; d'lspatched. a t 9.15 a.m. I & 7.40 p. ID .;
I40 sittings. The church and churchyard, except in sundays, arrive 5 a.m.; dispatch 7.40 p.m
certain specified cases, were closed to interments 31
Deo. 1893. The\ new church, built in I895 at a oost of A School Board of 5 members was formed I3 Jan. I875;
£2,000, is of red brick, in the Early English style and con- Rev. D. Wilkie Peregrine RA. chairman & clerk to
:sists of chancel, nave, north porch and a belfry with small the board; Charles Wm. Hobby, attendance officel'
spire containing one bell: the pulpit of wrought iron was Board School (mixed), erected, with master's house, in
given by the late E. W. Puxon esq. and a lectern of similar I880, at a cost of £I,ISO, for IOO children; average
character by Mrs. Puxon: there are I50 sittings. The attendance, 82; Charles F. White, master; Mrs. Marian
~egist,er dates from the year IS61. The living is a rectory, 'Vhite, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Williamson William, Kumro lodge Mugleston Isaiah Hobson, farmer,
Besant William Fredk. The Chase Langford Bridge farm
Cauldwell Miss, The Firs COMMERCIAL. Porter Charles, boot maker
Disney Edgar Norton, Crownfield ho Barr 'William, farmer, Germain's Porter Jesse, wood dealer
Dutton William, Woodlands Brown Henry, laundry, Rose cot Purkis William, miller (wind)
Fane Col. Frederick John, Priors Coleman Frank, farmer, Pump farm Randall George, blacksmith
tGould WilIiam Giblin George William, farmer Randall George, jun. frmr. Hatch frm
:Jones John Algernon, Kelvedon hall Hutchinson Franci!l Leigh, farmer, Sarsfield John, Eagle P.H
'l!'eregrine Rev. David Wilkie RA., Dodd's farm Sawkins James, coal dealer
L.Th. Rectory Kelvedon Parish Club & Reading-room Weal William, carman
Roebuck William Robert Godlonton, (C. White, sec) Williams Golden, coffee tavern
Orchard dean Knightbridge William Chas. butcher Willings William J. baker
Royds Oharles Duncan J.P. Brizes pk Laming John, beer retailer & shopkpr Wren Thomas (Mrs.), laundry
KIR:BY (or Kirby-le-Soken\ divided into Upper and west window was erected by A. F. Ericsson esq. at a
Lower, is a parish, on a creek of Hanford 'Water, with cost of £175, in memory of his wife, who died 22 Dec.
a station at Kirby Cross on the Tendring Hundred 1891: the chancel was restored in I870 and the nave
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 69 miles from and aisles in 1872, at a cost of £3,000, chielly thruugh
London, 2! miles west from Walton steamboat pier, I2 the liberality of the late R. manshard eslJ..: there al'O 308
south-west from Harwich, 12 south-east from Manning- sittings. The register dates from the year 168I and in-
tree and IS east from Colchester; it is one of the three eludes registrations from Walton-Ie-Soken, from I798 to
liberties called the "Sokens," the chief of which is at 1812. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value, £I28,
Thorpe, and is in the North-Eastern division of the with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees,
oounty, Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and and held since 1898 by the Rev. Henry John Withington
union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Karslake RA. of Merron College, Oxford. The Wesleyan
St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of chapel will seat 100 persons. The Primitive Methodist
St. Albans. Kirby has a wharf on the creek. The chapel at Kirby Cross, erected in 1873, has I50 sitting-s,
church of St. Michael is an ancient structure of flint and this sect has also an iron room at Lower Kirby with
with stone dressings, consisting of chancel, nave of sittings for 80 persons. The charities comprise £IOO,
three bays, aisles, north porch and an embattled western formerly in South Sea annuities, but now in 2! per cent.
klwer containing 5 bells, one dated 164I, three I729 and Consols: the deeds were lost for a considerable period,
eme 1778: a clock with two dials, the gift of the late during which time the interest doubled the original
Mrs. Shum, of Hill House, was placed in the tower in amount, which was £50. Two acres two roods of land
1884: the main portion of the building is in the Early left by an an unknown donor was sold, the proceeds yie.ld-
Decorated style, but the tower was added in the Per- ing about £I5 yearly, aire aOO applied to charitable uses.
l'eudicular period:' th~re are 6 stained windows, that Sneating Hall is the residence of Mrs. Salmon. A court
at the east end presented by the late R. Blanshard esq. leet is held at the Ship inn, July 26th. Mrs. ~:Ilm()n,
inmeme:ry of his wife, who died in I866: the stained the trustees of the late Maj.-Gen. Williams, .Tackson
Hunt e.sq. t,he trustees of the late W. P. HonY\Vll(J(1 cSlj,
., are issued here, but not paid, The nearest moneY'
of Marks Hall, R. R. Mumford esq. Col. R. P. Davis, of order office is at Kirby Cross, &i telegraph office at.
Walton-on·the-Naze, and the Rev. Charles .1. 'l'lIJltll' IIrl1 Walton-on-the-Na1.e, 2! miles distant
the principal landowners. The soil is loamy lIlII! day; Post, & M. O. 0., S. B. &i Annuity &i Insurance Office,.
suhsoil, principally clay. The chief crops are wheat, Kirhy Cross.-Robert Sparling, sub-postmaster.
. barley, oat.s, beans, peas and. roots. '1'he area ill 3,874 Letters arrive from Colchester at 5.43 a.m. & 3.r5 p.m. ;
acres of land, 10 of wnter, 210 of tidal waleI' :IlItI 732 of dispatched at r I. r5 a.m. &i 6.20 p.m.; sundays, 6.200
foreshore; rateahle value, 1;3,775; the populalion ill 1901 p.m. Frinton-on-Sea!is the nearest telegraph office, 2
WIU 911. miles distant
Letter Box, Railway Station, cleared week days ail:
HORSEY is a marshy island, 2 miles ,.1000g and a
mile 8.50 a.m. &i 5.50 p.m.; sundays, 10.30 n.m
Bud a half broad, lying in a bay adjacent and used Police Station, Kirby Cross, 'WilIiam Bright, constable
chiefly for grazing, but it has a few houses and a ford
to the main land. There is also Pewett Island, which
forms a large marsh, Skippers Island (or Holmes) and SCHOOLS.
other smaller islands. A. School BOlll'd of.5 members was formed .lan. 10, 1900
Oha.rles Edward White, 57 North hill, Colchester, clerk
KIRBY CROSS is a hamlet of Kirbv, on one of the to the board
cross roads from Thorpe to Walton. Upper Street is a '·WaIter C. IJul'elinm, Little Clacton, ntttmtl:nu:o.J11ilwt' . '.
hamlet, on the same line or road, Board SchoOll (mixed), built in .r900, for 2.'\0 children;
Parish Clerk, George Clal'ke. average, attendance, r60; John Will'iam Balm; ma", ;
Post Office, Kirby.-:M:iss Elizabeth Jane Lott, sub- "Mrs.~milie E'suher Balm, mi~tress . .
postmistress. Letters arrive from Colchester at 5.55 Ihe NatIOnal School was closed In 1901 and IS 1I0W IllslIsed1
a.m. &i 4.r5 p.m. ; dispatched at 6.20 p.m. Postal orders, Railway Station, Edward Copeman, station U1astCl'

KIRBY. Gray Denitis, butcher COMMERCIA.L.

Baker George, White house Jackson Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer
Balm .John William Lott Elizabeth Jane (Miss), stationer, Baker Maurice, farmer, Meer's farm.
Hamlyn Mrs. The Yew trees Post office . Bines Charles, insurance agent
Karslake Rev. Henry John Withington Low Berbert, farmer, Brick barn Bright William, police constable
RA. Vicarage Mumford Robt. Rand, frmr. Kirby hll Copeman Edward, station lUastal'
Mason Miss, Myrtle cottage Nunn Freclk. Josiah & Co. nuctioneers Davies'Villiam, farmer, Blue house
Salmon Mrs. Sneating hall Oxborrow Robert, blacksmith Easey Oscar, farmer, Hill House fal'ID'
Shum Miss, Hill house Pryke Harriet Moss (Mrs.), grocer &i Farrow 'Villiam, coal dealer
draper Moss John Wm. farmer, Willow farm
COMMERCIAL. . . Salmon John Thompson, farmer, Birch Moy Thomas Limited, coal n1.erchants-
Balm John William,assistant overseer, hall & Sneating Hall farm; & at Oxley Thomas, marine store dealer
clerk to the parish council & school Great Oakley Lodge farm,Gt.Oakley Scowen William, shopkeeper
master Scott David, Ship inn Skingley Chas. David, grocer &i draper-
Barnes Thl'lmas Samuel, carriage bldl' Skingley Chlll'les David, grocer Smith Chas. John, Hare & Hounds P.H
Brown J ames, butC'her Wagstaff .John, grocer & drllper Smith William, builder
Brown WaIter, Red Lion P.B Snare Geo. farmer, Sadler's farm
Clarke George, pal'ish clerk KIRBY CROSS. Sparling- Robert., baker, & Post office·
Faint Sidney, fal"m bailiff to Colonel Cunis Willillm R. Roselllwn Stone Heclor, timber merchant
Richard Percival Davis J.P.; F.Z.S. Jarvis Mrs. Pear Tree cottage Ward George, carpenter
Horsey Island Mastel'man 1\{['5. Wllyside Wolfe Edward Thomas, blacksmith.
Frost George, farm bailiff to rroho Saint ueorge, Oaklands Youngs John, Railway tavern
Fenn esq. King's farm Willement Miss


LAINDON is a parish and village" with a station on the Post Office.-Thomas Newman, sub-postmaster. Letters-
direct line of t,he London, l.'ilbury &i Southend l'ail\\':I~" arrive from Billericay R.S.O. at 8 a.m.; llis[lalehed at..
and is {)! miles south-east from lll'enlwoorl IInd 25 fmlll 5 p.m. Postal orl1ers aTe issued here, but not paid_
London, in the Mid division of the county, Barsta.ble 'I'he nearest money order & t,elegraph ol11ces :II'll at
hundred, lll'entwood county court district nnd l'Gt!y ses- Billericay and Langdon Hills; 3 miles distan t
sional division, Billericay union, and in the ]'Iual deanery John Puckle in 16r4 endowed a school here with an-
of Barstahle, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Income of £65 yearly, arising from land in Laindon;
Albuns. The church of St. Nieholas, standing' tin ri,;jng the school is now closed & the endowment is adminis-
ground a,t distance fTom tlhe villlage, is a building tered by a body of 7 trustees (the rector generally
of stone originally Early English, but now in the acting as chairman) under a new scheme, sanctioned'
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south by the Charity Commissioners; there is also a sman
aisle, divided from the nave by an arcade of two bays, charity of £4 .a year, from land in Fobbing parish,.
and a western tower with oak shingled spire containing left by an unknown donor &i called "the Vineyard"
5 bells, tWOI of which are d'ated 158 8 and 1&19: there are
A School Board, consisting of 5 members, for the United'
two piscinre and a bra,ss, dat·ed 1461, to a former reclol'. District of Laindon, Basildon & Lee Chapel, wa~
Perhaps the most interesting feature about the church constituted 26 November, r 8'73; Charles Edgar Lewis,
is the priest's house at the west end, the lower ,storey Brentwood, cIerk to the board; W. J. Jeffries, attend--
of which was used, till recently, as 8 schoolroom; of its ance officer
curious external oak framing, so much as was actually Board School (mixed), built in 1877, for roo children;
decayed· was removed at the restoration and replaced average attendance·, 80; Mrs. Stannard', mistress; :l\liss-
by new, the remainder being refixed and kept together Hocking &i Miss Webb, infants' assistant teaohers
by iron bands: the lower room is now used as a vestry : Police Station, Frederick Cole, constaJble
the restorations, carried out ·in 188r-3, at a cost of Railway Station, George .Alfred Chapman, station master'
£1,7°0, from designs by Mr. F. Chancellor, of Chelms-
ford, are in the PerpendiCUlar style: there are 150 sittings. BASILDON (or Battelsdon), though now ecclesiastically
The register dates from the year r653. The living is a annexed to Lalindon, is said to have been formerly a town.
rectory, with Basildon annexed, joint net ye8l.l'ly value The church of the Holy Cross, standing on an eminence, is-
£440, wihh 54 acres of glebe and resid1enoo, in the gift of a building of brick and stone in the Perpendicular style,.
the Bishop of St. .A.lbans, and held since r897 by the Rev. and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and a western
Herbert Caifpenter. There is also an Athletic Club, which tower containing 3 bells, dated r677 and 1756: in 1880'
holds a meeting of sports eveifY June. The Bishop of the chancel was thorougWy restored and new oak choir-
London iS'lord of the manor. The principal landowneiI'ls stalls were introduced, t,he nave was reseated ill r888: a
are Lord Petre, Ezekiel L. Dove and Edgar C. Lewis curious tablet on the north- wall of t.he nave records that
esqrs. and the president of St. John's College, Oxford. in 1702 the parishioners paid eleven: ,shillings and six-
The soil is heavy clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are pence in the pound, accoTding to their rentnl, for the
wheat, barley, oats, beans, pen,s and clover. '1'he' area. is res-toration of the church. 'l'he register dates from 1707.
2,046 acres; rateable value, £r,82.2; the populntion in previous entries having been made in tIle LlIindoll
r90r was 408. l'egist-ers. The rectory house was built in 1859, by a late
Parish Clerk, Thomas Spooner. rector, assisted by a. lo·an of £1,5°0 from Queen Anne's
bounty. According to Morant, Barstable Hall, in this office is at WicMord &; telegraph office at Pitsea, 3
parish, gave its name to the hundred. A beclllest of miles distant
{,200 was mad.e in 1'862 by Samuel Leake Gibbons, lhe WaU Letter Box, cleared at 4.30 p.m.; sundays, 10 a.m
mterest of which is giV'en to the poor of this parish. The The children here attend the Board Schools at Laindon
soil is heavy, strong land. The prinoipal crops are wheat,
barley, oats, beans, peas and clover. The urea is 1,6°7 LEE CHAPEL (East Lea or Ley, signifying the east
acres; rateable value, £1,969; the population in 1901 pasture) was formerly an extra-parochial district, but is
was 307. now a parish in Billericay union, about a mile and a
Pa.rish Clerk, Arthur Hockley. half ·south from Laindon church; it was formerly a
distinct manor and is a chapelry: the ancient chapel or
Post Office.-William Strange, sub-postmasler. Ldlers chantry is now demolished: the parish contains 480
arcive by messenger from Erentwood via Billericay at acres; ra.teable value, £565; and 9 inhabihmts ill 1901.
9 a.m.; dispatched at 4·45 p.m. ; open on sundays from The trustees of the late Major :Bailey and the trustees
8 a.m. to 10 a.m ; box cleared 10 a.m. Postal orders of the late T. C. Swinborne esq. are the impropriators
are issued here, but not paid. The money order of the tithe and the latter are principal landowners.

LAINDON. Hardingham Edwd. frmr.Laindon Pnd Hare WaIter William, The Limes
Brooks George Helmore '['homas l~dmund, auctioneer Richens George .
Downham Rev. E Jefferies James, farmer, Thrift farm Timson William, Ivy glu·th
Glass Thomas George Longstaff Ernest, artist COMMERCIAL.
Brooks John, Fortune of War P.R Markham John, farmer Austin William Thomas, beer retailer
Brllnsten John, greengrocer Mead James, beer retailer &; shopkpr Gal'diner William, farmer
Bllckenham Charles, farmer Miles John, farmer Gibberd John, farmer,Summerhill fnn
Buckenham Eldred, farmer, Laindon Miles John, Duke's Head P.R Maycock Harry, nurseryman
pond Newman Thomas, blacksmith, Post off MODre Tom Fred, farmer, :Moat farm
Burrell Charles, farmer; Watch house Paul Alfred William, Laindon hotel Moss Joseph, farmer &; landowner;
Olark Frederick, builder RoseI' John '.rhomas, grocer Fairfield
Olark J ames, farmer Price David, farmer, OliphanVs fa.rm
Collings Elijah, stationer BASlLDON.
Smith Maggie (Mrs.), grocer &; draper
Cumbers J ames, farmer Carpenter Rev. Herbert, The Rectory
French Ro bart, farmer Cooke Benjamin, Naomi cottage LEE CHAPEL.
Greening herbert, nurserJman Ely James, Thames view Jackson Thos. farmer,Lee Chapel fnn

LAINDON HILLS (or Langdon Hills) is a village gift· of t·he Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, to whom the
and parish, beautifully situat·ed on one of the highest hills parish ancient,ly belonged, and held: since r8'86 'by the
in the county, commanding a .splendid view over the Rev. Alfred Poole M.A of St. Edmund Hall,Oxf()rd.
Thames and the rich land,scapes of Essex and Kent; it is AId. Sir Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale bart. M.P. Frederick
I mile south f.rom Laindon station on the London, Tilbury Morley Hill esq. Thomas French esq. R. T. E. P. Hasel-
and Southend railway, and is 9 miles nort<h-eas·t. from foot esq. and Oxford University, are the principal land-
Tilbury Ferry, 4 north-east from Or8ett and 9 south-east owners. The subsoil is clay, gravel.and sand. The chief
from Brentwood and. 25 from London. It is in the South crops are wheat and beans. The parish contains 1,815
Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett acres; rateable value, £1,559; the population in 1901
union and petty ses,s,ional division, <Grays county court was 233.
distTict, and in the rural d'eanery of Orsett, al'chdeaoonry WEsr.r LEE (or Leigh Chapel), 1~ miles east, anciently
of Essex and of St. Alba.ns. The old church of belonged to Editha, daughter of Godwin, Earl of Kent,
St. Mary the VirgiTh and !All Saints, situated on the west and queen of Edward the Confessor: it was formerly a.
side of the hill, consists of chancel, nave and north chapel, distind parish, but in 1432 was united with Langdon
but is now used only as a mortuary cha.pel. 'l'he parish Hills, of which it has become a hamlet. The chapel has
church of the same name, situated OIll the top of the long since disappeared.
hill, and consecrated in 11876, i.s ·an edifice of Kentish Post, Telegraph &; Express Delivery Office -Mol'S. Louis!\-
ra.gstone with Bath stone dre.ssings, in the Early English Anen, sub-postmistress. Le.tters from Homford,
style, of cha.ncel, nave, north aisle, divided through North Ockendon, arrive at 9.20 a.m. by rural
from the nave by an arcade of three bays, south porch me.s·senger &; by rail at 6.20 & 9.20 a.m. &, dispatched
and a massive weste,rn towelr containing 6 bells: the east at 4.30 p.m.; sundays n.lO a.m. Postal orders are
window and two others are stained: t,here are 230 sit- issued here, but not The nearest money order
tings. The register of baptisms and burials dates from office is at Hordon-OJ]·the-Hill, 3 miles distant
r686; marriages, 16'90. The living is a rectory, net yearly National School (mixed), for 60 children; average at-
value £200, with 30 acres of glebe and resid'ence, in the tendance, 3'2; Mrs Emilie Howlett, mistress
Adcock Mrs. Rectory cottage Poole Rev. Alfred M.A. Rectory AlIen Louisa (Mrs.), Post office
Craddock Hemy, Eaglestuue Rackham John Onesimus, Yarmlh. ho Land Company (Frederic Ramuz,
Cl'owe Wm. Ernest, The VVuotllllnd;; Randall Mrs. Ii' manager), Lincewood Park, Lee
DimsdalEll AId. Sir Jo-seph Cockfield Schwier Victor, l'l'imrose cottage Wootton &; Little Berry estates; &;
bUJ:t. ~LP., J.P. Goldsmiths Spa.rkes Mrs at 67 &; 68 Oheapside, London E C
French Thomas 'futum ,Tames Raynor HaImah (Mrs.), Crown inn
Foulger Harry, Park lodge Westwoooi Miss Page John, shopkeeper
Hammond Capt . Samuel 'Villimll, White Peter Alexander, Nore view Tinworth William, shoe maker, Dry st
Dodgeville Whit ton Frank, Nightingales Upton Richard .Toseph, beer retailer
Hazell Mrs. St. George's vilia Wheaton Alfred, farmer, Hall farm

LAMARSH is a village and parish, on the navigable The Rectory h01],se has, under the Divided Parishes Act,
river StOlIr, near the borders of Suffolk, 2 miles north- been transferred to Alphmnstone parish. Here is a small
by-west from Bures station on theStollr Valley branch Baptist chapel. Charles Brogden Sporlil1'g" D.L., J.P. esg.
of the Great. Eastern railwav,•
6 north-east from Hal- of Dynes Hall, Great Maplestead, and Christopher Tees-
stead and 5 south from Sudbury, in the Northern divi- dale esg. of Colbishall, Norfolk, are lords of the manor.
sion of the county, Hinckford hundred, ,South Hinck- The principal landowners are 'l.'boma,s Messent esq. and
ford petty sessional division (Halstead bench), 811dbury William Garrad esq. of Brook House, Bures Hamlet. The
union and county court district, and in the deanery soil is light land; subsoil, various. The chief crops are
of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester, and dioce~e wheat and! barley 'l'he a.rea is 934 acres ·of land and 6
of St. Albans. The church of the Holy Innocents is a Oif water; l'at,eable value, £1,0'I9; the population in 190,1
small edifice of stone and brick in the Early English was 191.
style, consisting ·of chancel and nave, south porch and
a round tower with octagonal spire, containing one bell: Parish Clerk, Zachariah Potter.
a memorial window was erected in 1896 to the Rev. C. B. Letters through Colchester, via Bures, arrive at 7 a.m
Teesdale, late rector: the church was restored in 1869, Wall Letter Box, cleared week days at 7 a..m. &; 7.10
and has ISO sittings. The register of baptisms dates p.m.; sundays, 10.55 a.m. The nearest money order
from 155 t::: burials and marriages, 1556. The living is a &; telegraph office is at Bures St. Nary, SUffolk, 2
rectory, net yearly value £230, with 96 acres of glebe miles distant
and l'esidence, in the gift of the lords ·of the manor, aJld National School (mixed), built in 1875, for 55 children;
held since 11899 by the Rev.. Alfred Douglas Schreiber. average attendance, 37; Mrs. Alice J ohnson, mistress
Goldsmith Mrs I Eastern C(}nnties Casing Co. gut m£,', Messent Zaccheus, farmer, Street frm
Mawhood HeuI'y Eo l\lill huuse Goldsmith Sarah (Mrs.), landowner & Potter ZachaTiflh, thatcher
Messent .Tohn .T. Chestnut house farmer Thompson John, Lion P.R
Broyd Joseph.carpenter,PitmoreLock!' Laitt .Toseph. farmer, Daws hall Webber Frederick, maltster & farmer,
Cant Sarah (Mrs.). farmer. Shrubs Haywood Eliz:l (Mrs.), farmer, Bow-
! Newmans
Cooper Oharles. bricklayer I t£'lJs farm
LAMBOURNE, mentioned in Domesday, is a parish the bishopric of Norwich as a reward for his is,erV'ice.;;
an,d vitage, on the road from London to Chipping and held the see from 1370 to qd8; and in the reign
Ongar and on the left bank of the river Roding, 3 miles of Richa.rd t,he Second he suppressed the insurgent rising
south-east from Theydon Bois station on the Epping and in the countie-s of Norfolk, Cambridge and Huntingdull
Ongltt branch of the GIeat Eastern railway, 13! from against the capitation tax levied by Parliament: he diecl
Whitechapel and Shoreditch, 7 north-by-west from Rom- in 1409. .A new ca.rriage drive to the Hall. with an
ford, 8 south-west from Ongar, and 5 south from entrance from the Ongar road, was made in 1900. That
Epping, in the western division of the county, Ongar portion of the parish called" Lamhourne End" contains
union, hundred and petty sessional division of Epping, a part of all that remains of Hainault Forest, a charming
.county court district of Homford, rural deanery of woodland 'Of 3'14 acres awarded as a parish common by
Lambourne, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. the Inclosu:re Commissioners in 1862. Lieut.-Cot Lock-
Albans. The Essex and Herts Water Company's main wood M.P. is lord of the ma.nor and principal landowner.
has been extended to Abridge in this parish. The church The soil is mixed ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
of St. Mary and All Saints is a very ancient building wheat., ba.rley and beans. The area is 2,460 acres of land
of stone in the Norman style, consisting of chanoel and and IO of wat,er; rateable value, £4.17'8; the popnlation
nave and a small western turret containing 3 bells: in 1901 was 937.
the north doorway is Norman and the arch is enriched Parish Cle-rk, W. Crawley, Abridge.
with billet moulding: in the church is a monument to
the celebrated Thomas Wynnyffe, Bishop of Lincoln ABRIDGE is a hamlet on the London road, Il miles
1642-54, and for some time rector of this church; south-east from Theydon Bois station on the Epping
here also is buried his father, John Wynnyffe, gent. and Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway.
of Sherborne, Dorset, ob. 1630, aged 92: in I88Q the The Roden stream flows through the hamlet.
church was reseated, new heating apparatus fixed and
a new organ erected, the cost being defrayed by Lieut.- Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance
Col. A. R. M. Lockwood M.P.: there are 300 sitbings. & Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office, Abridge.-Miss
The register of baptisms dates from 1582; marriages Alice Bryant, postmistress. Letters by mail cart are
and burials, 1584. The living is a rectory, net yearly received through Romford; arrive at 6.10 a.m.; dis-
value £33°, with 3'4 acres of glebe and residence, in patched at 6.25 p.m.; also by conveyance from Rom-
the gift of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge, and ford, arrive at IO.45 a.m. & dispatched at 1.30 p.m.
held since 1893 -by the Rev. Charles Alfred Goodhart Pillar Letter Box, Lambourne End, cleared at IO a.m.
M.A. and late scholar of that college. Trinity church, & 5.30; sunday, 8.30 a.m
a.1; Abridge, a chapel of ease t{) the parish Pillar Letter Box, end of Rectory lane, cleared at 1.35 &
church, is a plain edifice of brick, consisting of nave 6.30 P m.; sundays, 6.30 p.m
only; it was enlarged in 1877, and an organ was erected
in I B80. Rere a1so is a O:mgre-gationat chapel. There A School Board of 5 members was formed 4 August,
are charities amounting t-o about £30, arising from a 1874, for the united district of Lambourne & Stap:e-
hon8e and land, for the poor and for repairing the church. ford Abbots; William Smith, Romford, clerk to the
Bishop's Han, in t-his parish, an old house standing in board; Henry Aylett. Bower Farm, St.apleford Abbotts,
about 90 acres of grounds, now the seat of Lieut.-Col. school attendance officer
Amelius Richard Ma-rk Lockwood M.P., J.P. 'la,s once Board School (with teacher's house), built in 1879, for
the residence of Henry le Despenser, the warlike bishop 150 children; a.verage attendance, 60 boys, 67 girls &
of Norwich: thi,s prelate, bred to arms in Italy, in the 38 infants; J ames Mather, master; Mrs. M. A. Mather,
service of the Pope Adrian, also an ,Englishman,. obt,ained
LilffiOURNE. Saward Jacob, farmer, Patch park Chenery Fanny (Mrs.),Whit,e Hart }l.H
Edye Henry John Bell, Priors Tarlil}g Wm. frm. £~·mn. Gilllllfln'.s fnn Cottee \Villiam Fredk. boot maker
Goodhart Rev. Charles Alfred M.A. Taylour John Fltzgeruld. fanner, Crawley vVilliam, boot maker
Rectory Forest l? .. DI~nham Eliza (Mrs.), blacksmith &;
lAlckwood Lieut.-Col. Amelius Richard Taylor WIlham, estate ballltY to Lt.- Ironmonger
Mark M.P., J.P. Bishop's hall; 5 Col. A. R. M. Lockwood M.l'. &, Finden Harry, brewery mmwger
Audley sq. W & Carlton, Al'thul"s .farmer, Young's f?I:m , Flack Henry, cab proprietor
SW & Bachelors' clubs W 1.0ndo11 Vmce Isaac. farm h,uhff to Mr. Evelyn Fre.shney 'WaIter l:'eonard, stud farm
Temple, Harmes fm. Lambo11rne end bailiff to Alfred J. Hollington esq.
COMMERCIAL. Webb William. florist, Church house. Rill farm
.Ambrose George, farm foreman, Lam- Lambourne end Green Joseph Georg-e, builder
bourne hall West Frederick. gmnel,eeper to Lieut.- Rarris Martin, saddler
Ambrose 'Villiam, estate carpenter, Col. A. R. M. Lockwood M.}l Hayden George, baker
Lambourne end Wright Frederick George, Bee Hive Krailing- William. baker
Bagg Anthony, gardener to Lieut.-Col. hotel P.R. Lambourne end Medcalf Alfred, police ,sergeant
A. R. M. Lockwood M.P Noble William Sier, smith
Boxall Ernest William. horse d~alel', ABRIDGE. Radford John. Blue Boar family .t
Lambourne end BrOWlle J 0 I III IVll'11 er, R Ot{'mg 1louse commercial hotel
Boyd Maria (Mrs.), baker & grocer Fife Mrs. The Lesslands, Abridge Reader & Smith, coachbnildcrs &
Bull Henry, farmer, Gillman's farm Lawrence Mrs. Gem'ge, The Cottage builders
Crane Samuel, landowner & farmer, Rogers Richard 'William, The Poplars Riggs Charles, news agent & stationer
Arnold's farm Thompson James Andw. Baird M.D & refreshment caterer
Glass-a James & Charles, farmers, Stanford John, grocer & draper
St. John's COMMERCIAL. .Tavlor John , beer retailer
Glasse Thos .fI'mr. Great Down's frm Abridge ColTee Tavern (Wm. Craw- Thompson James Andrew Baird M.D.,
Groves George, tea gardens, Hainault ley, manager) C.M., L.M.l".P. & S.Glas. surgeon,
retreat, Lambourne end Abridge Cricht Cluo (W. Krailing, & medical officer &public vaccinator,
Parish Council, Lieut.-Col. A. R. M. secretary) No. 4 district, Ongar union
Lockwood esq. M.P. cbail'IDfln; Ancient Order of Foresters' Lodge Trick Thomas, fruiterer
John Stanford, clerk (Charles Riggs, sec) Watts George, saddler & harness ma
Randall George, farmer, New farm Bayles Alfred William, grocer \'Vhitbread & Co. Lim. brewers,
Rider Ernest, police constable, Lam- Bonner John, brick makeI' Anchor brewery
bourne end Bridges James, van & cart builder 'Wood Harry, bntcher
LANGENHOE is a parish, on the borders of the church, the early dedication of which is unknown, has
marshes and on the road from Colchester to Mersea in recent times been assigned to St. Andrew, and is an
Island, 3 miles south-west from Wivenhoe station on the edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, erected in
Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway 1886 at a cost of [1,4°0; the former building, on the
and about 6 south from Colchester, in the North Eastern same site, having been so much damaged by an earth-
division -of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and quake on April 22, 1884, that it required to be entirely
'Winstree union and petty sessional division, Colchester rebuilt; it consists of chancel, nave, south porch and an
county court district, rural deanery of Merse!', a1'ch- embattled western tower with pinnacles, and has about
deaconry of ·Colchester and/ diocese of St. AJ.bans. The lOO sittings. The register of baptisms dates from J 660;
burials, 167'8; marriages, 168 I; some marriages belong· PEWET'l' ISLAND, in the creek between Mersea
ing properly to this parish will be found in Colchester Island and the mainland, contains some 40 or 50 acres of
;registers. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £300, marsh and he,longs to the Right Hon. James Round P.C.,
with 33 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift o[ Rev. M.P. •
C. W. N. Hutton M.A. rector of Standish, Lancs. and Parish Clerk, John Greenleaf.
beld since 1900 by the Rev. WaIter Bernard Hlltton RA.
of St. John's College, Cambridge. 'I'he Right Hon ..lames Wall Letter Box cleared at 7.30 p.m.; letters through
Round P.C., M.P. of Birch Rani, Who is lord of the Colchester, via Abberton, arrive at 5 &; 8.12 lUll. 'fhe
manor, '1'. B. Pertwee e.sq. and Joseph Proclel' eS(1. are nearest money order & telegraph oflices are at Wi"cIIlllle
the principal la,nd'Owners. The soil is mild loam; sull· 3, & Colchester 6, miles d'istant
soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and beans. A School Board of 5 members was formed 22 Nov.
,£he area of the parish, much of which is ma rsh lall(l, is 1-875; TllOlnns Stnyte, Victoria chambers, Colchester,
2,°71 acres of, land!, 13 of water, 239 of tidal water and clerk to the board
,r03 of fc'reshore; rateable value, £1,106; the population National School (mixed), built 1878, for about 50 child-
ID 1901 was 219. ren; average attendance, 39; Miss Sllsan l'irie, mistress
Green Thomas Cooper Hughfls John, boot & shoe maker James WiIliam, Red Lion P.R
Hutton Rev. Waiter Bernard RA. Pertwee Thomas Barnard, landowner May James, carpenter & undertaker

• & farmer, Langenhoe lodge & Lan- Procter Joseph, landowner & farmer,
Brand Robert, farmer & coal dealer genhoe hall Crouch house

LANGFOBD, named from the Long ford over the Frederick Ernest Chnrles Byron M. A. of Exeter College,
Blac·kwater, is a village and parish, with a station on Oxford. Langford Grove is the residence of the Hon.
the Maldon branch of the Great Eastern railway, I! Mrs. Byron, who is lady of the manor and principal
miles north-west from Maldon, 4~ south-east from lando-wner. The soil is light; subS'Oil, gravel and loam.
'Witham and 43 from London, in the Eastern division The chief CI'OpS are wheat, beans and barley. The
()f the county, hundred of Thurstable, Witham petty meadows here are very fertile. The area is about 1,025
sessional division, Maldon union and county court acres of la,nd and 22 of water; rateable value, [, J ,332 ;
district, rural deanery o~ Hatfield Peverel, archdeaconry the population in 1901 wa.s 198
of Colchester and diocese of St. AIbans. The Chelmer By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March 24,
and Blackwater canal passes through the parish. The r889, detached parts of this parish were transferred to
church of St. Giles is a building of stone in the Early Ulting and Wickham Bishops.
Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, Parish Clerk, Thomas Ward.
north aisle, south porch, western apse and a wooden
belfry at the north-east angle, with spire, and containing Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity >& Insmance Office.-
3 bells: the church was restored in 1882 by the Hon. Harvey, sub-postmaster. Letters through
Mrs. Byron, the cost being estimated at £3,000: there Maldon arrive at 6,45 a.m. & 4.45 p.m.; dispntc1lt~d nt
are 120 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 5.15 p.m. Reybridge is the nearest t.elegraph office, 2
1558 and of marriages and burials from 1559. The miles distant
living is a rectory, net yearly value £175, with 35 acres School (mixed), built in 1874, for 40 children; average
of glebe and re~idence, in the gift of the Hon. Mrs. attendance, 31; & supported in part by the Hon. Mrs.
Byron, and held since 1891 by the Rev. the Hon. Byron; William Chalk, master
Bvron Rev. the Hon. Frederick Ernest Bromley Robert Chalk WaIter, carpenter •
·Charles RA. (rector), Langford gro. Wynyard Wm. B.A. Langfora prsnge Parmenter Bert, shopkeeper
Byron Hon. Miss Margaret Alice Baker Edward Lee (Mrs.), miller Wakelin Frederick, frmr.Langford hall
Byron The Hon. Mrs. Langford grove (steam & water), Langford mill

LANGHAM is a village and parish on the navigable signed as a place of daily instruction for poor .girls of
river Stour, over which is a bridge, and on the borders the parish in the principles of the Church of England
af Suffolk, 4 miles north from Ardleigh station on the and for the reception of poor and infirm between the
main line of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west from hours of service. A sum of £13, derived from a charity,
Mannin~tree and 6 north-east from Colchester, in the left in 1564, by Thomas Love, of Little Horkesley, is
North Eastern division ()f the county, Lexden hundred, distributed yearly; also a sum of £1 yearly left by the
Lexden anu Winstree petty sessional division and union, late Mrs. L. Dykes, of Bergholt, to pJlovide a free
ColchesteI' county court district, rural deanery of Ded- education to two children of this parish. William
ham, archdeaconry at Colchester and· diocese of St. Nocton esq. JP. of Lang-ham Hall, who is lord of the
Albans. The church of St. Mary, erected at the end of manor, Samuel Robert Hlytli esq. of Ardleigh, .Tames
the 14th century on the site 'of a former Norman church, Hines esq. of Lexden, and: Artlmr Johnson, are tIll! prin-
is a building of stone in the Early English style, con- cipal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, generally
sisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, north and south gravel. The chief crops a,re wheat, barley, oats, henns
norches and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, and peas. The area is 2,963 acres of land and q of
cuntaining 6 bells: there are floor-stones in the chancel water; rateable value, £2,777; the population in 190r
to members of the Umfreville family, who formerly was 560.
possessed lands in the parish, with the dates 1596 -and
1681: in the ~onth aisle is a canopied recess, supposed to Post Office. Joseph Mallett, sub-postmaster. I.etters
have formerly contained the founder's tomb: there is a from Colchester a.rrive at 7.45 a.m. & 2.45 p.m.;
piscina in the chancel and another in the south aisle: dispatched at 7.25 a.m & 5.45 p.m. Postal orders are
here also is an ancient poor's box, consisting of a solid issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order &
piece of timber, about 4 feet in length, with a \Small telegraph office is at Boxted S.O. 2 miles distant
receptacle for money cut in the centre: the church has A School Board of 5 memoo!l"S was formed 11 Octoher,
600 sittings. 'rhe register dates from the year 1609. 1'872; William S. Calvert, East Bergholt, Colchester,
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £400, with 62 clerk to the board
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Chancellor Board School (mixed), built in r.B48 & enlarged in 1872,
of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1'887 by the for 150 children; .average attendance, 100; Henry
Rev. Thomas Stamford Raffles M.A. of Clare College, Goldsmith, master
Cambridge. Here are Baptist and Primitive Methodist
chapels. In the churchyard is a small building erected Carriers to Colchester.-Cason to Castle, every mono
in 1832 by the Rev. James Thomas Hurlock D.D. pre- wed. & sat; Waller to Swan, every mOll. wed. fri. &
bendmy of Sarum and rector here from 1829, and de- sat

Ager Rev. Arthnr (Baptist) Borham William Hart, farmer & miller Lilley Oscar, grocer & farme'r
Clementson Arthur E. Highfields (water), Langham mill Lott !saac, fal'mer, Park farm
Mackenzie Mrs. Langham 'Vick Borham William Hart, jun. farmer, MalleH J oseplt; shopkeeper, Post off
NicholsonMrs. Hy.Arm strong,'1'heO al{ s Little Hall farm Osborn Samuel, wheelwright
Nocton Mrs. The Elms Butler John, beer retailer Parmenter Albert, farmer
Nocton William J.P. Langham hall Cason Ellen (Mrs.), Greyhound P.H Simson Wm. iarmer &; veterinary
Patten Edwin Waiter, 'I'he Gro\'e Double Nathan, beer l'etailer surgeon, Park lane
Raffles Rev. Thomas Stamford M.A. Fehrate William, grocer &; farmer Skeet Edgar, farmer, Malting farm
The Rect()ry Folkard Henry, farmer, Park Lane fm Tweed James A. baker
COMMERCIAL. Hunt Artbnr, farmer 'Valler A1hert, carrier
Balls William, farmer, Mott's farm Lilley Frank Henry, shopkeeper Welham Charles, blacksmith
LANGLEY, formerly a parochial chapelry, annexed to ' Lincoln Col1ege, Oxford. Tllcre is a Baptist chope] on t.he
Clavering, was, 5th February, 1,875, formed into a separate Upper Green, built in 1828, and seating 75 pel'soug, llnd
parish: it is on the borders of Hertfordshire, 3! miles a Primitive Methodist chapel on the Lower Green, built
north-west from Clavering church, 6 west from Newport in 1862, with sittings ;[00" 100 PeT'SODS. Henry Edwwrds
station on the Great Eastern railway and 8 west-by-south Paine e&q. of {)hert,sey, Surrey, is lord: of the manor of
from Saffron Walden, in the Northern division of the Langley Hall, Baron Dimsdale and: Mr Frederick
county, Clavering half hundred and Saffron Walden petty Basham are the prinoipallandowners. 'The suil ill heavy;
sessional division, union and county court district. rural subsoil, clay. The crops are principally on the fOUl'..
deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- course shift. The area is 1,5'BI acres; rateable value.
cese of St. Albans. The chapel of St. John the Evan- £r,173; the population in 1,891 was 378.
gelist, which existed here in the time of King Henry H. Sexton, J oseph Sell.
is'a small building of flint and stone dressings, in the Post Office. Driver, sub-postmaster. Letters
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, Bouth through Bishops Stortford arrive 9.20 a.m.; dispatched
porch and a low western tower containing 4 bells; there 4.15 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, llllt not paid.
are 120 The of baptisms dates from The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
1678; mariages and burials, 1690. The livin~ is a vicar- Clavering
age, net yearly value £.140, with 42 acres of gleh;, aull Brick Letter Box, on the Lower Green, a.t 4.25 p.m
residence, built about 1880, at a cost of £1,5°0, lD the Parochial School (mixed), built in 1856, for 70 children;
gift of the governors of Christ's Ho.spitaI, and\ held since average attendance, 63; Miss Helen Clifton, mistress
1902 by the Rev. Alfred' Bertie Hobart-Hampden M. A. of Carrier to Saffron Walden.-Driver. sat
Hobal't-Hampden Hev. Alfl'ctl Bm·tie Dr~ver Am~s, carpenter . Law George, carter
M.A. (vical'), Vicarage DrIver Austm, shupkeeper, Post of1JCe Pilgrim Lizzie (Miss), f['mr.Upper. grn
Drysdale David, farmer,Brick Revell Francis, beer retailer .
COlfMERCIAL. Funston Henry, blacksmith S(~ot,t George, Carme.!· & s'hoplieeper
Basham Frcdk. farmer & landownel', GeOl'ge Albert, Black Bull P.ll . Wisbey 13enjamin, thatcher
Langley 'hall George George, farmer, Upper green Wisbey Alfred, thatcher
Barker Geo. carpenter & bricklayer Harvey Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer Wombwell Alfred, bricklayer
LATCHINGDON and SNOREHAM were origi- LALLING (or Lawling), now a farm, I mile north on a
nally separate parishes, but are now united both for civil creek of the Blackwater, was given by Brithnoth, Earl of
and ecclesiastical purposes; they are boundeti on the Essex, to the church of Canterbury, in 991, the year in
north by the Blackwater, south by the river Crouch, in which he was killed at Maldon, in a conflict with the
the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hun- Danes. Here was formerly a chapel, of which the foun-
dred and petty sessional diV'ision, Maldon union and dations are still traceable.
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, Parish Clerk, Arthur Frands Hitch.
archdeaconry of Essex and d,iocese of St. Albans. Snore- . &. I
ham is on the road from Maldon to Burnham, 2~ miles Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. AnnUIty, nsnr-
east from Cold :Norton station on the Maldon hrauch of anee & Express Delivery & Parcel Post Offioe.-Miss
the Great Eastern railway, 5 s01Ith-east from Maldon by Lucy Spurgeon, sub-postmistress. London & other
mad, and 6 north-west from Burnham. Christchlll'ch, at letters by mail cart through Maldon arrive at 6 a.m_
L a tch'10gd on, IS
. b et f K t' h . tJh D & 2·5 p.m.; dispatched 9. 25 a.m. & 7. 15 p.m. The
3l S ~u ure 0 en IS ;rag, In e eco- Letter Box is closed at 7.5 p.m. Telegraph office is
rated! style,collls'Ccrated November 14th, 1857, ond con-
west end containin·g 2 bells: ther.e is a stained east window open fr·om 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays 8 to 10 a.m
of five lights, erected by C. O. Pulley esq. to the memory Wall LeHer Box, Rectory Lane corner, cleared at 9·J:5
· paren t·s, an d memOrIa
of h IS . I Will
. d ows t 0 tlle R ev. R . E
'. a.m. & 7 p.m.; sunday,s 7 p.m
Formby, late rector (1859-95) and his wife: the church COUN'ry MAGISTRATES FOR DENGIE PETTY SES-
affords .sitting!! f(JI" 220 persons: part of the old church od' SIONAL DIVISJj01N.
St. Michael is still standing and haoS been restored as a Parker Christopher WiIliam esq. M.A., D.L. Faulkbourue
mortuary chapel and the· burial ground enla.rged. The Hall, Wit-ham, chairman
register dates from the year 17:1:5 and is in good condition. Bentall Edmund Ernest esq. The Towers, Heybridge.
'l'he living is a rectory, net yearly value £292, with resi- Maldon
dence, and 49 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop Bland Thomas Elsey esq. The Friary, Maldon
of Cante'l-bury, and .held sinoe 18 95 by the Rev. Edwin Coombe Robert Garbon esq. L.R.C.P .Edin. West house.
Pope M.A. of Univarsity CDllege, Oxford. The Rectory Southmimste,r R.S.O
house, about a m:le south of the present church and close Croxon Abraham Bowerman esq. The Limes, Burnham-
to the old one, stands on a pleasant eminence, commanding on-Crouch R.S.O
extensive views. The Parish Library kept at the National Parker Charles Alfred esq. Durwards hall, Rivenhall,
Schools, contains about 300 volumes. The Reading Witham
Room, erected iu 188-8 by Mr. William Howard-Flanders, Rogers John Thomas esq. Hill house, Burnham R.S.O
of the Middle Temple, and xe-erected in r890 by public Smith Ernest John esq. '1'he Caidge, Sou.thminstel' R.S.O
sub!;cription after being destroyed by fire, has n library Smith John esq. The Limes, Burnham-on-Crouch R.S.(}
of upwards of 200 volumes: it is used' also for temperance Solly Thomas Herbert esq. Mundon hall, Maldon
meet.ings and· religious services are held in it on Sundays The Mayor of Maldon & the chairmen of the Burnham-on-
in connection with the Essex Congregational Union. A Crouch Urban & Maldon Rural District Councils, for the
fair is held annually Oul the 2nd of June. The pett,y time being, are ex-officio magistrates
sessions for the Dengie division are held llt the Police Clerk to the Magistrates, Frederick Henry Bright, High
station here, every alte'rnate Satu.rd'ay at I I a.m.: a street, Maldon
res,idence for the superintendent is attached to the station. Petty Sessions are held at the Police station, Latching-
For names of and places in the division see don, every alternate saturday IX a.m.; the Town hall,
Maldon. Cha.rles Oldaker Pulley esq who is lord of the Maldon, is appointed an occasional Court House for
manor of Latchingd;on, W, Howard-Fla·nders esq. Lord hearing cases of a pressing nature. The following
Rayleigh and Mrs. Mary Agnew, are the prin.cipal land- places are within their jurisdiction :-Althorne, Ash-
owners. The soil is a sbrong clay; subsoil, clay. The eldham, Bradwell, Burnham, Cold Norton, Crixsea,
chief crops are wheat, beans a,nd peas. The area of the Dengie, Fambridge North, Hazeleigh, Latchingdon,
parish, is 3,998 acres of land, 9 of water, 76 of tidal Mayland, Mundon, Purleigh, St. Lawrence, South-
water and 133 of foreshore; rateable value, £2,282; the minster, Steeple, St.ow Maries, Tillingham, lVoodham
population in 1902 was 3'94- Mortimer, Woodham WaIter •

At SNOREHAM was formerly 8 church, dedicated to National School (mixed), built in IB52, for 120 children,
St. Peter, and erected by the noble family of Grey of. with an average attendance of 90; \OVilliam A. Heavon,
Wilt OD, its attached parish consisting only of one farm m'lster; Mi ss Mary J. Beavon, mistress
house, called Snoreham Hall; the inhabitants now attend Carriers (passing through) to MaIdon, daily; to Burn-
Latchingdon church: a sermon was formerly preached ham & Southminster, daily; to Dengie, Bradwell, Til-
annually under a tree in the parish, but the custom has lingham & Steeple, mono wed. & fri.; to Chelmsford,
long been discontinued. Area 399 acres. tues. & fri

Howard-Flanders William, Tyle hall COMMERCIAL. Clear George, beer retailer

Laver William ]~llbert, 1.'he Limes Adams James, shopkeeper Cowlen Alfred, hlucl,smith
Payne-Evans Mrs. Duttel'fields Anen James, beer retailer Cowlen GeoTge. wheelwrigIlt
Pope Rev. Edwin M.A. Rectory Attenborough George (exors. of), Hitch Arthur Francis, shoe maker
Ram Miss Agnes, Rose cottage j farmers, Lawlingsrniths farm Hempstead William Charles, thatcher
Knights Thotnas Edward, farmer 'MOlTisl) MUI'y(Mrs'.),farmer,Rose daltl Pike John, beer Tetailer, assistant
Llnte,r John R. grocer, draper, nSl!isL- Nie Louis 'Geol'ge, Lion hotel, goutl ovel'sC!B,r &; clerk to the Parish Coun-
ant overseer &; clerk to the Parish accommodation for cyclists cil of .Althorne
Conncil Noo'h George Gibhons, superintendent Reading ROom
Laver Wm. Robt. corn &; seed mer of police, inspector of ,veights & Richardson Frdk. frmr. Snoreham hall
Mallinson .John, S. fanner measures &; under the sale of Food Sande,r Arthllr'1'. baker
Mothersole John, fann bailiff to' Mrs. &; Dl'Ugs & Contagious ])isl!:l!les Skingsley Arthur William, carpenter
:Mary Agnew (Animal) Acts
LATTON (or Lacton) is a parish and village on the monuments to members of the Mtham family: several
Stort navigation and borders of Hertfordshire, one mile stained windows were inserted by. the late Rev. Julius
south-east from Burnt Mill station on the Great Eastern Arkwright, a former rector: there are 160 sittings. The
(Cambridge) railway, one mile and a half south-west from register dates from the year 1567.' The living is a
Harlow, 8 south from Bishops Stortford, 9 north-west vicarage, net yearly value £357, with 74 acres of glebe,
from Ongar and 21 from London, in the Western divi- and residence, in the gift of Loftus Joseph 'Wigram Ark-
sion of the county, Harlow hundred and perty ses. wright esq. and held since 1886 by the Rev. Spencer
sional division, Epping union, Waltham Abbey cotlnty Nairne M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. About
court district, and in the rural deanery of Harlow, arch- 4 miles from the church are some remains of the Priory
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. John the Bapt::st, founded some time previous to
of St. Mary the Virgin, standing' on rising ground, is a 1290 for Black Canons of the order of St. Augustine and
small edifice of flint and rubble, in the Late Perpendicular surroundea by a moat; the portion existing is a building
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an em· ill the Decora,ted .style and is used as ·a bam. Mark
battled western tower containing 4 bells: adjoining the Hall, the residence of Newman Gilbey esq. is pleasantly
north side of the chancel is a small chapel dedicated to situated in a park and grounds of 100 acres. L. J. W.
the Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary, built by Sir Peter Arkwrig-ht esq. of Little Parndon, is lord of the manor and
Arderne kt. Chief Baron of the Exchequer 1448, and made principal landowner The soil is various; subsoil, clay
in the same year a justice of the Common Pleas, retain- and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots,
ing both offices till q62, when he was superseded in the but a large portion is grass land. The area is 1,620
Exchequer; he died 2 June, 1467: a chantry was also acres of land and 5 of water; rateable value, £5,292; the
founded here by the same judge and Dame Catherine, populatoion in 1901 was 220.
his wife, and their tomb with brass effigies and inscription Sexton, Frederick Wright.
remains: there are other bras-ses, ,,,ith effigies, to William Letters through Harlow delivered at 7 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.
Harper esq. and Anne (Arderne) his wife, with 4 children, The nearest Post, money order &; telegraph office is at
c. q8S; Emanuell Woolaye, gent. and Margaret his wife, Harlow, I! miles distant
c. 1600; and Frances (Roberts), wife of Richard Franke- School (mixed), built in 1830, for 50 children; average
lin esq. of Willesden, Middlesex, ob. 1604; and various attendance, 42; Miss Charlotte Beadle, mistress
Gilbey Newman J.P. 'Mark hall Cornell William, farm bailiff to Mr. Mansfield Thomas, fanner,. Bull &;
Nairne Rev. Spencer M.A. Vicarage Harry Brown, of Great Parndon Horse Shoe fann
Ellis Jas. Geo. frmr. Horse Shoe frm Seymour Frdl•. hou8'ehJdr.Avenue ho
COMMERCIA.L. Furze Harry, farmer, Bromleys Smith Edward Siromons, Sun &;
Boram Ernest, farmer, The Priory Mackett Alfred, gardener to Newman Whalebone P.H
Brown Freclk. farmer, New Honse frm Gilbey esq Wright Walter, under bailiff to L. J.
Collins Walter, farmer, Bush Fair ho Rickett In. William, fanner, Rundells '\V. Arkwright esq. Bush Fair corn
HIGH LAVER is a parish, 5 miles south-east from with him; If you seek an example of good life, you have
Harlow station on the main line of the Great Eastern one in the Gospel; would that there were nowhere any
railway and 4 north-west from Ongar terminal station of bad life; of the shortness of life, you have an example
on a branch of the same line, in the 'Western division of (may it profit thee) both here and everywhere.
the county, Ongar union, hundred and petty sessional "His birth, on August 29th, A.D. 1632; his death,
division, Dunmow county court district, rural deanery of October 28th, 1704, is recorded by this tablet, which
Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. itself must perish ere long." -
The church of All Saints is a low building, chiefly of flint, There is a brass to Edward Sulyard and his wife Myra-
with stone dressings, consisting of chancel, nave, south byll (Compton), c. 1500, with 4 sons and x daughter;
porch and a western battlemented tower of red brick, and many altar-tombs in the churchyard to the Masham
with a shingloo spire and containing two heMs; the family, Barons Masham, of Otes, in this parish; one
earliest portions of the struc,ture belong tQ the Early among these being to Lady Masham, wife of Samuel, first
English period, an example of which is fQund in three Baron Masham and formerly known as Abigail Hill, Queen
lancet windows at the east end: in t·he belfry is a small Anne's favourite. Lord Masham died 16th October.
but good Decorated window: the font is Perpendicular, 1658; the church has 250 sittings. The register of bap-
and wag restored in 11865: in the graveyard is buried t·he tisms dates from 1553; burials, 1614; marriages, 1616;
great patriot and philosopher John Locke, who died at the and is curious as containing a most complete record of
seat of Otes, 28th Oct. 1704, and whose tomb was restored briefs for collections in this church for nearly 100 years.
in 1865: the Latin epitaph was written by himself, and The living is a rectory, net yearly value £'275, with 5B
is as follows:- acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees
"Siste, viator,-Hic juxta situs est Johannes Locke. of Captain P. J. Budworth, and held since 1'895 by the
Si qualis fuerit rogas, 't'lediocritate sua contentum se Rev. Frederic Schiller May M.A. of Caius College, Cam-
vixisse respondet; literis innutritus, eousque tantum bridge and D.D. of Trinity College, Hartford, D.S.A. and
profecit, ut veritati unice litaret. Hoc ex scriptis illius surrogate. The chapel of ease at Matching Green in
disces; qure, quod de eo reliquum est, majori fide tibi this parish. erected at the cost of the late Rev. Francis
exhibebunt, quam Epitaphii suspecta elogia. Virtutes, si Richard Miller M.A. vicar of Kineton, Wa.rwickshiTe
quas habuit, minores sane quam quas sibi. laudi, tibi in (1834-89), consists only of chancel and nave and has 80
exemplum proponeret; vitia una sepeliantur. Morum sittings. At High Laver is a Wesleyan chapel. The
exemplum si qureras, in Evangelio babes; vitiorum manor of High Laver is held by Mrs. Wright and
utmam nusquam; morta.litatis certe (quod prosit) hie et other,s. Capt. Robert Wicksted Ethelston, 'of Hinton.
ubique. Whitchurch, Shropshire, is lord of the manoOr of High
"Natum Anno Domini 1632, Aug. 29, Mortuum A.D, Laver Hall and principal landowner The soil is various;
1704, Oct. 28. memorat hrec tabula brevi et ipsa. intt'- subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
ritura." beans and oats. The area is I,8'88aeres; l'ateable value,
Which is thus rendered:- £1,853; the population in 18g1 was 505·
. Parish C1erk, George Brown, Matching Green.
" Stay, passer-by,-Near this place lies John Locke. To
your question,-What sort of a man was he ?-He answers Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.5 0 a.m. &; 4. 2 5 p.m. &; 8..~o
that he was of middle rank and fortune, and was con- a.m. on sundays. Letters are delivered through the
teuted therewith; of learned tastes and habits: he only Ongar S. O. offi~e at 8 a.m. &, 12.3 0 p.m. Tile nearest
reached the point of consecrating his learning to the money order office is at Moreton, 1 mile tEstant &; tele-
cause of truth above all things. You will discover this Q'raph office a.t Matching- Green, 2 miles distant
from his writings; and these will more faithfully exhibit Wall Letter Box. Threshers Bush, cleared at 7.15 a.m. &
to you the rest of his character than the suspected testi- 7 p.m.; no collection on sunday
monial. of an epitaph. 'Whatever virtues he had, they National School (mixed), built in 1867, for 130 children;
were not enough to put forward as a matter of glory to average attendance, 95; Miss Anne Salisbury, mist.ress ;
him, nor as an example to thee. Let his faults be buried Miss Emily Bro wn, assistant mistress
Names marked thus * should be *Byford Susan (Miss), shopkeeper, *Sharp Charles, CheqweTs ·P.H
addressed Earlow. Matching Green *Spencer .Alice (Mrs.), farmer & hay
*Coxon Jas. Elm ho. Matching Green Gingel1 Jas. frmr.High Laver grange carter, Matching green
Grieves John ·Wm. High 'Laver lmll Godfrey Thomas .Alfred, wheelwright *Staines Thos. Stock, frmr. Elms frm
May Rev. Fredc. Schiller D.D.(rector) Hazlewood Charles, farmer *Wederell Arthur Hughes, farmer &
COMMEROIAL. *l>ryor Thomas, farmer,Threshers bsh cattJe dealer, Thresher.s Bush
Arnold Will Stock, farmer, Tilegate Robinson Sarah (Mrs.), blacksmith *Williams Thomas, faI'!Iller,New House .
* Co rd ell Wm. beer rtlr. Threshel'sBs-h Seymour Bran, farmer farm, Matching Green

LITTLE LAVER is a parish, I mile to the east of dates from 1538; marriages, 1541. The living is a rec-
FIigh Laver and 5 miles north from Ongar, in the Western tory, net yearly value £180, With 90 acres of glebe and
division of the county, Ongar hundred, union and petty residence, in the g:ft of the trustees of the late Rev.
sessional division, Dunmow county court district, rural Henry Golding-·Palmer RA. of Holme Park, Berks, and
deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of held since 1878 by the Rev. Sydney Charles Beauchamp
St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a M.A. of Queen's College, Oxford. Herman James Meyer
small building of rubble, in mixed styles, consisting of esg. who is lord of the manor of Lit·tIe Laver Hall, and
.apsidal chancel, nave, vestry, organ chamber, south porch Willl&.'ll Henry Poynder esq. are the prinoipa:l land-
and a belfry containing one bell: the church was restored owneI1s. The soil is various; .subsoil, clay. The chief
and enlarged in 1872 by the late Rev.. Richard Palmer, crops are wheat, barley and< root,s. The parish contains
rector of Purley, Berks, then patron, in memory of his 961 acres; rateable value, £18159; the population in 1901
brother, the Rev. Henry Palmer: the font was restored was 92.
from the remains of a former one: all the seats are of Parish Clerk, Daniel Parish.
massive oak, handsomely carved: some of the com-
munion plate is of the period of Edward VI.: in 188 4 the Letters are delivered through Ongar 8.0. at 8·30 a.m.
floor of the church was raised and reIaid ; a reredos of The nearest post, money order & telegraph office is at
Bath stone and alabaster was erected by the present Matching- Green, I! miles distant
rector, in memory of Miss S. Caroline Palmer; there The children of this village attend the school at High
are 100 sittings. The register of baptisms and burials Laver /
Deauchamp Rev. Sydney Charles M.A. Lucking Alfred, farmer Whitnall Marian (Mrs.), & Lucking
Rectory Matthews Samuel Porter, farmer ~Iisses, farD1ers
Rolle-ston Mrs. Little Laver hall Roast Stephen. miller (wind &, steam)
MAGDALEN LAVER is a parish, 4 miles south-east The crops are cereals. The area is 1,235 acres of land
fEom Harlow station on the main line of the Great and 5 of water; rateable value, £1,501; the pOllUlation
Eastern railway, 3! miles north-east from North Weald in 1901 was 148.
station on a branch of the same line, 5 north-west from Sexton, Arthur Reed.
Ongar, and 5 north-east from Epping, in the Western 'V-all Letter Box cleared at 9.30 a.m. &0 4 p.m.; sundays,
division of the county, Ongar hundred and petty sessional 9.30 a.m. Letters are delivered through Ongar .S.O.
division, Epping union, Dunmow county court district, at 9.30 a.m. & 4.10 p.m. '£he nearest money order &
Ongar rural deanery, Essex arch.deaconry and St. Albans telegraph office is ati Matching Green, 3 miles distant
diocese. The church of St. Mary Magdalene, restored Endowed School, built, with teacher's house, in 1862, &
in 1875, is an ancient building of flint, with stone endowed in 1872 with a sum of £999, raised by means
dressings, in the Early English style, consisting of of voluntary contributions from the congregation of St.
chancel and nave and a western tower 'of woud, con- George's chapel, Albemarle street, London, collected by
taining 2 bells; the tower was thoroughly restored in the Rev. William Webb Ellis M.A. then minister of
1'883 and a south porch was added in 1887: there are 120 that chapel, & presented to this parish, of which he
sittings. The register of baptisms and marriages dates was then rector: the site was given by Mrs. Harrison,
from 1557; burials, 1558. The living is a rectory, net daughter of the late C. P. Myer esq. The £999 has
yearly value £248, with 30 acres of glebe, in the gin of been invested in Russian bonds, held in trust by the
Mrs. Bellamy, and held since 1895 by the Rev. .Algernon National Society for the Education of the Poor in the
Parker BelIamy B . .A. of St. Catha·rine's College, Cam- principles of the Established Church & for the annual
bridge. The representatives of the late John }·'rancis support of the Magdalen Laver school; the school will
Glark esq. are the principal landnwnel's; courts leet are hold SOl c,hJildren; average attendance, 45; Mrs. B.
held yearly at Epping. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. Grouch, mistress
Adams Mrs. The Armoury Lucking Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, Mol- Torrance Matthew, farmer, Magdalen
lilellamy Rev. A!gernon Parker RA. mans farm Laver hall
Rectory MiC'hell Edman H. Green ludge & Trundle· John, farm bailiff to Mrs.
COMMEROIAL. Hll'mphrie.s farm Edwards, of Harlow
Crane John, beer retailer & baker Mosi!' Henry, beer retaile~ Tucker Joseph, farmer, Rolls farm

LAWFORD (or Lalford) is a parish and an ancient John Robertson, late of Lawford Plaee: the chureh plate
place, formerly belonging to King Harold n.; it is on includes a paten, dated "Easter Day, 1696," and was
the road from Colchester to Harwich, I~ miles given by the Lady Whaley, wife of Mr. Harris, rector of
west from Manningtree and 7 north-east from Colchester, Lawford: the church was enlarged in 1826, and the in-
in the North Eastern division of the county, Tendring terio'r restored and refitted' in 1853: from 1884 to 1887 a
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Colchester sum of £700 WlliS spent in repairing the outer walls, and
oounty court district, rural deanery of Ardleigh and the erection of a new oak roof: in 1889 the floor was
Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. relaid: there are 320 sittings: outside the chancel door
Albans. The Great Eastern railway passes through, and are the graves of the Rev. John Edes, rector here for
Manningtree station and a part of the town of Manning- 43 years (1615 to 1658) and of the Rev. William Brett
tree are in this parish. The ancient church of St. Mary Whitfield, rector for 25 years and a benefactor to the
is an edifice of stone, in the Early English style, consist- parish, d. 1847; at the western entrance to the church-
ing of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch yard is a house built by Mr. Pecksale and left by him
8:Ild a western -tower of brick and stone, rebuilt in the w'oh an acre of land to the sexton for the time being,
17th century and containing 3 bells, one dated 1667 and provided he keeps it in repair and pays eightpence
the other two 1714: the chancel retains a piscina and yearly to Lawford Hall. The register dates from the
sedilia and: has some remains of old stained gliass: on the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value about
north side of the chancel are monuments to Edward Wal- £-l6'1, with residence and 35 acres of glebe, in the ~ifli of
degrave esq. and Joan his wife, with two kneeling figures St. John's Oollege, Cambridge, and held since 1902 by the
carved in stone, 1584: beneath the chancel floor is the Rev. Henry Theodore Ediward Eadow M.A. of that col-
family vault of the Waldeg-raves, of whom Edward Wal- l"g'e, hon. canon of Carlisle. Charities :-'1'ho Hev.
degrave died in 1621, and his widow, Lady Sarah Bingham, W. B. Whitfield, rector, previously mentioned, gave
in 1634: here also lies buried the Rev. Thomas Harris, before his death a snm of £-l00 to he invest,ed
formerly rector of Lawford, ob. 28 March, 1699: the in Consols, the dividends to he distributed hy
stained east window was the g-in of the late Thomas Nunn the rector for the t.ime being amon~st, the sick and aged
esq. of Lawford Honse: a stained west window was placed poor of the parish; he also invested a further sum of
in the tower in 1864; and in April, 1884, a memorial £300, the interest to be devoted to the perpetual main-
reredos of encaustic till'S and alabaster, desig-ned by Mr. tenance of a Sunday School under the control of the
C. Foster Hayward F. S.A. architect, of London, and rector or curate for the time being. as well as for the
carved by Mr. Earp, of Lambeth, was erected to the Hon. payment of a master or mistress and for other necelsary
expenses, and these sums are now invested in the 21 per water, 17 of tidal water and 26 of foreshore; rateable
cent. Consols. The poor have the proceeds of 8 farm, value, 7,94°; the population in 1901 was 809.
left in 1723 by John Leach, of East Bergholt, Suffolk, (The names of persons residing- in the portion of thilt
for clothing and education. There are almshouses built parish which forms part of the town of ManningtreEt
from money left in the year 1867 by Mrs. Cox, of Law- will be found under that heading.)
ford Place, for the use of 6 poor persons. Lawford Parish Clerk and Sexton. Thomas William Spooner.
Place is the residence of Wm. Hy. llowles esq. J.P. and Post Office. ~iss Mary Frostick, sub-postmistress. Let~
Lawford Hall of Mrs. Augnstus H. Mounsey, and Lawford ters arrive from Manningtree at 6.45 a.m. &, 12.35
House of S. Godfrey Bird esq. Lawford has two principal p.m.; dispatched -at 7.5 I!.m.; sundays, 11.10 a.m.
manors: Lawford Hall, belonging to Fras. :Morgan Nichols Postal orders are issued here, but no~ paid. The nearest
esq. of 39 Green shreeh, London \V, and Dllh~ Hall to money order &, telegraph office is at Manningtree, 2
Rev. Richard Cox Hales M.A. of 27 Camhridge Toad, miles distant
Brighton. A small manor, called Faites and Waides, National School (mixed), e~'€cted in 1873 (in place of alii
also belonging to the Rev. R. C. Hales M.A. extends into older building, erected in 1848) on land given by F.
the parishes of Dedham and Ardleigh. 'l'he prineipal :M. Nichols esq. of Lawford Hall, at a cost of sbou.
landowners are Miss Cecilia LUSihington, of Park House, £1,000, for 117 cllildren; average uttendallce, 88;
Maidstone, Kent, the trustees of Thomas William Nl1l1l1 Eugene K. K. Whitney, master
esq. (d. 1'818'8), aud }?rancis MOl'gau Nichols cSll. 'l'h\1 National (infants), Lawford street, erected in 11866, fol'
soil is light; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops nl'l~ "'heat" 35 children; average attendance, 21; 1\1 iss l';mily
barley and oats. The area is 2,703 RCI'es of land, 9 of Snart, mistress

Barlow Re,v. Canon Henry Theodore Bettles Charles, farm bailiff to Francis Lamb Chas. Henry, registered black.
Edward M.A. (rector), Rectory Morgan Nichols esq. Lawford Hall smith & coach builder
Bird S. Godfrey, Lawford house farm Merchant John, wheelwright, blucl.-
Bowles Wm. Henry J.P.Lawford Place Cropley Samuel, King's Arms P.H. smith, coach, cart &, van builder
Hurcourt Henry, Abbots manor & farmer Payne Robert, wheelwright
Johnson George, The Grange Dunne,tt HarryNorman,miller (water), Richardson Thomas Rumsey, farmer,
Mounsey Mrs.AugustusH.Lawford. hall Sherbourn mill Holly lodge
Nichols Francis Morgan J .P. Law- Frostick :Mary (Miss), post- office Richardson "William Halls, farmer.
fO'l'd halll. Johnson George, farmer, The Grange, Dale Hall & Causeway End farms
Lawfordl house, .A.ldham, Goldings, Spooner Thomas William, parish clerk
GlandfiJeld," Riddlesdale & Abbuts & clerk to Pa.rish CQuncil &, D.ssist-
Burgess Jas. I'l'hos. Railway tavern Manor farms ant Dverseer
Conway Stephen, beer retailer Merchant Edward, thatcher Young Herbe'l't, shopkpr. & heel' retIr

LAYER :BRETON is a parish, 5 miles south-east of St. Oatherine's College, Oambridge. tOn the Heath is
from Mark's Tey station, on the main line of the Great a Congregational chapel, built in 1798 and rebuilt and en-
}:astern railway, 6 south-west from Colchester larged in the year 1860, in connection with which is a
I I east from Witham and .7 east from Kelvedon, in school, capable of holding 100 scholars: here is also a
the North Eastern division of the county, Winstree Friends' meeting house. Charles Digby Harrod esq. of
hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division Morebath, Devon, who is lord of the manor, and R. C. A.
and union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery Beck esq. the Right Hon .•lames Round P.C., M.l'. o{
of Ooggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese Birch Hall, and Joseph Gripper esq. are the principal
of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is 8 landowners. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
small edifice of brick in the Early English style, con- The soil is loamy; subsoil, sandy. The area is 962
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch snd a western acres; rateable value, £891; the population in 1901 was
belfry of wood containing I bell: in the church is a 248 .
stone, robbed of its effigies, to Alice, formerly wife of Parish Clerk, John Wilsmore.
Nicholag Breton, whu died May 6, 1392; there are other
monuments, also in a defaced condition: there are 150 Post Office.-Mrs. Wilsmore, sub-postmistress. Letters
sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates from throngh Kelvedon R.S.O. arrive at 9.20 n.II1.; leave at
1765 :J.Ild of marriages from r735. The living is a rec- 6.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid_
tory, )let yearly value £170, with 39 aeres of glelHl aud The nearest telegraph &, money order offi~e is at Birch,
residence, in the gift of the Bishop and Round's trustees, 2 miles distant

and held since 11892 by the Rev. Francis Owston M.A. The children of this village go to the school at Birch

PRIVATE RESIDEKTS. Prest.Qn Rev. Daniel John (Cong) Hutley Ellen (Mr"s.), blacksmith
Gilly Charles Pud.sey Simpson Thomas, 'rhe Ludge Mead WiIliam, Hare & Hounds ll.H
Gripper Jos'eph, White house COMMRRC'IAL. Norfolk Herbert, farmer
I,aw Richard, Sea view Beck R. C. A. farmer & landowner, Norman 'l'homas (Mrs.), farmer, Gar-
Nariolk John Layer Breton hall lands farm
Owston Rev. Francis M.A. Rectory Burmby Waiter, carrier Playle George, farmer
Palmer John, Sea view Gripper J oseph, farmer Smith Humphrey, baker & corn dealr

LAYER-DE-LA-HAY, deriving its name from its tive Methodist chapels. There are two manors, viz~
ancient possessors, the family of de La-Hay, is c. village Layer-de-la-Hay and Blind Knights; the former belonging
and parish pleasantly sit,uated on an eminence one mile to the Right HOll .•Tames Ronnd P.C., M.l'. of Birch Hall,
south of the Roman river, and on the road leading from the latter to Mrs. }?rances N. Hdherington, and t.heee are-
MaIdon to Colchester, about 5 miles south-west from the pl'incipallandowners. The soil in parts is light; 811b-
Colchester, in the North Ea~tern division of the county, soil, gravelly; and in other parts the soil is loamy; .suh·
Winstree hundred, Lexden and 'Vinstree petty sessionsl soil, the same. The chief crops are wheat, lleans Rnll
diVision and union, Colche!':ter county court district, barley. The area is 2,637 acres; rateaule value, £2,275;'
rural deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry ,of Colchester fllld the population in 1901 was 618.
diocese of St. Alhans. The Layel' TIl'ool. flllWS into the Layer Cross was formerly a hamlet of Layer~de-la­
Roman river near Park House, but does not pass Hay, at which a cross formerly existed.
through this parish. The church (name unknown) is Parish Clerk, Simon Barton.
a building of stone in the Decorated style. consisting
of chancel. nave of three bays, south aisle, north porch Post Office.-Charles Appleby, sub-postmaster. LetterS'
and an embattled western tower, with pinnacle!':, ~on­ through Colchester arrive at 7.35 a.m.; dispatched at
taining 5 bells: there are 250 sittings. The 6.15 p.ll.; & on sunday, dispatched at 9.55 '<l.m. Postal
register dates from the year 1750. The living orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
is a ViCll1'age, gross yearly value £75, wil.h l'eRi- money order & telegraph office is at Birch, 2 miles;
dence and 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of J. G. G. Whitl:l distant
esq. and held since r869 by the Rev. Thomas Oldmeadow Kationa~ School (mixed), built in 1837, for 150 children;:
Price B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, who is also attendance, 100; George Makin, ma.ster; Mrs.
vicar of Berechurch. Here are Congregational and Primi- G. Maldn, mistress
Freeland Oapt. Anthony D., R. A. 'fhe Vicarage AlIen Herbert, boot & shoe malicl'
Cross house Sanders Mrs Appleby Charles, farmer, Post office
Baker Benjamin, farmer Dennis William, farmer, The BOlVS' Ya,r&laIl Prancis, :iarmeT" Wick farm
Baker Wm. farmer, Needle's Eye farm farm MUl1son Elijah, milk carrier
-Bakel" William, jun. grocet· Elliott Edwin, farmer, Hill farm ROJce Horace, frmr. G'reat House frill
llarker Joseph, carter Ellis John, farmer, Blind Knights Rudkin Charles, beer retailer
Brunger _<\rthur, hlacl\smith. Felgate Cha,rles' (Mrs.), shopkeepel' Taylor Genrge, frmr. Bllrntdowns fl'm
Brunwin Herbert, Fox P.H Howa,rd Bro.thers, wheelwrig'hts Theobald George, market gardener
Bullock George, grocer & draper No·rfolk Jo-seph Royce, farmel', CIlI·II. Theobald William, shoe maker
1Iurton Charles, shopkeeper merchant & assis,tant over'seel', Walford Edwin (Mrs.), farmer,
areas Richa,rd Peplaw, deCOl'atol' The Hall Fields farm
Demmond John, 'carpenter

LAYER MARNEY is a village and parisll, 5 miles Oxford. Layer Marncy 'l'ower, one of the earliest llnd
<east from Kelvedon staUon 011 the main line of the Grent largest ur'ick edifices el'ected in England, was built in 1520
Eastern railway and 7 south-west from Colchester, in by Henl'Y LOl'd Marney, and was q naclranglllar in pll1l1, in-
the North Eastern division of the county, Winstree closing a spaeiolls eOlll't: of Lhi~ magnilicent IItrnelul'll
hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division only the great entrance tower and a few other portions
and union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery now remain: this stately towel', thongh now ruinous, ill
of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of still an imposing pile, and consists of a lufty contl'o,
St. .Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is 8 lighted hy two large square-headed windowll of 5 lights,
structure of brick, in the Perpendicular style, flanked at each angle by an octangn1ilr tower of 8 storeys
and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, chapel, in height, wit.h windows in each faee and tBrminnting ill
south poreh and a western tower of brick con- a 'battlemented parapet: these towel'S, rising from high
taining 3 bells; the whole edifice, including the porches ground, command a vel'Y ext~nsivB "iew' over' the sllr-
and tower,· is embattled: the eastern end of the north rounding country, particularly to the west, nnd Imsl,wllrtl
aisle constitutes the Marney chapel, which, with the over the sea; it is now the property and residence
chancel, was entirely restored in 1870 at a cost of of James Courlihope Penche esq. who has restored nml
1,"1,4°0, and has since been decorated: it was begun by lat'gely added to the structure. J. O. Peacllll eS<J. w lw
Sir Henry Marney H. lhst Lord Marney K.G. who, in hi" is lord of the manOl',Sir William Neville Abdy hart.
will, directed its completion and the erection of a tomb Mr. William Harrison, of vhe Leys, llnd the Right. Hon.
to himself and his two wives, Thomasine (Arundel) and James Round P.C., M.P. of Birch Hall, are fhe principal
Elizabeth (Wifield); he died 24 May, 1523: John, Lord landowners. The soil is heavy; suhsoil, loam, '1'lIll
Marney, by will in 1524, also appointed his burial here chief crops are wheat, oats and heans. "!'he area is 2, ) ~H
and gave directions for his tomb; he died 27 April, acres of land and 5 of watel'; rateablB value, [,1,4°9;
1525: this chapel now contains the alabaster tomb of Sir the population in 19C)I was 226 in the .civil lll\(1 176 in
William Marney knt. ob. 1414, removed hither from the the ecclesiastical parish. .
chancel, together with other. memorials of that illus- By Local Government Board Order 22,363, March 24,
trious family: there are also in the church monuments 1889, a detached part of Grea.t Wigborough was trans-
to Robert Oamock, ob. March, 1584; Nicholas Oorsellis fened to this parish.
esq. ob. October 19, 1674, ret. 40, and others, with some Sexton, John Bell.
shields of arms: there are 190 sittings. The register There is a brick receiving box in the village, cleared at
dates from 1742 of baptisms and marriages, and of 6.50 p.m.; sundays, 10.20 a.ll1. Letterrs from Kelvedon
burials from 1743. The living is a rectory, net j'earlJ R.o8.O. arrive at 8.10 a.m. The Ilearest money order &
value £27°, with -I- acres of glebe and residence, in f,he gift telegraph offices are at Birch, 2 miles distant
of James Courthope Peache esq. and held Silll:t1 1886 h)' National School (mixed), built in 1850, for 50 children;
the Hev. Henry James ]30ys M.A. of St,. EdJlllllld Hall, average attendance, 24; Miss E. DaxLer, mistress
Boys Rev. Henry James M.A. Rectory Everitt Harriet (Ml's.), White Horse Wadley Henry R. baker & grocer',
Harri:5on lVilliam, The Leys P.H. & Wheelwright New bridge
Joy 'Cecil, Dukes Lay James, farmer Warne.r JoseI'h, Black I,ioll P.ll .
Ley James Boys, The I,eys SmHh Charles, farlll ImilifI 10 Sir' Wass Arthur, blacksmith
Peache James Courthope, T'he Tower William N. Abdy bart Whyatt lsaae, seed farmer
COM~[ERCIAL. Smith Francis, market gal'(leller Whyatt Isaac, jnn. ca,rrier
Blyth Charles, farmer Vaughan lsaac, farmer, Thorillgtolls

LEIGH is an ancient place, on Hadleigh Ray, opposite' Capt. Rogers R.N. ob. 1683: among the tombs in the
Canvey Island and. on the road from Southend to Tilbury, churchyard are tho:,e of Admiral Nicholas Haddock, ob.
with a station on the Tilbury and Southend railway, 1714, and his son, Admiral Nicholas Haddock, both
and is about 2 miles west from Southend, 5 south-west celebrated officers, and of Captain William Goodlad.
from Rochford and 39 from London, in the South Eastern master of the Trinity House, 1639: several historical
division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty sessional monuments were removed and destroyed at the restora-
division and union, Southend county court district, and' tion -of the church about 1838: these included mural
in the rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex tahlets to Admiral N. Haddock, Capt. Bogers and to the
and diocese of St. Albans. The town, which is lighted I Hare family: in 1893 the chancel walls were adorned
with gas from works belonging to the Urban District I with mural paintings, at a cost of £70. and
Council, consists of three streets and immediately behind a memorial window erected at a cost of £130,

it rises a bold and steep hill, on which stand the church! to the Rev. Walter King, rector 1859-92; and
and the rectory house. The parish is governed by an a carved mahogany reredos of Belgian work was
Urban District Oouncil of twelve members, formed April I also erected ata cost Qf £150: there are 850 sittings.
I, 1897, under the provisions of the" Local Government i The register 'Of baptisms dates from 1684, burials 1685,
Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73). The church of St. ! marriages 169I. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
Clement is a building of Kentish rag stone, chiefly in the £19°, with 4 acres of glebe and residence, in f,]Hl ~ifl, of

Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, ! the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1892 by the Rev.
south porch (of brick) and an embattled western tower i Robert Stuart King M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford.
containing a clock and 6 bells: the chancel was lengthened The Wesleyan chapel, built in 1879, is of brick, and will
in 1872 at a cost of £900, and has been entirely rebuilt seat 300 persons. Wesley Hall, built in ] 898, will Sll3t
in the Decorated style; it has four stained windows and 300 persons. There are also Baptist, Congl'egat.ional and
there are four others in the nave: in the church are Primitive Methodist chapels. 'l'he St, Clemenf, I~odgo of
brasses with effigies to Richard Haddok, ob. 1453, and i Freemasons, No. 2,442, founded he're in 1893, me,ets at the
his wife Cristina, with 7 sons and 3 daughters; their' Grand Hotel. has a c03.6tgll'aTd station, with 1 officer
son John, and Alice his wife, with I I children; to I and 6 men; and it is also a statiQn of the Ess1ex YachL
Richard Ohester, an elder brother of the Trinity House, C~Ulb. In the parish numerous Roman coins have heen
and master in 1615, ob. 1632; his wife Elizabeth and 5 found, Belfairs Lodge is the residence of Mrs. Miller.
children; an inscription to Robert Salmon, ob. 1591, i Leigh Hall, formerly known as the" Mansion House," is
and his wife Agnes, with 10 children; there is also a: MI ancient structure dating ft'om 1561, and entirely con-
fine mural monument with demi-<effigy to Robert Salmon, structed of oak: it commands extensive views, and con-
master of the Trinity House, 1641, and a brass to John tains some very fine carving, and is now occupied by Robt.
Price, a nativl3 of Cardiff and commander of several Henry Oooper esq. The Land Company in 1893 purchased
ships of war in the reign of William IH. ob. 1709, and 334 acres in this parish, including Leigh Hall, The Elms,
Martha (Godman) his wife, ob. 1696; the effigies appear Goole's and part of the Victoria potteries, and building is
to be of earlier date; there is a memorial to the wife now bemg proceeded with on the sites. Mrs. Churehyard
of the distinguished Admiral Sir Edward Whitaker; is lady of the manor. The principal landowners
here are also buried Capt. Price R.N. ob. 17°9, and are Frank Foster ,and Alexander U. Higgins esqrs.
etGeneral" Booth of the Salvation A'rmy, Mr8. Miller, , Officers.
Frederick Ramuz esq. and the Land Company. The area Clerk, .'\.1fred Joseph Arthy, 44 Alexandra st. Southend
is 1,545 acres of land, of which 1,016 are ooze and 1,315, 'l'reasurt>r, Clifford North North-Cox, London &; Provin-
the remainder, arable and pastUJre, 2 of water, 35 of cial Bank Limited, Hig-h street
tidal water and 521 of foreshore; rateable value, £16,175 ; Medical Officer of Health, William Douglas Watson
the population in 1901 was 3,663. L.R.C.P .Lond. The Hollies, Broadway
Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insur- Surveyor, William J. Petch, North street
ance & Express Delivery & Pareel Post Office. (Sub- Sanitary Inspector, Daniel Tomlin, 2 North street
office. Letters should have S.O. Essex 'added).-Mrs. Collectors, Arthur J. Ray, William Robinson & H. V.
Jannette Young, sub-postmistress. Letters fr{)m Tooley, The Broadway
Southend arrive at 6.15 .a.m. 2.30 & 6.20 p.m. & from Public Officers.
London at 7.45 a.m. & 2.3°, 6.20 & II.15 p.m.; dis-
patched to London at 7.15 & 11.30 a.m. & 2.15 & 8,45 Assistant Water Bailiff, Thomas Turnidge
p.ll. & to Southend at 7.15 a.m. & 1.15 & 6,45 p.m Chief Coast Guard Officer, John Beddell
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Leigh South Dis-
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. trict, Rochford Union, Wm. Douglas Watson M.R.C.S.
Meets at the Board School, North street, on Tuesdays, Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond. The Hollies, Broadway
at 8 p.m. Schools.
Members. A School Board of five members was formed 29 May.
Chairman, Alexander Underwood Higgins. 1889; Frederic Gregson, Alexandra street, Southend,
Vice-Chairman, Thomas James Watson. clerk to the board; William Davidson, 15 New road,
Retire in April, 1903. attendance officer
Frederick William Herrtage
Henry George King
I Thomas James Watson
Edward Pilbrow
Board School, erected in 1890, & enlarged in 1898, for 300
boys & 300 girls; average attendance, 210 boys and 200
girls; Arthur H. Thatcher, master; Miss Mahala Reed,
Retire in April, 1904.
.Tames Edward Meacher
William W. Rowe
ISamuel Robert Turnnidge
Frederick William Senier
, Board ,School (infants), for about 140 children; average
attendance, 100; Miss Annie Young, mist,ress

~ationul (infants), built in 1842, for 200 children i
Alex. Underwood Riggins
.John Osborne
Retire in April, 1905.
James Muria
William Henry Rowe
average attendance, HO; Miss Durrant, mistress
Railway Station, Edward Frederick Dennis. station mastr
Allsop Thomas, Swke, Sen Vil!w rand Davis William Alfred. WO'odville, King Henry George, Essex cottage,
As.h1ftY Cornelius, The Mount, Sea Viotoria Toad Sea View road
View road Deeley John Richard, Eglington, The King Miss, The Homestead
Attridge Geo. 2 Eaton vils. New 1'0:1l1 Broadway . Leaver .!lhe.rt Jos,eph, Edith villa,Sea
Axcell Arthur Norman, 5 Hill villas, Deleany Jas.Ailsa-Oraig,Redcliffe dry View road
Broadway nenman Wm. G1enwood, Sea View I'd Linch David J. Stanley ho,. Broadway
Hadock In. Barlow, Billcrest,Clifr I'll Hennis Edward, 3 Hill villas,Broadway Ling-ard John Hood, Elmhurst villa,
Hamber John Wil1iam, 6 Elm roall Dennis' Geo. Grace viI. Se.a View I'd Elm road
Bard Mrs. The Elms, Clil1' road Dick Fdk. Geo. Pax, Leigha m Ort.d.rve Lungley Mrs. Verena viI. Badleigh I'd
Barham Miss, Fern Todge, I.eigh 1JiU Emery Benj. Homeleigh, Sea View I'd McOarthy Michael, Windermere, Vic-
Barrow Mrs. 6 Carlton terrace Enders Jacob, Danbury 'ho. ""Vest st toria TOad
Bart{)u John, 3 St. 'C~ementil villas Eves Miss,Eastleigh, Cliff gardens ~i[acklin Geo. Kenilwarth, Victoria rd
Baylie Ernest Angelo, Ivydeue,ClilY nl Faram John B. AlV'8, Cliff roadl M3II'riottAllan,Reatherbank, Queen's I'd
Beecroft Wm. Sunny lawn, ClilY I'd FerguS'On Hy.Robt.IEat.on vils.New I'd Marsh Walt.By.Melrose vils.Broadway
Bennett Rev. Augnstus Baltrope Fiddes Wm. Reubn.2 Hill vils.Broadwy May Ohas.Grove vil.OakJ.edgJl Pk. drve
(curate), Leigh hill Field Mrs. 4 Beach road Mew Herbert, St. 'Clement's lodge,
Birch Jesse Joseph, 'l.'!Jorllton house, Foster Rev. JQseph (Oongregational), Vict()ria l"Oad
Leigham Court drive- The Manse, Oakleigh Pa.rk drive MooCihen Jarn~s Edwa,rd, Sunnyside"
Elasdale, Rev. Henry J. (Wesleyan), Foster William, Pittington ho.New I'd London road
Lealhome, Cliff parade, G'8ler William, Claremont, Clit! rDad MillaI' MM. Leigh house, Elm road
Brand John Joseph, I Victoria villas Gascoyne, Walte,r Frederick, 2 Stan- Miller Mrs. BeUairs lodge
Brass, ·Mrs. Brook cottage, Elm l'oad more villas, Hadleigh road Minchin Rev. Thomas Fletcher, Fern-
Bridge Frederick Richard, Richmond Gentleman Mrs. Woodfield Toad lea, Victoria road
villa, Leigh park Gibbs Henry Bram, Buona Vista, Moon Alfd.Edwd.Strathmr.Avenue rd
Brooks Mrs. Maud' villa, Sea, View 1'd Hadllloigh road Moo,m Alfred Barvey J.P. Ivy cottage,
Bundock Mrs. I Adur villas, Sea Gilson John, Elsie viI. Sea View road Leigh hill
View road Gunn SamI. Elm villa, Hadleig-h 'l'd MOIUtrie Mrg. Wood!haE, Victoria I'd
Bundock Thomas Alfred,2 Adlll' villas, Hale' George, Athelstan villa, Elrns- Mowbray Wm.Oraster,.Olovelly,Elm rd
Sea View road leigh drive Norris Ed'Ward Hester, Algonquin,
Bundock Westley, Jeanette villa, Hall Alfd. Hy. St. Kilda. Hadleigh I'd Oliff rood
Sea View road Han Alfred Brames, Gowan bank, North-Cox Clifford North, The Bank,
Burfoot George" 6 Hill viIs. Broadway Had'J!eigh rood Leigh bill
13urnham Capt. Ge,o:rge, '1'he Gables, Hall Robt. Hy. West 10. Hadleigh I'd Osb(JlI'ne John, Fairview, Elm. roa.d
,sea View road Hall ""Vm. Riversdale, Sea View road Pardoe Joseph, 2 Winona villas
Cadman Charles Wells, The Cliffs Harper WaIt,er, Linden, Hillside I'd. Parker Robert W. Oriel ho. Elm I'd
Calder William Henry, Woodneld I'd Leigh park Pegg,s Mrs. Sutton lodge, Victoria I'd
Cater Arthur, Alexandra house, Hatchard Douglas, 2 AshleiQ'h drive Pennell George, Grasme,re, Victoria rd
Alexandra road Hentage Fdk. Wm. Victoria. drive Penny Mrs. Fortune's well, Cliff road
Cater Mrs. Mosey cottage, London 1'r1 Hibbal'd Wm. Ridsdale,St. elements av Petch Wm. Jsph. Ivyde,an, Vict{)l'ia I'd
·ChancellorMrs.2Winor'a. vils.Broadway Riggins Alexander Underwood, Lap- Peters Reuben Jesse, Holrnsdale, Fair-
Chignell William J oseph, The Nest, water hall, London road leig'h drivE!'
Marine pa,rade Hill Edwin Day, The Lindens, Cliff I'd Pilbrow Edward, Victoria. road
'Ohurchyard Mrs. 'May viI. Elm Toad Hockey Miss" Roseville ho.Woodfld.rd Pinder ·Mrs. Dovedale, Avenne Toad
Clarke Capt. David Ross·, Had1eigh I'll Humphrey Williarn Goorge,Mount viI. rowell Richard, Elll1sleigh viI. Ejl11~·
'Cole Rchd.Florence viI.The Broadway Cliff road 1eigh (hive
Cooke John Brooks, Halstead honse, Hynes Ernest Jermyn, Coleraine villa, Power Pierce, 2 Winora. villas
Hillside road, Leigh park Avenue road Ray Arthur, 2 Victoria vils.Broadway
-COoper Richd. Rose cot. Hadleigh n1 Iveson Wm. Jsph. Clonme1, Avenue rd Raymond John, I Hill villas, Broadway
Cooper Robert Henry, Leigh hall Jack Albe'rt Henry, Terryscombe, Iteding Mrs. Brooklyn, Alexandra I'd
Doster John, Oraigowe,r, Hadleigh I'd Queen's road Reecl:' John Robt. Peynrn, Elm Id
Dotgrove Alfred,Grayon viIla,Leig!J pI;: James Henry Lionel,Oroxteth "Cplands, Robey John Thos. Dolby ho.Broadway
'C{)tgrove Robert, 4 Ca:rlton terrace London ruad Robinson Robt. Co{)k, Bohemia, Wood-
C{)wdell In. St. Olave's, Alexandra 1'(1 Johnson Miss, Oakleigh villa, Sea field road
'Crowhurst John Albert, .!nnamlale, View road Rowe Wm. Hy. Cliff dene, Oliff parade
Hadleigh Toad Jo'lmstone Mrs. The Ash, Elm road Rowe William Weymouth, Oollegians,
(;lube Hy. I Sea. View viIs. Leigh hill Jones Rev. George (Baptist),Gromwell Oliff rood
Ilabbs Samuel. Luoerne, .!venue l'OlKlhol1se, Leigham Court drive Salter William, 3 Ashleigh drive
Ilundo Mrs. Mountside, Victoria I'd King Rev. Robt. Stuart M.A. (rector) Sande,r GeOO'ge .!ugustus,Carisbrool{e,
Ilaw Frdk. 3 Sea View vils.Leigh hill King Chas.J. S. Highfield,Haodleigh I'd Victoria. roa.d
Saunt William Frederic, Tykelfield, Brewer Albert Arthur, United Brethren Giluly Edith (Mr.s.), aprtmnts.Elm I'd
Hadleigh road P.H. High street Green Francis Jsph. carpenter, Elms-
Savage Samuel William, Tower house, Brewer Edric Alfred, grocer,Broadwa)' leigh, Elm road
Hadleigh road Briggs Edward H.watchma.Leigh llill Green Julia (Mrs.), aplllrtments, Amy
Senier Frederick William, Dalrymple, British Sea Anglers' Society,Ship hotel villa, Sea View road
Victoria, road Broomfield James, dairy, Broadway Haekney John,boot mkr.The Broadway
Shillinglaw Andrew John, Brackenden, Brown John, apartments, Sel WYII 10. Hales Charles .A.rthur, manager to
Redcliffe drive Victoria road South East Essex Water 00. Lim
Simpson ThomtlS, Ivy oalt, Cliff road Bro<wn WaIter. insUJra.nce agent, 5 Hankin Hy. In. newsagt. Broadway
Slater John, Cliff llOuse, C1iff road Carlt'on terrace, Leigh hill Hankin John, shpkpr. Leigh Villa gro
Smee Frank Edwd.Seacroft,Avenue I'd Budd EJnily (Mrs.), cnfctnr.Broadwtl)' Hankin William, bakel', Pall Mall
Smith E'dwd. Burgess, I CarUnD ter Buli George, ,apartments, DallieitlJ, Rannah Mary Louisa. (:Mrs.),apl'tmn.ts.
Smyt'h Dani,el, Hazlewood, SeaView I'd Redcliffe drive . Rockley, Sea View road
Souter J o<hn, Lyndhurst, Oliff road Bundock Mary Ann (Mrs.) & Thomas Hanscomh Sar-ah (:Mrs.), apartments,
Springett Gordon, The Moorings, Arthur, boat & yacht builders, I & Av-oca, Sea View road
Avenue road 2 Adur villas, Sea. View road Ha;rper Wm. bee'r ret. Lieig;h Ville gro
Stuart Arthur Jas. Oban, Grange I'd Butt William, builder, Beach road Harrison Geo. shplipr. Leigh VillI' gm
Surridge Miss, Glen Uoy. Avenue l't.l Burlison Richa,rd', Peter Boat 1'. H. Harrison 'William Henry, baker &'
Symes T. CeciI, 2 Ca.rlton terrace Hig'h street shopke,eper, Ledgh hill
Thatcher Arfhur Henry, Highcliffe, Oarey OliveI'. shopkeepr. Leigh hill Harvey Ja<mes, farmer, Leigh heath.
Sea View road, Leigh l)ark Cart·er :Marian (Mrs.), shpkpr.Leigh hi London road
Thomson Mrs. I :Melrose villas Ohambers Wm. Hy. draper,Broadway Harvey William, farmer, Leigh park
Thorp Edward, 2 Shorefield villas Cha,rles J ess'e (Mrs.), dairymall, The Head J oseph, apartments, Sylvester
Thorp 'Wm.Prospect villa,TheBroadwy Broad way villa, Sea View road
Thorp William, jnn. I Shorefield villas Clwppin Henry G. Smaclt P.H.Hig-h sL Higgins Alex. Underwood, 8rchitect~
Tidbury Hollingsworth, Homeland, Cliff Estate, Burnt Oak Estate,Little Lapwater ball, London road
Victoria road Folly Farm &. Chalkwell Park (Land Higgins William, chief officer, coast
Tornlin Stephen, Lodore, Victoria I'd Co., proprs.), Southend, Westcliff; guaJ'd, The Gardens, Leigh hill
Traylenne Ernest, 2 Carlton vilas & at 67 & 68 Cheapside, London E C Hill Charles James, farmer, Grange
Tugwood Richard George, Given Coldwell D. & 00. chemists, Broadway farm, Tankerville drive
Lynne, Sea View road Oole. George,carpenter,Fairleigh drive Hills WaIter, boot & shoe maker,Eaton
Turnnidge SI.Rt.Glenthorn,Hillside crd CoJlins Rebecoa (Mrs.), apartmentg, villas, New road
Tyler WaIt. Jacob,Penzance,Avellue I'd Glencoe, Sea View road Hipsey Emma (Miss), draper, 4 Hill
Valentine Cha.rles William, Cliftonville, Oo-nval,e,scent Houte (Miss Squire) villas, Broadway .
Cliff To,ad (Miss Eleanor Smith, principal), Homewood George Fredk. Ship hotel
VernonFdk. Wm.Orchard ho.Broadway Percy house Howell JoJm Henry M.A. Leigh Hall
Walden J as.Baxte,r, Clovelly,AveIllle I'd Ooope'r Henry William, farmer, Folly .college for boys, Cliff road
Walker Ohas.Wm.Coniston,Victoria I'd farm, London road Hughes Samuel, furniture remove:r.
WaJIace Jas. Clement,The Firs,Cliff I'd Cooper Br. Man.field, timber mer- Leigh VillI' grove
Ward Mrs. Rissington, Hadleigh l'd chants &c HmSlt Albt. Viotor, ,shpkpr. 14 High st, Kent view, Leigh ~jill C1o-tgrove Oaroline (:Mrs.), 8hopkeeper, Eynes Erne,st Jermyn M.R.C.,s.Eng.
War1ters In. Edwd. Leigh cot. Clifl' I'd High street L.R.O.P.Lond., D.P.H.,Lond. physi-

'Warren Miss Spencer, The Briars, Cotgrove Edwin, buf,cher, High street cian & surgeon, Colaraine villa,
Elm road Cotgrove Frederick,fisherman, 3 Eaton Avenue road
Watson Edward Harry, Hnrlie. Sea villas, New road [nw-o(Jd Flora (:Mrs.),onfctnr.Broadway
View Toad Cotgrove George. shopkpr. I High st JacksOll Mary Ann (Mrs.),apartments,
WllJtson Thomas James, St. Winih'l'd, Cruwhurst .Tn.dining rooms,London I'd The Clifl's
Vicw,ria road Davidson William, school attendance Johbing Edward Duubar. apartments,
Wayland Robert, Hope house,Leigham officer, New road Donolly, Soo View road
Court drive Davisson _llerx.J. builder,Southsoo aven J olmson Ernest Gilbert, butcher, The
Whittingham James Sut,ton, Spring. Deeley Br. Kesterton, auctioneers, Broadwav

field, Sea View road surveyors, valuers, land, house & Johnson James Henry, baker, grocer
Winn Wm. Woodfield cot. Hillside I'll estate agents, Eg-lington, 'rhe & provision merchant, & agent for
Wood GeQrge, Holly lo.Leigh Hall I'd Broadway & at 25 C1iff Town road, W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine &.
Woodthorpe Lewis, FalmOl~tlh house, So-ut-hend spirit mers. opposite Railway station
Elm road Dickison John, stationer. Broodwuy Jones Brols.bld;r's,LeighamOourt drive
Wright William Edward, Glen Knoll, ElliOitt Eliza Louise (Miss), aprtmnts. Jones John, tailor, 3 Oarlton villas
Redcliffe drive 3 Carlton telrrace Jordison Thos. North,grngrcr.Brdway
WybTOW Mrs. Ennerdale, Victoria I'd Elm (The), Geo. Mills. London road Joscelyne Frdk..Tas.blcksmth.Leigh hI
COMMERCIAL. • Emery Robert Fredk. -& Sons, bakers Juniper Joseph, fishmngr. 8 High st
Early closing day, Wednesday, 2 p.m & grocers, Broadway &; Leigh hill Kemp Wm.shpk'Pr.Post office,sHigh st
Amery Robt. ho. decorator, Broadway Emery George. sen. smack owner Kent Geo. boat builder, 73 High st
Annerea.u In.bldT.Oakleigh,Park drive Em,el'y Georg-e William, plumber, see,inter,Ivydene,Gral1ge I'd'
Annereau Wm. furniture dlr.Pall Mall Lesson & Emery Kerry Samuel, butcher, 20 New road
Armstrong Isa,belEugenie (Mrs. ) ,apart- Emery John, draper, 53 High street Kirby Edgar & Fredk. ships chandlers..
ments, Sea View road Emery John, smack owner High street
Art,hy AlfredJoseph,cle,rk to the Leigh Essex RoyaL Garrison Artille1ry(Volun- Kirby Edgar, coal merchant, Ray
Urban DistriDt Council; offices, teers) (No. 12 Bat,tery, Capt. P. cottage, New road
North stree.t Knorpp Knight _-\lice (Miss), nurse, Laurel
Barc1ay & Co. Lim. bankers (branch) Essex Yacht Club (The) (R. Frost hank, Sea View road
(Joseph Coombs, manager); open Smith, commodore) Knig-ht 'George BiJrkbeck, decorator ..
wed. 10 to 3 Sat. 10 to I ; draw on Fa-ram John B. brick & tile malrer, Laurel bank, Sea View road
head office.s4Lombard st.LondonE C Leigh park Land Company, Leigh Hall, Cliff &-
Barnard D. & Partridge, ships smiths, Faircloth Chas. Jas. aprts. 3 Beach I'd Esplanade estates (Frederic Ramuz,
74 High street Fostetr & Ellis, ho. decora.trs. High st manager); & at 67 & 68 Cheapside..
Barnard Abraham,aparts.4Carlton vil~ Gasl Wo.rks (Urban District Council, London E C
Barnard Benjamin William, baker & Edwin Bradford, manager) Lee'son & Emery, plumbers, Leigh hill
flour & corn dealer, High street Gillingham SamueL, apartments, Hill- Lewis Henry, apa.rtments, I St. Cle-
Bence Ellen (Mrs.), costumier, 2 St. side, Sea View road ment.s' villas
Clements villas Gilson John, apartments, Elsie villa, London & Provincial Bank
Blanch John, builde,r, Summel'ville, Sea View road Limited (branch) (Clifford Nlll'th
Nelson drive Glendaleo Laundry (Thomas Hudson, North-Cox, manager) ; rllraw on head
Bolton Bros. drapers, The Broadway proprietor), Glendale gardens office, 7 Bank buildings, Lothbury,
Bond Henry &. Son,auctioneers &estate Grand Family Br. Commercial & Glyn. Mills, Currie & Co. Lndn.EG
agents, 'Broadway Hotel (J. Moss); the largest Martin Pe,ter. chimupy sweeper,
Boughtwo-od'l'hos.Geo. btchr.Leigh lJill & finest hotel in Leigh: command- Belters row
Bowen George, Bell hotel, High street ing grand sea views, replete Mason In. 'Vm. hair cutter,17 New I'd'
Bradley Fdk.ironmonger, TheBroadway with every modern comfort, Masonic Ledge, St. Clement's, No.
Bray John, boot maker, High street billiards,lawn tennis(sorooms), 2442 (Arth. J. Ray sec.),Gl'ulld htl
Bray John William, boot mkr.High st corner of Broadway & Oakleigh Park Matthews Henry, builder, 'I'll('
Brazier Ann (Ylrs.), dI'C'SS ma. I l{ed- drive; The Land Company, 67 & 68 Ang-Ie, Grange road
c1iffe villas, Redcliffe drive Cheapside, London EC :M:ay Chas. carpntr.& joiner,I,ondou I'll
Mills George, lime, cement, plaster & River Pla,t,e Fresh 'Meat 00. J,imitc,l, Tubb Wm. .Tn. baker, The Broadway
slate merchan.t; Victoria I!PIHlt,l butchers, Leigh Rall 1'oa(1 Turnnidge Edmund, fishmonger
London road Robinson Alfred, fishmonger,Leigh hill Turnnidge Ge'!).. lishmollgel', liigh sI,
Nash Ohus. grocer, lll'<HlII\\'ll)' Sabine Tho·mus, shop!,e.epel', "'est st, Turunidge In. shopkpr. 2 Norman ter
Newman Sarah (.:\ll's,), apa.rtmclIIs, Sailors' Rest (Commander King, sec.), 'l'umnidge, a.ssistant wulCl'
I OuIton villas The Rectory bailiII, High street
Nichels llarry Wltr.wtclulIa.llruad\\'ay Saunt William Frederic, solicito!', Vern-on Frederick ""Villiam .M.R.C.S,
~ightingale William, CarIton hotel, Tyke1.fie1d, HadIeigh 'roal), Eng., L.S.A. surgeon & physician,
The Broad way Sea View HaIl (.:\Ilis:> Louisa. l)aglla l' Orchard house, The Brond wny
Noakes Rebecca plrs.),shplqll'.New I'll Foster, principal), school of music, Wager Thos. fum. dlr. The Broadway
~oble Annie (Miss), apartmnts. Avon- Sea View road WalforcLG·eoorge"photogrflpher,I.cigh 111
dale, Victoria road Seligsohn Gustav, house agt.Broadway "Vard Geo. apartments, St, Florence.
No,rth-Oox Clifford' North, manager to SdlOle,s ..ilfred Woottun, grueer, New Victoria road
the London & I'rovillcial BfI 11 I{ ro-ad & Broadway Watson Pe·rcival Geo. drpr. I.eigh ~Iill
Limited; , treasut'er fot, Leigh-ol1- Slum Elizil (Mrs.), draper, 30 High st Watson Wm. Douglas M.R.O.S.Eng.•
Sea Urban District COl1ncil,T,eigh hI Srnee. Frank Edwa,rd, architecl', S":f- L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &; surgeon,
Osoorne Jarnes,fishmonger, Leigh hill Ct-oft, Avenne, road medical officer of health for Leigh-
Osbo'rne's Mineral Walel' "Vurks Smethurst J. H. Limited, dye<rs & o'll-Sea Urban District Council &
(.!rt'hur B. Osborne, proprietor), cleaners, Broadway medical officer & public vaccinal.ol·
mineral water mnnufrs. Pall Mall, Smith Frnnk, oilman, Broad way for Leigh-on-Sea. (lis·t. ltochford
Elm rond Smith George ,"Villiam, [ltlilder, l)O\,c· union, aJso surgeon to the Salvation
Palmer Waiter, S'llOpkeepr. I.Olldoll nl dale, Elm Toad Army Colony, Hadley, l"eTllbnnk,
Partridge Nathan, ship's smith &c.see Smith Jane (Mrs.), draper, Norman ter Broadway
Barnard D. & Partridge Snell William, shopkeeper, 14 High st Weir Mary (Mrs.), collfctnr.I.eigh llm
Pea.rce William, apartments, 2 ne(l- South East Essex ""Vater ,"Vorks Lim. Welle!' & Jenller, corn mel's.Ut'O!\.C]way
cliffe villas, Redcliffe dril'e ~ChaSo. Arth. Hale's,mgr.),Avenue viI White James, french plshl'.Londoll 1'~1i ,
Petch William J. snTveyOl' 10 Leigh Squire Olara (:\'Iiss) , ColI:lge jlllJlle, Wilder Wm. greengrocer & butcher,
Urban District Conneil,North stl'cd Percy house, Marine partllle Leigh 'hill
Phillips Cbas. painter &c. Leigh It ill St 2venSon,"Vallace,grocer&c. L01lll 011 I'd Williams Ephrflim (M rs.), Crool,ed':
Phillips Julia (Mrs.), sIJpkpr.J,eigh hI Stock Henry, dairyman, Leigh road Billett P.ll. SI High street
Phillips Philip "\Villia.ll1, boot. & shol~ Streeter Joseph 'WaIter, plumber, gas Williami> Jane Somerset (.~Irs.), apart-
maker, Leigh hill & hot water engineer, The Broadway ments, Lind·en grove·, VictoJ'iaroall
Plumb James, bootmaker, Ca~tle Cll!, .. Snrridge Gen. dail'ymtL 61 High sI. Williams John, apartments, Mansfield,
tage, Ohurch hill Symes. T. Cecil,solicitol',2 O:nltoll lpr Victoria road
PowellMn;tthewPearce,L.D.S., n.c.s Theobald Hy. (Mrs.),farmr.Belton WI Williams John, marine store dealer..._
Eng. dentist, Sloe-bank, Oliff road 'l'horp & Sons, builders, contractors & 10 High street
RamUli: Frederlc, mana~r to Land undertakers, Leigh hill WiIlliarn:son Emma, (,Mrs.), sehool~
Company, Shorefield, West Cliff; &; Tomlin T. & Sons, caTmen Hildagrove, Victoria road
at 67 & 68 Cheapside, London E C Tomlin Danl.S.sanita,ry insp.2Nu.rth. st Woolfall Fanny (Miss), school, SlIlllly-
Rayner William J. aucticmr. Broadway Tooley Harold Victor, tobacconist & side, Marine, parflde
Risby Elijnh, decorator. Leigh IliH hairdresser, The Eroadway Young Mrs. pos,t o1lice
GREAT or MUCH LEIGHS, mentioned in Domes- Watts, of GTeat Leighs, in 1698, for ten poor persons
day survey, is a parish of scattered houses, on the born in this parish, and another of about £6, left by Miss
river Ter, on the road from Chelmsford to Sudbury, 4~ Beadle, of Great Leighs, in 1822, for seven poor persons
miles south-west from White Notley station on the who mostly attend public worship. In 1882 two alms-
Witiaam and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern rail- houses for two persons resident in the parish for forty
way, 7 north-east from Chelmsford, and 5 south-west years, were erected in the parish, the funds being pro-
from Braintree, in the Mid division of the county, vided from offertories in the church; the inmates have-
Chelmsford petty sessional division and union, ChelmsfOrd no allowance. Joseph Herbert Tritton esq. F.R.G.B.,.
and ,"Vitham hundreds. Eraint'l'ee county court district, F.S.S. of Lyons hall, and of 36 Queen's Gate gardens, Lon-
rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and don S.""V. and others are lords of the manor and land-
diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. Mary the owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The,
Virgin is an ancient edifice, c@Llsisting of chancel, nave, chief crops are wheat, barley, ilJeans &c. The area is
south porch and a round tower of flint and stone, with 3,141 acres; rateable value, £3,097; the population in·_,
octagonal shingled spire, containing 5 bells and a clock: 1901 was 5)14.
the tower .wa;s repairoo in 188.'2, at a cost of £5 00 , raised OHATLEY is a hamlet of Great Leighs, on the high.. "
~y Sllllbscl'lptl0?: the nave, the .oldest p~rt of the church, road to Chelmsford., extending towards Braintree, 2 miles.
lS. Norman WIth two PerpendIcular wl?dows and three north-west. The name of this hamlet being now little.,
wldely-spla~ed Nor~an wmdows: the ;lnner doorway of used the names of residents in it are included with
the porch 1S also Norman and there IS a fine Norman G 't L . h '
d . h 'g g uld' d L t D d rea elg s.
~ordway W1t Zl Z1'tt .rod0 f Itnhgs't an a a eh eclor.ate f Parish tJlerk, Herbert Dee.
WIn ow on t lle wes SI e 0 e oweI': th . e c ance 1S 0
the Decorated period and the east window, which form- POST. M. O. & T. 0.: T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
erly displayed the ancient arms of France, "al:. semee of Post, S. B. & Annmty & Insurance. Office.-Henry Tay-
fleurs-de-lis or" in glass of the 14th century is now 101', sub-postmaster. Letters arl'lve through Ohelms-
filled with ~od~rn glass: on the north side of the chaIl- ford at 8.10 a.m. & r.~o p.m.; disp~tched at 2.15 &;
eel is an Easter sepulchre or perhaps founder's tomb, 6.20 p.m.; sundays arl'lve at 9·5 &; dIspatched at 10·5
and on the south side are fonr rich sedilia: in the chan- a.m
cel is the mutilated brass effigy of a priest, with inscrip- Wall Letter Box, near School. cleared at 8.30 a.m. &.
tion to Ralph Strelly. rector of this church, ob. 1414: 4·45 p.m.; Wall Letter Box, Church Wall, at 9 a.m. &.
the chancel was restored in 1867 at a cost of £7 20 : there 5 p.m.; Wall Letter Box, London road, at 5.40 p.ll.
are 230 sittings. The register dates from the year I55 8. week days only
The living is a rectorr, net yearly value £5°7, with 113 Schools:-
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Lincoln Col- A School Board for the united district of Great & Littl&
lege, Oxford, and held since 1894 by the Rev. Andrew Leighs, composed of 5 members, was formed 31
Clark M.A. and late fellow of that college and LL.D. The March, 1875; William Ward Duffield, 96 High street..
rectory house, rebuilt in 1869, is a large white building, Chelmsford, clerk to the board; G. W. Arnold. Great
with stone dressings, standing in its own grounds and is Leighs, attendance officer
pleasantly situated. The Baptist chapel here was erected Doard School (mixed). built in 1845, for 120 children;;
in 1854 at the sole expense of the late Joseph Tritton esq. average attendance, 60; the uuildiJlgs wel"ll urigiuuUy
of Xorwood, Surrey. A house, given by an unknown erected for a British school, at a cost of about £350,
donor. at a period not recorded, to buy bell ropes, has & is now the property of the school board; the master's
been sold by order of the Poor Law Commissioners: an Tesidence was Jmilt in 1885; Geol'ge Wyt.1le,;
acre of land, afterwards exchanged for 2 acres, known as Miss Reynolds, 1uistress
"Oole Hill Mead," was given to find a load of peastraw National (mixed), for about 90 children; average at-
to litter the church in winter. There are two charities: tendanc€', 50,; George M. Rhodes, master; Mrs. H hodes,
s benefaction of £25 annually, left by Miss Fortune assist:mt mistress
(Marked thus * receive letters through Bewers George GoweJ'fl George
Braintree.) Brooke Leigh, Moulsham ban Hicks lcaac
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Clark Rp, . .Andrew LL.D. Rectory ~ewman ..Tames, MonntainAsh cot
Barclay Miss, The Hole farm Fuller Mrs Putterill Rev. Henry (Baptist)

Tritton J oseph Herbert, Lyons hall Hicks Henry John, grocer &c Stokes Samuel, blacksmith
Witnpy Mr3 Holland George, buildr. & timhel' mer Taylor Ernest, ·estate. <mrpentcl' to
Worrin Misses, Gobions green Jennings James, beer retailer J. H. Trit.ton esg
Joslin Samuel, farmer, Whitehouse Taylor Henry, wheelwright
CO.:lIMERCIAL. Leach vVilli1am, farme.r, Oole's green rPhorogood Henry ·Wm. beer retailer
ArnolJ<l George vYatson;farmer &school Mansfield Wm,fn.rmer,Rnchesler's frm *Willis WaIter, general smith & wheel.
attearlallce officer, Longland's farm ~eWTnan James, coal merchant wright
Arnold Ri.::hard, farmer & maltster, Parker Henry, laundry Witney George, farmer & poultry dlr.
Fulborne Riley Alfred, farmer, .A.llsteads Breams farm
Brown WiUiam, farmer & lbrllshillg Sargeant Thomas, gardener to J oseph Worrin Wm.Nathan,frmr.Gobions hall
machine proprietor, Bishop's ball H. Tritton esg Wright Louis PeTcy, cattle dealer
CollaI'd J oseph, grocer Smith William, farmer, Lawn's farm }Vright Richard Thomas, beer retailer,
Cousins John, farmer, Gatehouse Stoddart Thomas, farm bailiff to Jsph, Boreham road
Hawkes Geort:re, carpenter H. Tritton esg Wright WaIter, farmer & cattle deal!'

LITTLE LEIGHS is a pleasant parish close to the I the extreme part of the parish .adjoining Felsted and haJ
Chelmsford and Sudbury road and on the river Ter, 5 large and stately buildings and an extensive park anr\
miles south-west from Braintree station on a branch of gardens: at the Dissolution in 1536, it was valued at
the Great Eastern railway, and 7 north-east from Chelms- £141 14s. 8d. and was granted to Sir Richard Rich' kt.
ford, in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford Solicitor-General, and created in 1547 Baron Rich of
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Braintree Leeze or Leighs, who built an elegant banqueting house,
county court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, laid out the gardens afresh, and added to the park; he
archdeaconry Qf Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The afterwards formed a third, called "Little Leigh Park,"
church of St. John the Evangelist, standing on rising and his posterity flourished here .for upwards of a cen-
ground about half a mile to the west of the high road tury in great splendour: after being the .seat of the
from Braintree to Chelmsford, is an edifice of flint and Duke of Buckingham it passed into the possession of
stone in the Early Norman style, erected about r085, Guy's Hospital, to which it still belongs: the governors
and repaired about 1220 and 1350; and again in 1895, of that charity on coming into possession, destroyed all
at a cost of £1,800; it is about 60 feet long by 17 feet the buildings save the gate house and a few other por-
broad, and consists of chancel and nave under a single tions, now used as farm buildings: the 16th century
roof, south porch and a western tower of wood, with porter's lodge and adjacent buildings are still used as a
shingled spire, containing r bell: the font has an octangu- farm house, and inside the lodge, on the right of a
lar basin placed on clustered shafting: in the chancel is a square court, stands the fine gateway of the priory, a
fine memorial wrought in clunch and in good preservation, massive quadrangular edifice of red brick, in the Tudor
.consisting of a canopiea ogee rooes'sed arch, 6 feet 6 style, consisting of three stories, witli panelled and em-
~inches long by 2 feet wide, and ~nclosing a tomo, dating battled turrets at the angles and in nearly as perfect a
,apparently from about the middle of Edward III.'s reign, condition as when granted by Henry VIIi. to Sir Richard
A.D. 1350, upon which lies the full length recumbent Rich. John Badeleyesq. of St. Helen's, Parkstone,
-' figure of a priest, vested, and carved out of a solid block Dorset, who is lord of the manor, Guy',s Hospital and the
of oak; although the history of this :monument is en- trustees of the late J. Oorsbie Brown ·Corsbie esq. are
tirely unknown, it possesses a special archreological value the principal landowneIls. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
· as being the only known example of the wooden effigy clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and·
· of a priest: at the west end is a stained window, and beans. The area is 1,078 acres; mteable value, .£'982;
· there are 156 sittings. The register dates from the year and the population in 1901 was I..f3.
1630' The living is a rectory, net yearly value £260, with L tt f Ch lm f d . t G t M h L . h
'd d fIb . tl 'ft f tl R e e l ' s rom e s or arl'lve a rea or uc elg s
reSI e11ce an IS acr~s 0 gee, III ,le g'l , 0 J { J . cv. ! mile distant at 8. IQ a.m. & 1.30 week days & 9.5
James Bowen RA. VIcar of Cove, Hants~/lJd held SIIl.CB a.m. on sundays, from whence they are immediately
1893 bhy ohe Rev. Tbomas BGwen, of Quee s C<Jllege, Ell'- dispatched by foot messenger. Great Leighs is the
mmg. h am.P ' '1 th f F I . d f d d neares t money ord er & t eIegrap h 0 ffi ce
L eIg s rlOry, 2 IDI es sou 0 e s"te , was oun e
'by Sir Ralph Gernon in 1229, in the reign of Henry Ill. This parish is included in Great & Little Leighs United
~for canons and friars of the order of St. Augustine, and District School Board. The children of this villagp
'was dedicated ,to SS. Mary and John the Evangelist: it attend the schools at Great Leighs
:stood a little more than a mile north of the church, in
Rowen Rev. Thomas, Rectory Simons Herbt. frmr. Little Leighs hall Willis WaIter, blacksmith; & at Great
COMMERCIAL. TUTner Turner, Little Leighs priory Leighs
Po,ssfield Henry, fa,rmer, Worroc1rs Wright Jessie Samuel, builder

.;.Londo1l1 and within the jurisdiction of the

LEYTON and LEYTONSTONE are suburbs of Police; they are nnt included with the county of Essex,
Metropolitan but will be found in Kelly's London Suburban Directory.
LINDSELL is a village and parish, on a brook feeding Mrs. Church and Mrs. Packman, jointly. rl'lw COllllt,e~"
· the Chelmer, and near the road from Dunmow to Bard- of 'Warwick is lady of the manor of Lasbley Hall, lUlIl
·,field, about 4 miles north-north-east from Dunmow sta- the Warden and Fellows of New ColIegf', Oxford, are lords
tion on the Dunmow and Braintree branch, 8 east from of the manor of Priors Hall. The principal landowners are
Elsenham station on the main line of the Great Eastern the trustees of the late Sir G. R. Dalton Fitzgerald bart.
· -railway and 4 south-east from Thaxted, in the Western J.P. (d. 23 Feb. r894), the Countess of Warwick, New
". division of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional Oollege, Oxford, the trustees of Mr. Gibbons and Waiter
division, union and county court district and in Dunmow Barnard Byles esq. of Harefield House, Uxbridge. The
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans dio- soil is heavy land; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
,~ese. The church (name unknown) formerly belonged to wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area of the parish is
the Benedictine abbey of Little Walden and ,is an edifice [,985 acres; rateable value, £1,229; the population in
,of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel [901 was 187.
and nave, south-east porch and an embattled wesi;e,rn
· tower containing 4 bells, only one of which is in use: the HOLDERS GREE~, a mile north-west, and BUST.A.RD
fabric includes a fine old Norman arch, and was restored GREEN, a mile nortIi, are hamlets in this parish.
,internally ·in 1873: there are 200 sittings. "I'he register Parish Clerk and Sexton, Geol'ge Barrett.
,.dates from the year 1520. The living is a vicarage, Wall Letter Box cleared on week days at 4.30 p.m. Let-
net yearly value £156, "With resid'ence and 2 acres ()If glebe, ters from Chelmsford arrive at Stebbing at 5 a.m.
in the gift of trustees, and held since 1887 by the Rev. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Great
Frederick WiUiam Roulston; a residence was bll ilt ill the Bardfield
year 11867 by the Rev. Alex. J. Hogers :M. A. la tn vien ('.
The Pirot,. Tibetot, Wentworth, NGrth and other familie.s A School Board of 5 members was formed 26 July, 18 75;
were formerly o"Wners here; Priors Hall, once held by the Stephen Gifford, Great Dunmow, clerk to the board;
friory of St. Valery, in Picardy, has sinco 15 0 8 he en the Peter Bunting, attendance officer
property of New College, Oxford. There are tlaree manors Board School (mixed), built in 1877, for 90 children;
in the parish: that of Lindsell Hall is herd by tl'llstees of average attendance, 35; Mrs. Rosina Letch, mistress
Roulston Rev. Fredk. Wm. Vicarag-e Bunting Peter, farmer, Bo"Wles farm Leeder Thomas William, farmer &
13ambridge Chas. cartr.&frmr.New brn Challis Jas. Rootsey, frmr.Lashley hall thrashing- maohine' owner, Lilld.
JJHI'Tett George, parish clerk & sexton Dawson J Oiseph, be,er rc,tilller sell hall
Harvey Fredk. blcksmth. & Crown inn Smith TJltOmas, farm bllililY to .1. Sweeting Ann (Mrs. ),frmr.Holder!> grn
Leonurd Charles, farm bailiff to exors. Rock esq. Duck end Turner J ames, carrier & pollard dealr
of Thomas Gibbing- e~q. Brazenhearl ~mith Thomas, farmer, Priors hall; Turner Samson, marine store dealer,
James, fanner, 'l\'lllplars Cowell's & Porridge hall Holders' green
LISTON is a village and parish, on the river Stour, bert esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Steward Tn1\"ers
which ,separates it from Suffolk, I! miles south from Fisher M.A. of St. 1\:[ary Hall, Oxford. Liston Hall, a
Long Melford station on the Sudbury and Haverhill modern mansion of brick, seated on an eminence in a well-
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2! north-by-west wooded p<uk, is the residenc'l of Charles Benj. G rahullI,
from Sudbury and 13 north-east from Hals~ead, in the John Campbell Lambert esq. of Foxearth Hall, is lord of
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, the manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay and
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbury union 'gravelly; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat and
,and county court district and in the rural deanery of beans. The area is 617 acres of land and 10 of water;
Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of rateable value, .£574 10S.; the population in 190r was 77.
St. .Alba;ns. . T~e church (ded~cation unknown) is a small Letters through Long Melford R.S.O. (Suffolk) arrive at
and .an~lent edIfice of stone, 111 the PerpendICular style, 7 & 11.15 a.m. & are delivered by foot post; collected
oConslst1l1g of <:hancel, nave, a mortuary chapel erected, for dispatch at 6.15 p.m. Long Melford R.S.O. is the
by Col. Frederrck P~l~er, south porch and an nearest money order & telegraph office 2 miles distant
western tower conta1l1lTIf: 2 bells: there are 120 slttm gs'l '
'The 'register dates from the year 1599. The living is a This narish is included in Borley United District School
rectory, net yearly value £147, including 18 acres uf i Board, formed 31 Mar. 1876; the children of this
glebe, with residence, in the gift of John Campbell Lam-: pari~h attend the Board school at Borley
Fisher Rev. Steward Travel'S M.A. CO){~IERCIAL. nffiee,;;, 7 Cowpel" street, Finsbury,
Rectory Alien Stafl'ord & Sons Limited, London E C
GTa!bam Cha.rles Benjamin, Lyst.on hall drug grind,e'n & essel1it.,ial oil dis- BakeT Thomas, farm ba,ilil1 to St.alIol'd
& Junior Carlton & Hurlingham tillers, Stafford 1\'01'ks, & registeretl Allen & Sons Ltd. Hartsbuclde fnn
clubs, London S 1V

LITTLEBURY is a parish and compact village, in the great storm of 26 and 2] Nov. 1703, when Llw light-
seated on the river Granta or Cam and the ancient house was totally destroyed. The trustees of tI\l) lall'
Roman and modern road, 2 miles north from Audley End Lord Braybrooke (d. 1902) are lords of the manor and
station on the Cambridge section of the Great Eastern principal landowners. The soil is various, principally
rnilway, I! north-west from Saffron Walden, and 40~ by ligllt; sub.soil, chalk and gravel. The CI'OpS generally
road from London, in the Northern division of the county. are 011 t:he four-course shift. The parish contains 3,520
!hundred of Uttlesford, Saffron Walden petty sessional aeres of land and 17 of water; rateable value, £lo,6.t5;
division, union and county court district, and in the the population in 1891 was, civil, 777; ecclesiastical, 710.
rural deanery of Saffron WaIden, archdeaconry of Col-
.chester and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of the KORTH E:8D is a small hamlet adjoining, with a few
Holy Trinity, standing within the 'area of a Roman en- cottages.
·campment, is a plain stone building of considerable
:antiquity, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, with LITTLEBURY GREEN, 2 miles west-south-west from
derestory, aisles, north and south porches and an em- the church, is a hamlet of Littlebury. Here is a small
battled western tower containing 6 bells and a clock: the Mission chapel dedicated to St. Peter, with sittings for
building, excepting the chancel, was restored in 1870-1, ISO persons, built by subscriptions raised through the
the cost being defrayed by subscription and the chancel exertions of the Rev. Cyril Poynder Wix M.A. curate of
was rebuilt in 1875, and organ chamber and vestry added the pur·ish 1881-8. Capt. William Haymond Jnglis is tlw
at the sole cost of the late Lord J3ravhl'ooke: the challcel principal landownel' in this district.

contains a Hne reredos which, with the stained east win- .

dow, -was Ihe gift of Lady Braybrooke, in memory of her CATMERE END, in this parish, is, for eCclesia8tical
sister, the Hon. Augusta Maude, who died Dec. 25, 1857: purposes, attached to the pltrisb of Strethall. Catmere
on the wall over the chancel arch is a painting' of t.he Hall, a large and ancient building, surrounded by a moat,
<l Crucifixion:" there is also a carved stone pulpit and the ,site of which can still be distinguished, was held in
an ancient font encased in richly carved oak, with a the 16th century by the Gate family, and was then
canopy: the east window, in the south aisle, is a me- known as "Gatemere Hall."
morial to the Hon. Catherine Elizabeth (Neville) Viscoun-
tess Stopford. d. 12 Aug. 1884, and near to it, on the CHA.PEL GREEN is a small hamlet adjoining with a
south wall, is a brass to Nathaniel Robinson, a late few cottages.
<:hurchwarden of the parish: on the wall of the north Sexton, J ames Mason.
~isle is a brass to Charles Mickley, also a late church-
warden: inside the north porch is a stoup: sllveral old Post & Telegraph & Express Delivery Office.-Mrs. Sarah
brasses of considerable interest formerly in ilte chlll'ch Elizabeth Wright, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from
have lately (19 02 ) been replaced: the churdt will seat.. Saffron Walden at 6.30 a.m.; dispatched at 7·30 p.m.
..j.I2 persons: in 188 7 a quarter of an acre of land was week days; at 11.45 a.m. on sundays. Postal orders aI'£'
added to t1he clmrchyard. The registeL' dates from the issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order
year ISH. The living consists of a rectory and dis. office is at Saffron 1Valden
charged vica'rage, llet yeal'ly value £223, including 140 Pillar Letter Box, Littlebury Green, cleared at 7.5 0 a.m.
acres of glebe, 'with residence, in the gift of the trustees & 6. IS p.m
of the late Lord BL·aybl'ooke. and held s'ince 1888 hy the Pillar Letter Box, near Clay Hall, cleared at 9,5 a.m. &,
Rev. Ernest Edward Edgerley M.A. of Magdalene Col. 6.25 p.m
lege, Cambridge. Here is a small wooden elmpel be- Free School (mixed), founded, as supposed, by Thomall
longing to the Methodists, with abol1 t 60 siLt..·ings. Tlw Sutton esq. with an endowment of £43 per year, aris-
'Working Men's Reading Room, opened ill 18 7 8, '1HlS a ing from lands and tenements near the town; a sohool..
library of 170 volumes. Oharit,ies alllou nUng' to £3 0 bouse with master's residence was built in 1265, at a
yearly, lPIt by William StevellS 1Valton and othel' bene. cost of about £1,°5°, for 160 children; there are now
factors, are distributed in money and ldnd. Hemy Win. (19 02 ) 130, children on the books; average attendanc\'.
stanley, architect (1696-99) of the Hrst Eddystone Light- 121; William Cooper, master; Miss Isabella E. Killg,
hou~e, lived here, and the site of his residence is still infants' mistress
maTked by a mound planted with shrubs; he perished Carrier to Saffron Walden, Francis WaIters, sat

Betteridge Henry Deane, Drayton 110 BarnaI'd Bros. coal, corn & seed mer- Dew William, baker
Burrell John chants & g-eneral agents; head office, Duke Benjamin, farmer, Kents farm
Edgerley Rev. Ernest Edward M.A. Newport S.O Dukel Susan Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocl'I'
Rectory Bass' Charles, farm bailiff to John Emson Alfred, farmer, Howl' ball,
Emson Alfd. Howl' hall,Littlebl11'y Grn Burreil esq. North End'. cottage Littlebury Green
Marking Robert, Hose cottnge Braybrooks .In. farmr. Bordeaux farm Hazell WaIter, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Burrell John, farmer Ilott John, farmer, LittlebuTy Green
Abraham John William, builder & beer Clay Edwin, plumber & farmer; assist- Hott Thos. Hoop& inn, Little-bury G rn
retailer, Carpenters' Arms ant oveDSeer & clerk to the Parish Law Lucy (Miss), Rose inn, Little.
Barker Charles, gamekeeper to' the Council bury Green
trusl:>ees of the late Lord Braybrooke CoweJ.l Herbert, horse slaughte'rer Mason James, boot maker

Moore Sarah Ann (Mrs.), miller Pnrt.ell' ..!rthur, Queen's Head inn WhifIen George. farm ba,ilifI to· Wllt_
(water), Littlebury mills Rider John, bricklayer, Mill cottage Palmer Cow-eH esq. Gre~n farm
Mnmford Edward, wheelwright, North Savill Jarrnes, fa,rmer,Littlebury G !'l'\!ll Working Men's Reading Room' (E.81ay,.
End cottage Smith James, Falcon inn treasurer &; sec)
Myhill Addy Nunn, fa=er, Nunns & SYIllJondS' WaIter, farmer, Bordeaux "'right AlIen James, bricklayell
Johns fa=s Willett George Hagger, butcher Wright Daniel, thatcher
LOUGHT'ON is a parish,. on the borders of Epping I A.R.I.B.A. of Loughton, with money paid over by tlie-
Forest, amid rural and p:cturesque scenery, with a Corporation of London on the extinction of the lopping
station near the river Roding and two stations on the rights in the Forest, previously held by the inhabitants:
Woodford ~nd Chipping Ongar branch of the Great i of the parish, is a building of brick in the Gothic style,
Eastern raIlway, Il! miles from Shoreditch and White- ! with a tower, and containing an assembly room, institute"
ohapel church, 5 south-east from Waltham Abbey, 8 I reading room, and a library of 5,000 volumes.
north-west from Romford and 4 south-west from Epping, The Metropolitan Police Station here, which stand1s-
in the Western division of the county, Ongar hundred, on the Hig-h road, is occupied by a sub-d:.visional section,
Waltham Abbey cOWlty court district, Epping union, of the J division, with a force of I station sergeant, 3
and in the rural deanery of Chigwell, archdeaconry of sergeants and 14 police constables, who are in charge CIf
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. and is within the Loughton and part of Buc'khurst Hill.
metropolitan police district. The parish consists of Here are s:.x almshouses, founded in 1827 by Mrs.
one long street, diverging off the high road from Wood- Whitaker, for the aged and infirm poor, and charities-
ford to Epping, and includes Debden Green, Upper and producing £30 yearly, left by various persons in small
Lower Parks and York Hill, together with several other beques~s, the interest amounting to sums of £1 and'
roads. The sewerage of the northern portion of the upwards.
parish was carried out by the Epping Rural District Loughton formed a portion of the endowments
Council in 18'90, from plans by Edmund Egan esq. bestowed by King Harold on Waltham Abbey and con.-
A.R.I.B.A. at a cost of £6,500, and the outfall works ta,ined a part of the abbey lands until the dissolution of'
were planned in aocordance with the suggestions of the that monastery.
International 'Water and Sewerage Purification Company, Queen Elizabeth is said to have visited the StonardS'
Limited, of 17 Victoria street, Westminster S.W. at this place in 1561.
The parish is governed by an Urban Distl'ict Council The soil is clay; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are'
or twe:lve members, formed in April, 1900, under the wheat, oats, peas and roots, but the land 5.s chiefly
provisions of the" I... ocal Government Act, 1'89-1" (56 aud pasture. The area is 3,946 acres of land and IS of
57 Vict. c. 73). water; rateable value, £26,902; the population in 189);<
Gas is supplied by the Woodford, Chigwell and Lough- was 3,880 and in 1901 was 4.730.
ton Gas Co. Limited and water by the East London
Water Works Co. Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. Il. Annuity, Insur-
The church of St. John the Baptist, erected in 1846, is a ance, Express Delivery & Parcel Post Office (Sub-
crucifo= edifice of brick in the Norman style, con- office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added).-Mis~
sisting of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch and a Agnes Barton, postmistress. I,etters dispatched to·
low central tower containing a clock and 8 .bells, of London 10 a.m. &:, 12.50, 4.50 & 9.30 p.m.; slrndays 9-
which the tenor weighs 20 cwt.; these date from 1866 p.m.; delivered 7 & 8.45 a.m. &; 3.20 & 6.30 p.m.
to 1874, the 5th bell having been re-cast in the fo=er Telegraph office open trom 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays;-
year from two bells dated 1621 and 1655 respectively: 8 to 10 a.m
Nos. I and ·2 were purchased from the proceeds of a Town Sub-Post, M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insuranc~
bazaar; the third was given by Mrs. John Gott, of Office, Goldings Hill.-Arthur William Leech, sub-post-
Armley House, Leeds, Yorks, and No. 6 is a memorial master. Letters through Loughton S.O. dispatched at.
to William'Vhitaker Maitland esq. and No. 7 to Emma, 8 a.m. 12 noon, 4 & 8 p.m.; sunday, 7.30 p.m. Lough-
wife of J. C. Rohweger egq.: the building was enlarged ton is the nE!urest telegraph office. This office is closed'
and partly re-seated in 1877 and some of the windows at 5 p.m. on wednesday
are stained: the sacrarium is handsomely embellished
with the glass mosaic, known as" opus sectile :" there WalI Letter Boxes:-
are 500 sittings. about half of which are unappropriated. York hill, cleared 8 &:, 9.10 a.m. &; 12.10, 4.15 & 8.4.1-
rights in the Forest previously held by the inhabitants p.m.; sundays, 7.40 p.m
rectory, net yearly value £262, with 43 acres of glebe and High road, cleared 8 a.m. & 12.30, 4.15 & 8.30 p.m. ;..
residence, in the gift of and held since 1856 by the Rev.. sundays, 8.30 p.m
John Whitaker Maitland M.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge•. Loughton Hall Box, 7·30 &; 11.30 a.m. &; 7 p.m
and rural dean of Chigwell. ' I
Loughton station, 8 a.m. 12.30, 4.15 & 8 p.m
The church of St. Nicholas, standing partly on the site I
Traps hill, 8.5 & 9.30 a.m. 12.15, 4,30, 6 & 8.15
of the original church, and erected in 1877, by Mrs. High Beech, near church, 8.45 a.m. &; 4.5 p.m
Wh'taker Maitland, in memory of William Whitaker I Debden Green, 8 & 11.45 a.m. & 7.30 p.m
Maitland esq. her sons and all those who lie in the Baldwyns hill, 8 &; 9.15 a.m. 12 noon, 4 &; 8.30 p.m.;:
churchyard, is a building of rubb:e faced with stone, in sundays, 7.40 p.m
the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, .Albion hill, 8 a.m. 12.30, 4 &; 8.30 p.m.; sundays~
porch and a bellcot oontaining one bell: the brasses, 8 p.m
taken from the old church are now placed here, and I
include effigies to John Stonard, ob. 1541 and his wives. URBAN DIS'l"RICrJ.' COlJNcrL.
Joan and Oatharine; another brass with the effigy of Meets at the Council offices, Public Hall, on the 2nd mon_
a man with a ruff round his neck, in the costume of the 'n each m th at 3 m
16th century and an inscription to William Nodes, gent. I on, 7· ° p. .
ob. 1594, and six sons; one, with effigy in a=our, to Members.
Abel Winiams, gent. ob. 1637, and his wife, with 8:
C hild ren, an d 0 th el'S t 0 th e .. rot
h faml'1y, t h e earli est I Chairman, C. S. Foster.
dating from 1673: the church will seat about 80 persons. I Vice-Chairman, Henry Lincoln.
The chancel of the old church, removed in 1847, is now Retire .April, 19 03.
used as a mortuary chapel. C. S. Foster i M. Harris
St. Mary the Virgin is an ecclesiastical parish formed J. H. Gould i Rev. J. W. Maitland
in 1887; the church, erected in 1871 and consecrated,
June 5th, 1872, is a building of stone in the Early Eng- I Retire April, 19°4·
1'.8h style, cOLsisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch ~.
and a bellcot containing one bell: the north aisle was I •
ii •
I! A. W. Leech
H. G. Sharp
added in 1883 at a cost of £1,000: the church will seat : Retire .April! 1905.
500 persons, 350 sittings being free. The regis~er dates J. C. ChiHon, jun I J. A. Herd
from the year . The living is a vicarage, net yearly R. Godin I H. Lincoln
value £247. including an endowment of £so yearly from! Ofiicials.
the tithes of the parish church, in the gift of the rector '
of Loughton, and held since 1887 by the Rev. \Villiam Clerk &; Collector, Joseph Hawliins Hayward. Coullcil.
Allen·B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. ' oflices, Staples road
. The Baptist mission hall !It GoldinQ's hill. erederl in 'l'reasurer, Eliot Hinder
OctoLl'lr. 1889, is an i~on buildinU'. seatin~ IS0 persons, I Medical OfIlcer, of Health, Artlll.ll' Butler Harris ~r.A ...
and there are also Umon and 'Vesleyan chapels. I M.B., B.ell. 'Ihe Shrubbery, HIglt road
The Puhijc Hall, . .erected in 1883 at a cost of about Surveyor, H. White, Holmdale, High road
£ 3.000, from' the designs of Edmond Egan esq. I Sanitary Inspector, W. J. Onth bert, High 1'<1. & Forest I'd
})UllLIC ESTADLISH:VlENTS. Assistant Overseer,' Joseph Hawkins Haywal'd, Staples l'd
.l'il'e Engine Station, High road, G. JplTeries, captain Registrar of Births & Deaths Ior Chigwell Sub-district:
Institute & Heading Room, Public hall, Edwal'd J~aller, Epping UIiion, Samuel J. Wilks, Glenavon, High road
. -librarian Clerk to Parish Council, J oseph Hawkins Hayward,
'Metropolitan Police Station, High road, W. Woodcock, Staples road
station sergeant SCHOOLS.
!Public Hall, J. H. Hayward, sec.; Janws Pearce, l;:eeper A School Board was established 16 February, r887, of 7
,Masonic Lodge (1,457 Bagshaw), held at rublic Hall, members; James Herbert Tee, High road, derk to
second thursday, March, April, May, October, the board
.November, December, 7 p.m.; 'V. J. Shadrake, sec Board, Staples road (boys), erected in 18'88, at a cost of
£6,000, for 320 children; average attendance, 197;
VOLUNTEBRS. George P. Clarke, master
~,Volunteer Battalion (1st) Essex ,Regiment CL Co.), Forest York hill, Board (girls); average attendance, 174; Miss
road; Capt. A. Butler-Har-ris; ,V. E. Simpsoll, COIll- Ada True, mistress
manding Cycle Company; Jeremiah Sullivun, set'g:t.- Infants' School, Staples road, added in 1892, for 200
':instructor children; average attendance, r69; Miss F. Stevens,'
'Medical Oflicer & Public Vaccinator, Loughton District, RAILWAY STATIONS.
Epping' Union, Arthur Butler-Harris M.A., MJ3. 'l'he Loughton, 1Villiam Murfitt, station master
Shrubbery, High Toad Chigwell lane, Edward J oseph Oonstable, station master
PRIvATE RESIDENTS. Dent Frederick, Hatfields, Rectory lane Hore Henry, Braganza, Oonnaught I'd
Abbott WaIter Firfar,Alandale,High rd Dietrichsen Jas. The Pollards,Albion hI Horwood Misses,r & 2Park vils.High I'd
Abernethey Dvd. Lucton viI. High I'd DressIer Otto, Aspenville, Albion hill Hough Robert, Monkchester,Golding's
Adams Wm. Woodside, Albion hill Duddy Philip, 4 Park viIs. High Toad hill, High road
Adamson Robert Lawrence, St. Hilda, Dupont Arthur Percy, Acacia villa, Howard Mrs. The Goldings,Golding's
Rectory lane Upper park bill, High road
AlIen Rev. William RA. (vicar of St. Earp 'WaIter, Brynmawr, High road Howie George Innes, Bonnygate,
Mary the Virgin), St. Mary's lodge, East Alfred, Woodeote, Baldwin's hill Queen's Park road
High Beech road Edwards Frederick Lewis, Holmhurst, Hunt Bernard Brynmere, Vaverland,
AlIen Ernest Frederick, Lyndhurst, Manor road Upper park
Nursery road Edwards Mrs. Park house, Algers I'd Jacques In. Hy.Alpha ho.Low.Park I'd
AlIen Mrs. vVoodberrie, 1Voodbury hill Egan :Mrs. Holmdale, High road Jaques Harry, I Brook villas, High I'd
.:AIIiott HerbeI't, Fairholme, High road Edwards PercyM.B.Pe:qdennis,High rd Jones Arthur, Clovelly, York hill
.Allport RolandHarrison L.R.C.P.Lond. Faviell Fredk. The Cottage,Albion hill Jones Mrs. Gryga, Queen's Park road
Glendale, High road Fenn .Toseph William Beckford, I Beck- Kent Arth. Jas. 3 Brook viIs. High I'd
Anderson A. C. Beta lodge, Station I'd ford villas, Upper park hettlewell Herbt. Beverley, High road
Aichibould Reginald S. South bank, Fennell Miss, Eversley, High road Kirtland Mrs. Ardleigh, High road
York hill Fletcher Henry Marshall,The Dragons, KnowlesEdwin,Fernleigh,HighBeech I'd
Ashby In.Thos.Downings, Low.Plr.rd Nursery road Lawford Godfrey, Connaught avenue
Bailey Jas. Hy. Muriel viI. Algers I'd Flower J. L. Newlands, Queen's Plc.I'd Lenanton Chas. Ge<o. Fircot, High I'd
Baldwin George Edwin, BaI'holm, Foot Stanley, Burleigh, Queen's Plc.rd Lester Henry Edward, 'l'he Grange,
Queen's Park road Forbes Mrs. Hawarden,Lower Park I'd Upper park
'Barnscheidt Frederick Albert, Bald- Francis Horace Herbert, Beechwood, Lewer H. W. The Priors, Trapp's hill
wyn's, Baldwin's hill Allard's grove Lewsey Capt. 1Valter, High Beech I'd
Bathe Anthony, StamfO'1'd ho.Algers rd Fry Miss, Hill cottage, Albion hill Liddle Thos. Brackenhurst, High I'd
\Baxter WaIt. Chas.Sunnyside,Albion hI Fry Mrs. Clynder, Albion hill Lillicoe Jas. R. .Ylindrllm, Nursery I'd
'Beal Fredk. Wm. Inglenook, High I'd Garton William, I Beaumont villas, Lindley Percy, Pettit's hill
'Beckett George, Staples road Queen's Park road Lomer Godfrey Charles, Loughton
'Bell Edwin, Glenthorne, Albion hill Gellatly Peter D.L., J.P. White ho. lodge, York hill
BennettGhas.Benj.Homefield,Algers l' Church hill, High road Lord ,Rev. WaIter, 3 Park vils.High I'd
&nnett Fredk. A. Queen's Park road Gerritzen Hy.G.Swiss cot. Albion hill Lowray Jsph.The Hermitage,Upper pk
Diner William George, Aston Clintoll, Glasse In.A1fd.Hatfield,'Low.Park I'd Luffman Mrs. Lucerne, Queen's Plc.rd
Queen's Park road Godin Lewis, High Beech road MclKenzie :FI'ank F. The Warren, War-
Boake Arth. High Standing, Arbion hI Godin Ralph, High Beech road. ren hill
Boake Edmond Johnson, Abel'ffraw, Gordon Capt. John, Holly 10dge,Lower McLean Miss RA.Lond. Newn}lam ha.
Nursery road Park road High road
130rdman <Clement, St. Margaret's, Gould George, Brooklyn, Trapp's hill ~rcWiIton Archibald, Ash lo.Pump hill
High road Gonld George Sydney, Beechlands, Mainwaring Chas. Excel 10. High I'd
Rragg Miss, Kingsthorpe vil.Algers I'd Alderton road Maitland Rev. John Whitaker }'!I.A.
Brawn John, Ashmeads, Blind lane Gonld Herbert John, Ravenswood, (rector & rural dean of Chigwell),
'Brown Arthur, Ohesnuts, Golding's Upper park Loughton hall
hill, High road Gradwell George, Hartwell, Algers I'd Mal'shall Mrs. Braeside, High road
'Brown Samuel, Meads, High road Greer George, Elm view, High road Matland George Read, Alpnach, St.
<Buck Shadrach, Osborne ho. High I'd Greg~on Jas. Hartshill, Debden green John's road
Burden Geo. Rose cottage, High I'd Gregson :Percy, jun. The Beeches, Matland ThGmas Oollier, Grindel-
Burrell Edwd. In. I I Lower Park rd Debden green wald, St. John's road
Butcher In.Washbrook ho. Station rd Griggs Saml. In. Belmont, Upper pk ~riller Percy Bradley, The I.aurels,
'J3utler-Harris Arthur M.A., M.B., RS. Grimshaw Robert, Craigh, Station I'd Trapp's hill
The Shrubbery, High road Hammond WaIter A. Sidney house, Monday Edward, The Cedars,Upper pk
Campling Charles Arthur, The Croft, Algers road Mount George Ensor, High road
Algers road Hampson Arthnr, Fairview, High I'd Mulder R. Jacob, Trefusis, High road
'-Christian WaIter Thomas F.R.M.S. Hampson Richard Clifford Henry, Mulhern Lewis, Winifred lodge, Con-
Clarence house, Station road Mnrray house, Meadow road naught avenue
Cl'uke George Plush, 1 Washbrook Handley Fras. Philip, Holly lo.High I'd ~rlll'ch Spencer, GoIding's road
villas, Station road Hanks James Upton, The Mount, Nash Arthur, Elmstead,Lower Plc I'd
Clarke Wm.R,.Debden Ihall,DebdeIi gn AllaI'd's grove Nathan James, Claremont, Upper prk
'Clarkson Oswald, Woodlands, High Td Harris Booth, Hillside, Albion hill Ncville Reuben, Atherstone, High ru
<Jolnett Rev. Elson M.A. (curate), Ash- Harrison Henry Esdail, May bank, Nicholson Rd. Thos. Oakleigh,High rd
field lodge, York hill Queen's Park road Norden Edwin C. Longfield, Upper park.
Cook Leonard, Tynedale,Connaught av Hawkins Chas. Wythburn, High road Norden Mrs. Southernhay, Upper park
Croon John Edwd. South bank,York hI Hawkins WaIter, Glen-Mohr, High l'd Norman Capt. Robert, Connanght 10.
Cross James, 9 Lower Park road Hawthorn J. George, Fernbanlc, Sta- Connaught avenue
Cubitt James, Cotsall, High road tion road Offin Mrs. 2 Washbrook vIs. Station I'd
Curtis Mrs. The Nook, York hill Hayward Joseph Hawkins, Staples rd Offlaw Mrs. 5 Park villas, High rond
Daines R Tarbert house, Station road Hemp Alfd. Fairmeadside, Warren hI Palmer Alfred, Uffculme, High road
Daniel 1Vm. Holme villa, Algers road Heriot Jas. Eyre, Fairholt,Allard's gro Pa-lmer Chas. Jas. Huzlewood,Upper pk
Davidson 1Vm. Eldel'slie, ~-\lgel's road Hinman ·Wm.Philip,Glenwood,High I'd Parker Richard, Fillebrook, The Drive,
Dawson Rev. 'William M.A. Susan Hogg Walt. Chester lodge, Albion bill High road
court, Upper park Holbrook Chus. Hillside,Queen's Pk. I'd Parsons Mrs. Glanmor, High road
Deacon .Octuyius, Upper park ,Hole 'Yilliam A. Elm house, High I'd Paul Geo. Butler, The Ferns, Upper pk

Peck Herbert B. The Heigllts. Queen's Sheldon Fredk. Geo.Rythdale, High I'd YulaIlen Mrs. The Nest, High Toad
. Park road Simpson N. E. D. Shortacres, Chlll'ch Vant F. J. 2 Eeaumont viIs. Queen's
Pendred Berthon Fleming L.R.C.P. hill, High Toad Park road
Lond. Kingswear, High road Smith Arrow, Monkwood cot tngo, Vincent ""Ym.Loughton college,High rd
Percy Sam!. Wm. Hope cot. High I'd Baldwin's hill Wahab Edward, Golding's manor~
Phillips Harry, The Drive, High rond Smith John S.l Swanhild,LowerPlcrd Golding's hill, High road
PoIson Wm. Nicol, Lin,.talee,Nul'scl'y I'd Smith Minden, Sharsted, High road Wakelin R. H. Park lodge, High road
Potter Chas. Elm viI. Lower Park I'd Sparks Edwd.Feltham ho.Golding's hI Wallcr William Chapman M.A., J.P.
Prentice Mrs. Chatsworth,Lower }'I\'1"d Spurge Richard, Fir bank, Albion hill York hill
Ramsay-Ramsay Thomas, :Marlcl'oft StefIell :Mrs. 2 Swanhild, Lower Plc I'd Walter Miss, The Gables, Alhion hill
house, England's lane Stewart Archibald Jas. Dehden green Warland Thomas Henry, May villa,_
Read Charles, Algers ho. l\lgers l'ond Suter Gottlieb, Glencoe, High road Queen's Park road
Redwood Robert, Top hill,Allard's gro Sutton .T oseph,Holmleigh,Lower Plc. I'd WarwickJsph.H. The:Mount,Debdell gn
Reid George, Elmsdale, Station 1"oad Sutton Wm. Holly cottage, High road Watts Mrs. 1 Westbourne vils.High I'd
Rogers George, The Drive, High road Sworder John S . .somerby,Allard's gro Westcott Wm.Geo.Rosebank, High I'd
RopeI' Charles Herbert, 2 Westbonrne Sworder John Smith, Somerby, AI- Wheatley William Henry, High road
villas, High road lard's grove Whincup John, Sunnyside,Cllllrch hill..
Sallaway Artb. Kildonan, Lower PIt. l'd Sylvester .Mrs.Rokewood, Allard's gro High road
Schwinge Wm. Willow cot. High road Taylor Chas. DanI. 'Chestnuts, Higl. I'd White Horace, High Toad
Scott-Russell G. H. Old Rectory, Hec- Tee James H. Galding's road Wilks Saml. Jsph. Glenavon, High rd
tory lane 'filOmpson Jmnes, Remenham lodge, Willoughby Mrs. East Dene, High road-
Sea1"le Chas. Lynton ha. Lower Plc I'd Lower Park road Witton 'Yilfred, Fou:: Elms, Lower
Shannon Jas.Wynne viI. Queen's 1'k. I'd 1'olliday Arthul',Osborn, Queen's Plc1"d Park road
Sharp Henry George, Queen's ParI, I'd T0n11in Frederick, Nutfield, High I'd Wolfe Arthur, Rose cottage, York hill
Sharp Robert Harrison, - The Cedars, Tozer Richard, Flynn, Station Toad Wright Mrs. The Firs, Church hill..
Upper park Tudor Henry, ~-1mbresbury, High I'd High road
Shenstone William Henry, T)'ne house, Van del' Gucht Mrs. C. The Cottage, Ziegele Otto, Chase side, Albion hill
Golding's hill, High road Debden green Zwinger Thomas, Wynchmore,High I'd"
COMMERCIAL. Foster John Herbert, engineer, Queen's Park road
E'aT'ly closing day, Thursday. French William, farmer &. contractor, England's lane
Adams Ernest, carpenter, High road Fuller Charles &. Sons, land, house &. estate agents,Station
Adams Frederick Will'iam, builder, High Beech road I road; & at Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill
Adams Mary Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High road Fuller Charles &; Sons, auctioneers, Station road; &; at
Allport Roland Harrison l\LRC.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lon. Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill
physician &. surgeon, Glendala, High road Giblett Samuel, farmer &. dairyman, Beech farm,High I'd
Ambrose &. Son, drapers., Forest road Gingell William, gunsmith, Golding's hill, High road
Ambrose Jethro, valuer, Forest Toad Girling & Co. coal & coke merchants, Rail-way station .
Askew & Son, cartage contractors, Smart's lane Gisborne Ed win, engineer, Station road
Askew Alfred', hay &. straw dealer, England's lan'e Glasscock &. Son, nurserymen & seedsmen, Forest road
Askew George, hay & straw dealer, Smart's lane Gould G. &. Son,dairymen & fm'mers, Figh r(,ad &. Trapp's'
Bailey Charl'es, carpenter, High Beech road hill & Borders fa,rms
Baker Emma (MT".) &. Son, nurserymen &. seedsmen, Gould G. &. Sons, furniture removers, &. depositories, High,
Forest road road & Trapp's hill &. Borders farm!>
Baker E. (Mrs.), laundry, Forest road Green James & Co. cycle manufacturers, High road
Barlow Sarah Ann (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, York hill Green James, confectioner &. pastry cook, High road
Barrett Annie'(Miss), private school (giTls'), Alma house, Greenawa.y John, builder, Baldwin's hill
York hill Gresswel1 &. Son, plumbers &. glaziers, Sta tion road
Barton Agnes (Miss), stationer, Post office, High road Grout Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Baldwin's hill
Eennett Alice (Mrs.), grocer & tea dealer, Forest road Grout Joanna (Mis,s), shopkeeper, York hill
Bennett Fred. A. coal &. coke merchant, High Toad ~ Grout Percy, Foresters' Arms P.H. Baldwin's hill
Queen's Park road Gyles George, photographer, High road
Betts Ann (Mrs.), wheelwright, Smart's l'ane Rarri" Martin, saddler -& harnes-s maker, Church hill,Higa,
Blows Joseph T. baker, High road road -& Station road
Blundell Alfred, Crown hotel, High road Harrison John, chemist &. drnggist, High road
Bos.vorth Frederick, butcher, High road Hayward Joseph Hawkins, rate &. tax collector, assistnnt
Bowditch Henry, draper &. milliner, High road overseer &. clerk to the Urban District &. Parish Coun-
Brown James J. butcher, Smart's lanoC cils, Staples road
Brown J ames H. fruiterer &, greengrocer, High road Heather A. (Mrs.), beer retailer, Smart's lane
Brown John, beer retailer, Smart's lane Heyward Brothers, fruiterers & greengrocers, Hi~h road
Browne James, hardware agent, Hazlemere, High Toad Moreland, printer; proprietor &. edi,tor o,f
Bryant Sydney, grocer, &. agent- for W. &. A. Gilbey Lim. "Loughton &; District Advertiser," High Beech Toad
wine & spirit merchants, Forest road Hinder E. manage'r of the London Joint Stock Bank,
Buck Bimon &. Son, carpenters, Forest Toad High road!
Butler-Harris Arthur M.A., M.B. surgeon .& medical Bollis J aIm, greengrocer, Smart's lane
officer &; public vaccinator, Loughton district, Epping Hm10n George, butcher, Forest Toad
union, &. medical officer of health to the Urban District· Horwood Emily Ann & Constance (Misses), private school'
Council, The Shrubhery, High road (girls'), 1 & 2 Pa.rk viHas, High road
Button Danie-l, confectioner & pastry -cook, Smart's lane Howe GeoTge, wheelwright, Church hill, High road
Chilton John, Robin Hood P.H. Cross Roads , Hughes John, beer retailer, York hill
Chiswell Alfred, cabinet maker, York hill Hundheim Alice (Mrs,.), Tefreshment rooms, High road
Clark Charles, baker, Golding's hill, High road Hunt Henry James, boot & shoe maker, Forest road
Oollins William, boot maker, York hill Hutchin Llewellyn Albert James, chemist -& dTUggist..
Cook SaundeiTs Sanderson, builder, ::Me-adorw Toad High Toad
Cousins Alfred, fishmonger, High road Hutson Percy, jeweller, High Toad
Cranville Selina, (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, Forest road Inch Frederick Henry, baker, cO!Ilfectionecr.- -& pastry- cook.
Cubitt James, archit€ct, Cotsal1, High road. High Beech Toad
Outhbert Charles & Son, clothiers, Forest Toad &. iron- Irons William, Holl'ybush P.H. High road
mongers, High Toad Jarvis James, plumber, Fenton villa, Queen's Park road
Outhbert H. refreshment rooms, Forest road Keep Samuel, hair dresser, Forest road
Cuthbert WaIter John, builder &. sanitary inspector to Kimmings William, confectioner, Forest road
the Urban District Council, High Toad &. Forest road Kirkby William, farmer, Golding's Toad
Cutler W. optician, Queen's Park road La.wford Godfrey, solicitor, Connaught avenue
Davey Dun can, builder, High road Leech Arthur WilIiam, grocer -& draper, Post office.
J>avis Alfred B. Ltd. stationers, printers &c. "Loughton Goldings hill, High road
Gazette" office, High road; &. at Epping Lewin C. (Mrs.). baker, York hill
Diggens George, carpenter, Forest road London Joint Stock Bank Limited (sub-branch)(E.Hinder.
Forster James &. Sons, builders, York hill manager) (open daily 9 to 4 p.m.; .sat. 9 to !2). High
Foster O. S. -& Son, builders, Smart's lane road; draw on 'head offioo, 5 Princess st. London E 0
Foster CharlesSavin, builder &. contl'a,ctor, Hil!h Beech Td Lord Alice (Mrs.), apartments, Woodside, Baldwin's hill
Francis Horace Herbert, architect & surveyor, Beechwood, - Loughton & District Advertiser (Moreland Hickman, pro-
A11ards grove ' 'prietor &. editor; published sat.), High Beech Toad
Loughton Club (James Mole, steward), Station road Shepherd Wm. fruitr. & grngrcr. Church hill,. High road
Loughton Fire Engine Station (G.Jefferies, capt.),High rd Skinner Emma (Mrs.), grocer &; tea dealer, Hlgh road
Loughton Institute & Reading Room (Edward Lauer, Smith George & Co. grocers & tea dealers, High road;
librarian), Public hall, High road & at Station road, Chingford
Loughton Parish Cricket Club (Wm. Sharp, sec. ),High rd Smith G. &; Co. oil &; color men, High road
Loughton Public Hall (James Pearce, keeper), High road Smith J. S. &; Co. grocers, High road
Macklin William, King's- Head P.H. High road Smith Arthur, fishmonger, Forest road
McLean Jessie (Miss) RA.Lond. head mistress, Newn- Smith William, boot maker, High road
ham House School Limited, High road Squire George William, jobbing gardener, High Beech rd
Madderton & Co. artists' colormen, Baldwin's hill Stoanbridge Frederick, plumber & glazier, York hill
Marshall F. & G. shirt & collar dressers, Forest road Sweeting Isaac, sexton to Parish Church, Blind lane
MarshaIl Joseph A. florist, Lower Park road Sykes George Wright, apa.rtments, 2 Brook viIs. High rd
Masonic Lodge Bagshaw, 1457 (W. J. Shadrake, sec.), Sylvester Ernest, hair dress-er, Forest road
Public hall Tarling John, commercial tra.veller, Meadow road
Metropolitan Police Station (W. Woodcock, serge:mt), Ta-verner Mary R. (Mrs.) S.S. smith, High Toad
High road Tee Clifford, auctioneer, High road
Murfitt William, station master, Station road Tee James Herbert, solicitor & clerk to Loughton School
Newnham House School Limited (Miss Jessie McLean Board, High road
RA.Lond. head mistress), High road Thompson Percy, drape'r, High rnarn
Nunn Thos-. Faversham & Son, coal & coke mers.Statn. rd Trimby Lebbens, florist, Meadow road
Oriolet Cottage Hospital & Convalescent Home (Miss KM. VanrJue Edwin, smith, Forest road
Davis, matron), York hill Vanryne Edwin, &mith, blacksmith & farrier, High road
Paokham WiIliam Richard', grocer, tea dea:Ler & coffee Vincent William, private school (boys'),Loughton college,
rooms, Smart's lane High road
Padfield Geo. farmer, Loughton Bridge farm,Alderton I'd Volunteer Battalion (1st) Essex Regiment (L Co.) (Capt.
Padfield Hamilton, farmer, North farm, High road A. ButIer-Harris, commanding & Lieut. H. G. Lobb;
Parker Frederick,commercial traveller, Albion cot. High rd W. E. Simpson, commanding cycle company; Jeremiah
Parker Henry Heo. Thea. boot & shoe maker, High road Sullivan, sergeant instructor), Forest road
Paul 1Villiam & Son, rose growers & florists, Nursery Warren F. & Co. Limited, coal merchants, Station road
road; & at High road, Waltham Cross Warriner Robe.Tt, builder, High road
P,endJred Berthon Fleming M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond. Wheatley Wm. Henry L.D.S:R.C.S.Eng. &; L.D.S.F.P.S.
physician & surgeon, Kingswear, High road GIas. dentist, High road; & at Victoria b1dgs.Marlret pI
Peters Emily (Mrs,.), confectioner, Church hill, Toad White Horace, a.rchitect &, surveyor, &; surveyor to the
Phillips William Mere.dith, bee,r retailer, York hill Urban District Council, Holmdale, High road
Pollicutt Francis, laundry, Forest road Whittle Emma Ma,ry (Mrs. ),draper,Devonshire ho.High I'd
Poulett James, retail' clothier, High road . Wickersham &; Co. grocers & tea dealers, High road
Ram,sey Arthur, china, glas.s & earthenwalre dealT.High rd Wilks Samuel J. registrar of births & deaths for Chigwell
Rice John Albert, Royal Standard P.H. High road sub-district, Epping union, Glenavon, High road!
Sadler John & Son, jobmasters, High road vVillingale Alfred John, plumber &; glazier, Smart's lane
Sadler J. &, Son, shopkeepers, High road Willingale John, bricklayer, Staples road
Saltor Charles, boot maker, Sma,rt's lane Willingale Sarah (Mrs.),confectr. &; pa,stlfy cook,Stap1es I'd
SaUe,r Sydney Horace, butoher, High irO,ad Wilson Leonard, butoher, Smart's lane
Searl Rebecca (Miss), boarding house, Ashberrie, High rd Wingfie1:d William, Plume of Feathers P.H. Church hill"
Sear! William James, grocer & tea dealer, High road High road
Shaftesbury Holiday House (Ragged School Union) (John Woolridge William, butcher, High road
Kirk, sec.), Staples road Young Conrad, Royal Oak P.H. Smart's lane

MALDON is a municipal borough and market town, the two members to parliament, but under th~ "Representa-
head of a union and county court district, with a sta- t.ion of the People Act, 1867," the number was reduced
tion at the west end on the Great Eastern line, opened to one and by the" Redistribution of Seats Act, r885,"
Sept. 30, 1889, to London and also, via 'Wickford, to the representation of the borough "V\as merged in that of
Southend, and another on the east side of the town on a the county. There are three parishes-All Saints', St,
branch of that company from Witham. M;aldon is 44 Peter's and St. Mary's: of these, the first two, on account
miles from London, 5~ south-east from Witham, r8~ of the smallness of the emoluments, have been united
south-west from Colchester, 14~ from Chelmsford by I for ecclesiastical purposes. The church of All Saints,
railway via Witham and rol by road, 12 south-east from I standing in the highest part of the town, is a building
Braintree, r61 south from Caggeshall, 26~ south from of stone and flint, principally in the Decorated and Per-
Sudbury, 88~ from Yarmouth, 81 from Norwich, 35~ pendicular styles, the t{)wer being Late Norman: it
from Ipswich, 84~ from Lowestoft, 37 from Harwich, 55 consists of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, and a
from Cambridge and 45~ from Woodbridge; in the south aisle, formerly a chapel, dedicated to the Holy
Eastern division of the county, Dengie hundred, Maldon Trinity and containing- t,hree chantries, founded by Robert
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans dio- D'Arcy esg. 0'£ Danbury, who with Alice (Fitzhangley)
cese. The town is situated on a hill rising abruptly from his wife, widow of John Ingoe, merchant, of this town,
the south bank of the river Blackwater and near the was here buried, she died in 26 Hen. VI. (1447-8);
junction of the Che1mer navigation, the higher parts com.1 this chapel has since been extended to the whole length
manding extensive views of the surrounding country: it of the church, its double piscina and an oil painting of
has several streets, containing good shops and dwellings: the" Last Supper" being replaced in the new east wall:
the inhabitants aTe well supplied with water from wells at the west end rises a singular and almost unique tri-
near the Spital road, for the higher portions of the town, angular tower with pinnacles at the angles and terminating
and from a reservoir of 67,000 gallons capacity, for the I in ~, hexagonal spire: it contains a peal of 6 bells,
lower parls of the town, the property of the Corporation. I three of which are respectively dated 1707, 1770 and
The town is lighted with gas from works in High street, I 1799: there are some monuments of the 17th century
the property of a company. The town was made a I to the D'Arcy, 1Ventworth, Jeffrey, Vernon, Steevens and
free borough by vVilliam de )Iandeville, Earl of Essex, in Cammock families, and marble floor stones of the 16th
the reign of Henry Ill. but had previously received a century to various members of the Vernon family: the
chaTter of incoT,poration from Henry 11. A new chaTter east window is stained and on the south side of the
was ,grante-d in 1553 by Queen )lary, but was forfeited 4 chancel is a memorial window of four lights, erected in
George Ill. (1763-4) and not renewed till 1810. The 1848 to the memory of Henry Coape esq. by his widow
corporation now consists of a Inayor, four aldermen and children: the pulpit and font are both elaborately
and twelve councillors, recorder, treasurer, town clerk, carved in the Decorated stvle: in 1867 the church was
borough magistrates, coroner, clerk of the peace and thoroughly restored and r'eseated at a cost of about
other officers, and has jurisdiction over the borough and £1,200 and in r877 further improvements and restora-
seawards to a distance of 25 miles eastward of Knowle trians were made. at a cost of £3,000, and it now affords
Sands: the borough has a commission of the peace and 1,000 sittings. The register dates from the year 1556.
separate court of quarter sessions: it formerly returned The living is a vicarage, with St. Peter's annexed, net
yearly value £197, with residence, in the gift of and St. Peter's :\Iasonic Hall is in the High street, and here
held since 1901 by the Rev. Alfred Halph Wilson M.A. I the St. Peter's and Plume Chapters and the MallIon
of St. John's Cvllege, Cambridge. The vicarage house :\Iasunic club meet.
is a large and ancient half-timbered building adjoining The London and County Banking Co. Limited and
the churchyard, and restored in Ig02. The ehnrch of St. ' Messrs. Barclay and Co. Limited, have branch banks here;
Mary, in the lower part of the town on the bank of the I theTe are police and fire engine stations.
river, is <1 spacious building of flin t in the Decora ted I The Marine' Promenade and recreation grounds, on the
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, I bank of the river, were formed and laid out by the Cor-
large north porch and a massive western tower of stone i poration in 189+ at a cost of about £3,000; the grounds
and brick, supported by immense buttresses and ter- are diversified with trees, shrubs and flower gardens:
minating in a spire: it cont,ains 6 bells, respectively dated I seats and shelters are provided and there is a band stand
1799, 1740, 1707, 1636, 1714 and 1740; this church is : in which a band plays during the summer months: pro-
said to have been ori.ginally founded by Ingell'ic, a Saxon vision is also made for bathing in the river.
nobleman, before the year I056: and part of it, including! Yearly fairs are held on the first Thursday in May and
the tower, was restored in 1628, a brief being granted for September 13th and 14th for cattle. A large shipping
the purpose by Charles 1.; it was restored in 1886 with I trade is carried on in corn, coals, lime, chalk, hay and
the addition of a south aisle, the nave and chancel being' straw and in oilcake, manures and timber. There are
at the same time new roofed and reseated with open mmtings, flour mills, boat-building yard, lime kilns,
benches and a new east window erected: the staircase, salt works, two breweries, steam saw mills, timber yards,
formerly leading to the rood loft, and ~ portion of the sail lofts, an iron foundry, an agricultural implement and
:tncient Norman chancel arch were discovered during the, machine manufactory and on the river Blackwarer an
restoration: there are 400 sittings. The register dates, extensive fishery.
from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly I Until 1865 the port was free, but the Maldon Harbour
value £230, with residence, built in 1886, in the gift of I Act, passed in that year, gave power to widen and deepen
the Dean and Chapter of Westminster and held sine-e 18g8 the river and to levy tolls on shipping coming within the
by the Rev. Thomas Wilfred Ward M'A' of Worcester jurisdiction of the commissioners; in 1882 the port of
College, Oxford. There are Baptist, Oongregational, Wes· Maldon was reduced to a creek of the port of Colchester;
leyan and Primitive Methodist chapels and a meeting room I vessels loading or unloading in Heybridge Basin, however,
for the Society of Friends. The Cemetery, on the London I are still free.
road, formed in 1855 at a cost of about £1,300, originally I The Custom House is on Market hill.
comprised 4 acres, but was enlarged in 1883; it con- The principal hotels are the "King's Head" and the
tains two mortuary chapels and is under the control of "Blue Boar."
a. Burial Board of 18 members. Dr. Plume's library I The G Company of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion Essex
.occupies part of the site of the church of St. Peter, which! Regimenf have their head quarters in the town.
fell into ruins (the tower excepted) about 1665. Dr.' The remains of Bee:eigh Abbey, a house of the Pre-
Plume, then Archdeacon of Rochester and a native of monstratensian vrder, removed hither from Parndon,
Maldon, erected about 1704 a brick building adjoining the I are about I mile west of the town: the abbey was founded
tower to contain his library, which he presented to the by RobeTD de ManteU, A.D. II80, and dedicated
town, bequeathing also a fund fO'r its support and for the to St. Nicholas: at the Dissolution eleven canons
supply of new books; the library, now under the care of, were maintained on this foundation, the revenues of
the Rev. Alfred Ralph Wilson, vicar, consists of about I which Dugdale estimates at £156 16s. rrid.; the most
6,000 volumes, principally t;heological, many of them perfect relic of the edifice is the Early English chapter
.b-eing very rare and valuable worb: the tower is a i house, 36 feet by 18 feet, with a groined roof, supported
massive pile of rough stone embattled, with a spiral by three slender Purbeck columns: the undercroft of
-staircase in an octangular turret at the north-west angle, the refectory and a portion of the common house are
:and contains a clock. Dr. Plume also provided by his also extant. Henry Bourchier. 1st Earl of Essex of
will for the education and clothing of ten poor boys of that family, who died April 4th, 1483, was here buried,
J\faldon and Mundon and for the apprenticing of two such together .with Isabel .his countess and the Lady
boys: and further left a sum of £27 for the delivery of Mary N~vIlle: the re~ams of the abbey have been con-
weekly lectures at All Saints' church. The boys are now verted mto a dwelling hous~, the property of John
educated by the master of the Kational schools. The Baker esq. (If Hawkwell, who IS lord of the manor.
Town or Moot Hall, also called" The D'Arcy Tower," is a I JohI.I Rog:ers Herbert R.A. painter of the fresco of
lofty and ancient brick building named from the Hobert "JustICe," III the. House. of Lords: was born here Jan.
D'Arcy previously mentioned, who in the reign of Henry 23rd, 18IO, and dIed at KIlburn, MIddlesex, March, 1890.
V. VI as the king's escheator for this county; his descend- Th.e principal landowners are the Ecc:esiastical om-9
ants became, from 1551, barons D'Arcy of Chiche, but mIsslOners,. 8a~u~1 Baker esq. of Hawkwell, C. B. Glbson
the title ceased with the death of Thomas, 3rd baron. esq. Captam WIlham John~on Howard Townsend J.P. of
Viscount Colchester and Earl Rivers, in 1639. On the Hatfield. Peverel, John Gramger Sadd esq. and the Rev.
ground floor is the police station, on the first Hoor the John BaIley. . . .
court room, where the quarter and petty sessions are The populatlO~ of the borough l~ 1871 was 5,58.6; m
held and on the second floor a council chamber contain- 1881 was 5,4 68 ; m 18g1, 5,383, and m 1901, 5,558, VIZ. : -
ing some oil paintings of Queens Elizabeth and Anne, All Saints' parish, 9, I 10, area 55 acres, rnteable value
Charles n. George Ill. and Dr. Plume. In October 1881, £5,29 0 ; St. ~fary's, 1, 269, 1,404 acres of land, 5 of
an illuminated clock with chimes was presented by water, 660 of tIdal water and 3,484 of foreshore; rateable
George Courtauld esq. then M.P. for the borough, at a value £3,887; St. Peter's, 3>379, area 1,560 acres of land
cost of about £4°°. and 9 of water; ra.teable value £n,9g8.
The Public Hall, in High street, erected in 18 59, is Sacristan & Verger of Parish Church, 1Villiam Rnlt.
let for concerts and lectures. Parish Clerk of St. Mary's, James Horrocks.


Post, M. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel Parcels Post closes rr a.m. & 1.55, 6.30 & 8.30 p.m. every
Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, High street.- day but sunday
Miss Annie Everard, postmistress Telegraph Office open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays 8
Dispatches :-London & all parts, 9.20 & 11.20 a.m. & to 10 a.m
3.45, 6.3 0 & 10·30 p.m.; down mail 8.30 p.m OOUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR DENGIE PETTY SES-
Arrivals :-4.IO, 7.5 &; II a.m. & 1.45 & 6 p.m SIONAL DIVISION.
Deliveries commence 7.20 a.m. & 2 &; 6.25 p.m Parker Christopher William esq. M.A., D.L. FaulJ!bourne
A mail is also dispatched to Mundon, Latching-don, hall, Witham, chairman
.A.1thorne, Southminster, Burnham, Tillingham & Brad- Bentall Edmund Ernest esq. The Towers, Heybridge,
well at 5.10 a.m.; arriving on the return journey at Maldon
8 p.m. Day mail from .A.lthorne, Latchingdon & Bland Thomas Elsey esq. The Friary, Maldon
Mundon, arrival rr a.m.; dispatched 12 noon. Rural Coombe Robert Gorton esq. L.R.C.P.Edin. 'West 11011 se,
posts to Heybridge, Ult~ng, Woodham Walter, Wood- Sonthminster S.O
ham Mortimer, Stow Maries, Purleigh, Cold Norton & Croxon Abraham Bowerman esq. The Limes, Burnham-
Razeleigh are dispatched at 6 a.m. & return to the office on-Crouch R.S.O
at 6 p.m. (with the exception of Heybridge, which Parker Charles Alfred esq. Durwards, Rivenhall, 1Vitham
returns to the office at 6.10 p.m.). There is also a Eogers John Thomas esq. Hill house, Burnham 8.0
day mail to & from Heybridge, arrival II.5 a.m.; dis- Smith Ernest John esq. The Caidge, Sonthminster R.S.O
patched 11.30 a.m. &; 2 &; 4 p.m Smith John esq. The Limes, Burnham S.O
On sunday only one delivery & the two night dispatches Solly Thomas Herbert esq. The Hall, Mundon, Maldon
The Mavor

of Maldon, the chairman of the Rural District Surveyors & Sanitary Inspectors, Horace G. Keywood O.E.
Council & the chairman of the Burnham-on-Crouch & E. J. Ennals, Public Hall chambers, Maldon
Urban District Council, for the time being, are ex-officio Engineer, Horace G. Keywood C.E. Public BaU chambers
Clerk to the Magistrates, Fredk. Hy. Bright, High st HARBOUR OOMMISSIONERS.

Sessions are held at the Police station, SOllth-
luinster, every alternate saturday, I I a.m. & the Chairman, R. H. Eve.
'Town hall, Maldon, on alternate thursday, at 10 a. m. W. M. 'rufneH S. 'fhompson
The following places are within their jlHisdiction :.- S. A. N. Rutt S. P. Garratt
AUhorne, Asheldham, Bradwell, Burnham, Cold Nortoll, J. P. Sa del I Hon. C. H. Strutt :ftL P
Crinea, Dengie, Fambridge North, Hazeleigh, Latch. T. E. HlaneI T. L. Eve
ingdon, Mayland, ~Iundon, Purleigh, St. Lawrence, E. T. B..1ker
Southminster, Steeple, Stow Maries, Tillingham, 'Vood- Olerk, Edmund Gowers, 57 High street
ham Mortimer, Woodham WaIter Collector, Thomas Hl.mdley Barbrook, Custom house
The Mayor & Deputy ~iayor, ex-officio
Bentall Leonard, High street, Maldon Oemetery, London road, .T. O. Freeman, clerk to the
Binnie David Carr, Hill house, Maldon burial board & registrar, Alfred Bush, keeper
Bland Thomas Elsey, Friary, Maldon County CDurt, J... ondon road, office at No. 3 Gate street,
Clear Albert Prime Guyvers, High street, Maldon His Honor H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge; Clms. Gudfrey,
Fitch Edward Arthur, Brick house, Maldon Homford, high bailiff; John Crick Freeman, registrar;
Ratcliffe Samuel, Woodham WaIter James Rogers, broker; Thomas Gower, assistant
Tomlinson Thomas, 24 High street, Maldon bailiff. A county court is held every two months.
Ward J oseph Robert, Beeleigh grange, Maldon The parishes in the district are: -AIthorne, Asheld-
Clerk, John Crick Freeman, Gate street, Maldon ham, Beckingham, Bradwel:, Burnham, Great Braxted,
Little Braxted, Oold Norton, Cricksea, Dengie, North
&rough Petty Sessions held at the Moot hall daily Fambridge, Goldhanger, Hatfield Peverel, Hazeleigh,
at IQ a.m Heybridge, Inworth, Langford, Latchingdon, Maldon,
CORPORATION. Mayland, Mundon, Purleigh, Saint Lawreuce, South-
19 01 - 1 9°2. minster, Steeple, Stow Maries, Tillingham, Tiptree,
Mayor Councillor Herman Alexander Krohn Tollesbury, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights,

Deputy ~Iayor-Alderman Joseph Sadler To:Ieshunt Major, Great Totham, Little Totham,
Recorder-His Honor Judge Willis K.O. 2 King's Beuch Ulting, Wickham Bishops, Woodham Ferris, Woodham
walk, Temple, London E C Mortimer, Woodham WaIter
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
Aldermen. of Ohelmsford; O. Mercer, senior official receiver; H.
Retire Nov. Retire :Kov.
Edward"Arthur Fitch
Joseph Sadler
1904 Leonard ~entall
1904 I Albert Pl'lmeOlear
Shirtcliffe, assistant official
chambers, London EO
receiver, 95 Temple

Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress

Oouncillors. Amendment Act," Ernest J. Gale, Southminster; James
Retire 1'\ov. Retire Nov. Rogers, 6 High street & Samuel Oharles Spurgeon, 32
Francis Anclerson 1902/ :Frederick W. Moss.....• 1903 High street, Maldon
Charles E. Barritt 1902 Harry W. Sadd 1903 County Police Station, Town hall, John A. Waterman, in-
Robert Blaxall............ 1902 r Stanford Chas. GoodIey 1904 spector & 4 constables
Chas. Murrell Handley 1902 I James Last 1904 Custom House, Thomas Handley Barbrook, principal
Arthur Ashle~· 1 90 3 / George Wade 1904 coast officer 1st class; Alexander .T. Nash, boatman &,
Herman Alex. Krohn... 1903 Elijah Young 1904 2nd officer; James Stebbens, Oharles Ohaney & l"redk.
Mayor's Auditor, Joseph Sadler Austin, Trinity pilots
Elective Auditors, Samuel Charles Spurgeon & Jas. Rogers Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Engine Station, 75 High
The statutory meetings of th~ Oorporation are lwId at street, Edwin May, superintendent
the Town Han quarterly & as the Urban Sanitary Fire Engine Station (Corporation), London road, F. G.
Authority at the same time, &; ordinary meetings are Pratt, captain
held montWy on the first friday in the month Public Hall, High street, F. W. PooIe, sec.; Nathaniel
'WiIlet, keeper
Officers of the Corporation. St'amp Office, 37 High st. Richd. Poole, sub-distributor
T{)\\n Clerk, Frederick Henry Bright, 53 High street Temperance Hall, 4 Market hill, Alfred G. Sadd, sec
Medical Officer of Health, Henry Reynolds Brown M.D., Town Hall, John Coult, keeper, High street
O.M. II6 High street Masonic Lodges (1,024 St. Peter), held at Masonic hall,
Olerk of the Peace, John Roberl Soffe, 5 London road wednesday nearest full moon, monthly 7.30 p.m.
Rorough Surveyor &, Inspector of Nuisances, Thomas E. Gowers P.P.G.Tres. 57 High street, sec.; (1,977
Russell Swales C.E. 20 London road Blackwater) held at Blue Boar hotel, monday nearest;
Accountant, W. H. de Caen, London road fu~l moon, monthly 7 p.m. G. A. Eustace P.P.G.Std.B.
Collectors, Richard S. Turner, 12 Market hill; Samuel St. Botolph's, Colchester, sec.; (Plume Cbnpter 1,024),
Oharles Spurgeon, 29 High street held at Masonic hall, F. G. Green, sec
Town Crier, J oseph Ooult, Queen street
Water Bailiff, Arthur Freeman VOLUNTEERS.
School Attendance Committee. 2nd Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (G Company),
Drill hall, High street, Capt. J. C. Lawrie; William
~Ieets at the 'fown hall 1st monday in the month. Conway, sergeant-instructor
Olerk, F. H. Bright, High street
Attendance Officer, William Angier, Wantz road MALDON UNIOK.
Board day, wednesday fortnightly, at twelve.
Maldon union comprises the following parishes :-AlI
M:eetat the Town hall quarterly. Saints, Althorne, ~she:dham, Bradwell-juxta-Mare,
Clerk, Frederick Henry Bright, 53 High street Braxted (Great), Braxted (Little), Burnham, Cold
'Treasurer, Christopher William Parker, Faulkbourne hall, Norton, Oricksea, Dengie, Goldhanger, Hazeleigh, Hey-
Witham bridge, Langford, Latchingdon (with Snoreham),
Medical Officer of Health, Henry Reynolds Brown M.A., Mayland, Mundon, North Fambridge, Pur:eigh, St.
M.D., C.~I. High street Lawrence Newland, St. Mary, St. Peter, Southminster,
Sanitary Inspector, Thomas Handley Barbrook, Custom ho Steeple, Stow Maries, Tillingham, Tollesbury, Tolles-
hunt D'Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Tolleshunt Major,
MALDON RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. TothaIn (Great), 'fotham (Litt:e), Ulting, Wickham
Meets all th~ Guardians Board Room on wed. monthly Bishops, Woodham Mortimer, 'Woodham WaIter. The
at 2 -p.m. population of the union in 1901 was 23, I I2; area, 89,887
Chairman, O. D. Belsham, Heybridge acres; rateable value in 1902, £103,815
Clerk, John Crick Freeman, I & 3 Gate street, Maldon Chairman of the Board of Guardians, ',I'. H. Solly,

'!'Teasurer, Christopher William Parker, Faulkbourne hall, Clerk to the Gua,rdians & Assessment Committee, John
Witham Crick Freeman, Gate street, Maldon
Medical Officer of Health, John Clough Thresh M.B., Treasurer, Christopher William Parker, Faulkbourne haD,
D.Se., F.LC., F.C.S. Chelmsford Witham
Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, All Deputy Receiver of Wreck for BradwelI-on-Sea & Maldon,
Saints' district, William Baldwin, 27 Wantz road, Mal- Thomas Handley Barbrook, Custom house
don; Dengie district,WaIter Ernest Read, SouthminsteT; Deputy Stewards of the Manors of Steeple Grange &
Thurstable district, J. Jackson, TollesllUnt D'Arcy Mayland, Crick & Freeman, I & 3 Gate street
Vaccination Officers-Maldon Registration district, W. Explosives Inspector, George Edward Crick, 46 High st
Baldwin, 27 ""Vantz road, MaIdon; Southminster &, Inspector Under the Contagious Diseases (Animals)
BradweH RegistraLon districts, Walter Ernes,t Read, Act, John A. Waterman, Town hall
Southminster; Tollesbury Registration district, J ames Veterinary Inspector Under the Contagious Diseases
J ackson, Tolleshunt D'Arcy 1 (Animals) Act for Dengie Division, Arthur H. Brooks
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators-.Al1 Saints' dis- M.R.C.V.S. 343, London road
trict, William Edwin Facey B.A., M.B. 2 High street,
Maldon; Bradwell district, Thomas Binghmn Marshal! PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Tillingham; Burnham All Saints' & St. Peter's Church, Rev. Alfred RaIph Wilson
district, Charles Frederick Downman L.n.C.r.I.ond. l\LA. vicar; Rev. James A. Telford M.A. curate; 8
Burnham; St. Mary's district, Thomas Tomlinson & II a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m
M:.R.C.S.Eng. 24 High street, MaIdon; St. Peter's dis- St. Mary's Church, Rev. Thomas Wilfred Wal'd M.A.
trict, Henry Luther Ewens M.B. 2 High st. Maldon; rector; 8 ,& I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Southminster district, Robert Gorton Coombe L.R.C.I'. Friends' Meeting House; 10.30 a.m.; wed. ;Io.30 a.m
Edin. Southminster; Tollesbury district, John Henry Baptist, Crown lane, Rev. George Sneesby; 10.30 a.m.
Salter M.R.C.S.Eng. Tolleshunt D'Arcy; Wickham & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Bishop district, Karl Carwardine Gimson M.B. Witham Congregational, Rev. Samuel Bryant; IQ.30 a.m. & 6.30
Superintendent Registrar, John Crick Freeman, Gate st. p.m.; thurs. 7.15 p.m
Maldon; deputy, William Henry White, 14 Wellington Primitive Methodist, Rev. John Gray; 10.30 n.m. & 3
road, Maldon & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Registrars of Marriages, Maldon district, Samuel Charles 'Yesley,an, Rev. John P. Jackson; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ;
Spurgeon, 32 High st. Maldon; deputy, Alfred Hearn, mono 7.30 p.m
Victoria road, }1.aldon; Southminster district, Henry Gospel Hall; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Wint~r Harvey, Southminster Chtistadelphian, Charles Murrell Handley, presiding
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Maldon district, Wiiliam brother; IQ.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Baldwin, 27 Wantz road, Maldon; Bradwell sub-dis- SCHOOLS.
trict, WaIter E. Read, Southminster; deputy, W. J. Grammar, founded not later than 1423; in 1608 Ralph
CheH, Tillingham; Southminster sub-district, R. G. Breeder endowed it with £300, which sum was subse-
Coombe, Southminster; deputy, T. D. White; Burn- quently invested in the purchase of 20 acres of land,
ham; Tollesbury sub-district, J ames J ackson, 'l'olles- in the parish of Hatfield Peverel; the school was
hunt D'Arcy; deputy, Miss Sarah J ane J'ackson, Tolles- further endowed by Dr. Plume with two houses in the
hunt D'Arcy High street of Maldon; these two bequests yield an
The Workhouse, .erected in 1873, at an expense of annual income of £76; the school is managed by a
£20,000, on a site facing the Spital road, is a red body of 16 governors; R A. P. Mumford M.A. of Pem-
brick buildin'g in a modernized form of Gothic; broke College, Oxford, head master
from the centre rises a clock tower with a striking British, Market hill, built in 1843, enlarged in 1890,
clock &; in front there is a chapel; the premises are for 400 children; avemge attendance, 200 boys, 20Q
calculated to hold 450 inmates & cover about 5 acres; girls & 58 infants.; Fredk. Wm. Moss, master; Miss
Charles R. Timperley, mqster; Rev. Wilfred Ward Amy Moss, mistress
M. A. chaplain; 'Thomas Tomlinson, medical officer; National, London road, built in 1840, & enlarged in 1897
Miss Timperley, matron & 1901, for 500 children; average attendance, 144 boys,
154 girls & 88 infants,; Charles S. Barker, master;
School Attendance Committee. ~Iiss Charlotte Mangold, mistress; Miss Ads Ayers, in-
Meets at. the Board Room wed. every month, at fants' mistress
Ir.I5 a.m. St. Mary's (infants), Mill road, built in 1874, for 140
children; average attendance, IQ3 ; Miss Augusta
Clerk, John Crick Freeman, Gate street, MaIdon Louisa flambe, mistress
Att-endance Officers, Mes8r'8. 'V. Baldwin, W. E. Read &,
N. otway Newspaper.
PUBLIO O:FFICERS. Maldon Express, High street, Richard PooIe, publisher;
published saturday
Assistant Overseer, Richard S. Turner, 12 Market hill Railway.
Assistant Overseer & Poor's Rate Collector for .All Great Eastern (Witham & Maldon & Maldon & Southend-
Saints' District, James Rogers, 6 High street on-Sea branches), Frederick Blythe, station master;
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Henry Heynolds Brown M.A., parcels office, 3 Market hill, T. Hayes, agent
M.D. 116 Hig-h street Omnibuses to the Railway station to meet each train,
Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Income Taxes from King's Head & Blue Boar hotels; also (Williams)
for Dengie Hundred, Fredk. Hy. Bright, 53 High street for Heybridge district
Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Income Taxes
for the Borough of Maldon, Edmund Gowers, 57 - OARRIERS.
High street . Bradwell-William Griggs, from' Swan,' fri
Clerk to the Trustees of (Breeder's) Grammar Schoo;, Chelmsford--John Ewers, from his house, every fri
Crick & Freeman, I & 3 Gate street Colchester John Ewers, from hiil house, every sat
Clerk to Mrs. Wentworth's Charity, Waiter de Caen, Purleigh-Frederick Howard, from 'Swan,' tues. thurs.
3 SpitaI road & sat
Collectors of KingJs Taxes, Spurgeon & Son, 29 High st Steeple-Ernest Hart, from 'Swan,' tues. thurs. & sat
Collectors of Land & Income Tax, W. K. Digby, Spital Tillingham, Mundon & Mayland-Ernest Hart, from
I'oad & Samuel Charles Spurgeon, 29 High street , Swan,' tues. thurs. & sat
Collector of Poor's Rates for St. Peter's District, Sam!. I Witham James Hubbard, from 'Swan,' tues. thurs.
Charles Spurgeon, 29 High street & sat
• ' ,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Broad Thomas, 50 'Yantz road Crick HaroId E. 31 London road
Andrews Abraham, 12 London road Bl"Ooks Arthnr H. 34n, London road Oross Mrs. 4 Silver street
Ashley Arthur, 42 Fa,rnbridge Toad Brown Henry Re-ynolds M.A., M.D. Cross Miss, 14 London road
BaJier Edward Thos. 21 Market. hill C.M. II6 High street de Caen Mrs. II3 High street
Baker Mrs. Kimberley, Cross road Eryant Rev. Samuel (Oongregational), de Gaen WaJter, 3a, Spit,alI road
Brurnard Mrs. 9 London road 18 London road Digby William K. 16 Spital road
Beaumont Pe,rey :Munro, DanescI'oft, Carter Charles James, Friary E1ston Miss, The Chaise
Lodge l'oad Carter Miss, 22 Spital road Elsrton John, 6 Welling-ton road'
Bell Mrs. 128 High street Carter Mrs. IQ Wellington road Ellis Mrs. 20 Spital road
BentaIl Leonard, 63 High street Dhapman Miss, 23 London road Ennals Edgar John, Prertoria villa,
Binnie David Carr, Hill ho. London I'd Clarlre Miss, 20 Spital Toad Oross road
Bird Francis, 38 SpitaI road Clear Albert Prime, Guyvers, High st Eve Misses, The Friary
Bland Thomas EIsey J.P. The Friary Cook WaIter, 38 Fambridge road Eve Robert Henry, Fullbridge house
Blashall William, 15 SilveiI' $treert Oook George Edwin, 14 Spit·al road Eve Thomas Lawrence B. The Friary
Boddy Mrs. 21 Spital road Cooke Miss, Belvedere ha. Cross road Eves David, Spital road
Bright Frederick Henry, Cromwell ho Ccttee Miss, 4 Londo):! road Ewens Henry Luther M.D. 2 Highst
Facey Wil:limn Edwin 1l.A., ::M.B. Hurrell Ernest A. Penrhyn, Cross 1"',] Sadler Joseph, Rerne Bay, 85 High st
The Lodge Hurrell George, 123 High street Sanders, ~iss, 1'Ve.stwood, l,or)ge road
Field John Doyle, Beele:igh abbey JOs<lin Miss, 1'8 Spital: road Sansom Henry John, 41 High street
Fitch Edward Arthur, Brickhouse Kelsey William F1'eer, 33 London road SewelI Frederick, 12 Wellington road
}<'ortescue Hy. Jas. Fras. High street Keen Frederick, 26 Spital road SewelI E. James, 36 Spital road
Freeman John Crick, 42 London road Keen Mrs. 4 Wellington road Shackle ~lrs. 5 Lodge road
}'reeman Miss, 36 London road Keywood Horac~ G.Cromwell hill Sha,rpe, Robert K. 'Maisoll La 1'11l~
Freeman Mrs. 32 London road Krohn Herman Alexander, Maldon Laid, Lodge road
Freeman Mrs. 20 Market hill court, Silver street Shephard Miss, 14 ernss road
Freerrnan Ju's. P. Riversdale, Cross I'd Lucking Alfred, 100 High street Shepper ~Irs. 107 Hig-h stl'ed
Garratt Samuel POrler, 10 Marke,t hI McClean Mrs. 38 Wa.ntz raa,l Smith Arthur, 21 Fullbridge
Gepp William, 38 Wantz road May Edwin, High street Soffe John Robert, 5 London road
Goult Henry, Applegart!h, ,Lodge Toad Mood Mrs. 56 Wantz road Spurgeon Samuel Charles, Sligoville.
Gowers Oharles R. Foundry house Miles Georg-c, 16 London road Spita1 road
Gowers Ed'mU'nd, II8 High street Mumfo·rd Hobert Philip A.,M.A. (11t~:1l1 Staines Miss, The Wick, Spita1 road
G1'av ReiV. JOthn (Prim . .Methodist), B ma.ster of GTammUl' School), LOll- Strutt- ~Irs. 2 Mill road
SPltaJJ road don road Strutt 'VIno Jas. 40 Famhridgc n1
Gray Walter, Gate street N eville RobeTt, Beeleigh falls Swales Thoma,s R. Lod'ge rOl\l\
Guttddge Dudley, Meridale, Welling- Orttewell Frank, 2 High street 8weesby Rev.Geo.(Baptist),I20Iligh s~
ton Toad OTttewell Richa.rd, 2a, High street. Taylor Mrs. 30 Fambridge road
Hailes John, 4'8 Wantz road Payne Fredk. 'Voodbine cot.Oross rl1 Telford Re,v. James A., .M.A. (cllI'ate
Handley Charles MurreU (Chr,istadel- PeIl Hy. Wm. The Laurels, Cross rd o-f All Saints & 81. l'eter's), High st
phian), Burner ho. Lodge road Pertwee James, 18 Market hill Thorn Alfred, 105 High street
Handley George, Hollies, Cross road Piggot James, 21 London road 'rhorn Thomas, 8 WeJlinglon road
Hart-Bayes Robert J. Wellington road Piggot Mrs. 22 High street Tomlinson Thomas, 24 High street
Hart Miss, 25 London road Pitcairn Miss, 31 Beeleigh road Townend Ed ward, I London r'Oad
Harvey Oharles, 6 Spital road Rogers J ames, 8 High street Wager C'hristopher, 12 Spital rOllll
Haw]ey Samuel, Lodge road Rush Olifford Frank, 137 Wanlz TO:"} "Ward Rev. Thomas Wilfred M.A.
Hay Oecil James, Spital road Rush Heywood Henry, 96 Mill road (rect,or), St. Ma:ry's Reetol'y,.Mill I'd
Hayes Thomas, 16 Market hill Rutt Stephen A. N. 98 High street Ward Joseph Robt. Beeleigh grange
Hayward Miss, 65 High street Sadd Alfred Grainger, Hill house White William Hy. 14 Wellington I'd
HoarcUey Arthur F. 4 Spital road Sadd Ha.rry 1ViUiam, The Oalls, Ilee- Vi~hitmore Miss, 35 Bee1eigh road
Hobbs Henry, 48 Fambridge road leigh road WilkinSICJIl Arthur Geo. 139 Hig11 !It
Jackson Rev. John P. (We,sleyan), 3 SadJd Mrs. 85 Mount view Wilson Rev. Alfred 'Ralph M.A. (vicar
"Vantz road! Sadc1 J n. Price,The,BowNs,J..ond 011 I'd of All SaintiS), Vicarage

COMMERCIAL. Blackwater Mutual Benefit Building Society (Samuel

Early closing day, Wednesday. Charles Spurgeon, sec.; Beaumont & Bright, solici-
Abbott WaIter J. baker, 18 North street tors), 29 High street
Adcock William, Queen's Head P.R. The Hythe Bland '1'. EIsey, wine & spirit & ale &:, porter merchant;
A1ecock Joseph, watchmaker, 9 Silver street also agent for Bass's ales & stouts, The Friary
ABaker J ames, shopkeeper, 18 King street Blaxall Robert, butcher, 26 Market hill

AlJen Frank, music seller, 63 Wantz road Blowers Herbert, furniture dealer 126, & beer retailer
AlIen George Thaxter, fruiterer, IIB Wantz road 128, 'Yantz Toad
Amor Jo~n, tailor, I Crown lane Blythe Fredk. station master, Railway stations east &; west
Amor Laura (Miss), apartments, 10 Spital road BOl'eham Alfred Ernest, shoe repairer, 24 Mill road

Angier William, school attendance officer, 52 Wantz road Boreham John H. fruiterer, 78 High street

Archer 1'Villiam, draper, silk mercer, milliner, mantle I Boreham Josiah, pork butcher, 12 Mill road
maker, undert'aker & agent for Barrie & Co. dyers, 61 I Boreham William R. marine store dealer, 7 & 9 Church st
High street &; Market hill i Bowles John, Three Cups P.H. 208 Wantz road
Argent John, shopkeeper, 22 Market hill ! Bowtell Thomas, boot maker, 104 Wantz road
A.ssembly Rooms (E. Gowers, sec.), 104 High street Boyes Charles, tailor, II7 High street
Ashley James, tailor, 12 High street I Brewster Sarah (Mrs.), Volunteers: Arms P.H.73 Wantz I'd
Askew George, dro'per, 106, 108 & IIO High street,t Edward ~ohn, grocer, 19 SpItal road
1 .
Attwood Thomas, chimnev sweeper, 204 W'antz road 1
Bnght Fredel'lck Henry (firm, Beaumont & Brlght),
Bailey Alfred Seott, drap~r, 62 High street solicitor & commissioner for oaths, town clerk, &:, clerk
Baker Edward Lee, miller (steam), Fullbridge to t~e Port Sanitary Authority ~ & the Maldon Joi~t
Baldwin William, registrar of births & deaths for Maldon, :S:o~p:tal Board &; clerk to. t~e maglstrates for the Deng~e
district, relieving officer & collector for the guardians I dlVlslon, to the commlSSlOners of taxes for. Dengle
of All Saints, vaccination officer for Maldon registration h~ndred & to the school attendance commlttee, 53,

district & school attendance officer, 27 Wantz road ~~gh street. ' . .
Ball Annie (Mrs.), furnished apartments, 2 Hill side Bntlsh &; FOrel&n Blble SOCIety (depot) (1hss S. L. Potter.
Balls Henry, tailor, 24 London road agent)~ 44 HIgh street .
Balls Margaret (Mrs.), Rose & Crown P.H. 109 High street Brock VlCtor, shopkeeper, 27 HIgh str~et
Barbrook Thomas Handley, principal coast officer (1st Brooks. Arth~r H., M.R.C.V.S. ~~te.rmary surge~n &
class) ,&; deputy receiver of wreck, Port Sanitary in- vete;;mary .ms~e?t?r under the DIseases of .Ammals
,spectol' &:, collector of river dues, Custom house Act, Dengle dIVlslOn, 34a, Lond.on I'd. & 20 Splt[ll road
BarClay & Company Limited (branch), bankers Brown Alfred, pork butcher, 76 HIgh street .
(H. J. Sansom, mana.ger), 41 High street; draw on Brown Henry Reynolds M.A., M.D. &; C.::VLEdm. surgeon.
head office, 54 Lombard street, London E C & ~edical offic~r of health to t~e <?orpo~ation, P~)ft
Barnard Arthur, boot maker, sa, Silver street Samtary Auth.or~ty &; :MaId OIl & Dlstl'lct J omt .Hospltal
Barnard Arthur Hcnrv, boot maker, 23 Gale street Board, & certlfymg factory surgeon, II6 High street
Barrett Edgar, cycle maker, I Market hill Brown William J. agent for Hand-in-Hand Insurance Co.
Barritt Charles, brmer, Wyck cottage, Spital road 7 Wantz 1'0ad
Basham Ernest Albert, monumental mason, Station road Bunting Clarke William, furniture dealer, 89 High street
Basham Ra,chae1 (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, 171 High!it Burch Wm.shipsmith, The Hythe ,& beer ret. 27 Church st
Bata Henry Alfred, cycle manufacturer, 28 High street Burnes J. & G. clothiers & furniture dealers, I Spital I'd
Baxter Arthur, builder, undertaker &c.; estimates free, Burkett Ernest, 'Varwick Arms P.H. 185 High street
151 High street Burnell George Henry, family draper, silk mercer & haber-
Beale James, cycle agent, 69 High street dasher; millinery, mantles & ladies' outfittings
Beaumont & Bright, solicitors, 53 High street Bush Alfred, keeper of cemetery, London road
Beaumont George Frederick (firm, Beaumont & Bright), Bush Alfred, shoe maker, 9 Fullbridge
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 53 High street Cannom ~Iary Ann (Mrs.), general dealer, 193 High street
Beaumont Percy :;\Iunro, civil engineer, architect &; SUT- Cannom Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, 199 High street
veyor, 53 High street Cater Charles, tailor, 159 High street
Bental1 & Son, clothiers & outfitters, 50 High street Cater Charles, jun. ironmonger, 159[1, High street
Binnington Frank, tobacconist, 55 High ~reet Cemetery (J. C. Freeman, elerk to the burial board &
Binnie Henry, confectioner, 48 High street rE'gistrar; Alfred Bush, keeper), London road
Bill} Franeis, solicitor & commissioner to administer Clark Edward, baker, 197 High street
oatlls, 35 High street Clarke Arthur J. corn merchant, 32 Market hill

Clayton Thos. Hy. saddler & harnes~ mkr. 79 High 81: Frost John Charles, ironmonger, 24 Causeway
Clear Albert Ernest, auctioneer & valuer, 70 High street; Fuller James, boot maker, 59 High street
& at Witham & Southminster Furlong James, plumber & glazier, I I Fambridge road
Clear Albert Prime, auctioneer, valuer & estate agent, Gale Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 22 Wantz road
70 High street Garratt S. & Son, millers & corn mers.Rayleigh roller mls
Cobbold William, assistant overseer & school attendallce Gill James, shoein~ smith, 6 London road
officer for Heybridge & sec. to the Maldon & Heybridge Goddar,d Edward, blacksmith, :\Iill road
Co-operative Society Limited, 26 Causeway Goodey Stanford Charles, corn & seed mrcht. 7 High et
Cole Brothers, johmasters, III High street Gosling James, shopkeeper, 176 Wantz road
Oollis William, pork butcher, II6 Wantz road Gower Nary Ann (Mrs.). confectioner, 4 High street
Cook & 'Woodward, boat & yacht builders; contradon 10 Gower Thomas, county court bailiff, 34 Fambridge road
the Admiralty, The Hythe Gowers Limited, stationers & printers, 57 High street
C.ook Lucy (l\'Iiss), dress maker, Causeway Gowers Edmund, clerk to the harbour & land & income
Cornwell .Tob, shopkeeper, I l Spital road tax commissionerS', 57 High street
<Coult Frederick George, carpenter, IS High street Grammar School (Robert P. A. Mumford M.A. head
,Cou1t Joseph, bill poster & town crier, I Queen street master), London road
County Court (His HanoI' H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge; Gray & Sons. brewers & spirit merchants, Maldon
John C. Freeman, registrar; Charles Godfrey, high brewery; & at Chelmsford
bailiff), London road Greatrex Thomas & George, saddlers, 16 High street
Click & Freeman, solicitors, I & 3 Gate street Gripper J oseph Limited, iron merchants & ironmongers,
Crick George Edward, pharmaceutical chemist & explo. 39 Market hill; & at Chelmsford
"fives inspector, 46 High street Hall Henry, beer retailer, Cromwell hill
'Croft Joseph, tailor & hosier, 5 Market hill Ranee 'William Raymond, grocer, 192 1Vantz road
Cromar Kate (~Iiss), girls' school, 3 Hillside, Mar1let bill Handley Benjamin, bathing van proprietor, The Hythe
'Custom House (Thomas Handley Barbrook, principal Handley Benjamin, confectioner, 333, Mill road
coast officer 1st class) Handley Charles, tailor, 35 North street
Daughtry 1Yilliam, pl'ofessor of music, 34 High street Handley Charles Murrell, butcher, 122 High street
de Caen WaIter, borough accountant & clerk to Mrs. Handley Thomas, Bell P.H. 2 Silver street
,Wentworth's charity, 3a, Spital road Hansell Thomas Josiah, market gardener, Queen street
Death Waiter Washington, baker, 7 Fullbridg-e Hardy Mrs. Florence, shopkeeper, 196 1Vantz road
Thdman Henrietta (Mrs.), stationer, 14 High street Harris Charles, blacksmith, Mill road & High street &
Dibben Charles, hair dresser &c. ~1 High street fancy repository, 103 High street
Dines Joseph & Son, builders, 71 High street Harris Joseph, shopkeeper, 14 North street
Dines Ernest S. insurance agent, 54 Wantz road Harvey Charles, commercial traveller, Spital road
Drew James C. shopkeeper, 37 North street Harvey, Edgar A. family draper, silk mercer, hosie.·,
Dykes Arthur, earthenware dealer, 5 Fullbridge caTpet warehouseman & undertaker; mantles, millinery
Eley Harry, greengrocer, 88 High street & dressmaking; ladies' 0& children's outfittings; ladies',
Ennals E. J. surveyor 0& sanitary inspector to the J!aldoll gentlemen's 0& children's high-class boots & shoes; agent
Rural District Council, Public Hall buildings for K & Bective boots
Emberson John, grocer & baker, 54 Spital road Hawes & Thompson, hay & straw salesmen & barge
'Essex Provident Society (Mrs. Henrietta Dedman, col- owners, Cross road
lector), 14 High street Hawkes Arthur, plumber, Silver street
!Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Engine Station (Edwin Hayes Thomas, wholesale wine & spirit merchant & agent
'May, superintendent), 75 High street for 'Whitbread's bottled beers ,& forwarding lIgent, LI
'Evans Lucy Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 London road Market hill
Eve Henry Thomas & Co. corn merchants & maltsters, Hayward Frank, carpenter, II London road
FuIlbridge; & at Heybridge Hazleton Jane (~Irs.), fancy repository, 1I4 High street
Eve Charles, watch maker & jeweller, 82 High street Heard Benjamin, Cas,tIe P.H, North street
Everard Annie (Miss), postmistress, High street Hearn Alfred, deputy registrar of marriages, l\Ialdon
ENes Stephen, shopkeeper, 49 King street district, Victoria. road
Ewens Helll'Y Luther (firm, Facey & Ewens) M.D. & ll.S. HeaveI' Arth. Wm. M.P.S. chemist & druggist, 64 High st
Durh., M,R.C.S.Eng-., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician, & Hickford Elizabeth Sarah (Mrs.). Blue Boar com-
medical officer & public vaccinator to St. Peter's district, mercial hotel & posting house; car, uroughams
2 High street &c. Silver street
Ewers John, 'Welcome Sailor P,H. I Fulbridge Hicks Charles H. corn merchant & seedsman, 67 High 8t
Facey & Ewens, physicians & surgeons, 2 High street Hicks Lewis S. ironmonger &; cycle agent, 67a, High st
Facey William Edwin (firm, Facey& Ewens) B.A. &; M.B. Home of Rest for Young Women (~Iiss H. J. Sadd,
Camb., M.R. C.S.Eng. snrgeon, & medical officer & founder), 40 &; 42 Wantz road
public vaccinator All Saints' district, The Lodge Hope Hy. supt. Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd.24 Spilal I'd
Ferm George, general dealer, 166 High street Hudson James, carter & cowkeeper, Gate street
F:llby Harry, grocer, 155 High street Humphreys Andrew, blacksmith, 2I Cromwell lane
Filby William, Star P.H. & agent for Charrington, Hurrell Julia & Fanny (Misses), school, 123 High street
:Kicholls & Co. brewers, Colchester, 64 1Yant·z road International TeaCompany's Stores Lim.grocers,34liigh 8t
Finch Sam!. watch ma. &; china & glass dlr. 68 High 1St Jackson Alfred, beer retailer, Church street
Finch Ebenezer, baker, 32 North street James William, marine store dealer, Church street
Finch George, pork butcher 131, & plumber & glazier Jeffreys & Sons, clothiers, I27 High street
133, High street Joslin Joseph, basket maker, Queen street
Finch William Handley, shopkeeper, 13 North street Kelsey William Freer, draper, 30 High street
Firmin William, butcher, 5 High street Kerridge John, jobmaste7", 154 High street
Fitch Edward A. farmer, Brickhouse farm Ketley George, pork butcher, I Silver street
Fitch George, beer retailer, 178 \Yantz road Ketley Herbert, pork butcher, 29 Market hill
Fitch George, coach builder, Mill road Keywood Horace G., C.E. engineer, surveyor, & sanitary
Foreman George, gasfitter, 21 Spital road inspector to Rural District Council, Public Hall chmbrs
Fortescue Henry James Francis, manager of London & Kirby Henry William, engineer, steam contractor, plough.
County Bank, High street ing, digging, cultivating, harrowing, mole draining &
Foster Abraham, greyhound trainer, Wantz road threshing, 32 Spital road
Freeman George, shopkeeper, 5 Silver street Lanham Harry, hair dresser, 101 High street
Freeman James Price, grocer, 130 ,\Yantz road Lanham '\Villiam, .greengrocer, II2 High street
Freeman John Crick (firm, Crick & Freeman), solicitor & Lapwood Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Market hill
commissioner for oaths, clerk to the guardians & school Leech Henry G. ironmonger, 41 High street
attendance &; assessment committees of Maldon union, Lewin Samuel, baker, 135 High street
superintendent registrar of Maldon district, registrar of Lewin 1Villiam, boot maker, 5 Fambridge road
county court, & clerk to the burial board, to t.he Library & Reading Room (DI'. Plume's) (Rev. Alfd. HaJph
borough justices So:; to the :Maldon Rural Districb ConucH, 1Vilson M.A. librarian)
I & 3 Gate street Lloyd Thomas, market gardener, 34 Spital roa,d
Freeman Alfred William, solicitor, see Crick & Freeman London &; County Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Henry
Fr.mch Eernard, watch maker, 23 High street James Francis Fortescue, manager), High street;
French Oxley Arthur, fishmonger & game dlr. 33 High st draw on head office, 21 Lombard street, London E C
Frost Frederick, shoeing & blacksmith, Fambridge road Lowe Sam!. beer retlr. & refreshment rooms, 92 High 8t
Lucking Alfred, farmer &; cattle dealer, 100 High street Railway Bell Hotel (Ernest A. Basham, propr.), Station rei
Maldon A~sociation for the Prosecution of Felons (Edwin Railway Receiving Office (Thos.Hayes, agt.), rr ~Iarket hill
May, sec.), 75 High street Rayne John. photographer, 8 Market hill
Maldon Barge Insurance Co. Limited (James Rogers, Rivers John, corn dealer, 20 Queen street
sec.); office, 6 High street Rogers James, auctioneer, valuer, house &; estate agent,.
Maldon (Borough) Fire Brigade (F. G. Pratt, capt.), 'assistant overseer &; poor's rate collector for All Sainh
London road district & collecto"!' of land &; income ta~ Fambridge
Maldon Christian Association (C. E. Davey & Thomas district, & sec. MaIdon Barge Insurance Co. Lim.&
Thorn, hon. secs.), Congregational lecture hall clerk to ~raldon & District Technical Education Com-
Maldon Coffee House Co. Limited (Alfred G. Sadd, sec. ; mittee, 6 High street
Charles Widocks, manager), 4 Market hill Rowley James, draper, IOO Fambridge road
Maldon Cricket Club (A. Hawkes, hon. sec) Rudrum Mary (.~Iiss), dress maker, 36 Market hill
Maldon Orystal Salt Manufacturing Co. (T. E. Bland, Rutt, Gutteridge &; 00. Limited, corn, seed, coal, lime &.
manager), Crown lane cement merchants, Fullbridge
Maldon Expre3s (Richd. Poole, pub.; pub. sat.), High st Rutter George, wheelwright, Fullbridge
Maldon Gas Light Co. Limited (Hy. Olarke, sec.; Arthur St. Giles' Christian Mission Home (W. Wheatley, supt.;
L. 'Clarke, manager); works, 141 High street Mrs. ~r. Lance, matron), I "Yantz avenue
Maldon Golf Club (E. E. Bentall esq. hon. sec) Sadd John & Sons Limited. english & foreign tim-
:.\1aldon Hand Laundry 00. high class family laundry & ber merchants, slate, tile, cement &; drain pipe mer-
dvers &; cleaners, Cromwell lane chants, ship ownerfl, wharfingers, &; steam saw mills~

Maldon &; Heybridge Co-operative Society Ltd. (William adjoining the Great Eastern railway; importers of
Cabbold, sec.; Alfred Wade, manager), 13, IS &; 17 foreign timber. See advertisement
Market hill Sadler Joseph, sail maker &; ship chandler, The Hythe
MaIdon & Heybridge Cottage Nursing AssooiatioIl (Miss Sains Emmanuel, dairyman, The Hythe
S. J. Perry, nurse), 3 Queen street Samms John "Yilliam, grocer, 9 High street
Maldon &; Heybridge Reform Club (F. C. Perry, sec.), 21 Sansom Henry John, manager of Messrs. Barclay &; Co.
Silver street Limited, bankers, High street
Maldon Horticultnral &; Floral Society (Leonard Bentall, Saunders Harry George, pa:.nter & decorator, 12 Cross rd
president; C. Keen, sec) Saunders Leonard Rt. sewing machine agent, 84 Hiah &t
~faldon Iron Works Co.Ltd. agricultural implement manu- Savill Henry G. carpenter, 42 North street '"
facturers, engineers, van, cart &; wagon builders, iron Scott William, Queen Victoria P.H. 86 Spital road
&; brass founders &C. Full'bridge. See advert SearIes James, fruiterer &; seedsman, 40 Market hill
Maldon Lawn Tennis Club (A. 1V. Freeman, hon. sec) Seex G. &; E. hurdle makers, contractors &; furniture re--
Maldon PermaneI1lt Benefit Building Society (S. C. Spur- movers, hay, straw & chaff merchants; builders' sand &;
geon, sec.; Crick <I(; Freeman, solicitors), 29 High street ballast, 3 Fullbridge
Maldon Public Hall Go. Limited (F. W. Poole, sec) Shanks 1YilFam, beer retailer, Causeway
Maldon Rowing Club (H. D. Mortimer, hon. sec) Shipsto~e Margaret (.}Iiss), fancy repository, see Stevens-
Maldon Water Works (T. R. Swales, engineer); ofllce, &; Shlpstone
20 London road Shipwrocked Fishermen &; Mariners' Royal Benevolem
Mann Ernest W. baker, 55 'Wantz road Society (Miss Digby, hon. sec.), Spital road
Mansfield 'William, shopkeeper, 58 'Wantz road Smee Elizabeth F. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 78 Mill road
Markham WaIter, shopkeeper, 102 "\Yantz road Smith David, carpenter, 2 Beeleigh road
Markham William S. Borough Arms P.H. &; aerated water Smith Fredk. Luckin, grocer, 40 High st. & 49 Market hI'
manufacturer, 129 Wantz road Smith Jonas, builder, 4 Tenterfield road
Marsh William &; Son, wheelwrights, Mill road Sofie John Robert, clerk of the peace for the borough,
Marsh Henry, apartments, 46 Fambridge road 5 London road
Masonio Lodges (1,024 St. Peter) (E. Gowers, sec.), South William Henry, Duke of Wellington P.H. &; car-
Masonic hall; (1,977 Blackwater) (G. A. Eustace, sec.), ter, 19 London road
Blue Boar hotel & (Plume Chapter 1,024) (F. G. Green, Sparrow, Tufnell &; Co. bankers, now amalgamated witl!'
sec.), Masonic hall Barclay &; Co. Limited
Matthams WaIter J. baker, 80 High street Spells "Villiam, boot maker, 21 Wantz road
.May Edwin, insurance agent &; agent for Es!!ex & Suffolk Springett George (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Hill side
Equitable Fire Insurance Society, 75 High street Spurden John, Dolphin inn P.B. 102 High street
M:aynard William, coal merchant, 77 Wantz road Spurgeon & Son, auctioneers, valuers &; house agents, 29'
Mead &; Son, coal merchants, 4 Wantz road High street; also at Tollesbury
Mead Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 33 Gate street Spurgeon Samuel Charles, accountant & collector to wateT
Medway Brothers, clothiers, 2 Mar~et hill department of Borough Council, collector of poor's rate
Moore Frederick Seymour, tobacconist, 10 High street for St. Peter's district, &; borough Tates, registrar of
MouU Thomas Edward, fancy repository, 90 High street marriages & collect·or of land &; income tax, 29 High st
NoTton Frank John P. White Hart hotel; good accommo- Stammers Harry, builder, contractor & undertaker; job-
dation for cyclists, 3 Fullbridge bing work a speciality, 106 Wantz road
Oliver Brothers, ale storos, H'.gh street (David James Stamp Office (Richard Poole, sub-distributor), 37 High si;
Wright, agent; res. Wintersleet cottage, London road) Stead &; Simpson Lim. boot makers, 42 High street
Orttewell &; Son Lim. wholesale &; retail ironmongers, Stebbing Ed.gar John, ca.tUe dealer,s Spital road
plumbers, bellhangers, gasfitters, whitesmiths, stove & Stevens &; Shipstone, fancy repository, I I High street
range makers, oil merchants, drain pipe &; flower pot Stevens Arthur, farmer, Spital road
merchants & agricultural implement agents & dealers, Stick James, White Horse P.H. 24 & 26 High street
35 High street; & at Witham Stratford John, boot &; shoe maker, 121 High street
Parke Arthur, painter, 5 Church street Stratford SamL Fergusson, plumber & glazier, 20 Higli st
Parsons Frank, clothier, 124 High .street Strutt William James, hay &; straw merchant &; barge
Paul Frprlerick C. shopkeeper, 34 Wantz road owner, 2 Mill road
Paul William, agent for the Atlas Insurance Co. 52 ~rill I'd Subscription Reading' Room (Rchd. Poole, propr.),High sll
Payne J oseph, coach builder, 2 Spital road Sutton & Basham, shopkeepers, 173 High street .
Pechey Thomas Pollard, family &; d'.spensing chemist & Sutton &; Co. carriers {William Randall Blowers, agent~
dentist. 54 Hig-h street; 35 High street
Planner Henry, grocer, 47 High street Swales Thomas Russell C.E. borough engineer & surveJ'or
Poole Richard, bookseller. stationer, printer & sub- & sanitary inspector, 20 London road
distributor of stamps, High street Taylor John, pork butcher, 83 High street
Pooley John, chimney sweeper, gMill road Taylor John H. King-'s Head family &; commercial hote1l
Potter Sarah (Miss), boot &; shoe maker, 44 High street & postin~ house, High street
Powell Frederick, draper, 17 &; 19 High street Temperance Hall (Alfred G. Sadd, sec.), 4 ~Iarket hill
Pratt Frederick, plumber, 72 High street Tew Brothers, bakers, 1&;3 High street
Pratt Georg-e. shopkeeper. 22 North street rhompson Samuel, hay &; straw salesman, see Hawes Lt
Price Henry James F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, ThompsDn
see Tomlinson & Price Tibbatts Arthur Edward, Swan P.H. 73 High street
Proil' Louis, picture frame maker, 137 HiO'h street Timperley Charles R. master of workhouse, Spital road
Public Hall (F. W. Poole, sec.), High stre:t Tomlinson &; Price, surgeons, 24 High street
Pulford Charles Henry, florist, 5 Queen street Tomlinson Thomas (Tomlinson &; Pr:.ce) M.R.C.S.Eng.
Pyman George, florist; bouquets &; wreaths supplied on surgeon & medical officer &; public vaccinator for St.
the shortest notice, 25 High street Mary's district &; surgeon to the Workhouse, 24 High st
Radley George, cooper, q6 High street rown Hall (John Coult, keeper), High s~reet

Tunmer & Son, cabinet makers, r9 Market li.n Warwicker William George, saddler & harness maker, 33
Turner Alfred Robert, Ship & AnchorP.H. roB8 High street Market hill
Turner Francis, baker & confectioner, 87 High street Wash James, shopkeeper, I Church street
Turner Richard S. assistant overseer for St. Mary & col- Waterman John A. inspector of oounty police for thr
lector of general district rates for St. Mary & All Saints, borough, & inspector under the Contagious Diseases
12 Market hill (Animals) Act, 'Town hall
Turner Thomas J. clothier, 66 High street White &; Co. grocers, 30a, High ,street
Tydeman Stephen, plumber, 22 London Toad . White William Henry, deputy supt. registrar of births &
Tyrrell William, boot maker, 74 High street deaths &; marriages, 1'4 Wellington road
Volta Lewis, confectioner; ice drinks a speciality, 31 Wilding- Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 35 Market hill
High street Wilding Thomas, carpenter, 35 Market hill
V<llunteer Battalion, 2nd Essex Regiment (G Company) Williams Edward, shopkeeper, I Mill ro,ad
(Capt. J. L. Lawrie; William Conway, sergt.-instruc- Wood John, Ship inn P.H. 37 Market hill
tor); headquarters, Drill hall, High street Woodward Arthur, boat builder, see Cook & Woodward
Wade Georg-e, butcher, 39 High street Woodyard Robert John, builder, 21 Mill road
Wakefield Eliza Matild.a (Mis,s), draper, 44 Marke.t hill Wrake George Lee, White Lion P.H. 46 Market hill
WaIters Mary (Mrs.), china dealer, II9 High street Wright David James, farmer, dairyman & brewers' agent,
Wantz BreweryCo.Lim.brewers & wine mers.137 1Viantz I'd Wintersteet cottage, London road
Ward Henry, baker, 179 High street Wrig-ht Edwin James, cycle agent, 7 & 9 Market hill
Ward Joseph, farmer, Beeleigh grange Thomas, painter & glazier, 36a, Market hiil
Ward WaIter Steed, painter & glazier, 186 Wantz road Young Elijah, Chequers P.H. High street

MANNINGTREE is a small town and parish, on the roughly restored in 1901, under the direction of Geoffrey
southern bank of the navigable river Stour, 59! miles Luc3s esq. A.R.I.B.A. of London. The register of
from London, 10 south from Ipswich, 10! from Had- burials dates from 1695; baptisms and marriages, 1696.
leigh, 12 west from Harwich, 8i north-east from Col- The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £170, in the
chester, 30! from Chelmsford and 30! from Bury, in the gift of the rector of Mistley, and -held since 1899 by the
North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, Rev. Edwin Archibald Ley. The vicarage house was
petty sessional division and union, Colchester county restored in 1877 at a cost of £710, and has heen further
court district, rural deanery of Ardleigh, archdeaconry of improved and added to at a cost of over £500. There are
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The Great Eastern Congregational and Wesleyan chapels. In the year IB13
railway has stations, each about half-a-mile from the the sum of £27 IOS. 9d. in the then £4 per Cents. was
town, at Manningtree (which is in Lawford parish) on purchased by subscription among the in'habitants and
the main line and at Mistley, the latter on the Harwich vested in trustees, the dividends arising from which were
branch. The town includes the parish of Manningtree to be paid to the clergyman of Manningtree on Easter
and parts of the parishes of Mistley and Lawford. (The Monday in every year for a sermon to be by him preached
names of persons residing in such portions of those aner evening service on the Good Friday pl'eceding- the
parishes as form part of the town will be found undel same; this amount now stands in the 21 pel' Cents. in the
Manningtree and the remaining names under their re- names of fcmr trustees. The Public Hall, a building of
spective parishes.) The town is lighted with gas, and stone, built for the purposes of a corn exchange in 1865
water is supplied from springs rising ill the hills a little at a cost of £1,600, and purchased in 1889 hy a private
above the town. In 1890 the Tendring Hundred Water company, is now used for public meetings and entertain-
laid down pipes from an artesian well at lIfistley, ments, and will hold 450 persons. The reading Toom was
one mile distant. The church or chapel, attributed to built in 1849; there is one bank, that of Messrs. narclay
St. Michael, and erected in 1616, is an edifice of brick and Co. Lim. in High street. An importanb t.rade is
chiefly of late Perpendicular character, consisting of nave carried on in corn, malb and timber, and there are very
and a small wooden bellcot containing one bell: a monu- extensive malting establishments in the town and adjoin-
ment was placed in the chapel by the inhabit- ing paTish of Mistley. The Mistley I,odge of FI'eemflsons
ants in 1748 in memory of the pious Thomas (No. 2339) holds monthly meetings at tIle White Hart
Osmon-d, who suffered martyrdom in the town in 1515, hotel on the first 'l'bnrsday nearest full moon; er. '.1'.
and there is also a memorial to Thomas Tusser, 158o: 'raylor, sec. The trustees of the late Thomas GloveI'
the organ wa,s erected in 1857 and the altar-piece, a la,rge Kensit esq. are lords of the manor of MistIey-cum-Man-
oil painting, representing Our Saviour, was the gift of ningtree. 'l'he area is 22 acres of land, 2 of tidal water
Edward Daniel Alston esq. in 1823; the communion plate and 7 of foreslhore; rateable value, £3,139; the popula-
was given in 1633 by William Laud, then Bishop of tion in 1901 was 872.
London and afterwards Archbishop of Cantel'bury: the
ohurch was enlarged in 1839, repaired in 1874, and tho- Parish Clerk, J. W. Downing.


Post, M. O. &- T. 0., T. IvI. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, Medical Officer to the 3rd & 4th District of Tendring
Parcel Post, Annuity & Insurance Office & Inland Re- Union, William Whittington Baxter L.R.C.P.Edin.,
venue Stamp Business, High st. Augustus Fredk. Pot- M.R.C.S.Eng. High street
ter, postmaster. Letters arrive fl'om LOlldon & all
parts at 4.20 & 7 a.m. & 11.20, 4,4,4° p.m. & 11 p.II!.; PLACI~S OF WORSHIP, -with times of services.
dispatched at 10.10 a.m. & I.IO, 3.35 & all part.s lO.4S St. Michael's Church, Rev. Edwin ArchilJald I.ey, "ieul';
p.m. Letters ,can be posted to within five minutes of 8 & III a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; week day services on
the dispatch of the day & night mails (with extra half- church festivals
penny stamp till 10.25); to Ipswich & Harwich at LIS ConO"regational, South street; 10.3 Q a.m. & 6.30 p.ll!. ;
p.~. Letters are delivered at 6,45 &; 7·45 a.m.; se~ond tl"~s. 7.15 p.m
dehveryat II·40 a.m. &; 5.15 p.m. Post olTIce s~vlllgs,Wesleyan, South hill, Rev. Samuel J. JOIlllSOI1 (11'110 re-
bank open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Postal orders ISSUed sides at Mistley); 10.30 a.m. & 6,3° p.m.; wed. 7.30
from 7 a.m. to 9 p.ln p.m
Wall Letter Box, StaUc}ll, cleared at ro·35 a.m. &; 7.45 SCHOOLS.
p.m.; sundays, 10.30 a.m
National, Manningtree & Mistley, built in 18I4, for 170
PUBLIC ES'l'ABLIISHMEN'l'S. chi'ldren; average attendance, 174; Geol'ge 'l'llllllla~
Fire Engine Station, Market cross, Captain N. Parsons 'l'aylol', master; Miss Nora HOl'lock, misLl'css
Public Hall, High street, H. Parsons, sec Wesley'an, Mistley (mixed), built in 1854, & enlarged in
Masonic Lodge (Mistley, No. 2339), held at the White 1892, for 190 children; average attendance, 2°4; ./ ~pll.
Hart hotel, on t,hursday nearest the full moon; G. '1'. Stone, master f Mrs. Stone, mistress
Taylor, sec
Assistant Overseer, Samuel Newman Parsons, South lit Railway ,Station, Alfred Stewaru, station master
Clerk to the Magistrates for the Hundred of Tendring, Omnibuses from White Hart & Crown hotels, High street,
Henry William .Tones, High street meet all trains
Medical Officer. Ardleigh & Great Bromley & Wix Dis- CAR,RIERS TO:-
tricts, Tendring Union & Medical Attendant Essex Branch Oolchester~Allen Large, wed. & sat
Lunatic Asylum, Mistley, JoseEh Singer Jameson M.D. Ipswich-AlIen Large, every tues. & fd
High street . Thorpe-Ie-Soken John Dumerton, 'Packet,' wed
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Downing In. Walker, tinplate worker, Mistley & Manningtree Boating O:ub
.A.lston Alfred Ernest, High street High street (S. N. Parsons, sec)
B!:xter William "VVhittington, High st Earthy Thomas, furniture dealer &, National TelepbouB Call Oilice (.To~epll
Bendall Lewis Harvey, The Gables, bill poster, South street Toates), South street
CoJchester road Edward,s Benjamin Rupert, balu'!', Nightingale JonatbaJlJ Robert, bee~' Tl'-
Bendall Misses, Hill ho. Colchester rd Brook street tailer, Sta,Dion road
Bendall Offwood, Colchester road Fellgett William John, cyde agent, Norman William Ernest Albert,IGng's
Bullimer Mrs. South hill Market cross,; &; at East Bergbolt Head ,P.H. &; wheelwright, High st
Butler George Wmiam, South I,ill Fincb Emma (Miss), shpkpr. Brook st Notley Arthur Edwd. baker, High st
13ut.ler Joseph Richard, South hill Forsdick Isaac Strutt, baker, High st Page EUen (Miss), apartments, High st
Capon vVilliam Ernest, South street Free, Rodwell &; Co. Lim. maltsters Parsons & Son, builders, plumbers &;
Dent Frederick, South street & coal merchants; &; at Mistley &; glaziers & general contractors,South
English Miss, High street Thorpe-Ie-Soken street &; Oxford street
Goody Charles, South str-eet Frost Emily (Mrs.), beer ret. High st Parsons Henry, mineral, soUa \lat·er &.
Jackson Norman William, High sb'cct Gammer Emma & Charlotte (Misses), le.Inonade manufacture,r, High st
Jameson Joseph Singer M.D. High st dress makers, Quay Pa.rsoThS SaxnUlel Newm,an, fc\,ssistant
J'OOmson Rev. Samuel ('Vesleyan) Go,s' Works (John W. Brool;;:e, sec.; overseer, South stree.t
Lee Frederick Petrie NichoIas, High st Julian Frederick Sissen, manager), Parsons vValter F. linen draper,High st
Ley Rev. Edwin Archi,bald, Vicarage Oxford road Pittock Joseph, wateTman, High s&
Long Miss, South st;re,et Gibling Elizh. (Mrs.), baker, South st Pittock Thomas, fishmonger, South st
Mason George E. High street Golding Chas. James, butcher, High st Plummer Chas. blacksmith, Station I'd
Mustard Charles, High street Goody Charles, ale & porter merchant, Poole & Edwards, butchers, High st
Nicholas Mrs. South street South street Poole Henry, grocer &; draper, High st
Rist MTSJ. Brantham house GowenHannah(Mrs.), shoe ma.South st Porter Charles, chimney sweepr. Quay
Richards William Hy. Phelps, South st Hammond Mary .Ann (Mrs.), dress Potter Augustus Frederick, postmas-
Smith Miss, Church house, High st maker, High street ter, High street
TayIor Mrs. vVesleyhonse, South hill Hammond Samuel, boot ma. High st Public Hall (Henry Parsons, sec.),
Whiting Rev. Jame,s Glaude (Wes- HoH'and lsaac &; Son, whitesmiths, High street
leyan), Hig'h ,street Y'ork s>1:Jreet Sadler Jas. compressed leather manu-
Ives Henry bootmaker, High stre,et facturer, Station road
COMMERCIAL. J ackson Nmman WilliaJIL, sec. to Ten- Sage J ames, beer retailer, South street
Ell1I'ly closing day, Thursday. dring Hundred Water 'Works Co. Sargean~ Samuel, shopkpr. South hill
Abbiss George, Crown LP.H. High st High street Seager Geo. SI. hair dresser, High st
.A.1ston &; Sons, brewers, maltsters & Jameson Joseph Singer M.D., M.B., Sleep&Sleep,leather dressrs. Station rd
wine & spirit merchants, High street B.Ch. surgeon & medical officer &. SpoQlller Harry, grocer, High street &
Barc1ay &; Company Limited, bankers public vaccinator for Ardleigh, Wix dining rooms, South street
(branch) (George E. Mason, mana- &; Great Bromley districts, &; certi. Steward Alfred, station master
ger); draw on head office, 54 Lom- fying surgeon under the Factory Act, Stour (The) Mineral Water Manufac-
bard street, London E e medical attendant to the Essex tory (Henry Pa,rsons, proprietor),
Baxter William Whittington L.R.C.P. Lunatic Asylum, Brunswick house, High street
Edin., M.R.e.S. Eng. surgeon &; High street, Mistley Studd El1en Delelah (Mrs.), confec-
vaccination officer & medical officer, .fones & Le-e, solicitors, High sh'ee't boner, South street
3rd &, 4th districts, Tendring union, Jones Henry William (firm, Jone.s &, Synnot William Georg-e, solicitor;
High street Lee), wlicitor &, commissioner &; High ,st. &; 256 St. John's, Ipswich
Bendall Offwood &, Son, agricultural clerk to the magistrates for the Taylol' &; Butler, timber &; slate mer-
implement make,l\~,engineers&; iron- Hundred of Tendring, High street chants, steam sawin~ & planing
founde'rs, Lawford iron works Joyce Hy. John, draper, High st mills &; Baltic wharf, MistIey
Binde,t't, :Mary (IMrs.), dressiIllu.High st Killick Albert, carter, South hill Taylor Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker,
Blolom Edwd. Perry,saddler,Station I'd King Benjarnin, grocer &; provision South street
Brooks \V. &; Sons, corn & coal mer- dealer, & agent for VV. & A. Gilbey Tendring Hundred Water Works Co.
chants &c.; & at Mistley &, Colchstr Limited, wine &; spirit merchants, (No:mnan \Vm.Jackson,sec.),High st
Cah'er Charles, beer retailer, South st High street Tendring Hundred Provident Benefit
Cant Edmund', plumber .& painter, Lamb Charles Henry, registered Sickness Sooie,ty (J. 'W. Brooke,
Station road smith, bicycle agent &, repairer &; sec.), High street
Cant Mary (Miss), shopkpr. High st machinist, & coach builder, High st Tice .Arth. Barker, newsagent, High st
Capon &; Son, build1ers, Brook street Lee Frederick Pet,rie Nicllolas, solictor Tompson Chas. Hardy, slctr. High st
Capon Francis B. auctioneer, Brook st (firm, Jones &; Lee), .Hig-hstree,t Twe,ed John, baker, South hill
Cook Jame.s, beer retailer, South st Long John William, btohr. South st VinceiIllt Geo. beer retailer &, black-
Crisp WaIter Hugh, baker, Station rd Long Sarah Elizabeth (J\liss), shop- smith, Brook stree,t
Culling Wm. White Hart hotel,High st keeper, Regent street Wagstaff Philip, cooJ. mer. Brook st
Curtis Frank James Basil, Packet P.H. Manningtree &; Mistley Reading Rooms Ward: WaIt. ,shopke'eper, South !hill
High Sitreet (G. T. Taylor, sec.), South street Watts M. A. &; E. (Misses), stationers,
Daniell & Sons' Breweries Lim. (CoI- Mason George E. manager of Barclay High street
chester), South hill &; Company's Limited Bank, High st White Susannah (Mrs.), tobacconist,
Den'niss Fredk. E. tailor, High st Masonic Lodge C~1istley, No. 2,339) South street
Dent ~mma E. (Mrs.), saddler, High st (G. T. Taylor, sec.), White Hart ht! Winter In.Billingsley,chemist, High st
Dowmng Arthur, watch &, clock Mellld Harry, draper, High ,str,eet Wooldbine Samuel, Red Lion ,p.H.
maker, High street Meadows Sarah (Mrs.), fruitr.South st South street


LITTLEILFORD is an ancient and populous parish place of the ancestors of Sir Edward Bulse bart. of
on the west of the river Roding, now fo'l' civil purposes Breamore House, Salis bury: there is a brass to Thomas.
absorbed into the modern distr'ict of Manor Park, 6~ son and heir of Sir John Heron, private secretary to
miles from London, 5~ west from Romford, with the Henry VIII. who died at Alderbroke, in 1517, with an
Manor Park station on the Great Eastern railway (Col- effigy representing him as a schoolboy of 14, with So
-chester line), is in the Southern division of the COUlIty, penner and ink horn at his girdle; a second brass com-
Becontree half hundred and petty sessional division, West, memorates Anne, only daughter of Barnard Hyde esq.
Ham union, Bow county court district, ru I'al deanery of of London, ob. 1630, ret. 18, and her brother 'Villiam,
.soutb. Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. ob. 1614, with six English verses: on the north wall of
Albans, and within the jurisdiction of t.he Cent1'a1 the chancel is a stone monument with many kneeling
'Criminal Court and Metropolitan police, and in East Ham figures in high relief, of the time of James I.; there
Urban District. Little Ilford parish church of the Virgin are also tablets of members of the Fry family, formerly
Mary is a small and ancient building, ol'iginally in re'lidents here, so· well-lmown for their philanthropy; the
the Early Norman style, of which, however, but few church will seat 130 persons. The register dates from
traces, consisting chiefly of two very narrow lights deeply the year 1539. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
splayed, now remam: the church consists of chancel, £350, with 7 acres of glebe and residence, in tbe gift of
nave of two bays, north chapel, sonth porch and a tur- the Right Hon. Sir Francis Henry Jeune G.C.B., P.C.
ret containing one bell: the north chapel is the burial and others, and held since 1894 by the Rev. Percy 'Mathe.
son Bayne M.A. of Hert·ford College, Oxford. '!'homus PLACES OF WOlll.SHIP, with times of services.
Newton, poet and physician, was rector here, 1583-16°7. St. Mary the Virgin Ohurch (Little IlfoI'd), Church road.
The church of St. Michael and All Angels, in t.htl Manor Manor Park, Rev. Percy Matheson Bayne M.A. redor;:
Park district, a chapel of ease to St. Mary t.he Virgin, is ,Rev. Arthur Charles Jefferies M.A. curate; 8 & 11
on the Romford road, and was erected ill 1897.8, at u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; wed. & fri. I I a.m
cost of nearly £5,000, and consecrat.ed hy the Lord St. Michael & All Angels Church (chapel of ease to St.
Bishop of St. Albans, March 19th, 1898; it. is an ediliee Mary the Virgin), Romford road, Manor Park; Rev.
in a modern Perpendicula,r style, from designs by Mr. Percy Matheson Bayne M.A.; 8 (h. c.) & I I a.m. & 7i
Charles Spooner, architect, of Queen Anne's gate, West- p.m.; childron's service, last sun. in month, 3.1:5
minster, and will seat about 500 persons. St,. nal'llabas, p.m.; wed. & fri. 12 noon; daily, 5.15 p.lll. excep.r.
Manor Park, is an ecclesiastical l)arish furmed out of wed. ·8 p.m.; h. c. 3rd sun. in month, 11.55 a.m.;:
Little Ilford by Order in Council elated :March, 19°1; holy days & thurs. 7 a.m
the .church, at present incomplete, consists of chance! St. Barnabas, Rev. Sidney Pittman .Assoc. K. C.L. VlCar •
with north chapel, in the l~al'1y I~nglish stylH, fmm a & 11 a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; dailr, 4.30 p.lll.; sall) . t 8•
designs by ~Iessrs. Buclmall and Compel', architects, lllJilt da.ys, h. c. 7 a. m
of red brick with stone facings, at a cost of £2,700, and St. Sav10ur's Reformed Episcopal Church, Cdrlyle road,
u temporary nave of iron which formed the previous mis- Rev. Samuel Clift Burn; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tllUl'S.
sion church; the church was consecrated hy the Bishop 7 p.m
of Colchester in Nov. 1900, and will seat aIJout 500 per- East Ham & Manor Park Jewish Synagogue, Carlyle road
sons. The register dates from the year 1901. The Little Ilford naptist Tabernacle, Little Ilfol'd lane, Manor
living is a vicarage, yearly value £30, in the gift, of tlw Park, Rev. John James Nelson; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Bishop of SI.. Albans, and held since 190[ by the Hev. thurs. 8 p.m
Sidney Pittman ~'\.ssoc.K.C.L. The Congregat,ionul Baptist, High street nor·th, Manor Park, Rev. Charles;
church, in Greenbill grove, was l'eplaced in 1e90 hy a Pnmmell; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m
new dhurch in Coleridge avenue, Manor Pad,; aIlot.her Little Ilfol'd Congregational, Coleridge avenue, Manor
Congregational church has also been llllilt in \V hit,e Park, Rev. Alfred George Prichurd; 11 a.m. & 6.3'0
Post lane. There is a Free Methodist chapel in HerberL p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m .
road, a Primitive Methodist chapel in Romford road, and Manor Park Congregational, Manor Park road, Rev. J.
a Wesleyan chapel in Romford road. Tlwl'e are also Gilchrist· Murray; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; mono & thUTS.
Baptist chapels in White Post lane and Little lIford lane. 8 p.m
The City of London Cemetery occupies 168 aCI'es, [tIld Primitive Methodist, Romford road, Manor Park (UptOII
contains two chapels. At Uphall Farm, south of the Park Circuit), Rev. R.ichard S. Blair; I I a.m. & 6.3 0
parish, arre the remains of earthworlis covering an area o,i p.m. ; thurs. 8 p. m
some 40 acres. The charities, amounting to ahout United Methodist Free Church, Romford road, Manor
£27 10S. a: yea;r and: distributed in money, are d·erived Park (Fifth London Circuit), Rev. Thomas Snndel:Iand;:
from Consols left by :Mr. Hayes in the last century. The I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
area is 766 acres of land, 2 of water, 3 of tidal water and 2 Wesleyan Methodist, Homford road, Manor Park (Strat-
of fores1hore; rateable value, £30,954; the population in ford Circuit), Rev. Archibald Lauder; 11 a.m. & 6,30
1881 was 993, in 1891 was 3,969, but is now (1898) esti- p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
mated at about 12,000, but now still greater. Salvation Army Mission Hall, Greenhill grov<1, Manor PT,
Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. O. Express Delivery, Parcel
Post, IS. B. & Annuitv & Insurance Office, Romford SCHOOLS.
• •
road, corne'r of Manor Park road. Letters arrIve 7.30
& 11 a.m. & 1.45, 7 & 9 p.m.; dispatched, 9.25 a.m. Manor Park & Little Ilford are included in the East Ham
& 12.25, 3.25, 5, 7, 9 & 11.30 p.m School Board District since 1900
Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance omce, Board, Romford road, built in 1891, for 290 boys, 290
Church I'd. Manor Park.-J. Rudkin, sub-postmaster girls & 310 infants; Alfred Bower, master; S. Mother-
Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Oflice, way, mistress; Mrs. Drix, infants' mistress
7'26 'Romford road, corner of Third avenue, I,ittle Board, Fourth avenue, Little Ilford, built in 1893, for
Dford. Charles Chambers, sub-postmaster. Letters 300 boys, 300 girls & 300 infants; average attendance.
dispatched at 9.5 a.m. & 12.15, 3, 7 & 8.45 p.m 340 boys, 320 giI'ls & 340 infants; Edwin Hodgson,
Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity •
& Insurance Omce, master; Miss C. Kerridge, mistress; ~Iiss :Franklin•
930 Romford ro·ad, Manor Park.-'''7illiam Joseph Batey, infants' mistress
sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 9.15 a.m. 12 Board, Kensington avenue, for 516 boys, 516 girls & 54}
noon, 3.5, 4·35, 7, 8,40 & II·5 p.m. exc?pt sat.; sun- infants; average a.ttendanee, boys, girls &;,
day, II p. m infants; - Leach, master; Miss Ketcher, mis-
Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Orrice, tress; Miss Roe, infants' mistress
952 Romford road, Manor Park.-Mrs. Susannah Whyte, Board, Essex road, opened Sept. I, r898, ior 500 boys.
sub-postmistress 500 girls & 582 infants; George Pottinger, master;
Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insnrance Office, Mrs. Emma "'heeldon, mistress; Mrs. Richardson,
410 High street north, Manor Park.-H. Gowers, sub- infants' mistress
postmaster. Letters dispatched at 9 a.m. & 12.5, 3.10, Board, Bessborough road, ior 540 boys, 540 girls & 629
4.4°, 7, 8·45 & 11.10 p.m infants; J. Gribble, master; Miss Griffen, mistress;
Mrs. Davis, inhnts' mistress
PuBLIC ESTAHUSHMENTiS. St-. Nicholas Industrial (Catholic), Gladding road, Manor
City of London Cemetery, Montague Bates, clerk; Alfred Park, was erected in 1868, for 250 boys, who are taught
Bell, superintendent; Mrs. Wood, registrar; Rev. W. various useful handicrafts; tlbe school was certified
Weaver & Rev. James Nicholson Nicholson M.A. of March 26th, 1~68: dn the grounds is a chapel, the
170 Osborne road, Forest Gate, Episcopal chaplains; services of which are open to the public; Rev. PatricIi
Rev. George Firvh, Nonconfonnist ministClr Palmer, chaplain; Hugh McGreehin, head master;
Jews' Cemetery, High street north, Manor ParI;;, Morris A. St. Ledger '"Vest all, supt
A. Solomon, superintendent Conveyance.-A tram line running from White Post lane
Manor Park Cemetery, Whitta road, Manor Park, Rev. J. to Forest Gate & Stratford was completed in 1887;
P. Gray & Rev. J. W. OliveI', chaplains; George S. electric trams Tun from Wan stead Flats to Ilford &
Jennings, sec. & supt Beckton every few minutes; trams run every three
Recreation Hall, Romford road, R. C. Lemon, sec minutes. A 'bus runs from White Post lane to the
Temperance Hall, High street north Manor Park Seven Kings, TIfOTd', every quarte,r of an hOUT
Volunteer Battalion 1st Essex, I Co.; L,t. R. A. Ramsey Manor Park Station, Ferguson Cathles, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burrows WaIter C. 6 1Vanstead Pk.av Gornwell Arthur, 75 Whitta road
Alexander AbralHlll1, 30 Carlyle road Cable James, 7 Albany road Cox Alfred Wm. 196 Browning road.
Alexander ::Mrs. 25 Clarence road Card William, 69(,! Romford road Da.rley John Thomas, 3 Sixth avenue
Baker August" 160 Durham road Carte In.H. Knighton, Aldersbrook I'd Day John, 65 Whitta road
Barton William, I I St. Margaret's road Caton Mrs. roo Shelley.avenue Ducket Charles Alexand'er L.R.C.Y.
Bayne Rev. Percy Matheson M.A.L:ttle Chapman J. M. 16 Forest drive Lond. 150 Browning road
Ilford rectory, Church road Chisholm Hugh, '7 St. Margaret's road Dunk Miss, 225 Browning road
Bentley Edward, I Albany road Clayton Henry, 7'7 Second avenue Edwards Ernest, r69 Browning roan
Berry Mrs. 37 CarIton road Collier Robed James L.R.D.P.Edin. Escreet John James,IShakespeare eres
Blumel Arthur,The Ohestnuts-,Cook I'd 753 Romford road Farmer Cott.enham, 954 Romford road
Brown Rev. Herbert George A.T.S. Gollins Edward, 3'25 High st. north Fox William Thomas, 26 Clarence road
(Congregational), 175 Browning road Conner Robert Wm. 224 Browning I'd Fry Geo. Henry, 84 Shakespeare cres
Burr Robert, 2+7 Browning road Cooper Miss, 885 Romford road ,Galloway .Tn. Dobie, 97 Browning road
Garrett Thomas, 11 St. Margaret's rd Law Alexander, 24 Clarence road Shalless M. J. 2'1 Forest drive
Glinister GeorgeOharles,71 Durham rd Lever ,Ohas. Herbert, 9 Forest drive Sloan Rev. Robert Oopeland (Baptist).
Sow Thomas,s Wanstead Pk. avenue Lewis Misses, 9 Gladding road 226 Browning road
Groves Joseph, 9 'Van stead Pk. ,avenue Loveday John, 107 First avenue Smith W. I I Gladding road
Guest Mrs. 41 Essex road Lowe Mrs. 239 Browning road Sorrell George, 52 Durham road
-Gurne,tt Thos. Ohas. 10 OarIyle road ~lcWilliam William Andrew M.B. 688 Stevenette Horace, 9 Second avenue
Raines Alfred T. 2 Wanstead Pk. aven Romford road Sunderland Rev. Tbomas (United
!Hamilton Arthur, 25 'Ventworth road Markey Michael, 4 Oumberland Toad Methodist Free Church), 79 Dur-
lIamilton George Olarendon M.B. '8 Martin Hy. Charles, I I Forest drive ham road
Ohurch road Masters Mrs. 749 Romford road Thornett Albert J. '3 Cook road
lIammond Henry, 98 Rosebery avenue Met'ck Edward, 14 Forest drive Tims John Rolls, 92 Durham road
.Handcock Hubert W. 7 Wanstead Miller Geo. L.R.O.P.Lond. 12 Statn.rd Tipple William, 5 Oook road
Park avenue Mintet· Edward Everett,Rabbits lodge, Towler Wm. Thomas, 24'S Browning I'd
Barper Louis A. 16 Wanstead Pk. aven Rabbits road Tucker George, 17 Forest drive
..Rart Mrs. 5 St. Margaret's road ~'[orrison Roderick, 3'29 High st. north Tune Geo. Wyndclyffe, Aldersbrook rd
Hewson James, 3 Wanstead Park aven Oshorn Harry, 32 Oa:rlyle road OIlman Wm. Oharles, 20 Forest drive
J:l.::Jse Richd.Adolphus, 803 Momford rd Otto Martin, 9.8 Durham road Upsdale Wm. G. 26 Wanstead Pk. av
.Howitt In. Fitzwilliam, 778 Romfd.rd Parker John Archibald, 7 Forest drive Waghorn Edward, 8 Wanstead Pk. av
Hudson Mrs. 249 Browning road Pittman Rev. Sydney Assoc. K.O.L. "Vagner John Henry, 87 Rosebery av
:Hutton George, 15 Forest drive (vicar of St. Barna'bas), 31 Essex rd Wallace James, I Wanstead Park aven
Huxtable James, 11 lVanstead Pk. av Poulten Edwin William,187 Whitta road Wallis Preston Richd'7I Browning I'd
..Jefferies Rev. Arthur Oharles l\.LA. Powell Henry, 4 Wanstead Park aven Williams Richard, 10 Wanstead Pk. av
(curate),Lit.Ilford rectory,Ohurch rd Preece Mrs. 22 Forest drive Williamson Wm. 3 St. Margaret's road
..Jones Rev. Thomas, 66 Shelley avenue Pllllin Thomas, 8g Rosebery avenue Willmott Mrs. 32 Albany road
.Jones John Cowen, 618 Romford road Pummell Rev. Charles (Baptist), 68 Wilson Rev. John Weatherston (Oon-
Justice David, 3'31 High street north Second avenue gregational), 91 Second avenue
Keen Thomas, Ii8 Forest drive Rawlings George, S5 Durham road Wilson Andrew, 8 Forest drive
..Kerly Stphn. Frank, 64 Durbam road Robinson Henry Wm. 7'3 Durham road W oolorton Harry Havelock, 10 Forest
Knights Thomas L. 7 Oook road Russell John Hunter, 12 Forest drive drive
Langlois Frederick D. 19 Forest drive Rust Philip, 13 Forest drive

COMMERCIAL. i Dishop Marx, shopkeeper, 28 Fourth avenue
.Abbott M. H. & Co. coal merchants, Station road ! Bissett Robt. Alex. meat cloth contractor, 14 Morris aven
.A.braham MOTris, paper mer. I The 'Warren, Rabbits rd ' Blake Albert, commercial traveller, 12 Albany road
..Abrahams Davis (Mrs.), draper, 64 Fourth avenue Bloomfield Alexander, tobacconist, 46 Station road
..Adams WaIter James, greengrocer, Church road Boddy William Hy. dining rooms, }I9 persingham aven
Alexander Franci~, ftshmonger, 3'3'3 Dersingham avenue Bosworth Nathaniel, florist, 77 Third avenue
..l.lldis F. & Co. dining rooms, 7!O Romford road BouIton Alfred Robert, boot maker, 948 Romford road
.AlIen Oharles, jun. greengrocer, 49 ,Station road Bowell James, plasterer, 85 Rosebery avenue
.AlIen & Baxter, photographers, 627 Romford road Bowles Thos. Hy. mason, Gloucester rd. & 59 Third aven
.Alsford James, timber merchant, Romford road I Bowman Edward G. boot maker, Church road
..Ames \Villiam Joseph, undertaker, 727 Romford road I Bradford Oatherine Minnie (Miss), teacher of music, 14
.A.mey & 'Son, boot makers, 642 & 644 Romfo'rd road Shakespeare crescent
.A.mies & Sons, boot makers, 777 Romford road Bradford William, undertaker, 373 High street north
.A.mstel Aaron, commission agent, 44 Essex road Bradley Frederick "Villiam, bail' dresser, 834 Romford I'd
Annereau Henry, decorator, 57'8 Rornford road Bradley \Villiam, oil & color st,ores, 370 High st. nortili
Arnold Thomas, baker, 328 High street north Brady '-"lary (Mrs.), baker, 352 High street north
.Arthy Oharles, baker, 427 High street north Bratby Sergt.-Major George Henry, drill instructor 1st
J\.shton Frank Ernest, boot maker, 516 High street north Essex Volunteers, !O5 Ruskin avenue
lUikinson John, ironmonger, 676 Romfo'l'd road Breasler Adolf, hair dresser, 420 High street north
Avery John, tailor, SIr High street north Brickell J'ohn, builder, 515 High street north
.Aylett Ernest, greengrocer, 431 High street north Bridgland Edward, drape'r, 766 Romford road
.Ayton John James, cheesemonger, 624 Romford Toad Bridges Frank, decorator, 12 Browning road
Bachmayel' Arthur, hair dresser, 51 Station road & 799 Bridgwater Joseph, inspector Royal SIualI Arms Factory,
Romford road 48 Dwrham road
Bacon Hafiry, commercial traveller, 3 Durham road Brightmore Thomas, builder, 171 Browning road
Baigent Edwin John, printer, 20 Meanley road British & Colonial Meat Co. (The),bntchers,686Romford rd
Bailey W. H. schoolmaster, 27 Wentworth road Britten Harry, fruitere'!', 691 Romford road
Baldwin Arthur Obarles, draper, 355 High street north Brown Amy (Miss), dress maker, 804 Romford road
.Ballard Martha A. (Mrs.), greengrocer, 797 Romford rd Brown Oatherine (Mrs.), tobacconist" 440 High st. north
:Balls Ada Elizabeth (Mrs.), shirt & collar dresser, 20 Brown George Henry, draper, no Ohurch road
Swinburne avenue Brown Thomas, shopkeeper, 452 High street north
.Balls George, hair dresser, 918 'Romford road Broyd George, shopkeeper, I Gloucester road
Balls Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, I Station road Brugman William J. O. watch maker, 674 ltomford road
.Barber John, d'raper, 670 Romford Toad Brydone Alexander, stationer, 343 High' street north
Barber William, insurance agent, 97 Little Ilford lane Budd Annie Hartley (Mrs.), confecllnr. 758 Romford I'd
Barnes Frank Edward, corn dealer, 44'3 High s·treet north Bull Seth, cowkeeper, 3 Northlands, Forest View road
.Barnes Percy, commercial traveller, 4 Second avenue Burns \Villiam, confectioner, 17 Fourth avenue
Barnett Fanny (Mrs.), news agent, 540 High st. north BUl'rill John, builder, 41 Seventh avenue
.Barnett John, commercial traveller, 6 DuI'llam road Burrows Edmund lVm. dining rooms, 379 High st. north
Barr Peter, costumier, 34 Station road Rushell Maria (Miss), draper, 350 High street north
Barry Edward, jeweller, 10 Rixen road Bussell Stephen, ha.berdasher, 43 Herbert Toad
Basbam Charlotte (Mrs.), boot ma. 617 Romford road Butcher & Sanders, butchers, 925 'Romford road
Bass WaIter Scott, commercial traveller, 87 Durham I'd Butler Edward Alfred, coal merchant, Woodgrange Park
Batchelor James, baker, 505 High street north station, High street north
Batey Wm. Joseph, grocer, Post office, 93'1 Romford I'd Butler Florence (Miss), dress maker, 46 Manor Park I'd
Beardwell George, shopkeeper, 2 The 'Varren, Rabbits I'd Butler "'illiam, greengrocer, 652 Romford road
Beckett Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 19 Greenhill grove Buttevant 'Walter, dining rooms, 615 Romford road
Beer T. R. accountant, 17 ,Second avenue Bush Thomas, coal merchant, 15 Station road
iBenasthewitz Jacob, shopkeeper, 76 Fourth avemle Calvet' J. & Son, fruiterers, 360 High street north
Bent Arthur Charles, dining rooms, 787 Romford road Oameron F. B. & 00. coal merchants, Station Toad
'Bent John, florist, 496 High st·reet north Card Joseph William, laundry, 683 Romford road
Bertani Louis, lauudry, 423 High street north Card William, solicitor, 692 Romford road
Best Edward, pianoforte warehouse, 35 I High st. north Oarey Kate .1. (Mrs.), storekeeper, 155 Heol'bert road
Betts Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 48 Station Toad Oarloss Bidney, jun. working jeweller, 77 Herbert road
Betts Henry Albert, butcher, 932 Romford road Carrington Elkanab, builder, The Oaks, Forest drive
Bigg Charles, draper. 641 ,Romford road Carver Oharles, butcher, 6 Station road
Big-gos George T. china dealel' & confectioner, 507 .& 509 Cashman Edward Joseph, coffee room, 439 High st. nth
High street north Cater Richard, oilman, Church road
Eird Eliv.abeth (Miss), oil &c. dl'all'r. 8g8 Romford road Cnthles Fergusson, station master; re. 2 Durham road
E~SEX 19
Challis George, traveller, 34 First avenue Dl'uitt Jabez, monumental mason, Forest drive
Chambers Albert Edward, draper~ 341 Dersingham ;aven Dllbock Frederiek Schnltt, grainer, &8 Essex road
Chambers Charles, corn dealer & post, money order, Dllcket Chas. Alex. M.R.C,S.E'ng., L.R.O.P.Lond. phy-
savings bank, annuity & inst1t-ance,t>ffice,726Romfol'd rd . sician & surgeon, 150 Browning road '
Chaplin Hel'bert, builder, I Washington avenue Dllrke Hannah (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 3418 High street:
Chapmall Erllest, t1ravelleI', 72 First avenue Eade H. (Mrs.), greengrocer, 501 High street north
Cheke Richard & Co. auctioneers &c. 749 Romford road East Ham Echo (H. ·C., mango dir.), 38 St-ation ru.
Child Edmund, musical instrument dlI'. 47 Station Toad Edgar John, commercial traveller, 21' Meanley road
Chilton Thomas, tobacconist, 36 Station road Edwards Edward, boot maker, 425 High street north·
Chipperfield William, boot maker, 538 High st. north Edwards John Henry, commercial traveller, 33 Esse'x rcY.
Chivers Edward, greengrocer, 672 Romfora road Ellis WaIter, commercial traveller, 206 Browning road
Chopping & Sons, confectioners, 658 Romford Toad Ellis Willium Lawrence, insur. inspector, 62 Durham nP.
Christopber Edward, fruiterer, 333 High street north Enderby John Thomas, fishmonger, 5 Fourth avenue
Chuter Alfred Edney, bricklayer, 74 Essex Toad Essex Shop Fitting Co. 22a, Colchester 'avenue
City of Londan CemetJery (Mantague Bates, sec.; Alfred Evans Enn Oswald, china & glass dlr. 371 High st. ntll1
Bell, supt.; Mrs. Wood registrar), Alders'brook road Express Coal Co. ('I'he), 332 High street north
Claisen Theodore, accountant, 155 Browning road Fnirbnirn Brothers, boot makers, 662 Romford road &.
Cla'l'k, Smitl;t & Co. corn dealers & pruvisioIlJ merchants, 34 I High stre~t n o r t h , -
. 366 & 368 High street north . Fairfar Alfred, collector of rates to' the East Ham UrJHil~
Clark George Cooper, gl'uiner, 101 Goldsmith aveilue District Council & assistant overseer, 12 'CIa,rence rtj"
Clarke Benjamin & Co. manumental masonS,21 'Vhitta I'd Farmer Cottenham, physician & surgeon, 95'4 Romford r<I
Clarke Frank, c0mmercial traveller, 37 Essex road FarTer Albert Edwin, undertaker, 346 High street north-
Clayton H. accountant, 77 Second avenue Fallllmer John, coffee rooms, Romford road
Claydon ·Walter, greengrocer, 643 Romford road Fnulkncr William, chemist & druggist, -815 Romford Ta
Clement;; Vincent Chas. cO' & tobC'cnst'338High st.nth Fawkes Mary (Mrs,.), confectioner, 3'49 High st. north>
Clifford Thomas John, butcher, 317 Dersingham avenue Fergusson Charles, boot maker, 707 Romford road
Cloud Sarah Ann (Miss), ladies' school, 49 Meanley road Fe1Tier John, stone mason, Greenhill grove
Cocker Maud Ha'rriet (Mrs.), tobacconist & confectioner, Field Charles, boot ma. 884 Romfo,rd rd. & 37 Station IU
Ch ;Irch Toad Filby James Albert, baker,837 Romford road
Cohen Abraham, boot maker, 72 Fourth avenue & 329 Finegan Horace Miles, plumber, 56 Manor Park road
Dersingham avenue Fish William Alfred, provision merchant, 747 Romford rtf'
Oukerton Henry, greengrocer, 916 R.omford road Fisher ,;Vilkinson &; Co. estate agents, 614 Romford roa(I
Cole & Parrkes, ironlnongers, 763 ROlnford road Fisher Minnie (Mrs.), tobacconist, 956 Romford road
Cole 'Villiam, chimney sweeper, 30 Greenhill grove Fitter Herbert, meat !!Ialesman, 30 Durham road
Coleman Joseph, dining rooms, Ohurch road Flemming 'Viliiam H. greengrocer, 826 Romford road:
Oollier Robert L.R.O.P.Edin. & L.R.C.S.Edin. Fletcher Lucy (Miss), dairy, IQ7 Carlyle road
physician & surgeun, 753 Romford road Ford Herbe,rt, dining rooms, 436 High street north
Collins Thomas, nurseryman, 40 Forest drive I"orster Albert, watch & clock maker, 727a, Romford I'd'
Colton Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 720 Rornfard road FOl'ster Benjamin L. out,fitter, 702 Romford road
Cook Edgar John, butcher, 910 Romford road Fosh 1Ym. John, musical instrument dlr. 580 Romford I'd
Oook Ernest, butcher, 645 Romford road Fossey Robert, harness maker, II7 Rosebery avenue
Cook "lilliam James, coal & coke mer. 29 Fourth aven Fonntain Jos.eph, saddler, 5H High street north
Cooper A. Grace (:Miss) L.R.e.p., L.R.C.S., L.M.I. phy- Fowler Thomas William, insur. agt. 7 Goldsmith avenue
sician & sU'rgeon, 8Bs Romford road Fox Oharles H. shopkeeper, 24 Her'bert TOad Fanny (Miss),. confectioner & tobacconist, 648 Francis William, laundry, 935 Romford road
Romford road Franzmann Charles, stationer, 768 Romford road
COTney Tholuas, pastrycook, 378 High street north Free 'Villiam, school master, 2 Second avenue
Cornwall ,Tames & Co. dairy, 7401 Romford road Freedman Sampson, furniture dealer, 819 Romford roa,r
Corsham William, draper, 914 Romford road Freeman, Ha.rdy & Willis Ltd. boot stores, 789 RQmford ['0
Cosburn Samuel & Sons, mono masons, 44 Station road Freeman Thomas, coal & coke merchant, '83 Whitta ]'(r
Oosburn Frank G. monumental mason, 129 Carlyle road Friend Sidney F. ironmonger, 344 High street north
Gosburn Wm. man. mason, 6 Rabbits rd.& Forest View rd Frost Oharles M. dairy, Ohurch roai
Oourtney Arthur, oilman, Ohurch road Fr~·atL Louisa Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress ma. 23 Meanley I'd
Oovell Thomas, corn dealer, 39 Station Toad FnHel' Roland, 'stencil cntter, 100 Little Ilford lane
Cox Tom, beer retailer, 107 Greenhill g.rove Fnl'ller 1,\-'illiam, corn chandler, Church road
Cra,mphorn William A. insurance agent. 8 Carlton road Galloway John Dobie L.S.A.. surgeon, 97 Browning mad
Crichton W. R. lamp & oil dealer, 779 Romford road Ganz Max, draper, 27 Fourth avenue
Crisp Samuel, grocer & confectioner, 4Ia, Fourth avenue Gardller Samuel, commercial traveller, 49 Whitt.a roa(!
Crockford Samuel Jame,s" plasterer, I I Church road Garland Henrv Charles, provision dlr. HI High st. nth
Orook Joscph & Sons Ltd. tailors, 666 Romford road: Garnham Caleb Robert, draper, 729 Romford road
Crossley Edward William, painter, 25 Manor Park road Garwood Harry, fishmonger, 433 High street, north
Crusha D. T. grocer, 185 Romford Toad Gea I')' Herbert, mantle warehouse, 849 Romford road
Cullen William Henry, grocer & agent for W. & A. Gil- Gellett Frederick, picture frame maker, 598 Romford rd
. hey Lim. wine. & 'spirit merchants, 713 Romford road G ihson 1VTartin F. grocer, 744 Romford road
·Curtis Thomas, commercial traveller, 35 Carlton road GitTord 1Villiam Edward, draper, 37.:; High street north
Cuthbert William G. saddler, 912 Romford road G ilhert John & Son, butchers, 900 Romford road'
Dacosta John, boot maker, 4a, Station road Gilbert Charles, frame maker, 340 High street north
Dadson IIorace 'Chas. chemist & druggist, 725 Romford rd Gilhert Henry George, dining- rooms, 746 Romford road
Dale Charles, fancy draper, 680 & 682 Romford road Giles .Toseph, builder, 2 Shakespeare crescent
Daniels Joseph, Liberal agent, 10 Durham road Gill Ada (Miss), milliner, 690a, Romford road
Darnell Alfred, news agent, 714 Romford road Glinister -George Oharles, accountant, 71 Durham road
Davies Alfred, ho'sier, 604 Romford road G lohe Boot Stores (The), 832 Romford road .
Davis Marshall 'George & Co. oil & color men, 582, 584, Gnldcl' Robert & Son, contractors, '29 Fifth avenue
586 & 739 Romford road Gollop George Charles, laundry, 10 Manor Park road
Dawe Frank, commercial traveller, 53 Durham road Gomshall Herbert, florist, 544 Romford road
Dawson William, collar dresser, 35'8 High street, north Gore J ames & Son, boot makers, 700 Romford road
Day Oharles, turneo,ck, 489 High street north Gosling Thomas, fancy draper, 715, 717 & 7'19 Romford rd
Day Violet (Miss), dress maker, 65 Third avenue Gotsall Emma (Mrs.), laundry, 5013 High street north
Dee Frederick J. grocer, 828 Romford road & provision Gonld lVilliam Oollin.s, plumber, IS Forest View road
dealer, 35 Station road Gowers Henry, baker &; post office, 410 High street nth
Dee Sidney, commercial traveller, II9 First avenue Graham Charles R.Coach & Horses P.H. 938 Romford rd
Dennis Wm. Robt. house & estate agt. 636a, Romford rd Grant John Anderson, insur. manager, 38 Durham I'd
De Save Stephen, dyer &c. 679 Romford road Grantham A. G. & Co. grocers, 825 Romford road
Dipple Percival H. electrical engineer, 780 Romford rd Gray Alfred W. stationer, 14 Station road
Direct Supply Co; oil & color stores, 933 Romford road Gray Charles' Richard, t.raveller, 97 First avenue
Dore Lavinia (Mrs.), dress maker, 14 Goldsmith avenue G"ar William, mantle warehouse, 372 High street north
Douch & Co. drapers, 963 Romford road Grea t Eastern Railway; goods office, Station road
Dowsett Frederick William, butcher, 10 Greenhill grove Great Eastern Railway 00.'5 Goods Station, Clarence rd
Dowsett John, fishmonger, 5'10 High -street north Great Eastern Supply Co. Ltd. (Miss Jessie Hunter,
Dowsett Samuel Frederick, grocer, 731 Romford Toad sec.), 728 Romford road
Driscoll Eleanor (Miss), teacher of music, 65 Shake- Greaves Richard James, pawnbroker, 892 Romford road
speare ore~cent Grcellacre William A. decorator, "1-1 Rosebery avenue

Greenham Charles,' greengrocer, 62J: Romford road' iJoel Jacob, fruiterer; 83-1 Romford !road
Gregory Joseph, builder, Fourth avenue Jones & Hanbury, chemists~ !O8 Church road
GriUiths & Co. cheesemongers, 827 Romford roaU .I ones J olm & Co. confectioners, 576 Homford Toad
Grimths Francis .Augustus, insur. agt. I06 Rosebery av Jones Arthur, watch maker, 358 High street north
Griggs William, ladder maker, 29 Greenhill grove .I ones Henry Evan, builder & decm. 494 High st. north
Grimshaw F. & Co. furniture removers, Forest ,View Jones .lames Philip, confectioner, 392 High st. north
Toad & 25 Washington avenue Jones John O'Wen, manager of the London & Provincial
Gnrr Annie Louise (Mrs.), fancy drpr. 376 High st. nth Bank, 618 'Romford road
Hadlow Emily (Miss.), teacher of music, 45 Berkeley I'd Kasha Isidore, painter, 459 High street north
Hainsworth John Smith, journalist, I I Clarence· road Kattle John, boot maker, II9 Sheridan road
Hall John, confectioner, 5'I2 High street north Kazminski Gabriel, hair dresser, 3 Fou,rth avenue
Hambridge &; Co. sign writers, Colchester avenue Keep J oseph, dining rooms, 659 Romford road
Hambly James, draper, 7:59 Romford road Kemp Cha'rles James, photographer, 656 Romford road
Hamilton Oeorge Clarendon M.B., ·L.S.A. surgeon, 8 Kemp Ernest, china dealer, 514 High street north .
Church road Kennerly .Archibald George, laundry, 339 Dersingham av
Hankin George, groce·r, Church road Kent Henry, traveller, 62 First avenue
Hankinson's Drug Stores, f891 Romford road Kerrison Martha (Mrs.), dress maker,. 7 Berkley Toad
Hannant Grace (Mrs.), dining rooms, Romford road King Harry, commercial traveller, 233 Browning Toad
Hardway George, 'shopkeeper, I Berkley road King Henry, furniture dealer, 560 Romford road
Hurling Thomas C. cycle manufr. 424 High street north King J ames, dairyman, 432 High street north
Harper George, oilman, 652 Romford road King Richa:!'d, dairy, 503 High street north
Hart Harry, accountant, 132 First avenue Kipping Albert, greengrocer, 709 lRomford road
Hawe" lVilliam & Son, plumbers, 61 Coleridge avenue Kittle Mary (Mrs.) & Kate (Miss), dress mas.7Meanley I'd
Hawes Ernest, funeral furnisher, 45 Station road Kloth Henry, hair dresser, 647 & 649 Romford road·
Hawkes Edward ""Vm. confectioner, ,8186 Romford road Knapman John Henry, grocer, 315 Dersingham avenue
Hawley Philip Henry, insurance agent, 205 Browning I'd Knight Jsph. Hy. grocer & prov. dlr. 640 Romford road.
Hayward Edward Henry, Golden Fleece P.H. Forest drive Knight Samuel, confectioner, Church road
Head George, draper, 705 Romford road Kreutz Andrew, watch maker, 697 Romford road
Heald Fr.e~erick ~erbert, solicitor, 167 Browning road Kydd Alex. McPherson, builder, 2 vVhitta road
Heath ""Vllham, builder, 120 Goldsmith avenue Laillg George, insurance agent, 76 Browning road
Heath ,"Villiam, hair dresser, 425 High street north Lam b Cha'rles, boot malier, 519 High st'reet north
Helving .Alfred, estate agent, 798 Romford road Land Matthew, boot maker, 428 High street nortb
Hesse & 00. photographers, 374 High street north Lardeaux John, leather sellr, 20 Station road
Hesse Edgar, furniture dealer, 374 High street north Laver William, draper, 8rr & 813 Romford road
Hickman Charles, news agent, 651 Romford road Laws J obn lVilliam, dining '1'ooms, 334 High street nortfl,
Hill Joseph, Blakesley Arms P.H. Station road Laye Henry, decorator, 20 Seventh avenue
Hill S. (Mrs.), draper, 695 Romford road Lazarus Simon, tailor, 887 Romford road
Himpleton Edith (Miss), teacher of music,8 Goldsmith av Lee J. H. & Son, photographers, 836 Romford road
Hodgson John Edwin, schoolmaster, 84 Second avenue Leeper John, shopkeeper, 26 'Warwick road
Hodsoll Rosa Ellen (Mrs.), tobaccnst. 426 High st. north Leiceste.r William, lath rende,r, I I Little Ilford lane
Holliss ,"Villiam, butcher, 724 Romford road Leoni Eleanor (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 357 High st. north
Home &; Oolonial Lim. grocers, 759 Romford road Lever &Robinson,grocers & provision dlrs.63IRomford Td
Hopkins Blanche (Miss), confectioner, 619 Romford road Levy Joseph, greengrocer, 2 Fourth avenue
Hopkins Ellen (:'lEss), confectionE"I', 10 Sheridan road Lewington Charles, shopkeeper, 149 Meanley road
Horne Thomas, news agent, 24 Station· road Lewis Brothers, pawnbrokers, 3'83 High street north
Hornsey Wm. G.confeC'tioner & tobaccnst'755 Romford I'd Lewis Henry, wardrobe dealer, 905 Romford Toad
Horrowitz Emile, estate office, 63 Sheridan road Lewsey George, grocer, 335 High street north
Horsley Brothers, printers, 646 .Romford Toad Lilley & Skinner Lim. boot wareho'765 & 767 Romford rd~
Hose Richard Adolphus, dentist, E03 Romford road Limb Charles, boot repairer, 43 Salisbury road
Hough Elizh. (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 762 Romford I'd Line 'Var.r Benjamin, grocer, 904 Romford Toad
Howard Stanley & Co. manufactU'ring stationers, 664 Lipton Limited, grocers, 79I Romford road
Romford road Lismore James, stationer, 29 Station road
Howe Edmund, wine & spirit dealer, IIO Browning road Little Fred William, plumber, 89 Sixth avenue
Howe Edward, wine & spi,rit dealer, 110 Browning road Little Ilford School of Music (Samuel .cullis Leopold;.
HoweII Anne (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 178 Third avenue manager), Church road
Howitt John Fritz William M.D., .M.RoC.S'.Eng. physician London & Provincial Bank Lim. (branch) (John Dwen
& surgeon, 778 Romford road Jones, manager), 618 Romford road; draw on head
Hubbard Thomas & Co. butchers, 829 Romford road office, 7 Bank buildings, Lothbury, London E C
Hudnott John, locksmith, 42 Herbert road Long & Bright, pawnbrokers, 703 Romford road
Huggett Lydia (Miss), dress maker, 1 First avenue Long Frede,rick Wm. baker & corn dealer, 699 'Romford I'd
Huggett William Edward, statione.r, 969 Romford !road Lon~ Frederick Wm. teacher of violin, 3 Station road
Hulbert Brothers, grocers, 412 High street north Lorimer Charles, commercial traveller, 21 Carlton road
Hull Ernest, saddler, 612 Romford road Love Henrry, builder, I20 Third avenue
Hulls John HoopeT, travelling draper, 149 Browning rd Loveland Frede,rick, ironmongerr, 7II Romford road
Hummerston ,Yilliam, boot maker, 34 Herbert road Lucas Henry, confectioner, 920 Romford road
Humphrys Henry Frederick, tobacconist, 742 Romford I'd Lush & Cook Limited, dyers, 761 Romford road
Hunter Jessie C~Iiss), sec. Great Eastern Supply Co. Lim. Lyon-Smith Henry, teacher of music & drawing, Sgz
728 Romford road RomfoTd road
Hurden T. schoolmaster, 22 ,"Ventworth road McOracken John San ford, railway inspector. go Durham l'd
Hutchinson Charles Alfred, stone mason, 8 Toronto aven McDermott Thomas A. oil & color man, 26 Station road
Hyman Abraham, tailor, 16 Carlyle road Mackay E. F. & A. (Misses), drapers & dress makers,
llford Steam Vmndry Co. (E. W. Hawkes, agent), 886 327 High st,reet north
Romford 'road McSicvewright William,baker & confectioner,30Station I'd'
lngrey Arthur William, shopkeeper, 16 Forest drive McWilliam William Andrew M.B. & B.Ch., RD.I. phy-
Irons Charles Sidney, butcher, 337 High street north sician & surgeon, 688 Romford road
Isidore Jamshusky, hair dresser, 517 High street north Maddison Ernest, confectioner, 323 High street north
Ivery H. & L. drapers, 859 RomfO'rd road Madell Frank, laundry, 1 Salisbury road
Ivory Charles, salesman, IQ Cumberland road Magee Henry, house decoratorr, 2'8 Herbert raod
Jacks John T. clothier, 853 Romford road Maisey Arthur Henry, fish shop, 337 Dersingham avenue
J aggers William J. decorator, 58 Salisbu'l'V Toad Maltby Bruce, beer retailer, 386 High street north
.lames .Arthur, tailor, 28 Rosebery avenue- Manley George, paintClr, 103 Goldsmith avenue
.lames Jabez William, builder, 66 :Manor Park road Mann Charles Bernard, confectioner, 822 Romford road
.Tames Thomas B. confectioner, 22 Station road Mann William, tobacconist, 596 Romford road
,lenldns .Arthur John, furniture dlr.653 & 655 Romford I'd Manners Gcorge, beer retail€'!', J19 High street north
J enkinson George, greeng rocer, Church road :Manor Park Cemetery (Revs. J. P. Gray & J. W. OliveI'.
Jennings George· S. sec. & supt. Manor Park Cemetery, chaplains; George S. Jennings, sec. & supt.), Whitta I'd
Whitta road Manor Park Liberal Club, Romford road
Jews Cemetery (Morris A. Solomon, supt.), High st.norlh Manor Park & Little Ilford Constitutional Club (W.
Joel Henry, fishmonger, 62:8 Romford road. Lewis, hon. sec.), 552 Romfort3 road
1\;anor Park Oil Stores, 689 Romford road Phillips Samuel Charles, tobacconist, 359 High st. nth
Manor 'Park Recreation Hall (R. E. Leoroon, sec.), Rom- Phillips Solomon, shopkeeper, 25 Fourth avenue
ford troad! Phillips Thomas, carman, 7 Third avenue
Marks David, pawnbroker, 76o Romford road Pil,e .A.lbert J ames, boot maker, 1 Fourth avenue
Manor Park Social Club (W. Whitebrook , hon. sec.), 57 2 Pillivant Elizabeth J. (Mrs.), confr. 590 Romiord road
& 57-1- Romford road Pitman Alfred, dining rooms, 965 Romford road
Markwick Frances (Miss), tchr. of music, 1~ Salisbury rd Plane George Ernest, commercial traveller, 52 Meanley rd
Martin Charles James, tailor, 730 Romford road Plasted Henry, butcher, 362 HIgh street north
Martin Henry Charles, printer, Third avenue Pollen tine Sidney, artist, 55 Third avenue
Martin Jane (Mrs.), laundry, 136 Sixth avenue Portway Sidney W. grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey
Mason Henry, news agent, 463 High street north Limited, wine & spirit merchants, 12 Greenhill grove
Matthews Marmaduke William, news agent & confec- Prentice J. D. & Co. cycle agents, 650 Romford Toad
tioner, 323 Dersingham avenue Preston Stanley Richard, solicitor, 749 Romford road
Matthews Robert, laundry, 962 Romford road Prime T. WiUiam, commercial traveller, 57 Durham rd
May Herbert, butcher, 843 Homiord road Prutton Jas. baker & con Er. 721 & '809 Romiord road
Mayhew William, wa,rdrobe dealer, 20 Warwick road Pugh Thomas H. fancy draper, 847 Romford road
Maynard Isaac WaIter, beer re-tile 1', 6 Rixen rod Quadra.nt Cigar Stores, tobacconists, '894 Romford road
Maypole Dairy Co. grocers, 771 Romford road Quick Arthur T. hair dresser, 4 Stat,ion Toad
Mem:ler Frederick, confectioner, 890 Romiord road Rackham Alfred & Co. corn & flour dll's. 733 Romford rd
Merison Thomas, pictm'e frame ma. 889 Romiord road Ralph Horace, builder, 141 Essex road
Metcalfe Frederiak, schoolmaster, 36 Wentworth road Ranson Henry, boot maker, 135 Little Iliord lane
Meves Gustav A. fancy dealer, Manor Park bazaar, 754 RatclilIe Frederick Wm. confectioner, 6,84 Romford I'd
Romford road Raven Percy, hosier & hatter, 783 Romford road
Miles Amos, draper, 732 Romford road Rawlings George, furniture dealer, 33 Station road
Miller Benjamin, blacksmith, 6 Carlton road Raynel' J. (Mrs.), teacher of music, 4 Toronto avenue
Miller George M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician Reader William Henry, dair~', 570 Romford road
& surgeon, 12 Station road Reddick George A. commercial traveller, 67 Carlyle road
Millett Annie (Mrs.), drug stores, 347 High street no,rth Reeve Frpderick, milliner, 830 Romford road
Millns Hy. Hale, insurance agent, 133 Rosebery avenue Reynolds Charles B. laundry, 608 Romford road
Mills William Alfred, builder, 9 Whitta road Richa l'ds Walter, commercial traveller, 64 Meanley road
Mineham James, hair dresser, 3 Rabbits 'road Ricllilrdson Ernest, insurance agent, 154 Sixth avenue
Minney William, boot maker, 321 High street north Ring Alfred, confectioner, 661 Romford Toad
Monklark Davis, shopkeeper, 48 Fourth avenue Rippin J. druggists' sundriesman, 639 Romiord road
Morling John, dairy, 735 Romiord road Ritchie Peter, grocer, 845 Homford road
Moss N. tailor, 773 & 775 Romford road RixAustin C. greengrocer, 888 Romford road
Moss William John, boot maker, 437 High street north Roberts & Crouch, Three Rabbits P.H. Romford road
Moxom George William, corn merchant, 946 Romford rd Roberts Elleon (\'!rs.) , inspctr. Ior the West Ham union
Moy Thomas Limited, coal, coke & builders' merchants, under" Infant Protection Act," 50 .~anor PMk road
42 Station road & 741 Romford road Rogers F. accountant, 61 First avenue
Natorff Julius, hair dI'esseT, 71'6 Romford Toad Rogers Joseph, draper, 930 Romford road
Mudie & Kerridge, fancy drapers, 594 RomioI'd road Rollings John, tobacconist, 40 Station road
Muir Richard, corn & seed mer. 434 High street north Hosen Morris, watch maker, 9 Fourth avenue
Newell Mary Ann (Mrs.), fancy draper, 625 Romford I'd Rosenfeld Hyman, tailor, 671 Romford road
N ewman John, tobacconist, 934 Romford Toad Rosen thal Alfred, tailor, 23 Station road
Newton Edgar, boot stores, 823 RomfO'rd raad Howbottom Alfred Frederick, dairy, ,633 Romford road
Newton John, cats' meat dealer, 7 Fourth avenue Rubin Sander, furrier, 13 Fourth avenue
Newton Waiter Claude, dairy, 422 High street north Rudkin John, grocer & tobccnst. post office, Church I'd
Nicholson Wm. Jas. ladieii' shirt manufr,474 High st.nth Rumilly Emma (Mrs.), stationer, 629 Romford Toad
Kidd Frank, commercial travAllel', 104 Durham road Russell Frank, accountant, 191 Browning road
Nisbet & Grainger, dairy 712 ,Rom ford Toad Rllssell Harry, corn chandler, 331 Dersingham avenue
Nixon Jam~s, fishmonger, 654 Romford road Hussell Richard, corset manufacturer, 636 Romford I'd
Nixon James, jobmaster, 6 Gladding road Rust PIJillip, china & glass dealer, 668 Romford road
NO'1'1'ell Thomas, builder, I St. Margaret's road Sainsbnry John, grocer, 757 RomIord road
'Norris George, coal dealer, 36 RuskilI avenue St. Nicholas Indust,rial Catholic School (Rev. Patrick
Norris George William, tobacconist, 445 High st. north Palmer, chaplain; Hugh ~cGreehin, headmaster; A.
North Bow &; Manor Park Building Society (C. J. Lock- 8t. LegeI' ""Vestall, superintendent), Gladding rOM
Salll & Co. Limited, drapers, 821 Romford road
wood, sec.), 749 'Romford road
Salmon Henry, baker, Church road
Norton Ada M. A. (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, 356
Salter ""Villiam Hathaway, grocer, provision dealer &:,
High street north
post, money order & telegraph office, 663 Romford I'd
Noseda James A. gasfitte,r, 01 Little Ilford lane Sanders Bros. corn chandlers, 781 Romford road
Nussey W. & Son, cycle makers, 673 Romford road Saywood Harry J. confectioner, 6II Romford road
·-obeney William & ,Son, boot makers, 336 High st. north Scal'borough Geo. Fredk. baker & pastry cook, Church rd
Orchard Hen,ry, master maTiner, 45 Essex road Schultz ~ Tank, insur. agents, 420 High street north
Ormston Robt. 'Walker & Son, grocers, 429 High st. nth Scopes Harry, coal agent, 20 ·Carlton road
Oswald John, butcher, 638 Romford road Scovell W iIliam, electrician, 223 Shakespeare crescen t
Oswold IIarry, general ontfitter, 839 Romford road Scm tton Ernest, corn dealer, 606 Romford road
Page Joseph Henry, confectioner, 43 St,ation road Sear Lucy Ada (~liss), dress maker, 9'4 Carlyle road
Palmer Rhoda (Miss), dress maker, 14 Michigan avenue Searle John & Co. potato salesmen, 718 Romford road
ParksI' Albert, beer retailer, 665 Romford road SelVell John Stock, builder, 218 Browning road
Parker Henry, collector of King's t-axes, 217 Browning rd Seymolll' Henrietta F. (Miss),private SChl.l~8 Browning I'd
Pa~.:' Thomas, commercial traveller, 18 Albany road Shal'ple" A. grocer, 568 Romiord road
Parsons Reuben, tobacconist, 701 Romford road Shaw Thomas Henry, butcher, 28 Station road
Parsons WiUiam, grocer, Church road She in hallm Abraham, boot & shoe maker, 907 Romford rd
Pass Albert, butcher, 4 Fourth avenue Sheldon Henry, boot maker, 461 High street north
Paxon & Witt ~LS.A. architects, 44 Colchester avenue Shel'bol'ne ""Vm. Thomas, m3ster mariner, 5 Second aven

Albert, commercial traveller, TU Second avenue Shillan Archibald ""Vm. comcl. trav. 65 Durham road
Payne Harry, boot maker, Church roa,d Shirley Coal Co. 635 Romford road
l'earce Herbert John, watch maker, '342 High street nth Shol'land Alfrpd, hatter & outfitter, 7'51 Romford road
Pear-son Alfred, carman, 12 Herbert road Sills William & Son, pork butchers, 369 High st. north
Pearson George, shopkeeper, 71 Greenhill grove Simcock Joseph Henry, oil & color man, 734 Romford I'd
Ppckham Charles, Earl of Essex P.R. 9 Greenhill grove Siml110ns Ed ward, draper, 4I..J. High street north
Pelham John Burke, confectioner, .S Greenhill g-rove Sims & Fowler, drapers, 669 Romford road
Penn Charles A. commercial traveller, 78 Second avenue Sims John William, h011se decorator, ·Clarence road
Penrog,e Samuel, oil & color man, Church road Sitzler Karl. pianoforte tuner, 66 Sixth avenue
Percy Harry E. builder, 42 Meanley Toad Skillington Florence .M. (Mrs.), beer ret. 1842 Romford I'll
Perkins Elizabeth (:Mrs.), midwife" 123 Herberi road Slawson William Price, baker, 2.~ Greenhill grove
Peters J. school master, 5 Wentworth road Sleap Josiah, confectioner, 421 High street north
J'hillips Ed'win, window blind maker, 363 High st. nth Slt-'ight Frank, jnn. hair dresser, 709a, Romford road
Phillips Harry, 1ishmonger, 750 Romford road Slei£;ht Fk. Lionel, hair dresser, 95'8 Romford road
Phillips John James, dairy, 851 Romford road Sma!'t {Teol'ge, furniture dealer, 623 Romford Toad
Phillips Robert, butcher, 542 High street north Smith ~ Dorrington, plumbers, 16 Ruskin avenue
Smith & Smith, hosiers &; hatters, 675 Romford ruad i Walper John, accountant, 42 First avenue
Smith Alice W. (Miss), fancy bazaar, 5'48 Romford road Waiters Eugenie (Mrs.), kinde.rga.rten school, 16 Sbakes-
Smith Charles, builder, 3'8 Forest drive peare crescent
Smith David Paxton, tobacconist, 76 Salisbury road Waiters James, butcher, 435 High street north
Smith Douglas Edward, comcl. tray. 26 Wentworth road Warde Arthur M. hair dresser, 353 High slireet north
Smith George Bridgwater, cluthier, 339 High st. north Warman William Walter, gasfitter, 19 Sheridan road
Smith John Marsh, beer & wine retailer, 16 Station I'd Warren Horace Thos. & Co. grocers, 379 High st. north
Smith Thomas, dining rooms, 610 Romford road Warren James & A,rthur, dining rooms, 38 Station road
Smith Thomas Gabriel, draper, 32 Station road Watson Henry, builder, I Cook road
Smith Walter, butcher, 416 High street north Watson Thomas, boot maker, 1134 Third avenue
Soesan-Weening Hannah (Mrs.), dress ma.66 Browning I'd Watson ThGmas, builder, 74 Ruskin avenue
Souray Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 33 Ruskin av:enue Watts Arthur Argall, boot maker, Church road
Spark William, greengrocer, Church road . Watts Rowland, outfitter, 620 R-omford :road
Spence A. J. commercial traveller, 41 Durham road Waylett Benjamin, cycle manufactnrer, 588 ROlllford I'd
Spencer Enoch & 'Son, printers, 2 Rixen road Weal & Ransom, jobbing smiths, Romford Toad
Spencer William Fred, grocer, Church road Weuster Stephen, stationer, 723 Romford road
Spooner Charles John, house agent, :146 Browning road Weeden lVilliam Henry, wine & spil'it mer. 72 Sixth av
Spunge William, hair dresser, 7 Greenhill grove Weller Emily (Mrs.), dress make.r, 209 Browning Toad
Stack James Edward, teacher of music, 35 Washington av WeUon lVilliam, plumber, 3-8 Fourth avenue
Stannett Henry Thomas, confectioner, 667 Romford road Werrnuth August, greengro~er, 922 Romford Toad
Staples Harry, dining I'ooms, 546 Romford road Wel'nham Thomas, greengrocer, 335 Dersingham avenue
Stark William, estate agent, 690 Romfard road Weston Wm. Edwin, commercial t.ravelle.r, 33 First avcn
Steare John AlIen ,& Son,ham & 'beef dlrs. 634 Romford I'd West wood Jame3 W. painter, 48 Herbert road
Stearn William, dining 'rooms, 96.f ROlJlfol'd roatl West wood Robert, painter, 4 6 Herhe.rt Toad
Stevens William Goyne, chemist, 677, RomfO'I'd :oad Wey Marial1 (Miss), confectioner, 365 High street north
Stcvenson Henry & 00. photographrs. 21 Washmgton av Wheeler Ch:lI'les WilIiam, boot maker, 681 Romford I'd
Stevenson William, sign writer, 150 Sixth avenue Wheeler He:fITY A.. tobacconist, 636 Romfo,rd Toad
Stickings Wilham, traveller, 4 First avenue Wheeler vVilliam, coal dealer, May villa, Church road
Stone William ':R. commercial traveller, 15 OaTlyle road Whicker Henry, insurance agent, 6 Second avenue
Stoneley John & Sons, house decorators, 472 High st. nth Whisson Thomas, confectioneT, 25 'Station Toad
Stoneley Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardwbe dlr. 472 High st. nth "Vhite William &:, Co. furniture dlrs. 419 High st. north
Stones Edwa.rd John, fishmonger, 93,6 Romford road White G. \V. commercial traveller, 106 Du.rham. road
StratfO'rd Co-op. Society, grocers, 861 Romford road White Henry Charles, news agent, 921 Romford road
StrathauI Alfred, confectioner, 967 Romford road White S. shop & office fitter, 716 Romford road
Streitberger Augustus, pork butcher, 693 Romford, road White William, builder, I He,rbert road
Sunlight Laundry Co. laund'~, 3 1 Station road Why,te Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, & post offioe, 95 2
Sutton Percy, draper, 743 Romford road -Rom ford 'l'oad
Tait Charlotte (MiSS), dress maker, 45 Ruskin avenue Wilkins John Edward & Sons, estate agts.136Browning I'd
Tait HaI'Tiet (Mrs.), dress maker, 130 Shelley avenue Williams Alfred, conllue['cial tJraveller, 86 Durham Toad
Takewhel &. Pretti, photographers, 855 R?mford road Williams Harry, commercial t.raveller, 46 Durham road
Taylor Anme (MTs.), dress maker, 17 Swmburne avenue Williams.J. insurance agent, 58 Second avenue
'faylor Elean{)r (Mrs.), grocer, 722 Ror.nford To~d Williams John, fishmonger, 41 Station road
Taylor Mary An;n I.(M-rs.),tchr. of J?USIC, 493 HIgh st.nth Williams L. (Miss), confeCltioner, 550 RomIord I'oad
Taylor Max, hall' dr~sser, 321 Dersmgham avenue Williams 'fhomas, fancy repository, 745 Romford Toad
Temrerance Hall, HIgh s~eet north Willis B. C. &:, Co. cycle stores, 756 Romford road
'l'heobald Thomas,. confe.ctlOner, 9 66 :'l0mford road 'Vilson Stephen, teacher of music, go Fir,st avenue
'l'homas Frank Elhs, daIry, ~25 Dersmgham avenue WiltDn Edward Thos. china & glass dlr. 609 'Romford I'd
'l:hompson Ar~h~r, boo~ repaIrer, :0 Herhert Toad Wing Charles, boot repairer, log Essex road
'I;hompson. \VIlham, taIlor, 367 HIgh street north Wiseman Albe·rt, shopkeeper, 27 Greenhill grove
'I horne RlCh3lrd, butcher, 624a, Romford road Wisker Ernest Richard, musical inslJrument dealer, 2
'l'horpe John, corn dealer, 30 Fourth avenue Station road
T~Jrussell Willia~, bu~l~er 21 Oregon avenue Withington Fred, dairyman, Church road •
T]lson Henry Wm. dmmg rooms, 824 Romford road Wolman Solomon, shopkeeper, 23 Fourth avenue
'l:om~i Ranieri, confectioner, 685 .Romfard road Wood MaTy (Mrs.), dress maker, 11 Salisbury road
'Ionlun & Palmer, drapers, 345 HIgh street north Wood Thomas Sidney, oil & colaI' man, 8,17 Romford I'd
'rowell Wm. leather seller & boot ma. 657 Romford road Wood William, oUltfitter, 354 High street north
Tucker J. & Co. butchers, 737 Romford road. Woodgrange Park Goods & Coal Station (L. T. & Sou tlt-
'rurner James, monumental mason, 27 Fores,t dnve end Railway), High street no,rth
:1'urner Joseph ~rthur, wardrobe dealer, 96~ Romford I'd Woodgrange Sanitary Steam Laundry (Frank Madell,
Turner Mary ElIzh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. 4~0 HIgh st. north proprietor), 2 Salisbury road
Turnham Joseph Henry, grocer, 38,8 HIgh stireet north Woolard Fred, beer retailer, 630 Romf<>rd road
Undel'hill T. salesman, 75 Durham Toad Woolf Moss, china & glass ware dealer, 6g6 Romford road
Ups dale Andrew R. auctnr. ~ surveyor, 73 8 Rornford rd \VTight George, house decorator,I02 Carlyle 'road
Vandy Henry, gro~er, 330 HIgh street north 'Vright Thomas Riichard, dairyman, 2,1 Ohurch road
V ~,r!ey's SlJores, Ollmen,. 950 road . Wyles J. ·Walter, house & estlllte agent, 708 Romfo'1'd I'd
VIlllcombe Fredk.Arlh.City prOVISIon stores,IBISta,tlOll I'd Yea James jourmalist 18 5 B:rowning road
'Valden John M. clothier, 68 7 Romford road Youens John Geo. Ca~erron, piano tuner, 49 ,Rosebery av
'~all A. & Co. groceTs, ?13 Romford road Young Chas. L. & Co. Lim. furniture dlrs.706Romford I'd
"'.allace ;\lfred. Wm, shut & colla! dresser, 2~ ~ourth av Young Charles, fish dealer, <8g6 Romford road
~.all~r l·rederIck. George, P. O. mspr. I?" hltta l'i!ad Young Collings B.archit-ect & sll'l'veyor, 61 Carlyle road
Walhs Prest.on RIchard L.S.A.Lond. phySICIan & surge<>n, Young James, brush maker, 332 High street north
71 Bl'ownmg road .
MANUDEN (or Mauewden) is a village and parish, I in the north transept, called" Battle's End," and appar-
on the river Start, 2 miles north-west from Stansted sta- ently once belonging to the man<>r of Battle's 'Wood, is a
tion, on the Cambridge section of the Great Eastern rail- mural tablet to Sir William Wade kt. a celebrated man
way, 4 north from Bishops StoTtford and the Lee navig-a- in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I.
tion, and 34 from London by road, in the Northern divi- being one of the clerks of the Privy Council and also em-
sion of the county, Clavering hundred, Bishop's Stort- I ployed on missions to the Emperor Rudolph n. Philip
ford union and county court district, Walden petty ses- i king of Spain, Henry Ill. of France, Henry IV. of France
sional division, rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry I and Kavarre, and to Mary Queen of Scots; he was also
of Colchester and diocese of St. .A1bans. The church of I Lieutenant of the Tower of London, and held other im-
St. Mary, given by Richard de Corneville and .A1ice his portant offices; on retiring from public affairs he spent
wife to the monks of St. Melan, in Bretagne, and for- the remainder of his life quietly at Battle's Wood, dying
merly a cruciform building, underwent a thorough re- i there in his 77th year, 23 Oct. 1623: on the chancel floor
storation in 1864 at a cost of £I,QOO, and is now an is an epitaph to Gertrude. wife of Richard James, ob.
edifice of flint with stone dressings in the Early Gothic 1634: the church has 350 sittings. The register dates
stylI', C'onsisting- of spacious chancel, nave, north tran- from the year 1561. The living is a vicarage, net yearly
sept. south aisle, south porch and an embattled western value £Il2, with residence and 2?t acres of glebe. in the
tower with spire containing 5 bells: the chancel, se- gift of and held since 1875 by the Rev. Joseph Bernard
parated from the nave by a richly-carved l;creen, con- I Forster M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, who rp<;idp~
tains a painted reredos presented by the present vicar: I at Manuden Houile; George Coussmaker esq. of 'Vcst-
wood, Surrey, is impropriator of the tithes, which are MA.LLOWS GREEN is one mile and a half west.
commut'ed at £630. Here is a Congregational chapel. .A Parish Clerk and Sexton, Charles Green.
pleasure fair is held on Easter Monday. Manuden House
is an extensive modern mansion, pleasantly situated in Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
well-kept pleasure grounds, and is now occupied by the Charles ·WaI'ren, sub-postmaster. Letters received
vicar. Manuden Hall, burnt down in 1889, with the ex- through Stansted R.S.O. arrive at 6,45 a.m.; second
ception of the front wall, was an ancient gabled structUl'e, delivery through Stansted at 1.20 p.m.; dispatched at
in the Elizabethan style, but has since beEm rebuilt: it is 1.45 & 0·55 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at
the property of Robert Cunliffe Gosling esq. J.P. of Has- Stansted Mountfitchet, 2 miles distant

who is lord of the two manors of Battles Hall
and Manuden Hall, and principal landowner. The Hall A School Board of 5 members was formed 19 Aprii,
is now occupied as a farmhouse. The soil is mixed, but 1875; A. G. Gwynn, 7 North street, Bishops Stortford,
principally heavy; subsoil, clay, chalk and gravel. 'I'lle . clerk to the board; William Tedder, Manuden, attend-
crops are on the four and five course shifts. The area is ance officer
2,524 acres of land and 7 of water; rateable value, Board School (mixed), erected in 1877, for 170 children;
£2,605; the population in 1901 was 660. average attendance, 145; Miss Margt. Troke, mistress
oChisenhale-Marsh Miss, The Vicarage Bush Thomas Orger, !!'rocer Peachey William Jos, beer retailer &
Forster Rev. Joseph Bernard M. .A. Chopping Thomas, miller (wind) poultry dealer
(vicar), Manuden house Clark Mary (tMiss), dress maker Read William, shoe maker
.Hill Joseph, The Bury Clark Thomas, bricklayer Robertson Emily (Miss), dress makr
PhilIips Henry Clayden Charles, farmer, I'enton hall Spencer Charles & Son, maltsters
COMMERCIAL. Cowell Frederick, farmer, Battles hall Tedder William, shoe maker
Baker William, farmer CowuIl Joseph, iarmer, Manuden hall Tharby Ellen (Miss), bread & flour dlr
H~L!leley James, Cock P.H Hicks Thomas, farmer, Pinchpools fm Totman Sam!. B. frmr. Mallows grn
Hmnd Chas. blacksmith & beer reHr Horner George, baker Ward Henry, bricklayer
Burls Arthur, grocer & draper Jasper John, farmer, Parsonage farm 1Varren Charles, grocer, Post office
Burls Jsph. farmr. Saucemeres farm Neate Frank, insurance agent Watts George,whitening manufacturer
GREAT MAPLESTEAD is an anciellt village and for Plymouth Brethren. The Diocesan House of Mercy
parish not far from the junction of the roads from Haver- for Fallen Women was erected here in 1867, at a cost of
hill and Sudbury with iJhat to Braintree, 2! miles east about £ IO,OOO, by the late Miss E. Barter, who afterwards
from Hedingham station on the Colne Valley rail- became a Sister of the Community of All Hallows, Ditch.
way, and 3~ north-west from Halstead, in the· Northern ingham: she also endowed the institution with £185 a
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- year, as a salary for the warden, who must be a clergy-
ford petty sessional division, Halstead union and county man of the Church of England; the buildings, to which a
,court district, and in the rural deanery of Hedingham, new wing was added in 1897, at a cost of about 1,2,000,
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. AIbans. are constructed for 50 penitents, who may be received
The village lies high, the parish sloping towards the from any part of the United Kingdom, with a preference for
river Colne. The church of St. Giles is a building of the counties of Essex and Herts; the management of the
stone and brick, in part of Early Norman date, the body institution is entrusted to a council of 50 of the leading
of the church belonging to the late Decorated period, and clergy and laity of the two counties and in Jan. 1892 it
consisting of apsidal chancel, nave with south chapel, was placed under the care of the Sisters of the Com-
.north ·aisle, south porch, and a massive embattled munity of St. John the Baptist, Clewer: for its main-
western tower, containing 3 bells and a clock tenance it is dependent on voluntary subscriptions and
presented in 1883 by Mrs. Maria Sperling, in on washing and needlework done by the penitents: the
memory of Henry John Sperling esq. D.L., J.P.; the bishop of the diocese is visitor. Dynes Hall, the seat of
tower was for years covered with plaster, on the re· Charles Brogden Sperling esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord of
moval of which, in 1861, it was found that the western the manor, is a handsome brick mansion, erected in 1575,
part of the tower was in brick: the date 1612 was vi- the west wing being Elizabethan and the main structure
sible on it, and the legend is that at this date this half in the Queen Anne style: the estate comprises 500 acres,
of the tower, together with the west end of the· south and includes a finely wooded park. Monks Lodge is
aisle wer~ destroyed by lightning, and restored as now the residence of Thomas Frederick Miller esq. J.P.
seen, the ancient quoins being retained: in the north The principal landowners are Charles Brogden Sperling
aisle is a memorial window to Mrs. Gee, and there are esq. Charles E. Brewster esq. J.P. of Little Maplestead
others to the wife of Charles B. Sperling and to the late Hall, Thomas Frederick Miller esq. the Rev. James
Charles Sperling, both erectecL in 19°1: in the so,uth George Brewster }LA. rector of Stratford St. Mary, Col-
chapel are monuments to Sir John Dean, of Dynes Hall, chester, and Mr. Thomas Oousins, of Braintree. The
who was knighted at the Tower in 16°3, and died soil is mixed loam and gravel; subsoil, various. The
17th February, 1625, and another to his lady, Anue, chief ·crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The
daughter of Sir Drue Drury kt. of Riddlesworth, Nor- area is 1,820 acres; rateable value, £1,844; the popula-
folk; she died 25 May, 1633; on the first, beneath an tion in 1901 was 375.
arch supported on pillars of black marble, is the effigy
.of the knight, reclining on his arm, and above are kneel- By Local Government Board O:der 16,612, March 25,
ing figures of eight children; the monument of Lady 1885, a detache,d part of the parIsh known ~s Hampers
Dean is more elaborately designed, and has a standing Farm and Dean s Hall Road were added to LIttle Maple-
~ffigy beneath an arch, and below this a figure in armonr stead.
{)f her son, Sir Drue Deane kt. who erected the monu- Sexton, Amos Cracknell.
ment April 14, 1~34: on the south wall of the c?~pel is a Post Office. Mrs. Hannah Hawkins, sub-postmistress.
sun-dIa~: the edIfice wafJ enlarged by the addItIOn of a Letters through Halstead, arrive at 7 a.m. & I p.m. ;
north aIsle an~ reseated III ~he year 18?1, and the chancel dispatched at I & 6 p.m. 'Postal orders are issued
was .1'estored III 1866 by MISS B?'rt:er III memory ?f Mrs. here, but not paid. The nearest money order & tele-
Gee: the church ~:ffords 220 SIttIllgS. The r.egIster of I graph office is at Castle Hedingham 2 miles distant
baptIsms and marrIages dates from 1697; bUrIals, 1678. '
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £90, with 1'e8i- National School (mixed), built with mistress's house in
dence, in the gift ()f the Rev. Canon Duncan Fraser M.A. 1863, at the expense of Mrs. Gee, on a site presented
vicar of South Weald, Brentwood, and held since 1887 by by the late Hobert Hanbury esq.; the school will hold
the Rev. Arthur FitzGerald Evans M.A. of Keble College, 70 children; average attendance, 41; Miss Mary Ann
Oxford, and rural dean of Hedingham. Here is a chapel Bird, mistress
Evans Rev. Arthur Fitz-Gerald l\f.A. Ba,xter Ellen Mary (Mrs.), apartmnts Hearn Charles Geo. farmer, Pirls hill
(vicar &; rural dean), Vicarage Blake 'Valter, job maste,r Marchant Frederick, beer retailer
Miller Th08. Frdk. J.P. Monks lodge Broyd William, jun. frmr.Barrett's hall Newton George, farmer, Lucking ho
Perry Miss Butcher Robert, farm bailiff to Charles Newton George William Hart, farmer,
Sperling Charles Brogden D.L., J.P. Brogden Sperling esq Lucking house
Dynes hall Diocesan House of Mercy for Fallen Nice Samuel, blacksmith
Sperling Charles Frederick Denne Women (Re,v. Ernest Co>urtney, Rayner Thomas, farmer, Great
M.A., J.P. Dynes hall warden, the ClewerSisters,superiors) Chelmshoe house
Drell Mrs Dodd Ohas. Henry,builder,plumber &c I Reading Room (James Pratt, sec)
CO~UMERC1AL. Franklin Arthur, shoe maker I Smith WaIter bailiff to Thomas
Bea1e.s William Frederick, miller Ga.tward Frank, castrator Frederick Miller esq
(steam &; water), Hull mill; & a,t Hawkins Hannah (Mrs.), laundress, Wright Henry, carpenter
Sible, Hedingha= Post office
,, , ,


LITTLE. MAPLESTEAD is an ancient parish, sit.tings. The register dates from the yea.r 1688. 'fhe
~bout 6 miles south-west from Sudbury and the Stour living is a vicarage, net yearly value £56, with 20 acres
navigation and 2~ north from HaIstead station on of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of .lose-ph Davis's
:the CoIne Valley railway, in the Northern division of the Charity, and held' since 1855 by the Rev. John Fl'ederic
county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty ses- Harward M A. of St. Jobn's College, Cambridge. Here is
sional division, Halstead union and county court district•. a Congregational chapel erected in 1'~.F' "rhe tl'llstees of
.and in the rural deanery of Hedingham, archdeaconry of Joseph Davis's Charity, who are lords. of the mnnor,
Colchestet: and diocese of St. Albans. .A. preceptory of Charles Edward Brewster esq. J.P. of Mnplesteadl Hall,
the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of ,Jerusalem was and George de Horn Va.ilzey esq. of Broxbourne, Herts,
founded here by Juliana de Burgo in :rI8S. the round a,re the principal lando·wners. The soil is clay and luam;
church of which, now the parish church of St. John the subsoil, various. The chief crops are wlleat, oats, barley
'lJaptist, is an example of the pure Decorated style and and turnips. The area is I,2II acres; Tateable value,
one of the four chuTches in England of the class to which £8-{6; the population in 19°1 was :205 in the civil and
the Temple church in London and those of St. Sepulchre 193 in the ecclesiastical parish .
.at· Camhridge and ~ortharnptun belong, there are, how- By Local Government Board Order 16,612, March 25,
"€ver, the Tuins of a fifth in Ludlow Oastle, Shropshire: 1888, a detached part of Great Maplestead w'as trans-
it is specially inte,rest·ing as being the latest and smallest ferred to this parish. .
-{)f Ulese, the ddameter of the circular part being only
.about 26 feet, and the whole length, including the apsidal Post Office. James Simmons. sub-postmaster. Letters
-chancel, little more than 60 feet: the circular portion, or through Halstead arrive at 6.30 &; II.45 a.m.; dis-
'Ilave, consis.ts of a. peristyle of six piers, each formed by patched at 12 noon & 6 p.m. Postal orders are issued
three shaft,s set round a triangle and supporting pointed he·re, but not paid. Halstead &; I·e.hl1larsh :l1:e the
,arches of simple but good' design, those extending to the nea,re·sb money order & telegraph offices, each 3 miles
outside waU resting on corbels; the windows are mostly distant
,.·of two lights; the western e·ntrance is through an m'ch A School Board of S members was formed 3 June, 18 74,
ador:ned with ~ows. of .quatref~il and. trefoil orn~ment.s, with Gestingthorpe made contributory April 30, 18 75,
the head termmatmg 111 a. ?~Ial: thIS church IS S(l1d sending 2 members; E. J. Potter, Blue Bridge', Hal-
form~dy. to have hnd t~e prIVIlege of sanctuary and w~s stead clerk to the board &; attendance officer
rebUIlt 111 1'85'1-0 the clI'cular west end and the seIDI- I ' , .
-circular chancel being strictly preserved; the font is of Board School (mixed), built in 1874, for 72 children;
extremely rude and siUlple execution: there are lIS I averag(} .attendance, 47; Miss Elizabeth Hayuer,. mist
'Drewster Charles Edward J.P. COMMERCIAL. Layzell John, Cock P.H
Maplestead hall Bogue John, baker & shopkeeper Riohbell J.ohn, bricklayer & shopkpr
Hart Arthu~ Brewster Charles Edward J.P. farmer Shave Henry Ray, frmr. Gage's farm
Harward Rev. John Frederic M.A. & landowner Simmons James, sub-postmaster
(vicar) Cant William, fmm bailiff to Charles Sparks -Arthur, blacksmith
Harward Miss Edward Brewster esq Staines Phi~ip, farmer
Coe -Abraham. farmer vVatkinson James, carpenter

'MARGARETTING is a parish, on the Roman and' proper~y of Laurence Joseph Pet-re esq. is a modern
modern road from London to Colchester, 2 miles north- mansion, pleasantly situated on an eminence, in a small
-€ast from Ingatestone station on the Great Eastern rail- and thickly wooded park of 20 acres, and now occupied by
way, 4 south-west from Chelmsford navig-ation, 5 r Mrs. Jupp. Eweiand HalI is the residence of Owen
'north from Billericay, 7 north-east from Brentwood Parry esq. Peacocks, a short distance from. the high
and 25 from London by road, and in the Mid clivi- road! on the east and near the village, is the residence of
·-sion of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional Walter P. Tyser esq. Lord Petre, who is lord of the
,division, union and county court district, rural deanery manor of Mal'garetting- Hall, and Laurence J. Petre esq.
.-of Ingatestone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of lord of the manor of Coptfold Hall, are chief lnndowners.
-St. Albans. The "Vid stream flows through the parish. The soil is of a mixed character; subsoil, loamy. The
'The chuooh of St. Jl.largaret, sitnated one mile chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and beans. '1'hc area
ilouth of the village, consists of chancel, nave, south aisle is 2,270 acres of land and 14 of water; rateable value,
with chapel, vestry, north and south porches and a £9.295; the population in 19°1 was S..p .
'Wooden tower with spire at the west end, containing 4 Parish Clerk, Samuel Rice•
.'ilells, each of which bears a. dedication in old ~IJglish County Police, George "Villiam Harrel, cOllstable
·eharact€l's; the smallest, dedIcated to St. John, IS per-
'baps the oldest in Essex and probably dates from the Post, Telegrap? & Express Delivery Office.-Mrs. Emma.
'latter part of the 14th century: this church is a noble Sarns, postmIstress. Open 7 ~.m. to 8 p.m.; telegraph,
-example of the Early Perpendicular style of the period of 8 a m. to 8 p.m.; bank hohdays & sundays, 7.40 . to
Henry VI. highly elaborated and still complete in de- IO a.m.; telegraph, 8 to 10 a.m. Letters a,l'l'Ive
ilign: the font is a magnificent work of the same date, t~rough Ingatestone RS.O. at 7-40 a.m. & 7·30 p.n~.;
.octangular in form and panelled and highly moulded in dIspatched at .9·55 a.m. & 7.30 P m.; sundays, arl'lve
<the plinth as well as in the shaft and top: the north 7. 4° a.m.; dIspatched 7.55 a.m. Postal orders are
porch is a. fine example of timber WOl'k the design is Issued here, but not paId. '1'he nearest money order
.perfect and of the carved tracery and other ornamental office is at Ingatestone, 2 miles distant.
'Work mueh still r~m~ins: the ch~ch was restored in Wall Letter Box, at the White Hart, The Tye, cl~al'ed
1870, and has 21S .SI!tlllg.S. Th.e regIster dates from the at 9. 1 5 a.m. & 7 p.m. week days only
year 1628. T~e hvmg IS a VIcarage, net yearly v a l u e . •• • .
£IIO, with reSIdence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of NatIOnal School (Mixed), bU1~t m 18~3, for 120 c~ildren;\
,-and held since 1863 by the Rev. Mordaunt Roger Barnard av~rage .attendance, 90; MI~S LOUlsa Manu, ml~tL'ess;,
RA. of Ohri~t's College, Cambridge. GeOl'ge B:llit1l' esq. MISS Ahce Purchase & 1hss Sa.rah Holmes, mfants
is impropriator of the grea t tithes. Coptfold Hall, tho mistresses
Armitage E. Howorth, Park lodge Baker William G. & ..h thur E.fa,rmers, Jennings Chas. frmr. Lit. Trussles frID
'Barnard Rev. Mordaunt Roger RA. White's Bridge & l'arsonage farms Margaretting Oricket Club (0. Jnpp,
Vicarage Bartrop Thomas, shopkeeper hon. sec)
<Clarke Henry, White's place Bright WaIter Charles, Red Lion P.H. Ottley Charles, Black Bull P.H
Hamer Mrs. Furness house & farmer Rankin Ernest Arthur, farm bailiff to
Hughes Wilfred O1ark, Southland ho
Christy David, jun. farmer, Mar- C. H. Pain e~q . Coptfold fa.rm.
Jupp Mrs. Ooptfold hall garetting hall Sams Emma (Mrs.). shopkpr.Post off
Pain Claud Hammond, lvy hill Clarke Henry, fanner, White's place Sawyer John, baker
Parry Owen, Eweland hall Claydon Thos.bricklayr.& chimny.swpr Seagrove Henry, Spread Eagle P.R
'Robins Ha.rry, Ponders Clift William, insurance agent & rate Southgate George, blacksmith
:Sargeaunt Edward 'Woodbine. Canter.collector, & assistant overseer for Stevens Mrs. farmer. Webb's farm
bury's In!!atestone & Widford Wallace George, blacksmith
Straight R. Marshull Cumbers William ThQmas, farmer, White David William,farmer &; thresh-
'Tilley Edwin Thoma.s, The Tye Durrant's farm ing machine proprietor
Tyser WaIter P. Peacocks Gl'aham In. farmer, Ma.rtin's, TheTye Whitehead Robert, farmer. Staples frm
COlIMERCllL. Mc~iillan George & Hugh, farmers, Willis Reuben. be~r retailer~ Tbe Tye
!Baker Geo. farmer, Parsonage frm Bearman's
:MARKS TEY, see Tey. •
MARKSHALL is a village and small parish, 5 miles Honywoou, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Edward de
north from Kelvedon station on the Great Eastern rail- Ewer. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. Marks Hall, the seat @f
way, and. 7 east-north-east from Braintree station on Thomas PhilIips Price esq. is a large and handsome Eliza-
thtl Maldon, Witham and Braintree branch of that line, bethan building, standing in a well-wooded pa.rk of 2';;2
la aorth-west from Coggeshall. and 8 110uth from Halstead, acres, 'stocked with fallow deer and' containing two fish
in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, ponds: here lived Mrs. Mary Honywood, who died i.1\
Witham petty sessional division, Braintree union, Hal- 1620, aged 93, and saw of her own issue r6 children, J J.l,
stead county court district, and in the rural deanery of grandchildren, 228 great-grandchildren and 9 great-great-·
Halstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St, grandchildren, being a tot,a! of 367 descendants. Thomas'
Albans. The ohurch of St. Margaret, adjoining the hall, l'hillips Price esq. is lord of the manor and the principal
is a hexagonal structure of brick, almost entirely rebuilt landownel". The soil is strong loam and clay; subsuil,.
at the sole expense of Mrs. Honywood: it consists of clay. The chief crop is wheat. The area is 809 acres ~f
. chancel, baptistery, vestry and organ chamber: the land and 4 of water; rateable value, £'5'8-+; the POjlllla-
sedilia and credence are of marble: there are a few hon in r90r was 540.
marble tablets to members of the Honywood family, in- Verger, William Smith.
eluding that of Mrs. Mary Honywood, mentioned below, Letters through Kelvedon R.S.O. via Coggeshnll, arri"e :"k
who died in 1620: the church affords 60 sittings. 'rhe 8.30 a.m. &, dispatched at 8.30 & 7 p.m Coggeshall i~
regist,er dates from the year r585 The living is a rec- tile nearest money order & telegraph office & is within,
. tory, net yearly value :£ 160, with 30 acres of glehe :md 2 miles by the field-path
residence, in the gift of the trustees of the late Mrs. The child'ren of this parish attend the Cogge,shall school
de Ewer Rev. Edward, Rectory I Price T'homas Phillips J.P. [Marks halll Cowlin George, seed grower, Cradle 1io
MASHBURY is a village and parish, 6 miles north- stre8t, London W. who is lord of the manor, Lora Ray-
west from Chelmsford station, 9 south from Dunmow leigh, Henry Marriage esg. of Broomfield and Christophol'
and 33 from London, in the Mid division of the county, Matthews esq. are the principal landowners. The soil }so
Dunmow hundred, Chelmsford petty sessional division, heavy; subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are wheat, ba'1"-
union and county court district, and in the rural deanery ley, beans and clover. 'The area is 897 aCTes; Tateable
of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. value. £872; the population in 1901 was r7.J. c:1JieJ.lly
Albans. The church (unnamed) is a small structure of engaged in agricultural pursuits.
ruhble of t'le N~rman period, consisting of chancel, nave,
south porch and a western belfry formerly containing GOLDING WELLS is one mile north-west.
3 bells; the belfry, injured by lightning in 1872 was By Local Government Board Order 22,419, March 24,
rebuilt in r8'90 and now has only one bell: on t,he north r888, detached parts of Good Easter were added to Mas11-
side of the church is a Norman doorway, now disused: bury.
there are 100 sittings. The register of baptisms dates Parish Clerk, vYilliam Firman.
from the year 1539; marriages, 1540; burials, 1546. Wall Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m. week days only.
The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Ohignal St. Letters by foot post through Chelmsford, arrive at, 9'
James and Mary, joint net yearly value £277, with 5.•
acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of lVII's. Barnes, a.m. High Ea,ster & Great Walt-ham are the nea,rest.
and held ,since 1895 by the Rev. Frederick Williams M.A. money order & telegraph offices, 3 miles distant
of Trinity College, Dublin, who resides at Chignal. Lt.- The children of this' parish attend the Coggeshall school
CoL Thomas Harvey Bramston, of 20 Old Burlington St. James
Matt:1IewsRalph,farmer,Mashbury hall Smith John, Fox inn
Monk John, shopkeeper I Spearman William, carrier
MATCHING is a village and parish on a tributary of the pack hunt 3 days a week over the same country ago
the Stort, 4! miles east from Harlow station on the Cam- the Essex foxhfJUnds and is the only pack that has-
bridge section of the Great Eastern railway, 5 from the authority to hunt in Epping Forest. Capt.. Horace W.
Stort navigation, 9 north-east from Epping, 8 south-east Calverlp.y. of Down Hall, Harlow, is lord of the man,t'll'
from Bishop's Stortford and 7 north-west from Ongar, and principal landowner. The soil is various, mostl)l
in the Western division of the county, Harlow hundred heavv; sllbsoil, clay and gravel. 'I'he chief crops a'1'e
dnd petty sessional division, Epping union, Bishop's wheir, barley and roots. 'I'he parish ha.s an area of'
Stortford county court district and in the rural deanery of 2,+J8 acres of land and 8 of water; 1'ateable value,
Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. £2,+37; the population in 1901 was 562.
The church of St. Mary, founded and endowed by Harvey Ovesham, or Housham, a hamlet of Matching, recorded
de Borham, dean of St. Paul's, in the r3 th century, is a in Domesday Book, once had a district chapel. Matching
building of flint and stone in mixed styles, consisting of rve is three-quarters of a mile south-west and Newman's
chancel, nave, aisles, south transept, south porch and:m End ! mile north-west of the church. Two-thirds of
embattled western tower containing 6 bells, two of which Matching- Green, which lies r mile to the south, are iD-
were recast in 1875, and the treble added in 18 97: the Ma,tohing pa,dsb; the remaining third is in High Laver.
church was rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in
1875, at the cost of the Right Hon. Sir H. J. and Lady Sext:Jl1, John Little.
Selwin-Ibbetson (afterwards Lord and Lady Rookwood): Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. R, Express Delivery
the pulpit was· the gift of Richard Glasscock esg. of Down Parcel Post & Insurance ,& Annuity Office, Matching
Hall, in 1624: there is a brass to John Ballett gent. ob. GrN'il -Edwin O",·ers, postmaster. LetteTs through
r638, with other inscriptions to members of this family: Rado,,·, arrive at 7.50 a.m.; delivery at 8 a.m.; dis-
the church has 400 sittings. The register dates from the patche'[ at, ra.55 a.m. & 6 p.ll.; sundays at 10 a.m
year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value Post Office, :Matching Tye.-John Smith, Isub-postmaster.
{,200, with 9 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of l,ett'~rs through Harlow arrive at 7.5 a.m. & 10.20
the trustees of Felstead school on the nomination of the .
· h
B IS f S Alb h d . 18 6 b h R a.m.; dIspatched at 11.20 a.m. & 7 p.m.; sundays-
op u t. ans, and el smce 9 y t e ev. arrive at 7. 15 a.m.; dispatched at 11 a.m. Postal'
John Brereton Andrewes M. A. of Emmanuel College, orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
Cambridge. An ancient house, near the church, built by money order & telegraph office is at Matching Grean.
a Mr. Chimney and designed for the entertainment of 11 miles distant
poor people on t,heir wedding day, was restored in r897, Wan I,etter Box, Kewman's En,d, cleared- 7. 15 a.m &:-
and is now used as a Sunday school and for other pal'o-
. I
cma purposes. I 8
n 1 75 a C t' I I I
ongregalOna c Jape was 6,3° p.m.; sunday, 10.3 0 p.m

erectGd at \1:atching Tye, in connection with the Congre- Police Station, Sergeant Arthur Lart€'r, in charge
gational chapel at Hatfield Heath, and there is a Baptist School (mixed), built, with residence, in 1874, for I2()'>
chapel at ~Iatching Green, built in r885. E. Quare esq. children; average attendance, 89; John L. Harper,..
is the owner of a pack of harriers; during the season master
Andrewes Rev. Jobn Brereton M.A. Bannerman D'Arcy (Mrs.), RC. M. Field MarslhaJI (exors. of the Ia.te);.
(viea,r), Vicarage teacher of music, The Cottage, farmeTs. Kingstones
Bott Mrs. Newman's end Ma.tching Green Howard Thomas John, farmer, Match-
Dick Arthur. Matching Tye Billings Wm. beer rUr. Matching 'rye ing hall, Brick house, Collins Cross.
Geller Samuel B. Matching Tye Bowtell Thoma,s Jeremiah, house de- & Parsonage farms
Macilwain Mrs. Matching Green corator, Matching Tye Nott Henry, kennpl huntsman & 1st
Quare Ernest, Honington house Clark Charles, blacksmith whip, The Kennels, Matching Green-
CO~ME~CIAL. FJ,vin George, farmer, Matching T),e· Olden George, gamekeeper to Captain,
Bass Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Haz~ldine & Smallway's farm Horace W. Oalverley
lodge, Matching Green Fenton .TO~lD, farmer, Hoggs farm
Owers Edwin, s,bopkeeper &; post- Peatt Albert, hurdle maker, House- Silcock Zecbariah, barness maker,
master, Matching Green ham Tye Matching Green
Pestell Brothers, grucers &/ drapers, Saville John, beer retlr. Matching Grn Smith John, grocer, Post office,Match-
Matching Green Saville John, jun. blacksmith, 'Match- ing Tye
Pollard Oharles Edwin, Fox P.H. ing Green Walden Wm. cycle agt.J\'Iatching Grn
Matching Tye Stephens Samuel, farmer, Stock hall Wood 'William, farmer, Carters green
MAYLAND, anciently called" Meilanda," is a parish, St. Barl!holoiIllew':s Hospital, who are lords of the manor,
2 miles west from Southminster station on a branch I and Enoch Taylor esq. are the principalland'owners. The
from Woodham Ferris of the Southend section of the Great soil is heavy loam; subso,il, clay. The! chief crops are
Ea,stern railway, 8~ south-east from Maldon. and 4 wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,876 acres; rate-
nprth-west from Burnham, in the South Eastern division abl'e value, £1,019; the population in 19012 was 126
of the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional divi- By Local Government Board Order 22,354, dated March
sion, Maldon union and county court district and in the 25, 18'89, Old and New Bovills were transferred to South-
rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and minst,er.
dIOcese of St. .Albans. The church of St. Barnabas, Sexton, John Green.
erected by subscription in 186 7, is an edifice of Kentish Letter Box, contiguous to the school, cleared at 8.45
rag in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, a.m. &; 6 .50 p.m.; sun d ays, 6 .5 0 p.m. L e tt ers t h rouo~
nave, vestry, sout h pore b an d a stone turret on t h e Maldon via .Althorne arrive at 6.30 a.m. The nearest
eastern gable of the nave containing I bell: the east money order & telegraph office is at Southminster, ~
window and eight others in the nave are stained, and miles distant
there are 165 sittings. The register of baptisms dates .A School Board of 5 members was formed 6 Mar. 18 75
• from the year 1748 ; burials, 1765; marriages, 1754· for the united parishes of Mayland & Atlhorne, Walt~T
Th,~ hdng i., a vicarage, net yearly value £9 8, with 35 E. Read, Southminst,er, clerk to th-e board & ,attend-
aCfP;'; of glebc- with residence, in the gift of the Governors ance office,r
of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, and held since
18 9 1 by the Rev. Daniel Robertson Williams Fid]er M.A. Board School-(mixed), built in 1876 at a cost of £1,600.
of St. J\Iarv Hall. Oxford. The rectorial tit,hes, commuted for 130 children; average attendance, 75; Harry
at £4II, belong to, the Gorvernors o-f ,St. Hartholomew's Jeffries, master; Miss G. Lamba,rd, mistress; there is-
HOtspitaL The charities amount to about £2 yearly, left a teache.r's resridenee attaohed to the schools
by WiHiam .Aylett, late of this place. The Governors of Carriers pass through here every tuesday & friday
BaJrton WaIter James, Bicknacre grnge Britt Robert, farmer, Luthurns fa.rm Partridge GeG. Edwd. f31rmr. The Hall
Fidler Rev. Dan!. Hobertson Williams Calderbank Richard (Mrs.), farmer Short Geo. Alfd.poultryfrmr.Fair view
M.A. Vicarage Cardnell George (exor.s. of), millers, Smith Thos. nrsrymn. 'l'he Homestead
T'aylor Enoch, Rawli})gs (wind &; steam) Sqmre Francis, farmer, Nipsells
COMMERCIAL, Cresswell Henry, farmer, Highlands Taylor Enoch, farmer & land owner.
Axon T,bomas, builder Hammond Hubert, market gardener Rawlin~

MERSEA (the M,arsh Isle) lies between the mouths Post Office, East Mersea.-David King, sub-postmaster.
of the rivers Colne and BlackJVater and is separated from Letters arrive from Colchester at 5. IS a. m. ; dispatcbeu
the mainland by Pyefleet creek, famous for its oysters; at 7.15 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not
a causeway on the, north side, called! the "Strode" or paid. West Mersea is the nearest money order &; tele-
"Stroude," which is dry at l?w .water, affording the I graph office, 3 miles distant
necessary means of commumcatlOn;. the length. of Pillar Letter Box, at School house, cleared at 6.15 p.m
Mersea. from nort.h-east to south-west IS about 5 mIles, N t' 1 S h 1 ( " d) b 'It' 86 f I "Id
its greatest breadth about 2; it possesses many natural a IOna c 00 mue , UI m 1 0, ~r 95 G 11 ren;.
b eau t les, .
IS we
II woo d e d an d diversl'fi ed Wl'th h'll
1 an d average attendance,
. 50; £
&; endowed
. , WIth £6 2S. . 8d.
dale. On the sea coast the shore is bold and command- yearly, the lllterest .upon 200 m Consols, left .m 18rz
ing, but northwards flat and shelving and skirted by by the Rev. Jol~n TIckle, of Wargrave~ Berk~, 1~ trust
salt marshes, being defended by a dyke or sea wall. The I to the rect?r & churchwardens of thIS parIsh, :Mrs.
. I d f d· ·d d b thi k h d d th Appleby, mIstress
~s an ar!?s are IVl e y. c e ge-rows. an e CarrIer to Colchester.-Robt. Underwood to the' PlouO'h '
mclosed fields are generally small; the sprmgs are . ' , b ,
excellent. It is divided into two parishes-East and tues. thturs. & sat.; returmng same evemngs
West Mersea-~nd is in the North Eastern div\~ion of WEST MERSE.A parish is 9 miles south from O~l-
the countJ:'"' lhn~t:r:e~ hundred,. Lexden and "mstree chester. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an edifiee
petty s~ssI?nal dlvls~on and umon, Colchester county of stone and flint, consisting of chancel, nave of fonr

court dIstrICt, and In the deanery. of Mersea,: bays, south aish, and nOl,th and south porches, and an
archd~aconry of Colchester, and dlOc~se of St. Alb.ans. T~e , embattled western tower containing a clock and 5 bells:
area IS 5,3 22 acres; the populatIon of the Island m the archway from the nave into the tower is Norman,
19°1 was 1,5 22 . and Roman brickwork enters largely into the structure
EAST MERSEA, next the Colne, is about 6 miles south of the building; there are 350 sittings. The register
from Wivenhoe station on the Tendring branch of the dates from the year 1634. The living is a discharged
Great Eastern railway, about I west from Brightlingsea vicarage, net yearly value, £140, with 8 acres of glebe,
terminal station by ferry on a branch of the same line, in the gift of James Eglington A. Gwynne esq. of Folking-
10 south from Colchester, and 61 from London. The ton Manor, Polegate, Sussex, and held since 1898 by the
church of St. Edmund, a building of the 14th century, Rev. Charles Pierrepont Edwards. During the pre-
standing on a declivity at the east end of the island, gress of alterations at West Mersea Hall. about 1730,
exhibits a mixture of the Perpendicular and Decorated a very fine tesselated pavement was discovered, 21! feet
styles, and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north in length and 18! in breadth: the hall stands immedi-
aisle, north chapel, south porch and an embattled ately contiguous to the church and from excavation"
western tower containing I bell: the tower was formerly made in the churchyard, it would appear that the whole
surmounted by a beaeon and still serves as a landmark: extent of it is underlaid with this pavement, upon
during the Dutch and French wars it was garrisoned by which, indeed, very many lie buried: in 1897 similar re·
soldiers, and the entrance staircase from the interior mains were discovered in the neigbourhood of the cburch_
is guarded by a very ancient iron door as a protection Dr. Cromwell Mortimer, secretary of the Royal Society,
against fire: there are 175 sittings: the church and hall visiting the spot in 1740, conceived it to have once been
were once surrounded by a moat, of which part still re- the villa of a Roman prcetor, but it pas otherwise been
mains. The· register dates from the year 1720. The regarded by Dr. Stukely as the remains of a temple dedi-
living is a rectory, net yearly value £2{6, with 23 acres of cated to the goddess Vesta, which once stood on or ne~r
glebe and residence, in the gift of the Crown, and held the site of the church. The Counts of the Saxon shore are
since 1897 by the Rev. .Alfred Leede~ Hunt M.A. of St. said by Morant to have bad their residence adjacent to this-
John's College, Cambridge: the rectory house was built temple on the site now occupied by West Mersea Hall.
in the year 1860. Edward Smith esq. is lord of the There is a Congregational chapel. with burial ground and
manor, the rector being lord of the rectorial manor. The school room attached and a Wesleyan chapel. There
principal landowners are John Fenner esq. The Rt. Hon. is now a burial ground under the control of the Parish'
James Round P.C., M.P. of Birch Hall, and Mrs. A. M. Council. Here is a coast guard station, with a chief
Sandford, of Reeves hall, Colchester. The soil is mixed; officer and a staff of ten men. W. J. Bean esq. is the
subsoil, loam and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, pr,incipal l:::..ndowner. The soil is rich sandy loam and
barley, oats, beans, peas and mangold-wurtzel. The stIff clay; subsoil, part gravel and part clay. 'l'he
area is 1,973 acres of land, 16 of water, 859 of tidal chief crops are wheat, barley and beans; there are also,
water and 1,607 of foreshore; rateable value, £1,606; a great number of flower seeds grown. The area is
the population in 1901 was 218. 3,182 acres of land, I I of water, 667 of tidal water and
1 • ~ , '.


909 of foreshore;. rateable .alue, £3,416; the popula- ,
tion in 1901 was 1,304.
Close to 'West Mersea, in Salcott creek,' are two small A School Board of 5 members was formed July 17, 1896,
islands, one. of which is called "Cobmarsh island." tor West Mersea; C. W. Denton, 18 East Stockwell
Parish Clerk, :Fredenck Edward Banks.. street, Colchester, clerk to the board
POST, M. O. & T. 0 .. T. 'M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
Board School (mixed), for 300 children; average attend-
Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mrs. Arthur Mus- ance, 235; John Thorpe, master; Mrs. Carver, mistress
sett, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive through Col-
chester by mail cart ~t 5.30 a.m. & 12 noon; dis- Carriers to Couchester.-Mrs. Gudinore, mono wed. &
patched at 10.30 a.m. & 7 p.m . . sat.; Percy Rudlin, daily, stopping' at 'Plough,' &
Coast Guard Station, John Smith, chief officer returning same evenings .
EAST MERSEA. BaTclay & Co. Limited (sub-branch) Harvey Catherine (Mrs.), farmer,
Hunt llev. Alfred Leedes M.A. Rectory (Samuel Cant White, agent); draw Bower Hall farm (postal address,
on head office, 54 Lomhartl street, East Mersea)
London E .C Mussett Arthur, oyster planter; best
Death George; farmer Brand George, oyster merchant native!! always in stock; impmter
Fennel' Frank, farmer, East Mersea Oock Daniel R. farmer, Brick house of foreign oysters & dealer in winkle,s
Hall farm Cook Elijah Longstaff, oyster mer Page James, farmer, Bocking hall
Foster 'Vm. farmer, Broman's farm Cook Munson, coal merchant Pullen Elijah, seed grower
Pryke George, farmer, Fenn farm CookeEdwin Langstaff, oyster mer Pullen Joseph, seed grower
Pullen Robert, seed grower Cross Pearl, farmer,Waldegrave's frm. IUudlin Percy, carrier
Waplin Barnard, Dog & Pheasant P.B & Haycock's farm Smith George Frederick (Mrs. ),mille,r
Woods Robert, farmer, North farm Cudmore Geo. (Mrs.), gro. & carrier (steam & wind)
Woods Simon. farmer, Mitchell's fm Dixson John, shopkeeper Smith Jas. Syer (Yrs.), beer retaile,r
Edwards George, Fox P.R & shopke,eper
WEST MERSEA. Green William, farmer, Well house Smith John, chief officer, Coast Guard
Bean Willoughby John, The Firs Hall Ben M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng-. station
Depr'M Arthur OliveI', 'fhe Hall physician, public va.ccinator & Thorpe Maurice, carpenter
Edwards Rev.Ch'lrlesPierrepont(vicar) medical officer, No. 3 district, Lex- Traveller 'William, shopkeeper
Frost-Smith Robert, Portbower den & Winstree union & surgeon to Trim 'Villiam, Victory P.H
Gilbert Thomas J.P. Orleans cottage Coast GU3J1'd Turner Ashton, grocer & baker
Hall Ben M.B Hempstead James, oyster planter; Went Arthur,White H{lrt hotel; head-
Leith. Fred 'V. Kingsland best natives always in stock; im- qua,rters of the Mersea Sailing Club,
Watson Rev. Thomas (Congregational) porter of foreign oysters & dealer in wildfowling &, fishing
winkles White Samuel Cant & Co. grocers &
COMMERC!A.L. Mole Thomas, insurance agent drapers ,& agency for Barclay & CO.'s
Bean Willoughby John, oyster mer- Munson William & Joseph,blacksmiths Bank
chant & farmer Wyatt Willliam, shipwright
MESSING, anciently written" Massinges," and" Me- tality," to bEl preached annually about same date, being
things," is a village and parish on the northern borders the anniversary of his death; he was a great henefactor
of Tiptree Heath, part of which was within this parish, z~ to the church, and presented the communion plate, the
miles east from Kelvedon station on the main line of the stained east window and the antique candlesticks. A
Great Eastern railway, 5 south-east from Coggeshall, 9 fair is held on the first Tuesday in July. "Messing" is
south-west from Colchester and 45 from London, in the supposed by modern antiquaries to be derived from Saxon
Eastern division of the countv,•
Lexden hundred, Witham words signifying" The Field of Trampling," on account
petty sessional division, Lexden and Winstree union, Col- of a bloody engagement fought here between Queen
chester county court district, and in the rural deanery of Iloadicea and the Romans; a large farm called "Har-
CoggeshalI. archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. borough Hall" probably took its name from being the site
Albans. The church of All Saints is an ancient building of of the encampment; curious Roman jars have occasionally
flint with stone dressings, in mixed styles, and consists of been dug up. There was formerly a family seat b~longing
ehancel, nave, transept (built about 1830 by the late to the Luckyns, through whom, from the Chibborne
Bishop of Moray and Ross, once curate of this parish), family, the property came to the Earl of Verulam. Hill
-south porch (used as a vestry), and an embattled western House, the residence of Richard Edward Rann esg. M.A.
tower of red brick, containing a clock and 3 bells: the J.P. is pleasantly seated in a park of 70 acres at a short
ehancel is lined with oak panelling of the time of J ames distance from the village. The Earl of Verulam, who
1. and has a restored piscina: the oak panelling was is lord of the manor and Richard Edward Rann esg. are
restored by the Earl of Verulam in 1897, and is believed the principal landowners. The soil is gravel and clay;
to have been originally the panelling in the old hall: subsoil,. the same. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
the east window is filled with stained glass, sup- barley. The area is 2,613 acres; rateable value, £1,99-1;
posed to be by Van Linge; an effigy of wood, assumed LIH~ population in 1901 was 731.
to represent Sir William de Messing, founder of the By Local Government Board Order 22,363, March 24,
church, formerly occupied a recessed arch in the north IBB9, a detached part of Great Wigborough, known as
'Wall, but has been unfortunately destroyed: there remains Quashers Garner, was transferred to this parish, and
the brass figure of a lady, date c. I530, the inscription by the same order a detached part of Messing was
of which is missing; and an inscription only to John added to Inworth.
Porter, yeoman, ob. April 29th, 1600: the font is finely Parish Clerk, George Everett.
carved: in 1897 a chiming apparatus was attached to the Post Office.-Charles Farrow, sub-postmaster. Letter~
bells in commemoration of the Diamond .Tubilee of her are received by cart from Kelvedon R.S.O.; delivered
late Majesty Queen Victoria: 180 sittings in this church at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched to Kelvedon at 7.30 p.m.
are free. The register dates from the year I558. The Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £zoo, including nearest money order office & telegraph office is nt
30 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Tiptree Heath, 2 miles distant
Earl of Verulam, and held since 1888 by the Rev Ed-
ward Leathes Young Deacle M. A.. of Sidney Sussex National School (mixed), for no children; average at-
College, Cambridpe. The charities consist of 405. to the tendance, 70; Miss Roberts, head mistress
poor, to be given about the 26th of April, and 40s. left Carriers to Colchester.-Bennett, from Inworth, passes
by Captain John Ghibborne for a sermon on "Mor- through, tues. & sat. & Hart, from Messing, tues. & sat
Eigg Mrs BIyth Mark, farmer & cattle dealer, Good~y Arthur, The Maypole P.R
Deacle Rev. Edward Leathes Young The Elms Green Charles, baker
M.A. (vicar), The OId Vicarage Cardy Henry, blacksmith Hart Hy. Oak inn, shopkpr. & carrier
Farrow Henry W. The Pnrsonage Chaplin Harry, grocer & draper Looker HO'race, fa-rme,r, New farm
Fox Mrs. Clonmacmara Cowlin John, saddler & shopkeeper Marchant William, King's Arms P.R
Rann Richard Edward lL.A.., J.P. Day William (Mrs.), boarding school Marven Wm. frmr. Yew Tree farm
Hill house for young gentlemen, Inworth Hall Nice William, wheelwright
Taylor Mr!l. Vine oottage school Norman "Vm. frmr. Rarborough hall
Thorne Alfred, Stone villa Deal 'Villiam, jun. farmer, Hill farm Turren 'I'homas, Crown inn
White Miss Fairhead Chas.Stanley, frmr.Lodge fm Workman's Rest (Rev.E. L. Y. Deacle
COMMEnCIA.L. FarrQlW' Henry W. highwa,y surve,yor, 'M.A. president)
Elock John Darnford,Queen'sRead P.R The Parsonage'
MIDDLETON is a parish on the navigable river Stoul', dence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since
2 miles south from Sudbury station on the Stour Valley 1889 by the Rev. OliveI' Edward Raymond M.A. of Clare
branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 8 north-east College, Cambridge. The rectory house is beautifully
from Halstead, in the Northern division of the county, situated, with a small park in front and contains a
Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional splendid collection of oil pajntings by English, Dutch,
division (Halstead bench), Sudbury union and county. Flemish, French and Italian masters. Lieut.-Col. Walter
court district, rural deanery of Heding-ham, arch- . St. George Burke R.E. 0-£ Auberies, Bulmer, is lord of the
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay, loam
church, supposed to have been dedicated to St. Mary, is and gravelly; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,
a small but ancient building, covered with plaster, con- barley and turnips. The area is 86q acre·s of land and 7
sistin2' of chancel, nave, south porch, and a wooden bell of water; rateable value, £672; the population in 1891
turret with spire containing one bell, and has some was 142.
Norman remains: there are several stained windows and Sexton, George Scrivener.
in the chancel a slab of dark marble with the figure of
an ecclesiastic, and an inscription to J ames Samison, a Letters per foot post from Sudbury, delivered at 6.40 &
I I a.m.; collected at 6 p.m.; Sudbury is the nearest
former rector of Middleton, ob. 1349 : a carved oak. reredos
has been presented by the children of the Rev. OliveI' telegraph office, I! miles distant & Ballingdon the money
Raymond LL.B. 70 years rector here, d. 1889: the church order office
has 150 s~ttings. The register dates from the year 1700. :Xational School (mixed): built in 1875, for 69 children;
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £240, with rcsi. average attendance, 34; Mrs. Foakes, mistress

Nears 'Vm. carpenter & wheelwright

Raymond Rev.OliverEdwd.M.A.Rectry Tuffin Alfred, baker
Turpin Edward, fTmr. Middleton hall

MISTLEY (formerly called "Mistly Thorn") is a owners are the Rev. Canon Chades F. 1\Ol'man M. A. the
parish and village, pleasantly seated on the south bank of trustees of the late Thomas G. Kensit esq. and the Messrs.
the Stour, commanding extensive and picturesque views George-. The soil is of a mixed character; subsoil, clay
of the river and adjoining county of Suffolk, with a . and gravel. The chief crops are barley, wheat and oats.
station in the centre of the village, near to the quay, on The area is 2,120 acres of land, 5 of water, 20 of tidal
the Harwich branch o-f the Great Eastern railway, I mile waleI' awl 121 of foreshore; rateable value, -£9,088; the
east from the town of Manningtree, 10 north-east from population in 1891 was 1.639 and in 1901 was 1.648,
Colchester, I I west from Harwich and 601 from which included 54 in Brunswick Ronse Lunatic Asylum,
London, in the North Eastern division of the county, a branch of the County Asylum. (The names ()f persons
Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and rpsiding in that portion of this pnrish which forIns part
union, Colchester county court district, rural deanery of the town of Manningtree will be found unt!el' that
of Ardleigh and HaT\vich, archdeaconry of Colchester heading. )
and diocese of St. Albans. There is a substantial Parish Sexton, Richard Sage.
quay, which was much extended in 1849 and a consider-
able trade is carried on in corn and malt. The Stour is Town Sub-Post, M. O. & T. O.,T. M. O.,Express Delivery,
navigable as far as Mistley for vessels of 250 tons, to Parcel Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. Sam-
Manningtree for vessels of 100 tons, and to Sudbury (20 son Samuel Wire, postmaster. Deliveries from Man-
miles distant) for canal barges. St. Mary's church, ningtree at 7.30 & 9 a.m. & I & 6.30 p.m.; dispatched
situated in the Park, and erected in 187°-I, at a cost of at 9.15 a.m. & I, 2.45 & 7.30 p.m
about £5,000, on a site given by the Rev. O. F. Norman "Wall Post ox (Railway Station), cleared nt 9.10 ,un. &
M.A. rector, is an edifice of Kentish rag, with Bath stone
dressings, in the Early Decorated style, consisting of 1.5, 7·35 & IQ.I5 p.m.; sundays, IQ.35 a.m. & ID.IS
apsidal chancel, cIerestoried nave, aisles, vestry, organ
chamber, south porch and a western tower with spire, Wall Letter Box (Oxford road), cleared at 9.35 a.m. 3 &i
I4c feet in height and containing 6 bells, 5 new bells 9 p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m
being added in 189,8 in commemoration of the Diamond
Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen Victoria, at a cost COU:XTY rvU.GISTRATES FOR TENDlUNG l'E'l"l'Y
of£350; arcades of five simiile Pointed arches on the
south side and four on the north side, supported by SESSIONAL DIVISIO~.
massive cylindrical columns of red Mansfield stone, with Korman Rev. Canon Charles Fredk. M.A. Mistley Place,
plain moulded capitals, divide the nave from the aisles: Manningtree, chairman
there are ten stained windows, seven of which were Bowles vVilliam Henry esq. Lawford Place, Manningtree
the gift of the rector, at whose cost the tower rmd spire Cardil1all Durrant Edward es!}. 18 Cromwell I'd. lJl'ighton
were also erected: an elaborately carved pulpit" of Johnson Sir John Henry, St. Osyth prim·y, Colchester
marble and Caen stone. "ms presented by Thomas "Wil- Davis Col. Richard Percival, New House farm, Walt{)n-
liam Xunn esq.: the font, given by Mrs. Norman, of on-the-Naze
Mistley Place, has a basin of alabaster, supported on Kirby John Roberts esg. Churchill house, Dover
serpentine columns with carved capitals and bases: till! Nichols Fraucis Morgan esg. Lawford hall, Manningtree
lectern "Was the gift of the late J. T. Ambrose esq.: Nichols WaIter Buchanan esq. Stour lodge, Bradfield,
at the west end are several memorial tablets removed 'Manningtree
here from the old church, including one to Richard Norman Edwd. Kensit esq. D.L. Mistley Idg. ManningtI'ee
Rigby esq. d. 1730, and another to the !light Hon. Page The Rev. Arnold Henry M.A. The RectQry, Ten-

Richard Higby M.P. Paymaster General of the Forces, d. dring, Colchester
1788: the interior of the church was beautifully decorated Slimon vVilliam Henry M.D. Angle view, Clncton-oll-Sea •
in r885 by the rector, at a cost of upwards of £1,000 and Smith John esq. Alton park, Clacton-on-Sea. S.O
a valuable brass eagle presented at the same time by the
Norman family, and in 1886 a large stained west window Clerk to the ::\Iagistrates, Henry William .Tones, High
was added at a cost of 300 guineas, as a memorial to the street, :i\'Ianningtree & 'fawn Hall cham hers, Colchester
late Rev. Richard Hayne D.D. a former rector: there are
1,000 sittings. The registers date from the year 1559. The mayor of Harwich and the chairmen, for the timo
The living is a rectory, united to the vicarage of Brad- being, of the Clacton-on-Sea, Frinton-on-Sea. & Wal-
field, net yearly value £494, with 47 aCI'es of glebe nnll ton-on-the-~aze Urban District Councils, are ex-officio
residence, in the gift of and held since 1883 by the Rev. magistrates
Charles Frederick Norman M.A. of St. Catharine's 'Col- Petty Sessions for this division are held at the Police
lege, Cambridge, hon. canon of St. Albans, rural dean of station every monday fortnight alternately at Mistley &i
Ardleigh, surrogate and J .P. fOl" Essex. The school chapel Thorpe. The following places are included in the petty
of St. John's, Horsley Cross, about 2 miles south-east, !is a sessional division: Alresford, Ardleigh, Beaumont, Great
picturesque brick building, with apsidal chancel, nave Bentley, Little Bentley, Bradfield, Great Bromley, Little
aud a lofty fleche, and was erected by subscription and Bromley,Great Clacton, with Clacton-on-Sea, Little Clac-
licensed for Divine service in 1863. There is a Primitive ton, Elmstead, Frating, Frinton, Great Holland, Little
Methodist chapel built in 1862. Here is the pumping Holland, Kirby, Lawford, Manningtree, Mistley, Great
station of the Tendring Hundred Water Works. Mistley Oakley, Littlo Oakley, Ramsey, St. Osyth, Tendring,
Lodge is the seat of Edward Rensit Norman esq. D.L., Thorrington, Thorpe, Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley,
J.P.; Mistley Place of the Rev. Canon Charles Frederick Wix & Wrabness
Norman l\I.A., J.P. and Mistley Hall of Willialll Wal-
ton esq. The trustees of the late Thomas Glover Ken· Police Station &; Petty Sessions House, New 1'0:111, Nehe-
sit esq. are lords of the manor. The principal land. miah Page, inspector & 2 constables

Norman National Schools, with master's house, erected in Horsley Cross Schoul (mixed), for 60 chil')l'cn; llvel'llglrl'
1862, at a. cost of £4,000 &; endowed with £35 yearly, attendance, 32; Miss E. Caldwell, mistress
arising from 26 acres of land at Lawford, &; £1,200 in- .
vested in Consols, devised by the late Edward Norman Railway Station, Frederick Henry Parker, station master
esq. of Mistley Place: the school will hold 170 children &i &; goods agent
has an average attendance of 160; in J900 all iu-
fants' room for 70 children was added at a cost of Carrier.-Large, to Ipswich, tues. & fri.; to ColchesLel'·.
£700; Luke Ricketts Tippins, master; Mrs. 'l'ippiIlS, wed. & sat

Waltoll Wllliam, Mistley hall Horlock Robert Anthony, master
Washington Georg-e White, High st mariner, The Green
AIde-rtoll Mrs. The Gre,en COMMERCIAL. Horlock Robert Richard, barge ownell
Bailey Henry, Holly place Alle·n Mrs. Isabel, beer l'etailer Horlock Samued Homtio, barge owner,
Bellamy Rev. William Montague M.A. Barton Richard, beeT' :rtlr.MistleyHth Marine villa
(curn:te), East lodge, 'I.'he Green BaxtC'r 'l'homas James, ironmonger, Hunneyball Thos. Lord Denman P.H
Bolton Mrs. High street hlaoksmit,h, assistant ovel'see,r, clerl, Hunneyball William, market gardencl'
Brooke John William, Dorset hOuse to parish council & ·a,ssessor of taxes Kerridge Henry Robert, cattle deale:r
Brooks Charles Norman for MisHey, Manningtou, Bradfield Kerridge ,William, cattle dealer
Brooks Robert &; Lawford Ladbrook WaIter, painter
Brooks ""1'. H. H. PUTk lodge 13axter William, g-rocer, draper &c Large Allen, carrier & shpkpr.High at
Budd Misses, Red house, New road Berry Edgar T. Thorn inn Liggins Joseph, beer Tetlr. High si
But<ler Oharles .Alfred, Sunnyside, Bilner Oharles, farm bailiff to the ;\track Louis, baker, High street
Norman road Rev. C. F. Norman, Mistley farm Manning Charles,wheelWTight & smith,
Chissell Mrs Brame William, farmer, Drove house Horsley Cross road
Olarke George, James' tCI'race Brooke .Tohn Wm. land agt.Dorset ho Marvin George (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Donsta.ble JOlhn Matthew, Elm cottage Brooks W. &; Sons, maltsters, corn, Mead Henry, accountant & house agt.
Oook Fl'ederickJohn,'l'heLimes,New I'd seed, oil cake, ale &; porter &; coal & registI'ar of marriages, Oxford ho
Orisp Thomas, OxfoTd road merchants, wharfingers &; ship- Mullett Samuel James, beer retailer
Dawna.y N. W. Stour villa owners; & at Colchester Page Nehemiah, inspector of police,
Fenn Miss, New road Brown Robert, blacksmith Police station, New rmi.d
Finch John, I Myrtle villas Cant George, shoe maker Robinson Sarah Ann (Mrs.), laundry,
Free Robert Edward, The Elms Chissell Joseph, master mariner High street
Free Stanley, The Elms Davey Thomas 'Yebb, carpenter Rose Henry, builder & contractor,
Goodrum Oharles Wm. 2 Elm terraoe Frnk. Oross inn,Horsley Oross Alma house
Gould Joseph William, Cliff house Edme Limited, malt extract manu- Sharp Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker &; grcr
Green Miss, Forest ,house, New road fadurers 1& yeast brewers (Fredk. Shinn William Francis, inland revenue
Heap Miss, Inglewood John Cook, sec) officer, Port View villa
Johnson Rev. Samuel Joseph (Wes- Essex Lunatic Asylum (branch of) S<rnith Geo.mas'ter marnr.Norman I'd

The Hollies (Joseph Singer Jameson M.D., M.B. Stone Charles, master mariner
Marchant Henrv John, High stree,t medical attendant; Mrs. Miller, Taylor & Butler, timber merchants,
Marshall Frederick John matron), Brunswick house Baltic wharf; & at Manningtree
Mauldon MiSJs', Acacia house Free, Rodwell &; Co. Lim. maltsters, TayloI' George Thomas, deputy regis-
Neame, Norman, The Abbev •
corn, coal &c. merchants, Mistley trar of marriages, Oxford \Tilla
Norman Rev. Canon Charles Fredk. wha.rf & Manningtree &; Thorpe-Ie- Tendring Hundred Water Works Co.
M.A., J.P. (vicar, 1'1rral dean of Soken (Wm. R. Dockl'ell, chairman; Nor-
ArcUeigh & snrrog-ate), MistleyPlace Gould John, carman man W. Jackson, sec)
Norman Edward liensit D.L., J.P. Green Dan, commrcl. t.rvllr. Cliff ho Tice John George, beer retlr.Oxford I'd
Mistley lodge Harvey John, master mariner, 1 ToveU John, coal dealer
Osborne Arthur, Barnfield house The Green Vinoent Alfred,blacksmith,Mist1ey hth
Shepherd Ernest, Fountain house Holmes William Worthy, Wagon &, VincentElizabeth (Mrs.),he,er I'M,
Sleep Oolin, Albury villa, Norman I'd Horses P.H. New road Horsley Oross TOad
Stone Joseph, Olareville, New road HorlockAlbert,master mariner,High st Webb Ernest, farmer, Abbott's hall
Taylor Charles, Mistley house Horlock Fredk. William, barge owne·r Webb "Villiam, farmer, New hall
Ta.ylor George T'homas, Oxfo.rd villa Ho'l'1ock Hora-tio,ste.r marine!' 1Vilson .Arthur, beeT re,taile.r

MORETON is an ancIent parish about I! miles north gave £5 for the poor of MOl'eton; ill 1822 the Rev.
of the road from Epping to Ongar, 3 miles north-west William ""Vilson, at one time rector of More!,oll, gavn
from Ongal' terminal station on a branch of the Great £600, the interest of £300 of thi$ is given t.o the poor,
Eastern railway, 6! north-east from Epping, 10 north from the interest of £200 to the clerk of t.he church, and t,lHl'
Brentwood, and 22 from London, in the Western division of interest of £100 to nle beadle. The Rev. F. W. Bus-
thlt county, Ongar hundred, petty sessional division and sell D.D. of Mundbam, Norfolk, is lord of the llIflnnr
union, Brentwood county court district, rural deanery of of Bouchers or Nether Hall, in which there nre four
Ongar,archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St.Albans. The heriotable copyholds, besides others; and a small
parish is intersected by the Cripsey brook, which flows to manorial freehold called Great and LitUe Pel'1dllS.
the south of the church. The church of St.Mary the iVirgin This manor was held of the king in capite, by serjeanty
is a small building of flint and brick, partly in the Early of finding one man with a horse value<[ fit lOS., 4
English style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch, horse-shoes, a leather sack, and one il'On fastening-,
and an embattled western tower of brick with a shingle a whenever the king should happen to go int,o "'ales. The
spire containing 5 bells, dated respectively 1627, 1633, principal landowners are George Freer esq. nnd Mr.
J712, 175 1 and 1789: the interior of the chancel was ETIlest Sehwier. The soil is a heavy loam; subsoil,
restored in 1868 and the nave in 1869, by subscription; clay. The chief crops are wheat, harley and beans.
the exterior of the chancel wall and the north wall being The area is 1,470 acres of land and 5 of water; rateahLe
rebuilt and new windows inserted, mainly at the expense value, £1,791; the population in 1901 was 378.
of the late rector: there is a Norman font, of Purheck
marble, finely carved with fleurs-de-lis; a mural Post Office.-Arthur Hobert Webster, sub-postmaster.
monument of marble is inscribed to George Goodwin, Letters arrive from Ongar S. O. at 7.15 a.m. & 12.15
rect{)r here 'for 63 years, who died in 1623: in 1893 a p.m.; dispatched at 12.30 &; 5.30 p.m.; sundays, arrive
memorial window was erected to the Rev. Arthur Calvert 7.15 a.m.; dispatched II.5 a.m. Postal orders are issued
M.A. late rector, 1,877-91: there are 185 sittings. The here, but not paid. The nearest money order & tele--
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, graph office is at Ongar, 3 miles distant
net yearly value £209, with residence mll) "h"lIt 90 acJ'(~~ Wall Letter Box near the Mill, cleared at lO·30 a.m. & 5
of glebe, in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and p.m.; sundays, 10.30 a.m
held since 1891 by the Rev. John Bullivant Slight M.A.
of that college. There is a Congregational chapel at the Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1821, for 85
south end of the village. Oharities, amounting to £15 children; average attendance, 76; there is a dwelling
yearly, are distrihuted to the pOOl' evel'y Ch rist.mas : house with garden attached & the school has an en-
Ann Breclmock left by will, in [200, tlle jnt.ere~t, dowment of £23 4 S• yearly, arising from redeemed land
to be applied in repairing the grnve of herself and Illls- tax left in 1821 by the Rev. William Wilson M.A.;
band, the re·sidue to the poor; in 1699 .Tonathan Carver Thomas Gomall, master; Mrs. T. Gorllall, llIi~f,re~5

Slight Rev. John Bullivant M.A. Clark Frederick, builder King- Georg-e, While Hart P.H
Rectory Eve In. Chaplin, farmr. Bundish hall Matthews Edwin, farmer, Padler'& end
Perrey - , Padler's end . Furze James, farmer, Newhouse Pain Arthur, blacksmith
Wills Jerrard, MOl'eton park Gingell Daniel James, farmer, Upper Prentice David, hurdle maker
COMMERCIAL. Hall farm Rippon Alfred, miller (steam & wind)
Ball Sidney, baker Jones Frank, grocer & draper Sehwier Ernest, farmer &; landowner,
Bell Henry, Nag's Head P.R JosHng Thomas (>Mrs.), farmer Ne,ther hall
'Boram William, carpenter Mathews William, agricultural imple- Talbot Harry, hay cart,er
Church Frank, farmer ment owner &; ha~' dealer,Scotts frm Webster Arthur Hbt. baker, Post office
MOUNT ::BURES is a parish pleasantly situated on Cfunbridge. 'The Baptist chapel lIe re, erE!cted in 1839.
the south bank of the river Stour, opposite Bures St. has a burial ground attached. ',1'he pOOl' have a yearly
Mary (Suffolk), I mile south from the Bures station on share, with some surrounding parishes, in Love's charity,
the Stour Valley railwaY,5~ miles south from Sudbury and which amounts to £14 6s. 2U. yearly, a1'i~ilJg from
8 north-west from Colchester, in the North Eastern divi- land left in 1564 by Thomas Love, of J~if,tIe Ilo1'I,esley,
sion of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and 'Winstree and which has been sold anli the money invest,c<l in
union and petty sessional division, Colchester county £21 per Cent. Consols. For IIlany ages the parish he-
court district, and in t,he rural deanery of Halstead, arch- longed to the noble family of Sackville, who sold it in
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. This the 16th century to John Dister. There are no manorial
village is said to derive its distinctive name from an arti- rights. Harris Hills esq. J.P. of Berewyk Hall, White
ficial mound here, about 80 feet in height, near the Co1ne, and William Garrad esq. of Bures Hamlet, are the
church, covering about an acre of ground and encom- principal landowners. The soil is loam and strong clay;
passed by a dry moat; but no tradition exists as to the subsoil, clay and loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans
time when it was raised. The church of St. John is an and barley. The area is 1,288 acres of land and 5 of water;
ancient structure of brick and stone in the Normau style, rateable value, £1,259; the population in ]901 waS
consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and a 220.
central tower with spire containing 2 bells, which are By a Local Government Board Order 16,463, dated
said to date from the J5th century: on the exterior south March 25th, 1884, certain detached parts of BUTes, in the
wall of the chancel is a brass to the Rev. Sackville Turner Sudbury union, were amalgamated with this parish, and
},'I..A..a former rector, and his wife, 'son and daughters, a detached part of this parish added to Bures; 'by Order
here m 173°-34, and afterwards rector of "Vest Berg- 22,363, dated 24 March, 1889, two detached parts were
halt; he died 20th Sept. 1752, and was buri.e~ here: in transferred to Chappel.
the chancel are monuments to the Rev: Pluhp Gurdon I Parish Clerk Joseph Hunt
M.A. a former rector and his wife, son and daughters, ' ' •
dated 1792: during the .restoration a double piscina was Letters from Bures R.S.O. (Suffolk) arrive at 6.30 a.m.
found, which has been placed on the south side of the I &; 1.30 p.m. Bures St. Mary (Suffolk) is the nearest
chance1: the church was restored, transepts added and money order &; telegraph office, distance I! miles
the towe.r and spire rebuilt in 18 75, and has 150 ~it.ting~. Wall Letter Box, Brook House cleared at 8.30 a.m. &
The regIster dates from the year 1540. The hvmg IS 2 0 & 8 0 m' sunda s 8' ° m
.a rectory, net yearly value £238, wit.h residence awl' ·3 ·4 p. ., y " 4 p.
24 acres of glebe, in the gift of .Alfred Lefroy esq. I ~ational School (mied), huilt ill 1873. & cnlargell in
Caterham, Surrey, and held since J900 hy t,lw He\'., 1900, for 80 children; average attendanCE!, 67; :i\tfrs.
William Clissold Curtis M.A. of St. }'ete1"S College, I Emily Pettitt, mistress
Curti.s Re,v. WiIliam Olissold M.A. Ba.sham William, farm bailiff to Chas. Newman Jsph. miller (steam & wind)
(rector), Recto'l"Y Brown e,sq. Balls farm Nott Benj. faITUer, Mount Bureshall
COMMERCI.AL. Deo Fredk.miller(steam&;wind)&shopkpr Pettitt Peter, farmer, Elms farm
.Adcock Sam, Thatchers' Arms P.R Newman Fdk. farmer, Hammond's frm Sawyer James, blacksmith
MOUNTNESSING is an ancient parish and village winter. Thoby Priory, in this parish, was founded be-
an the road from Ingatestone to Chelmsford, 3 miles tween 1141 and II51 by Michael Capra, Roisia his wife, and
tilorth-east from Brentwood station on the Chelmsford William their son, for canons of the Augustinian order
sect,ion of the Great Eastern railway, 1~ miles from Shen- and dedicated to St. Mary and St. Leonard; it obtained
field station, 2 south from Ingatestone station on the its name from Tobias, the first prior, to whom the
main line, 4 west-north-west from Billericay and 21 from founders granted many valuable emoluments, and at the
London, in the Mid division of the COWlty, CheIms- Dissolution the revenues were estimated at £75 6s. lo~d. ;
ford hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division and, it was burnt down 13 Aug. 1893, but has since been re-
county court district, Billericay union, rural deanery of built at a cost of £4,000 (July, 1894) and is now the
Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. residence of Lieut.-Col. Arthur Chandos Arkwright J.P.;
Albans. A stream, rising at Doddinghurst, flows through attached are grounds of 66 acres. Blencowe's trustees
the parish. The church of St. Giles is a building of brick and Lord Petre, who are lords of the manor, and Capt.
and flint, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, I William Johnson Howard Townsend J.P. of Hatfield
very short nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and a Peverel, Chelmsford, are the principal landowners. The _
wooden tower rising from within the nave with spire and soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops aTe wheat,
containing one bell, inscribed "Sancte Jacobe, ora pro oats and barley. '1'he area is 4,189 Heres of land and J7
nobis:" the existing nave appears to be a portion only of of water; rateable value, £II ,343; the population in
an ancient building: the timber work $upporting the 1901 was 9 10 .
spire, constructed in t1;J.e reign of Henry VII. has been Deputy Parish Clerk, George Emberson.
much altered and is now bound together with iron: in Posb, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, l'arcl'l
the tower is an old oak chest he:wn o~t of .a solid tree: post, S. n. &; Annuity & Insurance OlTIce.-Geol'ge
the west front, constructed of bl'lck, WIth SIX buttresses, Denny, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Brent-
is dated 1653: a stained window was placed in the chan- wood at 7.45 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9.30
eel in 1869 by the Rev. Richard Yeoville Macnamara, late a.m. &; 6 p.m.; sundays, arrive 8 a.m.; dispatchell
vicar (1867-86); in 1890 the church underwent extensive 10 a.m
alterations at a cost of £3,000, and has 200 sittillgs. County Police, Samuel Pickett constable
'The register dates from the year ]654. The living is '
a vicarage, neb yearly value £150, including 22 acres _. . . S~liools. '.
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the llisho[l of ~atlOnal (mIxed. & mlfant~), for J40 chIldren,. average
St. .Alhans, and held since 1900 hy the Rev. HalTY attendnnce, m~xed, 74; mfnnts, 4.~;. ~nla.1"ged ~Il ]8?3;
GeorO'e Hnrrison M.A. Worcester CollcO'e, Oxford. Lord & endowed WIth £3 0 yenr~y, UllSlll", flOm 1.I1HI ,lIld
Petre'" is impropriator of the great titl~es. Here is also 'cottages ll;ft by Amy En~bsh; Waiter Joseph Reed,
'U small iron church with 200 sittings, erected in 18 73 ~aster; .Kate B:liwell, mIstress ,
by the Rev. R. Y. Macnnmara. Here is a Congl'l'ga- ThIS place. IS .eontrlbuto~ to the Grea.t Burstead Schoo.
tional chapel. The Endymion Canning Charity of Board dIstrIct, formed III 1873, sendmg 2 members tQ
abont £20 vearly, arising from land, is distributed in the board
-bread, wh:cl; is given fortnightly to the 1'001" dnrilJ~ the Carrier to Chelmsford.-.A.1fred llriUain, fri
'(Marked thus * have letters through Arkwright. 'Villred Lionel T., J.P. Harrison Rev. Harry George M.A.
Ingatestone R.B.O.) Thoby priory (vicar), Vicarage
(Marked thus t have letters through Barday MTs. )'[elchett place *M:agor Richard Blamey. Tylhus
Bille.ricay R. S. 0.) Bowers Mrs. Adelaide cottage McChene George, The Hall
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. *Christy Edward H. Beacons tMo()]'e Arthur, Chase view
.Arkwright Lieut.-Col. Arthur Chandos Cross John Nicholas Mrs. Arnold's
J.P. Thoby priory Kern Fredk. Ernest Lewis,St.Ann's cot Rippin Art'hur James. Alma cottage

Stevens Thomas John, Brooklands Everett Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper &; Maskell J ames, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. . beer retailer *Nicholls In. farmer, Bellman's farm
Agnis Joseph, JDiller (wind) Ewson James, farmer, Swallow's Rippen Arthur James, land agent ."
Bannister Richard, farmer & hay dealr. Cross farm Roberts James Frederick.coal merclmt
BaJrer's fal'IIl Gentry John Henry, boot &; shoe ma Samue~ CharIes, chimney sweeper
*Blyth !saac, farmer, Westlands . Goulde!Il William Edward, grocery, Self George, farmer, Malbrooks
Brittain Alfred, beer re.tailer, shop- drapery & clothing supply store!! tSharp Joseph, poultry frmr.Shipmn's
keepeT & carrier tHodge Rt. farmer, CoopeT's grange Smith William, head gardener to 1.,1.-
tCrawlord Daniel, frmr. Lawness frm Joslin & Groom, thrashing machine Col. A. O. Arkwright .
Crees Charles Henry, commrcl. trvllr. proprietors Stevens Charles WaIter, blacksmith,
Chainbridge hous,e . Lagden William Henry,farmer,Master wheelwright & undertaker
Cross Arthur & John, builders & John's farm Woodward Charles, farm bailiff to Lt.~
farmeiI's, Jordan's farm McKay Alexander, beer retailer Col. A. C. Arkwright
Cumbers George, farmer, Woolwards Marshall Elizabeth (Mrs.), George & Wright Darby, tailor
Denny George, shopkpr. & pos·t office I Dragon P.H tWylie Wm. frmr. Cowbridge Grange

MUCKING, anciently wribten c,

Mokking " . and in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Panl's, alJ(t
"Mucinga," is a parish on a creeli of the Thames of the held since 1897 by the Rev. Charles Hich Nelson Bur-
same name, I mile south from the St.anford-le-Hope rows. There is a Wesleyan chapel at Mucking Ford,
station on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, lmilt in 1900. Here was formerly a nunnery,' a. cell of
4! miles north-east .of 'l'ilbury Fort, 5?! east from Grays Barking Abbey, to which it belonged. The Ecclesiasti-
and about 27 from London, in the South Eastern division. cal Commissioners, who are lords of the 1ll:1Il01' and
of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union and petty irnpropriators, and the trustees of the late A. Z. Cox esq.
sessional division, Grays county court district amI in are the principal landowners. The soil i,; loamy; sub-
the rural deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of ]~sspx and soil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat and barley;
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. John the and sheep are largely raised. '.rhe area is 2,1 17 acT''';>
Baptist, almost wholly rebuilt in 1852, and completed in of land, I of water, 137 of tidat water anll q8 of fore-
1887, consists of chancel (restored and lowered to !its shore; rateable value, £2,924; the popula t.ion in 1891
ancient level in 1879), nave, south aisle and an embattled was 251 and in 1901, 464 civil and 504 ecclesiastical.
western tower of stone containing 3 'bells, dated respec-
tively, 1632, rS79 and r66s: the chancel, 33 feet by IS, 'MUCKING FORD (or Linf91'd), I mile sout.h-west,
is a fine specimen of the Early English style and was is a hamlet, the greater portion of which is in this
probably built in the reign of Henry Ill. but underwent parish, but a. small portion is in the p:lrish of Ea~t
considerable alteration prior to the Reformation: it ret-ains 'J'ilbury.
three sedilia and a double piscina, but its ISth century I'oof A small detached portion of this parish is near Thames
was removed in 1849 and reconstructed; the north side Haven, for names see Stanford-le-Hope.
has an elegant arcade of three arches, supported on two Lett-ers are received through Stanford-le-Hope S.O. at 8
small and graceful octagonal columns of Purbeck marble: a a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
communion table and litany desk of carved oak, the latter Stanford-Ie-Hope, 11 miles distant
designed by the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. architect, were
placed in the church in 188 4; the organ chamber has :been Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 10·5 a.1I1. &,
floored with wood and fitted as a vestry in memory of 6.40 p.m
the Rev. T. H. Bridge, vicar 1868- 83, at the expense of Post, M. 0., Parcel Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insnl'ane~
his sister, Mrs. Oblean: the carved oak lectern was pre- Office, Linford.-Mrs. Emily M. Hooper, suh-post-
sented in r890 by Mrs. Bridge in memory of her husband, mistress. Letter box cleared at IQ a.m. & 6 p.lIl.
and there is a memorial window to the Rev. Charles Day, week days only. The nearest telegraph oflice is at
a former vicar. The church has 200 sittings. The register Stanford-le-Hope, 2~ miles distant
d2tes from the year r558. The living is a vicarage, net National School (mixed), built in 1855, for 60 children;
yearly value £159, with 29 acres of glebe and residence, averag@ attendance, 45; Miss Louisa Blainey, mistress
Beresfurd George Henry, WaIton's hall BuUer E. A. coal mer. Ruskin :road Matt Charles, George & Dragon P.H.
Burrows Rev. Charles Rich Nelson, Engwell Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeepr. Muckingford
Vicarage 'Linford Mott James,blacksmith& wheelwright,
Squier Samuel Westwood J.P. The Havers Susannah(Mrll. ),supkpr.Linlrd Muckingford
Rookery Hawkins CIlement W.farmer, Mucliing Ridgway SrnJ.frmr.Walton'~Hall frm
COMMERCIAL. Hall farm Squier Samuel Westwood J.P. farmer,
Bridge John, engineer, South Essex James Edward, builder, London road The Rookery
Wa,ter Works Co.'s pumping station, MedcaJf Oharlotte M. (Mrs.), confec- Wilson Henry, farmer, ~erryloot's
Linfol'd tioner, LondQn road farm, LimaI'd.

MUNDON is e. parish and village, near a creek of the grUituitous instruction at the Grammar school, Maldon.
Dlackwater estuary, 3 miles south-east from Maldon I Sir Thomas Oharles OaIlis West-ern bart. is lord of the
station on the Great Easte'm railway and 12 south-east manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay; sub-
from Chelmsford, in the South Eastern division of the soil, strong clay. The chi~f crops are wheat and barley.
county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional division, Mal- The area is 3, rOI acres of land and 6 of wat<er; rateable
don union and county court district, and in the rural value, £1,565; the population in 1901 was 227.
deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Sexton, F. C. Cooper.
St. Albans. The church of St. Mary, situated to the east H Co Let'ters
of the village, is a plain edifice partly of stone, in the Post Office.- enry oper, SUb-postmaster.
Perpendicular style; it consists of chancel and nave, north arrive from Maldon at 5·40 a.m.; dispatched at 10.:;
porch and a square belfry of wood at the west end, sup- a.m. & 7·35 p.m. Postal {lI"ders are issued here, but
ported by a massive hexagonal abutment, and containing not paid. The nearest money order & t-elegraph office
I bell: there are sittings for roo persons. The register of is at Latchingdon, which is 3 miles south
baptisms and burials dates from the year 1741; marriages, A School Board of 5 members was formed 21 Dec. 1874 ~
1755· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value Henry Oooper, clerk to the board & attendance officer
£ 1°5, including 10 acres of glebe and residence, in Board School, built in 1880, at a cost of £4 00 , for 60
the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 188 9 children; average attendance, 38; Miss Kate Flux,
by the Rev. Edward George Andrew B.A. of Jesus Col- mistress
lege, Cambridge. The vicarage house was built in 1868.
Two <ihildren from this parish are, under the will of Dr. Carriers to Maldon.-From Bradwell-near-the-Sea. &
Plume, sometime archdeacon of Rochester, entitled to Steeple, fri.; Tillingham & Steeple, tues. &:, fri

Andrew Rev. Edward George RA. Cooper Charles, blacksmith & mechan- Mea'd Ohas. farmer, SparrolV ,"Vick hu
Vicarage ical engineer MOTreU William, farmer

Thomas HerbertJ.P.Mundon hall Cooper Henry, Wheelwright & assistant Mundon Nursery (J. E. Hiclis, man.}.
C01dYEBCIAL. overseer & school board attendance
I nnrserrymen; all kinds of flowers,
Armour James, farmer, Rogers farm officer, Post office plants, strawberries, tomatoes etc.,
Brooks Joseph Benjamin, fnrm£'r & Dpeks J OM, White Horse inn P.R. & grown for the trade
land owner, Brookmead , bricklayer Reading & Mission Room
Can John, farmer, Garlands I
Harris William, farmer, Bramble hall Partridge Edwin, 1'aI'me,r, New hall
Carter Henry, baker &; grocer. . Rendry Robt. farmer, Parsonage, farm
NAVESTOOX is a village and anap.cient parish on James Tabor esq. lord of the manor, is .occupied by·.
the south of the Roding, 4 miles south-by-west from Dougla,s Crossman esq. RA. James Tabor esq. J.P. of
Ongar terminal station, on a branch of the Ureat Eastern The Lawn, Rochlord, Sir William iNeville Abdy hart.
railway, 5 north-west from Brentwood station and 23 J.P., W. H. BurreH esq. M.D. Sir Thomas Lewis HugLes
from London; in the Western division of the county, Neave bart. of Dagnam Park, and Magdalen College, Ox-
Ongsr petty sessional division, hundred and union, Brent- ford, are the chief landowners. The soil is clay; gravel
wood county court district, Lambourne rural deanery, and sand; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese: this parish barley and beans. The area is 4,500 acres of land and 18
belonged to the cathedral of St. Paul in the reign of of water; rateable value, £3,986; the popllltion in 1901
King Edgar. The church of St. Thomas the Apostle is was 682. •
a building of stone exhibiting a mixture of the Early Parish Clerlr, Augustine Dellar.
English and Decorated styles, and consists of chancel,
nave, south aisle and a western tower of wood with NAVESTOCK SIDE is a hamlet 3 miles north-west
shingled spire containing 5 bells, two of which are dated from Brentwood station and a mile and a half south-east
1637, and one' 1862, the other two are undated: there from Navestock church. Navestock Heath is 2 miles
are many tablets of the 18th and 19 th centuries to the south and Horseman Side 2 miles south.
Waldegrave family, including a mural monument to
James, first Earl Waldegrave, ob. IX April; .I7-P, and to .sub-Post Office, Sabines Green.-Charles Goodwin, sub.
James, second earl, ob. 13 April, 1763; there is also a postmaster. Let-ters arrive from Romford at 7.10 &
brass to .!.gnes Makyn, 1589, and her husband, Richard I I a.m.; dispatched at 7.15 a.m. & 5.50 p.m. week
Makyn, groom in the chaundrye to King Edward VI. ob. da,ys; sundays, a,rrive 7.10 a.m.; dispatched 7.15 &
1549, with other brasses; and a. large monument with 11.3 0 a.m. Postal orders are issued l~e,re, but mot paid.
coloured life-size bust, coats of arms and an inscription in Navestock Side is the nearest. money order & telegraph
Latin verse, to John Green, serjeant-at-law in the time office, 2 miles distant
of Charles 1.: the tower and spire were restored in 1897 Wall Letter Bos: at the school, Navestock Heath, cleared
by David P. Sellar esq. The register dates from the at 7.20 a.m. & 6 p.m. week days; 9 a.m. on sundays
Year 1~38.
~ The living is"... vicara!!e,
~. net ""early value £3 00 , P os·,
t ;1<1 ... T• O
J.U. 0 • "" . ,T• M • 0 ., S • B
., E D every,
xpress li
with 19 acres of glebe, and re-sidence, I mile south from Parcel p.ost & Annuity &; Insurance Office, Navestock
the church, in the gift of Trinity College, Oxford, and held Side. Joseph Bennett, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
since 1896 by the Rev. William Claxton M.A. Mus. Bac. from Brentwood at 7'40 a.m. & 7. 15 p.m.; dispatched
and formerly schola.r of tha.t colle,Q'e.,~
The late Ri,Q'ht
Rev. au~ 7.40 & 9.45 a 'm. & 7.15 p.m. wee k d ays; arnve . &
William Stubbs D.D. Bishop of Oxford (d. 19 0!I), was dispatched at 7.40 a.m. sundays
vicar here 18'50-67. John Green left in 1625 £70 to be
invested in land, -the proceeds .to be distributed annually Wall Letter Box, at Whitehorse Side, cleared at 9. 15 a.m.
to t.he poor; Mrs. Elizabeth Prince also left £27'5, £2~ & 6.15 p.m. week days; 9. 15 a.m. sundays
pe,r Cen,t. Annuitie.s, the interest, £7'8s. 8d. yearly, to School, Navestock Heath (mixed), built in 1837, & re-
oe similarly distribut'ed. Dudbrook, a mansion beauti- -built in 186,5, for 150 children; average attendance,
fully situated in grounds of I I acres' ,and: the property of 100; William Henry Long, master
Marl~ed thus t receive tIJeir letters Brown James, blacksmith Long William Hy. assistant ove,rseer
, through Brentwood. Brown James D. farmer, Beacon hill Martin Cheney, I'lough inn
Claxton Rev. William M.A., Mus.Bac. tChalk Alioo (Mrs.), sboplieeper,Nave- Miles' John Arthur, farmer, Rose hall
Vicarage ,stock Side tMills Chus. Henry, blacksmith,Nave-
tCws'sman Douglas RA. Dndbrook tDean John, beer rtlr.NavestockSide stock Side
Whitehead George T. Yew Tree house tDella,r Daniel, estate bricklayer,Nave- t,Mitcham Martha Eliza (Mrs.), Green
tWinkley Henry, Abbotswick stock Side Man inn, Navestock Side
,tFrench Wm. (Mrs.),frrnr.Wa.terhales tMollett CQIas.Taylor,frmr.vVater'hale,s
COMMERCIAL. tFurlongGeo. beer ret. WhitehorseSid,e Pratt Frank, farmer, Loft Hall & Yew
tAppleby Ernest Alfred,butcher,Nave- Goodwin Charles, shopkeeper & baker, Tree farms
stock Side POi>t office Randall Henry, farme'I', Bowe.r farm
Avila Gemge Frederick, farmer, Nave- tGrayling Alma, bee,r retailer, 'White- tRichardson Henry, boot malrer,Kave-
SIt'Ock hall ho,rse Sidle &took Side
tBarker SaraJJ (Mrs.), farmer, Nave- Grayling John, beer retailer, CUJ:tis tRobinson Walter, farmer. Tan house
stock Side Mill green Seal Chas. frmr. Jenkins & Brook fms
tBarli8'f James, farmer, Waterhales tHeslop Jsph. carpntr.Navestock Side tSearl John, head gardener to D.
tBennett: Jo,s,eph, carpenter & job- tKnightsbridge Frank, farmer, J oSlb- Orossmalll esq
master, Post office, Navestock Side ling's fa/rm tStock Wm. farmer, Sabines Green
Bridges Eli, farmer, Ourtis Mill green Lavender E'dwin, farmer, Green tWatson Dunoon, farmer, Bois hall

NAZEING (or Nasing) is a village and parii>h, bounded probably one of the best of the links wit,hin 20 miles
on the west by the river Lee, over which, near the Brox- of London. The club is limited to 200 members and has
bourne station of the Great Eastern Railway 00. distant its own clubhouse and d'ormer house; the vicaf is the
sf miles, is a bridge of one arch, connecting the parish hon. sec. Nazeing Parli, the property of Ralph Charlton
with Hertfordshire: it is 7 miles north-west from Ep- Palmer esq. is' now (1902) the residence of the Hon. Mrs.
ping, 4 north-ea'st from Waltham Abbey and 19 from A. Ker; the mansion is an ancient edifice in a well-wooded
London, in the Western division of the county, vValtham park and grounds of 67 acres, facing Nazeing Common,
hundred, Epping union and petty sessional division, 1Val- with a fine kitchen gardenoontaining a quantity of glass
tham Abbey county court district, rural deanery of Har- bouses and choice fruit trees. St. Leonards, the J'esi-
low, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans; dence of Ralph Frederic Bury esq. J.P. is pleasantly situ-
it was given by King Harold n. to Waltham Abbey. The ated in park-like grounds of 43 acres. Sir Herewald 'Yake
church of All Saints is an edifice of flint and rubble, bart. of Courteen Hall, Northampton, who is lord of the
in the Early English 'style, standing on a hill, and con- manor, Ralph Charlton Palmer esq. J.P. of 9 Little
sishs of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, south Stanhope 8treet, 1V. and Ralph Frederic Bury esq. are
porch of wood and an embattled western tower of brick, chief landowners. The soil is chiefly heavy; subsoil, clay.
dating from the 13th century, and containing 5 bells, all I The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots and a great
dated 1779: the rood loft staircase remains: the chancel quantity is grass land. The area is 3,926 acres of land
has a memorial window to William Palmer esq. d. 24 and 26 of water; rateable value, £5,844' Abont 450
April, 1858, and is fitted with choir stalls: in the nave acres of the extensive Commons' and waste grounds of
is a memorial window to Henry Crowther, d. 21 Dec. the pa.rish have been inclosed. The, population in 1901
1852, and there are two other stained windows: the church was 795.
was restored in 1874 at a cost of £600, when a new organ Parish Clerk and Sexton, Arthur Reynolds.
was erected: the restoration was continued in 1891 at a Post &; M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
cost of £400, when a new organ chamber and vestry were Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Frederick
built: there are about 250 sittings. The register dates Cook, sub-postmaster. Letters through Waltham
from ,the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Cross, arrive by cart at 7.40 a.m.; dispatched at 6,30
value £201, with 39 acres of glebe and residence, in the p.m.; sundays at 11. 10 a.m ,
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1890 by the Police Station, Middle street, Fredk. Danes, constable
Rev. Thomas Ward Goddard M.A. of Pembroke College, Sub-Post 'Office, Nazeing, Upper Town.-Charles Lewsey,
Cambridge. The vicarage house has been improved and sub-poiltmas1:er. Lettera through Waltham Cross ar-
enlarged. A Congregational chapel wa,s built in 1876. rive at 8.20 a.m.; dispatched at 6.10 p.m.; snurlays,
There are good golf links of 18 holes, extending over 10.45 a.m. PosW orders are lissued here, but not paid. ,
nearly 3 miles of ground on. N azeing Common, and Nazeing, I mile distant, is the nearest telegraph office .
Pillar Letter Box, Greenleaves, 'cleared at 5.50 p.m.; S11n· average attendance, 86; Edwin Webb, master; Mrs.
day at ID.I5 a.m H. A. Webb, mistress
Church of England School, erected in 1856, but closed in
A School Board of 5 members was formed 20 Jan. 18 75; 187'8, & re-opened in 18 9 1 : it will huld 90 children;
Raymond Douglas Trotter, Epping, clerk to the board uverageat'tendance, 77; Albert W. Webber, master;
Board School (mixed), built in. 1878, for 120 children.; I Mrs. Webber, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Christie Norman Peter, frmr.Denver 10 Nicholis Sarah (Mrs.), frmr.Grnleave,s
Banks John, Coburg house Cloke Robert, farmer, Curtis's farm Pegrum Alfred, carpenter
Bury Mrs. St. Leonards eco!;: Frederick, shoe maker & sub- Pegrum Alfred, shpkpr.Nazeing gate
Bury RaIph Frederic J.P. St. Leona,rds postmaster Pe,gram Jo,sleph, farmer, Bury farm,
Carson James Hartley, Snows Crowe George, fUI"Iller, Maple croft Bury
Goddard Rev. Thomas Ward M.A. Dellar John, wheelwright Perry Jas. (Mrs.), frmr. Allmains frm
Vicarag-e Frogley Alexander, farmer Prior Heo.Lewis, Ooach & Ho.rse.s P.B
Half(}ll"d Henry Edward', Poona Lawn Graham Wm. farmer, Harolds park Richards'on Ge{)lrge, Red Lion P.H
Ker Hon. Mrs. A. Nazeing park Golf Club (Rev. T. W. Goddard M.A. Riley Jas. King Harold's Head P.H
Miller Mrs. Hubbards secretary) Savage James, general dealer, Mill ho
Btainton Mrs. Septimus, Gre,enleaves Hale IS'aac, farmer, Shadwalkers frm Selway James, blacksmith
WeUesley HEllrbert Arthur, Collyers Head Ann (Mrs.), farmer,Nenne,tts fm I Smith John, fa,rmer, Cutlands
COMMERCIAL. Hollow Thos. farmer, Brewitts farm I Standingfmd Geo.
Ashby .Tohn, shopkeeper Horn Gemge, Sun P.H I Taylor John C. farmer, Langridge
:Brickell E. CTown hotel Judd George, shopkeepe,r I Unwin Henry, farm bailiff to R. C.
Bridg-man James, farmer, Cutlands & King Langham, builder, North street Palmer esq. Lodge farm
Shottentons farms Lewsey Charles, shopkeeper & .sub- Webb OscUJr, farm BII' , Goodalls farm
Bugg Harry, frmr. Mansion House fm post'IDals!f;·er I Webb 'Villiam, farmer, Byners farm
Cattermole WaIt. frmrs. Perryhill farm Moore Alfred Thos. farmer, Teys farm [Welch John, farmer, Sman drinks
Chapman 'Dhos. jun. frmr. Paynes frm Moore George, Crooked Billett P.H Wiggins Charles, beer retailer

NETTESWELL (or Nettleswell) is a parish and viI· \Yesleyan ehapel. Loftus Joseph Wigrarn Arkwright esq.
lage, I mile south from Burnt Mill station on the Cam- of Little Parndon, is lord of the manor and the principal
bridge section of the Great Eastern railway, 2 milE'S landowner. The soil is various, chiefly heavy; subsoil,
south-east from Harlow, 5 north from Epping, 9 north- clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
east from Waltham Abbey and 24~ from London by road roots and a great portion is grass land. The area is
and 22t by rail, in tho Western division of ihe county, 1,546 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value,
Harlow hundred and petty sessional div'.sion, Epping 1;5,292; the population in 1901 was 593·
union, Waltham Abbey county court district, lmd in the Parish Clerk, AIfred Hale.
rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex and " .
diocese of St. Albans; it was one of the parishes given Post, M. O. ~ T. 0., !. M. 0., S. B., Expre~s Delivery,
bv King Harold n. to Waltham Abbey. Todds Ibrook Parcel Pos" & A~nUlty & Insurance Office, Nettleswell
fl;ws through the parish. The church of St. Andrew .:.8 Cl'Oss.-Art~lUr R1ley, sub-postmast,er. Lette'rs thmll(,l'h
a small and plain building of flint and rubble with sL one Harlow arTlve at 6.20 & 9.5 0 a.m. & 6.3 0 p.m.; 1118-
dressings, in the late Perpendicular st~'le; consisting of ~atcl~ed .~,t II.20 a.m' & 7·5 p.m.; on sunday at 6.25
a.m., dl~patched 10·4.:> a.m

chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden turret with sp·.re

at the west end containing 3 be:Is: one of the walls con- PiI:ar Le:ter Box, Netteswell Common, cleared at 8 a.m.
tains some singular ornamental brickwork: there are & 6.15 p.m
brasses with effigies to Thomas Lawrence, ob. 1522, and Pilla,r Letter Box, Netteswell Cross, cleared a t I I. 15 a .H!.
AIys, his wife, and to John Bannister, gent. ob. 1697, & 7 p.m.· snndays I I a.m
:and Elizabeth (Korth), his ~ife, ~ith three sons and one National S~hool (mixed), rebuilt in 18 72 , for 70 child-
daug~ter: the ~ast w~dow IS st81?ed and th~re are some ren' class rooms were added in 1 889 18 9 1 & 18 9 8 to
remams of anCIent s.ta~ned glass m ?ther wmdows: the accdmmodate 4 0 more; average attendance, 89; & en-
church affords 150 .SI.ttlll~S. The reg:ster dates from the dowed about 1:3 1 earl' left in 1777 by William
year 1558. The hvmg IS a rectory, net yearly value . T' • ,Y:Y, G'
'th 1. f I b c l ' 'd . tl 'fl Martm: Vhl!iam S. Grey, master; Mrs. rey, aS8IS·
£ 119, Wl 32 acres 0 gee an reS1 ence, III le gl • t t 'stres
of Charles J. Phelips esg. of Hunsdon, Herts, and he:d ~n nu. s .
-since 1891 by the Rev. Charles James Ward M.A., B.D. PolIce StatIon, Sprmg st.reet; William Brown, constable
of Trin'tv Colleg-e, Dublin. A Church Mission Hall was Burnt :Mill station is situated in this parish; Frank L.
-erected at Marsh Gate in 1891, and in Spring street is a~ibl()e, station master
Angell Miss, Spurriers Church Alfred, poulterer, Netteswell Richardson Charles, blacksmith, :Ket-
Bassett Harry, The Cottage common te,swell Common
Lewis Thomas, Spring Street Clayden George,lock keeper.Burnt mill Riley Arthur,shopkeeper & news agent,
O'Ffl.ahertie George F. The Hermitage Ccleman Herbert, farmer, Hill house Post office, Spring Street
-8eabury Edward, Burnt Mill house Coleman John Fredk. farmer, Bury fm Sampford Sophia Sarah C~1iss), dress-
Sharpe Qlement, Netteswell hall Hyles Funny (Miss), draper maker, Spring Street
Syms William Ritchie, Netteswell ho. Jackson William Thomas, Greyhound Sanders Arthur, plumber &c
~etteswell Cross P.H. wheelwright & blacksmith Searle George, baker, Spring Street
Ward Rev. Charles James :M.A., RD. Judd WiIliam, gardener to Miss Angell Senrle Percy, baker, Spring Street
Rectory Kirby William, carrier & cartage agent Searle William, baker, Spring Street
COMMERCIAL. to G. E. railway, Marshgate farm Shipton Emma (Mrs.), dress maker,
Belben WilIiam Hy. insurance agent Kirkaldy John Limited, engineers, S ~ Street
'Bracken Charles, foreman engineer, iron founders & coppersmiths, Burnt Smi-WCharles, farmer,:Netteswell Com
Spring Street Mill works Smith Emily (Mrs.), C'hequers P.H
Brown Wm. police const. Spring Street ;'\loore WaIter, butcher, Spring StreetlSartwell John. bricklayer
Buller Edgar, grocer, ~etteswell Cross Newman Charles, farmer, Tye green \Yorkmen's Club & Reading Room
Church Amos, shopkeeper, Tye green, Rickett Thomas, farmer, Tye green (W. S. Grey, sec.), Burnt mill
NEVENDON (or Newendon) is an ancient parish, 3 rectory, net yearly value £122, with 7 acres of glebe and
miles north from Pitsea station on the London, Tilbury residence, in the gift of th~ present rector, and held since
and Southend railway and 2 miles south-west f1'tlll1 1892 by the Rev. Willie McGowan M.A. of Durham Uni-
Wickford station on the Great Eastern railway, 29 from versity. The land is held by seveTal proprietlors. The
Lendon, 6 south-east from Billericay, and 10 south-east soil is heavy loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
from Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, Bar- crops are wheat and beans. The area is I,OIl acres; Tate-
stable hundred. Billericay union, Brentwood county court able value, £873; the popnlation in 1891 'was 166.
district and petty sessional division, and in the rural Pa.rish Clerk, Nathan Beardwell.
.deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex and dioce~e Post Oflice.-Edwin Shakespeare Lloyd', sub-postmastel'~
of St. A~bans. T~e churc~fi of St. Peter: thoroug-h.:- Letters through Wickford S.O. by messenger, lIrrive at ID 18 75, IS an edl. ce of stone, m the Early 7.40 a.m.; returning at 5. JO p.m. Postal orders are
EnglIsh style, and now conSIsts of chancel, nave, vestry issued here. but not paid. The nea,rest money ol'der &
and ~ .small wooden bep turret on the western g~ble, telerrraph oflice is at Wickford 1~ miles distant
«Jonta.Illlng 1 bell: the wmdows of the chancel are Btamed '" . ' ,
;and it retains an aumbry: in the north wall of the nave Wall Letter Box I? Nevendon road, box c,eared, 4'40
is a cinque-foiled piscina niche and there are traces of a p.m.: no collectlOn sundays
~toup near the south doorway: there are 100 silting'':. National School (mixed), built in 1886, for 35 children;
The regist-er dates from tbe rear 1669. The livin~ is a average attendance, 26; Miss Ohal'lot·te Taylor,
McGowan Rev. 1VilEe M A. Rectory IJawkes William, plumber. Pigott William. farmer, N evendon
co~nnmCIAL. Lloyd Edwin Shakespeare, grocer, Hall, Frampton &; Fore Riders frm!!
Hart William, farm bailIlI to 1'. W Post office Raven George, beer retailer
Offin esq Mumford Henry. Jolly Cricketers P.H
NEWPORT.-This an·.:ient village, formerly a market which is distributed annually on Hock Monday (the
town, stands on the river Granta or Cam and the Roman second Monday aJter Easter), amongst needy people of
.and modern road to Cambridgeshire and was originally this parish. There was formerly a hospital for lepers
.called" Newport Pond," from a large pool at the south here, founded, in the reign of King John, by Richard de
.end of the street: it has a station on the main line of Newport and dedicated to SS. Mary and Leonard; pa rt
.the Great Eastern railway to Cambridge, and is 3 miles· of -the building, still standing, is now a farmhollse: the
south from Saffron Walden, 9 north from Bishops stone columns of t,he original chapel have been built into
:Stortford, 7 north-west from Thaxted and 40 from t<he garden wall. The" Crown" House, once occupied by'
London by rail and 37 by road: the parish is in the Nell Gwynne, and the" Coach and Horses" Hotel, from
Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, which it is said George (Villiers), 2nd Duke of Bucking-
:Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union and county ham and John (Wilmot) the witty, but dissolute Earl
'oOourt district, ~md in the rural deanery of Newport, of Rochester used to post, are both in good preservation.
archdeaccnry of Colchester, and diocese of St. Albans: A piece of inclosed ground, of about 4 acres, is used
,the village is lighted with gas from works erected in as a recreation ground. In the centre of the village
1867. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, standing in :.s an ancient house called" Monks Barn," tbe exterior
.the. highest part of the village, is a building of rubble, wall of which bears a carving of the Coronation of the
in the Perpendicular and Decorated styles, and consists Blessed Virgin: this house belonged to the Monks of
.of chancel, nave of four bays, with clerestory, aisles, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and was used by them as a
transepts, south porch with parvise, and a lofty western sanatorium; until 1875 a bell was rung during the
embattled tower, with four embattled turrets and con-, winter months at 4 o'clock in the morning, and is still
t.aining 6 bells; the tower was rebuilt and the rest of rung at '8 p.m. from :M.ichaelmas to Lady Day. SIJOl't-
the church, with the exception of the chancel, restored grove, the sea.t of James Bailey esq. M.P., J.P. is one
in 1858-9: there are five stained windows, one of which mile north: the mansion, an edifice of red brick in the-
is a memorial to Robert M. Tamplin, son of the present Queen Anne style, stands on an eminence, 300 feet above
vicar, who perished in the disastrous fire at the 'l'heatre sea level, with ·an attached deer park of about 400 acres,
Royal, Exeter, Sept. 5, 1887, when upwards of 200 through which the river Cam flows; the estate emhl'nees,
persons lost their lives; another was placed by ~Ir. togethe,r with outlying land,;; in the parishe.s of Widding-
"l'homas Shirley in remembrance of his golden wedding ton, Debden, Saffron 1Valden and Wendon, an nl'ea of
~December 1889): he died in 1891, and a memorial win- 1,000 acres, including the manor of Shol'tgrove Hall.
dow has rsince been erected to him: there is also Olle in J oseph Charle.s Thomas Smith esq. M.A. of Bideford,
memory of Rev. John Ohapman, vicar 185°-75, aUlI one Devon, who is lord of the manor, James Bailey esq. and
placed to commemorate the Jubilee in 1,889 of Hel' late Lieut.-Col. Alfred Molyneux Cranmer-Byng, of Quendon
Maje,sty Queen Victoria. The interesting remains of 14th Hall, are the chief landowners. The soil is mixed chalk
century glass were collected about 1894 and re-arranged and gravel; subsoil, clay, gravel, 'brick earth and chalk.
in two lancet windows of the north aisle. The pulpit The crops are wheat, oats, barley, beans and roots. The
i:s of Caen stone, carved with subjects from the Old urea is 1,7<20 acres of land and 10 of water; rateable
and New Testaments; there are Early Decorated value, £8.::\85; the population in Ig01 was 913.
piscinre in the north transept and chancel, and a piscina Parish Clerk and Sexton, J esse Searle.
in the south transept: the font is Early English, w~th Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B., T. M. O. Express Delivery.
a fine .carved .oak lectern of the l~th century. supportmg Parcel Post'& Insurance & Annuity Office (Snu-Omce
a chamed BIble: the chancel IS separated .from the Letters should have S.O. Essex added).-Miss Snsall
n~ve by a. fine 15th century oak screen: there IS a brass :\1illard, sub-postmistress. Lebter·s arrive from Bishops
":Ith .effigI~s to Tho~as Br~nd, ?b.. 15 15, and Margery Stortford at 7 &; 9.30 a.m. & 5 p.m. & dispatched 9.25
:lus WIfe, WIth f~ur chIldren, .mscrIptlOn, and t.he emblems a.m. 2.10,6.50 & 8.55 p.m.; dispatched sunday 06.50 p.lI1
of the EvangelIsts: there IS also a brass m the floor Wall Letter Box, corner of Station road, cleared at 9 a.m.
under. the ~owe~ to Geoffre! Nightingal~ esq. and &; 1.45,6.30 & 8.45 p.m
Kath.erme hIS WIfe, 16?8,. WltJ; ~even ch~ldren: the County Police Station James Field police constable.
mumment chest has pamtmgs mSIde the hd of "The "
Crucifixion," "The B. V. Mary," " St. John," "St. Schools: - .
Peter," and" St. Paul:" the five locks are curious, and Grammar, founded m 1588 by Mrs. Joyce Frankland, of
the exterior of the chest is richly ornamented with Londo~, with an endowment of £550 yearly, arising
perforated gilt lead, exquisitely worked: in the parvise, a from mv~stment~ &; landed. property; the fur.rd~ of
room over the porch, is preserved one of the four (DI'ay) the charIty ~aVIng lately mcreased, new buildings
hbrarie.s in Essex , for the use of the neiO'hbourinf'
: were erected •
m&; 1878 for a master
, h &; 25 boarders, &;
the church will seat 500 persons. The register dates a gymnaslUm carp.en~ers sops have . een c(:m-
'from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly structed out of the .bmldmgs of the ~ld Pohce StatIOn
value £280, including 24 acres of glebe and residence. in &; House of CorrectlOn. Th~ school IS managed by. 8
the. gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and' held since 1876 body of. I I Gov~rnors, of. whic~ the Rev. G. F. Tamplm
'by the Rev. George Frederick Tamplin M.A. of SI. John's M.A. VIcar. of Newport, IS chaIrman; the clerk to the
College, Oxford. Lieut.-Col. A. M. Cranmer-Dyng, of governors IS C. S. D: Wade esq. Saffron Walden &
Quendon Hall, is impropriator of the great tithes. The Abra~ Barnard e,sq. IS·. t:easurer: there are <!lOW 49
Congregational chapel is a large building, originally boys m attendance; WIlbam Waterhouse M.A. head
erected in 1777 and rebuilt in 1879: it will now seat 4 00 master
persons; there' is a good schoolroom, used on Sundays and A ~cJ;ool Board of 5 members was formed 5 May 1874;
for meetinO's. The church room, formerlv the old Gram- WIllIam Henry Wells, clerk tg the board
ma,r SCho?C is used for church purposes.• The Parish hall Board (fo:merly National) ~chool, built, with .master's
and readmg room, erected here in 18g8 at a cost of ahont house, m 149, enla.rged m 1874 far 172 children &
£7.;0, was afterwards bought and furnished by James again in 1898 for 206 <?hildren; a.verage atte.ndance, ?O
Bailey esq. M.P., J.P. of Shortgrove, for the nse of the boys, 50 gIrls &; 50 mfants; Luther Robmson ~ht·
inhabitants of Newport. There are charities amonn UnO' in chell, master; Mrs. Emily Annie, MitcheU, mistress;
all to £60 yearly, and a.rising chiefly from land left'" by ~iss Fanny Burrell, assistant mistress
John Covill and Agnes his wife, Dame Lettice Martin, of RaIlway Station, Richard Carrol Horsepool, station master
.chrishall, and other donors; the most important is a Carrier.-Walter Salmon, to Saffron Walden, on tuesday.
lurm of ahout 40 acres, vested in trustees, the rent of & saturday
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Broadbent James M. Willow croft Lilly Miss
-Bailey James M.P., J.P. Shortgrove; Burgess Mrs Macallan George, Debden house
&; I Princes gate SW & Carlton & Carpenter Rev. Jabez Grey Macalpine David, Pnrsonage cottage
Junior Carlton clubs SW & Consti- Child Ernest, White lodge Mardel Mrs. The Limes
tutional club WC, London Drage .Tame~, Cambrook villa Older William Augustus, Carrington
llarnard Abram, The Priory Hasler William Andrew. London road Playle Miss
Barnard George Herhert. Ivydene Holland Miss Ponder Miss, High street
-llarnard Mrs. Parsonage house Hunt Thomas, Old Vicarage Russell Mi~s, The Limes
Earnard Sidney Ch:)J"les, The Cedan Hunter Rev. William Riddell (Congre- Smith William Alexander M.A., M.B.,
-Barthrop Capt. Alfred Shnfto, New- gational), The Manse F.e.S. RaImont house
port house Kent Edward, Cambrook villa Thomas Samuel Henry, High street
Tamplin Rev. George Frederick M.A. Grammar School (William Waterhouse deaths, Newport sub-district,Saffron
. (vicar), The Vicarage M.A. head mnster Walden union &:, attendance offi'cer tOo
Todd Mrs. Rose cottage Green Robert, cycle agent &; repairer the Saffron rValden rural school
lVaterhouse William l\I.A. (head Hayden Charles Frederick, blacksmith attendance committee
master of the grammar school), Heal;{)n Jesse, farmeJ', l'alldts farm Searle Jesse, parish derk &. !'c:tlon
School house Holgate &;, Sons, boot &. shoe makers Searle Joseph &. Son, chimney sweepers
COMMERCIA.L. Holgate John, shoe maker Smith Wm. Alex. M.A., ll.B., F.C.S.
Baker George, plnmber &. glazier Holgate Oliver, boot maker surgeon, &;, medical officer &;, public-
Barnard &. Son, grocers &. drapers. &; Holman Robert, blacksmith vaccinator, Nos. 3 &;, 5 iistrids.
agents for W. &. A. Gilbey Limited, Horsepool Richd. C3ITol, sta.tion ms,tr Saffron Walden union, &;, surgeon
wine &. spirit merchants Housden George, farmer,Martyn's frm the Saffron Walden rural school
Barnard Bros. cool, sood &. ma- Jackson 'Vm. beer retlr. &. coal dealer Spalding WaIter, saddler
Dure mars. High sL &;, Railway statu Johns Charles, plumber &. glazier Staines Fanny (Mrs.), tellr. of mllsi(~
Beard Anne (Mrs.), grocer &. draper Johns George, shopkeeper &;, insur. agt Stailles John Hy. builder k undertaker
Buck John Sutton, wheelwright Kee·ble Josiah, wntch repairer Thomas Saml. Hy.frmr.Pond Cro~s fro
Bunten William Robert, Railway inn Lovelace WaIter, Hercules P.H.High st Trigg Henry, land steward to James
Butler A.1lan, Star & Garter P.R. & Mansfield Albt. Hy. coal dlr. &. carpntr Bailey esq. Crown house
butcher Newell Sarah (Mrs.). dress malter Trott Philip, jun. builder, carpenter &
Byford Thomas William, butcher Newell William, saddler undertaker
Cann James. beer retailer Newman John, gas manager to .Gns Tndhope Thomas, farmar, Whiteditcb
Choppen Herbert Stephen, motor Co. Limited Turner Charles, shoe maker
engineer & cycle agent Partington Frank, Ctlll1. trav. Hi~h st Warren Richard, Coach & Horses F.B
Cowe11 Lewis, Prllrlential nssurance Perry George Woodcock, commission Webb John, news agent &. grocer &c
agent, High street agent, High street Wedd Charles, baker &. shopkeeper
Crane Matilda (Miss), ladies' school, Rand Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wells William Henry. assistant over-
Eversleigh Reed l\fark Thomas, clothier seer & poor rate collector &. clerk to
Fountain William,watch ma. &. jeweller Roy William, farmer, Hospital farm Newport &. 'Vendens Ambo school
Gas Company Limited ('Villiam Henry Sambrook Henry, relieveing officer &. boards & sec. to the Gas Co
'Yells. sec. &;, collector) coUector to the guardians, No. li1 Wenn T. H. &. Co. maltsters
Gayler David, baker &. farmer district & registrar of births & Whitehead Geo. Old Three Tuns P.ll
l'!"0AK H~LL, 4 miles north-east from Romford, is a side containing one beU: it was consecrated Oct. 29th.
village r mIle north by field path from Harold Weod sta- r8.p, by Charles James, Lord Bishop of London, ~nd
tion on the Chelmsford· section of the Great Eastern rail- contains some fine stained glass of ancient date; there
way. This place was formed into ill civil parish Sept. 29, are 200 sittings. Dagnom Park, an extensive domain, is
r895, from Romford, under the provisions of the "Local the seat of Sir Thomas Lewis Hughes Neave J.P. The
Government Act, r894" (56 &. 57 Viet. ch. 73), and is in rateable value of the parish is £1,984; populatinn in 1901
the Southern division of the county, Romford petty ses- was 259.
sional d·.vision, union and county court district, and i n , Office, Noal~- HI·11 . -G eorge Cl'U1~,
Post '1- su b -postmaster.
th e rura I d eanery ,0 f Ch a ifor d ,arc hd eaconry 0 f C0 Ic h es t er Lt' f R f d t d
and d lOcese 0
f S· t ..t1.
'Ib ansa Th e cure
h h 0 f St . Th omas, et el'S &;,nrrlve rom P om1or d a 8 a.ID.; . d h epart t at
ha ·
a c p el 0 f ease t 0 R omfor d , IS ,an e 1 ce 0 d'fi f b . k 'th 8 a.m. 5.5 0 p.m. osta or er,s are Issue ere, <lut
· th e E arIy E nS!I·IS h S t ne Wl 'd H . . tl t rd &. t 1
II to n e d ressmgs, m ye,ierect ed not, pal.
I ffi avermg IS le neares monev
·1 d· • 0 er e e-
in 184r-2 at the desire of Frances Caroline, wife of Sir grap 1 0 Ice, 3 ml es Istant
Thomas Neave bart. of Dagnam Park. who died 14 April, National School (mixed), for 86 children; average attend-
r835, and consists of chancel, nave and a. tower on south ance, 68; Henry Percival Edden, maste,!'
Neave Sir Thomas Lewis Hughes bart. Butche,r William, farm bailiff to Sir Quilter James, farmer. Manor farm
J.P. Dagnam park Thomas L. H. Ncuve hart. J.l'. Raison Henry W. farmer, Spice pit~
Sands John, Priory Dagnam Park farm Roach William, Bear inn
COIDlERCUL. Clark Geo. coach builder, Post office Searle David, farmer, Old Cl'Own
Answorth Joyce (Miss), shopkeeper CoIlins Thomas, gnme];eeper to Geo. Smith James Holme, farmer
Barker Ephraim, gardener to Sir '1'. I.. Harry Buxter es!} TayloI' Alfred, farmer
H. Neave bart.•LP Gotheridge GeOl'ge, fm'mer, Maylan(ls Watt Robert, fnrmer, Noak IIill farm
Brooks Thomas, farmer Ottley William, hay & straw binder
NORTON MANDEVILLE is an ancient parish, of 45 Farquhar road, Upper Korwood, London S.E. who
about 3 miles north-east from Ongar terminal station, is lord qf the manor, Mr. Bennett and 'Mrs. J. C. Caton
on a branch of the Great Eastern railway. 10 north from are the principal landowners. The soil varies consider-
Brentwood, 7 south-west from Chelmsford and 24 from ably; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, beans
London, in th~ Western division of the county, Ongar and barley. The area is 774 acres; rateable value, £737;
hundred, petty sessional division and union, BrBntwood the population in rB9I was 135.
connty court district, rural deanery .of Ongar, arch-
deaconry of Essex and d~ocese of St. Albans. The church Letters from Ingatestone KS.O. arrive at 8 a.m. The
of all Saints is a very small buildinS! of stone and shingle nearest moneY' order &. teleg-raph office is at Blackmore.
in the Norman style, consisting of chancel and nave, and 2! miles distant. Wall Letter Box on Norton Heath,
s small western turret with shingled spire, containing cleared at 9.30 a.m. &, 6.30 p.m. week days only
one bell: there are 80 sittings.. The register dates froro This place is included in the High Ongar and Norton
17 83 only. the earlier one;; having been destroyed by Mandeville United District School Board, formed June
damp. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £46, in 5, r890
the gift of Major George Edward Capel Cure. On the
heath is a school room licensed for divine service, and a The schcol here has been abolished, &:, the children now
s>illall Cong'1"egational chapel. John Lightfoot Newall esg. attend at High Ongsr &. Paslow Common schools
Cooke John
Fricker Miss
Addison James, farmer, Dodd's farm McKinlay Thomas, frmr.Readings fnD
Dunlop Margaret (Mrs.), farmer',Smith Arthllr, blacksmith
Partridge Noel Hy. Esse~, Nol'lon ho Norton hall I Wooltorton James, farmer, Ladylands

:BLACK NOTLEY, mentioned in Domesday Book, is The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a small edifice
an undulating parish and pleasant village, near the of flint with stone dressings in the Norman style, con-
river Brain or Pods Brook, and on the road from Brain- sisting of chancel, nave, organ chamber, south porch of
tree to Witham, I! miles north-west from Bullford carved oak, and a belfry at the western end of the
station, on the Maldon, Witham and Braintree branch n&ve, surmounted by an octagonal shingled spire and
of the Great Eastern railway, which intersects the containing 5 bells; the church was restored in 187g
parish, I! miles south from Braintree and 44 from mainly at the expense of two ladies, the entire cost being
London, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham about £3,000: it is seated throughout with solid eak
hundred, petty sessional division of Hinckford south and has a carved oak screen dividing the chancel and
(Braintree bench), Braintree union and county court I nave: the chancel has two piscinre and sedilia and the
district, rural deanery of Witham,. archdeaconry of re-of is of ancient carved oak: the stained east window
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The hamlet of is a memorial to Lieut. W. G. Overton, d. 7 December,
Slamondsey, or Slamsey, for civil purposes was trans-. 1859; t.he stained west window was erected to Edward
ferred to this parish,. from White Notley in 1889, under Nottidge M.A. rector from 1835, and there is one other
the provisiorrs of" the .{( Divided Parishes Acts, 1876-82," in memory of Miss Overton: the church has about 120


sittings. The register dates from the year 1570. The the Royal Army during the great Oivil War," printed by
living is a rectory, net yearly value £z80, with 2d acres the Camden Society in 1839, was also a. native of this
of glebe and res'.dence, in the gift of St. John's College, place, and was living in 1660. Oaklands, a. modern
Cambridge, and held since 1894 by the Rev. Augnstus mansion, pleasantly seated in parklike ground, near to
Shears M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. A mis- the high road, is the residence of Sir Charles Bird
.'lion room was erected in 1893. The charities· amount to Locock bart. Lynders Wood is the residence of Major
£54 yea;J'ly, a;rising from Coker's and Kitchen's oharities: Gerald Barker. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. '1'he
Mary Kitchen, by will, dated Dec. 4, 1722, gave £10 chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and pasture land. The
yearly to this parish, which is charged on premises in area is 2,3°5 acres of land and 4 of water; Tateable value,
the parish of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, and is now in £2,497; t.he population in 1901 was 655.
the hands of the corporation of the City of London. ROW GREEN, with a small cluster of houses, is a
At an early period Black and vVhite Notley formed but hamlet about I mile west, near the road from Braintree
one village, but on its coming into the possession of to Chelmsford.
Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex, and Roger Bigod, By Local Government Board Order 22,339, dated March
Earl of Norfolk, these two powerful nobles are said to 24, 188 9, Slamsey Farm, Oaklands and Oaklands Lodge,
have founded churches, each upon his own land (as waE were transferred from White Notley to Black Notley.
then customary), for the use of his tenants. The manOJ
house {)f Black Notley, or Gobians, stands near the Post Office. 'Christopher H. Turner, sub-postmaster.
church. Many antiquities were fo~d in this parish in LeUers through Braintree arrive at 7 a.m. Box cleared
1852, and it was the birthplace in 1579 of the learned at 8,45 a.m. & 1.5 & 6 p.m.; sundays 8·40 a,m. Postal
William Bedell, Bishop {)f Kilmore, 1629-42. John Ra) orders are issued here, but not paid. Braintree, I!
F.R.S. the distinguished naturalist, was the son of a miles dist.ant, is the nearest money order & tele-
blacksmith in the village, and was born here Nov. 29. graph office
1628; he died Jan. 17, 17°5, and is buried in the church· Wall Letter Box, near BulIord lane, cleared at I & 5.5 0
Jard, where a monument was erected over his grav~ p.m. &, sunday.s at 8.4 0 a.m
which Dr. Comptou, Bishop of London, caused to be "Vall Letter Box on the London road, cleared at 7.0 a.m.
removed into the church, but it has since been replaced & 7· 15 p.m. week days only
on its original site; the tomb has a long Latin inscrip. Wall Letter Box, Bucks hill, cleared at 9·5 a.m. & 1.45 &
tion, eulogising his studious and unambitious life. Capt. 6.15 p.m.; sundays 8,40 p.m
Richard Symonds, a. Royalist officer during the Civil National School (mixed), for 108 children; average
'Var, and well known to antiquaries by his "Diary of attendance, 58; Miss Maud M. Larkin, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Shears Rev. Augustus M.A. Rectory Emery George, boot & shoe maker
Barker Major Gerald, Lynders "Wood Turner \Yilliam Hunter, Dewlands Hammond "Valter, baker
Barnard WaIter, Notley place COMMERCIAL. Legerton Alfred Thos. miller (waleI')
Boy ton Charles, London road Barnard John, farmer, 'l'he Hall Martin \Villiam, beer retailer & horse
Clark Mrs Brown Charles, maltster slaughterer
Cooper ,Slamsey Butcher Thomas, carpenter & Green Mortier Abraham, caltle dealer
Downing Joseph George, Buc],woods Dragon P.H Mortier Arthur, baker &c
Gibberd Joseph, London road Olarricoats Henry, Reindeer P.H Mortier George John, butcher
King Mrs Claydon George, frmr. L1Hlham hall Overall John, farm bailiff to Thoma9"....
Larkins Misses Cooper Jordan, builder Nottidge esq. Cut Hedge farm
Locock Sir Charles Bird hart. Oal,· Cooper William, boot mal,er Partner John, blacksmith
lands; Isthmian club, 105 Picca- Cuff Albert Henry, bill poster Perry Alfred, boot maker
dilly W & Alpine club, 23 Savile row, Dales John Thompson, beer retailer Purkiss William, bllildet·, London rd <-

London W Darby Chas. Edwin, farmer, Oak farm Saunders Frederick, calf dealer
Playle Mrs. Frederick, Ratcliff house Davies James, shopkeeper Sorrell Charles B. farmer, Stantons
Pulford Mrs. Park farm Digby Alfred, cattle dlr. Buckwoods ·Wisby Samuel, carpenter
WHITE NO_TLEY is a village and parish, seated in White Notley was possessed by the family of Smith, alias
a valley on the road from 1Vitham to Braintree, and Carrington, during the latter half of the 16th century.
close to the river Brain or Pods Brook, with a station Edward Wright esq. who is lord of the manor.
on the Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway, is the principal landowner. The soil is heavy clay; sub-
and is 4 miles south-east from Braintree, 4 north-west s()iI, day and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley.
from Witham and 37 from London, in the Eastern division turnips and beans; peas are extensively grown here for
of the county, Witham hundred and petty sess;.onal divi- the London ma.rkets. The area is 1,867 acres; rateable
sian, Braintree union and county court district. rural value, .[<1,617; the population in 190I was' 335.
deanery of vVitham, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- _ .
cese of St. Albans. The church (name unknown) is a . SLAJ\lO:ND~E! or Slamsey, a hamlet, was transferred.
small edifice of rubble mixed with Roman t'.les erected on ill 1889 for CIvil. purposes to Black Notley, under the.
the site and incorporating part of an older ~hurch and provisions of the Divided Par;.shes Acts 1876-82, by LocaL.
ccnsists of chancel (built about 1210), nave of three Govel'?-ment Board Order 22;339·
bays, aisles, south porch and a small western tower ParIsh Clerk, J oseph Ohallls.
of wood with an octagonal shingled spire: the church Post,:M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office.-
was restored in 1874-5, at a cost of £350 and again in George Harrington, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
1888, at a cost of £700, and has 200 sittings. The register Witham at 3.30 a.m. & 2 p.m.; dispatched at 2 &;
dates from the year 1538. The living is a vicarage, net 8.50 p.m; sundays dispatched at 8.50 p.m. The-
yearly v~lue, £123, .with residence and 7 acres of gl~be,' nearest telegraph office is at Terling, 3 miles distant
in the gtft of the B'.shop of St. Albans, and held smce Wall Letter Box, Pennett's farm, cleared at 1.40 & 8.301
r883 by the Rev. Arthur Francis Curtis, M.A. of Christ's p.m.; sundays, 8.30 p.m
College, Cambridge, and diocesan inspector of schools. _. . .
The poor have £10 yearly, left by Jeffery Grimwood in :JSatlOnal School (nuxed), f?r 90 children; average at-
1840. Thomas 1Vhitbread, by w'.ll, dated Kovember 21st, tendance, 75; supporte~ III part by a voluntary rate;.
r684, devised 2a. 11'. 24p. of land, the proceeds to be dis- ,Mrs. Emma Lewsey, mIstress
tributed annually to the poor in bread. The manor {)f Railway Station, Henry Hitchcock, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL.' Harrington George, baker &; grocer.-
Curtis Rev. Arthur Francis M.A. Baines Hy. Herbert, frmr. CuUs farm Post office
(vicar & diocesan inspector of Bishop Thomas, farmer, Lawn farm Jiggins James, farmer, Lit.tle Dury
schools), Vicarage Brown ·Wm. Plough inn, & pig dealer Kerlogue James, thatcher
Goss Samuel, Hill side Collins John Samuel, grocer & baker Mouse Wm. farmer, Godfreys farm
Harding Albert Chappell Isabella (Mrs.), brewer, &; Parr Albert, blacksmith
Mayo George Cross Keys P.H Trembath Wm. Dvd. frmr. Fambridge
Muckley William J. The Hall Fairhead Alfred In. farmer, Stanfields Tunbridge Thos. J. farmer, Elm farm
Hammond William Geo. mrkt. g:lrclnr
GREAT OAKLEY is a village and parish, on Ramsey chester and 65 from London, in the North Eastern division
Creek, a feeder of the Stour, and on the road from Col- of the county, hundred, petty sessional division and union
chester to Harwich, 5 miles north from Thorpe-le-Soken of Tendring, Harwich county court district and in the
station on the Colchester and Walton-on-the-Xaze line, and rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, archdeaconry of
4 south from "Vrabness station on the Harwich and Man- Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of All
ningtree branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 south-west Saints is an ancient building of stone and brick, partly Nor-
froll Harwich, 7 south-east from Manningtree, 14 from Col- man and consisting of chancel and nave and a belfry con-

taining one bell: in the nave is a tablet to the Rev. Richard Stones Green.. The manorial rights of Great Oakley Hall
Drake M.A. rector here 1718, who erected an almshouse for are held by the trustees of the late James May. The land
four aged women of the parish: there is a fine Norman font, belongs principally to Guy's Hospital, London, John Salmon
of polished marble, supported on five stone shafts: the I esq. Rev. Canon Charles F. Norman l\l.A., J.P. rector of
church was restored in 1880, when the galleries were re- Mistley, and Edgar and William Cooper esqrs. The soil
moved and the pews replaced by open benches at a cost is excpllent, being a mixture of loam, clay and gravel; the
of £400, defrayed by general contributions; during the subsoil is loamy. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans
progress of the work a large flag stone was discovered, in- and peas. The area is 3,363 acres of land, 6 of water, 85 of
laid with a marble slab bearing an inscription to Sarah tidal water and 228 of foreshire ; rateable value, £3,413 ;
Savell, daughter of Thomas Savell, of Great Oakley, ob. 16th the population in 1991 was 815.
March, 1619. A reredos was erected in 1889, and in. 1900 Sexton, .James Salter.
a staine~ window was presented by the late Major G./ Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Express Delivery
C.ockle, m memory ?f. hIS parent~, a~d a new organO".~ro- Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Otlice.-William
vlded. There are slttmgs for 2,:)0. l?~rs~ns.. The re",l"ter Sherwood Blowers, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
dates from the year .1559. . The lIvmg IS a rectory, net Harwich at 7.45 a.m. & 12.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9. 25
yearly value £586, wlth resldence and 57 acres of glebe, I a m & 6 IQ pm
in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and held .. . "
£lince 1889 by the Rev. Delaval Shafto Ingram M.A. of S c h o ? l : - . . . .
that colleO"e The Mission Room at Stones Green was NatiOnal (mlxed), buUt III 1837, enlarged m 18 72 & agam
erected in ~886 as a memorial to the wife of the Rev. John I in 18 95 for 177 children; average attendance, 150; Tom
Howard Marsden R.D. vicar from 1840, and canon of ThLm-/ ~ibson~ m.aster; Miss Loveday, mistress; Mrs. GibBon,
chester: there are IS0 sittings. There is a Wesleyan I mfants mIstress
•.chapel in the village and a Primitive Methodist chapel at Carrier to Colchester.-William Keeble, mon. wed. & sat
Blowers Miss Claxson Frederick, May Bush P.H Ling William, market gardener
Cole Robert Swinborne, Holt farm Cooper Frnk. Prudential agt. Stones grn Lord Eliza (Miss), newsagent
Ingram Rev. DelavalShafto M.A.Rectory Cooper Thomas, carpenter, Stones green Lucas Frect, farmer, Wash farm
_Jay John Matthews, Bleak house Cooper William, farmer, Malting- farm Mann Arthur, farm bailiff to Edgar
Shindler Mrs. Houbridge hall Cresswell Ellen Blanche (Miss), baker Cooper esq. Marden's farm
Sparrows Miss CresswellKing, Swan P.R. Stones green MurrillsErnestWilliam, grocer & draper
COMMERCIAL. Ellis Amos, blacksmith, Stones green Nunn Robert, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Finch Wm. Rerbert. builder,Stones grn Russell 'Wontner, Mill Pond farm
Almond John. blacksmith Gilbert John, The Three Cups P.R Offord Ann (Mrs.), baker & coal mer
Biggs George Jonathan, frmr. Holt farm GirlingJas.farmer,Blockfarm,Stones grn Rycraft Cbarles, butcher
Blowers Edmund, rate collector & agent Goby James, boot & shoe maker Sharp Frederick, grocer & draper
for Essex & Suffolk Equitable Fire Golby Wm.. jun. beer retailer,Stones grn Smith Geo. frmr. Gt. Oakley Lodge farm
Office & GeneralAccidentInsurance Co Green Horace, farmer, Skeighaugh farm Smith James, beer retailer
Blowers William Sherwood, saddler & Hoddy Enos, farmer, Sparrow's farm Spells Albert Edward, grocer & draper
Post office Joy Maurice Francis, miller (wind & Stanford Alao Septimus, farmer, Hou-
Boast Samuel, baker steam) bridge hall
'Bones John, poultry dealer Keeble Edward James, farmer, Great Stanford Percy, farmer, Frith's farm
Byles Alfred, farmer, Malting farm, Oakley hall Taylor James, veterinary surgeon &
Stones green Keeble William, carrier farmer, DengewelI hall
·.carter Benjamin, market gardener Lambert George, plumber & painter Tnrner Frank, wheelwright & carpenter
Clarke Elkanah, buteher Lambert John, farmer, Stone hall
LITTLE OAKLEY is a parish, 3~ miles south-west from Franeis Bishop M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. Here
Dovercourt station, on the Harwich and Manningtree is a Wesleyan chapel. Col. Sir Joshua Thellusson Rowley
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-west from bart. of Tendring Hall, Stoke-by-Neyland, who is lord (}f
Harwich, 16 east from Colchester and 67 from London, in the manor, and the Re¥. Charles F. NOorman M.A., J.P.
the North Eastern division of the county, petty sessional rector of Mistley, are the principal landowners. The soil
division, hundred and union of Tendring, Harwich county is of mixed nature; and the subsoil clay and sand. The
court district, rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. The area
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. is 1,217 acres of land and I of water, 73 of tidal water and
The Church of St. Mary, situated in a fine position, com- 201 of foreshore; rateable valne, £1,067; the population
manding land and sea views, and embowered amongst noble in 1901 was 266.
elms, is an ancient edifice partly of the Decorated and Per-
pendicular periods, and consisting of chancel, nave and south Post Office.-Mrs. Jane Deex, sub-postmistress. Letters
. porch. With the exception of the upper part of the tower, received through Harwieh, arrive at 7.10 a.m. & II.40
. the church has recently been restored at a cost of £1,200, a.m. ; dispatched at 6.50 p.m. Postal orders are issued
.and was reopened by the Lord Bishop of St. Albans, June here bnt not paid. Great Oakley is the nearest money
7th, 19 02 , an adjacent piece of land being at the same time order & telegraph office, z miles distant
consecrated as an addition to the churchyard. The church Pillar Letter Box, Cherry Tree, cleared at 10 a. m. & 6.30
has many interesting features, including an almost unique d
P rlests' D oor, constructe d Wl'th'In a fi ne b uttress. 'l'he p.m. ; sun ay, 10.15 a.m
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, National School (mixed), built in 1844, & enlarged in
net yearly value £270, with residence and 30 acres of glebe, 1894, for 60 children; average attendance, 52; Mrs.
.in the gift of trustees, and held since 1899 by the Rev. Charlotte Lois Fuller, mistress
BishopRev.Francis M.A.(rector),Rectory Eversou George, market gardener Rowland John, market gardener
··Cottingham Frands, Calebreck Newman Anna }laria (Mrs.), Cherry Stock Samuel, farmer, New House &
COMMERCIAL. Tree P.R White House farms
Deex Jane (Mrs.), post office Newman George Nicholas, shopkeepJr WontnerRussell(Mrs. ),Littltl Oakley hall
OAKLEY (o,r Ugley). 'The name of t,his padsh has chapel on the south side wa,s originally built from the
be-en variously pronounced. Quercetum appears to have ruins or Bollington church; the east window llnd others
been the name by whioh it was known by the Romans, are st,ained; the chancel retains a piscina: on the north
from the looality abounding in oaks, and according to wall of the church is a plain brass, in good preservation,
Morant the name has been corrupted, by the pronuncia- and apparently local work, to Richard Stock, who died
tion of the Norman clerks, from Oakley to Ugley; it is on 3 May, 1568: the parish chest, of wood and' iron, with
the high road from London to Newmarket, between several locks, is ancient and well preserved: the church
Bis,hops Stort,ford and Saffron Walden, 2 miles north-west wa.s completely restored and a transept added in 1866, and
fl'(}lU Ellsenham station on tlhe main line of the Great has 200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1560.
Eastern railway to Cambridge, 5! north from Bishops The living is a vicarage, net yearly value [1I0. with 15
Stortrfordr and 33 from London by road, in the Northern acres of glebe llnd residence. in the gift of the Governors
division of t.he county. Clavering hundred. Saff,ron Walden of Christ's Hospital, and held since 1897 by the Rev.
petty sessional division, Bishops Stortford union and Rerbert Campbell Adams. Charities, left by Robert
county court district, and in the rural deanery of New- Buck. 1620; Thomas Buck, 1679; and Edward Sandford.
port, archdea.conry of Colchester a.nd diQcese of St. r863, amount to £48 yearly, and are chiefly distributed in
AlbaDi. The church of St. Pe,tl8Jr is an ancient edifice of coal and clothing. Orford House, the property of Mrs.
brick in the Early English style, consisting of chancrl, Brocket, of Spa ins Hall, near Ongar, and now occupied
nllve. transept, south chapel, south porch, organ chamber by Robert, ,"Voodhouse esq. is a fine old bnildin~ abont r
and an embattled: western tower containing 3 bells: the mile south from the church, erected by Admiral Edward
Russell, a distinguished naval officer and commander of BOLLINGTON, now a hamlet of Oakley, llalf a mile
the allied English and Dutch fleets in the great battle south-west, belonged to King Harold and was formerly a
off La Hague, 19th Ma,y, 1692, when the French fleet, distinct parish with a church of its own, a portion of
under Count. de Tourville, was completely defeated, and which on its being pulled down was re-erected as a
12 of their ships destroyed: in May, 1697, he was created chapel on the south side of Ugley church and has since
Baron Shingay, Viscount Barfleur and Earl of Orford, been rebuilt by the late S. Sandford Poole esq. sometime
but died in 1727, when all these titles became extinct. owner of Bollington Hall. Wades Hall is about half a
Ugley Park, comprising about 70 acres of wood, is main- mile west-south-west; both of these halls are now occu-
tained as a preserve for foxes. Robert Cunliffe Gosling pied as farmhouses and held off-hand.
esq. of Hassobury, who is lord of the manor, Stanes
Bracket Henry Chamberlayne esq. of Witherley Hall, OAKLEY GREEN is I mile south.
Atherstone; William Fuller-Maitland esq. of Stansted Sexton, James Reynolds.
Hall; Mrs. Brocket, of Spains Hall; Capt. Inglis, Francis Post Office.-WaIter William Wright, sub-postmaster.
Sa,ville Harry Judd, of Rickling, and Christ's Hospital are Letters through Bishops Stortford arrive at 4.'50 a.m. ;
the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, dispatched at 7.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
clay, gravel and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, but not paid. Stansted is the nearest money order &
barley and oats. The area is 2,120 acres; rateable value, te:egraph office, half a mile distant
£ 1,791; the population in 1901 was 305. National School (mixed), built about 1860, for 100 chil-
dren; average attendance, 54; Miss Peachy, mistress
Adams Rev. Herbt. Campbell, Vicarage Hale Susannah (Mrs.), beer retailer. Squires Charles, farmer. Old farm
Skelton Richard, Onkley Green Oakley Green Trigg Henry, farmer, Oakley hall
Woodhouse Robert, Orford house Hayden John, blacksmith Turner Charles, gardener to Robert
COMMERCIAL. Markwell Geo. farmer. Crown frm Woodhouse esq
Andrews "Villiam, gamekeeper to T. Porter Charles, farmer, Homestead frm Waterman James, farmer
Gilbey e;;q. New house Porter Frederick, fa~"IIler, Foxton's frm Wiffen Chas. shoe ma. Patmore end
CIayden Joseph, Chequers P.R Rand Thomas, farmer, Fieldgate 'vVright John, farmer, Parsonage farm
Dix William, carpenter, Oakley Green Riches - , farmer, Wades hall Wright Mary (Miss), dress maker
Harvey Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Roxbee William, Wbite Hart ;P.H Wright WaIter William,grocer,I'osl off
NORTH OCKENDON (also called Wokendon, and The register dates from the year 1570. The living is a rec-
Ockendon of the Seven Fountains, from the number of tory. net yearly value £310, with 37 acres of glebe and
springs in the parish) formerly belonged to King Harold H. residence, in the gift of James Herbert Benyon esq. and held
and is a parish 2 miles north from South Ockendon station on since 1869 by the Rev. Robert Townsend Crawley M.A. of .
the Grays and Upminster branch of the London, Tilbury Christ Church, Oxford, and rural dean of Chafford. A
and Southend railway, 6 south from Brentwood, 6 north charIty of £200, left in 1640 by Richard Poyntz esq. was
from Grays station on the main line of the London, Tilbury applied to the purchase of Stedding Hill farm, at Horndon-
and Southend railway, 7 south-east from Romford and 18~ on-the-Hill; this benefactor also gave £50 for the purchase
from London, in the South Eastern division of the county, of communion plate in 1704. A rent-charge of £3 yearly
Chafford hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division, was given by Sir William Russell and a sum of £500
Grays county court district, and in the rural deanery of im'ested in 2£ per Cents. was left by Daniel Russell esq.
Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Alballs. In the spring of 1858, some labourers employed in
The church of St. Mary Magdalene is a building of stone Lrenching fields about a mile and a half east of the
and flint, in the Transitional, Early English and Perpen- village, and partly in Bulphan, came upon the site of a
dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south I Roman or Early English burial ground, ascertained to
porch, Poyntz chapel and an embattled western tower of extend o,er about 16 acres; the graves were of various
flint and stone containing 5 bells, 4 of which were cast by ~izes and shapes and easily discernible by the black-
Miles Graye, of Colchester, in 1621, and I byP. W. in 1695 : IlIess of the earth they contained, the natural soil being a
the anCIent font, formerly attached to one of the pillars of the yellow clay. James Herbert Benyon esq. of Englefield,
nave, but unfortunately destroyed, was replaced in 1842 by I Berks, who is lord of the manor, and Champion Hranfill
another, in the Early English style, gi,-en by the Rev. R. Croft: Russell esq. J. P. of Stubbers, are the. principal landowners.
the chapel on the north side, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, The soil is various; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are
was for man:r years the burial place of the successive lords of wheat, beans, peas and fruit growing. The area is 1,703
the manor: some ancient heraldic glass connected with the acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value, £2,252 ; the
Poyntz family is now in the west window of the tower and population in 1901 was 339.
there are in the church many ancient and valuable memo- I Parish Clerk, James H. Crawley. Deputy, Henry Cole.
rials to the families of Poyntz and Littleton, from the reign Post Office.-Mrs. Mary Anne Coe, sub-postmistress. Letters
of Henry IV. to 1714, including a brass, with efligies, to I through Romford; delivered at 7 & 10.45 a.m & 6.55 p.m
William Poyntz esq. and Elizabeth his wife, ob. 1502, with, to callers; dispatched 1.50 & 6.40 p.m. ; sunday delivery,
12 children; and one to John Poyntz, son and heir of 7 a.m.; dispatched, 6.40 p.m. Postal orders are issued
William Poyntz and patron of the church, ob. 1547, with here, but not paid. The nel\rest money order & telegraph
four shields; there is also a brass with inscription to office is at South Ockendon, 2 miles distant
Thomasyn, daughter of - Hadby gent. and wife succes- Wall Letter Box on Romford road, cleared 1.55 & 6.55
sively to Robert Lathum and William ArdalI, c. 1530 ; and p.m. ; sunday 6.55 p.m
more modern memorials to the Russells of Stubbers. The National School (mixed), built in 1842 & enlarged in 1869 &
church was restored iu 1858, at a cost of £1,000, by the late 1881, now (1902) being entirely rebuilt by James Benyon
Richard Benyon esq. of Englefield, Berks, and has since been esq. for 80 children; average attendance, 68; Miss
further renovated at a cost of £700; there are ISO sittings. J. Jones, mistress
Crawley Rev. Robert Townsend M.A.\RUSSell Champion Branfill J. P. Stubbers Cressey Henry John, blacksmith
[rector & rural dean of Chafford], COM~IERCIAL. Eve John George, farmer, The Hall
Hectory Baker Henry, farmer, Home farm Eve Wm. Skinner, farmer, Manor house
Ingram Rev. Henry Hugh M.A. (assls- Baldwin Albert, Old White Horse P.H. Field John, jun. farmer, Corner farm
tant curate) CoeMaryAnne (Mrs.), grocer,Post Office Gay J. farmer, Baldwin's farm
Lander Mrs. RusseU cottage Cole Henry, carpenter Marrable Herbert, baker
SOUTH OCKENDON (also called Wokendon and windows and doors is delicately wrought, the cornices en-
Ockendon Rokely) is a parish and village, with a station riched·with carved bosses and the parapets embattled: the
on the Grays and Romford branch of the London, Tilbnry elegant Perpendicular font is octangular, and has deeply-
and Southend railway, 8 miles south-east from Romford screened panels inclosillg quatrefoils on each face; the shaft
station on the Great Eastern railway and 20 from London, is relieved by elongated panels with cusped arches, and the
in the South Eastern division of the county, Chafford hun- plinth, which exhibits a series of fine mouldings, rests on a
dred. Orsett union and petty sessional division, Grays portion of the original Norman font of Purbeck marble: the
county court district and in the rural deanery of Orsett, church also retains an ornamental hour-glass stand, a relic
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The of Puritan days: the gabled porch is a wooden structure of
church of St. Nicholas, partially rebuilt and restored in 1866, the 15th century, underpinned with brick and flint work:
principally at the expense of the late R. Benyon esq. of the north doorway is a choice specimen of Norman detail,
Eng-lefield House, Berks, is a structure of flint and rubble enriched with billet and chevron moulding and beaded
with stone facings in the Early Pointed style of the 12th and wreaths: the church affords 450 sittings. The register dates
13th centuries, consisting of chancel, na,e, aisles, north from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
porch and a circular embattled western tower containing one £477, with 17 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
bell, dated 1678: the fabric appears to have been very care- Rev. Percival LaurenceM.A. rector of Walesby,,
fully built, the walls of flint being occasionally bonded with and held since 1879 by the Rev. Julius Henry Rowley :VLA.
blocks of stone and la~'ers of tiles, while the masonry of the. of :Magdalene College, Cambridge. Here are Wesleyan and

Congregational chapels. There is a cemetery of about' Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
one acre, the Parish Council acting as a burial board. Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-James Hasler.
Here are several ancient mounds. James Herbert Benyon sub-postmaster. Letters through Romford, delivered at
esq. of Englefield House, Reading, who is lord of the 6.30 & 11.15 a.m.; 5 p.m (callers only); dispatched 1.30,
manor, Francis H. D. C. Whitmore esq. J.P. of Orsett I 6.40 & 7.30 p.m.; sunday delivery 6.30 a.m.; dispatched
Hall, Orsett, and Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard bart. J.P. 6.40 p.m
of Belhus, Aveley, are the principal landowners. The I Wall Letter Box, near Pollard's farm, cleared 1.20 & 6.15
soil is various; subsoil, gravelly. The ehief crops are I p.m. ; sundays, 8,3° a.m
wheat, barley, oats, peas, potatoes and vegetables for market. Schools:-
The area is 2,924 acres of land and I I of water; the rate- National (mixed), built in 1863, and rebuilt, with master's
able value, £4,93° ; the population in 1891 was 1,OTI civil residence, in 1896 at the expense of the late Richard
and 1,076 ecclesiastical, and in 1901, 1,059 civil. Benyon esq. for 180 children; average attendance, 150 j
By Local Government Board Order 22,35°, dated March Thomas G. Townsend, master
24, 1888, Stifford Hill was transferred from South Ocken- Infants' School, built in 1879, for 80 children; average at-
don to Stifford. tendance, 64; Mrs. Rosina Thomas, mistress
Parish clerk, David Beer. Railway Station, Charles Maple Ansell, station master
Bartlett Harry Haydn, Pear tree house Cast WaIter, baker Mason Alfred Haynes L.R.C.P. Edin.,

Denham Algernon, Sion house Coe Hesketh, farmer L.F.P.S. Glas. surgeon, & medical
Gates James CoIlis George, shopkeeper officer & public vaccinator for the
Mason Alfred Haynes Collis James, tinplate worker Ockendon district of the Orsett union
RowleyRev. Julius Henry M.A. Rectory Collis Thomas, shopkeeper Mead WaIter, beer retailer
Russell-HowlandHny.Franklin,Midleflds Cntts Ann (Mrs.), butcher Old King's Head commercial inn(Henry
Savage Rev. Alfred Albert [Congrega- Davey Isaac, builder Richard Hedger, proprtr.), Russell's
tional], The Manse FlemingJohn, farmer, Benton's farm Kentish ales; finest wines & spirits;
;Sturgeon Charles, The Hall Gross Alfred, police constable traps on hire; good accommodation
COMMERCIAL Hasler James, newsagent, Post office for cyclists
. Hayden Albert Driver, beer retailer Peck Edward, insurance agent
_Attenborough George William, farmer, Hedger Henr,} Richard, Old King's Head Poulter Alfred, grocer
The Grove inn, fly proprietor & wine & spirit mer Pruce Alice (Mrs.), saddler
~Eeck James, clerk to Orsett Rural Dis- Howland Thomas, boot maker Furdue Edward, baker & corn dealer
trict Council, assistant clerk to Orsett Hull Renry, confectioner Springham Arthur George, wheelwright

Guardians & clerk to OrsettGuardians Kimber Alfred, draper & grocer Springham William Fredk. blacksmith
.Assessment Committee & to Orsett Ling John, cycle agent St.rang James, farmer, The Grange
Joint Hospital District Board Major George, Plough P.H Sturgeon Chas. farmer & miller (wind
'Bishop Josiah, ironmonger ~Janning Richard Abraham, farmer, & steam), The Hall
Boreham Robert, bricklayer Little Belhus,Great & Little MoIlar.ds, Turner James, grocer
Cast Charles, carman & farmer Glasscocks,Street& Quince tree farms Wright WaIter, butcher
CHIPPING ONGAR (or Ougar ad Castra) is an Co. of the 1st Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment at a cost
· ancient town and parish on the west bank of the river of £255, IS also used for concerts and meetings and will
Roding and east of the Cripsey brook, on the road from hold 400 persons. Mrs. Septame Mitchellleft in 1796 £50
Stratford and close to the road from Epping to Chelms- Old South Sea Annuities, the interest of which is distributed
ford, and is the terminus of the Great Eastern branch rail- among the members of the parochial coal club. North-
way from Loughton, 7 miles east from Epping, I I west east of the church is a high artificial mound surrounded by
from Chelmsford, 8 north-west from Brentwood and 21 a moat; on the top of this mound a castle was built in
miles by road and 23 by rail from London. It is the head the reign of Henry 1.; in the reign of Queen Elizabeth it
.of a petty sessional division and union and the chief place was removed and a strong brick building of three storeys
,of the hundred bearing its name, in the Western division of erected, of which only a fragment now remains. The trus-
the county, Brentwood county court district, rural deanery tees of Lady Jane H. Swinburne, who are lords of the
· of Ongar, archdeaconryof Essex and diocese of St. Albans. manor; Maj. George Edward Capel Cure, of Blake Hall;
Over the Cripsey is a brick bridge of three arches. The the trustees of the late Captain Philip John Budworth,
town is within the area of an old entrenchment and consists Pemberton Barnes and John Lightfoot Newall esq. J.P. of
"chiefly of one street on the main road, situated on the Reform Club, London, are the principal landowners. The
rising bank of the river, with a good view, and is lighted area is 503 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable value,
with gas by a company: water is supplied by a com- £4,494; the population in 1901 was 967.
pany; in case of fire the supply is taken from Cripsey Post M 0 & T O T M 0 S B Exp sDI' Y
·b k th t d' th Id C i d f , . . . ., . . . , . ., re s e I vel' ,
ro?, e moa surroun mg; e o. ast e .an ram Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office. (Sub-Office.
varIOus p~mds. Thec~ur?h of St..Martm, erecte~ III the 12th Letters should have S.O. Essex).-Ernest Patient, post-
· century, IS a small. ~Ulldmg of flmt.a~d rubble III the Anglo- msster. Letters arrive at 5. 15 & 10.30 a.m., 6.45 & 9.30
Norma,:! or TransltlOn style, conslstmg of chancel, nave, p.m.· dispatched at 6 & 9.3 0 a.m. & 2. 0 7.0 7.45 & 10
·south aIsle, north porch and a western steeple of wood con- m : week da 'S 3, ,
taining 2 bells: inside the altar rails are two memorial slabs p.. , Y
·of marble to Jane, niece of 01iver Cromwel1, who was Wall Letter Boxes.-At Railway station, cleared at 9.5
buried here in 1637, and to " that truly noble and religious a.m. & 2.20, 6.35 & 9.20 p.m. week days only
.gentleman Horatio Pallavicini esq. who died May 6, 1648,
.aged 36 :" the church was enlarged in 1884, when the south
.aisle was added: there are 350 sittings; in the church- COUNTY MAGISTRATES, ONGAR PETTY SESSIONAL
yard a silver penny of Edward I. was dug up and many DIVISION.
Roman remains have also been found here. The register
dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, The Chairman is appointed at each meeting.
net yearly value £87, in the gift of the trustees of
Lady Jane Swinburne, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Smith Sir Charles Cunliffe bart. D. L. Suttons, Romford
James Tanner M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford and Christie Charles Henry Fehler esq. Wilderness, Ongar
surrogate. The Catholic church, erected in 1869, is Carter Frederic esq. Marden Ash, High Ongar
dedicated to St. Helen. There is a Congregational chapel, Cure Rev. Lawrence Capell M.A. Rectory, Abbotts Roding,
in which is a memorial to the Rev. Isaac TaylOl', a Ongar
former minister and writer for the young, who died I I Dec. Jones Henry Edward esg. Marden Ash house, Ongar
1829, and to his daughter Jane Taylor, the celebrated Pigott Capt. Wellesley George, Blackmore house. nr.
authoress, who died 13 April, 1824, and was buried here: .Brentwood
attached is Dr. Livingstone's room, in which the celebrated Price flowel John James esq. RA. Greensted hall, Ongar
African explorer lived when a student, for a period of two Royds Charles Duncan, Brizes park, Kelvedon Hatch,
years. The cemetery, opposite the railway station, was Brentwood
formed in 1866 and covers an area of one acre; it is under White Tyndale esq. Stondon Place, Brentwood
the management of the Ongar Parish Council. The Bud- The chairman for the time being of the Ongar Rural District
worth Hall, erected by public subscription as a memorial Council is an ex-officio magistrate
to the late Captain Budworth, is a building in the Eliza-
bethan style, consisting of a large room holding about 400 Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles Smith, Landview house
persons, used for public meetings, reading, games and Marden Ash, High Ongar
coffee rooms. A museum was added in 1898, and a tower, Petty Sessions are held at the Petty Sessions room, Police
containing a clock was erected in 1887. The Lecture Hall, station, every alternate saturday at 11.30 a.m. The places
erected in 1870 by Henry Gibson esq. holds ISO persons. included in Ongar petty sessional division are the same as
The Drill. hall, built in 1873 by subscription, for the G the Union, except Doddinghurst & Theydon Mount
O~GAR RURAL DISTRICT COU!\CIL. School Attendance Committee consists of a committee
:Meets at the Council house on every alternate tuesday at appointed by the board of guardians & of which Rev. L.
12 noon. N. Prance is chairman
Chairman, G. Raby, Fyfield hall Clerk, Arnold Richardson, Chipping Ongar
Clerk, Arnold Richardson, Chipping Ongar - Inquiry &; School Attendance Officer, Ernest Joseph
Treasurer, Robert Woodhouse, Chelmsford Thomas, High Ongar
Medical Officer of Health, In. Cooper Quennell M.R.C.S. PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
Eng. Brentwood
'Sanitary Inspector, William Nathaniel Jarvis, Chipping Ancient Order of Foresters, Court Forest hall, No. 2050, C.
Ongar J. Lacey, sec
Budworth Hall, W. P. Fenn, sec. ; John R Quinn, caretaker
ONGAR UNION. Cemetery, Alfred Hall, clerk
Fire Brigade, Christopher Ely, superintendent & engineer
Eoard day every alternate tuesday at the District Council & se\"en men; a fire escape was presented in 1889 by H.
house at I I a.m Gibson esq
The Union comprises twenty-six parishes, viz. Abbots Rooth- Lecture Hall
ing, Beauchamp Roothing, Berners Roothing, Blackmore, Police Station, James William Burrell, inspector; one
Bobbingworth, Chipping Ongar, Doddinghurst, Fyfield, sergeant & ten constables
Greensted, High Laver, High Ongar, Kelvedon Hatch,
Lambourne, Little Laver, Moreton, ~avestock, Nurton VOLUNTEERS.
Mandeville, Shelley, Shellow BoweUs, Stanford Rivers,
Stapleford Abbots, Stapleford 'l'awney, Stondon Massey, 1st Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (G Company),
Theydon Mount, Willingale Doe & Willingale Spain. Drill hall, Capt. J. E. Windus ; Surgeon-Captain Oldfield,
The population of the Union in 1901 was 10,044; area, medical officer; Revs. Thomas Lloyd M.A. of Theydon
47,236 acres; rateable value in 1902, £56,873 Garnon & W. W. Whistler, acting chaplains ; Sergt.~Major
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, G. Raby, Fyfield hall J. H. Mills, drill instructor
Clerk to. the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Arnold
Richardson, Chipping Ongar PUBLIC OFFICERS.
Treasurer, Robert Woodhouse, Chelmsford Clerk of the Peace for the County, County Council & to the
Collectors to the Guardians &, Relieving & Vaccmation General Meetings of the Lieutenancy, Henry Gibson
Officers, No. 1 district, Richard Newbery, Stapleford Inspector of Weights & Measures, Patrick Gallagher, Police
Abbotts; No. 2 district, W. C. Croker, Fyfield station
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, John SCHOOL.
Bartholomew Giles Gidley-Moore M.R.C.P.Edin. Fyfield;
No. 2 district, Richard William Ely Roe L.R.C.P. & S.I. Trust School, endowed with the rents of five houses in the
The Auberies, Kelvedon ha~ch; No. 3 district, Thomas town, left by Joseph King in 1678, now producing £82
Spurgin L.R.O.P.Edin. Chipping Ongar; No. 4 district, yearly; it was reorganized in 1869 and enlarged in .1873,
James Andrew Baird Thompson M.R, O.M. Abridge at a cost of £320, to meet the requirements of the Ele-
Superintendent RegIstrar, Arnold Richardson, Chipping mentary Education Act, 1870; the school now (1902)
Ongar ; deputy, Arthur Collett, High Ongar educates 150 children from the parishes of Chipping
Registrar of Marriages, W. C. Croker, Fyfield Ongar,Shelley & Greensted & is managed by 12 trustees;
Registrars of Births &. Deaths, Chipping Ongar sub-district, Charles Rose, master
Richard Newbery, Stapleford Abbotts ; deputy, Charles Railway Station, Charles Samuel Block, station master
J. Poate, Kelvedon Hatch; B)bbingworth sub-district,
William Coduer Croker, F~'field; deputy, Arthur R. CARRIERS
Rolfe, Fyfield to;-
~he Workhouse, Stanford Rivers, is a plain structure of Brentwood-Joseph Bailey, from his honse, wed. at 9 a.m.;
brick, erected at a cost of £4,416 & will hold 176 in- returning at 4 p.m
mates; Edwin Trowell, master; Rev. John Ishmael Chelmsford-Joseph Bailey, from his house, mono & fri.
'Thomas RA. chaplain: Matthew Henry Grattan L.R.C.P. at 8.30 a.m.; returning from King's Head inn same
& S. Ire!. medical officer; Mrs. E. Trowell. matron: afternoon 3 p.m
.children attend at Stanford Rivers ychool WillingaleSpain-Mrs. Emma Marriage, from' Crown,' tues.
thurs. & sat. no particular time
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bailey Joseph, carrier Geering & Son, provision merchants
Almond Maurice, Laburnam cot Barlow Edward, beer retailer Gallagher Patrick, inspector of weights
Barlow Mrs. Riversdale Barlow Harry, builder, timber mer- & measures & under the l"ood & Drugs
.Barrow Richard, Bowes chant, undertaker & cabinet maker Act & Explosives Act
Hayfield WilIiam Barltrop Jane (Mrs.), blacksmith Gibbs Frederick, Lion family & com-
Bishop Mrs. Roden house Barnard Alfred Wm. boot & shoe maker mercial hotel & livery stables (The) ;
Brown Herbert Boyer Bass Reuben, Crown inn noted house for cyclists & tourists;
<Jhilds Henry Baugh John Wm. Mahanoora, chemist billiards
Christie Chas.Hy. Fehler J.P. Vi'ilderness & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. Giblin Thos. beer retailer & fishmonger
Clark Oswald W., M.A. Grammar schl wine & spirit merchants Gibson & Bond, solicitors
Clark Dr: Wm. Chignell, Pilgrim's rest Bishop Amy & Edith (The Misses), Gibson Henry (firm, Gibson & Bond),
Coe Miss ladies' school, Roden house solicitor, c:erk of the peace for the
Cowee Thomas Block Charles Samuel, station master, county,county council & of the general
Fenn WaIter Patrick Railway station meetings of the lieutenancy
Fortescue Rev. Adrian [Catholic], St. Blowes James, watch maker Giflin James, boot & shoe maker
Relen's Bond Cyril (firm, Gibson & Bond) , solctr Girling J. & H. coal merchants
Foster Charles H Bridge George, boot & shoe maker Grattan Matthew Henry L.R.C.P.,
Gibson Henry, Whitehouse Brown Renry, laundry L.R.C.S. Ire!. physician & surgeon
Grattan Matthew Henry, Ongar house Brown llerbert Boyer, wine & spirit mer & medical officer to On.f;ar workhouse,
Hall William, .'1'he Limes Budworth Hall (W. P. Fenn, sec. ; John Ongar house
Hayward Robert R Quinn, caretaker) Green Charles William, King's Head
Noble Frederic Miller Burgess Geo. Alfd.(Mrs.), statnr.&prntr commercial hotel, motorists & cyclists
Reynolds Mrs Camp George, butcher specially arranged for
Ricbardson Arnold Cemetery (Alfred Hall, clerk) Hadsley SamuelRichard,jobbing gardnr
.spurgin Thomas Childs & Co. clothiers Hall Alfred, deputy supt. registrar &
Surridge John, Clairville Clark Oswald W., M.A. private gram- clerk to the burial committee of the
~anner Rev. James M.A. [rector & sur- mar school Parish Council
rogate] Cornell James, shopkeeper Hammond Albert, painter
Ward Mrs Day Arthur S. photographer Hammond Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Dement James, stationer & newsagent Hayward & Son, grocers
Early closing day, Wednesday. Dicker Alice (Mrs.) Bell inn Head Frederick, greengrocer
Almond Nicholson F.R.O. V.S. vet.surgn Dowsett Emma (Mrs.), haberdasher Holm James C. farmer, The Wantz
Archer Susannah (Mrs.), laundry Dowsett )lary (:\hss), harness maker & Halt Frederick, shopkeeper
Ashdown Alfred & Son, drapers cricket outfitter International Tea Co's. Stores Lim.
Barc1ay & Co.Limited,bankers (branch) Fenn Waiter Patrick, insur. agnt. Bank (Frank Dunn. manager)
(WaIter Patrick Fenn, agent) ; draw Foster Charles & Son, auctioneers, estate Jackson Peter, Cock P.ll
on head office, 54 Lombard street, & insurance agents Jackson WaIter, coal, coke, hay & straw
London E C Gadsdon Frank, coach builder merchant & contractor


Johnson WaIter, boot & shoe maker Ongar Gas Co. Lim. (C. H. Foster, sec) Rose Thomas Edward, tailor, hatter &.
Jarvis WiIliam Nathaniel, surveyor & Ongar Gazette (Alfred B Davis Lim. insurance agent
sanitary insp. to RuralDistrictCouncil publishers) Searle George, nurseryman & seedsman
Kerr John, ironmonger IOngar General Friendly Society (Charles Sim William, hay dealer
· King William, watchmaker Rose, sec) Smith Albert, pork butcher
Kirby John Henry, chemist & druggist Ongar Institute (W. P. Fenn, hon. sec) Smith Ahna, hair dresser
& insurance agent Ongar Reading & Recreation Society Smith Charles, solicitor
Korf Hermann C. tailor (H. B. Brown, hon. sec) Smith Henry, baker
Lacey Albert, boot & shoe maker Ougar vVaterworks Co. Ltd. (C. H. Smith WaIter Herbert, tobacconist
Lacey Charles John, confectioner Foster, sec) SneBing George Thomas, ironmonger
Lacey Peter, boot & shoe maker Parsons 8arah (Mrs.), baker Spurgin Thomas M.R.C.S. Eng~
Lavender Edwin, butcher Patient Ernest, sub-postmaster L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon, medical
Lawrence Carrie (Miss), confectioner Paul Frank, butcher officer & public vaccinator, No. 3 dis-
Lemon Robert, builder Phillips "'illiam, insurance agent trict, Ongar union
Matthews William, blacksmith PratchettFrances (Mrs.), refshmnt. rms Surridge John, cycle agent
Mead Thomas, baker Pratt Charles, farmer, Castle farm United Patriots' Xational Benefit Society
· Mihill Henry William, grocer Quinn John B. coffee rooms (WaIter Johnson, sec)
Mott Anne (Mrs.), china dealer Reynolds Christr. Jas. (Mrs.), coal mer Volunteer Battalion 1st Essex Regiment.
Mott Emma (Mrs.), dressmaker Reyuolds Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker (G Company, Capt. J. E. Windus;.
Mott Frederick William, insurance agnt Richardson Arnold, clerk to the Ongar Sergt.-Major J. H. Mills, drill in-
Newman George, head garnener to C.H. Rural District Council, to the guar- structor), Drill hall
F. Christie esq dians & assessment & school attend- Wightman Wallace Hambling, draper
· Noakes Thomas Nathan, general dealer r ance committees of Ongar union & Wild William Harry, saddler
NobleFredericM. builder & brick maker supt. registrar of Ongar district WO<ld Robert, confectioner
Ongal" Cricket Club (Frank Dunn, sec) .Ruffle Henry George, tool dealer

HIGH ONGAR is a parish on the roaa from Chipping is gravel and clay. '1'he chief crops are wheat, burley aJlIt
Ongar to Chelmsford and near the river Roding, J mile roots. The area is 4,505 acres of land and 15 of wa tel' ;..
north-east from Chipping Ongar station (In the Great rateable value, £6,345; the population in 1901 was I,Ilt'.
Eastern railway, and 23 Brom London, in the Western
division of the county, hundred, petty ses- ASTELYNS, otherwise Gapps, 3 miles north-west, a
sional division and union of Ongar, Brentwood county hamlet in this parish, is remarkable for its ancient seat
court district, rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of now a farm: here Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, is-
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. said to have concealed himself when charged with high.
Mary the Virgin is a building of stone in the Norman treason for abetting Mary Queen of Scots. At l\farden-
style, conElisting of chancel and nave and a tower of brick Ash, I mile north, a. small church was erected in 1884;'
at the south-west angle. erected in 1858 and containing it is a building of stone and flint, consisting of nave only,..
a clock and 5 bells, dated 1610, 1728, 1746, 1773 and and will seat 100 persons.
J822; the base of the tower forms a porch: the chancel Parish Clerk, George Phillips.
was restored in 1884 and a stained east window has since Post Oflice.-Mrs. Elizabeth Roward, sub-postmistress.
been inserted at the expense of the present rector: there Letters from Ongar S.O. arrive at 7 & 11.15 a.m.; dis-
are about 200 sittings. The register dates from the patched at 8.30 & 11.40 a.m. & 6 p.m.; sundays, arrive-
year 1538. The liVing is a rectory, net yearly value 7 a.m.; dispatched 1'1 a.m. Postal orders are issued.
£945, with 92 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift here, but not paid. The, money order & tele-
of and held since 18-82 by the Rev. William Henry Bond graph office is at Chipping Onga.r, distance 1~ miles.
M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and rural dean of Letters for Nine Ashes through Ingatestone
Ongar. There are also six almshollses, founded by the Wall Letter Box, Nine Ashes, cleared at 9.30 a.m. &..
Rev. Dr. Tabor in the 16th century. The charities, 6.30 p.m.. week days only
amounting in the aggregate to £10, and consisting of Wall Letter Box, Marden Ash, cleared at 8,45 a.m. 2.10.
numerous small legacies from 10S. upwards, are yearly 7.15 & 7.35 p.m.; sundays, 7.15 p.m. only
distrIbuted in, bread and clothing. 'The· Fane Memorial Police Sta.tion, Frank Hammond, constable in charge
Nursing Home was built in Ig01 by voluntary subscrip-
tions in memory of the late Rev. F. A. S. Fane. Forest Schools.
Hall, the property of John Lightfoot Newall esq. J.P. who A School Board of 5 members was formed 5 June, 189°.-
is lord of the manor of ~e,Yarks and Ashe Hall and the for High Ongar k North Mandeville United District;;.
principal landowner, is now occupied by Harold McCor- C. Bond, clerk to the boa.rd, Chipping Ongul'
quodale esq. is a mansion of stone picturesquely situated Board (mixed &; infants'), built in 1867 &; enlarged 1887.
in a well-wooded park of 200 acres, and commanding for lOO children; average attendance, 110 boys. &; girls
an extensive view of the surrounding country. Andrew &; 40 infants; Frank Whitbread, master; Mrs. Dinah.
Alfred Collyer-Bristow esq. of Beddington, Surrey, is Whitbread, mistress; Miss F. Dodd, assistant mis-
lord of the manor of Paslow. The other landowners a re tress; Miss Jessie Pepper, infants' mistress
Major George Edward Capel Cure, of Blake Hall, Board (mixed), Paslow Common, built in 1895, for 80
Frederick Caton, J. C. Bennett, Thomas Read Hull esqrs. children; average attend'ance, 76; Mrs. !<'. Dodd, mig...-
a.nd the trustees of Lady June· H. Swinburne. 'l'he suil tress; Miss Ethel Smith, assistan.t mistres,s
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Marter Mrs. The Nook Craig Hugh, farmer, Paslow hall
(Marked thus t receive letters Nes,s Mrs. Marden Ash Dawson Francis, school (boys'), Ma:&-'
through I'ngatestone.) Oldfield Mrs. Almount, Marden Ash den Ash
Atkinson Rev. Arthur George Breeks tOliver Mrs. Susan, Nine Ashes tDodd Charles, carpenter, Nine Ashes
M.A. Marden Ash (rector of Rutter Jolm Alfred Adams,The Mill cot Fane Memorial Nursing Home (Miss-
Greensted) Smith Chas.Landview ho.i~fa,rdenAsh Bellamy, nurse; Miss E. Jones.
tBas,;; Henry Ebenezer, Nine Ashes vVhistler Rev. Webster Wm. M.A. hon. sec)
Bond Rev. William Henry M.A. (rec- (Rector of Bobbingworth) Finch Lewis J. farmer
tor & rural dean), Rectory 'l'Wootton Rev. Ernest A.K.C.L., B.A. Fox Samuel, beer ret. & shopl,eeper'
Bond ayri! B.A. The Rectory (curate), Nine Ashes tGooday George, farmer, Nine Ashes-
Carter Frederic J.P. Marden Ash; & 1'Wyatt John Harrison Joseph, beer ret. & shopkeepr
East India United Service club SW COMMEHCUL. Harvey Jane (Miss), farmer, Nasn halL
& City of London club E 0 London Ager Arth. Robert, chimney sweeper Holland John, shopkeeper
fCntan Mrs. The Rookery YA.lexander David, farmer, lllewga tes Howard Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer &
Commerford Hugb, Grays house AlIen GeOl'ge, Two Brewers P.H farmer, Post office
Cl'awley Evelyn Maddock, The Elms, t AlIen Robert, farm bailiff to T. R. Jordan Manasseh, baker & beer retlr-
Marden Ash Hull esq. ())mmon frm.Paslow cornn Kerr James, farmer, Wardens
Eves Thomas, Glenthorne,Marden Ash tcimos James, beer retlr. Nine Ashes tKing Waiter, beer ret. Paslow COIID
Gilbert Mrs. Marden Ash tAnderson James, farmer, Spurriel's i'Knight John, wheelwright,Nine Ashes-
Goodall Rev. Alfred (Congregational). Oamp William, butcher, Marden Ash tKnight SI. wheelwright, Paslow comIl>
Marden Ash tCaton Frederick, farmer &; assistant tKnight S!lmuel, jun. wheelwright,.
Gordon Col. Hy. Wilson, The Gables overseer, Norton Heath Nine Ashes
Jones Frank, Mal'den Ash house Chambers Edward, farmer, New Lacey Mul'Y Ann (Mrs.), milk de·aler
Jones Henry Edward C.E., J.P. Mar- House farm tLagden Henry James, Lorkins farm,.
den Ash house Clarke Jannet (Mrs.), tea rooms Paslow common
Jones Stanley, Marden Ash house Coleclough & Palmer, brewers, Mar- tLockwood Wm. Augustus, 'Wbeat.-.
~IcCorquodale Harold, Forest hall den Ash Sheaf P.R
MacAlister James Denoon, farmer, Lit- tMuller Hy. beer reUr. Paslow comn Smith Charles, solicitor, clerk to ma-
th~ Forest hall tMullucks Anna (Mrs.), farmer, Nine gistrates for the Ongar division &.
fMalyon Robert, marine store dealer, Ashes to commissioners of taxes &; steward
Nine Ashes tXichols Richard, White Horse P.H of the manor of Stondon, Landview
Maryon James, bead gamekeeper to Phillips George, shoe maker house, Marden Ash
H. McCorquodale esq Pinch Lewis, farmer 1'Steabben John, farmer, Orchard farm
t~Iaryon Jsph. frmr. Paslow common Price JelIery Charles, tea rooms Stock Edward Parris, farmer
Mathews William, blacksmith Ridge Thomas, head gardener to H. Thomas Ernest Joseph, rate collector
:Mead John, wheelwright McCorquodale esq & schOOl attendance officer
l\Iison George, gal'dnr. to Col. Gordon Salvage Henry, Red Lion inn 1'Wright Elijah, llurket gardener,.
Monk Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper Smart 'William, plumber Paslaw common
:Montgomerie Wm. frmr. Chivers hall Spiel'S .Alexander, farmer, Cousins
ORSETT (the Horse's heath) is a village and parish, of Major Fran6s Henry Douglas Charlton Whitmore
un the road from Barking to Southend, 4 miles, J.P. and stands in a park of 50 acres; this gentleman is
north-east from Grays station on the London, Til- I lord of the manor and: principal landowner. Orsett
bury and Southend railway, 10 south from Brentwood, House is the residence of William Thomas Reginald
6 north from Tilbury Fort, 13 south-east from Romford Houldsworth esq. The soil and subsoil are various in
and 24 from London via, Rainham; it is the, head! of a different parts. The chief crops are the usual cereals
union and petty sessionaJ. division (held at Grays), in and vegetables. The area is 4,242 acres of land. and. 4-
the South Ea.stern division of the county, Barnstable hun- of water; rateable value, £6,285; the populatlOn III
dred, Grays county court district, ;md in the rl11'al 1901 was 1,165, including 161 officers and inmates in
deanery of Orsett, arohdeaconry of Essex and diocese of the workhouse.
St. Alhans. The church of St. Gi1e.s and All Saints is a
building of flint with stone facings, consisting of chancel, BAKER STREET is I mile south-west, and near~lt
nave of five bays, north aisle with chapel, south transept Grays and the Thames.
and porch and a western tower of brick with a dw[)r! By Local Government Board Order No. 13,052, dated
spire, containing 6 bellS', the, sixth being added, and com- Dec. 17, 1881, the hamlet of Orsett was transferred to>
memoration service's held, 24 April, 1886: this churoh Stock parish.
was of Notrman foundation and rebuilt in the 13th cen- Parish Clerk. RobeTt Ridgwell.
tury, but underwent extensive alteratioIlJS in the Deco- Post, M. O. &. T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
rated period; and is entered on t,he south side by a 'linc Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. William U.
Norman dOQI'way: the east window is sta ined: and t.he Ridgwell, sub-postmaster. LetteTs through Grays, de-
chancel retains three sedilia with Pllrbecli shafts, and a livered at 6.30 a.m. & 9 a.m.; dispatched II.IS a.m. &
trefoil-headed piscina: under the west window are five 6.20 p.m.; sunday delivery 6.30 a.m.; dispntch 6. IS
carvings in relief representing the live principal events of p.m. The telegraph office is open on sundays from 8:
Our Lord's life; these were the gift in 1887 of t.he late to 10 a.m
Cap!.. Digby Wingfield: the north chapel, which belongs Wall Letter Box, Baker Street, cleared at 11. 15 a.m. &.
to Fras. H. D. C. Whitmore, has been adorned by the 6.25 p.m.; sunday 6.25 p.m
owner with a communion table, reredos and hangings:
an elegant screen of the 14th century sepal'Utes the north ORSE'rT RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.
aisle from its chapel; and in 1893 was completely restored ~ieets at the workhouse, monthly, thursdays at Il'
with the add'ition of cross and folding doors, the worl, o'clock. The Highways &:, Special Expenses Committee-
being executed by Charle,s Howard, of Chset t: in tlll1 meet at the Council offices, 2 Orsett <road, Grays-,.
same year two stained windows we,re erected, a brass monthly
eagle lectern and Bible, altar desk, prllcessional cross Chairman, A. Brooks
and other gifts made to the church, in memOl'y of Mrs. Clerk, James Beck, 2 Orsett road, Grays
Whit,more, d. Nov. 189'2: in 18·84 a memorial 'window Treasurer, Francis N. TMllkins, London &. Provincial
wa,s inserted to Digby Hanmer Richard "Vinglield es!}. Bank, Grays
d. 1884: the tower was rebuilt, early in th~ 17th cen- Medical Officer of Health. Rea Corbet M.R.C.S.Eng.
tury, and has in its north wall a brass pla,t.e record- Orsett
ing the benefaction of Thomas Hot-ofte, ob. 1.195: the Sanit,ary Inspector, John Hurst, 24 Richmond road, Grays-
font is Perpendicular: there are brasses to Thomas District Surveyor, Robert 'l'omlinson Stewart A.S.l.
Lathin, ob. 1485, and Jane, his wife, with efllgie,s; Cherry Orohard, Orsett
to Robert Kinge, parson, ob. 1584, ret. .p, with verses Inspector of Petroleum, Supt. Jordan, Police statn. Grays-
in Latin and, English and a small mural brass of a
civilian, c. 1535: a large marble tomb with a recumbent ORSETT U~ION.
figure, robed. commemorates John HaU, attorney of the
City of London and once owner of this lordship: in the The Board meet at the Union Workhouse, every alternate
chancel are mural monuments to the family of Baker tJhursday at 1 I a.m.
and a brass to Dorothy Williamson, who reached the Orsett Union comprises the following parishes, viz.:-
great age of 104: within the communion rails are the Aveley, Bulphan, Chadwell St. Mary, Corringham, East
memorials of three rectors of this church, Rev. William Tilbury, Fobbing, Grays Thurrock, Horndon-on-the
Gilbert D.D. ob. 1640; Rev. Matthew Styles D.D. sub- Hill, Langdon Hills, Little Thurrock, Mucking, North
rector of Exeter College, Oxford and proctor, ob. 10 Aug. Ockendon, South Ockendon. Orsett, Stanford-le-Hope,
1652; and the Rev, M. Usko, ob. Dec. 31St. 1841: a Stifford, West Thurrock & West Tilbury. The popula-
vestry was built by the rector in I86S and the chancel tion of the Union in '1891 was 27,310 and in 19°1,
aisle reopened in 1870; and in 1881 a new organ was 33,721; area, 41,298 acres; rateable value in 19°2,
placed in the church at a cost of £700: the church plate £160,3 84
includes a communion cup and cover, dated 1575, a flagon Chairman of the Board of Guardians, S. W. Squier, The
given by Mrs. Margaret Silverlock, and two silver aLms- Rookery, Stanford-le-Hope
dishes, given by D. Harper and the Rev. Thomas Harper Clerk to the Guardians, Charles Asplin, High st. Grays-
in 1677 and 1705: there are about 650 sittings. The Assistant Clerk to Guardians & Clerk to Assessment Com-
register of baptisms and 'burials dates from 1669; mar- mittee -& to the Orsett Joint, Hospital Dist.rict Board,.
riages, 1670. The living is a rectory, net yearly vulne J ames Beck, 2 Orsett road, Grays
£600, with 10 acres of glebe a.nd residence, huilt in 1843, Treasurer, Thomas F. Barrow, London & County Banking
in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since Co. Romford
1900 by the Rev. William Chatterley Bishop M.A. arul Relieving & Vaccination Officers &. Collectors to the
late Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and chap- Guardians, No. I distriot, Alfred Herbert Morgan, 35
lain of Orsett union. Here is a Congregational chapel, Sherfield road, Grays; No. 2 district, James Edwarcl
erected in 1/843; and there is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel Edgley Smyth, Orsett
at Baker Street. Charities amounting to £200 yearly, Medical Officers &. Public Vaccinators, Aveley district,.
arising from benefactions left in 1495 by Thomas Hotofte,
by Alice, wife of Isaac Heminge, in 1643, as well as hy
Ambrose Gilbert D.D. and others, are distributed partly
I James Dunlop M.B.. C.M. Aveley; -Grays (East) dis-
trict, Charles William Gilbert M.R.C.S.Eng. Orsel't
road, Grays; Grays (West) district, Anthony Fewster
in coal, at the discretion of the local trustees, under a Blake L.R.G.P.Lond. 43 High street, Grays; Ockendon
scheme of the Charity CommissiQners; t.he trustees have district, .Alfred Haynes Mason L.R.C.P.Edin. Soutob
also provided a nurse for the parish; and a recreation Ockendon; Orsett district, Rea Corbel; M.R.C.S.Eng.
ground. The Literary Institute was erected in 1860 by Orsett; Stanford-le-Hope district, Harold Stevens-
the late R. B. Wingfield-Baker esq. of Orsett. Hall, and Basden L.R.C.P.Lond. Stanford-Ie-Hope; Tilbury dis-
concerts are given occasionally, by ~rmission of Capt.
T. C. D. Whitmore. Orsett Hall, the property and seat
I trict-, Alfred Henderson Fowler M.R.C.S.Eng. The Gar-
dens, Tilbury Docks

Superintend-ent Registrar, Charles Asplin, High street, 'l'he Isolation Hospital for the district is in Stifford Long
Grays; deputy, William B. Silvey, Bank buildings, lane, Little Thurrock; Rea Corbet M.R.C.S.Eng. medi.
Grays cal officer; Miss Constance F. Agar, matron, James
Registrar ef Births & Deaths, Orsett sub-district, Rea Beck, 2 Orse-tt road, Grays, clerk to the board
Corbet, Orsett; deputy, Jnme,s Edward Smyth, Orsett;
Grays sub-district, John Phillips, 45 High 1St. Grap; ; DIPERlAL YEOMANRY.
ci-eputy, A. H. Morgan, 35 8herfield road, Grays Essex, D squadron, Major Francis H. D, C. Whitmore,
Rpgistrar of :Marriages, Edward Bidd'ell, New Toad, commanding; Lt. F. Hilder, second in command;
Grays; deputy, William 1. Beloham, Grays Squadron Sergt.-Major F. E. Hitchens, drill in-
The Workhouse was built in 1'837, at a cost of about structor
£9,000, for zoo inmates; Edward William Wilson, Anson's Charity & KationaJ School has an endowment of
master; Louisa Ada 'Vilson, matron; Rev. Wm. C. £80 yea,rly; average attendance, 62 boys, 69 girls &;
Bishop M.A. chaplain; Rea Corbet, medical officer 60 infants; Charles Bowley, master; Miss Mary H.
School Attendance Committee. Watkins, mistress; Miss May Weston, infan.ts' mistress
Meet,s at the Workhouse on alternate board days at 2 p.m. Conveyance.-TheTe is a vehicle t-o Gray!! railway station
Clerk, Charles Asplin, Grays to meet the 9'47 a.m. 112.44 & 4·44 p.m. up trains &
.Attend'ance Officer, WiUiam Js.aac Belcham, '9 S'her- 9.50 a.m. &; 12.36, 5.15 & 5.-40 p.m. down trains on
field road, Grays every week -day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. EIlingford John, farmer, Baker Street Ridgwell Brothers, market gardeners
Bishop Rev. William Chatterley M.A Essex Imperial Yeomamy (D squad- Roberts Richard, farmer, Orsett heath
(rector & chaplain of the union), ran), Major Fr'ancis H. D. C. Whit- Roger;; Charles, Whitmore Arms }'.H
Rectory more, oommanding; Lt. F. Hilder, Rowley Charles, school master
Corbet Lieut.-Ool. Rea, Ivv

dene second in command Sackett William Henry, collector of
Haslock Rev. Fl'ederick, Baker street Essex Provident Society (branch) poor's rates & insurance agent
Hepburn John, The Limes '. (Thomas Wright, collector) Sanders Charles, plnmber & painter,
Houldsworth William Thomas Regi- Finch Emily (Miss), insurance agent Baker Street
nald, Orsett house Finch WiIliam, wheelwright Sanders Samuel, sen. news agent,
Kemp-Smith James Fdk. The Manor Harding Robert, Hy proprietor Baker Street
Schwartz WiIIiam Henry, 1Vbitecroft Holt James, beer retailer, Orset.t llealh Smith Albert, hailer
Stewart Robert Tomlinson, Cherry Howard Charles, carpenter &; joiner Smyth JamesEdward Edgley,relieving
Orchard J()slin WaIter, frmr. Grey Goose farm & vaccination ofIi'ccr & culJCctlll' to
Whitmore Capt. Thomas Charles Judd Martha (Mrs.), blacksmith the guardians, Nu. 2 district, &
Douglas D.L., J.P. Orsett ball Keeling Timothy, grocer deputy registrar of Lidhs & deaths,
Whitmore Major Francis Henry Dou- Kemp-Smith James Frederick F.S.I. Or·sett sub-district
gla,s Charlton J.P. (Essex Imperial land agent to Capt. Thomas C. D. Squier WilIiam, farmer
Yeomanry), Orsett hall Whitmore D.L., J.P. & to F. H. D. Stewart Robert Tomlinson A.S.l. dis-
C. Whitmore esq. &, surveyor &, trict surveyor to Rural District
valuer, Manor office Council, Cherry Orcllll.rd
Bannister Edward, King's Arms P.H. King George, com. trav. Fern villa Sutton William, fa:rmer .& market
Baker street Lambert-Gorwyn William, farmer, gardener, Lost llall
Bridge George, butcher Con way's farm Thamson Andrew, farmer, Whillield's
Brown WilIimn, beer retailer Manning Herhert, farmcr, Ougar hall farm, Baker Stl'eet
Churoh John M. ins. agt. Orsett htb Ma, Wm. beer retailer, Orsett hth Und,erwood William A. market gar-
Cole Henry, farmer, Whitecroft farm May Denzil, farmer, Chant J'y farm dener, BaIler Street
Corbet Rea M.R.O.S.Eng. Burgeon, Mooro Cbristopher, miller (wind & Underwood Wm. R. marllet ~ardener
medical officer &, public vaccinat<lr steam), Baker Stl'eet Watt Matthew Brown, farmer, Heath
& re~istrar <If births & deaths for Orr Robert, farmer, The Poplars Place farm .
the Orsett district, medical officer O1"sett Book Clno (Re,a COl'bet, sec) Wordley Geo. farmer, Lorkin's farm
of health to the Rural District Owers Henry, groce,', Dal;el' Street Wright Charle-s Thomas, butcher
Council &, medical officer for the Pettitt Henry, Cock P.H Wright Joseph, coal dealer
workhouse & to Isolation hospital Pigg Joseph W. baJ,e,· & ~rocel' Wright Thomas, that.chcr
Cowles .John, 'The Foxhound P.R rowen 'Villiam, grocer & draper WyUia 'Wm, frmr. Hill 1I1lIIse farm
Dines Arthur W. police constable
OVINGTON is a parish bounded on the north by the brights annexed, joint net yearly value £400, with 70
river Stour, which here divides the county from Suffolk, acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of T. Hooper
2i miles south from Olare station on the Sudbury and esq. and held since 1898 by the Rev. Cecil Waiter Brett
Haverhill branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 east M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. The trustees of the
from Haverhill and 10 north from Halstead, in the late John May{)r Green esg. who are lords of the manor,
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, and Francis Arthur Vaizey esq. of Halstead, are the
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Risbridge principal landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, clay.
union, Haverhill county court district, and in the rural The chief crop is barley. The area is 688 acres; rateable
deanery of Yeldham, archdeaconry of Oolchester and value, £640; the population in 190I was 120.
diocese of St. .AIbans. The church, assigned in modern Sexton, Nathaniel Mann.
times to St. Mary, is a small and ancient edifice of stone h h Cl R S 0 (S lk) . b
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, Letters t roug are... n:lIo arrIve y foot
post at 7 a.m. The nearest money order &, telegraph
south porch and a small western tower, of wood, with office is at Clare R.S.O. 2 miles distant
~pire and containing one bell: in 1881 the church was
l'eseated with open benches, the chancel restored and a 'Wall Letter Box, Upper Farm, cleared at 7· 15 a.m. &;
iltained east window inserted: there are 90 sittings. The 6. ID p.m
register dates from the year 1550. The living is a The children of this parish attend the schools at Tilbury
rectory, with that of Tilbury and the chapelry of .AIl- &, Ashen
Brett Rev. Cecil 'WaIter M.A. Rectory Gardiner Benjamin A. farmer
Fox Bertha (Mrs.), frmr. Hole fnn Murkin John, beer retailer
Whitbread Thomas Robert,farm bailiff
to the exors.of the lateWm.Ewer esq
PAGLESHAM (Paklesham or Packasham) was in 1066 I embattled tower containing 2 bells: the church was re-
.given by Ingulf, abbot; >of Croyland, to Westminster Abbey: "Stored in 1883 at a cost of £1,700, when the east and
it is a village and parish on the river Roche, behind west windows were filled with stained. glass: there are
Wallasea and opposite Burnham, 4 miles north-east froIn 150 sittings. The reg-ister o~ baptisms and burials dates
Bochford station on the Southend branch of the Great from 1719; marriages, 1733. The living is a rectory,
Eastern railway, 9 north-east from Southend station on net yearly value £315, with 21 acres of glebe and resi-
the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 6 miles by dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Peterborough, and
the fields, ferry amI marshes, 13 miles by road from held since 1890 by the Reov. Thomas Lea. The charities
Shoeburyness and 41 from London. The parish is in the amount to £26 yearly. TherE! is a Club Room at
South Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred. Eastend. :Many persons are engaged in the oyster
petty sessional division and union, Southend county court fishery, large quantities being exported to Flanders,
district and in the rural deanery of Canewdon, arch- F;:ance and H~lland.. :Messr;; Zachary. Pettitt, Arthur
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church ~lcholls and l<redel'lck &, ~<\rthur Wlseman own the
uf St. Peter is a building of stone in the Perpendicular i largest beds. The Rev. William North Andrews M.A.
tltyle, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an vicar of Pastan, Korfolk, who is lord of the manor,
James Foster Turner Wiseman, and Zachary Pettitt club room; the site and building were presented by
esqrs. Mrs. Catherine Davis, of Southall, and Alexander Zachary P ettitt est}. of Loftman's, Canewdon.
Francis MacKenzie Downie esq. of Alton, Hants, are S~~ton, Edwardd W ooH.
the principal landowners. The soil is middling loam; Pust Office.-Mrs. Sarah Ann nice, sub-postmistress.
subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are beans, wheat, Letter.;; arrive from Rochford S.O. at 8.30 a.m.; dis-
barley and white mustard. The area is 2,128 acres of patched at 2'40 p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
land, 2 of water, 165 of tidal waIter and 152 of fore- but not paid. The nearest money order office is at
i5hore; rateable value, £2,627; the population in 1901 Canewden & telegraph office Rochford, 6 miles dis-
was 449, including 22 in that part of Wallasea Island tant
belonging to Paglesham. A School Board of 5 members was formed Oct. 18, 1901 ;
J. F. 1'Vood, Clarence street, Southend-on-Sea, clerk
EAST END is a hamlet a mile and a half south-east; to the board
a part of Wallasea Island, called Grapnells, is in this Board School, built in 1872 & enlarged in 1894 at a
parish. The Mission Hall here, erected in 1893 at a cost cost of £300, for 120 children; average attendance,
of £200, will hold ISO persons, and is now used as a 97; James A. Legge, master
Brown Henry, jun. Pagleshmn house Davis Oatherine (Mrs.), Soutlwll farm Pettitt Robert, farm bailiff to Zachary
Davis Mrs. Stannetts & landowner Pettitt esq. West Hall farm
Lea Rev. Thomas, The Rectory Ga,rdiner Henry, Punch Bowl P.H Rice Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Nicholls Arthar Michael, The Chase Hill & Corby, shoph:pl·s. Church cnd Post office
Pettitt Robert, West Hall farm Kemp Alfred Wm. Plough & Sail P.H Robinson WiIliam, carpenter
Wiseman Art.}l\lr, Redcroft Meeson Henry, farmer, Church hall, Shuttleworth J. William, barge &; boat
\Yiseman Fl'edk. W. Bucldand house East hall & Clements builder
Nicholls Arthur Michael, oyster mer- Wiseman Frederick W. & Arthur,
COMMERCIAL. chant & farm~r. oyster merchants, Buckland house

Davis Harold, farmer, Graplands Quy Thomas. farmer

P ANFIELD is a pleasant village and parish near the hetween England and France in the 13th century, it
river Pant, 3 miles north-by-west from Braintree sta- I was seized by Edward I. in 1285, as an alien priory,
tion, on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, and I, in order to prevent money being carried thence to the
45 from London, in the Eastern division of the county. enemy, a policy repeated by Edward Ill. in 1337-8:
Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional the possessions of this religious house were restored
division (Braintree bench), Braintree union and county un the establishment of peace and the inmates continued
court district, rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry in their enjoyment till 1414, when all alien priories were
Qf Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of I totally suppressed and their property vested in the
St. Mary is a small edifice of tlint with Bath stone Crown: after the Dissolution in 1538, it was granted to
dressings in the Perpendicular style and consists of Sir Giles Capel. Panfield Hall, erected in the year 1546,
chancel, with organ chamber, nave, a fine old is a fine building, with a quadrangular tower and hand-
Qak south porch and a I
small western tower smnely clustered chimneys: it is now occupied as a
with octagonal shingled spire containing 3 bells: farm house. B. D. Tahor esq. who is lord of the manor,
in 1858 the chnrch was restored at a cost of and the trustees of Guy's Hospital are the principal
£1,4°0: on the sonth side of the nave is a piscina: there landowners. 'The soil is loam; subSOIl, clay. The chief
are three stained windows, filled at the cost of the pre- crops are wheat, barley, oats and pa~ture land. The
sent patron, the east window being a memorial to his area is 1,495 acres; rateable value, £1,617; the popu-
family: among persons of note interred here are J oh_n ' lation in 1901 was 226.
Cotton esq. ancestor of the distinguished family of that I
name, of the Hall manor and .!.lice, his wife, ob. 1525, PENNY GREEN is half a mile north-west.
and to Richard Beale esq. ob. 17 12 : the learned John Sexton, George Butcher.
Ouseley, scholar, divine and antiquary, was rector here.
from 1668 to 1694: there are 170 sittings. The regis- I Letters received through Braintree arrive at 8 a.m. & 3
ter dates from the year 1569. The living is 3 rectory, p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ~
net yearly value £240, with residence and 9 acres of sundays, 8.45 a.m. Bocking, It miles distant, is the
glebe, in the gift of H. Vi'. Burgess esq. of Brighton, nearest money order &; telegraph office
~llld held since 1900 by the Rev. Robert Kettle M.A. of A School Board of 5 members was fOI'llled IS March,
'Trinity College, Cambridge. The rectory house is close 18 75, E. Holmes, Bocking, clerk to the board
to the church. Half a mile north was formerly :t priory
of Benedictine monks, subordinate to the abbey of St. Board School (mixed), built in 1875, at a cost of between
Stephen. at Caen, in Norn1andy, allll founded from a £300 & £400, including the site for 50 children; ave-
gift by 'Valeran FitzRalph, in 1070, of his little manor at mge attendance about 40; Miss Fanny Pafmer, mis-
Panfield to that house: on the outbreak of hostilit,ies tress
Harding Frank, Lightwater Grubb William, shoe maker Lawrence Samuel, farmer
Kettle Rev. Hobert M.A. (rector), .Joycelyne James Robert, farmer, Pan- Newman William Smith, farmer, Pan-
Rectory field farm field hall
COMMEROIAL. Lawrence Charles, frmr. Little I'riory Rogers Charles, Bell P.Il
Ambrose John, farmer Lawrence David, farmer Underwood Samuel, farmer
Butcher Geo. wheelwright &:, smith Newman G. A. land agent for John Wiffen William, beer retailer
Byford WaIter, farmer, Great Priory Burden esq: Panfield hall
O'REAT PARNDO:N- is a village and parish, :1 miles Adams :M.A. of Eton avenue, London N.W., and held
south-east from Roydon station and 2 miles south from since 1892 by the Rev. Noel Platt B.A. of Worcester
Burnt Mill station on the Cambridge section of the Gt. College, Oxford. Here was anciently a convent for
Eastern railway, 3! south-west from Harlow, 6 north canons of the Prremonstratensian Order, founded or en-
from Epping, 10 east from Hertford and 22 from London, dowed by Roger and Rohert de l'arringdon and Clement,
in the ·Western division of the county, Harlow hundred son of Hegillald, but removed in I I 80 to Beleigb, or
and petty sessional division, Epping union, 1Valtham Little Maldon Abbey, where Rohert de Mantell had built
county court district and in the rural deanery of Harlow, a monastery, dedicated to St. Nicholas. Earl Cowley
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The JLG., P.C. is lord of the manor, St. Thomas' Hospital,
Todds brook flows through the parish. The church L. J. W. Arkwright esg. of Little I'al'ndon, Joseph 'rod-
(name unkuown) stands on rising ground and is hunter esq. of King's Moor house, Mrs. Harris and
a.n edifice of stone and rubble in the Late Perpendicular 'Vinchester College 'cIre the principal landowners. The
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch soil is various; subsoil, grnvel and clay. The chief
and an embattled western tower, containing 4 bells, crops are wheat, burley, outs <Inll roots. The area is
three of which respectively are dated 1613. 1779. and 2,227 acres; rateable value, £3,87°; the population in
1613, the fourth simply bearing the inscription "Praise 1901 was 529.
the Lord:" the stained east window is a memorial to the
family of J ohnson and was inserted in 1877: the reredos Parish Clerk, Edward Harwood.
was presented by Miss Sims: there are about 200 sittings.
'.rhe register of baptisms and hUl'ials dates from 1547; Post Office.-Miss May Tarling. sub-postmistress. Let-
marriages, 1704. The living is a rectory, net yearly ters are received. through HarIow, arrive at 7.30 a.m. ;
value £400, with 28 acres of glebe and residence, in the dispatched at 6. IS p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
alternate gift of the present rector, the governors of St. but not paid. Netteswell Cross is the noorest money
Thomas' Hospital and the Rev. Henry Willoughby order k telegraph office, 1~ miles distant

Pillar Letter Box, Hare street, cleared at 8,45 a.m. & 6.30 National Schools (mixed), built in 1861 by subscription
p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m & enlarged in IB82 &; 1897 for 130 children; average at-
Pillar Letter Box, Brockles, cleared at 7.45 a.m. & 5.45 tendance, 98; Bertram Bishop, ma,ster; Mrs. Bishop...
p.m.; sundays, 7.45 a.m mistress
Brown Harry, Great Cannons Carter John, farmer, Richmo'nds frm San-som Frank, farm bailiff to Mr. J.
Clark Arthur Henry, Hare Street Oaudell Charles, sllOpkeeper J. Green, Sumners farm
Fowler Howard, Northbrooks Oharter George, builder & undertaker Seymour WilIiam, hurdle maker
Harris Mrs. Passmores Ohurch Willi am , farmer & contractuI', Swann Arth.Angelou,beer ret. Hare Sb
Hodgkins WilIiam, Bl'Oomfield Fighting Cock farm Tarling Geo. gravel pit owner &; mel'
Platt Rev. Noel RA. Rectory , Franklin William, srhopkpr.Hare Stl'eel Thompson Adam, blacksmith
Todhunter Jsph. J.P. King's Moor ho aooper Chas. Wm. beer reUr. & grcr Thurlow WillillIllo farm bailiff to
COMMERCIAL. Jackson Fredk. wheelwright &; smith Joseph Todhunter esq. Brockles frm
Baynes James, frmr. Hare Street farm Lawrence William, frmr. Harrows frm Trussell George, farm bailiff to Mr.
Bird William, The Cock P.H Moffatt John George, f:1rmer, Todd's S. Chetwood, Church farm
Blackburn William, head gardener to brook Woodrow .Alfred,gamekeeper to J.Tod-
J. 'rodhunter esq Moffatt In. Geo. frmr. 'fodd's broolij hunter esq. Woodlands cottage
Butcher George, police constable Pretlove Charles, fishmonger
LITTLE PARNDON is a village and parish on the wife, d. 19 Feb. 1651, and others to the Turnour family;
navigable river Stort, which separates it from Herts, I against the exterior south wall of the nave, and adjoining
mile south-west from !lurnt Mill station on the Great the po,rch, is a headstone, to Heste,r Woodley, d. May 13,
Eastern (Oambridge section) railway, 3 miles west from 1767, with a long and curious inscription, describing her
Harlow, and 7 north from Epping, in the western division as the servant and "property" of the Woodley family;
of the county, Harlow hundred and petty sessional possibly a slave: the church was rebuilt in 1868, princi·
division, Epping union, Waltham county court district, pally at the cost of the late Loftus W. Arkwright esq. (d.
and in the rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex I8B9): the churchyard is neatly kept, and contains some
and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. ,Mary is a fine larch trees. The register dates from the year 1622.
small edifice of pebbles and flint with modern Gothic The living is a rectory, average net yearly value, £160,
windows, and consists of semicircular apsidal chancel, and with 26 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of L. ;1.
nave under a continuous roof, organ chamber and vestry VV. Arkwright esq. and held since June, 1901, by tlle
on the north side, south porch and a western belfry of Rev. Waiter Richard Hickman B.A. of Emmanuel Col--
wood framing and brick, containing 1 bell: there are lege, Cambridge. '1'he rectory llouse, built in 1BBr, is
memorial windows to Eleanor Yate Hemming, d. 18 Feb. pleasantly situated on an elevation in well laid out
1834, Francis Hemming, d. 28 March, 186o; to Maria grounds at some distance north of the church. Purn-
Masson, d. 1873: the chancel has a piscina and sedile, and don Hall, is a modern mansion of red brick with POl't-
is fitted with oak choir stalls; the nave has open oak land stone dressings, situated in well-wooded grounds of
benches; there is a carved oak pulpit and reading desk about 75 acres, to the right of the road from Harlow tt)
and an eagle lectern: the font is of coloured marble, sup- Roydon, and is the property and residence of I,oftllS
ported upon a pedestal of freestone: on the north wall ot Joseph Wigram .Arkwright esq. who is lurd of the-
the chancel is 8 cr08S in black marble to Francis Hem- manor and chief landowner. The soil is mixed; sub-
ming, captain of the Bombay Horse Artillery, d. at Bom- suil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley ancl
bay, March 28, 1860, and to his sister, Eleanor Yate Hem- roots. The area is 518 acres of land and 6 of water;
ming, d. Feb. 18, 1834: and there are mural monuments rateable value, £2,790; the population in 1901 was 93.
to ¥ward Parson, 8 former lord of the manor of Parndon, Letters throuO'h Harlow arrive at 7.3 0 & 10.3 0 a.m.
d. l' eb. 24. 17Bo, and to members of the Parson and Wood- II C'" . h
I ey f amil"les, an d a t th ewes t en d , on th e nor th"d I N etteswe ross IS t e nearest post, money order &
SI e a arge t le a h ffic mile dist t
mural monument with pilasters supporting an entablature . e gr p 0 e, 1 an
and a scrolled shield of arms, and inscribed to Sir Edward PIllar Letter Box cleared at 10.25 a.m. & 6·35 p.m.;
Turnour kt. Speaker of the House of Commons and lord sundays, 10.25 a.m
chief baron of the Exchequer. in the reign of Charlel! I The children of this parish attend the Harlow and Nettes.
n. d. 4 March, 1676, and to Dame Sarah (Gore), his first well schools, but principally the latter
Church Stephen,
Arkwright Loftus Joseph Wigram, Brown Joseph, fann bailiff to L. J. W. Newell Henry, hsehldr. Netteswell com
Parndon hall Arkwright esq Smith R. E. & Co. millers (steam &
Deacon .A.lbert, Parndon lodge Butler Chas. head gdnr. Parndon ha:l water), Parndon mill
Hickman Rev. WaIter Richard RA" Clark William, farmer, Dorrington's Smith Chas. farmer & hay dlr.Fernhill
(rector), Reetory farm, Rye hill
PATTISWICK (Pateswick or Parswick) is a village Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The Bishop of Londun is
and parish, 4 miles east from Braintree station and 6 lord of the manor and Mrs. Reginald Duke Hill, of Hal-
north-west from Kelvedon station on the Great Eastern field Grange, is the principal landowner. 'l'he soil is loam
railway, 3 north-west from CoggeshalI, and 49 from Lon- and clay; subsoil, the same. The chief crops are whea.t,
don, in the Eastern division of the county, Lexden hun- beans and barley. This parish was anciently a hamlet
dred, Witham petty sessional division, !lraintree union of Feering and contains 1,329 acres of land, and 8 of
and county court district and in the rural deanery of wnter; rateable value, £908; and had a popUlation in
Halstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. 1901 of 295.
Albans. 'fhe church of St. Mary Magdalen is a small :By Local Government Board Order 22,339, dated :March
and plain edifice of st(me in the Gothic style of the 14th 24, 1889, Blackwater was transferred from Great Cogge.
century, consisting of chancel, nave, aisle, organ cham. shall to Pattiswick.
bel' and south porch: the east window, a memorial Parish Clerk, Edward .Alston.
to Eleapor WilIet Tritton, was presented by her hus- Post Offiee.-Frederick W. Amos, sub-postmaster. Let-
band: the chancel was restored about 1882 at a cost of ters through Braintree received at 8-40 a.m. & 2 p.m.
£600, under the direction of Mr. Dampier, architect, of Box cleared at 5 p.m.; sundays, 9-40 a.m. Postal
Colchester: the nave has been restored at a cost of £500. orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest tele-
The register dates from the year 1677. The living is a graph office is at Stisted, 2 miles distant; & Brain-
rectory, net yearly value £186, with 16 acres of glebe and tree & Coggeshall money order offices
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held National School (mixed), for 96 children; average at-
since 1B76 by the Rev. Samuel Bawtree !laird M.A. of tendance, 45; Miss AlIen, mistress
Baird Rev. SI. !lawtree M.A. Rectory Alston James, shopkeeper Smith .rspb. jun. farmer, Hall farm
!lrewer David, farm steward to Mr. Chaplin .John, farmer Webster Hugh, miller,Blackwater mill
Joseph Smith Rayner Jonathan, Oompasses inn
PEB:MARSH is an ancient village and parish, tra- The church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient edifice oi
ver,sed by a feeder of the Colne, 3! miles west from brick and stone in the Decorated style, consisting oj'
Bures station on the Sudbury and Haverhill branch of chancel, nave of four bays with cIerestory, aisles, south
the Great Eastern railway, 31 north from Colne station porch and an embattled western tower containing a
on the Colne Valley railway, 4 north-east from Halstead, clock and 3 bells: the stained east window is a memoria1
and 6 south from Sudbury, in the Northern division of to Francis 'Valter Grimston and was inserted in 1876:
the county, Hinckford ,hundred, South Hinckford petty and on the south side is a memorial window, insertedJ
sessional division (Halstead bench), Halstead union and in IB82, to the Hon. and Rev. Edward Harbottle GrOO-
county court district and in the rural deanery of Heding- ston M.A. rect-or of the parish 1841-80, d. 4 May, 1881 ~
ham, arcbdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. in the chancel is an ancient brass of a knight in armour..
cross-legged, beneath a large and fine, but much Inuti- trustees of the late David Clark are the princ;pal land~
lated canopy and with marginal inscription: the effigy owners. The Moat, pleasantly seated. is the residence
is believed to represent a Inember of the Fitz Ralph of F. 1.'. Treeby esq. The soil is chiefly heavy; subsoil,
faInily, c. 1370: there is also in the chancel a small clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and oats. The
brass, dated 1764, to the Rev. Josephus Birch, a former area is 2,060 acres;' rateable value, £1,741; the popu-
'I'(lctor: the interior was restored and reseated in 1877 lation in 190:r was 422.
and there are 400 sittings. The register of baptisms
dates from :r648; burials, :r655; Inarriages, :r654. The DAGWOR'fH is thrE'tJ-quarters of a Inile north-west.
living is a rectory, net yearly value £297, with residence Sexton, William Spurgeon•
.and 26 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Verulam, County Police, Edward Bal,er, constable
and held ~ince 1881 by the Rev. Augustus George Kirby
M.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Here is a Baptist Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
chapel. There are charities of about £7 yearly, left by Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-George
the Hon. and Rev. )<;dward H:ul>ottle Buclmall; also Trendell, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through
a sum of about £5, arising from a house and three- Colchester to Bures R.S.O. (Suffolk), by mail cart,
quarters 0.[ an acre of land, and £1 from "Vincoll's thence to Pebmarsh, at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. ;
charity, which amounts are given yearly in doles to the sundays, ID a.m.
poor of the parish. The manor is extinct. Gha rles Pillar Box cleared at 6.10 p.m. week days; on sundays
1Villiam Start esq. of Ipswich, Mrs. Gollis, Charles Page at 10.10 a.m
'Wood esq. of Wal,es Colne, and Charles Bl'ogden Sper- Free School (mixed), built in 1850 & enlarged in 1896 for
ling esq. of Dynes Hall, Great Mnplestead, George Cour- 114 children; average attendance, 82; Harry Branch,
taulcl esq. of Cut Hedge, William Sott esg. and the master
Binks Mrs. Red house Eldred John, beer retailer & baker Orbell Joseph, farmer, Spoons hall
Courtauld John Rene &, grocer Pebmarsh Mutual Benefit Society
Kirby Hev. Aug. Geo. M.A. Rectory Fennel' Jacob, farm bailiff to Charles (Thomas Clark, sec)
Pannell Samuel Hews, The Oak WOOl' esq. Hunts hall Smith E. & B. saddlers &c.; & at
Treeby Frederick Theophilus,TheMoat Hunt Eli' ah Frederick, maltster Halstead
COMMERCIAL. Hyslop Robel·t, farmer, World's end Smith Ebenezer, butcher
BlooInfield WaIter, baker Layzell Walter, blacksmith Sturgeon SI. wheelwright & carpenter
Clark Thomas, farmer &; assistant Lewi~ Charles, farmer, Abbot's Trendell George, groee[', Post uOice
overseer, Great house McLauchlan Robert Spea r, farmer, Watts Thomas, farmer, Byndes farm
Collis Susannah (Mrs.), farIner & Marvel's garden Whiting Eliza (~lrs.), shopkeeper
landowner, Hill farm Maslin William, King's Head P.H Wiffen William, f1'1ur. The Cottage
Dixey George, shopkeeper Nott .Tohn, farmer, Magnolia house 'Wood Thomas Edwanl, poultry fnur.
Downes George, farmer, VineWs farm Nott Hobert George, fnnr. Dagworth Blue Pale
PELDON (or Peltington) is a parish on the road from Col:ege, Oxford. Henry Thomas Tiddleman esq. who
Colchester to Mersea Island, 5 Inile.s south-west from is lord of the Inanor and the rector lord of the
Wivenhoe station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the rectorial manor, Mrs. Gibson, James Lei~h AspinalI.
Great Eastern railway, 7' south from Colchester, and 56 Thomas Escott and Gaius Foskett esqrs. are the principal
from London, in the North Eastern division of the county, landowners. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, loam. The
Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree union and petty chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is
..essional division, Colchester county court district, rural 2,241 acres of land, I I of water, 3 of tidal water and 26
deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry of Oolchester and diocese ')f foreshore; rateable value, £1,423; the population in
of St. Albanrs-. The church of St. .Msry the Virgin, 1901 was 422.
erected in the 15th century, stands on a hill and occupies Parish Clerk, James Talbot.
t-he site ()If ain ancient -church reco.rded in Domesday Post, Telegraph, Express Delivery Office.-George Small-
Book: it is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, wood, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Col-
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled chester at 4.4 0 a.m. & 1 p.m.; dispatched at 11.30
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 2 bells: the a.In. & 7.40 p.m. Postal orders are is-sued here, hut
church was thoroughly restored in 1859 by subscriptiorJ8 not paid. The nearest money order office is at West
:at a cost of about £9 08 , in the course of which several Mersea, 4 miles distant
remains of an Early Norman church were discovered:
there are 150 sittings. The register of ltaptisIns dates Kational School (mixed), built in 1836 &, enlarged in
from 1725; burials, :r728 ; marriages, :rn 6 . The living 1881, for IIO children; average attendance, 9 2 ; Al-
is a rectory, net yearly value £300, with 24 acres of glebe bert Green, master
and residence, in the gift of and held since 18q5 by the Carriers to Colchester.-tVilliam Christmas &, G.
Rev. David Lindsay Johnson M.A. of Worcester Nicholas, to t~e 'Plough,' mono wed. fri. & sat
:fohnson Rev. David Lindsay M.A.The Fairhead Wm. frmI'. Erick House frm Pullen George, Rose P.H
Rectory Foskett Gaius, farmer, Peldon hall Simpson George, builder
COMMERCIAL. Hale )'iatthew Hy. Rolls & Haxells fms Smallwood George, baker, Post office
A.ppleby Nathaniel, farmer Harrison Henry. blacksmith Smith George, grocer & draper
ChristInas George, farmer, Malting fm Hyham Samuel, grocer Smith George Frederick, milIer
ChristInas William, carrier Mason George, farmer (steam & wind); & at West Mersea
Clarke WIn. Benj. farmer, Tye farIn Nice Frederick, Plough P.H Smith WilliaIn, farmer
Eagle Mrs. farmer, Peet- ball Nicholas E. carrier Thompson Jas. farmer, Butler's farIn
PENTLOW is a parish on the river Stonr, on the with doors: in 1887 the chief part of the church was
'borders of Suffolk, I mile south from Oavendish station thoroughly restored at a cost exceeding £1,000, under
on the Sudbury and Haverhill branch of the Great East- the direction of Mr. W. M. Fawcett, architect. of Cam~
ern railway, 4 miles east from Clare and 5~ north-west bridge: a pulpit and lectern have since been presented,
'from Sudbury. in the Northern division of the county, and all the woodwork is of the best English oak: the
(hundred of Hinckford, North Hinckford petty session;)J only fittings retained were the Jacobean comInunion table
divisl.on, Sudbury union and county court district, and and the rails around it: there are :r20 sittings. The
'in the rural deanery of YeldhaIn, archdeaconry of Col- register dates from the year 1539, and contains a list of
·chester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of SI. ['ectors from 1323. The living is a rectory, net yearly
Georgoe is an edifice of flint, in the Norman and Early value £262, with residence and 27 acres of glebe, in the
'English styles, consisting of apsidal chancel with north gift of and held since :r877 by the Rev. Felix Edward
chapel, nave, south porch and an embattled round tower Pepys Bull M.A. of Trinity College, Oambridge, rural
'at the west end containing 5 bells: the original Norman rlFan of Yeldham, J.P. Essex, and F.R.G.S. In 1859
·church was probably destroyed in the 14th century, afte.. Hn octagonal tower in the Tudor style was erected in
-which the present structure was erected on the old the Tectory grounds by the Rev. Edward Bull M.A. rector
'foundations, the tower being reared against the Norman here from 1834, to the memory of his father; it is con-
west doorway: in the chapel is a very fine monument, sidered a fine work and has a spiral staircase to the top,
with recumbent fi!!ures. to Georl!e Kempe. ob. 1606, from which a fine view is obtained. above 45 churches being
John Kernpe P~q. his son and Ellinor his wife. together visible. The charities include (I) the rents arising from
with the kneeling figures of their children. IQ daughters a small farm in Pentlow, left by Mrs. Susan Gooch, of
and 4 sons: the chancel contains an altar tomb with
shield!! of lInns to the Felton family, bearing the oate
Great Livermore, now administered by a body of trus-
tees, consisting of the rector. churchwardens and over-
1542, but without inscription, as well as memorial tablets seers. a special confidenee being imposed by the testatrix
to the familiell of Matbew and Bull: the font is Early in the rector; (2) George Kempe gave £26 I4s. 4d. foI'
N,fjInrum. and ba·s a 15th century canopy, which opens the relief of 8 poor folk, but this has been lost and the
present rector has vainly tried to trace it; (3) "The fine Thomas, P. Brand esq. of Brook Hall, Foxearth, Henry
of the Alienation of Panels," whensoever it falls, was Pearl esg. W. S. Orbell esq. tbe Society for the Pro~
given hy George Kempe, to the reparation of the church pagation of the Gospel and the rector. The soil is
of Pentlow for ever; hut this, too, does not appear to be clay, loam and gravel; subsoil, various. The chief crops
recognised. There are three man~>r.s, viz. Pentlow Hall, are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,888 acres
nowes or Bower Hall, and Paines (originally Hogges). of land aud 10 of water; assessable value, £1,010; the
Of these, Pentlow Hall is the chief. The noble families populntion of the parish in 1901 was 274.
of Baignard, FitzWalter, and Ratcliffe, Barons j<'itz- Sexton, James Johnson.
'Yalter and Earls of Sussex, continued chief lords of
it for a long time'. Under them it was holden by the Wall Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m. Letters through Sud·
families of Fitz-Humphrey, Norman, Kempe &c. Henry bury arrive at 7·45 a.m. &; I p.m. The nearest money
Pearl esq. is lord of the manor of Pentlow Hall. ',I'he order &; telegraph office is at Cavendish, I~ miles distant
principal landowners are Robert Orbell esq. Chnrles Parish School (mixed), built in 1876, for 100 children;
BrogdE'n Sperling esq. of Dynes Hall, Great Maplestead; I average attendance, 44; Miss Leah Wright, mistress
Bear Mrs. Pentlow ,street COMMERCIAL. Orbell Rt.frmr.&landownr.Paines mnr
Bull Rev. Felix Edwlll'd Pepys M.A., Coe Felix, farmer, Gooch's farm Orbell 'Wm. Sparrow, frmr.Paines mnr
J.P., F.R.G.S. (rector & rural dean), Garrett. Srn!. Stammers, miller (\Vatr) Plumb Daniel, higgler
Rectory I Ives Edward, blacksmith Thurgoood Charles, beer retailer
Fabini Victor, Pentlow hall Lancaster George, farm bailiff to ReV'. Twinn Charles, farmer, School farm
F. E. P. Bull M.A" J.P Wells Sidney, farmer, Pcntlow Hall flU
PITSEA is a parish and village situated chiefly on a since 1899 by the Uev. Arthur Bertram Hutton L.Th.
peninsula formed by the creeks and on the higoh road' of the University of Durham. The Hon. l~ustace Henry
from Grays and Tilbury Fort to Rochford and Southend, Dawnay J.P. of West Heslerton, Yorks, and ~a.i. H. P.
about 12 miles from each of the former and 10 from each G. Blencowe J.P. who holds the manorial rights of
of the latter places, 33 from London, via Tilbury and 26! l'itsea Hall and Chalvedon Hall, respectively, in this
via Upminster, with a station on t·he London, Tilbury and parish, the trustees of the late Major T . .T. Spitty (d.
Southend railway, at the junction of the lines from Bark- 1897) and William Norton esq. of Langham Hull, are the
ing through Upminster, and from Tilbury, and is in the principal landowners. The soil is stiff clay; subsoil,
l\fid division of the county, Barstable hundred, Brent- almost yellow clay. The area is 1,656 acres of land, IS
wood petty sessional division, sub-division of Billericay, of water, I of tidal water and 60 of foreshore; rateable
Billericay union, Southend county court district, and in value, £3,055; the popUlation in 1901 was 357.
the rural deanery of Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex Parish Clerk, Harry Pinnock.
and ~iocese of ~t. Albans. The. church .of St. Micha~l, Post &; Telegraph & Express Delivery Office (Sub-Office.
standmg on ~ pIcturesque knoll, IS. an edifice of stone III Letters should be addressed S.O. Essex) .-Herbert John
the Perpendicular style, and conSIsts of chancel, ~a:e, Cook sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from London at
south porch and an embattled western tower contammg 0 ,a.m. B id 0 a.m. & 7. 1;)_ p.m, ., SU11-
'th th t' f 7.3 ox c eare a.t II·3
:l b e11s: th e ch urch was reh u ilt, WI e Th"
excep IOn t 0 d ay, 7· IS p.m. P os tal or d el'S are Issue
. d h.ere, b u t no t
. 8
th e t ower, lU I 7 1 : th 'tt'
ere are 100 SI mgs. e reErls er .d B G'ff d' th t d ffi
of baptisms dates from 1688; burials, 1738 ; marrIages, pal. . owers 1. or IS e neares money or er 0 CB
1757. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £284, with The. children of thIS place attend the school at Bowers
glebe of 16 acres, in the alternate presentation of the Hon. GitIord
E. H. Dawnay J.P. and John M. Heathcote esq. and held Railway Station, Arthur Eaton, station master
Freeman Miss, Heslerton cottage I
British Explosives Syndicate Limited Holt AHred,frmr.Greav Chalvedon hall
Hutton Rev. Arthllr Bertram L. Th, (R. C. Morgan, sec) Kilgour Alexander, fruit farmer
(rector), Rectory Cole John, wheelwright Pigott Albert Willium, cal'tage contrcl!"
McGuire Joseph Cook Herbert John, draper, Post office Stock Charles, grocer & draper
Perks Francis, London road Crooks George, carman Thorogood Alfred Richard, Railway inn
Bilton James, builder Crooks Robert, Bull P.H Willsmer John, baker
Campbell John William, coal merchant
PLAI.Sr:J;OW is a large. suburban parish of London, therefore it ~s not included in the Direct?ry of Essex,
and wlthlU the Metropolitan borough of West Ham, but appears lU Kelly',s Liondon Suburban DIrectory.
PLESHEY is an ancient town, consisting chiefly of a taining a clock and 5 bells, two being the old Pre-
long street of small houses, once a place of great im- Reformation bells: there are three stained windows,
portance and the seat of the High Constables of England the large west window being a memorial placed at tlle
from the earliest ins,titution of that office till nearly four expense of the parishioners to the Rev. J. Hutchinson:
centuries after the Conquest: it is on a small feeder of there is an old churchyard, now desecrated, in which
the Chelmer, 8 miles north-west from Chelmsford station the parish church stood before the college was built:
on the main line of the Great Eastern railway to Col- the church affords 250 sittings. The register dates frou.
chester and Ipswich, and 7 south-east from Dunmow the year 1656. The living is a vicarage, nE',t yearly
station on the Dunmvw and Braintree branch of that value £180, including 20 acres of glebe, with residence,
company, and 37 from London, in the Western division in the gift of Col. W. N. ',I'ufnell, and held since I88()
of the county, Dunmow hundred and petty sessional by the Rev. Charles William Howis. The Dean and
division, Chelmsford union and county court district, Chapter of Westminster are the impropriators of a
rural deanery of Boding, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- portion of the tithes. The town was anciently callecL
cese of St. Albans. The first parish church of Pleshey "Tumblestoun," or " of the Tumuli," ami
was consecrated and endowed between 1244 and 1259, in here it is supposed wa,s formerly a Roman camp; the
the time of Humphrey de Bohun, the good Earl of Here- remains of a strong fortress erected by the
ford and Lord High Constable; besides the old church Normans still exist and are attributed, with some
there were two chapels, one within the castle and the probability, to Geoffrey de Magnaville or Mandeville, Earl
other attached to the church and dedic8lted to St. of Essex, who, as possessor of this place, held by repute
Nicholas: the tower and transepts of the existing church the office of Great Constable of England; he was slain in
of Holy Trinity are the mutilated remains of a fine II44, at the si~e of Burwell Castle, but his third son
cruciform double-aisled church of 'Late Decorated cha1'- William, eventually inheriting the estate, oblained a
acter, which belonged jointly to the parish and to a licence from Henry n. to fortify his castle at Pleshey,
college of nine priests, founded here in 1393 by Thom3Js which continued to be the seat of the High Constables of
de Woodstock, 6th son of Edward In. and Duke of England till some time after 14°°: he. died in IIBo: thtl'
Gloucester, and endowed by him wiih the tithes: the keep of this castle is elliptical in form and has a circum-
college fell with the lesser monasteries in 1536, when the ference of 890 feet; the vallum, with a noble foss, is
revenues were £143 12S. 3d.; and of seveIW marble in part very perfectz. and the four roads leading into the
tombs of the founders' family which formerly stood in camp can be easily traced. Here dwelt Thomas de Wood-
the chancel, only two slabs strippea of their brasses now stock, Duke of Gloucester, youngest son of Edward lII.
remain: Henry Compton, bishop of London (1675-86), who came into possession of this estate by his marri'aO'e
ereoted small nave on the ruins of the ancient structure with Eleanor, daugMer of Joan, widow of Humphrey,
in 1708, and a chancel was added ahout forty years after Earl of Hereford, Essex and Northampton; he was here
by Samuel Tufnell esq. which is now adorned with mural basely arrested, hurried to the Thames, put on ship-
monuments of his family: the church was completely board and conveyed to Calais, where, after a short im-
restored in 1868, by the late J. J. Tufnell esq. and the prisonment, he Was murdered, through the treachery of
Rev. J. Hutchins'on, then vicar, at a cost of £3,000, and his nephew, Richard II. Here also, in 1400, John Hol-
consists of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch and an land, Duke of Exeter, was beheaded by the populace. in
-embattled central tower,· with a stair turret flnd con- revenge for his share in Prince Thomas's murder. The
materials of the castle, which after his death fell to PLESHEY BURY lies to the west;· ROPHEY GREEN
decay, were used about 1600 to build the lodge, but this is half a mile north-east; LINKTAIL GREEN, I mile
in Hs turn was taken down in 1767: the vast earthworks, north-east; HARVEYS, I mile north-west.
the mount, with its singular bridge and the two moats, Parish Clerk,
still attest the ancient grandeur and strength of the
castle. The manor became part of the Duchy of Lan- Post Ollice.-Jolm May, sub-postmaster. Letters
caster in 1521: three farms, constituting two-thirds of through Chelmsford, arrive at 7 a.m. &; 1.55 p.m.; dis-
t,he parish, belong to Col. William Nevill Tufnell, of patched at 2 &; 6 p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
Langleys, Great Waltham. The soil is chalky clay, with but not paid. The nearest money order & telegraph
flints and chalk fossils; subsoil, loam. The chief crops office is Great Waltham, 3 miles distant
are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 730 acres, 627 Parochial School (mixed), built, with mistress's house,
being arable; rateable value, £935; the population in in 1872 for 60 children; average attendance, 56; Joseph
1901 was 231. Lupton, master'
Homs Rev. Charles Wm. Vicarage Digings Philip, shoplieeper Quilter Sarah Prior (Mrs.), farmer,
Matthews John R. The Mount Harman Charles, urlcklayer Plesheybury
Bentall Samuel;. farmer, Blake's farm Hasler Robert, blacksmith Quilter I:'hilip John, frmr. & horse dlr
Brown Henry, compass malier May John, grocer, Post office Qnilter William, farmer, Linsteads
Campen John, carpenter Owers Nathaniel, boot &i shoe maker Saltmarsh Rayment S. boot maker
Deal Charles, White Horse P.H Port way George, beer retailer Stephens Robt. H. fnnr. Lodge farm
PURLEIGB: is a village and parish, upon an emin- College. The benefactions amount to £4 9s. yearly, dis-
ence; the scenery around it is bold and romantic, the tributed to the poor in bread and the yearly rent of
land undulating and from every point there are extensive three acres of land is paid to the churchwardens for
views; it is 2 miles north-west from Cold Norton station ecclesiastical purposes. A fair is held on the 15th of
on the Maldon and Southend branch of the Great Eastern June. In the parish, near Latchingdon, is a police
railway, 4 miles south from Maldon, 10 south-east from station. Mrs. Irvine, who is lady of the manor, Lord
Chelmsford and 44 from London, in the South Eastern Rayleigh, W. Tufnell esq. and Mr. tV. G. Raven are
division of the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional the principal landowners. The soil is a heavy loam;
division, Maldon union and county court distrIct, and in subsoil, heavy loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley
the rural deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and and oa,ts, with some pasture land. The area is 5,787
diocese of St. Albans. The church of All Saints, standing acres (}f land, 7 of water, 38 of tidal water and 29 of
on a hill, is an edifice of stone in the Decorated style, con- fore'shore; rateable value, £3,690; the population in
sisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch 1901 was 754 civil, 75 I ecclesiastical.
and an ancient embattled western tower of flint and stone By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March 24,
containing a clock and 5 bells: the pulpit and reredos I889, a detached part of Stow Maries, including Hungry
are elaborately designed and there is one stained window Down, was added to Purleigh, and the sanle date Great and
at the west end of the south aisle, but the church has Little Gipcracks were transferred from Purleigh to Dan-
no striking features, nor are there any monuments of bury.
importance. 'l'be church was thorou~hly restored in HOWE (or Hoe) GREEN, in this parish, half a mile
18 9 2 at a cost of £1.f60, and affo!ds 8Ittmgs for about south, was a peculiar of the Archbishop of Oanterbury,
350 .,ersons. The .reglster of marrIages dates from 159~, under the jurisdiction of the Dpan of BocIdng. Here is
guod condItIOn. The hvmg IS a rectory, net yearly value
baptIsms ~~d burials .ft:<>m .1662, these records are m a Congregational chapel.
. .
£')--'019° , with 70 acres of 0O'lebe and residence ' in
'= the 'crift of OOCKLARKS IS a hamlet I~ mIles west.
Oriel College, Oxford, and held since 1890 by the Rev. Post Office.-Mrs. Ann Borrett, sub-postmistress. Lon-
He~inHlU 'l'averner Love M.A. of thnt college, and rural don & other let,ters through Maldon, by foot post, at
dean of Maldon. The rectory, formerly annexed to the 7.20 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m. Postal orders are
Provostship of Oriel College by a private Act of Par- issued here, but not paid. Stow Maries is the nearest
liament (7 Geo. Ill. c. 27), was dissocinted therefrom money order office & Maldon is the nearest telegraph
on the death of Provost Hawkins in I882, under the office, 5 miles distant
provisions of the Universities and College·s Estates 1Vall Letter Box, Cocklarks, cleared at 4-40
Amendment Act of 1880, and is now in no way connected Wall Letter Box, in Village·, cleared at 5 p.m
wit.h it. About half the tithes of .the parish have been National School (mixed), contiguous to the church, with
aSS?gnel~ t.o the Provost ~ndel' thIS Act, but these are master's residence atJtached, is a building in the Tudor
qlllte (hstlllC~ from the tlt~es pal~ to the ~'e?tor, and style, & has an endowment of £3 0 a year, erected in
the. rectory IS at. l?resent SImply: III the ,PosItlOn of. an 180 7 & enlarg-ed in 18 72 , for 118 children; average
ordmary college h:m~. The earh~st mentIOn of Purlelgh attendance, 7 6 ; William J. HatlIaway, master; Mrs.
occurs at the be~nmng of the reIgn of He~ry IT. when Hathaway. mistress
the church and Its appurtenances were assIgned to the . . . .
priory of Horton in Kent; and at the time of the Refor- School, Cocklarks (mIxed), bUIlt III 1840, for 60 children;
mation it still belonged to that religious house. After average .atte~dance,.26; supported by voluntary school
the Restoration it is found in the possession of the Hors- rate; MISS PIlch, ill.lstress
monden family, from whom it was purchased by Oriel Carrier to Maldon, Frederick Howard, mono thurs. & sat
Collinson Edward, The Limes Claydon George, shopkeeper, Hoe grn Last Robert Charles, painter, plumber,
Dyke Oharles, Leigh house Cottee :Mark, assistant overseer for decorator, sign writer &; paperhngr
Love Rev. Reginald Taverner M.A. Purleiga, Hazeleigh & 'Voodham Patten IIerbert, huilder
(rector & rural dean), Rectory ){ortimer, & clerk to the Parish Peck Samuel, wheelwright
Lupton I Council Plumley Thomas William, farmer &
Sweet William Deeks William, blacksmith horse slaughterer, Pale pit •
Tranter 1\1iss, Mill house Dobson James, farmer, Great Witmans Raven Wm. Geo. frmr. Purleigh wash
Farrow 'Vm. beer retailer, Round Bush Sanders Arthur Thomas, baker .
COMMERCIA.L. Gatward 'Vm. Fox &; Hounds P.H Sloughgrove In. frmr. Clock Ho. frm
Barber &; Son, horse slaug-hterers HaYllock Robt. fanner, Round Bush Snow John, bricklayer
Bonn Amy (Miss), .shopkeeper Hnward Frederick, shopkpr. & carrier Stevens Alfred Henry, farmer,New hall
Boreham John F. &hopkpr. Cocklarks Howe Robert, farmer, Howe green Stevens Henry, farmer, Purleigh hall
Brown Chas. farmer, Wymark's farm Janes Richard, farmer, Old Witmans Thurgood Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer
Brown WaIter, baker Keeling Abraham James, blacksmith Valentine Alfred, beer retailer
Butt Henry Geo. frmr. Andrews farm Keys Mark, pianoforte tuner, Valley ho Wilkin Georl!e. farmer, Walton's hall
Clarke George, farmer Miller Susan (Mrs.), Bell inn Wilkins Cornelius, farmer, Scott's fm
QUENDON is a smaH parish and village, a portion port, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St.
of which, comprising the houses on one side of the Albans. The church (dedication unknown" is a small
street, is in the parish of Rickling; it is on the high edifice of rubble, stone and flint, principally in the
road from London to Newmarket and near the source Early English style, and was rebuilt in 1861, when a
of the river Cam, 3 miles from Stansted station south aisle was added: it consists of chancel, nave,
and 2! south from Newport station, both on the aisles, south porch, vestry and a small turret at the
Great Eastern (Cambridge) railway, 34 from London by west end containing one bell: a reredos enriched with
road, 6 south-west. from Saffron Walden and 6 north mosaic was erected in 1881: there is a memorial window
from Bishop's Storbfard and the Lee navigation, in the erected by Mrs. Tuck, of Manuden, to the Rev. .tohn
Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Collin, her father, rector here 60 yeaI'll, I802-62; and
Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union and another to the Hon. Beatrice Byngo, sometime maid of
county. court· district,. and ~... the rural deanery of New- honour to' Queen Victoria and wife ~f Col. H,· It H ..
lBlundell C.B. Grenadier Guards; she died 3 Oct. 1884: The soil is mixed, heavy and light; subsoil, gravel, clay
.there are 150 sittings. The register dates from the year with a little chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
J687' The living is a rectory, net yearly value £ll7, with oats. The area is 656 acres; rateable value, £1,936; the
36 acres of gl~be and residence, in the gift of Lieut.-Col. population in 1891 was 174.
Alfred Molyneux Cranmer-Byng, and held since' 1897 by Sexton, John Marsh.
the Rev. Arthur Gordon Green B.A. of EmmaLluel College, Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
Cambridge. The Quendon coffee and reading room was I Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mrs. Martha
.erected by subscription in 1885. Quendon Hall, the I Pittman, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive through
property and residence of Lieut.-Col. Alfred Molyneux 1 Bishops Stortford for first delivery at 5 a.m. & through
Cranmer-Byng D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and chief :Newport S.O. at 10.45 a.m.; dispatched at IZ.15 p.m.
landowner, is a square mansion of brick,pleasantly situated I to :Newport & 7.z5 p.m. to Bishops Stortford; sunday
in a. park of 60 acres stocked with deer, a herd of which I dispatch, 7.25 p.m
bas been maintained here for over 200 years. Quendon 1 'rhe children of this place attend the National school
Court is the residence of Major Robert Biscoe J.P. at Rickling
Biscoe Maj. Robt. J.P. Quendon court COMMERCIAL. Quendon Coffee & Reading Room
Brewer Mrs. Quendon cottage McMichael Geo. farmer, Manor farm (Charles Holmes, caretaker)
:Byng Harold Edmllnd J.P Mumford Thomas, grocer & draper Smith Jack Edmund,King's Head P.H.
Cranmer-Byng Lieut.-Col.Alfred Mo~y- Marsh John, sexton & builder
neux D.L., J.P. Quendon hall Negus Charles, plumber Smith Lewis, carpenter
Green Rev. Arth.Gordon B.A.Rectory Smith Frank, hardware dealer
RADWINTER is a parish and vil:age, beautifully Victoria. T'he register dates from the year 163.8. 'rlle
situated in a picturesque and well-wooded country on living is a rectory, net yearly value £450, with 62 acres
the upper part of the river :Blackwater, here called the of glebe and residence, in, the gift of WaIter Henry
l"ant or Freshwell: it is 5 miles east from Saffron 'Walden Bullock esq. and Keble College, Oxford, aIterna tely, and
station on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, 5 held since 1865 by the Rev. John Frederic Watkinson
north from Thaxted, 8 south-west from Haverhill and I Bullock B.A. of St. Peter's College, Camhridge. St.
48 from London, in the Northern division of the county, Pris' Well, in this parish, is a source of a feeder of
Freshwell hundred, Saffron 'Valden petty sessional divi- the Pant: there are six well-built bl'ick almshouses on
sion, union and county court district, and in the rural the north side of the church, erected in 1889 by the
<Cleanery of Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and sisters of the present rector, who ha~ also built a reading
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary the room and parish dispe1l8ary. The rent of a blachmith's
'Tirgin is a building of local !Itone in the Decorated style, shop and a small piece of ground let in allotments, and
.eonsisting of chancel, nave of four bays with clerestory, given by a donor unknown, is vested in the church-
:aisles, vE:stries, south porch and a massive embattled wardens for the repairs of the church. '1'he Homestead
western tower with spire, containing a clock with four is the property and residence of David Price-Powell esq.
dials, and chimes playing at the hours and quarters, 'WaIter Henry Bullock esq. of The· Warren, Faulkbourne,
and B flne-toned bells, three of which are dated 1616, and F. Fisher esq. of Wa.tford, are owners of the manor
,me is of pre-Reformation date, and the remainder were and principal bndowners. The soil is clay; subsoil,
hung in 1798, 1'87° and 1888: the font is of stone with gravel. The chief crops a,re wheat, barley and· beans.
3. modern carved canopy: hung round the interior of the The area is 3,870 acres of land and 6 of wate·r; rateahle
church a,re pictures representing the stations of the value, £3,329; the population in 1901 was 689.
Cross, and there are several beautiful oil paintings in ," _
the baptisterv and in the chancel, which also retains BROCKELLS IS I mIle south-east; STOCKI~G
a piscina: t'he stained' east window wns the gift of GREEN is I mIl~ north-~est. ..
members of the Bullock family, and there are nine Sexton ·and Act1l1g Pansh Clerk, Josmh MJzen.
ot1her stained windows: th~ reredos of carved! oak, a Post & Telegraph & Express Delivery Office.-Frederick
,carious example of Belgian work, dating from about Potts, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Saiifron
1520, exhibits scenes from t,he life of the Blessed 'Valden at 7.40 a.m.; dispatched at 5.55 p.m.; sunday
Virgin: the gilded ·screen separating the chancel and dispatch, 10.25 a.m. Postal orders are issued here, hut
nave is also a magnificent piece of workmanship: the not paid. 'Wimbish is the nearest money order office
.church was enlarged and the chancel rehuilt in 1869. National School (mixed), built about 1:853 & enlarged
tmd the tower and spire restored and a turret built in 1877, for zoo children; average attendance, 140; Miss
in 1877: the tower was rebuilt in 1888 at a cost of Ellen Quilty, mistress
~ver £2,000: there are 400 sit,tings. In' 1901 a lych Carriers. John Harding, daily from Hempstead; Stone,
gate was given by two member·s of the congregation in from Sampfol'd, tues. & sat.; Charles Andrews, daily,
memory" of the long reign of Her late Majesty Queen from Hempstead
Bullock Rev. John Frederic Watkinson officer for Saffron Walden rUl'al at- Reading Room & Parish Dispensa.ry
B.A. Rectorv tendance committee (Josiah Mizen, caretaker)
Price-P·owell David, The Homestead Freeman Christopher, thatcher Reynolds Edward Norman, farmer,
(j-owlett ,Tas. farmer, Radwinter hall Hadwinter end
COMMERCIA.L. Gowlett John, farmer, Cowlass hall Richardson Ann(Mrs.),frmr.Richmnds
Bacon William, stockman to E.Newell, & Sellands Robins Hy.wheelwright & beer retailer
Little Brockalls Gowlett Reuben, farmer, Cutbush Huse Harry, Red Lion P.H
Baines Lay, farmer Haigh .Albert Hulley, frmr. The Park Rase William, farmer, Hill farm
Brown Joseph, wheelwright Jarrard'Valter, saddler Sharpe Alfred, farmer, Gibbs farm
Cooper Charles, farmer, Bro:1d ditch Kettridge James, farmer, Stocking gn Sheppard - , Grange farm
Crouch John, farmer, Bulls farm Kettridge Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer Thurban WItI'. frmr. New House frm
C'romack - , Plough P.H ~Iascall Thomas, shoe maker & farmer Turner John. blacksmith
Ilrane John, registrar of births, deaths Newell Edwin,grocer, brewer & farmer Underwood Harry & Geo. blcksmiths
& marriages & vaccination officer Pell Bennett, farmer, Bendysh hall Vellenoeth - , farmer
for sub-district of Radwinter & re- Potts Frederick, shoe ma. Post office Whitehead George, farmer,Paynes frm
lieving officer :!.'Io. 3 district & col- Quilt)' Ellen (Miss), head mistress, Wigley Thomas, organist
lector to the guardians, Saffron National school, School house lVoodley Daniel, farmer, Godfreys
lValden union, & school attendance Rayment Charles, farmer
"'RAINHAM (from ryne, a watercourse, and ham, a stone of the 1zth century, and consists of chancel, nave,
'village) is a village and parish, with a station on the aisles, south 'porch sl\d a low but massive embattled
'London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 3! miles north- tower containing 3 bells, one dated 1618 and the others
west from Purfleet, IZ by rail from London, 7! north- 1670: the nave is divided from the aisles by three heavy
'west from Grays and 5 east from Barking, in the South semicircular arches on either side, resting on square
,Eastern division of the county, Orsett petty sessional columns, with circular shafts at the angles: a grand
.division, Chafl'ord hundred, Romford union and county Korman arch, highly enriched with chevron moulding,
('ourt district, and in the rural deanery of Chafford, opens into the chancel, the windows of whicR have been
~rchdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans; the greatly disfigured: the tower is constructed of coursed
village forms a considerable street on the London road rubble, with ashlar coigns, and is entered from the nave
and the Ingerbourne brook. Over the latter is a by a plain semicircular Norman arch, one tall lancet and
briage, and there are several quays on the creek, at its three Norman windows lighting its basement: on the
junction with the Thames. The church of SS. Helen and south side of the chancel is a narrow priest's doorway
Gill'S (the only one in England dedicated to these saints of Norman dat1e: the font is ancient and there are brass
jointly jn this order) is an ancient structure of flint and effigies on the floor to !l. civilian and his wife, c. 1500:
the church plate inclndes an Elizabethan cover to chalice Belhus, Aveley, are the principal landowners. The
(1563), cup (1652) and paten (1713); the church was soil is loamy; subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are
thoroughly restored in 189'8-1899, ,n,-sente(l, new choir vegetables, great quantities of whioh are grown for the
stans 'addep, chancel Iwindows re-opened <Ind a new London markets. The area is 3,24° acres of land, 13 ()f
organ provided, at a total cost of over £2,000: there wat,er, 106 of tidal water and 26 of foreshore; rateable
are 240 sittings. Thel registers date regularly from the valne, £10,576; the popnla,tion in 1891 was 1,669 and in
year 1665, but about ,1-89° earlier registers dating from 1901, 1,720.
1570, but very incomplete, have been discovered and Te- Sexton, Arthur Burchell.
stored. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £250, Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
with 4 acres of glebe and resilIence, in the gift of the Parcel Post &; Insuran~ & Annuity Office (Sub-Office.
trustees of the late John Godsalve Crusse esq. and lleld Letters should have S.O. Essex added).-Hartley Jen-
since 1897 by the Rev. Thomas 'William Ward M.A. of nings, sub-postmaster. Deliveries at 7 &; 11.10 a.m. .&
Pembroke College, Oxford. T:he brilliant sutirist and 7 p.m.; dispatched to London direct at 1:1.25 a.m. 4.15
poet, Charles Churchill, of Trinity 'College, Camhridge, &i 9.40 p.m.; & at 5.45 p.ol. via Romford; sundays,
wa,s once cUl'ate here, and in descrihmg in verse the deEvery 7.30 a.m.; dispatch 9.30 p.m .
effect of his Tural disCOlll'SeS, says: "Sleep at my hid- A School Board of 5 members was formed for this parish
ding crept from pew to pew." Here is an nndenominfl- I I Aug. 1893; William Smith, North street, Romford,
tional chapel, built in 1889, and a tempor:lry (il'tln) clerk to the board; William Richard Farrow, Cowper
Catholic church. 'f'here is a ceUletery of 4 acres, with road, Rainham, attendance officer .
mortuary chapel; the Parish Council acting as a hltrial Boa,rd School (mixed), built in 1897, for 300 children;
board. In accordance with t,he di,rections of various average ,attendance, 278; \Villie Sanford, master
ancient benefactions, amounting to £10 5S. ~·early, bread Board School (infants), built in 1872, and holding 120
,is given to the poor every Sunday; 10S. for preaching infants; ave,rage attendance, 96; Mrs. Amelia Jennings,
a sermon on Ascension day, 2S. to the reader of the mistress; on sundays & on a few ,special days in the
Litany and IS. for the parish clerk on the sLIme dflY. year it is reserved by the vicar
Capt. Robert Westley Hall-Dare, of Newtown Hal'ry County Police Station, Alexander Freeman, sergeant &
House, co. Wexford, who is lord of the manor, H. G. I constable
Orosse esg. and: Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard bart. of Railway Station, John Goodman, station master
Brady Rev. Nicholas M.A. (rector of Earps Catherine (Mrs.), coal merchnt Maskell Jeremiah, draper & grocer
Wennington), Rainham hall Edwards Jesse, shopkeeper Mitchell Edward, farmer &; miller,
Fowles James, South hall Farrow G-eorge, boot maker Gerpins (postal address, Upminster)
Randall Edward, Brick house Farrow ·William Richard,school attend- National Telephone Co. Lim. (call
Stoker Mrs. Melville road ance officer, Cowper road office), Phrenix P.H
Swann Henry, Bright's Flint Charles, shopkpr. Wennington I'd I Parker Lewis Edwin, boot maker
Ward Rev.'rhomas Wm. M.A.Vicarage Fowles James, farmer & market gar- Parker Sidney Ernest, grocer
Wright 11rs. Melville road dener, South hall Parsons Charles W. & Henry, tailors
Freeman Alexander, police sergeant . Pridgeon Henry P. chemist
COMMERCIAL. Gibbs Charles A. Three Crowns P.H. Randall Edwd. frmr. & market grdnr
Biggs John, butcher Rainham Ferry Re-ad Henry, insur. agent, Pitt place
Blows Charles, farmer Green William, news agent Remmington Margaret (Mrs.), boot.
Blows Frederick Edward, baker Harris Fredk.blacksmith &wheelwrght dealer, Wennington road
Brown Samuel, hair dresser Harvev William, chemical manure Ragel's Frederick C. Angel inn
Burchell Artbur, sexton manufacturer&merchant,Dess house Salamon & 00. Lim. chemical manu-·
Catterall Cuthbert George M.R.C.S. HeaI'll Thomas, jun. builder facturers & tar distillers, Ferry road'.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A. (firm, Hempleman Frederick S. & Co. manu- Scott William, f'hopkeeper
Dunlop & Catterall), physician & factnreI's of fish guano & artificial Spear & Vellacott, farmers, Ayletts
surgeon manures; works, Rainham Ferry Strang .lames, farmer, Rainham lodge-
Cemetery (Thomas Alfred Capron, Hill Caroline (l\Ir~.), grocer &; dairy (postal address, Upminster)
Grays, clerk) Hill Marv Ann (~1iss), linen draper Swann & Thomson, farmers & market
Croot George P. basket maker HolUles Samuel T. grocer, Cowper I'd gardeners
Curtis Wm. frmr.Berwick Ponds frm Howell William James, builder Tayler Arthur J. Phoonix P.R
Daldy & Co. coal & timber merchants Jennings Hartle)", draper & grocer, Taylor James, saddler
Danaher Edward Harry J., M.R.C.S. Post office Typke & King, manufacg. cl;1emists ....
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A. phy- Keeble William, butcher ltainham Ferr)'
sician & surgeon & certifyin~ factory Kirk Joseph A. saddler Valentine &; Pickett, carmen
surgeon & medical officer & public Manning Herbert, farmer, Moor hall Valentine John, beer retailer
vaccinator, No. 7 district, Romford (Letters should be addressed Pur- Valentine John, jun. beer retailer-
union, Melville road fleet S.O) Vinton William James, 'butcher
Deveson Arthur Henry, Bell P.H Mayhew Georg-e, butcher & assistant Wall Alfred George, cycle agent
Dunlop & Catterall, physicians & srgns overseer Wine.s Elizabeth C. (Miss), fncy. drpr'
RAMSDEN BELLHOUSE is a, parish and village, I for the Peculiar People. .A. reading room, open in the
near the high road from Billericav to Rochford. 2~ miles I evening during the winter months, was built by public'·
west from \Vickford station on the Southend branch ot I SUbscription in 1898. Sir Jom Henry Jobnson F.S.A.
the Great Eastern railway, 3 east from Billericay, a south of St. Osyth's Priory, Colchester, who is lord of the
from Chelmsford, 10 east from Brentwood and 27 from manor, Messrs. Brunwin, Grey, Lucas 'and Arthur Hel-
London; it is in the Mid division of the county, Barstable sham-Jones esq. of Chithams, are the principal land-
hundred, petty sessional division and county court dis- owners. The soil is strong, heavy and mixed;
trict of Brentwood, union of Billericay, rural deanery of subsoil, clay; on the sides of th~ hill the land is light
Ing-atestone, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. an& gravelly loam. Wheat IS chIefly grown. The area,
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a building is 2,732 acres of land' and! 6 of water; rateahle value,
of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, £2,35 1 ; the population in 1901 was 396 .
nay-e, sout~ tJorch and a western tower wi~h shingl~d I Post Office, Ramsden Heath. David Patten, snb-post-
~pIre. contammg 3 bells: the church ~as entll"ely ~ebuilt master. Letters a,rrive from Billericay R.S.O. at 7
ll1 1880-1, at a cost of about £850, raIsed by publIc sub- a.m.•'Ie(, 6 p.m.; dispatched at 6'45 a.m. & 6 p.m. No
s?riptions, and. has ISO sittings. The regis~~r of bap- post on sundays, but open. 8 to 10 a.m. for sale of
tIsms and ~Hl;r13l~ dates from 1562; marnages from stamps & registration. Postal orders are is.sued here, .
~5.65. The livmg IS a rectory. annexed to that of ~tock, but not paid. The neare,st, money order & telegl'llph.
J?mt net yearly value £.400, wltli 57. acres of g-lebe, ~ the office is at Billericay, 4 miles distant
gIft of the trustees of :Mrs. E. P. Gll:>SO~, and held smce I Countv Police Station, William Scott, constable
1877 by the Rev. Edward Pendarves GIbson RA. of S t . · . , _
Peter's College, Cambridge, who resides at Stock. St. C~urch School (ml,xed). bUIlt about 1872 and eItlarged.
John's iron church was erected, by public subscription m 1900, for 80 chll?ren; ave~age attendance, 68; :rhos..-
and opened in March, 1901. It is served h~' the clergy of Jo:hns, master; MISS Catherme Maud Johns, ,aSSIstant:-
St. Mary's. Here is a Congregational cl1apel, and one) mIstress
Borman Capt. Sidney Partis, Ivy house Wood Thoma's Bird William, farmer, AlIen's farm
Chappelow Henry
Bradbrook William, farm bailiff to a.
Harvey :Mrs. Arcady M. Gray esq. Whitelily
Helsham-Jones Arthur J.P. Chithams Biggs G eorg-e, shopkeeper Bull William W. farmer, Bishop's
Newth Waiter Raymont, Mt. Pleasant Biggs George, jnn. carpenter Cracknell Saml. farmer,Brickhouse fm

Duncombe Fredk. farmer,. 'Barn farm Poulton Thomas, thatcher & llaybinder Schoak Joseph James, beer retailer
Horsnell John, blacksmith & whlwrght Rayment George, carpntr. & hrdle. ma Wheaton J. & F. farmers, Ramsden
Henwood Edward Augustus, farmer Reading Room (W. R. Newth esq. hon. Park farm
Jack-son May (MiSS), frmr. Woolshots trea.surer & sec) Willis Frederick, boot maker
Martin Arthur, farmer, Homelands Smith Reuben, farm bailiff to Mr. W. Wood John J. White Horse P.R
Patten David, grocer, ~ Post office Lucas, Southlands
RAMSDEN eRAYS is a village and parish, on the College, Dublin, who resides at Bille,ricay. '1'here is a
river Crouch and on the high road from Billericay to charity of £100, left by one Gibbon, the interest of
Rochford, 3 miles south-east from Billericay station on which, £2 15s. is distributed annually in coals to the
the Southend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 9 poor of Crays Hill. Thomas WaIter Bacon esq. J.P. of
east from Brentwood and 26 from London, in the :\1id Ramsden Hall, who is lord of the manor, Sir John Henry
division of the county, Barstable hundred, Br,entwQod Johnson, of St. Osyth's Priory, Colchester, and John
petty sessional division and county court district, Billeri- Wilson Gilbert esq. of Cringleford Lodge, near Norwich,
ca.y Ulllon, and in the rural deanery of Ingatestone, arch- are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed, in-
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans: the village elining to heavy; subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief crops
takes its name from a family of De Crei, who were owners are wheat, beans and oats. The area is about 1,456
of the manor in the 13th and 14th centuries. The church acres; a'ateable value, £'1,644; the' populatiol1! in 1901
of St. Mary is'a small edifice of stone in the Gothic style, was 201.
restored in 1871, and consists of chancel and nave, south I Parish Clerk, George Clark.
porch and a western tower with spire containing 2 bells: Post Office, Crayshill.-George Scholding, sub-post-
a stained window was placed in the chancel in 1873', in I mas,ter. Lett,e'rs from Billericay R.S.O. arrive at 7.30
memory of Miss Robertson, of Inches: there are 130 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. & leave at 8.15 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.
sittings. The churchyall'd was enlarged in 1901 by a Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Wickford
gift of glebe land from the rector. The register, is the nearest money order & telegraph office, 2! miles
of baptisms and burials, date,s from 1558; marriage,s, distant
1572. The living isa rectory, net yearly value £175, with Kational School (mix:ed), built in 1863, for 100 children;
96 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1,873 '. average attendance, 59; Mrs. Riggins, mistress; Miss
by the Rev. James Douglas Boysted RA. of Trinity Hilda. Wilkinson, assistant mistress
Aroher Mrs. Meadowcroft : Booth John, head gardener to T. W. Harrington Arthur, baker &; shopkpr
Bacon Thos. WaIt. J.P., Ramsden hall Bacon esq Keeling Frederick, farmer &; thresh-
Buxton William J. Rosedale Briscoe Eliza (Mrs.), refres,hment rms. ing machine owner
Collins William Albert, Great Barns Crays Hill Mitchell William, farmer, Tylde hall
Harrington Saml.Providence Bungalow Briscoe Frederick W., F.R.H.S. nur- Pateman George, farmer, Hunt's farm.
Jones Richard, Chestnut 'house seryman & seedsman, Crays Hill RaniSome David George, blacksmith
Margetson George Fredk.Elm cottage Buckingham Francis, Shepherd & Dog Re'ade Wm. Howard,Fox & HoundsP,H
Pearsol1! William, Meadowcroft P .H. Crays .Hill Scholding George & Son, grocers &
, Clark George, wood dealer drapers, & Post office
COMMERCIAL.', Clark William George, farm bailiff to Wood Edward, gamekeeper to T. W.
BestIey WaIter, builde'r & rate collector the Rev. J. D. Hoysted Bacon esq
for Basildon, Laindon &. Nevendon, Gower WaIter, farmer, Grays hall Wright Arthur, farmer, White's bridge
Cray", Hill .
Harding Edward Sanger, builder
RAMSEY is a village and parish, on the road from . officio trustee and two trustees and two churchwardens.
Colchester to Harwich, on the east coast, 3 miles south- : There is also Davall's charity for educational purposes and
east from 1Vrabness station on the Harwich and Man- , Thompson's for 6 of the oldest men and 6 of the oldest
ningtree branch of the Great Eastern railway, 3~ women. Arthur Nathaniel Garland esq. is lord of the

west from Harwich, 16. north-east from Colchester, 7~ I manors of Michaelstow and Ramsey, and Mrs. HempsoD"
east from Manningtree,. and 68 from London, in the I Alfred William Irlam esq. and the Rev. Canon Norman,
North Eas~ern of the c~JUnty, Te~dring hundred, I ~'ect~r of Mis.tley, are the pri.ncipal lan~owners. The soil
petty sesslOnal dIVlSlOn and umon, HarWIch county court IS mIxed, as IS also the SUbSOIl. The chIef crops are oats,
distriot, rural deanery of ArdleQgh and Harwich, arch- barley, wheat, beans and peas. The area is 4,°48 acres
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albians. The, of land, 11 of water, 466 of tidal water and 771 of fore-
church of St. Michael, ,situated on a hill, is a building of I shore ,(about 700 acres of land have been recovared from
stone in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consist- I the sea by embankment); rateable value, £17,793; the
ing of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled west- ! population in 1881 was 800, and in 1,891 was increased to
ern tower containing 5 bells, and on the south face of i 'I,877 by the population at ,Parleston in tibis parish; in
'which ill a s~n dial: the north doorW13.Y is Transition' 1901 the population was 2,247,oi"'which 1,581 were in
:Norman and the south Decorated: the church in 1872 Parkeston. The names of pe,rsons re,siding in Parkeston
wa.s reseated with open benches: in the chancel is a \vill be found under Harwich. Near Stourwood, copperas
..m.onument to Daniel Burr (1782) and Elizabeth, his wife has been worked; in front of it is Copperas Bay.
· (1783): there are 250 sittings. The registers date from Parish Clerk, William King.
,tJhe year 1645•. The liv~g is a discharged vicarag~, Post Office.-Thomas Ellis, sub-postmaster. Letters ar-
net yea;1y valu~ £193, WIth 13 acres of glebe and r.esl- rive from Harwich at 7.30 & II.30 a.m.; dispatched at
· .dence, m the gIft o~ t,he Lord Chancellor, and held SInce IQ.5 a,m. & 6.25 The nearest money order
18 95 bv the Rev. ~11h~ Hurst M..A., B.C.L. of Hatfield & teleO'raph office is at Great Oakley, 3 mile's distant
lIall, Durham UllIverslty, Tlhere IS a. Wesleyan chapel. '"
Charities amounting to £20 yearly ,are distributed in A School Board of 5 members was formed 16 Ma~ch,
bread and clothes, including a bequest left in 1807 by a 1,887; G. D. Hugh-Jones, 3 2 Ch~r~h, HarWIch,
son of Daniel and Elizabeth Burr, who resided long in clerk t? the board; Thomas Wl1ham Alrey, attend-
·this parish, consisting of £164 I3s. 4d. bank New £2i ance officer
per Cent. Annuities, the annual interest a.rising there- New Board School (mixed), built in 1901, for 200 child-
from being £5, to be. applied to the reliell 'Of the poor ren; average attendance, 120; Frederick Staple,s,
of this parish, under ilia direction of the vicar as ex- master
Gurney Rev. Arthur Fdk. &amsey 10 I Brooks John, miller (wind & steam) Irlam Alfred Wm. frmr. Southall frm
.IIempson Amis Ayton, Ramsey hall & baker King Rebecca (Mrs.), blacksmith
Hllropson Mrs. Anlis, Hill house Button John, shopkeeper Lucas Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Hurst Rev. 1Villiam M.A., B.C.L. Deex Richard, beer reliailer Luca,g Lewis, assistant overseer, East
(vicar), Vicarage EIlis Sarah (Mrs.), Castle inn New hall
lrlam Alfred William, Sout-hall EIlis Stephen Albert, carpenrer & Lucas Mary (Mrs.), farmer, East
Richardson John Thos. Primrose hall wheelwright New hall
COMMERCIAL. Ellis Thomas, blacksmith, Post office Rayner Fredk. Jas. farmer, South ha
Airey Thomas William, relieving officer Gant AlIen, farmer, Foulton ball Thorp John Ribbans, grocer &c
& oollector to the Guardians for Godda,rd Arthur, farmer, Poplars Thorpe WaIter, Lord Nelson P.H. &;
Harwich & registrar of births & Hempson Amis (Mrs.), frmr. HilI ho ~arket gardener
deaths &:, vaccina.tion officer for Man- Hewett Arthur, farm bailiff to Art.hur Wrmch Wm. Hy. frmr. Roydon hall
ningtree, sub-district,Harwich union Nath-aniel Garland esq. Home farm
RAWRE TB: (or Raureth) is a village and parish near London; it is 7 miles north-east from Pitsea sta,tion Oll
the river Crouch, over which is a bridge of one arch, the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, and there is
caUed Battle Bridge, communicating with Rettendon, a station at Battles £ridge on the MaIdon and Wickford
Ilnd on the high road from Rochford to Ohelmsford and line of the Great Eastern railway, 8 miles north-west;
.' "
from Ruchford, and 31 from London,: the parish i!ll in . partly in R~ttenden. The Master and Fellows of. SI;.
the South Eastern division of the count)', Rochford John's College, Cambridge, who are the lbrds of the
hundred, petty sessional division a.lIld union, Southend maIJor of Hawreth Hall, and Sion College, London, who
~ounty court district, and in the rural deanery of Roch- hold the manorial rights of the manor of Beeches, are
ford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. .A1bans. the principal landowners. The soil is heavy loam; sub-
The church of St. Nicholas, rebuilt in 1-882, from design>! soil, various. The chief crops are wheat and beans.. The
by Rev. Ernest Geldart, late rector of Little Braxted. at area is 2,367 acres of land,8 of water, 3 of tidal water
a. cost of about £2,500, is a building of stone in the Late a~d ~ of foreshore; rateable value, £r,I8Q3; the popula"
Perpendicula:r style, consisting of chancel, nave, north tlOn m r90r was 364.
aisle with chapel, nort,h porch and an embattled weste;rn Sexton, vYilliam Bougihtwood.
tower contaming 2 bells: the chapel on the soutlh side
is subject to the control of the tenant of Beeches Farm, LettelT Box cleared' at II. IO a.m. & 6 p.m. week days &
who has the same rights in it as in the oolse of a Faculty 8 a.m. sImdays; letters from Chelmsford via Bruttle,s
pew: there are r3 6 sittings and 50 seats for children. Bridge" arrive at 7 a.IIlJ. The nea,rest money orrder &
The register dates from the year 1539. The living 1S a ~elegraph office is at Battles Bridge, I mile distant
rectory, net yearly value £400, with 44 acres of glebe National Schoo~ (mixed), built in 1873,& enlarged in
-and residence, in the gift of Pembroke College, Cam- 1'897, for I05 children; average attendance, 68; Mrs.
bridge, and hold since 1873 by the Rev. Godfrey George Ellen PeTry, mistress
Kemp M.A. formerly fellow of that college. There Battles Bridge Railway Station, Ed'Win Davis, station
.are wharvll.:.l at Batt-les Bridge, partly ill' this parish andmaster
Hall Harry, Mill house (postal address, BreweJ,' Thomas G. farm bailiff to Wm. Meeson Arthur John, farmer, Telfords
Battles bridge, Wickford S.O) 1\lerryfield Mee,son esq. Rawreth hall , & Burrels farm
Kemp Rev. Godfrey George M.A. Carter Wm. Joseph, farmer, Beeches Messon Arthur, hay & straw merchant.
(rector), St,. Nichola-s Land Company (Frederic Ramuz, , Wharf (postal address, Battles bdge.
,()'Connell-Olarke Wm. Trenders hall manager), Trynn-de-Hays estate & Wickford S.O)
:Me,eson Arthur Jolm, TelionIs Rayleigh Park estate; & at 67 & 68 Potter Samuel, Carpenters' Arms r.B
1Vegerif John C. The Rectory Cheapside, London E C Sargent Frederick, farmer
Mackenzie John, farmer, Pickerill Seed C. larmer, Beeches common
COMMERCIAL. (postal address, Battles bridge, Smith Henry, brick maker
.Archer William, farmer, Shotgate frm Wickford S.O)
.:RAYLEI GR is an ancient town on the road from Lon-
don to Rochford, with a station on the Southend line of the
an oval-sha,ped base', surrounded! by
from this spot is obtained a
ramparts and
fine view over
Great Eastern railway, 36 miles from'London, 4~ north-by- the neighbouring peninsula. James Rogers esq. lorru of
'€ast from South Benfieet station on the Tilbury and'ISouth- the manor, disposed of his rights to the Parish Oouncil
end railway, r6 from Brent,wood, 13 south-east froUl in 1900. The soil is mixed; -subsoil, clay and' sand. The
Chelmsford, ro east fromJ3illericay, 3 from the wharves at chief crops are wheat, barley and bean.s. The area is
Hull Bridge, 7 north-east from Southend and 5 west from 2,904 acres; rateable value, £7,744; Iillle populaHon in
RochfOiI'd, in the South Eastern division of the county. 190r was r,773. . ,
'Rnohford hun<1red', petty sessionaJl. division, union and Pa,rish Cierk. William Smith. '
,county court diS'trict and in the rural: deanery ofiRooh- . .
fOTd, arc'hdeacomy of Essex and diocese of 1St. !AJ:bans. Post, M. O. & T. 0'., !- M. 0., Express Delivexy, Parcel
The town w'hieh consists of one wide stTeet of consid;eIT- Post, S. B. & AnnUIty & Insurance Office (Su:b-Office.
~ble extl~~t, is well situated in a commanding pOlsition Letters should. have S.O'. Essex a.?-doo) .-Miss, Annie.
and is lighted with gas and supplied with water from J. Judd, postmIstress. ~tters arrIve from OhehnsfOiI'd
springs and wells. This place affords the title of baron at .3·45 a.~.; second arrIval from ~ondon 9.3 0 a.m.;
to a branch of the Sbrutt, famcily. The ancient churoh of thIrd arnv: al at 6 p.m.; first, arrlVal 9.3 0 a.m. &
the Holy Trinity, standing on rising ground at the upper s~cond arrIval 7·5 p.m. fr'JID ::louthend & Roohfor~;
end of the town, is an edific8 of flint and stone, prin- dIspatched to London 8.3 0 a.m. r·.3 0 , 5· r 5, 7 & 7·;)0
cipally in the Pe'rpendicular style, although some PaJrts p.m.; to Ohelmsford 7·5 p.m. Dehvery c~mmences at
.are of an Pal'lier date; it consists of chancel with ais'les, 7 & 10.20 a.m. & 7· 15 p.m. Lett~r,s are dIspatched by
separated from it by a'l'cades of two bays, nave of four messenger to Thunde:sley & Hadlmgh at 6 a.m.; return
bays. south porrch and' a massive weste,rn tower with em- at I & 6 p.m.; also dIspatched to Southend at 3.5 0 a.m-.
battled turret, containing a clock and 8 bells partially & 5. 1 5 p.m. Box closes at 6,45, 7:4 0 &, 8 p.m.
rehuner in 1888' two additionaJI bells were huner in r898 Money order office open from 8 a.m. tIll 8 p.m. Open
in co~memoration of the Diamond Jl1lbilee otHeir late' 011 sundays from 7 to 10 a.m. for sale of stamps & 8
~bjestv Queen iVictoria: there are 450 sittings, 17 0 t~ ID a.m. for telegrams
free a~d unappropriated. The registrar dates from the PUI;ce Constables, Sergt. Anthony B. Joyce & Pe re.!
year r548. The living is a rectory, net yearly value Gold~n Pouiton . . .,' , . .
£5 00 , with 54 acres of glebe and! residence, in t,he gift MaSOnIC Lodge (No. r,734, TrInIty), held at Golde-n LIO~
of the Rev. Joseph Duncan MacVica,r M.A. of Douglas, hotel, wed. Dn Jan. to May & Sept. to Dec. 7 p.m.,
The Park, Chdteooam, and held ,since 1'887 by the Rev. J .. P. Harvey, sec , '"
Rolla Char1~s Meadnws Rouse M.A. of Trinity College, AnCIent Order of Fo,resters FTru,:, ~nton, 4,237), head
Cambridge, and J.P. for Suffolk. Here are Baptist and q~arters, Golden LIon hotel; WIlliam Burrell, sec
~esleyan chapels, and a place of wo:rship for Peculiar .A bchool Board of 5 members was formed 9 Jan. 1872,
People. There is a Holiday Home here in connection with Oharles Ernest Judd, clerk to t1he board
Union Chapel, IslingtnllJ; matron, :Mrs. Lydia H. Groom. SchOOlS : - ,
.A. fail' for horses -andi cattle is still held on Trinity Board, opened ill 1872, for rIO children, & noowused fair
:Y(onday in each year. In r848 a suit of Oromwellian boys only; aVelTllJge attendance, 120 j William James
armour was discovered in a hid,in'g place in the rectory Vickers, master
and in April, 11849, several curious and ancient Roman Board (girls), for 100 girls; average attendance. '75 j'
<Xlins were ploughed up in this parish. At the upper Miss Alice Tompson. mistress " .'" "
end of the town are ea,rthwoTks, the remains of a Board (infants), built in r895, for lOO 'children'; . aVfIr-
ea.sHe .first built by Sweyne, who owned the place at age attendance, 85; Miss Isabella M. Hyatt, mist1'8ss
the time of the Domesday Survey and was ,the founder Railway Station, William Smith, station master
of the De Essex family: these consist of a mound with Carrier to Brand, tues. & fri. 8 a. m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cork .A.rthur Oharles, Barringtons Judd Mrs
.A.dams William Henry, Gattens, Curtis Miss Lamm Christian, Kensington villa
Hocklev road Deeley Miss, The Ferns Lonsdale Richard, Rayleigh house
.A.rdley Arth. Olvr. Melford,Eastwd. rd Edmunds James Charles Macey Harry, Olovelly
BarnaI'd Charles James, Brewery ha Fell John Correy, Down hall Minchin Rev. 'Dhos. Tranten (Baptist)
Beale George William, The Laurels Fox ,\Yilliam Nalder Francis, Ivy house '
Beard Percy Francis Mrs Newnham Mrs. The Lodge' '
Black James Alex. Preston villa Gibbs William, Holly Tree farm Offin Thomas W. Turret house
Boston Edgar, The Bungalow Gigney Henry Phillips Moreton Hassall, Picton housQ
Cannon George Charles, Fairholme Gray Albert, Hill crest Phillips Waiter Sbanley" The Limes
'Chapman Alfred Wright. Fairview Grayson Francis Dorrill Pratt Francis William
Clark William Henry, White house Ranchard William, Bramshot Rouse Rev. Rolla. Charles Meadow.
Cockerell Owen Worledge, Hylands Hill Edward. M.A. Bectc117 •

Blade Charle!ll Henry, Homeleigh Cook J'ohn, boot &; shoe maker Lythe Oharles, shopkeepeT
Smith Sidney, I Dollmartons Cro_n & Rail_ay hotel (Fredc. Matthews Edwd. ins. agt. The Cottage
Soutter Reginald Wm. Annandale Ramuz) ; the celebrated" Mount" is -Moore Edwd. ~lonckton, shopkeeper
Strickland Charles now the property of the owner of Moss James, hair dresser
Swain Walter Brewer, Cedar lodge the Crown hotel, & especially for the Newman Herbert, farmer, Weir farm
Swain William John, Homeside use of visitors Offin Thomas W. frmr. Turret house
Vernell Geoq~e Croxson Henry, painter &; glazier alley Geo. boot & shoe manufacture,.
Wallace William, Eastdene Curtis Chas. Hy. farmer &; horse dlr &; cycle agent
Warren Ernest In. Wm. Summerfield Deeley Emma (Miss) &; Page Fanny Page Wmiam, see Golden Lion corn..
Waygood William James, Oaklands (Mrs.), ladies' school mercial hotel
Whale Andrew Devenish James, coal merchant Pinkerton James, rhubarb grower
Williams Herbt. Bowen, Finchley ho Dixon Chas. Gainsford, clothier &; drpr Pissey Wm. chemist &; stationer'
Witham Chas. Thomas, 2 Dollmartons Dramatic Club (Sidney Wallis, sec) Ramuz Frederick F. Crown inn
Witt Harry Quartermaine, Trinity rd Fidgeon f'redk. Albert, beer retailer Rand William Hy. & Sons, fruit growrS'
Finch Thos. Wm. builders' ironmonger Reading Room &; Dramatic Club
COMMERCIAL. Findlay Jas. surveyor to Co. Council (Sidney Wallis, sec)
Andrews Henry Mottram, boarding ho. Foresters (Ancient Order of) (True Redbond Cha,s. estate agt.The Chestnts-
Drover's house Briton 4,237) (Wm. Burrell, sec.), Redbond John, farmer
Baker Herbert &; George, builder<l held at Golden Lion hotel Smith George, beer retailer
Baker Albert, builder Franklin Samuel, Half Moon P.H Smith Henry, bricklayer
Baker Samuel, beer retailer Frost Sarah (Mrs.), grocer Smith Herbert Edmond, insur. agent
Baldwin Henry, builder &; undert,aker Gas Works (Edward Moore, mangr) Smith WaIter, corn dealer & baker
Barclay &; Co. Lim. bankers (sub. Gilson Bros. grocers Sparrow Arthur J. butcher
branch), open mono wed. & fri. IO to Golden Lion hotel (Wm. Page); com- Sparrow Edwin Chas. vet. surgeoII
. 12.30 (J. Coombs, man.); draw on mercial hotel; good accommodation Spooner George, farmer
head office,54 Lombard st.LondonEC for cyclists & motorists Stewart George, saddler
Barker Charles, horse clipper & dlr Grayson FrullcisDorrell M.R.O.S.Eng., Suffield Esther A. (Mrs.), dress make»
Barnard Charles James, manager to L.S.A. surgeon & medical officer & Thorogood Harry, engineer &; genera]
Henry Luker &; Co. Lim. brewers &;e public vaccinator, Rayleigh district, smith
Barnes James, blacksmith Rochford union, & certify. fact. llrgn Topsfield Henry P. registrar of births
Barnett WaIter, baker Hanbury William, chemist & deaths for R'Ochford sub-district fi;.
Bates William, builder, Connaught rd Heath William, builder &; contractor relieving & vaccination officer &; col-
Blyth Kit,ty & Marian (Mis>ses), schl. Holiday Home in connection with lector to guardians for 2nd district,.
Prospect house. See advert Union chapel, Islington, London Rochford union
Boreham Alfred, shopkeeper (Mrs. Lydia H. Groom, matron), Totman Thomas, bill poster
Bowen Samuel Jas. White Horse P.H Horner John, butcher Totman Thomas, cab proprietor
Brett Sidney Herbert, nurseryman, Houghton Robert James, boot maker Upson Arthur James, saddler & :har-
Hill side Johnson John, boot repairer ness maker
Brewer William George, baker Johnson Rebecca (Miss), dress maker Ventris George, tailor
arlt1:on Waiter. coal mer. & farmer Judd Charles Ernest, assistant over- WaIler Henry, farmer, Gt. Wheatle~
Brown Sarah Ann (Miss), confectioner seer, san. insp. to Rochford Rural Wallis Arthur, painter
Brown Thomas James, miller (wind), District Council & clerk to school Watkins & Wintle, solicitors
Rayleigh flour mills board &; Parish Council Webb Arthur, draper & milliner
Byford John, builder. Ke~ble Jessie (Mrs.), shopkeeper Webb Jos.eph & Son~, engi~eers &;
Cannon Wm. Frederick, chImney swpr Kmght Charles, shopkeeper wheelwnghts & carnage bUIlders
Carter Nathaniel, watch maker Land Company (Frederic Ramuz, Webster Norman, butcher
Chalk William Thomas, beer retailer manager), Station, Rayleigh Park, Wenden Mark, farmer
Clemance William &; Newman Her- Rayleigh Castle &; Mount estates; & Wiggins Thos. Hy. fried fish de,aleu'
bert, farmers & seed growers, at 67 &; 68 Cheapside, London E C Williams Thomas, second hand clothes-
Weir farm Laurie Joseph, painter dealer & cab proprietor
CIemance WilIiam, grocer &; clothier Loker Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wintle Arthur, solicitor, see Watkin90
Clover & 00. brick mas. Hambro hill Loker \Villiam, grocer &; Wintle
Cornish Herbert, manufacturer of red, LukeI' Henry & Co. Limited, brewers Witham Horace, wheelwright
.. facing & ornamental bricks; l'ed &; wine & spirit merchants Wright Alfred, fruit growel' & marl;;:eJr
brick moulding g,a,nd supplied to Manu Henry, grocer &; agent for W. &; gardener, The Nurseries
brick manufacturers; Hambro hill A. Gilbey Ltd. wine & spirit mers

ItAYNE (or Raine) is a pleasant village and parish, and in 1884 the church was entirely reseated, the windowif
on the river Brain or Pods brook, and on the road from newly glazed ,and the bells Tehung, by subscription. III
Braintree to Bishops Stortford, w'.th a station on the 1901 an oak screen was erected by Mr. J. L. D. Rudldll ..
Bishops Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree section of the a.s a memorial to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. The
Gl'eat Eastern railway, 2 miles west from Braintree, 7 register dates from the year 1558. The living is ll'
east from Dunmow, I I north-east from Chelmsford and rectory, net yearly value £24°, with 27 acre,s of glebe
46 from London, in the East€rn divis~on of the county, and residence, in the· gift of the Earl of Essex, und'
Hinckford hundred, petty sessional division of Hinckford held ,since 1898 Hy t~e Rev. Charles Hutchinson M.A:
South (Braintree bench), Braintree un'.on and county of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Rayne Hall,
,court district, rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry situated close to the church, and now a farmhouse, is a'
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of timbered structure, the old part of which wa~
All Saints, rebuilt in 1840, is an edifice of in the erected by the Wells family and the, later by Sir G'.leS'
Tudor style, and consists of chancel with vestry, nave, Capel, between 1'5IO and 1520. The manor house of
south porch and a. lofty embattled western tower with Baynard's or Raynes was situated in the north
crocketed pinnacles,and containing- a clock and 5 bells: the part of this parish, in an inclosure called "Chapel Field!'
t{)wer was built by Sir William Capel, whose arms appear upon a small ascent near the river, where there are still
in the brickwork near the foundation, on either side of the traces of the house and of the moats that encompa,ssecf
belfry door: the old church, supposed to have been built it: in the hollow from the road to the house were fisb
temp. Henry n. was once famous for an altar and chapel· ponds. Edward Symonds M.A. rector here, temp.
in the south aisle, erected in honour of the Blessed (!)harles I. was a learned author, and wrote various
Virgin: of the present structure the tower is by far political and theological 'Works. Dr. Richard Kidder.
the most 'Uncient, part: there are memorial ·windows. Bi~ihop ol Bath and Wells, 1691-J703, '3nd famous as a
besides several mural monuments and a large brass, divine, was also rector of Rayne from 1664 to 1674. Here
with a.rms, to the Capel family: there we,re interred are thE.' extensive works of Mr. O. S. BIyth, agriculture}
here Sir Giles Capel l;;:t. ob. 1556, a distinguished implement maker and iron founder and makers of
leader at the sieges of TeI'rouenne and Toul'nay, and pJoughs, root graters ana steerage horse hoes; these-
the battle of spurs, ill in 1513, and to his wife; BiT W'Orks give employment to a great number of hands: on
~dward Capel kt. ob. 1577 and, his Grace, ob. the Pods brook is 1II corn mill. The interest of £167, left
1587; Sir Henry Capel kt. ob. 15'88 and Katherine by Mr. Ralph Polley of this parish, in August, 1831, ill
(Manners) his wife, ,daughter of TllOmlls, 1St Earl of distributed in bread. The Earl of Essex is also lordl
..Rutlana K.G.; Henry Capel esg. 1615 and Thomas, of ,the manor, G. A. Brunwin .esq. and Mr. JameS'
son of Sir Arthur Capel,. ~62 I': there is also a brass HunteT, of Wormegay, Lynn, are the principal land-
with arms 'and inscription to Lady Manners, ob. 1572: owners. The 'soil is loam and mixed soil; subsoil, clay
in 1867 the chancel' was restored and the vestry enlarged, and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats,
peas, beans and pa~ure land. The area i,;; 1,705 acres; Braintree at 5 ·45 &; II.25 a.m.; dispatched at 3.15 &l-,
rateable value, £1,631; the population in 1901 was 387. 6'45 p.m.; sunday, 6,45 p.m
Parish Clerk, Samuel Hanee. A School Board of 5 members for the united parishes of
"" t MO&;
eGS, •• T .0. ,
S .B. .T .M. 0. E xpress D el'Ivery, Felstead .&; Rayne
I wasd formed 6 Oct.
d 18 77; ihe
' child-
Parcel Post &; Annuity & Insurance Office.-Thomas ren of this pace atOOn th~ school in Felstea pans
1Hawkes, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive by cart from Railway StaHon, William Sawyer, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ha.wkes Thoi. grocr.&; drpr.Post office
BIyth C. S. The Yews Arber William, baker & grocer \ Hutley Charles, farmer, Rayne hall
Erice Thomas, Goulds house Attoe Alfred, draper &c 1 Metson Joseph, farmer, Broadfields :
lBrunwin George Alfred, Haverings Barnard John, farmer, MOlmts farm I Mortier Francis, farmer, Gatwards fIn
Collingridge Henry, Cyprus llOuse Belsham Isaac & Son, coal merchants, Newman Thomas Harry F.S.I. auc-
Clarke George, Medley house Railway station; &; at Braintree tioneer. valuer &, estate agent; aD
..Gale Marmaduke Hy. Littledale Blissendon Benti. bldr. Rayne mill at 6r High stI"eet, Braintree :
Gormley H. P. Old hall BIoomfield William, beer retailer Over,all Alfred, Cherry Tree P,H
"Hawkes Thomas, Highfield BIyth C. S. iron founder & agricul-IRichardson Arthur, bricklayer
Hutchinson Rev. Ohas. M.A. (rector), tural implement maker; speciali- Rolfe Sarah Ann (Miss), dress maker
Rectory ties, Rayne ploughs, root graters Thompson Willia"m, thatcher, New rd
,Jenes Miss, The Laurels &; prize steerage horse hoes Turner Jonathan, blacksmith
Livermore Charles, Rayne house Bradridge Thomas, corn &; seed mer Turner John, farmer, Pound farm
"Livermore Mrs. \Villiam Brock In. builder & farmer, The Firs Walford Alfred &; Co. coal merchants.
N ewman Thomas Harry, The Elms Brunwin George Alfred, farmer & Railway statilim; & at Braintree
Rolfe Daniel O. Grove cottage landowner, Haverings i Wallis James Peter, Swan P.H
Vaughan Miss, The Cottage Collingridge Henry, farmer, Cyprus ho 'Woodward Francis Spooner, farmer &i
Witton Hy. Oak villa Cornell William, boot maker fruit grower
\'W oodwsrd Francis Spooner, Leyfields Fuller William, baker & beer retailer
-BETTENDON, in Domesday" Ratendune," is a parish! charity, noticed under West Hanningfield; the poor
and scatter~d village, a portion of which is on the river widows of Rettendon have also a yearly rent-charge of
Crouch, and known as "Battles Bridge," is ,supposed to 40s. out of Helmon's farm at West Hanningfield, left by,
:have been so named f~om an engagement fought he;e I Ann Humfrey; the ot~er portion of the charity consis~s
between Edmund Ironslde and Canute the Dane, on ::it. I of 10 acres of land, glven by an unknown lady, and 18
• Luke's Day, r8th October, 1016. The Crouch, here let for £10 yearly. A sum of £20; left by Edmund Hum- .

spanned by an iron bridge on brick piers, erected in frey esq. out of Rettendon Place farm, for educational

i872-3, is navigable up to this point for barges and I purposes, was allowed to accumulate and a school was
small craft, and there aI"e extensive stores and wharves. I built early in 18th cenutry; on the passing of the" Educa-
iRettendon. which helonged in 673 to a nunnery in the, tion Act, r873," the building was sold and the proceeds
.I-sle of Ely, is on the high road from Chelmsford to invested in Consols; the greater part of the income of
Rochford, 9 miles south-east from Chelmsford, 5 north-! the charity is now devoted to the provision of clothing
west fro.rn Rayleigh, 32 fl'om London by roa.d and 9: prizes to regular attendants at the Board School: the
,north-west from Rochford, in the Mid division of the I use of the building, purohased by W. M. ,Meeson esg. is
county, Chelmsfo-rd hundred, petty sessional division, I granted by him to the parish as a reading room. The
union and county court district, rural deanery of Dan- I Revs. Edward and William Bartlett are lords of the
bury, archdeaconry of Essex, and diocese of St. Albans. 'manor. The New England Co. the trustees of Madame
'Battles Bridge station on the Maldon and Southminster 'Villafranca, the Wedd and Forster trustees, Oxford
branch of the Great Eastern railway is about I mile I University, the representatives of T. E. Rutledge, Rev.
Muth. The church of All Saints is an edifice of rubble I C. P. Brickwell M.A. OhristopheI" W. Parl,er esq. of
,in the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, , Faulkbourn Hall, Egham Charity Board, the trustees of
wnth aisle, f:outh porch and an embattled western tower Hobert Smyth, the trustees of the late Major Spitty,
with conical tiled roof and containing 5 bells; the: A. W. Craig esq. and W. M. Meeson esq. are the prin-
o!lancel retains a piscina and. sedili.a, and of ~he i cipal landowners. The soil is heavy; the subsoil. clay;
benches hav(~ carved oak fimals WIth badges, mcludmg I producing excellent crops of wheat and beans. The area
the "Bear and Ragged Staff" and "Eagle and Child": I is 3.707 acres oJ land, 6 of water, 20 of tidal water and
here also is a s~mptl,l0us marble. ~onument to Edmund 24 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,9°8; the population

Humfrey esq. WIth blS effigy reclmmg on a slab and the in 1901 was 692.
right hand resting on an open book; at the back part I P "t • M 0 & T O T M 0 E 'S Del' e P eel
f th e to b t full 1 g th fi 1 o~, .. . . , . . . . xpre~ IV rv, ar
o d t I fm •.atre w~\ - en . hgtures on. an amp e Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office: Battles
pe es a (, w"u e manue; on th e r~g . a m~n III armour Bridge. Letters received through Wickford S.O.-
and on the left a fem~le: two ~ormtlllan pIllars. support George James Blanks, postmaster. Letters 'delivered
·the can~~y, under w~lch are dlsp~ayed the faml1y ar~s at 6 & I I a,m. &; 7 p.m. (to callers)' dispatched at
'.and 1llllItary trophIes and varlOUS ornaments: thul &; ,
Edmund Humfrey died a bachelor, 12 June, 1727, ret. 10·45 a.m. 0
7.3 p.m h M b
1 mg . 11 h' t t h t O W'll' Fyt h Post Office, Rettendon Common. ,Art ur - ott. su -post-
an ury
IS estha e ere b
ace: ere are rasses III
I I~m th cfle es ·
001' t 0
master. Letters received through Chelmsford; de-
livered at 6 a.m.; dispatched at 7-45 p.m. Postal
'RIchard Cannon esq. a ben~factor to the pansh, ob. 20 orders are issued here but not paid. The nearest
December, 16°5, and to RIchard Humfrey, gent. half- ' . . B . l'
"b1'0th· er t 0 R'lC h ar d Cannon esq. w h om th ' e sal'd R'lCh ard monev ordert &:; telegraph office 15 at attles BrIdge, 2:l
i l ' d·.t
Cannon made his heir. ob. 2r December, 1607; and to his _m e8 I~ an . ~
three sons, RIchard. "Villiam and Edmund: there is also II all Letter Box, Rettendon turnpIke, cleared at J:O.2-,
the brass of a civilian and two wives, c. 1540 • with 3! a.m. &; 6.4 0 p.m.; sunday 9.3 0 a.m. Chalk street,
sons and 4 daughters; a 3r d wife, some children and c~eared a~ 7. 10 p.m. week day &; sunday, .
inscription missing: the panels of the pulpit and reading, PolIce StatIOn, Rettendon, P. C. Chas. Harwood, lI\ charge
desk and the front of one of the benches are filled with I A School Board of 5 members was formed 10 May, 1875,
carved oak tracery,. probably fragments of ~he old rood W;.lliam Ward Duffield. 96 High street. Chelmsford,
screen: the north aisle has been at some perIod extended clerk to the board' James Frederick Oddy att~nd-
'eastward, and has over it a building, probably once ance o f f i c e r ' ,
-oocupied by a recluse: the church was completely restored B d S h 1 ( . d) t d . h "d
.. 8 8
'1.n r 97- un er cl th d'
e lrec Ion 0t' f M r. .F Ch 11 h'
ance or,· harc 1-' • oar
• 8
c 00 mlxe
f or 1:>0
• erec
h'ld e , wlt master 15 reS1 ence,
tt en d ance, 97,•
f In I 77, c 1 ren; average a
t ec t , (}f Ch e1ms f or d ,an d re-opene d b V th e L or d B IS op o. Char1es J . L ang1ey, mas t er; M La ngIey, III . fant s'
· '. t d t f th' .l. 1'13.
St . Alb ans 17 J U 1Y. I 89 8. Th e regrs er a es rom e , . t
1· ·
year I 6 78 . Th e 'lVill!5
. '1 al £
IS a rectory, net year y v ue 47°, A . t t O e
'IDlS ress
Ch 1 J L le
with 86 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the' S~lS an er, ar es .' ang y
Lord Chancellor, and held since r887 by the Rev, Thomas I RaIlway StatlOn, Battles BrIdge, Edward Dowse, station
Calthrop Webster M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. I master .
There is a church mission room at Rettendon Common, I Carrier to Chelmsford. John Brand, from Rayleigh,
and Congregational chapels at Battles Bridge and Retten- passes through here. for Chelmsford tuesday & friday"
-don Common. The charities include £10 from Camlon's returning same day
RETTENDON. PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Hughes William S. licensed lay reader,
Marked thus * receive their letters *Brickwell Rev.Ohs.P.,~I.A.TheGrnge The Common
through Battle.s Bridge, Wickford *Craig AbrahamWalker.Rettendon hall *Meeson Wm. Merryfield.Rettendon PI
S.O. Esse-.x: Kirkman John, Hill side, The Commn Parkinson Charles, The Common
, ,


*Webster Rev. Thomas Calthrop M.A. Green Thomas Bell P.H. & shopkeeper, 'VhiteJohn,farmer & thrshng.rna.ownr
The Rectory Rettendon Common
COMMERCIAL. Mott Charles, farmer, Rawlings BATTLES BRIDGE.
Armour RQlbert, farmer, The Common Oddy J ames Frederick, boot maker uarby Thomas Churchman, Marine cot.
Barker George, farmer, rr'he Common &i school attendance officer, The Com Manning Mrs. The Manse
Bas,s J,ames, farmer (res. Hocldey) Pipe Samuel, farmer, Elm farm COMMERCIAl"
*Brown William Joseph, blacksmith Reading Room (Alfd.Gamble, caretkr) Atrriuge George, Haw~ P.H
*Bruntlett John, farm bailiff to A. W. Rettendon & District Horticultural So- Benson Bros. shopkeepers & bakers
Craig esq ciety (Charles J. Langley, hon. sec) Blanks George James, grocer & craper..
Clark William, wheelwright Smith Harry, farmer, Mill hall Post office
Cooper Sidney, poultry farmer, 'I'he Technical Instruction Class (Charles J. Gray Oharles Harrison, maltster
. Common Langley, sec) Meeson William Merryfield, corn mer-
George Henry, farmer, Brunwins Thomason Charles, farmer, Pound fm chant & miller {water &; steam)
Gilbey John, beer retailer TowIlIsend James, farm bailiff to W. M. Meeson William Taylor, coal &; lime-
*Gosling Charles, gardener to A. W. Meeson esq. Hyde hall, 'l'he Cornmn merchant &; landowner
Craig esq Wright Frederick & Arthur, farmers, Pepper Edward, baker
Key George, beer retailer Curd,s farm Saunders Charles, beer retailer
RICKLING is a village and parilSh, 3 miles south. great tithes. There is a small p!ace of worship belong-
~·est from Newport station on the Cambridge section of ing to the Congregationalists. The Rickling- Parish
tpe Great Eastern railway, 6 south-west from Saffron room, .'built in 1885, is used for service on Sundays and for
Walden, 6 north from Bishops Stortford and 34 from parish purposes generally. Ridding Hall, an ancient
London, in the Northern division of the county, Uttles- building and now a farm house, stands about three-
ford hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, quarters of a mile from the church and originally formed'
union and county court district and in the rural a quadrangle, with an embattled gateway and "as once-
deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and surrounded by a moat. Captain lng-lis, who is lord of
diocese of St. .Albans. The church of All Saints is a the manor, Francis Savile Harry Judd esq. the trnstees
building of flint, with stone dressings, in the Early of the late Thomas Alfred Spencer esq. and tlle Gllvcmors
English style, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, of Christ's Hospital, are the principal landowners. Th8'
south aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower soil is mixed, heavy and light; subsoil, gravel and clay.
containing 5 bells: a carved oak reredos, of Flemish The crops are generally on the four-course s)·stem. Th8'
work, was erected in r879, and a very b?autiful oak area is r,391 acres; rateable value, £r,397; the popula-
screen separates the' chancel and nave: there are tion in r891 was 375.
two ancient tombs, one on either side of the chan- Letters throug-h l'\ewport S.O. arrive at Quendon. The-
cel, to the de \Valden and de Langley familie8, and nearest post, money order &:, telegraph oftice is at
to Thomas Langley, ob. 2J Feb. 1470; the carved oak Qu~ndon. adjoining-
pulpit is of the 14th century and there is also an ancient Police Station, Ric1ding Green, Frederick Joseph Verry,..
carved font: the interior was restored in 1865 and a new consta ble in charge
chancel roof was placed in 1889: the church has 120 sit-
ting-s. The register dates from the year 1660. The National School (mixed), erected in 1873, at a cost of
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £198, including 7 !:,r,ooo, for the parishes of Rickling &; Quelldon, for
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of 130 children; average attendance, 100; Miss A. M.
St. Albans, and held since 1894 by the Rev. WaIter Mattingley, mistress
Landon-Smith M.A. of vVorcester College, Oxford; the Carrier.-'Villiam Gray, to Bishop's Stortford, tuesday•.
Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the impropriators of the tllurs. & sat.; to Saffron 'Valden, mono wed. &:, fri
Judd Franci9 Savile Harry RA., J.P.Bass Albert, farm ba ili fr to Thomas A. Hayden Ckules CMr,s.), blacksmith,..
Rickling green Spencer esq. Church end Ridding green
Landon-Smith Rev. WaIter M.A. Chandler H. Coach &; IIorses P.ll Pag-e Samuel, farmer, Bury farm,
Vicarage Ginge.r George Alfre'i. wheelwright Riclding green
Bcott John Oharle,s Godefroy Samuel David, farmer & Pittman Charles, farmer, Ridding grn
Wilson Sir .Alexander, Tbe Views assistant overseer Ruddick Daniel, chimney sweeper
Gr~y William, carrier &; jobmaster, Scantlebury Jabez, farmer, Rick-
COMMERCIAL. Ricking green ling hall
Adams .Tames, cattle dealer Hart John, Cricketers' Arms P.H Sell Nathan. farmer, Maces Place fnn
Bright John, gamekpr. Riclding grn Hayden Owen, beer retailer Wright William, shoe maker
RIDGWELL, or Ridgewell, is an ancient village and Here is El. Congregational chapel, rebuilt in 1859 and
parish on the high road from Colchester to Cambridge, seating 600. Many Roman and Welsh coins and antiqui-
2! miles south-east from Dirdbrook and 3 miles north- ties and the foundations of a Roman villa have been
west from Yeldham stat;ons on the Come Valley section found here. In r318 Ridgwell had a market and fair.
and 2 south-east from Stoke station on the Melford and The Master and Fellows of St. John's College, Cambridge..
Oambridg-e branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south- who are lords of the manor, St. Catharine's and Queens'
west from Clare, 5 south-east from Haverhill ,and la Colleges, Cambndge, Lewis John Way esq. of Great
north-west from Halstead: it is in the Northern division Yeldham, flnd Mrs. Hornor, of the Hove, Halstead, are the
of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty chief landowners. The soil is loam, clay and gravel;
lSess~onal division, Halstead union, Haverhill c:mniy subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and harley.
court district and in the rural deanery of Yeldham, The a:-e:l is 1,4°9 acres; rateable value, £r,556; th8'
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. population in 1901 was 481 in the civil and 561 in th8'
.Albans: near the church is a fine spring, or well, ecclesiastical parish in 1891.
which, with the Ridgeway, gives the pbce its By Local Government Board Ordel' 16,612, Mar. ~5,1885.
name; the river Colne in this parish, and a detached part of this parish known as Ridgwell 1'\ orton
in the centre of the village is a green. The church of was transferred to Stambourne.
St.. Lawrence is a building- covered with plaster in the
i'erpendicular style, conSIsting of chancel, with north Parish Clerk, Nathaniel Mann.
aisle, nave of four bays, with c1erestory, south porch Post Office.-Henl'Y Ashplant, sub-postmaster. Letters
and an embattled western tower, containing a clock and arrive from Halstead (per mail cart) at 5.10 a.m. &,
5 bells: there are a piscina and sedilia in the chancel, 5.50 p.m. from Haverhill (Suffolk); dispatchP.d at 6.10
which is divided from the nave by the remains of a fine a.m. via HaverhiII &; 5.50 p.m. via Halstead. ros1ial
oak screen: the pulpit is late Jacobean: the staircase to orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
the rood loft still exists and is entered through the money order office is at Stambourne & telegraph offices
north aisle; the church was res1iored in the year 1871; at Yeldham & Birdbrook, 2 miles distant
there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the
year 15 62 . The living is a discharged vicarage; net yearly National School (mixed), built in 1865 &; enlarged in
value £14 0 , including 140 acres of glebe, with residence, r872, for 120 children; average attendance, 100; Miss-
in the gift of St. Catharine's Col. Oamb. and held since Soddy, mistress
1891 by the Rev. Rupert St. LegeI' RA. of that college. County Police Station, Arthur Oliver, constable
lBoldero Joseph John, Ridgwen ball St. LegeI' Rev. Rupert B.A. Vicarge Barnard WaH. frmr. carter & beer rtlr
Bradtfield Jesse, Moat house Boldero Joseph John, faIIDer, Ridg-
Chaplin Willia;n, Merrington, Town ho COMMERG'HL. well hall
Greening Rev. Ernest Edward (Con- Ashplant Hy. farm~r, grocer & draper, Burgess WiIIiam, farmer & assistant
gregational), Ridgwell Manse Post office overseer, Little Meadow end
Chaplin Jsph. C. millr. (wind &; steam) Ling Frank, farm bailiff to Jabez Richardson Mrs. shopkeeper
Chaplin Richard Hawes, farmer &; Gurtun esq. Essex hall Smith Ambrose,blacksmith &i machnst
corn merchant, Three Chimneys Mann Netheniah, farmer &; thatcher Steed J ames, plumber &; painter
Choat Benjamin, bricklayer &; farmer Mitson Moses, beer retailer I&; boot Ward Herbt. wheelwright &; blcksmth
Clark Charles, beer retailer &; baker repairer Ward Robert, carpenter
Cole Charles, higgler Moore John Henry, boot maker Wild Frederick, electrical engineer,
Oole George, higgler Pearl William, King's Read P.R Richmond house
Fro-st John, farm bailiff to Mrs . .A.nnie Peayle Harry, farmer Wilson Edward, tailor &; draper
Homer Reeve Frederick Richard, farmer &; Wing Alfred, farmer, Gt. Meadow end
Kindred Arthur, general supply stores horse dealer
RIVENHALL is an ancient parish on the Crossing I Western bart. is the principal landowner and lord of the
brook, 2 miles north from Witham Junction station on manors. The land is principally arable; subsoil, loam.
the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 8 south-east The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and beans.
from Braintree and 39 from Londen, in the Eastern The area is 3,417 acres of land and I I of water; rateable
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional divi- i value, £4,954; the population in 18gI was 656 in the
swn of Witham, Bramh-ee union and county court dis- civil and 709 in the ecclesiastical parish, and 626 in the
trict, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of 001- civil parish in 190I.
chester, and dioc.ese ?f St. ~bans. The church of St. By LDcal Government Board Order 22,339, March 24,
~ary and All Sam~s IS an edific~ ?f rubble and stucco, 188 9, detached parts of this parish were added to Cressing
m a modern GothIC style, conslstmg of chance~, na!'e, and a detached part of the latter to Rivenhall.
south porch and an embattled western tower WIth p m - . _.
nacles containing one bell: it was restored in 18 39-40 ParIsh Clerk, Jo:>eph Sprmgett.
and re-pewed in 1878: the east window is enriched with Post Office, Rivenhall.-Ephraim Shelly, sub-postmaster.
ancient stained glass, obtained from Normandy by the Letters received through Witham at 6.55 a.m. &; 7.5
Rev. Bradford Denne Hawkins M.A. late rector 1853-82, p.m.; dispatched at 6.55 a.m. & 7.5 p.m.; sundays,
and presented by him: there is a very fine monument to 10.35 a.m. Witham is the nearest money order office
Sir Ralph Wiseman kt. and his lady, dated 1594, and & Rivenhall End the nearest telegraph office, I mile
several costly tombs to members of the Western family, d'.stant
includin~ that C?f "yvilliam Weste~ esq. d. 22 Sept. 17 29; Post & Telegraph & Express Delivery Office, RivenhalI
there are 20? ~Itt'.~gs. The regIster dates from the y~ar End.-Frede,rick 'Springett, sub-postmaster. Letters
I6~9· The hVlllg IS a rectory, net .yearly v~lue £5.°0, WIth received through ""Vitham at 7.30 a.m. & 2.40 &; 7. 20
resldTenceand 139 acres of ~lebe, ill the gIft of Su T. O. p.m.; dispatched at 8.35 a.m. 2.35 & 7. 15 p.m.; sun-
C. "este~ bart. and held s~nce !897 by the Rev. Herbert days arrive 7.3 0 a.m.; dispatched at 10.15 a.m. Pos-
Henr~ W:Illmott,. of. the Umverslty of L~ndon. The rec- tal orders are issued here, but not paid. Witham is
tory '.S sItuated III Its ow~ ~ounds, I mIle so.uth-west of the nearest monev order office
th.e church. A Workmen s Hall was e~e~ted m 18 7? and Wall Letter Box, Silver End, at the side of the Western
WIll hold 120 persons. There are chantIes amountmg to Arm PH' I ar d t 6 P m ~e k d s n1 Th"
6 f f I I ft' 6- b S' Th d . ..a S • ., c e e a . . "e ay 0 y. "
£ I , or u~,. e ill I ..,4 Y Ir o,mas n Iseman an . 1ll nearest money order office is at Witham

1784 by WIlliam Bollan. The remaillS of a Roman v'.lla. . . . .

were found near the church in the year 1846, and at that NatIOnal School (I~.1Xed), bUIlt III 1855 &; enlarged.m
date a tesselated pavement could be traced for four hun- r873, for 120 c~lildren; average attendance, 84; MISS
dred yards. Rivenhall Place is a rectangular mansion F. Seuunary, mIstress
stanning on rising ground in a park of lOO acres, con- Carriers to:-
tain'.ng ornamental water about 500 yards in length: Chelmsford-Charles &; Edward Moore, on mono tues.
over this is a stone bridge of three arches by which the thurs. fri. &; sat
mansion is approached from the south; it is the property London-Pudney's wagon passes through Rivenhall End
of the Western family and is now (r902) unoccupied. from Coggeshall, to the 'India Arms,' Leadenhall
The par'.sh comprises five manors; Sir Thomas O. O. street, mono tues. &; fri. returning wed. thurs. &; sunday
Page Mrs. Rivenhall end Butler George, boot maker Smith Joseph, farmer, Park gates,
Parker Chus. Alfred J.P.Durwards hall
Outbs Phoebe (Mrs.), grocer Whiteheads & Place farm
Polley John, Springholds Doughton Henry, blacksmith Speakman 'William, farmer
Taber James jun. ROD hall Hammond Oharles, baker Succamore Eli, farm bailiff to 'Walter
Taber WaIter, Rivenball End Hook James, Prince of Wales P.H Taber esq. Ricks·tone farm
Willmott Rev. Herbert Henry (rector),
King Alice (Miss), dress maker,Riven- Taber James, jun. farmer, Roo hall
Rectory hall End Taber'Valter, farmer, Rivenhall End
COMMEUCIAL. King Josiah,wheelwright,Rivenhll.End Tunbridge Fredk. fapner, Bowers hall
Beckwith Joseph Brand, Weste:rn Polley John, farmer, Springholds Upson Robert, farmer, Boars sty
Arms P.H. &; blacksmith Shelley Uriah James, shopkeeper & Wager Sarah (Mrs.), Fox P.R
Bott Ernest, farmer, Hall farm beer retailer Workmen's Hall (W. Aldons, caretkr)
Brice Robert Alfred, ho'rse breeder South John, farmer, Egypt farm
ROCHFORD is an ancient and union town on the are memorial windows to Miss Armitage, Mrs. Grab-
amall river Roche, a confluent of tbe Crouch, with a ham and Mrs. George 'Vood: the church affords
station on the Great Eastern railway extension from 430 sittings. The register dates from the year
Shenfield to Southend, and is 40 miles from London, 12 r678. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £360,
louth from Maldon, 191 south-east from Chelmsford, 6 I with house and glebe {)f 65 acres, in the gift of the rector,
east from Rayleigh, and 4 north from Southend, in the and held since 1862 by the Rev. Benjamin Ootton M.A. of
South Eastern division ofthe county, petty sessional divi- Trinity College, Cambridge. The Congregational chapel,
sion and hundred of its name, Southend county court 'I in Korth street, was erected in 1740: in 1890 it was re-
district, and in the rural deanery of Rochford, arch- seated at a cost of £80 and has now 400 sittings; the
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The town 'Vesleyan chapel was built in r88r and will seat 250. A

consists of four paved streets of irregular houses, and is market is held on Thursdays for the sale of corn, sheep,
approached from the west through an avenue of upwards I cattle, pigs and horses, and there are fortnightly sales of
of a mile in length, lined with elm and oak trees of stock by Mr. Thomas William Offin. There is a police
singular beauty, planted by Sir James Tilney: it is station and two banks. A Corn Exchange was built ill
lighted with gas and supplied with water from springs, 1866, at a cost of £I,OOO, by a limited company. The
and there are two artesian wells of considerable depth. I court house, erected in 1859, at a cost of nearly 1,3,000,
The Roche is crossed by two bridges, and is navig-able I is now used only for Petty Sessions, which are held fort-
for vessels of considerable burthen to Broomhills, within I nig-htly; the County Oourt business has been transferred
a mile of the town. The church of St. Andrew, situated I to Southend. There is a Golf club here. The almshouses
about a quarter of a mile from the town, is a building - were founded by Robert Rich; first Earl of Warwick of
of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, that name, who died in 1618, for six poor people: there are
nave, aisles, vestry, south porch and a lofty embattled other charities, producing £50 yearly, for widows. In this
western tower of brick, containing 3 bells; the upper district was formerly held the "Lawless 01' Whispering
portion of this tower was built by llobert Lord Rich, Oourt," a tribunal established in pursnance of a singular
but it bears the arms of Boteler or Butler, and was manorial tenure: the court was held in the open air on
probably erected by the Butler family, Marquesses of King's Hill, adjoining the town, on the midnight of the
Ormonde: there is a brass to Maria Dilcol" ob. I514: the first Wednesday after Old Michaelmas day or between
church was restored and reseated in 1862, and three that time and cock-crowing; the steward opened the
stained windows inserted in the chancel ~ in I8B7 court in as low t\ voice as possible, nevertheless all absen-
the east window was filled with stained glass: there tees were to be heavily fined and submit to other forfeits:

the whole business was transacted in whispers, minutes wood, Foulness, Great Stambridge, Great 'Wakering,
being made with a piece of charcoal in place of pen flnd Hadleigh, Havengore, Hawkwell, Hockley, Leigh, Little
ink. Rochford Hall is part only of the old mansion, for- Stambridg'e, Little Wakening, North Sboebury, l'agle-
merly the abode and birthplace of Queen Anne Boleyn sham, Prittlewell, Rawreth, Rayleigh, Rochford. Shop.
and of Robert 3rd baron Rich, created (6 Aug. 1618) land, South Benfleet, Southchurch, South Fambridge,
Earl of Warwick; it is the property of .Tames Tabor esq. South Shoebury, Sutton & Thundersley. The popula.
and is occupied by 3 farm bailiff. l~ochford Lawn is the tion of the union in 1901 was 51,170; area, 6-f,427
residence of .lames Tabor esq. J.P. James 'fabor esq. acres; rateable value in 1902, £322,139,
who is lord of the manor, flnd Mr. William Tflvlor

Meeson Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Samuel Sidney
are the principal landowners. '1'he neighboll ring country llllkEJr, Hockley S.O
is a rich tract of land and ,veIl adapted for cow, which Clerk to Guardians & .Assessment Committee, Frederic
is mostly shipped for the London market. The area is Gregson M.A. Alexandra street, Southend
1,863 acres; rateable value, £6,~76; the population in Treasurer, VV. M. Tufnell, Chelmsford
1891 was 1,612, wbich included 173 oflicers flnd inmates Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardialls, 1St
. of the workhouse, and in 1901 was 1,826. district, Henry Wing, 49 Ashburnham road, Southend;
Parish Clerk and Sexton, WiIliam Jumes Cal·lick. 2nd district, H. P. Topsfield, Rayleigh
Vaccination Officers, H. P. Topsfield, Rayleigh; Henry
POST, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel Wing, 49 Ashburnham road, Southend & Arthur BurIes,
Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office (Sub-Office. Sonthend .
Letters should have S.O. Essex added. )-Frederick Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Hadleigh district,.
WaIter Francis, postmaster. Letters arrive from Cosmo Grant M.B., C.M. Thundersley; Leigh dis-
Chelmsford by mail cart at 4.30 a.m.; dispatched trict, William Douglas Watson L.R.C.P.Land. Leigh-
to Southend, Little Wakering, Southchurch & SIwe- on-Sea; Prittlewell district, Frank Silva .I ones M.D.
,buryness at 4.35 a.m.; dispatched to Paglesham, Southend; Rayleigh district, Francis Dorrell Gray-
Canewdon, Sutton, Shopland.Stambridge (Great & son, Rayleigh; Rochford district, Lewis Leon James
Little), Eastwood, Ashingdon & S. Fambridge at 6 M.D. Roche hous,e, South street, Rochford; Shoebury
:a.m.; sundays, arrive at 4.30 a.m.; delivery 7.15 a.Ill. district, Ernest Waiter, Shoeburyness; Wake ring dis-
First delivery of letters at 7 a.m.; second delivery trict, Matthew Hy. Raper M.D. Great Wakering
at 10 a.m.; third delivery 6 p.m.; first dispatch for Superintendent Registrar, Williiun Gregson, Alexandra st.
London, box closes at 8.15 a.m.; general dispatch to Southend; deputy, A. G. Milner, Southend
London & all parts, box closes at 8.15 a.m., 1.30, 5.30 Registrars of Marriages, Willi-am Carter Wood, Rochford;
.& 7.35 p.m. & 8 p.m. for Southend only. Money order deputy, Arthur Lewis Harrington, 40 A'lexandra street,
& savings bank open from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. Wall Letter Southend; Georg-e Bigsby, 26 Park terrace, Southend;
Box, North street, cleared at 7·45 a.m. 12 lloon & 7 deputy, Arthur Buries, Southend
p.m.; sundays at 7.45 a.m. Wall Leter nox, Stroud Registrars of Births & Deaths, Prittlewell !Sub-district,
Green, cleared at 7.30 & IQ.40 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; SUll- George Bigsby, 26 Park terrace, Southend; deputy, A.
days at 7.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m BurIes, Southend; Rochford sub-district, H. P. Tops-
field, Rayleigh; deputy, Mrs. 'l'opsfield, Rayleigh;
'COU~TY MAGISTRATES FOH nOCHFOHD PETTY Wakering- sub-district, Matthew Hy. Raper M.D. Great
SESSIONAL DIVISION. Wakering; deputy, S. W. Coupe, South Shoebury
The Workhouse, a structure of brick, was erected in 1837
Wedd Edward Arthur esq. Whitehall, Great Wakering, for 294 inmates, at a cost of £5,000; Arthur Resford,
Southend, chairman
master; Rev. Andrew N. W. Bredin B.A. chaplain;
Brightwell John Rumbelow esq. 15 Royal tel'. Southend Robert Young M.B. medical officer; Mrs. Hesford,
Dowsett Thomas esq. Rayne villa, Victoria aven. Southend matron
Harvey-Moore Alfred esq. Leigh S.O
Hankin Hugh esq. South street, Rochfol'd S.O School Attendance Committee.
Tabor .lames esq. The Lawn, Rochford S.O Meets every 4th tuesday at the Workhouse at 10.45 a.m.
Wise WilIiam Lloyd esq. F.R.G.S., D.L. 57 Alexandra Clerk, Frederic Gregson M.A. Alexandra street, Southend
road, Southend Attendance Officer, Charles Ernest Judd, Rayleigh
The chairmen of the Rochford Rural and Leigh-on-Sea,
South Shoebury and Southend Urban District Councils PUBLIC ESTABL:DSHMENTS.
are ex-officio magistrates Corn Exchange Co. W. Carter Wood, sec. & manager
Clerk to the Magistrates, Alfred Joseph Arthy, Weston Fever Hospital, Sutton Ford Bridge
chambers, Alexandra street, Southend Smallpox Hospital, Ashington road, Robert Young M.B.,
C.M.Aberd. medical officer
Petty Sessions are held at the Court house on alternate Police Station, Inspector WilIiam Cowell, &; I constable
thursdays at 12 noon. Stamp Office, Frederick WaIter Francis, sub-distributor
The following places are included in the division :-Ash- Masonic Lodge (No. 160, True Friendship), Old Ship inn,
ingdon, Barling, :Benfleet (South), Canewdon, Canvey tuesday on or before full moon, January to Juue &;
Stambridge, Eastwood, Foulness, Hadleigh, Hawkwell, September to December, 7 p.m.; John AyIing, sec
Hockley, Leigh, Great Stambridge, Little Stambridge,
Paglesham, Rawreth, Ravleigh, Rochford, Shoebury PUBLIC OFFICERS.
(North & South), Shopland, Southend, Sutton, Tbun- Certifying Factory Surgeon, Lewis Leon Jame& M.D.Edin.
dersley, Great Wakering, Little Wakering &, Wallasea Roche house, South street
Island Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes & to the County
Magistrates for Rochford Petty Sessional Division.
Meets on alteTllute tuesdays at the Workhouse after Roch- Collector of Rates, William Carter Wood
ford Guardians' Meeting. Sub-distributor of Stamps, Frederick WaIter Francis
Town Crier, WilIiam Howe
Chairman, Samuel Sidney Baker, Hockley S.O
Clerk, Frederic Gregson M.A. Alexandra street, Southend A School Board of 5 members was formed 29 Jan. 1873,
Treasurer, William Michael TufnelI, Chelmsford with Eastwood made contributory 24 Feb. 1871, elect-
Medical Officer of Health, Robt. Young M.B., C.M.Aberd. ing 2 members; William Gregson, Alexandra street,
South street, Rochford Southend, clerk to the board; A. Cook, The Rollies,
Surveyor, Henry Thomas Sidwell, South street, Rochford 'West street, attendance officer
Sanitary Inspector, Charles Ernest Judd, Rayleigh Board School, built in 1877, at a cost of about £4,000
& enlarged in r896 at a cost of £1,300, for 430 children;
HOCHFORD UNIO:N. average attendance, 140 boys, lIO girls & 100 infants;
Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at the Workhouse, 11 a.m I 1'l1011111s Histed, master; (girls), Miss Allen, mistress;
Rochford Union comprises the following places, viz:-: Miss Van Limchooten, infants' mistress
.Ashingdon, Barling, Canewdon, Canvey Island, East- I Railway Station, John H. Glasscock, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Jackson Edward, The Lavendersl Richardson Henry Ferdinand, Locks
Cotton Rev. Benjamin M.A. Rectory James Lewis Leon M.D. Roche house, hall, South street
Forge George Baynton, Roche house South street Simmons Mrs. Vine cottage
Francis Frederick ,"'alter Nixon Re". William, South street Tabor James J.P. The Lawn
Hadley Rev. Adolphus Albert William Playle Sidney, Sonth street Wallis Arthur, Svdenham

ho.South st
(curate) Potter Thomas John, North street \Yhittingham John, \Vesteria house,
Herbert Rev. Charles :Benjamin (Con- Rankin Hugh .T.P. South street Church >:treet
Whittingham Waiter, Westeria house, Francis Frederick WaIter, postmaster South street; &; at 128 High ·street,
Church street &; printer, West street &; sub-distri- Southend
"Vood .Miss, South ·s treet butor of stamps, Post office Palmer William, butcher. South st
Young Robert M.B. South street Frost Daniel, confectIOner Peck Cha.rles &; Frank, farmers,
Gas Works (William Cowling, mana- Gusted hall
;;OMMERCIAL. ger; George Wood, sec) Playle George, bak er. S outh street
Alien John &; '''alter, builders & un- Glasscock John H. station master Potter John Starnes, grocer, North st
dertakers, East street Golding Geo. Farley, bldr. South st Quy William &; Henry, ironmongers,
.A.rthy Alfred Joseph, solicitor, &; Golf Club (William Walker l\LA. 2 South street
clerk to commissioners of taxes & 'Warrior square, Southend, sec) Rutterford Jail. butcher, The Square
to the magistrates for Rochford Goodman Frederick George, saddler &; Richmond WaIter Joseph, master
petty sessional division harness maker, The Square mariner, North street
Bacon John, blacksmith, North street Hockley Wm. Wait. tailor, The Square Rowe &; Bishop, plumbers, glaziers &;
Hailey Adrian Reginald &; Mrs. Minnie Hornsby Mary Ann (Mrs.), cab propr decorators, The Square
Gertrude Paton, The Old Ship hotel, Howe Wm. bill post!:!r &; town crier Sach Philip, farm bailiff to William
North street James Florence (Miss), deputy regis- Bendall esq
Baker William, hay &; straw dealer, trar of births &; deaths Searles Frederick, beer ret. North s·t
New Ship inn, East street James Lewis Leon l\LD., L.R.C.P.& S. Shelley E. &; Son, grocers, The Square
flarnes WaIter, draper, South street Edin. surgeon &; medical officer &; Sidwell Henry Thomas, engineer &;
Barday &; Co. Limited, bankers (sub- public vaccinator for Rochford dis- surveyor to the Rochford Rural Dis-
branch) (.A.filfre<i Keeley Kevan, trict &; registrar of births &; deaths trict Council, South street
agent); open moll'. wed. &; fri. 12 to for Rochford sub-district &; certify- Sims James, grocer, Church street
4, tues. I I to 4, thurs. 11 to 4.30, ing factory surgn. Roche ho.South st Slornan Thomas, brick & tile maker
sat. II to I, The Square; draw on Jarvis Frederick, baker, Church street Small Pox Hospital (Robert Young'
head office, 54 Lombard .street, Lon- Johnson Hephzibah (Miss), dress ma M.B., C.M. medical officer), Ash-
don E 0 Kemp Nathan, builder, South street ingdon road
Baynes George, shoe maker, Church st Kevan Alfred Keeley, agent of Bar- Smith Davirt, milkman &; shopkeeper,
Bentall Alfred, plumber &; house de- clay &; Co.'s Lim. (branch banl,), East street
corator, North street The Square Smith Geo. King's Head inn, The Sq
Bishop Lucy (Mrs.), dress maker, Land Company (Frederic Ramuz, Smith WaIter, collector of taxes
Church street manager), Rochford Town estate; Smoothy William George, engineer
Bishop William, draper &; furnishing &, at 67 & 68 Cheap side, London E C Sc·rrell WiIliam, tinman, Church street
warehouse Ling David, cabinet maker SI'arrow, Tufnell &; Co. bankers; now
fllakeley Henry, farmer, Stroud greeu London &; County Banking Co. Limited amalgamated with Barclay&, Co.Lim
Bloomfie:d Henry, carter, North st (sub-branCh) (Edward Bridgman, Sparrow Henry Frost, veterinary sur-
Boatman John, cowkeeper, South st manager); thursdays only, 2 to 4.30 geon, East street
Bowell Wm. boot & shoe ma.North st p.m. Square; draw on head office, Staggs Thomas Lewin, baker,North st
Brassett David, beer retailer, North st 21 Lombard street, London E C Tasker George, wheelwright, Soutll st
Carter Henry, watch ma. The Square Luker Henry & Co. Lim. wine & spirit Thorrington retlr.Stroud gm
Chase GeOl'O"e, late inspector of police merchants & brewers, Church st Topsfield Arthur, smith, Church st
Cook A. sch~ol attendance officer, The McBryer Thomas, saddler, Church st Tunbridge John, coffee rooms, West st
Hol:ies, Church street Mann Henry &; Co. grocers, &; agents Wade Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner,
Cook Frederick, tobaccnst. Church 1St for 'V. &; A. Gilbey Limited, wine Church street
Oorn Exchange Co. (W. Carter Wood, &; spirit merchants, Church street Wallis Arthur, boot maker, South st
sec. & manager) Marshall Geo. market gardnr.North st Wallis John, boot maker, Old Ship la
Oottis, Behag & Co. carmen Mason Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer Wallis &; Son, boot makers, Norbh st
CowellWilliam, in;spector of police Masonic Lodge (No. 160 True Friend- 1Valshaw Thomas, Rose & Crown P.H..
Cripps Richd. Fras. carman, East st ship) (John.A.yling,sec.),Old Ship inn North street

Crowe Frederick,beer retailer,North st May Robert, greengrocer, Struud grn Whitby Wm. coffee rooms, South st
Davis George, shopkeeper, Church st Meeson William Taylor, farmer &; coal Whittin.gham John &; Waiter, a.gricul-
Davies George & Ellen (Mrs.), bakers, merchant, Great Doggetts tural engineers; & at Southend
The Square Mills Wm. insurance agt. Ship lane WiUans George Henry, grocer
Dennis James, farm bailiff to Thomas Mison James, farmer, Stroud green Winterbon Geo.ljnen draper,Church st
"Villiam Offin esq. West Barrow Morley Wm. apartments, The Square Wiseman John, oyster merchant, Glen-
HaIl farm :Moss Francis Joseph, hair dresser,The more house, East street
Downs Rose (Mrs.), confectioner . Square Wood William, carpenter, East street
Essex Provident Society (David Ling, Moy Thos. Lim. coal mers.Station yd Wood William Oarter, accountant &
collector) Norden Samuel, builder, contractor &; r~gistrar of marriages &; collector of
Fever Hospital (Robert Young M.B., undertaker, South street rates
C.M. medical officer), Sutton Ford Offln Thomas Wllllam'3.uctioneer, Woods Geo. Marlborough Head P.H
Bridge land agent &; land surveyor, valuer, Wright William Robinson, chemist,
Fordham Charles, butcher, Church st insurance agent &; certified bailiff; Church street
Forge George Bayuton M.R.C.S.Eng., &; at 128 High street, Southend Young Robert M.B., C.M. physician
L.R.C.P.Lond. physician -& surgeon Offin Thomas William, jun.auctioneer, & 8urgeon &; medical officer of health
Fox &; Son, wire workers, South street valuer, land agent, &; land snrveyor, to Rural District Council &, to the
Fuller Samuel, baker, North street insurance agent &; certified bailiff, Workhouse, South street
BOMFORD is an ancient market town and head of a Edward the Confessor, whose original grant has since re-
petty sessional division, union and county court district. ..:eived many additions and confirmations: it was inde-
in the Southern division of the county, seated on the pendent of the county, appointed its own magistrates, had
little river Rom, whence it derives its name, on the a clerk of the peace, coroner, quarter and petty sessions.
high road from London to Colchester, with a station courts of record and ancient demesne and a county court:
on the Great Eastern railway and another on a branch all business relative to the liberty was transacted in the
of the London, Tilbury and Southend railway from town of Romford, which has in consequence been ap-
Hornchurch, 12 miles from Whitechapel, 17 south-west pointed the head of a petty sessional division. The
from Chelmsford, 7 north-east from Barking and 6 Manorial Court, however, is still in existence, and meets
SIluth-west from Brentwood: the principal street, in annually on the Tuesday in Whitsun week for the elec-
which the cattle market is held, is a wide thoroughfare, tion of officers, viz.: High Steward and Deputy High
of considerable length, running from west to east. The Steward, also for the payment of quit rents.
town was governed by a Local Board of Health, formed in The ancient civil parish of Romford was in 1895, under
1894, but is now under the provisions of the "Local the operation of the" Local Government Act, 1894" (56
Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), controlled and 57 Vict. c. 73), divided into three civil parishes, viz. :
'@y an Urban District Council, and is lighted with -Romford Urban, Romford Rural and Noak Hill. The
gas from works in Nursery road established In Urban parish comprised the same area as the Urban dis-
1825, but since bought by a company, and enlarged III trict and the Rural, the remainder of the old parish except
1889. Water is supplied by the South Essex Water Noak Hill, which will be found under a separate heading.
Oompany, who derive their supply from Grays. Rom- On the amalgamation of Romford Urban and Rurnl
ford was the capital of the liberty of Havering-atte- parishes, on April 24th, 1900, the district was divided
Bower until the abolition of the liberty 9 May. 1892; this I into wards for parochial purposes, the old town of Homford
liberty comprised the parishes of Hornchurch, Romford heing divided into the wards of North, Central, and
-and Havering, and had an ancient, peculiar and separate South, and the Rural portion into Collier Row and Harold
jurisdiction, granted by various charters from the time of Wood wards. The church of St. Edward the Confessor,

erected in 1850 on the site of the old parish corn, one of the largest round London, is held every
church, is a building of Kentish rag with Bath stone dress- Wednesday. Here'is the extensive brewing establishment
ings in the Latter Decorated style, and consists of chan- of Messrs. Ind, Coope and Co. Limited; there are three
cel, nave with clerestory, aisles with chapels and an em- branch banks, a Worl,ing Men's Club and a Young Men's
battled tower on the south side with a spire 162 feet in Institute. Here are the head quarters of the No. 8
height and containing a clock and 8 bells, dated respec- Company of the rst Essex R'oyal Ga.rrison .Artillery (Volun-
tively 1850, 1756, 1704, 1651 and three others 1636, teers), and of the A and B companies of the rst Volunteer
one being undated: the east window was given by C{}!. Battalion of the }~ssex Regiment. A drinking fountain
Graves in memory of his wife: there is also a stained was erected in the Market pLace in .Tune, 1885, as a
window in the south aisle to the memory of Edward Ind testimony of esteem to the late C. 1. Macarthy from his
esq. J.P. d. 1848: in the south aisle of the church is fellow townsmen. The Victoria Cottage Hospital, erected
R stately monument, with alabaster effigies of himself in 1888, was enlarged in 1894, and now contains 12
and his lady in kneeling attitndes, to Sir Anthony Cooke, beds and 2 cots. Charities: Roger Reede. of Havering,
preceptor to King Edward VI. who died June IT, 1576: by will dated 14th February, 1482, left his "new built
the Latin inscription on this monument, enumerating place in Jay's Mead, otherwise called HOD Croft," for five
the various members of his family, is supposed to have poor men: these were rebuilt in r784 and there are now
been furnished by his daughters, who were among the six almshouses for men and" two for widows: one alms-
learned females of that age: against the south wall of man, who keeps the accounts and preserves order, is
the chancel formerlv• stood the fine monument, now in the called "the ruler," and receives £35 yearly. tlJe othel'
porch, of Sir Nicholas Hervey of Marks; he had previously . men £26, the widows £20; all being supplied with
been sheriff of Essex, 38 Eliz. (r595-6), {Ind was at the clothes, coals and medical aid: clothes are distributed
time of his death, loth August, 16°5, lieutenant of the from the surplus to the poor of Romford, Ifornchurch
Tower of London, where he died, but was buried here on Rnd Dagenham. Robert Ballard, in 1660, devised two
the south side of the chsnceI, with heraldic honours: there houses in Romford to the churchwardens, for the repair
is a long inscriptio'n in gilt letters on a slab o·f black of the highways. William .Armstead, of Hornchurch,
marble, to himse,lf, his wife and various members of his gave to the poor of Romford £2, arising from a farm at
family: previously placed on the south wall of the chancel, Hay Green, and distributed in bread and money; and
immediately west of the Hervey monument, but now in Andrew Reynolds, by will dated October 7th, 1626, £3,
the porch, is the stately tomb, with her recumbent effigy, also as a rent-charge. Lewis Betts, by will dated 18th
of .Anne Ca-rew, raised by her famous son, George, first December, 1669, left 20S. to repair eo causeway leading to
and only Baron Garew and eventually Earl of Totnes; she the church, £4 for apprenticing and £2 to eight of the
was the daughter of Sir NichoJas Hervey knt. and sister of necessitoDS poor on New Year's Day. Hannah Richard-
Sir George Hervey knt. dean of Windsor; he died 15th son left in 18Ir, £100 Navy Five per Cent. Annuities,
of June, rs83, Rnd his wife. 27th Angnst. r605, ret. 76: upon trust to distribute the interest to the necessitous poor
the church will seat 830 per~ons. ·The regi!;ter dates at Christmas; this sum produces about £3 3S. yearly.
from the year r56r and is in .el'Y good condition. The One Webster by his will gave his housing and appurten-
living is nominally a vicarage, but is rather in the nature ances called "the Tile Kilns," in Harold Wood ward,
of a chaplaincy exempt from ecclesiastical jurisdiction, upon trust to pay one moiety of the rents to the church-
net yearly value £7°5, with I~ acres of glebe and resi- wardens of Romford and Hornchurch respectively. Lady
d~nce, in the gift of New College, Oxford, who grant the Burleigh's charity, originally £120, is nOW only £100
vicar what is termed" a lease," and held since r888 by and is lent to various poor tradesmen, free of interest,
the Rev. Francis Edwin .AlIen M.A. of Exeter College, in sums of £20 each; Palmer's charity amounts to £7
Oxford, and surrogate. St. Andrew's is an ecclesiastical annually, derived from land in the London road, and is
parish formed June 12, 1856, from. the mother parish; distributed in cash to the poor of the parish at Christ-
the chnrch, erected in IB62, is a plain building of stone, mas; the proceeds of £100, bequeathed by the will of
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, Thomas Bourne, and now invested in Government stocks,
south aisle, south porch and a western belfry, with spire, is also distributed to the poor at Chris~mas in cash.
containing one bell: there are three stained windows Frands Quarles, the celebrated author of the "Book of
in tIle chancel: the church affords 600 sittings. The Emblems," was born in May, 1592, in the old manor-
register dates from the year 1863. The living was de- house, caned "Stewards," that manor having been the
clared [\ rectory May 4, 1'866, net yearly value £180, in property of the Quarles family since 1588; he was edu-
the l4ift of New College, Oxford, and held since 1891 by cated at Christ's College, Cambridge, and became cup-
the Rev. IIerbert Hippisley Stephens M.A. of that college. bearer to the Queen of Bohemia and about 1621 was ap-
The population in 190r was 7,2'84. St. Alhans Mission pointed secretary to Archbishop Usher, whom he accom-
church was built at a cost of £r,300, and opened in panied to Ireland: his resolute adherence to. the royal
October, 1890. The Catholic cha,pel, in Laurie square, cause during the civil war occasioned him much .loss,
dedicated to St. Edward the Confessor, was erected in both of property, books and MSS. and is thought to have
r853, by the 14th Lord Petre, and has a stained east hastened his death, which took place 8th September,
window, inserted in October, 1885, as a memorial to the r644' Marshalls, on the north of the town, is the property
late Mr. C. 1. Macarthy: the church will seat 300 persons. of Mrs. MacIntosh and is occupied by Mrs. C. P.
The Congreg-ational church in South street, opened on Matthews. Priests, on the Havering road, the property of
July 19th, 1877, is a structure of Kentish rag stone, in the Mrs. 'Mashit~r, is in th13 occupation of M,rs. Haynes. Golf
Gothic style, with a tower and spire 66 feet in height and links of 18 holes have been formed at Gidea Hall. Th/!
was built at a cost, including site, of about £5,000: area of Romford parish and Urban District is 5,629 acres;
there are 470 sittings: the building was considerably rateable value, £71,741; the population in 1901 was
damaged by fire on Easter Sunday, 1883, and re-opened 13,656. The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in
in November of the same year; new Sunday schools to 1891 was :-St. Edward the Confessor (parish church),
'hold 350 children have been built, at a cost of £1,400, 6,372; St. .Andrew, 7,284. .
a't the rear of the church. The Baptist chapel, erected Parish 'Clerk (for Romford), Fras. Elkington, South st
in 1847, has 400 sittings. The Wesleyan chapel, erected
. in r889, will seat 600 persons; the Primitive Methodist ROMFORD RURAL Parish was formed in 1895 in pur-
chapel, built in 1875, hail 300 sitting's; the Evangelical suance of the "Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and
Free Church, built in 1902, in the Brentwood road, ha~ 57 Vict. c. 73), but was amalgamated with Romford Urban
350 sittings; Brazier's yard Mission is in High street; the parish in 1900.
Salvation .Army holds its meetings in the old Wesleyan
chapel in High street. The old Cemetery is on the High CDLLTER ROW (Hainault Forest) is a village 2
road, to the east of the town. The Corn Exchange, in the miles north-west. The chapel of the Ascension is an
High st. is private property, but is let for public meetings edifice of red brick, erected at a cost of £2,000, de-
and concerts; the large hall will hold 400 persons. The frayed by subscriptions, and consists of a chancel, nave,
Lecture hall of the COTI!!l'ellational school is let for similar south porch and a central bell-cot containing one bell:
purposes. TIle Public Baths, in the Mnwney's road, and there are sittings for 350 persons: the Rev. Joseph Hard-
opened in 1900, were erected by the Urban District Coun- wick Pemberton has been curate in charge sinee ]882.
cil at a cost of £9,000, and are available for public enter. Here is also a news 'Und reading room, originally bunt
tainments from No.ember to Marcll. The Police Station at othe sole cost of E. Conder esq. but now snpported by,
in South street was erected in 1893. There are two and under the management of, the members.
Volunteer fire brigades: the Brewery brigade, !"nperin-
tendent J. Pacl,er, and the Town brigade, formed in 1890, HARE STREET is a village I mile north-east on the
captain S. Davis. The Coach and Bell, an ancient house highway to Brentwood.
in High street, has been a licensed house since the year HEATH PARK is a hamlet about I mile east.
1600. TIle Market place and tolls were pnrchased in •
1892 by the Urban District C011ncil, previous to which RO:M:FORD COMMON is a hamlet of scattered houses
they belonged to the manor. .A market for cattle and commencing about 2 miles north-east.
Pillar Letter Box cleared 8 &; II.I5 a.m. &; 6,45 &; 8 p.m. ; SQUIRiR,ELS HEATH is a village 1 mile east. The
sunday, 8 a.m chapel of .All Saints is a wooden building on a bri.k
fuundat,ion, erected on land given by Mr. Alfred Savile
RUSH GREEN is a hamlet I mile south-west. A at n ~ost of £'S04. defrayed by subscriptions: it con-
Cemetery, about I mile from the town, was opened in ~ist~ of chancel, nave and /'i bell cot containing one bell,
October, 1871: it comprises s! acres with an additional anu was dedicated. Aug. grd. IB84, by the Lord Bishop-
3! acrell reserved, but at present used for agricultural uf Colchester: a vestry and parish room were added
purposes: there are two mortuary chapels and a porter's in 1892: the church will seat 240 persons. The South
lodge; it is under the control of the Romford Urban Essex 'Yaterworks Co. have 8 reservoir here and there
District Council, who also keep the old cemetery in is a factory belongiQ~ to the Great Eastern Railway'

replllr. Co. in which about 80 persons are employed in the making
Wall Letter Box, cleared H.30 a.m. &; 7.30 p.m.; sun- of sheet,s, horse cloths, sacks &c.: a bUilding was erected
day 9 a.m i.n 1900 for the preparation of forage and horse provender~
and employs about 30 persons.
Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, South street. Office, Market place•
. ---Robert John Talbot, postmaster. Arrivals :-From Meetings, first &; third monday in every month.
London, 1.20, 5-45, 7.30 &; 8.30 a.m. >&; 2.20, 6.15, 8
&; 9. IS p.m. Dispatches :-To London, 2.30 &; 9.20 a.m. . Members.
&; 12.10, 3.30, 4.25, 5 &; 8.45 p.m. Letter Box closes Chairman, James Everett Dowsing.
at 2.30, 9.25, 11.20 &; 11.55 a.m. & 2.25, 3.20, 4.15, Vice-Chairman, William POLlle.
4.50 &; 8.30 p.m. Letters delivered in Romford at 7 North Ward.
&; 9 a.m. &; 2.30, 6.40 &; 8.30 p.m. '1'elegraph office open Retire April !l.etire April
from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m James Everett Dowsing 1903 l John Richard Holliday 1904
Town Sub-Post, M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Edward Fletcher 1903 I John Bassett 1905
Office, Brentwootl. road.-Herbert W. Dook, sub-post- Central ·Ward.
master. Letters dispat-ehed aL 8, 9.30 -& 11.15 a.. m. &; Retire April Retire .A.pril
1.30, 3. 6 &; 7.30 p.m. :& 12.30 midldght; sunday, 8 p.m Denny Stone 19031 John Jakman Danby 1904
Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Joseph Smith 1903 John James Craig 1905
Ofllce, I"ondon road (High street).-James E. Short, South Ward.
sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.30, ID. IS i& Retire April Retire April
JI n.m. &; 1.15, 3.30, 5·45, 8 &; 10.45 p.m.; sunday, James Blackstock 1903 ! William Hunnable 1904
7.45 p.m William Muskett 1904 I George Roughton 1905
'town Sub-Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. 1& Annuity & Insurance
Office, Market place.-Miss Rebecca Tidmarsh, sub- Collier Row Ward.
Retire April Retire April
postmistress. Letters dispatched at 8.30, IO·30 & II-45 Robert Elms 1903 I William Poel 1905
a.m. &; 4. 6. IS, 8 & 12 p.m.; sunday, 8. IS p.m
Sub-Post, :M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office, Harold Wood Ward.
Shaftesbury road.-LeOllard Vale, sub-postmaster. Retire April Retire .A.priI
William Poole 1903 I Daniel White 1905
Letters dispatched at 7.30, 9.45 & 11.15 a.m. &; I.30,
3.3°, 5'45 & 7·45 p.m. &; 12 midnight; sun. 7.45 p.m Officers.
Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity'&; Insurance Clerk, Charles Thomas, South street
Office, Victoria road.-Miss Matilda Stevenson, sub- Treasurer, Andrew Hyslop, London & County Bank
postmistress. Letters dispatched at 8. IS, ID & 11.30 Medical Officer of Health, Alfred Wright M.R.C.S.Eng.
a.m., 1.30. 3.30, 4.30, 6 & 8 p.m. &, 12.30 midnight; The Lodge, South street
sundays, ,8. IS p.m Sanitarry Inspector & Surveyor, Jonas Turvey, Market pI
Sub-Post Office, Squirrels Heath.-Thomas Maple, sub- Collector, George Hobday, Market place
postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.45& 10.30 a.m. ROMFORD RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.
&; 4 &; 8 p.m.; sundays, 9.30 p.m. Postal orders are
issued here. but not paid. Shaftesbury road is the Meets at the Workhouse fortnightly on tuesdays, at 2 p.m.
nearest money order & Hare street, I mile distant, the Chairman, W. J. Gay, Ea,stbrook End,Dagenham,Romford
nearest telegraph oflice Clerk, William Smith, North street, Romford
Post Office, Collier Row. Frederick Plummer, sub-post- Treasurer, Andrew Hyslop,London &; County Banli:,Romfrd
master. Letters from Romford delivered at 7.15 a.m. Medical Officer of Health, Alfred Wright M.R.C.S.Eng.
&; 3.15 &; 7·30 p.m.; dispatched at 8.20 a.m. & 3 &; 7.20 The Lodge, South street, Romford
p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The Surveyor, Edwaru G. Boden, Victoria road, Romford
n(mrest money order &; telegraph office is at Romford, Highway Surveyor, George Lapwood, Victoria road
3 miles distant . Sanitary Inspectors, George Stuart Hamilton, 174 Vic-
Post & '1'. O. & Express Delivery Office, Hare Street.- toria road, Romford &, Arthur Cornell, High road
Thomas Sparrow, sub-postmaster. Letters are de-
livered from Romford at 6-45 & IQ a.m. & 7.15 B,OMFORD UNION.
p.m.; dispatched at 8.15, IO.25 ,&; 11.30 a.m. & 3.30 Board day, tues. weekly at the workhouse at H a.m.
8 p.m.; sundays, 9.50 p.m. Postal orders are issued Romford Union comprises the parishes of Barking,
here, but not paid. 'fhe nearest money order office is Cranham, Dagenham, Havering, Hornchurch, Ilford,
Market place, Romford Koak Hill, Rainham, Romford, Upminster, Great Warley
&; "" ennington. The population of the union in 1901
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR ROMFORD PETTY was 95,458; area, 47,652 acres; rateable value (May~
SESSIONAL DIVISION. 190~). £576,186
Holmes Lieut.-Col. Henry D.L.Grey Towers, Hornchurch, Chairman of the Board of Guardians. W. Temple
Romford, chairman Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Wm.
Joslin Henry esq. D.L. Gaynes park, Upminster, Rom- Smith, North street, Romford
ford, deputy chairman Treasurer, Andrew Hyslop, London Cv County Bank,
Compton H. esq. Eastcott house, Kingston Hill, Surrey Homford
Gardner Thomas esq. Duryfalls, Hornchurch, Homford Collectors to the Guardians, Sidney Thomas Chambers,
Gibb Wm. Edwd. esq. Pyrgo park. Havering, Romford Old Church road, Homford; Henry R. Saunders, Bark-
Hollebone Henry esq. Gidea hall, Romford ing; John Farrow, Ilfard; W. H. Grout. Hornchurch
Hope Geo. Palmer esq. The Grange, Havering, Romford Relieving Officers, No. I district, Henry R. Saunders,
Matthews Chas. William esq. Millfield, Bentley, Romford Barking; No. 2 district, John Farrow. Ilford; No. 3
Prir,e Ralph George esq. 26 Hyde Park gardens, London W district, Sidney Thomas Chambers, Old Church rd.
Raphael Herbert Henry esq. Rose Court, Havering-, Rmfrd Romiord .
Stone Henry Jessop esq. Bedfords, Havering, Romford Vaccination Officers, No. I district. Henry R. Saunders,
Wright Alfred esq. The Lodg-e. South street, Romiord Barking; Ko. 2, John Farrow, Ilford; No. 3, Sidney
The chairmen of the Urban & Rural District Councils al'e Thomas Chambers, Old Chureh road, Romford; No.
ex-officio magistrates 4, vY. H. Grout, Hornchurch
Clerk to the Magistrates, William Smith, North stl'eet ~ledical Officers &; Public Vaccinators: No. I district,Arth.
Petty Sessions held every thursday for hearing indictable I Joseph Ryan L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. I Mawneys road, Rom-
offences at the Court house at 10 a.m. The following I ford; No. 2 district, Alfred Wright M.R.C.S.Eng. The
places are included in the petty sessional division:- Lodge, South street. Romford; NO.3 district, Thomas
Cranham (part of), Havering, Hornchurch, Noak Hill, Renell Atkinson M.D. Cardigan house. Chadwell
Romford & Upminster Heath; No. 4 district, Henry Bowen Perkins L.R.e.p.
Lond. Park house, Longbridge road, llarking; No. 5 VOLUNTEERS.
district, James Sbimeld L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Salisbury. 1St Essex Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) (No. 8
house, Ilford lane, Ilford; No. 6 district, John Phillip company), Dt'ill hall, Victoria road; Oapt. C. K Cas-
Wagstaff L.B.C.P.Lond., M.R.O.S.Eng. Treath, Horn- tellan; Henry Jessett, sergt.-major; Albert Weller,
;church; No. 7 district, Edward Harry James sergt. -instructo r
L.R.C.P.Lond. 234 Barking road E.; No. 8 district, 1st Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment CA &; B Cos.);'
.A.lbert William Boyd-Wallis M.R.C.S.Eng. Brentwood; Armoury &; Drill hall, place; Capt. A. It.
No. 9 district, J.i'rank Edward Gibbens L.RC.P.Lond. Bryant, A &; Capt. & Hon. Major F. H. 'l'hirIwul1 V.D.
Cambridge road, Barking B Company; Sergt. William Baker, drill instructor
Superintendent Registrar, William Smith, North street,
Public Officers.
Assistant Overseer &; Collector of Poor's Rates, Wm.
negistrars of Marriages, William Pink, 24 Longbridge
Baker, Crown chambers, South street
road, Barking; deputy, Sidney J. Pink, 24 Longbridge Certifying Factory Surgeon, Alfred Wright M.R.C.S.Eng.
road, Barking; Arthu1' Corn ell, High road, Romford; South street
deputy, E. W. Cornell, Victoria road, Homford Clerk to the Oommissioners of Taxes for lleacontree &;
Registrars of Bit,ths &; Deaths, Barking Town sub-dis- Havering Division, Clerk of the Peace, to the Com-
trict, William Pink, 2{ Long-bridge road, Barking; missioners of Sewers, Havering, Dagenham &; other'
deputy, Sidney J. Pink, 24 Longbridge road, Barking; Levels and Uainharn & other Levels, Willialll Oomyna
Hornchurch sub-district, }1. A. Stratford, Hornchurch; Clifton, South street
deputy, Thomas Bruty, Hornchurch; Ilford sub-dis- Clark to the P~ty Sessions for the district of the Half
trict, Miss E. Sherman, Ilford; deputy, Pulham I{irk- Hundred of Beacontrae, W. J. Atwater, Broadway,
ham Sherman, Ilford; Romford sub-district, A. H. Stratford
Rarvey, Como street, Romford; deputy, Arthu1' Cor- Coroner for the Romford Division, C. Edgar Lewis,
neIl, High road, Romforrl Brentwood; deputy, William Smith, North street
The Workhouse, situated clnse to the town, was built Collector to St. Andrew Tithe, George Robday, Markt. pI
in 1838 at a. cost of £9,500, &; will hold 371 inmates; Inland Revenue Officer &; Inspector of Corn Returns,
Rev. William Robinson Morris M.A. chaplain; medi- William Charles Bone, 2 Houglas villas, Princes road
cal officer, James Alexander Fraser L.RO.P .Lond.; Inspector of Weights &; Measures, Supt. George ABen,
John Henry Balch, master; Mrs. Fanny Balch, matron Queen's road, Brentwood
The R.omford Union Infirmary was erected in 1893 at a Inspector of Lodging Houses, Hackney Carriages &; Ex-
cost of £25,675, with accommodation for 156 pa,tients; plosives, Supt. William Creasy, Police station, South st
James Alexander Fraser L.R.C.P.Lond. medicaJ. officer PLAOES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
. School Attendance Committee. St. Edward'!l Church, Rev. Francis Edwin AlIen M.A.;
Meets at the Workhouse on the 2nd tues. in each Rev. Herbe:rt Llewellyn Pocock M.A.; Rev. Francis
month, at 3 p.m. George Hussell M.A.; Rev. Harold Godefroy B.A.;
Hev. Francis George Slemeck B.A. curates; 8 &; IX
Clerk, William Smith, North street, Romford
a.m. 3.30 &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m. & fri. I I a.m
3.ttemlance Officers, Sjdney Thomas Chambers, Old
St. Andrew's Church, St. Andrew's road, Rev. Herbert
Church road, Romford &; W. H. Grout, HornchUl'ch
Hippisley Stephens M.A. rector; Rev. Wilfred Henry
Courteen &; Rev. Henry Briggs, curates; 10 a.m. &;
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. 6.30 p.Ol.; thuI's. 8 p.m.; II a.m. 5 p.m. wed. &;
Almshouses, North street fri.; ID a.m. 8 p.m. mono tues. thurs. &; sat
.Baths Public, Mawl1eys St. Albans Mission Church, Princes road; Rev. Wilfred
Henry Oourteen, curate in charge; snn. IO.30 a.m. &;
Cemetery (Old), High road; O. T. King, clerIc, Oouncil 6.30 p.m.; Holy Communion, 2nd sunday in month
8 a.m
.c;l';metery (New), Hush Green; C. '!'. King, clerk, Coun- All Saints', Squirrells Heath
cil chambers
Chapel of Ascension, Collier row, Rev. Joseph Hard wick
Corn Exchange, High street; Kemsleys, managers Pemberton, curate in charge; 8 &; 10 & I I a.m. 3.15
CQunty Court, His HonoI' 1'indal Atkinson, judge; Wm. &; 6.30 p.m.; fridays, 7.30 p.m
Comyns Clifton, registrar; Charles Godft'ey, high St. Thomas's Chapel, Noak hill
bailiff; ofTIce, South street. The county court is St. Edward, Catholic, Laurie square, Rev. Henry James
held in the Court house, neat· the railway station, Tilley, priest; mass, 8.30 &; I I a.m.; evening service,
once a month; the following parishes are within the 3.30 p.m.; daily, 7·30 a.m
jurisdiction of this court :-Abridge, Aldhorough Baptist (Salem). London road, Rev. James McLaren
Hatch, Barldng Creek, Barking Side, Beflcon- Steven; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; mono 8 p.m
tree Heath, Buckhlll'st hill, Ohadwell, Chadwell Heath, Oatholic Apostolic Chu.rch, Manor road; IO a.m. & 6,30
Chigwell, Ohigwell Row, Collier Row, Corbet's 1'ye, p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
eranham, Dagenham, Great TIford, Rare Street, Harold Congregational, South street, Rev. Henry Joseph Cu-
Wood, Havering-atte-Bower, Hornchurch, Lambourne, bitt A. T. S.; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p. m.; wed. 8 p.m
Lambourne End, Little Heath,Noak Hill, Ramhllm, Rain- Primitive Methodist, Victoria road, Rev. George Orick-
ham Creek, Rainham-Ferry, Rippleside, Romford, Rom- may; IT a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. snndays; wed. 7.30 p.m
ford Common, Rush Green, Squirrels Heath, Stapleford Wesleyan, Mawneys road, Rev. Robert Browell; 11
Abbot, Stapleford Tawney, Upminster, Wennington &; a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.15 p.m
Whalebone Gate Brazier's Yard Mission; sundays, 7 p.m
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that Salvation Army, High street
of Chelmsford; C. Mercer, senior official receiver;
Frederick Thomas Halcomb, assistant official receiver, SCHOOLS. .
95 'l'emple chambers, Temple avt'ltue, I,ondon E C Technical Instl'uction Committee for the parish of Hem-
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress ford, "Villiam PooIe, chaiTIIlan; Robert Elms, Daniel
Amendment Act," Herbert Braund, Cranorook Toad, "Vhite, GE'orge Houghton, Denny Stone, William Adams,
Ilford; William Morland, Morbnd rO:ld, Ilford; Henry Ernest "Vinmill, Arthur Porter C.O. (ex-officio); sec.
J. Evans, 6~ Tanner street. Barking; Charles Fuller, John COl'bin, South street
Queen's road, BnckhuI'st Hill; Samuel Hitch, Horn- A School Board of 9 members was formed 5th Feb.
.church road, RomfoI'd; George Hobday, Market place; 1872; William Smith, North street, clerk to the
Hubert Howe, 145 Grange road, Ilford; B. D. Parrish, board; B. Keeble, Vine street, attendance officer
~ew road, Seven Kings; Frederick Gripper, 5 Reeds Albert Road Board School, opened 16 June, 1884, at a
place. High roa(l, IHord; Edward S. Binge, Railway cost of over £4,000, for 324 boys &; girls &; ISO
station, Ilford infants; average attendance, 360 boys &; girls & 150
Court House, South street infants; George Barnes, master; Miss Rose Dent,
Police Station, South street, William Croosy, superin- infants' mistress; a new infant school was opened in
tendent; AUt'ed James Marrien, det. inspect01', 3 ser- IgOI, at a cost of £4':::;00, for 290 infants
geants & I I constables Mawneys Road Hoard School, opened 3 Sept. 1896, for
Public Weighbridge, Market place, George Hobday,weigher 2.:J.6 boys, 226 girls &; 312 infants; average attendance,
235 boys, 200 girls &; 260 infants; Albert S. Maske-
Victoria Cottage Hospital, Pettits lane, Alft'ed Wright Ivne. master; Miss L. Griffin, girls' mistress; Miss
M.R.O.S.Eng. hon. medical oflicer; Miss 13ostock, Emily Parnell, infants' mistress
'matron National (mixed &; infants), for 340 boys, 190 ~rls, 200
Volunteer Fire Brigades, The Brewery, J. Packer, supt. infants; average attendance, 276 boys &; a. full attend-
liL The Town, Capt. S. Davis • ance of girls ,It infants: it was erected in 17IO on the
foundation of Joseph Bosworth &; rebuilt in 1727; Catholic, Laune square (mixed), erected in 1856, for 60
the present boys' school was added in 1835 &; by 8 children; Miss E. Rouse & Miss Ada Read; new
scheme of the Court of Chancery in 1833, is now open schools were erected in 1892 &;; will hold 140 children T
to the children of the parishes of Romford, Horn- average attendance, 53
church &; Havering; 40 boys &; 20 girls being on the NEWSPAPERS.
foundation: a plot of ground in South street, upon Essex Independent & l~al'mers' Gazette, South street;.
which stands B08Worth's buildings &; £200 lin the J<;ssex \Veckly News Series Lim. publishers; published
funds are the property of the school. "For appren- IDon. wed. &, sat
ticing' out of this school two poor boys of Hornchurch
& one of Romford, Mary Hide left in 1714, a sum of
Essex Times, High street; Wilson &; Wbitworth Lirn.
£200, which was invested in a rent-charge of £10; publishers; published wed. &; sat
Henry Robert Heasman, master; Miss Kate Wells, Essex Weekly News, South street; Essex Weekly Newlt
mistress; Mrs. S. E. Sharp, infants' mistress Series Lim. printers, publishers & proprietors; pub. fri
St. Andrew's, St. Andrflw's road (mixed), erected in Romford Express, North street; l?rank Mynott, pub-
1843, for 234 children; average attendance, 220; li,; her &; proprietor; published fl'i
WaIter Martin, master; Infants, for 234 children; Hford Express. North sti'eet; Frank Mynott, publisher
&; propl'ietor; published thurs
average attendance, 236; Miss Maude Jutson, mistress
Bainault Forest School, Collier Row (mixed), for 145 Railway Stations.
children; average attendance, 136; D. 1. Williams, Great Eastern, South street; Charles Henry Woodcock.
master; Miss Chipperfield, infants' mistress station master
Romford Factory, Squirrels Heath (mixed), built in London, 'l'ilbul'y &; Southend, South street; Charles
1841 by the Great Eastern Railway Co. for the edu- Dennis French, statioll master
cation of the children of their work people; it will , Carriers to London.
hold 126 children; average attendance, 110; William G. Hoppe, Mawneys lane, High st. daily, returning same
GeOl'go Frederick Osman, mast,er day; W. Poel, North street, daily, returning same day
Briggs Rev. Henry (curate of St. JDrynan William, Crendon villas ,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Andrew's), I Montrose villas, Maw-1 Dunball Robert, 42 Western road
Abbott Fredk. Spencer, 76 Eastern I'd neys road Durrant James, East house, North st
Abbott Samuel, 50 Carlisle road Bright Isaac, Richmond road Dye Charles, Park view, Havering I'd
Abrahams John, Brooklyn, Eastern I'd Broodbank Caleb Howard, Lock Goil, East Warwick, St. Moritz, 91 Wes-
Acres John, 113 Victoria road London road tern road
Adams Thomas, jun. 13 Western road Brooks Miss E. 136 Victoria road Ellis Mrs. 115 Victoria road
Adams Thomas, sen. 11 Weste,rn road Browell Rev. Rt. (Wesleyan), Cromer Fallover Mrs. 50 Western road
Afford Alfred, 19 Eastern road house, Mawneys road Fennel Artlmr, 75 Eastern road
Algal' Mrs. Clematis villas, 12 Shaftes- Brown Joseph, I Sefton vils. Manor rd Finch Geo. The Limes, Brentwood rd
bury road ,Hrown Mrs. 188 Victoria road Ford John Holden, Lilydale,Princes I'd
Allam Edwin Percival, 84 Eastern I'd, Bruhl Burleigh, Triplow, Carlton I'd Forster Henry John, 119 Victoria road
Allard Frederick, 60 Eastern road Bryant James Mus. Bac. 2 Eastern Forsyth William James S. Hazlemere r
Allen Rev. Fra,s. Edwin M.A. (vicar, &1 villas, 71 Eastern road 246 Victoria road
surrogate), The Vicarage, North Stl Bunyear Mrs. 6 Cumberland terrace, Fraser James Alex. Western lodge
Amey Frederick, 142 Victoria road Junction road: Freelove Markwell, Ivanhoe, Manor I'd
Anderson William, 2 Claremont villas, Burgess Oharles, 89 Western road Friend Edward, 65 Eastern road
.Junction road: Burnett Edward, 43 North street Frost RichaTd George, Oakleigh, 2g
Archer John Camp, 2 Oakland villas" Butler Henry, St. Asaph, Manor road Western road
Princes road I Cardoza John Isaac, 35 Western road }<'ulcher Mrs. Boundary road
Ashby Miss, 150 Victoria road Carter Fredk. :Matlock ho.Mawney·s I'd Gay John Turneu-, Brentwood road
Ashe Mrs. Roman villa, Laurie square Carter Hen.ry Stibbard, 3 Stanley vils. Geddes James, 14 Western road
Ashmole Mrs. 74 Eastern road I Brentwoo.d road Gentry Alfred, 47 Eastern road
Attwell Miss, 45 North street ' I Casey Miss, Laurie square Gerrard James G. Aberdour house,
Austerly Mrs. Belgrave, Manor road Chambers Frederick, 28 Eastern road 4 'Western road
Ayer,s Robt. Hazeldene, 54 Western I'd OharltonMiss,Ovingham,Brentwood rd Ger:rard In.Aberdour hO.4 Western I'd
Ba?on M~s .. 51 North street . Christmas Chas. Holly ho.Mawney's I'd Gilbert George, 42 Victoria roa,d
BaIley WI1ham, Hare~eld,.HIgh road ! Churchill Frank, Iv~-dene, Linden st Godhold Henry, 87 Eastern road
Barber WaIter, 11 VICtorIa road Clark Mrs. 32 Victoria road Goodwin Charles, 18 Victoria road
Barnard Thomas Herbert, Sunnyside, ~ CIarke John, Rosemary villa, Brent- Gormley Michael, DunIeath house-,
Brentwood road wood road Manor roa,d
Bartlett John, 10 Carlisle road Clitiord Herbert, 16 Western road Gozlett Fredk.GlenviIle,Hornchurch ra
Bassett John, Fernleigh, Mawneys rd CIifton WiIliam Cumyns, The Cottage, Gray George, 67 Eastern road!
Bate Richard, 52 Eastern road London road Green Charles, The Ferns, South st
Beale .James, 24 Western road Cobh Edward Francis, 2 Stanley villas, Gross Chas. Mavisbank,Hornchurch I'd
Beamish Isaac,Hol!y cot.22 Western I'd Brentwood road Haddock Georg-e WaIt. 101 Victoria I'd
Beaumont Fredenck, St. Margarets" Colbourn AJbert,6 Sefton viIs.Manor I'd Hadley WilliaIIJ, Hainhault viI. Haver-
Manor road .Colyer Edward John, 99 Victoria road ing' road
Beaumont George, 2:0 Victoria road Cooper Thomas, 2 Beatrice villas, Ha.IIiday Miss. Laurie square
Belham Henry, Laune square Horllchurch road HalliweU William, Rookwood, Horn.
Belshaw Alfred, 80 Eastern road Corhe11 George 'Villiam, Rosemount, church road
Bennett James Henry, 13 Eastern I'd 234 Victoria road Hamilton Geo. Stuart, 174 Victoria I'd
Bent Matthew, 6 Cotleigh road COThey WiIliam, 66 Eastern road Hammond James W. 19 Eastern road
Bescoby Oharles, Fernleigili, 232 Vic- CorneI1 Arthur, High road Hammond Joseph Samuel, Hill house
toria road Courteen Rev. Wilfred Hy. (curate-in- Hammond Joseph William, Newmam~,
Best James, Ivydene, Havering road I charge of St. Albans), 53 Eastern I'd Junction road
Bevitt Mrs. Laurie square Cowdrey George, 58 Eastern road Harrington Harry, 27 Eastern road
Bill Hubert, 2 Hurstleig1I,Junction I'd Crabb Mrs. Dorcas villa, 20 Victoria I'd Harris Frederick Quarles, Havering Ta
Bird Mrs. Canons, North street Craig In. Jas. Heath 110. 81 Eastern I'd Harris Mrs. 89 Eastern road
Bird Mrs. 66 Western road 'Crawley Edwd. Ashdene,5o Eastern I'd Hartley William John, 178 Victoria I'd
Blackstock James, 56 Western road I Crosse Miss G. 44 Western road Harvey Mrs. Alfred, 69 South street
Bloomfield In. Waverley, Junction I'd Crossingham William, 6~ Western road Harvey WaIter John, 59 Eastern road
Boden Edwin Goulden, 4 Dymoke rd' Cubitt Rev. Henry Joseph O.T.S. Hauck Oscar, 222 Victoria road
Bone William Charles, 2 Douglas viIs. (Cong.), Roseville, Manor road Haynps Mrs. Priests
Princes road Daldy George F. 22 Eastern road Heard Wm. Darron, ::l3 Eastern road
Bonnor George H. Inverurie, 254 Vic- Daldy Octavius. Geo.Stewards,South st H~ntsch Harry Arthur, 69.Eastern I'd
torin road Davey Theophllus, 82 Western road HlCks George Evans, Laune square
Boreham Henry George, The Chest- Davis Mrs. Ivybanli, Manor road HiIl AIbt. Jas,Cremona,Hornchurch I'd'
nuts, Brentwood road De Courcy Alfd. 5 Sefton viis. Manor I'd Hill Wm. Louis, Sllnnycroft, Manor I'd
Borthwick John, 78 Eastern road Dellford Mrs. Douglas villas, Horn- Hills Franks, 57 Eastern Toad
Bradford George, Ohesnut villa, 40 church Toad Hilto'n J ames. 252 Victoria road
Victoria road Derwent George, 1.':;6 Victoria road ,. HiI'd James W. 31 Eastprn road
·Brent Mrs. L. Kimberley, Mawneys I'd Digby Henry, 172 Victoria roa<;l Hobdav Geo. Southfipld. Havering I'd
Brewers Wm. Hillside, Brentwood I'd DodweIlAmos, 48 Victoria To]d " lfo"ffman WjlIiam. 160 Victoria road
Bre-witt Ernest, Holmlea, 'Manor road Dolby In. T. Sunnyleigh,55 Eastern I'd Holdstock"Miss, Oak villa~ PrincesI'd


Hooper Jas.Newland ho.60 Western I'd NicholIs Mrs. Roseville, Manor road Slemeck Rev. David..Frederio RA.
Howarth Edward Luoas,62 Western I'd Nixon William, South street (curate), Mawneys road
Howell Chas. Comus villas. Manor I'd Nurse Mrs. Fairleigh, 53 Eastern I'd Smith EdwardJ Clayton, I Cl'ichton
Hoy In. Ea,stuourne vil.224 Victoria I'd Oram William Josiah, Brookside,Carl- villas, Brentwood road
Hughes Jas. The Cottage, Junction I'd ton road Smith Edward Walpole, Gosfurth,
Hulse Harry Begina!ld, 56 Eastern I'd Packer Henry John, 19 High street Manor road
Hummerstone William, 1 Nightingale Padgiham Frederic Geo. III Victoria I'd Smith Geo. 3 Sefton villas, Manor I'd
villas, Brentwood road Page James Wm. Rosary, Manor I'd Smith Geo. Acason,Ingledon,Manor I'd
Humpbreys Mrs. Bolton, Princes road Page John, Knight, 165 Victoria road Smith Henry Clayton, King's Toad
Hunt Mrs. Uomiord hall, South street Page Robert H. Holm 10dge,London I'd Smith Henry Wiliam, 2 Crichton vik
Ind Miss, 67 South street Pagen Mrs. S. A. 218 Victoria road Brentwood road
Innes Edwd. I Oakland viIs. Princes I'd PalmeT Ohal'les, 91 Eastern road Smith J oseph, Roseville, 86 Eastern I'd
.Jackson Mrs.Remington ho.Dymoke I'd !)almer Harry William, 70 Eastern I'd Smith Mrs. Laurie-dene, 256 Vic-
James ,\Villiam K. Bank. Market place Palmer Mrs. Bury house, London road toria road
.Jennary George William, Langley, Palmer Wm. H. Bath ho.Brentwood I'd Smith Mrs. Mawneys hall;Mawneys I'd
Hornchurch road Parbery Thomas, 95 Eastern road Smith Thomas D.lvy vils.Havering I'd
J'ohnson Mrs. I Hurstleigh.Junction I'd Peach Thomas, 73 Eastern road Smith William, North street
Jones Charles, Ashley, Hornchurch I'd Pemberton Miss, AlIandale, Hig'h I'd Snatchall James, 47 Eastern road '
.J-ones Evan, 173 Victoria road Penny Oharles F,rederick Gregory, 9 8 Solomon Miss, I George vils.Princes I'd
Jones John, 87 Western road Eastern road Spackman Frederic Henry, The Pave,-
Jubb John, Fair view, Mawneys road Pertwee Mrs. 4'8 South street ment, ·Market place
.Jupp Charles, Osborne vils. Globe I'd Philips Harry, Princes ho. Prince's I'd Stagg Mrs. Eastlea, Manor road
Keevin In. Jas. Broadwater. High I'd Pidington Richard Frederick, 2 Night- Stephens Rev. Herbert Hippisley M.A.
Kennedy Jas. Arden cot. Junction rd ingale villas, Brentwood road (rector of St. Andrew's), Lyndthorp,
Kiernan Mrs. 8 Oumberland teNuce, Pluck Willialp., Stylehurst, Manor I'd 52 Western road
- Junction road Pocock Rev. Herbert Llewellyn M.A, Steven Rev. James McLaren (Baptist),
King Charles, Sunnymede, Manor I'd (curate), Mawneys road Oak Bank, 172, Victoria road
King Nichol Thomas, 73 George street PolIett Arthur Bellamy, Mill house, Stone Denny, St. Kilda, 90 Eastern I'd
Lake Isaac, 21 High street 10 Victoria road Stone Leonard,Nithsdale,36Western I'd
La,rdner .A.1bert, 4 Sefton vils.Manor I'd PooleThos.Lambert,Lyncroft,Manor I'd Stromeyer Frederick William. Brook-
Lart,er MattJhew, 9 Victoria. road Porratt WilIiam John, Alpine villas, side, 5 Eastern road
Last William Henry, 132 Victoria road Mawneys' road Sweet Mrs. The Manse, 20 Western I'd
Lawton Mrs. 5 Orichton villas, Brent- Porter Arthur, Normanhurst, Blaclis- Symonds Robert John, GTesham ho.
wood road bridge .road Market place
Lee Thomas, Keswick house, King's I'd Poston WaIter Wm. 170 Victoria I'd Taylor Frank L. Roslyn, Princes roal!

Lewis Lemuel, 6 Dymoke road Potter .Georgfl B. Fernballk,Carlton I'd Temple Thos. Morgan, Brentwood rd
Leytham Mrs. 94 Eastern road Pratt Robert, Roseneath, Mawneys I'd Thornton Jame~ Hy. 40 Western I'd
Lindsey Mrs. 82 Eastern road ,Pringle Ohas. Wales, 72 Eastern rd Tibbs Mrs. 18 Western road "
Little John, Hylands, Brentwood road Pug'h ~iJrs. St. Johns, 71 Western I'd Tilley Rev. Henry James (Catholic),
Locke Mrs. 140 Victoria road Pyatt Miss E. Il7 Victoria road Laurie square .
LodeI' In. Franklin ho. Hornchurch rd Read Mrs. Iona, 36 Eastern road Tomkins Thomas, 26 Eastern road
Lucking Mrs. 146 Victoria road Revill Mrs. Rocking-ham vil.King's I'd 'romlinson Rd. In. Lynton,Princes I'd
Ludg-ate W)lliam, 242 Victoria road Reynolds Mrs. 35 Eastern road 'rownsend Mrs. Flo.rence villa, Carl-
Lyon Ralph Harvey, Laurie square Richardson James, 42 Eastern road ton road
Macnamara- John, 2 Dymoke roa.d Richardson WaIter, Glent'horne, 54 'l'rott James John, Cecil ho. Marl,et pI
Ma-kin Leonard, 67 Western road Eastern road· Tucl,er Wm.Chas.Eastleigh,Princes I'd
M.antell Frederick Lems" 2'9 Eastern I'd Rickman Art-h. Comus vils. Manor I'd TUl'nbull Frederick, 103 Victoria road
March David.The Limes,6sWestern I'd Ridgewell Arthur, ;Hill lodge, 197 Vic- Twentyman Edward, 69 Western road
Marchbank WilNam Richard, 2 CarUon toria road· Van Wort Irving R. 26 Western road
gardens•. Junction road Robinson Misses, Glengal1,Jun~tion I'd Viney Thomas, 212 Victoria road
Marriott H~nry William, Princes road Raper Henry, Donna Nook, Prmces I'd WackettJn. Blomfontein, Mawneys l'd
,Marshall William J. I Cumberland ter- RopeI' Mrs. 49 North. stre~t Walford William, 4 Nightingale viIs.
race,.Junction road Roynon John, Cavendlsh vlls.South ·st Brentwood road
Martin WaIter T. School house, St. Rudkin John, Hazelhurst, Havering I'd Ward Mrs. Fritton, Brentwood road
Andrew's road Rudkin Leonard, Fairlawn, Brent- Weir' William, Doonside, Manor road
'!\Iashiter Mrs. The Elms, Hig-h road wood road Wenden Mrs. 228 Victoria road
Maskelyne Herbert Samuel, 6 Crichton Ruffle Richard,Oaklands,Brentwood I'd Westgate Fredk.Shelton ho.Mawney I'd
villas. Brentwood road Russell Rev. Fmncis George M.A. Weston Percy, Plaisance, Manor road
Mason Jas.IClaremont vils.JuIlJction I'd (curate of St. Edward's), Drury 10. Whipps Charles John, Laurie square
Mather Geo. Stanley, 58 Western I'd Western road White George Wm. 101 Victoria I'd
Mathew Mrs. North street Russell Mrs. 2 Cotleigh road White John, Havering road
Matthews Mrs. C. P. Marshalls park Rust Mrs. Laurie squa,re Whitelock Hy. W. Park End,Lumie SIt
Matthews Wm. David, 47 North st Ryan Arthur Joseph, Mawneys road Wigmore Henry James, 3 Cl'iclltoll
Maynard James, 77 Eastern road Saw Mrs. Shrublands, Manor road villas, Brentwood road
Meadows Mrs. 37 Eastern road Scarliff William Bell, 73 South street Wilkinson William, 123 Victoria TOBll
Medcalf Mrs. 84 Western road Scott Douglas, Sunny mount,Globe I'd Willdon Mrs. 2 George viIs. Princes I'd
Meggy" Arth. Rt.Carlton ho.Carlton I'd Scott William, 166 Victoria road Williamson Alfred, 44 Eastern TOad
Mellor Wm. In. Halstead, Mawneys I'd Seabrook Samuel, 24 Victoria road Willis George, Clovelly, Princes rond
Metcalfe Francis Robert, 24 Eastern I'd Sea brook Thos.Chalfonts'40 Eastern I'd Willsmer William, 168 Victoria rO~ld
Michell Hy. B. Eastbury, London I'd Sellick Geo. M. Lynwood ho. Globe I'd Wilson Charles, 100 MaTket place
Mills William Adams, 88 Eastern I'd Sewell Olair, Queenboro', King's I'd Wilson FredeJ"ick, 152 Victoria road
Mitchell In. Hamilton, 214 Victoria I'd Slhaw William, 153 Victoria road Wilson Thos.Carlisle ho.61 Carlisle I'd
Moore Arthur, Linden street Shearsmith Mrs. 167 Victoria road Winmill Ernest, Harewood, 1 Carlton
Moore Harold, Linden street Sheffield Charles Edwa.rd, Rutland gardens, Junction road
Moore Miss, 44 Victoria road lodge, Junction road Wiseman Mrs. 83 Eastern road
Morford Mrs. The Elms, 51 Eastern I'd Shireff Langford, 248 Victoria road Wood Wm. The Oottons, London I'd
Morgan Harry SpindleI', Glendale, Simmons Jas.H.2 Sefton vils.Manor I'd Woodcock Harold, 95 Victoria road
Brentwood road Simrnons Mrs. Oavendish villas, Wraight Thomas, 125 Victoria road
Morris Rev. William. M.A. Ellesmere, South street Wright Alfd. J.P. '!"he Lod¥e,South st
Linden street Simonds Alfred, 97 Eastern road Wrig'ht Isaac, 5 Victoria road
Mullis Fredk.Lingwood,Hornchurch I'd Simpson Frederic W., B.A. Grammar Yammer Albert, 62 Eastern road
Mumford WaIt. RothsaY,46 Eao;tern I'd school, Junction road Young Capt. Patrick S. 61 Eastern I'd
Mynott Frank, Park house, North st Sketchley Mrs. 6 Nightingale villas, Young WaIter. Hill house, High rand
·.Nicholls Arthur, 3 Carlton 2"ardens, Brentwood road Youngs John William, Belmont, HOl'n-
Junction road Skilton William Grant, 53 North st dhurch road
COMMERCIAL. Adkins G. E. ;railway clerk, :r Priscilla villa.s,
Early closing day. 'l'hursday, 5 p.m. Brentwood road
Adams Sydney William (late Norman Halls), ironmonger, Afford Alfred, monumental mason,Windsor house, Eastern
ga.,:itter & tin plate worker; large stock of dairy uten- road; works, H01"nohu:rch road!
. si18 &; apparatus, 7 Market place - .. Ainswort,h W. H. & A. cycle agents, 94 Victoria road
.Alabaster' ('Miss), shopkeeper, 109 Marks road Carter Arthur, g>rocer, 33 ,Victoria road
.Alabaster Roger George, greengrocer, Queen street Carter Edmund, builder, 125 George street
Algaa' WaIter James, groce.r &; baker, 48 & 50 .Albert rd Carter Frederick, iron & brass founder, Queen street
Almond'Mary (Ml1s.), shopkeeper, Douglas road Carter ~ellie (Miss), draper, Mawney's road
Aluminimn & General Foundry Syndicate Ltd.Nursery wlk Catchpole John Edwd. greengrocer, 116 Victoria ruad
Amis Cha.rles D. insurance agent, 77 Albert road Catchpole WaIter Samuel, greengrocer, Park lane -
Anderson .A.rthur, forage mer. 5 Oak tel'. HOl1'nchuroo road Cave Frederick, commercial tra,veller, 93 Eastern l'lHHI
anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. (depot), wholesale oilmen, Cemetery (New) (C. 1. King, clerk to the burial com-
Victoria l'oadJ mittee), Council chambers, Cemetery, Rnsh green
Arch John Bentley, grocer, 42 MlliI'ket place Cemetery (Old)· (C. I. King, clerk), Cuuncil chambers;
Axon Henry (exol1's. of), pork butcher, 76 High street Cemetery, High road .
Axon Mary (.Mrs.), laundress, 55 Carlisle road Chaleno·r Ernes,t Guy, parcels agent to GI'eat J~asterlJ
Bacon Alfred, builrler, Hollv . cottage, Brentwood
Bacon Richard, beer retailer, Brentwood, road
, road Rail way Co. 49 Victoria road
Chambers George Charles, watch maker, Mawney's road
Baker William, 3ISsistan1J overseer & collectoa.- of poor ChambeTs Sidney T·homa.s, relieving officer for No. 3
ratas, Crown chr.mbers, South s·treet district of the Romford union, vaccina,tion omcer, cul-
Baker Sergeant William, drill instructor, the A & B com- lector to the Guardians & >school attendance oflicel',
pani~s of the 1St Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, Oldchurch road
Market place Cheetham Samuel, clerk, 60 Victoria road
Baker William, shopkeeper, Queen street Cheetham WaIter, G. E. railway canvasser,I60 Victoria I'd
Balderson Otade,;;, provision dealer, see Smith & Balderson Cheke R. & Co. auctioneers, 12 South street
Balhrd Benjamin, shopkeeper, Mawneys road Chemical Dry Cleaning &; Dyeing Co. dyers &; cleaners,
Banks Ly;1ia (Mrs.), clothier, High street 84 Market place
Barb3r WaIter L.R.C.P.I physician, I l Victoria. road Child William Daniel, manager of Rornford Gas WOrliS
Barkh'llll John Thomas, plumber, 3 Albert I'oad Ohristopher William Francis, builder, decorator & con-
Barnls George, schoolmaster, 67 Albert road tracto·r; all kinds of repairing, plumbing & drain
Barrett Louis M.R.C V.S.Lond. vet. surgn. 10 Weslernrd work 'a ,speciality, Oarisbrooke, P'I'etoria road
Barten Edward, d'I'aper & outfitter, 43 & 45 South street Church Thomas Cha,rles, baker, High street
Bartlett George, baker, Mawneys road Clark Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 53 Market place
Ba.te Richard, solicitor, 52 Eastern road Clark George, confectioner, Victoria road
Batt Bros. tailors, 13 High stnet Clark John, shopkeeper, 247 Marks Toad
Bawden Charles, Romford Arms P.H. High street. Clark P,ete,r, watch maker & jeweller, 13 Sonth street.
Bearcbll Joseph, baker, Mildmay :road Clarke Frederick, butcher, 88 &; 90 Market place
Beechley David, farmer, Gt. Garden fr01. Brentwood I'd Clarke Richard, Mawney's Arms P.'H. Mawney's road:
Bent Bernard J. manager, 2 Cumberland tel". JUl1cUon I'd Clarke William Henry, shopkeeper, Mildmay road
Bentley Jessie (Miss), oil & color stores, 36 Market place Claydon Robert, shopkeeper, 129 Marks I'oad
BernaI'd Isabella (Miss), teacher of music, 254 Victoria I'd Clifton ,\,Villiam Comyns, solicitor &; commissioner fur
Bettois George, refreshment rooms, 59 High street oaths, regist,rar of county court, clerk to the commis-
Bew 1Valter, insurance agent, 82 Victoria road' sioners of taxes for Beacontree & Havering, clelI'k to the
Birt Robert John, clerk, May villa, Brentwood road commissioners of sewers for Havering & Dagenham &
Blackstock James & Co. Lim. iron merchants & iroll- other levels &; Rainham & other le'vels, clerJi to the
monger.:;, 83 South street feeofes of Roger Reede's charity; offices, South street
Blackwell Joseph Henry, butcher, 26 High sh'eet Clover Peter, dining rooms, Ma,rket place
Blane Edward, shopkeeper, Park lane Cocksedge John, :fishmonger, 20 North st.reet
Boden Edward G. surveyor, Rural District Coullcil, Cole Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, 52 'George street
Victoria road . Collier Francis, foreman, Glevering cottage, Junction I'd
Bodger Frederick Henry, cattle dealer, 2 Carlisle road Collins John William, butcher, 41 London Toad
Bone William Charles, inland' revenue officer &; inspector ColthOl'pe Charles William, dairyman, 8 London road
of corn returns, 2 Douglas villas, Princes I'oad Constable Charles Robert, baker, 4I Victoria road .
Bosworth WaIter, shopkeeper, I Wheatsheaf road Cooper Alfred, butcher, 4 Mawney's road 1& Mildmay I'd
Bouchard Jean, telegraphist, Brentwood road Cooper George, pork butcher, 60 High street .
Bower John, saddler, South street Copsey George, cabinet maker, 58 Market place
Brad,shaw Cecil James, CUll. tray. I Flora. viI. l'rinces I'll Cordoza Miss, private schI. for boys & girls,38 Western I'd
Bramble Joseph, hair dresser, 43 Victoria road' Corn Exchange (Kemsleys, managers), High street
Brand David, boot &; shoe maker, Willow street Cornell Arthur, registrar of marriage,s &; deputy registrar
Braund JOhIll W. Fox & Hounds family & comma'rcial of births &; deaths &; sanitary inspector to the Romford
hotel; market. ordinary wednesdays; go<>d accOIDmOo- Rural District. Council, High road:
dation for cyclist.s, South street Comell Edwa,rd William, deputy registrar of deaths,
Braund Montagu Charles, clerk, 37 Western road birt,hs &; marriages for Rornford, Victoria road
Bray 'William .John, chemist. & dnlggist & oil &; culor Cornell Thomas William, boot malier, 60 North street
merchant, Hig):! street. Manufacturer of Cllalllpioll County Court (His Honor Lindal Atkinson, judge; Wm.
veterinary Fluid &; Sheep Dip. Send for pl'ice list & Comyns Clifton, registrar; Charles Godfrey, high
particulars bailiff); office, South sl;a-eet .
Brazier William, hair dresser, Mawney's road Cousins Fred'erick, maJrine store dealer, 55 High street
Bridge W. W. saddler, 16 1&; I'8 North street CousiI1s Frederick, jun. wardrobe dealer, 4 London road
Brockman Rase (Miss), dress· maker, 159 Victol'ia road Cousins Harry Tharnton, tobacconist & photographer, ]8
Brooks Frederick, news agent, 27 London road S,mthstreet
Brooks Thomas, '1'he Bell P.H. Collier row, & fU1'1l1er, Craig .John .James, draper, clothier, boot maker &c.
Park farm, London road Ma.rket place
Brooks Thomas, jun. farmer, Bl'ooldunds fnn. North st Creasy William, superint,endent, inspector of lodging
Brooks William, clerk, 80 Western road houses, hackney carriages & explosives, Police station.
Brown Albert, boot &; shoe maker, 92 Marlwt place South street
Brown Arthur, confectioner, 31 High street· CrewdsoI1 Arthur, tailor, Jubilee house, 20 High st.reet
Brown Charle,s, bricklayer, 29 North street CrudgingtoI1 John, fishmonger, 82 High street
BrowI1 Emily (Mrs.), Durham Arms P.H. Brentwuod road Oumberland James, chimney sweeper, High street
Bruce 'WaIter, boot & shoe maker, 3 & 12 London road Cumberland James, chimney sweeper, I I London road
Brutey Radcliffe, jobbing gardener, 40 :Milton road Curley John, fishmonger, 29 London road
Buckeridge Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 29 High stt'eot Daldy &; Co. coal merchants, maltsters &c. 93 South st
Burgess Martha (Miss), fancy repository, 5 South street Danby John Jakman, hair dresser, 3 & So High street, &
Burnett Edward, dentist, 43 North street antique dealer, South street
Burrows George, grocer &; beer retailer, lOO George street Darke &; Son, saddlers, 23 Market place
Burrows Henry, clerk, Manor road Davey Thee. & COo. auctioneers, architeots, surveyors,
Burrows Robert, jobbing gardener, 15 Eastern road valuers &i house & estate agent,s, 82 Western road &
Burton Alexan<ier, hair dresser, 88 Victoria road South 'skeet
13urton John Philip, G. E. rlwy. canvasser, 134 Victoria rd Dovey Abraham, builder, 79 Market place
Burt·on William, shopkeeper, Wheatsheaf l'Oad Davies JlliIIIes, paperhanger, 77 George street
Rusby .John<, dairyman, 26 Albert road Davies John Richard Henry, clerk, 7 Cumberland ter-
Butcher Jame,s, greengrocer, St. Andrew's Toad race,' Junction road
'Butler Alfred', contractor & coal mer. I211 Victoria road DaV'is Albert Ed'ward, fancy draper, 2 Pa.rk lane
Cakebread Frank"" Leonard, grocers, West End Davis .A.rthur David, mechanical engineer, 34 Victoria I'd
st~)fes, High street Davis Joseph, beer retailer, 90 VictQria road
Capron Thomas Alfred, solicitor, see Hunt A. H. & Co

Davis Samuel John, wine & spirit merchant, Mawney's reI Gill Charles Robert, clerk, 76 Western road
Day Henry, tailor, 45 Ma.rket place Gill Colln H. leather & grindery merchant, 15 A1uert I'd
Deeks David John, 'builders' meTchant, Hornchurch road Gilbey George Bulman, land & estate agent, 4 CarllOD
Deeks Samuel, boot maker, 44 Sha.ft~sbury road ga rdens, Junction road
Denham Jesse, baker, 17 Market place Glendenning William Henry, commercial traveller, Nor-
Derwent Marie (Mrs.), dress maker, 15'6 Victoria road manhul'st, Hornchurch road
Deverell Ernest A. clerk, 67 Victoria '1'oad Goodchild Willlam. King's Head r.H. & wine & spil'i~
Docld Annie (Mrs.), farmer, Grea.t P.ettits farm merchan t, Marl,et place
Dook Albert Wm. grocer, & post office, Brent"IVood road Gordon John, china & gl'3ss dealer, 45 Victoria road
Darling Rooert, estate agent, Piaistow tlo. Princes. road Gorton John, superintendent at G. P. O. Springcruft,
Dowsing & Davis, builde,rs, contractors &; undertakers, Manor road
Mawneys road Goss Robert J. assistant schoolmaster, 9 Western road
Day Cha,rles, clerk, 184 Victoria r,oad Gowers Frederick William, laundry, 12 Westem mad
Dulfteld & Egan, Golden Lion hot,e1, High street Gozzard Frederic, mechanical engineer, see Trllcy &.
Dulley Frank J. plumber & decorator, 84 High street Gozzal'd
Dllnball George Alfred, cycle agent, 1,8 High street Gozzett Alfred, builder, 93 Victoria road
Dunn Alexande,r, butcher, 29 >& 31 Victoria road Graves William S.piano malier, 2 London roall
Durrant Geo,rge, pain.ter, 69 Victoria road Gray ArIhur VV. domestic machinery agent, 11 Hig-h !l
Dlurant Harry, musician, 3 Nightingale vils.Brentwood I'd Green Charles 'M.D.Lond., B.S.Lond.,. F.R.C.S.Eng.
Durston Helen S. (:Mrs.), dress maker, 15 Oarlisle road sUl"geon, The Ferns, SO'Uth street
Dyer John Belcher, draper &, milline'r, 40 South 'street Green· Harry, coal & coke merchant, Mawneys lane
Eames Thomas Rogers, cashier, 46 ,"Vesbe<rn road GrifIiths Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. Andrew's mad
Egan John C. Golden Lion hotel, see Duffield & Egan Gunn Emma (Mrs.), boot maker & leather seller, DigIt ~i
EggII'.ston Oharles, cycle agent, 145 Vidoria roal! Gun John, railway clerk, 107 Victoria road
Eggleton Joseph, beerhouse, 55 Market place Hale James, furniture deale,r, Waterloo road
Elder George. nurseryman & florist; cut flowers, Hall George, insurance agent, 29 GeOlrge street
wreaths & crosses a speciality; orders by post punc- Hall William, boot maker, Park lane
tually attended to, Mercury gardens, Market place Hallows Henry, manage,l', 36 Victoria Toad
Elkington I"rancis, manager, 54 South st.reet Hamilton George Stuart, sanitary inspector to tIle HUf"}
Ellingworth Charles, eating house, 43 Marliet place District Council, 174 Victoria road
Emms Arthur, hair dresser, 45 High street Hammond Jsph. Sml. & Son, bIdrs. & contrctrs. Hill ho
Erselins Ha.rriett (Mrs.), florist, 4 South stree~ Hammond Edwin, insurance agent, Laurie square
Erselins Paul, nurse'ryman, Church lane Hannable WaIter, builder, Oldchurch road
Essex Equitable Permanent Building Society (CI]3rles Hannable William, builder, 25 Eastern road
Burgess, sec.), 5 South street Harding Frederick David, tailor, Mark's road
Es,sex Independent &, f'a,rmers' Gazette (Essex Weeldy Harring-ton & Ley, architects & surveyors, Corn ExcIJange-,
News Series Limited, printers, proprietors & pub- High street
hshers; published mono wed. & sat.), Sonth street. Harsent Alfred, ships' ste,ward, 149 Victoria road
See advertisement Ha,rt 'l'homa,s Jsph. btchr. 92 Victoria I'd. & 30 Albel't I'd
Essex 1st Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers (Eastern Ha rvey A. H. registrar of births & deaths for Hom fo I'<ll
Division Royal Artillery) (No. 8 company) (C. K Cas- sub-district, Como stre,e.t
tellan, captain; Henry Jessett, sergt.-major), Drill hall, Harvey George J. builder, King's road
Victoria road Hal'vey Isaac J ona.1han, cam. trav. Ruddywell, Manor I'd
Essex Times (Wilson, & Whit worth Lim. publishers; Hal'vey Walt~r John, collector to the Romfol'(l Gas &.
published wed. & sat.), High street Coke Go. 59 Eastern road
Essex Weekly News Series Lim. pl'illters, pnblishel's & Ha,sler Herbert E. blacksmith, Ma l'ket place
propTieto,rs of the" Essex Weekly News," the" Essex HawardJ Frederick, draper, milliner, dress maker &>
Independent & Farmers' Gazette," & the " Brain tree & ladies' out,fitter, I Market place
Bocking Advertiser," & the "Barking, Ilford &, East Ravton & Co. boot maker, 57 Victoria road
Ham Advertiser," South street; & High street, Chelms- Ha;'wal'd WilIiam, clerk, 3 Dymoke road
ford. See advertisement HetIer Samuel (of S. & R. Heffer), b!'ick makel', 5
Essex ,"Veekly New,s (Essex Weeldy News Series Lim. Nightingale villa~, Brentwood road; bricl'ylll'd, Hol'll-
publishers & proprietors; published fri.), South street; church road, SqUIrrels heath
& at Chelmsford &c. See advertisement High School f()l' Boys (Wm. Nixon, principal), South s~
Evans & Wheatley, ironmongers, 22 Ma,diet place Hill &, Sons, bankers, Market place; draw on Hill & SOllS,
Evans ,"V. S. builder & decorator, Glencoe wor],s, lIorn- 66 West Smithfield & Glyn, Mills, CUl'rie, & Cl}.
church road London KC
Everett B. M. & E. coal dealers, l'arli lane Hill LouLsa (Mrs.), dress maker, St. Andrew's road
Felstead William, herring dealer, 73 High street Hilton James, grocer &c. 41 South street
Finch -George, cattle dealel', The Limes, Brentwoud road Hinds Emma (Mrs.), stationer &c. 56 Market place
Fisher Isaac Jame-s, oil & color stores, 72 High street Hird James W. SiOlicitor, 31 Eastern road
Fitch Ma['y Ann (Mrs.), baker, 30 North street Hitch Samuel Charles, house & estate & insurance agent..
Fletcher Edward, stationer &c. 30 High street Dougla,s villas, Hornchul'ch road
FletCihel" Ma:ry Ann (Mrs.), milliner, 18 ,Market place Hobday -George, collector to Romford U 1'118 n Dis L!'id
Flower Georgina (Mrs.), dress malier, St. .Andrew's road Council, to Soutlh Essex 'Water Co. & to St. Andrew
Forster Henry John L.R.C,P.& S.Irel. physician & sur- TIthe & house, estate & insurance agent, ,Market place
geon, II9 Victoria road Hodson Edward, Qom. trav. Bayadere, Brentwood road:
1"raser Jame,s Alexander L.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eug. Holby John, jobbing gardener, St. Andrew's road
surgeun &, medical officer to Romford worldlOuse & llolby William James, verger & deputy clerk of S~_
Union Infirmary, Western lodge Andrew's church, 17 Wat·el'1oo road
Freeman, Hardy & Willis, boot &. shoe mal,ers, High s~reet Bolliday John Richard, oil & calor man I,," grocer, 7
French Charles Dennis, station master, London, Tilblll'Y Ma wneys road
& Southend railway, South street Home & Colonial Stores Lim. tea dealers, 47 South street;.
Frost William, manager to J. lllackstock & Co. Lim. iron Hope David, chimney sweeper, 4 Queen street
merchants &'c. 3 Linden street Horide John, baker, Wheatsheaf road
Frostick Joseph Edward, chimney sweeper, 71 Marhet pI Hllmmerstone & Pidington, nurserymen, Lily nurseries,_
Fulcher John Henry, oil & color man, 59 & 61 Yictoria I'd J3l'entwood road'
Fulcher William, hide & sldn merchant, I Mount I'leas<Jllt, Humphrey Harry, baker, 54 Market place
Brentwood road Hunt A. H. &, Co. solI'S. & commsnrs. for oaths, South st:
Fuller Edward, assistant .superintendent to the Pruden- Hunt & Co. smiths & wheelwrights, Marhet place
tial Assuran~e Co. Ltd. 130 Victoria ruad Hyslop Andrew, ma,nnger of the London & County Hank
Fuller J ames, boot maker, 35 High street & t,reasure,r to the Urban & Rural District Councils &-
Gale Wm. & Geo. brick makers, Hainault rd. North st Union & School Board, High street & South s,treet
Gale John, bee,r retailer, London road Ilford' Express (Frank Mynott,' proprietor; publislwll.
Gal'dner Richard, commercial traveller, Prince's road thursday), North street
Gal'lette Emma (Mrs.), dres,s, 5 CumberIand tel" Imported Meat Stores, butchers (Henry Smith, man-
• race, Junction road . ager), Market place
Garnett Charles Benjamin, tobacconist, 6 South street Ind, Coope & Co.Lim. brewers,High ,st.; & Burton-on-TI'IJ~'
Geering Robert, butcher, 20 Market place International Tea Co. Lim. tea dealers, 30 High street
Gentry Frederick, Oompasses P.H. London road Inverno Giovanni, confectioner, 69 High street
Glib~rt George, ironmongl'r, 49 South street (Miss), private sehl.see White & Ives (Misses)
. Ives Amelia
, .
kes Louisl\ (Miss)~ dress. maker, 39 Market p l a c e · ' Milbon Arthur & Bros. builders, undertakers &; house
.lames Sa,rah pIrs.), blacksmith, Lamb yard, North street decorators, Queen street; established over 60 years;
.I ames William K. manager of Hill &; Sons' Ban);, sanitary work (9pecial); estimates given for all kinds
Market place of repairs
Johnson Benj. Thos. clerk, 2 Flora villas, Princes road Miller Samuel, shopkeeper, 98 George street
.14>hnson Thom:!s, cycle maker, Mawney's road Mills WaIter, jun. butcher, Lowlands, London roa.d
Johnson William, clerk, 13'8 Victoria road Mills Wm. Adams, chief clerk Post Office, 88 Eastern I'd
Johnston Thomas, cycle agent, 106 Victoria road Moore Amelia (Miss), milliner, 21 Victoria I'oad
Jones Charles, Woolpack inn, High street Mott ThomaM, shoplieeper, 47 MaI'ket place
.Joyce John William, Whit,e HaTt hotel; good accoIIllIlloda- Mullis Frederick, solicitor, see Surridge &; Mullis
.tion for commercial gentlemen; market ordinary wed- ~lundy George, furniture broker &; dealer, London road .
nesdaY's; spacious room for dinne,rs &;c. High street Mundy Lulu (Miss), teacher of music, London road
..Jupp Charles, solicitor &; commissioner fur oaths, Osbul'llo Murphy Richd. sign writer &; tobacconist, 39 Victoria I'd
villas, Globe road Murray Mary (Miss), dining rooms, SI Victoria road
.Jutson Maude (Miss), schoolmistress, May viI. Lindon st Musliett William, wholesale confectioner, 85 &; 87 South st
Keen George, omnibus' proprietor, Western road Kational Telephone Co. (call ()f1ice), 84 Marliet lllace
Keen Thomas, fruiterer, 53 South 'street Needs Heuben Samuel, shopkeepel', IS 'Waterloo road
Kelly John Edwin, painter, 3 Queen street· Nixon William, high school for boys, South street·
Kemsleys, auctioneers, valuers, estate agents & sur- Norman \Villiam, baker & confectioner, 62 High streeb
veyors, Co·rn Exchange, High street Norris Frank P, Swan inn &; wine & spirit merchaut,
Kent Wm. Fuller, clerk, 4 NIt. Plea.sant, Brentwood road 50 Market place
iKimber Oharle,s E. dairyman, I Kyme road Ockenden Pierce. Coach & Bell inn, &; wine & spit'it
King Arthur, clerk, 216 Victoria road merchant, High street
King Charles, clerk to the Romford Urhan District Ottley Frederick Charles, Stln P.ll. London road
Council, Snnnymede, Manor Toad Page .&; Metcalfe, coach huilders & general smiths, 68 &;
King J·ohn Thomas, manager, 144 Victoria road 70 High street &; South street
iKirkpatrick Charles, tailor &; clothier, 37 Victoria road Page .lames Samuel, coffee rooms, Victoria. road
KisUer Andrew, wa,tch maker &; jeweller, I Sonth Sll'Cl1t Palmer George, fishmonger, St. .Andrew's road
Kistler Mary (Miss), fancy repository, 58 High street Pa]mer Richard (Mrs.), horse slaughterer, High street
Kitto Hamy, manager London & Provincial Bank,Sonth st Parish Alfred, boot maker, 38 George street
Knight John Cameron, corn. trav. Fairview, Princes I'lHH) Parker WiIliam, shopkeeper, 18 Milton road
Lacking Gharles, foreman, 4 Cumberland tel'. Junction I'll Parnell Emily (Miss), sehoolmistress, May vil. LindDn st
Lamb 'lhomas, farmer, Crown farm, London road. Partridge A. &, builders, 28 North street
Langford Digby, overseer at the U-. P. O. 48 'Western 1'l1 Passfield George, shopkeeper, 24 MarI.s road
Lapwood Heorge, highway surveyor to Romford Rmal Patching .lames, Windmill & IIells P.H. Market place
District Gouncil, Victoria road Patmare Ernest, cricket groundsman, 128 Victoria road
Large William, greengrocer, 27 North street Patmore George HeIlen, forwarding agent for Sutton's,
Lasham John William, pharmaceutical, High I Waterloo road
,street &; Victoria road; chemist by appointment to the Peacock Francis, shopkeeper, 17 Albert road
Household of H.R,H. Prince,ss Eulalia; dark rooms for Peake Arthur James, insurance agent, Douglas road
amateur photogl'aphy Pearks, Gunston & Tee Lim. provision dealer,s, 1,6 High st
Legg William Gale, baker, Brentwood Toad Pearson Alfred .I. Cock &; Bell inn, 15 Market place
Leve.rington William, Lamb inn P.H. Market place Pearsons Ernest George, wa,tch maker & jeweller, High st
Levy Solomon, me'dical herbalist, High street Peck Charles, boot malier, 74 Market place
Lewis William Albert, Star hotel, South street Pegrum Edith (Miss), dress ll1aker, 21 Albel't road
Ley Algernon, architect, see Harrington"& Ley Peters Annie (Miss), becr retailel', Sf;. Allllrew's road
Lighil Edwin, The New Mill P.H. I London road Phippen Edmund, clel'1" Chilcote, Bl'entwood road
Line Mary .Ann (Miss), dress maker, 78 Albert road Phipps .Toseph, tailor, 9 North street
Lines J,ames, florist, Carl1sle road. Pidington Richard F. nurseryman, see Hammerstone &
Locke Frank, clerk, 157 Victoria road l'idington
London Clothing Co. (John H. Jarvis, manager), clothiers, Pinfold Eliza (Mrs.), chimney sweeper, Mal'ket place
Souih street Pink John '1'. ironmonger, High sbreet
London &; County Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Andrew Pioneer Steam Laundry (William Adams), Como street
Hyslop, man'ager), High street; draw on he,a,d office, Planner Hy.provision dealer 22, ,& pork butcher 36, High et
London E,C Poel William, farmer &; carrier, North street
London & Provincial Bank Limited (Harry Kitto, Poel vVilliam, jun. carman, 234 London mad
mrunager), South street Poole EdwaTd, timber merchant, Great Eastern yard
Lovett AUred', Laurie Arms P.H. St. Andrew's road Popplewell R . .I. & Son, tailors, 55 North street
Lowe George Lincoln, tobacconist, 53 High 'street Porritt \Vm. pawnbroker 44, &; boot & shoe dlr. 46, High st
Luca,s Arthur George, piano tuner, 79 Eastern road Porter Arthur, solicitor, Bank house, Market place
Lucas Bessie (Mrs.), china &; glass dealer &; piano tuner, Poston Charles, butcher, Mawneys road
South street Poston .lames Hoger, butcher, 52 & 54 High street
Luckin Jose'ph, linen draper, 96 High street Prin Henry Joseph, commission agent, I Dymoke road
Lush & Cook Lim. dyers &; cleaners &; laundry, 4 Bank Provincial Furnishin.g Co. house furnishers, 39 High street
buildings, South street Public Weighbridge (George Hobday, weigher), Market III
2\Iacarthy S. mineral water manufacturer, 26 Market place Pullan George, tailor, 32 High street
McNamara John, photographer, Victoria road Puncher Geo,private gardener to Dr. ·Fraser, 63 Eastern I'd
Maddocks WiIliam Henry, florist, 28 Albert road Ralph Simon, clerk, 250 Victoria road
Makin Leonard Frank, groeer, & agent for \V. & A. Gilbey Ramsay Albert .!.rthur, corn, seed & coal mer. 81 South st
Lim. wine & spirit merchants, 9 &, I I Market place Rand Hy. John, fruiterer, 39 South st. &; 55 Victoria I'd
Mann Herbert, farmer, Little Petitt's farm Rawlings Robert Thomas, sign writer, Como street
Mann Thomas, eating house, 86 High street Rayment Alfd. Jas. grocer & wine dlr. 50 &, 52 Victoria 1'd
Mannall Joseph Sheave, confectioner, 104 Vict01'ia road Read Josiah, commcI. travllr. Springhurst, Hornehllrch rd
Manzano Leopold, hair dresser &, tobacconist, South street Reed Henry, fruiterer &; greengrocer, 32 North street
Marsh Sarah &; Emma (Misses), fncy.repos. 86 ~Iarket pI Reed Henry James, Crown hotel P.H. 256 London road
March Charles S. draper, 32 Market place Reed Letitia (Mrs.), tobacconist, 31 North street
Marden Alfred, police inspector, 126 Victoria road Reed Samuel T. jun. saddler, 96 Market 'place
Martin Arthur George, clerk, Lansmere, ~Ianor road Rees, Morland &; Go. printers, 21 Market place
Martin Frank, clerk, 74 Western road Reynolds Charles, horse dealer, 25 Market place
Martin John, collector for the Essex Provident Society, Reynolds Florence (Miss), Uising .sun r.H. South streeb
78 WEstern roa,d Reynolds ~Iary Eliza (Miss), earthenware dlr. 75 Albert I'd
_Mason George Mayne, picture framer, Brentwood road Reynolds Susan Ann (Miss), general dealer, High street
l\Iead Brothers, coach builders, Market place Rich Arthur Albert, Blucher's Head inn, 44 Market place
Meadmore Elizbth. (Mrs.), baker & confectioner, High st Rich Charles, Bull inn, & cattle dealer, 76 Market plnce
~edway & Welton, boot &; shoe muliers & china & glilss Rich George, cattle dealer, 23 Victoria villas, Victoria rd
dealers, 38 &; 40 Market place Rich George .lames, butcher, 9 & 11 South street
Metcalfe Frank, coach builder, see rage & l\Ietcalfe I Rich John, cattle dealer, 18 Albert road
"Metcalfe Frank, shoeing smith, White Hart yard, High st
"Milbon Richard (firm, Milbon Bros.), builder, Qneen !!treet
I Richardson Albert, boot &; shoe maker, IS Victoria road
Richardson Gporge, boot &; shoe mul;;:er, 4 Mawneys rO:1.d

Rickman William, news agent, Brentwood road Spencer John, jun. grocer, provision, wine, spirit &.
Robeson Sydney, G.P.O. telegraphist, 68 Western road . bottled beer merchant &; insurance agent, South street
Robinson A. A. (Miss), ladies? school, Junction road Spiegel Gabriel, tailor, 33 High street
Robinson Emma (Miss), pastrycook & cnfctnr. 12 South st Stalley Alfred, foreman, 147 Victoria road
Robinson Sarah (Miss), ladies' school, St. Andrc\\"s road Stebbins William, hair dresser, 6 London road
Robison William Thomas, builder, London road Stevens A. joint sec. Romford Town Swimming Ullll}~
Ramford Express (Frank Mynott, proprietol' & publisher' ; 173 Victoria road
published friday), North street E:tevens Frederick John, butcher, 108 Victoria ruad
Romford Gas &; Coke Co. Limited (William Daniel Child, Stevens Harry Robert, fruiterer, 38 Shakespere road
manager), Cotleigh road Stevenson Matilda & Mary Elizabeth (Misses), fancy I'~-
Romford Golf Club (H. H, RapheI' esq. J.l'. president; pository, & post ofiice, 47 Vietoria road
Lt.-Col. W. Woodforde }?inden, sec. &; treasurer; Eo J. Stoke Charles, carman, 94 Albert road
Parker, steward; J ames Braid, professional), Hare st Stukes Frances (Mrs.), dress makel', }'ark lane
Romford Liberal Association (Harold 1Voodcocli, hon. sce) Stokes Frederick, insurance agent, Park lane
Romford Swimming Club (Herbert C. Smith, sec.), 'l'lw Stone Leonard F. general draper, dress malwl', millillc.-
Baths, Mawneys road &c.; millinery in the latest styles; d l'essllwldng .~
Romford Town Swimming Club (H. H. Thol'l1ton &, A, specialite, Market place &; Victoria road
Stevens, joint secs.), The Buths, Mawneys road Stromeyer Prederick William, professor of music, Brool~-
Romford Union Infirmary (James Alex. Fl'aSel' M.n.G.S. side, Eastern road
. Eng., L,H.C.P.Lon. medical ofIicer) Surridge & Mullis, solicitors, 2 North street
Romford Urban District C{)uncil Eaths (Henry C. Green, Suttle William, bill poster, 43 Albert road
supt.), Mawneys road Swan & Johnson, hosiers & hatters, South stred
Romford Working Men's Club (E. Fletcher, sec. pI'O. Symonds William, shopkeeper, St. Andrew's road
tern.), }Iawneys road , Taloot R. J. postmaster of Homford, Sou tlI stl'eet
Rosenbloom Abraham, boot &; shoe maker, 67 HIgh street Tansley George, teacher of singing, 63 Victoria 1'(1:1<.
Roughton George, fishmonger, 80 Victoria road Tansley Laura (Miss), dress maker, 232 London road
Rowe Edith (.\Irs.), shopkeeper, 25 Waterloo road Tansley Sydney George, coach builder, Kyme road
Rudken Charles John, builder, Douglas rond Taylor Albert, boot maker, 53a, London routl
RufHB Richard. gr{)COlr, 124 Victoria road & 74 High st Taylor Edward William, Victoria inn, Victori:l road
Rushen Samuel, fishmonger, South street Thomas lVilliam, clerk, Little Mawneys, MawIleys roa<l
Ryan Arthur Joseph L.RC.S. & L.R.C.P.Edin. l)hysician Thompson Sandford, fishmonger, 5 I South street
& surgeon, & medical onicer No. I district, Homford 'l'homson Edward Milson, shopkeeper, Douglas l'oad
union, :i\-Iawneys road Thornton H. H. joint sec. Romford Town Swimll1iIlg Clllb,
Sapsford Arthur, boot &; shoe maker, 20 South street 4d, Western road
Sapsford Thomas John, boot & shoe maker, 84 Victoria I'd Thornton James Henry, chartered accountant, Crown
Saunders Harry, travelling draper, Moss bank, Princes I'd chambers, South street
Savill & Co. boot &; shoe retailers 1& clothiers, Mm'het Thul'ogo{)d Charlotte &; Son, builders &c. W<lterlotJ nHltt
place & South street Tickner Isaac, clerk, 2 Mount Pleasant, Brentwood road
Saville George, earthenware dealer, 16 London road Tidmarsh Minnie (Miss),cnfctnr.&; post office,94 Market pI
Scarlifl' Wm, Bell L,D.S. dentnl surgeon, 73 South street Tidmarsh Sllsannah (Mrs.), bnlier & cOIlfectioner, IIigh st
Schmidt Charles, clerk, 154 Victoria road Toghill Samuel, foreman, Nursery walk
Scruby Fordham, groeer &c. 7 South street Tracy & Gozzard, mechanical engineers, St. Alldrcw's 1',1
Seabrook John, farmer, Crowlands Watts Leonard, fishmonger, 10 London road
SeabrooliB & Sons Limited, maltsters, Corn market Turner Phmbe (Miss),
, . dress maker, Queen sl,rect
Sellers Joseph Henry, draper, 16 Market place Turner Robert, confectioner, 23 London TOad
Sheerman Edgar, baker, 45 I.ondon Toad Turner Samuel, plasterer, 143 Victoria road
Shepherd Ern-est Albert, coach builder, 21 London mad Turvey Janus, sanitary inspector & surveyor to Homf'Jr,t
Sheward Arthur, butcher, 41 High street Urban District Oouncil, Market pInee
Shirrefl' Langford, solicitor &; commissioner for oaths, Twentyman Edward, supervisor for inland revenue, 69
248 Victoria Toad vVestern road
Short James E. grocer, &; post office, 43 London road 'l'yler 1ViIliam, cycle agent, 19 Waterloo Toad
Silcocks Alfred Harold, plumber, gasfitter &c. 56 High st Umfreville Herbert, dairyman, Brentwood road
Silcoclrs Catherine (Miss), dress maker, 56 High street Unwin Alfred, shopkeeper, 98 Albert road
Simmons 1Yilliam James, clerk, 56 South street Unwin William, fried fish dealer, 80 George street
Simons Thomas Samuel, Old Oak P.H. Hornchurch Toad Victoria Cottage Hospital (Alfred Wright, hon. medical
Simpson Frederick ·Wm. B.A, Grammar school,Junction I'd officer; Miss Bostock, matron), Pettits lane
Simpson Peter, draper, JI9 GeorgB street Vile Leonard, grocer, & post office, 46 Shaftesbury roa,}
Singer Manufacturing Co. 16 LDndon road Volunteer Battalion, 1st Essex Regiment (A Co. Capt.
Skeet Albert Harry, butcher, Brentwood road A. H. Bryant & B Co. Major J;'. H. Thirlwall, command-
Skinner Albert, dairyman, 69 London road ing"; Sergt. WilIiam Baker, drill instructor); arlllonry
Skinner Charles John, oil & color man, Brentwood road & drill hall, Marhet place
Slipper 1Villiam Thomas, coach builder, 22 North street lVackett John, jun. farmer, Bell house
Smee Edwa.rd, boot maker, 6 Albert road lVallace John Henry, clerk, 79 Albert road
Smith & Balderson, provision dealers, 25 High street 1Vallis Benjamin, grocer &; fancy repositol'y, 48 Mal'ket pI
Smith C, .":; F. W. solicitors 1& commissioners for oaths, Wallis James, boot maker, 148 Victoria road
Market place Wallis Louisa (Miss), fancy repository, 82 Victuria road
Smith 1Villiam Dykes & Sons, basket makers, 15 North st Wallis Wm. complete house furnisher, 21 to 25 South st
Smith Herbert C. sec. of Romford Swimming Ulub, 2 Ivy Walton Alfred, tobacconist, 49 High st. & 34 Market place
villas, Havering road W'lllton Curtis Robert, dining rooms, 72 Market place
Smith James, seedsman, 34 H-igh street Ward Margaret E. (Miss), ladies' school, Olaughton col-
Smith Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 73 Market place lege, Eastern road
Smith John Bevous, currier, 80 &; 82 Ma.rket place Warr Emily (Mrs.), teacher of music, 7 Hornchurch road
Smith Stanley, dairyman, Park lane Watts Leonard, fishmonger, la Leonard road
Smith William, boot maker, Mildmay road Webb J. &; E. (Misses), fancy drapers, 13 Albert road
Smith 1Villiam, clerk to thB justices, Romford divisioll, lVebb Elkanah, shopkeeper, 17 George sheet
guardians & school attendance -& assessment com- Webb George, coal merchant, 13 Albert road
mittee of R-omford union, to Romford Rural District Webster WaIter Edward, laundry, 33 North street
Council, Romford, HOl'nchurch, Rainhum, Dagenhn1l1 & Webster William, baker, grocer &c. St. Andrew's road
Upminster school boards & to Lambourne united dis- Welch William, nurseryman & florist, 17 High street
trict school board; to the governors of Ford's charity, WeIler Sergt.-Major .Albt.R.A. drin instrctr.I7 Victoria. I'd
Dagenham &; superintendent registral', North street Wells Samuel William, eating house, 66 High street
Smith William, clerk to the guardians & school attend- Welton WaIter, boot &; shoe malrer, see Medway 0& Welton
ance & assessment committee of Romford union, to West London Millinery 00. ladies' outfitters, 42 South st
Romford Rural District Council, Romford, Hornchurah vVestgatB Frederick, valuer, house, land &; general business
& Upminster school boards & to Lambourne nnited dis- agent, 2 North street
trict school board, to the governors of l"ord's charity, Westgate William, builder &; decorator, Mawneys road
Dagenham, & deputy coroner &; superintendent regis- Wheatley Oscar, ironmonger, see Evans &; 1Vheatley
trar, North street Wheil George, cab proprietor, The Folly, LDndon road
Smith William Charles, cattle dealer, 164 Victoria road White &; Ives (Misses), day school for girls i& boys,
South Essex Waterworks Co. (Charles James Fox, sec.); Princes road
offices, Hornchurch road White George 1YiIliam, manager, 101 Victoria road
White Henry, florist, 182 London road Wortley .Toseph William, coffee tavern, 27 Market place
White Thos.railway clerk, 3 Mount Pleoasant, Brentwood I'd Wotton Frederick George, shopkeeper, 31 London road
Whitelock Henry W. chemist & dentist, 28 place Wright Thos. dmper, IS & 17 South st. &; 63 Victoria rd
Whitmore Henry Limited, millers, flour factors, corn 'Vright & Wright, surgeons, South street & Manor
&; seed merchants, Victoria steam mills; &, New Corn house, Victoria. road
Exchange, Mark lane E C Wright Alfred )'f.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, ,& medical officer of
Wilkinson Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Queen street health to the Urban & Rural District Councils, certi-
WiIlsmer Samuel, saddler, SI High street fying factory surgeon, & public vaccinator No. 2 dis-
1Vilson & Whitworth Lim. stationers, printers &, pub- trict, Romiord union, South street
lishers of the "Essex Times," High street I ~Tright Annie ('!\Ess), fancy repository, 42 High street
)Vilson Thoma,s, coal dealer, 30 Shakespere road I 'Vl'ight Charles, shopkeeper, 201 Marks road
Windmill Field, farmer, Lodge farm : Wright Rerbert C. builder & undertaker, 103 South street
Winstone Alice (Miss), ladies' outfitter, 26 South street I Wyard & Taylor, mineral water manufacturers, High st
Withers Francis Howard,commcl. traveller,244 Victoria rd I Young Bridget (Mrs.), greengrocer, 61 High street
Woodall Charles, commercial traveller, Ashley, Manor reI Yull Alfred Samuel, plumber &c. 29 Market place
Woodcock Chas. Hy. sta,tion mstr. G. E. railway, South st Lull .Tames Edward, Liberty Arms P.R. Waterloo road
Fitch Charles Frederick, EImhurst Croft Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper News & Reading Room (Rt.Elms, sec)
Jackson The Misses, Prospect place Drake Ernest William, shopkeeper Peck William, shopkeeper ,
Loake Samuel Hillyard, Hampden ho Gale Harry Legg, grocer Plummer Fak. tohacconist, Post office
Scott Thomas W. G. Little Mawneys Harman John, White Hart P.H Randall William, blacksmith
Tettmar Andrew, Rampden cottage La wrence Edward, haulier Wallis Nathaniel, boot & shoe maker,
Brooks Thomas, Bell inn &, farmer Lodge Edward, blacksmith Prospect place
Bose William, Balgores Smith Frederick, Beverley Martin Alfred, cab proprietor
Capron Miss, Adelaide cottage Watts Valentine Wylde, Park villas Miller Edward, blacksmith
Dark Oswald, P·ark cottage Winmill Field, Romford lodge Murray J ames, contractor
Ferguson David, Woodbine COMMERCIAL. Romford Golf Club (Lieut.-Col. W.
Ransen Charles. Parkside Cooper John Milner, Unicorn inn Woodforde Finden, 'Sec. & treas.;
Pain Mrs. 'Ihe Willows Diebel John, Ship inn E. J. Parker, steward)
Peacock Misses, Repton ccttage Ellingworth Daniel Stansbury, farmer Shaw Divey (Pains), horse slaughterer
Platten Thomas William, Fauvie Firman Frederick, shopkeeper Sparrow Thomil!s, Post office
Clements Chas. Fredk. The Halfthorns Hay-man Wm. Henry, Holly house Bedford Henry, grocer, Margaret road
Fo,rd Walter, Maldon house Papprill John, Woodbine villa Broom John, shopkeeper, 3 Fernside
Hale Henry William, Lyndhurst Smith William Sam!. Southend villas [ White J. & G. nurserymen'
Black .Tames, Goosehayes Hasler Ernest William, cowkeeper Rich George, jun. farmer
Bryant Edward, Harold Wood hall King J ames, beer l'etailer Rumble William, farmer
Ellingworth Daniel Stansby Lusby Willia=, frmr. Heaton grangl; Sexton William, farmer
Beagle Helen (Mrs.), beer retailer Mallison John, farmer, New hall Wheatley Frederick, '1'he Warrens-
Brown Denham, wheelwright Ottley Mark, farmer, Harold Wood fm White Henry Freshwater, contractor-'
Gay Mrs_ 'rhornton house Cemetery (Kew) (Charles T. King, Potter George, beer retailer
Kelley Conrad clerk to the bl1rial committee); Saggers Ge·orge, carman
COYMEROIAL. offices, Council chambers, Market Welch William, nurseryman. Henry, hurdle maker place, Romford
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. .Tenkyn John, Derby house CarIord .Tosiah, Sq,uirrels Head P.B-
Appleby George William, Oakland,s Osman Wm. Geo. Fredk. School ho Cracknell Emma (Mrs.), The Drill inn
Castellan' Victor, Hare hall Poole Alfred, Park house Heffer Samuel & Robert, brick makers,
Coel :Major Boward Henry, Heath cot Poole William John, I Outred villas HOl'nchurch road
Farrow John W. Russell house Tnompson Darius Charles, Manor ho Maple Thomas, pork butcher & post off
Godefroy Rev. Harold B.A.Lond. Poole William, baker & corn dealer
(curate in charge of St. '1'homas', COMMERCIAL.. Simpson Frank, ga.rdener to Victor
Noak Hill & All Saint,s', SquirrelS! BaTker George, manager at G. E. rail- CasteIlan esq
Heath) way factory Woolley Thomas, beer retailer
THE RODINGS (or Roothings) are a cluster of small ABBESS ROOTHIKG, 27 miles from London and
agricultural paJ'ishes, established before the time of the 0 north from Ongar terminal station, on a. branch of
Confessor and situated between Ongar and Dunmow, on the Great Eastern railway, in the Ongar hundred,.
the upper part of the l'in~r Roding, in the Western division petty sesiOional division and union and in the rural
of the county, unions and hundreds of Dunmow and dean~y of Ongar, takes its name from the circum-
Ongar, Dunmow petty sessional division and county stance of its having of old belonged to the Abbess of.
court district and in the rural deaneries of Roding and Barking. At the Dissolution, Henry VIII. sold the estate
Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. to Robert Cbertsey. The church of St. Edmund is an.
The district is considered very fruitful. The churches edifice of flint, in the Perpendicular style, completely
posse.:s but little architectural merit. Roman remains restored and enlarged in 1867, and consists of chancel,.
are occasionally found scattered over this district. The nave, south porch and an embattle~ western tower of
soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, brick with a small spire and containing 3 bells: the east
barley and beans. • and west windows are stained, and one of the smaller
The area and the population for these several places, ~ind?ws c~ntains old stained glass of the ~ime of He~ry
accordin 0' to the retul'll of 1901 is as follows: - "\i I. mcludmg a figure of St. Edmund; It was buned
'" Acres Popula- Rateable dur:'ng- the Reformation and restored in 1867; the church
of land. tion. value. has 123 sittings. The register dates from the year 1560.
High Roothing .. 1,774 399 £1, 28 9 The living- is a rectory, net yearly value, £275, with resi-
Aythrop Roothing .. 1,390 21 3 979 dence, in the gift of and held since 1858 by the Rev. Law-
White Roothing & Morell rence Capel Cure RA. of Balliol College, Oxford. Here
Roothing . 2,535 375 1,670 is a Cong:regational chapel, erected in 1727, but owing to
Leaden Roothing . 9II 177 743 its dilapidated condition, services are now held in the
Margaret Roothing .. 1,281 210 9 24 schoolroo:nn. The parish clerk is endowed with a rent-
Abbess Roothing . 1, 61 4 - 1, 18 4 charge of £2 yearly. The trustees of the late Lord
Berwick Berners .. 390 - - Rookwood P.C. (d. 1902) are lords of the manor of
Berners Roothing .. 1,071 4 67 I Rookwood Hall, and the principal landowners.
Beauchamp Roothing •• ~ .. 1,259 1,021

BERWICK BERNERS (or Barwick Berners) is a ham Letters through Ongar S.O. to Willingale, where they
let of Abbess Roothing. remain until called for. The nearest money order
Parish Clerk, Stephen Whitbread. /'
office is at Roxwell & telegraph office at Leaden Uooth-
Post Office.-William 'Vhitbread, sub-postmaster. Let- ing, 2 miles distant
ters from Brentwood through Ongar S.O. arrive week The children of this place attend the school at Willingale
days 8.30, sundays 9 a.m.; dispatched at 4.15 p.m. •
sundays at 10 a.m. Postal orders are issued here, but HIGH ROOTHING is 31 miles from London, and 4
not paid. The nearest money order office is at White south-west from Dunmow station on the G.reat Eastern
Roothing & telegraph office is at Fyfield, 3 miles distant railway, in Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division
Parochial School (mixed), erected in 186o, for 43 children and un:_on, and rural deanery of Roding; it was given by
& enlarged in August, 1888, for 58 children; average Leofwin, in the reign of King Edward the Confessor, to a
attendance, 55; Mrs. Ursell, mistress monastery in the Isle of Ely. The church of All Saints,
restored in 1855, at a cost of nea.rly £1,000, is a low
AYTHROP ROOTHING, 30 miles from London and 5~ building of flint in m'.xed styles, consisting of chancel,
• south-west from Dunmow station on the Bishops S'tort- nave, south porch, and a western turret containing 2
ford and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway, bells: there are brasses in the chancel; the church win
is in Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division and seat 250 persons. The register dates from tpe year 1538.
union, and in the rural deanery of Roding. The church The living is a rectory, net yearly value £24°, with resi-
of St. Mary the Virgin is an edifice of flint in the Early dence and 24 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, Roden and held since 1890 by the Rev. Thomas Eddleston,
vestry, and a western belfry with shingled spire con- of St. Aidans. The Countess of Roden is lady of the
taining 3 bells bearing the following inscriptions: 1st, manor and principal landowner.
"Huic fratris Simonis Andrei nomen habet;" 2nd, Parish Clerk, Charles Hayden.
~'Virgini atque matri resonat Campana Marie;" 3rd, Post & Telegraph & Express Delivery Office.-George
'" De celis missi nomen habeo Gabrielis:" the lancet Alfred Rolph, sub-postmaster. Letters from Dunmow
windows in the chancel are stained; there are 120 sittings. at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at 5.15 p.m. Postal orders
'The register dates from the year 1559. The living- is a are issued here, but not paid. High Easter is the
rectory, net yea-rly value £220, with residence, in the gift nearest money order office
.of Mrs. G. E. Kershaw. and held since 1895 by the Rev. Parochial School (mixed), erected in 1861 for 86 children;
..Tohn Albert Kershaw M.A. of St. Catharine's College, average at,tendance, 79; Harry Holgkinson, master
-Cambridge. Charles Livermore esq. who is lord of the
manor, and Messrs. W. D. Caton, Frederick John Mat- LEADEN ROOTHING is 28 miles from London, 7 north-
thews, of High Easter, Edwin Laver Aldham, B. Peacock, east from Ongar terminal station and 7 south-west from
the trustees of the late John Gingell, of High Roothing, Dunmow station, both on the Great Eastern railway, and
and the trustees of Gobert's Charity are the principal in Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division and union,
landowners. . . Ilnd i.n the rural deanery of Roding. Here was a place
Post Offioo.-Mrs. Susan Day, sub-postmistress. Letters called" Leaden Wash," where a turnbridge was made for
from Chelmsford through Durunow, arrive at 7.20 a.m. the convenience of carriages and foot passengers crossing
& dispatched at 4.55 p. m. week days only. Postal the water. The church (dedication unknown) is a small
orders are issued here, but not paid. White Roothing building- of rubble in the Norman style, consisting of
is the nearest money order otnce & the nearest tele- _chancel, nave, south porch and a western belfry of wood
graph office is at Leaden Roothing, 2 miles distant w·.th spire, and containing 3 bells: it was restored in 1866
and has roD sittings. The register of baptisms and burials
.National School (mixed), erected in 1850 for 50 children; dates from 1572; marriages, 1752. The living is a rec-
.average attendance, 42; Miss Winifred Booth, mistress
tory, net yearly value £150, with 43 acres of glebe and
BEAUCHAMP ROOTHING is a parish 26 miles from residence, in the gift IIf the Lord Chancellor and held
- 'London, 5 north-east from Ongar terminal station on a since 1894 by the Rev. Gerald William Druce M.A. of
. branch of the Great Eastern railway and 10 south- Exeter College, Oxford, and surrogate. Here is a Congre-
: west from Dunmow, in Ongar hundred, petty sessional gational chapel i.n conjunction with the Abbott's Rooth-
_-division and union and rural deanery of Ongar. The ing and High Easter chapels, the services being conducted
church of St. Botolph is a small edifice of rubble, in t!:!.e by ministers of these chapels respectively. The trustees
-Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north of the late Lord Dacre, who are lords of the manor, T. A.
porch and an embattled western tower containing 4 Spencer esg. and Messrs. Thomas MilIbank, Charles Liver-
''''bells: there are several stained windows, including two more of Aythrop Hall and Loftus J. W. Arkwright esg. of
,memorial windows in the nave: the church was Little Parndon, are the pr'ncipal landolmers.
-thoroughly restored in 1870, and the exterior in 1893 at Parish Clerk, William Wilson.
:a cost of about £100 and has 120 sittings. The register Post, Telegraph & Express Delivery Office.-Henry Fredk.
dates from the year 1688. The living is a rectory, net Goldsmith, sub-postmaster. Letters through Dunmow
'yearly value £270, with 38 acres of glebe and residence, arrive 7.30 a.m.; dispatched 4.50 p.m. Postal orders
'in the!!"ift of and held since 1887 by the Rev. John are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money
Howard RA. of St. John's CDUege, Cambridge. ord'er office is at White Roothing
BIRDSGREEN is a hamlet, 11 miles south, partly in National School (mixed), for 50 children; average
Beauchamp Roothing and partly in Willingale Doe. attendance, 35; Miss Charlotte Milne, mistress
Sexton. Jame!'! Whitbread. MAB.GARET B.OOTIDNG is 29 miles from London, 7
Letters from Brentwood through Ongar S. O. by mail north-east from Ongar station and 8 south-west from
cart arrive at 7.30 a.m. & dispatched at 4-30 p.m. Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division and union
The nearest money order office is at White Hoothing and in the rural deanery of Roding. The church of
& telegraph office at Leaden Hoothingo, 2~ miles distant St. Margaret is a small building of rubble in the Early
Wall Letter BJX at BlTds Green cleared at 4.30 p.m Norman style and consists of chancel, nave and a western
A. School Board of 5 members was formed I June. 188o: turret containing one bell; the south door and windows
Rev. John Howard B.A. hon. clerk to the board are good examples of Norman work; th~re are ISO sit-
- :Board (formerly parish) School (m:.xed), enlarged in 1870, tings. The register dates from the year r538. The liv.~ng
101' 50 children: average attendance, 6o; John Nicholas
is a rectory, formerly belonging to the Abbey of St.
Rowe, master Albans, net yearly value 1.93, with 37 acres of glebe and
BERNERS ROOTHIKG is a parish, 7 miles north-east residence, in the g-ift of the rector and trustees, and held
..·from Ongar station and 10 south-west from Dunmow since rP6r by the Rev. Francis Burton Shepherd M.A. of
Oriel Col:ege. Oxford. Here is an endowment
station, both on the Great Eastern railway, in Dunmow be given in bread; James Bentley esq. by deed of gift, of 30S. to
;hundred and Ongar petty sessional division and union,
and rural deanery of Roding. The church (name not 186.'). Q'ave the sum off,400, the interest of which is to be
.known) is a: small building of rubble in the Perpendicular applied in keeping the churchyard and walls in good re-
pair. The M(lrgoaret Rooth ·.ng- Benefit Society now num-
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a
bers about 400 members. Mrs. Barnard and the Master
western tower of wood containing I bell; there are 60 and Fellows of Universitv Colleg-e, Oxford, are the lords
,sittings. The 'register dates from the year 1538. The of the manor and the principal landowners.
living is a donative vicarage, net yearly value £,63.
annexed to the rectory of Willing'ale Doe, with Shellow Bv Local Government Board Order 22,423, March 24,
'Bowells, in the gift of Col. T. H. Bramston, and held 1888, a detacherl part of Good Easter in Chelmsford
i1ince 1880:; bv the Rev. John Swayne M.A. of Mag-dalen union, known as Pinches, was added to this parish.

Hall, Oxford, who is also rector of and residE'S at Wil- Marks Hall. a farm house, seems to have been an
lillg'flle Doe. independent chapelry, and pays tithes to the rectory
Sexton, Jonathan Monk. of Stondon Massey.
Post Office.-William Crouchman, sub-postmaster. Let- was thoronghly restOred and refitted in 1879, at a cost
ters arrive fi'om Dunmow at 7.50 a.m.; dispatched at of £1,700, and in 1895 the 'spire was renovated at a cost
4.10 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. of .6 lOO: there are sittings for 200 persons. The register
White Roothing is the nearest money order office & dates from the year 1547. The living is a rectory, net
the telegraph ofIice is at Leaden Roothing, I mile yearly value £475, with 56 acres of glebe and residence,
distant . in the gift, of Sir Spencer P. M. Maryon-Wilson bart.
Endowed School (mixed), endowed by the Rev. Dr. and held since 1893 by the Rev. James Edmond Long
D'Oyley, a formt'r rector of this parish, with £14 of St. Bees. Here is a Congregational chapel, opened
& by James Bentley esq. with £20: the school, which Jan. 1888. The trustees of the late Edward Parris esq.
is managed by the rector, will hold 50 children; of MascalIs Bury, and' John Tudor Frere esq. of Roydon
average attendance, 42; Mrs. Macintosh, mistress Hall, Norfolk, who are lords of the manor, and Major
John Augustus Fane, of 'Voodlands road, Barnes Com-
WHITE ROOTHING, supposed to have been so named mon S. W. are the principal landowners.
from the whiteness of the church, is 29 miles from
London, 8 south-west from Dunmow and 5 east from MORRELL ROOTHING, formerly a distinct parish,
Sawbridgeworth station on the Cambridge line of the is now united to White Roothing.
Great Eastern railway, in Dunmow hundred, petty ses- Sexton, George Stone.
sional division and union, and in the rural deanery of Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Roding. The church of St. Martin exceeds in import- Edward Davis Green, sub-postmaster. Letters from
ance, as a building, any other of the Roding churches Dunmow received 7.55 a.m.; dispatched 4.25 p.m.
and is seen from a considerable distance; it is an :Ko sunday post. The nearest telegraph office is at
edifice of rubble, in mixed styles, consisting of chancel Leaden Roothing, 2 miles distant
and nave, south porch, and an embattled western tower A School Board of 5 members was formel 14 Mar. 1873;
with spire containing 5 bells: the nave is Early Norman ~tephen GifIard, High street, Great Dunmow, clerk
with Perpendicular insertions, the chancel chiefly per-I to the board.; William Henry Carr, Great Dunmow,
pendicular with Decorated remains, the tower is Perpen- i attendance ofii.cer
dieular· and the wooden south porch chiefly of the same Board School (mixed), built in 1873, for 99 children;
date: a memorial tablet to the late Queen Victoria was I average attendance, 70; GeorgeWhitmore, master;
erected by the parishioners in March, 1901. The cburch Mrs. Whitmore, assistant mistress
ABBESS ROOTHING. Webb John, farmer, Horners Staines Albert, farmer, Lucas
Cure Rev. Lawrence Capel RA., J.P. Whitbread Hy. beer ret. Birds green Tyrrell John, blacksmith
Rattee Rev. James E. (Congregatnl) Cilletwode &; Grubbe, farmers, Berners
Shepherd Rev. Francis Burton M.A. hall & Parsonage
A,shwell Thomas, farmer, Lee~e\s Barnard ·~'l:rs. farmer, Brick house 'Vilson William, farmer, Elms
Barker '1hos. S. frmr..Berwlck s ~rm Margaret Roothi:Jg Benefit Society HIGH ROOTHING.
Blowes John, beer retaIler & ~arrler (Rev. F. B. Shepherd M.A. pres) Colina Major, Roding hall
C?llyer Thomas, frmr. Parker s farm Mead Isaac, miller (wind & water) Davies Mrs. The Willows
Kinsey James, farmer, Nether street Milbank Thomas, farmer, Garnish hall Eddleston Rev. Thomas, Rectory
Lea Francis, farmer, Abbe-ss hall & '''hitehall Bacon George, carpenter
Parmenter Mary (Mrs.), Anchor P.H Hitchie Hy Reid farmer Marks hall Barnard Henrv, Black Lion P.H
Rowe William, farmer, Rookwood hall ." J
WHITE LOOTHING. Bennett Joseph, farmer, Gowers, High
AYTHROP ROOTHING. Trees, Atridges & Hubbards farms
Aldham Charles James, Righams Brown Gcor~e Bennett Robert, farmer
Kershaw Rev. John Albt. M.A.Rectory Challis Frank Blowes Henry William, beer retailer
Long Rev. James Edmond, Rectory Bush Sarah Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school
COMMERCIAL. Morgan George Campen James, fishmonger
Aldham Edwin LavaI', photographic Morgan Miss <1ingell John, farmer, Bury
enlarger & artist, Highams Parris Mrs. Mascalls Bury Hines Henry J oseph, grocer
Aylett Elizabeth (Miss), Oarpenters' Lodrre John, beer retailer
rms . Owers Charles, farmer, Whitehall
Aylett John, beer retailer Brown John, carter Owers Simon, grocer & prov. dealep
Belsham Thos. miller (wind & steam) Challis Frank, general dealer Staines Sophia (Mrs.), farmer, Porters-
Caton'V. Draper, farmer, Biggols Dawkins Barnard, bricklayer Rolph George Alfred, confectionel'~.
Clayden Thomas, grocer & draper Dawkins George, bricklayer cyclists' accommodated, traps for'
Dunmow John, farmer, Cut Elms Field Marshall, farmer, Pottens farm hire, & Post office
Matthams James, farmer, cattle dealer Field Nathaniel, farmer Tyrrell 'Villiam, blacksmith
& dairyman Green Edward Davis, grocer & draper, Webb James, shopkeeper
Metson Jacob, farmer Post office Wilson Fdk, farmer, ',,"are & Dugates'
:Vletson Henry, farmer, Friar's grange Green Green, farmer, Manwoods Wilson JQhn, farmer, New hall
Shead Mary Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith Grove Edmund, farmer, Kingstons LEADEN ROOTHING.
Har~ing Brothers, butchers -
BEAUCHAMP ROOTHING. Lee Charles, Black Horse P.R Druce Rev. Gerald William M.A.
Roward Rev. John B.A. Rectory Lewis John, farmer, 'Varwicks I (rector & surrogate), Rectory
Newman George, Long Bames Lukies Xicholas, farmer, Cammas hall, Goldsmith Frederick
Blowes In. Parker, shpkpr. Butt hatch Mann Elizh. (Mrs.), Whalebone P.H Allen William, gro(:er & draper
Elliott Alfred, farmer Matthams 'Walter, farmer, Graylands Bentall J oseph, farm bailiff to Strutt
Hammond Arthur, Swan P.H. & bld:r Monck Fred & GliiIord, wheelwrights & Parker
llorsnell Geo. shopkeeper, Birds green Newell John, shoe maker Ellis Arthur, King William IV. P.R
Newman George, farmer, Long Barnes Newton Edbert, mason Goldsmith Henry Fredk. Post office
Proctor Victoria (Mrs.), ,farmer, OliveI' Alfred, farmer, Marks hall Monk Wm. beer retlr. &; shopkeeper
Wellies farm Parris Edward (Mrs.), farmer & land- Mott Gustavus, wheelwright
Head Jas. farmer, Butt hatch & Slades owner, .Mu,scall's Bury Nunn :Frederick 'Vm. wheelwright
Warder Nathan, farm bailiff to Mess,rs. Roast 'Villiam & Frank, millers (wind Saunders James, farmer, Chalk farm
Duffield & Bruity, Wood end & steam) Thurley George, bricklayer
ROXWELL is a parish on the Can, a feeder of the, the King's Bench (1635-42); he was the eldest son of
Chelmer, 4! miles west from Chelmsford station, 9 north- : Roger Bramston, of Maldon, Essex, where he was born
east from Ongar, and 26 from London, in the Mid divi- : May 18th, 1577, and is said to have been a man of pro-
sion of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty ses- found learning, solid judgment, integrity of life and

sional division, and county court district, r~ral deanery i gravity of manner. : he died. at Skreenes ~ark, 22 Sept.
of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and dIocese of St. 1654, and was burIed here: m the chancel IS also a mural

Albans. The church of St. l\fichQel, an edifice of flint' monument with a bust and inscription to Mary, daughter
and stone in the Late Decorated style, enlarged and and co-heiress of John Bramston esq. of Skreenes, and
thoroughly repaired in 1854, consists of chancel, nave, wife of CoL The Hon. Edward Byng; she died 31 Marcli,
north aisle, nortlh porch and a wooden turret at the west I 1744: here also is an inscription to Thoma,s Younge, of
end with spire, and containing 3 bells :in the south I1ngle Newland and Roxwell, gent. and his wife Katheren, ob.
of the chancel is a marble mural monument with inscrip- 1593: in 1886 a chancel screen of ancient oak was placed
tion in Latin, to Sir John Bramston kt. Chief Justice of, ill this church by the Rev. Thomas Hogers :Mus.Doc.:
the windows contain some good modern stained glass: CHALK END, 2 miles north-east; BLACKWALL, I
there are 300 sittings. III 1891 the turret and spire mile south-wes't, and BOYTON CROSS, half a mile
were restored, and about all acre of land addEfd to the north, are small hamlets.
churchyard. 'rhe register dates from the year 1558. Parish Clerk, Albert_ Caudler.
The living is a chaplaincy, net yearly value £155, with
residence and 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of New College, Post·, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
Oxford, and held since 1896 by the Hev. Alfred William Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Edward
Flux :M. A. of that college. Sheens Park, so named Knight, sub-postmaster. LettlllI"S ,are received through
from Serjeallt William Sltrene, in the reign of Henry IV. Chelmsford arrive at 7.20 a.m. & 1 p.m.; dispatched at
was subseq'uently held by Richard Weston, a justice I I a.m. & 6,30 p.m. & on sundays, arrive 8 a.m. & dis-
of the Common Pleas (1559-72), and about 1647 was patched at 9.20 p.m
purchased for a sum of £8,000 from Sir Richard Wes-
ton kt. 1st Earl of Portland K.G. by Sir John Bram- Wall Letter Box, Boynton Oross, cleared 5.30 p.m.; sun-
ston kt. Chief Justice of the King's Bench: the pam, days, 8.30 a.m
303 acres in extent, is about 1~ miles west from the Nation3.I School (boY'S, girls & infants), built in 1834, by
village, and together with the mansion, a structure of T. W. Bl'amsron esq. & recently (1890) by deed of gift,
brick, is the property of Lieut.-Col. Thomas Harvey executed by Lieut.-Col. Bramston, conveyed to the
Bramston and is now occupied by Walter de Zoete esq. vicar and churchwardens in trust for educational pur-
Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor, and Lieut.-Col. T. poses: it will hold 170 children; average attendance,
H.Bramston, of 20, Old Burlington street, London W, 47 boys, 36 girls & 36 infants; Henry Bracey,
"re chief landownel'lS. The soil in sQme places is of a master; Miss Lucy Wright, girls' mistress; Miss
clayey nature, and in others gravel, and produces ex- Emily Wl'ight, infants' mistress
ce.llent corn. The area. is 4,764 acres of land and 18
water; Tatea.b:e value, £4,841; ·the population in 1901 Oarriers to & from Chelmsford.-The Willingale carriers
was 696. pass through on man. wed. & fri

,(Marked thus * are in the Writtle Cogdale Geo. blacksmth. Boynton Crss Roots .lames, farm bailiff tQ French &;
postal delivery.) Crouchman Martha (Mrs.), butcher Hutley, Pye hall
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Earnshaw Hy. Adam, Chequers P.H Simons Charles, farmer, Broadgates
·Cheek Mrs Gandy Geo. wheelwrt. Boynton Cross Towns Geo.frmr.Eleys farm,ChaIk end
·ChristyMiss Ada, Windmill cottage Goodchild George Wm.Hare & Hounds Webb J. & D. manure merchants,
ChristyMrs.Boynton hall,iBoynton Crss Henderson Henry, farmer, Butt hatch Bolding Hatch
Flux. Rev. .Alfred Wm. M.A. Vicarage Knight Edward, baker, Post office Webb William .lames, farmer, clerk
, .de Zoete WaIter M. Skreens Mabbitt George, bailiff to Messrs. J. to Parish Council, assistant overseer
Young Harry, Fir Tree cottage & D. Webb, iBolding Hatch farm & clIctr. of poor's rates, RoxwelI ho
*Metson Saml. farmer, Radley Green *Wilson Wm. shopkeeper, Radley Grn
COMMEBCIA.L. *Milbank Arth. frmr. Cooksmill Gm Willios John, Thatcber's Arms P.R
"Bridge Fredk. .lames, grocer & drapllII" Milbank George, farmer, Duke's Withers George Willinm, Star P.H
Brown John, farmer, Newland hall Morrison Wm. farmer, The Hill farm Wright Ellen Sophia (Mrs.), shop-
•Bucknell Hy. farmer, Armswick farm *Perry Thomas, boot & shoe maker, keeper & farmer
CandJer Albt. ,sxtn. & acting parish elk Cooksmill Green Wright .Tohn, shoe maker
-Dhristy Beginald William, farmer, Ray Ernest Shepherd, miller (steam & Wright Wm. CroSS Keys, Boy ton Crss
Little ~oynton hall, Boyton Cross water mills) Youn~ Solomon, farmer, Thatchers fm

:aOYDON (or Woodredcm) is an ancient town and' and stucco, with well-arranged pleasure grounds sloping
,parish on the borders of Hertfordshire, on the road from to the river Stort, and is close to Roydon station on
Waltham Abbey to HarlQw and on the navigable niver the G.E. railway. Earl Cowley K.G., P.C. is lord of
.StJort, over which is a wooden bridge of one arch; it has the manor, and the principal landowners' are the trustees
a station on the Cambridge section of the Great of the late William Tindal Robertson Spencer Char-
Eastern railway, and is 22 miles from London, 5 rmgton esq. ~I.P. of Hunsdon House, 'Ware, Thomas
south-west' from Harlow, 5! east from Hertford and Collin, Lieut.-Col. George Bramston .Al'cher-Houblon,
7 north-west from Epping. The parish is in the of Hallingbury, Mrs. Prior, Charles James Phelips esq.
Western division of the county, Harlow and Wal- of Meade Lodge, Huusdon, Ware, and Winchester Co~­
tham lmndred, Harlow petty sessional division, Epping lege. The soil is mixed, mostly heavy; subsoil, clay.
union, Waltham county court district, and in the The chief crops are wheat, barley; oats and turnips.
rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- The area is 3,000 acres of land and' 31 of water; rate-
--cese !.)f St. Albans. The ahurch of St. Peter is an edifice able value, £12,208; the population in 190'1 WlliS 1,005.
Qf flint in mixed styles, repaired in 18 54-, and consists of Vergp.r. George Stock.
·chancel, nave, north aisle, which is tluickly covered with
ivy, and an emba.ttled western tower, with small spire, Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
·contJaimng a clock and 6 bells: in the church are brasses Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance O:f.ltce.-Mrs.
with effigies to Thomas CoIte esq. "Edwardi regis consul Georgina Greenfield, sub-postmistress. Lett-ers through
'honorificus," ob. 1471 and Joan (Trusbut) his wife, both Ware & a portion of the parish through Waltham Cross,
figures having collars; to John Q:llte esq. ob. 1521 and arrive at 7 a.m. & 5.55 p.m.; dispatched at 9.25 !t.m.
'MS wives Mary (.Anbe) and Elizlllbeth (EldringtOn), with &; 5.50 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 7 a..m.; dispatched ail
18 children; to Eliz8Jbeth (Dinn), wife of John Stanley 9.25 a.m
.gent. ob. 1589, with 5 children, and the figure of a. Post Office, Broadley Common.-Mrs. Esther Mansfield,
-civilian, c. 1580: in 1890 an oak lectern was presented sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Waltham Cross
by Major Longley, son of the late Dr. Longley, arch- at 9.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5.45 p.m. Postal orders
bishop of Canterbury: the church affords 250 sittings. are issued here, but not paid. Nazeing is the nearest
ISO being free. The register dates from the year 1567' money order & telegraph office, 2 miles distant
The living is a discharged vicarage, net yearly value £U2, Pillar 'Letter Box, Station, cleared at 9.30 a.m. &; 6 p.m. ;
with residence, in the gift of Earl Cowley, and held since sundavs at 9<'10 a.m
I!i93 Iby the Rev. Edmund Carlin William Wall Jones of Pillar Letter Box, East End, cleared at 8 & I1·3Q
St. Bees. The Congregational chapel. built in 1852, seats a.m.; sunda)', 8 a.m
200 persons. The Workmen's Club was erected on the A small endowment, amounting to £400 & producing
Green in 1893· Nether Hall, near haTe, an ancient mansion, about £18 yearly, given by John Manning in 175 2 for
of which only the gateway now stands, formerly belonged educational purposes, was some time since sold by the
to the Oolte family, some of whom were buried in the chan- Educational department, the proceeds going towards
eel of ~he church: the gateway is c.onstructed of brick,with defraying the expense of the Board schools which have
eo seml-hexa~onal tower o~ each SIde of the entrance. and been erected
bears the arms of the family supported by two colts; the
whole pile when complete was surrounded by a moat and i A School Board of 5 members was formed 30 Sept. 1874;
a wall: the pr<lperty is now in the possession of Lieut.- Herbert J. Holmes, Elmwood, Broadley Common
Col. Geol'ge Bramston A.rcher-Roublon, of Great Halling- B d S h 1 ( . d) built' 8 6 f 6 hildr
bury. Sir Thomas More, chancellor in the reig'Il of oar c 00 mue, . m I 7, or I ? c en:
H enry VIII. marrle . d h' fi t 'f;r C It f th' averag-e attend,ance, 130, John NewelI Hurrls, master,
as IS rs W1 e ane 0 e 0 lS 1\,1 H" . . ft' '"t • M' G LOoM·
place in 15 0 5, but she died in 15 12, leaving one son and ~,r8. .,uns, 1~ an s ~1" ':~"SS, ISS . evey Olt Isa
three daughters. Roydon Lodge the residence of D. SmIth, ass1stant mIst! e~ses
George C. Beckwith esq. is a mohen building of brick Railway Station, , station master
-. ESSEX. 343

ROYDON. Bigg John, blacksmith Littlechild Martha. (Mrs.), farmer.

Brown Christopher Thomas, black- Skins farm
smith, TyIers Cross Mam,;field 1Villiam George, hay carter.
:Beckwith George C. RDydon lodge Brown Durh<lm, farmer, Merry- 1Yhite house
Bull Frederick, Highfield weathers, Roydon hamlet l\Ienhinick Rd. farmer, Roydon Lea.
Carver Frank, Hamlyn cottages Camp William, baker, Didgemere Moore Arthur J. wheelwright
EJice William H. Fedsden Cannon George, saddler, Roydon hmlt Moore Thomas, jun. butcher
Fine Cornelius J. Bleak house Carr Frederick C. threshing machine Page Nelson, farmer
Gerrard WiJiam Clarke proprietor, Gladwins farm Palmer Margaret (Mrs.), Temple inn
lngham John, Shaftesbury villas Cavill Isaac, farm bailiff to Mr. J. A. Payne George, police constable
.Jones Rev. Edmund Carlin William Hunt, Roydon hamlet Reynolds Mary J. (Mrs.), Green Man
Wall. Vicarage Church William, farmer, Skins farm P.H. Roydon hamlet
Mitchell J ames, Halls Green Cowell James, farmer, Lightfoots frm Rosendale William, bookkeeper,Station
1.foore Thomas, sen. S'haftsbury villas Dadd Barton F. market gardener, New Roydon Cottage Gardens Association
N eale Robert Barns farm (S. R. Greenfield, sec)
Pyne Charles A. Beaumont Dowsett John, farmer Roydon Cricket Club (S. R. Green-
Pyne Edmund Finn George, beer retailer, Low hill field, sec)
Pyne Mrs. Cambridge house Foster James, New inn . Sessions James, farmer, South hall
Rodwell William H. Hamlyn cottages Gadsden Rowland, farm bailiff to Simons Erne;"tl~Iarshall, farmer,TJlers
Rust Edward George, The Nook H. L. Prior esq. Down Hall farm Cross
Sayle Eordman Eromhead Dalton, Gay Thomas, farmer, Eeals Oaken Smith Benjamin, ·White Hart P.H
Highbank. farm, Roydon hamlet Stanforll Trayton B. Fish & Eels htl
Stevens Frank, ·Weblands Gilbertson & Page Limited (J. Pat- Start Navigation Toll Office (Edward
'l'omkins William man, manager), game farmers, Weald, toll collector)
Wainwright Ernest H. Dover house Game farm Tayler William, farmer, Nether hall
. Wolle Edward Alfred,Broadlands,Roy- Greenfield Georgina (Mrs.), statIoner, Tucker Alfred, East End farm
don hamlet (postal address Nazeing, Post office Tyser John, boot maker
via Waltham Cross) Hale John, farmer, Low hill Westrup WilliaID Edward, miller
Wormell Mrs Hinson Henry Joseph, farmer, florist &. (water &; steam), Roydon mill
Wormell Richard D.Se., M.A. The nurseryman Workmen's Club (Gea. Hastings, sec)
Grange H~nson Herbert George, insur. agent BROADLEY COMMON.
COMMERCIAL. Hmson Sydney Harry, baker, collector
Abbey Osborn James, farmer, Temple of rates & taxes, assistant overseer, BuIJ. JaIDes
farm & Roydon hamlet clerk to Rovdon J'arish Council & Holmes Herbert John, Elmwood
Acme Brick Co. (Thomas Parl,er,mgr) 'bailiff to the Lord of the Manor Holmes John, Broadley house
Banks George, fishmonger Hough Ralph, boot maker COMMERCIAL.
lJarrack WaIter, plumber, decorator & Jenkins John, plumber &c Brown Joseph Hy. frmr. Silcocks fnn
beer retailer Lawrence Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer Mansfield Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Benham & Son, coal dealers Lawrence Ruth (Mrs.), baker Post office
13enham Frederick J. carpenter & Lawrence Thos. Rowley, grcr. & drpr Ridgewell Walter, hay carter
undertaker Lee Henry, farmer, Roydon hamlet Robertson ThoIDUS. Black Swan P.H

~UNWELL is a scattered village and parish, near the door is fixed a very interesting old alms box, with three
'banks of tJJ.e Crouch, ! mile north-east froID Wickford padlocks: the church has 200 sittings. The register dates
-station on the Southend-on-Sea branch of the Great from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net
Eastern railway, 6~ miles north from Pitsea station on yearly value £193, with residtmce and 3'5 acres of glebe,
-the London, Tilbury and Southend: railway, 30 from in the gift of the trustees of the late Rev. J. H. B.
London, IO~ south-sQuth-east from Ohelmsford and 6 east Harris, and held since 1189'1 by the Rev. Henry Kingsford
from Billericay, in the Mid division of the county, Harris M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. St. .A.ndrew's
'Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional division, union and Mission -Church, at Chalk Street, a hamlet 4 miles by
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Danbury, road, 2 by fields, from the parish church, was -built in
archdeaconry of Essex and d~ocese of St. Albans: it was 18g5. In connection with the Parish Ohurch is an
given by King Athelstan to the Dean and Chapter of St. for boys, known as St. Mary's HOIDe, under
Paul's in 930. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a the charge of a master -and matron. The boys form
small edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, con- with others the church choir; master and matron, Mr.
·sisting of chancel, nave·, south -aisle, separated· from and Mrs. Sugden. Runwell Hall, a modern mansion
the nave by an arcade of five bay.s, north and: south of ibrick, plelLSantly seated on an eminence, commanding
porches, and an embattled western tower with short extensive views, is the sea.t of Thomas Remble esq. J.P.
-spire, containing 4 bells, which are J'ung autoIDatically lord {)f the manor and chief lando\mer. The soil is doh
by means of an electric apparatus invented by the 10aID, producing exoellent crops of wheat, barley, oats
rector: there is an ancient lllOnument, with kneeling and beans. The area is 2,068 a-cres; rateable value,
effigies in brass, and an inscription to Eustace SuIyard £1,,866; the population in 1901 was 238.
·esq. ob. :1547, and Margaret (Ayloff) his wife, ob. 5 Feb.
15<87, and previously the wife of Gregory Bassett e,sq. By Local Government Eoard OrdeT 22,422, dated March
by whom she had a daughter, Dorothy, the wife of 24, 1888, a detached part of Soutb. Hanningfield, in Brock-
.A.nthony Maxey esq.; Edward Sulyard, "the last of his ley Road, was transferred to this pa.rish.
house and of his family," died, as appears from another Letters through Battles Bridge S.O. arrive at 7 a.m.;
monument in the chancel, the 7th Nov. 1692; and on second delivery, day mail, through Wickford, at 10.15;
the south wall of the chancel is a black stone slab, with third delivery, "6 p.ID. Wickford is the nearest money
inscription to Sir Thomas Raymond kt. a baron of the order & telegraph office, distant ! mile. Day mail
Exchequer 1679-80, and a justice of the King's Bench leaves Wickford at 12·5, 5··50 & 8 p.ID
1680 to 1683, ob. 14 July, 1683: in the chancel i'J a
hagioscope and there are pis~inre both in the chancel and Nlational School (mixed), built in 1866, for 56 children;
in the aisles: several windows are stained. Near the average attendance, 42; Miss Hopwood, mistress
Harris Rev. Henry Kingsford M.A ·Benson George, Quart inn Mott Char1f·~. farmer
Kemble Thomas J.P. Hunwell hall Denson William, farmer, Southlands St,. :Mary's Home (:Mr. & Mrs. Sugden,
Pearse Mrs. Lynfords Lewis Miss, farmer, Flemings farm m.aster & IDatron)

SAFFRON WALDEN is a municipal borough, mar- aldermen and twelve town councillors. The town has a
ket and union town and head of a county court district cOIDInission of the peace and court of quarter sessions.
and petty sessional d:vision, on the road from Cam- The police arrangeIDents are under the control of the
bridge to Chelmsford, near the borders of Cambridge- county constabulary. The town consists of several
shire, with a station on the Great Eastern railway streets, paved and lighted with gas, and contains many
branch from Audley End (in the parish of Wenden,;; good buildings. Here are water works, constructed in
A.mbo) , 43~ miles by rail and 40 by road from I.ondon, 1862 by a company, and supplied by an artesian well,
I4i from Oambridge, £2 from Royston and 7 north-west made in 1830, and having a boring 1,013 feet in depth; the
from Thaxted: it is the chief place in Ubtlesford hun- reservoir holds 220,000 gallons: the gas and water works
dred, in the Northern division of the county and is in are the property of the Corporation. The church of Sl1.
the rural deanery of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Mary the Virgin, a spacious and ma.gnificent edifice of
Colchester and diocese of St. Albiaals. The town is st<>ne, is a fine specimen of the Late Perpendicular style,and
governed by a corporation. consisting of a mayor. four was chiefly built in the reign of Henry VI. about 1425, the
challcel, with some p01"tion of the eastern part of the an illuminated clock, and has been enlarged and im-
nave, being the work of Lord Ohancellor Audley and most proved. The Police Station in East street is an edifice
of the remaining portion that of John Leche, vicar here of brick and stone, erected in 1884, at a cost of £3,5°0,
from 1489 to 1521; successive repairs in the years 1721, paid by the county, and comprises a residence for the
1792 and 1793 cost nearly £8,000, to which Field-Marshal superintendent, sergeant and one constable; there are
Lord Howard de Walden, who died here in 1797, munifi- three cells and the usual offices. The Volunteer Fire
cently contributed: the church now consists of chancel, Brigade, formed in 1865, has headquarters in Hill street:
with aisles of nearly equal width, nave of seven bays, the force consists of a captain, foreman engineer and
with aisles and cleresoory, large north and south porches thirteen firemen, with one manual engine, a portable
BoIld a western tower, supported by bold buttresses term- engine, fire escape and appliances. Tne Past Office, in
IDa1ring in ocbagonalturrets, with plain elongated spire- King street, is a structure of red brick, with Bath stone
lets; the tower has also a slender spire, added in the dressings, in the Renaissance style, from designs by
year 1831 to the old tower, after a design and under the Mr. F. J. Whiffin, of Saffron Walden, and Messrs. Beri-
direction of TholDJllls Rickman, the well-known architect, son and Bargman, London, architeats, and includes It
and contains a clock and 8 bells; further aLterations were residence for the postmas,ter. The Museum originated
made in 1859-60, under the direction of Mr. R. C. Hus- in a small local institution, founded in 1832, but now
sey of Lond{)n, and in 1876 the church was again re- extinct, called the "Mental Improvement Society,'"
stored, under the superintendence of Mr~ W. Butterfield, in connection with which the museum was formed!
arcmtect: in the south chancel aisle is the marble tomb in a small house near the present cattle mar-
of Thomas, Lord Audley K. G. Chancellor to Henry VII. ket, belonging to Jabez Gibson esq.: in 18341
ob. 19th April, 1544, ret. 56; and a memorial to two sons it was removed to its present site, The Bury,
of Lord Braybrooke, Captain. the Hon. Henry Aldworth or Castle hill, and was formally opened 12 May,
.Nevilie, Grenadier Guards, killed at Inkerman, 5 Nov. 1835: in 1880 the entire building, previously shared by
1854; and the Hon. Grey Neville, 5th Dragoons, who orther public bodies, was appropriated to the museum.
died I I November, 1854, of wounds received at the battle through the munificence of the late George Stacey GibsOIl>
Qf Balaklava, Oot. 25th: beneMh the communion table is esq. who also appointed and provided for a paid cur8lt:or,;
€he Howa,rd vault, where lie the six Earls of Suffolk who and in 1887 the museum was recognized by the Museums
last held Audley end, and one Lord Howard of "",VaIden, Committee of the British Association as a provincial
with his two wives: in the north chancel is an altar museum of the firsrt class: it contains a fine collection of'
tomb to John Leche, above mentioned: the north porch zoologioal and geological specimens, Roman and other
is at present used as a vestry; in the south chancel aisle anb:quities and ancient coins; here also is preserved a
is a. brass effigy, c. 1430., believed to be that of Thomas conical-shaped lock-up, with a wooden roof, removed frolD\
Byrd, once rector of Much Munden: some of the windows Hadstock in 1897: the museum is supported partiall,
are stained: the entire length of the church is 200 feet by an endowme1lJt made to it by its late benefactor, G. S.
and its breadth 82, the height of the tower being 85 feet Gibson esq. and by donaEons and subscriptions: it i&-
and of the spire, in addition, 108 feet: there are 1,200 open to subscribers on all days except Sundays, Good
sit7tings. The regrister dates from the year 1558. The Friday and Christmas-day; admission can also be o]j..
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £213, with glebe tained of any of the trustees, or by application.
(£9) and residence, in the gift of the Rev. Lord Bray- on the premises between the hours 0'£ 9 a.m. andl
brooke, and held since 1897 by the Rev. John Thornton 5 p.m. to Mr. G. N. Maynard, the curator. The Literary
Steele M.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and chaplain Institution, in King SItreet, was established in 1832: the
of the Union. ground floor compI'lises two spacious and well-arranged
The Friends' Meeting House, in High street, is a reading rooms, supplied with the daily and other papers
spacious edifice of brick, seating 400 persons, with school and current periodicals, and on the upper floor are the
and elass-rooms adjo~ning: the register dates from 1639, various rooms appropriated to the library, which origin-
although the original building was not erected till 1676: in ally oonsisted of 6,000 volumes, bu.t under the will of the-
the rear of the building is a burial ground. The Congrega- late George Stacey Gibson esq. and by subsequent pUJr-
tional chapel in Abbey lane was founded in 1665, rebuilt in chases the number has been inCTeased to over 15,000>
I8Il, and in 1890 was re-sooted and renovated at a cost volumes: the late Mrs. Gibson, widow of the above-
of £1,200; there are 615 sittJings; in the burial-ground named, during the years 1888-9 reconstructed the-
adjoining a schoolroom was erected in 1860, at a cost of library at her own expense, and has also remodelled'
over £1.500, and in 1885 a minister's house was built in the whole <building, which is open daily from 9'
West road by the late Mr. Joshua Clarke J.P. at a cost of a.m. to 10 p.m.: in the winter months
£2,050, and vested in trustees. The Baptist chapel in tainments and lectures are given. In Museum'
the High street dates from 1662; the members originally street is the armoury' of the I Company, 3rd:
worshipped in the Abbey Lane chapel, but in 1773 a dis- (Cambridgeshire) Volunteer Batt'<llion, Suffolk Regiment,
pute arose, the chapel was closed and a new building was the head quarters being in Corn Exchange street, CaIIII-
erected in 1774 in Bailey's lane (now Audley road), which bridge: this corps was formed in 1860 as the 17th Essex~.
in 1879 gave place to the present cha,pel, 6 building in but is now known as above: theTe were in 1902, 72
the Italian &tyle, with Bath stone dressings, erected at a enrolled members, with officers and drill instructor. The
cost of £4,000 and seating 600: the old chapel is now Young Men's Ohri,stian As,sociwtion occupies premises m.
used as a Sunday school. The General Baptisj chapel in the High street, opened at a cost of £500, la Jan. 1893;
Hill street was founded by Robert Cosens, steward of the the site is freehold; the interior is well appointed and the·
Audley End palace, in 17II, the present chapel, built in manragement is vested in 7 trusrtees, 5 of whom are resi~
1792, was renovated in 1890, and has about 200 sittings, dents of Saffron Walden, and 2 are appointed by th~·
The ParEcular Baptist chapel in London road, erected in Exeter Hall committee, London. The spacious Market
1822, has 200 s~ttings. The Wesleyan Methodist chapel, place oontaans a fountain, shown in the Great Exhibition'
in Castle street, built in 1840, will seat 230 persons. of 1862, and erected here by the late Mr. G. S. Gibson,
The Primitive Methodist chapel, at the top of Castle and Mrs. W. G. Gibson. There are three banks: that
street, erected in 1868, has sittings for 180 persons. of Messrs. Barclay and Co. Limited, and of the Londolb
The Plymouth Brethren Meeting house in Gold and County Bank, in the Market place, and Messrs_
street seats 80 persons. The public cemetery, Foster and Co.'s bank, in King street. There are also
on the Radwinter road, about half a mile from the two iron foundries, three breweries and a saw mill.
town, comprises about 5! acres, with two mortuary Malting is extensively carried on here. The Cattle ma.r--
chapels; it is under the control of a burial board of 9 ket, opened in 1834, is compact and well arranged. The
members. The Town Hall, erected in 1879 at the sole Corn market, held on Tuesday, is well attended; a.
expense of G. S. Gibson esq. at a total cost of from large horse fair is held on the Saturday before Mid-
£6,000 to £7,000, is an edifice in the Early English Lent Sunday, and a fair chiefly for cattle is held"
style, containing an assembly room, 65 feet by 32 feet, on the Common, a public ground of 15 acres, all the'
with a gttllery, and seating 500 persons, there is also 1I first Saturday in November. The" Rose and Crown,'"
council chamber, court room (in which the quarter and in the Market phce, is the principal hotel, and part of'
:petty sessions are held), apartment·s for magistrates, the house dates from the 16th century. The Cross
Juries and committees, and on the ground floor a muni- Kevs • hotel, in King'•
street, is also an ancient house of"
ment room, besides police cells. A mayor's chain and some note. The Hospital, in the London road, is a
badge of gold were provided in 1873: the badge is structure in the Gothic style, eTected in 1866, at rt cosl7
charged with the STIll'S of the borough, viz. 3 saffron of about £5,000, left for the purpose by the late Wyath;
flowers, 2 and I, enclosed with embattled walls dis- G. Gibson esq. since which his wid,ow has given £4,000'
posed in a circle, with a square turret on either side towards the maintenance of the hospital, which is now
and in front a gatehouse flanked by similar turrets. available for 40 patients: a west wing was afterward~
The Corn Exchange, built in 1847-8, since Dec. 1882 built, containing a convalescent ward {In the ground'
the property of the Corporation, is a modern structure floor, another above, with a large room and kitchen
in the Italian style, with a domical tower containing for nurses: a washllOuse and laundry have also bee.
added at a cost of about £1,5°0, of which £1,200 was after obtained licence to enlarge his park by inclosil'lg
contributed by Mrs. W. G. Gibson. The District In- 200 additional acres, this grant including the manor of
firmary, on the outskirts of the town off the Debden Walden.
road, was established for the reception of persons The present mansion of Audley End was built by
suffering from infectious diseases, and contains Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk K.G. about 16°3-16,
two wards, one for males and the other for whose father married Margaret, only surviving daughter
females, with six beds eacb: it is under the care of the and heiress of the chancellor and widow of the Lord
master of the Union. Here are almshDuses founded by Henry Dudley, slain at St. Quintin in 1557, and is said
Roger Walden, bishop of London (1404-6), a.nd re-estab- to have cost £190,000, the model being obtained from
lished by King Edward VI. in 1550; they were rebuilt in Italy at a COit of £5°0: the mansion originally consisted
1832, at a cost of £5,000, and in 1881 four additional of a great quadrangle, or inner court, 205 feet square
houses were erected. and the whole now form three sides of inside, with open arcades on two sides, a central court
s quadrangle; in the centre of the original structure stand uf smaller dimensions, the eastern side of which formed a
the chapel and hall; Dver a fireplace in the latter is an gallery 226 feet long, 32 wide and 24 high, with wings
ancient brass to Thomas Byrd, and there is also pre- projecting eastwards at either end, the southernmost of
served here an ancient wooden mazer, with a silver rim which {Drmed the chapel; three sides of the principal
and central medallion, representing the Virgin and Child: 'ourt were pulled down under the direction of Sir John
t,he present annual income is about £1,000; each inmate Vanbrugh, and the gallery was removed about 1708: the
having ,two rooms and receiving 6s. 6d. weekly, besides existing mansion stands on the site of the former central
other allowances. Numerous small charities have been, court, and is a structure in the Tudor-Gothic and Classic
amalgamated and are now administered by 100a1 trustees I styles, consisting of a principal block about 220 feet
under a. scheme of the Oharity Commissioners, dated I in length, standing north and south, with wide
28th April, 1871: the tDtal income from these sources, eastern wings and including a chapel; to the north-west
amounts to ab{)ut £470, whieh is principally dig,tributed of the houso stand the stables, a picturesque range ef
in clothing, food and coals. OIl. the commDn near the brick buildings of earlier date than the house, and be8lr-
town is a singular antiquity, called" the Maze," supposed ing on them the Tudor rose and the portcullis, cogni-
by Dr. 8tukeley to have been a British "cursus" or zances which abound at 'Westminster, particularly in
exercising ground for soldiery and formed by a n~mber Henry VIT.'s chapel: the grounds are well laid out and
of concentric circles with four outworks, all cut m the there is a large park" in which the river Cam, being
chalk; it incloses an area of over 100 feet from east to widened, forms a fine sheet of water: through the park,
we~t and 138 fe~ north to south, the centre of which is pleasantly diversified by hill and dale, are tW(t
whIch was formerly mdICwted by a large ash tree, un- public walks, one northward, towards Littlebury, and
fontunately destroyed by fire on the 5,th .Nov~mber, 18 23. the other leading to the village of Audley End: LOJld
~he Maze ~as r~-e~t. by the CorporatlOn 111 16~9, and Braybrdoke, the owner of this estate, is in right thereoi
smce b~ pnvate. m~IV1duals, and was. also. re-cut III 188 7 the visitor of Magdalene College, Cambridge, and has th\."
by publIc sub~crIptlOn. On. the OppOSIte SIde of the town nomination' of the master. The principal landowner~
are the remams of an anCIent encampm.ent once called are the trustees of the late Lord Bl'uybrooke (d. 1902),
the •• PaiIle." or "Repell." and now known as '" Battle the trustees of the late G. S. Gibson, E. B. Gibson es!}.
ditches," the south bank of which is 73 0 feet long, 20 J.P. of Elm Grove, ~md the trustee5 of the late JoshU3<
feet high, 50 feet broad at the base and 6 or 8 fe~t broad CIarke esq. The borongh is co-extensive with the parish,
at t~e top, and the west bank 588 feet lo~g:: thIS camp which contains 7,4 89 acres of land and 13 of water; rate-
was i l l the form .of a parallelogram, contaIll.l;ng about 30 able value, £23,880; the population inl8g1 was 6,104,
acres, and here, III 1830, at a depth of 20 Inches below which included 180 ofllcers and inmates in the work-
the surface, in the solid chalk, 50 or 60 skelet<Jns were house and 26 in the hospital and in Igol was 5 89 6 .
found, lying in a double row with their feet to the east: _ . '. ' .
in 1876 Mr. George Smcey Gibson made further excava- A~DLEY E~D IS a hamlet I ~ile south-w~st, "Ylth- ~
tions near the spot, and discovered 150 Qothers of men, statI?n on the Great Eastern railway and a Junction of
women and children some of which are now in the the Ime through Saffron Walden to Bartlow. The hamlet
museum; upon a fe""; of the bodies were found fragments lies just outside. the par~ ~~ll, and consists o~ two s~lOrt
of Sax'on ornaments: beneath the graves a number of rows of old-fashIOned ad]Olllmg cottag~s formm~ a httle-
circular pits were met with of a date prior to that of the street.. One end of the street rUllS mt? the h~gh road
iruterments. On Castle hill was a castle, supposed to that skuts the park; t~e other c~anges mto ~ little l~ne
h~ve been built by Geoffrey de Mandeville, in the reign that crosses .the fields mto !he h~gh road agam, ~as~mg
of King 8-tephen, on a previous founda1:l.i.on of Anglo- by a charmmg old red brIck pIle of gabled ~uiIdlllgg.
Saxon origin: this fortress, which stood in the highest known as Audley End these are bmlt round
part of the town, appears to have been of great strength, two courtyards, one block bemg now .used as aII:.nshouse~,.
being designed after the style of the castle of the De the .other as .a f~rm house. TJ;1er.e IS a W orkmg Men g.
Veres at Hedingham, but built of small flints strongly InstItute, mallltamed by subscrIptIOn.
cemented and faced with stone, and all that now remains J LITTLE WALDEN is a hamlet 2. miles n?rth-north-
is the donjon or keep, about 25 feet in height: the hol. east. The chapel of ease, erected 1Il 1894, QS a small
low space on the western side was the cell of the prisoners edifice of red brick in the Early English style, consisting
who were oonfined underground., and in the year 1780 a of chancel and nave under one roof, vestry, west porch r
large portion of this was below the surface, but the earth and a belfry containing I bell: there are about 100 sit-
which. formed the rising ground has been since cleared tings; the. C?ngregational chapel here, built in 185 I, ha5
away : within recesses in the ruins are placed several stone about 60 sIttmgs.
coffins of the 12th and 13th centuries, brought from SEWARD'S END is a hamlet 2 miles east, with a.
Ickleton Abbey, Cambridgeshire, founded by Aubrey de chapel, erected in 1847 on ground given by Thomas W.
Vere, 1st Earl of Oxfo:d, in IIgO. In 1146 Geoffrey de Gayton esq. under the Church Building Act, and en-
MJandeville, or Magn~V1lle, the list Earl o~ Essex of that larged in 1870: divine service is held here by the vicar
house, founded a prlory here about a mile westward of of Saffron Walden and his curates. There is a small
the town, for monks of the Benedicmne order, dedioating school-chapel here belonging to the Baptists. The Towers,
it to SS. Mary and James: it was subsequently in IIgl the residence of Thomas vVestrope Gayton esq. on high
converted into an abbey and its revenues at the Dissolution table land, is' a large brick building flanked by foul'
were reckoned 31t £406 15s. lId. yearly: it was then towers, and is surrounded by grounds of 36 acres.
granted to Sir Thomas Audley, lord chancellor, who soon Parish Clerk, George Moss Taylor, Castle street.


Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity, In- Dispatch of Mails.-Ist London day mail, South of Eng--
surance, Parcel Post & Express Delivery Office, King st. land & Midlands, 9 a.m.; 2nd London day mail, South
-George Watts, postmaster. Office hours-Postal, of England, 11.30 a.m. letters registered until
post office order &; savings bank, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.; I 11.20 a.m.; Cambridge, Ely, Huntingdon, King'~
telegraph, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m Lynn. Newmarket, Norwich, Royston, St. Ives,
Inward Mails.-London night &; midnight mails, England I Wisbech &c. 1I.55 a.m. letters registered until 11.45
generally, Scotland, all parts of Ireland, foreign, Cam- a.m..; 3rd London day mail, all parts of England,
bridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk &; Scotland, Ireland &, foreign, &; Bishops Stortford, 1.40
Lincoln, delivery commences 7 a.m.; 1st day mail, p.m.. letters registered until 1.30 p.m.; late day mails·
all parts of England, Scotland, Ireland &; foreign, de- in connection with midnight m;;tils from London 8.20
livery commences 10.45 a.m.; 2nd day mail, London p.m.; London night mail, 10.15 p.m. week days &
{;;j South of England. Scotland &; Bishops Startford, 9.45 sunday; letters registered until 8.15 p.m
delivery commences 4.25 p.m. On sundays, one de- Town Sub-Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &; Insur.
livery only at 7 8.m ance Office, London road.-Mrs. Ellen CoweIl. sne-


postmistress. Dispatched at 8.30, 10 &; H.IS a.m. Surveyor, Archibald H. Forbes, 3 Hill street
1.25, 3·50, 4.50, 6.5°, 7.20 &; 9.40 p.m Veterinary Inspector, Thomas Fredk. Hall M.R.C.V.S.
Post Office, Seward's End.-Frederick William Moore, The Priory, The Common
sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Saffron 'Valden by Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Dickinson, Hill streeii
foot messenger at 6,45 a.m. &; dispatched at 10.5 a.m. Manager of the Gas Works, Charles Wright, Gas works,
& 6.50 p.m. week days; sundays, arrive at 7.30 a.m. Thaxted road
& dispatched at 12.15 p.m. Postal orders are issued Secretary to Gas Works, Archibald H. Forbes, 3 Hill st
here, but not paid. The nearest money order & tele- Secretary & Manager of the Water Works, Archibald H.
graph office is at Saffron Walden, 2 miles distant Forbes, :I Hill street
Post Office, Audley End.-Albert CowelI, sub-postmaster. Collector, Richard Thompson, Castle street
Letters arrive from Saffron Walden at 7 a.m. & dis- School Attendance Officer. Osmond Reynolds, Ashdon rd
patched 10.20 a.m. &; 7.15 p.m.; sunday dispatch, 11.50
a.m. Saffron Walden, 2 miles distant, is the nearest BOROUGH MAGISTRATES.
money order office &; also telegraph office for delivery,
but the railway station is the nearest for collection of The Mayor &; Ex-Mayor.
telegrams only Edmund Birch Gibson I Joseph John Robson
COuiXTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE WALDEN Joseph Bell Stebbing Leverett
DIVISION. Clerk, William Fitzroy Ackland, King street
Fuller-Maitla'1d William esq. Stansted hall, Bishops Start- Borough Petty Sessions held at the Town hall every
ford, chairman saturday, at 10 a.m
Blyth Sir James bart. Blythwood, Stansted, Bishops
Bailey James esq. M.P. Shortgrove, Newport S.O
Meets at the 'Vorkhouse every second tues. at 10.I5 &
Bell Joseph esq. Dorset house, Church st. Saffron Walden
12 noon.
Biscoe Major Robert, Quendon court, Newport S.O
Ryng Harold Edmllnd esq. Quendon, Newport Chairman, Rev. Ganon Frederic Horutio Fisher M.A.
Chester Harry esq. Fairfield, Stanstead, Bishops Stortfrd Rectory, Debden, Saffron Walden
Cranmer-Byng Lieut.-Col. Alfred Molynenx D.L. Quen- Clerk, 'rurner Collin M.A. I4 Church street
don hall, Newport S.O Treasurer, lV. M. Tuke, Barclay &; Co.'s Bank, Market pI
Fuller-:Maitland Robert esq. Ravens, Stansted R.S.O Medical Officer of Health, William Armistead M.B., F.e.S.
Gibson Edmund Birch esq. Elm grove, Saffron Walden Shelford, Cambridge
Gilbey Hy. Waiter esq. Elsenham hall, Bishops Stortford Surveyor, Henry Smith, Ash-don road, Saffron Walden
Gold Archibald esq. Croft bouse, Stansted R.S.O Sanitary Inspector, William Dickinson, 5 Hill street
Gold Charles e5q. The Limes, Stansted, Bisbops Stortford
Gosling Robert Cunliffe esq. D.L. Hassobury, Bishops PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
Stortford Cemetery, Riadwinter road, Bryans Thomas Limbert
Heriz-Smith J oseph Oharles Thomas M.A. Slade park, Ackland LL.M. King street; clerk to the burial board;
Bideford, Devon Jasper Prime, keeper
Judd Francis Savile Harry esq. B.A. Rickling, Bishops Cattle Market, Hill street, John Francis Penning, col-
Stortford lector of tolls
Pickersgill-Cunliffe Harry esq. Chesterford park, Saffron Corn Exchange, Market place, John Francis Penning,
Walden keeper
Tuylor Edward esq. The Close, Saffron Walden County Constabulary Station, East street, Charles Edwin
The Mayor of Saffron Walden for the time being is an ex- Pryke, superintendent, 1 £ergeant & 3 constables
officio magistrate County Court, Town hall, His Honor John Shortt l:l ..A.,
Clerk to tbe Magistrates, 'rurner Collin, Church street, LL.B. judge; Turner Oo11in, registrar &; high bailiff,
Saffron Walden ChUF~h street; deputy registrar, W'illiam Adams,
Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall once a fortnight, Church street; Harry Mann, West road, Saffron Wal-
tuesday at 11 a.m. & at Stansted once in every four den, sub-bailiff. A county court is held bi-monthly;
weeks on saturdays at ra.30. The places in the division the following is a list of places within its jurisdic-
are :-Arkesden, Ashdon, Bartlow Hamlet, Berden, tion :-In Essex: Arkesden, Ashdon, Bartlow Hamlet,
Birchanger, Chesterford (Great), Chesterford (Little), Chesterford (Great &; Little), Chrishall, Clavering,
Chrisball, Clavering, Debden, Elmdon, Elsenham, Farn- Debdell, . Elmdon, Hadstock, Hampstoad, Langley,
bam, Hadstock, Henham. Langley, Littlebury, Manu- Littlebury, Newport, Quendon, Radwinter, Riclding,
den, Kewport, Quendon, Radwinter, Ricklingo, Stansted Saffron Walden, Sampford (New &; Old), Strethall,
Mountfitchet, Strethall, "Cgley, Wendens Ambo, Wenden Wendens Ambo, lVendon Lofts, 1Vicken Bonant, Wid-
Lofts, Wicken Bonhunt, \YiQdington & Wimbish dington, Wimbish; in Cambridgesbire: Abington
Corpora tion. (Great &; Little), Bartlow, Duxford, Hildersbam, Hinx·
19°1-2. ton, 1ckleton, Lint.:on & Pampisford
Mayor, Councillor John Parkins on Atkinson For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of
Deputy Mayor, Alderman Joseph Bell Cambridge; Howard William Cox, 5 Petty Curry,
Recorder, His Honour Judge ,Yillis K.C. 2 King's Bench Oambrid~e, official receiver
walk, Temple, Lond'on E C Certified Bailiff appointed under the "Law of Distress
Amendments Act," John P. Thurgood, King street
Aldermen. Hospital, London road, Henry Stear M.R.C.S.Eng.; Wm.
Retire in Nov. Ret:rein Nov. Alexander Smith M.A., M.B.; Hedley Bartlett L.R.C.P.
Joseph Bell 1904 Joseph John Robson .•• 1907 Lond. Frank .Alexander Wagstaff M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Stebbing Leverett 1904 Edmund Birch Gibson. 1907 L.R.C.S.Lond. & William Carr Sprague M.D.Edin.
Councillors. medical officers; John Gilling, dispenser; Arthur
Retire in Nov. I Retire in N DV. Midgley, hon. 'sec.; Miss Fawcett, matron
Frank Everitt EmsOD .. 1902 I Arthur Midgley 1903 Inland Revenue Office, High street, Tbomas Hobert Lang-
John Gilling 1902! Richard A. Williams 1903 ton, officer
Edward Taylor 1902 I Samuel Beard, jun 1904 Literary Institution & Public Library, King st. Henry
'Villiam Favill Tuke.. 19°2, Henry George Brown .. 1904 Staar, hon. sec.; William Murray Tuke, hon. li-
John Parkinson Atkin- , Henry John Gover 1904 brarian; Mrs. B. A. Maynnrd, acting librarian
son M.D 1903 i Henry Stear 1904 Museum, Castle hill, Richard Crafton Green, secretarv;
'ThomasEdwd.Barcham 1903 : George Nathan Maynard, curator
The Ordinary Meetings of the Corporation are held at Town Hall, Market place, John Francis Penning, keeper,
the Town ball second fridav in eacb month High street
Mayor's Audi tor, Councillor Samuel Beard, High street Volunteer Fire BrIgade, Engine house, Hill street, Wm.

Dickinson sec. & captain, & IJ men

Elective Auditors, Charles Clarance, Castle street &
George Porteous, Mount Pleasant road Masonic Lodge (No. 1280, Walden), at Rose &; Crown
hotel, Market place, on monday on or before full moon,
Officers of the Corporation. Jan. Feb. Marcb, April, Sept. Oct. Nov. & Dec. 7
Town Clerk & to the Borough School Attendance O)m· p.m.; WaIter Tbompson, sec
mittee, WiIliam Adams, Church street
<JIerk of the Peace, Charles Stewart Douglas Wade M. ..!.. VOLUNTEERS.
East street 3rd Volunteer Battalion (Cambridgeshire) Suffolk Regi-
Treasurer, WaIter Robson, Debden road ment (I Company); head quarters, Armoury, Museutn
Medical Officer of Healtb, William Armistead 1'I.B., C.M., street; Capt. M. C. H. N ockold's; Sergeant George
1".C.S. Staple-ford, Oambridge Abbott, drill instructor
. SAFFRON W ALDEN U~ION. BaptIst, High street; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; 'Wed.
Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at the Workhouse, at 11. 7.30 p.m
The Union comprises 24 parishes, viz: Arkesden, Ash- Baptist (General), Hill street, Rev. Jabez Arthur Brink-
don, Chesterford (Great & Little), Chrishall, Claver- worth; IO.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
ing, Debden, Elmdon, Hempstead, Langley, Littlebury. Baptist (Particular), London road; 10.30 a.m. &; 2.15
Newport, Quendon, Radwinter, Rickling, Saffron Wal- &; 6.30 p.m.; mono & thurs. 7 p.m
den, Great & Little Sampford, Strethall, Wendens Baptist School. Seward's End; 6.30 p.m
Ambo, )"Venden Lofts, Wicken Bonhunt, Widdington & Brethren, Gold street; IO.30 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; mon,
Wimbish. The population of the union in 1901 Was &; fri. 7.30 p.m
16,132; area 64,5°5 acres; rateable value in 19°1, Congregational, Abbey lane, Rev. Henry Pepper; 10.30
£9 6 ,933 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. Canon . Congregational, Little Walden; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m
Frederic Horatio Fisher M.A. Rectory, Debden, Saf- Primitive Methodist, Castle street, Rev. Samuel Stub-
fron Walden bings & Rev. John Dyson; 10.45 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30
Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, Turner p.m.; mono & wed. 7.30 p.m
ColIin M.A. 14 Church street, Saffron Walden Wesleyan, Castle street, l~ev. Richard Harold ColweIl;
Uelieving Officers, Collectors to the Guardians & Vac- 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. & fri. 7.30 p.m
cination Officers, No. I district, James Richard LonO', Mission Halls.
High street, Saffron "\'Valden; No. 2 district, HenrOy Friends', High street; 6.30 p.m
S~mbrook, Newport; No. 3 district, John Drane, Rad-
wmter SOHOOLS.
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Ko. I district, The Grammar School, now in the Ashdon road, is a
Robert Echlin Smith L.R.O.P. & S.l. Hill house, Finch- very old foundation, originally established in 1423
ingfield; .so. 2 district, Thomas William Bartlett by license from the Abbey of Walden &i re-founded &i
L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Steeple Bumpstead; Nos. 3 & endowed by Dame Johane Bradbury, the widow of a
5 districts, William Alex. Smith M.A., M.B. Belmont ,,:ealthy citizen of London, &; her brother, John Leehe,
house, l\'ewport; No. 4 district, John Wellot Eastment
vIcar of Walden 1489-1521, by whom it was placed
L.R.O.P.Lond. Bonhams, Furneaux Pelham' No. 6
under the management of the guild of the Holy
dish'i?t, Hedley Bartlett L.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
'Trinity, a. reli~ous corporation founded not long
53 HIgh street, Saffron Walden; No. 7 district, Wu-
b.efore; . thIS guild was. among the religious founda-
bam Carr Sprngue M.D.Edin. 71 High street, Saffron
Walden tlOns dIssolved & the11' possessions vested in tIle
Superintendent Registrar, Turner Collin, Church street, Crown, by the 1. Edward VI. C. 14; but Dr. Thomas
Saffron Walden; deputy, William Adams, Church Smith, a native of Saffron WaJden, afterwards
street, Saffron "Valden knighted &; made secretary of state to Edward VI.
Registrars of Marriages, John Drane, Radwinter; de- who h~d received his early education at the school,
puty, Charles Mizen, Hadwintel'; Alfred GeorO'e Per- was then in the service & high in the favour of the
ring, Church street, Saffron Walden; deputy, Charles Protector Somerset, & by his influence a new charter
Tester Parsonage, _<\.udley road, Saffron Walden was obtained from the king, under which the school
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Saffron Walden sub-di..- was raised to the dignity of a royal foundation &; its
trict, James Richard Long, High street, Saffron Wal- endowment restored: in 1879 it was re-modelled &;
den; deputy, Richard Thompson, Castle street, Saffron the endowment further augmented under a scheme
Walden; Newport sub-district, Henry Sambrook, New- drawn up by the Charity Commissioners & in 1881
port; deputy, W. H. Wells, Newport; Radwinter sub- the sch~ol was removed to its present site of 2t
district, John Drane, Radwinter; deputy, Charle~ acres. gIVen by Lord Braybrooke, &; an addition of
Mizen, Radwinter 7 acres was acquired by the governors to in-
The "Vorkhouse, built in I83r for 3Ir inmates at a cos~ crease the si~e of the playground: a gymnasium
of £7,500, is situated on the Seward's End road, was added m 1896: the new buildings are
about three-quarters of a mile from the town; the nev. intended to receive 100 day boys & 25 boarders
John Thornton Steele M.A. chaplain; Hedley Bartlett & . W.ere designed by Mr. E. Burgess, the total cost
L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officers; John bemg about £4,500, funds for defraying which have
A. Hartley, master; Mrs. Hartley, matron been obtained partly from the original endowment
& partly from the proceeds of other local charities
School ..Attendance Committee. assigned by the Charity Commissioners to the use
Meets at the Workhouse every fourth tues. at 10.30 a.m. of the Grammar School, additional aid being obtained
Clerk, Turner Collin, Church street from public subscriptions: in 1883 the school re-
Attendance Officers, J ames Richard Long, High street, ceived a further endowment of £2,000 under the will
Saffron Walden; Henry Sambrook, Newport; &; John of the late George S. Gibson esq. who also contributed
Drane, Radwinter upwards of £1,000 to the building fund: a scholar-
ship of £'30 a year, tenable for two years, has also
PUBLIC OFFICERS. been' founded by the governors: twelve exhibitions.
Admiralty Surgeon & Certifying Factory Surgoon. in the form of remission of school fees, are granted
Henry Stear, Market place to boys fro-m the schools in the parishes of Newport,
Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor Rates, Charles Widdington &; Little Obesterford, as well as from
C. Guy, 30 Ashdon road Saffron "Valden; W. M. Thompson B.A. head master
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Freshwell Divi- The Training College, South roa~, in connection with
sion, William Adams, Church street the Briti·sh & Foreign School SQciety, erected at a
Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes for Saffron Walden, cost of £15,000, of which £II,200 was supplied by
Stansted (sub) &; Linton Divisions, & to thl'l Linton th.e late Goorge ~tacey Gibson esq. &; Mrs. & Miss
Division of Magistrates, Turner CoIIin, Ohurch street G-lbson, was publIcly opened May I7th, 1884 having
Clerk to the l'rustees of Amalgamated Charities, Burial been p'a~ially occupied in February of that year:
Board & to the Governor-s of the Grammar School, &; the ?uIldmg, occupying a commanding position over-
clerk." to the Walden Almshouses, Bryans Thomas Lim- loo~mg the town & standing in some 2! aCres, is a
bert AckJand, King street structure of red brick, with stone dressings, in the
Collector of Taxes, Moore Bush, 15 Thaxted road Queen Anne style &; consist·s of a central block of
Inspector of Weights & Measures & under the Sale of thretl stories, with wings, each two stories in height:
Food &; Drugs Act & the Contagious Diseases (Ani- on the ground floor are class rooms, a dininO' hall,
mals) Act, William. Thomas John Howlett, East street lecture hall &; kitchens: the central block i;c1udes
Town Crier, John Evenett, 39 Gold street apartments for the staff & in the wings are the stu-
dents' dormitol'lBs: attached to the main _ bUlldmg
PLACES OF WORSHIP, w.ith times of Service. is a Kindergarten & school: the special object of the is "to train teachers with exceptional quali-
Parish Ohurch of St. Mary the Virgin, Rev. John Thorn- ficat~o.ns for "'York in in~ants' schools" (tho-ugh the
ton Steele M.A. vicar; Rev. Richard W. Merrett, certIficates ,WIll be avuIl'able for other schools as
curate; 8 &. I I a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily at 8 a.m. well): the college is al; present available for 52
&; 4.30 p.m.; wed. & fri. 1·1.30 a.m resident & 8 day students: Rev. A. Bourne RA.
Chapel of Ease. Little Walden; 6.30 p.m.; served from so?iety's ~ecretury; Miss Jessie M. Dunlop, principal;
the parish church MISS EdIth Shaw, matron; Miss Brown-Smith, kin-
Chapel of Ease, Seward's End; 3 p.m.; served from dergart~n mistre81s; Miss E. Taylor, Miss D. Camp-
Saffron Walden bell, MISS Jackson B.A. Miss Wark RA. Miss Foster
Society of Friends, High street; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; B ...A. governesses; H. J. Thomson F.R.A.~I. musio
thurs. 10 a.m master

The Frienas' SchooJ for ~ boys & 60 girls, in Mount Training College, South road, erected in 1901 at a
Pleasant road, occupies a commanding position C05·t of £5,500, for 817 children; average attendance.
southwards of the town & was commenced in June, ; Miss Lawrence, mistre-ss
1876, the school being removed into these buildings British (boys), East street, erected in 1838, & enlarged in
in July, 1879: they form a substantial structure of 1896 for 320 children; average attendance, 250; Harry
red brick, designed by Mr. E. Burgess, of London & Hayes, master & four assistant masters: in connection
Laicester & eost nearly £30,000, & include a large with this school are 5 foundation scholarships, each of
assembly room, with four boys' & as many girls' class £8 yearly & tenable at the Grammar school
rooms, besideS! a fine dining & lecture hall; & a
chemical laboratory was added in 189':l; the grounds Conveyance.
cover 16 acres & are well laid out in play-grounds, Railway Stations:-
tennis courts, cricket field &; garden; there is also q SaITron Walden, William Brown, station master
swimming bath & a gymnasium; the children are Audley End, Alfred Harris, station master
mostly members Otf the Society of Friends, belonging Rose & Crown hotel omnibus from Saffron Walden
both to London & to all parts of the south of station to all parts of town
England: the school was first established in Clerken- Sutton & Co. (Charles Hagger, agent), George street
well in 17°2; removed to Park lane, Croydon, in the
autumn of 1825 & to Saffron Walden in 1879 & is CARRIERS.
the oldest foundation school in the Society of Friends; Al'kesden-Walter Bailey, fl'om 'Greyhound,' sat
John Edward Walker, head master; C. B. Rowntree Ashdon .Tames Marten, from 'King's Arms,' sat
RA. head teachel'; Miss L. Fail'brother, head mis- Bishops Stortford-W. Gray, from 'Greyhound,' mono
tress wed. & fri
The Charity School was founded in 1717 by Thomas Chi shall-Hives, from 'White Hor·se,' tues
Penning & endowed by him with a sum of £500, Chrishall-Moses Rogers, from 'George,' sat.; &, Fl'an-
since which it has been aided by many other bene- cis WaIters, from • Greyhound,' sat
factors: this charity educates IS boys &; 15 girls, Clavering-Stephen Flack, from 'Greyhound,' every sal.
who were· for sometime taught at the National Debden-George Frost, from' Greyhound,' sat
School; but in 18'86 the charity was placed by the Elmdon-Jeffery. from 'Greyhound,' sat
Charity Commissioners under the provisions o,f a new Hempstead-Charle;; Andrews, frOlU 'Greyhound,' tues.
scheme, by which the governors have power to make & sat.; John Harding, from' White Horse,' daily
a yearly payment of not mor6 than £40 to the Heydon-Francis WaIters, from' Greyhound,' every sat
National Schooils & to apply the snrplus income in Hinxton-Hopwood, from' White Horse,' tues
maintaining small exhibitions tenable at these schools, I Lallgley-Driver, from 'Cross Keys,' sat
& one of not more than £20 yearly tenable at the I Littlebury-Frallcis WaIters, from 'Greyhound,' sat
Saffron Walden Grammar School, or any other place: Kewport &, Widdington-Walter Salmon, from 'Grey-
of higher education approved of by the governors I hound,' tues. & sat.
National, Castle street, erected in 1845, for 140 boys Quendon-1V. Gray, from' Greyhound,' mono wed. & frt
&, 120 girls; average attendance. 120 boys & 140 girls; Radwinter-John Harding, from' White Horse,' daily;
.Arthur Smith, master; Miss Beatrice Sutton, mistress Andrews. from' White Horse,' daily; John Acker, from
Infants' National, Museum street, erected in 1817, for 'Green Dragon,' tues. & sat
150 children; average attendance, 100; Mrs. G. H. Hickling-W. Gray, from' Greyhound,' mono wed. & fri
Archer, mistress Sampford-Stone, 'Greyhound,' tues. & sat
Mixed National, Seward's End, erected in 1847, for 80 \Venden JefIrey, from' Greyhound,' sat
children; average attendance, 76; George Tordoff, Wimbish-George Frost, from 'Greyhound,' tues. &.
master; Miss Emma Hands, mistress sat.; Herbert Ketteridge &; John J\Iansfield, from
British School (girls &; infants), in connection with 'George,' tues. & sat
Clayden Mrs. Edwd. Parkside, High st Hall Thomas Frede"'ick, The Priory.
l'RIVATE RESIDENTS. Cole J ames, Audley End The Common
Ackland Bryans Thos. Limbert LL.M. Collin Turner ~I.A. 14 Ohurch street Halsted Mrs. A. :M. Hatherley, The
Myddleton house Colwell Rev. Richard Harold (Wes- Common
Ackland William Fitzroy, 7 Aud:ey I'd leyan), Prospect house, Castle street Hardwick Thomas, 80 High street
Adams William, 27 London road Cotchin William, 3 AUdley road Harley Edward, 35 'Church street
AppIeton IWilliam, 69 High street Cottingham Wolfen Wm. 39 South I'd Hart William Ernest, 18 King street
Atkinson John l'arl;:inson M.D. 37 Cowell Alfred, 3 West Toad Hayes Harry, Fern villa, East stl'eet
High street Cowell Misses, 16 High street Holland Joseph, Lime Tree ho.King s~
A.yton William Alexander,Grove lodge, Cowell Peter Giblin, The Roos Hug'hes Herbert, 64 Debden road
The Obmmon Cowell William, 23 London road Hull Miss, 9 Mount Plea·sant road
Barker William, 13 Gold st'reet. Custerson Joseph, 21 London road Hutchin Mrs. 5 Audley road
Barnard Ernest, 36 South -road Dennis Victor, Audley End Hutches(Jn Thomas B. 63 High street
Barnard Thomas Griggs, Debden rd Dix Andrew Robert, 7 West road· .Johnson Miss, Church strpet
Barrett Miss, 60 High street Dix M'l's. 3 :Mount Pleasant road Jones Mi-sses, 68 High street
Barritt Joseph, 7 Station road Dix Joseph, 45 We-st road King Alfred, 27 Aud~ey road
Bartlett Hedley, 53 High street Dunlop Miss (principal, Training col- King George, 65 High street
Barton Frederick, 13 West road leg-e), South road Knight Ernest William, Market place
Barton David, 86 High street Edwards ArthurGeorge,28 South road Lagden Joseph, 33 South road
Ba·scombe E. C. Dare,33' Church street Emson Frank Everitt, Market place Lambert Ambrose Victor,60 Debden r<J
Beard Samnel, 34 Hig-h street Emson WaIter, 3 Market street Langton Thomas Robert, 12 West road
Beavan William, 37 West road Erswell Miss, 3 Common hill Leverett J. S. Wycliffe. 17 Market hill
Bell Joseph J.P. Dorset ho. Church st Feilberg ·Miss, 29 Audley road Leverett Stebbing, 3 IMarket hill
Bell William Charles Genge, Saffron F:etcher Mrs. 47 Debden road Maggs John, 23 West road
lodge. Mount Pleasant road Fairbrother Miss (head mistress, Mahon Herbert, 2 West- road
Bellingham Mrs. 55 High street Friends' P1chool), Mount Pleasant rd Martin Geo. Edwd. 25 Audley road
Blenkinsop Misses, 77 High ·street Forbes Archbld. H. 2 Mt. Pleasant rd Maynard George Nathan (curator,
Boulton Artbur George, 73 High street Fowler Mrs. 67 High street museum), Castle hill
Bowtle Mrs. 23 South ·road Gardner Herbert, 68 Debden road Maynard Mrs. 4 East street
Brand Mrs. 6 West road Gayton Thomas W. The Towers, McGhee James, 4:i West road
Brand William, St. Aubyns, Andley rd Seward's end Meadows WilliamArthu!',63 A·shdon I'd
Bran-sby HenryN.17 Mount Pleasant 'I'd Gibhs George Henry, 62 Debden ·road Mel'rett Rev. Richd. Wiseman(curate)
Braybl'Ooke Rev. Lord, Audley End I GibsOll Edmund Birch J.r. Elm grove Mickley Mrs. Freshwell house, FresJl-
Braybrooke Dowager Lady,Audley End Gibson Miss, Hill house, High street well street
llrinkworth Rev..Jabez Arthur (Genr!. Gilling Mrs. 8 Mount :Pleasant road Midgley Arthur, 25 London road
Baptist), 25 Hill street Gilson Miss, 431 Debden road Moore Frederick William, 30 South rd
Brook Edward Read, Mill lane Gils·on Mrs. 26 London road Mostyn Mrs. 2I Andley road
Brooks Wil1iam Thomas, 32 South I'd Gough Alfred, Reed cottage, Audley rd Myhill Addy Nunn, Fai:ycI'cft, Aud-
Brown Henry George, 28 London road Gover Henry John ~I.A., M.J3., ley road
Canning Miss, 57 High street M.R.C.S.Eng. Courtlands, 4 Mount Nash Misse-s, 35 Castle street
Caslake Miss, 54 Radwinter road 'Plea-sant road Newton George John, 24 London road.
Champ George Hansford,2 'Borough la Green Edgar, 21 London road Nockolds Alfred Geo:ge, Aud:ey road
Cheilins Henrv Joshua, 7 Hill street Grey ·Mrs. 8 West road Nockolds Martin, Caste Hill house
CIa ranee Charles, 2 Castle street Griffinhoofe Mrs. 17 Church street Nockolds Marlin Cllarles Herbert.
CIarke :Miss, Falcon gro. Audley rd South road
Nunn Thomas, 6 Hill street Scruby ~1jss, 7 Mount Pleasant road Trew Edward William, 39 West road
Pepper Rev. Henry (Congregational), Sheffield Miss, 34 South road Tuke Wm. Favill, 5 Mt.Pleasant road
The Manse, West road Simmon~ Frederick Richd. 21 West rd Tuke William Murray, The Vineyard,
Pilgrim Edmund, 9 West road SpiceI' William Stock, I Audley road Windmill hill
Pitstow Nat'han, 25 West road Sprague 'William Carr M.D.71 High st Tween Alfred Waiter, I West road
Porteous George, Belle Vue house, Starkey Hobert, 15 ~Iount Pleasant rd TyIer )'[iss, IQ Mount Pleasant road
Mount Pleasant road Starling Nainby, 22 Church street Wade Charles Stewart Douglas M.A.
Pountney Herbert, 22 Lond'On road Steal' Henry, Market place The Grove
Randolph Mrs. 6I High street Steele Rev. John Thornton M.A. Wagstaff Frank Alexander M.RC.S.
Rawson Mrs. I I West road (vicar & chaplain of the Workhouse), Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 8 Church st
Reed George, 65 Ashdon road The Vicarage Walker John Edward (head master),
Reeve Misses, 26 South road Stoughton ~Irs. Little Walden hall Friends' school, Mount Pleasant I'd
Robson Charles Edward, Audley road Stubbing.s Rev. Samuel (Primitive Ward Miss, 50 Church ·street
Ro,bson Frank, 66 Debden road Methodist), I9 South road Webb George, 8 East street·
Robson Jsph.Jn.Elmhurst, 7 High st Taylor Edward J.P. The Close, High st Webb Miss, 59 High street
Robson Miss, 16 Mount Pleasant road Taylor Mrs. Farmadine ho. Audley I'd Webster Alexander Cha,s·5 Common hI
Robson 1Valter, lllawarra, Debden rd Thompson W. M., B.A. (head master), Welch Thos. Skipper, Little Walden
Rowntree C. Brightwen B.A. (head Grammar school "Vhiffen Mrs. 10 West rOlld
teacber), Friends' school Thompson Waiter, 41 Debden road Wilson Mrs. 39 Debden road
Rule Miss, Burnt Wood end, Little Thomson James,I2 Mount Pleasant I'd Wilkes Miss, 6 Mount Pleasant road
Walden Thl1'rgood John P. 5 High street Wilkinson Mrs. 18 West road
RUSoSeU Mrs. 49 Debden road Thurgood Misses, 62 High street Willett Mrs. 74 High street
Sage John, Acacia villa, West road Thurgood Mrs. 72 High street Withers Tom Aaron, 29 West road
Sayle George M. Devon lodge, Tidball Wm. 14 Mount Pleasant road Young Rev. John (Baptist), Audley
winter road Townend Mrs. 13' Market hill Road manse
/cOMMERCIAL" Dell 1Villiam & Sons, builders, contractors & bnilders'
Early closing day, Thursday. merchants, South road
Bird Frederick Charles, furniture dealer, 14 Market hill
Abbey Temperance Hotel, family & commercial Blyth Caleb S. ironfounder, West road
(A. G. Edward, proprietor), headquarters of 0:1'.0. Bold George, shopkeeper, 4 Bridge street
49 High street BouIton Arthur George L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 73 High st
Abbott George, sergeant-instructor to I Company 3rd Bowtle Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 36 Radwinter road
(Cambridgeshire) Volunteer Battalion SufIolk Uegi- Brand Wm. nurseryman & seedsman, see 1Vebb & Brand
ment, 2 East street Bransby Henry Newton, estate agent to Miss Gibson;
Acco Emma phs.), glover, 83 High street office, Abbey lane
..A.ckland & Son, solicitors, King street British & Foreign Training College (Miss Jessie M .
..A.ckland Bryans Thomas Limbert LL.M. (firm, Aclrland Dunlop, lady principal; Miss Edith Shaw, matron;
& Son), solicitor & clerk to amalgamated charities, ~Iiss Brown-Smith, mistress of kindergarten),South I'd
Edward VI. almshouse trnstees, burial board & Gram- Brown William, station master, Railway station
mar school, King street Bruce Herbert, 'ship's steward, Cinder hall, Little Wal•
..A.ckland Wilham Fitzroy (firm, Ackland & Son), den road
solicitor, commissioner for oaths, & secretary to Saffron Bunting WaIter Charles, fruiterer & grngrcr. 25 High st
Walden Benefit Building Society, clerk to the borough i Burgess Alfred, shoe maker, 7 Bridge street
magistrates, King street
Ad'ams Alfred, brazier, 12 East street
I Burningham James William, hairdresser & fancy re-.
pository, Market place
~dams Charles, grocer, 99 Castle street Burton George, saddler & harness maker, 6 High street
Adams William (firm, Collin & Adams), solicitor, & Burton John Baynes, tailor, 4 High street
deputy registrar of county court & depnty superin- Bush Moore, collector of taxes, 15 Thaxted road
tendent registrar, town clerk, clerk to the Infectious Caton William, cow keeper, Loft's lane
Diseases Hospital, to borough school attendance, gas Cemetery (Bryans Thomas Limbert Ackland LL.M. clerk
& water committee,s, commissioner of taxes for Fresh- to the burial board; Jasper Prime, keeper), Rad-
well division, sec. Technical Education Committee, 14 winter road
Church st·reet Chadwiclr John Kitson, Railway Arms P.H. & coal mer-
.Aldred Emma (Mrs.), smith, 25 Fairycroft road chant, Station road
..A.lmshouses (Bryans Thomas Limbert Ackland, clerl,), Chadwick Sidney, fishmonger, 29 King street
Abbey lane Cheffins Henry Joshua, auctioneer, 7 Hill street
Arllher George Howes, plumber & painter, 6 Common hill Choppen A. J. & Sons, engineers & machinists, 62 High st
.Archer William, gardener to Miss Gibson, High street Clark William, shoeing & general smith, George street
Armstrong Marian Lavinia & Mary (Misses),· dress Ooe Harry Francis, Waggon & Horses P.H. 39 East st
makers, I2 'Market bill Coe Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 55 Castle street
..A.rmstrong William, watch maker, 12 Market hill Cole Levinia (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Westfield terrace
.Atkinson John Parkinson M.D. physician & surgeon, 37 Collen Arthur, farmer, Hackney stud farm
High street Collin & Adams, solicitors, 14 Church street
..A.udley End Working Men's Institute (R. H. Walker, Collin Turner M.A. (firm, Collin & Adams), solicitor &
sec. , Audley End commissioner for oaths, clerk to the 'Walden (Stansted
Badman Geo. chimney sweeper & George P.H. George st sub-division) & Linton division of magistrate·s, regis-
J3aker Owen, grocer, I I Debden road trar & high bailiff of the county court, clerk to the
Balls George, baker, 6 Castle street Saffron Walden guardians, Saffron Walden Rural Dis-
13archam Thomas E. grocer & draper, I High street trict Council, assessment & school attendance com-
.:Barclay & Co. Limited, bankers (branch) (Wm. mittees, superintendent registrar, clerk to the ""Valden
:'I1urray Tuke, Edmund Birch Gibson, William Favill & Linton division of taxes, steward of the Walden,
Tuke & Alex. Gibson, local directors), Mllrl,et place; Elmdon, ""Vimbish, Bustlers, Rickling, Priory, Dud-
draw on head office, 54 Lombard street, London denhoe Grange, Duxford, Heydon Bury, Lesbury, Lit-
Barker Edward "Vm. commercial trav. 32 Ashdon road tlebury, Rockells, Strethall & Wenden manors, 1'4
Barker William, greengrocer, 63 Castle street Church street
'Barker William John, butcher, 21 Church street Cooper Emily (Mrs.), laundress, 55 Radwinter road
.Barnard Brothers, coal, corn & seed merchants & general Conservative Club (John Maggs, sec.; Henry Hayward,
agents, 24 High street &; Railway station; head office, manager), Museum street
Newport S.O Copping George, gardener to Edmund Birch Gibson esq.
'Bartlett & Bascombe, surgeons, 53 High st. & Walden pI J.P. 23 Hill street
Bartlett HedIey M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon Corn Exchange (JQhn Fras. Penning. keeper), Market pI
(firm, Bartlett & Bascombe), & medical officer & public Cornell William, basket maker, 50 High stre~t
vaccinator, No. 6 district, Saffron Walden union, & Cornell William, farmer & beer retailer, Seward's End
medical officer to workhouse, 53 High street Corporation Gas Works (Archibald H. Forbes, sec.;
Barton & Sons, drapers & tailors, 7 King street Charles ·Wright, manager), Thaxted road
Bascombe E. C. Dare M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.l'.Lond., Corporation Water Works (Archibald H. Forbes, sec. &
L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon & dentist (firm, Bartlett & manager), Hill street
Bascombe), 33 Church street County Court (His Honor John Shortt RA., LL.B.
Beale Fredk. china & glass rivetter & umbrella repairer, judge; Turner Collin M.A. registrar & high bailiff),
20 Debrlen N~ad Town hall
Beard Samuel A Sons, drapers, 34 High street

County Police Station (Charles Edwin Pryke, superin- Guyver Elkanah, wheelwright, 22 Mill lane
tendent), East street Hagger Charles, antique furniture dealer & agent for
Courtneay Arthur George, shopkeeper, 40 Gold street Sutton &; Co. carriers, 2 & 3 George street
Cowell Ellen (Mrs.), sub-postmistress, 20 London road Hall Thomas Frederick M.R.e.V.S.Lond. veterinarv •
Cowell Laura & Rose (Misses), ladies' school, 16 High st geon & inspector, Veterinary infirmary &:, shoeing
Cowell Albert, boot maker, shopkeeper & post office, forge, The Priory, The Common
.Aud~y End - Halls Thomas, shoe maker, 13 Freshwell street
Cowell Alfred, butcher, 6 Market row Hardwick Frank, fishmonger, 9 King street
Cowell Peter Giblin, farmer, The Roos Harris George, baker, I Ashdon road
Cowell Robert, shoe maker, 94 High street Hart Misses, berlin wool &; fancy repository &; servants'
Oox Henry, Eight Bells P.H. 18 Bridge street registry office, 41 High street
eTO Benjamin, grocer & furniture dea1er, 27 & 29 High st Hart & Son, printers, booli:sellers,stationers, news agents,
Gllsterson Joseph, builder & contractor, Station street bookbinders & music warehouse, 18 King street
Day Wm. Hy. & Co. brewers, Castle brewery, I7 Gold st Hayward Herbert Ernest, draper, Cross street
Day Henry, watch maker, 8 King street Hayward Henry, manager to the Conservative Club,
Day .lames, builder &. undertaker, 19 Gold street Museum street
& farme-r, Seward's End Hill Harry, veterinary surgeon, 84 High street
Dennis Victor, farmer, Abbey farm, Audley End Hitchcock Joseph C. grocer &; china & glass dealer, 7 & 9
Dewsbury Francis, tailor, 6 Park place - Market hill -
Dickinson William, -sanitary inspector & sec. & captain Hockley William Hugll, china & glass dlr. 7 Gold street
to the Volunteer Fire Brigade, 5 Hill street Hodson James, beer retailer, I I Market row
Dix, Green &. Co. cement manufacturers, 'Vest Horton George Percy, coal, cake &; manure mer. 5 King st
road; works, Thaxted road Hospital (Henry Steal' M.R.C.S.Eng. William Alexander
Dix Benjamin, builder & undertaker, IQ High street 'Smith M.A., M.B. Hedley Ba1'tlett L.R.C.P.Land.
Dobson George Daniel, hair dresser, 4 King street :Frank A. Wagstaff M.'R.C.S.Eng., I..R.C.r.Lond. &
Dominick John, ironmonger, 22 King street William Carr Sprague M.D.Edin. medical officers;
Downham Charles Richard, beer retailer, Thaxted road John Gilling, dispenser; A. Midgley, hon. sec.; ~Iiss
Earnshaw Charles, paperhanger & bacon curer, 85 High st Fawcett, matron), London road
Earnshaw Mabel CMis's), shopkeeper, I London road Housden Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Haxted road
Bd-ward Alexander George, Abbey Temperance hotel, Housden Frank, hurdle maker & carter, Lit. lValden rd
SI High street Housden George, plumber, 20 Fairycroft road
Eclwards Arthur, coal merchant, Debden road & Railway Howlett William Thomas John, inspector of weights &,
station & farme,r, Peaslands farm measures under the Sale of Food & Drugs ~\et & the
Edwick Chartey &. George, Rose &. Crown Contagi{)us Disease-s (Animals) Ac~, East street
family & commercial hotel & posting house; omnibus Hoy Maria (Miss), dres's maker, 12 Fairyeroft road
meets all trains, Market place Hughes & Sons, coach builders, 66 High street
Emson, Tanner &. Sons, commission agents & Hunt Timothy, brewer &; beer retailer, 2 East street
1Nholesale grocers, & provision mers. Market pI Hunter James, coal dealer, Debden road
Emson Walter (T. R. Scruby & Co.), wholesale & retail Inland Revenue Office (Thomas Robert Langton, officer),
wine & spirit merchant, 3 Market st. & 10 Hill street High street
Engelman Carl, nur;;;eryman & florist, Hornybrook International Tea CO.'s Stores Ltd. (Fredk. William Smith,
nursery, Radwinter road mana.ger), grocers.&; provision dealers, 12 King street
Erswell Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, 3 Common hill Jackson Goorge, boot maker, Ashdon road
Erswell John (Mrs.), laundress, 72 Radwinter road Jarvis Ernest William, baker & grocer, Seward's End
Essex Provident Society (Obadiah Bush, collector), 27 Jarvis Peter, farmer, The Elms, Se>rard's End
Gold street Jealous Flora (Miss), dress maker, 17 South road •
Evenett John, town crier &; bill poster, 39 Gold street Jeffrey Alfred Smith, bricklayer 1& beer retailer, Lit tIe
Faraday George, chemist, 21 High street Walden road
Farndon William T. tailor, 63 Radwinter road Jeffrey Isaac E. bricklayer, 14 Ashdon road
Farrow Thomas, beer retailer & carter, 27 Hill street Johnson Thos. & Son, ironmngrs. & founders,38 Church st
Field Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Audley road Jones Alice (Mrs.), shopkee,per, 3 Castle street
Flack Alfred, farm bailiff t,o H. J. Cheffins esq. Turnip Judd Henry, boot maker, 2 Radwinter road
Hall farm King Thomas &; Henry, granaries, South road
Forbes Archibald H. borough surveyor, secretary &; man- King Wm. beer retailer .&; chimney sweeper, 71 Castle st
ager to the Water 'Works & secretary to the Gas Works, Knight Ernest William (manager, London .&; County
3 Hill street Banking Co. Limited, Market place
Foster & Co. bankers (branch), 3 King street; head Lamey lVilliam, insurance agent, 40 Radwinter road
offic~, Cambridge; draw on Prescotts', Cornhill, Lon- Land Charles, local manager, "Saffron Walden 'Yeekly
don EC News," 6 Farmadine grove
Fountain William, watch maker & jeweller, 31 High st Langley George, baker, !O5 Castle street •
Francis WaIter, boot &; shoe factor, 40 High street Langton Thomas Robert, inland revenue officer, 22 High st
Francis WaIter J. photographer, 40 High street Leverett Stebblng, grocer &; provision merchant,
Free Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Copthall frm. Ashdon road draper, milliner, tailor, hatter .&; outfitter, Market place
Free &; Dando, tobacconists &; confectioners, 2 Market st Levi Charles, boot & shoe maker, 55 West road
Freest-one George, engineer, Audley road List Alice Jane (Miss), dress maker, 9 London road
Freestone George John, cycle agent, 49 High street List George, shoe maker, 32 Church street
Friends' School (John Edward Walker, head master; List William, shoe maker, 9 London road
C. Brightwen Rowntree B.A. head teacher; Miss L. Literary Institution &; Public Library (Henry Steal', hall.
Fairbrother, head mistress), Mount Pleasant road s@c.; William Murray Tuke, hon. librarian; Mrs. B. A.
Furlong Francis Robert, gun maker, 26 King street Maynard, acting librarian), King street
Galley Joseph E. photographer, 3 London road London & Connty Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Ernest
Gatward Henry, watch maker, 56 High street William Knight, manager), Market place; draw on
Gatward Henry T. watch maker, 36 Debden road head office, 21 Lombard street, London E C
Gayler Edwd. cowkeeper, Aller farm, Radwinter Toad Long James Richard, registrar of births &; deaths for the
Gibson Edmund Birch J.P. see Barclay &:, Co. Limited, Saffron Walden sub-district, relieving officer, collector
Market place to the guardians &; va-ceination officer, Xo. I district &
Gillett David, greengrc. ~er, 7 Cross street attendance officer, Rural District Attendar.ce Com-
Gilling John, pharmaceutical chemist, 6 Market hill mittee, 48 High street
Gough Alfred, malts,ter, Field Malting Long In. farm bailiff to E. B. Gibson esq. J.P. Royley hill
Gover Henry John M.A., M.B.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng. Loomes Albert Morris, draper & milliner, 6 King street
physician &; surgeon, Cuurtlands, 4 Muunt Pleasant I'd Lott Agnes (Mrs.), baker & confectioner, 4 Market hill
Gowlett Sarah (.:Y.[rs.), farmer, Pounce hall, Seward's End Lovell ""Ym. pork pie maker .&; tobacconist, 2 &; 4 Cross st
Grammar School (W. M. Thompson B.A. Lead master), Lyall Harry William (firm, Wade & Lyall), solicitor &
Ashdon road commissioner for oaths, 18 Hill street; &; 4 Bishorsgate
Green E. & Sons, builders, 10 Thaxted road street within, London E C
Green Julius, builder, 17 Audley road McNaboe George Vincent M.R.C.V.S.Lond. veterinar~- sur-
Green Robert, umbrella repairer &; china & glass riveter, geon; veterinary shoeing forge on the premises, Hill st
24- Debden road Mahon Herbert, teacher of nmsic, 2 'Vest road
Guy Charles C. assistant overseer &; collector of poor Mallion John, beer retailer, I I Gold street
rates, 30 Ashdon road Mann Harry, sub-bailiff to County Court, 5 West road
Guy William Edward, stationer & news agent, Cross st Marking Isaae, butcher, 24 Chureh street
:Marsh Arthur Charles, baker, 109 Castle street Saffron Walden Co-operative Society Limited (Thomas S.
Marshall George, farm bailiff to the Rev. Lord Braybrooke, Thornton, manager), grocers &c. 38 Castle street
llome faIm, Andley End Saffron WaIden &; Essex Mechanics? Permanent Benefit
Martin George Edward, whitesmitb, 27 Fairycroft road Building Society (Charles C. Guy, sec.), 30 Ashdon I'd
Mascall Alfred, Crown P.H. Little Walden Saffron Walden Musical Society (Rev. J. T. Steele, sec)
Masonic Lodge (No. 1,280, Walden) (WaIter Thompson, Saffron Walden Provident & Friendly Institution (lfilliam
sec.), Rose & Crown hotel Adams, S€{:.), 14 Church street
Maynard George Nathan (curator) Museum, Castle hill Saffron Walden Steam Laundry Co. Ltd. (Miss Bessie
Medcalfe Esau, farmer, St. Aylotts Reeve, manageress); reg, office, 24 East street
Miller David, baker, 7 London road Saffron Walden Technical Education District Committee
Mills Charles, Hoops P.H. 15 King street (William Adams,hon. sec)
Mizen Charles, farmer, Paynter's farm Saffron 1Valden Weekly News (Charles I,and, local man-
Monk Alfred, tailor, 18 London road ager; published at Cambridge, fri.), 6 Farmadine grove
Moore Frederick WilIiam, PilSt office, Seward's End Sales Fras. John, supt. Prudential Insurance, 92 High st
Mothersole Charles Edward, teacher of music, 27 'West I'd Salmon James, oil dooler, 33 Bridge street
Moule Wm. & Edwd. wheelwrights & smiths, Seward's End Salmon YVilliam, insurance agent, 68 Radwinter road
Museum (Richard Crafton Green, sec.; George Nathan Samuel 'Yalter Thomas, saddler, I East street
Maynard, curator), Castle hill Saunders Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 58 High street
Myhill Addy Nunn, merchant; corn, coal, manures, Savill David, farmer, Stone Bridge farm, Little 1Valden
cakes, seeds &c. 24 & 26 Gold street & Railway station Snvill Josiah, baker, Gates corner, East street
Nash Reuben, shopkeeper, 28 East street Savill lYilliam, farmer & cattle dealer, Lodge farm, Rad-
New & Smith, grocers, 12 Hill street . winter ro-ad & Gates corner, East street
Newman Ellen Elizh. (Miss), dress maker, 46 Ashdon I'd Scott 1\>-illiam Edward, butcher, 5 Market street
Kewman James, White Horse 4 Market street Scruby T. R. ,& Co. (WaIter Emson), wholesale & retaB
Newman James Thomas, tobacconist, I I King street wine'k spirit & ale & stout a.gtS.3 Market st. & 10 Hill st
Mockolds <& Sons, land agents &; surveyors, 37 Church 8t Seymonr John Leader, blind maker, 76 High street
Norris Sam!. Wakefield, farmer, 'Vills Ayley,Seward's End Shaw Edith (Miss), matron training college, South road
Nunn le Son, ironmongers &; china dealers, 4 ::\farket row Shaw Edith (Miss), matron Training CDllege, South road
Overall Thomas William, beer retailer, 59 Gold street Shepherd Ellen (Mrs.),pork btchr.& poulterer,2 Bridge st
Oxborrow Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 High skeet Smith Edward, grocer, see New & Smith
Oxborrow Hobert, boot malier, 46 Church street Smith ElizB (Mrs,), hair drssr. &; fancy dIr. 13 King st
Palmer Gray, clothier &; outfitter, 45 High street Smith George Robert, Green Dragon P.H. Market hill
Palllment Emily & Alice (Misses),fancy repos.30 Chnrch st Smith Henry, surveyor to the Rural Council, Ashdon I'd
Parsonage Charles Tester, deputy registrar of marriages, SpiceI' WilIiam, farmer, WesHeys farm, Little Walden I'd
24 Aurlley road Sprague WilIiam Carr M.D.Edin. surgeon, medical
Parsow,&' Purkiss, dress makers, I New road officer to hospital, medical officer & public vaccinator
Pateman James Wesley, butcher, 13 Debden road No. 7 district, Saffron Walden union, 71 High street
Patmore George, miller (wind) &; farm bailiff to Charles Starling & Wiliiams, wholesale &; retail wine &; spirit
Kettley esq. The Mill & Campion's farm, Seward's End merchants, & agents for Bass's & Allsopp's Burton ales,
Payne George, fa,rmer, Redgates, Seward's End 20 Church street
PaynB Snsannah (Mrs.), farmer, Seward's end Start Thomas, shopkeeper, 65 Castle street
Penning Grey Fras. rope &; twine mkI'. I Little Walden I'd Start WilIiam, beer retailer, 8 Castle street
Penning John Francis, keeper of Town hall & Corn Ex- Stead & Simpson Limited, boot makers, 14 King street
change &; collector fo,r fairs &; cattle market Steal' Henry M.R.C.8.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon, Admiralty
Perrin Alfred George, stationer & registrar of marriages, & certifying factory surgeon, Marliet place
36 Church street Street Ernest, draper &; milliner, 43 High street
Pettit Victor, furniture broker &; bill poster, 29 Hill street Sutton ,& Co. carriers (Chas. Hagger, agt.),2 &; 3 George st
Piddnck Sydney, commercial traveller, 45 High street Tatham Saml. lime & whiting manufctr. Little Walden I'd
Pigrum Thomas Wm. Percival, leather selIe'r, 18 High st Taylor Allan, live & dead h{)rse dealer, 3 Fairycroft road
Pitstow Frederick, plumber & decorator, I Bridge street Taylor Francis John, baker &, confectioner; Vic-
Pitstow Selina (Mrs.), Cross Keys hotel, KinO' street torian cafe, for commercials,' cyclists & families;
&; 17 Bridge street '" first class tea & coffee rooms. Catering done in an
Player James, grocer, 12 Thaxted road its brnnches, 5 King street & North Essex steam
Pledger Thomas, Greyhound P.H. High street hygienic bakery, 23 High street
Pluck Frederick, outfitter, 13 Hill street 'l'aylor George Moss, tinman & parish clerk, Castle st
Portway Thomas, furniture broker &; dealer, 12 Bridge st Thompson Richard, rate collector, .'i' Castle street
Post Office (George Watts, postmaster), King street Thompson Waiter, bookseller, stationer, printer,
Powell William Weatherstone, draper & outfitter, Vic- fancy goods warehouseman & circulating library &
t·oria house, High street outdoor games requisites, depOt of S,P.C.R. &; agent
Prime Jasper, cemetery keeper, Radwinter road, for Goss' heraldic china, Market place
Pryke Charles Edwin, supt. of police, East street Thomson James F.R,A.M. teacher of music, 12 Mount
Purkis J ahn, bricklaver, Ohurch street Pleasant road

Purkiss Annie (Miss), dress ma. see Parsons &; Purkiss Thorn Elizabeth (Miss), ~hoplieeper, 5 Cross street
RaIling Sarah Ann (Miss), dress maker, 7 East street Thurgood & Sons, auctioneers & estate agts. IS Ma,rket hill
Read George Ernest, baker & confectioner, 19 High street Thurgood John P. certified bailiff under the "Law of
Read Stephen, marine store dealer, 56 Castle street Distress Amendment Act," 13 Market hill
Reed Elizabf'th (Mrs.), beer retailer, 48 Ashdon road Tillorook Charles, farmer, Little Walden park
Reed John William, carter, 26 Audlev road Titchmarsh Arthur, grocer, provision merchant & bottled
Reed Thomas, furniture dealer, 22 Castle street ale merchant, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine &;
Reed William, baker & confectioner, 51 Ashdon road spirit merchant, 33 & 35 King street
Reeder Charles William, grocer, 73 Castle street Town Hall (John Francis Penning, keeper), Market place
Reynolds Osmond, school attendance officer to the Cor- Travis Joseph, naturalist, I Gold street
poration, 56 Ashdon road Tuke lVilliam Favill, banker &. treasurer to the Corpora-
R~chardson Emllla (Miss), dress maker, 7 Common hill tion. Sl"e Barclay &; Co. Limited, Market place
Rwhardson Mary (Mrs.), Fox P.H. Seward's End Tuke lVilliam Murray, see Barclay & Co. Lim. Market pI
Richardson 'Walter R tailor, 38 High street 'Tert James, gardener tD Lord Braybrooke, Audley End
Robson & Sons, grocers, aerated water manufacturers, Yic:tol'ia Cafe (Francis J. Taylor, proprietor), 5 King st
ironmongers &; oil 0& lamp merchants; offices, 17 Kino Volunteer Battalion 3rd (Calllbridgeshire) Suffolk Regi-
street; works, Station street b ment (1 Co. Capt. M. C. H. Nockolds; Sergt. George
Robson Waiter, wholesale &; retail draper, hosier & Abbott, drill instructor), Armoury, Museum street
glover, mantle &; boot & shoe warehouse; paperhangings,
carpets & upholstery; furniture warehoused &; removed,
'7 ol unteer Fire Brigade (William Dickinson, sec. &;
captain), Engine house, 5 Hill street
& dealer in secondhand furniture, 15 King street . ~-abon Robert William, confectioner, 28 King street
Rogers Alfred, plumber & decorator, I I Hill street Wade & Lyall, solicitors, 18 Hill street; & 4 Bishopsgate
Rose & Crown family & commercial hotel (C. & G. Edwick, street within, London E C
proprietors), :Market place; omnibus meets aD trains Wade Charles Stewart Douglas M.A. (firm, Wade &,
Rush Thomas, farmer, MitchelIs farm, Little Walden . . , solicitor &; commissioner for oaths, clerk of the
Rutland James, boot maker, 3 Debden rood peace, to Newport Grammar school, to the trustees of
Saffron Walden Benefit Building Society (1V. F. Ackland, Bathurst Charity, Debden, steward of the ma'nors of
sec.), King street . Debden Hall, Mole Hall, Widdington, Middlebarns,
Saffron Walden Cricket Club (ArthuI' Hicks, sec) Quendon, Chickney, Girton Stanton, ,East Hall in Felt-
well, Bromehill in Methwold, Croxton &; Co.ggeshall in Whiffin Alfred, bricklayer, 23 Gold street .
Fordham, 18 Hill street; &; 4 Bishopsgate st. within, 'Vhitehead Ranldn, china dealer, plumber, painter, decora-
London E C tor &c. 29 Ohurch street
Wagstaff Frank Alexander M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. \Yilkinson John Seager, the dress makers' wholesale sup-
surgeon, medical officer to Hospital, Surg.-Lieut. I Co. ply stores, Bridge house, IS Bridge street
3rd Volunteer Battalion (Cambridgeshire) Suffolk Regi- Willett George Hagger, butcher, 36 High street
ment, 8 Church street Williams Richard Atkinson, job &; livery master &;
Walls Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 50 Ashdon road , dealer in horses; 'Washington car & funeral carriages on
Watney, Combe, Reid & Co. Limited, brewers, spirit! hire; distance no object, Freshwell street
merchants &; aerated water manufacturers, Brewery I Wills Hobart, insurance agent, Common hill
sior8os, 17 High street I Wilson William Frost, photographer, Gold street
"Vatson Oharles, bal(er, 82 High street I
Winter Nancy Bodges (Miss), certified massense, 10 Monnt
'Vatson Oharles T. nurseryman & seedsman, 21 King st Ple.asant road
Watson Richard, beer retailer, 54 Castle street Wiskin Edgar, carpenter &; joiner, 42 Goid street
Watts George, postmaster, King street Workman Alfred, King's Arms P.H. Market hill
1Vebb &; Brand, nurseryman, 10 East street Wright Alfred Edward, shoe maker, 7 Museum street
Webb Henrv O. steward to the Rev. Lord Bravbrool,e, ~Tl'ight Charles, manager Gas Worl,s, Thaxted road
• •
AUdley End Wright James, miller (steam), Ohalk lane
1Vedd Peter, saddler &; harness maker, 19 King street Wrlght ,Joseph, North Essex Motor & Cycle works &;
1Vedd WaIter James, co'ach builder, Abbey lane Petrol stores, High street
'Welch Thomas Skipper, farmer, Little Walden Wyatt Alfred, Duke of York P.ll. 96 High street
Wenn T. H. &; Co. maltsters, West road; & at Newport Wyatt Frederick, baker, 100 High street
S.O.; Bury St. Edmunds & (head office), Downham Young Men's Ohristian Association (James Richard Long
Market, Norfolk & Stanley Hayes, hon. secs.), High street
'Whitehead Osborne, mOl!lumental &; general mason in I Young 'Women's Ohristian Association (Miss Blenkinsop,
marble, granite -& stone, 4 Commen hill hon. sec.) (open tues. 7.30 to 9 p.m.), High street
ST. LAWRENCE NEWLAND is a small parish of cellor, and held since I901 by the Rev. Herbert Brown,
-scattered houses, near the south bank of the Blackwater es- of Durham University. Part of Aylett's charity, amount-
tU:ll'y, 5 Iniles north from Sout.hminster terIninal station ing to about £1 158. 6d. annually, is distributed to the
-on a branch O'f the Southend section of the Great Eastern poor in money every other year. Mrs. William Robert
railway, 11 Iniles east-south-east froIn Maldon by road, Ellis, who is lady of the manor, Miss Rolfe and R. G.
8 north-by-east from Burnham and 19 east from Chelms- Brown and Robert Pilkington esqrs. are the principal
iord, in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie landowners. The soil is of a loamy nature; subsoil,
imndrt.d and petty sessional division. Maldon union and loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and peas.
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Deng-ie, The area is 2,Il3 acres {If land, I9 of water, 196 of
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The tidal water and 256 of fore.shore; rateable value, £947;
ohurch of St. Lawrence, rebuilt in 1879 of Kentish rag. the population in 1902 was 160.
.is a structure in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Wall Letter Box cleared at 4.3:: p.m. Lett.ers through
-chancel, nave, north porch, vestry and a. western turr!'t ~
containing I bell: the cost of rebuildill!! "'as £1.7 00 , Southminster R.S.O. arrive at 8,3 0 a.m. The nearest
:and there are sittings for 150 persons. The rerrister of money order &; telegraph office is at Tillingham, 2 miles
baptisms and buria~s date!\ from li04: marriage~. 1705.

The living is a rectory, net yearly value £280, with resi- National School, built in 1873, for 60 children; average
ilence and 5 a(lres of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chan- attendance, 25; Mrs. Cutts, mistress
Brown Rev. Herbert (recto'!'), Rednry co~n[}mCBL. r Pilking-ton Robt. frmr. East Newlands
Witney 'William Frederick, The Hall Black David, farmer, Motts farm Whiting James, farm bailiff to exors.
Cardnell J ames, farmer I of G. Oardnell esq
'ST. OSYTH pal'ish is on a creek of the Colne, opposite tings for 60 persons. A cemetery of 2 acres was formed
Brightlingsea, 4 miles south from Thorrington and 4 in 18'=;5 at a cost of £1,000, and has two mortuary
from Great Bentley stations on the Tendring hundred chapels; it is unde·r the control of the parish council
'bran(lh of the Great Eastern railway, 4 west from CIaeton- acting as a burial board. There are four almshouses,
on-Sea, 12 south-east from Colchester and 12 south-west restored by public subscription, in 1897, in commemora-
from Walton steamboat pier, in the North Eastern tion of the Diamond Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen
division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional Victoria. The charities include the Town Field, near
division and nnion, Colchester county court district, Weeley, no,," let for £5 (less 24s. annual tithe), and Ban-
and in the rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry oJ yard's charity, a first charge of £2 10S. on a field at present
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans; some parts of this attached to Braziers Farm. These sums are distributed
parish, which is very extensive, are high, including to the poor in food, cloth~ng and money. Here are oyster
Beacon Hill, but a great portion is marsh land. The beds. This is one of the oldest places in the county and was
church of 8S. Peter and Paul is a large and ancient originally part of the Royal demesne of King Canute, who
structure, originally built of rubble and flints, in the g-ranted it to Earl Godwilil,and by him it was given to Christ
saIne manner as the .priory buildings adjoining, mainly Church, Oanterbury, and at the Conquest was transferred
'in the late Perpendicular style, with portions of Early to the Bishops of London; it was formerly called" Ohich,"
'English and perhaps of the Norman styles: it consists but takes its present name from St. Osyth, daughter
of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles with south chapels, of Frithwald, a l\'1ercian prince, who built a nunnery here,
-north and south porches and a massive embattled tower of which she was first abbess and where in 653 she was
at the west end, containing 6 bells: on each side of the martyred by heathen pirates. On the site of the nunnery,
chancel are the monumental recumbent effigies in marble pr(Jha~ly destroyed. by the~e invaders, Richard de
of the first and second Lords Darcy, and their wives, with Belmels of London, m the reIgn of Henry T. founded a
inscriptions, and with armorial bearings: in the chapel of I priory for canons of St. Augustine, and his remains were
-the south aisle is a mural tablet to Briant Darcif', high buried in the chanpel of the church in 1127: he be-

sheriff of the county, ob. 25th Dec. 1587, and Bridget queathed the church and tithes to the canons, who

his wife, with other members of his faInily: in the same [ elected as their first abbot or priorWilliam de Corbeuil,
chapel is the recumbent effigy of John Darcy, serjeant- afterwards Archbishop of Oanterbury, who died in II36.
-at-law, in his robes. ob. 15th l\larch, 1638: on the south bequeathing large benefactions to this house, to whi~h
side of the chancel are mural tablets to the Right Honour- I valuable charters were granted by Henry H. and ID
able 1Yilliam Henry (Nassau), 4th Earl of Rochfol'd K.G. Abbot Vyntoner's time it was largely rebuilt, the gate-
ambassador and secretary to George Ill. who died 20th way. abbot's tower and other portions now remaining
-6e!Jt. 1781, and tu Lu~v (Young), his wife, d. 9 Jan. 1773; being erected in that period: at the Dissolution its
there is a modern tablet in the north aisle to Benjamin revellues were valued at £758 Ss. 8d. yearly: It is now,
Golding M.D. founder of Charing Oross hospital, who in its modernized form, the residence of Sir John Henry
·died in 1863: there are 1,000 sittings. The register dates· Johnson J.P. and is entered through a gate house of
from the year 1666. The living is now a vicarage, net late Perpendicular date. elaborately covered with
yeal'ly value £204, with residence, in the gift of the panelled work in flint and stone and consisting of an
Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1897 by the Rev. I arched entrance with flanking towers: the whole is em-
George Arthur 1Vebster B.A. of the Queen's Cniversity, battled and is supposed to have been erected about the
Ireland. Here is a 1Yesleyflll chapel with 274 sitting~. reign of Henry VII.; the abbot's tower, of the same
The mission church at St. Osyth Heath, erected in 1898, period, over a vaulted substructure, and the abbot's
at a cost of £155, is a wooden building and affords sit- I private chapel of the 13th c~ntury, constitute its most
ancient features: in the quadrangle is a range of old , 723 of tidal watel' and 849 of foreshore; rateable value,
buildings in the Tudor style, with an octagonal observa- £8,34°; the population in 1901 was 1,391.
tory; there is a lofty clock tower of modern date and
two smaller ones; in the front of the mansion is a fine nLOCK HOUSE WICK, for some centuries connected
16th century oriel window, on which the initials of John with the Howard family, is on a creek on the coast, a
V)-ntoner, the last abbot but one, are frequently repeated, m ile and a half south-west from St. Osyth. WIGBRO
along with in every case a bunch of grapes, a tun of wine \-rICK is another farm on a creek, a mile and a hall
and his initials J. V. and the date 1527: the entrance hall south. LEE WICK is a mile and a half south-west.
is adorned with some fine specimens of paintings from Parish Clerk, Samuel Henson.
celebrated masters, executed upon its richly-carved oak
panelling: the park of 250 acres is well studded with Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
trees, and at the east end of the house are extensive Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Miss Maria
vineries, a conservatory and peach house. St. Cleres, Norman, sUb-post.mistress. Letters arrive from Col-
now a farm house, one mile south-east from the village, chester &; are delivered at 6.30 a.m. &; at 4 p.m.; dis-
presents a very ancient appearance: it was once wholly patched at I p.m. &; 7 p.m. &; on sundays at 6,45 p.m
and it still is on three sides surrounded by a moat and Wall Letter Box, Flag wharf, cleared at 2.15 &; 7.30 p.ll
has been the residence of the Dean family for over 200 Wall Letter Box, Mill street, cleared at 8 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
years; the last representative died in 1888; it is at Wall Letter Box, Duchess farm, cleared at 6.20 p.m
present occupied as a farm house. On the coast are a County Police Station, Philip Davis, constable

and three martello towers. The manor is vested Schools.
in trustees: the principal landowners are John Roberts
Kil'by esq. Sir John Henry Johnson, Mrs. Charles Brand- National, built in 1853 & enlarged in 1897, at a cost of
reth, the trustees of the late William Herbert Dunnett £4°0, for 200 children; average attendance, ISO; Benj.
esg. of Stonr House, Dedham, John Gilders esq. of Henry Willmot, master
Duchess Farm, the Earl of Onslow G.C.M.G. Thomas Infants', for 160 children; average attendance, 70; Miss-
Lilley esq. of Clacton-on-Sea, the trustees of the late Elizabeth Bacon, mistress
Edward Kingsbury esq. the Rev. Lancelot William Hale Carrier to Colchester. Morris Cole, mono & wed. thurs..
Andrews M.A. rector of Rushmere, Lowestoft, and Robert & Soa"
Green Salmon esq. The soil is good mixed; subsoil, Omnibus :-Allan John Roberts, to & from Great Clacton,
gravelly and soand. The chief crops are wheat, barley & Clacton-on-Sea, twice daily in summer & once daily-
and oats. The area is 8,992 acres of land, 39 of water, in winter; & William Rampling, once daily
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Oole George, farm bailiff to William I NOl mun Maria(Miss),sub-postmistress-,
Bacon Miss Rampling esq Page Charles, bricklayer
Cole William, 2 iMartello tower Cole Morris, carrier Parish Joseph, farmer, Brazier'. farm
Frost Cha'rles Yrederick, Hill house Cole Robert, jun. wheelwright Pearce Fredericli, clerk to the Parislli-
Gilders John, Duchess farm Cro!ls Gp-orge Herbert,farmer,Lee wick Council &; burial board &; as·sistant
Howard IMiss, Rose cottage Cross Robert, farmer, Hill house uverseer
Johnson ISir John Henry JJP., F.S.A. Cross Rbt. Franks, frmr. Frowick hall Rampling William, jobmaster &; farm"
St. Osyth Priory Davis Philip, police constable Ridgwell HerbertJas. King's Arms P.R
Latten Mrs Eazle \Voodroffe John, farmer, Robson Thomas IStretton M.R.C.S.
Manning' Stephen Agard Welches farm Eng., L.R.e.P.Lond. surgeon, &
Matson iMisses, The tOotta~ Gardiner William Henry, seedsman medical officer to No. 7 district,
Moss Maurice, Meadows hall Gentry Harry, cyc:e aQ'ent Tendring union
Overton Robert, 3 Martello tower Gilders John, farmer, Duchess farm & Salmon Alfred, ,shopkeeper
Page Mr·s. Lamb farm Dolt's farm Salmon Robert Green, farmer &;land~
Robson Tbomas Stretton Graham George, carpenter owner, The Lodge
Salmon Edward, IBrookville Hamby Jane Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Simmit George, baker
Salmon Robert Green, The Lodge Handley Alfred, beer ret. Flag wharf Smith Philip, baker
\Vebster Rev. Geo. Arth. B.A.Vicarage Hardy Lang-Iey Thompson, grocer & Smoothy 'Charles, Ship P.H
COMMERCIA.L. wine &. spirit merchant Taylor Joseph, Red Lion P.R
Archer Frederick, miller (water) &; Renson Samuel, hair dresser Thurston Arthur, grocer &; agent for-
farmer, Block House wick Holland Benjamin. frmr. The Heath W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine &..
Askew Henry, boot maker Rumphrey William &. Charles, saddlrs spirit merchants
BIyth Wilson, farm bailiff to Thomas Hllmphrey William. clothier & draper Tydeman Henry, blacksmith
'Lilley esq. Park farm Kingsfort Arthur William,refreshment Vince Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer
Brett Charles, shopkeeper rooms, M3lting house Warner Maria &; Eliza (1'lisses), shop-·
Bu'rgess Frederick, farm bailiff to Langlands Charles, baker keepers
exo~s. of William Hel"bert Dunnett Last John. bricklayer Waller Brothers, grocers &; drapers
esq. 'Seed farm Main 1Vallis, farmer, S1. Clere's hall Walley Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer--
Butcher John, grocer Matson Murton, corn &; coal merchant, 'Varner James, farmer, High Birch
Cemetery (Frederick Pearce, clerk to The Quay Warner William, carter
burial board; .Tames Crassweller Miller Samuel. heel" retailer,The Heath Webb George, farmer, Earl's han
. Gosden, registrar) Newcombe William, beer retailer Welham James, fishmonger
Clark William, farmer, The Heath Norman Arthur, butcher Young Henry, boot maker

SALCOTT (or Salcot Wigborough) is a village ana the gift of William Coxwell esq. Col. Gordon Watson,
parish, on the Salcot Creek, which is navigable, .., miles 1Yilliam Hall esq. and Sir William Neville Abdy bart. J.P.
south-east from Kelvedon railway station on the main alternat>ely, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Edward Mus-
line of the Great Eastern railway, I I east from Witham, selwhite, rural dean of Mersea, who resides at Virley.
9 north-east from Maldon, and 8~ south-south-west from Salcott appertain!! to the adjoining manors of Tolleshunt·
Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the county, D'Arcy, Abbot's Hall and Barn Hall. The land is held
Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional by small owners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, loam. The·
division and union, Colchester county court district, chief crops are wheat, beans and ()Iats. The area is 274
and in the rural deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry of acres of land, of which a part is salt marsh, and 13 of
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans_ The church of St. foreshol'e; rateable value, £371; the population in I90D
Mary, situated near the creek which divides this place was 206.
from Virley, is a building of stone in the Early English .
style consistin'" of chancel nave south porch and an I ParIsh Clerk, John Boley.
, " " I
embattled we~tern tower containing one bell: the church Post Office.-Mrs. Wm. Rice, sub-postmistress. LetterS'
~as. restored ill 18 93, at a cost o~ about £1,4 00 , and has I through Witham arrive at 7; dispatched at 5.30 p.m.
SIt~1DgS for 150 persons. A. deVIse of land, the rent of Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The near-
which amounts to £8 yearly, was ma;de many ye~rs ago for est mone order &. telegraph office is at Tolleshunt
the expense of the church. . The regIster of baptIsms. dates D'Arcv 2 y'lmI es d'IS t ant
from the year 1813; marrIages, 1837; and bunals,18I3. , .,
The living is a rectory, united in'1879 to Virley or Salcott I National School (mixed), built in 1867, for 80 children;
Virley, net yearly value £153, with 72 acres of glebe, in I average attendance, 49; Miss Dodge, mistress
Handley Nathaniel, shopkeeper & coal/ Palmer William, pork butcher I Smith Arthur Brett, farmer
merchant Ponder James, pork butcher I Wood John, Rising ,Sun P.R


GREAT BALING is a parish and ancient village nicely in 1875 to Capt. Thomas Thorpe Fowke R.N. and Mar-
wooded, near the Podsbrook stream, 3~ miles north-west garetta his wife, to the Rev. T. W. Ebrington, vicar here
from Rayne st.ation on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow r856-93, and to Mrs. Fenwick, r888: the church possesses
and Rraintree branch of the Great Eastern ,railway, 6 an ancient chalice of hammered silver, without date or
miles north-west from Braintree, 7 north-east from Dun- inscription: there are 230 sittings. The register
mow and 43 from London; in the Eastern division of the from the year 17r5. The livina' is a discharged vicarage.
county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty net yearly value /;r05, with 71 acres of glebe and resi-
sessional division, Braintree union and county court dence, in the gift of Mrs. Harrison, and held since 1902
district, rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry of by the Rev. Henry Elrington. The rent of la. 2r. 14p.
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans: the Pods brook bequeathed at an early period, is distributed annually
forms part of the eastern boundary of the parish. The to the poor in fuel and clothing. In 1726 John Smith
church of St. James is a building of flint and stone, con- left an annuity of £1 to be distributed quarterly in bread.
sisting of chancel, nave. north aisle, 'south porch and a The Grove, a fine modern mansion, with portico over the
small EaTly English tower, with embattled parapet, orig:n- principal entrance, stands in a well-wooded park of about
ally detached from the church,' and containing a clock, I 50 acres and is the residence of' Captain Jasper Nicolls
erected in 172:01, and 2 bells, one of which is dated 1623 :the ! Harrison J.P. The Old Hall, the residence of Mrs. Fowke,
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a small Early I is a fine Elizabethan mansion ,of brick, in an excellent state
English tower, with embattled parapet, originally de- ! of preservation. V. de S. Fowke esq. who is lord of
tached from the church, and containing a clock, erected I the manor, and James Bayley esq. of Willaston Hall,
in 1722, and 2 bells, one of which is dated 1623: the I Nantwich, are the principal landowners. The soil is
chancel is Perpendicular and the nave Decorated: on loam; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are
the north side of the chancel is a small chapel, now used wheat, barley, oats and gra'ss. The .area. is 1,597 acres;
as an organ chamber: in the vestry is a monument to rateable value, £r,3r4; the population in 190r was 282.
.Bartlet llridger Shedden, dated 1782, and others; in the I By Local Government Board Order 22,340, dated March
north wall of the nave ~s a doorway, now blocked up, : 24, r888. Boarded Barn Farm was transferred from Great
.an~ in ~the sout~ wall, near the entrance, a sto?'l? for I Saling t-o Bardfield Saling in Dunmow union.
hOly water: durmg r857 and 1864 the chancel, ongmally , Sexton GeorO'e Dawson.
,.of the Early English period, was entirely rebuilt in the '''' .
: Perpendicular style, the nave being at the same time Post, M..0. & T. 0.,
"restored, the church re-seated, two galleries removed
:r. M. 0., Express DelIvery, Par~el
P?g~, S. B. & Annu~ty & Insurance Office. J\;lrs. Ahce
. and the arch in the lower part of the tower enlarged: PlC~ford, sub-postmIstress. Letter~ are ~eceIve~ from
., the east window, added in 1866, is a memorial to Mrs. B.ramtree .at 6.10 a.m. & 12 noon, delIvered Imme-
l"owke, widow of W. Fowke esq.: the chancel arch was I dIately; dIspatched at 2.5 0 & 6.20 p.m
rebuilt and enlarged by Capt. Harrison in 1883, !ind National School (mix~d), built, with mis.tress's house, in

an excellent organ was given by Oapt. and Mrs. HarrlsOn I 1872, &; enlarged m 1893, for 70 children; average
in the same year: there are two memorial windows, placed I attendance, 52; Mrs. Frank Clark, mistress
Elrington! Rev. Henry, Vicarage Barnard .Tohn, farmer, Mounts farm Morecraft Agnes (Miss), boarding &;
Eirington 'Misses, The Cottage Byford Henry, head gardener to Capt. day school (mixed)
J?owke Mrs. The Old Hall J. W. Harrison Pickford Alice (Mrs.), grocer &; draper,
Harrison Capt. Jasper Nicolls J.P. Clark George, wheelwright Post office
(late R.'M.IL.I.), The Grove Darby Charles, farme~, Park farm Prior Edward, White Hart P.R. &;
Pickford Bertie, Prospect cottage French Arthur J. brICklayer baker
COMJ1ERCI.AL. Green WaIter Smrley, farmer &; land- Ridgewell John, beer retailer
.Ambrose Lewis, farmer, Piggott's fm owner, Muchmores Tanner GeOl'ge & Sons, builders
Bloomfield Samuel, farm bailiff to Mr. Hockley William &. Son, fmrs.Onchors Wadley Henry,lfarm bailiff to Mr.Thos .
.lames Bayley, Blake house Mortier "WaIter, The Oak P.H lBradridge, Hall farm
:LITTLE SALING (or Bardfield Saiing) is a very esq. William Fuller-Maitland esq. D.L., J.P. of Stanstead
mlCient parish lying near the Pods Brook river, 5t Hall, is owner of the" great tithes. The soil is loam;
miles north-west from Rayne station on the ,Bishops subsoil, clay. .The chief crops are wheat. barley, oats and
Stortford and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern some pasture land. The area is 1,197 acres; rateable
railway, 6! miles north-west from Braintree and 6 value, £869; tha 'population in r901 was 251 in the civil
north-east from Dunmow, in the Northern divi- and 260 in the ecclesiastical parish.
sion of the county, Freshwell hundred and petty By Local Government Board Order 22,340, dated March
sessional division and Dunmow union and county court 24. 1888, Boarded Barn Farm was transferred from Great
district. The church or chapel of St. Peter. founded in Saling, in Braintree union, to Little Saling.
1380, is a small edifice of flint and stone in the Decorated I Sexton, Jonas Hicks.
~t~'le, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle with an arcade
.of three bays, south porch and a lofty round tower at the Wall Letter Box, cleared at 7·30 a.m. &. 5.3 0 p.m. week
west end containing one bell, dated 176(5": the high days only
'pews in this church were converted into open benches Letters from Braintree via Great Saling, which is the
in 1886 and two ancient windows in the belfry, which nearest post &. money order office, arrive at 6,3° a.m.
had been long closed, have been re-opened; thea-e are The nearest telegraph office is at Great Saling, I~ miles
about 300 sittings. The register dates from the year 156r. distant
The living is a donative vicarage, net yearly value £'55, A School Board of 5 members was formed 5 June, r876,
with I acre of glebe, in the gift of Frederick Smoothy for Bardfield Saling; S. Giffard, Dunmow, clerk to the
esq. but vacant since 1894. The Rev. William Edward board
Lionel Lampet M.A., J.P. vicar of Great Bardfield, Brain-
tree, is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are· Board School (mixed), erected in 1860 by Mr. Joseph
.Toseph Smith esg. J.P. John Metson esq. Frederick Smith, for. ab?ut 8~ children; average attendance,
~moothy esg. J. D. RandaU esq. and Villiers de S. Fowke 30; Mrs. HIggmS, mIstress
Dobson Misses, Brook house Howland Mr's. ISarah Ann,beer retaile! Riley James, farmer, Boarded barn
Munro Mrs. Brookhouse &. farmer Smith Abraham, farmer, Parsonage fm
Smith Joseph, Woolpits Metson John, farmer, Bett's farm Smith Joseph, farmer &; landowner,
White George Randall John David, farmer & land- Woolpits
Francis In.Wm. miller (wind) & baker owner, Gentleman's farm Underwood Arthur, blacksmith
GREAT OR OLD SAMPFORD (or Sanford) is western tower containing 5 bells: the chancel is of the
a parish and village, on the Freshwell or Pant stream on Decorated period and is fitted with stone stalls: there
the road from Braintree to Saffron Walden, 4 miles north- are memorials here to James Calthorpe gent. ob, 28
.east from Thaxted, 8 s.outh-east from Saffron Walden sta- ' ~Iay, r694,· to several members of the family of Burrows,
tion on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 45 1694-r786, the Rev. John Gretton A.B.' ob. March 2nd,
from London, in the Northern division of the county, r788 and Thomas Smith esq, of Great Bardfield, 1736:
Freshwell hundred and petty sessional division, Saffron in the churchyard is au obelisk to Jonas 'Watson. buried
'Valden union and county court district, and in the rural there July 4th, r693, and erected by his son, Colonel
deanery of Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- J onas Watson, killed at the siege of Carthagena, in
cese of St. Albans: it is an ancient place, which in the 174r: the Rev. W. Sworder, vicar here from 1701 to
reign of Edward the Confessor was a royal domain. The I726, was the author of several religious books and
church of St. Michael is an ancient structure of flint sermons: there are two low side windows, one in the
in the Early Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, chapel on the south side and one in the chancel chapel
nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled in the north aisle: on the outer east wall of the chancel
and in the buttresses are niches for images: there are By Local Government Board Order 8,885, Dec. 16, 1878.
350: sittings. 'fhe register dates from the )-ear 1559. I a detached part of this parish was added to Little Samp.
'The living is a ,-icarage, with that of Hempstead annexed. ford for civil purposes.
net yearly value £246, with 18 acres of glebe, m the Parish Clerk, William Gray.
gift of Il.Iyles Formby esq. and held since 1850 by the Rev. Sexton, Zachariah Coote.
Robert Henry Eustace M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cam- Post & :M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
bridge, and surrogate, who resides at Little Samp- .Miss Alice Gouldstone, sub-postmistress. Letters from
ford. The rectorial tithes are in the hands of the Eccle- Braintree arrive at 8.5 0 a.m.; dispatched at I I a.m. ~
-siastical Commissioners. Here is a Baptist chapel, erected 3-45 p.m. Radwinter, 3 miles distant, is the nearest
in 1875, with 360 sittings. 1\1rs. Catherme Riley, who telegraph office _' .
,died in 1820, left by will £200 for distribution: this sum, County }'olice Station, William Wiffen, constable
invested in bank annuities, is divided amongst the poor A School Board of .S· members was formed 16' Sept.
'Of Great and Little Sampford. John Portway Thur,good 18 72, for the united district of Great & Little Samp-
-esg. 1; lord of the manor and Guy Gilbey and Charles ford; James Savill. Gt. Sampford, clerk to the board,;
Rayment esqrs. axe principal landowners. The soil is Fl'Unk Suckling, Great Sampford, attendance officer
loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and Board' School (mixed), for both parishes, erected in
barley. The area is 1,73 1 acres of land and 6 of water; 18 77, fOl' 120 children; average attendance, 112;' Wm.
',rateable value, £1,633; the population in 18 9 1 was 49 2 . Thomas Robinson, master ..
TIXDON END, a mile and a half south-west, is a
ICarrier.-Cyrus Stone, to Saffron Walden, mono tues.
& sa t

~lonk Re",. George (Baptist) Day Gcorge, miller (wind), Old Samp- Rayment Charles, farmer, Giffords
Norris Samuel FaIm, Rorrell's ford mill - Reeder George, farm bailiff to Willia:ril
Ra~'illent Mrs. Tindon End house Flindell Fdk. Binmer,frmr. The Howe , Myhill esq. Calthorp farm
Gilder Arthur, farmer, Clark's farm Savill James, farmer & clerk to school
COMMERCIAL. Gouldstone Alice (Miss), shopkeeper, board, Hill ,farm
Bass George, farm bailiff to G. Gi:be~' Post office Smith Charles, farmer, ]\'lill farm
esq. Starrs Gouldstone Robert, blacksmith Starling Peter, farmer, Road fan:n
Bunting Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Gray. V\Talter, farmer, Parsonage farm Stone Cyrus, Red Lion P.H. & carrier
Bunting James, farmer, Monks farm Gray WilIiam, carpenter &; Parish clrk Suckling Frank, grocer, draper & schI.
Clayden John, farmer, Free Roberts Palmer J oseph, boot maker attendance officer
Coote Zachariah, sexton Philpott Charles, Black Bull P.H Thomason Hobert & Wright Seth, far-
County Police Stlltion(William Wiffen, Philpott William, wheelwright mers, Thistley's _
constable) Piggott Wm. Cock P.H. & carpenter \Vright Frederick, farmer, Sorrells fm
Cracknell Georg.?, stockman to H. Lin- Portway 'William,farmer,Dovehouse fm Wright George, blacksmith
sell esq. Sparrow hall Prior James John, farmer, Byeballs Wright 8eth, farmer, see Thomason &;
Farmer Charles, shopkeeper Bush farms Wright .
LITTLE OR NEW SAMPFORD is a vil:age and At the Green Farm is a parish room used as a Sunday
parish, on the river Freshwell or Pant, 9 miles south- school, and for other parochial purposes, and holding
east from Saffron 1Valden station on a branch of the 100 persons. The aggregate !U!lount of charities from
-Great Eastern railway; and 4 north-east from Thaxted, several sources, including a bequest by will, of Gertrude,
in the Northern division of the county,' Freshwell hun- daughter of William Peck, who died Aug. 28, 1705, is
dred and petty sessional' division, Saffron Walden union £9, which is distributed in coats to poor men: the mterest
-and county court district, and in the rural deanery of on Catherine Riley's charity of £200, for the parishes
Sampford, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. of Great and Little Sampford, amounts to about 55s. each,
Albans. The church of St. l\Iary the Virgin is an and is distributed yearly to the pDor. Sampford Hall,
ancient 14th century building of flint with stone the property of Guy Gilbey esq. stands on an eminence,
dressings, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, but with find is surrounded by well-wooded grounds of 460 acrM.
some portions of Norman date, consisting of chancel, Guy Gilbey esg. is lord of the manor and principal land-
nave of four bays, north aisle, north and south porches, owner. The soil is sandy loam; subsoil, clay. The ·chief
vestry and an embattled western tower with spire con- crops are wheat and barley. The area is 3,315 acres of
taining one bell: the chancel, which retains a piscina, land and 7 of water; rateable value, £2,473; the pDpula-
is fitted with stalls and on the walls are inscriptions to tion in 1891 was 451. ;
Sir Edward Green kt. ob. 22nd June. 1550, and Margerye By Local Government Board Order 8,885 Dec. 16, 18 7 8•
his wife ob. 25th l\Iarch, 153 0 , and a monument with a detached part of Great Sampford was transferred' to
effigies to \ViJ.:iam Tweedy esq. an officer in the army h
{)f Queen Elizabeth. and his wife Mabel, daughter of this paris .
Sir Henry Curwen kt. ob. 7th July, 1605: in the north Parish Clerk, Richard Coe.
aisle are several monuments to the family of Peck, of Wall Letter ':Box at the Fighting Cocks inn cleared at
which the most magnificent is a tomb of about 12 4.3 0 p.m. Letters from Braintree through Finching
feet high, with an effigy of fine workmanship, lying on field by foot post arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 2 p.m.; post
3. =attres~, and inscribed above to Bridget, wife of parcels are' left at the inn. The nearest money order
William Peck, of Sampford Hall. ob. 14th June, 17 12, & telegraph office is at Finchingfield, 2 miles distant'
ret. 31; the others date to 1770: there are other - "
memorials to former vicars: part of the east window This place is included in Great Sampford United Dis~
is stained: there are 200 sittings. The register dates trict School Board, formed 16th Sept. 1872. The
from the year 15 6 3. The living is a rectory, net yearly children of this village attend the BDard schools at
value £385, with residence and 50 acres of glebe, in the that place & Finchingfield, about 2 miles distant
gift of ~ew College, Oxford, and held since 1897 by the Carrier to Saffron Walden.-Cyrus Stone, of Great Sawp-
Rev. Charles Fiennes Cholmondeley M.A. of that conege. ford, mono tues. & sat '
'Cholmondeley Rev. Charles Fiennes Bass George, farm bailiff to exors. of Prior James John, farmer, Bush farnl
M,A.. Rectory W. Gee esg. Tew's farm Richardson Wm. Art-h. frmr.Green fill
Eustace Rev, Robert Henry M.A. Byatt Frederick, farmer, Hawkes Spurgeon Edwin, baker ,& corn mer
(vicar of Great Sampford & Hemp- Byatt Thomas, farmer, Clock house Stubbings Benj. farmer, Mount hall
stead), The Grange Coe Richard, parish clerk Suft Robert, farmer, Maynard's frm
COMHEBCUL. Dawson Eli, shopkeeper Tofts Henry, farmer & machinist
Anstey William, Fighting Cocks P.R. Mynott Herbert·, farmer, Hole farm Turpin George, farm bailiff to A. W.
& grocer Phillpott Thomas, builder, Hawkin'o hI Rugg:es-Brise esg. Old House farm
SANDON (or Sandown) is a village and parish, of brick and rubble, consisting of chance:, nave, north
closely adjoining Great Baddow and stands on a sandy aisle, south porch and an embattled tower of brick,
hill, whence its name, and near a considerable brook, a with a stair-turret at the N.E. angle and containing 5 .
feeder of the Chelmer, by the road from Chelmsford to bells: the oldest part of the fabric is of Norman date,
Rochford, and is 3 miles south-east from Chelmsford sta- the tower and porch are Tudor, and are said to hav"
tion, 7 west from Maldon and 32 from London; it is in the been built by Cardinal Wolsey, who was lord of the
~Iid division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, manor; in the chancel are marble tablets to the Rev.
petty sessional division and county court district, rural Francis Knipe B.D. rector from 1800, and to Ann
deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese (Claxt-on), wife of the Rev. Brian Walton D.D. noticed
of St. Albans. The church of St. Andrew is a building further on; she died Mar 25th, 1649: in the chufcbyaf4
is Do tomb of the Hodgson family, descendants of the chapel at Howe. Green. Stevyn's charity of £10 yearlY.
Earls of Lindsey: in the church are several hatchmen~s left in 1497 by JOhn Stevyns (of Sandon) and Agnes, his
and in the chancel a brass to Patrick Fearne, "late wife, is equally divided between the repairs of the chureh
parson," and his wife, c. 1580, with the fragments of and the relief of the poor. The King Edward HolidllJY
two scrolls and shields, the effigies be:onging to which House, opened 13 May, 1902, for children and old ladies,..
are missing: there are !ittings for about l200 persons. is in connection with the King Edwa.rd Mission Institute
The register dates from 1554: in the register is a and Schools, Spitalfields, London. Woodhill ill the resi-
memorandum that the contribution of the parish of dence of Major FrederickCarrie Rasch M.P., D.L., J.P~
Sandon in 1678 towards the rebuilding of St. Paul's W. W. Duffield esq. of Chelmsford, i! lord of the manor,
Cathedral, London, amountlld to 20S. and was paid by and Henry }<'itzwalter Plumptre esq. of Goodnestone Park,
the Rev. H. Pughe, then curate to the Bishop of Wingham, Majo,r F. C. Rasch M.P. and Mr. Thomas-
London. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £456, Richardson are the principal landowners. 'fhe soil is
with 28 acres of glebe a~d residence, in. the gift partly light and partly clay. The chief crops are wheat,
of Queens' Oollege, CambrIdge, and held SInce 1890 barley and oats. The area, is 2,401 acres of land and 7
by the Rev. Benjamin Wright M.A. of that college. of water; rateable value, £2,988; the popultion in I90B
The learned Brian Walton D.D. editor of the Polyglot \vas 398. .
Bible, became rector of this parish 15th Jan. 1635;
he was born at Cleveland, Yorkshire, in 1600, and, BUTTS GREEN, 2 miles south-east; HOWE GREEN,
graduating at Peterhouse, Cambridge, in 1623, wa!.l a mile south, are places in this parish.
first presented to the rectory of St. Martin, Ongar, and Post Office.-Georga Alldred, sub-postma,ster. Letter.
held also the vicarage of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, London; arrive from Chelmsford at 6.30 <& II.45 a.m. & are dis-
in 1639 he proceeded to D.D. was appointed prebendary patched at 3.35 & 6.55 p.m.; no mails on sunday.
of St. Paul's and chaplain to the King: being a staunch Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
loyalist, he was deprived by parliament of this living nearest money order & telegraph offi'ce is at Great
in the year 1;641, upon which he went to Oxford and Baddow, I! miles dista,nt
published the Polygot Bible in six vols. folio: at the National (mixed), built in 18'48, & twice since enlarged, fo,
restoration he was reinstated in his livings and in 1660 83 children; average attendance, 54; Miss Cope, mist.
made Bishop of Chester, but died soon after his conse- Carrier to Chelmsford.-David Finch passes through her~
cration, 29th Nov. 1661. There is S' Congregational daily (wed. excepted) from Danbury, returning same da¥
:PRIVA.TE :RESIDENTS. Wright Rev. Benjamin M.A. (rector), Freeman Francis, cattle dealer & far-
Davis Henry Stanley, Howe Green Rectory mer,Potash farm
Greenfield' John Merivale, Howe Gm COMMERCIAL. Heard Henry, boot maker, Hope cot
Harding 'Samuel Salter, Butts Green Alldred Geo. shopkeeper, Post ofiice King Edward Holiday House (Charle;;
{postal address, lEast Hanningfield, AndersQn 'Bidney, assistant ovel'seer, Montague, hon. supt)
Chelmsford) !Butts green Muir James, farmer, Glencarin
Haslewood Misses, Woodhill Atkinsou Sam!. Arth. farmer, Mill hill Newman Fredk. farmer, Gable house-
Kemp-Forrester ;Mrs. Danbury copse Belcher John Argent, agricultural Nunn Thomas, Old Crown P.H
Maude Aylmer, LadyweJ. (postal ad- machinist, Bridge house Ratcliff Charles Sydney, farmer, San--
dress, Great Baddow, Chelmsford) Bird AntQny, farmer, Sporhams don place
Pa1'lson Mrs. Danbury Copse Cole Jesse, boot maker, IIowe green Raven Evan, farmer, Howe farm
Rasch Major Fredc. Came M.P., D.L., Crichl.on In.(Mrs.), frmr. Sandon hall Richardson Thomas, farmer, Grace~
J.P. Woodhill; & Windham & Naval Doe Thos. jun. frmr. Paternoster frm Cross ,farm
& Military clubs, London SW Drover Arthur Albert, market gardnr. Southlands Farm Co. (T. A. Megge-
Saunders Rutland, Sand on lodge Ladywell cottage (postal arldress,Gt. son & M. Hudson, managers)
Saunders William. Thorn cottage 'Baddow, C'helmS\ford) Stibbard William Henry, blacksmit~
W'chmann Mrs. Louisville, Howe Grn Fewell James, cattle dlr.Gilbert hunt farrier & wheelwright
SHALFORD is a. straggling parish and small village, house was erected in 1877 by the Ecclesiastical Com-
in a valley on the river Pant, which, for the most part, missioners. At Jasper's Green ia an iron church, built
forms its eastern boundary, 5 miles north-north-west in 1877 and seating 200 persons. There is a Congre·
from Braintree station on a branch of tbe Great Eastern gational chapel at Shalford Green, 2 miles south-west';..
railway, 7 south-west from Halstead and 50 from London, There were here t.hree manors, those of Shalford Hall,.
in the Eastern division of the county, Hinckford hundred Nicbols and Ahhot'~ Hall: the latter derived its name-
and South Hinckford petty sessional division, Braintree from having belonged to the abbey of 'St. Osyth; the
union and county court district, rural deanery of rrain- mansion now called Abbot's Hall is an edifice of white-
tree, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. .A.lbans. brick. erected in 1823, and standing in a park of 50 acres;
The church of St. Andrew is an ancient edifice of flint and in front of the house is a lake of about 2 acres in extent;;
.tone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, cleres- and is the residence Qf Humphrey Richard George Mar-
toried nave of three bays, aisles, .'louth porch and a riott esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor and, with Alfred
western tower containing 5 bells: the chancel is divided Legerton esq. and G. ~L Pyne esq. a principallandolHler.
from the by an old oak screen: there are piscinre and The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief
three sedilia, R hagioscope and a canopied recess, under crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,463
which is a tomb supporting a stone 8lab, once in- acres of land and 9 of water; assessable value, £2,222;
closing a. brass: in both of the aisles are similar the papulation in 1901 was 5 15.
canopied tombs with shields of arms, but without S
any inscription: the upper part of the east window HEERING HALL, a farm house 2 miles south-east,
retains some ancient heraldic glass: at the east end had anciently a free chapel. Jasper's Green is 2 miles
of the chancel is a brass dated 1537, and another with
an inscription in Latin to William Bigge, of Redfans, POllt Office.-Herbert William Grubb, sub-postmaster.
in the parish of ShaIford, ob. 1 September, 1616, and Letters arrive from Braintree, via Great Saling, at
to Susanna his wife, eldest daughter of Thomas 8 a.m.; dispatched at I & 5 p.m. on week days & ID
Jernegan, of Stebbyng, Essex, gent. ob. 15 Oct. 1615. a.m. on sundays. Postal orders are issued here, but
and this monument was erected by Henry Bigge, their not paid. The nearest money oTder & telegraph office is'
son; the church was l'est~red in 1872, at a cost of £ 1,200; at Wethersfield, 2 miles distant
in 1882 an organ was erected, and in r877 the Wall Letter Box at Shalford Green, cleared at 5.30 p.m
tenor bell was recast and the whole peal rehung: there Wall Letter Box at Church end, cleared at 12·45 & 5· IS
are l26I sitting-so The register dates from the year I~58 p.m. on week days & 10.15 a.m. on sundays
The Hving is a vicarage, net yearly value £220, with 5 A School Board of 5 members was formed here in April.
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and 1895; Frederick Smoothby, Brailltree, clerk to th~

Chapter of Bath and Wells and the Bishop of St. .A.lbans al- board
temately, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Arthur James Board School (mixed), for 140 children; average attend-
Law B.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. The vicarage ance, 75; Emest C. Quick, master
. Brunwin Thomas George, Sheering hall COMMERCIAL. Brunwin Thomas George, maltster &;.
Court,auld Littles Bamard Abraham Fambridge, far- farmer & agent for Adams & Sons
Humphreys Charles John(Evangelist), mer, Redfem ales, Sheering hall
Bun glow Blanks Alfred Thomas, blacksmith & Byford Frederick Jas. frmr. RoselandS'
Law Rev. Arthur Jas. B.A Vicarage coach builder Carder Joseph, bricklayer
Marriott Humphrey Richard George Braintree & 1-Yes!; Essex Co-opera- Church George, beer retailer
. J.P. Abbot's hall tive & Industrial Society «branch of) Fitch Chas. maltster & farmer, Tan off
Marriott Cyri! Humphrey White J.P. (S. iPalmer, manager) Goodwin William, farmer, Hills farm
Abbot's hall Butcher Samuel, George P.H Hammond Thomas, beer retailer
Harvey Barnahas, farmer, Dine's frm Legerton Claud, farmer, Bay's f31rm Wells William, farmer, Killhogs
Hoddy 'Wm. Hy. farmer, Hubbards fm Ling Herhert, farmer, Shalford hall Wicks Joshua, farm bailiff for Alfred
Lambert Hwry, relieving officer & Tanner George & Sons, builders Legerton esq. White house
registrar of births & deaths for Tanner Edward Page, carpenter Woollard Jacob, gamekeeper to H. R.
¥inchingfield district & school at- Thompson In. thatcher, Jasper's gm G. :Marriott esq
tendance officer for Finehingfield &; Thorogood Wm. shopkpr.Jasper's gm Woollard Travis, farmer, Goldsticks
Weathersfield Wakeling Edward, general dealer
SHEERING is a village and parish, on high ground: at a cost of £265. Sheering Hall and Quiekbury are
between the Pincey brook and the river Stort and on the I both manor houses in this parish, Clayton Louis Glyn
l'o'3d from Harlow to Hatfield, 3! miles north-east from I esq. J.P. of Sheering Hall, is lord of the manor and prin.
the wharves on the Stort, 2 miles south-east from Saw- cipal landD,wner. TholIlla& Oharle,s ~ills e"q. of New
bridgeworth station in this parish, and 3~ north-east from Square, LincoJn's Inn, London, is lord of the manor of
Harluw station, both on the Cambridge section of the Quickbury. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel.
-Great Eastern railway, 6 south from Rshops Stortford The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area
,and 26 from London, in the Western division of the I is 1,633 acres of land and 13 of wat-er; rateable value
county, Harlow hundred and petty sessional division, I £r9,493; the population in 190r was 584.
Eppi~ union, Bishops Stortford county court district: COWIOKS is one mile north' DURRlliGTON is one
"find m the .rural deanery of Harlow, archdtY<\conry of mile south-west '
Essex and dIOcese of St. A.lbans. The church of St. Pa 'sh Olerk Ja r R se
Mary the Virg:n is an edifice of flint and brick, witll stone rI ,spe u.
dressinO's in mixed styles and consists of chancel nave Post Office.-Andrew Edward Uncle, sub-postmaster.
~estry,'" n'orth porch and' an embattled western' towe; Letters are received through Harlow; arri','e at 7 a.m.
-containing 4 bells, dated Tespectively, rand 3, I6r9: 2, & IO·45 a.m. & 7 p.m. for callers o~ly; dIspatched .at
I6ar; 4, q02: the chief footure of the church is a rO·55 a.m. &; 6·5 o p.m.; sundays arrlv~ at 7 a.m.; dlS-
:Perpendicular window of five lights in the chancel, the patche<;l 10·45 a.m. Postal orders are Issued here, !but
u.pper tracery of which is filled with ancient stained glass: ~ot paId. The nearest l?-0ne.y order & telegraph office
>the glass in the lower portion is modern and W2S IS at HatfieM Heath, r mile dIstant
.presented in memory ,of Olayton W. F. 'Glyn esq. Pillar Letter Box, Chambers' farm, cleared at IX a.m. .&
of Durrington House (d. r8a7): there are 200 sittings. 7 p.m
The register dates from the year 1558. The Police Station, Harry Tilbrook, constable in charge
living is a rectO'ry, net yearly value, £300, with 22 acres School (mixed), built in r830, with residence, for 150,
0'£ glebe and residence, in the gift of Christ Church, Ox- children; average attendance, JOO: Wil:iam Pratt, ma!!-
ford, and held since rgoo by ,the Rev. Herbert Albl1n N'Irs. Pratt, mistress; Mrs. Eo E. Herbert, assist-ant
"\Villiams M.A. and formerly Precentor of Ohrist Church, mistress
'Oxford. A Wesleyan chapel was e,rected in r885-6. Sawbridgewonh Railway Station, Iohn Thomas Stcke.s
.A. parish room to hold 200 pers,ons has lately been erecte-d station master
Glyn Clayton Louis M.A" J.P. Sheer- Day James, farmer, Durrington frm Prior Edwin, bricklayer
ing hall Frost .Alfred, falconer, Spring cottage Prior James Charles, carpenter
Holgate Simon Linsell Jonathan, baker & beer retailr Robarts George Langton jun. farmer,
Xennedy Mrs. Lambards Littler Henry, farmer, Chambers frm New House farm
Neale Mrs.Olyde house Mackenzie WaIter, baker Robarts George Langton, Sheering
Sutherland Maj. Robt. Saml. Orown ho Mattin Horace, gamekeeper to T. H. Hall fa-I'm
Webb Edward, Durrington house Mann esq Ruse Jasper, carpenter
Williams Rey. Herbert A:ban M.A. Newbury George,nurseryman & flurist Smith George Charles, Cock !P.H
(rector), Rectory Parker .Toseph, poultry dealer 'fadgell George, thatcher
COMMERCIAL. Peacock William, shopkeeper Uncle An,hew Edward,shpkpr.Post oft
:Atkinson Edgar Charles, cycle maker Perry Henry, farmer, Quick-bury ~Tarren Robert, farmer
Bowtell WaIter. beer retailer Pratt ,.villiam, master of parish school Warwick James, Railway inn
'Camp James, Crown P.H. & blcksmth & organist Whitnall Henry, farmer, Wheelers fIn
SHELLEY is an ancient village and parish, near a ton in r8r7, and distributed in February by the overseers;
feeder of the Roding, one mile north from Ongar terminal and another, given by William Bullock, on r822, of £333
station on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, !:Ii' north- 6s. 8d. 3 per Cent. Annuities: the interest of both is
by-west from Brentwood, rand 24 fr,om London, in the applied for the benefit to the poor of the parish, the latter
Western division of the county, Ongar hundred, petty 5e8- being distributed by the rector in beef, bread and coals
sional division and union, Brentwood county court district, about Christmas time. Shelley Hall, the seat of James
l"aral deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese Hodson Toml1inson e,sq. but now occupied by Malcolm
of St. Albans. The church .of St. Peter, entirely rebuilt William Galloway esq. is an ancient and picturesque pile
in I888 on the same site, is an edifice of flint, with Bath restored in I-869: over the doorway is the d-ate r587 in
,-stone dressings, in the Early EngEsh style, consisting of projecting figures: in the entrance hall is an oak carving,
-:S:lancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, vestry, and organ of Elizabethan date, about 20 feet square. Near the Hall
chamber, and a tower at the north-west angle with is the rectory, an ancient gabled building where Thomas
-shingled spire, containing 2 bells dated 18ro; the base of Newton, subsequently Bishop of Br:.stol (r76r-82), wrote
the tower forms a porch: the stained east window was his" Dissertations on the Prophecies," completed in 1758 :
presented by John AlIen esq. of Shelley Hall: in digging he died 14 Feb. 1782. J. H. Tomlinson esq. is lord of
for the foundations of the new church, two tombstones, the manor and principal landowner. The soil is marl;
~ated respectively 1652 and r765, WGre discovered, and are subsoil, clay. The chief crops arB wheat, barley, beans,
-now built int..o the west wall of the porch: there is a clover and roots. The area is 604 acres of land and 5 of
'brass with effigies, iD John Green, ob. r626, ret. 89, his water; rateable value £967; the population in r89r waS
wife, ret. 7r and r6 children: tradition has it that 7 of I r86.
'1fhese were sons, to each of whom he left a manor and that i •
'he and hi~ ~ife lived to see: III desc~md~nts: the church I EDINGFORD BRIDGE is to ·the south-west.
bas r50 sl~tlngs. The regIster. of baptisms dates fr?m I Parish Clerk, James Patient.
r689; bUrIals, I687; and marr:ages from r709; owmg . .
'io the ruinous condition of this church at the beginning Letters fr~m ~rentwood through Ongar 8.0. I mIle dlS-
.df the present century, entries w~e sometimes made in tan~, whlCh IS the nearest money order & telegraph office,
the registers of High Ongar. The living is a rectory, arrIve at 7 a.m. Wall Letter Box at the Red Cow P.H.
'ue,t yearly value, [qo, including 32 acres of glebe ~md i cleared at II.3 0 a.m. &; 6.20 p.m. week days; sundays,
residence, in the gift of trustees, and beld since 18q6 by I r2·.45 p.m
the Rev. William PhiJp of the University of L{)ndon. There Tbe children of this parish are entitled to attend the
is a charity, amounting to £IOO, given by Harvey Kimp- school at Chipping Ongar
GaUoway )lalcolm Wm. 'Shel:ey hall Sr.eward Mrs. Ashlyns Harvey John, farmer
PaImel' Co1.Henry V.D.,J.P.Shelley ho COl\nIERCrAI,. Spells .Mary Ann (Mrs.), Red Cow P.H
Philp Rev. William, Rectory Gibson Andrw. frmr. Boarded barns
SHELLOW BOWELLS (formerly Shellow Boville) trict, rural deanery of Roiling, archda1conry of Essex and
is a larish and village, 6 miles north-east from Ongar diocese of St. Albans. The church of SS. Peter and Paul
terminal station on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, is a small edifice of brick, in the Early EngEsh style,
7 west from Ohelmsford and 27 from London, in the W est- consisting of chancel and nave and 13 western belfry of
ern division of the county, Dunmow hundred, Ongar llIt'on wood containing one bell: it was rebuilt in 1754 by a brief
and petty sessional mvu;ion, Chelmsford county court dis- and with the 2ssistance of the neighbouring gentry, pal'·
, .


tiicularlv Thomas llramston esq. and has IOO sittings. various; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat,
The register dates from the year 1553. The living is a barley, beans and oats. The area is 468 acres; rateabll)
rectory. 'consolidated with Willingale Doe in the year 1798, value, £428; the population in 1891 was 79-
and subsequently with llerners Roding by faculty, joint Sexton, Patrick Roe.
ne·t ye·a,rly value £45 I, including 46 acres of g-lebe, Letters through Ongar S.O. arrive at 8.30 n.m. The-
with residence at Willingale Doe, in the gift of Lieu~•• nearest telegraph &; money order ofHce is at Fyfield,
Col. llramston, and held since 1883 by the Rev. John about 2 miles. The nearest post offic'e is at Willingale
Swayne M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford. Lieut.-Col. Doe, aboutJ I mHe distant
'fhomas Harvey Bramston, .of Skreens Park, Roxwell, is The children of this parish attend the school at Willingale:
lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil i~ Doe
Boy ton Henry, farm..r, Miller'S green 1Jackson WilliJ,m Arnold, farmer,!Rott.s John, carpenter & w:teelwright
qrubbe Fras. Wm..frmr. The Parsonage Shellow hall
S:e:ENFIELD'is a village and parish, adjoining llrent- . building was erected in 1895 by public subscription and
wood to the north-east, on the high road to Chelmsford, in memory of the latel Joseph Earle M.R.C.S.Eng. and
with a station on the main line of the Great Eastern rail. : the Rev. T. P. Ferguson, rector of Shenfield: the site was-
way, which is also the junction for the branch of that i acquired in freehold by subscription in order to com-
company to Southend, Southminster and Maldon, com- memorate the 60th year of Queen Victoria's reigu; there
pleted in 1889. The road to Billericay, Rochford and i are 12 beds. Middleton Hall is the property and residence
Southend branches off here: Shenfield is 19 miles from of Richard Thornton T,hornton e.sq. M.A.: ShenfieI~
London, in the Mid division of the county, hundred of Place is the property and residence of Edward Courage
Barstable, Brentwood petty sessional division and county esq. There are two manors in this parish, viz. Shenfielcf
court district, Billericay union, and in the rural deanery and Fitzwalters. Raymond Courage esq. is lord of the-
of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. manolr of Shenfield', Messrs. E. F. and H. I.. an don ,
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is an edifice I ~tewards, Capt. W. J. H. Townsend J.P. of Hatfield
of brick and rough cast, in the Late Decorated style, Peverel, lord of the manor of Fitzwalters and Edwara
~nsisting of chancel, nave, with the original arcade of. Courage esq. are the principal landowners. The manor
6 bays in wood, north aisle, organ chamber, south pon~h house of Fitzwaltel's, some yem~Sl ago destroyed hy fire,
and a western bell containing 5 bells, surmounted by a was held by t'he service of presenting a pair of gilt spurs-
wooden shingled spire: in the chancel is a memorial win- at the king's coronation. The soil is loamy; subsoil,
dow to the Rev. Charles Isaac Yorke, rector from 1829,and I clayey. The chief crops are whea.t, barley and on,ts. The
the Rev. '.rhomas P. Ferguson M.A. rector, 1864-92: I area is 2,453 acres of land and 6 of wate'r; rateable value..
there is a fine carved oak reredos, a beautifnl font of £16'920; the population in 1901 was 1,962.
Carrara marble and at the. west end nnder the to>l~e~ is Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
an alta~ tomb .of marble 'Y1th recrumbent. to Ehza- Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, Shenfi'eld rd.-
beth, wIf~ of TImothy Robmson, of Gwersilt, m the county Mrs. H~rriett Tabor, sub-postmistress. Letters-
of Denblgh, ob. 23 r .d July, 165 2 : the church was through Brentwood aTe delivered at 7 a.m. 12 noon &.
thoroughly restored :n 186 3 at a cost of up",:ards?f 6.3 0 p.m.; dispatched 10.10 a.m. 12. IQ p.m. 2.30, 7. 15.
£1,000 and enlarg.ed m 1868 at a cost of £87°, and m p.m. & 8 p.m.· sunday delivery, 7 a.m.; dispatched
188 7 the north aIsle was extended eastwards so as to ~ a m ... 8 p'm
1 tl h b d . I I.;:> • • "" •
en arge le organ c a~· ~ran m 190'? a vestry was Pillar Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 10 a.m. &.
added: are 3 20 sIttmgs. The regIster dates from 8 m' sundays 8 p ID
the year 1538. The living is a re.ctory, net yearly value T.p. ., " '. .
£34 2 , with re,s.idence, in the gift. of Raymond Courage Na~lOnal Schools, erected WIth dwellmgs. for the teachers
esg. and held since 18 92 by the Rev. William Quennell III 1865, at a cost of £1;20.0' enlarged III 186 9 at a fur-
M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, hon. canon of St. th~r cost of £670, ~ agaIll III 1~93, when I;'lso a tower w~s-
Albans. prootor in convocation, rural dean of Barstflhle, ~'U1lt &; a clock WIth ~YestmIllster chImes pl~ced In
and surrogate. Oharities of £2 15 S • yearly value It, the .t.otal cost reachmg £95 0 ; the school will. hold<
distributed in bread: a sum of £1 13s. 4 d . is given to 250. chIldren; average attendance, 7$ boys, 70 gIrls &;.
three old persons, and £8 is distributed in coal. Brel1t- 56 mfan.ts; George 'Cole, maste.r; ~lSS M,u,l'y, L. Bow-
wood Cot.tage Hospital, on Shenfield common, was man, mIstress; Mrs. Jane Gadsby, mfants m::stress
originally e9tablished by John C. Goode esq.; a new Railway Station, James Farrow 'WaIton, station master
Marked thus * letters from Brent- Powell .John, Haywood villa Cornish Daniel & Co. brick &tile manu-
wood direct. *Quennell Robt. iWilliam, .:Mitrehouse Shenfield & Hutton Brick works-
PRIVATE RESIDEKTS. *Raven Thomas John, Overlon, The Oornish John, manager, Brickfield ho
. Common Cross Robert, carman
Aitch£son David, The !Elms *Ravenhill 001. Edward Henry Goring, Cumbers Vim. frmr. Brick House frm
AshtoH John, Hawkwood villa Park 11ouse, Cornsland Dobbins Phrebe (Mrs.), shopkeeper .
*Ball William Edwin Ratcliffe Thoma,s William Arthur,Red- Her-bert Florence (SUss), dress maker,
*ElI owne Miss, BklOmfields clyffe, Priest lane Brunig lodge
Burgess Fredk. Roxberry, 'Sunny side Read John Jervis, High house Howard John Frederick, horse de:ller..
*.Eurgess Col. Wm. Jas. Glantham ho *Simmons Mrs. The Firs, Common The Chestnuts
*Burgess Charl-es Thos. Shenfield cot Temperley John, Laurel hill Lagden G€orge Frederick, farmer,
Chisnall Richard, Hill crest, Priest la Tllorntoll Richard Thornton M.A. Glantham's farm
Courage Edward, Shenfield Place Middleto:l hall *Lagden Jeremiah Richard, farmer..
Oowrage Raymond, 'Shenfield Place Tower :\'lrs. Hil:·stead, Cornsland Canterbllry Tye farm
*Crooks William, Common Tower Beauchamp, Hillstead, Crnslnd *Lagden Jeremiah, frmr. PaImer's rm
*·Cruddas John, Holmwood, Cornsland *lVhite Ernest S. Harewood villa *Lawrence Henry M.R.C.V.S. vet.surg
Earle Mrs. The Nook *White Thos. William.Ha~elwood villa *Littlechild Mary M. (~rs.), farmer,
Ford Edward, 'The Limes Wilmer Benjamin G. Priory lodge Herds farm
Garden Miss, Ivy house Woods .Arthur Thomas Gunnell, Haw- Mead WaIter Wm. baker,The Common
Holland John Scott, The Firs thoI'cden Moodv Frank Orespel, Artichoke-
*Home-Payne Robert Montgomery, COMMERCI.A.L. P.H. The Common ,
The Hermitage Barbour John, farmer, Fitz"Walters Morris MarshaU, land steward to
Harington Arthur IS. Cor'ston cottage Barbour IMatthew, farmer, Sawyers' Edward Courage esq
Jones-Henry Mrs. Woodville, Cornslnd Hall farm Osborn George, pig dealer, Common
Knight .Arthur John, The .Acacias Bloomfield Jas.Old Green Drag-on P.H *Randall Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer ret.
*Landon Harcourt, The Lodge Boreham Geo. taxidermist. Station vw Shenfield common
Loach Joseph Charles. Sunnyside Bradford Thos. blacksmith, Common *Raven WilIiam. wheelwrig-ht
Macaire George, The Lindens Brentwood Cottage Hospital (.T. C. Robson T'hos. Hy. bldr. Hig-h road
*Morrison Joseph Ketley, The 'Oedars Qnenne~l M.R.C.S.Eng. R .."Y. QuC'n- Shipp Timothy Clement, Eagle &;
Moss George Alfred, Shenfie~d road ne:l L.R.O.S.Eng. A. Quennell Ohild P.R
*Newman 'Miss, Shenfield common L.R.e.IP.Lond., A. IV. 'BoydJWallis Tabor Harriett (Mrs.), balier, Post off
Quennell Rev. Canon William M.A. M.R.C.S.Eng. & ·C. .r. L. ;:\fansel Walker Ernest, carman
(rector, hon. canon of St. Albans. M.D .• C.M. lIOn. medical offie-ers), White Frederick, builder &; smith
rural dean of Barstable, proctor in Shenfield common (For other names in Shenfield see
Convocation & surrogate), Rectory Eurre]] 1Vm. beer ret. Ingrave road Brentwood.)
NORTH SHOEBURY is a parish on the banks of ~he Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty
Thames, 4 miles east from Southend, 1~ north from sessional division and union, Southend county court dis-
Shoeburyness terminal station on the London, Tilbury and trict, and in the rural deanery of Canewdon, arch deaconry
Southend railway, and 45 from London, in the South of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St.

Mary the Virgin is an ancient building of stone, principally Bochford and Mr. Unwin Kemsley, of Couchman's, are
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, chief landowners. The soil is variable; subsoil, clay
south porch and a western tower with shingled spire and gravel. The chief crops are Wheat, barley, pota1l:oes,
containing 2 bells: there is a piscina and an ancient font: peas, beans, and Inust{)J1"d. The area is 1,102 acres of
in 1,885 cJnsiderable alterations were made: the church land, I of water and 1,001 of foreshore; rateable value,
affords 130 sittings. The register of baptisms and £2,°91; the population in 1901 was 205.
burials dates -from th~ year 168o; marriages, 1695. The . Sexton, John Bridge.
living is a vicar11,ge, net yeollrly value £98, with 40 acres I Post Office.-William Travis, sub-postmaster. Letters
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, received from Southend at 7 a.m. & 11.25 a.m.; dis-
and held since 1883 by the Rev. Henry Thos. Wilmot M.A. patched at 6.10 & 11.20 a.m. & 4.25 p.m.; sundays
of Trinity Oollege, Dublin. A parish room was built in 4.25. Postal orders are issued here, but not
1898 at a cost of £150, on a site provided by Capt. George • Sho.eburyness is the nearest money order & telegraph
A. 'V. \Velah R.N. The great tithes, amounting to office, 2 miles distan.t
£300 yearly, are held by Miss Dale-Knapping, of Black- This place is included in Wakering United School Board
heath Park, Kent, impropriatress. Capt. George Asser District
White Welch R.N. of Arle House, near Cheltenham, who The children of this place attend the school at Great
is lord of the manor, James Ta,bor esq. J.P. of The Lawn, Wakering
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Kemsley Unwin, farmer, Couchmans
CIark Miss, The Moat Brown Renry, blacksmith May George, market gardener
Hutley James, North Shoebury ball Grove-s 'lnomas, market gardener Townsend John, farm bailiff to Jas.
Thomson Oharles Fox, White house Hutley .Jas. frmr. Shoebury House fnn Hutley esq
Wills Mrs The Moat Kirby John, farm bailiff to Messrs Travis William, shopkeeper & wheel-
Wilmot Rev. Hy. Thos. M.A. Vicarage Swann & Thomson, New farm wright, Post office
SOUTH SHOE BURY is a parish at the mouth of I kinson R.A. inSItructors in gunnery; MaJ. T. M.
the Thames, and is the terminal station of the London, 1 Lowe R.A. assist. superintendent of experiments; Lt.
Tilbury and Southend railway, 7 miles south-east from F. P. Hutchinson R.A. 2nd' assist. supt. of experi-
Rochford, 5 east from Southend and 45 from London; it ments; Oapt. K. E. Raynes R.A. 3Td assist. supt. of
is in the South Eastern division of the county, hundred experiments; E. F. ereswell, 4 assist. supt. of experi-
a.nd union of Rochford, Southend petty sessional division ments; Capt. F. ,E. de O. Ohevallie,r R.A. adjutant;
and county court dist,rict, and in the rural deanery of T. Stevens R.A. hon. capt. quarter-master; T. H.
Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Wright 'bono lieut. quarter-master; 001. F. J. W .
.A1bans: the parish contains Shoeburyness. A road runs Eustace C.B. commandant of school for horse & field
across the Maplin Sa:ld at low water to Foulness Island artille,ry; 'Oapt. E. S. E. W. RusseU R.A., p.s.c. &
and nearly opposite is the Nore light, in about the centre Maj. J. G. Geddes B.A. instructors in gunnery
of the estuary of the Thames, which is here 6 miles
broad to the Kentish shore. The parish is governed by an Royal Engineers.
Urban District Oouncil of nine members, formed in Dec. Major 'Walter Russell B.E
8 d t h . . f th "L 1 G tAt Quarterma-ster, Hon. Lieut. Bernard: H. Thompson R.E
I 94, un er e prOVISIOns 0 e oca overnmen c, Chie,f Clerk, W. G. Taylor
1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73). The town ~s lighted by
gas supplied from the Government works and supplied Ro~a1 Army Medical! Corps.
with water from works the property of the Urban CQuncil. Lieut.-Col. E. North
The church of St'. Andrew, a small and ancient building of Ernest W. Walter M.R.C.S.Eng. (civil practitioner)
stone, formerly a chapel attached to the Oluniac priory of
Prittlewell, consists of chancel, nave, south porch and an Army Service Corps.
embattled western tower containing I bell; originally G. F. Hodgkins, 1St Olass Staff-Se,rgt.-Maj. acting officer
Norman in style, subsequent restorations, including that Chaplain to the Force,s, Rev. William .T. Wa-rd M.A
of the tower, have left it almost- wholly Perpendicular:
the chancel arch is a well preserved example of 12th Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
century work: there is a leper window and a hagioscope Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Shoeburyness
now built up; most of the windows are stained: in (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added).
the nave is a brass to Dale-Knappillg esq. d. 1878: there -William Coupe, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive vi~
are 120 sittings. The register dates from the year 1704. Southend at 6.20 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. direct from London,
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £110, with resi- arrive at 7.3 a.m. 2, 6,3° -& 10·50 p.m.; dispatched
dence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Rev. Thomas at ,8.35 a.m. & 1.45, 4.10, 6.20 & ,8.25 p.m.; sundays
Atherton Bernar-d Causton M.~<\.. of Swnnage, Dorset, and at 4.10 p.m
held since 1900 by Rev. Bradshaw Galway Popham M.A. Post, M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
of Corpus Chri"ti GoUege, Oambridge. The Mission Cambridge Town.-George Whent, sub-postmaster.
Church of St. Pe.ter, erected in 1899, affords 250 sittings: Letters through Sboeburyne,ss S. O. are delivered 7
a new parish hall in Ness road, was built in 1900, and a.m. 2.30 & 7 p.m. & dispatched 7-40 a.m. 1.10, 4. 15,
seats 300. The ·We.sleyan chapel here, en~ded in 1893 5.50 & 7.50 p.m.; sundays, 4.15 p.m. The
at the cost of £1,000, is of brick with st,one dressings, telegraph office for d,elivery is at Shoeburyness, I mile

and will seat 250 persons. In the parish are remains of distant, but teolegrams are oollected at this office
a camp and extensive brick works, where maJln bricks of URBA.N DISTRICT OOUNCIL.
the finest qua11ty are manufactured. The Misses Dale-
Knapping, of Blackheath Park, Kent, are ladies of the Meets -on tuesdays, fortnightly, at 7.30
manor; the )Var Depu,rtment is the principal landowner. Members.
The soil is sandy 10aIn: subsoil, sand and gra.vel. The Ohairman, John 'Millbank.
chief crops are barley, potatoes and beans. The a,rea is Vioe-Chairman, John Wesley Ghapman.
1,037 acres of land, 2 of water and 3,42", of foreshore; Retire in April I Retire in April
rat'eable value, £16,756; the population in 1901 wail ! James Benyard 1903 I William "Seal 1904
4,081. John Millbank 19 C 3 / J. W. Ohapman I905
WaIter Smith 1903 J. Brookes 1905
SHOJiJ3URYKESS is a point of land in this parish Leopold F. Barney 1904 ! James Cook 1905
to which the London, Tilbury and Southend railway is Alfred Cook I9 04 i
now extended: here is His Majesty's School of Gunnery,
at which officers and non-commissioned officers are trained Officers.
in theoretical and practical gunnery; experiments are CLerk, Fredcrick Gregson M.A. Alexandra sL Southend
also made here with new patterns of ordnance and war- Treasurer, Joseph Coombs, Barclay & Co.'s Bank
like projectiles, a::lQ the sands being of great extent, Medical Officer of Health, Ernest Walter M.R.O.S.Eng.,
afford the required space for artillery practice. During L.B.O.P.Edin. High street
August in each year detachments from various corps of Engineer to Water Works, Thomas Gilbert
volunteer- artillery oompete for prizes. Building Surveyor, Harold Hams, Clarence st. Southend
Road Surveyor, W. Stafford, Shoeburyness
SGHooL OF GUNNERY. Sanitary Inspector, J ames Alp, High street
Col. A. J. Nixon, commandant & superintendent; Lt.- Collector of District Rates, William Oox, Shoeburyness
Colonel & Brevet-Colonel W. F. Graham, ~mmanding Collector of Water Rates, Frederick Glasscock
R.A.; Bt.-Col. F. A. Bowles, chief instructor; Major
A. L. Molesworth R.A. brigade major; Maj. F. M. Schools.
Close R.A., Maj. A. Handley R.A., Capt. C. G. Vere- A School Board of 5 members was formed 30 Jan. I8BS;
ke'r R.A., Capt. P. K. Lewes R.A., Capt. A. T. Cuming William Gregson, .A1exandra street, Southend, clerk to
R.A. Bt.-Maj. F. Prenderga~t B.A. & Capt. M. L. Wil- the board; Wm. Thomas Gregory, attendance officer

National (senior mixed), built in 1862, for 175 children; Na.tioml (junior mix,ed), built in 1898 for 120 children;
average attendance, 83 boys & 75 girls; William Cox, average attendance, 120; .Miss Rosa oEmily Golding,
master; Mrs. Eleanor Cox, mistress mistress, junior department
Board (for infants), erected in 1886, enl3Jrged 1897, fo'r
233 children; average attendance, 188; .Miss Edith Railway Station, Charlell Beeton, station master
Babb, mis,tress
I Cripps Thomas, mechanical engineer, Urban District Water Works (Thomas
SOUTH SHOEBURY. Rampart ,street Gilbert, engineer; Prederick Glass-
:PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Darby John, fishmonger, Church st cock, collector)
Andrews Ohas. Geo. Shoebury cottage Eastwood & Co. Lim. brick makers, WaIter Ernest M.RC.S.Eng.,L.R.O.P.
.Banning Robt. Jsph. M.D. Beachcroft, Shoeburyness. See advertisement Edin. surgeon & physician & medical
Coupe Shirley W Finch Alfred, dairy, Smith street officer of health to the Urban Dis-
_~ustace Col. Francis John WilliaIIl Gar'nham Jsph. Hy. confectnr. High st trict Council & Royal Army Medical
C.B. Shoeburyne,ss Gilbert John, confectioner, High street Corps & medical offioerr- & pu:blio
:F.erguson Wm. 2 Roxburghe terrace, Gilbert Thomas, engineer to urban dis- va.ccinator, S'hoebuTy district, Roch-
High street trict water works ford union, High street
Foulger Robert Glasscock Frederick, collector of water Watts Cornelius, shopkpr. Rampart st
. Harris Alfred James, Rampart, house, rates to the Urban District Council Whent George, grocer, Post office,
Rampart stree,t Glasscock George WiIliam, painter Sea View road
Hutchinson Capt. Frederick Pierre- Glasscock James, draper, clothier & White Joseph, tobacconist, High street
pont R.A. Shoeburyness furnishing ironmonger, High street
. Lowe Major Francis Manley RA. Shoe- Golding Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner, CAMBRIDGE TOWN.
burynes,s . Smith street Scales Edward H. Glandore
Millbank John, High street Gooch Albert Gea. hair dresser,High st Shaw John, I Brookwood villa, St.
Oak,shott Edward G. 4 Roxburghe ter- Goose Richard & Co. contractors, The Andrew's road
race, High street Barracks COMMERCIAL.
Pa,nter Mrs. Downes, 3 Roxburghe ter- Harris & Rowe Lim. builders, gas- Adey Herbert Josiah, news agent
race, High street works, waterworks & road & drain- Banyard J ames, estate agent
Popham Rev. Bradshaw Galway M.A. age contractors; building material, Brazier Albert Ernest, boot repairer,
The Vicarage lime, cement, timber merchants & West road
RusselI Major WaIter R.E. Shoebrynss sanitary tube merchants; machine Brown Frederick, carman, West road
Stevens Capt. Tho,s. R.A. (qurtrmstr) moulding & joinery works; carp en- Burgess Lucy (~Iiss), fancy draper
"Taylor Walter Georoge, High >street ters, ecclesiastical & domestic deco- Clark Joseph Henry, shopkeeper
Thompson Lieut. Bernar-a H., R.E. rators, house, land & estate 'agents Claydon Juseph, oilman
Shoe,buryness &c. Rampart street Craft Fanny Harriet (Mrs.), St. An-
. 'Walter Ernest, High street HaITey Jesse, tailor, Rampart street· drew's laundry, \-Vest road
Ward Rev. WilIiam John M.A. (army Haslehurst Catherine (Mrs.) L.O.S. Craft Walt. ern. & flour dIr. West I'd
chaplain) midwife, Smith street Dix Alban (Cambridge hotel); good
Wright Lieut. T. H Higgleton James, painter, Smith st accommodation for travellers,private
COMMERCIAL. Hill James, boot maker, High street families & beanfeasts; ales, wines &
Ainsworth John, watch ma. High street Hunt James, draper, High street spirits & cigars of the finest quality
..Alp James,builder & sanitary inspector Icely AIice (Mrs.), shopkeeper,High st Eldon Frederick, baker
to the Urban Dist. Council, High st Jackson Alfred, tobaccnst. Rampart st Fisher Benjamin, fred fish dealer
Austin Emma S. (Mrs.), butcher, 21 Lindsell John, ironmonger, High street Golden Eagle 1Vorking Men's Club
High s t r e e t . I Lynch John, draper, High street (WilIiam Se.lf, manager)
Bacon Laura (Miss), organist to the! Mann Henry, greengrocer & farmer Gosling Rose Flora & Jane Annie
Garrison Church & t€acher of music, Matt,hews Annie (Miss), apartments, (Misses), drapers
Donington house, High street High street Gregory Wm. '1'hos. schl. attend. officI'
Darclay &1 Co. Lim. bankers (agency) Millbank John, mail contrctr. High st HazeU WilIiam, boot repairer
(Joseph Coombs, manager); open Mott George, farmer, Friars farm Heaton ElIen .oarI' (Mrs.), confectnr.
tues. & fri. II to 2, ,sat. 9.'15 to II, MulIardAugustus,hair dresser, Smith st West road
High street, Shoeburyness; draw on Murray Caroline (Mrs.), midwife Hersee William, grocer, Grove road
head office, 54 Lombard st. LndnEC Murray Wm. chimney swpr. Smith st Hill Thomas, greengrocer, Sea View I'd
Barnett 'Walter, baker, High street Murray Wm. Henry, shopl>:pr.Smith st Jackson 'T'homas, hair dresser
Barney Leopold Ferdinand, furniture Palmer Frank Harris, dairyman', 4 Kirby Henry, greengrocer, West road
dealer, High street High street Lancaster Samuel, confectioner
Beeton Charles, station master Parkins Ernest, grocer, High street Lee Moses James, house decorator
Church William, cowkeeper & farmer PeIling George M. grocer, High street Mathers Philip Geo. grcr. Grove road
Clarke James, frmr. S. Shoebury hall Ponton WiIIiam, Shoeburyness tavern Munday Sam!. Ohurch, grcr.& beer ret
Coe George, bootmaker, Smith street Prictor James, builder, West road New Eagle Working Men's Club (Jsph.
Cook James, butcher, HiO'h street Prictor Samuel, builder, Grove road Boosey, sec; Joseph Curtis, steward)
Coombs .Joseph, manage; of Barclav & Rose Albert, linen draper, High st Nortley Benjamin, cabinet maker
Co.'s Bank & treasurer to the Urban Shoeburyness Garrison Memorial Hos- Pallant George, fly proprietor
District Council pital for Women (Mrs. Elinor Agnes Reed Erne,st John, grocer
Coote Thomas & Son, coal merchants, E. Bedingfeld, matron) Robinson '\ViIliam, baker
L. T. & Southend railway Simpson ~Iichael, builder & contrac- Savery Edwin Hart, shopkeeper
Coupe WiIliam, chemist & stationer & tor, West road Self WiIIiam, butcher
newsagent, Post office Soldiers' Home (Miss Maud Shoebrick, Self William Alfred,butcher
Cox Thomas, tailor & military out- hon. supt.), High street I Sweeney Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper
fitter, tobacconist, ciO'ar merchant & 8nalding Charles, coal merchant TattershaIl John, draper
>sole agent for Kend~ll & Dent, 106 Stafford tV. road surveyor to the Thomas Will, greengrocer
Cheapside, London, High street Urban District Council,ShoeblIrJness Topsfield Henry, hair dresser
Cox William, collector of rates to the Stoner Alfred John, draper, Smith st Wallis Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper
overseer, Shoeburyness
Urban District Council & .assistant Terry Geo. In. s-llopkpr. High street Whent George, grocer, & Post office
WilIiams William E. butcher
SHOPLAND is a parish, 2~ miles south-east from an inscription in French, and the date 1371: a window
Rochford station on the Southend branch of the of four lights has been filled with stained. glass by the
Great Eastern railway, 4 miles north-east !from South- family of the late Mr. Benton: the brass lectern was
end, and 45 miles from London, in the South Eastern presented in memory of the recovery from a dangerous
division of the county, Rochford hundred. petty illness of the daughter of the Rev. Frederick Thackeray
sessional division and union, Southend county court M.A. vicar 1845-93: there are 75 sittings. The register
district, and in the. rural deanery of C'anewdon, dates from the year 1620. The living is a vicarage, net
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. T'he yearly value £69, with 12 acres of glebe and: resid·ence,
church of St. Mary is an ancient building of stone and in the gift of and held since 1893 by the Rev. Andrew
brick. originally of the Norman period. with additions Noble William Bredin B.A. of Durham University, wIlo
in the Early English and Decorated styles, and consists is also rector of Great Sutton, where he resides. The
of chancel, nave, south porch and a turret on the vicarage receives a modus from four farms in Foulness
western gable containing I bell: there are sedilia and a Island. The trustees of the late Algernon Holt White esq.
piscina niche in the chancel: the font is Early English Philip Benton and the trustees of the late John Stallibrass
and in good preservation: there is a brass to Thomas esq. are the chi'ef landowners. The soil is mixed and
Stapel, sergeant-at-arms, with his effigy in armour and London clay; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops
.are wheat, barley, beans, peas and pot,atDes. The area Letter,; from Rochford S.O. which is also the neal'est
is 1,053 acres of land, I of water, 4 ()f tidal water and 31 money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m
'of foreshore; rateable value" £1,017; the population in The children of this parish attend the mixed school at
1901 was 54. Sutton, situated contiguously to both parishes,
Sexton, James Ketcher. &, built in 1873 by the parishioners jointly
Letters are taken direct to Rochford S.O. 2~ miles disront
BenOOn Edward Henry, Beauchamps IJeffrie,s Seaman, farmer, Butlers
Ho1mes Charles, shopkeeper & beer ret ~IcEwen Major Jas. Hy. Shopland hall
\ Norden James, farm bailiff to the
trustees of the late In.Stallihrass esq
BIBLE HEDINGHAM. is a parish and village plea- ,in 1868, and seats 300; that in Sug-ar Loaves Toad,
santly seated on the west bank of the river Colne, on erected in 1808, has 500 sittings. The Congregational
the road communicating between Braintree, Balstead, chapel, built in 1874, will seat 200. The Assembly rooms
Sudbury and Havel"hill, I mile south from Hedingham in Swan street, built in 1887, will hold 200, and are
iltation on the Colne Valley railway, 4 north-west from used for concerts, entertainments &c. Charities, amount-
Halsbead, 8 north from Braintree, 8 south-west from ing to £7 13S. left in 1631 by Mr. Joseph .Aliston, of
Sudbury, 48 by road and 59 by rail from London, in the i Kingsholn" Suffolk, a:ld in 1669 by Thomas Jeggon, are
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, distributed in bread. The Rev. Moses Cook left in
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union 1732 seven acres of land in trust, the proceeds to be

and cUUllty court district, and in the rural deanery of applied to the distribution of Bibles and Prayer Books,
Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of and also left u farm, o,f 34 acres, known as "Barna,rd's
St. Albuns. Some of the houses, but not the streets, , charity," the rent to be appropriated to the repairs of
are light'ed with gnSl. The- church of St. Peter is a fine ' the church. Here are al:mshouses for six aged women,
building of brick and -atone in the Decorated style, erected founded in 1884, a.t a ClJst of about £700 by the Misses
in the l"ei~n o£ Edward Ill. consisting of chancel, nave vVebster, in memory of their mother, who died. 1882. The
.of four bays, with c1erestory, aisle,s, south porch and a Chantry House here was originally built for the reoeption
battlemented western tower containing a clock and 5 and entertainment of pilgrims by t,he friends and execu-
bells: the chancel has five stained windows, the east win- tors of Sir John Hawkwood, amI, is still called" The
dow, erected by the rector and Mrs. Warburton, being a Hoa.sta:g~"; it is now occupied as a fa,rm house. The
memorial to their only daughter, who died in 1892: in this original 'house called, Hawkwood is still standing and is'
churc... was once a cenotaph to the famous Sir Jolin owned and occupied by Samuel Ames esq. Here aTe the
Hawkwood, of which little now remains but a fragment extensive brick and tile works of ~r. Mark Gentry,
()f the canovy' there are, however, figures of hawks Mr. Eli Cornish and others. James Henry Alexander
'Sculptured on different parts of the church, commemora- ~Iajendie B!sq. of Hedingham GaSltle, who is lord of the
tillg the benefactions of his son and family. Hawkwood I manor, Charles Page Wood e,sq. of Wakes Colne, John
was born here about 1324, in the reign of Edward n. I Burd'er esq. of Barcombe, Snssex, James Hearn and Mark
being the son of Gilbert Hawkwood, a tanner, and was Gentry esqrs. James .Mayhew Balls esq. of C.astle
bound apprentice to a tailor in London, but disliking He'din!4ham, and Ja;mes Thomra,s Smith e,sq. of Lee, Kent
his occupation he entered the army of Edward Ill. as and Mrs. LDwe, are the principal landowners. The soil
a common soldier, and in this service bore himself so is light and partly day; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops
gallantly that he was advanced to the rank of captain are wheat, barley and oats. The area is S,361 acres of
~d was afterwards knighted for his prowess at the land and I I of water; ra.teable value, £S ,679: the popu-
battle of Poictiers, September 19th, 1356; Dn the con- lation in 1901, wa,s 1,701.
elusion of the war he became a military adventurer and Sexton, Crown Boreham.
the dreaded leader .of ban~s of condottioeri in France and Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. R Express Delivery,
Italy, where for !lis serVIces to the Holy See he ,;as Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office. John Spur-
{'ewarded by the gift of some fiefs near Rav:enna, en WhICh geon, sub-postmaster. London & other letters are re-
he s.e.ttled. for a few years and. marrIed the 1 Lady ceived from Halstead by mail cart; arrive at 5.30 &
DomIlIa, . mece of the Du~e of M:lan; and at .ength, 11 .30 a. m .; delivered at 6 & 7 a.m. & 12 noon, & dis-
loaded WIth honours and r:che~, died at Florence, 16th patohed at (II.3 0 a.m. looalonly) LIS &, 6,40 p.m.; on
March, 1394, and was bUl'led I!1 th.e c.athedral under a sundays there is only one delive;ry at 7 a.m. & Oine dis-
sumptnous mo~ument: t~ere IS stIll III that ~a~hedral patch u.t 6,40 p.m. Wall Letter Box at Ohurch street
a. fresco equestl'lan port;ralt of ~awkwood, but It IS co~- cleared at 12.45 & 6 p.m. week days only
sIdered probable that hh remaIns were removed to t h I S . '"
p-Iace: the chancel was restored and refitted in 18 90 at NatI~nal. School (mIxed), ~Ith reSIdence for master,
the sole cost of the present rector and Mrs. Warburton, bUIlt III 18 43 for 220 chIld'ren; av~rage attendan~e,
and the oody of the church in 18 97 at a cost of £945: 190;, Ch:u]es A. Robson, maste1r; MISS Newman, Ill-
there are 550 sittings. The register of baptisms dates fa~ts mlSltre~S .
from 168o: burials, 1682: marriages, 1684. The living Hedmgham RaIlway StatIOn, Joseph John Vale, station
is a rectory, net ye31'ly value £soo, with 72 acres of glebe m~ster .
and residence, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1848 Carner to :-Hedmgham Railway Station, Edward
by the Rev. Henry Warburton B.A. of Exeter College, Ruffle, d~,ily . .
Oxford. The Baptist chapel, in Swan street, was bUIit County Police, WIlliam Mower, sergeant
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. vYebster Misses, The Bays Cooper George,. nurseryman
YounO'Mrs. I Monroe villas Corder Wm. bl'lck maker, Southey gn
Ames George, 2 Monroe villas b Cornish Eli, briflk maker, Tortoise
Ames Miss COMMERCIAL. brick works
Rarnes Herbt. S. Tower Mill house Abrahams George, tailor Deeks George, farmer, Sparrows
Bull Henry Ames Samuel, farmer, dairyman, Drury John, farmer
Capes George Harrison quarry owner, sand merchant, seed Dyson Samuel, market gardener
Capes Miss, Hilton house grower & florist, Hawkwoods farm Dyson Samuel, jun. market gardener
Chapman William, High house Assembly Rooms (Mark Gentry, pro- Elsdon WaIter John, builder
Dyer Mrs prietor; William Willett, caretaker) Fairhead In.Wood,farmer,Southey gm
Elrington Thomag, Cedars Bacon & Drett, dress makers Fennel' Joshua" farmer
Gardiner Miss Da.rrell Arthur, farm bailiff to J. M. Finch Arthur, beer retailer
Gentry Mark, Grove house Balls esq. Pepper's farm Fletcher James, market gardener
Gibson John, Vine cottage Beales William !,'rederick,miller (water Gibson George, carpenter &; builder
Hearn James, Grays & steam) & farmer, Roller Flour mlls Gen'try Mark) brick & tile maker,
Lanezzari Henry, Brook house Bishop Frederick George, corn &, coal Hedingham brick & tile works.
Metson Mrs merchant & miller (water & steam) See advert
Montgomery Greville, Baker's farm & thrashing machine proprietor & Gooch Harry, joiner & builder
Pickett Miss, The Limes farmer Goodchild Edward,composer of music,
Rayner William John, Sydney villa Brett Waiter, bricklayer Blois
Sparrow Misses, Rookwoods Bush Arthur Edgar, boot repairer Goodchild Samuel, farmer & land-
Stuart John Sidey, Kimberley lodge Carter Robert Sargent, grocer, draper owner, Blois
Twamley Henry J Gseph & agent for W. &, A. Gilbey Lim. Goss Isaac, coal mer. Railway station
Van Samuel Edgar, Hill house wine &, spirit merchants, Swan st. Hale John, blacksmith
Yiall Alfred Pratt, Alderford house & Church street Hale Joseph Scott, jun. frmr. Finches
\"arburton Rev. Henry RA. Rectory Clarke Sarah (Mrs.) (exors. of), White Hale Richard Scott, farmer, Barnards
Warburton Rev. Welby Russell RA. Horse P.R. brewer & butcher Harrington George Waiter, baker
(curate) Coe Charles, farmer Harrington Rose A.. (~Irs.), Bell inn
Wayman Miss, Davenants Coe John, ""Vhite Lion inn Hear'n Jas. farmer & cattle dlr. Grays
Hedingham Brick Co. Ltd. (Eli Letch Levi, cattle dealer Spurgeon John, grocer & draper &;
Cornish, manager), red & moulded Letch WaIter, farmer earthenware dealer, & registrar of
brick makers; registered office, Letch Walter Moss, beer retailer & marriages for Ralstead union, Post
Head gate, Colchester poultry dealer office
Hedingham Brick & Tile Works (Mark Linsell Charles, farmer, Pever's Steward Alfred, poultry dealer
Gentry, proprietor). See advert Marshall Alfred, beer retailer, Southey Taylor Vero William, maltster
Eedingham Constitutional Club (Mark green Toswell George, Swan P.R
Gentry, jun. sec) Metson Alfred, farmer, Hole farm Twamley Renry Joseph L.R.C.S. &
Hedingham Gas Works Metson Fredk. Three Sugar Loaves P.R L.M.I., L.A.R.Dub. physician & sur-
Howard Cornelius Stphn. baker & btchr Metson Henry, beer retailer geon, & medical officer & public vac-
Howard 'Villiam, grocer Miller Alfred, baker & tea dealer cinator, 2nd district, Halstead union,
Jaggard Henry, in.surance agent Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants, & surgeon to Halste3d Cottage
J arvis Samuel, boot repairer Railway station Hospital
Kendall John & Richard, carting con- OliveI' Wallace, farmer White Herbert, blacksmith
tractors, coal & forage merchants, Pryke John, shoe maker Willis Ernest Savill, coach builder &
fanners & hurdle makers, timber Redgwell Waiter, tailor wheelwright & clerk to Parish
merchants, furniture removers &: Ruffle Edward, carrier Council & assistant overseer
jobma.sters Smit·h WiIliam, beer retailer & black-
Kendall ·WaIter, baker smith, Bottle hall
SILVERTOWN is within the Metropolitan Borough Directory ~f Essex, but will be found as before in Kelly's
of ·West Ham, and therefore is not now included in the Directory of the Suburbs of London.


SOUTHEND-ON-SEA is a modern watel'ing place and tended to lengthen, was built in 1840 and aisles added
town, and head of a county court district, very pleasantly la.ter: the chancel was erected in 1872-3; the, transepts
situated near the mouth of the Thames and nearly are incomplete; in the north transept is a stained window.
opposite t3 Sheerness. 16 miles south from Maldon, 22 formerly in the chancel: there are sittings fOT" about 600
south-east from Chelmsford, 45 south-west from Col- persons. The' dates from the year 1842. The
chester and 43 from London by road, in the South living is a. vicarUJge, net yearly value £"200, in the gift
Eastern division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty of the Bishop of St. Albam, and held since 1862 by the
sessional division and union, and in the rural deanery Rev. Thomas William, who is a sUTTogate. The
of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Catho[ic ohurch of Our Lady Help of Christians and St.
Albans. Southend first sprung into notice as a watering Helen Empress, s~tuated in tlhe town, was erected in
place from a visit of the late Queen Caroline and 1869 at a cost of more than £2,000, and consists of
Princess Charlotte' in 1804. The bathing here is good, chaucer, nave, south aisle, lady ohapel and a turret con-
but the tide recedes some distance from the shore. The taining 2 bells, and' has 400 sittings: adjoining tibe church
London, Tilbury and Southend railway connects this place is an orphanage and a school oornducted by the Sch<JOoI
with London and had its terminus here until the exten- Sisters of Notre, Dame., conbaining upwards of 80 poor
sion of the line to Shoeburyne_~s in 1884- The direct destitute children, some supported by rtbe poor rates,
line of this company from Barking to Pitsea, a pO'I'tion of others by voluntary SUbscriptions: the institution is
which was opened for traffic in May, 1885, and t.he cert.ified for the reception of children from the Poor- Law
remainde.r- in June, 188S, shortens the distance to London union. There is also an elementary school. There is
by about 13 miles. There is a station at Westcliff-on- also a home for the aged! d'estitute poor & for infirm
Sea on the same line. The Great Eastem railway opened children at Nazareth House, London road. Trinity
a branch to this town in Sept. 1889, from their main ohurch, the memorial stone of which was laid 3 Dec. 1877,
line at Shenfield, via Wickfm-d Junction, thus p~acing it was the first RefQll'IDed Episcopal church built in the
in communicatio!Il with Maldon and nOl'th-east Essex and lTnited Kingdom, and! is an edifice. of brick and stone in
Suffolk. Steamers run to and from London several times the Early English style, seating 700 persons. S1. Paul's
a day during the summer monbhs, as weU aoS to Sheerness, church, Eastwick road, is an iron building erected in
Rochester, Gravesend, and to Bolougne, Ostend, Cla-cton, 189'2. St. George's Presbyterian Church of England,
Yarmouth, Margate and Ramsgate. The old pier, built Park road, was erected in 1898 and has 530' sittings. The
originally at a cost of £42,000, was replaced in the years Baptist church in Milton was erected from designs by
189°-1 by an iron st.ructure, I! mile·s in length, from Messrs. Smee, Morice and Houchin, architects of London,
plans by Messrs. Brownlees aJ!Jd McKe:rTow, and an at a cost, inclUding Sunday scho 0·1 , vestries &c. of
addition was made to it in 1898. An electric tramway £5,800; it consists of a nave, transepts and polygonal
runs the ent.ire length. of the pier and is used for the chancel for the organ and choir gallery, in front of which
oonveyance of passengers and· l'ug'gage to and from is the pulpit: the church will seat 900 persons. In the
the steame,rs; at the shore end is a spacious· pavilion rear aTe two vestries. There are three Baptist chapels,
witftl a stage, wbich seats 1,200 persons. At the head of and one for the Peculiar People. The Congregational
the pier, which is built on sev·eralle.vels, are refreshment church, Cliff Town, is- a structure in the Gothic style,
and waiting rooms. The total co·st. was nearly £100,000, erected in 1866 at a rost of £3,000, with a tower con-
but yields a revenue to the Corporation. A wide hining an illuminated clock and. bells, and will seat
esplanade has alS'o been formed, and both on the cliffs 700. The Primitive Methodist chapel and school
and immediately be,low are pleasant winding walks. rooms in Pleasant road were erected in 1903 at an
Southend is stiH rapidly increasing in size, the popula- estimated cost of j)2,900. This reEgions sect ha.s
tion having risen fro<II1 2,808 in 1871 to 28,793 in March, also a Home of Rest on Marine Parade, opened in 1901
19°1; tlhe estimated! population in 1897 was 22,000, and at a cost of £3,Soo, and available for 40 visitors. The
during tlhe summer months there are about 30,000 deserving poor are in special cases admitted free or at
visit(Jll"s. The Corporation has established at a co'st of nominal cha.rges: the Home is suppoll'ted by payments
£9°,000 a syst,em of elect.ric tramways which connect and vo,luntary contributions. Mrs. PuIeston, matron.
most of the outlying districts with Sout.hend, The The Wesleyan chapel, Park road, erected in IS70, is a
Corporation has also expended £50,000 upon electric building in the Early English style and will seat 600
lighting, and during t·he year 1902, 40 house,s for the people. The Empire Theatre, Alexandra street, stands
working classes were built at a cnst of £10,000. La.rge. on the site of the old Public Hall. The present building
sums have been expended by the Corporation in other was erected by the pl',l', Mr. FI'ed '~farlow, at a
improvements, and licences have been granted for an C:lst of about £25,000, and opened to the public Whit
electric st.airway from the lower esplanade· to the top of Monday, 1896. The auditorium will seat upwards of
the cliffs on the west side of the pier and. also for the r .500 pe·ople.. Princes Hall, built in 1896, at a cost of
construction of a water chute on the east side of the pier. £1,200, is used for all Idnds 0.£ variety enterta.inments,
The town was incorporate <1 by royal charter, dated balls &c. and will sea-t 400 persons. The Southend KnI'-
August 5, 1892, under whieh it is governed by a Cor- saal Lim. has 26 acres of Marine Park, comprising a
pomt,ion consisting of a mayor, six aldermen allld 18 cycle track, besides 4 acres for crioket, football &c.; the
counciHors; a commission of the peaoe· waSl g-rant.ed to buildings erected in IS98, comprise a pavilion holding
the borough, .April 21, 1894. The place is lighted with 5,000 people, and an Eiffel tower, at the base of which
gas by a company, formed in 1854, and supplied with soft is a cj·reus for 2,000 peTsons, the coSlt amounted to
water from a.rtesian wells, also the property of a com- [So,ooo. The Revolving and Observation Tower, Lower
pany. Southend, originally a hamlet of Prittlewell, was Southend, was erected in 18g8, at a cost of £4,000. The
formed into a separate ecclesiastical parish in 1842. The statue of He·r late Majesty Queen Victoria, on Royal
church of St. John the Baptist is a building of stone in Hill, overlooking the estuary of the Thames, was erected
mixed styles, consistin.g of chancel, nave, aisles, tran- in 1897 at the cost of Mr. Bernard Tolhurst, ex·mayO'l'
septs and an organ chamber: th61 nave, which it is in- of Southend. The figure, modelled and executed by Mr.
J. H. Swynnerton, sculptor, of Kensington, London, is of Albans and Ibeld since 1880 by the Rev. Thomas
Carrara marble, and represents Her Majesty in a chair Osmotherley Reay M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, rural
of State; t.he pedestal and steps, aJso of marble, were dean of Oanewdon, surrogate andl chaplain of the ee,me-
designed by Mr. Edward Gold1e; the whole memorial is tery and of the 1st Essex Artillery Voluntee:·s. The
about 20 feet in height. The Police Station and Court repr€sentatives of NIe late Sir Arundell N eave bart.
House in Alexandra street, was erected in 1874 at a post (d. I877) the lay impropriators. All Saints' parish
of £4,250: The Priory Lodge of Freemasons (No. 1,000) was formed 26 October, I877; the church, erected at a
bolds its meetings at the :.vliddleton hotel. The No.'s 2 cost of £2,000, but alt present incomple,te, is an edifice of
& 9 Batteries of the 1St Essex Royall Garrison Art,illery red brick stone d1'essings in the Ea,rly French Gothic
(Volunteers) are stationed in the town. The Alexandra style and consists of chancel, lady chapel, two bays of the
Yacht Club building is pfeasantly situated in its own nave and south a,isle: there a,re 600 sittings. The
grounds on the slope of the cliffs and contains billiard, baptismal register da,te,s from the year 1877. The
reading and card rooms; the grounds are tastefully laid living is a vicarage, net yearly value £159, without resi-
out and command uninterrupt.ed views seawards. The dence, in the gift of Keble College, Oxford, and held since
Southend Institute was founded in I88I, and has a library, I892 by the Rev. Henry Charles Lung M.D. (Brussels),
reading and srooking rooms, and there are now over 300 M.R.C.S., L.R.e.P.Lond. The cemetery, in No,rth road
members. The Southend-on-Sea Conservative and fours acres in extent, was opened in I881: it is under
Unionist Club L1m. in Clarence street, was almost en- the oontrol of a burial board! of 5 members. Here is a
tirely rebuilt in I'S9I, at a cost of £2,000, and contains charity of £20 a,nnual value, arising from lands in Great
t.he Clarence Hall, capable of seating 300 persons; there Stambridge, and comIDoniy called "Brown's charity":
are also spacious billiard, rea,ding, and refres'hment it is usually distributed in mon.ey after Christmas. The
rooms, and a library for the· use of the members. The Sick Nurse Fund is an excellent institution, and provides
popufation of St. John the Baptist parish in I89I was nursing for the poor in their own hO!ll~es
6,969' The popuJ'a,tion of the municipal borougal iIn Here was once a priory of Cluniac monks, founded by
I89I was :-East Ward, 3,936; North Ward, 4,074; )Vest Robert de Essex or Fitz-Swain in the reign of Henry II.
'Vard, 4,323; t.()tal, 12,33'3. The area is 3,4.P acres; and dedicated to St. Mary: it was subordinate to the
rateable value, £2IO,OOO. great monastery of that order at Lewes in Sussex, and
'fhe population of the borough in I901 was 28,857' the revenues at the Dissolution, when there were seven
monks, amounted to £I94 qs. 3d.: the portion. of the
WESTCLIFFE-ON-SEA is an ecclesiastical parish priory now remaining is the property of William Howel
fUT'lI1ed in 1898 from PTit.t1eweU. The church of St. Scratton esq. Daniel Robert Scratton esq. D.L., J.P. of
Alban the Martyr, was begun in 1898, t!be fo-undalj;iun Ogwell, Newton Aibbott, is lord of the manor. Sir Thomas
stone being laid: by the Bishop of St. Albans, I7th June, Lewis Hughes Neave bart. of Dagnam Park, is the chief
in that year. The churoh, so far as erocted, has co,st landowner. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay and
£2,4°0, 'and was designed by Mr. O. Nicholson, arohi- gravel. The ohief orops are wheat, potatoes, beans and
tect; i,t consists of nave, south aisle and tower, and will barley. Excellent bricks are made here. The whole
seat 450 persons. The register dates from the year parish of Prittlewel1, including Southend, contains 3,433
. The living is nominally a vicarage, in the gift acre's of land', 3 of water, I32 of tidal water and 1,410 of
of the Bis'hop of St. Albans, and heJd since IgOI by the foreshore; rateable value, £202,69I; the population in
Rev. Edward Ernest Kimber M.A. of Jesus College, 1871 was 4,589; in I88I, 7,979; 1891, 12,272 and IgOI,
Cambridge. A mission room is adjacent, and serves 27,18I, o,f which 5,769 are attachedl to the parish of St.
for Sunday school, mothers' meetings, lectures &c. Mary t,he Virgin. The population of the ecclesiastical
pariSh of All Saints in IgOI wa,g 3,I3:5.
PRITTLEWELL is an ancient village and the mother
Parish Clerk, Arthur BurIes.
parish of Southend, on the road from Southend to Roch-
ford, half a mile north from the former, 13 miles south
from the latter and 42 from London, with a station on MILTON, a hamlet of Prittlewell, close to the Thames.
the Great Eastern railway, in the South-Eastern division is said to have been anciently a distinct parish till part
of the county, Rochford hundred and union, and in the of it was swallowed up by the sea; the remains of the
rural deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and church were visible at low water about a century since.
diocese of St. .A.1bans. The church of St. Mary the The names of the inhabitants are now included in
Virgin is one of the largest and, in an architectural point
of view, one of the most interesting in the county, and is
a building of Kentish Rag stone consisting of chancel, SOUTHCHURCH, called by Camden "Southsea," is a
nave, south aisle, with eastern or "Jesus" chapel, south parish near the shore at the mouth of the Tbames,
porch and a stately Perpendicular embattled western opposite to the West Knock Sand, a mile and a half east
tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and a peal of la from Southend stations .on the London, Tilbury and
bells, the tenor weighing I8~ cwt.: taken as a whole the Southend and Great Eastern railways. This place was
building may be said to date from the Isth century, but incorporated in the boroug-h of Southend Kovembel'
remains exist of nth century work; the three western- lst, I897. The church of the Holy Trinity is a small
most arches, dividing the nave from the aisle, are of the building of stone in the Early English style, but with
I2th century, and the restoration, carried out by two Norm.aIli doorways, and consists of chancel, nave, fine
the late Ewan Christian esq. in 1872, disclosed the ;;outh porch and a western turret, with spire, contain-
fact that they were cut through a wall of much greater ing I bell: there are several meomorial windows and in
age, containing remains of Early Norman windows; the vhe chancel are two recessed tombs, an aumbry and a
north wall of the chancel also shows traces of an arch piscina; another piscina remains in the S'00Thtm wall of the
blocked up and is composed of Roman bricks: the walls nave: the churoh plate dates from 1681-2: the church
are surmounted by a rich and singularly perfect em- was t,horoughly restored in the year 1857, and affoiI'ds 15(}
battled parapet of flint and stone chequer work; new oak sittings. The regi8'ter dates from the year 1695, and
IIoofs have been erected, and the building seated with there isa list of rectors from the 13th centul'y. The
open benches in teak, and chancel stalls richly carved: living is a rectory, net yearly value £5°7, with residence
the pulpit is ot! Caen stone, enriched with marble and 56 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of
shafts, the central panel containing a bas-relief: there is Canterbury, and held since 1893 by the Rev. JO~lIl Nigel
an octagonal font with square shaft: eight stained win- Philpot,t M.A. of :Magdalen College, Oxford; this living
dows have been presented and include a memorial win- is one of the peeuliars of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
dow to the late Sir Arundell Neave bart. d. 2I Sep. 1877, the church and manor having been given in 824 to- Christ
consisting of antique Isth cent. Flemish and Italian glass OhuT'Ch, Canterbury; the rectory house has been enlarged
brought from a church in Rouen and attributed to Albert nnd improved. Oapt. George A. White Welch R.N. of
Durer: over the chancel arch a large mural painting on House, near Cheltenham, is lord of the manor of
canvas was placed in I880 by the parishioners in memory SouthchUJrch, and Col. Ynyr Henry Burge·s, of Parkanaur.
of the Rev. Spenc8'l' Rober't WigramM.A. vicar, 1864-80, Castle Caulfeild, 00. Tyrone, owns the manor of ThO'I'pe
and there is a reredos of carved oak: in 1884 ,gas was Hall. The chief landowners are Col. Y. H. Burges, James
Colbert Ingram esq. of Southend and The Southend-on-
introduced into the ohurch lllt an expense of £200: the
restoration of the church, carried out at intervals, has Sea Estates Co. Limited. The area is 1,73° acres of
cost ove,r £5,500: there alre 800 sit.tings. The church- hnd, 2 of water and I,2g0 of foreshore; rateable value,
yard has be·en inc10sed w:irt:.h a wall and iron railing, and £8,245; the population in Igor was I,6I2.
was closed for burials by various orders fro,m l'ilarch, SOUT£CHURCH WICK is about a quarter of a mile
I86g to Nov. I88r. The register of dates from north-east, on rising ground and has a fine view o,er the
I649; of marriages and burials from 16.+5. The living Medway, Thames and neighbouring islands.
is a vicarage, net yearly value £196, wit,h 2 acres of
glebe and resid'ence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Kempster.


Fost, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, Clerk to t,he Magistrates, Alfred J. Arthy, 44 Alex-
Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Francis andra Toad'
.James Edwards, postmaster. Letters arrive from Petty Sessions held alternate wednesdays at the Police court
.London & all parts at 6.45 &; '9.15 a.m. &; 2.15 &; 6.45 at 12 noon. The parishes in the division are :-Ash-
jJ.m. Dispatched' to London 6.15, 8.35 &; 11 a.m. & ingdon, Barling, Benfleet (South), Canewdon, Canvey
1.50, 3.30, 6.50, 7.20 &; 8·35 p.m.; lOOM, 6.35 & 9.10 Island, Eastwood, Fambridge (South), Foulness, Great
a.m. & 2.10, 5.1$, 6.35 & 8,55 p.m. with an extl'S Stambridge, Great Wakering, Hadleigh, Havengore,
stamp ten minutes later. The 5 p.m. is fort Eastern Hawkwell, Hockley, Leigh, Little Stambridge, Little
Counties onlry, by mail cart; on sunday b{)x closes at; 'Vakering, Paglesham, Rawreth, Rayleigh, Rochford,
7 p.m.; sundays, local, 6.55 a.m. & 5 p.m. &; London, I Soutbchurch, Shoebury (North &; South), Shopland,
].35 p.m. Extra. mails (week diU·Ys), Shoebury, 5.30 i Sutton, Thundersley & Wallasea Island
a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; Oh:ehnsfo,rd, II.I5. a.m. &; 3, 5. 15, I BOROUGH MA(HSTR.A.'DES
7.20 &; 8.35 p.m.; Ro·chfOd'd! &; RayleIgh, 8.10 a.m. & i •

.5.15 &; 7.20 p.m.; Leigh, 5.30 a..m. & L50 &; 5.40 p.m.; I Ingra.m Jmnes Colbert (Mayor, 1901-2), Argyle house,
Great 1Vakering, Foulness & Norbh Sho,ebury, 5.3 0 &; I Seaforth road, "Vest GliI
8.35 a.m.; Canvey Island &; Benflee<t, 5.30 a.m. Tele- Francis Joseph (Ex-Ma.yor), 9 'YVilson Toad
grams can be dispabr.hed 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; sundays, Burrows John Henry, 16 Wal'rlOr square
8 to 10 a.m. &; 5 to 6 p.m : Brightwell Jol;m Rumblelo.w, 15 Royal terrace,
The, Sub-Post &; ~. O. 0., S. B. .& Annuit.y & I Campbell Colm, 25 St. Vmcents road .
Insurance Office.-Mrs. A. .A. Assheton, sub-postmis- ; Draper Edwanl HelI"be,rt, Ravenroyde, The Cliffs
tress. Letters collected at 7.45 & 10.1'5 a.m. & 12,45, Dowsett Thomas, ~.aYfole villa, Victoria avenue
2.30, 3'''f5, 5.15, 6.15 & 7.30 p.m. &; 12 midnight; Howard James BenJaIDln
-sundavs , 6.1$ p.m Jones Georrge Frede.rick, We,st Cliff house, Trinity avenue
Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Prevost Alfred, Ohasdon, Southchurch road
Offices :_ Ramuz Frederic Francis, Shorefield, Wes.t Cliff
Stanley road. Joseph Winter DuHey, sub-postmaster. Sy~ington David
Letters collected: at 8 & 10.30 a.m. & '1:, 2.45, 4, 5.3°, SmIth H. Oeveland
6.30 &; 7.45 p.m. &; 12 mddnight; sundays, 6.3 0 p.m W~ters -!'-'. Clough, 28 Hamlet road
London Toad. rOharles 'Walter CllIdre" sub-postmas1:er. WIse WIlham Lloyd F.R.G.S. 57 .At1exandJra road
Le'tters collected 8 &; 10.30 a.m. &; I, 2.45, 3.45, 5, 5.45, Whur Thomas
6.45 &; 7.45 p.m. & 12 midnight; sunday~, 6'45 p.m ",,:"o?sman Charles, Olovelly, SOUIbhohurch road
tt3 8 .Marine parade.~H(\rbert Sidney Wate.Ts, sub- '" rJght Robert Henry
postmaster. Letters collected 8 & 10.3 0 a.m. .&:r, Olerk, Alfr,ed J. Art~y, 44 AIexandra road
2.45, 4, 5,3°, 6,3°, 7.45 & 12 p.m.; sundays, 6.30 p.m. Borough Petty SeSSIons are held at the Court House,
Tel.egraph offioe open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week d'ays only AIexandra street, every t.ue,sday at I I a.m
tt38 Marine parade. Herbert Sydney Waters, sub- OORPORA.TION.
master. Letters coHecbed': 8 It 10.30 a.m.. I, 2,45, 4,
5.3 0 , 6.30 &; 7.45 p.m. &; 12 midnig-ht; sundays, 6.30 19°1-1902·
p.m. &; 12 midnight. Telegraph office open 8 a.m. to Mayor, James Colbert Ingram esq.
8 p.m. week days only Dnpty Mayor, .Alderman Joseph Francis
Queen's road.-,"Villiam Winter, SUb-postmaster. Let- .!ldermen.
ters collected at 8.15 & 10.45 a.m. &; I, 3, 4, 5,45, Retire in Kov. I Retire in Kov.
6.45 It 8 p.m. & 12 midnight; sundays, 6.45 p.m llernard WiltshIre Tol- . Joseph Francis 1907
BeaJorth road.-Henry Lummis, SUb-postmaster. Letters hurst 1904 James Colbert Ingrum. 1907
collected at 7.45 & 10.15 a.m. & 12_45, 2.3 0 , 4, 5.15, John Henry Burrows.. 1904 John RumbelowBright-
6. IS &; 7.30 p.m. &; 12 midnight; sundays, 6.15 p.m WilliamJoseph Chignell ]904 I well 1 9°7
*tSouthchurch road.-Horatio Osmonrl Sparling, sub-
postmaster. Lette'rs collected! 7.45 & '10.15 a.m. &
12.45,2.3°, 3,45,5.15,6.'15 & 7·30 p.m. &; 12 midnight; North Ward.
'Sundays, 6.15. Telegraph office open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Presiding .Alderman at Ward Elections, W. J. Chignell.
wedi: days only • Retire in Kov. Retire in Nov·
'Tudor road.-WiIliam Bennett, sub-postmaster. Let- Jesse Ambrose BrolVne. 19°2 T. K. ·Wilkinson 19°3
ters collected at 7.45 & 10.15 a.m. &; 12.45, 2.30, W. Marlow 19°2 J. Berry 19°4
3,45, 5· 15, 6.15 &; 7.30 p.m. & 12 midnight; sundays, Thomas Doody 19°3 H. J. Osborn 19°4
6. IS p.m
1Vest Cliff-on-Sea.-Edmund John Burr, sub-postmaster. East Ward.
Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, J. R. BrightweU.
Box cleared' 7.45 & 'l:O.I.~ n.m.I2·45, 2.3 0 , 3·45, 5.15,
6.15 &; 7.30 p.m. &; 12 midnight; sundays, 6.15 p.m Retire in Nov. I Retire in Nov.
*tPrittleweIl.-John Shipton, sub-postmaster. Letters George AlIen 19°2 I Robert Henry Wright. 1903
throngh Southenrl arrive lit 7.30 & 10 a.m. &; 3 & 7.30 T. P. Baines 1902 I WilliamJosephChignelI 1904
p.m.; dispatched a.t 7.30 & 10 a.m. & 12.30, 2.15, 3'45, W. C. Bradley 1903 I F. MoTley HilL 1904
5. IS, 6.15 &; 715 p.m. &; 12 midnig'ht; sundays, 6 p.m. West Ward.
-Telegraph office open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days only; Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, B. W. Tolhurst.
snnday, 8 to{) 10 a.m
'Soutihohurch Po,st Office. James Kerrnpster, sub-post- Albert :Martin... Retire in Nov. I
1902 A. W. Rohertson
Retire in Nov.
1903 Deliveries 6.15 &; 9· 15 a.m. & 3.5 &; 8. IS p.m. ; Fredk. Francis Ramuz. 19021 H. w. L. Hobbs 1904
dispatches 6 & II.55 a.m. & 4.40 & 6! p.m.; sunda~s Ho Roberts 1903 Alfred Prevost.. 1904
6. IS a..m.; dispa.tched at 4.40 p.m. Postal orders are
issued here, but not paid'. The Corporation meets at the Institute on the 2nd.
Wednesday in every month at 10 a.m.; quarterly same
tl1arked thus * are Telegraph & Telegraph Money Order dates
Offices. Officers of the Corporati<lll.
Marked thus t Teleg-rams can be handed in only. and Town Clerk, William Henry Snow •
Telegraph :Money Orders are issued. but not paid. Duputy Town Ch,rk, William Bagshaw
Marked thus t are Express Delivery •
Offices. Borough Treasurer, C. W. Parker, High street
~1e.dical Officer 0.£, J. T. O. NashM.D.,M.S.,D.P.H.
sro'NAL DTVISION. Surveyolr &;Engineer, Alfred Fidler A.~r.Inst.G. E.
Clarence road
Wedd Edward Arthur esq. Great Wakering, Southend, A.ssistant Surveyor & Engineer, F.J. Ricketts,Clarence rd
chairman ELerclirica] Engineer, W. E. J. Heenan, Electricity Works,
BrightweIl John Rumbp,low esq. Royal terrace, Southend London road
1fflwsett Thomas esq. Rayne villa, Southend Sanitary Inspector, Wil1iam Whur, Clarence road
lIarvey-Moo'I'e Alfred esq. Leigh-on-Sea Collector, G. B. Thomas, gClarence road
Rankin Hugh esq. Soutb street, Rochford Borough Acc01mtant, Charles Edwarli Tweedale, 9
Tabor James esq. The Lawn, Rochford 8.0 Clrurence T(j,ad
,"Vi!'e Wm. Lloyd esq. F.R.G.S.Glan-mor, Southend-on-Sea General Manaqer & Traffic Superintendent, J. Ward,
The Chairmen of the Leigh-on.Sea. South Shoebury & Electricity Works, London madl
Sonthend-on-Sea Urban & Rochford Rural District Hackney Carriage Inspector,Wm. Simmonds,AIexandra st
Councils are ex-officio magistrates Pier Master, Capt. F. E. Kemp
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. All Saints' Church, Porter's Town, Rev. Henry Charle!
Cemetery, North road, Wm. Greg-son, clerk to the board La;I1g M.D. vicar; Holy Eucharist sundays, 8 & n.lSo
Coast Guard Station, John Mills, boatman in charge daIly, 7, 7.45 or 10. Matins & evensong daily
County Police Station, Alexandra street, William Holy Trinity, Southchurch, Rev. John Kigel Philpott M.A.
Simmonds, superintendent; I inspector, 4 sergeants &; rector
15 constables St. Alban the :Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, Rev. Edward'.
Ouostom House, 19 TrIer's avenue, Frederick Han-is, chief Ernest Kimber M.A. vicar; 8 &; 9.30 &; I I a.m. 3.I5
officer; Thomas Bucknell, second officer &; 7 p.m.; daily, 7.15 &; IO a.m. &; 5 p.m.; wea.
County Court held at the petty sessional court house, 7.30 p.m
at 10 a.m. monthly; His Honor H. Tindal Atkinson, St. Paul's Church, Eastwick road; Rev. Alfred Wallerr
judge; William Gregson, registrar; Charles God- incumbent; 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
frey, high bailiff; William Carter Wood. bailiff. The Trinity Church, London road (Reformed Episcopal), Rev.
following places are within the jurisdiction of the court: Charle,s SnQsswell A.K.C.L.; I l a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.,
-Ashingdon, Barting, Bowers-Gifford, Canewdon, thurs. ].30 p.m
Canvey Island, Eastwood, Foulness, Great Stambridge, St. Mark's Church, Princes street (chapel of ease to thEJ
Great Wakering, Hadleigh, Havengore, Hockley, Bull- parish church), Rev. Thomas Varney A.K.C. & Rev.
bridge, Leigh. Little Stambridge, Little Wakering, John William Lindsay D.D. mission curates; 7 (Holy
North BenHeet, Paglesham, Pitsea, Prittlewell, Raw- Communion) &; I I a.m. & 3 &; 7 p.m.; daily 7.30 p.m
reth. Rayleigh, Rochford, Shoebury (North &; South), Catholic Church of Our Lady Help of Christians &; St.
Shopland, South Benfleet, Southchurch. Southend, Helen Empress, Rev. Patrick McKenna, priest; mass,
South Fambridge, Sutton, Thundersley, Wallsea sunday, 8 &; 11.15 a.m.; holy days, mass, 8 &; 10 a.m. ;
Island &; Wickford daily mass, 8 p.m
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that St. George's Presbyterian Church of England, Park
of Ohelmsford; C. Mercer, senior official receiver; road, Rev. John Moore Fergusson M.A..; I I a.m. k,
H. Shirtcliffe, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple 6.30 p.m
chambers, London E C Baptist, Clarence road, Rev. George Thoma,s Ennals; HI
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; mono wed. &; thurs. 8 p.m
Amendment Act," William Vincent Wilson, auctioneer, Baptist, Westcliff; 11 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Southend; Alfred Talbot, auctioneer, Southend; Henry Baptist, Milton road, Rev. James McCleery; I I a.m. &.
John White, auctioneer, Southend; Thoma,s William 6.30 p.m.; mono &, thurs. 7.30 p.m
Offin, jun. Rochford; Andrew Al(red Field, Southend; Baptist, East street, Prittlewell, Rev. .Tohn Chandler; I I
George Cawkwell Phillips, Southend; William John W. a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Rayner, William Camm Bacon, Walter Charles Iles, Baptist, Valkyrie road, West cliff, Rev. Arthur C. Sidey;:
Stephen Goddard Povey, William Thomas Powling, jun. I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; thuTs. 8 p.m
John Ri<lhMd: Deeley, Willia.rn Ellam, Henry Turrall, Congregational, Cliff town, Rev. Edward Hamilton; n
Alfred Grubb, all of Southend; Henry Bond, Leigh a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; man. & thurs. 7.30 p.m
Life Boat Station, Frederick Moore, captain Congregational, Chelmsford avenue, Rev. Arthur Joseph
Southend Institute, Clarence road; William Gregson, Sadd A.T.S.; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.Il1'
president; William H. Barker, sec . Congregational, Southchurch road, J. Clifford; I I a.m.
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Market place, Hy. Garon, capt &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Masonic Lodge (No. 1,000 Priory), Middleton hotel, Peculiar People, Lambert street; 6.30 & 10.30 a.m.,
thurs. on or before full moon, Jan. to May, Sept. to tues. &; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Dec. 7 p.m.; C. Floyd, Acre street, Prittlewell st. sec Primitive Methodist, Pleasant road, Rev. "Vm. Roberts;.
Royal Arch Masons (Priory Chapter No. 1,000), held at I l a.m. & 6.30 p.m
the Masonic hall, High street, third wed. in Feb. May, Unitarian Christian Church, Darnley road, Rev. C. F.
Sept. &; Nov.; Stribe E.; George R. Dawson Dear; 6,30 p.m
Oddfellows' Lodge (Manchester Unity) (Loyal Cliff United Methodist Free Church, Lowerl
town, No. 6,548), Park hotel, C. F. Floyd, sec.: meet- town; 7 & I l a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ;
ings every alternate wed. at 8 p.m. (Priory lodge No. thurs. & sat 7 p.m. ~ Rev. M. TomJif}
7,1'24), Blue Boar hotel, W. Nancarrow, sec.; meetings United M~thod~st Free Church, ArgyleJ
every other wed. '8 p.m road, "estchff; I l a.m. & 6.30
IMPERIAL YEOMANRY. Wesleyan MethodIst, Park road; I l J
a.m. & 6.30 ; thurs. 7.30 p.m. I
Essex CD Squadron), Major F. H. D. C. Whitmore, Wesleyan Methodist, Gainsborough I Rev. Robert Amysr
commanding; Lieut. Frank Rilder, second in com- drive; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. L Rev. Henry J.
mand; F. W. Sheppard, yeomanry squadron sergt.-
major; Squadron Sergt.-Major F. E. Hitchens, drill
7.30 p.m r Blasdale &; Rev.
Wesleyan Methodist, Southchurch I Alfd. E. Whitham.
instructor avenue; I l a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; I
VOLUN~RS. thurs. 7.30 p.m )
1St Essex Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers), No. I Salvation Army Barracks, Clarence street
Battery, Major .T. P. "'bite &; 9 Battery, Capt. F. J. Southend Evangelistic Mission, Union hall, Clarence streelJ
Tolhurst; Surg.-Capt. C. Forsyth, medical officer; ~lission Church of the Good Shepherd, Elizabeth road r
Rev. T. O. Reay, acting ahaplain Southchurch beach, Rev. William Lupton May A.K.C.L.
curate-in-charge; I l a.m. &, 7 p.m.; wed. 4.30 .& 6
PUBLIO OFFICERS. p.m.; daili 7.15 p.m
Admiralty Surgeon, Sydney BridgeI' L.B. C.P.Lond., Congregational Mission Hall, Southchurch beach; 6.30-
M.R.C.S.Eng. Highfield, Hamlet Court road p.m
Inland Revenue Officer, Henry Saunders, I Hillcrest road SCHOOLS.
Inspector of Weights &; Measures &; under the Sale of Food A School Board of 9 members was formed 27 Feb. 1877,
&; Drugs Act &; Petroleum, 'Villiam Simmonds, Alex-
for the parish of Prittlewell &; now for the borough;
andria street Robert tLangton, r Clarence street, c~erk to the board;
Pier 1Iaster, Capt. Frank Edward Kemp, IIS York road S. E. Croxon &; H. A. Ellis, attendance officers
Registrar of Births, Deaths &; Marriages, Prittlewell Sub- London Road Board, erected in 1880, &; enlarged in 1898,
District, Rochford Union, George Bigsby, 26 Park ter for 383 boys, 369 girls &; 400 infants; a:verage attend-
Superintendent Registrar of Rochford District, WiTIiam ance, 363 boys, 369 girls &, 390 infants; George Reed.
Gregson, 46 Alexandra stree.t; deputy, A. G. Milner F.R.G.S. master; Miss Sarah Anne Barlow, mistress;.
Vestry Clerk, 'Villiam Gregson, 46 Alexandra street ~iiss Haigh, infants' mistress
Relieving Officer &; Collector to the Guardians, 1st Dis- Brewery Road Board, built in 1892, &; enlarged in 1894r
trict, Rochford Union, Henry Wing, 49 Ashburnham rd &, again in 1898, at a total cost of about £8,500, for·
Vaccination Officers, Rochford Union, Great Wakering 400 boys, 370 girls &; 400 infants; a.-erage attendance,
Sub-District, Henry Wing, 49 Ashburnham road &; 400 boys, 370 girls &; 380 infants; James George>
Prittlewell sub-district, Arthur BurIes, Swanley, South- Jarvis, master ; Miss Huntley, mistress; Miss Robb,
church road infants' mistress
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Leigh Road Board (boys, girls i& infants), built in
St. John the Baptist Church, Southend, Rev. Thomas T8g6, & a new wing added in May, 1900; the school
William Herbert, vicar; n a.m. &; 3.30 &; 6.30 p.m. ; will hold 360 boys, 360 girls &; 400 infants; average at-
Holy Communion, 8.30 a.m.; wed. 6.30 p.m.; wed. &; tendance, 306 boys, 260 girls & 220 infants; Edwin
fri. 12 noon Cherry, master; Miss M. Bird, mistress; Miss A.
St. Mary the Virgin Church, Prittlewell, Rev. Thomas Pearce, infants' mistress
Osmotherley Reay M.A. vicar; 8 &; n a.m. &; 3 &; Endowed (Prittlewell), erected in 1868, at a cost of about
7.30 p'm'; daily, 6 p.m.; wed. &; fri. 7.30 p.m £1,500 chiefly through the munificen<:e of the Wigram

family, with an endowment from land of £36 a year; Southend Standard, Oliff Town road, John H. Burrows,
these schools hold 257 children, average attendance, publisher; published thurs.· & fri. See advert
230; Edward McCarthy, master; Miss Marian Pease, Sou~hend Telegraph &; Leigh &; Shoeburyness Recorder,
mistress . ' Oliff Town road, J. H. Burrows, proprietor; published
National (mixed), erected in 1860, for 250 children; sat. See advert
average attendance, 142; Mrs. Louisa Raven, mistress; Westcliff & Leigh Express, Clarence road, Southend Boro'
Mrs. Harriet Bughes, infants' mistress Printing Co. Limited, publishers; published fri .
:National, Southchurch (mixed), built in 1851, & enlarged . RAILWAY STATIONS.
in 1894, and now holds 117; average attendance, IJ8; SoutIlend (Tilbury line), Albert Chalk, station master
George Leeds, master Southend (Great Eastern), Oharles Bernard Keen, sta-
Catholic (orphanag!il), for' 80 children;, Sisters of N otre tion. master .
Dame, mistresses. . . PrittlewEill (Grelt Eastern), Thomas Oartwright,. station
Catholic (Elementary), for 200 childrep, under the super- master .
vision of the Board of Education West Cliff (Tilbnry line)' .
Carriers to Prittlewell. John Brown &; Marsh & Sons,
. " , daily ,
Southend Echo, Clarence road,: Southend Boro' Printing Water Conveyances. Steam vessels from the pier, dur-
, ,Co. Limited; published wed. Seeadvert . ing the summer. twice a day, to & from London:
Southend Observer, Alexandra street, Jo,hn Taylor, E. J. &; W. Goldsmith Lim. barges to Sharp's wharf,
publisher; published thurs Wapping ,,
PRIVATE HESlDENTS. Baker Waiter Bright, 102 Hamlet Bels'tead Arthur Henry, 8.0 Bm'debt av.
Abercl'OIIlbie Mrs. Emma, Balmain, Court road, West cliff West cliff, ' . '
Leigh road Baldry Leonard Osborne, St." John's, Bennett Alfred, :;! SL John's road
Absolam Ernest Waiter, 41 Heygate av Dowsett avenue . Bennett Harold, The Cottag-e,Leigh I'd
Absolam Henry, 38 Pleasall't road Baldwin Major Arthur Ernest, Erns- Bennett WaIter Albert, 12 Hamlet road
Ackhurst James Archibald, Ackhurst, brake, Victoria avenue Benton Edward Henry, 2:{ Warrior sq
Boston avenue Baldwin James William, Lulworth, Benton Mrs. 22 Avenue road
Adams Stephen Isaac, Ravenhurst, Finchley road, West cliff Berry George Charles. 25 Retreat I'd
York road Baldwin Mrs. Ernsbrake, Victoria aven Berry James, I I St. Vincent's road
Adams William Hy. Hollies, Canew- Ball Slater, Baxendale, Marine avenue, Berry Mrs. 79 Queen's road
don road, West cliff West cliff Betbs Chas. Ryde villa. Sutton road
Adey Miss, 3.0 Sutton street Ballard Geo. Westmead, St. John's I'd Betts Miss, Hillcrest, Finchley road,
Al9-~I' Francis, Rose lea, Anerley I'd. Baruber Richd. Elmsdale,Boscombe I'd 'West cliff
West cliff Ballllet Wm.HY.32Argyle rd.West cliff Bevan Mrs. Oakwood, Dowsett avenue
Alexander Mwtthew Hv. 61 Avenue I'd Bancroft Miss, 73 Avenue road Bevan Thos.Jas.38 Park field. Avenue I'd
Allan Fredk'48 St.Helen's rd.West cliff Bannester Miss E. S. Crowstone road, Biddell James, .Il7 York rpad
Allan Henry, Havengore, Pembury I'd. Hest cliff Billlam Oharles, I I Cambridge road
West cliff Barcham Wm. Edwards,43 Warrior sq Bill 'fhos.Morgan,Earlsfield.Honiton I'd
AlIaI'd Alfred, Theydon. Valkyrie I'd. Barham Herbert Sargent, Belmont, Billow Frederick, Graydons, Valkyrie
'West cliff Claremont road , road, West cliff .
Allen Chas.4Hurst vils.Southchurch I'd Barker Henry, 43 Tyler's avenue Binstead Mrs. I Imperial' av.West cliff
Allen George, 9 ToledO' road Barnard Mrs.q Trinity aven.West cliff Bird Samuel Alexander, Rhoswen,
Allen Job, Cheshunt, Finchley road, Barnes Miss, 39 Avenue terrace Christchurch road
West cliff Barnes Wm. Hodges, 8 Park terrace Bishop Herbt. Rayleigh, Sutton road
Allen Laurence Edward, Kenley, Cos- Burney William, 23 Park road Bishop Jas. H. 19 Preston rd.West cliff
singtDll road, "'Vest cliff Barns Frank Steward, 16 Baxter aven Bishop Mrs. 4 0 Avenue road
~Plen MisRs,.2h4 AdvenueBroutd Ba,~~s tMI~sfi' Ingleside, 18 Milton I'd'. Bi1.zey Arthur Edgar, 4 8 Argyle rd.
-'ll ergon lC a1' ,33 ax' er avenue ,\ es c 1 ""Vest cliff
AlIin Thomas, 9 Chancellor road Baron Thos. Russell,34 St. John's I'd
Allison WaIter B. 12 Avenue road Barrett John Arthur, Tregony, Ceylon Blackman John, 24 Weston road
Allott John Ernest Cecil, 9 8 York I'd road, West cliff Blake Jack. 13 8 York road
Amis James, Gulval grange, Manor Barrett Robert John, Haslemere, Blencowe Clement, 52 Ashburnham I'd
road, West cliff Clifton drive, West cliff Blows Samuel Am bleside. Eton house,
Amor Charles Lloyd, 30 St. Helen's Barrett William, 34 Heygate avenue Victoria avenue '
'road, West cliff ' B a r t o n Mrs. 13 Retreat I'd. West cliff Bluck WaIter Cardy M.B., C.M. no
.Amys Rev. RDbt.(Wesleyan),5 Park rd Barton William, St. Columb, Cossing- Yo'rk road
Archer Edwin, Ravenscourt,' Hamlet ton road, West cliff Bogen Mrs. WolvertDn, Dowsett aven
Court road, West cliff Bates Henry, 9 Elmer avenue Bolton Chas. Roscare, Surbiton rO;ld
.Archer Wm.Pierremont,I2 Hastings I'd Batley Jas.RbLWorcester vil.1.'heClifIs Bo~acina Mrs. 59 St. Helen's road,
Ardley William John, 30 Queen's road Batten Mrs.63 St. Helen's rd.West cliff We,st cliff
Argent Edwd. In. Ivy vil. Myrtle I'd Bayley Miss, 6 Cromer road Bon-Bernard Louis, 8 Avenue terrace
Arle Frederic Charles, Arlesdene, Baynton Arthur, 37 Scratton road Banner John, 20 Stanley road
Baxter avenue Bax1er Hv. Wm. 31 ·West Cliff parade Bonner M1·s. 8 Chancellor road
Armstrong John, 37 Avenue terrace Baxter Thomas, Roselynn, Leigh road Borrodell Philip Carter, 9 QUE'en's rn
Arnold Carl, 9Q Queen's road BeaI EdmundJn.C1aremont,Victoria av Bosdet Alfred Phillip, Ban-Accord,
Arnold Edward, 57 Leigh road BeaJe John Charles, 136 York road Dowsett avenue
Arthv Alfd. Jsph. 24 St. Vincent's I'd Beale Robert, Gorclon house, Sea£orth Bose .Alfred, QQ Southchurch road
Ascott Thos.36 Burdett av. West cliff road, West cliff Baughley William, 65 Queen's road
Ash.bourne Joseph, 43 Leigh road Beare Mrs. Annie Margaret, Ella- Bovenizer Jas. Hy. 5 Burdett avenne
Ashton Saml. Ivydale, Baxter avenue combe, Pembury road, West cliff Bowerman Frederick, Grimston lodgE',
Aiotenborough Mrs. 34 Baxter a,venue Bentley Frank, Roseclale, Manor road, The Leas, West cliff .
Attwood Wil[iam, Ivydene, Boston av 'West cliff Bowler Burton Ernest, The 1'iook,
Aubrey Thos. 27 Wilson I'd. West cliff Beatty Andw. 2 Preston I'd. West cliff Park crescent
Ault Rev.Ebenezer(Cong-.),2Retreat rdlBeatty Miss, 47 Alexandra road Bowmaker Mrs.21 Wilson rd.We~t cliff
Austin Herbt.q Hadleigh I'd. West cliff Beaver Geo.Fdk.3Anerley rd.West cliff Boyle Mrs. 2 Surbiton road
.Avg-herino Nicholas, San Remo,Canew- Bedford Edward Wilson, qI York I'd Boys Frederick James,. Trevarra,
don road BedwelI Mrs. 2 Gordon road Anerley road, West cliff
Aylett Frederick George, Heathfield, Beedell Edward Couchman, 43 Preston Bradford Horace, Loughboro', Wim-
I'embury road. West cliff road, West cliff borne road
Ayling" Martin Wallace, 72 Leigh road Beeson Henry, 59 Oambridge road Bradford Robert Dan!. 19 Warrior fOCI
Axon Joseph, 43 Avenue road Belcham Charles, 46 York road Bradshaw Ricbard, 6 Hermitage rand
Bacon Thomas James. 16 Kilworth av Belcbam Miss, 9 St. Vincent's road Bramlev Edward, 77 Cambridgf\ road
Baddarns Miss. 72 Park road BeIiiam Mrs. Clarendon, Manor I'd. Brander John, 132 York road
Bailey Frederick, Ditton court, Ditton West cliff BransonLovellWarren,87Cnmbridge I'd
Court road. West cliff Bell; Abrahm.~ Cowper vils.Clarence I'd Brawn Mrs. 16 Elmer tlvenue
Bailey Harold WaIter. 27 Honiton road Bell Chas. Robt. Edwd.55 Ale:xandra I'd Brennan Sidney John, Colombo, Ceylon
Bilimbridge MrS!. 12 Hermitage road Bell Francis Moore, York villa, Sea- road, West cliff
Bill,ar All'xander Stuart, Tilehurst, forth road, West cliff Brett Herbt.Edwn.Valencia, Baxter av
Pemburv road, West cliff Bellingham David Charles, St. Cyres', Briant Richd. S1:ansgate. 91 London I'd
Baker William, 49 York road Baxter avenue Erica Stphn.r6 Hadleigb rd.West cliff
BridgeI' Sidney, 66 Hamlet Court rd. Byford John, Fairlight, Anerley road, Coleman WaIter James, 45 Avenue rd
West cliff West cliff Collier Frederick, Acacia lodge, 4
Bridgland William Ebenezer, Doric Byford Thomas, Bangor, Sutton road Cambridge road
lodge, Wickford road Cabuche Hy.Leon'71 .Burdett av.West Collier William, 68 Leigh road
Bright Chas. Waldenny, West Cliff av Caouche Henry Lean, 71 Burdett aven. Collins Edward Alfred, Branshill,
Brightman Mrs. 24 Gordon road West cliff Meteor road, West cliff
Brightwell In. Rumbelow.I5 Royal ter Cadman ·Wallace. 1$ Retreat road, Callins Hy. Geo. 128 Hamlet Court rd
Briscoe Mrs. Dargai. Claremont road \iT est cliff Coney Charles, 45 Queen's road
Britain Frederick, 25 West Cliff parade Calder Hugh Alex. 41 Avenue road Connabee Albert J anles, Rozel, Dow-
Broadberry Mrs.Glenrosa,WestCliff av Calvert Robert Murray, CeylOll, 14 sett avenue
Broadley John George, Trelawney ho. Kilworth avenue Cook Chas.Gladys villa, Church road
Surbiton road Cameron Saml. Culloden, Baxter aven Cook Henry Thomas, Sandiacre,
Brock I?rederick William, Mayville Camp Thomas Wm. 31 Hastings I'd Wimborne road
villa, Medina road, West cliff Campbell Colin, 25 St. Vincent's I'd Cook Tom Jas. Nissafors, Sutton Toad
Brockbank Jsph.Jas.36 Cambridge I'd CampbeU George Henry, Albert house, Cooke Charles, 38 Gordon road
Brockbank Percy, 34 Argyle road, Milton road, West cliff Cooke Frederick Ormsby, Kingsclere,
West cliff Campbell Robt.Bowie, 7 West Cliff par Anerley road, West cliff
Brook John R. E. 63 Ashburnham I'd Campling George Parry, Eversleigu, Comber Walter, Dinwald, Victoria avn
Brooks Mrs. 12 Argyle I'd. West cliff R'etreat road, West cliff Coombes Thomas Couchman, 40 St.
Brown Arthur James Read, Claremont, CandleI' John, 7 Avenue terrace Helen's road, West cliff
Pembury road, West cliff Canton Miss, 19 York road Coombs Geo. Sea view, 12 Avenue ter
Brown Charles Perry, 41 Kilworth av Cantor Ferdinand, 88 Park road Coombs J oseph, 22 High street
Brown Edwin James. 21 Preston I'd. Carman Edward Garwood, Avondale, Cooper Mrs. Rocliffe. Dowsett avenue
West cliff 45 London roa,d Cooper Thomas, 12 Nelson terrace
Brown Frederick 'William, 6 Palmeira Carpenter John. 12 Hamlet Court I'd. Copman Percy James, 85 St. Helen's
avenue, West cliff 'Vest cliff . road, West cliff
Brown George. x6 Lancaster gardens Carpenter In. Thos.63 Southchurch av Cordy Mrs. Ley'burn, Anerley road,
Brown Geo.Milton ho.Hamlet Court I'd Carr John, 10 Hermitage road West cliff
Brown Hy. Belsfield, Victoria avenue Carr Mrs. Stoneleigh, 'l'he Cliffs Corke Charles Edwin, 33 Preston I'd.
Brown Henry, 15 St. Vincent's road Carruthers James Benzie, 99 South- West cliff
Brown James, 75 Cambridge road church avenue Cotgrove David, 41 Queen's road
Brown Jas. Wynnstay, Boston avenue Carsini Frank,' St. Ronan's, Hamlet Cottrell Mrs. 4 Toledo road
Brown Jesse Ambrose, Chepstow lodge, Court road, West cliff Coulson William, Umbilo, Clifton
Victoria avenue Carter Edwd.Chas.Esendene,Boston av drive, West cliff .
Brown Miss, Crowstone I'd. West cliff Catmull Hy. Wm. 47 Southchurch av Coultas E,rnest O. W. 14 Hillcrest· I'd
Brown Mrs. Rushmere, Boston avenue Cattell Geo.Fdk.I3Argyle rd.West cliff Cowley Mrs. St. Kilda, Valkyrie iI'oad,
Brown Sidney, 27 Burdett av.West cliff Cattle Edward, Carville, Anerley rd. West cliff
Brown WaIt. Haslemere, Finchley road West cliff Cox F'rank, 4 'Wilson road
Brown William, IS 'St. John's road Cause Mrs. Woodford 10. Victoria av Cox Henry Thomas, 18 Warrior square
Brown William Robert Gilmour, 5 Cuwker Samuel, 109 York road Cox In. Lutse, 35 Preston I'd. West clff
Marine avenue, West cliff Chadney Charles Victor, 7 Burdett Cox Wm. Hy. 8 'rrinity av. West cliff
Brown Mrs. Regina, Leigh road avenue, West cliff Craig Miss, 59 Alexandra road
Bruce Henry Thomas, Fernshaw, Chalk Edwin, IIX York road Craig Thomas H. 81 Alexandra road
Anerley road, West cliff Challen David, 53 London road Crane Alfred ·Wm. 4 Cheltenham road
Bruford Edwin, 12 Baxter avenue Challenger Mrs. Southbank, Canew- Crane lAlId. Wm. jun. 3 Cheltnhm. rd
Bruno Hy.Augustine, Fernlea, Anerley don road Cranston William, Glendaurel, Milton
road, West cliff Chamberlain George, 21 Heygate avan road, '"Vest cliff
Bruton Mrs. 5 Glendale tel'. Anerley Cha,pman Alexander Charles, East- Creswick Leonard, Claremont, Hamlet
road, West cliff dene, Cromer road Court road, West cliff
Duckland Arth. Ilminster, Leigh road Chapman Alfred Jas. 21 Avenue ter Grofts Archer Denman, 18 Elmer aven
Buckle Frederick, Aberfoyle, Valkyrie Chapman Mrs. 10 Baxter avenue Cronshey Miss,Glencairn,",Vest Cliff av
road, Wl'st cliff Chance Arthur, 21 West Cliff parade Cross Mrs. 24 Park terrace
Buhl Theodore, 8 Lancaster gardens Charlton Mrs. I I Avenue road Crosse Rudolph, 18 Honiton road
Bulbick James, 23 Pleasant road Chidley Charles Cutler, 29 St. Helen's Crothall Harry George, Danbury,
Bull Alfd. 83 St. Helen's rd. West cliff road, West cliff Wimborne road
Bull Joseph Cecil, Wilcote, Cobharn Chignell William Joseph, 21 Grove rd Grouch Jas. Glenside, ,"Vimborne road
road, West cliff Clamp Charles James, The Laurels, Crouch Jas. Wm. Rosedene, Leigh I,d
Bull Hobert Kilvington, Rosslyn, Ditton Court road, West cliff Grow William Lawrence, Crow's Nest,
Dowsett avenue· Clappen Edwd. C-orinium, Wickford rd Dowsett avenue
Burch Henry,S Lancaster gardens Clark Charles, 102 York road Crowe John Tudor, 2 Marine avenue,
Burdett Mrs. 41 Baxter avenue Clark Frank, Cambodia, York road West cliff
Burg-ess Robert Geo. 109 Queen's I'd Clark John, St. Margaret's, Victoria av Crowley George, 130 York road
B1;!rke WaIter, Th8leme, Anerley rd. Clark Mrs. 6 Station par. West cliff Cullum Henry John, Coolgardie,
West cliff Clark Mrs. John Coutie, Studleigh. Marine avenue, West cliff
Burles Arthur, 73 Southchurch road Ceylon road Damant .Tames, 3 The Sheaves, St.,
BurIes Henry, 66 York road Clarke Charles, 201 York road John's Toad
"BurIes Mrs. Lake house, Church road Clarke Ernest William, lIB Hamlet Culverhouse George, 31 Heygate aveIl
"Burnett Thos. Love, 75 Alexandra rd Court road, West cliff Cunningham George Matthew, S
Burnett William E: J. 41 Stanley road Clarlre Hy. In. Chalfont, Wimborne rd Hastings road
"Burr Francis Henry, 25 Baxter aven Clarke William, 102 Southchurch aven Cunningham Mrs. Church road
Burrid?e Robert. Dun-Roy, Fincbley Clemence Robert, IS Heygate avenue Curnock Rev. N ehemiah, Lothian ho.
road, West cliff Clements Nelson, 63 Avenue road Park crescent
Burrows John Henry, 16 Warrior sq Olifford Rev. John (Congregational, 122 Curtis Robert Leabon, 41 Argyle road,
Burt John, I Lydford rd. West cliff Southchurch avenue West cliff
"Burton Benjamin Charles, Glenfern, Clifford Mrs. 18 St. John's road Curwood Charles, 84 Leigh road
Annerlev road, West cliff Clithrow Alfd. Wo-odleigh, Boston aven Cuthbe,rt Edwin, 92 Southchurch aven
Burton Clifford Henry, Morthoe, Val- Clough Miss, 4 London road Cuthbert George, 6 Hillcrest road
kyrie road, West cliff Clunn Miss, St. Kilda, Baxter avenue Cutler Edwd,Ernest,TheNest,Leigh I'd
Burton Edwd.T.I Burdett av.West cliff Coates Harry Whitfield, 3 Argyle rd. Cutler James H. S2 Park road
"Burton Henry, Halford. Baxter avenue West cliff Cutler Mark, 23 Avenue road
Burwood Francis. IQ Kilworth avenue Cobb Richard, 9 Royal terrace Dale Charles George, 15 Argyle road,
"Bush 'Miss, 3 Capel terrace Cockerel! Charles, Roseneath,Baxter av West cliff
Bust 2'ofrs. 13 Avenue road Cockerton Herbert Alfred, 23 Argyle Daly Capt. Charles Valentine, Trieste,
·Bntcher Alfred. 88 Queen's road road, West cliff Valkyrie road, West cliff
Butler Chas.5ISt.Helen's I'd.West cliff Cole Francis Henry, Vermont, :Marine Damant .Tames, 3 The Sheaves, St.
Butler Gea. Veronica, Do"Wsett avenue avenue, West cliff John road
"Butler Thomas Hnrris, 6 Palmeirn Cole Hy. Hastin~s ho. I Hastings I'd Damant Mrs. 13 Lydford I'd. West cliff
gardens, West cliff Cole Miss, 70 Park road Darby Mrs. I I Hadleigh road
BIltlin Mrs. Glenwood, Cossington I'd. Cole William L. Beechcroft, Cossington Darbyshire Henry, 10 Royal terrace
West cliff . road, West cliff Darke William Thos. I Capel terrace

Buxton Thomas Arth. 68 Queen's road

Bntt James Edgar, .:;3 Alexandra road Collbran Thomas Henry, 26 Burdett Dausque Edouard, SI Alexandra Toad
avenue, West cliff Davey Frank, 93 York road

Davies A. Arth. 10 St. Leonard's I'd Eagles Edmund John, Fircroft, Finch- Folks Arthur WiIliam, 35 Baxter aven
Davies Chas.Glenholm,I4 Hastings I'd ley road, West cliff Fontes Mrs. IS Preston rd. West cliff
Davies F,rederick, Beach mount, Eaton Charles, Canbury,Hamlet Court Foot William John, I Queen's road
Genesta road, West cliff road, West cliff Forbe.s Lindsey, 5 Argyle I'd. West cliff
Davies John William, Davallia, Aner- Edmondson Isaac, Belgrave villa, The Ford Charles Murray, 65 Burdett. av.
ley road, West cliff Cliffs W e,st cliff
Davis Fdk. Acacia, 1'8 Lancaster gdns Edmondson James, The Glen, 21 Ford Franci,sHy.Christphr.26Hamlet ra
Davis Frank Philip, :North Ham, Wim- Hamlet Court road, West cliff FOIld Frank, I I Burdett av. West cliff
borne road :Edwards Charles, 1'6 Hamlet road Forrester Mrs. 8 Hadleigh rd.WsLcliff
Davis Herbert, 16 Hermitage road Edwards Dudley, 3 Trinity avenue, Forsyth Mrs. Percy villa, Ham:et
Davis John William, 98 Leigh road West cliff Court road, West cliff
Davis Joseph, 100 York road Edwards }<~rancis James, Pevensey, Foster Edward, 17 Hadleigh road
Davis Miss, 50 Park road Boscombe road Foster Herbel't, 70 Leigh road
Davis Mrs. 34 Hamlet road Edwards George Henry D. Sunlmry, Foster .Tohn SamI. 10 London road
Dawson Robert, Holmbrook, Valkyrie Darnley road Foster Mrs.Linkinhorne,Leamngtn. I'd
road, West cliff Edwards James Edwin, 8I St. Helcu's Foster Wm. Homeleigh, West Cliff av
Dean William Samuel, St. Mark's road, West cliff Fotheringham Wm. B. 19 St.John's I'd
house, 4 Lancaster gardens Eggleston Miss, 29 Warrior square Foulger William John, 8~ London I'd
Dear Clement, Kingston, Boston aven Elam William, 18 Retreat rd.West cllT Fowler Wm. 2 WilsoIl I'd. West c:itI
Death Wm. Leith villas, Prittlewell st Elgar Stanton, 78 Burdett avenue, Fox Edmund, 28 Argyle I'd. West cli!;
de Oastelberg Antoine, 124 York road West cliff Fox Edward, 2] St. Vincent's road
Dela Cuesda Mrs. Louisa, Glyn villa, EllingerRobert John, Ivylea, Anerley Francis Charles Edward, Normau-
Sutton road road, 'Vest cliff hurst, Claremont road
Delano-T'hompson Harry, 4 St. Vin- Ellinghouse Albert, 23 Baxter avenue Francis Hugh, 29 Stanley road
cent's road Elliott Oharles E. 18 Park road Francis Joseph, 9 Wilson road
de Lyons-Pike Charles William, 43 Elliott Frederick, 10 Marine avenue, Frank Edward John, Marine house,.
Argyle road, West cliff West cliff Manor road, West cliff
De Veal' Miss, 45 Alexandra road Elliott Thomas, Regent house, Aner- Frallkland Wm. C. Shirley, South-
Dennington Richd. 84 Southchurch av ley road, ""Vest cliff church road
Dennis Benjamin, Hatfield house, Vic- Elliston Charles, 10 Avenue terrace Frantz.mall Henry, 24 Hermitage rd_
toria avenue Elston Edward, 97 York road West cliff
Dennis John Taylor, 105 Queen's road Emerson Frank, 17 Lydford road, Fraret Armand, 132 Southchurch av
DeweySamuel Henry, IS Hadleigh I'd West cliff F"aser Mrs. 68 Burdett av. West cliff
Dharwar Dorabji Edalji, 2 Palmeira Emerson Henry In. 4 West Cliff par Freakley John Charles, 4 Burdett
avenue, West cliff Emmerson Miss, 93 Park road avenue, West clitI
Diaper Frank, Tintagel, Baxter aven Endacott A.rthur Goldie, The Myrtles, Freeman Alfred George, Manor house,.
Dickens Herbt. Bagley, 32 Baxter avell 32 Baxter avenue Manor road, West cliff
Dicketts William, 123 York road English Rev. William WatSQn M.A., Freeman John, Austral, Baxter aven
Dickie Mrs. Burleigh lodge, Manor D.C.L. 25 Lydford road, West cliff Freeman John, I Runwell terrace
road, West cliff Ennals Rev. GeorgB Thomas (Bapt.), Freeman Mrs. 54 Napier avenue
Dickinson George William, 31 Argyle 23 Norfolk avenue FI'eund-Cook Joseph, Marton, Marine
road, West cliff Ensor Fredk. Geo. 14 St. Vincent's I'd avenue, West cliff
Dickinson John, Deckham, Leigh road Erwood Mrs. 197 York road Frith Mrs. Manseville, Seaforth road,.
Dickson Mrs. 4 Cromer road E,thridge Mrs. Selby, Oromer road West cliff
Dickson Thomas, 137 York road Evans Mrs. 89 Cambridge road Fritzgibbon William John, 1I Argyle
Diedrichs Fredrioh, Marine villa, Evers Geor-ge, 21 Church J'oad road, West cliff
Olaremont road Ewer Herbert Charles, Ravenscroft, Fryer Augnstus Edgar, I George I'd
Digby Mrs. SI Queen's road Manor road, West cliff Fuller Mrs. 40 t,!ueen's road
Dixon Capt. Thos. 19 Heygate avenue Ewin Alfred,2 Palmeira gdns.West clff Fyson Frederick Wm. Ernest Cowles,.
Dixon Mrs. Rose bank, Canewdon I'd Ewin Alfred, 16 West Cliff parade 6 Park terrace
Dobbin Thos. Paul, 39 London road Ewings Walter Alfred, 49 Burdett Gain .Toseph Alfred, 7 Leamington I'd
Dodds Wm. J. l"elbrigg, Wimborne I'd avenue, West cliff Gaitskell Wm. Newballk, 120 York I'd
Donald Archibald, 34 Park road Falkingbridge Wm. 36 Hamlet road Gamble Robert, Bryngelly, ID
Donovan James, Milford 10. Park cres Falle Wm. Philip, I Christchurch road Hastings road
Dougal Charles, 6 Retreat I'd. West cItI Farrow Mrs. 144 York road Gardner Mrs. Martin, St. Monica,.
Douglas Harry, 45 Preston road, Faulkner ,Sidney, Westfield, Ditton Slltton road
West cliff Court road, West cliff Gardner William, 9 Palmeira gar-
Douglas Mrs. The Bungalow, St. Feast Mrs. _\lice Brvant, •
122 Hamlet dens, We,st cliff
John's road Court road, West cliff Garon Harry, 55 York road
Dowding Frederick Charles, Harleigh, Fellows Henry Douglas, 6g Ashburn. Garon Mrs. 9 Marine aven. "Vest cliff
Dowsett avenue ham road Garrad Miss, 78 Park road
Dowsett Thomas J.P. 'Rayne villa, Fergusson Rev. John Moore M.A. Ganard Joseph, 28 Kilworth avenue
Victoria avenue (Pres.), Dalnabreck, Dowsett aven Gatward Mrs. 41 Ashburllham road
Dowsett Thomas, jun. 57 Ashburn. Few Joseph, Ceylon road, West cliff Geisel Geo. Christphr. 25 Warrior sey
ham ,road Fielding William, 7 Palmeira gardens, Genge .Tames Charles, 10 Al'gyle
Dowsett 'WaIter Bradley, Rookwood, West cliff road, West cliff
Heygate avenue Fidge John Henry, 22 West Cliff par Gihbs Samuel Percy, 22 Hermitnge rJ.
Draper 'Charles, 93 Southchurch aven Field Andrew, 6 London road Giffin Mrs. 2 Elmer avenue
Draper Edward Herbert, Ravenroyde, Field Harry, 5 Hermitage road Gilbert .Tames, 37 Argyle I'd. West clHf
The Cliffs Field James, 33 Argyle road,West cliff Gilburt Henry, Otford viI. Sutton nl
Drenon Charles E. 5 St. Helen's road Field John, 55 Alexandra road Gillbody Miss, 45 Argyle I'd. West cliff
Drummond Mrs. Strathearn, Medina Fielder Wm. Baslow, Wimborne road Giles Miss, 20 Avenue road
road, West cliff Finer Joseph Edward, Cliff side, Pal- Gilli Algiso, 85 Cambridge road
Ducat Andrew, 7 Hermitage road mer-ston Toad, West cliff GilfWn Joseph, Florence villa, The
Duff Ernest, Clareville, Baxter avenue Finlay Archibald, 8 Devereux terrace Cliffs
Dulley Joseph, 3 'foIe do road Firth Frederick, Marlee, Seaforth rd. Ginzler Frederick, 103 York road
Duncan Stuart Edgar, 23 St. Vin- West cliff Giudici Angelo J. Homeleigh, Cos-
cent's road Fish William Samuel, 139 York road sington road, West cliff
Dunmore Fredk. John, 15 Warrior sq Fisher Ambrose Ebenezer,30HaJlllet I'd Gladding Alfred, 22 Baxter avenue
Dunsber Frank Elphic, 3'8 Old Fisher Frede,rick Henry, •
Westower, Gledhill Mrs. 27 Tylers avenue
Southend road Cobham road, West cliff Glenny Edward Henry, I Palmeira-
Dupee Rev. Jesse (Baptist), Treveale, Fisher Miss, 50 Ashburnham road avenue, West cliff
Hermitage road Fisher Miss, 42 Cambridge road Glessing William, 30 London road
Dupre Edwd. Lyndale, Wimborne I'd Fisher Mrs. 13 Avenue terrace Glover Charles Alfred, 80 York road
Dury Charles James, Montreal, Aner- Flaxman Arthur, 44 Scratton road Glove.r Mrs. 35 Scrutton road
ley road, West cliff Flaxman James Catchpole, 70 South- Glynn Herbert Justice, Meere lodge,
Dutfield Mrs. Lyndale, 20 Kilworth church road Dowsett avenue
avenue Fleming Lewis John, 21 Kilworth aven Goad Mrs. 10 HilIcrest road
Dyson Joseph William, 45 Leigh road Fletcher Elliott Geo. 18 London road Goddin Edgar Alfred, 48 Park road
Eagles Clement Sl'ptimus, St. Elmo, Flick Charles, 103 Queen's road Godfrey .J ohn Arlolphuls, 9 Retreat
Medina road, West cliff Floyd Oharles, Acre ho. Prittlewell st road, West cliff
Going Reginald H. Oban, Wim- Hummond Harod Robert, Coniston, Hoare WaIter, Sunny Lawn,Dowsett aY'
borne road Claremont road Hobbiss W~lliam Y. 107 York road
Going Wm. Francis ha. Wim:borne I'd Hampton William, Pembury house, Hobbs Edward, 39 Baxter avenue
GoIding Alfred John, 31 Avenue ter Pembury road, West cliff Hobbs Henry, 73 Cambridge road
Gonnard Joseph, I Church Toad Hancock Edwin, Bermuda, Baxt-er av Hobbs Hy.Wm.Leon,18 SLVincent's I'd
Goodacre Artbur Dixon, Lyndale, Handley Charles, Brooklyn house, Hockey .Albt.Edwin,Gascarie,Baxter aY'
Manor road, West cliff The Cliffs Hodgson Christopher Combe, Aber-
G()()dall HaI'TY William, 66 South- Hanford Edwd. William,23 Warrior sq maw, Valkyrie road, West cliff
church road Hansen Mrs. Claremont, Medina I'd. Hodgson Victor James L.R.'C.P.Lond.
Goading Miss, 35 Ashburnham road West cliff Inverary, 50 Argyle road
Goodman Charles, I I Pulmeira aven. Harborow Edward, 61 Alexandra road Hotrmann August, Rosenthal, 14 Lan·
West cliff Harding William, 16 Argyle road, caster gardens
Gorringe Charles, Mallerstein, Finchley West cliff Holder Edward, Stanfield, Dowsett aY'
road, West cliff Hardy William, 38 St. Vincent's road Holds,t{)ck John :Stephen, Boscombe
Gosling Charles, Appledore, 8 Has- Hargreaves Henry, Ashlea, Anerley I'd. house, B?soombe road .
tings road West cliff Holland WIlliam John, 94 Lelgh road
Gosling- Mrs. 50 Cambridge road Harlow Alfred, Wimborne ho. Wim- Hollick Sidney R. I Pembury road,
Gow Robert, Gleniffer, Medina road, borne road West cliff
West cliff Harries James, Avon, Wimborne road Holliday In. Fairfield, Dowsett avenue
Grabham Miss, Lavenders, Boston av Harrington 1Villiam, I Elmer avenue Holliday Sidney Herbert, 27 Argyle I'd.
Grace Charles M. Hurecourt, Ceylon Harriil Harold, Donavourd, Boston av West cliff
road, 'Vest cliff Harris Henry, Manila, Boston avenue Holloway Chas-4Richmond av.Leigh I'd
Grace R. W. Lindisfarne college, Vul- HUrl'is Miss, Lyndall, Baxter avenue HollowayMrs.lnvel'cnuld,Hermitage rd
kyrie rond, Westcliff-on-Sea Hurrison Basil Henry, 59 London road Holza.pfel Leo, 44 London road
Grahum Mrs. 15 Park crescent Harrison Collpitts, 30 St. Vincent road Hood Mrs. 26 Queen's road
GrammeI' Charles William, 6 Hadleigh Harrison »lrs. 97 Queen's road Hooper Philip H. 10 Cambridge road
road, We,st cliff Burrison Sydney Alfred, 61 Old Hopkins Revers Alfred, II4 York road
Grant Robert, 28 London Toad Southend road Hopkins John, 62 Hamlet Court road,
Gray Hector, 8 St. Vincent's road Hartland Miss, 27 Elmer avenue West cliff
Gray William Francis, 108 York road Hartley Mrs. 37 Warrior square Home Frederick Jam~s, St. Kit's,
Gread Charles John, Sunnyholm, Cos- Harvey Miss, 3 2 Park road Anerley road, West clIff
sington road, West cliff Harvey Mrs. 47 Queen's road Horsley Chas. 23 Burdett av.West cliff
Greeg Henry, 4 Trinity av.West cliff Ha,rvey Percy, 65 Avenue road Horsley Chas. Wm: 26 St. John's I'd
Green Geo. Kingsdale, 7 Baxter aven Harwar Samuel EuO'ene The Elms, Horsley Mrs. 7 Homton road
Green James, I l Elmer avenue 40 Pleasant road "" . Horsley William Hy. 4 Hermitage I'd
Green John, Glasnevin, Dowsett aven Haslock Miss, I Lancaster gardens Horton Geor~e,. 70 Hamlet road .
Green John, 97 Southchurch avenue Hassell Fredk. Alma villa Bourne- Hossack WlllIam Taylor, RoslIn,
Greenaway Sidney Herbert, Sunnyside, mouth Pa,rk road ' Finchley road, West cliff
Hermitage road, West cliff Hasted William Robt. 6 Warrior sq I Hought-on Miss, 72 Hamlet road .
Greenhalgh .John Franeis, White Lee, Hatfield Edwd. 44 Argyle rd.West cliff Hownrd Alfd. 42 Argyle I'd. West clIff
Dowsett avenue Haylett Willie, Taychreggan, Clare- Ho~ard Ernest, 58 St. Helen's road,
Gregory Augustus, Westcroft, Ceylon mont road 'West cliff
road, West cliff Huynes Frederick William,199 York I'd Howard Harold, 35 Leigh road
Gregory Wm. Gregory, 4 2 Heygate av Hayward Wm. Griffin, 8 Warrior sq Howaro Mrs.Hereford ho. 16 Park ter
Gregson Frederic, oq High street Hm:ell Mrs. Phamix villa, Leigh road Howard Samuel, 2 Cromer road .
Gregson Mrs. 61 Warrior square Heading John, 3 Hastings road. Howell Mrs. 8 Retreat I'd. West cbff
Gregson William, 8 Royal terrace Hearnden John, 27 Avenue terrace Howell Mi~ses, 39 Pleasan~ road.
Greig Mrs. 146 Southchurch road Hea,sman William James, 53 York I'd Howell Orr1Oe .Alfred,Oaklelgh,Lelgh I'd
Grestook Frank Hugh, 8 Hermi- Heath Mrs. 38 Park road Howell Wm. Clifford, 38 London road
tage road Heath Thomas Normanhurst Anerley Hubbard Chalt~m, Hautville,Avenue I'd
Grey Frederick, Aldersmead, Dow- road West ~liff ' Hudson Jas. In. 26 St. Vincent's I'd
sett avenue Heavi~gham Wil1iam 7 Lydford I'd. Hudson Lionel, 9 Argyle I'd. West cliff
Griffin Mrs. Twickenham villa, Run- West c l i f f ' Hudson Mrs. Cliffside, The Cliffs
well terrace Heddle Wm. Redland, Victoria avenue Hughes Jo.hJ.1' 2 Runwel~ terrace
Grimsley EH, 136 York road Hedger Lewis Frederick, Elmlea, Hughes WIlham, 15 Hastmgs road .
Grinling- Miss, 8 Burdett av. West cliff Anerley road, West cliff Hunsdon Ja,s. 12 rd.West cl~ff
Grisdale John, 10 Retreat I'd. West cliff Hellen Mrs. The Hermitage, Her- Hunt Aubrey, I I TrInIty ~v. West clIff
Grist Thomas, Mill ho. Avenue road road Hunter Ernes.t, 41 Warr~or square
Grosvenor Henry, Sunnycroft, Marine Hendle Louis Beechcroft Claremont I'd Hurman BenJ. S. Denblgh, York I'd
avenue, West cliff Hendriks Philip, Ditto~ Court road, HllrndalI Chas. 6 Preston I'd. West cliff
Grundy John Henry, 52 St. Helen's West cHff Hurndall'Mrs.Chandpore,Claremont I'd
road, West cliff Henn Mrs. 3 Avenue road Hurst Mrs. 10 Palmeira av. West cliff
Guiver Miss, 76 Park street Henn Mrs. 6 Avenue road Hurt Alfred Edward, Woodhurst, 5
Gundy John Henry, 12 Honiton road Herbert Rev. Thos. Wm. M.A. (vicar Kilworth avenue
Hackworth John, Germania, Palmer- & surrogate), Dit,ton Court road Hyde James, C:rohamhurst, Anerley
ston road, West cliff Heslop Thos. 17 6 North I'd. Prittlewell road, ~~st chff .
Hailley Frederick, 15 Wilson road, Hewitt James, Tweedsmur, Station Hy_de Willlam, MaVlswood, Manor I'd.
West cliff road West cliff West cliff
Hadrill WaIter, 17 West Cliff parade Heygate James Unwin, 14 York road Idris Thomas Howell Williams, Pem-
Haggar Mrs. 7 Argyle I'd. West cliff Hicldenton Herbert John, Rothbury, bury tQwer, Pembury I'd. West cliff·
Hailey Henry, Thelma, Boston avenue St. Helen's road, West cliff Iggleden John, 101 York road
Han Art:hur Edwin, The :Boltons, Higgin Francis John, St. John's viI. Iles Henry William, 127 York road'
Medina road, West cliff The Cliffs Inglis Miss, Seaforth, Buxter avenue
Hall John, 4 Avenue terrace Higgins William, 12 Wesley road Ingram Frederick, 30 West Cliff par
Hall John .Eben, Rowans, Seaforth I'd. Higgs Miss, 13a , Avenue road Ing-ram James Colbert, ~Tgyle house,
West clIff Hill Charles James, 30 Ba;xter avenue Seaforth road, West clIff
Hall Mrs. 25 Avenue terrace Hill Frederick Morley F.S,S. 18 Royal Ingram Mrs.Woodleigh vil.Clarence st
HaU William, Beeleigb, Boston aven terrace; &, Northlands, Laindon hills Ingram Robert, Clarence street
Hall William Edgerton,1 Palmeira gar- Hill Walter J. 67 Queen's road Jack Mrs. 56 St. Helen's I'd. 'West cliff
dens, West cliff Hilliker William, Chetwood, :Bourne- Jackaman George, Aylestone lodge,
Hallee Mrs. 13 Park crescent mouth Park rood Milton road, West cliff
Hallett Mrs. 35 Avenue road Hi!lks Alfred Grosvenor M.B. 40 St. Jackson John, I Preston I'd. West cliff
Hamilton Rev. Edward (Congrega- Vincent's road Jackson Jsph.5 Palmeira av.West cliff
tional), Brightside, Pembury road, Hinton LutherWm.152Southchurch I'd Jackson Miss, Bankford, Seaforth I'd. cliff Hinton Mrs. 86 'Southchurch avenue West cliff
Hamilton ArMlUr, Hillhead, Yalkyrie Hirst Henry, 25 Argyle I'd. West cliff JacksonMrs.Roachbourne,3sAvenue ter
road, West cliff Hitchcock Joseph, 7 Kilworth avenue Jackson Robert A. Glencoe, Manor
Hammond George Fredk. lIS York I'd Hoad Edwin .Alfd. Lonsdale,The Cliffs road, West cliff
Hammond Mrs. 47 Scratton road Hoad Mrs. 3 Cambridge road I.Tacob George, 40 Park rogd
Jakins Sidney M-ilroy, Minard,Vall,yl'ie Klobman Mrs. Bolton villa, The Cliffs Lindley Miss" 9 Preston J·d. West c1ill
I'oad, West cliff Knight Ebenezer L. 21 St. John's rd Lindsey Edward, 25 Tyler's avenue
Jurues Fredl,. J11. 13 St. Vincent's I'd Knight Fredk. George, 42 Park road Ling Edward, Bal!arat., Dowsett aveIl
JUUles George, Hill crest, Belle Vue Knig-lJtsmith William, !O1 South- Ling Robert, 9 Cambridge road
road, Southchurch road churcl.l avenue Ling-wood Mrs. 33 St. John's rOQd
James Miss, 24 Park road Kotchie Frederick, 42 Leigh road List Mrs. 91 York road
James Mrs. 28 West Cliff parade Kraushaar William Joseph, 43 .Alex- Little Mrs. 4 Park terrace
Jarritt William, 36 Alexandra street andra road Loan James, 19 St. Helen's road~
Ja.I'vis Fredk. Geo.Villa Rosa,Baxter av K,yberd Henry, 48 Ashburnham road West cliff
Jarvis J-ames George, Ivy meath, 3 .Labett William John, 29 Argyle road, Lomas James, 27 Heygate avenue
Kilworth avenue West cliff Lomax Major William Machin, IIolm-
.Tay Alfred T. 26 West Cliff parade Lacey Charles Edward, 18 Hermi- royd, Valkyrie road, West cliff
Jay Mrs. 65 St. Helen's rd. West cliff tage road . Lamer Edward, 4 Marine av. West cliff
Jebh Mrs. 63 Warrior sqUillre Lake Chas. Thos. 14 St. John's road Lose John Edward, 16 Heygate avellll~
Jefferies Harry John, Craigowan, Bos- Lake William Bentall, 88 York road Loury Mrs. 13 West Cliff parade
combe road Lamb Mrs. 12 Wilson road Lowden Erne,st, Q Heygate avenue
Jefferies Mrs. Carlton 10dge,Boston av Lambert Charles Walter, 90 York rd Lucas WaIter, 39 Alexandra road
Jeffery Jas. O. KestrelI, Baxter avenue Lamplugh Richard, Beverly, Medina Luckhurst Mrs. 31 Avenue road
Jeffries Joseph, SI Milton street road, West cliff Lucking Christopber, 37 Alexandra rd
Jennings Alfred, 5 Buxter avenue Lamprell Ernest Ely, The White house, Lucldng Edward, Kendal, Boston aven
Jewell John J. 14 Hamlet road Ditton Court road, West cliff Luff Ernest Joseph, Elmdene, Hamlet
Jinman George Webster, Longwood, Lamprell Wm. John, 24 Norfolk aven Court road, West cliff
Leamington road Lampriere Henry, S Trinity avenue, Lungley William, Field ho. Leigh I'd
Johnson Chas.52 Burdett av.West cliff West cliff' Lyle Jobn Peters, 10 Hamlet road
Jobnson Henry, 8S Avenue road Lamude Mrs..'1 .Anerley rd. cliff Mabbs Thomas, SI York road
Johnson Luther Vincent, Faraday ha. I..andguist Justus, Park ho. Manor McCarthy James,8 Preston rd.Wst.cliJI
Ceylon road, West cliff road, West cliff McCleery Rev. James (Baptist), Silver-
Johnson Magnus, Dinis, Claremont rd Lang Rev. Henry Obarles M.D. (vicar mere, Bost-on avenue
Johnson Miss, 17 Albert road of All Saints, Porter's Town), All McCreary Albert Edwd. 24 Heygate av
.Tohnstone Mrs. 15 Avenue terrace Saints' vi,carage, Lancaster gardens McEwen Mrs. ~.1 Park road
Jones Claude James, II9 York road Langdale Mrs. 59 Leigh road McGiIl Mrs. I I Weston road
Jones Frank Silva M.B. Cla,rence ha. Langridge Albert Kent, 27 Preston McBugo Christopher William, 35 War-
37 High street road, West cliff rior square
.Tones Fredk. Southminster, Leigh I'd Langton Mrs. 32 Avenue road Macintosh James Duncan, 2 Casio-
.Tones Geo. Wyoming, Dowsett avenue Lang-ton Robert, 29 St. Vincent's road bury terrace
Jones George Francis, Clarence house, Le Riviere William, Holmbury, Bos- Mackay Colin, West bank, Victoria llV
37 High street & West Cliff house, combe road McKenna Rev. Patrick (Catholic),
Trinity avenue Larke John Richard, 31 Kilworth aven Milton road
Jones Harry, 57 Avenue road Larman George, Oaklea, West Cliff av McKenna Joseph Henry, 2 St. Vin-
Jones Horace, Briarlea, Anerley road, Larnach William, 36 Leigh road cent's road
West cliff Latham William Henry, Belmont, Mackenzie Thomas Kenneth, Marine-
Janes Mrs. Glenwood, Richmond aven. Anerley road, West cliff lodge, The Leas, West cliff
Leigh ro'ad Lauezzari Henry, 10 Burdett avenue, Maclaurin Alexander, 43 Queen's road
Jones Mrs. Rusholme, Manor road, West cliff McPherson Andrew, 0 BurdeU aven.
West cliff Laver Mrs. ISO North rd. Prittlewell West cliff
Jones Mitchell, Beach house, Manor Lawrence George, 20 Park terrace Maddison John WiUiam, 28 St. Vin-
road, West cliff Lawson Henry Peter, 2 Imperial cent's road
Jones Thoma.s Robart, 17 Avenue I'd avenue, West cliff Ma11ett Arthur, The Lea.s, Whitefriars
Jones Thos.Robt. Ogwen,Wimborne rd La,yton Harry John, .'17 London road crescent, West cliff
Jones WaIt. 21 Lydford I'd. West cliff Lea Miss, .'5 West Cliff parade Mallett John Edward, 7 Toledo road
J ory George, Beaulieu, Hamlet Court Lookey John Rundel, 63 London road Maltbv Mrs. Clewer, Palmerston I'd.
road, West cliff Leaney Mrs. 49 Lancaster gardens West cliff
Judge Eugene, 26 Kilworth avenue Leaney Wm. George, 49 Lancaster gdns Manbey Mrs. 26 London road
Ju11 Thomas, 140 York road Le Cocq John Abraham, 15 Burdett Manby Mrs. 28 Park road
Junner James, 10 Warrior square avenue, West cliff Mandart Claude, San Maul', Valkyrie-
Karpen Mrs. no Southchurch avenue Lee John, 126 Hamlet Court road, road, West cliff
Keed Geo. S. Estville, Wimborne I'd West cliff Mann Au,!;'ustus, Penlee, Baxter avenue-
Keeley .Alht.Edwd. Olovelly,Baxter av Lee Sydney H. 82 York road Mara William, St. Ursula's, Clifton
Kelf Esau, .<; Queen's road Lees James Ferguson M.B., C.M.Glas. drive, West cliff
Kelly Henry James, Frogna.l house, 4 39 Argyle road, West cliff Marlow William, 0 Park terrace
Southchurch road Leese Alfred L. The Ness, 5 Avenue Marnham Frederick, 128 York road
Kelly Miss. IS Hermitage road terrace Marsh Mrs. 20 Retreat rd. West cliff
KeIly T. Fitzroy, 23 St. Helen's I'd. LeQ'g' Miss, 126 York road Martin Albert, Maitlands, Victoria ay
West cliff Leibow Philip Max, 67 London road Martin Arthur, 43 London road
Kelsey Miss, 75 Southchurch road Leigh Benjamin Hilton, 3I Park road Martin George, 13 Park terrace
Kemp Ca,pt. Frank Edwd. IIS York I'd Leigh William, Waldenny, Manor Martin Henry Augustus, I Kilworth av
Kemp William, 15 Scrattan road road, West cliff Martin Miss, 77 Burdett av.West cliff
Kemp William, 44 Park road Leland Mrs. 22 Elmer avenue Martin Mrs ..'19 Avenue road
Kernahan In. 22 Preston rd.West cliff Leman D'Golian Ernest, 70 Hamlet Martin Sydne,y, 36 Piccadilly,West cliff
Kerr Alexander, Westleigh, Leigh I'd Court road, West cliff Martin William, Kittscroft, Ditton
Kesterton James Henry, Willapark, 31 Lennard Willia.m, 79 London road Court road, West cliff
,!arriol' square Leppard Percy Silverthorn, Tigersden, Martin Wm. Henry, Sea view, Leigh rd
Kettle Alfred, '1 Hillcrest road Manor road, West cliff Mason James Valentine Austin, Bo-
Kew Fredk. Edward, 12 London road Lepper Henry, 2 Lancaster gardens hernia, Baxter avenue
Keyes Gporge, 5 Elmer avenue Lester Waiter IIerbt. 37 Elmer avenue Mason William, 33 Warrior square
KilQ'our Mrs. 6 St. Vincent's road Levesque Daniel Frederick, Elmslea, Mast Charles Frederick, Broxbourne.
Kimber Rev. Edward Ernest M.A. Sutton road Medina road, West cliff
(vicar of St. Alban the Martyr), 95 Levett Mrs. 5 Cromer road Masters John Christian, 30 Burdett
Burdett avenue Levett Oscar, 24 Retreat rd.West cliff avenue, West cliff
Kimpton Miss, 26 Avenue road Levy Lewis, 41 London road Mather George, So York road
Kimpton Wm. Geo. 21 Argyle road, Lewis Samuel, Clarendon, Anerley I'd. Matthams Miss, 24 Queen's road
West cliff West cliff Matthews Henry William, 19 Wil-
King' George Herbert Montague, ID Lewis Thomas, Olivet, Sutton road son road, West cliff
High street Lewis William Henry, St. Winifred'Sj Matthews Mrs. Vaynor, Manor road,
King' Mrs. St. Margarets, Manor road, Finchley road, West cliff West cliff
West cliff Lilley Waiter, Lyncote, Anerley rond, Matthews Stuart Alfred, Goodrington,
King' WaltOO', 6 Trinity av. West cliff West cliff Pembury road, West cliff
Kipling Mrs. 25 Avenue road Linch George, Bus,hbury, Retreat Mawson WaIter Ernest, 18 Heygate av
Kirkham WaIter, Pinkstone villa, road, West cliff Maxwell James Burns B.A., M.R.C.S.
Clifton drive, West cliff Lindsay Rev. John Woodley D.D. Eng.,L.R.C.P.Lond. .Allendale, Dow-
Kiver Henry, Overstrand, The Cliffs (mission curate of St. Mark's sett avenue
Klein Carl, 38 Burdett av. West cliff church), II Chancellor road May Charles, 22 Burdett av. West cliff

May Rev. William Lupton A.K.C.L. Nielsen Frank, Granby, Clifton drive, Pelling Thomas, 24 West Cliff parade
(curate in charge of the Mission West cliff Perkins WaIter, 83 Avenue ;road
Church of the Good Shepherd), 6 Nisbit Chas. Daniel, la Baxter avenue Perry Miss A. Tresco, Valkyrie road,
Westan road Nobbs Robert, Upton lodge, Finchley West cliff
May Mrs. 129 York road road, West cliff Perry Mrs. Polperro, Manor road,
Mayers WaIt. Thos. Oban, Leigh road Noble Henry, 20 Preston rd. West cliff West cliff
Mayes Mrs. 3 Royal terrace Norman .A.Ibert Washington, 95York rd Perry Richard Henry, 63 Leigh road
Mayhew John, 21 Hastings road Norman Francis, 14 Hermitage road Perry Walter, St. Catherines, Ceylon
Meachen Edward, 3 Hadleigh I'oad Nunn Thomas Cook, 48 Burdett aven. road, West cliff
Meers Edward Henry, 20 St. John's rd West cliff Peskett Major Lewis, 22 Warrior sq
Meggy Mrs. Halstead house,The Cliffs NuttaIl Mrs. 91 Southchurch avenue Peskett George, 34 Elmer avenue
MelviIIe Charles WiIIiam, 17 Preston Oates Robert Lambert, Ryde house, Peyton Ralph Henry, 18 'Veston road
road, West cliff Finchley road, West cliff PhiIIips Charles Henry, 33 St. Helen's
Merle Fras. 2 Florence viIs. Leigh rd Ogden Harry, 29 Ashburnham road road, West cliff
Messenger WaIter, TregeIIes, .Anerley Older John WiIliam, 126 South- PhiIIips Ernest .Arth. 63 Queen's road
road, West cliff church avenue Phillips George CawkweII, 17 'Vilson
Michaelis WiIIiam Frederick Charles, Oldland George Weight, I Piccadilly, road, West cliff
Kingswood, Finchley ;road West cliff Phillips Miss, 49 Avenue road
Middel James, 20 Argyle rd. West cliff Oliver John, 8 Palmeira gdns.West elff Phillips Mrs. 20 Hamlet road
Middleton Francis, 23 Gordon road Oliver John, 7 Park terrace Phillipson Geo. Wm. 19 Baxter avenue
Middleton Mrs. Theresa, 9 Avenue rd Oliver Miss,S Cliff Town parade Phipps George Edward, The Laurels,
Middleton WTIl. 47 Argyle rd.West cIfI O'Meara Miss, 42 Avenue road Boscombe road
Miller William Louis, HOTIlelea, WiTIl- Opperman Joseph,Lynedoch,Boston av Piddington Geo. Ernest, 2 Avenue ter
borne road Oram. Fredk. Hy. Kensworth Leigh I'd Pierce Mrs. Cheynies, Hamlet Court
Mills Alfred, St..A.ndrew's, I Baxter av Osborn Henry John, Llanberis, West road, West cliff
Mills Charles Henry, Hambrook, Dit- Cliff avenue Pigram Charles, Halcyon, 20 Lancas-
ton Court road, West cliff Osborne Nathan, 31 Baxter avenue ter gardens
Mills Miss, Sidestrand, Manor road, Osbor<Ile Robert, The Cabin, Seaforth Pilditch WiIliam Edward, Lynwood.
'Vest cliff road, West cliff Claremont road
Mills Mrs. Kersbrook, Hermitage I'd Ostermann F. 'V. 24 Preston road, Piller Mrs. 4 PalTIleira avn. West cliff
Milne J aTIles, Inverugie, Finchley rd. West cliff Pinney Arth. Geo. Strathmere,Leigh I'd
lVest cliff Otway Charles, 29 Kilworth avenue Piper Albert Charles, Victoria lodge,.
Minns OliveI' Ayton, Kelvin, Retreat Ouseley Mulvy, Cathcart, Retreat \I'd. Britannia road, West cliff
road, Wes,t cliff West cliff Pissey Miss, 16 Avenue road
Mitcalfe Ernest, Bramber, Hormitage Overall John Thomas, 19 Argyle road, Plaistowe Christian Leopold, 13 Her-·
road, West cliff West cliff mitage road
Mobbs Henry Daniel, 5 Salisbury ter- Owen Burgoyne, Holmewood, Marine Plater Mrs. 34 Leigh road
race, Milton road avenue, West cliff Pledger Mrs. FrogTIlore, Ditton Court.
Mobbs Herbert Arthur William, 21 Owen John H. Coniston, Bourne- road, 'West cliff
Baxter avenue mouth Park road Pocklington Richd. 54 Cambridge I'd
Moore Edward, Wansfell, Valkyrie I'd. Owen Wait. Chas. Glen-Esk,The Cliffs Pocknell John Edmund, Fernleigh,.
'West cliff Oxley Winifred, I Hermitage road Medina road, 'West cliff
MoraIt Angelo, 22 St. Vincent's Toad Page James, 83 Southchurch avenue Pocock George, 16 London road
Morden George, 13 Park road Page William, Florentine, Finchley Pollard George, Ivanhoe, Anerley I'd.
MOl'gan JaTIles Dudley, Pembl'Oke 10. road, West cliff West cliff
Heygate avenue Page Wm. Jas. Overstrand, Leigh I'd Polwin Ernest, 46 Stanley road
Morgan Waiter Harmon, Medina 10. Pagenkopf Carl Christian Ludwig, Ponton Wm. Glendive, Dowsett avenue
Anerley road, West cliff 4 P.reston road, West cliff Poole Herbert, 49 Leigh road
Morphew Henry, 57 Warrior square Palmar Rev. Arnold B.A. Totnes, Poole WaIter William, Carisbrooke,
Morphey Henry, 13 Hadleigh road Clifton drive, West cliff Dowsett avenue
Morrall Fredel'ick, 13 Baxter avenue [palmer James WaIter, Ivy dene, Pope David George,Io,rSouthchurch I'd
~1orris Albert, 7 Runwell terrace Wimbome road Popham Albert, Hughenden, Ceylon
Morton MauriceStewart,17 Heygate av Palmer Wm. 47 St. Helen's rd.We.clff road, West cliff
Moss Mrs. 69 Alexandra road Pardoe John Thomas, 15 St. Helen's Popplewell ThoTIlas, IS Alexandra rd
Moss Mrs. 37 Preston road, West cliff road, West cliff PopplewelI "Vm.Midhurst, Victoria av'
Moss WTIl. SI. Homeland, Baxter avn Park John WiIIiam, Waterloo, Great Porter Charles, 76 Park road
Muers Mrs. 14 Argyle I'd. West .cliff Eastern avenue Porter Mrs. 130 Southchurch avenue-
Muers WilliaTIl, Rousdon, Medina !I'd. Park Thomas, 53 Leigh road Poston Henry, 102 Southchurch road
"Vest cliff Parker Francis, 12 Pal'k terra,ca Potter Henry, Tenby croft, Seaforth
Muil' Art·h. 13 Pl'eston I'd. West cliff Parker Joseph Wilton, 24 Argyle road, road, West cliff
Mumford Mrs. Eddystone, Meteor rd. West cliff Potter Miss, 14 Royal terrace
West cliff Parker Mrs. E. M. 2 Cheltenham I'd Pottier Oharles, 142 York road
Mumford William Herbert, Marston, Parker Robert Peter, 47 Burdett aven. Powell Henry J ames, Priory lodge,
Manor road, West cliff West cliff Seaforth road, West cliff
Munnings George, 27 Kilworth avenue Parker Stuart Edward, Borington, Powell WiIliam, Stanley villa, Medina
Murphy Mrs. 59 Burdett av.West cliff Manor road, West cliff road, West cliff
Mm'row John, Stanley house, Belle Parnell WiIliam Henry, 5 Horace road Powell-Jones Charles, Logie, Finchley
Vue road, Southchurch road Parrott George, I I Avenue terrace road, West cliff
Nancarrow Hy. Courtlands, Genesta Parsons Miss Mary, Winters, Bourne- Power Miss, 3 Elmer avenue
1'0ad, West cliff mouth Park road Powers Edward, 47 Avenue road
Nancarrow In. 44 Burdett av.West clff Parsons William, 9 Avenue terrace Prestwich Mrs. 2 West Cliff parade
Nancarrow WiIIiam, 14 Princes street Patterson Thomas, 17 Park road Prevost Alfred, Chasdon, South-
Nash Benjamin, 71 .Alexandra road Pattison Edward Hardy, 100 York I'd church road
Nash James ThoTIlas Charles M.D. 4 Pattison William .A.Iex. 4 Warrior sq Price Herbert Rhys, 16 Park road
Argyle road, West cliff Paul Edmund Jackson, Wickford, Priestley In. Holmhurst,West Cliff ar
Nawrocki John, The Harbour, Clif- :Wickford road Proctor Tom, 9 Piccadilly, West cliff-
ton terrace PaulI Wilfred, Mandaley, St. Helen's Prosser Mrs. 14 London road
Naylor Mrs. 94 Hamlet Court Toad, road, West cliff Prynne Gordon, 12 West Cliff parade
West cliff PavitJt Jas. Wm. Ivydene, Leigh road Purser Joshua, Hillyers, Ditton Court
Neill George, Hexholme, The Leas, Paxon The Misses, 9 Hadleigh road road, West cliff
West cliff Payne Henry, 28 St. John's road Purves Thomas, Glenesk,Claremont I'd
Netiheroot Mrs. Oaklea, WestcIiff avn Payne John Charles, 3 Cromer road Pye Francis Ed-win, 79 Avenue road
Newbegin Mrs. II Retreat rd.West clff Payne John Thomas, 24 London road Pyne William, 67 .Alexandra road
Newman George John, 76 Burdett avn. Pay-ton Chas. 4 Anerley rd. West cliff Quincey The Misses, I3 Bnrdett av.
West cliff Peachey Joseph, Finchley house, West cliff
Newth Charles, 4 Clifton terrace Finchley road, West cliff Quy Miss, II2 York road
Newton Raymond, 37 Park road Pearce Alfred Edward, 93 London road Radford William Distin, 92 Leigh road
Nicholls Miss, 14 Grove road Pearson Herbert Vivian, Ivy house, Rahbula Harvey, 55 Avenue Toad
Nicholson George Percy, Glendene, St. Manor road, West cliff Rainey J(, 23 Retreat rd. West cliff
Helen's road~ West cliff Pearson Miss, 23 Grove road Ramsey Edward E. 21 Elmer avenue

Ramuz Frederic Francis, Shorefield, Rudd William Alfred, 7 Elmer avenue Slop err Arbubhnot John, 37 Avenue rli
West cliff Ruegg Edward William, 64 York road Smeeton John, 5 St. John's road
Ramuz Frederick Alfred, 3 Piccadilly, Rugg Mrs. Hamlet court, West cliff Smellie John Clementson M.B. 39
West cliff H.ummens Mrs. 6 Marine av.West cliff Leigh road
Randle Enos, 30 Park Toad Rund Thos. Humphrey, 39 Heygate a,v Smellie William, Ditchling, Clifton
Rapson Rerbert, Southview, CliftoH Rusby William, 5 Alexandra road drive, 'West cliff
drive, West cliff Rus1hton Mrs. I Devereux terrace Smerdon George, Bramshill, Anerley
Raven Frederick WilIiam, Brookwood, Russell Oharles Arthur, Lyndale, road, West cliff
Surbiton road Finchley road, West cliff Smith Alfred, 20 Elmer avenue
Ray John R. Greystead, Richmond av. Russell Mrs. 55 London road Smith Aslhley, 10 Toledo road
Leigh road Russell Thomas, 51 Avenue road Smith Dixon, 4 Hastings ;road
Read James Wand, Melrose, Ohrist· Rutt William, Avenals, Medina road, Smith Edwd. Pryce,27 Lancaster gdns
church road West cliff Smith Evelyn, 5 Lydford rd.West cliff
Read Mrs. 36 St. Vincent's road Salmon Mrs. 89 Burdett av. West cliff Smith Fredk. 18 AI'gyle I'd. West cliff
Redding Mrs. IO St. Vincent's road Salmon Richard George,I7 Avenue ter Smith Fredk. Chas. 79 Cambridge I'd
Redman Charles Frederick, 10 Prestou Samain Wm. Parkstone, Wimborne l'd Snuth George Henry, 46 Park road
road, West cliff Sandbrook Frank, 68 Hamlet road Smith George William, 146 York road
Redwood Boverton, Orowstone, Picca- Sandford Samuel Wadland, 60 Ham- Smith Harry, 7 Marine av. West cliff
dilly, West cliff let Oourt road, West cliff Smith Hy. 42 St. Helen's I'd. West cliff
Reed Gurr, Rock cliff, Genesta road, Saunders Harry, Sunnyside, Leigh I'd Smith John, Westfield, Oossington I'd.
West cliff Saunders John Heyworth Smith, 40 West cliff'
Reeve Miss, Daisyfield, 33 Kilworth av London road Smith Joseph Alfred, 8 Honiton road
Reeve William John, 32 Leigh road Savage Henry Ohas. 34 Cambridge I'd Smith Mrs. Rosefield, Wimborne road
Reeves William, Roseneath, Cossing- Savery Edwin, Finedon, Victoria aven Smith Mrs. Runnymede, 'Baxter aven
ton road, West cliff Saville Robert John, 48 York road Smith Richard, 23 Tyler's avenue
Reeves William Dobson, 28 Avenue I'd Sawyer Wm. Phillip,I9 St.Vincent's I'd Smith Robert Paterson, Summerhill,
Reid Sandeman, 39 Park road Scales Mrs. 16 ,St. John's road Leamington road
Remington Alfred, 25 St. John's road Scales William WaIter, 47 London I'd Smith Thomas, 12 Lancaster gardens
Retzbach Mrs. 22 Queen's road Schamoni Frank, St. Meinrad, Medina Smith William Henry, Rosebank,
Reynolds Jsph. Mayfield,Wimborne I'd road, West cliff Ceylon road, West cliff
Reynolds Sampson Knott,19Avenue ter Schilling Mrs. 15 Park road Smith William James, 68 Park road
Reynolds WaIter, Cleveden, Meteor I'd. Sc'hlfamm Louis, Heim-Ruh, Anerley Snosswell Rev. Charles A.K.C.L. (Re-
West cliff road, West cliff formed Episcopal), 77 London road
Rice Fredk. Geo. DevonhuTst, York I'd Scott George, 37 Baxter avenue Snow Wm. Hy. Fradley, 27 Warrior sq
Rice John, 15 Cambridge road Scott George Tickle, 63 Hamlet Oourt Saares Herbert, 68 Hamlet Court I'd.
Richards William, 3 West Cliff parade road, West cliff West cliff
Richardson Alexander, 8 Hamlet road Scott Robert, Roselea, Wimborne road SoiIleux Edmund, 32 St. Vincent's rd
Richardson Edward, St. Mary's, Aner- Scrutton George, I I Norfolk avenue Soley George, 34 St. Vincent's road
ley road, West cliff Scudder Mrs. 29 Heygate avenue Somerville .Tames, Grugmeer, Anerley
Richardson Mrs. Glen-Lyn,Runwell ter Scudder Mrs. 152 North rd.Prittlewell road, West cliff
Richardson Mrs. 47 Tyler's avenue Seaman Mrs. 26 Cambridge road South William, 53 Avenue road
Richardson WilIiam, Strathearn, West St'arles Daniel Waiter, Claremont, Southam .Arthur John, 46 Argyle I'd.
Cliff parade Finchley road, West cliff West cliff
Richmond Jas. Bruce ha. The Cliffs Sears James, Brynithorn, Sutton road Southwell Walter, 12 Prittlewell sq
Ridge Ernest James Quintan, 61 Lon- Sears William, Mayiield, Richmond Spaclnnan Henry, 8 Baxter avenue
don road . avenue, Leigh road Speed Charles, I08 :3outhchurch road
Rippin Henry William, 30 Park ter Secretan Frederick Robert,47 Leigh rd Sporle Mrs. 73 Ashburnham road
Rist George, 96 Leigh road Seebold Carl Adolf, 87 London road Spreng Mrs. 7 Trinity a,v. West cliff
Roberts Rev. William (Prim. Meth.), Self Mrs. I05 York road Squire Fredenick, 6g London road
7 Hastings road Sellar Josiah, The Lindens, Boston av Squire George Edward, 10 Hastings rd
Roberts Richard, I I St. Helen's road, Semmence Ernest Edward,I30 Hamlet Stallibrass Miss, 28 Park terrace
West cliff Court road, West cliff Stanton Alfred Jas. Althorne, Canew-
Roberts Sam!. Edwin, 26 Retreat I'd SeweIl William A. Ichnield, Boston av don road
Robinson Alexander Winton, I l West Sharman Mrs. Belle vue, South- Stark William, 112 Sonthchurch road
Cliff parade church road Steare John Allen , 14 Elmer avenue
Robinson Cawood, 9 Park road Sharp Joseph, Oakhurst, Hamlet Steal's Mrs. 16 Retreat I'd. West cliff
Robinson Christopher, 95 High street Court road, West cliff Steel Alexander, I Cashiobury terrace
Robinson Bupert, Allandale, Medina Shaw John McMeikan, Grasmere, Bos- Steel Fredk.39 St.Helen's rd.West cliff
road, West cliff ton avenue Steel Thomas James, St. Mildred's,
Rochester Edwd. 'Glan-Mor, The Oliff Shears William, Beaufort, Anerley I'd. Grosvenor road, West cliff
Rodiord Frederick Vernon, Bella-Vista, West cliff Steer Mrs. ;le) Napier avenue
Boston avenue Shenton Arthur William, Lyndhurst,

Stelin Charl!'s Albert, Springfield,
Hoe Aug. C. Oakdene, Boscombe I'd Baxter avenue Mnnor road, West cliff
Hoe John, go Leigh road Shepard MIT's. Dalgarno, Valkyrie rd. Stevens Hv. " I Argvle
. .
I'd. West cliff
Rogan Pierce Anthony, Danebury, West cliff Stevenson Mrs. 15 Baxter avenue
Dowsett avenue Shepherd Miss, St.Mildreds,Baxter av Stevenson William Henry, Thornleigh,
Rogers Charles Buncombe, 38 Argyle Shepherd Mrs. Hamlet Court road, W imborne road
road, West cliff West cliff Steward Mrs. 25 Princes street
Rogers Chas. Clarence,2 Hermitage rd Sheppard FredlLWm.29 Cambridge I'd Stewart Charles, 156 SouthchuI'ch I'd
Rohrnoser Adolph, Benvenuto, Bos- Sheppard Mrs. 79 Burdett avenue, Stewart Fdk.W.Ehndene,Canewdon I'd
ton avenue West cliff Stewart Mrs. qo York road
Rolfe Harry Fuller, 14 Wesley road Shepperd Edwd. Easton, 2 Burdett av Stoddart Geo.- Dil Kusha, Dnwsett av
Rolles Nathaniel, 20 Burdett avenue, Ship ton Henry Ryder, 44 Leigh road Stokes Charles Thomas, 43 St. Helen's
West cliff S'hirley

Chas. Peter,20 St.• Vincent's I'd road, West cliff
Bonney Robert, 23 Elmer avenue Shmith Samuel, 8 WarrlOr square Stokes Frederick Charles,j Wilson I'd
Rooda Johannes Arien, St. Luke's ho. ShOTt Alfred Talmage,n Alexandra I'd Stone Edmund, West Cl~ff parade
6 Lancaster gardens Shrimp ton Miss, Richmond, West Strang'IDan Herbert, 122 York road
Roper Richard J ames, Royston, Cliff avenue StrangwaysHowardPercy,7Hadleigh I'd
Bournemouth Park road Sims Henry, 35 Bnrdett av. West cliff Street William,23 Wilson I'd. West cliff
Rosewarne Mrs. 2 Wellin~ton place, Sims Mrs. II Alexandra road Stride Herbert WaIter, Holmwood,
Lower Southend Sinkins Harry Miller, 13 Elmer aven Cossington road, West cliff
Roskams Philip, 128 Southchurch av Sinnott Thomas, 66 Leigh road Strong Charles Edward, 18 Preston
Ross Arthur A. 8 London road Skaife Waiter, Bycula ho. The Cliffs road, West cliff .
Ross Miss, Chisholm, Boscombe road Sladdin Mrs. Baluan, Finohley road, Strutt John, ,q Ashburnham road
Ross Thomas Richard Edmund, Ends- West cliff Stubbs Abraham, Trevor, Boston aven
leigh, Manor road, West cliff Slade John, I Wellington pI. Lower Stubbs Mrs. Ig West Cliff parade
Round Mrs. 1'3 Warrior square Southend Sturch Mrs. 4 Retreat rd. West cliff
Bowe Arthur, 19 Park road Slaiter Richard, 9 Hermitage road S11ckling Miss,gI Burdett av.West cliff
Rowe Mrs. Hermosa, Leigh road Sledge Thomas,S5 Arg-yle rd.West cliff Suffield Arthur Charles, Hadnih,
Rowley Mrs. 26 .A.rgyle I'd. West cliff Sleep William Joseph, St. Pinnock, Wimborne road
Roydham Mrs.7 Palmeira av.West cliff Leamington road SuIIivan Matthew, 60 Hartington road
Royle James, WaUsend ho. \Sutton rd Sloman T'hos. 9 Trinity av. West cliff Summers Lyna, B=lands, Leigh road
Swain Bernard'4 Finchley I'd.West cliff Vandervord Miss, Woodroydon, Leam- White James Philip, 11 Park road
Swett Alexander Robertson,Oraigmore, ington road 'White Miss, St. Helier's, Dowsett aven
Canewdon road Van Edmund, 20 London road White Mrs. Fairlight, Retreat road,
Sweeting Fredk. Jas. II Queen's road Varney Rev. Thomas A.K.C.L. (curate W~st cliff
Symons Wm.Jn.Claremont, Avenue I'd St. Mark's Mission church), St. White Mrs. 5 Hadleigh road
Talbot Alfred, 21 1St. Vincent's road lvi.ark's hostel, Princes street White Mrs. 2 Preston road
T'alfourd Miss, Winceby, VaIkyrie I'd. V-audeau Louis, 44 York road Whittle Francis George, 3 Marine
West cliff Vaqghan Miss, Cliveden, Manor road, avenue, West cliff
Tapp Cecil Hardinge, 10 Devereux ter West cliff Whittle Mrs. 3 Palmeira gardens,
Tapscott John, 7 Cromer road Verney Mrs. 3 Queen's road West cliff
Tarling Frederick,IIo Southchurch I'd Vickers Charles, 27 Avenue road Whur Thomas, 28 Hamlet road
Taylor E<1mund In. 29 West Cliff par Vickers Henry Eustace, The Roost, Whybrow Mrs. Kirkdale, West Cliff av
Taylor Frederick, The Limes, Wood- Anerley road, West cliff Wicks Henry, Marine lodge, The Cliifs
grange drive Vinicombe In-4 Bijou vils.Bellevue I'd Wilborn Horace L. Hainault, Manor
Taylor Geo. Mennell, 17 Alexandra I'd Vivian Albert, 12 Norfolk avenue road, West cliff
Taylor John Charles, 28 Baxter avenue Vollum Mrs. Vendale, Dowsett avenue Wilbourn Mrs. Alscot, Manor road,
Ta,ylor Miss', Hockley vil.Wimborne I'd Waddingt-on Thomas Flesher, 10 Lan- West cliff
Taylor Mrs. Holmleigh, Honibon road caster gardens Wild Wm. Thomas, 30 Elmer avenue
Taylor Mrs. Myrtle cottage,Cromer I'd Wade Chas. Hv. M.A.,M.R.C.S.Eng., Wiles James, 29 Elmer avenue
Taylor Wm. 138" St. Vincent's road L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H. 19 Royal ter Willdnson Robert W. 5 Palmeira gar-
Taylor WaIt.Hy.14Retreatrd.Westcliff Wagst-aff James John, 8 Norfolk aven dens, West cliff
Tegetmeier Godfrey Conrad, 6 Burdett Wakefield CharlE's, Recko house, The Willes Wm. EIlis, 13 Royal terrace
avenue, West eli:l'I Leas, West cliff Willey Frederick, 7 Queen's road
Tether Henry, I I Park teTrace Walieling Mrs. 25 Grove roa.d Williams George Robert, St. Valerie,
Thane George Dancer M.D. 81 Cam· Walker John, 12 Royal terrace Medina road, West cliff
bridge road Walker John, 100 Southchurch road Williams Miss, 38, Combridge road
Thatcher Chas. Ellington, Baxter aven Wallace Mrs. 48 Heygate avenue Willis Francis James, 69 Avenue road
Thomas Alfred Clark, II6 York road Wallace Mrs. 30 Leigh road Wills Alexander,The Hut, West Cliff av
Thomas Bruce George, Bryngwyn, WaIler Rev. Alfred, The Parsonage, 'Willson Wm. Vincent, 65 London road
Victoria avenue Sllmmercourt road Wilson Miss, 8 Old Southend Toad
Thomas Maurice, Coleraines, Milton st WaIler Charles, Lynthorpe, Dowsett av Windsor Mrs. 6 Hastings road
Thomas Mrs. 16 Princes streer. WaIler Edward DovE', The Yews, Dit- Winmill Hy. WaIton, 27 St. John's I'd
Thompson Edward, 21 Leigh road ton Court road, West cliff Winsdale Alfred John,7 Cheltenham I'd
Thompson Howard,Rookwood,Leigh I'd Wallis Mrs. 30 Cambridge road Winter Charles William J.P. Woburn
Thompson John, 3 St. Vincent's road Wallis Owen, 63 Alexandra road lodge, Dowsett avenue
Thompson James, 12 St. Vincent's I'd Wallis WilIiam, Athol ha. Victoria a-ven Winterbotham William H.59Warrior sq
Thompson WaIter, 21 Park road WaIter Eugen, Crowhurst, Dowsett av Wire Ephraim Erastus, Tyrone, Bur-
Thompson WaIter, 93 St. Helen's I'd. WaIton Mrs. 17 Tvler's avenue dett avenue, West cliff
West cliff Ward Geo. Arthur, Colvil1e, Clare- Wise William Lloyd F.R.G.S. Si'
ThorbyGeo.Hy.2IBurdett av.West cliff mont road Alexandra road
Thorman Miss, 2 Trinity av.West cliff Ward George Arthur William, 89 Wiseman John, ColviIle cottage,.
Thorn Arthur, 17 Park crescent London road Tyler's avenue
Thorn Harry, Broadwater house, Ward Mrs. 35 Gordon road Witney.Tames, Clovelly, Boston avenue-
Cliff parade Warman Charles, 31 St. Helen's road, W ollfenden Mrs. Trustville, Hamlet
Tibb Alfred, 78 Hamlet Court road, West cliff Court road, West cliff
West cliff Warne Thomas, Homestead, Finchley Wolff David, Water priory, Palmerston·
'l'ickle Mrs. 77 Southchurch avenue road, Wcst cliff road, West cliff
Tilden John, III London road Warnery August, Chalet Suisse, Ham- Wood Alfred, Hampton, Baxter avenue-
Todd Mrs. II St. John's road let Court road, West cliff Wood Alfred, 33 St. Vincent's road
Todhurst BernardWilshire,20Royal ter Warren Augustine Henry Lloyd, Ales- Wood Erne,st, The Cottage, Royal ter
Tomkins Frederick, 58 Leigh road ford, Ditton Court road, West cliff Wood George, 24 Warrior square
Tompkins Herbert W. Verulam, Honi- Warren Horace, Auburn, Baxter aven Wood James Fawcett, 40 Burdett avn.
ton road Warren Mrs. 86 Park road West cliff
Tomschitz Mrs.39Preston rd.West cliff Waters Samuel, Oakleigh, The Cliffs "Tood John Robert, I Anerley road,
Topsfield Henry, II Park street Watkin Sydnev, 12 Kilworth avenue West cliff .
TopsfieoId' WaIter, 78 Hamlet road Watkins Mrs.The Hollies,Wimborne I'd Wood Mrs. Clifton lodge, Clifton
TownsendJ Henry, 121 York road Watkinson Robert, 16 Norfolk a-venue drive, West cliff
Tozer James, Laurustine, Central aven Watson Fredk. Geo. 5 HiIlcrest road Wood Mrs. 31 St. Vincent's road
Tozer William, High Cliff, Marine av. Watson .Tohn, 7 Cambridge road 'Wood Richard, Ridge house, 17 Kil-
West cliff Watson John W. 10 & 12 Trinity av. worth avenue
Tracey Joseph, Sea-Croft, The Cliffs West cliff Wood WaIter J. 17 St. Vincent's road
Tredwen Edward, Hypatia, Manor I'd. Watson Overand, 41 Preston road, Woodbridge Mrs. 18 Park terrace
West cliff West cliff Wooder Reuben, 37 Leigh road
Tricker Miss, Lyndhurst, Anerley I'd. Watts A~hur James, I I Preston I'd. Woodhouse Thomas Joseph, Elsinore,
West cliff West clIff Baxter avenue
Trimblett William, I Gordon road Waud Henry, 76 Leigh road Woodward Mrs. 74 Leigh road
Trinnell Thomas, Toronto, Pembury Weasel' William, 2 London road Woollard Benjamin, 25 Wilson road,
road, West c1iff WeIler Ernest, Sunnyside, Leaming- West cliff .
Truscott WaIt. Trenarren, Leigh road ton road Woolley Henry George, 84 York road
Tully Mrs. 29 Avenue road Welton Ebenezer John, 3 Palmeira Woollings Mrs. I Trinity avenue,
Turner Herbert Fras. 19 Baxter aven avenue, 'Vest cliff West cliff
Turner Samuel Thomas, Waltham 10. Weston Mrs. 22 Retreat I'd. West cliff Woosnam Charles, Clovelly, South-
Oossington road, West cliff Whalley Frederick, 29 Warrior square church road
Turpin Geo.Frdk. 162 Southchurch I'd Wheeler Edward William, Enderley, Wootton William, 22 St. John's road
Turquand Paul William, Seaforth I'd. Ditton Court road, West cliff Workman Benjamin, 78 Park road
West cliff Wheeler Henry, 104 Southchurch road Wren Robert, The Durdens, Anerley
TurraIl HY.38 St. Helen's I'd. West cliff Wheeler Thomas Percy, 40 Argyle I'd. road, West cliff
Tweedalc Chas. Keswick, Boston aven West cliff Wright George Thomas Green, 54
Underwood Albt. Edwd.37 Kilworth av Wheeler WiIliam,3 Preston rd.Wst.cliff York road
Unuerwood Geo.Edgar, 35 Kilworth av Whistler William WaIter, 18 Cam- WrigIit James Alexander, 36 St.
Unwin Mrs. I Avenue terrace bridge road Helen's road, West cliff
Uphill William John, 24 Baxter aven Whitby WaIter George, The Limes, Wright Mrs. 10 Avenue road
Upton James William, 32 St. Helen's Leigh road Wright Robert, 49 Southchurch aven
rnad, West cliff White Donald, Stanley, Seaforth I'd. Wright William, 49 Heygate avenue
Utton Lewis, Glemham, Victoria aven West cliff Wyeth Miss, 2 Alexandra road
Utton Mrs. Belvedere, Victoria avenue White George, Westview, Victoria av Yarrow Elijah, St. Fort, Dowsett aven
van AlIen Frederick, Kandy house, White George Montague, 31 Preston York Mrs. Fairview, Leigh road
Finchley road, West cliff road, West cliff Youle David N. St. Mildred's, Marine
Vandervord Alfred, Holmwood, 23 Kil- White Henry John, St. Seiriol, Vie- avenue, West cliff
worth avenue toria aveJ.ue Young Mrs. 17 Argyle I'd. West cliff


Baker Arthur, apartments, 12 Milton avenue, West cliff

Baker George, chimney sweeper, 29 Park street
Early closing day, Wednesday. Baker James Albert, apartments, 13 Tyler's avenue
Abbiss George William, apartments, 4 Norfolk avenue I Baker Mary (MiSS), apartments, 1 Tyler's avenue
Abbott Bros. dairymen, 56 High street & 2 Station: Baker Reuben, apartments, 5 Quebec avenue
parade, West cliff IBakeweIl Josepb C. electrical engineer, 2 Queen's road
BaldreyMarina (Mrs.), aparts. 19 Burdett av. West cliff
Abbott Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 Milton street
Abbotts M. H. & Co. coal mers. Gt. Eastern Rlllilway stn I Balham Eliza (Mrs.), aparts. 50 Burdett av. West cliff
AbTams Cha.rle~ Bragg, refreshment rms. 4 Marine par, Ball John Thomas, apartments, 35 Hastings road
Abrams Davld Dowsett, refreshment rms. 17 Marine par! Ball WaIter, painter, 9 Mark\lt place
Abslllom George, apartments, 45 Southchurah avenue I Ballard Arthur, boot maker, 19 North road
Absalom Henry, floating swimming baths, The Beach & I Band John, builder, I Chancellor road
38 Pleasant road Banks George Henry, aparts. 41 Old Southend road
AChilles Albert, news agent, 18 Queen's road Bannester Elizabeth Sumner B.A.Lond. (Miss) & Brown
Ackermann Henry, baker, 8 Nelson terrace Rose (Miss), school, Crowstone road
Adams. Clara (Miss), apartments, lISt. Leonard's road Barber Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 22 A.rgyle I'd. West cliff
Adams Mary E. (Mrs.), apartments, Oak villa, Belle Vue Barber Louise (Miss), dress maker, Windermere, Bourne-
place, Southchurch road mouth Park road
Adams Sidney Ewart, surveyor & land, house & Barclay & Company Lim. (branch) (Jsph. Coombs, mgr.),
estate agent, 52 Hamlet Court rd. Westcliff. T N 0184 bankers, High street; & at Leigh-on-Sea, Rayleigh,
Adams Stephen Isaac F.I.S.E., M.San.lnst.Lond. archi- Rochford. & Shoeburyness; draw on head office, 54
tect, surveyor & sanitary expert, 'Weston chambers, Lombard street, London E C
Weston road Barham Herbert Sargent, builder, Belmont, Claremont I'd
Adcock George, apartments, 43 Old Southend road Barker Annie (Mrs.), aparts. 18 Burdett av. West cliff
Addington William, insurance agent, 12 Gordon road Barker Charles, apartments, 26 Park road
Ager Francis Henry,. apartments, Marine villa, The Es- Barker Clara ('Miss), apartments, 21 Alexandm road
planade,. Wesooliff Barker Henry John, gardener, 42 Princes street
Ainslie Brothers, butchers, 50 High street Barnard Chas. Wm. baker, & post office, 43 & 45 Park st
Albert Lucking Lodge (H. B. Dickens, see.), Masonic Barnes P eiey George, apartments, 14 Scratton road
hall, 93 High street Barnes William, apartments, 30 Heygate avenue
Alderton . James, grocer & provision merchant & soda Barnett Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, Dundee, Station
water manufacturer, 19 High street road, West cliff
Alexandra Home (Y. W. C.A.) (Miss Minnie Withers, Barney Leopold F. draper, 9 Southchurch road
superintendent), 19 .Alexandra road Baron Thomas, road foreman to the Southend Corpora-
.Alexandra Shirt & Collar Dressing Works (The), 28 tion, highway's department, London road
Alexandra street Barrett Frederick, apartments, 52 Heygate avenue
Alexandra Yacht Glub (Edgar Gregson, sec.). Cliff Barrington Herbert, apartments, '25 Elmer avenue
Town parade Barstow Annie Maud (Mrs.), florist, 164 High street
Allen & Co. grocers, & post office, 40a, Marine parade Barton Louie (Mrs.), aparts. Edme, Runwell terrace
AlIen Charles L.S.A.Lond. physician & surgeon, 4 Hurst Bartrop & Johnston, shopkeepers, 8 Queen's road
villas, Southchurch road Batchelor Charles George, baker, Summercourt road
Allen George, builder, 133 York road Bates Stacy, apartments, 70 Queen's road
AlIen Samuel, boot maker, 51 Sutton street Bates William Russell, apartments, Filey lodge, Sea-
Allinson Eleanor (Mrs.), boarding houses, 76 Hamlet forth road, West cliff
Court road, West Cliff Bath Clara (Miss), tobacconist, 17 North road
Allison Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Devereaux terrace Battle Martha (Mrs.), apartments, I I Scratton road
Allman George, fried fish dealer, 3 Victoria place Bawtree Harry, refreshment rooms, 24 Marine parade
Allott John Ernest Ce·cil M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.e.P.Lond. Baxter Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper. I7 York road
physician & surgeon, 98 York road Bayes John, sign writer, I Maldon road
Anderson Andrew Craig, apartments, 8 Runwell terrace BaylissAlice Maud (Mrs.), aparts. 20 Milton av.West cliff
Anderson Herbert, boot maker, 54 Queen's road Beacher Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Gordon road
Anderson John, plumber, 16 Gordon road Beckwith Robert John, decorator, see Pawley & Beckwith
Andrews Isaac, confectioner, 82 Hamlet road Bedwell George, 'boot maker, 21 Stanley road
Anglo-American Oil Go. Limited, Hamlet TOad Bee Sarah (Miss), boarding ha. Redholme, 16 Royal ter
Annesley Agnes (Mrs.), apartments, 115 London road Beeby FrederickJohn Lovett, apartments, 91 & 93
Ansell George, greengrocer, 4ob, Marine parade Cambridge road
Ansell William Benjamin, apartments, I Clifton terrace Beeching Alfred, apartments, 10 York road
Apple·by Henry Charles, apartments, 10 Chancellor road Beer Alfred, boarding ho. Carimont, Station I'd. West cliff
Archer Archibald, dentist, 74 Hamlet Court I'd. West cliff Beeson Alfred, plumber, I Milton place
Archer Joseph, apartments, 42 Gordon road Beeson Henry, plumber & glazier, Milton pI. Cliff town
_Armstrong John James, hair dresser, 72 High street Begley William George, greengrocer, 66 High street
Arnett Samuel, apartments, 25 St. Helen's I'd. West Cliff Belcham Charles Francis, butcher, 35 Alexandra street
_Arnold The Misses, apartments, 1'5 Norfolk avenue Belcham WaIter Groxon, butcher, So Hamlet road &
Arnold Francis, apartments, II2 Southchurch avenue livery stables, Avenue road
Arthy & Saunt, solicitors, 44 Alexandra street & Roch· Dell & Co. chemists, Tower buildings, 73 High street
ford S.O. Leigh Bell Arthur James, decorator, 4 Darnley road
Arthy Alfred J oseph, solicitor & clerk to the borough Bell Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 12 Cambridge road
magistrates & county magistrates for Rochford divi. Bell Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Elmer avenue
sion, clerk to the Leigh-on-Sea Urban District Coun- Bellingham David Chas. piano tuner, St. Cyre's, Baxter av
cil, clerk to the commission<:lrs of taxes & assistant Bender Edward, tailor, 20 Princes street
overseer for South0hurch, 44 Alexandra street Beney Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Cashiobury ter
.!shon ROI-ace, apartments, 26 Old Southend :road Bengough William Waiter, aparts, 57 Cambridge road
Ashton & Green Iron Co. iron founders, Weston chambers Bennett Rosina M. A. (Mrs.), aparts. 5 St. Leonard's I'd
.!ssbeton John Sidney, sign writer, 9 Stanley road Benskin's Watford Brewery Limited (Henry Howard,
Assheton Richard,boot maker, 1 Castle pI. Low.- Southend manager), Cliff Town TOad
Atkins Charles George, apartments, 6 Scratton road Berridge Rachel (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Avenue road
Atkins Jonathan, butcher, Southchurch road Berry Caroline (Mrs.), shpkpr. I Prospect pI. Lwr.Sthend
Auger George, manager Collier Bros. 71 St. Helen's Berry Herbert, carpenter & builder, Milford house, St.
road, West cliff John's road, West cliff
Ault Robert M. watch maker, 124 London road BeTwick Harry, apartments, Emmerson house, Seafortb
Avery Wm. Henry, boarding house, 23 & 25 Cambridge I'd road, West cliff
Axgell Thos. Roachford, bldr. Mount Zion, St. Ann's I'd Betson George, grocer, 28 Hartington road
Ayling Nathan, grocer, Milton street Bettis Kate (Mrs.), apartments, 24 Old Southend road
Ayres Alice (Mrs.), lodging house, I I Cliff Town parade Betts Dnl. Parry, aparts. 81 Burdett avenue, West cliff
Bacon Henry J. smith, Milton road Biddell Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, 117 York road
Bacon Henry John, decorator, 68 Princes street Bigsby George, registrar of births, deaths & marriages
Baddow Brewery Co. Limited, 44 High street for Prittlewell district, Rochford union, 26 Park terrace
Bagshaw William, deputy town clerk, Clarence road Bilton Fanny (Mrs.), apartments, 13 St. Helen's I'd.
Bailey George, butcher, 2 Chase road West cliff
Bailey John, apartments, 72 Queen's Toad Bishop J emima (Mrs.), boarding house, 61 & 63 High st
Baker & Son, oil & color men, S6 Milton rd. West cliff Blackball Fredk. apartments, 48 Cambridge Toad
Baker & Wiseman, builders, 'fyler's avenue Blaclde Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 65 Southchurch av
BIadman John. bookbinder. Weston road Buries ,& HarrisJ architects & surveyors, Clarence
Blackney Richard Thomas. apartments. 6 Devereux ter chambers
Blackwell John, proIJr. Princes St. laundry. 58 Princes st BurIes Arth. vaccination officer, Swanley, Southahurch rd
Blackwood Maria (Mrs.). apartments. 27 Pleasant road Burles George, apartments, St. Clement's lodge, Seaforth
Blake Charles. baker, 134 High street road, West cliff
Blake George. shopkeeper, 35 Farringdon place •
[Jurr & Drage, stationers, 65 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff
Blakey Maria (Mrs.), apartments, 18 Avenue road Burr Arthur, teacheT of piano, 28 Retreat rd. West cliff
Bland Julia (Mrs.), apartments. 4 Capel terrace Burr John Wm. grngrcr. & hair drssr. 4 Hartington rd
.Blind Home (Rev. Hy. Bright, principal). 6 Wilson road Burr Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 28 Retreat rd. West cliff
Blott Anna (Mrs.). accoucheuse. 4 Leslie vils. Burnaby rd Burrows George, apartments, 30 St. Leonards road
Bloxsome Ellen (Mrs.). apartments, 21 Cambridge road Burrows John Henry, printer & publisher of the" South-
Bluck WaIter Cardy M.B .• C.M. phys. & surg. IIQ York rd end Standard," Oliff Town road. See advertisement
Bluntish Robt. boarding ho. Bilton, Manor rd. West cliff Burt Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 72 Burdett av. West cliff
Bollen Mry. (Mrs.), dining rms. 2 Victoria pI. Lwr.Sthend Burton Edward Turner. architect, I Burdett av.West cliff
.Bolton Mary Ann (Mrs.). apartments, 12 Cliff Town par BUBby Henrietta (,Mrs.), apartments, IS Elmer avenue
Bond Lilian (Miss), aparts. 88 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff Busby Joseph, apartments, 46 Heygate avenue
Bone Geo. Thos. boot ma. 37 St. John's rd. West cliff Bussey Alfred Henry, upholsterer, 24 Stanley road
Bonfteld Wm. apartments, 34 Old Southend road Butcher Frederick, apartments, 5 Old Southend road
Bon Marche Co. drapers, 24, 29 & 31 Alexandra street Butcher Herbert WaIter, upholsterer, 20 Park stret
Bonser Emily (Miss), confectioner, IIO London road Butcher Richard, apartments, 8 Woodgrange drive
Booker Charles, confectioner, 133 North road Butler Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 12 Old Southend rd
Boorman John Henry, dairyman, 13 Eastwick road Butler Julia (Miss), aparts. 4 Devereux ter. Cliff town
1300sey Caroline (Mrs.), fruiterer & greengrocer, 3 South- Butler Thomas Harris M.B., B.Ch.Oxon. surgeon, 6
church avenue Palmeira gardens, "Vest cliff
Boosey Sarah Jane (Mrs.). apartments, 21 Tyler's avenue Byford John & Son, brick, tile, lime. cement, fire-
'Boote Sarah (Mrs.), aparts. 70 Burdett av. West clifi goods, drain p,pes & general builders' merchants,
Borrowdale Harriet Jane (Mrs.), aparts. 15 West{)n rd L. T. & S. Railway yard
Bouchard Helen (Mrs.), apartments, 37 Pleasant road Bywater Frank, corn dealer, 2 York road
Boucher Sarah Alice (Miss), grocer, 87 Noith road Cabuche Hy. Leon, architect, 71 Burdett av. West cliff
Bowen Mary J: (MiSS), dress maker, 58 Queen's road Cade Chas, WaIter, draper & post off. 138 & 140 London rd
Bowman Charles, sign writer. 6 Dalmatia road Callaway Fred. dairyman, 3 Prittlewell street
Eox Alex. Martin, aparts. 44 St. Helen's rd. West cliff Oallow WaIter & 00. cycle manufrs. 103 Southchurch av
Box Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 3 Runwell terrace Oalvert Wm. Henry, dairyman, 32 Queen's road
Boyle Ro bert, grocer, 5 I Milton road Ca.meron Samuel, architect, Culloden, Baxter avenue
I3rabham Frederick James, grocer. 19 Stanley road Cameron Samuel, surveyor, Tower bldg. Cliff Town rd
Eradbury John, apartments, 62 Queen's road Camp Albert John, grocer, 59 Park street
Brad'ford Thomas, corn dealer, 43 North road Gampbell R. B. & Co. coal merchants, L. T. & S. Railway
Bradley Jane (Mrs.) & Son, gen. smiths, Richmond av Campion Charles Wm. sanitary engnr. 74 Ashburnham I'd
Bradley William Charles, builder, Gladstone house, 40 Campkin Ernest, apartments. 7 Scratton road
Hartingdon road Campkin Horace Edmund, builder, Melbourn villa,
Brad-shaw Elizabeth (Miss),' partments, 29 Pleasant road Ohristchurch road
Braham R. George, optician, 65 High street &; Caney Bertha (Miss), apartments, 3 Chancellor road
77 Southchurch road Canton Georgiana (.N1Jss), boot maker, 57 Park street
Branchfiower James, apartments, 27 Church road Capital & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (Frank Cox,
13rand A.lfred George, greengrocer, 20 Pleasant road SI Hamlet Court road, West cliff, manager), High st.;
Brand Mark William, bathing machine proprietor, 14 draw on head office. 39 Threadneedle street, London EO
Scotts villas, Lower Southend Card Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 25 Church road
Brand William, apartments, 9 Albert road Carden Charlotte (Mrs.), greengrcr. 5 Hartington place
Brander John L.R.O.P" L.R.C.S. & L.M.Edin. surgeon, CarIton Temperance Hotel (John Main, proprietor),
132 York road Whitegate road
!lray Edward, shopkeeper, 5 Prospect pI. Lower Southend Carpenter Hy. Arth. grocer, 2 Albert ter. Low. Southend
Brendel Fritz, fancy repository, 20 High street Oarr Blanche (Mrs.). apartments, Tilbury lodge, Sea-
Brewer Herbert, butcher, II Alexandra street forth road, West cliff
13rice Annie (Mrs.), draper, 46 Hamlet Crt. rd. West cliff Carter Ohristopher, apartments, 9 Scratton road
Bridge Julia Eliza (~Iiss), aparts. 22 Cambridge road Carter Lizzie (Miss), apartments, 13 Prittlewell square
13ridger Sidney M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician Carter Martin, boot maker, 5 Prittlewell street
& surgeon & admiralty surgoon, 66 Hamlet Court Carter Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Norfolk avenue
road. West cliff Carter "Villiam, apartments. I Honiton road
Ih'idsman Edward, manager of the London &; County Carville Rabert, decorator, 59 Pleasant road
Bank, 26 High street Cater Arthur Ernest, apartments, 65 Cambridge road
Briggs Ecl:ward Hugh, watch maker & jeweller, 28 Cater Jane (Miss), apartments, 8 Cashiobury terrace
Milton road Catholic High School (Rev. Mother Superior, principal),
13right Charles William, hair dresser, 32 Marine parade St. Mary's Convent, I Milton roaq
Brightwell John Rumbelow, linen drpr. 3 & 5 High st Catlin Edward. apartments, 17 Church road
Broad George, confectioner, 63 Park street Caunter Samuel Valentine, tobacconist, 5a, & refresh-
13roadbank William, sign writer, 102 High street ment rooms 18, Marine parade
Brockbank Percy, architect, see Greenhalgh & Brockbank Cause Albert Abel, cycle manufacturer, 133 London road
Brockman William Stanhope, butcher, 42 Hamlet Court Cause William, grocer. Prittlewell street '
road, 'West cliff Cayton Arthur. architect, Mozart villa, Clarence road
Bromley Benjamin Charles, confectioner, 44 Milton st Cemetery (W. Gregson, clerk to the board), North road
1Jrook Jsph. Ja.s. dining rms. 3 Wellington pl.Lwr.Sthend Chalk Albert, station master. L. T. & S. Railway
Brooker Ellen (Mrs.), apartments,· 3 Tyler's avenue Challis Frederick, apartments, 7 Old Southend road •
"Brooks Albert Arth. Hy. apartments, 39 Southchurch av Chambers George, dairyman, 16 Wesley road
Brooks Thomas Henry, boat proprietor, 4 Albert road Chambers John Jas. aparts. 50 St. Helen's rd. West cliff
Brotherhood George, slater, 18 Milton street Champ Charles, apartments, 5 Devereux terrace
Brown Sam & Co. tailors, 154 High street Ohaplin Clara (Miss), kindergarten school, 7 St.
Brown Edward GeoI'ge, apartments, 4 Runwell terrace Vincent's road
Brown Esther(~Irs.), apartments, 25 Scratton Toad Chaplin Rhoda (Miss), boarding school for girls, 10
Brown Henry, jun. Railway hotel, Cliff Town road West Qliff parade
Brown 'William Henry, grocer, beer retailer & wine mer- Chapman Emma (Miss), apartments, 21 Scratton road
chant, Belle Vue stores, Southchurch road Chapman George, butcher, 81 Hamlet Court rd. "Vest cliff
Browning Alexander Thomas, draper, Albert terrace, Easi Chapman Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 44 Heygate av
parade, Lower Southend Chapman Leonard, insur. agt. Anglesea viI. Chinchilla rd
Bruce Wm. Edward, apartments, 8 Milton av. West cliff Chapman Ruth (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Sea View road
Brunt Alfred E. refreshment rooms, 30 Marine parade Chapple Thos.electrical engnr.26 St. Leonards rd.York rd
Burden Frederick, refreshment rms. 27 :Marine parade Oharige Benjamin, apartments, 21 Norfolk avenue
Burgess Alice ("Nhc,), apartments, 19 Norfolk avenue Cheapside Clothing Co. (S. Knight, manager), outfitters,
Burgess Arth. Wellington, aparts. Belmont, Ilfracombe rd 6 & 7 Cheap side, London road
Burgess Emily (~Irs.), aparts. 17 Retreat I'd. West cliff Cbeesman Joseph William, stationer, 54 Milton road
Burgess Frederick, hoot rep~irer, 23 Milton street & Cheesman William, insurance agent, 7 Prittlewell square
Prittlew~ll park Cheetham William, apartments, 5 Grosvenor place
Eurgess William, apartments, 41 Lancaster gardens Chemical Dry Cleaning &; Dyeing Co. Station rd.West cliff

theney & Sons, decorators, 37 Southchurch road Cooper Thomas, solioitor, 12 Nelson terrace
Vherries Frederick, apartments, I Norfolk avenue Cooper Wm. saddler & harness maker, 2 Clrurence street
GhignelI Edgar, apartment~, 32 Scratton road. OoOOe Thomas, apaTtments, 19 Scratton road
ChignelI William Joseph, Jun. outfitter, 15 HIgh street Copping Charles Elijah, plumber, 48 Park street
Children's Holiday Home (Mrs. Martba Breton, matron), Oorbett Francis (Miss), apartments, 124 Hamlet Court
J4 & 15 St. .Ann's terrace, .Ann's road road, West cliff
Ohilds .Alfred, apartments, 15 Grove road Comell .Alfred James, apartments, 79 Queen's :road
Childs .Arthur, apartments, 38 Grove r01ld Oosham Sarah (Mrs.). aparts.17 St. Helen'~ Td,rWest cliff
Childs Benj. professor of music, 8 .Argyle rd. West cliff Cot,grove .A.rthur, oyste1r merchant, 16a" Hlgh street
Ohilds George, confectioner, 15 York road Ootgrove Jabez, oyster bliJr, 9 Marine pande
Childs Henry, apartments, 40 Grove road Oo~O"]'ove RobeTt, apartments, 63 Reygate avenue
Ghilds Thomas, apartments, I I Stanley road CottelI Henry, bath chair proprietor, 30 .Avenue road
Childs WaIter J. china. & glass dealer, 128 London road Gottrell Sarah A. (.Mrs'.), apartments, 24 Hamlet ra,ad
Childs William Henry, grocer, Summercourt road Cottrill Waiter Stanley, apartmts. Beulah, Church road'
Christey .Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 24 St. Leonard's road County Oourt (His Honor H. Tindal .Atkinso.n, ju~g:e;-
Ghristie Brothers, hakers, 36 Hamlet Oourt road, West Wm. Gregson, registrar; Oharles Go~frey, hIgh baIlIff)
cliff & 56 Queen's road Court William, refreshment rooms, I RIchmond avenue .
Chubb Herbert, engraver, I Farringdon place Coutanche Hobert, apartments, 34 BU1'dett av. West chfi
Chum. WaIter Henry, superintendent Refuge Insurance Cox AJpoo, Robert, apartm.ents, 37 Hastings road
00. Lim. 12 Heygate avenue Oox Frank, mgr. of the Capital & Counties Bank, High st
Church George William. house d~corator, 21 Sutton st Cox Frederick, apartments, 5 RunweIl terrace
Ohurch Kate Marian (Mrs.), boardmg house, I Essex ter *Oox Henry Thomas, solicitor (firm, B. <& F. Tolhurst &
Ola-ridge Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 40 Scratton road Cox), 67 High street .
Olark Esther ('Mrs.), apartments, 59 Old Southend road Crampholl'n Limited, corn & se,ed me['s. &0.39 .Alexandra sft
Clark Geo'rge, roomS,I Prospect :row,Low.,Southend Crane Robert Ewart, apartments, 22 Heygate avenue
CJ.ark George, Mattihe,ws, apalrtments, 22 Ty[er'~ avenUel Oranmer Frederick, dairy, 45 .Ashburnham Toad
Olark Geo. Wm. corn & flour illr. 60 Milton I'd. We. Cliff Cranmer Joseph, dairyman, 47 .Ashburnham road
Olark John, apa['tments, 45 Tyler's avenue Crawlev Goorge, jeweller, 17 Marine parade
Clark ,Maria (Mrs.), apartments, Wa1"I'en Iho. Sutton I'd! Creek jesse &, Co. plumbers, 3 Stanley road
Ola:rk Rn,hert Danie~, ap3lrtmJent:sJ, ID Quebec 'avenue CresswelI .Aunie (Mrs.), apartments, I I Hermitage road"p
Ciark Wiliam, apartment,s, 5 Norfolk avenue West cliff
Olark William, baker, Albell"t place, LoweT Southend Croke .Annie (Miss), apartments, Marine view, Seafortll
Olajrk Wil1:iaillJ,grocer, 6 Cliff Town Tood Toad, West cliff
Clark Wm. marine st,ore dlr. Spen ho>. O~d! Southend rd Crookham Harry, chemist, 26 Milton road
Clark William, painter, 98 Park street Cross .Alfred, slat,ell', 3 Beryl villas, Sum.:m.e'rOOUJrt road
Olulrk William J'oihn, aprurtmentSl, Lily villa!, !E3Ist Oross 1Villiaro, apartments~ 6 Ohancellor rOGd
Glark William Jose'Ph, shopkeeper, 70 Park street Crox8on Edvvard Qeorge, engineer & smith, Vulca1\'
Clarke Robert, apalrtxneDlts, 32 Kilwort:h. a;venue. works
ClJ.a~ .&rthUT, hairdresser, §f'~fort,h road', ~Vest Oli:ff
Crump George G. shopkeeper, & post office, 4 Chase roacf
Olaydon Mbert Edward, gardener, 16 NapIer avenue Culham Thomas, apartments, 20 Rartington Toad
Cla,yton WaIter, draper, 51 SoUlt,hohuroh road Cullum Alfred & Son, greengrocers, 19 .A.lexandra street;
Clements John, ap3lTtments, 3 Central avenue 23 Southchurch road & 23 Cliff Town road
Olements :Mary Ann ('Miss), aparbs.8 Ca.pel:'ter.OifI town Cuiver Elizbth. (Miss), boarding ho. 14 Hey,gate avenue
Clens'haw Charles, launcLry, 27 Southchuroh road Cunnington Alfred, apartments, 18 Grove road
Olerverley Robert. refr'eshment ,rooms, 7 & 18 Oastle ter- Curtis .Alfred Tofts, apartments, 5 Cheltenham road
race, Lowel' Sorut'hend
Cleverley WaIter, butcher, 5 Wellington pI. Low.South€nd Curtis Fredk. Geo. Sutton .Arms P.H. 35 SO'l1thchurch I'd
Cliff Estate, Burnt Oak Estate, !Little FoHY' Fa.Tm &
Curtis Heroort Richd. butcher, Norfolk ho. Sutton road
ChaJkweU PalI"k (Land Co. proprietors), We:st cliff; Ourtis James, coach builder, Nelson street (back of)
& at 67 & 68 .Oheapside, Lonruon El 00 . Ousworth .Ada (Mrs.), apartments, 34 Pleasant road
Clifford EIlen CMiss), ap3lrtments, 44 tOambTldge Toa~ Cutting John Tate, master mariner, 43 Hastings road
Clishy Frdk. fishmonger, 83 Ha,mlet Oourt iTd'. rw est. cliff Dalton John Oharles, dining rooms, 39 Sonthchurch road
Clothing Stores (Goo. Wm. .Ager, mangr.), 180 \Ihgh st Daniel Robert Charles, apartments, 56 Heygate avenue
Clover Geo:rge Peter, a:partmeil1t~, 31 ·PleaSillJIlt road Daniels Robert, fly proprietor, 90 Park street
Claw Frederick, apartments, ,82 Burdett av. rwestl cliff Darbyshire Henry, apartments, 10 Royal terrace
Cluett Robert Geo'!'O'e, apa-rime,nts, 6 Elme.r avenue Darke William Thomas,builder, contra,ctor, undertaker &.
Ooat J. & Co. ston: & monUllI1entrul mason, 21 Leigh Toad monumental mason, 54 .Alexandra street & Nelson str~
Oobb & Co. a.uctioneers, 154 High street Darley Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 66 Queen's road
Cohen EleaJlJQlr (Miss), apartments, 4 PrittleweP. sqooiI'e Darling }<'red, hair dresser, 3 Castle tel'. Low. Southend
Oohen MOTTis tilliI:or & outfitter; every 3.lI'tIole cut & Darvill Oharles B. baker, 133 North road on th~ premises; facing L. T. & S. Railway, Davey F. & E. timber merch?-nts, Elmeravenue .
15 Oliff Town road! Davey William Ewart, builder, 39 Burdett av~n. West chff
Cohen Reyna. (Mrs.), a,pa.rtments, 7 Capel terrrace Davidson Sarah A.nn (Mrs.), aparts. Myrtle VII. Myrtle rd
Cola Emilio, apartments, 8 .A.lexandTa TOad, Davies George, bilthing machine proprietor, West cliff
Oole Mark Ge<OTge, apartments, 3 St. Helen's rd..We.cliff Da.vies John WiIliam, apartments, 25 .A.lbert road
ColesE<lrwll Ridhard, Oliff hotel, 48 Hamlet road Davies Wm. Thos. aparts. Killingworth, Ilfracombe rd
Colleth .Autonio, confe.ot,i()ner, 37 Na.rth rooo . Davis & Leaney, builders & contractors, Lancaster,garde~s
Oollick Emily ('Mrs.), apartments, 85 Burdett 8IV.We.cliff Davis Ada (Mrs.), apartments, 36 Argyle rd. "es~ chJif
Collier Bro's. (GC'OlI'ge .Au:ger, managelJ'), brewers, 71 St. Davis Elizabeth Cartherine (Mrs.), apartments,64 L81gh I'd
Helen':> 1'000, West cliff Davis EIDIna (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Albert road . .
Collier Qeorge Rovery, too~ dealer & cutler, 82 Davis Gcorge, beer retlr. Hamlet Court road, West chff
Queen's road Davy Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Oliff Town parade
Collier William, apartmentsl, 136 Soutlhohurch avenue Dawkins James Cornelius, apartments, 15 Tyler's avenue'
Collier William Henry, refreshment rooms, 29 'Mrurine par Dawkins Margaret (Mrs.), dress ma. 4B Old Southend I'd
Coolins Charles Edwaird, a,partm.ents, 3'3 Cambridge TQ<ad Dawson Elizabeth (Miss), aparts. Retreat vil.Ganewdon I'd
CoIlins Herbert. apartments, 41 Tyler',s avenue Dawson Geo. Robt. chemist, 42 High st. &; 46 Marine par
C&well & Co. ,ohemirS'fAs, 1411 Higih st. & 47 HamletOourt I'd Day Alfred, apartments, 14 1Veston road
OombelI" Char!oe,s, builde,r, .Albion ho . .Albion 1'<1. Leigh rd Deadman Goorge, apartments, 75 A.venue Toad
Conley Frederick, greengrocer, 73 Queen's TOad Dean Clemence (Mrs.), boarding house, 2 WaterlOO house-.
Constantine Christine C'harlotte (Mrs.), Hope hotel, Southchurch avenue
Marine parade . . D8'ur .Alice (Mrs.), aparts. 67 St. Helen's rd. lVest cliff
Cook Boylallld, coal merchant, Florence villa, LeIgth road Deeley & Kesterton, auctioneers. surveyors, valuer9.
Cooke Charles architect, 3~ Goroon road land, house & estate agents, 25 Cliff Town road; &.
CookwelI & Co~ fried fish shop, 4 Queen's road Broadway, Leigh-on-Sea .
Coombes Hy. plumbeI' & gas fitteT', 3 Nelson st. Oliff town Deeping, Wade & Bridger, physicians 1& sllrgns. 10 HIgh Sot.
Coombs Joseph, manager to Barclay & Co'. Limited, bank- Deglow Ral'Ph, hair dresser, East parade
e'V9. High street de Koningh Leonard, apartments, 9 Quebec avenue
Cooper Brothers, stationers, 14 Cliff Town Toad Dell Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Old Southend road .
Cooper Alfred, tinmall, Prittlewell path Dellow Frederick, apartmts. 57 Burdett aven. West clIff
Cooper Henry, apartments, 7 .A.lbe:rt road de Lyons-Pike Chas. Wm. solicitor, 43 Argyle I'd. West cliJ!
Cooper James, apartments, 2 Wesley road Dennes Edgar Thomas Martin, solicitor (firm, Todd p
Cooper Jessie (Mrs.), aparts. 53 St. Helen's ird. We.cliff Dennes & Lamb)
Dennis Hannah (Mrs.), confectioner, 110 Park street. Essex Rubber Co. (The) (Frank Lind.sey, manager),
Dennis Hy. Reginald, builder, Oakfie1d, Great Eastern av waterproofs, oilskins, fis-hing &; shooting ooo'bs---&;c. ;
Dent Isabellllo (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Albert road manufacturers of every description of rubber.&; oilskin
de Pokitouoff Nicholas Wm.aparts.I4 Burdett av.West cliff goods, Cliff Town road
Devey Charles, apartments, 10 Honiton road Essex Imperial Yeomanry (D Squadron, Major F. H. D.
Dickerson Alice (Miss), dress ma.I Fern vils.Prittlewell st O. Whitmore, commanding; Lieut. Frank Hilder.
Dilkes :Mary (Mrs.), restaurant &; boarding house; good second in comm.and; F. W. Sheppard, Yeomanry
a.ccommodation for cyclists; clubs catered for; dinners squadron sergt.-mfljor; Squadron 6ergt.-Maj. F. E.
for large or small parties; every comfort; moderate Hitchens. drill instructor)
charges, 144 London rood Essex (1St) Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) (No. II
Dingle Herbt. ap-arts. Hasdon, Ditton -Court I'd.West cliff Battery, Major J. P. Whit~ &; No. 9 Battery, Capt.
Dirling Lilian (Miss), boarding house, Rose house, Manor F. J. Tolhurst
road, West cliff Essex "V~ekly News SeriBoS Limited, printers, .Alexandra. s~
Dixcee Thomas, apartments, 12 Burdett aven. 'West cliff Estate Office (Tapp & Jom~s, agents), 17 Cambridge road
Dixon Alex. (Mrs.), aIXIrtmts. 31 Burdett av. West cliff Etheridge .Alice (Miss), apartments, 41 Alexand1'3 road
Dixon Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Toledo road Eton House Boarding School 'for Boys (S. BloWls
Dixson Robert Henry, apartments, SI Leigh road ~LA., B.Se., Teachers' Diploma, St. John's College;
Doarks Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Park street Cambridge &; London University), Victoria avenue
Dobby Carolina (Mrs.), apartments, 21 Southchureh aven Eve Charles Henry, watch maker, 12 .Alxeandra street
Dolby &; Morris, tailors, 78 &; 80 Queen's road Evenden Alfred, apartments, I I Royal terrace
Dolphin Arthur William, boot maker, 22 Park street Evered Elizabeth (Miss), apartmentS, 34 Gordon road
Dolphin Ohas.Jn. boot ma. 18, &; umbrella ma.I9,Market pI Everett Everline (Mrs.), laundry, 29 Leigh road
Douglas Ann (Mrs.), Oricketers' P.H. 2 Leigh road Everett Frederick, boot maker, 5 Chase road
Douglas Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, I I Tyler's avenue Everett John, a,partments, 69 Cambridge road
Dove Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Avenue terrace Eyre Willi-am Henry, apartments, 13 Stanley road
Dowsett Herbert Arthur, furnishing ironmonger, 3, 5 i& Fage &; Powling, furniture dealers, 8 i&; 9 Cliff Town road
. 7 Mexandra street . '/;[, 149 London road
Dowsett Thomas, estate agent,Clarence chmbrs.Clarence st Fairbairn Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 20 Heygate avenue
Dowsett Thomas, jun. china dealer, 21 Alexandra street Fairc10th Stephen, luggage porter, 22 Scratton road
Dowsett 'Walter, The County loother, stationery & fancy Faircloth WiIliam 'Roben, apartments, 13 Scratton road
stores, 25 High street FalIe Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 46 Cambridge road
Dowthwaite Robert, umbrella maker, IS North road Farley George, boot maker, 87 Hamlet Court :rd.West eliff
Drew Dansey, grocer, I Leigh road Felton Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 17 Sutton street
Drury Frede,rick &; Son, cycle agents, 73 Hamlet Court Fenton Frederick James, butcher, 20 Cliff Town road
road, West cliff Fever Hospital (Miss Anoie Elizabeth Thompson, mat-
Drury Alfred, ~1:inerva. hotel, Marine parade ron), Balmoral road
Drury Fanny (Miss), apartments, 61 Cambridge road Fidgeon William, apartments, 32 Old Southend road
Drury Frederick, tobacconist, 3 Cliff Town road Fidler Alfred A.M.l.C.E. borough engineer & surveyor,
Duff Thos. aparts. Rheidol, Ditton Court rd. West cliff ClaTence road; res. 114 Southchurch road
Dulley Joseph, grocer, &; post office, 46 Stanley road Field & Field,house agts.Cliff Town rd. & Hamlet Court I'd
Duncan .& Kimpton, auctioneers .& surveyors, Hamlet Finch TamaT (Miss), apartments, 27 Cambridge road
Court road, West cliff Finchand Joseph Walker, laundry, North road
Dun~op Alexander, apartments, 56 Plea,sant road Fine H. pawnbroker, 39 North road
Dunmore Frank, plumber &c. 2 St. John's road Finlay Arehibald L.F.P. &; S.Glas. surgn. 34 Alexander st
Dunnett Fitzwilliam Sparling, watch maker&; stationer, Fischer Dora (Miss), holida,y home, 2 Cambridge road
38 Marine parade Fisher IsabelIa (Mrs.),apartmts.I Burnham ter.Glarence st
Dupont Fredk.&Co. builders &; contrctrs.72 Southchurch I'd Fisher I_ucy (~Irs.), apartments, 2 Toledo road
Dupree J"oseph Alfred, ladder maker, 48 London road Flemons William F. draper, 41 South Church road &; 8
Duprey Frederick, boot maker, 9 Princes street Cheapside, London road
Durha~ Georgina Mary (Mrs.), apartmts. 5 Prittlewell sq F'owers Stephen, confectnr. 6 Wellington pl.Lwr.SDuthnd
Duval M. Frederica (Miss), apartments, Manor lodge, Sea- 1'1uck GOOTge William, dining rooms, 90 High street
forth road, West cliff Flude Edwin, bookbinder, 32 EImer avenue
Dyer Henry, apartments, 21 Chelmsford avenue Folkard Clara (Mrs.), apa,rtments, 4 Elmer avenue
Eames Arth. fly proprietor, 4 Prospect pI. Low. Southend Foot Albert Oharles, ap-artments, 76 Pleasant road
Earp Thomas, apartments, 6 Prittlewell square Foot William, watch maker, 33 High street
Eason Arthur E. boot retailer, I Chase road Forbes John Edward, watch maker, I Clarence street
Eastwood &; Co. Ltd. brick mers.Gt. Eastern Railway yard :Ford Geo. corn &; bottled beer mer. 16 Old Southend I'd
Eckoldt George C. tobacconist, 16 Alexandra street Ford Samuel, assurance agent, 61 Oambridge road
Ede Louis'3 (Mrs.), apartments, 104 York road Forrest Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, 12 York road
Edgington Ellen (Mrs.), boarding house, St. Bernards, Forsyth Charles M.B., B.S. surgeon & physician, Crinnis
Britannia road, West cliff house, 49 London road
Edmondson "Villiam Thos. apartmts. 69 Southchurch av Foster Edward WiIliam, draper, 3 Southchurch road
Educational Institute (John "ViIliam Pork, princiIXII), As- Foster John, grocer, Summercourt road •
semblv rooms, 81 Southchurch road Fowler vVilIiam, greengrocer, Il7 Park street
Ed\Nards A. L. & Son. wholesale &; retail tobacconists, Fox Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 42 Old Southend road
70 High st. &; Queen's house, Hamlet Court rd. West cliff Francis -&; Sons, printers &; -bookbinders, 55 High street
Edwards Edward, hair dresser, 5 Chase road Francis Emily (Miss), apartments, 22 Grove road
Edwards Francis James, postmaster, Post office Francis Frank, greengrocer, Southchureh road
Edwards Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartmts. IQ Elmer aven Francis John, butcher, 29 High street
Edwards Pastan (Mrs.), apartments, I Cambridge road Francis 1Villiam, shopkeeper, 89 North road
Edwards Richard, upholsterer, I Albion road Freakley Brothers, builders, :55 Leigh road
Edwards Richard Henry, ironmonger, Station I'd. West cliff Freeman Annie C. &; Emily S. (Misses), ladies' school,
Elam ·Wm. ironmngr. 57 High st. .& oilmn'43 Alexandra st 14 Park road
Elder Samuel, fried fish dealer, 2'5 North road Fr~man, Hardy & Willis Lim. boot makers, 49 High st
Elclridge Lizzie (Mrs.), apartments, 58 York road Freeman & Walker, apartments, 2 Clifton terrace
Elliott John, apartments, I I Pleasant road Freeman Alfd. Geo. solicito~,Manor ho.Manor rd.West cliff
Elliott Mary (Mrs.), apartmts. 8 St. Helen's I'd. West cliff Freeman John, apartments, 71 SouthchuTch avenue
Ellis Emma (Miss), apartments, 23 Church road FrE'ethy Elizabeth E. k Amy I. (Misses), apartments,
Ellis James, carpenter, Eastwick road HolbertQn, Runwell terrace
EIlis James, decorator, Lentone, Summercourt road French 'Ym. &; Sons, family millers & corn dIrs. Milton s~
Ellis Ma.rtin Henry, dairyman, 107 Southchurch avenue French Charles, apartments, 29 Old Southend rood
Ellis ·Walter James, printer, 49 Gordon road Fricker Charles, teacher of music, 40 Old Southend road
EllsDl1. Mary (:\1rs.), corset ma. 4 Burnham tel'. Clarenee st Frith Percy, umbrella maker, 37a, High street
Elton Laundry (Wm. Arroll, propr.), 35 South church RV Frith Parey R. apartments, 3 Avondale tel'. Clarence I'd
Eh y Robert, builder, undertaker & general stores, South- Frost Alfred, apartments, 13 Grove road
church road Fr()st John, apartments, 60 Pleasant road
Emmons "Villiam, apartments. 19 SouthchuTch avenue Frost John Henry, apartments, 34 Stanley road
Empire Theatre (Fredk. Marlow, propr.), .Alexandra st Frost Thomas Collins, dairy, 83 Queen's road
End~rby Harry, grocer, 8 Leigh road Frost ,Yilliatn Henry, apartments, 8 Scratton road
Eng:and Frederick, builder, 17 Baxter avenue Fry Caroline Amelia (Mrs.), apartments, 51 Heygate aven
English .Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 148 Southchurch road Fryer Sarah Ann (Mrs.), g:rocer, 75 Queen's road
FuIcherr Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 31 ,scratton road Gregson Frederic M.A. (firm, Gre:gson Willian1 &
Fulcher George AI,bert, apartments, 2 Church Toad Frederick), solicitor, clerk to the Shoeburyness Urban
Gage David &; Co. co·al merohants, L. T. &; S. Railwa:r & District Council, clerk to the guardians & assessment
39 St. J abn's mad! 1& school attendance committees of the Roc,hford union,
Galbreath James, shopkeepe,r, 3 Smrune,roourt l'O'ad: & clerk to the Rochford Rural Council, Alexandra st
Gale Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 63 Bur<1ett av. West cliff Gregson William (firm, Gregson W. & F.), solicitor &;
Gale HalTiet. (Mrs.), apartments, 30 Old Southend! road clerk to the burial board & to the vestry, i& registrar
Galls Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, St. Andrew's lodge, Sea- of county court & supt. registrar of Rochford district,
forth road, 'West cliff 46 Alexandra street
Gamble Emily (:Mrs.), boa.rding house, 38 Leigh road Grey William, builder, I Cheltenham road
Gardiner OharIeS', painter, 69 Queen's road! Grice Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 53 Burdett rd. West cliff
Gardner Brothers, f1o·rists, Has'tings road Griffin John, shopkeeper, 6 Tyler's avenue
Gardner Charlotte (~1iss), apartments, 54 St. He~en'8 Griffiths Benjamin, plumber, 8 Market place
road, Welst cliff Griffiths Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Wellington pI.
Ga'rne,r Charles J ames, apartments, 33 Hasti~crs road Lower Southend .
GaII'Il!ham John WilIiam, apartments, 9 Hastings road Grignon Herbert, apartments, 16 Milton aven. West cliff
Garon F. &; Sons Limited, ironmongers, 5 Nelson street Grist Thomas, .grocer, 60 High street
& 84 High street. See advert Guiver Frank, apartment.s, Ellen villa, Ghristchurch rd
Garon Harry, baker, 4 Chea.pside, London road Guiver Frederick P. underta·ker & builder, 41 Princesst
Garon Harry, fruiterer 94, :/4 a , 98 & g8a, '& butcher 68, Habben George, apartments, 35 Old Southend road
High street Haggar Thomas, fish shop, 41 MaI'ine parade
Garrard Alfred, Ivy House inn, 21 <& 22 Ma.rine parade Haggar William, plumber, Beach road
Gayner William, apartments, 13 Hillcrest road Haines Sarah &i Margt. (Misses), apartmts.6 Cambridge rd
Geer Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Hamlet road Haines Henry Ernest, builder, 3 Lydford road, West cliff
Genoni Bros. dining rms. 24 Cliff Town rd. &; 7 Marine par Haines Thomas Price, insurance supt. la Weston road
Genzel Florence (Mrs.), apartments, :Beaumaris, Ditton Hall James William, apartments, 6 Alexandra road
Court road, 1Vest cliff Hall Louisa (Mrs.), aparts.NoravilIe,Seaforlh rd.West cliff
Gibberd John, boot maker, 120 High street Hamilton Edmd. Hy.chmst.48 Hamlet Court rd.West cliff
Gibbon Elizabth. (Mrs.),apartmts.29 Burdett av.West cliff Hammond Frederick 'James, apa.rtments, 9 Hillcrest road
Gibbs Alice (Miss), apartmts. 26 St. Helen's rd. West cliff Hancock Bros. house furnishers, 45 i& 49 AIexandra street
Giggins William C. fruiterer, Clarence road Hankin William, baker, Marine parade
Gilbert Ha.rriet (Mrs.), apartments, 15 Hillcrest Toa.d Hanson WilIiam, apartments, 7 Pleasant road
Gilbert Jane T. (Mrs.), apartments, 1'2 Stanley road Harding Charles, apartmen·ts, 19 Pleasant road
Gilbert Thomas John, pianoforte manufactrs. 100 High st Harding Frank, tobacconist, 134 Lond<ln road
Gill &; West, engineers, 85 Princes street Harjette Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 49 Cambridge road
Gill Eliza Ann (Miss), apartments, 6 Ct:i,peJ terrace Harknett Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Prittlewell street
GiIlett Charle,;; Herbert, builder, 31 Queen's road Harknett J oseph, apartments, 43 SouthchuTch avenue
GilIett L. A. (Mrs.), oil <& calor shop, 31 Queen's road Harling Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Cashiobury terrace
Ginn Cornelius, greengrocer, Summercourt road Harp Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Old Southend I'd
Girling J. & H. wholesale & retail coal, coke .& salt mers Harper Mary A.nn (Mrs.), apartments, 39 Lancaster .gdns
Gladdy Henry, apartments, Tiverton, York TOad Harrington Arthur Lewis L.D.S.R.C.S.lrel. dentist &
Glance£eld :Benj. Geo. builder, 30 Argyle ro,ad, 'West cliff chemist & dep. reg. of marriages, 40 Alexandra st. &
Godwal'd Ernest, apa.rtments,· 13 'Southchurch avenue Innisfallen, Dowsett avenue
G-odward Frank Harold, jobbing gardener, 5'4 Avenue Td HalTington Edith Mary (Miss), ladies SChl.I3 Alexandra rd
Godward Frederick, confectioner, 93 Queen's road Ha.rrington's Mineral Water Co. Limited, mineral water
Godward Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 29 Southchurch aven manufacture'rs, 52 ;& 54 London road
Godward Thomas, blacksmith, 7 Grosvenor place Harris :& Rowe Ltd. builders, Tower bldgs. Cliff Town I'd
Goerke Otto, hair dresser, 21 Park street Harris Elizh. Martha (Miss), apartments, 26 Scratton I'd
Going Brothers, Dyster dealers, 8 High street Harris :Frederick, custom house officer, 19 Tyler's avenue
Going James Allerton, oyster merohant, 53 High street & Harns Harold, architect & surveyor & surveyor to Shoe-
18 & 19 Pier approach buryness Urban District Council (firm, BurIes &; Harris)
Goldsmith E. d. & W. Limited. corn, coal & cement Clarence chambers
merchants & barge owners, Grosvenor place Harris Jane (Miss), dress ma.87 St. He-Ien's rd. West cliff
Golsworthy Caroline Elizh. ('Miss), aparls. 33 Stanley I'd Harris Loui8'll (Mrs.), apartments, 31 St. Leonards road
Gomez Henry Charles, photographer, 12 Essex street Harrison George, boot maker, 3 !& 5 Richmond avenue
Gooch John, apartments, Claremont house, Sutton road Harrison Helen(Mrs. ),statnr.50 HamletCourt rd. West cliff
Good Adelaide Ellen (Mrs.), apartmts. '5 Ca,shiobury ter Harrison J ames, grocer, 41 Park street
GoodchiId Frederick, boot maker, 47 Old 8<luthend road Harrison WiIliam, apartments, 15 Honiton road
Goodeve Harry Jas. apartments, Bethelllodge, Church rd Harrod George Fred8lrick, root maker, 36 Marine parade
Goodman Brothers, stationers, 104 High street Harrod Harriet (Mrs.), aparlments, 27 Stanley road
Goodman Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Prittlewell sq Harrop Annie (Miss), dress maker, 4 1Veston road
Gordon Francis, cycle agent, 2 Heygate avenue Hart Charles, apartments, 13 St. John's road
GoIldon John Mase, news agent, 23 Park street Hart E'rnest, apartments, 49 Tyler's avenue
Gony Hannah (Miss), school, 68 & 70 York road • Hart William, painter, 9 North TOoo
Gowar James, apartments, 6 Toledo road Harvey Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 67 Southchurch avenue
Grace Robert Wllllam, boys' school (private); pre- Harvey Ralph (Mrs.), boarding house, 58 Hamlet COUlt
rparations for Oxford <& Cambridge local examinations, road, We·st cliff
iLindis'farne college, VaIkyrie road, 1VestcIiff-on- Harvey Rosa (Mrs.), dress maker, I Summer villas,
Sea. High & healthy premises built on gravel ,soil Summercourt road
Grand Pier Family a Commercial Hotel Harvey WiUiam George, Alexandra House P.H.High stree~
(Frederic Ramuz, propr.). facing the pier & Grove rd Hasleham William Gale, boardin.g house, 19 :& 21 Retreat
Grant Edgar Henry,a.partments, 9 St. Helen's rd.West cliff road, West cliff
Grant Sa.m.uel Henry, apartments, Langport, York road Hatch William, mantle warehouse, 138 High street
Gratwick Thomas William, apartmenh, 52 Oambridge Td Hatcher Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Scratton road
Gray Charles, apartments, 54 Heygate avenue Hatt Alfred, oabinet maker, 21 Queen's road
Gray Edwin Harry, dairyman, II3 Park street Haughton D. refreshment rooms, 3 Station pa.r. West cliff
Gray John, apartments, 2 HDrace road Havens Rawdon, china dlr. 89 Hamlet Court 'I'd.West cliff
Great Eastern Railway Refreshment Rooms (H. C. T. Hay Herbert, sign writer, 74 Pleasant road
Amendt, manager), G. E. Railway station Hayball & Robinson, tailors, 15 Queen's road
Green Alice (Miss), dress maker, 2 Wesley I'<lad Hayhow James, insurance agent, 6 LC?velace gardens
Green Francis Joseph, milliner, Marine parade Haylock In. Edwd. decorator,2 Burnham tel'. Clarence st
Green Hy. aparts. St. John's lodge, Seaforth rd. West cliff Hayward & Co. Ltd. furniture removers, 31 Leigh road
Green .Tol'n Thomas, apartments, 30 Stanley road Head George Charles, apartments, IQ Old Southend road
Green William, fruiterer, 79 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff Head Henry WaIter, boot maker, 33 Old Southend road
Greenhalgh & Brockbank, architects, Bank chmbrs.High st Head James (Mrs.), boarding house, Mount View, Manor
Greenwood Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, I Hadleigh rd road, West cliff
Greenwood George, apa,rtments, I Hadleigh road Heap John, apartments, 28 Heygate avenue
Greetham George Fred, grocer, 59 Queen's road Heaven John Christopher Joseph, aucti<lneer '&c. see
Greeves Arthur, grocer, 49 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff Matthews & Heaven, 69 High street
Gregson William & Frederic, solicitors, Alexandra street Heddle William, linen draper &; out,fitter, 32 i& 34 Park st
Gregson Edgar, apartments, 67 :Burdett a,ren. 'West cliff Heeley Henrietta (:\iiss),fiorist,24 Hamlet Crt.rd.West cliff
Heenan 'William E. J. engineer of the Southend Corpora- Ingram Charles Ernest, apartments, 7 Quebec avenue
tion Electricity works, London road Ingram Edward John, apartments, 20 Oambridge road
Hemmann E. K. (Miss), preparatory school, II Wilson rd Ingram Elizabeth (Miss), fancy repos. 47 Alexandra st
Henderson Robert, builder, Osborne, Meteor rd. West cliff Ingram James C. estate agent, Weston chambers
Hendry James Duncan, apartments, 39 Scratto-n road Ingram Mary (,Mrs.), a,partments, 24 Hartington road
Hensmin George, apartments, 81 Southchurch avenue Ingram Thos. W. swimming machine propr. The Beach
Henson Ruby (Mrs.), boarding house, II6 Hamlet Court Ingram William, mineral -water manufactr. Clarence street
road, West cliff Inland Revenue Office (Henry Saunders), I Hillcrest road
Heppell Agnes (Mrs.), apartments, 41 Leigh road Interna,tional Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 13 High street &;
Hester Frederick, apartments, 25 Stanley road 77 Handet Court road, 'Vest cliff
Hewitt Naomi (Mrs.), apal'tments, 8 Weston Toad Ireland Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 20 &; 22 Park road
Hewitt Sarah (Ml's.), dress maker, 18 Princes street Irvine James, confectioner, 132 London road
Hewkins Walter, boarding house, 32 Heygate avenue Isaac Albert, apartmts. 11 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff
Hickson lVilIiam, apartments, 30 Pleasant road Isaacs George, confection6'I', 18 High st. &; 2 Cliff Town I'd
Higgins A.lbt. Edwd. apM'tmts. Amersham ho. rd Ivaldi Raffaele, refreshment rooms, IIO High street
Higgins Joseph, apartmts. 4 Avondale ter. Clarence road lve Edwin, watch maker, 24 Park street
Hilder Richard James, apartments, 20 Old Southend road Ivens Charles & CD. drapers, 118 High street
Hill Charles Arthur, grocer, Colman street Ives Henry, apartments, 12 Preston road, West cliff
Hill Charles John, wine & spirit merchant, 23 High street Ives Henry, !lipartments, 4 lVesley road
Hmen John, chemist, I High street JacJ;:aman 'George, furniture dealer, 86, 93 & 95 Park st
Hillen John, dispensing chemist, I Nelson ter. Cliff town Jackson Charles J. R. insurance agent, 78 Park street
Hills Thomas William, oyster merchant, '88 High street Jackson Ellen Mary (:\:1iss), boarding house, Morthoe,
Hindman Alfred, apartments, 43 Scratton road. Cossington road, West cliff
Hinks Alfred Grosvenor M.B., M.R.C.,s.Eng. &; L.R.C.P. Jackson Frederick, china &; glass dlr. I4 Old Southend rd
Lond. physician & surgeon, 40 St. Vincent's road Jackson Henry 'Valker, boarding house, 56 York road
Hirst Martha (Mrs.), apartments, I Prittlewell square Jaokson Jamcs Edward, apartments, 6 Quebec avenue
Hirstsmyth Elsie (Miss), preparatory schm>l for boys & Jackson Martha Ann (Mrs.), apartmts. SI Southchurch av
girls, 22 London road Jackson May (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Cambridge road
Hiscook Joseph, dairy, 10 Queen's road Jackson Rev. Thomas, supt. Primitive Methodist Home of
Hitchens Squadron Sergt.-Major F. E. drill instructor, Rest, Marine parade & Pleasant road
D ,squadron, Essex Imperial Yeomanry, Honiton road Jackson William, apartments, 40. Heygate avenue
Robbiss William Y. architect & surveyo'r, 57 High street Jaclison William, shopkeeper, 7 Alpha ter. Fernbrook aven
Rockley Wm. Jas. temperance hotel, 20 West Cliff parade Jacob George, goods agent, L. T. &; Southend Ry. goods
Hodgkin William, apartments, 20 Weston road station & 40 Park road
Hodgson Victor L.R.C.l'.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng" L.P.H. Jacobs Francis &; Co. fruiterers, 14 High street
Cambs. physician & surgeon, Inverary, 50 Argyle road Jacobs H. &:, Co. tailors, I York roa.d
Holborn Jane (Mrs.), apartmts. St. John's 10.19 Church rd Jacobs Char'les, apartments, 6 Burnham ter. Clarence st
Holbrow Thomas William, apartments, Penshurst, Cos- James &; Co. photographers, 7 Burnham tel'. Ciarence st
sington road, West cliff James Abraham, shopkeeper, 33 Golman street
Holding John &; Son, builders & contractors, Milton street James Francis J. apartments, 17 Bt. John's. road
Holiday Home (Mrs. Mary Butler, matron), 2 Stanley road Janes Ernest, oil & COIOT stores, 80 Pleasant road
Holiday Home (Mrs. Horlock), 3 Warrior square Jaques Robert, shopkeeper, Iq London road
Holland Thos. Jsph. apartmts. 46 St. Helen's rd.West cliff Jarritt> William L.D.S.,U.S.A.. dentist, 36 Alexandra street
Holland Wm. apartmts. Kildale, Pembury re. West cliff Jarvis Edward, grocer, 31 ~orth road
Bolmes Chus. & Geo. jobmasters, Royal Hotel stables, Jefferies Harry John, solr. 39 Alexandra it. & Billericay
Royal mews, Alexandra st. Southchurch road & Sea- Jeffrey Richard Luckey, apartments, 5 Ghancellor road
furth Toad, West cliff Jelks ·W. & Sons, house furnishers, 3 Norfolk avenue
Holmas Adolphus, carpenter & builder, 94 Park street J enkins Elizabeth A. (Mrs.), dress ma. 14 St. Leonards rd
Holtom John, chartered accountant, see Price &; Holtom Jenkins Nancy (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Queen's road
Home & Colonial ,stores Limited, grocers (Edward Harri- J enkins Thomas, apart,ments, 14 St. Leonards rood
son, manager), 15 Alexandra street Jennens Ellen (Miss), apartments, 42 Scratton Toad
Home of Industry, laundry (Miss Emily Alexander, .lenner Arthur, corn dealer, see Weller &:, Jenner
manageress), 50 London road Jennings William Stringer, boot maker, 11 Nelson street
Hooff Julia (Mrs'.), school, 54 Hamlet Court rd.West cliff Jepps 'Villiam Alfred, confectioner, 6 Park street
Hooper Gilbert, ironmonger, 57 Queen's road Jermy James 'Valter, bookseller, 101 Queen's road
HOG'per Horace H. estate agent, Southchurch road Joad Stephen, apartment,s, 24 Pleasant road
Hooper Sarah (Mrs. ),aparts. Mayo ha. Manor I'd. West cliff Johnson Alice Maud (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Quebec av
Rop-kins .Tohn L.R.C.P.Edin., M.R.O.S.Eng., L.,s.A.L. i& J ohnson Clam (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Cheltenham road
L.M., F.O.S.C. 62 Hamlet Court road, West cliff Johnson Edwurd, plUlnber, ,81 Avenue road
Horlock Mrs. Holidav •
Home, ElmsvilIe ,& The Glen, Johnson Elizabeth (Mis's), apartments, 88 Leigh road
Southchurch road 0& 20 Warren square Johnson Frederic Ingram, chemist, 68 Park street
Horning John, boarding house, 7 Southchurch avenue .Tohnson Harry, house decorator & glazier, Balmoral
Hoskin Edwin Rooke, boarding house, 6 Glifton terrace villa, 112 Park street
Roughton Charles, fishmonger, 46 Hamlet Toad Johnson Kate (Mrs.), apartment,s, 27 Scratton road
Houlding Kate (Miss), apartments, 67 Avenue road Johnson Mary (Mrs.), aparts. 40 Burdett av. West cliff
Howard Alfred, butcher, Summercourt road Johnson Thomas .Tames, hosier, Bank bldgs. Wesoon rd
Ho-ward Amelia (Mrs.), apartments, 35 Pleasant road Johnson 1Villiam, painter, North road
Howe Emma (~Ir.s.), apartments, 58 Heygate avenue Jonas Lewis, apartments, 16 Hillcrest road
Howes Alfred, travelling draper, 61 Southchurch Toad Jones &, Son, surgeons, Clarence house, 37 High street
Howland &; Brown, confectioners, 52 Milton rd. West cliff J ones Alice (Mrs.), boarding house, Cliff house, Manor
Ho)" lYilliam, apartments, 5 Tyler's avenue road, West cliff
Hubbard Charles, apartments, 2 Anarley road, West cliff Jones Annie (;\ohs.), apartments, 58 Pleasant road
Hubbard Frank Harry,baker,67 Hamlet Court rd.West cliff Jones Benjamin P. '1'. stone, marble & monumental
Hudson 'Walter Fredk. aparts. Myrtle villa, Honiton I'd mason, general masonry, all kinds of sills, heads &
Hughes Daniel, apartments, 25 Leigh road general house work, Tyle-r's avenue, Gardon road &
Hug-hes Dara (Mrs.), laundress, 25 Park street Lancaster gardens; &, at Leigh
Hughes George, apartments, 16 Stanley road Jones David .A.• apartments, 6 Runwell terrace
Hughes Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 61 Pleasant road Jones Frank Silva M,B., B,S., L.R.C.P.Lond.• M.R.C.S.
Hunerfauth Elizh.(Mrs.), aparts. 46 Burdett av.West cliff Eng. surgeon & med. off. & pub. vacc. Prittlewell dist.
Hunsdon Jame-s, boot maker, 4 Clarence road (firm, Jones &; Son\, Clarence house, 37 High street
Hunt William, carman, 16 Campbell road Jones George Francis M.R.C.S.Eng., L,S.A. (firm, Jones
Hutchinson Henry, fancy draper, 61 Park street &; Son), surgeon, Clarence house, 37 High skeet &
Hutley )Villiam, greengrocer, 23 North road 27 West Cliff parade
Hylton Edmund, apartments, 5 I Old Southend road Jones George Silva L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 23 High street
lies, Sons & Co. Limited, auctioneers, estate agents Jones Martha (Mrs.), news agent, 65 Park street
& surveyors, 7 Nelson terrace; & at 75 :Mark la. London Jones Robert ATthur, watch maker, 78 High street
lIes William, builder &; contra.ctor, South avenue Jones Thomas, watch repairer, 10 Market place
lIes William, jun. plumber, Colman street Joynt George, apartments, 4 Salisbury ter. Milton st
lmrett WilIiam Henry, apartments, 30 St. John's road Judd 'William Hy. saddler & harness ma, 6 Alexandra st
Ind, Coope &; Co. Ltd. brewers (Herbert Ward, manager), Jull Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Cliff Town parade
L. T. & S. Railway approach .Julyan Robert Henry, builder, Ethelbert, 74 York rd
Jung Lincoln Henry, apartments, :r Toledo road Little William, apartments, 28 Scratton road
Kamp Eliza (MTS.), boarding ho. 8 Marine av. We'st cliff Littlewood Alfred, fishmonger, 58 Milton road
Katarine Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 33 Avenue terrace . Lloyd Mary E. (Miss), boarding ho. 14 & IS West Cliff par
Kebbell James Morris,apartments, ,88 Southchurch av Locatelli Antony, restaurant, 8 Marine parade
Keddie George J. draper, 144 & 146 High street Lockhart's Lim. Cocoa Rms. 64 High st. &, Marine par
Keen George Frederick, laundry, 10 Leigh road. Lockhart J ames, apartments, 22 Norfolk avenue
Reer & Co. grocers & provision merchants, & agents for Ladder William Alfred, watch maker, 2 Weston road
W. & A. Gilbey Lim. ,wine &; spirit merchants, 2 Nel- London & County Banking Co. Limited (Edward Bridg..
son street, Cliff town man, manager), 26 High street; Hamlet Court road,
Kelf &, Co. auctioneers, 20 Queen's road West cliff; draw on head office, 21 Lombard street,
Kelly Henry James M.R. C. V. S. veterinary surgeon &, London E C; sub-branch, Rochford, open thursdays
inspector to the Board of Agriculture & borough of London Famil)f & Commercial Hotel (William A.
iSouthend-on-Sea, F,rognal house, 4 Southchurch road Hine, proprietor), High street
KeInp Benjamin, apartments, 45 Old Southend road London &, Provincial Bank Limited (G. P. Veale, mgr.),
Kemp Edwd. Mortlock, collctr. of King's taxes &, poor rate High street; &, at Hamlet Court road, West cliff
&, asst. oversr.; offices, Weston chambers, Weston rd Long Arthur, confectioner, 3 Cheap side, London road
Kemp Capt. Frank Edward, pier master, II5 York road Loomes Charlotte H. (Mrs.), china dealer, 27 Queen's 'I'd
Kemp Jesse, commercial temperance hotel, 48 &, 50 Lord Arthur, grocer &, beer Tetailer, Balmoral road
Alexandra road. See advert Lowe & Hoad, ironmongers, 92 High street
Kent Thomas, apartments, Henley, Sutton road Loyal Oliff Town Lodge M. U. :Ko. 6,548 (Chas. Floyd.
Kerr Elizabeth (Mrs.), aparts. 3 &, 7 Cliff Town parade sec.), Park hotel, Park street
Kerridge David Edwin,builder, The Oaks, Southchurch rd Lucas Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 52 York road
Kettle Thomas, china &, glass dealer, Summercourt rd Luchford Richard, confectioner, 19 Queen's road
Kimpton Wm. apartments, 120 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff Lucking Edward, corn merchant, 85 Queen"s road
King M. J . .& F. M. shopkprs. :r Victoria pI. Low.Southend Lucking Thomas, butcher, 8 Grosvenor place
King Herbert, painter, Kingsville, Wickford road Lucking Thomas, butcher, I Southchurch avenue
King Isauc, grocer, 139 London road Ludgater Henry, apartments, 42 St. John's road
King Margaret (Mrs.), aparts. 66 Burdett av. West cliff Luker Henry & Co. Limited, brewers &, wine &, spirit
King Mary H. (Mr,s.), chemist, 12 High street merchants, The Brewery, Whitegate road; & at Ray-
King Sophia (Mrs.), apartments, 5 St. Vincent's road leigh &, Rochford
Kingsbury James, apartments, la Grove road Lummis Hy. tobccnst. & post off. Station rd. West cliff
Kirby Henry Thomas, dairyman, Sutton road Lupton Charles, apartments, 98 Hamlet Court road
Kirby Samuel, dairyman, 22 Cliff Town road Lyndon Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 53 Cambridge road
KisbY Maria (Miss), apartments, 18 Norfolk avenue Lyon David, lather, 2 Honiton road
Klockenbnsch Henry, Alexandra hotel, AJexandra street McCabe F. & Co. toy dealer, 29 High street
Knight George· Henry, 32 &, 47 Milton road McCarthy Edward, fruiterer, London road
Knight Waiter, apartments, 5 Wilson road, West cliff Mace Edwin, apartments, 100 Southchurch avenue
Kontili Brothers, fancy repository, 122a, High street Macgregor Lewis, aparts. 20 St. Belen's rd. West cliff
Kontili Katie (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Norfolk avenue McKay JuIia (Miss), teacher of drawing, The Studio,
Laidlow Charles, apartments, 2 Central avenue Cossington road, West cliff
Lamb Thomas, solicitor, see Todd, Dennes &, Lamb Macklin William, furniture removel', 105 North road
Lambert Arthur, boot l'epairer, Lansdowne viI. Forest I'd McLean Donald, photographr. see Stapleton, McLean &; C~
Lambert Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 30 Tyler's av McLeod John R. apartments, 17 Honiton road
Lancelotte Elizabeth (Mrs.), aparts. 124 SouthchUJrch aven Macnee Hy. teacher of music,s CIiffside viI. Balmoral rd
Land Company (West Cliff, Beach Estate &, West Main John, Carlton Temperance hotel, Whitegate Toad
Cliff Park & Esplanade Estates) (Frederic Ramuz, Malthouse Jane E. (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Honiton rd

manager); & at 67 & 68 Cheapside, London E C Manbey Rev. Geo. Henley M.A. school, 53 &, 55 High st
Land Harry Albert, apartments, 44 Old Southend road :Mann Arthur, china dealer, 4 :Kelson terrace
Lang Henry, apartments, 4 Honiton road Mann Frederick, apartments, I Quebec avenue
Langley Benjamin, apartment,s, I Ha.rtington place Mann WiIliam James, boot ma,ker, 12 Napier avenue
Langmead Elizabeth (Mrs.), aparts. 35 Oambridge rd Manning Henry, apartments, 32 St. John's Toad
Langton Edward William, boot maker, 85 Milt<m street Manson Agnes (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Scratton road
Langton Robert, solicitor, clerk to school boards of South- March Albert, boot maker, Louise ville, Milton road
end & South Benfleet, see Wood, Son &, Lan~on Marchant Elizabeth (Miss) L.O.S. midwife, 73 Princes st
Larchin Edward Robert, apartments, 10 Wesley Toad Marguerete Mademoiselle, milliner, 136 High street
Lalst .Albt. Hy. writer, gmr. gilder & decrtr. 101 Park st Markham Charles, greengrcr. 50 Milton rd. West cliff
Latham Elizabeth (Ml"s.), ladies' school, 31 London 'I'd Markham Margaret (M~ss), sparts. Haslemere, South av
Latter WaIter, professor of music, 19 Avenue road Marlow Edward, apartments, 189 Southchurch avenue
Lawford Charlotte (Mrs.), fancy draper, 12 St. Helen's MaITiott Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 13 West<Jn road
road, West cliff Marsh &, Sons, carmen & contractors & carting agents
Lawrence EIiza Ann(Miss),aparts.TheAnchoTage,Leigh 'I'd to the Great Eastern railway, 2 Avenue road
Lawrence Richard John, boot maker, 56 Napier avenue Marsh Alfred John, confectioner, 3'8 Queen's road
Lay Arthur George, jobbing gardener, 28 Princes street Marshall Lydia (Mrs.), aparts. 64 Burdett av. West cliff
Layzell Frederick, eart·henware dealer, Gloucester house, Martin William &, Sons, chimney sweeps, 6 Lambert st.
7 Southchurch road & 16 North road
Layzell WaIter, apartments, 36 Queen's road M.anin AlfredJacksonA.R.I. B. A.architect, II Prittlewell sq
Layzell WaIter, grocer &, draper, I I Southchurch road Martin Arthur D. builder, Finchely road, West cliff
Lee Albert, apartments, 12 Hadleigh road Martin Alfred WilIiam, apartments, 4 Scratton road
Lee Timothy, tailor, 40 Leigh road Martin Florence (Mrs.), aparts. 10 Milton av. West cliff
Leech Aug. apans. Briarbank, Seaforth 'I'd. West cliff Martin John Sidney, tailor, 4 Castle tel'. LDw. Southend
Leeks James, picture frame maker, 7 Cliff Town road Martin Robert Ambrose, plastere'r, 77 Avenue road
Lees James Ferguson M.B., C.M.Glas. physician &, sur- Mascall James Christopher, aparts. 17 Scratton road
geon, 39 Argyle road, West cliff Mason Caroline (Mrs.), aparts. 2 Tuscan viIs. Darnley reI
Leggett George, apartments, 16 Scratton road Mason Henry, plasterer &, modeller, 24 Scratton road.
Le Grew Anna (Mrs.), apartments, 36 Heygate avenue Mason J ames Valentine Mason, pianoforte tuner, Bo-
Leigh Benjamin Hilton L.R.e.p. &, S.Edin. physician &, hemia, Baxter avenue
surgeon, 31 Park road Masonic Lodge (No. 1,000 Priory) (0. Floyd, sec.), held
Lenaghan Francis A. apartments, 8 Avenue road at Middleton hotel
Lewin Benjamin, shopkeeper, 4 Fernbrook aevenue Mason Valentine, pianoforte stores, 49 Alexandra street
Lewington :Maria PhylIs (Miss), apartments, 43 Burdett Matsell Caroline (Mrs.), apartments, I I Hastings road
avenue, West cliff Matthews "" Heaven, auctioneers, surveyors, valuers,
Lewis John, draper, I I Albert Toad land &, estate agents & bailiffs, 69 High street; & at
Lilly Frederick, apartments, 2 Quebec avenue Gravesend & Grays
Limmer Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 72 York road Matthews Henry, builders' ironmonger, 126 London rd
Lincoln Augustus Frank, insur. agt. II4 Southchurch av Matthews Jamell, apartments, 3 Grosvenor place
Lincoln James Thos. apartments, 49 Alexandra Toad Matthews Thomas, plasterer, 8 Wesley road
Lindsey Frnk. mgr. to the Essex IRubber Co. Cliff Town 'I'd Matthews Wm. aparts. 92 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff
Lingard Geo. circulating library, I Station par. West cliff Maxwell James Burns RA., M.R.O.S., L.R.C.P. physi-
Lingwood ·Wm. In. apans. 6 Scott's vIs. Low. Southend cian &, surgeon, Allendale, Dowsett avenue
Little Roben, apartments, 71 Cambridge road May Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Honiton road
Lipton Limited, provision dealers (Thomas Higgins, May Joseph, dairyman, 9 Alexandra street
manager), 74 High street May William James, apartments, 16 GTove road
Maycock Frank, confectioner, 9 York road Nethercot H. & Co. slate, tile & chimney pot
Maydon Benjamin, apartments, 18 1VesIey road merchants, Bangor, Carnarvon, Port.madoe, 1Vestmor-
Maynard Mar'shall, daiTyman, Sutton road land slates, & every description of slates & slating,
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, 20a, High street slate ridging &c.; saddle copings, improved copings;
Meades Robert, builder, 8 Princes street Broseley & Staffordshire tiles & every kind of tiles
Meades William Henry, cabinet maker, 44 Hamlet road & tiling, ridges, finials &c.; Quarries, garden edging,
Meager Robert Ja.mes, apartments, 7 St. Leonards road G. E. Railway goods yard
Mears George, apartments, 28 TyIer's avenue New Aerated Beverage & Buffet Co. Ltd. (William Barker,
Medcalf Jane L. (Mrs.), stationer, Bo Hamlet road managing director), High street
Mee Emily Ada (~1iss), apartments, 5 Clifton terrace Newberry Edwd. aparts. 72 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff
Meekings William Thomas, fruiterer, 74 Queen's road Newhouse Alice (Mrs.), midwife, 109 London road
Melluish George, apartments, 12 Grove road Newson Samuel, apartments, 31 St. John's road
Memory Sarah (),tIrs.), apartments, 60 York road Xicholas Joseph, jobmaster, 4 Old Southend road
Mennie EIiza (Mrs.), laundry, Milton road ~icholls William, jobmaster, Milton road
Miell Walter Gwynn, apartments, I I Hillcrest road Nicholls Eliza Ann (Mrs.), aparts. 37 Old Southend road
Millbank Tamar (Mrs.), laundress, 4 St. John's road Nichols Emily Cath. (Mrs.), aparts. 2 Devereux terrace
Millbank William, greengrocer, 34 Sutton street Nicholson Henry, furn. dealer, Station 'I'd. West cliff
Millican Cresswell F. ladies' outfitter, 42 Alexandra st Ninz Herman, ,apartments, 23 Lydford road, West cliff
Mills Thomas & Co. tailors, 21 High street Noddins Rachael (Mrs.), apartments, 4 St. Leonards rd
Mills Jessie (Mrs.), aparts. 2 Salisbury ter. Milton st ~orth George (Mrs.), apartments, 16 Cambridge road
Mills John, boatman Coast Guard, 13 Hartington road :North Jane (Mrs.), Britannia Inn P.H. East parade
Milner A. G. dept. supt. registrar, 46 Alexandra street North Thomas, decorator, 3 Park street
Minima Yacht Club (Thos. Pulton, hon. sec.), West cliff Norton Charles, apartments, 8 Hillcrest road
Milton Hall Brick Co. Limited (Thomas Dowsett, Nunneley Ernest Edwd. house agt. Station I'd. West cliff
managing director), Clarence chambers, Clarence st Oak Harry A. J<'. corn & flour dlr. 15 I & 153 London rd
Milton Thomas William, apartments, 18 Kilworth av Occleston Agnes (M'!'s.), apartments, 33 London road
Minto Beatrice (Miss), school for boys & girls, 150 Oddfellows' Lodge (Manchester Unity) (Loyal Cliff town)
Southchurch road (C. Floyd, sec.); meetings held Park hotel
Mitchell Ellen (Mrs.), dining rooms, 12 Cliff Town road Oetzmann Mary (Miss), dres's maker, 38 Princes street
Mitchell Jas. grngrcr. 2 Park rd. & 29 Southchurch rd Offin Thomas William, auctioneer, valuer, land agent
Mobbs Edward, confectioner, 29 Queen's road & land surveyor, certified bailiff & insurance agent, 128
Moody Eleanor A. (Mrs.), apartments, 55 Cambridge road High street; & at Rochford
Offtn Thomas William. Jun. auctioneer, valuer, land
Moore David, greengrocer, 6 Castle ter. Lower Southend
Moore Fredk. ca.ptain of Lifeboat st,ation, 20 Marine par agent & surveyor, ce'rtified bailiff & insurance agent,
]\<Ioore Frederick, oyster merchant, 20 Marine parade 1208 High street; & at Rochford
Moore Harriet (~Iiss), apartments, 12 Hartington road Offredi Luigi & Co. refreshment rooms, 25 MaTine parade
Moore James, apartments, 23 St. John's road Ogden Edwin, pork butcher, 14 Milton street
Moore William, apartments, 24 Grove Toad Ogden Ellis Henry, butcher, 42 Milton street
Morgan John, apartments, 34 Grove road Oglesby Isabella Mary CMrs.), boarding house, 16 Pres-
Morgan Walter H.arman :M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. ton road, )Vest cliff
surgeon, Medina lodge, Anerley road, West cliff Oglesby John Ewart, house agent, I Station par. West cliff
Moring Ernest J. flainter, 5 Olive pI. Summercourt road Oglesby In. Wm.drpr. 69 & 71 Hamlet Court rd.West cliff
Morison Angeline C. (Mrs.), fancy bazaar, 38 Alexandra st Oliver Fredk. cabinet ma. 5 Station parade, West cliff
Morrell William, laundry manager, Colman street Oliver Thomas, apartments, 63 Pleasant road
Morris Albert L.R.C.P.Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, O'Meara Helen Maude (Mrs.), ladies' school, 42 & 44
7 RunwelI terrace Avenue road
Orme Geo. Ernest, aparts. 22 Milton avenue, West cliff
Morris Rebecca (Miss), aparts. 74 Burdett av. West cliff Orton Charles, stationer, St'ation road, West cliff
Mortimer John, apartments, 25 Burdett av. West cliff Osborne Frank, apartmenlS, 16 Hartington road
Mortimer William, apartments, 17 Hillcrest road Osborne George, master IIl'ariner, 26 Hartington Toad
Morton Henrietta (Miss), shopkeeper, 3 Albert terrace, Osborne Nathan John, coal merchant, 18 Cliff Town road
Lower Southend Osborne Rt. bathing machine propr. The Beach, West cliff
Moss Frank, hair dreser, 13 Southchurch road Osborne William George, bake·r, Burnaby road
Moss William, apartments, ,24 RImer avenue Osland Ernest James, hair dresser, 30 Milton rd.West cliff
Mowbray 1Yfl.lter, hair dresser, 48 Milton road Ott George, apartments, 57 Heygate avenue
Moy Thomas Limited, coal, liIne, cement, brick, slate, Overcliff Private Hotel (T. McNab Soul, manager),
tile & stone merchants; fire clay goods & sanitary ware West cliff
of every descriptioy., L. T. & S. & Great Eastern Rail- Packer Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 16 St. Leonards road
ways; chief office for district,Railway approach, L. T. Page & Mead, furniture dlrs. I Cheapside, London road
& S. railway Page Henry, apartments, 20 Grove road
Mudd Henry William, decorator, Ann's road Page Joseph, bathing machine proprietor, 15 Scott's
MulIard Augustus, hair dresser, 16 Market place villas, Lower Southend
Munday & Co. decorators, 13 Queen's road Paine Ernest Herbert, book,seller, IIO Hamlet Court
Murch Emma J. (Mrs.), a,parUs. 39 Old Southend road road, West cliff
Murch Samuel James, aparts. I Old Southend road Pallister Sophia (Mrs.), apartments, 64 Queen's road
Murrell J ane (Mrs.), apartments, 40 Gordon road Palmer Harriet (Miss), boarding ho. 3 Alexandra road
Murrell William, oyster rooms, 26 Marine parade Pamphilon Benjamin James, dairy, Beach road
Myall Charles, pleasure boat owner, 17 Grove road Pape Bros. ironmongers, 55 Park street
Myall George, apartments & Lloyd's agent, I Marine par Pape Archibald Wallace, aparts. 3 Burdett av. West cliff
Myall George, blacksmith, 2 Cowper villas, CIarence rd Parker Edward, grocer, 1 Myrtle cots. Prittlewell street
J\<Iyall George, jun. oyster merrchant, 23 Marine parade Parrott Henry Lines, butcher, 64 Milton road
Myall J ames, apartments, 6 Hartington road Parsons Edward William, cycle maker, 17 Hartington 'I'd
Myall Mary E. (Mrs.), apartments, 3 PrittlewelI square Parsons Hannah (Mrs.), aparts. Ivy viI. Canewdon rd
Myott Thoms, apartments, 94 Southchurch avenue Partridge Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 9 TyIer's avenue
Nash Arthur, apartments, 100 Leigh road Partridge George, apartments, 73 Southchurch avenue
Niash James Thomas Charles M.D., M.S., D.P.H. physi- Pask Edgar, apartments, 6 Cheltenham road
cian & surgeon & medical officer of health to the Cor- Paskall Walter, apartments, 32 Grove road·
poration, 4 Argyle road, West cliff Paskall 1Valter, apartments, 55 Heygate avenue
Nash Robert, apartm.ents, 12 Elmer avenue Paterson Isabel & Janette (Misses), milliners, 35 High st
Nash )Yilliam, apartments, 87 Soutbchurch avenue Patmore Ellen (Miss), apartments, 17 Stanley road
National Deposit Friendly Society (William Henry Gor- Patten William, jobbing gardener, 7 North road
don, sec.), 80 Hamlet Court road, ·West cliff Pattison Mariu .Ail" (Miss), boarding ho. 13 Heygate aven
National Telephone Co. Limited, I Avondale terrace, Clar- Pawley & Beckwith, house decorators, 9 Old Southend I'd
ence road & 40 Hamlet road Pawley Henry, house decorator, 13 Albert road
Nawrocki John, dentist, 8 Clifton terrace Paye Frances (Miss), apartmts. 41 Burdett av. West cliff
Nazareth House, home for the destitute & infirm (lady Payn Robert (late a buyer for the Army & Navy Co-
superioress, the Rev. Mother), London road operative Society Limited), milliner, costumier, hosier,
Neale Lydia (Mrs.), apartments, 53 Heygate avenue glover k, fancy draper, London house, opposite L. T.
Neale-Huggett & Pye, printers, Weston road & S. Ry. Cliff Town road; &; mantle warekouse at
Nelson James & Sons Lim. butchers, I Southchureh rd Tower buildings, 75 High street
Nelson Cla.Ta (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Essex terrace Pearce Alfred Edward, manager to Savill Brothers Lim.
l'\erney Richd. Hy. chart-ered acct. Lydford, Boston av brewers, 93 & 95 London road
Payne Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 63 Cambridge road Putley Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, '62 York road
Pearce Ellen Mary (Miss), draper, Summercourt road Pye Francis, printer, see NeaIe-Huggett.& Pye, Weston I'd
Pearce ~Marian (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Lancaster gardens Quest George, aparlments, Elm villa, Canewdon road
Pearks, Gunston & Tee Lim. provision dealers, 61 High st Quintan Thomas, apartments, 26 Grove road
Peck Ada (Mrs.), apartments, 44 Stanley road Raggett Frank Parton, tobacconist, 15 Southchurch road
Peck Frank Robert, grocer, 39 Queen's road Rainey In.grocer & wine & spirit mer. Station rd.West cliff
Pegram Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Cliff Town pltrade RaIlings H. A. (Mrs.), confectioner, 52 High street
Pennington Joseph, ,apartments, 53 Old Southend road Ralph Thomas, grocer, 16 Cliff Town road
Pepler William G. electrical engineer, 12 Market place Ramuz Frederlc, manager to the Land 00. Shorefield,
Percy Jennie (Mrs.), apartments, 61 Leigh ro'ad West cliff; .& at 67.& 68 Cheapside, London E C
PerIman & Son, furniture dealers, 23 Queen's road Randall Jas. Thos. sec. to Gas Co.; res. 20 Baxter aven
Perron Lucy (Mrs.),aiparts.Chez-Moi, Station rd.West cliff Ransley Mary (Miss), aparts. 24 St. Helen's rd. West clill
Perronne Victor (Mrs. ),aparts. Hamlet Court rd.West cliff Raven Frederick, apa,rtments, 57 Old Southend road
Perry & Toomer, boarding house, I Cliff Town paxade Raven Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Scratton road
Perry Geo. bricklayer, 1,8 Old Southend road Raven Percy, ho'sier, 48 High street
Perry IsabeI (Mrs.), school, 20 Honiton road Ravens Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 58 J\""apier avenue
Peterken Kate (Mrs.), aparts. 5 Avondale ter.Clarence I'd Ray Charles Edward, apartments, 12 Scratton road
Poters Emily & Florence (Misses), apartments, Klondike, Ray Oharles William, sign writer, 74 Park road
Seaforth road, West cliff Ray Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, 74 Park road
Peters Caroline (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Norfolk avenue Ray Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Oliff TO"\Tn parade
Peters Herbert, refreshment rooms, 16 Marine parade Ray Wm. poulterer .& greengro. 5 Nelson tel'. Cliff town
Peters James, dining rooms, 4 Heygate avenue Rayner W. J . .& Co. auctioneers, 30 Alexandra street
Peters Wm. Hy. Criterion hotel, 14 & 15 Marine parade Read & Dickinson, tobacconists, Olarence road
Pettit James May, apartments, 28 Stanley road Read Harry, musician, 10 Kilworth avenue
Pettitt John, house agt. 84 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff Read William Charles, apartments, 38 Heygate avenue
Phillips George Cawkwel!l, member of the surveyors' in- Reade Thomas, apartments, 7 Hillcrest road
stitution &; fellow of the 'auctioneers' institute (firm, Reader John & Charles. drapers, 17 High street
Willson .& Phillips) Reakes Henrietta Sophia (Mrs.), ,apartmts. 6 "\Veston rd
Phimps John Henry WaIter, greengrocer, 7 York road Recknell& Co. tobacconists, II6 High street
Philpott Mary (Mrs.),aparts.90 Hamlet Court rd.West cliff Reed John & Son, shopJreepers, 84 Hamlet road
Phipps William Thomas, apartments, 41 Scratton road Reeve Geo. Lambert, apartmts. 51 Burdett av. West cliff
Pickard Rubae (Mrs.), apaxtmts. Silvermere, Kilworth av Reeve Harry George, apartments, 62 Hartington road
Picken Thomas, dairyman, 48 London road Reeves Frederick William, baker, 37 Marine parade
Pidcock Oharles Foley, apartments, 9 Oromer road Reid & Wilson, printers, Market place
Pier Hotel, see Grand Pier botel Renall George A. pawnbroker, 17 Oliff Town road
Pigott Minnie (Mrs.), confectioner, 6 Leigh road Rhodes, dairy, 21 North road
Pile William John, apartments, 6 Stanley Toad Rich Oharles Henry, draper, 135 London road
Pilgrim .A.rthur, greengrocer, 136 London road Rich James Oliver, apartments, 7 TyIer's avenue
Pinckney Alfred Abbott, ,complete hous~ furnisher ~ up- Richardson Herbert Edward, painter, 24 Albert road
holsterer, The Broadway, 109 High street Richardson Herbert Wm. Falcon P .H. 46 Marine parade
Pingstan Louisa (Miss), aparts. Tiverton 10. Runwell ter Rickards Harvey, draper, 52 Hamlet road
Pinhorn Alfred V. house.& estate agent, 9 St. John's road Ricketts F.J.assist. borough engineer & sur~T.Clarence reI
Pipe Catherine (Mrs.), dress maker, 39 Stanley road Rider Brothers, drapers, 6 Nelson terrace
Piper Wm. & Son,undertks.I Bellevue vils.Southchurch I'd Riel Charles, boarding house, 3 Essex terrace
Piper Richd. Wm. builder, 6 Station paI'ade, West cliff Rigling Charles, boot maker, May villa, Summercourt rd
Pipes Nellie (Miss), dress maker, 6 Albert road Roberts, Adlard & Co. slate merchants, slaters &;
Pitt William George, apartments, 22 Hartington road tilers, slab work manufrs. slate enamellers &; electric
Plenty Thomas Henry, decorator, St. Osyth, Hamlet Oourt slate fittings manufrs. London, Tilbury & Southend
road. West cliff Railway Goods station. See advert
Pocklington Mary Ann & Harriet Jane (Misses), stationers, Roberts Albert, ap'artments, 31 Elmer avenue
3 ~ elson terrace Roberts George, dining rooms, 52 High street
Pocklington Richd. coach bldr. .& whlwright. 60 London rd Roberts George, greengrocer, 46 High street
Pointer WaIter Henry, draper, 8 York road Robins Lucy Mary (Mrs.), apartments, The Beacons,
Polili Carlo, refreshment rInS. 4 Prospect row,Low.Sthnd Seaforth road, cliff
Ponting Catherine (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Chancellox road Robins William, plumber, 8 Sutton street
Poole Annie (~frs.), apartments, 4 Quebec avenue Robinson William .& Sons, fishmon.gers, 37 Alexandra st.
Poole George, apartments, 2 Hillcrest road & 89 High street
Porter Arth. Jas. confectioner, 4 Station par. West cliff Robinson Oharlotte (Mrs.), apartments, '8 Albert road
Porter Samuel, dairyman, 14 Ohancellor road Robinson Eliz·abeth (Mrs.), apartments, I2 Ohancellor rd
Porter Sidney Fredk. dairy, I Leslie villas, Burnaby road Robinson Jane (Mrs.), boarding house, 39 Cambridge road
Porter Stephen, oyster merchant, 30 .& 31 Marine parade Robinson Robert, apartments, 7 Retreat road, West cliff
Potter Ellen E. (Mrs.), a,partments, 29 Hastings road Rodenhurst Frederick Charles, apartmts; 51 Tyler's aven
Potter William, draper, 17 Pleasant road, Lower Southend Radgers Jessie (Mrs.), apartments, 2 George road
Potton Ann (Mrs.), a,partments, 32 Tyler's avenue Roff William, firewood dealer, 42 Hamlet road
Potton John, apartments, 22 Pleasant road Rolfe Madam, ladies' outfitter, 2 01arence road
Powe11 Edwin James, printer, 69 Southchurch road RolIes Harry, apartments, 2 Argyle road, West cliff
Powers loobe11e (Mrs.), statnr. & haberdasher, 12 Park rd Rollings Louisa (Mrs.), apartmts. 24 Burdett av.West cliff
Powling & Co. auctioneers, I Clarence road Romanis Robert W. Castle hotel, Lower Southend
Powling William, furniture dealer, see Fage & Powling Root Alfred, apartments, 23 Alexandra road
Fowling William Thomas, apartments, 26 Westan road Rose Bros. QlUtfitters, 85 Hamlet Court road, West Gliff
Praile Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 41 St. John's road Rosenberg Jennie (Mrs.), apartment,s, 75 Southchurch av
Pratt Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Cashiobury ter Rosewell Jas. greengro. .& naturalist, 47 Southchurch I'd
Prevost A. & Son, auctioneers, surveyors, land & estate Roskam Herbert, butcher, 77 Queen's road
agents, 102 High street. T.N. 3I Ross Elizabeth (Mrs. ),apartments, 47 Cambridge road
Price & Holtom, chartered accountants, I~ Nelson street Rostron John, hair dresser, 16 Market place
Priest Ellen .(Miss), apartments, 20 Scratton road Houghton Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 82 Southchurch aven
Primitive Methodist Home of Rest (Rev. Thos. Jackson, Rowe Emma (Mrs.), ham & beef warehouse, 19 Park street
superintendent; Mrs. Emily Puleston, matron), Marine Rowland Ephraim, boot maker, 6 Queen's road
. parade & Pleasant road Howland Joseph Chas. chimney sweeper,Daisy vil.South av
Princes Hall (William A. Hine, proprietor), High street Royal Hotel (United Hotel Co. Limited), High street
Princes Street Laundry (The), shirt &, collar Royal Hotel Stores (United Hotel Go. Limited), High st
dressers & general laundry, 58 Princes 'street Royal Masons Arch (Priory Ohapter No. 1,000) (George
Pring Oaroline H. (Mrs.), boarding ho.Oarburton,Leigh I'd R. Dawson, scribe), :YIasonic hall, High street
Pudney Harry F. baker, & agent for Daniell .& Sons' Royal Sanitary Laundry (William Morrell, manager),
Breweries Limited of Colchester, 2 Park street Colman street
Pugh t& Son, drapers. 55 Queen's road Royle James, coal merchant, L. T. & S. By. goods yard &,
Pugh Thomas Henry, tailor, 18 Cliff Town road Wallsend house, Sutton road
Pnllum Prances (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Alexandra road Rl.1dd Robert G. saddler, II4 London road
Purdue James, apartments, Clyde Bank, Darnley road Rudder Sarah (Miss), aparts. 27 St. Helen's I'd. West cliff
Purser Elizh. (Miss), apartments, 2 Oapel tel'. Cliff town Rndling William Atkins (late Berry), builders' iron-
Purvis John, ap.artments, 39 Hastings road mongers & paperhanging depot, 40 Hamlet road
Rush Margt. Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartmts. 7 Clifton terrace Simmonds George, apartments, 10 Albert road
Rummens Joseph A. manager Star Electric Light Co. 34 Simmonds William, supt. of police & inspector of weights
Alexandra street &; measures under the" Sale of Food &:, Drugs Act," ,&:,
Russell Charles, corset maker, 5 Nelson street petroleum, "Animals Acts" &; hackney carriage in-
Russell John, florist, G. E. t ~ailway station spealior to the corporation, Alexandra street
Rutland-Growley Frank, stationer, 2 >& 4 High street • Slms MontagueJ electrical &. sanitary engineer, electric-
Rutter Thomas & 0<>. drapers, 3 Leigh road light, bells &:, telephones, plumbing, gas &; hot water
Rutter Susannah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Leigh road fitting; all work guaranteed, Victoria avenue
Sabine Thoma.s, sec. Ancient Order of Foresters, Court Sims Thomas Joseph, apartments, 3 Quebec avenue
Priory, 50 Pleasant road Sims Thomas J<lseph, grocer, S3 Southchurch road
St. .John's College (Charles H. Hulls, principal), Sinclair Agnes (~s.), apartments, 67 Southchurch road
Cliff parade Singer Manufacturing Co. (The), sewing m.achine makers
St. Mary's Convent &, Orphanage (lady superioress, the (Thomas J. Button, manager), 8 Alexandra street
Rev. Mother), I Milton road Sketcher Benjamin, dining rooms, 4 York road
St. Mary's Holiday Home (Mrs. Margaret Knight, Sketcher Sophie (Mrs.), apartments, York road
matron), Pleasant road Skinner Martin Wm. &; Rchd. watch mas. 5 Cliff Town rd
Sala Paolina, refreshment rooms, Station road, West cliff Skipper Arthur E. shopkeeper, 42 Hamlet road
Salmon Charles, apartments, San-Toy, Canewdon road Sky Rose (Mrs.), tobacconist &. hair dresser, Cliff Town rd
Salvation Army Farm Colony (The), fruit &; vegetable Slade Fredk.Samuel,apartments, 19 Lydford rd. West cliff
market, Campbell road Slade Horace, hair dresser, II2 London road
Sarfas Thomas, apartments, 6r Heygate avenue Slade John Henry,confectioner, 14 St. Helen's rd.West cliff
Saunders George, apartments, 2 Albert road Sloman Th<lmas, builder, S6 Leigh road
Saunders Henry, inland T8IVenue officer, I Hillcrest road Sluce Ambrose, tailor, Tweed, Sutton road
Saunders Rate (Miss), dress maker, Sunnyside, Leigh I'd Sly John Richard William, baker, 8 Prittlewell street
Saunt William Frederick, solicitor &; commissioner for Smart Robert, rent &; debt collector, PrittleweIl street
oaths (firm, Arthy & Saunt) Smeeton Margaret (Miss), apartments, Hawhorns, Station
Savage Henry Charles, boot maker, 62 High street road, West cliff
Savage Jane (Miss), apartments, 16 Queen's road SmelIie John Clementson M.B.Lond. surgeon & physician,
Savill Bros Ltd. brewers, wine &; s>pirit &; ale, porter &; 39 Leigh road
stont merchants, 93 & 95 London road Smerd<ln Ada &. Lily (Misses), milliners, 45 Hamlet Court
Saville Robert John, draper, 37 High street road, West cliff
Sawkins Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 12 St. Leonards road Smerdon George &; Sons, furniture dealers, 75 Hamlet
Sawkins Herbt. refrshmnt. rms. 1Minerv,a bldgs. Low. Sthnd Oourt rood, West cliff
Saver Charles B. tailor, clothier, hatter ,& hosier i&, Smethurst Job Henry Limited, dyers, Alexandra street
.glover, 45 High street Smith W. H. &; S<>n (John Burt, clerk), news agents.
Scales Wm. WaIt. M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgn. 47 London I'd L. T. &; S. R,ailway & G. E. R,ailway
Scannell John, apartments, 66 Park street Smith Mice (Mrs.), draper, 20 Queen's road
Schenker Ernest Emil, apartments, 5 Honiton road Smith Arthur Herberl, baker, 39 High street
Schofield &. Martin, grocers, &:. agents for W. >& A. Gilbey Smith Charles, apartme~ts, 61 Burdett aven. West cliff
Lim. wine &; spirit m€'I'chants, 10 &. 13 Alexandra st.; Smith Edward, jobbing gardener, () St. John's road
5 Southchurch avenue &; Hamlet Court road, "Vest cliff Smith Edwin HaroH, draper, SI High street
Schomberg Helen (Mrs.),aparts. St. Helen's vil.Honiton rd Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Normanhurst, Re-
Schorr Charles, apartments, 14 Milton avenue, West cliff treat road, West eliff
Scotney Wm.Hy.fishmngr. 13 .Alexandra st.& 17 Market pI Smith George, baker, 49 Milton road, West cliff
Scott Emma (Mrs.), boarding h{)use, I St. Vincent's road Smith Geo. jobmstr. Trinity avenue &; 1 Scott's villas
Scott Thomas, town porter, 30 Princes street Smith Henry, apartments, 9 Honiton road
Scott WiIliam Francis, carman, 25 SouthchuTch road Smith James Frank, stationer, 54 High street
Scrivings William, apartments, 13 Park street Smith Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 23 St. Leonards rd
&lndder David, apartments, 24 Tyl€r's avenue Smith Perey Finn, genlual &; monumental mason, Great
Seabrooke & Sons Limited, 'brewers, 16 Cliff Town :rood Eastern stone depot
Seager Ernest Alfred, furniture dealer, 84 Queen's road Smith Reginald R. apartments, 65 Heygate avenue
'Searing Henry, boot repairer, I Pleasant row, Pleasant rd Smith Robert Rodwell, tobacconist, Southchurch road
Sears ,& Co. house agents, Sutton road, Sutton Smith Samuel, apartments, 5 Avenue road
Sellar J. & Co. architectural & genera~ turnery, stairoases Smith ')'homas, apartments, Branksome, Sutton road
& shop fronts to o'Tder, mouldings, skirtings i&c. !&; Smith Waiter Edwin, boot maker, 33 Southchurch road
tiulber merchants &c. 3S & 37 Queen's road Smith Wm. watch maker, 2 Minerva bldgs. Low. Sthend
Semmenoo Ernest Edward M.lR.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Sheddon Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Capel terrace
physician & surgeon, 130 Hamlet Court road, West cliff Snow William Henry, town clerk & clerk to the urban
SeweIl William A. agent for Ra,ilway Pas'sengers' As- district council, Institute, Clarence road .
surance Co. 1& RQyal Fire & Life Assurance Co. IcJmield, Solomon Edward, apartments, 7 Devereux terrace
Boston avenue . Soper Arthur James, draper, II4 High street
Seymour Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Chancellor road Sorrell David, apartments, 18 Scratton road
Seymour Ernest, baker, 3 Clarence road Soul Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, Woodleigh, Seaforth
Sharland Thomas, draper, 41 Alexandra street road, West cliff
Sharp Kirby, insur. agt. Leicester ho.Ceylon rd.West cliff South East Essex Liberal Association (J. A. Oglesby,
Sharp Sarah Ann (M~s.),aparts. 6 Albert ter.Low.Southnd sec.), Central chambers, Clarence 5treet
Sharp William, builder &; glass merchant, Ann's road South East Essex Permanent Benefit Building Society
Shaw .Alfred, apartment.s, 4 Kilworth avenue (J. C. J. Heaven, sec.); office, 61 High street
Shaw Annie (Mrs.), aparts. Hilldrop vi1.Woodgrange drive South East Essex Trade Protection Assoc. 12 Nelson st
Shaw Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Honiton road South E·ssex Window Cleaning Co. 26 Park road
Shearman Henry John, builder, 2 Old Southend road South Fredk. Wm. photographer, 2 Cheap side, London rd
Sheehay Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, II9 London road Southend-on-Sea Apartments Guide Almanack &; TradE<
Sheldrake Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 21 Heasant road Advertiser (Stephen Ohopping, proprietor), Weston
Shenton Harold Abbis, architect, Lyndhurst, Ba,xter aven chambers, Weston •
Shepherd Agnes (Miss), school, Hamlet Court rd.West cliff Southend Borough Printing Co. Lim. (W. E. H. Foster,
Shepherd Alfred Laister, photographer, 20a, High street editor &; manager), publishers of the" Southend Echo,"
Shepherd Cuthbert, private enquiry agt. 30 AIexandra st Clarence road. See advert
Shepherd Joseph Hy.draper,43 Hamlet Court rd.West cliff Southend-on-Sea Chamber of Commerce (George Fredk.
Sheppard Edward, apartments, 76 York :road William Hatch, sec.), Wallsend house, Sutton Toad
Sheppard Frederick Goorge, brick maker, Sutton road Southend-on-Sea Conservative &; Unionist Club Limited
Sheppard J oseph D. beer retailer, 9 ,& IQ Marine parade (John Holtom, ,sec.), Clarence street
Shields Sarah (Mrs.), apartmts. 93 Burdett av. West cliff Southend-on-Sea Corporation Electricity Works & Station
Shipwricked Fishermen's & Mariners' Benevolent Society' (William E. J. Heenan, engineer), London road
(Frederick Harris, sec.), 19 Tyler's avenue Southend Cycling Club (Archibald Dickens, sec.),
Shall Martha Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Norfolk aven Grand Pier hotel
Shorland Alfred, hosier, 52 Alexandra street Southend &; District Co-operative Society Limit~d (John
Short William James, apartments, 2 Grosvenor place William Park, sec.), SI Southchureh road
Shrier Martha (Mrs.), drap€'I', ~ York road Southend Echo (Southend Borough Printing Co. Lim.
Shute Thomas, a.partments, I Tnscan villas, Darnley r<lad publishers; published every wed.), Clarence road.
Silvester Amclia (Mrs.), ladies' school, 87 Avenue road See advertisement
Simkin Daniel, pearl worker, I Dalmatia road Southend-an-Sea Estates Co. Limited (Thomas Dowsett,
managing director), Clarence chambers, Clarence st
SO'Ilthend-on-Sea & Essex Bill Posting Co. Lim. (H. Suter Frank, dairyman, 31 Southchurch road & 38 Ham-
Darbyshire, manager & sec.); head offiee, 3 & 4 Rich- let Court road, West cliff
mond avenue, High street Swann WaIter, butcher, 5 Southchurch ro:\d
Southend Gas Co. (Frank Clark, engineer & manager; Sweeting & Son, wine, spirit & beer mer. 95 Queen's I'd
J ames T. Randall, sec.); office, High street Sykes John Keith, news agt. & shopkpr. 137 London I'd
Southend-on-Sea House Decorating Co. (T. Beale, mgr.), Symington David,tailor & outfitter, 13 Nelson st. Cliff twn
Weston chambers, "\Veston road Talbot & White, auctioneers, land & estate agents,
Southend Institute (William Gregson, president; W. H. surveyors & valuers, 24 High street. T N 37
Barker, sec.), Clarence road Talmage Christopher H. J. plumber, Kathleen villa,
Southend Joinery Co. machine joinery work;;, 14 Old Southchurch road
Southend road Tarling :Frederick, grngrcr. 63 High st. & 3 Marine par
Southend Kursaal Lim. (Geo. Scott, mgr.), Marine par Tate Arthur Edgar, insurance agent, 9 Norfolk avenue
Southend Lawn Tennis Club (R. W. Robson, hon. sec.), Tate Arth. Edwin, inmr. assist. supt. Norfolk avenue
West cliff 1'ate Louisa (Mrs.), chair caner, 33 Milton street
Southend Nursing Institution (Miss Alice Chaplin, ma- ',l'aylor & Woodhouse, boot makers, 6 York road
tron), 25 Alexandra road Taylor Albert, apartments, 27 Albert road
Southend Ohserv'ilr (John Taylor, publisher; published Taylor Blanehe (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Hartington road
thursdays), Alexwdra st.!'''et Taylor Henry Perry, furniture dealer, 3 Chase road
Southend 8tandard {John H. Burrows, publisher; pub- '.raylor Herbert, butcher, 43 Southchurch road
lished thursday & friday), Cliff Town road. See advt Taylor John, publisher of the "Southend Observer,"
Southend-on-Sea Steam Laundry Lim. Tunbridge road Alexandra ,street
Southend-on-Sea Tradesmen"s Mutual Plate Glass Insur- Taylor Samuel, boot maker, 71 Ashburnham road
ance Society Lim. (Al£d. Robt. Whur, sec.), 67 High st Tebbutt J eannie & IWse (Misses), apartments, Oak-
Southend Telegraph & Leigh & Shoeburyness Recorder lands, Honiton road
(J. H. Burrows, proprietor; published sat.), Cliff ',l'own Technical School (Jsph. Hitehcock, hd.mstr.), Clarence I'd
road. See advertisement Tennear Clara (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Royal terrace
Southend Victoria Hospital (the medical officers are the TerreU Minnie Mary (Mrs.), aparts. 49 Old Southend I'd
medical practitioners of the town; Miss Emily Rad- Terry John Albert, wine & spirit merchant, II4 Ham-
burn, matron), 'Varrior square let Court road, West cliff
Southend Water Works Co. (C. S. Bilham, manager), 13 Tether Henry, nurseryman, Avenue road
Cambridge road Thirer Harry, confectioner, 156 High street
.southernwood Godfrey Hy.aparts.I6 Burdett av.West cliff Thomas Arthur, apartments, 32 Hartington road
Southgate Edgar "\Villiam, apartments, 17 Weston road Thomas Chas. Jas. William, draper, 34 Hartington road
Sparling Horatio Osmond, baker, & post office, 49 South- Thomas David, apartments, 6 Milton avenue, West cliff
church road Thomas G. B. collector of borough rates, 9 Clarence rd
Speakman Henry, shopkeeper, Summercourt road Thomas William, apartments, 1,8 Hartington road
Spencer George A. cycle agent, 49 Alexandra street Thompson Alex. M. journalist, The Den, Claremont I'd
Spill Laura (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Royal terrace Thompson James, apartments, 31 Stanley road
Spiller Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Old Southend I'd Thompson Joseph G. oonfectioner, 21 Southchurch road
Spooner Henry, apartments, 30 Stanley road Thomson Harry, apartments, 8 Oheltenham road
Spooner James Clement, aparts. 13 St. Leonards road ',l'horby J n. apartments, 8 ScoWs villas, Low. SQuthend
.Spurrett Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 12 Hillcrest I'd Thorseby Hilda (Miss), aparts. 42 Burdett av. West cliff
Squier Fred. hosier, 85 & 87 High street Thorn Harry L.D.S.Edin. dentist, B~oadwater ho.Cliffpar
Squier Frederick William, gentlemen's & boys' tailor, Thorne Artbur, solicitor (firm, Woodard, Hood & Thorne)
clothier, hatter & hosier, Terminus house, High street Thresh Wm. apartments, 6 Avondale tel'. Clarence road
Squires Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 4 MiIton av. West cliff Tickett WaIter, cycle manufacturer, 33 Queen's road
Stainer Henry, news agent, 13 North road Tiffin Wm. apartments, 5 Soott's viIs. Lower Southend
'Staines Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Stanley road Timms George Alfred, greengrocer, Balmoral road
Stallibrass Frank, solicitor, Clarence street Tipper George Henry, refreshment rooms, 16 High street
Stanley Eliza.beth (Mrs.), refreshmnt. rms. 40 Marine par & 17 Alexandra street
Stanyon George, apartments, 71 Queen's road Tite B. M. & Sons, coal mers. Gt. Eastern Railway statn
Stanyoll George, boot maker, 71 Queen's road Todd, Dennes & Lamb, solicitors & commissioners for
Staples Hannah (.~Irs.), apartments, 19 Leigh road oaths, Alexandra street
Stapleton, McLean & Co. photographers, 29 High street '.rodd Ann (Mrs.), aparts. 4 ScoWs vils. Lower Southend
Stapley William Mercer, apartments, 37 Cambridge I'd Todd In. ~iles Rogers, soIl'. see Todd, Dennes & Lamb
:Star Electric Ll!?,ht Co. (Joseph A. Rummens, manager), Tolhurst B. & F. & Cox, solicitors & commissioners for
elecbrical engineers, 34 Alexandra street oaths, 67 High street .
Starling Henry A. boot maker, 142 London road Tolhurst Bernard Wilshire, solicitor, see B. & F. 1'01-
Steele J onathan, apartments, II4 Park street hurst & Cox
Sterions & Co. tobacconists, 152 High street Tolhurst Francis Joseph, solr. see B. & F. Tolhurst & Cox
Stern Elizabeth (Mrs.), refreshment rms. 122 High st Tomlinson Frederick James, apartments, 14 Honiton I'd
Steward Frederick William, butcher, 12 Queen's road Tracey Thomas, apartments, 15 Stanley road
.Steward John, oyster bar, East parade Tramontine Orazio, mosaic worker, 8~ Leigh road
Steward John Henry, oyster bar, 5 Marine parade 'rrappler Kino, apartments, 7 Heygate avenue
Steward Richard WiIliam, builder & undertaker, 28 & Travel'S & Co. photographers, la St. Helen's I'd. West cliff
30 Park street & I Clarence road Trew EUen (Mrs.), apartments, 33 Burdett av. West cliff
:Steward Robert, builder, 107 Queen's road Trigg Ambrose Herbert, Cornucopia, 39 Marine parade
Stewart J onat~an Brooke, estate agent, 75 Burdeott Trigg James, fiy proprietor, 53 Hartington road
avenue, West cliff Trigg Oswald, Army & Navy hotel; trade dinners, clubs
Stewart Victor Albert, tobacconist, 41 High street &c. catered for, Marine parade
'Still James J. leather seller, 45 Southchurch road & boot Trigg Peter, jobmaster, 83 High street
maker, 5 York road Trigg Peter, Foreste:rs' Arms P.H. Lower Southend
.8tillman John, greengrocer, 46 Park street Trigg Wm. Ship commercial & family htI. Low. Sthend
Stillman W. Mark, jobmstr. 99 St. Helen's rd. West cliff Tucker Elizh. Goldsworthy (Mrs.), aparts. 36 ScI'atton I'd
Stilton Chas. dairy, 5 Castle terrace, Lower Southend Turk Charity (Miss), apartments, 2 Essex terrace
Stokes Richard Else, draper, 80, 82 & 84 Park street Turle Alfred, apartments, I Scratton road
Stone Thomas & Co. ironmongers, 106 High street Turnell Henry, grocer, 76 Hamlet road
Stone Henry, apar·tments, 65 Pleasant road Turnell William, oil & color man, 60 Hamlet road
Stones Mercy (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Stanley road Turner Julia (Mrs.), apartments, 59 Southchurch road
Stothard Frederick, apartments, 26 Heygate avenue '.rurrall & Taylor, house agents, 3 Avenue road
Strand John, apartments, la Hadleigh road, West cliff Turrall Edith Mary (Miss), teacher of music, 38 St.
Stratford Sarah (Mrs.), aparts. 28 Burdett av. West cliff Helen's road, West cliff
Struebigo Alfred Wm. decorator, Haydon viI. Clarence I'd Tweedale Charles Edwd. borough acet. 9 Clarence I'd
Stuart Lucy (Mrs.), apartments, 30 Grove road Twigg F. J. & Co. builders' ironmongers, 25 Queen's rd
Stubbs Edith Rose (Mrs.), boarding ho. Cliff Town par Tydiman J ane (Ml's.), apartments, 22 Weston road
Stubbs Wm. builder, contractor & carman, 56 Milton st '.ryler Frank & Son, decorators, 58 High street
Stuck Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 55 Old Southend road Tyler Charles, baker &; corn dealer, 29 Sutton street
Such Joshua, dairy, 13 Pleasant road, Lower Southend Tyler Louie (Mrs.), aparts. Florence ho. Woodgrange drv
Suffield Thomas George, apartments, 24 Cambridge rd Tyler Percy G. steward Southend-on~Sea Conservative &;
Sullivan J. & Co. paperhanging wrehse. 56a, Hartingtn.rd Unionist Club, Clarence street
Sully Arthur, ap!l.rtments, St. Margaret's, Runwell ter Udy Henry, confectioner, II2 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff
:Bosans Samuel, apartments, 19 Albert road Ulyate Alice (Miss), dress maker, 1215 London road
Underwood Brothers, coal merchants, 79 High street & I Wes<li Harry, apartments, :IStation road, West cliff
11 Southchu.rch avenue West Henry, house furnis-her, 56 &; 58 London ro·ad
Underwood Arthur, pork butcher, 44 Marine parade 1Vestcliff & I~igh Expres$ (Southend Boro' Printing Co.
Underwood Joseph Albert, apartments, 5 Pleas-ant road Ltd. publishers; friday), Clarence rd. :See advert
Universal Stores, grocers, 22,24, 26 & 28 Southchurch rd 1Vestwood Jsph.1Vm.dcratr.The Laurels,Woodgrange drive
Vale George, grocer, 2 Nelson terrace Wheeler l<'rederick, fancy stationer, 4 Nelson street
Vickers James Warry .A..M.LC.E. civil engineer, Silver- Whellam Alfred, boot maker, Killarney, Sutton road
mere, Claremont road Whisstock Fan-ny (Mrs.), apartments, 42 Stanley road
Victoria Commercial & Temperance Hall (Jesse Kemp, White Charles, iron, metal & bottle merchant, North
proprietor), 48 & 50.A.lexandra street. See advert road &; shopkeeper, HI North road
Victoria Electric Lighting Co. (Kelly & Co.), next White & Co. butchers, 67 Park street
to Post Office, Weston road 1Vhite Henry John, auctioneer &c. see Talbot & 'White
Victoria Hotel (Edwin A. Broadhurst, manager), High st White Henry Stephen, pork butcher, 119 North road
Victoria Wine Co. 38 High street 1Vhiteley George Herbert, ironmonger, IS0 High street
Vogelsang Pauline (Mrs.), apartments, 33 Heygate av Whiting Emily (NIrs.), apartments, 62 Pleasant road
Volunteer Fire Brigade (Harry Garon, capt.), Market pI Whitman Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 60 Leigh road
Wad~ Oharles Hy. M.A., M.iR.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., Whittaker Clara (Mrs.), laundry, 11 North road
D.P.H. physician & surgeon & certifying factory sur- Whittaker Joseph Wright, butcher, 4 Leigh road
geon, see Deeping, Wooe & Bridger Wllittaker Thomas, hair dresser, 29 North road
Wade George, plumber, 25 Pleasant road Whittingham John -& WaIter, coach builders, Clarence
Wade Herbert Henry, grocer, Ranelagh, Sutton road road; & at Rochford 8.0
Wadsworth Joseph, insur. supt. 64 Southchurch road Whittle Emma Mary (Miss), apartments, Claremont, Sea-
Wager Percy Robert, apartments, 3~ St. Leonards rd forth road, West cliff
Wagstaff & Leswell, shopkeepers, 12 Ashburnham road Whittle George, draper, 47 Marine parade
Wag-staff Jas. John, Queen's hotel, Hamlet Court rd. vVhur Selina (,Mrs.), fancy repository, 19 Marine parade
'West cliff Whur Thomas, builder &; carpenter, 6 Princes street
Wagstaff Joseph, china dealer, 62 Hamlet road W'Imr 1Ym. borough inspector of nuisances, Clarence road
Wakeling HaTTy, aparts. 6 Grosvenor pI. Low. Southend 'Whyte Edgar, Park hotel P.II. 101 London road
Wakeling Louisa (l\-!rs.), apartments, 4 Grosvenor place Wiggins Edward Henry, pianoforte tuner, 91 Queen's road
Walbrook Wm.boarding ho. 56 Hamlet Court rd.West cliff Wiggins Samuel, wardrobe dealer, 143 London road
""~alenn William George, apartments, 29 Alexandra road Wilford Thomas, bu·tcher, 18 Pleasant road
""~alker & Sons Limited,.brewers, IQ Nelson st. Cliff town 'Wilkes Mar'y (Mrs.), restaurant, 144 London road
Walker Joseph Ebenezer, apartments, 22 S~an1ey road 1Villdnson Charlotte (Miss), apartments, 51 Cambridge rd
Walker Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, see Freeman &; Walker Wilkinson Frederick, fruiterer, 81 Queen's road
'Wall Sophia (Mrs.), apartments, I Albert road Wilkinson Henry, builder, 21 Wesley road
Waller Charles, jeweller, 43 High street Wilkinson Thos. Kitching, insurance agent, 22 Grover st
1Valler Wm. lodging house, :I Castle ter. Lower Southend Williams i& Son, herbalists, 35 North road
Wffilis OweD<, ironmonge'r, 47 High street Williams Elizbth.(Mrs.),aparts·49 St. Helen's I'd.West cliff
'Wand WaIter, dairyman, 27 St. Leonards road Williams Ernest, dock repairer, 5'7 Gordon road
1Yard Elizabeth ('Mrs.), fancy repository, 142 High street Williams Geo. Fredk. aparts. I I Wilson road, West cliff
Ward -Goorge, confectioner, 9 High street; 18 Alexandra Williams In. Nelson, boot ma. Llandogo ho. Sutton rd
street 1& I I Cliff Town road Willis John, photographer, 24 High street
Ward Herbert, manager to Ind, Ooope & Co. Limited, 'Villmott Mary (Mrs.), aparts. 3'2 Burdett aven. West cliff
L. T. & S. Railwa;y approach WiIIson & Phillips, auctioneers, accountants, estate
Ward John, general manager to & traffic supt. the South- agents, valuers & surveyors, Cla.rence 'St. Estate offices
end Oorporation, London road W:ilson AliceMaud-(Mrs.),aparts.97 St.lHelen's rd.West c:iff
Ward Mary Elizabeth (,Mrs.), apartments, 3 CIifton ter Wilson Marie (Mrs.), apartments, 32 Cambridge road
Ward William, apa.rtments, 5 Toledo r·oad Wilson Minnie (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Chancellor road
Ward William HeMy, boardinQ" house, 9 Alexandra road Wilson WaIter Eric, apartments, 37 Heygate avenue
Wardill Frank, apartments, 6 Wesley road Wilson William, boot maker, 130 London road
Warlow William, apartments, 60 Queen's road Wilson William Arthur, cycle maker, 86 High street
Warner Susan (Mrs.), apartments,67 Cambridge road Wilson William G. printer, see Reid -& Wibon
Warren George Thomas, boot maker, 14 Alexandra street 1Ving Henry, relieving officer & collector, 1st division,
Warren Lovell, boot &; shoe maker, 36 High street Rochford union, &; vaccination officer, sub-district,
Warren Wil1iam, carpenter & builder, 29 Gordon road Great Wakering, 49 Ashburnham road
Wal'Ticker William, refreshment rooms, 13 Malrine parade Wingfield Rose(Mrs.),SJhpkpr.8 Nursery <pl.Southchurch NI
WarringtonWm.boot repairer'9Nursery pl.Southchurch rd WinkworthEdwd.aparts.Seaforth vil.Seaforth rd.West cliff
Washburn Henry, shopkeeper, I 'St. Thomas's terrace Winsor .Tames R. tailor, 30 Alexandra street
Waters Avery Clough M.B. &; B.S.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. Winsor Jas. Richd. aparts. Elizabeth villa, Myrtle road
surgeon, High street Winter James, grocer, 86 Hamlet Court road, West cliff
Waters Nathaniel, refreshment rooms, 2 Marine parade Winter William, stationer, & post office, 53 Queen's l'oad
Watkins &; Wintle, solicitors, Olarence road Wintle Arth. SQlctr. (firm, 1Vatkins & Wintle),Clarence rd
Watkins Godfrey Oharles AUsopp, insurance superinten- Wire Alfred Sydney, wine & spirit merchant, Sutton road
dent, 71 Southchurch rood Witherington Henrietta (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Royal ter
Watkins Hy. domestic machinery warehouse, 124 High st 'Wood, S<ln & Langton, solicitors,Clarence street
Watkins Humph:rey WaIter, solicitor (firm, Watkins &; Wood Albert, pr<Jd'essor of music, 84 Park road
Wintle), Olarence road Wood Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 78 Leigh road
Watkins Tom Olement, apartments, 34 Tyler's avenue Wood Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, I Grosvenor place
Watson Douglas M.B., a.M. physician &; surgeon, 2 Bea- Wood George (firm, Wood, Son &; Langton), solicitor,
consfield terrace, Milton street commissioner for oaths &; perpetual commissioner, clerk
Watson Harriett (Miss), apartments, S9 Heygate avenue to the school boards of Eastwood, 8tambridge & Waker-
Watson Mary H. (Miss), a~artments, 62 Leigh road ing, clerk to the Canewdon charities, & sec. to the Roch-
'Watts Art,hur J. Crystal Mmeral W,aier 00. Lim.Tyler's av ford Gas Co. & to the Rochford charities, Clarence street
Watts Edward, dairyman, NOl'th road Wood James Fawcett, solicitor, see 1Vood, Son & Langton
1Vatts lsaac, apartments, Grantham, York road 1Vood L. A. (~Iiss), boarding house, Leeward, Station
1Yatts Wm. Jas. bui'lder, Rydal, Bournemouth Park road road, West cliff
Wearmouth Annie (Miss), apartments, Glenco, Station I'd. Wood WaIter Jas. architect & surveyor, 26 Alexandra st.
'Vest cliff - 1Voodard, Hood &; Thorne, solicitors, 5 Nelson street; &.
Webster Edwd.A1fd. mineral water mfr.I27&I29London rd at BillericRy, Essex; .&; 6 Billiter street, London E C
Webster Joseph, butcher, 26 Cliff Town road Woodhams Francis Edward, builder, 2 Southchurch road
Weight Chas. fruiterer, 44 Hamlet Court rd. West cliff Woodhouse Henry, apartments, 2 Scratton road
Welburn vVilliam, tailor, <5 Albert road 1Voodhouse Henry, boot maker, see Tay-lor &; Woodhouse·
'Weller & Jenner, corn dealer, 26 Cliff Town road 1Yoodiwiss Abr-aham, carpenter, 11 Princes street
Wells Edwin, apartments, 85 Southchurch avenue 'Yoods Asher, shopkeeper, 6 Brighton avenue
Wells Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 17 Park street 'Voolf &; Co. tailors, 13 Market place
vVells Marian (Miss), apartments, 8 Cromer road 'Yoolf William, tailor, 3 Scratton road
Wenden Peter, draper, Sutton house, Sutton road 1Yoosnam Chas. &; Son, wine & spirit mers. 52b, High st
1Vertheim Julius, furniture dealer, 17 Queen's Toad 1Yootton Frederick James, tailor, 29 Queen's road
West Cliff Music Stores (A. W. Pape, manager), pianoforte 'Yorld's Tea Co. (Tha), tea dealers, 23 Alexandra street
dealers, 5 Cheapside, London road Wren Charles, apartments, 96 Hamlet Court rd. 'West cliff
Wright Mary .Ann & Ellen (Misses), apartmts. 4 Royal ter Yarrow Elijah, fancy statnI'. 13 The Broadway,I60 High st
Wright Cecilia Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, Havana Youill Isabella (Miss), apartments, 7 .Alexandra road
house, Button road Young & Marten, builders' ironmongers, "\Veston cham-
Wright Charles James, butcher, Southchurch road bers, 1Veston road
Wright Edwin, apartments, 28 Grove road Young Men's Christian Association (Charles Cooper, sec.),
Wright Edwin Jas. bicycle repairer,Richmond av. High st 28 Westan road
Wright Louisa (Miss,), apartments, 4 Cliff Town parade Young Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Elmer avenue
Wright Robert Henry, grocer, 43 'Marine parade Young Herbert, depot manager to the Southend Corpora-
"\Vright William Brock, hair dresser, 17 Southchurch road tion highways department, London road
Wright William Robert, dining rooms, 12 Leigh road Young John, nurseryman, 40 High street
Wyeth Sophie (Miss), boarding house, 9 West Cliff parade Zanchi Peter, refreshment rooms, 6 Marine parade
PRIVA.TE nESIDENTS. Oemetery (William Gregson, clerk to Perry & Sons, scale ma·s. Victoria av
Bayliss Oharles, Oleveden, Victoria av the burial board), North road Pettit James, shopkeeper, East street
Bendix Gustav Pius, Bessie vi!la, Ohambers William, builder, see Smith Pool David, shopkeeper, I West street
Gainsborough drive & Ohambers Price Phoobe (Mrs.), baker, North st
Bentall Jay, Victoria avenue Chandler John, grocer, 237 North road Priory lodge, M. U. No. 7,1124, Blue
Buxton William, 231 North road Coldwell & 00. chemists, S Victoria av Boar hotel, W. N ancarrow
Ohandler Rev. In. (Baptist), North I'd Ooul\Se Frank, butcher, see Skinner Ramuz Frederlc, manager to the
Cook George, Bridge house, North st & Oour·se Land Co. Shorefield, West cliff; &
Dolphin Oharles, 173 North road Oundy Fred, fishmonger, East street 67 & 68 Cheapside, London EO
Fuller Arthur, Fristone, East street Davison Frederick Wm. grcr. North 8t Randall Edward, horse dlr. East street
Freestone William John, Belaford, Dawson Georgina (Miss),bakr.North st Rudling Wm. organist, 148 North road
Gainsborough drive Day Hy. Albt. shopkpr. North street Rutter Susannah (Mrs.), Plough inn,
Hea.ven John, Grosvenor house Deed Janles, shoe maker, North street Leigh road .
Laver Mrs. Belle-Vue, North road Dent Adam, laundry, 211 North road Saunders Edward, upholsterer, Vic-
Price Harry, Lorraine, Victoria avenue Doody Thomas, grocer, 23 Tudor road toria avenue
Beay Rev. Thomas Osmotherley 1\1 A. Dowsett William, boot maker & Scaggs George (Mrs.), shopkpr.East st
(rural dean &; surrogate), Vicarllge clothier, East street, & china dealer, Schildknecht John, grocer, North st
Sadd Rev. Arthur Joseph {Oongrega- 4 Victoria avenue Shipton Ju. saddlr. & post off.North 8t
tional),8 Ohelmsford avenue Evans Herbt. Edwd. plmbr.2sTudor I'd Shute Ada (Ml1s.), teacher of music,
Scratton Howell, Prittlewell Priory Francis Wm. shopkpr.89 & 91 North I'd 124 North road
Scudder Mrs. 152 North road Grant Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr.North st Simms Montague, electrical engineer,
Stocken Misses, 134 North road Greener Henry, caTpntr. 184 North I'd Victoria avenue
Thorogood William, 229 North road Halley Alfred, greengrocer, East street Skinner & Course, btchr. I Victoria av
TolhUl'st Francis Joseph, Millfield, Harrington Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Smith & Ohambers, bldrs.183 North I'd
West street West street Starling Richd. Railway hotel, East st
Wade Miss, 174 North road Harrod Thomas, hair dresser, North st Steel .Alee, farmer, Temple farm
Wallis Mrs. Athol ho. Victoria avenue Harvey George Arthur, working cut- Stephens William C. carpenter,
'Webb Charles, West Dene,Victona <lvn ler, North street Beduel, Tudor road .
Williams John, Ferndale, Victoria aven Hicks Thomas, bricklayer, Fairfax dve Storey Albt. hair dresser, 3 Victoria aY'
Wyeth Mrs. Sutherland lodge, East st Howard James Benjamin, furniture re- Susans George & Sons, carpenters &
COMMEll.CIAL. mover, 17H North road joiners, North st·reet
Annereau Benjamin ,decrtr.94 North I'd Hughes Michael Richard, nurseryman, Tate Jose ph William, undertaker
Aske Wm. greengrocer, 239 North I'd North road & builder, 74 North road
.Baldwin George Arthur, decorator, 7 Jackson Samuel, milk seller, North st Thomas Arthur, oil dealer, East stree~
Ohelmsfordavenue Jone.s John &, James, builders, Shake- Trappett William,laundry,213 North I'd
. Barker David, news agt. 21 Tudor I'd speare avenue Trigg Oliver, Blue Boar, Commercial
Barney Bros. drapers, 2 Victoria aven Knowles John & Co. builders' me.r- hotel
. Basham John William, insurance agt. ohants, East street Tuxill John Robert & Son, green-
11-8 North road Knight James, shopkeeper, We,st street grocers, 130 North road
.Bass-Brigg Oaroline (Mrs.), dress ma. Lakeman Thos.Young, shopkpr.East sb Utton Henry, shopkeeper, East street
Victoria avenue Land Compan¥ (Ooleman Hall Utton L. & L. (late John Utlion),
'Belcham Edmund, jobmaster, 227 & Boro' estates (Frederic Ramuz, brick makers, Great Eastern brick
North road manager); & at 67 & 68 Cheapside, works
Bennett William, baker, & Post office, London E C Wade Thomas, draper, North street
233 North road Lane Henrietta (IvIrs.), dress maker, Ward Fredk. Wm. bldr. 189 North I'd
Bennewith Abrhm.wheelwright,East st 177 North road Ward Samuel, carpenter, West street
Bentall .A.rthur, Earl's hall, North rd Layzell Arthur, corn mer. Victoria av Warren Arth.BDamston, btchr.North st
Bentall Jay, farmer, :Victoria avenue Lee Harry, confectioner, East street Webb Chas. grocer & draper, East st
Boman George, grocer, East street LeigMon Constance (Mrs.), .aparts. White Oharle.s, iron, metal & bottle
Bone Harriet (Miss), apartments, Holmdale, West street merchant, North street
Rosendale, West street Letton William Fern, furniture dealer, White Francis William, Golden Lion
:Brand Frank, cabinet maker, East st North street P.H. North street
Brockett Chas. grocer, 193 North road Lillywhite EIlen (Mrs.), dress maker, White George, baker & draper & out·
Burgess Alfred, boot maker, East st Frederick villa, Gainsborough drive fitter, North street
Bush Henry Thomas, blacksmith, Littlewood Ohas. Alfd. drpr. East st White Louisa (Mrs.), baker, East st
East street Lowe .Alex. surveyor, North street Willingale WaIter Henry, Spread Eagle
Buxton Wm. contractor, 23I North I'd Marshall John, confctnr. 6 Victoria av P.H. North street
'l)lirns William J. (~elson hotel); free Miller Thomas, butcher, 235 North I'd Willis Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
house; wines, spirits & beers of Myall Thomas, painter, North street East street
the finest quality, North road Osborn Margaret Ann (Miss), sta- Wolf Wm. blacksmith, Victoria avnn
Cartwright Thomas, station master tioner & newsagent, North street Yost Thos.Edwd. dairymn.lg Tudor I'd
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Hunt .Albert, Nore view, South- !Jsaheton Annie (Mrs.), grocer, &
Allan Francis, I Ashburnbam terrace, church Beach Po·st office, Beach house, South-
Southchurch Beach Hutchinson Alfred, OromweIl, South- churoh Beach
Appleby Sutton, White lodge church Beach Assheton Jane (Mrs.), apartments,
Brown Arthur W. Augusta house, Lavenbein Theodore, Florence house, Alexander house, Southchurch Beach
Southchurch Beach Southchurch Beach Assheton Richard, boo~ maker, South-
OhaIl!tard Vallery, Archibald house, Philpott Rev. John Nigel M.A. Rectry church Beach
Southchurch Beaoh Seel .Alfred Burrell, Shirley, South- Batty Thomas TayIor, apartments,
Oresswell Arthur, Trotter's farm church Beach Mayfield, Southchurch Beach
Dunnett Albert J ames, Daines farm Sparks William Nathaniel, Arthur ha. Bentall Wi1liam, farmer, The Wick
Field Fredk. Iona, Southchurch Beach Southchurch Beach Bryant Selina (Mrs.), apartm.ents,
Frey Arthur Abraham, Isobell house, COMMERCIAL. Selina house, Southohurch Beach
Southchurch Beach Absalom Charles, apartments, 7 Ash- Budd Thoma.s, apartments, I Edward's
Haines Henry, 2 Selina villas, South- burnham terrace, Southchurch Bch villas, Sonthchurch Beaoh
church Beach Allum Gea. pol. eonst. Bourne's Green
Burrells John William, farm bailiff to Kimmins Elizabeth (Mrs.), npnrts. Ricketts Jonathan, aparts. Chester rd.
Messrs. 'James & Philip HuMey, Briar villa, Southchurch Beach Southchurch Beach
Thorpe hall Marshall Frank Harry, aparts. 19 Ash- Robinson Abraham, apartment,s,Drom-
Clark In. shopkpr. Southchurch Beach burnhall1 ter. Southchurch Beaah mond's road
Clark lYilliam, bathing machine propr. Moore Frederick, apa.rtments, Gall1per Rudkins Isaac, apartments, Rutland
Southchurch Beach house, Southchurch Beach house, Southchurch Beach'
Cowl George, carpenter Newitt Edward James, nurseryman, Sand·ford Gerald, aparts. 3 Ashburn-
Cowling Arthur, shopkeeper Seathorpe, Southchurch Beach ham terrace, Southchurch Beach
Cresswell Arth. frmr. Trotter's farm Offin HaITy Clyde, Samuels farm Shore John, aparts. Ohester road,
Davis Ernest Oharles, gas, hot water Peed Charles, boat build'er, South- Southchurch Beach
& sanitary engineer, decorator, church Beaclh Southchurch BrickfieldsCo.Southchrch
plumber & electrio bell fitter, 2 Petal'S Samuel John, jun. boat builder Stebbing Eliza{Mrs.),White HOI'se P.H
Edward's villas, Southchrch. Beach' & shopkeeper, Southchurch Beach Thompson Martin James Halfway
Dowsett James, builder, Hamstel road Peters Samuel John, boat builder, House P.H. Southchurch Beach
Dunnett Oharles Tremills, coach pantr. Southchurch Beach Wakeling William, aparts. 2 Ashburn-
Bourne's Green Rackham Abraham Augustus, insur- ham terrace, Southchurch Beach
Harvey Thomas Henry, shopkeeper, anca agent, 24 Ashburnham terrace, Wallace Edward Henry, Rose inn
Bourne's Green Southchurch Beach Whittingham William, coach, cart &
Hastings Eliza (-;\:Iiss), apartments, I Ragged School Union Cripples' Holi- van builder
Selina villas, Southchurch Beach day Home (Miss Amy Skinner, Wiffen William, farmer & carman,
Hayward vVilliam _<\.lbert, boat bldr. matron; John Kirk, sec.), South- Southchurch Hall farm
Southchurch Beach church Beach Wright George, aparts. 5 Ashburn-
Layzell Ephraim, mechanical engineer Rich Oharles H. draper, Southchrch.rd ham terrace, Southchurch Beach
SOUTHMINSTER is a. parish and large village, and bread and fuel. There are also charities arising from
is the terminus of a branch from Woodham Ferris, on the the estate of Peter Hackblock for the support (}f the
Southend section of. the Great Eastern railway, 10 miles National School; others for the distribution of bread
south-east from Maldon, 3 north from Burnham, 18 four times in the year to poor widows and widowers, and
south-east from Chelmsford and 46 from London, in the a small sum for the maintenance of a lying-in charity.
South Eastern divis~on of the county, Dengie hundred The principal landowners are the Governors of the Char-
and petty sessional division, Maldon union and county terhouse, who are lords of the manor, the trustees of
<lQurt district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, arch- Chelmsford Grammar School, William Herbert Page esq.
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St• .Albans; the village Richard Homer esq. and Messrs. Strutt and Parker.
is pleasantly' seated on a peninsula between the rivers The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
Blackwater and Crouch and near the German Ocean, and are wheat and barley, the latter being especially fine and
at a. very early date, belonged to the Bishops 'Of London: some grass lan~. 'l'he a!l'ea is 6,506 acres of land, I of
tlie village is lighted with gas, and supplied with water water, 460 of tIdal water ~d 97 4 of foreshore; rateable
from works at Asheldham, constructed in I893. The value, £8,3 0 7; the popUlatIOn III 19= was I,430.
church of S,t. Leouard is a large and ancient building By Local Government Board Order 22,354, dated March
chiefly in the Perpendicular style, and consisting of 24, 1889, Old and New Bubbles were transferred from
apsidal chancel, transepts, clerestoried nave, north porch Mayland to Southminster for civil purposes.
and a lofty embattled western tower, containing a clock Sexton, James Kerridge.
and.6 bells: ~ t.he cJ:l~cel are !~r~e ancient bmsses, one Post, M. 0.& T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
havlllg a Latlll lllscrlp~IOn to WI1ham Harrys, the ot~er Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office (Railway Sub-
two are to Edward Bndge esq. ob. I666 and John Kmg Office Letters should be addressed Southminster
.gent. ob. 1634; the interior of the church ~as restored R.S.O. Essex).-Louis Henry Brame, sub-postmaster.
m I892. at a cost of £2,~OO, when the portIOn used by Letters by mail cart arrive at 6.3 0 a.m. delivery com-
the chOIr was enclosed WIth screens of oak, a reredos of mencin'" at 7' direct mail from London peT rail arrives
Caen stone an~ alab~ster erected, and a communion at 10.45 a.m.' delivery commencing at 'Il. IS a.~.; last
table and pulPl~ prOVIded and the. nave reseated: the delivery 7. 10 p.m.; dispatched Il.IS a.m., I.55, 6.15
south transept IS used as So mornmg chapel, and the &; 7. 10 p.m.; sundays, 6.15 p.m
n?r'~h transept as a vestry and organ chamber: there a:e Wall Letter Boxes, Station, collections at 10.45 a.m. &
slthngs for 350 persons: the churchyard was enlarged III 6.5 p.m. week days only & Queen's Head P.H. collection
1.8~4· . The regIster dates from the year .1702 • The at I t a.m. & 6. 0 .m.· sunda rs 6. 0 .m
lIvmg IS a Ylcarage, net yearly value £180, WIth 13 a c r e s . 3 . P , . ).' 3 P
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Governors of NatIOnal School ~mlxed), bwlt m 1865, and enlarged
the Charterhouse, London, and held since I9 01 by the I896 for 300 children; average attendance, 238; WaIter
Rev. Henry Rusbridger. Here are Congre.gational and J?nes, m::-ster . . .
Baptist chapels. A market for stock is held every Tues- PolIce StatIon, William Wedlock, sergeant III charge .
day, commencing at 2 p.m. The principal inn is the Railway Station, William H. Bailey, station master
Rose and Orown. A sum of £15 yearly, left in I593 by Carriers' to Ohelmsford. John Hazelton, every tues. &;
William Aylett, of Mayland, is distributed to the poor in fri. & Thomas Blowers, tues. & fri
PIUVATE RESIDENTS. Angeloff Madam, teacher of musie, Clear A.Ernest, auctioneer &; estate agt
Coombe Roberl Gorton J.P.West house :North street Cole Joseph, boot maker '.
Curtie Miss Julia, Randolph villas Barclay & Co. Lim. bankers (agency) Oollin John', Queen's Head P.H
Dennis Miss (Walter Kemp Woodward, agent); Coombe Robert Gorton L.R.C.P.
Doherty P. J. North wick open mono wed. thurs. & fri. I I to Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, &
Drysdale Daniel Thomas 3; tues. II to 4 &; sat. 10 to I ; medical officer & public vaccinator
Gough Wm. John, Old Moore house draw on head office, 54 Lombard st. for the Soutbminster district & regis-
Marskell James London EO trar of births & deaths for the South·
:Murton Henry, Hazel bank Barrett John, maltster minster sub-district of the Maldon
Oddy Rev. Herbert Boycot""t (Congre- Batchelor Ernest, farmer union & Admiralty surgeon & agent,
gational) Beaumont & Bright, solicitors; attend West house
Page Francis Elvy, New moor tuesdays Cooper Elijah, boot & shoe maker
Page Mrs BishopJabez,builder, contractor,under- Cooper Rosetta (Miss), dress maker
Page William Herbert, Oakleigh taker & general repairer, King,s road Dengie Hundreds Oricket Club (E. W.
Payne John Hemy, North street Bishop William, beer retailer Page, hon. soo)
Prior John S. The Limes Bishop William Arch, shopkeeper Dengie Hundred Horticultural Society
Rusbridger Rev. Henry (vicar), Verge Blaxall Norriss, butcher (R. G. Coombe & W. Jones,hon.secs)
Smith Ernest John J.P. The Caidge Blowers Thomas, carrier Dennish Mary .Ann (Mrs.), cooper &
Stammers Thos. J. Ivy house Brame Louis Henry, furnishing iron- basket maker
Steele Stephen, Homefield monger, Post office Dennish William Ruffell, cycle agent &
Tennant Isaac Bright Frederick Henry, solicitor cabinet maker
Totham Benjamin, The Laurels Broce Elizh. Hughes (Mrs.), shopkpr Dillon Mary Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Weymout<h Wm. Thos. Wellingtons Camping Luther John, farmer Duncan John, White Hart P.H
Willis Frederick Charles Camping William, house decorator Downing .Alfred, beer retailer
Woodward Walter Kemp Cant WaIter, baker Downing Charles, Railway hotel
COMMEnC1AL. Carter Jane F. (Mrs.), watch maker Downman Charles Frederick L.R.C.P.
Agate Henry, cycle agent, see Green Chaplin James, coffee house Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician &
&; Agate Chinnery George Wm. hardware dealer surgeon, &; Admiralty surgeon & agt
E8SEX 25-
Duke Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Peacock James William, tailor Smith Henry, farm bailiff to Messr5.
Fisher David, farm bailiff to William Pipe &; Son, drapers &; clothiers Strutt &; Parker
H. Page esq Pipe Har..nah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Sparrow, Tuffnell &; Co. bankers, now
Fisk J ames William, carman Pipe Arthur, gTocer Barclay & Co. Limited
Freeman John, boot repairer Pipe William, beer retailer . Stammers Frank, decorator, plumber.
Frenoh & Hutley, farme,rs, The Hall Preston Waiter Garnham, grocer. &; gas & hot water engineer, ,sign &;
Fuller James, boot & shoe dealer agent for W. &; A. Gilbey Limited, glas:'! writer, grainer & gilder, Sta.-
Gale Ernest J., F.A.I. auctioneer, es- wine & spirit merchants tion road
tate agent ,& valuer; & at Bradwell Prior John A. agent for P,rudential In- Stammers Thomas John, builder, con.-
. & Burnham 8.0 surance Co. Limited tractor & undertaker
Gas Company (Waiter Jones, sec) Prior In. Smith, agent for Liverpool, Steele Stephen, farmer, Home·field
Gosling Alice (Miss), dress maker London & Globe Insurance Co Strong Frederick Augustus, White
Gosling Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper Read ",ValteI' Ernest, relieving officer &; Horse P.H. &; carting agent. for G.E_
Green &; Agate, cycle agent,s collector to the guardians for the Railway
Harvey Henry Winter, grocer &; Dengie district of the Maldon union Taylor Oscar John, draper
provision dealer &; regist,rar of mar- Robin,son Albert,King's Head Commer- Thompson David, shopkeeper
xiages for the Southminster ,sub-dis- cial Hotel; wines, spirit,s, Bass's Totham Benjamin, butcher
trict of the Maldon union bottled ales & Guinness' stout aI- Watt J. ,& R. J. chemists, stationers.
Bearn Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper ways in stock; good stables & coach tobacconist,s, paint, oil, wine & spirit
Howard Wm. miller (wind &; stoom) houses merchants & dealers in gunpowder,
Jarvis Heigham. florist Robinson Edward, machinist, wheel- cartridge,s &c.St.Leonards pharmacy
Kemp Arthur S. assistant overseer wright, general smith, engineer & Watkins &; Son, fancy stationers
Kemp Fanny (Miss), private school, implement agent Webb J. & Son, coach builders & agri-
North street Ruffell Edward, plumber cultural engineers
Kemp John Lionel, Rose &, Crown inn Rumsey William, blacksmith Weymouth William Thomas, solicitor
Larritt John James, baker Rumsey Mary Ann (Mrs. ),apartments, & commissioner, Wellil1gtons
Maoarthur James M.R.'C.V.S. veteri- Station road Whiting William,farm bailiff to Robert
nary surgeon Sains George, market gardener Horner esg
Mellard John, hair dresser Sanders John D. baker Wiggins John, farm bailiff to Robert
Murton Henry. farmer Simpson Samuel, beer retailer Homer esq
011ey Annie &; Elizabeth (Misses), Smith Ernest John, frmr. The Caidge Woodward WaIter Kemp, agent to Bar-
f&ncy repository Smith Frederick Luckin, grocer clay & Co. Limited, bankers
Page & Co. corn merchants Smith Geo. C. saddler & harness ms Wyatt Ann (Miss), private school
Page Francis Elvy, frmr. New moor
SPRINGFIELD is a parish lying to the east of was erected in 1873. His :Majesty's prison and the offices
Ohelmsford and connected with that town by two bridges of tlle county constabulary (particulars of which arer
crossing two branches of the navigable river Chelmer; given under Chelmsford) are both in this parish. The
it is in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hun- Rev. Arthur Cyri! Pearson M.A. of 27 Oakwood Court,
dred, union, petty sessional division and county court Kensington, London W. &; vicar here 1887'97, is lora
district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of of the manor. Sir Henry Paulet St. John Mildmay bart-.
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. This place derives its of Dogmersfield Park, Winchfield, Hants, and M. B. Pea-
name from the numerous springs rising in the parish, cock esq. are large landowners. The soil is light; much
and up to tlie year 1790 was but a small village of only gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
74 houses, but has now so increased that a new district mangold wurtzel and turnips. The area of the parisn
has sprung up, and many fine residences have been built. is 2,880 acres, of which 1,894 are arable, 818 pasture and
The main line of the Great Eastern railway runs through 140 in house gardens and roads, and 28 water; rateabl6
the parish parallel with the Colchester road. The church value, £18,091; popnlation in 1901 was 3,274, including
of All Saints is a building of rubble and brick, chiefly in 309 in H.M. Prison.
the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel and nave, Town Sub-Post, M.O.O., S.B. & Annuity & Insurance
vestries and an embattled tower containing 6 bells; one Office, Springfield Hill. Harry Smith, sub-postmaster.
side of the tower, restored in 1885, is thus inscribed: Box cleared at 8.15, 10.15 & II.45 a.m. &; 2, 4, 5, 7-5,
"Prayse God for all the Good Benefactors, 1586:" there 8 &; I I p.m.; sunday, 8.30 p.m. Letters delivered
is a fine oak screen, a Norman font, and a brass with the through Chelmsford at 7 & ID·30 a.m. &; 3· 10 & 5·45
effigy of a man in armour, c. 1420: th-e church was re- p.m.; sundays, 7 a.m. Springfield street, Chelmsford',
stored in 189"2, and has 360 sittings; t!J.e churchyard, is the nearest telegraph office
planted with rose bushes, is beat!.tifully kept as a garden. Town Sub-Post & Telegraph Office, Springfteld street.-
The register dates from the year 1653. The living is a Harry Benton, sub-postmaster. Box cleared at 1. 25, 4. IS
rectQry, net yearly value £500, with 55 acres of glebe &; 7.40 p.m.; ,sundays, 10.15 a.m. Letters delivered
and residence, in the '£!1ft of and held since 1897 by the through Chelmsford at 7 &; ID.5o a.m. & 6.10 p.m.;
Rev. Francis Samuel Paynter M.A. of Christ's College, sunday, 7 a.m. only. Postal orders aTe issued here,
Cambridge. The chapel {)f ease of the Holy Trinity, at but not paid. Springfield Hill, Chelmsford, is the
the lower end of the parish, was built in 1843, at a cost of nearest money order office
nearly £3,000, and is a structure of brick in the Norman
style; a new choir, vestry, organ and pulpit were added Schools.
about 1890: there are goo sittings. There is a Wesleyan National (mixed), Springfield village, built in 18r3, for
chapel in Springfield road. There are four ancient alms- 385 children; average attendance, 183: Richard Coward,
houses, and 6 others have been erected on the Green, master; Miss M. Gregory & :Miss Louisa Lawrence,
two erected in 1863 and two in 1875, by Robert William assistant mistresses; infants' school added in 1880, for
Peacock esq. and two more in 1879 by her daughters in 60 children; average attendance, 50; Miss Editll
memory of the late Mrs. John Seal;>rook. The Perry's Golding, mistress; in 1894 a new class room, two cloak
Field charity of £6 IgS. 4d. is distributed in fuel and rooms & outbuildings were erected at a cost of £400
£40 yearly, derived from the Church Trust Estate, is National Infants', Springfield hill, built in r856, for 84.
left for the use and reparation of the church and the children; average attendance, 61; Miss Rarriet Legg~,
surplus, if Bny, for the use of the poor. A vestry hall mistress

PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Box William,chief warder H.M. Prison, Crusha Arthur, Camden, Queen's road
Springfield hill Day Waiter, 3 Prospect terrace
Adams Miss, 4 Spring£.eld terrace Boycot,t Mrs. The Lodge Dennis Fredk. Hungate, Carisbrook
Aldham Arthur Thomas, Tower house Brewer Julian Cid, Upper terrace Dibben William, :'.Ieadow side
AUshorn Alfred Samuel, Elm view, Carter eha,rles, Buckingham villa Dixon Joseph, Dalrymple, Mount hill
Queen's road Chaplin Mrs. West view, Queen's road Dobson Frederick Sam!. 2 Prospect, tar
Alston George, Elmhurst Clare George Edward, I Barden viIs Douglas Mrs. I I Randolph terrace
Archer William, Meadow side Conor Capt. Herbert Latimer (gover- Feather 'Waiter Townend, The Laurels,.
Aubrey George Henry, Springfield viI nor of H.M. prison) Weight Toad
Baker Francis Herbt. 5 Springfield ter Corry V,alentine, Elmhir,st Fennel' Goulden In. Whittles hall
Bagrie Edward WilIiam, I Park view Coward Richard, Holmrook Forbes Mrs. 12 Randolph terrace
Barnard Ezra, 6 Springfield terrace Cox Arthul' Sidney, Fair lea, Sandfd.rd Fuller James Edward, Stone house
Bateman Mrs. IS Randolph terrace Creasey Wm.Hy. Kingsdale,Queen's I"d Fuller Thomas Harry, Sp'ringfield hill
Beaumont Mrs. 7 Garfield terrace Crockford Frederick, The Oottage Gepp Chas. Bramston Osborne,Spring-
Beaumont WilIiam, Meadow side Cruickshank Colonel Fletcher Hayes field Tyrrells
13olingbroke Geo. JoIhn, Lancaster ho Grant J.P. The Lyons Gimson Wm. Douglas, Springfie~d ho


Glad,stone John, Hill road: Matson Miss, Meadow side Showers Capt. Edward' Maclean (chief
Godfrey -Charles Frederick, 'I'hurlmere, Mayall Fr-ank, Simla, Queen's road constable of Essex), Springfield cr.
Queen's road MiaH Mrs. Meadow -side Smith Er William, Queen's road
Gray Perey, Brookhurst Morton Alfred Reay, Trinity cottage Smith F. Luckin, Oak Lea
Gregory Mrs. 9 Randolph terrace Moss Misses, Springfield road Staine,s Frederick William,Sunny dene,
Gripper Jsph. Boswells, Springfield rd Norman George Denis, Prospect ter Queen's road
Hall Arthur, Elmhurst, Queen's road Nurse Edward, Meadow side Storrs Kenneth Simonds M.B. The
Hallas Gledhill; Danlmry view Parker Miss, Meadow side Acacias
Hardy Rev. George Bernard B.A. Paynter Rev. Francis Samuel M.A. Stunt Francis, Yew lodge
(curate), upper terrace (rector), Rectory Sutthery Frank Pellatt, Springfield la
Hart George, Linden cottage Perry Miss, Shrublands Taylor Herbert John, Hill cotte, Mount
Hasler Henry Charles, Lyon terrace Pitts Alfred, 'Copt hall, Springfield rd Hill avenue
Hick~ Herbert, The Ohalet., Queen's rd Pitts Mrs. Copt hall, Springfield rd Taylor John, Hill side
Hirst John, 1 Prospect terrace Pledger Joseph Augustus, The Cedars Thompson In. Ockleford, Meadow side
Hopkins William, Hill road Pledger Miss, Fairmount Tunstall Frederick, 4 Gameld terrace
Horner Geo. Fernleigh, Queen's road Plews Mis,s, Trinity road Wallace Bemard, 3 Barden villa,s
Hursthouse Mrs. Hill road Powell George, Mount Hill avenue Ward Percy In.York bldgs.Queen's rd
Jackson Mrs. Springfield place Reeve Stacey, Mount Hill avenue Wardill William, Barden villas
J-effk.ins George, Marrowells, Mount Richardson Maurica Henry, Redgatas Wenden Christopher John, Lesma,
Hill avenue Ridley Mrs. WaIter, Sevenoaks Queen's road
Johnson Frank, Bynghurst Ro<id Sidney, The Croft Wharton Mrs. Springfield terrace
Kerrigan Edward: Martin, Fairfield, Ruddle Rev. Auriol Giffard A.K.C.L. \"bite Joseph Henry, Pease's Hall frm
Mount Hill avenue (curate), Upper terrace Wilkins Edward, 10 Randolph terrace
Knights George, Trinity Toad Saville John 'Thomas, ,\Vil:ow Deoe Wilson Cliffor<i William, Clifton house,
Langham Mrs. Springfield hill Scrivener Joseph Elliott, Upper ter Queen's road
Lee George John, Queen's road Seabrook 1\'lisses, Oak lodge Witte F. W. Meadow side
Leech Wm. Arthur, Meadow side Sheldon Percy John, The Chantry Wray James Hanley, Hanley lodge
Ling George Bruce, The Limes Shepperd Edward Byas, The Dukes Wright Mrs. 16 Randolph terrace
Mann William, 20 Randulph terrace Shipman Mrs. 17 Randolph terrace Wrin G~orge, Fair view, Sandford rd
Marohant John James, Trinity road Simmons William Barrow, Queen's•

COMMERC'IAL. Gazzard -Waiter, blacksmith, Arbour lane

Amy Thos.Fredk.Richard,Two Brewers P.H. Springfield rd Gentry Charles James, shopkeeper, Springfield hill
Andrews James (Mrs.), farmer, Springfield hall Gilmore Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, Chelmer terrace
Archer Herbert, hair dresser, Springfield road Gimson Wilham Douglas M.R.C.S.Eng., L.ILO.P.Lond.
Bailey John William. Tulip P.H. Church hme surgeon &; medical officer &; public vaccinator, No. 3
Baldwin George, dairyman, Springfield road district, Chelmsford union, Springfield house
Balls Herbert, shopkeeper, Springfield street Glover & Hobson Lim. laundry engineers,Albert ironworks
Beadel Ann (~'Irs.), wardrobe dealer, Springfield hill Gregory George, Plough P.,H. Springfield street
Beadle & Smith, tailors, Spring-field road Guiver Frederick, The .Alma P.H. Arbour lane
Bedford William Arthur, baker, Springfield road Gunner Edward Walter, confectioner, Springfield terrace
Bedford Edward, boot &:, shoe maker, 19 Springfield road Halls Emma (Mrs.), baker, Springfield green
Denton Harry, blacksllllth, Post office, Springfield street Hansell Louis, beer retailer. The Wharf
Bickmore .A.gnes (:Miss), pianoforte too-cher, Berachah, Hanis J ane (Mrs.), beer retailer, Randolph terrace
Queen's Toad Hastings George, supt. &; chief clerk of Essex Constabu·
Hickmore SeHna (:Mrs.), apartments, Berachah, Queen's rd lary, Springfield COlll't
Bloomfield William, carpenter &; builder, Springfield road Hawkes Edward, Duke's Head P.H. Springfield street
Bolingbroke George John, gravel & sand merchant, Tulip Hawkins & Ward, plumbers, Springfield road
&; Home pits Hayward George, whiting maker, The Wharf
Bond Charles, beer retailer, Springfield hill H. M. Prison (Capt. Herbert Latimer Oonor, governor;
Botwright Horace Henry Havelock, boarding &; day Rev. John Watson Blakemore, eha-plain; Rev. Joseph
school, The College F. Padbury, Roman Oatholic priest; William Henry
Brown &; Son Limited, coal &; timber merchants Newton, medical officer ; John S. Chilton, storekeeper
Bradridge Alfred, cattle food manufacturer, artificial Horton Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Springfield hUl
manures, miller, oil cake, corn, coal &; seed merchant, Hughes John, tailor, Springfield road
Chelmsford mill Humphreys Arthur Cranmer, taxidermist, 8 Spring-
Butcher Charles, coal dealer, Springfield street field terrace
Brown Percy, insurance agent, Maisonette, Meadow side Jay John James, White Hart P.H. Springfield road
Byfo,rd J ames, hardware dealer, Springfield hill Johnson George William, shopkeeper, Springfield road
Chelmsford Gas Light &; Coke Co. (Ernest Wm. Smith, Johnson Edith Emily (Miss), Springfield road
engineer &; manager; Robert Edward Wackrill, sec.), Knights Bros. motor car builders &; agents & general,
Springfield road engineers, Springfield road
Chilton John S. storekeeper, H.M. Prison Markham Herbert, carrier, Springfield road
Chilton John S. storekeeper H.M. Prison Marriage Frederic, miller (water) &; farmer, Barnes &
Ohipperfield Edith (Miss), shopkeeper, Spring hill Long Bain farms
Clark Henry, shopkeeper, Springfield street Marven Samuel. lock keeper, Sanrlford lock
Clark Robert Edward, apartments, 2 Park view Mid Essex Teachers' Association (Richard Coward, sec.).
Cooper Samuel Hunter, general dealer, Springfield road National schools
Oounty Constabulary of Essex 'Oapt. Edward Maclean Molson &; Storrs, surgeons
Showers, chief constable; Raglan Somerset, deputy Moss A. &; 00. builders &; contractors, Springfield road
-.chief constable; George Hastings, supt. & chief clerk). Murrell William Augustus, assistant overseer [;:, colleetoI'
.5pringfield court of King's taxes for Chelmsford, Moulsham & Spring-
Cox Jabez, saddler &; harness maker, Springfield road field, & vestry clerk, Chamberlins, Springfield
Darby Charles Daniel, grocer & tea dealer, wine, pro- Nice Harry, baker, Springfield hill
vision, hop &; corn merchant, flour t.'J,ctor, grocers' &; Norman Geo. Dennis M.R.O.V.S. vet. surgn.Springfield rd
general trades valuer, agent for the Northern Life & l'eTcival Charles, dairyman
Fire Insurance Co. 18 SpriIlQfield road Pledger .A.dolphus, farmer, Nabbotts
Davies Lily &; Emily (Misses), Hill road Pledger Silas, farmer, Old lodge
Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society (John Hirst, secretary), Praill Alfred, market gardener, Arbour -lane
H.M. Prison - Prail! Frederick, compositor, Ashburn place
Dorrington Alfred, shoe maker, Arbour lane Praill William Henry, grocer, Arbour lane
Drake William, boot &; shoe maker, Springfield street Reynolds Thomas, butcher, Springfield hill _
Fennel' Goulden John, cattle dealer, Whittles haIl Richardson Charles, boot maker, Springfield road
FIetcher Eliza (Mrs.), laUndry. Spring1ield h:ll Ridley T. D. &; Sons, maltsters
Frost Eliza Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Randolph terrace Rowden John Charles. beer retailer, Springfield street
Frost William, insurance agent, Gainsborough terraoe Seabrook William, fruit grower; choice selection of dwarf
Gannon Sydney James, watch maker. Sprin@eld hill fruit trees for sale, The Bungalow
Gaanon Percy Malcome, stationer. Springfield hill S('arles Ernest, laundry, Springfield hill
Gannon T. H. hardwM"e merchant, Springfield hill Smith Joseph &; James Christy, millers (water &; steam)
Gannon Willism Edward, machinist. Springiield hill & farmers, Sandford mill
Gannon T. H. picture frame maker, Springfield hill Smith Henry, tailor, & post office, 19 Randulph terraca

Smith WiUiam Henry, i'nsurance agent, Arbour lane 'Ward Joseph, pltlmber, see Hawkins &; Ward
Somerset Raglan, deputy chief constable, Springfield crt Ward William, greengrocer, Church lane
Spencer Henry, shopkeeper, Church lane Warner George, painter, Arbour lane
Storrs Kenneth Simonds M.B. & B.C.Camb. surgeon, see Weight Fredk. Three Cups P.H. & builder, Springfield I'd
Molson & 8torr8 Wells &; Perry, jun. lime burners & coal merchants,
Steward Edward James, farmer, Horns farm Springfield wharf
Taylor Geo. Jas. draper & milliner. 15 k 16 Springfield I'd White Joseph Henry, farmer & landowner, Pease Hall frm
Taylo.r George, moto,r car manufacturer Willsher Henry, beer retailer, ,Springfield street
Timson William Henry, painter, Springfield street Wray & Fuller, builders' merchants, masons & contractors,.
Turner AlId. grocer & provsn. mer. 27 & 28 Springfield I'd Stone, Marble, Granite & Slate works, Springfield road
VineI' Nurse, district nurse, Sprmgiield hill Yeldham J oseph Harry, beer retailer, Sprini:' hill
STAMBOURNE is a village and pal'ish a little to the which, formerly devoted to the poor, have now (1902)
llouth of the road from Colchester to Cambridge, 3 miles lapsed, the cottages being much dilapidated and untenant-
west from Yeldham station on the Colne Valley railway, able. l\1.Bssing's charity, left by Ann Cole, and amounting
7 south-east from Haverhill and IQ north-west from to about £9 yearly, is appropriated to the education of
Halstead, in the Northern division of the county, poor children. '1'he Rt. Hon. Lewis Fry P.C. of Goldney
Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty sessional house, Clifton, Bristol, who is lord of the manor and
division, Halstead union and county district and Queen's College, Cambridge, are the principallando·wners.
in the rural deanery of Yeldham, archdeaconry of The soil is heavy; subsoil,. blue clay; chief crops are-
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 2,203 acres;
of St. Peter is an edifice of stone, in the Early rateable value, £1,338; population in 1901 was 361 in
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, the civil and 320 in the ecclesiastical parish.
south porch and a massive embattled western tower of
:r-.orman date containing a clock and 5 bells, one of which STAMBOURNE GREEN. I! mile south-west and
is inscribed "Sancta Thoma, ora pro nobis": the. tower WESLEY END, half a. mile north, are hamlets of this
had been pierced with loopholes for defensive purposes, parish.
but these are now filled with plaster: the stained east Under the provisions of the Divided Parishes Act, a
window exhibits the arms of the MacWilliam familY, who detached part of Ridgewell, known as Ridgewell N ort-on.

once resided in this parish; in the chancel is an inscribed was added to Stambourne.
stone to Col. John Fairwell, deputy-governor of the Tower Post & :.\1. O. 0., S. B. -& Annuity & Insurance Office.-
of London under William Ill. who died at Stambourne, J."Jewellyn Watmough, sub-postmaster. Letters de-
14 July, 1710: there are 200 sittings. The register dates livered at 8.30 &:, 4 p.m.; dispatched 4 p.m.; sundays..
from 1559 and is in good condition. The living is 8 10.45 a.m. Letters are received through H:llstead.
rectory, net yearly value £200, with residence and 24 The nearest telegraph office is at Birdbrook, 3 miles
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Chancellor of the Duchy distant
of Lancaster, and held since 1896 ,by the Rev. James Wall Letter Box, Dyer's End, cleared 4.35 p.m.; sunday,
Henry Brooks of St. Bees. Here is a Congregational 10.45 a.m
chapel, of which the late Rev. James Spurgeon (grand-
father of the lato Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, of London) was National School (mixed). built in 1861. for 80 children;
for many years pastor. There is a charity (donor un- average attendance, 51; ~Iiss Sarah Garnham, mistress-
known), consisting of two parish cottages, the rents of Carrier to Haverhill.-Samuel Hardy, mono wed. & sat
Brooks Rev. James Henry, Rectory undertaker, painter, paperhanger, Ruffle Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.), farmer,
Houchin Rev. John "\Vesley (Oongtnl) auctioneers' porter &c.; furniture Church farm
. COMMERCIAL. repaired & upholstered Smee Jobn, shoe repairer & shopkoepr
Ashby Isabella (Mrs.), frmr.Gt.Norton Hardy Joseph, shopkeeper, Dyers' end Smith William, farmer, Green &.
Bedford, Barnard, farmer Hardy Samuel, carrier & shoe repairer New house
Bedford Jane (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H Jarvi,s Joseph Chont, farmer, Hill farm Solomon Thomas C.& William,farmers,
Bishop William, grocer & baker Mickley Almon, shopkeeper, Dyers'end Great Tag!ey
Bonner John Thomas, Butcher's Mitson James, farmer Thomas Fredk. farmer, Great Norton
Arms P.H.; carpenter, joiner, Pyman George, farmer I Unwin Elizh. (Ylrs.), farmer, Mill ha
GREAT STAMBRIDGE, or Much Stambridge by the Rev. Francis Rashleigh Burnside. There is a
(A.S. stan, a stone), receives its adjunct from a bridge clubroom with four acres of land attached; the room
over the Rroomhill or Roche river: it is a village and was built by and is the property of the rector, and the
parish, 2 miles north-east from Rochford station on the ground, belonging to the governors of the Charterhouse,
Southend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 43 miles is laid out as a recreation ground for Great and Little-.
from London, si north from Southend and r3 south from Stambridge. A horse trough and pump were presented to
Maldon, in the South Eastern division of the county, the Parish Council, in r897, by the rector, to commemorate-
Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and union, the 60th year of the reign of her late Majesty, Queen
Southend county cou.rt district, and in the rural dE'amry Victoria. The Governors of the Charterhouse are lords-
of Canewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. of the manor and own part of the land. Miss Mary
Albans. In 1888, under the provisions of the Union of Blanche Leigh, of Woodchester Park, Gloucester, is lady
Benefices Act, confirmed by Order in Council, 19 March, and owner of the manor of Barton Hall, otherwise Breton
1889, this parish was united, for ecclesiastical purposes Hall as well as of Hempton Barns, Mott and Springs.
only, to that of Little Stambridge. The church of St. ,T. F. T. 1Yiseman esq. is owner of Biggins, and Zachary
Mary the Virgin and All Saints, situated near the high Pettitt esq. of Canewdon, of Old and New Pool, in·
road between Great and Little Stambridge, is a bui:ding Wallas ea lsl:md. '1'he soil is heavy loam; subsoil, gravel
of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, vestry, and clay. The crops are general. '1'he area is 2,444
and a western tower wit·h low wooden spire containing 4 acres of land, 3 of water, 8r of tidal water and 160 of '
'bells, hung in 118'97, to commemorate the 60th year of the foreshore; rateable value, £2,318; the 'Population in
reign of Queen Victoria; the walls o[ the original tower, 1901 was 329, including 12 in that part of 1rallasea belong-
assumed to be Saxon work, and constructed of Kentish ing to Great Sta.mbridge. There are 60 acres of oyster
rag, still exist on the north side to a height of about 10 layings.
feet: the u~per and later portion retains the remains Sf'xton. "\Yi]iam l\farven.
of Norman light.. : the church was restored in 1881, and Post & 1\1. O. 0., S. B. .& Annuity & Insurance Office.-
carved oak benches, executed at Bruges, erected, together 1ViIliam Barl,er, sub-postmaster. Letters from Roch-
with a pulpit, reading and prayer desks: there are ford S.O: arrive at 7 a.m. Box cleared at 10.45 a.m.
memorial windows to the rector's son, and to Mr. Alfred &, 4.40 p.m.; on sundays, 10.45 a.m. The nearest tele~
Mottram Rankin: tIle church affords 200 sittings. The graph office is at Rocbford, 2 miles distant
registers date from r559. The living is a rectory, with A School Board of 7 members was formed 27 Feb. 1874,
that of Little Stambridge annexed in 1889, joint net yearly for the united district of Great & Little Stambridge.
value £54"6, with residence and 22 acres of glebe, in the with Canewdon made contributory at the same date
gift for the next presentation of the Guvernors of the Char-I sf'nding 2 members; George 'Wood, Southend, clerk
terhouse, London, and then the Lord Ohancellor; after to the board; C. E. JUdd, attendance officer, Rayleigh
that the Governors take the 3rd.4th and 5th turns, but the Board School (mixed), enlarged in 1894 for 130 children;
6th turn and every 4th turn following will again fall to average attendance, 84; Charles "\Vm. Clarke, master;
the Lord Chancellor: the living has been held since 19°0: Mrs. Edith Augustus Clarke, mistress
Burnside Rev. Francis Rashleigh agricultural implement agent, Bal- Benson Arthur, shopkeeper
Wiseman Miss lards Gore Boosey Eleanor (Mrs.), Royal Oak P.H
Dacon Harry James, coachbuilder &; Barker 'William, baker, Post office Bright Charles, farmer, Stewart's fro.
Olub (Rev. 'F. R. Burnside, sec) Steel John, farmer, Bartonos Hall farm Thorogood In. bailiff to M~s. Rankin
Oox Henry, wheelwright Thorne Ernest James, machine owner, Waterman William Henry, coach bldr.
Phillips William,beer ret.Ballards Gore machinist &; manufacturer of the &. agricultural implement agent,
Purkiss John William, machine owner " Darby Digger" Ballards Gore
& machinist Thorne James, machine owner a. Wiseman Chas. farmer, Biggins farm
Radford Geo. farmr. Brickhouse farm machinist
LITTLE STAMDRIDGE is ·a village and parish, Burnside, who resides at Great Stambridge. Here are
It mile,s north-east from Rochford station on the South- the extensive flour mills and wharf of Messrs. Rankin,
end branch of the Great Eastern railway, in the South including steam mill built in 1869, at an expense of
Eastern division of the county, Rochford petty sessional between £5,000 and £0,000, on the banks of the river
division, hundred and union, Southend county court dis- Roche which is navigable up to the mills. James Tabor
trict, and in the rural deanery of Oanewdon, archdeaconry esq. J.P. of The Lawn, Rochford, is lord of the manor
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. In 1888 the parishes and principal landowner. The soil is clay and marl;
of Great and Little Stambridge were ecclesiastically subsoil, clay. The chief crops aTe wheat, barley, peas,
united under the Union of Benefices Act, and the union beani and potatoes. 'fhe area is 600 acres of land, 5
was confirmed by Order in Council, March 19, 1889. of water and 2 of foreshore; rateable value, £1,089; the
The church of St. Mary, a small edifice of brick and population in 1901 was Il7.
rubble stone, was removed under a faculty shortly after
the tmion of the benedice with Great Stambridge as no Pillar Letter Box, cloored at TO.30 a.m. & 5 p.m.; sun-
longer nece.ssary; such portions as were of any use were days, at 11.5 a.m. Letters from Southend arrive at
given for incorporation in the mission chapel of the Church 7 a.m. 'fhe nearest money order office is at Great
of England at Southend. The register dates from the Stambridge, I! miles distant. The nearest telegraph
year 1659. 'fhe living is a rectory, united in 1889 to that office is at RochfOil'd, 31 miles distant
of Great Stambridge, joint net yearly value £546, with 34 This parish is included in Great & Little Stambridge
acres of glebe, is in the same patronage as Great Stam- United School Board district. The children attend
bridge, and held since J900 by the Rev. Francis Rashleigh the board school in Great Stambridge
Olark Mrs. Old Brewery Oowling John, barge owner millers (steam & water) & coal mer-
Rankin Harold, :broom hills Reeve In. Robt. farmer, Coombs frm chants ,& farmers, Stambridge steam
Rankin Lionel George, Mill house Rankin Hugh, Harold & Lionel George roller flour mills
Ol~son William, farm bailiff to Victor (trading as A. M. & H. Rankin), Will Peter, Cherry Tree inn
Tabo,!', esq. Lit. Stambridge Ha~l fm
STANFORD-LE-HOPE is a village and parish, the church was thoroughly restored in 1877-8, at a cost
on Mucking Creek, near Hope Reach, on the Thames, of more than £3,000, of which about £1,000 was con-
and on the road from Grays to Southend, with a soomon on tributed by the rector: this work included the re-
the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, which has a newal of the nave and chancel roofs, re-flooring the'
branch here to Thames Haven for cattle, Illnd is 6 miles nave and aisles, the raising' of the tower 20 feet and,
north-east from Tilbury Fort, 6 north-east from Grays, the erection of five new stained windows: during the-
16 south-east from Romford and 29 from London. The restoration a curious fresco was uncovered, conjectured
parish is in the South Eastern division of the county, Bar- to represent "Jacob's Dream :'1 the church was re,
stable hundred, Orsett union end petty sessional division, opened April 29, 1878, by the Bishop of St. Albans:
Grays county court district and in the rural deanery of the pinnacles on the tower were renewed in 1884, and,
Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. the whole cost has amounted to £3,000. Vestries and
The church of St. Margaret, standing on a rising ground, a lych gate were erected in 1891, and in 1901 an organ
is a building of stone in the Norman, Early English was provided at a cost of £650: the church affords about·
and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, 400 sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates
south porch, each with an eastern chapel or chantry, from 1680; InJarriages, J688. The living is a. rectory,
and an embattled tower with pinnacles, on the north net yearly value £400, with 28 acres of glebe and resi-
£lide, containing a modern c:ock and 6 bells, hung in dence, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1902 by
1884 in place of 5 others, dating from 1694 to J703: the Rev. James Russell. The Wesleyan chapel here was·
the chancel is a fine specimen of the Decorated period erected in 1869 and that belonging to the Peculiar People
of Edward Ill. and retains three sedilia and a piscina: in 1870' The Working Men's Club has a reading room.
a reredos was erected in 1898 as a memorial of the Art and technical instruction classes are held at the
Diamond Jubilee of her late M'ajesty Queen Victoria, at school. Several charities, amounting to £13, are distri-
a cost {)f £60: a very fine arch, partly filled with excellent buted Jearly, partly in fuel and bread and are otherwise
oak screen work, opens into the north chapel: in a niche appropriated to school purposes. Miss Scratton, who is
in the north wall of the chancel, beneath a crocketed ogee lady of the mano~, the trustees of the Mashiter family and
arch, is an altar-tomb of Perpendiclliar date, which has the trustees of the late John George Eve are the principal
formerly borne a brass effigy and inscription, now lost: landowners. The soil is light and heavy; subsoil, gravel
the nave is separated from the aisles by arcades of and sand. The chief crops are wheat and beans. The
Early English and Decorated work and the south aisle area is 2,502 acres of land, much of which is marsh, 16
has a panelled roof of massive oak and a door of like of water, 596 of tidal water nnd 257 {)f foreshore; rate-
character: the south chapel, inclosed by a strong and able value, £8,665; the population in 1891 was 1,093.
high latticed gate, is appendant to the manor of Has- and in 1901. 1,750 civil and 1,710 ecclesiastical.
singbrook; at its eastern end is a corbel of the ancient Parish Clerk, WaIter Wade.
altar stone and a plain piscina: the basement of the Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
towe.r w~s formerly a .chantry, and the brack~ts sup- Parcel Post, Annuity & Insurance Office (Sub-Office.
porting Ih a~tar remaID: the f~nt, restored ID 18 78, Letters should have S.O. Essex added).-Miss Jessie
111 an exceedingly: beautIful. deSIgn .of Ear~y EnglIsh E. Green, postmistress. Letters delivered at 7 & 8
date, much mutilated, ~s. IS also ItS .ancIent oaken a.m. & 6,3° p.m.; dispatched at II.50 a.m. & 5.3 0 &:,
canopy: the south chapsJ. IS crowded WIth the monu- 7.35 p.m. Sunday deliver 8 a.m & dis t h 5. 0
me!!ts of the Fetherstons, from 1690 to 1774 and of p.m y,. .pa oC, 3
theIr successors, th~ Scrattons! to 18 41 : on the e!iSt Wall Letter Box Southend I' ad le d t ~ m . .&
wall of the chancel IS a memorIal to RIchard ChampIOn 6
k d 1 0 ,c are a 7·5:J a.
esq. ob. 1599, and an inscription slab to Thomas Alleyn '.4 p.m. wee ~ys on y. . .
S.'l'.P. a former rector, ob. 1677: in the north aisle NatIOnal ~chGol (mIXed ~ l~fants), bUIlt ID 1840' el.
was buried, Dec. u, 1721, Jacob Rousignac M.A. and larged ill 18 75, & agaIn ID 1894,. for 300 c~lldren;
in 1718, his wife Magdalen: outside the west wall of av~r~ge attendance, 200 boys &; guls & 100 mfants;
the church is an elaborately-decorated tomb, with a Wllham Henry Parren, master
canopied slab affixed to the wall, inscribed to James County Police Station, Wm. Webb, sergeant, :& I constable
.A.dams esq. of New Jenkins, who died 9 Oct. 1765: Railway Station, Christopher Morris, station master
Basden Harold Stevens Mercer .A.rthur Wyatt Basden Harold Stevens M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Boorman Oharles Spencer, Stanford ho Robin,son Mrs. Oassingray L.R.O.P.Lond. surgeon, Admiralty
Clark Miss Russell Rev. James (rector), Rectory surgeon, & agent & certifying factory
Cocking Allen Thomas J.P. The Grove Squier Joseph, St. John's villa surgeon,medical officer & public vac-
Frend Lieut.-Col. George Taylor John Thompson, Woodlands cinator for the Stanford-Ie-Hope dis-
Gush Rev. iRobert H. (Wesleyan), COMMERCIAL. trict of Orsett union
The Manse Arnold Henry, hair dresser BIyth Thomas Worin, farmer, Basing-
Hope G. Fountaine W. Th~ Bungalow Bewers Herbert John, grocer brook hall
Mayes John, Barton house Bewers Patrick Green, butcher BIyth & Squier, brewers & maltsters

BoO'rman Thoma,s Benjamin, miller Hunting Horace, plumber Reading Room &:; Working Men's Club
(steam) &:; baker Kerly Alexander William, solicitor &:; (John Gentry, sec)
Brand John, grocer commissioner for oaths Riminton Charles, assistant overseer &:;
Brand Lewis E. builder Levett WaIter, manager Mine'rs? Safety clerk to the Parish Council,Reotry.rd
Butcher Herbert, bricklayer Explosives Co. Limited, Homelands Roumanian Oil Trust Limited, oil im-
Butler E. A. coal merchant London &:; Provincial Bank Lim. (sub- porters, Thames Haven
Carter George Ernest, cycle agent branch); open ra.30 to 2.30 fridays Smith George, shopkeeper
Cook Andrew, painter (Francis N. Tomkins, manager); Smith Percy H. farmer, Broad hope
Cooke Geo. Wm. builder, Fairview av draw on head office, 7 Bank bldgs. Squier &:; Hinnell, machinists
Cooper Annie (Miss), fancy repository London E C &:; Glyn, Mins, Currie & Stanford Henry Charles, saddler &
Cowell ArthuT, cycle, agent Co. 67 Lombard st. London E C ironmonger, Victoria road
'Cowell Sml. blacksmith & ironmonger London & Thames Haven Petroleum Stanford-Ie-Hope Steam Laundry Co.
Cushion Sherwood, chemist Co. Limited (John Hall, supt.), pe- Limited (Charles Riminton, sec.).
Daldy & Co. coal mers'. Railway statJon troleum importers, Thames Haven See advert
Disbrey Henry, grocer &:; draper Loveday Walter F. 'beer retailer & Sullings Thomas, builder &:; undertkr
Ellis Ambrose, barge owner shopkeeper Sullings Thomas Herbert, builder, con-
Emeney William Joseph, watch maker Miners (The) Safety Explosives Co. tractor, house decorator &:; under-
Evans &:; Co. grocers &:; drapers Limite'd (WaIter Levett, manager), taker & agent to the Royal Fire &
Fitch William, beer retailer manufacturers of bla.sting explo- Life As,surance Co. &:; the General
Frostick Charlotte Emily (Ml's.),baker sives, Thames Haven Accident Assurance Co. Fernlea ho.
Gentry Harry, wheelwright Morris Christopher, station master Copland: road
Green Horace,insllrance agt.Reotory I'd Nash William, shoe maker Tompkins Edwin Osborne, farmer
Green Jessie E. (Miss), pDstmistress Parren William Henry, schoolmaster Vicary George, farmer, Manor farm
Green John, clothier &:; draper PeaseElizabeth(Mrs.),King's Head P.H Wackrell John, shoe maker
Greenwood Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pea,se George, butcher Webb Wm. police sergt. Reotory road
Hall John, supt. London &:; Thames Pelling Fredk. William, provision dlr Webster Charles L. insurance agent,

view avenue
Ha,wlrins Ellis, dairyman
Haven Petroleum Co. Limited, Fair- Phillips James, grocer, Victoria road
Pipe Emma (Mrs.), Railway tavern
RoHe Isaac John, nurseryman
Hadfield road
Worster Emily (Mrs.), girls' school,
Fairview avenu~
STANFORD RIVERS is supposed to have derived is annually distributed in clothing to the poor of the
its name from a stony ford through the river Roding; parish. The principal landowners are Sir Charles Cun-
the addition, "Rivers," being derived from the family liffe Smith bart. of Suttons, Stapleford Tawney, who
of that name who resided here in 1213; it is a widely is lord of the manor, Maj. George Edward Capel Cure,
.scattered parish, ()[l the London roan, 3 miles south- of Blake Hall and Thomas Wilson esq. The s,oil is clay
''West from Ongar station on a branch of the Great East,ern or heavy loam; subsoil, day, gravel or sand. The chief
l1'a.ilway, 7 south-east from Epping, 7 from Brentwood, and crops are wheat, barley, beans o&c. The area is 4,4°2
19 from London, in the Western division of the county, acres of land and 12 water; rateable value, £5,077;
'Ongar hundred, petty sessional divis~on and union, Brent- the population in 1891 was 982, including 140 officers
wood county court district, rural deanery of Lamhourne, and inmates in Ongar workhouse.
,archdeaconry of Essex, and diocese of St. Albans. The
church of St. Margaret is a plain building of stone, LITTLEBURY is I mile east from the church. TOOT
chiefly in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, HILL is 2 miles north-west.
nave, and a western tower of wood, with spire, and Parish Clerk, James Woo~more.
-containing 2 bells: in the south wall of the nave is a Post Office.-Mrs. Elizabeth Richardson, sub-post-
brass, with kneeling figures of a lady and six chil- mistress. Letters from Romford arrive at 7.40 a.m.
. dren and an inscription to "Anne Napper, late the &:; 12 noon; dispatched at 9.55 a.m. &:; 5.50 p.m.; sun-
wife of William Napper, gent. and daughter of William days, arrive 7.40 a.m.; dispatch, 9.25 a.m. Postal
Shelton esg. ob. 1584:" in the chancel is another brass, orders are issued here, but not paid. Stapleford Taw-
to "Catherine Mvlcaster, wife of Charles 'Mv:caster," ney or Ongar are the nearest money order &:; telegraph
'to whom she was married 50 years, ob. 1609: there is offices, both 2! miles distant
.• also a brass with effigy to Thomas Greville, infant, Post Office, Toot Hil1.-Frank Herbert Garrett, s.ub-
'ob. 1492, another to Robert narrow esg. ob. 1503; postmaster. Letters arrive from Ongar S.O. at 7.15
.and figures of a man in armour and his wife, c. 1540: a.m. & 12.10 p.m.; dispatched at 7.30 a.m. &:; 5.30
the Petres were formerly large proprietors here, and p.m.; sundays, dispatched 9.35 a.m. Postal orders are
. there are many flat stones in the chancel inscribed to ii"sued here, but not paid. The nearest money order
members of this family: several members of the Stuart office is at Ongar, & telegraph office at Weald GulIett,
'family, Earls and Marquises of Bute, were buried here, 3 miles distant
but with the exception of two they have been removed Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; sun·
-,Jto Roath in Glamorganshire: the church has 300 sittings. days, at 10.5 a.m .
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a Chipping Ongar Union Workhouse, Rev. J. 1. Thomas RA.
:rectory, net yearly value £478, with 52 acres of glebe and chaplain; Matthew Henry Grattan L.B. C.P 1re1. medical
residence, in the gift of the Chancellor of the Duchy of officer; Edwin Trowell, master; Mrs. E. TrowelI,
'Lancaster, and held since 1901 by the Rev. John Ishmael matron
Thomas B.A. of St. Du-vid's College, Lampeter. Here National School (mixed), built in 11850, for 193 children;
is a Congregational chapel. The Ongar union workhouse average attendance, 1'52; Henry Newmarch, master;
is in this parish. A charity of £400 left by Mary Rayne,r I ::\'[1's. C. X ewmaroh, mistress
in 1871 is invested in India 3 per Cents. and. the interest Railway Station, Blake Hall, G. F. Robertson,station mstr
STANFORD RIVERS. liffe Smith, bart. Traceys & Lawns Crouch James, farmer, Freeman's farm
Atkinson Mrs, The Lawns farms Freem3n &:; Palmer,frmrs. Stewart's fm
Rarnett Col. Charles, St. John, Great Mugleston In. Fredk. farmr. CesslandsHadley Alfred George, beer retailer
Colemans Mugleston Robert B. farmer &:; millerHartgrove Daniel, pOUltry dealer
Lockyer Georcre Henry, Wayletts farm (steam &:; water), Littlebury mill McConnellPrimrose, fmr.Ongar Pk.hall
Low Fras. G~. Robt. Stanford house Palmer James, farmer, Bridge farm Millbank Charles Alfred, farmer, Bur-
Low Robert William Richardson Richard, poultry dealer rows &:; Clark's farms
Thomas Rev. John Ishmael B.A. (rec- Rowe William Frederick, beer retailerMillbank William .Appleby, farmer,
tor), Rectory Waltham Richd. frmr. Mitchell's frm Widow's farm
White Ellen (Miss), farmer, Ber- Mumford John, farmer
COllMEllCIAL. wick. farm Owers Charles, Green Man P.R
Betts William, shopkeeper Wright Daniel, head keeper to Sir Owers Comyns, baker
Brown Joseph, ~la.cksmlth. Chas. Cunliffe Smith bart. D.L., J.1'
Plummpr Julian, farmer
Charter John WI1bam, WhIte Bear P.H Read Wllliam, shoe maker
Christy Dvd. frmr.Stanford Rivers hall TOOT HILL. Sawkins George, shopkeeper
Downham Joseph, boot &:; shoe maker Banger Mrs. Clarks farm Scarrott 'Wi1liam, head gamekeeper to
Freeman John, farmer, Murrell's farm Wil1oughbyWalt.Douglas,Stewards frm Charles William Fielding esq. Ongar
Freeman John S. farmer, cflttle dealer, Atkins Thomas, farmer & agricultural Park wood
& land steward to Sir Charles Cun- implement owner,Steers &, Does frms

STANSTED :MOUNTFITCHET is a village and the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles
parish, on the Roman and modern high road from north from Bishops Stortford and 33~ from London,
London to Cambridge, and close to the river Stort, on in the Northern division of the county, UttIesford hun.
a. tributary of which it stands, and has a station on dred, Bishops Stortford union and county court district,
Saffron WaIden petty sessional division, rural deanery of .Jackson hart. W. Fuller-Maitland esq. who is lord of
Newport, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. the manor, and Robert Cunliffe-Gosling esq. of Hassobury,
Albans. The parish is one of the largest in Esse::t and are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed, 8()me
:is computed to be nearly 40 miles in circumference. heavy, with some good loamy soil; subsoil, clay, gravel
The village, one side of which is in the hamlet of Ben- and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and
field, consists of tW{) streets, and is lighted with roots; there is some good grazing land. The parish
gas. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a <large contains an area of 4,212 acres of land and 12 of water;
structure of flint with stone dressings, in mixed styles, rateable value, £15,715; the population in 1901 was 2,208,
<lOnl!lsting of chancel, built in II20, nave, north chapel, inclusive of Benfield.
SQuth porch and a western tower of brick erected in
[,692, and containing 5 bells: the fabric retains two BENTFIELD END (or Benfield), is a. hamlet, the
very fine Norman arches, one in the chancel and another population of which is included in Stansted. R. Cunliffe-
over the north doorway: on the floor of the chancel, Gosling esq. J.P. is lord of the manor and principal land-
on a small brass plate in ilie cover of a coped stone, owner.
is an inscription to Robert de Bokkyngg, first vicar of
this church, ob. Sept. 22, 1361; and against the south AILSA STREET is 31 mile and a half north and BUR-
wall of the chancel is a fine marble monument, under a TON END half a mile south-east from the church.
highly decorated arch, to Sir Thomas Middleton kt. Sexton, Isaac Hammond.
with his recumbent effigy clad in plate armour fastened Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
with gilt studs and covered with a red robe trimmed Parcel Post 1& Annuity .& Insurance Office (Railwa,y
with fur, but the inscription is nearly illegible: there Sub-O:llice. Letters should have R.S.O. Essex added).
is also a monument to his wife, Lady Middleton, who -Mrs. J. S. Holliday, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive
was killed by a stag in Stansted Park, with a simLar at 7 a.m. &, 12. IS, 5.40 &:, 11. IS p.m. & f~om Bi~hop
recumbent effigy: under a large pointed arch in the
north aisle of the chancel, is the figure in stone of a Stortford at 4.30 a.m . .&, 12.15 ,&, 5.40 p.m.; dispatched
mailed knight, cross-legged, with his feet upon a couchant to London &, all parts 9·45 a.m . .& 2·35, 7.40 &; 9.10
lion and two angels supporting his helmeted head: p.m.; OIl sundays, arrive at 5.30 a.m.; dispatched at
the church was restored and enlarged in 1888 by sub- 7.40 p.m. Letters should be addressed Stansted R.S.O.
scription at a cost of £5,000, and has 600 sittings. Essex
The register dates from the year 1558. The living is COUKTY MAGIS'1'RATES FOR SAFFRON WALDEN
a discharged vioall'3,ge, net yearly value £180, with 2 acres
of glebe and residence, in the gift of 1V. Fuller-Maitland PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION.
e,;;q. and held since 1901' by the Rev. George Herbfllrt Fuller-~1aitland William esq. Stansted hall, Stansted
Oakshott M.A. of Oorpus Chrisrti College, Oxford. The 'R.S.O. chairman
church of St. John, erected in 1889 on a site given by BIyth Sir James hart. Blythwood house, Stansted R.S-O
Francis Basil Pulteney esq. as a chapel of ease to the parish Chester Harry esq. Fairfield house, Birchanger, Bishop
church, at a total cost of £6,307, is a structure of Stortford
brick with stone dressings, from designs by Mr. Caroe, Fuller-Maitland Robert esq. The Ravens, Stansted RS.O
. architect, of London, and consists of chance~, nave, Gold Archie esq. Groft house, Stansted R.S.O
south transept, south aisle of six bays, north and south Gold Charles esq. D.L. The Limes, Birchanger, Bishop
porches, and a tower with pinnacles over the south porch: Stortford
the organ was built at a cost of£l,ooo: the floor of the Clerk to the Magistrates, Turner Collins, Saffron
chancel is hlid with various coloured marbles: the church ',,"alden
will seat about 600 persons. The Society of Friends and Petty Sessions are held here at the Central hall every
Primitive Methodists have places ef worship here, and fourth saturday at 10.30 a.m
there is a Congregational' chapel, erected at a cost of The places near here in this division are: Berden, Birch-
about £1,700 and opened in July 1865: it will seat 500 anger, Elsenham, Farnham, Henham, ~:1anuden, Stan-
persons. The new Post Office, on Chapel Hill, was opened sted :Mountfitchet & Ugley
in 1892. The Working Menls Club, erected in 1888,
is a structure of brick and oak timber fram.:ng, from the STANSTED RURAL DISTRICT COUXCIL.
designs of Mr. Arthur Sanders, of this parish, at a eost Meets at the Cour.cil ehambers, No'rth street, Bishop
of upwards of £2,000, chiefly defrayed by H. P. Btortford, the 1St thursday in eaeh month, at 10.30 a.m.

Gilbey esq.: it contains a reading and coffee room, The pari8hes iu the district are :-Berden, Birchanger,
billiard and committee rooms, and a large lecture han, Elsenham, Farnham, Hallingbury Great, Hallingbury
together with a residence for the caretaker. Thll Little, Henham, Manudeu, St,ansted, Ugley
Oentral Hall comprises a Lecture Hall, holding 120 per- Chairman, Rev. Henry :Murray Oswald :M.A. Rectory,
sons. A recreation ground, of 3 acres, was given by Great Hallingbury, Bishop Stortford
William Fuller-Maitland esq. in 1867. In the village is a Clerk, Alfred G. Gwynn, Council offices, Bishop Stortfrd
steam corn mill, maltings, a malt cake manufactory, and Treasurer, G. E. Foster, Foster &, Co.'s Bank, Bishop
the works of the Mica Insulator Company Lim.; bricks Stortford
and drain pipes are also made in the neig-hbourhood, Medical Officer of Health, Robert Ayton Dunn M.D., B.S.,
and at Mill Field there a·re extensive gravel and sand D.Hy. Grove cott.age, Hertford
pits, worked by machinery, and capable od' an output of Surveyor, Charles Hicks, Benfield Green farm
upwards of 100 tons per day. Almshouses for 28 old Sanitary Inspector, Edmund Thomas Watts, Thorley
womoo were erected and endowed in Hoxton by 'Yilliam
Fuller esq. of that place, in 1795, but these being eventu-
ally sold, new houses were erected in the parish in 1883, Police Station, 1Voodfield, Sergeant James Wil:iam
on ground given by the late William Fuller-Maitland Kemp, in charge
esq.; the inmates receive Ss. god. per week each, and coal.
Charities producing about £50 are distributed in bread Public Officers.
and clothes yearly.
• •
He-re are the remains of a castle, Assistant Overseer &, Clerk to the Parish Council, HC'fbert
supposed to have been built by William Gerr.{)n, surnamed Henry Gayford, Central hall '
Montfichet, and situated about half a mile north-west- Medical Officer, Stansted District, Bishop S:ortford 'Gnion,
by-west from the church. The priory of Thremhall or Sydney Haynes M.R.C.S.Eng
Trenchale, dedicated to St. James, stood 2 miles south, Public Vaccinator, St.ansted District, Bishop Stortford
by the side of Hatfield Forest, and was founded by Gilbert Union, Fredk. Haynes L.RC.P.Lond. The Rise
Montfichet in the reign of William I. for canons o·f the Registrar of Births &, Deaths, Relieving, Yaccination
Augustinian order; some members of the families of &, School Attendance Officer for Stansted District,
De Vere, Barrington and Montfichet were buried in Bishop Stortford Union, Joseph Freeman
the priory, the revenues of which at the Dissolution Inland Revenue Officer, Charles Herbert Du~e, Bishop
were estimated at £70 19s. 3d. year~y; slight remains Stortford
of the buildings Stih exist. Stansted Hall, the seat of
William Fuller-Maitland esq. D.L., J.P. is an Eliza- Schools.
bethan bui~ding of red brick with stone dressings and Church of En~land (mixed & infants), built in
facings, about 1 mile east of the village and near the 1837 by the Rev. Josias Torriano, vicar from 1828,
site of a har: pulled down about the year 1813; it a t a cost of upwards of /;1,000, for 270 children; aver-
stands in a well-wooden park of about 400 acres. bounded ag'e attendance, 208; Henry Harvey Douglas, master;
on the north bv •
the Great Eastern railwav. • B~ythwood

Mrs. Sarah Ann Douglas, mistress
House is the seat of Sir James BIyth bart.•LP. Hargrave British (mixed), originally built in 1835 &; rehnilt in
Park, now the residence of Gilbert Alder rsq. jun. is 1862 on land given by William Fuller-:\faitland esq.
about I mile north-north-west from the rail",av •
station, at the cost of the Society of Friends, by whom
and Stanstead House is the residence of Sir Thomas it is chiefly supported; a new class room was added
in 1898, & the school now holds 192 children; average Railway Station, WiIliam Webb, magter
attendance, 148; J. Woolley, master; assistant mis- Carriers to London pass through on tues. & wed. return-
tress, Miss Margery Wilson ing thurs. & fri

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wright George, Highfield Keddie John T. land agent to Sir Jas.
Alder Gilbert, sen. Hargrave park Wright Mrs. Haroldene Blyth bar~
Alder Gilbert, jun. Hargrave park Wright William W. Silver street Kemp Jas. Wm. police sergt.Woodfield
Austen William, Chapel hill COJdKEBCIA.L. Kitson Laura (Mrs.), basket maker
AustinRev.Albert EdwardB.A.(curate) Levey Artbur, bricklayer, Cambrdg.rd
Avory William J. Lower street Amey Eli (Mrs.), dress ma. Chapel hll Levey George, carpenter, undertaker
Bailey Henry, Woodfield terrace Amey William, Three Colts P.H &c. (established. 150 years), asslstant
Bannehr WaIter J. T,he Warren Archer Richard, tinplate worker & manager to Dunmow Friendly So-
Barnard.. Rev. Robert, Chapel'hill pork butcher, Station road ciety, North house, Cambridge road
Barnett Mrs. Woodfield terrace Atkins E<;l:win,head gardener to Gilbert Levey George, horse dealer & farmer,
Bartlett William, The Thatch Alder, Jun. esq. Hargrave p'ark r Ben:field end
Blyth Sir James baDt. J.P. Blythwood Austen William, draper, Station road Little George, clerk of the works to
house; & 33 Portland. pI. London W Bannehr WaIter J. solicitor, Station rd W. FulIer-Maitland esq
Bonner Mrs. The Chestnuts Barclay .\) Co. Limited, bankers (Geo. Little MaryAnn (Mrs.), BarleyMowP.H
BoyleLieut.-CoI. LionelR.C.Spencer ho Foster, manager) (branch) (open Livings William, tailor
Bristed John, The Nook, Woodfield man. tues. we,d. & fri. 10 to 4,thurs. Mascall John, butcher
Brown Misses, The Porch & sat. 10 to I); draw on head office, Mayhew Samuel, fly proprietor
Caygill Joseph, Burton bower 54 Lombard street, London EC Mica Insulator Co. Limited, elec-
Cl.urch Philip, Linden house Bass William, farmer, AlSo. lodie t.rieal insulator manufacturers
C obb ett L OUIS ..... A M .D. I ng Ie M ere Bedlow Francis G. wheelwright & Minett & Co. chemists
. 1n..,
Cook Rev. Arth. (Congregational),The blacksmith Morse Elizabeth (Mrs.), The Bell P.H .
Manse Bloom Frederick, confectioner Newman Thomas O. agricultural im-
Davidson Miss, Woodfield Brett James, blacksmith plement manufacturer
Dixon Thomas, Woodfield Butler Job, butcher, Lower street Neville Edward, baker
Dunkley George, Woodfield Caiater, John, fancy repository Norman.C:harles, ginger beer manufr
Dyer Arthur Hy. Salisbury, The Avnue Ca~brldge Cycle & Gun Co. (John Page. Wllham, fa~er, Burton end
Dyson Rev John (Primitive Metho-' MIller, manager) Parkms Alfred, tailor
dist), W~odfield ' Carruthers William, commercial tray. Payi~t ,WilIiam, corn. agent, Hill crest
Ehc1ell-Hall Miss, Rosslyn Wo.odfield Ph~lh'ps Alfred, accountant, Cambdg.rd
Ernest E. L. St. Stephens Cayglll ~oseph, land agent to W. Ful-, Phllhps John George, grocer & baker,
Fane Sidney A. Benfield ,bower ler-Maltland esq. The Hall farm ~e~field end
Finch Frederick Herbert, Woodfield Ghap~an Henry W. boot ~aker. P~lllliP'S Joseph, farmer, .Hole farm .
'Foster George, Bank house ChoppmgErnest Henry,ta~Idermlst &c Plttway J!Ienry Edgar Lmcoln, surgn.
Freelove Miss, :Mill side Clarke G~o~ge, beer retailer .Wo 0 dVllle
Freelove Mrs. Ohapel ,house Clarke Wllham, harness maker Plmlett W~. John, fanner, Bury 10
Fulle:,-Maitland ~obe:rt.J.P.TheRavens Coleman J oseph, market gardener,Ben- Player Davld, sh?p.keepe~, ~urton end
Fullzr-MaitIand Wm.J.P.Stansted!hall field end . . Potter Ueorge. Wll~lam,Kmg's~rmsP.H
Gayford Herbert Henry, 'I'he Elms Conway Le::l~, beer ret~iler Powell Walt. Jobbrng grdnr. ~oodfield
Gold Archibald J.P. Croft house Edwards Wllham Lord, msurance agt. Pryor Sarah (Mrs.), beer retaller,Bur-
Gold Charles, jun. The Cottage Be~field end ton end .
Gold Herald G. Benfield place Everltt .A:rthur,. cycle agent Ram~ey Wm. coach bldr. & l1'onmngr
Gray Mrs. Woodfield Ftmn EroIly (MISS), apartmts; Woodfld Ratcl~ff Albe.rt, plumber
Griggs Miss, Woodfield place Foster ~eo. mgr. of Barclay s Bank Ratcld! Chrlstopher James, plumber,
Hack Max, CambridO'e road Fothe~gill John, farmer, Burton end gla~ler &c
Hall Miss, Rossl on b Francls Joseph S. maker . Ratch~ Ern~st Arthur, plumber &
Harris Charles, 1enfield end Freen;ran Joseph, r~hevmg &. vacCl- glaZIer, p~mter & house ~ecorator,
Harris Edward, Ben:field end natIOn officer, ?f bl~ths & No,:",a Scotla cottage, CambrIdge road
Haynes Sydney, The Cedars deaths for S!ansted dIstrIct, BIshops RatclIff ~ary (Mrs.), dress maker,
Haynes WaIter Frederiek, The Rise Stortford umon, & school attendance Ca~brldg-e road'
Hockley Mrs. The Laurels officer, Woodfield Rawlmgs Charles Henry, bee~' l'etlr
Holgate Mrs. Woodfield villas Gayfordo ~erbert ~enry (firm, Welch Reynolds Isaac, ca:-ter & carrIer for
Jackson Sir Thomas, bart. Stansted ho &. GaJfold), auctIOneer &; valuer, as- .Great Eastern RallwayCo.Chapel hI
Jones Henry, Newlands slstant overseer, sec.. to the W.ater RlC~ardson James, head gardener to
Keddie John T. BIythwood lodge ~o. clerk to the ParIsh CounCIl &; SlI: James BIyt~ bart .
Kicld M1s,ses, Woodfield villas G~bnbsurancEellag.en(~Ce)ntrdal hall k Roblnson DaLnlel. Jun. bmldber. &k
Kin Miss Woodfield Ions en rs.,' ress ma er, contractor,. oweI' street; ,&; rIC
L g ham M' s Ros 1 Benfield end' maker at BIrchanger; good red fac-
L ang M I~, b .~ yn d Gibbs Joseph, tailor, Chapel hill ing & other bricks &; building ma-
L ~v~y 11 ~" em n ge roa Godfrey Nathaniel, chimney sweeper, terials of every description for sale
L~n se ISS Woodfield Robinson William, builder, contractor
~veseh ~hlll :. ~~~t h~use Gray Wm. furn. broker & fly proprtr &; undertaker, Ohapel hill
1\ asea rs: en e en. Green Joshua & Co. wholesale & retail Rogers S. S. & Co. brewers
~umford:!-ISS, C~hap~\1illll grocers, drapers, general outfitters Root Ellen Jane (Mrs.), saddler
Newman ThlSS , aOpe & complete house furnishers, North Ryder George, head gamekeeper to W.
ewman omas' Essex stores FuIler-Maitland esq
Oak~hott Rev. George Herbert M.A. Haggerwood John, farmer Saggers David, farmer, Buxton end
P V~f:;.g~· Hill t Rarris Charles, surveyor to County Sanders Arthur. family grocer,
an 1 ram, cres Council, Benfield end draper, baker &; confectioner & wine
Pe~e:s James, Benfield. e~d IIarritt William, farme,r, Little Bury & spirit merchant; agent for W. &
PhilllpS John George, Chfton house, Haynes Sydney M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. A. Gilbey Limited & for Bass's,
. Benneld end . ,Lond.surgeon & medical officer,Stan- Guinness's & Allsopp's ales & stout
Pl.ttway Henry Edga,r Lmcoln,Woodvlle sted district,Bishops Stortford union Savage William, hair dresser
Purcell Mrs. Woodfiel(~ Haynes Waiter Frederick L.R.C.P. Scillitoe Arthur, beer retailer
Rogers Mrs. Centlr~ villa Lond. physician & surgeon & public Smith Daniel, beer ret. Benfield end
Rowell Thomas ~rvme, Nor:man house vaccinator, Stansted. dist. Bishops Smith Elijah, carpenter, Alsa cottage
Rowell Wm. IrvID'l, The Brewery ho Stortford union, The Rise Snow Artbur, bricklayer, Benfield rnd
Sander,s WaJter W. Recre,atlOn ground Herrington James, head. gardener to Spalding Henry George, tobacconist
Seabrook ,Mrs. Woo.dfield terrace W. Fuller-Maitland esq Spalding John, harness maker
Smith Miss, Oambridge road Herrington Joseph, greengrocer Spencer Charles & Sons, maltsters «-
Smith Mrs. Hope cottage Herrington 1Villiam, greengrocer corn &; cake merchants .
Spencer Frank, The Mount Hicks Thomas &; Co. Lim. corn mars Spencer Edward Stacey, farmer, Ben-
Spencer Mrs. The Mount Hicks Charles, farmer & district sur- field bury
Swift Edmund, Fron Deg veyor to the Stansted Rural District Stansted & Birchanger Hall Estate
Tilbrook Benjamin, Woodfield terrace Council, Benfield Green farm Brick Works (Wm. H. Carr, propr)
Tunbridge Edwin Ernest, Tayspill ho Home of Rest (Miss Nellie Hinks, St,ansted Mountfitchet Gas Co. Lim.
Welch The Misses, Western house matron), Woodfield (Alfred Cass, sec)
Welch James W. T. Cambridge road Hutley Henry, baker Stansted Water Co. Limited (H. H.
WoIton Miss, The Chestnuts Jay John, haulier 'Gayford, sec)
Tadman Charles .Albert, photographer, Welch & Gayford, auctioneers, Working Men's Club (S. A. Douglas,
Myrtle villas, W oodfield valuers &; surveyors, land &; estate sec.; Art-hur Thomas, steward)
Tissiman Wm. Hy. S. tailor, Silver st agents; sales &; valuations on Wright Charles (exors. of).gI'avel
Turner Frederick, grocer & prov. dlr moderate terms, Oentral hall &; sand merchants, Mill Field gravel
Vercoe Rgnld. watch mkr. ~ jewellr Welford Albert Erne,st, Rose & Orown pits
Ward James, shoe maker P.H. Benfield end Wright William W. baker, confec-
Waring Wm. farmer, Parsonage farm Whall Hannah (Mrs.), boot maker tioner &; caterer; &; at 7 Market sq.
Watson George, butcher, Station road Wilkins John, tailor _Bishop's StoTtford
STANWAY parish and village takes its name from chancel, nave, organ chamber, south porch £nd a low
its situation on the Roman stoneway which forms the western tower with spire containing 3 bells and a clock,
present high road from Colchester to Bishops Stortford erected in 1887: th¥e are 285 sittings. The register
and to London, 11 miles east from the Marks Tey junction dates from the year 1845. The living is a vicarage, net
on the Great Eastern railway, 4 west from Colchester, 47 yearly value £175, with residence, in the gift of the
from London, and 6 east from Coggeshall, in the north Bishop of St. .A1bans, and held since 1888 by the Rev.
Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden James Matebam Gatril1, of Wo-rceswr Oollege, Oxford.
and \Vinstree petty sessional division and union, Col- The population in 1891 was 553.
chester county court district and in the rural deanery of The manor of Stanway formerly belonged to King
Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of Harold and afterwards to William the Conqneror, but
St. .Albans. The old church of A 11 Saints, the remains in the Norman period it became divided into seven dis-
of which stand near the Hall, about 2 miles south-east tinct manon, which, in the lllain exist to the present
from the rectory, has been in disuse from the time of date. The principal landowners in the undivided parish
Cromwell, and was unroofed and the timber and lead are Thomas Moy esq.the Rt. Rev. William Thomas Har·
sold during the civil. war; it originally consisted of rison D.D. Bishop of Glasg-ow, Mrs. Harrison, James
chancel, with aisle, nave, north porch, and a western Round esq. M.P. of Birch Hall, H. G. Egerton~Green
tower, of which the last four, now more or less dismantled, esq. of Kingsford, Rev. J. W. Tomlinson, Miss Wood-
remain; it was built in the time of Edward 1. or H. ward, Mrs. Birch and Mr. iThomas Wagstaff. The soil
probably by one of the Belhouse family. is gravel and sand; subsoil, very light. The chief crops
The chapel of St. Albright (or St. Ethelbert), now the are wheat, peas and barley. The area of the civil parish
parish church, was originally a wayside chapel, erected is 3,325 acres; rateable value, £7,7°3; the population in
for the use of pilgrims and others travelling along the 1891 was 1,104, which included 147 inmates in Lexden
adjoining Ikenield Street, the religious offices of the and Winstree workhouse, and in 1901 was 1,106.
chapel being performed by the rector of the parish; it Olerk and Sexton (St. Albright's), John :Miller.
would have 'served probably for one str~am of devotees Clerk and Sexton (All Saints'), William Wade.
proceeding to our Lady of Walsingham, and for another Post Office, London road.-Jobn Bunting, SUb-postmaster.
on its way to Becket's shrine at Oanterbury; to this Letters through Oolchester arrive at 7 a.m. 1& 12.30
fact the ancient apportionment of a manor to the rector p.m.; dispatched at 2.10 &, 7.10 p.m. Postal orders
seems to point, as does the name of "Playing Stalls," are issued here, but not paid. The nearest mOIley
applied to a field near the church as the scene of Miracle order office, Lexden Heath, &; telegraph office is at
Plays, and a tradition which marks the adjacent White Marks Tey, 2 miles distant
Hart farm as originally the Pilgrim's Hospice; the "Yall Letter Box, London road, cleared at 2.30 &; 7.10
building, which IS of stone, and incorporates portions of p.m.; sunday, 11.10 a.m
Early Norman date, was restored in 1880 from plans Post Office &; O. 0., S. I3. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.
by the late Sir Gilbert Scott R.A. at a cost of about Lexden Heath. :Mrs. Mary .Ann Miner, sub-postmis-
£3,000, including the building of a south aisle, and it tress. Letters through Oolchester arrive at 7.30 a.m.
now consists of chancel, built in 1826, nave, aisle, north & 12 noon; dispatched at 2.40 & 7.30 p.m. The nearest
porch, and a wooden turret at the west end containing telegraph office is at Lexden, one mile distant
oll.e bell: there are 262 sittings. The registers date from Lexden &; Winstree Union House, .Alfred Gosling, master;
the year 1704 and are in exce:lent preservation. The Mrs. Gosling, matron; Rev_ Joseph Robert Triphook
living is a rectory, net value £490, including 79 acres D.D. Little Tey, chaplain; Henry Laver M.R.C.S.Eng.
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the president and medical officer
fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford, and held since 18q7
by the Rev. William John Frere M.A. of that College. Schools.
The workhouse of the Lexden and Winstree union is in National (mixed), for' 120 children; average attendance,
this parish, and will hold 180 inmates. A fair is held 97; Francis Richard Chastney, master; Mrs. Chast·
here on April 23rd. The population in 1891 was 852. ney,

National (All Saints') (mixed), for go children; average
STA.N"V.AY ALL SAINTS is an ecclesiastical parish, attendance, 84; Charles Henry Grimwood, master
formed IS May, 1845, from the civil parishes of Lexden Carriers to
and Stanway, and in the rural deanery of Colchester. Colchester-The carriers from Braintree &; Kelvedon pass
All Saints' church, on the Maldon road, about :2~ miles through wed. &; sat
south-east from St. Albright's, was erected in 1845, at Coggeshall ,&; Copford-mon. wed. fri. &; sat
a cost of £:2,935, and is a structure of brick, quoined Birch-Pryor, mono 'Wed. fri. & sat. passes along the
with Caen stone, in the Decorated style, consisting of Maldon road
STANWAY. Button Edmund, engineer & farmer &; Rand William, shopkeeper
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. threshing machine proprietor, 'Wise- 'Smith Thoma.s, cooper
Brooks Arthur, London road man's farm Spillk Thomas, shopkeeper, London I'd
Bryant William, Ivy cottage Oansdale George, saddler SpooneI' Henry, fishmonger
Buckle Capt. Arthur 'Villiam Bentley, Coppin Chas. bricklayer, London rd Wagstaff Thomas, farmer &; Iandowne:r
Villa Planh Fennel' Wm. cattle dealer, Stanway st
Burrell WaIter, Stanway lodge Gosling Alfred, master of Lexden &. STANWAY ALL SAINTS.
De Hochepied-Larpent Major-General 'Vinstree Union house Caldwell RaIph William
LiO'nel Henry Planta, Holmwood Hazell Charles, baker &; shopkeeper Egerton-Green Horace George D.L.,
Frere Rev. Wm. John M.A. Rectory Johnson Wm. seed grower, London I'd J.P. King's Ford
Lingwood Edgar, Stanley house Manley Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs.), a1'- Gab'ill Rev. Jas. Match am, Vicarage
Manley Mrs. The Oedars tist., & young gentlemen's boarding Kei~,,-in Henry S. Gosbecks
Moy Thomas, Stanway hall scliool, The Cedars Tufnell Oapt. Nevill Arihur Oharles De
Palmer Richard R. London road 1\Ianley Leopold Frederick, artist, &. Hirzel (late 44th Essex llegiment),
Richmond 001. William, The Villa young gentlemen's boarding school, Stanway •
Andrews John, farmer, Beacon end Miller John, .hopkeeper, coal dealer &; Fairhead "\Im. Golden, frmr. Gosul'cke
Bird Arthur, farmer, Bell house assistant overseer, London road Fo:kard \Villiam, farmer
Bird Charles, farmer, BIackpit Patmore David John, Swan inn 1solll Joseph &; Theobald Arthu1', far-
Br:dge James Surridge, farmer, Old Peak Richard. pork butcher mers, Butchers green
House farm Poulton 'Thomas James M.R.O.V.S. Ponder Ed,,-d. beer ret. Butcher'g gm
Bunting John &; George, farmers veterinary surgeon Reading nooms (T. W. Stickney, sec)
Burton Tristam, blacksmith &; wheelwt Rand John, farmer Shelton George, seed grower
STAPLEFORD AEBOTS is a parish lying just oil ern railway, and 16 from London, in the Western diviaiQn
the 'Ongar road, on the south side of the river Roding, of the county, Ongar hundred, petty sessional divisioll
6 miles south-east from Epping, 6 north from Romford, and union, Romford county court district, rural deanery
6 south-west from Ongar, all stations on the Great East- of Lambourne. The church of St. Mary is an edifice of
flint in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, the King, Sir William N. Abdy bart. Sir Charles Cunliffe
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower of Smith bart. of Suttons, Stapleford Tawney, Col. Amelius
Ibrick containing 2 bells; the tower was rebuilt in 1815 Rie-hard Mark Lockwood M.P. of Bishop's Hall, Romford,
and the church in 1862: there oare mural tablets to the and Horace Newbegin Watts esq. The soil is mixed;
Abdy family and a memorial to Francis Stonards, ob. subsoil, yellow clay. 'fhe chief crops are wheat, barley,
1555, and Lucy, his wife, ob. 1596, daughter of Sir beans and roots and pasture. The area is 2,358 acres
Clement Heigham kt. Lord Chief Baron 1558-9, and of land and 7 of water; rateable value, £2,889; the popu-
memorial windows to the Rev. Charles William Pitt, 'a lation in 1901 was 360.
former rector, d. 1867, and the Rev. Thomas Cochrane Parish Clerk, William C. Spurridge.
M.A. late rector, d. 1891: there fire 130 sittings. The
:register of baptisms and burials dates from 1653; mar- Post Office. Miss Ellen Aylett, sub-posmistress. Let-
riages, 1692. The living is a rectllry, net yearly value ters through Romford arrive at 5.3 0 & 9·J5 a.m.; dis-
£285, with 21 acres of glebe ,and residence, in the gift of patched at 2·30& 7. 10 p.m. Postal orders are issued
the Lord Ohancellor, and held since I8g8 by the Rev. J:as. here, but not paid. The nearest money order -& tele-
William Armitage M.A. of Trinity Oollege, Cambridge. graph offices are at Havering & Stapleford Tawney, I
Charities, producing £8 annually, are distributed in mile distant
bread and meat at Christmas. Albyns, built from the Pillar Letter Box at the school, cleared at 2. IQ & 7.5 p.m. ;
designs of the famous Inigo Jones, is a mansion pleasantly sund,ay, 7·5 p.m
seated in grounds of 44 acres, the property of Sir.William This place is included in the Lambourne nnited school
Neville .Abdy bart. J.P. and is now (1902) occupied by board district formed 14 August, I874
IFrederic E. Loyd esq. J.P. Mrs. Pemberton Barnes is Board School (mixed), erected m 1876, for 75 children:
lady of the manor. The manor of Battels Hall belongs average attendance, 64; Ernest Medley, maste.r j Mrs.
to the Crown. The principal landowners are His Majesty Elizabeth Medley, mistress
Armitage Rev. James 1Villiam M.A. Baber Hy. Frampton, farmer, Kirtons Mugleston Thos. frmr. Hammond'sfm
The Rectory Balcomb Jsph. farmer, Martin's Hern Newbery Richard, relieving & vaccina-
Barrell James Bones William, farmer tion officer & registrar of births &
Rirtles J obn, Ohapel house Clayden Alfred, beer retailer deaths for Chipping Ongar sub-dis-
Brown Robert Henry, Mill house Coomber Thomas, miller (water) triet, Ongar union
liIancock Alfred, The Grove Field John, farmer, Sheepcotes Randall Cecil, frmr. Battles Hall frm
Loyd Frederic E. Albyns Freshwater George, farmer Tamkin John Edward, Plough P.H
Newbery Richard, Bonds farm Gibbons George, farmer Toms Alfred, Roy,al Oak P.H
_ HaIl Herbert, shopkeeper Viney WaIter, farmer
COMMERCIAL. HumphreysThos.optician,Bourne brdg Wood Alfred, farmer, Bourne bridge
Anthony Robert, farmer, Knowles hill Lenny Mark, farmer, Tysia Hill farm Wood Thomas, farmer, Stapleford hall
Aylett Henry, shopkeeper & farmer Ma,rtin Alfred Hy. frmr. Mitchells frm Wright Benjamin, frmr.Bourne bridge

STAPLEFORD TAWNEY, which has this adjunct Smijth bart. and held since 1872 by the Rev. Lewis
from a family of Tany, who owned it in the reign of Newoomen Prance M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge,
Henry Ill. is a parish, on the north side of the Roding, F. S.A. and rural dean of Lambourne. Charities amount-
opposite to Stapleford Abbots, 4£ miles west from They- ing to about £25, derived from mterest on Consols, are
don Bois station on the Great Eastern railway,S south- yearly distributed. Suttons, tUf:\ seat of Sir Charles
west from Ongar, 5 south-east from Epping, 7 north Cunliffe Smith bart. D.L., J.P. J-\ a modern building of
from Romford, and I7 from London, in the Western stone, picturesquely situated in a finely wooded park
division of the county, Ongar hundred, petty sessional through which the river Roding tlows. Sir Wm. Bowyer
division and union, Romford county court district, rural Smijth bart. of Hill Hall, Theydon Mount, and Attle-
deanery of Lambourne, archdeaconry of Essex and borough Hall, Norfolk, is lord of the manor and principal
diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary is a small landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, heavy clay. The
and ancient structure of flint in the Early English style, chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and oats. The area
consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and is 1,649 acres of land and 8 of water ; rateable value,
a western belfry with spire containing 2 bells, dated £r,724; the population in 1891 was 216.
r6II and r630: an organ was presented in 18 73 by PASSINGFORD BRIDGE il th' 1 .
Reginald H. Prance esq.: there are mural tablets to '.L , 1 m e sou ,IS a p ace In
the Smith family and many flat stones to that of Luther this parish on the road from Ongar to London.
from 1619 and later: in the chancel is a tomb with a Police Station, James Arthur Upsher, constable in charge
ocass inscription to a member of the Scott family, dated Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
1510: the church was restored in 186I at a cost of £1,200, Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. Charles
and during the progress of the work two stone coffins Perry, sub-postmaster. Letters through Romford
were discovered in the chancel: a new panelled roof was arrive at 5.50 & 9.55 a.m.; dispatched at 2 & 6,45
added in r884 and Sir Charles C. Smith bart. also pre- p.m. week days; arrive- 5.50 a.m. & dispatched 6-45
sented a handsome mosaic reredos: there are 200 sittings. p.m. sundays
The register dates from the year I558. The living is a Wall Letter Box at Church, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6
rectory, with that of Theydon Mount annexed, average p.m. week days & 8.30 a.m. sundays
joint net yearly value £536, with I52 acres of Church School (mixed), built in 1874, for 60 children;
glebe and residence, in the gift of Sir W. Bowyer average attendance, 26; Mrs. E. Bernardi, mistress
(Marked thus t receive their letter~ COMM~RCIAL. Pittam Edward W. shopkeeper
through Epping.) Fitch Cornell, farmer, Howflelds tStubbins Thomas, farmer, Common
Prance Rev. Lewis Newcomen M.A. Green Anthony, farmer, Buttons farm Sworder Harry, farmer, Tawney hall
(rector & rural dean), Rectory tMiller Daniel, farmer, Wood hatch tThreader Sam!. beer retlr. Common
Smith Sir Charles Cunliffe bart. D.L., tMiller Jacob David, frmr. New frm ,"Voolley George, head gardener to Sir
J.P. Suttons Miller Jas. farmer, Little Tawney hall Chas. Cunliffe Smith bart. D.L.,J.P
Smith Drummond Cunliffe, Suttons Perry Chas.& Son,blacksmiths,Post off

STEB:BING (in Domesday "Stibinga" and "Stabinga") is a good example of the period: the westernmost window,
is a village and parish, on high ground, on a brook which prolonged downwards, forms a low side 'window: a
falls into the Chelmer, 3 miles north-east of Dunmow screen, magnificent both in design and we>rkmanship,
station on the Dunmow and Bra.intree branch of the separates the chancel and nave; it consists of three open-
Great Eastern railway, 7 west of Braintree and 44 from ings, with slender clustered columns; in the centre
London, in the Western division of the county, hundred opening, springing from the capitals of the columns,
of Hinckford, petty sessional division, union and county was a canopy and at the springing grotesque figures;
court district of Dunmow ~.nd in the rural deanery of this fine work was partially mutilated in the 15th century,
Braintree, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. for the erection of a Perpendicular rood screen, which ha$
Albans. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, standing in in its turn disappeared; the principal part of the design,
the highest part of the village, is a building of stone and however, remains: the roof is open timbered: at the
a fine specimen of the Decorated style of the early part east end of the south aisle, formerly a chapel, are the
of the fourteenth century: it consists of chancel with a remains of a fine piscina: the sacristy, also a part of the
sacristy, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, south porch ancient work, has a third piscina: the south porch, nobly
and an embattled western tower with spire containing proportioned, has a superbly moulded doorway and the
5 bells, one dated 1772, one 1799 and three 1839: the remains of a holy-water stoup: the tower, four stories
whole were rehung and a new treble provided in 1902: on in height and carefully built of rubble concrete, is of
the south side of the chancel are sedilia with lofty arches, the same age as the church and opens into the nave by
cusped and springing from triple columns: the piscina a grand arch; the upper stories are gained by short
ladders of considerable age: the church was restored in BRAN E:ND is I mile north; DUCK END is 2 miles;
1884, and has 350 seats. The register of burials dates LUBBER HEDGES, 2! miles north and STEBBING
from 1712; baptisms and burials from 1713. The GREEN, :r mile south-east.
living is vicarage, net yearly value £187, with residence, Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
in the gift of W. Fuller-Maitland esq. J.P. who is 00- Post, S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office. Ben Gittins,
propriator of the great tithes, and held -since 1901 by sub-postmaster. Letters through Chelmsford, by foot
the Rev. Ernest Cl3Jpton M.A. of Magdalen College, Cam- post, from Throws, arrive at 5.30 a.m. &; 3.50 p.m.;
bridge. Here is a Congregational chapel, with an. attached delivered at 6 a.m. & 4' IQ p.m
Sunday school, erected in 1877, at a cost of about £700; Post Office, Bran End. -Mrs. John Turner, sub-post--
the large room is used during the week for lectures -and mistress. Letters through Chelmsford. Box cleared
concerts. There is also a Primitive Methodist chapel; at 5 p.m.; on sunday at 9.30 a.m. Postal orders are
and the Society of Friends has a meeting-house. ,Some issued here, but not paid. SOObbing is the neaTest
trade in malting and brick making is carried. on here money order &; telegraph office, :r mile distant
and on the river are two flour mills. There is also a
charity called Smith's charity, left in 1869 by Charles Fire Engine Station, Charles Ruffel, captain
Smith and distributed in clothes. The rent of certain A School Board of 5 members was formed 15 April, 1876 j
lands, amounting to £2 18s. yearly, is given away periodi- Ste,phen Giffard, Great Dunmow, clerk to the board
cally in bread. Near the village is an artificial mound, Board School, erected, with master's house, at a cost of
surrounded by a moat, on which, 'according to tradition, £2,200, to hold, jn the mixed school, 150 &; :in th"
a castle formerly stood. This place once belonged to the infants' 94 scholars; average attendance, about 1I5 &;
Peverel and Ferrers families. Mr. S. D. Chopping is 40 respectively; John Lee, master; Mrs. Martha Lee.
lord of the manor of Friers Hall, and the land is occupie,d mistress
by 'several small landowners. The soil is various; sub-
soil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans Carriers to
and barley. The area is 4,376 acres of land and 6 of Dunmow Charles Boyton & John Turner, daily
water; ra.teable value, £3,243; the population in 1901 London-Charles Boyton, fri. to 37a, Heneage street,
was 911. SpitaIfields, returning on sun

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chopping Samuel Davey, brick, tile &; Linsell & Son, grocers &; drapers
Barnard Mrs. Holts villa drain pipe maker &; assistant over- MetsonThos. (Mrs. ),frmr.Lubber hedgs
Chalmers Rev. H. M. Harrison (Con g) seer, 'Vatch house Metson Waiter, farmer, Lucas farm
Clapton Rev. Ernest M.A. (vicar), Coe John, farmer, Bur{lt House farm Perry 'Villiam, chimney sweeper
Vicarage Custance Albert Ernest, miller (wind), Philpot 'Villiam, seedsman
Linsea William, Martins hall Mill house Pratt James, farmer, Town farm
Rogerson Mrs Daines John, farmer, Collops &; Brick Ruffell H. &; C. coach bldrs.&;wheelwts
Sheaf .Mrs. Stebbing park Kiln farms Saggers· Joseph, shoe maker
Sherries Charles Davidson Charles Cathie Scarth, far- Salmon Joseph, shopkeeper
Tussaud Curtis F. Church farm mer, White house Salmon WaIter, hawker
EmeryGeorge,wheelwright,Church end Scutter Geor~~, Red Lion P.R
COMMERCU.L. Ereth In. Chas. farmer, Lucas farm SchleuterLaura (Mrs.),White Hart inn
Ashby Alfred, farmer Ereth Thomas Will. farmer, Cowlands Shuttlewood Maria (Mrs.), beer retlr.
Barker Matilda (Mrs.), beer retailer Hittins Ben, grocer, &; post office Stebbing green
&; smith, Duck's End Gowers Samuel, shoe ma. Duck End Smith Hy. Clarke, frmr. Stebbing gm
Barker Richard, butcher Gowers Thomas, boot maker Smith WaIter, general dlr. The Downs
BarrittWm.shpkpr.&; beer ret.BranEnd Hales Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Parsonage Smith Wm. general dealer, Bran end
BIoomfield James, farmer, Ryes farm Jones John, Bell P.H Stock George, farmer, Poplar farm
Boyton Charles, carrier Howland Levi, farmer, Bran End Thorogood WaIter James, baker·
Britton Waiter, butcher Hynds Edward, miller (water) Turner John, carrier
Bush Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Lewis William, jobmaster Turner Rachel (Mrs.),Green Man P.B
Bush Fredk. Wm. builder, Bran End Lockett James,miller (water &; steam), Turner William, farmer, Duck end
Byford .Alfred, farmer, Hill farm corn, coal &; flour merchant, Bran Waiters William, King's Head P.H
Chopping William, farmer, Bran End End mill

STEEPLE (or Steeple-cum-Stangate) is a village and trustees of J. Solly esq. The soil is of a heavy nature;
pariah, near the south bank of the estuary of the Black- subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and beans.
water, 3 miles north-west from SouthmIllster terminal The area is 2,606 acres of land, 31 of water, 14 of tidal
atation on the Great Eastern railway, 9 from water and 60 of foreshore; rateable value, £1,524; the
MalQ.on, 19 east from Chelmsford, 6 north from Burn- population in 1901 was 353.
ham and 48 from London, in the South Eastern division Sexton, .
of the cOllnty, Dengie hundred. and petty sessional divi- Post Office.-Mrs. Elizabeth .Amelia Spooner, sub-post-
sion, Maldon union and county court district and in the mistress. Letters through Southminster R. S. O. by
rural deanery of Dengie, archdell.conry of Essex and dio- foot messenger, arrive at 8.15 a.m. & 5.10 p.m. Let-
cese of St. Albans. The church of St. Lawrence and All ter Box cleared at 5. 10 p. m, Postal orders are issued
Saints, erected in 1882 in the centre of the village, on here, but not paid. Southminster is the nearest money
the demolition of the former edifice, is an edifice of stone order & telegraph office, 3 miles distant
in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south A School Board of 5 members was formed 28 Jan. 188 7;'
porch and a bell-cot rising from within the roof at the .
west end and containing one bell: the ancient doorway Rev. C. S. Morrell, chaIrman & hon. clerk to the
and one window have been replaced,' and an octagonal b:rd; ""alter E. Read, Southminster, attendance
font, the bowl of which had long lain in the churchyard I c cer . . .
has been restored and placed in the new church, the Board (forJ.llerly NatIOnal), School, ~lUilt III :l:8:rg,
walls of which are almost entirely composed of the ma- enlarged III 186 9 & 1882, for 120 chIldren; average
terials of the old church, which was inconveniently attendance, 7 6 ~ H. J. Ramsbottom, master; Mrs.
situated about half a mile west of the village and had Ramsbottom, mIstress
become much dilapidated: there are 130 sittings. The Carrier to Maldon (passing through).-Tues. thurs. &
register dates from the year 1666. The living is a vi- saturday
carage, net yearly valne £90, with 30 acres of glebe and
residence, in the gift of H. F. Plumptre esq. and J. T. STANGATE (or Stanegate), on the Blackwater, now a
Hunt esq. and Miss Hunt alternately, and held since 1902 hamlet of Steeple, formerly had a church; a portion of
by the Rev. Charles Stone Morrell. The vicarage house, the ruins is still standing, the original piscina remaining
pleasantly situated upon an eminence, was erected in 188r. almost intact. .A. priory of Cluniac monks was founded
A Congregational chapel, in the Gothic style, was erected at Stangate by the predecessors of the priors of Lewes.
in 1857; the" Peculiar People" have also a chapel here. to which monastery it was subordinate: this priory wa~
The charities, amounting to £2 yearly, are connected in existence in 1176 and was dedicated to St. Mary
with those of Southminster charities, and are distri- Magdalen, but was suppressed by WoIsey, 18 Hen. VIII.
buted to the poor. The chief landowners are the when its revenues were estimated at £43 8s. 6d. Ram-
governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, who are lords sey Isle was anciently part of Stangate and had a
o£ the manor, the trustees of H. Cline esq. and the church, now destroyed.
Benn John William, Sta.ngate COllnIERCIAL. Attenborough Robert Richard, farmer,
Morrell Rev._ Oharles Stone (vicar), Attenborough George (exors. of) , Steeple wick
Vicarage farmers, Steeple gate BlunksRbt.whlwrght. &; implement agt
Cant Elijah (Mrs.), baker Dash Frederick, wheelwright Pudney Hannah (Mrs.), Star inn
Cardnell Edmund, baker & farmer Nix Charles, farmer, Batts farm Smith Robert, harness maker
Carter Isabella (Mrs.) & Son, grocers Nix Frank, farmer. Hall farm Spooner Elizabeth Amelia (Mrs.),
& drapers Nunn Joseph, draper & carpenter baker & farmer, Post office
Coast Guard Station (.Tohn Denniss, Partridge Frenk. farmer, Grange farm Whipps Christopher,Sun &Anchor P.R
chief officer) Pudney George, jun. coal dealer Whipps EH, farmer, Foxhall

STEEPLE BUMPSTEAD (or Bumpstead-ad-Tur- Elizabethan date, erected in 1592, it is constructed of

rim) is a. village and parish, 3~ miles south from Haver- oak, and was restored in 1890' Moyns Park is the seat
hill, 2~ south from Sturmer station on the Melford ood of Hon. Mrs. St. John Ives; the house is a. handsome
Cambridge branch and 3 south-west from Birdbrook sta- EEzabethan mansion surrounded by a moat crossed by a
tion on the Colne Valley section of the Great Eastern bridge and standing in a. well-wooded park of 200 acres.
railway and IQ east from Saffron Walden, in the Northern Bower HaU, close to the village, is the property of William
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- Basham Gurteen esq. of the CJ.1auntry House, Haverhill.
ford petty sessional division, Risbridge union, Haverhill ",Villiam B. Gurteen esq. J.P. is· lord of the mano'1'. The
county court district and in the rural deanery of Yeld- Hon. Mrs. St. .Tohn Ives, of M'oyns Park, James
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Courtman esq. of Stretford road, Hulme, Manchester, the
Albans. The church of St. Mary is a finely-proportioned trustees of Frederick Payne esq. and Miss Grace Un-
building of flint and brick in the Perpendicular style, win are the principal landowner·s. The soil is clay;
consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of four ba~rs, subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats,
aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower, beans and potatoes. The area is 3,761 acres ()f land and
the lower portion of which is Norman, containing 5 5 of water; rateable value, £3,774; the population in
bells and a clock, presented by the parishioners in 1887, 1901 was 854 in the civil and 800 in the ecolesiastical
at a cost of £135; the chancel retains a piscina and two parish.
sedilia: the stained east window is a memorial to the By Local Government Board Order 16,608, dated March
Walton family and there is another to the family of 25, 1885, Herkstead Hall, Herkstead Green and Messings,
Gent: the church contains several fine monuments, in- were transferred from Birdbrook to Steeple Bumpstead.
eluding one to Sir Henry Bendyshe. 4th and last bart. Sexton, Jabez Underwood.
d. 4 Sept; 1717; the monument includes a life-size effigy
of the baronet and a figure of his infant son Henry, be- Post. M. 0., T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery. Parcel
neath a pediment supported on twisted columns: here Post. S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-William
is also a pyramidal monument of grey marble, with I. Lovett, sub-postma·steT. Letters arrive through
busts in low relief on a medallion, to Sir John Bendyshe, Haverhill (Suffolk) at 8.3 0 & 1 a.m.; dispatched at
3rd bart. d. 1707, and Martha (Batson), his wife, d. IO·3 0 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. except on sunday, when they
1703: here is a curious and ancient alms box: the mas- are dispatched at 10 a.m .
sive silver church plate bears the arms of the Bendyshe BU:YIPSTEAD RURA.L DISTRICT COUNCIL.
family: the church was completely restored in 1880, . .
when the remains of a rood screen, rood loft staircase Meets at the Ked·.ngton Board Room on. Fn. at 10 a.m.
and a low side window in the chancel were discovered: . monthly.·
there are 400 sittings. The register of baptisms dates I The parishes in the district are :-.Ashen, Birdbrook,
from 1676; marriages and burials, 1689. The living is i Hellons Bumpstead, Ovington, Steeple Bumpstead &
a vicarage, net yearly value £220, with 3 acres of glebe Sturmer
and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held Chairman, A. J. Payne, Stoke-by-Clare, Suffolk
since 1894 by the Rev. William Quin 'Warren M.A. of Uni- Clerk Samuel .Austin BiQ1llore, Queen street, Haverhill
versity .College,. Durha.l?' The Con.gregational c~urch, Trea;urer, .Algernon Beckford Bevan, Oapital & Counties
erected 1Il r.884, IS an edifice of red bnck and stone III the Bank, Haverhill
Gothic style, and seating 450 persons: in rear of the build- Medical Officer of Health, William Armistead M.B., C.M.,
jng is a l.ect~re hall. The Plym~mth Brethren have a hall! F. C.S. Stapleford
here bUllt m 1885, and holdmg ISO. A cemetery of Surveyor of Highways & Sanitary Inspector Thomas

· about one acre in extent was opened in 1867 and conse- Hood F.S.I. Birdbrook '
crated by the Lord Bishop of St. Albans in the same year ; ~
ill is controlled hy the vicar and churchwardens. The ,-,chools.
charities include the Woolnough charity of £24 which is National (mixed), built in r854 & enlarged in. 1875, for
distributed every year in coal, the Town Cloth charity of r80; average attendance, 72; Miss Amy L. Wllloughby,
about £4 which is distr'.buted in cloth and Anne Cole's mistress
charity of about £6 which is devoted to educational pur- IBritish (mixed), built in 1848 &; enlarged in 1893 for IIO
poses. The steeple or tower, from which this place children; average attendance, 85; Miss Rhode·s,
derived its name, formerly stood near the road leading mistress •
from Haverhill to Baythorn Bridge, where entrenchments County Police, Arthur Wyatt, sergeant
·are still to be seen. In the centre of the village, at the Carrier to HaverhiU-Oharles Willis, daily; to Birdbrook,
junction of the roads, stands an ancient building of, RaIlings

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cemetery (Jabez Underwuod, sexton) Humphrey Benjamin. watch maker
Barker George Chapman Edward, farmer, Upper ho Humphrey George, shoe maker
Bartlett Thos. William, Little bower Clark Alfred Eli, thatcher Humphrey James, stationer & tea dlr
Bowtell Albert Edward, Eversley Clayden Harry, grocer & farmer Humphrey Thomas, builder &
Clarke John Clayden James, cattle dlr. Brick ho contractor
Fitch Miss, Prospect house Clayden Robert, butcher Ling William, farm bailiff to William
Humphrey Miss. New house Clayden Thomas, bricklayer Gurteen esq. Smiths green
· Ives Hon. Mrs. St. John, Moyns park ClaydenWilliamG. blacksmith & whe'el- Lovett Wm. I. grocer & drpr. Post off
(letters through Birdbrook,Halstead) wright, assistant overseer, clerk to Matthews Alfred, butcher
Smoothy Mrs. Court house the Parish Council & assessor & col- Pannell Frederick, farmer, Blois
Wallis Rev.Ernest James A.T.S.(Cong) lector of taxes Perkins George, farmer, Herkstead
Warren Rev. Wm. Quin ~I.A. Vicarage Coe Sarah (Miss), dress maker Green farm
Willett MI's. Clay wall Colman William, hrmar, Garlands Portway Joseph, chimney sweeper
Cornwell Frederick, Red Lion P.H Price WaIter, farmer, Rylands
COMMERCIAL. Cowell Susan (Mrs.). shopkeeper Sharman Albert, carter
Baker John, shopkeeper & baker Cowell Thomas, saddler Suckling Wm. J oseph, miller (steam),
Bartlett Thomas William L.R.C.P., Dare Francis, corn merchant baker, corn merchant & general
L.R.P. & C.S.Edin., L.F.P. & S. & Diggons Harry, farm bailiff to William agricultural agent
L.M.Glas. ,surgeon, '& medical officer Chappell Tibbit Jonas, farmer, Broad green
& public vaccinator, No. 4 district, Gouldstone Edward, assistant overseer Tillbrook Jonas, farmer, Latchley
Halstead union, 2nd district, Saffron &; clerk to the Parish Council for Turner .lames Oliver, blacksmith
Walden union & 3rd district, Ris- Helions Bumpstead & rent collector Westrope John, baker
bridge union Gunn George, tailor Willett John, farmer, Lower house
Bowtell Brothers, The Grocery,drapery Gunn John. beer Tetailer Willett Samuel, farmer, Yewtree
& furnishing warehouses Gunn William, tailor Willis Charles, Fox & Hounds P.B &.

BowtelI Albert Edwd. insurance agent Hardy David, beer retailer earner
Bunton Charles, boot maker Houghton James, farmer, Old hall Willis .Tames, beer retailer
Bunton Henry, shopkeeper Houghton Thos. farmer,Messings farm Willis Sabina (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Bunton James, farmer, Malting Humphrey Albt. P. carpntr. & grocr Woeding William, ~arness maker
STIFFORD is an old parish and picturesque village, Thomas Lathom of .Stifford gent." ob. 25 Dec. 1627: the
standing on high table-land, intersected throughout by last of the series is that of "Elizabeth Lathom, the wife of
the Mardyke brook, and on the road from umdon to 'l'homas Lathom of Stifford gent." ob. 14 Sept. 1630,
Southend, 2 miles north from Grays station on the with a female effigy in the attitude of prayer: the pulpit,
London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 2! miles south retaining an hourglass frame, is dated 16u: the church
from Ockendon station on the Uprninster and Grays was restored in 1862, at a cost of £1,5°0: during the
section of the same line, 19 from London and 10 progress of the work, frescoes were disclosed in the chan-
south-east from Romford, in the South Eas-rem try and nave, of Zacharias and St. Dunstan: in 1896 the
division of the county, Chafford hundred, Orsett church was fitted with heating apparatus at a cost of
union and petty sessional division, Grays county £120; there are 183 sittings. The register dates from
court district and in the rural deanery of Orsett, the year 1568. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The £229, with 26 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
church of St. Mary is a building of stone and flint in the F. H. D. C. Whitmore esq. as lesse& of the Brodel'ers'
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Company, and held since 1883 by the Rev. Henry Rep-
aisle of two bays, chapel, north porch and a western 'Worth Allott M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
tower surmounted by an octagonal shingled broach spire The Stepney Board of Guardians are erecting Children's
and containing a cl09k and 3 bells, two of which bear Homes, consisting of eleven blocks of buildings, includ-
date 1737 and 1635, a smaller bell being placed oufside ing swimming bath and receiving ward, from designs
the spire under a kind of dormer: the aisle has a Per- by Mr. Frank Baggallay, architect, Berners street, W.,
pendicular window, filled with stained glass as a me~ the~e stand in 86 acres of grounds, and are to be com-
morial to Frances Elizabeth de Wette; and there is a pleted in 1902. Franci·s Henry Douglas Charles Whit-
memorial window, placed in 1883 in memory of the Rev. more esq. of Orsett Hall, is lord of the manor and
William Palin, the late rector, d. October, 1882: the rood principal landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel
screen has gradually been lost, but the beam is now and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley
incorporated in the reredos, above which is a good De- and oats and market garden produce. The area is
corated window of three lights, also stained: the chantry 1,590 acres of land, 5 of water, 20 of tidal water and I I
chapel retains a small pointed piscina in its south wall: of foreshore; rateable value, £5,123; the population in
the font is Early English: in the sacrarium is a flat 1891 was 376 civil, 371 ecclesiastioal, and in 1901, 1,075
stone with a marginal inscription, quite perfect, in Lom- civil.
bardic letters: "David: De: Tillebery: gyt: ici: Dev: By Local Government Board Order 22,350, dated March
de: S'aIme: Ayt: Mercy: Amen:" the slab bears five 24, 1888, a part of South Ockenden parish known as Stif-
crosses, as though it had at one time served as the ford Hill was added to Stifford and a part of the latter
mensa of an altar; this David Tillebery died, parish transferred to the former.
according to exis~ing records, in 1330 : there Sexton, John Marshall.
are six brasses in the church, the oldest of which is in-
scribed, "Orate p anima dni RadulJ?hi Perchehay quon- Post Office.-Mrs. Alice Clark, sub-postmistress. Letters
da.m rectoris istius eccle;" above lS a. denu-figure in through Grays are delivered at 7 a.m. & 3 p.m.;
eucharistic vestments, viz.: chasuble, alb and arnice, dispatched I I a.m. & 7 p.m. Sunday delivery 7 a.m.
with the fylfot cross on the apparels; the date is pro- dispatch I I a.m. The nearest money order office is
bably about 1370 or 1375; the second, now on the nave about equi-distant (about 2 miles), South Ockenden &
floor, consists of a priest in a shroud, th~ legends at Grays, the nearest t~legraph office at Grays. Postal
the head and feet lost; date about 148o; in his orders are issued here, but not paid
upraised hands is a heart bearing the letters M. C.Y.
(Mercy): the third, affixed to the east wall, has an in- Wall Letter Box, London road, cleared 8.55 a.m. 11.40
vocatory inscription to "John Ardalle, gentylman, sum, a.m. 4.30 p.m. & 8.30 p.m.; sundays, 10.10 a.m
tyme lord of Stifford, and Anne, his wife," ob. 31 May, .A. School Board of 7 members was formed June 29, 1893,
1404; above are the figures of both in the costume of ·Thomas Alfred Capron, 2 Orsett road, Grays, clerk to
the per:.od and at each corner of the slab is a shield of the board; Francis Graver, attendance officer
arms: in the east wall is a brass with effigies inscribed
to "William Lathom gent. late Lord of Stifford Board School (mixed), erected in 1895 at a cost of £2,5°0,
and Susan his wife;" he died 6 Dec. 1622 and Suaan, h=.s for 260 children; average attendance, boys & girls,
wife, 26 Aug'. 1621: the fifth brass, also with effigy and 120; infants, 6o; Arthur Moore, master; Mrs. Moore,
inscription, is that of ".Ann Lathom, ye daughter of infants' mistress

Allott Rev. Hy. Hepworth M.A. Rctry Benton Richd. Julian, farmer, Hill frm Gold'en John, fruit gron-er
Brooks Herbert Edmund, Stifford Idg Bowley George, blacksmith Hammond James, shopkpr. London rd
Butchard John Alexander, Dorincourt Bradd James, farmer, Chalk Pit farm Knowlton Thos. farmer, Chestnut frm
Fisher John Hadden, Ford place Bradley WaIter, farmer, London road North Edward, blacksmith & cycle agt.
Laurie Ranald M. Coppid hall Brown James, police constable London road
Walker Robert, Birkenhall Corder Wm. shopkeeper, London road Offord Henry, Dog & Partridge P.R
COMMERCIAL. Dye James, wheelwright Perry Isaac, shopkeeper
Ballard Florence (Miss), dress maker, Folland John, butcher, London road Thompson Jas. farmer, Stifford clays
London road Franklin Chas. shopkeeper, London rd Wheeler Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper

STISTED (or Stistead) is a parish on the banks of I stored by the Rev. Charles Foster RD. rector from
thd Blackwater, 3 miles east-north-east from Braintree I 183.8, at a cost of [,2,000: there are about 300 sit-
station on a branch of the Great Eastern rail- I tings: a lych gate was erected in 1878 and a piece of
way, 4 south from Halstead, 4 west from Coggeshall and ground was subsequently given by the late Onley Savill-
45 from London, in the Eastern division of the county, Onley esq. for the enlargement of the cburchyard. The
Hinckford hundred, petty sessional division of South register dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory,
Hinckford (Braintree bench), Braintree union and county net yearly value £360, with 150 acres of glebe and resi-
court district, rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry dence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. .All Saints' held since 1895 by the Rev. Thomas William Hardy ~L.A.
church is an ancient edifice of flint and stone in the of Trinity College, Cambridge: the parsonage house
Norman, Early English and Decorated style!, consisting was rebuilt in 1.839. There is a small Congregational
of chancel with vestry, clerestoried nave of four bays, chapel, a reading room supported by subscriptions, and
aisles, north and south porches and a tower on the south a Parish room near the church belonging to J. N. Pax-
side, with an octagonal shingled spire containing a man esq. and used for mothers' meetings and an Odd-
clock and 6 bells: the chancel is Early English: the nave fellows' club. This parish shares in the benefits of the
is divided from the aisles on either side by an arcade Free school at Earls Colne. In 1822 the Rev. Charles
supported on round columns of large size: in the Onley le-ft a sum of £400 invested in Consols, and in
south aisle is a piscina: in the chancel is a mural monu- 18go the late Onley Savill-Onley esq. left a sum of
ment to Mary, wife of the Rev. Samuel Jackson, rector £100; the interest of these moneys is distributed yearly
of Stisted in 1742, and on the north side a mural brass to the poor in coals by the Parish Council. In 1046
to Elizabeth, ob. 1584, daughter of John Glasscock, gent. Godwin, the great Earl of Kent, and Wifgith, widow
of Roxewell and wife of John Wyseman, gent.: there are of a noble Saxon, named Elfwin, gave the lordship of
five stained windows, inserted as a memorial to the Stisted, with that of Little Coggeshall, to the monks of
late Onley Savill-Onley esq. d. 1890, and a new organ Christchurch in Oanterbury. It passed from them to
was given at the .same time by his family: in 1844 the Odo, Bishop of Baie'llx, but was, however, recovered by
tower was rebuilt by Ouley Savill-Onley esq. when the the monks at the gl'eat trial of Pinenden Heath, although
chancel was also renovated, and the Decorated nave re- it was not applied to its original design and intention
until II06. The monks continued in possession until Parish Clerk, Joseph Charlish.
~539, when it passed to Henry VIII. who in 1545 granted
It to Sir Richard Rich. Stisted Hall, the seat of James Post &; Telegraph &; Express Delivery 'Office.-Mrs. Ade.-
N. Pa.xman esq. C.E., J.P. lord of the manor and laide Kate Harringwn, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive
princip'cll landowner of Stisted, is a fine Georgian man- fromBraintree at 7.45 a.m.& 1 p.m.; dispatched at 10.15
sion of white brick, standing in a park of ISO acres. a.m. & 6 p.m.; sunday 10.30 a.m. Postal orders are
It was erected in 1823, about 300 yards west of the site issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order
of the old hall. The soil is loam and clay.; subsoil, clay office is at Braintree
and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas
and barley. The area is 3,023 acres of land and 12 of Wall Letter Box at the Rectory, cleared at 9 a.m. et
water; rateable valne, [,2,372; the population in 1901 5.30 p.m. & 9 a.m. on sunday-s
was 581. Parish School (mixed), for 160 children; average attend-
TUMBLER GREEN is one mile north-east. WOOL. ance, II5; Robert Mouat, master; Mrs. Katherine
NER GREEN one mile north-west. Mouat, infants' mistress
Claydon Mrs. Stisted villa Britton Geo. farm bailiff to Mr. F. May Large Charles, miller (steam & water)
Hardy Rev. Thomas Wm. M.A. (rector) Brown Charles J. boot maker & corn merchant, Stisted mill
Paxman James N. J.P. Stisted hall Carder Charles, bricklayer & plasterer May Fredk. maltster &; frmr. Gowera
Cousins George, farmer, Jenkins Mayo Frederick, butcher
Earle Albert, Ouley Arms P.H. & Mott WaIter, farmer, Boultwood
Ardley In. Harrington, frmr. Baytree blacksmith Reading Room (G. Law, hon. sec)
Baker Alexander, grocer, draper &c. Hale Daniel, beer retailer Sibley

William, butcher
The Stores Hobbs Norris, farmer, MilIes Smith Joseph, farmer, Hall farm
Baker Jonathan, farmer, Kentish farm Joyce Charles, beer retailer
STOCK (or Harford Stock) is a parish and pleasant ment about £3 a year. Lilystone Hall, the residence
Vtillage on the summit of a. range {If hills on the road of WilIiam Dunn esq. is pleasantly placed on an eminence
from Chelmsford to Billericay, 3. miles south-east from enjoying extensive views of the surrounding country and
Ingatestone station on the main line of the Great East- has grounds of 9 acres. Lord Petre, who is lord of the
ern railway and 3 nOIlth from Billericay station on the manor, and William Dunn esq. are the chief landowners.
bra.nch line of that company from Shenfield to Maldon, The soil is light; subsoil, white sand and gravel; near
Southminster and S~)Uthend, 5 south-west from Chelms- Galley Wood, on the verge of the parish, a stiff loam
ford and 27 from London, in the Mid division of the prevails, formerly called by the inhabitants brick and
county, Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional division, pot earth: stock bricks derive their name from this
union and county court distriot, rural deanery of Ingate- place. The area is 2,723 acres; rateable value, [,3,556.
atone, archdeaconry of Essex and diQcese of St. Albans. the population in 1901 was 585.
A stream which rises near Brick House flows through the By Local Government Board Order 13,°5 2, dated Dee-.
parish. The church of .All Saints is an ancient building of IJ, 1881, the hamlet of Orsett was transferred from Orset~
stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave ot to this parish.
three bay's, north aisle, south porch and a western tower Parish Clerk, Charles Martin.
of wood, with shingled spire, containing 3 bells: the
church underwent extensive repairs in the years 1847-8,' Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery~
when the interior was entirely reseated and the chancel Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Jane Anna
re:built: the east window was presented in 1879 by Mrs. Calloway, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive through
Cooke, who also presented a. reredos of stone in 1881: Ingateswne R.S.Q. at 7.30 a.m. & 7.20 p.m.; d~s-
there is a brass to Riohard Twedye esq. J.P. founder of patched at 9.30 a.m. & 7.45 p.m. week days; dlS-
the almsihouses, ob. 28 Jan. 1574, with hi,s effigy in patched 8.55 a.m. on sunday; office open 8 to IQ a.m.
armour; a'bove is an escutcheon of arms and below are for sale of stamps, registration &; telegraphic business
eight verses in Engli'sh reoording his public services and Wall Box, near the church, cleared at 9.45 a.m. 8 p.m.
benefactions to this parish: there are 250 sittings. The week days; 9.10 a.m. sundays
register dates from the year 1563. The living is a. rectory, Pillar Letter Box, Downham road, cleared 8.5 a.m. &;
with that of Ramsden Bellhouse annexed, joint net yearly 7 p.m. week days only
value [,400, with 57 acres of glebe and residence, in the ·County Police, Thomas Snch, constable
gift of the trustees of :Mrs. E. P. Gibson, and held sillce Schools.
1877 by the Rev. Edward Pendarves Gibson B.A. of St. I _ •
Peter's College, Cambridge. Here is a. Congregational NatlO~al (mixed & infants).' f~r this & the adjoini~g
chapel. The Catholic church, dedicated to Our Lady of parIsh of Butts~)Ury, bmlt In 1839, & enlarged III
Mount Carmel, ~md licensed for marriages, is situated 189~ for 190 .chIldren; average attendance, II4 boys
in the grounds of Lilystone Hall, and was once a private & g\r1s & 49. mfants; Henry Evans, master; Mrs. A.
chapel attached to the house, but is now used by the D. ~vans, nustress , .,
public: attached to the school is a small cemetery. Gathol.1C (1St.. Joseph s), bu~t m 1892 by Mr. P. P.
There are four almshouses in the parish founded by Pugm, archIte~t,. for IIO childr~n; ave1'ag~ attendan~e,
the above mentioned Richard Twedye esq. of Boreham, 45; Mrs. ~atf1C1a ~ennedy, mIstress; MISS Catherme
for four poor knights, two for this parish and two for Keeler, assIstllnt mIstress
the parish of Boreham: they are now occupied by Carrier W Chelms[ord.-Walker Taylor, tues·. &; fri.;
poor persons, each of whom receives from the endow- to Ingatestone, WaIter Taylor, daily
(Marked thus t are in the parish of COMMERCIAL. Renderson Alfred, farmer, Mill farm
Buttsbury.) A.bbey George, general dealer Hodge John, farmer, Crondon hall
Askew Mrs tArdIey Benjamin, beer retailer (postal address, Margaretting, In-
tBaker Miss, Colalba 'Cottage tRacon William, beer retailer gates tone R.S.O)
Cash Mrs. La Roseraie Blackburn John William,head gardener Rorn John J. King's Head P.R
tClarke Arthur, The Limes to W. Dunn esq Horne William James, Bear inn P.H
Cologan Rev. William H. (Catholic), BOllghtwood Alfred, butcher Hunt Charles, farmer, Brookman's
The Presbytery tBrown &; Son, blacksmiths Hunter Bobt. Crawford,frmr.Forest 10
Cubitt Edward Neville, Whitehouse Brown William Jsph. farmer, Hole's pI Jarvis Henry & Co. plumbers
Dunn William, Lilystone hall Cable Charles, refreshment rooms tJarvis J. W. & Sons, buildel's
Dunsterville Walter Fr'erichs, Lushill tCalloway Jane Anna (Miss), stationer, tJarvis Mary Emily (Miss),shopkeeper
Edwards William Post office tKing- Robert Eagle, shoe maker
tEllis Richard Adam, Greenwoods tClarke Arthur M.R.O.S.Eng.surgeon, Low William Henry, baker
Emberson John WHIter, Brecon house medical & vaccination officer 7th Madle J ames, market gardener
Gibson Rev. Edward Pendarves RA. district, Chelmsford union &; Mar- Makings Alfred, saddle & harness ma
Becwry garetting Tye of the 6th district Martin Chas. poultry dealer, Moat ho
tHeywood Capt. Henry, Stock cottage Canterford, Wilson & Co. grocers Mays William, miller (wind -& steam)
tJarvis James WaIter, Cambridge villa tCottee Arthur Charles, baker, rate tMoore William, grocer & draper
Jonas Philip Julius, The Laurels collector & assistant overseer & Mott James, jun. boot & shoe maker
Mathew Marmaduke, Stock lodge deputy registrar of births & deaths, Norris Herbert Isaac, baker
Ketlingham John, Ivy house Ingatestone sub-district, Chelmsford Norris Thomas Isaac, farmer
Osborne Mrs. Stafiord cottage union tNorris WaIter Arthur, cowkeeper
tSimson Mrs. George Craig Andrew, farmer, Greenacre farm Nurse William John, school attendanc6
Tilley George Cl'uig Robert, farmer, Orondon park & relieving officer & registrar of
tWhite John, Cambridge house Dixon Charles, farmer births &; deaths for Ingatestone dis-
Woodard Mrs Hart ut.. H. market grdnr. Stafford ho trict, Chelmsford union
Pamell James, butcher Reed John, hurdle maker Taylor WaIter, carrier
Payne William Henry, farmer SeweIl James, farmer T'yler Frederick, farmer, Brooks farm
tPlume Jesse, carpenter Stock Cricket Club (Rev. W. H. Colo- White Samuel, thrashing machine
Porter Tindal Pearson, poultry farmer, gan, hon. sec) owner & farmer
Hope farm Stock & District Horticultural Society Wood Charles, Cock P.H
tReader William, head gardener to (W. J. Nurse, sec) Wood Kate (Miss), pork butcher
R. A. Ellis esq Stripe William Geo. farmr. Bellmans tWoodward .Alfred, builder
Reading Room (J. NeUingham, sec) .
STONDON (or Stondon Massey. or De Marey, the performed by the rector of Stondon; tlie living is in the
stony down) is a parish and village consisting of a few gift of and held since 1893 by the Rev. Edwllird Henry
scattered houses, 3 miles s'Outh-east from terminal Ongar Lisle Reeve M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. There are
station on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 5 acres called Giles's charity, left in 1574 by Henry Giles,
north-west from Brentwood and 22 from London, in the of London, with 5 cottages thereon, the renrt of which,
Western division of the county, Ongar hundred, petty about £28, is diSltributed to the poor of the parish;
sessional division and union, Brentwood county court these were enlarged and rebuilt by Philip Herman Meyer
district, rural deanery of Lam'bourne, archdeaconry of esq. in 1859: there is also a house and piece of land
Essex and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of SS. bequeathed for the purpose of buying bellropes for the
Peter and Paul is a small building of flint and stone in church and Ss. yearly to 6 poor widows, to buy them
the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, chapel, waistcoats, charged on a farm called et Brank trees," in
south porch and a western belfry with shingled spire, the parish of Hatfield Br<Jad Oak, in this county. Swn-
containing 3 bells: there are mural table,ts to the How don Place, a red brick mansion,pleasantly seated in grounds
and Taylor families and in the nave is an ancient brass of 26 acres, in the residence of Tyndale White esq. J.P.
excellently preserved, with full-lengtJh figures of a man Mrs. Baker, of The Ohivers. is lady of the manor and chief
and his wife, and an inscription to Rainold Hollingworth, landowner. The ,soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief'
d. 17th April, 1573; in the chancel is another to John crops aI'e wheat, Ibeans and barley. The area. is 1,123'
Carre, citizen of London, merchant adventurer and iron- acres; rateable value, £1,607; the population in 1891 was~
monger, ob. 1570: the pulpit and rooding desk ,are of 250.
finely-carved oak, with the date 1630, and an oaken Parish Clerk, Joseph Knight:
&creen, of somewhat earlier date, separates the nave and Post Ofllce.-Wil1iam Parkin, sub-postmaster. LetterS'
chancel: the cnurch was restored in 1850, and in 1874 a through Brentwood a.rrive at 8 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.;
memorial chapel was erected to Philip Herman Meyer by dispatched at 8. IS a.m. & 6 p.m. Postal orders are,
his widow: the belfry and spire were rebuilt in 1888: issued here, but not paid. Kelvedon Common, I!
there are 150 sittings. The registers date from the year miles distant is the nearest money order & telegraph
1708 and are said to be very defective, especially in burials. office. A 'Wall Letter Box at the sooool, cleared ab
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £271, with resi- 8.40 a.m. 6 p.m. & 5 a.m. on sundays
dence and 70 acres of glebe; £80 of tithe is payable from National School (mixed), built in 1844, & enlarged 1891,..
Marks Hall estJate in the parish of Margaret Roothing, for 70 children; average attendance, 48; Miss E. S.
where was anciently a chapelry, the duties of which were Redrup, mistress
Baker Mrs. C'hivers Cowee John, cattle dealer, Holly farm Little William, farmer, Cannons farm
Fane Miss, Brook Day Eleanor (Mrs.), farmer, Parvis Marriott Frederick, farmer, Wool
Reeve Rev. Edward Henry Lisle M.A. Fuller Alfred, blacksmith monger's farm
Rectory Gandy Alfred, shopkpr. & beer reUr Nicholls Morris, farmer
Tyhurst James, Stondon house Gann James Thomas, 'builder & Parkin Wm. grocer & farmer, Post off'
White Tyndale J.P. Stondon Place wheelwright Thomas William James & James Jsph..
COM!lmUCIAL. Kennedy John, farmer, Clap Gate farm farmers, Whipples farm
Bradley Geo. Bricklayers' Arms P.H Knight Alfreq., farmer
STOW MARIES, S'O named from a family of Mareys yearly value £429, with residence, in the gift of and held
or de St. Mary's, who held this manor under Humphrey since 1888 by the Rev. Richard James Coling M.A. of St.
de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, till 1389, is a John's College, Cambridge. Lady Falkland's charity of
parish, bounded on the south by the river Crouch, I! £2 2S. yearly, being the interest on £70 left in 1776, is for
miles east from Cold Norton station on the Maldon bread. There is no lord of the manor. The principal land.
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 ,south from Mal- owners are .Alfred J. Hollington esq. of Forty Hill, En-
don, and·Il south-east from Chelmsford; it is in the field, Mr. E. D. Morgan, and Capt. J. N. Harrison, of
South EaSitern division of the county, Dengie hundred Great Saling. The soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay.
and petty sessional division, MaldQn union and county The chief crops are wheat and beans; there is a large
court district, and in the rural deanery of Maldon, arch- area of pasture land. The area is 1,617 acres of land..
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church 2 of water, 12 of tidal water and 62 of foreshore; rate-
of St. Mary and St. Margaret is an ancient structure able value, £958; the population in 1902 was 186.
fa.ced with. flints and chiefly in the Perpendicular style, By Local Government Board OTder 22,354, March 24'0.
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch (now closed up) 1889, a detached part of this parish, including Hungry' .
and a wooden belfry at the wes!\; end, s~rmountea by a Downs. was transferred to Purleigh.
short spire and containing r: bell c the building was re-, Sexton, Alfred Whiting,
stored !lit oonsiderable expense in 1870: the original Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
piscinre remain, BlS also a very int-eresting trefDiled William Graylin,sub-:postmaster. Letters .are received'
crocketed niche at the nOl1th-eaS't angle of the nave and through Maldon; arrIve at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at
the stairs formerly conducting to the rood loft: in the 4.30 p.m. Woodha.m Ferri~ is the nearest telegraph
chancel there is a tomb with brass, to the <Jamrnocke office, 3 miles distant
family; there are sittings for 120 persons. The register School (mixed), built in 1872, for 50 children; average
dates from the year 1559. The living is a rectory, net attendance, 37; Miss Pullen, mistress
Coling Rev. Richd. Jas. M.A. Rectory French Harvey Danl. baker .& beer ret Maries & Nort.h Fambridge .& clerk
Green George, farmer to parish council
COMMERCIAL. Morgan Evan D. farmer, Stow hall Pond Samuel, wheelwright
Cooper Ernest H. machinist & smith, Pond Edward, assistant overseer for Ward Thomas, farm bailiff to A. J.
mowing & reaping machines repaired the parishes of Cold Norton, Stow Hollington esq. Great Hayes
STRATFORD is a suburb of London, and part of the eluded in the County Directory, but will be found in
Metropolitan ~orough of 'Vest Ham, and is not now in- Keliy's Directory of the Suburbs of London.
STRETHALL is a and parish, the latter ex- ancient structure, dating from before the Norman Con-
tending to the borders of Cambridgeshire, 2~ miles quest, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a
north-west from Audley End, 4 north-west from Saffron tower, used as a baptistery, and contains 2 bells: the
Walden and 2 south-west from Great Chesterford stations chancel is separated from the nave by a very fine arch
on the Great Eastern railway, in the Northern division of of Saxon date: the font is of same date, and the stones
the county, Uttlesfurd hundred, Saffron 'Valden petty which show the Saxon "long and short work ,. are to
sessional division, union and county court district and in be seen at the west corners of the exterior of the nave:
the rural deanery of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of CoI- in 1e68 the cthurch was completely restored and a stained
chest-er and diocese of St. Albans. Oatmere End in window inserted in 1872 in memory of ~lrs. Collin, of
Littlebury parish, is ecclesias1rioaliy aVtached to this Elmdon: on the north side is a memorial window to
parish. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is an Henry Collin, brother of the Rev. Joseph Collin, rector
, ESSEX 26
here from 1856 to 1895: in 190'1 alterations and further 1895 by the Rev. Charles Georg-e Griffinhoofe M.A. of
improvements took place, a window being placed to the St. John's College, Cambridge, who lodges in the parish
memory of Joseph Collin, as before mentioned, and at but resides at 42 HiLls road, Cambridge. Richard
his sisters France,s Mary and Anne Caroline Collin. At Lluellyn esq. is lord of the manor and chief lando';Vner.
the same time a brass was erected in the chancel to Mr. William C. Emson, of Strethall Ball, and ~r.
Colonel Wil1iam Rayrnond Lluellyn, patron and lord of WilIiam Grig:gs, of Ickleton, farm t,he greater part of
the manor 1890-19°0: there exists in the chancel the the parish. The soil is principally light; subsoil, chiefly
brass of Thomas Abbott, rector in 1539, and an altar- chalk. T'he crops are on the five-course system. The
tomb in the sanctuary to the memory of John Gardyner, area is 620 acres; rateable value, £436; the population
patron :i\n 15°7: a complete list of the rectors from in 1901 was 62.
1322 hangs in the church and also a list of Bishops who Sexton, John Starr.
have ruled over the parish: the church plate is very
ancient: there are 4 0 sittings. The earliest existing Letters through Saffron 'Walden, which & Littlebury are
register dates from 1740 only, the previous. ones having the rearest m()ney order & telegraph offices, arrive at
been lost. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £13 8 , 8,3 0 a.m. The nearest letter b{)x is at Olay Hall, about
including the ,g-lebe, in the gift of the trustees of the I mile distant
late Gol. William Raymond-Lluellyn, and held since The children of this parish attend the school at Elmdon
COMMERCIAL. Casbott Charles, bailiff to A. N. Pledger Stephen, bailiff to William
Myhill esq. Catmere end Carter Em80n esq
Barker James, bailiff to Wm. Carter Emson Wm. Carter, farmer, Strethall
Emson esq Hall farm
STURMER (otherwise Sturmere or Stourmere, i.e. formerly surrounded by a moat, a part of which still
the Mere on the 1Stour), formerly .a very considerable remains, and is occupied and owned by Thomas J.
place, is a parish and village on the borders of Suffolk, Ma.son esq. Ohevallier Purkis' esq. is the drief land-
on the road from Halstead to Haverhill, with a station owner. The soil is mixed; .subsoil, clay; t<he chief
on the Stour Valley branch N the Great Eastern railway, crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 996 acre,s;
-I3! miles north-west from Balst,ead, a mile and a half rateable value, £1,185; the population in 1891 was 342
south-east from Haverhill, and 57 miles by rail from civil, 351 ecclesiastical.
London, in the Northern division of the county, Hinckford By Local Government Board Order 9,214, dated June 17,
.hundred, North Hinckford petty sessional division, Ris- 1879, a detached part of Haverhill was added to Sturmer•
'bridge union, Haverhill county court district, and in the and under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act,"
rural deanery of Yeldbam, archdeaconry of Oolchester a part of Sturmer was transferred to Kedington.
and diocese of St. Albans. The church, attributed to St. Post Office.-William Payne, sub-postmaster. Letters
Mary the Virgin, is an ancient building of rubble, in arrive from Halstead 7 a.m. from Haverell 5.20 p.m. ;
mixed styles, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch dispatched at 7.30 a.m. via. Haverell & 5.20 p.m.
and a western tower containing 3 bells: it wa. thoroughly via Halstead. Postal orders are issued here, but not
restored and reseated in 1877, and in 1883 the chancel I paid. The nearest monev order & telegraph office is at
was restored, the rubble work cleansed, two Norman win- Haverell. 2 miles distant
. dows opened and the interior repaired: the stained east
window was presented by Mr. Henry W. Jackson, of I KEDINGTON HAMLET, I mile north-east, was that
Haverhill: there are 200 sittings. The register dates portion of Kedington parish in Essex, but has been traDll-
from the year 1733. The living is a reotory, net yearly ferred to Suffolk for civil purposes, under the provisions of
value £200, with residence and 18 acres of glebe, in the Sec. 54 of the" Local Government Act. 1888" (51 and 52
gift of and held since 1901 by the Rev. G. H. Fletcher Vict. c.. 41); it is now only included in Sturmer, Essex,
M.A. of CorpusOhristi ODllege, Cambridge. The Mission , for parliamentary and land tax purposes.
room, erected in 1884, and enlarged in 1896, is also used Sturmer is included in Haverhill (Suffolk) United Dili-
as a Sunday 80hool. The nurseries here, occupied by I trict School Board, formed 27 Nov. 1873
F. E. Dillistone, have been est,ablished a oentmy and a Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 94 children;
half. Sturmer Hall is an ancient .building, pleasantly average attendance, 75; Mrs. Dunt, mistress
sItuated on rising ground near the church and was Railway Station, John Pledger, station master
Boardman Charles, Abbott's hall district & school attendance & re- Gurteen William & Jabez, farmers,
Fletcher Rev. Geo. Henry M.A. (rector) lieving officer Coupals
,Gurteen Jabez, Coupals Dillistone Frederick Eugene, nursery- Ince Mrs. beer retailer & shopkeeper
Medd Capt. Henry, The Bungalow man, seedsman & florist Kettle Joseph, Red Lion P.H
COMMERCI.A.L. Evans William, blacksmith Ling John, farmer
Debenham Arthur Noah, registrar of Gower Henry, saddler & farmer Mason Thomas J. farmer &; landowner,
births & deaths for the Haverhill Gower William, carpenter & builder Sturmer hall
BUTTON is a parish, r1 miles south-east from Roch- Foulness Island, in the gift of and held since 1883' by the
!ford, on the Southend branch of the Great Eastern Rev. Andrew Noble William Bredin B.A. of Durham Uni-
railway and 2! north from Southend stations, on the versity, who is also vicar of Shopland. The manorial
"Great Eastern and London, Tilbury and Southend rail- rights were resigned to the copyholders by Ohes·te·r Moor
. ways, in the South Eastern division of the county, Hallesq. James Ta,oor esq. of The Lawn, Rochford, is
.Rochford hundred, petty sessional division and union, chief landowner. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay.
&mthend county court district, and in the rural The crops are general. The area is 699 acres of land, I of
deanery of Oanewdon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese water, 1 of tidal water, !llld 28 of foreshore; rateable
of St. Moons. The Fleet Hall Creek forms the western value, £1,395; the population in 1901 was 194.
bound!Jjry of the parish. The church of All Saints is a Parish Clerk James Ketcher
buliding of st·one, in tthe Early English and Decorated ' . .
9I;yles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a Leltlters through Rochford S.O. arrIve &t 7 & 11.20 a.m.
western tower with spire containing I bell: the church Wall Letter Box cleared at 8,45 & II·4 0 a.m. & 4·45
retains sedilia and was thoroughly restored in 1869, at a p.m.; on sundays .at 8,45 a.m. The order
cost of nearly £700: there are 190 sittings. The register &. telegraph office IS at Rochford, I! miles dIstant
of baptisms and burials dates from I74I; marriages, Naltional School (mixed), for the joint parishes of Sutton
1757. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £160, & Shopland, erected in 1873, for 52 children; average
with residence and 10 acres of glebe, and also a modus from attendance, 48; Mrs. Susannah Joy, mistress
Bredin Rev. Andrew Noble William Montague Rev. James RA BurIes Stephen, market'gardener
B.A. Rectory Rayner William, farm bailiff to James Smith William Thomas, farm bailiff
Tomkins Jocelyn W. S. New hall Hutley esq. Fleethall to Alexander St.eel esq. Temple farm
TAKELEY is a village and parish on the road from the Holy Trinity is an ancient building of flint, in
Dunmow to Bishops Stortford, with a station within the mixed ·styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays,
parish of Hatfield Broad Oak, on the branch of the Great south aisle, south porch and an embattled western
Eastern railway from Bishops Stortford to Braintree, 5 tower with small spire containing 4 bells: the font has an
miles west from Dunmow, 4 east from Bishops Stortford ancient and interesting cover: the chancel was restored
and 36 from London, in the Western division of the in 1874, and a chancel arch and organ chamber
county, Uttlesford hundred, Dunmow petty sessional erected: there are 400 .sittings. The register dates
division, union and county court district, and in from the year 1662. The living is a vicarage,
th& rural deanery of Newport, archdeaconry of Col- net yearly value £205, with 8 acres of glebe and
chester and diocese of St. Albans. Th~ church of residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. .A1bans, and held
.since 1897 by the Bev. Charles Henry Kempthorne B.A.. Lambert, postmaster (Sub-Office. Lett-ers should have
of the University of London. The parish is divided S.O. Essex added). Letters by way of :Bishop Stortford.
into several small manors. The principal land- arrive at 6 a.m. & 10.47 p.m.; dispa,tched at 3. ID, 5.50
owners are the warden and fellows of New College, Oxford, &:, 9.50 p.m
Lieut.-Col. George Bramston Archer-Houblon, of Hal- Wall Letter Boxes at Threm Hall Priory & Takeley street.
lingbury Place. The Countess of Warwick, W. Fuller- each cleared at 5.30 p.m.; Sheering Hall, cleared at
Maitland esq. of Stansted Hall, Bishops StoTtford, and 4. IS p.m.; Mole Hill green. cleared at 4.45 p.m. &
Sir WaIter Gilbey bart. of Elsenham Hall. The soil is Smiths green. cleared at 4.'5 p.m
day and loam; subsoil. mixed. The crops are wheat, Police Station• .Alfred Watson. constable
barley, clover. beans and roots. The area is 3,187 acres;
rateable value, £2,439; the population in 190J was 815. Schools.
National (mixed). Brewer's end. for qo children; average
BilffiER, or E.A.MBROWS GREEN, is a mile and 3 attendance, 130: in 1886 a. house for the master was
half north-east; SMITH'S GREEN, half a mile east ; erected by the principal landowners : J. Cooper-Smith,
MOLE HILL GREEN, 3 miles north. master; Miss Martha Speller, infants' mistress
Sexton. George Pallett. National (mixed), Mole Hill Green, far 60 children;
average attendance, 53; Mrs. Tyrrell, mistress
Post, M. O. &:, T. 0 .• T. M. 0., S. B.. Express Delivery,
Parcel Post &:, Annuity &:, Insurance Office. William Railway Station, Charles Haddow, station master

PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Cass Henry, builder, Brewer's end Patmore John William, farmer & land-
Bridgeman William Clapton In. beer retailer, Smith's grn owner, Old Rouse farm
Burnaby John, The Cottage Cockerell George F. Green Man P.R Piper Henry, jun. joiner &:, frmr.Street
Butcher Henry, Rose villa Collett John, Three Horseshoes P.H. Potter Fras. Wm. frmr. Brewer's end
Dorman Henry, Sunnyside Mole Hill green Salmon Edward. farmer
Drummond Francis, Sheering hall Cooper ret.Bambrows green Salmon John, frmr. Mol{!o Hill green
Hildyard Ernest George Dorrington Charles, farmer Searle Alfred, farmer, Mole Hill green
Kempthorne Rev. Charles Henry RA. Fitzgeraldi Vincent, baker . Searle Arthur, frmr. Mole Hill green
The Vicarage Hockley Albert, farmer, Cooper's farm Speller Ed'fttard Robert. grocer.
Olivieri Carlo, Goodwyns Hockley Alfred, a.ssistant overseer &:, draper &:, hosier, &:, agent for W. &:,
Robinson Frederick S. Mortivals farmer A. Gilbey Limited, wine &:, spirit
Scourfield William, High house Hockley Emily (Mr,s.), Four Ashes P.H merchants
Hodson WiIliam, farmer, Taylor's farm Stracey Charles, beer retailer, Street
COMMERCIAL. . Lambert 1<Villiam, I!rocer & draper, Tibbitts Edwin, farmer, Smith's green
Aylett Thomas (Mrs.). grocer &:, baker, Post office Tipler Alfred, pork butcher
Mole Hill green Le'ader Francis, farm bailiff to Mr. Tyrrell Herbt.blcksmth.Mole Hill grn
Barker Andrew, farmer, Colchester hall John Frankham Vale John, marine st<lre dealer
Barker Richard, farmer, Street farm Littler William, farmer, The Beeches 'Whale Joseph, nurseryman
Baynes 'William, farmer, Grange farm Orpen Wm. WaIt. frmr. Waltham hall Wilkinson Charles, Reindeer P.R
Bolden ·Wm. farmer. Mole Hill green Pettitt George, farmer, Warish hall

TENDRING is a. very ancient parish, giving name to Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity &:, Insurance Office.-
a petty sessional division. hundred and union, and is on Goorge Arthur Perry. sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
the Holland brook, 2 miles north from Weeley station on from Colchester at 6.50 a.rn. & 1.30 p.m.; dispatched
the Tendring hundred branch of the Great Eastern rail- at JI.50 a.m. &:, 6.20 p.m. &:, on sunday at 10.20 a.m.
way, la! south-west from Harwich, 7 west from Walton The nearest telegraph office is at Weeley, distant 2 miles
£teamboat pier and 61 from London, in the North-Eastern Wall Letter Box, The Green, cleared at 7.45 a.m. &:, 5.40
division of the county, Harwich county court district, p.m. week days only
and in the rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. COUNTY MAGISTRATES ,FOR THE TENDRING
Edmund, standing on an eminence overlooking the brook, PETTY SEiSSIONAL DIVISION.
is a building of rubble stone, principally in the Tran- Korman Rev. Canon Charles Frederick M.A. Mistley Place,
sition style from Early English to Decorated, and consists Manningtree, chairman
of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, north porch, Johnson Sir John Henry F.S.A. St. Osyth priory, Colchstr
organ chamber and an embattled western tower with Bowles William Henry esq. Lawford Place, Lawford,
pinnacles and spire, and containing 4 bells: the tower Manningtree
was erected by the late John CardinaU esq. in 1876: Cardinall Durrant Edward esq. 18 Cromwell rd. Brighton
there is a memorial window to the Rev. John MitcheIl Davis Colonel Richard Percival F.G.S. New House farm,
Chapman, rector here from 1838, d. 1878. and several Walton-on-Naze .
others: in .the chancel is a kneeling figure of alabaster, Kirby John Roberts esq.R. Cinque Ports Ya<lbt Club,Dover
with brass inscription, to Edmund Saunders, ob. 15th Malcolm Lawrence esq
November, 1615: on the south side of the chancel is a Nichols W. B. esq. Stour lodge, Bradfield
piscina: this church, prior to 1663, was an appendage to Norman Edwd. Kensit esq. D.L. Mistley ldg. Manningtree
the ancient manor of Old Hall; it then became the pro- Page Rev. .A.mold Henry M.A.· The Rectory, Tendring,
perty of the Bowes family of Erett's Hall, and afterwards Colchester
passed to Henry Compton. Bishop of Oxford (1674-5) and Slimon William Henry esq. M.B. 33 Marine parade east,
of London (1675-1713)t who settled it upon Ealliol College, Clacton-on-Sea. ..
Oxford: the church will seat 350 persons. The register Smith John esg. Alton park, Clacfon-on-Sea R.S.O
of baptisms dates from 1538; burials, 1552; marriages, The Mayor of Harwich &:, the Ohairmen, for the time
1553. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £500, being, of the Clacton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the-Naze &
wit~ residence and 108 acres of gll.lbe. in the gift of Frinton-on-Sea Urban District Councils, are ex-officio
EalllOl College, Oxford, and held since 1886 by the Rev. magistrates
Amold Henry Page M.A. of that college, and J.P. The Clerk to the Magistrates, H. W. Jones, Manningtree &
Wesleyan chapel. a large and handsome building, has 250 Colchester
sittings. A fair was formerly held here on September Petty Sessions are held at Mistley 12 noon, &:, Thorpe-Ie-
14th, but is now obsolete. The manor honse, the property Soken at 12.30 p.m. every monday week alternately. The
()f Dnrrant Edward Cardinall esq. J.P. of 18 Cromwell road. places in the division are .A.Iresford, Ardleigh, Beaumont,
Brighton, a handsome mansion, with well-wooded pleasure Great Eentley, Little Bentley, Eradfield, Great Bromley,
gronnds, was destroyed by fire in 1897. The Hall Little Bromley, Great Clacton with CIacton-on-Sea.
is the residence of WaIter Horatio May esq. Durrant Little CIacton, Elmstead. Frating, Printon, Great
Edward Cardinall esq. of Brighton, who is lord Holland, Little Holland, Kirby, Lawford, Manningtree,
of the manor, and the Earl of Onslow G.C.:M.G. Mistley, Great OakIey, Little Oakley, Bamsey, St.
are the chief landowners. The soil is partly clay Osyth, Tendring, Thorpe, Thorington. Walton-on-the-
and partly of a. light mixed nature, and the subsoil Naze, Weeley, Wix &:, Wrabness
is strong, with some gravel. ~ chief crops are wheat,
oats, barley, peas, beans and turnips. The area IS TENDRlJ.~G RURAL DISTRlm' COUNCIL.
2,874 acres; rateable value, £3,679; the population in Meets at the Workhouse, Tendring, on wednesdays,
1901 was 770, of which 201 were in the union house. monthly, at 1.30 p.m.
Chairman. Rev. Arnold Henry Page M.A.. Rectory, Ten-
Parish Clerk, Herman Simons. dring, Colchester .
Clerk, Arthur John HanslipWard, 42 Church st. Harwich L.B.C.P.Lond. Thorpe; deputy, Joseph Patriek lDee
Treasuroo-, Horace George Egerton-Green, King's Ford, M.B. I North street, Walton-on-the-Naze; other dis-
'Stanway .A.1l Saints, Colchester tricts,same as medical officers
Medical Officer of Health, John Will Cook M.D. Ormonde Vaccination Officers, Thorpe sub-district, Frank \V.
lodge, Carnarvon road, Clacton-on-Sea RS.O Folkard, Thorpe; Harwich sub-district. J osiah Fredk.
Sanitary Inspector, C. J. Edmundson, Thorpe·le-Soken Kerry, 22 Maria street, Ha,r-wich; Manningtree sub.
Highway Surveyor, Joseph Bell, Weeley district, T. W. Airey-, Ramsety, Harwich; Ardleigh sub-
district, James Ma,yer, Great Bentley
Superintendent Registrar, Arthur John Hanslip Ward, 4a
County Police Station, John William .A.llison, constable Church street, Harwich ; deputy, Harvey BeIC'hambeI"~
TENDRING UNION. 42 Church street, Harwich
Registrars of Births, Deaths &; Marriages, Ardleigh sub-
Board day, slternate wednesdays at the Workhouse district, James Mayer, Great Bentley; deputy, WiIliam
at I:I a.m. Robinson, Frating; Harwich sub-district, Josiall
The Union comprises the following parishes :-Alresford, Frederick Kerry, 22 Maria street, Harwich; deputy, Eo
Ardleigh, Beaumont-cum-Mose, Bradfield, Brightling- F. Durrant, 21 Market street, Harwich; Manningtree
sea, Dovercourt, Elmstead, .l<'rating, Frinton, Great llub-district (births & deaths only), T. W . .!irey, Ram-
Bentley, Great Bromley, Great Clacton, Great Holland, sey, Harwich; deputy, George Lucas, Ramsey; Thorpe-
Great Oakley, Kirby-Ie-Soken, Lawford, Little Bent- sub-district, Frank W. Folka,rd (births &, deaths only),
ley, Little Bromley, Little Clacton, Little Holland, Little Thorpe; deputy, Walter O. Bareham, Little Llacton
Oakley, Manningtree, Mistley, Ramsey, St. Nicholas, Registrars of Marriages, BrightliuJ'le(1 sub-district
Harwich, St. Osyth, Tendring, Thorpe-Ie-Soken, Thor- (vacant), Brightlingsea; Manningtree mb-district, Hy.
ington, Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley, Wix &; Wrabness. Mead, MistIey; deputy, S. T. Taylor, MistIey; Thorpe
The population of the union in 1901 was 45,084; area, sub-district, WaJter O. Bareham, Little Clactnn
84,076 acres; rateable value in 1902, land, £39,426; Workhouse, built in 1838, at a cost of £12,000, & now
buildings, £179,648 (1902) in course of re-construction at an estimated cost
Chairman ()f the Board of Guardians, Rev. Arnold Henry of £3,500, is capable of containing 184 inmates & 9'
Page M.A. Rectory, Tendring, .colchester vagrants; an infirmary containing 94 beds was added'
Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, Arthur in IgOI at 8 cost of £12,800; Henry James Burden,.
John Hanslip Ward, 42 Church street, Harwich master; Rev. Edward Arthur Ley, chaplain; FrancE;;
Treasurer, Horace George Egerton-Green esq. King's Wheldale Foster L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; Mn.
ford, Stanway All Saints, Colchester M. J. Burden, matron; Miss .A. Burden, assistant
Believing Officers &; Collectors to the Guardians, No. I matron & labour mistress; Miss Mary O. Davies, school-
district (.Ardleigh), James Mayer, Great Bentley; No. 2 mistress
district (Harwich), T. W. Airey, Ramsey, Harwich;
No. 3 district (Thorpe), Frank W. Folkard, Thorpe School Attendance Committee.
Medical Officers, Nos. I&;2 districts, Samuel Evans Meets at the Workhouse, Tendring, every alternate
L.R.C.P.Lond. Harwich; Nos. 3 &; 4 districts, William wednesday at 10.30 a.m.
Whittington Baxter F.R.C.S.Eng. Manningtree; No. 5 Clerk, Arthur John Hanslip Ward, 42 Church st. Harwich
district (Ardl'eigh &; Great Bromley), Joseph Singer Attendance &; Inquiry Officer, 'Walter Charles Bareham.
Jameson M.D., B.Ch. Manningtree; No. 5 (Elmstead) Little Clacton
district, Edward Herbert Squire M.R.O.S.Eng. Wiven-
hoe; No'. 6 district, Robert Ohapman Atthill L.Re.p. Schools.
Edin. Great Bentley; No. 7 district, Thomas Stretton A. School Board of 5 members was formed November 3'.
Robson M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond. St. Osyth; No. 8 1893 ; Frederick 1Villiam Clarke. Hannam's hall.
district, Joseph Patrick Dee M.R I North st. Walton- Tendring, clerk to the board; Walter C. Bareham, Littl"
()n-the-Naze RS.O.; No. 8a, district, Percy Coleman Clacton, attendance officer
M.B., RS. Reimore house, Carnarvon road, Clacton- Board School (mixed), built in 1896, for }50 children;.
{)n-Sea; Nos. 9 &; 11 districts, Francis Wheldale Foster average attendance, 12$; Percy Windo, ~ster
L.R.O.P.Lond. Thorpe; No. 10 district, Joseph Singer
Jameson M.D., B.Ch. Manningtree; No. 12 district, Carriers to
Oharles Arthur Squire Ling M.R.C.S.Eng.Brightlingsea Colchester Frederick Moles, passes through man. wed.
Public Vaccinators, Nos. 5 (Elmstead), 6 & 7, Robert &; sat.; Arthur Parker, tues. thurs. &i sat
Chapman Atthill L.R.C.P.FAin. Great Bentley; part of Harwich Arthur Parker, tues. thurs. &. sat
8a (Great Uacton), Percy Goleman M.R, B.S. Reimore Ipswich Charles Lord, tues. returning wed.; Thomas:
house, Oarnarvon road, Clacton-on Sea R.S.O.; No. ,8 Wass, fri
&; part of 8a, (Little Holland), Francil Wheldale Foster Manningtree Charles Lord, tues.; Thomas Wass, fri

Ohalmers William, Hollywood Clarey Alfred, butcher k. farmer Jennings George, gamekeeper to Dur-
Clarke Mrs. The Yews Clarke Frederick William, farm bailiff Tant Edward Ca['dinall esq. Keeper's-
Hervey Geo. Henry Wm. Church house to the Earl of Onslow G.C.M.G. & cottage
Irlam Alifred', New hall assistant overseer & clerk to the Lister Charles, farmer, Brockets
Ives William, Ivy cottage, Lodge lane school ooard, Hannam's hall Manning Charles, jun. farmer, Heath
May WaIter Horatio, The Hall Cook William, butcher, Heath Maskell Jacob, farmer, Grove house
Page Rev. .Arnold Henry M.A., J.P. Crampin Ishmael, carpenter &; shop- (letters through Little Bentley, 001-
Rectory keeper, The Heath chester)
Warberton Piers Elliott, Wolves hall Earney Thos. Hy. beer ret. The Heath Perry George Arthur, grocer & draper,
Windo Perey Fisher Abraham, grocer &; draper, earthenware &; china, boots, patent
CO:M:HERCIAL. The Green medicines, ironmongery, ready made
&bbott George, market gardener &; fa.r- Goby Abraham, beer retailer clothing, drugs &C. Post office
mer, Wolves farm Goddard Arthur, miller (wind &; Simons Herman, parish clerk .
Allison John William, police constable steam), Tendring mills Tricker William, farmer, Hill farm &I
Bacon Benjamin, butcher HockIey William, Crown P.H Brett's Hall farm
Bacon Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Hunt William Charles, blacksmith Wagstaff John, farmer. Pillcox hall
Burden Hy. Jas. ma,ster of workhouse Irlam Alfred, farmer, New hall Webber Charles, market grdnr. Green

TERLING is an ancient parish on the Ter, a feeder of William Rochester esq. ob. 2 Sept. 1558, and his wife
the Chelmer, 3 miles we~t from Hatfield Peverel station Elizabeth, ob. 29 July, 1556; beneath are twelve lines of
on the Colchester line of the Great Eastern railway, English rhyming verse: built into the wall on the inside of
4 south-west from Witham, and 8 south-east of the tower 6re two stones, with inscriptions recording how
Braintree, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham Solomon Monk and Sarah his wife, with others of that
petty sessional division and hundred, Braintree union, family set these stones during the rebuilding ,of the-
Chelmsford county court district and in the rural deanery steeple, May 10 and II, 1732: the south porch is a good
of Witham, archdeaconry of Colchester snd diocese of St. example of tihe wood work O'f the latter part of the 15th
Albans. The church of .All Saints is an ancient structure century: the church was restored in 1856, and the steeple
of flint and brick, partly in the Decorated style, in 19°0: there llire 365 sittings. The register dates from
and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, north the year 1538. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
and south porches, and a western tower with octagonal £254, with 24 acres of glebe and residen.ce, in the gift of
shingled spire containing a clock and 5 bells: in the wall Lord Rayleigh, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Charles
of the .south aisle are two, brasses with effigies, to John Boutflower M.A.. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
Rochester esq. ob. 31 March, 1584, his two wives and Here is a Congregational chapel. There are charities of
twelve children, wi!h l:' Latin inscription in yerse i. and to about £14 yearly, derived from land left by Henry Smith.
A fair is held here on Whit Monday. Terling Place was of land and 15 of wa.ter; rateable value, [2,752; the
once appendant to Ely cathedral, but was separated from population in 1901 was 799.
that see by Willi:am. the Conqueror, who gave it to his FARSLEY is I mile south-east; TER~TTS is 2 mile.
favourite, Ranulph Peveril; in 1269 it was held under south-west.
the Bohuns, Earls of Hereford and Essex, by the Bishop Sexton, George Royce.
of Norwich, who had a palace and park here, besides a
large chapel having privilege of sanctuary, which gave Post, :M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
shelter to the celebrated Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance office.-William
in the reign of King Henry Ill. from which, however, he Thurgood, sub-postmaster. Letters received from
was taken and conveyed a prisoner to the Tower; it was Witham, d-elivered at 7.15 a.m . .& callers at 12.25 p.m.
also a residence of King Henry VIII. and several acts of &; on sundays at 7.35 a.m.; dispatched at 12.25 &; 7
this king are dated from Terling, particularly the patent p.m. Pillar Box, QpPQsite the vicarage, cleared at 6.30
creating Sir Edward Seymour Viscount Beauchamp, Oct. p.m.; sundays, 11 a.m
16th, 1536, in which year he gave his manor to Lord Schools.
Chancellor Audley. The house, built by the late John National (mixed), built in 1814, for 120 children, with an
Strutt esq. sometime M.P. for Maldon, is now the seat of average attendance of 112; the school has an endow·
his descendant John William (Strutt), 3rd Baron Ray- ment of £19 yearly, arising from a rent-charge on
leigh LL.D., D.C.L., F.R,S. lord-lieut. of the county, and Troyes farm, left by Joseph Holden Strutt, for the
is very pleasantly situated in 'a park of 200 acres, inter- eduoation of 10 boys; Albert Edward King, master
sected by the river Ter and surrounded by extensive Infants', built by Lord Rayleigh, for 60 chuuren; average
woods with stately forest trees. Lord Rayleigh is lord of aUendance, 40; Miss Annie Godfrey, mistress
the manor and chief landowner. The land is principally Carriers.-Edward Thurgood, to Witham, daily; Brain·
BI'able; subsoil, clay and gravel. The area is 3,127 acres tree, wed.; Owen Wood, tQ Chelmsford, fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Girling Henry, draper Smith Elijah, farm bailiff to Lord
Rayleigh Lord LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Godfrey Henry, head gardener to Rayleigh, Terling hall
D.L., J.J'. Terling Place; 10 Down- Lord Rayleigh Sayers Thomas, general dealer
ing st. & Athenreum club,LondonSW Guilder Tamar (Mrs.), baker Terling Coffee House (Jub (Henry
Boutflower Rev. Chas. M.A. Vicarage Howard Thomas, thrashing machine Isted, sec.; Alfred Wager, managr)
Brown Duncan D. Ringers proprietor & agricultural machinist Terling Provident Society Limited
Davidson Rev. William (Gong) Humphreys }<'red R. blacksmith (John Brant, manager)
Dodd A. G. Brooklands Isted Henry, estate clerk Thurgood Charles, farmer
Goodday Augustus, l'llew house Lever John Thomas, clerk of the Thurgood Charles, gamekeeper to Lord
Gordon George works, Lord Rayleigh's estate &;, sur- Rayleigh, Maddock hall
COMMEBCIAL. veyor to Messrs. Strutt & Parker Thurgood Rewit, carrier
Bright John, farm bailiff to Lord Ray- Loker Frederick J. baker &; corn dealr Thurgood William, shopkeeper &; fal
leigh, Three Ashes Martin &; Bonner,millers (wind&steam) mer, Post office
Bright William, wheelwright, smith &; Martin Charles, farm bailiff to Mr. W. Wager Alfred, tobacconist
undertaker Wright, Dobbs croft. \Vhiffen Edward, brewer &; wine &I
Chapman Arth. beer retailer & bricklyr Palmer Thomas David, farm bailiff to spirit merchant, oyster merchant i&;
Church David, farmer Lord Rayleigh, Fardings Rayleigh Arms P.H
Eve William, boot maker Richardson Chas. farmer, Great Loys Wood John, farmer, Sparrows
Franklin William Robert, shopkeeper Russell J osiah, shopkeeper &; farmer Wood Owen, carrier &:; farmer
&; beer retailer Smith Charles, carpenter &; builder

GREAT TEY in the loth century belonged to Algar, Edward Godfrey l\LA. of Clare College, Cambridge, the
~arl of Mercia: it is a village and parish on the river sinecure rectory, held from 1854 to 1891 by the Rev.
Roman, 3 miles north-west from Marks Tey station on the William Walsh, having passed into the hands of the Eccle-
main line of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west from Col- siastical Commissioners. Here is a charity of about £20
chester and 4 north-east from Coggeshall, in the Eastern yearly, derived from 13 acres of land, left by S. Hill esq.
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Wins- in the reign of Elizabeth. There is also a charity of
tree petty sessional division and union, Colchester county about £18 yearly, al'ising from rents of cottages given
(}Ourt district, and in the rural deanery of Halstead, arch- by the Rev. W. WaIsh M.A. late rector. A pleasure fair
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of Rochester. The is held here on Trinity Monday and Tuesday. The repre.
Roman river rises in the parish. The ancient church of sentative of the late Mrs. Mury F. Reeve owns the manor
St. Barnabas, standing on an eminence, is a building of and principal land. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, loam
etone, consisting of chancel, small transepts and a western and clay. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The
tower of Norman date, erected in the IIth century, and area. is 2,795 acres; rateable value, £2,519; the popula·
(lontaining 8 bells; the tower was restored and the bells tion in 1901 was 578.
re-framed and re-hung in 18 97, at a cost of £600: the TEY CROSS is I mile north-west; P.A.TTOCK GREEN.
lower sta~e of the tower forms a porch: the nave and half a. mile north.
:aisles were pulled down in 1829: in 1902 the ohurch was Sexton, William Hermon.
thoroughly restored at a cost of about £1,300, when a
-stained east window was presented by Mrs. Rachael Post Office.-Frooerick Eley, sub-postmaster. Letters
Watson Ray: there are 195 sittings. The register of arrive from Kelvooon R8.0. at 9. 20 a.m. & are dis-
baptisms and marriages dates from 1559; burials, 1560, patched at 6.15 p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
and is in goad condition. The living is a vicarage, net but not paid. 'rhe nearest money order &; telegraph
yearly value £200, with residence and 8 acres of glebe, office is at Marks Tey, 3 miles distant
in the gift of Mrs. William Walsh, of Grimblethorpe Hall, National Scliool (mixed), built in 1872, for 150 children;
Louth, Lincolnshire, and held since 1891 by the !Rev. average attendance, 100; Jehn J. Wills, master
Carter Henry Richard, Old vicarage Cousins Charles, farmer, Abrams farm Percival George, farmer, New Barn
Godfrey Rev. Edward M.A. Vicarage Eady William, beer retailer, Broad grn Rayner George, frmr. Cherry Orchard
Leigh Mrs. Walcotts house Firmin Emma (Mrs.), Chequers P.R SadIer John, carpenter, Broad green
COMKBBCIAL. Hawes John Arthur, Windells farm Sharp James, fa,rmer, Uphall farm &;
Bickmore Thos. farmer, Flories farm Rellen Frank, Eight Bells P.H Warrens
Browning Eliza. Smith {Mrs.), farmer, Ketley Arthur, farmer, Buckleys farm Smith Albt. Edwd. blcksmth.&;wheelw1i
Elm farm King Fredk. blacksmith, Chappel road Smith WaIter, frmr. Lambert's farm
Chaplin Jabez, boot &; shoe maker Leatherdale James, threshing mll- Theedom Henry Jas. grocer &; draper
Church John Hy. farmer, Bett's, farm chine proprietor Webb Fred,grocer &; draper,Chappel rd
L"ITTLE TEY is a parish close fu the &man road The church of St. James is a small building of stone,
from <Jolchester (Camalodunum) to St. Albans (Veru- consisting of chancel and nave and a small wooden tower
lamium), 11 miles west from the Marks Tey station on at the west end eontaining I bell: the south door is
the JIWin line of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west frC'm Norman: there are roo sittings. The Rev. Eras-
Colchester, and 2 north-east from Coggeshall, in the mus Laud, rectQr here 1641, rebuilt the par-
Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden sonage house and barn and is chiefty memorabl8
and Winsrtree petty Il!essional division and union, Col- on account of the cruel usage he received from
chester county court district and in the rural deanery of the Colchester mob, merely, as is supposed, from his
Halstead. archdeaconry .,.f Colchester and diocese of St. bearing the same name as Archbishop Laud. The
Albans. The hamlet of Surrex in Feering parish. about register date. from the year 1660. The living is a rec-
r mile from Coggeshall. was united to LitJtll' Tey for tory, net yearly value £96, including 19 acres of
ecclesiastical .purposea only by Order in Council in 1854. glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held since 1890

by the Bev. Joseph Robert Triphook D.D. of Trinity Col- Sexton, L. Blackwell
lege, Dublin, and chapIain to the Lexden and Winstree
Union. The Rev. George Pawson, rector here from 1805, Letters through Colchester arrive at 'about 9 a.ID.·
left £200, the interest of which is annually distributed &; 3·30 p.m.; dispatched the same time. The nearest
in coals to the poor. The trustees of the late John Watson money order &; telegraph office is at Marks Tey, 2 miles
Lay esq. are lords of the manor and principal bndowners. distant. Nearest post office at Great Tey, I mile distant
The soil is loam and clay; sulbsoil, clay. The chief crops The children of this village attend the school at Marks
are wheat and barley. The area is 343 acres; rateable Tey
value, £368; the population in 1901 was 69'
Triphook Rev. Jos'eph Robert D.D. Rectory . Wilsher J ames. farm bailiff to Frederick Wilson esq
posford John, farmer, Godbolts
MARKS TEY, so called from a family of De Mark, by trustees of the la.te Mr. Arthur 'Vilson and Mrs. Edward
whom it was held under the Mandevilles, is a village and Fincham. The soil is rich loam and clay' subsoll, gravel
parish adjoining Little Tey, with 6 ~tation on the Great and fiue sa.Id. The chief crops are ("orn,beans and roots.
East,ern railway, which i.: the junction for Bures, Sud- The area is 1,179 acres; rateable value, E5,942; and the
bury and for the C{llne Valley line, and is 5 miles west pepulation in 1902 was 5 IQ in the civil and 550 in th&
from Oolchester, 4 east from Coggeshall and 46! miles ecclesiastical parish.
from London, in 1he Eastern division of the county, Lex- LONG GREEN and POTTS GREEN are to the south-
den hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional west.
division and union, Colchester county court district
and in the rural deanery of Halstead. archdeaconry By Local Government Board Order 22,363, dated March
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The church 24, 18'89, The Lilnes and adjoining cottages were trans-
of St. Andrew is a building of rubble and flint, ferred from Marks Tey to Aldham.
erected in the 13th century, and consisting of chan- Sexton, George Cable.
eel, nave,
o b II south. hporchb and ha wooden 1 tower contain- _ .0. & TOT
P os t , M . . , .M. .0, . S .B, E D eI'lvel'y,
lllg l e : It as een t orough y restored at a Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Geo. War-
cost of £,1,200, and affords 200 sittings, The registers ren, sub-postmaster. Letters through Colchester ar-
dat.e from the year 15 60 . The living is a rectory, net rive at 7. 15 a.m. & 12.45 p.m. & to, callers at 4.3C>
yearly value £121, with residence and 3 2 acres of glebe, in d' t hed t & 6 '..1

h 'f d I Id . b h
t e gl t of ,an le sIllce 1878 y t e Rev. ·Wm. Morgan p.m. ; lspac a 1.45, 4,20 ·45 p.m.; sUTlc.ays,
J ones. P rovldence 'h' . 10.10 a.m
Haptlst c apel IS III the London road. Postal Telegraph Office. open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Marks Tey Hall, the seat {If Thomas Ambrose eHI· nnd week days only & from 8 till 10 a.m. on sundays
now a farmhouse, in the occupation of Mr. Fras. Barritt,
stands on the south of London road; part {If the moat National School (mixed), built in 1866, &, enlarged 1898~
still remains. The principal landowners are Thomas for 160 children; average attendance, 140; Robert Jas.
Ambrose esq. who is lord of the manor, Byles' trustees, Stone, master; Mrs. Stone, mistress
Round's trustees, Fred~'rick 'William ""Yilson esq. the Railway Station, Arthur Green, station master
Chaplin Mrs Blackwall Elijah, Trowel &; Hammer Garrett S. J. & Co. maltsters;
Chapman Thomas P.R Gray rv[atthew, fnnr. Broom's farm
Collier William Roman, Coley Caudwell & Clowe·s, physicians & sur- Hartley Henrr, farmer
J{lnes Rev. William Morgan, Rectory geons; &; at Coggeshall King Albert, bakp,r, London road
Purchas Thomas Church Charleo:, fnrmer. Motts farm Martin Robert (Mrs.), Red Lion P.R
Stebbings Thomas, The Villa Collier William Homan, red, Partridge Owen, blacksmith
Tompson Charles R. The Limes white & stock hrick, also tile & Polley John, farmer
Warren Herbert Frederick pipe manufacturer, Marks Tey brick Ridgewell John, Prince of Wales F.H
Wilson Frederick William. Ivy house works. See ad"ertisement Wagstaff Thos. Philip, frmr.Church fro
COMMERCIAL. Fincham Edward (Mrs.), farmer, Long Warren Geo. grcr. & sub-postmaster
Green farm Wilscm Frederick Wil:iam, farmer &
Barritt Francis, farmer. Marks Tey hll French Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper corn &; seed merchant
~erry Charles T. coal dealer French Geo. carpenb.~r &; wheelwright
THAXTEJ) is an ancient town and parish, situated paintings in that aisl\" are of the reign of Edwara IV. and
near ,the source of the Chelmer. on the road from Chelms- the chancel with its aisles was huilt by thllt monarch
ford to Saffron Walden, 7 miles north-east from Elsen- himself, in or about 1465; the font has an enric~led
ham station on the Cambridge section. and 7 south-east spire-like cover, and portions of the beantifully carved
from Saffron Walden station on the Audley End branch of choir stalls may be seen in the semen now inclosing the
the Great Eastern railway, 7 n01'th from Dunmow, 14 tower arch. also relics of the fine 'stained !!lass with
from Braintree. 19 from Chelmsford. 30 from Colchester, which the windows were once filled: on the north door is-
42 from Southend and 42 from London: the parish is in a brass plate inscribed" Orate p. aiab Henrici Boyton et
the Northern division of the county, Dunmow hundred. Johis." and in the north transept the figure and arms of
petty sessional division, union and county court district the Earl of :March; ther0 is also the _figure in brass of no
and in the rural deanery of Dunmow, 'Ilrchdeaconry of priest in vestments, 1;;. 1450, and inscribed memorials to
Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The town was formerly the Rev. Robert Barnard M.A. vicar here for nearly 50
a borough, incorporated by chnrter from Philip and years, d. 26 June, 1726, his wife Anne, d. July 9, 1681,
Mary; the charter was confirmed by Queen Elizabeth ~nd others: on the church are several crosses and on the-
and again with additions by James 1. but I1:he corporation eallt wall and on the nol'lth porch are carvings of the-
was extinguished in the quo warranto persecution of "Crucifixion": the oak lectern, presented in 1896, as a
James il. in 1687. The town is lighted with gas. The memorial to the Rev. George Ed. Symonds, for 33-
parish church of St. Mary the Virgin, St. John the Bap- years vicar: t1le church is about 183 feet long by 87
tist and St. Lawrence. is a large and fine structure of flint wide, and has 600 sittings. The register dates from the
with stone dressings, in the late Perpendicular style, the year 1538. The Hvingl i,s a vicarage, net yearly value
whole fabric being embattled and supported by strong £369, with residence, in the gift of the Countess of War-
buttresses, terminating in canopied niches: the building wick, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Leonard Sedgwick
consists of chancel and nave, each with aisles, south vrestall, of Queen's College, Cambridge. The Baptist
transept. north and south porches, much enriched, and a chapel, in Park street, erected in 1832, will seat about
western tower with crocketed spire. 'strengthened by fly- 400 persons. The Congregational chapel, in Bolford
ing buttresses, the total height of tower and spire being street, founded in 1685, was rebuilt in 1705 and 1771.
181 feet; the tower contains 8 bells and a clock: in 1814 and altered in 1828; the present building was erected in
the spire was struck by lightning' and the rebuilding in 1857. and has 950 sittings: opposite is a lecture hall.
1821 cost upwards of £1.000: although the style of this' seating 350 persons. Samuel Purchas RD. of St. John's
church, generally speaking, is Perpendicular, the pillars Colleg-e, Cambridge" the aut,hor of the t'Wo curious
and arches seem to belong to an earlier date, apparently and interestin~ books calleJ " Purchas: h1s Pil-
the latter part of Henry ill. or the beginning of Edward grimage ; or, Relations of the Wnrld and the Religious
L's reign: the south aisle and transept were probably, Observances of all Ages" and "Purchas: his Pilgrimmes,"
completed in the timf3 of Edw'lrd Ill.; subsequently the was born here in 1577: entering the Church he became
south porch was added and about 1337, or rather later. chaplain to Archbishop Abbott and published the first
the north transept and north aisle were begun by Edmund of these works in 1613 and the second in 1625: he was
iMortimeT. 5th and last Ea~~l of March and Earl of Ulster, highly esteemed for hIS learning, piety and faithful dis-
great uncle of Eaward IV. who succeeded to the manor charge of his duties, but eventually died in poverty and
of Thaxted, aDd also erected the tower and spire, but the I distress caused by the expenses of publishing his books,
and ~s buried. 30th September, 1626, at St. Martin's,
Lndgate, in the City of London, of which church he was
half south; BOYTON END, a mile and a
YARDLEY FARM, mile north-west.
half north;
then rector. The Guildhall, built in the reign of James Parish Clerk, WaIter Charles Whi!te.
I. is now used for parish purposes; the old council Sexton, William Speller.
cha~ber as ~ reading ro~m and the upper ~hamber for Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M~ 0'1 S. B., Express Delivery,
pa:r;ls~ meetmgs; there 1S also. a. lock-up m the same Parcel Poot &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Mrs.
buil~~g used by .the county police. The total.amount of Florence L. Barrett, sUb-postmistress, Watling street.
charItIes for varlOUS was at one t1~e about Letters arrive by mail cart from Dunmow at 7.45 a.m.
£1,000 yearly, but ha~ materIally decreased, owmg .to the &; 1.40 p.m. &; delivered between 8 &; 9 a.m. &; 1.40
depressed state of agrl~mltur~, and th~ ~ross value IS now p.m. &; dispatched at 8 a.m. &; 4.50 p.m. Bag made up
about £450. Yardley s chanty, condltlOnally becp~eathed at 4.45 p.m. The box ~s always open. On sundays,
temp. ~enry VU. by. T~omas .Yeredele, w~s. reallzed on delivered: at 7.40 a.m.; dispatched at II a.m
the ,faIlure of all hIS Issue In 149 8 :, second Wall Letter Boxes. Bardfield Ends green cleared at
Baron Maynard, by will, in 16 9 8, left £4,000 for various 4. 10 p.m.; Monks street, 8 a.m. &; 5 p.m '
charitable objects. A pleasure fair is held on the Mon- . .
day before Whit Monday and another on the loth of . PU~hc Es~ablishments. . .
August for ca.ttle. Horham Hall, about 2 miles sOUJth- County Police StatIon, FIsh street, Wllliam Pratley,
west, is a fine castellated edifice partly covered . sergea~t; Ern~st Thompson, constable .
with ivy, and almost surrounded by a moat: FIre Engme StatIOn, Bolford street, W. C. WhIte, supt
it was built by Sir John Cutts kt. who died in 1520; and Public Officers
at rthat time it was of much larger dimensions than at . .
present: but one wing and the chapel were taken down ASSIstant Overseer &; Collector of Poor Rates, Thomas
about the middle of the last century and other portions W.oodley ,Brand, T0'Y n stre~t . .
in the years 1841 and 18 43: the large and lofty banquet- MedIcal Office! &; PublIc Vacema:tor! ISt DIstrIct, S~ron
ing hall contains pictures by Gainsborough Kneller Sal- Walden Umon &; Thaxted DIstrIct, DUIUIl;OW Dmon,
' 1 d: d Hugh Sherrard Tarrant M.D. Aldboro' house, Park st
d k K uff
vator Rosa, Van yc, a man, and G . Mol' an , an R . t f B' th &; D th f Th~ t d S b d" t . t'
' much f urm't ure 0f th e I 6th cent ury: th'IS was th e
there IS egls
:F drar. k0 Ed11" dsBe'tta sW or tli "x
t e t u - IS rIc ,
residence of the Princess Elizabeth during part of the re erlC war Tl on, a ng s ree
reign of Queen Mary, and she subsequently visited it Schools.
when queen in 1571; the apartment used by her as a A School Board of 5 members was f01'1lled 22 May, 1878;
bedroom is panelled in oak, and has a covered roof: the St~phen Gifford, Great Dunmow, clerk to the board;
Hall is now the property of the trustees of the late Burton, Dunmow, attendance officer
Francis George West esq. and is occupied by Launcelot Bom'd School, built in 1880, for II5 boys, Il7 girls &.
Cranmer-Byng esg. The trustees of the late Francis ISO infants; average llIttendance, 96 boys, 91 girls &.
George West esq. who are lords of the manor, Guy's 67 infants;" Leonard ~. Bunting, master; Mis~ Ellen
HospirtaJ. and the Countess of Warwick are the chief Archer, mIstress; MISS Arabella Quantock, mfants'
landowners. The SQil is heavy; subsoil, gravel and mistress
clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The Carriers to.-
area is 6,24° acres of land and '12 of water; rateable London George Coe, from ,his house, N ewbiggin street..
value, £5,487; the population in 1901 was 1,659' to ;\;he "Saracen's Head," Aldgate, every thursday
MONK STREET is I mile south; BARDFIELD END morning, returning saturday
GREEN, I mile east; CUTLER'S GREEN, I mile west; Elsenham Station William. Rogers, Newbiggin street,
RICHMONDS GREEN, a mile and half south-east; 7.40 a.m. &; 4.30 p.m. daily
HORHAM, a mile and half south-west; DAIRY GREEN, Dunmow--George Tyrrell, jun. from his house, Mile
I mile south-west; SIBLEY'S GREEN, a mile and a end, tues. thurs. &; sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Francis George, Town street TIett Thomas Mason, Franklin villa.,
Andrews Mordecai Charles, Park st Franklin Alexander, Park farm Newbiggen street
Barnard Miss, Newbiggen street Franklin .Arthur, Town street Mackenzie Morell, Watling street
Barnard Mrs. Newbiggen street Franklin Douglas Thomas, Yew cot- Pattenden Misses
Bennett .Toseph, Thaxted lodge tage, Mill end Tan'ant Hugh Sherrard M.D. Aldboro'
Bennett William, Bridge street Franklin Miss, Town street house, Pa!'k street
Britton Mrs. D. Watling street. Franklin Thomas, Watling street Tredgett .Tohn, Clay pits
Crahh Miss, Newbiggen street Franklin Mrs. William, Town street Turner Mrs. Mill End
Cranmer-Byng Hugh, Horham hall Goacher Rev. William (Baptist), New- Tyler Benjamin, Watling street
Cranmer-Byng Launcelot, Horham hall biggen street Westall Rev. Leonard Sedgwick, Vic-
Duke Miss, Town street Hockley Miss, Newbiggen street arage

COMMERCIAL. Brook Frederick, farmer, Bardfield End green

Andrews Mordecai C. brewer &; maltster,farmer &; wool Burrows Harry, farmer, Hunts farm
dealer, Park street Cannon Samuel, fal'lD bailiff to Sir WaIter Gilbey bart.
Archer George, butcher, Newbiggin street Terriers
Audus Arthur, grocer & draper & insur. agt. Tow street Caryer Frederick, King's Head P.B. Watling street
Barclay &; 00. Ltd. (E. B. Thomas, manager), bankers; Chaffer Daniel, Iellmonger &; woolstapler, Town stre6Ju
open fridays 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. Wailing street; draw Clunas .Tohn, chemist & druggist, Town street
on head office, 54 Lombard street, London E C Coe George, carrier, Newbiggin Etreet
Barker .Tohn, Prudential Assurance agent, Fish street Cornell George, Saracen's Head P.H. ]\fill end
Barker Raynor, blacksmith, Bolford street County Police Station (Willi,am PratLey, sergeant;
Barker Richard, beer retailer, B'ardfield End green Erne.;t 'l'hompson, constable), Town street
Barltrop Reuben, blacksrrrith, Cutler's green Cowell George, farm bailiff to Sir W. Gi1bey bart.
Barnard Frederick, farmer &; hay dealer, Totman's Blunts farm
Barnard John Thomas, farmer, Copthall Crisp .Toseph (Mrs.), farmer, House hall
Barnard Robert, farmer & wool dealer, Parsonage Day Arthur. baker, Town street
Barrett Saml. &; Son, grocers &; china dlrs. Newbiggin st Dennis Charles, fancy shop, Bull ring
Bass Arthur, farmer, Dairy green Elliott Fredel'ick John, infants' millinerv mfr. T01Vn st

Bass William, farm bailiff to Edmund Henry TIott esq. Everitt Charles, shoe maker, Mill end
Water hall Fire Engine Station (W. C. White, supt.), BoUord st
Bennett Joseph, farmer, Thaxted lodge Francis Samuel, poulrtry dealer &; carrier, Cutler's green
Bennett William, commercial traveller, Bridge street Franklin &; Son, auctioneers &; estate agts. Watling st
Borrow Nicholas, farmer, .Armigers Franklin Alexander, farmer, Park farm
Bowtell Sarah Ann (Mrs.), furniture dealer &; ironmonger, Franklin Thomas insurance agent, Watling street
Town street Freeman George, farmer, Dove House farm
Brand Thomas Woodley, assistant overseer &; collector of Freeman Henry, farmer, Hammar hill
rates & taxes, Town street Greenwood Alfred, farmer, Bardfield Ends green
Bright Frederick, blacksmith & farmer, Mill end Grout Belsham., builder & undertaker, Town street
Bright Thomas, Cock inn, Town street Hannay Thomas, Star P.H. Mill end
Bri't'ton Frederick Ed'Nard, butcher & registrar of Harvay Alfred, farmer, Bardfield End green
births &; deaths, Thaxted sub-distriot, Dunmow union, EJarvey William, farmer, Miller's farm, Bardfield End grn
Watling street Harvey William, jun. farmer, Goldings
Britton Herbert, saddler &; harnl,1ss maker, Town 'street Jackson Arthur, Swan hotel
Brook .Toseph, farmer, Yardley hall Jackson Philip, beer retailer &; shopkeeper, Cutler's gm

Jeffrey John, farmer, Tbe Rails Seabrook Herbert G. insurance agent

Ketteridge William, farmer, Boyton end Small Richard, Sun inn, Mill end
I.Janham Charle,s, farm bailiff t.o John Spencer esq. Smit.h Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer, Newbiggen street
Causeway end Steele, far=er, Gladwyns
Lawrance Robt. draper &; grocer &; ironmonger, Town st Stone Herbert Charles, baker, Newbiggen street
Lee George, wholesale confectioner, Mill end Tannen Joseph William &; Sons (Andrew Foster, =an-
Legerton Joseph, farmer, The Gravel pits &; Hill farm ager), gr,ocers &; drapers &; agents for W. &; A. Gilbey
Linsdell Thomas, shoe maker, Fish street Li=ited, wine &; spirit merchants, Town street
Lowe Harry, miller (wind) &; corn factor, Mill end Tarrant Hugh Sherrard M.D., B.Ch. &; B.A.O.Dub. sur-
Mackenzie Morell L.R.O.P. surgeon, Watling street geon &; =edical officer &; public vaccinator, Thaxted
Mansfield John, farmer, Lower farm, Cutler's green district, Dun=ow union, &; 1St district Saffron Walden
Mead Henry, Rose &; Crown P.H. Mill end union, Aldboro' house, Park street
Metson Henry, farmer, Monk street Thaxted Consumers' Gas Company Limited (Henry Jas.
Munson Alfred John, baker, Newbiggen street French, =anager), Park street
Nevitt Lydia (Mrs.), tailoress, Newbiggen street Townsend Willia=, maltster &; farmer, Town street
Nott Henry, beer retailer, Newbiggen street Tredgett John, far=er, Claypits; Blue barn &; Piggott's
Pattenden Ada >& Em=eline (Misses), girls' private &; Hunt's charity lands
school, Town street TyIer Peter (exors. of), Goddard's &; Prond's farms
Pascoe William, farmer, Rails far=, TIardfield End green Tyrrell George, carrier, Mill end
Ratcliff Orlando E=anuel, plu=oer &; builder, Town st Webb Tho=as, watch =aker, Mill end
Ratcliff Percy, builder, Town street White Walter, shopkeeper, Watling street
Reading Room (T. W. Brand, sec.), Guildhall 'White WaIter Charles, coal dealer &; parish clerk,
Bogers William, wheelwright &; fly propr. Newbiggen st &; bicycle agent, Watling street
Rolph George Hurrull, castra-tor &; beer retailer, Monk st Whitwell Richard, grocer &; provision dealer, Town street
:Savill John, farmer, Sibley green Wilkinson Georg-e, bill poster, Park street
;Saville Joseph, baker, Town street Wright Frederick, Fox &; Hounds P.H. Saffron Walden I'd
'THEYDON, BOrS (or Thoyden Bois) is a parish left by Mrs. Elizabeth Wild; the purchase of
!bounded by the Roding and the highway from London £983 l7s. 6d. was effected with the above-mentioned
to Ongar, a consid."rable portion of which consists of sum, and the invest=ent now (I 90'2) stands in the
'forest land-whence the adjunct; it has a station on the namt's of the Rev. G. Victor Oollie,r, Mr. Gerald Buxton
Ongar branch o~ the Great Eastern railwa.y, 2 =iles and :\lr. Peter ~Iitchell; t,he interest, duty free, a=ount-
south from Eppmg, 6 south-west from Ongar and IS ing- to £29, is distributed ,"vith the annual rent of Theydon
'from London, in the Western division of the county, Mead, together with £2 payable yearly from the Elwes
Ul.gar hundred, Epping union and petty sessional divi- estate; part is given to poor widows and the remainder
sion, Wal~ham Abbey county court district, Lambourne to the general poor; there are also four almshouses,
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans founded in 1753 by Benjamin Smart esq. then lord of
diocese. The Essex and Herts Water Company's mains the manor, for poor people. In 1893 a drinking fountain
extend here. The church of St. Mary, an edifice of red 'was erected near the church by Mrs. Moss in memory of
brick and stone in the Early English style, occupies the her husband. Gerald Buxton esq. J.P. who is lord of
site of the forme- church, begun in July, l843. co=- the =anor, Henry John Elwe,s esq. of Cole-sborn Park,
pleted in April and consecrated, June 5th, 1844; but m Cheltenha=, F. G. Debenham esq. and W. S. Chisenhale.
consequence of its unsoundness of construction, it was Marsh esq. of Ga~es Park, are the pl"incipal landowners.
found necessary to takr. it down in 1850, after standing John Strype M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, the well-
.only six years; the present edifice, of which Sydney known eCClesiastical historian, was vicar here from 1669;
S=irke esq. was th~ architect, consists of chancel, nave, he subsequently 'held for 66 years the vicarage of Low
north vestry and a western tower with spire containing Leyton, and afterwards the sinecure of Terling and the
.1' clock and 3 bells, and was opened for Divine service lectureship of Hackney, where he died I I December,
on Sundav, February 9th, 1851: the east window is a 1737. The notorious miser, John Elwes esq. who sat in
memurial to the Rev. Geo. Hambleton, 32 years vicar of parliament, for some time as member for Berks, also
this parish, d. 3 Feb. 1874; there is another, presented lived occasionally at Theydon Hall, then his property, but
'by Mrs. Mo,ss, 1893, in memory of her husband, one pre- died at- Marcham, Berks, 26 Nov. 1789. The soil is
"senied by John C. Powell esq. in 1894, and at,hers to mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat. harley,
Miss 'rattersall; Miss Buss, Head ~'1istress of the North I;roots &c. The area is 2,176 acres of land and 5 of
"London Collegiate School for Girls; and Capt. H. Mann, water; rateable value, £5,832; the population in 1901 was
of '.rhorneycroft's· Mounted Infantry, killed in South 937, and of the ecclesiastical parish in 1901. 1,257,
Africa in 1900: the church contains a few interesting Parish Clerlr, William J. Pearce.
=u1'al monu=ent,s, and a curious old painting of the Post, M. O. &; T. 0., S. n. Express Delivery & Annuity
"Royal Arms," bearing the initials J. R. (James 1.); &; Insurance Office.-.Tohn Cottee, sub-postmaster.
the interior was thoroughly restored and decorated in Letters arrive at 7.10 &; 9.20 a.m. &; 7.30 p.m. from
1887 and again in 19°1: there are about 200 sittings: Epping; dispatched at 8.50 &; 10.55 a.m. 2·45 &; 7.25
the old church, dating from the middle of the 15th p.m.; sundays, 10 a.=
century, was situated half wav between Theydon and Pillar Boxes.-Forest Side, cleared at 7.30 &; II.45 a.m.
Abridge. The chUiI"ohyard remains, but the fabric has &; 3.25 &; 7 p.m.; sundays, IQ.30 a.m. Piercing Hill,
wholly disappeared. The register dates from 1717 only, cleared at 6-45 &; 1II.25 a.m. &; 3.5 &; 6,45 p.m.; sun-
the oldest register books having been stolen. The living day,;, 10.10 a.m. Coppice row. cleared at 7 & ILIO
is a vicarage, net yearly value £200, with residence and a.=. & 2.55 &; 6.50 p.m.; sundays, '10.5 a.=
5 acres of glebe, in the gift Qof Gerald Buxton esq .•T.P. Police Station, Alfred Edward Barrow, constable in charge
and held since 1901 by the Rev. Georg-e Victor Collier National School (mixed), built in 1840, for 120 children;
B.A. of the Royal Universit.y of Ireland. The Baptist average attendance, 1I2; Mi,ss Emily Glover, mistress
Chapel here was built in 1894. Here is a charity of Railway Station, William Basford, I!tation master
PRIVA.TB ltESlDENTS. Evitt John,The Bungalow, Loughton la Phillips Miss, Rose villa
Alderson Ohristr. Alderson, Forest ldg Farish Robe1't ,"Vayland, The Poplars Powell John Dowding, Orofton lodge
AlIen Charles Hedley, Larkhill Fitt Arthur, 3 Manor villas Read Frederick Heorge, Rose cottage,
Baggally Frank Thoma.s, Park view Gillies Mrs. M. Wooclberry TheydlJll park
Ball Richard Francis, Theydon copt Glasscock Wallace, Longworth Seymour Michael, Edgerley cottage
Bennett Reginald: Hitrcourt, The Gray John Combe, Theydon park Shenstone Alfred Geo. Burleigh house
Ohestnuts Gwyer S. Edward, Westwood Simon Max, Fernside
Broxup Wm. Henry, Red Oaks estate Humphreys Mrs. Sutton lodge Skinne'r Charles Weeding, Wansfell
Burtsal Henry John, Red Oaks Johns Frank Wood Mackelca.n,Watling- Sorrell In. Brockett J. Theydon grn
Buxton Gerald J.P. Birch hall ton house Stammers Charles Hy. Theydon pllll'k
Carson .Toseph, Pine mount Jones Mrs. 7 Manor villas Swinburne Mrs. Roseleigh
Cartland Tho=as J. Tbeydon hall Keysell Miss, Ivy chimneys Triggs Henry, Oak grove
Cleverly Stephen James, Bellevue, King Edwin .A.lbert, Purlieu Walke,r Albt. Wm. Burton, rrheydon pk
Theydon park Kingsbury WilIiam, Birdstown house West Arthur Anderson, Clyst house
Cliff Joseph, Theydon park McNicoll Samuel Stitt, Delaford cot Worsley Charles Kenyon, Springfield
Collier nev. George Victor B.A.(vicar), Martin Richard, Theydon lodge Worsley Herbert. Hill crest
VicarllJge May William, Hopemount
Debenham Horace Bentley, Thrifts hall Moss Arthur Curtis, Oakdene COMMEltCUL.
DevIin Art-bur Edwd. 2 Manor villas Osborne Tho=as, Braeside Austin Frank Hol=an, householder.
Dinn Edwd. George, I Manor villas reniston Alexander Henry, Lyndhurst Baldocks
Avila George Frederick, farmer, They- Jones Edwin Josiah, farmer, -& clerk Reid James,farm bailiff to Geraldl Bux-
don Hail farm of P.a.rish Council, Blunt',s farm ton esg. Birch Hall farm
Baker John Simeon, householder,They- Keen Thos.& Sons,buildrs.Coppice row Riggs Retreat, tea. gardens & refresh-
don green Keen Thomas, farmer, Elm farm ment rooms
Barrow Alfred Edwd. police constable Keen Wm. househohler, Theydon park Roe Olarence, clerk, Theydon villa
Eirch William, gardener to Gerald McMurray William, Bull inn; noted Rose George, boot maker,Coppice row
Buxton esg for finest wines & spirits; fly pro- Saban Thomas Walter, florist
Carson \Ym. farmr.Crystal Brook farm prietor, livery &; bait stables; even Sayer J oseph, plumber
Glayden Wm. househldr. WO'burn av accommodation for beanfeasts, cr- Scragg Ralph Davies, apartments, W 0-
Cottee In. blacksmith & sub-postmstr clists, small & large tea parties &c burn avenue
Oottee Sidney, cycle maker Mansfield Ohrist:iana (Mrs.), baker i& Smith Harry, horse dealer, The Green
Dadd: Fredrerick Charles, refreshment corn dealer Smith J ames, beer retailer & oarUlIlU,
rQo~s, Sycamore cottage Maynard David, fishmonger The Green
Dawkins Amos, wheelwright Maynardi Elias William, carter, Ches- Spruzen Arthur, nurseryman
Dossett George William, refreshment nut cottage, Coppice row Theydon Bois Cricket Club (C. H. Mc-
rooms, Forest retreat Maynard William, jobma,ster & woo-d Murray, sec)
Fisher J am es, beer retailer dealer, Hillside Todd Ernest Lewis, boot & shoe mkr.
Gearing Percy, Wake Arms inn Mitchell Peter, coal & hav merchant Coppice row
Giblett James, farmer, The Green & farmer, Parsonage farm. Walker AlbertWilliam Burton,organist
Giblett WaIter, farmer, Blackacre frm Morgan Jas. refreshment rooms, Oak of Parish Church, They<fun parK
Gooch Frederick, jobbing gardener, Hill Farm house Walker James Knib, carpenter, They-
Woburn avenue Nunn Samuel Edgar, coal merchanrt; don park
Griffiths Richard, beer retailer depot, Station y'ard! Wells George Edward, householder,
Gussin Sarah Jane (Miss), shopkeepr Palmer Henry George,Forest Gate P.H The Croft
Havers Hy. gardener to Mrs. Jones, 1 Parish Da,vid, beer retailer Whitbread Jas.jobbing grdnr.Green vw
Manor cottages Parish Geo. jobbing gdnr. Myrtle cot "Whitlow Frank, farmer, Gregories fran
Hirons Thomas, beeT retailer Pearce William, cowkpr. Coppice row Wood Ohas. Hy. gen.dlr. Theydon park
Humme1"ston Walter, gardener to H.B. Powell Alfred Septimus, householder, Wood: Chas. Hy. jun. drpr.Theydon pk
Debenham esq Flod:den house Wood Walter, butcher, Ooppice row
Reynolds J oseph, greengrocer

THEYDON GARNON (or Thoyden Gernon), so- are also kept in the church chest, a gift (about 16(8) of
called from a family who held it in the Middle Ages, is Sir J oohn Archer kt. The living is a rectory, net
a parish adjoining Epping, 6 miles south-west from yearly value £500, with 64 acr6il of glebe and residence,
(}ngar, in the Western division of the county, Ongar in the gift of Sir William. Neville Abdy bart. and held
hundred, Epping union and petty sessional division, since 1894 by the Rev. Thomas Lloyd. A new rectory
Waltham Abbey county court district, rural deanery of house was erected in 1895-6 at a cost of £3,500. 'i'he
Lambourne, archdeaconr) of Essex and diocese of St. charities of the joint parishes of Epping and Theydon
Albans. The Epping railway station and also a portion Garnon consist of the net income Df Stonard's. Reynulds's
oi the town of Epping, called Hemnall Street, are both and Rydden's Grove benefactions, and are divided
in this parish for ecclesiastical purposes. The church yearly between the two parishes of Epping and
of All Saints, pleasantly situated on a gentle rise, is Theydon Garnon in equal moieties, pursuant to
an edifice of rubble and red brick with stone dressings, a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners, approved in
in mixed styles, and consists of chancel, nave, 1863, and of a later scheme dated 21st May, 19°1:
tWQ porches and an embattled western tower Stonard's charity is applied to educational purpose,s and
with turret containing 5 ,bells; the tower was the maintenance of the inmates of t·he Epping alms-
built by Sir John Crosby, of Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate houses; Reynolds's is distributed to the poor, and
street. London. in 1552: there are monuments in the Ry~den's Grove .charity is for the benefit of the respective
church to Sir John Archer knt. appointed justice of the pansh churches. The separate charities of Theydon
Common Pleas, 1659, ob. Feb. 8th, 1681; and to Anne, Garnon parish comprise 'Vinstanley',s, Archer's and Mrs.
wife of Sir William, Fitzwilliam, of Milton, in the county Kirwan's; the aggregate net income from these being
of Northampton knt. lord-deputy of Ireland; she died divided amongst the poor of the parish; Lady Fitz-
u June, 1602 and was the foundress of almshouses in wiliam's almshouses, founded by her in 1602, consist of
this parish: t.o Mary Archer, daughter of John, Earl four dwellings. Gaynes Park is the seat of Wilham
FitzwiIliam and wife of John Archer esq. of Coopersale in Bwaine Chisenhale-Mal"sh esq. J.P.; the mansion is a fine
this parish; she died Sept. 10, 1776: to Denton Nicholas building of stone in the Tudor style, and is very plea-
esq. M.D. and Jane, his wife, 1714 and t.o Sir Cha,rles santly situated on an eminence in an extensive and well-
Dun kt. and Joan his wife, 1617-40: there is also a wooded park of 100 acres, commanding extensive views of
fine marble monument, with a sarcophagus and medallion tile surrounding country. Theydon Priory is the resi-
portraits, to ,"Villiam Eyre Archer esg. M.P. for Berks, dence of the Rev. Charles George Beaumont Hotham
Susanna bis wife, and others of this family, with inscrip- M.A. Coopersale Hall, an ancient residence, and the pro-
tions from 1739 to 1751 and memorials, to the follOWing perty and residence of Edward Hit,chings Flux esq. is
rectors of the parish: William Kyrkeby, ob. 1458, brass, pleasantly situated in park-like grounds of 126 acres,
with effigy and arms; James Meggs S.T.P. with other and commands extensive view'S. W. S. Chisenhale-
members of the family, 1665-72; Strotherd Abdy M,A. Marsh esq. J.P. who ~s lord of the manor of Theydon
archde.acon of Essex and 211 years rector, ob. 1773 and Garnon, Hemnalls and Gaynes Park, and Sir WilIiaID
Je,hn Nichola~, ob. 1721: there is also an inscription, Bowyer-Smijth bart. are the principal landowners. The
almost illegible, to Elizabeth, wife of Sir Willi3JIIl Walde- soil is loamy; subsoil, boulder clay. The chief crops are
g-rave, of Smalridge, ob. 1556 and numerous inscribed wheat, barley and beans. The are'a is 3,157 acres of
stones of modern date: the church was restol'ed in 1885, land and I I of water; rateable value, £2,971; the
at the expense of the Rev. Sir Cavendish Hervey J:<oster population in 1901 was 317.
bart. RA. rector 1843-87, to whom a stained window has
been presented by his daughter, Mrs. Heathcote, and Wall Letter Box, near Merry Fidlers P.R. cleared at 6.30
another was given by W. S. Chisenhale-Marsh esq. in a.m. &; 7.10 p.m. Letters are received at 8 & 9.45 a.m.
1896: in 1892 a new vestry and O'rgan chamber wa!! by foot post from Epping, which is the nearest money
added, the cost being joi?tly defrayed by C. G. R Hot- order &; telegraph office. 3 miles distant
ham esq. and W. S. Chisenhale-Marsh e.sq. J.P. and R National School (mixed), built, with teacher's house in
heating apparatus has been provided by the Kemsley 1850' at the expense &; on land given by Miss ArchEn
family in 1899, at a cost of £"120: there are 600 sit- Houblon, by whom it was enlarged, in 1879, at a cost
tings : the churchyard has been enlarged, the land of over £300; the building will now hold 169 children;
being given by Sir William NevilIe Abdy bart. The average attendance, 123 ; the school is partly supported
registers are complete, witoh few exceptions, from the by endowments provided for by Stonard's Charity;
year 1558: the Manor Court rolls, from an early date, George H. Lemon, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Gostling WilIiam J. farmer, Hydes frm
Chisenhale-l\Iarsh William Swaine J.P. Alderton James,farmer,Woodlands frm Grout Jame,s, farmer, Searles' hall
Gaynes pa.rk Brett George, police constable Hookings William Henry, head gar-
Cooper John, Inchcape
Flux Edwd. Hitchings,Coopersale hall
Bl"ownino- .
., Harry, farmer, Garnish hall
Cottis WilIiam & Sons, brick makers,
dener to W. S. Chisenhale Marsh esq
Miller Henry J. farmer, &; agent for
Hotham Rev.Charle~ George,Beaumont Epping & Bower Hill brick fields Benskin's WatforC: Brewerv• Limitoo.,
M.A.. Theydon prIOry Crabb Robert, farmer,Little Thorn hall Gardner's farm
Lloyd Rev. Thomas (rEctor), Rectory Fox Robert, estate carpntr. The Lodge :Yickerson J~ph. T. bIdl". Coor!'rsale st
Whybro Henry, farm bailiff to W. S. (Par remainder of names in this parish
Chisenhale-Marsh esq. Little Pk.hall see Epping &; Coopersale.)

THORPE-LE-SOKEN is a parish and vL.lage, on Donald Mackenzie and Sons. Thorpe Hall, the property
the road from Colchester to Walton-on-the-Naze, near of Mrs. Leake, is now the residence of Alfred Symes esq. ;
the Landermere Creek of Hanford Water, with a. station Comargues is the property and .residence of Henry
on the Tendring hundred branch vf the Great Eastern .Attlee esg.; the Grange is the residence of Mrs. 'Vat-
railway, forming the junction for Walton-on-the-Naze son. Adolphus E. Church esq. of Colchester, Mrs.
and Clacton-on-Sea, and is 5 miles west from Walton Martin-Leake, of l\farshalls, High Cross, Ware, Joseph
steamboat pier, 5 north from .Clact-on-on-Sea, 9 south- Hume Burnley esq. of 19 Prince of Wales terrace, Ken-
east from Manningtooe, I I south-west from Harwich, 12 sington, London W. the Earl of Onslow G.C.M.G. Henry
east from Oolchester and 66 from London, in the North .A.ttlee esq. Capt. Grant, Frank W. Thompson esq. Mrs.
Eastern division of the county, petty sessional divisiOOl, 'Vatson, W. R. Wilson esg. of •
hundred and union of Tendring, Harwich corunty court and John Ralph Bromly esq. of Bovington, Hemel Hemp-
district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Col- stead, are the chief landowners. The soil is mixed;
chester and diocese of St. Albans; this is the chief place subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
of the liberties oi. the Sokeil1s, eomprising the parishes barley, oats, peas and beans. The area is 3,313 acres
of Thorpe, Kirby and Walton (see Walton-on-the-Naze). of land, 5 of water, 6 of tidal water and 70 of foreshore;
The church of St. Michael consists of chancel, with rateable value, £5,168; the population in 1901 was
organ chamber and north aisle, nave of five bays, 1, 06 5.
aisles, north porch and a massive embattled western Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery.
tower of red brick containing- 5 bells: the body of the Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Miss Martha
church was thoroughly rebuilt of rubble stone in 1876, Wilby, sub-postmistress. Le·tters arrive from Colchester
at a cost of £4,5°0, one of the largest contributors at 5.20 a.m. &; 12.50 &; 5.30 p.m.; dispatched, 9· IS a.m.
being the late Sir William W. Gull bart. M.D., D.C.L.
&; 12.45 &; 6'45 p.m.; sundays, 6.45 p.ll
whose early' years were connected with this parish; he
Letter Box, Railway Station, cloored 6.30 a.m. 12 noon
died in Jan. 1890, and is ·buried here: the north porch
& 5 p.ll
and outer walls of the north aisle are embattled: the Wall Box, The Green, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6.50 p.m. ;
tower is of the Perpendicular period and an Early
Perpendicular oak screen divides the south aisle from sundays, 6.50 p.m
the organ chamber: the font dates from about the GOUN'J,'Y MAGISTRATES FOR TENDRING PETTY
same period: the stained east window was inserted in SESSIONAL DIVISION.
1876, as a memorial to the -late Mr. Leake, and there Norman Rev. Canon Charles Fredk. M.A. Mistley Place,
are others to Mrs. Leake, James Rolph esq. d. 1874, Mr. Manningtree, chairman
and Mrs. William Thompson, the Rev. Abraham Henly Johnson Sir In. Hy. F.S.A. St. Osyth priory, Colchester
Rumboll M.A. late vicar, d. 1897, and one erected by the Bowles William Henry esg. Lawford Place, Lawford.
daughters of John and Elizabeth Gull to· their parents, Manningtree
who died in 1891: the chancel contains seV'eral monu- Cardinall Durrant Edward esq. 18 Cromwell rd. Brighton
ments, including the ,recumbent effigy of a warrior of the Davis Col. Richard Percival F.Z.S. New House farm,
time of Edward I. with a cushion under his head and a 'Walton-on-the-Naze
lion at his feet, and above, a shield with the arms of Sal- Kirby John Robert esq. Cinque Ports Yacht Club, Dover
berghe: in the west porch is a tablet to Thomas Wharton Malcolm Laurence esq
esq. of Gray's Inn, secretary to Henrietta Maria, queen of :Xichols W. B. esq. Stour lodge, Bradfield, Manningtree
Charles 1. ob. 6 A.ugust, 1669: the church affords 600 Norman Edwd. Kensit esg. D.L. Mistley ldge. Manngtree
sittings: the churchyard has been enlarged by I acre. Page The Rev. Arnold Henry M.A. The Rectory, Ten·
The regist·er dates from the year 1682. A.mong the burials dring, Colchester
of the 17th century occur many French names, probably Slimon William Henry M.B. 33 Marine parade east,
of Huguenot refugees, one of whom is still perpetuated in Clacton-on-Sea
" Comarques," a fine old edifice a IUile west of the church. Smith John esq• .A1ton park, Clacton-on-Sea S.O
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £'2150, with resi- The Mayor of Harwich & the Chairmen, for the time
dence and 6 acres 0If g-lebe, in the gift of trustees, and held being, of the Clacton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the-Naze and
since 1902 by the Rev. Edwin Frederick Robins. The Frinton-on-Sea Urban District Councils, are ex-officio
Baptist chapel here was erected in 1802, and has 330 Magistrates.
sittings; the celebrated Dr. Andrew Fuller, at one time
minister of this chapel, died at Kettering 7 May, 18 15. Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry William J ones, High
There is also a Primitive Methodist chapel. The Work- street, Manningtree & Town Hall chambers, Colchester
men's Institute and Coffee TaveQ'n was endowed by Petty Sessions for this division are held at the Police
the late John Gull esg. with £25 yearly; the freehold station every monday fortnight alternately with Mistley.
is vested in the vicar and churchwardens who are ex- Here the records of the Sokens are kept. The fol.
officio members of the committee of management, lowing places are included in the petty sessional divi-
which also consists of 6 members of the Established sion: Alresford, Ardleigh, Beaumont, Great Bentley,
Church and 6 Nonconformi'sts. ~'ear the station are Little Bentley, Bradfield, Great Bromley, Little Brom.
two large malt houses, and the large brick works of ley, Great Clacton, with Clacton-on-Sea, Little Clae-
ton, Elmstead, Frating, Frinton, Great Holland, Little dring Union, James Crassweller Gosden; deputy,
Ho:Iand, Kirb)", Lawford, ManningtI:ee, MistIey, Great W. C. Bareham, Little Clacton
Oakley, Little Oakley, Ramsey, St. Osyth, Tendring, Relieving -& Vaccination Officer, Thorpe District, Tendring
Thorrington, Thorpe, Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley, Wix Union, James Crassweller Gosden -
&; Wrabness National School (mixed), built in 1870, with a new wing
added in 1881, and an infants' school built in IgOZ,
County Police Station, Frederick William Jones, super- &; endowed by James Rolph esq. with £50 yearly,
intendent &; 2 constables for 220 children; average attendance, 200; Willianl
Fire Engine Station, Arthur Parker, supt. &; 5 men Tucker Henley, master; Miss M. G. Elphinstone, in-
fants' mistress
Public Officers. Railway Station, WiIliam George Heavens, station master

Assistant Overseer, John Lines Carriers.

Inspecfor of Police, under the Explosives Act, Slaughter- COlchester Frederick Moles, mono wed. -& sat. j .Arthur
house Act, &;Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, Parker, tues. thurs. & sat. -& 'l.'homas Wass, tues.
Frederick William Jones thurs. & sat
Medical Officer, Nos. 8 & g, & Public Vaccinator, Nos. Harwich-Arthur Parker, mono wed. & fri. &; Thomas
8 (Little Holland) & 9 & 11 Districts, Tendring Union Wass, daily
&; Medical Officer to the Workhouse, Francis Whel. Ipswich 'Oharles Lord, tues. &; fri
dale Foster M.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. The Abbey Manningtree-Charles Lord, tues. & fri
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Thorpe Sub-District, Ten- Walton-Charles Lord, wed. &; sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Day James, shopkeeper Explosives Act, Slaughterhouse Act
Attlee Henry, Comarques Dumerton JaIlles, coal merchant -& Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act
Baber Henry Aitkens, The Limes Dumerton John, butcher Keeble Charles, builder
Barton Daniel DUIllcrton SaIlluel, carpenter Lines John, llissistant oversee,r
Baxter John Fletcher, The Firs DUIllerton Thomas, engineer Lord George, farmer, Bradley Hall &
Cock Capt. William James, Lander- Elvish Robert, farmer OOIllarques farms
mere Hall Fairhead William, fa,rmer, 'Ihorpe ldg Low George, farmer, Thorpe park
Dennis Gentry, The Firs (letters Folkard Frank W. registrar of birth" Mackenzie Donald & Sons, brick manu-
through Kirby Cross) &; deaths for Thorpe sub-district, &; facturers, builders &c
Fairhead William, Thorpe lodge relieving &va.ccina;tion officer for No. Maskell In.Cousins,grocer &, coal mer
Foster Francis Wheldale, The Abbey 3 district of the Tendring union Moffat Frederick Osborne, saddler
Hill Mrs. Ivy house Foster Francis Wlleldale M.R.C.P. Moles Frederick, shopkeeper & carrier
Lilley James, White hall Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, &; Nicholson William, farmer, Culver cot
Low George, The Park medical officer for Nos. 9 &; 11 &; Parker Arthur, carrier &; superinten-
Macey Alan public vaccinator for Nos. 8, 9 & 11 dent of fire engine
Martin Robert George districts of the Tendring union & Reynolds Edward John, butcher
Osmond Edward, Hanford house medical officer to the workhouse & Scott Esau, heer retailer
Preston Miss, Landermere hall surgeon &; agent to the Coast Guard, Stanford Stanley Frederick, farmer,
Robins Rev. Edwin Fredk. Vicarage The Abbey New hall &; King's Head P.H. Lan-
Ruffell Mrs' Foulger Hy. frmr. -& horse slaught,r dermere
Salmon Miss, Oakley house Franc:s William & Emma (Mrs.), car- Thompson Frank William, farmer &.
Stanford StarrIey Frederick, New hall penters & undertakers landowner, Rose cottage
Symes Alfred, Thorpe hall Free Rodwell &; Co. Lim. maltsters, Thorpe-Ie-Soken &; Di,strict Oo-opera-
ThOIllpson Frank William, Rose cot corn & coal m e r c h a n t s t i v e Society Lirn. (John Pa,rks, sec)
Warre~ Mrs. Culver house Fuller Susan (Mrs.), draper Thorpe Oricket Club (Cecil Symes,sec)
Watson Mrs. The Grange Game Sila,s WaIter, grocer &; draper, -& Thorpe Hy. Vincent, farmer,The Elms
COMMERCIAL. agent for W. &; A. Gilbey Li,mited, Wells Frederick, boot maker
Abbs George, blacksmith wine &; spirit merchants West George Frederick, wine -& spiril
Amendt Henry Christian Thomas, re- Gifford Joseph, builder & shopkeeper merchant
freshment rooms, Railway station Golds Thomas William, Crown inn Wilby Martha (Miss), drug store i&
Baber Henry Aitkens L.S.A.Lond. phy- Goodwin William Harry, watch mkr stationer, Post office
sician &; surgeon Harris Mrs. miller (wind & steam) Wilson John -& Sons, blacksmiths
Barton Henry, saddler -& harness ma Hart Albert, beer retailer Wilson William Fras. frmr.Green farm
Blower,s WaIter, grocer -& draper Heavens William George, station mstr Workmen's Institute &; Reading
Carter William, cattle dealer Henley William Tucker, schoolmaster ROOIll (James Crassweller Gosden,
Daking Alice (Mrs.), farmer, Hill frm -& secretary t() Technical Instruction hon. sec.; Rev. Edwin Frederick
Dancey Susannah (Mrs.), Bell inn Committee, Thorpe district Robins, president; Daniel Simmons,
Deal Alfred, Maid's Head commer- Hooks Orlando, baker manager)
cial hotel; excellent accommodation Jarrard George, saduler Wright &; Garrard, ,soda water manufrs
for excursion parties; headquarters Jones Frederick William, superinten- Wright George, grocer
of the Thorpe Cricket Club dent of police & inspector under the
THORRINGTON (or Thorington) is a parish, with College, who resides at Frating. There is a chapel for
a station three-quarters of a mile north from the village, Wesleyan Methodists. St. John's College, Cambridge.
on the Tendring hundred branch of the Great Eastern who are the lords of the manor, Caius College, CaIll-
railway, 8 mLes south-east from Colchester and 60 bridge, and Mrs. W. W. Hawkins, of Alresford Hall,
from London, in the North Eastern division of the are the principal landowners. The soil is of a light
county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and sandy nature; part of the ground lies high, but there are
union, Colchester county court district, and in the about 150 acres of Illarsh. The chief crops are wheat,
rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester oats, barley, beans and peas. The area is 2,054 acres ot
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Mary land, 3 of water and 21 of foreshore; rateable value,
Magdalene is a building {)f stone, in the Transitional £2,036; the population in 1901 was 382.
style, consisting of nave, north aisle and south porch and an Parish Clerk, William Death (since 1839).
embattled western tower of flint and stone with pin- Post & M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office.
nacles and containing 5 bens; the church was thoroughly -Ephraim Andrews, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
restored in 1866, and affords 180 sittings. The register from Colchester at 4.50 a.m. & 3.5 p.m. j dispatched
of baptisms and burials dates from 1558; marriages, 1553. at 2.25 &; 7.40 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is
The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Frating, joint at Great Bentley, 2 miles distant
net yearly value £500, with 106 acres of glebe, in the National School (mixed), built in 1865, for 100 chil-
gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and held since 1898 dren; average attendance, 82; \Villiam Thomas Be\lu-
by the Rev. Alfred Caldecott D.D. Professor of Philosophy I nl0nt, nlaster
at King's College, London, formerly fellow of St. John's Railway Station, Henry Bishop, station master
Grandjcan Rev. John F. J. Parsonage Death William, boot & shoe maker King \Yilliam, blacksmith
Andrews Ephraim, SUb-postmaster Gibson George, Red Lion P.R Lord Jonathan C~Irs.), farmer
Bacon Charles, farmer, Pearson -& Girling Frank P. farIller, Thorrington ~IOtUIll E. sadd1er
Goldacre farms hall Peacock William, Plough & Ship P.B
Bacon Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Pound Harper Henry, farmer -& brick maker Salmon Charles, farmer
farm Harper James, wheelwright Sparling William, baker
Burling James, carpenter Harvey George, Cherry Tree P.H Stannard George, farmer
Cooper Frederick, miller (water) Howatt Alexander, frmr. Gatehouse Wright Thos. farmer -& beer retailer

THUNDERSLEY is So parish, near the high road Hemel Hempstead, and to Messrs. Frank and Thomas
from Grays t<> Southend, I! miles south from Rayleigh Noon Talfourd: there are lID sittings. The register
station on the Southend branch of the Great Easte,rn rail- da.tes from the year 1569. The living is a rectory, net
way and 2k north from South Benfleet station on the Til- yearly value £380, with 40 acres of glebe and residence.
bury and Southend railway, 7 west-by-north from South- in the gift of trustees, and held since 1901 by the Rev.
end and 36 from London, in the South Eastern division of Thomas Noon Talfourd Major M.A. of ExeteT College.
the county, partly [DJ Barstable but chiefly in Rochford Oxford. There is a Baptist chapel here. Charles Bertie
bundred. Rochford union and petty sessional division, Pulleine Bosanquet esq. of Rock Hall, Alnwick, is lord
Southend county court district, in the rural deanery of of the manor and R. Narty esq. is the principal land-
Rochford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. owner. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The land is
and in the liberty of the duchy of Lancaster. The church principally pasture and small holdings. The area is
of St. Peter, standing on an eminence, is a small but 2,544 acres; rateable value, £3,470; the population in
ancient edifice of stone, in the Early English style, con- 1901 was 80g.
sisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch DAWES HEAT'H is a hamlet a mile and a half east.
and a western turret of wood with a spire and containing The Peculiar People have two chapels here. A reservoir
2 bells: the arcades afford a good example of the. . h W
period, and the carving of the capitals, nO two of which IS bemg erected here by the Sout end ater Works
Me alike, is especially remarkable: the church was re- Company Limited.
stored and the chancel entireJy rebuilt by the rector in Post Office. John Thorington, sub-postmaster. Letters
1885. when a stnined east window was erected 80S a memorial through Rayleigh S.O. by rural messenger. arrive at
to Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd kt. justice of the Common 6·30 & IQ·3 0 a.m. 5. 20 p.m. & 6.10 p.m.; dispatched
Pleas. who died suddenly at Stafford, 13 Mar. 1854, at 12·30 & 6.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
while in the act of addressing the grand jury: another but not paid. Rayleigh is the nearest money order
memorial window was erected in 1890 at a co-st of £5 0 & telegraph office, 2 miles distaut
to Major William Wreford: in 1887 the west end of the Wall Lett~r Box, in Thundersley road. cleared at 8 a.m.
church was restored and the west window, previously & 4 p.m.; sunday, 8 a.m
blocked up, was reopened: a new west window was· National School (mixed), built in 1856, by the late Rev.
placed in Ig01 as a memorial to the Rev. William Words- William Robert Bosanquet M.A. of Rock Hall, AInwick,
worth Talfourd M.A. Tector 1881-19°1, and there are on ground given by him, for. 101 children; average
others to John Ehret Dickinson esq. of Abbotts Hill, attendance, g8; Mrs. Jane Hopwood, mistress
Bone William, Ingleside Broom Wm. Hobert, White Hart P.R Lyon William McMurray, florist
Grant Cusmo M.B Clover William, jun. brickmaker Manor Brickworks Limited! r(The)
Kirkness' Charles Mann Cranness George, shopkeeper Mapey Frederick, farmer
Knight Frederick, Thundersley house Davy Alfred, grocer Marshall Nathan, builder
Major Rev. Thomas Noon Talfourd Davey Alfred, nurseryman, seeds- Mtlirini Joseph, Forest Te.mpera,noe htl
M.A. Rectory man & florist Playl~ William, blacksmith
Messenger George, Woodcroft Dobney Wm.A.ugustus,refreshmnt.rms Sale Jesse, jobbing gardener
Mitchell James, Dawes Heath Emson John, poulterer She11ey Samuel. wheelwright
Nas>h ~dblphus Forhes A. & Son,building material dlrs Sheridan 'Villiam Henry, farmer
Ramsey Frederick Charles Grant Cosmo M.B. & C.M.~berd. Spicer Paul, market gardener
Rayner Henry, Thundersley lodge physician & surgeon &medicaI officer Thorington George, shopkpr. Dawes
Slark Mrs. Kingsmead cottage &; public v·accinator, Hadleigh dist. Heath
Ward Walter Rochford union Thorington Harry, fa,rmer,Gt.Burches
Grigg James, farmer &; hurdle maker Thorington James, farmer
Grubb Charles, carman Thorington John, shopkpr. Post office
Baker Isaac. carpenter Grubb Herbert, carman Thorn Thomas William, coal merchant
Barn Steam Laundry (Louie Rauscher, Rarvey Stephen, farmer, Raymonds Warren Frederick, beer retailer
proprietor) Knight Frederick, importer of orchids Wiggins Jsph.farmer & hay& straw dlr
Brook Wm. Bobby, farmer, Cedar farm Lincoln John, hurdle maker &; frmr Wilby Arthur Edward, market grdnT'
LITTLE (or EAST) THURROCK is a small are some reIllilrkable caverns in the chalk, known as
parish. near the banks of the Thames, I mile east from "Cunobelin's Gold Mines." and sometimes called
Grays station on the London, Tilbury and Southend rail- "Dane-holes." The trustees of Henry Landfield esq.
way, 2 miles north-west from Tilbury Fort, 2! south Champion Branfill Russell esq. of Stubbers, near Rom-
from Orsett, 12 south-east from Romford and 22 from ford, Francis H. D. C. WhitmoIle esq. of Orsett Hall and
London, in the South Eas'ern division of the county, the East and West India Dock 01. are the principal land-
Barstable hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional owners. The so~l is clayey; subsoil, clay. The chief
division, Grays county court district and in the crops are wheat, beans and peas. The area is 1,321 acres
rural deanery of 01'sett, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- of land, I of water, 143 of tidal water and 17 of fOl'eshore;
cese of St. Albans. In 18'94 the parish was drained and rnteable value, £6,714; the population in Ie9I was 849
atlnnected with the sewage works at Grays. The and in 1901, 1,198.
church of St. Mary is a. small building of flint and stone
in the Early English style, eonsisting of chancel and Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
nave and a western tower: it was· restored in 18 7 8 -9, Miss Eliza Waters, sub-postmistres·s. Letters through
when a singular arch was discovered on the south side Grays are delivered at 7.30 & 8.30 a.m. 2.20 & 6.4 0
of the nave, on which was an ancient and curious wall p.m.; arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 8,30 & II.5 0 a.m.
painting: there are 25 0 sittings. The register dates 4.3 0 & 8.25 p.m. There is no delivery or dispatch on
from the year 1672. The l~ving is a rectory, net yearly ·sundays. The nearest telegraph office is at Grays, I
v.alue £296, with residence and 61 acres of glebe, in the mile dist,ant
gift of the Bishop of St. AI'bans, and held since 19 01 by Wall Letter Box in ChadweU road, cleared at 6.30 a.m.
the Rev. Alfred Haselhurst Delafield M.A. of Oxford 12 noon & 7 p.m. week days only
University, and rural dean of Orsett: the rectory house National School (mixed), built in 1872, enlarged in 1888,
stands on high ground, commanding an extensive view & further '8nlarged in 1893, for 180 children; average
of the river Thames and the county of Kent. Here attendance, 98 boys & girls & 66 infants; WaIter
is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, erected in 1876, and in Gregory, master; Miss Ameli6 M. Hitchcock, infants'
College road a Baptist Mission room. In the parish mistress
1tIarked thus * should! he addressed Gardner Charles Henry, Bull P.H Onyett Wilfred, wheelwright
Tilbury Docks S.O.) Gregory WaIter. schoolmaster Snelling Edward Thomas, cowkeeper,
Carpmael Deanston, Lit. Thurrock hall *Hatton Joseph, grocer Chadwell road
CODoley Ohas. Robert. Tyrrell hall Lock Robert, blacksmith Span·ton RichardH. shpkpr. Southend ret
Delafield Rev. Alfred Haselhurst M.A. Morris Thos. insur. agt.Chadwell rd Turp George, farmer, Mullins farm
(rector & rural dean of Orsett) ,Retry Orsett District Isola.tion Hospital (Rea Waters Eliza (Miss).shopkeeper &; sub-
CorbetM.R.C.S.Eng.medical officer; postmistress
COMMERCIAL_ Miss Constance F. Agar, matron), *White William, buildr. & beer retailr
BaIson George Henry, Ship P.H Stifford Long lane
WEST THURROOK is a parish, 3 miles east from Pur. the county, Chafford hundred, Orsett union and petty ses·
fieet and 1~ west from Grays station on the London, Til- sional division, Grays county court district, rural
bury and Southend railway. I I south-east from Romford deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese
and 19 frum London, in the South Eastern divis'.on of of St. .Albans. The Grays and Upminster secf.on of th&
London, Tilbury and Southend railway joins the main farm, cleared at 8.30 & 11.15 a.m. 4 & 8 p.m.; sun·
line here. The church of St. Clement is an ancient day, 9.45 a.m
structure, consisting of chancel, nave, north transept, County Police Station, Ge9rge Goody, sergeant.. &;
aisles· and a low but massive embattled tower at the constables
wes~ end, contmning 3 bells, dated 1632: the nave and
aisles are the oldest part and date from rather eMly in PURFLEET is a hamlet of West ThuITock, with fJ
the Lancet period: the chancel and. west chantry are station on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway,
Decorated, and some windows in the aisles and chantry I6! miles from London, 6! west from Tilbury, 7 from
Perpendicular, the tower being late in the same style, Gravesend and 4! west from Grays; it ill on rising
while the south chantry is modern Gothic: the ground and near the mouth of the Mardyke stream,
is chiefly flint, banded, in the case of the tower, with which is cros,sed by albridge and here forms a little
jjJtone: this church, built on the river bank and far away harbour. Here is a chapel of ease to the church of
from the nearest house, was erected, it is supposed, West Thurrock. A Baptist mission chapel was erected
£Oon after the murder of St. Thomas a Becket, for the here in 1,897. Botany Gardens, the property of Samuel
convenience of pilgrims going to his shrine at Canter- Whitbread esq. and a place of considerable resort in
bury: in the north chantry there are tWQ full-sized effigies summer, can be visited by obtaining a ticket from the
in alabaster- ()of a knight and his lady, representing Sir head gardener. Purfl.eet House, the property of Samuel
Daniel Holford knt. patron of the living, who put in Whitbread esq. is at present vacant. The manor for-
the east wind~w in 1623, and his wife; in the chancel merly belonged to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
floor is this inscription, in Roman letters on a brass let and was called" Portflete," and there was then a feny
into a slab of shell marble, "Katherina Ridinge FiEa over the Thames. Here are the extensive powde.r
Homfridi Haies Obiit Dacimo sexto Die Decembr.s anno magazines of the IGovernment, consisting of store-houses
domini 1591, anno retatis sure vicesimo quarto." Another and a good quay, and from which all the military
brass is that of Humphrey Heias, ob. Oct. 10. 1584, and stations both at home and abroad are supplied: there are
his son of the same name, ob. Jan. 22, 1585, with also barracks and officers' quarters. There is also a
eighteen elegant Latin lines, containing a succession of Metropolitan police force of one inspector, three se1'-
puns on the name of Hays or Heies: a rectangular slab geants and twenty-two constables. Near the Thames
near the east end of the chancel floor is inscribed- on the marsh land are extensive petroleum works, saw-
"Nichol(a)s: Ferobavd: gist: ici: dev: de: sa: alme: mills and a paper mill.
eyt: merci:" and in the centre is the matrix of a Post. M. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parce-l'
floriated cross, with a demi-figure in the head; the Post S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Purfleet
church affords 150 sittings. The register of marriages (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Essex added).
dates from 1668; burials, 1681; baptisms, 1683. The -Mrs. Emma Barnes, sub-postmistress. Letters de-
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £150, with 5 acres livered at 7.15 a.m. 2 & 7.30 p.m.; dispatched 11.10
of glebe and residence, in the gift of Samuel Whitbread a.m. 4 &; 9.30 p.m.; sunday delivery 7.30 a.m.; dis-
esq. and held since 1902 by the Rev. Joseph Walker patched 9.30 p.m
Hayes. The Primitive Methodist chapel here was erected Wall Box, West Thurrock road, cleared at 10.55 a.m. :3
in 1876; there is also an iron chapel, built in 1885, &; 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m
chiefly through the exertions of Mr. W. H. VeHacott, Government Powder Magazines, Capt. H. T. Wynter R.A.
but attached to no particular denomination. Here are ordnance department; Isaao Ford, canteen keeper;
extensive cement works. Samuel Whitbread esq. of Frederick Judge, police inspector .
Southill Park, Beds, who is lord of the manor, the
Tunnel Cement Works Co:tDpany Limit9d, G. R. Bur- The "Cornwall" Training Ship moored off the shore-
ness; John Hunt esq. are the principal ll'lndowners. contains about 250 boys who are taught seamanship-
The soil is loamy; subsoil, chalk. 'rhe chief crops are & various trades: it was certified May 2, 1859; Rear-
wheat, beans and peas. There is much marsh land here. Admiral Arthur Morrell, superintendent
The area is 2,995 acres of land, 5 of watel", 586 of tidal
water and 1I9 of foreshore; rateable value, £22,945; Schoolll.
the population in 1891 was 2,540, and in 1901, 3,066, A School Board of .5 members was formed 15 Feb. 1876;
which includes Purfleet and 215 oivil and military in Thomas Alfred Capron, 2 Orsett road, Grays, clerk to
the garrison and 266 persons on board the reformatory the board; Ggorge Watts. Grays, attendance officer
ship "Cornwall," off Purfleet. Board School, built in 1879 & since enlarged, for 20B
Parish Clerk, John Francis. boys, ISO girls &; 210 infants; average attendance, ISO
Post, M. O. &; T. 0., S. R, T. M. O. Express Delivery, boys, 130 girls &; 190 infants; George Davies, master;
Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Alfred Bur- Miss F. L. Hughes, mistress; Mrs. Elizabeth A-.
foot Avery, sub-postmast~. Letters arrive from Gray~ Davis, infants' mistress
by foot messen~er and delivered at 7 &; 8.15 a.m. 2.30 Purfleet (mixed), built in 18189, &; since enlarged, for 240'
&; 7 p.m.; dispatched 8.45 &; 11.30 a.m. 4.15 &; 8.15 children; average attendance, 160 boys &; girls, 70
p.m.; sunday delivery 8 a.m.; dispatch 10 a.m infants; Arthur Stapleton, master; Miss Grace Buck-
Wall Box, Mill lane, cleared at 8.50 &; II.35 a.m. 4.20 ingham, infants' mistress
& 8.20 p.m. Sunday 10.10 a.m. Wall Box near the Railway Station, Purfleet, Robert Paterson, station master
Fox &; Goose, cleared at 8,45 & 11.15 a.m. 4·5 & 8.5 Conveyance Vehicles, from Fox &; Goose inn, to &; froml
p.m.; sunday 10 a.m. Wall Box near Tunnel House -Grays l"uilway station throughout the day

WEST THURROCK. Hewiett Arthur, hair dresser Giffol'd Frank, Bayonne villa
Hopper Fred C. grocer &; prov. dealer Morrell Rea,r-Admiral Arthur, "Oorn-
Curtis George Edward, Arah::. Humphreys George, ;:hopkeeper wall" training ship
Gibbs Douglas H. Millwood house Idle Charles, heel' retailer Wynter Capt. H. T., R.A. Ordnance no-
Harvey George, Somerset house Mead James Thomas, Fox &; Goose inn
Hayes Rev. Joseph Walker (vicar), Merritt Ernest, grocer &; agent to W. CO:lDDmCUL.
Vicarage &; A. Gilbey Lim. wine &; .spirit mers Anderson Charles, paper manufactr
, Rice William J. shopkeeper Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited.
• COMMERCIAL. Richards WiUiam, Old Ship P.H petroleum imprtrs.(F. Gifford, supt}
AssoClated Portland Cement Manufrs. Richardsrm David beer retailer Collins John, shopkeeper

('190 0 ) Limited (Gibbs &; Co.'s wrks)Smith Albert, b;ker &; grocer Oox &, Palmar, grocers &, drapers
Avery Alfred Burfoot, draper &; news Tucker William, shopkeeper Davies James, Royal hotel
agent &; sub-postmaster Tunnel Portland Cement Works Co. Gregory George, carman
Beacon Stone (The) Oompany (Bertie Limited cement manufacturers Howard Henry, head gardener to &_
S. Harvey, manager), artificial stone Vellacott William Humphrey, farmer, Whitbread esq
manufacturers Tunnel House farm Joslin Clement, farmer, High house-
Carter &; Woodgate, brick makers Wallis Samuel, shopkeeper Judge Frederick, inspector of police-,
Clark Thomas, shopkeeper Winch Benjamin, cowkeeper Garrison
Cutts James, butcher Woods George, farmer &; mrkt. grdnr Pnterson Robert, station master
Dansie George, sen. carpenter Wouldham Cement 00. (1900) Lim. Purfleet Chalk QuarriesLtd.chalk mers
Davies George, schoolmaster cement manufacturers Purfleet Wharf &; Saw Mills Ltd. tim-
Goody George, police sergeant bel' merchants &; wharfingers
Grays Oo-operative Society Limited PURFLEET. South Charles Henry, baker
(branch) Stapleton Arthur, schoolmaster
Grays Paper Works Limited,paper mas PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Tank: Storage &; Carriage Co. Lim.
Harris Frank, b~a<:ksmith Auderson William Verdeu petroleum importers, Caspian wharf
TILBURY-juxta-CLARE is a parish in the northern of St. John's College, Oxford, who resides at Ovington. Til-
part of the county, and mnst not be confounded with the bury Court, the residence of Lieut.-Col. Frederick Dawson
places of similar name in the south: it is I mile north of J.P. is pleasantly situated m 7 acres of pleasnre grounds.
the road from Colchester to Cambridge, I~ mIles north from Tilbury Hall, the residence of Robert Edward Vaizey esq.
Yeldham station on the Colne Valley and Halstead railway, 3i J.P. is an ancient moated house formerly belonging to the
south-west from Clare and 8 north-west from Halstead, in Mornington family. Robert Edward Vaizey esq. J. P.
the Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, who is lord of the manor, Lewis John Way esq. of Great
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union Yeldham, King Viall esq. of Birdbrook, Francis A. Vaizey
3Jld county court district, and in the rnral deanery of esq. and Lieut.-Col. Frederick Dawson are the principal
Yeldham, archdeaconry of Colchester aud diocese of St. landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, chalk and gravel.
Albans. The church (name unknown) is an ancient build- The chief crops are wheat and beans. The area is 1,026
ing of rubble, in the Perpendicular style, erected in 1517, acres; rateable value, £693; the population in 1901 was 163.
possibly by the de Vere family, whose arms appear on tbe Parish Clerk, Mark Goody.
fabric, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and an Letters for this place should be addressed :-Tilbury, Hal.
embattled western tower of red brick, and of later date, !ltead. Wall Letter Box cleared at 5 p.m. daily. Letters
containing 2 bells; there are 150 sittings. The register from Halstead, via Great. Yeldham, arrive at 7 a.m. The
of baptisms and burials dates from 1561; marriages, 16I1.
The living is a rectory, annexed with the chapelry of nearest post, money order & telegraph office is at Great
AIlbrights to the rectory of Ovington, net yearly value £400, Yeldham, li miles distant
with 70 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of T. Hooper National School (mixed), built in 1857, for 70 children;
esq. and held since 1898 by the Rev. CecH Waiter Brett M.A. average attendance, 43; Miss Annie Priestley, mistress
Dawson Lieut.-Col. Frederick J.P. Til- Burgess Wm. farmer, Little Meadow end Twinn Albert, farmer & bee keeper
bury court; & United Service Club, Cooper !"redk. farmer, Highfield hall Apiary house
London S W Richardson Samuel, farm bailiff to R. WinchLouisa(Mrs.), shpkpr. & beerretlr
VaizeyRt.Edward,B.A.,J.P.Tilbury hall E. Vaizeyesq Wing Alfred, farmer, Great Meadow end
EAST TILBURY is a parish, on the banks of the guns were constructed during 1894-7. This place was
Thames, li miles east from Low Street station on the Lon- . sometime the seat of St. Cedd, or Ceadda, second Bishop of
don, Tilbury and Southend railway, 4 east from Tilbury! London, in 656, who died in 659; and, according to Bede,
Fort, 6 east from Grays, 14 south-east from Romford and I this was also the seat of a monastery, founded in 630, under
25 from London, in the South Eastern division of the county, I Sigebert, king of the East Saxons, by St. Cedd; here also
Barstable hundred, Orsett union and petty sesslOnal division, are remains of earthworks and also of the old sea wall as
Grays connty court district, and in the rnral deanery of well as an ancient ferry over the Thames. Buckland is
Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The the residence of Robert Hamilton Williams esq. J.P. There
church of St. Katherine, formerly dedicated to St. Margaret, is no manor. The principal landowners are the trustees
is an ancient bnilding of flint and stone of the Transition Nor- of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Cotton, lord justice of appeal
man and Lancet periods, consisting of chancel, nave, north I (d. 1892) ; George R. Burness esq., the trustees of Rochester
aisle, north porch and a wooden belfry, with short spire on the bridge, Kent, the trnstees of Whitechapel charity school,
western gable, containing one bell, cast by WilIiam Oldfield Robert Hamilton Williams esq. J.P. of Buckland, and Mrs.
in 1629 : the lofty stone tower of the churCh is said to have I AspIin, of Tilbury Place. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel
been battered down by the Dutch fleet in 1667: in the I and chalk. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The
chancel, which retains a piscina, is a tomb to Henry area is 2,II3 acres of land, lof water, 835 of tidal water
Knight, gent. of Tortworth, Glos. ob. 11 Jan. 1721, another and 360 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,124; the popula·
inscribed to John Rawlinson, ob. 13 Sept. .;[698, and a tion in 1891 was 501, and in 19 01 , 457.
brass to Wi~Ii~m de Bordfield; there is l;tlso .in the ~hurch MUCKINGFOBD.-A small portion of this place is in the
a stone, the chanc~l roof was repaIred m 18 98 , there parish of East Tilbury, but the greatest portion is in the
3;r~ 25~ SIttu;gS. The regIster dates from the y~ar 162!. The parish of Mucking' which see for names.
hvmg IS a VICarage, net yearly value £ I30, WIth reSIdence, ' .
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 18 93 by Post ?ffice.-M~s. Rose Preston, sub-post~lstress. Letters
the Rev. Richard Henry James Cook L.Th. of Durham arrive from TIlbury. S.O. at 9.3 0 a.m.;. dIspatched at 3.3 0
University. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Coalhouse Fort is p.m.; sundays, d~hvery 8,3 0 a.m.; dlspl.ltched 9.30 a.m.
a strongly fortified place on the north bank of the Thames, Postal orders are l~sued here, b.ut not paid. The ne~re~t
3 miles from Tilbury, and forms a triangle with the Shorn- mon~y order office IS at West TIlbury;. tele~raph office IS
mead and Cliff forts on the opposite side of the river; it is at TIlbury S.O., near to the Docks 5 mIles dIstant
mounted with 20 guns and is occupied at ordinary times by Wall Letter Box cleared at 3. 1 5 p.m. week days only
a detachment of 20 men under a master gunner: there are National School· (mixed), built on land given by tbe late
officers' quarters and barracks for married men: this fort I :Mr. Wingfield Baker, of Orsett hall, & enlarged in 1885,
would, on an emergency, hold about 700 men: additional, and again in 1899, for ISO children; average attendance,
fortifications on higher ground consisting of a battery of 6 I 95; WaIter Wilkinson, master
Cook Rev. Richard Henry Jas. L.Th. Asplin Frances Dalton (Mrs.), farmer & turer of pressed red facing bricks
(vicar) Vicarage landowner, Tilbury place Low Street Brick works
WilIiams BIairHunter LeeIJ.p.Buckland Burton George Henry, farm bailiff to Mutt WiIIiam, shopkeeper
Williams Robt. Hamilton J.P. Buckland Robert H. Williams esq Ridgway Samuel, farmer, St. Clere's
Cole Henry, farmer, Castle farm Thorogood James, Ship P.H
COl\1MEBCIAL. Miller Harry G. brick & tile maker, WilliamsBlairHunterLee,slctr.Buckland
Adams Charles Fredk. shopkeeper gravel & flint merchant; manufac-
'WEST TILBURY is a parish with a station called Low dence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1871
Street, on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 4 by the Rev. James Bonamy Dobree M.A. of Corpus Christi
miles east from Grays, I5 miles south-east from Rom- College, Cambridge. Archbishop Laud was rector of this
ford and 24 from London, in the South Eastern divi- place in the year 1615. A mineral spring, famous for its
sion of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union and medicinal properties, was discovered in 1727 by 11r. John
petty sessional division, Grays county court district, Kellaway on lands belonging to the manor, and a well was
and in the rural deanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex made for it in 1734. George R. Bumess esq. is lord of the
. and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. James is an manor and principal landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil,
ancient building of stone, in the Early English style, con- gravel. The chief crops are wheat, peas and potatoes. The
sisting of chancel, nave, small north porch and an embattled area is 1,857 acres of land, 9 of water, 2r8 of tidal water
western tower, erected in 1883, at a cost of £1,000, given and 35 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,374; the population
by George R. Burness esq. ; it contains 5 bells, dating from in 1891 was 539, including IOO gipsies encamped on the
1621 to 1694, formerly in the old tower, and a modern common, and in 19 01 , 459
clock: the church, restored in 1879-80, is said to have been Tilbury Fort is in West Tilbury and Chadwell parishes,
despoiled in 1648 by the troopers of Lord Fait'fax, when 2 mIles from the village of West Tilbury, on the ferry m-er
on their way to the siege of Colchester, the edifice being, the Thames above Hope Point, opposite Gravesend, and was
for the time, turned into a stable: the communion plate :t blockhouse, built by Henry VIII. : here, in 1588, Queen
includes chalices presented in 1762 and 1797 by Mrs. Jane Elizabeth reviewed the army, amounting to 17,000 men,
Harrison and the Rev. Sir A. Gordon bart. rector, who also raised to meet the Spanish Armada: it was afterwards
presented a silver flagon in 1800: a. lych-gate has been :onverted into a regular fortification by Charles n. from
erected at the expense of G. R. Hurness esq. : the church plans by S:(r Bernard de Gomme, engineer-general, and
affords 150 sittings. Th~ register of baptisms dates from is now heavily armed: the chapel in Tilbury Fort, which
1546 ; burials, 1540; marriages, 1567. The living is a rectory, occupies the site of the ancient West Lee chapel, dedicated
net )'oorly value £35 0 , with 45 acres of glebe and resi- to St. Mary Magdalen and used for many years as a. billiard
and reading room, was restored to its original use by the a customs examination room; and there is a large hotel,
Rev. R. H. Killick lVLA. rector of Chadwell, 1869-79. The with IrO bedrooms. There is a floating steam crane for
officers' quarters are in this parish, and t.he men's quarters, lifting and shipping heavy weights, but the travelling
including school and chapel, are in that of Chadwell St. cranes for shunting railway trucks, and the gate and sluice
Mary. Extensive military works have also been erected machinery and capstans are all worked by hydraulic power;
both here and at East Tilbury. within the dock boundaries are about 30 miles of railway
Parish Clerk, James Austin. sidings, and the electric light is extensively used. The
Post, M. O. & T. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel Post, S. B. & contractors for the dock works, railways and buildings were
Annuity & Insurance Office,Dock road,Tilbury (Sub-office, Messrs. Lucas and Aird. The hydraulic machinery was pro-
Letters should have S. O. Essex added).-Henry .Alfred vided by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell and Co. Limited and
Suggett, sub-postmaster. Letters from LOildon and from Messrs. Tannett, Walker and Co. and the pumping ma-
Grays are delivered at 7.45 & 10 a.m. (Docks only), 3 & chinery for the graving docks by Messrs. J. Simpson and
6.15 p.m. sundays (callers only) 8 to 10 a.m. ; dispatches Co. The Great Eastern, Great Northern, Great Western,
9.25 a.m. & 12.10,4.45 & 9.25 p.m. sundays 9.10 p.m. London and North Western, and Midland railways have
Office open on sundays, for telegraph business, from 8 to inquiry offices and run goods here.
10 a.m. There is also a telegraph office at Tilbury Dock There is a temporary church (for which see Chadwell St.
railway station Mary), a Catholic Church dedicated to Our Lady Star of
Post & M. 0., Parcel Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance the Sea, and a Japanese Christian Mission Room. This
Office, opposite Docks railway station.-William Flack, portion of Chadwell St. Mary is now (1902) being formed
sub-postmaster. Box cleared 9 & II.50 a.m. & 4.20 & into a separate ecclesiastical district, to be called St. John
8.15 p.m. week days only the Baptist, Tilbury, and will comprise a population of 4,460
Pillar Letter Box, at the railway station, cleared at 9 & 11.50 The Cottage Hospital at the Docks, erected in 1896 by
a.m. & 4.20 & 8.15 p.m. week days only John Passmore Edwards esq. at a cost of £2,000, and
Schools :_ enlarged in 1901, has three wards, containing altogether 12
Board (under Chadwell St. Mary School Board), built in beds
1891, enlarged in 1895, and now (1902) being further Tilbury Docks : -
enlarged for 225 boys, 225 girls & 250 infants; average Superintendent, Robert Charles Norris
attendance, 259 boys, 242 girls & 232 infants; Herbert Dockmaster, David Ronald Buchan
Edward Keens, master; Miss Catherine Linklater, Assistant Dockmaster, Thomas Nicholson Keen
mistress; Mrs. Edith Calverley, infants' mistress Engineer, William John Darlow
Catholic (mixed), built in 1887 for 250 children; average Principal of Warehouse Departments, William H. Reynolds
attendance. 136 boys & girls; 68 infants: the Sisters of Inspector of Dock Police, WaIter Edward Hill
La Ste. Union des Sacres Coours, mistresses . Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Railway Stations: ' William Hart, sub-postmaster. Letters through Tilbury
Tilbury, Matthew Forster, station master S.O. arrive at 8.45 a.m.; dispatched at 3.40 p.m. ; sun-
Tilbury Dock, WaIter J. Butcher. station master days, arrive at 7.45 a.m.; dispatched, 10 a.m. The
nearest telegraph office is at Tilbury S.O. near to the
TILBURY DOCKS.-The deep water docks of the East Docks 3 miles distant. Wall Letter Box at Low Street
and West India Dock Company. commonly known as station cleared at 3.35 p.m. ; sundays at 10 a.m
"the Tilbury docks," but locally in the parishes of i A School Board of 5 members was formed 9th March, 1875;
ChadwelI St. Mary and Little Thurrock, were opened on Charles Asplin, Bank buildings, Grays, clerk to the board;
Se.turday, April 17th, 1886. These are now the finest George Watts, Grays, attendance officer
deep water docks in the kingdom, and were constructed Board School (mixed), erected 1877, & enlarged in 1894, for
in about four years, at a cost of about £3,000,000, 110 children; average attendance, boys 45, girls 37; :Miss
from plans by Mr. A. Manning, engineer to the company, Jane Boyle, mistress
and Mr. F. C. Ahlfeldt. For the accomplishment of this Military.
great work, the company acquired in 1882 an area of 460 Royal Garrison Artillery.
lIocres of land, of which about 100 acres are occupied by i Head Quarters, Tilbury Fort.
the docks and their accessories: The docks include a tidal I Armament ~lajor, A. T. Baker R.A
basin 191 acres in extent, with a width at the entrance of Submarine Miners, Royal Engineers.
300 feet; a depth at low water springs of 26 feet, and at I Militia Engineers, The Thames Division.
ordinary high water springs of 45 feet, so that the largest I Head Quarters, Tilbury Fort.
ships, whether discharging or loading, can enter or leave at I Commanding, Hon. Lt.-Col. Charles P. Boyd
any state of the tide; the other principal sections comprise a Captains, C. G. Holland (hon. major), L. N. Blackwell,
mam dock of 23 acres, 1,800 feet long and 600 feet wide; 4<\' O. Luckman & A. T. Smythe
three branch docks, each 1,600 feet long and 300 feet wide, I Acting Adjutant, Lieut. B. S. Philpotts RE
and covering together an area of 29i acres; lock, and Instructor of Musketry, Lieut. T. W. F. Spottiswood
graving docks, together about 8 acres. There are six i
arrival and departure quays, each 600 feet in length, a ' ',"all Letter Box, Tilbilry Fort, cleared 8.55 & 11.45 a.m.,
transhipment quay 300 feet in length, intended for the use I 4.10 & 8.4-0 p.m. ; sundays 10. IS a. m
of Continental steamers; aud a coaliug jetty at the south- . --
western quay of the tidal basin. On the south quay is Low Street Railway Station, George William Gothard,
a waiting-room for the convenience of passengers, and. station master
WEST TILBURY. TILBURY DOCKS. Chandler Edward, greengrocer, Dock I'd
Dobree Rev. Jas. Bonamy M.A. Rectory PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chilverd :\Iary (Mrs.), beer t'etailer, 62
Griffiths Waiter Frederick Bright Stanley, 3 Tilbury gardens Sydney road
James Misses Buchan David Ronald, 2 Tilbury gardens Clothier J. A. custom house surveyor
COl\IMERCIAL. Clayton Rev. Francis Meuross A. K. C. L. Couk J. \V. & Co. Ltd. lightermen
Brown Arthur Edward, police constable (curat.e-in-charge), Tilbury hotel Cory Wm. & Son Ltd. coal merchants
Bull Edwin, farmer, 'Well house Darlow William Johu, 7 Tilbury gardens Coubro & Scrutton, ship chandlers
Chipperfield Joseph, milkselIer, Tan- Fowler Alfred H. 8 Tilbury gardens Ferguson John & Co. boiler cleaners
ered street Keen Thomas ~icholson, 4 TIlb ury gdns Flack Bros. grocers & agents for W. & A.
Cole AlIen Charles. farmer & threshing Norris Robert Charles, I Tilbury gdns GiIbey Ltd. wine & spirit mers.Dock rd
machine proprietor, Low street Reynolds William H. 6 Tilbury gardens Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Limited. ma-
Cole Henry, farmer, Walnut Tree farm, UptonRev.Jsph.(Cthlic. ),ThePresbytery rme engineers
Low street & GunhiIl & Offord farms; Williams Archibald, 5 Tilbury gardens FowlerAlfred Henderson L.R. C.P. Lond.,
& at East Tilbury & Orsett COllIMERCL\.L. M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & surgeon, 8
Diprose James, carman, Bryanstone I'd Baxter Edwin Alfred, attendance officer Tilbury gardens
Goodwin John, cowkeeper to Chadwell St. lVIary School Board, Frost Wm. shopkeeper, I Sydney road
Harris \Villiam, baker, Tancred street Beaconsfield road GodfreyThos. greengrocer, 9 Calcutta rd
Hart William, grocer, & post office BeadleJosephT.shopkeeper,22Toronto rd Gray Henry jun. lighterman
Hunt Thomas Hy. beer retailer & grocer Blake Alfred, shopkeeper, 60 Sydney I'd Grays Co-operative Society Ltd. (branch)
Ockendon William Frederick, farmer, Bland Edwd. VnIliam, draper'& grocer, Great Eastern Railway Shipping Office
Manor farm 37, 4 2 & 59 Sydney road (F. J. Keevil, agent)
Paulton Robert, butcher Board of Trade Mercantile Marine Office Great Northern Railway Shipping Office
Pryor Albert James, King's Head P.H (Augustus OrltonCooper R.N.R.supt) (Johu Penny, agent)
Such John, blacksmith Bov,rell John, patent fuel manufacturer Great Western Railway Shipping Office
Thomas Ann Alice pIrs.), shopkeeper, Brown HeUlT, fishmonger, 19 Sydney I'd (-. Davies, agent)
Bryanstone road Cayzer, Irvine &, Co. steamship owners, Hart Wm. Thos. dairyman Calcutta I'd
Wright Margaret pIrs.), farmer, Clan line Barris Richard, baker, 39 Sydney road
Polwick's farm, Low street Chapman James S. World's End P.H Henderson Brothers, steamship owners
Howden Alexander & Co. (shipping Nippon Yusen Kaisha, steamship owners Shipman Edward James, newsagent k
agents, Bibby line) Olley William, engineer &c tobacconist, Montreal road
Kennedy Jas.boot repairer, 17 Sydney rd Orient (The) Steam Navigation Co.Lim. Smith John & Co. tarpaulin manfrs
London & India Docks Joint Committee steamship owners Societe John Cockerill,steamshipowners
(J. G. Broodbank, sec) Oxley Oscar Starling, butcher Station Restaurant (Jas. F.Salter, mgr.)
London & North Western Railway Ship- Pacific Steam Navigation Co. (George Suggett Henry Alfred, baker & sub-post-
ping Office (F. H. Dent, agent) N. Conlan, supt.), steamship owners master, J: Dock road
London (The) Parcels Delivery Co. Lim. Passmore Edwards Cottage Hospital; Suter, Hartmann & Rahtjen's Composi.-
(George Turner, agent) (Alfred Henderson Fowler L.R.C.P. tion Co. Limited, anti-fouling compo-
London & Provincial Bank Ltd. (branch) Lond.JohnAlfredWard l\'LR.C.S.Eng. sition manufacturers
(FrancisNoel Tomkins,manager),open Harold Stevens Basden M.R.C.S.Eng. Temperley, Carter & Drake, shipping
IQ to 2.30 daily, except wed. 10 to & Anthony Fewster Blake L.R.C.P. agents (Harrison line)
12.30 &, sat. 10 to 1.3°; draw on head i.ond., M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. medical Tilbury Dock Club & Institute (Thos.
office, 7 Bank buildings, Lothbury officers; Geo.John LucasL.D.S.R.C.S. Webb, sec)
E C & Glyn, Mills,Currie, London, E C Edin. surgeon dentist; G. G. Sim- Tilbury Docks Estate Co. (James Young,
London & Tilbury Lighterage Contract- mons, sec. ; Miss Watson, matron) manager), 3 Dock road
ing & Dredging Co. Ltd. lightermen PellingFrdk. Wm. provision dlr. 4Dock I'd TilburyHotel(L. Chas. Bentley. manager)
London, Tilbury & Southend Railway Perlbach Henry John & Co. ship owners Tilbury Steam Laundry Com,.
Shipping Off. (Waiter J. Butcher,agt) Perry William T. dining rooms, Dock I'd pany (The) (Arthur V. Slattery,
Mackay Thos. butcher, 40 Sydney road Pcrt of London Master Porters & Steve- manager)
Mercantile Lighterage Co. lightermen doring Co. Ltd Tucker Albert, greengrocer, Calcutta I'd
Midland Railway Shipping Office(Henry Raip & Gardiner, marine engineers Umfreville John RopeI', dairyman, 2~
Mason, agent) Rix Thomas, boot maker, SI Quebec I'd Sydney road
Montgomerie & Workman, sbipping Scruttons Limited, stevedores Warne Edward, Ship P.H. Dock road
agents (City line) Sexton Edward, manager, Basin tavern Williamson Henry, butcher, Calcutta rti
TILLINGHAM is a parish and large and pleasant village, People. Tbe charities, amounting to about £18 yearly, and
4 miles north-east from Eouthminster terminal station on the chiefly derived from land bequeatbed in tbe year 16S2 by
Southend section of the Great Eastern railway, 7 miles Ilortb- Colonel Gregory Baker, a distinguished Royalist, are dis-
east-by-north from Burnham and 14 east-south-east from tributed to the poor; there are also almsholises endowed
Maldon, in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengle with £20 a year, founded by the same benefactor for four
hundred and pettysessional division, Maldon union and county poor people. Tbe manor and tithes of thii> place were given
court district and in the rural deanery o! Dengie,archdeaconry by Ethelbert, Bretwalda of England and King of Kent (5So-
of Essex and diocese of St. Albans : the village is very plea- 616) to the Cathedral of St. Paul. The lords of the manol'
santly seated about 3 miles from the German Ocean, but are tbe Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The principal
the parish extends to its borders. The church of St. Nicho- landowners are the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's~
las, which stands in a fine open space in the centre of the C. H. B. Croxon, Arthur Attenborough, James Gale
village, is an ancient building of stone in the Early English and James Rand Jackson esqrs. The village has been
and Perpendicular styles, repaired in 1708 by a rate on the much improved by the erection, in 1881, of some pictur-
inhabitants, the south aisle was rebuilt in 1866 and in 189! esque cottages by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, whO'
the church underwent a complete restoration, costing about previously purchased and removed, at a considerable outlay,
£2,000 j it consists of chancel, nave of four bays, south several dilapidated tenements. There is much land here
aisle and porch, and an embattled tower at the west end formerly marSh, but now drained and under cultivation.
containing 6 bells, the 3rd and Sth are dated 16840 the The soil is various; subSOIl, gravel and loam. The crops
4th, 1707, the 1st 1513, and the 2nd 146o; the peal was are wbeat, peas, beans, barley, oats, turnips, mangold wurtzeI
thoroughly refitted and rehung, and a 6th bell added in and on the land near tbe sea, white mustard, coriander and
1889, at the cost of Miss Seabrook, of Chelmsford: the caraway seeds are grown. The area is 4,658 acres of land,
tower was much damaged by lightning towards the close 8 of water 224 of tidal water and 3,556 of foresbore ; rate-
of the last century, but in 1888 was completely restored able value, £3,791 ; tbe population in 1902 was 797
and its stair-turret rebuilt from funds raised by the vicar; Sexton, George Chinnery.
a clock witb chiming appa:r:att,ls was place~ i~ the tower. ~n Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery Parcel
I887,.at.the cost of the parIs~IOners j ~he pIscl~a and sedlha Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mrs. Mary Poml,
are stIll mtact, and the font IS a b~aut~ful speCImen of early sub-postmistress. London & other letters are received
wor~; the doo:way ~~ the north SIde IS Norm~n; there a:8 through Southminster RS.O. at 7.50 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.;
brasses to Ed'lard "lOt esq. ob. July, IS84, "WIth two Latm dispatched at .40 a.m &5.3 0 .m
verses; and to John Wakeman, ob. 1584: the church ., 9. P .
affords 400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1562 . Coa:st Gua:r: d StatIOn, ~lfred Waterman, officer III charge
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value, £180, with 12 acres Pohce StatIOn, FrederlCk Stuckey, constable
of glebe and residence, in the gift of tlfe Dean and Chapter of National School (mixed), built in 1868 & enlarged by the-.
St. Paul's, and held since 1879 by the Rev. William Coase addition of an infant school in 1881 ; the school now holds-
Miller, Theol. Assoc. of King's College, London, and rural 170 children; average attendance, 150; William James.
dean of Dengie. The rectorial commuted rent-charge CheU, master; Miss Robinson & Miss Jarman, assistant
amounts to £797 17s. which together with about £1,000 a mistresses
year derived from lands in the parish, belongs to the Dean Carriers to : -
and Chapter of St. Paul's and is applied, after deducting a Chelmsford-John Hazelton, tues. & fri. returning same
grant t,o ten poor livings in the county, to the repair of the days
cathedral. There are BaptIst, Congregational and Primitive Maldon-George Harvey, tues. & sat. returning same days-
Methodists chapels, and two places of worship for the Peculiar & to Southminster, daily
PillVATE RESIDENTS. Dow Benjamin, marine store dealer Orriss WaIter, boot maker
Croxon Chas. Hy. Bowerman, Reddings English Joseph, butcher Peacock Henry, tailor
Jackson James Rand, Leggatt's farm Fletcher Tarbot Lush, cowkeeper Peacock Sarah (Mrs.), draper
Marshall Thomas Bingham, The Limes Hart Alfred, grocer & draper Peacocke Charles C. baker
Miller Rev. William Coase T.A.K.C.L. Hart Edward Alber.t, grocer, draper & Peacocke George, brewers' agent & cal>-
[vicar & rural dean] Vicarage news agent & aSSIstant overseer proprietor, trains met at South-
Sewell William The H~ll Hart Ernest, farmer, Sampsons minster station
Thompson R:v. Thomas [Congrega- Harvey FannyHannah(Miss), shopkeepr Peacocke Hugh Smyth, butcher
tional] The Manse Harvey George, Swan Inn P.H Playle Eliza (Miss), milliner
, Hawkins Frank, baker & miller (steam) Pond Arthur Charles, Cock inn
COMMERCIAL. Hawkins Henry, farmer, Shinglefoots Pond Mary (Mrs.), snb-postmistress.
Arthy WaIter Henry, baker Hazelton John, general dealer & carrier Rayner Alfred, saddler
Aylett Robert, wheelwright Jackson Jas. Rand,farmer,Leggatt's frm Rodda Benjamin, carpenter
Baxter Thomas, blacksmith Kemp John, cycle agent SeweIl William, farmer, The Hall
Collins Charles, sen. (exors.of), carpenter MarshallThomas Bingham M.R.c.s.Eng., Sewell William T. grocer & draper'
Collins Charles Collingwood, carpenter L.R.c.p,LOnd. surgeon & medical Taylor Robert John, painter
Cook Wm. F. Cap & Feathers P.H officer & public vaccinator for Brad- Thurgood George, beer retailer
Croxon Charles Henry Bowerman, well dIstrict MaIdon union,The Limes Turner Marshall, farmer, East Hyde-
farmer, Reddings Manning James, farmer, Dotts Turner William, farmer, Hill farm
Dines William Farmer, Blackbirds l\'Iitson Elijah, shoe maker Waterman Alfred, coastguards officer
TIL'l'Y is a parish, 5 miles west from Elsenham station division of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional
on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, and 4 division, union and county court district, rural deanery of
north-north-west from Dunmow station on the Dunmow Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans.
and Braintree section of the same line, in the 'Western DUTON ffiLL, a ham!et in Great Easton, is attached to

this parish for ecclesiastical purposes only. The parish the Rev. John Stevenson L.Th. of Durham University.
church of St. Mary the Virgin is a building of rubble in Irere was formerly a Cistercian abbey founded A.D. II53
t1lte Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south by :Maurice Fitz-Geoffrey, some remains of which are
poroh, and a western tower with cupola containing I still standing; the revenue at the Dissolution was £177
bell: the tracery of the ch'ancel windows and particularly 9s. 4d. The Countess of Warwick, as heiress of the late
that of the easll window is very fine: in the chancel are Viscount Maynard, is lady of the manor and sole land~
brasses in good preservation to Gerard Danet esq. of owner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, clay and gravel. The
Bronkynsthorp, Co. Leic. counsel!lor to King Henry VIII. chief crops wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,067
ob. 1520 and his wife Mary, with 5 sons and 6 daughters; acres; rateable value, £731; the population in, 1901 was
to George Medeley, of Tyltey esq. with his figure in 83, and including Duton Hill, which is now in this eccle-
armour, ob. 1562 and his wife Mary, 3 sons and 2 daugh- siastical parish, was 212.
ters; to Margaret, wife of George Tuke esq. of Layer Parish Clerk, Frederic Butcher.
Marney, ob. 1590, with 3 sons, 3 daughters and 3 in-
fants in swaddling clothes and an inscription to Thomas, Letter carrier cal:s at 4·45 p.m. week days only; on sun-
of Thakely Abbot, c. I460, with four Latin verses: there days at 8. Letters from Chelmsford through Dunmow,
are I80 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from arrive at 8 a.m. & 3.30 p.m. Dunmow is the nearest
1725; burials, 1724; marriages, 1727. The living is a money order &; telegraph office, 4 miles distant
vicarage, net yea.rly value £166, with residence, in the The children of this village go to Broxted &; Great Easton
gift of t}le Countess of Warwick, and held sincB 1900 by schools
:Ste'venson Rev. John L.Th. (vicar), Butcher John, hurdle & rake manufctl' Smith Gearge, miller (steam & water),
Vicarage Chanin Robert, farmer, Tiltv hill Tilty mill
'lJaynes Charles, frmr. Cold Harbour Stock John Jas. farmer, Tiity grange
TIPTREE HEATH was formerly part of the Great but it was forfeited on his attainder. Tiptree Hall, now
Forest of Essex: it embraces portions of six parishes, occupied by William Fowler esq. was once the seat and
viz. :-TolIeshunt Knights, Inworth, Messing, Tollesbury, famous experimental farm of the late J. J. Mechi esq. The
'Tolleshunt D'Arcy and Great Wigborough, is mostly in- Britannia Fruit Preserving Company's farms, which are
<llosed and was formed into an ecclesiastical parish June in this parish, produce over 300 tons a year of fruit,
.24, 18 59; it is 4 :miles south-east from Kelvedon station most of which is converted into preserves on the premises.
on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 6 east Here also is a. br-ewery. The British school, adjoining
'from Witham, and 7 north-east from Maldon, in the the Congregational chapel, is now used as a Sunday
Eastern division of the county, hundred of Lexden and school and for public meetings, and will hold 150 persons.
Thurstable, Witham petty sessional division, union of The principal landowners are Sir William Neville Abdy
Lexden and Winsm-ee, county court district of Maldon, bart. Hector John Gurdon-Rebow esq. of Wyvenhoe Park,
>rural deanery of Coggeshall, arehdeaconry of Colehester Richard Edward Rann esq. of Messing, Major Gully, of
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Luke, The Fields, Weeley, and the trustees of the late Thomas
erected in 1855 at a cost of about £1,800, is a plain edi- Wallis esq. The soil is plastic clay, light moor and
fice of brick in the Early English style, consisting of gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
chancel, nave, aisles, :south porch and a; western turret, oats, peas, beans, fruit, mangolds, turnips and seeds.
containing I bell: there are 400 sittings. The register The area is 3,000 acres; the population in 1901 was 940.
dates from the year 1857. The living is a rectory, net Parish Clerk, Albert Stokes.
yearly value £284, with residence and 13 acres of glebe,
in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held since Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
18g6 by the Rev. Frederick Holmes Buckham Assoc. Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-David Hill,
K.C.L. The Congregational chapel here was founded in sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Kelvedon R.S.D.
x720• Wix's charity consists of £100 Consols, the in- at 7·40 a.m. &; 7 p.m.; dispatched at 10·50 a.m. &; 8
terest of which is distributed yearly. A fair is held here p.m. Sunday arrive 7. 20 a.m.; dispatched at I I a.m
on July 25th. Here formerly stood a priory of Black School (mixed), built, with master's house, in 1863, en-
'Oanons of the Augnstinian order, founded in the reign of larged in I866, & in 18g6, for 300 children; average
Edward I. by R. de Mount Chesney, and dedicated to attendance, 149 &; 80 infants; William Paine, master;
tJhe Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas; the family of Mount Mrs. Elizabeth Coates, infants' mistress
·<Jhesney being its principal benefactors: this was one of Carriers.-Bennett, to Colchester, tues. &; sat. &; Maldon
the forty small monasteries granted to Cardinal Wolsey on thurs.; Runnicles, 'to Colchester, on wed. &; sat.;1
in I523, for the endowment of his proposed coUeges at Bacon, to & from Kelvedon, Tolleshunt D'Arcy & Tolles4
Ipswich and Oxford and was then valued at £22 16s. 4d. bury, mOD. wed. fri. .&; sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Arnold Stanley Charles, clothier French Neal, farmer
Bawtree Rev. Stanley Rogers A.T.S. Barfield William, f~rmer French -W:illiam, farm~r
COongregational) The Manse Bennett John, carrIer Hull DavId, beer retailer
Buckham Rev.Fredk.Rolmes A.K.C.L. Bicknell William, groce[' & draper Jacques Edward, Ship P.H
(rector) Rectory Birkin Alfd. Chas. farmer, Irolly trees Keys Harry, beer ret. & seed grower
<Jhalon Coi. Thos. R. T.Inworth grnge Br~tt T~os. P: farmer ~ mrkt. gr~lnr Lingl~y Joshua, blacksmith
Fowler William, Tiptree hall BrItanma FrUIt Prese~l;llg Co. LJ?l. Mart~n Charles, ~urseryman
Howan George, The Limes (~rbhur Ch~rles Wilklll, managlllg M:-rtlll Fre~, .frUIt grower
Kendal Alfred Brook house dIrector),frUIt gr:>wers &preservers; MI1bank Wilham, baker
Livermore Arthur Milldean manufacturers of pickles, sauce &; Parish William, seed grower &; frmr
Looker Horace, Biilingsley a~rated wate!'s. Registered office, Rawl~nson Da~i~, butcher & de:u er
Pulley Charles T. The Grove TIptree Heath; &.at Dag~nham Rawl~nson ,-W:~am,. beer retailer
Ransom Mises The Cottage Cattermole Harry,mIller (wllld&steam) Rawlinson WIlllam, Jun. Anchor P.R
Sibley Henry' Coates John Matthew, relieving officer Rogers Peter, farmer
Thorn Charles Thomas Heathfield 3rd dist. LextDn & Winstree union Rogers William, farmer
Wilkin Arthnr Charle;, Trewlandf & attendance officer, Lexden i& ~ins- R.unnicles Fred, carrier & ~eer retailer
Wilson Oharles Oak cottage tree Rural Attendance CommIttee SImpson Henry, wheelwrIght
, Drain Geor-ge, grocer Thorn & Co. browers &; maItsters,
COMMERCIAL. Drain James, fruit grower QrDwn brewery
Anchor Press Limited, printers Edwards Chas. Fo['d, market gardener Thorn Cbas. Thos. builder &; contractr
Arnold Alee Thomas, bicycle maker Edwards Edward, baker Tiptree Self-Help Co-operative Society
Arnold Horatio Rt. buildr.& undertakr Everitt WaIter, butcher (Arthur James Sayers, manager)
'TOLLESBURY is a parish and large fishing village tlie church are some memorials to the family of Gardiner,
near the Blackwater e~tuary, 9 miles east-north-east of Bourchier's Hall; and the east window is stained:
from Maldon station, 12 south-east from Witham and 48 the church was restored in 1872, at a cost of about
from London, in the EaSitern division of the county, £2,300, raised by subscription, and has sittings for
Thurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional diviSiion, about 300 persons. The register dates from the year
MaIdon union and county court district, rural deanery of 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value, £37°,
Hatfield Peverel, arehdeaconry of Colchester and diocese with 12 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs.
·of St. Albans. Here is a coast ~uard sttl.tion. The Ro~ert Coltart, and held since 1901 by the Rev. William
church of St. Mary is a large building of stone in the Carter M.A. of the Unive1'sity of Toronto, N.A. The
Early English style. consisting of a modern chancel and QmgregationaI chapel, erected in 1864, has a: school (sun-
'!lave, south porch and an embattled western tower with days only) and burial ground attached. The place is ('ele-
~imlacles, oonrtadning a clock with dial and 6 bells; in brated for its oyster beds, formed in a broad creek ef the
. EflSEX 27
Blackwater, and in which large quantities of oysters are Parish Clerk, George Anthony.
cultivated; the Blackwater Oyster Company having sold
during a year oysters w the amount of '£14,200. Several Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. ]\f. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,.
buildings have been erected with a view to becoming Parcel Post & .Annuity & Insurance Office.-Frank War-
yachting boxes, the harbour being very convenient for ren Sharvell, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
yachts; a number of fishing boats belonging to 'rollesbury Witham at 6 a.m. & 12.25 p.m.; dispatched at 8'45
are employed on the river. Brick making by steam a.m. & 7 p.m.; sunday, arrive 7 a.m.; dispatched at 7
process has lately been started here. The great disad. p.m
vantage felt is that ToUesbury is 9 miles from the rail- A School Board of 7 members was formed April 28, J 894;
way. Tallior's charity of '£12 yearly, arising from lands J. H. Salter, Tolleshnnt D'Arcy, clerk to the board
at Tolleshunt Knights, left in 1652 by Robert Tai1lor, is Board (originally National), rebuilt in 1896 for J44 boys•.
for bread. Thomas Godfrey Binney esq. of Guisnes 135 girls &; 180 infants; average attendance, 105 boys,.
Oourt, is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The lIO girls &; J30 infants; Benjamin Peacocke, master;
soil is various; subsoil, loam and gravel. The chief crops Miss Catherine Thomas, girls' mistress; Miss Emily
are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 4,866 acres of Thomas, infants' mistress
land, of which a portion is 8alin~ pasture, called
saltings, 163 of water, J,306of tidal water, and 1,669 Qf Carriers to:-
foreshore; rateable value, .£6,057; the population in 1901 Colchester Ucal Weavers, tues. thurs. & sat.; Goorge-
was 1,714. Anthony, wed. &; sat
By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March 24, Maldon Oollins, tues. thurs. & sat
1889, Tiptree was transferred from Tollesbury to Tolle- Kelvedon-George Anthony, mono t-qes. &; fri.; BaCOD,.
shunt D'Arcy for civil purposes. mono wed. m. & ut
Anstey Rev. Wm. B. (Oongregational) Ohatterson .Adam Elisha, oyster mer- Mason Mrs. Lucy, shopkeeper
Benney Thomas Godfrey,Guisnes court chant &; fish agent & agent for May John, boot maker
Carter Rev.Wm. M.A. (vicar),Yicarage Barclay & Co. Limited, bankers Moss William, sail maker
Rudland Richard Oole John, Hoy P.R. & coal merchant Osborn George, carman
Sutton Harold, Monks house Oollins Richard, jobmaster & carrier Palmer Charles, corn merchant
Toussaint Benjamin, Breclmell Oottis Arthur, farmer Redhouse Frederick, draper
OIDmn llL Oottis Oharles, farmer Rose Robert, Hope P.R
CC. Orick &; Freeman, solicitors (2nd & 4th Sanders John, baker
Anthony George, carrier fri. 2 to 5 SharveU FrankWarren,sub-postmaster
Appleton & Son, oyster merchant·s Dansie & 00. bakers & grocers Shynn Thomas, baker & shopkeeper
Baker Alfred, farmer Drake & Sons, shipwrights Snape Charles, harness maker
Banyard Mary Ann & Lucy (.Misses), Fisher George, Plough &; Sail P.R Snape James, jobmaster
shopkeepers Fisher George James, cycle agent Spurgeon & Son, auctioneers,valuers &.
Banyard Frederick Ohatterson, oyster French Arthar, grocer &; draper house agents; & at Maldon
merchant &; farmer French William, farmer Spurgeon Stephen, beer retailer
Barclay & Co. Limited, bankers (sub- Frost Arthur, draper Stebbing WaIter H. butcher
branch) (A.. E. Chatterson, agent) Frost William, coal merchant Stone & Sons, brewers
(open 12 to 3); draw on head office, Fuller James, boot· maker Tollesbury Oo-operative Society, gro-
5'4 Lombard street, London E 0 Golding Basil, farmer cers &c
Beecham Brothers, blad,smiths Golding John, farmer, Bohun's hall Tollesbury & Mersea Blackwater
Birkin William, farmer,Woodrope farm Golding Percy, farmer Oyster Fishery 00. Lim. oyster mers
Bonney George, hair dresser Holman &; 00. grocers & post office Weavers Ucal, carrier
Bowles John, oyster mer. & farmer Holman George, draper Williams & Philips, shipsmiths & yacht.
Brand David, butcher & farmer Juniper James, bricklayer & builder decorators
Bunting Sydney, corn merchant Leavett Isaac, jun. shopkeeper Wombwell George Henry, Kings Head'
Oause Arth. &; Fredk. frmrs.Rolls farm Legerton Waiter, builder . inn, & steam brick maker, assistant
Chatterson &; Co. ship chandlers Maskell Oharles, wheelwright overseer & rate & income tax collet!""
TOLLESlIUNT D'AItCY is, a parish and large vil- the Rev. F. W. Bussell D.D. of Mundham House, near'
1age, pleasantly seated on an eminence near the estuary Norwich. Jeffery Grimwood Grimwood esq. of 29 Ennis~
of the Blackwater, 7 miles south-east from Kelvedon and more gardens, London S:W. the Rev. Oharles Brian Leigh.
9 south-east from Witham stations on the Great Eastern RA. Mrs. L. Bunting, George Brown esq. of Ilfard,
railway, 49 from London, 7 nort.h-east from Maldon, and Robert Eve" of Maldon, the trustees of Smith's charity and'
7 east from limgford, in the Eastern division of the the New England Company are the principal landowners.
county, Thurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional The soil is various; subsoil, loam and gravel. The chiet
division, Maldon union and county court district, rural crops are wheat and barley. The area is 4,442 acres of
deanery of Hatfield Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchest-er land and 4 of water, 41 of tidal water and 337 of foreshore;
and diocese of St. .Albans. r.l'he church of St. Nicholas rateable value, £3,563; the population in 1901 was 753.
is an edifice chiefly of ,sto~e, in the Perpendicular and By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March 24,
l?ecora'ted styles~ and co;nslsts of c~a.ncel, nave, north J889, Tiptree was transferred from Tollesbury to the'
aIsle, part of whIch constItutes the D Arcy chapel, south parish for civil purposes.
I!orch and an embattled western tower containing 5 bells: P "h Cle k Waiter Holm
in. the D'Arcy chapel is the ,stately figure, in brass, of a an" I' , es. .
knight in armour, with an inscription to John de Boys Post, ~I. O. &; T. 0., T .. M. 0., S. B., Express Deli~ery,
esq. formerly lord Qf this manor, ob. 15 Aug. 1419; Parcel Fost & An!nmty & Insuran?e Office. ~orry'
I'mother knightly figure represents Anthony D'.A.rcy J.P. BIaxall, Letters arnve from WIthaIDt
ob. 18 Oct. 1540 ; there are inscriptions to Katherine, 5·45 & 1r.4~ a.m.; dlspatc~ed at 9. 2 5 a.m. & 7.5 p.m..
wife of Thomas D'Arcy esq. ob. 7 July, 1535, and several Sunday, arrIve 6'45 a.m.; dIspatched 7·5 p.m
others of that name: in the windows are some shields of
arms: in 1880 the church was restQred by subscription, PUBLIO OFFICERS.
at a cost of £450, and has 6 stained window presented by ~fedical Officer & Public Vaccinawr, Tollesbury District,.
Joshua Nunn esq. to the memory of the Perry family: Maldon Union & 4th District, Lexden &; Winstree Union
the church bas about 300 sittings. The register of bap- & Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, John Henry Salter
tisms dates from 1560, of marriages from J582, and of M.R.O.S.Eng. D'Arcy house
burials from 1583. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Registrar of Births &; Deaths, Tollesbury Sub-District.
value £150, with 3 acres of glebe and residenoe, in the Maldon Union, James Jackson
gift of and held since r8So by the REV. Robert Vemon ,Relieving Officer & Oollector to the Gual'dians, Thurstable
Ottley Graves ~LA. of St. John's Oollege, Oxford. Georgll District, Maldon Union, James Jackson
Brown esq. of Ilford, is lay impropriator of the great Assistant Overseer, Miss Jane Jackson
tithes. Here is a Congregational chapel. The poor have National School (mixed), built in 1864, for 170 children;
the benefit of about '£22 yearly, from a charity left by average attendance, J25; Henry Jackson, master
Henry Smith esq. of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, in the year 1626. Carriers to:
.A pleasure fair is held annually on the IIt·h of June. -
D'Arcy House is the residence of John Henry Salter esq. Colchester Weavers, tues. thurs. & sat.; Anthony, wed.
.LP. The ancient manor of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, otherwise & sat
Yirley, in which all the copyholds are enfranchised for Kelvedon Anthony, mono tues. &; fri
;mnual quit-rents amounting to £n, is the property of Maldon-CoBins, tues. thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Salter John Henry J.P. D'Arcy house Smyth William Driffield, The Hall
Graves Rev. Robert Vernon Ottley Seabrook Mrs Ottway William
M.A. Vicarage Seabrook Richard Webb Miss, Rose villa

COMMERCIAL. Holding Dick, Plough P.H Reynolds William, buteher
Barber Albert, butcher Holmes Waiter, boot maker &; parish Root Joseph, farmer, High hall
Blaxall Ernest, Red Lion P.H clerk Rudland Richard L.R.C.P. &; L.R.C.S.
Blaxall Henry, baker Huughton Richard, farmer, Tudwick Edin. physician &; surgeon
Blaxall Norry, grocer &; Post office' Hudson Joseph, grocer &; draper Salter John Hy. M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.
Blyth John, farmer, Freme farm Jackson James,relieving officer,Thurs- surgeon, Admiralty surgeon & agent
Bunting Lucy (Mrs.),frmr.& landownr table district &; registrar ,of births ~ medical o.llicer &;public vaccinator,
Cause Daniel & Abel, saddlers &; deaths, Tollesbury sub-district, Tollesbury district, Maldon union &;
Cooke Samuel John, wheelwright &; Maldon union 4th district, Lexden &; Winstree
builder Jackson Jane (MiSS), assistant overseer union &; local sec. to the Poor Law
Orees Saml.farmr.&; painter, Tudwick Legerton Frederick Uriah, farmer, MedicalOfficers'Associatn.D'Arcy ha
Denman Wm. jun. Queen's Hood P.H Spring iarm Sargeant Matthew, farmer
Emeny Abraham, blacksmith, &; That- Lofthouse John &; Thomas, farmers, Scott Arth. &; Jas. farmers, Grouts fran
chers' Arms P.R Tudwick Seabraok Richd. farmer &; landowner
Emery Edward William, upholsterer, Lofthouse Joseph, farmer, Brook farm Smyth Wm. Driffield, frmr. The Hall
news agent, stationer &; tobacconist Martin Thomas, farmer Strutt Thomas, bricklayer
Gallimore Alfred, farmer Ottway Norris, veterinary surgeon Valentine Ann (Mrs.), Wheatsheaf P.H
Hall Charles Lenney, farmer Page Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Whitmore WiIliam, baker
Handley William, painter Posford Stowers, miller (wind) &; fmr
TOLLESHUNT KNIGHTS is a scattered parish Rev. Frederick George Bussell M.A. of Trinity College,
and seems to be in the line of an ancient Roman way Dublin, and rural dean of Ratfield Pevere!. Here is a
from :MaIdon to Colchester, as, near Barnwalden, Roman Congregational chapel, erected in 1864. Abdy's Charity
pavements have been dug up; it is 4 miles south-east of £12 16s. ~d. yearly, arising from lands in ToIlesbury,
from Kelvedon station on ,the main line of the Great is for bread: Sir Thomas Abdy's Charity of £200, now
Eastern railway, 45 from London, 9 north-east from producing about £4 yearly, is for poor widows belonging
Maldon, and 8 south-east from Witham, in the Eastern t.o the parish, and is distributed by the rect<lr. Sir
division of the county, Thurstable hundred, Witham William Neville Abdy bart. is lord of the manor and the
petty sessional division,_ :Maldon union and county court principal landowner. The soil is heavy; subsoil, the same.
district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, archdeaconry 'rhe chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 2,245
of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The churclb. of acres; rateable value, £1,697; the population in 1901
All Saints is a building of flint and rubble in the Early was 431.
English style, c?nsist~ng of .chancel ll:nd nave and l:l est - By Local Government Board Order 22,364, March 24,
ern bel!ry of brICk shm~le~ spIre, and contallllI~g 2 1888, a detached pa,it of Great Wigborough, known as
bells: m the cooncel IS the dilapIdated effigy of a .Kmght Paternoster Heath, was added to this parish.
Templar: the church was thoroughly restored m 1878 .
and a st-ained west window presented by Sir William Letters througJ;! Kelvedon ~.S.O. arrIve at 8.30 a.m. &;
Neville Abdy bart.; the stllined east window was also a 7.3 0 p.m. Tiptree He.ath 1~ the nearest money order &;
gift: the church has 'about 250 sittings. The register of .telegraph office, 2~ mIles distant
baptisms and burials dates from the year 1695 and of Pillar Letter Box cleared at 10·35 a.m. &; 7.35 p.m.;.
marriages from 1696. The living is a rectory, net yearly sundays, 10·35 a.m
value £183, with 55 acres of glebe and residence, in the The children of this village attend the school at Tiptree -
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1893 by the Heath
Bussell Rev. Fk. George M.A. (rector Alexander ,farmer, Park farm smith (letters should be addressed.
& rural dean), Rectory Birkin Henry, farmer, Brook hall Tiptree Heath)
Blyth Frederick, farmer, Oxley lodge Langley Thomas Pritchard, farmer,.._
COMMEEOIAL. BIyth John, steam thrashing machine Four chimneys
Abbott Henry, sen. farm bailiff to Sir owner &; farmer Polley William, Rose & Crown P.ll
WiEiam Neville Abdy bart. J.P. Eley Arthur, carriage builder, wheel- Smith Samuel, coal dealer
Manifold Wick wright, grocer &; draper &; black-
TOLLESHUNT MAJOR (or Magna), an appellative register otf baptisms dates from 1559; burials, 1559; and
corrupted from one Malger, who held it at the time of marriages, 1561. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
the Domesday survey, was also afterwards known as £94, with one acre of glebe, in the gift of and held since
"Beckingham" and is a parish, 5 miles north-east from 1901 by the Rev. Edward Peter Henderson Assoc.,K.C.L.
Maldon station, 8 south-east from Witham and 47! from Here is a Congregational chapel. An ancient brick gate-
London, in the Eastern division of the county, Thurstable way, with four embattled turrets, is all that remains of
hundred, Witham petty sessional division, Maldon union the Manor House, formerly the seat of the J3eckingham
and county court flistrict, rural deanery of Hatfield family. The New England Company, who are 101'ds of the·
Peverel, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. manor, Jeffery Grimwood Grimwood esq. of 29 Ennismore .
Albans. The church of St. Nicholas, situated half a mile gardens, London S.W. the trustees of Robert Francis esq.
south-east of the village and formerly belonging to the and the Rev. Oharles Brian Leigh B.A. are the principal
priory of Caldwell Beds, is a building of pudding stone landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, loam and
and rubble with Caen stone facings, in the Norman and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley.
Early English styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south 'l'he area is 2,264 acres; rateable value, £1,684; the popu-
porch and a western embattled tower of brick, containing lation in 1901 was 335.
3 bells, one of which bears the legend: VOX EDVARDI Letters through Witham by foot post, arrive at 7 & IJ!
SONAT EN AVRO DEI; the 15th century memorials of a.m. week days &; on sundays 8 a.m. Wall Letter Box,.
the Higham family formerly in the church were removed cleared at 10 a.m. &; 7.30 p.m.; sundays at 7.30 p.m.,
about 1840: there was once a chapel on the north of the Tolleshunt D'Arcy is the nearest money order &; tele--
chancel, finished 15th Sept. 1609, and containing a stately graph office, 2 miles distant
monument to Stephen Beckingham of Tolleshunt D'Arcy
and Avis his wife, daughter of Sir Henry Tyrrel kt. of A SchOOl Board of 5 members was formed 27 Jan. 18 73;'
Therne: the church was restored in 1888 from designs by Joseph Gurton, Little Totham, clerk to the board
the Rev. Ernest Geldart, rector of Little Braxted, at a Board School (mixed), built in z878, for 70 children;
cost of about £600, when a new vestry and handsome average attendance, 55; William Turner, master; Mrs.
oak porch were added: there are 120 sittings. The Turner, mistress
Henderson Rev. Edwd. Peter A.X.C.L. Cooper Leonard, coach builder, wheel- Gurton George, builder
(vicar), Vicarage wright, blacksmith, undertaker &; Gurton Joshua, farmer
Belsham Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper beer retailer Harvey Brothers, farmers
Brand Thomas Lyle, farmer Cowell Henry, farmer, Gate farm Page Ernest, farmer, Beckingham hall
Buckley Arthur, farmer Crabb Albert, farmer Scrivener 'WaIter, Bell P.H
Burrows WaIter, farmer Dudley ArthuT, assistant overseer Sharpe Reuben, farmer
Cocks WilIiam Barrett, farmer, Wicks Frost Henry, farmer &; miller (steam Wager John, farmer
Manor farm &; wind)

TOPPESFIELD is a village and parish and lies south London, in the Northern division of the county, Hinckford
of the road from Colchester to Cambridge, about 2 miles hundred, North llinckford petty sessional division, Hal-
south from Yeldham station on the CoIne Valley and stead union and connty conrt district, and in the rural
Halstead railway, 8 north-west from Halstead and 50 from deanery of Yeldham, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio-
ESSEX 27*"


cese of 'Sb. Albans: the parish is elevated and healthy, cha.pel, built in 1,882, with 230 sittings. A branch of the
the church and village being 280 feet above the sea-level National Deposit Friendly Society is maintained here.
and other parts of the parish considerably higher even Charities amounting to about £1,8 a year are applied to
than this. The church of St. Margaret, built in 1519, is the repairs of the ohurch, the relief of the poor and
an edifice of brick, in the Perpendicular style, consisting educational purposes. There are two manors, Berwick
of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, north and south and Scotness, and Camoys. Samuel Arthur Sarnpson esq.
porches and an embattled western tower with four pinna- of 5 Oampden Hill galldens, London W. is lord of the
cles containing a clock and 5 bells: in the chancel are former and A. Cunningham esg. of Braintree, lord of the
mural tablets to the Rev. Richard King, a former vicar; latter. The principal landowners are S. A. Sampson esq.
to Dorcas, wife of William Smyrth esq. ob. 18 December, and Oharles Brogden Speding esq. of Dynes Hall, Great
1633, and was buried at Creasing; the Rev. Robert Wilde, Maplestead. J. M. Balls esq. of The Nunnery, Castle
rector here in 1690; the Rev. Thomas Willett, rector, Hedingham, Thomas Goodchild esq. of Great Yeldham
ob. 173! and to the Rev. George Pawson, ob. 1797 and Hall, and Thomas W. Goodcnild esq. of Great Yeldham.
Elizabeth Erle, ob. 1655; there is also an altar tomb with The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
floriated cross, to the founder of the church (name un- wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 3,360 acres;
known); and brasses to 'William Craoherod gent. ob. 1585 rateable value, £2,238; the population in 1901 wa.s 652.
and Elizabeth his wife, ob. 1517, and another with effigies Acting Parish Clerk, Frank Dearch.
and an inscription to John Oracherod and Agnes his wife, Sexton, Jeremiah Scott Hardy.
1534, with other memorials of this name: the chancel Post & M. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Geo.
retains sedilia .and in the nave is a rude and ancient font Branston Bolesworth, sub-postmaster. Letters through
and a piscina: there are 450 sittings: half an acre of Halstead arrive at 7.15 a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched 5.10
ground was presented in 1894 for purposes of burial. p.m.; sunday, II.5o a.m. The nearest telegraph
The register of baptisms dates from 1559; marriages and ofiice is at Great Yeldham, 3 miles distant
burials, 1560. The living is a rectory, net yearly value Wall Letter Box, cleared a.t 5.5 p.m.; sunday, 11.40 a.m
£585, wit 20 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift County Police, Harry Thomas Judd, constable
of the Orown, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Henry National School (mixed), built in 1856, with residence for
Broughton Barnes B.A. of All 'Souls' CoBege, Oxford. In master, on a site given by the late S. A. Sampson esq.
1819 a mission room was built at the expense of the Rev. for 200 children; average attendance·, 1°9; Frank
O. Taylor, rector here 1880-9. Here is a Oongregational .Dearch, master
Barnes Rev.Hy. Broughton B.A.Rectry Ohatters Daniel, shoe maker Seaman Chas. Green Man P .H. & frmr
Dennis Rev. Samuel (Congregational) Olarke Joseph, farmer, Flowers hall Shead Frederick, farmer, Hurrell's
Craig Thomas, farmer & landowner, Smee Henry, shoe maker
COMMERCIA.L. BradfieIds farm Smee Thomas, shopkpr. & carpenter
Ashby Robert, farmer, Medes farm Oraig William, farmer, Meekings farm Smith Benjamin, farmer, Thurston's
Barber Cornelius, beer ret. & shopkpr Darby Charles, farmer, Berwick hall Smith William, blacksmith
Barker Charles Rider, blacksmith, Darby Ohas. Dean, farmer,Gainsford's Standhope Humphrey, wheelwright
wheelwright, brewer & beer retailer Dowsett Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper Thompson J oseph, farmer, Elms farm
Renson James F. farmer & land & Goodchild Thomas, farmer, Oust hall Twitchett Samuel (Mrs.), shopkeeper
estate agent, The Hall Hardy Oharles, bricklayer '\Vhitlock Simon Quv,•
assistant oversr.
Bolesworth George Rranston, grocer & Hearn WaIter, farmer, Haxell's farm & clerk to Parish Council
tobacconist, Post office Metson Joseph, farmer, Mortimers Whitlock WaIter, farmer & forage dlr.
Butcher Jas. grocer, draper, butcher & National Deposit Friendly Society & contractor, Poola house (letter.
jobmaster (branch) (AlIen Fitch, sec) through Great Yeldham, Halstead)
Butcher Wm. thrshng. machine ownr Reeve Thomas, farmer, Olgar's Wilson John, farme.r, Hill farm
Chaplin Joseph, miller (wind) & farmr Ruggles Alfred, farmer, Lee Hurst

GREAT TOTHAM is a parish, whiuh includes Osey, yearly value £120, including 33 acres of glebe, with resi-
an island in the Blackwater estuary, 2~ miles north-east dence, in the gift of P. C. Honywood esq. and held since
from Langford station on the Maldon branch of the Grea,t 1877 by the R,ev. Henry Taylor WilIiamson Eyre M.A. of
Eastern railway, and extends from 3 tOo 4 miles south-east Worcester College, Oxford. Mrs. vVakelin, of Freebourne,
from Witham, and 3 to 4 north from Maldon, and is in Witham, bolds the great tithes, valued at about £350
the Eastern division of the county, Thurstable hundred, yearly. There are vVesleyan and Congregational dhapels.
Witham petty sessional division, Maldon union Ilnd county Almshouses for three married couples and three widowll
court district, rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, arch- were erected in 1855, by WilIiam Goodclay, of Drnry farm,
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. Beacon Co~chester. Richard Henry Wood esg. D.L., J.P. of
Hill, to the north, is about 284 feet -above the level of the Belmont, Siclmouth, Devon, who is lord of the manor,
sea and commands an extensive prospect in every direc- Oharles Henry Copley Du Cane esq. D.L. of Braxted Park,
tion; a single beacon still remains, placed on the hill at the Ran. ~Irs. Frederick Byron, of Langford Grove, Mal-
the tiane when Napoleon 1. threatened to invade England. don, Mrs. Wakelin, of '\Vitham, Samuel Barber esq. and
The church of St. Peter is a small but ancient edifice ut Alfred Ward esq. of Totham Hall, are the principal land-
flint and rubble, in the Norman style, (certainly existing owners. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel and loam. The
before the year 1222 and given by Maurice de Totham, chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is
temp. Henry I. to the nuns of Clerkenwell; it consists of 3,215° acres; rateable value, £2,8II; the population in
chancel, nave, north aisle, vestry, organ chamber, south 1901 was 6'.27 in the civil and 589 in the ecclesiastical
porch and a western belfry of wood with spire containing parish.
6 bells: in the floor of the chancel is a brass with two Under the provisions of the" Divided Parishes Act," a
female figures, each surmounted by a shield of arms; detached part of Heybridge, including the Bull Inn, ha.s
and an inscription to Elizabeth, wife of Richard Ooke esq. been added to Great Totham, and part of Totham Hill
and daughter of John Pilborough, Baron of the Exchequer transferred from Little Totham to Great Totham
(1545-6); she died Dec. 24, 1606: the stained east window Parish Clerk, Golden '\Yendon.
was erected in I881 by the present vicar's family in Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
memory of their motheT; there is another to W. P. Hony- Maldon road.-Arthur Eckworth, SUb-postmaster. Let-
wood esq. D.L. of Marks Hall, d. 1859, and one placed in ters through Witham delivered 6 & 9.20 a.m. & 1.5
1900 to Mrs. Gooday: the church was thoroughly restored p.m. callers only; dispatched at 11.20 a.m. & 1.10 &;
in 1878 and a north aisle added from the designs of 7.50 p.m. week days; sundays, arrive 6 a.m.; dis-
:Mr. J. J. Olarke; 6 bells, replacing the former two, patched at 7.'10 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is
being also hung and the churchyard laid out afresh; the at Wickham Bishops, I mile distant
total cost, amounting to about £2,000: in 1884 a new Wall Letter Box, placed near the' Compasses,' cleared on
organ was erected and a south transept built: in 1890 week days at 7 a.m. & 1.30 & 7.15 p.m
the walls of the chancel were painted and decorated, and A School Board of 5 members was formed 15 Mar. 1875;
in 1894 the {lrgan was enlarged: there are 250 sittings: Rev. H. T. W. Eyre M.A. chairman & hon. clerk to the
the churchyard was closed in 1881 and a new burial board; Robert Fuller, attendance officer
ground -adjoining was purchased. The register dates Board School (mixed), erected in 1875, for 170 children;1
from the year 1557, but is more or less irregular to the attendance, 140; Henry Crowe, master; Mrs.
year 1669. The living is a discharged vicarage, net Annie Blanche Crowe, sewing mistress
Allfrey Edward J. Hill house Eyre Rev. Henry Taylor Williamson Jut,sum Rev. Josiah {Wesleyan Meth)
Barber Samuel M.A. Vicarage Schilbach Mrs
Davidson Hugh O:>leman, FaJlners Foster Miss, Sunnyside Ward Alfred, Totham hall
nu Cane Hon. Lady, Mountains Frederick Ernest Prescott, Fabians COMMERCIAL.
Edwardes H. Grant, The Firs Harvey Rev. John (Oongregational) Barber Samuel, farmer, Sains farm
Beadle George, saddler Gentry Ernest, carpenter Newton Elizabeth (Mrs.), Prince of
Beadle Hy. Clark, wheelwright Goodv•
Daniel, beer retailer Wales P.H
Bickmore William, jobmaster Grout Waiter, farmer, Paynes farm Perry Edward, carpenter
Cooper In.brick & earthenware manufr Hitchcock Arnold, farmer Seager George, farmer, Alley's farm.
Cottee Mark, farmer King Alfred, miller (steam & wind) Stoke Edward, Compasses P.H
Coult Geo. beer retailer & shopkpr King J ames, farmer Wager Herbt. Shoulder of Mutton P.H
Cl'umpen James, butcher & Bull inn Mal'tin Jesse, fruit grower & farmer, Ward Alfred & Son, builders, con-
East AnglianPlant Co. horticulturalists Chase Field farm tractors & undertakers
Eckworth Arthur, blacksmith, draper Marvin Charles, farmer Ward Alfred, farmer &; landowner,
& post office ~'Iarvin David, farmer,Walden house Totham hall
Fuller Robert, veterinary surgeon Morton William, market gardener Wendon Golden, farmer, Beacon hill
Gentry Alfred, agricultural machine roa
LITTLE TOTHAM is a parish on a small brook, 3 Collins esq. and held since :1893 by the Rev. Frederick
miles from East Maldonstatio!l1 on the Maldon, Witham Thomas Gardner M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge,
and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway, 42 who resides at Goldhanger. The Peculiar People have a
from London, about 4 north-east from MaIdon, and 6 small wooden chapel here. Frank Postle Bawtree esq. is
south-east from Witham, in the Eastern division of the lord of the manor. The principal landowners are T. de
county, Thurstable hundred, Witham petty sessional Howe esq. SamueJ Barber esq. Mrs. Wakelin, of Witham,
division, Maldon union and county court district, rural and :Mrs. Carter. The 'soil is various; subsoil, mostly-
deanery of Hatfield Peverel. archdeaconry of Colchester gravel. The ohief crops are wheat, beans, peas and baor-.
and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of All Saints is a ley. The a;rea is 1,291 aCl'es; rateable value, £1,nB; the--,
small building of stone and rubble in the ~or- population in 1901 was 329.
man style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Sexton, 'WaIter Smith.
porch and a western tower of flints with a By . the " Divided Parishes Act," a part of Little Tot-
wooden belfry, containing 3 bells: the south doorway ham, known as Totham Hill, has been transferred to
within the porch is a highly-finished specimen of :Norman Great Totham, and by Local Government Board Order-
work: the north doorway is als'O Norman, and that at the 22,354, March 24, 1889, a detached part of Goldhanger'
west end is dated 1547: in the chancel is an inscription has been added to Little Totham.
to the Rev. John Lasby, 'l:ootor of this parish with Gold- Post Office.-Miss Mary Mayhew, sub-postmistress. Let-·
hanger, d. 1703, and Elizabeth ('Samrnes) his wH'e; tiherre ters through Witham arrive 5.25 & 10.15 a.m.; dis-
is also an inscription to John Sammes 6Sq. ob. Oct. IB, patched at TO.30 a.m. & 7.40 p.m.; sunday, arrive 6.25
1606 and dame rsabel his wife: the church affords 130 a.m.; dispatched at 7.40 p.m. Postal orders are issued'
sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The here, but not paid. Tolleshunt D'A-rcy is the nearest
living is a rectory, consolidated with the rectOTy of Gold- money order & telegraph office, 3 miles distant
hanger, join net yearly value £554, with 35 acres of glAbe National School (mixed), built in 1897, for 60 children;'
and Tesidence, in the gift of the trustees of G. D. average attendance, 49; :Miss EIIlily Taylor, mistress
(Marked thus * have letter.ll through *Bromly Matthias, frmr. Chapple farm Loveday James, Mm Beach hotel,.
Heybridge, Maldon.) Appleton George, vermin destroyer good boating, fishing & bathing;.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. French John, farmer, Old farm parties catered for
Gurton Joseph, farmer May Arthur. maltster & farmer, Ear-
*Evett Clifford, Rock hall *Hale Frederick, farmer, Chigborough row hills
Smith Mrs. Little Totham hall Humphreys Harry, sheep dresser Powell John, Eagle P.H
COMMERCIAL. *Jones William (exors. of), farmers Quy Mark, shopkeeper
Belcher William, beer retailer Lavender .Alfred, frrnr. Godfrey,s farm Smith George, beer retailer
TWIN&TEAD (or Twinshead), recorded in Domhfday I 200 sittings. The register dates from the year
book, is a village and parish, 4! miles south from 1567. The living is a rectory, net yearly value-
Sudbury station on the Stour Valley and 5 north- £170, with residence and lIt acres of glebe,
east from Halstead station on the Colne Valley in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since'
sections of the Great Eastern railway, in the 1878 by the Rev. Thomas Myers RA. of Trinity College.
Korthern division of the county, Hinckfol'd hundre:i, Sud- Cambridge. There are no manorial rights. The prin-
bury union and county court district, I:::)outh Hinckford cipal landowners are John and OEver Stebbing esqI'iS. the
petty sessional division (Halstead bench). and in the rural Rev. LanCNot W. H. Andrews M.A. of Lowestoft, William
deanery of Hedingham. archdeaconry of Colchester and Nott esq. and King Viall esq. of BaytillQirne Park. The soil
dioceSe! of St. AIbans. The church of St. John the is lo,a,m and clay; subsoil, c1ay. The chief crops a,re
Evangelist is a structure of red brick, :in the Geometrical wheat, barley, oa,ts, beans and peas. The area is 1,153
of l\fiddle-Pointed style, consisting of chancel, nave, south acre,s; rateable value, £641; the population in 1901 wa.s
porch and a western turret. containing I bell: the walls 145.
of the interior are decorated throughout with ornamental Ey Local Government Board Order 16,461, March 25,
brickwork and tiles laid in patterns: all the windows in 1885, New Houses, Hill and Lower Farms were transferred
the chancel are stained: the entrance from the nave into from Great Hennv •
to Twinstead.
the chanceJ is through a stone screen of three equal Sexton, Richa,rd White.
arches, a feature believed to be confined to four churches Post Office.-Mrs. Hannah English, sub-postmIstress.
in England: the stone font is surmounted by a canopy: Letters received through Sudbury (Suffolk) arrive at
here are brasses to Isaac Wyncoll esq. and Mary, his wife, 8.35 a.m. & 1.10 p.m.; dispatched at 12.30 & 4.25 p.m.
1610, daughter of Sir Thomas Gawdy kt. & juuge of the week days only. Postal orders are issued here, but not
Queen's Bench, with five daughters, the figure of a. son paid. The nearest money order & telegraph office i1J
being lost: the chancel contains mural tablets to the at Pebmarsh, 3 mil€s distant
Rev. Robert Gray M.A. d. 1837, 45 years rector Qf the Wall Letter Box, Rectory, clell;red at 6.15 a.m. & 4.45 p.m
parish; to Charlotte Augusta, elder daughter of Sir Church of England Elementary School (mixed), built in
George William Denys bart. d. 1826, and to Elizabeth 1857, for 52 children; average attendance, 20; MisS'
(Lind) his wife, d. 29 June, 1828: the church affords Eliza, IlIaxill, mistress
(Marked thus * receive their letters *Cresswell James, shoe maker Nott Ohas. Porler,faTmer,Pelham hall
through Pebmarsh, Bures R.S.O. English Charles & Albt. carpenters Stebbing John, farmer, Rose farm
Suffolk) English Daniel, jobbing gardener Stebbing Oliver, farmer, Hill farm
Myers Rev. Thomas B.A. Rectory English Sarah (Mil's), baker & shpkpr Turpin John Martin, farmer, Twin-
COMMERCIAL. Howard Wm. Waggon & Horses P.H stead hall
*C1arke Samuel, carpenter Nice William, blacksmith 'Weaver Frederick, bricklayer
UGLEY, see Oakley.
ULTING is B parish on the north hank of the l·iver chancel, nave, north porch and a western turret of wood
Chelmer, 21 miles south from Hatfield Peverel station with spire, and containing one bell: the church was re-
on t,he main line of the Great Eastern railway and 3 stored in 1873 by SUbscription at a cost of £1,000, when
west from Langford station on the ~raldon branch of the east, west and south walls of the chancel were partially
the same company, and 8 east-by-north from Chelms- rebuilt. new windows added, the turret and spire re-
fOl'd. in the Eastern division of the ('ollnty, Witham hun- constructed and a new pulpit and lectern added; it was
dred and petty sessional division, ~bldon union and also re-seated throughout with oak and an oaken porch
county court district. rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, erected on the north side: there are 85 sittings. The
aTchdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. register dates from the year 1723. but the communion
The church of All ,Saints is a small and ancient building of plate dates from 1571. The living is B vicarage, net
stone and flint in the Early English style, consisting of yearly value £85, with residence, in the gift of Sidney

Sussex College, Cambridge, and held since 1897 by the
Rev. Forvsrter Maynard Siha;w RA. of that College. Sir
George Samuel Brooke-Pechell baxt. of Alion House,
Alton, Hants, Wiho is lord of the ma.nor; Robert Henry
Falkner and Silas Philip GTeenslade esqrs. a,re the prin-
cipal landowners. '11heso,il is light, gravelly; subsoil,
allay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, turnips
and mangolds. The area is 1,021 acres' of land' and 13
of water; rateable value, £986; the population in 1901
was 164'
By Local Government Board
Aldham Thomas, The Grove
Falkner Harold
Greenslade Silas Philip, The Elms
Shaw Rev. Forster Maynard RA.
UPMINSTER is a parish and a pleasant and healthy pointed Canon of Windsor in 1716 and died 5 April, 1735.
village, on a. slight eminence and on the Ingrebourne The Congregational chapel here, built in 1800, was con-
brook, with a station on the direct line of the London, siderably enlarged in 1819, and renovated in 1873 at a
Tilbury and Southend railway, 3! miles south-east from cost of over £400. Frith's charity of £4 lOS. yearly is
Romford, and 15 from London; the parish is in the for bread. A cemetery was opened May 9th, 1902,
Chelmsford division of the county, Cha.IIord hundred, at a cost of £2,600, by the Rural Oounoil.
Roonford petty sessional division, Romford union and Upminster Hall, the prop.ecr-ty of the trustees of
county court district, rural deanery of ChafIord, arch- the late Col. Benjamin Aylett Branfill and now the
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The village residenoe of Capt. George Swinton, is an ancient timbered
is lighted with gas by the Romford Gas and Coke Com- mansion dating from the reign of Henry VI. and fo'r over
pany, 'and supplied with water by the South Essex Water two centurie,s has been the seat of the Branfill family:
Co. The church of Str. Lawrence, partially re- it stands in pleasure grounds finely wooded and commands
built in 1862 in the Decorated style, consists of chancel, extensive views {)If the surro'llllding country, reaching into
nave, north aiste" side chapel, south porch and a westeTn Kent and SurJ'ey. HiN Place, a modern Elizabethan man_
tower of rubble, with spire rising to a height of 90 fe,et sion, standing in well-kept pleasure grounds, adjoining the
.and containing 3 bells, the smallest and most ancient of High road, is the re,sidence and property of Sir Edward
whicl;J. is inscribed, "Sancte Gabriele, ora pro nobis," Payson Wills K.C.B. Ga,ynes Park is t,he property and
and '1jhe other two are dated respectively 1583 and 1602: re'sidence of Henry Joslin esq. D.L., J.P.; the mansion
the early portions of the nave date from the reign of is a modern Elizabethan building surrounded by exten-
King John and afford a good example of the Transition sive shrubberies and plantations, and grounds ornamented
style with details' of a pronounced Norman character; by a piece of water. The estate ['ea,ehes to the adjoining
the south wall of the chancel retained until 1862 traces parishes of Hornohurch, Rainham, North Ockend'on and
·of sedilia and piscina; in 1771 the north aisle was Granham. Hoppea Hall is the l'esidence of Arthur E.
-cased with brick and almost rebuilt and is enclosed by Williams esq. The Branfill family a,re, lords of the manor
.an open oak screen of the time of Henry VI. finely of Upminster Hall, fQlTIllerly known as Waltham HaU,
carved; its eastern end, formerly a chantry of the being one of the 17 D)"anors given by Harold in 1062 to the
D'Engaine family, was appropriated to the manor of abbey found,eel by him at Wa,ltham: it was purchased by
'Gaynes and was rebuilt by Sir James' Esdaile kt. in 1771 ; Capt. Andrew Branfill of the Earl (j.f Gainsborough, in
the font has an octagonal basin supported on a slender 1685. The principal landowners are the trustees of the
panelled shaft and belongs to the Perpendicular period: of late Col. Benjamin Aylett Bra-nfilI and Henry .Toslin
the numerous effigies, shields and arms and inscriptions esq. High House was onoo the tresidence. of lMll!iQr
once found here, there remains in the north aisle the Roward, an intimate friend of Lord Byron, who refe'rs to
brnss effigy in armour of Ge,rardt D'Ewes, eldest him in his" Childe Hrurold"; he was killed at Waterloo.
_ilon of Adrian D'Ewes, descended from the ancient The soil is loamy; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are
lords of Kessel, in Gelderland, who settled corn and vegetables which a,re now veTy largely grown.
in England early in the reign of Henry VIII.; The area is 3,373 acres; rateable value, £10,792; the
,he died J:2th 0If April, J:591: on the north wall are in- .1;Jopula.tion in 1891 was 1,409, and in 1901 was 1,477,
scriptions to John Stanley, citizen and. goldsmith of
London, ob. 1626; to Hamlett Clarke, gent. of London UPMINSTER COMMON is a hamlet, 2! miles north of
and Aliee his :md wife, widow of Ralph Latbam and the village and I mile east of Harold Wood station, on
their children; she died 7th of July, 1636; and on the the Chelmsford section of the Great Eastern railway.
wall of St. Mary's chapel are memorials, with others, Here is a Congregational chapel, built in 1850.
to two daughters, Martha, ob. 1624 and Grace, ob. 1626; CORBETS TYE, I mile south, and HACTON, I mile
daughters of Ralph Latham and Mary (Clarke) his wife; llouth-west, are hamlets of this parish.
,here also are several shields with the arms of the Gold, Sexton, J ohnson Green.
I!miths~ Company, Latham, &c. and brasses with effigies
to Roger Deincourt or Dencourt, ob. 1455 and Elizabeth Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
(de la Feld) his wife; and Nicholas Wayte, lord of the Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office, Upminster.
manor of Gaynes, ob. 1544 and Ellen (Deyncourt) his -William J. Gooderham, postmaster. Letters arrive
wife, ob. 1545; a few loose brasses, chiefly shields, were from RomfoTd at 5.5, 8.40 & 4.30 p.m.; dispatched at
in existence in 1859; in the nQrth window are the arms 10.40 a.m. & 3.40, 7.5 & 9.10 p.m
-of EngayIle, Dencourt and Latham; and there are various Post 9ffioe, Corbets Tye. Hemy TylelI', sub-postmaster.
other monuments in the church to the families of Es- Letters throough Romford arrive at 5.10 & 9.30 a.m.;
-daile (1792-1838) and Branfill (17°9-1873), to J. H. vVhar- dispatched 7.5 p.m. Pos,tal oTders are issued here, but
rie M.D. 1824, the Rev. J. W. Hopkins, a former rector, not paid. Upminste:r is the nearest money o,rder &
d. 1780, and to George Hyla Holden, midshipman of telegraph offioe, I mile distant
H.M.S. "Vesuvius," who, with a number of the crew,
died of fever in the gulf of M;exico, August 18th, 18 46 , Schools. .
alto 18: there are 350 sititngs. The register dates from A School Board of 5 members was formed go Jan. 1885;
the yerur 1543. ,[J'he living is a rectory, net yearly value William Smith, North street, Romford, clerk to the
£552, with residence and 22 acres of glebe, in the gift board; William Aggiss, Upminster, attendance officer
of the trustee.s of the late Re:v. H.A. Holden LL.D. and Board (boys'), opened March 25th, 1851, rebuilt 1897, for
held since 1862 by the Rev. Philip Melancthon Hol- 126 childcr-en; av-e,rage attendance, 8o; George Fredk.
den, Theol. Assoc. of King's College, London. Dr. West, master
William Derham F.R.S. author of (( Physico and Astro- Board (girls' & infants'), built in 1850-51, & enlarged in
Theology," was rector of this parish from 1689 to 1735: 1888, for 190 children; average attendance, 120; Miss
he was born at Stoughton, near Worcester, 26 Nov. Annie Helena Condy, mistress
1657, and became one of the most indefatigable and dis- Carriers &c. see Hornchurch &; Romford
tinguished members of the Royal Society: he was ap- Railway Station, , station master
Arnold Edward .Tames, Bridge house Ennals William J. Ingrebourne
UPMINSTER. Caldecourt John Ricliard, Elmhurst Rolden Rev. Philip Melancthon Th.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carter Rev. .Alfd. Morgan RA. (Cong) A.K.C.L. Rectory
Aggiss Miss, Jessamine cottage Crawley Robert Frands, Gaynes villa. Horncastle William Geo. Wallerscot&
Bailey Horace, Locksley villa McCutchflon Mrs. Myrtle cottage Jackson Willis
Joslin Hy. D.L., J.P., C.A. Gaynes pk Daldy &; Co. coal merchants, Station CORBET'S TYE.

lIIason Arthur E. Mead.ow view Day Priscilla (Mrs.), Bell inn

~ ott Percy Hugh, Holly lodge Eldred Samuel, blacksmith Brodie William L
Palmer George J.P. Hill houBe Fra'nklyn William, boot &; shoe maker Hawkins Fredk. Mortimer, Chapmans
Rigby George H. Gaynes Cross Fielder John, £a=er, Suttons farm Platten Herbert H. Harwood hall
Robertson Mrs. Hacton house Gooderham William John, grocer &; Ritchie Ewing Thompson, Londons
Savill Edwin, Mil.l£.eld house draper &; sub-postmaster
.81ade Harcourt Beresford, West lodge Green Waiter, nurseryman
.8tielI David Gilmour, Hill Side house Hook Will lam. builder &; assistant Barnes John, farmer, Cockhide
Swinton Oapt. George, The Hall overseer Glark Richard, farmer & hurdle mak~
Vellacott Humphrey, Oak lodge Humphrey Wm. carpntr. &; painter Dearing Henry, shoe maker
'WheatIey Edward S. Brook house Joslin Waiter, farmer, The Hunts Gay Isaac M. market gardener, Gleafl
Williams Arthur E. Hoppey hall Knight WaIter &; George, farmers, Park Sunnings
Wills Sir Edward Payson K.C.B., J.P. corner, Hacton Gooderham William John, grocer
Hill Pla.ce Knight Alfd. frmr. Lit. Sunning farm Leech Lilian (Miss), blacksmith
Wilson John, New place Marrable Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper RoweFrank H.Huntsman&Hounds P.H
lvlead Fredk. Tudor, frmr. Emerys frm Tween Oharles, farmer, Bushes farm
COMMERCIAL. .Mills J oseph, wheelwright
.Abraham John .A.rkell, miller (wind &; Pilcher Adolphus, butcher UPMINSTER OONL~ON•
steam) &; coal merchant Perry William R. farmer, Martyns frm Gray EDen (Mrs.),Shepherd &; DogP.H
Abraham Sidney, baker Purvis &; Knyfton, farmers, Readings Gurton Robert, higgler
Aggiss William, cab proprietor farm Judd Thomas, hay binder
Baker Charles H. grocer & draper Salt well Abraham, farmer, Hall farm Miller Edward, smith
Barnes John, farmer, Heath farm Staines James, baker Nightingale George, manager Brent-
Battson Edwin, farmer &; dairyman Strung Jas. frmr. Rainham Lodge ilID wood sewerage works
Bell Jacob Henry, farmer, HaIl lane Wilson Thomas Lewis, builder, under- Padfield Renry, farmer, Pages & Grea~
J3rown James, brick &; tile maker taker &i house agent, America lodge House farms
Cooper Caroline (~Irs.), 'White Hart Wilson N. H. & G. E. grocers Shuttleworth Daniel, farmer, Ivy Idg
P.H. Hacton Wright Herbt. G. plumber &; undrtkr
"UFTON and .UFTON PARK, populous suburbs of London, are given in Kelly's London Suburban Directory.
VANGE (or Fange) is a village and parish, on a creek built here in 1898. R. L. Curtis esq. J.P. who is lord of
.()f the Thames, and on the high road from Grays and the manor, The Land Company, and the truste.e.!! of Nor-
Tilbury to Southend, nearly 2 miles south-west from wich Hospital ar'e the principal landQlWners. The so,il is
Pitsea station on the London, Tilbury and Southend rail- heavy loam; .subsoil, clay. The ohief crops are wheat,
way, 9 north-east from Tilbury, and 1:2 south-east from beans and clover. The area is 1,401 acres of land, 10 of
Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, Barstable water, I of tidal water and 29 of foreshore; rateahle value,
hundred, Billericay union, Brentwood petty sessional £2,5II; the population in 1901 was 597.
division and county court district, and in the rural Post, M. O. 0., S. B. &; .Annuity & Insurance Office.-
,c.eanery of Orsett, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of George Steer, sub-postmaster. Letters from Pitsea
St. .A.lbans. The church of All Saints is a small build- S.O. arrive at 8.20 Ill.m. &; 5.25 a.m.; dispatched at
ing of stone and rubble in the Perpendicular style, con- 10.40 a.m. & 6·45 p.m. The neaiI"est telegraph office
sisting of chancel and nave, south porch and a small is at Pitsea, I! miles diSltant, open on sunday from 8
'Wooden bell turret on the western gable, containing one to 10 a..m.; box cleared at 10.5 a.m
bell: the east window is stained, and there is another Wall Letter Box, in London road, cleared J:O.20 a.m. &
stained window to the Rev. Mr. Wright, a former rector: 6·"5 p.m.; sunday, 9 a.m
there are 100 sittings. The register dates from th., year A. School Board of 5 members was formed 25 April, 1874;
1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £200, Charles Carne Lewis, New road, Brentwood, clerk to
with residence, in the gift of MI"s. Spitty, and held since the board & attendance officer
1897 by the Rev. St. John Frederick Charles Methuen RA. Board School (mixed), built in 1885, for 1:20 children;
-of Pembroke College, Cambridge. A Baptist chapel was average attendance, 98; Miss E. Dyall, mistI"ess
Barnard S. Kingswood hall Land Company (Frederic Ramuz, Streete Charles, grocer
Humm James WaIter, Gordon house manager), Hill Park & Little Vange Vange Brick Fields (Robert L. Curtis.
Methuen Rev. St. John Frederick Hill estates; & at 67 & 68 Cheap- proprietor)
Charles B.A. Rectory side, London E C WaIters Tristram Frederick Edwin, in-
Bailey Mrs. Mary Ann, grocer Mansfield William, blacksmith surance agent, Tolville, Warren road
Bridger Harry, builder, Luncies road Moss Alfred John, barge owner &; Weeks William, 'fishmonger, I Tolville
Bull John, farmer & landowner farmer, Vange wharf cottages, Warren road
Cox Brothers, builders Perry George, butcher West John, shopkeeper
Gates William John, police constable Shaw William, carman, 2 Tolville cots. Western's Stores, grocers, pro-
HastIer Charles W. H. Barge inn Warren road vision merchants, oil & color men &
Highwood William, grocer Starr Thomas Edward, Five Bells P.H ironmongers, Basildon corner
Lacey George, builder, Luncies road Steer George, boot maker, Post office
VIRLEY (or Salcott Virley) is a parish separated from i and William Hall esq. alternately, and held since 1878
Salcott by a creek 7 miles south-east from Kelvedon by the Rev. Edward Musselwhit~, and rural dean of
station on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 1\lersea. Abdy's charity of £4 is for bread and clothing.
and 8 south-south-west from Colchester, in the North The Rev. F. W. Bussell D.n. of Mundham House, .nea,!'
Eastern division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lex- Norwich, is lord of the manor, and Sir William Neville
,den and Winstree petty sessional division and union" A:bdy bart. is the principal landowner. The soil is heavy;
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Mer- subsoil, the same. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
sea, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans.• barley. The area is 314 acres; rateable value, £302; the
The church of St. Mary the Virgin, a small and ancient· popnlation in 1901 was 66.
building of flint and rubble, in the Early English style,: Parish Clerk, John Boley.
eonsisting of c~ancel. and nave, is now ruinous and dis- Letters delivered from Witham arrive at 7.15 a.m.
used, an? the lllhabIt~nts attend the church at Salcott. Nearest receiving house at Salcott, & the nearest money
The regIster of baptIsms dates fro.m the year 1628; order &; telegraph office is at Tolleshunt D'Arn ~
burials, 1633; marriages, 1732. The living is a rectory, miles distant •,
annexed t-o Salcott in 1879, net yearly value £153, with
72 acres of glebe, in the gift of William O:>xwell esq. and Letter Box cleared at 5.30 p.m
Sir WiIliam NeviIle Abdy bart. Col. Gordon Watson The children of this village go to the Salcott school
:Musselwhite Rev. Edward: (rector & William X. Abdy hart. &:, a.ssistant Appleton .Toseph, White Hart P.H
rural dean), Rectory overseer, Paynes farm Bright Thomas, blacksmith
A.bbott Alfred, farm bailiff to Sir
GREAT WAKERING is an ancient parish lying and union, Southend county. court district and in the
near the coast and the Maplin Sand, 2! miles north rural deanery of Canewdon, arch deaconry of Essex and
from Shoeburyness station on the Tilbury and Southend .diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Nicholas is
'railway, 6 south-east from Rochford and 5 north-east a building- of stone. principally Norman with Perpen-
(rum Southend, and in the South Eastem division of dicular additions: it consists of chancel, nave, north
the county, Rochford hundred, petty sessional division aisle, south porch and a western tower with shingled
spire containing 5 bells, castJ in 1808, the wnor bell that portion in Rus'hley and Great Pothm IslaudS' b~long­
weighing 8 cwt.: there are traces of mural paintings ing to Great Wakering pariS'h.
in the nave: the church has 300 sittings. The register Post, M. 0., T. 0., T. :M. 0., S. B.• Express Delinry,
dates from the year 1604. The living is a vicarage, net Parcel Post & Annuitv &; InsuranM Office,.-Walter
yearly value £270, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, Henry Chipperfield, postmaster. L,etters arrive from
in the giflt of the Bishop of St. AIbans, and held since Shoeburyness S.O. at 6.48 &; 9.20 a.m. &; from Sontlil-
1872 by the Rev. Henry Malim B.A. of St. John's Col- end 6,48 a.m. ; dispatched at 7'45 &; 10.45 a.m. 4 &; 5.45
lege, Oxford. The Congregational chapel, erected in p.m.; sunday delivery, 7 a,m.; dispatched at 4 p.m
1890 at a cost of £1,100, affords 300 sittings. The Wall Lette,r Box cleared at 7.30 &; IO.55 a.m. &; 3.40 &$
Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1859, will seat 200 5.30 p.m.; no coHection on sundays
persons. The Peculiar People, a loect which originated A School Board of 7 members was formed 30 Sept.
In this village, have a chapel, built in r891, and holding 1889, fOT the united district of Great and Little-
200 persons, and there are also Salva,tion Army Barracks. Wakering, :Barling &; North Shoebury; George Wood,.
Allen Stallibrass, of Eastwood Bury, Edward Arthur Southend, clerk to the board ; Fredericlr J (')hn Wisdom~.
Wood esq. and the War Department, are the principal Great Wakering, a.ttendance office.r
landownel's. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, clay. The Board School (mixed), built in 1876, &; enlarged ia
crops are genel"1i.l. The area is 2,763 acres of land, 12 of 1885, 1889 &; 1894, for 600 children; average attend-
water, 108 of tidal water and 3,033 of fOll'eshore; rateable ance, 272 boys &; girls & 128 infants; Edward Charles
value, £6,889; the population in 1901 was 1,809, including Lay, master; Miss Pennington, infants' mistress
Andrews William Vellacott, ,Oldbury Deeks Charles B. Anchor inn; good ac- Raper Matthew Henry M.D.Lond.~
MaJim Rev. Henry RA. Vicarage commodation for cyclists &t,ravellers L.R.C.P.Lond. physician >& registrar
Raper Matthew Henry M.D Dennis Thomas, tailor of births &; deaths &; medical officer
Ra.per ·William Augustus M.D Doolan MaryAnn (Mrs.) L.G.S.midwife & public vaccinator for IWakering
Robertson Rev. Wm. (Congregational) Fitch Edward James, Red Lion P.ll district,Rochford union &; Admiralty
Wedd Edward Arthur J.P. Whitehall Ford Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper smgeon, &; agent
Alp George, blacksmith French William, market gardener Rickett Henry, farm bailiff to Robert
Andrews William Vellacott, farmer, Goodman George & William, saddlers Horner €.sq
Oldbury & harness makers Rivers J ames Alfred, shopkeeper
lylett Alfred, grocer Green James, greengrocer Rogers Edward E. grocer
Bailey Thomas & Son, builders Grigg Thomas, boot repairer Self William, butcher
Bailey William Henry, 'grocer Grigg William, shopkeeper Shorrock & Collin, drapers
Bennewith Samuel, wheelwright Harland Alfred Richd. White Hart inn Simpson George, Exhibition inn
Bisbop George &; Sons, boot & shoe dlrs Holmas William, ,shopkeeper Stowe Elijah, greengrocer
Brown Edward, blacksmith Howard Chas.barge ownr. Howard vils Stratford Stephen John, shopkeepe~
Buckingham William, butcher Land Company (Frederic Ramuz, Tillbrook George, shopkeeper
Burgess George, bricklayer manager),Friend's Farm & Sea View Vintress George, builder
Burgess John, baker estate; &; at 67 &; 68 Cheapside, Lon- Webb John, butcher
Buxton Wm. grocr. &; china &; glass dlr don E C Webber Arthur, grocer
Ohipperfield WaIter Henry, grocer & Milbourn George Fred€rick, baker Wiggins William, builder
draper, Post office Milbourn James, farmer, Ouam Wisdom FredericJ>: John, school atten-
Clayton Archibald' Augustus, boot & Mimpress George, master mariner dance officer
shoe maker Murrell Herbert S. Bell inn Wood GOlden, shoe maker
Cooper George, watch &; clock maker Oliver Herbert, ,shopkeeper Worskett Fdk. Wm. grcr. &i prk.btchr
Cripps Richard Joseph, baker Oliver William, butcher Wyatt James, shopkeeper
LITTLE WAKERING, adjacent to Great Wakering 2 acres), in the gift of St. Bartholomew's Hospital~
and equally ancient, is a parish in the South Eastern London, and held since 1885 by the Rev. Robert Thomas
division of the county, Rochford hundred, union and Shea M.A. of Corpus Christi conege, Cambridge. M.
petty sessional division, Southend county court district, B. Peacock esq. is lord of the manor of Barrow Hall, in
ana in the rural deanery of Canewdon, archdeaconry this parish. James Tabor esq. J.P. of The Lawn, Roch-
of Essex and diocese of St. AIbans. LITTLE POTTON fOlI'd; Edward Arthur Wedd J.P. of White~hall, Greaf1
and NEW ENGLAND ISLANDS and a. part of Wallasea Wakering; and Felix Hussey Webbel' esq. of Glyn-Ddeil'-
Island are in this parisn. The church of St. Mary is wen, Swansea, are Chie,f landowners. The soil is variable;.
a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, con- subsoil, light clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats.
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western barley, peas and po.tat·oes. ''.Phe pa,rish contains 2,387
tower with shingled spire, containing 3 ancient but un- acres of land, 20 of wat·er, 65 of tidal water and 2,431 of
elated bells: in 1878 the chancel was restored and the foreshire; rateable value, £2,457; the population in 1901:
Boor raised and re-laid: a NormlliO. window discovered was 273.
during the restoration has been carefully preserved: Sexton, Stephen Chattick.
in the nave is an arched recess, supposed to have con-
tained the founder's tomb: the chancel retains sedilia Letters through Southend by foot post, arrive at 7.3 0
and a very perfect piscina: the east window, erected a.m. &; 2 p.m. Wall Letter Box, cleared at 10.10 a.m.
in 1880, is a memorial to Henry Wix, of Walthamstow, & 3. 2 5 p.m.; on sundays at 10.10 a.m. The
and there is also another memorial window in the money order &; telegraph office is at Great Wakering-,
chancel: the church affords 100 sittings. The register 1! miles distant
of baptisms dates flrom 1715; burials, 1719; marriages, The parish is included in Wakering United School
1725. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value :Board district; the children attend the Board school
£106, with residence (built in 1869 on the glebe of at Barling
Bental! Mrs. The Wick Dean Arth. Jas.frmr.Barrow Hall farm Potton Oharles WiIliam, boot maker
Fulcher George Nathan, The Hall Fulcher G. N. insur. agt.Wakering hall Roots Ernest, builder
Shea Rev. Robert Thos. :M.A. Vicarage Garnham WaIt. Castle inn &; fruit gdns Roots George, farmer
Baines Benjamin, farmer Green William, nurseryman Rutter D. & C. (Henry Juniper, mgr.)~
Bennewith Henry, wheelwright Mowling Jam,es, shopkeeper brick makers
Burgess Edward, bricklayer Pounder Ada Elizabe,th (Mrs.), shpkpr Surridge William, butcher
WAKES COLNE, see Colne.
WALTHAM ABBEY (or Walth~m Holy Cross) is a. pariSh police di,;trict, and a police station was erected in Sun
and ancient market town lying opposite to parts of street in 1876. The town is lighted 'With gas by a com~
the counties of Middlesex and Herts, about one mile pany. from works erected in r869 at Waltbam Cross.
east from tl1Le Waltham Cross station of the Great East- Herts, and supplied with water from the East London
ern railway and 13 miles from London: it is the head Water Works, the pumping station having been erected
of a county court district, in the Western division of in 1887; there are also works at Townmead,
the county, and half hundred of Waltham, Edmonton built in 1872. The river Lee runs through the town, and'
union, and in the rural deanery of Chigwell, arch. the Cobbins br()ok Bows through the parish, falling mt!}
deaconry of Essex and diocese 'Of St. Albans. A Local the Lee near the Lower Island Royal Mills. Th~
Board ,of 12 members was formed in 1845, but under the town of Waltham Abbey, which consists of one main
provisions of the "Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and street and several others branching from it, derives it&
57 Vict. c. 73), the place is now controlled by an Urban name and origin, according to Ogborne's "History of
District Council. Tbe parish is in the Metropolitan Essex,H from the following circumstance :.. Toni, stan-
dard-bearer to Canute the Dane, attracted bv •
the abund- from which brasses of abbots have been removed:
ance of game in thi~ locality, built a small station, a memorial window and a carved oak screen were
which gradually grew into a village peopled by his erected by the parishioners in Dec. 1886 to the Rev.
vassals and retainers; he 'also erected a church, in James Francis M.A. late vicar, 1846-85: the reredos,
which to deposit and preserve a relic of the Holy Cross, erected in 1876 is of stone, richly carved, gilt and
gaid to have ,been brought here by a miracle. The coloured, and r,epl'esents events connected with the
estate seems rapidly to have increased, and when it bm-th /Of our Lord: there are 800 sittings. The stocks
descended to Athelstan, on the death of his father Toni, and the whipping post. dated 1598, are preserved iD
it was regarded as a. great possession. Athelstan, ho'w- the church: in the churchyard is an ancient elm tree
ever, by his prodigality soon dissipated his wealth which measures about 20 feet round the trunk. The
and the whole appears to have passed to the Crown, register dates from the year 1563. The living is a
for Edward the Confessor bestowed it upon his brother- donative vicarage, net yearly value £100, including half
in-law Harold, son of Earl Godwin, who greatly en- an acre of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of George
larged and enriched the abbey, endowing it with many (Gordon) 2nd Earl of Norwich (a title which became
of his former possessions, which, connected with it as extinct on his death in 1836), and held since 1885 by
hamlets or townships, are traceable to the present day. the Rev. Francis Burdett Johnston M.A. of Trinity
On the death of the Confessor, Harold ascended the College, Dublin. The Baptist chapel, in Church street,
throne, but being defeated and slain at Hastings 14th was erected in 1845 and seats 250; that in Paradise
October, 1066, by William the Norman, his body, with road, erected in 1836, has 450 sittings; there is another
those of Gurth and Leofwin, his brothers, was brought in Fountain place, erected in 1868 and rebuilt in 1879,
hither and interred, according to general tradition, with 300 sittings; and a Baptist Mission room at Honey
by Githa, their mother, in the choir or eastern chapel; lane, built in 1887 and enlarged in 1889 to hold ISO.
in confirmation of which it is stated that in the reign the 1'Vesleyan chapel, in Sewardstone street, erected in
of Elizabeth, a rich grey marble tomb was discovered 1879, affords 300 sittings; snd there is a Salvation
and, from its pillareted supports and the cross fleury Army hall in Quaker lane, holding 150. The cemetery,
upon it little doubt exists that it covered the remains in the Sewsrdstone road, opened in 1857, occupies about
of the ill-fated Harold and his gallant brother!!. The 4 acres and contains two mortuary chape:s; it is under
abbey lands were seized by William and apportioned the control of a Eurial Board of nine members. There
among his followers: King Henry II. however, recovered are almshouses in High Bridge street, founded by George
the scattered endowments and re-endowed and re-dedi- Greene (purveyor to King James I.) in the year 1626,
cated the church to the Holy Cross and St. La\Vl'ence, for the use of eight poor widows, each of whom receives
exchangine- the monks for regular canons. Henry Ill. 2S. 6d. weekly; they were rebuilt in pursuance of the
was also a great benefactor. and often, amidst the will of the late Mr. Robert Mason by his execut{)rs, in
many changes he experienced, retired to the Abbey of the year 1818: there are also a few ibequests, amounting
Waltham, and bestowed on the tOWD the privilege of in all to about £50, and given to the poor. A mar-
holding its fairs and weekly market. King Henry VITI. ket is held on Tuesdays for cattle, sheep and pigs.
possessed a house in the Romeland, and it was here ,that granted as already stated by King Henry Ill.; and fairs
the first seeds of the Reformation were SOWD. The are 'he:d on the 14th of May and 25th and 26th of Sept.
abbey had continued from its foundation for 478 years, The London and Joint Stock Bank Lim. have a branch
when, on the 23rd March, 1540, it was surrendered to in High Bridge street. On the banks of the Lee is a
Henry VIII. by Robert Fuller. the last abbot. at which laTge Gove,rnment establishment for refining saltpetn
time its revenues amounted to £I.OC)7 yearly, the and for the manufacture of gunpowder, and new works
abbot also ranking as a peer of ,par::'iament. were erected !in 1890, at Quinton hill, about half a
All that now remains of the once famous abbey is mile west of the town, for the manufacture of cordite.
the nave, which constitutes the present church of Holy On Farm hill are the ammunition works of F. Joyce
Cross and St. Lawrence; its original form was that of and Co. Lim. Here are breweries and flour mills and
a cross, wit,h a lofty square tower ill the centre, rising brick, tile and drain pipe works. The Royal Gunpowder
from four arches and opening to the choir, nave and Factory Mechanics' Institute, in Powder Mill lane,
transepts; but the tower and everything to the eastward built i~ 1874, comprises a reading room and library.
of it is now gone: the existing fragment consists of containmg 10,000 volumes, and a billiard room. The
seven bays, with triforium and clerestory, aisles, a Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associa-
chapel to the south aisle and a western tower 98 feet tions have also branohes in the town. Warlies Park, the
in height, erected in 1556, with a low pyl'amidal roof property Md seat of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton bart.
and containing 8 bells and a memorial clock with chimes, G.O.M.G., J.P.,; D.L. is about 3 miles east in a sheltered
erected in 1887: the arcades have round arches, on valley in the hamlet of Upshire, on the road
massive circular piers, both enriched with zig-zag orna- to Epping: the estate consists of about 1,300 acres.
ment: as a very early example of the Norman style Near the park are two obelisks, both of the last century,
it is singularly interesting, and some part of it is, but without inscription; local tradition connects them
perhaps, anterior to the Conquest: the triforium arches with the history of the British Queen Boadicea, who waS"
are bold and simple, but those of the clerestory have defeated by the Romans at the neighbouring camp, openings in each bay: the chapel, a work of the now called "Ambresbury Banks." Beech Hill Park,
Decorated period, has be:ow it a large crypt, considered the property and seat of Arthur Janion Edwards esq.
to date from circ. 1316: it consists of two bays with D.L., J.P. is pleasantly seated on the borders of Epping
quadripartite vaulting and small windows, which do not Forest; the mansion is in the E:izabethan style, and
appear to have ever been glazed, and has been used as stands in an estate of 700 acres. Woodredon, the resi-
a burial place for the family of Morgan of Warlies and dence of Thomas Fowl.'ll Victor Buxton esq. J.P. is a
others: at the west end of the chapel is a fine six-light modern mansion affo-rding fine vimvs. Sir Herewald
square-headed window with rich tracery, but that of Wake bart. of Courteen Hall, Northampton, is lord of
the four windows on the south side is new; a restored the manor of Waltham Holy Cross. The principal land-
NO'rman doorway leads into the south aisle of the owners are Sir Herewald Wake bart.; Sir T. F. Buxton
church, on the right of which remains a fragment bart. G.C.M.G.; Lieut.-Col. Richard Beale Colvin C.B.,
of ancient diapered work: the chapel was once a chantry J.!'. of Monkhams, Waltham. Abbey; Peter Mills esq. of
and subsequently served as a school-room, the first T.lie Grange, Sewardsrone; Joseph William Melles esq. of
schoolmaster recorded after the :Reformation being 28 Charles street, Berkeley square, London W. the
John Matthew, who held that post in 1598: the fine trustees of William Alfred Gibbs esq. of Gillwell Park
arch at the east end of the nave, which formerly upheld (d. 1900), and Arthur Jani:on Edwards esq. D.L., J.P.
the western side of the tower, although filled in, is of Beech HiLl Park. Waltham. Holy Cross is a large
plainly discernible, and on one of the jutting ruinous parish, consisting of the township of Waltham Abbey
ends of the south transept may be seen a portion of and the hamlets of Holyfield, Upshire and Sewardstone,
two round-headed arches, carved with zig-zag orna- containing- 11,016 acres of land and 103 water; rateable
ment: a door and window in one of the buttresses on value, £46,756; the population in 1891 was: Off bhe
the south side have been restored at the expense of pa,rish and urban distJrict, 6,066; the populatioIll attached
the late incumbent's family: there are mural brasses to the parish ohurch in 1899 was 6,547.
in the church to Edward Stacy, ob. 1555, his wife
Katherine, ob. 1565, and Francis their son, with 12 SEWARDSTONE is a hamlet of Waltham Abbey OR
English verses; and to Thomas Colte esq. ob. 1559, the road Ito Chingford, about 11 miles .south from
and his wife Magdalen (who placed the memorial in Enfield Lock station, on the Hertford section, and about
1576 and died in 1591), with six sons and four daughters: 3! miles north from Chingford station Dn the Great
in the south aisle is the large tomb of Sir Edward Eastern railway. Divine service is conducted in the
Denny kt. and Margaret his wife, with recnmbent schoolroom every Sunday aiternoon fit 3 p.m. by the
effigies: there are many floor stones to the families clergy. of Waltha~ Abbey, and in t,he evening Rt 6.30
of Hillersdon, Floyer, Rudhall and Naylor, and ledgers p.m. III the parlsh room. A small iron parish rooID

wai erected here in 1889 by Miss Gibbs. Sewardstone

Lodge, the residence ot Henry F. Buxton esq. is a modern
I money order & telegraph office, Waltham Abbey, 2
miles distant
mansion of brick and stone, with attractive grou~ds, Board School (mixed), built in 18 74, for 120 children;
and 'litan~s on t~e road from Waltham .Abbey to Chmg- average attendance, 9 8 ; William Vanson Spinli:,
ford. Gillwell I ark, the seat of Mrs .. G;1bbs and the pro- master' :Miss Ada Miller mistress
perty of the trustees of the aate W1lliam Alfred Glbbs J ,

'eGq. (d. 1900) i,s an old hunting' lodge built by Sir UPSIDRE ia a hamlet, 2! miles· east, on the borders
Anthony Denny ~n the reign of Edward VI. and en- of Epping Forest. The area is 4,107 acres.
larged in the last century; it stands· in a home-park of
7 0 acres, commanding fine prospects over the counties HOLYFIELD is another hamlet I mile north, and has
()f Essex, Herts and Middlesex. The area is' 3,022 acres. a small iron mission room. The area is 3,146 acres.
Pillar Letter Box (near the Board school), cleared at mGH BEECn is an ecclesiastical parish !armed from
10.15 a.m. & 4.10 & ·8 p.m.; sundays, 8,35 p.m. Waltham Abbey, and will be found under a separate
Letters through Chingford arrive at 7 a.m. Nearest heading.
Post. Parcel. :M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. & Annuity Officers.
& Insurance Office (Sub-Office letters should have S.O. Clerk, Frederick Charles Edenborough Jessopp, 29 High
Essex added). John E. Ive,s, postmaster, Market Bridge street
square. Letters received from London direct 8,30 a.m. Treasurer, Thomas Plomer Trounce, London Joint Stock
2 & 6.20 p.m.; Waltham Gross, Herts, 6.15 & 9 Bank Limited, 36 High Bridge street
a,m. 2 & 6.20 p.m. Dispatched at 8.50 & II.30 a.m. Medical Officer of Health, James Damer' Priest D.P.IL
& 4, 7.3°, 8'40 & 9·35 p.m.; csunday, 12.20 p.m. 14 Sewardstone road
Parcels dispatched at II.30 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Delivered Surveyor &:, Sanitary Inspector, Wm. Turner Streather,
at 6.45 &; 8.30 a.m. &; 1·45 &; 6,45 p.m.; sunday, de- Farm hill, Waltham Abbev
livered at 6.45 a.m Collector, George Eversfield, "13 Sewardstone street
Post, Telegraph, Parcel, & Express Delivery Office, Up- Collector of Market Tolls, Chades William Wiggs, II
. shire. Mrs. Mary Ann Green, sub-postmistress. Sewardstone street
Letters dispatched at 10.40 & !I.50 a.m. & delivered
at 9 & I<I a.m. week days only. Postal orders are PUBLIC ESl'ABLTJSHMENTS.
issued here, but not paid. Waltnam Abbey is the Cemetery, Frederick Charles E. Jessopp, clerk to the
nearest money order office burial board; Joseph Todd, superintendent, Seward-
Pillar Letter Box, High Bridge street, cleared 9.5 & 11.35 stone road
a.m., 3.35, 7·45 & 9·35 p.m.; sundays 1.10 p.m County Court (held montWy), 74 High Bridge street; His
Wall Letter Boxes.-Sewardstone road, cleared 8.55, Honor Judge H. Tinda.l Atkinson; William John
I'I.25 a,m., 3.25, 7.35 &; 8.15 p.m.; sunday, 12.15 p.w. Bruty, registrar & acting high bailiff; George Evers~
Honey lane, cleared 8.15 a.m. & 12.15 p.m. week field, bailiff. The district of the court comprises:-
days only Cheshunt (Herts.), Chingford (Essex), Enfield 'Lock &;
part of Enfield Highway (Middlesex), Epping, Latton,
COUNTY 'MAGISTRATES FOR W ALTHAM ABBEY Magdalen Laver, Loughton, Nazing, Netteswell, 'North
PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. Weald Basset-t, Great & Little Parndon, Roydon, They-
Bury Ralph esq. St. Leonards, Nazing don Bois, Theydon Gamon, WaltJmm Abbey (Essex) &
Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell bart. G.C.M.G., V.D.• M.A., Waltham Cross (Herts)
D.L. Warlies park, Waltham Abbey S.O For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
BuxtOll Gerald esg. Birch hill. Theydon Bois, Epping of Edmonton, C. Mercer, official receiver; F. T. Hal-
Buxton Thomas Fowell Victor esq. Woodredon, Waltham comb, assistant official receiver, 95 Temple chambers,
Abbey S.O Temple avenue, London E. C
Cl:>i,;enhale-Marsh William Swaine esq. Gaynes park, Certified 'bailiffs, appointed under the "Law of Distress
Theydon Gamon, Epping Amendment Act." Stephen Chetwood, Waltham Abbey;
Colvin Lieut.-Col. Richard Beale C.B., D.L. Monkhams, George Eversfield, Waltham Abbey; John Crawter,
Waltham Abbey Cheshunt; Hugh Sworder, High street, Epping
Edwards Arthur Janion esq. RA., D.L. Beech Hill park, Fire Brigade, Farm hill; George George, captain, &
Waltham Abbey S.O 8 men
Ge11atly Peter esq. D.L. White house, Loughton S.O Metropolitan Police Station, Sun street;. sergeant in
Lockwood Col. Amelius Richard Mark M.P. Bishop's charge, Thomas J ones; 4 sergeants, 2 actmg sergeants
Hall, Lambourne, Romford &; 16 constables
Marter :Major-Gen. Richard James Combe. The Upland,
·Walton, Epping Royal Gunpowder' :Factory, Major Frederic Lewis Nathan
Melles Joseph William esg. M.A. Gruline Aros, Isle of RA. superintendent; Major Edward S. C()per R.A.
Mull N.B assistant ,superintendent; Capt. John Bruce Finlaison
Parnell John esg. The Grange, Waltham Abbey 8.0 RM.L.I. officer in charge of danger buildings; Fredk.
Sinclair Frederick Granville esq.M.A., F.L.S. Friday Hill, Charles Green, staff officer; Edward M. Cavenaugh,
Chingford N.E cashier; Norborne Kirby R.E. assistant super~
The chairmen for the time Ibeing, of the Chingford & intendent o·f building works; James Milne Thomson
Waltham Holy Cross Urban District Councils, are F.LC. manager; Wm. T. Thomson F.C.S. Robert
ex officio magistrates Robertson D.Se. William Rintoul F.C.S. & Andrew
Clerk to the Magistrates, Hubert Gough, 29 High Scott. F.S.C. chemis·ts, 1st clas.s; Walter James, in-
Bridge street spector of police
Petty Sessions are held at the County court every tuesday PUBLIC OFFIOERS.
at 10.30 a.m. The following places are included in the Certifying .Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer &; Public
division :-Chingford, High Beech, Holyfield, Loughton, Vaccinator, Waltham Abbey District, Edmonton Union.
Sewardstone, Upshire & Waltham Holy Cross James Damer Priest D.P.H. 14 Sewardstone road
Co11ecoor of Poor Rates, Alfred George Cook, 29 High
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Waltham Abbey Sub-dis-
Offices, High Bridge street, trict, Edmonton Union, Alfred George Cook, 29 High
Meeting day, first &; third wed. in every month at 7 p.ln. Bridge street; deputy. Charles William Brickwell,
Farm hill
Members. Vestry Clerk, Frederick Charles Edenborough Jessopp,
Chairman, William Beck. 29 High Bridge street
Re·tire April, 1903. PLACES OF WORSIDP, with times of services.
William Beck : James Milne Thomson
Edward Mitchell I Charles Webster Parish Church of Waltham Abbey, or Waltham Holy
Cross, Rev. Francis Eurdett Johnston M.A. vicar; I I
Retire April, 1904. a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
Henry Clark I George MarshalI Pelling Baptist, Paradise road, Rev. George Henry Kilby; I I a.m.
WaIter Lawrence, jun I WilIiam Shennan &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m.; sat. 8 p.m.
Retire April, 19°5. Baptist, Fountain place (Ebenezer); I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.;
William A. Alps Arth. Edwal'di"B.A.,D.L., J.P man. 7.4.5 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m I

Ernest Champness I Andrew Roddick, jun Baptist, Church street; :n a.m. &; 6'30 p.m

Baptist Mission Hall, Honey lane; 3 & 6.30 p.m in 1823 by Thomas Leverton, of London, who left
\Vesleyan, Sewardstone street (Tottenham circuit), Rev. J. £6,000 in 3 per Oent. Consols, l'educed by legacy duty
O. Ad1ard; 1'1 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m to £$,378 I7s. Sd. for educating & clothing 20 boys &
Salvation Army Hall, Quaker lane; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. 20 guls: the school has an income of £161 yearly &
& daily, 8 p.m is managed by a body of 7 trustees, of which J. Parnell
esq. J.P. is chairman; Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton bart.
SOHOOLS. is a trustee; William Follett, master; Mrs. Emily Fol-
A. School Board of 7 members was formed 19 Dec. 1872; lett, m:stress
HubeJI"t Gough, 29 High Bridge street, clerk to the Board (mixl'd), built !bv the late Sir Edward Buxton,
board; Warrington Gowler, 21 Sun street, attendance Upshire, for 150 children; average attendance, 1°4;
officer William Smith, master -
Board (boys), Milton street, erected in 1882, for 310 Newspaper.-Waltham Abbey & Cheshunt Weekly Tele-
children; average att-endance, 269; Arthur J. J ones, graph, I6a, High Bridge street, E. Oowing & Son, pm-
master; (girls), erected in 1874, for 350; average prietors & pnblishers; published friday
attendance, 255; Miss Marian Walker, mistress; Carrier to & from London. William Dearman, of Enfield
(infants), erected in 1878, for 400 children; average Highway, daily
attendance, 270; Mis,;; Kate RQsewell, mistress Railway Conveyance.-Great Eastern Railway Station,
Leverlon's (boys & girls), High Bridge street, foundl:'d Waltham Cross
J?RIVATE RESIDENTS. Oook Alfred George, 40 Sun street.. Johnston Rev. Francis Burdett M.A.
Bates )Ess, Sewardstone road Ooper Major Edward S., R.A. Official (vicar), 10 Manor ruad
Bavister Samuel, Manor road quarters, 54 High Bridge street Kilby Rev.George Henry (Baptist),Hill
Beck William, 13 Sewardstone road COI'ble George, Bridge house (letters crest, Honey lane
Bentley Oharle-s S. 6 Sewardstone I'd through Waltham Oross) Kirby Capt. Norborne R.E. Official
Bentley Fdk. Jsph. 12 Sewardstone I'd CGupland Wm. Fredk. Sewardstone I'd quarters, Powder Mill lane-
Bentley John, jun. 41 Sun stre,et Edwards .Arthur Janion D.L., J.P. Lawrence Mrs. Manor road
Bentley J ahn, sen. 39 Sun street ! Beech Hill park; & Oxford & LeeAlfd. ColIingwood, 17Sewardstone rd
Breeze ~lrs. 31 High Bridge street I Cambridge club, London SW Lee George Herbert,I7 Sewardstone I'd
Buxton Sir Thomas FowelI bart. Eve John, Sewardstone road Nathan Major F. L., R.A. Official
G.O.M.G., V.D.,D.L.,J.P.Warlies pk Fearn Waiter E. The Lodge, Manor I'd quarters, 35 High Bridge street
Buxton Thomas FoweJl Victor J.P. Findlay James, I Manor road Parnell In.J.P.The Grange,Green Jard
lVoodredon . Finlaison Oapt. John B., R.M.L.I. 9 Peters Wm. Jas. 16 Sewardstone road
Carr The Misses, 6 Ohurch street I Manor road , P r i e s t James DameI', 14 Sewardstone I'd

ters, Powder Mill lane

Chalk Joseph, Manor road
Cavenaugh Edward M. Official quar- Francis Lady, Farm hill Rosewell Thomas, Lambies, Farm hill
French Fredk. G. Honeylands,Honey la Skerman John Oharles, 3 Manor 1'oa&
i Gardener Miss, 33 Romeland Stamp Rev. Jonathan Henry A.K.C.L.
Ohapman Oharles, Brookstick hall i Gardener William, 75 High Bridge st (curate), 4 Manor road
Chapman Chas. sen. 9 Sewardstone rd! Gibbons Harry, 7 Manor road Symondson Geo. Upshire hall,Upshire
Chetwood Stephen, Sun street ! Green Frederick Charle-s, Official quar- Thomson James M. Official quarters,
Clark Harry, Sun street i ters, Powder Mill lane Powde-r Mill lane
Clark Mrs. River view (postal address, I GreenalI Mrs. Wylde Woods, Upshire Thomson Wm. Thos. 5 Sewardstone I'd
Waltham Cross) I Hardy Oapt. Henry R. Sewardstone I'd Trounce 'rhos.Plomer,36High Bridge lit
Clayden Waiter, 3 Sewardstone road I Hart Jsph.The Vicarage,HighBridge st Tyler Mrs. SI Sun street
Colvin Lieut.-Col. Richard Beale C.B., I Henderson John Brodie M.D., C.M. Wythes Ernest J. Copped hall, Upshire
D.L., J.P. Monkham's hall j Sewardstone road
COMMERCIAL. Butterfield Daniel, boot maker, 4 Sun street
Early closing day, 'l'hul"sday, 2 p.m. Oa.rr James & Sons, millers, 4" High Bridge street
Alderson Ohristopher, farmer, Forest lodge, Upshire Carr Frederick, farmer, Woodyers
Allam Charles, farmer, Upshire Oarter Charles, Green Man P.H. Farm hill
Allen James, shopkeeper, 12 High Bridge street Oarter Thomas, greengrocer & mmket gardener, 17 High
AlIen Mary Ann (Mrs.), Volunteer P .H. Honey lane Bridge street
Allenson J ames, saddler, 9 Sun street Oemetery (Fred. Charles E. J essopp, clerk; Joseph Todd,
Alps John, ironmonger, 50 Sun street superintendent), Sewardstone road
Ancient Order of Foresters (Lodge) (Court St. Law- Chalk Joseph, teacher of music & organist of the Abbey
rence No. 5148) (W. J. Avis, sec) church, 6 Manor road
Angel inn, Sun street Chalkley Allen, painter, 26 Milton street
AnseIl Joseph, tea gardens, Honey lane Champness Ernest, farmer, Station road
Avis George, White Horse P.H. 5 Market square . Chapman Oharles, jun. butcher, 10 Sun street
Avis Thomas, tobacconist, 46 High Bridge street Chapman Charles, sen. cattle dealer, 9 Sewardstone road
Bailes Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Milton street Chapman Thomas, farmer, Holyfield Hall farm (postal
Baker Benjamin, furniture dealer, 10 Mllrket square address ,"Valtham Oross)
:Baker John, baker, Upshire Ghetwood Alfred Stephen, solicitor, Sun street
Bailey Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, 42 Sewardstone street Chetwood Stephen, auctioneer & valuer & estate agent
Bailey William .Arnold, baker, 42 Sun street 33 Sun street
Barker Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 62 Sewardstone street Clayden Waiter, corn merchant, 18 Sun street
Barri?tt Alfred, baker, see Holland & Barrett Clayden William, farmer, Breach barnes
Beard Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 48 Sewardstone street Olayden William, farmer, Maynards farm
Bennett William George, watch maker, 4 Victoria villas Cleverly Ellen (Mrs.), beer retailer, Woollard street
Bentley John, Angel P.H. 48,. & builder 43, Sun street Cleverly James, beer reh:liler, I I Fountain place
BestalI WiIIiam, farmer &. horse dlr. Raveners, Upshir' Oole Edward, shopkeeper, 4 Paradise road
Biss Robert, beer retailer, Peck hill Colyer WaIter, saddler & harness maker, 36 Sun street
Blanchard Victor, Three Tuns P .H. 14 Market square Cook Alfred George, registrar of births & deaths, Wal-
Blewett John Henry, superintendent of East London water tham Abbey Sub-district, EdJ:nonton union, & collector
'Works, Lea road of poor rate, 29 High Bridge stroot
Blount Thomas E. S. hair dresser, 16 Sun street Cooper Bryant Charles, The Compasses P.B. 55 Seward-
Bolton Herbert J. cowkeeper, Suffolk hD. Station road stone street
Bolton Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 High Bridge street Oounty Court (His Honor Judge Tindal-Atkinson; Wm.
Bond Arthur, watch maker, 38 Sun street John Bruty, 1"egistrar & acting high bailiff), 74 High
Bott Matthew, farmer, Dallance farm Bridge street
Bradshaw Richard, New Inn P.H. Sun street (postal Cro Arthur L. grocer. 32 Sun street
address Walbham Cross) Orook John, Red Lion P.H. 7 Market square
Brett John Thomas, farmer, Holyfield Outhbert Martha (Mrs.), stationer, Sun street
Brickwell Charles William, deputy registrar of births & Dean Alfred, chimney sweeper, 61 Eastbrook road
deaths for Waltham Abbey Sub-district, Edmonton Dew George John, tobacconist, Wood Green
union. Fa.rm Hill Delming Rosatta C~Ess), dress maker, :Farm hill
Bruty William John (firm, Duffield & Bruty), solicitor & I Dexter William, milk dealer, Honey Jane
registrar & acting high bailiff of county court, 74 High Dodd Arthur, dairyman, 44 Sun street
Bridge street . Dodd George Robert, baker. 46 Sun street
.Bryers Samuel, boot repairer, 36 Sewardstone street I Duffield, Bruty & Co. solicitors, 74 High Bridge street
Dunk Elizabeth Emily (Mrs.), clothier, 8 Sun street Marshall J. A. &I Sons, chemists, grocers &; wine &;
Dunn James, shopkeeper, 56 Sun street spirit dealers, 23 High Bridge street
Dyer Robed, cowkeeper, 22 Townmead road Martin Henry, ironmonger, 44 High Bridge street
East London Water Works Co. (John Hemy IHewett, Meads James, shopkeeper, Upshire
manager), Lea road Metropolitan Police Station (N Division) (Thomas JODes,
Elliott Joseph James, gardener to Major Frederie Lewis sergeant in charge), Sun street
Nathan, 33 High Bridge stree·t Mills Henry, farmer, Wood green
Enfield Highway Co-operative Society Lim. grcrs. I4Sun st Moorcraft Henry, pot, drain pipe & earthenware manu-
Ellis Charles, farmer, Oobbin End farm facturer, Wood Green potteries
Ellis John, farmer, Obelisk farm, Copt Hall green Morton Edmund J. shopkeeper, Farm hill
Ellis WaIter C. farmer, Upshire Nicholls Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer &; wine retailer, Honey la
Eversfield George, house agent &; appraiser, &, collector t~ Nightingale Geo. head gamekeeper to A. J. Edwards esq
Urban District Council, 13 Sewardstone s,treet Nye Alfred, White Lion P.H. I I Sun street
Ford Sarah (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 73 High Oram James ,builder, Eastbrook road
Bridge street Page Walter Willillm, baker, 7 Church street
Gardener Alien, nurseryman, Sewardstone road Pallett William, jun. corn chandler, 34 High Bridge street
Gardener William, builder, 75 High Bridge street &; & news agent, Church yard
Sewardstone street Parcell Frederick, shopkeeper, 65 Sewardstone street
Garrett William, insurance agent, Farm hill Parish William, tea gardens, Honey lane
Gearing l'ercy, Wake Arms P.H. Upshire Pearce James, forest keeper to the Corporation of London,
George George, ·baker & shopkeeper, 28 High Bridge street Upshire (postal address, Epping)
Gilby Edward, farmer, Reeve's gate Pegrum Alfred, shopkeeper, Upshire
Gosling Ernest, chronist, 2 Market square Pegrum Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, Copt Hall green
Gough Hubert (firm, Jessopp &; Gough), solicitor, clerk Pelling George Marshall, grocer, & agent for W. &I A.
to the magistrates &; school boa.rd & to the county magis- Gilbev Limited, wine & spirit merchants, 20 Sun street
trllites for Edmonton & Oheshunt division, 29 High &; 22 'High Bridge street
Bridge street Pemble Horace, draper" clothier, grocer, wine & spirit
Gowler Warrington, tailor &; school attendance officer, merchant & furniture broker &; dealer, 22 Sun street
12 Sun street Perry WaIter James, King's Arms P.H. 85 High Bridge st
Gray John, farmer, Cobbin End farm, Upshire Philpot Charles, beer retailer, 18 High Bridge street
Greatrex William, baker, 24 Paradise road Ponder Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Crooked mile
Green Edward, farmer, Fisher's green Priest Jamcs Damer M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A., D.P.H.Eng.
Green Mary Ann (Mrs.), sub-postmistress, Upshire surgeon & medical officer of health to Urban Dis·trict
Hanchet Edwin In. monumental & marble mason,3I Sun st Council & medical officer & public vaccinator, Waltham
Harding WilIiam (exors. of), cowkeepers, Copt Hall grn Abbey district, Edmonton union & certifying factory
Harris James, Sun inn, 21 Sun street surgeon, 14 Sewardstone road
Hart E. &; Co. drapers, 4 High Bridge street Pryor Thomas, farmer, Copt Hall Lodge farm
Hayward Leonard C. glass & china dlr. 16 High Bridge st Puddephatt Thomas William, draper, 6 Sun street
Heasman John WaIter, refreshment rooms, Ferns hollow, Pugh & Co. drapers & clothiers, 24 Sun street
Copt Hall green Reynolds IS1Ibella (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, IS Market sq
Henderson John Brodie M.D., C.M. physician &; surgeon, Reynolds Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 22 Sewardstone road
IS Sewardstone road Rickard Marion (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 47 High Bridge street
Hirons Thomas, beer retailer, Upshire :Robbins Albert, builder, Sewardstone street
Holland &i Barrett, bakers, 42 High Bridge street Roddick Andrew, farmer, Quinton hill
Holmes Henry, tailor, 30 High Bridge street Royal Gunpowder Factory (Major Frederic Lewis Natban
Home for Feeble-mindeu Boys (John Uicks), Upshire R.A.. supt.; Major Edward S. CopeI' R.A. assistant
Bury, Upshire .supt.; Capt. John Bruce Finlaison R.M.L.I. officer in
Hooper Charles, grocer, 8 Franchise place charge of Idanger buildings; Frredk. Chas. Green,
Horne Charles, farm bailiff to Mr. Dewey, Aimes green staff officer; Edward Montague Cavanaugh, cashier;
Hughes John, marine store dealer, High Bridge street Capt. Norborne Kirby RC. a.ssist. supt. of building
Hunter Louisa (Miss), toba.cconist, 2 Sun street works; James Milne Thomson F.I.C. mana.ger; Wm.
International Tea Co's. Stores Lim. grocers, 12 Market sq T. Thomson F.C.S. Robt. Robertson D.Se. William
Ives John E. postmaster, Market square Rintoul F.C.S. & Andrew Scott F.I.C. 1st class
Izard John, carter, Upshire (IJ{>stal address, Epping) . chemists; WaIter James, inspector of police)
James Henry Isaac, grocer, 1 Sun street Royal Gunpowder Factory Mechanics' Institute & Library
James Waiter, inspector of police, Royal Gunpowder fctry (John Wonnacott, sec.), Powder Mill lane
Jennings William, boot maker, 4 Market square SaundeIlS JOlhn R. Welsh Harp P.H. Market square
Jessopp & Gough, solicitors, 29 High Bridge street Saville Charles & Son, coacth builders, 45 Sun street
Jessopp Frederick Charles Edenborough (firm, Jessopp &; Saw Annie (Mrs.), draper, 25 Sewardstone street
Gough), solicitor, vestry clerk for Waltham Holy Cross Seager AIice (Mrs.), beer retailer, 10 Sewardstone stred
& clerk to the Urban District Council & burial boards, Seager Oharles Neilson, cycle maker, agent & repairer~
29 High Bridge street 3 Church street
Johnson & Co. builders &; contractor.s, 37 High Bridge SI Searle James & Son, blacksmi'tb, 15 Sewardsume street
Jones Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 Sewa.rdstone st Sharp George, fishmonger, 9 Market square
Jones Thomas, sergeant in charge Metropolitan Police Sherman J ames, nurseryman, Honey lane
station, Sun street Simmons Thomas, Rose &; Crown P.H. Upshire
Joyce F. &; Co. Lim. ammunition manfrs. Farm hill Simpson WilIiam John, cowkeeper, 16 Victoria villas
Kerrs James, private gardener to A. J. Edwards esq. Skedding George, beer retailer, Dpshire
D.L., J.P. The Lodge Smith John H. saddler, 28 Sun street
King Henry George, market gardener, Abbey gardens Soole George, <shapkeeper, 2 Sewardstone street
King William, coffee rooms, 19 Sun street Stevens John Edmund, plumber, 27 High Bridge stre~
Knowles Ellen (Mrs.), Coach &i Horses P.H.37 Paradise rd "Wile James, butcher, 26 High Bridge street
Lo.rsen Hans Ove, nurseryman, Honey lane Streathfield Lems, laundryman, Broomstick Hall road
Lawrence Walter & Son, builders &; contractors, Lea road Symondson George, briek manufacturer, Upshire hall
(postal address Waltham Cross) Taylor Frank, boot maker, 21 Hi,gh Bridge street
Lawrence Edward, hair dresser, 2 Church street & 14 Thompson Wallis, grocel', 26 Sun street
High Bridge street 'rhreadgold Waiter, stationer, 20 High Bridge street
Lawrence WaIter, builder, 5 Sun street Trounce Thomas Plomer, manager of the London .Toint
Leader George, furniture dealer, 24 High Bridge street Stock Bank Limited &; treasurer to the Urban Dis-
Lee Alfred Collingwood, solicitor, 17 Sewardstone road trict Council, 36 High Bridge street
Lee COIllservancy (William Clark, lock keeper) Tyler Alfred E. baker, IS Sun street
Little Ellen (Mrs.), beer retailer, 1 Station road Upshire Reading Rooms (Wm. Smith, sec.), Upshire
Littlechild WiIliam, farmer, Copt Hall green Upton Elizabeth (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, I Church st
London Joint Stock Bank Limited (branch) (Thomas Vance John, farmer, Claverhambury
Plamer Trounce, manager), 36 High Bridge street; draw Walker George, Ordnllnce Arms P.R. 57 High Bridge st.
on head office, 5 Princes street, London E C Walsham Watson, butcher, 13 Market square
Long James, farmer, Home farm, Upshire Waltham Abbey Building Society (John Eve, sec.),
Long Sarah Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 3 Romeland 2 Sewardstone road
Macklin George, pawnbroker, 19 High Bridge street Waltham Abbey Cemetery (F. C. Jessop, clerk; J. Todd,
McMullen &; Sons Limited, l1rewer.s, 30 Sun s·treet supt.), Sewardstone road
Mansfield Louisa (Mrs.), beer retailer, Wood green Waltham A.'bbey &i Cheshunt Gas & Coke Company (Wm.
Marsh William James, watch maker, 32 High Bridge st E. Randall, manager)
Waltham Abbey & Cheshunt Weekly 'l'ele~l'aph Nf'ws- Weedon Riohard, Greyhound P .H. 3 Sun street
paper (E. Cowing & Son, proprietors & publishers; Welch WaJter W. job master, New Inn yard, Sun street
published friday), 16a, High llridge street Weston Frederick, shopkeeper, 4 Sewardstone street
Waltham Abbey Volunteer Fire Brigade (George George, Whitman EIlen (Mrs.), dining rooms, Sun street
captain; Fredk. Bentley, hon. sec.); engine station, Wiggs Charles, Green Dragon P.H. 11 Market square
Farm hill Wilson Frederick, shopkeeper,38 High Bridge stre,et
Ward Frederick King, Cock P.R. 2 High Bridge treet Withers William, cowkeeper, Church street
Ward William, coal dealer, I I Paradise road Wood John, shopkeeper, New road
Warlies Cricket Club (Harry West, sec.), Upshlre Wright JoJrn B. cycl-e ag~nt, 3 Ma.rket square
Wehb Edward, butcher, 40 High Bridge street Wright William, shopkeeper, Honey lane
Webster Charles, farmer & cattle dealer, Warlies farm Young Men's Christian Association (Ernest Bardell, hon.
Webster Oharles, miller (wind), Honey lane sec.), 34 Sun street
Webster Harry, miller (wind), Prince's field Young Women's Christian Association (~1:iss T'essa M.
Webster William .Tames Smith, 15 Sewardstone street • Hussey, sec.), 31 High Bridge treet

Adams Thomas, Balcony house Loraine Walter Paul, The Limes Coxshall Frank, farmer, Spencer frm
Butcher Mrs. Luther house Postans MajorEdward Wm.The Grange Kerwin Rabert, Royal Oak P.H
Eoardman Clement, Yardley house COMMERCIAL. Odell Charles, farmer, CaroIls farm
Brock Bernard, Woodlands Bird William H. farmer, Bury farm. Patmore Chas. frmr. Nether ho. frm
Buxton Henry F. Sewardstone lodge Cashfield Dairy Co. Lim. cowkeepers Pettitt Thomas, beer retailer
Gibbs Kenneth Yardley, Gilwell park Church Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper Saville Charles, smith
Gibbs Mrs. Gilwell park Coventry Charles, Fox & Hounds P.H Wicks In. beer ret. Sewardstone grn

GREAT WALTHAM (or Much Waltham) is an owns the rectorial tithes, which were commuted at £1,800
ancient village and parish, on the Chelmer river and the (now valued a,t £82~), with 174 acres of gle,be. The
road from Chelmsford to Dunmow, 5 miles north charities amount to about £30 yearly, arising from Lord
from Chelmsford station on the Great Eastern railway, Rich's, Straight's, Shuttleworth's and other bequests and
and 33 from London, in the Mid division of the are distributed in clothing and bread. The church
county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty sessional houses, six in number, were built in 1896-7, at a cost of
division and county court district, rural deanery of £3,000, and endowed with a sum of £1,500. Two of the
Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. tenements are let to the TIlanagers of the National
Albans. Water is supplied from three public hydrants School for teachers: the other four are for the res:dence of
in the villa~e, an hydraulic ram being placed at the spring aged and poor persons, nominated by the trustees of the
in South House meadow, from whence the water is property. The Village Hall, . in South street, erected in
pumped into a small reservoir. The church of SS. :Mary 1888 by the present vicar and endowed by him with the
and Lawrence is a large edifice of flint and stone, in the sum of £500, now held by trustees, comprises a reading
Late Perpendicular style, with a Norman tower and and other rooms, large hall and a caretaker's house.
foundations of the same date in the chancel: it consists Langleys, the seat of Col. William Nevill Tufnell D.L., J.P.
of a capacious chancel with clerestory added in the 16th ;.s a large mansion pleasantly seated on rising ground
century, clerestoried nave of four bays, north aisle, built near the river Chelmer and is 'Surrounded by an
in 1875, and south aisle in 1500, south porch and a extensive and well-wooded estate: the park of 100 acres
western tower, containing a clock and 8 bells of various is stocked with deer: this estate forml'rly belonged to
dates from 1422 to 1796; the third beU in the p~al was the Everard family, hut was purchased by that of the
Te-cast in 1896 at the expense of :Miss Augusta J. TufneIl; present owner in 1685, about which time the house was
connected with the bells is a chiming apparatns, playing rebuilt of red brick with !ltone fadngs and has been
every four hQuriS: the stained east window is a m,emorial since much improved: a tributary stream passes through
to one of the Tufnells, and the west window of the the park. Col. TufneIl is lord of the manoiI' and principal
north aisle to the Rev. J. H. Dyer, vicar 1857-1871: at landowner; the Governors o,f Guy's Hospital are, also large
the east end CIf the north aisle (removed from its po,sition owne,rs. The soil is of a mixed nature; subsoil, gravel
in the nave when the, aisle was added) is a beautiful tomb and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans' and
with recumbent effigies, erecte,d by Sir Anthony E'Verard, peas. The area, includin.g 2,6II in t,he ecclesiastical
knight, to the memo,ry of his wife, ob. 16u; he died in pa.rish of Ford End, is 7,°56 acres of land and 31 of water;
'1614, befme its completion, and the ins,cription recounts rateable value, £9,161; the population in 1901 was 2,021.
his death in that yea,r: on the pavement, also, recuTIlbent, BROADS GREEN is half a mile south-west; CHAT·
are figUJres of two male infants and o1).e fema~e: there are H.AM GREEN, 2 miles north-east.
slabs with brasses to Thomas Wiseman and his wife, with
effigies (1589), and to Sir Richard Everard, knight (16II), At HOWE STREET, 1 mile north, is a Primitive
and his wife (1617) : a slab on the waJl of the south aisle Methodist chapel, built in 1861.
perpetuates the prowess and fortunes of another of the Assistant Overseer, John Robert Sydes.
Everard family, who was lost on the Goodwin Sands, Parish Clerk, William Boyce.
27 Nov. 17°3: a stone reredos with niches containing
sculptured figures was placed in the chancel in 1884, in Sexton, William Wood.
memory of 0:>1. A. J. Tufnell: an elaborately carved Post, :M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. Express Delivery,
screen of English oak was presented by the vicar in 1885 : Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Arthur
the church plate is antique and curious, the chalices are Brown, sub-postmaster. Letters from Chelmsford
very massive and bear date 1632, and one of the pat€ns arrive by mail cart at 4 a.m. & 12.30 p.m.; deEvered
is dated 1518: in 1891 the tower was thoroughly restored, at 7 a.m. & I p.m. Box closes at 3.10 & 7.45 p.m.
the spiral staircase carried up to the roof and a turret Letters for Chatham Green go via Little Waltham
with flagstaff added, under the direction of :Mr. A. Y. Post Office, Howe Street.-William Gower, ·sub-postmas-
Nutt, surveyor and architect to the Dean and Chapter of ter. Box cleared 1.30 & 7.35 p.m.; ,sunday, 7·35 p.m.
St. George',g, Windsor, at a cost of £1,800: in 1894 the PostaJ orders are issued here, but not paid. Great
ohancel aroh wa,s rebuilt: the south porch was re built Waltham, 1 mile distant, is the nearest money order
and figures in niohes added in 1899: in 1893 an aJabaster & telegraph office
fcmt with oanopied oak cover and a wesiern screen of
carved oak were presented by the vicar; the church has Police Station, Sergeant Arthur CoJ.lins
800 sittings. The register dates from the year 1703. :Kational School (boys, girls & infants), built in 1847
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £220, with 3 (infants' room enlarged 1897) for 250 children & en-
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Trinity College, larged in 1872 & 1889 for 300; average attendance, 75
Oxford, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Henry Edward boys, 75 girls & 55 infants; John R. Sydes, masteT;
Hulton M.A. of that college, hon. canon O'f St. Albans, Miss Louisa A. Compton, girls? mistress; Miss Hester
and rural dean of Chelmsford. Trinity College, Oxford, Daintree, infants' mistress
(Marked thus * receive letters through Joslyn Miss T1i.fnell Misses, Langleys cottage
Little Waltham.) Lucking Misses Tufnell Miss, Wallops
PRIVATB RESIDENTS. Metson Jacob, Walthambury Vickers .Tames Muschamp, Waltham
Boosey Mrs Millbank Jas. Bridge ho. Howe Street house, Howe Street
Dannatt Robert Smith Rev. Edwd.Cottrill B.A.(cnrate) COMMERCIAL.
Hasler Mrs Tufnell Col. William Nevill D.L., Bigg Edmund, baker
HultonRev.Canon Henry Edward M.A. J.P. Langleys Boon Charles, Wiudmill inn P.H
(vicar k rural dean), Vicarage I Tufnell Fansha'\\'e Tower, Chatham hall *Britton In. shopkeeper, Chatham grn


BrownArthur,shopkpr. &; 8ub-postmstr Leeds Edmd.Beaumont, grocer &; drpr Read James, Green Man P.R
*Ohallis Henry, beer retailer &; miller Lticking Arthur William, -butcher Richardson George, farmer, Chalks
(wind), Chatham green Martin James, miller, Howe Street SeweIl Abraham, baker & higgler
Cardell Joseph, rat catcher Mascall WaIter Samuel, blacksmith, Smith Joseph George, farmer, Bard's
Dannatt Wm. farmer, Margate woods Howe Street farm (pastal address, Chignal.
French George. farmer. Humphreys Matt-hams Herbert, farmer, Parsonage Chelmsford)
Gower WiIIiam, outfitter & clothier, Matthams Selina (Mrs.), farmer. Fitz- Smith William Alfred, farmer, Green
Post office, Howe Street Andrews farm End farm (postal address, Felstead,
Halls Lewis,bailiff to Col. W.N.Tufnell Metson Jacob, frmr. Walthambury frm Chelmsford)
Hart Harry George, Six Bells F.H Milbank G.& Son,bldrs.& wheelwrights Snook Lawrence Vincent, grocer &;
Harris Jessie (Mrs.), fruit grower, Poole & Son,saddlers & ,harness makers draper
Howe Street Pyne Benjamin Thompson, farmer, Snow Joseph. butcher
Hawkes Charles, farmer. Old Shaws South house Wallis David, Rose &; Crown P.R
RockIey James, farm bailiff to Messrs. Pyne Edward, farmer, Balls farm Wiffin John, beer retailer, Broad green
Driver & Ling (postal addre-ss, Reading Room (John R. Sydes, sec.), Young James, blacksmith
Pleshey) Village hall Young William, beer retailer
Jasper Alfred, farmer. Warners
LITTLE WALTHAM: is a village and parish on lh~ come is now derived from I22a. 3r. 35p.: this charity is
river Chelmer. on the road from Chelmsford to Braintree, under a scheme of management drawn up by the Oourt of
4 miles north from Chelmsford station and 33 from Chancea-y in 1835 and appol'tioned (I) to sustaining,
London, in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford repairing, enlarging or otherwise imprOVing the parish
hundred, petty sessional division, county court district church; (2) to the maintenance of.3o schoolmaster and
and union, rural deanery of Chelmsford, arch'deaconry of mist/ress, and to the paym-ent of incidental expenses fOT
Essex and diocese of St. AIbans. The church of St. teaching and for school buildings, and (3) for the benefit
Martin is an ancient edifice of stone and flint, in thp of the poor, particularly t,he aged widow.s and infirm per-
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north sons. AIeyn's oharity of £500, founded in r663 by the
aisle, south porch, organ chamber, and an embattled John AIeyn a.bove mentioned, waS invested in 65 acres of
western tower containing a clock and 5 bells, dated land in Broxted parish, since sOl1d, and the proceeds in:
respectively 1632, 1634, 1657, 1731 and 1821: there i,s a vested hy the Charity Commission; it is now appropriaied
window and a door of the Norman period in good prc- (I) to apprenticing poor boys of the parish and assisting
servation: the south porch was added about 1500: in girls go-ing out to servioe; (2) to the repairs of the ohurch
the pavement of the nave are two slabs with brasses; and chancel; and (3) to the benefit of t-he poor. A. G.
one, with the full-length figure of a knight in armour, Maske11 esg. is lord' of the tuanor. .col. W. N. Tuinell.
is inscribed to Jo!hn Maltoun esg. "Dominus hujus ville," of Waltham., and Re:v. .Maurice C. H. Bird M.A. rectoT of
ob. 21 December, 1447; the'other, near it, commemorates Brunstead, Norfolk, are the principal landowners. The
Richard Waltham, also pOssessor of the lordship, ob. 28 soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
October, 1426: there is also a mural tablet to John Aleyn, are wheat, barley and mangold. The ar-ea is 2,300 acres
ob. 26 June, 1663, El benefactor to the parish and fourth of land and 10 of water ; rateable value, £3,463; the
son of the Rev. GiIes Aleyn, a former rector of Little population in 1901 was 646 .
Waltham and a brass to Roger Poole, 18 98 : the church BLASFORD HILL, half a mile south.
was restored in 1883-4, when a north aisle and an organ
chamber were added; the work also included a new oak Assistant Overseer. Arthur Camp en.
roof to the nave and chancel: a handsome stone pulpit, Sexton, Thomas Linnett.
the gift of the late J. J. Tufnell esq. D.L., J.P. was Post, M. & T. 0., T. M. O. Express Delivery, Parcel Post,
erected in 1892; the church has 230 sittings. The regis- S. B. .Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Dennis Reuben Beer,
ter dates from 30 Henry VIII. (11538-9). The living is a sub-postmaster. Letters are received through
recto,ry, net yearly value £360, with IQ acreo; of glebe and the OhelmsfO'rd office at 7.10 a.m. & 12.40 p.m.; sun-
residence, in the gift of Exeter Oollege, Oxford, and held days, 8 a.m.; dispatChed at 3 & 7 p.m.; sundays,I! a.m
since 1890 by the Rev. OsbolI'lle Williarn Tancock M.A. of Blasford Hill, Wall Lett-er Box, cleaI'ed 3.30 p.m. & 7.5
that co;lege. The Congregational chapel was built 1803, p.m.; sunday, 8 p.m
at an outlay of £800. The chariti€s are as follows, com- Wall Letter Box, Shuttleworths, cleared 9.45 a.m. & 6.15
bined under a new scheme, dated May 22nd, 1896;- p.m.; week days only
Poole's, founded in the year 1557-8,by Roger Poole, yeo- Elementary School (mixed). built in 1857 & enlarged in
man, a native and inhabitant of this place, who, at the da,te 1892 for 166 children; it l'eceivesan annual sum from
specified, settled certain lands called "Channels" and Poole's charity, as specified above & has an average
"Coleman's" on Richard Sorrel and other persons of attendanoe of 144 (lgor) children; Waiter George
this parish, in trust for the repair of the church, and Hedgethorne, master
pious uses; he was bUlfied 27th Feb. 1559-60, and the in- Carrier to Chelmsford.-Oharles Windus, daily
(Marked thus * are in Great Wal- CO:M:MERCIAL. Macaulay John, farmer, Channel's frm
tham parish.) Adams James, beer ret. Blasford hill Marriage Frederick George, farmer.
Beer Dennis Reuben, saddler & harn~ss Pratts
PRIVA.TE BESIDENTS. maker & sub-postmaster Monk James, coal dealer
Bright ueorge, farmer, Blasford hill Rayment Charles, secondhand furni.
Cook Miss, Bridge house Brown George, hay cutter ture deale-r
Fox William Brown John, farmer, Rolphs farm Rust Frederick John, farmer, Foxtons
Jolliffe Edward, Brook cottage Burton Arthur, boot & shoe maker Searles William, farmer, Domsey
*McMillanCapt.J.Sinclair R.A.Knights Campen Arthur, farmer & assistant Seymour Alid. farmer (Peverel!! farm)
Neville Rev. John (Oongregational) overseer, Belsteads Skinner Henry, shoe maker
Pennefather Alfred Richard C.B. Little Camp en Lewis James, White Hart Smallwood Robert Percy M.B.&B.C.
WaItham hall Commercial hotel P.H Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician .&
Poole Isaac, Rolphs Camp en Lewis Walter, farmer, cattle surgeon, & medical officer & public
Rountree John, Blasford hilI dealer & butcher vaccinator No. 8 district, Chelmsford
Rust Frederick John, Foxtons *Farnsworth AIice (Mrs.), grocer & union, The Limes
Seagar Edward earthenware dealer Snow E. J. (Miss), farmer, Long's frm
Skinner Frederick Hammett Edward, Bell inn P.H *80rre11 Henry, butcher
Smallwood Robert Percy M.B., B.C. Hedges Thomas, baker &, confectioner Sorrell James, farmer
The Limes - Hicks Fredk. Gem'ge, baker & confctr Steel Alexander,farmer,New Park farm
Tabor Mrs. Merefields .. Holmes Garnham Henry, insurance *Stubbings WaIter, wheelwright
Tancock Rev. Osborne Wllham M.A. agent, Blasford hill Wells Frank E. farmer & landowner.
Rectory Holmes Robert, farmer, hay & straw Oranham house
Tweed Arth.Jas. Little Waltham lodge dealer & coal merchant, Thorleys Windus Oharles, carrier
Wells Frank E. Oranham house farm, Blasford hill Young James, blacksmith
Wells Mrs. Primrose, Woodhouse LinseIl & Son, grocers & drapers
W ALTHAMSTOW is a populous parish and suburb of',London, and is not therefore included in the Directory of the
county, but is given in Kclly' London Suburban Directory.
WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE (or WaIton-le-Soken) wator and 15 by land, 7! ea,st-south-east from Tendring,
is a parish, small seaside town and watering place with a I9! east from Colchester and 7I! from London, in the
terminal station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred,
Great Eastern railway, 7! miles south from Harwich by petty sessional division and union, Harwich county court


cstrict, rural deanery of St. Osyth, a~chdeaconry of this year, the only instance of this century." The living
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans: this and the ad- is a vicarage, net yearly value £U9, with x acre of
joining liberties of Thorpe and Kirby are called the glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees, and held
Sokems, from the A. S. soc, Scand. soke, a place since 1898 by the Rev. John Henry Heywood M.A. of
privileged to hold loca~ courts. Othe~ peculiar privileges University College, Oxford. A small iron chapel of ease.
enjoyed were exemptIon from archldIaconal and com- in Foundry lane, was opened in 1902,. at. ~ cost of £7.0,
missary jurisdiction power to administer and execute and will seat IOO persons. The PrullltlVe MethodIst
laws for themselves' and the equal right of a wife with chapel, in Station street, built in 1875, will seat 100 per-
her husband in the ownership of land; this parish once sons. The Society of Friends' Meeting house, in Ma~tello
extE-nded much further seawards, and ruins are said to road, is open during the season. Th~ CongregatlOnal
have been discovered on a shoal called the West Rocks, church in Station street was erected m 1878 and has
9 miles from shore; the town lies between the sea-cliffs 360 sittings. The Plymouth Brethren .have a ~eeting
and Walton Creek, which is much frequented by sports- hOThse of bTick, in Sa.ville stre-et, erected ill 1901, wlth ISO
men in quest of wild fowl, and on the head of the creek sittinO's. The Town Hall, erected in 1900, is a large
stand powel'ful tide and wind mills: the air is saJubrilous structure of red brick, with stone facings; on the ground
and bracing, and the beaoh, consisting of sand' and fine floor are the post office, bank cha~bers, council room a.nd
shingle, is well adapted for bathing, and affords a pleasant private offices and shops; t?-ere IS also a larg~ hall, ~lth
prOIuenade, the ebb tide leaving a hard smooth sand: a smaller hall above, and hcensed for dramatIC, mUSICal
the cliffs adjoining the town have been protected from the and dancing entertainmentg, and also available for public
encroachments of the sea by the construction of break- meetings; the large stage will hold fully IS0 persons, and
waters, and a Bill was passed by Parliament 4th Aug. 1890, the total seating ca.pacity is about 700; t?-e uppe;r flo?rs
affording the necessary powers for repairing the sea wall, have offices, retiring rooms &c. The PublIc Hall, III HIgh
a work carried out ln 1892, which with later additions and street, a large structure of brick holding 300 persons is
the making of new road &c. has cost nearly £20,000. used for public meetings. An extensive iron foundry here
WaJton is bounded on three sides by the sea, the land ter- belonging to R. Warner & Co. finds employment for IS0 to
minating in a bold promontory called the "Naze," on 200 hands. The brick oort'h and strong clay are bedng
which stands Walton Hall, and a lofty towel' built by the manufactured into- bricks of a good qUality at the Port
Walton works, by Donald Mackenzie & Sons. There are
Corporation of the Trinity House in 1796: the south s(>veral good hotels, including the "Marine," "Pier,"
slopes and seaward summit of this elevated land are now " PortobeUo" and "Royal Albion"; attached to the
laid out for building, under the names of "Naze Park" " Marine" :is an assembly hall holding 300 persons, and
and" East Cliff Parade." The land betwe·en Walton and the " Royal .Albion" has a large hall for w'hich music and
Frinton, overlooking the sea, and called the" South Cliff dancing licences have been granted and holding 400 per-
Estate," is now (1902) being laid out for building. The sons, but for concerts, 500 can be seated; connected
land here is chiefly oomposed of dark Lond0I.I clay, and with the Pier hotel by a subway is the Round Garden, a
at the Naze this is overLaid by the orag form.ation, famous t3stefullv laid out enclosure containing refreshment I"OOIIlJS.
for its abundance of fossils; the red crag here found is A fair ;as formerly held here on July 3rd, but has now
considered the oldest in England and alone of all the red become obsolete. The coastguard station, at the east end
crag beds yields shells in the condition in which their of the town, was erected in 1891; tJJ.e force con-
inmates died: fo&sil remains of antediluvian beasts have sists of a chief office.r and I I men. This station
also been found; pyrites and coprolites from the London has direct telephonic communicatiO'Il w~th the Gunfleet
clay and upper bed.s are ~neoted on the shore and cliff liO'hthouse the post office and the HarwIch and Clacton-
as well as nodules of calcareous clay of septaria used ior o~-Sea doastguard stations. A lifeboat call~d the
making paster of paris; coppe~llis works fOO'~erly ~xist:d "Honorable Artillery Oompany," was presented ID 1884
here and lli considerable quantIty of the mmeral IS stIll by the Dramatic Club of the Honorable Artillery Co~pany
obtained from the beach. The town is lighted witih. to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for sel'Vlce on
gas, and provided with a constant supply of pure spring this coast which is only about eight miles from the
water from MistIey, by the Tendring Hundred Water- dnngerou~ "GunfIeet" sands; this boat was superseded
works Company. A scheme o,f drainage by gravitation on in 1900 by the" James Stevens, No. 14," a 43 ft. sailing
the septic tank ·system was completed in 1902 at a cost boat, forrming one of a series of 21 boats presented to the
of £10,000. The affairs of the town are contr·oll~d by institution by the gentleman of that name. The Claugh-
an Urban District Council of 15 m emb01"S, constItuted ton Convalescent Home on the PaTade, established in 1885,
under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, is an offshoot of the St. Albans Diocesan Nursing Insti-
189+" (S6 and 57 Vict. c. 73), who also exercise t:he tution, and is supported by voluntary subscr~ptions. ~he
powers conferred by the "Walton Im.provement Act, Home of Rest in High street, connecled WIth the FIeld
1841" and the Cl Walton Sea Defences Act, 11890." The Lane Mission in London, is used in the summer months
Coost Development Company Limited extended the pier to for the benefit of the poor invalids requiring the sea ail'.
a total length of 2,610 feet and' an electric tramway was There al'e about 30 acres of land, left chiefly by M:r:. John
then constructed along its entire length; at the head of Sadler, in 1563, for the good of the poor, .the Income
the pier is a large pavilion, for concerts and other enter-. of which is managed and distributed by trustees, under
tainments, and seating 400 persons: ~any yachts res?rt the direction of the Charity Commissioners. Two J;'ar<:els
iIlere, and a regatta is usually held m August; durmg of land formerly belonging to the poor and YIeldmg
tlhe summer season, ,steam,ers run to and from London, respectively £15 and £4 lOS. annually have been sub-
Cl'actc}il-on-Sea Harwich, Felixstowe, Southwold, Low'es- merged, as also the greater portion of .two farms com-
toft and Yarm~uth, and several times a day from Harwich prising 90 acres of land purcIiased ID 1793 by the
up the river Orwell to Ipswich. The church of All Saints, governors of Queen Anne's bounty for the augme!!tation
parially rebuilt of 'Stone in 1873, was completed, except of the living of Holy Trinity church, Colohester. S11' John
the upper portion of the tower, and consecrated in I8?2; Henry Johnsou, of St. Osyth's Priory, 'Col. Ricbard· Per-
it is an edifice in the Early Decorated style, and conSIsts cival Davis of 37 Gloucester terrace, Hyde park, London
of chancel with vestry and organ chambeT, nave of five W., the tr~steeg of tJhe late Robert Warner esq. The Inind
bays, south aisle, and an embattled western tower com- Co. 68 Gheapside, London E.C. and Messrs. John Garter
pleted in 1896 by Col. Richard Percival Davis, at a cost and Edwal'd Standley, are the principalland'Owners. The
of £1,500, and containing 2. bells and a :fu:IE~ .clock with soil is fertile, cOonsis>ting chiefly of loam, crag an.d sand.;
4 diaLs placed at the saim.e, tune by the paTlShIOners at. a subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, bar-
cost of £160: tb·e stained east window was placed ID ley, oats &D. The plllrish ·contains 2,°96 acres of land,
1001 as a memorial to Peter Schuyler Bruff esq. C.E. 45 of water, 159 of tidal water and 902 of fore5lhore;
of Ipswioh: the ook lectern was presented in memory of ratea,ble value, £8,723; the resident population in I87!
John Winchester, 22 years schoolmaster, and a new oak was 1,070; in 1881, 1,376; in 1'891, 1,586, and in 1901
reredos h3JS also been provided; the organ was erected was 1,969; but in the summer season it is about 6,000;
in 1882: there are about 600 sittings: the old church, a the population of the Urban District in 1901 wa,s 2,007.
structure of red brick, was consecrated by Bishop The rateable value is £7,325.
in 1804 in place of an ancient edifice, which, wlth the Pari9h Clerk & Sexton, William. Daniels.
churchyard and every house near it but one, had been Post, M. O. &; T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity
entirely swept away by the encroachments of the sea in & Insurance Office (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should
1798: a prebendal stall in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, have R.B.O. Essex added), Town hall, High stTeet.. -
which took its name from an estate engulphed by the William Henry WalfQTd, postmaster. Letters arrive at
sea but formerly part of this parish, is now called 6.10 & 8.30 a.m. & 12.15 & 5.30 p.m.; dispatched. at
"P~cebenda, Consllmpta per Mare." The I:egister of bap- 9.5 a.m. 12.30, 3, 5 ·55 (parcels only) & 6.~0 p.m. DurI~g
tisms dates from 1672; marriages, 1688; burials, 1690; the months of July,- Aug. & Sept. the:T'6 IS an extra dLS-
some of the latter registers are at Kirby-le-Soken: in patch at 7.15 for whioh the box closes at 7.5 p.m. There
the burial book the following extract appears (( IZ 6 4, is one arrival at 6.10 a.m. & one dispatch at S.55 p.m.
John Pitman, vicar; Anen Walker, curate. No bunals on sundays

URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Police Station, 1 Martello road, Frederick Fordham, ser.
Offices, Town hall, High streMi. geant &; I constable
Me.ets at the Town Hall, High street, last thursday in Public Hall, 51 High streErl-, Frederick A. OJllins, lessee
the month at 7 p.m. To,wn Hall, High street, Harry Padfield', managing dir.;1
Arthdr Ro,bert Chamberlayne, sec
Chairman, .John Woodroffe Eagle.
Vice-Chairman, .John Carter. VOLUNTEERS.
Members. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Essex Regiment (H company).
Retire in April. Retire in April.
Al~en Garnies Aldridge 1903 Alfd.BowlerGreenwood 1904
depot, Marine hall, Old Pier street, Lieut. Douglas S.
Smith, oommandant
Elisha Barnden 1903 I Harry Padfield. .••• 1904 PUBLIC OFFICERS.
1905 Assistant Overseer &; Poor Rate Collector. Walter TufIin.
John Carter
Francis WheldaleFoster
1903 Thomas Freneh

Frederick Josiah. Nunn 1905

1903 Thos. Creffield Rlddels-
7 Alfred terrace
Coroner for the District of t,he Sokens, Oharle,s Edward
Robert Henry Scott..... 19031 dell.. 1905 White, Eythrope, Wellesley road, Claoton-on-Sea
Charles Botham 1904 John Edward Rose 1905
Frederick Amos Collillil 190 4 / Edward Standley......•. 1905 PLACES OF WOOSillP, with times of Services.
.John Woodroffe Eagle•• 1904 All Saints Church, Rev. John Henry Heywood M.A. vicar;
I I a.m. &; 3.15 (in sum.mer) &:, 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Officers. Chapel of Ease, Foundry lane, Rev. John Henry Heywood
Clerk, ThQIXU1.s Watson Wilson, Town hall &; 24 Saville st M.A. vicar; 3.30 p.ll
Treasurer, O. E. Egerton-Green, banker, Colchester Congregational, Station street, Rev. Matthew Stoker Hor-
Medical Officer of Health, .John Will Cook M.D. Ormonde ton; I I a.m. &:, 7 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
lodge, Carnarvon road, Clacton-on-Sea 'R.S.O Primitive Methodist, Station stret; 11 a.m. &; 6,30 p.m. ;'
Surveyor &; Sanitary Inspector, Henry Williarn Gladwell, wed. 7.15 p.m
32 Kirby road Plymouth Brethren Meet:ng House, Saville street; IX
Col:lecto,r, Alfred' Weston, 5 I Saville street a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
Carriage Inspector, Fredel'ick Fordham, Police station, Society of Friends Meeting House, Martello road; June,
I Martello road July, Aug. &; Sept. I I a.m
Boat Inspector, Jeremiah Bates, 13 Paternoster row
PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. National School (mixed &; infants), built in 1853 &; en-
.<Joastguard Station, James 0'. Mills, chief officer, with larged in 1872 &; 1878 &; again in 1886; it will hold 300
12 men children; average attendance, 121 boys, II6 girls &; 99
,Claughton Convalescent Home, 46 &; 47 The Parade, Mis.s infants; Mark Edward Lansdowne, master; Mrs. J ana
Mary Ann Luard, lady superinte!!dent; Miss Bessie Lansdowne, infants' mistress
Leader, s~ster-in-charge The infants' school is at present held! . in Saville Ihall,
Home of Rest, Mrs. Moore, lady superintendent,27 High st Saville street
Masonic Lodge (No. 1799, Arnold), Marine hotel tues. ---
nearest full moon Jan. to May, Oct. to Dec. 7 p.m. ; Ra'.lway Station, Robert Henry Scott, station master
R. H. Scott P.M., P.P.A.G. sec Carrier to Colchester.-Frederick Christmas (van), tues.
Pier, James Kelly, pier master thurs. &:, sat
:PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fitter Arthur, East cliff Moye Joseph Staines, Lucullus, New
Allen John, 27 Station street Henderson John, 9 Sou1:lh cliff Pier street
Barran Miss, 3 South cliff Heywood Rev. John Hp-nry M.A.Vicar- Palmer Samuel Rackham, 7 Saville st
Bedwell Miss, I I Crescent road age, 40 High street Piper Frank, The Ashes, Kirby road
Bernard Edward, 6 Ohurch villas· Hopkins Alfred J. 65 High street Porter Misses,Martello bungalow, Mar-
Botham OharIes, 21 Alfred terrace Horton Rev. Matthew Stoker (Congre- tello road
Brannon Miss, 17 SaYiIle street, gational), 22 Saville street Powell William, 22 The Parade
Bryant Misses, 9 Saville street Horton George Charles Dunbar, The Rackham Rowland, 5 East terrace
Bryer James, Moorings, Hall lane College, Hall lane Roy Mrs. 5 Saville ,street"
Buckingham Thomas, 9 MarteIlo road Howe WaIter, 63 High street Sawyer James Williarn, 12 Church vils
Church Mrs. 61 Station street Howell Miss, 29 Saville street Standley Edward, 2 East terrace
Cole Thomas Dover, 37 Saville street Lansdowne Edward Markd3Saville st Stoker Richard A. 6 East terrace
Comber Alfred, 27 Saville street Leader Miss (sister-in-charge),Claugh- Symonds Mrs. 6 Newgate street
'Craven iDacre, 3 East terrace ton Convalescent Home, 46 &; 47 The Taylor Mrs. 42 The Parade
Cresswell Mrs. 1 Saville street Parade Turpin Mrs. 75 High ,street
Cullingford Mrs. I Newgate street Luard Miss (lady superintendent), Usher Mrs. I Alfred terrace
Cutcliffe Miss, I I Church road Claughton Conval~scent Home, 46 &:, Walfard William Henry, 69 High street
Davie John Henry, 39 High street 47 The Parade Warner Robert, 7 East terrace
Vavis Col. Richd. Perdval J.P., F.Z.S. Maddox Mr,s. Truditor, Hall lane Watts Mrs. 41 The Parade
New House farm; &; 37 Gloucester Marsh Mrs. 7 Crescent road Weekes Oharles Peterson L.R.C.P.
terrace, Hyde park, London W Matthews Mrs. 4 Church villas Lond. 44 The Parade
Dee Joseph Patrick M.B.l North street Moore Mrs. (lady superintendent), Wheeler Sidney, 44 The Parade
Eagle John Woodroffe, The Hall Home of Rest, 33 High street Wilson Thos. Watson, 24 Saville street
Faulke-Watling Mrs. 7 Church road Nunn Fredk. Josiah, 19 Saville street Wooff Thomas Jame,s', 43 The Parade

COMMERCIA.L. Bates Charles, bathing machine owner, 25 Saville street
Early closing day, Wednesday. Batas Laura (Mrs.), apartments, 7 The Parade
Aalbregt Hugo, foreman at R. Warner &; Co.'s foundry, Bath House Hotel (Charles Matthew Hipkin, propr.),
Foundry house wines, spirits, ales & stout supplied of the best quality;
Abbot Blancbe (Mrs.), apartments, 42 High street cartage agent to the G. E. Railway Co. Shore road
Abbot Stanley Evelyn, jobmaster, 42 Higb Btreet Baughan Charles E'rnest, ham &; beef shop,27 Newgate st
Alderton Barry, grocer 9, &; butcher 17, Old Pier street Berry Thomas, apartments, 3 .Alfred terrace
Aldous Joseph, apartments, 21 OhuTch road Bignell Arthur, apartments, 7 Paternoster row
Aldridge Allen Gamies, apartments, 7 Portobello road Blewitt Harry, beer retailer I, &; confctnr. 3, Suffolk st
Alliston Willie, apartments, 7 West street Bloom Martin R. (Ml's. ),CliffQlI'd temperance, tea &; din-
'Bacon John, apartment~, 4 East terrace ing rooms; apartments with board, Clifford place, 32
Bailey Francis Hamilton, apartments, 25 Station street High street
Barclay &; Company Limited. bankers (Henry Weather- Bloom William RiddelsdeU. Queen's He'ad inn &; ham &;
head, manager) (sub-bmnoh), open tues. I I to 1.3°; beef dealer, 44, 46 &; 48 High street
thuN. I I to 3; Town hall, High street; dTaw on head Bloofield Gedney. blacksmith, 2 Station street
office, 54 Lombard street, London E C Boreham William John, apartments, 13 ChuTOh villas
'Barnard Edward, artist &; school, 6 Church villas Bowles Mice A. (Mrs.), fancy bazaar. ladies' outfitter &;
Ba;rnden Arthur, apartment,s, 35 The PllIl'ade haberdasher; toys; speciality in local photographs, :3
'Barnden Elisha, builder, 32 The Parade Old Pier street
]3arnden EIisha (Mrs.), apartments, 32 The Parade Bowles Benjamin, apartments, 33 North street
Barnes Oharlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Q'he Pllil'ade Bowles Benjamin William, tobacconist, musio &; musical
'BarreIl William, apartments, 33 Church road instrument warehouse, 28 Newgate street
llatchelor Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Martelao road Brannon Emma (Miss), girls' school, 17 Savilla street
;Bates Jeremiah, apartments, &; boat inspector to the Urban Britton Henry, pleasure boat owner, 5 Paternoster tow
District Council, 13 Paternoster rQIW Brooke Olallde, apeortments, 31 High street
Brooke Thomas O. stationer, 38 The Parade
:Bl'oomfield Oharles, apartments, Maisonette, Martello rd
Brown George, apartments, 7 New Pier street
Gladwell Henry Wil'liam, builder &; surveyor &; sanitary
inspector to the Urban District Council, 32 Kirby rO'ld
Goddsrd Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 77 High street
Brl>Wll James, carpenter, 61 North street Goddard Samuel, draper, 7 Old Pier street
Burch Edward, apartments, 1 I Paternoster row Gooch & Sons, builders, 5 Porlobello ro,ad
Byford Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 51 North street Gooch Robert, apartments, 2 South cliff
Oartaal." Emily Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Crescent road Good Seeley (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Newgate street
Carter Arthur Charles, baker &; confectioner; Hovis Gracie William JOthn, apartments, Got~ic cot.Foundry la
bread &; biscuits; families &; visitors supplied, 7 &; 9 Grant Joseph, carriage proprietor, 28 Station road
North street Gray Dennis, butcher, 28 High street
Carter John, Royal Albion hotel; faeing the German Gray Frederick, apartments, 23 Crescent road
ocean, with unimpeded land &; sea views; accommoda- Green Mary Ann (:Mrs.), apartments, I I The Parade
tion for parties up to 400, T,he Parade Greenwood Alfred Bowler, butcher, 34 Newgate street
Carter Stphn. Jas. bathing machine owner, 47 Saville st Grimwade John ma.I3, & outfitter IS, Old Pier st
Oarr'tell' Thomas, apartments, 6 North street Halls Abraham, pleasure boat proprietor & apartments,
Oash Supply Stores (John Edw. Rose, propr.), dealer in S3 Station street
grocerv, provisions, patent medicines, wine &; spirit Harcourt Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Saville street
merch"ant, cask &; bottled beers, 43 High street Harlow Emma (Mrs.), a,partments, 33 Tihe Parade
Cave Jaoo·b, saddler, 7 Hig>h street Harris Charles, apartments, I East terrace
Chamberlayne Arthur Robert, solicitor &; commissioner Hart .Ann (Mrs.), apartments & coal merchant, 13 Saville
to administer oaths, Town hall, High street street, & depot, Sbation street
Chandlex Oharles, apartments, 13 The Parade Hart Ellen (Miss), a·partments, 73 Station street
Chandler Thomas, aparlments, 3 Newgate street Hllirvey Elizabe,th Mary (Mrs.), apartments, I I Saville st..
Ohignell MlIIry (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Suffolk sh'eet Hatcher George, apartments, 7 Alfred terrace
Ohilman Frank, boarding house, I & 2 Church villas Havens J ulia Lingwood (Mrs.), aparts. 2 N ewgate st
Chitham Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Martello road Hayward Edward, apartments & wat;:,h ma. I I Church viIs>
Christmas Frederick, carrier, 2 Churchfield street· Hearn Eleanor (, apartInents, White Idg.East terraC9-,
Clancy Hugh, apartments, 9 Alfred terrace Hedley Frank, apartments, 12 Saville street
Clark Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 51 Station street Hellen Ellen (Miss), apartments, LucullUlS, New Pier st
Claughton Convalescent Home (Miss Mary Ann Luard, Heming Fred, refreshment rooms, 21 Newgate street
lady superintendent; Miss Bessie Leader, sister-in- Hickson Elizabeth (Miss), aparlments, 59 Station street
cl'irurge), 46 &; 47 The Parade Hipkin Charles Matthew, Bath House hotel, &; cartage...
Coast Development Co. Lim. (Jas. Kelly, pier master) agent to the G. E. railway, Shore road
Coast Guard Station (James C. Mills, chief officer) Home for London Home ·Workers (Thomas Holmes,-.
Cole Arthur, apartments, 67 High street founder), 2 Naze villas, HaIl lane
Coles Edward, head gamekeeper to Col. Richard Percival Home of Rest (Mrs. Moore, lady supt.), 33 High street
Davis J.P. The Lodge, Kirby road Horton George Charles Du.n:bar, boys' college, Hall lane
Collins Ha.rriet (Mrs.), apartments, 23 The Parade Hughes Henry, apSJrtments, 71 High street
Collins Frede.rick .!mos,greengrocer 49,& baker 51,High st Hugman Charles, apaTtments, 19 ChUlI'ch Toad:
Collins John, greengrocer, 4 Old Pier ·street James Henry (esta.blished 1866), ,bread & biscuit baker &; .
confectioner, 13 High street; horses & traps for hire;
Cook Herbert, fishmonger, 6 Old Pier street
livery stlllbles, Marine hotel, Old Pier street
Cook William, fishmonger, 47 High street
Cooke William Ashmore, beer retailer, 7 Suffolk street James Mark, apartments, 63 Station street
Coote Philip Henry, stationer & tobacconist, 27 High st J ames W illiam, dairyman, Grove cottage, Kirby rood
Cream Emma (Miss), apartments, 16 Saville street Jarvis Maurice, apartments, 12 The Parade
Cross Joseph John, ll>partments, 40 ·The Parade J enkins Charles Vincar, apartments, 4 The Parade
Jenkinson Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, u7 Suffolk street .
Outcliffe Mary (Miss), day school for girls, 11 Church rd
Cutter Ada (Mlss), apartments, 16 The Parade Janes John Ashworth, photographer, 29 High street &;
20 Newgate s1;,reet
Cnttex Charles, apartments, 32 Ohuroh road
Cutter Frederick, aplllrlments, 3 North street Kelly James, pier master, I South cliff
Cutter Helllry, apartments, 18 The Pa,rade Kerridge Julia (Mrs.), :slhopkeeper, High Tree Idg.HaU la_,
Knight John, apa.rtments, 30 OhuTch road
Cutter Henry Ed ward, apartments, 26 Church road
Lambert William, farmer, R.igdOOl's, Kirby rood.
Daniels Alfred George, apartments, 9 Paternoster row Lansd'Owne Mal'k, tailor, 61 North street
Daniels William, apartments, & parish clerk & sexton,
Lee John Charles, apartments, 13 Station street-
24 Ohurdb. road Lilley AlbeTt, apartments, 49 Station st.reet
Davis Col. Richard Percival J.P. farmer, New House frm Lilley William, apartments, 65 Station street
Dee Joseph Patriok M.B., B.Ob. & B.A.a., RU.I. phy- McKay Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 9 Crescent road-
sician & surgeon, I North street Mackenzie D. & ,Sons, brick manUfacturers, Port Walton-o
Deeks Oharlotte (.M18S), apartments, 9 & 11 New Pier st Brick works, &; at Clacton-on-Sea
Dibbs Bertha (Miss), apartments, 23 Church road Manu J ames J oseph, a.partments, 3 Sa-vine stree1l
Dobhs Edwin, apa.rtments, 2 Greenwood cots. Foundry la Marine Hotel (The); fa.cing the sea, southerly aspect,
Dollemore Henry, apartments, 3 The Parade private sitting rooms, 50 'bedrooms, bath 1"Q00I1JS,
Double Robert, fUll'Ilished apa.rtments; good accommoda- billiards, large hall, ·seating 300; superior stabling
tion fOT families, Field lodge, 63 High street (addire-ss manageress)
Dwyer Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Church road Mason Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 14 The Parade
Eagle John Woodroffe~ farmer, The Hall Mason John, apartments, 28 Ohuroh road
East Frederick, apartments, 17 The Parade Masonic Lodge (NQ. 1799, Arnold) (R. H. Scott, sec.),
Edwards Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner 52, & apartments Marine hotel
54, High street Mattin Leonard, foreman at the foundry, I Greenwood
Farley William Henry, apartments, 31 SaviHe street cottages, Foundry lane
Flory Robt. hair dresser 77, &; apartments 29, Station st Miles Thomas .Alfred, chimney ~eeper, York vil.Kirlby rd
Fordham Frederick, police sergeant, & carriage inspector Mills .A.rtibur, gr6cer & draper, 44 High street
to the urban District Council, I Martello road Mills J ames C. chief officer of Coastguard station
Foster Francis Wheldale M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.e.P.Lond. Modlen Mary (Mrs.), chem.i:st, I I Old Pier street
surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator, 9th & MOO'eJ.and James Cowan, cycle maker, 73 High street
11th district, & medical officer to the workhouse, Tend- Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants, Railway station
ring union, I North street; & at Thorpe-Ie-Soken Moye Joseph Staines, architoot, Lucullus, New Pier street.
Fox Fred, outfitter, 19 Old PieT street Myall John, apartments, I I Crescent road
Fox Frederick, apartments, 75 Station street Nevard Harry (~'l's.), apartments, Yates cots. Kirby rd
Francis Jas. mgr; to gas & water works, 21 Crescent road Neville Frank Henry, apartments, 15 Paternoster row
Frencll Thoma.s, lIIplllrtments, O<rohard house, Foundry la New Aerated Beverage & Buffet Co. Limited (William
Gardiner E. & E. (Misses), fancy bread & biscuit bakers Barker, managing director), refreshment rooms, I Old
& confectioners; pure hOlIIle-made bread; ales & stout Pier ·street
on draught, I Portobello road . Nice William, apartments, 3 Martello road
GM"diner George, apartments, 5 Crescent rood NichoTIs Catherine (Mrs.), apartments, OrohM"d cottage,
Gardiner James, householder, 22 Churoh road Foundry lane
G1ls Works (Tendring Hundred Waterworks Co. proprie_ Norman Frederick, apartments, 50 Alfred teTI'ace
tors; James Franois, manager), Station street No.rman William, carpenter, 52 Alfred terrace
Giannino Agustale, confectioner, 81 High street Norton Henry, apartments, 21 The Parade

Norton William, apartments, 55 Station sh'eet Smith Frederick W. grocer, & agent to' W. & A. Gilbey
:Noy William, apartments, 2 Orchard vils. Foundry lane Limited, wine & spirit merchants, I7 Old Pier street &
Nunn Fred,erick Josiah & Oo~ auctioneers, Town han, boot maker &; clothier, 38 High street '
High street Smith James, apartments, !I Alfred terrace
Olla.rd Henry, apartments, 15 Alfred terrace SneIl Mariha. (Mrs,), apartments, 17 .Alfred terrace
Oxborrow Jessie (Mrs.), apartments, 3 East Lynne villas, Snowdin Harriet (:Mrs.), apartments, 48 Alfred terrace
Foundry lane Spinelli Angelo" confectioner, IQ Old Pier street
Ox:ley Alfred; apartments, 19 .Alfr-ed terrace Spinks Charles, apartments, 67 Station road
Oxley Goorge, apartments, 21 Station street Stead & Simpson Limited, boot makers, 10 Old Pier street
Oxley Henry, boat proprieto-r & apart!>. 69 Station street Stone Albert Edward, manager, Pie,r ho,tel
Oxley James, apartments, 47 Station st.ree~ Taylor Catherine L. O. (Mrs.), apartments, Martello vils.
Oxley Philip George, house & estate agent, builder & MartelIo road
undertaker; estimates given, IS & 17 High street Taylor Joseph, apal'tments, 25 Churoh road
Oxley Walter J onas, apartments, 34 Station sheet '1'aylor Tho-s. Wm. grocer & tobaooonist, 28 The Parade
Oxley William, apartments, 67 Saville street Tendring Hundred Waterworks Co. (James Francis,
Oxley William, boat proprietor & aparts. 71 Station street manager), Station street '
Padfield Harry, PortoheHo commercial & family !hotel; Terris Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Paternoster row
biJJliards; good -stabling & lock-up for motors, High st Terris Emma Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 34 The Parade
,PaJmer Oharlotte Lydia (,Mrs.), 'householder, 57 Station st Theatre (Harry Padfield, managing director), Town hall,
Palmer SI. Rackham, baker & oonfectnr. 29 The Parade High street
:pearson William, apartments, 19 The Parade Thorpe Edward, gardener to Frederick Josiah Nunn esq.
Pellatt Francis Henry, apartments, 56 High street 21 Saville street
'Perry Henry Dartnell, furniture dealer & fancy repository, Thorpe Emma (Miss), dress maker, 21 Saville street,
50 High street ' Town Hall (Harry Padfield, managing dir.), High street
Petchey William, apalI'tments, Lane cottage Townes George, apartments, Seaview cottages, Shore rd
Pier (James Kelly, pier ma-ster) Townsend Alfred John, apartments, 17 Station street
. Pier Hotel (The) (Albert E. Stone, manager), first- Trieke-r Mioe & Rose (Misses), fancy repos. 37 High st family hotel, havin.g a southern aspect & close to Tuffin ElizaJbeth (Miss), apartments, 19 Station street
railway station, faoing the pier, with splendid sea. Tuffin WaIter, assistant overseer &; poor rate collector, 5
views; private sitting rooms, assembly & coffee rooms; .Alfred terrace
large banqueting hall, seating 350 persons Turner Oharles, greengrocer & farmer, 26 High street
Polley Br-ot,hers, pleasure boat owners, 14 Newgate street Tyas Frederick C., M.S.A. architect, estate agent,
Polley David, insurance agent & -aparts. I Paternoster row land, building & quantity surveyor, Sout'hcliff estate
Polley Frances (Mrs.), fishmonger, 20 Old Pier street office, 7 'l'he Parade, & survey &; estate office, 8 Old
Polley George Arthu:r, boat proprietor 7, &; apartments 8, Pier stre-et; & at !I3 Leooenhall street, London E 0
South cliff Usher David, jobmaster, Ohurchfield street
Polley George James, apartments, 37 The Parade &; fur- Valli Oswald, apartments, 30 &; 31 The Parade
niture & china dealer, 14 Newgate street Venables Alfred Henry, aprtments, 6 The Parade
'Portobello Commercial & Family Hotel (Harry Volunteer Ba.ttalion (2nd) Essex Regiment (H Company)
Padfield, proprietor); billiards; good stabling; lock-up (Lieut. Dougfas S. Smith); depot, Ma,rine hall, Old
fall' motoll's; facing theatre, town hall &; post office; Pier street
close to sea & rail, High street Wadman Ernes,t William, watch maker, 21 Old Pier st
.. Potter George, boot maker, North street WalfoTd Ernest William, tinsmith, 2 North street
Potter Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 23 ,Saville street Walford William Henry, po.stmaster, Town hall, High st
Potter Hannah Gertrude (MiilS), boarding ho.20Saville st Walton Gazette & Visitors' List (Benham & 00. proprie-
Potter Jonathan Parsons, butcher, 79 High street & 42 tors, Colchester; Thomas William Taylor, local corre.
_Station street spondent; pub. wed.), 28 The Parade. See advert
Potter Sidney, apartments, 9 Portobello road WaIton Mutual Assistance Society (Edward Standley.
:Public HaU (Frederick A. Oollins, lessee), SI High street S8C.), Town hall, High street
Pugh E1'llest JOihn, apartments, 30 Kirby r()ad Walton NeW's & Coast Times (Abraham Quick & Co.
Pugh James, apartments, 69 Saville street Limited, proprietors; published ,sat.), 5 Old Pier
Puxley Haven, fishmonger, 53 High street street; & at Station roa.d, OJ;a.cton-on-Sea. See advert
Quick Abra-ham & 00. Limited, stationers, bill posters & Walton-on-the-Naze Public Buildlin!ps 00. Limited (Harry
print,ers &; publis'hers of the" Walton News & Coast Padfield, managin.g director; Arthur Robert Chamber-
Times" & the" East Essex Advertiser & OlactonNews," layne, sec.), Town ha,ll, High street
5 Gid Pier street; & a,t Station road, Clacton-on-Sea. Waltollron-the-Naze, Frinton & General Land Investment
See advert & Building Society Lilnited (Thomas Watson Wilson,'
.Rampling Oharles, farm bailiff to Jeyhn Woodroffe Eagle solicitor; .Alfred Weston, seo.), 24,Saville street
esq. The Ashes, Kirby road Ward George, apartments, 3 Chmoh villas
'Raven Emily Jane ('Mrs.), milliner, 27 The Parade &; 12 Ward J ()lhn, ca.r proprieto'l', 26 Station street
Old Pier street Warner Robert & Co. engineers, iron founders &;
Raven John, oil & color man, 32 Newgate street pumping machinery &; windmill manu£acturers; & 97
ReIf .Albert Ernest, maker, 23 Newgate street Queen Victoria !>heet, London E C
Rickarby Betsy (Mrs.), apartments, 75 High street Watkinson Ellen (Mrs.), grocer, 36 High street
Riddelsdell Henry (Mrs.), apartments, 16 & 17 North st Watts Esther (Miss), professional nurse, 15 Saville street
Riddelsdell Henry, smith 14, & grocer & beer retailer 17, Webb Alfred, fancy repository & hair dresser,3 Old Pier st
North street Weekes Oha.rles Peters()n M.R.G.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Riddelsdell Thomas Oreffield, ironmonger 34, & china &; physician & surgeon, 44 The Parade
glass dealer 45, High street Weston Alfred, collector to the Urban District Council, SI
'Round Garden (Albert EdwardStone,manager),TheParade Saville street
Roy Sarah Ann (Mrs.), plumber &0. 57 High street Wheeler John, sign writer, 17 ChurehfieldJ street
Royal Albion Hotel (The) (John Oarter, proprietor), Wheeler Sidney L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dentist, 44 The Parade
facing the German ocean, with unimpeded land &; sea Whipp Henry, apartments, 23 Station street .
views; accommodation for pM'ties up to 400,The Parade White & Son, solicitors, 31 High street
Samuel Annie (Mrs.), general stores; grocery, provisions, White Oharles Edward (firm, White & .son), solicitor &
confectionery; agent for the Maypole butters &; tea9, coroner for the Sokens, 31 High street
41 High street Wicks Percy, wine & spirit & 'bottled beer merchant, 17
Salzmann William, tailor, 13 & 15 Newgate street Newgate street
Scillitoe Eliza. (Mrs.), apartments, I Orchard villas, Wildey Edwa.rd, apartments, 13 Ohurch r()ad
Foundry lane Wilkinson Ma~d (Miss), manageress, Ma.rine hote,l, Old
Scott Robert Henry, station master Pier street
Scott William G. plumber & gasfitter, 19 Newgate street Williams WaIter, apartments, 13 Alfred terr;1Ce _
Servants' Training Home (Miss Newman, matron), 18 Wilson Beatrice Miniette (Mrs.), apartments, Hollandene,
SaviUe street ' New Pie,r street
Sharman John, boot maker, 30 High street Wilson Thomas Watson, solioito.r, oommissioner fOlT oaths,
Sharman Robert, boot maker, 27 NOIrth street & olerk to the Urban Distriot Oo,unciI, Town hall, High
Sheather Harry, commercial traveller, 14 Church villas street & 24 Saville street
Sherman John, apartments, 13 OhtLTchfield street Wriglht Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 20 The Parade
Siggers Harriet (Miss), apartments, I I Martello road Young & Sons, solicitors, 7 The PM'ade
Siggers Henry, apartments, 25 Crescent road Young Arthur Tayle'l' LL.B. (fiTID, Young & Sons), s(}lici~
Skipper Charles, butoher, 55 High street tor, 7 The Paradoe
Smith W. H. &; Son. news agent•• Railway station
Young Howard LL.B. (firm, Young & Sons), solicitor, 7-' Young"WaIter LL.B.:(fum, Y'oung &' Sons), sol!~it{)r,
The Parade

Sons), solicitor, 7 The Parade

The Parade ',.

Young Thomas Pallistea- B.A., LL.B. (firm, Young & YOUIloO'1llan William,boording house-, 45 The Para'de,

, •• - - -," _ - r •

WANSTEAD is a parish, a mile and a half north-west frlilm and: Wanstead; forming part thereof; passed to the Crown.

lliord, with a station called Snaresbrook on the Epping In 1549 Edward VI. granted it to Lord Rich, whose son
and Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway anq 7 in 1577 sold it to Robert, Earl of Leicester, from whom
miles from Whitechapel or Shoreditch churches; it is in it passed to the families of Mildmay, Child, Tylney and
.the North Eastern Metropolitan postal district, within descended ultimately to Miss Tylney-Long, who married
the jurisdiction of the Central criminal court and Metro- the Hon. William Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley, after-
polItan police, in the Southern division -of the county, wards Earl of Mornington; it is now the property -of
Becontree hundred, West Ham miion, Bow county court Earl Cowley, his cousin. Here stood, in the 18th cen-
district, and in the rural deanery of North Barkin.g, arch- tury, a mansion, built' by Si1'- Richard Child (afterwards
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The parish, created Earl Tylney) in 1715: the Prince de Conds;
iormel'1y governed from 1854 by a Local Board, is now, Louis XVIII. and other members of the exiled Bourbon
under the "Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 family resided here during the time of the first Na-
Vict. c. 73) controlled by an Urban District Council. poleon. Owing to the extravagance of the above named
Wansteadappears to have derived its names Hon. W. Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley, ·the whole contents
from ~hli!l Saxon words "wan" (w:hite) ~d ': stede" of the mansion were disposed of in June, 1822; 8;Ud the
<manSIOn). The church of St. Mary, rebuilt III 1790, residence was subsequently pulled down and sold III lots.
.at the fost ~f Sir ~ames Tylney-Long bar.t. of Dray- A grotto,. built, at immense expense by the late ~untess
cot, WIltS. IS a brIck structure, cased With Portland of Mornmgton, was the only monument of thIS fine
stone, in the Classic style, from designs by Mr. Thomas: estate, and iemained until the early part of 1885, when it
Hardwick, architect, and consists. of chancel, naye ~nd : was unfortunately burned down. A tesselated pavement
.aisles, west porc.h, supported on pIllars of the CormthIan I and other Romarr antiquities were found in the park in
,?rder an~ a DorI? portICO, surmounte~ by. a c?pola rest- 1735. Earl Cowley is lord of the manor. The area of
mg on eIght. I?lllC columns and termmat~g m a small the civil parish is 1,914 acres of land and 50 of water;
~urret, contammg a clock and 4be1ls.: m th.e chaIlJC~1 rateable value of '\Vanstead, £61,960; the
~s a sumptuous marble monument WIth effigIes to S:r r871 was S,II9, and in 1891, 26,282, of which 5,971 are
.J~siah Chil~ bart. ~erch.ant, ob. ~2 June, 1699, hIS attached to the parish church (including inmates of the
Wife and hIS son, SIr Richard Chpd bart. M.P. ~or Infant Orphan Asylum). The area of the Urban District
Essex, and subsequently created VIscount Cast~emame is r,7 66 ; the population in 1901 was 9,179. '.
a~d. Earl Tylney, d. 1749. .The c~urch contams 600 Oann Hall is a civil parish, formed 'under the 'pro'-'
sIttmgs. In the churchyard lies ~urled John, visions of the" Local Government Act, 1894"; the rate-
,o~ . Magdalene. College. C:,-mbrIdge, an ~tmorruan able value is £5 8,75°. . , '
divme, who died at Ilford ill 1647. The regIster dates Parish Clerk, Edward ;Harry, Mornmgton road. '•
from the year 1640' The living is a rectory, net yearly ,
value £750, including 10 acres of glebe, with residence, SNARESBROOK is' the .old name of a former hamlet
in the gift of the Misses Nutter, and held since 18g8 by of Wanstead, but now incorporated with Wanstead. it
the Rev. John Scott M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, is on the Woodford Toad and has a statio-n on the Great
prebendary of York, and surro.gate. Ohrist Church, a Eastern railway, 61 miles from Shoreditch and White..
chapel of ease to St. Mary's, and erectOO and opened in chapel churches. The Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum,
1861, is a building of ston8 in the Decorated style, con- on Bermon Hill, near, the railway .station, ~as firs~~
,gisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north po,rch and a western established in 1827 in S.t. George's-in-the-East, London.,
tower, containing a clock and 6 steel bells: it will seat for the maintenance, . clothing ,and education of the
about 700 persons. 1'Ihore are Congregational and Was- children of deceased British merchant seamen fr{)m all
leyan chapels" a Free Methodist chapel and a Friends' parts of the world: up to the year 1897 mON! than 2;35.5~
Meeting house. Dr. James Pound, naturalist and children enjoyed the benefits of this charity and thera'
astronomer, was rector here from 1707 till his death are now . (-1902) 290 in residence, 185 hoysand 105'
in 1724; and James Bradley D.D. his nephew, also a girls; the premises being 'available for' a full' comple-
distinguished astronomer. Savilian professor at Oxford, ment of 3°0: children are elected to vacancieS'. by the.
and the successor of HaIley as astronomer-royal, was votes of the governors, no child being elected unless ill
101' some time curate during the incumbency of his uncle. po:ls 50 votes: candidates for election ttmst also' be
and d. 13 July, 1]62. Admiral Sir William Penn, father over seven and under :u years and 'free from all disease
of the fotinder of Pennsylvania, was a resident here and or, infirmity and must further be recommended by ILl
died 16 Sept. 1670. The charities for distribution amount governor and approved by the. boarlJ. 9f m~agement:'
to £61 I7s. yearly. At New Wan stead the Weavers' the' institution is controlled by a committee: the
Company have erected a block of almshouses in lieu of present buildings. erected in 1861 and opened in 1862,
'those situated in Potter's fields and Old Street road, are of red and black brick with white stone dressings
London, and founded in 1725; these are for twelve poor in the Gothic style, from designs by Mr. G. C. Clarke,
freemen and twelve widows. Wanstead Park, now under architect, and have been twice enlarged; the ,buildings
the control of the Oorporation of London, consists()f include a lofty tower with spire, and a, chapel. open.ed
about 184 acres, formerly constituting an outlying pOTtion in i864 by the Prince and Princess of. Wales; Mr. F; W)
-of the Tylney estate, acquired by the Corporation from Rawlinson, sec.; Miss Lilian Beard, matron. . ,.
Earl Cowley, by an exchange of 50 acres of scattered The Eagle pond or lake, one of the principal features.
land and a payment of £8,000, anc! conveyed to the Epping of. the place, [s a sheet of water about 7 - acres in-
Forest Oommittoo in trust for the public. 'l'he park, extent. now secured for the enjoyment of the public.
opened in August. 1882, has several fine pieces of water and in the summer months is frequented by anglers;.,
and a heronry, and is becoming much frequented. .Ad- at the east end of the lake is the Eagle Hotel. a well
joining are the Wanstead .FIats, another open space, known and favourite resort, with large gardens and,'
levelled and partially planted with trees and shrubs in the pleasure grounds. ,
spring of 1886; the cost being defrayed from the Mansion Near the Eagle Hotel, on the Woodford road, is a~'
House fund raised for the benefit of the unemployed. .At ornamental dri.nking fountain, presented by Samuel
Lake House, south-west of the park, Thomas Hood wrote Ellis esq. of Snaresbrook, in 1872-
his novel" Tylney Hall": this house was originally built A drinking fountain has also been erected by the parish-'
as a summer-house to the park. This place ilil mentioned ioners at the junction of High street and Cambridge P_ark.
as having been bestowed on the abbey of St. Peter at road, In commemoration of the 60th year of Her Majesty'~"
Westminster, by one Alfric, which grant, it is said, was Reign. , _ .
confirmed by Edward the C<Jniessor: at the Domesday On the south side of the lake stands the Infant,
Survey it was held of the Bishop of London by Ralph Orphan Asylum, founded at Hackney in 1827 by Dr.
Fitz Brien, its annual value being 40s.: in the reign of Andrew Reed and others and removed here in 1843:
Henry m. it passed by marriage to Williamde Hunte1'- the present building, the foundation stone of which was'
combe, at which time it was held upon suit and service laid by the late Prince Consort in 1841. was opened in
to the Bishop of London. In the reign of Henry VIII. 1843 by the late King of the Belgians, and is a structure
Giles. son of Sir John Heron, who married the daughter of brick with stone dressings, in the Elizabethan style,
of Sir Thomas More, refusing to acknowledge the su- consisting of a central block, with pr<Jjecting wings, now
p1'emacy of the King, was attaint~d, his estates forfeited, (1902) being p.artially' reb~ilt. The institution is intended

ESSEX 28=1
for the, orphan children of respectable parents. 'Wiho are Registrar of Births & Deaths, WaIter Louis' S0uth. I4
received from their earliest infancy. and may remain 'Spratthall road; registration hours, mono 5 to' 7 p~m~ ;..
till they attain the age of I5 years. Elections take place wed. 9 to I I a.m.; tri. 5 to 7 p.m
in May and November and about 60 are admitted Surveyor of Roads, Andrew Duan, Voluntary place'; there are now (1902) between 520 and 540 P:aces of Worship, with times of Services.
children in the asylum. which is entirely supported by St. MarY'lI Church. :Rev. Canon John Scott M.A. rector;:
voluntary contributions. Rev. David Stewart M.A. &; Rev. John Edward Gna.
Post. M. O. & T. 0 .• T. :M. 0 .• S. B., Expre~1 Delivery. A .K.C. curates; II a.m. &; 6.30 p.m
Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office. J ames D. Ohrisi Ohurch Chapel-of-Ease; 8 &; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ;
Budger. sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.35. dailt. IO a.m. &; 6 p.m.; trio 3.30 p.m.; mono 12 a.m
9.20 &; 10.20 a.m. i& 12.15, 2.20, 5, 6'45. 7.30. 8-45 &;Society of Friends' Meeting House. near Cambridg~
II.IO p.m.week days; sundays, II.20 p.m. Parcel col- park; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m..; thnrs. II a.m
leation at 7.45 p.m. &; I2. Delivery from Leytonstone Congregational. Grove road. Rev. John Jermyn; II a.m.
Pillar Letter Box, Snarellbrook. cleared at 8·35 >& 9.15 &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
, ~.m. &; I2.I5. 2.25, 4.55, 6.45, 8.50 &; II.IO p.m. except
Methodist Free Church, Cambridge park, no resident-
saturdays; sundays. n.15 p.m. only minister; I I a.m. 6.30 p.m.; tues. 8 p.m
Wall Letter Box. Wanstead Park. cleared at 8.I5 &; 12 vVesleyan, Hermon hill, Rev. Alfred H. Vine; 11 a.ID_
a.m. 5. 7 &; 9 p.m. week days only &; 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m.
Baptist Mission Room, Wellington road, W. Coverly..
URBAN DISTRlar COUNCIL. supt.; sun. II.15 a.m. 6,30 p.m
Offices. Wanstead place. Aldersbrook Evangelical Mission Room, Rev. R. Thomp-
Meeting day. first thursday in the month, at 8 p.m. son, .sun. 3 p.m
Chairman, William WaIter Green J.P., C.C. A School Boord of 9 members was formed 12 May..
Vice-Chairman. Sir William Bin. 1880; William Blewitt, Wanstead, clerk to the board;.
George J. Davis. assistant clerk; attendance officer..
Retire April. I903. William SimInons, .council offices, Wanstead place
Frederic Hammond Clark : Spedding Curwen J.P Board. Oannhall road, built in 1882 at a cost of £8,3°0
Frank CoIlins I &; enlarged in 1890, for 600 !boys. 600 girls &; 628 infants;
average attendance. 570 boys, 519 girls &; 491 infants;.
William Patrick Forbes
William WaIter Green
Retire April. 1904.
Francis Charles Hill Harry Truelove, ma.ster; Miss Sophia Louisa Gibbs,
mistress; Miss Harriett Jane Coppard.infants' mistress
Board. 'rrumpington road. built in 1894, fol' 360 boys, 360>
Sir William Birt
William Etheridge
Retire April. 1905.
Daniel Wintringham
,girls &; 462 infants; average attendance, 328 'boys, 346-
girls &; 303 infants; Harvey G. Brew, master; Miss.
Elizabeth Butcher, mistress; Miss Ada Wright, infants~
Officers. mistress
Clerk, William Blewitt. Council offices, Wanstead place Board, Downsell road. built in 1870, for 540 boys, 480 girl$
Treasurer, J. William.s, London &; South Western Bank, . & 620 infants; average attendance. 435 boys, 418 girls
High street &; 434 infants; WaIter Charles Vince, master; Miss Ger-
MedioaJ. Officer of Health, Frook Argles M.B.C.P.Edin. truGe Pringuer, mistress; Mrs. Alice Brookes, infants"
Hermon lodge, High street mistress
Surveyor, Ohas.Herbt. Bressey.Council offices,Wanstead pI Board, Cobbold road, built in 1900. for 550 children (340-
Consulting Surveyor. John Thomas Bressey. Council mixed, 210 infants); average attendance, mixed &; in-
offices, Wanstead place fants, 350; Henry Potter, master; Miss Maud Abbey"
Sanitary Inspector. Andrew Duan, Voluntary place infants' mistress -
Collector. Geo. James Davis, Council offices,Wanstead pI Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum. Snaresbrook. Wan-
Public Establishments. stead. F. W. Rawlinson,sec.; Miss Lilian Beard,matron;
office, 45 Fenchurch street E 0
Drummond Room, Ernest Walters. eec. Wanstead place Infant Orphan Asylum, built in I841 &; now containing
Grove Hall. Grove road between 520 &; 540 children; Arthur Harding, sec.;
Metropolitan Police Station (J division), Henry Jenkins. Miss Kate Dalby. matron; office, 63 Ludgate hill E a
sub-divisional inspector. 2 station sergeants. 3 ser- National, built in 1790, & enlarged in 1897, for 300 boys.
geants, I P.C.C.I.D. detective & 25 coll1~tables 280 girls & 280 infants; averl:lge attendance, 270 boys,
Weavers' .Almshouses. New Wanstead; Charles Bannister, 250 girls &; 220 infants; Horatio Sheaf, master; Miss..
clerk; John Bonham. superintendent Kate White, mistress; Miss Louisa Ware, infants' mist
Public Officers. Railway Station, Snaresbrook. Archer B. Erswell, station.
Clerk to the Burial Board, William Blewitt, Wanstead pi. master
Oollector of Poor Rates• .Alfred Miller. Fitzgerald road Electric trams run from East Ham

As'hford Thomas J. 21 Addison road *Baylis Gordon, 25 Pelham road
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Astle John Charles, 4 Mansfield road *Beamish Frederick·W. Brooklyn,.
(Marked thus * receive their letters Austin Wm. Wa.tts, 34 Cambridge rd Tavistock road
through South Woodford & thus t Avent St. John, 32 Addison road Beard John, 54 Dangan road
through Leytonstone.) Axon WaIter, Wanstead villa, New Beaumont Mrs. 51 Cambridge iI'oad
.A.bbott Percy Edwin, Uvedale, Red. Wanstead Bedford Percy, 61 Dangan road
dale lane BaconAlfred,TheLaurels.Cambridge pk Bench George, 3'l Spratthall road
.A.bbott Sutton, Wavertree,Wanstead pI Bailey Herbert Edwin. St. }~,thel. Benton Mrs. Glaisdale, Leicester road
*Al:ibott William Geo.37 Lansdowne rd burgh, Leicester road Berry Alfred, George lane
Absolom Miss. 23 Grove road Baker Frank, 45 Dangan road *Berry Geo. PeTcy, 18 Cleveland road
Acock J obn W. 6 Dangan road Baldry Miss, 28 Grove road Berry James, 71 Addison road
Adam Douglas. 318 Dangan Toad Ball Oliver. 12 Wellesley road *Berry Charles E. Alexander house,.
Addis William Edwal'd, Sunnyilide, *Barber Mrs. Oakleigh, Tavistock rd Hermon hill
Grove park *Barham Henry Rufus. 10 Pelham rd Bery Gee. 5 Albert tel'. Hermon hill'
Addison Claude Alfred. Elgin house, Barber William, 40 Dangan road Beth Alfred. 46 Chaucer road
Church path *Barford Samuel, Ivybank, Tavi. Bird William, I Fitzgerald road
Akers John. Letcombe. Blake Hall rd stock road Bishop Richard, 21 Dangan road
*.Alderton Herbert Olifford, 9 Lans- Barker Charles. 41 Spratthall road Black John R. 29 Dangan road
downe road Barker Thomas Ardly, 2 Gordon road Blackall Miss, Leamdale, Fitzgerald rd
.A.lIcock James Fredk. 35 Cambridge rd *Bllrnes William David, 13 Cleve- Blair 'rhos. 'r. Taormina, Leicester I'd
AlIen Oharles W. 22 Sprarl:ithalIl'oad land Toad Blanche Kenneth McKenzie, 30 Addi-
AlIen John. 'Ryton house, HeTmon hill Baxringer Herbert K,aston. Grove pk son road
*Anderson Thomas J. Roseneath, *Barrow Mrs. N01'folk house, Her. *Blazey James Robt. 64 Cleveland rd
Marlborough road mon hill Bluett William, 22 Grove road
Andrews Wm.Hy.HighLees,Hermon hI Base Henry• .Alkham, Cambridge park *Boardman Ernest'rheo,8Cleveland rd'
Angold Har:ry. 4 Chancer road Basford Gustnvus, 15 Oakhall road Bolton Mrs. 39 Addison road
Ardley Henry In. 40 Chaucer road *Baskerville John, 57 Lansdowne road Bonner Ectwin, East lodge, Blake-
A:rgles Fran~, Hermon ldg. High st . Baxter Mrs. Manor house, High street Hall road
Donton Charles, The Oaks, Bermon hI Cook William J. The Warren, Wan- Farnan Mrs. 13 Oakhall road .
Bonton Wm. The Oaks, Hermon hill stead park *Fal'nfield Algernon, Marlborough hOt
.Booth Arthur J. Beechwood, Her- Coomer Herbt. Wm. 17 Addison road Marlborough road
.mon hill Cooper .Tohn, Southgate, Sylvan road Fazey A.mos, 23 Dangan road
.Doath Thomas, 41 Dangan road Cooper John William Ernest, 25 Ferguson .Tames Richard, Kimberley,
BONadaile Oswell Robert, The Ferns, Sprathall Toad Sylvan ,road
Hermon hill Cooper Joseph, Rosedale,Wanstead pk Finlay Geo. Nile, Oakhurst,Sylvan I'd
-:8orto'n Henry, Glencairn, Hermon hill Cornwell Wm. Mereby, Sylvan road *Firmston .Toseph Alexander, Beres·
Boulter Bertram, Trecarrell,Selsdon rd *Cotltis Mrs. Ivydene, Marlborough rd ford house, Tavistock road
Boure Rev. Augustin, 52 Dangan rd Coulthard John, 2 Selsdon road *Flack James, 63 Cleveland road
Bowers Mrs. Burstead, Cambridge pk Cousens John Schot, 12 Grove road Flatt George Neeve, Norman house,
Bowner Mrs. 38 Addison' road Craig James A.nderson, Balgownie Blake Hall road .
Brack HenTy, Plasketlands, New lodge, Sylvan road *Flaxman Mrs. 46 Cleveland road
'Wanstead CribbStanley, Vilette, Leicester road Footit George William, The Beeches,
*Brant Mrs. 19 Cleveland road Crock William S. 12 Addison road Spratthall road
Brasell William, 70 Addison road Crouch Charles G. J. 1 Albert terrace, Forbes William Patrick, The Chilterns,
Breeze Frederick, 19 Oakhall road Hermon hill Grove park
'Breeze Mrs. Edwd. 47 Addison road Drouch James, 5 Grove villas, Foreman Ha:r:ry, 8 Dangan road
iBressey Charles Herbert, 2 Grove viIs. Nightingale lane *Forman Thom<l.S B. I Lansdowne fd
Nightingale lane Crouch Waiter, 20 WeJ1esley road Foreshew Mrs. 32 Grove road
Bressey .Tohn Thomas, The Cottage, Curtis Miss,Maison Rouge,Hermon hI Fm"ster .Tohn William, Craigielea,
Wanstead place Outbush Thos. Huby, 6 Mansfield I'd Grove road
Brinkley Mrs.Orchard ho.Redbridge la Cuthbertson John Cook, Runswick, Foster ehas. Hy. Shola, 'Selsdon road
.:Brittain Percival Fredk. 31 Grove I'd Cambridge park *Fox .Alfred William, Surrey villa,
*Brook Albert Victor, 50 Cleveland rd CU'ttle George, 8 Gordon road Tavistock road
Brown Mrs. Mornington villa. New Dagleish John, Carlton 10. Sylvan I'd Francis Thomas. Watson. Dowlai.
Wanstead Dale Arthur J. BirchoIt, Sylvan road house, High street .
"Brown Timothy In. 2'8 Cleveland I'd Dalton Miss, 20 Cambridge road Fraser Sprangenherg, 63 Addison road
Brown William, 37 Addison road Dalton Hobert Edward Fitzgerald, Fredericks Fred, The Shrubbery,
Brown William, Holly 10. New Wnstd Roding cottage, George lane Grove Toad
tBrown William, Highstone Dalton Winnal Thomul", 1 Addison I'd *Freeman David, 20 Cleveland road
*Bryant Mrs. 3'1 Lansdowne road *Dartan-DeIecolle Louis, 48 Cleveland French .Tohn Henry, 5 .A.ddison road
*Buckton Percy, 62 Cleveland road (['oad Fretwell John, York 10dge,Hermon hl
Budgell Herbert S. 28 Cambridge I'd *Daunton Joseph Watts, 59 Cleve- FritcWey William Dodson, Denmark
"Bull Mrs. 4 Clarendon road land road lodge, Cambridge park
Bunt Frederick,Springfield lo.TheAven *Darby John, 20 Pelliam road *Fry William, Oak villa, Cleveland rd
*Burgett Waiter, Hermon hill ·Davies Mrs, Ivy cot. Clarendon road i Fry William, 49 Addison road
*Burnett John, 12 Cleveland road Dawson Olive Samuel, 18 Mansfield rd· Fuller Mrs. 19 .A.ddison road
Burton Benjamin, 65 Addison road Day William Charles, Windermere, Fuller William John, 47 Cambridge I'd
CaIder William, 12 Dangan road Leices>ter road Gain Alfred Holme,Clairville,Grove rd
Caldwell James, 7 Mansfield road Dayes A.rthur C. II Dangan road *Gain Arthur, 2 Cleveland Toad
'CaIthrop Everard, Clock ,ho. High st Dean Fredk. Thos. Wm. 17 Grove I'd Gardner Geo. Fellside, New Wanstead
Cameron Mrs. 3 Hermon hill Dean Thomas Joseph, 4 GordoJI road Garland Herbert, 41 Addison Toad
Campbell Robt. Stewart,48 Addison rd *Dempsey James, 17 Cleveland road Garland ThomasCharles,3I Addison I'd
Carter Alfred Henry, 33 Dangan road Dennington Geo. Ollkhurst, Hermon hI Garthwaite William, I Chaucer road
Cason Geo. Charlton, Cambridge park Dennis Alfred, Goldsithney, Grove pk Gausden John David, 4 Selsdon road
(Jatley Jas. Kenilworth, Cambridge pk Dennis Charles William, Cromer 10. *GatesFk.Chas.Peatre ho.Cleveland rd
.chalk Miss, 24 Dangan road Call1bridge park Gavillier Miss, 33 Grove road
Chambers George, Roseneath, Red- Dennis Edward F. Somerville, Cam- Geere Alfred, 16 Spratthall road
bridge lane bridge park *Geering Robert,Melrose,Clarendon I'd
Chandler Charles W. High street *Desley Joseph, 5 Clarendon road Giles Mrs. Haddon, Cambridge park
Chandler Wm. Oakhurst, New Wanstd Dick Mrs. Lynmerd, New Wanstead Gill Fehx. Swiss cotta~e, BlakehaIl rd.
Chapman Harry E. 35 Sprat,thall road Dickson Thomas W. 10 Mornington Gilson David, 36 Cambridge road
-Ohapman Mrs. Bredgar villa, Lans- villas, Wanstead park Gissing Henry Wm. 37 Spratthall rd
downe road Dillistone Mrs. George lane Glencross Thomas, 45 Spratthall rd
Charles Mrs. Fir Tree cot. George la Dixen John Mould, Somerset house, Goadler Kenneth, One Elm, High st
OhewGeo..T.P.Oakhurst,Gambridge pk Selsdon road Goldie Edwa,rd Williken, Hermon hill
CJalidgey Hugh T. A. Grove cottage, *Dixon 'Oharles, 23 Pelham road Good Joseplh N. Glen Nevis, New
George lane Dixon Wm. H. Ingleton, Redbridge la Wanstead
·Chinchen Samuel, 44 Cleveland I'd DodswoT!th Percy, 46 Dangan road *Goodwill Louis. 51 Lansdowne road
Clark F.Hammond,Niton,Redbridge la Doel Percy, 10 Mansfield road GoodwinA..rth.8Westfield vls.Hermon hi
"*Clark Hy. Lyndhurst, Tavistock rd Doherty OctaviusBlundon,II Grove I'd Goodwin Jasper Pearson, Fairfield.
Clark Robert, Rossett, Grove park Dolland Ohas. Fredk. 3,8 Cambridge rd Cambridge park
'lfClark Robt. Holden, 47 Cleveland I'd Douglas John, 5 Grove road Gorton Charles, Oakbank, Sylvan I'd
Clarke Harry Leigh, Bank ho.High st Dowsett SI. Hy. Sunnycroft, Selsdon I'd Gosler Mrs. Grove road
Claydon .A.rthur, Lyndhurst, Leices- Drake Henry, Woodside, Hermon hill *Gould Charleii F. Lyons, Hermon hill
ter road Draper Robert William, Fern villa, Gower Mrs. 14 Oakhall road
*Clements Fdk. Chas.I! Lansdowne rd Bedford road *Gowland Frederick Bennett, 13 Lans·
Clifton Mrs. 2 Albert ter.Hermon hill Drummond Gerald M. 25Cleveland rd downe road
Coates Waiter, 42 Dangan road *Duft'. ·Wm. St,evens, 21 Cleveland :Td Graham John, 59 Addison road
*Coates Edward Thomas, .Allanbank, Dl1nn Herhert, 2 Mornington villas, Grant Hope, II OakhaIl road
Hermon hill Wallstead park *Grant James Brown, 30 Cleveland rd
CoC'hrane R. G. The Limes, High st DurranJt Mrs. South view,Leicester I'd Grant Mrs. 24 Grove road
C'ockett .Tohn Edward, Evergreen *Earle E,rnest, Warden lodge, Marl- *Gray Ralp.h, Cleveland road
lodge, High street borough road Green Miss, 39 Cambridge road
Oocksedge Miss, Southville, Cam- Earnshaw Fredk. 37 Cambridge road Green Mrs. GlengaIl, New Wanstead
bridge park Edward James F. 9 Oakhall road *Green Robert R. 23 Cleveland road
*Coke Hy. Wm. Falcon ho.Hermon hill *Eldel' Mrs. 10 Cleveland road Green WiIliam Walter, Evelyn villa,
*Cola Thomas,' Clarendon lodge, Ellinghaus Fredk. !'I Mansfield road Hermon hill
Clarendon road *Ellerby Mrs. Ivy cot. Tavistock I'd *Gnenigault Frederich G. 24 Cleve.
Cole Thomas, 9 Grove road Emslie Harry, 16 Mansfield road land road .
*Cole Wm. Westwood, Bedford road *Ennes Charles Hy. 34 Cleveland road *Griffiths Chas.Glenmore,Tavlstock I'd
Collett Henry Herbert, 50 Chaucer I'd Erith Arihur, Trevor, Leicester road Grigg William, 36 Dangan road
"Collier Alfred, I Linden villa, Bed- *Etheridge William, Tavistock lodge, *Griggs Ebenezer, 2 Vine villas.
ford road Tavistock Toad Clarendon road
eOUini Frank, Sproxt<lD, New Wanstd *Evans Ernest A.rth. 61 Cleveland I'd *Grimmet In. St. Helen's, Hermon hi
Coilins George William, High street Evans Miss, Rose cot. NightingaJe la *Gr(}SS Berbert Livingstone, Norman
<Jolman William. 26 Grove road False Horace Edwin, 8 Mansfield road hurst, Berman hill
Colmar Richd. Willis, 5Q Dangan road Fardon Harry, Rockholts, New Wnstd Grudgings George Hy. 68 Addison rd
Oombs Misses, 8 Addison road Fflrish :Mrs. Manor viI. New Wamtead Grundy George, 62 A.ddison road
Cook Sidney:, 39 Dangan road Farmer Wm. James, 6 Wellesley rd

. .
Gun Rev. John Edward A.K.C. (co- Hlit~ Clement, Woodland cottage,' *Lowcock Chas. Fredk.2 Clarendon r<l
.' Tate), ~9 Grove road New 'Wanstead I Luck John A. Rosewood, Hermon hill
Gurr Albert George. 2 BuUand villas, Hutton Frank Sam!. 22 Cambridge I'd LumleyWm.Thos.Airmyn,Leicester I'd
Selsdon road *Hyde Waiter Hy. 36 Cleveland I'd *Lussignea Alfred, 29 Lansdowne road
Hack Waiter In. Woollahra, Sylvan I'd [de Thomas, Loxford, Grove park *Mabbitt Richard, 7 Lansdowne road
'Hagger Albert Thomas, ~o Addison rd Impey George, 34 Dangan road McAdam Herbert E. 3 Selsdon road
Hall John, 36 Sprattlhall road Ishbridge John, Southweald,Grove pk McCormie Mrs. Mary. Mary' villa•
.Hall-Smith James, 65 Wellington road *Jacob 'Lucien Charles, Sisland, Bed- New Wanstead
Hamilton Jas. Borland, 36 Grove road ford road Mace Oharles R. 7 Dangan road
Hammett Mrs. Fern bank, Selsdon I'd Jacobs Ernest, 26 Cambridge road Mace Edwin, 5,8 Chaucerroad
,Hampshire Mrs. 6 Addison road *Jago James Thomas, Woodholme, Macey John O. 29 Grove road
Handcock Henry Jsph. 5rA.ddison I'd Lansdowne road MacGragol' PatI'ick Frasal', A.shley.
Hankinson George, Draycott villa, Jago James T. 26 Sprathall road Cambridge park
, 1Vanstead place Jeffery Jo'hn, 3 Mansfield road Mackenzie Peter, 6 Spratthall road
*Hanlon Harry, 53 Cleveland road Jefford James lHarris, Oairnhope, *Mackow Henry James, Staffa, :Marl-
Hardie James C. 7 Ohancer road Northumberland avenue, Wanstead borough road
Hardy George, Highbury lodge, New Park, via Manor Park McLaren Robert,Braeside,Leicester I'd
Wanstead Jenk$ William, The Hollies, High st McNieleA.rchibald,Oraigdunn,Grove I'd
Hare Richard F. 2 Chaucer road Jermyn Rev. John, Fern villa, Oam- Macpherson Archibald, 4 Addison r~
Harper Augustus, Athelstan house, bridge road . McVittie David, 20 Dang-an road
The Ayenue Jessop Charles, 15 Grove road Maddocks Sydney, 8 Oakhall road
iHarris Alic, Fairlawn, Sylvan road JoblingJsph.Ohristr.Grove 10. Grove pk Madge James, I Mornington- villas,
HaITis Leslie, High Stone house, Johnson Henry, 52 Chaucer road Wanstead park
. New Wanstead JolIiffe Harry,Menheniot,Spratthall I'd Mainland Oapt. David, DougIas house..
li:arrison Arlh.Holmleigh.Redbridge la Jones John Rd.Shortlands,makehall rd Hermon hill
liarrison John,Avisforde,Blake Hall rd Jones Mrs. 22 Ohaucer road *Maldon In. Ooleman,33 Lansdowne I'd
*Harrison Thos.Redlands,Oleveland I'd Jones WaIter, 35 Addis on road Mallia Fredk. Claremont, Hermon hill
*:Harrison Thomas, 54 Cleveland road Jones William F. 35 Wellington road Markley Henry Oharles, 50 Dangan I'd
Harrowing Thos. In.Ellilda,Selsdon I'd *.Judd Mrs. Rosslyn, Pelham road Marks Joseph, 5 Dangan road
lIarry Montague, 19 Dangan road Jutsum Millner, Tryfan. High street Marlin Edward,East Dene,Leicester I'd
Hart Edward Lionel, Edensor, Cum- *Kay "Miss, Sydenham lodge, Tavi. Man Edward A. 10 Oakhall road
bridge park tock road Marriott Miss, ~3 8pratthall Toad
Hart Samuel W. Glenthorn, Sylvan I'd Kearsey Jsph. Sheridan ho. High st Marritt John, ~7 Mansfield road
Hart 'I1hos. Geo. Seaton 10. Sylvan I'd Keed Mrs. Sebert, Leicester road Marsille Rev. Joseph, 52 Dangan road"
'*Hartners Isaac, 2 Linden villa, Bed- Kemp Tom, Newlands, Grove park Martin lienry James, 20 Mansfield I'd"
, ford road Kerby Miss, 4 Albert ter. Hermon hI Martin Lucius F. 3 Albert terrace.
Harvey Charles, 62 Dangan road Ketley Ernest, Dalmuir, Leicester I'd I Hermon hill
Hatton John L. S. Rosslyn, Sylvan I'd *Kidd Thomas T. 5 Marlborough road Martin T'homas, 44 Ohaucer road
*Hartness Isaac, Norfolk ho.Hermon hI *Killingbeck William, 21 Pelham road Martin Lucius Thomas, 3 Albert ter-
Haverson Mrs. 14 Wellesley road Kind Harry, ~8 Spratthall road race, Hermon hill
Ha1Tke WaIter, Dunedin,Oambridge pk Kindersley Capt. Edwd. Nassau Moles. Mason Charles J. 24 Addison road
Hawthorn Edwin, Oarlin ho.Sylvan I'd worth, Pencraig, Redbridge lane Mason Jonathan, Ohevington, Oam-
*Hawthorn WaIter, Eastholme, Her- King Edwin Frederick, Pergoln, Lei· bridge park
mon hill cester road *Massey Samuel G. 3 Cleveland roaer
*Hawks Nicholas Swanson, Glenairlie, King James. 37 Dangan road Matther George, 50 Addison road
Tavistock road King Robert, 35 Dang-an road MaHhews H. B. 4 Wellesley road
*Heath Henry, 35 Oleveland road Kingston ATthur Jesse, 5 Spratthall 'I'd I *Mauchlain James, 16 Oleveland road"
Heisch Percy F. Stamford house, Her- *Kittle Oharles Frederick, Woodlands, Maug-hfiing Mrs.Eastwood,Wanstead pI
mon hill Bedford road Mead Mrs. ~5 Mansfield Toad
Hemmant Thomas, 21 Spratthall road Knapp Arthur, Ehnhnrst, Sylvan road i *Mearns Oapt.And;rew,32 Oleveland ru
*Hemsley Thomas, 15 Cleveland road *Kit-tle Oharles,\Vnodbnrls.,Bedford rd I *Mny I~a:1c, Olaremont, Oleveland I'd
Hemsley William, 20 Grove road Knott Emest, 56 OIumcer road I *Mcarns Oapt. .Andrew, 2 Stephenson'5-
Hickman Ch8S. Croftdown, Hermon hI Kybert Thomas, 7 Oak1J.all road villas, Oleveland road
Hickman H. V., M.B. Overton house, Lake O. H. Aldersbrook.'\Vanstead pk MeyeI' Henry, St.Leonard,Wanstead pi
High street Lamb John, LyndhuTst,Lansdowne I'd Miller Alfd. Fairholme, Fitzgerald I'd
Hicks Charles H. 8 Spratthall road *Lambert WiIliam,3 Clarendon road *Mille,r Henry G. 27 Pelham road
Hilken Thomas L. 7 Spratthall rond Lancaster Samuel T. Glenmorven, iMills Oharles Henry, r Dangan road
*Hicks John Cranfield, The Chesnuts. Hermon hill Mills Frank, Moelfre, Leicest-er Toad.
Clevpland road Langdon HoratioLeonllrd.:i4Adllison rd Mills ~lrs. 7 Grove road
Hill Francis Oharles, Wardehurst, Langrish Edward, 36 Addison road Milne Alex. George, 2 Wellesleyroad
r New Wanstead *Lation William, 60 Cleveland road *Mines Frede.ric, St. Leonards. Marl-
*Hill John, 47 Lansdowne road Laughton Wm. Cheops, Oambridge pit borough Toad
*Hill Stephen, I4 Pelham road *Laundy Edward S. Essex villa, Tnvi- Mitchell Ernest Gordon. 58 Addison I'd
Hingston Peter Owen, 53 Addison road stock road *Mitchell Mrs. Bedford ho. Bedford 'I'd
Hislop James, 30 Spratthall road Leatherdale Arthur Henry, Reydon Mollet Henry A. 40 Spratthall road
Hoare Chas. O.W.Ruckholt,Hermon hI hall, George lane Monk Arthur. 64 Wellesley road
*Hobbs Frank, 53 Lansdowne road *Lawther l\Iarmaduke, 7 Holly villas, *Montague Mrs. 7 Cleveland road
:Hodge C. A. Tregenna, Redbridge la Ol:lrentlon road :Moore Mrs. 36 Ohaucer road
Holden Jas. Hermon ho. Hermon hill Lees John C. Wanstead place Moore Mrs. 3 Grove road
Holden Stephen, Cambridge lodge, Leese Alexander J. 5 Wellesley road Morgan George, 27 Dangan road
iHermon hill *Legg Richard, 56 Cleveland road Morley Mrs. Blickling, Hermon hill .
Holdman Mrs. 20 Mansfield road *Legge Percy A. Dunolan,Tavistock I'd Morris George Field. Madeira. Cam-
Hollington Mrs. East Dene, HeTmon hI Leheup Henry, :18 Addison road.. bridge park
*Hooke Miss. The Limes, Oleveland I'd Leheup Saml.Lonsdale,Cambridge pk Morris Harold George, Briarsley..
Hood Mrs. 47 Dangan road *Le Mare Isana. Athol ho.Oleveland I'd Oambridge park
*Hooke M~ss, 6 Oleveland road *Le Souef Edward, 3 Marlborough I'd Morris Samuel, ~ Grove villas. Night-,
IrookwaySldney,Shembourne,Grove pk Leuw Levy. Holly ball, New Wanstead ingale lane
HowaTd James Henry, ~8 Grove road Lewsey Ohas.Jsph.Sunbury,Selsdon I'd *Morris Thos. O. Oraigard, Hermon hi.
Howard John, 49 Dangan Toad Liddell Mrs. DanehuI'st, Hermon bill Mortimer Isaac James, 32 Dangan I'd
Howard PerJy George, 17 Dangan I'd LieU Josiah, Lake cot. Wanstead park MulIin Heni'Y Francis, 64 Addison road
*Howe Harry, ~4 Cleveland Toad Lingham Henry, ~6 Dangan road Munder George H. 33 Addison road
*Howe Thomas, 7 MarlboI'ough road Lironi Peter Thomas, Saxonbury,New Nash Miss. Rasta, Hermon hill
Rowell Mrs. Wentworth ho. George la 'Wanstead Nay Henry, 2 Addison road
Howland Horaee M. 38 Chaucer road *Lister Cyrus Edward,42 Cleveland I'd Needham WaIter Wellington,TheCroft.
Huglhes Rev. John Frederick (United Littlewood George, 32 Ohancer road Blake Hall road
(Methodist), 7 Addison road Lloyd George, 6 Selsdon road *:Neil James Wells, Lyndtborpe, Tavi-
Rumphreys John, 32 Spratthall road Lloyd Thomas John, ~ Hermon hill stock road
Runt George, I Oakhall road Locks WaIter A. The Hawthorns, Nelson Wm. Geo. Mayfield, Grove pk
Hunt Berbert, 5 Mansfield road Selsdon road Nettleship Robert M. 34 SpratthalI I'd
*:Bunt PercivaI Ohas.23 Lansdowne I'd Lockyer Alfred, Ashbourne,Selsdon I'd Newberry Job, ·8 Oambridge road
Hurley Henry John L. 10 Chaucer rd Louer William G. 6 Oakhall road '*Newcomen Richard Augustus, Her-,
Hutchings John, St. Elmo, Sylvan I'd Love John Waring, 32 Oambridge I'd bert villa, Pulteney Toad .

Newman William, 6 Grove villas, Raison Thos. Withrington, Hermon hI

Smith Williams Harry,17 Spratthall I'd
Nightingale lane Rawlings Alfred P. 67 Addison road Smith Wm. rr. Hazeldene, Fitz-
Newmardh Francis W. Sylvan road Ray E. R. Firleigh, HeT'IllOn hill gerald road
Newton George, 38 Spratthall road *Read Miss, 37 Cleveland road Smith Wm. Jas. B.A. 20 Chaucer I'd
Nichols Henry· John, 5 Mornington Reading Wm. Fredk. 43 Cambridge I'd Smith Wm.Sidney, Laxfield,Hermon hI
villas, Wanstead park Reynolds Dvd. Kingtyre, Spratthall I'd Smither Frederick Henry, St. Aubyns,
Nicholson Robert, 48 Chaucer Toad Reynolds Miss, 6 Albert terrace, Wanstead park
Nickless John Thompson, I4 ;Mans- Hermon hill Smyth Joseph Plumer, 30 Grove road
field road *Reynolds WaIter, 4 Cleveland road Snell Edward Scotehburn, Treverbyn,
Noble Miss, 7 Wellington road Rhodes Benjamin, sen. 1 Mapperley Cambridge park
Norman Arc'hibald Walt.28Chaucer I'd villas, New Wanstead Snell Percy S. High loos, Hermon hill
Northcote Frank, 49 Cambridge road Rhodes Benj. jun.Llugwy,New Wanstd Snell Wil1iam S. Kinstone, Sylvan I'd
Norton Frank Scat, 28 Dangan road Richards William, 59 Wellington road *Soone;; Miss, 49 Lansdowne road
Norton William, 48 Dimgan road Richardson Charles William, 7 West- *Soanes James Walker, Rose villa,
Noyes John Winster, Grove park field villas, Hermon hill Tavistock road
Nunn Alfred, 27 Spratt1hall road Richardson Jas. Fern ha. Blake Hall I'd Sommerfeldt Alfred A. 52 Addison I'd
Nutter The Misses, George lane Richer Tnomas, 66 Dangan road *Sondall Geo. Ernest, 68 Cleveland rd
Nutter Percy, I Mansfield road Riches IIerbert,Wallwood,Spratthal1 rd South WaIter L. 14 Spratthall TOad
O'Callaghan Thomas, 60 Chaucer road *Riches Robert, 39 Oleveland road Spain Ebenezer, I I Addison road
*Ogilvie David,1 Vine vil.Clarendon rd Riches Robert, Norfolk ha. Grove road Speller Frederick G. Redlands, Her-
··Oliphant Miss, 12 Chaucer road Rist David, 26 Chaucer road man hill
OIlier Charles, 69 Addison road Roach Henry, 16 Wellesley road Stanton C. E. 45 Addison road
*Onion Charles, 55 Lansdowne road Roberts Carlton, The Hall, High street Starbuck Wm. Narboro', Sylvan road
*OslJorn William, 26 Cleveland road Roberts Hy. Park gates, Blake Hall I'd Stewart Rev. David B.A. (curate),
Ostler William, 30 Chaucer road Roberls Mrs. 13 Mansfield road Gonville, Leicester road
Oswald Thos. Heath, 1 Sprattihall rd Robey Mrs. 3 Grove viIs.Nightingale la Stewart Wm.Ecclesbourne,The Avenue
Ovitts George A. Bridford, Grove pk Robinson George, 69 Wellington road Stiles Alfred Dyson, Fairmead, Her-
Owen GeoTge J. 7 Wellesley road Robins'On Miss, 25 Dangan road mon hill
~Palmer Rev. Abraham Smytbe D.D. Robinson, 12 Oakhall road *Stock Alfred Geo. I Clarendon road
(vicar Holy Trinity), Vicarage, Her- Robson Peter W. Glendale, Sylvan rd Stock Percy, 8 Ohaucer road
mon hill Rogers George Flederick, Boxmoor, *Stiles Joseph In.The View,Hermon hl
PalmerWalter Jarvis, Oaklands, Oambridge park *Stokes Edwaril Thos. Duncan, New-
Selsdon road Regers Geo. Jas. Nicholl,22 Addison rd lands, Lansdowne road
Pageter ArthuT Henry, Stonycroft, Roll Frederick, 44 Dangan road. *Stock .A.1fred George, 1 Holly villas,
Grove road Roll Jas. The Chesnuts, Cambridge pk Clarendon road
Parmenter Jas. Thos. 4 2 Chaucer rd Hooke Mrs. Southville. Cambridge pk Stonard Louis, St. Winifred's, Cam~
Parsons Arthur B. 57 Wellington road Rose Charles, 43 Dangan road bridge park
Parsona F.redk. D. I~ Sprat~all road Ross James Leonard, 3 Fitzgerald rd *Stone Capt. Francis, Oak villa, Cleve-
*Paske :Miss, Holmlelgh, TaVlst?ck rd Rothwell Mrs. Trelawny,Cambridge pk land road
Pate .Herbe:t, Downh~m, Redbridge la Rowat John M.D., D.P.H. Forest Idge. Stuart Ernest, 13 Dangan road
Pan1me .~llss Schillltt, Blake hall, High street Stursberg John Peter, 6 Mornington
Cambndge park . Rowden John Wesley, 5 Ohaucer road villa, Wanstead park
Peal Arthur, 63 Wenm~on road Rowe John 'fhomas, ;:11 Dangan road *Sullings George, 2 Mary villas, Pul-
Pearce R. E. H. 43 AddISO~ road Rowell Edward S. Grove villa, Cam- teney road
Pemherton-Ba:nes Mrs. Lltt1e Slake bridge park *Summers Herbert H. Beeleigh, Her-
hall, CambrIdge park . Rutherford David, 58 Dangan road mon hill
Penman Andrew,Glen Arble,HeTIIlon hI Sackett Martin L. 9 Dangan road *Sutton Wm. Eagle house, Hermon bill
Perey WaIter, Hazlemere, Sylvan road Sackett Mrs. 3 Chaucer road Swain John MacFarlane, Parkstone,
Perry Mrs. I Wellesley road Sander Wm. Melrose villa, Sylvan I'd Hermon hili
*P~t~yfer Fredk. Jas. I Cleveland road Sandwell Rev. Goorge Henry (Congre- *Tagg William, 45 Cleveland road
Ph:n~ps Ohas_. M. 6 Chaucer road. gational), Abbot.sleigh, St. Mary's av Tanner Edmund John, 60 Dangan road
Ph~ll~ps Fredk. G. Penlee, Bermon hill Sanger Wm. Arthur, 15 Addison road 'ranner Howard, Ham Frith, Grove pk
P~illips Joseph Byfor~, 15 Dangan I'd *Scantlebury Horace E. 7 Clarendon rd Tap1in Albert Charles, 64 Dangan road
P~cot George, St. Hebers, G:ove park Scott Rev Canon John M.A. (rector) Taylor Miss 3 Dangan road
Plercy Rev. Geo. 33 Cambndge road . R b' 1 ' * .' Lld
· h' G
P mc St 1 L to G k Rectory, ed Tldge ane Taylor MISS, 59 anse owne roa
P' d In V'eo. t apGes rge
yn n,~:1
t illp Sco tt M'lBS, C umber I an d h o. G eorge 1a T·l
ayor.LM rs. SI W e11'mg t,on 1'03 d
~ er ~ncen hill , on pe er Scott Philip, Mapledene, Grove park *Taylor Wm. John, 43 Cleveland r-oad
P' ouseR ermon 21 Gave ad Selby Jas. Thos. Oakleigh, HermoD hill Tegg Miss, 8 Wellesley road
~nney R~chrry, d ldd' 1'0
~ C~as 2 IS~d1~a
d Sewell Miss, 8 Grove road
Sewell Mrs. 16 Grove road
Thacke John James, 29 Spratthall I'd
*Thacker William, 6 Clarendon road
PIan M war t . '11
3 S 1dson
roa~ Sharp Fredk. W. 10 Dangan road Thomas Daniel Baker, 55 Addison I'd
r,s. F ores VI a, e s on roa« Sh f H t' Hi h t t Th M D d
Planten Charles Frederick Grove villa ea ora 10, g S ree omas r~. 2 angan, roa
W t d 1 ' • *Shelley ThQmas, 3 1 Cleveland road Thomas Plllneas C. 9 ::Spratthall road
Plattn~he~. );~~owcroft Grove park Shuter Harry John, 28 ~ddison l'?ad Thompson Harry, 22 Dangan road
*Plenderleith John, 22 Cleveland road Short Charles, 4 Mornmgton villas, Thory Thomas Hart, Dowgate, Cam-
Plunkett Roben, S9 Dangan road Wanstead park. . . brIdge park
Plunkett Ranel William, Rose bank, S~ort Samuel, HIg~ ~treet T~urgood Mrs. I Grove road
Herman hill SI.romons ~OhIl;,. TIll Johr; Smyth, Aldersbrook, Her-
Pontin Hy. Charles, Lyndhurst Cam- S~ns RIchard, Mormngton lodge, ~on hIll
bridgEl park ' .FItzgerald .road *TIsley Alfre~, 8 ,Clarendon ro~d
·Pool Wm. Fernbank, Wanstead place ~I~pson DaVld, Gumfresto~, Sylvan rd :ro~pson MIss,Fernbank,TaVlstock I'd
Poole Isaac, 27 Addison road Sl111pson John, Jessamme, Marl- Tnte Stanley, :Brampton, Marl-
Pope Joseph Gordon, Springfield 1dge. .SpratthaIJ. road . borough road .
The Avenue S~pson MISs,Dulverton,Cambrldge pk Tropp Oswald Robert,30 CambrIdge I'd
*Port Arthur Wm. 15 Lansdowne road Slmson Mrs. 34 Grove road Trott Frank, 30 Dangan road
*Porter William Hy. Arbor lodge, "Skinner Mrs. 35 Lan~downe road Tuck Wm. R. LyntOD cot.Fit~gerald rd
Bedford road Slane George, 56 AddIson road Turk Albert, 63 Dangan road
Poulsen Cecil, 33 Spratthall road Sleightholm Robt. G. 51 Dangan Toad Turner Henry, 5 Oakhall road
Pow Frederick Wm. 19 Mansfield road *Small Mrs. 57 Cleveland road Turner James, Dernecleuch, Grove pk
Prenrtice Mrs. Ashmore, Hermon hill Small William J. I4 Dangan road Turner John, Lyndale, Urove road
Price Edward T. 49 Wellington road Smart William, 2 Selsdon road *Turner John, Tavistock villas, Tavi·
*Price WaIter, 17 Lansdowne road Smith Charles William, S4 Chaucer rd stock road
Prie,st William Henry Bishop, 2 Spratt- SmitIi Edward, Dromore, Hermon hill Turner Mrs. 27 Grove road
hall road Smith George, 60 Addison road Turner WaIter, 18 Ohaucer road
Prince William, Smidal, New Wanstd Smith Hartley, Bordeaux, Selsdon rd *Tyer Mrs. Brynterion, Hermon hill
Prior .A.1fred James, 13 Grove road Smith Jan¥lS W. The Elm.s, High st Tyman Ernest, 53 Wellington road
Puddephatt Fdk. Aug. 14 .Addison rd Smith John Challis, Englefield house, *TnrnerJn:2Tavistock vils.Tavisrock rd
*Quelch James, Stanley lodge, Bed- Redbridge lane Underwood Jame., 6 Grove road
ford road Smith Mrs. Shornden, Fitzgerald road Venables Thomas G. Park house,
Rainsford Octavius Julien, 3 Oak- Smith P. W. I Rutland villas, Sels- Blakehall road
hall road don road *Vincent John, Hillbrow, Hermon hill
Vine Rev. Alfred H. (Wesleyan), St.I*Weeks Robert, 6 Marlborough road Wilmot Percy, 9 Addison road
Aubyns, Grove park *Welch Mrs. 33 Cleveland road Wilson Frederick, 72 Addison road
*Wadding-ton Walter, I I Cleveland rd Welland Arthur, S Selsdon road * Wilson Harold W. Sussex villa,
Waite Alfred, 12 Mansfield road Wells AIgernon Godfrey,St.Alkmunds, Tavistock road
*Wakefield William, Rutland villa, Hermon hill Wilson Mrs. 39 Spratthall road
Lansdowne road Wells Wm. Garafraxa, Cambridge pk Wilton John, Springvale, Hermon hill
Wakes Francis Samuel, Clanna, '1'be *Welton George, Burnbrae, Mar!- Winder Perey, 13 Addison road
Avenue borough road Withers Samuel Thos. 66 Addison rd
*Walker Andrew, 29 Cleveland road West Robt. Charles, ID Welleslev road Withers Wm. W. 55 Wellington road
Walker Harry, 73 Addison road Westcott In. Rd. Poplars,Spratthall rd W omersley Albert, The Lodge, New
Walker Miss, Elm hall, George lane Westcott Mrs. Dunmore, Hermon hill Wanstead
Walker Miss, High street Wheatley Joseph, 14 Oambridge road Wood Frederick Maughan, Melldean
*Walker Mrs. 27 Cleveland road *White Frederick, 52 Oleveland road lodge, Cambridge park
Walmsley Thos.Williams,53 Dangan rd White George, 61 Addison road *wood Mrs. 66 Oleveland road
Waiter Geo. Ecclesbourne,New Wanstd White Harry, 76 Addison road Woodhouse Robert, 17 Oakhall road
Waiters Sidney Liddon, Mount Pleas- White Miss, 24 Spratt.hall road *Woodin Perey, Kent villa, Tavistck.rd
ant, High street White Thomas G. 20 Addison road Woodroffe Hugh Bishop, Tudor ldge.
Warden George, 29 Addison road White William, 3 .Mornington villas, Sylvan road
W ardle John, 33 Wellington road Wanstead park Wotton William, 57 Dangan road
Warner StarrIey, 9 Mansfield road Whitehead James, 2 Oakhall road Wright Albert, Oak Tree cottage,
*Warren Arthur, 51 Cleveland road Whitwell Mrs. 31 Oambridg-8 road New Wanstead
Warren George, 26 Addison road ,"Vhitworth Francis, 54 Addison road Wright Claude, 2 'Mansfield road
Warren Wm. Tyres, Oambridge park Whitworth Mrs. Holly bank, Oam- Wright Harry Walt-er, 34 Ohaucer rd
Watkins Miss, 24 Ohaucer road bridge park Wright John, 14 Grove road
*Watkins Thomas, 49 Oleveland road Wickham Thomas William, Oak lodge, *Wright .John Major, AlIenOI'd, Her-
*Watson Caleb, Hill side, Hermon hill Oambridge park mon hill
Watts Oharles, Melrose, Cambdge. pk Wild Robert, Mayfield, Hermon hill *Wright William, Woodholme, Lans-
Watts George, Oak 10. Wellington rd Wilkinson Miss,Bruce cot.New Wanstd downe road
Waugh WaIt. Dungiven, Cambridge rd Williams Charles Henry, St. Ethel- Wykes Miss, W oodleigh, ISelsdon road
Wayland Harry Pinto, 38 Grove road wald's, Bermon hill *Wykes T. Hauison, 41 Oleveland I'd
*Wayland Jumes, 3 Lansdowne road ·Williams Ernest Jones, 4 Dangan road Young Alfred W. 25 Addison road
Webb George, Fair view, Leicester I'd Williams George Finch, Craiglanc.s, Young Frederick H. 8 Mornington
Webster Oharles, Cambridge house, Blake HaIl road villa, Wanstead park
Oambridg-e park Williams John Hy. Sylvan 10.Sylvan I'd Young Mrs. 74 Addison road
Webster Henry Robert, Holly bank, Williarns Mrs. 65 Dangan road Zabell Horace, 23 Spratthall road
Sylvan road Williams William Arthur, Denton, *Zil:hardt Jules, Lansdowne honse,
Webster Stephen, 7 Mornington villas, Sylvan road Tavistock road
Wanstead park

COMMERCIAL. Cullen William, baker &; confectioner, High st-reet

*Abbey Harriet (Mrs.), laundry, Hermon hill Oullen Wm. H. grocer & wine & spirit merchant, High st
.A>bbott Sutton, auctioneer, Wavertree, Wanstead place Davis George James, assistant clerk to school board &
Adams Esther (Mrs.), dress maker, I -Gordon ;road insurance ag-ent &; collector of rates to the Urban Dis-
Ansell William, cab proprietor, Church path, Ouckfield trict Council, Oouncil offices, Wanstead place
yard, Wellington road Dil'liston Ellen (,-cvIiss), apartments, George lane
Argles & Hickman, surgeons, Hermon lodge, High street Drummond Rooms (Ernest Waiters, sec.), public hall
Argles Frank M.R. C.P.Edin.. M. R. C.S.l·~lI!!. SUl'g'pon & & reading rooms, Ohurch path
medical office·r of health to the Urban District Cbuncil, Duan Andrew, inspector to Urban District Council & sur·
see Arl!les &; Hickman veyor of road, Voluntary place
Arnold William, greengrocer, 3 High street East &; Barrett, brick & tile makers, Park brick fields, Samuel, chimney sweeper, George lane Wanstead Flats
Barns Harry Arthur, painter, 62 Wel'lesley road Easton Mary (Miss), private sch1.Park cot<. Blake Hall .I'd
Bayford Joseph, saddler &; harness maker, 6 High street Evans Frederick John, painter &; decorator, High street
Beadle Edwin, jobbing gardener, 67 Wellington road Farmel'Y Annie (Mrs.), stationer, High street
Berry James, boot & shoe maker, High street Farr Frank Robt. commercial traveller, Wellington road
Bird &, Sons, drapers, High street Featherstone William, greengrocer, 16 Sultan road
Blewitt WiHiam, clerk to burial & school 'boards & urban *Flack James M.D. physician &; surgn. 63 Cleveland rd
district council; offices, Wanstead place . Fleming Clharles MUI1ray, cycle manufacturer, High st
Bluet Bruce, sec. Wanstead Tennis club, 22 Grove road Ford Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, Nightingale lane
Badger James D. baker, High street FOl'ster Britiff, painter, 3 Nightingale vils.Nightingale pI
Boreham Gertrude (Mrs.), fancy draper, 25 Cowley road Francis Arthur George, police sergeant, 16 Chaucer road
Botwright George, nurseryman, 30 Camden road Frye Frederick Charlwood, wine &; spirit merchant,
Bradley Albert James, fly propr. I Forest viIs. Church pth see Leverett & Frye Limited
Bressey Charles H. surveyor to the Urban District Coun- Garnham Montague Gerald, cum &; flour dealer, High st
cil, Wanstead place Gaston Frederick, Nightingale P.H. Nighhngare place
Brickett William Waiter, shopkeeper, 6 Martha road Genesini Francesco, confectioner, High street
Brown J. H. &; Son M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgns. High st Goadby Kenneth ~LR.O.S., L.R.O.P., L.D.S. dental sur-
Brown,High st geon, One Elm, High street
*Brown John, greengrocer, Hermon ·hill Goddard Victor, beer Tetailer, New Wanstead
Browning Thomas, china, glass & earthenware dealer & Godfrey Amelia (Mrs.), baker, Nightingale :road
ironmonger, High street Godfrey Henry Edward, baker, Nightingale road
Burt A.H. & Co. refreshmnt. rms. & tobacconists, Hig'h st Godsalve Herbert·, plumber &; glazier, I Wellington road
Bywater Alfred Henry, Nightingale P.H. Nightingale I'd *Goldie Edward Miliken M.D. physician & surgeon,
Bywater Alfred J. George &; Dragon P.H. High street Ooombe Hurst, Hermon hill
"Caia John, beer retailer, Hermon hill Goohawke Brothers, boot makers, Woodbine place
Oant Emily (Miss), boot &; shoe maker, High street *Gray John F. monumental' mason, Hermon hill
Carpenter George, watch <& clock maker, High street Green Florence (Miss), private school, 39 Cambridge road
Gassels Thos.greengro. & florist, High st. & Wellington I'd Grenville George, butciler, 59 -George lane
Chapman William, painter, Woodbine place Grosart Mary (Miss), fancy repository, High street
*Chinnery George, undertaker &; builder, Hermon hill Grove Hall, Grove road
Olark F. Hammond, solicitor, Niton, Redbridge lane Hack George Parry, corn & flour dlr. Nightingale I'd
Olarke & Sons, grocers &; tea dealers, Nightingale road Haines George A. commercial traveller, 20 :Gordon road
Olark Harry Leigh, manager London & S. W. Bank, Bank Hands Arthur, photographer, High street
house, High street Harrison George, butcher, see Jarrett & Harrison
Clayden WaIter H. grocer & wine&; spirit mer. High st Harry Edward, parish clerk, Mornington Toad
Cockett & Henderson, estate agents, auctioneers & sur- *Henson Charles Thomas, Fir Trees P.H. Hermon hill
veyors, High street Hickman Herbert Vigers M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. sur-
Cklllins Frank L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, Sprox- geon, see Argles & Hickman
ton, New Wanstead Hicks Jessie (Mrs.), laundry, Nightingale place
Collins -Geo. Wm. L.R.e.P.Lond. physen. & surgn.High st Hicks Robert, butcher, Nightingale road
Orone Niels, nurseryman &; florist, see Rasmussen & Crone Higgin& John, jobbing gardener, Heorge lane


Robbis James WilIiam, manager, Sheaf ho.Wellingkln rd Reed Reuben, umbrella maker, New Wanstead
Holdman Edith Louisa (Mrs.), private schoo! (girls), Reed William J. Ouckfield Arms P.H. High street
20 Mansfield road Reid Emily (Mrs.),Duke of Edinburgh P.H.Nightingale rd
*Hook Margt. Elizh. (Miss), private schI. 6 Cleveland rd Beirn Charles, baker, George lane
Hornby Herlbert Edwin,dairymn.High st.& Nightingale la Remmington Albert C. manager National Telephone ex-
Home WaIter, dairyman, Mans-field road change, 22 Wellesley road
Howard Emily (Miss), groeer &; tea dealer, New Wanstead Richards Henry Robert, jobbing gardener, 16 Gordon I'd
Howlett Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Nightingale place Richardson Lilly (Miss), dress maker, 13 Wellington J"d
tHughes William, forest keeper, Hush wood Ridington Eliza (Miss), boot & shoe maker, High street
Hutchins John Bishop, builder, Sydney road Robins Arthur W. painter & decorator &; 'builder,High st
Ivory John, farmer, Nightingale farm, Hermon hill Robimon Herbert, builder, 43 Mornington road
James Charles, grocer, High street Robinson Herbert William, farmer, Alders'brook farm,
J arrett & Harrison, butchers, High street· Wanstead flats
.renkins Henry, police inspector, Spratthall road Rowat John M.D., D.P.H. physician & surgeon, Forest
Jolliffe John, builder, Lindum ·cottage, Wellington road; lodge, High street
work9, Mornington road Rudd Susanah(Mrs.) ,nurserymn.&seedsmn.Nightingale I'd
Knight Beaumont, farmer, Roding farm, George lane Runcieman Harry, florist, Nightingale lane
Laney Oharles, dyer & cleaner, High street. St. Mi<:hael's Priory (Order of Benedictine Nuns) (St.
Larkins C. 1& Co. fishmongers &; poul'terers, High street Lucie Schmitt, prioress), Blake hall, Cambridge park
Lazell Harriet (Miss), dress maker, Ni,ghtingale lane Salter George Wil1iam, draper, 12 Nightingale place
Legg William John, cashier, 27 Wellington road Sams William, insurance agent, 84 Wellington road
Leverett & Frye Ltd. grocers &; provision dlrs. High st Sell .Arthur Curwen, commercial travllr. 36 Wellesley I'd
Lockyer E. F.& Rose A. L. (Misses), private school, The Sharpen Geo.F. cab propr. &; furnitr.remvr.Nightingale la.
Bungalow, Sylvan road Sharpen Henry, bricklayer, Voluntary place
London & South Western Bank Lim. bankers (branch) Simmons John William, nurseryman, Wellington road
(Harry Leigh Clarke, manager), High street; draw on Simmons 'Yilliam, school attendance officer, Council offices,
head office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E C "Vanstead place
*Long George, farrier, Hermon hill Skennerton John, carman &; contractor, Woodbine place
*Looker George, boot maker, Hermon hill Smith Emily (Mrs.), laundress, New Wanstead
*Looker John & Son, stone masons, Hermon hiB Smith Mary A. (Miss), dress maker, 49 Mornington I'd
MaoGregor Patrick Fraser M.D., C.M. physician &; sur- Snaresbrook Bowling Club (Wm. Stewart, sec.), Eccles-
geon, Ashley, Cambridge park bourne, The Avenue
Mardall Olive, carriage builder, Voluntary pl'ace Snell Percy S. private school, High lees, Hermon hill
Martin John, upholsterer. High street South WaIter L. registrar of births for sub-district of
Mathews & Son, chemists &; druggists, High street Wanstead; registration hours, monday & friday, 5 to
May William, clerk, 7 Wellington road 7 p.m.; wed. 9 to Ham. 14 Spratt·hall road
Merchant Seaman's Orphan Asylum (F. W. Rawlinson, Sowden John A. butcher, High street
sec.; Miss Lilian Beard, matron), Hermon hill; office, Squires John, boot & shoe maker, 4 High street
45 Fenchurch street, London E C Storey Paul (Mrs.), shopkeeper, George lane
Merriman Brothers, boot &; shoe makeNl, Nightingale pI Thomson John, plumber, Cowley road
Miller Alfred, collector of poor rates for Wan stead, Wood- Thomson Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Cowley road
ford & Cann Hall parishes &; insurance agLFitzgerald I'd Thorne Annie M. (Mrs.), poulterer, High street
Mohrmann A. (Miss), ladies' outfitter, High street Thrussell Samuel, jobbing gardener, George lane
Moore William, shopkeeper, High street Turk George, carver & gilder, High street
Morgan WaIter, turncock to E. London Water Co. 17 Walker Emily (Miss), private school, High street
~ornington road Wanstead Home for Missionaries' Children (Miss Mary
Mornington Lawn Tennis Club (A. Case, sec.), Blackhall Baldry, matron), 218 Grove road •
road, Wanstead park Wanstead Park Golf Club (R. B. Johnson, hon. sec.).
Morris Samuel T. coal agent, 17 Weliesley road Wanstead park
Morton Maggie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3'3 Cowley road Wanstead Tennis Club (Bruca Bluet, sec.), George lane
Mulliner William, boot,!& shoe maker, High street Weaver's Almshouses (Charles Bannister, clerk; John
Mundy William, builder, George lane Bonham, supt.), New Wanstead
tMutch James, forest keeper, Bush wood Welch Charles, shopkeeper, George lane
National Telephone Exchange (A1bert C. Re.mmington, Wheatley Ha.rry, plumber, S4 Mansfield road
manager), 22 Wellesl'ey road White Frank L. cowkeeper, Hall road
Newwn Edga.r Wm. Bright, retail tobacconist, High st White Harry, shopkeeper, Nightingale place
Nicholls WaIt·. Thos. dairymn.Brooklands dairy,George la White William, dairyman, Nghtingale lane
Payne Ernest, hair dresser, 13 Nightingale place Whiting James, boot & shoe maker, Woodbine place
Payne Samuel L. hair dresser, High street Wigzell Arthur, shopkeeper, iGeorge lane
Pearce Harriet (Mrs.), private school, 43 Addison road Wild George, police sergeant, 14 Chancer road
Pearks Stores. grocers & wine &; spirit mers. High st Wilkinson David Eric, veterina.ry surgeon. Hi,gh street
Penn William, butcher, High street Wilkinson Frederick, jun. greengrocer, High &treet
Perrin John, shopkeeper, 36 Cowley road WilIiams Alexander J. hair dresser, George lane
Perry Edward, tailor, High street Willianison James, shopkeeper, George lane
Perry Frederick, insurance agent, 51 Wellesley road Wilmott Frederick Lothbury, builder, Ohurch path
Piercy Annie (Mrs.), teacher of music, 33 Cambridge I'd *Wilton Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, Pultney road
Prior Frederick, insurance agent, 31 ~fornington road Woollard WaIter Jo'bn, clerk of works, 46 Wellesley road
Puffett WiHiam, refreshment rooms, Wanstead park Wright Edwin C. draper, High street
Rasmussen & Crone, nurserymen & florists, Woodbine Wyner Francis D. Cuckfield Arms P.H. High street
nursery, Woodbine place Yardley Daniel. tailor, I Cowley road
Rayner Edward Isaae, builder, 15 Spratthall road Young Margaret (Mrs.), dress maker, 22 Gordon road

(Marked thus" receive letters through *Bodilly Reginald T. H. Woodbury, *Curwen Spedding J.P. Bywell, Wood-
South W oorlford &; marked thus t W oodford road ford road
receive their letters through Leyton- *Bradley Herbert James·, Battlehurst, tDavisJosephT.Hollybush,Woodford I'd
stone.) Woodford road *Day Herbert George, Carisbrooke.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. *Brown James C. Briarwood, TheDrive The Drive
*Allan D.R.Percy,Gaysham,The Drive Bull Walter.St.Aubyns,Snaresbrook rd tDoh;;on Mrs. Snal'esbrook road
tAshbridg-e Sl.Staffa ho.Hollybush hi tCade Joseph, White lo.Snaresbrook rd tEast Joseph Thomas J.P. Fernside,.
*Ayras Frederick WilIiam,Sorrento, tearter Benj. Vine cot. Woodford I'd Hollybush hill
The Drive *Ca,&t1e George, Lytton lo. The Drive Edenborough Mrs. Martham house
tBangs Mrs.El1esmere lo.Hollybush hI *Cockett Ernest, Woodside, The Drive *Ellis Robert Rose Croft Woodford rd
*Barham Cornelius, Ingoldsby, Wood- ·Cole Mrs. Dogmersfield, Woodford I'd tEvans Rev. :band Richa~dM.A. (chap-
ford road tCollyer Richard, Doric 10.Woodford rd lain to Infant Orphan Asylum)
tBarringer James, Wentworth house, tColson Alfred N.Addison villa., Holly- Hollybush hill ,.
Hollybush hill bush hill tFasey Anthony, 'Ihe Oaks.Hollybsh.hl
*Beauclerk Sydney, Snaresbrook ·Cook Thgs. Alex. Clevedon,The Drive "Fish Frank, Gordon ho.Woodford rd
towers, The Drive *Cripps George James,Maycroft house, *Fisher Mrs. Ardlin, Woodford road
flirt ~ir William, The Hermitage, Woodford road ·Freeman Miss, Gowan lea, Wood-
Snaresbrook road "Cushen Henrv,•
Elmslea, The Drive ford road
*Fraser John F. Sonning, The Drive tSpratt. Leslie William, Tylney house, tBrooks Dl.(Mrs.),blacksmith,Eagle l~
tGa:rdiner Henry, Wingfield, la Eagle lane . tErswell Archer B. station master,
*Gawlett 'l\liss, Gowan lea,Woodfrd.rd *Spurgin Frederick W. Woodcroft, Railway station
*GarrettMiss,Powerscroft,Woodford rd 'rhe Drive *Fraser John, nurseryman,Wodford rd
*Hillier Edward, St. John's lodge, tStable Dan!. 'W.Holly 10.Hollybush hI *Freeman & Gowlett (Misses), private
Woodford road *Stearn Alfred, Dudbrook,The Drive school, Gowan lea, Woodford road
*Hills Rowland,BroQke ho. Woodford rd *Stubbing.s William,Langold,TheDrive *Garrett Elizabeth M. (Miss), ladies'
*Hutton Captain James Simpson, Ivy tSturdyFraI1cisJ. Surinam,Woodfrd.rd school, Powerscroft, Woodford road
bank, Woodford road *Symons David, Snaresbrook house" Giding J. & H. coal & coke merchants,
Johnson Robert Baines, The Lake, Woodford road Railway :.station
Snaresbrook road *Tabrum Mrs. Copsefld. Woodford rd *Hicks Henry Hartley, jun. painter &
*Jones Harry, The Laurels, The Drive *'Walker Henry, The Hawthorns, Wood- decorator, Woodford road
*Kerr Hugh, Ardgowan, The Drive ford road *Hills Rowland M.R.O.S.Eng., L.F.P.S.
*MarnoAdolph,Woodland house,Wood- *'Warner Benj. St.Heliers,Woodford I'd Glas., L.M., L.S.A. surgeon &;
ford road *'YarnerFrank,Bellegrave,Woodford Td medical officer to the Orphan
*Martin Thomas Beecham,'Yoodlands, Whitaker Philip, White house, Snares- Asylum, Wanstead &; to the Forest
'Yoodford road brook road school, \Valthamstow, Brooke house,
~Miller Oharles J. Stonyhurst, Wood- *Wiles John, Waiter, Shortlands, Woodford road
ford road Woodford road tHirst Rowland, Eagle hotel P.H.
tMuggleton Oharles, Oak viI.Eagle la *Wiles ~Irs. Shortlands, Woodford I'd Woodford road
*NewlingBenj.Woodleigh,Woodford I'd Williams Edward Francis, Umsing, Infant Orphan Asylum (Arthur Hard-
*Parker Thos. Inverkep, Woodford I'd Woodford road ing Green, sec.; Miss 'Kate Dally,
*Pearce Jas. S. Clements,Woodford rd *Williams John, Trefula, Woodford I'd matron), Hollybush hill'; office, 63
*Pertwee Frederick, The IIungalow, *Wilson Albert, :Minton ho. The Drive Ludgate hill, London EO,
Snaresbrook road ,,' tWire Ephraim,Ontario,Hollybush hill *Wanstead College (Mr.&Mrs.Beecham
tPinchin The Misses, Springfield, COMMERCIAL. Martin, principals), Woodlands,
. 'Woodford road tAnsell 'William, cab proprietor, Eagle Woodford road
tPryke Wm.Rt.Valley 10.Wocdford rd prd, Woodford r o a d ' Warren Frederic & Co. coal mer-
tRawlinson Francis William. Deep- *Bodilly Reginald Thomas Hacker chants, High street '
dene, Eagle lane L.R.C.P.Lon., M'.R.O.S.Eng. physi- *Wyles J. WaIter, house &; estate agts.
*Rihll Mrs. Moreton ho. Woodford rd ciao &, surgeon, Woodbury, 'Vood- , Shortlands, Woodiord road
Savill Arthur,Lakeside,Snaresbrook I'd ford road '

GREAT WARLEY (or West Warley, or 'Yarley chancel, nave, aisles and a small western turret containing
Abbess is a parish and village, 2! miles from Upminster I bell: this church is used by the Catholic soldiers of
station, and 3~ south from Brentwood station on the main the Garrison. A Convent of Mercy has recently been
line of the Great Eastern railway, 6 east from Romford and established. Here is a pumping station, belonging to the
18 from London, in the Mid division of the county, Chaf- SORth Essex Water Workll, , the water being conveyed
ford hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division and hither from Grays, 9 miles distant, for the town of Brent-
county court district, Romford union, rural deanery of wood and surrounding neighbourhood. Warley Place is
Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Al- the residence of Miss Willmott, and The Goldings of
bans. The London, Tilbury and Southend Railway Com- Evelyn Heseltine esq. Lord Headley J.P. who i& lord
pany's direct line from Barking to Pitsea passes through of the manor, James Herbert Benyon esq. of Englefield
the parish. The church of St. Mary, restored in 1860, is Park, Reading, Berks, and St. Thomas' Hospital are the
a~ ~difice of brick originally in the Decorated style,. con- principal !landowners. The soil is clayey; subsoil, loam,
sIstmg. of chan~e~ and nave and a western tower ~vlth a with patches of gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans,
!ow spIre contammg I. bell: the east and south: wmdows barley and peas. The acreage is arable, 1,339; pasture,
m the ~hancel are stamed, and. on the n?rth SIde of the I 1,017; common (now inclosed), 159; and wood, 2°9;
chancel IS a mural monument With a demI-effigy to Gyles rateable value £9 210' the population in 1901 was I 900
F!eming, gent. ob. 18 Oct. 1003, ~n~ to Gyles F1emi~g, including the' ma~ied'quarters in Warley Barracks.' ,
hIlI son, ob. 1633: are 140 sIttmgs. A new parIsh Parish Clerk: St. Peter, George P. Kemp.
church is now (1902) in course of erection as a memorial
to Mr. Arnold Heseltine. The reg-ilSter dates from 1539 Town. Sub-Post, M. O. &:, T. 0., ~. M. 0., S. B., Express
and is in excellent preservation. There is also a curious Dehve: y , Parcel Post & AnnUIty &; Insurance Office,
list of "Briefs," dating from 1709 to 1768 . The living Warle) Common.~Thomas James Hayes, sub-post-
is a rectory, net yearly value [,260, with 9 acres of glebe ~aster. Letters delIvered !ro~ Brentwood at 7·40 a.m.
and residence, in the gift of St. John's CDllege, Cam- & 3. 15, 6.15 & 7. 15 p.m., dIspatched at le;> a.m., 12
bridge, and held since 1900 by the Rev. John Francis noon &; ~.30, 4· IQ & 7· IQ p.m.; sunday delIvery, 7 .~o
Tarleton M.A. of that college. There is a Mission church, a.~.; dIspatc~ed 12.15 p,m. The telegraph office IS
erected at the expense of the Rev. H. R. Bailey M.A. op~n on sundays from 8 to 10 a.m
rectur 1866-19°0, and licensed by the Bishop, with sittings Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. R, Express Delivery,
for 140. Christ Ohurch ecclesiastical parish was formed Parcel Post &; Annuity & Insurance Office, Great 1Varley.
27 July, 1855, out of portions of Great Warley, SheIfficld -Oharles Squire, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive by
and SQuth Weald parishes, in its immediate neighbour- mail cart from Brentwood at 7. 10 a.m. :& 12.30 :& 6.50
hood. The church is an edifice of brick with stone p,m.; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. &; I·50 &; 6.55 p.m.;
facings, in the Early English style, cO'Ilsisting of nave, sunday, arrive 7. IQ a.m.; dispatched 1I .50 a.m
aisles. ~nd an emb~ttled western tower, with pinnacles, Wall Letter Box, Lower Warley school, cleared at 1.30
~ontammg I bell: III 1877 the church was enlarged, and 6.35 p.m.; sundays, 11.30 a.m
III 1891 a new chancel was added, at a cost of [,1,200.
The register dates from the year 1855. The 1iving is a Schools.
vicarage, net yearly value £305, with glebe (£26) and Ohrist Church National (mixed), enlarged in 1892, at a
residence, in the gift of trustees, ood held since 1898 by cost of [,420, raised: by public subscription, for 307
the Rev. Arthur Heywood Tredennick M.A. of Corpus children; average attendance, 125 boys ,& lIB girls &;
Christi College, Cambridge. Ohrist Church ecclesiastical 70 infants; William Moore, master; Miss Sarah Eliza-
district population, 1901, 6,136. A Cemetery of 2 acres beth Stacey, girls' &; infants' mistress
was formed in 1860 for Ohrist Ohuroh parish; it has Infants', Crescent road, in connection with Christ Church
a small mortuary chapel and is under the control of the National, built in 1875, for 120 children; average at-
Burial Committee of the Parish Council. The CathQllic tendance, 120; Miss' Emily Whetton, mistress
church, dedicated to the Holy Cross and All Saints, was Great Warley (mixed &; infants), built in 1843, for 40
erected in 1881 at a cost of about £2,5°0, and is an children, enlarged in 1870 for 86; average attendance.
edifice of Kentish rag in the Gothic .style, consisting of 74; Miss Mary Ellen Vivian, mistress

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Kart-right Mrs. Brooklyn house Whittington Col. George John Charles
Ilerkeley Robert, The Cottage Lescher Edmund Ohas.J.P.Stonyhylls C.B. Oodham hall
Brown Leonard Albun G Mulliner Hel'bert H. Warley side Willmott Miss, WarIey Place
Burnett Rev.Thomas Henry(Catholic), Nottingham Henry, Hulmers COMMERCIAL.
Presbytery, Warlev road Tarleton Rev. John Franci& (rector of Abbott William, farm bailiff to Evelyn
De la Mare Andrew, Fairstead Great Warley) Heseltine esq. Pump farm
De Winton Seawn, Franks farm Tiddeman Mrs. The Brick house Adams Anne (Mrs.), Alexandra P.H.
Heseltine Evelyn, The Goldings Tredennick Rev.Arthur Heywood M.A. Warley road
HughesCharles Wylde,Coombe cottage (vicar of Ohrist Church), Vicarage Baker Charles, far:m bailiff to J. R.
Ind Mrs. Warley house Wallis Harry, Warley road Pearl esq. Bury farm
Brockett Oha.s. beer ret. WarIey road Husband Thomas, baker & confec- Redgwell James, head bailiff to Evelyn
Browne Ernest -ArthuI', farm bailiff to tioner; genuine whole-meal bread; Heseltine esq.Dickenson's & Codham
Miss Willmott, The Lodge families waited on daily,1 Warley ter - Hall farlllls
Burkin Rt.Horse Artillery P.H.& btchr Ives William Dunning, beer retailer Roast Alfd. cartage contractr.Albert st
Burls Frances (Miss), laundry, Head- Jones Frederick, chimney sweeper, Russell John, nurseryman .
Iey common ""Voodman road Scrivener Thomas Henry, general
Campbell Arth.A1exander, apartments, Killingbeck Frank, baker, Warley road smith, WarIey road
2 Warley terrace Mallinson J ames & Richard, farmers, Shepard Daniel, tailor
Clark Frederick, steward to Lord May Tey farm She·rwood Thomas, dispenser at Mili-
Headley J.P. Harts Wood cottage Meal'S James, The Prince Albert inn, tary Hospital, Pleasant cottage
ooe William, blacksmith WarIey road South Essex Water Works (Charles
Gornell Joseph, bailiff tQ Joseph Les- Murphy Rose (Miss), dres-s maker, George Cook, engineer-in-charge)
cher esq. D.L., J.P. Brick farm North villa, Woodman road Smit'h Emma. (Miss), china, glass &.
Crane James, farmer, Bollen's Ollington Hy. farmr. Paddle Dock fm earthenware dealer, Warley road
Cronin Samuel, beer retailer, Queen st Parker Jas. ""Villiam, farmer, Normam' Squire Gharles, shopkeeper, Post office
Gurry Charles, Headley Arms inn Pearl John Reeve, farmer, Great War- Tate Hy. Warley Arms P.H.Warley I'd
De Winton Seaton, farmer, Franks frm ley Hall &; Bury farms Taylor Susannah (Mis'S), Ivy Ho. sc~
Dodd Geo.Neville,Thatcher's Arms inn Pepper William, butcher ,& grocer, Thomas Joseph, coffee rooms
Downing Arthur, beer ret.Woodman I'd Woodman road Threadkell Algernon Timothy, assist-
Edwards Edgar, wheelwright Perkins Charles, boot & shoe maker. - ant overseer & clerk to the Parish
Evans J ames, farmer WarIey road Council, Woodman road
Fish Emily Frances (Mrs.), laundry, Pinchon WaIter & William John, far- Weal Arthur Augustus, beer retailel'
Headley common mers, :rvrpnks farm & pig dealer
Francis David, pork butcher & shop- Powall George H. ,picture frame ma. Weal William Edmund, pig dealerp
keeper, Warley Toad _. 'Varlev•
road : W oodman road
Gates Brothers, cartage contractors, Rayner Philip, hair dresser & photv- Wilson Thomas, grocer, 'Varlcy road
Gordon lodge, W oodman road grapher, Newport place
Hayes Thomas .lames, drug Roome Catherine (:M:rs.), beer retailer, (For other names in Warley TOad.
stores & sub-postmaster,WarIey coni Wadey road see Brentwood.)

LITTLE WARLEY is a parish and -village, seated on Regimental bistrict No. 41.
an eminence with a commanding prospect, about I mile The Essex Regiment (44th & 56th foot), depot of 1St &.
Mst from Great Warley, in the Mid division of the county, 2nd battalions
hundred of Chafford, Brentwood petty sessional divisioB
and county court district, Billericay union, rural deanery The Barracks.
of IJarstable, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Commanding Regimental District, Col. Thomas Stock
Albans. Before the Norman accession it belonged to the Acting Adjutant, Capt. Robert Francis WaIters (4th
cathedral of St. Paul. The London, Tilbury and South- 'battalion)
end Railway Company's direct line from Barking to Pit- 1st Battalion Essex Regiment (44th Foot).
sea passes throug!I the parish, and has a station at East Head quarters, The Barracks.
Horndon, about 2 miles south-east from the village, which Commandant, Major John Trevor Spencer
is also 3! south from Brentwood station on the main line Adjutant, Major Henry Slane Fleming .
of the Great Eastern railway. -The church of St. Peter,
at a oonsiderable distance from the village, is a }-lain Quartermaster, Capt. H. E. White
building of brick and stone, consisting of chancel and 3rd Battalion Essex Regiment, Essex (Rifles) Militia.
nave and a western tower containing 1 small bell: in the Head quarters, The Earracks.
chancel are two marble monuments with canopies TO Sir Commandant, Hon. Col. .
Denner Strutt kt. and bart. lord of this manor, to Dorothy Majors, A. J. Galsworthy &; J. B. O'Reilly
(Stasmore) his 1st wife, who died in 1641, and to Mary Instructor of Musketry, Copt. E. Penrose
(Chapman) his 3rd wife, who died in 1654: the church Adjutant, Capt. F. C. Winter
has .88 sittmgs. The register dates from the year J539.
The living is a. reetory, net yearly value £137, with resi- 4th Battalion Essex Regiment, West Essex Militia.
dence and 37 acres of glebe, in the gift of David Roberts Head quarters, The Earracks.
esq. and held since 1878 by the Rev. Henry Jones-Henry - Commandant, Lieut.-Col. & Hon. Col. F. S. Walker
M.A. of St. John's Oolle,2'e, Cambridge. The Chappin,2'ton Majors, Hon. Lieut.-Cols. E. C. Eond & J. H. Crossman
charity, left in 1709 by Hugh Chappington, of Little War- Adjutant, Capt. R. F. Walters
Iey, and arising from a house and 17 acres of land, pro- Quartermaster, Hon. Capt. Moses Mead
duces a gross income of £4°: the net income, under a
scheme of 1ilie Charity Commission, is divided into three Army Medical Corps.
parts, two of which are applied towards general charitable Army Service Corps, Deut. Thos. Wallace, quartermaster
gifts, and one in providing prizes for the ehildren at- Lieut.-Col. R. Lang Browne M.D
tending the day school. Lord Headley is lord of the
manor and principal landowner. The soil is clayey; sub- . Army Pay Department.
soil, stiff loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas Staff Paymaster, Lieut.-Col. Charles E. Souper
and ba,rIey. The area is 1,592 acres of land and 3 water;
rateable value, £3,4°0; the population in 1901 was 778 Essex Volunteer Infantry Brigade.
(inclusive of 613 military in the barracks). Comprising : -
Sexton, Richard Wood. 1st Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, Brentwood
Wall Letter Eox, Little Warley school, cleared at 5.15 2nd Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, Colchester
p.m.; sundays, I I a.m. Letters through Erentwood, 3rd Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, West Ham
arrive at 8.30 a.m. Great Warley is the nearest Doney 4th Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment, Silvertown
order & telegraph office, one mile distant Army Service Corps Company
Parochial School (mixed). for about 40 children; aver- Bearer OQmpany
age attendance, 30; Miss Minnie N ewman, mif'tre8s
Head quarters, The Earracks.
MILITARY. Commanding Erigade, Col. J. F. Hornby
There are barracks on ·the common for the training of Brigade-Major, Lieut.-Col. J. G. Anderson
recruits for the depot of the Essex regiment & are Supply & Transport Officer, Hon. Col. C. G. Brown, 4th
capable of containing about 1,500 men; adjoining- is a VoI. Batt. Essex Regt
,garrison chapel, of which the Rev. Frederick J ames Senior Medical Officer, Brigade.Surg.-Lient.-CoI. H.
£ateman is chaplain Thornton Challis M.D. 4th V. B. Essex Regt
.Alexander GeotIrey, Warley lodge Crane .Tames & Jas. William, farmers, Pinchon ""Valter & William Jobn,frmr9.
Jones-Henry Rev. Henry M.A.Rectory Old England Little Warley hall
COMMERCIAL. Knight , farmer, TrIers Wilson Jane (Mrs.), Greyhound P.B
llrett Saml. farmer, Clapgate farm Parson Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer

NORTE WEAI..n (BASSETT) is a scattered parish, division of the 'county, hundreds of Ongar and Harlow.
on the road from Epping to Ongar, with a station Epping petty sessional division, union and county c0ul't
on the Ongar branch of the Great Eastern 1·ailway, district, rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex
3 miles north-east from Epping, 8 north-east from and diocese of St. Albans. The Essex and Herts W&ter-
Waltharn Abbey and 19 from London, in the 'Vestern works Co. have extended their mains to the village,
which is now supplied with good wholesome water. amongst four of the most necessitous and deserving poor
The church of St. .A.ndrew, in the centre of the parish. of the parish, in such proportions as llhall seem ex-
~8 a well-built structure of brick and rubble in th~ Early pedient." Henry Edwards Paine and George Frederick
English style, with stone dressings, consisting of chancel, Beaumont esqs. are lords of the manor. The Ecclesiastical
nave,south aisle, chantry or lady chapel and an em· Commissioners and Messrs. Charles Edwards Hart and
battled western tower of red brick, containing 6 bells; Hugh WiDiam Hart are principal landowners. The soil
the chancel is separated from the nave by an ornamental is chiefly heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
carved oak screen: the east window is a memorial to the barley, oats and turnips. The area is 3,416 acres of
late Rev. Henry CockereH M.A. 52 years vicar of this land and 7 of water; rateable value, £5,191; the popula-
parish, who died Feb. 8th, r880 : there are mural tablets to tion in 1901 wag I,r35.
Hy. Edmund Cockerell, of the Bengal Service, and second
son of the late vicar, who was slain at Banda during the H.ASTINGWOOD is a hamlet 2 miles north-east. The
Indian Mutiny, r5th of June, 1857, in his 27th year: the chapel of ease here (not named or consecrated) was built in
chantry retains a piscina: in the south aisle is a modern 1864, at a cost of £250, from plans by the late Mr. J. T.
octagonal font, with an elaborately carved cover, and a Smith, of this parish, and is an edifice of brick with
curious old chair of the time of Queen Anne: there are stone dressings in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel,
floor stones, dating from the early part of the r7th nave, and south vestry and a western turret containing
century, one of which contains brass effigies in excellent 1 bell: the chancel contains a good east window partly
preservation of WaIter Larder esq. ob. r617, and Marie, filled with stainec. glass, in memory of Mr. and Mrs.
his wife, with three sons and two daughters; these are John Stallibrass: there are sittings for 120 persons.
surmounted by shields, but 80me portion of the inscrip-
tion has been destroyed; the interior underwent important THORNWOOD is a, hamlet rl miles west. Here is an
alterations and additions in 1885, when an exquisitely iron Mission church, opened in r888, in oonnection with
carved oak eagle lectern was presented by the late Mr. St. Andrew's. .
J. T. Smith, of this parish: the church is in good repair, Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act,"
having been reseated in 1849, new roofed in 1865, the detached parts of this parish have been added to Magdalen
chancel rebuilt in r867 and the lady chapel reseated in Laver.
rB73; in r889 a new vestry and organ chamber were Sexton, Eus Gridley.
built and the Oil'gan thoroughly renovated at the cost
of Miss Cockerell, niece ()f the late Rev. L. A. Cockerell Post & Telegraph & Express Delivery Office, Weald Gul-
M.A. vicar r880-92; at the same time the interior of lett.-Mrs. Nancy Bunston, sub-postmistress. Lettera
the tower was restored and a new ceiling erected, the received through Epping at 7·5 a.m. callers only IO·45
fine moulded brick arch, dating from about 14 80 to r5 20 , 'a.m.; dispatched at IO·55 a.m. &I 4·45 p.m. Postal
restored and a new west window added, the whole cost orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest
of this work being defrayed 'by the late vicar: the church money order office is at Epping
has 300 sittings. TJ-le register dates from the year 1557. Post Office, Thornwood Common.-James Pegrum, sub.
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £257, with rs postmaster. Letters through Epping arrive at 7· IS <&
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop 11 a.m.; dispatehed at rO.lO a.m. &; 6.15 p.m. Postal
of St. Albans and. Mrs. Pemberton-Barnes alternately, Orders are issued here, but not paid. Epping is the
and held since 1892 by the Rev. Richard Standly Dewing nearest money order & telegraph office, 2 miles distant
M.A. of University College, Oxford. Park Place, the Pillar Letter Box, Thornwood Oommon (near the Iron
property and residence of Mrs. Sayer, stands on the park church), cleared at 8.3 0 a.m
ground and near the site of the ancient manor house Pillar Letter Box, 'Bull & Horlle Shoe,' collected at 8.3 0
of the Bassett family, of Wycombe, Bucks, who were de- a.m. & 6.25 p.m
scended from Ralph Bassatt, territorial baron of Weldon, Pillar Letter Box, Tylers Green, cleared at 7.45 a.m. &;
Northants, and a principal justiciar in the reign of 5.1$ p.m
Hen. I. : from the original manor were formed two others, Wall Letter Box, Station, cleared at 10.5 0 a.m. &I 4·45 p.m
viz. :--Marsha:l1s and Cannes. A fort to contain six guns Pillar Letter Box, Woodside, cleared at 11.15 a.m. &
is erected at North WeaId Gullett. Charities: George 6·30 p.m
Rayment esq. of Broken wharf, London, for himself and National School (mixed), rebuilt in r873, by public sub-
surviving brothers and sisters, transferred the sum of scription, from plans by the late Mr. J. T. Smith, o'
£150 3 per Cent. Consols into the names of the vicar this parish, & enlarged in r895 for 214 children;
and churchwardens of this pariSh; the dividends are average attendance, 59 boys, S9 girls & 42 infants;
applied in the first instance to the repair of the grave William A. Roberts, master; Mrs. Roberts, assistant
and railings of his parents and the residue, if any, ie mistress
distributed in the" first week of February in each year, Railway Station, Frederick W. Farrow, station master
Marked thus * receive their letters Clark Wm. cattle healer, Tylers grn Mott Oharles, whaelwright & builder,
through Harlow. *Cordell George, Rainbow &; Dove P.H. Weald Gullet
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Hastingwood Common Moy Thomas Limited,coal merchants;
Boram Mrs. S. A. The Shrubbery, Crane Thoma.s, farmer, Forest house, depot, Railway Station yard
Thornwood Woodside Neale Geo.fruit grwr.Thornwood Com
Dewing Rev. Richard StandlrI'tI.A. Deadman Frederick, beer retailer North Weald Horticultural Society
(vicar), Vicarage *Dulieu David, householder, Hasting- (William A. Roberts, sec)
Green James J. Weald place wood Common Osborne George, beer retailer, Thorn-
Hart Charles Edwards, Esgors farm Forrester AlphonsoFrederickAugustus, wood Common
Hart Hugh William. Canes surveyor to Epping Rural District Pavitt John, Prudential insurance agt.
*Lyall Roger Campbell J.P. Hasting- Council, Thornwood Thornwood
wood house Foster John, brick maker Pegrum Geo. bee,r ret. Queen's head
Parsons William Henry, Tylers Grimshaw George James, shopkeeper, Poulton Henry, carpenter, Dukes place
Powell Samuel, Weald hall Thornwood Oo,mmon Purkis Fred, shopkeeper, High road
Sayer Mrs. S. Park Place Hart Chas. Edwds. frmr. Esgors farm Powell Samuel, farmer, Weald hall
'Winckel Francis Gustave, Rosario ho. Hart Hugh Wm. farmer, Canes farm Randall Chas. hay carter, Wood.side
Thornwood Horlock 'rhos. househldr. Eden cottage Rayment Susan (Mrs.), Talbot P.H. &i
COMMERCIAL. Horn In. hsehldr. Weald Bridge farm blacksmith, Tylers Green
Alderton Edwin Thomas, grocer James Frederick, farmer, New house *Redington John, farm bailiff to R. C.
Avey George, King's Head P.B. &; Bridge farm LyalI esq. Church farm,Hastingwood
Weald Gullett JeIley John, Blacksmiths' Arms P.H Saville Henrv, baker
Basford William, householder Jellis John, police sergeant, Thornwood *Seymour Susan(Mrs.),frmr.Stone frm
Bee Hester (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Weald Common Smith WiIliam Thomas, builder &i
Gullet King George Benjamin, farmer & hay undertaker, Thornwood Common
Illatch Samuel John, carpenter & dealer, Marshalls farm *Sortwell Henry,bricklayer,Glovers fIn
wheelwright, Tylers green Law James, farmer & coal merchant, Smith Thos. hay carter,Thornwd.Com
Bond Frederick, farmer, Paris hall Slough House farm . Stock Harry, hay carter, Thornwd.Com
Bunston Nancy (Mrs.), sub-postmist Law Walter,hay dealer & farmer,Great Street WaIt. school attendance officer,
Burton Henry, smith, Thornwood Wheelers farm Thornwood
Chambers .Tohn' Trappitt, farmer, Law Wm. farmer, School Green frm Stuckey William farmer, 'Veald Lodge
Wylding Tree farm Lee William James, cucumber & to- farm (post. add. Moreton, Ong-or)
*Olark Lewis Frederick, blscksmit·h, mato grower William Henry, poultry farmer
Hafltingwood Common Mayeraft Matthew, beer retailer, Cross &; apartments, Yew cottage
*Clark Samuel Arthur, builder & car- Keys, Thornwood Thake Frank Arthur,hav carter,Thorn-
penxer, Hastingwood Common wood Common .
Teece Fdk.Wm.grcr. Thomwood eomu Willis Arth. hay dlr. &; fnur. The Elms *Winch Fredk. househldr.HastingwQoo
*Waigh Frank George, grocer &c. Ivy Willis Maxwell, farmer, Kents farm, Wood Arthur, Bull &; Horse Shoe P.H
villa, Hastingwood WeaId Bridge Wood Jas. refreshment rms.Woodside
SOUTH WEALD (" the south wood") iii an extensive mation Bee Brentwood. WeaId Hall, the residence' of
parish, bisected by the London rood at Brook Street, 2 Christopher John Hume Tower esq. D.L., .LP. was once
mil611 west from Brentwood station on the main line of the residence of Princess (afteTWards Queen) M.ary and f9r
the Great East--n l'tWway, 5 north-east from Romford some time the seat of Chief Justice Sir Anthony Browne
and 17 from London and seems to existed in the kt. the founder of tlhe Grammar school of Brentwood and
time of King Harohl, by whom it was given to Waltham of almsh01lS6s here: the mansion, which is of considerable
Abbey; it is in the Mid division of the county, hundred antiquity, has been elaborately restored and many of
of Cha1Iord, Brentwood petty sessonal division and county the rooms are of large dimensions and contain good
court district, Billericay union and in the rural deanery specimens of tapestry and s fine collection of china: the
of Chafiord, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. hall is richly decorated and hung with paintings: there
.A.Ibans. The church of St. Peter is an edifice of stone is also some old carved oak furniture in good preserva-
and flint in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, con- tion, ancient oak panelling and several quaint arched
liristing of chancel WIth vestry, nave, south aisle, separ- stone fire-places: one of these, recently discovered, and
ated by an arcade of lilix arches, and a massive Perpen- bearing the date 1555, and the ceiling of the dining
dicular embattled western tower at the end of the south room, by Adams, are considered masterpieces: the park,
aisle, containing 6 bells and a clock: part of the lay 300 acres in extent, is undulating and well timbered, and
rector's chapel, a.t the east end of the south aisle, is contains a herd of red and fallow deer. There are traces
inclosed by an elaborately carved oak screen with central of a. circular camp, surrounded by a single ditch. Boyles
entrance and three arches on either side, crocketed, and Court, the seat and property of J oseph Francis Leschet"
tilled with flowing tracery, and is parted from the chancel esq. D.L., J.P. is a large mansion pleasantly situated in
by a gilt ~on railing, executed from designs by the late grounds of about 60 acres. Mascalls, the seat and
Sir Gilbert &ott R.A. at a. cost of £1,000, defrayed by property of John Henry Horton esq. J.P. is a pleasant
C. J. H. Tower esq. J.P., D.L. of Weald Hall: the residence standing in park-like grounds. Millfield, the
carved stone font is datedl662: the stained east window residence of Charles William Matthews esq. J.P.;
was erected by subscription in 1886 to the memory of Rochetts, of Mrs. Coope, and Weald Side House, occu-
the Rev. Oharles .A.lmeric Belli M.A. vicar 1823-77, who pied by William Herbert Evans esg. aTe all delightfully
died Jan. 6th, 1886: there are five other 'stained windows situated residences. Near the church is Belvedere Tower,.
and numerous monruments of the last and present century commanding a fine view over the surrounding country.
to the Smith and Tower families, at one time Christopher John Hume Tower ('sq. is lord of the manor-
lords of the. manor of Calcots in this parish: and the principal landowner. The soil is clay and gravel.
some fragments of a brass remain on the The chief crops a,re grass, wheat, oats and barley. The
tomb of Sir Anthony Browne kt. Lord Ohief area is 4,603 acres of land and 26 ()f water; rateable
Justice of the Common Pleas, 1558. who died at Weald value, £31,050; the popula.tion in 1901 was 3,77j, ex-
Hall, 16th May. 156]: under th6 tower ar6 mural clusive of Brentwood and 2,158 officers and inmates in
monuments to the Neave family, including Sir Richard the County Asylum, including 2,172 in the South Weal-cl
Neave bart. governor of the Bank of England in 1780, portion of Christ Churcll (ecclesiastical district), Great.
who died in 1814, and Frances (Bristow), his wife, d. Warley.
1830; Sir Thoffins Noon bart. d. 1848; Sir Richard
Digby Neave bart. d. 1868 and his wife, d. 1849; Sir COXTIE GREEN, :2 miles north; PILGRIM'S.
Arundell Neave bart. d. 1877; to the Ven. Francis HATCH, 2 north-east and BROOK STREET, I mile
John Hyde Wollaston RD., F.R.S. vicar here and arch- south, are populous hamlets.
deacon of ESl!lex, wh\l died October 12, 1823, with
medallion portrait in low relief; and to Peter Taylor Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
D.D. rector of Ashingtun, Sussex, d. 1]91: the church Parcel Post & Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Misl!l Eliza-
is seated with open oak benches and was re!!tmed in beth Bright, sub-postmistress. Letters from Brentwood,
1868, and affords 500 sittings. The register dates from arrive at 7 a.m. 0& 12·30 & 6.40 p.m.; dispatched at 9'
the year 1538. The living is a vicarage, net yearly a.m. &; 1·50 &; 7. 10 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 7 a.m.;
value £220, with 35 &eres of glebe and residence, in the dispatched at II.15 a.m
gift of the Bishop of St. .Albans, and held since r.877 by Post Office, Pilgrim'f> Hat<lh.-Willia.m Garrard, sub-post-
the Rev. Duncan Fraser M.A. of Trinity Oollege, Cam- master. Letters through Brentwood, arrive at 7 &; II. la
bridge, hon. canon of . St. Albans. The Vicarage house a.m. &i 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at 10.10 a.m. &; 1.50 &:
was built in 1822. 7.50 p.m.; sundays, arrive 7 a.m.; dispatched 7.50
St. Paul's, Bentley, a chapel of ease to the parish p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
ehurch, is an ed.idice of flint; with stone qnions and nearest money order &; telegraph office is at Brentwood,
dressings, in the Euly Englil!lh style, from designs by 2 miles distant
Ernest Lee esq. architect, of L:>ndon, and consists of Post & M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office..
chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch and on the north Brook Street.-WiJliam Warner, sub-postmaster. Let-
side a tower with spire containing 5 bells: the pulpit ters through Brentwood, arrive at 7 &; II.40 a.m. .&; 6.1'5
is of Derbyshire alabaster, . hed panelled,
. h Iand a reredos of p.m.; sund ays, 7 n.m.; d·ISpat ched a t 8 .20 a.m. '""
.. 2.10
the s8Ille ma.teriallll. ellrlC WIt scu ptures, represent- &; 7. 20 p.m.; sundays, II.30 a.m. South Weald is the
ing incidents in tb@ PlLssion of our Lord, was erected nearest telegraph office, I mile distant
in November, 1883, from designs by the architect of the
church; the east window a.nd two others are stained; Sub-Post Office, Coxtie Green. Thomas Rainbird, sub-
the church was conl!ecrated by the Bishop of St. Albans, postmaster. Letters arrive from Brentwood, via Pil-
Novembe.· 3rd., 1880: the sum of £22,000 was subscribed grim's Hatch, a.t 8 a.m. & 12 &; 7.30 p.m.; dispatched
for the erection of the church and parsonage and for the at 8.45 ~.m . .&; 1.20 &; 7.30 p.m.; .sundays, m: ive g.
maintenance of a curate, of which not less than £20,000 a.m.; dIspatche~ 9.45 a.m. Postal Orders are ISSued
was munificently contributed by the Rev. Charles A. here, but no~ p61d. The nearest mo~ey o~er &; tele-
Belli, late vicar, and the remaining £2,000 by the iate graph office IS Navestock, about I ! miles distant

the gIft of C. J. HUI?~ Tower esq. of Weald Hall. The

O. E •. Coope esq. M.P.: the site, of about 2 acres, was Wall Letter Box, top of Brook Street, cle8ol'ed a.t 8.45 !&;.
10.20 a.m. :& 2.15, 4 &; 9 p.m.; sunday, II.45 a.m
P~S?nage House ad)OIllS the church. Ten ~lmshouses, Pillar Letter Boxes.-Bentley, cleared at 9.55 a.m. 1. 15
orIgmally founded m the 16th cent.. by SII' . Anthony &; 7.45 p.m.; sunday, 7.45 p.m.; Rochetts Farm,
Browne knt. w~re rebuilt about 185 6 m. the Ehzabethan cleared at 8.'1'5 a.m. &; 12.30 0& 6.45 p.m. week days only
style, from desJ.gns by Mr. Teulon, archItect, of London.
Charities :-Sarah Wright's is distributed to 13 aged poor, Schools.
T2 of whom receive 58. each, and one 3S. 6d.; Lamb's . . . .
Charity of £15 is for the repairs of the church; John NatIOnal (mI:z:ed), built about 185 6 , &; enlarged 10 1897,
Wright's Charity of £2. founded in 1586, is also for the fo~ .155 c!Jl1dren; average attendance, 100; Oharles-
repairs of the church; Waller's for Brentwood and South ~ilham Hide, mas~r . , ..
Weald, founded in r.60I, ~ovides £12 yearly for distribu- NatIOnal, Bentley (mIXed & mfa~ts). built m 186.4, at &
tion in bread; JefferMn's of £3. John Wright's of £2, cost of about £4.S0, for r.20 children; en!arg7d III 1893
founded in 1602, and Gitten's of £6 10S. are also for bread. for 165; average attendance, 135; BenJamm Oooper~
The Oouuty Lunatic Asylum is in this parish; for infor- master
SOUTH WEALD. Calverley Mrs. Selwin, Oakhurst I Fraser Rev. Duncan M.A. (vicar,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Crawshay Charles E. Gilstead hall hon. canon of St. Albans), The
Arrow William J.P. Langtons Coope Mrs. Rochetts Vicarage
Brown Tom, Dytchley 1s Evans William Hel"bt. Weald Side ho Hirst Mrs. Great Ropers
. • . •
Horton John Henry J.P. Mascal1s Webb George, Chequers P.R . Punt Robert;, wheelwright
Kell Mrs. Graham, High house Whiting FrGderick, shopkpr.Coxtie grn Radley Eva (Mrs. ),apartmts.Park view
Lescher Joseph Francis D.L., J.P. Young John Charles, head gardener Reynolds Samuel, farmer
. Boyles court to Mrs. Coope RQwland Ephraim, miller (wind) &
Matthews Oharles William J.P. Mill- (For names in Warley road, see Brent- corn dealer, Brook Street mill
field, Bentley '. wood &; Great Warley.) South Weald Reading Room (Rev. A.
Morgan David John M.P., J.P. Cecil H. W. Seally, hon. sec) .
house, Bentley; Oarlton club SW & BROOK· STREET. Warner William & Sons, bakers, gro-
City of London club EO, London Attwater WaIter Jones, Bromsgrove cers & pork butchers; carriages &;
Ripley Rev. William (curate of St. Bish .Alfred, Fair lawn,Brook Street hI traps for hire; established 16 y.ears,
Paul's chapel of ease), Parsonage, Brampton George, Moat house Post office
Bentle1 Fooks Joh'1, Knowle ho. Brook St. hill Wingrave Charles, builder
Seally Rev. Arthur Henry Wetherell Gamble John, Holmleigh,Brook St.hill Wingrave William Vincent,blacksmith'
A.K.O.L. (curate), The Cottage Harris Mrs. The Poplars
Sperling Henry Reginald: J.P. How James Miss, Brook house
Batch; & Junior Carlton club, Lon- Smith John William, Brentmore PILGRIM'S HATCH.
don S W . . Souper Lieut.-Col. Charles Edward, Milliken Ernest, Pilgrim house
Tower Ohristopher John Hume D.L., Twickenham villa Smith Godfrey John, Elm house
J.P. Weald ltall Stoneman Peter Thompson James, Danbury house
Usborne Henry Laurence, Luptons Warrell Mrs. Uplands
Walmesley Misses, Pilgrims hall Weymouth Richard, D.Lit. Oollaton ho COMMERCIAL.
COMXERCIA.L. COMMERCIAL. Ager Samuel, beer retailer
Bannister Wm. By. frmr.Rochett's !I'm Amey WaIter Charles, Bull inn; good Collier Edward,farmer, Beads Hall fnn
Brown Ann (Mrs.), Tower Arms P.R accommoda tion for travellers; good Oronin David, farmer & dairyman,
Brown William, wheelwright & sm,ithstahling, pigeon shooting; head Hulletts farm
Cooper Benjamin, master of Bentley quarters, -Green Gate cycle club Davey Samuel, corn merchant, TheFirs
school, Bentley A.'ttwater Walter Jones, solicitor, Day Thomas, hay binder
East Emma (MTs.), bee,r retailer, Bromsgrove De-La-Rue Hl.'nry, baker .
Coxtie green Bennett Caroline pirs.), shopkeeper Garrard William, farmer, shopkeeper
Hatfield David, farmer, Coxtie green Bennett Edmund Geo. Charles, builder & assistant overseer, Post office
Hughes John, head gardener to O. J. Bennett Geo. carpenter, Brook St. hill Gould Henry, hay binder
H. Tower esq Bennett William, carpenter Hammond Ernest &; J ohnstone .A.Iex.
Ives Sydney, hay binder, Coxtie grn Bryant Edward, supt. of cemetery D. fruit growers
McTurk Robert, farmer, Frieze hall Chuck Robert, beer retailer Hammond Charles, assistant overseer
Norrington Walter, Red Lion P.R. &; Gamble John, solicitor, Holmleigh, &i cIeI'k to South Weald ParishCouncl
poultry dealer, Coxtie green Brook Street hill Hammond George, fruit grower &,
Pain .Alfred, farmer & horse dealer, Goodchild William Joseph, farmer, market gardener, Fair view
Coxtie green Brookland's farm Hardy Frank, farmer .-

Pain Hy. cattle dlr.& frmr.Halfway ho Rarris Francis William, cattle dealer & Knight Henry, blacksmith'
Perry Peter, White Horse ·P.H. Cox- farmer, The Poplars Lagden George, farmer, Crow's green
tie green James Fanny (Miss), ladies' -school, Manning Jas. Mann, farmer, AshweIls'
Rainbird Fredk. bricklayr. Coxtie grn Brook house Nice Henry, farmer
Rickwood AgnesEmma (Mrs.),Horse& S:lJight Thomas, Nag's Head P.R. ~ Nobes George, Black Horse inn . •

Groom P.H. WarIey comIllon horse dealer Pig-gott James, hay & straw dealer,
Scrivener .Alfrd. whlwright, Coxtie grn Knight William, hay carter Moat House farm & !Gent's farm
Stokes Edward & Jonathan, farmers, Mann Rose BedEa (Mrs.), Fleece inu r Wood George, carpenter ,_
Lincoln's farm· Pitts Thomas Edward, boot maker . . .
WEELEY is a village and parish, with a station on dinall esq. of 18' Cl'omwell road, Broghton, and Sir
the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern rail- Joshua Thellusson Rowley bart. of Tendring Hall, Sui-.
way, 7 miles west from Walton steamboat pier, 61 from folk, are the chief landowners. The soil is rich clay
London, 12 south-west from Harwich, and 10 east-south- and loam and produces good crops of wheat, beans,
east from Oolchester, in the North Eastern division of barley and green crops generally. The area is I,980
the county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional division acres; rateable value, £2,662; the population in 1901
and union, Oolchester county court district, rural deanery was 542.
of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of Parish Clerk, John Gilbert. ,
St. .Albans.. h The
Th Holland
ch h brook
f St runs
And through ilthe side
th P ost, .1\f 0 & T . 0. ,S. .
B, . T .M ..,
0 E xpress D e1"Ivery,..
of th e pams . e urc 0 • rew, a m e sou - Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office.-William of the village, was originally an ancient edifice of Mustard, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from 001-
red brick, but the main portion of the structure was en- chester at 5.5 a.m. & 12 noon; dispatched at 12.55 &
tir~ly rebuilt by subscription in 1881 in the Perpendi- 7. 10 p.m.; no second delivery on sundays
<:iular style at a cost of about £3,000: it now consists
of chancel, nave of three bays, DOrth aisle with organ Post Office, The Heath.-Samuel Turner, sub-postmaster.'
chamber at the east end, north porch, and its original Letters arrive from Colchester at 6·45 a.m. ,&; 1.10.
embattled western tower of red brick containing 2 bells: p.m.; dispatched at 12 noon & 6.30 p.m.. week da.ys;
the credence table is formed of an ornamental column sundays at 9.4 0 a.m. Postal orders are issued here"
found in 'the south wall of the chancel, forming part of but n~t paid. Weeley is the nearest money order. .t·
tln ancient piscina which had been embedded: the 14th telegraph office, 2 miles distant
<ientury font was also restored and placed at the west Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 12.20 &
end of the nave: a new organ was added in 1884 by 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 10 a.m
subscription: there are 300 sittings. The register dates National School, with an endowment of £9 4s. yearly,
from the year 15'62. The living is a discharged rectory, arising from the redemption of the land-tax upon the'
net yearly value £3II, with residence and 8 acres of rectory which was left in 1823 by Mary Jefferson: the
glebe, in the gift of Brasenose College, Oxford, and held school was erected in 1866, a class· room added in 1873
since 1902 by the Rev. John ,!,odd Atkinson M.A. at & another in 1895: it will hold 210 children & has an
that college. Near to the chuI'ch are the antique wrought average attendance of II6; Mrs. Eliza Simmons,
iron gates which once formed the entrance to the old mi&tress
hall. The Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1870, has ISO County Police Station, Fredel'ick Wm. Canning, constable
sittings; the Primitive Methodist chapel, on The Heath, Railway Station, William James Gow~m, station master
built in 1858, will seat 100 persons. Hill Side House,
a mansion of red. brick, in the Gothic style, standing in Carriers pass through to Colchester.-George Block,
well wooded grounds of 4 aCTes, and The Fields, a from CI.aC'ton-on-Sea, mono wed. & sat.; Frederick
modern building, are now (I902) both unoccupied. Ohristmas, from Walton-on-the-Naze, tues. thurs. is...
Weeley Manor House is the residence of John Weeley sat.; James Bines, from Little CIacton, wed. & 1'at.;
esq.. who is lord of the manor. Durrant Edward Car- all returning same days .
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Simmons Mrs the Tendring Rural District Council,
Strutt Robert,Heath cottage, TheHeath The Ohestnuts
Atkinson Rev. John Todd M.A.Rectory Weeley John, Manor house Blowers Clifford Stockwells, grocer &
Lilley Mrs. Rose cottage, The Heath Weeley Mrs. Manor house draper, Waterloo house
Mills Miss, Ferncroft, The Heath Blowers Joseph, nurseryman .
Peel Lieut. Rt. (Coldstream Guards), COHHERCIAL. Bridgeman .A.nnabella (Mrs.), dress IDa
Norwood Bell Joseph, surveyor of high:wars to By1eli Alfred, licensed hawker


Canham Thomas, agricultural im- King Jehu, shopkeeper, Laurel cottage Smith Olement, brick &; tile maker
plement maker, timber merchant, King William, Railway inn Smith Daniel, builder
.saw mills, builder, contractor, cart, Last David, hurdle maker, The Heath Smith J ames, beer retailer &; coal mer
van &; wagon builder Lord William John, farmer, Hawk frm Smith James (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Oanning Fredk. Wm. police constable Manning Eliza. Maria (Mrs.), ladies' Soffe Frederic,farmer, Brick House frm
Oarr W. H. brick &; tile maker, Bail- school, The Elms Sparrow J oseph, farmer, Ash farm.
way station Manning William, cattle dealer &; rate Stephens Ohas. btchr. Mount Pleasant
Catchpole Wm. baker &; shopkeeper collector, The Elms Stephens J oseph, cattle dealer, Mount
Cook Arthur, shoo maker May Geo. farmer, Gutteridge m. farm Pleasant
Cook William, apartments, Weeley ho Moy Thos. Lim. coal mers.Railway stn Thorpe William Edward, farmer, Pond
Du Merton Ebenezer, boot maker Mustard William &; Son, stationers, farm, The Heath
Gilbert John, parish clerk Post office Turner Samuel, grocer &; draper, Post
Gowen William James, station master National Telephone Co. Limited (call office, The Heath
Grimwood Thomas, miller (wind & office), The Elms Webb .Toseph,frmr.Coles frm.TheHeath;
steam) &; farmer, The Heath ,Overall J onah, nurservman,The Heath Wells Norman, Black Boy P.H
.lames William,beer retailer,The Heath I •
WENDENS AMBO, comprising Great and Little includes the vicarage of Great Wenden and the rectory
Wenden, is a parish on a feeder of the Cam near its I of Little Wenden, net yearly value £I40j including 125
eonfiuence with that river, on the high road 'to New- acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Mar-
market, 43! miles from London, and 2! south-west from quess of Bristol, and held sance 1892 by the Rev. Charles
Saffron Walden, in the Northern division of the county, Edward Barnes M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge.
Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional divi- There is a small Congregational chapel here, erected
lion, union and county court district, and in the rural in 1851, with 60 sittings. The poor participate in a
deanery of Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester charity left about three centuries ago by Mrs. Lettice
and diocese of St. Albans. The Audley End station on Martin, of Crishall, and now amounting to £13 I4s. Bd.
the Great Eastern railway is in this parish and forms the yearly. A small brick building near the church, erected
junction of the line to Saffron Walden and Haverhill: in 1838, is used as a reading room for working men
the parishes of Great and Little Wenden were united in on 'Week days and as a Sunday school in connection
1662, at the request of the inhabitants and with the con- with the parish church. The trustees of the late Lord
sent of the Earl of Suffolk, patron of the two livings. Braybrooke (d. 1902) are lords of the manor and princi-
The church of L1ttle Wenden. which formerly stood on pal landowners. The crops are on the four-course system.
the left side of the road from Wendon Lofts to Great The soil is principally light; subsoil, chalk. 'J,'he area
Wendon, being ruinous, was pulled down. The church is 1,436 acres; rateable value, £4,797; the population
of St. Mary the Virgin is a. small and llillcient building in 1891 was 358.
of flint with stone dressings in mixed styles, consisting 'CLANVER END . '1 t
of chancel, nave of three bays with clerestory, aisles,
south porch and low embattled western tower, with

Sexton, :Nathan
l: l: IDl ewes •
short spire, and containing 5 bells: a screen divides the Post Office.-Mrs. Fanny Harvey, ,sub-postmistress. Let-.
nave from the chancel: .there is a brass of a man in ters arrive by cart from Saffron Walden at 7 a.m.;
armour, perhaps of the Loveday family, c. 1410, and dispatched at 6.45 p.m. week days & 11.10 a.m. sun-
near this on the end of a pew is a curiously carved days. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.
animal, possibly the crest of the family: remains of wall The nearest money order & telegraph office is at New-,
painting were discovered in the chancel about 1890: there port, 2 miles dis,tant .
is. a very fine piscina in the chancel, and a remarkably Wall Letter Box, near Fighting Cocks P.H. cleared 7.5,
carved pulpit: the south aisle and tower, which are the p.m. week days; II.30 a.m. sundays
oldest portions of the ohurch, date from about IlOO: the A School Board of 5 members was formed 26 March,
east window of the north aisle is stained, and there is a 1878; William Henry Wells, Newport, clerk to the
memorial window to the late J. T. Oollin esq. : the church board & attendance officer :
was restored in 1'898 at an estimated cost of £9°0. In Board School (mixed), erected in 1881, for 70 children;
the churchyard is a marble slab to William Nicholson, average attendance, 51; Miss Helena Davis, 'mistress
of this parish, once a midshipman in Nelson's ship Railway Station, Audley End, Alfred Harris, station mast
"Vanguard," who died 15 Dec. 1886, aged 104 years. Carriers to Saffron 1Valden, Flack, tUBS. & sat.; Jef-
The register ,
dates from the year 153'8. The !i,ing frey, sat
Barnes Rev. Charles Edward M.A. merchants & agents, Audley End IHagger Stephen, farmer, Bulse farm
Vicarage railway station; head office,Newport Harvey Fanny (Mrs.), Post offiee·,
Collin Mrs Bolton .A.lbert James, farm bailiff to Holland Alfred J. miller (steam roller.
Oormve11 Mrs. Thomas, Ivy cottage Lewis Duke esg. Wenden hall flour mills, adjoining Audla-y End
COrIl'We11 Mrs. William, The Beeches Burrows Jane (Mrs.). shopkeeper station & Wenden Water mills) ..
Holland Alfred J. New house Coleman George, Bell P.H Parish William a.farmer, Rookery frm
Robinson Mrs. Trout hall Davis William, Fighting Cock P.H Perry Arthur, farmer, Clanver end
Francis Alfred, brick manufacturer, Robinson Martin Catlin, surveyor,
COM::MERCI~. Audley End station Trout hall .
Alston Ebenezer, Neville Arms P.H Harris Alfred, station master, Audley Spencer-Smith John,frmr. Wend en ,.pl
Barnard Brothers, coal, corn & seed End station Thomas Alfred & Son, blacksmiths • .
WENDON (or Wenden) LOFTS is a parish 6 miles of glebe, in the gift of 'John Fiske Wilkes esq. and
west from Saffron Walden and 4 west-north-west from held since 1890 by the Rev. Herbert. Giles Brabant
Audley End junotion station on the Great Eastern rail- I Smith L. Th. of University College, Durham, who re-
way, in the Northern division of the county, Uttlesford sides at Elmdon. Lofts Hall is an ancient Elizabethan
hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union mansion of brick, dating from 1579, pleasantly seated
and county court district and in the rural deanery of in grounds of about 3 acres, and commanding an ex-
Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese I tensive view to the south. John Fiske Wilkes esq. is
of St. .ilb:l'.lS. The church of St. Dunstan, situated in the principal landowner. The soil is principally heavy,
the grounds of and close to Lofts Hall, is an edifice of with some mixed;' subsoil, chalk. 'The chief crops,
cut flint with stone dressings, consisting of chancel, i are barley, wheat and roots. The area is 797; rateable
nave, north aisle, north and south porches and a western I value, £655; the population in 1891 was 67·
tower, with four pinnacles, containing 3 bells: the POND STREET is half a mile south.
fittings of the interior are entirely of oak: there is a Sexton, Samuel Waters.
brass to William Lucas and Katherine his wife, c. 1450, Letters arrive through Saffron Walden by messenger
with figures of these and of eight children, one being: at 9 a.m. Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m. Elmdon is
an abbot: the church has ISO sittings. The register 1 the nearest post & money order office &; Saffron Walden
of baptisms dates from 1674; burials, 1675; marriages" the nearest telegraph office, 2 miles distant

1678. The living is a rectory, annexed to the vicarage, National School (mixed), Duddenhoe End, for 70 chil-
of Elmdon, net yearly value £260, including 26 acres dren; average attendance, 33; Miss Mary Perks, mist
Mills Alfred, farmer Smith Eliz;a Ann (Mrs.), farmers, /Wright Arth. bailiff to Hy. Rolfe esq
I Hope farm
WENNINGTON is a small parish and village, near from Romford, 9 west from Orsett and 14 from London.
the shore of the Thames, and on the road from Barking to in the South Eastem division of the county, Chafford
Grays, I! miles south-east from Rainham station on the hundred, Orsett petty sessional division, Romford union
London, Tilbury and Southend railwa.y, 5 miles south and county couxfi district, rarel deanery of Cha1ford, aTch.

deaconry of E'ssex and diocese of St. Albans. The church made; in the course of the work, the ends of the
of St. Mary and St. Peter is an ancient building of tEnt Perpendicular rood screen, bearing traces of colour,
and stone, consisting of chancel, nave, aisl"s, aml a llmall were discovered embedded in the nave walls: a porch
embattled western tower of Kentish rag, containing I bell, was added in 1900 by Mr. F. S. Hempleman at a cost
eated 1662: this church was originally of Norman founda· of £120: there are 150 ,sittings. The register dates.
tion, of whieh the chancel retains some traces, as w~ll ao o,f from the year 1654, but there are no entries from 1666
the Lancet period; but the structure was almost entirely to I7II. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £25 g,
rebuilt and probably enlarged at various times; the south with 41 acres of land, but without house, in the gift of.
aisle was eventually pulled down and its arcade bricked up, the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1874 by the Rev.
but it was rebuilt on the old foundation in 1886: in Nicholas Brady M.A. of Trinity College, Oambridge,
the south wall of the chancel is a plain piscina and there who resides ~t Hainham Hall. There is no manor,
is another in the north aisle: the font, of Purbeck Capt. Robert Westley Hall-Dare, of Newtownbarry House,.
marble, consisting of an octagonal basin, on a shaft and co. Wexford, and Sir Thomas Barrett Leonard bart.
plinth, is 15th century work: some ancient oak benches of Belhus, are the principal landowners. The soil is.
with finials remain in the tower: the pulpit is Jacobean gravelly and sandy; subsoil, gvavel. A large portion
and retains an ancient hour glass stand, which has been of the parish is marsh land used for pasture. The.
utilized for the purpose of a pulpit lamp: in the north chief crops are wheat and barley, also peas and other
aisle is Q small and curious mural tablet of alabaster, vBgetables. The area is 1,3°1 acres of land, 2:29 of
with kneeling figures and an inscription, 'to Dr. Eust, tidal water and 34 of foreshore; ratellible value, £3,478;
ob. 16 Jan. 1624, and to Henry, his son, rector here, ob. the population in 1901 was 360.
22 Dec. 1625: below are verses in Latin and English Sexton, William Phillips.
and above, a shield of arms: at the eas-t end of the Post Office.-William Francis, sub-postmaster. Letters.
north aisle is an altar, formerly in the church of St. through RainhalIll S.O. delivered at 7.3 0 a.m. &; 12.10
Andrew, Halstead: the oak reredos, adorned with painted d 0 a.m.; d'ispa t ched a t6. IS a.m.
· '31 t S' A t ' B cl :p.m.; sun ars, 7.3
pan el s, IS a memori 0 11' n 01110 ra y &; 3.5 0 p.,m.; sundays, 6 p.m. Pas,tal orders are
J ..P., F.G.S. (d. 1881) and father of the present issued here, but not paid. The nearest money¥order &;
rector, and on the south side of chancel is telegraph office is at Rainham, 2 miles distant
a memorial window to Frederick Brady, late pay-
master in chief, R.N. The church was restored in A School Board of 5 members was formed 24 May, 18 75;'
1886 at a cost of about £1,000, from plans by and Rev. N. Erady, chairman &; correspondent to the board
under the supervision of the Rev. Ernest Geldart, Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 60 children;
rector of Little Eraxted, when the south aisle was average attendance, 53; Mrs. Ellein D. Gardner.
rebuilt on the old foundations, and other improvements mistress
Eden Hon. Robert Evelyn, The Willows OliveI'. Joseph, dauyman Stone Wm. Hy. frmr Wennington hall
Hempleman Fredk. S. Wennington ho Read William, s1lOpkeeper Swann &; Thomson, farmers &; ma.r-
Stone William Hy. Wennington hall I'Spear &; Vellacott, farmers, East haU, ket gardeners
Francis Wm. shopkeeper, Post office Newhall &; Coldharbour farms Wiffen William, coffee house keeper
WETHERSFIELD is a parish and ancient village, Robert Erand. Wethersfield Manar House is the residence.
near the Blackwater, an the road from Braintree to of Mrs. Marsh, and has attached grounds of 200 acres.
Haverhill, 61 miles north-west from Braintree station Wethersfield Place is the property of Mrs. Thompson.
on the Braintree and I)unmow branch, and 7 west The principal landowners are J. Pyne esq. Henry Edwards
from Halstead station on the Colne Valley line of the Paine esq. lord of the manor of Wethersfield, and Henry
Great Eastern railway, 8 rast from Thaxted and 47 from Edwin Garrod, lord of the manor of Codham Hall, and
London, in the Eastern division of the county, Hinckford John Eurder esq. of Earcombe, Sussex. The soil is
hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional division (Brain- mixed; subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops are
tree bench), Braintree union and county court district wheat, barley and beans. The area of the parish is 421
and in the rural deanery 'of Braintree, archdeaconry of acres of land, 12 of water; rateable value, £4,126; the
Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. Thll church of population in 1901 was 1,145.
St. Mary Magdalen is an ancient edifice of flint in mixed . . . .
styles, consisting of {'hancel, nave of four bays, aisles, ~LACKMORE END, 2 miles east, IS ~ ~amlet of t~s
porches and a plain western tower containing 6 bells parish. The church of St. Mary, the Vugm, erected m
and a clock: in the church are monuments to the 1867, at a cost o~ about .£1,23.°, ,near to the b;amlet of
CIerke, Mott, Fitch, White and Marsh families, including ~la~kmore End, IS a plam bUlldmg of red briCk, con-
one to John Clerke, ob. 1681-2, another to the Rev. sIstm~?f nave and chancel! and has one bell: there are
Jonathan White, vicar, d, I Sept. 17 85. and a splendid JQO sittmgs: the Rev..VICtor Ha~well Scallon Assoc.
monument to Mark Mott esq. erected by Dorothy Mott, K.C.L. has been curate m charge smce 18 99.
founder of Mott's charity, valued at £400: there are BEAZLEY END and ROTTEN END are hamlets of
also recumbent alabaster figures of a man and his wHe, this parish, about 2l miles south-east.
dated 1.462: the nave is separated from ~he cho?cel by Sexton, William Squires, jun. .
an anCIent oak screen: there are 5 stamed wmdows, Post, M. O. k T. 0., T. M. 0., S. R, Express Delivery,.
including one ~o Lieut. Marsh,. son ?f the Rev. William Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office. Mrs. Eliza-
Marsh, late VICar, who was killed m the ;Afghan w~r, beth Long, snb-pOlStmistress. • Letters arrive from
:187:8-80, and another to Mr. Tl~omas WhIte: the m- Braintree (by cart) at 7.15 a.m. &; 1.5 p.m.; sunday,.
terlor of the chu!ch and the exterior of the .c~ancel were 7.25 a.m.; dispatched at 1.45 &; 5.15 p.m
wholly restored m 1876-7: there are 600 sIttmgs. The Post Office Blackmore End. William Owen CornelI, sub-
r~gister of baptisms ~~tes ~rom I~48; burials, 1647; mar- postmast~r. Letters through Braintree arrive at 8.3S
nages, 1701, The livmg IS a ViCarage, net yearly wlue a.m. &; 3.25 p.m.; dispatched 9.30 a.m. & 4.15 p.m.;
£150, with 2!. ~res of glebe, in .the gift of the M!"ster and sundays, dtspatched at 9.30 a.m. Postal orders are-
Fellows of TrIm~y Hall, C~bndge. and held smce 1889 issued here, but not paid. Wethersfield is the nearest.
by the Rev. Regmald Hay Hill LL.B. of that college. The money order &; telegraph office 2 miles distant
Ec~lesiastical Commissioners hol~ the rectorial .tithes. Wall Letter Box,Beazley End,cleared at la a.m. & 3.45 p.m.
ThiS benefice was a rectory until 1492. The VIcarage County Police Station William John Webster sergeant
house was left by.a. former vicar, i~ trust to the Master Public Officers. '
Bnd ~ellows of Tnmty Hall, Ca~b1'1dge! rented by Assistant Overseer, Richard Fairlam Oakley
t~e Vicar of Wethersfield, but until occupIed by the present Inland Revenue Officer, Thomas Maher
VIcar had c~ased to b~ so used f~r over I?O years; the Medical Officer &; Public Vaccinator, Wethersfield Dis--
house contains an old hbrary, left an t~e reIgn of Ch~.rles trict, Braintree Union, Nicolas Elrington M.R.C.S.Eng.,.
H. by the Rev. Henry Pelsant. Here lS a CongregatIOnal L R' C P L d L S A
chapel, built in 1662 and rebuilt in 1822 with 400 sittings. . . . . on., . .
In 1634, WaIter Wiltshire, of Great Windsey, in Finching- SCHOOLS...
field parish who died in 1641, left the farm, comprising Miss Dorothy Mott erected a free school durmg her hfe-
105 acres, ~ow producing a gross rental of £60 yearly, for time for girls and endowed it with £12 yearly, now
a Sunday afternoon and Thursday morning lecture, which in the hands of the Charity Commissioners .
are now abolished and the lectureship merged in the curacy National &; Charity, erected in 1842 &; enlarged under
of Wethersfield. Thomas Fitch left by will in 1702 several the Education Act of 1870, for 175 children; average-
benefactions for educating and clothing poor boys of this attendance, 145; Thomas Richardson Wilson, master
parish, the income, amounting to £31 I2S. 6d. is now ex- St. Mary's National (mixed), Blackmore End, erected in
pended for the maintenance of th8 Wethersfield schools. 1875, for 127 children, under the same Act; average
Great Codham Hall, to which a ,chapel was fonuerly attendance, 102; George Slimming, master
attached and in which divine service was held till the Carrier to Braintree. Robert Rust, every mono wed.
il'eign of Elizabeth, :is now a farm-house, occupied by Mr. fri. &; sat
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Brand Robt. farmer, Gt. Codham hall LawrenceEdwd.carrier,Blackmore End
Eowtle Mrs Carter James, bricklayer, Barley fenn Linger Jonathan, farmer, Waver farm,
Buist Claude Olark George, farmer, Woolmers, Blackmore End
Oriohton-Greene Wm. Thos. Park'side Beazley End Maher Thomas, inland revenue officer
Elrington Nicolas, The Hall retlr.BlackmoreEnd Marsh Major Harry Graham, farmer,
Fortuna Harry Scott, Blackmore End Cornell WilIiam Owen, grocer, Post Danes vale
Gordon C(1)l. William, The Place office, Blackmore End Millbank Herbt. baker &; confectioner
Hill Rev. Reginald Hay LL.B. Vicarge County Police Station (William John Minott William, butcher
Kiddy Mrs Webster, sergeant) Mountford John, shoe maker
Maberl~y G Dale .lames, blacksmith &; beer re- Newman Thomas Beddall, brewer &;
MarJlh Major Harry Hraham tailer, Beazley End maltster, Wethersfield brewery
Marsh Mrs. Manor house Dee Jsph. bricklayr. &; chimney sweep Nottage Mrs. farmer, Brook farun
Newman Thomas Beddall Dyke William Henry, Cock inn Oiliey Richard Fairlam, engineer &;
Roberts Jbhn Edwards Fredk. W. grocer &; draper assistant overseer
Rust Henry Robert Glover Elrin!{ton Nicolas M.R.C.S.Eng., Parmenter Wm. farmr. Fisher's fnn
$aunders Rev. Barnard Wilkes (Con- L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A. surgeon, Pick Robert, farmer, Bakers
g,regational) The Hall Potter Emma (Mrs.), plumbr. &; glazr
-Scallon Rev. Victor Haswell A.K.C.L. Fitch Samuel, miller (water), Wethers- Read William George, Dog inu P.H
(Gurate), Blackmore End field mill, &; farmer, Boydells Richardson Charles, farmer, School
Ward William Henry Fuller Thomas, tinker, Beazley End farm &; Blackmore End
COMMEUClAL. Gibbs Alfred John, blacksmith Rust Henry Robert Glover M.R.C.S •
.A.dams Ellen (Mrs.), frmr. Valley frm Gilbey Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer Eng. surgeon
AlIen William, farmer, Cherry Gilmour John Wm. frmr. New Barns Rust Robert, carrier
.J..lIiott Richd. M:R.C.S.E., L.R.a.p.L. Halls Frank Hrbt. irmr. Summers hall Saltwell David, shoe maker
surgeon &; med. officer for Wethers- Hardy Joseph Cornell, iarmer,Whitehll SaundersThos.Bull P.H.BlackmoreEnd
field district, Bramtree union Hasler Robert, saddler Simmons Harry, butcher ..
Anderson James William, garden far- Hitchcock William,frmr.Poucher's hall Smith Humphrey Tetley (Mrs.),black-
mer, Wright.s Holmes Saml.thatcher,Blackmore End smith, Bla.ckmore End
Ashby Mrs. blacksmith Hornsby Daniel, beer retailer Squires William, jun. sexton
Ashby Robert, farmer, Pattens Joyce William Thomas, miller (steam Suckling Susan (Mrs.), beer retailer
Ashby '\Villie, farmer, Hyde farm & wind), & livery stable keeper, Wakeling Samuel, coal dealer & far-
'Bacon Reuben, shoe maker, Black- Mill house mer, Sloman's' farm
more End Kersey Hannah (Mrs.), ~ed Lion P.H Wallace .In. Ward, frmr. Parsonage fm
Baines Jas. &; Henry, grocers & drprs Killingback Arthur, farmer, The Elms, Waaace King, farmer, Little Wrights
15entley Abbis Jesse, beer retailer & Blackmore End West Daniel,miller (water),Codham ml
thatcher, Blackmore End Lawrence Ernest, farmer &; horse Wicks Wm. Thos. carpenter & builder
Bowtle Basil, baker &; corn dealer dealer, Blackmore End Williams Oharles William, farmer,
Brand Robert William, miller (wind) Legerton Saml. Barnard, farmer, Cod- Little Codham hall
& farmer, Blackmore End ham park Wrighton James, farmer, Russells
WICXEN BONANT (or Wicken Bonhunt) is a small formerly on the north side of the churchyard, was burnt
village and parish on the banks of a winter brook which down in 1590; the present house, erected with a domestio
l'ises in the adjoining parish of Arkesden and passing chapel about 1856, on a.nother site, at & cost of £5,000, is
through this parish falls into the Cam, at Newport; it is in the Gothic style; the attached private chapel is fitted
:2 miles west from Newport station 00 the main line of with stalls and has a stained window. The Brick House,
the Great Eastern railway, 5 south-west from Saffron the residence of Miss Pollitt, was built by William
Walden, 10 north from Bishops Soort-ford and 38 from Bradbury esq. who died in 1622, and is a small house
London, in the Northern division of the county, Uttles- with ornamental gables and the arms of the Bradbury
ford hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, family over the door. The Bonhunt farm is about half a
union and county court district, and in the rural deanery mile east from the church, and adjoining it is the dpse-
af Saffron Walden, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese crated chapel of St. Helen, which existed as far back as
of St. Albans. The church of St. Margaret originally the loth century: it consists of a small chancel and nave
dated from the middle of the :rrth century and was in of very ea,r1y Norman work and is now used as a barn;
part rebuilt at the latter end of the 12th century: a it is probable that this was formerly a parish church, but
portion of the nave and chancel arch was again rebuilt at the parish becoming consolidated with Wicken it fetl to
the end of the 13th century; but excepting the addition decay: two stone coffins and some human bones were dug
<if a porch in the 16th century, nothing appears to have up in a close adjoining. The Hall, which adjoins the
. 'been done to the church till the early part of the 18th church and is now a farmhouse, was formerly surrounded
century, when the tower either fell or was taken down by a moat. The principal landowners are Joseph Oharles
and tlie bells were then placed in a wooden cote over the Thomas Smibh M.A. wh(} is lord of the manor, and
west gable of the nave: the present structure was re- Harold Edmund Byng esq. The soil is heavy on the
stored and in part rebuilt in 18S8-g, by John Hanson hills and mixed; subsoil, chalk, with some g-ravel in the
Speding esq. of Kensington, and consists of the original lowlands; in the valley the crops are prinCIpally on the
'Early English chancel restored, to which a nave. 80uth fOuT-course shift. The area is 840 acres; rateable value,
porch and a western tower, with broach spire have been 630; the population in 1891 was 166.
added in the Decorated style: the belfry stage f,f the Sexton, George Gayler.
tower has eight large traceried windows and contains 3 Letters through Bishops Storbford, via Newport, arrive
!~ells: the whole of the windows are stained: the chancel at 6.30 & 10.30 a.m. A Letter :Box has been placed in
is stalled and divided from the nave by a carved oak the wall of the rectory grounds, which is cleared at
-£creen: there are 200 sittings. The registers date from 8.50 a.m. &; 6.35 p.m. on week days; no collection on
the year 1588. The living is a rectory, net yearly value sundays. The nearest money order &; telegraph office
£148, including residence and 45 acres of glebe, in the gift is at Ntlwport, li miles distant
of and held since 1862 by t·he Rev. William Blowers Bliss National School (mixed), for 50 children; average at-
M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The rectory house, tendance, 25; Miss Oharlotte M. King, mistress
Bliss Rev. Wm. Blowers M.A. Rectry Bunting Ralph, Three Horse Shoes Ruse Herbert John, miller (wind)
Pollitt Miss, The Brick house P.H. farme!" &; machine owner Wells William George, farmer & cattle
Bowyer WaIter, farmer, Bonhunt Gayler George, sexton dealer. Wicken hall
Lawrie WilliaIn, frmr. Lower farm
WICXFORD (Wykeford, Wygeford, or Wicfort) is west from Rochford, 12 north-west from Southend, and 29
named from its situation at the ford of the Crouch, in a from London. The parish is in the Mid division of
'hollow between Billericay and Rayleigh, where a village the county, Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional
of this name existed in the time of King Edward the division, Southend county court district, Billericay union.
Confessor; it is on the road from Rochford to Billericay, and in the rural deanery of Danbury, archdeaconry of
S miles north from Pitsea station on the Tilbury 8nd Essex, and diocese of St. Albans. The Crouch is here
Southend railway, and has a station on the Great Eastern crossed by three bridges. The church, supposed by an
-railway to Southend, and the Maldonbranch starts from. inscription on one of the bells to have been dedicated to
this place: the village is si miles east from Billericay, I I St. Catherine, is an edifice of stone, rebuilt in 1876 jn the
• •


Early English style, and consisting of chancel, nave, south oats, beans and peas. The firea is :1:,804 acres of land
porch and a turret at the west end containing 2 bells, one and 8 of water; rateable value, £3,I30; the popUlation'
of which, dated 1460, bears the inscription "Sancta in 1901 was 638.
Katerina, ora pro nobis": there is a stained window in By Local Government Board Order 22,422, dated March
the nave to Henry Aubrey Bell, d. 1877; the east window 24, 1888, a part of South Hanningfield parish on the Great
is a memorial to Henry Stone, churchwarden, d. 1883, to Road was added to Wickford.
whose memory a smaller window has also been erected Parish Clerk, David Upson; deputy, T. A. Pestell
by members of the family and a few personal friends: Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,.
1;4ere are 250 sittings. The re~ister of baptisms and Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office (Sub-Office.
burials dates from 1538; marriages, 1561. The living is Letters should have S.O.Essex add·ed. )-George English,.
a rectory, net yearly Valu8 £250, with residence and 42 postmaster. Letters arrive at 7.5 & 9 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. ;
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Hon. Misses Brodrick, dispatched at 12.20 & 6 & 8 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 7.5
. and held since 1899 by the Rev.' Francis Dormer Pierce a.m.; dispatched at 9 ,a.m
RA. of St. David's College, Lampeter and F.R.Hist.S.
The Congregat.ional chapel, erected: in 1874-5, has 300 Schools (mixed), 'built in r861, enlarged 1894, f{)r lOP.
sittings; in 1891 school rooms were added and are used children; average attendance, 100; John Henry Gor-
all a village reading room during the week. A live and naIl, master
dead cattle and stock marliet is held here every Monday. Carriers to
Col. Fane, who is lord of the manor and George Brunwin Chelmsford-Moses Murray, iri.; Edwd. Cox, tues. &; fd
esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; Railway Station, Wickford Junction, F. J. Stowe, station
subsoil, heavy loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, master
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. water supplies; reports made on Marshall John M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon.
Baino:ls Miss, Croft house existing drains, ~ells &c &;medical officer & public vaccinator,
Finn Frederick St Peter's London I'd Cox Edward, carner 5th district, Chelmsford union &
GranviIle O. B: B~eches ' Darby &:, Sons, agricult~ral engineers Wickford district, Billericay union
Hawes Rev. Jesse (Congregational) Dea,n Thomas, wheelwrIght Mott Chas. com.· trav. -& tea. dealer'
Marshall John Elgu: John, carpenter Mott Edwin, farmer, Belchams
Nelson George Wm. Bromfield lodge EnglIsh George, baker & shopkeeper, Olley Ebenezer, farm baIliff to George-
Pierce Rev. Francis Dormer RA. Po~t offi.ce. 13runwin esq
(rector) Rectory . EnglIsh Wilham, bntcher Olley George, boot maker
, Franklin Harry, baker &:, confectioner Patmore RichardWeston,White Swan; .
COMMERCIAL. Franklin Henry Edward, butcher horses &:, traps, wagonette,s to let on
Gidney J. grocer &:, wine merchant, & hire
Barclay &:, Co. Limited, bankers (sub- _agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited Ruffhead James, Castle hotel &; coal &
branch) (open mondays from 3.r5 Gigney James, saddler, harness mkr. coke merohant
t{) 4·45 p.m.); draw on head office, ironmonger, china, glass, earthen- Rushbrook Frank Lawrence, vet. surg.
54 Lombard street, London EO ware, boots &:, clothing, oilman .& up- Skeels Albon, landscape gard:ener
Bartlett James (Mrs.), general dealr holsterer; garden & other 'seeds; Spalding Francis Geo. cycle agt. & dlr'
Butcher Mark, shopkeeper timber, lime, cement & builders' ma- Stone Julia (MiSS), frmr. Wickford ha~r:
Oarter Frank, bUilder terials merohant & furniture re- True Robert, commercial traveller
Carter Robert, bricklayer mover. See advert Upson David, saddler & harness maker-
Oarter Samuel, painter Grayling William, grocer Ward Alfred, blacksmith
Champion Sarah (Miss), private day Halstead Obadiah, farmer, Bridge ho Wickford Cricket Club (R. W. Pat··
sohool King Ada (Miss), dress maker more, sec.), White Swan .
Olark Henry George C.E. architect, Lister Henry, farmer, Glebe farm Wickford Football Club (H. C. Harvey,.
surveyor &, house &:, estate agent; Mansfield Matthew Geo. insur. agent .sec.), White Swan
.speQial attention given to drainage &:, Wright Catherine (Mrs.), dress maker-
WICXHAM :BISHOPS, a parish and village, rm the dence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, and held
banks of the Blackwater, was from time immemorial in since r899 by the Rev. Thomas George Gibbons M.A. of
the possession of the Bishops of London, who occasi;)nally Exeter Oollege, Oxford. On an eminence adjoining the
resided here, and stands on one of the highest points in parish, at the head of Tiptree Heath, is a beacon, erected·
the county, commanding a beautiful and extensive view during the time of the threatened invasion of Napoleon 1.
from all points; it has a station on ttle Maldon brancu Wickham Hill house, the farm of Mr. Ernest Fairhead,
of the Great Eastern railway, and is 401 miles from is pleasantly situated near the summit of the hill. The-
London, 1I! north-east from Chelmsford, 3i north from Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords of the manor.
Maldon and 2! south from Witham, in the Eastern The Hon. Mrs. Frederick Byron, of Langford Grove,
division of the county, Thurstable hundred, Witham Maldon, John Wright esq. and Thomas Powell Whittaker-
petty sessional division, Maldon union and county court esq. are the principal landowners. The land is chiefly-
district and in the rural deanery of Hatfield Peverel, arable and light; subsoil, gravel and sand. The chief
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. crops are wheat, peas and ba.rley. The area is 1,598 acres-
The churCh of St. Bartholomew, consecrated September, of land and go of water; rateable value, £2,150; the·
185°, was erected by the la.te Miss Leigh, daughter of population in 1901 was 463.
the late Rev. Thomas Leigh, rector here from 18°3, at a By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March 24,
cost of about £4,000, from the designs of Mr. Ewan 1889, a detached part of Langford parish known as Crabb's-
Christian, architect; it is a building of Kentish rag and Farm, was added to this parish.
Caen_ stone in the Early English style and consists of Parish Clerk, George King.
chancel, . nave, north a.isle, north porch and a western Post, M. O. &:, T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
.tower WIth a lofty spire containing one bell: there is a Post, S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Offiee.-John'
finely carved font with lofty oak cover: se,-eral Robert Colthorpe, sub-postmaster. Letters received'
of the windows are stained and there are 300 sittings. through Witham & delivered 7 &; 8.50 a.m. & 12.30
The old church, a small and ancient edifice standing at p.m. caIIers only; dispatched at 8,45 &:, 11.40 a.m. &
some distance from the village, .consists of chancel and 12.25 & 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 p.m.
nave and a bell turret, but is! now disused. The old National School (mixed), built in 1850, at the gole ex-
Church House, adjoining the churchyard, has lately been pense of the Rev. Stratford Leigh, formerly curate of
conveyed to trustees for the benefit of the church. The this parish, for about 100 children; average attendance,.
register of haptisms and hurials dates from the year 58; Miss Louisa Atlee, mistress
1662 and marriages from 1663. The living is a rectory, UarTier to London.-Marven, to Saracen's Head yard,.
net yearly value £255, wit,h 80 acres of glebe and resi- Brick lane E.C
Oandler Mrs Beck Emily (Miss), dress maker Marven David, carrier
Dixon Thomas Butler Bickmore William Thomas, flyroan Marven John, farmer
Fairhead Miss Bridge Charles, beer retailer Rowland J"oseph Till, millwright
Fairhead Mrs. The Grange Brown Frederick, baker Rushen Alfred John, grocer & draper
Garratt Mrs. Wickham Place Brown Moses, shopkeeper Smith Douglas Bevington, farmer,
Gibbons Rev. Thomas George M.A. Collins Henry, thatcher Wickham hall
(rector), Rectory Cordle WaIter Geo. The Chequers P.H Spurge &:, Co. grocers, Post office
Sartoris Lionel, High hall Dixon Thomas Butler, miller (roller) Warren Ann (Mrs.), The Mitre P.H
Westoll Miss, Whitehall &, farmer Williams Arthur Borrett, farmer &.
COTh\IERCIAL. Fairhead Ernest A. farmer, Wick- blacksmith &; assistant overseer
Bareham Joseph, coach builder & ham Hill house Williams William, carpenter
wheelwright Marven Charles, farmer, The Grange
WICKHAM ST. PAUL is 8 village and parish, and earliest register of baptisms, marriages and burials dates
received its suffix from having belonged to the cath~dral from 16°9, and the second from 1701, no regular register
of St. Paul since .the loth century; it is on the road being kept between the two dates. The living is a rectory,
from Braintree, through Castle Hedingham to Sudbury, net yearly value £216, with residence and 19 acres {)f glebe,
4~ miles south-west from Sudbury station on the Stour in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul, and held
Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 4 north. since 1899 by the Rev. Harry Mundy Shuttlewood. Here
east from Hedingham station on the Colne Valley section is a Primitive MetllOdist chapel. The charities amount
of the same railway, 5 miles north from Halstead and 51 to about £6 yearly. The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's
from London, in the N{)rthern division of the county, are lords of the manor. The landowners are Charles A.
Hinckford hundred, South Hinckfoord petty sessional Copland esq. of Chelmsford, and Messrs. Ambrose Ruffle,
division (Halstead bench), Sudbury union and county Robert B. Ruffle, William & Charles Porter Nott, John
oourt district, and in the rural deanery of and William Hardy and Lieut.-Col. Walter St. George
Hedingham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese Burke J.P. of Auberies, Bulmer. The soil is a strong
of St. Albans. The church of All Saints is a loam; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
small edifice of brick in the Early English style, con- barley, turnips and mangolds. The area is; 1,224 aCTes;
sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, north transept, south rateable value, £<839; the population in 1901 was 253.
porch and an embattled western tower rf brick, with Post Office. Syer William Johnson, sub-postmaster. I,et-
four pinnacles, erected about 1515, and containing 5 bells: ters through Halstead arrive at 8.30 a.m. & via Castle
the chancel and nave were refitted and the windows of Hedingham at 2.30 p.m.; dispatched at 5.15 p.m. by
the latter restored and enriched with stained glass at mail cart. Postal orders are issued here, but not
the expense of the late Canon W. Key Borton M.A. rector paid. The nearest money order & tele.graph office is at
here from 1835: the church was thoroughly restored and Castle Hedingham, 3 miles distant
a transept added to the north aisle in 1866: in 1893 the Church of England School (mixed), built in 1852, for 70
4th bell was recast and replaced in the tower by the Rev. children; average a,ttendance, 59; Mrs. Janet Hardy,
Cecil Deedes M.A. rector 1882-9, in memory of his mistress
parents, and a 5th was given by the same donor in 1897 to Carrier.-William Hume, to Halstead, man. & fri. &; to
commemora,te Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. The Sudbury thurs. & sat
Nott Frank, The Hall Hardy John Robert, farmer, Copy fm Ruffle Ambrose, farmer & landowner,
Ruffle .Ambrose, Park house Hardv""Ym. & In. farmers & landownrs Park house
Ruffle Robert R Oak farm Hume William, Victory P.H. & carrier Ruffle Richd. C. frmr. & miller (wind)
Shuttlewood Rev. Harry MundY,Rectry Johnson Samuel, farmer Ruffle Robert Blackman, Oak, Wynches
Argent William, farmer, Catley farm Johnson Syer William, shoe maker, & Stones farms
Hardy Mary Ann & Harriett (Misses), Post office Turp James, whiting maker
shopkeepers & farmers Nott Frank, farmer, The Hall

WIDDINGTON is an ancient parish and village chapel, erected in 1858, has 60 sittings.
on the river Cam, 2 miles south-west from Newpo,rt Working Men's Reading Room and Club, established in
Here is :1'"

station on the Great Eastern (Cambridge) railway, 5 r884, and self-supporting. Widdington Hall, now a.
south-by-west from Saffron ""V-alden, 8 north-north-east farmhouse, had formerly a private chapel, which has been
:fIrom Bishops Stortford, and 37 from London, in the converted into a parlour. Here are two manors. William
Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Fuller-Maitland esq. J.P. of. Stansted Hall, is loi'd of
Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union and county the manor {)f Widdington with Veyses; an,d New College, "
court district, and in the rural deanery of. Newport, arch- Oxford, of the manor ()f PrioTs Hall. The principal land-
deaconry of Colchester, and diocese of St. Albans. The owners are New College, Oxford, William Fuller-MaitIand
church of St. Mary the Virgin is a small buildillg of esq. and John Ashwn Fielden esq. of Debden Hall. The
stone, principally in the Early English style, and conslsts soil is mixed and heavy; subsoil, clay and chalk. The
of chancel, nave, south porch, and an embattled western chief crops are cereals, generally on the four-course shift.
tower surmounted by four pinnacles, and containing 3 The common lands inc10sure is now completed. The
bells,· and a clock added by public subscription in 1897: area is 2,045 acres; Tateable value, £5,092; the popula-
the church was restored in 1872-73, at a cost of £2,5°°, tion in r891 was 412.
the tow~r being rebuil:t on the fonndatio~s of the old Post Office. Miss Amy Holgate, sub-postmist.ress. Let-.
one, whIch fell dow~ m 1871:. all the WIndows except ters through Newport S.O. arrive at 7.15 & 10.15
those on the north SIde are stamed: the font, presented a.m. & 5.45 p.m.; dispatched at 1.20 & 5.55 p.m.; OIl'!
by the lat~ Rev.. W. J. Copeland RD. rector of Farnham sunday, arrive at 8.15 a.m.; dispatched at 9.30 a.m.
( 18 39- 8.5) IS deSIgned from the fragments of an old font Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Newport;;
found III the mod~r~ wall at the 'Y~st end of. the nave: is the nearest money order & telegraph office, 3 miles
there are 150 SIttmgS: an addItIOnal burIal goround distant
was consecrated by the Bishop of Rochester on the re- . S ( . ) b ' · 86 f 10 hild.
opening of the church. The register dates from the year NatIonal chooo mIxed,. uil~ III 1. 3, 01'. 4 c . re~,
1666. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £3 2 3, in- ave~age a~tend~nce, ~5,. MISS Bisby, mIstress, MISS
eluding residence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of EmIly Wl'l.ght, mfants mlStress
and held since 1886 by the Rev. James Waiter Court RA. Carriers to Saffron Walden.-Walter Salmon, on tues.
of St. J ahn's College, Cambridge. The Congregational & sat
Clausen George, Bishop's Holgate & Sons, boot makers S~monds Eliz!!, .(Mrs.), laundress
Court Rev. Jas. Walter, RA. Rectory Holgate Amy (Miss), grocer, & post off SmIth Amos.William theConquerorP.H
Hicks Mrs. The Hut Holgate Frank, farmer, & assistant Stanley William, thatcher
COMMERCIAL. overseer & deputy registrar of births Stride William, farmer & head game-·
Banks David, gamekeeper to William & deaths for Newport district keeper to John Ashton Fielden esq.
Fuller-Maitland esq. J.P Hopwood Frederick, Fleur-de-Lis P.B of Debden Hall, Priors hall
Broadbent Herbert,, Ringers H;>y James, baker Taylor Thomas, shopkeeper
Chipperfield John, carpenter Ketteridge Allan, bricklayer Taylor William, frmr. Widdington hall
Clausen George, artist, Bishop's Pettitt John, blacksmith Working Men's Reading Room & Club
Groft Joseph, frmr. Waldegrave farm Reed George, farmer (Frank Holgate, sec)
Flack William, farmer, The Newlands Salmon Walter, carrier Wright Frederick William, bricklayer-
WIDFORD (the name of which is supposed to be de- yard is the wmb of Sarah, widow of Henry, 10th earl
rived from a ford over the Wid, a feeder of the Chelmer) of Suffolk and Berkshire, and wife of! Lueius, 7th.
is a parish on the ancient Roman and modern road from Viscount Falkland, ob. 1776, which formerly stood on the
London to Colchester, in the Mid division of the county, site of the present church, but was altered and removed
Chelmsford hundred, union, petty sessional division llnd to its present position in 1862. The register dates from
county court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, arch- the year 1619. The living is a rectory, net yearly value,
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. A pa~·t of £188, with 20 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
the village is in the parish of Chelmsford, and dIstant 2 Arthur Pryor esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Hugh
miles south-west from Chelmsford station on the Great Townshend Wilson M.A. of Magdalene College, Cam-
Eastern railway. The church of St. Mary, erected in bridge. The charities are of the yearly value of £22,
1862 on the site of the older edifice, at the sole cost of derived from C<:msols and stock left by Lady Falkland,
Arthur Pryor esq. J.P. is a building of stone in the the Rev. Dr. Saunders and Messrs. Benjamin Sargeant
Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, and Labouchere, and given partly in bread on Sundays
north aisle and a western tower with pinnacles and an and in clothes and coal at Christmas. Hylands, a
octagonal spire rising to the height of 145 feet, and con- spacious mansion in the midst of a large and well-wooded
~aining 8 bells: there are 180 sittings: in the church- park of 596 acres, commanding extensive views of the
, . .. .. ..
I •
surrounding country, is the seat of Arthur Pryor esq. 6,30 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 a.m.; dispa,tched at 6.25 &;
D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor and chief. landowner. 11.10 a.m. & 8.10 p.m.; sunday dispatch, 7.25 a.m. &;
Killegrews is the residence of Mrs. Ar,thur Oapel-Cure. 2.25 p.m. Postal ()rders are issued here, but not paid.
The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief Moulsham is the nearest money order office &; Chelms-
crops are wheat, beans, barley, turnips, mangolds and ford, 2 miles distant, the nearest telegraph office
clover. The area is 671 acres of land and 9 of water; Police Station, Sergeant WaIter Peters
rateable value, £4,086; the population in 1901 was 323. Parochial School (mixed), built in 1859 &; enlarged in
Sexton, Alfred Tarbun. 1894 at the expense of Arthur Pryor esq. for 100
Post Office. John Dains, sub-postmaster. Letters children; average a.ttendance, a.bout 6o; Miss Florence
through Chelmsford arrive at 6,3° & 11.15 a.m. &; E. Taylor, mistress
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Marriage Andrew, Widford lodge Dains John, post office
Marked thus * are in the parish of Peacock William, Swiss cottage Dyke EIlen (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Chelmsford. Pryor Arthur D.L., J.P. Hylands Fleming Robert, farmer, Elms farm
Capel-Cure Mrs. Art-hur, Killegrews Wilson Rev. Hugh Townshend M.A. Foxley EUen (Mrs.), shpkpr.& beer ret
(letters through lngatestone R.S.O) Rectory Hodge David, farmer, Widford hall
Clarke Francis, Holly cottage COMMERCIAL. *Pamplin James, farmer
Dobson Fredk. Samuel, Mount cottage Blackburn James, carpenter *Shelley Arthur, blacksmith
*Embleton George, Tudor house *CalverGeorge,optician, Little Hylands Wadsley George, White Horse P.H
GREAT WIG:BOROUGH is a parish 7 miles trustees of the late Dr. Cline, and the latter by· Sir
south-west from Colchester, 8 south from Marks Tey William Neville Abdy bart. who, with :Mr. Charles
station on the Great Eastern railway, and I I north- Hotley and Mr. Nelson Arnold, is a principal landowner.
east from Maldon, in the North Eastern division of the 'rhe soil is heavy; subsoil, strong loam. The chief crops
county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty are wheat and beans. The area is 2,153 acres of land,
sessional division and union, Oolchester county court 3 of water, 5 of tidal water and 80 of foreshore; rateable
district, rural deanery of Mersea, archdeaconry of Col- value, £1,002; the population in 190'1 was 205.
chester and diece~e of St. Albans. The parish anciently By Local Government Board Order 22,363, dated
belonged to the Abbess of Barking, and is so recorded March 24, 1889, a detached part of this parish known as
in the Domesday Survey: it afterwards passed to the Squashes Gorner, was transferred to Messing, and a part
priory of St. Osyth. The church of St. Stephen, situ- known as Newbridge Road to Layer Marney, and by
ated on the top of a hill, is a building of flint and Order 22,364 of the same dare, Paternoster Heath was
rubble in the Early English and Decorated styles, and added to Tolleshunt Knights.
consists of chancel and nave, south porch, vestry and an Parish Clerk, James Cadman.
embattled western tower of stone with pinnacles and con- Letters from Colchester via Peldon arrive about 7.30
tains 2 bells: since 18go more than £3,000 has been spent a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
on the church, which has 130 sittings. The register of Peldon, 2 miles distant
baptisms dates from 1602; burials, 1570; and marriages, Pillar Box, King's Head P.H. cleared at 6 p.m. week days
1560. The living is a rectory, with that of Little only. Wall Letter Box, at School, cleared at 6.30
Wigborough annexed, joint net yearly value £3 1 9, with d
100 acres 0 f gee 1b an d res 1'd ence, In
. th e g'ft
l. 0
f p.m.; sun ay, 8 a.m
Col. Gordon Watson, and held since 1886 by the Rev. National School (mixed), built in 1854 &; enlarged in
Frederick Theobald M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford. 188 9, for rr6 children; average attendance, 40
There are two manors, viz. Abbots Hall and Barn Hall; Carrier.-William Christmas, to Colchester, mono wed.
the manorial rights of the former are held by the frL &; sat
Arnold Nelson Balls James, beer retailer Christma& William, carrier
Theobald Rev. Frederick M.A. Rectory Bell Emma (Mrs.), King's Head P.H Hutley Charles, farmer &; landowner,
Abbott William, farmer &; seed grower, Cause Daniel &; Abel, saddlers Brick house
Roses &; Hill farms
LITTLE WIG:BOROUGH is a parish about I mile value £319, with 20 acres of glebe here, in the gift of Col.
south-east from Great Wigborough, near the marshes Gordon Watson, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Fredk.
and creeks or the estuary of the Blackwater, in the Theobald M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford, who resides
North Eastern division of the county, Winstree hundred, at Great Wigborough. The manor and land chiefly belong to
Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division and union, the Governors of the Charterhouse, London. The soil
Colchester county court district, rural deanery of Mer- is heavy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat,
sea, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. beans and a considerable quantity of pasture. The area
Albans. The church of St. Nicolas, situated near the is 1,096 acres of land, 8 of water, 44 of tidal water and
sea shore, is a building of stone in the J':arly l:nglish II5 of foreshore; rateable value, £'366; the population
style, restored in 1886-1887 at a cost of [;1,000, and in 1901 was 55.
consists of chancel and nave and an embattled western Letters through Colchester arrive about 8 a.m. Pel-
tower, with pinnacles, containing I bell: there are 65 don is the nearest money order &; telegraph office, aboHt
Rittings. The register of baptisms dates from IS 86 ; I lllile distant
burials, 1588; marriages, 1592. The living is a rectory, Pillar Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m
annexed to that ot Great Wigborough, joint net yearly The children attend school at Great Wigborough
Hine~ James, farmer ,IJennings Wil1iam, carpenter Wright John, farmer
Hutley •
Alfred, farmer, New hall
WILLINGALE DOE (or WillingAhall D'Eau, or at the end of the naye is a brass with full-length figure
Rokely) is a parish 5 miles north-east from Ongar of Doro-thy, wife of Thomas 13re,wster and daughter
terminal station, on a branch of the Great Eastern of Sir Thomas J oselyn kt. ob. 16II: on the south side
railway, 9 west from Chelmsford and 29 from London, are full-length figures in brass of a man and his wife;
in the Western division of the county, Dunmow hun- the inscription attached to the former is effaced, but
dred, Ongar union and petty sessional .1ivision, Chelms- bhe latter appears to represent Anne, daughter of
ford county court district, rural deanery of Boding, Homfrev •
Torrell, of Torrell's Hall, and widow of John
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The Sackfield esq. of Buckhurst, Sussex, ob. 1582: there are
church of St. Christopher is an edifice of stone, in the 250 sittings. This church and that of Willingale Spain
Decorated style of Edward III.'s reign, and C'onsists are situated in the same churchyard. The register dates
(J,f chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and an em- from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, with that
battled western tower, containing 4 bells, dated 1610, of Shellow BowelIs and Berners Roding annexed, joint
1632, 1634 and 1797; the tower was rebuilt in 1853, net yearly value £451, including 46 acres ot glebe, with
when the north wall of the nave, the most ancient residence, in the gift of Lieut-Col. Bramston, and held
part of the church, was destroyed, and a north aisle since 1883 hy the Rev.. John Swayne M.A. of Hertford
built: the octagonal font and the east windows are of College, Oxford. Lieut.-Col. Thomas Harvey Bramston,
Perpendicular date; the chancel is fitted '\vith stalls, of Skreens Park, Roxwell, is lord of the manor and the
and on the south side is a fine monument of black and principal landowner. Tbe soil is various; subsoil, loamy.
white marble, to Sir Richard Wyseman, of Tarren's The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley and oats. The
E;all, knighted at Whitehall, 10 February, 16Ia, and died area is 1,758 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable
the same year; and to his son Robert, ob. 16'JI; the value, £1,675; the popula.tion in Ig01 was 275.
monument includes two small kneeling fgures, below
which on the table of the monument, lies a recumbent TORRELI:S HALL is a hamlet in this parish, I mile
life-sized etfigoy; the whole is surrounded with shields north; MILLERS GREEN, ! mile north, WALLS
Bnd other devices and has been painted and gilt: GREEN, 2 miles south, RADLEY GREEN 3 miles south-
east, and MARVEL GREEN (or Currier's Green) about 2 telegrap!b & money order offioe is at Fyfield, 21 miles
miles distant
Parish Clerk, Samuel Childs. h 1( 6 d
Post Office.-William Oddy, sub-postma.iter.. Letters National Se 00 mixed), built in 18 3, for 150 chil ren;
arrive through Ongar S.O. from Brentwood at B.15 average attendance, 9 8 ; John Well.acott, master
a.m.; dispatched at 5.10 p.m.; sunday, 11.30 a.m. {)arrier to Chelmsford, mono wed. &; fri.; &; to Chip-
Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest ping Ongar, daily, Mrs. Emma Marriage
Brittain Mrs. Rose cottage Black Stewart Henderson, farmer, JoslingAlbt.head gdnr. to Mrs.Brocket
Brittain John Warden's hall Lucking Arthur, farmer, Clap gates
Coupland Rev. Robert Stanley(curate), Boosey James, beer retailer Lucking Jabal, farmer, Sawyers
Rectory Brittain Joseph, grocer Marriage Emma (Mrs.), carrier
Swayne Rev. John M.A. (rector), Brown Ada (Mrs.),beer retailer, draper Oddy William, shoe maker, Post office
Rectory & grocer Pearson Peter, Maltsters Arms P.R
Fennel' William, Bell P.H Thoroughgood Edward, farmer, Dig-
• COMM:ERCIAL. Furze William, farm bailiff to Roland gins farm
Archer J I}seph, blacksmith Y. Bevan esq. Duke's farm Tween Denham, farmer, Mill farm
Baird WiUiam, farmer, RockelIs farm Jackson Arnold, farmer, Torrell's hall
WILLINGALE SPAIN, anciently belonging to the foils and rosettes, while the shaft is arched with cusps
family of de Hispania, is a parish near the Boding,S! and the plinths are finely moulded: there is a stained
miles north-east from Ongar terminal station on a window at the east end to the Rev. Henry J. Parker,.
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 8! west from EFza his wife and two of their children and a mural
Chelmsford and 26 from London, in the Western divi- tablet to ,some members of the Brocket family: an oak
iion of the county, Dunmow hundred, Ongar petty pulpit wa<s presented by Mrs. Brocket in 1901 as a..
sessional division and union, Chelmsford county court memorial to her late Majesty Queen Victoria (d. 22 Jan.
district, rural deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of Essex 1901): the church was restored in 1'891 at a cost of rubout.
and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Andrew £630, and affords 120 siitings. The register dates from
and All Saints, situated in the same churchyard as the year 1576. The living is a rectory, !Det yearly value·
that of Willingale Doe, is the southern and more ancient £145, with residence and 14 acres of glebe, in the gift
of the two churches; it is a small structure of rubble in of the Crown, on the nomination (If the BiS/hop of ,St.
the Early English style, of the reign of Henry Ill. con- Albans, and held since 1189° by the Rev. Charles Leonard
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch, vestry and a western Payne. Spains Hall is the seat of Mrs. Brooket, who is
belfry of wood, with spire, conta;.ning 2 bells: the chan- lady of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is-
eel has undergone considerable alterations but retains its mixed; subsoil, mar!. The chief coops are wheat and
sedilia and piscina: the porch is modem, but the door- barley. The area is 1,220 acres; rateable value, £1,064;
ways are curious relics, construded with very thin bricks the population in 1901 was 147.
and entirely destitute of mouldings; the anc'.ent and Letters through Ongar S.O. arrive at 8 a.m. The
highly-wrought ironwork, made to the form of an arch, nearest money order & telegraph' office is at Fyfield,.
is of corresponding date: the belfry is supported 21 miles distant. The nearest Post office is at Wil·
by mas,sive timbers spanning the nave in an arch-like lingale Doe .
form: the octagonal font is an elegant example of Per- The children of this parish are educated at Willingale-
pendicular work, ornamented at the top with quatre- Doe & the Radley Green National schools
Brocket Mrs. Spains hall Cutting Thomas, farm bailiff to Mrs. GQoday Henry, farmer, Minson's
Payne Rev. Chas. Lennard, Rectory Brocket, Bridge farm Johnson Charles, farmer, Hulks
Brown Henry, farmer, Rolls farm Day Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer &; Liddle Thomas,farmer,Hodgekins farm
Darby George, farmer, Bassett's farmer, l'arnell's Lunnon Charles, farmer, Alders
WX:M:BXSH and THUNDERLY. Wimbish is a landowners are the Gibson family, T. W. Gayton esq.
large and very scattered parish, 4! miles south-east from Brasenose College, Oxford, and the trustees of St.
Saffron Walden station on a branch of the Great Eastern Andrew's, Holborn, London. '\'he soil is princ'.pally clay,.
railway, and 3 north from ~haxted, in the Northern in some parts of a gravelly nature; subsoil, blue clay.
division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron The crops are principally on the four-course shift. The
Walden petty sessional division, union and county court extent of the united parishes is 4,915 acres of land and 5
district and in the rural deanery of Sampford, arch- of water; rateable value, £3,658; the population in 1891'
deaconry of Colchester and d:ocese of St. Albans. The was 729.
church of All Saints consists of chancel, nave, north THUNDERLY, once a distinct parish, was in 1425
aisle and south porch: the tower, rebuilt of brick after united with Wimbish: the parish church, which stood
its partial destruction by lightnin~ in 175 6 but taken on the left of the road leading from Thaxted to Walden,
down in 1883, contained 3 bells, of which the tenor was has long ceased to exist, but the foundations are still
dated 1734 and the third 1599: the porch has a Norman to be traced. Thunderly Rall, now a farm house, is
arch. and retains a stoup: in the church is a memorial 21 miles west, near the road from Thaxted to Saffron
to Mrs. Mary Wiseman, qb. 1654, and near the vestry en- Walden.
trance is a small but fine brass to Sir John de Wantone,
ob. 1347, and Ellen, his wife, within the head of a muti- WIMBISH GREEN is li miles south. There is a
• lated cross: a palimpsest brass to Joan, widow of _ mission room at HOWLET End for all denominations,
Strangman, c. 1570, the reverse exhibiting an effigy of St. built in 18 74. Near the vicarage is a small building
John, was lost in 1868: there is some fine glass of the used as a Sunday school, but during the week for pur-
15th century in the vestry windows, and memorial win- poses of technical education.
dows to Mrs. Penn and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Walsh. of Parish ~lerk, Henry Matthews.
Birmingham. The carved oak rood screens are of Pre-Re- Sexton, Peter Swann.
formation date, and on the south side over the porch are Post & 1\1 O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office.-
portions of the original Norman windows; there is also Benjamin Hack, sub-postmaster. Letters through Saf·
a tablet bearing the ten commandments, with the date fron 'Walden are conveyed from there by messenger;
1568: the church was partially restored and the chancel delivery commences at 8.5 a.m.; dispatched at 6·5
rebuilt in the :becorated style in 1868; there are 320 sit- p.m. Radwinter is the nearest telegraph office, 2
tings. The regist,er dates from the year 1572 and con- miles distant
ta:ns a list of the vicars from 1361, and rectors from Wall Letter Box, Tye Green, near Schools, cleared at 5.40
1325. The living is a vicarage, with that of Thunderly p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m
annexed; joint net yearly value £166, including 12 acres A School Board of 5 members was formed 24 July, 1874;
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held since 1879 Henrv Matthews, clerk to the board
by the Rev. Robert James Walsh, of Emmanuel Coliege, Board School (mixNl), built in 1876, for 150 children;
Cambridge. The Rev. Edward Hamilton Nelson M.A. average attendance, 73; 'WilIiam Geoo-ge Smith, master
rector of Necton, Norfolk, is the present sinecure rector. Carriers to Saffron Walden. Herbert Saul Ketteridge,
The trustees of the late Geor/Ze Stacey Gibson tues. &; sat.; William Ghapman, tues. &; sat.; John
esq. are lords of the manor of Wimbish. The principal I ~fansfield, tues. &; sat
Bruty WilIiam John, Westleys; &; 14 Baynes John, farmer,assistant overseer Giffen Henry, farmer
Hanover terrace, Regent's Park, & clerk to Parish Council,LiLGowers Hare John Barnard, farmer, Freemans
London NW Buck Benjamin, shopkpr. & Post office J effery William, farmer
Walsh Rev. Robert James, Vicarage Butterworth Thomas, farmer, Stonards Ketteridge Saul, White Hart P.R
COMMERCIAL. Chapman Frederick, farmer McQueen Peter, farmer, Pimples
Banks Wm. beer retailer, Upper grn CorneIl Edward, cattle dealer, Cole end


Kettley Charles, farmer, Tiptofts, Cole .Parkin John, shoe maker Wiseman William & Thomas, farmers,
end, Wimbish Hall, Parsonage & Ridgwell Wm. farmer, High Gdrrett Pinkney
Abbots farms Rushforth Jas. farmer, Joy~e's farm Wiseman Edward, jun. farmer, Wim-
Marshall Suddy, farmer, Maypole Saville George, cattle dealer bish parsonage farm
Matthews Henry, shoe maker & insur- SavilIe Susan (Mrs.), farmer, Gunter's Wiseman Jas. farmer, Thunderly Hall
ance agent & clerk to the school brd farm Wiseman Joseph (exors. of), farmers,
Munson Geo. miller (wind) & shopkpr Scruby Thos. Westrop, frmr.Broadoaks Elms farm
Mynott Edgar, baker Smith Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer Wiseman Joseph, farmer, Burnt house
Mynott William Huntingdon, miller Stalley David, beer retailer, Lower grn Wright Martha (Mrs.), farmer, Lower
(steam) & farmer, Lower green Stock Waiter, cattle dealer farm
Norden Arthur Charles, blacksmith, Wells Herbt. Chas. frmr. Hawes farm Wright Thos. Star P.H. Howlett, End
White Hart Green IWiseman Edwd. frmr. New House frm
WITHAM with CHIPPING HILL is a pleasant St. Albans, and held since 1886 by the Rev. David Ingles
and ancient town on the river Guith or Pods brook, near M.A. of Trin:.ty College, Cambridge, hon. Canon of St.
its confiuence with the :Blackwater; part of it lies on Albans, rural dean of Witham and surrogate. All Saints', •
the ancient Roman and modern high road from London a chapel of ease to the parish church, is a buildin~ of cut
to Colchester and the other part, known as "Chipping flint with white brick quoins in the Early English style,
Hill," lies around the church, half a mile north-west from consisting- of chancel, nave and transepts, and was erected
where the main part of the town is now .situated: the in 1842, at a cost of £5,000, defrayed by subscription:
Great Eastern railway has a station here, a branch line the land was given by the late W. H. Pattisson esq. :there
between Maldon and Braintree joining the main line at are 700 sittings, of which 400 are free. The Catholic
this point; it is 6 miles north from Maldon, 14 miles church, dedicated to the Holy Family, is a modern
south-west from Colchester, 7 south-west from Cogges- building of blue Kenti~b rag with dressings of Caen
hall, 8 north-east from Chelmsford, 8 south-east from stone, in the Early Englisb. style, and consists of chancel,
Braintree and 38 from London and is in the Eastern nave, sacristy, south porch and a western turret con-
division of the county and the chief place of the taining I bell: the church will hold 200 people and has
hundred and heJ.d of a petty sessional division,' in a scheol adjoining. The Congregational chapel was re-
Draintree union and county court district, rural deanery built in 1840, at a cost of £1,700. There are also
of WitLam., archdeaconr:r of Colchester and diocese of :Baptist and Wesleyan Methodist chapels, and the Peculiar
St. .A.lbans. The town was governed by a Local Peorle have a meet1ll6 house. The Public Hall, erected
Board from 1852, but an Urban District Council has been in 1894. at a cost of £2,000, will seat 600 persons. The
constituted under the "Local Government Act, 1894" market, originally held on Sunday, afterwards on 'Wed-
(56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), and is lighted with gas by a corn· nesday, and then on Tuesdays, on Chipping Hill, where
. pany estabEshed in 1834. Water is obtained from an the parish church is situated, is now discontinued. Mr.
artesian well on the Braintree road, and supplies a water .A.. E. Clear of Maldon holds a fortnightly sale of fat and
tower holding 100,000 gallons; the supply is under the store Etock in a field adjoining the railway, near Chipping
control of the Urban District Council. The church of Hill. There is a branch bank of Messrs. Barclay and Co.
St. Nicolas is an ancient but spacious and Iofty edifice, Ltd. and a police station. In the town are three blocks of
chiefly in the Early Decorated style, with walls partially almshouses, one of whH:h is connected with the Non-
built of Roman brick, and consists of chancel with aisles, conformists, the others being- in charge of trustees: the
nave of four bays, aisler" a fine south porch and an total income of thes-e charities amounts to about £180
embattled western towel" containing a clock and 6 bells: yearly, and the most ancient endowment is that of
there are several staineil windows: the Transition south Thomas Green esg. which dates from 1491 and supports
door, dating from the 12th century, is the most ancient 18 persons: there an~ other charities, amounting to £57
feature iu the present structure, but the body of the yearly, which sum is distributed in bread and fuel. On
church appears to have been erected about 1250: the Chipping Hill are the remains of a circular camp, with
church was repaired in the year 1877 under the direction a double vallum, probably of British origin. There is a
of Mr. Jo:eph Clarke, architect, when the upper part pr:vate lunatic asylum here with accommodation for 25
of the tower was rebuilt. two bells re-cast, the galleries patients. Witham Lodge is the residence of Admiral
removed and the church partially reseated; the cost of Sir Wjlliam Garnham Luard K.C.B., D.L., J.P. The
the whole was £2,000: the church contains a fine tomb Lawn of Lieut.-Gen. Edward Howard-Vyse J.P. and The
with effigies and a Latin inscription to John Southcote, Grove of Percy Edward Laurence esq. J.P. There are
8 justice of the Queen'g Bench, 1563 to 1584, ob. April four manors, viz. :-lllunt's Hall, Newlands and Chipping,
18th, 1585, and to hi.~ wife: there are others to Sir and Rogend. Lord Rayleigh is a landowner and lord of
Robert NeviIl, ob. 1593 j Robert Barwell gent. ob. 27 the manor of Blunt's Hall. Charles Henry Copley Du
.June, 1697, and several tombs of the East family, Cane esq. D.L. of Bra.xted Park, is lord of the Newlands
baronets, including William East esq. buried here in and Chipping manors, and all property within these
1726, to Sir Gilbert East bart. d. I I Dec. 1828, and also manors is subject to a fine of one year's value upon
buried here; and to four vicars of the church, viz.:- death or alienation: if. however, the person taking tIle'
Robert Tinley D.D. prebendary and archdeacon of Ely, property were born within the manor, or be already a
·ob. 25 Nov. 1616; the Ven. Jonas Warley D.D. d. 9 tenant of it, no such fine is payabl-e: this custom is
Aug. 1722, the Ven. Andrew Downes M.A. d. 19 Oct. peculiaI' and there are but few instances in which it
1820, and the Rev. Joseph Jefferson M.A., F.S.A. d. 28 prevailS. The vicar is lord of the manor of Hogend.
Dec. 182I: in the floor of the chancel is a stone with a The land is principallY arable and level; subsoil, gravel.
much obliterated inscription to Bishop Lindsell, 2nd The area. is 3,697 acres of land and 16 of water; rateable·
bishop of Colchester and one time vicar of this parish. value, £I7,233; the population in 1891 was 3,444, which
there are 640 sitting-so The reg-ister of baptisms and is also the Urban District; it included 256 in the South
marriages dates from 1669, and of burials from 1678. The Metropolitan Asylum Board schools; the population in
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £300, with J!27 1901 was 3,454,
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of
Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B. Express Delivery, Colcheste~', Kelvedon, Ipswich & all down road letters,
Parcel Post & Annuity & Insurance Office. Thomas 9.20 p.m. (extra !d. stamp, 9.40 p.m.); registered until
Gallop, postmaster. The office is open fmm 7 a.m. 9 p.m
to 9 p.m. for postal business; for telegraph businesss-- London, Braintree, Chelmsford &c. 9.40 p.m.; registered
week days, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to la a.m until 9 p.m
Outgoing Mails. Incoming Mails.
London, Colchester, Ipswich & Kelvedon, 9.20 a.m. From London & all parts, delivery by postman & to
eextra !d.. stamp, 9·40 a.m.); registered until 9.30 cl\llers, 7 a.m. & 6.IO p.m.; London, Chelmsford &0.
delivery by postman, I I a.m
Ipswich, Colchester & down road letters, 11.40 a.m.; On Sunday-One delivery by postman-eommences at 7
registered until 11.50 a.m a.m.; outgoing mail-down 9.20 p.m. up 10 a.m
London & places through, 12.45 p.m.; registered until Letter Box at Wltham Railway station cleared 9.15 &;
12.10 noon 1I.25 a.m. & 6.25, 3.45 & 9.15 p.m.; sunday, ~2.15
London & places through; 4.10 p.m.; registered until p.m.; office open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m
4 p.m Letter :Box, Bridge School, cleared at 9.1:5 a.m. i& 3.15,
Braintree & Maldon, 5 p.m.; registered until 4.45 p.m . 6.10 & 9 p.m.; no collection on sunday
London & places through, 7.IO p.m.; ret.stered unhl Chipping Hill Town Sub-Office & 'M. O. 0., S. B. &
7p·m Annuity Insurance Office.---M:rs. J. Doole, receiver;,
.dispatches, g &; II·45 a.m. &; 3 ~ 7·45 p.m.; sUIlJday, Inland Revenue Office, WaIter Frank Ahrendt, officer
J:I.45 a.m .Public Hall, Collingwoodstreet, A. E. Eldred, keeper


Assistant Overseer & Assessor & Collector of Property,
'Strntt The Hon. Charles Hedley M.P., RA. Blunts hall, Income & Land Taxes, Harry Everard
lVitham, chairman Clerk to the Commissioners of Land Tax, Frank Postle
{Jruickshank Cot Fleteiher Hayes Gmnt, Springfield Lyons, Bawtred
Ohelmsford Clerk to the Commissioners of Property k Income Taxes
Du Oane Oharles Benry Gopley el!lq. Braxtead park & House Duty, John Cook
Hill Reginald Duke esq. Bolfield grange, Coggeshall Deputy Coroner for Eastern Division, William Bindon
Howard-Vyse Lieut.-General Edward, The Lawn, Witham Blood
Laurence Peray Edward esq. The Grove, vVitham Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Witham District,
Luard Admiral S::r William Garnham K. C.R, D.L. Braintree Union & Wickham District, MaIdon Union,
Witham lodge, Witham Karl Carwardine Gimson RA., M.B., B.O
Yoss John esg. Threi'helfords, Kelvedon Registrar of Births & Deaths, Witham District, Braintree
\Price Thomas Phillips esq. Marks hall, Kelvedon Union, William Edwin Shee; deputy, Harry Everard
Rann Richard Edward esq. M.A. Hill house, Messing, Registrar of MarrIages, Braintree Union, Harry Everard;
Kelvedon deputy, A. W. Garrett
Salter John Henry esq. D'Arcy house, Tolleshunt D'Arcy,
Kelvedon PLA.CES OF WORSHIP, with timeij of services.
"The chairmen, for the time being, of the Witham Urban St. ~icholas Church, Ohipping hill, Rev. David Ingles
and Braintree Rural District Councils are ex-officio M.A. vicar, 8 & I I a.m. &; 3 p.m.; wed. XI.30 a.m
magistrates All Saints' chapel of ease, Guithavon street, 8 &; XI a.m.
<Clerk to the Magistrates, William Bindon Blood, Witham & 6.10 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m.; fri. !I.30 a.m. & 7.30
Petty sessions are held at the County Police station p.m.; dally g a.m. &; 4.30 p.m
every alternate tuesday at I I a.m. The places in the Holy Family, Catholic, Very Rev. Canon Tuke, priest;
division are Bradwel.l, Great Braxted, Littl~ Braxt~d, mass, IQ.30 a.m.; evening service, 6.30
Great Coggeshall, LIttle Ooggeshall, Cressmg, Fau-! Baptist, Maldon road, ministers, various, 10.30 a.m. 2.30
-stead. Faulkbourul", Feering, Goldhanger, HaUield 1 & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m

Peverel, Heybridge, Inworth, Kelvedon, Langfo1'd,. ConO"regational, High street, Rev. Fredk. Alfred Walker,
Marksh.lll. Messing, '\Vhite Notley, Pattiswick, Riven-' 1;45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m
hall, Te~ling, 'rollesDury, T?lleshunt D'Arcy, Topes- i Peculiar People, MaIdon road, ministers, various, time
'hunt KnIghts, Tolleshunt MaJor, Great Totham, LIttle· variou3
"Totham, UIting, Wickham Bishops, Witham
URB~ DISTRIOf COUNCIL. .A. School Board of five members was formed April 5,
1894; William Bindon Blood, clerk to the board
Offices, Collingwood road. National, built in 1842 & enlarged in 1894, for 380 child-
'Meetings held the last saturday in every month at ID a.m. ren; average attendance, 140 boys, 100 girls &; in-
fants; Ciharles Cranfield, master; Miss M. Barnett,
Members. 1 mistress & Miss M. Dobson, infants' mistress
Chairman, Philip Hutley. iBoard (originally British), erected in 1837, & enlarged in
1S94, .for 120 IIli;Ked & 100 ~~ants; av~rage attend'3Ilc~
R t' . A .]
e Ire III pn.
Vice-Chairman, William Stevens.
R . . A'il
etlre ID pr.
80 mIxed & 45 mfants; William LaurIe, master; Mrs.
Kate Laurie, infants' mistress
Qumtm DICk Greatrex 1903 James Geo. Tbomason 19°4 B d Oh' . hill (. f t) ted . 02 for 100
Philip Butley 1903 I Charles Cranfield 1905 o~'ld IP};g M AmSan~, eroo . tin 19
Edwin Thomas 1903 l.Tames Hubbard 1905 C; ~. rs ·) . . p d ~an, mSlgs ress
.Tames Mace 1904 G eorge Bra d saw
h 190 5 a 0 lC
"Or t' mlxe,. dt reopene In I 9 ; Miss Agnes
W 1'll'mm Ste vens 19°4 I .I., acar llY, mlS ress
B n'd ge l5e h 00I CM..... ",~ropo

children; Miss E. Baker, matron

lit an AsyI urns Board) , f or 160
Clerk, William Bindon Blood Great Eastern Railway, William Cole, station master
Treasurer, W. M. TUfneIl, Witham Bank
Medical Officer of Health, Karl Carwardine Girnson RA., Carriers.
M.B Pudney, passes through from Coggeshall to the 'One
.surveyor, Sanitary Inspecl<lr & Gollector, Walter Philip Swan,' Bishopsgate street, London, fri.; returning sun
Perkins Charles &; Edward Moorl'. from Kelvedon, through Wit-
u" han to Chelmsford, mono tues. thurs. fri. & sat.;
... ubhe Establishments. returning sam~ day; to Colchester, mono wed. &; sat
.county Polioe Stati::m, Guitha,¥on street, Charles ,\Yilliam : Hubbard, to Maldon & back, tues. thurs. &; sat.; re-
Harrington,supermtendent, a sergeant & two constables 1 turning same day
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Fenn Rev. Anthony Fourdrinier Luard Miss, Ivy chimney.s
.Abrey Shafto I (curate), Gnithavon sheet Mainprize Tho-mas, Maldon road
Algal' Mrs. High street .Fowler Mrs. Horwood house, Mann Mrs. Newland street
Archer Mrs. Christmas ho. High street Gardner WaIter, Sunnyside' Martin George Dunlop, High street
Atkins John, Tiptree villa Gibbs Robe-rt, High street Mead Mrs. Guithavon street
Ball Samuel Greenlees, Adansam cot-! GimS:lll Karl Carwardine B.A., M.B Mens Alfred
tage, Mill lane Gimson Mrs. W. G Mitchell Miss, Avenue house
!Bawtree :Frank Postle, Batsford Grabbam George WaIlingoon M.D.
1 Mole Mrs. Lawn cottage, High street
Bea<lel Joseph, High street Mathyns Moore Mrs
Berners ·WilIiam Bugh, Brookcot~, Grainger Samuel, 2 Avenue villas Morrell Miss, Woodham
Chipping Hill Green Mrs.2 Temple vils.'ChippingHill Mm'reIls Harry William, Mylor house,
13ibolini Igino, Chipping Hill Hely Miss, Chipping Hill High street
Blood 1Villiam Bindon Hemming Frank, Avenue road Newman The Mis,ses, Chipping Hill
BIyth Edward M Bolloway Mrs.Beatenberg,Chipping HI Nunn Mrs
lJrake Mrs. Chipping Hill Howard-Vyse Lieut.-General Edward Pattison Misses, High sir:ee~e:t_ _~~::::_::
Butler Misses, Holly bank J.P. The Lawn Payne Frank Cobham.... M
'Church Mrs Hutley Mrs. 2 Grove terrace Rafferty John, Lockram villas
Combe Fredk. Orloff M.D. Witham ho Ingles Rev. Canon David l\'LA. (vicar, Piggot Miss, Newland house
Cook .Tohn. 3 Grove terrace I rural dean &; surrogate), Vicarage Rafferty John, Lockham villas
Cooper Lewis B. Collingwood house Kemp Miss, Wyoming house Rayner Mrs. Avenue TOlld
Cullen Francis John, Oliverfs farm King Charles, Ely house, High street Shoobridge Misses, Elmside
Cullen Thomas, Chipping Hill I Lass Edwin, Cambridge villa Smith Joseph Ernest, Earlsmead,Chip-
Day John, r Grove terrace Laurence Percy Edwd. J.P. T~e Grove ping Hill
Drake Francis, Guithavon street Laurie Miss, 4 Grove terrace Smith Joseph, The Temples, Chip'-
Everard Harry, High street Lawrie Capt.JohnCharles,I Temple vIs ping Hill
Evitt Francis Fredk. Ohipping Hill Luard Admiral Sir William Garnham Smith Mrs. Edward, Medina villas
Farr Mrs K.C.B., D.L., J.P. Witham lodge SpeakJman Francis, Ho!ly villa

Stevens William, The Homestead County Police Station (Charles Wm. Mace James ..ube}'~,hotel & jobmaster;
Strutt Hon. Charles Hedley M.P.,B.A., Harrington,supt.), Guithavon st horses &; traps for hire
J.P. Blunt's hall; &; 90 Onslow gar- Crickmore &; Son, .saddlers, High st Maldon Division of Liberal Association
dens, &; Carlton club, London SW Crickmore Frank,grocer, provision dlr. (tArthur Howes, agent), Guithavon st
Taber James ,& agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, Mann Jessie (Miss), dress maker,
Thomas Edwin, I Avenue villas wine &; spirit merchants, High street Guithavon street
ThomasinJames George, Roslyn house Cullen Francis John, frmr.Oliver's frIll Martin George Dunlop M.RC.V.S.
Toke Very Rev.Canon Reginald (Cath) Cullen Thomas, ,seed grower i& mercht veterinary surgeon, High streoet
Wakelin Mrs. Freebournes Cutts Brothers, carriers, Maldon road Meachen William, beer retlr. Bridge SlI:
Walker Rev. Frederick Alfred (Cong) Cutts Harry, fishmonger, High street Mens Alfred, manager of Barclay &;
Wallis .A.lbert, Ohantry cottage Davies Geo.Woolpack inn,Chipping hill Co.'s Bank
West Ernest, TheLaurels Dean Henry, colt breaker ,& Orotchet Merryweather Harriet (Mrs.), s'hopkpr..
Whiting George, Freeland house inn; every accommodation for cy- Bridge street
Wilkinson John, Chipping !hill clists & travellers; good stabling; Mortimer Sam!. Hy. carpntr. High &11
Youll C. Berkeley horses &; traps for hire, INewland st Moy Thomas Limited, coal, oil cake &:
Dibben Wm. Hy. hairdresser, High st general merchants
COMMERCIAL. Doole Jane (Mrs.), grocer, Post office, Newman Thoma-s William, lea.ther
Early closing day, Wednesday. Chipping Hill dealer, Newland street
Abrey & Gardner, auctioneers &. Drake Francis, wine & spirit merchant Newman WiIliaJIl, dairy, Bridge street.
estate agents Edwards Eleazar, draper, High street Norris John, confectioner, High street
Adams Thomas & Son, tanners Edwards Jonathan, White Hart family North Frederick William, bail' dresser
Afford Bernard C. printer, bookseller, & commercial hotel, High 'street r& tQbacconist, Maldon road
stationer &. bookbinder, High street Eldred Arthur Ernest,dairy, Maldon rd Olley Hetty (Miss), baby linen ware<-
Ahrendt Waiter FraIlk, inland revenue Essex Provident Society (WaIter . house, High street
officer, Avenue road Hubbard, collector) OIley Martha (Mrs.), fancy repository,
Ardley William, baker, High street Everard Harry, registrar of marriages Hilrh street
Barclay & Co. Limited, bankers for Braintree union, deputy regis- Orttewell & Sons Limited,ironmongers,
(branch) (Alfred Mens, manager) trar of births & deaths Witham sub- High street; &; ,at Maldon
(open ID to 4 except sat. 10 to I); district, Braintree union, & assistant OtHey Geo. livery stables, White Hark
draw on head office, 54 Lombard overseer &; assessor & collector of yard
9treet, London E C inco:ne tax Patten Percy In. watch maker,High sI;
Bal'well Henry, butcher, High street Fle~ty William, wheelwright,Bridge st Paw8ey Harry, beer rill'. Chipping hi
Bateman Charles Henry, White Horse Fuller James, boot maker, High street Payne Frank Cobham L.R.C.P.Lon.d.,
P.B. Chipping Hill Gage Geo. .Alma, hair dresser, High st M.RC.S.Eng. proprietor of Withall1l
Bawtree Frank Postle (firm, Stevens, Gallop Thomas, postmaster, High st private lunatic asylum
Bawtree &; Stevens), solicitor, com- Gamble James, builder &i contractor, Pearce John H. grocer, High s.reet
missioner for oaths & clerk to com- Maldon road Perkins WaIter Philip, surveyor, sani-
missioners of land tax &. sec. to Garrett Arthur W. deputy reg. of mar· tury inspector & collector to Urbm
Witham Gas Co riages for Braintree union & tailor Dist'rict CQuncil
Beckwith&Brown,cabinet mas. High st Garrett Alice (Miss), dress maker Pilche,r WaIter Frederick, draper
Beddall Susannah (Mrs.), day school, Garrett Marian(Miss),china & earthen. Pluck Frederick, tailOT, High street
High street ware dealer Porter James, plumber, Newland st
Blood William Bindon, solicitor, com- Gentry Henry Arthur, tailor, High sf Quy WhitleyDl.blcksmth.Chipping Him
missioner for oaths &. perpetual com- Gibbs Jas. E. pork butcher,High street Randall WaIter, proprietor of thrash-
missioner, clerk to the magistrates, Gibbs Robert M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. ing machines &c. Cuppers farm
clerk to Urban District Council &; physician & surgeon, The Wilderness Reed William, ironmonger, High street
school board &; deputy coroner for Gimson Karl Oarwardine B.A., M.B. Resbury Henry Richard, 'saddler & um-
the eastern division of Essex &; B.C.Carob. ,surgeon &; medical brella maker, Newland street
Blyth Edward Mark, miller (steam & officer of health to the Urban District Resbury In.chimney swpr. Bridge 9fj
water) & cOrn merchant; offices,COuncil & medical officer &i public Rice Elizabeth(Mrs.),frmr.ChippingHI
Witham Roller flour mills & High st vaccinator Wickham district,Maldon Richards &; Sons,carpenters ,& builderSo,
Boon George, beer ret. Braint,ree road union &Witham dist.Braintroo union Chipping Hill
BradshawGeo.tailor &; outfitter, High st Glass Emma (Miss), milliner, Colling- Roberts G'harles, Angel P.B. Highst
Brene,s Florence E. (Miss), dress ma. wood road Robinson Wi[iam N. seedsman &
Newland street Glover Brothers,cycle, motor &; general florist, Newland street
Brewster Alfred Jas. saddlr.Maldon rd enginee·rs,INewland street Rowe Augustus, shopkeeper
Brockes Alioe(Mrs.),farrier,Newland st Gray Charles H. maltster, Station yrd Rumsey Henry ,beer retailer, Mill lane
Brown Arthur Ralph, carriage builder, Greatrex Quintin Dick, butcher, Chip- Rust Walt.W. carpente,r, Chipping Hill
High street ping Hill St. Albans Diocesan Institution fOOT
Brown Charles, corn &; seed merchant, Green Joshua. Geo. grngrcr. High ·st Trained Nurses (Miss Flood-Jones.
&; maltster, High street Green Robert Poynter, pharmaceutical matron) .
lJrown David, butcher, Bridge street chemi,st &; dentist, High street Samain William R. Swan inn,Bridge st
Brown John, farmer, Chipping Hill Groves &; Co. Limited, coal meroha.nts Shee William Edwin, registrar o£
Burrells Geo.Ohristmas, baker,High st Groves William, tailor, Station road births &; deaths, Witham sub-district..
Butler John, town crier &; bill poster, Hall Harry, photographer Braintree union
Bridge street Hardy Geo. Wm. Bell P.R. Maldon I'd Slythe James B. statuary & monu-
OhaplinWilliam,George & Dragon P.H. Harrington Charles William, ,supt. mental mason, Railway station
Bridge street county police, Guithavon street Smith Joseph &; Son, builders, con-
Claydon Thomas, shopkeeper, Mill la Ha"ler Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, tractors, brick manufacturers,steam.
Clear AlbertErnest,auctioneer &; valuer Ohipping Hill joinery works '& sawing & planing
Coker &; Rice, cabinet mns. High street Hasler Thomas, pork butcher, High ,st mills, Chipping Hill
Oole Wm. station ma.str.Railway statn Head Methuselah, Spread Eagle com- Smith Fredk. basket ma. Guithavon st>
Colyer AlIen, watch &; clock maker, mercial hotel, High street SorrelI Richd. butcher, Newland s1l
Newland street Herbert Harry Ernest, baker, High st Spurge Edwa1'd, & Co. grocers, wine &.
Oombe Frederick Orloff M.D. & iQ.M. Hodges C{)fnelius William, brewer spirit merchants &; drapers, High Sl
Edin. physician &; surgn. Witham ho Howes Arthur, agent for Liberal Asso- Stevens, Bawtree &; SteTens, solicitors.
Conservative Association (G. Thorpe ciation, Guithavon 'street Stoneham Robert Steele, George P.R.
Bartrum, sec) Howlett Nathan, teacher of music, High street
Constitutional Club (C. Cranfield, hon. Avenue road Strutt & Parker, land a,gts. &; surveyrs-
sec) Hubbard Robert, carrier, Bridge st Taber James, farmer.& landowner
Cook JJhn, clerk to the commi.ssioners Hubbard Walter, grocer, Bridge street Thorpe Fanny (Mrs.), apa.rtmen~
of property & income tax & house Hutley Jas.&; Philip, frmrs. Powers hall Guithavon street
duty, &; to visitors of private lunatic International Tea Co's. Stores Limited, Tillett Mary A. (Mrs.), apartments,
asylums grocers & tea dealers, High stree1l Guit'haven street
Cooper J. &; E. pork butcher,s, High -st Jewell Eliza (Mrs.) & Georgina (Miss), TyrrelI &; Truss,boot mas.Chipping Hill
Cooper, Taber &. Co. Limited, seed dress makers. High 'street Tyrell Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ChiIl-
growers &; merchants; 90 &; 92 King C. & E. W. grocers & drapers & ping Hill
Southwark street, London SE (local wine dealers, High street Tyrell Stanley, boot ma.Chipping Hill
manager, Albert Wallis) Kingsbury Ro'bert William Butcher, Wadley In.baker &; grocr. Chipping In
Cooper Edward, beer ret. Bridge street <Crown hotel Wager Harry, Lion P.R
Coote John, agent for Romford brew- Lewis A. F. & Sons, decorators Wakelin .Joseph (exors. of), farmer.· &ri
ery, Bridge street Little Charles, grocer &c. Chipping hl landowner, Freebournes
Waite &; Smith, draM m36. Fir cots Witham eo-operative Society Limited Witham Gas k Coke Co. Limited
'Yard Frands EbenefLer, chemist .& (Adolph Wilson, manager) (F'rank PosHe Bawtree, sec.; J ames
stationer, High street White Hart Hotel (family, commer- Croxall, manager), Gas works
Wass Arthur William, Globe P.H.:New- oial .& posting) (Jonathan Edwards, Withllm Public Hall Co. Limited (A.
land street proprietor) ; petrol stored; billiards, E. Eldred,hall keeper),Collingwood at
Wenn Joseph, Railway temperance .& High street Wood Saml. Thos. shpkpr. Newland st
commercial hotel, &; jobmaster

W:IVENHOE is a parish, on a gentle declivity of the with deer and contains about 180 acres. At the Domesdav •
OoIne, with a station on the Tendring Hundred branch of Survey t'he manor of Wivenhoe was held by Robert Gernon
the Great Eastern railway, from which a short line ex- as part of his barony of Stansted Mountfitehet; from
tends to Erightlingsea, 5 miles south-east from Col- 1300 to 1400 it was held by the Sutton family, and in
chester and 571 from London, it is in the North Eastern the 15th and 16th centuries held by that of De Vere,
division of the county, Colchester division of Lexden Earls of Oxford, and was sold in 1657 by Aubrey, 19th
hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division earl K.G. to Nicholas Corsellis, an ancestor of the present
and union, Colchester county court district and in the owner, whose family was long seated at Wivenhoe Hall,
rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester and a. fine old mansion with pleasant grounds of about 100
diocese of St. .A1bans. Wivenhoe also forms, with Eright- acres, on the north-west side of the village, and at present
lingsea and Rowhedge, a. member of the Cinque Port of occupied by Alexander K. Earlow esq. The principal
Sandwich in Kent. There is a good quay and the popu- owners of the land are Hector John Gurdon-Rebow esq.
lation is largely engaged in shipbuilding. The town is and Alexander K. Barlow esq. who are lords of the manor.
lighted with gas by a company; the water supply is ob- The soil is light; subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are
tained from a brook, and from an artesian well, the wheat, barley and roots. The area is 1,545 acres of land
property of Alex. K. Earlow esq. but some houses have and 4 af water, 7 of tidal water Bnd 31 of foreshore; rate-
pumps of their own. able value, £7,313; the population in IgOI was 2,560.
The parish is governed by an Urban District Council of
nine members, formed in I8g8, under the provisions of Parish Clerk, George Hewett.
the" Local Government Act, 1894 " (s6 and 57 Vict. ch. POST, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery-,
73)· Parcel Post &, Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Thomas
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a building of
stone, consisting of chancel with south aisle, nave cf feur William Goodwin, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
bays, aisles, north and south porches and an E-mbattled Colchester at 4. IQ a.m., 12 noon & 6.45 p.m.; dis-
western tower with clock and 5 bells, and was restored ill patched at 10. ID a.m. &, 2.50 & 8.10 p.m.; sundays, at
the year r860 at an expenditure of about £3,000: in the 8.10 p.m
church are brasses in good preservation, to Sir Thomas
Westeley, priest, chaplain to the Countess of Oxford, ob. 5 UREAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
Feb. 1535, with effigy, vested, and bearing a chalice and Meets at the Council offices, High street, on 2nd monda.-
wafer; another of Flemish work to William, :;md Vis- • •
In every month, at 5.30.
count Eeaumont and titular Earon Eardolf, with effigy in
armour, and triple and super-canopy and a marginal in- Members.
scription, ob. 15°7; the third is to Elizabeth (Scroope), Chairman, Alexander K. Earlow.
second wife of John de Vere, 14th Earl of Oxford, and Vice-Chairman, William Wadley.
widow of William Eeaumont, ob. 1537, and exhibits her
effigy with coronet and heraldic mantle, triple and super- Clerk, Charles Wm. Denton, East Stockwell st. Colchester
canopy and marginal inscription, both much mutilated: Treasurer, E. E. Egerton-Green, Colchester
in the vestry is a chest of Flemish workmanship, highly Medical Officer of Health, George Pender·Smith L. S.A.
embossed and studded with nails: this church suffered Quay house
considerable damage by the shock of an earthquake 22 Surveyor &; Sanitary Inspect<>r, A. H. BarreH
April, 1884. The register of baptisms dates from 1566; Collector, Thomas 'Villiam Goodwin, Post office
burials and marriages, 1560. .The living is a rectory,
net yearly value £284, with 60 acres of glebe and resi· VOLUNTEERS.
dence, in the gift of Claude E. Egerton-Green esq. of 2nd Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment (K Co.), Capt.
Colchester, and held since r890 by the Rev. John Robert J. :B. Hawkins; Sergt. G. Forsdick, drill instructor
Sinclair Carolin .M.A. {)f Trinity College, Dublin. The
Congregational chapel, erected in 1846 by Mr. Thomas PUELIO OFFIOERS.
Sanford, at a cost of £2,4°0, is endowed with a sum of
£5°0, left by the late Miss Mary Ann Banford, and has Medical Officer & Public Vaceinator, 2nd District, Lex-
den & Winstree Union & Medical Officer, Part of No.
Sunclay schools, erected in 1874 by Mr. John ,Sanford. 5 District, Tendring Union, Edward He-rbert Squire
There is- also a Wesleyan chapel. The cemetery, about M.R.C.S.Eng
half a mile from the church, comprises 3 acres and 2 Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths &, Marriages, Pe!-
acres recently added, and is under the control of the don sub-district, Lexden &; Winstree Union, & Assistant
Urban Council. Wivenhoe Reading Olub is managed by a Overseer, Thomas William Goodwin, Post office
committee of 6 seamen and 6 landsmen, and is open from Relieving &; Vaccination Officer, No. :2 District, Lexden
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. A fair is held on the 4th of September & Winstree Union &; Registrar of Births, Deaths &;
yearly. Ship and yacht building is carried on here, and Marriages for Peldon Sub-district, Lexden & Winstree
a new graving dock, 205 feet long, was constructed in Union, James H. Ham
1888. A sum of £5,000 was left by the late Miss Mary Town Crier, James Cole
Ann Sanford, for building and endowing six almshouses
for six widows or spinsters of 60 years old and upwards, A. School Eoard of 5 members was formed 23 April,
resident in the parish, preference being given to the 1888; Charles Hardy Tompson, Victoria chambers,
widows of seamen; each inmate receives 6s. per week. West Stockwell street, Colchester, clerk to the board;
A further endowment of £500 was made by :Mrs. Kezia Thomas Stayte, attendance officer
Hines, sister of the foundress, for the repair of the alms- Board School, for 600 children; average attendance, 475;
houses. The oharities for distribution amount to about William Thomas Wadley, master; Mrs. Wright, mis-
£21 yearly. Wyvenhoe Pa-rk, the property of Hector tress; Miss Emily Kent, infants' mistress
John Gurdon-Rebow esq. RA., D.L., J.P. and at present
(Ig02) unoccupied, is about a mile and a half from the R&ilway Station, WaIter Allen, station master
village; the mansion, a modern building, received con-
siderable damage by the shock of earthquake mentioned Carriers to Colchester.-William Cole, to 'Swan,' daily;
above; the park is undulating, well timbered, stocked Robert Wyatt, to Angel hotel, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Squire Edward Herbert to 3 p.m.); draw on head office, 54
Barlow Alexander K. Wivenhoe hall Squire Samuel Nathaniel Lombard street, London E C
Carolin Rev. John Robert Sinclair Tyler Rev. William Franklin (Con- Earr Eenjamin, fruiterer
M.A. Rectory gregational), Wycliffe cottage Earrell Dan!. crpntr. Wivenhoe Oross
Cooper Ernest, Park Farm house COMMERCIAL. Barrett Frederick, Wm. confectioner
Hewlett William Henry M.R, C.M Early closing day, Thursday. Bartlett William, oyster merchant
Howard Mrs Abbott William Abraham, carpenter, Bates Charles (Mrs.), butcher
Howling Mrs Wivellhoe Cross Bates James Charles, pilot
Husk Williaon, Anglesea house AlIen WaIter, station master Beckwith Asa, pork butcher
Pender-Smith George, Quay house Ba,relay &; Co. Limited, bankers (sub- Eird Harry John, hair dresser
Rice Harry OIiver, The Nook branch) (open tues . .& fri. H.30 a.m. Bow Henry, Grosvenor hotel

Brown &; Son, grcrs. -& provision mer's Ham William, ma,ster mariner & ship Robinson Abraham Wesley, farmer,
Brown F,raderick, beer retailer chandler Wivenhoe cross
Brown Joseph, beer retailer Harlow' Henry, master mariner Rayner George Wm. master mariner
Bueche Morris, farmer, Lodge farm Harlow Joseph A. Park hot'el RoseRaymond,blcksmth.Wivenhoe crss
Bush lsaac, boot & shoe maker Harlow Thomas, jun. master mariner Rudland Alfred Isaac, Yachtsman's
Byford ThomaEl S. shopkeeper Harvey Abraham, master mariner Arms P.H
Oemetery (George Hewett, sexton) ,Harvey George, master mariner , Scofield Charles, jun. painter
Chamberlain !'hllip Edgar, boot maker Harvey William, master ma,riner Shackleton Francis, beer retailer
Ohapman Edgoar & Daniel, builders Heath James, coal merchant SimmonEl Daniel'W. master mariner
Ohild Harriett (Mrs.), plumber Hillyard Georg.e, beer retailer Smith Daniel Francis, builder
Oole James, town crier Husk James, yacht builder Squire Edward HerbertM.R.C.S.Eng.,
Cole William, carrier Jackson Edward, insurance agent L.S.A. physician &lsurgeon, &; medi.
CracknelI Louisa (Mrs.), baker J arvis George, Horse &; Groom P.H cal officer, Elmstead district. Tend-
Ellis Charles Albert, master mariner Last William, baker ring union & medical officer & public
Felgate John, farmer, Vine farm, Lawrence William; Union Flag inn, vaccinator fOIT 2nd district, Lexden '&
Wivenhoe Cross Wivenhoe Oros-s Winstree union
Fookes George O. master mariner Madder William & Co. sail makers & Squire Samuel Nathaniel M.R.C.S.
Forrestt & Son, Lim. yacht builders yacht outfitters Eng., L.S.A. physician &; surgeon
Franks James & Edwin, bakers Martin Elizabeth (Miss), baker Stebbing George, grocer
Garrett Arthur, draper Martin WilIiam Berry, Anchor P.R Summers John, beer retailer
Goldsmith William ()irs.), farmer, Mason J ames, jun. master mariner Trayler J oseph, maste-r mariner
Cross farm Mason Robert James, master m,ariner Trayler 'William, master mariner
Goodwin John Arthur, builder Moore James &:, Son, grocers Volunteer BattalioIIJ (2nd) Essex Regi-
Goodwin Thomas William, stationer, Morris George, butcher ment (K Co. Capt. J. B. Hawkins)
assistant overseer & deputy regis- Mortlock Chas. (Mrs.), miller (water) Wade Arthur, beer retailer
trar of births, marriages &; deaths, Mmlson Wm. farmer, Wivenhoe farm Walker Sam!. Chas. chemist & statnr
Peldon sub-district, Lexden & Wins- Newman Frederick William, shopkeepr \Villiamson Thos. inland revenue officer
tree union & school attendance Parr's Bank Limited (branch) (open Wills Albe-pt Edwin, hair dresser
offi.'cer & collector of rates to the Ur- II till I wed. & sat.); d-raw on head Wivenhoe Gas Co. (Charles J. Grim-
ban District Council, Post office office, Bal'tholomew lane,London E C wood, sec)
Grimes Arthur John (Mrs.), butcher Peacock Charles, Red Lion P.H Wivenhoe Reading Club (Samuel
Hadley Chas. beer ret. Wivenhoe Cross Pender-Smith George L.S.A. surgeon Nathaniel Squire, president; Geo.
Ham Dick, builder & medical officer of health to Wiven- Hewett, sec)
Ham James H. relieving &; vaccination hoe Urban District Council, Quay ha Wood Stacey, grocer & provision dealer
officer, No. 2 district, .& registmr of Pittuck George Wm. master mariner & agent to W. & A. Gilbey Limited,
births, deaths .& marriages> for Pel- Powell Thomas, Railway hotel P.H wine & spirit merchants
don sub-district, Lexden &; Winstree Proctor Isabel (Miss), ladies' school, Wyatt Robert, carrier
union Trinity house Younge Thomas, Falcon hotel P.H
WIX (anciently Wikes) is a village and parish, 2l miles and subsequent benefactors and its revenue at its sup-
south-east from"".Bra,dfield and 3 south-west from Wrabne·ss pression wa,,, estimated at £92 129. 3d'. Artnur Nathaniel
stations on the Manningtree and Harwich branch of the Garland esq. is lord of the manOlfs of Wix Hall or :Abby
Great Eastern railway, 5 east-south-east from Manning- and Wix Park Han. The Rev. Oanon Ohairles F. NOirman
tree, 8 west-south-west from Harwich, and 12 east- M.A., J.P. recto,r of :Mistley, Charles William Grnnt esq.
by-north from Colchester, in the North East~rn and the trustees of the late Thomas Teshmaker Busk
division of the county, petty sessional division, hundred esq. (d. 1894), are the principal landowners. The Pond
and union of Tendring, Harwidh county court district, Hall estate belongs to the trustees of the late Lord Bellew
rural deanery of Ardleigh, archdeaconry of Colchester (d. 1895). The soil is loamy ; subsoil, clay. The chief
and diocese of St. .Albans. This parish formerly belonged crops are wheat, beans and green crops generally. The
to Edith, queen of Edward the Ooniessor. The church are3J is 3,129 acres; rateable value, £3,3'82; t:h,e popu.-
of St. Mary, partly rebuilt in 1701 and restored in 1888, lation in 1901 was 609'
is a small building of stone, consisting of chancel and Parish Clerk, John Everson.
nave, with a detached belfry situa,ted in the centre of the Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Insurance & Annuity Office.-:-
churchyard and containing I bell: the church will seat William Paskell, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
210 persons. The register dates from the year 1560 and Manningtree at 7.20 a.m.; dispatohed at 6.40 p.m.;
is in good condition. The living is a vicarage, net yearly sund,ays, arrive at 7.45 a.m.; dispatched at, 9 a.m.
value £75, including 75 aores of glebe, with tl'esidence, Telegraph office at Great Oakley, 3 miles distant
in the gift of trustees and held since 188 3 by the Rev. !=: h I
Proctor Benwell M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The ,-,C 008.
Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have each a chapel National (mixed), built in 1843 & enlarged in 1879, for
here. A nunnery for Benedictines was founded here in 85 children; average attendance, 65; Mrs. Elizabeth
the time of King Henry 1. by WaIter Mascherell, his Fry, mistress
'brother Alexander and sister Edith and was dedicated to Wesleyan (infants), built in 1872, for 85 children; aver-
the Virgin Mary; it was amply endowed by the founders age attendance, 42; Mi.3s Martin, mistreg.g
Benwell Rev. Proctor M.A. Vicarage Eag-Ie Chas. James, farmer, Park hall Paskell William, wheelwright & car-
Eagle Edward Clay, Spring farm Eills Albert Ernest, blacksmith & boor penter, Post office
Sewell Mrs. White house retailer Pearson James, market gardener
COMMERCIAL. Farthing Walt.WhiteHartP.H.Wix gm Pitchell George, shoe maker
BarkerR.frm.bailiff toEdgarCooper esq Gardiner Charles, grocer Reynolds Daniel, farmer, Red house
Ilenewith Avice (Mrs.), dairy Green Harcourt Regld. frmr. Pond hall Sage 1& Gutting, builders
Bicham James, farmer Gross Edwd. market gd'nr.& brick ma Sorrel Philip, farmer, Carbonell's hall
Dunnett Samuel Heorge, 'Wagon P.H Lucas Fredk. frmr. Whitehouse farm Taylor James, farmer, Olay hall
Eagle Charles, farmer, The Lodge Mead Harry, assistant overseer Tuckwell Joshua, blcksmth. Wix cross
Eagle Charles Edmnnd Taylor, far- Mills Horace, farmer, Hempstalls Webb Arthur, frmr. Dairy House frm
mer, Abbey farm & Willow Hall & Nuun Thomas Douglas, grocer, baker
Burnt'llJs'h farms & coal merchant, Wix cross
WOODFORD iJl an ancient parish, wi,th two stations Woodford station. The" Local Government .Act, 1-858,"
on the Great Eastern railway.! and is within Epping was adopted here in 1873, but under the provisions of the
Forest, 9 miles from London, in the South Western divi- Act of 1894 the parish is now governed by an Urban
sion of the county, Becontree hundred, West Ham union, District Council of twelve Water:is supplied
county court district of Bow, ,rural deanery of North by the London Water Works Co. and gas .by th~
Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans, West Ham Gas Co. Limited, and the OhigweID., Wood_
and is within the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal ford and Loughton Gas Co. The ohurcih of St.
Court and Metropolitan police; it formed a portion of Margaret, o,r St. Mary (the dedication being unceJ'tain), an
the endowment bestowed by King Harold on Waltham edifice of brick, covered with stucco, was rebuilt under an
A.bbey and was held by that monastery until its dissolu- Act of Parliament, with the exception of the tower, in
tion. Th~ parish is divided into four parts or localities- 1817, at a cost CIf £9,000, but has been added to and
namely, Woodford, or South Woodford, Woodford Green, improved, and cansists of chancel, nave, aisles, north and
Woodford Wells and Woodford Bridge. That part called south porches and an embattled western tower of brick,
Woodford, >or South Woodford, lies nearest the Georgebuilt in 1[20, and containing a clock and 6 bells:
Lane station (South Woodford being the name of a postal the chance was added in 1889, when also tbl)
district), but! the other three localities are nearer the "\restern gallery was removed and the interior re-.
seated: there are memorials "in the church to Elizabeth buildings, which a150 include a hall for meetings and
(Rogers), Countess of Litchfield and :first wife {)f Charles entertainments, holding 400 persons. .A stone dl'inking
• Stewart, Duke of Lennox and Richmond K.G. and Earl fGuutain, with wooden canopy, was erected in George lane
-of Litchfield; he died at Elsinore. Dec. 1672; to Sir in 1899, by Miss E. L. Fowler. The WoodfO'l'd Jubilee
J osi.::lh Child bart. merchant and writer on political Hospital, in Broomhill road, W oodford Green, erected in
economy, ob. 1699; to Mrs. Selwyn, grandmother of the 1897, at the sole expense of John ReynoIds Roherts. esg.
Rt. Rev. G . .A.. Selwyn D.D. Bishop of Lichfteld 1867-78; J.P. is a structure o,f TOO brick with stone dressings; it
the stained east window was presented in 1801 by Mrs. has two large and two private wards, an isolation ward
,Clarke. of Eling. Hants, in memory of her father and and the usual staff accommodation; there are beds for 16
mother. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles, of Woodford; the rere- patients. There are many parish oha~ities, SOlllle being
dos was given in 1892 by the family of the late H. of very ancient date; aocnong those of more recent date
F. Ba-relay, of Monkhams, "Voodford, in memory ot may 'be mentioned a sum of £1,000 left by Mr. Thomas
their father and mother, H. F. Barclay and Richenda, Read, of WoodforcL Wells, the interest to be given to the
his wife; and a brass to -Wynche, 1590: the organ poor in clothing in October, and £750 left by the late.
was the gift in 1889 of Mr. Thomas Baxter: the church Dr. Bunce, of Salway Hill, Woodford, the interest to be
will seat 800 persons: on the south side of the given away in OOMS yearly to twenty-five families. The
churchyard is a yew tree, 14 feet in circumference at 3 custom of Borough English prevails in the manor of
feet from the ground, which, before the rebuilding of the WoodfoTd, of which Earl Cowley is tlhe lord. The soil
church in 1816-7, had a. spread of 180 feet, but many of is loom and gravel; snbsoil, clay.
the branches were then cut away: in the churchyard is Organist and Ohoirmaster, F. A. Arm-strong A.R.C.O.
also a monunient with a tall marble column of the Parish Clerk and Sexton, Alfred Lowe.
Corinthian order, designed by Sir Robert Taylor kt.
sheriff of London and architect, and erected at a cost of WOODFORD BRIDGE, about 2 miles north-east on
£1,5°0, to Peter Godfrey esq. M.P. d. 1742; there are the road to Chigwell, is an ecclesiastical parisn formed
other memorials to Sir Thomas St. George kt. Gtlrter Dec. 19, 1854. The church of St. Paul, erected in 1854
King of Arms, ob. 6 Mar. 1703, and to the Raikes and and rebuilt in 1886, is an edifice of stone in the Gothic
Pelly families. The register dates from the year 1638. style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and
The living is a. rectory, net yearly value £430, with IS a tower on the north side, with small spire and contain-
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Rev. James ing 1 bell: the church will seat 400 persoIls. The
B. Brearley M.A. and held since 1875 by the Rev. Albert reglster dates fro,m the year 1854. The living is a vica.r_
Hughes M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. age, net yearly value £200, with residence, in the gift of
Holy Trinity, Hermon Hill, is a consolidated the rector of Woodford, and he~d since 1901 by the Rev.
chapelry, formed 3rd May, 1888, out of por. Cha;rles Edward WallerM.A. of Trinity Oollege, Cam-
tions of the parishes of "\Vanstead and WoodfOil'd: the bridge. The aTea is 1,000 acres; the population in 1891
churoh, erected in 1887-90, a,t a cost of about £12,000, is was 1,955.
an edifice of Ancaster stGne in the Transition Norman Sexton, Robert Witham.
£tyle, from designs by the late Mr. J. Fowler F.R.I.B.A.
of Louth, and consists of a semi:cireular apsidaJ. memorial The London County Asylum, Claybury, erected during
cbancel, erected by thQ Misses Nutter, of Wanstead, 189°-3, ')D a site costing nearly £38,000, was opened in
with vest,ries and aisle on t'he north. side, oleresboried 1893, the cost of the building being £337,945; the site,
nave of five bay!!, aisles, south porch, and a lofty tower consisting of 270 acres, has an elevation of 239 feet above
on the north-west, with angle pinnacles and octagonal the Ordnance datum, and includes a. mansion, bailiff's
broach spire, relieved by three bands of ornamentaJ house, and farm buildings: the buildings are available
work and dormers at the base: t.he reredos 0'£ for 1,°41 male and 1,445 female patients, and also include
stone represents "the AJscensiGn," and there aT'e six a residence for the medical superintendent.
iltained windows in the chancel: the organ was presented
in 1891 by Mr. J. R. Roberts, of Stratford: the church WOODFORD WELLS is a consolidated chapelry, con-
affords 800 ,sittings, of which 500 are free. The register stituted October 29, 1875. All Saints' church, opened
. dates from the year 1889. The living is a vicarage, November, 1874, at·a cost of £6,000, is a building of
net yearly value from endowment £180, with pew 'l"ents, stone in the Gothic style, f'onsisting of chancel, nave,
about £70' in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans, north transept, aisles and south porch: there are 666
and held since 1888 by the Rev. Abram Smythe Palmer sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1874, and
D.D. of Trinity College, Dublin. The Mission ohurch of that of marriages from 1876. The living is a vicarage,
St. Philip and St. Jame.s, in Grove hin, erected in 1'882, net yearly value £350, with residence, in the gift of
will seat 100 persons. '1The population in 1891 was 3,657. trustees, and held since 1881 by the Rev. Nicholas
The Catholic church, dedicated to St. Thomas of Canter- Richard Fitzpatrick M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
bury, Woodford Green, opened June, 1895, and the ad- 'J.ile population in 1891 was 3,352. There is a Metro-
joining monastery of St. Francis of Assissi. are both of politan police station here, occupied by a sub-divisional
brick and Bath stone, and were erected at a. total cost section of the J division, with a force of 2 inspectors, II
<of about £12,000, entirely defrayed by the Dowag3r sergeants and 57 cOIllstables, who supervise the districts
Duchess of Newcastle. The Congregational church, of W oodford and part of Buckhurst Hill, Loughton, Wood-
George lane, erected in 1885-6 from designs by Mr. ford Bridge, Chigwell and Chigwell Row.
Thomas Arnold M.R.I.B.A. of Basinghall street E.C. The area of the entire parish is 2,126 aerE!'S of land and
is a structure of Kentish rag stone, with Bath 20 of water; rateable value, £8'2,200; the population in
stone dressings in the Early English style, and 1891 was 10,984, and in 1901 was 13,83\1. The area of
consists of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts, organ the Urban District is 2,150 acres; the population in 189I
<:hamber, vestries and the lower stage of a tower: the was II,024, and in 1901 was 13,806.
cost, inclusive of site, was £6,000: an organ was erected Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
by subscription in 1889 at a cost of £450: there are Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, Woodford
sittings for 700 persons. The Congregational church, Green. Sidney Cookman, postmaste,r. Lett6'l'S dis-
in Broomhill road, WoodfGrd Green, built in 1813, is an
edifice in the Gothic style. and consists of a large and patched at 9 &; 10 a.m. 12,45, 2·45, 4,45, 9.25 & 10.35
lofty apsidal nave, aisles, transepts and a tower with p.m.; delivered at 6·45 &; 8 a.m. 1.4°,4.30 &; 8,4° p.m. ;
dispatched sundays 9 p.m. only, &; letters for callers,
spire, together 145 feet high: it will seat 800: there is 8 a. m. to· 10 a.m
also a Congregational Mission chapel' in Globe road. Th~
Wesleyan Methodist dhapel, in Derby road, is an edifice Post, M. O. &i T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
of brick erected' in 1876. There is a Baptist chapel in Parcel Post &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, High road
George lane, opened in 1&82 and re-built and enlall'ged in (opposite Grov~ hill), Woodford or South Woodford.-
1895; a Mission Hall in Grove Toad, erecled in 1883, and George Thomas Liddle, postmaster. Le.tters dispatohed
a Primitive MethGdist Mission room at Woodford Lo;wer at 9.30 a.m. 12.40, 2.55, 5.5, 8,4° &; 10.45 p.m. except
road. .A Parish -Church ·haJ!l is now (1902) in OOUIDse of saturdays; sundays 10.55 p.m
erection. The Woodford Art and Industrial Society, Post, M. O. &; '1'. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
established in 1877, for the encouragement of locad. Post, S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office, Woodford
amateur talent, holds yoorly exhibitions, including collec- Bridge.-Charles Grayston, sub-postmaster. Letters
tions on loan; the society embraces in its operations the dispatched at 10 a.m. 12.40, 4.40 &; 9.30 p.m.; sundays
pari$hes of Woodford, Chigwell, Chin'gford and WaIllStood. 9.10 p.m. only. Delivery from Chigwell Road S.O
The Wilfrid Lawson Temperance 'hotel, at the junction Post &; M. O. &; S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office., High
of Chingford lane with the Epping main road, is a road (near the Churoh), Woodford. John Alfred
structure of brick in the Gothic stvle, er~ted, in 1883 at Wilson, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 9.25
a cost of about £10,000; it was enlarged in 1895, and a a.m. &; 12.35, 2.5°, 5, 8·35 &; 10.35 p.m. (except sat.);
new wing was added in 1899 ~ the> offices of the Urban sundays, 10.50 p.m. 'fhe nearest office is at
District Council and: those of the School Board are in its High road (opposite Grove hill), Woodford
Post & M. O. &; S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office,' PLAOES OiF WORSIDP, with times of Services.
Orohard House, George Lane.~is8 Naomi Elizabeth Parish Church, Woodford, Rev. Albert Hughes M.A.
Pearce, sub_postmistress. Letten dispa.tched at 9.40
rector; Rev. Edwin Green RA. curate; 8 & JI a.m.
a.m. 12.50, 3.10, 5.15, 8.50 &; 10.45 p.m.; sundays,
&; 3.15 &; 6,30 p.m.; saints' days, 7.30 a.m.; wed. &;
IO.55 p.m. Delivery from South Woodford. The
ne3rlloSt telegraph office is a,t High road (opposite Grove fri. J2 a.m.; wed. & fri. 12 a.m.; wed. &; fri. in
Hill), Woodford Advent &; Lent, 12 a.m. &; 7.30 p.m
Post &; M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, St. Paul's, Woodford Bridge, Rev. Charles Edward WaIler
Snakes Lane. Evan Phillips, S'llb-postmaster. Letters M.A. vicar; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
dispatched at 8.30 &; 9.30 a.m. 12.15, I, 3,45, 8.15, 9 All Saints', Woodford Wells, Rev. Nicholas Richard FiIZ·
&; 9.45 p.m.; no dispatch OD .sunday. Delivery from patrick M.A. vicar; 8 &; I I a.m. &; 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
Woodford Green. Telegrams can be handed in at this 7.30
office only, &; telegraph money orders are issued, but Holy Trinity, Hermon Hill, Rev. Abram Smythe PalmM
not paid D.D. vicar; Hev. A. T. Leigb. A.K.C. curate; 8 &; lJ
Post &; M. O. 0., Parcel Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance a.m. & 6.30 p. m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m; saints' days, I I a.m.
&; 7.30 p.m
Office, High road, Woodford Wells. Joseph Salmon
Bailey, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched 8,45 &; 9.15 St. Andrew's Mission Church, Chingford lane, Woodford
a.m.; 12.15,2,3.45,8 &; 9 p.m.; delivery from Wood- Green (All Saints' Mother Ohurch), 6.30 p.m
ford Green; no dispatch on sundays. Telegrams can St. P'bilip & St. James' Mission Ghurch, Grove hill; n
be handed in at this office only, &; teliegraph money a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Holy Communion, 2nd &; last sun.
orders are issued, but not paid '9 a.m.; tues. & thurs. 8 p.m
Ho,m Lane Mission HaU, 6.30 p.m
Christ Church Mission, 6.30 p.m
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. St. Thomas of Oanterbury (Catholic), Woodford Green.
Offices, WilIred Lawson Temperance Hotel, Woodfol'd served by the Franciscan Fathers; Rev. Father John
Green. Forrest O.F.M. (gua.rdian); Rev. Father Anatole
Meeting day, alternate mondays, at the Wilfrid Lawson O.F.M. (vicar), Rev. Father Hilary O.F.M., Rev. Bona-
Temperance Hotel, at 8 p.m. venture O.F.M., Rev. Father Timothy O.F.M., Rev.
Father Dunstan O.F.M. &; Rev. Father Edward O.F.M. ;
Members. mass 8 & I I (with sermon); complin, selmon &; bene-
Chairman, J oseph Gurney Fowler. diction 6.30 p.m.; hoJidays of obligations, mass 9 a.m.
Vice-Chairman, Augustus Hall Tozer. & benediction 6.30 p.m.; daily mass, 6 & 7.30 a.m.;

Bertie Broome
Retire in April.
1903 William Plender
Retire in April.
benediction wed. 4 p.m.; stations, fri. 6.30 p.m
Baptist, George lane; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30
William Cornish...... 1903 Richard Charles Pratt. 1904 p.m.; sat. 8 p.m
A. Lister Harrison 1903 John Charles Darby 1905 Congregational, Woodford, Rev. Wi1liam E. Anderton
Augustus H. Tozer 1'903 Henry Edward Kaye 1905 ,M.A.; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Joseph Gurney Fowler 1904 . Henry William Lee 1905 Congregational, Georg9 lane, Woodford, Rev. Thorna&
John Knight 1904/ Charles William Wood 1905 Hammond; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Congregational: (Ray Lodge), Snakes lane, Rev. Ebenezer
Officers. Hitchcock; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Olerk, John A. Simpson, Urban District Council offices Congregational MissiO'll Room, Globe road; wed. 7.45
Treasurer, S. S. Soul, London Joint Stock Bank, Wood- South Woodford Free Church, Maybank road, Rev. Fred
ford Green D. Robbins; iI a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Medical Officer of Health,William George Groves M.R.C.S. Workmen's Hall, Mill lane, Woodford Green; 7 p.m.;.
Eng. Linden house, Woodford Green thurs. 6.30 p.m
Surveyor, William FaITington A.M.I.O.E. Council offices Wesleyan, Derby road, South Woodford, Rev. Alfred H.
Sanitary Inspector, Walker Shephard Mills, Hillside, Tre- Vine (Wanstead); resident minister, Rev. WaIter W.
vor road Ward; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; tues. 8 p.m
Collector, Alfred Miller, Fairholm, Fitzgerald I'd. Wanstd Union Churoh, Green, Rev. Joseph Hocking;
I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.45 p.m

PUBLIO ESTABLISHMENTS. Milsion Hall, Grove road, Edward Hobbs, superintendent;

I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Home for Destitute &; MotJherless Ohildren, Crescent road Primitive Methodist Mission (GranviIle road), Woodford
east, South Woodford, Miss Hut(lhin, matron Lower road; 7 p.m
Lon~on County Lunatic Asylum, Claybury, Woodford Salvation Army,Daisy l'd.; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; daily,8
BrIdge; Robert Jones M.D. Lond. medical superin.
tendent ; Charles Theodore Ewart M.D.; Eric France
M.B., B.S.; Neil HlLITi-smith MaamiHan M.R, O.M.
Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond.; Joseph Shaw Bancroft's School, Woodford Wells; The Court of
Bolton M.D., B.S.Lond.; Roben Pugh M.B.,Ch.REdin. Assistants of the Drapers' Company, governors; Rev.
& William Herbert Forshaiw M.R.O.S., L.R.C.P. J. E .. Symns M.A. head maS'ter; Rev. J. Hall RA .•
assistant :tnedicaJ officers; James E Stephens, steward; RSc.; Rev. W. O. Winterton B.A.; G. 'Brinkroann;
Miss Sarah Cottis, ma.tron. Visiting days for friends of J. E. Hall RA.; H. H. Horton RA.; T. H. Littlewood
patients, sundays, mondays & all bank Iholidays, ~ p.m. M.A.; T. B. Collins M.A.; C. W. Lydall RA.; B. .A.
to ... p.m Howard RA.; W. O. Kislingbury B.A. & P. G. Blyth
Metropolitan Police Stations (J division), Woodford M.A. assistant masters; J. E. Hall G.S.M. choir
Wells, Alfred Sidney Boothman, inspector; & WoodfOTd master; J. J. Chapman, :Instructor in woodwork; Ser-
Bridge, William Key, sergeant geant-Major Skillan, instructor in gymnastics
Knighton Rescue Home for Girls, Woodford We1'ls; C. S. A School Board of 7 members was formed Jan. 9, 1872;'
Thorpe, sec.; Miss Clara Dsle, matron J oseph Edmund Stacpoole, Broomhills, BroomhilI road,
Woodford Green, clerk to the board; William WaIter
South Woodford Volunteer Fire Brigade. Mayba.nk road; Pearman, 2 Woolston villas, Stanley road, attendance-
Oharles H. Chinnery, soo,tion officer office~
Woodford Jubilee Hospital, Broomhill road, Woodfol'd Board, Cowslip 1'000, erected in 1897, for 250 girls &; 250
Green; Peroy Warner L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.O.S.Eng.; infants; average attendance, 180 girls &; 160 infants;
Alfred BeITill L.R.O.P.Lond., M.'B.C.S.Eng. &; iAlex- Miss Edith ThOilDpson, girls' mistress; Miss Carolina
andet' W. F. Sayres L.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.; Harris, infants? mistress
M.D.Brux. medical officeTIS; RobeTt Billings, hon. Board, Churchfields, built in 1873, enlarged in 1883, &;
sec.; Andrew Johnston J.P. treasurer; Miss AmyM. again eni[a,rged in 1891, fOol' 425 boys, 325 girls &; 225
Yarrow, matron infants; average attendance, 400 boys, 255 girls &; 225
Woodford Urban District Fire Engine Station, Horn lane, infants; Henry ATthm Hant,s, master; Miss SusaXl
Woodford Green, John William Tollyfield, supt -Smith, mistress. InfantSI' School, erected in 1885 &;
PUBLIC OFFIOERS. enlarged in 1891, Miss R. Pollard, mistress
Board (formerly National), Woodford Green, built in
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Woodford District, ~820, &; enlarged in 1889, for 250 boys, 250 girls &, ~50
West Ham Union, Alfred BerrilI L.R.C.P.Lond., mfants; average attendance, 230 boys, 230 girls &, 200
M.R.C.S.Eng. Green Heys, High road, Wood-ford infants; Edmund Robert Spragg, master; Miss Fanny
Relieving Officer, No. 9 District, West Ham Union, Wm. Clutten, girls' mistress; Miss Alice Thompson, infants'
Grme, North side, Grove rood, South Woodford mistress
Vestry Clerk &; Clerk to the Ovel'seel's, John Noble, High Board (formerly National), Woodford Bridge, built in
road, Woodford Green 1859, for 80 boys &; 80 girls, with house for mistress;

average a.ttendance, 73 ooys &; 68 girls; Alfred William Mail," South Woodford; Woodford Printing Co. pro.'
Hooper, rna.ster; Miss Flora Carter, mistress prietors; Sarn Hickman, publisher; published sat
Infants' School, W oodford Bridge, held in a building at Railway Stations.
back of the Coffee Tavern; average attendance, 78; George Lane, f(}r W ooMord &; Hermon Hill, Charles
Miss Ellen C. Hooper, mistress Murfitt, station mast-er
Newspapers.-" Woodford Times," Woodford Green; J one. Woodford, for Woodford Green &; Woodford Bridge,
l!!; Sons, proprietors; published friday; "Woodford 'William Joseph Hancock, station master
Inoluding Woodford Bridge, WoodIord Carter Jas. 2 Swiss villas, Derby road England Richard Denison, Mattock
Green &; Woodford Wells. Ohaldecott James Harpur, Studley villa, Chelmsford road
Fox names in Hermon Hill see Royal, Grove road England Samuel J. 10 Eastwood road
Wanstead. Chalmers Andrew John, West view, E'pp Herman,Primrose vil.Primrose rd
Marked thus * should be addressed Washington road Farnfield Samuel, George lane
South Woodford. Chapman George,Tresweet, Ohurohflds Farrant Frederick Granby, Oak villa,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chapman John, I Arundel villas, Chigwell road
Aboott Frank, Lime vil. Derby road OhelmsfOTd road Faust Carl, The Limes, High road
Aldrich Mrs. Bellevue, Grove hill Ohilman Ernest Edward, 7 Salisbury FeTTy Wm.BelleHaven,Buckingham rd
Allars Mrs. Agnes villa, Latchett road villas, Latchett road Fiobtner Clemens Theodore, 3 The
AlIen Mrs.4 TheShrubberies,George la Obisholm Rev. Samuel (CQngrega- Shrubberies, George lane
Andrews Ralph,Ambleside, Chlmsfd.rd tional), Gladmuir, Malmesbury rd Finch Pred Yates, 9 The Shrubberies,
A.scher Mrs. Rosebank, Eastwood road Churchhouse Henry Jas. Kappa viI. George lane
~hby Arth. Geo. Ro8'sJyn, Churchflds Derby road Fish G. HolmIeigh, High road
Atkins Mrs. The Firs, Chelmsford rd Clark Fredk. Horner, 17 Eastwood rd Fitkin In.Robt. St. Leonards,Gordn.rd
A.ukland Joseph James, The Poplars, Clarke Frederick 'Charle.s, Chelmsford *Flegg Frederick Arthur Martin,South
Buckingham road villa, Chelmsford road Dene, George lane
AnIt Edwin, Lyndhurst, Churchfield·s Clemans George Thomas,Manor house, *Fleming Mrs. Moncaster villa, May.
Ayling Mrs. Bayford ho.Chelms·ford ·rd Hermon Hill bank road
Aylott James, Breydon vilLa, Bucking- Close Miss, South villa, Derby road *Foot George Edmund, Beaconsfield
ham road *Clowes J oseph, Mount Hawke house, house, Latchett road
BaCKer J(}hn Peter, Holmwood, Waver- Maybank road Ford Henry Duncan, 5 Eastwooo rd
tree road Clutterbuck 1Villiam George, Berry- Forrest Mrs. Hope cot. 'Vavertree rd
Bailey Robt.Harry,Montrose, Grove hI nabor, Derby road Forrow Alexander, 2 The Shrubberies,
Bain David Erskine, I Eastwood road Goard Philip, Milton 10. Grove road George lane
Daines Charles, Oulton villa, Buck- Cochrane Robert Graham,Tibbermuir, Fowler 'frs. Hy.Glebelands,High rd
ingham road Grove hill FowlerJsph.Gurney1Glebelnds.High rd
*Ballard Charles, Roselea, Gordon rd CoIIison 'rimothy Lang, I Palmerston *Fowler Robt. Selbourne, Churchfields
Barber Miss, Fairha,ven, Wavertree rd villas, Gordon road Fox Wm. Robt. Frithmans,George la
Barber William Frederick, Kintyre, ColwelI Charles, 5 The Shrubberies, Frank Franeia, Mayville, Gordon road
Buckingham road George lane Fraser George, 12 Grove crescent
Barnes Henry, Enfield ho. Grove road ComptQn Geo.C1evedon,Chelmsford: I'd Friend William Henry, Holmcroft,
*iBarton William Henry, 2 Maybank C-oney Edward William, Carbrook, ChclII\sford road .
crescent, Maybank road Eastwood road Frost James, Woodlands, Wavertree rd
Bell Hy.Fitzwm. Roehdale, Derby rd *Connell Wm. 4 Tower viIs. Cowslip rd Fuller Albert, 14 Eastwood road
Bell Misses, Oakdale, Eastwood Toad Conquest. H. Homefield, High road *Fuller Samuel, Ursula villa, Grove hI
Bianohi Litmt.-Col. Antonio, Linroln Ooombs Wltr.Redcliffe, Chelmsford rd Gain Misses, Cairnbrook college,
house, High road Cooper James Daniel, 3 Hillside, Churchfields
Bianchi Albt. Edw.Fernhurst, Grove rd Grove hill Gains Edwin, Northview, Derby road
BiddelI Rev. Henry M.A. Sydney villa, Cappin Samuel, Ausdell, Churchfields Gale 'Vm. Fairview, Ore scent iI'oad
Grove hill *Cornish Wm. Braeside, Gordon road Gibson Henry, 3 Eastwood road
Billings David,2 Alma viIs. Primrose I'd *Oreech In. Grange viI. Maybank I'd Golding Mrs. Kirkstone, Churchf.eldg
:Billings Robert, Westbury villa, Cumming Finley, Penhurst, Washing- Gough Oharles, Holmwood, Grove hill
Chelmsford road ton road Green Rev. Edwin B.A. (curate), 2
Biner Benjamin, Amsden, Inglenook, Curry Jas. In. Stebonheath,Grove hill G.asco~gne villas, MaIrp.esbury road
Wavertree road *Daz:zleman Frederick, I M,ay villas, Greville Harry Leicester, Diersheim,
Black Mrs. Roslin, Grove road P1'lmrose road Ohurchfields
Blaine Robert Gordon, Afton l(}dge, Davey Charles, 10 The Shrubberies, Griffin Alfred, Hill side, Churchfieldg
Stanley road George lane Griffin Harold Edmund, Avondale,
Bligh John, Norwood villa, Grove hill Davis John, Ahnerna, Churohfields, Churchfields
Blyth Mrs. Dunedin villa, .Maybank rd Cowslip road Grover James Christopher, Clifton
*Bodger Thos. Bourn cot. Maybank rd Davis J oseph, The Cottage,George la villa, Derby road
Bond Arbhur William, The Priory, Davison Edward Percy, Fyfield villa, Gunn ':Phomas' Greenhalgh, Green-
Buckingham road Buckingham road stead, Chelmsford road
Born Henry, Lorraine, Grove hill Dean Robt. Fern vil. 'Maybank Toad *Hackett William Sheppard, Conis-
Boulton George, Roselea, Gordon road de Castro J. 2 Marlborough villas, ton, Gordon road
Bradford Archibald Gampbell,3 Wood- West grove Hall Alfred John, Clovelly, Grove hill
land villas, High Toad De Courcey Mrs. I Oak vils.Derby rd Hammond Rev. Thomas (Oong.),
Brayne Francis Wm. I Grove crescent Deer George William, Mountain Ash, Malvern house, Grove Tood
Brett A. J. Glenhurst, Churchfields 'Vavertree road Hampton Francis,Kenilworth, Chelms-
Brigham Edwin, Holmhurst, Derby I'd Deer John, ~illdane, .Malmesbury road ford road
Brine Mrs. 8 The Shrubberies, Delmotte MISS', Montrose, Derby road Hann Sydney John, Devonshire lodge,
Georg-e lane Dent Louis 'Vm.Lindal,Chelmsford rd Fullers road
Britton'" Edwin Harold, Pangbourne Dixon Hy. 2 Woodland vil~. High road Hans Armard, MontpelIier, High road
villa, Stanley road . Dodds John de QuettevIlle, 2 May Hanslow Mrs. Woodford cottage, Buck-
!Brown Arth. The Rosery, Churchfields villas, Primrose ~o~d . . ingham road
Brown Capt. John, Pen Deen, East- Drabble Herbert WIlham, Chve VIlla, Harcourt. Geo.WoodfQrd lo.Grove hill
wood Toad Buckingham road Harding Charles Frederick, Church-
Brown Cecil Stone, 12 Eastwood road Drabble Jas.lvybolm, Buckingham Td field bous,e, Ohurchfiel<Ls
Erown Miss, St. J()hn's viI. Derby rd Durell Richard, Grove 10. High road Harrison Fredk. W. 16 Eastwooet rd
Buckland Henry, Glendower, Grove rd *Eades Mis·s, Avenham vil.Primrose 'I'd Harrison Wm. Thomas, Holly Bush,
Bunch Robert Staunton, High view, Earle George Clifford, The Homestead, Maybank road
Chelmsford road Buckingham road Hassam Charles Augustus, Compton
Caird Edwd. Bonar,Clifton ho.Grove rd Elliot.t John, Teesdale,Chelmsford Td villa, Maybank road
Cameron Edwin Percy, 9 Eastwood rd Elliott Rbt. Brooklyn, Ohelmsford Td Hat<lh Wyndham Hugh John, The
'Cameron WilIiam, Truby ho. High rd Elliott Thomas, Middleton house, Shrubbery, High road.
Campbell Ernest Thomas, Folkestone Chelmsford road Hawkins Charles, Don side, Grove hill
lodge, Grove hill Ellison Hy.Hrbt. Eden ho.Yaybank rd Herrmann Henry J. A., 'M.I.M.E. Ry-
CampbelI James, Woodleigh, Derby I'd ElsdenArth.Jn.Hebburn vil.Grove hill dal mount, Grove !hill
Carter Henry Massey, 9 Grove eres· *Endicott Samuel 'White, 2 Dora villas, Hill Arthur, 8 Grove crescent
cent, Grove road Crescent road *Hird Mrs. 7 Louisa tel'. Maybank rd
Hirschberg Isidore, Eillingford house, Montague Alberl Edward, Malv>ern viI. StanIey Andrew. Claremont.Grove I'd
Grove road Primrose road Stark George, Lynton. Ohurchfields
Hobbs Edwd. Sunnycroft. Grove hill Montague Mrs. Melford lodge. Cleve- Stebbing Alfd. Fernleigh. Churchfields
*Hohhs John, Sunnyhurst, Grove hill land road Stiles Joseph John, The View. Chig-
Hollington T'hos,. Fairlight, Waver- Morrison Geo. 'fIhos. 4 Eastwood road well road
tree road Morton James. 10 Grove crescent Still Thos.The Sihrubberies,George III
*Hollingum Albert Josiah, Rose villa, Muddiman John, Glenmore,Olmrchflds Stove Alfred,St.Switbin's,Maybank I'd
Maybank road Nathan Wm. Fairleigh, Ohurchfields Sutton Wm. Eagle Ibo. Ohigwell I'd
Holloway Mrs. 2 Woodford Hall villas, Naylor Thomas, Abbotsford, Grove I'd Swinton Allan Chisholm, Hanning-
Ohelmsford rood Newman Fras. George, St. Margaret's field, Eastwood road
Hood Geo.Hy.Edenvale vil.Grove hill *Nicholas John, St. Catherine, May- Symmons Thomas. Hermon villa,
Hopwood James, Carnarvon lodge, bank road Chigwell road
Chelmsford road Nicholson Frank A. Oakfield,Grovehill Tayler Fnk.Alfd.Abbotswood,Grove b!
Horn Jas. Amelia viI. Maybank road North Arth. Wm. St. Keyne,Grove hill Taylar Alfred Ernest, 3 Grove crescent
Hughes· Rev. Albert M.A. (rector &; Nunneley Oharles, 3 Maybank crescent Taylor Jas. Woodcroft, Malmesbury I'd
rural dean), Recto-ry, High roa.d Oades Walter H. Waverley, Grove hill T,aylor Mrs. Bedford villa, Fuller'~ I'd
HunnsHaroldEdwd.Fairview,Gordon I'd Oldham Charles, 2 Warwick villas. Taylor Samuel John, I Warwick villul',
Hunt George, St. Hilda's, Grove hill Chelmsford road Chelmsford road
Ide Mrs. Hope lodge, High road Osborn John Arthur, St. Osyth, Taylor William Thomas, TIle Cedars,
Jacobs Henry George, York villa, May- Buckingham road Wavertree road
bank road Osborn Mrs. The Retreat, Derby road ThaIsino Demetrius, Zante villa..
Janes Edmund. Stanford.Ohurchfields OsboTn Thomas Lewin. Conley dene, Derby road
Jaques Wm. Sylvans, Ohurchfields Chelmsford road Thomas William Quinton. lvinghoe.
Jennings Elliot. The Laurels, Ohelms- Ostler Robt. The Chestnuts, Derby I'd Grove hill
ford road Overall William Henry, 2 Grove cres Thurgood Mrs. Rose boo Primrose I'd
KenneyJn.Wavertree vil.Wavertree I'd Parrott Mrs. Bracklesham house, Tijou Geo.Chas.Lyndon,Chelmsfrd.Td
Kenney William, I Wo-odland Maybank road Tilley Mrs. St. Thomas' vil.Gordon I'd
villas, High :road Pasfield Riehd.C.Parkhill, Qhurchflds Tindall Mrs. I Woodford Hall villas,
Kilver Samuel Eli Hugo. 7 The Paton Arthur, Fremont. Chelmilford I'd Ohelmsford road .
Shrubberies, George lane Pattison James, Fawley 10. George la *Torpy Wm. Sunnycroft, Gordon I'd
King John William, I l Grove cresC€iD.t Peace :Mrs. 6 Grove bill Towler Thos.Ricbd.20uk vils.Derby I'd
Kin~ William Porteous, Romanhurst, Peakall George Herbert. Shanavogue, Turner Geo-rge William. Florence vil.
Chelmsford Toad Gordon Toad Maybank road
Kipping Charle·s· Thomas. I Alma vils. Peppiatt William Robert, MagIona Turner Jonathan, Nuremberg,Derby I'd
Primrose road vula, Derby road Turner Miss. High road
Knight Geo. Hy.Forest view,Peel I'd Pepys WilIiam Price. Chepstow lodge·, Turtle Frederick M.D. Kirkmead,
Koch Albert Claus. I I Eastwood road Chelmsford road Olmrchfields
Lang John. Oraigmillar, Grove road Phillips Mrs. Elizabeth lodge. Ores- Venners William, Salermo, Stanley I'd
Lannigan Henry Trevor. Airmount, oent road north Volbmann Frederic1;:. Carnarvon viI.
Grove hill Pick James. Holly lodge, Derby road Carnarvon <road
Large Thomas', 6 Eastwood road Pittman Frank Coo-per, Duningworth, Volckman Oharles Ernest Perks, Bank
Lasham J obu, Dee side, Grove hill Grove road house, George lane
Lawson ~ames. I Hill side, Grove hill Podger Wm. Brendon, Churchfields Wagstaff Henry,The Laurels,Derby rd
Leigh Rev. A. T., A.K.C.L. (curate of Potbecary Thos.Berjouville,Grove I'd WalfordEdwd.Arth.Foxley ho.Grove I'd
Holy Trinity), 4 Mllibel terrace, May- Pringle Rbt.The Limes,Ohelmsfrd.rd Walker Miss, Oorinth villa, Derby road
bank road Pullon Charles, 7 Grove crescent Wall Frdk.I Swiss vils.Derby I'd
Leslie Robt. Hy. 5 Hill side, Grove hI Radford Frank, Laurestinus,George la Ward Rev. Walter W. (Wesleyan),
Lever Joseph Frederick, The Old Rains Geo. Wm. Olarence viI.Grove I'd Malmesbury ho. Malmesbury road '
lodg-e. High road Randall Charles WiIliam. The Hollies, Warwick James Oharles Henry, Lyn-
Lewis Mrs. Red lodge, Chelmsford I'd Grove hill dale, Gordon road
iLiddle Geo. Thos.Olifton lo.Grove hill Rapkin Samuel, Oak dene,Maybank I'd Wastell ·Wm. Louis Francis, Eastview,
Liddle ~:t:rs. Daisybank. Derby road Reynolds Charles Hy. Percival house, Malmesbury road
LiIlywhite Bert, Glanymoor, Waver- Maybank road Watts William. Bohella. High road
t,ree road Rich Wm. Hope villa, Chelmsford I'd 'West Thomas, Wellington vii. Grove I'd
Litchfield Edwin, Durham cottage, Richardson Alfd. Jas. 15 Eastwood I'd Westaway Frederick WiIIiam, Camden
Chelmsford road Richardson Jas. Alexander, London villa, Fullers road
Littlejohn Thomas, 4 Grove crescent house. Ohigwell road We~ton Geo.Edgar,Belmont,Derby I'd
Littlejohn Thomas, Stafford lodge, RiggenbachFranz,Has~emere,Grovehll 'V\Thlpple Arthur, The Chalet, Grove hI
Cheimsford road *Ringer WItr. Sabina viI. Maybank I'd Wrhite Broster,Gibraltar cot.Gordon I'd
Lloyd Henry John, Fairlight villa, Ross In. Arth. Inglewood,Oburchflds *White Thomas, Sunnyside, Gordon I'd
Maybank rood Row!and Mrs. Edith villa, Oburchfields Wiles Edward Brereton, Lyndlmrst,
Lloyd Henry John, jun. Vine cottage, Russell John Alexander. Hawarden. Wavertree road
Woodville road Chelmsford road Williams George. 6 The ,shrubberies.
Ludbrook 'Mrs. Cumberland lodge, Sackett Benj. Rd. Essex viI. Derby I'd Georg-e lane
Churchfields Sackett Harry, Lilian cot. Derby I'd Williams Thomas Edward, Eastwood.
Lyles Thomas, Heacham lodge, Buck- ¥. Salter Richard Nicholas. Saltum ldg. Eastwood road
ingham road Churchfields *Williams WilIiam Samuel, Holmleigh,
Macdonald JnJI'he Dormers,Derby I'd Savage Alfred. St. Denys,Eastwood I'd Latchett road
Madhell Wm.Geo.Maywood,Stanley I'd Seamark James Henry, Willowdrift, Wilmer Horaee, Mt. Stewart, Grove hI
:Maclntos,h John Donald, 6 Grove cres Gordon road Wilson Edward, Glenlyn, Eastwood I'd
McKendrieldrchibld.Studley,Grove I'd Sharpe Alfd. Evanston ho.Churchflds Wilson Ernest Victor, 'Crete, Derby I'd
Mackrow ClemE:nt M. Oaklands. Sheldon J. J. Rosedale, Churehfields Wilson George Frederick, St.Keverne,
Grove hill Shillin Wm. Glen Esk, Latohett road Primrose road
Maltby Thomas, Earl villa, Grove I'd Simons Alfred. East India house, Windmill Charles.The Briars, Chelms-
Marriage Jas. H. Ellerby, George la Buckingham road ford road
Marsh Septimus Ferdinand, Darley SimpsonJn.Arth.Brantwooo,Gordon I'd Wood Arthur Wm.Eversley,Grove hill
dale, Buckingham road Single Mrs. The Grove, High road Wood Horace James, 13 Eastwood I'd
*Mars'hallJn.Wm.Gourtfield,Grove hill Smith Frank,The Poplars,Eastwood I'd Wood Thomas, jun. I Louisa terrace,
Marsland Francis. Olematis villa, Smith Geo.Keeble,Felsted,Churchflds Maybank road
ChigwelI road Smith Harry, Gosberton,Wavertree I'd Wood 'I'hos. Megam, 2 Louisa teTrace,
Mayell Wm. Eas.tney,Buckingham I'd Smith T·hos.Chas.Hilldrop, Derby rd Maybank road
MaynaI'd Richard Isaac, 8 Louisa tel'. Smith-Harrison Arthm List,er J.P. Woollard Frank Jspb.Avondale,Peel I'd
Maybank Toad Elmhurst, High road 1Vorringham Oharles, Washington ho.
Medcalf Mrs. Oomo house, Stanley I'd Smith-HarrisonMrs.Elmhurst,High I'd Grove road
Medland John Rowe, Woodbine, *Southcott Arthur, Buckingham villa. Wright Alfd.Hy.Maisonnette,Ohrchflds
Chelmsford road Buckingham road Wright Robert, Medbury,Ohurchfields-
Meyer Arth. MuTton vil.Ohelmsford rd Spriggs Frederick, 7 Eastwood road Wright Thomas, Haslemere,Eastwd.rd
Miller Ira. Grove house, Grove road Stanton John, I Maybank crescent, YouldonFrdk.Tressillian,Wavertree rd
[Miller Peter, Winwick viI. Grove hill Maybank road
COMMERCIAL. Albrecht Frank, hair dresser, GeoI'ge lane
. Early closing day, Thursday. AlIen A. & Son, butchers
Abbott Brothers. dairymen, High road Argent George, furniture depository, Gordon road
Asbey Percy Thomas, greengrocer, Maybank road 'Flaxman Sam!. Geo. who. confr. St. IDede's, Grove hill
Baker George, chimney sweep, 14 Chase road Fleming David N. painter.& house decorator. George lane
Baker Joseph, nurseryman, Grove hill Foot George Charles. printer, I Salisbury vils. Latchett rd
Baker Thomas, soda water manufacturer, 15 Grove end Forge & Forge, land .& estate agts. & surveyors, George la
Barry Richard John, clerk, Lynton, Gordon road Forge Frederick Lindus, architect & surveyor, George la
Bartholomew Alice Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Daisy road Foster Wm. boot &; shoe dealer &; tobacconist. George la.
Bayford Joseph, saddler &; harness maker, High road Fox Charles H. carpenter .& joiner, Albert terrace
Beale Samuel George, George hotel, High road Francis Arthur Joseph, music stores. I Grove ter. High I'd
Bellham Richard. boot maker, Daisy road Franklin Alfred, householder, Ivydene, Malmesbury road
BensoD Charles, boot & harness maker, George lane Freeman, Hardy .& Willis Ltd. boot & shoe mas. George la
Benson F. shirt & collar dresser, 5 Maybank road Furneaux Berbt. french plshr. 3 Ashford viIs. Ashford rd
Benson G.poulterer &; game dealer,9 Gladstone tel'.High I'd Gain Jessie &, Alice (Misses), private sc4oo1 for girls~
Berrill, BOOilly &; Dent, physicians & surgeons, Lindal, Cairnbrook college, Churchfields
Chelmsford road Gale William &; George, brick .& tile makers, Chigwell l'd
Berrill Alfred L.B.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. (firm, Garman Francis Wilberforce L.D. S.Eng. dental surgeon~
Berrill, Bodilly & Dent), physician & surgeon & medical George lane
officer & public vaccinator, Woodford district, West Gene,ver Jane (Mrs.), nursery & seed dealer, Derby roa<1
Ham union, Green Heys, High road Genever William, laundry, Haxey villa, Carnarvon road
Bird Clarence Frederick, clerk, I Buckingham villas, George Lane Sanitary Steam Laundry, Beechcroft road
Buckingham road George Henry Edward. Railway Bell P .H. George lane
Blumsom William, Napier Arms P.H. New road George 'William, farm bailiff to Thomas Mason esg.
Blunsum L. L. (Mrs.), householder. 3 Buckingham villas, Churchfield's farm
Buckingham road Gerres '\'Villiam, baker, Victoria road
Boakes Ha:r;ry. mantle manufacturer. Grove hill Gibson Annie (Miss), high school for girls, Washington rd
Bradford Henry, shopkeeper, Chigwell road Gibson Arthur James, corn &, flour dealer, 10 Gladstone
Brandon Albert, boot maker, George lane terrace. High road
Brooker Charles, paperhanger. The Cottage, High road GiIdersleeve James, fishmonger, George lane
Brown Brothers, photographers, 3 Grove villas, tirove I'd Gladstone's (Mrs.) Free Convalescent Home for the Poor
Brown Herbert, writer ~ grainer, 4 Denmark terrace, (Miss E. Simmons,lady supt.), Woodford hall
Carnarvon road Goddard John, householder, 5 Salisbury viIs. Latchett I'd
Brown Joseph, insul'. agent, 2 Rose villas, Stanley road Golds H. Francis & Co. drapers, I Gladstone tel'. High I'd
Bruehl Ernest, hair dresser & tobacconist, George lane Graham Fredk. householder, Hughenden, Malmesbury I'd
Burrows William, smith, iRosery, Primrose road Gray Frank, jobbing gardener, 6 Sydney tel'. Cowslip I'd
Bush & Carter, bakers &, confectioners, 4 The Market, Gray John, florist, Avon's vil. Stanley I'd. &; Grove road
George lane Green Oharles. teacher of music, I Orchard viIs. George la
Bush G. butcher, Gladstone terrace, High road Green George, cashier, 4 Salisbury villas', Latchett road
Butcher Joseph & Sons, blacksmiths & gasfitters, High I'd Grove Mission Home for Aged Women (Edward Hobbs,
Butcher George, ironmonger, I&;2 Maybank road supt.), Grove road ,& Beaconsfield road
Caropbell Ernest Thomas, architect & surveyor, Folke- Guthrie Peter, oil & color mer. 5 &, 6 Grove tel'. Bigh I'd
stone lodge, Grove hill Hagger Josiah, draper, George lane
Carter George, baker, see Bush &; Carter Hall Charles, greengrocer, George lane
Charge Clara (Miss), grocer, see Corke &; Charge Hampton Janet (Mrs.), hsehldr. Cambridge viI. Stanley I'd
Childs Louis,a (Mrs.), laundress, 9 Maybank oottages, Hants Henry A. board school master, School ho.Churchflds
Ma .'v bank road Hardman Geo. boot &, shoe ma. 9 Florence tel'. iMaybank I'd
Cichtira Mrs. householder, 2 Gothic villas, Maybank road Harris In. civil service clerk, Willow bank, Buckingham I'd
'Cockett & Henderson, auctioneers &, est. agts. George la Harris Wm. jobbing grdnr. 5 Cheyne row, Carnarvon I'd
Cootes John. fruiterer & greengrocer. High road Harrison E. plumber &; glazier, 2 lJuxton viIs. Stanley I'd
Corke .& Charge. grocers &; tea dealers, Fuller's road Harvey Charles Frederick, captain merchant service, Fern-
Cornish William, brick & t:i!le maker, Gordon road dale, Buckingham road
Cousins Thos. grocer &, tea dlr. I St. James' ter.Gordon I'd Harwood George, decorator, I Brett's viIs. Primrose road
Coverly Oharles Jas. hsehldr. 'Elizabeth cott. Gordon rd Hedges Frederick John, draper, George lane
Cox George, cooper, Ethel villa, Victoria road Henninger Henry, gas &; hot water engineer, 4 Cromer
CrackneTI Thomas, boot & shoe ma. 6 Norfolk viIs. Peel I'd villas, Walpole road
Cracknell William, shopkeeper, Chigwell road Heritage Arthur Batchelor, china .& glass dealer, 4 The
Croft John, laundry, Peel road Market, George lane
Croft Joseph, laundry, 4 Milton villas, Carnarvon road Hersey J. shopkeeper, Chigwell road
Cross Samuel Wm. school master, 7 Tower vils. Cowslip rd Hesse Alice Sophia (Mrs.), aparts. Rose villa, Walpole I'd
Crowl M. (Miss), dress maker, 3 Stanley terrace Hickman George, nurseryman & se-edsman. George lane
Cubitt J. boot &, shoe maker, la, Grove terrace .& 2 Glad- Hickman Sam, printer, 6a, Maybank road
stone terrace, High road Hilton Thomas, carman, 12 Grove End road
Cumber William, shopkeeper, Chigwell road Hogwood Arth. al'chitct. &; survyr. Deepden~, Eastwood I'd
Curreil Elizabeth (Mrs.), boot maker, Albert road Bolder William,carpenter & joiner, Langford cot.Stanley I'd
Darby John Charles & Sons, butchers, Maybank road Holland &, Barrett, grocers, George lane
Day James Thomas, accountant, 5 Lauisa tel'. Maybank I'd Home for Destitute & Motherless Children (Miss Hutchin.
Dent Louis William L.R.O.P.Lond.• M.R.C.S.Eng. physi- matron), Crescent road
cian & surgeon, see Berrill, BodiUy .& Dent Hope Harold, art craftsman, Oastleacre cot. Latchett I'd
Devlin Sarah (Mrs.),householder,4 Lauisa tel'. Maybank I'd Howell Dora (Mrs.), householder, Penshurst, Stanley I'd
Dyer John James, cowkeeper, Cowslip road Huddlesrone Emma (Mrs.), householder, 4 Tower villas.
Earl Samuel, bank clerk, Grasmere, Grove hill Cowslip road
Eassom Jennie (Miss), dress maker, George lane Hudson Henry, grocer &, tea. dealer, 3 Maybank road
Eassom Wm. .& Son, carmen, 2 Orchard viIs. George la Huett Sarah (Mrs.), hsehldr. 3 Louisa tel'. Maybank road
East William • dairyman, George lane Hughes John, pawnbroker, Geol1ge lane
Ede Harriett (Mrs.), apartments, Stanley ho. Stanley I'd Hunt Jsph. boot &, shoe ma. Fairview house, Grove road
Edginton John F.householder, 3 Salisbury vils. Latchett I'd Hutchins Charles, builder, Grove hill
Elliott WaIter, pawnbroker, 8 Salisbury vils. Latchett rd Huxtable Mary Victoria (Mrs.), bak~r, High road
Emery Thomas, apartments, 2 Woodlands villas, Peel I'd Hyett George, upholsterer; Derby rd. & Fuller's road
England William John, watch &, clock maker, George lane Ince .Herbert Henry, collector of Ring's taxes. 2 Orchard
Ernest Henry, tailor, High road villas, Chelmsford road
Erskine Henry, fancy repository, George lane Ireland Job, warehouseman, 2 Lincoln villas, StanIey I'd
F,airbairn James, bootmaker, 3 Milton viIs. Carnarvon I'd Jarvis Flora (Mrs.), shopkeeper. Grove road
Farnfield Samuel, private school for boys, George lane Jenner Wiliiam Henry, builder, High road
Fentan Frederick Hubert, hsehldr. 2 Ash vils. Fuller's I'd Johnson Edward Owles, dairyman, Pool road
Ferry William, printer, 7 Grove terrace, High road J ohnson Richd. Edwd. dairyman, Violet cot. Violet road
Field William, nurseryman &; seedsman, Chelmsford road Joiner GeoTge, greengrocer, Grove road
Finke Frederick Charles, White Hart P.H. High road Joiner John, fruiterer & gl''Ilgrcr. 4 Grove tel'. High road
Fisher Rate (Mrs.), photographic artist, Bayford house, J olliffe Chas. Edwd. builder, Oak villa. Malmesbury I'd
Chelmsford road Jones William Emanuel, builder, see Parry & Jones
Fisher Mary Ann (Mrs.), confr. 2 St. James' ter. Gordon I'd Jordan Harry, dining Toomll, Maybank Toad
Fitter Thomas, hous-e decorator, Rose cottage. Albert I'd Keeley Hy. insurance agent, Twyford villa, Stanley road
Flegg Frederick Arthur Martin M.R.C.S.Eng.• L.R.C.P. Rennard William, Francis. dairy &; tobacconist,Gladstone
Lond. physician &; surgeon, Southdene, George lane terrace, High .r.oad.
Kemp Jamcs, mechanical engineer, George lane Riley Joseph, huilder, George lane
Ketley George, householder, 2 Tower villas, Cowslip rd Roberts Lonisa (Mrs.) &; John, tobacconists, 10 Grove
Kilner Saml. EH Hugo, 80lr. 7 The Shrubberies,George la terrace, High road
Kind E. (Miss), private school, Newton villa, Stanley rd Rolst,one Charles, baker, 4 Gladstone terrace, High road
Kind James, householder, I Ash villas, Fuller's ;road Rooke W. H. & Co. umbrella manufacturers, Burst cot-
KnigMbridge W. butcher, George lane tage, Daisy road
Leake Fredk. John &; Son, .hat case mas. Orescent road Rowan Agne!! (Miss), private school, Royston villas,
Liddle Thomas &; Sons, grocers &; provision merchants Mayhank road
& wine &; spirit merchants, Post office, High road; Royce W. jobhing gardener, I Roslyn vils. Carnarvon I'd
&; at Assam house &; 5 Gladstone terrace, High ,road Salter Catherine Mary (Miss), confectioner & pastry-
Linch James, insurance agent, 8 Norfolk villas, Peel road cook, George lane
Lomax 'Samuel, cycle & motor maker, 5 &; 7 Gladstone Sal way John, baker, George lane
terrace, High road Sands Arthur, cycle maker, High road
Long Isaac, butcher, 3 Gladstone terrace, High road Scheffel August, baker, 6 Maybank road
Love Joseph Thomas, householder, Lea Mount villa, Seahorn Alex. journalist, I Rose villas, Stanley road
Gordon road Senior James, baker, Dundee house, George lane
Lowe Alfred, house decorator, High road 8haw Jas. Wilson, coal &; coke mer. I Elm viIs. Derby rd
Lowe Mary Ann Emily (Miss), dress maker, 9 Oromwell Shead Clara (Miss), dressma. I Ivy viis. Victoria road
villas, Walpole road 8he11ey W. J. florist, Chigwell road
Mahbitt E. &; K. toy dealers, George lane Shrimpton .Toseph, stationer, 2 Grove terrace, High road
Malhy Henry Thomas, photographer, I & 2 Blyden villas, Simmons Samuel, bootmaker, High road
Chelmsford Toad Simmons Samuel, builder, 2 Florida cots. Stanley road
Manners 'Villiam Arthur, laundry, Fuller's road Slader Reginald Antoine, hshldr. Briarwood, Gordon I'd
Martin Henry, householder, Stafford house, Chigwell rd Smith John AI'bllJthnot, clerk,I Connaught vils.Stanley re
Martin Wm. Hy. manager, Brackhurst, Gordon road SmHh John Thurlow, civil service clerk, Ellesmere,
Marvell M. .!. (Mrs.), beer retailer, Ghigwell road Buckingham road
Masters Elizabeth (Mrs.), dairy, Rose cottage, Peel road Smith 'rhomas J. boot &; shoe maker, 8 George lane·
Matthews &; Son, chemists, George lane Solomon John T. fishmonger, 9 Grove terrace, High rd
Matthews Ernest Bert, greengrocer I, &; provision dealer Sout,h Woodford Cricket Club (J. S. Feather, sec.),
2, The Market, George lane Chllrchfields
Maydwell Wm. householder, Clinton villa, Maybank road South Woodford Volunteer Fire Brigade Station (Charles
Mayne Ellen (Miss), nurse, 4 Salisbury villas, Walpole rd W. Chinnery, station officer), Mayba.nk road
Metcalf John, oilman &; ironmonger, George lane Son than J. G. fishmonger, 4 Maybank road
MeyerJohanna(Mrs. ),householder,Breman viI. Chigwell 'I'd Sparks Alfred Richard, house decorator, 27 Chase road
Milborrow 'rhos. househldr. Florence house, Stanley I'd Stanley R. &; Co. livery stable keepers, George lane
Miller Ernest Alfd. householder, Inglenook, Gordon road Stanton Amy (Miss), dress maker, George lane
Mills Thomas &; Co. tailors, Geor~e lane Staple ton Charles Oscar, househldr. Ivy cot. Gordon rd
MiIton WaIter Chas. plumber, I Florence ter.Maybank rd Steel "Ma{,thew, travelling drpr. Engleberg,Chelmsford rd
Monk George Stephen, clerk, I Lincoln vils. Stanley rd Still Thos. co,al &; coke mer. Rookery chmbrs. George la
Morris Alice (Miss), dressmaker, 2 H.awthorn villas, St,ocllbridge W. J. & Co. auctioneers &; house &; estate
Carnarvon road agents, George lane
Morris John, news agent & vendor, George lane Symmol1s &; Co. photographers, George lane
MOl'SS Richard, painter &; house decorator, Charles villa, 'l'anner C. W. & Sons, coal &; coke mers.George Lane stn
Malmesbury road '1'ijou George Charles, solicitor, Lyndon, Chelmsford rd
Morton Thomas K. cycle manufadurer, High road 'l'ippetts James, householder, 5 Tower viIs. Cowslip Toad
Muggleton Alfred F. greelllgrocer, George lane 'ripping William, house decorator, 8 Violet road
Newton John Oliver, commercial traveller, 2 Salisbury 'rite D. M. &; Sons, coal & coke merchants, George lane
villas, Latchett road Tong' Ernest, shopkee'per, Chigwell road
Nicho11s George, jobbing gardener, Gordon road 'l'onkin Leeming Nicholas, butcher, Fuller's road
Nicholson Frank .A. grocer & tea dealer, George lane Towler John, shopkeeper, Y'ictoria road
Noel 'V'm. James. accountant. Briarwood, Grove hill 'l'nck"r Wm. Hy. photographer, Assam house, High rd
Norman Esther (Miss), dress ma. Oakes cots.Maybank rd Turk Harry, carver & gilder, 3 Grove ter. High road
Orange Alfred, commercial clerk, 6 Stanley ter.Stanley ;rd 'l'yler Alfred Hugh, civil engnr. Medina viI. Maybank rd
Orme William. relieving- officer No. 0 district, West Vohmann Lilian Butt (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6 Ashford rd
Ham union, North Side, Grove road, ~outh Woodford WaIsh 'Villiam John, insurance agent, 5 Fuller's road
Osborn Thomas & Sons, builders & undertkrs. High ro,ad 1Valtihnw WaIter Washington, buyer, St.Elms, Gordon rd
Page, Oalunn & Co. Lim. builders' mers. George lane 'Yard Bernard, dairyman, Victoria road
Pain!. C. draper, Maybank road Ward Henry, shopkeeper, Chigwell road
Parr's Bank Limited (branch) (Alfred Lediard, manager) Warming-ton H. & Sons, carriage builders, High road
(open daily), George lane; draw on head office, Bar- Warne William A. outfitter, Gladstone terrace, High rd
tholomew lane, London E C Warren Frederic &; Co. Lim. coal &; coke merchants,
Parry &; .Tones, buildel's, Stanley road George Lane station
Parsons Caroline (Mrs.). Railway coffee tavern, George la Waterman Stephen, confectioner, Forest New road
Parsons J. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Albert road Webster Alex. sign writer, 15 Mayba.nk cots. Maybank rd
Peace William Powling, baker, High road Wells Oharles Joseph, butcher, George lane
Pea.rce Naomi Elizabeth (Miss), fancy repository, & Wenden William, draper, 8 Grove terrace, High road
Post office, George West James, grocer &; heer retailer, Grove road
Pearman William, school attendance officer, 2 Woolston ""est WaIter Henry, coal merchants' traveller, I Buxton
villas. Stanley road villas, Stanley road
Pears Frederick, cheesemonger, George lane Westbrook George William, jobbing gardener, 3 Mary
Pepys Mrs. householder, Glenthorne, Buckingham road Ann cottages, Violet road
Penin .Tames,boot &; shoe maker, High road Westcott Fredk. William, shipping insurance broker,
Pickering L. &; Co. drapers, High road llllrghley, Gordon road
Pilgrim George E. laundry, Stanler road White A·rthur, provision dealer, 3 Maybank road
l'ittard Edward, superintendent Prudential Assurance Wiggin Charles W. chemist & druggist, High road
Co. 2 Maria cottages, Cowslip road Williams Annie Maria (Miss), teacher of music, 2 Rich·
Poole Henry Thomas, builder. Maybank villas.Maybank rd mond villas, Woodville road
Powell George, in sur. ng-t. 4 HawthOTn vils. Carnarvon rd Williams Edward Ernest, house decorator, 2 Richmond
Prestagoe Frank. hosier & glover, GeOl'ge lane VillM, Woodville road
Prior Willi""m, boot &; shoe maker, Victoria Toad Williams John, 5 Denmark terrace, Carnarvon road
Pnffett Robert. greengrocer, Albert road Willmott HeDlry Cole, househldr.I Gothic vils.Maybank l"d
Ralph George .Tames, clerk, 6 Louisa terrace, Maybank rd Wilson Alfred, stationer &; post office, 8 Gladstone tel'.
Ranger Framk. builder, George lane race, High road
Rankin Alice (Miss), dressmaker, 2 St. James ter.Peel rd Wilson Emily (Mrs.), apartments, I S't. Thomas' villas,
Raynar WaIter, insurance agent, 18 Oxfol'd terrace, Mayb'lillk :road
W oodford Lower road Winner John, laundry, 6 Oakdale road
Rennett .Annie (Mrs.), laundry, 6 Orchard ter.George la Woodford Mail (Sam Hickman, publisher; published sat.),
Rey C.L.(Mrs.), hshldr. 2 Bnckingham vils.Bncknghm.rd 6a, Maybank road
Riches George, sen. tobacconist, ~ George lane Woodhouse WaIter, builder, Grove road
Richman Kate (Miss), dress ma. Elm cot. Primrose road Wooding Wm. Hy. nnrseryman, Ivy cot. Latooett ~oad
Ritey John, insurance agent, 14 Granvi1le road Woodward Geo. Wm. insur. sgt. 3 John's cots. Violet rd
Wrench Jacob, florist, Carnarvon road Yardley Hy. Boundage, analyst,Cheriton 10. Gordon road
Wrenc'h Kate (Miss), girls' day school, Stansfield house, Young Men's Christian Association (John O. Crow &, E.
Stanley road Poultney, hon. secs.), Ohatham road
Wright George, carman, Grove road
(Letters through W oodford Green.) WaIler Rev. Charles Edward M.A. Hibbert A. & Co.grocers & boot deaIrs
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Vicarage Holton WaIter, butcher
IJoloon Joseph Shaw M.D., B.S. Watkins George Floyd, The Gales Jones Robert M.D. medical supt. Lon-
Asylum, Claybury Watkins Waiter, Great Gales don County Lunatic Asylum, Olybry
Boulton ·Walter Charles, Kingston ha Wheeler John James, The Elms Ken,t Ralph, grocer, High street
Bower Henry, Normanhurst COMMERCIAL. Ledger Alice (Mrs.), tobacconist
iloys-Johnston Rev. Wm. George M.A. AlmondThos.jobmaster,Providence cot Linnett ·Walter, Crown &, Crooked
(chaplain, Asylum, C1aybury), 2 Bentley Robert, fishmonger Billet P.R
Gains'borough road Birch Charles, dairyman London County Lunatic Asylum (Rbt.
Chapman Mrs. Thurlby house Bird George William, builder Jones M.D. medical supt.; James
'Cottis Miss, Asylum, GIa.ybury Boxall Arthur, florist, Olaybury I'd E. Stephens, steward; Miss Sarah
Ellis Perey, 6 Cambridge terrace Bursill Edward,. butcher Cottis, matron; for complete medi-
Ewart Charles Theodore M.D.Asylum, Carr Frederick William, hairdresser cal staff, see p. 460), Olaybury
'Oaybury Cheke Robert &, Co. house agents Millingwn Ida (Miss), dressmaker
'Forshaw William Herbert L.R.e.p. Comben Robert, coffee tavern Morris, Thomas, tea agent
Lond. Asylum. Clayilmry Cottis Sarah ('Miss), matron to London Osborn T. & Sons, undertakers &
France Eric M.B. Asylum. C1aybury County Lunatio Asylum, Claybury funeral furnishers
Harnden Wm. Samuel. 'Vestfield Dawson Harry Wm. White Hart P.H Parry Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Henshaw William, The Chestnnt.s Dyer Francis 1Villiam, corn &, flour Porter Thomas, jobbing gardener
:fones Robt. M.D. Asylum, Claybury merchant, OhigwelIJ road Rack'ham L. (Mrs.) & Son, bakers
Lee Henry 'V. Gwynne house Evans William, bootmaker Randall Timothy, baker
Macmillan Neil Harrismith M.B. Gearing Joseph Robert, shopkeeper Ranson James J. boot & shoe mak~r
Asylum, Claybury Grayston Cha,s. grocer, &, post office Roake Sarah ,AilU (Mrs.), beer retlr
Menhinick Geo. Hy. Woodford house Green Sarah (Mrs.), fancy repository Salmon Charles, groeer
Noble George, The Cottage Gunt{)n J oseph; wheelwrig'ht Skingley Henry &, Sons, fruiterers
Noble Jo;hn, 2 Gainsborough road Haird Albert, draper Stephens J ames E. steward of the
Page W. S. Roding house Hare John, carman London County Lunatic Asylum,
Pugh Robert M.B. Asylum, Claybury Hawkins John, farmer, Claybury farm Claybury
'S:haw Chas. .In. Southby,TheUplands Heathcote Anne (Mrs.), confectioner Watkins WaIter, farmer, Great Gales
Smith Richd. Wm. 3 Waltham ter Hemp~ted Albert, blacksmith Woodford Bridge Reading &Recreation
Stephens James' E. Asylum, Claybury Hetherington Frederick Wm. grocer Room (William Shephard, sec)
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burrage John Henry, St. Tydfil, Fair-' Dugard Frederick (H.M.'s inspee~or of
.Abborl:t Wm. Glengall, Snake's lane light avenue schools), Bellbrook, .snake's lane
Abrams Miss, Atherstone,:Mayfield av Busk Chitrles, Upwey, Snake's lane Dunlop Nathaniel, Cbarteris house,
Alger Mrs. I Glebe avenue ButterwOl't'h Thomas Becher, 30 In- Snake's lane
Allen Sml. The Willows, Snake's lane gatestone road Dunstan Rev. Father O.F.M.(Catholic),
.Andersen Laus Jorgen, High Elms, Byworth Henry Alfred, Roseneath, The Monastery
The Green Broomhill road Durrant Wm. Parker, 3 The Terrace
.Anderson 'William, Eagle house Oassap In.Harrison,32 Ingatestone I'd Dutton Fredk. Hugh, 8 The Terrace
.A.nderton Rev. William Edward ~LA. OhamberlainGe{).BrynMawr,Sa.Iway hI I Eason Henry, Fairview, Glebe avenue
(Cong.), .A.mbleside, Broomhill I'd Chamen Charles T'. B. Wyaston, Fair- Edward Rev. Father O.F.M. (Catho-
Anotole Rev. Father O.F.M. (Catho- field road. lie), The Mona,stery
lie), The Monastery Chamen Herbert Francis, Mount Ash, Edwards Charles Derwen~ B.A., M.B.
Appleton Anthony Herrick, Elm view, Snakes lane A1ton lodge, Broomhill road
High road Channon John, Cotswoldbury, Glen- Egg Rev. Edward Thomas (Congre-
Ashbridge Alfd. CromeI' lodge, Glen. gaU :road gational), Sydney villa, Sydney I'd
gall road, Snake's lane Chew Thomas, Glneryn, Salway hill Ellis James, llrook ho. Ohingford lane
Auden Harold Allden D.Se., ~LSc. Chilton.Hy. Craig MilIaI', Glengall I'd Elms MM. 7 Claremont grove
Clal'endon house Clay Mrs. St. Alban's cot. Salway hill [ Elswn Alfred, Ingleside, Fairlig'ht av
Baily Mrs. 6 The Terrace I
Comerford Michael Hy. St. Margarets Ewald Mrs. Oakdene, Sunset avenue
Ball John, Wyvenhoe, Mayfield avenue Conrey Samuel, 10 Claremont grove Farrant James Isaac, 10 The Terrace
Barnes Frederick, 4 Glebe avenue O:Jok Edward Harvey, Wensley house Fatt BrownIow Brashier, Blairmore,
Barnett Arthur, Liddisdale villa, Cook Henry John, The Firs/rIle Green I Glengall road
Glebel avenue Cook Mrs. Rider, Woodford house, Field Frederic, Durlstone, Higham rd
'Barrington Miss, 4 Madeira villas, Salway hill Finch Fredk. Heatherdale, Snake's la
Snake's lane Cope Fryal, St. Leonard's' vi1.Glebe av: Fish Herbert, The Heath, Sunset aven
'Barton Charles Douglas, Fairlight av Cordeaux Mrs. Redcot, Broomhill rd· Fitzpatrick Rev. Nicholas Richd M.A.
Barwell WaIter, Colwyn, Fairlight av OordenGeorgeFrancis,341ngatswne rd (vica.r ()f All Saint.s,WoodfordWells),
BasSI Hy. John, Winfield, The Green Cornish Hy. Ohas. Durley, West grove All Saints' pa,rsonage, Sydney road
Baxter Mrs. The Roses, Salway hill Cranwell Geo. Thos.Lomas,Higham rd Foot·tit Misses,S'hirley, Fairlight av
Bennett Mrs. Sunnyside,Prospeet :rd Orump Mrs. St. Aubyn's, The Green t Forrest Rev. John O.F.M. (Catholic),
Beresford William Chas. 7 The Terrace Curle J ames, St. .A1ban's, Salway hill I The Monastery
Boardman John, Hazelhurst,Snake's la Cutforth Samuel, Ashlyn I Fox Ohas. Edwd. Westwd. Snake's la
lloffee Wm. Kenilworth, Fairlight av Darton Fras. A Olare 10. Snake's lane Fox John Henry, 6 Ingatestone avenue
llonaventu:re Rev. Father O.F.M. The Davies Henry, Sylvan, ,Snake's lane I Free Harry, Felstead
Monastery Davies Mrs.1Yestward ho.Broom!hill rd Freight William, 2 York villas, Ray
Box Chas. I CarUon cots. Manor road Davies Nathaniel, 2 Glebe avenue Lodge road
'Boyce Hy. Northview, Snake's lane Davies Richard Joseph,2 StanIey villas, Frost James John, Sunset, Sydney I'd
Broad Henry William Archer, 22 Prospe::t road Gardner Soanes, Meads,llroom:hill rd
Ingatestone road Davison Robert, 8 SuiJley villas, Garman 'CorneliusEdwin,St.Michael's,
Bromley Alfred Hammond, Oakley, Higham road Snake's la,ne
Snakes lane Dawson Mrs. Nilgiri, Fairfield avenue Garman :Francis Wilberforce, St.
Eroome Bertie, Glencot, Glengall rd De Hane John James,36Ingateswne rd Michaels, Snakes lane .
Bronghton Mrs.Caroline cot.Westgrve Dent Joseph Malaby, Salway lodge, I Garman Joseph )'[arcus, St. Michael's,
"Brown Hy. Wm. Crofoon,Broomhill I'd Salway hill .1 Snake's lane
Brown William Hy. Harts, The Green Docker Frede.rick Arthur William,West Garnham Alfd. Glengalllo. Glengall rd
Brymer John Harris, Holmesdale, view, Broomhill road Garlllham Lawrence, L'Anerasse,
Broomhill road Dore James, The Hut, Broomhill;rd Higham road
"Buckingham Alfred James, I SunIey Dore Miss, Oraignair, Higham road G~bbs Mrs. 9 Claremont grove
villas, Higham road
13urgess Edwin Joseph, Chestnuts,
Prospect road, Snake's lane
IDoust Frank Seaward, Dene hurst, GIssing Herbert Harry, 28 Ingate-
Salway hill
Dowding AIfd. Chas. 4 The Terrace
stone road

'Gla,s,scock William, St. Heliers, Fair- Knight Stephen; 26 Ingatestone road Savill Alfred, Rouge-ville .' •
light avenUB Lamont Eugene, Glebe viI.· Glebe av Schnadhorst Ernest E. Haddon, Fair-
Goldby William Samuel Turnlee, The Langdon Miss, Eagle cot.Broomhill I'd field road
Green Lee Charles Herman, Banavie, Broom- Schwartz John, Ivy house. Salway hill
Goodwin John Palmer Willis, Marston, hill roaJ Scrutton Norman Alexander, :Fern-
cottage, The Green Lee-"Yarner Miss, High Gro. Sunset av cot.e, Broomhill road
Gotts Henry, Redcroft, Salway hill Legel'ton John Stock, I 'l'revor villas, Mrs. Clar'ence villa,Glebe av
Goulder Edwa.rd,Woodbury,Snake's la 'fl'evor road S'hephar<f Wm. Torbay, Higham road
Grant Wm. Chaldon 10. Prospect I'd Le May James, 'Vestbrook,Hig:ham I'd Sheppard Fredeorick AlIen, E11e1'lslie,.
Griffin Martin, Roseland viI.Glehe a,v Lewis Miss, Roths,ay, Fail'light avenue West Grove road
Groombridge Geo. Ray 10., We,st grove Manduf'l1 John Steele, Ashdene, Char- Sheppard John Henry, 23 Trevor tel"
Groves Wm. Geo.Linden ho. The Green tet'is road Sheppard John, Simla cot. Snake's la
,Hamilton Thomas Stansfield, Silver- MartinMrs. Cleveland lo.Monk'ham's la Shepperd Alfred EdwaTd, Kingscroft
dale, Snake's lane Mason Edward S. Ripple,Fairfield I'd Skelton Benjamin, Rosebrae,Snake's la.
Hancock Percy B. 24 Ingatestone I'd Mason Thos.Merleswood,Ohesnut wlk Smallbone Fredk. Grove end, Clare-·
Hannemann Miss, Essex house,Broom- Maurice-Adams IMrs. :Beachcroft, mont grove
hill read , Mayfield avenue SmithFrankMa.urice,Ros'e viI. West grQt
HardingFrd;"'.E.Murton ho. Higham I'd Mead James Percy Co11yer, Romford Smith Geo. Aubrey ho. Snake's lane
Harper John Whyte, Anworth house,house, Broomhill road Smith Mrs. Razeldean, Fairlight av
Snake's lane Mead John, Ravenswood, Sydney I'd Smit.h Mrs. Inglewood, Claremont gm
Harris Edwin, Hurst ho.Broomhill I'd Meadowcroft Mrs. The Limes, The Smith Wm. Geo. 18 Ingatestone rd
Hawkey Mrs. Sunnycroft, Snake's la Green Somerset Lady Henry, Highams
Heath William MOl'combe, Fir Tree Melhuish William Henry, Ivy oottage, Spicer Miss, Montclair, The Green
house, Snakes lane • West grove Stacpoole Joseph Edmond, Broomhills,.
Reaton Wm. Hope, cot. Manor (I'd Meyer Jsph. Prospect ha. 'l'he Green Broomhill road
Renwood Edward Augustus, HighfieIU Millard ChristopheI" ScLater M.A. Stanfield Geo. Dumbarton,Muyfield av
cottage; Horn lane (head master of Priory school) Sbarke Alfred, I Claremont grove,
Hilary Rev. Father O.F.M. (Catholic), Miller Chas. Fairfield, :Broomhill I'd Steinem Herman, St. Ronald, Broom-
. The Monastery Miller John, Alfreton, Bro{)mhill Toad hill road
Hill Alfl'edJ ohn,Northdene,Higham Td Mill Miss'es, Glengall villa, Snake's la Stevens Thomas, 5 The Terrace
Hill ErnestE'dwin, 3 Trevor villas, Mills WaUer, 4 Trevor vils. Trevor I'd Stevens William, Westlinks, Manor I'd
Trevor road. Moore John, Ray villa, 'West grove Stroud David, Curzon, Broomhill road
Hills Arnold Frank D.L. Monkhams Morgan Philip,East Dene,Oharteris rd Stroud Douglas Aikenhead· LL.M.
Hinder Eli'ot, Bank house, High street Morris Edwd.J.Homestead,Sydney I'd Curzon, BI'oomhill road
Hiudley )hs.TheJGrange,Bl"Oomhill I'd Morrison John, The Ferns, Snake's la Stubbs Edwd. Haydn 10. Prospect 1'<1
HingstonMrs.7'Sunley vils.Higham I'd Nash Chas. Herbt.Essex viI. The Green Sworder Waiter, 9 The Terrace
Hitchcock Rev. Ebenezer (Congrega- Newcastle 'fhe Dowager Duchess of, TaylOT Edward Frank, Rostrevor,
tional), Cromer villa, West grove The Oaks Fairlig'ht avenue .
Hohbs Philip, 14 Ingatestone TOad OldfieldRerbt. IStanley viis. Prospect I'd TaylorFrankEngland,Cheriton,High Td
Hocking Rev. Joseph (minister of Oidfield John Smith, IRoste11an, Pros- Taylnr MTs.SummeTfield, Snake's lane-
Union Church), 'l'revanion pect road Terdre Charles, Clovelly, Fairlight av
Hogg William, Cranleigh, ,Salway hill Osborn Mrs. Ellersie, 2 Sunley villas, Terre11 WaIter, St. Ann's, West grove
Holman John, 3 Glebe avenue Higham road Tholander Elieser, Villa de Portugal..
HoIte Artlhur, Broomhill 10. :Broom. Palmer E. C. 2 Madeira vii. Snake's la Snake's lane
hill road Pamtt J ames Logan, Dingleside, Tibbe Frederick Gregory, 3 Sunley
Hooper Alfred William, Sylvan house, Salway hill villas, Higham road
Hnakes lane Parker Frederick George, Knutsford, Tilt William, Mon Abrie, Horn lane
Hooper Jas. Drummond, Snake's lane Fairlight avenue Timothy Rev. Father O.F.M. (Catho-
Hose Robt. .)'n. Holmbury,C'harteris I'd Frederick Charles, The Gables, lic), The Monast€ry
Rowe :Miss, 3 Carlton cottages Snake's lane Tisdall Frank Arthur, 2 TrevoT villas,
Hubault MaTcel, Oakleig'h, Clare- Peascoe Jas.Roger, Pyrmont,Salway hI Trevor road ,
mont grove Passmore William E. 2 Slyvan villas, Tosetti Max, West Dene, Charteris I'd'
Humphries .Alfred Fleming,4ManQ'r I'd Snake's lane Tozer Aug. Hall, Fairmead, Sunset av
Hunt Chas. Holmwood, Glenga11 road Paterson Mrs. IMorden' vls.Higham I'd Tozer Mrs. DaIkeith, Glengall road
Hutson Percy, Haddon 10. The Green Pearce William, The Elms, Salway hill Turner Miss, O1ove11y, Salway hm
Ince Hezekiah, 40 Ingatestone road Penton George Henry, Grabthorne, Waigh Wm. Ernest,Milkwell Farm :ho-
Ingram Fredk. Wm. Higham's court Snake's lane Walker Chas. Strathden; Broomhill rd'
John-Forest Rev. Father O.F.M. Pfaehler George, Braecroft,Rig'ham rd Wallis WaIter, 20 Ingatestone road
(Catholic), The Monastery Plender Wm. Pynes, Glenga11 road Waiter William, 2 Morden villas.
Johnston Andrew D.L., J.P. (chairman Quinlan Andrew, Rosebel'Y cottage, Higham road
of quarter sessions), Forest lodge, Monkham's lane WaIters Philip, 8 The T'errace
Chesnut walk Reader Mrs. I I The Terrace,The Green Walthew Mrs. Ivy lodge, 'West, grOV(l
Jolly Mrs. Lightcliffe, Chingford lane Rende11 James, The Lawn, Snake's la Ward Sidney, The Gables, Snake's la>
Jones Courtney, ,Mountsorrel, The Reynolds Geo.RoDkstone,Fairfield rd Warner Percy, Rydal, The Green
Green Reynolds Miss, We,st Holm, Sydney I'd Watson In. G. Hurstwood, Sunset av
Jones James Horace" Florence villa, Roberts John Reynolds, Salway house, Watts Edward Arthur, Glenavon,
Glebe avenue Salway hill West grove
Jones Mrs. 38 Ingatestone road Robertson George, 3 Madeira villas, Webb George, Westgrove lodge
Jones StanIey, High Elms,The Green Snake's lane Whitta Mrs. High Elms, The Green
Raye Fredk. Oakleigh, Sunset avenue Robinson Frederick Lynch, Moorlands, Whitting-ham Wm.Blacklow,Bigham la
Kaye Hy.Edwd.Inglenook,Chesnut wlk Sunset avenue Wicks Thomas, 8 Ingatestone road
Relly Art'hul' Sheffield, End house, Robinson Reginald William, Rokeby, Wiggins Frederick George William,
Prospect ,housel Fairlight avenue Overd:ale, Broomhill! road
Kemsley Mrs. Oakfield, Snake's lane Rvgers Erastus, Thornleigh, Snake's la Wilkinson R,ev. GeorgB (Congrega-
Kemsley Norman Bolton, Sannox,'ham~rs.TheHollies,SydneyI'd tional), Clal'emont viI. Snake's lane-
Higham road Russell Alfd. The Perie, Broomhill I'd Williams Chas. Egremont,Fairlight av
Kemsley WaIter John cr.P. Ivy lodge, Russell Joseph William, Heathside, Wilton Leslie Edwd. 5 Glebe avenue
The Green Sunset avenue 'Wiseman"Valt.Fdk. TheElms, Snake's la
Kendon Thomas, Stratlunore, High st Russe11 WaIt. Jas. Ambush,Snake's la Woodco·ck Adolphus, Glenthorne,
Rendon Thomas, West Grove lodge, Sackett Mrs. I Madeira vils.Snake's la Broomhill road
West Grove road SavageWm.Fdk.Woodford 10.Salway hI Worrow J,ohn, Maid,a vale, Snake's la
Kirkaldy Thomas, Charteris house, Sayres Alex. Ward Fortescue M.D. Ziegele Alfred, E11esmere, Sunset aven
Snake's ~ane WoodfDrd lodge, Salway hill Ziegele G. Aug. Belle vue,Sunset av
Knight John, Th~ Larches, Snake's la
COMMBRCIAL. Bainels Joshua Henry, hair dresser, Mill lane
.Adams James, florist, Salway hill Baker Emma (Mrs.), tailoress, 19 Snake's lane
Alington Alan John M.A. assist. master, Priory school Bannister Edw.:rd, carpenter & joiner, The Square
~-\shfield & Co. envelope makers,s Toronto ter.Prospect rd Ba..rr Oharles, chimney sweeper, Prospect road
Atkinson Wm. ap8lrtments, Prospect road, Snake'li lane Barrett Ernest WaIter, confectioner, High street
Ayres Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress ma,. 2 Alma ter.Snake's la Barrett Frederick William, butcher, Chingford lane
Ayres James, painter &ihouse decorator, Snake's lane Batty James, Castle hotel P.H. High street
Baxter Hen.ry Edward, shopkeeper, Horn lane Hetheringron Henry, grocer &; tea dealer &; agent for
Bell John, g.asfitter, Ebor house, West grove W. &; A. Gilbey Ltd. wine &; spirit merchants, High st
Blake Thos. Austin, tehr. of music,Roselyn, Fairfield I'd Hicks Herbert Ernest, decoraror, Snake's lane
Bowsher Annie (Miss), dressmaker, 3 Elm grove Hill Frederick John, plumber, The Green
Bradshaw John, carman, The Square Hinder Eliot, mana,ger, London Joint Stock Bank Lim.
Bradshaw L. (Miss), shopkeeper, The Square High street
Bridge W. W. saddler & harness maker, High street Hodge George, shopkeeper, Castle yard
Brooks &; 'Walker, cycle makers, High street Holwell Edward J.ames, secretary, Chigwell, Loughton
Broome B. chemist & druggist, High street &; Woodford Gas Co. Snakll's lane
Brown (William) & Wilkinson, laundry, Snake's lane Hooper .lames Drummond, architect &; surveyor, land,
Bullen Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, The Square estate, house & insurance agent, Snake's lane
Burden James, Rose &; Crown P.H. Mill lane Howe Thomas Edward, fancy dealer, Snake's lane
Burns Moses, cab proprietor, Horn lane Hoy John, greengrocer, Mill lane
Burrows Joseph, boot maker, Castle yard Hurrell Arthur Henry, shopkeeper, Horn lane
Bush Alfred William, tobacconist, Snake's lane Jessop C. E. & A. coach &; carriage builders, The Square
Eywater Alfred Henry, Railway tavern P.H. Snake's lane Jones J. & Sons, printers &; stationers, High street
Oarswell Frederick, tailor, High street Kemsley Messrs. auctioneers, surveyors, land &; estate
Chapman Susan (Mrs.), grocer &; tea dealer, 7 Station agents, Railway station; &; at Bishopsgate st. within,
terrace, Snake's lane London E C (Tel. No. 3043 Avenue) & Romford (Tel.
Charteris (local) Estate Office (J. D. Hooper, surveyor), No. 17)
Snake's lane Kendon Thomas, butcher, High street
Chigwell, Loughton &; Woodford Lim. gas works (Fredk. Kennedy John William, confectioner, High street
Smallbone, manager; Edward .lames Holwell, sec.), Kent Frederick, coal merchants' agent, ,"Voodside
Snake's lane Kent iRalph, grocer &; tea dealer, High street; &; at.
Chumbley Henry, confectioner, 8 Chingford lane Woodford Bridge
Clayton Edward, insurance agent, Hurst cottage, Hol'\ll la Ketts William, cab proprietor, Mill lane
Clinch Frank, butcher, Snake's lane Knight G. & Sons, boot &; shoe makers, Horn lane;,
Ooller Wm. P. boot & shoe ma. 2 Station ter. Snake's la Snake's lane &; Mill lane
Collins Thomas, jOtbbing gardener, Manor road Knight & Woods, builders, Eay Tree cottage, The Green..
Conoley John, clothier, High street Lewcock C. hair dresser, Salway hill
Cookman Sidney, head postmaster, High street London Joint Stock Bank Limited (branch) (Eliot Hinder,,,
Cornish George, carpenter &; joiner, Castle yard manager) (open daily 9 till 4, sat. 9 till 2), High st, ; ,
Crang WaIter, butcher, High street draw on head office, 5 Princes street, London E C
CremeI' RUdolph, tehr. of languages, 2 Elm tel'. The Grn Long M. (Miss), dress maker, High street
Cresswell George Henry, greengrocer, Mill lane Miller Alfred, collector to Urban District Council; office •..,
Crick Chrish.Thos. carpenter &; joiner'3Elm tel'. The Gm The Wilfrid Lawson
Cricks &; Dilnot, milliners, High street Monkham's Nurseries (R. C. Pulling, manager)
Crisp Talbot, clerk, May villa, West grove Monti A.deHna (Miss), ladies' school, Snake's lane
Curtis George, laundry, Horn lane Nears Bros. greengrocers, s'alway bill
Cutchey Christr. Geo. accountant,Lynmonth, '1'he Green Negus George H. plumber, 10 Prospect tel'. Prospect I'd .
Cutforth Samuel, draper, outfitter &; tailor Nicbols George, florist, Snake's lane
DaI'by John Charles & Sons, butchers, High street Noble John, vestry clerk & clerk to the overseers, High I'd
'Dawson John, florist, Propect road Oldfield J obn Smith, solicitor, Rostellan, Prospect road
De-la-Bertouche Edwin, grocer, High street Osborn Thomas & Sons, builders, painters &; Ilnnertakerll, _
Dilnot Harriet (Miss), milliner, see Cricks &; Dilnot High street
Dowsett W. S. shopkeeper, Snake's lane Oxley Robert Bass, draper, Snake's lane
Eastwood Thomas, decorator, Ray Lodge road Pacey .lames, apartments, Manor Toad
Edwards Charles Derwent B.A., 'M.B. &; B.C.Camb. Passmore William L.S.A.Lond. physician & sUlgeon, 2-·
surg-eon(finn,Warner &; Edwards),AIton 10.Broomhill I'd Sylvan villas, Snake's lane
Emery Daniel, ironmonger, 4 Station ter. Snake's lane Penman Sidney John &; 00. COT11l & flour mers. ,Snake's la~
Emson .lames, farm bailiff to J. W. Kemsley esq. Milk- Pentridge M. (Mrs.), hair dresser, High ~trcet
well farm Perrin Jabez, tailor, 14 Salway bill
Enness Alice (Miss), news agent &; stationer, see Heard Petley William Frederick, grocer, Snake's lane
&; Enness Phillips Evan, chemist, &; post office, Snake's lan&>
Enness Charles, boot &; shoe maker, High street Picton Joseph, boot maker, I I Snake's Jane
Ensom HM1nah (Mrs.), coffee tavern, The Square Pierpoint William, beer retailer, Snake's lane
Ernest Henry, tailor, I Snake's lane Pluck Fred. Golden Cross P.H. Mill lane
Faiers Alfred Ernest, grocer, 19 Mill lane Powell Thomas, estate agent, Prospect !road
Farmer StephenGeorge,nurseryman &; seedsmn.Snake's la Priory School (Catholic) (Christopher Sclater Millara
Fisher Charles Edwin, butcher, Snake's lane ,M.A. head master)
Forster .lames, shopkeeper, 6 T·he Square Ray Lodge Workmen's Club, Globe road
French Wm. &; Chas. brick &; tile mas. Lodge brickfields Rees Susan Ann (Mrs.), nurse, 6 Raylodge road
Fuller Alfred J. fishmonger, High street Rodwell William, fruiterer &; greengrocer, Snake's lane
Garman Francis Wilberforce L.D.S.Eng. dentist, St. Root William, carman, Horn lane
Michael's, Snake's lane St. Barnabas' Nurses' Home (Misses Elizabeth & Eliza
Garman Joseph Marcus L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Baker, supts)
physician &; surgeon, St. Michael's, Snake's lane Sayres Alexander ,"Vard Fortescue L.R.C.P.Lond.,
Garner Frederick, picture framer, 17 Chingford lane M.R.C.S.Eng., M.D.Brux. physician &; surgeon & public
Gingell's Model Dairy, High street vaccin.atDr, Woodford dist. West Ham union,Salway hill
Girling J. &; H. coal &; coke mers. Woodford station Schwier Charles, farmer, Monkham's lane
Goodfellow Thomas, grocer &:, tea dealer, Snake's lane Sheppard Brothers, builders, contractors, plumbers,
Gould Charles, butcher, Snake's lane decorators & sanitary engineers, Snake's lane &:, Horn la
Gray Ernest, newspaper reporter, 4 Ingatestone road Sheppard Herbert, builder, see Sheppard Brothers
Green .Alice (Miss), dress maker, West grove Sheppard James, horticultural builder, Horn lane
Gregory Walter, umbrella maker, High street Sheppard John Henry, builder, see Sheppard Brothers
Groves William George M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon &; medical Sheppard William, builder, see Sheppard Brothers
officer of health to Woodford Urban District Council, Shepperd Emilie (Miss), dressmaker, Kingscroft,High rd
Linden house, Mamar road Simpson John A. clerk to the Urban District Council;
Gullett Lily (Mrs.), dressmaker, 7 Fuller's I'ow,Salway hI Council offices, Wilfrid Lawson temperance hotel
Hancock William J oseph, station master, Woodford Smallbone Frederick, manager &; engineer of the Chig-
station (G.E.R) well, Loughton & Woodford Gas Co. Lim. Snake's lane
Hannabuss Phillip, farrier, The Square Smith Ghristopher, chimney sweeper, Mill lane
Hannemann Lina (Miss), girls' school, Essex house, Smith James Duncan, beer retailer, Salway hill
Broomhill road Smith Joseph, gardener, ~o -Snake's lane
Hayward Gharles Henry, house decorator, I Trevor road Smith Elizabeth P. (Mrs.), dress maker, West grove
Heard &; Enness, newsagents &; stationers, High street Smith Susannah (Mrs.), dress maker, Snake's lane
Heath .lames, turncock to East London Water Works, Smith William James, smith, blacksmith &:, farrier, High
50 Chingford lane
Heyward Bros. greengrocers, High street
I street &; Mill lane

Spragg Edmund Robert, -board schoolmaster, 5 Sunley Whaley William, boot repairer, West grove
villas, Higham road Wilfrid Lawson Temperance Hotel (John Jesse
Stacpoole Joseph Edmond, solicitor, & clerk to the school Blundell, proprietor), schools, parties &;, cyclists
board, Broomhills, Broomhill road specially catered for
Stephens Alfred Duggan, ironmonger, High street Wilkinson John, laundry, see Brown &;, Wilkinson
Stevens Thos. M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surg. 5 The Terrace Willcox Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, West grove
Steward Hy. Colebrook &;, 00. boot &;, shoe mas. High st Wilton Charles, clerk, The Hollies, West grove
Stockwell Henry James & Co. tobacconists &;, watch mas. Wood J oseph, laundry, IS Trevor road
High street Woodford Art &;, Industrial Society (Miss C. Broadhurst,
Stroud Douglas .Aikenhead LL.R solicitor, Curzon, hon. sec)
Broomhil1 road Woodford Golf Association (Charles B. Hunt, sec.),
Stroud Leo. insurance agent, 33 Ohingford lane Manor road
Thompson Charles, shopkeeper, 5 Castle yard Woodford Green Men's Club, High street
'l'ibbit John Morris, dairyman, Snake's lane Woodford Jubilee Hospital (Percy Warner L.R.C.P.Lond.,
Tisdall Frank Arthur, electrician &;, agent for W. H. M.R.C.S.Eng.; Alfd. Berrill L.RC.P.Lond., M.RC.S.
Martyn &;, Co. builders, 2 Trevor villas, Trevor road En,g. &. Alex. W. F. SayTes M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng. medi.
Tollyfield John Willia.m, supt. of Fire Brigade, Horn lane cal officers; Andrew .Tohnston, treasurer; Robert Bil-
'l'l'inder J. hair dresser, 3 & 4 Snake's lane lings, hon. sec.; Miss Amy M. Zarrow, matron)
Wales F. (Mrs.), fancy repository, High street Woodford Times Newspaper (published friday; J. Jones
Wallace &;, Wallace, carpenters, The Green &;, Sons, proprietors)
'Warner & Edwards, physicians & surgns.Rydal,The Green Woodfo~'d Urban District Council Fire Brigade Station
Warner Percy L.RC.P .Land., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician (John William Tollyfield, superintendent), Horn lane
&;, surgeon, Rydal &;, Alton lodge, Broomhill road Woodford Green Young Men's Christian Association (R.
'Watclunake'rs &;, Jewellers Co. Dim. (Arth. Watts, branch W. Smit·h, sec.), Wilfrid Lawson
manager), watch makers &;, jewelle'Ts, High street Wooldridge H. &;, Co. coal &;, coke mers. Rai~way station
Watling Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Mill lane Wright A·rtbur Robert, dairyman, Chingford lane
-Webb George Ebenezer, plumber, Manor road Wright George, baker, 3 Castle yard
'Wells Henry &;, 'Sons, builders, Broomhill road Wright 1Villia.m, fried fish shop, 2 Castle yard
-Wells A. boot &;, shoe maker, 22 Snake's lane Ziegler Sidney, baker &;, confectioner, High street

.(Letters :received through Woodford Gould Mrs. The Almonds, Whitehall rd MCl'l'ill Charles Sidney, Chisholm,
Green). *Graharn. Mrs.TheFirs,EppingNew rd Dl1rclav•
Green Samuel,Fernbank,Mornington rd *Muir Mrs. 3 Knighton villas
(Marked thus * receive their letters
*Gregory William Ernest, 5 Knighton Nicoll Frederick, Brooklyn, 13aI'c1ay
through Buckhurst Hill.) oval, High road
villas, High road
PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Hales Arthul', 5 Mornington villas, *Olivel'·Edwd.2Hawthorne vils.High I'd
Mornington road 01'1' Thomas Workman, Rowallan,
Appleby John, Fairview Hall Rev. James RA., RSc. (sen. Mornington road
*Ashby Miss, 6 Knighton vils.High rd assist.mast. Bancroft's scbool),Bryn, l'el'l'in William Henry, Fairfield Rest,
*Atherton Wm. Lords Bshs. High rd Whitehall road Whitehall road
"*Barwell Mrs. 9 Knighton vIs. High rd Hall J. E., RA. (a,ssistant master), Powell Adrian, 4 1.lornington villas,
. BIatherwick Mrs. The Firs, High road Bancroft's school Mornington road
Blyth Frederick Delacourt, The Lea- Ralsey Mrs. Rockdene, High road Read James William, Villette, Barc1ay
sowes, Whitehall road *Rarding Hy. Charlotte vil.Epping rd O\'al, High road
Blyth P. G., M.A. (assistant master), *Rarris Artbur, Lords bushes,High I'd Head Mrs. Rivington ho. High road
Bancroft's school Harris Francis, Cromwell house, Morn- Ucynolds Henry Bion, Invercloy,
.Bond Ernost In. Inglefride,Barc1ay oval ington road Whitehall road
··Breeze John Saunders, Queenboro', Hay Mrs. Linton, Ba~clay oval Hieha.rdson Edward William, Horton,
High road Henri-Thiebauld Madame Cronee, Mornington road
Bl'i~ht Geo.Penderell,zMonk'ham ter Homeleigh, Whitehall road HiggMrs. Elleray, High Toad
Drinkman G. assistant master, Ban· Rolmes Peter Christie, Hawthornden, *Hoberts Wm.8 Knighten vi1s'.High I'd
croft's school Morningto'n road . Robinson Thomas Geol'ge J.P. Brance-
Brock George Edward, Townley hO.\ ROTton H. H., B.A. (assistant master), peth house, Whitehall road
White:hall road Bancroft's school . Ro,se Edwin,Lyndhul'st,Mornington I'd
*Buxton Edward North D.L., J.P. *Hough Robt. The Hollies, Whitehall la *Rose Matthew, Oaklea, Whitehallla
Knighton house, High road Haughon Wm.Pine lodge,Whitehall rd Schwinge Miss, Burley, High road
Church Henry 'William,Forest cottage, Hawa,rd B. A., B.A. (assist. master), Scott Arehibald, Allandale, Barelay
'Whitehall road Baneroft's ,school oval, High road
*-Clements Mrs. 10 Knighton villas *Hudson Mrs.IKnig'hton vils.High rd Sheldon Henry, Barclay ho.High road
*Cole Henry, Springfield, Epping rd Rurell William, Fern cottage, Morn- *Sifl'ken Bernard Ernest, Forest sid'e,
*Cole William, Springfield, Epping rd ington road Epping Ne,w road
Collenett Adolphus, Gothic lodge" Is.acke Oa,pt. Charles Victor (adjt. 3rd Slade Miss, I Mornington vils.High I'd
Mornington road V. B. Essex Reg.), Bryncyn, Bar· *Smith Captain Adam, 4 Knighton
Collins T. B., RA. (assistant master), clay oval villas, High road
Bancroft's school, High road .Tohnson Samuel H. Hempstead ho. *Sowter Jas.I HawtJhorne vils.Higlh rd
CDo],man Sidney,St.Anthony, High I'd Whitehall road Spring Henry, I Monkham's terrace
Cox Chas. Forest view, Mornington rd .T ones J. H. Stockleigh, High road S~acey Rev. Robt. Hugh M.A. (curate
Cox James Lea, 3 .Mornington villas, *Keeves Jas. 7 Knighton vils.High rd of All Saints), Lamorna,Barclayoval
Mornington road *Kemball George, Glenlossie, White- Stei'nhoff Godfrey, Hepworth house,
Crowther John Cooper, Woodlands, hall lane Whitehall road
Mornington road *Kibble 1Villiam Frederick, Norton Symrn.s Rev. John Edwa.rd M.A. (head
DaviesFredk.Homeleigh, Whit.ehall rd villa, High road master), Banoroft's school
*Dorling Rev. William M.A. (Congre- Kislinbury W. C., B.A. (assistant Ta'Bois Frederick William, 2 Morning-
gational), 2 KnightoD. vils. High rd master), Bancroft'.s !School ton villas, High road
*Dring Wm.Ernest,Willesden,High rd Langman William, Hanover ho.High I'd *Tee Thomas Joseph, Hadleiglh lodge,
Earle Rev. Richail'd Cobden B...\. I *r.a~ham Edward Locks, Hillside, Whitehall lane
Mornin,gton villas, Mornington road Epping road *Thompson In.Rosebank,Whithall la
*Elphinstone Henry Walker, Westdene, Legge David James, Tintern, Morn- Van Zeller Mrsl. Grey Friars,
Whitehall lane ington road Mornington road
Foster Mrs. 3 Monkham's tel'. High rd Littlewood T. H., M.A. (assis tant Webb Miss, 4 Florenoe vils.High rd
Fox Wm. R. The Beeches,Whitehall I'd master), Bancroft's school Weeden Charles A. Hawthorns, White-
*Gal'dneI'.Alfred,Brandon ho.Epping rd Ll1cns Mrs. 4 Mornington viIs. High rd hall road
Geer Edward, 2 Mornington villas, *Lydall C. W., B.A. (assistant ma,steI' *Wilkins Driah Thomas, Ivy bank,
Mornington road Baneroft's . school), Hurst view, Whitehall lane
*GingellWm.Elizabeth 10.Whiteha111a. Epping road Wilson Mrs. 3 Mor'nington villas,
*G laiser A.lbeI't F. Hurstcombe, Macadam Charles Leslie Bernard, High road
Whitehall lane Alvernia, Barclay oval Winterton Rev. William Charles RA.
Glen Alex. Sylvester, Whitehall .rd Martin John, 6 Mor'nington villas, Lond. (assista,n't master), Bancroft's
Good Mrs. St. Helen's, Ba-relay oval Mornington road school


COMMEBCL-\.L. Collier Charles P. shopkpr. High I'd Kitchen Annie (Mrs.), laundre~;;;
Andrews Alfd.plumbr.2 Aldeburgh pI Cullen Wm. baker & cnfctnr. High I'd Forest roadl
Arnill Hy. blcksmth. 1'\llitehall road Davis Thomas, laundry, 2 Belgrave Knig-hton Rescue Home for Girls (O.S.
Bailey Joseph Salmon, grocer & post terrace, Forest road . Thorpe, sec. ; Miss Ola,Ta Dale,matrn)
office, High road D8Jwson Ohas. Olisby, shpkpr. High I'd Mason Wm. cab proprietor, High I'd
Bancroft's School (Rev. J. E. Symns *Dring Wm. Erne,st L.R.O.P.Edin., MilhourneEdgarChas.crpntr.Forest I'd
M.A. head master; Rev. J. Hall M. R. O. S. Eng. physician &. suo:-geon, l'ellatt Florence (Miss), girls' school,
B.A., RSc. (Lond.), Rev. W. C. Willesden, High road see Goode & Pellatt
Winterton B.A. (Land.), G. Brink- *Epping Forest School of the Science Perrin Joseph Parker, 'boot & shoe
mann, J. E. Hall·B.A., H. H. Horton & Art Department, South Kensing- maker, Whitehall road
RA.(Lond.), T. H. Littlewood M.A., ton (Wo()dford & Buckhurst Hill lteid Jas. Wm. coach & carriage bldr
C. W. Lydall B.A., B. A. Howa.rd district) (Miss Jane Eliza Cole, Heason Ge-oTge, bricklayer, 3 Albert
RA., W. C. Kislinbury RA., T. B. head mistress), Springfield, Epping villas, Whitehall road
Collins B.A. & P. G. Blyth M.A. road *Riggs John, refres-hment contractor,
assistant masters) *Essex Field Club (Wm. Cole, sec.), Brook road
Boot'hman Alfred Sidney, inspector, 8 Knighton villas Sanderson Luey (Mrs.), c3rter,
'Metropolitan police station Ever-ett John, jobbing gardener, I MOTnington road
Broughton Eva (Miss), ladie.s' school, Forest road Sisters af the Immaculat-e Concep-
3 Florence villas, High road Gill Laura (~fiss), girls' school, see tion Convent & High School, MOTn-
*Brown Henry, laundry, Epping rood Kny & Gill ington road
Bush Selina ~Iartha (Mrs.), Horse & *Goode .Alice & Pellatt (Misses), g-irls' Stevens Arth. dairyman, White-hall I'd
Well P.H. High road school, St. Stephen's' lodge, H:ig~1 I'd *Ta'Bois Frederick William L.D.S.Eng.
Callegari Edward, Travellers' Friend (lI'iggs Jas. fishmonger, High Toad dentist, ~'Iornington villas
P.H. High roaet Groves Alfd. farm bailiff to Edwd. N. *Tee Thomas Joseph, solicitor & com-
Ohapman W. butoher, High ro'ad Buxton esg. J.P.,D.L.Knighton frm missioner for oaths, Hadleigh lodge,
Convale.scent Home for 'City WOTk HurreIl Jame·s, boot .maker, High I'd Whitehall lane
Girls (Miss ;Mary Reynolds, sec.), *Kay & Gill (Misses), ladies' school, Warmington Hy. & Son, wheelwrights
Whitehall road High road Willmott Fredk. Wm. builder,High rd
WOODHAM FERRERS (or Woodham Fenis) is a built in 1890' Here is a Congregational chapel, built
village and parish, on the slope of a hill, with a station in 1882, and seating 175 persons. A sum of
on the Maldon and Southminster branch of the Great £63 in £3 per Cent. C00180ls was left by, in 1790, Lady
Eastern railway, and 10 miles north-west from Rochford, Falkner or Faulkner, the interest be,ing distributed in
3 north from Hull Bridge wharf on the Crouch, 6 south- bread; other charities, amounting to £21 yearly, derived
west from Maldon, 9 south-east fro!ll Chelmsford, and from land left in 1730 by Mrs. :E. Woolard, are given in
341 from London, in the Mid division of the county, coals to the poor. Lord Rayleigh is lord of the manor
Chelmsford hundred, union and petty sessional division, and principal landowner. The soil is stiff clay; subsoil,
Maldon county court district, rural deanery of Danbury, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley and oats.
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. There The area is 4,476 acres of land, 6 of water, 2 of tidal
is still standing ..part of the ancient mansion' of Edwin water and I4 of foreshore; rateable value, £5,447; the
Sandys, Archbishop of York, 1577-89. The village is population in 19oi: was· 877. A part of Bycknacre is in
supplied with water, conveyed by pipes from Danbury. this parish, w~ere there is a Church Mission room, the
The church of St. Mary, built by Robert de Ferrers, 4th remainder is in Danbury parish.
Earl of Derby, in the reign of Henry n. is an edifice of Sexton, Alfred Harvey.
stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel
nave, aisles, south porch and a western turret Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, in the
containing one bell: there is a mural monu- Village.-Georg~ Goodman, SUb-postmaster. Letters
ment of marble on the north side of the chan- through Chelmsford arrive at 7.50 a.m. & 2 p.m. fOT
eel, with an inscription as follows: "Cecilie, wife ca.Ilers; dispatched at 6 p.m. No mail on sundays
of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York, and daughter Post Office, Bycknacre.-David Upson, sub-postmaster.
of Thomas WilIford, of Cranbrooke, in Kent esg. sister Lettsrs through Chelmsford, arrive at 6.45 'a. m.; dis-
to the worthy souldiers Sir James Willford and Sir patched at 9.30 a.m. & 6.35 p.m. No sunday busine~s.
Thomas ·Willford." "She dep'rted this life constant in Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
Christian faith, 5 Febi. 1610, at ye rising of ye sun"- nearest money order & t~legraph offices ar~ at Wood--
the Archbishop pre-deceased her at Southwell, Notts, ham Ferrers & East Hanningfield, 2 miles distant
10 July, 1558: the memorial was erected by her eldest Post Office, South Woodham.-Sidney Norton, sub-post-
son, Sir Samuel Sandys kt. in 1619, he being then master. Letters through Ohelmsford arrive at 8 a.m.
sheriff of 'Worcester; on the same monllment are the & 1.30 p.m.; dispatch~d at 5,40 p.m. No sunday busi-·
names of six other s·ons of this lady and of two married ness. Postal QI'deTS are issued here, but not paid.
daughters: the church underwent a thorough restoration The nearest money order & telegraph offiee is at Wood-
in 1884 at a cost of £980, under the direction of Mr. ham Ferrers, I mile distant
Charles Pertwee, archit€ct, of ChelmsfOTd, when the oak 'Wall Letter Box, near Champion's farm, cleared at 5.3Q.
roof of the nave was restored to view and the church p.m. on week days only
reseated with open benches: there are 400 sittings. Pillar Box. opposite the Lodge Gates, cleared at 6.15 p.m
The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a National School (mixed), built in 1846, for 150 children;
rectory, net yearly value £443, with 10 acres average attendance, about 150; Harry Percy Beavan~
of glebe, in the gift of Henry Fitzwalter Plumptre master
esq. of lJ,oodne.stone Park, Kent, and held since 1889 Rai:way Station, Ernest Jordan, station master
by the Rev. Charles Pemberton Plumptre RA. of Sidney I Carriers to ChelmsfOTd.-John C. A. Blanks, tues. & fri.
Sussex College, Cambridge. A new rectory house was (lea,es about 9 a.m.); Alfred Rumsey, tues. & fri
WOODHAM FERRERS. Brake Hemy, farmer, Champions Mackintyre Archibald, farmer, The
.Alexander Charles, The Knoll Burchell Benjamin George, farmer, Fen farms & Peatlands
Brake H. J. E Horse Shoe farm Morrell John, farmer, Rose Hill farm
Castle George CooperReginaldWm. Railway hotel P.H: (postal address, East Hanningfield,
CouUs John, T'he Lodge Cooper Sam!' wheelwright &; smith Ohelmsford)
Creswick Harry Coutts John, farmer, Lodge famn Moss Edward, farmer, Ilgars farm
Forrest William, Champion's hall Cox Thomas, cabinet maker Murgitroyd Jas. farmer, Creep F.•dge la
Kuchmann Arnold, Oak lodge Cullen James, farmer, Woodham hall Murkin John, farmer, Priory farm
Mann Rev. Andrew (Congregational) Dowling Frederick, market gardener Nevill Emanuel (Mrs.), farmer, Creep
~Ianuell George Samuel, Edwins hall Goodman George, grocer & draper, Edge lane
Plumptre Rev. Charles Pemberton Post office Norton Sidney, grocer &c.South Wood-
RA. (rector), The Rectory Harvey James, farmer ham Post office
Potter Thomas Hawes Joshua, farmer Ockleston Ernest, frmr. Humberts frm
Rose Ravenor Edward Hawes Je8se (exors. of), farmers, Orriss John, beer retailer
Timms William Charity farm Peaco-eke Henry, baker
COMMERCIAL. Hosier Oharles, farmer, Dyer's farm Pike Joseph James, Bell P.H
Baker Frederick George, plumber Kerr James, farmer Richardson Frank Richard, farmer,Bir-
Balls Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper Kerridge Danie;, frmr. The W'antz frm kett's hall
Blanks John Charles Allan, coal dealer King Daniel, cowkeeper Rumsey Alfred, carrier & coal dealer
& carrier Lewin Robert, blacksmith Shuttlewood Henry, farmer
Bowman William, 1"1halebone P.H Mann Abraham, frmr. Hollands farm Smith Henry, fruit grower
Todd William Lloyd, file manufacturer Woodham Ferris Brick CO. CA. Blake, (postal address, East Hanningfield,
Tomlinson James, farm bailiff to Mr. sec) Che,lmsford)
J. H. Fielding, Town farm Woolf William James, grocer & dxaper Mer,cer Arthur, White Swan P.H
Vivers Thoma,s, farmer, Edwin's hall Wooltorton William Jeremiah, beer ret Punt Eliza (Mrs.), Brewers' Arms P.R
& Brazils farms Upson David, grcr. & drpr. Post office
Walpole Horace, poultry fa,rmeT BYQKNACRE. Wood Wm. John, assistant overseer,
'Varwi0ker Henry, farIner, Brook frm Davis H. T. farIner, Moor Hall farm ,smith &; wheelwright & contTactor
WOODHAM MORTIMER (or Little Woodham) is interest on £300, two-thirds of which was left in
3. parish 2 miles west-south-west from West Maldon 1786 by Susannah Meard and £100 in 1766 by Sarah Vis-
station on the Southend section of the Great Eastern countess Falkland: the whole sum is given away weekly
railway and 7 east from Chemsford, in the 'South in bread. The Coopers' Oompany of London have an
Eastern division of the oounty, union and county court estate here, left to them by William Alexander esq. to
district of Maldon, Dengie hundred and petty sessional whoIn they have erected an obelisk near to' the church.
division, and in the rural deanery of Maldon, arch· Woodham Mortimer Place, the seat of the Misses Ox-
deaconry of Essex and diocese of St. Albans. The church ley Parker, is a modern residence, standing in a plea-
of St. Margaret, entirely rebuilt at a cost of £2,000, is sant park; it occupies the site (If an ancient mansion
an edifice in the Perpendicula,r style, with some NorInan once the seat of the Mortimers, from whom this
and Early English remains, consisting of chancel, nave, parish took its name. The Right Hon. James Round M.P.
north aisle, south porch and a wooden belfry at the west of Birch Hall, is lord of the manor. The principal land-
end, surmounted by a spire a,nd containing 3 bells: on owners are Ohristopher William Parker esq. of Fau.lIi:-
the north side of the chancel are mural monuments to bourn HaU, Witham, thl:) Coopers' Company and Jeffel'Y
James Wright, d. 1795, and Sally, his wife, d. 1824, and Grimwood Grimwood esq. J.P. of '29 Ennismore gardens,
to the Rev. Nicholas Griffinhoofe M.A. a former rector, London SW. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and
d. 7 July, 1789; on the south side is a marble monument clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oah, turnipg
to Edward Codd esq. d. 1780; the church has a carved and peas. The area is 1,385 acres; rateable value, £1,233 ;
oak pUlpit and reading desk and an octagonal funt: the the population in 1902 was 243.
original piscina remains in the chancel: the north tran- Parish Clerk, Thomas Aylett.
sept, bunt in 1842, has been removed: there are 200
sittings. The register of marriages and burials dates Post Office. William Barltrop sub-postmaster. Letters
from 1664; baptisms, 173I. The living is a rectory, net arrive from MaIdon at 7·40 a.m.; dispatched at 5
yearly value £217, with residence and 4S a . 2r. of glebe, p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.
in the gift of t,he Right Hon. James Round P.O., M.P. The nearest money o,rder & telegraph offices are at
and held Rincs 1897 by the Rev. Henry William Jukes Maldon & Danlbury, both about 3 miles distant
M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. There are bene- School (mixed), built in 1864, for 100 children; average
:fact~ons to the poor of the amount of £9 yearly, being the attendance, 55; Miss F. Gayner, mistress
:.Durking Mrs. Tyndales house COMMERC'IAL. Philbrick Mark, Royal Oak P.H. &
Howard Lady Alice, The Grange Barltrop Wm. grocer, & post office blacksmith
Jukes Rev. Hy. Wm. M.A. Rectory Guyner Thomas Leonard, beer l'etailer Stevens Arthur, farmer, The Hiill
:Parker The Misses Oxley, Woodham Hillen Benjamin WaIter Russell, fnur.
Mortimer Place The Lodge
WOODHAM WALTER is a picturesque village and The living is a rectory, net yearly value £350, with resi-
'parish, bounded on the north by the river Ohelmer, and dence, and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. WaIter
watered by a rivulet 3~ miles west, from West, Maldon Green, and held since 1875 by the Rev. Robert Henry
station, on the Suuthend section oJ) the Great Eastern Falkner M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. A. D. Bird
railway, and 9 east from Chelmsford, in the South esq. of Danbury, is lord of the manor. The principal
Eastern division of the county, union and county landowners are Joseph Augustus Pledger, Silas Pledger,
court district of Maldon, Dengie hundred and petty Samuel Lang, E. Gibs,on and Charles Ward esqrs. The
sessional division, and in the rural! deanery of soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops
~raldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of St. are wheat, beans, barley and turnips. The area is 2,6°7
Albans. The church of St. Michael was built in acres of land and 14 of 'Water; rateable value, £2,3°5;
1562 under a licence obtained from Queen Elizabeth, by the population in 1902 was 406.
-Thomas, Earl of Essex, and consecrated April 3r d, 15 64: Parish Clerk, Miss Green.
it is a brick edifice in the Perpendicular style and con-
sists of chancel, nave, north aisle, north porch and a Post Office. Miss Agues Gozzett, sub-postmistress.
wooden belfry, with spire, containing 3 bells: the east Letters arrive from Maldon at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched
window is stained: the church was restored at various at 4·40 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not
,dates by the present rector and reseated in 1867, at a paid. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
cost of about £325: the nave, belfry and some of the at Maldon, 3 miles distant
windows were restored by general subscription in 1878: National School (mixed), built in r871, for 120 children,
-there are about 310 sitings. The register dates from the with. an average attendance of 54; Joseph Wilson,
year, burials, 1558; baptisms, r568; marriages, 1681.' master
_Aryion William, Highmead (postal ad- Wiseman Mrs. Earl's cottage Lang Samuel, farmer
dl'ess, Little Baddow, Ohelmsford) COMlIfERCIAL. Munden Wm. J. carpenter & builder
Chaplin Rev. Ayrton AIlington Thomas, baker . Overall Mary Ann (Mrs.), Bell P.H
Daldy Francis F. Guys house Bennie David, farmer, The Warren Pearson Alfred, far:mer .
'Falkner Rev. Robt. Hy. M.A. Rectory Chapman Henry, builder & contractor; IRatcliffe Samuel, farmer, Woodlands
·Gihson RobeTt, Elmhurst estimates fTee Reynolds Henry, farmer, Oak farm
.Jones Edward Oharles, HatchInans Falkner Harold N. farmer Holfe Thomas Josepb, market gardener
Moreton Capt.The Hon.Reynolds R.N., Green Elizabeth (Mrs.), furnished Smith &; Son, blacksmiths
D.L., J.P. Woodham WaIter house apartments Speukman Hy. H., farIner, Lodge frm
Nicholson Bernard, Oross Ways Green RoseL. (~iSS),gTocer & as,sistant Wood Jonathan, farmer, Spring Elms
Phillips Mrs. The Retreat overseer farm (postal address, Little Bad-
Speakman Henry H. The Lodge Green William Henry, beer retailer dow, Ohelmsford)
Taylor Percy, Glendale Gutteridge John, beer retailer
NORTH WOOLWICH, a portion of Woolwich (Kent),
but locally in Essex, is a suburb of London, and therefore
Iinis not included in the County of Essex, but will be found
Kelly's London Suburban Directory.
WORMINGFORD is a parish and village situated on tower containing a clock and 3 bells, dated 1591: in
the navigable river Stour and the borders of Suffolk, 3 the chancel are a piscina and three stained windows, the
miles south-east from Bures station on the Stour Valley east window being a memorial to the Rev. George
branch o~ the Great Eastern railway, 10 east from Hal- Tufnell, vicar from 1825: the church was thoroughly
stead and 6 north-west fr,om Colchester, in the North restored in 1869-70 and seated with open oak benches,
Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and has now 240 sittings. The register dates from the
and Winstree petty sessional division and union, CO'lchester year 1557. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
county court district and in the rural deanery of Ded- £182, with residence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of
ham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Col. lV. N. Tufnell, and held since 1896 by the Rev.
Albans. The church of St. Andrew is a building of stone Robert William Chilton M.A. of Trinity College, Camr
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave
of four bays, north aisle, south porch and a western
I bridge. Charities, producing £45, derived in part from
a bequest in 1564, by Thomas Love, of Lit,tle Horkesley,
lor th.e benefit of this and oth&" parishes, are distributed owners. The soil is light loam and clay; subsoil, loam
yearly. James Robinson, in 1832, invested in the names and clay. The chief crops< are wheat, barley and oats.
-of the vicar and churchwardens and the Archdeacon of The area. is 2,256 acres; rateable value, £1,849; and the
Colchester. money sufficient to produce £31 10S. yearly, population in 1901 was 380.
.to be a.pplied as follows: £9 to the school, £10 for the Parish Clerk, Frank Pettit.
.purchase of coal to be sold to the parishioners at a Post. Office (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have
'I'educed price and £II ms. for blankets and winter
clothing, to be distributed at the discretion of the vicar; R.S.O. Essex added).-Frederick Death, sub-post~'
he also by will dated August 27 th , 183 2, directed his master. Lett&"s received at 3 a.m. & 1.40 p.m.; dis~.
-executors to invest in their names, in Government patched at 1.45 & 8·45 p.m. Postal orders are issued
securities, the sum of £5 00 , and to distribute the here, but not paid. The nearest money order &; tele-
interest annually to the deserving poor on St. Thomas' graph office is at Bures St. Mary, 3 miles distant
day. The Grange is the residence of Edward Fraucis Wall Letter Box, Church wall, cleared 7.30 p.m
Boggis-Rolfe esq. Col. William N. Tufnell D.L., J.P. of National School (mixed), built for 100 children; average
Langleys, Great Waltham, who is lord of. the manor, at~endance, 64; Miss Jane Bigg, mistress .
.and Thomas George Hallum esq. are the prmcipal land- Carners to Colchester.-Wm. Sach, mono wed.fn. &; sat
Boggis Mrs. Woodhall farm blacksmith; good accommodation Death Mary Jane (Mrs.), grocer
BoO"o-is-Rolfe Edward Fras.TheGrange for cyclists &; picnic parties Frost George, wheelwright
ChUt'on Rev. Robert Wm., M.A.Vicrge Boggis Ernest, farmer, Wormingford Green William Stannard, farmer, Wor~
Chittenden Herbert Lloyd, Church ho Garnons mingford hall
Curtis Frank, Morden grange Boutell Abraham, farmer Holton Percy, miller (water)
Bullock Charles, Queen's Head P.H Pettitt Frank, frmr. Church Hall fm
COMMERCLA.L. Cole Henry John Robert, grocer &; Pettitt Fredk. farme,r, Robinsons farm
13all Frederick, boot & shoe maker beer retailer Pollard Arthur, grocer
Be::ud Charles Herbert, Crown P .H. &: Dale Alfred, farmer, Grove farm Sach William, carrier
"VRABNESS is a village and parish, and derives its Anihony Cox Fenn RA. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
:nf1Inc from its situation on a. ness or promontory in the There is a small Wesleyan chapel here. A charity of
frith of the river Stour: it is on the main road leading 6s. 8d: yearly is distributed in bread. Arthur Nathaniel
lrom Harwich to Manningtree, and has a station on the Garland esq. who is lord of the manor, tlie trustees of
Harwich and Manningtree branch of the Great Eastern the late Thomas Glover Kensit esq. and Bames Wimbush
railway, 6! miles west from the former, 6 east from the esq. of Wield, Alresford, Hants, are the chief landowners.
latter and 15 north-east from Oolchester, in the North The soil is of a mixed nature, subsoil, clay and sand.
Eastern division of the county, hundred, petty sessional The chief crops are wheat, barley, oatll and beans. The
division and union of Tendring, Harwich county court area is I,II2 acres of land, 120 of tidal water and 270
district, rural deanery of Ardleigh and Harwich, arch- of foreshore; rateable value, £2,054; th~ population ill
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of St. Albans. The 190r was 29I.
church of All Saints is a plain building of rubble, con- Parish Clerk, William Rowland.
.:listing of chancel, nave and south porch; the belfry, a Post Office. John Potter, sub-postmaster. Letters _re-
picturesque ivy-clad structure, containing 1 bell, stands ceived from Manningtree. The Box closes at 6 p.m.
detached in the churchyard: in the chancel is a tablet Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The
to the Rev. Robert Riche (1728), 27 years rector of this nearest money order office is at Bradfield & telegraph
parish and 48 years vicar o~ Ramsey, and a marble otlice at Great Oakley, 4 miles distant
tablet to t,he Rev. Putrick Fenn (1891), for 53 years Pillar Box, Station, cleared at 5.50 p.m
"Tector of rYrabness: there are 175 sittings. The register National School (mixed), built in 1872 &; enlarged 1875,
<If baptisms dates from 1650; burials, 1681; marriages, &; again enlarged in 1898, for IrO children; average
1684. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £215, attendance, 67; Henry Joseph Clibborn, master; Mrs.
"dth residence and 5 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Isabel Clibbom, mistress
'Lord Chancellor, and held since r837 by the Rev. Railway Station, Herbert Buck, station mas',ter
Ewart Miss, Primrose cottage Garnham Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Dim- Potter John, shopkeeper, Post office
Fenn Rev. Anthony Cox RA. Rectory bol's farm Richardson FTas.Wm. frmr. Priory frm
Garnham William, frmI'. Wrabness hall Robinson Robert, farmer, Shore farm
COMMERCIAL. Gludwin William, Wheatsheaf P.H 'Rnbinson Wm.assist.overseer,Shore fm
calver Joseph Wells, shopkeeper Howton Albert Wm, market gardener Wells Thomas Wm. Black Boy P.H
Fisher Edward Francis, farmer Paskell Archibald, blacksmith
WRITTLE, formerly a market town, is a village and Birch LL.B. rector of Corringham and vicar of Margaret~
'Parish near the river Can, a feeder of the Chelmer, on ting, Essex, besides several memorials to the Comyns
the road from Chelmsford to Ongar, 2k miles west from family and the Petres, of Fithlers, including one to
'Chelmsford station and the Chelmer navigation, in the Elizabeth, wife of John Petre esq. ob. Aug. 1658; on the
Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty east wall of the north aisle is a brass to Edward Hunt,
sessional division, county court district and union, rural of Writtle, gent. and his wife, ob. 1605-6; a small
deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese brass to Constans, "meyden doughter" of John Berners
of St. Albans. A part of this parish was taken in March esq. ob.. :£524, and a third, now imperfect, to Wm.
1:888 to form the new parish of Chignall. The village Piuehon esq. ob. 1592, Rose (Heddin) his wife, 6 SOIlS and 3
is lighted with gas from wurks belonging to the Writt1e daughters: in the nave is a figure of a man in armour,
Brewery Co. The church of All Saints is a spacious :If the Hyde family, with his wife, c. r500, 6 sons and
.fJuilding of rubble, with stone dressings, in the Early 2 daughters; in the chancel are the figures of two men
iEnglish and Perpendicular styles and consists of chancel, in armour and two ladies with groups of- children; thA
'restored in 1885, c1erestoried nave, entirely rebuilt in inscription, now lost, was to Thomasina, daughter of
lI:879, at a cost of about £1,000, aisles, north and south Thomas Heveningham, jun. and wife successively of
{lorches and a lofty embattled western tower of stone, Thomas Berdefield, John Bedall and WaIter Thomas,
with pinnacles, rebuilt in 1802 and containing a clock and gent. 15 13: of another fine brass, all that now remains
.g bells: the lower story of the tower was restored, and is a scroll with the word "Mercy;" and there linger
:an arch opened into the nave in 1893: the font is also two shields, c. IS 8o: a new organ was erected.
Norman: on the north side of the chancel is a marble in 1887, at a cost of £325. raised by subscription:
monument with two various allegorical figures and during 1901-2 three stained windows have been erected,
subjects, and an inscription to Edward and Dorothea two respectively by Mr. Jas. Clark and Miss Bnrlow, and
fPinchon, and near it another mOIlument, also of marble, one by public subscription, as a memorial to Her late
xepresenting a father and mother with four sons and six Majesty Queen Victoria: a reredos, largely of Mosaic,
,daughters, and above these, on a brass plate, an was presented in 1900 by Robert Woodhouse esg. J.P.:
,anonymous inscription: here is also an inscribed plate the church has '600 sittings. The register dates from
to Edward Elliott, of Newland, Essex, ob. Dec. 22, r595, the year r634' 'J'he living is a chaplaincy or vicarage,
ami qn the south side a large and lofty'monument with net yearly value £358, with 2~ acres of glebe and resi-
bust, to Siil.' John Comyns kt. Lord Chief Baron of tlie dence, in the gift of New College, Oxford, and held since
Exchequer (1738-40), who died Nov. 13, 1740, erected by 1884 by the Rev. Thomas Leslie Papillon M.A. formerly
his nephew and heir, John Comyns, of Hylands esq. in fellow and tutor of that college. A list of 30 vicars, from
1:759 :Qn the chancel floor are inscribed ledgers of stone the year 1405 to 1884, is preserved in the college archives.
and marble to John Pinchon, of Writtle, son of Sir Edw. The vicar of Writtle, as a chaplain appointed by New
Finchon, ob. July 30, 1654; John, his son, 1672, and College, requires no institution by the bishop of the
.Anne. wife ,(ill t1u.B latter, 1675; and to the Rev. John diocese. On Writtle Green there is a. Oongregational


chapel, rebuilt in 1885 at a cost of £500, and now Sexton, William Brazier.
seating 200 persons. The Wesleyan chapel, rebuilt in By Local Government Board Order 22,834, March ~
1895, will seat 120. There are almshouses near the 1889, a detached part of Chelmsford known as South-
churchyard (Hawkin's charity) for six widows. Here is wood, was added to this parish, and by Order 22,421.
an extensive brewery with maltings carried on by Russells March 24, 1888, Hole Farm was transferred :llrom the 01<1
Gravesend Brewery Ltd. who are also owners of the parish of Chignal St. James.
gas works. Within this manor a curious custom pre-
vailed in early time·s, called "Leppe and Lasse," under Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery:.
which every cart coming to a part called "Greenbury," Parcel Post & Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Alfred
except the carts of peers, paid 4d. to the lord of the Richard Hunt, sub-postmaster, Writtie Green. Lettel'!~
manor: Greenbury is supposed to have been a market arrive from Chelmsford at 6.30 &; 11.30 a.m. &. 6'4C>
place and had therefore thos privilege granted to it. p.m.; dispatched at 9.35 a.ill. & 3.50 & 7.20 p.m.;
John Bastwick M.D. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, sunday, 10.40 a.m. only ; arrive 6.45. Pillar Letter
born at Writtle in 1593, and afterwards a physician at Box, at Oxney Green, cleared at 8 a.m. & 1 & 6'45.
Colchester, was a person of considerable notoriety in p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m
the 17th cent,ury: being a good Latin scholar and Police Station, Edgar Pryke, constable in charga
possessed of no mean ability, he embarked in a literary
career and unfortunately for himself attacked the flagrant Schools.
existing abuses of the Church; persisting in this course,
A School Board of 5 members was formed 27 Oct. 188lr;
he was first heavily fined and thrown into prison and
.Alfred Philip Lindsell, clerk to the board; E. A. Hunt,.
afterwards, toget·her with Prynne and Burton, condemned
attendance officer
to the pillory and deprived of his ears: in 1640 Parlia-
The Board have taken over the schools, formerly National.
ment rever,sed these sentences and ordered him a repara-
tion of £5,000 out of the estates of the Archbishop of&; improved the buildings
Canterbury, of whioh, in 1644, sufficient was received for
Board, Writtle, for 450 children; boys, on the Green ..
the maintenance of himse;i and wife: he died October 6th,
average attendance, 140; Thomas Williams, master;.
1654. The Priory is the residence of Wilson Pease esq. girls & infants near the churchyard; average attend-
Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor, and Arthur Pryor ance, 105 girls & 95 infants; Miss Louisa Gowers,.
esq. of Hylands, Ohelmsford, are chief landowners. Themistress; Miss Harriet Jane Spink, infants' mistress
soil is various, clay and loam; subsoil, chiefly clay.
Blencowes' Charity, formerly applied to the Natinnal
The chief crops are wheat, barley, clover, beans and schools, is now, under order of the Charity Commis-
roots. The area is 4,925 acres of land and 28 of water;
moners, applied to the encouragement of Sunday
rateable value, £14,885; the population in 1891 was School Education
1,825, and in 1901 was 2,718.
Carriers to &; from Chelmsford. Jas. Spearman, Bridge.-
HIGHWOOD is an ecclesiastical parish, and will be street; Alfred Staines, Oxney Gre.en; & A. Smit~
found under a separate heading. Love's Green, daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baker Charles, Carpenters' Arms P.H I Moss Frederick carpenter,Oxney Green
Arnold-Wallinger Robert Nasmyth, Beeson Henry Muncy, Cock &; Bell P.H Page Bertha (Mrs.),shpkpr.Oxney Gm
Kitts Croft Berrgin Patrick, inland revenue officer, Palmer Fredk. cowkeeper, Newney ga
Baker Miss, Roman's place Lordship villa, Oxney green Pamplin F. B. insurance agent ~
Barling Misses, Sunnyside Blanks Alfred, laundry, Writtle green Pamplin Harcourt John Toswell,farrie~
Barlow Miss, Greenbury house BIyth William, farmer & landowner, & blacksmith
Barrow Albert Boyce, Kings Oourt frm Sturgeon's farm Parlett Eliza (Mrs.). boarding estab-
BIyth Mrs. Benedicts Brazier David, cycle repairer lishment for paying guests or board-
Blyth Robert William, Benedicts Burton Charles, grocer el'S, Stoke house
Brewster Mrs. Writtle green Bwy Kate (Mis's), dress maker Parlett Maurice Gearge, dairy farm ..
Buddell Rev. James Fras. (Cong) Cardnell Oharles, wheelwright Hickeridge
CandleI' Christopher Castledine Wm. veterinary surgeon Peacocke Richd. baker &; beer retailer-
Olarke Misses, Richmond house Christy Jas. frmr. The Warren farm Poole Edward & Son, harness makers-
Orawton Wm.St.Fin-Barrs,Lordship I'd CIark Arthur, Horse & Groom P.H Richardson Ja=es, head gardener to
Elphick Mrs. Lordship viI. Oxney grn Callis Harry, shoe maker Thomas Usborne esq
Everitt Mrs. St. John's green Cooper Samuel, poulterer Ridley T. D. & Sons, maltsters
Gozzett Mrs. Lordship road Cunison John, market gardener Roast Geo. beer retailer, ~ewney grn.
Hilliard Mrs. Oxney house Dennison Charles John, assistant over- Rosting Edward, farmer, Melbourne
Hilton Arthur Gerald Denny, South- seer, Holly villa Rumsey Geo. beer retailer, Oxney Gm:
woods Easter William, plumber, Oxney grn Russells Gravesend Brewery Limited:
Hilton Rt.Ryther Popplewell,Sonthwds Eve George Edward, farmer, Edney . (Writ tIe branch) (C. RusseIl, sec)
Hitch George, .sen Phillip's farm Salmon Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealeT'
Hunt Edward, Harcombe villa Eve Jaomes, farmer, Jordan's farm Salmon Thomas, pork butcher
Jocelyn ~orge Henry, Warren house Franklin Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments Saltwell Jesse, shoe maker
Joyce Thomas, Oxney green Green H. & Sons, butchers &; graziers Shanks William, farmer, Moor Hall
Lawson Charles, Bush house Hichens Thomas, farmer, Bramwood's Shead Ernest Edwin, insurance agent
Norris Rev. Edward Greville M.A. farm, Cooksmill green Shead Henry Newell, corn merchant
(curate), Lordship road' Hitch George, farmer, Ropers &; commission agent
Melhuish ('ecil Smart, Writtle green Hitch John, fa,rmer, Bulmers Shedd E,ben.ezer, V.D., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Pamplin Frank Basil Hodge David, farmer, Waterhouse frmsurgeon &; medical officer ,& public-
Papillon Rev. Thomas Leslie M.A. Hodge John, farmer, The Rollstons vaccinator, 2nd district, Chelmsfortf
(vicar), The Vicarage Howard Henry, farmer, Daws farm union
Parlett Frederick, Stoke house Hunt Alfred Richd. tailor, Post office Smale Sarah,Rebecca & Mary (Misses) ..
Pease Wilson, The Priory Hunt Edwd. Alfd. sch1. attend. officr dress makers
Perry Benj. Hamson, St. Christophers Hunt Thomas, hair dresser Southgate &; Hunt, brick makers,
Roftey William Thomas, Manor ho Ingram James Elliatt, g-rocer & draper Edney common
Rose Edward Geo::ge, The Leete Inns Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer Southgate Herbert& Ashford,coal mars
Russell Charlie, Motts Jones Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Newney Southgate Susannah Margaret (Mrs.)"
Rutter Mrs. Roman',s place green miller (water &; steam)
SearIe Frank, Oxney green Kennell Harry, Rose & Crown P.R. Staines Mary (Mrs.), laundress, Ox-
Shead Henry Newell, Greenbury house & builder ney green
Shedd Ebenezer, V.D. Writtle green King Wm. servants' reg. office (male) Staines Richard James, farmer, Bump-
SteTt 'CIaude, Writtle green Knowles George, farmer, Lordship frm steads
Swallow Peter, Oxney green Lindsell Alfred Philip, clerk to the Stead James William &; John Fredk •.
Usborne Thomas J.P. The House school board painters, Oxney green
Vigne John Henry, Writtle wick Little John, painter Summerfield Jabez, plumber &; glazD"
White Geo. James, Musa. Lordship rd Lodge Ernest William, baker Wallace Geo. whlwght. & blacksmth
Wilson John, Mafekin viI. 'Oxney grn Lowe Frederick John, carpenter Wallace William Thos. Chequel's P.H.
Woodhouse Robert J.P. Longmead Macmorland Frank, farmer, Reed's frm Oxney green
COMMERCIAL. Mann Henry Frdk. plumber &; glazier Ward Fredk. frmr. Montpelier farm-
A.lmond &; Smith, buff leather manufrs Marden George, thatcher, Oxney Grn 'Varner Henry, baker
A.rnold-Wallinger Robert Nasmyth Marden Thomas, thatcher Watkinson Harry, grocer & draper
L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.O.S.Eng. phy- May William, farmer, Lea farm 'Veils Charles, shopkpr. Oxney green.
sician & surgeon, Kitts croft Milbank Geo. King, frmr. Skegg's frm 'Vhite Edwad, Dn.rsel'~t:inan
White Thomas, butcher Writtie Brewery Co. Lim. (Stanley Writtle Gas Works (Russells Graves-
Wilkes Robert, poultry breeder C. Russell, manager &. sec.),brewers, end Brewery Limited, proprietors)
Wilson William, Star P.R maltsters &. wine &. spirit merchants Youden Arthur, laundry, Oxney green
Woods Robert, bricklayer
GREAT (or LOWER) YELDHAM is an ancient to be over 1,000 years old, is 30 feet in girth. A reading
parish on the river Colne, and on the high road from Col- room was erected in 1898 by the rector, on a site given
chester to Cambridge, with a. station on the Colne Valley by Mrs. .Thomas Goodchild, and furnished by public
and Halstead railway, 7 miles north-west from Halstead, 5 subscription. Spencer Grange, the residence of Lewis-
south-west from Clare, 8 south-east from Haverhill and John Way esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. who is lord of the-
60 miles by rail from London, in the Northern division manor of Great Yeldham, is a fine mansion standing in
of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty well-wooded grounds of about 75 acres. Spaynes Hall,
sessional division, Halstead union and county court dis- the seat of Mrll. Charles Martin Wade, is a manor house-
trict, Yeldham rural ~anery, Colchester archdeaconry pleasantly seated on the east bank of the river Colne and
and St• .A.lbans diocese. The church of St. Andrew is an takes its name from the family of Spain, or de Rispania,.
ancient building of rubble,· in the Perpendicular s1yle, who held the manor in the reigns of Henry Ill. anel
consisting of cilancel with south chapel, nave,· south Edward T. The principal landowners are Thomas Good-
porch and an emba,ttled western tower with four pin- child esq. Earl Amherst, Mrs. Charles Martin Wade ancl
nacles containing a clock and 6 bells, given by the present Lewis John Way esq. The soil is rich loam and clay,
rector: the chancel, whioh retajns a piscina and sedilia, and gravelly sand :in pla.ces; subsoil, various. The
is divided from the nave by a carved oak screen: there chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots; a large
are memorial windows to France,s E. Merewether, 1870; proportion is meadow land. The area is 1,864 acres of
to Caroline E. Way, of Spencer Grange, and to her grand- land and 7 o-f water; rateable value, £2,174; the popula-
daughter, Mary E. H. Way: in the south chancPl, or tion in 1901 was 595.
chapel, is a monument of black marble and alabaster to Sexton, :Frederick Wilkin.
John Symonds, of Great Yeldham, esq. ob. 29 Feb. 1692, Post, M. O. &. T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery,
and a mural monument to Richard Fitz-Symonds, nb. Parcel Post &. Annuity &. Insurance Office. Thomas P.
1680: there are brasses to 'Richard Symonds, ob. 16I1 Bowen, sub-postmaster. Letters from Halstead arrive
and Elizabetb (Plume), his wife, with six children; l\Iary, at 6.5 a.m. & 3.20 p.m.; dispatched at 12. IS &. 6. IS
wife of Samuel Weel, ob. 1692; Elizabeth, wife ()f John p.m.; sunday, 6.15 p.m
Symonds esq. ob. 1666, and Orlando Fitz-Symonds esq. Wall Letter Box, Pool street, cleared 12.30 &. 5.30 p.m.
1691, and ,some effigies supposed also to belong to the week days only
Symonds family: an elegant memorial commemorates County Police, Howard Marden, constable
the Dowager Viscountess Bateman, d. 19 Feb. 1769: the Volunteer Fire Brigade has a manual engine & appliances ~
church was restored in 18,84 at a cost of £1,5°0, from Arthur Westwood, captain, I engineer &. 12 men
plans prepared by Mr. Frederic Chancellor, of Chelms-
ford: there are 300 sittings. The register dates from Schools.
the year 1653. The living is· a rectory, net yearly value Endowed, founded in 1694, by John Symonds esq. of
£292, with 3'1 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Great Yeldham, with an endowment of Qbout £30
trustees, and held since r887 by the Rev. William James yearly, derived from about 25 acres of land & house-
Earle M.A. of St. J,ohn's College, Cambridge, and surro- called "Kettles," in Halstead: the school is managed!
gate. The Baptist chapel here, built in 1867, will seat by a body of 8 trustees; Lewis John Way esq. treasurer;
'" 100. The building now used as an endowed school was Charles Applegate, master
originally employed for dressing a dinner when any of National (mixed), buiIt in 1874, for 117 children; average-
the poorer inhabitants were married. There is an alms- attendance, 102; Miss J as,sie Nice, mistress
house, comprising six tenements, founded in 1694 by
John Symonds esq. of this parish. The Yeldham great Carrier to Braintree. James Butcher, wed
oak, standing in the centre of the village and supposed Railway Station, Joseph Pittock, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brett Sarah (Mrs.), laundress Ives John, blacksmith
Earle Rev. William James M.A. (ree· Butcher Hy. beer retailer &, jobmaster Linsell Ernest WiEiam, coach builder
tor), Rectory Cook Charles John, machinist May Thomas Limited, coal merchants
FreI}ch Robert, Grove house DeIf Louis, registrar of births &. deaths Mynott Chas. farmer, Waybridge fl'lD
Goodchild Miss, Oak house &; relieving &. vaccination officer for Newman Mark, butcher
Goodchild Thomas, Yeldham hall the Hedingham district of Halstead Raymond Charles, baker
Tomson Rev.Edmond (curate), Rookry union Reading Room
Vernede Mrs. The Change Goodchild George, farmer, Hill house Rice Thomas, farmer, Change
Wade.Mrs.Charles Martin, Spaynes hall Goodchild Thomas, corn merchant, nice A-nn (Mril.), beer retlr. &; baker
Way Lewis John M.A., D.L., J.P. farmer &. landowner, Yeldham hall Smith E. &. B. saddlers; &; at Hal-
Spencer grange Goodchild Thomas William, farmer, stead lire
Welsh Mrs. The Change Yeldham hall; &. Toppesfield Spilling John, grocer, draper &.
COMMERCIAL. Great Yeldham Cottage Garden So- farmer
Abraham John William, farm bailiff to ciety (C. A. Whitlock, sec) Turner Nehemiah, boot maker
Mr. WaIter Whitlock Groves 0& Co. Lim. coal, lime '&. slate Warner John, joiner &. cabinet makel"
Ardley &. Chapman, dressmakers merchants, Railway station 1Vay Lewis John, farmer &. landowner,
.&rmston Thomas J. grocer, draper &. Hardy George &. Son, builders Spencer grange
general outfitter Hasler John, thatcher Whitlock Brothers, agricultural engnrs
Bocking Charles, farmer, brick maker HasleI' Jona!'C, carpl'nter W,right Saunders, beer retailer
& general carter, Potters hall Hitchcock Arthur, White Hart P.H. & Yeldham Thomas, agent for St. Catha-
Iloosey William,_ watch maker brewer rine's College, Cambridge
LITTLE (or UPPER) YELDHAM is a parish It dence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since
miles north-east from Yeldham station on the Colne Valley 1895 by the Rev. William Paxton Thorp Assoc.K.C.L.
and Ralstead railway and 8 north-west from Halstead, in James Spa.lding Gardiner esq. of Borley, who is lord of
the Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, the manor, Lewis John Way esq. of Great Yeldham..
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union and Mr. Ernest George Unwin are the principal land-
and county court district, rural deanery of Yeldham, owners. The soil is clay, loam and gravel; subsoil, clay.
srchdeaconry of Colchester Bnd diocese ()f St. Albans. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is.
The church of St. John the Baptist is a small building 1,009 acres; rateable value, £739; the population in 1891
()f flint in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, was :263.
nave, south porch and 8 small wooden bell turret at the
west end containing 2 bells dated 16 78 : there is a piscina Wall Letter Box, cleared at 5·30 p.m. Letters through
in the chancel: the interior was restored in 18 76 and Halstead via Great Yeldham arrive at 8 a.m. 'l'he·
again in 18 93, and is seated with open benches. affording nrearest money. orde~ & telegraph office is a,t Great
130 sittings. The regis1er of baptisms dates from 15 6 4; l' eldham, 11 mIles dIstant
bnrials and marriages, 1586. The living is a rectory, National School (mixed), built in 1857, for 60 children;
net yearly value £120, with 2 acres of g;ebe and resi· I average attendance, 50; Miss Emily Baldrey, mistress
Thorp Rev. William Paxton A.K.C.L. C<loke Elizabeth (Mrs.), thrashing ma- Lawrence Thos. beer ret. North End
(rector), Rectory chine owner, Marshy farm Newman 'Villiam, farm bailiff to Mr.
GardincI' William C. farmer & malt- Unwin
COMMERCIAL. ster, Yeldham hall Pearson Thomas, beer ret. North end
Adams Rowland William, carpenter Hart John, horse dealer Playle Charles, shopkeeper
Bonner Charles W. Horse Shoes P.R Lawrence Joseph, shopkeeper
, $


Country • • Coloured Maps, corrected to date,


afford every Facility for Reference.

North and Mid Wales (Slater's) .• •• •• •• •• 1895 25/-
Ireland (Slater's) '.. •• •. .• •• (Out 0/ print) 1895 40/-
"Cumberland and ~'Westmorland " .• •• •• •. 1897 20/-
"Bedfordshire, "Huntingdonshire and lItNorthamptonshire. 1898
"Berkshire, *Buckinghamshire and ·Oxfordshire •• •• 1899
"Essex, <;>Herts &. ;:'Middlesex (1st Vol. of Six Home Counties) 1902
t"Kent, "'Surrey and *Sussex (2nd Vol. of Six Home Counties) 1899
~Hampshire, -Wilts and lItDorset and the -Channel Islands 1899
"Birmingham, *Staffs, -Warwickshire and "'Worcestershire 1900
"'Cambridgeshire, ~'Norfolk and "'Suffolk.. .• •• •• 1900
llDerbyshire, *Notts, lIlLeicestershire and "'Rutland •• •• 1900
*Herefordshire and *Shropshire •• .• .• •• .• 1900
"Lincolnshire and ~'Hull " •. .. .. .. •• .. 1900
Scotland (Slater's).. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1900
Lancashire, without Manchester and Liverpool (Slater's). 1901
"Monmouthshire and "South Wales .. .. .. " 1901
West Riding of Yorkshire .. .. .. •• .. •• 1901
North and East Ridings of Yorkshire .. •• .. .. 1901
itiGloucestershire and *Somersctshire with "'Bristol.. •• 1902
·Devonshire and "Cornwall .. .. .. .. .. •• 1902
Cheshire .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -.. .. 1902 18/-
"Durham and "Northumberland .. •• •• •• •• 1902 30/-
• The Single County may be had. t New Editions now ilt C014rse tif compilation•

HESE useful books have been issued for a great number of years, and contain the fullest
T particulars of the Counties with which they deal.
A topographical account is given of every city, town, parish, village, or hamlet, with notes as to
the buildings of architectural interest, and antiquities; the acreage of every parish is stated, the crops
and soil are described, and full information as to Postal matters, Law and Public Offices, churches,
chapels, together with particulars respecting conveyance by railway, water, or land, are also given.
The names of the inhabitants are arranged alphabetically under each town or parish, and in
addition there are general classifications of the private inhabitants and of traders, thus offering every
facility for reference.

Town s
• • • Birmingham and Suburbs (Annual) •• .• •• 15/-
Liverpool and Blrkenhead (Gore's) (Annual) Net 21/-

Directori es.
• •
l\'lanchester, Salford and Suburbs (Slater's)
(Annual) .• •. .. •• .• ". •• 25/-
Sheffield and Rotherham (Whitc's) (Annual) •• 14/-
Leicester and Suburbs (Wright's) •• •• •• 8/-
Nottingham (Wright's) •. •• •• •• •• 8/6
Hull and Neighbourhood .. •• •• •• 19°0 10,-
Leeds (Annual) .. .• .. .. .• •• •• 10/-
Leeds and Bradford, with Suburbs (Annual) •• 16/-
Bradford (Annual) .. •• .• •• •• •• 8/-
Bristol and Surroundings •. •• •• •• 1902 8/-

odetailed description of these publications is necessary.

N Those given above are the most important, but smaller
towns will be found under the headings of Country Locals.

The importance of the Town Directories may be gauged by
the fact that Gore's Liverpool Directory (the property of
, .. Kelly's Directories Limited) dates from 1766, and Slater's
Manchester (also published by Kelly's Directories Limited)
from 1795.


• •••• •
Abbott Edward P. 2 Albert road, Ilford Adams William, Woodside, Albion hill, [Aldham Charles James, Highams,
Abbott Frank, Lime villa, Derby road, Loughton S.O Aythorp Roothing, Dunmow
South 'Woodford Ad:tms William Henry, Gattens,Hockley Aldous H. New st. Brightlingsea, Colchstr
Abbott Frdk. S. 76 Eastern rd. Romford road, Rayleigh S.O Aldous R. High st. Brightlingsea, Colchstr
Abbott George Henry, 4 Park villas, Adams William Henry, llollies, Canew- Aldrich Mrs. Bellevue, Grove hill, South
Rainsford road, Chelmsford don road, West cliff, Southend \Voodford
AbbottHarold R.24Mansfield rd. Ilford Adamson John, 1 Selborne gardens, Aldridge Allen Garnie<,J, Th~ Rosebery,
Abbott Jabez Charles, Oakwood,Chigwell York road, Ilford New Town road, Colchester
Abbott Percy Edwin, Uvedale, Red- Adamson Mrs. Rathelpie, High street, Alexander A. 30 Carlyle rd. Manor Park
bridge lane, Wanstead Chingford Alexander Andrew, Hurstleigh, Pal-
Abbott Samuel, 50 Carlisle road, Romford Arlamson Robert Lawrence, St. Hilda, merston road, Buckhurst Hill
Abbott Sutton, Wavertree, Wanstead Rectory lane, I.oughton S.O Alexander Charles, The Knoll, Woodham
place, \Vanstead Adcock Mrs. Rectory cottage, Langdon, Ferris, Chelmsford
Abbott Waiter Firfar, Alandale, High Romford Alexander Geoffrey, Warley lodge, Little
road, Loughton S.O. Addinscll Mrs. The Cottage, Great Warley, Brentwood
Abbott. \Villiam, Glengall, Snake's lane, Bentley, Colchester Alexander Matthew Henry, 61 Avenue
Woodford Green Addis William Edward, Sunnyside,GroV"e road, Southend
Abbott W.G.37Lansdowne rd.S.Woodfrd park, Wanstearl Alexander Mrs. 25 Clarcnce rd. Manor Pk
Abercrombie Mrs. Emma, Balmain, Addison Charles E. 4 Head st. Colchester Alexander Robert Graham Dryden, 1
Leigh road, Southend Addison Claude Alfred, Elgin house, \Vestbury ter. London rd. Brentwood
Aberdein Henry Herbert, Rosemerryn, Church path, Wanstead Alfrod John G. Melford, High st.Chngfrd
Maldon road, Colchester Addison Mrs. Spencer, Bearmains, South Algat· Mrs. Clematis villas, 12 Shaftesbury
Abernethy David, Lucton villa, High Hanningfield, Chelmsford road, Romford
road, Loughton 8.0 Adey Miss, 30 Sutton street, Southend Algar Mrs. High street, Witham
Ablett William H. South Benfleet S.O Adkins Mrs. The Avenue, Braintree Algar Rhlhard James, Baddow road,
Abrahams John, Brooklyn, Eastern Adshead Mrs. Beslyns hou'lc, Great Great Baddow, Chelmsford
road, Romford Bardfield, Braintree Alger Mrs. 1 Glebe avenue, WoodfordGrn
Abrahams Miss, The Folly, Felstead, Afford Alfred, 19 Eastern road,Romford Alger Mrs. Skinners, Great Baddow,
Chelmsford Agar Thomas, 67 Northbrook rd. Ilford Chelmsford
Abrams Miss, Atherstone, Mayfield aven. Agassiz Lieut.-Col. Roland Lewis R.M. Alger Thos.J. Clovel1y.Palmer'a av.Grays
W oodford Green Octagon house, Dedham, Colchester Allam Edwin.P. 84 Eastern rd. Romford
Abrey Shafto, Grove terrace. \Vitham Agassiz Miss. Great ho. Dedham,Colchstr Allan Lieut.-Colonel Crawford Lewin,
Absolam Ernest Waiter, 41 Hegyate Ager Rev. Arthur, Langham, Colchester Holmhurst, Inglis road, Colchester
avenue, Southend Ager Arth. Mark, 7 Culver st. Colchester Allan Charles R. 76 \Voodlands rd. Ilford
Absolam Henry, 385 Pleasant road,Sthnd Ager W. Church lane, Bocking, Braintree Allan D. R. Pt'rcy, Gaysham, The Drive,
Absolom Miss, 23 Grove road, Wanstead Aggio Panl, The Limes, Elmstead,Clch8tr South vVoodford
Ackhurst Jenner Archibald, Ackhurst, Aggiss MisR, ,Tessamine cottage, Up- Allan Francis, 1 Ashburnham terrace,
Boston avenue, Southend minster. Romford Southchurch beach,Southchurch,Sthnd
Aekland Brya~s Thos. I.imbert I.L.M. Ainslie Miss, The Rolls, Hink's green, Allan Frederick, 48 St. Helen's road,
Myddleton house, Saffron Walden Chingford West cliff, Southend
Ackland \Villiam Fitzroy, 7 Audley road, Aird Thos. Albt.107 Grosvenor rd.Ilford Allan Henry, Havengore, Pembury road,
Saffron \Valden Aitchison David, The Elms, Shenfield, vYest cliff, Southend
Acock John W. 6 Dangan road,Wanstead Brentwood AlJard Alfred, Theydon, Valkyrie road,
Acres John, 113 Victoria road,Romford Aitchison Wm. Kinghorn, \Villnett lodge, West cliff, Southend
Acton Rev. William Henry, 26 Meyrick Chad well street, Chadwell Heath 8.0 Allard F. F. Melcombe 10. Ilford la.Ilford,
crest. Colchester Aitken J. M.B. 13 Clement's gardens, Allard Fredk. 60 Eastern road, Romford
Adam Douglas,38 Dangan rd. Wanstead High road & 1 The Drive, IlfoI'd Allard Hy. 2 Queen's ter. High rd. Ilford
Adams Lt.-Col.Percy,Oaklands,Halstead Akers Alfred, Hill side, Russell road, Allars Mrs.Agnes viI. Latchett rd.S. W dfrd
Adams Rev. Frederick Archer M.A. The Bnckhurst Hill Allchin .Thomas, 60 Elgin road, Seven
Rectory, Doddinghurst, Brentwood Akers .T. Letcombe, Blake HaJl rd. Wnstd Kin~s, Ilford
Adams Rev. Herbert Campbell, Vicar- Alabasser Wm. 63 Northbrook rd. Ilford Allcock ,Tames Frederick, 35 Cambridge
. age, OaklilYr Bishops Stortford Albery Wltr. Hy. 43 DeVere gardens, Ilfrd road, Wanstead
Adams Albert, 13 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Albon Charles Edwin, Wheelock cottage, Allen Capt. Charles, 6 South park, Cran-
Adams Alex. Annan, Ingleside; St Chads Upper Railway street, Bra:ntree - brook road, Ilford
. road, Chadwell Heath R.S.O· Alden I...eonard, Erceldoune, Coggeshall Allen Rev. Francis Edwin M.A. The
Adams Chas. Edward M.B., H.SC. West road, Braintree Vicarage, North street, Romford
lodge, Palmerston rd. Buckhurst Hill Alder Frands. Roselea, Anerley road, Allen Rev. William B.A. [vicar of St.
Adams Edgar Tarry, The Cottage West cliff. Southend Mary the Virgin], St. Mary's lodge,
Trinity street, Halstead Alder Gilbert. .iun. Ilargrave park, Stan- High Beech road. Loughton 8.0
Adams Henry, Brook house, Lower sted ~Iountfitchet R.S.O Allen Alfred, Rhoden villas, Princes road,
Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Alder Gilbert, sen. Hargrave park, Stan- Buckhurst Hill
Adams Jsph. 38 Empress avenue,Ilford sted Mountfitchet R.S.O Allen Arth. Thos. Forest lodge, Epping
Adams Miss, 4 Springfield terrace, Alderman Thomas ;Walter, Clevedon, Alien C. H. J,ark hill, Theydon Bois,Eppg
Springfield, Chelmsford Hutton, Brentwood Alien Charles, 239 Balfour road, Ilford
Adams Misses, Bradford street,Bocking, Alderson C. Alderson, Forest lodge, Allen Charles, 4 Hurst villas, South-
Braintree Theydon Bois, Epping church road. Southend
Adams Mrs. The Armoury, Magdalen AldertonA. W.5 Old Heathroad,Colehstr Allen Charles John, Overbury, Palmers-
Laver, Ongar S.O Alderton Frdk. W. Oak lodge, Ongar ton road, Buckhurst Rill
Adams Roland, Endlebury rd. Chingford road, Brentwood Allen Chas.\V. 22 Spratthall rd. Wanste&-d
Adams S. V. Fair view, Coggeshall road, Alderton Herbert Clifford,9 Lansdowne Allen Elliston, The Grove, Ballingdon,
Braintree road, South \Voodford Sudbury (Suffolk)
Adams Stephen Isaac, Ravenhurst, York Aldcrhm James, 1 Grantham villas, Allen Ernest Frederick, Lyndhurst,
road, Southend Rosemary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Nursery road Loughton S.O.
Adams Thomas, Balcony house, Seward- Alderton Mrs. The Green, Mistley, AlIen George, 9 Toledo road, Southend
stone, Chingford Manningtree Allen Harry, 82 Baddow road. Chelmsford
Adams Thos.jun.13 'Ve"tern rd.Romford Aldham A. T. Tower house, Sprin~field, AHen James, Elizabeth villas, Chad-
Adams Thos.sen,ll \Vestern rd.Romford Chelmsford well Heath R.S.O
Adams "~m. 27 London rd.SaffronWaldn Aldham T. The Grove, Ulting, Maldon AlIen John, 80 Mayfair avenue, Ilford
Alien James Charles, Rockdale, Station Anderson Mrs. H. The Cottage,Katherine Archer William Edward, Straffondllle,
roa.d, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, East Ham Brisbane road, Ilford
Alien ,Tob, Cheshunt, Finchley road, Anderson S. 59 Norfolk road, Il:ord Archibould Reginald S. South bank"
West cliff, Southend Anderson Thomas J. Roseneath, Marl- York hill, Loughton S.O
Alien In. Ryton boo Hermon hl,Wnstd borough road, South Woodford Arden Fredk. C. 26 Brisbane rd. Ilford'
Allcn John, 27 Station street, Walton- Anderson WiIliam, 2 Claremont villas, Ardley Arth. Oliver, Melford, Rayleigh
on·the·:Kaze R.S.O Junction road, Romford Ardley Charles, 15 Park road, Chelmsfor<£
Allen Laurence Edward, Kenley, Cos· Anderson Wm. Eagle ho. \Voodford Orn Ardley Hy. In. 40 Chaucer road,Wanstd
sington road, West cliff, Southend Anderson William, Uplands, ChigwellRow Ardley Horace B. 18 High st. Halstead
Allen Miss, 24 Avenue road, Southend Anderson William Verden, Purfleet S.O Ardley 'Vm. In. 30 Queen's road,Sthnd
AlIen Mrs. Bay house, Bocking,Braintree Anderton Rev. William Edward M.A. Argent E. J.lvy viI. Myrtle rd.Southend
AlIen Mrs. Glencairn cottage, Whale- Ambleside,Broomhill reI. Woodford Grn ArgentJ.T.Horspits,WestBergholt R.S.O
bone lane, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Anderton Edward, 39 Northbrook rod.Ilfd Argent Mi'lses, Newbridge mills, \-Vest.
AlIen Mrs. 44 Mersea road, Colchester Andrew Re,-. Edwarrl George B.A. Rergholt R.S.O
Allen Mrs. 4 The Shrubberies, George Vicarage, Mundon, Maiden Argles F. Hermon 10. High st.Wanstead
lane, South Woodford Andrew Archibald, 29 Cambridge rd.Ilird Arkwright Lieut.-CoI.ArthurChandos .J.P.
AlIen Mrs. Woodberrie, Woodbury hill, Andrewes Rev. John Brereton :M.A. ThobyPriory, Mountnessing, Brentwd
Loughton 8.0 Matching, Harlow Arkwright Loftus Joseph Wigram,.
Allen P. E. Ballingdon, Sudbury(Suffolk) Andrews Abraham, 12London rod.Maldon Parndon hall, Lit. Parndon, Harlow
Alien Rd. Woodberry, 9 Argyle roltd,Ilfrd Andrews Charles George, Shoebury cot· Arkwright Wilfred Lionel T. J.P. Thoby
Allen Robt. J.P. Greenstead hall, Green· tage, 8th. Shoebury, 8hoeburyncss 8.0 priory, Mountnessing, Brentwood
stead green, Halstead Andrews Daniel, Spring gate, Ashdon, Arle F. C. Arlesdene, Baxter avnu. Sthnd
.Allen Robert, 90 Norfolk road, Ilford Saffron Walden Armitage Rev. James William M.A.
Allen Samuel, The Willows, Snakes lane, Andrews John, 3 Blythswood gardens, Rectory, 8tapleford Abbots, Romford
Woodford Green High road, Ilford . Armitage Rev. R. Belvedere, Fourth.
Anen \-Valter John, 117 Elgin road, Seven Andrews M.C.Park st. Thaxted,Dunmow avenue, Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester
Kings, Ilford Andl'ewsMrs. Ballingdon,Rudbury (Sufflk) Armitage E. Howorth, Park lodge, Mar-
Alienspach Isaac, West Dene, Princes Andrews Mrs. Red house, Beaumont· garetting, Ingatestone R.S.O
road, Buckhurst Hill with-Moze, Colchester Al'mitage William, Briarcliffe, Old road"
Aller Chas. 'Vm. 27 Aldborough gdns.Ilfd Andrews Ralph, Ambleside, Chelmsford Frinton-on-8ea, Colchester
AllergonRichard,33 Baxterav. Southend . road, Woodford Armsby Mrs. Cowlinge, Queen's road~
Allfrey E. J. Hill ho. Gt. Totham, Witham Andrews William Henry, High Lpes, Buckhurst Hill
AIlin Thomas, 9 Chancellor road, Southnd Hermon hill, Wanstead Armstrong J. L.P. The Bury, Felstead.
Alliott Herbert, Fairholme, High road, Andrews William Vellacott. Oldbury, Chelmsford
Loughton S.O Great Wakering-, Southend ArmstrongJohn, 37 Avenue ter.Southnd
Allison Cuthbert, 24 Courtland av. Ilford Angel SI. B. 34 Creffield road, Colchester Armstrong R. Roseville,Balfourrd.Ilford
Allison George, 7 Sunnyside rd. Ilford Angell Miss, Spurriers, Netteswell,Harlow Arnold Carl, 99 Queen's road, Southend
Allison WaIter B.12 Avenuerd. Southend Anglin Benjamin, 1 Kingswood road, Arnold Edward, 57 Leigh !:oad, Southend
Alliston Charles, River house, Bures Seven Kings, Ilford ArnoldE. J.Bridge ho.Upminster,Romfrd
Hamlet, Bures R.S.O. (Suffolk) Angold Harry, 4 Chaucer road, Wnstead Arnold E.Hillcrest, Gt.Burstead,Brentwd
Allistree William, Parkstone avenue, Anning Edward, I Farnley road,Ching-frd Arnold Henry, 17 Lion walk, Colchester
Hornchurch, Romford Anotole Rev. Father O.F.M. The Monas· ArnoldMrs.Dedham Idg.Dedhm.Colchstr
AIlmey Arth. In. 16 Albert rd. Ilford tery, Woodford Green ArnoldNelson,Gt. Wig borough, Colchstr
Allott Rev. Henry Hepworth M.A. Rec· AnsellW.H.G.Tanfieldpk.BillericayR.S.O Arnold·WallingerRobertNasmyth, Kitt
tory, Stifford, Grays Anson Rev. H. R. B.A. Kelvedon R.S.O Croft, Writtle, Chelmsford
AUott John E. C. 98 York rd. Southend Anson Frederick, White House farm, Arrow William J.P. Langtons, South
AUport Roland Harrison L.B.C.P. Glen- Potter street, Harlow Weald, Brentwood
dale, High road, Loughton SO Anstey Rev. Wm. B.Tollesbury,Witham Arter Charles, Yulecroft, 68 New London
Alishorn Alfred Samuel, Elm view, Anstey Miss, Chisholm lodge, Endle- road, Chelmsford
Queen's road, Springfield, Chelmsford bury road, Chingford ArthurMrs.Albanyvils.Dedham,Colchestr
AUsop Thos. Stoke, Sea view rd.LeighS.O Anstey Nicholas George, 172 Plashet ArthyAlfredJ.24St.Vincent's rd. Southnd
Almack Henry Horn J.P. Hempstead hall, grove, East Ham Arthy Miss, Aldham, Colchester
Hempstead. Saffron Walden Anstiss Alfred Geo. 55 Courtland av. Ilfrd Artis C. Clare vils. Crown st. Brentwood
Almond M. Laburnan cot. Ongar S.O Anthony Alfd. 19 Beaconsfield av.Clehstr Arundel Charles Ernest, Forest View
Almond Miss, Hitherstocks, Great Clac. Antill George, White Rock, Ellis road, house, King's Head hill, Chingfcrd
ton, Colchester Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Aryton William, Highmead, Woodham
Alston Alfred E. High st Manningtree App1eby George, 30 Wimpole rd.Clchstr Waiter, Maldon .
AIston George, Elmhurst, Springfield hill, Appleby George 'William, Oaklands, Ascher Mrs. Rosebank, Eastwood road~
Springfield, Chelmsford Squirrels Heath, Romford Woodford
Alston Mrs. 10 Creffield rd. Colchester Appleby In. Fairview, Woodford Wells Ascott Thomas, 36 Burdett avenue.
Alt George, 17 Wellwood road, Seven Appleby Moses, 32 Anchor road,Clacton· West cliff, Southend
Kings, Ilford on-Sea R.S.O Ashbee William Neville, Rose Vltlley
Amato Gartino, 148 Balfour road, Ilford Appleby Mrs. 48 High street, Halstead house, Rose valley, Brentwood
Ambrose Geo. Wm. 9 Head st. Halstead Appleby Sutton, White lodge, South. AshbourneJoseph,43 Leighroad,Southnd
Ambrose Mrs. 1 Rois Hall terrace,Halstd church road, Southchurch, Southend Ashbridge Alfred, Cromer lodge, Glen-
Ambrose William, Prospect cottage, Appleby Wm. I Papillon rd. Colchester gall road, Snake's lane, Woodford Grn.
Earls Colne R.S.O Appleford Mrs. Little Coggeshall, Kelve. Ashbridge Samuel, Staffa house, Holly-
Aines George, 2 Monroe villas, Sible don R.S.O bush hill, Leytonstone
Hedingham, Halstead Applegate G. J. 139 Plashet gro.Ea.Ham Ashby Rev. David, Wesley house..
Ames Miss, Sible Hedingham, Halstead Appleton A. In. B.A. Earls Colne R.S.O Thoroughgood rd.Clacton-on-Sell,R.S.O
Amey Frederick, 142 Victoria roadRmfrd Appleton Anthony Herrick, Elm view, Ashby Alfred, 26 Richmond road, Ilford
Amis Henry, 31 Albdorough gdns. Ilford High road, Woodford Green Ashby Arthur George, Rosslyn, Church-
Amis James, Gulval grange, Manor road, Appleton Ernest, 12 Vernon gardens,Ilfrd fields, South W oodford
West cliff, Southend Appleton Thos. B. 17 Park rd. Chelmsford Ashby F. J Parkdene, Hutton, Brentwd
Amor Charles Lloyd, 30 St. Helen's road, Appleton W. 69 High st. Saffron Walden Ashby Hy. Barker, 148 Maldon rd.Clchstr
West cliff, Southend Appleyard W. J. Woodlands, Warley Ashby John Thomas, Downings, Lower
Amor Mrs. Epping villa, Epping mount, Brentwood Park road, Loughton S.O
Amos Mrs. Rillerica,y, R.S.O Appleyard WaIter Rooke, 5 South park, Ashby Miss. 6 Knighton viI. Buckhrst.HiH
Amos Mrs. Bradford st.Bocking,Rrntre Cranbrook road, Ilford Ashby Miss, 4 I,exden road, Colchester
Amott Lennox Rodney Philip Comper Apps George H. 44 Mansfield rd. Ilford Ashby Miss, 150 Victoria road, Romford
MUS. Doe. London road, Rraintree Archer Charles Henry, St. Martin's lodge, Ashby Mrs. 31 Empress avenue, Ilford
Almsden George M.B., C.M. Asylum, West 8tockwell street, Colchester Ashdown J.A.Laurieston, Statn.rd.Eppng.
Crescent road, Brentwood Archer Edwin, Ravenscourt, Hamlet Ashdown Mrs. 41 8elborne road, Ilford.
Andersen Laus .Jorgcn, High Elms, Court road, West cliff, Southend Ashe Mrs. Roman viI. Laurie sq. Romford.
The Green, Woodford Green ArcherJ.Lexdenville,Shrub end,Colchestr Ashford Thomas J. 21 Addison rd.Wnstd
Anderson Lieut.-Col. J. G. 2 Waverley Archer John, 10 Woodlands road, Ilford Ashley Arthur, 42 Fambridge rd.Maldou'
villas, St. Thomas' road, Brentwood Archer John Camp, 2 Oakland villas. AshleyC.TheMount.,SeaView rd.LeighS.O
Anderson Rev. Alfred W'. B.A. Warren Princes road, Romford Ashley Sydney, 54 Baddow road,Chl.msfrrl
road, Chingford Archer John Coley, High street, Epping Ashmall Charles, The Wick, Old road.,
Anderson A. C. Beta 10dW~, Station road, ArcherMrs.Christmas ho.Highst.Witham Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester
Loughton 8.0 Archer· Mrs. Meadowcroft, Ramsden Ashmole Mrs. 74 Eastern road, Romford
Anderson Francis William, Thistle cot· Crays, Billericay R.S.O Ashmole Wm. T. Aldborough rd. Ilford
tage, Old road, Frinton-on-Sea,ColchRtr Archer 'Villiam, 34 Albert road. Ilford Ashton Rev.JohnP.40 DeVeregdns.Ilford
Anderson J ames, 17 Argyle road, Ilford ArcherW.Meadow side,SprngfldChlmsfrd Ashton Chas. Jsph.170Wellesley 1'0.. Ilford
Anderson R. 6 Cambridge rd. Colchester Archer Wm.P. 12 Hasting's rd. Southend Ashton EdmundG.B.TheDrive,ChingLord
Ashton J.Hawkwood vil.Shenfld.Brentwd Ayling Mrs. Bayford house. Chelmsford Baines Charles, OuIton villa, Bucking-
AshtonSI.Ivydale,Baxteravnu.Southend road, Woodford ham road, Woodford
Ashwin Rev. Hamilton LL.D. Lecture Aylmore G. ,V. Latneys, Hatfield.Witham Baines Jas. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
house. Dedham, Colchester Aylott James, Breydon villa. Bucking- BaineR Miss, Croft house, Wickford S.O
Ashworth Jas. Hy. M.D. High st.Halstead ham road, 'Voodford Baird Rev.Samuel Bawtree M.A. Rectory.
Askew Mrs. Stock. Ingatestone R.S.O Aylott J. Mill la. ChadwelI Heath R.S.O Pittswick, Braintree
Askham Alfred Wm. Hill rd.Dovercourt Ayre Mrs. 17 The Grove, Clacton-on-Sea Baird AlP.:xander, 30 N orthbrook rd.Ilfrd
A.spinallW.H.Stag ho.Stag la.Bckhrst.Hl R.S.O Baker Rev. John JuJius M.A.. Rectory,
Asplin Charles, Freeby, Grays Ayres Arthur, Malting Farm, Bright- Little Hallingbury, Bishop Stortford
Asten George, 35 Beaconsfield av.Clchstr Iingsea, Colchester Baker Alexander Stuart, Tilehurst, Pem-
Asten Miss, 48 North hill, Colchester Ayres Frederick 'Villiam, Sorrento, The bury road, West cliff, Southend
Astle John ChasA Mansneld rd. Wanstead Drive, South Woodford Baker Alfred, 224 Balfour road, IIford
Atkins John, Tiptree villa, Witham Ayres Mrs. Hazeldine, Albert road south, Baker Alfred Harding, The Hollies,
Atkins Misses, 43 Woodlands rd. Ilford Buckhurst Hill Parkstone aven. Hornchurch, Rmfrd
Atkins Mrs. 67 Mansfield road, Ilford Ayres Mrs. 24 Scrafton road, IIford Baker August, 60 Durham road,ManorPk
Atkins Mrs. The Firs. Chelmsford road, Ayrton William, Highmead, Little Bad. Baker C.Somerfield,Kendal aven.Epping
South W oodford dow, Chelmsford Baker E. P. St. Andrew's, 6 Oxford
Atkinson Rev. Arthur George Breeks Aythorp F. E. 50 Kensington gdns. Ilford road, Colchester
M.A.MardenAsh,High Ongar. OngarS.O Ayton James, 73 Richmond road, Ilford Baker E.A.7KingEdward's avn.Chlmsfrd
Atkinson Rev. John Todd M.A. Rectory, Ayton William Alexander, Grove lodge, Baker Edwd. 114 Cambddge rd. Ilford
Weeley, Colchester The Common, Saffron Walden BakerEdwd. Thos. 21Market hill. Maldon
Atkinson Charles Howard, Hockley S.O Baber Henry Aitken, The Limes. Thorpe- Baker Francis Herb3rt, 5 Springfield ter.
Atkinson John. 176 Balfour road,Ilford le-Soken, Colchester Springfield, Chelmsford
Atkinson John Parkinson M.D. 37 High Bache Rev. William Charles M.A. Ree- Baker Frank, 45 Dangan rd. Wanstead
street, Saffron Walden tory, Alresford, Colchester Baker Frederick Manley, Hockley S.O
Atkinson Mrs. The Lawns, Stanford Back Hatfield James, The Hill house, BakerG. Oak b:1Uk, Ongarrd. Brentwood
Rivers, Roroford Dedham park, Colchester Baker Garrad, 58 High st. Chelmsford
Atkinson R. W. Hempstead, SaffronWldn Backer John Peter, Holmwood, Waver. Baker Geo. White ho. Kirby, Colchester
Atkinson Thomas Reuell M.D. Cardigan tree road, Woodford Baker Harry Ernest, 34 Head st.Clchstr
house, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Backham John Onesimus, Yarmouth Baker Henry, 192 Plashet gro.East. Ham
Attenborough Edwin John, New hall, house, Langdon, Romford Baker Isaac, 41 Roman rd. Colchester
Asheldham, Southminster R.S.O Bacon Alfred, Fairleigh, St. Thomas' Baker James Henry, 147 Balfour rd.Ilfd
Attenborough Mrs. 34 Baxter av.Southnd road, Brentwood Baker John S. 35 Head street, Halstead
Attfield Andrew, Vernon, Old road, Bacon A. Glenelg,Harold wood,Romford Baker J.St.Mildred's,Queen's rd.Brentwd
Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Bacon Alfred, The Laurels, Cambridge Baker Miss, Colaba cottage, Stock, In-
Attfield Jas. H. 8 Northbrook rd. Ilford park, Wanstead gatestone R.S.O
AtthillHy.L. TheFerns,High st.Chingford Bacon Frands S. Lyndhurst, Crescent Baker Miss, 4 Roman road, Colchester
Atthill Robert Chapman, The Laurels, road, Chingford BakerMiss,Roman's pI. Writtle,Chelmsfrd
Great Bentley, Colchester Bacon Frank Arthur, Queen street, Baker Misses, 72 Duke st. Chelmsford
Attlee Henry, Comarques, Thorpe-Ie- Brightlingsca, Colchester Bakers Mrs. Chivers, Stondon,Brentwood
Soken, Colchester Bacon Henry, The Olives, Dunmow Baker Mrs. Kimberley, ~ross rd. Maldon
Attridge Geo~ge, 2 Eaton villas, New Bacon Miss, St. Osyth, Colchester Baker Samuel Sidney, Hockley S.O
road, Leigh S.O Bacon Miss, The Downs, Dunmow Baker Thomas Henry, Leicester lodge,
Attwater WaIter Jones, Bromsgrove, Bacon Mrs. 51 North street, Romford Station road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Brook Street hill, Brentwood BaconThos. Jas.16 Kilworthav.Southend Baker WaIter Bright, 102 Hamlet Court
Attwell Miss, 45 North street, Romford Bacon Thomas Waiter J.P Ramsden road, West cliff, Southend
Attwell T. Shirley, South Benfieet S.O hall, Ramsden Crays. Billericay R.S.O Baker William, 49 York road, Southend
Attwood Edward, 66 Ingleby road. Ilford Badams William Herbert, St. Moritz, Baker Wm. Hy. 1 Selborne rd. Ilford
Attwood Mrs. 35 Lexden rd.Colchester Chadwell Heath R.S.O Baker Wm K. 61E, Baddow rd. Chelmsfrd
Attwood 'Vm. Ivydene,Boston av. Sthnd Baddams Miss, 72 Park road, Southend Balaam Ziba, Henham, StanstedR.S.O
Aubrey George Henry, Springfield vil. Baddeley William Beresford, SiIverdale, Baldry Frdk. 1 Salisbury av. Col<.'hester
Springfield, Chelmsford Westbury lane, Buckhurst Hill Baldry Leonard Osborne, St. John's,
Aubrey Thomas, 27 Wilson road, West Baddeley William H.White hall,Chingfrd Dowsett avenue, Southend
cliff, Southend Badock J. B.Hillcrest,Cliff rd. Leigh S.O Baldry Miss, 28 Grove road, Wanstead
Audain Claude, Hillcroft, Granville road, Baggally Frank Thomas, Park view, Baldwin Major Arthur Ernest, Erns·
ClactoD,-on-Sea R.S.O Theydon Bois, Epping brake, Victoria avenue, Southend
Auden Harold Allden D.SC., M.SC. Glaren. Bagrie Edward WilIiam, I Park view, Baldwin George Edwin, Barholm, Queen's
don house, Woodford Green Springfield, Chelmsford Park road, Loughton S.O
Auger Ja1ln, Chestnuts, AIthorne,Maldon Bagwell William, The Elms, Buttsbury, Baldwin James William, Lulworth,
Auger Mrs. Charles, Burnham S.O Billericay, Brentwood FincWey road, West cliff, Southend
Auger Mrs. W. The Lawn, BurnhamS.O Baigent Mrs. 16 Queen's road, Chelmsford Baldwin Mrs. 49 Endsleigh grins. Ilford
Aukland Joseph James, The Poplars, Bailey Benjamin J.P. Rodenhurst, Coven- Baldwin Mrs. Ernsbrake, Victoria avenue,
Buckingham road, South Woodford try road, Ilford Southend
AultRev. Ebenezer, 2 Retreatroad,Sthnd Bailey Frederick, Ditton court, Ditton Baldwin Mrs. 154 Manor st. Braintree
Ault Edwin, Lyndhurst, Churchfields, Court road, West cliff, Southend Baldwin Richd. 4 Trinity st. Colchester
South Woodford Bailey HaroldW.27 Honiton rd.Southend Baldwin William, 80 High st. Braintree
Ault WaIter, 20 Mayfair avenue, Ilford Bailey Hy. Holly pl.Mistley, Manningtree Bale Major J. E. 11 Gray rd. Colchester
Austen William, Chapel hill, Stansted Bailey Henry, Woodfield terrace, Stan- Balfour John, Moor hall, Harlow
Mountfitchet R.S.O sted, Mountfitchet R.S.O Balfour Mrs. Blounts, Hockley 8.0
Austerly Mrs. Belgrave, Manor rd.Rmfrd Bailey.Hy. ThosCambridge rd.Colchester Ball Edward Ash, Egg hall. Epping
Austin Rev. Albert Edward B.A. Stan- Bailey Herbert Edwin, St. Ethelburgh, Ball Harry, 7 St. John's terrace, High
sted Mounfitchet R.S.O Leicester road, Wanstead road, Buckhurst Hill
AustinH.14 Hadleigh rd.West cliff,Sthnd BaileyH.LocksleyviI.Upminster,Romfrd Ball John, Wyvenhoe, Mayfield avenue,
Austin Mrs. 7 GreenLane gardens,Ilford Bailey James M.P., J.P. Short grove, Woodford Green
Austin Mrs. 17 The Drive, Ilford Newport S.O.; & 1 Princes gate; Ball Dliver, 12 Wellesley road, 'Vanstead
Austin William Watts, 34 Cambridge & Carlton & Junior Carlton clubs Ball Richd.30EIgin rd.SevenKings, Ilford
road, Wanstead & Constitutional club, London wc Ball Richard Francis, Theydon copt,
Avent St. John,32 Addison road, Wanstd Bailey James Henry, Muriel villa, Algers Theydon Bois, Epping
.Avgherino Nicholas, San Remo, Canew- road, Loughton S.O Ball SI. G. Adansam cot.·Millla. \Vitham
don road, Southend BaileyMrs.Bullocks,Gt.Canfield,Dunmow Ball Slater, Baxendale, Marine avenue.
Avory 'Villiam J. Lower street. Stan- Bailey R. H. Montrose. Grove hill, South West cliff, Southend
sted Mountfitchet R.S.O Woodford Ball William Edwin, Brentwood
.Axcell Arthur Norman, 5 Hill villas, Bailey Samuel, 2 Holly villas, Princes BallardGco.Wstmead.St.John'srd.Sthnd
Broadway, Leigh S.O road, Buckhurst Hill Ballard Misses, 63 parade east,
Axon Joseph, 43 Avenue road, Southend Bailey Thos. John, 14 Albert rd. Ilford Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Axon WaIter, Wanstead villa, New Bailey Wm. Great Burstead, Brentwood Ballard Wm. 38 De Vere gdns. Ilford
Wanstead, 'Vanstead Bailey Wm. Harefield, High rd. Romford Balls Albt.E 75Elgin rd.SevenKings,Ilfrd
Axworthy S1.15 CentralPark rd.Ea.Ham Bailey Edward H. East lodge. Palmers· Ball~ George William, 58 Bergholt road,
Ayers A. W. P. 2 Crouch street Colchester ton road, Buckhurst Hill Mile end, Colchester
Ayers Robert, Hazeldene, 54 Western Baily Mrs. 6 The Terrace, Woodford Grn BallsHarry,Hutton ho.Hutton,Brentwd
road, Romford BairnbridgeMrs.12 Hermitagerd. Sthnd Balls James Mayhew, The Nunnery,
Aylett Frederick George, Heathfield, Bain D. E. 1 Eastwood rd. Sth. W oodford Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Pembury road, West cliff, Southend Bain W. A. Dunblane, Balfour rd. Ilford Balls Robert, Augusta house. Castle
Ayling AlbertEdward, 7Roman rd.Clchstr Bain William, 10 Belgrave road, Ilford Hedingham, Halstead
Ayling Martin Wallace, 72 Leighrd.Sthnd Baines George, Fronks rd. Dovercourt Balm John William, Kirby, Colchester
478 BAM ESSEX. • • . [KELLY'S

Ba.mberJohn William, 6Elmrd.LeighS.0 Barker P. Brook ho. Gt. Bentley, Clchstr Barnes WiIliam David, 13 Cleveland
Ba.mberRd.Elmsdale,Boscombe rd.Sthnd Barker Thos.Ardly, 2 Gordon rd.Wanstd road, South Woodford
BambrickMiss,130NewLondon rd.Clchstr Barker Wm. 13 Gold st.Saffron Walden Barnes Wm. Hodges, 8 Park tel'. Southnd
Bamlet William Henry, 32 Argyle road, Barker Wm. F. Crescent I'd. Brentwood Barnett Arthur, Liddisdale villa, Glebe
West cliff, Southend Barking :&ight Rev. Suffragan Bishop of avenue, Woodford Green .
Bancroft Miss, 73 Avenue road, Southend (Thomas Stevens D.D.), I1ford hl.Ilford Barnett Col. Charles, St. John, Great
Bane Mrs. West End house, Ballingdon, Barkway Miss, Crossley house, Marine Colemans, Stanford Rivers, Romford
Sudbury (Suffolk) parade east, Clacton·on-Sea R..S.O Barnett Edward Ensor, G1enbervie,
Banfield Mrs. Old Bank house, Colne Barley Frank, Holmfield, Chadwell Heath Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O . R.S.O' Barnett Mrs. Woodfield terrace, Stansted
Bangs Mrs. Ellesmere lodge, Hollybush Barling Misses, Sunnyside, Writtle, Mountfitchet R.S.O
hill, I.eytonstone Chelmsford Barney William, 23 Park road, Southend
Banham Rev. Daniel Beales Redfarn BarlowRev.CanonHenryTheodoreEdwd. Barns Frank Steward, Suttons, South
M.A. Ashdon, Saffron Walden M.A. Rectory, Lawford, Manningtree Benfleet S.O
Banks Rev. Ernest William M.A. Vicar. Barlow Alexander K. Wivenhoe hall, Barns Mrs. Ingleside, 18 Milton road,
age, High street, Grays Wivenhoe, Colchester West cliff, Southend
Banks John, Coburg house, Nazeing, Barlow Frederick Richard, Bank house, Barnscheidt Fredk. Albert, Baldwyn's,
'Valtham Cross High street, Brentwood Baldwin's hill,Loughton S.O
Bannehr Mrs. 18 Albert road, I)ford Barlow Miss, Greenbury ho, Chelmsford Baron Thomas Russell, 34 St. John's
Bannehr Waiter J. The Warren, Stansted Barlow Miss, The Cottage, Bradfield, road, Southend
Mountfitchet R..S.O Manningtree Barralet WiIliam Henry, The Cottage,
Bannester Miss E. S. Crowstone road, Barlow Mrs. Riversdale, Ongar S.O Chingford road, Chingford
West cliff, Southend Barnard Rev, M. R. B.A. Vicarage, Barratt John Lockwood, 51 De Vere
. Banning Robert ,T. M.D. Beachcroft, Margaretting, Ingatestone R.S.O gardens, Ilford
South Shoebury, Shoeburyness S.O Barnard Rev. Robert, Chapel hill, Stan- Barrell Jas. Stapleford Abbots, Romford
Bannister Misses, The Glen, Old Heath sted Mountfitchet R.S.O Barrett Ashley Wilmot, Jessops, Black-.
road, Colchester Barnard A. The Priory, Newport S.O more, Ingatestone R.S.O
Bannock Frdk. 39 Wimpole I'd. Colchester Barnard Arthur Thomas, Hatfield wick, Barrett J.Granville ho.Crescnt.rd,Brntwd.
Bantock Mrs. Pretoria villa, Coach & Hatfield, Witham Barrett John Arthur, Tregony, Ceylon,
Horses road, Great Clacton, Colchestr Barnard C. J. Brewery ho. Rayleigh S.O road, West cliff, Southend
BanwellEdmd.l Hawkswood vils.Chngfrd Barnard E. 36 South I'd. SaffronWalden Barrett L. L. 6 Eastfield road,Brentwood,
Banyard G. The Street, Great Clacton, Barnard E. A. 18 Belmont road, Ilford Barrett Miss, 60 High st. Saffron Walden
Colchester Barnard Ezra, 6 Springfield terrace, Barrett Mrs. 28 Grosvenor road, Ilford
Banyard RobertArthur, 52 Balforurd.Ilfd Springfield, Chelmsford Barrett Mrs. The Mount, Queen's road,
Barber Alfred, Haveringwell, Horn- Barnard G. H. Ivydene, Newport S.O Brentwood
church, Romford Barnard Markland, Galleydean,Galley. Barrett Robert John, Haslemere, Clifton
Barber Alfd. R. 13 Wellesley I'd. Clchstr wood common, Chelmsford drive, West cliff, Southend
Barber Frank, White house, Great Barnard Miss, Marigolds, Harlow BarrettWilliam,34 Heygate av.Southend
Chesterford S.O. Bamard Miss, Newbiggen street,Thaxted, BarrickW.Clare cot,Ashdon,SaffronWldn
Barber John, Challenger villa, Hill road, Dunmow Barringer Herbt. K. Grove pk. Wanstead.
Dovercourt, IftLrwich Barnard Miss, St. Paul's road, Clacton- Barringer James, Wentworth. house.
Barber John, 17 Kensington gdns. Ilfrd on·Sea R.S.O Hollybush hill, Leytonstone
Barber Miss, Fairhaven, Wavertree road, Barnard Mrs. Holts villa, Stebbing, Barrington Miss, 4 Madeira villas,Snake's
Woodford Chelmsford lane, W oodford Green
Barber Mrs. Oakleigh, Tavistock road, Barnard Mrs. 9 London road, Maldon Barritt Chas. Frdk. 16 Mayfair av. Ilford
South Woodford Barnard Mrs. Newbiggen st. Thaxted, Barritt E.H. 26 Beaconsfield av.Colchestr
Barber Mrs. 12 St. John's st. Colchester Dunmow BarrittJsph. 7 Station I'd. Saffron WaIden
Barber Mrs. 4 Westbury terrace, London Bamard Mrs. Parsonage ho. Newprt.S.O Barritt Mrs. 32 Creffield road, Colchester
road, Brentwood Barnard Mrs. The Elms, High Easter, Barron Miss. 3 South cliff, Walton-on.
Barber Samuel, Great Totham, Witham Chelmsford the·Naze R.S.O
Barber Thomas, Gordon grange, Horn- Barnard Mrs. 14 Trinity avenue, West Barron Richard, Bowes, Ongar 8.0
church, Romford cliff, Southend Barron Thos. Gea. 19 Maldon rd.Clchstr
Barber Waiter, 11 Victoria I'd. Romford Barnard S. Kingswood hall,Vange,Pitsea Barron William, 138 Plashet gro.Ea.Ham
Barber William, 40 Dangan I'd. Wanstead 8.0 Barrow Albert Boyce, King's court,
Barber William Frederick, Kintyre, Barnard S. C. The Cedars, Newport S.O Highwood, Chelmsford
Buekingham road, Woodford Barnard Thomas Herbert, Sunnyside, Barrow Mrs. Norfolk house, Hermon
BarehamHerbert, Ladysmith villa, Coach Brentwood road, Romford hill, South W oodford
. & Horses road, Gt. Clacton, Colchester Barnard WaIter, Notley place, Black Barrow Mrs. 6:Carlton terrace, Leigh S.O
BarchamWm.Edwds.43Warriorsq.Sthnd Notley, Braintree Barry W. A. 4 Green Lane grdns. Ilford
Barclay Miss, The Hole farm, Great Bamard Wm. 57 Colchester I'd. Halstead Bartholomew John, 2 Kingswood road.
Leighs. Chelmsford Barnard Wm. 7 Endsleigh gdns. Ilford Seven !Gngs, Ilford
Barclay Mrs. Sea view, Carnarvon road, Barnardiston Col. Nathaniel D.L., J.P. Barthrop Capt. A. S. Newport house,
Clacton.on-Sea R.S.O & Lady Florence, The Ryes, Little Newport S.O
Barclay Mrs. Melchett place, Mount· Henny, Sudbury (Suffolk) Bartindale Joseph, 28 Courtland av.Ilfrd
nessin!!:, Brentwood Barnes Lieut.·Col. Henry John B.A.M.C. BartleThs.Lit.Hallingbury,BishopStrtfrd
Barclay Wm, Dick, 57 Mayfair av. Ilford 112 Military road, Colchester Bartlett Rev. Robert Edward M.A.
Bard Mrs. The Elms, Cliff rd. Leigh S.O Barnes Rev. Charles Edward M.A. Vicar. Rainsford lodge, Chelmsford
Barford Charles, 125 Military rd.Clchstr age, Wendens Ambo, Saffron Walden Bartlett Henry Haydn, Pear Tree house,
BarfordSamuel,Ivybank, Tavistockroad, Barnes Rev. Henry Broughton B.A. South Ockendon, Romford
South Woodford Rectory, Topplesfield, Halstead BartlettHedley,53 High st. SaffronWaldn
Barham Cornelius, Ingoldsby, Wood· Barues Alfred T. Meldreth, The Drive, Bartlett James Hugh, Bird villa, Wood·
ford road, South Woodford Chingford field road, Braintree
Barham Herbert Sargent, Belmont, Barnes Arthur O. Writtle park, High- Bartlett John, 10 Carlisle road, Romford
Claremont road, Southend wood, Chelmsford Bartlett Mrs. 84 Baddow I'd. Chelmsford
Barham Miss,Fern Idg.Leigh hl.Leigh S. 0 Barnes Fred Percy, St. Lawrence, Bartlett Thomas William, Steeple Bump-
Baring Harold Herman ,Tohn, Walls- Western road, Brentwood stead, Haverhill (Suffolk)
grove ho. High Beech, Loughton 8.0 Barnes Fredk. 4 Glebe av.WoodfordGrn Bartlett William, The Thatch, Stansted
Barker Col. George R.E. Abbey ho.Clchstr Barnes George William, 34 Kingswood Mountfitchet R.S.O
Barker Major Gerald, Lynders 'Wood, road, Seven Kings, Ilford Barton C. D. Fairlight av.WoodfordGrn
Black N otley, Braintree Barnes H. Enfield house, Grove road, Barton D. 86 High street, SaffronWaIden
Barker AIbert Peter, The Hall, Great South \Voodford Barton Danl.Thorpe-le-Soken, Colchester
Bentley, Colchester Barnes Henry J ames,Mount Echo, Chngfd Barton Fredk. 13 West I'd. SaffronWalden
Barker Chas. 41 Spratthall rd.Wanstead Bames Hcrbert S. Tower Mill house, Barton In. 3 St. Clement's vils.LeighS.O
Barker ElIiot Francis, 52 Creffield road Sible Hcdingham, Halstead Barton Mrs. 13 Retreat road, West cliff,
Colchester Barnes Joseph, The Cottage, Legg st. Southend
Barker George, Steeple Bumpstead, Chelmsford Barton Thomas George, High road,
Haverhill (Suffolk) . Barnes Miss, 39 Avenue terrace, Southend Chadwell Heath R.S.O
Barker Henry, 43 Tyler's avenue, Sthnd Barnes Miss, The Laurels, Moulsham Barton Waiter James, Bicknacre
Barker Miss, Beadel's hall, Chignal, street, Chelmsford grange, Mayland, :Maldoll
Chelmsford Barnes Mrs. 50 Maldon road, Colchester Barton William, Rosebank, Harold wood~
Barker Mrs. 85 Baddow I'd. Chelmsford 13arnes Mrs. Oak cottage, Chignal,Chlmsfd Romford
Barker Mrs. Dorset house, Harold Barnes Rd. S. 7 Cliff villas, Dovercourt Barton WilIiam, St. Columb, Cossington
wood, Romford Barnes Thomas, Pondlands, Battles road, West cliff, Southend
Barker Mrs. 19 Meyrick crescent, Mersea Bridge, Wickford S.O Barton William Henry, 2 Maybank cres-
road, Colchester . . ,. . ' . }3arnes Wm. 54 Woodlands road, Iliord cent, Maybank road, South Woodford
BartonWm.llSt.Margaret'srd.Manr.Pk Baxter Miss. 174 Wellesley road, IIford Beard Percy H. 126 Cambridge rd. Ilird
Bartram William. Lansdown. Coventry Baxter Mrs. 92 East hill. Colchester Beard Reginald Benjamin, St. Margaret'sp
road, Ilford Baxterl\'Irs. Manorho. High st. Wanstead 3 Cambridge road, Colchester
Bartrip WaIter, 130 Balfour road, Ilford Baxter Mrs. The Roses. Salway hill. Beard SmL 34 High st. Saffron \Valden
Bartrum Rev. Edward D.D. Rectory. Woodford Green Beard \V. F. B.A. Felstead. Chelmsford
Wakes Colne. Earls Colne R.8.0 Baxter Robert, 3 Lee terrace. Dovercourt Beare Mrs. AnDie Margaret, Ellacombe.
Bartrum Mrs. 4 Oxford road. Colchester BaxterThos.Roselynn.Leighrd.Southnd Pembury road. West cliff. Southend
Barwell Mrs. 9 Knighton villal:l. High Baxter \V. W. High street. Manningtree Bearman Mrs. Hatfield. Witham
· road, Buckhurst Hill Baxter WaIter Chas. Sunnyside. Albion Bearman Mrs. Stamford house. Bocking..
Barwell WaIter, Colwyn.Fairlight avenue. hill. Loughton 8.0 Braintree
W oodford Green Baxter William. 35 Norfolk road, Ilford Bearsby G. New rd.Broomfield,Chelmsfrd
Barwick Miss. 2 Magdalen road. Great Bayfield \VilIiam. Ongar S.O Beatley Frank. Rosedale. Manor road..
Clacton. Colchester Baylay Rev. Mervyn B.A. 2 Cliff view, West cliff. Southend
Bascombe E. C. Dare, 33 Church street, Cliff road, Dovercourt, Harwich Beatty Andrew, 2 Preston road. West
Saffron Walden Bayless Hy. Jsph. 47 Courtland av. Ilford cliff, Southend
Basden Rev. Alfred J. The Manse. Ded. Bayley Miss. I) Cromer road, Southend BeattyMiss, 47 Alexandraroad.80uthend
ham. Colchester Bayley Mrs. Crouch road, Burnham 8.0 Beatty Thomas Carlyle M.D•• F.R.c.s.Edin.
Basden Harold S. Stanford-le.Hope 8.0 Baylie Ernest Angelo. I vydene. Cliff road. 53 Marine par. ea.Clacton-on·SeaR.S. 0
Base Hy.Alkham. Cambridge pk.Wanstd Leigh 8.0 BeatyThos. The Elms, High st. Chingford
Basford Gustavus, 15 Oakhill road, South Bayliffe John Heury. 126 Elgin road, Beauchamp Rev. Sydney Charles M.A.
Woodford Seven Kings, Ilford Rectory. Little Laver. Ongar S.O
Basham Fdk. T. Hubbard's hall. Harlow Baylis Gordon. 25 Pelham rd.Sth.Wdfrd Beauclerk Sydney. Snaresbrook towers,:
Bashford Rev. Robert M.A. St. Mary Bayliss Charles, Cleveden, Victoria aven. The Drive, South Woodford
· Magdalene rectory. Brook st.Colchstr Prittlewell, Southend Beaumont Rev. Wm.Edwn. M.A. Frutuna..
Baskerville John, 57 Lansdowne road, Bayliss SI. Cbas. 22 Woodlands rd. Ilford Harold grove, Frinton-on-Sea.Colchstr
South Woodford Bayne Rev. George Smith M.A. The Beaumont Aland. 46 Mansfield rd.Ilfrd
Baskett Charles Edward. 14 Hospital Hollies. Aldborough road. Ilford Beaumont Albert WiIliam. Oak hall..
road, Colchester Bayne Rev. Percy Matheson M.A. Little High street north. East Ham
Baskett Charles Henry. White house, Ilford rectory. Church rd. Manor Pk Beaumont Alfred. The Cottage, Gosfield..
Maldon road, Colchester Baynton Arthur, 37 Scratton rd. Southnd Halstead
Baskett Herbt. 21 Wellesley rd. Colchstr Bayzand 1\I:rs. 8 Victoria terrace, Frin- Beaumont Frederick. 8t. Margaret's,;
BaskettJames. St. Osyth, Chadwell ton·on·Sea, Colchester Manor road. Romford
Heath R.S.O Beach Geo. 67 Rainsford rd. Chelmsford Beaumont Geo. 210 Victoria rd. Romford
Basnett Mrs. 106 New London road, Beach Mrs. C. Sutherland terrace, Bad· .Beaumont George l<'. The Lawn, Co,!!'.,
Chelmsford dow road. Chelmsford . geshall R.S.O
Bass Daniel. 67 Baddow rd. Chelmsford Beach Mrs. William. 66 Rainsford road, Beaumont Mrs. 51 Cambridge rd. Wanstd
Bass Henry Ebenezer, Nine Ashes, Chelmsford BeaumontMrs.TheLawn.CoggshallR.S.O
Ingatestone R.S.O Beach Nathaniel Benjamin. 64 Rainsford Beaumont Mrs. 7 Garfield terrace.
Bass Henry John. Winfield, The Green. road, Chelmsford Springfield, Chelmsford
Woodford Green Beacham Harry Lewis, 88 Elgin road, Beaumont P. M. Danescroft. LodgE)
Bassano Thomas Matthias M.B. 95 Seven Kings, Ilford road. Maldon
Winnock road. Colchester Beadel Rev. Frank M.A. Rectory. Great Beaumont William,Meadow side. Spring-
BassettH.TheCottage,Netteswell,Harlow Holland. Colchester field, Chelmsford
Bassett John, Fernleigh. Mawneys road, Beadel Joseph, High street, \Vitham Beavan W. 37 West rd. Saffron Walden
Romford . Beadel T. E. West Hanningfield,Chlmsfrd Beaver George Frederick, 3 Anerley road,
Bastard S. R. The Friars, Chigwell Row Beadle Charles J.P. Wood hall, Arkesden, West cliff, Southend
Bastin Georg9, 6 Pembroke gardens, Newport S.O BecherMaj.CecilL.40 Creffield rd.Colchstr
High road. Ilford Beadles Rev. Arthur Ralph M.A. Church Beck Harry George,58 De Vere gdns.Ilfd
J3astow Hy. 31 Cambridge rd. Ilford street, Bocking, Braintree Beck Hrbt. Arth. 45 Mayfair av. Ilford
Batchelor Peter, Balgownie. Station Beal Edmund John, Claremont. Victoria Beck William, 13 Sewardstone road,
road. Epping avenue. Southend \Valtham Abbey
Batchelor Thomas, Nelmes road. Horn- Beal Edmund John J.P. The Elms, AId. Becker Charles Otto Gustavus M.D. Th0
church, Romford borough road. Ilford Minories, All Saints. Colchester
Bate Richard. 52 Eastern road. Romford Beal Frederick William. Inglenook. High Becker J. M. B •• C.M. 15 Queen st. Colch estr
Bateman Rev. Frederick James. Hazel- road, Loughton S.O Beckett Rev. William Appleton. 7:t
dene villa. Rose valley. Brentwood Beale Fredk. Geo. 186 Balfour rd. Ilford Kensington gardens. Ilford
Bateman Alfred Horace. Ingledene. Bede G. \\T. The Laurels. Rayleigh S.O Beckett Alfred. Moss Rose villa, St.
Westbury lane. Buckhurst Hill Beale James, 24 Western road. Romford Osyth road. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Bateman Henry. 201 Balfour rd. Ilford Beale In. Benj. 92 WeIlesley rd. Ilford Beckett Arthur. 94 Cambridge rd. Ilfrd
Bateman John D.L., J.P. Brightling- Beale In. Chas. 136 York road, Southend Beckett Frank, 68A, Mildmay rd.Chlmsfd
sea hall, Colchester . Beale Robert. Gordon house, Seaforth Beckett Geo. Staples rd. Loughton S.O
Bateman Mrs. 15 Randolph ter.Chlmsfrd road. West cliff, Southend Beckett John. May villa, Harold road.
Bateman Samuel Morgan. 18 Kingswood Beales Mrl:l. 50 South street. Colchester Clacton-on-Sea R.8.0
· road, Seven Kings, Ilford Beames \Valter Thomas. 2 St. Mary's Beckett Misses. 30 Broomfield rd.Chlmsfd
Bates Henry. 9 Elmer avenue. Southend viIs. \Yellesley rd. Clacton·on·Sea R.S.O Bec::kett Mrs. 160 Moulsham st. Chelmsfrd
Bates Leonard, 23 Cambridge rd. Ilford Beamish Bernard. Ivy dene. Queen's BecketHV.H.98 NewLondonrd.CWmsfrd
Bate Miss,Sewardstone rd. WalthamAbby road. Buckhurst Hill Bcckh H. O. 54 Beaconsfield av. Colchestr
Bates Mrs. 56 New road. Grays Beamish Frederick W. Brooklyn. Tavi- Bec::kley John, 182 Plashet gro. EastHam
Bates Thomas. South Benfleet S.O stock road, South \Voodford Beckwith George C. Raydon lodge, Ware
Bathe Anthony, Stamford house. Algers Beamish I. Holly cot.22Western rd.Rmfrd Beckwith Joseph H. 42 Hythe h1.Colchstr
road. Loughton S.O Beamollt \Vm. Chas. 7 Park av. Chlmsfrd Beckwith Miss, The Cottage, Great
Batley James Robert, Worcester villa. Bean Rev. Edwin. M.A. Grammar school. Holland. Colchester
The Cliffs, Southend Ingrave road, Brentwood Beddall A. Daw st. Finchingfield,Brntree
Battell William. 6 Ingleby rd. Ilford Bean Willoughby John, The Firs. "Vest Beddall Miss. Prospect house. Finching-
Batten Mrs. 63 St. Helen's road. \Vest 1\lersea, Colchester field, Braintree
· cliff. Southend Bear 1\Irs. Pentlow street, Pentlow Beddoe Thomas. Oakleigh. Thorough-
Batterham Mrs. 91 Crouch st. Colchester Sudbury (Suffolk) good road. Clacton-on·Sea R.S.O
Battiscombe Rev. Henry F. T.A.K.C.L. Bear 1\I:rs. Beresford, Wellesley road. BedfordEdward W. 141York rd. Southnd
· Vicarage. Broxted. Dunmow Clacton-on-8ea R.S.O Bedford James, 97 Marine parade ea
Batty Rev. Thos. 50 Crouch st. Colchestr Bear Thos. 1\1. 9 Wellesley rd. Colchester Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Batty Charles, 64 Courtland avenue.Ilfrd Beard E.8. Danehurst.50xford rd.Clchstr Bedford Percy. 61 Dangan road, \Vanstd
Baughan Mrs. 8 Salisbury av.Colchester Beard Frank, Ivydene. East street. Bedford William Haseldine, Rose bank.
Bavister S. Manor rd. Waltham Abbey Coggeshall R.S.O London road, Brentwood
Bawtree Rev. Stanley Rogers A.T.S. The Beard George Edward. Ferndale. East Bedwell In. Robt. 65 High st. Colchester
Manse, Tiptree Heath,KelvedonR.S.O street, Coggeshall R.8.0 Bedwell Miss, 11 Crescent road. Wal-
Bawtree Frank Postle. Batsford.Witham Beard John, Church st. CoggeshallR.S.O ton-on-the-Naze R.8.0
Bawtree Misses. 31 Lexden rd.Colchester Beard John, 54 Dangan road. Wanstead Bedwell Misses, 55 North hill. Colchester
Bawtree :l\'1isses. 23 Queen st. Colchester Beard Misses. 26 Lexden road. Colchester Bedwell Mrs. 12 Abbeygate st. Colchester
Bawtree Octavius. Berechurch,Colchester Beard Misses, 55 Marine parade east, Bedwell Mrs. 2 Gordon road, Southend
~axte Edgar.Hutton ho.Hutton,Brentwd Clacton-on-8ea R.S.O Bedwell Mrs. A. 72 High st. Colchester
Baxter George Harry. Hutton park Beard Misses. The Lodge. Cold Engaine. Bedworth F. 77 Grosvenor road, Ilford
Baxter Henry William, 31 West Cliff Earls Colne R.S.O . Beech George. Great Holland, Colchester
_parade. Southend Beard .Mrs. Hazeldell, Chappe, Earls Beech William. Cranham pi. Romford
Baxt3r John Fletcher. The Firs. Thorpe- Colne R.8.0 Beecroft William, Sunny Lawn. Cliff
'le-Scken. Colchester Beard Percy, Rayleigh 8.0 road. Leigh 8.0 _: ." ;.~.',
Beeching W. 6 Warren road, Chingford Bennett Jas. Hy. 13 Eastern rd. Rmfrd Bery George, 5 Albert terrace, Herman
Beedell Edward Couchman, 43 Preston Bennett John Rayner, Meadowcroft, hill, Wanstead
road, West cliff, Southend Chingford road, Chingford' Besant WiJliam Frederick, The Chase,
Beeson Henry, 59 Cambridge rd. Southnd Bennett Miss, The Bower, Epping Kelvedon Hatch. Brentwood
Beeson Mrs. Ainsley road. Chingford Bennett Miss, 1 Victoria rd. Colchester Bescoby Charles, Fernleigh, 232 Victoria
Beevers Henry, Lippitt's lodge, High Bennett Mrs. 8 Mayfair avenue. Ilford road, Romford
Beech, Loughton S.O Bennett Mrs. Sunnysidl:', Prospect road, Bessex Wm. Jas. 30 Woodlands rd.Ilford
Beevy John Richard, 6 Park av. Chelmsfd 'Voodford Green Best J. I vydene, Havering rd. Romford
Belcham Charles. 46 York road. Southend Bennett Mrs. 26 Vernon gardens, Ilford Best Waiter, 34 Aldborough gdns. Ilford
Belcham Miss, 9 St. Vincent's rd.Southnd Bennett Percy, 60 Balfour road, Ilford Best William Harris, 2 Kensington
Belcher Mrs. 54 Mildmay rd. Chelmsfrd Bennett Reginald Harcourt, The Chest. gardens, Cranbrook park, Ilford
Beley Rev. Charles AlIen Evans M.A. nuts, Theydon Bois, Epping Betteridge Henry Deane, Drayton house,
Vicarage, Chrishall, Royston Bennett Tom Hubert, Hollywood,Bock- Little bury, Saffron Walden
Belham Henry, Laurie square, Romford ing end, Bocking, Braintree Bettles Alfred William, 7 York gardens,
Belham Mrs. Clarendon, Manor road, Bennl:'tt W. Bridge st. Thaxted. Dunmow York road, Ilford
West cliff. Southend Bennett W. A. 12 Hamlet rd. Southend Betts Alfred, 46 Chaucer road. Wanstead
Belither Sidney James, 53 Kingswood Benneworth Mrs. 15 Queen's st. Chlmsfrd Betts Alfred. 60 Thorold road. Ilford
road, Seven Kings, Ilford Benoit Louis, 28 Horthbrook rd. Ilford .BettsChas.Ryde villa,Sutton rd.Southend
Bell Abraham, 3 Cowper villas, Clarence Benson Rev. William John M.A. Rectory. Betts Henry Geo. 4 Aldborough rd. Ilford
road, Southend Dunton. Brentwood Betts Miss, Church st. Coggeshall RS.O
Bell Arthur John, 23 Argyle rd. Ilford Benson Erncst W. South Hanningfield, Betts Miss, Hillcrest, ]'inchley road.
Bell Chas. RE. 65 Alexandra rd. Southnd Chelmsford . West cliff, Southend
Bell Edwin, Glenthorne, Albion hill, Bent Albert, 41 De Vere gardens, Ilford Betts }frs. 1 Rosslyn gardens, Seven
Loughton 8.0 Bent C.TheTowers, 11 Oxford rd.Colchestr Kinga road, Ilford
Bell·Edwin V. 5 Belgrave road, Ilford Bent Matthew, 6 Cotleigh road, Romford Bevan Hyland, 35 Ingleby road, Ilford
Bel Francis Moore, York villa, Seaforth Bentall Chas. A. 8 Fairfield rd. Chelmsfrd Beevan Mrs. Oakwood, Dowsett avenue,
road, West cliff, Southend Bentall Edmund ErnestJ.p. The Towers, Southend
Bell George, 21 Cambridge road, Ilford Heybridge. Maldon Bevan Roland Yorke, Egg hall, Epping
Bell George Craigie, The Hazard, Fourth BentallJ.Victoriaav.Prittlewell,Southnd Bevan Thomas. James, 38 Parkfield,
avenue, Frinton-on·Sea, Colchester Bentall Leonrad. 63 High street. Maldon Avenue road, Southend
BellH. F.Rochdale, Derbyrd. Sth.Wdfrd Bentall Mrs. Colchester road, Halstead Beveridge James, Rose cottage, June-
Bell James, 51 Norfolk road, Ilford Bentall Mrs. College farm, London rd. tion road, Brentwood
Bell James, 20A, Richmond road, Ilford Braintree Bevington J. Storrs, Sea view, The Es-
Bell Joseph J.P. Dorset house; Church Bentall Mrs. The Peaches, Felstead, planade, Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester
street. Saffron "Valden Chelmsford Bevitt Mrs. Laurie square, Romford
Bell Misses, Oakdale, Eastwood rd. W dfrd Bentall Mrs. The Wick, Little Waker- Bewers George, Great Leighs, Chelmsford
Bell Mrs. 128 High street, Maldon ing, Southend BewersWilliam,Dorrincourt,Malteseroad,
Bell Mrs. Longfield house, Havering- Bentall Mrs. E. H. Gestingthorpe,Halstd Chelmsford
well, Romford Bentall William Rufus, The Hollies, Bex Frederick G. 13 Kingswood road,
Bell T. S. Hay ho. Earls Colne R.S.O Castle Hedingham, Halstead Seven Kings, Ilford
Bell William Cha.rles Genge, Saffron Bentley Charles S. 6 Sewardstone road, Bianchi Lt.-Col. Antonio, Lincoln house,
10. Mount Pleasant rd. Saffron Walden Waltham Abbey High road, South Woodford
Bell William Robert, Grimsby villa, Ellis Bentley Frederick J oseph, 12 Seward- Bianchi A. E. Fernhurst, Grove road,
road, Clacton·on-Sea &.S.O stone road, Waltham Abbey South Woodford
Bellamy Rev. AIgernon Parker B.A. Bentley J. jun. 41 Sun st. WalthamAbby Bibolini Igino. Chipping hill, Witham
Magdalen Laver, Ongar S.O Bentley J. sen, 39 Sun st. WalthamAbby Bickmore William George. 41 Mildmay
Bellamy Rev. William Montague M.A Bentley Miss, 11 St. John's st. Colchester road, Chelmsford
Eastldg.TheGreen,Mistly.Manningtree Benton Edward, Henry Beauchamps Bicknell Rev. Herbert Ellington B.A.
Bellamy Mrs. 31 Belgrave road, Ilford Shopland, Rochford S.O Vicarage, Harwich
Bellinge James Emanuel. Park road, BentonEdwd.Hy.21 Warriorsq.Southnd Biddell Rev. Henry M.A. Sydney villa,
Brightlingsea, Colchester Benton J. Melrose, Cranbrook rd. Ilford Grove hill, South Woodford
Ee1lingham Arthur, Copford place, Cop- Benton James, 1 De Vere gardens, Ilfrd Biddell Geo. Inglenook, New road, Gray!!
ford, Colchester Benton John "Vheeldon. Sidmouth ho. Biddell J ames, 117 York road, Southend
Bellingham David Charles, St. Cyres, South park, IIford Bigg Chas. J onn. 25 Richmond road,Ilford
Baxter avenue, Southend Benton Mrs. 22 Avenue road, Southend Bigg Miss, Myrtle villa, Kelvedon R.8.0
BellinghamMrs.55Righ st.SaffronWalden Benton Mrs. Glaisdale, Leicester road, Bigg Mrs. Messing, Kelvedon R.S.O
Bellingham T. 6 Aldborough gdns. IIfrd Wanstead Biggar Chas. A. 109 Richmond rd. Ilford
Bellman John George, 5 Elephas villas, Benwell Rev. Proctor M.A. Vicarage, Wix, Biggs George Jonathan, New Moze hall,
Clement's road, Ilford Manningtree Beaumont-with-Moze, Colchester
lBelsham Henry 1. Lothian house, Upper Beresford George Henry, Walton's Hall, Biggs James J.P. Westbury lodge, London
Railway street, Braintree Mucking Stanford-le-Hope S.O road, Brentwood
Belsham L. Boucherns, Heybridge,Maldn Beresford Mrs. 2 Grosvenor road Bigmore Jas. Forrest cot. Chigwell Row
Belsham O. D. J.P. Heybridge, Maldon Beresford Wm. 15 Empress avenue,Ilford Bilby Edward, 76 Balfour road, Ilford
Belshaw Alfred, 80 Eastern rd. Romford Beresford William Charles, 7 TheTerrace, Bilham Chas. 11 Cambridge rd. Southend
iBelstead Arthur Henry, 80 Burdett Woodford Green Bill Hubert, 2 Hurstleigh, Junction road,
avenue. West cliff. Southend Beridge Rev. Basil James Harold M.A. Romford
:Bench George, 31 Sprathall road,Wanstd Gosfield place, Halstead Bill Thomas Morgan, Earlsfield, Honiton
Bendall Lewis Harvey, The Gables, Berkeley Robert. The Cottage/Gt. Warly road. Southend
Colchester road, Mannington Berks William, 26 Woorllandsroad, Ilford Bill William Thomas, The Cottage.
Bendall Misses, Hill house, Colchester Bernadine Rev. Mother, Franciscan con- Haveringwell. Hornchurch, Romford
road, Manningtree vent,Holland rd.Clacton·on-Sea R.S.O Billings David, 2 Alma villas, Primrose
Bendall O. Colchester rd. Manningtree Bernard Edward, 6 Church villas, road, South W oodford
Bender Heinrick, 60 Grosvenor I'd. Ilfrd Walton-on-the·Naze R.S.O Billings George, Arundel house, Crescent
Bendix Gustav Pius, Berne villa, Gains- Berncastle Herbert M. Essex & Colchester road. Chingford
borough Drive, Prittlewell, Southend General Hospital, Lexden rd. Colchester Billings John. Glenmore. Wellesley road.
Benest Ernest, 134 Cambridge rd. Ilford Berner Ernest, 7 Empress avenue, Ilford Clacton·on-Sea RS.O
Benham C. E. 28 Wellesleyrd. Colchester Berners William Hugh, Brookcote, Chip- Billings Robert, Westbury villas, Chelms-
Benham Mrs. 36 Crouch st. Colchester ping hill, Witham ford road, South Woodford
BenhamW. G. 25 Lexden rd. Colehester Bernstein .Alexander, Cleodora. house, BillowFrederick,Graydons,Valkyrie road,
Benn John William, Stangate, Steeple, Bathurst road, IIford West cliff, Southend
Southminster S.O Berridge Rev. Basil Sparrow, 67 Marine Billson Waiter, Erin cottage, North
Bennett Rev. Aug. B. I.eigh h1.Leigh 8.0 parade east, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Fambridge, Maldon
Bennett Alfred, 54 Mayfair aven. Ilford Berry Alfred, George lane, Wanstead Biner Benjamin Amsden, Inglenook,
-:Bennett Alfd. 8 St. John's rd. Southend Berry Geo. Chas. 25 Retreat rd. Southend Wavertree road, Woodford
'BennettBenjm.160A,Manor rd.Braintree BerryGeo.P.18Cleveland rd.8o.Woodford Biner William George, Aston Clinton,
'Bennett Benj. 49 Roman road, Colchester Berry Henry, 38 Linton road, Barking Queen's Park road; Loughton S.O
:Bennett Charles Benjamin, Homefield, Berry Herbert C. Rothwell house, Bing Thomas Fill, High street, Braintree
Algers road. Loughton S.O Valentine's road, Ilford Binks Joseph, 2 York place, Church road.
Bennett Chas.Davey, 235 Balfour rd.Ilfrd Berry James, 71 Addison road, Wanstead Clacton-on.Sea R.S.O
Bennett Frederick A. Queen's Park road, Berry James Fairie, 2 Northbrook Binks Mrs. Red ho.Pebmarsh,BuresR.S.O
Loughton S.O gardens, York road, Ilford Bioney Thomas Godfrey, Guisnes court,.
Bennett H.The rd.Southnd Berry James, 11 St. Vincents rd. Southend Tollesbury, Witham
Bennett J. Thaxted 10. Thaxted. Dunmow Berry Mrs.; 37 Carlton road, Manor Park Binnie D.C. Hill house.London rd.Maldon
BennettJn.EbenezerR.A.Clactonoollege, Berry Mrs. 79 Queen's road, Southend Binstead Mrs. 1 Imperial avenue, West
Carnarvon rd. Clacton-on-Sea. R.S.O Berther James R. 29 Mansfield rd. Ilford . cliff, Southend
BirbeckWm.H. 7Fredericka rd.Chingford· Blanche Kenneth McKcnzie, 30 Addison Boardman Ernest Theo. 8 Cleveland road.
Birch Alid. Lasswade, Coventry rd. Ilford road, Wanstead South 'Yoodford
BirchGeo.Peregrine,Highwood,Chelmsfrd Bland Charlc~ E. Balkerne hill, Colchester Boardman John, Hazelhurst, Snake lanc,
Birch Jesse Joseph, Thornton house, Bland Mrs. 20 Inglis road, Colchester Wood ford Green
Leigham Court drive, Leigh S.O Bland Thomas E. J.P. The Friary, Maldon I Boardman Miss, 41 Duke st. Chelmsford
Birch Miss, 16 North hill, Colchester Blanks Chas. Frdk. 24 Albert rd.BraintreelBoardman WaIter, Ingrave, Brentwood
Birch Miss, 156 Plashet grove, East Ham Blasdale Rev. Henry J. Lealhome, Boatman Arthur Wilson, Devon villa,
Birch Thomas J. 36 Belmont road. Ilford Cliff parade, Leigh S.O Quarry hill, Grays
Bird Charles, Rocklands, Palmerston Blashall William, 15 Silver street,Maldon' Boaz Edmund, 80 Byron •
aven. EastHam
road, Buckhurst Hill Blatch W. E. Beldams, Ingrave, Brentwd Bockelmann J.P Oakhurst villa, Mansfield
Bird Charles Gill, Bloemfontein, West- Blatherwick Mrs. The Fii's, High road, road, Ilford
bury road, Brentwood Woodford 'VeIls Bockelmann ~'[rs. 54 Empress aven. Ilford
Bird Ernest~O. 103 Courtland ave. IlfordBlaxall Thomas Edmund, Rendlesham, BoddyJohn, 17 Endsleighgardens, Ilford
Bird Francis, 38 Spital road, Maldon Rose valley, Brentwood Boddy Mrs. 21 Spital road, Maldon
Bird H. Strathmore, The Drive. Chingfrd Blaxill E. Alex. Maldon road, Colchester B6deker Albt. Wm. 4 De Vere gdllS. Ilford
Bird Mrs. 66 Weston road. Romford Blaxill Mrs. 39 Roman road, Colchester Roden Edwin Goulden, 4 Dymoke road,
Bird S. Godfrey, Lawford house, Law- Blay Thos. 96 Elgin rd.8evenKings,Ilford Romford
ford, Manningtree Blazey James Robert, 64 Cleveland road, Bodger Thomas, Bourn cottage, May-
Bird Samuel Alexander, Rhoswen, Christ· South Woodford bank road, South Woodford
church road, Sonthend Blencowe Clement, 52 Ashburnham road, Bodilly Reginald T. H. Wood bury,
Birrl Mrs. Canons, North street, Romford Southend Woodford road, South Woodford
Birrl W. S. The Cottage, Copfrd. Colchstr' Blenkinsop Misses, 77 High street, Bodkin WilIiam M.D. 27 NewLondon road,.
Bird Mrs. 1 Fitzgerald road, Wanstead Saffron Walden Chelmsford
Birt Sir William, The Hermitage, Snares- Bligh J. N orwood viI. Grove hill, South Bodman Geo. 76 Longbridge rd. Barking·
brook road, Snaresbrook 'Voodford Bodman Hy. A. 40 Northbrookroad,Ilfrd:,
Birtla John, Chapel house, Stapleford Bliss Rev. 'Vm. Blowers M.A. Rectory, Boffee William, Kenilworth, Fairlight
Abbotts, Romford 'Vicken Bonant, Bishop's Stortford avenue, Woodford Green
Biscoe Maj. Robert J'.P. Quendon court, IBlomfield E. 1 Coggeshall rd. Braintree Bogen Mrs. Wolverton, Dowsett avenue,.
Quendon. Newport 8.0 Blomfield H. 1 Gladstone road, Colchester Southend
Bish Alfred, Fairlawn, Brook Street! Blomfield John, London road, Braintree Boggis Arth. Kemp, 8 In~lis rd.Colchester .
hill, Brentford Blomfield Lewis Samuel, 4Eastwood road, Roggis Mrs.' W oodhall farm, W orming- .
Bishop Rev. Francis M.A. Rectory, Seven Kings, Ilford ford R.S.O
Little Oakley, Harwich Blomficld Mrs. 56 Crouch st. Colchester Boggis-Rolfc Edward Francis,ThcGrangc, .
Bishop Rev. William Chatterley M.A. Blomfield Mrs. Elm villa, Sudbury road, Wormingford R.S.O
Rectory, Orsett, Grays Halstead Boghurst.Fisher Henry, Pitt place, Great
Bishop Albert E. 72 Argyle road, Ilford' Blood William Bindon, Witham Badrlow, Chelmsford
Bishop Alfrd. Jas. 34 Cambridge rd.Ilford I Bloom Francis James, 48 Bergholt road, Boldero Joseph J. Ridgwell hall, Halstead
Bishop Alpha, 65 Kingswood road, Mile end, Colchester Boldero P. Little Baddow, Chelmsford
Seven Kings, Ilford BloomerEdwd.Chas.Westernrd.Brentwd Bolingbroke George John, Lancaster'
Bishop Edw-ard, 69 Richmondroad,Ilford BloomfieldAlbertEdward, Peverelllodge, house, Springfield, Chelmsford
Bi'lhop George, Bulphan, Romford Hatfield, Witham Bolingbroke Miss, 43 New London road"
Bishop Herbert, Rayleigh, Sutton road, Bloomfield Arthur, 85 Wellesley rd. Ilford Chelmsford
Southend Bloomfield Edward, Pretoria villa, Wood Bolland Robert Wm. 6 Albert rd. Ilford
Bishop James H. 19 Preston road, field road, Braintree Bolt Daniel Roberts, Lynton house,.
'Vest cliff, Southend Bloomfield John, 'Vaverley, Junctionrd. Balfour road, Ilford
Bishop John, 12 Mayfair avenue, Ilford Romford Bolt David, Hornchurch avenue, Horn.-
Bishop Miss, Hillside, Moulsham street, Blowers Miss, 2 Church st.nth. Colchester church, Romford
Chelmsford Blowers Miss, Great Oakley, Harwich Bolt Frederick, 10 Hainault villas.
Bishop Mrs. 40 Avenue road, Southend Blows Samuel Ambleside, Eton house, Hainault road, Chigwell
Bishop Mrs.Florence vil.Coventry rd.Ilfrd Victoria avenue, Southend Bolton Chas. Ballcarres, High st. Chngfrd_
Bishop l\'[rs. Roden house, Ongar S.O Bluck WaIter Cardy M.B., C.M. 110 York Bolton Charles, Roscare, Surbiton road, .
Bishop Richard, 21 Dangan rd. Wanstead road, Southend Southend
Bisset Mrs. 21 Aldborough gardens, Ilford Bluett William, 22 Grove rd. Wanstead Bolton Charles J. Bocking hall, Braintree
Bizzey Arthur Edgar, 48 Argyle road, Blum Adolph, 16 Belmont road, Ilford Bolton Joseph Shaw M.D., B.S. Asylum,
West cliff, Southend Blumel Arthur, The Chestnuts, Cook Claybury, Woodford Bridge
Black Charles, 23 Selbourne road, Ilford road, Manor Park Bolton Mrs. High st. Mistley,Manningtree
Black Charles Crofton, Cranham holme, Blyth Sir James bart J.P. Blythwood Bolton Thomas, Glenvar, Harold grove,
Cranham, Romford house, Stansted Mountfitchet R.S.O.; & Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester
Black James Goosehayes, Romford 33 Portland place w Bolton Wm. 39 Addison rd. Wanstead
common, Romford Blyth Rev. 'Villiam George Christie B.A. Bon-Bernard Louis, 8 Avenue terrace,
Black .Tames Alexander, Preston villa, The Vicarage, 'Vest st. Coggeshall R.S.O Southend
Rayleigh S.O. BlythArthur, Chelmsfordhouse,Dunmow Bonacina, 59 St. Helen's road, 'Vest
Black .lames Fergus, 46 De Vere gal'- Blyth C. S. The Yews, Rayne, Braintree cliff, Southend
dens, Ilford Blyth Daniel, 8 Provident place, Colchstr Bonaventure Rev. Father O.F.M. The
Black John R. 29 Dangan road, Wanstead Blyth Edward M. Witham Monastery, W oodford Green
Black Lewis Potter M.A. Lyncroft, Blyth Frederick Delacourt, The Leasowes, Bond Rev. William Henry M.A. Rectory,
Bocking. Braintree Whitehall road, W oodford Wells High Ongar. Ongar S.O
Black ~'[rs. Roslin, Grove road, South Blyth Herbert W. Blythwood house, Bond Arthur William, The Priory,.
'Voodford Stansted Mountfitchet R.8.0 Buckingham road, South Woodford
Black 'Walter, 88 Grosvenor road,Ilford BIyth In. Geo. Mill ho.Copford,Colchester Bond Charles, The Langfords, King'Se
Blackall Miss, Leamdale, Fitzgerald Blyth Miss, Ramsden house, Crescent, Place road, Buckhurst Hill
. road, 'Vanstead road, Brentwood Bond Cyril B.A. The Rectory, High
Blackburn F. C. 6 N orthbrook road, Ilfrd Blyth Mrs. Benedicts, Writtle,Chelmsford Ongar, Ongar S.O
Blackford Arthur, Summerfield, Fourth Blyth Mrs. Dunedill villa, Maybankroad, Bond Ernest John, Ingleside, Barclay
avenue, Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester South'Voodfol'd oval. 'Voodford Wells
Blackman John, 24 'Veston rd. Southend BIyth O. Colne view, Rowhedge, Colchstr Bond John, 40 Mildmay road, Chelmsford
Blackmore Sergt.-maj. Samuel John, 41 Blyth P. G. M.A. Bancroft's school, Wood- Bond John George. 52 ~ew London rd_
Gwynnc road, Dover court, Harwich ford 'VeIls Chelmsford
Blackmore Mrs. 15 Warren rd. Chingford Blyth Robert William, Benedicts, Bond Malcolm, Freedom, Fourth aven.
Blacksmith Hermann,65Ingleby rd.Ilford Writtle, Chelmsford Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester
Blackstock Jas. 56 'Vestern rd. Romford BIyth Samuel WilIiam, Ingatcstone Bond Miss, Aldeby cottage, Elmdon.
Blaine Robert Gordon, Afton lodge, Blyth Thomas, 23 Kcnsingtongdns.Ilford Saffron Walden
Stanley road, South 'Voodford Blyth Thomas Walter, Leighs lodge, Bond ,"Villiam SI. 30 Culver st. Colchester
Blair Rev. R. S. 15 Plashet gro. East Ham Felstead, Chelmsford Bone ,"Villiam, Ingleside, Thundersley.
Blair Carl H. ,Yarren road, Chingford Boake Arthur, High Standing, Albion Rayleigh R.S.O
Blair Thomas J. Taormina, Leicester hill, Loughton 8.0 Bone William Charles, 2 Douglas :villas,
road, Wanstead Boake Edmond Johnson, Aberffaw, Princes road, Romford
Blake Anthony Fewster, 43 High st.Grays Nursery road, Loughton S.O Bonner E. East 10. Blake Hall rd. Wanstd
Blake Frederick, 4 Cranbrook gdns. Ilford Boardman Charles, Abbotts hall, Sturmer, Bonner George, 10 Gray road, Colchester
Blake George, 55 Mayfair avenue, Ilford Halstead Bonner John, 20 Stanley road, Southend
Blake Jack, 138 York r03.d, Southend Boardman Clement, Yar,iley house, Bonner Mrs. The Chestnuts, Stansted
Blake Miss, Little Easton, Dunmow Sewardstone, Chingford Mountfitchet R.8.0
Blake Robert, 57 Grosvenor road, Ilford Bonner Mrs. 8 Chancellor road, Southend
ESSEX . 31
Bonnor George H. Inverurie. 254 Victoria Bowes Cyrus Benjamin, 2 Park villas, Bradshaw Rd. 6 Hermitage rd. Southend
road, Romforrl Queen's road, Buckhurst Hill Brady Mrs. John, Shrub cottage, Elm.
Bonson Mrs. Austril ho. Althorne, Maldon Bowey Miss, Lydbrook, Cambridge road, stead, Colchester
Bonton C. The Oaks,Hermon hl.Wanstd Barking Bragg Miss, Kingsthorpe villa, Algers
Bonton W. The Oaks, Hermonhl. Wanstd BowhiIJ John J. 45 De Vere gardens, Ilfrd road, Loughton S.O
Boor William Hy.5 Richmond rd. Il£ord Bowler Burton Ernest, The Nook, Park Brain Harvey, Elbro house, Princes rd.
Boorman Charles Spencer,Stan£ord house, crescent, Southend Buckhurst Hill
Stanford-Ie-Hope S.O Bowles William Henry J.P. Lawford place, BraineArthur Regent, 19 Argylerd. Ilford
Boosey Mrs. Gt. WaItham, Chelmsford La wford, Manningtree Braithwaite John Oldham, Hilika, Warren
Bootes Ernest Butler, 23 Beaconsfield Bowmaker Mrs. 21 WiIson road, West road, Chingford
avenue, C-olchester cliff, Southend Brake H. J. E. Woodham Ferrers,
Booth Arthur J. Beechwood, Hermon Bowman Rbrt. 2 Empress avenue, Ilford Chelmsford
hill, Wanstead Bowmer Joseph, 56 Albertroad, Braintree Brake Mrs. Chipping hill, Witham
Booth George, 53 Norfolk road, Ilford Bown Henry, Cold Norton, Maldon BramleyEdwd.77Cambridge rd.Southend
Booth Thomas, 41 Dangan rd. Wanstead Bowner ~1rs. 38 Addison road, Wanstead Bramley Edward Herbert, The Elms,
Boguet Edward, Ferndale, Epping New Rowrey Joseph E. 28 Relmont rd. Ilford Queens road, Buckhurst Hill
road, Buckhurst Hill Rowrey Miss, 39 Courtland avenue,Ilford Bramley J ames, 7 DeVere gardens, Ilford
Boram Mrs. S. A. The Shrubbery, Thorn- Bowtell Albert Edward, Eversley, Steeple Brampton George, Moat house, Brook
wood, North Weald, Epping Bumstead (Suffolk), Haverhill street, Brentwood
Bordman Clement, St. Margaret's, High Bowtell C.123 Low. Railway st. Braintree Bramston G. 80 Woodlands road, Ilford
road, Loughton 8.0 Bowtell Charles, London road, Braintree Branch E. A. 4 Northbrook road, Ilford
Boreham G. Becontree Heath, Romford Bowtell David, Broadgroves, Dunmow Branch Fdk. Rt. 35 Belgrave rd. Ilford
Boreham Henry George, The ChE.'stnuts, Bowtell Mrs. 125 Lower Railway street, Branch Henry, 28 Mersea road, Colchstr
Brentwood road, Romford Braintree Branch Mrs. St.'Vinifreds,Coventry road,
.Borman Capt. Sidney Partis, Ivy house, Bowtle Miss, Bradford street, Bocking, Ilford
Ramsden Bellhouse, Billericay R.S.O Braintree Brand F. J. Holmesdale,Oakfieldrd. Ilfrd
: "Bord Hy. Lorraine, Grove hI. So. W oodfrd Bowtle Mrs. 23 South road, SaffronWaldn Brand .T. J. 1 Victoria villas, Lcigh S.O
~ BorradaiIe Herbert C. Glasson, Grays Bowtle Mrs. Wethersfield, Braintree Brand:Mrs. Rayne rd. Bocking, Braintree
: J30rradaile Oswell Robcrt, The 1'erns, Bowton John Wm. S. 96 New rd. Grays Brand Mrs. 6 West road, Saffron Walden
Hermon rull, Wanstead Bowyer Miss, 7 Park villas, Chadwell Brand William, St. Aubyns, Audley
Borrodell P. O. 9 Queen's rd. Southend Heath R.S.O road, Saffron Walden
Borthwick John, 78 Eastern road, Romfrd Box Rev. Charles Francis, Vicarage, Brander John, 132 York road, Southend
Borton Hy. Glencairn, Hermon hI. 'Vanstd South Benfleet S.O Brandon Samuel, The Laurels, Palmerston
Bosdet Alfred Phillip, Ban Accord, Box Rev. George Herbert B. A. Le Soken road, Buckhurst Hill
Dowsett avenue, Southend cottage, Station road, Chingford Branfill Maj.-Gen. Brydges Robinson
Bose Alfred, 99 Southchurch rd. Southend Box Charles, 1 Carlton cots. Manor road, J.r. Burghstead 10. BiIlericay, Brentwd
Base William, Balgores, Hare st. Romford Woodford Green Brannon Miss, 17 Saville street, Walton-
Boston E. The Bungalow, Rayleigh 8.0 Box James Bromley, 66 Belgrave rd. Ilfrd on·the-Naze R.S.O
Boston Wm. In. 3 Endsleigh gdns. Ilford Box Miss, Princelhouse, Dedham,Colchstr Bransby Henry N. 17 Mount Pleasant
Bosustow ~Irs. 43 Fredericka rd. Chingfrd Box Wm. Springfield hill, Chelmsford road, Saffron Walden
Boswell Robert Bruce M.A. 2 Hawkswood Boyce Henry. Northview, Snakes lane, Branson Lovell Warren, 87 Cambridge
villas, Chingford Woodford Green road, Southend
Botham Charles, 21 Alfred terrace, Wa]· Boycott Mrs. The lodge, 8pringfield Branson Mark Wm. Munsted, Beacons-
ton-on·the.Naze R.S.O Chelmsford field road, Clacton-on-Sea R.8.0
:Bothwell E. B. 37 Selborne road, Ilford Boyd Archbld. 64 Woodlands road,IJford Branston S. Deveron, Station rd. Chngfrd
:Bott Lindley A. Broomfield rd. Chelmsfrd Boyd Miss, Hempstead, Saffron Walden Brant Mrs. 19 Cleveland road, South
Bott Mrs. 2 Lime viIs.Park ave. Chelmsfrd Boyd-Wallis Albert WilIiam, Melville W oodford
Bott Mrs. Kewman's end,Matching,Harlw lodge, High street, Brentwood Branwhite Mrs. Moat farm, Gesting-
Bott Ralph M. Broomfield rd.Chelmsford Boyle Lieut.-Col. Lionol R C. Spencer thorpe, Halstead
Bottcn Frank Heath. 7 Wollwood road, house, Stansted Mountfitchet R.S.O Brasell 'Vm. 70 Addison rd. 'Vanstead
Seven Kings, Ilford Boyle Mrs. 2 Surbiton road, Southend Brash Ernst. Jas. 87 Woodlands rd.IJ£ord
~otterell John James Dumville, Colne Boyles T. Mayfair, Creffield rd.Colchester Brass Mrs. Brook cot. Elm rd. Leigh S.O
park, Colne Engaine, Earls Colne R.S.O Boys Rev. Henry James M.A. Rectory, Brasuer Francis Herbert, 28 Mayfair
."Eottomley T. H. 7 Belmont road, Ilford Layer Marney, Kelvedon R.S.O avenue, Ilford
Boughley Wm. 65 Queen's rd. Southend Boys Frederick James, Trevarra, Anerley Bratt Harold, 78 Norfolk road, llford
'.Boughtwood Mrs. Billericay RS.O road, West cliff, Southend Braund Rev. Alfred Augustin A.K.C.L. 22
Boulter B. Trecarrell, Selsdon rd. Wanstd Boys-Johnston Rev. William, George M.A. St. John's road, East Ham
Boulton Rev. Henry Samuel, Bierton, chaplain asylum, Claybury, 2 Gains- Braund Herbert, 16 Brisbane road, lUord
Upper Roman road, Chelmsford borough road, 'Voodford Bridge Brawn John, Ashmeads, Blind lane,
Boulton Albert E. 28 Park av. Barking Boyton Charles, London road, Black Loughton S.O
Boulton Alfred W. Belgrave villas, Notley, Braintree Brawn Mrs. 16 Elmer avenue, Southend
Chadwell Heath R.S.O Brack Henry, Plasketlands, New Wan- Bray Mrs. 6 Provident place, Colchester
Boulton A. G. 73 High st. Saffron Walden stead, Wanstead Bray Wm. Nice, 56 Woodlands rd.Ilfrd
Boulton George, Roselea, Gordon road, Brackenbury Miss, 31 Military road, Braybrooke Lady, Audley end, Saffron
South Woodford Colchester Walden
Boulton Percy, 31 Wimpole rd. Colchester Brackett Francis Whitwell, 64 Winnock Brayne F. W. 1 Grove cres. South Woodfd
Boulton WaIter Charles, Kingston house, road, Colchester Breading Mrs. 4 St. Kilda viIs. Queen's rd.
W oodford Bridge Brackett Misses, 2 Trinity street, Colchstr Buckhurst Hill
BouIton Wm. Henry, 88 Norfolk rd. Ilford Bradbrook Mrs. 16 Wellesley road,Clchstr Brechels John, Herbertroad,Hornchurch,
Boure Rev. A. 52 Dangan rd. Wanstead Bradfield Jesse, Moat house, Ridgwell, Romford
· Bourn Mrs. Baythorn end, Halstead Halstead Bredin Rev. Andrew Noble 'Vm. B.A.
BourneA.W.l Bainvillas,Albertrd.Ilford Bradford Archibald Campbell, 3 Wood· Rep.tory, Sutton, Rochford S.O
· Bourne "Vm. Fcrndale,Coventryrd. IIford land villas, High road, South Woodford Bree John, 31 Grosvenor road, Il£ord
Boutflower Rev. Charles M.A. Vicarage, Bradford George, Chestnut villa, 40 Vie· Breem 'V. Trosley house, Bridgerd. Grays
Terling, "Vitham toria road, Romford Breeze Frederick, 19 Oakhall rd. Wanstead
· Bovenizer J. H. 5 Burdett av. Southend Bradford Horace, Loughboro', "Vimbornc Breeze John Saunders, Queenborough,
Bovey Mrs. 63 Argyle road, Ilford road, Southend High road, Buckhurst Hill
BowdenHy.Avenuel,Dovercourt,Harwch Bradford Robert Daniel, 19 'Varrior Breeze Mrs. 31 High Bridge street,
Bowden Thomas, Third avenue, Frinton- square, Southend "Valtham Abbey
on-Sea, Colchester Bradhurst Augustus Maunsell, The Breeze 'Vm. Edward, 47 Addison road,
Bowen Lieut.·Col. Harry Griffiths, 7 Priory, Earls Colne R.S.O Wanstead
Victoria road, Colchester Bradley Herbert James, Battlehurst, Brenes A. 'Vm. Crescent rd. Brentwood
Bowen Rev. Thomas, Rectory, Little Woodford road. South Wood ford Brennan John, 6 Cliff viIs. Dovercourt
Leighs. Chelmsford Bradley Jas. Monk ho. High st. Rrentwd Brennan Sidney John, Colombo, Ceylon
Bowen Albert E. Bromley lodge, Great Bradridge Thomas, Park gate, Great road, West cliff, Southend
Bromley, Colchester Bardfield, Braintree Brent Mrs. L. Kimberley, Mawneys rd.
Bowen Henry Storer, Eastfield lodge, Bradshaw Daniel, Heathfield, Haroid Romford
Eastfield road, Brentwood Wood, Rom£ord Brenton Henry S. Manor house, High
Bower Hy. Normanhurst. Woodford Brdg Bradshaw Hy. 25 Fredericka rd. Chingfrd Beech, Loughton S.O
Bowerman Frederick, Grimston lodge, Bradshaw Mrs. Eastdene, Beaconsfield Bressey Charles Herbert, 2 Grove villas,
The Lees, "Vest cliff, Southend road, Clacton-on-Sea R~.O Nightingale lane, Wanstead
Bowers ~s. Adelaide cottage, Mount. Bradshawe Mrs.Raonah house,NewTown Bressey John Thomas, The Cottage,
neS3ing, Rrentwood road, Colchester 'Vanstead place, Wanstead
Bowers Mrs. Burstead, Cambridge park, Brady Rev. Nicholas M.A. Rainham hall, Brett Capt. Edward J.P. Watch house.
Wanstead '.'_ R<tinham 8.0 Wakes Colne, Earls Colne R.8,O
Eretnall Mrs. Kelvedon R.S.O Brittain .John, Willingale, Doe, Ongar S.O Brooks W. Hilton H. Park lodge, Mist-
Brett Rev. CacH 'Valter M.A. Ree tory Brittain :Mrs. Rose cottage, 'VHlingale, ley, Manningtree
Ovington, Clare R.S.O. (Suffolk) Doe, Ongar R.S.O Brooks W. T. 32 South rd. SaffronWaldcn
Brett A. J. Glenhurst, Churchfields, Brittain Percival F.3l Grove rd. Wanstead Brooks W. Drayton, Palmer's aven. Grays
South Woodford Britton Edwin Harold, Pangbourne villa, Broome Bertie, Glencot, Glengall road,
Brett Edward, Burghstead ho.Billoricay Stanley road, South Woodford Woodford Green
R.S.O . BrittonMrs.D.'Vahlingst.Thaxted,Dnmw Broughton Miss, Grices, Hordon-on-
13rett Herbert Edwin, Valencia, Baxter Britton Robert, Anchor house, 56 New the-Hill, Grays
avenue, Southend Writtle street, Chelmsford Broughton Mrs. Carolina cot. Westgrove,
Brett William, 182 Balfour road, Ilford Britton W. G. 25 Cranbrook gdns. Ilford Woodford Green
13rettell .John Henry, Poonah, Harold Broad George, Heath cottage, Chadwell Brouncker Misses, The Grange, Green-
road, Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester Heath R.S.O stead green, Halstead
Brettingham Mrs.84 Mersea rd.Colchester Broad Henry William Archer, 22 Ingate- Brown Capt. .John, Pen Deen, East-
Brewer C. \V. L. 35 Mansfield road, Ilford stone road, 'Voodford Green wood road, W oodford
lkewer.JulianCid, Upper terrace, Spring- Broad .Joseph ~eo. 29 Albert rd. Ilford Browell Rev. Robert, Cromer house,
field, Chelmsford Broad Thomas, 50 Vanity road. l\'l:aldon Mawneys road, Romford
Brewer Mrs. Quendon cottage, Quen- BroadbeI1tJas.M.Willow~roft,Nwprt.S.OBrown Rev. George Gibson M.A. All
don, Newport 8.0 Broadberry Mrs. Glenrosa, 'Vest Cliff Saints' rectory, High st. Colchester
Brewers 'Villiam, Hillside, Brentwood avenue, Southend Brown Rev. Herbert, Rectory, St.
road, Romford Broadley John George, Trelawney house, Lawrence Newland, SouthminsterR.S.O
Brewerton Chas.86Baddow rd.Chelmsford Surbiton road, Southend Brown Rev. Harbert George A.T.S.
Brewitt E. Holmlea, Manor rd. Romford Brock B.'Voodlands, Sewardstone,Chngfd 175 Browning road, Manor Park
Brewitt J. Wroxdale. Rose val. Brentwd Brock Frederick 'Villiam, Mayville villa, Brown Rev. Joseph Romanus, Rectory,
Brewster Charles Edwd. J.P. Maplestead Medina road, West cliff, Southend Foulness Island, Shoeburyness
hall, Little Maplestead, Halstead Brock George Edward, Townley house, Brown A. The Rosary, Churchfields,
J3rawster Frdk. 64 Baddow rd. Chelmsford Whitehall road. Woodford Wells South Woodford
Brewster l\'!rs. Writtle green, Writtle, Brock Harry, 19 Fredericka road, Chngfrd Brown Aitken, 26 Grosvenor road, Ilford
Chelmsford Brock H. N. 3 Connnaught av. Chingford Brown Alfred E. Blythwood, Wellesley
Brian James, 128 Cambridge road. Ilford Brock Victor, 54 Grosvenor road, Ilford road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Briant R. S. 91 London road, Southend Brockbank J.J. 36 Cambridge rd. Southnd Brown Arthm, 27 Belgrave road, I1ford
Erice Stephen, 16 Hadleigh road, West Brockbank Percy, 34 Argyle rd.Westcliff, Brown Arthur, Chestnuts, Goldings hill,
. cliff, Southend Southend High road, Loughton S.O
Erice Thos. Goulds ho. Ryane, Braintree Brocket Mrs. Spains hall, Willingale, Brown Arth. Hy. Crown st. Brentwood
Brickdale Robert Favell, Montpeliel' villa, Spain, Chipping Ongar S.O Brown Arthur James Read, Claremont.
Maltese road, Chelmsford Brockhurst l\'!rs. Avenue house, Chingford Pembury road, West cliff, Southend
Brickwell Rev. Charles P. M.A. The Brodie Harry, Endlebury, Endlebury rd. Brown Arthur W. Augusta house,
Grange, Rettendon, Chelmsford Chingford Southchurch Beach, Southend
Brickwell Henry Taylor, Hainault lodge, Broille l\'!rs. I Courtland avenue, Ilford Brown CecH Stone, 12 Eastwood road,
. Hainault road, Chigwell Brodi Peter Michael, Ranfurly, Roebuck South Loughton S.O
Bridge Frederick Richard, Richmond lane, Buckhurst Hill Brown Charles, 16 Lion walk, Colchester
villa, Leigh park, Leigh S.O Broille William L. Corbet's Tey, Up- Brown C. P. 41 Kilworth aven. Southend
l3ridgeman Willia.m, Takeley S.O minster, Romford Brown C. 8 Cambridge road, Ilford
Bridge Sidney, 66 Hamlet Court road, Broke Horace M.A., J.P. Gladwyns, Brown D. D. Ringers, Terling, Witham
West cliff, Southend Hatfield. Harlow Brown E. Hillside, Ridgeway rd. Chingfrd
Bridges Thomas C. Manor cottage, High Bromley Alfred Hammond, Oakley, Brown Edward Waiter, Claremont house,
Beech, Loughton S.O Snakes lane, Woodford Green Church street, Coggeshall R.S.O
Eridgland Wm. Ebenezer, Doric lodge, Bromley Hy. Mill ho. Gt.Clacton,Colchstr Brown Edward William, Lyndhurst,
Wickford road, Southend Bromley J. B. CastleHeillngham,Halstead Ridgeway road, Chingford
Bridgland l\'!rs. 99 Woodlands road, Ilfrd Bromley Robert, Langford, M:aldon :Brown Edwd. Wm. Thoroughgood villas,
Briegel F. A. 52 Woodlands road, Ilford Bromley 'Vm. J. 47 Grosveno road, Ilfrd Thoroughgood rd. Clatcon-on-SeaR.S.O
Briggs Rev. Henry, 1 Montrose villas, Bromhead Mrs. 91 East hill, Colchester .Brown Edwin, 15 Fredericka rd.Chingford
Mawney's road, Romford Bromwich Rev. Crowder T. J.P. Vicarage, Brown Edwin James, 21 Preston road,
Brigham E. Holmhurst, Derby road, Gestingthorpe, Halstead I West cliff, Southend
South 'Voodford Broodbank Caleb Howard, Lock Goil, Brown Ernest Clemence,Claremont house,
Bright Charles, Waldenny, \Yest Cliff London road, Romford I Church street, Coggeshall R.S.O
avenue, Southend Broodbank .Joseph, Longmoor, Harold Brown Ernest lfrancis, North view, High
Bright Fdk. Hy. CromweIl ho. Maldon Wood, Romford road, Buckhurst Hill
Bright George Penderell, 2 Monkham Brook Albert Victor, 50 Cleveland road, Brown Francis Arthur, 5 Norfolk rd.Ilford
terrace, \Voodford Wells South 'Voodford iBrown Fredk. 2 Provident pI. Colchstr
Eright HenryGeorge,The Briars,'Vellesley Brook Arthur Lile, Tidscot, Third Brown Frederick 'Villiam, 6 Palmeira
road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O avenue, Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester avenue, West cliff, Southend
Eright Isaac, Richmond road, Rmfrd Brook E. R. Mill lane, Saffron 'Valden Brown George M.D. 1 Beverly road, Clchstr
Bright RE. Sunnybank,Coggeshall RS.O Book J. R E. 63 Ashburnham rd.Southnd Brown Geo. 16 Lancaster gardens, Sthnd
Bright S. 3 Tilbury gardens, Tilbury Brook T. D. 146 High street, Colchester Brown George, Milton house, Hamlet
Docks S.O Brooke G. Ravensmere, Kendal av.Eppng Court road, Southend
Bright Simon, The Limes, Dunmow Brooke John 'Villiam, Dorset house, Brown George, 24 Papillon rd. Colchstr
Bright William, Cromwell ho. Stone- Mistley, l\1anningtree Brown George, Primrose hill, Queen's
ham street, Coggeshall R.S.O Brooke Leigh, Moulsham hall, Great road, Brentwood
Bright William Desborough, Brewery Leighs, Chelmsford . Brown George, White Roothing, Dunmow
house, Stoneham st. Coggeshall RS.O Brooker WItr. 4 Papillon rd. Colchester Brown George E. 166 Balfour road, Ilford
Brightman Mrs. 24 Gordon rd. Southend Brookerward .Jsph. 66 K orfolk rd. Ilford Brown George Imrie, 22 Mayfair av. Ilford
Brightwell John Rumbelow J.P. 15 Royal Brooks Rev. James Henry, Rectory, Brown George .J. Clarendon, Palmers-
terrace. Southend Stambourne, Halstead ton road, Buckhurst Hill
Brigley Mrs. Great Burstead, Brentwood Brooks A. London rd. Stanway, Colcbestr Brown G. R. Hainault, The Drive,Chngfrd
Brimmer Arthur Viddler, Thought Brooks A. H. 34A, London road, Maldon Brown H. Gt. Cannons, Gt.Parndon,Hrlw
cottage, Queen's road, Brentwood Brooks Alfred, Hill side,London rd.Grays Brown H. C. Colchester
Brine ~Irs. 8 The Shrubberies, George Brooks A. MoreIla ho.Gt. Bentley,Clchstr Brown H. Prospect viI. Warley rd.Brntwd
lane, South Woodford Brooks Chas. N. MistIey, Manningtree Brown Hy. ~elsfield, Victoria av. Sthnd
Brinkley Mrs. Orchard house, Redbridge Brooks E. W. :f.P. The Duvals. Grays Brown Henry, Magnolia cottage, Epping
lane;",Wanstead Brooks George, Laindon, Billericay R.S.O Brown Henry, 15 St.Vincent's road,Sthnd
Brinkman G. Bancroft's school, Wood- Brooks Herbt. Edmnd. Stifford 10. Grays Brown Henry, jnn. Paglesham house,
ford 'Vells Brooks Miss E. 136 Victoria road, Rmfrd Rochford 8.0
Brinkworth Rev. Jabez Arthur, 25 Hill Brooks Mrs. 12 Argyle road, 'Vest cliff, Brown Hy. Chas. 61 High st. Braintree
street, Saffron Walden Southend Brown H. G. 28 London rd. Saffron Waldn
Btiscoe George. Attwoods, Halstead Brooks Mrs. Maud villa, Sea view, BrownH.R.M.A.,M.D.,
Briscoe Mrs. Dargai, Claremont road, Leigh S.O Brown Henry William, Crofton,Broomhill
Southend Brooks Robert, .Mistley, Manningtree road, Woodford Green
Briscoe l\'!rs. Firwood, Halstead Brooks Sydney Cecil, Hillside, Felstead, Brown Herbert Boyer, Ongar 8.0
Bristed John, The Nook, Woodfield, Chelmsford Brown Hugh Douglas, The Laurels,
Stansted l\fountfitchet R.S.O Brooks Thomas, 54 Elgin road, Seven Upper Railway street, Braintree
Britain F. 25 West Cliff parade, Southend Kings, Ilford Brown J. Albert ho. Manor st. Braintree
Bristowe Ernest Mason, Baddow house, Brooks ThQs. D. Great Bentley, Colchester Brown J. 80 Longbridge road, Barking
Great__Baddow,_Chelmsford Brown James, 76 Ca.mbridge road, Sthnd
l!:SSEX 31 :t
Brown James, Ardlleigh lodge, ~4rdleigh Bruce WiJIiam Henry, Hazelwood villa, Bull John (leo. 40 Cburtland av. Ilford·
gleen, Hornchurch, Romford Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O Bull Miss, 25 Hamlet rd. Chelmsfor<f
Brown Jas. 'Vynnstay, Boston av. Sthnd Bruford Edwin, 12 Baxter av. Southend Bull Misses, 33 Hamlet road, Chelmsford
Brown Jas. C. Briarwood, The Drive, Bruhl Rev. L.H. Harold wood, RomIord Bull Mrs. Bleak house, Billericay R.S.O
South Woodford Bruhl BurleighTriplow,Carlton rd.Romfrd Bull Mrs. 4 Clarendeon road, South Wdfrd
Brow J ames Herbert, 30 Argyle rd. Ilford Bruno Henry Augustinp., Fernlea, Anerley Bull R. K. Rosslyn, Dowsett av. Southend.
Brown Jesse Ambrose, Chepstow lodge, road, West cliff, Southend Bull WaIter, St. Aubyns, Snaresbrook.
Victoria avenue, Southend BruntonSidney,104 Moulsham st.Chlmsfrd road, Snaresbrook
Brown John Burgess, 18 Argyle rd. Ilfrd Brunwin George Alfred, Haverings, Bullimer Mrs. South hill, Manningtree
Brown In. E. 33 Ipswich rd. Colchester Rayne, Braintree Bullock Rev. In. Fdc. Watkinson B.A~
Brown John W. 7 Buxtonrd. Chingford Brunwin Henry Tweed, Park house, Rectory, Radwinter, Saffron Walden.
Brown John W. 30 Park road, Chelmsford Bradwell-juxta-Coggeshall, Braintree Bullock SI. 20 Creffield rd. Colchester
Brown J oseph, 94 Grosvenor road, Ilford Brunwin Thos•. George, Sheering hall, Bullock T. L. 13 Gladstone rd. Colchester
Brown J. 1 Sefton viIs. Manor rd.Romford Shalford, Braintree Bullwinkle J. 42 Richmond rd. Ilford
Brown L. A. G. Gt. Warley, Brentwd Bruton :Mrs. {) Glendale teUl"ace, Anerley Bultitude Ernest, 14 Papillon rd. Colchstr:
Brown Lewis G. Delta house, High road, road, West cliff, Southend Bultitude Robert, Beechcroft, Abbey
Buckhurst Hill Bruty William John, Westleys, Wim- Gate street, Colchester
Brown Miss, 36 Creffield road, Colchester bish, Saffron Walden Bunch RObert Staunton, High view,.
Brown Miss, Crowstone road, West cliff, Bryan Col. William Booth, BuckhurstHiIl Chelmsford road, Woodford
Southend house, Queen's I'd. Buckhurst Hill Bundock Mrs. 1 Adur villas, Sea View
Brown Miss, 18 St. John's rd. Chelmsfrd Bryan John G. 29 Richmond road, Ilford road, Leigh 8.0
Brown Miss, St. John's viI. Derby road, BIyant Rev. SI. 18 I~ondon rd. Maldons Bundock T. A. 2 Adur villas, Sca View'
South Woodford Bryant Edward, Harold Wood hall, road, Leigh S.O
Brown Misses, The Porch, Stansted Romford common, Romford Bundock Westley, Jeannette villa, Sea.
Mountfitchet R.S.O Bryant Jamea Mus. Bac. 2 Eastern View road, Leigh S.O
Brown Mrs. 58 Belgrave road, Ilford villas, 71 Eastern road, Romford Bunn E. J. 24 Mildmay road, Chelmsford-
Brown Mrs. Hermitage, Birchanger, Bryant In. S. 43 St. John's st. Colchester Bunn Mrs. The Cottage, Danbury,Chlmsfd.
Bishop Stortford Bryant l\IiB8es, 9 Saville 6treet, Walton. Bunn Mrs.Robert,47Mildmayrd.Chlmsfrd
Brown Mrs<Hill veiw,Aveley,Purfleet S.O on-the-Naze R.S.O Bunting Misses, North station rd.Colchestr-
Brown Mrs. Holly bank, Hadleigh, Bryant Mrs. Hadleigh, Rayleigh S.O Bunting Mrs. 65 Mersea rd. Colchester
Rayleigh S.O BryantMrs.31Lansdowne rd.Sth.Woodfrd Bunting Wm.38 Alexandra rd. Colchester
Brown Mrs. 53 Mayfair avenue, Ilford Bryant W. Ivy cot. Stanway, Colchester Bunting Wm. E. 28 Lexden rd. Colchester
Brown Mrs. Mornington villa, New Bryer James, Moorings, Hall lane, Walton- Bunting Wm. W. 62 Crouch st.Colchester
Wanstead, 'Vanstead on-the·Naze R.S.O Bunyear Mrs. 6 Cumberland terrace..
Brown Mrs. 18 Old Heath road, Colchstr Brymer In. Harris, Holmesdale, Broom- Junction road, Romford
Brown Mrs. Rushmere,Boston av.Southnd hill road, Woodford Green Burbridge Henry, 11 Balfour rd. Ilford.
Brown Mrs. 188 Victoria road, Rmfrd Bryon Frederick William, Newlands, Burch Henry, 5 Lancaster gardens, Sthnd
Brown Mrs. Woodbine cottage, Becontree Berther road, Hornchurch, Romford Burchell John Philip, 33 Belgrave rd. llird'
Heath, Romford Buchan David Ronald, 2 Tilbury gardens, Burckhardt John Charles, Sea Glimpse,
Brown Mrs. S. 49 Grosvenor road, IIford Tilbury Docks 8.0 . Vista road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O
Brown Peter, 2 Silurian villas, West Buck CharleEt, Trinity villa, Halstead Burdekin Mrs. 28 Norfolk road, Ilford
avenue, Clacton.on-Sea R.S.O Buck Otto, Darenth Idg. High st.Chingfrd Burden George, Rose cottage, High road,.
Brown PhiIip, Holly cottage, Epping Buck Shadrach, Osborne house, High Loughton S.O
Upland, Epping road, Loughton S.O Burdett Mrs. 41 Baxter avenue, Southend
Brown Robert, 38 Argyle road, IIford BuckeJn.Thos.16 St. Albans rd.Colchestr Burdick Geo. 15 Mansfield rd. Ilford
Brown Robert, 33 Cambridge road, Ilfrd Buckham Rev. Fredk. Holmes A..K.C.L. Burfoot G. 6 HilI vils.Broadway,Leigh S.O
Brown Robert Geo. Goodmays, Chad- Tiptree Heath, Kelvedon R.S.O Burgess Col. William James, Glantharn.
well street, Chadwell Heath R.S.O Buckingham Alfred J ames, 1 Sunley villas, house, Brentwood
Brown Robert Henry, 1IIill house, Staple- Higham road, Woodford Green Burgess Rev. Henry Milward M.A"
ford Abbots, Romford Buckingham F. S. 17 Head st. Colche

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